#the spoiled princess inn
gl1tched-r4bb1t · 3 months
Facts about TADC from the AMA with Gooseworx!
As a member in the Glitch Inn, I got privilege to watch an interview and ask questions to Gooseworx!
I normally don’t spoil things from The Glitch INN as respect people wishing to keep it exclusive to the members (including myself!). However, when it came to the AMA, I feel like knowledge like this isn’t as exclusive and will be public knowledge anyways!
• Goose always imagined Gummigoo was Pineapple-Lime flavored
• Gangle loves to draw (we’ll see more of it in Ep 3)
•Ragatha likes horror movies!
•Jax’s favorite website is 4Chan
•Jax has a lot of Goose’s personal flaws put into him
•Ragatha might be able to see out of her button eyes, but Goose didn’t really know a definite answer for it
•“Loo-lee-lah-loo” is how you pronounce Princess Loolilalu’s name.
•Episode 6 will explore how the personalities of the cast have changed upon being in the digital world
•The Canonical reason Caine and Bubble do anything is because they think it’s comical/Funny
•Episode 5 will reveal how Kinger and Zooble eat (a bite just appears taken out of the food )
•Pomnis favorite color is red! This will be confirmed by Pomni in episode 5
•Pomni was an accountant and that is significant to the plot
•Episode 7 got split into 2, as Goose wanted time to let the deep emotions settle in
•Episode 3 is very much NOT FOR YOUNGER KIDS!!! It’s psychological horror, and Goose believes it may scare younger audiences.
•Ragatha was originally going to be named Emmy, but Ragatha sounded better!!
•Episodes 1-5 have already been Animatic Boarded, they are working on the animatic for Ep 6
•Kid Pix was a huge inspiration for the 90’s-2000’s style of TADC (Kid Pix was created in 1989 and originally released on Macintosh, look it up and you can see the inspiration)
•TADC is NOT inspired by IHNMAIMS The Game - Goose has never seen the IHNMAIMS game, only read the short story and got inspired from that
•Goose actually got an Email from Glitch asking her to pitch them a pilot, and so she just built from there!
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kyuuppi · 2 years
How they react when you're jealous
Ft. Wanderer (Scaramouche); Xiao; Zhongli; Childe; Venti; Albedo; Tighnari
(gender neutral reader but Childe refers to them as "princess"/"prince" once)
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⭐ Wanderer
+ This man is actually insufferable, good-fucking-luck
+ He acts so smug 'cause of course you'd be jealous, he's revered and worshipped by the masses!! (he's not)
+ Will probably cockily tell you you'll just have to get used to it, he's a god afterall so it's expected that he'll have many loyal fans all vying for his attention—
+ It's all a farce
+ In reality, he's kind of in shock that you'd really be jealous over him, the useless puppet discarded by his own mother—but that's his unresolved insecurity and mommy issues talking
+ He'll keep up the façade and tease you for a while until he realizes you're genuinely upset—then he'll find some roundabout way to tell you that you have nothing to worry about, he only has eyes for you...of course he'll never directly admit that, though
"Hah, you're jealous? What a foolish human emotion—of course I'll be adored by thousands..."
The Wanderer cuts himself off as he takes in your tense form, brows furrowed and eyes looking anywhere but him as you quietly seethe. His chest clenches in that weird way it only seems to do when you're involved.
"Wait...don't tell me you're actually angry...?"
You don't show any signs you even heard his question and the Wanderer sighs dramatically, averting his own gaze to hide his reddening cheeks as he mumbles his next words.
"You have nothing to worry about, idiot...you're way above any of those other weaklings anyway."
⭐ Xiao
+ I'm sorry but he literally is incapable of understanding that you're jealous
+ Like...he can barely even process that you like him, let alone recognize the advances of another random human who is interested in him. The time he even spends with others is extremely limited unless you're involved so there aren't many chances for anyone to talk to him
+ If it's something like another adepti or half-adepti, like Ganyu, who he's been spending a lot more time with lately training, you might feel insecure by your own mortality, which Xiao can somewhat understand but still doesn't get the jealousy part
+ Tries his best to try to comfort you though, even if it means shyly asking Zhongli or Verr Goldet
+ Surprisingly ends up coming to the best solution—spending more time with you
You nearly jump out of your skin when you turn to find the figure of your boyfriend standing behind you on the balcony of Wangshu Inn. You're certain he wasn't there just five minutes ago.
"Huh? Shouldn't you be training Ganyu today...?" You ask, feeling slightly sick at the mention of the pretty half-adeptus girl. She was a sweetheart and a great friend but you can't help but to think about how much time she's been spending with Xiao. You're sure she doesn't have any ulterior motives but you can't help but to think about how much prettier and stronger she is compared to you. Surely Xiao sees it too...
"We agreed to take a break for today," Xiao immediately answers, slowly stepping forward until his cheat is nearly touching the back of your arm, so close you can smell the faint traces of his natural scent—something fresh and crisp like the mountain air.
"Instead...I want to spend some time with you—if you'll allow it." He says softly. You momentarily freeze, not used to Xiao initiating dates. Unperturbed, he continues speaking.
"I thought we could do that mortal activity you told me about before. I think it was called...a picnic?"
⭐ Zhongli
+ The god who has ruled over humans for over 2,000 years—of course he's familiar with such a common emotion like jealousy. Even if he himself has yet to experience it
+ He would never assume you were jealous unless you openly tell him about it
+ But then he's quick to assuage your worries and maybe even propose some sort of compromise that can satisfy you both
+ Spends a night absolutely spoiling you until you hardly remember you were ever jealous in the first place, if that's what you so desire
"Ah, it seems you may have misunderstood my relationship with the funeral director, I apologize if I caused you any discomfort," Zhongli tells you earnestly, gently holding your hands in his own, much larger ones and holding your gaze so intensely you find it impossible to look away.
"Now tell me, my dear, how may I settle your worries? Perhaps we should take some time away, just the two of us?"
⭐ Childe
+ Idk how you even got jealous in the first place cause this man is glued to your hip
+ Slightly flattered when he recognizes your signs of jealousy cause he just sees it as proof of how much you care about him
+ It may feel a bit demeaning at first but he will not take your jealousy seriously. He baby talks, pinches your cheeks, and teases you but will not show any genuine concern—not because he doesn't care about your feelings, but because he's so sure that he only has eyes for you that he thinks your jealously is completely unreasonable in the first place
+ As a big fan of PDA, he takes the advantage to be more touchy and affectionate with you in public under the guise of "showing everyone he's yours"
+ If anything, he's the one whose always jealous when another person takes so much as a second of your attention—but you don't need to know that
"Aww, is my prince/ss pouting now? Ahaha, don't look at me like that!" Childe effortlessly dodges the elbow you aim at his ribs after he pinches at the fat of your cheek for the third time today.
Not perturbed in the least, Childe sticks himself to your side and continues to grin down at you, uncaring of the strangers who glance at you two with strange looks as you make your way through the busy streets of Liyur Harbor.
"Here, how about I make it up to you and we go on a lunch date? My treat!"
⭐ Venti
+ Another one who doesn't take your concerns seriously
+ However, unlike most of the other men, it's pretty reasonable to be jealous with how Venti talks to everyone
+ He's naturally romantic and seems to possess no clear boundaries, leading to him saying things that could be construed as flirtatious without him even realizing it
+ When he's tipsy on dandelion wine, it's not unusual to see him belting out ballads and serenading anyone nearby willing to give him the time of day—though, in reality, his love songs are all actually written about you
"Oh, my windblume is feeling a bit jealous?"
You don't bother providing a response but Venti doesn't seem to need one.
"Ehehe, so cute," he coos, shamelessly wrapping his arms around you. Any feelings of jealousy you hold are quickly being replaced with embarrassment at how other patrons in the crowded bar frequently glance at you and your loud boyfriend.
"No worries, my love, this poor bard's heart only beats for you! I'll even prove it with this song I wrote..."
⭐ Albedo
+ It's Sucrose, isn't it?
+ They spend all those hours locked up in a small lab room in the depths of Dragonspine—its only natural that you'd feel suspicious right?
+ Wrong
+ When he's not with you, Albedo literally only thinks about his experiemnts or drawing. In fact, the times you and Albedo are together are really the only time anyone ever sees Albedo actually listen to someone outside of the Knights of Favonius and talk about things that aren't directly related to alchemy
+ As the so-called "chalk prince," it's not that uncommon for people to find him physically attractive and try their luck—but any deeper feelings usually vanish when they realize he has no interest in them. That and his blank stares can get rather unsettling...
+ If you do get jealous about Albedo being around anyone, it will eventually go away on its own as you realize this man is literally incapable of recognizing flirting
+ (Also, Sucrose is literally an angel and would never jeopardize your relationship. Like, she actively ships you guys together, pls—)
"...which is a particularly unique property for this chemical given it's electronegativity. In fact—oh, [Name], what are you doing here?"
You try very hard not to laugh at the relieved expression the woman Albedo was previously lecturing shoots you. She wastes no time slipping out of the lab while Albedo is distracted, his ocean deep eyes staring at you with a mix of surprise and quiet adoration.
"Ah, it's about lunch time and I don't have any commissions today so I thought we could go get something to eat together. Sorry if I'm disturbing you—"
"Not at all," Albedo interrupts, quickly putting away the glass vial he previously held and removing his latex gloves.
"A visit from you is never a disturbance," Albedo admits plainly, oblivious to the way his words make your chest squeeze.
"Now let's go. If we hurry, we might be able to make it to that place you like before they get crowded."
⭐ Tighnari
+ Lmao what are you jealous of, a flower?
+ This is another Science Man™️ who literally sees nothing but his work. Unless there's a rare sentient species of seductive mushrooms in Sumeru with it's sights set on fennec fox boys, you have nothing to worry about
+ Collei sees him as something akin to an older brother figure and Tighnari is too sassy for anyone else to get close unless they're interested in joining the forest watchers
+ If you tell him you're jealous, he's probably going to call you an idiot for even thinking he's interested in anyone else
Tighnari looks almost annoyed at your confession, glancing up from his journal only to shoot you a glare.
"Hah? Did you accidentally eat some hallucinogenic mushrooms again? I don't have enough time entertain things like that. What a ridiculous accusation."
Annoyance bubbles up inside you but, before you can act on it, Tighnari is already standing from his desk, striding over to you quickly to gently pull you along with him.
"Now come with me. I found an interesting flower on the outskirts of camp I think you'd like."
The proud grin highlighted by the sparkle in his eyes as he looks up at you quickly cuts off any protests you were going to make.
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corpsebasil · 1 year
Could you do a Nikolai x reader one, where there's a lot of pinning and in the rain confession in the end ?
Ohhhhh yes
Just Stay -> Nikolaiiiiii
summary: when you and Nikolai break up, you don’t want to spoil the reunion in Kerch with each other’s bullshit
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He’d made you swear not to say anything, and you’d agreed.
You’d practically thrown yourself into Alina’s arms when you saw her; she’d grown even more beautiful since you last saw the girl and Mal, at her side, even more rugged somehow.
“The treasure of my heart!” She cooed, pinching your cheek as Mal gave you a one armed hug like he would a sister.
“You look good Y/N. Nice to see you. Now where’s…” Mal trailed off and sprinted, leaping onto Nikolai so fast the two men toppled to the floor.
You laughed at the sight and tried to ignore the twinge that went through you at the sight. The four of you had always been close. Always. Alina nudged you and raised a brow.
“Those two will never stop being brothers.” She giggled, tugging you along. “Come on. The Crows are here. They’re dying to see you!”
You followed, watching as Nikolai pushed himself to his feet on the docks, laughing as he dusted dirt off his pants. Then his eyes slid to yours and his smiled tightened. You forced yourself to extract yourself from Alina, mumbling about ‘you know how fiancés are’ and moving to Nikolai’s side.
“Sweetheart.” You greeted him, and Mal winked at him before chasing after Alina.
“Darling.” He smiled politely, tone completely lacking any sign of tension.
“Need help with your bag?” You offered, tilting your head with a smirk as he looked you up and down. “Princely muscles are so delicate.”
He raised a brow and flexed his arm, giving you a perfect view of the corded golden skin. Saints, his arms had gotten even bigger since you’d last seen him. You’d tried not to ogle him the entire ship ride to Kerch, and your face had reddened when he caught your glances.
It had been six months. Six months since he’d come to your rooms and told you it was over. No explanation. Nothing. Just a calm, ‘I’m sorry, but I cant marry you’ and he left. After spending the entire night in utter numbness, unable to even summon a tear through your shock, you sought out the prince. It was an arranged marriage, sure, but you two loved each other. You shared stories, kisses, beds—you loved him. Desperately. And when you knocked on his door, he was gone.
He was gone, and the staff said they didn’t know when he’d be back or where he’d went. So you’d packed your bags and went back to Fjerda that same morning.
“Try not to pop a vein.” You told him, raising a brow at his flex. He smiled coyly and rolled his eyes, taking a step forward.
