#Castiel x Male!Reader
supernaturalscribe67 · 2 months
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Words: 8,052
POV: 3rd Person
Pairing: Castiel x Male!Winchester!Reader
Warning(s): Language, multiple character death, torture, TWD reference sprinkled in there, Lucifer being Lucifer, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Animal Abuse (?) idk the butterfly isn't real, Castiel is the sweetest boyfriend known to man
Summary: The reader recently got Castiel back, and he has convinced himself that everything is back to normal, but the past has a tendency to haunt us, refusing to let go. What happens when the one person he loves more than life itself begins to remind him of the one that caused him the most pain?
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Cas x winchester!reader(male and romantic) where Reader wakes up from a nightmare, Castiel is there to comfort them, but he refuses to tell Castiel what the nightmare was about.
After more and more repetitive nightmares every night, Cas finally got him to tell him what it was about. It turns out it was about readers' experience with Castifer. (I'm giving you free range with what happened)
The brothers can be there too, or they can be on a hunt, you choose. Thank you! I love your writing sm btw
A/N: It's been a while! In the course of writing this story, which consisted of 38 handwritten pages, we've had two staff members at work quit, leaving only two teachers in the entire center with a director who refuses to be in the classroom, so I've been working open-close, coming in early and staying late off the clock, and just trying to mentally recover over the weekend. Yay us :) I hope to get back in the groove of things now that this request is out of the way, as I knew I wanted it to be long enough to add the detail I had in mind. I hope I did your request justice and, as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
~ Much Love!
The woods near the bunker were beautiful. Tall, thick oaks decorated the skies above. Below sat wildlife. Squirrels scurried about to gather food, rabbits burrowed beneath the base of various tree trunks, robins collected sticks for their nests, and butterflies rested on wildflowers that grew on the spare patches of grass. It was a stunning forest to explore, one that (Y/N) and Castiel had walked through thousands of times, and with each instance, new beauties were presented. There was never a dull moment in nature, which was what the couple appreciated about it. Even the parts of the world that some would consider ugly were attractive to them, and they were loved even more.
They wandered through the woods as they normally did, hand in hand. Their eyes scanned every aspect of the ground below their feet and stopped to mention the most notable elements. One thing that caught (Y/N)’s eye and halted their walk altogether was a stray flower that had grown at the base of a towering oak tree. (Y/N) pulled Castiel to the flower and knelt on the ground to get a closer look. The petals were a soft white, painted with a dusting of woodchips, and the center was bright yellow. Just as (Y/N) was about to reach down and touch it, the quiet flutter of wings filled his ears.
Out of his peripherals flew a magnificent monarch butterfly. It took a moment to brush past his nose before it landed gracefully in the center of the flower. (Y/N) broke out into a large, bright smile as he glanced over at Castiel. He, too, had a smile, only his was softer. Slowly, Castiel reached his free hand forward, his index finger extended. The butterfly confidently climbed onto Castiel’s finger, as if they were old friends. When it was fully nestled in his hand, Castiel withdrew it and moved his hand so it rested between their bodies.
(Y/N) stared in awe at the closeness of the creature. The intricate detail on the wings, the way the antennae moved, the small size of its body, all of it was beautiful. Remarkable. A true gift to the universe.  For a moment, (Y/N) looked up at Castiel, and he could feel the love in his heart. He was so kind and caring. A gentleman - angel if you will - and (Y/N) could not ask for a better lover.
Then his smile changed.
Instead of the peaceful grin he wore before, the corners of his lips curled into - need I say - a devilish smirk. In an instant, Castiel grabbed the butterfly’s wings between his index and middle finger and crushed them. (Y/N) opened his mouth and felt his throat contract, as if to gasp, but no sound came out. He looked up at Castiel’s eyes, and one thing that he noted was the fact that they were no longer the oceanic color he had grown fond of. They were dark, and gloomy, as if to represent an upcoming storm. When Castiel’s look shifted so their eyes connected, (Y/N) felt his stomach drop.
That wasn’t his Castiel.
“Pathetic little creatures, don’t you think?” He leered.
(Y/N)’s chest rose and fell rapidly in tandem with his breaths. He wanted to run, to scurry away until he was out of sight, but he couldn’t find the strength in him to move. It was as if he was bound to the Earth, held captive by God himself. Lucifer chuckled.
“What’s wrong, (Y/N)? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” The voice didn’t belong to Castiel, despite wearing the same face.
(Y/N) tracked the movements of his hand - his familiar hand - as Lucifer reached over and brushed his fingers through his hair. Still, (Y/N) couldn’t move. Even his touch was different.
“Oh, how I’ve missed that look. It was so much fun to mess with you. So fun that I just had to come back. Did you miss me?” The last question came out barely above a whisper.
Still, (Y/N) said nothing. He failed to notice that the world around him had stopped, frozen in time. All he could focus on was the terror that reflected in Lucifer’s deep, dark eyes. The eyes of his lover. The lover who was no longer there.
“Oh, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is, now we’re back together! And, in this little dreamland of yours, you can’t get rid of me. No, you’re not strong enough to. Because all you see in front of you is your precious little Castiel, and why would you want to get rid of him, right?”
(Y/N) felt himself blink rapidly. No. He’s not real. Nothing is real. It was all fake, a trick his mind made up to make him suffer. His sick, twisted mind. All he had to do was wake up.
“Sick and twisted is a little harsh, don’t you think?” Lucifer smirked.
Wake up.
“Stay with me, come on,”
Wake up.
Wake up!
(Y/N) gasped as he jolted upright. His heart pounded in his chest, eyes blown wide. A thick layer of sweat coated his brow. One good look at his surroundings and he could see he was no longer in the forest. He was in his room, in the bunker. He was safe.
A hand pressed against his shoulder, which caused him to jump and let out a shout of surprise. To his right, Castiel sat on the bed, worry hidden behind his electric blue eyes. Blue eyes. His eyes. The eyes he fell in love with. His safety. As suddenly as he awoke, his nerves calmed and he could feel his heartbeat regulate. 
“Are you alright, (Y/N)?” Castiel spoke with his normal, gruff voice.
It’s Cas.
(Y/N) let out a shaky breath and gave a small nod. “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. Just…had a bad dream.”
“I’m sorry, Bumblebee. Do you want to talk about it?” Castiel asked as he reached up and gently cupped (Y/N)’s cheek.
He leaned into the comfort of Castiel’s hand. The fear and stress washed away. He smiled a little wider. “It was just a hunting dream, nothing more.” He spoke softly as he reached a hand up to touch Castiel’s.
With a troublesome expression still on his face, Castiel gently grasped (Y/N)’s hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed his knuckles.
“Are you sure? You seemed rather bothered by it.”
“I’m positive.”
Castiel smiled sweetly. “Okay,” he whispered and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Would you like to sleep again? It’s still early, and Sam and Dean aren’t expected back for several more hours. I can hold you while you rest. Perhaps that’ll keep the nightmares at bay.”
(Y/N) opened his mouth to turn down the offer, but quickly shut it. The idea of being held in Castiel’s arms while he slept seemed to put him at ease. Maybe Castiel was right. There was a chance he could feel better that way. More at peace. Then his nightmares wouldn’t appear and, instead, they would be relaxing dreams. He missed those.
“I’d like that,” he said and laid back down on his side, facing Castiel.
Castiel lay beside him, mirroring his position, one arm wrapped under him and the other around his waist. (Y/N) laid his head on Castiel’s arm, nose brushed against his chest, and was instantly filled to the brim with warmth. In his arms, he felt protected, safe, and secure. The same security a child had when they were covered by their blanket. 
Gingerly, Castiel placed a kiss on (Y/N)’s forehead. “Goodnight, my sweet Bumblebee.” As he spoke, it was as if his words dripped with love and adoration.
“Goodnight, my angel.” (Y/N) whispered.
Just as he was about to drift off into slumber, light kisses could be felt on the shell of his ear. Stubble tickled his neck and cheek, and he couldn’t help but grin tiredly.
“Cas, I’m trying to sleep,” his mumble sounded more like a whine as he let out hearty chuckles.
Kisses turned to nibbles at his protests, and he couldn’t hold back the giggles that erupted within him. (Y/N) tried to swat him away, but Castiel was persistent. After a moment, he began to trail sloppy kisses down his jawline, to his chin, then gave him a peck on his lips.
(Y/N) slowly opened his eyes and smiled up at him, but when Castiel pulled back and opened his own eyes, he was met with a familiar look of dark clouds.
“Thought you could get away from me that easily?” He asked.
(Y/N)’s smile vanished and his eyes widened. He swiftly pulled back from Lucifer’s grasp. In his getaway, his hand fumbled off the side of the bed and he fell to the floor. Instead of the concrete bunker floor he had expected, he landed on a soft dirt ground that was littered with natural debris. As he quickly looked around, he could see that he was back in the forest he had been in before he awoke. In any other situation, he would be full of peace in that setting. All he could feel, though, was a sense of dread.
Lucifer let out a deep chuckle that rumbled the Earth below. He moved to perch himself on the edge of the bed, feet planted on the ground on either side of (Y/N)’s body. The smirk on his face stood out as he looked down at him.
“(Y/N), you wound me! After all the time we spent together?” Lucifer pouted and placed a hand on his chest to feign hurt.
“You’re not real.” (Y/N) breathed.
Lucifer pursed his lips. “Pretty sure I am,” he nodded and stood from the bed so he towered over him. “Maybe I can get another kiss to figure it out.”
(Y/N) began to crawl backward, his eyes never leaving Lucifer’s. “No, no, no! This is all a dream! It’s all a dream. All I have to do is wake up again and you’ll be gone.”
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s so funny that you think you can run away again.”
“Fuck you!”
“Only if you want to.” Lucifer laughed.
(Y/N) sneered in disgust and finally pushed himself off of the ground. For a split second, his eyes left Lucifer, and, at that moment, he had vanished. His heart thumped to the beat of a thousand drums, and he swore he could hear it in his ears. He turned around completely in an attempt to find Lucifer, but he was nowhere to be found. Oddly enough, he found no comfort in his absence. With the forest as eerily quiet as it was, it was as if he was in the eye of the storm. That he could be hunted before he knew it.
And he wasn’t going to stick around for it.
His movements were slow at first as if he were covered in a thick layer of honey. Eventually, he gained momentum and began to rush through the maze of trees. Leaves under his feet crunched and branches cracked under the power of his steps. He did not know where he was headed, nor where he would end up, if anywhere, but all he knew was that he needed to get as far away from Lucifer as possible.
“You can run, but you can’t hide, (Y/N).” Lucifer’s sing-song voice echoed against the trees as if he were right on top of him.
He swore at any moment his heart would give out. If he thought about it too much, he was sure it would explode. He wouldn’t put it past Lucifer.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” He sounded closer, but that didn’t break (Y/N) out of his sprint. If anything, he went faster.
“I see you! Can you see me?” Lucifer laughed, and that caused the back of (Y/N)’s head to throb.
The corners of his vision started to blacken and his heart felt like it stopped. At once, his legs seized to function, and his feet scraped against the ground, not enough stamina in his body to lift them. It would prove to be his downfall as, seconds later, the tip of his foot caught on a protruding root. His whole body fell to the ground with a heavy thud.
(Y/N) felt drunk, as if his entire world spun rapidly. A soft groan fell from his lips and he opened his eyes, but he was met with nothing but darkness. He felt so helpless. So lost. So scared.
He had to wake up. 
Footsteps echoed around him as if someone actively encircled his body. They stalked him, teased him, and filled his mind with thoughts that raced, too fast to comprehend. They made him want to run, but his blindness made it impossible.
Have to wake up.
Have to wake up.
Please wake up.
Then, he spoke.
“Waking up won’t do anything, you know. I’ll still be here, waiting.” Lucifer chuckled deeply.
Suddenly, Lucifer snapped his fingers, and (Y/N)’s vision was restored. They were back in the war room of the bunker. Lucifer, still clad in Castiel’s face, had his hands placed in the pockets of his trenchcoat. He began to circle (Y/N), as a predator would its prey, eyes trained on his.
“I’ll be trapped in your little dream world with nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs. That’s okay, though, because I know that, while you’re out there awake and somewhat alert, you’ll be thinking of me. Not only that, but you’ll see me, too.”
“No-” (Y/N) began weakly.
“Yes! You will,” Lucifer’s voice got louder, and the ground began to quake. “Because every time you look at your sweet angel Cassie, all you’ll see is me. All you’ll hear is me. All you’ll feel is me.”
“Cas is nothing like you.”
“Maybe not in terms of charms or amazing personality, but when it comes to looks, we are the same.” Lucifer slowly walked up and squatted down next to him. “While you lay in bed in Cassie’s arms, and you look up at him one more time to say goodnight, you won’t be able to think of anything but me.”
(Y/N)’s jaw clenched. “I won’t let you control me.”
