#the sketch is upstairs I’m just too lazy to grab it lol
tmngoose · 2 years
OC musings — a detail I forgot to add to Rikki’s timeskip design is a notch in one of her ears. Courtesy of her mother, of course. She plays it off very casually (“Can’t get any more punk rock than this =w=“)
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warriorqueen1991 · 7 years
Monster (pt.9)
Characters: Werewolf Negan x Melissa (oc)
Warnings: fluff and a tiny bit of angst
Notes: I had to split this one in two cuz it was getting way to long lol so expect the next chapter sometime tomorrow my lovelies ;)
please let me know what'cha think ♡
It had taken several hours, but Melissa had honestly just been happy to have something to occupy her time.
After stripping the bed and remaking it, she had scrubbed the floor and cleaned Negan up the best she could. Hauling his ridiculously heavy body back onto the mattress with difficulty she had decided to take a hot shower.
Now she found herself sitting on the edge of the bed brushing her hair absently as she watched him, her eyes trained on the steady rise and fall of his chest.
He had yet to regain consciousness, the tiny winces and painful shifting had subsided.
He was finally resting peacefully, the wounds sustained by Shane almost completely healed making her let out a sigh of relief.
Checking both radio stations and TV channels a sickening feeling had settled in her stomach, the only sign of life she had found was one radio station that seemed to be playing the same thing on a constant loop.
Stay inside.
Stay away from the doors and windows.
And don't panic.
Sure….”don't panic”, why the hell did that statement always seem to have the opposite effect?
Switching off the television she got to her feet draping another blanket over Negan, tucking the fluffy throw around his sides she placed a small kiss to his forehead before heading downstairs.
Making sure all the curtains were drawn, she began cleaning up the mess left by the fight with Shane. Once she was done there she double checked the front and back door, switching off the lights she fixed her a cup of tea before moving back upstairs.
Negan was still sleeping, his features peaceful as she sat in the chair she had previously placed next to the bed. Grabbing her nearby sketchbook, she began doodling on the page without interest.
Letting her mind wander, she began making a list of all the food she knew they had in the house.
How long could they hold out here?
How long would it take for this whole damn thing to blow over?
Melissa liked to consider herself an optimistic person, but she just kept thinking about the lack of information being broadcast.
The silence was the scariest thing.
“Hmmm... shit, ya gonna draw me like one of your fuckin french girls?”
Flinching at the sound of his rough drawl, Melissa’s face instantly lit up.
Negan's tired eyes were watching her from beneath his lashes, he still looked weak but the color had returned to his face. His dimples shining through his salt and pepper beard as he shifted slightly under the many covers she had wrapped around him.
Giving him a million watt smile she sat her sketch pad down before moving to sit on the bed, her hand instantly checking his temperature.
“How ya feelin?”
He chuckled “can't complain...feel like I might be running outta fuckin lives though”. Melissa let out a light laugh, her fingers sliding down his jawline “that's a cat, Negan”.
He chuckled taking a deep breath, blinking slowly as he gave her a lazy grin “must be part pussy then huh?”
She shook her head, her smile turning sad as her hand rested against his covered chest. Negan frowned moving his hand with a wince so he could place his warm palm over her fingers.
Closing his eyes he took a deep breath as she laid her head on his chest, the sound of his heart soothing her troubled mind.
Running his fingers through her hair he growled softly “come up here sweetheart”. Melissa moved so she was lying next to him, her arm sliding over his stomach as he pulled the covers down to his waist.
She knew she should of been embarrassed by their closeness, but after everything that happened she just wanted to get lost in his embrace.
Negan seemed to have the same idea because he wrapped his other arm around her shoulder, pressing his nose deep into her hair.
Closing her eyes she shivered as he breathed in her scent, his eyes falling shut as his fingers slipped through her long locks.
Humming low in his throat he shifted his legs as she caressed his side, his tired eyes dragging open as the feeling of her soft lips against his chest made his blood race.
“You smell fuckin amazing” he purred sliding his hand down her back, his fingers playing with the hem of her shirt as she smiled against his skin.
The overwhelming need to be close to him was making her stomach twist in a painful knot. Scratching her nails against his skin gently, she smiled as she felt his muscles tense beneath her. Negan letting out a deep sigh.
“Fuckin tastes like I've had my fuckin tongue in someone's ass though”.
Melissa giggled rolling over so she could sit up next to him “sorry, you wanna take a shower?”
His wide smile made her blush as his tongue ran across his teeth “hmmm depends…you wanna save water?”
Biting her lip she quickly got to her feet “I'm uh... gonna fix us something to eat, I think we should probably head in town once your feeling up to it...see what's going on!”
