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reddieaddict · 7 years ago
ReddieAddict Masterlist (updated)
You’re Gonna Live Forever In Me (AO3 Link)
Summary: It’s the Loser’s senior year and Richie is not ready for change.
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 (coming soon)
Richie’s Eulogy (AO3 Link)
Summary: Richie says his final goodbye to his Eds.
Summary: Richie and Eddie reunite after being separated by both time and death.
Oh Maker (AO3 Link)
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3
Richie runs away and abandons Eddie in the winter of 94, leaving the love of his life devastated and broken. 20 years later, they are forced to confront each other.
Chef!Eddie Tricks Richie Headcanon (AO3 Link)
Summary: Richie can no longer afford lunch at school and is too proud to accept handout. Eddie, who has a passion for culinary arts, trick Richie into accepting lunches he packs for him.
Reddie In Highschool Headcanon
Richie and Eddie have been dating a long time and are out at a couple to everyone, but they are so chill about it that everyone outside of the Loser’s Club thinks they are just best bros. Then, one day, they kiss in front of the entire class and everyone loses they shit!
Superhero!Richie and Supervillain!Eddie Headcanon (AO3 Link)
Eddie and Richie have super powers and find themselves on the opposite sides of the law. They have a dynamic similar to Spiderman/Blackcat and Batman/Catwoman, except with two bros. Bev, Ben, and Mike play roles similar to Barbra Gordon/Oracle. Stan and Bill are two fumbling cops in pursuit of Eddie and Richie but they always seem two be two steps ahead. Things only get more complicated when a new supervillain named Pennywise comes to NYC and starts going on a killing spree.
Eddie Gets A Bellybutton Ring Headcanon (AO3 Link)
In an act of rebellion against his homophobic mother, Eddie gets a new piercing that has Richie going wild.
Disturbing Discussion about the Loser’s Fears in the film and missed oppertunities.
Did Finn know Richie was gay? How much did Finn Wolfhard know about Richie’s sexuality in the previous drafts of the script.
Eddie’s Sexuality in Chapter 2 How I think Eddie’s sexuality could be handled in the second installment. The point of this is not to tell people exactly how it should be handled, but rather show that it is possible to adapt it and still be faithful to the original storyline.
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yourprayer · 6 years ago
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chapter 10 - five times richie wanted to kiss eddie and one time eddie beat him to it
+theme song for “the one time”
“He dreamt about kissing Eddie. Loving him. Holding him. Never hiding away. Escaping the fog. He wanted all of those things. His diploma should’ve stated only that, because for all his life that’s all he’d learned. He thought maybe then he’d be Eddie brave.“
+tw mild body horror, cannon-typical violence, mentions of vomiting, swearing, substance use, cannon-typical child abuse (neglect)
@mythgirl96 @crackhousetozier @reddieaddict @wincestklaine @beepbeep-losers @ayyyymichele @tapetayloe @ghostbustermike @i-is-gazebo @reddiesetrichie @wyttolff @gayzier @kaspbrak-is-our-king @mikedenbrough @28shoes @kinghanscom @eddiecare @shadysandi @reddieforlove @beepbeepdickie @stellarbisexual @reddielibrary
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roobarrtrashmouth · 7 years ago
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Moodboard wonderfully created by @reddiesetrichie. Thank you so much for your lending me talent.
Enjoy this music while reading.
Or read it on AO3.
1627 words
M/M and language
A dreary winter led into an ugly Spring, that rolled into a blazing hot and humid summer. They would be “celebrating” Pennywise’s 3 year deadaversary at the end of this summer. But Richie was having none of it. He was in Eddie’s room, as usual, and the two of them laid there listening to Richie’s most recent mix tape and reading the latest X-men and X-Factor comics. Thankfully Sonia was out shopping and would be gone most of the day. Eddie had convinced her to let him stay behind. She obviously didn’t know Richie was there.
Richie stands at the window staring out at the sky, “Are you fucking serious. Again today? Shit I’m tired of this fucking rain.”
Eddie grunts disgustedly, “‘You mean you would rather have that humid, hot shit like last week? Thank you, no. I can’t tell you how many showers I took.”
Without missing a beat Richie cuts in, “9... I counted.”
“Wow Rich, I don’t know if I should be disturbed, honored, or impressed. You really counted the number of showers I took?” Eddie looks at Richie with a mixture of awe and concern.
It was 1991, sophomore year was ahead for the Losers and Richie and Eddie had been avoiding a worrying subject, dating. Since the Losers had killed Pennywise pairings had been taking place amongst the other Losers. Right off the bat Bev and Bill flirted hard but it just didn’t feel right. Then Bev realized that Ben was”the one” for her. Elfrida and Bev were making a go of it on their own, ever since Alvin’s death. It was hard to be sure, but Alvin’s insurance and pension helped.  Elfrida knew Bev needed the stability of staying in the same town, school, and keeping the same friends. She also knew of Bev’s relationship with the Hanscomb boy and approved. He was just what she needed.
After licking his wounds and honestly congratulating Bev and Ben, Bill flew solo for a while. Then after winter break of their freshman year Eddie introduced him to a friend who was moving to the area, Audra. They hit it off instantly. Wisely no one said how much Audra and Bev looked alike. Being the supportive family they were, the other Losers just took it in and moved on.