“I hear princesses are delicate too. How are those dainty fingers of yours doing, Love?” He took your hands in his, his, warm, calloused thumbs running over your palms as if to test the smoothness, and you fought every instinct to rip away. Especially when his hands turned your own over, both of you looking at the Lantsov ring resting where it had used to sit before. “Your hands are just as soft as I remember.” He chuckled weakly, blue eyes finding your own.
Your smile faltered and you pulled your hands back slowly, feigning wiping something off your bodice as you turned away. The ring was still heavy. The guards had taken it from you after you and Nikolai had split, not allowing you to take it off Palace grounds. As if you wanted the damn reminder anyways.
“We should catch up with them.” You said, not looking back as you followed Alina and Mal.
“Fucking hell.” You mumbled, dropping your bag on the floor as you entered the room at the Inn that Alina had arranged for you. Nikolai didn’t seem any more pleased than you, grumbling something as he dumped his bag on the floor beside yours.
“Left or right side?”
“You think I wanna share a bed with you?”
He paused. “What if one of the group comes in during the middle of the night?”
“For what? Why could they possibly have a reason to come in?”
“I don’t know, Y/N. A fire drill?”
You cursed and dropped onto the bed, splaying out as you shut your eyes. You had a pounding headache—had since you’d seen him again—and the proximity was making it worse. That mint smell of him along with his expensive cologne and, underneath that, the scent that was his alone? It was making you dizzy.
“How long do we have to keep this up?” You asked, flinging your arms above your head. Your fingers brushed his thighs and you jerked them away, looking up at him with a glare. He was acting innocent, whistling a tune as if he wasn’t just leaning his entire bottom half over you to snatch up a pillow. “And keep your junk out of my face.”
“Never had an issue with it befor—hey!” He exclaimed when you whacked him with the nearest pillow, and hard. “Calm down! I’m just messing with you.” At your icy glare his expression sobered, and he sat on the bed next to your head. “We pretend—I mean, they’ve wanted to see us together for so long—until we leave, I guess. Or we stage a fight believable enough that they think we would’ve broken up.”
“Why’d you emphasize it?”
“You said ‘we’ in a weird way. Like us breaking up was impossible.” You sat up on an elbow, eyes searching his face. “We did break up, Nik, remember?” Your chest tightened, and you tried to force away the memories that rose.
Like the way you still reached for his side of your bed sometimes when you woke up, or when you had a nightmare, your mind too slow to remember you weren’t in Ravka.
Or the way you’d stolen one of his shirts and slept with it for a week straight before a maid saw it in your dirty clothes and washed it. You’d struck her for it and immediately regretted it, but the agony of not having his scent anymore made you drop to your knees and sob.
How you hardly ate—hardly slept—for two months without him.
And then there was when you’d heard rumors of him courting someone else in Ravka. A different princess perhaps, or a lady. That news had holed you up in your room for a week.
It killed you that he seemed to be completely happy and unbothered by your reunion. As if he hadn’t broken your heart into a million pieces and left you alone without so much as an explanation. You stared at him now, watching his expression change from seriousness to shame, and you turned your head away.
“You can come up with the plan.” You mumbled, climbing out of the bed and stepping to the floor. His silence was as heavy as a blanket over your shoulders, suffocating you. “I’m tired of reliving our breakup every day of my fucking life.”
You heard a small strangled sound come from his throat but you didn’t turn around, not when you shut the door behind you.
That night, you met up with Alina, Mal, and Nina at the Crow Club, Inej, Jesper, and Kaz busy doing god knows what. You found yourself seated in a crowded booth next to Nikolai, one leg slung over his thigh, his arm around your shoulders.
The pose was so familiar, one you’d done a hundred times, and maybe it was the muscle memory of it that made you ache so much. Neither of you had spoken on the way to the Club; you because you had absolutely no desire to talk to him ever again if unnecessary; him because his head was so full of grief over your words it was eating him alive.
I’m tired of reliving our breakup every day of my fucking life.
What was he even supposed to say to that?
He was watching you now, his smile wide and relaxed as his thumb ran small circles against your shoulder-blade. The others couldn’t see but it didn’t matter. He’d been craving your skin, your smell, all of you since he’d left, and now that he had you in his arms again, at least for the next two days, he was going to soak in every second of it.
“When’s the wedding?” Nina asked, popping an olive into her mouth as she wiggled her eyebrows. If she heard the way the two of you’s heart rates picked up, she chalked it up to excitement.
“We haven’t picked—” You started, just as Nikolai said, “Working on a venue.” The two of you glanced at one another, eyes snapping like electric cords before looking back to Nina. You dug your sharp nails into his thigh as he bit back a groan. “It’s still early days.”
“Early days?” Alina scoffed, raising her dark brows. “It’s been…what, three years now? Rather long for a royal engagement.” She laughed. No one in the group usually mentioned the fact that the both of you were royals, and the reminder sometimes stung. “Mal and I have been engaged for like two months and we’re getting married within the next few weeks.” Then she gasped, reaching out to take your hand. “You have to be a bridesmaid! Please please pleaaaase?”
She’d already asked you in her letter, the one she’d sent to Nikolai, addressed to the both of you. He’d sent a copy to Fjerda, along with his plea for the both of you to play nice and see Alina so there was no confusion about your relationship before her special day.
“I’ll try my best.” You said, smiling tightly as you squeezed her hand. Nikolai had already agreed to be Mal’s best man but to be honest? You wouldn’t be attending that wedding. You couldn’t stomach it.
“Oh please please come on!”
“Alina.” Nina mumbled, shooting the girl a look, and Alina raised a brow.
“Let her breathe. She’s travelled a long way.” The Heartrender said, smiling as she slid all-too-knowing eyes to yours. You looked away, hoping she couldn’t see the pain in your eyes as you pressed your cheek against Nikolai’s shoulder, breathing him in.
The others began discussing wedding preparations when Nikolai’s fingers began to run across the nape of your neck, threading through your hair. When you looped you arms around his waist as if to snuggle him, you were surprised to see goosebumps jump up on the skin of his arm. And then you were surprised to hear his slight intake of breath, his hand that wasn’t on your neck moving under the table to touch your knee.
You swallowed.
“What do you think, Nik?” Mal asked, and the prince blinked quickly.
“About going on the Volkvolny. For the honeymoon?”
“Oh.” Nikolai’s brows knit. “You and Alina or—?”
“Duh.” Alina laughed, but she looked confused. “Aren’t you listening?”
“Of course, sorry. That sounds great.”
“Thank you.” Mal told him with a genuine smile, and then your breath caught when his hand pushed the hem of your dress up, only far enough to slide against the smooth skin of your knee.
You missed his touch. God you missed it, but… You moved away from him and stood, giving the others a sorrowful look that was easy not to fake.
“I’m feeling sick, guys. I’m sorry.” You said, a hand on your stomach. You were queasy, actually. “I’m gonna go to the Inn. See you for breakfast?”
“Yeah..” Alina smiled faintly, but it dropped when you left, headed out into the night sky.
You’d barely been ten seconds out the door before Nikolai sprinted after you, grabbing your hand. You ripped it away and whirled to him, holding your hands up in a placating gesture. He was breathing a bit heavily, eyebrows furrowed as he watched you.
“What is it?” He asked, scanning you with his eyes. “Are you sick? Do you need to puke or—”
“Just go inside, Nikolai. I just want to go to bed, okay?”
“Alina was excited to talk to you about the wedding. She has all these plans and—”
”I’m not going to the wedding.” You snapped, staring at him like he was crazy person. “I’ll be in Fjerda by then. I have a life now, Nik.”
He swallowed.
“But she’s your friend. Your best friend.”
“She used to be my best friend.” You argued. “She hasn’t seen me since—” you paused. “It doesn’t matter.” You turned and he once again jumped in front of you, halting your tracks.
“What do you mean used to?”
God did you have to spell it out for him?
“My friends are your friends.” You said, shaking your head. “When you broke off the engagement you effectively cut me off from all of my existing friendships. Cant you see that?”
“Oh.” He said dumbly and you pushed past him again. He still trailed after you though. “But cant you try to make it?” He asked, even as you gritted your teeth. “It’s a special day for her and—”
“And what?” You were stunned by the sharpness by your tone, more so by the sound of a barely suppressed sob in your throat. Nikolai looked alarmed as well. “And watch you stand up beside an altar? All while I’m sitting there, picturing me beside you? I—” you covered your hand with your mouth and turned away, shaking your head. “No. I’m not going to the wedding with you, Nikolai. I’m not going to go anywhere near a wedding with you, ever.”
“You cannot mean that.”
“Then read my lips.” You turned, glaring fiercely, barely a foot from the prince. “I’d. Rather. Die.”
This time he didn’t follow, not as you hurried back to the Inn, eager to go to sleep. You’d leave in the morning, you decided. And as you curled up in the cold bed, empty and vast around you, you fell asleep the way you usually did, counting down, imagining it was his arms hugging you to sleep instead of your own.
You jolted awake around four in the morning to a warm body pressed to your back. At first you thought you were dreaming, but no. Nikolai’s soft breaths stirred the hair at the back of your neck, his face buried in your shoulder as he slept. His arm was looped around your waist, hoping you tight against him. You were tense but then, against better judgement, relaxed into his hold.
It’d been so long. Long enough for you to pretend, at least for one sleepy moment, that this was real. That he still loved you. That he still… still…
You woke again, eyes snapping open to see light in the windows. You heard a groan and tensed up again. Nikolai’s legs had become tangled with yours, your head resting on his bicep as both his arms wrapped around you. You had no idea how you’d gotten like that but it felt so good, you didn’t dare move.
“Y/N…” Nikolai mumbled against your neck and you waited for him to tense up. To pull away. Instead, he pressed a kiss against your bare shoulder, revealed by your nightgown, and you got chills, your stomach twisting. “Missed this..missed…you.”
“You’re just half asleep.” You argued, voice a faint whisper. You heard an incoherent mumble and felt a slow nod that made you frown.
“Didn’t want to go…” he moaned, holding you closer, “…made…me..” and then a soft snore left him, and your eyes were so wide you didn’t know what to do or think.
“Nik?” You asked, heart hammering, but he was fast asleep. “Nik?”
You laid for a moment, mind whirling, before you sat up. You shook him roughly, pushing his arms off of you, and he groaned as he rubbed his eyes.
“My love.” He grumbled, still half asleep. “It’s early.”
“Don’t call me—“ you paused, exasperated. “What the fuck were you saying? Who made you? Made you do what?”
This time his eyes opened, reality sinking visibly into his expression as he sat up, his sleepy face growing hard. He shook his head quickly, slinging his legs over the side of the bed.
“Nothing. I was dreaming.”
“But you…” You swallowed. “Don’t lie to me. I know when you’re lying.”
“I’m taking a shower.” He mumbled, pulling away when you touched his arm, and you watched him pad sleepily into the bathroom, his shoulders stiff.
Afterwards, after waiting in tense silence for almost twenty minutes, he slunk out of the bathroom, blue eyes meeting yours. His chest was bare and—and—
“What the—” You stood up quickly, moving forward. Your eyes drank in the skin of him, yes, but they lingered on the scar on his shoulder. A fresh, still pink scar, slightly raised. A bullet wound. “When did this happen?” You breathed, eyes meeting his own. Searching.
He swallowed.
“I um..” he trailed off, looking away from you with a look of shame on his face. “I cant talk about it.”
“Im not allowed, Y/N, okay? It’s not important.” He moved past you to grab a shirt, getting dressed quickly. You didn’t look lower than his waistline as he dropped the towel, tugging trousers up his hips. “Let’s just meet up with Alina and Mal, alright? I don’t want to cause drama for them.”
“For them?” You stared at his back, tense even through the fabric. “You got shot and you don’t want to cause drama for them?” Your throat grew tight. “What about me?”
“This isn’t about you.”
“Then what is it about, Nikolai? Because the last time I saw you, you certainly hadn’t had that—”
“Just leave it, Y/N.” He snapped, voice sharper than you’d ever heard it. You hated the immediate well of tears that rose in your eyes at his tone; never ever had he ever spoken to you even slightly rudely. Never.
“Fine.” You sniffed and turned on your heel, slamming the bathroom door shut behind you.
You didn’t go to breakfast.
You refused, adamantly, to be in the same room as him if he wasn’t going to start telling the truth. He was annoyed at first, telling you it was only for a day more, and then pissed, accusing you of being dramatic, and finally, finally he was pleading with you.
“Y/N.” He groaned, following you as you stormed out of the Inn, bag in hand as you walked through the drizzling rain towards the docks. “It’s raining. Go back inside.” You ignored him and he moved quicker to cut you off, his expression pinched. “Please. Just stay with me. Come inside.”
“Stay with you?” Your laugh was so cruel he flinched. “After all your lies and mind games? No. I’m done with you. I never should have come here.”
“Please.” He begged again, reaching out to touch your arms, then stopped himself. “Please. Just—it’s just another day with me, okay?”
“Why did you ask me to come, Nik?” You demanded, angry and hurt. You were exhausted, above all else. “Why couldn’t you have just left me alone? Told the others it didn’t work out?”
