#the spoilers on tik tok is crazy
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wrinklemcdinkle · 1 year ago
guys idk why everyone is predicting that someone is gonna die in hazbin hotel but based on the clips of all the songs and spoilers i’ve seen on tik tok i think angel dust is going to die
but i think his soul will come back in heaven because in that song where they called heaven out on their bs they said he did all the things that a soul needed to do to be worthy of heaven.
then he’ll be cool and have wings and nobody will be truly dead- easy win
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thepersassiest · 1 month ago
in honor of the death of tik tok, enjoy my favorite video to ever come of that cursed app
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theloveinc · 7 months ago
I think I’ve just been in a bummy mood for the past couple days but like …
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certifiedlovergirlsstuff · 2 years ago
spider society
pairing: miles morales x gn!spidey (platonic)
WC: 3.3K
warnings: cursing and slight spoilers!
summary: a new friend is welcomed but is quick to become foe.
A/N: SPOILER WARNING FOR ATSV!!!! i wrote this in a day and on little sleep, so that will explain if this is terrible. also barely proofread so apologies for any writing errors. i did the best i could for the scene based on memory and clips from tik tok.
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the lobby was crowded. like always. spider people here, there, everywhere. floor to ceiling as they traversed to their different destinations whether that be another dimension to fix anomalies or just the food court to get some lunch.
your headphones covered your ears to keep the loud conversations at bay as you mind your business. nothing to do, just tapping finger to finger in random patterns as you observed everyone with your background music. with your eyes landing near the entrance of the building you saw gwen and hobie, along with someone you’d never met before but excited for the new face. literally new face.
“gwen! hobie!” you shouted after pushing the bulky headphones down to your neck before rushing towards them. they waved you close to them, gwen with a friendly smile and hobie with his watchful eyes but only filled with kindness.
you stopped before the three of them and gave the two of them quick hugs before they could make any objections. attention now on the new person. his was tall and lean and looked a few years younger than you. black kid with curly hair and wandering dark eyes.
“hi, i’m y/n l/n. or spidey or spider, if you want. but best to use my name since we’re all spiders.” mouth moving on its own. “sorry. just haven’t seen a new face or person in a little bit. no offense to the peter’s,” you leaned closer to his face and he leaned away slightly from the intrusion, “but there are too many of him. and a lot of them sound closely the same.”
“don’t let peter hear that.” gwen joke. she gave a quick nudge to her quiet friend. “this is miles morales.”
“h-hi. yeah, i’m miles. nice to meet you, this place is just… wow.” head turning in all directions to get the full scope.
“yeah, kinda crazy. but miguel worked hard to make all this happen for us. kinda nice to physically see you're not alone in the fight.”
“speaking of-“ gwen got cut off by miles glitching out and dropping to the floor in pain. you knelt with him and touched his shoulder. “he doesn’t have a watch?” frantic as you check his wrist for the bulky device but not finding it. gwen bit her lip but avoided eye contact and looked at someone behind you.
“here,” you heard the motherly voice of jessica drew, “day pass.” and saw how miles caught the flimsy band before slipping it on.
“why don’t we get some food?” trying to break the sudden tension jessica brought with her. but before anyone could agree or disagree with your idea, she spoke up. “actually the three…” her eyes lingered on you and the touch of your hand to miles’s shoulder, “the four of you need to see miguel. it’s urgent.”
you didn’t like that. you don’t like it whenever miguel calls for you and it’s not for a job. you tried making an excuse, “actually, i should get-“ “don’t lie your way out, y/n. just follow the rules.” jessica commanded.
she started to walk away, then gwen and hobie followed after her. “hey,” miles tried to make eye contact. you felt like shrinking into yourself. “don’t worry. i’m sure it’ll be fine.”
you knew it wasn’t but didn’t bother. a weary smile, “why don’t we stop by the food court?” fingers circling his wrist as you tugged him along. “miguel loves the empanadas and it wouldn’t hurt to keep him on the nice side.” miles happily agreed.
the walk to miguel’s ‘office’ was always dark and quiet. too quiet, the sound of just your breathing and footsteps sounding like blaring sirens that bounced off the walls. you hated the walk. instinctively you wore your headphones over your ears and played something, but at a low volume to still hear miles and hobie converse. gwen led your group, her back the only thing you saw as she didn’t bother with facing any of you. she felt closed off.
you eyed hobie as he nicked bits and pieces from walls, tables, and junk. you didn’t stop him like miles was trying, just watching with pure curiosity, wondering what he was up to. always doing something to rebel.
miles turned to you and you saw his mouth moving, but only faintly heard his words. pausing the music and moving the device back to your neck you asked him to repeat his sentence.
“so, how does one get recruited for this spider society?” he held the to-go box in both hands. his thumbs rubbing at the top in a nervous sort of gesture.
“i- i don’t think you’d like it very much.” not wanting miles to be stuck like the rest of you. “catching anomalies is very annoying. and very busy. wouldn’t you like to stay in your dimension? with your friends and family?” voice going soft and melancholy. fingers toying with the device at your wrist.
you didn’t notice how miles eyes softened from your tone or how gwen looked fully over her shoulder towards you, knowing the true meaning of your words. and hobie continued to knick bits.
“well…” miles tried to restart the conversation, “i mean. at least with the watch, i can visit my friends. i can hang out with you more.” a playful nudge to your arm pulled a smile. a new friend, you liked the thought.
“why not just make your own watch?” hobie commented. he broke something off a defective project and stuffed it into his vest pocket. “you look smart enough to build from scraps.” he kicked his thick boots at objects in his path.
“i wanna do this by the rules. by the books.” he shrugged his shoulders. face looking just a bit glum.
