#the slasher creepypasta
thex01011000 · 1 month
Olá! Estou acompanhando essa conta agora e me interessei muito pelos personagens apresentados, mas tenho uma pequena dúvida. Como faço para saber o contexto da cabana? Tipo, eu vejo mencionado, mas não sei exatamente o que é, ou quem são todos os seus integrantes. Pensei em ir atrás de pesquisar sozinha, mas acho que pedir uma orientação não faria mal kksksksks
Espero que não seja muito incômodo! Eu li a história dos personagens The X e o TLS há muito tempo atrás, e agora, depois de anos, me veio a memória dessas narrativas incríveis e me vejo um pouco perdida em meio a um universo que parece ser bem mais extenso do que eu imaginava na época que li pela primeira vez. Devo dizer com todas as palavras que admiro muito, e que levo como inspiração para criar meus próprios personagens!
Enfim, escrevi demais. Peço perdão! Ksksksksksk. Espero que responda, aguardarei alegremente. <3
ADM: Olá chuchu. Peço perdão também pela falta de informações, a gente acaba criando as coisas e esquece de repassar boa parte para o publico IDUSAHJIA. Vou tentar explicar o contexto da cabana o mais simples possível.
Primeiramente, a cabana era parte de uma antiga vila do velho oeste no Canadá, mas depois de muitos e muitos anos como uma "vila fantasma", a natureza foi tomando de volta, deixando apenas destroços e vegetação, os únicos lugares habitáveis que sobraram foram essa cabana -que muito provavelmente era casa de alguma figura importante, já que era a única casa mais "forte" dali- e uma igreja abandonada que não fica muito perto da cabana mas também não muito longe. Tendo isso em mente, podemos começar com os pioneiros: The X (Dimitri), TLS (Shiro), Morcego (Lucas). Cada um deles não tinha mais para onde ir após serem consumidos pelo Operador, e vagavam por aí sem rumo, dormindo em lugares desconfortáveis e tentando sobreviver sozinhos sem serem pegos, tudo isso enquanto ainda trabalhavam para o Operador quando ele precisava, então todos eles precisavam de um lugar para ficar. Então veja bem, a primeira vez que cada um deles fugiu da vida como conheciam, não necessariamente foi ao mesmo tempo que o outro, por exemplo, Shiro foi infectado muito antes do Dimitri e do Lucas, assim como Lucas foi infectado antes de Dimitri mas só conseguiu escapar muito depois, quando Dimitri já estava "sumido". Eles não faziam ideia de que existiam outras pessoas iguais a eles na época. Shiro foi o primeiro deles a chegar no Canadá, porém Treal Mattino (Magda) já estava por lá nos esgotos e em lugares escondidos, ela o ajudou quando ele estava ferido, pode-se dizer que foi graças à ela que ele encontrou a floresta. Quando eles finalmente estavam na mesma floresta para achar esse "abrigo fixo" que era a cabana, eles achavam que o outro era uma ameaça, então os 3 chegaram a quase lutar quando se encontraram pela primeira vez, eventualmente entendendo que eles apenas estavam no mesmo buraco. Então eles foram para a cabana e consertaram um monte de coisa pra deixar o lugar mais habitável, eventualmente um deles (normalmente o Dimitri porque ele era o que mais parecia "normal") tinha que ir para a cidade ou lugares assim para conseguir suprimentos e etc. Eles ficaram morando apenas os três por um bom tempo (até rolou o incidente da mesa kkkkk), até começarem a chegar os outros. A Magda não foi com eles pois ela não é uma proxy, ela vive por conta própria, fugindo do Operador E do Zalgo.