The surprise to everyone had been earlier this summer when Stan and Mike had begun to spend more time with each other, than with the other Losers. Then one day the two of them showed up to the quarry for the usual Saturday night swim/campfire, holding each other’s hand. Stan simply said, “What, like any of you didn’t think I would end up with Mikey. He was there when I needed him the most.”
That leads to Richie’s shitty mood. He knew that his voices and attitude covered up a very severe case of insecurity. He was self-aware after all. He was just constantly surprised the Losers still wanted to associate with him. He knew he could be an annoying ass, but beyond the beeping nothing really came of it, he was basically harmless. More bark and bite. The Losers loved him, he just couldn’t believe it, and that their patience would last.
But whenever he was just feeling like shit, there was Eddie to cheer him up, or more frequently just lending an ear and quietly listening to him. Eddie was the only Loser Richie really opened up to. He had cried on Eddie more than once and vice versa. Richie’s stable and loving home life was countered by just how bad Eddie’s was. Eddie had spent many a night at the Tozier’s to get away from Sonia’s crushing brand of love. Also Richie was harboring a secret he couldn’t share with Eddie or anyone. How do you tell your best friend that you love them? How do you tell the guy that you’ve confessed your darkest fears to that you find his lips kissable. That when he gets mad, you find it adorable in a Tasmanian devil kind of way. How do you fuck that up?
“God dammit Eds we haven’t been to the quarry or Barrens in 2 weeks. We haven’t seen the other Losers in 3. What if they’ve finally had it with me?” Richie says with panic creeping into his voice.
Eddie gets up from the bed and puts an arm around Richie, “Rich, we talked to them earlier by phone. No one has had it with you, well except for maybe Stanley. He may give you shit, but he loves you as much as the rest of us.” He says patting Richie’s shoulder. “Now come on stop. Come tell me exactly why Jean and Scott’s son, Nate, is destined for great things.”
Richie turns and looks at Eddie, smiles and thinks to himself, “stopstopstopstop you are letting your imagination get away from you, they won’t leave. Wait is Eds looking at me differently?”
Eddie was also hiding the same secret, but for entirely different reasons. While Richie’s was due to insecurity and the fear of being forgotten, or discarded. Eddie’s was more concrete. He couldn’t expose precious, fragile Richie to his mom. Richie’s tough front didn’t fool Eddie. He knew that prolonged exposure to his mom would do some kind of harm to Rich. He couldn’t live with that, he loved him too much. Eddie who had been raised with it was mentally much tougher than people gave him credit for. Sonia’s programming simply had stopped working three years back. That is the only thing Eddie could thank that god damned clown for. He was able to shake off his mom’s programming and finally begin to be himself. The Losers, Richie especially, were to thank for that as well. He couldn’t have shaken it off without their constant unconditional support and love.
There was a sudden flash, followed almost immediately by a huge crack of thunder and then the skies opened up and the rain poured down. Normally in this shitty town rain seems to signal bad times. Georgie was taken in the rain and his disappearance kicked off the whole mess with that fucking clown. Well not this fucking time.
Richie had enough, “I refuse to let that clown, it’s stupid magic, and the fucking weather bring me down today. Do you hear me? I refuse to dance to your string pulling. Fuck you!” Richie said shaking his fist at the cloud filled sky, like a stark raving mad lunatic. “Eds I’m going outside.”
“Rich are you fucking insane? That lightning was right outside. Stop.” Eddie plead as Richie just marched out the door and headed downstairs.
“I’m tired Spagheds. I’m tired of hiding, being afraid, secrets and most of all I’m tired of being alone” Richie shouted as he opened the back door.
“You aren’t alone you fuckwad. I’m here. I’ve always been here.” Eddie shouted at him getting angry.
Richie didn’t really hear Eddie. He was too lost in his head. “Bev has Ben, Bill has Audra. FUCK even Stanislaus has Mikey.” Richie said out loud. Now he stopped and turned to the back of Eddie’s house to see Eddie standing on the porch looking at him standing in the rain. “What did you say?”
“I said you aren’t alone, I’m here. I’ve always been here.” Eddie said around a lump in his throat.
“You have always been there for me haven’t you?” Richie said slowly getting soaked standing in the rain. “Eds what are you saying? I don’t want to fuck up what we have.” He admitted.
Smiling at Richie Eddie says, “You idiot. We won’t fuck it up, I hope if we work at it, it will change it. Hopefully for the better. But I can’t ask you to date me because I worry what my mom will do to you. I can’t have her crush your spirit. I won’t be responsible for that.”
Richie still standing in the rain, “Eds did you just NOT ask me out?”
Eddie, “Yeah I guess I did.” A slow smile forms on his face. “So what’s your answer? You wet dog?”
“Come out here and I’ll tell you.” Richie reaches out with his hand inviting Eddie to take a hold of it.  He wonders where this sudden confidence is coming from.
Eddie takes his socks off, places them on the chair on the porch and takes a step off into the rain. He walks over to Richie and takes his hand. Richie pulls him in close and hugs him tight. “Eddie it would be my greatest honor to be your boyfriend. Don’t worry about me and Mrs. K, with you as my boyfriend I’m sure your will protect me from her worst.”