“are either of your parents' cops?” a simple question you posed.
he looked confused but still answered, “my dad. gonna be captain soon.” he smiled down at the ground. he must be very proud of his family.
now you nudge his shoulder, “well, i bet your dad is proud of you. knowing or not knowing. but sometimes, you shouldn’t play by the book.” a hushed whisper.
“aye, y/n!” hobie slapped his hands on your shoulders, “that’s what i like to hear! screw the system. do what you need to do, my guy.”
“guys!” gwen raised her voice, “please can we just-“ she trailed her sentence off with a tilt of her head. the four of you were getting closer.
“miles, just remember,” hobie leaned towards miles, “don’t join the establishment until you know what you’re fighting for.”
the hallway widened out and when you looked up, miguel had his back turned as he stood on his platform. miles looked to gwen and she held a hand up, “yeah. i know, but it’s his thing. so just…” and she trailed off again.
gwen and miles walked further into the light as you and hobie stayed near the dark. hobie situated himself along the wall, fingers playing with whatever he got his hands on. you leaned beside him with your arms crossed over your chest and hip cocked. just from this show alone, you know miles is in for a miguel tantrum.
“how’s it been?” eyes on hobie, “um… okay.” you picked at the nylon of your suit, “sometimes if i’m bored, i go to other places. they let me as long as i don’t cause trouble. sorry i haven’t visited recently.” a twist to your lips.
hobie waved you off, “ain’t a problem. pop by whenever. gwendys around most times.”
your heads turned when miguel raised his voice and threw the food box to the ground. you pushed away from the wall and walked closer to the light.
“what’d i do?” “miguel. it’s not his fault.” miles and gwen’s voices mixed. you heard a thwip and turned to see hobie stealing the free food.
“he’s screwed everything up! just like doctor strange and that little nerd from earth-1999999.” miguel pinched his nose bridge.
“i visited there once. interesting place.” miles seemed to be the only one intrigued by your story. “they have this group called the avengers.” eyes widening at the word.
“are they like a band?” miles cocked his head. “no earth’s mightiest-“
“who the hell cares!”
you flinched at the boom of miguel’s voice and slinked back into the dark shadows by hobie. automatically he threw an arm over your shoulder and pulled you to his side.
“someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he muttered. you wanted to comment but felt if you even made a peep miguel would be on your ass. hobie, always the kind friend, noticed your silence and slipped your headphones back on. you didn’t need music at the moment just something to muffle the noise.
eyes watched how miguel and miles spoke. their bodies tense, miguel using his looming height advantage to have more authority. mile's lanky arms fling about and look from gwen to miguel. with your headphones, you couldn’t hear, but you saw how miles turned around and his face was graced with a smile as he ran to someone.
“oh great. humbling reality spider-man has joined.” hobie’s words muffled before you made your ears free again.
you saw peter parker, peter b parker, as he liked to be called. he and miles shared a hug and you started to look at the walls and ceilings.
“why do you have a baby carrier?” miles pointed at the carrier peter always wore.
“mayday!” you squeal when you see her crawling your way. the two of you were well acquainted since you’ll babysit for peter and mj on short notice. or whenever really, they were such a kind family.
the little bundle of joy yipped when you crouched to her level and pulled her to your chest. her tiny hands setting on your shoulders as her blue and green eyes darted over your face. a gloved hand smoothed some of her flyaways and wind-swept hair.
“you have a baby!” you heard miles. “i have a baby! yeah, it’s crazy kid.” peter sighed.
“how’s my favorite web crawler? huh? causing trouble for your dad?” cooing in a baby voice. pretending she could understand every word and would reply in detail about the chaos she brings. you pinched at her chubby cheeks.
“can we get back to business? serious business?” miguel always brings the mood down.
“you are the only serious spider person. we’re supposed to be funny. throwing quips as we punch bad guys.” peter grumbled and made a mocking tone of miguel. he looked about ready to send everyone away.
“lyla, do the thing.” the computer teased miguel for a moment before doing the thing he asked. she pulled up the web of life and destiny.
“it’s called something very scientific, but i like to just call it the spider web. short and simple.” a side comment to miles. “cool.”
“these are canon events. things that can’t change no matter what or the universe collapses.” getting bit by the spider. uncle ben dying or someone close to you. a captain saving a kid but getting killed in the process.
miguel showed different versions of spider-man in those different scenarios. he specifically showed the spiders mourning the death of captain stacy.
you pressed mayday’s head into your shoulder, not wanting her to see this. you turned to gwen and saw her poker face, but you could see the emotion swimming in her irises. she hadn’t been back to her dimension in a while, always crashing in different spots.
“miles,” you looked away as you bounced the child, “what you did back in pavitr’s reality, it broke canon. that’s what caused the black hole and hopefully, we can stop it. but it doesn’t always happen.”
you felt eyes on you. you didn’t like the sudden attention. but you were starting to get why jessica brought you here. why miguel pointed a finger at you to miles confusion. he wanted you to be on his side.
“y/n… do you want to tell miles what happened?” you ignored him. playing with mayday, knuckles caressing her rosy cheeks. “y/n… the kid needs to understand the importance.” you sighed and pressed a kiss to mayday’s temple.
“understand what?” miles walked closer to you. “y/n? what happened?”
you licked your lips. “my reality is gone. i… i got to love my gwen stacy. i didn’t lose any family or a captain who i was bickering friends with. i- i got to have it all. i ‘broke’ canon, but i don’t believe that crap.”
“y/n…” miguel had a warning tone.
“everything was wonderful. not once after each event happened a giant hole formed until one day it just did. it was just a normal day. gwen and i were having a date at this ice cream shop she loved, she looked so pretty. she always did. we were walking towards the met since she kept saying we needed to visit more.”
you raised mayday above you and flashed a toothy smile. she giggled and you pulled her close to rub noses. a sigh as you continue your story.
