#the solo stans who think that them teasing each other means they hate each other: 🙉🙈
hyunjining ¡ 21 days
skz loves to clown on each other but as soon as it’s time to say something heartfelt about their members they pull out the sappiest lines you’ve ever heard…. and that’s on true friendship
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destinyc1020 ¡ 1 year
Possessive anon here, It's pretty much everywhere it's on Twitter, IG, Tumblr, any mention of a relationship with Z with somebody else always gets tomdayas riled up. It's almost as if they want her to only exist as an extension of Tom, everything she does has to be a reflection of him almost. They pretty much stripped her of her own autonomy. If you post the kissing scene in Dune, you are automatically labeled as a timdaya, You talk about her friendship with Hunter then you're a shipper and hate Tom, even Darnell is a problem because he's always with her. I can understand people being insecure on Tom's behalf but the dynamic is very well shifted when it comes to Tom. They cheer when he is hanging out with his friends and family. Several Tumblr accounts post non-stop kissing scenes from cherry, TCR etc. without the same reaction. And I know they don't really like her because everything she does is always criticized, from her career to endorsement deals, to her family It's like she's never good enough but yet they want her around as some trophy gf. Also, you can pick up how they feel from the tendency they have to always post negative anon comments about her. I hope I'm not coming across as an anti, I have absolutely no problem with tz's relationship itself but I'm trying to understand the tomdaya fandom.
Thanks for clarifying what you meant by this Anon.
You asked for it! You can either read my TL;DR version, or my looooong version. It's up to you! 😅
TL;DR Version:
I think you might be following the wrong "Tomdaya Outlets" 🤔
I actually think this happens on BOTH sides of the fandom 👀
I have many various theories as to why this stuff might happen
It might be best for you to evaluate your "Tomdaya" outlets, cuz I'm not so sure they're really Tomdaya fans...
The LONG Version:
I'll be honest Anon, my initial reaction when I read your ask here is that you might just be following the WRONG accounts (wherever that may be), because I personally don't follow accounts that tend to put down Tom or Z together, OR separately.
Minor hangups, constructive criticism, or even light teasing of your fave is ONE thing.... but when it starts getting into cruel, mean, rude, or hurtful remarks, (especially on a regular basis) I'm like, why are you even a fan??
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Either that, or you're following mainly Tom stans who are mainly fans of him, and merely only tolerate Zendaya, his gf. 😒
I'll just say, I think that MOST true Tomdaya fans are equally fans of both Tom AND Z, and support them both! So, if you're noticing a huuuge difference, then I'm just not so sure that everyone you think is a Tomdaya fan, is actually a true Tomdaya fan. You might want to evaluate that. 🤔 Some of these fandoms overlap.
One thing I will say Anon is that your complaint about Z (how she doesn't exist autonomously from Tom) is actually a complaint that I've seen other fans make about Tom as well. 🤷🏾‍♀️ In fact, even I'll admit myself that it seems to me that Z has more autonomy and an "image" at times that separate from Tom, whereas, Tom doesn't seem to have that as much.
Don't get me wrong, they both have a life outside of each other (which is just healthy for any couple imo), but imo, it seems like in their professional and media life, it seems sometimes like Tom is just an extension of Zendaya when the media refers to him. Almost like, the media doesn't really separate him from his relationship.
I was even telling a friend the other day here on Tumblr that it almost feels as though I can't really find any Tom ONLY blogs here on Tumblr that DON'T have anything to do with Tomdaya. 👀 Oh I see TONS of Tomdaya blogs on here lol 😆 TONS!! Lawwwd..... Tons of Tomdaya shipping blogs lol. But I don't find as many Tom solo blogs, and it's sometimes kinda frustrating. 😔 Yet, I'll see Zendaya solo blogs on here all the time.... or even solo blogs dedicated to other actors that are separate from their relationship.
Idk... Maybe it's just me?? 🤷🏾‍♀️
It's not a big deal, but it's just smthg I've picked up on.
So, I kind of think that it kinda goes both ways Anon. 🤔
With regards to what you are saying about fans getting jumped on for posting the Z kissing scene in Dune, or her with other costars....
I think what it might be is that a lot of Tomdaya fans have had to deal with Antis now for at least 6 years. AND, keep in mind too that a lot of HATE sometimes might come out whenever pics of Z and her male costars are in a kiss scene, because for some ODD reason, ppl on Twitter somehow don't know how to separate acting from reality when it comes to Z. 🥴
The there are the Timdayas also to deal with... 🙄
Like, lot just gets old. 😩 Is it any wonder why some Tomdaya fans get a bit on edge? They know that whenever smthg like that comes out, either Tom is gonna get a bunch of hate or jokes at his expense thrown his way on Twitter, or, ppl are gonna be trying to ship Z with the man on the moon, and any guy within a 10-mile radius. 🙄
For some reason, the same doesn't happen with Tom when the roles are reversed. So, maybe some feel more comfortable to post pics of him kissing his costars, because maybe the reaction is different and most ppl aren't as weird about it. (Although, the bathroom scenes in TCR seemed to rile ppl up for some reason 🥴).
You have to keep in mind, Zendaya grew up on nickelodeon and the Disney Channel. So, many of us either grew up watching her, or knowing who she was for years before Tom became Spiderman and came on to our radar. 🤷🏾‍♀️ That might also be why some fans have such a weird association with her, or freak out when she's kissing ppl onscreen or doing sex scenes lol 😆 I have no clue lol. To me, I just look at it as ACTING..... because that's exactly what it is. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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stormblessed95 ¡ 3 years
Hey Stormblessed, as a Jikook and Suga biased army I felt really happy but also really disappointed yesterday after BTS dropped their vlives. I was happy to see the emotional connection between Jikook demonstrated once again by JK encouraging the hyungs to uplift JM instead of teasing his UN speech mishap. But at the same time I was disappointed to see toxic solo stans/armys calling Suga out as a bully and a meanie to JM. Some also tried to say Suga has a history in bullying JM and JK by bringing up the frying pan RUN incident and the Break The Silence reaction crying comment. Today I even saw WeLoveYouYoongi trending as a response to the bullying allegations. Of course it was pretty obvious that JM was less than impressed at the teasing he was receiving but I wouldn’t label teasing/bickering between close friends who know each others boundaries better than we could ever know bullying. I found it so weird to be liking JK-supporting-JM comments and reporting Suga-character-assassination comments for the same moment lol. I wanted to know how you felt about this situation as a fellow JikookMin biased army?
Twitter is beyond exhausting sometimes I swear. Although sometimes Tumblr isn't much better. We can sum this up I guess by saying People are exhausting sometimes.
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Toxic solos, akgaes and shippers are not true fans. They can't be. They drag other members in an effort to support their fav. Forgetting the fact that their fav would hate them for doing that. Forgetting that you can defend and support your fav without spouting toxic BS towards any other member. People trying to drag Yoongi in an effort to defend Jimin forget that Jimin is a grown ass man who doesn't need their protection, especially from one of his best friends. Not to mention that Jimin has ex communicated friends he used to love for saying bad things about the other members behind his back. When he found out about it, he literally cut those people out of his life forever. You Think he wants toxic solo stans dragging his favorite people in the world in some twisted defensive of him? Absolutely not.
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And while Jimin obviously wasn't in the mood to recieve the teasing, it was nipped in the bud and no hard feelings were held. We should be able to coo over that cute moment of JK telling everyone to knock it off and Namjoon saying yes, and agreeing to stop the teasing without worrying about having to then defend a different member against bullying allegations.
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Jimin and Yoongi bicker like crazy. JinKook beat each other up physically as a way to show affection and Yoonmin do it verbally. Lmao but notice they all are doing it with smiles on their faces during or afterwards. And Jimin gives it back to Yoongi as good as he gets it. They are the first to sling a teasing and cutting remark at each other, but it's done with love. It's the way they are. They "humble" each other as they have stated before. Lol and they are also the first to uplift, support and defend the other person too. It's a very classic "I can be mean to him, but heaven help you if you try to be mean to him." Solo stans need to leave them ALONE. And yes, it was very odd to be appreciating the moment from one side and reporting people and having to defend a member from another side. It's exhausting sometimes for sure.
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And anyone who thinks that Yoongi isn't totally and completely fond of Jimin and doesn't have a soft spot a mile wide for that man is deluding themselves. They are so full of care and love for each other. The bickering is just part of their dynamics together, but it takes nothing away from how much they do love each other. (Platonically of course, which I shouldn't feel the need to constantly reiterate, but I do.) Yoongi teases the hell out him but also never shuts up about how wonderful, talented and amazing Jimin is. Puts his photo up as his phone background, says Jimin is his favorite, his voice is his favorite, he wants to make a song with Jimin, Jimin is the one he is closest too. So all these Jimin/Yoongi solos haven't actually been paying any attention to their favs and the things they actually say or feel. So they can all just go shove off. People should rather be focusing on the fact that BTS tried so hard to spend time with us and appreciating them and their impact on their world with everything they are doing at the UN.
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And for my fellow YoonMinKook biased ARMY, thanks for reporting the haters, for supporting them and for supporting Jikook. Hope you stay away from any more toxicity 💜 and Enjoy all these Yoonminkook photos with me!!
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akookminsupporter ¡ 3 years
This is not hate against yoongi or any of the other members at all. But I hate that if jimin were the one to say, "it was not the time to get emotional" Everyone would have been like "omg jimin is just doing it for show, he doesn't feel emotionally attached to what he's saying". And of COURSE defending jimin means we're solo stans🤡🤡 I know for sure the boys were teasing him but what yoongi said was a little weird considering it was such a huge moment for them...why is it wrong to get emotional? Anyway I still don't think it warrants going so far as (trying) to trend #/BTSApologizeToJimin which I've seen some trying to do.
Do you think it was strange? Idk maybe I'm overreacting cuz he's one of my biases? But I did feel a bit upset when I saw the translation☚
(Again for the losers who will twist my words, this is not hate on any of the members. Hmph! 😤)
I understand what you are saying and I think it was obvious that Jimin didn't find all the teasing that funny even though he tried to laugh at times. Obviously I don't think they did it in bad faith but maybe it was too early to joke about it, especially because Jimin felt a bit bad about it, as evidenced by the video they recorded and uploaded later where they talked a bit more about what happened.
I didn't know that they tried to trend that but.... Jesus Christ. Fans should understand that the seven of them know each other better than anyone else and Jimin is a very confident person that when he doesn't like something, he says so.
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1eos ¡ 3 years
Kendra i remember you saying a while back that the only reason vixx avoided a bullying scandale was because hakyeon had the patience of a saint during their rookie years, may i ask you to elaborate a little bit more on this please 👀
the way i don’t remember saying that but naur its true!!! matter of fact i was probably just thinking abt the colorism when i said that but now i think he saved them from at least 3 other potential bullying scandals 😭 anyways u know the drill i talk too much so its under the cut.
soooo my thesis: hakyeon being seen as a patient ‘father figure’ (barf) with a bunch of unruly kids (barf even more) made any mean behavior from the members look like no big deal! to this day ppl are on twitter trying to say the colorism wasn’t really colorism bc they were joking! exols nd nct dream stans say the same thing. nd its bc even when these idols are called darkies for breathing they rarely show outward offense nd with boy groups esp ppl can be like ‘oh well boys are mean to each other for fun’ which is true on some level but colorism isn’t funny when the butt of the joke is a darker skinned person. but we know that.
nd in hakyeons case he almost always kept his cool. i remember watching some awful vixx show from 2013 nd they had split up nd hakyeon was w hongbin no someone else i wanna say jaehwan nd hongbin has the camera nd is like ‘look hyung ure so dark i can barely see u’ nd hakyeon didn’t really say anything nd just kinda looked nd i think if he was visibly upset he could’ve killed 93line’s career in particular bc they were the main ones saying shit on day to day camera things while the whole group was complacent in the running joke on variety shows like the star show dark dot thing. (so while u can make an argument some members are worse than others everyone has participated at least once). bc hakyeon has ALWAYS had more popularity than those two nd if his fans wanted to start a fan war 😗 so while vixx lost quite a few fans once more nd more ppl started calling it out it could’ve been way worse. nd if ppl didn’t think [redacted] was ugly no one would’ve cared 😭 thats how nct dream get off the hook for being little demons to haechan.
so thats the big reason why hakyeon is a saint. but then i saw something where leo nd jaehwan were openly like ‘yeah we’re psychologically tortured in the dorms’ nd i realized hakyeon is off camera stopping another TWO potential bullying scandals. like i see ppl to this day be like ‘unpopular opinion but i really don’t think the way either hakyeon jaehwan or leo are treated like its not funny’ nd i never understood why they included vocal line. but now that i’ve seen the clips? ykw? tea! like i talk abt how vixx just did not give a fuck abt leo’s boundaries nd just touching him for no reason but high key they dont care abt jaehwan’s either. multiple times ppl have said they like making him mad for no reason like u knowwwwww the dorms had to be hell on earth bc both leo nd jaehwan got tempers. they just had two insane dudes that know judo stomping around. nd yet again if hakyeon wasn’t such a good leader nd vixx werent known as terrors that could’ve been a big thing too. like when u pay attention to the shit they admit to u’re like????????? naur y’all are IRRITATING. nd ofc iont know what the group dynamic is off camera but just logically being teased all the time could cause issues if no one knows how to be mature
i also think lowkey if hakyeon werent hakyeon nd wasn’t the most relentless leo solo stan the ppl who hated him for having fans would’ve pushed the narrative further that leo was a bully to either hongbin or hyuk 😭 idk how far that would’ve gone considering how he was suffering thru everyone touching him all the time nd SO many ppl ain’t fuck with hongbin but who knows.
so in conclusion if hakyeon didn’t handle the absolute evil jellyfish entertainment gave him authority over with any less grace nd ppl were prompted to be critical of group dynamics beyond ‘its funny that they’re mean to each other teehee’ it would’ve been scandal after scandal after scandal. nd i’m not saying i want to live in the world where the popular narrative is that [redacted] is a jealous colorist bully but i would like to visit at least
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lesbian-kyoru ¡ 4 years
What do you think is each character's favorite subject in school?