“Because.” He was breathing heavily, staring down at you as rain ran down across the curve of his cheekbone and jaw. “I couldn’t—I couldn’t tell them.”
“Why?” You asked, and when he didn’t answer, you nodded. “Of course. More of you not answering me—”
“I wanted to see you.” He blurt out, expression pinched. “I wanted—“ he stopped, shaking his head. “I wanted to see you again. I couldn’t let myself let you go.”
“You have to.” You told him, but there was a pleading note in your own voice as well. “I cant—I cant keep loving you. You have to stop this.”
“I cant.”
“Well then you never should’ve left me!”
“They made me!” He snapped, moving closer. “I’m a solider, Y/N! And when the border skirmishes got worse they were losing soldiers every day.” At your confused look he continued, looking like a man with words threatening to explode from him. “I had no choice. I had to go fight.”
“Then why—”
“Because I couldn’t marry you and leave you alone.” He forced out, his voice dragging over a lump in his throat. “I couldn’t—” he choked and looked away, rubbing his eyes. “If I’d have died and you were left alone, I…I couldn’t let that happen. So I cut you loose.”
You stared at him, tears filling your own eyes.
“And the bullet?”
“I was shot. At the border. I thought I wasn’t going to make it and I’d never been so glad I sent you back to Fjerda. You could’ve fallen in love with someone else. You could’ve been happy.”
“Why didn’t you send for me?” You cried, dropping your bag to the ground. “When you healed—you could have sent for me.”
“I did.” He told you, expression agonized. “And my ambassadors refused to send a single letter until I gave them Alina’s.” He swallowed, reaching out to touch your wet cheek. “I’ve thought about you every single day.”
You felt yourself short of breath.
“And now?” You asked, glancing down at the ring. “Now you’ll send me away again? After all this?”
He peered at you, seeming to deflate.
“How can you even want me?” He asked, and you shook your head, unable to speak as you buried yourself into his chest, his arms looping tight around you as you cried. “I love you. I have always loved you. Every second, every breath I take I yearn for you.”
“I would have stayed.” You whispered, feeling his hands run down your back. “Through anything.”
You heard him sniff before he pulled back, tilting your face up to his.
“Will you still stay now?” He asked, his voice a broken plea. “I cannot live any longer without you by my side.” He brought your hand to his shoulder, over the scar, your palm flattening against his coat. “I would take a thousand of these for you. I would fight every day of my life to keep you with me. Just forgive me, princess. Stay.”
You could only look up at him, your heart cleaving as he bent down and kissed you, and the contact after so long was almost unbearable. The two of you seized one another desperately, tears mixing with the rain. And you would, you decided, as Nikolai’s lips promised you his life. His soul.
You’d stay.
see I told you guys I have a hard time not getting carried away LOL
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norel-ravenclaw · 1 year
Naughty Dreams About Belle~
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Fandom: Ikemen Prince (otome game)
Featured characters: All
Genre: Naughty dreams
Rating: NSFW
Word count: ~1700
Description: What will the princes dream about when Belle slips into their subconscious?
WARNINGS: | suggestive situations | dub-con elements | mxw |
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Belle always seemed to come to bother him when he was in his secret library. And so that, naturally, became the scene his subconscious chose to torment him in. Belle stands in his haven in a fine gown, fit for a queen. And a queen she is - his. Despite having the ability to lucid dream, this development is so unexpected, he lets the scene play out in... curiosity. Here she is not a bookkeep, but a foreign princess come to tame the Bloody Beast. Her eyes are filled with as much fire as fear, as much longing as lust. Why he feels compelled to indulge her desires is beyond him. Why... does his own mind seem to echo this desire?
When he wakes, he is unsettled by this revelation of his psyche. He tries to ignore that it ever happened. And he does so successfully - until she shows up later in his office. The afternoon sun sets her glowing like a reckoning angel - that same fire and fear blazing as he saw in his nighttime vision. And far more now than before, it holds him captivated. Belle asks why he seems more avoidant than usual. He can think of nothing to say, unable to meet her eye as memories of ripping off that fine gown come to mind.
Leon can't help that Belle is always on his mind. She's fun, and she makes him comfortable. So he dreams of taking her to a festival in town, disguised as commoners. They dance and drink and eventually find their way to an inn. Even in his dream, he realizes how bold and shameless he is with her in that dark, cozy room.
Perhaps his subconscious screaming his desire to escape was a bit loud for his comfort, but thinking of whisking her away on such a date in real life does indeed sound tempting. When he sees her later, he has to try to bluff his way around the blush that seizes him. Has her smile always been this radiant? It's really turning him on...
The devil lacks the same gift of lucid dreaming that Chevalier possesses, but he knows how to wake himself easily. When the dream begins in the town alleyways, he braces himself for nightmares he'll have to wake from. But his path takes him to the bookshop. This time, however, when he seizes the lovely, trembling commoner, he takes her to his quarters. In this dream realm, the devil wanted her for himself. And here, she is his Persephone - giving herself over to his desires with surprising eagerness.
Morning comes too soon, and sitting in the study room with her, it takes a surprising amount of effort to keep his mind from wandering to the passion he shared with his lovely captive in his dreams. Would she ever be so willing to submit to the devil in the waking world...?
Who else does Rio dream about? Half the time anymore, he has sweet, lusty dreams of the domestic type. He would make SUCH a good house husband, wouldn't he? Spoiling his precious wife in every way possible. ...On every surface possible in their cozy cottage.
Of course he's going to blush when he sees her after such vivid dreams. Perhaps someday she'll allow him to live them out with her. He'll make the reality even better.
Belle gets so excited every morning to see the princes' clothing, Yves started imagining outfits for her before he drifts to sleep. Eventually, it was bound to make an appearance in his dreams. What he didn't expect was to see her standing there before the mirrors, holding the expensive fabric to her naked skin - blushing while he pins it around her. Just enough reality slips in for him to realize this way of trying to make a dress was ridiculous and would never work... so she lets it fall to the ground. This is not the shock that wakes him, but the shock of reaching out to touch her.
When he sees her the next day, it's not until they've made eye contact that he remembers his risqué dream. Thus begins a four day game of Avoid-Belle-At-All-Costs-So-She-Doesn't-Find-Out-What-A-Depraved-Idiot-I-Am.
He knows just how dangerous the castle can be, and can't help but worry about the ill prepared Belle's safety. One night he dreams of training her in self defense. With every touch, every time their bodies press together, he finds himself losing control. Suddenly his lips - and hands - are all over her.
When he sees her the next day, he can hardly keep his head up for the shame. And yet, when he glances at her, his face burns not with regret, but echoes of desire. Desire to protect, and... and more.
The only reason the library is one of the seventh prince's favourite rooms is how it is almost always empty - perfect for the most clandestine meetings. But with Belle spending half her days there, his mind starts putting the two together. Soon he dreams of meeting her there. Of teaching the sweet, innocent Belle of life's greatest thrills.
When he wakes, he can't help but make the suggestion to her. What better temptation to a bookworm than to combine pleasures in her favourite place?
He can't help but think of sweet Belle. The way she moves alone has him captivated. Seeing her - this pure lovely creature - in a place like the gardens, is enough to make him imagine impossible things. In this glowing dream world, he approaches her by the garden salon chaise. Even his dream self is surprised when she shyly plants herself on his lap. How can he resist this sweet temptation, really? Who cares if anyone sees them.
Unlike Nokto, when he sees her the following day, he resists the urge to ask her to recreate his spicy dreams. But only just. He'll find a more tame way of propositioning her.
What else would the Benitoitian prince's dreams be but extravagant? He enters a room in a magnificent seashell palace to find a canopied bed covered in strings of pearls, gold coins, gem pendants. And lying on that bed, draped in silks, is... Belle?! He's momentarily shocked that she is the one his dream would choose. But seeing her there, radiant with her hair spread across the pillows, pearls and emeralds getting caught up in it... he won't resist any longer.
The tsundere in him battles when next he sees her. A cowardly part of him blushes and tries to run, while the rest seeks to recreate the splendiferous scene with her - as his own.
He knows something is up with Belle, and it bothers him to no end. So much that he begins to dream about it. He sits with her in a greenhouse, chatting over tea. He tries gently, clumsily, to get answers. As he fails in is questioning over and over, finally something in his snaps. It's time to make this an interrogation. He hauls her up from the table and pushes her back against a tree. He must know. Who is she? Is she a threat? Really? This sweet looking, shy, innocent, girl who vexes him so...
He wakes with a start. And when he does, he realizes that both consciousnesses remember. How strange... Though this dream does give him an idea of how to proceed with his investigation. ...He might just enjoy it.
Naturally, the lavender menace's dreams are twice as chaotic as his waking hours. Of course he often dreams about his own traps. How delightful, one night, when he dreams of sweet Belle caught up in a net. In his room~ His fixation turns to lust which turns to... a most interesting time~
The dream is so different, so... kinky and explicit, even he blushes when recalling it. He is a gentleman, after all, so meeting her eye at breakfast and recalling the filthy things he did to her nearly feels like breaking his own code. Whew, but what an idea, hm...? Perhaps there might have to be a secret, private line of Lelouch items made... for lovers.
What a better way to comfort someone in distress than with a bear hug and cuddles. A nap can help fix everything, if just for a little while. At first, the only place he has the courage to suggest such a thing is in dreams. And how nice it is, curling up with Belle under a tree, in that ridiculously big bed in his room... sweet, comforting cuddles and nap time turn into something a little more... well, awake.
He can't really feel guilty about it when he wakes up. On the contrary, he finds himself daydreaming about how nice it would be. Maybe he could convince her to ditch a lesson here or there.
There is a lovely, if grim, place in Obsidian palace that the prince likes. A greenhouse-like apothecary. Fit for experimenting with poisons, plant husbandry, and an occasional respite. The place is even fitted with a hammock. For as much as Gilbert hates dreaming, he finds it can be useful at times. But tonight, he dreams of the place with an unexpected visitor. Belle lounges in the hammock, draped in a tunic made of toxic flowers. Like Persephone, goddess of life, wearing a cloak of death. The poetry of it is irresistable.
Of course he intended to make her his from the very beginning. He is more determined than ever to see her in that place. With him. His gothic goddess~
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starfirewildheart · 9 months
Chapter 3
The Wolf and the Flame
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Summary: Geralt had just found Ciri and was headed to Kaer Morhen when something drew him into the woods. He found a woman near death and things changed for them all. (I suck at summaries just read please!) Yennefer is bad in the start of this but she and Geralt work on their friendship. Eskel is a dick at first but there is a reason and it works out. Will have a happy ending. Ciri is younger here than in the netflix show. She is about 12.
Warnings: abuse history, injuries, hurt comfort, no one under 18 to be safe, will add when I need to 
Words: 1717
They had been traveling for nearly a week. Naurel was getting stronger but Geralt was still worried. He knew something was not as it should be with her but he couldn't seem to get her to open up about the things that had happened. They came to the last city between them and the final part of the journey to Kaer Morhen. He knew they had to stop and restock supplies. Also, the humans needed a soft bed and warmth for a bit. They left the horses at the stable and walked over to the Inn. Naurel was leaning against him, holding his arm to help support herself or for his warmth, he wasn’t sure which. All he knew was that he didn’t mind it. In fact, he felt at peace when they were touching. 
Ciri heard someone singing inside the bar at the inn and bound up the steps. “It’s Jaskier,” she said excitedly. 
“Ciri,” Gerault sighed as she ran inside ahead of him. “Damn it that girl never listens.” He and  Naurel moved faster to catch up with her. Once inside Geralt grabbed Ciri’s arm and leaned close, whispering something to her that made her shiver and look repentant before he led her and Naurel to a table to sit. “Stay here where I can see you both while I get us a couple of rooms.” 
Naurel waited until he walked away to put her hand on Ciri’s arm that was resting on the table. “You are going to get hurt or end up making him so angry that he’s going to punish you.”
Ciri rolled her eyes. “Please, he’s not my father. I have no family which makes me an adult. I’m in charge of me.”
“You are far from an adult little miss and you are showing that childishness more and more by the day,” Naurel warned. “He cares about you. He worries about you. Stop making it harder for him.” She knew that Geralt was struggling to figure out how to deal with a child. He knew how to deal with a misbehaved witcher but not a young human girl so he just took what she dished out. The yelling, arguing, not listening, stubbornness that she likely got away with as a spoiled little princess and Naurel was losing patients with her. Ciri was a loving girl but she was being a huge brat. She looked up at Geralt as he sat heavily in a chair beside her, noting that he put himself where his back would be up against the wall. “Everything alright?”
He nodded. “Got two rooms with an adjoining door,” he eyed Ciri, “and a large tub.” He grinned when Naurel sighed happily. 
“Mmm, a bath sounds heavenly. Maybe if I boil myself I will actually heat my blood and stop having to steal your warmth,” she smiled at him. 
He reflexively pulled her close. “I don’t mind sharing warmth.”
Ciri made a slight gagging sound drawing their attention. “You two need to get a room.”
“We have a room. Two in fact,” Geralt smirked at her. He loved their teasing banter when she wasn’t driving him mad with worry. Naurel was listening to the two of them and jumped when someone plopped down in a chair near her at the end of the table.
