#the solid gold cadillac
layce2015 · 6 months
The Boys (Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader)
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Chapter 4: Glorious Five Year Plan
Chapter 1 / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Present Day
*(y/n)’s POV*
"It's Solid Gold, starring Marilyn McCoo. With Solid Gold recording stars Kim Carnes, the Oak Ridge Boys, Waylan Flowers and Madame, the Solid Gold Dancers, and our first very special guest of the night, Soldier Boy!" The announcer from the show said as I sit there in my living room, watching, Bethany sitting next to me.
The camera pans down on the stage to show Ben, wearing his superhero suit including that helmet, standing on the stage as he begins to sing.
Fab Five Freddy told me everybody's fly
DJ spinning, I said, "My, my"
Flash is fast, Flash is cool
François c'est pas, Flash ain't no dude
And you don't stop, sure shot
Go out to the parking lot
And you get in your car and you drive real far
And you drive all night and then you see a light
It comes right down and lands on the ground
And out comes a man from Mars
And you try to run, but he's got a gun
And he shoots you dead, and he eats your head
And then you're in the man from Mars
You go out at night, eating cars
You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns, too...
As he sings, he did dance a bit then walked across the stage as the female back-up dancers surround him, all of them placing their hands on any part of him they could touch. And even watching this old rerun now, I still felt a bit jealous of seeing this just as I was when I was there on that show. I remember being a bit annoyed while I was standing backstage watching this from a TV screen.
"Weren't you on this episode as well?" Bethany asked me. "Yeah, I was." I muttered.
Sure enough, when Ben's song ended the camera switches to show the disco ball hanging from the ceiling as the announcer said. "And now for our second special guest, Mystic Shade!"
And the camera pans down to show me, in my superhero suit, on the stage, leaning against a tall white platform and I hold the microphone up to my lips. "Oh, there you are!" Bethany said, in a teasing manner, and I rolled my eyes.
Girls! Girls!
Watch out! Watch out!
I turn my head to look out at the crowd and I stand up, straighter.
There's a two legged animal running about
If it smokes a great big cigar
And it hangs around at a bar
If it tells the biggest lies, wears the loudest ties
It's a man
If it acts just like a crossed patch
Has a face with whiskers that scratch
If it's stubborn as can be, mean and ornery
It's a man
I watched myself saunter across the stage as I sang this old song, I raised a finger as if pointing out to the crowd before I lowered my arm, continuing to sing. "Wow, look at you go." Bethany teased and I scoff out a laugh.
It if walks, if it talks
If its habits are a little bit peculiar
If it brags and tries to make you think it's wonderful
Be on the lookout, don't let it fool ya
But if it makes the moon up on high,
More than just a light in the sky
If it kisses you and you find you like it too
It's a man
At the point I sang GRAB IT I raised my right hand up and clenched it into a fist then unclenched it and placed it on my hips as I do a bit of a dance with a smile, continuing to sing the song.
"Good God, I look so ridiculous." I muttered. "No, you don't. You're now sounding like an old woman." Bethany said, a bit of sarcasm, and I look over at her, she of course had aged a bit, wrinkles had appeared on her face and her hair was turning gray but I could still see that young girl I met back in the 70's underneath all those wrinkles.
"Well, you do realize I'm a little over a hundred years old. I think I deserve to sound like one." I said, smiling. "And yet you still look like you're in your early 30's." Bethany said and I chuckle. "Yes, bathing in virgin's blood does have its perks." I joked and we laugh.
"What? That's the secret? Why didn't you tell me?!" Bethany asked me, in a fake offended voice. "It's a curse I must bare." I said, dramatically, and we laugh and go back to watching the show as I continue to sing the song.
It if walks, if it talks
If its habits are a little bit peculiar
If it brags and tries to make you think it's wonderful
Be on the lookout, don't let it fool ya
And then one of the male backup dancers, dressed in a suit, comes up next to me and gets down on one knee.
But if it's kneelin' down on one knee
Sayin' darling please marry me
Then don't hesitate, better name the date and then
I had walked over to the man and caressed his cheek for a moment then lowered my hand to his tie as I sang the next few lines.
I grabbed the man's tie, yanked on it to make him stand up and pull him close to me. The guy looked surprised but also seemed to like it as I give him a flirty smile.
For It's a man
I belted out that last line then I pulled the man down towards me and I kissed him. I face-palmed at this while Bethany said. "Ooooohhh."
The music stops and the guy and I break the kiss and we share a smile before the camera switches to a different guest. "I'm gonna guess Ben wasn't happy about that kiss, was he?" Bethany asked me and I shake my head. "No, he wasn't." I said. "He didn't hurt you, did he?" Bethany asked me, concerned, and I shake my head as the memory of what happened after I left the stage came to mind, a smile slowly forming on my face.
"No, he didn't. He, uh...he did something else." I said and Bethany looks at me then noticed my smile. "Oh, I know that smile. Give me details!" She demanded and I shake my head. "A lady never kiss and tells." I said and we share a laugh again. We look back at the TV and my mind began to wander back to that night of the filming of this episode.
I walked backstage after the performance and a few people smiled and congratulated me as I walk past them. Then I look over at Ben, who did not look happy. “What the fuck was that?” He asked me, angrily. “What was what?” I asked, feigning ignorance. I start to walk past him but he grabs my arm and I turn to face him.
”You know damn well what I mean.” He growls and I smirk at him. “Ease up, Soldier Boy. Jealousy is not a good look on you. Besides, it was all an act.” I said. “You sure? Because it didn’t look like an act.” He said and my smile grew. Honestly, I was having fun messing with him. “So what if it was?” I asked him then I lean into him. “What are you gonna do about it?” I asked and I see his eyes darken as he glares at me.
Most people would’ve backed down from this glare but I didn’t. Because I could see the lust and desire in his eyes, which told me I was in for it.
I let out a moan that really sounded like it could've come out of a porno as Ben shoved me up against the wall of his dressing room, thrusting roughly into me, my legs wrapped around his waist.
"Fuck, Ben!" I exclaimed. "That's right, you better say my name! Not that asshole you kissed! You are mine!" Ben growls as his thrusts become harder. I let out a strangled moan as I started to feel drunk with how good Ben was making me feel until I felt his thumb rubbing my most sensitive spot.
I cried out again as Ben said, with a low growl. "This is mine! No one else's! Say it. Say that this pussy is mine!" Then his thumb works faster and my walls clench around him even harder. "Y-Y-Yours...always....I'm..yours..." I was able to say in between gasps and moans I was letting out.
"You damn right you are!" Ben growls in my ear as he pounds into me and rubs that sensitive spot even faster and harder.