tohru: not a surprise but baby girl loves home ec!! kind of has to work her butt off studying for her other classes, so she gets to enjoy herself and do something she’s naturally super good at in home ec. loves making little snacks in class for her friends and then sharing them at lunch. the sewing unit takes her fashion game to the next level. when they do a project where they take care of fake babies, she definitely ends up caring for half of the class’s infants like they’re her own. kyo is her partner and everyone teases them about it but she still has a really nice time and thinks kyo would be a great dad :’)) highest home ec grade of all time in their school
kyo: says his favorite is PE but it’s actually math. gets a 5 on the AP calc exam. tells no one but tohru, who then tells everyone and kazuma throws a party and kyo is Not Pleased. isn’t a great math tutor though because he can’t really explain how he gets his answers—he just Knows. checks tohru’s homework for her before she turns it in (read: fixes all her wrong answers when she’s not looking so he can see her huge smile when she gets a good grade back. only feels a little bit guilty). watches math tedtalks. nerd disguised as a jock
yuki: favorite subject is lit!! bullshits his way through class discussions and papers without ever actually reading the books because he’s smart and charismatic. has a premium account on sparknotes. favorite class specifically was one on ancient greek literature and epic poetry—spent the entirety of the class critiquing heteronormative readings of the iliad and taking the piss out of other students because “achilles and patroclus are clearly gay if you have eyes”
kakeru: …...i’ll be real he doesn’t like school lmao. senioritis personified. on his phone during classes constantly. laptop open playing world of warcraft or candy crush or neopets. could not tell you anything the teacher said in the last hour. doesn’t take notes because “i’ve got it all up here yun-yun…..” but doesn’t actually do half-bad on tests. only reason he does homework is because he can pretend to study with yuki while actually just flirting with him. if there’s one subject he doesn’t hate it’s history because he “thinks the fight scenes are fun” (yuki: “you mean world war 1??” “yeah it was exciting”)
uo: autoshop. hates the stereotype that just because she’s a lesbian she must like tools and machinery and automotive tech.....having said that she is a lesbian and she does like tools and machinery and automotive tech. gets a 100 on her project where she fixes a busted up motorcycle, and now she has two motorcycles. all the boys in the class call her senpai and worship the ground she walks on. smells faintly like motor oil all the time but she Absolutely makes it work
hana: creative writing. school is not her thing but she thrives in creative writing because her creativity is 100/10 and her stories are absolutely off the walls. excels in writing spooky yet also homoerotic ghost stories in particular. reads them aloud in class with the lights turned off and a flashlight illuminating her face. has made students cry out of fear. shigure beta-reads her writing. likes to subtly imply that her stories actually happened to fuck with kyo. it works
momiji: band/orchestra!! all the older students lose their minds over how well he can play. first chair violinist from day one. has a solo in every concert; tohru sits front row and films them, always cries. he’s the life of the party at Band Camp(™). even the grumpy bass clarinetists like him. doesn’t get in trouble when he talks waaaaay too much during rehearsal because the teacher loves him
haru: mr space cadet himself isn’t much of a science guy but LOVES astronomy. gets Ds on pretty much every test but he doesn’t care because his mind is expanding. buys a super nice telescope so he can look at constellations at 3 in the morning. develops very specific opinions about each planet. stans the moon. gets really into sleeping at last’s astronomy-themed album. becomes that guy whose personality is “i like space” until the class is over and then he never talks about it again
rin: art! she takes several art classes throughout high school. really loves drawing and painting, but also really likes doing ceramics projects because she likes working with her hands :’)) does a watercolor portrait for tohru as a graduation gift but gets really flustered when tohru sobs into her arms over how beautiful it is. also secretly likes doing little doodles of her and haru—he sees them once in her sketchbook and will never let her live it down
kagura: says her favorite is PE and it actually is PE. goes ham for capture the flag, tends to play too rough when capturing and gets taken out of the game. only person who is actually good at volleyball so she is constantly spiking, setting, and diving for the ball all in the same game, while the rest of her team just kind of fumbles around and tries to stay out of her way. gets first place every time they run the mile even though it’s definitely not a competition. definitely knows her mile time even though it is not a timed activity
hiro: this kid screams history nerd, but like Male History Nerd with a niche interest in military history and very specific opinions about how *insert historical figure* wasn’t actually all that bad. gets his ass handed to him in class discussions on the daily but won’t admit it. is genuinely really smart and has Better Opinions by the time he graduates, so he starts using his history nerd powers For Good as an adult—as in, arguing about inaccurate historical memes on facebook in his free time
kisa: choir. singing stresses her out, but she’s figured out that she can just mouth the words and no one can tell that she’s not actually singing! loves being in the group and hearing the beautiful music around her :’)) everyone is in awe of how cute she is in her lil choir robe. tohru comes to all of kisa’s concerts as well and films them from the front row, also while crying
machi: woodshop. gets sawdust on her clothes and loves the smell. obsessed with digging through piles of splintering and warped scrap wood. loses her damn mind when she gets to use the jigsaw. really enjoys making like…misshapen birdhouses and crooked tables, but woodshop is mostly participation grades anyway so her teacher gives her A’s on all of her grotesque wood creations. she is at peace and is One with the Wood. doesn’t wear safety goggles while chopping wood because she likes Risk
kimi: loves speech & drama. emphasis on the drama. it’s a chance to talk for a long time and everyone has to look at her and listen to her or else they’ll fail!! which is how she likes it. goes three minutes over for every speech but the teacher can’t get her to pause long enough to stop her. comes to auditions in a full professionally-made costume. knows her lines and everyone else’s
nao: AP statistics on the pre-accounting track. has known he wants to be an accountant since he was in diapers. does slightly below average in the class. still studies accounting in college because it’s too big a part of his personality to quit at this point. becomes an accountant. never quite feels fulfilled
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until-theend-oftheline ¡ 5 years
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Warnings: Relationship hard patch, therapy, working through things, mention of postpartum depression, self-guilt, talk of the future - not as bad as it sounds 
Squares Filled: Unbreakable Bond for @goodthingshappenbingo​   
Word Count: 2100ish
A/N: This is thought of as part of my LLL Universe, but if you don’t wanna read them all it can still be read as a one-shot. Though it will probably make the most sense if you know the story a little beforehand.  
Betaed by: @blacktithe7​ - thank you love
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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For the past three weeks, you had been in therapy two times a week. Once on your own, and once with Sebastian. You were working hard on yourself and your relationship. It hadn’t taken your therapist long to suspect you might be suffering from a mild case of postpartum depression. You loved Isabella and hadn’t once thought about hurting her or yourself. That’s what you always thought postpartum depression was, but your therapist had taught you otherwise. 
You felt off. You didn’t feel like yourself. You had distanced yourself from Sebastian because of it. You woke up in the middle of the night worrying about Isabella for no reason, and you didn’t want to leave her with anyone other than her father. 
The last part your therapist had taken as a positive. Even if you had distanced yourself from him, Sebastian was still someone you trusted. The only one you fully trusted with Isabella. You hadn’t seen any of that before, and that first session had you crying against Sebastian’s chest, apologizing for you didn’t know what. He didn’t blame you one bit, he just held you and reminded you he wasn’t going anywhere. 
Before you left her office you signed up for solo sessions to get your depression under control. Those sessions were going pretty well. Understanding what you were feeling helped you, but you still didn’t want to leave Isabella with anyone other than Sebastian. 
Sessions with Sebastian were hard. He felt as if he should have seen how you were feeling, that he had given up on you too easily. You felt everything was your fault and that you should have told him how you were feeling. Last week you had been fighting a lot again, just like before Sebastian had moved out of the apartment. Only this time it was because you didn’t want each other to blame yourselves. 
This week had been a little better. Things had been awkward, but you had come to an understanding with each other. An understanding that you both needed to let the other go through whatever you were feeling in your own way. 
You hated the awkwardness though, and the homework your therapist gave you didn’t help matters. Maybe that’s why you had invited Sebastian over early to have dinner with you and Isabella. You let your daughter work as a buffer between the two of you, which appeared to work. For a moment you felt normal. Like you were a family again. 
You hadn’t been done cooking when Sebastian showed up, so he had hung out in the kitchen with you, playing with Isabella. The little girl adored her dad and was giggling and making happy baby noises. She kept reaching for him and showing him different toys. Sebastian’s attention never wavered as he happily went along with anything she handed him, even if he still managed to chat with you about the food, what Isabella had been up too, and possible job opportunities. 
Sebastian and you took your time feeding the little girl. When dinner was over, Sebastian offered to give your daughter a bath and tucked her in, while you cleared the table. When you were done, you headed for your bedroom, where you kept Isabella’s crib. You smiled, leaning against the doorway as you watched Sebastian kiss your sleeping baby girl goodnight. 
He smiled at you when he turned around to see you, slowly tiptoeing up to you. You backed up with a smile, letting him close the door behind him after turning on the baby monitor. For a few seconds, you just stood there, looking at each other. Neither of you willing to let this part of the day end just yet, but both knowing you had too. 
“You ready?” Sebastian reached out, gently tugging your hair behind your ear. 
You leaned into his touch, letting him cup your cheek as you looked up at him. You took a deep breath before kissing his hand and nodding. 
“Yeah. I guess so.”
The two of you walked to the couch and sat down across from each other. You felt nervous. You looked down and started to fidget with your hands, only for Sebastian to reach out and put his on top of yours. 
“It’s just me okay?” Sebastian reminded you, smiling softly when you looked up at him. 
“This is weird though. Sit down and talk about what’s on your minds,” you mocked your therapist, causing Sebastian to laugh. 
“I’d rather do trust exercises or something,” you grumbled, even though his laughter was putting you more at ease. 
“Hey if you wanna hop up on the couch and fall backward, I’ll catch ya,” Sebastian teased, laughing again when you stretched your leg, poking him in the stomach with your foot. 
“And just for that. You get to start,” you stuck your tongue out at him, and Sebastian pulled a face back at you. Your childish games made you both laugh before your eyes met, and you both grew serious again. 
Sebastian took a deep breath, before looking down. “What’s on my mind a lot is I really wanna move back home to you and Isabella.”
“Sebastian…” your voice was soft, and your heart hurt for having to reject his wish. You weren’t there yet, and you didn’t want to do anything that might cause the two of you to lose each other for good. 
“I don’t mean tonight or even tomorrow,” Sebastian quickly interrupted you, looking up at you with a sad smile. “I know we still have work to do, but that’s what’s on my mind the most. I miss the two of you when I’m not around and it kills me every time I have to walk out that door.”
“I’m sorry,” you felt yourself tear up as he spoke and Sebastian, quickly moved closer to you, pulling you against his chest. 
“Hey. No. Don’t do that. Don’t blame yourself,” Sebastian tried to put you at ease, but instead you pulled away from him. 
“How can I not? I was the one who told you to go,” you argued, but Sebastian just shook his head. 
“You didn’t. I was the one who offered that…” Sebastian tried, but you interrupted him before he could finish. 
“You offered to move out. To couch surf between your friends and mom’s place for months because you didn’t want me to move across the country with your daughter,” your voice was harsh, and tears were streaming down your face as you spoke. “I never meant to take her away from you, but Seb I almost did.”
“No you didn’t,” Sebastian stayed remarkably calm this time around. Maybe he had been working on that during his solo sessions. “Honey, we were fighting. You wanted the fighting to end, and going to your mom's was the first thing that occurred to you. If that had happened, you would have been back. We would have figured something out.”
What Sebastian said sounded so rational, but you also hated the amount of faith he put in you when you still felt you were to blame for all of this. 
“You don’t know that. You can’t know that.”
“I do. Because I know you Y/N/N.” Sebastian tried to smile at you as he reached for your hand. This time you didn’t push him away. “And you have to stop blaming yourself for all of this. I ran away. I felt something was off between us, and instead of talking to you about it, I ran away to shoot a movie I got an offer for last minute.” 
You nodded and looked down at your hand holding his. You gave it a small squeeze, not wanting him to think you were mad at him as you confessed. 
“I did feel like you abandoned me. You decided on your own, and all of a sudden I was alone with a baby.”
“I’m sorry,” Sebastian’s voice was thick as he spoke and you looked up at him. You could see the tears pooling in his eye. You hadn’t wanted to hurt him. 
“You’re here now. That’s what matters,” you forced a small smile. “And I want us to be a family again someday. We both miss you when you’re not around.” 
“Yeah?” Tears were streaming down his face, and you could no longer help yourself. You leaned forward, wrapping your arms around his neck, holding him close to you. 
“I love you, Seba,” you whispered, smiling when you felt his grip on you tighten as he buried his face against your neck. 
“I love you too, Y/N/N. So much.” 
You didn’t say anything else for a while. You just sat there; holding each other. Sebastian was the first to pull back a little, looking down at you. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt like you did that night you first met. You wanted him to kiss you so badly and yet something stopped you, causing you to pull back at the last second. 
You saw a flicker of disappointment in his eyes, but he quickly masked it behind a smile as he reached for your hand again. 
“Your turn.”
“I… I think about you moving home, but…” you wanted to tell him. You had no idea why it was this hard. Maybe because this was a huge part of the reason you had pushed him away in the first place. 
“But?” Sebastian pushed, even though you could hear the flicker of doubt in his voice. 
“I don’t feel like myself.” You didn’t look at him as you spoke. “I’m not ready for us to have sex because I hate looking at myself still. I don’t want you to see me when…”
You looked up at him with surprise written all over your face. Not once had he stopped you sharing anything with him before. 
“Honey how you feel is completely valid, but I promise you. What you see is not what I see. I see the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I see a woman that gave me the most amazing little girl in the world. I see a woman that I have been completely head over heels in love with even way before she realized it,” Sebastian confessed with a smile, and you couldn’t help the smile on your face as you looked down with a blush. 
You knew Sebastian well. He was, despite everything, your best friend, and you knew when he was lying. He wasn’t now. He never lied to you, especially not about how he felt. 
“Hey.” Sebastian placed a finger under your chin, making you look at him. “Is that why you pulled away before. Because you thought I wanted too…”
“Yeah… I… logically I know you weren’t. I know you’re not like that,” you stammered. 
You had shared everything about your past with Seb long ago, even before the two of you started dating. He had never met Brad, and still, he spoke his name with so much disdain that it was almost dripping from his teeth. You loved him all the more for it too. 
“I know you’re not him. It’s just…” you tried to explain, but Sebastian just shook his head. He knew. 
“Trauma can be hard to shake. Especially when you’re feeling low,” Sebastian assured you. “I’m never gonna push you into anything you don’t want. I miss you. In every way. But I can wait. Sex is not even close to the thing I miss the most. Kissing you and holding you is up there though.”
His confession made you smile. You bit your lip and looked down. 
“What are you thinking?” Sebastian gently tugged your hair away from your face and you looked back up at him. He looked at you so softly and lovingly, it gave you the courage you needed.
“About you kissing me.”
Sebastian swallowed, licking his lips never taking his eyes off you. “Do you… Can I?” He looked at your lips, making you smile. 
“Please kiss me, Seba,” you asked gently as you leaned in close enough to feel his breath on your lips. Sebastian slowly closed the gap, letting your lips meet.
He kissed you slowly and tenderly, letting you feel all the love he held for you as he pulled you tightly against his chest. He silently promised you everything would be right between the two of you again, and you believed him as you kissing him back, making the same promise right back to him. 
Reblogs spread my work and make me happy. Got a favorite part/line? Did something touch you? Do you relate in some way? Please tell me and make my day.  
Sebastian Stan Tag Team
@feelmyroarrrr​ @sleepretreat​ @roxyspearing​ @jewels2876​  @hellaqueerangelofthelord​ @danijimenezv​ @rumoured-whispers​ @becs-bunker​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @blacktithe7​ @grace-for-sale​ @averyrogers83​ @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​ @sorenmarie87​ @docharleythegeekqueen​ @erosbellarke​ @the-wayward-robot​ @super100012​ @myfanficlibrarium​ @winchesters-favorite-girl​ @awkwardfangirl2014​ @igotkatiepowers​ @dottirose​ @deathofmissjackson​ @miraclesoflove​ @badassbaker​
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taejeonie ¡ 4 years
taehyuck moments that make me feel lonely
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every time hyuck would call taehee and how she would respond
taehee had a like,,love-hate relationship with hyuck back then
“noona, i don’t like your hair”
“i don’t like your face, donghyuck”
lol but that was before
present time!!!!
everytime hyuck would look at taehee he looks so
it’s cute
during yaja time,,,hyuck would always make sure that taehee calls him ‘oppa’ just to tease her
when they both won in rpd in their weekly idol guesting,,,hyuck gave his point to 127 while taehee gave hers to dream
mark mentioning taehee and hyuck used to fight a lot predebut but now they’re super close!!!
taehee being tsundere with hyuck
“noona, i love youuuu |( ^ 3 ^)|”
*shoves hyuck away aggressively*
but then later on she’s like
“haechanie, do you want to play games?”