A primeira a chegar ali de foi a M8 (Maethe), ela ainda era menor de idade e havia escapado recentemente do laboratório em que era feita de cobaia. Ela vagou por um tempo sozinha antes de apagar na floresta. Shiro a encontrou inconsciente e a levou para a cabana, ele sabia de alguma forma que ela era uma deles, então ele cuidou dos ferimentos que ela tinha, com muito medo de machucá-la ainda mais, já que a pele dela era bem sensível. Quando ela acordou ela não falava, então foi bem complicado, Dimitri não confiava nela e ficava sempre de olho, enquanto o Shiro fazia o que podia para tentar fazer ela se sentir um pouco melhor e eventualmente se comunicar. A segunda a chegar um ano mais tarde foi a Fox (Gwen), ela basicamente foi largada lá na frente da cabana pelo próprio Operador após tentar tirar sua própria vida, então quando ela chegou ali ela estava ferida e perdendo muito sangue, por sorte Shiro e Dimitri ouviram as estáticas do Operador e foram ver o que estava acontecendo, quando chegaram lá, a entidade havia ido embora mas Gwen estava no chão quase inconsciente. Eles a levaram para dentro também sabendo que ela era uma deles e Shiro performou primeiros socorros. Como eles não esperavam aquilo e parecia um caso urgente, ele teve de pedir ajuda para uma velha amiga, Magda, para que ela cuidasse apropriadamente e suturasse os ferimentos de Gwen.
Quase no fim do mesmo ano, veio a Photography (Nanda). Ela havia acabado de cometer um ataque brutal e estava muito assustada, correndo para dentro da floresta que ficava à frente da casa da vítima. Ela correu por horas e horas, chegando a perder a noção do tempo, mas ela não parou de correr, mesmo que sua pele fosse ferida pelos galhos e folhas na qual ela batia contra para continuar seu caminho, mesmo que lentamente deixasse de sentir os próprios pés. Enfim seu corpo cedeu e ela caiu, sua última visão sendo os pés do Operador em sua frente. A entidade 'Photo' foi quem andou até a cabana o caminho inteiro. Quando Nanda acordou novamente, ela estava na porta da cabana, em pé, sendo interrogada por Dimitri enquanto Shiro parecia tentar acalmar o ruivo para que ele pegasse leve. Nessa época Gwen já havia trago um trailer para próximo da cabana, então Nanda ficou lá com ela já que havia acabado de chegar e não confiava muito em todo mundo. Alguns anos depois, Mr Doomed (Nikolai) encontrou a cabana após vagar por semanas sem rumo, sem dormir ou comer, ele não sabia mais para onde estava indo ou de onde veio. Ele estava sendo jogado de lugar para lugar pelo Operador, a cada passo que dava, tudo a sua volta mudava, em um momento estava nevando, no outro estava em uma floresta queimada, no outro, estava chovendo, e enfim tudo parecia silencioso e calmo demais, vozes ao fundo, fumaça no céu e um cheiro de comida. Obviamente ele seguiu os sons e os cheiros até encontrar a cabana, duas pessoas cuidando de o que parecia ser uma horta e pessoas do lado de dentro, ele conseguia ver pela janela. Ele pensou em se aproximar de forma cautelosa, até sentir uma respiração atrás de si. Era Lucas, parado e encarando, mesmo sem enxergar. Com o susto que ele levou, acabou alertando os outros.
Meses mais tarde, The Pierrot (Logan) foi encontrado vagando pela floresta, arrastando uma perna humana, sem rumo e parecia que não estava controlando o próprio corpo, apesar de usar uma máscara, dava para ver que os olhos estavam totalmente brancos, como se estivessem virados para trás. Ele estava sendo controlado pelo Operador. Dimitri o encontrou primeiro e estava pronto para atacar caso fosse necessário, até que ele percebeu que quando chamou a atenção de Logan, ele simplesmente "acordou", olhando em volta extremamente confuso, gritando tão alto como se fosse uma sirene. Dimitri teve que agarrá-lo a força e tampar a boca dele, pois eles não estavam na área protegida da floresta (a parte protegida pelo Operador), o que poderia ser um risco à localização deles, e arrastá-lo para a segurança e para a cabana. Logan não parou de gritar até chegarem lá, e teve de ser acalmado com uma dose de anestésico que Magda havia deixado com Shiro por precaução. Ele acordou já no porão, e ali se viu mais calmo. Após alguns anos, quando Gwen estava em uma missão, ela acabou trombando com o Slasher (Christopher), que também estava em uma missão própria, como eles não se conheciam e nem sabiam que ambos trabalhavam para a mesma entidade, eles acabaram se desentendendo e começaram a lutar, uma luta quase fatal, diga-se de passagem. Ambos quase tirando a vida um do outro até que Black Cross (Millene) apareceu na cena e impediu que aquilo acontecesse. E assim os três finalmente conversaram civilizadamente e perceberam que estavam no mesmo barco. Christopher e Millene explicaram para Gwen que estavam em uma missão quando sua floresta simplesmente começou a mudar, e como Chris conhecia a floresta como a palma das próprias mãos, ele foi o primeiro a notar que não estavam mais no mesmo lugar. Gwen então levou os dois para a cabana, já que agora eles não tinham mais escolha e não conseguiriam fugir daquela floresta nem se quisessem.