“it- it just happened out of nowhere. i can’t even place what the cause would have been. one minute it’s a normal day and then next a black hole a few blocks away which then changed into… reality being eaten away.”
you didn’t notice the tears falling until little hands touched your cheeks. mayday stared and baby babbled. a hand to your shoulder, peter giving a pitying look. you handed his daughter back to him and wiped your tears. done with talking, but miguel finished the story.
“they already had a watch and when i noticed what was happening and the rate it was destroying everything… i managed to pull them out in time. they are the last remnants of their home reality.”
it was quiet. no one was speaking and it still felt too loud.
“but… what’s this got to do with me?” happy that miles pulled the attention back to him.
“you are the first anomaly.” miguel voiced. “your spider bite wasn’t from your dimension, you already had a spider-man. and yet somehow… everything is fine.” he seemed pissed at the simple fact.
“miles in two days your dad is gonna become captain.” gwen spoke. her tone seeping in sorrow.
miles looked around. his face scrunched in confusion and growing anger. then he did another look at the images of different peters with captain stacy. his face was dropping.
“your- you're saying i just have to let my dad die? to- to avoid reality crashing? cause it’s a- a canon event?”
“yes,” miguel replied as if that didn’t sound crazy.
miles turned to gwen, “your dad. he’s a captain right?” she nodded. “you’re just, what? just gonna let him die?” her eyes fell to the floor.
“we have to do things to keep reality stable. it’s not always pretty, but it comes with the cost of being spider-man. you can’t have both.”
“i can! i know i can! i can be spider-man and miles!”
your senses went off just a bit and you took account of all the people starting to crowd the room. this felt wrong. it felt like a trap, and for once you're the bad guys. peter and gwen tried to calm miles down, he was understandably upset at everyone shouting orders at him. you wanted to pull miles away and hide the both of you from miguel and the others. this wasn’t right.
“this will hold you for a few days.” and miguel dropped one of his devices to the floor that changed to a red-screened cage.
“miles!” you rushed to the holoprojection and started to bang your fist along with miles. gwen and peter were bickering with miguel. and hobie popped up beside you with his palms facing miles with a knowing smile.
hobie pulled you away when you started to see the electricity start to spark. then suddenly there was a loud boom and explosion of air. everyone was swept off their feet. hobie was able to keep you upright.
miles stood free and looked at his palms as he panted. he quickly looked your way and you only could say, “run.” and he took off.
“no!” miguel roared.
he started to chase after him, but you shot a web to his feet to slow him down. his crazed eyes widened at your disobedience. “you have no idea what you’ve done.” he extended the red blades from his arms, cutting himself free and rushing out of the room with others following.
your chest was panting with fear and worry. you looked to hobie for help, but he stood in a portal and threw his watch away. “for the record i quit.” and he was gone in the blink of an eye.
you were the only one on miles’s side.
you shot web after web at different spider people. at their feet, wrist, faces, anything to slow them down and give miles enough time to form a plan and execute it. you tried to catch up to him, but a few people gave you a taste of your own medicine and fought you.
you were being held down by one of the many peter parker variants, “stay out of our way!” he shouted as he webbed you uptight. you struggled against the hold but it was no use. so you were left alone once the tower was emptied, you just hoped miles was okay.
you were sure how long you’ve been webbed up. your body started to get that prickly feeling when it wasn’t getting proper blood flow through the body. wiggling your body in the hold, hoping to loosen it, a voice called out.
“y/n?” eyes connected with miles who was hanging upside down on a web. one side of his suit was ripped, but he looked safe.
“oh thank goodness. i tried to catch up, but as you can see, i’ve been webbed.”
miles looked around. when he eyed you again he looked hesitant to free you, you understood. some of his friends that he’s known longer turned on him behind his back. but you knew he was a different case, miguel was just using this canon logic as a cover.
“go miles. i don’t want to keep you from getting home.” a reassuring smile to his tired eyes. but he didn’t leave, he started to pull at the webbing and helped you free.
“let’s go.” he led you to the go-home machine. he was able to go invisible as he worked the computers so you stayed on the ceiling in the dark shadows.
when the machine was up and running he hopped in and called your name. you looked to margo, spider byte, who was busy with lyla as the two tried to stop the stitching process. you dived in and stood beside him, the two of you getting anxious the longer it was taking.
“stop the machine!” miguel was charging forward. you knew margo shouted a comment back without hearing her.
the machine was getting closer, it was about eighty percent closed. you thought you were in the clear, but miguel sunk his blood-red claws into the threading and started to rip at it. you pushed miles behind you, “just let us go, miguel!”
“i can’t do that, y/n! why can’t you understand i’m doing this for everyone’s safety!” he growled. the threading was holding.
“because this canon shit is a lie! if miles wasn’t supposed to be spider-man, his reality would have broken a long time ago! you’re just trying to manipulate everyone!”
your body lifted into the air. it was time to leave. and just before you were gone, you did one more reckless thing. you tore the watch off your wrist and threw it to the ground making it shatter. you stared directly into miguel’s burning eyes.
“i quit.”
a/n2: i actually wrote a little more after this part, but it just didnt end off well. i wrote this from like the hours of 8pm to 6am (i did sleep a little in between dont worry)
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musicalthought · 4 months ago
me seeing hxh spoilers abt gon in the hospital n nen users n kurapika being unhappy//in trouble while only being half way thru the heavens arena arc: there's something bad about to happen to me.
LITERALLY watching gon n killua vibe at the arena n then I log onto like....tik tok n some rando is like "gon is CRAZY n BAD" like .... alright
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jeding-png · 2 years ago
Daaaaaaamn, I'm laughing like crazy!..
(I know it's stupid, just forgive me..)
