#the splattered blood on his lawnmower
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every-ronald-knox · 6 days ago
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gwydionmisha · 5 years ago
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Braindead: A Fan’s Dissection
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When I first saw this film a good number of years ago I was left dumbfounded. How could anything possibly be this good?? How could humanity top this film?? I wore it like a badge of honor: “I saw Braindead. You know it’s been rated as the goriest film of all time.” And all my friends in school were like “yeah, whatever.” I would come home from school, grab myself a Dr. Pepper, and sit down and watch it again. This obsession lasted for weeks—maybe months. It’s been so long I can’t really remember.
Point is: I adored this film the first time I saw it and I adore it even more now. This film is everything. It is—dare I say—Perfect.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Braindead (or Dead Alive), I urge you to find it and watch it immediately before continuing to read my break down of it. I’m going to spoil a lot of it in this review.
Is this a review? It’s really just me gushing about it. It’s off-the-rails, hilarious, super gory, and a total blast. However, I hope you have a strong stomach, cos it’s really disgusting too.
Anyway, let’s take off, shall we?
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Let’s start with our main character: Lionel Cosgrove. He’s played by actor Timothy Balme in his first ever role. Lionel is a rather well-off young man who lives with his mother, Vera (Elizabeth Moody). He’s an awkward and shy boy; the first glimpse we get of him is him fumbling with a fruit display in a shop. Very soon after this, he spills a box of black licorice and pens all over the counter. Then very soon after that, he backs into a streetcar, nearly getting run over.
He’s super emotive/expressive and the perfect protagonist for this movie.
Now that I’m thinking about it, Braindead is really a coming-of-age film for Lionel.
Let’s dive a little bit into his backstory. He has a memory of nearly drowning at the beach and his father diving in to save him. Then, before his father could get out of the water, a “freak wave” comes along and pulls him out to sea, causing him to drown. Lionel is haunted by this memory, and very clearly feels partially responsible for his father’s death. His mother uses this guilt to get him to bend to her every whim.
Lionel’s mother, Vera, is extremely manipulative. The first scene with her she’s waving a carving knife around. In many ways she is like Margaret White from “Carrie.” Overbearing, mildly threatening, etc. She keeps Lionel at her beck and call.
At the end of the film, when Lionel finds out the truth about what really happened to his father, he stands up and confronts his mother. For probably the first time in his entire life, he stands up to her! Good for you, Lionel! See? That’s why it’s a coming-of-age film!
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I want to switch over now to Paquita, who is played by Diana Peñalver. Paquita is actually the first of the main cast we’re introduced to in the film. She works in a small corner store with her family—we only ever see her father and grandmother, but Lionel mentions at one point in the film that she has a brother. Paquita is a young woman determined to find the love of her life. She is very outgoing and independent. She kicks ass in this movie.
One of the great things about Paquita is that she has a strong will. I feel like the stereotypical way her character could’ve been written (love interest) would be for her to be the damsel in distress. However, since our main character Lionel is such an awkward guy who doesn’t really act without reason, we need someone to prompt him to action. This is fulfilled mostly by Paquita throughout the film.
There’s a scene I like where Paquita comes over to Lionel’s house to return his jacket. Lionel, nervous as heck because “Mum” is just down the hall, tries to tell her that he can’t see her anymore. Brokenhearted, Paquita offers him a red rose before turning away. I like how the stereotypical roles are reversed here: she sneaks up to his window and she gives him a flower. It’s refreshing. It also shows how much of a go-getter Paquita is.
I guess I should back up a bit and clarify why Paquita is so interested in a punching bag like Lionel. Paquita’s grandmother does a tarot spread to see who the man of Paquita’s future is. Initially Paquita is disappointed that it’s not the delivery man that she’s been flirting with. However, after her grandmother reads that Paquita will have one romance that will last forever, Paquita becomes interested again. Her grandmother says she will recognize the man of her future by the “Symbol of the Star.” Soon after, Lionel comes through the door, spills the licorice and pens which fall into the shape of the star. After seeing this, Paquita starts pursuing Lionel, believing he is the man of her future.
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Let’s get back on track with why Paquita is so cool.
When the movies kicks itself into 12th gear and the bloodbath starts, Lionel and Paquita get separated and Paquita has to defend herself. She hides in a pantry with a large knife and when tapped on the shoulder, she wildly stabs at whoever did it. Finding out it’s one of the partygoers, Paquita immediately tries to comfort and protect her.