And at that moment, I shut my eyes and felt them roll back as a very powerful orgasm washes over me. "BEN!" I screamed out in ecstasy and then he growls out my name in my ear as I feel him release himself inside of me.
The both of us stilled and catch our breath until we hear a knock at the door. Both of us look towards the door, lazily, when the voice of the producer of the show calls out. "Soldier Boy, you and Mystic Shade are up in ten minutes."
"Okay, thanks. We'll be out there." Ben said and we hear the guy leave. Ben turns to look at me then gives me a soft kiss on the lips. "Looks like round two is gonna have to wait." He said as he pulls out of me. I hiss at this and set my wobbling legs on the floor before he walks over to his table that was next to us.l
"There's more?" I asked, breathlessly, as he goes to grab a towel and wipes himself clean, puts his pants back on then zips it up. "Yeah...gotta make my girl know who she belongs to." He said as he comes up to me and cleans me up as well.
"Well, in that case...I should be punishing you in round two." I said, smirking, and zipping up my pants once he finished. "How so? I didn't go kissing anybody." Ben said, tossing the towel aside. "Oh, but you did let all those girls touch you, let them run their hands all over you." I said as I sauntered over to him, my legs still feeling a bit like jelly.
I get up close to him and I grab his crotch, he tensed up at this and he let's out a small sigh through his nose. "If my pussy is yours then this dick is mine. And no one else can have it, no other woman should be touching you, understand?" I asked him and I could hear a low growl coming from him as I tightened my grip on it.
"Yes, ma'am." He said, lowly, and I give a seductive smile. "Good boy." I cooed and I kiss his cheek then let him go and go towards the door. "Where you going?" He asked me and I turn to face him. "Gotta go clean up my face and hair. Probably look like a used whore." I said and Ben looks me up and down. "More like properly fucked, in my opinion." He said, with that cheeky grin, and I rolled my eyes.
"I'll see you out there, Soldier Boy." I said, in a sultry voice. "See you later, Mystic Shade." Ben said and I walk out of the dressing room.
Present Day
I sighed a bit as Bethany pats my arm and points to the TV. "I forgot you two did a duet!" She exclaims and I look at the screen as it showed me and Ben back on stage, I must've being off on la la land in my head for awhile cause I remember our duet was at the ending of the episode.
The music intro to Endless Love began to play as Ben starts to sing first, both of us facing each other.
My love
There's only you in my life
The only thing that's right
I smiled at him as I bring my microphone up to my lips.
My first love
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make
Then we sang together.
And I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do
And your eyes (Your eyes, your eyes)
They tell me how much you care
Oh, yes, you will always be
My endless love
"You know, even though you told me about the crap you two went through, I still think you two made a good-looking couple. Better than him and that, what was her name? Crimson Countess?" Bethany said, thinking. "Yeah..." I muttered as I look down for a moment then back to the TV.
Two hearts
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
And love
I'll be a fool for you, I'm sure
You know I don't mind
'Cause you, you mean the world to me, oh
I know
I've found in you my endless love
I felt this great wave of sadness overcome me and I get up and head to the kitchen. "(Y/n)?" Bethany called out to me as I head to the fridge. "You okay?" She asked as she follows me while I grab a beer bottle.
"Yeah, I just..." I stopped then opened the bottle and started to chug down the beer. "Hey..." Bethany said as she comes up to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "I know I should be over it but....fuck, Bethany, it's hard." I said and Bethany nods. 
"I know, I mean, I wouldn't know how I'd feel or do if Steven died. Let alone forty years after the time." Bethany said. "I know he was an asshole and a bastard but he was the only one that knew what I was going through, what I had been through. He was mostly good to me; couple of things he did, did annoy me. But I still love him." I said then she hugs me.
*3rd Person POV*
Maeve was swinging her sword around, like she was getting ready for battle. She jumps, rolls and swings the sword around until she hears a knock at the door. She opens it and sees it was Starlight. “Hi. Can we talk?” she asked. “No.” Maeve said, flatly, and she goes to shut the door but Starlight stops her. “Maeve, please.” Starlight pleads and Maeve sighs then lets her in and Starlight closes the door.
”I heard that you stopped training.” Starlight said as she noticed that Maeve had moved her furniture around where there was a large space in the middle of the room. “Yeah? You also hear that I wake up six days a week hungover, tits-deep in some random fսck pile? People think what I want them to.” Maeve said as she walks over to the kitchen island. “Okay, listen. Have you ever heard of something called B.C.L. RED?” Starlight asked her as Maeve gets a drink.
”You mean a weapon that can kill Homelander, if Butcher can find it?” Maeve asked her, knowingly. “You know?” Starlight asked, surprised, and Maeve smiles. “Who do you think sent them down the rabbit hole? Actually, I should say I had help with that but still…I brought it up to them. It's why I'm training. Or haven't had a drink in four awful, shit-eating months. Maybe I can buy Butcher a second or two to get a good shot. At the very least, I'll get a couple of licks in.” Maeve said. “Wait, so who gave you the information about this weapon?” Starlight asked and Maeve glares at her.
”Why should I tell you that?” Maeve asked her. “Well, whoever this person is, could join us. I mean, this person obviously wants to help.” Starlight said. “She only wanted to give out the information about the weapon and that’s it.” Maeve said and Starlight furrows her brow. “She?” She said but Maeve doesn’t reply.
“Okay. Okay, okay. So there's you, me and your mystery friend. Maybe we can find some others.” Starlight said. “Right. Yeah. I'm sure you and Duluth's Most Mighty would really get the job done. And I told you, my mystery friend doesn’t want any part of this. This is my problem. I'm the one who was with the asshоlе.” Maeve said.
“Maeve...you cannot do this alone. He'll kill you.” Starlight pleads and Maeve rolls her eyes. “You really care that little about yourself?” Starlight asked her. “I got it coming.” Maeve said before she walks over to her sword and starts to swish it around again.
*(y/n)’s POV*
“Okay, here is one scotch for the pretty lady.” Steven said to me as he hands me a glass of the drink. “Thanks, Steven. I said as I accepted it. I had gone over to Bethany’s and Steven’s house for the night to just have something to keep my mind occupied. Steven is Bethany’s husband for almost forty years and he always had this cheery carefree attitude, even at the age he is now.
“And, of course, for the lovely lady…bourbon!” Steven said to Bethany as she takes it. “A man after my heart.” Bethany said. “I should be the only man!” Steven chuckles and Bethany pretends to think. “Hmm, I don’t know..there is that cute young man at the coffee shop…” she said. “Well, then I better go pay him a visit, show him what happens when you try to get my girl.” He said and the two laugh and I smile and shake my head as I take a drink.