“i knew you loved me (^_^)”
being good at games
they gave tips to dream on that one weekly idol episode
speaking of weekly idol episode
taehyuck stans got so much content when they guested there during superhuman era
taehee had to ‘appeal’ to them before picking a partner
“should i dance?”
“haechan-ssi said aegyo!!! wahh,,it looks like taehee-ssi is a bit reluctant”
taehee: jdkskdkfksk
“i....i’m not acting pretty-“
“i was born pretty”
“PASS!,” hyuck shouted
so the hosts continued to interview her while hyuck and doyoung were waiting behind her
“taehee-ssi, who do you want in mind?”
doyoung: <//3
“why haechan?”
“bc he’s good at playing games”
“ahh!! so you’re only using him?”
“yes hehe”
so when taehee turns around she’s like \(//∇//)\ bc hyuck’s there
but then she sees doyoung and she goes ( O . O)
“okay. appeal to me”
hyuck stands up and proceeds to wink at her and bite his lip
hyuckie sweetie don’t be so provocative or else sunflowers will d word
“ah you’re a bit bold, aren’t you?,” taehee taunts him
“even if you’re just planning to use me, you’ll fall in love with me in the end and i will cherish you forever”
taehee.exe has stopped working part 3948289492
“i have money-“
lol taehyuck wins in the end
taehee felt hyuck’s lips when they were guessing a ball of yarn was in between them so she got so scared
they’re so cute during fansigns also
the cutest was one they were sending each other hearts while they were on both ends of the table
taehee can’t resist running her hands through hyuck’s hair
even if the managers tell her not to
like you’d see her stare at hyuck for a moment before patting his head and keeping her hand there
or pushing it back from the front
cheek kisses.
“noona, what are you planning to do after practice?”
“i’m planning to sleep-“
“and that was haechan’s kiss cam- OW”
host: “haechan, your birthday is coming up. what do you wish for?”
*glances at taehee sneakily*
“i want a kiss from noona”
then you can hear jisung, chenle, and renjun gag
while mark laughs nervously leader tingz
lowkey the host pestered her to do it so taehee kissed hyuck on the cheek anyways
being each other’s seratonin boosts during performances
like they would pass by each other and next thing you know,,they won’t stop smiling
in america hyuck kept clinging onto taehee
they also kept going on about taeil’s butterfly
when taehee mc’d for isac she was cheering for hyuck
and vice versa
when they were planning the 24-hour relay, taehee said she wanted to do frisbee and walk her dog but she wants a member to go with her
“i’ll go with you,” hyuck told her
and you can see taehee’s eyes light up bc awowowow she’s so cute
so when they were doing the relay live already
the both of them went out to a park
“you’re in a lot of videos today”
“yes, but i enjoyed this the most since i get to spend it with youuuuu”
“you’re following in my footsteps, aren’t you”
so taehee taught him like the different throws of frisbee
hyuck threw the disc really hard and it landed far away so taehee had to get it
hyuck went near the camera and pointed it at her
“look at my noonaaaa”
“she’s so cute, isn’t she”
and then later on they walked taehee’s dog named ‘통이’
he’s a brown shitzu puppy that hyuck gave her for her bday
most of taehee’s relay vid was just her and hyuck playing with 통이
“so how’s our child doing in school?”
“통이!! 통이’s our child!!”
“since when???”
“i gave him to you!! he’s our child now”
“you’re weird”
then later in hyuck’s relay,,he was about to play games
but he called taehee first
“baby? what are you doing?”
damn hyuck you call jaehyun baby,,,now taehee?? donghyuck bad boy.
“why the sudden english?”
(in korean) “just answer!!”
“umm i’m about to sleep. why?”
“okay..let’s just play games when you wake up!”
“you’re still playing games when i wake up? HAHA”
hyuck laughs with her, “yeaaaa”
“okay, goodnight baby!”
“goodnight, baby!”
c o n t e n t
them dancing all the parts in kick it during their weekly idol guesting
we stan
hyuck couldn’t look away from taehee when she was doing her facial window
but the he suddenly goes silent when she does the cold ver.
flustered tm
but then goes back to finding her cute when she whined to jungwoo right after
in the latest nct life, they would sit beside each other all the time
vvvv competitive when they were doing the luge race
when they would sleep during car rides their heads are on top of each other <3
everytime taehee would laugh, the fans would notice how hyuck looked at her
like there’s literally heart eyes for her
and they were roommates
like her, hyuck, and yuta
since there were only two beds, yuta offered to sleep on the floor
“i’ll just sleep beside hyuck. you can take the bed”
later on...
“what are you doing?”
“i can’t help it...i like you too much”
“i can’t move”
“if we stay like this, we won’t need blankets anymore, noonaaa”
“turn the other way”
hyuck complied but made taehee wrap her arms around him
hyuck small spoon uwuuwuwuwu
both of them being good at the shooting game haha
instead of worrying over hyuck when he almost fell off the 9m thingy
she laughed at him and called him slow
but then they gang up on the opposing team bc they’re salty they lost
stealing clothes is taehee’s thing
well,,just hyuck’s clothes
like you’d see her wear hyuck’s ‘sinners’ hoodie from time to time
and his green one during the 00’ line vlive
i think she’s worn it a lot more than hyuck does
“you’re wearing my clothes again, why won’t you just buy your own?”
“save money!!!”
the way they hold hands is cute too
like during award shows, their pinkies are linked together akmakskakdl
and they’re always together in the airport
they were doing a punishment bc they lost in a game
and it was a peppero game
*cue mark sweating nervously bc the dreamies are scary and taehee is a rebellious so he doesn’t know what would happen*
anyw they got the peppero stick to go like really really short
like a little bit more and they would get in trouble
and then BOOM
renjun pushes taehee’s head forward, making her and hyuck almost kiss
but they pulled away so quickly
“you dangerous thing :000 we almost kissed”
and when mark thought it couldn’t get any worse
“it wouldn’t be the first time” - jeon taehee, 20
their iconic vlive moments
aka where hyuck professes his love to taehee it sounds so sincere that it makes her genuinely flustered
“one day, i’m gonna marry taehee noona-“
taehee hits him lightly in surprise before saying, “don’t stay stuff like that hahaha”
“it’s true!! i have my future planned out already”
“you’re so weird”
“it’s okay. as long as you love me”
hyuck moves his face closer to taehee, causing her to look away and gag
the other one was when taehee was reading comments
“lee donghyuck, do you love me?”
“jeon taehee, i really,,really,,really love you”
“.....i was reading a comment”
dw hyuck gave the fan a heart in slight embarrassment
and then the next one was during taehee’s birthday
she held a solo live yAYYYY
but then the comments were asking about hyuck so she let them know that he’s recovering well and he’ll be back soon before you know it!!
“haechanie? haechanie’s doing fine everyone!! he’s recovering at home and he’ll be back before you know it ∩^ω^∩”
“i think he’s watching this live- hey, haechan! you take care of yourself, okay? and don’t be too stubborn next time....”
“i got a little worried,” she mumbled softly
“just get better quickly, okay? i’ll treat you to beef and we can go watch movies as soon as your better”
she gives a smile before going back to reading the comments
her phones suddenly rings, “oh? it’s haechanie”
she puts it on speaker and says hello cutely
and the first thing hyuck says is
“i love you”
“i miss youu”
“i miss you tooo. what are you doing?”
“watching your live of course!! happy birthday”
“hihi thank you”
and then when hyuck got better they had another vlive again with 127 and dream
like the new year one
it got quiet for a bit after haechan said his like ‘i’m better now’ speech
and then when he finishes taehee calls his attention
and she’s like serious BC SHE WAS WORRIED OKAY
“be careful next time. don’t get sick again”
it sounded so sincere hyuck felt his heart melt.
ugh such an emotional day
hyuck was tearing up when watching their vcr
then he couldn’t hold back his tears anymore when they were doing their ending ment :(((
i mean he’s still with them in 127 but it feels different :((
when they were about to do a group hug, taehee pulled away from mark and ran into hyuck when he opened his arms out for her
it was a short hug but still
they continue to support each other even if they’re in different sub-units at times
taehee kept saying hyuck looked more handsome ever since boom cb
then even MORE handsome in reload
“i know (⌒-⌒; )”
fans noticed how taehee turned more affectionate with hyuck during this era
“most importantly, i miss mark hyung and taehee noona today”
now taehee is more clingy with hyuck these days
it’s either they’re beside each other and one of them is leaning on the other
or they sit on each other’s laps
they also go out and eat often yieeee
“is it good?”
that’s all thank u for tuning in !!!
although, she doesn’t show it that much at first, taehee loves hyuck very much !!!
so does hyuck
i feel like they’re really gonna have a very strong relationship til the end of time
yes they’ll grow old together <33
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not-ur-normie ¡ 5 years
The demon brothers as a kpop group (+ Diavolo)
Hey there! This is my very first headcanon thingy, so i would like to apologise for my bad english, its not my mother language. Also, it was so long ago when i last wrote anything similar in english, so once again, sorry. 
Anyway, i really wanted to write it, so let me know if you like it! + If you want general group headcanons with them as a kpop group, pls let me know it as well! (Or a similar one with Simeon, Luke and Solomon, hehe) Love! 
The demon brothers as a kpop group (+Diavolo)
DIAVOLO - The CEO of the company - It was the main goal in all his life to see Lucifer shining on stage - Okay, not, actually he only knows Lucifer since a shitty survival program - I mean, Lucifer is already hiper super extra giga mega beautiful in his eyes, but! Lucifer! on! stage! is the main Lucifer - So he maid a company for him - Lucifer was like 'wtf dID U DO' (okay, he didnt say it in this way, but-) - He is an understanding boss - Doesnt plan to debut any other group, so his company wont suck lol - Has all the money only for the bois - Altho he is really kind and understanding, he expects the guys to work extra hard do achive success - Sometimes goes to variety shows with his group and acting like a proud dad around them - Fans say that he is the 8th member of the group - Has his own fansites - Sometimes does modelling (has a duo photoshoot with Lucifer which he is extra proud of and some of its pieces are on his wall in a big canvas) - Fans ship him with Lucifer (not suprising) - He bought two houses next to each other. One is his and the other is the guys'. - Has a cameo in one of the mvs of the group - Does acting, has a lots of main roles - He is POPULAR
LUCIFER - Leader of the group - Also dad of the group (i mean if you dont count Diavolo) - He and the others participated in a survival program, but didnt make it - Got kicked out of their prev company - Thats when Diavolo became a fan of him and decided on founding one for him - Lucifer only agreed on joining if his teammeat could go too - Most popular in the group - Does everything Diavolo asks him to do - Makes the guys practicing till morning - Barely sleeps - Also does acting - Really bad at doing fanservice - Extremely caring towards fans - Always makes sure that the fans are doing okay, writes short messages on fancafe, uploads pictures (never about himself) on ig and twitter and reminds fans to take care of themselfs - Staying up super late to read fancafe letters from fans - Gives special attention to communicate with fans - However... He shamlessly blocks fans who upload meme pics about him or hurt his pride - HE IS SERIOUS - Thanks to this, fans never EVER mock him - Has a solo album - Won against his own group once in a music show (Levi said how it was not fair and Satan was pissed) - Never dyed his hair and never will - According to some poll, he is one of the most handsome men in kpop - He hates fanwars and when there is one, he tells the fans to stop  - He also hates rumors
MAMMON - He wanted to became a worldwide idol so he can get more money - Actually he was really bad at everything when he joined that survival program - Fans started to love him bc of his hard work (((for the money))) - Always forgets their own choreography - The whole fandom jokes about how stupid he is - He is always truly offended and scolds the fans on vlive - Fans make memes out of him and love dissing him - Fans think he is super cute and he is loveing it - LOVES fansigns but always blushes if he needs to hold hands with fans - Tries to act tough anyway - Cries in every. fkin. concert. (giving birth to new memes lol) - Once made a "joke" about how fans should donate him money instead of giving presents and it became a HUGE scandal, Lucifer and Diavolo deadass wanted to kick him out of the group - Does vlive a lot bc he loves talking about everything: how he bought a new car, new shoes, how he wanted to prank Lucifer with Satan and how they failed blah blah and so on - He is that member with zero lines, but has fair screentime - Modelling and super popular - Tried acting bc "he is too good at everything" but failed (he is not too good, but too shy lol) - The loudest member - Variety shows love him thanks to his idiotism - He says he is the "cutie sexy" member of the team - Once a fan started crying in front of him at a fansign out of happiness and Mammon was so touched he started crying as well
LEVIATHAN - His nickname is Leviachan for a reason - Fans know how much of an otaku he is so they always buy him anime related stuff and LEVI IS TRULY HAPPY ALL THE TIME - He even post about his presents at twitter and ig - Does gameplay vlives - Also has a youtube channel where he uploads every kind of videos: gameplays, gameplays, anime reviews, manga recommendations, gameplays, videos about his Ruri-chan collection, gamplays... and more gameplays - Uploaded a video where he and Mammon tried to snake into Lucifer's room to film him while he is asleep, but got caught and Lucifer started to shout at them - He needed to deletet it bc Lucifer wanted to kill him for publishing it - Fans didnt reupload out of fear from Lucifer - Shy at fansigns but compfy with old fans and fansites - Doing cosplay - At the begining he was reather shy on stage, but since he got used to it... aegyo all the way - Loves when they promote in Japan - In variety shows when the mcs ask him about his hobbies he always ends up talking too much, so to others need to stop him - According to fans, he has e-boy vibes - He is the one who posts everything thats happening with them on twitter, so the fans really ALWAYS know whats up whit the guys - Once accidentally tweeted out their hotel room numbers and fans found them (Lucifer was hella angry)
SATAN - Mom of the group, even if he hates it - Like if Lucifer is the dad, no way that he is the mom - Also prince of the group - Has good vocals but can rap too - Writes lyrics - Started acting bc he was sure he is better than Lucifer - Won an award for his main role in a detective series - Has a whole collection of books bought by fans - Gets angry easily which is the reason why fans often mock and make memes about him - Reads the messages fans send him and replies; sometimes its only a heart, sometims its advice or kind words - Came up with the groups greeting - According to the other members fansites, he is so handsome that its hard to not take pictures of him - Thanks to this, all the others fansites have at least two posts about him - Fans going insane when he starts smiling - Plays the guitar - Multilanguage king - Cant do fanservice - Literally hates fanservice - Once in Weekly Idol, him and Lucifer needed to hold hands and say nice things to each other after the others told the mcs how awkward their relationship is - That was the worst moment in his entire life - Wanna do a solo album, but didnt have the chance yet (Diavolo promisd him tho) - He has th best fashion sense after Asmo - Has a cat in the dorm and the fans love it like its their own - He has a great memory, so he remembers the names of the fans who attended their fansigns at least two times 
ASMODEUS - Main vocal of the group - Self claimed visual of the group - He posts the most, almost everyday - Loves doing make up - The most fashionable member - A big ass diva - Went to king of masked singer but didnt win it - Has a solo album - He loVES FANSERVICE, HE LIVES FOR IT - With members, with fans, it doesnt really matter - The best at fansigns, he is so direct - Hold hands with fans, gives hugs, let them touch him - On the groups YouTube channel, he has this special segment called "Asmo cam" - He shows whats happening in backstage during promotions - Designed their debut album's look - Also designed the lightstick - Complains to the stylists if he dislikes an outfit - MCing - Reads the fanfictions fans write about the group and teases the members with it - Doing shower vlives, where there is only voice, so the fans can hear him singing in the shower (he also brags about how beautiful he is and how unlucky his fans not seeing the full beauty of his body) - If a fan post about him saying dirty things, he will reply with even more dirtyer stuff - Most of his fans are hard stans
BEELZEBUB - Maybe i am headcanoning it wrong, but for me Beelzebub is a rapper - The only reason he is not part of the aegyo line bc he never does aegyo but naturally cute enough for fans to cry over his cuteness - He is so sad that fans mustnt give him food in fansigns, but Diavolo is against it out of fear of some antifan trying to poison them - Mukbang videos - Mukbang shows love and hate him at the same time - Eating everywhere and everytime - He even eats at the middle of concerts - Fans have a bunch of memes about him - According to fans, he is like a big puppy who must be protected by all costs - All cool and serious on stage, all cuddly and cutie off stage - Main dancer of the group, always helps with the choreographys - Has an own restaurant, where fans can buy his fav foods... And there is a lot of that - One of the sweetest bubs in fansigns, he is easygoing and thanks to this its not hard to talk to him - Fans dieing to see him take off his shirt, but it havent happend yet - In one of his birthday lives Mammon dropped his cake out of accident and HE WAS SUPER SAD - Most of his social media post are about food. What he ate, whats he wanna eating, what he recommends eating, notes to fans to dont forget to eat - Fans never tell him to dont forget to eat, bc they know he wouldnt - Fans ship him with Asmo and Belphie - Loves tours bc he can eat a lot of delicious food around the world
BELPHEGOR - Devil maknae - Makes fun of his hyungs, but loves them endlessly - Sleeps in backstage all the time; while his make up is done, while his hair is done, why waiting for rehearsal - Lucifer has the hardest time with him if it comes to practice - I mean, Belphie deadass can fall asleep the middle of some choreo - Didnt love doing agyeo, but fans are over the moon if he does, so he is doing it often - He doesnt have a fixed role in the group, sometimes he sings and sometimes he raps - One of the best dancers, but he is too lazy to show his full potential - He often falls asleep while doing vlives - Once in an ig live he told the fans that it doesnt bother him that they have haters, bc he hates the haters as well - He barely posts on social media; if there are pictures about him, they are mostly from the other members (especially from Beel) - He has a super big pillow he got from a fan to his birthday when he was still a trainee and this is his favourite pillow - He is the one with zero solo activity, bc if he has free time he reather sleeps than going to shoot something
Feel free to add anything that comes into your mind!