“Geralt you gorgeous beast, who are you lovely friends?”
Geralt shook his head and sighed. “Jaskier,” he nodded in greeting. He let Naurel and Ciri introduce themselves though kept his arm possessively around Naurel. Jaskier was a friend but he was also amorous and for some reason that bothered him where his newest companion was concerned.
“How did two such lovely creatures end up with such a grumpy, silent companion?” Jaskier wondered. 
“He’s not silent nor grumpy,” you smiled at the bard. 
“He’s grumpy and bossy,” Ciri teased. 
The waitress approached and Geralt ordered food for the three of them before joining the conversation. “I’m surprised to find you this far north this close to the snowy season.  I know you hate cold weather.”
“You are right,” Jaskier chuckled. “Oddly enough I’ve been looking for you. You are a very hard witcher to find. You would think with the white hair, yellow eyes, and rippling muscles that you would stand out more.” Naurel chuckled.
“Jaskier,” Geralt grumbled, stopping the bard from babbling. “Why were you looking for me? Is everything alright?” 
“A friend, no, no she’s not a friend she’s a,” he stopped himself before he finished his thought. “Someone we have in common needs to speak with you. She’s rather insistent and very annoying and she keeps following me. I implore you, please speak to her before I throw myself off a cliff.”
Geralt paused as if he was considering the option of speaking to someone or letting him jump, only answering when Jaskier whined indignantly. He had an idea of who the bard was talking about but he wondered why she just didn’t come to him herself. He’d heard that she survived the battle of Sodden from Triss and he was happy to hear his friend was still alive. “Is she here?”
“I’m here,” Yennefer said from behind him. “We need to speak, alone,” she looked at the others pointedly. 
He nodded and stood. “Jaskier, stay with them until I return?”
“Of course,” he smiled as he started asking both of them questions.
Yennefer led Geralt to an out-of-the-way corner near the stairs. She noticed that he positioned himself so that he could still see the table. “I need your help. Something has happened. I’ve searched everywhere, through all the lore about magic and chaos except the books at Kaer Morhen.”
“What are you searching for?”
“A spell,” she lied. “I am searching for a spell to try and help Istredd study the monoliths.” She wasn’t going to expose her weakness to anyone. It was bad enough that the old woman was in her head calling to her, telling her to bring both the woman and the girl to her; she wasn’t about to tell him she had lost her ability to do magic as well.
“Why doesn’t that ring true to me?” Geralt gave her a look.
“Fine, don’t help me,” she hissed and started to walk away.
“Yennefer,” he stopped her. “Portal to Kaer Morhen. Vesemir is willing to work with sorceresses and mages. He will show you the books you are looking for.”
“Why don’t we just travel together?” she asked. “Seems like you seem to be gathering a rather large party on your journey,” she eyed his new friends. “I could help you look after them. They both seem sort of defenseless.”
He could use some help protecting them since Ciri seemed to be so dead set on getting herself hurt. Maybe with Yennefer’s magic, he could actually rest a bit. “You want to travel, on foot, in the cold. You know it will be snowing soon?”
“Please witcher, the weather does not bother me,” she scoffed and walked back to the group at the table. She made sure to place herself next to Naurel where Geralt had been. Jealousy made her blood boil when she noticed how Geralt looked at the woman. The witcher and his new child suprise were supposed to be her family, not this woman's. She was tired of life screwing her over and giving everyone else what was rightfully hers.
Geralt frowned but sat next to Ciri. “Yennefer has decided to join us for the rest of our journey home.” Naurel looked into his eyes in question but didn’t speak, Jaskier however did.
“I’m going to then,” he insisted.
“I thought you wanted to be rid of her?” Geralt asked.
“Rid of me?” Yennefer scoffed. “I saved your life.”
“No, you distracted him so I could run. That’s not saving me, that's being a tease,” Jaskier argued. Ciri laughed at the two of them.
Their food was served and Naurel picked a small piece off of her bread and ate it as she listened to Jaskier tell stories of his time with Geralt. The bard was funny and he had kind eyes. She liked him. She could see how he would get on Geralt’s nerves though with his knack for babbling and Geralt being stoic and quiet.
‘The redhead! Bring the red head’ the deathless mother screamed in her head over and over. It was becoming hard to ignore but she pushed it to the back of her mind and continued on with the conversation. “Awe you left out the story of how the three of us met,” Yennefer interjected. “All bloody and dying because of the Djinn. Geralt, ever the protector, riding in to find me to save you.” She saw the muscles in Geralt’s jaw flex as he clenched his teeth.
“Well, he ended up saving you too,” Jaskier snapped. “More than saving you if I remember correctly.”
“Jaskier,” Geralt sighed.
The bard looked up and quickly realized he’d said too much. “But he came to his senses!”
She closed the door behind her before laying on the bed next to her friend. “He thought she was dead,” she explained softly. She wanted to be sure she knew Geralt had not intentionally tried to hurt her though Ciri never realized that Yennefer and Geralt were mates.
“I know,” her voice choked as she lost her battle with her tears. “It’s my fault,” she repeated to herself more than Ciri. She took the comfort Ciri offered and allowed the young girl to play with her hair before she ran over to the chamber pot and vomited.
Wolf and flame tag list
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links-in-time · 4 months
Hero's Scars
Trans-Masc Hyrule Warriors Link
@hyruledwarriorr @crazylittlejester
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Not sure how long this fic is going to be, or where it's going at the moment. But I had an idea for this fic a while ago and Warriors Link lives rent free in my brain in a variety of ways.
Hope people like this iteration of Warriors Link.
(Conversations and ideas have been vetted by my trans girlfriend)
Warnings: Mature themes, language, future sexual encounters.
Content under cut.
Sara walked along the long corridor which housed the Hylian army barracks. To the left and right were doors leading into the bunks for the various battalions of the army, as well as the officer's quarters. Sara had been sent to retrieve Captain Link for a meeting with Princess Zelda and the generals. Link was usually pretty prompt at attending meetings. However, last night he had returned well after midnight, following a particularly harrowing raid on a monster encampment.
As she reached the door to Link's room Sara stopped and knocked.
"Just a moment!" She heard Link call out.
The door however was unlatched and swung open a little as she knocked. Sara opened it a little more and put one foot inside the room.
"It's just Sara, Sir, I've come to get you for the meeting." She assured him as her eyes swept the room.
It was a modest chamber. A small room with a window and bed at the far end, a desk covered with documents and a trunk containing Link's clothes and personal items.
Link was already up and half dressed. He had put on his trousers and was sitting on the bed in the process of pulling up his boots. He jumped to his feet however when he realised Sara was in the room. She couldn't help but stare at his half naked form. He was slim but very muscular, his torso tapered a little at his waist above his belt. As Sara's eyes wandered upwards towards Link's flushed face, she noticed two crescent shaped scars below his chest. They curved around his pecks like pink shadows. Link's arms folded around his chest instantly when he caught her staring, and he turned his back on the door.
"I said I needed a moment! Get out!" He barked back at Sara, his surprise and embarrassment quickly turning to anger.
"I'm so sorry!" Sara replied, flustered as she tried to close the door. "The door was open, I just... I'll wait for you outside."
Sara quickly slammed the door closed with a little more force than she meant to. She slumped against the wall and let out a long sigh. She squeezed her eyes closed and bashed her fist against her forehead.
Sara and Link had become friends a long time ago. Not long after the start of the war she had been assigned to his squad. Though Link was fairly cagey around most people, Sara had got him to open up on more than one occasion. They bonded over their dislike of their adolescent drill sergeants, and their mutual love of sweet treats. Although they were difficult to come by these days, Link often managed to share his rations of cake and biscuits with Sara. She hoped beyond hope that this incident wouldn't spoil their friendship.
It was a few days until Sara got the opportunity to see Link again. They had just finished clearing out a new monster encampment on the Zora border and were taking a well earned rest in a nearby town. The Inn had offered to house the officers while the rest of the troops were camped outside. That didn't stop the soldiers from making use of the Inn's bar however.
Sara had just come off patrol with a few other soldiers, when she stepped into the Inn. A wall of noise, warmth and light hit her like the broadside of a bokoblins mace. The Inn was full to bursting with jolly soldiers and a few of their superiors dotted about, as well as a handful of locals. Some of whom seemed pleased to have the army visit their small village, others were glaring over their tankards.
Pushing her way to the bar, Sara caught the barkeeps attention. Some barrels of cider had been paid for by the General and set behind the bar for the troops. The barkeep poured a pint into a pewter tankard and passed it across the bar to her. She gave him a nod rather than try and thank him, it was too loud for him to hear her anyway.
Turning around to face the room, Sara caught sight of a familiar flash of bright blond hair at the far end of the bar. Leaning forwards she could see Link, drink in hand, two young women and a red headed boy practically hanging off his right arm. Sara studied his face. Link clearly wasn't engaging with them and was doing his best to ignore the trio. His cheery smile failed to reach his bright blue eyes. One of the women, a pretty blonde with large green eyes, leant against the bar talking almost constantly. The other woman who had brown hair was trying to muscle in between her friend and Link to try and get his attention. The red headed boy leant against an elbow on the bar, sipping his drink while occasionally adding a comment to the conversation.
Sara rolled her eyes at them. She'd seen plenty of people in towns all over Hyrule swooning over the Captain. The Hero of Hyrule came with a lot of caviats she had realised. One being a lot of unwanted attention from people seeking the Hero's favor.
Sara enjoyed her cider in relative peace for a while. Some of her squad came over to talk about the battle but she was only half interested in reliving their latest victory.
When she found herself alone at the bar again, her attention wandered back to Link. The two women had gone but the red headed guy was still hanging around him like a bad smell. Sara assumed he was a farm hand or some such, judging by his muddy and patched clothing. But going by his sly expression, he could have fit right in at Hyrule Castle with the other slippery nobles. Sara's eyes flicked to Link's face, but it was difficult to make out his expression beneath his bangs which hung down low over his half bowed head. When the red head trailed a hand down Link's upper arm, he flinched.
"That's it!" Sara announced to no one in particular, slamming her tankard down on the bar with more force than she meant to.
Sara got to he feet and pushed her way towards her Captain. He didn't see her coming but the interloper did. He scoffed at her and raised an eyebrow as she elbowed her way towards them.
"Can we help you with something sweetheart?" The man asked condescendingly, looking down his pointed nose at Sara, who was only half a head shorter than he was.
"Hmm?" she hummed behind a false smile. "No, but you can help yourself avoid a black eye and go home," she stated plainly.
The man blinked at her and Link half turned to look at her, the corner of his mouth curling slightly.
"Excuse me darlin'," he drawled, a little taken aback by her afront.
"No, I will not excuse you. I think my Captain has had enough of your chatter for this evening. And unless you want me to announce to every one of HIS soldiers in this tavern that you're bothering him, I suggest you make like a bokoblin and fuck off!"
Sara emphasised her command by pointing towards the door. The man glanced once at Link, who gave him no sighs of encouragement. A few soldiers near by had stopped their conversations to listen to the commotion. Clearly outnumbered and not really wanting to face Hyrule's finest, the man slunk away from the bar, left the Inn and disappeared into the night.
Sara was about to go back to her drink when she heard Link speak.
"Thanks Sara," he uttered.
Sara gave him a respectful nod.
"You didn't look like you were enjoying his company Sir," she replied.
"Not particularly, I just can't seem to be able to tell people that myself," he sighed.
Sara laid a hand on his back. Link froze beneath her touch and she quickly withdrew it again.
"Sorry, um, do you wanna get some air?" She suggested.
Link glanced around at the bar full of soldiers and villagers. A few peple kept shooting him curious looks or whispering to others while staring at him. He turned back to Sara and gave her a weak half smile.
"Yeah, that might be a good idea."
The two of them slipped out of the Inn and walked a short distance out of town where a bubbling river passed it's boundary. Link stopped walking and settled himself on a rock beneath a willow tree. Sara came to a halt when she realised Link was no longer beside her and walked back to lean against the tree beside him.
"So can I ask what all that was about back there?" She asked, inclining her head back towards the Inn.
Link sighed, he wasn't looking at Sara, his gaze was fixed on the water as it hurried by. He rested his elbows up on his knees and rubbed his hands into his eyes, messing up his fringe a little.
"Urgh, they're fans of the Hero," he said, letting out a long deep breath.
"Yep, all they want to hang around me, make sketches of me, or... Well, that guy wanted something else from me."
"Oh Hylia, they sound as bad as Cia!" Sara exclaimed, disgusted by the behaviour Link was describing.
"They're not so bad really, I'm their hero and there's a certain image of me that they're used to seeing by now. The stoic, handsome hero who swoops in and saves them all. But, I'm just," he paused, closing his eyes. "You know I'm not that person all the time, don't you."
"Of course I do," Sara replied. She kicked Link's foot with her own boot. "For example I know you insist on having three sugars in your tea because in your own words, 'four is excessive but two just isn't enough sweetness'!"