”Oh, and how are you gonna do that? Hit him with your cane?” Bethany asked him, teasingly, as she gestures to the black cane leaning against their couch. “Nah…I’ll just send (y/n) after him.” He said. “And what makes you think I’ll agree to that?” I asked him. “I’ll let you keep beating me at poker!” He said and my jaw drops.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked him. “Well, not to brag but…my superpower is that I am really good at poker. I just didn’t want to show off and let you win so you wouldn’t feel bad.” Steven said and I scoff out a laugh. “Oh, really? Well, c’mon, sonny, put your money where your mouth is!” I said and Steven claps. “Alright, grandma!” Steven teased as he goes to grab his deck of cards but then Bethany looks over at the TV.
”Whoa, whoa, wait a minute! Look!” She said and Steven and I look at the screen to see that there was a news broadcast. It said Neuman Holds FBSA Press Conference on the news banner and Neuman gets up to the podium. “Good afternoon. Thank you all for being here. I'm Congresswoman Victoria Neuman, the director of the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs. For the last year, the Bureau has been working with Vought International under one guiding principle. The most powerful among us are not above the law, including the most powerful man at the company.” Neuman said then she pauses, looks to the side and takes a breath.
”Homelander...has bravely come forward as a whistleblower and provided evidence of crimes committed within Vought by CEO Stan Edgar.” Neuman said and the crowd gasps while mine, Steven’s and Bethany’s jaw drops at this. “And in the coming days, the FBSA will be investigating charges of blackmail, perjury and obstruction of justice against Mr. Edgar. Vought International must be held to the highest ethical and legal standards. The people are entitled to the truth about their heroes...” She said while Bethany and Steven share a look.
”What the hell?” Steven mutters and I furrowed my brow. “I don’t like this. Especially if Homelander is the one that gave that information to her….” I said. “Why do you hate Homelander so much?” Steven asked me. “I don’t know…there’s something…off about him. And I know how things went there at Vought…” I replied. “Plus, Homelander dated a Nazi, isn’t that bad enough?” Bethany asked.
“But he didn’t know…I mean, didn’t you know her as Liberty, (y/n)?” Steven asked me. “Not really well, course I thought something was off about her too back then.” I said and he sighs. “Look, I’m not defending him, I mean, I’m not a huge fan of the guy either but…some men make mistakes when they love a woman. I mean, it came out earlier he and Starlight are a thing now.” He said. 
Bethany hums at this while I stay quiet about this. I don’t know but I think that whole Starlight and Homelander paring is a load of crap and trying to deflect his whole thing with Stormfront.
*3rd Person POV*
Meanwhile, in Russia, Butcher, Frenchie, Kimiko, Hughie and M.M. went to infiltrate a military compound to find the weapon, thanks to Nina. Nina was Frenchie’s old associate and he got tangled back up with her was because his old girlfriend, Cherie, begged him for help to get her out.
So, for that, the boys had to a job for her then she would have her people help them get to the compound. They were able to cut the power out at the compound to make the Russian soldiers leave and they make their way inside.
“Any idea what this Supe gun is supposed to look like?” M.M. asked Butcher. “Ain't the joy in the discovery, eh?” Butcher said and they look around until they see a large metal tube. What is it?” Hughie asked as they look at it then Butcher looks over some papers nearby while Frenchie looks at this large glass case.
“Hey, there's something here. Look.” Frenchie said as he shines his light into the case where he sees a small hamster inside. “Look, look. Oh.” Frenchie said and M.M. comes up next to him to see the hamster. “Hey. What does it say?” Frenchie asked as he shines his light at the label that was written in Russian. “Says his name is Jamie.” M.M. said before he chuckles. “Jamie. Hi. Are you okay, Jamie?” Frenchie asked the hamster as he taps the glass. “No, no, no, don't fսck with it. Just leave him alone.” M.M. tells him and Frenchie chuckles.
”Aw. Jamie. Who's a handsome, petite, little gerbil?” Frenchie said as the hamster scurried around in the cage and Kimiko comes up and smiles. “It's a hamster. My daughter went through three of them.” M.M. clarifies then suddenly Jamie rapidly pounds around in the case, scaring the others. “Oh, shit! Motherfucking V'd-up hamster.” M.M. said, surprised.
At that moment, alarms start blaring. “told you not to fսck with him. Damn it.” M.M. growls at Frenchie and Butcher turns to them. “Look lively!” He shouts and every pulls out their guns and get ready for a fight.
Immediately, the Russian soldiers come in and start firing at the team and the boys all take cover and fire back at them. One soldier was able to corner Frenchie but Jamie, who had gotten out, flies up and burrows into the soldier’s eye, making him scream out in pain before falling over dead.
“Merci, Jamie.” Frenchie said as he nods to the hamster.
“I'm out!” M.M. shouts and Butcher fires his gun but he stops and looks at the others as they try to take cover. Butcher looks over at Hughie, who was hiding, then smiles at him then walks out. “Oi! Evening, cսոts.” He shouts at the soldiers and he walks out. The soldier firing at him but no damage was done to him, thanks to the Temp V.
The others watch this in shock and disbelief as Butcher uses laser eyes to take out the Russians, then he grabbed the nearest one and breaks his neck. Hughie then noticed a soldier coming up behind M.M. “M.M.!” Hughie shouts and he starts to run then teleports to the soldier and punches through the soldier.
”Oh! Oh! Oh, shit. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Uh...” Hughie grunts and pants then pulls his arm out of the soldiers body, revealing him to be completely naked. Butcher glares at Hughie, realizing that he had taken some Temp V without him knowing, and everyone stared in shock. Kimiko covers her eyes as Hughie chuckles softly. “Your dіck's out.” M.M. said, plainly, and Hughie looks down at himself then goes to grab his clothes and puts them on.
”Butcher?” M.M. asked, angrily. “All right, all right, look, hang about.” Butcher tries to defuse. “You and Hughie both took Compound V? What are you two, fսcking Supes now?” M.M. asked. “Temporary V.” Butcher said then Kimiko signs at him while Hughie picks up the busted cast he was wearing, smiling.
”Oh, she say, Why do you do this to yourself on purpose?" Frenchie translates. “Only lasts 24 hours, all right? Break glass in case of emergencies, you know, like this one.” Butcher said. “And you give this to-to Hughie?” Frenchie asked. “I didn't give it to him. The thieving git must have broken into the case and nicked it.” Butcher said as he glares over at Hughie, who looks at him then stammers.