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galaxygerm103 ¡ 5 years
An Unpopular Opinion + an Analysis
Hello Be More Chill fandom, today I'm gonna share a very unpopular opinion that's probably gonna get me killed, but it proves self awareness and that's good.
My opinion? Boyf Riends is low-key toxic.
Now you're probably gonna be like "no it's not? It's cute and soft and-" yeah, yeah, I know. Everybody and their mom seems to stan this ship so… this is gonna get me killed.
But hear me out. I'm gonna actually explain why I think this.
So, to show that their romantic relationship would be toxic, we gotta look at their friendship first.
So, we'll start with the first interaction they have in "More Than Survive". It starts out basic enough, Michael shows up listening to music, Jeremy predicts exactly what it is he's listening to, and then the song ends. Michael proceeds to tell Jeremy he "looks like ass" which is something friends do so that's not bad. Then Jeremy brings up the backpack thing. He's clearly upset about it, but instead of trying to cheer him up, Michael doesn't even seem to notice he's upset, and laughs off the whole thing. The topic changes and one of the most iconic lines in the musical shows up aka "there's never been a better time in history to be a loser". Now this line seems harmless but in one rehearsal video, Jeremy's response is a dry "thanks" because this isn't the mindset he has. He doesn't want to be a loser but Michael doesn't understand that. It's kind of the foundation of the problem. Michael isn't noticing his best friend's feelings, there is a lack of communication here. Also, he should be telling Jeremy he's not a loser, not that he should embrace being one, because what Jeremy needs isn't what Michael needs.
Okay, interaction 2, right before "I Love Play Rehearsal". This one's short but it boils down to Michael low-key(very low-key) manipulating Jeremy into continuing his effort to talk to Christine. By telling Jeremy that he'll make fun of him forever if he doesn't go into the auditorium, which I know sounds like playful teasing and maybe it is but that doesn't matter, by saying that, Michael gives Jeremy an ultimatum. And I doubt Jeremy wants to be teased about being a coward forever by his best friend. That just doesn't sound fun. So to avoid even more teasing in his life, he opens the auditorium door.
Interaction 3 is "Two Player Game" so this is gonna be a long one. Now, the first line of verse 1 is I think the nicest thing Michael really says to Jeremy, because he actually calls him cool, which is validating to our self hating protagonist. Then it falls downhill when Michael says "you're just a nothing in this highschool scheme" because that's only gonna make Jeremy feel worse. The rest of the first verse is just Michael tryna explain to Jeremy that they'll be fine if they stick together. The chorus is kind of once again ignoring Jeremy's feelings because he doesn't want to wait to be a loser anymore. He wants to be able to love himself and be liked by others in the present day. He's been waiting since he was little for the chance to be liked it seems. The next verse gives us Jeremy's insight on the whole situation, and he says he "wants to move on" which implies that he's sick of being a loser in the eyes of everybody, including both himself and Michael. Michael seems to completely ignore the fact that Jeremy is upset once again because when Jeremy points out they're not in college, Michael shrugs it off like "it doesn't make any difference". The only part of the song where we see any open communication between them is the third verse. Jeremy's pretty vulnerable here because, in context, he's worrying about his future if he doesn't stop being a loser. The "favorite person" part is probably the sweetest moment these two share through the entire musical, and it's the closest we ever see them, although I'm starting to think Michael means more to Jeremy than he realizes, which is why he asks Jeremy if he's really his favorite person. Jeremy has nobody else so of course Michael is the one person he tells everything but Michael doesn't really seem to get Jeremy's feelings so Jeremy stopped telling him all the things he feels(aka the things he talks about in "Loser Geek Whatever"). The rest of the song is just a reprise of the beginning of the song so it's not entirely important to this argument.
Interaction 4 is the mall scene and this has a pretty telling moment in it. Ignoring the Payless part, the food court scene has more to unpack than you'd think. So Jeremy takes the Squip and when it "doesn't work" he's upset. He needs comforting clearly, although he pretends he doesn't("leave me to mourn in my chili fries forever"). Michael, instead of providing comfort to his clearly distraught best friend, sees this as a chance to go grab some discontinued soda that he could get later. He could take five minutes to comfort his best friend but instead he goes off to do his own thing. He's ignoring his best friend's needs for his own wants. It's actually selfish.
The next interaction is short and one sided, in which Jeremy sees Michael twice during "Sync Up" and is saddened when he doesn't see him. He would've seen him by now, so he's confused when they haven't seen each other all day. This probably made Jeremy think Michael was avoiding him, which we find out isn't true.
Interaction 6, the beginning of the maybe end. The end of act 1. Jeremy and Michael are both confused by the fact they haven't talked all day. Michael is quick to blame it on Jeremy avoiding him, but Jeremy figures out that it was the Squip pretty quickly. Of course, during this interaction we get Jeremy's solo("Loser Geek Whatever") in which we see one of the most telling things about their relationship. "Michael thinks that weird is rad but feeling weird just makes me sad". This sums up their relationship pretty well, Michael is comfortable with himself but doesn't realize that Jeremy isn't comfortable. This interaction ends with Jeremy blocking out Michael. He's sick of having his feelings ignored by his only friend, and maybe he can have his feelings noticed and validated by other people. He's done being in Michael's shadow, because there's more to him than just being Michael's player 2.
Interaction 7, the bathroom intervention scene. This scene has a LOT to go through so let's get into it(using the new version here). Jeremy runs into the room panicking and when Michael reveals himself, the first thing he gets on about is how Jeremy left him. He stops when he sees Jeremy smiling because Jeremy missed him. He's happy to see him but then Michael gets on about the Squip and is talking about how there are consequences to it. Jeremy points out that Michael said technology isn't dangerous and the two of them get into their fight and Michael says he's looking out for Jeremy. Jeremy says for once in his life he can look out for himself, then the scene continues like the original and Jeremy calls Michael a loser. Jeremy isn't in the right state of mind in this scene, he was almost raped and he's scared. You'd think Michael would ask him what's wrong but he doesn't. He gets pissed at him without even being concerned about his emotions. Yet again we see that Michael is bad at recognizing Jeremy's feelings. I'm not saying he doesn't care about Jeremy, because he does(or else he wouldn't be here in the first place to warn him about the Squip), I'm saying that Michael is bad at recognizing Jeremy's emotions to a point where he ends up accidentally making the situation worse. Michael's actually the one who started the argument because he brought up the Squip without realizing how scared and upset Jeremy was. Not saying Jeremy's to blame, he could have handled the situation better but Michael started the whole argument. As for Jeremy calling Michael a loser, I think this may be Jeremy projecting. Because Michael is explaining every doubt Jeremy had about the Squip. Jeremy was even scared to take it("what if it's dangerous?"). Jeremy finally has more people to talk to, he finally isn't alone, he isn't in a healthy place and he's clearly not happy, but he's seemingly convinced himself that he is. He's convinced himself that the Squip is the only thing that can help him so when Michael warns him about it he lashes out, calling Michael the same thing that they'd both been called for years. Michael's reaction is probably due to shock and the realization that maybe he low-key drove his best friend away. Although he doesn't think he did anything wrong so who knows. We know Jeremy feels bad about this the next day though because he says this: "I didn't wanna hurt Brooke! I didn't wanna hurt ANYONE! Now Rich is in the hospital, my best friend thinks im a jerk, and Christine, you were supposed to make her like me!"
Now the next isn't an interaction but it's something Michael does that's extremely petty. Michael gives up on Jeremy completely. And he admits to it by the end of the musical("oh I was ready to watch you suffer"). It took Mr. Heere's convincing and low-key cheesy methodology to convince Michael to save Jeremy.
The next interaction is the fight during the play. In which Jeremy isn't in control of himself and is fighting the Squip internally while fighting Michael physically. The Squip seems to have been putting negative thoughts about Michael into Jeremy's mind but Jeremy knows it's not true. Also Michael was being extremely selfish during this scene by not letting Jeremy have the MDR when he knows the dangers of the Squip. (Like c'mon man Jeremy could be shocked so much he'll die. Stop being petty.) I mean yeah Michael is high but I'm pretty sure he's high during every scene except for the Halloween party(weed helps with anxiety and Michael's anxiety clearly got the best of him there, so-) and the other scene is coming up. This scene just shows Michael's pettiness.
Final interaction, right before "Voices in my Head". Jeremy asks Michael why he came back and Michael reveals that he was gonna let Jeremy suffer until Mr. Heere came by. Michael just admitted to his pettiness, and I think, maybe, he realizes that he was a shitty friend. Also I don't think he's high in this scene because his giggles are gone and, from what I've heard, he is a lot more awkward this scene.
So now, why do I see Boyf Riends as low-key toxic? Well, taking into consideration the conflicts between the boys' needs and wants, and the lack of communication, and the sheer amount of petty behavior Michael shows, plus his quick blame of Jeremy after "Upgrade", Michael wouldn't be the best partner for somebody like Jeremy, who needs validation and needs somebody to listen to and understand his problems, and help him through them. If time is given to them both, yes sure it could work(a good example of this is the Boyf Riends breakup comic by @Artistic.Hoarder on Instagram), but with the canon and nothing else, Boyf Riends couldn't work without some level of toxicity. (This is only referring to Broadway.)
Thank you for reading. Feel free to kindly express your opinions. This isn't ship hate, I don't hate Boyf Riends, I feel if done right it can be a good ship.
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thorne93 ¡ 6 years
Whirlwind Romance (Part 5)
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Prompt: You’re getting married to Chris Evans… Everything in your life is perfect… Except when you break the news to your two best friends: Tom Hiddleston and Sebastian Stan
Word Count: 1976
Warnings: language, anger, angst, adult themes??
Notes: This is for @carryonmyswansong challenge (Double Season, Multifaceted, 500 Follower Celebration, Writing Challenge!): Prompt – You’re marrying the wrong person! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes bcuz shes amazing and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo@carryonmyswansong for letting me brainstorm with them. Got this idea from @formyfandoms… Fic image made by the super bomb @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo
February 9th had arrived, which meant only one thing -- a killer birthday bash to honor your best friend.
Tom and you had actually gone to RADA together, which is how you met. Not only that, but you discovered you both had a large interest in literature. You studied in the States, and he in Europe, naturally, before coming to RADA. The two of you instantly hit it off, graduated together, and stayed great friends for the past thirteen years. And only a friend of your magnitude knew how to throw a party for him.
If this was a party for Seb, it would be low-key. A cake, a few presents, maybe some drinks. No more than twenty guests. But for Tom, he liked theatrics, a bit. He liked soirees, he liked big scenes where he could dance the night away. And that’s exactly what you gave him at your Los Angeles home.
It was a surprise party of course, Tom had no way of knowing. You kept everything very hush hush and offered him a drink at your place, but when he got there, a whole crew of all your friends burst out when you turned on the lights. Tom’s mouth fell open in an appreciative smile before turning to you to pull you into a one armed hug and a kiss to the hair to thank you.
Everything was catered, drinks were served all night, everyone was dancing and partying, playing very drunk party games. It was only at the very end of the night, when nearly everyone had gone home, or passed out at your place, that you and Tom were still up, a little buzzed, and talking.
The two of you discussed the wedding a little further, trading ideas, brainstorming. All in all, it was a wonderful night.
Chris was in New York, working on Broadway… well, more like rehearsing on Broadway. The two of you hadn’t really discussed the wedding any further, since you needed to decide on a location before you could settle anything else. But with him working, and you about to start filming, there hadn’t been much chance.
Sebastian had some filming and interviews to do in town so he swung by your place one night when he wrapped up early. It was only two weeks later when Sebastian was at your house.
“So any news on the wedding?” Sebastian asked as soon as he plopped down on your couch.
“None, too busy,” you noted simply.
“Man, I hear that. I couldn’t imagine planning a wedding with the schedule you two have.”
“Tell me about it.”
“What about an engagement party?” he inquired.
You groaned, your head falling onto the back of the couch. “I totally forgot. Thanks for adding to my list of shit to do,” you teased in an exhausted tone.
“Hey, anything for a friend,” he shot back. “Man, I’m starving. What have you got to eat in this joint?” he asked as he stood and went over to your fridge.
“Let me see,” you remarked, not looking up from your phone. “Water, smoothies, fresh fruit...oh, and nothing. I have nothing.”
“Well that’s about to change. Get your ass in the car, we’re going shopping,” he ordered.
“Sounds like a plan!” you excitedly responded. Usually, unless Chris was around, you ate very little, the joys of being an actress. You had to ensure you were really slim for this upcoming role, but Seb ate like a horse, and it gave you an excuse to eat like a normal human being every now and again.
You and Seb piled into your car, and you set off down the road to the grocery store. As soon as Don’t Stop Believin’ came on the radio though, you two turned into the hugest dorks in the city. As soon as the singing started, you two joined in, causing a duet inside your sedan. The two of you were belting out as loud, and as well as you could.
