#the snake motifs...
spiritsong · 3 months
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can we take a moment to appreciate Neve's outfit though
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hrokkall · 8 months
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Everybody wants your head on a platter
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ninadove · 2 years
By the way anyone who ever said Camila was an abusive mother owes me $1,000
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tapefish · 2 years
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dont worry about me, got all the luck I need
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lemonpoet · 4 days
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Sketchy Athena design I made for my upcoming Little Wolf (and future) animatic(s) :D !!!
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sarcophagid · 1 month
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lord of the high tower, a walking sun
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also shoutout to my mutual nel for the braid inspo
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raayllum · 11 months
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You don't control anything. And that terrifies you.
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deadly-duo · 12 days
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Joker + Serpent Motif
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tinycowboyart · 3 months
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Time to share another one wip! I’m doing a painting for the first time in years, so we’ll see how it goes! So far I’ve only done the colour blocking
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chronurgy · 2 months
Now I'm imagining Durge as a saint too, a living saint to the Bhaalists
What would your durge be the patron saint of, and what would their halo and saintly regalia and symbols be?
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soullessjack · 3 months
thinking about the headcanon where jack gives super tight spine-popping hugs and pairing it with an oh so wondrous vision of a snake coiling himself around the unfortunate mice he’s decided to love forever
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mazzystar24 · 9 months
Don’t mind me just thinking about how the snake is a symbol of rebirth (in most cultures due to obvious reasons) but also immortality (Ancient Mesopotamians believed snakes are immortal) and about how Lucy gray sort of adopts snakes as her symbol (her dress, her introduction, her snake jewellery after the games,etc) and how Lucy gray was “reborn” (despite the fact that I don’t believe that she’s dead) in the later years in katniss and peeta and the revolution but also how she is immortal in the sense that you never know what happened to her but also in the sense that she lives on in her music
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arachnestwilight · 3 months
your mlp au is so cool!!! literally im in love! could I request a doodle w ibara/any information abt him? i love the design you made him
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I'm so happy to hear that you like the AU!! <3
I need you to know that most of the canon-divergent changeling lore in this whole thing, came from me trying to figure out how to make changeling Ibara work. Subsequently, I have more ideas written down for this pink anime boy than I thought I would, when I started--I've never exactly been an expert in... anything that Eden and its members have going on. :P
He is very resistant to the idea of metamorphosis, under the assumption that he wouldn't be able to adequately protect himself with the lighter exoskeleton and dull teeth of metamorphosed changelings, but also that "someone of his nature" couldn't possibly have love to share, anyway. In the meantime, he hasn't felt hungry or had to feed on love at all in the past few years--almost like he's been unconsiously sharing love with the creatures around him, in spite of what he thinks himself capable or incapable of, or something.
Since he's related to the Godfather, he is actually part pony. Due to this, he doesn't have insect-like compound eyes, like other changelings do--his eyes are, instead, more pony-like... Please don't think too much about the anatomical workings of any of this, I just needed a reason why a changeling would need glasses. Because I apparently can't retcon the magic horse lore I completely made up and never posted anywhere.
I might scrible up a comic about this at some point, but when he first made up the disguise of "Rosethorn", he'd given himself a far less elaborate cutiemark--think a clipboard and quill, without the rose-like flourish/theme--in order to blend in with crowds easier. He only changed it after being pestered by Sunshine Weather and Marble Aether to pick something nicer for himself. And he somehow still thinks nopony has caught on to him being a changeling.
I hope this information on him is to your liking. :V
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intergalactic-garbage · 2 months
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picrew links: makówka / S0DAPVNK / Nuggts / rayvpng / hellosunnycore / veluv / PotatoLord (my fav<3) / nellseto
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jelzorz · 4 months
sbcw2.3: but Rayla was in trouble
It happens in front of everyone. There is Soren, keeping Ezran away from the danger, and Rayla at Claudia's feet, and Callum forced to make an impossible choice, only it's not impossible, not for him, and the decision is all too easy to make.
He hands over the cube. Rayla walks free.
Aaravos does too.
Rayla yells at him afterwards because of course she does, because she is notoriously suicidal and would rather die than let anyone else be hurt in her place. That's what the choice was, wasn't it? Her or everyone. And it should have been everyone, she'd said; she should have just died, she'd said, but Callum can't fathom it—won't fathom it, and she understands, in the end, because she would have done the same and they both know it.
Callum expects that to be the end of it, but the animosity he receives from Soren is less expected. Soren is silent, but furious. He's made a concerted effort to be sunnier these last two years, but there is ice in the way that he glares, and salt in the things he doesn't say.
They had back to Katolis without speaking, without looking at each other, because Callum can feel his disapproval from the other side of Queen Zubeia's back, and he is not in the mood to be judged. Still there is judgement, still there is there is mountain of things Soren says without saying, and Callum ignores it until he can't, and the accusation spills from his mouth.
"You think I should have let her die."
Soren tilts his head at him slowly, his jaw clenched tightly shut. The council chambers fall silent. Callum scowls from across the table.
Soren rolls his neck like he's rallying for a fight. "I think it should have been a harder decision to make," he says shortly.
"It was the only decision to make."
"Was it?"
"Yeah," snaps Callum. "Rayla was in trouble. Your sister would have killed her if I didn't do it. What the hell would you have done?"
"Minimum, I would have thought about it a little."