Silence (Edalin), assim como Treal Mattino (Magda), não é uma proxy e não mora na cabana nem convive com o pessoal de lá. Ela conheceu o Shiro após trombar com ele durante uma das missões dele, o que é raro, normalmente ela não encontra outros condenados. Diferente da Magda que foge do Operador, Edalin trabalha para ele de forma diferente dos proxies. Não exatamente uma servidora, mas uma ferramenta. Porém ela não é permitida, pelo próprio Operador, a conviver com eles, sendo assim, ela só aparece para ajudar quando eles necessitam, seja com atendimentos médicos como a Magda, ou para limpar as cenas dos crimes se eles deixaram vestígios para trás - o que acontece com os mais descuidados, como o Lucas, ou os que não ligam, como o Dimitri.
@thelonelysoul-tls | @nonbinairefatale | @yunahimurasakura-blog | @waffles1728 | @ask-sergayvich | @slashercross | @vernichtedanwelt
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noelan1 · 3 months
I can't trust character ai with my fictional crushes because they make them completely different and always say things that aren't canon
¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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v-is-for-vore · 4 months
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⚠️Someone get the raid NOW ⚠️
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
there’s a dark void inside of me that only
from a
can fill
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devilish-blue · 2 months
eyeless jack and or hoodie somno ? or what it’s like dating them with a nsfw part 🙏🙏 we’re thirsting rn
Oh my God. This took so long for me to do mainly because i procrastinated, but whatever. Anyways! I absolutely loved this idea and just had to do it! So i hope you like it.
!!TW!!: Somnophilia, mentions of other various kinks, mentions of Mean! Jack, cunnilingus. Let me know if i missed any!!)
Now, to start, there is a big difference in Brian and Hoodie. Brian is well, Brian. I like to think of him as a big southern teddy bear. While it might be unpopular, I don’t really care. Hoodie, on the other hand, is ruthless, and mean. He doesn’t really seem to care all that much. So how would dating them be?
Brian, like I said, is a big ol’ teddy bear when it comes to you. He adores you and loves to spoil you with bear hugs and smothering you in kisses. Not to mention, he bulks, so not only does he have muscle, he has a big build making him huge compared to you. Perfect for being choked by his bicep- I mean, who said that?
Moving on, we have Hoodie. Now Hoodie is a killer, a cold killer who doesn’t seem to care. Thankfully the only times you really see Hoodie is when he gets home from a mission and Brian hasn’t regained control yet. During these times he usually tries to stay away from you. Maybe it’s because Brian doesn’t want Hoodie to hurt you so he might still be the tiniest bit in control.
However, sometimes you can’t help but need to be near your boyfriend, so even when Hoodie was Hoodie you’d still come up to him and hug him, but he would just stand there or put his hands on your hips.
Onto hornier details, kinks. Brian might seem like a vanilla guy at first glance, but he’s most definitely not. Does he like Somno? Yes. At first, he hated the thought of taking advantage of you while you were sleeping, but when you said you were into it? He tried it the following night and he fell in LOVE with it. The sight of you shaking and whimpering in your sleep only to wake up with Brian’s thick cock in your hole? Hooked.
Of course there’s other kinks, choking, degrading, dirty talking, pet names, etc. But there is just a special place in his heart for Somno and knife play. But that’s for a different time. ;p
Does Hoodie like Somno? Is that even a question? Of course he does! He loves to get home from long missions and walk in your room and to find you sleeping. Because that means he can use your body and not have to hear you complain about how tired you are as he fucks you.
He also has other kinks, choking, impact play, knife play, blood play, even some BDSM, but it's not often that you screw Hoodie anyway so you’ll be healed by next time. ;p
Eyeless Jack:
Oh Anon, don’t I have a treat for you. Jack was a big, intimidating guy, he’s a demon after all. But he’s sweet. Most of the time. Most of the time he’s a big affection, and loving boyfriend, but other times, he’s the opposite. He’s cruel and distant. He even sometimes insults you, but you know he doesn’t really mean it. Right?