I just think it’s great that there’s a good chunk of the movie where Paquita and a character named Rita are by themselves, barricading themselves in the kitchen and taking care of each other. Well, it’s mostly Paquita taking care of Rita, but still. It’s just two girls kicking ass together. Then later they tear Void’s legs in half and start batting away zombies with the legs. THEN later still when Lionel is in the lobby during the famous lawnmower scene, Paquita takes the body parts that come flying her way and grinds them up in a food processor. She kicks ass! She doesn’t need prompting, she doesn’t need saving… she’s a girl who knows what she wants and knows how to handle herself.
Also I love it when she spits in Uncle Les’ face when she rips his spine off and then smashes his head on the counter. Nice!
Speaking of smashing heads, I want to talk about how people are seemingly made of jell-o in this movie. Especially when people become zombies. Limbs can get ripped off easily, two heads colliding can make one explode, a whole body falling off a banister can cause it to explode in blood and guts when it hits the floor. It’s outstanding. And so cartoonish!
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This whole movie is basically a really gory, really violent cartoon. The huge glass bottles labeled “Tranquilizer” and “Poison” with a skull and cross bones but uh-oh! It was actually Animal Stimulant! Ooooops! Lionel’s facial expressions throughout the whole movie, all the physical comedy… even the meat grinder in the kitchen is labeled ACME. Everything in this movie is about 30 miles over the top. It’s a love story, a coming of age story, a splatterfest, and a comedy all rolled into one.
I could keep going on and on about how this move is the holy grail of horror/splatter comedies, but I think I’ve gushed enough for now. And really, if you still haven’t seen it (I know it’s kind of difficult to get a hold of) after reading this review or whatever this is, you’re missing out. It’s so disgusting and fun! On top of that, it’s got a sweet little love story in it. ♥
Thanks for reading! Stay gory, stay fun!
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- Gluing Vera’s cheek back on. I just love how she says: “Oh.” So benign. The scene of Lionel gluing her cheek back on her face looks so painful and it’s just like what?? That’s the best solution you had? Absolute gold.
- “Damn fine custard!” Euugh oh my god. The scene of Mr. Matheson taking a heaping spoonful of custard contaminated with Vera’s bloody puss into his mouth is scarring. In that scene, we, the audience, ARE Nora Matheson. Her eyes bulge and she covers her mouth to stifle a gag. Then she looks over in horror as Vera eats her own ear with a spoonful of custard. Poor Nora has to leave the room before she vomits. Some of the audience might want to vomit as well.
- Lionel coming down to the basement wearing like hockey goalie armor or whatever that is as well as a helmet, goggles, rubber boots, and gloves in hopes of protecting himself from “Mum” and Nurse McTavish. Of course Lionel falls all over the place and most of his armor comes off while fighting against the two zombies, but he lives somehow.
- Continuing with Lionel, I love love love all the scenes where he’s all unshaven and greasy as he tries to figure out what to do with the zombies in his basement. I love in the graveyard when he tranquilizes Void and just sits down with his head in his hands like “Ah Jesus, could this get any worse?” Like, he’s too stupid (or soft I guess) to just hack the zombies to pieces and be done with it. If he were to do that, this whole mess could’ve been avoided.
- “I kick ass for the LORD!” This was the scene that I saw on youtube and then immediately decided that I needed this movie in my life. It’s so out of the blue, it’s so silly. The benign and somewhat irritable priest at Vera’s funeral is SO READY for the rapture or whatever that when he sees zombies in the graveyard he jumps down on them and kicks the shit out of them (before tragically getting bit in the neck by the zombie’s head that he had kicked up in the air and then running and drop-kicking so hard that he goes flying and gets speared by a grave marker statue). Bless you, Father McGruder.
- Uncle Les’ murder spree. Honestly, as shitty of a guy Uncle Les is, he really knows how to handle himself in a zombie outbreak. He’s a sadistic wack-job for sure, but if it wasn’t for him, Paquita and Lionel would probably have twice the amount of zombies to contend with. Uncle Les hacks up dozens of them in the kitchen and then lights himself a cigarette.
