#the sims 4 polish translation
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aurora--sky · 2 years ago
Hej, miałam pisać głównie do tłumaczy modów, ale kończąc post zorientowałam się, że dużo by nie wynieśli z tych wypocin 😅
Opisuję tutaj pewną historię, która mi się przytrafiła. Jak komuś się nudzi to może poczytać. Piszę też ten post, aby ktoś z serwera Deaderpoola go zobaczył, bo nie mam możliwości się skontaktować z ani jedną osobą stamtąd. Jednak nie mam na to nadziei.
@eg4mccc @deaderpoolmc @kawaiistacie I'd love you to read that, thank you. I did not have the opportunity to defend myself, since your friends blocked me.
Śmieszna sytuacja. Zaczęłam dostawać wiadomości na CF i Discordzie od adminów/moderatorów serwera KawaiiStacie i Deaderpoola - Onyxangel i Cur13yKar13y.
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(chyba po kliknięciu w zdjęcie zdjęcie będzie mieć lepszą jakość ale nwm)
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Zarzucają mi, że to w jaki sposób dodaję moje tłumaczenia (od 4 lat prawie już) wygląda tak, jakbym pisała, że to są moje mody, i że je przywłaszczam. No, i że nie piszę, że tłumaczenia należą do KS.
Problemem też jest to, że nie dodaję tłumaczeń na jej stronę i jej serwer, oraz to, że tłumaczę "zakazany" przez ICH SERWERY mod, i że miałam czelność dodać te straszne tłumaczenie na tę samą stronę, co tłumaczenia do perfekcyjnych (wgl nie popsutych przez 9 miesięcy w roku) modów KS.
Próbowałam im to wytłumaczyć w kilku wiadomościach, ale obraziły się, bo byłam "agresywna". Cur13yKar13y w ogóle mnie nie wysłuchała tylko od razu zablokowała, po czy jej koleżanka zrobiła to samo.
w każdym poście, na CF, czy tutaj daję info "polskie tłumaczenie/polish translation" oraz info, że "bez moda tłumaczenie nie zadziała". Na CF piszę to w 5 miejscach! bo takie są wymagania strony. Czy to jest moja wina, że osoby/dzieci nie potrafią zrozumieć, że to nie jest mod i zgłaszają się do adminów ich serwerów? No ja wprowadzam w błąd specjalnie.
nie dodaję jej tłumaczeń na serwer, bo nikt tego nie robi. Jeśli wejdziecie na jej serwer i kanał #complete-translations, zobaczycie (na ten moment) post ze stycznia 2023, wcześniej ze 2 posty z 2022. Tyle. Inni nie muszą, ale ja muszę.
nie dodaję tłumaczeń na jej stronę, bo nie mam możliwości. Jej strona jest bardziej popsuta od jej modów. Na początku, dodawałam wszystkie swoje tłumaczenia, kiedy w pewnym momencie KS zdecydowała, że usunie stronę i zbuduje nową, usuwając przy tym wszystkie konta. Ja wraz z innymi tłumaczami byliśmy zdezorientowani, co się stało, czemu nie mogę się zalogować, gdzie się podziały nasze tłumaczenia? KS oraz jej admini nawet nie poinformowali nas o tym, już nie mówiąc o jakiś przeprosinach. Przeniosłam się tu na dobre. Potem stworzyłam nowe konto na jej stronie. Aktualnie, moje konto znów zostało usunięte. Nie mogę tam nic zrobić. Zgłaszałam to. "No ale dlaczego nie dodajesz tłumaczeń na jej stronę?"
w każdym tłumaczeniu dodaję link do moda. Nie muszę pisać imienia autora. Aby tłumaczenie działało, musisz pobrać moda z linka. Wchodzisz w link i widzisz autora, prawda? Nikt mi nie wmówi, że przywłaszczam
tutaj ta śmieszna część: ich serwery (DP, KS i inne) mają zakazane mody na SWOICH SERWERACH. Z jakiegoś powodu Etheria's Romance Overhaul jest zakazany, idc. Ale czemu ma mnie to obchodzić? Że jakiś serwer coś sobie zakazał i teraz piszą do mnie, że złamałam zasady ICH serwera??? No nie wiem jak to wytłumaczyć, to jest chora sytuacja. Ja nie dodałam tłumaczenia na ich serwery. Czy ja czegoś tutaj nie rozumiem?
Jak wszędzie, tak i tu chodzi o kasę... Według nich czerpię korzyści z nie mojej pracy.