Didn't I warn you about spoilers from the novel? Then, for those who are left, I present to you Judy and daddy Callisto ♡
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Lol. I watched My Little Pony today, and now I've rediscovered friendship...
I got the idea from this Tik Tok user: lvivski.maky
The original art belongs to SUOL!
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pucktoxicity · 4 months ago
What’s some of the crazy things you have seen some fans do?
OOF. i’ll make a list and include things i haven’t seen but can corroborate too lol.
🥇without a doubt: PIA. i mean, come on, you guys, she has got to take first place. watching that unfold in real time and getting updates from the girls she’d befriended (like the one who originally made the tik toks about it) was BANANAS.
🥈tattoo girl. that’s all. i love the guys as much as the next girl does, but not enough to get their signature put on my body for life.
🥉the pedo (brandon) finally getting banned from prudential center and having a meltdown online, going after team staff and implying jake (our president) and LITERALLY HARRIS AND BLITZER (our owners, who are constantly in the presence of actual famous people and own several massive teams and organizations across several pro sports leagues) are “intimidated” by his “celebrity presence and friendships with the players” (spoiler alert the players hate him) before wiping his socials and acting like it never happened.
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sidebar on the pedo: he used to follow the guys home. i don’t need to say anything else about that piece of shit, creepy, small little manchild.
- not a direct experience for me but a friend of some friends of mine had a grown woman, a literal mother, try and force and guilt trip her out of her seat (that she paid for), so her teenager could have that spot to try and be seen by luke hughes. (she made a tik tok about it lol)
- a girl who dm’ed timo every day at the same time for a year
- some people waited around inside the hotel the guys stayed in prague solely to talk to them (i get wanting to see them, i do, they’re awesome, but please. BOUNDARIES!!!)
there’s definitely more i can’t think of, does anyone have any they know of?
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eyesandtentacles · 2 years ago
People only like Toji because he's attractive
I saw a comment on Tik Tok saying something along those lines and honestly it didn't sit right with me.
Of course, people are free to have their own opinion and you don't have to like Toji, but I believe that there is much more to his character.
So this is a post where I talk about the things that I personally appreciate about Toji Fushiguro. We'll start simple and get deeper as we go on. So strap yourselves in because this is going to be a long one.
Spoilers for the upcoming season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen.
First let me start by saying that yes,
Toji is indeed very attractive
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Look at this fine specimen of a man. No wonder the fandom goes crazy for him.
His design is certainly aesthetically pleasing. The worm curling around his body and the tight shirt and baggy pants he's wearing emphasize his muscles and tiny waist making your eyes run all over him. His black hair falls on his handsome face nicely and the scar on his lips draws attention to it and adds a little bit of spice, just enough to tie this whole meal together.
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He is built like a snack and boy am I hungry!
But enough about his looks. Looks isn't the only thing he has to offer.
Toji has a superhuman body
Similarly to Maki, Toji is affected by Heavenly Restriction. His body is incredibly strong and fast and in exchange he possesses no cursed energy. But he doesn't even need cursed energy to see curses, because his senses are just that sharp and enhanced! He truly is an anomaly and if the jujutsu society recognised his potential instead of abusing him for being different, he would definitely be classified as a special grade sorcerer.
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Dude's a beast so he makes any battle that he takes part in fun and exciting to watch. He also had some interesting matchups allowing him to show off how skilled he is as a fighter.
We got to see him battle with Gojo,Geto and a disaster curse, all of them considered special grade and he won all but one of his encounters with them. However, that one loss was from the second battle with Gojo AKA the strongest sorcerer alive, who he almost killed on their first one, so that shows how superior his combat skills can really be.
But Toji doesn't only depend on his body to do the work.
Toji is smart
When tasked with the mission to kill Riko Amanai, instead of charging in right away, he simply sits and waits while others try their hand on the assassination.
But why is Toji waiting?
It's because he knows that Gojo is protecting this girl and he knows what he is capable off, so he chose to take things slow. By putting the money reward for the job on the internet and offering it to anyone who was successful in killing the target, he ensured that the protection squad would be constantly on edge. He even put a time limit on the offer to deceive them into believing that they only needed to be careful for a certain amount of time. As a result, when the time limit had passed and the group let their guard down Toji striked by putting a sword through Gojo's chest, an attack that would be lethal if it weren't faced with such a strong opponent.
He also took advantage of the fact that his lack of cursed energy makes him invisible to the security system of Jujutsu High and to the sorcerers around him. He made sure that his first strike against Gojo was with a normal sword and switched to a cursed tool when the surprise attack didn't work.
But where did that tool come from? And if it has cursed energy wouldn't it be detected?
Well that's where the worm comes in....
So basically, in order to keep the advantage of being invisible due to the lack of cursed energy and to always have weapons available, Toji keeps this cursed spirit on his stomach and whenever he needs something he simply vomits it out and does his thing. Kinda gross but very effective.
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Honestly it's terrifying how this man can use his body and anything else that is available to quickly come up with a strategy to kick your ass. Being his opponent must be a total nightmare since Toji is brutal and cares only about one thing and that is money.
Or maybe there is something more........
Toji cares about his family
Now I know what you're going to say and I agree.
Toji is a terrible father.
Not only did he abandon his son but he also sold him to the Zenins. That ain't exactly father of the year material. Despite this, there are moments that show that he loves his family.
One of those moments is when he recalls Megumi and that he was the one who named him. I refuse to believe that Toji woke up and chose a random name for his son, especially since Megumi means Blessing so he must have put some thought into it.
Additionally, in his dying moments he thought about his son and his wife and it was obvious that it's a memory that's dear to him. At first he chose to not say anything when asked about his last words, but changed his mind when he remembered Megumi, informing Gojo that he will be sold in the Zenin family and to do with that as he pleases. That ensured Gojo taking Megumi under his care and protection.