Eddie himself is now getting soaked from the rain, he says, “Richie I will protect you from her. I will always be there to tell you that you are valued, and needed... by me. So you will be my boyfriend?”
“I just said it Eddie Spaghetti. I’d love to be your boyfriend.” Richie beams.
Richie switches from a hug and takes Eddies face into both his hands. “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie, “Yes you may.”
They kiss gently at first, but that slowly turns more passionate. The rain increases a bit and there is another flash and boom this time from further away. Both boys jump and run for the porch. They turn and look at the rain falling in the backyard. Richie is standing behind Eddie and is hugging him from behind resting his head on Eddie shoulder. “Thanks Eds.” Richie says.
“Thanks Rich.” Eddie responds taking hold of his boyfriend’s arms that are wrapped around him.
“Yah now Spagheds. I think I could get to like the rain.” Richie tells his boyfriend.
@reddie-to-go @reddieaddict @starspace @agrimny @stormypasta88 @losers-or-lovers @richiefuckfacetozier 
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willgayers · 7 years ago
Some hc of Bev testing her makeup with all the Loser's (Richie marking everyone with the lipstick lol) and each one with a different makeup and my God, they would look BEAUTIFUL!!!1!1!
oh my god holy shit im sorry it literally took me like forever to write this but here you finally go!!! 
ps: mike is my personal favorite here
so beverly is a makeup artist student
and for her final project she has to do different kinds of makeup
like an 80s makeup,, 90s… etc
and she needs six models
what a fun coincidence
so one day she calls all the losers to her own condo downtown
she doesn’t tell them what’s up but she promises there will be pizza and root beer so the boys r like well damn aight
and they show up all together at the same time around 6pm ,,, to find beverly’s makeup all over the living room table and they glance at each other like “….”
ben sighs because the poor boy’s been thru lord knows how many makeup projects already  
“brace yourselves.”
stan is about to sneak out but richie smirks and grabs him by the arm and goes
“you’re not going anywhere stanley you’re gonna be a pretty boy”
stan wants to slap him
beverly walks out of another room and sees her friends and she’s like “hey!!! who wants to go first”
everyone turns to look at ben who looks back at them and he’s like “ugh fine” and walks to the living room
anyway beverly had imagined them to sit in the kitchen eating pizza and waiting for their turn and then one by one come to the living room but she thought wrong bc all the losers are sitting around her and watching curiously as she does ben’s makeup
it’s an 80s makeup look,, some purple/pink eyeshadow , fake lashes ,, strong blush and hot pink lips
“looking hot hanscom” richie winks and ben just rolls his eyes because he’s used to this
“ok who’s next” beverly asks
“eddie!!!!” richie basically shoves his boyfriend to the couch and eddie shots a glare at richie bc he hasn’t even finished his pizza slice yet
“do u wanna eat that first” beverly asks
“yeah just gimme a sec” eddie says and stuffs the rest in his mouth and then swallows
“done,,, now make me gorgeous”
eddie gets a 90s makeup look,, simple nude smokey eye with a little kohl and also nude lips + lipliner. mascara big time because this boy has such pretty lashes
“am i done???” eddie asks
“you’re done” beverly nods “nEXT”
eddie gets up and richie’s staring at him
“what” eddie asks
“you … actually look.. good” richie utters out and eddie blushes a lil but shoves him playfully
“ha-ha richie”
“im sERiOus you’re bEaUtiful what the shit eddie”
eddie just ignores him but glances at his reflection from his iphone screen and kinda likes the look
stan is next
“do i have to do this beverly”
“yes you d-do stan.” bill says from the floor, biting on his pizza. stan shots him a scowl and bill smirks wide bc he’s EXCITED to see what’s gonna come out of this
beverly starts putting makeup on stan and he’s very sUsPicIous because beverly’s been putting eyeliner on his eyes a LOT now
“are you doing me the kiss- band makeup or what”
“you’ll see”
then she starts to put golden lipstick
stan is like wTF
“ok you’re done”
bill is smirking wide at stan so uris grabs the mirror from the table and his eyes widen
he’s cleopatra
“WOW did you seriously just do this” stanley says
stan tilts his head in different directions to see the makeup from every angle
“that’s actually really cool”
stan gets up and then sits down to the floor next to beverly
“ok mike you’ve been sitting quietly for the whole time. your turn” beverly says and mike tries to hide behind his pizza box
“miiiiichaaeeeeelll” richie is winking from the corner
“MICHAEL” stanley fakes a super low voice and mike sighs and puts the box down before he sits on the sofa too
mike is getting the old man look google results for this one suck btw 
and the losers have a hard time trying to hold in their laughter as beverly’s doing his face
they try to think that ok,,, it’s not that fun but every time they look at mike again they all start cackling
“WHAT IS IT!!!” mike tries
“you’ll see” beverly smirks
“wHAT iS IT cOmE ON gUyS I CAN SEE YOUR FACES ITS SOMETHING BAD ISNT IT” mike is starting to laugh too
“see for yourself” beverly hands him the mirror and mike bursts out laughing
“oh my… oh my oh my,” he fakes an old man voice and they all laugh again
my favorite ship is losers club + freakin HAPPINESS
once they’ve finally cooled down it’s bill’s turn
“OH oh oH can you do something super pretty with bill’s face” stan asks bc he’s starting to get really into this whole thing
“sure” beverly nods “im gonna do him the 2010’s look”
“which is???”