- Lionel dangling upside-down in the lobby. There’s so much chaos going on in the house, and I love that it gets tied together in a sense when Lionel falls from the attic but is caught by some electrical wiring which, over in the kitchen, yanks Mandy and her lit-up head back into the wall. I love Lionel dangling uselessly in the lobby for a small portion of the movie. Paquita runs up to him and kisses his cheek, Void’s intestines in the attic try to pull him back into the ceiling, Uncle Les shoves him out of the way causing him to start swinging around… I love the chaos of it. I love it. I can’t get enough.
- “Party’s over.” Of course. The bloodbath. The holy grail of bloodbaths. Lionel throws the doors open holding a lawnmower in front of him. He revs it up and starts plowing through the zombies in the lobby. The scene is set to a waltz number as Lionel grinds bodies seemingly made of jell-o to a bloody mess. Limbs and blood and guts are flying everywhere. It’s amazing. I also love the scene where Lionel flips the portrait of the Queen around before he let’s out a battle cry and continues to puree the zombies.
Feel free to add your favorite moments too!
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retractedrequiem · 6 years ago
"Oh my God! Are you--" No, he couldn't waste time asking stupid questions. Kenny did /not/ look okay. "Let’s get you inside and cleaned up." The best he could offer was bending over and hooking his hands under the other's armpits, tugging him backwards towards his house. Hopefully his dog would keep his nose out of the shredded looking wound that, the more he looked at it, it looked awful. He almost felt sick. (Thingsaredifferentwhenyouredead)
Kenny couldn’t help it. He cried out as he was dragged, Larry’s tugging and pulling stretching the skin and muscle surrounding the wound. Yet besides a few tense jerks and pained spasms, he made no other movement, his chest rising and falling with his heaving, ragged gasps. Rivulets of blood dribbled down over his chin and more of it created a trail of red in his wake. He was already dazed by the familiar sensation of shock coaxing him to press his peeking intestines back inside his body where they belonged.
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“...just... hnngh... kill me....” He coughed, more blood splattering his orange hoodie before his head lolled to one side. Freak lawnmower accident, honestly, what was the universe going to think of next?
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hollabackmerc · 8 years ago
Something Borrowed 💎 || @magiyamagik
Ah, there’s nothing like a nice evening stroll. Sure, there were better ways to spend your evening, but hey, at least this doesn’t cost fifty an hour. Standing with either hand on his hips, he takes in the picturesque quiet of the street, the leafy trees which are neatly sprinkled along the sidewalk, an old house’s weather vane gently swaying in the breeze, a homeless man openly and unabashedly peeing on one of those trees before walking away. He releases a lengthy exhale. “Yeah. This one’s definitely a Kodak moment.” The uncharacteristic silence from his part hangs in the air, undisputed if not for the faint sparrow that chirps from a fair distance away. 
“..Well! Time to make like a doctor from a third-world country and pretend I went to medical school!” Reaching back, he unsheathes a single katana and brings up his free hand, looking down at the open palm which invokes a grimace from beneath his mask. “We had some good times together, especially those lonely nights when my other hand wasn’t up for the task. I’m sorry, Lefty! It’s not you, it’s me. Okay, it’s you. You were always only my second favorite hand.” His unwarranted monologue falls off abruptly when he brings his blade down on himself at full force, making a clean cut along his wrist and lopping off bone and flesh as easy as if the blade were cutting through room temperature butter.  “..HOLY MOTHER OF--.” He clenches down on his teeth to muffle the sound of a strained groan as he steps back from the dismembered body part that plops before his feet. Lobbing his head from side to side, he seemingly takes it with stride, moving onto the next procedure as fast as he can manage. Wiping as much color off the sword that he can manage against his pant leg, he stores the sword back in its place and squats down to pick up his severed hand using a dainty hold of two fingers. “Anyone need a hand?” Blood continues coursing out of the incision in a sporadic fashion, leaving a splattered trail behind him as finds the closest trash can and briefly speculates between a regular trash can and an assortment of recyclables before tossing ‘Lefty’ into the compost bin. From there he continues his stroll, past one house, two, then..  “What’s behind door number three? Boy! I hope it’s a new lawnmower.” Hopping up the stone steps much like a giddy child, he faces the door and brings his knuckles to hover centimeters from the wood--only to stop. An unnecessary pause that almost reaches a span of three seconds before he suddenly pounds on the door at full force, a rhythmic four times and counting, “Oh, God! Oh GOD. The humanity! Someone! Anyone! For the love of Meredith Baxter, help!“  And the Oscar goes to..!