Otóż na CurseForge kolekcjonuje się punkty na podstawie ilości pobrań. Punkty te wymienia się na Karty podarunkowe Amazon albo po prostu dostaje się pieniądze.
Przez 4 lata wszystko było okej, ale gdy teraz mogę mieć korzyści materialne ze swojej pracy to nagle wszystko robię źle. Hmm...
Mi to wygląda na czepianie się, bo ktoś tu jest zazdrosny. Według nich ktoś im doniósł, że łamię zasady. Jestem w stanie to uwierzyć, to bardzo możliwe. Znam osoby w tej społeczności, które źle mi życzą. Może naprawdę one tylko mnie informują, bo inna osoba/grupa osób zazdrości mnie nie lubi.
Ta społeczność już odbiera mi chęć i zabawę z gry. Skupiam się głównie na tłumaczeniach, bo bardzo lubię to hobby. Tymi oskarżeniami/zazdrością nikt nie sprawi, że to porzucę, a jeśli kogoś boli, że mogę dostawać za to pieniądze to proponuję zacząć tworzyć jakiś kontent i publikować go w Internecie. Na CF znajduje się wiele gier 😉
Jeśli czyta to jakiś tłumacz, który publikuje lub planuje publikować tłumaczenia na CurseForge - ten post może być przykładem na kogo uważać, no i żeby nie dać się zastraszyć.
Jeżeli dodajesz link do strony z modem i/lub piszesz imię autora, dajesz informację o tym, że to tylko tłumaczenie - nie łamiesz żadnych zasad.
(Zawieranie moda w swoim tłumaczeniu też nie jest złe. Ja je wyciągam, aby plik nie tworzył problemów, ale według zasad EA, zawieranie moda jest ok - każdy ma prawo modyfikować inne mody/cc i przywłaszczać je jako swoje - tłumacze najczęściej publikują tylko pliki tłumaczenia, bo są mili, no i żeby nie łamać sprawiedliwych zasad twórców 🤡)
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To chyba tyle. Ogólnie śmieszna sytuacja. 🤔
Życzę jednak wszystkim miłego dnia/nocy 💗
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salemsimss · 2 years ago
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cię nie opuszczę aż do śmierci
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iskierkaaa-pl · 1 year ago
House Insurance Quote
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>Oryginalny mod: House Insurance Quote >Autor: nickyclem1 >Tłumaczenie: Pobierz | 23.09.2023 | tou ___________________________________________
Zapraszam również na discorda z różnymi tłumaczeniami Tłumaczenie to odrębne pliki, niezbędne jest pobranie oryginalnego moda, inaczej nie będzie działać!
W razie jakichś błędów, literówek proszę napisać!
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kasiuniax3 · 5 months ago
Polskie Tłumaczenie modyfikacji "Mod: Archery Skill" od JaneSimsten
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Modyfikacje możecie pobrać tutaj:
!Żeby tłumaczenie działało, musi znajdować się w tym samym folderze co modyfikacja!
Tłumaczenie jest mojego autorstwa, natomiast modyfikacja należy do JaneSimsten
Link do pobrania ⬇️
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deaderpoolmc · 5 months ago
MC Command Center 2024.6.0 is out!
The latest public release, MCCC/MC Woohoo 2024.6.0, is out!
Full change log for 2024.6.0 is here.
Installation instructions can be found here.
Troubleshooting can be found here.
For support, you should always go to the Discord support channels:
General Support - Support for other mods or just general Q&A. General Support (Sims After Dark) - Alternate support for other mods or general Q&A MCCC Support - MCCC errors and questions Error Support- Last Exception questions
This has been tested to be working with (but does not require) GTW, OR,  Get Together, Dine Out, City Life, Vampires, Parenthood, Cats & Dogs, Jungle Adventures, Seasons, Get Famous, Strangeville, Island  Living, Realm of Magic, Discover University, Eco Living, Journey to Batuu, Snowy Escape, Cottage Living, Werewolves, High School Years, Growing Together, Horse Ranch, For Rent, Lovestruck, and the patch released October 1, 2024 - PC: / Mac: It will also work with anything after that Sims 4 update unless otherwise specified on Tumblr/Patreon posts I make after the update. Earlier Sims 4 versions may not be compatible, so we often do not support anything below the specified version here!
The legacy version of Sims 4 will now, and forever, use MCCC version 6.6.0, which can be found on Patreon and on my website.
MC Command Center - All Modules Version 2024.6.0
MC Woohoo - Version 2024.6.0  (optional if MC Woohoo features are wanted)
German - Thanks, Bonxie and SimNes!
French - Thanks, Holodeck!
Japanese - Thanks, Halapeco!