Callum actually laughs. "You're talking to me about thinking about something a little?"
"Yeah, actually," snarls Soren, "because we all love to pretend I'm an idiot but I'm Captain of your brother's Crown Guard for a reason. I'm on this council for a reason. Your duty is to him, to advise him, and you couldn't put your head on straight for one fucking second just because you're so fucking blinded—"
"Were you not listening?" barks Callum. "You were there! Rayla was in trouble! Claudia would have killed her!"
"And now," seethes Soren, "she's killed all of us! You've killed all of us! Open your eyes, Callum, Rayla's not in any less trouble now because you chose her over everyone else. We're still fucked. Because of you."
"What the fuck would you have done?"
Soren snorts bitterly and pushes away from the table, chair legs scraping loudly against the floor. "Not this," he mutters.
Callum sets his jaw. "I see," he says darkly.
"That's the problem," says Soren. "You don't."
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tanuki-kimono · 11 months
Hello! I love your blog bc it helps me a lot with writing and crafting. Thank you so much for making it!
Are there any patterns that deal with poison? Either in the pattern or in the dyeing process?
Even if there's not I'm glad you and this blog exist 💗
(anon continues) Poison in the dyeing process, like when green dresses were dyed with copper arsenite and it was extremely deadly.
Or a pattern of someone being poisoned, like a historical/folktale.
Thank you for your kind words <3 I tried to keep things organized but the subject is huge so my of the top of my head answer is going in many directions. I hope you'll still find what you need :3
I'll briefly cover here dyes and (pigments), poison motifs, real life and supernatural poisonings. Buckle up we've got a long post ahead!
Tbh I had to think for a moment because I don't recall major "poison" stories linked to dyes in Japan, be it fictionous or real (yet that doesn't mean none ever happened, especially considering Japan's history of industrial poisonings...).
Most gruesome details in the fabric industries I know of are about the horrific life & work conditions of female laborers in spinning mill manufactures (as in many countries, Japan industrialization process was ghastly...).
If potters and dyers had excellent practical knowledge, chemistry as a science officially started kind of late in Japan as it was not a local interest, and as rangaku (study of Western knowledge) often favored other subjects like medicine or warfare.
So, until the introduction of aniline dyes (not textile related, but this article about the use of synthetic dyes in ukiyoe printing is super interesting), Japanese worked with "natural" dyes, like ai (indigo) which was the most used during Edo period.
As with any ingredient, being natural doesn't equal safety. Some mixtures could be quite potent/foul, and process could be dangerous. Plants and minerals base ingredients could be toxic (cinnabar and orpiments were then used as paint pigments, and lead could be found in make up), as were mordants used to set colors.
If you want to easily overview which ingredients were used to create colors, I recommand browsing [Irocore] which presents colors with explanation in English in their database (pick a color then scroll down).
Not related to poison, but ai (indigo) is traditionally prepared in aigame/enormous floor set jars I find utterly terrifying:
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I don't know if this tidbit can help you, but some dyes and mordants actually damage the fabric overtime, leaving them brittle (silk desintegrates after a while which is a huge issue in textile conservation).
Concerning "poison" themed patterns, none would be actually used traditionally on a kimono or an obi beside novelty items ^^;
For example, many plants can be toxic, but I don't see them set as pattern for this property - they'd rather refer to a poem, be a symbol of the passing of seasons etc. Fuji (wisteria) can be quite harmful, yet it's a beloved traditional motif in Japan.
You have much more chances to find pattern with kujaku (peacock) which are thought to be impervious to poison in Buddhism, than say venomous mukade (centipede) or the horrific ômukade (a youkai I covered in a folktale).
Snakes like the habu and mamushi are dangerous, but if used as pattern snakes are most often auspicious and linked to rain dragons or goddess Benzaiten.
If you squint hard, toxic fugu could count as poison pattern, but such a seasonal delicacy as a motif would mostly underline wealth (as those fishes are pretty expensive as they are prepared by specialized chefs), a kind of carpe diem spirit, or just a fun pattern because fugu balloon shape is cute ;)
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Poisoning was certainly a thing is Japan since ancient times (see kodoku sorcery). Poisons were for example used in some fishing techniques.
I am pretty sure some kuge and buke were disposed of this way - even thought poison was seen as a coward weapon (hence why its supposed to be only used by shinobi/ninja - even if this "fact" is opened to a lot of discussions!).
During Edo period, such murders made up the news and penny dreadful-like illustrated books favored by city dwellers in need of a fright. But those stories didn't pass to posterity beside cheap ukiyoe plates, and were never as popular as some shinjû (double suicides) or ghost revenges like poor poisoned and murdered Oiwa's:
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If your poison is both physical and metaphorical illbeing, mushi could be your guys ^^ This term actually covers everything small and crawling, from real worms and insects, to anything inside one's body causing distress - be it a parasite, an unknown illness, an overboard emotion, a curse etc. If you've read/seen Mushishi you've got what I mean:
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In fact any illness-causing being could count as poison-bringer. Hôsôkami (smallpox demon) was truly feared by all before vaccination was introduced in Japan.
Finally, continuing the supernatural poisoning trail, best girl is probably legendary fox witch Tamamo no Mae who among other terrible deeds made emperor Konoe fall sick with poisonous miasma (some version of the story attributes the disease to another monster, the nue). I covered a similar murderous kitsune folktale here.
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