But after these little spurts of hate, he apologizes, gives you cuddles, hugs and kisses but if you go to bed angry? He doesn’t like that because he knows he made you mad, so he likes to give you a nice surprise.
He had always thought about fucking you while you were sleeping, but now he had a reason. So there he was under the blanket in between your legs licking your aching and dripping hole. He was happening you would wake up in a panicked and blissful mess and that’s exactly what you were. You woke up and you felt hot and a wet sensation on your lower half. You looked down in a panic but that panic was soon taken over by relief and then ecstasy as your body trembled and convulsed as you came. Who knew three tongues could feel so good?
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magicalbunbun · 21 days
Fun fact! All my aus are connected to the main lobby of mine!
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whole-circus · 1 year
Hihi I recently started reading your works and stchnvdhnifbmb I'm obsessed now lol
I must ask how the creeps would react to someone who was there for them before they became the way they are now? I'm quite curious (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;)
Take care and hydrate <333
Creepypastas with reader that had knew them before tragic eventes
➥ with Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, "Ticci" Toby, Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned
Ahh you waited so long for this Im so sorry!T^T
Also you guys have no idea how sweet that is! Im glad that someone likes to read my scribble! <3 Lots of love and also remember to hydrate! I choose couple of pastas, but feel free to inform me if you would like someone else!
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☆ Jeff the Killer
During one of this normal days, or maybe during calm night? You finally saw him..You were looking at eachothers, not sure what to do - sure, he may be a killer now..but this killer was once your friend? Does he even recognize you? But to your suprise, he just started laughing. It wasn't his casual maniac laughter..this one were more friendly, just like the laugh of him you remembered. The laugh of your best friend. He remembered you..and even if he is way diffrent now, then the part of him is still your best friend. You are finally something good in his miserable life, and he almost felt normal once again. Its funny how you make a man like him smile and sigh in relief, just by your presence. And he doesn't care what he did do somehow deserved you again - all he could do is being grateful for that.
☆ Homicidal Liu
You manage to meet Liu on one, ordinary night. Even if he looked, oh so diffrent, then inside you could still recognize his past self. When it comes to Liu, he couldnt believe his luck in that moment. He craves for sense of normalcy like nothing else, its his only true wish..but now you are here again? He start to remember all this nice moments from his childhood..you were in all of them! Even if he didnt recognize you at first, he felt so many strong emotions and could find something familiar..and like that after a quick chat you finally were in eachothers arms once again. There you were..his only hope and only love, you have no idea how long he had waited for you - and when he finally got you, he wont let you go again.
☆ "Ticci" Toby
After everything he had done, Toby really became all this names they used to call him in school - he was a monster, a freak in fact. Could you even look at him in the same, sweet way you used to as a kid? He was scared, constantly scared..so he didnt made a first move. Until that day. When he finally saw you again, he finally felt at peace. The feeling when you were again in his arms felt like coming home from a long journey. He was able to feel the same thing, the same love and care from you. And he already felt much better, just from seeing your smile again.
☆ Eyeless Jack
He was sure you wouldn't recognize him..now he was a monster after all, a inhuman being, a demon straight from poeple nightmares. But he wished, he dreamed that you would look at him in the same way - they way you used to when everything was normal. Meeting you again made him so incredible happy..he almost feel human again! All he could do was just hug you, and sob quietly.. you had so much to talk about, but you have time for that..the only thing that matter is you right now.
☆ Ben Drowned
Ben wasnt the same person you used to cherish and care for..shit, he wasnt even a person, a human anymore. So was he still worth of your friendship? Your sweet words and hugs? Was he even worth looking at you? But he finally decide to meet you once more, he had all eternity and he needs you to make it worth exisitng. So when he showed up at your doors? He had it all planned, the things he will do and say..but just seeing you made him tear up and look in guilt to the ground. His always cool and smug persona, was replaced with the seriousness and culpability. And when you took him into your warm embrace? When you started to shush him ,a dcomfort him? He felt at peace once again, almost like nothing else matters but you both. You already made him the happiest and nothing can compare to you, nothing else in this world.
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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thex01011000 · 11 months
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when chris gets his butt kicked and needs some backup, tsk, stupid.