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Another moment is when Toji is back as a mindless puppet in Shibuya, fighting purely on instinct the strongest person in the room and when that person happened to be Megumi he froze, his eyes literally softening at the sight of his boy and he regained control long enough to ask a question and then kill himself to ensure that he won't bring him any more harm.
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But wait, you may ask, if he cares this much about Megumi why did he abandon and sell him?
Well the answer to that is a simple but sad one.
Toji is a broken man
Toji is a Zenin, a member of one of the most important clans in jujutsu society. But because he was born with no cursed energy he was abused by the family and left it completely unstable.
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Look at this panel. His eyes look so empty and tired. This was before he left from the clan and started to work as an assassin.
However, even while he was away from this toxic environment, the damage had been done. Toji definitely had issues regarding his self-worth. He kept trying to prove that someone like him can be strong and defeat sorcerers. He referred to himself as a ''useless monkey who can't even use jujutsu''. He kept saying while selling his son that unlike him, his son had potential since he had a cursed technique.
And in the end, in the battle that led to his death, instead of fleeing, he chose to stay and fight because he was facing Gojo and being able to crush him, the strongest sorcerer alive, would discredit the society that deemed him worthless.
His trauma caused him to ignore his survival instincts and led to his demise.
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This trauma was also the reason why he abandoned and sold Megumi. When he met his wife, Toji was able to calm down and become a bit more stable. He loved and really cared about this woman. But she died soon after Megumi was born, leaving Toji once again unstable but with a baby in his care.
At this point, his issues about his worth once again kicked in and he probably felt that he wouldn't be able to raise his son properly. So he sold him to the Zenin family, promising them that the kid would develop a good cursed technique and asking them to take care of him. In his mind, the place that he grew up would be better for Megumi since he had potential.
I'm guessing that before dying he realised that that environment would still be bad even for Megumi so he told Gojo about the deal maybe because he was hopeful that Gojo would help the kid. And of course that's exactly what happened.
So when Toji appears once again in Shibuya and comes face to face with Megumi he asks him a simple question.
What's your name?
And when Megumi replied with Fushiguro instead of Zenin I'm sure that that made Toji feel happy and relieved.
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All of this of course doesn't excuse any of his actions but it certainly explains them.
And all of his actions had some effect on the story.
Toji is an important part of the plot
Before he even appears in the anime, Toji has already made his impact. He was considered an anomaly and his mere existence was bound to affect the story in some way.
There were so many moments where we see how he affected it.
By almost killing Gojo, he made him realise his full potential and become the strongest.
By killing Riko Amanai, he caused Geto's spiral and existential crisis leading him to leave Jujutsu High and become a villain, only to later die and have his body used by Kenjaku for his big plan.
By killing Riko Amanai, he also stopped the merging with Master Tengen, something that had massive consequences and would be taken advantage of by Kenjaku in the future.
By telling Gojo about Megumi, he caused Gojo to take him under his protection, training him and raising him with much more care that the Zenin family ever would.
All of these moments are vital.
All of them caused by him.
Toji was an important piece to the whole puzzle of this story and without him Jujutsu Kaisen would not be complete.
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And just like that, we have reached the end.
Once again I'd like to say that you can believe whatever you want about Toji but simply reducing him to just an attractive character is a bit of a disservice to him, no?
Apologies for the chaotic writing I have way too many thoughts and can't articulate them properly.
Thank you to anyone who has read this far <3
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theforgottenmcrmy · 8 months ago
live reactions to house of the dragon season 2, episode 5
as always, these are just my opinions🖤
(spoilers below the cut)
Oof, even the recap of the battle still hurts🥲
I have subtitles on, and I just love how the intro says “(epic theme playing)”
Lord Cregan and Lady Jeyne spotted in the tapestry?👀
Corlys pleaseee, I’ve tried to be strong for a whole week. Don’t do this to me.😭
I’m so conflicted with the fact that he might have stepped out on Rhaenys at some point, because it’s so evident that he loved her greatly.
Such a dumb PR move by the Greens. Thats all I’ll say.
You can literally HEAR one of the small folk ask, “they killed a dragon?👀”
Rhaenyra WILL answer this 🔥
Meleys, you deserved so much more💔
And just WHAT do they think they will do with Rhaenys’s body?!?!?! (If that’s what’s in that cart)
The irony of Alicent’s favorite child now becoming something she can no longer control…
Oh shit, wait- is that…. Surely it’s not-
You’re seriously trying to tell me there was NO other way to get Aegon back into the castle?!?! Seriously? If you insisted parading Meleys’s head around for the small folk, you at least could have brought Aegon into the keep by a back gate or SOMETHING.
And now that I’m thinking about it, what the hell did Aemond say when he returned back without Aegon? What did he tell Alicent?
Wowwwwwww. I knew Aemond was cold, but I guess I didn’t realize HOW cold he’d become. Imagine dracarys’ing your brother, then coming back to gloat over his burned body and announcing the obvious that someone will have to rule in his stead,
They seriously just LEFT Sunfyre there?!?!?! And what the hell does Cole mean? Is he dead?😭
“Our largest dragon has been killed” yes BUT so was Rhaenys?!
Seriously though, all these men talk a big game about battles that haven’t truly occurred in DECADES.
I’m really hoping the swap the sacking of King’s Landing for Rook’s Rest. Quite frankly I don’t think I can take another emotional blow this season.
I love Jace and Baela’s dynamic so much.
Real talk though, would the Brackens or anyone else for that matter even be able to hear Daemon over Caraxes and the horses?😂
Mmmmm, Fried Bracken.
“I did not think they would be so eager to die.”💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 Please, why is Daemon so unintentionally hilarious this season.