Sara did a poor imitation of Link's Captain voice, which he reserved for meetings or rousing pre-battle speaches. He chuckled and kicked her in return.
"What I mean is, yes, I know you're a normal guy. Your troops know you're a normal guy, but I guess the people of Hyrule don't really know that."
"Mmm, that's my problem. I have to be Hero Link all the time around them, or else they get disappointed or disheartened if I don't live up to their expectations."
"And the people who want, something else from you?" Sara asked tentatively.
Link let out a haggard breath and his shoulders slumped.
"Even before I found out I had the Triforce of Courage, I'd never been very comfortable about people flirting with me. I never knew how to feel about it. Even if I liked them in return I couldn't bring myself to do anything about it."
Sara didn't know what to say in return, so she remained quiet. Hoping Link just needed someone to listen to him, not offer dating advice.
"I guess I sound like a stuck up ass hole to you don't I?!"
"What?! No not at all, everything you've said makes total sense to me." Sara assured him.
"But you have questions," he continued. "I can tell."
Sara stayed quiet. Of course she had questions about Link. Ever since she had walked in on him half naked and seen his scars she had had questions. But it wasn't her place to ask them. They weren't that close friends, were they?
"Hmm, I know what you want to ask. I saw your face the other day when you walked in on me. You looked just like Impa did when the same thing happened with her," Link said pensively. "Though she addressed it at the time. Impa has very little concern for other people's embarrassment."
"Well, I do. Which I why I didn't ask then, and I'm not asking now. Even if you hadn't yelled at me at the time, I could tell it's a personal thing and I'd never push anyone to talk about personal issues if they didn't want to." Sara said firmly, stepping away from the tree so that Link could see the resolve on her face.
He looked up at her then. Appreciation and tears sparkling in his eyes. He smiled sweetly and nodded.
"Thanks Sara. It's difficult to know who I can be myself around these days," he sniffed, wiping his face on the cuff of his sleeve.
"Of course you can trust me, you gave me your last bar of chocolate when our platoon got snowed into that cave! I'd never break a sacred bond like that!" Sara teased, however, behind her jokes she was being sincere.
"You're right!" Link laughed, a perfect release of joy which made Sara smile. "You know I'd almost forgotten about that misadventure."
"Sir, Link, I want you to know you can tell me anything. If it'll help you shoulder the burden of being our hero, you can trust me." Sara insisted, placing her hand over her heart.
Link got to his feet and faced Sara. He smiled and opened his arms, giving her a cautious glance. Sara approached and wrapped her arms around Link's waist while he hugged tightly around her shoulders.
"Thank you Sara," Link uttered close to her ear. "And you can drop the Sir when it's just us. Feels a bit wrong."
"Okay, and you're welcome Link. I'm not entirely sure what I did really," Sara shrugged.
"You listened," Link said, as he drew back slightly, his arms still locked around her body. "That's more than most people do for me."
"Well, if there's more you want to get off your chest, I'm never far away," Sara replied, giving him a smile.
"Maybe not right now. But I'll definitely keep that in mind."
Part 2 >
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“i’m at war with myself, it’s a losing game”
✧ mari ♡ 17 y/o cryptid fem ✧ s.her ♡ christian ✧ biromantic asexual ♡ 🇵🇸🫒 ✧
please do not put any donation links in my inbox. i am a minor and unable to respond to them. unless i know you, you will be blocked.
this is the void where i scream about stuff and mostly reblog! i’ve got tags for everything and i’m always happy to help out the easily triggered, so if you’d like to request a specific tag for content, please put it in my ask box. i also make moodboards for characters and ocs so you can request those too!
format vaguely stolen from @halucynator but i’m certain she’ll forgive me <3
dividers from @cafekitsune and the pics from pinterest
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proud member of @babygirls-inc
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ABSOLUTELY everything to know about me ->
american (derogatory) // christian (the good kind, shouldn’t have to clarify but here we are😭) // scorpio // bday oct 25 // music lover and writer // fanfic consumer // local neighborhood ace with the dirtiest jokes // i swear like a sailor to offput certain men // spring supremacy tbh // avid disneyworld enjoyer and corporate disney hater 🤝 // conflict makes me itch but i’m a professional debator // singer and stuff i already said // dwdw if i hate you, you will KNOW straight up // a downbad schemer, evil even // call me a double A battery the way i be autistic and asexual // whump enjoyer and writer at times // i do rp on minecraft a lot // and then there’s chunky he’s DEAD
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music ->
swiftie (taylor’s version) // k/da // heartsteel // itzy // everglow // blackpink in your area // little monster for mother monster gaga <3 // olivia rodrigo // chappell roan // Jesus was a Carpenter!!! // boygenius // emei! // precious jewel amor // derivakat // cg5 // reinaeiry // mave: MAKE A NEW WAVE!!!!! // dua lipa // ive // the warning // dove cameron // tobymac // daft punk // britney spears // madonna // gracie abrams // thomas sanders
movies & tv ->
miraculous ladybug aw yiss // vaguely intrigued in pokemon sun & moon // felix fathom and gladion mohn you are forever famous and not at all similar nono // mha // murder drones // hellaverse // tadc // saiki k // bsd // tangled the series NO SPOILERS // kimmy schmidt // schitt’s creek // the mindy project // atla // downton abbey // pride and prejudice miniseries with colin firth if you prefer the movie i’ll fight you // big bang theory // friends // star wars enthusiast // maleficent // guardians of the galaxy (what do you mean there are three movies??? there are only two uh huh….) // juno // the perks of being a wallflower // spiderverse // barbie // enchanted // hunger games // narnia // everything everywhere all at once // RAINBOW ROCKS // princess diaries // enola holmes // klaus // princess protection program // high school musical (no spoils for the series) // legally blonde // mean girls // frozen // alien stage!!! // project mc2 // the owl house
games ->
star guardians xayah x rakan truther // minecraft // sims 4 // prodigy // yandere sim
broadway ->
wicked // moulin rouge (not the movie) // she loves me // jeremy jordan is God’s gift to earth have you even heard him giggle tho. have you // newsies // shrek the musical >>>>>>> // holiday inn // dear evan hansen // mean girls // anastasia URGH brainrot // six // heathers // mystic glen // frozen
books/fanfic ->
keeper of the lost cities // the impossible quest // septimus heap // the land of stories // school for good and evil // narnia // artemis fowl don’t even TALK to me about the movie i’m still fuming // amulet // wonder // star of deltora // passerine // thirteen
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DNI: transphobes, zionists, aphobes, homophobes, bots or those that appear as such, potterheads, fatphobes, xenophobes, racists, pedos, misogynists, taylor antis, antifeminists, and the like! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED IF I SEE YOU IN MY NOTES. SERIOUSLY.
caution to my younger followers: this blog DOES contain sensitive content and language, but i’m not your mom so legally i can’t stop you. and if your mom doesn’t accept you or your identity, i’m adopting.
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babygirls inc (my guys! my dudes! my homies) : @yaboieif // @jingledbell
other faves: @halucynator // @ninadove // @demyxdancer // @emmafaeru // @pwippy
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tagging system ->
#mari reblogs -> anything i reblog!
#mari rambles -> i talk sometimes
#mari rants -> i’m mad sometimes
#ask mari -> used for any ask games i reblog, the box is always open
#mari answers -> i answer sometimes
#mari fangirls -> i’m in fandoms sometimes
#mari’s mutuals -> i post about/with cool peeps sometimes
#mari and eifie/teeb/jingle/lucy/spes/etc. -> i post with specific cool peeps sometimes
#mari writes -> i write sometimes
#mari whumps -> i whump sometimes
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don’t forget to do your daily clicks! in addition to palestinian support and relief, there are so many other causes that arab.org has to support. i know esp as a minor without a solid banking situation that it can be easy to feel helpless when you can’t donate, but this is something meaningful without having to pay money that truly makes a difference!
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bestmiisongs · 1 month
And that concludes the first round of the Best Miitopia Song Tournament!
Thank you to everyone who voted and shared the polls, and I'll see you on the 20th for the start of Round Two!
List of all winning songs from Round One:
A Lively Inn
People's Profiles
Getting Changed
Browsing the Journal
One Questionnaire, Please! (3DS) / More Mii Characters! (Switch)
Let's Make Up
Inn Workout
Look What I Bought!
Zonked (US) / Can We Rest Now? (EU)
Spin The Roulette?
Roulette: Gold Prize
Roulette: Bronze Prize
Rock, Paper, Scissors!
In That Holiday Mood
Wishing Upon a Star
A Pioneer's Pride
Got an amiibo?
Quiz: Final Question
Quiz: Congratulations!
Choose a Mii
Travelers' Hub
Haven Hollow
Opening: Miitopia at Peace
Opening: Rise of the Monsters
Opening: A Simple Traveler
The Great Sage's Theme
Divine Theme
A Happy Ending
Put a Smile on Your Face
The Princess's Theme
The Desert Prince's Theme
Ballad of the Fairies: Eldest
The Fab Fairies Dance
Fly, Dragon Riders!
The Darkest Hour
A Past Fraught With Sorrow
Purging the Dark Curse
Ending: We Saved the World
Open Up!
Villa: Grand Opening
Arrival: Greenhorne
Arrival: Elven Forest
Arrival: Powdered Peaks
Arrival: Nimbus
Arrival: The Sky Scraper
Map: Miitopia
Map: Neksdor
Map: Realm of the Fey
Map: Powdered Peaks
Map: Nimbus
Map: The Sky Scraper
Map: New Lumos
Map: Strange Place
Stage: Easin Hills
Stage: Subterranean
Stage: Arid Frontier
Stage: Nightmare Tower
Stage: Neksdor Desert
Stage: The Great Pyramid
Stage: Lotus Lake
Stage: Elven Forest
Stage: Bigg Forest
Stage: Karkaton Ascent
Stage: Karkaton Peak
Stage: Dark Lord's Castle
Stage: Ghontu Cave
Stage: Peculia
Stage: Manor Macabre
Stage: Sterile Plant
Stage: Sinister Plant
Stage: Nimbus
Stage: The Sky Scraper
Stage: Darker Lord's Domain
Stage: Galados Isle
Stage: New Lumos
Pre-battle: Imminent Clash
Pre-battle: Calamity Bringer
Battle: Greenhorne
Battle: Neksdor
Battle: Realm of the Fey
Battle: Karkaton
Battle: Powdered Peaks
Battle: Peculia
Battle: Nimbus
Battle: The Sky Scraper
Battle: Galados Isle
Battle: New Lumos
Battle: Now's Our Chance!
Boss Battle Time I
Boss Battle Time II
Boss Battle Time III
Boss: The Dark Lord
Boss: The Dark Lord's Wrath
Boss: Darker Lord's Left Hand
Boss: Darker Lord's Right Hand
Boss: The Darkest Lord
Boss: Darkest Lord's Final Form
Boss Battle: Evil Sage
The Spoils of War
Title: Greenhorne
Title: Karkaton
Title: The Dark Lord's Castle
Title: Nimbus
Title: Otherworld
Title: New Lumos
Party Time!
Outing: Seaside Relaxation
Outing: Café
Outing: Karaoke 3
Outing: Skygazing
Outing: Park
Outing: Shopping
Outing: Cooking Class
Outing: Gym - Burn!
Outing: Cinema - Watching 2
Outing: Cinema - Puzzled
Outing: Outing: Cinema - Looong
Horse: First Encounter
Stable: A New Beginning?
Stable: High Spirits
Stable: Shock
Makeup - Eyes
Wigs - Cowlick
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 10 months
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I made a list of pairings, but now I've got titles and summaries for you! Headers will be added as I make them.
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12/14: Patience, Zaldrīzītsos Hand holding & dry humping with What is Broken!Aemond x Fiancee/Sister!Reader
At their pre-wedding tourney, Aemond sits in the stands with his sister – his betrothed – and holds her hand to help calm her while they watch the fighting, and continues to do so all through the dinner. He escorts her back to her chambers to kiss her goodnight, but kisses turn into something more…
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12/15: After the War Dreams & Dirty Talk with Tom Bennett x Reader
The night before Tom is sent back to his ship, he spends one last night with his best girl and makes plans for what they'll do when the war is over.
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12/16: With No One Around In Nature & Deep Throating with Aemond x Wife!Reader
When you and Aemond need to relax, you have a secret spot where you can go and be all alone.
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12/17: Okay? Okay. Reassurance & Car Sex with Modern!Aegon x Girlfriend!Reader
You end up needing to run a few errands at the same time Aegon has his weekly therapist's appointment, so you decide to drop him off and pick him up. But when he gets back in the car, he's desperate for affirmation. It seems the topic of his appointment was his parent's marriage
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12/18: Enclosed Letters & lingere kink with Tom Bennett x Reader
When he's far away at sea, Tom finds himself infinitely grateful that you found work at a photography studio.
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12/19: One Day... Future & Face Sitting with Billy Washington x Reader
After months of recovering from Cranstead, and even more months of job-searching, Billy has finally been hired. And he knows exactly how he wantsto celebrate.
