#the song is plug me in by lil soda boi
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vurlient · 1 year ago
and yes, on a chemistry exam
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Little doodle, my time was up
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chewysgummies · 1 year ago
Okay so dead ass, I'm attempting to make a RT playlist from brawl stars and kinda need help with it. Any suggestions to add into the song is fine.
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no-reference-georg · 1 year ago
Okay okay but imagine plug me in…. In Japanese
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the-mogai-archives · 9 months ago
[PT: plugmeinica: a gender connected/related to the song ‘plug me in’ by lil soda boi; a ‘plug me in’ musicagender /end PT]
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plugmeinica: a gender connected/related to the song ‘plug me in’ by lil soda boi; a ‘plug me in’ musicagender
for anon! colors are just ones that make me think of the song.
flag id: a flag with 6 stripes. in order, they are very light sky blue, light dull yellow-green, dull yellow-green, purple-grey, faded indigo, and dark aqua blue. end id.
dni transcript here
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malomaximus · 2 years ago
Okay... does it ever happen to anybody else where you get a song stuck in your head but that song makes you think of *another* song and they end up just kind of rotating in your mind in a horrid feedback loop forever?
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1800kfics · 7 months ago
so let's go see the stars
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wk: 3k
TW: mental illness, manic episode, use of medication. might be hard to read for some, pls make sure you're in the right headspace before proceeding :)
song: plug me in - lil soda boi
Kim Donghyun. Your sky blue, your peach pink, your crimson purple.
You pull your knees to your chest to make room for Leehan in the windowsill nook. The two of you loved people watching from your apartment window. It was your favorite activity to do together.
“My new medication has been making me nauseous and giving me the worst headaches. Doctor said this one wouldn’t do that.” You complain with a huff. Leehan has always been an amazing listener. He always heard you out and never complained about his own problems. Everyone needs someone like him in their life, you think to yourself.
“It must be too strong. Tearing up your body from the inside. Stop taking it, missing one here and there won’t hurt.” He offers.
You sigh and bore a hole into the empty bench across the street. “I know it won’t, but the doctors lectured me when they found out I had started skipping. They were real serious – I hated it. They always try to make me feel like there’s something - something wrong with me.” You say. “How come you haven’t been coming around lately?” You add.
He looks at you and responds, “I don’t know. You just haven’t needed me lately.” He grabs the top of one of your knees and says, “Hot chocolate?”. Smiling, you simultaneously get up to make your way over to the kitchen.
You had known Leehan for what felt like forever. It might have been forever. You must’ve given him your apartment key ages ago, because you don’t even remember doing it. He’s been by your side through thick and thin.
Sometimes you wonder how he hasn’t gotten sick of you yet. He stays until you fall asleep, then quietly lets himself out. Sometimes you’ll wake up and see he’s already come back – like he never left. Sometimes, though, he’ll go MIA. No text or calls back, completely off the map. You’ve learned not to take it personally, and figure he needs his alone time as much as everyone else.
He doesn’t seem to have any other friends, which he doesn’t seem to mind. You don’t have that many friends either. You don’t think your parents like him though. Everytime you brought him up in your formative years you saw their eyebrows furrow, like they were holding something back. You wondered what rubbed them the wrong way about him, he’s never done anything to offend.
Leehan always has your back. He’ll hype you up when you need motivation and comfort you when all you need is a shoulder to cry on. But most importantly, he understands you. He made you realize that it’s okay not to be okay. When the meds fogged up your brain, he helped you work up the courage to stop taking them. When you couldn’t manage to go outside, he kept you company inside. He helped you wash your hair in the sink when getting in the shower seemed like an impossible task. Leehan has and will always be there for you.
Leehan made you think deeper about things. One night, he and you lay in bed together, enveloped in a comfortable silence. He sat up and scooted closer to you. You noticed and diverted your attention to him. He stared at you for a few seconds, then put his hand over your lower left rib cage. "Fear," he said. Confused, you cock your eyebrow but let him continue. He moves his hand up to your heart and makes eye contact with you, "joy." As he moves a little to the left to your sternum he scrunches his face and says "anger." He then trails his hand up to your jaw, lingering on your neck for a few seconds, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. "Sadness" he says. After this, he retracted his hand all together and let himself fall onto the pillow next to you.