Lucifer let out a low chuckle, deep enough to sound similar to a growl. “Oh, (Y/N). Sweet, sweet, (Y/N). It seems you’re mistaken,” he reached over, grabbed his chin, and lifted his head so their eyes met. “I already do.”
Another pothole, another curse from the eldest Winchester. Kansas backroads and highways were notorious for their terrible patchwork. The cities and counties would spend weeks on end filling any hole that had been reported only for their work to deteriorate after the next rainfall. It was all a ploy to get more money from taxpayers, and the Winchesters were glad they didn’t have to contribute to such a scam. 
While most in the car sat jolted by the road conditions, nothing seemed to rouse (Y/N) from his slumber in the backseat, something Sam and Dean were jealous of. Castiel, on the other hand, sat worried in the opposite seat. His eyes hadn’t left (Y/N) for some time, and the lack of response from his partner whenever Dean would curse nearly at the top of his lungs troubled him further.
“Have you noticed that (Y/N) has not gotten much sleep recently?” Castiel asked faintly over the car radio.
Dean reached over and turned the dial so the Classic Rock faded into the background. “What was that, Cas?” He asked.
Castiel looked up at Dean for a brief moment. “Have you noticed that (Y/N) hasn’t gotten much sleep recently?” He repeated.
Dean nodded. “I’ve started to notice that, yeah.”
He glanced over at his brother to see that his gaze was straight ahead, earbuds in. Dean sighed, slapped him on the shoulder, then returned his hand to the wheel. Sam flinched and glared at Dean as he removed a bud from his left ear.
“Dude, what?” He asked, offense obvious in his tone.
“Have you noticed (Y/N)’s been losing sleep a lot?”
Sam furrowed his brows and glanced in the backseat at Castiel and (Y/N). “You know, now that you mention it, I have.”
Castiel hummed lightly, eyes still attached to (Y/N). The confirmation from his friends gave him some comfort. “I’m beginning to worry about him,” he admitted. “He’s awoken from numerous nightmares as of late.”
“That’s normal for hunters, Cas,” Sam said.
“Not for (Y/N). He has never had this many before.”
“Have you tried talking to him about it?”
“I have, but he never wants to tell me about them. He only ever tells me they’re hunting dreams, but…”
“You think he’s lying?”
Castiel’s silence answered for him.
“Look, Cas,” Dean began. “Nightmares, to hunters, are a bit of a touchy subject. We see a lot of things in the field and our everyday lives, and (Y/N)’s been through a lot. Maybe (Y/N) doesn’t want to worry you. I think he’ll come around eventually.” 
“You believe so?”
Dean shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably.”
Sam rolled his eyes and scoffed as he put his earbuds back inside. Dean shot him a look.
“What?” Dean asked.
Sam shook his head. “Nothing.”
Dean grumbled under his breath before he peered in the rearview mirror. “Look, (Y/N) loves you, Cas, more than anything - trust me, he’s told me more times than I can count. If there’s anyone he would go to about this problem, it would be you. Just give him time.”
Castiel was a patient man under normal circumstances, but when it came to his partner, he found that his patience wore thin quite easily if he was in distress. Castiel never liked to see (Y/N) unhappy, and it made his heart ache when he felt he couldn’t do anything to help. How he wished he could take the pain away. How he wished he knew where to start.
(Y/N) let out a soft whimper, brows furrowed tightly, and Castiel cast him a saddened expression. He reached over and softly pulled him closer so that his head rested against Castiel’s chest. While he knew Dean was right, one thing’s for certain;
Castiel hated waiting.
“We’re on Easy Street,
And it feels so sweet.
‘Cause the world is but a treat
When you’re on Easy Street.”
(Y/N) groaned and leaned his head back against the wall as the song repeated for, what seemed like the hundredth time. A faint laugh could be heard from across the room, but the darkness that surrounded him left him completely blind. He knew it was Lucifer, though. He could tell.
“Come on, cheer up!” Lucifer said. “It’s a catchy tune!”
It was the first time in a while that (Y/N) didn’t feel terrified while he dreamt. In Lucifer’s unorthodox method of torture, he had rather grown quite annoyed. He knew it was Lucifer’s way of getting under his skin, and he was doing a fantastic job at it. It wasn’t long before the short song came to an end, then repeated. Again. (Y/N) let out a frustrated shout and buried his face in his hands.
Suddenly, the lights flickered on and revealed the gray, dull, concrete room that they were in. (Y/N) clenched his eyes shut before he removed his hands from his face to look over at Lucifer, who paced around the room rhythmically as he snapped his fingers to the beat of the song. The music mixed with the bright lights and Lucifer’s arrogant face caused the bottom of (Y/N)’s eye to twitch. When Lucifer saw the look on his face, he snickered.
“Aw, is (Y/N) getting upset?” Lucifer teased, bottom lip pushed out in a mock pout.
“I will castrate you.” (Y/N) deadpanned.
Lucifer hissed. “You know, I don’t think you can do that.”
“I’ll find a way.”
Lucifer let out a loud, boisterous laugh that reverberated off the walls. (Y/N) shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. Once the laughter died down, Lucifer stared at him intently, uncomfortably so. He lifted a hand and snapped his fingers. The music stopped. Then, it was silent. They stared at one another. Neither broke eye contact. Lucifer tilted his head to the side, and (Y/N) was partially convinced it was Castiel in that body, but he knew better.
“This isn’t working,” he sighed.
Yep, still Lucifer.
“I say you cut your losses.” (Y/N) grumbled.
“I’ll take that into consideration.”
Lucifer tapped his chin and he began to study the stone walls around them. (Y/N) furrowed his brows. There wasn’t much to study. They were just walls. Concrete walls that looked new, as if they had been constructed mere hours propr, and expertly as well. A single light fixture was placed in the center of the ceiling with a bulb bright enough to attract moths from miles away. The room was rather uncreative. Unoriginal. (Y/N) needed to start constructing better landscapes for his dreams.
“I got it!” Lucifer’s voice broke through the silence.
With the snap of his fingers, the room vanished and was replaced by a darker, dimmer setting. A small, abandoned warehouse that appeared as if it should have been demolished decades prior. Broken glass and metal beams littered the filthy floor. The only source of light came from the moonbeams that shined through the shattered windows. He took a moment to stand from his spot as his eyes scanned his surroundings. Lucifer had, again, vanished. He didn’t hold his breath, though, for he knew he wouldn’t be gone long.
“You know me so well,” a voice came from behind.
(Y/N) whipped around and came face-to-face with Lucifer. The real Lucifer. Not the one who hid behind Castiel’s face. With Castiel’s appearance gone, (Y/N) didn’t feel as much hesitation as he had before. All he felt was irritation. Annoyance. His jaw clenched, fists balled up at his sides. Lucifer smirked as he reached behind him and pulled a long blade out. He walked over and held the hilt out to him. (Y/N) took the blade and examined it intently.
“An Archangel Blade?” He questioned.
Lucifer shrugged nonchalantly. “I figured I’d tortured you long enough. You might as well get your revenge.”
(Y/N) narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “You want me to kill you.”
“It’s not gonna kill me. That would be stupid of me to give you something that would get rid of me, don’t you think?”
“Then I’m not interested.”
“Aw, why not? You know you want to.”
“Not even a little cut?”
“No! Now fuck off,” (Y/N) waved him off as he turned on his heel and walked away.
Lucifer’s jaw dropped in shock. He was quick to follow. “So, what? You’re just going to throw away your one opportunity to get revenge even when I serve it to you on a silver platter!?”
Lucifer reached out and grabbed (Y/N)’s shoulder. It was almost instinctual, the way (Y/N) tightened his hold on the hilt, the way he turned at a speed no human should have to face him, the way he grasped Lucifer’s shoulder with an iron grip, and the way the Archangel Blade seamlessly plunged into his stomach was almost a surreal experience. Then, there was silence. Nothing moved, nothing blinked, nothing breathed. It was as if he were part of a photograph or a television show that had been left on pause. Slowly, (Y/N) closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out.
“This is why you should never let your guard down.” (Y/N) said, eased the blade out of Lucifer’s (?) stomach, and took a step back.
That was when he saw them. The eyes. His heart stopped. Baby blues. Deep blues. The ocean. Wandering sea. Hurt. Sorrow. Betrayal. Death. The sea is dying. No one can stop it.
Castiel gripped the wound in his gut as he stumbled back. In an instant, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed. Under his back, a deep, black imprint of angel wings got singed into the concrete. (Y/N) stared at the scene before him, mouth agape, eyes wide, heart still frozen in time. The blade dropped to the ground as if it wanted to part from his shaky hand.
“Cas?” He barely registered his voice as he stumbled down onto his knees beside his body.
He could feel the tears flow down his cheeks and he watched them methodically drop onto his trenchcoat. The sobs built up inside, but were unable to escape, caught in the back of his throat. He used one hand to caress Castiel’s cold, rough cheek. Just as the cries rattled in his chest, a smirk spread across Castiel’s chapped lips and his gaze darted toward (Y/N).
“What happened to not letting your guard down?” Lucifer mused.
(Y/N) let out a loud shout that echoed in the empty building. He fell back and began to crawl away. Lucifer cackled maniacally and stood. The wound in his chest began to close as he stepped closer.
“I don’t know why I never thought of that before! To make you take down the one thing, the one person that means the most to you. But, now that I’ve got you right where I want you, we’re going to have so…much…fun…”
“Agent Bermudez.”
“Agent Bermudez?”
(Y/N) jumped slightly as he was pulled out of his trance. The cup, that held scalding hot coffee, in his hand jostled, but thankfully the contents remained in the glass. His eyes shot over to the sound of the voice. Dean and Sam stared at him expectedly. It took him a moment to realize that they had been talking to him.
“Uh, um, yes D-Agent?” He corrected himself.
Sam and Dean shared a look before their gaze returned to him. Sam cleared his throat.
“Did you have any more questions for Mrs. Calloway about her husband?” He asked.
It was then that he realized the middle-aged widow had been sat there the whole time. They were in her living room. In her house. The gears creaked in his brain as he attempted to figure out what had happened. When he caught on, he sat up quickly and placed the cup on a coaster that sat on the coffee table between the four of them.
We’re on a case, (Y/N). Get your shit together.
“Um, no, no I don’t.”
The brothers nodded before they turned back to Mrs. Calloway. They stood from the couch, and (Y/N) clumsily followed.
“Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us, Mrs. Calloway. You’ve been very helpful,” Sam said with a small, sympathetic smile as he reached into his breast pocket and pulled out one of his faux business cards. “Give me a call if you can think of anything else.”
Mrs. Calloway took the card with a smile that mirrored Sam’s. “Thank you, agents. I appreciate you taking this so seriously. David would be grateful. Don’t burn yourself out over it, though. I know how much of a toll this job takes on you.” As she spoke, her eyes were trained on (Y/N).
(Y/N) flashed a small, albeit embarrassed, grin and gave a brief wave. Sam and Dean turned to leave as (Y/N) trailed behind. They let themselves out through the front door and back into the promotional poster for suburban America. Compared to the white and blue colonials with SUVs and Minivans parked in each driveway, the Impala stood out as a historic relic. Once they closed the door, the brothers looked over at (Y/N), each of them sporting their own look with Dean’s of slight annoyance and Sam’s of concern.
“What the Hell was that?” Dean asked, exasperated.
(Y/N) shook his head. “I don’t know. I just zoned out.”
“Yeah, we can tell,” Sam said. “What’s been going on recently?”
“Nothing, I’m fine,” (Y/N) said, although he wasn’t too convinced himself.
“No, you’re not fine!” Dean said. “Look, Cas told us about the nightmares. I get how they are, but these seem to be getting to you. Bad.”
“I said ‘I’m fine’.”
“You’re obviously not, and until you are, I think it would be best if you sat this one out.”
“Dean’s right,” Sam agreed. “He and I can do this one on our own. We’ve done it before. You need to get better.”
“You’re benching me?” (Y/N) growled.
“Yes.” Dean nodded sternly. “Until you’re better, that would be for the best.”
(Y/N) opened his mouth to rebuttal, but knew it would be futile. He clenched his jaw and stormed over to the Impala. He opened the back passenger door, sat inside with a huff, and slammed the door shut. Sam sighed and ran his fingers through his hair stressfully while Dean shook his head. 
“He’s getting bad,” Dean mumbled.
“Yeah, I’ve never seen him like that before. He needs some rest.” Sam said.
“Right, we don’t need him getting himself killed.”
“Cas wouldn’t like that very much.”
“No, he wouldn’t.”
“We still need to interview the employees at the bookstore. You can drop me off there and take (Y/N) back to the motel.”
“No, I’ll go to the bookstore, you drive him to the motel.”
“Why me?”
“Because he’s more likely to talk to you about it. You might even get him to talk to Cas about it.”
Sam gave a small nod. “For once, I agree with you. You suck at empathy.”
“Oh, bite me,” Dean grumbled. “Just get in the damn car.”