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12/20: Presents Wrapped in Black Sharing a Drink & Toys with Daemon x Sugar Baby!Reader
Unfortunately, Daemon was the only one home when his Christmas present arrived, and even worse, there was no wrapping on the package. So, you spend Christmas Eve experimenting with his very extensive new collection of fine spirits and liquors. And since he got his present early, he thinks it's only fair that you do too. Of course, he can never resist spoiling you...
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12/21: Dusky Pink Sunset & Orgasm Control with Studious!Aemond x Wife!Reader
Y'all'll get this summary once Studious VI is out... 👀
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12/22: Hold Your Breath Swimming & Face Fucking with Tom Bennett x Reader
When Tom takes you to the beach for your first holiday since the war, you quickly begin to suspect he has an ulterior motive. But as long as you can watch his muscle moves as he swims, you can be okay with that.
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12/23: The Princess at the Inn Bed Sharing & Accidental Stimulation with Ser Criston Cole x Aegon's Twin!Reader Yes I'm a simp for Cole, fucking sue me
For the first time in years, Ser Criston Cole is not guarding his Queen. Alicent has sent him on a covert mission to retrieve her wayward daughter, who has fled from the prospect of marrying her twin brother. It was supposed to be simple, but he quickly finds that the girl he thought to be so like her elder half-sister is in fact quite different.
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12/24: Office Christmas Party A Fancy Party & Praising with Modern!Aemond x Reader
You totally aren't worried about making a fool of yourself at your boyfriend's office Christmas party. Why would you be? It's only hours of socializing with people richer than you, better dressed than you, and probably smarter than you. It's only the first time you would meet Aemond's famous family (who you may or may not have heard telling him how 'beneath him' you are whenever Aemond forgets you're home and has his phone on speaker). What about that could possibly make you nervous?
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12/25: I'll Be Home for Christmas Promise & Phone Sex with Osferth x Reader
Your fiance, Osferth, has been gone far too long. The two month trip - to see all the holy sites from the New Testament - was already long enough as it is. But now, a massive blizzard has stranded him at the airport. It's Christmas Eve, and you might very well be spending your favorite holiday alone.
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sifuus-strap · 15 days
a fic I don't have the attention span to write but that I think about
spoilers for ashura under the cut, skip it if you don't want to be spoiled for his upper lvl friendship stuff
a majiri who comes to Kilima to avenge the child princess Ashura accidentally killed when he was a soldier. they use flow runes to disguise themself as a human and integrate into the village by pretending to be one of the random humans popping up. they want to get close to ashura to kill him, but he is not what they expected. for 20 years they've been picturing an old boastful soldier, bragging every chance he gets about how important he was and showing off his glory. but he isn't like that at all. maybe they need to stay longer.
months down the road and they're sitting with ashura in the inn one slow night. they take off the disguise runes and transform back into their majiri form. maybe ashura recognizes them as umbraan. (it would be cool if there were slight differences in the population across the regions) and they tell him why they came to kilima. he's floored. he thought they were his friend. they asked him to be their shepp.
they tell him they wanted to kill him in the square in front of his friends, all the trouble they've gone through to get his name and location. all the heads they've busted to get what they need. he tells them that if they still want that, he won't fight. he knows he deserves it.
they don't want that. they're tired. they just wanted to tell him the truth.
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katana-no-neko · 1 year
Link didn't know what time it was, just that it was late. The moon was high in the sky, lighting the way to the village. He trudged through Hateno's gate, feet heavy and eyelids heavier. A greeting came from a villager nearby, though Link couldn't muster up the will to determine who it was or what exactly they'd said. Thankful that the villager didn't recognize him and bombard him with questions, Link gave a wave and turned off the main road toward a familiar house.
He could only avoid this place for so long.
Link knew she wasn't there, but upon opening the door to their house, he still expected to see her at the table, a smile on her face as she enjoyed a slice of the fruit cake he'd baked before that fateful visit under the castle, the fruit cake that had long since spoiled and molded in their absence. As he looked up to the loft, he still hoped to see her at her desk, brows furrowed and eyes focused as she wrote down the day's events. As he came up the stairs, his heart still yearned to see her draped across their bed, snoring lightly as the moonlight from their window bathed her in an ethereal glow.
The house was familiar and yet so foreign. It felt empty without her light, her love. He hadn't been back in a long time, he knew he wouldn't like how it felt without her here, but his wallet was struggling to keep up with regular inn stays and his body was struggling to keep up with staying out all night. He needed a real bed.
He dropped his bag on the ground and let his equipment tumble down with it. His shoulders throbbed as he pulled off his tunic and his back groaned as he crawled beneath the covers and got into the cold bed. His heart ached at the loneliness. He turned his head toward the nightstand as if he'd see her standing there, but all he saw was a simple vase with a long-dead Silent Princess.
And he let himself cry.
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• Callum takes Rayla out on a date at least once a week to give them a break from the duties of royal life
• He gets her every single thing he sees that reminds him of her or that he knows it will look absolutely amazing on her
• On each of her birthdays, they go on at least a week-long trip around Xadia, stopping at Rayla's home at least for one day
•Every year, he has at least three dresses made for her, in Moonshadow Elf fashion
•After the birth of each of their children, he gives her handmade moonstone jewellery
•After their night together at the inn, Callum leaves a mint on her pillow, every single night
•He brings his princess breakfast in bed, even though Rayla gets up much sooner than Callum due to training with Soren
He just loves to spoil her because she deserves it
At first, Rayla finds all his gifts a little overwhelming. She grew up in an average household (is middle class a thing in Xadia?), but Callum is a prince. He’s rich. And to him, Rayla is worth more than all the gold and precious gems in existence.
To add on to that last one, Callum personally manages to get the Crownguard’s daily training sessions pushed back an hour (he was aiming for two, and this was the compromise) so his very much not-a-morning-person princess can sleep in a little longer.
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discordiansamba · 8 months
last night as I was falling asleep I thought about the VLD atla AU and, appropriately enough, the characters and sleep.
Allura and Lance both fall under the category I like to call 'people who would not mind sleeping in who are nonetheless usually required to wake up early anyways'. Allura has her duties as a princess, and Lance has his responsibilities to the Water Tribe, often waking early. It's easy to picture Lance as the type to chafe at getting sick- but he doesn't mind the part where it lets him luxuriate in bed for just a little longer.
If they were completely left to their own devices on their journey to find the Avatar, they both would probably sleep in until noon. But Coran is very much a natural morning person, so he wakes them both up... at a decent hour. Lance and Coran are both equally used to sleeping in sparse accommodations, while Allura is somewhat... spoiled in that regard. It takes her awhile to adjust to camping so they often sleep in inns whenever they have the chance (and the money).
Pidge is a night owl. She's always been this way, often staying up to the crack of dawn and then passing out. She likes to joke that she's actually nocturnal, so of course she ends up traveling with a morning person. She also hates camping, while Shiro actually enjoys it. It's a great chance to commune with nature, to deepen your connections with the world around you.
These two are not on the same page at all, to say the least. Shiro tries to wrangle Pidge into having a more reasonable sleep schedule, which he is having... mixed success with. He's used to dealing with children, but Pidge is especially stubborn compared to the airbender kids he's used to dealing with. Guess it must be that Earth blood.
Hunk is a morning person, with a healthy sleep schedule. He doesn't really mind camping so much as he minds the noises. But he can rest easy knowing that Kosmo and Keith's komodo-lion are out there to protect them. But what he really enjoys about camping is getting to cook over the open fire. There's so much room for experimentation and creativity! And he's never short on meat, because between Keith, Kosmo, and the komodo-lion, he is just surrounded by excellent hunters.
Keith does not have a sleep schedule. He hates sleeping indoors or when it's raining or during the night- in fact, his preferred time to sleep is in the middle of the day, while basking out in the sun. Hunk jokes that he's a bit like his komodo-lion, actively seeking out warmth. Keith has no idea how weird his sleep habits are until he and Hunk actually join up with the others, because Hunk is too nice to say it, and Keith hasn't really lived with anyone since his father died.
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Prologue: Waterdeep, 1482 DA
Summary: As the heiress apparent to House Selemchant of Amn, Dulcinea is used to getting her way. At 28 years old, she has never had to lift a finger unless it was to cast an evocation spell. That is, until she woke up on an unknown beach with a tadpole in her brain.
Rating: MA
Category: F/M
Relationships: Tav/Gale
Chapter 1/?
Word Count: 4.8K
If there was one thing Dulcinea Selemchant loved, it was a good party. Not any informal salon, though — no, Dulcinea loved grand balls, opulent galas, and events of the season. Truthfully, she loved any event that gave her an excuse to dress up in her finest and preen in front of the mirror. At 18 years old, she was a recent debutante in Sword Coast’s upper echelon of wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks, a role she slid into with confidence and panache. She loved feeling like the star of the show when she walked into the ballroom, the whispers of awe, and the attention of male suitors.
That was the true purpose of her parents sending her all the way from Athkatla to Waterdeep — to marry her off to another powerful family of wizards. Between the legacy of House Selemchant’s propensity to produce gifted mages and the associated political clout within Amn, a Selemchant woman made an excellent marital choice for an upwardly mobile wizard.
Although Lorroakan’s personal goal was to schmooze with the most gifted wizards of the Sword Coast, his directive was to chaperone his younger sister. “Keep a close eye on her,” their father instructed. “Do not let her out of your sight, even for a moment.” Lorroakan resented this responsibility of babysitting his spoiled little sister, the crown jewel of the family and his father’s blatantly obvious favorite, but he was on thin enough ice as it was after several shameful mishaps related to his temper. He was in no position to refuse.
In her room at Tarth’s towers, Waterdeep’s most luxe inn, Dulcinea stood in front of a full-length mirror, turning her head from side to side as she fussed over the shape of her jaw, the contour of her cheeks, and the shape of her lips, which were pressed into a seductive pout. Her honey-colored skin was kissed with a blush made from beet juice and pomegranate.
Behind her, her halfling governess Clothilde stood on a small stool, lacing the back of Dulcinea’s elaborate dress. Clothilde pulled the silk ribbon lacing as tightly as she could, pulling Dulcinea’s waist into a tight hourglass. As the corseting tightened around her, Dulcinea gasped slightly.
“Hurts to be beautiful, eh?” Clothilde quipped. Clothilde had cared for Dulcinea since she was a baby. The two of them shared a close bond, one not dissimilar to that of a mother and daughter. In fact, it was Clothilde who prepared Dulcinea to be a debutante.
“Always worth it,” Dulcinea replied breathlessly. She straightened her back and squared her shoulders as she adjusted to the new constriction around her abdomen.
She admired her streamlined figure in the mirror, half-twirling from side to side. Her dress was robin’s egg blue and made of the finest mulberry silk which cascaded down to the floor, concealing her spotless, white calfskin boots. The tightness of the bodice pushed her breasts up slightly, giving the illusion of cleavage. Her dark, curly hair was pulled back into a high bun encircled by tight braids and held in place with a thin silver comb.
“One last thing,” Dulcinea said, reaching for her jewelry case that sat on the table next to the mirror. From the intricately engraved gold case, she produced a silver necklace that glittered with tiny sapphires — her most prized possession. Dulcinea smiled indulgently at her reflection. “There we are,” she breathed with satisfaction as she admired her décolletage.
“You look like a princess, little rabbit,” Clothilde smiled, using Dulcinea’s childhood nickname.
Then, there came a forceful knock on the door. Dulcinea jumped at the disruption.
“Are you quite done yet?” Loroakkan bellowed in annoyance from the other side of the door.
Dulcinea rolled her eyes. “Yes, brother, I’m done,” she called back. “Such an asshole,” she groaned to Clothilde.
“Don’t give your brother too hard of a time tonight, rabbit,” Clothilde chided. She knew that Dulcinea would likely try to slip out of Lorroakan’s line of sight and get into some sort of trouble. At the last two balls that the siblings attended, Dulcinea got a little too tipsy and had to be taken back to the inn early in the evening. After that, their father insisted that Lorroakan supervise her more closely lest she sully her reputation and that of their family.
“Fine,” Dulcinea agreed, albeit with a tone of dismissiveness. She leaned down to give her governess a hug. “I’ll behave — Paladin’s honor.”
“You’d better! Or else your father won’t let you leave the house until you’re an old maid,” Clothilde warned jokingly. She and Dulcinea knew quite well that their father would impose no such punishment upon his treasured daughter.
Dulcinea waved goodbye to her governess and opened the door to see her visibly irritated brother tapping his foot impatiently. He was a young, good-looking man with high cheekbones and red hair pulled back into a ponytail. He was dressed in a green velvet waistcoat with flashy golden embroidery along the cuffs of his sleeves and the collar. Beneath his waistcoat, he wore a color-coordinated vest and thigh-skimming trousers with their seams featuring the same golden embroidery pattern.
“We were supposed to arrive half an hour ago,” he hissed. “And you’re in there preening over yourself.”
Dulcinea rolled her eyes. “I’m ready to go now, aren’t I? You’re no fun, Lorroakan.”
“This night isn’t just for you, Dulcinea. It’s for me, too. I’m fact, it’s more for me than for you. Now let’s go.”