As you got out of the car at the store, the two of you were still laughing and poking fun at each other’s singing.
“Oh, I can’t hit high notes?” you asked incredulously. “What about you? Mr. Doesn’t-Know-The-Words-To-Any-Song,” you teased.
“At least I’m in key,” he muttered.
“For the wrong words!” you insisted loudly with a laugh as you grabbed a cart. The two of you took off into the store. “Okay, so what are you in the mood for? Chicken parmesan? Chicken noodle soup? Hamburgers?”
“One of each?”
You laughed. “I wish, but no, only one. What’s it gonna be?”
“Well, your salisbury steak is unbeatable,” he noted with a hint of longing in his voice as he gave you puppy eyes.
You rolled your eyes playfully before heading off to grab the meat, as if you could ever say no to him. Well, within reason.
“Seb, do you want potatoes or rice for a side?” you asked, before looking up to find him. Only to realize he was gone. For a split second, you panicked, where the hell did he go? “Seb?” you called out a little above speaking volume.
“You’ll have to find me!” you heard from over the aisle.
“Sebastian!” you called back, a tone of annoyance in your voice. “Sebastian!” you stressed. “You’re a grown man in a store,” you huffed as you pushed your cart out of the aisle into the main aisle.
No response happened and you knew what this was going to lead to so you stealthily moved around the store trying desperately to find him, but in this grocery store, it was nearly impossible.
“Dammit, where did he go?” you muttered as you pushed the cart. Finally, you caught a glimpse of him at the end of an aisle. “Stan!” you shouted. “Don’t… move!” you warned before laughing, seeing him disappear again. At this, you abandoned the nearly empty cart and broke into a sprint, following where he was going, or where he would’ve gone. Finally, you realized you needed to get ahead of him.
You were tiptoeing in and out of aisles, keeping low to the floor, trying to spot him, but so far having no luck. Just as you were creeping around one corner, someone grabbed your shoulders and shouted, “Ah!” making you nearly jump out of your skin.
You shrieked, embarrassingly loudly, and spun quickly, only to smack the shit out of his arm.
“You son of a bitch!” you laughed. “Don’t do that!”
“I think… I won that round,” he said, leaning down and getting in your face, making you stick your tongue out at him. “Oh, real mature, Y/N, real mature.”
“Are you serious right now? You just initiated a game of hide and seek inside a grocery store,” you accused as he started to walk away.
Without looking back, Sebastian grabbed a box of rice and threw it over his shoulder at you, forcing you to think fast to catch it.
“Rice for dinner, to answer your question,” he replied with smugness in his voice.
“I’m gonna poison your dinner,” you promised in a mutter he probably didn’t hear.
Once the two of you grabbed your things and got back to your house, the dinner preparations began. You asked Seb to cut onions while you prepared the meat. Before the two of you began, you had turned on the radio to cook to -- a ritual of yours. When an upbeat song came on, Sebastian started singing loudly and shaking his hips, making you grin and laugh.
As soon as you got the patties ready to go in, you slapped them in the skillet, the two of you still dancing around each other. At one point, he grabbed your hand and twirled you away from him then back in, until you had to pull away to check the patties.
“Ah, allow me,” he said, bowing forward.
You stepped aside, pressing your smile into a firm line before saying, “Be my guest.”
He took the skillet and started to pretend to flip it before you shouted, “No! Don’t!” while laughing. You took the skillet from him and flipped the burgers correctly with a spatula.
“Spoil sport. I would’ve had it!”
“Or you would’ve ruined your dinner. Why don’t you work on something safer, like the rice.”
“Oh, you mean this rice?” he asked as he took a few grains and threw them at you one by one.
“Yeah, those. Try throwing those in a skillet, would ya?” you asked with a stern, yet playful smile.
“Yes, mother dear,” he mocked before throwing a few more at you.
“So help me, Sebastian, I will throw your special dinner in the trash…” you warned.
He came up right behind you and lowly whispered, “You wouldn’t do that.”
“Oh? And why wouldn’t i?”
“You’re too hungry. Besides, you hate wasting food,” he stated before skipping off to fill the pot full of water.
“You’re too confident,” you said, shaking your head.
“And you’re too predictable,” he noted with a happy grin.
“Ugh, that was amazing,” Seb complimented before falling back onto the couch after the meal. The TV turned on in the background, just for noise.
“Thank you,” you said. “You weren’t so bad yourself,” you teased.
“What time is it?” he asked before glancing at his phone. “Shit, it’s almost midnight. I need to go check into my hotel.”
“Hotel? What? No. You’re staying here,” you insisted.
“What? I couldn’t do that,” he said, shaking his head, starting to get up.
“It’s no trouble. You take the master and I’ll sleep on the couch,” you offered, getting up as well.
“I’m not kicking you out on your couch,” Seb responded as if you were absurd. “Speaking of, who buys a house without a guest bedroom?”
“Someone who needs an office?” you reminded.
“Right, to work on all those charities,” he remembered, almost as if muttering to himself.
“Mhm. Anyway, you take the bed, you have to be somewhere early in the morning. I’ll take the couch.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically. “Fine, if you’re gonna be a pain in the ass about it.”
“I always am,” you assured with an amused smile.
“Goodnight,” he said as he headed off to your bedroom.
“Night,” you quietly returned.
As soon as Seb got situated in your room, you got a call from Chris.
“Hello?” you said, wondering why Chris was up this late.
“Hey, babe,” he greeted in the most exhausted tone you’d ever heard.
“Hey, hun. What’s up? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he assured in a tired voice. “Just wanted to hear your voice.”
“It’s nearly 2 am over there, what are you doing up?”
“Rehearsal ran long, then I had to go get something to eat, and I ran into some fans…” he explained, sounding worn out from just explaining it.
“Oh, do you want me to let you go?” you wondered.
“No, no, that’s fine, sweetheart. Have you thought any more on a location?”
“For the wedding? Not really. I think I want some place warm though,” you tried.
“So… a beach?”
“Yeah. Maybe.”
“So, that leaves California and the south…” he slowly said.
“Or, we could always do it in a garden,” you offered, holding your breath. “There are gardens all over the US that we could use.”
“A garden sounds really nice, babe, I’d like that. Why don’t you look up some of the prettiest gardens and we’ll take a look?”
“Alright,” you said, excited the wheels were finally moving on this.
“Alright. Great. Well I’m gonna hit the hay, I just really needed to hear your voice. I miss you so much.”
“Miss you too,” you said, leaning on your couch, feeling lonely, missing his presence.
“Talk to you later?”
“Okay, goodnight then. I love you.”
“I love you too. Night.”
Forever Tags:
Tom Hiddleston:
Sebastian Stan:
Chris Evans:
WR Tag:
@gaylemonshark @tacohead13
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parkminijiminie ¡ 6 years
I actually want Jungkook to see how shitty the fandom is. To see what the TKers say. I know Jimin sees it, but I honestly want JK to see what happens. I know JK doesn't give af what ppl think of him but I wonder what he'll do when he sees what they say about Jimin in regards to him. lol I'm sorry but I actually hate how they love the fandom so much when it treats them and their friendship like shit.
Hey, Anon. 
I know your  ask was in regards to the “Jimin not being GCF main model” situation and the storm it brought with it, so I’m sorry for being late.
I think you got your wish a few days later when Jimin forgot to write Tae’s name and all hell broke loose. Hate tweets, hate hashtags, death threats.. you name it, Jimin got it all. Mostly from solo Tae stans but sadly from OT6 “ARMY’s” too, many of who t/k shippers. A quick disclaimer here: I know many many many Tae and t/k stans are respectful and love Jimin and would never harm Jimin but let’s be honest - all ships have some nasty bad apples and in this particular case we really got to see exactly how nasty some of the t/k and Tae biased ones can get. 
I politely disagree with you, Anon. I never ever want Jungkook or anyone from BTS to see hateful messages, especially because of something as dumb as ships (don’t attack me, I’m a shipper/supporter too). With Kookie and Jimin I’m even more sensitive considering the amount of insults that these two had gotten through the years from “ARMYs”. When I said that JK might have had a little too much faith in the fandom saying that “not main model” thing, I didn’t mean that he is naive or oblivious but that maybe he thought he had already made it perfectly clear how special JM is to him and believed people woudn’t actually turn this into another “I don’t like Jimin” charade. Unfortunately he was wrong.
Nevertheless, Jungkook is (hasn’t been for a time now) blind to the way twitter can be. In fact, I would say he is the one who has suffered the most from it (well, with the recent hate for Jimin they might be tied now). Maybe some of you don’t know but it is not without a reason that JK left twitter and now posts only once in a blue moon if it’s a major event and even then it’s not a given. For those of you who don’t know, we may say Jungkook was basically scared off Twitter with the way how ARMYs acted towards him. Let me give you some infro on one (of at least two) particularly gruesome instance: the hell that happened after BTS “Rainism” special stage.  Bangtan bomb behind the scenes here. Jimin’s tweet about it here.  
Kookie was very excited that he got the chance to be center the entire perfomance and he did a tremendous job, yet lets just say what he received from the fandom was far from nice. People started calling him “selfish”, “arrogant”, they tweeted how he should leave the band, OT6 tweets were everywhere. There were mean hashtags trending how BTS will be better without JK.. a complete mess. And all because he was happy to be at the spotlight the entire time once.Just once. How would this people support him in his solo projects if this was their reaction to one performance. It’s no suprise he left twitter after that and was radio silent for half an year. He rightfully decided he didn’t need that type of negativity in his life and I can’t say I don’t understand him. Everyone should be thankful to Jimin for feeding us pictures and videos of him otherwise we would have died from starvation. 
So you see, Anon, he is far from oblivious to the hate.
When it comes to ships and ship wars it’s a little different:
Do the members know about ships? Absolutely. Most likely from the get go. This is common in kpop and it’s something that is used and promoted to gain popularity so of course they know. Also, they see comments saying “Jikook” or “T*ekook” everywhere - in the youtube comments, under their tweets, in the vlive comments, so they know. In fact how could they not know when people keep bringing ships up to them at fansigns for example? 
Do they know about the ship wars? Yes for all, maybe to a different extent. At the very least when they scroll through the comments under vlives they see people saying “Where’s ta*kook”, “I don’t like Jikook”, “Bring t**kook” and etc. Such comments Jimin and Jungkook for sure saw in their last vlive together when they were scrolling though them at the beginning of the video. We can safely conclude that they know there’s separation in the fandom between the the main Min and Kook ships (you know which ones). 
To what extent do they know? Debatable. We know Jimin monitors twitter and fan cafe a lot, he has said so himself. He must have seen the many many comments there about the ships even if a lot of them are in English. Jimin has also notoriously shut people up a few times when it comes to ships with his tweets so he must know. 
Does JK monitor twitter? Probably yes to a lot smaller extent. Even if not, we can guess he knows from Jimin with which he is very close and apparently has no secrets from. Also, I assume he read at least people’s reactions to GCFo which sparked some shipping controversery on it’s own. 
Do they care about ship wars?  I would guess they care more about the state of the fandom than the hype every little thing gets but I believe from time to time they care if people are being particularly mean (as with the recent Jimin hate). 
Do they act in certain ways because of ships? Well, they as well as the company know we like certain pairing more than others which influences photoshoots arrangements and such. Also fan service is still a thing even though BTS fan service is largely very genuine. If needs be (like at musters) they amp up the skinship but they care a lot about each othe rand are very close so nothing is “fake” just amplified. 
What I mean with this long ass answer is that the boys know probably about everything - the ships, the reactions to them, the hate. They know. Even if they didn’t know about the “problematic side”, after the recent Jimin and Jin hate incident they must know for sure now. So there’s no need to wish for JK to see the hate as he is probably well aware of it currently. Once upon a time, when he was younger, he genuinely didn’t know people thought he hated Jimin, hence why he was so offended when asked if he really liked him. After that I believe he made sure to inform himself what that “hate JM” issue is and haven’t been that oblivious ever since.
There’s also no wondering how Jungkook will react to the hate towards Jimin. JK can’t stand seeing any of his hyungs getting hurt, let alone Jimin, let alone because of himself. He is always silent when people are teasing his “Jimin-ssi”, he’s the first to defend him even from his own bandmates, he made a whole ass video about him to the song “There for you”. It’s no news: Kookie would be pretty distraught to see Jimin’s name through the mud especially because of something he did. He would probably feel very bad and guilty.
I really don’t want that. In fact I don’t get why anyone would want that. Is it because you’re wondering about JK’s reaction? Becase there’s no need, we can safely guess he would be very unhappy. If you kind of want him to see the hate as a sort of “punishment” for his wrongdoing (I doubt that’s the case) then I think that’s going overboard as there’s no need for a “punishment” to begin with. JK didn’t do anything wrong. Even if he seriously meant it that Jimin’s not the main model, it’s his right and it’s not that big of a deal. No-one even claimed that Jimin should be the main one in the first place, I for one would understand and find it completely normal if Jungkook’s work doesn’t include Jimin every time. So, basically JK did nothing  to be punished for. Sure, if he was teasing maybe he could have worded himself better and Jimin didn’t seem very happy but it’s not like Jungkook can monitor every single little thing he says or does all the time.
It’s not his fault that the fandom can take even the littlest things and turn them into a sh*t storm nor is it his responsibiltiy to always predict and prevent everything. 
Even if we assume JK did or potentially one day does something downright unjistice or hurtful to Jimin, it is still not our place to meddle or want him punished. By now they for sure know how to settle conflicts so even if JK hurts Jimin’s feeling (or vice versa) it is between them to deal with it in whatever way they find fitting. We are merely observers, we don’t have the right to dictate their behaviour. 
Which leads me to my last point: if perhaps you wished JK to see the hate in order for him to change his behaviour, I find that a little problematic. Firstly, because as I said he didn’t do anything wrong and basically never does anything to hurt Jimin in pulic let alone intentionally. Secondly, because it is not our place to wish how they should be towards each other. We get what we can, we don’t make demands. Third and most important: I don’t want Jungkook to think he can’t be himself because of what people might say. Sure, he should be respectful but that he already is. Once upon a time he was confused people thought he hated Jimin and since then he made sure to change how he acted in front of the cameras: he no longer pushes Jimin away or puts him in last place in looks. Jungkook did his homework and corrected himself, even though even back than anyone with eyes could see he cared a lot for his hyung. Now he is so gentle and thoughtful. One can say he even tries to prevent problems by always choosing Jimin for everything when he has the chance, always staying near his side, sitting next to him. He is careful both in words and actions and I believe he is that away not just in front of the cameras but privately as well. 
He doesn’t need “corrections” because the problem is not with him. It’s with the fandom.
I’d hate for him to think he can’t tease Jimin (or his other hyungs), be honest about something with us or have interactions/take pictures/hug/laugh with Tae (or another member) because of what people might say. Having to monitor every single little thing JK (or any of the other members) does or says takes away from the relationship the group has with the fans. It also puts extra stress on them to be careful, further disconnects them from ARMY and contributes to them feeling like wearing a mask. 
I don’t want Jungkook or Jimin or any of Bangtan to have to feel the neccesity to change how they act and how they present themselves in front of us, especially because of hateful comments and toxic shipping. They are already concerned with their image enough as it is, they don’t need to worry about it any more. It’s us that should change. The fandom should stop overreacting over every little thing, shippers should stop hating on a member because he “comes between their ship”, people should stop being hateful and mean to the members in general. 