”Let's just find this thing and get the fսck out of here, all right?” Butcher said and M.M. turns to Hughie. “You're better than this, kid.” He said and Hughie scoffs. “Butcher, I'm...Look...I'm s...I'm sorry, okay? It's just, I...” Hughie said then he laughs softly and everyone walks away from him.
Butcher walks up to the large container and he grabs at the edges of the panel and pulls it open. Smoke billows out of it and everyone steps closer to it to see there was a person inside of it. The smoke starts to clear up and they see it is a man with long hair and a beard, a breathing mask was over his mouth and nose and he was restrained inside. The man lets out a breath which is filtered through the mask and he opens his eyes to look at them, Butcher recognized the man.
“Soldier Boy.” Butcher whispered, shocked. Soldier Boy moved his arms to break the restraints off of his arms then takes off the wires then the mask and starts to walk out of the tube, naked as the day he was born. He looks around at everyone then turns as Frenchie stands in front of him. “Ah... It's okay.” He tries to assure. 
Suddenly, a bright orange glow appears in his chest then bursts out of him, Soldier Boy yells as Kimiko runs to Frenchie and pushes him out of the way as she gets hit with the blast and crashes through the wall. The glow dissipates and Soldier Boy grunts then he stumbles through the hole in the wall and walks away.
“Kimiko. It's okay. Huh? It's okay.” Frenchie said as he goes to Kimiko, but she had a barbed wire through her abdomen and she wasn’t healing like she normally does. “She's not healing. Why she's not healing? Kimiko. Why does she not heal? Kimiko. She's not healing!” Frenchie panicked and the boys gather her up and carry her to their van.
@winchestergirl1720 @deans-spinster-witch @mimaria420 @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @kitsun369 @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @deangirl96 @demodemo909 @cassiecasluciluce
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citizenscreen · 4 months
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Director Richard Quine and Judy Holliday at Columbia Studios during filming of THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC (1956)
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cressida-jayoungr · 9 months
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One Dress a Day Challenge
Anything Goes December
Bell, Book and Candle / Kim Novak as Gillian Holroyd
This reversible leopard-print cape is not only attractive, but symbolic. It's the first article of clothing we see Gillian wear that isn't black or red, and it appears right after she decides to accept Shep's proposal of marriage. It first appears with the leopard side out, over a brilliant red base, when she finds out her brother has been collaborating on a book that threatens to expose New York's magical community. Later, we see it with the leopard side in, over a black dress and hood, when she decides to tell Shep the truth. After that, her clothes return to black and red until the very last scene, when she appears in springy pastels.
The costume designer for this movie was Jean Louis (Berthault), who also designed Gilda and won an Academy award for The Solid Gold Cadillac.
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rumbelleshowdown · 4 months
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Author: Azalaïs
Group: A
Prompts: A difference of opinion. Eternal sleep. Kitten.
Conjuring the Light
The message was at odds with the sunny, Storybrooke street onto which they turned. The rows of houses flanking the pavement advertised their welcome, and Belle fancied she could almost smell the cookies that awaited a visitor to any of the brightly painted homes.
“Are you sure this is the place, Rumple?”
“White Rose Way,” he said, naming the street. “I wrote it down exactly as the message said.”
“I’m not doubting you,” Belle said, looking up from Rumple’s handwriting, “Just… from the rest of the message I was expecting something far more…” she trailed off, running words through her head that might have appropriately completed the sentence.
“Sinister?” Rumple offered.
“Yes,” Belle agreed, “Sinis–”
The car lurched to a halt, driving the breath from her lungs, and she felt the sure, solid press of Rumple’s arm across her chest, adding to the seat belt’s restraint. She blinked, and watched as, from in front of the Cadillac, a barely grown, black and white kitten sauntered toward the sidewalk.  Once there, it turned a piercing glare toward them then bounded off in the direction of the houses.
“I suppose someone calling the Dark One for help could be considered an act of desperation.”
“Yes, not quite what you would expect,” Rumple agreed.
“Mr Gold.” The woman, Mrs Leigh, that met them at the door was an embodiment of relief as her bohemian skirts swirled to a stop around her calves. “Belle. Thank you both so much for coming.  I didn’t know where else to turn. She won’t wake, you see, and I thought to myself, if anyone will know what to do, it would be you.” She barely paused for breath before plunging on, “I’ve tried everything; everything I know: vapors, prayers, doctors… I even tried the nuns from the convent, but they wouldn’t even consider coming.  Said their Mother Superior forbade them getting involved in anything even remotely connected with–”
“A moment,” Rumple interrupted, holding up a hand and trying not to let his true feelings about the fairies show. “Won’t wake? Perhaps you’d better start at the beginning, and if you would, perhaps show us to your sister?”
“Of course,” Mrs Leigh said. “Please… come this way.”
The upstairs room to which she showed them was exactly as Gold had expected. The curtains were drawn, and the light from candles flickered against the walls, giving the illusion of movement among the vines and flowers that patterned the wallpaper.
“Candles?” Belle asked, and Rumple took a step closer as she wrapped her arms around herself.
“The strangest thing,” Mrs Leigh confirmed. “Can’t get the electricity to work in this room.” As if to prove her point she flipped the switch on the wall. Nothing happened and she turned to the couple almost apologetically.
“I assume you checked the breakers,” Belle asked.
“Several times.” The answer came with a shrug, and Rumple nodded, giving Belle’s arm a brief squeeze as he moved toward the woman’s sister that was lying insensate in the middle of the bed, as if in some kind of eternal sleep.
For a moment he leaned in closer, reaching out with his senses to try and detect the presence of poison, injury or any other reason she might be so afflicted - anything except magic. Something discouraged him from trying to identify the obvious.
“Might we, perhaps, open the curtains,” he asked, “To better see your sister?”
With another shrug, the woman reached for the drapes and began to draw them aside, letting a stringent shaft of light fall across where her sister’s hands lay folded on her chest, but as a sudden hiss echoed around them, she jumped away from the hanging fabric, and from the small, black and white shape that sprang up onto the bed, hissing with an arched back as if protecting the figure on the bed.
“Isn’t that–” Belle began, but Rumple interrupted with a glance that he hoped portrayed that they should wait to speak until they were alone.
“Perhaps you could,” he gestured toward the cat, that was turning circles and alternately growling at him, and at Belle, “remove your sister’s cat?  It might be easier for us to help without upsetting so staunch a defender as it is.”
“Don’t know what’s gotten into her,” Leigh replied, and as though the animal were as docile as a lamb, picked up the cat. The growling stopped, although the cat did not take her eyes off Rumple until, with apologies, the woman exited the room, carrying the cat with her.