“contour and stuff like that”
bill swallows and blushes a little as he sees the excitement on stanley’s face
in the back of the room mike is still doing grandpa impressions and eddie and richie and ben are losing it
“so you’re gonna use that one now. okay and now that one. uh-huh… interesting” stan is watching very closely
bill is done!
“wow.” stan just says
“what” bill asks
“eyebrow game STRONGgGGg right” beverly smirks at stan
“yAaasSS GIRLLLL” stanley jokes 
“well well well,” ben speaks from the corner “there’s only one left”
everyone turns to look at richie at the same time and tbh he feels a little scared because these people don’t look like his friends
“alright you bunch of drag queens and the godfather im going”
“whatcha gonna make me bevs” richie asks as he jumps down on the couch
“well first im gonna shove your hair out of your face”
she shoves richie’s hair back from his forehead with a pink hair band on and eddie smirks in the corner bc richie looks funny. but also cute
actually all of them think he looks cute like that
beverly starts to pat something weird and thick on richie’s nose and richie’s a little disgusted
“what are you doing…”
“im giving you a bigger nose”
“just let me do it ok”
sounds fake but ok,, richie thinks and just stares at beverly 
then she grabs something that looks like a piece of flesh and richie yelps out
“it’s a fake scar”
stan and bill laugh in the front row
“no,,,” beverly rolls her eyes in amusement
once the scar is on richie’s face beverly starts putting on some guyliner
“ah!!! i get who you’re doing!!! because of the hair right???” eddie then asks
“yeah the hair inspired me” beverly says
then she pulls out a fake mustache and richie’s eyes widen
they all burst out laughing as beverly’s trying to put it on richie’s face but he keeps on scrunching his nose and twisting his lips
“rICHIE STAY STILL” beverly tries
the mustache is finally on and beverly lets richie’s hair fall loose
“now who the hell am i” richie asks and grabs the mirror
he’s captain hook (just imagine the scar somewhere)
“WOW” he says
“like it???”
“i look fucking badass”
“what do you think eds should i keep the mustache ;-)”
“pls dont”
“how come,,, i think you could totally rock that look”
“thanks michael i think so too”
bev looks at the clock and it’s 10pm already
”finally done,,,, im starving gosh" beverly is about to get up but richie shoves her back down
“uhm no. i think it’s only fair we do your makeup too”
“that’s actually a f-funny idea.” bill says
stan is already picking out some makeup he thinks looks interesting
“SIT DOWN BEVVY” richie smirks and pulls her to the couch
“oh my god please at least give me some pizza” beverly begs and ben hands her the box
“thanks babe” beverly goes and ben turns bright pink
mike nudges him on the side and gives him a creepy old guy wink
“what are you even gonna make me” beverly asks as she munches on her pizza and eddie is applying foundation on her face
“we’re gonna make you,,,, beautiful.” richie just simply says, starting to draw her eyebrows
“move over tozier” stanley goes and shoves himself between richie and eddie,,, starting to tap blue and orange eyeshadow to beverly’s eyelids
“oh my g-god stan…” bill mumbles
“shut UP william, this looks amazing” stanley says concentrated
eddie’s done with foundation so he moves away and bill starts doing the bronzer
mike and ben are debating whether they should put nude or bright blue lipstick
boys think the blue one is COOL
so they decide to use that one
the makeup is done and they all stare at beverly,,, looking impressed and incredibly proud of their work
almost a happy tear rolls from the corner of stanley’s eye because now, he is an makeup artist
“WAIT!” richie then says
“what???” they all ask
“one more final add.”
he grabs a black eyeliner and a red lipstick and kneels in front of beverly,,, starting to write to her forehead with the eyeliner
the losers snicker a little and eddie rolls his eyes
then richie puts the eyeliner away and grabs the red lipstick and creates something with one swift move
“done” he says and drops the lipstick to the table
he grabs the tiny mirror and hands it to beverly, who starts to laugh
she has blue/orange eyeshadow, overly thick eyeliner, way too narrow eyebrows, too much bronzer, shock blue lipstick and the word LOSER on her forehead, a V over the S just like eddie’s cast had it
“WELL???” richie asks
“a beautiful look boys. im proud of you”
and they are all so smitten
especially stan
@superbyersbros @xbell22 @donthateonk8 @stenbroughbros @reddiebrekmyheart@itsgreywaterrichie @donvex @blueeyespurpleskies@ageorgymi@oh-youre-the-worst@eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash @rissyq @richietoaster @edskasqbrak@urtury@bukiminajimu @kcutieeesblog @stansmansuris @adorefack @reddieaddict @icyeyes102@denbroughbill @graveyardshipper @taletellingsir@anxiety-freak-yuuri @rheddie@queertrashmouth @richiefreakingtozier@castletozier @tohzier @80soleff @lonewolfhard @low-key-dying @sad-synth @richietoaster @badboyharrington @beepbeep-losers @temptedtozier@kaspbraccs@kylieee827-blog @sad-synth @low-key-dying@officiallyreddie@reddietofall @stanleyboii @eternitynurarms @remushlupin@turtleneckrichie@rosegoldrichie @80srichie @asteroidbill @lonewolfhard 
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reddieaddict · 7 years ago
I like to believe Richie occasionally refers to Eddie as “Kassie.”