The bookstore sat three miles from the motel. Once they dropped Dean off, (Y/N) moved to the passenger’s seat - much to his dismay - and Sam shifted to the driver’s. At first, the two were silent while Van Halen hummed calmly over the speakers. (Y/N)’s arms rested at his side, head hung down, eyes half-lidded. Sam glanced over at him now and again as he drove through the middle of the small downtown. It was from the occasional peak that Sam truly saw how exhausted he was. The skin under his eyes was dark and heavy, eyes bloodshot. His body slouched, and it appeared as if he could fall asleep in an instant.
“Cas is worried about you, you know.” Sam broke the silence.
“Why?” (Y/N) furrowed his brows.
“Because of these nightmares you’ve been having. Hell, Dean and I are just as worried as he is.”
“I’m fine.”
“See, you say that, but I think the only person you’re trying to convince is yourself.”
(Y/N) looked down at his lap and began to fiddle with his hands.
“We care about you,” Sam continued. “And we hate seeing you like this.”
Sam made a right turn into the motel lot and parked in the vacant spot in front of their door.
“How did you deal with it?” (Y/N) whispered.
Sam looked over at him. “Deal with what?” 
Sam hesitated. “Is that what your nightmares have been about?”
(Y/N) could only nod.
“How long has this been going on?”
“Since a couple of months after we got Cas back. No matter how hard I try, he won’t leave me alone. It’s like he’s really there.” (Y/N)’s voice became shaky and tears streamed down his face. 
Sam reached over, placed a gentle hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder, and gave it a light squeeze. “I’m sorry. I’ve been there before. It’s horrible…you need to tell Cas.”
“I can’t. I don’t want him to worry.”
“He’s already worried, (Y/N), and you’re getting worse by the day. You need to talk to him.”
“I don’t want him to blame himself.”
“Why would he blame himself?”
“Because Lucifer is always in Cas’ body.”
Sam raised his brows and sighed. When Lucifer used Castiel’s vessel as his own, it was tough on all of them, but he knew it was especially difficult on (Y/N). For Sam, it was difficult to see his friend a prisoner in his own body, he couldn’t imagine how hard it must’ve been for (Y/N). To see the face of your lover worn as a mask by an Archangel that tormented the people that you loved? ‘Hard’ must’ve been too light of a word.
“Listen, you know Cas would never do whatever Lucifer is doing to you.” 
(Y/N) sniffled and nodded. “I know, I know. It’s just that it keeps reminding me of when I didn’t have Cas…and Lucifer was horrible when he took over his vessel and I just hated seeing him like that. I wanna forget that it even happened.”
“I know,” Sam rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. “But I think Cas’ll understand.”
“You think so?”
“I think so.” Sam smiled over at him.
(Y/N) reached up and wiped the tears from his cheeks.
“Tell you what,” Sam said. “Why don’t you go in and lay down? I’ll give Cas a call and have him come over.”
“Don’t tell him.”
“I won’t, but you need to. If you don’t, then I will.”
(Y/N) looked over at Sam before he gave a nod. Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out the spare room key, which (Y/N) graciously took.
“Get some sleep, okay?” Sam spoke softly.
“I will. Goodnight, Sam,” (Y/N) mumbled, got out of the car, walked to the door, and entered the room.
Please, make it stop.
The warehouse was the same as in his previous dream. Still old, still dilapidated. The only difference was the large array of angel wings burnt meticulously into the floor. There was no blood, no gore, no bodies strewn about to remind him of what he did. He didn’t need the extra detail, Lucifer knew that. The wings were more than enough.
No more, please.
“And, again!” Lucifer exclaimed.
(Y/N) gripped the angel blade tight in his hand, despite his mental protests. Castiel appeared in front of him, blue eyes pleading. He wasted no time as he drove the angel blade into his chest. Onto the floor, he fell like a ragdoll and a new etching of wings joined the bunch. He breathed.
It was a vicious cycle.
Command. Kill. Breathe.
Command. Kill. Breathe.
Command. Kill. Breathe.
He collapsed onto his knees. The angel blade slipped from his grasp and skidded across the floor. His eyes were so wide he was half certain they would burst from the sockets, lips parted to allow the heavy breaths of air to flow. Lucifer’s deep chuckle sounded in his ears as he stepped closer and knelt in front of him. Lucifer lifted his chin so their eyes connected. 
“Good,” he smirked. “You’ve come a long way, my dear hunter.”
Fuck you.
“Thank you, Lucifer,” (Y/N)’s voice sounded fake and robotic.
Lucifer hummed and pursed his lips. “I still hear a little defiance in that head of yours. Perhaps we should keep going.”
No! Please!
“Of course, Lucifer.” 
(Y/N) stood on shaky legs and made his way to the discarded weapon.
No, please, don’t do this.
“You are such a good listener, (Y/N).” Lucifer praised.
Don’t listen to him! Stop!
(Y/N) picked up the blade and held it with a death grip.
Put that down! You don’t have to do this!
He turned so he faced Lucifer, back straight, head held high.
I’ll do anything!
Lucifer smirked.
“No!” (Y/N) let out a loud, guttural scream as he shot up from his spot on the bed.
His eyes were red from the tears that stained his cheeks, and his chest moved up and down with the efforts of his breathing. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he jerked away violently and scrambled off the bed, his legs weak and barely able to hold his weight.
“No, please,” (Y/N) leaned against the wall to keep himself upright. He had his palms pressed against his ears, eyes shut tight.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N), it’s me.” Castiel gently edged himself off the bed and walked over to him.
As Castiel placed his hands on (Y/N)’s shoulder, he felt his body tense.
“You’re not real. You’re not real. You’re not real.” (Y/N) repeated continuously.
Carefully, Castiel removed (Y/N)’s hands from his ears, despite the weak protests. He could feel the way his heart raced, the way his hands shook, and it hurt to see.
“Bumblebee, please,” Castiel’s voice was deep, soft, soothing. “It’s me. It’s Castiel.”
(Y/N)’s eyes shot open as he turned his head - eyes, look at the eyes. Elegant waves of blue. Sapphires. Full of worry. Full of life. Life. He was alive. Castiel was alive.
“Cas?” His voice came out hoarse.
“Yes, it’s me. You’re safe.”
Hesitantly, (Y/N) cupped his cheek. His thumb brushed against the stubble that decorated his jawline. The longer he stared into his eyes, the more he felt peace, comfort, a sense of love and longing, home. He brought Castiel close to him and embraced him tight enough that it was sure to hurt if he were human. The grip he had on him was tense as if he were convinced Castiel would vanish at any moment. Castiel returned the affection but, instead of wrapping his arms around him, he placed an arm around his back and another under his knees. He picked him up, carried him the short distance over to the bed, and laid him down. He lay next to him, their arms never retreating.
“(Y/N), please,” Castiel’s breath was warm against his ear. “I know that it wasn’t a hunting dream. Please, talk to me.”
(Y/N) was silent as he reveled in the fact that he was able to hold Castiel as close to him as he was. Alive. He took a moment to think back to the conversation he had with Sam - He’s already worried…You need to talk to him. Based on Castiel’s tone of voice, and the words he used, he knew Sam was right. He had to tell him.
“They’re about you,” (Y/N) whispered just loud enough for Castiel to hear.
At those words, Castiel pulled back ever so slightly, but never took his hands off him. He studied (Y/N)’s face and noticed the way he refused to look at him. His brows knit together in confusion and concern. He reached a hand up to caress his cheek.
“What happens in these dreams, (Y/N)?” He asked softly.
(Y/N) was hesitant to respond, a part of him terrified of the guilt Castiel could potentially feel, another scared at the mere idea of mentioning Lucifer’s name aloud. What if he wasn’t truly gone? What if he heard him? Would he find him? Would he kill him? Would the nightmares he had dealt with for the past several months come true? He knew he had to reveal the source of the dreams, though. Not only for his sake but for Castiel’s as well.
“It’s never really you in the dreams. It’s always Lucifer inside your vessel. He started by teasing me, mocking me, and then…he started to torture me. It was stupid shit at first, stuff that didn’t really hurt me. Then he brought you into the picture.” (Y/N)’s voice began to shake as tears appeared in the corner of his eyes, a result of recalling the events of his nightmares and exhaustion. “He made me kill you, Cas.”
Castiel was quick to pull him back into his arms. He brought their bodies so close together that it was as if they were one. At the warmth he felt wrapped around his body, (Y/N) finally let himself cry. Hard.
“And I try to stop him,” (Y/N) sobbed. “I try so hard, but nothing I do seems to work, and I have to kill you over and over and over again and he won’t let me go. I know he’s not there, but he feels so real.”
Castiel shushed him gently as his hand rubbed his back soothingly. They simply held each other as (Y/N) let out all the sadness, pain, and frustration he had kept in for the longest time. With each cry, with each shake of his body, Castiel felt himself break. The man he loved, the man who stole his heart, sat shattered in his arms, and he felt responsible.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered into his ear between sobs.
(Y/N) shook his head. “It’s not your fault, I knew you would do that.” His voice was broken and shaky.
“I let Lucifer in.”
“But you couldn’t control his actions. Lucifer is to blame, not you. I could never blame you.”
“But if I would’ve-”
“Lucifer would have found a way, we both know this.”
By then, his cries had mellowed out to mere sniffles and hiccups with the occasional stray tear. They spent the next several minutes holding one another, silent. The room started to get dark as the sun set, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but wonder where the brothers were. How they were doing on the hunt. He hoped his debilitating exhaustion hadn’t cost them any valuable time or extra hands they may have needed. It wasn’t long before Castiel spoke once more.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked.
“I didn’t want you to blame yourself. I knew you would. There isn’t anything you can do about it anyway. I thought I could get it under control.”
Castiel paused before he pulled back. “Maybe I can. May I try something?”
(Y/N) hesitated before he shook his head. “I don’t want to go back to sleep, Cas,” he said, voice laced with uncertainty.
“Trust me, Bumblebee, please? I believe I know how I can help.”
(Y/N) sighed. Despite everything he told himself, he was exhausted. He had been for the past several weeks, and the strength he previously used to keep himself awake had all but faded. He didn’t want to have another nightmare, but if Castiel could help him, he had to give him a chance. (Y/N) gave Castiel a quick peck on the lips.
“I trust you.”
Castiel smiled warmly. He nuzzled his nose against (Y/N)’s and grabbed the comforter. He draped it over their bodies. He shifted so their legs were tangled together, wrapped his arms around (Y/N)’s waist, and rested his forehead against his. He began to rub his back in small, slow circles, and (Y/N) could feel his body instantly relax.
“Get some sleep, Bumblebee. I promise I’ll keep you safe. I love you.” Castiel whispered, and his words alone sounded like a lullaby.
“I love you, too, Cas. So much.” (Y/N) mumbled back.
With the warmth of Castiel’s embrace, (Y/N) was quick to drift off once more with a new hope of content slumber.
Nothing. That was the best word he could use to describe where he was. It wasn’t dark, nor was it light. It wasn’t a basic abandoned warehouse, nor was it a location embedded in his memory. It was simply and utterly nothing. Although the implication of ‘nothing’ meant the absence of ‘something’. The question was: what was missing?
(Y/N)’s head perked up at the nickname. He began to look around but found no source. There was still nothing.
“I’m here, (Y/N).”
As he turned around, he was blinded by a bright light. He squinted and shielded his eyes. From the light, a heat radiated off of it and surrounded him like a blanket. He felt the urge to go to it as if a rope had wrapped itself around his waist and begun to pull. When he walked, he floated. His legs didn’t move. It was unknown what waited beyond the light, but whatever it was made him feel safe, loved, and wanted. Soon, the light engulfed him, and he was blinded once more.
When his vision was restored, he was welcomed to a sight he had never witnessed before. Yellow, sandy beaches surrounded by a deep blue ocean. The sun seemed to sit where it barely kissed the distant waves, giving the sky an orangish pink tone. In front of him sat a pier, one that he was no stranger to, yet he had only seen in movies and television shows. ‘Pacific Park’ was inscribed into the archway of the entrance. Behind it sat various theme park rides, all small in size, but worth the experience.
(Y/N) turned to his right to see Castiel, a small smile on his lips. He was uncertain at first, but once he saw the brilliance in his eyes, he relaxed and mirrored his smile. 
“Cas,” he breathed, reached over, and took his hand. “Is this the Santa Monica Pier?”
Castiel looked up at the archway and nodded. “I’ve been here once during my exploration of Earth, and you mentioned that you had never been here before.”
(Y/N) shook his head and pursed his lips. “I think I’ve only been to California a handful of times, most of which were up North near Red Bluff.” He said. “But why are we here?”
Castiel gave his hand a gentle squeeze and began to lead him down the pier. Unlike the true Santa Monica beaches, these were barren. Not a single soul resided on the pier or beach besides (Y/N) and Castiel. It would have been an eerie experience had it not been for the sound of the roaring sea.
“Your nightmares focused on memories, or memories of how Lucifer was, correct?”