“I don’t like this, Rumple.”  Belle said as the door closed. “There’s something… wrong - unnatural about that cat.”
Rumple shook his head.  “Cats often despise the Dark One, Belle,” he said. “We need not allow our imagination to get the better of us.”
“No, Rumple,” She disagreed, and he tipped his head to one side in query. They rarely had such a difference of opinion, and it troubled him more than he was willing to admit. “I know the way I feel, and I feel… this is wrong.”
“All right,” he said finally, “Let’s see what we can do now, and we’ll deal with whatever else might present itself later.”
“What do you need me to do?” Belle asked with a decisive nod.
“The curtains,” he said. “Light is always a good beginning.”
He offered her a smile, and she squeezed his arm, returning the smile, but more than that, he could feel the love radiating from her in deep waves.
As the daylight flooded the room, he reached into the inner pocket of his jacket to pull out the dagger. It was heavy in his hand, and already rushing with the power of detection; magic calling to like magic. A flush of darkness passed along each of the letters of the name engraved upon it, echoed in a glimmer of darkness on Hadig’s hand.
“Hidden,” he murmured. “See?”
With slow deliberation, he moved the dagger through the air above the stricken woman’s hand, and slowly, where once her finger had been empty, a simple, silver ring resolved upon her hand.
“That’s it?” Belle asked.
“The source of the magic,” he said, then corrected himself, “curse… upon the unfortunate Ms Hadig.”
“So we…?” 
“When a curse is tied to an object, like a ring, it’s usually a case of, ‘remove the ring, remove the curse’,” he said, then started back when Belle cried out a shrill warning as he moved to do just that.
“Shouldn’t you…?” she asked, but he shook his head.
“So long as I hold the dagger, then whatever power is left in the curse will be drawn to it.  It won’t–”
Belle snatched the dagger from his hand and before he could even find his equilibrium again, leaned over the woman and reached for the ring.
“Belle!” he warned, but she turned to him and he could see fire burning in her expression.
“I won’t let you do this, Rumple,” she said fiercely, “You already do so much for this town, and with no respect, or even recognition. Everyone just comes running to you when they want something, and running faster when they need someone to blame.”
Without warning she tugged at the silver ring and it slid from Hadig’s finger with a visible wave of energy that swirled around Belle for too long for Rumple’s comfort, before flowing into the tip of the dagger, like a film played in reverse.
“Belle!” he called again, and from the room below came a angry, but fading, feline howl.
“I’m all right,” Belle whispered, clearly shaken, and Rumple reached over, gently took both ring and dagger from her hands, then drew her into his arms. “I’m fine.”
“No more heroics,” he murmured against her temple. “I always knew what my role would be in Storybrooke, and I accept it, though… I’m humbled that you don’t.”
A soft moan interrupted further conversation, and they both turned to watch as Hadig slowly began to wake.
They made the drive home in silence, lost in their thoughts and emotions. Belle glanced, every now and then, Rumple’s way and wondered how much truth there was in his assertion of humility as a response to her vehement opinion of her fellow former residents of a world where magic and curses were the norm.
She sighed as Rumple turned the Cadillac into the driveway of the old Victorian, and stifled a small yawn, looking forward to drawing a hot bath, and then curling up in bed with Rumple and a good book.
“You coming?” Rumple’s amusement brought her from her daydream and she looked up to find him standing beside her door to help her from the car.
At his side, she tensed suddenly, a flash of black and white crossed the twighlight dimmed lawn… but then was gone.
She shook her head as Rumple asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she said. “Just my imagination playing games with me.  Must be more tired than I thought.”
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north-blue-hearts · 1 year
Family Practice
CisFem Reader x Trafalgar Law
CW: sex, language, violence
Summary: Modern Mafia-coded AU starts in last semester of College
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Chapter 10: Opera-Rational
You didn’t have anything super fancy for the opera, and you didn’t want to wear the Christmas dress you’d worn for Pops’ party. You could’ve spent the morning shopping for a new dress, but that sounded exhausting, so instead you settled on a solid black dress with cap sleeves. Nude nylons and deep navy dress shoes that helped accent the lighter blue sheer shawl. Finished off with a silver entwined heart-shaped lapis lazuli pendant necklace on a silver chain and a pair of silver earrings.
As far as you were concerned the best part about the simple little black dress was that it had a couple of respectable pockets. Enough at least for your wallet in one and your keys in the other.
Checking your reflection in the mirror you made sure that your hair was staying in place, you hadn’t done much more than pull it into a bun, a thin cage of silver twining around it, a single silver stick pierced through the whole thing. You had considered gold accessories, but you didn’t have many in the first place, and despite the doctor’s pale yellow eyes, silver seemed better suited.
His eyes did seem to shift between grey and pale yellow, depending on the light and his mood. It made you wonder if yours did as well, but there was no way you were going to ask.
Your phone buzzes and you pick it up.
“Hey,” you say, face going red in response to your unexpectedly shy tone. You put your hand over your face. “Are you here, Pre-Med?” You ask, trying to cover for yourself.
“Yeah, I’m a little early so don’t feel rushed.”
“Mm, I was just finishing up. Think it’ll be fine to leave my phone here?”
“If you’re worried about it going off during the opera you can leave it in the car.” He offers. “If your brothers call you and you don’t answer within a couple hours, they might descend on the campus.”
You laugh. “Yeah, that’s a valid point. Alright, I’ll be down in a minute.”
Doing one final check you head out of the apartment and down to the parking lot. You see Law waiting for you. His suit is semi-casual, not unlike your dress, black slacks and a white long-sleeves shirt under a simple suit jacket. There’s a powder blue, almost grey pocket square in the breast pocket and a silver chain around his neck.
You’d seen him dress nice for the Christmas party, but the difference between that and this was pretty stark. Neither were bad, but you were left with the distinct impression that this time, compared to that time, he was trying to look appealing more than simply presentable.
You wondered vaguely just how interesting an opera could possibly be, but any teasing remarks you had died on your lips when you got a better look at his car.
“I’m sorry, is that a hearse?” You ask, stepping around to get a better look. The absolute delight in your voice causes him to visibly relax.
“Wow, a Cadillac.” You lean in and look at the interior. “Older model, I don’t even know what year. It reminds me of Tiny Dancer though.”
“Close enough to the same year.” Law admits. “Which reminds me, you never told me about why that car is called that.” He says, opening the passenger side door for you.
“I never intend to.” You reply, turning away with a haughty gesture before seating yourself. You take a moment to appreciate the inside of the car as Law comes around and gets in the driver’s seat. “Wow, did you restore the interior or?”