With a deft snap of his fingers, Lorroakan transported himself and his sister to Phaulkonmere, a villa owned by two noble families of Waterdeep — The Phaulkons and the Tarms. They often hosted large gatherings of Sword Coast’s high society, including the most elite and well-renowned mages of the realm. It was an old stone building with ivy creeping up its outer walls. From where the Selemchant siblings stood on the street, they could already hear music and laughter from inside. The party had started without them, much to Lorroakan’s irritation.
“We’re fashionably late,” Dulcinea insisted.
“Whatever. Please don’t make an ass of me tonight.”
“Don’t make an ass of yourself, either,” Dulcinea said snarkily. “Gods know you’re good at that.”
Lorroakan shook his head and walked quickly towards the doors. His black leather boots clicked across the stone steps leading into the house. Dulcinea trailed after him with an intentional languidity in an attempt to further annoy her brother. He may’ve been assigned to be her handler tonight, as it were, but that didn’t mean she would make his job easy.
The Selemchants stood in the grand foyer of the villa, looking into the main hall where everyone was gathered. A trio of instrumentalists — a viol, a drum, and a horn — played a rendition of “The Wizard and the Wren,” a fitting but painfully obvious choice of accompaniment. The scent of roasted meats filled the air. Mages mingled in small groups, drinking wine and laughing.
Lorroakan glared at his sister. “I can’t have you following me around all night, but if you dare leave my line of sight there will be consequences.” He walked halfway across the foyer before turning back to look at Dulcinea. “And no getting drunk like last time, either. Keep your shit together.” Lorroakan entered the main hall, met with cheers of recognition from friends and acquaintances. A half-orc thrust a goblet of wine into his hand, clapping him forcefully on the back. He grinned in recognition, making a joke that Dulcinea couldn’t hear, causing the people around him to double over in laughter.
He was playing the politician, which in addition to his magical acumen was one of his finer skills. Lorroakan had always been a persuasive and ambitious individual and after gaining a reputation as one of the stronger wizards in Baldur’s Gate, it was increasingly important for him to have friends in high places. Parties like this were a strategic choice for forming those alliances. He couldn’t have his bratty sister getting in his way tonight.
Dulcinea squared her shoulders and lifted her chin slightly, channeling her confidence. She daintily stepped over the threshold to the main hall. She felt heads turn and eyes widen, as they often did. Her attire was usually what caught people’s eye. Her family spent an inordinate amount of money on her formal wardrobe for these events. It was a strategic move on her father’s part, as the goal was for her to signal her availability to suitors.
Despite her frequent attendance at events of this nature, Dulcinea had yet to find a consistent suitor. Either she grew bored of them or they grew irritated with her entitled attitude. At times, it made her nervous that she had been so unsuccessful on this front. How long would her parents continue to foot the bill for this lifestyle when her efforts were so consistently fruitless?
It wasn’t worth thinking about. She was there to have a good time, act charming, and flirt with powerful men. Being nervous about becoming an old maid would only make her appear desperate.
“May I offer you some wine, Miss Selemchant?” a half-elf attendant asked. Dulcinea nodded, accepting a goblet of wine. She tilted bowl of the goblet towards her nose, taking in the aromas: chocolate, pomegranate, and black pepper. She took a sip, holding the wine in her mouth momentarily, engaging her senses fully. It was full-bodied, peppery, and rich. She wasn’t a sommelier by any stretch but she knew her way around wines, thanks to her upbringing. This one was, in her opinion, solidly mediocre. The wines in Amn are better, she thought to herself. But this will do in a pinch.
Across the room, the band stopped playing folk songs and began to tune in preparation for dancing. Dulcinea watched as couples began to pair off and walk towards the dance floor.
“May I have this dance?”
Dulcinea turned and found herself facing a tall half-elf with piercing green eyes and long red hair pulled back into a thick ponytail. Daintily, she offered him her hand.
“I suppose so,” she replied, smiling coyly.
“You’re Dulcinea Selemchant of Athkatla, yes?”
Dulcinea nodded. “The same, last I checked.”
The elf laughed a little too hard at her joke. “Ah, clever and beautiful! How lucky am I to have gotten the first dance of the night with you. I am Darius Tarm. It is my honor to make your acquaintance, Miss Selemchant.”
His overtures were painfully heavy-handed. Dulcinea questioned whether or not she should’ve waited for another suitor to ask for a dance instead, but it was too late to recant as they were already on the dance floor. What’s more, he was the host of the party. The least she could do was grant him a dance. In the worst case scenario, she would only have to entertain his presence for the night. In the best case scenario, this would turn into a fruitful courtship and she could marry into a wealthy Watderdhavian family where she could have the autonomy to pursue her studies while living a life of leisure.
The band started to play a lilting melody as couples took their place on the floor. Darius and Dulcinea stood across from each other. His bottle green dress robes swished around him as he bowed dramatically. She curtsied, leaning her forward slightly enough to allow a discrete tease of her cleavage.
The Volta was, at the time, a controversial dance with its origins in Candlekeep. It didn’t gain a semblance of social acceptability until it reached Waterdeep. Its scandalousness was what made it one of Dulcinea Selemchant’s favorite dances. For better or for worse, her beauty was something of a selling point and she displayed it best while dancing.
Darius’ eyes were trained on her as they half-skipped, half-sashayed in opposing semi-circular directions, inching closer to one another with each alternating rotation; clockwise then counterclockwise, then clockwise once more. Dulcinea could smell the overpowering musk of his cologne as they neared one another.
“So,” Darius began, raising his right arm up at a ninety degree angle with his palm facing towards Dulcinea, “I understand that you’re to study at the Blackstaff Academy in Waterdeep, yes?”
Dulcinea raised her right arm, delicately touching her palm to his. “That is correct, yes. I am due there in the spring.”
The two half-skipped in time to the music in a clockwise pattern, palms and forearms pressed together.
Darius smiled approvingly. “An excellent choice for someone of your skill.”
Dulcinea managed to suppress the urge to double over in a fit of laughter. Darius was flattering her with outright falsehoods. Dulcinea was nowhere near skillful enough to attend Blackstaff of her own merit. It was her father’s money that bought her attendance, once more in the interest of pairing her off with someone of status. Dulcinea understood her duty to offload herself from her family, however she hoped that she could build her skills as a witch to achieve even a modicum of renown beyond being a wealthy coquette.
Darius raised his left arm while dropping his right. Dulcinea pressed her palm and forearm once more as they resumed the same clockwise skip.
“I’m sure you’re aware that I have a faculty assignment there,” Darius said smugly, touting his own prowess. “You may be studying under me if you’re pursuing studies in transmutation. In fact, I may have a position open for a research assistant position if such a role may peak your interest.”
Dulcinea smiled with feigned interest. She knew precisely what “research assistant” meant — write my manuscript, get no credit for it, and suck my cock while you’re at it. It was an arrangement that would suit all of her needs in education, sexual appetites, and political standing, but with that came no guarantee of a marriage. In fact, it practically guaranteed the opposite.
“Oh my, what an opportunity,” Dulcinea replied, still feigning interest. “I’d love to hear more about your research later this evening.” Dulcinea, in fact, had no interest in Darius’ work and was quickly growing bored of him. Rather, by asking to hear about his research she was gently propositioning him for a clandestine session of intimacy.
The music began to swell, approaching a climax. Dulcinea lowered her left hand, placing it on Darius’ shoulder while Darius’ hand slid down to her waist, resting at the juncture of her corset and her hip. No matter whom she danced with, this was her favorite part of the dance. Dulcinea half-jumped while Darius simultaneously lifted her, spinning a quarter of a turn before gently lowering Dulcinea to the floor.
“I would be delighted to enlighten you, if you so desire,” Darius whispered as he lifted her again. With her feet back on the ground again, now facing Darius, she offered a coy smile. “Please, enlighten me.”
As the music slowed, couples returned to their starting positions, bowing and curtsying to one another. Darius offered his hand to Dulcinea, palm facing upward. “If I may, I believe we can find a more… suitable venue to discuss my research.”
Dulcinea placed her palm upon his, allowing Darius to lead her through the crowd towards the villa garden.
“Ah, Darius! The man of the house!” a voice called from across the room. Darius stopped weaving through the crowd and turned towards the voice. The voice belonged to Gale Dekarios, or Gale of Waterdeep as he preferred to be called. Dulcinea was familiar with him as he and the Selemchants floated in the same social circles. More importantly, her brother despised him. Any time Gale and Loroakkan were in the same room together, one could anticipate a condescending battle of wits that usually ended in petty insults and the occasional threat of a duel.
“Ah, Gale. How are you, my friend?” Darius replied, clapping Gale amicably on the back. Darius was visibly irritated that Gale was now standing in his way of a private encounter with Dulcinea.
“I am doing splendidly. As you’re probably aware, I have been appointed to a faculty position at Blackstaff Academy in the department of evocation. I shall begin lectures in the spring.”
Darius smiled thinly. “Congratulations, my friend. Truly an honor.”
Dulcinea felt a pleasant twist of her insides upon seeing Gale. Ever since she made her debut into the world of upper-echelon parties and galas last year, she’d harbored a secret, school girl’s crush on Gale of Waterdeep. She admired him as an exceptionally talented mage and his renowned command of the weave, but his rakish handsomeness never failed to put her heart aflutter. The candlelight that shone from the chandeliers above reflected off of his soulful brown eyes and the single earring that dangled from his left ear. He was in his late twenties but his face bore smile lines and wrinkles on his brow that conveyed how much time he spent deep in thought, studying dusty old tomes. Dulcinea swallowed hard, trying not to gawk at him in his dress robes which were a deep shade of eggplant purple.
Darius made a half-step towards the doors to the villa. “Miss Selemchant and I were just about to go for a walk in the garden.”
Gale nodded, half-bowing towards Dulcinea. “Yes, Miss Selemchant of Athkatla. It is a pleasure to see you once more. Did I overhear that you will be joining us at Blackstaff Academy in the spring? I offer my sincerest of congratulations for such an achievement.”
Dulcinea felt her cheeks redden as she curtsied clumsily. “Y-yes, I am quite looking forward to it,” she stammered, awkwardly trying to avert her gaze. “Um, Mister Tarm was just going to, ah, tell me a bit about his… research.” All of her years of etiquette training under Clothilde crumbled away in the face of Gale.
“Then I shall not interrupt,” Gale replied, recognizing his cue to take his leave. “But I do look forward to seeing how you flourish under the tutelage of the greatest wizards of our time this spring.”
Darius nodded curtly at Gale and quickly pulled Dulcinea into the garden. “Gods, read the room, Dekarios,” he spat under his breath. “Thank you for finessing our way out of that conversation.”
Dulcinea smiled sweetly. “Of course. I was quite looking forward to this. Hopefully there wont be further interruptions.”
Even amidst the crispness of autumn, the enchanted garden was in bloom. Carefully groomed topiaries lined the cobblestone path around the square-shaped garden, which hosted a small fountain at its center. Around the fountain, blankets of phlox and verbena sprouted from the ground in full bloom. The back walls of the garden boasted massive citrus trees whose perennially ripe fruit filled the air with the scent of lemon, grapefruit, and orange. On either side of the citrus trees stood tall square topiaries that spanned the rest of the garden walls.
Darius led Dulcinea behind the back garden topiaries. Quietly, he whispered an incantation for a cloak of invisibility which lessened the odds that they would be caught by other guests. He could have taken her up to his room for the night, but such a choice would be far too obvious and, besides, Darius loved the thrill of exhibitionism.
“Dulcinea, Dulcinea,” he growled seductively. “What sweetness you have in those hazel eyes and under this dress.”
“As much as I’m sure you desire to see it, I’m afraid I must decline. I am a lady after all,” Dulcinea said coyly, batting her eyelashes. “But there are… other activities that we may enjoy.”
“I will savor any sweetness of yours that I can get,” Darius hummed, pulling Dulcinea in close. She could smell the wine on his breath and the intoxicating musk of his cologne. He leaned into her neck to kiss her as she leaned her head to the side, offering her soft décolleté to his touch. He inhaled sharply, taking in Dulcinea’s scent, which was buttery and sweet.
Dulcinea moaned softly at the touch of his lips, which now moved upwards towards her jawline, her cheeks, and finally to her lips. His tongue flicked her bottom lip, begging for her to allow him entry. Dulcinea obliged, feeling his tongue slide into her mouth eagerly. She returned the favor, biting his bottom lip before advancing her tongue into his mouth. Darius’ hands slid from Dulcinea’s mid back to her ass, cupping it gently as he kissed her. Dulcinea pulled her lips away, drawing in a sharp breath as she studied Darius’ face. She was beginning to feel a touch light-headed from a combination of the alcohol, the tightness of her corset the weight of her dress, and the wet, primal arousal that lay beneath it all.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Darius breathed, leaning in to kiss her neck once more while Dulcinea caught her breath.
“Yes,” she sighed, pulling him in closer to her. He trailed his kisses down her neck, to her collarbone, finally coming to rest his lips on the curve of her soft breasts.