“Well, I figured the best way to rid you of those memories is to create new ones while you dream.”
(Y/N) couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his lips. “Like a date?”
“Yes. A date.”
“So, what? You’re going to take me on a date every time I dream now?”
“If that’s what it takes to stop the nightmares and allow you to get some sleep then we will have dates every night while you dream for the rest of your life.”
(Y/N) stopped in his tracks and slowly pulled back on Castiel’s hand. Castiel looked back at him and tilted his head ever so slightly. (Y/N) grabbed Castiel’s other hand, brought both of them up to his lips, and kissed his knuckles.
“Castiel, you are the best boyfriend that anyone could ever ask for. I don’t deserve you.” He said.
“No, Bumblebee. You deserve the world. I would love to give it to you.”
(Y/N) reached up and cupped Castiel’s cheek. “I have my world right here.”
He pressed his forehead against Castiel’s. Their noses brushed against one another, then they kissed. It was short and sweet, but it held all their love and passion behind it. When they parted, they stared deeply at each other. 
“I love you, Cas.”
“I love you, too, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) beamed and dropped one of Castiel’s hands. He began to drag him towards the theme park rides.
“Now, come on! I’ve always wanted to ride these!”
Castiel followed at an even pace behind him, and he couldn’t help but feel the guilt and pain that had built up inside of him wash away. To see his partner shine with happiness was an experience he would not soon forget. He made it his mission, from then on out, to guarantee that every dream (Y/N) had would be just as wonderful, if not better, than the last. For, as long as they were together, Castiel pledged that nightmares would be a thing of the past, never to plague the mind of his beloved until the end of his days. 
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godjustkys · 5 months
| mdni 18+
| SUPERNATURAL headcanons
please give requests.
STATUS: You're already in a relationship.
Request: none, I wrote it myself on February 23rd.
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1 - He might not admit it, but god does he love being bent over;
2 - He is SO FUCKING LOUD. When he's on top, he mostly groans, occasionally moans, but when he's on bottom,, the whimpers, whines and moans that escape his mouth is unbelievable;
3 - Praise him and he's on his knees for you;
4 - If you EVER put on a cowboy costume and you have the cowboy boots on... he's hot and bothered the moment he lays his eyes on you;
5 - LOVES pulling on your hair during intercourse;
6 - If the two of you are having sex and he's overwhelmed, he'll grab a pillow to hold onto or grip the sheets;
7 - You two have fucked in the back of Baby.. per Dean's request.. (surprisingly.);
8 - Once, in the heat of the moment, you started facefucking Dean while he was giving you a blowjob and ever since that happened, it's been his favourite thing about sex;
9 - You manhandling him is his guilty pleasure;
10 - At the start of the relationship, Dean believed that it would kind of be a switch-switch situation during sex. When you fucked for the first time, Dean was riding you and his legs started shaking. At that moment, he was thinking about getting off of you, but when you grabbed his hips and made him ride you up until the end, he gave up on that thought.
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1 - He is not loud at all. Sure, a couple moans here and there but it's mostly just heavy breathing or grunts. Unless he's overstimulated;
2 - Whenever he's horny, he won't make it clear to you. He just gets all grumpy and grouchy;
3 - Unlike Dean, when he's overwhelmed, he'll hold onto you. And he'll scratch the living hell out of your back;
4 - If you mess with his hair during sex, so much as pull on it, he will moan;
5 - Once, when Sam got back from a hunt with an unconscious Dean, you scolded him and he got hard. (involuntarily);
6 - Sam insisted on trying mirror sex - lo and behold, he had his face buried in the sheets for the majority of it (when you didn't hold his head up). Why? He was embarrassed;
7 - During a hunt, Sam got really grumpy. You had to do something about it because Dean's taunting demeanour would set him off immediately, so you just dragged Sam into the bathroom, when Dean was out, for a quickie. It worked wonders;
8 - You had a habit of not caring about shortness of breath when kissing, so when you first made out with Sam, he thought he was gonna pass out. (He was overreacting, he was nowhere close to passing out);
9 - He LOVES it when you're bold and straightforward, it turns him on so much;
10 - His whole body starts shaking due to pleasure if you focus on his chest and neck too much.
1 - If he's in the mood for it, he won't tell you. He will just stare at you until you figure it out yourself;
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2 - If there is a moment when Castiel doesn't put his hands on your chest or stare at it, consider it a miracle;
3 - He cannot comprehend why he can't form coherent sentences during intercourse. He says "it must be some kind of curse". In reality, he's just too into it to care enough about speaking properly, but he does not realize it;
4 - Castiel does not realize how much you being rough with him turns him on. Degrade him for a couple seconds and he's hard;
5 - During sex, he holds onto you so tightly with his hands that a lot of the time, they leave bruises. Once, he noticed them and asked what happened. When you told him that they were from him, he just looked at you confused and said: "I never hit you?";
6 - Even though you being rough riles him up a lot, he prefers soft and gentle sex.
7 - When the four of you, you, Sam, Dean and Castiel were riding in Baby (you and Cas in the back seat), you decided to just lay your head in Castiel's lap and get comfortable. He was your boyfriend after all. It was fine at first, you even closed your eyes. Then suddenly, Castiel pushed you off. You sat up looking at him puzzled. He just gave you glare as he looked out of the window and covered his crotch. (Inconvenient places to get hard #2);
8 - He knows how mad it drives you when he gives you that soft innocent look during sex, it just makes you want to go rougher on him;
9 - He once asked you to 'rail him' without knowing what it meant. When you explained it to him, he replied with "oh, okay. So will you?";
10 - He finds your hands (minus your chest) the most attractive thing in the world. He WILL stare at your hands during intercourse because he wants them on him 24/7.
A/n: if you want any of these headcanons to be made into a oneshot, please let me know. <3
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mggsv · 1 year
Diner Boy
m!reader x dean winchester (18+)
summary: he’s a regular, comes often but there’s never really a pattern. he sits with his brother, Sam, you learned. sometimes they’re smiling and having a good time, other times they look like they’ve just fought, but no matter what- they always sit together, and today you’ve caught his eye- Dean.
warnings: car sex, hair pulling, overstimulation
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“He’s staring at you…” Your work friend, Charlie, had said. You were standing at the counter sorting the tickets. It wasn’t a busy day, but it wasn’t slow either. It kept you both working, with plenty time to talk. You gave her a small look before scoffing, “You say this almost everyday Char.”
“Well yes, but, Sam and Dean don’t come here everyday.” You catch her eye as she motioned over to the table she just came from not too long ago. “You are very pretty..you get mistaken for a girl often-“
“I don’t want to talk about that. And besides,” you pick up a tray of food, fit for another table, “I’m sure they’re staring at you, you just like girls and don’t take interest.” You give her a wink while she starts to giggle.
It was true, though. He was staring at you. Your beautiful frame, your curly hair fanning around your face, your perfect lips that pulled into a smile whenever you interacted with the tables to catered to for the night. Dean was watching, and you felt his gaze.
You could hardly work. His eyes made your legs week, and your pants tight. You felt hot but there was no sweat. Your hands shook while taking orders. You knew what you wanted, what your body screamed at you to take before the chance of a lifetime slipped away.
Your shift ended roughly at 10. You’re tired, body aching. You take off your apron before saying your goodbye’s to your coworkers. Charlie had left an hour before. It was raining outside, it made you groan. As much as you loved the rain, you walked to work, and walking in the rain meant an umbrella you didn’t have. “Need a lift?” you hear a voice behind you, a familiar one at that, his voice. Dean. You hear yourself chuckle, turning around to look at his tall frame. “No.”
“No? It’s raining like hell out here and you have no umbrella, and you say “no”?” He’s leaning against the glass frame of the wall. He bore a small grin, but those eyes..those eyes said so much more. You felt it. They trailed your body down to your hips, and rested before making their way back up to your eyes.
“Yeah.” you cleared your throat. “And if you’re done..” you look away, staring at the rain pour harder. The droplets beginning to splash against your legs and his boots. Dean moves closer, the soft clack of his shoes perfectly in sync with the rain. Where was Sam, you had wondered. “Do you..need a ride?” He asked again, lowly, fit only for you.
the walk back to Dean’s beautiful car felt like forever. He shielded you from the rain, his brown leather jacket over your frame. His arm wrapped around your shoulder securely like you were the most precious thing in the world at that moment, protected..
“ha….ha fuck.” Your hand was lost into his short locs of hair, gripping on what you could. You breathed heavily into the small space of Baby’s backseat, suffocated. Dean held your waist, cock disappearing into your hole for what seemed like the hundredth time this night. His teeth sank into his bottom lip, sweaty forehead rested against your shoulder. “Dean..” you moan.
He shuddered, bottoming out inside of you. Your cock leaked against his stomach. You were so closed it rubbed just up against it in the right of ways. Your breathes came to a shuddering halt. Your heart seemed to drop into your stomach, and a clean wash fell over you. Your hands found their way to Deans shoulder, squeezing as you rode out another orgasm, your seed shooting lazily across you and Dean’s stomach. “You feel so good baby..” He groans. His hands tightened the grip onto your waist. While your body relaxed against his own, he sped up. Your body moved quickly against Dean’s thick cock. “So fuckin’ good.”
Your body rolled against his. Your legs felt tight, you tried your best but your body shook to its core. “Dean-“ You gasp, nails digging into his shoulder. He hit that spot inside of you so well…You couldn’t help the helpless whimper falling from your lips. “Almost there.” Dean grunts, failing to notice Sam’s name flash across his buzzing phone.
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m4ng0-gh0st · 4 months
Spn boys NSFW headcannons (CIS male reader)
You had to help him out the first few times but after that he got it DOWN.
One of his favorites are you on your knees sucking him off.
He definitely teases you by moving his hand really close to your crotch or sometimes he full on just palms you through your pants when your sat next to him however it highly depends on what is going on and where you guys are at.
If you were one of the "villains" you two definitely used to have hate sex.
If you aren't them you two just have sex to release some steam if it's more of a friends with benefits relationship but if it's a romantic relationship then it's because you two genuinely enjoy having sex
Most definitely rough sex most times but if he has the time and or nobody will be around for a while then it'll be more sensual.
He more of a groaner than like a moaner/whimperer.
I mean maybe you can get him whimpering 🤷
Don't pull his hair no matter how tempting it is...
He definitely likes you riding him but if you are the dom you then missionary. (He definitely does missionary even when he's Dom)
He does like seeing your face during sex.
Nothing to out of the normal he's pretty simple when it comes to sex.
He doesn't make much noise I mean maybe a groan here and there and if you're lucky a moan or whimper.
He's a little clueless when it comes to sex despite him watching the pizza man and the baby sitter... But that's okay! You help him the best you can.
You can definitely get him to moan or whimper if you suck him off.
You most definitely end up the dom most times.
If you like rough sex then he’ll participate but he does enjoy gentle and sensual sex more.
You two have most definitely gotten caught and or have been overheard while having sex.
You know he's in the mood when he starts getting handsy.
He'll pull you into his lap or if you guys are around people he'll pull you away or teleport you two away.
This does happen quite often.
You don't really know what you do to make him horny but you do make him horny a lot.
You've two been caught making out somewhere in the bunker because Crowley had pulled you away.
You two have experimented quite a lot.
He denies it but he does really like intimate and soft sex.
He does occasionally like you as the top but when you are the top you are 6/10 times a soft top
He does get whiny and bratty. Mostly when you two have been very busy and haven't had sex in a while.
Definitely sasses you during sex. He has a loud mouth and he can't help himself.
Praise him and he seems fine but on the inside he is DYING
He's even worse than Crowley when it comes to getting handsy.
He is a brat when he's the sub for sure.
Kinky as hell 💀
You've guys practically have tried EVERYTHING.
A little bit after he returned from being tortured you guys basically had a whole day spent on having sex.
He enjoys either making your brain turn to mush or having you turn his brain to mush.
He has a lot of energy and when I say a lot I mean A LOT.
He is a major switch when it comes to you.
I don't know if it's alright to do some for him since he's technically like 3 but he's fully grown so let me know if it is 😭💀
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river13245 · 8 months
They React To You Being Asexual
Dean, Sam, Castiel, Crowley, Rowena, Lucifer
(this is going to be a thing that I do regularly so request)
Dean Winchester
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The both of you have been dating for almost a month now. You weren't oblivious to the fact that Dean was a very touchy guy. He would go to bars and pick up women all the time before you came around. Maybe that's why you had a pit in your stomach. You go to dean who was in the main room of the bunker and ask dean if you could talk to him in private.
He gets up and walks into your guys's room. "what's going on. Something happen?" he asks and you shake your head. "no not yet. Uh I just thought I should tell you something" He sits down on the bed and looks at you. :alright what's going on?" you take a deep breath in and speak all in one breath "Im asexual. I know that you like sex which is not a fault but I just know i'm not going to be able to give that to you"
He asks you to explain it to him and when you do he nods and its quiet for a moment before he speaks. "babe this isn't going to change anything between us. You don't want sex. that's fine i can take care of myself if i need to. Don't feel bad" when you sit beside him hs places his hand on your thigh and you rest your head on his shoulder.