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libraryspectre · 8 years ago
My brother......*rubs temples* My brother Kanyon is being paid by this elderly lady to put mulch in her flower beds. He was there today after school and I was at home and I get a phone call it's him. Him: hey are momma and daddy there Me: uh I'm sure I can find daddy but momma's not home yet. What's up? Him: oh, I stabbed myself. Me: WHAT? Him: I stabbed myself in the foot Me, running out the door: how bad is it!? Him: *irritated with me* it hurts pretty bad, Jessie Me: well how bad is it bleeding?!?! Him: I don't know I'm holding it closed! At this point I find my dad working on the lawnmower and tell him the situation. I yell at Kanyon that we're on our way and throw the phone inside. We get in the car and drive to the lady's house. First off, my brother's girlfriend went with him and is hanging out in the front yard doing her homework. She has NO IDEA that he's hurt himself. Second, the lady he's working for is also in the front yard, also has no idea he's hurt himself! We find him in the backyard sitting and holding his foot closed. There's quite a bit of blood. My dad helps him limp to the car. This is when the lady realizes something is up, which must be quite a shock because both my dad and Kanyon are filthy and blood splattered at this point Anyway we sprayed him off with a gardening hose (he was filthy) helped him change, wrapped his foot in paper towels and medical tape and my dad is driving him to the ER. He's gonna need stitches but that boy is lucky. And stubborn. And apparently doesn't tell anyone he's injured unless they need to know.
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keikaku-sama · 8 years ago
Book of the Atlantic: Chapter 7
Rating: Some early chapters are rated T. Some later chapters are rated M. Reader discretion is advised.
Side note: Sentences in Italics without quotation marks are thoughts. Sentences in “Italics” with quotation marks are characters on the other end of a phone call speaking. Sentences in “Bold and Italics” with quotation marks are characters saying things angrily, venomously, for emphasis, or the like.
And, sentences in “Italics and are in headline font” with quotation marks, are two characters speaking in unison. Sentences in “Bold, Italics, and are in headline font”, are three or more characters speaking in unison. Sentences in Bold and Italics without quotation marks is a character telepathically speaking to another character.
“Now rise from the ashes, my dear!
“Like a phoenix!!”
Adrian placed a hand on the gun holster on the back of his belt, glaring at the corpse, as it rose.
“Please, take a good look!
“Our medical science can overcome even death!”
The mourning woman-The corpse’s mother, then hugged the corpse.
“Maggie! Oh, Maggie, my sweet child!! Thank you so much, doctor!!”
“This is ‘Absolute Salvation’!”
Ciel suddenly stood in shock, as he gaped. “What exactly is going on here?! Did a corpse really just come back to life?!”
The corpse’s maw then opened wider than any human could.
“As long as you are alive, your mothe-“ The woman then screamed, as the corpse bit into her neck.
“M-Maggie-?! What is the-Ow-“The woman was then killed.
The audience screamed, and ran for their lives.
The corpse then got up out of the coffin, and headed for the nearest person.
Which, apparently, was Yuki.
The ghoul summoned her weapons, and was about to draw her shotgun, when-
The corpse’s head exploded, splattering brains, blood, and skull fragments, everywhere.
Yuki, and Ciel, looked to the source, and saw Adrian with a large hand gun….cannon, pointed at where the corpse had been.
“I told you I’d protect her just fine on my own if Larten didn’t get here in time, Vlad.”
At that, the ghoul’s eyes widened, before she, Ciel, and Sebastian, looked to see a tall man in red glaring at the mortician.
“Okay, I was wrong. You don’t have to rub it in…..I’m staying, though.”
The black haired man was then hugged tightly by the white haired girl, who looked up at him with a radiant smile.
Alucard stared at her, before smiling softly, and ruffling her hair. “Hey, flower.”
“Undertaker, what-How was that corpse moving?! Wouldn’t it have been soulless?!”
The renegade reaper looked at the Earl, as he let his arm drop to his side.
“It was being made to move by the electricity, and a chip implanted into its brain. The electric currents send signals from the brain to the rest of the body. So that it can move, even in death.”
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “So, by destroying the head, you destroyed the chip?”
Adrian smiled politely at the demon, before responding. “Yes. Or is that too hard for you to understand?”
At that, the butler’s eyes glowed red, as he glared at the Undertaker.