I mean, Slaaasher, super not exposed his shitty name cough cough
anyways, couldn't let my mini tiny buddy die
ADM: Slasher belongs to Todd @blackcrossmc
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festering-obsession · 2 months
How You Fell Into Their Trap II
TW: Hollywood-ized Disorders, Creepypasta, Slight Canon Divergence, Violence, Blood, Cannibalism, One Mention of Pregnancy (no plot relevance), Toxic Relationships, Stalking, Slight Suggestive Content, Kidnapping
Ticci Toby:
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It was senior year of highschool when you encountered Toby Rogers himself. By then, nearly everyone at school had knew of the boy, his reputation. His stutters, his low self-esteem, his weird behaviors, but the rumor of how the poor bastard could not even feel pain fluttered around even more. Fortunately enough, he had switched to homeschooling. Poor boy.
In a way, you pitied him. However, you were not high on the popularity chain that comes with the shackles of high school. You tried to keep to yourself and graduate, keep away from any negative attention and keep leering eyes off of you.
Yet, fate did not have the in plan for you.
You had met his sister at your part time job, Lyra was her not, wasn't it? Time seems to fly as you're stuck in this mansion.
She had talked about her brother at times, how she feared he was falling behind and her parents did not seem to care it all. But, she was too busy working to help with school. Before you knew it, you volunteered yourself to help tutor him. Her smile was so bright that day when you told her.
You didn't think too much of it before it was too much to try and cut off.
Toby was very skittish and nervous, constantly pulling at his skin and hair nervously when you were near. As you were trying to go over calculus, you could not help but turn around and finally break the edge of professionalism, despite being the same in age.
"Toby, I promise you, I am not going to judge you. I'm hear to help you, and besides I don't have any room to judge..." You say, trying to offer him a hand on the desk but he shies away.
"H-How do I know?" He says, his hands grasping at his jacket.
"Well, I'm not doing this for money for starters..." You begin. "And your sister said we might have some things in common? I like movies..."
He nods, his brown eyes carefully watching you. "Yeah, m-me too..."
His courage slowly built up around you.. as well as his possessive nature. Everytime his father would break a beer bottle or his mom would yell, he'd grab to you for security. His hand clutched onto you as if you'd dissappear.
The days you didn't work, you'd head back home after school usually. One day of the week helping tutor Toby would turn into any day you did not have work.
The days you did work, he'd near be constantly blowing up your phone with messages. Anything from what he's eating, how he finished his homework, to what his favorite color is, what his father yelled at him this time for...
One time you forgot to mute your phone and it went off in class. You had to turn it into the teacher, and did not get it back until the end of the day. By the time you turned your phone back on, it was flooded with messages.
"Hey y/n!! You haven't responded in your usual time are you busy????? :D"
It didn't take long for the messages to grow more frantic.
"Are you hurt?"
"Do you not like me anymore?"
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't leave me please don't leave me"
You called him as soon as you could and went to his house. Thankfully, his father was out, probably at a bar. As soon as you opened the door, Toby pulled you into his arms, grabbing onto you desperately as he sobbed. You rubbed his back, letting him go until he decided when he had emptied all his tears. You made sure to keep your phone silent at school after that.
Despite his already possessive nature, it took a turn for the worse when unfortunately... His sister died in a car accident. His pathetic father had lived.
You were there for her tiny funeral. And most importantly, you stayed glued to Toby's side the entire time. His tears were gone by the time of the actual funeral, no more to give as he had run dry. Yet, his iron grip on your hand and blank expression told you differently of his grief.
The days after Lyra's death was a flipped switch in Toby's brain.
As you got closer to graduation, Toby was more possessive. He had convinced you to quit your job. You need to focus on your school, right? And help him too, right?
If you somehow was not convinced to stay the night at Toby's house, he'd be on the phone with you until you were almost asleep.
At that point, it felt like your life revolved around Toby. You'd tell him anything... except your college admissions. Telling him you'd be out of arm's reach or heaven forbid meet new people, he'd throw himself into
It did not take long before Toby's sanity had finally left. You were staying over at his house, his drunken father had opened the door in a flood of rage.
"Toby fuckin... Rogers..." He slurred his words. "Did you knock this bitch up? Oh I swear if you, if I have to deal with a mini one of you, I'll fucking kill it... And that bitch!" He rushed forward to grab you and slam you out of the bed.