Sam winchester
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Your boyfriend was sitting on the bed reading when you entered the room. He looked so nice in the sweatshirt and sweatpants he was wearing. You were taking a moment to think about how you wanted to tell him that you were asexual.
Sam had never once made you feel as if you had to do anything you didn't want to do. If anything he was always cautious for first moves. your first kiss he leaned in slowly, making you close the gap. He also never really asked or initiated for the both of you to go any further beyond just kissing and cuddling. You had a feeling he knew which made you less nervous. "whets going on in that head of yours" he asks as he looks over at you.
You sit onto the bed beside him. "there's something I need to tell you" he puts his book down to give you his full attention before nodding. You take a breath before saying calmly "i'm asexual. I don't ever want to have sex with you. I should have told you sooner and i'm so sorry I didnt i was just waiting for the right time an-" You stop speaking because sam has placed both of his hands on the sides of your face and kisses your lips. "its okay honey, I have had a feeling that you might be and I still love you either way. Plus i have a lower sex drive than most people so you dont have to worry with me okay?" You nod and you cuddle up against him as he reads a little while longer.
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You were sitting on your bed just thinking about how you were to tell your boyfriend that you were asexual. Your boyfriend had never really said anything about wanting sex or anything like that but it still made you nervous. You knew Castiel wouldn't break up with you because of it. So once you calmed yourself down a bit you prayed for him. "castiel I need to speak with you"
Wasnt even 2 minutes later and hes standing in front of you. "Theres something on your mind?" he asks and you nod. "yes there is. I just needed to tell you that if we are going to continue our relationship..there will be no sexual acts. Kissing and everything is fine but just not sex."
He looks at you for a moment before he takes your hand in his "That is perfectly fine. Angels dont need to have sex." you lean in and kiss his cheek and hug him
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Crowley had been in one of his moods today. Your boyfriend was a very moody person. One thing could piss him off so because of this you were not looking forward to telling him about the fact that you are asexual. In fact you were thinking about not telling him. Not for a while anyways.
However when he walked into the room he could see the way you didnt come up to him to welcome him back like you always did. So he crossed his arms and looked at you. "what" you asked as you looked up at him. "What is going on? You arent acting normal" this caused you to roll your eyes at him. "when have I ever been normal" he shrugs but doesn't say anything else which makes you sigh.
You laid down onto the big bed you two shared. "Crowley I am asexual. That's why I haven't made a move to do anything more than kissing" He uncrossed his arms and lays down beside you. "really that's what's got you so weird?" nodding in response he rolls his eyes. "I'm a demon and have lived much longer than you have. You being asexual is the least of my problems. I want to be with you either way"
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Rowena was doing some of her witchy stuff looking beautiful while she focused. You knew you shouldn't interrupt her but this was eating you alive. Your friends had been talking about their partners and how they were great in bed and everything else. You loved your friends of course but its started to eat away at you. That you couldnt and wouldnt give that to Rowena.
She was a woman and many women want that part of the relationship. That kind if intimacy and you were feeling awful about it. Rowena deserved an explanation so before you could talk yourself out of it you walked up to the table and took a seat. "Rowena Love" She looked up at you and when she noticed how you looked she stopped what she was doing. "what's wrong dear"
You let out a long sigh before explaining to her about what you and your friends were talking about and then you pause for a moment before speaking again. "I know that you probably want that and I cant give it to you. How could you possibly be happy like this" She places both her hands on the sides of your cheeks and kisses your forehead then your lips. "I am happy with you. There has not been a moment where I doubted us or my feelings for you. You are the one that I want to be with for the rest of our time here" She pulls you into a soft hug
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You had just walked back into your home and Your partner was sitting on his chair that he had claimed as like his "throne". He had been talking to a few other demons that worked for him and so you tried to walk quickly past them but he made you stop. "where do you think your going?" he wasn't angry he was just confused because you usually greet him when you come back home. You look at him "i'm going to our bedroom"
He could tell by the tone of your voice and your body language that something was wrong. So he quickly made the demons leave before turning to look back at you. "come here" you walked closer to him and he looked at you sitting up more on his chair. "what happened while you were out?" He was very protective over you and it was written all over his face. You knew he was going to find out anyways so you begin to tell him.
You tell him about how your friends were asking about how you and your boyfriend was. Asking how the sex is going etc etc. Lucifer nodded and was actually letting you finish speaking. "when I told them that. We don't have sex because i'm asexual they started judging me and everything." He almost speaks up but you cut him off "why do you stay with me. Lucifer I know that you have had many demons and even other angels in your bed before. Why stay with the one who cant give you what you need"
Lucifer looks at you as if you just said something in a language he didn't understand. He uses his power to bring you closer to him and then he stops and holds his arms out for you. Silently telling you to sit with him and so you do. You sit on his lap and rest your head on his shoulder. "I may have had others share a bed with me. But none of them have had such a emotional hold on me before. You are the one that i fell in love with. Don't ever doubt me or my feelings towards you." he says the last part with such a serious tone and all you can do is nod and let him hold you.
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supercap2319 · 7 months
Y/N came down the stairs of the bunker towards the library. He had a stupid grin on his face, and he was carrying various Valentine's Day items. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
He hands the brothers, Cas, and Jack each a gift to commemorate this special occasion. He hands Castiel a heart-shaped box of chocolates. "Slut." He affectional calls the angel of the Lord. Cas opens the box and picks up a chocolate, and takes a bite before scarfing down the rest.
Y/N hands Jack at Teddy Bear. "Sweet face." Jack enthusiastically hugs the toy and introduces himself to the bear.
He looks at Dean. "Bitch." He hands him a store bought pie shaped like a heart as Dean's green eyes lighten up with joy.
Finally, he looks at Sam and hands him flowers. "For the sexiest guy that I know." Sam blushed and took the flowers and smelled them with a smile on his face.
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pascalsummers · 4 months
You Give Them a Magical Companion (Team Free Will x Male Reader)
A/N: So this idea of mine originally started as just stuffed animals given to them but I wanted to give it a more 'supernatural' vibe lol. I couldn't find an exact mythology for what I wanted to do so I took a bunch of inspiration and just made my own thing. I'll probably make another post later on fleshing this idea out because why not?
What you need to know for the sake of this post is that the reader can imbue an item (Usually Jewelry) with a magical creature influenced by the wearer. Anyway with that out of the way consider this my birthday gift to you all, and enjoy!
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When it came to Dean you decided that a bracelet would be the best option for him. Mostly because you remember Dean complaining about rings getting scratched up when opening beers and him getting hit in the teeth by necklaces. He will forever deny fanboying over the fact that his companion turned out to be a wolf but that doesn't stop him from subtly bragging about it once in a while. Dean's companion is mostly used during hunts to help track down monsters or sometimes help in battle if Dean really needs it. When not on a hunt Dean can be found hanging out in the Batcave with the wolf sitting close by.
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For Sam, you decided that his item would be a ring. You didn't want to choose anything that stood out too much and a ring seemed like the perfect subtle piece of jewelry. Sam was a little worried that the world would decide to make his animal a moose but much to his relief, it turned out to be a simple owl. The owl became a kind of study buddy for Sam as he would ask his companion to find certain books for him while he focused on other tasks. In return, Sam would give the owl scratches which it would coo at, and eventually, he even made it a small nest in his room for it to rest on whenever it wanted.
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Figuring out what item to give Cas was a challenge since Cas didn't seem to have a big opinion on the matter. Eventually, though you decided that he would have a necklace. When Cas accepted the gift and saw that his companion was a cat he was confused but of course accepted it. Cas didn't know what to do with his new companion but after a bit of contemplation, he decided to get all the needed items for a cat owner and set them up in his room in the bunker. Though Cas's companion didn't require any food or water to live it did eat any food and drink any water that Cas gave it. Usually, the cat can be found perched on Cas's shoulder watching the people of the bunker.
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Thinking about how Crowley you knew that a brooch would be a good choice for him. You thought it was the perfect fit for someone whose closet seemed completely made of suits. When Crowley laid eyes on his tiger companion he thought that it was an apt creature to be paired with. Crowley is quick to befriend the companion and learn as much as he can about it. During meetings and interrogations, Crowley will sometimes let the tiger sit close to him as a way to add a little extra intimidation factor. When not busy with something Crowley will let his companion roam around especially when Crowley's with the Winchesters just to annoy them a little bit.
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thelittleangel · 3 months
date headcanons
supernatural edition
characters:Sam, Dean, Castiel, Gabriel, Crowley
tags: fluff, male reader
warnings: none
note: sam’s can be read as a continuation of group project
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It would be a quiet night in.
Order takeout and rent a movie.
Sitting on the couch watching the movie.
Maybe discussing it quietly.
After the movie ended, you’d stay on the couch with him, talking about plans for the weekend.
Talk about anything and everything.
If you fall asleep while you’re talking, he’ll pick you up and take you to his bed.
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He’d take you to a little hole in the wall.
It would be crowded, but I imagine he’d take you to a booth away from the crowd.
Eat dinner and have a drink, then when you’re ready, he’d lead you out onto the floor.
He’ll let you set the pace of how fast and slow you’re dancing.
He drives you home at the end of the night.
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He’d take you on a quiet walk in the park.
Sitting on a park bench, talking about anything and everything.
Walking on the sidewalk, looking at the flowers, watching the bees and feeding the ducks.
Sitting quietly, holding each others hand.
Enjoying nature together.
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He’s going to take you to his favorite candy store.
He just spends the day hanging out with you.
Showing you all his favorite spots.
Keeping his hand on yours.
Walking through the mall with you.
You go into different stores, looking around.
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My headcanon is that Crowley’s love language is quality time.
So it brings you to this.
Standing in his kitchen, making dinner with him.
Demons don’t need to eat, but the act of cooking is something Crowley has come to enjoy.
He pours a glass of wine, and talks to you as you fix dinner together.
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maj-3k · 2 years
Jack: Y.N said I can't watch Scooby-Doo.
Castiel: Why?
Sam: Y.N find out Dean have crush on Daphne and now no one can watch it.
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angelsberrymilk · 8 months
Does anybody know any fanfics where Castiel learns abt human culture? sarcasm? unwritten rules and expectations and dumb random rules?? I need him exploring humans so bad. idc what ship it is. as long as he's learning new stuff and being silly.
probably fluff and some crack. but he makes me laugh regardless so anything with him exploring the human world will do PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
give me any usernames, any links either on tumblr or ao3 I don't mind at all.
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gamersansblog · 1 year
God's Favorite Creation
Dean: What the fuck is that? *Looks at Sam*
Sam: Don't look at me *Puts his hands up*
Bobby: *Walks outside* Have you all seen my- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?
Sam and Dean: *Shrugs*
CyberTron reader: *Looks down at the humans and awkwardly waves*
Castiel: *Appears out of know where* Greetings.
Sam, Dean, and Bobby: *Flinches in suprise*
Dean: *puts a hand on his heart* CAS YOU NEED TO STOP
Castiel: My apologies *Looks up and his eyes widened*
Sam: *Raises a brow* You know them or....
Cybertron reader: *Stands there patently*
Castiel: *Nods head* I do not know them fully but I heard of them.
Dean: So what the hell is it? *Points at Cybertron reader*
Castiel: I heard it was one of gods favorite creations he ever made....
Castiel: And the species and gender are unknown, but they are called....Cybertron's or why you call them Transformers... *Walks around Cybertron Reader*
Cybertron Reader: *Kneels down and looks at cas closely*
Dean: *Shocked* I'm sorry a what!?
Castiel: A Cybertron
Sam: Yeah we all get that but why is it here?
Cybertron reader: *Looks at Sam* God sent me here
Everyone (Not including Reader): *Jumps at the sudden voice*
Bobby: Great now it talks *walks back inside while mumbling that he needs another drink*
Sam: Okay so what did god sent you here?
Dean: And where is God?
Cybertron reader: *Pauses* I....I do not remember
Castiel: *Hums and continues observing reader* It seems like part of its memory chip is missing.
Dean: Great now what are we supposed to do with a big ass robot that is supposed to be not real.
Castiel: We have to find it
Sam: Dean. Castiel is right.
Dean: *Sighs* fine when we find out why you are here you are out of here. *Points at Cybertron reader*
Cybertron reader: Of course
Sam: *watches Dean and Castiel walk away.*
Sam: *Looks up at Cybertron reader* Looks like were on a mission to find your memory's.