“May I offer you a kiss of a different sort?” Darius asked, making a painfully obvious innuendo in an attempt to get under Dulcinea’s dress.
“I can’t give away all of my secrets in one night, you know,” Dulcinea giggled. “After all, what else would we have left do once I get to Blackstaff?”
The tables had turned and now she was the one pursuing him, or so she wanted him to believe. She found Darius’ overtures boring, but a friend in a high place is a friend nonetheless and this friend could take her to even higher places yet. Her attendance at Blackstaff was a convenient excuse to lure him in while granting herself some distance. Truth be told, she wished it was Gale wanting to get under her skirt that night.
“Right you are, sweetness,” Darius replied, once more invoking the meaning of Dulcinea’s name. “There will be plenty of opportunities to discuss my work come spring.”
“I shall be sure to seek a meeting with you once I arrive,” Dulcinea purred. She nodded towards the villa. “Shall we? I could do with more wine.”
Darius smirked. “Certainly.” Like before, she lay her palm atop his as he escorted her back inside of the main hall.
As Dulcinea took a goblet of wine from an attendant, she could hear an argument starting across the room. “No, no, no! You could not possibly be more incorrect!” Lorroakan bellowed. He and Gale had picked up where they’d left off, arguing about some obscure topic of arcane knowledge. Loroakkan had already managed to lose his temper in the short time that Dulcinea had stepped out into the garden.
“Your disagreement does not surprise me, Lorroakan. In fact, you’re quite the predictable one. When you’re armed with a better defense of your treatise, you know where to find me,” Gale replied smugly. “Perhaps your temper will have abated as well.”
Dulcinea groaned in irritation. He always harangued her about her behavior at parties, but he was twice as bad as her at getting himself escorted from parties, taking her with him as collateral damage.
“Give me a moment, please,” she sighed, leaving Darius’ side. She drained her wine goblet and set it on a side table before walking quickly across the room to her brother.
“Lorroakan,” she said, her voice as stern as she could manage as she felt the alcohol seep into her system, causing her head to buzz as if it were full of bees. “You need to stop. Now”.
Lorroakan turned to face his sister, his eyes flaming with rage. He’d had too much to drink and he was slightly unsteady on his feet. “And you need to stop sneaking off into the garden to get your tits touched,” he roared. “Besides,” he said, shooting a look at Gale. “Mystra’s little chew toy was just about to leave, weren’t you Gale?”
Gale’s cheeks reddened as he struggled to maintain composure. “Mystra has merely requested my presence, nothing more. I mustn’t keep my goddess waiting.” He glanced at Dulcinea who was still standing a half-step behind her brother. “I look forward to seeing you in the spring, Miss Selemchant,” he said awkwardly as he turned to make a quick exit.
“Is everything alright over here?” Darius asked, appearing behind the Selemchant siblings. They had caused quite the stir that evening and people were starting to stare.
Dulcinea smiled politely. “Yes Mister Tarm. All is well. I’m afraid my brother and I must depart, however. I’m feeling a touch unwell.” She offered Darius an apologetic look. “Thank you for being such a gracious host. I look forward to seeing you in the spring.”
“Of course. I am sure I shall make some exciting discoveries through my research that I can share with you this spring,” he replied, kissing Dulcinea’s hand. “I wish you a pleasant evening, Miss Selemchant.”
Dulcinea gave a small curtsy before leading Lorroakan out of the villa.
“I was having a nice evening until you started acting like an ass,” she hissed at him.
“Oh, I’m sure you were. Having Darius Tarm up your skirt must have been the highlight of the evening aside from dancing the fucking Volta in polite company. Where the hell have your sensibilities gone?”
Lorroakan snapped his fingers, returning them to the inn. “I hope you had a lovely time being a whore in the garden, Dulcinea. I’m sure that will net you a husband.”
“If you hadn’t started arguing with Gale, we wouldn’t be having this discussion!” Dulcinea was beginning to raise her voice in frustration.
“Do you think I didn’t see you gawking at him, too?” Lorroakan snapped. “You sure have excellent taste, sister.”
“What in the hells is that supposed to mean?”
“Gale of Waterdeep, one of the most pompous wizards of the realm and Mystra’s latest fuck toy? In essence, someone astronomically out of your league and absolutely off limits?” Lorroakan spat.
Dulcinea gave him a confused look, the anger draining from her face. “Hold on - is Gale, a mortal man, the consort of Mystra?”
Loroakkan snorted. “Consort is a kind word for that. He’s her lapdog, her plaything, and an easy lay when she feels like it. He’s completely naive to the fact that she doesn’t give a flying fuck about him. It’s rather comical when you think about it: an archmage being duped by a goddess.”
Dulcinea recoiled slightly. She knew Gale was out of her league from the standpoint of arcane acumen, but she didn’t realize that he was very much so spoken for. “Oh,” she finally said after a moment of silence.
Lorroakan smirked. “But sounds like you’ll be busy enough with Darius Tarm. Seems like he’s cultivated an interest in you. Let’s hope it’s more than skin deep, hm?”
Dulcinea scowled contemptuously at her brother. “Get out of my room,” she snarled.
“With pleasure,” Lorroakan hissed, slamming the door behind him as he left.
Dulcinea sighed heavily as she turned towards Clothilde. “I’m terribly sorry about that.”
Clothilde shrugged passively. “Not like that’s anything new. Sounds like he was the trouble-maker tonight, eh?”
“I suppose.”
“Something happened tonight, didn’t it?” Clothilde had known Dulcinea her whole life. She could tell simply by Dulcinea’s tone and her posture that something was the matter.
“I ran into you-know-who and found out that he’s spoken for,” Dulcinea sighed, unlacing her boots.
“I’m sorry, rabbit,” Clothilde replied. “I know you’ve held a torch for him for a year now.” The halfling stepped onto the stool to unlace Dulcinea’s dress for her.
“I hurt my own feelings over him. I’m too young for him, too unwieldy with the weave, and he’s romantically involved with Mystra, apparently, so I’m too mortal as well.” Dulcinea felt a hard lump form in her throat. She swallowed hard, trying and failing to suppress the tears that formed in her eyes.
Clothilde gave Dulcinea a sympathetic pat on the back. “If it’s any consolation, I think you’re better off without him. Besides, sounds like something is brewing with Mister Tarm, eh? You’ll forget the wizard of Waterdeep in no time.”
“But I always get what I want. Why can’t I have him?” Dulcinea’s voice trembled as tears streamed down her cheeks. “I’m Dulcinea Selemchant, gods damnit! I always get what I want. And I want him, not Darius Tarm.” She stomped her foot, scowling in frustration, a childhood habit of hers when she didn’t get what she wanted. Ordinarily, her father would relent and give her whatever it was, but he couldn’t simply order another human to marry his daughter. Thayze was a powerful man and an even more powerful wizard, but some things were beyond the command of mortals.
“There’s no use crying over it, rabbit. Let’s get you into your nightgown and I’ll make you some licorice tea,” Clothilde said, giving Dulcinea’s hand an affectionate squeeze. “That always soothes the soul.”
Dulcinea smiled and nodded as she put her nightgown on. Clothilde always knew how best to comfort her. Clothilde knew best most of the time and Dulcinea hoped that she could continue her track record when it came to getting over Gale.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
New York Post
HELL-RAISER HARRY – LURED GIRLS TO ESTATE FOR BOOZE-&-DOPE FESTS https://nypost.com/2002/01/14/hell-raiser-harry-lured-girls-to-estate-for-booze-dope-fests/
Bill Hoffmann
January 14, 2002 5:00am
Pot-smoking Prince Harry was described last night as a party animal who lured teenage girls back to the basement of his dad’s country home for private booze parties.
The royal wild child even dubbed the secluded room at Prince Charles’ Highgrove estate in Scotland “Club H,” because of its well-stocked bar and powerful stereo system.
Details of Harry’s wild nights last summer emerged after yesterday’s revelation that Charles sent him to the Featherstone Lodge rehab center after learning his son got high at Highgrove.
Harry also admitted to pot-smoking and boozing at the local Rattlebone Inn, a few miles from Highgrove – getting high for the first time with a pal in an outhouse next to the pub.
The visit to rehab, during which Harry listened to the horror stories of hard-core drug addicts, was said to have “scared him straight,��� and he hasn’t used drugs since.
While marijuana is illegal in Britain and the drinking age is 18, those restrictions didn’t stop the then-16-year-old Harry over the summer.
“Harry was a player. His good looks and royal status had young girls flocking to him – and he used Highgrove to his advantage,” a source in London told The Post.
Locals revealed Harry used the Rattlebone as a recruitment center for the women he would invite back to his dad’s estate, locals said.
“How would you like to come back to my palace for a drink?” pub regulars at the Rattlebone quoted Harry as asking numerous female patrons last summer.
“He came quite often. Of course, a lot of young girls from villages ’round here would come to try to catch his eye. You can hardly blame them, can you?” pub regular David Bragg told London’s Mail on Sunday.
It was also revealed that Harry became embroiled in a bitter fight with a French worker at the Rattlebone last summer.
When the employee asked him to leave, Harry reportedly called him a “f- – -ing frog,” London’s Sunday Times said.
The drugs-and-booze scandal is the latest blot against Princess Di’s youngest son, whose past behavior has tagged him as a spoiled brat of privilege.
During a shooting party at the Duke of Westminster’s Grosvenor estate two years ago, the prince disgraced himself by getting drunk and throwing up across the bar.
“Harry was legless and speechless. The catering staff were appalled because they were left to clear up the vomit,” one eyewitness said.
Prince William was said to be “livid” at the behavior, commenting, “He’s my brother, but he is a bloody liability.”
Harry is also reported to have thrown bottles and drunkenly abused teenage girls during a holiday in Cornwall two summers ago.
“Harry was sitting on a wall outside a pub. In between throwing cider bottles, he was vomiting behind the wall. He is one of the most revolting people I’ve ever met,” one girl told the Mail.
The mother of another teen staying at Cornwall said the prince’s attitude to women was “intolerable.”
“They are there to be used and abused, touched up and mucked about with,” she said.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair last night commended Prince Charles for the way he dealt with Harry as “very responsible” and “very sensitive.”
In 2000, Blair’s then-16-year-old son, Euan, was found drunk and passed out in London’s Leicester Square
Interesting! Thank you❤️
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wttcsms · 9 months
OK ROYAL AU IDEA where reader is the spoiled princess who happens to be the youngest daughter of a king who's ruling over a major kingdom. you are to be married off to some prince in another kingdom, and this is the first time ur father has ever refused a request of yours. he assigns character as the knight in charge of taking care of you and seeing that you make it to the other kingdom safely. of course, you're being a brat and you don't want this AT ALL, so the whole entire time, you're doing whatever it takes to prolong the journey. you're asking for frequent stops, complaining the whole way, etc. character already has a slightly bad relationship with royals and you don't help his distaste for them. (yea it's an enemies to lovers fic, what's new!!!) i just love this fic concept bc i've decided that it's all about the YEARNING. the slowburn!!! the (sexual) TENSION.
it's all about the enduring a long horse carriage ride with the person you currently despise the most. it's about the first inn the two of you seek shelter at only having ONE BED. it's about the next inn you guys stay at being owned by a conservative lady who only rents to MARRIED couples so the two of you have to pretend to be married!!!!!!! it's about you being difficult to deal with for the first half of the fic but despite his annoyance with you, he still fulfills all ur seemingly impossible requests!!!! it's about you learning how to be a better person and as a princess who's never had to say 'thank you' for anything but yet you find yourself realizing those two words don't properly describe the gratitude you feel towards him. it's about him always putting his life on the line for you!!!! it's about how you're the first person to hear abt his nightmares. it's all about the fact that in the beginning of the fic, you delayed the trip in any way possible but now HE'S the one subtly delaying the trip the closer y'all get to the kingdom because he doesn't want to see you marry someone else but also bc he's grown to enjoy your company. it's about how you request that your trusty knight stays by your side at least til the wedding. it's about the fact that he's the only familiar face in this foreign town and perhaps THATS why you want him near you always (even though you know that's not true; you know that it's HIM you wish to be betrothed to, but unfortunately you're already promised to another). it's about how during a banquet, someone makes a snarky comment about him and just like how he's defended you all those times, you're repaying the favor. it's about you forgoing all proper etiquette and absolutely seething as you tell the person who insulted him that "to speak ill of him is the same as speaking ill of me & everyone here knows the punishment for that crime". it's about the fact that you get drunk a week before your wedding & he's there to take care of you and that's when you beg him to make you his, in mind, body, and soul, but right now, more specifically, body. it's the way he's been dreaming of you underneath him far too many times to be appropriate, but he still rejects you because he's a man of honor; after all, you're set to become someone else's wife, and youre a princess and he's from a scorned family and even if that wasn't an issue, you're still intoxicated and not in the right state of mind but you're crying and asking him why aren't you good enough. it's about you waking up the next morning to find him sitting in a chair, fast asleep because he spent the whole night consoling you and watching over you and you tell him that everything you said that night was true, that he is the only one you want, status and family reputation be damned. it's about him dramatically objecting your wedding!!!!
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