You did not know how to react, your mouth agape. You did not even interact with Ron before, how was he just now acknowledging you?
Toby had slammed into him first, away from laying his hands on you. He dropped to the floor along with him.
"Don't... Don't you fucking touch her.." He near growled, his brown eyes in a glare. You stared at the scene in front of you, just now pushing out the bed as Toby looked off into the distance, seemingly into nothing.
"Lyra, y-yes, I will protect her..." He said, hands shaking. "I, I'll make father regret k-killing you, too."
He stood up, his father groaning in the background as he gripped your hands. "You'll be with me fo-forever right? Just li-like in the movies we w-watched?"
You didn't know what to do or say besides nod. "Yeah, Toby..." Your eyes couldn't leave his father laying on the ground.
"Leave. Now." Toby ordered. "I have t-to do something for us. For o-our future, tog-together." It didn't take much for you to run out his house, confused and scared.
You were lucky enough to not see the grisly scene. But you were not lucky enough to not see the house light on fire, collapsing onto your knees as the fire rage on in the night sky.
Your friend was missing and you had to continue life as if he wasn't. A few years had passed as you couldn't shake it out your mind. Could you have saved him? Stopped him from killing his family and then himself?
Years and therapy helped lessen the pain, but it didn't for Toby. Even in his service to Slenderman, he couldn't shake you from his head. Slenderman's reward for his loyalty was the reveal of your location.
And that's why you are in his bed. It did not take him long to kidnap you and haul you back. The mansion was nice at least, even for a bunch of serial killers and paranormal creatures. Though the smell of blood nearly never left the halls.
You turned over in the bed as Toby gripped onto you, eyes lost in your own as you continued to think of how you ended up here.
"Th-Thinking..?" He asks as he moves a piece of your hair out your face.
"Yeah.." You mumble out as he holds onto you tighter, pushing him away would only cause him to freak out and worry if you hated him.
"Y-You know, I'm so-so happy you're here." He smiles as he rubs his cheek against you. "All th-those tasks for Slenderman, worth i-it for you..And, I have y-you here as mine."
"I um, I'm glad to have you back too.." You nod at him.
"I th-think, I f-fell in love with you... The f-first time I saw you." He mumbles out, hands shaking in excitement as he holds you closer to him. "And wh-what do y-you know? You're my-my girlfriend now!"
"Funny how life works, hm?" You muse out, looking out the window from your captivity.
"C-Can I have a k-kiss?" He asks. "Y-You don't mind.. the scar-scar right?" He looks down sheepishly. You've learned its better to give him what he wants, then to deal with an episode.
You cup his cheek, slowly pressing your lips over his cold ones. You can feel him smile against yours as he holds your body closer to his.
He'd never truly let you go.
Eyeless Jack:
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You never felt alone, not in your apartment. And when you were with other people, you felt as if you were being hunted. It was just near about driving you insane.
Not to mention the fact of your doors opening, floors creaking, window being cracked open, random footprints of shoes. Maybe you really were just going crazy.
It didn't help the fact you'd be missing things either. A random shirt, chapstick, hell, one of your favorite underwear was gone missing.
But even then, as much as you looked around your apartment in fear, deadbolt all your locks, you saw nothing. Even when you'd have a friend stay the night, they would laugh it off and think you were playing a joke on them. They never saw anything either.
Then, it finally began to happen. Crumbs of what you thought your delusion was into reality. A part of you was glad it wasn't you going insane, the other part not quite realizing the nightmare that was about to play out for you.
You had gone out with your friends, a celebration. They had dropped you off at your apartment as you were giggling to yourself the entire ride, tipsy and having a great time.
Yet, you did not go straight to your apartment as the car drove by. You went to the convenience store as your mind swirled with getting snacks and a sweet treat.
It was a dark night, very few people at night and each one keeping to themselves. Your mind was too sloshed to hear the echoing footsteps behind you. Your eyes were too trained at the bright glowing lights of the store as an icee was the only thing circulating your mind.
You were pulled into an alley sharply. An old man in a black balaclava had you pinned with a gun against your head as he demanded everything. Purse, wallet, cash, whatever you had on you. That snapped you of your drunken haze.