Russian - Thanks, KuriXarya!
Polish - Thanks, OnlyBroken!
Korean - Thanks, Smlee499!
Swedish - Thanks, Namelessperson98!
Chinese - Thanks, Rebya!
Italian - Thanks, Isy!
Portuguese - Thanks, Bichon2057pt!
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crispsandkerosene · 5 months ago
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Extended "Tell a Story..." Interaction
A small default replacement (of sort) for this Apartment Life social. The original includes five "stories", each boosting a hobby and relations with a an AL social class: -> "Mechanics", tinkering, Gearheads. -> "Art", arts & crafts, Bohemians. -> "Sports", sports, Jocks. -> "Computers", games, Techies. -> "Economy", film and literature, Socialites. I added five for the missing hobbies; reusing the social classes: -> "Camping", nature, Gearheads. -> "Baking", cuisine, Bohemians. -> "Health", fitness, Jocks. -> "Science Fiction", science, Techies. -> "Orchestra", music and dance, Socialites. All the new stories use custom sprites in their speech bubbles. These are from the Sims 2, 3 and 4. Their action strings have localization for French, Russian, Polish, Spanish and Portuguese. Other game languages will display the basic US English. I also renamed the "Economy" story to "Celebrity" in the English localization. I replaced its sprites as well as some of the "Computers" story's. The preview image shows one of the "Celebrity" sprites. Internally, the mod replaces components of the existing interaction: BHVs, STRs, TXTRs, and the OBJD (but not its GUID). The only new resources are additional textures. As far as I've tested, it should be safe to remove. The game will simply go back to using the original "material". Thank you to Gayars for helping me test it, and Tvickiesims, Gwathgor, Freezer Bunny and Logan Simming Wolverine for the various translations! -> Download at SimFileShare.
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sugarushwriting · 5 months ago
ot7 vampire enhypen (part five!!!???!)
you listen to eunchae and meet some people with interesting backstories
ni-ki has been following the rules (yay!)
sunghoon, jay and the others are worried about you
next part will be straight nsfw/smut with the four oldest. hehe.
if any names are misspelled i apologize!!
not proof read. please like, comment and reblog but please don’t repost and translate!!!
ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
ni-ki arrived to the house at exactly 4:59 pm, but him being on time was the least of jays and sunghoons worries.
ni-ki entered announcing himself, but got no response. he walked into the living room seeing each of the guys sitting.
jungwon, sunoo and jake on the couch, heeseung on the floor his head between his knees, sunghoon in a chair, jay pacing.
“what’s going on? if yall are worried about me, im here? i didn’t break curfew!” ni-ki stated and looked at jake.
“it’s not you they are worried about.” sunoo answered.
with a joke ni-ki said, “so i could’ve met that girl and yall wouldn’t have cared?”
that got all their attention, jay said, “absolutely not. don’t tempt us, ni-ki.”
“what girl?” jake asked with a smile on his face.
“some girl that kept staring at me and our favorite human.” ni-ki answered, throwing his bag on the floor as he plopped next to jake.
“her name?”
“ni-ki,” sunghoon warned but ni-ki nodded in understanding.
“i know i know, stay away from her.” he rolled his eyes. even though he wasn’t. he was intrigued by eunchae and her story.
“they’re worried about her.” jungwon sighed picking at his nails.
“who? eunchae?” ni-ki asked confused.
“no, it’s—,”
“what are we gonna do?” heeseung asked finally speaking up. “i mean we can feed on the bags we have and other humans, but her blood was special, we all know that.”
“not all of us.” ni-ki mumbled but no one either heard him or paid attention to him.
“i will talk to her.” jay stated.
“and look where that got us!” sunghoon argued. “she stormed out yelling fuck you to the both of us!”
“she can’t ignore us forever, sunghoon. she belongs to us. we own her.”
“technically we don’t, not yet anyway.” sunghoon pointed out.
“what was i supposed to do, hold her down and bite her?”
“that would’ve been better than ignoring her questions!”
“she was asking what happens to her and her future! she asked me to change her to a vampire, sunghoon.” jays voice was getting louder. “she had the nerve to say she’d fall in love, get married and have kids with someone that isn’t us.”
“well we can’t have kids.” jake retorted but jay wasn’t in the mood for jokes.
“shut it, sim.” jay snapped.
the guys have never seen jay this way, ever. only sunghoon has seen him like this, over a century ago.
eunchae had brought you to the house off campus she shared with 5 other girls.
the house was gorgeous, another historic home, with a huge porch and a porch swing. the boys house was more polished while this house seemed more comfy and lived in.