After coming home from a doctor’s appointment in one day, Leehan ran up to greet you. “How did it go?” He asked.
“Not the best.” You respond, setting your bags down on the kitchen counter. He picks up a small paper bag and shakes it. It lets out a rattle. “More pills?” He assumes disapprovingly. You nod your head. 
“What, you’re just going to let them control you like this? You said it yourself, you can’t get anything done on these stupid pills. And the side effects – I can’t bear to see you in pain. They’re not worth it.” He reproaches.
“I know. I agree. But you know it… it gets bad when I’m not on something. I have to keep trying until one of them works.” You counter.
He huffs and puts the bag back on the counter. “Not with this bullshit. Find another solution. Truthfully, I don’t come around that often when you’re on meds because I can’t stand being around someone I don’t know. You change when you’re under their spell.” With that, he storms off.
You’re surprised and a little upset at the very least. He never gets mad at you. The last thing you want is to drive away the only person who’s stuck around. You stand with a hand on the counter for a moment to compose yourself.
When you finally gather up the courage to go speak to him, you find him at the window nook. You stand in front of him and he looks up at you. You start, “I’m sorry. I know it’s annoying and unfair for you to have to keep up with all my mood swings and problems. I’m sorry you have to deal with me at all. That being said, you’re all I have. I’d rather spend time with you than have you not recognize me when I’m taking some medication. I choose you.”
Not knowing what to do after that declaration, you looked to the side sheepishly. Silently, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his head against your stomach, pulling you closer in the process. You wrapped your hands gently around his head, fiddling with his long hair in the process. You loved this. You loved him, and wouldn’t trade him for the world.
A few days and an annoying phone call later, you sigh and leave the comfort of your bed to go find Leehan. You see him on the couch, reading the book he had most recently brought home.
“I just got off the phone with Sophia, you remember I told you about her? My friend from high school.” You start. He nods, and you continue. “She’s asking why she hasn’t met you yet.” He shifts uncomfortably. “What did you tell her?” He asks.
“I just told her because you’re busy and a bit introverted. She doesn’t need to know that you basically live here.” You say, making your way over to the couch and plopping next to him.
“Good, thanks.” He says. “As we both know, I’m not really a people person. Besides you, of course.” He says, face illuminated with a smile. You immediately felt warmth grow in your chest. Seeing him smile felt like winning a prize at an arcade, like the smell of jasmine. You never wanted to lose him.
One night, it got particularly bad. You had been up for at least 24 hours, full of energy. You paced back and forth behind the couch where Leehan was sitting, thoughts racing 100mph. Leehan notices how antsy you are, and intervenes, “What’s wrong?”
Heart pounding, you try to respond. “I don’t know, I just, I feel so helpless. I have so many ideas but I’m too useless to do any of them. Why don’t I always have this sort of motivation? It’s burning inside of me.” You grab a fistful of your oversized shirt and pull it out and in to fan yourself lightly.
“Do you want some water? I can grab you a glass.” He asks, feet already moving towards the fridge.
Unable to properly respond, you just let your feet guide you over to the kitchen. Bouncing on the balls of your feet, you decide that you need to shower instead. “Shower!” You yell over your shoulder, already halfway to the bathroom by the time Leehan registers where you’re going.
The shower is refreshing, but mid-shampoo, the buzzing feeling in your heart seems to shift. It feels heavier, uglier. You slowly drop your hands, letting them swing to a still at your sides. You don’t feel so good anymore, about anything. Everything felt a horrible shade of brownish green and the taste of lemon lime gatorade.
20 minutes pass, and Leehan decides to check up on you. With a soft knock on the door, he says, “Hey, you alright in there?”. Ear pressed against the door but still not hearing any response but the running water, he knocks again, calling your name.