Get it? Like Cassie, but with a “K” cause he’s making fun of Eddie’s last name? Get it? GET IT? You fucking better! 
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yourprayer · 6 years ago
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chapter 4 - june
read on ao3
“Adulthood in a town like Derry is even worse than childhood. The listless, empty ramblings of days dragging on in a town that felt like one-size-too-small-shoes sat heavier on the recently graduated than the younger children. Before you were eighteen and responsible for your own lunch money, you could spend your interminable afternoons exploring the surrounding environment, friends of friends abound. Escaping to the arcade and seeing the same films six times at the same theater was an acceptable amount of nothing to do at twelve years old. But when nineteen years hit Bill Denbrough and college acceptance letters didn’t, the sudden, overwhelming, nothingness of Nowhere, Maine became too heavy to bear.”
+tw mild body horror, cannon-typical violence, mentions of vomiting, swearing, substance use, cannon-typical child abuse (neglect)
@mythgirl96 @crackhousetozier @reddieaddict @wincestklaine @beepbeep-losers @ayyyymichele @tapetayloe @ghostbustermike @i-is-gazebo @reddiesetrichie @wyttolff @gayzier @kaspbrak-is-our-king @mikedenbrough @28shoes @kinghanscom @eddiecare @shadysandi @reddieforlove @beepbeepdickie @stellarbisexual @reddielibrary
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r-u-reddie · 7 years ago
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thank you so much for helping me reach 1k!!!
i’ve had such awesome and incredible support ever since i started my blog, and i’m so psyched to have reached 1k! thank you so much to all of my fantastic followers!
here are some people who i absolutely adore and recommend! make sure to give them a follow!
mutuals are in bold
@bcckybeaver @beep-beep-baby @beepbeeprichiellc @beepsrichie @beep-beep-richie-trashmouth @bitchardtozier @boopboopreddie @dandeliontozier @eddiebearr @eddie-kaspjack @eddiesrichie @edshoney @edsrich @gayzier @gazebo-eds @gczebos @grownups-are-the-real-monsters @hallmarkhanlon @heyhanlon @jaedenlieberheart @jewishsoundsgood @join-the-losers-club @jonstavk
@kaspbrat @kinghanscom @lgbt-stanuwuris @littlespooneddie @lolahood @losersclubarepoly @losvcr @marsh-tozier @not-reddie @pastelbyeler @pastelreddie @queereddie @reddieaddict  @reddiefics @reddieinthestars @reddie-to-go @reddiesballoons @richie-from-derry @richietoaster @standies @sunflowertozier @the-strange-losers @tozier-boy @transrichietozier @trashmouthloser @urisisms @wolfhardwastoid @wyattsnoodles @yeetyeet-richie 
@5tanuris @80srichie
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reddieao3feed · 7 years ago
Superhero!Richie vs Supervillian!Eddie
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HkKd9W
by Reddieaddict
Richie is a superpowered hero by night (with the help of his tech genius bestfriend Beverly Marsh) and a fumbling college student by day. Eddie Kaspbrak is just trying to start his life, now that he finally got away from his mad scientist mother's control, thanks to his only friends Ben Hanscom and Mike Hanlon. If things weren't difficult enough as they were, now Richie has fallen for Supervillian!Eddie, while Eddie's fallen in love with Civilian!Richie! While the two gay idiots are trying to figure out how to balance their double lives with their love lives, a new evil has started hauting the streets of New York. . . Pennywise. Will they get their shit together in time to stop the Dancing Clown? IDEK
Words: 1852, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IT - Stephen King, IT (2017)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Stanley Uris, Pennywise (IT), Henry Bowers
Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier, Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough & Stanley Uris, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Additional Tags: Superheroes, Alternate Universe, Superpowers, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Double Lives, secret, Reddie
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HkKd9W
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willgayers · 7 years ago
eddie’s reaction to his bf’s first tattoo
thank u for the idea @tohzier this is tOO CUTE WTF 
punk!richie is so edgy
like his hair is so thick and out of control and there might be a raccoon living inside it 
his jeans are always ripped and he only wears converse 
he has earrings, a nose ring and also has his lip pierced and it’s a silver ring and it looks SO GOOD on him and even tho eddie is like jesus richie why are u piercing your skin on purpose??? you are OPENING your skin for all the GERMS ….
… he lowkey loves it that when he’s kissin richie he can feel his lip ring
obviously eddie’s mom isn’t the biggest fan of richie and especially not now when he’s running out in the streets looking like sid vicious
which only makes eddie lowkey love richie’s rock look so much more. everything is VERY lowkey tho seriously bc eddie can’t let richie know he secretly likes all the piercings because god knows richie would get too excited over that and literally pierce his whole face
but yeah back to this actual scenario so one night richie climbs in from eddie’s window,,, like usual
“guess what i just got”
“ok u r gonna LOSE it”
“did u pierce ur pickle because i swear to gOD richie—”
low key sad eddie
“oh. ok”
richie starts to pull up the sleeve of his hoodie and eddie’s like super confused like oh my gosh did he get one of those nasty piercings that’s just basically on a weird place on ur skin
but then he realizes it’s a tattoo
but a tattoo of what????