“kura! kazhua!” eunchae yelled.
a brunette came down the stairs holding her ears, “dang eunchae, why so loud?”
“is unnie sakura and kazhua here?”
the brunette nodded, and grabbed a bag you were assuming was hers. “im going to meet jen and chae at the library.”
“okay, bye garam!”
the brunette, garam, left, and two other girls came down the stairs.
“girls, we need to talk to you.” eunchae said with a pout.
in summary, all the girls who lived in this house was a seraphim, or fallen angel living in a human body they died in. you learned sakura, the oldest knew jay in the past, kazhua knew sunghoon.
jay fed from sakura often, and sunghoon kazhua. sakura became a seraphim because of jay. he hurt her so bad when he was done with her. she was in tears running home when she was hit by a horse carriage. kazhua became one after she got hurt by sunghoon. she went to run from him and she fell down a hill hitting her head on a rock. sunghoon panicked and ran off. sakura found her hanging on to life.
although they are seraphim’s and typically they aren’t fallen angels, since them as a group specifically don’t serve god, they are considered fallen angels. they want to spread love and light, but can also bring chaos to others.
basically they bring chaos to those who have wronged others, but they have to be careful about it. it could be as simple as someone dropping their food or coffee after paying or as extreme as someone getting murdered.
jay and sunghoon made them each feel special, but in the end, just disappointed them. the icing on the cake was the girls had photos. they mentioned the boys probably got rid of any evidence of a past human relationship when they met you.
by the time they were done explaining you had a terrible headache.
“why don’t you sleep here? you can sleep in one of the bunks in eunchae and garam’s room.” sakura offered. you were too weak to decline.
“thank you.” you smiled. the girls helped you with getting a shower and other hygiene before offering you some extra pajamas that could fit you. you ended up texting your roommate that you wouldn’t be back at the dorm tonight. afterwards you powered your phone off as it was on 40%.
the house had 4 bedrooms, sakura had her own, chaewon had her own, jen and kazuha shared a room with two twin beds, and then eunchae and garam shared with 2 sets of bunk beds. each girl claimed the top bunk on the beds, so you slept on the one underneath eunchae.
“are you okay?” eunchae asked from the top bunk. it was close to 10 pm and the other girls hadn’t came home from the library yet.
“i don’t know.” you sighed before letting your body’s energy sink and going to bed.
when you awoke the next morning, it was 8 am. typically you had a 10 am class, but looking at your phone when you woke up, they had cancelled. that was your only class for the day.
eunchae came into the room with a smile. “i have class at 10:30. garam should be back by noon. sakura doesn’t have class on tuesdays and thursdays so she’ll be here all day unless there’s some work.”
you nodded. “thank you for everything.”
“of course. I heard their stories after i met sakura and kazhua and saw how much it affected them. even to this day. when i learned about you i felt i needed to warn you.” eunchae said softly. she waved and turned to leave.
sakura told you what they told you last night should not dictate your decision if you keep seeing the guys and allowing them to feed. she just gave advice to not let yourself get emotionally attached more than you are. to think of it as a transaction, because what have they done for you?
fancy gifts, hotel stays, fancy food, and pet names mean nothing if they don’t understand what you truly like as a person.
you grabbed your belongings, opting to stay in the sweats and hoodie you slept in. they definitely kept it cold in this damn house.
walking down the stairs, you saw sakura meeting you at the door with a smile. “you are welcomed here anytime, okay? don’t think you know this but when you’re here, they can’t track you.”
sakura gave you a hug goodbye as you walked the 5 minutes to your dorm.
you may have not realized the guys couldn’t track you all night, but they definitely realized.
that night around midnight, sunghoon went to your dorm to check on you. he used his mind power to unlock your dorm door and quietly make his way in. he couldn’t smell a fresh scent from you, and it was confirmed when you weren’t in bed asleep.
he panicked and immediately alerted jay.
sunghoon demanded jay stay behind with sunoo, jungwon and ni-ki, cause first off they needed someone (an elder) at home. secondly, sunghoon didn’t trust jay would approach you calmly once found.
that night, all night, sunghoon, heeseung, and jake spent hours looking and trying to track you with no luck.
when the guys returned to the house, telling jay they didn’t find you, jay stormed into the room where ni-ki and the other three slept, ripping the covers off of ni-ki.
“what the hell man!” ni-ki was not happy being woken up at ungodly hours of the night (ironic huh?).
“what was that girl’s name?” jay asked. by this time jungwon and sunoo were awake as well, sunghoon, jake, and heeseung in the doorway or near the doorway of the bedroom.