Now it’s his turn to pace. Finally deciding, he turns back towards the door and says a bit louder this time, “I’m coming in!” Hand shaking a bit, he grabs the door handle firmly and opens it.
When he gets inside he sees you curled up on the floor of the shower. He grabs a towel and rushes to open the door. You don’t seem to mind – or even fully acknowledge his presence. He tries his best to wrap you in the towel and slumps on the wet ground next to you. The last thing he’s worried about is his clothes.
He grabs the bottom of his face and guides it to face his own. “Breath, breath. What’s happening?” He asks.
Sobs racking your body and hot tears streaming down your face, you (unsuccessfully) try to pull yourself together. “I… I don’t know. I don’t know why everything is so hard. Why is everything so hard? Why can I not fucking do anything? What’s wrong with me?” You babble.
He quickly pulls you impossibly closer to him, legs clanging against each other and your head on his chest, his chin resting atop it. He tries his best to sooth you, hands stroking your wet hair.
“You’ll get through this. I won’t leave until you do. I promise.” He says assuringly.
All you could do was sob into his chest for what felt like hours.
He didn’t leave.
You slept for most of the day, woken only by the ring of your phone. You both woke up in a haze, stiff from sleeping upright on the bathroom floor. You reach to the counter to grab your phone. It’s Sophia. You call her back.
“Hey! Where have you been?” Her voice stings your ear. “I, uh, I slept in.” You reply. “Until 4pm? God, okay, well, have you read any of my texts? I’m in the neighborhood so I thought I’d stop by. I’ll be there in 5.” She says all at once. “Okay, I – okay. See you then.” Instead of arguing, you decide you’d use the few minutes to make yourself look presentable.
Once you hang up, you tell Leehan about Sophia. “She’s coming over in a few minutes. I didn’t really have a choice, believe me.” You say, going to your room to get changed.
When she arrives, you let her in with a fake smile. She wraps you in a half-returned hug. “Didn’t you say you just woke up? You look exhausted.” She says with a grimace.
Did she come here just to insult me? You wonder, annoyed by her blunt comment. Brushing it off, you retort, “I didn’t sleep very well to be honest. Can I get you anything to drink?”
After a somewhat pleasant visit surrounding small talk of where Sophia’s moved since high school and what your lives have been like the past few years, it seems like she’s finally finished with her stop by. Walking to the door, Sophia quips, “You know, I was sure I was going to catch that Leehan boy here. You always mention him but never offer to introduce us. Is he really that shy?”
Thinking that this might be the right time for Leehan to meet someone else from your life, meaningful or not, you respond. “Actually he is here! Let me go get him. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” As you go to find him, she mumbles under her breath. “He’s here and he didn’t even come out? How rude. I don’t know why she hangs around that guy.”
Oddly enough, you search all the rooms in the apartment to no avail. Leehan isn’t there. With a frown on your face, you go back to the entrance of the apartment to try to explain yourself.
“He actually um, he must’ve left while I was changing. He really is that shy.” You say with a light chuckle, in an attempt to make the situation less weird.
Sophia nervously laughs. “Okay, okay. Maybe another time then. Also, are you taking your meds?”
Your heart jumps at her question. “How… How do you know I’m on meds?” You inquire.
She shifts her weight a bit with a pause, looking as if she’s carefully choosing her words. “I bumped into your parents recently when visiting home and, you know how your mom is…” She says.
A sting of betrayal sparks in your heart. “Did she ask you to ask me about the meds? Does she not think I’m taking them? Actually no, I’m not going to discuss this with you.” You extend your arm past her to open the door, insinuating that she needs to take her leave.
All of a sudden, Sophia grabs your shoulder. “Please, your mom is worried about you. Both of them are. I am. Can you just take your medication for us?” You screw your face up at her sudden request.
“Sophia, I’m really fine. I can manage without them. They don’t make me feel good, do you understand? Plus, I have Leehan-” You begin to express, being cut off abruptly.