Just as you were about to give the man everything as tears were going down your face, the man crumpled to his knees, gun dropping.
Scapels lined his back, each one with the intent on landing on a fatal area. Your mouth was opened, clutching your purse as you stared at the lifeless man before you.
And that's when you first saw him. A tall man in a black hoodie. The only defining trait about him was his dark blue mask... with some kind of substance dropping from under the eyes.
He looked you up and down, head tilting to the side as he walked over the man, pulling out each scapel pulled out from behind his back as he crouched over him. You didn't know why you didn't run, all your senses urged you to run as his eyes - or mask? - never left your form as he pulled out each weapon.
Then, he lifted his mask slightly as he brought the scapel to his mouth, a long black tongue slithering out as he tasted the blood.
That finally got you to move, running out of the alley straight home. Your breath uneasy as all you could think of was your blood being on that scapel instead. You slammed the door shut as you started hysterically telling your friends, your flip-phone shaking in your grasp.
By the time you finally fell asleep, the sun was up. You pulled yourself out of bed as you pushed the door open, half expecting to see the monster there.
What was on the news told you it was not a nightmare. A man named Edwin was found dead in his home by his brother Mitch. His brother was telling the news reporter what he saw the night before he left his brother's house. A man in a blue mask, but they pushed it off as a bad omen before the tragedy stuck. Then, it moved onto the unidentified body found in the alley. You bit on your nails as they revealed the details. He was found disembowled. That... that wasn't right. All that man did was just kill him, right?
You lived the next weeks in terror, over analyzing each step and news story just in case you saw the man again. Just as you felt the horror was finally leaving your senses, your nightmare would appear again.
You fell asleep on the couch, the movie you were watching long forgotten as it bored you to sleep. You awoke, feeling something wet hit your face.
Black eyes were trained over your body, blood slipping down from the mask hitting your face and just as you were about to scream, his cold grey hand held itself over your mouth.
Your hands scrambled to push him off, but he stayed there, silent and watching as you were trying to crawl him off. He put a finger over his mouth, telling you to settle. Stubbornly, you did and he finally retracted his hand.
"Finally, I have you in my reach." He said, voice rough and calloused. You couldn't help but hear the tiny amount of joy in his tone.
"Are... Are you going to kill me? Eat my organs like you did that man?" You said quickly, anger in your words.
He tilted his head before he chuckled. "Kill you? No, no, you're too precious for that... Well, I was going to at first."
You sucked in your breath as the monster laughed again lowly, caressing your cheek. "But, you grew on me. And, I think I'd like you better alive and warm with me then being a cold corpse, though I'd bet your kidneys would taste so sweet.."
You tried pushing him away but he got closer, sitting next to you on the couch as he held you tighter, his grip on your waist unmoving.
"As for eating you? Was my orginal plan, you look like such a sweet thing to devour and so easy, too. Your locks were not hard to pick through." He sighed as his head craned down to your neck. "But, I watched you like a pet. Your habits were endearing, and you looked so lost all the time... Why not take you in for myself?"
"F-Fuck no, I'm not your pet and you're a murderer..." You said, feeling his tongue graze at your neck.
"But I saved you, didn't I?" He murmured, tasting the nervous sweat building against your skin. "You taste so good..."
"And killed others. Fuck, I should call 911 on you..." You said as you felt his tongue gather your sweat.
"I already destroyed your phone. You won't be needing it anytime soon." He said nonchalantly as he pulled back, licking his finger. You couldn't help but notice the sharp teeth lining his mouth.
"Please, please just let me go..." You cry against him. "Or just eat me, kill me, I don't want you to take me."
"Eating you would be the ultimate form of intimacy for us.." He muses. "But, I like you too much to not see you around. Besides, there's... other ways of eating you without killing you." And you could almost hear the smirk in his voice as you glared at him, flustered.
You felt a sharp sting in your hip before seeing him drop a syringe to the floor.
"What... What the hell?" You said as you push away from him, dropping to the ground as your movements grew sluggish.
"Just enough to knock you out. You'd draw too much attention being conscious." He says, standing above you. "Don't worry, you'll wake up somewhere better, with me."
You turn onto your stomach, vision blurring as you clawed on the floor trying to get to the door. You heard him laugh behind you, before you felt his shoe land on your back.