Not Daemon of all people making a decent attempt at ceasing a centuries long feud-
The Vale 💙 🕊️
Yep, Lady Jeyne is Rhaenyra’s kin alright.
Mysaria is right on point. And I’m loving seeing Rhaenyra putting her trust in others again🙌🏻
Go Elinda go go go
Why do I feel like whatever is going to happen with Corlys will not go well…
Oh Lordy, Alys is feeling creative tonight isn’t she…
My favorite WHAT?!?!?! 🤮🤮🤮
I wouldn’t be hungry either, the FUCK
“His family’s wealth” I’m sorry Ser Simon STRONG, is that not your family too?
I love their banter, that’s the hell😂
“The obvious choice is immediate successor, Aemond.” OH, so Aemond IS his heir? Almost exactly like I said on a tik tok i’d made, only for some people to argue with me that the Greens would have Jaehaera inherit before him? (Even though doing so would be hypocritical to their entire cause)
Ser Crispy, you can kiss any chance with Alicent you ever had goodbye 👋🏻
Aemond doesn’t miss a beat, immediately hopping to business. I’m weak as hell.
Alicent’s having a panic attack rn, isn’t she?
The dog😭💔
“What he has somehow become” girl be so fr. As if YOUR lack of investment and attention to him, and your willingness to ignore Aegon’s awful treatment of him for years (that you damn well knew plenty about) played absolutely NO roll in Aemond becoming what he is…
Cole’s been sipping some of Alicent’s delulu tea. He REALLY thought he was sparing her by stabbing her in the back to support Aemond as regent instead.🤡🤡🤡
What’s with the Frey’s and them ALWAYS EATING whenever they’re conducting business?
It’s realllllly fucking crazy to think that (show) Jace is bargaining away his OWN INHERITANCE and he doesn’t even know it like🫥🫥🫥
Even crazier for the Freys to think they were just going to be given Harrenhal without declaring for Rhaenyra.
If Daemon knows she’s a witch, why is he so keen to play buddy buddy with Alys literally every damn chance he gets? Sus.
Ugh, I hope Daemon has a moment of clarity. This change from FOB is NOT it.
I’m confused, I could’ve sworn Corlys was already named Hand.
Baela🖤🖤🖤 The icon, the legend. We love you.
“I am blood and fire. Driftmark must pass to salt and sea.” GODS could you be any more bad ass like-
Rhaenyra using See Alfred’s own subconscious opinion of her and her abilities against him in order to get him to do what she wants😂 you sure you aren’t a direct descent of Margaery Tyrell, ma’am?
Ser Simon’s probably thinking “would you like to regain control of this situation at any point, or…?”
Nice touch to have Rhaenyra with a lady (who is not the usual tone) who’s tugging a bit too much at her hair, since Elinda is busy off in King’s Landing.
Helaena KNOWS
Alicent sitting at Aegon’s beside, as she once did for Viserys…
Not the “mummy”😭💔💔💔
“Will you fly before Vhaegar as Luke did?” Ma’am, that was TOO COLD💀😭
So is Sunfyre really gone then?😭 What the hell, these changes are starting to irk me.
Did not miss that Rhaena had an off-screen attempt to claim a dragon.
If only Sam from GOT had a dragon😂
Dragonseeds, here we go…
Glad to see they didn’t cut the mob scene with Helaena and Alicent from the trailer, but I’m curious to see the context of it now since it wasn’t during Jaehaerys’s funeral.
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ovenstavern · 10 months ago
oh. my. goodness. its like 3am in my area and i just finished a nightlong binge on the manhwa, Secret Alliance by Creator Lero. if i had to put it into a genre, i’d say its a psychological thriller, and…
ho. ly. shit.
i was never a visual novel or “comics” person, but holy fuck. this blew me away. i discovered a tik tok about it, with the nutshell plot of “stalker crossdresses as a girl to stalk his object of attraction, who is afraid of men” and quickly gained an interest. but as i read further into the manhwa, it was so much more than that.
before i get into the details, i warn that the manhwa has dark topics such as stalking, obsession, attempted suicide, assault, sexual harassment, and trauma. the ramble (and spoilers) is gonna be below the cut. stay safe and healthy yall
okay. ho. ly. shit.
so, i don’t even know where to begin. the first few chapters introduce our main characters, eun sian and chae “yuri”. right off the bat, you quickly realize eun sian’s intense fear of men. you can already tell that she has some trauma with men, and as you continue to read, you find that her paranoid mother perpetuates and reinforces that fear; a helicopter parent to the extreme.
not only that, you can immediately detect that something isnt quite right with chae yuri (even before it was revealed he was a guy).
i dont really wanna explain the whole story in its entirety, as i believe its a story best experienced. but what i will go into is the amount of love that was poured into this story. it still astounds me
the characters are complex, and their personalities and actions are deeply rooted in the trauma that they went through. eun sian and chae yuri’s relationship is so toxic and wrought with manipulation and co-dependent, and it was written so well. it beautifully illustrates how two people that come from two different, but toxic households often can find themselves in a toxic relationship for the both of them, as they have no other reference for love.
and speaking of relationships, yujin’s and eun sian’s relationship makes me want to squeal and giggle and they’re just so cute!! i loveee at the beginning, yujin subverts our expectations and ends up being a playboy who loves the feeling of being wanted. it gives him sm room for development, and makes his relationship with eun sian so much sweeter.
yujin and eun sian make a deal that he helps her get over her fear of men, while eun sian helps yunjin get together with chae yuri. in the earliest stages of their relationship, you can tell that yujin was able to ground eun sian and reassure her when needed. even beneath his playboy exterior, his caring nature shone through, especially for her. meanwhile, eun sian makes yujin want to be better for her (and if you seen a very old post, you know how i feel about that). i loved their friendship at the beginning, and i loved their romance at the end. they’re so healthy for each other and im glad they got together in the end
and speaking of the ending?????? sjdkdndkddjjdksjdsknsnz. i loved it so. much. it was just so fulfilling. i won’t spoil it, but it touched my soul to its very core, and i couldnt think of a more satisfying note to leave it off of.