there’s still plastic foil on it and underneath it the whole thing is smudged bc some of the ink and blood is still dripping
“richie i cant see anything its literally just a mess of blue and black and ur blood....” (gross)
richie’s smug smirk disappears as he turns his gaze down at his hand too
“oh shit wait”
he starts to pull off the plastic foil
“calm down im allowed to take it off already i have to let it breathe”
so now richie pulls it off fully and the tattoo is now exposed to eddie
“do u like it”
eddie can’t answer bc he’s trying hard not to sob rn he can’t believe richie took a tattoo like that
“omg please say u like it bc u r aware im gonna have this forever right”
“i love it”
richie gets the BIGGEST smile
“u love it????”
eddie is nodding,,, and a tear falls out of his eye
“no wtf”
“no i am not” , eddie says as he bursts out in tears
richie SWOONS
“awh baby”
he just pulls eddie against his chest and kisses his hair
“i can’t believe u tattooed that” eddie sobs ,, not sure if he is mad at richie or if he has never loved him more than in that moment
“u wanna know why i did it”
“because this way no matter how far apart we are u will always be with me and lord knows i need that”
and eddie sobs for 100 years
@nopetaking @xbell22 @donthateonk8@stenbroughbros @reddiebrekmyheart @itsgreywaterrichie @donvex @blueeyespurpleskies @ageorgymi @oh-youre-the-worst @eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash @rissyq @richietoaster @edskasqbrak @waterlouis @wyattghouleff @urtury@bukiminajimu @kcutieeesblog @stansmansuris @adorefack @reddieaddict @icyeyes102 @denbroughbill @graveyardshipper @taletellingsir @anxiety-freak-yuuri@rheddie @queertrashmouth 
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reddieaddict · 7 years ago
Eddie tricking Richie into letting him pack a second lunch for him cause he can’t afford it. .. . .. .HeadCanon
Up until high school, the only meals that were guaranteed for Richie were the breakfasts he got whenever he spent the night at Eddie’s, and free school lunches he received in middle school. Unfortunately now that the losers are starting 9th grade, lunches have to be paid for and, of course, can’t afford it. 
Richie’s dad occasionally gave him money, but it wasn’t enough to pay for his lunch everyday. So, he would buy lunch whenever he could, but would play it off like he wasn’t hungry on the days he couldn’t.
The loser’s weren’t stupid and knew exactly what was up, but Richie was full of pride and hated to be treated like a charity case. If anyone tried to offer to split their lunch or pack him a second one, he would refuse it. 
Eddie hated seeing his boyfriend having to go through the school day starving, so he decided to come up with a plan.
Eddie’s mom had been teaching him how to cook and he had really taken to it. He loved trying new recipes and experimenting with his own. Richie knew this, because they were in love and told each other everything.
Eddie decides to try a new recipe every night and make a larger amount of food every time, so there are plenty of leftovers to pack two lunches the next day. He would then present one to Richie, but instead of offering it to him, he would say “Richie, I tried this new recipe, but I’m not sure how it turned out. Can you try it and tell me what you think? I worked really hard on it and it was super difficult. Pleaaaase baaaabe!”
It was fucking spaghetti, so Richie immediately figured out what was up, but he was touched by his boyfriend’s actions, so he accepted it. 
This became an everyday thing and eventually Eddie didn’t have to ask him anymore, because it became a routine. None of the other losers paid any attention to it anymore, so Richie didn’t feel bad accepting the meal. Everyone just played along. 
With all the practice, Eddie became a really good cook, much to Richie delight.
Sometimes Richie would even come over and try to help Eddie cook, but would always end up just getting in the way. It was okay though, because Eddie just loved spending time with his boyfriend and he gets to make sure Richie had dinner that night. 
Richie eventually got a job Junior year and could start to afford lunch, but they still continued doing the same thing. It was their own special little thing and it brought them closer together. 
Then they graduated, went to college together, got married, had kids, Pennywise never came back, Stan only took showers, they grew old together, and stephen kings fucked off and went to hell.
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kaspbrak-eddie · 6 years ago
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If Only In My Dreams
(A Reddie Fic)
Coming Soon
Hello all, so I’m happy to announce the much-anticipated (LOLjk) epilogue to PTA is finally ready to post after months of not touching it and agonizing over it. This is a follow up to my fic PTA (you can read that here) but you don’t have to have read it to read this!! Basically, this is gonna be a little Reddie + kid Christmas fic, so expect some tooth-rotting fluff. I will not be responsible for the price of any dentures purchased as a result of this. I’ll be posting in time for Christmas, so bear with me while I clean up the edges! :) 
Keep reading for a lil preview:
On Christmas morning, Richie was awoken abruptly by a small body landing on his chest and his glasses being shoved clumsily onto his face. “Jesus, Sarah. What time is it?” He grumbled, cracking one eye open in the dark room to see a tiny face inches from his, propped up on two hands as she laid on her stomach on top of him. He groaned and looked over at the clock on the bedside table. 4:38. “Nope. ABSOLUTELY not.” He took his glasses back off and put them on the bedside table, “We wait until 6:30 like we do every year. You know the rules.”