“That’s just it though! You’re not! You sleep all day, don’t respond for days, and your only friend is someone no one else has ever met! You’re not fine! There is something wrong and you are scaring us.” She outbursts.
You’re in shock for a moment. “You don’t care about me. You never did. You’re just a henchman for my parents.” You shake her hand off your shoulder and it falls back to her side, defeated. The look in her eye turns from concerned to blank. Her fallen hand goes to clutch the strap of her bag. “Okay. Good luck then.” She says, turning and opening the door in one motion. She leaves without another word.
Even though you didn’t appreciate Sophia’s visit, it held a little more weight to know that your parents were involved. They were concerned, scared for you?
That evening, you thought about this standing by the kitchen counter with the new medication in front of you. 
All of a sudden, Leehan walks in. He sees you and walks over to you, patting your head like a puppy. You beam up at him, the first time you’ve smiled all day. “How are you feeling?” He says, taking off his jacket and draping it over the closest chair. “Utterly and completely exhausted.” You respond honestly.
You turn to face him directly. “Hey, I think I might give this new medication a chance.” You say. His eyebrows knit almost immediately. “After everything they’ve done to you so far? Really? They practically make you a zombie.” He says.
You move to grab a glass from the cabinet and fill it halfway with water. “Yes, after everything. I can’t afford to go through last night over and over again. I can’t handle it.” You say.
He goes silent. Too silent. “What are you thinking?” You ask. It takes him a few heartbeats to respond, but when he does, you wish you never asked.
“How do you think I feel?” “What?” “How do you think I feel? I’m by your side through all of this. You don’t think I’m sick of it too? This is just as much my battle as it is yours. You… you couldn’t do any of it without me. You need me. These pills, they just make you some brainless loser. Those ideas and dreams you have sometimes? You won’t be able to achieve any of them on those damn pills, I can guarantee you that.” He says.
Your jaw tightens at the shocking and harsh comments he just made. It turns to anger in your heart. “What, are you trying to control me too? Is that it? If you feel so burdened by me then why don’t you go and leave me too? You are by no means obligated to stay here with some brainless loser.” You angrily swipe the pill bottle from the counter and shake out a pill. You toss it in your mouth without and drink from your glass without hesitation, looking him in the eye while you do it. You felt like you could see his resolve break through his eyes, and your jaw tightened with sadness again.
You left for your room. You got in bed and immediately burst out in tears. You left the door open, though. With Leehan, an open door meant the other could come in, even if you weren’t in the best of moods.
After a minute, Leehan slinked in. He silently climbed into bed with you. Instinctively, you put your head against his chest and continued to cry. What you didn’t expect was for him to start shuddering. You open your eyes to see tears coming out of Leehan’s eyes. The look on his face brought you so much anguish. His shade wilted to a dull ash and it broke your heart.
You sit up and try to wrap your hands around him for once. Still crying, he says, “I just… I don’t want to lose what I have. Don’t let them take you away from me. Please. I need you in my life. I can’t live without you. Please let me stay.”
You hold him close until you both fall asleep, just like he’s done for you time after time. When you wake, you see that Leehan has already woken up. After you fully wake up, you return to your room. You sit on the window nook, legs to your chest to make room for Leehan out of habit. He’ll turn up soon, you think to yourself.
He never does.
hi guys! this is unedited so i apologize for any mistakes :,) wrote it in the spur of the moment, i hope u enjoy! also i realized how little works there are for the bonedo community to i'm officially joining the forces 🫡
p.s. i got inspo from the forest fic…
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chrlotpony · 4 months ago
I love having a wide range type of music taste, cuz wdym I unironically listen to plug me in by lil soda boi and then listening to wingless multitudes by dirge a minute later.
or like wdym parasite eve by bring me the horizon is next to skibidi - romantic version by Little Big in my likes Playlist
just finished listening to 18 and life by skid row, up next we have el pollito pio
oh you don't like BOTTOMS from the BOTTOMS movie? ok ig we can just listen to the full version of the bluey theme song, you bitch
after a tom cardy song, im listening to below the surface
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fellow-fandom-fruitifier · 2 years ago
(Red songs are ones I feel fit the best, some song are more vibes than anything.)