Yuki had to bury her face in her uncle’s chest to keep herself from laughing at that, while Ciel’s eye twitched. “Would you stop it?!”
“May I kill him, young master?”
“No, you may not!”
“Hee Hee Hee Hee~! Insulting you is fun, master butler~!”
“I’m going to kill him.”
“I order you not to kill him!”
Michaelis was halted in his steps toward the laughing reaper by that.
“I see that you killed it before I could get here.”  
A blonde man rode in on a lawnmower, making Yuki laugh. “A lawnmower? Really?”
“Hey! I like it! The girls at administration let me get it modified!”
“So you didn’t have a choice.”
“Shut up!”
The man glared at the ghoul, before going over to the half eaten corpse in the coffin. “You gonna eat this?”
“I’d rather not eat something someone’s already taken a bite out of. And I ate two weeks ago.”
“Hee Hee Hee~! But you steal my food all the time, Yuki~!”
“That’s different!”
The white haired girl then looked back to the vampire king, who she was still hugging. “Alu?”
“Do you know where Larten is?”
“Let’s go.”
“Wha-“ The vampire then gently pulled his niece out the door Rian Stoker escaped out of, Adrian following behind.
Meanwhile, Sebastian and Ronald were talking.
“Would you happen to be the famous ‘Bassy’?”
The demon’s face lit up at hearing his ex-girlfriend’s nickname for him. “I am indeed Sebastian Michaelis, butler to the house of Phantomhive. And you are?”
The reaper plastered on a fake smile. “Ronald Knox. Grim Reaper dispatch, retrieval division. Thanks for lookin’ out for my senior.”
Ronald glared at the demon butler. “Really, you’re an asshole. You weren’t there for her when she needed you the most, you threw her away like she was garbage.”
“Young master, I believe that you should go find Rian Stoker.”
Ciel tensed at that, before nodding reluctantly. “Al…All right. Come find me later, then.”
“Yes, my lord.”
The slate haired boy then ran out the door that Alucard, Yukino, and Adrian had gone through.
Sebastian glared at Ronald with glowing red eyes. “Now, what were you saying before?”
The reaper scoffed at the butler. “She told you didn’t she? She said she did, and you said that they weren’t important enough.”
“Tell me what?”
“That she gave birth to your daughter thirteen years ago.”
Yuki sighed, as her uncle stayed silent, ignoring her questions.
The girl perked up, and looked behind her, to see Ciel running to catch up with them. “Hey, Ciel. Where’s Michaelis?”
“He’s fighting with a grim reaper I believe, over an insult.”
The ghoul’s eye twitched at that, as she turned back to watch where she was going.
“Oh, Lizzie, you may need this.”
Ciel blinked in confusion, when Yuki said Lizzie’s name, before ducking, as the ghoul had thrown a weapon behind her.
“Thank you!”
The Earl yelped, and jumped, startled when he heard Lizzie’s voice behind him.
Which made Adrian laugh.
“May I ask what kind of weapon this is?”
“Rapier-machine gun. I have more rapier weapon combinations than that, if you want a different one.”
“No thank you~ I quite like machine guns~ I almost always use them in Fallout 3, and any other game with guns in it~”
The ghoul smiled at that, before walking next to Alucard. “Alu, did you get into an argument with Larten?”
“We’re almost there.”
Yuki growled, and pouted, as her uncle avoided answering her.
They had almost made it to the cargo hold, when Adrian grabbed the vampire king’s shoulder tightly. “You guys go on ahead of us. I need to have a word with Vlad.”
The ghoul looked at the renegade reaper worriedly, but nodded, and led Ciel and Lizzie further down the hall.  
Once the trio was out of earshot, the silver haired man glared daggers at Alucard, as he squeezed the other man’s shoulder.  “What did you do?”
The man in red raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“You know exactly what the fuck I mean, Vlad. What did you say, and do, to Larten? Did you actually throw him overboard as you said you would, when you muttered it under your breath yesterday?”
The black haired man’s eyes widened, as he thought that Adrian hadn’t heard him.  “I was just kidding. I wouldn’t actually do that. He’s my nephew, after all.”
The Undertaker dug his claws into the vampire’s shoulder, and glared death at him. “You don’t kid about things like that. And I wouldn’t be surprised if you actually did throw him overboard, given all that you’ve done in the past.”