It’s the people who write rude and hurtful comments that should feel bad and not Jungkook reading them because he is plenty considerate, nice and genuine as it is. 
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thesecretbits ¡ 3 years
unpopular kpop opinions? popular kpop opinions? kpop opinions in general?
This gets pretty long (and my not-so-popular opinion about some kpop stuff some fans like), so it goes under a cut.
Unpopular kpop opinions: A great majority of kpop fanfic writers need to just write original characters.
Kpop idols are not fictional characters. They are real life people, with their own traits and personalities and opinions and feelings. Some kpop fanfic writers project so much of their own feelings (wants, expectations, fantasies, etc.) onto real life people, and it's weird. Half the time, people write who they think the idol is (and mostly that's all kpop fic writers because you can only know so much about a person with whom you do not have personal acquaintance) or who they want the idol to be, which is sometimes different from who the idol actually is.
I'm not even going to start on the smut. Or even idol x reader fic.
Some people do it respectfully, focusing on the bonds idols have with their bandmates, without making it strange or inappropriate. Others go too far and do too much and it's not a good look. And those people should just channel whatever it is they see or feel into some original characters, and not use real life people as their outlet for their (sometimes) dirty minds.
This also goes for shipping. Stop making every single thing an idol does about the ship. Standing next to each other is not your ship subtly telling the world they're in love. Half the time, any interaction your ship has together is, at the very least, fan service, but it's mostly just that your ship is actual real life friends.
Holding hands does not mean your ship is in a relationship. It just means they're close in real life and sometimes being in front of a camera is nerve wracking and it's nice to have someone who cares about you enough to help you through it.
Not to mention, with the number of idols who have said shipping weirds them out, you would think people would do a better job of keeping it realistic and mostly harmless, but how often do fans actually respect the things said by the people they're supposedly fans of?
Kpop opinions in general: Kpop is simply pop music sung in Korean. It's not some guilty pleasure. It's not something to be ashamed of, it's not something you should tease people about. It is a genre of music, and just as valid as rap and country and metal and rock and every other genre of music.
A lot of people who sing professionally are attractive. You don't tell someone they only listen to Beyonce because she's pretty. Stop telling kpop fans they only listen to kpop because the boys look good. It's stupid.
Lastly, some stans need to get a life or touch some grass or grow the fuck up. Being a hater is tiresome and immature, and if your entire page or platform is about hating on a band, you're just a closeted fan. Some groups would be so much more popular and achieving far greater things if their fans would focus on the group instead of spending so much time hating on another. And if you're a solo stan, you don't actually like the person you claim to stan. Everyone has a bias, but if you can't appreciate the whole group, just go somewhere else.
0 notes
luvsicktozier ¡ 7 years
Drunk in Love
a reddie one shot
inspired by this post (x)
It’s a Saturday and the losers club are having their regular meet up. Since there were seven of them, the likelihood that at least one of them would have a free house every couple of weekends was quite high. This night, they were at Beverly’s. They hadn’t had a meet up in a while due to them all being busy with the school year, so this was going to be a good one.
The night started with a literal bang when Beverly unwrapped the cork on a bottle of champagne and popped it, something different for the group. Usually they would all share a few bottles of cheap vodka and that would do them fine, but since Bill had just gotten a new job, he decided to splurge and treat his friends. As Beverly poured each person a solo cup of the drink, they all knocked their cups together before raising them. “To the losers club!” Mike grinned, causing everyone to repeat his words and cheer. It was a lovely start to the night.
A few hours into the night, the house became a drunken noise when Ben revealed he had brought his karaoke machine with him. All hell broke loose when Richie and Mike done a very loud rendition of ‘I ran’ followed by a very drunk stan singing ’Toxic’ - which was entirely snapchatted by every member of the losers club. (Stan regretted it in the morning but didn’t want to admit he had a great time).
By 1am, the gang were sat in a circle, all with shot glasses in front of them and the wonderful before mentioned cheap vodka. “So, would you rather or never have I ever?” Mike asked as they all passed the vodka around and each had a shot sat in front of them. “Would you rather is fun but never have I ever could cause some issues.” Stan piped up with a small shrug - always the voice of reason. “So, would you rather it is!” Beverly grinned, downing her shot after she spoke.
“Richie! Rich ol’ Rich ol’ pal!” Ben grinned and threw his finger pointed at the 18 year old. “Would you rather have to make out with Bev, or date Eddie?” He asked, a little glint in his eye when he saw Eddie roll his eyes. To everyone’s surprise, Richie answered almost immediately, with no hesitation. “Date Eddie.” The boy said simply and took a sip from his cup. “R-really, Rich? How come?” Bill asked curiously, Stan nodding in agreement beside him. “Well, Bev is my best friend. It would feel weird to kiss her.” Richie explained with a shrug and looked down at his cup. Eddie’s face fell a little at Richie’s words and he looked over to the taller boy. “I thought I was your best friend, Rich?” He asked quietly. “Well, yeah. But you’re like a soulmate kind of best friend. Like someone I could spend the rest of my life with. Bev is like a sister.” Richie said simply. Eddie found himself going red and everyone dropped the subject.
Through 2am, the karaoke started back up, Beverly and Stan doing ’Rio’ by Duran Duran and Richie doing a loud but impressive ’Africa’ by Toto, which was followed by laughter and applause. A few more songs were done before the microphones were abandoned and everyone temporarily split off into groups so they weren’t so loud.
“Did you notice the tension earlier when Richie called Bev his best friend?” Stan asked Bill, both who had sobered up significantly, Bill having work early the next morning and Stan hating hang overs. “Yeah, b-bit strange, wasn’t it? Eddie l-looked like he was g-going t-to burst into tears.” Bill agreed and took a sip from his water bottle, them both sitting at the kitchen table. “I can’t believe how much Richie has drank tonight. He had four glasses of champagne, an entire bottle of vodka and I’m pretty sure I saw him take a drink from a flask earlier.” Stan sighed and shook his head. “Not that you’re c-counting though, right Stan?” Bill teased.
Eddie laughed quietly to himself when he heard Beverly shouting from upstairs. “Feminism is for equality, not for women to be the leaders, you uncultured swine!” Bellowed her voice, clearly influenced by the alcohol but also nothing but what Beverly agreed with.
“You know who’s cute?” Richie slurred, taking Eddie out of his trance from the before rather quiet living room in which they were sitting in a comfortable silence. “Let me guess, Rich. My mom?” Eddie replied with a quiet laugh. He knew that was Richie’s go to and he had no doubt in his mind that even in his intoxicated state, Richie wanted to make a “your mom” joke. “No, no, silly. Eddie.” Richie said, his lead leant back against the sofa as he tried to keep himself sat up, clearly utterly intoxicated. “Eddie?” The shorter boy asked with furrowed brows. “Yeah. He makes my heart hurt sometimes.” Richie murmured and shifted about on the sofa. At this point Eddie realised Richie was so drunk that he didn’t even know who he was talking to anymore.
“What?” Eddie muttered, looking down at his fingers and fiddling with them nervously before he looked to watch Richie. “He makes my heart hurt. Like it aches when I look at him.” Richie managed to slur, despite his intoxicated nature, being able to articulate the correct words to explain himself. Eddie didn’t answer. “And when he flirts with other people, my stomach hurts.” Richie continued to ramble and moved his hand down to rest on his stomach to put the sentence in stone. Eddie just stared at the ground. “Once he told me I looked pretty and I almost cried.”
Eddie remembered that day. Richie had finally decided to let his curls take over his hair, his face had thinned out a bit and he looked less like the baby face the gang usually called him. When he showed up to the cinema where they were meeting, Eddie felt his stomach drop. He couldn’t quite work out why Richie’s new appearance was making him want to be sick and run away. He pushed the thought away, complimented him and never thought about it again.
“I think I love him.”
Eddie felt that same feeling in his stomach. He wanted to run away and be sick. He so badly wanted Richie to swallow the words back up, make them disappear. He wanted to leave Derry, he wanted to leave the country. He’d to anything to get rid of the heavy feeling in his body.
“Guys we’re gonna go for a walk, do you want to come- shit, Eddie, you look like you’re about to pass out.” Beverly said with furrowed brows and a concerned face, walking over to put her hand on Eddie’s forehead. “Are you sick?” She asked softly, receiving a small nod from the boy. “I think I just need some fresh air.” He muttered, watching Mike carefully move Richie’s now fast asleep body, making sure the boy wouldn’t choke on his vomit if he got sick.
Eddie, Beverly, Mike and Ben eventually left the house and started down the street and towards the cow fields, where they usually went to for late night walks. “Eddie, did something happen? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Beverly sighed, clearly knowing something was up. Eddie groaned and nodded, them all sitting down on the grass once they reached the field. The group waited patiently for Eddie to speak, watching as he picked at the grass nervously, having a lap full of it after only a few minutes. “Richie, he. He, uh. He said he thinks he loves me.” He eventually managed to say, looking up at Beverly, his face saying everything. “Like, loves you loves you?” She asked, raising her brows in surprise, Mike reaching to put a reassuring hand on Eddie'a shoulder, rubbing his back. “Yeah. He said I make his heart hurt, that he almost cried when I called him pretty and that he thinks he loves me. Only he wasn’t saying it to me - at least he didn’t know that.” Eddie explained and brushed the pile of grass off his lap to start a new one. “He didn’t realise he was speaking to me. He’s so drunk.” He muttered and shook his head.
“Do you think you could ever love him back?” Ben asked curiously, only to have a flabbergasted Eddie snap his head over to him, his eyes wide. “Ben, no. I’m not- I’m not gay. I… I like girls.” He mumbled and shook his head quickly, only to receive a small laugh from Beverly, resulting in a glare from Eddie. “What’s so funny?” He snapped, brushing the grass off his lap again in a huff. “I’m not laughing at you, Ed. I’m just saying for one, being gay isn’t a bad thing.” Beverly said with a raised eyebrow, which made Eddie nod sheepishly. “I know, sorry, Bev. This is just stressing me out. You know I have nothing against you or anyone being gay.” He mumbled. “Thankyou. And for two, you know bisexuality and pansexuality exists, right?” She asked with a small smile.
“Wait, wait. So people can like girls and boys?” Eddie asked, shaking his head a little and reaching up with both his hands to pull on his hair in frustration. Mike chuckled softly and rubbed Eddies back again. “Fuck, your mum really does shelter you, doesn’t she?” He smiled and nodded. “There’s so many sexualities, Eddie. I’m panromantic and asexual.” Mike admitted with a soft smile, only receiving a small whine from Eddie, the boy letting himself fall back against the grass. “No offence, Mike, but what the fuck does that mean?” Eddie groaned, receiving a handful of laughs from each person.
After around an hour of calming Eddie, the three had tried their best to explain the most basic explanations of the most common sexualities. Eddie had calmed himself down, despite having so much new information thrown at him at one time. “So, if i did - if. If I did like Richie back, it doesn’t necessarily make me gay?” Eddie spoke slowly and looked around the three people. “Exactly.” Beverly smiled and reached over to squeeze Eddie’s knee reassuringly.
By around 4am they made it back to Beverly’s house, finding Stan and Bill had gone to bed. Beverly had let the two share her bed since Bill had to get up early in the morning, so it wasn’t a shock when they weren’t awake when they arrived back at the house. Who they did find awake, was Richie, who was standing in the kitchen, downing water, some paracetamol packets sitting beside him, showing he had taken two of them. “Hey guys, where have you been?” He asked as they came into sight, smiling sheepishly at Eddie. “We just went down to the cow fields to talk. We would have brought you but you were fast asleep.” Ben explained and Richie nodded.
“Right, I’m gonna go to sleep. See you guys in the morning.” Beverly smiled and hugged Eddie and Richie - Ben and Mike following upstairs where they would all sleep. Leaving Richie and Eddie on their own.
After a while of uncomfortable silence, Richie finally spoke, looking up from where he was ripping up a little bit of paper. “Eds… did I, y'know. Like. Did I say anything to you? Anything out of the ordinary?” He asked, scratching the back of his neck as they locked eyes for a split second. “Uh, yeah, Rich. You did. You said a lot of things.” Eddie replied quietly, moving so his knees were pressed to his chest, making him feel a little more protected in the awkward situation he was currently in. “What exactly did I say Eds?” Richie asked softly and watched the smaller boy nervously. The entire room was thick with tension and Richie would feel his heart in his mouth. He wasn’t entirely sure he even wanted to hear what he said from Eddie.
Eddie took a deep breath and finally looked up from the floor to watch Richie. It made him feel slightly better that Richie looked just as nervous as he did, maybe even more so. “You said that I made your heart hurt. You said one time I called you pretty and you almost cried. And then you said you think you love me.” He breathed and continued to keep his eyes on Richie, watching his every move - including when Richie squeezed his eyes shut on the last sentence. “Fuck.” The taller boy groaned and covered his face with his hands, dragging them down and leaning his head back with a shaky sigh.
The room was silent for too long for Eddies liking. He was used to being nothing but comfortable around his best friend and this made him nervous. It made him scared for the direction of their friendship and he wanted to run away again. He wanted to be sick, just like how he felt when Richie walked over to them on that one day.
“Eds I’m -” Richie began before he was immediately interrupted by Eddie. “Don’t call me Eds.” Eddie groaned, causing a small smile to creep on Richie’s face, causing a matching one on Eddies before they both laughed. It felt much better like this. How it should be between two good friends. How Eddie needed it to stay. That’s what scared him.
“Eddie,” Richie corrected himself, taking a deep breath and looking at Eddie, swallowing hard when he felt his heart clench a little. “I’m not going to lie to you, I’m not going to be fake. The past few months, everything has changed. The way I look at you - I’ve always felt something, ever since we were little, there was always something different, a little spark I felt when you laughed at a joke or hugged me. But recently that feeling has tripled. I don’t think about you how a normal teenager should think about his best friend, and it fucking sucks.” Richie spoke, his voice low and slow, just how Eddie liked. That voice calmed him down when he most needed it, even now, when he felt like he was going to pass out.
“It’s scary because I want to be able to joke with you and be normal, but every time I speak I feel like my heart is going to fall out my chest when you smile. It’s scary because you’re my best friend and I find myself wanting to hold your hand when you’re sad, kiss you when you’re laughing and go home with you at the end of the day. I find myself struggling to not climb into your bedroom at night like old times. It’s scary because I don’t think you’re my best friend anymore, Eds. You’re my soulmate and I don’t know what to fucking do.”
“You need to say something, Eds. or I’ll fucking die.” Richie murmured. He hated how far apart they were. He hated how he could reach out and rub Eddies back. He hated how there was this awful uncertainty between them right now and he wanted it to go away.
“I think… I think I’m confused.” Eddie began and kept his eyes locked on his feet. The sun was coming up and the room was filling with light slowly and it made him realise how long they had been sat here. “I didn’t even realise it was possible to like boys and girls. I thought there was gay and there was straight. So when I started to get these feelings for you, I pushed them away because it made no sense. I have had crushes on girls and dated girls so how could I have these feelings for my best friend - for a boy.” He began. Richie struggled to not smile when Eddie mentioned having feelings.
“I think it’s fucking terrifying because everything is new and scary and I keep having to stop myself leaning in to kiss you because what the fuck? I just don’t know how to handle all this and I just want my fucking best friend, you know?” He rambled out and Richie just nodded, getting up so he could finally sit next to Eddie, wrap his arm around his shoulder and hold him. Hold his best friend because everything is confusing and if you can only have one thing in this world, they needed it to be their best friend right now.