So I went through every single song I’ve ever downloaded (It’s A LOT, like, it’s a playlist over 30 hours long.) and grabbed all the ones I maladaptive daydream Wukong and/or Macaque to. So, without further ado, I present:
💞✨An Overly Long Wukong/Macaque “Playlist”✨💞
People Eater and Misery Meat by Sodikken
Sober by FIDLAR (makes me think of a v angsty shadowpeach fic from SWK’s POV)
Rät by Penelope Scott
Scrawny by Wallows
Nowhere To Run by Stegosaurus Rex
I’m Gonna Win by Rob Cantor
Poor George by James Supercave
Candle Queen by GHOST
Copycat by VocaCircus
Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish
Can’t Be Erased by Coda
Ghosts by Jacob Tillberg
Maniac by Conan Gray
Snowcone by Rei Ami
OH NO! and Are You Satisfied by Marina & The Diamonds
Good Enough by Atsuover
Two Birds by Regina Spektor
Bird Song by Florence + The Machine
Suki Suki Daisuki by Jun Togawa
Saint Bernard by Lincoln
I Can’t Decide by Scissor Sisters
Ghosting, Wrecking Ball, Hayloft (+ Hayloft II), Arms Tonite (YES IK WHAT ITS ACTUALLY ABT SHUP UP😭), and Problems by Mother Mother
Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic
Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
Violent by Carolesdaughter
Troublemaker by Olly Murs
Sweet Tooth and Devil Town by Cavetown
Bust Your Kneecaps by Pomplamoose
Cupid’s Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes
Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny
I Can’t Fix You by The Living Tombstone
Hot N Cold by Katy Perry
Applause by Lady Gaga
She Wants Me Dead by Cazette
Backstabber by Kesha
Hell’s Comin’ With Me by Poor Mans Poison
Paparazzi Murder Party by Vain
‘Cause I’m A Liar by Mcki Robyns-P
Everything Stays by Adventure Time
I / Me / Myself by Will Wood (Idk y, it just feels so wholesome shadowpeach-y 2 me)
Worst Case Scenario and Goodbye MR A by The Hoosiers
Anything You Want by JAWNY
Stalkers Tango by Autoheart (listen… listen man… just think abt it)
Bad Day by Darwin Deez
Fuck You by Lily Allen (bitter exes💀)
True Love FT. Lily Allen by P!nk
Feels by Calvin Harris
Change The Formality by Infected Mushroom
I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams by Weezer
Villain by Stella Jang
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
Ghost Busters (bcz I think it’s fun E, just imagine SWK & others like ‘who ya gonna call’ & 6EM is the ghost)
Pride X New Magic (I MEAN C’MON “Loves gonna get you killed, but prides gonna be the death of you.” IDBSIXGSINSEIH, the edit audio ever)
Sucker By Jonas Brothers
Bloody Nose and Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte (this song has the vibes that just scream the past tragedy part of their relationship 2 me, idk how 2 explain it)
Passing Through by Kaden MacKay
Karma by AJR
One Way Or Another by Blondie
These Boots Are Made For Walking by Nancy Sinatra
Bad Idea! by Girl In Red
Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
Them Changes by Thundercat (same reason as the Jack Conte songs tbh, but it’s more the present tragedy part)
C’est toi qu’elle préfère by Alice et Moi
Break My Heart by Dua Lipa
Jesus On The Telephone by Machinery Of The Human Heart
Too Close and Michelle by Sir Chloe
Another Believer by Rufus Wainwright
Dancin Closer To The Edge by JOHNNH GOTH
Julie VS. Robot Julie by Arthur
She Wolf by Shakira
I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire by The Ink Spots
Plug Me In by Lil Soda Boi
Run, Rabbit, Run! by Flanagan & Allen
Youth by Daughter
Stay Calm by BonBun Films
Exorcism FT. Cyber Diva by Creep-P
Step On Me by The Cardigans
Girl Anachronism by The Dresden Dolls
I’m Not The Only One by Sam Smith (it’s prolly just me tbh)
Shit by Bo Burnham
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lemonwater8600 · 7 months ago
playlist I wrote out for my sister if any of you care
Harpy Hare - Yaelorke
Emo Boy - Ayesha Erotica
dumb dumb - mazie 
Nights like these - pigeon pit
The moon will sing - the crane wives
Rule #34 - fish in a birdcage
Liquid courage - McCafferty