"Just go ahead and give in, surrender yourself." You hear as you feel yourself growing near slumber, your mind numbing until you were out.
He carefully picked you in his arms, it would be a good distance from the forrest to get you out this damned city.
But now that his prey was in his grasp, he didn't mind.
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6eeznut · 1 year
: whos slasher that has the biggest, the longest, and the thickest ding dong in your opinion? and can you take them full in one try? 😳
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noelan1 · 3 months
I can't stop reading fanfictions
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crumb · 1 year
Queer horror spans all of these options and if it was its own option we all know it would win hehe.
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v-is-for-vore · 7 months
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“Even if he hurt me. He was more of a father to me than my actual one.”
- toxic father/daughter bonding moment.
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average-egirl · 1 year
Who fell first vs Who fell harder (Creeps ver.)
Tw: brief mention of murder and sex in Ben's, mention of blood in ej's.
Characters:Jane tk, Nina tk, Jeff tk, BEN DROWNED, Ticci toby, Eyeless jack, Masky, Hoodie, Bloody painter, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Brahms heelshire, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Billy lenz.
Jane the killer
She fell first, you fell harder.
When you were first introduced to the mansion she was tasked to be your 'guide' of sorts. From the moment you locked eyes she knew you were different, you were special.
Nina the killer
You fell first, She fell harder.
She had just been broken up with, originally Jane was helping her recover but slender forced her to do some missions so naturally you decided to help. Seeing her sad expression made your heart drop, you had to do something.
Jeff the killer
He fell first, you fell harder.
After slender introduced you to all the creeps, Jeff couldn't help but feel just a little jealous seeing you give all of them attention.
You fell first, he fell harder.
Despite what you previously assumed, the mansion was actually quite boring, nobody ever did anything that wasn't killing or fucking. Or, that's what you thought before you saw BEN playing his switch on the couch. Maybe this place isn't as boring as you thought.
Ticci toby
You fell first, he fell harder.
From the moment you entered the mansion you could feel a terrible, dreadful aura coming from everyone in there, except for him that is.
Eyeless jack
He fell first, you fell harder.
You always saw him quietly walking around the mansion, sometimes covered in blood, but you never thought anything about it, little did you know that he noticed you as well.
He fell first, you fell harder.
During a crowded and quite frankly boring party at the mansion you decided to step out for some air, only to see him leaned against the wall smoking, and it appears that he noticed you.
You fell first, he fell harder.
You always saw him holding a camera, and sometimes you would hear people yelling at him to stop recording them all the time, and perhaps it shouldn't have but, it intrigued you.
Bloody painter
He fell first, you fell harder.
While walking through the park you quite literally fell into each other, you apologized, walked away, and thought nothing of it but after that interaction you kept seeing him staring at you while sketching in his book.
Michael Myers
He fell first, you fell harder.
You kept hearing about 'the shape' from the news you were getting sick of it to be honest, all you wanted was for this awful nightmare to be over, and as you walked home that feeling of being watched was only making you wish it even more.
Jason Voorhees
He fell first, you fell harder.
Your 'friends' if you can even call them that forced you to join them on some stupid trip, but after losing them in the woods and hearing some bloodcurdling screams you started running, that is until you tripped over a stick and knocked yourself out, only to wake in a small cabin.
Brahms heelshire
He fell first, you fell harder.
You were hired as a nanny for a doll, sounds easy enough right? That's what you thought until the doll started moving on its own, your really starting to feel like someone is watching you...
Bo Sinclair
He fell first, you fell harder.
Your friends had dragged you on a trip to God knows where, eventually the car broke down and you had to see a mechanic, as your friends went out and explored you decided to sit outside and wait although you could feel eyes on you the whole time.
Vincent Sinclair
You fell first, he fell harder.
You were walking around a wax museum admiring the art when you came across a guy wearing a mask, he looked quite surprised to see you, although you were to focused on your flustered face to really notice- or care.
Billy lenz
He fell first, you fell harder.
Getting perverted calls from some random guy was not something you expected when you joined the sorority, but it was happening anyway, and your starting to feel a presence watching over you at night.
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c00kietin · 4 months
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I wouldn't say I'm a proper fan of jason since I haven't watched the films but that's where fandom came in :D
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superbellsubways · 11 months
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i couldn't figure out which one i liked more
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