She whined and reached her hand out to poke Eddie’s nose where it was nestled into Richie’s hair. “Edddiiieee it’s Christmas wake up,” she whispered.
Eddie, his voice thick with sleep, muttered a grumpy, “No. It’s nighttime.” She sighed dramatically, dropping her head onto Richie’s chest with a soft thud, her dark hair falling around it.
Richie reached a hand up to cup her head, massaging her scalp with his fingertips, “Just go back to sleep for a little. Want to sleep in here again?” She nodded, although neither Richie nor Eddie saw it as they had both already closed their eyes, chasing sleep again. Half asleep already, Richie faintly heard her glasses clatter on the bedside table before falling to the floor. She whispered, “Oh shit,” then apparently decided it wasn’t worth it and crawled under the covers, sandwiching herself in the warmth between the two of them.
About an hour later, Richie woke back up at Sarah shifting at his side. He looked over, the first hints of daylight coming through the window and illuminating the scene next to him. When they’d fallen asleep, Eddie had had his arm laid out across Richie’s stomach and his head tucked into the crook of Richie’s neck, his nose just brushing the end of his dark curls. Sarah had wiggled her way in between them, and essentially just taken Richie’s place. Warmth pooled in his chest as he looked at the two of them, Sarah’s face pressed into Eddie’s chest, his chin in her hair, flattening the curls, both of them sleeping soundly.
PTA tag list: @mtvreddie @anniiidk @beep-beep-richuce @noahclapp-reddie@janeelevenelle @sassyclassysatan @joyfulrayofsun @wintersember@richiestoziiers @hanabee17 @kohiic @reddie-aim-fire @happywxlfhard@joannah-emily @losers-dont-lie @bevmarsh-elhop @miraculous-howlter @i-is-gazebo @chuckaliclous @awfulthingz @are-you-reddie-for-it-people@moonlitxlarry21 @eddiesshorts @ashxley03 @michiyo-onosaka @imnot-reddieforthis @eddieetozierr @boom-schnapp-clap @heartliveforever @reddie-boi
permatag list: @fucking-reddie @quality-waste @waypunsarelife@geckolover001 @jordanclaghorn @kaspbrakbitch @lastbeginning@pennywisethedancingmistake@nthedetailswiththedevil @reddieaddict @adhdtozier @saturnsocoolioyep @hypnoidvoid @richiefuckfacetozier  @seksilelulaatikko @as-reddie-as-ill-ever-be @are-you-reddie-for-it-people
(let me know if you want to be added!)
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stenbroughbros · 7 years ago
My Favourite Accounts
Hey guys! So the first thing I’ll be doing to celebrate 100 followers is listing my top five favourite IT accounts on here!! These are all people I love and look up to whether they know it or not, and I just want you guys to know I have nothing but love for you all <3 (I’ll be doing top 5 fics tomorrow!) and so, in no particular order;
I’m going to kick it off with @reddieaf - I love this person so much and they were one of the first people I talked to and you’re too kind for this world! It’s always nice seeing you on my dashboard and I live for everything you reblog bc for some reason I relate to it all and ily
@denbroughbill - Also another lovely person who does some incredible writing and also introduced me to all things Hanzier?? Can I just say I live for your content my friend keep up the good stuff
@reddieaddict - Another beautiful person! I actually love everything you’ve posted I’m certain and you deserve all the love! It’s great seeing you on my dash even if we haven’t talked yet, and when u like my posts it makes me smile every time I thought you should know
@reddiesetrichie - okay,,, I also love you and seeing you on my dashboard makes my little heart flutter! I don’t think we’ve ever talked but you seem v nice and lovely and I’m living for all your moodboards and headcanons because honestly I love them so much! ALSO CONGRATS ON 1K YOU DESERVE IT
And saving best for last, @im-reddie - I love this dude so much and they’re one of the first people on here that I’ve had proper conversations with! They’re so sweet and lovely and it’s nice to have someone to just chat to! They also do some pretty amazing writing that I love to read whenever I get a free moment, and if you’re not following them you’re missing out big time. Can we also just acknowledge how amazing they are idk if I’ve already said it but I could say it a thousand times over.
So yeah, I love all of you guys! I could’ve made a novel about all the people I love on this website I swear, but anyways I wish all you guys the best and just know you all have a special lil place in my heart
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yourprayer · 6 years ago
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prologue - june
read on ao3
“Adulthood in a town like Derry is even worse than childhood. The listless, empty ramblings of days dragging on in a town that felt like one-size-too-small-shoes sat heavier on the recently graduated than the younger children. Before you were eighteen and responsible for your own lunch money, you could spend your interminable afternoons exploring the surrounding environment, friends of friends abound. Escaping to the arcade and seeing the same films six times at the same theater was an acceptable amount of nothing to do at twelve years old. But when nineteen years hit Bill Denbrough and college acceptance letters didn’t, the sudden, overwhelming, nothingness of Nowhere, Maine became too heavy to bear.”
