#rottmnt oc rikki
tmngoose · 2 years
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POV: Some rowdy customers are giving Clem a hard time, so now you gotta sweep out the riff-raff 😤✨
I commissioned the wickedly talented Mop (@/cptmop_kira on Twitter) for this 2-year time-skip Rikki reference and they did an ✨AMAZING JOB✨ 🥺💖 I’ve been looking at this for 84 years ;v; she’s perf!
Rikki also does a good job at hiding the fact she’s actually a tiny mongoose ghost but who needs to know that, right :A
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tmngoose · 2 years
OC Musings —
Clem hosting a holiday party at his store so Rikki can be apart of it. Like, she’s still stuck behind the counter (lol) but at least she’s included in the festivities. All the E.L.o.M homies are there; the Mad Dogz hold a truce and join in. Just one big ol’ party where Rikki gets to see all the people that matter to her, even the ones she finds annoying (😒Warren)
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tmngoose · 2 years
Just imaging Clem sitting/standing in a tree like normal goats…
… and Rikki standing at the base of the tree because she has to catch him.
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tmngoose · 2 years
OC Musings — Your OC running into Rikki’s mom & it’s just… a very off-putting experience.
And then your OC telling Rikki you met her mom & Rikki is just mortified.
“We don’t get along,” says Rikki. “At all. Ever.”
“She can’t be that bad, right?” asks your OC.
“If she knew this is what my life’s amounted to, she’d kill me.”
Your OC thinks Rikki’s over exaggerating but the mongoose keeps her troubled expression, “… 😬 oh, you’re being serious.”
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tmngoose · 2 years
Happy Halloween! I love your sketch of Rikki's costume! But why does she look so tired? She stay up too late trick or treating and is dreading coming in for work in the morning?
Oh, it could be several reasons:
She works at a candy store, so going out of her way to get candy from strangers when she can just steal—er, buy some with her employee discount—seems redundant & degrading.
Maybe she spent all night guarding Clem’s shop from pranksters the night before.
She keeps getting mistaken for a kid… and having humans ask “where’s your mommy/daddy?” Gets kinda annoying and unsavory after awhile.
10% finds the holiday insulting & if she could, she’d just walk around as her ghostly-self and show those kids what REAL FEAR is
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tmngoose · 2 years
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While cleaning my room today, I found a sketch book with an old idea for a Rikki & Warren comic. I decided to pencil it in a little bit ✨
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tmngoose · 2 years
I don’t really have any rottmnt oc’s but i do have a self insert here named Ramsen,
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What possible hex could they get?
if you need info to base of
they just happen to be a local artist that got mutated, and in general is a neutral person
Oh, sweet Ramsen 🥺 Idk what they could’ve done to incur a hex from Rikki but it must’ve been something … ba-aaa-aad (ba dum tiss?)
Rikki’s got a few hexes for artists:
Digital artist? Good luck trying to find any of the nibs for your stylus. The sensitivity on your tablet is also out of whack no matter how many times you reset it, and you’ll always draw on the wrong layer.
Traditional artist? Your new pens are out of ink. Your pencils break no matter how careful you are, and your erasers leave smudges behind.
The worst hex Rikki could cast on Ramsen? Artist Block 😬
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tmngoose · 2 years
For the Rikki hex, I volunteer my OC Chiyo, a rabbit yokai who is a part time baker/vigilante!
You’ll have to forgive Rikki, Chiyo—I’m sure she has a good reason for hexing you! (Okay maybe not 🥴)
So you’re a part-time baker, eh?
A classic hex you can expect is all your baking attempts end with the smoke alarm going off. Burnt cookies aren’t that bad right? Baked Alaska? More like Over-baked Alaska.
Your oven timers either stop working or never go off. Or they never stop ringing. You can never tell what it’s gonna be.
Is it salt? Is it sugar? You can’t tell the difference 😱
And the most severe hex would be a loss of Chiyo’s senses. I’m sure it’ll make baking a little harder when you can’t smell or taste anything :’T
And as for the vigilante stuff?
Chiyo can’t stop tripping over nothing. So much for chasing after bad guys 🤷‍♀️
Say goodbye to stealth because Chiyo can’t stop sneezing. And we’re not talking about a sneeze that builds up & she can stop. No, these are the ‘dad-level’ sneezes. The sudden sneeze that makes you go “AH-CHOOOO!” — that’s gotta be distracting in battle too :\
Rikki knows Chiyo’s a rabbit yōkai, but she’s got a hex to make her feel hare-brained. It’s going to be hard coming up with strategies when all she can think about are old commercial jingles from the early 2000s.
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tmngoose · 2 years
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Warm-ups ✨
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tmngoose · 2 years
What if I wrote something self-indulgent to make myself feel better … 🤔
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tmngoose · 2 years
OC Musings — Rikki coming home slightly battered. There was a rowdy customer and she had to fulfill her role as security.
Rikki doesn’t think much of it but Red insists on treating her injuries. It’s just a couple of bruises and scraped knuckles.