“We don’t need to change anything, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’ve kept my feelings pushed down for years and I can carry on doing that,” Richie murmured softly, his chin rested on Eddies shoulder as they just sat and held each other. Eddie just let out another groan and shook his head. “That’s not what I want though, I want to act on my feelings, I’m just scared.” Eddie whispered and cuddled a little closer to his best friend. “Well I’m scared too… we can be scared together, Eds.”
After a few minutes of silence, Eddie finally nodded and lifted his head, turning slightly to brush their noses together lightly before he pressed their lips together, reaching to hold Richie’s jaw with one of his hands. Richie let out a small sound, his hand landing on Eddies hip. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Eddie pulled away with a dopey grin. “Don’t call me Eds.”
The next morning, Stan and Bill were already gone when Beverly, Mike and Ben made their way downstairs and into the living room, only to find the remaining pair snuggled up on the sofa, Dr Phil playing on the TV. The three friends sat down on the free sofa and all watched the screen as the two boys shared soft kisses between smiles. No one commented on it.
“Beat her ass!” Eddie shouted at the screen when two women stood up and began pulling each other’s hair on the program. “Yeah! Beat her ass!” Richie followed, the room now filled with yelling and laughter. Everything felt normal and natural and it was nice. Eddie no longer wanted to run away from Derry, at least right now. Richie’s heart still hurt every time he looked at Eddie, but it wasn’t a bad thing anymore.
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reddieaddict ¡ 7 years
You’re Gonna Live Forever In Me (Part 3/4)
Prequel to Richie’s Eulogy
Official Cast
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: This chapter is when we finally get to see Richie in all his hispanic glory! Haha I hope you all like how I characterized the Losers. I know it’s kinda different than how other people do, but I wanted to spice things up. Bill’s parents are nicer in my fic than in Canon, but I liked to imagine eventually they help and became nicer. Whatever though. I also added a lot more humor into this chapter. I fucking love doing dialogue and really hope you all find it funny. Enjoy. 
Pairings: Reddie with a slutty side of Stenbrough and some implied Benverly 
Summary: It’s senior year and Eddie has began to notice Richie exhibiting strange behavior. He is worried he might be hiding something, but doesn’t know how to confront Richie about it without setting him off and making matters worse.
December 1994
It was Christmas in Derry, Maine, and just as it’s been since the conception of the club, all seven losers found themselves in the Denbrough’s household, preparing for their annual holiday dinner. Eddie, Mike, Ben, and Bev’s parents preferred to celebrate Christmas Eve as a family, which, coincidentally (and conveniently), allowed the Losers to spend actual Christmas Day with each other. Stan was Jewish as fuck, so he could do whatever the hell he wanted on the Christmas; and Richie’s parents didn’t care what he did any other day of the year, so why would Christmas be any different? For some of the Losers, this was rather poetic; since their friends were more of a family to them than anything their parents could hope or care to be.
  Despite having become accustomed to his parent’s active indifference, the holiday season was still an agonizingly difficult time for Richie. This was the time of year when the world seemingly would mock and torture him with imagery of happy families, as if to say “You see this? You will never have this!”  Of course, this wasn’t really the case, but it sure felt like it was to Richie.  Seeing all these families on TV, in advertisements, and even around town indulging in their pseudo-domestic bliss that came with the yuletide had Richie’s heart set ablaze with jealousy. “How can people be so happy? Why couldn’t he have that? Why did his parents have to be so awful?” These questions loomed over Richie, taunting him.
  Unable to make the pessimistic voices in his head dissipate, he figured if he spoke louder and didn’t stop, he could drown them out enough to make the season tolerable. Unfortunately this made him especially intolerable to everyone, except the Losers. Richie has always liked to crack inappropriate jokes and be the center of attention, but this was taking it to a whole new level. Anything and everything out of his trashmouth was either a crass joke or an obscenity, making his nickname even more fitting. The Losers weren’t thrilled about this, but, being aware of his situation, had developed more patience for him throughout the years. This didn’t mean that there weren’t times when Richie crossed thresholds and sent them into a fury.
“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, ASSHOLE!” Having Richie pestering him all day, had Eddie fed up. “I don’t care if there is a mistletoe under every fucking doorframe, I am not making out with you!”  
“Baby, don’t be such a prude! Es Navidad! Dame un besito! Andale mi nino lindo! Presioso!” Eddie hated PDA and refused to kiss Richie outside of the privacy of their rooms, but it was their first Christmas as a couple and Richie wanted to make it special. So, he decided to bring out the big guns: talking in Spanish. Whenever Richie spoke in his native language, Eddie would melt and Richie could get him to do almost anything. 
Eddie froze in place as fire spread across his cheeks, giving away just how effective his boyfriend’s tactic had been.  “Umm. . . uh. . . ahem! NO! Stop it! I know what you’re doing and that is not going to work this time! I have to get back into the kitchen to help Mrs.Denbrough with dinner! You’ve already distracted me long enough!”
“Bebe, no seas asi! Amorsito! Nene!” Richie cooed as he wrapped himself around Eddie’s shoulders. “Solo un besito chiquito! Aaaandaleeee!”
“Fuck off.” Eddie pushed him away and began to make his way back into the kitchen. “If you keep annoying me, I won’t kiss you for the rest of the week.”
“Hijo de tu puta madre!” Richie mumbled under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest, and a child-like pout settling on his rosy lips.
“I KNOW WHAT THE FUCKING MEANS, DUMBASS!” Eddie retorted as he disappeared behind the kitchen door.
“Oh shit. . .” This is when Richie knew he fucked up.
“So, what happened? Did you get Eddie to kiss you or what?” Stan smirked as he continued to set the table. All of the Losers had been setting up for dinner, while Richie was on his quest for affection.
  “Of course he didn’t! Why do you even bother asking, knowing how Eddie is?” Mike answered, beating Richie to the punch. 
“Because then he has to admit to us that he didn’t, making his failure humiliating as well as disappointing.” Stan looked directly into Richie’s eyes with a condescending self-satisfaction. 
“Wow! You’re evil. . . and I think it’s making fall in love with you all over again.” Bill placed a delicate kiss onto his boyfriend’s temple as he passed by him with a stack of plates in his hands. Through years of speech therapy his stutter had pretty much disappeared, except in the instances when he found himself inebriated. 
Richie was none too pleased with getting ambushed by the people who he was starting to regret calling his friends. “Honestly, I don’t get what you’re being so smug about, Staniel. My Eddie is a classy lady with decorum, which more than I can say for you. Don’t think any of us have forgotten about catching you bobbing for Bill’s apple last Halloween!” 
“CAN YOU NOT!?” Bev interjected, disgusted with the memory of Bill and Stan mid-blowjob being forced back into her mind. “How are any of SUPPOSED to forget about it if you keep bringing it up, Richie!?”
“Yeah, and my mom is in the next room, idiot!” Bill’s parents were aware and supportive of his son’s relationship, but that didn’t mean they were interested in knowing the details, especially such graphic ones. 
“Buscame y me vas a encontrar! That means come for me and you shall find me, Big Bill. I wouldn’t have to put you on blast like that, if you kept your bitch in check.” 
“RICHIE!” Ben was fed up with the conversation. He knew there was no real malice behind any of their words, but this was hardly appropriate banter for Christmas dinner with Bill parents. The Denbroughs knew the Losers had quite the potty mouths, but expected them to cut that shit out on Christmas. “Why don’t you help us finish setting up the table, instead of arguing? Dinner is ready and we need to have everything set up, before Eddie and Mrs.Denbrough bring in the serving dishes!”
“Yeah, I think that is a good idea. God knows the last thing I want to think about during dinner is blowjobs.” Mike was by no means a prude, but was not eager to picture his friends getting it on, either. 
“Agreed.” Bev stated as she finished placing the utensils on the table.
They finished setting up and took their seats just as Eddie entered the dinning room with the first platter.  He placed it in the open space at the center of the table and took his seat beside his boyfriend. “Hola, mi amor!” he said completely butchering the usually romantic Spanish language, with the thickest accent anyone had ever heard, but Richie didn’t care. The sentiment was sweet nonetheless and he thought it was adorable when Eddie tried to speak Spanish.
“Eddie-Bear! My Love! Why are you sitting there, when there is a perfectly comfortable seat here on daddy’s lap?” Richie knew just how to ruin a cute moment. 
“Can you behave!? Bill’s mom worked very hard on this dinner! Don’t be rude and wrangle your trashmouth!” Eddie looked up at Richie, who still comically dwarfed him even when seated.
“Whatever, bitch. Don’t be trippin’ balls, you know I got this shit.” He said with a straight face and not a hint of humor to his voice, knowing this would set Eddie off. God, how he enjoyed teasing his boyfriend!!
“Listen here, motherfuck-“
“Eddie!” just then, at the most incriminating moment, Bill’s parents walked into the room, each with a dish in their grasp. “I am so disappointed in you! You know we don’t allow foul language at the dinner table, especially on Christmas, young man!” 
“I’m sorry, Mrs.Denbrough. It won’t happen again.” Eddie avoided her eyes at all costs, as if to catch them he would cause him spontaneously combust. He reached under the table and gave Richie a hard pinch to the sensitive flesh of his thighs. A vengeance that was subtle, but very much effective. 
“OUCH! You dick!” Richie whisper yelled, only audible to Eddie, and Bev who sat beside him. She giggled.
  “You deserve that! You got poor little Eddie in trouble!” she teased.
“Don’t talk about me like I’m some defenseless creature. I’m a man!” Eddie resented his height, and it infuriated him when anybody made him feel weak because of it. “And, yes, you did deserve that, trashmouth.” 
“Whatever you say, my little love-muffin. Ay que lindo mi bebe henanito!” Richie knew Eddie hated when he talked to him like a baby, which is exactly why he did it so often.
“Uuuuuuuugh!” Eddie was exhausted and just wanted to enjoy dinner. “Whatever.” The Losers exchanged amused looks. Eddie and Richie always knew how to put on a show, even if they didn’t mean to. Well, at least Eddie didn’t mean to.
  “Alright, everybody! Let’s dig in!” Mr. Denbrough said wanting to change topic. Bill’s parents adored having the Losers over for Christmas, even more so since Georgie’s death. It was a pleasant distraction from his absence, though nothing could ever fully make their pain go away. It was still nice to have a house full of children, even if said children weren’t really kids anymore. 
  As they all began to enjoy their dinner, the couples segregated into their own individual conversations. Mike, being the eligible bachelor that he is, dipped in from one conversation to another. Mike was so charming and intelligent, and always adapted so well to any crowd, so it was effortless for him to jump from one topic to another. Ben and him had a particularly strong bond and could find themselves lost in conversation for hours. It was probably due to their similar qualities and shared interests. One could say they were Richie and Bev’s counterpart; both platonic, both incredible close.
  The evening went on pleasantly, as it did every year. Eddie and Richie, surprisingly, bickered very little. Mostly because no one was paying them any attention, so there was no motivation for Richie to rile him up. Their conversation consisted mostly of cute inside jokes and sweet nothings. It would have been perfect, if not for Richie’s constant glances in Mr. and Mrs. Denbrough’s direction. As the boys spoke, Richie would face Eddie, but his eyes would dart towards the parents and linger just a bit too long. Then he’d catch himself, and snap his attention back to his boyfriend. Richie has always had a short attention span, but this was different. It seemed more like Richie COULDN’T get his eyes off the Denbroughs, rather than being incapable of paying attention to Eddie’s words.
Annoyed with Richie’s behavior, he turned to see what it was that he found so fascinating. What he found was a thing of fairytales. There were Mr. and Mrs. Denbrough, leaned into one another with her hands lovingly enveloped within his, as they engaged in their own conversation. The way he looked into her eyes was that of a man who could see the answers to the universe and find treasures untold within her emerald irises. An incandescent luminance seemed to radiate from them, and it was breathtaking in the most understated way possible.
   Eddie was touch by such a display of unconditional love, but couldn’t understand why Richie found it so hypnotizing. It’s not like it was the first time they had seen Bill’s parents being affectionate toward each other. What made this instance so special? Eddie turned back to face Richie, who seemed to realize he had caught on to what he was doing. “You okay?”
“Yeah, totally.” Richie responded as he cleared his throat and sat up on his chair making him seem a whole foot taller.  Whatever it was that Richie found so engaging about the Denbroughs, it was clear to Eddie that Richie DID NOT want to talk about it. Knowing that asking him anything else about it would just aggravate him and ruin what has been a beautiful night, he relented. 
“Okay.” He reached out for Richie’s hand and began to caress his knuckles with the pads of his thumbs. Richie turned to face him again, relaxing into the gesture. Eddie looked into his ebony eyes (noting to himself how much they resembled onyx) with sincere adoration and gifted him with the warmest of smiles. “I love you.”
  A smile grew onto Richie’s face; accentuating the creases besides his eyes, a sign Eddie’s words had meant more to him in that moment than they usually would have. And that was saying a something. “I love you, too.”
“Oh my god, I am so stuffed! Eddie you guys did such an amazing job! It was DELICIOUS!” Ben plopped himself on the couch and patted his belly. After dinner everyone had helped out with the dishes, making the whole process much quicker, and they were now ready to enjoy their movie marathon in the living room. 
“Thank you, but it was honestly all Mrs. Denbrough. I just did whatever she ordered me to do.” Eddie said humbly, seating himself in his usual spot on the floor, next to Richie.
“Hmmm. . . and what is it I have to do to get you to do the same for me, Eds?” Richie draped his arm around Eddie’s shoulder and pulled him closer to him. 
“Don’t be fucking gross! I just ate!” Stan cried from his seat on Bill’s lap. “I swear I’m gonna go all exorcist and projectile vomit all over you, if you don’t cut the shit, Richie!” 
“Okay now you’re the one being gross.” Bev grimaced at Stan’s words. “I’d rather talk about the film selection, than talk on any bodily functions or fluids.” 
“I second that motion!” Mike said as he sprawled out a large selection of VHS’s on the table in the center of the living room. Everyone leaned in to inspect the titles. “What do you guys think about a Christmas movie?”
“Isn’t that a little cliché?” Bill chimed.
  “Well when else are you supposed to watch a Christmas movie?” Ben quipped. “It’s not like we would watch A Christmas Story in July. Well, I don’t know about you, Bill, but we wouldn’t.”
“Appropriate or not, I don’t feel like watching a Christmas movie!” Richie interjected. 
“What about a scary movie!?” Mike suggested excitedly, as he held up the new Nightmare on Elm Street movie. 
“Yes!!!” Bev and Richie cheered in unison, then smiled at each other, proud of just how much they think alike. 
“We can’t watch a scary movie! You know how easily Eddie gets scared, you guys!” Bill warned as he directed a concerned look at Eddie.
“Shut the fuck up! I‘m not scared, you twig-bitch!” Bill was taken back by Eddie’s unexpected outburst. There was a reason Richie and Eddie made such a perfect couple. Amongst many other things, they shared the same lighting wit and venomous tongue. “Don’t project your pussy boyfriend’s fears on to me!”
“I love you so fucking much!” Richie beamed with pride as he hugged Eddie with all his might. “I think it’s so fucking HOT when you get snarky like that! Mmh,” he whispered into Eddie ear, only to find himself chastised by the petite spitfire. 
“I resent that, Eddie. I am not scared; I just think horror movies are stupid! They are all so predictable and exactly the same.” Stan attempted to defend himself to no avail. Everyone already knew what Eddie said was true.