Cybertron reader: *Hums in agreement*
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supernaturalscribe67 · 3 months
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Words: 5,703
POV: 3rd Person
Pairing: Castiel x Male!Winchester!Reader
Warning(s): Language, Winchesters being Winchesters, implied sexual content, awkward 'flirting', Dean feeling the same way about Cas x Reader as Sam feels about Destiel, Fluff, Humor
Summary: The reader does NOT have a crush on Castiel. At least, that's what he keeps saying. Sam and Dean, however, aren't convinced in the slightest. What happens when the classic Winchester shenanigans take it too far? Will the reader's true feelings be revealed?
hi. i love your work very much. I humbly request a Castiel x Winchester!reader, where the reader is the oldest brother and Cas and the reader fall for each other. Cas and Dean are best friends I feel like so Dean might tease and be like "what are your intentions with my big brother" and Cas is like "...wdym........." bc he doesn't wanna admit he has feelings and meanwhile the reader and Sam are on a minor hunt together or something and Sam is like "so when are you gonna make your move" and the reader is like "!!! i do not have feelings for this baby in a trench coat!!! wdym!!!!!" and so Sam and Dean come together and take matters into their own hands and come up with some shenanigans that make Cas and the reader come together and admit how they feel for each other. just something nice and fluffy and sweet. thank you very much 💕
A/N: Happy Monday! I had a lot of fun writing this and I'm glad to finally be getting it out! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
~ Much Love!
Dean’s laughter erupted down the hallway as (Y/N) left his room. He couldn’t help but shake his head as he slung his large duffel bag over his shoulder. Just as he closed his door, Sam’s door opened. He came out, clad in his usual flannel and jean combination, his duffel resting at his side. When he caught sight of (Y/N), he smiled. 
“You got everything?” (Y/N) asked.
“Yeah,” Sam nodded. “Let’s head out.”
The two of them made their way down the hall towards the bunker entrance. Dean’s laugh could be heard getting louder as they walked near the library. Upon closer inspection, they could see Dean and Castiel sitting together at one of the tables, Dean’s laptop between them. A bowl of popcorn sat in Dean’s lap, his cheeks slightly puffed from the handful he had just eaten. Castiel’s head was tilted slightly to the side, eyes squinted as he studied the screen. The sound of Bill Murray’s voice echoed through the speakers.
“The Hell are you two watching?” (Y/N) asked.
“Groundhog Day,” Dean answered, words slightly muffled by the popcorn. “Cas hasn’t seen it before.”
(Y/N) furrowed his brows. “Out of all the movies you could pick from, you pick Groundhog Day?”
“Hey, don’t knock Bill Murray.”
“I’ll knock whoever the Hell I wanna knock. Anyways, you got the keys to Baby?”
For the first time since they approached the archway, Dean turned to look at them. He took in their attire and eyed their bags. 
“Where’re you two going?” He asked as he began to dig the keys out of his pant pocket.
“Buddy of mind in Colorado says they have a Wendigo problem that needs fixing. They can’t seem to track it down, so they need some extra hands.”
“Well, why does Sam get to go but I gotta stay here?”
“It’s a Wendigo, Dean. Bringing more people will make things complicated. Four against one is plenty. Consider this your little vacation.”
Dean sighed. “Fine. I bet it’s Bradley Knox who called anyway,” he said as he tossed the keys.
(Y/N) swiftly caught them with his left hand and pointed at his brother. “For your information, it was, in fact, Bradley Knox.”
Sam’s eyes widened and he frowned. “Oh, what? That jackass? Come on, you never said we would be helping him.”
“Because I knew you were going to bitch about it.”
“Who is Bradley Knox?” Castiel asked, his attention turned away from the computer screen.
Dean reached over and paused the movie. “He’s this dick (Y/N) met when he tried hunting solo. A real piece of work. We helped him out a couple of times, and he just shit-talked us the whole time.” He answered.
“He acts like he’s still in middle school. He smells bad, dresses like a pig, and he talks like one, too. Plus, he wouldn’t stop calling me Sasquatch last time.” Sam added. 
(Y/N) rolled his eyes. “Look, I know he sucks, but he has a hunt, and we need to stop this Wendigo. It’s already killed five people. We just have to get in and get out. That’s it.”
Sam’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “Alright, but if he calls me Sasquatch again-”
“Then I’ll make sure to stop him from hurting little Sammy’s feelings,” (Y/N) reached up and pinched Sam’s cheek.
Sam smacked his hand away. “Get off me.”
“Oh, get the stick out of your ass. We’ll be near Denver, so I’ll take you to that new fancy vegan place that opened recently.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah, whatever will get you to not bitch and moan the whole trip.” He flipped the keys in his hand. “Alright, we’re heading out. Don’t get into any trouble while we’re gone, Dean.”
Dean scoffed. “I’m not five.” He grumbled. 
“You act like it,” (Y/N) mumbled before he looked over at Castiel. Their eyes met. “Keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid, okay?”
Castiel nodded. “I will watch over him.”
“I don’t need a babysitter!” Dean exclaimed.
“I beg to differ. Then, Cas, when Sam and I get back, I’ll show you a good movie that isn’t poorly acted.”
Slowly, a smile formed on Castiel’s lips. “Okay,” 
(Y/N) returned the smile. “We’ll see you later,” he took a couple of steps backward before he turned his back on them.
Sam gave a small wave before he followed his brother up the stairs and out the front door.
Dean leaned back in his seat when the heavy metal door slammed shut. The movie on the computer was still paused, so he took a moment to glance over at Castiel. He noted how the corners of his lips were still curled upward, his crow's feet and laugh lines prominent. At the sight, he smirked and shifted his body so he was facing him.
“So…” Dean trailed as he sat the bowl of popcorn on the table. “(Y/N), huh?”
Castiel looked over at him, the smile vanishing, and replaced with an expression of confusion. “What about (Y/N)?”
Dean shrugged his shoulders. “He’s a good guy, right?”
“I believe so, yes.”
“A really good guy?”
“Would you say you like being around him?”
“I do.”
“Really like being around him?”
Castiel shifted in his seat. “I’m not understanding this line of questioning, Dean.”
“Do you like my brother?”
“I do, yes, he’s my friend. Did I do something that made you assume I didn’t?”
“No, it’s just-” Dean sighed. “You know what? Nevermind. Let’s just watch the movie.” Without waiting for a response, he reached over and resumed the film.
Castiel stared at him for a moment with furrowed brows. After a couple of seconds, he shook his head and returned his attention to the computer.
The Impala drove smoothly down the nearly deserted highway. Instead of the loud classic rock that normally played through the speakers, Celine Dion’s smooth voice filled the car. (Y/N) sat in the driver’s seat, one arm resting on the window sill while the other held the wheel. Sam took his usual spot in the passenger’s seat.
“So, what info do we have so far?” Sam asked.
“Well, so far, the only thing we know is that the victims were tourists. Some of those people decided to search for a good hiking trail and then, all of a sudden, they were snatched. At least, that’s what’s assumed.”
“Did the victims know each other?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do we know when they got snatched?”
“Kind of.”
“Where they got snatched?”
“Kind of.”
“Does Bradley even know what he’s doing?”
“Probably not.”
Sam sighed and slouched in his seat, running his fingers through his hair. (Y/N)’s shoulders dropped. 
“Look,” he began. “I know it’s not the best scenario, but any start is better than a blank slate. We know a great deal more about Wendigos than Bradley does, so I’m sure we can knock this out of the park, alright? I say we just talk about something else, get our mind off of it for a while, then we-”
“Do you like Cas?”
“What!?” (Y/N) exclaimed, eyes wide, both hands tightly clenched onto the wheel. “No! I, no, what, why would you ask me that?”
“What?” Sam asked innocently, although he couldn’t hold back the smirk that curled on his lips. “I just asked if you liked him, that’s all. You said you wanted to talk about something else.”
“I didn’t mean that!”
“Come on, I’ve seen the way you look at him.”
“Well, I think your hallucinations are back because you’re seeing shit.”
“So…you don’t like Cas?”
“I don’t like Cas! Now drop it!”
(Y/N)’s eyes were glued to the road ahead, which allowed Sam to get a good look at his profile. At the top of his cheekbones, next to his nose, sat a red tinge. It was barely noticeable, but it was there. He pressed his lips together and looked away, holding his hands up briefly in mock surrender. 
“Fine, I’ll drop it.” He said, voice barely above a whisper. 
“Good. Now shut up, Whitney Houston’s playing.” (Y/N) grumbled, reached over, and turned up the music.
I Wanna Dance With Somebody thumped through the metal frame, the brothers silent as they continued their lengthy trek from Lebanon, Kansas to Denver, Colorado.
Vacation? What could Dean do on vacation? Stuck in the bunker, no less. He could catch up on some television series that he started, but he knew he would get tired of that soon enough. The Impala had been hijacked, so giving her the fine tune he had been desperate to give was out of the question. Bar hopping wasn’t an option, as he trusted no other car than Baby. What kind of hobbies did people his age get into? Crochet? Cross Stitch? Sudoku? Over his dead body.
In the end, Dean sat on his bed, pieces of his handgun scattered across the blanket as he meticulously cleansed each part until they glimmered in the dim lamplight. It was a task he had been meaning to do for a while. He guessed his ‘vacation’ could be used to catch up on all the chores he had held off.
Smoke on the Water rang out through the otherwise quiet room. Dean stopped his action to look at the screen. Sammy Calling… Dean sat the pieces down, grabbed his phone, and accepted the call.
“Hey, Sam. You guys doing okay?” He asked as he settled on the edge of his bed.
“Yeah, we’re about halfway there. Listen, I don’t have much time to talk, (Y/N) just walked into the gas station for a minute. Did you talk to Cas?”
“He didn’t get it.”
“What do you mean?”
“When I asked him if he liked (Y/N), he said ‘Of course I do, he’s my friend’,” Dean explained with a slightly mocking tone.
“Or, he could have understood what you were asking and just played dumb.”
“I give Cas credit for a lot of things, but this is not one of those times. What about you? Did you ask him yet?”
“I did, and, of course, he denied it.”
“Of course, he did,” Dean rolled his eyes as he laid back against his pillows.
“Get this, though. He was blushing.”
“No way.”
“And you’re sure it was a blush?”
“One hundred percent.”
“Oh, this is just too perfect. Sam, we have to get those two together.”
“How? Neither of them will admit their feelings for one another. They’re in denial.”
Dean hummed and pursed his lips in thought. “We might just have to get creative. I’m on vacation. I’ve got plenty of time on my hands to think.”
“Yeah, yeah, lucky you.” Sam deadpanned. “Oh, I gotta go. (Y/N)’s coming out.”
“I’ll send you my ideas,” Dean spoke quickly before he ended the call and tossed his phone onto the bed.
Many thoughts formed in his head. Mischievous, Winchester thoughts. If he thought his pranks were good, the ideas that he had to get (Y/N) and Castiel together were to die for.
It had been a personal goal of his for well over a year. He wasn’t ignorant to the passing glances that the two of them gave one another, it was rather gross if he had anything to say about it. He could tell, though, that Castiel’s presence made his brother genuinely happy. If anyone deserved that happiness, it was him. If they got together, perhaps then they could keep their bedroom eyes away from him. If he had to witness it anymore, he was sure to go insane.
As he went to stand from his bed, the familiar clink of metal filled his ears. He glanced down at the scattered handgun parts that littered his bed. With a sigh, he sat back against the pillows and began to reassemble his gun, not caring that the quality of his cleaning wasn’t perfect. Brainstorming could wait until he was finished. He was on vacation, after all.
“Stupid rich people and their stupid, worthless suits,” (Y/N)’s deep grumble echoed throughout the small motel bathroom.
His brothers snorted in amusement. None of them wanted to dress up for the charity ball they had to attend - as it was necessary to gain intel for their case - so a three-way game of rock-paper-scissors was done to determine which would be unlucky enough to wear the rental suit. For the first time in months, (Y/N) lost. The title of ‘loser’ normally went to Dean, rarely Sam, but the younger Winchesters didn’t want to risk having to put on the constrictive outfit. They seldom rigged the game to get what they wanted, but desperate times call for desperate measures. 
Castiel sat at the end of one of the beds, eyes fixated on the bathroom door, brows knitted together. “(Y/N) doesn’t seem too happy,” he commented.
“Yeah, well, I wouldn’t be happy either if I got stuck wearing a suit around old people.” Dean chuckled. 
“What’s wrong with wearing a suit?”
“They’re just uncomfortable.”
Castiel glanced down at himself before his eyes settled on the brothers. “I’m not uncomfortable in my attire.”
“You’re used to it, Cas,” Sam said. “We wear jeans and flannel every day. It’s more practical for hunting. Hell, even getting around in our FEDs costumes is a pain. I don’t know how you do it.”
“Who the HELL thought cuff links were a good idea!?” (Y/N)’s loud voice boomed.
Dean covered his mouth to stop himself from spitting up his coffee. Oh, how the simple struggles of his siblings made him smile. Castiel’s head whipped back around as he stared at the door with a look of worry. Sam and Dean took note of it immediately and shared a knowing look. Dean gestured with his head over to his friend, and that was when Sam turned in his chair.
“You know what I think could cheer him up, Cas?” He asked.