Red doesn’t care. She sits Rikki down and gets out the first aid kit. While Red dresses Rikki’s wounds, it dawns on her—
“You don’t normally do this, now do you?” Red asks.
Rikki shakes her head, “When you’re a yūrei, you don’t really grow up worrying about cuts and bruises. You’re just told your vessel will fix itself, so why bother?” She eyes the bandages on her hands, “I’ll admit, I do look pretty tough with these things…”
Rikki looks up and sees the look on Red’s face. Is it pity? Sympathy? It’s hard for the mongoose to tell; nobody’s ever looked at her like that.
It makes Rikki uncomfortable. She fidgets, says thanks, and heads to bed.
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tmngoose · 2 years
Loving all the snimatics the Rise crew has been posting lately! The "bloopers" animatic is my favorite aside from the alternate ending, it reminds me of the bloopers from earlier pixar movies lol . Made me think of Chiyo and Rikki if they were in the movie; messing up their lines, cracking a smile during serious scenes, or accidentally punching a stunt man a little too hard in the fight scenes XD
Omg yes! The Pixar bloopers 🥺💖 I don’t think I appreciated them as much as a kid but now I love the extra dimension it gave those movies. And the Rise ones were SO GOOD 👏
Rikki would definitely deck a stuntman by accident. Or accidentally bump into Chiyo and just be all “Oh 🥺 sorry, squirt 🥺🥺”
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tmngoose · 2 years
I've been scrolling through the rottmnt fantasy au tag (i seriously need to start reading the fan fics, the fan art I've seen is awesome and makes the story look so interesting!). I came across your sketch of Fantasy AU Rikki and she's so cute! Even in a world of magic and fairytales, she's still gotta work for minimum wage lol. Have you thought at all about how different her story would be in this au?
Fantasy AU is an absolute banger ✨👏 There are a lot of wonderful AUs in the Rise fandom & they’re all lovely.
Fantasy Rikki leans more to the bad guy side vs. Regular Rikki, who is trying to better themselves but ✨ bad habits & learned behavior ✨ makes it challenging.
Fantasy Rikki cares more about benefiting herself and doesn’t care if your feelings get hurt because she swindled you. She still keeps her ghoulish presence on the down-low. Ideally, Fantasy Rikki is waiting to get her paws on some juicy secrets/intel or rare artifacts to sell to the highest bidder.
Regular Rikki has a closer relationship with Clem, unlike Fantasy Rikki, who feigns being a loyal worker.
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tmngoose · 2 years
OC musings — a detail I forgot to add to Rikki’s timeskip design is a notch in one of her ears. Courtesy of her mother, of course. She plays it off very casually (“Can’t get any more punk rock than this =w=“)
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tmngoose · 2 years
Your post about Leonard made me curious, since Rikki used to be a criminal, has she ever met or worked with the Mud Dogz before? What's her opinion of them? Are they her enemies, old coworkers or begrudging friends?
:A Good question!! Rikki knows of the Mud Dogz! She never worked with them due to her affiliation with a different criminal syndicate that operated in another sector of the Hidden City. If anything, they might've collaborated on a heist once or twice, but Rikki never went out of her way to befriend them. I like to think any of the syndicates that operated under Big Mama stuck to their 'territories.' Rikki thinks the Mud Dogz are a bunch of bozos, though she knows better than to start trouble with them since they're so close to Big Mama. And the less attention Rikki draws to herself the better-- especially nowadays, where keeping the lowest of all profiles is key to avoiding her former gangmates, her mother, and the Hidden City Police. Would the Mud Dogz recognize Rikki? Danny, Leonard, and Mickey might notice something vaguely familiar about her, but otherwise no. On the other hand, Heinous Green would!* * As the lowest-tiered member of her gang, Rikki was often used for fodder. Being a ghost capable of recovering from (almost) any fatal injury automatically landed you into the disposable grunt category! That being said; there may have been an incident where -ahem- Rikki did not do a very good job at staying alive as a result of her first encounter with Heinous Green.
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tmngoose · 2 years
Remember awhile back when it was announced Rise would be canceled, the writers revealed the lost episode titles? One of the titles was called "Hidden City Heroes". Since we don't have any info on what that episode would have been about, I've made it my personal headcanon that, if my OC Chiyo were a real character in the show, she'd be introduced in that episode, and it would be all about her becoming a vigilante, bonding with the turtles and them working together to stop crime bosses in her town
Catch me thinking how cute it would be if this weathered warrior bumps into Chiyo at some point during the episode and claims she reminds him a lot about himself when he was her age—and that he sees her potential. (And that weathered warrior is Usagi).
I always HC that any episode where Clem is shown outside, Rikki’s manning the store. The storyboards from Wedding Smashers where Clem is at Ghost Bear & Pepper’s wedding? Rikki’s watching the store. Clem sitting in the Battle Nexus audience during Many Unhappy Returns? Rikki’s watching the store. Those storyboards from the Warren 2 episode where Warren 2’s fighting the turtles & April at Clem’s store and chaos ensues? Rikki shows up five minutes later, incredibly disgruntled at the mess she has to clean up.
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