“Rosi did before he gifted it to me.” He explains. “I’ve barely had time to maintain it properly lately.”
You smile. “I would love to meet Rosinante.” You turn to put your seatbelt on and can’t find it. Looking back over at Law you give him a sheepish smile. “No seatbelts? In a hearse? Little on the nose, you think?”
“It’s there,” he replies with a smile, leaning across the seat and reaching past you.
You catch the look in his eye and slight smile on his face and feel your whole face go red. You turn your face away, and curse that this stoic-faced bastard can at least manage to look calm. Is it his body heat making you feel warm, or are you heating up all on your own.
“Just for today,” he says softly, voice by your ear, warm breath slipping along your neck. “We’re not college students, right?”
You can feel his lips by your neck, the taut coil of his body near you, his hand on the leather seat tensing in restraint and anticipation. The intensity is more than you’ve felt from him before, but maybe it was the cost of deciding to hold back. Drawing a line in the sand causes more tension than if it wasn’t there at all.
You tilt your head, offering your neck as your hands tighten against the skirt of your dress. “Just for today.” You agree quietly.
Cool dry lips press against your neck gently. Maybe they only feel cool because you feel so warm, but the hot wet tongue that follows behind the kiss betrays the heat within him as well. You close your eyes at the sensation and moan softly at the gentle and pleasurable feeling that sinks into you. The gentle, restrained actions slide up your neck until teeth are teasing the shell of your ear.
“Haa-how long is the Opera?” You stammer over the question, adjusting your head a little to help him.
“Three hours.” He murmurs, voice and breath hot against your skin.
“Hnnngh, and dinner?” You ask, nervous laughter bubbling up as his hand slides down your arm.
“Half that.” He answers, teeth nipping at your neck a little before he puts his head on your shoulder.
You let out a breath, leaning your cheek against his head. “Oh boy.”
“How are we going to make it another semester when I barely want to wait five hours?”
“… Do we… need to stop altogether?” He asks, and you know there’s effort in his voice to keep it steady.
You consider things for a moment and shake your head. “No. I… I’d rather struggle, honestly.”
You hear a small sigh of relief from Law before he sits up. Kissing your cheek, he reaches across you again and pulls the seatbelt free, pulling it across and buckling you in.
“We can consider the next five hours practice for the semester.” He says, turning the keys and bringing the unique vehicle to life.
You laugh. “Yes, three months of time divided into five-hour increments. What’s that? Roughly three hundred and sixty increments for the semester?”
“Don’t sulk,” you tease. “I like that dorky side of you just as much as the rest, Pre-Med.”
“Dorky?” He prompts.
“Nerdy? Geeky? Don’t try to deny it, I saw you fan-boying over the new Sora movie.”
Law flinches and grunts again.
“Plus, Penguin-.” You stop and look away as you see him glance at you. “Ah, nothing.”
“Hmm.” Law doesn’t press the issue and after a few minutes you’re both talking about random things as you make your way to the Opera House.
You heard Law grumble a little as he realized that the Opera House had valet parking only. As he parked, he pointed at you and then the seat.
“Stay put.” He says, not glancing back as he steps out of the hearse. Your confusion turns into a smile as he comes around the car and opens the door for you, offering his hand as you step out. Despite the hurried pace to beat the valet to your door, he manages to still look mostly stoic.
You do your best to suppress the knowing grin as you take his offered hand. “Quite the gentleman, I see.”
“Hardly.” He grumbles, but you can see his ears turning pink.
Making your way through the grand lobby, you find an usher to guide you to your seats. Her eyes widen a little when she notices the location, and she smiles as she walks over to a more isolated part of the hall. The usher then hands you off to a tall gentleman who can’t be called anything sort of a butler, given his dress and stature, and he leads you the rest of the way to your seats.
He makes polite small talk as he guides you, offering tidbits about the Opera House and the play itself. He gives you each a leather-bound play guide, and opera glasses. Unlike other guests you are free to enter and exit your private box whenever you wish, and he points out where the nearest restroom is. There is an assortment of simple snacks available, and he can also bring you whatever drinks you’d like.
After you were seated you turned to Law and started to ask a question when he put a hand up.
“I won’t say how much the tickets cost, (Y/N)-ya.” He says flatly.
Closing your mouth, you sit back in your chair. “… I feel like I should’ve put in more effort. A long flowing ballgown, silver and blue with like pearls in my hair or something.” You mutter. “Something closer to whatever you saw in your dream.”
“You look even bet-.” Law stops, deer in the headlights look on his face for a second before he opens up a copy of the play guide and becomes deeply interested in it.
You beat back the desire to tease him, opening your own copy of the play guide, and smile quietly to yourself. The air between you is a little awkward, but it’s cute. Your quite sure you’ve both fallen harder than you meant to, especially since you never meant to fall at all, but there are responsibilities on the horizon. You both want to be dependable and independent, and that balance is the real struggle.
Between the play guide and your own linguistics knowledge, you were able to keep up with the Opera better than you had expected. During the intermission you geeked out to Law about root words and etymologies, and pointed out some inconsistencies in the play guide.
“I mean, I’m not fluent in Italian, but-.” Law reaches up and sweeps your hair behind your ear. The motion barely touches your skin, but you feel your face flush. “But I… um…” Your thought leaves you and a gentle hand pulls you into a soft kiss, fleeting despite the privacy your seating allows.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to break your explanation.” He says, leaning back into his seat.
“I – no, I mean, it’s fine.” You lean back into your seat in a daze for a moment and suddenly felt a little aggravated. It wasn’t a bad sort of aggravated, but in the two months you’d become friends with Law you had seen, and been informed, of all the doofy and awkward things about him. He was a total nerd, a complete and utter geek who had the luck to look good without trying. His aloof and mysterious nature was neither aloof nor mysterious, he was just socially awkward and learned keeping quiet was the best option.
You, however, were not socially awkward. Growing up in the chaos that was the Whitebeard Estate had made you nearly as loud and proud as the rest of them. You knew how to fight, verbally and physically, and while you had you own share of hard times, you’d never really felt reserved or awkward.
Except for right now.
Somehow this emo nerd had you wrapped around his finger and the worst part of it was, you were enjoying it. You didn’t even want to try and wrest control away, and you weren’t sure what to do with that.
A cool sensation on the top of your hand pulls you from your thoughts, and you realize Law’s fingers are tentatively reaching for yours. You press your lips together as you smile, after the kisses you had exchanged, and even his demeanor earlier, he seemed so shy and unsure about holding your hand of all things.