Castiel peered over at him and Sam swore he saw those baby blues light up. “What?” He asked, head tilted to the side.
“When he comes out, tell him he looks nice.”
“Tell him he looks hot,” Dean interjected.
“Yeah! Tell him he looks hot.” Sam nodded in agreement.
“Hot?” Castiel frowned.
“Trust me, Cas, people love compliments, and saying that someone’s hot is a huge one. It’ll make him feel better almost immediately.” Dean explained.
Castiel considered the advice before he nodded. “Okay, I will tell him he looks…hot.”
Dean beamed and reached across the table to give Sam a fistbump. Sam furrowed his brows and shook his head. Dean’s smile faded before he cleared his throat and placed his hands back down on the table.
It didn’t take long before the bathroom door opened and out came a rather irritated (Y/N). The suit looked and felt foreign on him, a massive step from his usual hunting wear. He adjusted the collar of the jacket before he smoothed out the front. Finally, he let out a sigh and gestured out with his arms in a grandiose fashion.
“How do I look?” He asked, voice monotone. 
Sam and Dean pursed their lips, looked him over, and gave supportive head nods before their eyes shifted to Castiel. (Y/N)’s gaze moved from Sam to Dean to Castiel. Their eyes locked and Castiel immediately looked away, seeming to find his hands easier to look at. 
“You look…hot,” Castiel said.
(Y/N)’s brows shot up and his eyes widened. “I, um, I do?”
“Yes,” Castiel gave a small, sweet smile.
(Y/N)’s lips opened and shut rapidly, as if he were a fish out of water. He let out a breathy chuckle as he reached up to rub the back of his neck. “Uh, thanks, Cas,”
“Of course,”
A soft smile graced (Y/N)’s lips as their eyes connected for a brief moment. It didn’t take long before his eyes wandered back over to his brothers, who were both sporting wide smirks. He wiped the smile off of his face and straightened up as if he had seemingly forgotten they were in the same room. 
“Let’s get this over with, shall we?” He swiftly made his way out of the motel room.
Sam and Dean shared a look before they stood from their spots at the table. Castiel followed suit. When (Y/N) was out of earshot, Castiel spoke.
“He seems better,” he said with a bright, proud smile. 
Dean returned the smile. “He sure does, buddy,” He patted him twice on the back before he wrapped his arm around his shoulders and led him out of the motel room. “He sure does.”
God bless the Men of Letters and God bless good water pressure.
There were countless amenities the bunker had that (Y/N) loved. The stainless steel kitchen appliances, the massive garage, the memory foam mattress, each of them held a special place in his heart. However, the showers take the cake. Who knew water could get so hot? And who knew water could relax your muscles so well? If there was one thing he loved to do after a long day, it was spend a good chunk of his evening in the shower to unwind. 
All good things must come to an end, though, as he had earned his fair share of lectures from his brothers about conserving the hot water. While he understood their point, he felt like he deserved the comfort after years of abuse in the hands of rusty, weak motel showerheads. And, dammit, he was going to get his compensation. 
As he turned off the water, the bathroom fell into silence. Steam warped around his naked form and covered him like a blanket as he stepped onto the bath mat. He absentmindedly reached for the towel rack, but only came in contact with the cheap metal bar. He furrowed his brows and glanced at his hand to find that the rack was barren. He swore he had placed a towel there before. Above the towel rack, a light pink post-it note hung limply on the wall. (Y/N) frowned deeply, reached up, and grabbed the note. He held it close to his face to be able to see the sloppily written words.
This is for putting Nair in my body wash. ~ Sam
“That little bastard,” (Y/N) grumbled and crumbled up the note in his hand.
When had Sam been able to sneak into the bathroom to take his stuff? True, he had been known to mentally doze off in the shower, and lose all sense of himself in the middle of his wash, which had ultimately landed him victim to countless other pranks, but he would certainly be able to hear if anyone were to enter the bathroom and take his towel not two feet away, right? Regardless, at least he was within the safety of the bunker to do so. Having him space out in a motel bathroom could mean the difference between life and death. In the bunker, all he had was his pain in the ass little brothers to worry about.
With a new wave of irritation and not a care in the world, (Y/N) walked to the bathroom door and opened it. He was stopped dead in his tracks, mouth slightly open as he made to call out for his brother when he noticed Castiel standing directly in front of him, hand raised as if to knock. (Y/N)’s eyes widened and he felt a tightness appear in his chest. His mouth went dry and his heart raced. He was frozen.
“Hello, (Y/N),” Castiel said.
“Uh, hey,” (Y/N) replied slowly.
Castiel glanced down at the object in his arms before he held it out. “Sam and Dean asked me to bring you this. It was freshly washed.”
It took every ounce of willpower for (Y/N) to look down at the towel in Castiel’s possession.
“Thanks,” his voice was small as he accepted and brought it to his chest.
“You’re welcome.” Castiel smiled widely, and it was as if time itself had stopped.
(Y/N) returned the gesture as he found himself lost in Castiel’s gaze, a rather common occurrence as of late. He couldn’t help it. It was as if he were a deer in headlights, or a child staring directly into the deadlights of Pennywise’s true form. However, instead of an impending sense of doom, all he felt was peace, like a world of tranquility lived behind his eyes. A world that he wanted to go to.
“(Y/N)?” Castiel’s voice broke him out of his trance.
“Are you alright?”
It was impossible to miss the flicker of Castiel’s stare as he looked over (Y/N)’s body before retreating to his face. One good glance at himself made realization dawn on him. He never covered up. His face turned an undeniably dark shade of crimson as he was quick to unravel the towel he was given to preserve what little modesty he had left.
“Uh, yeah, I’m, um, I mean, yes, I’m okay,” he stumbled over his words. “I’m just gonna,” he slowly edged his way past Castiel awkwardly.
As he walked past, he tripped over his own feet and barely caught the towel before he could be revealed again. He chuckled, but it was more forced than anything.
“Are you sure you’re feeling alright, (Y/N)?” Castiel pushed, a hint of concern in his words.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine! Fine and dandy! A-okay!” He continued to answer as he walked backward down the hallway. It didn’t take long before his back came in contact with the cold, stone wall. He jumped and sheepishly fumbled to the conjoining hall. “There’s a wall there,” he muttered with an inelegant chuckle before he turned and made a mad dash down the hallway and away from the bathroom.
His face was on fire, he was sure of it. He knew Sam and Dean did that on purpose, those idiots. A part of him was thankful none of them were around to witness the interaction. Another part wanted them to be near so he could clobber them. Regardless, he knew he would have to get back at them, and he was going to make it his best revenge yet.
Itching powder? Too basic. Computer virus? Too complex. Hair dye in the showerhead? Possibly. All of the pranks he could think of were either too childish or had been used before over the years. He couldn’t believe he was forced to sit on his bed and scroll through the terrible articles that included titles such as “15 Awesome Pranks Your Sibling Will NEVER See Coming!” and “50 Best And Funny Pranks To Do On Friends”. None of them were helpful. They just seemed to spit the same suggestions of salt in their coffee, fake bugs on their pillow, and post-it notes over their rooms, all of which seemed bland for the level of revenge he sought.
The bedroom door flung open and bounced off the wall. (Y/N) jumped, eyes wide. Dean came into the room, all but dragging a confused Castiel to the bed. Sam followed closely.
“What the Hell is going on?” (Y/N) asked with a look of bewilderment.
“An intervention,” Dean responded as he sat Castiel down on the edge of the bed.
Without a moment of hesitation, Sam and Dean began to retreat to the exit.
“An intervention? Cas, what’re they- what’re you talking about?” (Y/N) stammered as he stood and began to follow them to the door.
He was too slow, though, as the door was shut seconds before he could reach it. He grabbed the door handle in a futile attempt to open the door but found it to be locked.
“What the Hell? Open the damned door!” He shouted and began to pound on the door with his fist.
“Nope!” Dean’s muffled voice came through the thick wood. “Not until you tell Cas how you feel.”
“What are you talking about!?”
“Oh, come on (Y/N)!” Sam exclaimed. “We both see how you look at him! Just tell him!” 
(Y/N) pressed his lips together, nostrils flared. “Open the door!”
“No.” They said in unison.
(Y/N) growled and slammed his fists into the door, causing it to shake on the hinges.
“(Y/N),” Sam’s voice was quieter. “We know how hard it is for you to say how you feel, but we see how happy you are around him.”
“Yeah, and I’m tired of seeing you guys staring at each other all of the time. If I have to see you guys make bedroom eyes one more time I’m going to blow my brains out.” Dean scoffed.
(Y/N)’s jaw tightened as he leaned his forehead against the door. “If you don’t open this door right now, you both are going to feel my wrath.” He growled and venom dripped from his words.
“Ooo, I’m so scared,” Dean spoke in a childish tone.
“Dean,” Sam hissed. “Just, talk to him, okay? We’ll be back in an hour. If you guys have talked it out, we’ll unlock the door.”
With that, two pairs of footsteps could be heard retreating down the hall.
“An hour!? Sam! Dean! Open the door!” (Y/N)’s shouts echoed in the room.
Once more, (Y/N) grabbed the doorknob to try and pry it open, but quickly found his efforts to be fruitless. After a couple of attempts, and the logical side of him begging to not rip the door off the hinges, he pulled back. He ran his fingers through his hair stressfully and turned back to the bed. Castiel sat in the same spot Dean had put him in, hands folded in his lap. (Y/N) sighed.
“I’m sorry you got roped into their bullshit, Cas,” he said with a soft, sympathetic tone as he walked over and sat beside him. “Whenever those two idiots get something in their heads, they won’t rest until they are proven right, even if they aren’t.”
“Are they wrong?” Castiel asked.
“Sam and Dean told me you have romantic feelings for me. Are they wrong?” He tilted his head to the side.
(Y/N) opened his mouth to speak, to deny anything and everything his brothers said. However, as he looked over at Castiel and stared into his eyes, he found the words were lost on him. He looked away, hoisted himself off the bed, and made his way over to the dresser. He leaned against it with his elbow, his opposite hand placed on his hip, back to Castiel. A moment of silence weighed heavy on them before Castiel, too, stood from the bed. 
“No, they’re not wrong,” (Y/N) said, his voice quiet, almost mute. “I…I like you.” He snorted. “That’s the first time I’ve admitted it.”
“You like me?”
(Y/N) turned back to Castiel. Their eyes met once again, but, that time, neither felt the urge to shy away. Instead, they kept their gaze, as if to read the other’s expression, as words seemed too complex for either one to be masters in. Slowly, (Y/N) took a couple of steps closer to Castiel.
“Yes. More than a friend. More than family. I mean, I don’t even know how to describe it. I get…nervous whenever I’m around you, but I’m the happiest when I am. No matter how terrible of a day I have, you always seem to make it better just by being near. I don’t know if this is what love feels like, but if it is, it’s strong when you’re around, and I never want it to stop.” His voice got quiet, words spoken barely above a whisper.
Again, they stared in silence, eyes searching for words yet spoken. Although only one had the capability of hearing them while the other was left in the dark. Eventually, (Y/N)’s gaze shifted to silent begging, wanting Castiel to say something, anything.
“I feel the same, and I have for a while,” Castiel finally spoke, never breaking eye contact. “I admit, I was scared to share how I felt. I understand the Winchester’s long history with the loss of loved ones, and I feared you would have your reservations about entering a relationship with me. I, too, have some reservations.”
(Y/N) nodded. The Winchesters had a lengthy list of enemies, most of whom would gain immense pleasure from causing as much pain to them as possible, even if it meant they took the lives of the ones they loved most. Being the lover of a Winchester wasn’t for the faint of heart. It was a death sentence. 
“I understand. But, Cas,” (Y/N) reached up and caressed his cheek, thumb brushing gently against his stubble. “I hate to admit it, but I think it took my brothers locking us up in my room to finally realize that I would rather live a short life with you than any life without you.”
Castiel leaned against his touch. His hand reached up to brush his fingertips.
“May I kiss you?” His voice flowed smoothly, like a river.
(Y/N) smiled. “I would be offended if you didn’t.”
Their lips met and, at first, it felt as if they began to float. Then, the spark. The same spark one only seemed to read out in romance novels or those trashy films Dean claimed to hate. A spark of love, adoration, passion, and lust. It was as if all the words left behind spoke loudly in that kiss. Everything they wanted to say, everything they wanted to hear, was translated into the movements of their lips.
When they broke away, they were breathless, faces flushed, pupils blown. Their mouths moved like they wanted to say something more, but it was lost in their need for one another. They had a silent understanding of what they desired. They kissed again feverishly and fell back onto the bed. 
“Think they’ve been in there long enough?” Dean asked as he chewed on a mouthful of popcorn.
Sam tore his eyes away from the movie for a second to look at his watch. He shrugged. “It’s been almost an hour and a half. We can go see what happened.”
Dean nodded and used the sleeve of his flannel to wipe the butter from his lips. He paused the movie and both brothers stood.