Big mouth strikes again - 2017 master - the smiths
I bet on losing dogs - Mitski 
I wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
Bad idea! - girl in red
Get it up - mindless self indulgence 
Blue hair - tv girl
Lovers rock - tv girl
Frances forever - Mitski
HEAVEN SAYS. - chart
I like the way you kiss me - artemas 
Call me what you like - lvjy 
4 morant ( better luck next time) - com truise 
Inside out - duster
Honey I’m home - ghost and pals
Pork soda - glass animals
A crows trial - vane lily
Rät - Penelope Scott
Bottom - McCafferty
Father - the front bottoms
505 - arctic monkeys
Digital silence - Peter McPoland 
Gasoline - Halsey
Where is smiley? - serani poji
Strawberry blond - Mitski 
Under my skin - jukebox the ghost
Be gay, do drugs, hail satan - super cassette 
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
Brutus - the buttress
Community gardens - the scary jokes
Spamton - Toby fox
Meet lime cookie - twintails edition - tsundere twintails
Nepo baby - fox szn 
Jersey nova - cactusteam 
Last words of a shooting star - Mitski
The moss - cosmo sheldrake
2econd-2ight-2eer (that was fun, goodbye) - will wood
Katamari - femtanyl
Dogmatica- femtanyl
Sex, drugs, etc. - beach weather 
Art is dead - bo burnham
Control - halsey 
Plug me in - lil soda boi
No children - the mountain goats 
Home where - sir Chloe
Angel eyes and basketball - foot ox
Sleepwalk - Forrest day
Wasted summers - juju<3
Crass - neovaii
Kiss me, son of god - they might be giants
We will commit wolf murder - of Montreal 
Puppet loosely strung - the correspondents 
Why’d you only call me when your high - arctic monkeys
Cold weather - glass beach
Person in the mirror - naethan apollo 
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broadway-nepeta · 9 months ago
:33< not-living your afurlife inside of dream bubbles brings up the very sticky idea
:33< that you are constantly underwater all of the time
[ Song: Plug Me In by Lil Soda Boi | instrumentals (by me :D) made in MuseScore | full cover image (also by me :o) under cut ]
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i've been having trouble deciding which of the songs in my ford to explain, so!
below the cut is my ford playlist, my stan playlist, and my bord playlist. if there are songs missing from the public version, they'll be listed under the playlist
if you find any songs in them and you're not quite sure why they're there or you just wanna hear some thoughts on them, let me know and i'll make a post explaining it
and if nothing catches your interest, there's a chance you at least got to be introduced to some new songs :]
missing songs:
-Good Enough by atsuover
-Plug Me In by Lil Soda Boi
-Spiraling by Jtfrag and TheIronPapyrus
-Crazy by Gnarls Barkley
-Ruler of Everything by Tally Hall
-Promiseland by MIKA
-Two Moons by BoyWithUke
-Make of This What You Will by Billy Cobb
-Choice by Jack Stauber
-Lovers by Kiltro
-How to Disappear Completely by Radiohead
-My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone
-Bad Apple!! covered by Cristina Vee
-Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land by MARINA
-Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical
-Icicles by The Scary Jokes
-Transformation by Anthony Warlow
-Bullet by Hollywood Undead
-Werewolf by Motionless In White
-Baby Hotline by Jack Stauber
-I AM NOT MY OWN by evidentlyfresh
-Killing Time by Infected Mushroom
-Thistle & Weeds by Mumford & Sons
-Venetian Blind Man (Song) by Will Wood
-Sin Triangle by Sidney Gish
-VIRUS by SacriStuff
-Don't Forget covered by Caleb Hyles
-I Am Electric by Heaven's Basement
-Kill Somebody by YUNGBLUD
missing songs:
-Don't Forget covered by Caleb Hyles
note: NOT a ship playlist
missing songs:
-Sharks by Imagine Dragons
-Feed the Machine by Poor Man's Poison
-Along Came A Spider by Czesław Śpiewa
-Stop A Bullet by Black Light Burns
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buney-kat · 7 months ago
Songs list! All romantic or similar in nature. Ones that make me daydream, feel, and ache.