Something about it melted your heart. You turned away as you moved your fingers, tangling the two hands together softly. The theater lights dimmed, but you were certain you were both a couple of awkward idiots, barely aware of the Opera for a few minutes until your heartbeat settled.
After the Opera ended you head to your dinner reservation. The car ride is quiet, but not uncomfortable, or at least, not uncomfortable in a bad way. Ever loquacious and filled with quips, you find you can’t think of something to say. The Opera was good, the tickets were great, the view was wonderful, the perspective was perfect. It didn’t matter if the dinner reservations were going to be at a drive-thru, it had already been a fantastic date.
Especially for a first date.
Dinner was good. The restaurant was nice without being overly fancy. The food was good too, you were certain, even though you could hardly remember what you had ordered, let alone remembering having eaten it.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the end of the date, the final destination of the evening. It wasn’t that you hadn’t enjoyed everything else, but something during that intermission, the sweet kiss, the tender entanglement of your fingers as the house lights had dimmed, something had caused your brain to kind of short circuit.
You wanted a deeper kiss, you wanted more than just your fingers to be in his hands. Just for one night. Just for tonight. Just a little bit. You could focus on your final semester and go back to being college students after tonight. There were a lot tomorrows after this one, and once you were both graduated you could focus on each other, a little bit more.
Walking down the hall to your hotel room you considered for a moment abandoning your job prospects and just working for Law. Helping with the clinic – crossing the desert if you needed to.
You shake your head a little, coming to your senses. Thirst wasn’t bad, but you couldn’t let yourself be drowned by it. You both had things that you wanted to do, that were important to you, and those things didn’t diminish the importance of one another. The importance of those things wasn’t diminished by your connection either. The key to it all was balance.
As well as the two of you could manage it.
For tonight, however, balance wasn’t the concern.
Tonight, the goal was to drown – at least for a little bit.
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For over forty years, Louis designed clothes for almost every star in Hollywood. Around sixty of his designs appeared in movies, and he was eventually nominated for 13 Academy Awards. Some of his clients included Ginger Rogers, Irene Dunne, Lana Turner, Vivien Leigh, Joan Crawford, Julie Andrews, Katharine Hepburn, and Judy Garland. Some of his film credits included, A Star Is Born, Ship of Fools, From Here to Eternity, Thoroughly Modern Millie, and he won an Oscar for his designs in The Solid Gold Cadillac in 1956.
Jean Louis (1907-1997)
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It Should Happen to You
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Pauline Kael used to say that screwball comedy was killed by pressure groups that didn’t want to see their demographics held up to ridicule. I don’t know how true that is, but certainly the more serious bent in American life following World War II helped create a world where nobody wanted to see themselves as screwballs. Then along came Judy Holliday. She had no trouble assuming Carole Lombard’s mantle as “the daffy Duse,” even if her films kept making us pay for laughing with her. For most of George Cukor’s IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU (1954, Criterion Channel, Tubi), she’s deliciously demented as a young woman determined to become famous for being famous. Unlike in BORN YESTERDAY (1950), where we’re asked to pay for all the fun by having her learn the error of her ways, this film’s resolution isn’t all that traumatic. In fact, she’s allowed to remain as screwy as she was at the start.
Gladys Glover (Holliday) originally came to New York to make a name for herself. When she loses her job as a girdle model, instead of using her savings to return to Binghamton, NY, to marry the second man who proposes, she rents a billboard on Columbus Circle and plasters her name on it. A big-time soap magnate (Peter Lawford), who wants the sign for his company, trades her six other prominent billboards, and suddenly she’s a celebrity. That doesn’t sit well with her boyfriend (Jack Lemmon, in his first billed film role), a documentarian who finds her thirst for celebrity distasteful, but it lands her an unscrupulous manager (Michael O’Shea) only too happy to make a fortune off her.
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Garson Kanin’s screenplay is smart. He takes his potshots at celebrity culture, TV and advertising without lingering over them, and having written three earlier films with Holliday knows exactly the kinds of lines that work for her high-pitched, perpetually surprised delivery. Cukor directs all this gracefully. His tracking shots are almost musical. And he helped Lemmon adapt to film acting by showing him how to keep his performance grounded in reality. The two stars work beautifully (they’d reunite later that year for the very good divorce comedy PHFFFT). His offhand line delivery matches up with her pixilated line readings to give their scenes an improvisatory sense. Most of them feel lighter than air. Even Lawford comes off well, in a mostly thankless role. When he tries to seduce Holliday, his physical grace is sexy but also funny.
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It's a curious thing, though. Holliday was typed as dumb blondes, but it’s really grating to hear her called “dumb” on screen. Broderick Crawford had to pay for it big time in BORN YESTERDAY, as do the crooked executives who don’t take her seriously in THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC (1956). So, when her fight scenes with Lemmon lead to his calling her stupid, it feels wrong. She’s given us too much fun for us to accept that she’s merely stupid, particularly since she’s been smart enough to get what she wanted. It’s a major accomplishment that Kanin and Cukor get the film back on track quickly and regain the buoyancy of Holliday’s earlier scenes. With Connie Gilchrist as a wise-cracking landlady, Whit Bissell as an advertising executive, Jack Benny foil Frank Nelson as, what else, a floorwalker, John Saxon in an early bit as a teen in Central Park, and Constance Bennett, Ilka Chase and Wendy Barrie as themselves. It’s some kind of comment on celebrity that even cast as herself, Barrie can’t play a believable human being.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Avon Gold Cadillac Cologne Bottle.
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
The exterior is fully carbon fiber, but the interior is something else… ...