“You remember the rules of the bet?” Dean asked as they made their way down the hallway.
“If (Y/N) confessed first, you owe me twenty, and if Cas confessed first, I owe you twenty.”
“And if they haven’t confessed yet, the bet is off until they do.”
“Do you really think they’ll do it if they’re forced to?”
“Do you have any other ideas?” Dean asked with raised brows. “The last two things we tried got us nowhere. We know they love each other, they just have to admit it. I think having some time alone together should do the trick.”
“Yeah, but we forced them into that situation. I don’t know about you, but that wouldn’t really put me in the romantic mood.”
“You just know I’m going to win the bet.”
“You’re delusional if you think Cas is going to confess first.”
“Come on, have you seen (Y/N) try and talk about his feelings? He can’t do it!”
“Neither can Cas! If anything, Cas is worse about feelings.”
“Look, all I’m saying is-”
“Oh, Cas!”
The brothers froze as their wide eyes shot towards the end of the hallway where (Y/N)’s door sat. It was silent as they waited to see if anything else would happen. When they heard nothing, they began to make their way to the door, slower that time. As they got closer, a rhythmic thump resounded inside the concrete walls, growing louder as they neared. When they were a couple of feet from the room, they stopped. 
“Fuck, Cas! Harder, please!” The unmistakable moans rang out in the wall. Sam and Dean’s eyes grew wider.
“Say my name,” their friend’s voice was practically unrecognizable by the way it growled out the words.
(Y/N)’s loud cry was enough to break Sam and Dean out of their daze. Without a second thought, they turned and scurried down the hallway and out of range from the sounds that were sure to scar them for years to come.
As the sound of rapid footsteps resonated down the hallway and slowly vanished, a sly smirk fell upon (Y/N)’s lips. He glanced over at Castiel, who sat perched on some of the pillows, fully clothed. Once the footsteps were gone, (Y/N) seized the shaking of the headboard and took his spot next to Castiel on the bed. Castiel lifted his arm and (Y/N) was quick to snuggle against him. 
“That should keep them away for a while,” (Y/N) hummed.
“Why was it necessary for them to believe we were having intercourse?” Castiel asked.
“Not only so they would leave us alone, but it’s the first part of the revenge plan I have in store for them for locking us in here.”
“You know, if they hadn’t locked us in here, then we would have never told each other how we felt.”
“Stop trying to justify their actions,” he grumbled.
Castiel smiled and pressed a soft kiss to (Y/N)’s temple. “I, for one, am thankful for their decision.”
“Don’t let them hear you say that, or you’ll never hear the end of it.”
“So I’ve come to notice.” Castiel chuckled.
(Y/N) copied his laugh as he wrapped an arm around Castiel’s torso and one leg around his to nuzzle closer. Castiel rested his cheek atop (Y/N)’s head.
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” (Y/N) said with a content sigh.
Castiel reached down and softly pressed a kiss on his cheek. “The moments I spend with you make it seem like forever isn’t enough.”
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Dean Winchester
Head canons
Castiel Novak
Head canons
Head canons
Sam Winchester
Head canons
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m4ng0-gh0st · 7 months
I'm taking requests! (For male reader only!!)
Characters I will do:
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
(Can do both twins in one fic)
Neville Longbottom
James Potter (Young)
Remus Lupin (Young or adult)
Sirius Black (Young or adult)
Severus Snape (Young or adult)
Lucius Malfoy (Adult)
Hogwarts Legacy:
Amit Thakkar
Ominis Gaunt
Stranger things:
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
(Might be willing to do Robin Buckley but wlw fix only)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Micheal (Not other world Micheal)
Adam Milligan
Penny dreadful:
Victor Frankenstein
Ethan Chandler
Good Omens
Ineffable Husbands
All others I won't do (Mostly because I'm not confident in doing them)
Things that I will do:
Reverse comfort
Things I will NOT do:
Angst (Not confident in but there can be just a tad bit of angst)
Noncon (Any form of it I'm very uncomfortable with noncon)
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river13245 · 10 months
The Angels Protector
Navigation / Castiel Masterlist
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The sun had started to go down as you were driving back to the bunker. You had one job and that was to find a way to bring Jack back. Castiel had a special relationship with Jack he was like his own son and you had noticed the toll it had started to take on him when he died.
You knew about how Jack had killed Mary and had done things because the angels were using him. But the Jack that you knew wouldn't do something like that. So you were determined to find out how to bring him back so you could help him.
Dean would be so pissed with you but you could deal with him later when he did end up finding out. Right now you just wanted to get to the bunker and crawl into bed and just hope that your angel of a boyfriend would get into bed with you.
After an hour you had pulled up in front of the bunker. You grab your bag and throw it over your shoulder and start to walk in. What you heard when you entered made you place your bag by the door and walk into the living room.
You see Dean with his arms crossed looking at Cas and your boyfriend looks frustrated. Dean is looking at him as if he cant stand to look at him. Cas was explaining to him about how he had to do what he did even when he knew it would mess up the plan.
Of course Dean wasn't listening to him since he only cared about what he thought was right. What caught you off guard was when Dean looked straight at Cas and said "you know we do sometimes have plans fail and we have problems. But you always seem to be the cause of all these problems" There's a pause and your boyfriend speaks "what are you saying Dean?"
Dean was predictable he always lashed out at other people when things didnt go his way. You knew where this was headed so you look over at him and shake your head warning him to not finish what he was going to say. It didnt stop him. "You didnt tell us that Jack had been acting strange and then he killed my mom. You didnt stick to the plan and look where its gotten us. You are the problem Cas"
The glare you had on Dean could kill him if looks could kill. Castiel stood there and took it because he knew that what he said was partially true. But wouldn't you want to protect your kid and make sure that you were right before causing everyone to attack them. He also believed that he was the problem. Hell he spent most of the years doing everything he could to help just so he could fight that voice in his head.
A minute or so passes and Castiel just turns around and walks straight past you and to the door. "where are you going?" Dean asks and Cas looks back at him "Jacks gone, everyone is out doing their own things. Its time I leave especially when my time here is done" He leaves it at that and walks out and Dean doesnt try to stop him.
Dean goes to the kitchen and grabs a beer and then asks if you would like one. That sets you off because he just acts as if nothing happened. "are you fucking serious right now?" a scoff escapes you as you try to control yourself. Its not often you let out any anger or snap at people. You and Dean were very similar you just handled your anger better than he did and were more emotional.
He looks at you a little surprised by your outburst. "Yes I'm serious its not my problem he left after screwing us over" This causes you to walk straight up to him and punch him in the face. The skin and bone that hits your knuckles hurt but damn does it satisfy you. Dean doesn't try to even hit back. Not that he has the time too because your already speaking to him in such a tone that would make anyone shiver.
Looking up at him you defend your boyfriend who wouldnt do it himself because he cares to much about what dean and everyone else thinks of him. "Castiel does his best to keep the two of you safe. Yes does he sometimes fail but so have you guys. You have been too late to save Sam and vice versa. Hell other poeple have died to save your asses. Castiel has done so much good for you, for us, for the world. He turned his back on the angels and god himself after he spent who knows how many years he has spent loyal to them. He stays awake for days just to make sure there is always a way that all of this ends well for all of us. So ill be damned if you ever speak that way to him or about him like that again. Next time you ever tell him that he is the cause of all the shit things that have happened you will be on the floor"
Dean who is your best friend just stares at you. As if he is contemplating on what to say but turns out he doesn't have to cause Sam had heard everything and he clears his throat. Turning your head you look over at him and Sam and he is giving you a apologetic look. "y/n Dean he just-" you cut him off by shaking your head and grabbing your bag. "don't try to apologize for him."
When you get to the door you look back "I love you boys. You guys are my family but ill be damned if you talk to someone that i love like that."
When you get your things into the car you start to head home. You could only hope that Castiel would be there. He wasn't home often because he was always out and you were always helping someone with something but you knew he wasn't feeling the greatest right now.
Your angel he wasn't fragile by any means because man did he look good beating the shit out of someone. However that doesn't mean that he doesn't feel things, he's an emotional man and you love that about him because so are you. he's better at keeping them in check than you are but you wanted to spend tonight taking care of him.
As you arrive to your cabin that the both of you had found empty a few months ago during a case you cant help but just hope that he was there somewhere. When you walk in and close the door there's no sign of life anywhere. "damnit Cas"
Walking to your bedroom you put your bag down and then go back down to the kitchen and make a sandwich for you and for Cas. Even with knowing that he didn't have to eat you still liked to include him and he would also always go along with it just to spend time with you. Once you place the sandwiches on a plate you close your eyes and you begin to speak to your boyfriend hoping he would come to you.
Taking a deep breath you begin "Castiel, my angel, come home please. I made food and can put on a movie" You weren't really good with words something in common you had with the Winchester brother but you hoped it was enough.
When you open your eyes to see he hadn't come a sigh leaves you and you go and pick out a movie to watch. One that you have watched hundreds of times but haven't seen in a while. So as you sit down you hear a voice from the door way. "y/n"
Your name that's the only thing you need to hear to know that he isn't doing well. The way his voice is strained as if he had been forcing so many emotions down. Looking over you see how small he looks as if the world is weighing on his shoulders. As you place down your plate of sandwiches you hold out your arms and he walks to you and sits beside you resting his head on your chest. "Castiel I'm so sorry"
He shakes his head and then looks at you and kisses your cheek "its not your fault. He is right I should have found better ways to help instead of-" You place your hands on his and squeeze them "don't think like that. You did everything right you cant control everything. Not even god himself can"
In return he squeezes your hand "I just hate that I cant do more. But I don't know what else to do. I'm so lost" You bring your hands to the sides of his face gently and nods. "well how about we eat and watch this movie. Let us both relax for a little while hm?"
"yeah that would be fine" He sits back and gets comfortable then you yourself get comfortable and play the movie. As it starts to play you hear a small laugh escape from the man behind you. "How to lose a guy in 10 days again really?"
"you love this movie and you know it" The angel smirks at your words and throughout the movie his eyes never leave the screen while your mind runs a thousand miles per minute. Even as you start to fall asleep but before you do you place a soft kiss to his lips. "you know i would do anything for you right?" He nods "i know y/n. Sam told me what you did after i left. You didnt have to"
A scoff escapes you as your hand rests on his side. "i know i didnt have to but Dean had no right coming at you like that"
"Dean means well he just. i dont know. we will figure it out tomorrow. Right now you need sleep" he says and you nod in response and close your eyes.
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lyssak09 · 1 year
Hey could i request a casifer fic with a trans male reader (He/They prns) pls?
Yandere Casifer with Trans!reader
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Edit: I read the request wrong but it was too late for me to change it 😭. So instead of a fic you get headcannons, sorry. I hope you still enjoy it though
Castiel probably knew you because of the Winchesters and fell for you hard
He didn't understand these feelings for you but he was happy to learn about them.
Cas didn't really understand what you being trans meant. But after a looooot of scoldings and lessons from the boys, he finally understands and uses the correct pronouns.
Now, Lucifer probably met you because of the insufferable 'Team Free Will', but he was intrigued by you.
As we know, Castiel asks Lucifer for help to save you guys. Especially you.
After Lucifer said yes and took over he got to watch you more. And as he played the role of Castiel they both started to become obsessed with you. And eventually Lucifer convinced Cas that they should take you somewhere far away.
Also, Lucifer definitely used to deadname you and use your wrong pronouns because he didn't understand you being trans at all. He did this even when he was in Cas, he almost blew his cover because of it but Cas explained it to him and corrected him.
Eventually Castiel and Lucifer lured you to your new permanent home by having you go on a falsified hunt.
You didn't understand what was happening. Then Lucifer let his act go.
You were angry and scared. This terrifying archangel was in your bestfriend's body. And Cas didn't seem as freaked out as you!
But, then Lucifer pulled a classic villain monologue and explained that Cas originally just asked for his help but as time went Lucifer became as obsessed with you as Cas is. So why not save the world and get a reward out of it?
And you're a damn good reward.
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Once they have you Lucifer starts trying to find a separate vessel. In the meantime though, the two make a schedule for when they can control Cas's body to be with you.
Castiel is a naive, obsessive, delusional, and slightly posessive yandere. He is also very touchy and is obvious about.
On the other hand, Lucifer is a possessive, obsessive, needy yandere. Not that he would admit he's needy.
He is also very touchy but doesn't admit it, he always trys to make it like you're the one desperate for his touch and the other way around.
He is very very very desperate for your touch and attention.
They both make an effort to help you with your transition, whatever it may be.
Castiel doesn't really understand that what he's doing is wrong, especially with Lucifer manipulating him.
No matter how hard you try to convince them to let you go, it won't happen.
If you do escape somehow, you better hope Cas is in control when they find you. He'll be a bit more gentle with bringing you home and punishing you.
But if Lucifer is in control, you're screwed.
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I'm sorry this is so short but I desperately needed to get something posted. I will hopefully be making a part 2 to this though!
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