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Exist for Love- AURORA
Emergency Contact- Pierce the Veil
Too Sweet- Hozier
Saving Flowers- salute, Rina Sawayama
Baby I'm Yours- Arctic Monkeys
Cariño- The Marías
Nonsense- Sabrina Carpenter
Even When I'm Not With You- Pierce the Veil
Meet Me in the Woods- Lord Huron
Fool for Love- Lord Huron
Say It Back- tv room
Love You Like A Love Song- Selena Gomez & The Scene
Mr Valentine- YAZ
Hey Lover!- Wabie
Two of Hearts- Stacey Q
Moonlight- Kali Uches
Light Shower- Melanie Martinez
She's My Collar- Gorillaz, Kali Uches
Plug Me In- Lil Soda Boi
Stars- dacelynn
Until I Found You- Stephen Sanchez
Never Ever Getting Ride of Me- Christopher Fitzgerald, Kimiko Glenn
Crush- Tessa Violet
Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)- Edison Lighthouse
EYES ON ME- asteria
Supernatural- Barns Courtney
Stuck- Thirty Seconds to Mars
Howlin' For You- The Black Keys
La Cama (Tengo Ganas de Ti)- El Secreto de Herbie
Girlfriend- Trevor Something
Rush- Troye Sivan
R U Mine?- Arctic Monkeys
NASCAR- Stella Smyth
Tension- Kylie Minogue
Lipstick- Charlie Puth
Love From The Other Side- Fall Out Boy
Tongue and Teeth- Subtlety
I H3ART YOU- Boy Fantasy, g0r3c0r3
Me and Mr Wolf- The Real Tuesday Weld
Eat You- Caravan of Thieves
The Summoning- Sleep Token
Wonderland- Natalia Kills
Tú Con Él- Frankie Ruiz
Missing Kitty- Kreayshawn
Novia- Jake Daniels
Killer- The Hoosiers
Creatures in Heaven- Glass Animals
Duele El Amor- Aleks System, Ana Torroja
Bewitched- Laufey
The Night We Met- Lord Huron
The World We Knew (Over And Over)- Frank Sinatra
Capable of love- PinkPantheress
The Devil is Human- AURORA
Billie Bossa Nova- Billie Eilish
Por Tu Maldito Amor- Vicente Fernández
I'm Yours- Isabel LaRosa
Scary Love- The Neighborhood
Test me- Melanie Martinez
Cherry Flavored- The Neighborhood
When the Night Begins to Fall- James the Seventh
Play date- Melanie Martinez
Treehouse- Alex G, Emily Yacina
Washing Machine Heart- Mitski
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twentythousandvolts · 2 years ago
hi. i want to change my url but i dont know what i want to make it. its just that yearly Time For A Change.. despite this one still being really Me i jsut want something new. soooooo. POLL!! what do i change it to
^^ i already have all of these. btw.
sniperriflez is good because i have a disease about sniper rifles but only from halo. if you know the ""Secret"" Cab Lore you understand why. con of this is tht people might think i like the military. 3dghostt is good because im insane about the song plug me in by lil soda boi.. i wanna be a 3d ghost in ur dream.... really true! con of this one is that it has a double "t" at the end wild-eep.. i LIKE it i like the noise but THIS ONE has a downside of people thinking i like apple. i hate apple. i just like this one sound effect that they dont even put on things anymore. perfectcapoxxo is nice because its um. well its the song perfect by capoxxo. but the con is that its kinda long and a bit too specific maybe? i dont know. FOLLOWERS! DECIDE FOR ME!!