At that, the No-Life King snarled at the reaper.  "Don’t you fucking dare bring that up, Adrian. Especially not in front of Yukino.”
���Why not? She’s read about you. She knows what you’ve done. She just chooses to ignore that, in favor of loving you unconditionally, what with her belief of ‘The past is the past. What matters now is the present’.”
Alucard tried to shake off the mortician’s claws, and strike him, but Adrian’s grip wasn’t to be trifled with, and he caught the vampire’s fist in his hand, and squeezed, nearly breaking the other’s hand.
“Let me tell you something, Vlad.”
The vampire king growled, and tried to strike the other man again, only to be kneed in the stomach.  
“The anger of your dear big brother’s that you know so well, is not his own.”
Alucard coughed, as he raised an eyebrow.  “Huh…?”
“It rubbed off on him.”
The man in red blinked at that. “What? Then…who-“
“It rubbed off on him from me. Except, my anger can be much, much more deadly at times.”
The vampire’s eyes widened, as Adrian released the fist he was holding, and tightly clamped his hand over the vampire king’s mouth, then brought the other’s face closer, before whispering in his ear.  
“I don’t care if you’re Crowley’s little brother. If you hurt my step-children, or anyone else in the family that I have come to love so much, you will find yourself a pile of ashes. Understand?”
Alucard tensed at that, before grunting in understanding.  
The Undertaker grinned at that, as he let go of the vampire, who quickly jumped away from the silver haired man. “Good~! I’m glad we understand each other then~! Now, come along~! We don’t want to keep them waiting, do we~?”
Not trusting his mouth, the vampire king shook his head, and followed the renegade reaper, to wherever the teenagers were.
They found them waiting at the entrance of the cargo hold, and Yuki was showing Lizzie how to actually use a real life machine gun, and Lizzie showed-or tried to show-Yuki how to use a rapier.
“GAAAAAH! I don’t like just stabbing things! I like going ‘Slashy! Slashy!’ and ‘Hack! Hack!’ You can’t do that with a rapier!”
Adrian, and Alucard, burst into laughter at the ghoul’s use of sound effects.
The white haired girl blushed, and glared at them.
“S-Shut up!”
Yuki then quickly turned her head to Ciel and Lizzie, as she heard them chuckling. “Stop!”
The ghoul whined, making Lizzie stop, as she thought they were hurting her feelings. “Oh, I’m sorry, Yuki. It’s just that, you were so very cute when making those sounds~! ♡”
Ciel stopped chuckling and blushed, his eyes widening at what Lizzie just said.
“Where did you hear such dirty pick up lines?!”
“Believe it or not, that was not the dirtiest one I know. I believe that the one Adrian told me yesterday is the dirtiest.”
“Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee~!”
Lizzie suddenly noticed that Yuki was being silent, and looked, to see the ghoul’s whole body flushed, and she was swaying back and forth. “Yuki?”
The white haired girl then fell to the floor, with her soul flying out of her mouth.
“Waaah! Yuki!”
The blonde girl panicked, and crouched next to the younger, then grabbed a hold of Yuki’s soul, and stuffed it back into her.
The girl ‘came back from the dead,’ before she began to stammer, and fumble over words in Japanese, as Lizzie began shaking her friend, trying to unfry her brain.
“I believe we should go look around in the cargo hold now~”
At that, Yuki sat up, her blush gone, as Lizzie helped her up, before threading her arm through the taller girl’s, as they followed the males down the dark staircase.
“Why’s it so dark….”
“No one comes down here until the ship gets to port, dearest.”
The ghoul whined at that.
Before she stood up straight, as she had an idea.
The white haired ghoul requipped black and green leather gloves, before the one on her right hand suddenly combusted seemingly spontaneously.
Ciel yelped at that, startled and worried about the ghoul. “Yuki! Put it out! You’ll burn your arm!”
“It won’t burn me, Ciel. These gloves are fireproof, and make it so the flames don’t travel unless I want them too.”
Ciel’s eye twitched at that, before he looked ahead to watch where he was going.
The light of the flames engulfing Yuki’s hand was much brighter than any flashlight could ever be, and helped the ones with human eyes see better, as they made it down to the cargo hold.
And when they did, Yuki was tackled in a hug by a silver blur, making the flames go out.
The one who tackled her kissed nearly every inch of her face like a thousand times, making the ghoul whine, and try to pull away. “Papa! Stop it!”