This is how it goes this is a prova and it is a known supercar and we're making them and we are producing the real thing and shipping them and it's rose gold which is a real gold it's not pure gold it's tainted with ruby red it comes from South America and it's beautiful and it's very Latino and a sudden they recognizes it's on everything almost that's down there and people use the fake one and it's a fake paint and color so he wants to make his own super car company and he has one and he wants to make a car of Bradley GT the new one and with that color on the whole car and vital and got his wife says nobody will keep it and it says it's a civil for people who can hold on to it it's a status symbol and he wants to go ahead with it and he wants to go ahead and make the color like that in every country with the color of the gold is famous and a lot of countries it's yellow but not really in America it's more like a Amber and it's a rich gold and it's high quality Africa is a yellow gold it's more yellow than you think and in Egypt is still the same in Russia it's almost pure solid gold which is an orangish gold it's a rich gold color so he's going to start doing that and that's for a special edition and they're going to go ahead and start making these and he's going to personalize some of these badly GT and name them after people who are helping him and not necessarily after dead people. There's a name for his homeroom teacher and he's going to make a model after it it's kind of a sleeper car and that's the kind of guy he is and you can't tell us real fast like he had his Oldsmobile up to 120 and people thought I could never go that fast and his cake is a Kawasaki went real fast it was a fast bike and he knew it would be answer 175 and it's rare and it was big and he wrote it real well and he's big guy back then it's 6'4 no he was 6'7 and he still looked at normal on it and even the KTM looks a little small this bike was nice and our son loved it and it was huge and he could not keep up with it at all and he's going fast okay 65 and his pulling away all the time from him up to 80. His arm 100 his ass is in the air he couldn't do it so after the race you start laughing cuz he remembered him trying to beat him all the time he couldn't keep up at all and he finally did it but with his own bike so it wasn't really that fun. He might do other crazy things but it's a good idea; it's Mr Novak and that's what it was it was with a c so he'll put a k and it means something and it means something good it's like progressive and be a sleeper and look like a Mercedes and c4 a little bit it actually Preston likes it it's going to have some beef those kind of cars really haul and this car with that in the front would be down but would probably go about 800 mph so he wants one. So now Thor Freya are enthused and then going to make the Big Joe this is aggressive muscle car it looks like a huge Cadillac with giant wheels and tires tons of people buy it and it's going to be a garage special the Bradley GT will be too so people are going to be assembling them in garages pretty soon all over the world they want the gold and it means what it means
Thor Freya
Olympus so when you're starting off this he started the song styling and people are making the song up now and Josh and company. Now Thor Freya are making their song and Hera was helping me the song so it's cool it's true too cuz he's getting tired
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mastermoverstn · 1 year
Master Movers
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Located in the heart of Downtown Nashville, the Frist Art Museum is a must-see for those who appreciate the beauty of artworks. The museum houses both permanent and traveling exhibits.
The Grand Ole Opry is held at the Ryman Auditorium. Country music fans are sure to enjoy this venue. In this region, there is also the Johnny Cash Museum and Country Music Hall of Fame.
From country to rock, hip-hop to classical, every genre of music can be found in Nashville. You can enjoy watching the crowds at the famous honky tonks or want to tour the Country Music Hall of Fame, there's always something fun to do for all ages in this music city.
Nashville Sound was born in the 1950s. It shifted the country from a honky-tonk style with fiddles to a more smooth style using string instruments.
One of the most memorable landmarks of Music City is the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge, named for the editor of a local newspaper who prevented a suicidal teen from jumping off. The bridge has stunning views of downtown Nashville.
Nashville is a fantastic destination for anyone who enjoys live music with high energy, peace and quiet. Its connection to music goes back almost 200 years, and its name as "Music City" is deserved.
Nashville's standing as a nationwide music center was cemented in 1925 with the birth of the Grand Ole Opry. The Opry still plays there each week. Music Row is an area with recording studios, restaurants, and other businesses that deal with music. Numerous famous musicians reside in this area.
The Country Music Hall of Fame honors the genre with various exhibits including Elvis the solid-gold Cadillac. Nashville is also a major hub for crossover genres, as well as contemporary artists, including alternative rock and Pop. JEFF The Brotherhood's Jack White's, and Paramore's home base is in Nashville.
Nashville was a city that grew rapidly after the Civil War. It was a modern city, but it remained true to its ideals and customs. Nashville was one of the cities to witness the establishment of many universities during this time. From HBCUs like Fisk to Vanderbilt University the city gained its status as the Athens of the South thanks to its emphasis on higher education.
In 1897 the Centennial Exposition took place in Nashville. A wood and stucco replica of the Parthenon was built to commemorate the occasion. The city originally intended to demolish it after the fair. However, they decided to preserve the structure.
Who We Are
Master Movers has been a highly successful local moving business since the Spring of 2000. Thanks to word-of-mouth and loyal customers, we now service more than 10,000 clients each year by helping them move safely, efficiently, and affordably. People are raving about us online! Why? Because at Master Movers we really do care, we do what we say, and we don’t overcharge.
If you are looking to find the right type of Master Movers Nashville look no further other than Master Movers.
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Master Movers 3200 West End Ave #500, Nashville, Tennessee, 37203, United States (615) 254-6683
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teddyteddycatt · 1 year
I really like to tell ridiculous lies with a straight face.
One time I convince my manager that Neil Armstrong died on the moon during the first moon landing. Not only that, but also that his remains weren’t able to be recovered and NASA felt so bad about it that they then landed a solid gold 1970 Cadillac on the moon as a memorial because it was his favorite car.
He believed me fully.
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coldkingface · 1 year
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Hells highway:
Rolling down the highway to hell, black Cadillac,windows tinted the darkest of the darkest black. This Cadillac has ferried some of the worst of. Society. I'm listening to Yella wolf, pop the trunk. Born on the treacherous streets of Jamaica, not could shake the operator, of the black Cadillac, smoking reefer as strong as the heavens themselves, watching and waiting for the demons to greet me at the gates with open arms, I don't see fire,but I smell brimstone. I don't see ash, but I hear the screams of a million men, the howl of a million more feminine tortured souls, and I hear the growl of the Cadillac exhaust, burning fumes, the aura looms, and in the heat of that darkness, the realization the many a mighty of man has fallen under the sullen gaze of this reality,not at all aware were they are going, not asking the driver....are we there yet, the evil demonic entity behind the wheel, and shuttling everyone towards those, fire enlaid gates of damnation, All the while I laying the damaged to the wayside and I'm going to open the trunk, and unleash these heavenly weapons of salvation, and the passengers no naught of the impending battle they are about to face, and face it they will for redemption is afoot, welcome home to your hell hole the demons will greet, as the ferry man grabs something not to descreet, from under the black sheet, solid gold sceptre, power from above...The gods have given him a staff to destroy the towers of Beelzebub , and send the signal, the war is one, the black Cadillac flies through the gates,like a missile on a guided trail...oh shit, aww hell, see redemption or sell cells...But no matter where the path to hell takes us, weep for the roads less traveled, feel elated for the road behind you, because you may not return, this Cadillac is on a one way trip to rip the souls, from the bodies of those in cahoots with Satan himself, they say holy war, I say holy score....
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citizenscreen · 24 days
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Judy Holliday and Paul Douglas for Richard Quine’s THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC (1956)
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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The Solid Gold Cadillac (1956) Richard Quine
September 17th 2022
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daniellesdarrieux · 5 years
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Marilyn Hanold as Miss L’Arrière in The Solid Gold Cadillac (1956)
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oldfilmsflicker · 3 years
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August 2021 in Films | the diary of a film history fanatic
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