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multifloofers · 24 days ago
Denmate Intro: Pixel
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- Name: Pixel
- Pronouns: They/them
- Role: Gamer
- Emote:  🎮
- Personality: Sarcastic, rude, grumpy, asocial, geek, nerd, lazy, somewhat nice
- Likes: Gaming. That's it. ...And earrings.
- Dislikes: People, being interrupted while gaming, losing earring backings, being yelled at
- Song(s): Emoji by Au/Ra, Plug Me In by Lil Soda Boi
- Breed: Oriental. Short soft fur with longer areas on neck, elbows, haunches and ears, with a glorious plumed tail.
- Body type: Long and leggy while also being a bit curvy. Plush hips and tummy.
- Eye color(s): Dark blue, heavy lidded.
- Pelt colors: Black, blue, pink and purple.
- Pattern: Black overall, with bright blazes of blue, pink and purple in short stripes in some places.
- Nose & Pads: Light pink.
- Extras: Wears an oversized black zip up hoodie. Lots of silver piercings in ears. Often has a phone, with earbuds in.
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seungfl0wer · 8 months ago
Send this to 10 people, have them shuffle their playlist and post the first 10 songs that play
Oof yes let’s gooo I love sharing my music.
1. Jericho by Iniko
2. Everywhere I go By Hollywood Undead
3. Phobia By Seungmin
4. Worms By Ashnikko
5. Gasoline By I Prevail
6. Zombie (Eng Vers.) By Day6
7. Machine By imagine dragons
8. Life Is still going on By Nct Dream
9. Plug me in by Lil Soda Boi
10. 1-800-Close your eyes By Kim Dracula
Save Yourself by OneOkRock
Hellstar by Magnolia Park
Fake Face by Felip
Alright alright I’ll stop I’ll stop cause I’ll just keep going aaah I love sharing music. I listen to so much and so much different genres.
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irrelevaantidiot · 1 year ago
animatic idea songs agh. its a LONG LIST OH MY GOD.
(Atrocity Eradicators)
Chonny Jash - The Bidding 6arelyhuman - XOXO Miracle Musical - Labyrinth Cavetown - Devil Town Ride the Cyclone - Noel's Lament MSI - Stupid MF Melanie Martinez - Evil Talking Heads - Psycho Killer Mother Mother - Baby Boy (friend showed me this song and now its a huge idea WAUGH) DEVO - Puppet Boy Mystery Skulls - Freaking Out Coldplay - Hymn for the Weekend SIAMES - The Wolf Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me The Offspring - Gone Away SacriStuff - VIRUS Caravan Palace - Aftermath IDKHow - Choke Ghost and Pals - Reckless Battery Burns siouxxie - masquerade Saint Motel - A Good Song Never Dies Lil Soda Boi - Plug Me In Dead on a Sunday - Damnit Black Eyed Peas - Pump It Imagine Dragons - I'm So Sorry Griffinilla - Stay Calm Ck9c - You Can't Hide Shadrow - Never Be Alone Molchat Doma - Sudno bo en - my time (or our time, idk) Laura Les - Haunted (Harmonic Havoc) Chonny Jash - The Soul Eclectic Metallica - Master of Puppets Ghost and Pals - Pathological Facade Eyedress - Jealous MSI - Lights Out emily jeffri - do you remember me Peter McPoland - Digital Silence WHOKILLEDXIX - spy? Boney M. - Rasputin Dwilly - ugh The Buttress - Brutus (maybe?) DAGames - You're Better Off bo en - Pale Machine Mother Mother - Wrecking Ball TV Girl - Easier to Cry
uh yea anyways!
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