Negan frowned at the sudden space between them, sitting up in the bed he winced.
Melissa gave him a soft smile “unless you uh... n-need help?”
He stopped, his eyes lifting to hers with a questioning look before shaking his head with a soft smile “nah honey I got it…”
His thoughts were full of different scenarios of what might happen if he accepted her offer, but he wanted her to want him when she was ready...he didn't mind waiting.
Or maybe he was just a chicken shit afraid of rejection!
Watching as she disappeared out of the room and down the stairs, he sighed running his hands down his face with a tired growl “fuuuuuccckkkk!”
He had resigned himself to death, and she had saved his life yet again.
He had resigned himself to death, and she had saved his life yet again.
She was his fucking guardian angel.
Getting out of her bed he limped to the master bathroom, his body shaking from the strain on his stiff muscles. Shit he could barely wash his fucking hide let alone do all the things he wanted to do to the beautiful vet.
He shook his head causing his hair to stand up as he wrapped a dark towel around his waist, chuckling to himself he opened the toothbrush sitting on the sink.
Peeling off the yellow sticky note with his name on it, he smiled.
She was always so thoughtful.
Brushing his teeth he grimaced as he spit into the sink, turning on the water so the dark foam ran down the drain. He couldn't remember much from last night, after Melissa had crawled in bed next to him.
Honestly he was still surprised he even woke up to her beautiful face today.
He didn't know what she did, but he was eternally grateful.
He could only assume it had been rough, given how damn sore he was….well that and whatever the hell the black shit was he kept spitting up into the sink. Continuing to scrub his mouth, he let out a deep breath through his nose, there was definitely something going on and he knew they needed to find out what.
He knew there was a good possibility that there would be more infected towns folk. Fuck that shit was almost guaran-fucking-teed at this point, Shane had to of gotten the bite from someone and so on and so forth.
The thought of losing her to one of those things made his heart clench...he didn't want her anywhere near those dead fucks.
He didn't want her in danger...period.
“Your gonna make your gums bleed!”
He smiled around the toothbrush as he turned around to meet her raised brow. Chuckling, he spit into the sink before rinsing out his mouth “can't be too clean darlin…” he smirked running his tongue over his pearly whites “never know who's gonna want a fuckin taste”.
Rolling her eyes with a light laugh, Melissa moved into the bathroom next to him. Meeting his tawny gaze, she set a clean pair of boxers, pants and a black button down shirt on the counter.
“Figured you'd want clean clothes”.
Negan chuckled “gonna pay you back for everything you've done for me someday darlin, promise”.
She smiled giving him a flirty wink “I'm sure I'll think of something” he bit his lip with a pleased hum as she moved back into her room. His eyes following her with a longing growl, if it was the fucking end of the world…Why the fuck was he dragging his damn feet?
He wasn't that thick, it was obvious she was interested…
So why was he fuckin terrified?
Dropping his towel he ran his thumb over the large scar now present on his chest from Shane, the fact it was still visible was sign enough that he his brush with death had been a little close for comfort.
Werewolves didn't scar…
Pulling on his boxers and pants, he sighed as he slipped the shirt on his shoulders choosing to leave it unbuttoned.
Fuck! He fucking hated clothes.
Melissa was sifting through one of her bedside drawers when he came around the corner, his eyes taking in her bent over form with a soft smile.
“Need help?”
She giggled pulling out a small handgun, setting it on the dresser before turning around to face him “now I have my own set of claws!”
He chuckled leaning back against the door frame “hmmm might wanna save the fuckin bullets though”. She nodded pulling out a large duffle bag from under her bed “I got an extra bag in the closet...I figured we'd go in town see what's going on get some supplies then…” she shrugged “wait it out...or...something”.
He nodded his thoughts elsewhere as she picked up her cell, her brow creasing as she attempted to get a signal. Letting out a frustrated huff she tossed it into the open bag before letting her eyes trail up his lean form.
She was overcome with happiness to see him back to relatively good health, but...
He looked tired.
She wanted to hold him, tell him they were in this together but...she was terrified. She couldn't explain it, but she wanted to let herself go.
To free fall into his arms and swim in his embrace.
She wanted Negan.
Rolling her lips she bit the plump flesh in thought before moving to stand in front of him, his hazel eyes focusing in on her face as she looked up at him. Their eyes meeting in comfortable silence, each of them longing for the closeness of the other but too afraid to make the first move.
"Touch is very important."
"I want to know if she's interested."
Melissa kept replaying their conversation in her head over and over again, she needed to stop expecting him to make all the moves.
She had almost lost him...
He needed to know she wanted him.
... to embrace all that he was
Tomorrow could be too late.
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