+tw mild body horror, cannon-typical violence, mentions of vomiting, swearing, substance use, cannon-typical child abuse (neglect)
tagslist:  @mythgirl96 @crackhousetozier @reddieaddict @wincestklaine @beepbeep-losers @ayyyymichele  @tapetayloe @flickerflies @ghostbustermike @i-is-gazebo @reddiesetrichie  @wyttolff @gayzier @kaspbrak-is-our-king @mikedenbrough @28shoes  @kinghanscom @eddiecare @shadysandi  @reddieforlove @beepbeepdickie @stellarbisexual @reddielibrary
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reddieao3feed · 7 years ago
Not-so-secret Secret Relationship
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tvQYTr
by Reddieaddict
Richie and Eddie have been dating a long time and are out as a couple, but they are so chill about it that everyone thinks they are just best bros. Then one day they kiss in front of the entire class and everyone loses they shit!
Words: 1278, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IT (2017), IT - Stephen King
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier
Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier, mike hanlon - Relationship
Additional Tags: Reddie, Modern Day, Alternate Universe, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Black Panther - Freeform, marvel x it
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tvQYTr
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willgayers · 7 years ago
UH can you please write something short of that post of richie bringing eddie to class
lol sure. its just something i came up with in like ten minutes so its not that impressive lmao but here you go anon! :-)
original post
“Come on, Richie! What is so important that I need to be there?!”
“I just — I’m sorry, but the teacher gave us an assignment!” Richie blurted out, standing in front of Eddie’s door. “And you just need to come.”
“But why?! I have my own stuff to do!” Eddie claimed. “I have a writing desk in my room that is drowning under my math homework — this test is due tomorrow and there’s a reason Mrs. Akins gave us a free-day! To study! You know I’m already about to fail.”
“Just— one class, okay?!” Richie asked. “Please! Pretty pretty please.”
Eddie frowned at Richie for a moment, as Tozier started to do the puppy-eyes; that bastard knew there was no way Eddie could say no to him when he did that. Then Kaspbrak groaned with a tiny roll of his eyes, mumbled a; “fine”, and stepped out of the house, Richie’s eyes lighting up.
They got stuck in traffic, which lead to Eddie complaining even more about how he’s now gonna be even more late with his math work, and even though Richie wanted to snap back at him over how he’s literally gonna be late from his class; he didn’t. He just started to drum on the steering wheel until the car could finally move again.
“Seriously though, Richie — what am I walking into?” Eddie asked on the hallway of their school, almost at the door of the class. “This isn’t like human experimenting or anything, right?”
“Oh yeah, I’m selling you as a guinea pig to the States–”
Richie’s joke was cut off by Eddie’s playful slap to his arm, and just then Richie opened the door of the class, everyone inside it turning their gazes to the couple at the door.
“Sorry I’m late. Traffic was awful,” Richie said, and some of his fellow students chuckled and whispered something, which immediately made Eddie uncomfortable. Were they whispering about him? Richie and Eddie hadn’t been an open couple for that long yet, and nobody else seemed to have their boyfriends or girlfriends with them.
“Mr Tozier… the assignment was to bring something important to you.” The teacher spoke. Eddie’s eyes widened lightly as he felt his tummy flip around; clearly Richie had misunderstood the meaning of this assignment, but he was told to bring something important and he thought of Eddie? Eddie felt himself starting to smile. Both over his boyfriend’s cute cluelessness and the fact he’d, indeed, thought of Eddie.
“Yeah,” Richie said. 
“An object, Richie,” the professor said, and a few people chuckled again. “Not Eddie.”
Now Richie blushed a little, his lips parting as he glanced at Eddie.
“Ohhhhh—” he said, and Eddie was just smirking wide at him.
“Well—” the professor sighed, gesturing towards the seats. “Since he’s here already…”
“Great!” Richie just smiled wide and slid his hand down to Eddie’s, dragging him towards one of the free tables, where Ben was sitting.
“Seriously, Richie?” Ben asked quietly as they sat down. 
“In my defense, we weren’t given clear enough instructions.” Richie shrugged care-freely, draping his arm around Eddie’s shoulders who immediately melted against Richie’s side, looking up at him starry-eyed. 
He’d really thought of Eddie first thing.
“No, I mean like, seriously, Richie?” Ben whispered. “You could’ve told me! I would’ve brought Beverly, instead I brought a freaking New Kids on the Block compilation album!”
And both Richie and Eddie chuckled.
@superbyersbros@xbell22@donthateonk8@stenbroughbros@reddiebrekmyheart@itsgreywaterrichie@donvex@blueeyespurpleskies@ageorgymi@oh-youre-the-worst@eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash@rissyq @richietoaster @edskasqbrak @urtury @bukiminajimu@kcutieeesblog@stansmansuris@adorefack@reddieaddict@icyeyes102@denbroughbill@graveyardshipper@taletellingsir@anxiety-freak-yuuri@rheddie@queertrashmouth@richiefreakingtozier@castletozier@tohzier@80soleff@lonewolfhard@low-key-dying @sad-synth@richietoaster@badboyharrington@beepbeep-losers@temptedtozier@kaspbraccs@kylieee827-blog @sad-synth@low-key-dying@officiallyreddie@reddietofall@stanleyboii@eternitynurarms@remushlupin@turtleneckrichie@rosegoldrichie@80srichie@asteroidbill@lonewolfhard@trashmouthgazebos@littlepointman@finnhardwolf @allison0609 @fabulousprinceali  @tatiscribbles @s-s-georgie @coralinejones @richiestoziiers @tatiscribbles 
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