  “It’s okay to be afraid, Stan. It’s not that big of a deal.” Mike assured Stan, sympathetically. 
“I’M NOT SCARED! Put on the fucking movie, I don’t care!” Stan was determined to prove his so-called friends wrong! 
“Are you sure, babe?” Bill asked, his words laced with uncertainty.
  “YES, I’M SURE BILL! WHAT THE HELL!?” Stan was disappointed that his boyfriend, out of everyone, didn’t believe in him enough to watch a horror movie. “Just put on the fucking movie!” 
“Okay, people! You heard Curly Sue!” Richie chanted, earning a leer from his ringlet adorned friend and a giggle from Ben. “Let’s get this shit started!” 
Mike took the VHS out of it’s plastic case and inserted it into the player. Everyone made themselves comfortable, paring into their respective couples, ready to enjoy the horror flick. Before they could begin, though, Bill’s parents entered to say goodnight, both ready to head to bed. “Alright, kids! We’re gonna go to bed. It was nice having you over again this year. Have a good night.” Mr. Denbrough said with the typical paternal formality one would expect from a father.
“There are plenty of snacks in the pantry, if you kids get hungry. Feel free to scavenge through.” Mrs. Denbrough added. 
“WAIT, MRS. DENBROUGH!” Bev yelled, startling Bill’s parents with the sudden exclamation.
“What is it, Bev!?” Concern littered her petite face. “What’s wrong?”
  “Oh gosh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you! Ha! Ha! It’s just that you’re both under the mistletoe.” She answered bashfully. 
“Oh, I guess we are, huh?” Mr. Denbrough smiled sweetly at his wife and she mirror his expression.
  “KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!” Everyone except Richie chanted. His stillness garnered the attention of his boyfriend, but Richie would never have noticed. He was lost; disconnect, but burdened. As the Denbroughs shared a kiss that could not be classified as anything other than a quick peck, Richie stared intensely and Eddie’s heart began to race. Eddie immediately recognized the expression that settled onto his face as the same one that he had on that terrifying September morning. It was unmistakable! It had been so long since he had seen it, but he could never confuse or forget it, even if he tried. It was burned into his memory like a scar.
“Richie. . . “ Eddie whispered warily, forgetting all about the other people in the room, who also seemed to be blissfully unaware of the situation between the two boys, having started to clap and cheer for the Denbroughs. 
“Hmm. Yeah, Eds?” This time around reaching Richie was much easier, as he snapped back into the present almost instantly. Again, just as last time, he immediately tried to overcompensate with smiles and kisses.  “What’s up, baby boy?” he asked nonchalantly as he leaned in for a kiss, which Eddie did not resist. 
“Uh. Nothing.” Eddie learned from his experience last time and decided now was NOT the time to interrogate his boyfriend about what just happened. He would leave it for another time when they could both be alone.  Richie just responded with another smile, only this time, the creases besides his eye did not make an appearance. 
“Hey you two! Are you ready to watch the movie or do we need to give you some privacy?” Mike asked from the recliner he had made himself comfortable on. Eddie took notice of the Denbrough’s absence, surmising they had probably gone to bed in the middle of their exchange, and now all eyes here on them.
  “Ha! Ha! Very funny.” He said sarcastically. “Press play, we’re ready.” 
“Okay, but no making out during the movie!” Mike taunted with a sing-song tone one would expect from a child. 
“Uh, when have we ever done that around you guys? Why don’t you say that to Stan and Bill!? They’re the ones that are always all over each other!” Eddie complained, in his tenor whine.
  “Don’t be a fucking hater, midge.” Stan retorted. 
  “You know, Staniel, I think I like you better with Bill’s dick in your mouth.” Eddie said glaring into Stan’s eyes, a smile spreading on to his lips. “At least then you’re quiet.”
“Oh fuck! Ha! Ha! Ha!” Ben cackled. “Damn, dude.” 
‘Okay! Okay! I’m pressing play now, everyone shut the fuck up!” Bev announced, taking the remote from Mike. She, too, had thought it was funny, but thought Stan had been humiliated enough for one day. 
Eddie found himself unable to pay attention through the duration of the movie, still concerned with Richie’s strange behavior. He instinctively wanted to be blunt and forward, but he knew better. If he just came out and asked what was wrong, Richie would just flip out on him again. No, he needed to be smart about this. He settled on dealing with this on their walk home, which wouldn’t be for few more hours. This gave him plenty of time to figure out how to approach the subject. He knew that no matter how much prep time he had, Richie would still end up upset somehow, but it didn’t matter. This was something that had to be addressed. He silently prayed to whatever deity would listen, to bless him with the same resilient determination when he was force to face off with a furious Ricardo Alonzo Tozier.
It was now a little passed midnight as Richie and Eddie trekked their way over to the latter’s house, their gloved hands laced together and swinging between them. It had been a quiet walk for the most part, but not uncomfortably so. Both of them found themselves content in the other’s presence, even if neither spoke a word. It was strange to see the couple so well known for their loud and heated arguments be so serene. As heartwarming as it all was, Eddie knew this was just the calm before the storm. Guilt began to overtake him and he decided to break through the stillness.
  “You know you can talk to me, right? I mean, like, about ANYTHING! I am here for you.” He said looking up at his raven-haired, statuesque boyfriend, forcing the calmest tone could possibly muster. 
“I know, baby-boy.” Richie responded avoiding eye contact, knowing where this conversation was going and wanting to evade it at all costs. 
  “So, um. . . what’s going on?” That was EXACTLY what Eddie had promised himself not to ask, and then he fucking went off and asked it anyway. He was so frustrated with himself. “Ahem. . . Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything is cool. It was a nice night, right?” Richie asked sullenly. 
“Yeah, of course.”
“Then, let’s not ruin it. I know where you’re going with this and I appreciate it, babe, but I don’t want to get into it.” Eddie was surprised and slightly hurt by Richie’s bluntness.  
“I’m not trying to ruin anything.” Eddie’s eyes darted away from his boyfriend and glued themselves onto the pavement beneath them. “I am just concerned.”
“I know you are, and like I said I appreciate that, but nothing is wrong. If something WERE wrong, I would tell you, Eds.” Richie’s tone was becoming more pointed. “No you wouldn’t.” Eddie said under his breath, which came out as a small cloud due to the freezing temperature of the evening.
“What did you say?” Richie stopped in his tracks and pulled his hand away. “What did you say, Eddie?” 
“No, go ahead say what you’re really thinking! You wanted to talk; well here’s your chance! Talk!” There was no going back now. 
“I-I-I . . . um. . . “ Eddie hesitated as he turned back to face Richie, “I said ‘No, you wouldn’t.’”
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean, Eddie?” Richie inched himself closer.
“It’s just that you never talk to me. I mean you do, but only . . .like, only when you . . .”
“Only when I what? When I run to you after my dad kicks my ass? After my mom throws a bottle at my head and tells me to kill myself? Hmm?! Is that what you can’t seem to say?” Richie was not holding back any punches. “It’s funny how you say you want to talk, but here we are and you aren’t even able to finish that sentence!”
   “It’s not that I can’t say it! I just have to walk on eggshells for you. If I say the wrong thing you get mad at me!” Eddie was starting to regret having brought the whole thing up.
“Oh, so it’s me!?” Richie widened and narrowed his eyes, pointing towards himself.  “So I’m the bad guy!?” 
“Richie, stop it! That is not what I said! Why does there always have to be a villain!? It’s just you and me; two people who care about each other! I am just trying to help…” Eddie tried his hardest to pacify Richie, but it seemed to make no difference. 
“No, bullshit! I tell you everything is fine! I ask you to trust me and you keep fucking digging, Eddie! Why can’t you just let shit be? Why do you have to keep nagging and bitching!? What the fuck do you want from me? If I don’t want to talk about something, maybe its cause I can’t! Has that ever occurred to you?! No, because you don’t fucking care! No, you just want to martyrize yourself! You want to save me! I don’t need saving Eddie. Just let it fucking go! LET! IT! GO!” Richie was full on shouting now, emphasizing the last three words of his rant by shoving his boyfriend. 
Eddie’s amber orbs began to shimmer with tears, but he refused to divert he eyes from Richie’s. “Why . . . Why are you being so mean? I didn’t mean to . . . I- I -I  was just-Ugh!” He could find a way to finish a thought, so overwhelmed with hurt and frustration. 
“You know what?” Regret had begun to sink in. Hurting Eddie was something Richie never wanted to do, but yet here was his Eds, crying because of him. “I-I-I’m just going to go home.” He turned around to walk back in the direction of his house, but before he could take more than one step he felt a small hand latch onto his arm. 
“Wait! Stop!” Eddie began to wipe tear off his face with the hand that was not grasping on to Richie. “No! Don’t leave! Is this what its going be like every time things get difficult? Are you always going to walk away? What’s going to happen when things get to be too hard? When I get to be too annoying? Are you just going to leave me forever?” 
“Eddie, I just can’t right now.” Richie pulled away and continued towards him house in wide strides; he needed to get out of there before he made things worse.
Without a second thought, Eddie chased after him and wrapped his small arms around the taller boy’s midsection, “STOP! DON’T LEAVE! I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY I MADE YOU MAD; I DIDN’T MEAN TO. I’LL LET IT GO, I PROMISE! JUST- PLEASE DON’T LEAVE!” Eddies sobs tore into Richie’s heart. His body trembled as his tears streamed down his cheeks uncontrollably, his voice deteriorating with every word. “Please don’t be mad at me! Please don’t leave me. I love you. I love you, Richie. I’ll let it go! . . . I’ll let it go.”
“Eddie. . .” Richie’s voice was tender and free of the malice that had poisoned it minutes ago. He turned to face Eddie, pulling him into his chest and rocking them side to side. “Shh. . . It’s okay, baby-boy. I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here. I’ve got you.”
“I’m sorry. I never wanted to make you mad at me, I swear. I just wanted to help! I’m sorry.” Eddies sobs began to die down, but his face remained buried in Richie’s chest. 
“You have nothing to be sorry about. I’m not mad, bebe. I promise I’m not mad.” Peppering kisses all over Eddie’s head, Richie tightened his embrace. “You did nothing wrong, I’m the one who should apologize. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I’m sorry, I just…It’s just hard sometimes.” 
Moving his arms from Richie’s midsection and wrapping them around his long pale neck, Eddie nestled his face into it’s nook. “I can understand that. I just want you to know that I care. I’m always going care and worry about you. I love you so much, Ricardo Alonzo Tozier! You never have to feel afraid or ashamed to tell me anything. I will always stand by you.”
  Richie pulled Eddie away from him and looked into his eyes tenderly. “I love you too Edward Kaspbrak, so fucking much! I’m not going anywhere, you hear me? I will always stand by you, too!” Eddie’s lips spread into a smile, before leaning in to kiss the taller man.“Your nose is freezing! Let’s go home before you catch pneumonia.”
“Ha! Ha! You’re an idiot, but yeah. I’d really like that.” Just like that, it seemed everything reverted back to normal between them. 
“You know what I’d really like, Eddie Spaghetti?” Oh yeah, Richie had definitely gone back to his normal self. 
“Don’t even THINK we’re gonna have sexy-fun-time, tonight. I am so tired and you definitely need to shower before you get anywhere near my bed.” Eddie foreboded, as they continued their journey home with Richie’s arm draped over his shoulder.
  “Eds, have you learned nothing today? I ALWAYS get my way.” he smirked.
“No, you do not!” Eddie looked up at him with narrow eyes and furrowed brows.
“I got you to kiss me tonight out on the sidewalk. It wasn’t underneath a mistletoe but it still counts as PDA!” Just then, Richie leaned in and stole another kiss from his boyfriend.
“That doesn’t count!” Eddie argued.
“Oh fuck yeah it does! Accept defeat and let me ravage you, Juliet!” Before Eddie could attempt to squirm away, Richie wrapped his arms around his hips and lifted him above him. Tickling Eddie tummy with his nose, Richie began to spin them around, playfully.
Eddie grabbed on to his shoulders in an attempt to stabilize himself as he giggled wildly. “Okay! OKAY! OKAAY!!”
“Does that mean yes sexy-fun-time?!” Richie’s eyebrows wiggled suggestively as he gently returned Eddie onto the pavement.
“Hm, we’ll see,” was all Eddie said as he continued his walk home, leaving Richie behind him.
“Oh, Eds, mi amor! You and I both know what that means.”
Eddie giggled in the distance. 
  Taglist: @bitchardtozier @bloggingandstruggling @11stayradstaybad11 @breakmyreddieheart @reddieformeerkat @purejaeden @julietissue @greywatertozier
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seungribubus ¡ 7 years
We KNOW they love him and stand for him,  but it doesn't mean their jokes can't be hurtful. 
Apparently not just for Seungri its hurtfull but for his fans too. Seungri’s fans are nobody? We were so freaking happy when we heard he is singing those songs with the most beautifull voice ever at the concerts, we were asking for it like for 4 years LOL?
 I was literally crying.
Saying nobody knows his songs and he better cook ramen during his solo performance isn't belittling?
Things that were said to Seungri by the hyungs on stage at  Osaka concert–Taeyang: The fans don’t know any of your solo songs. You should just cook ramen as your solo stage instead.Daesung: You actually sang! You  sang well. I’m surprised you can even sing at all.GD: I’m afraid you became bigger after your ramen tour.
And one years ago it was even worst. IDK how many people remember for it. And who started the ot4 joke?  Who was joking about "we don't need him, bigbang could be 4 okay"
“ ( I was thinking they tease him because Seungri is not decided jet when he can enlist ,because he has so many business to handle. But for Bigbang shake they want enlist him soon. I remember the comments like It all depends on Seungri. ) He is 2 yeas junger .
Nobody of us hates the other members, we're just asking them to stop joking mean thing because it isn't funny at all.
There are a few trolls out there who can jump in. But smart people can recognise them.
We want them to show love and respect for each other.
.“The way you guys treat him is the way people are starting to treat him because they learn from you guys. “ THIS IS OUR MAIN POINT.
 Just as fans should strive to be understanding of each others opinions. 
Those ignorant people who wont take a moment to consider an issue from an other point of view and dont really care about the feelings of who are hurt by these jokes. And commenting  and deffending those jokes like . Seungri is Jokes with the other memers too.
 NO Seungri never humiliated other members NEVER. Fans woud took his head if he did something simillar like the others.
People need to stop twisting our words and try to understand what we're saying. I love all the members of bigbang and don't condone saying anything hurtful , then calling it a joke. 
  But i guess because it's his fans who have always been "whiny and too dramatic" to you all and because it's Seungri, it's okay to just shut us up and say we're ot1 stans who hate the others.
It's not a matter of I like one member better than the other, all fans have a right to their opinions. Fans do not want to see one member saying something mean or hurtful to another member. 
Eminding ya'll that baeri is fucking family and more than brothers and ofc there can be criticizing between family members and they can be mad or annoyed by each other . THEY ARE FAMILY . and to think a troll have gone as far as making an spam ac ( like this one @usooofat )just to post hurtful comments under seungri posts and when asked to stop said " will stop when seungri fans stop attacking youngbae " is bloody sad and fucking .... SAD .
All we tell youngabe is to stop w his joke bc its not funny and hurt us and here u are commenting hurtful shit for seungri . had no idea there are so many small minded people around that are not able to take a deep breathe . try to see a situation from more than one perspective . 
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