“But I just wanted to give my step-daughter some love! I haven’t seen you in forever, you know!”
“You saw me five days ago!”
“That’s too long!” The man then nuzzled her cheek, as Yuki tried to crawl out of his iron grip.
“Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee~!!!”
“Shut it!”
“Mr. Bathory, I believe that you should let Yuki go, as we need light, and she’s it.”
“Hm? Oh. Sorry.” The silver haired man let go of his step-daughter at that, kissed her face once more, then helped her up.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome~”
The flame burst back to life, letting Ciel and Lizzie see the man who hugged the ghoul, as well as two other men behind him.
The one who had hugged Yuki, had long silver hair that was in a ponytail, ruby red eyes, long, pointed ears like Yuki’s, and wore a white vampire noble uniform.
The tall, orange haired man behind the silver haired vampire stood defiantly, with his hands on his hips, and had a smile on his face, and wore a white Rend Collective t shirt, under a black leather jacket, with military green cargo pants, and brown, knee high combat boots.
And the third man, was crouched on the floor, feeding food to snakes, and had white hair, with golden eyes, and had scales on his cheeks and forehead, and was wearing a footman’s tuxedo.
“TenTen!” Yuki was happy to see her older brother, and had to restrain herself from hugging him, as she had her hand engulfed in flames that could hurt him badly.
The orange haired vampire smiled at his sister in greeting.
“T-Too bright. -Says Wordsworth.”
“Oh! Sorry!”
Yuki then made the flames become smaller than her palm, before yelping in surprise, as a certain pitch black King Cobra slithered up her leg, and wrapped himself around her shoulders. “Well, hello, Bram~!”
The cobra hissed happily, while Larten and Ferid looked at her in confusion.
“You do know that you have a very venomous snake around you, right?”
“Then why are you letting it on you?”
The ghoul raised an eyebrow, and frowned, while letting Lizzie pet Bram. “Cause he’s my friend. And aren’t you being a bit hypocritical? You let probably the most venomous spider in the world crawl on you, and let her spin a web over your open mouth, and countless other things.”
“But I’m a vampire. The venom would have no effect on me if she bit me. You, however, aren’t, the venom could kill you should your cobra ‘friend’ decide to bite you.”
“He wouldn’t bite me. He-“
“Alright, that’s enough, you two.”
“That’s enough.”
”Yes sir.”
“Jesus Christ! This place is like a maze!”
At the new voice, Yuki’s eyes widened.
A figure walked forward, and came into the light of the flame.
It was a man, with messy sky blue hair, and matching eyes, with teal markings like a panther’s around his eyes. He was wearing a white sleeveless denim jacket, had on white distressed Levi’s, donned white fingerless gloves, and wore black combat boots.
The most peculiar things about him, however, were a sword strapped to his waist, that seemed to give off the same sort of power Yuki gave off, and a jaw bone mask on his cheek.
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tgbalistreri · 7 years ago
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1986’s Maximum Overdrive is one of my absolute favorite schlocky 80s horror flixs. The movie is constantly on television, which is an ok way to see it, but in order to truly appreciate it you’ve really got to find it uncensored (pretty sure it’s on YouTube). While the Earth is passing through a comet's tail, somehow all the machines (80s machines so beware the NES, the Sony Walkman, FloBee, and your ColecoVison) spring to life and begin attacking all the confused humans. You know the movie... it’s the one with the Green Goblin truck vs. 80’s hunk Emilio Estevez. Overdrive comes from the warped mind of horror master Steven King. This is also his first, and last, attempt at directing a movie. Let’s not forget a killer soundtrack by AC/DC. Maximum Overdrive is filled with some great blood splatter and gory deaths, many of which are hilarious. Lawnmowers buzzing folks up, trucks smashing into people, electric knifes going mad... Hell, the world’s slowest little leaguer even gets run over by a steam roller. Seriously, can you really ask for more than that? God bless the 1980s. Bonus: If you notice a familiar voice coming from one of the stars that’s Yeardley Smith the voice of Lisa Simpson. #maximumoverdrive #stevenking #emilioestevez #yeardleysmith #80shorror #80shorrormovies #horror #horrormovies #horrormovie #horrorfilm #horrorfan #moviereviews #moviereview #movieblog #movieblogger #ilovethe80s #1986 #frontrowflix
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