the depiction of trauma felt very realistic and well written too. eun sian’s breakdowns felt so well done, and not once did it feel like the story was calling her “crazy” or “hysterical” even if other characters told her that she was. and actually, all the relationships felt so realistic, its astounding.
and the character development was so… empowering. it was amazing to watch the moments eun sian take back the parts of herself that her abusers took, it was amazing to watch yujin transform from a playboy to a golden retriever boyfriend. i just… love love love!!
i do wish they delved into yujin’s backstory a lil more, gave hyunee (the best friend) a more influential role, and did some more with yunjin’s blackmail when he found out about chae yuri, but all in all, i loved it. i started reading at 11, and kept reading til 3. its an absolute page turner, and extreme kudos to the artist(s) and writer(s)! you have my respect
to those who want to read it, the sites i read the manhwa either has a subscription service, or an insane amount of porn ads and porn pop up browser tabs. just for viewer discretion. if it sounds like yall can deal, please read! you won’t regret it. ill definitely be revisiting this manhwa again and again. its that good
have a wonderful day yall! im finally gonna get some sleep
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charlottehuff · 1 year ago
So I am finally reading Manacled
I avoided it for a long time even tho it was constantly acclaimed by both HP fans and BookTok. I'm just not a dramione girly, I am also not into big fics, I used to love reading but I barley have time anymore so I prefer shorter fics that I can finish within a couple of days when my urge to read arises. So I just oushed it aside and thought "maybe one day, when I have time".
Well it has recently been on my fyp again and for some reason it peaked my interest this time. I wanted to know more about the plot, I knew some things already, but nothing too crazy. So I began ny sesrched for the summary of the whole plot, like I do with scary movies that sound interested but I am too much of a chicken to actually watch them. Turns out anyone giving out spoilers was not doing it so in a coherent manner, so I got frustrated so my interest was peak even more.
Long story short, I decided to torture myself as an early birthday gift to myself and started it yesterday morning, a little over 24 hours ago, and I am now in Flashback 4, cause of hyperfixation. But I miscalculated and I now realise I don't know anyone personally who has read it so I have no one to talk about it it with and I am dying.
And since I am not about to post a tik tok for the first time in years just for this, I am turning to the trusted anonymity of this marvelous app. Is someone, for the love of all that is holy, willing to indulge me a tiny bit and talk with me about it? Please I am begging you, I need to express so much stuff!
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madlyn5ever · 10 months ago
Okay here’s my Prom Dates (Hulu) thoughts:
I’ll try not to include spoilers
Nine out of ten, again mostly cause of the vomit and the more not my thing moments (there were only two so not terrible but I’m asexual and they’re not for me) and also that b!ood scene which was actually fantastic (as a whole) I just, that specific moment if you know you know.
I liked the ending because it really felt genuine (well, as genuine as that whole thing could be but I really think it was) it wasn’t pushing for one specific type of happy ending that you assume they’re gonna do or everyone should have, but you also feel a sense of completeness.
Like, the story rounded itself out okay I think. I kind of had an idea of specific key things cause of the trailer but it was still a sort of nice surprise.
(It did kind of stop to load at one specific point and every time I rewound it did it right there so, I don’t think I missed anything but there could be a ten second section I missed which is fine cause the moment was a transition anyway)
Second Cousin. Just- second cousin.
One of my favorite lines -out of context for spoilers sake- was “here’s the hundred dollar bill my Bubbie gave me for my graduation”
(I just watched it and I can’t even remember if that’s the line but it’s was basically that)
It obviously had a Julia Lester so that’s a win on its own, there’s not much out there to watch of her except binging HSMTMTS for the seventh time (which is lovely but I have adhd and that’s not always a practical choice), and even the random guest appearances of Nick shows and the one Netflix show (I get bored and look through IMDB of random actors sometimes to find jems, and my sisters two credit page cause it still boggles my mind that they named a goat after her)
are fifty/fifty on finding if you’re specifically looking for her (and unrelated to this movie but saylor too whats up with Netflix only having two random seasons for each Nick show on there? I do have paramount but my nostalgia trip childhood tv show rabbit hole is not for the shared family account)
Honestly I need her to be in more things because this was great. Unfortunately it’ll probably take a while considering things are just getting up and running again after the strike, but I’ll gladly wait for more of her.
Also the Ginny and Georgia girl was in it?? I only watched a bit of that show cause my sister said to so I only know that Sav from Degrassi is in it but I’ve heard things about Ginny from tik tok doom scrolls and it’s kind of crazy to see her here.
It’s like “Rihanna, what are you doing here?”
I liked the dog? She looked fluffy like my bunny Rocky.
I especially liked that one scene (again the one with the kind of horrendous b!ood moment) just, -sort of spoiler- all those frat guys and she just happens to be there.
I particularly liked the song. It was a ten out of ten fake medium okay performance from an actual broadway musical tony nominee actress and I loved every second of it.
All in all, I loved it. Even the Italian guy.
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cotter-pin · 5 months ago
11:39 PM - October 12th 2024 (Saturday)
Spoilers for:
Stargate movie
Stargate SG-1 (ep 1 and 2)
Been watching this old show I saw on my tik tok feed. It's called Stargate SG-1. I just finished ep 2. I don't know how to describe my feelings towards this show because I've only just started it, so I have to brace myself for the plot and its pacing. Before watching the show the general consensus of the internet was to watch the movie as it gives a sort of background to the show. And they were right. The movie is its own thing with its own cast (they changed the cast for the show sadly). The only character I miss with this change is Daniel. Maybe because I'm bias towards the actor who played the character (seen him from the blacklist). A character I don't miss with this change is O'neil, I don't know why but, in the movie, he seems like such a jerk. Like I'm sorry your kid died but you don't have to be mean to Daniel. In the show he's much nicer and the dynamic between him and Daniel is like siblings so i'm chill with it. To cut it short, my opinion of this movie is that its okay. Its not amazing and its not horrible its just in the middle. The characters are aight, the music score is good, the designs are nice, etc. The plot was interesting in the beginning and then it got predictable so I was just waiting for the movie to end. My only issue with the movie is 1. I did not like the fast paced romance with Daniel and the other women (but it makes for a good goal for daniel in the show to find her) 2. I feel the whole thing with o'neil son dying and his character was just not handled well (I'm happy hes divorced in the show but will get to that later :>) in the show though his character handled a bit well. I actually had to watch this movie in the background thats how much of an aight movie it was. With the show, the first episode was so long it was an 1h and 36 min. It was okay, I don't really have any thoughts on it. But I do with the second episode (I'm just not going to explain the plot and just discuss what I liked ). Teal'c is not trusted with the government because he has a symbiote inside him. But O'neil trust him because Teal'c saved his life and his troops. While O'neil explaining why the government is like this, they have a heat warming moment. I'm feeling a little bromance/more than just friends feeling between the two. I'm not crazy because when I searched it up I saw ship tag of them on ao3. I probably post later some scenes I liked between them. I really really like them as a ship and thats pulling me to watch more of the show, like supernatural with castiel and dean. The reason I said I'm happy he's divorved is that my ship can sail. Because this ship is so obscure (i'm assuming because I can't find a fandom wiki page), I can't find a ship name for them. So I'm just going to call them "space husbands".
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fridaysjournal · 5 months ago
★ friday's journal entry - oct.14th
POV you are me re-reading the Hunger Games series and you are rambling,saying everything yet nothing at all:
So I re-read the first book of the Hunger Games series,took about two days,lots of distractions but I powered through. (I went to a family member's home for the weekend to relax and hang out but everyone wanted an update on my life and actually hang out, I know bad time to start a book you are anxious to read it in its entiret.Younger family members wanting me to play/watch movies but the true loud for no reason distraction of all was the kiddos wanting me to watch *jumpscare* YouTube Family Vloggers *blegh* Luckily I eventually convinced them to start Gravity Falls *mwahaha* good thing they are currently into "spooky cartoons" but after they fell asleep I read as much of the book as I could before I realized it was 2 am)
I read it for the first time years ago I believe around the time the first movie was going to be released, I read it quickly and did not appreciate it...I did the same for Catching Fire but I don't think I made it passed the middle of the book.I truly think my attention span was worse then before tik tok I know crazy but I mean I was a kid.
Anyways I just want to write about this in my digital journal since its still fresh in my mind...and my friends and few close family members don't really care about my current obsession lol. I tried to share with them but that's literally what tumbly is for yes "tumbly" like "tum-ba-lee" my nickname for tumblr but cutesy and coquette I guess- She is very gorgeous to me! Sometimes you gotta scream into the void about the things you obsess about. Okay I realize there is probably going to be some brain rot lingo up in here though.Bare with me y'all.So about the actual book:
*I was gonna put a spoiler warning but y'all should be like me and read the book already I got around to it you should too, it's not that long and you def should have read it by now come on people*
Amazing,show stopping...gimme 14 of them.I want to scream at Katniss GIRL PEOPLE CARE ABOUT YOU but bbg is busy carrying everyone and everything on her shoulders.I like that I got a bit more insight on her life about her dad and why her mom got to be the way she is.Why Katniss doesn't sing anymore,why she thinks the way she does.But man I need everyone to communicate damn it but I get it they cant tell her everything since shes bad at lying blah blah etc but come on if some random group people decided holy shit we gonna use her to be a symbol so we can start the rebellion I would want to know somethings about the plans?! Everyone is so secretive for her safety but still they are leaving her in the dark.She's a girl trying to live her life but because shes in that world she really has to be careful because of powers outside of her control.She sees that and she is angry over all the deaths because of the games..Rue's death hurts every time, book and movie.Overall I really enjoyed reading this book again as if it was the first time reading it. I'll update and write more about my journey through the series and once I read Catching Fire.I'll probably complain and bang my head on my desk about how they don't tell Katniss anything and she just has to put two and two together in the next entry from what I remember in the second book.Also I have to wait like 3 weeks until I can check out from the library.In the meantime I'm considering buying the illustrated version that was just released it looks really nice.Thanks for reading!
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pawzofchaos · 2 years ago
//spoilers for season 1
-okayyyy so since it was confirmed that season 2 is coming in December, do u think we’ll get a Christmas-y episode :0 I know that’s never happened be4 buuuuuut….
-I changed my mind, I WANT AXEL VS RIPPER FINALE!! My mind is so set on that I’m going crazy. If not, then I also want a Nichelle vs Ripper finale :3 or Axel vs Nichelle?
-speaking of that,, NICHELLE AND AXEL TEAMUP SWEEP!!!
-playing on the ripper redemption arc, maybe a reason as to why Ripper is the way he is? I know it’s a kids show and it doesn’t go that deep, but they’ve done stuff like that be4!!
-some challenges based on horror movies?? Cmon I’d kill 2 see that
-I want someone to eat a live mouse
-tik tok references
-Jerry appearance
-someone gets injured real bad so they hafta drop out of the competition
-I really want the whole entire 2023 cast to have a group chat with each other that’d be rlly funny
-inter team alliance?!
-I want the season to end with every old td contestant watching the show and getting an update abt a reunion season while the old intro plays in the background
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stellawolfearts · 2 years ago
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