“what girl?”
“the one that was staring at you and—,”
“eunchae. don’t know a last name.” ni-ki groaned cutting jay off. ni-ki pulled the covers back over his head in attempt to shut off the conversation. “now let me sleep! i have class at 9.”
jay left the bedroom and began pacing around the house. jay texted you which went unanswered.
jay: love where are you?
that’s where it got him now, staying in the shadows as he stood outside your 10 am class. except the students or professor or you never came.
jay had class at 11 so it was sunghoons turn. he stood in the shadows by your dorm. and there you were. walking with your (?) hoodie up, eyes down, swiping into your dorm.
you unknowingly being watched, went up to your empty dorm, and peeled off the clothes you borrowed, grabbing an oversized shirt of heeseung’s slipping it over your head just as a knock came to your door.
you cursed yourself after opening it, without looking in the peephole. you went to shut it, but sunghoon was too strong. “baby doll, don’t be like that.”
he pryed the door open and you stepped back as he stepped him. “go away, i don’t want you here.” your voice shook.
“i did a nice thing by knocking, i could’ve just tampered with the door.” sunghoon tsked.
you swallowed knowing you were stuck. “what do you want sunghoon?”
“baby doll, where were you last night? me and some of the guys looked for you but couldn’t find you. you had jay so worried.” sunghoon pouted. he was faking his empathetic voice.
“well you didn’t look hard enough because i was here in bed.” you crossed your arms.
sunghoon shook his head, his tongue clicking in disappointment, “baby doll, we don’t like liars, especially me.” his voice lowered an octave with the last part with a growl.
“im not lying!”
“i came into your dorm last night and you were not here.” sunghoon growled.
“i told you i could easily open your lock with my mind.” sunghoon smirked. “now where were you?” he gritted out.
you both were interrupted with a knock on the door. funny, sunghoon didn’t smell anyone coming.
sunghoon turned and opened the door seeing a red hair girl.
“hey are you okay?” she rushed towards you enveloping you in a hug. in your ear she whispered, “im jen, i was warned by eunchae you might need help.”
sunghoon couldn’t hear what she whispered. who was this girl?
jen turned towards sunghoon with a fake smile. “i think she needs some sleep. she had a long night.” jen smiled emphasizing “long.”
the tips of sunghoons ears began to turn red.
“who are you?” sunghoon asked.
“jen. im her friend.”
“she doesn’t have friends.”
“hey!” you interrupted. “please leave, im not feeling well, jen will make sure i get rest.”
“no, you will come home with me.” sunghoon stared at you intensely.
“no.” you shook your head.
“yes.” his eyes darkened.
“i said no sunghoon.” you stated. sunghoon looked at you confused then sighed.
“fine.” sunghoon said nothing more as he stormed out of your dorm, slamming the door. luckily it didn’t fly of the hinges with his strength.
you were so confused at his behavior, but jen wasn’t. “he was trying to mind control you to get you to leave with him.” jen said, basically answering your confusion.
“huh?” now you were even more confused.
jen explained the tea you had at their house had a drug in it to prevent any vampire or other supernatural creature from using their mind control or other powers on you or even them. seraphim’s could be easily manipulated by vampires or other supernatural creatures.
“how long does it last?” you asked. jen answered with at least 3 days. “good. im gonna need more of that.” you were going to need it to prevent any further manipulation from the guys.
in the mean time, jen added you to a new group chat she made with the girls for you to text whenever you needed them. if it was an emergency you was just to text them, ‘hi angels,’ and they’d find you and come to you.
earlier that morning
“why looking so glum riki?” eunchae asked a tired looking ni-ki on their way to class. she happened to have an extra cup of coffee.
“my damn boss woke me up in the middle of the night asking dumb questions.”
“you call him boss?”
“he acts like he’s my boss.”
“call him den mother. that’s what he’s more like.” eunchae teased. “so why did he wake up you asking dumb questions?”
ni-ki explained how you went missing apparently and the guys were worried they couldn’t find you.
eunchae laughed, “she wasn’t missing, she was just hiding from yall.”
“yeah the olders didn’t like that.” ni-ki shook his head, “they’re so protective over her.”
“you mean possessive?”
“that too.” ni-ki sighed and explained the rest of the story and how they were gonna take turns this morning staking out your class and dorm.
that perked eunchae’s ears, but it also got her nervous when ni-ki told her that he told jay about her. eunchae quickly took out her phone to text the girls in the group chat, warning them you may need help.
“you haven’t told them that im a seraphim, right?”
ni-ki shook his head. “no, should i?”
eunchae quickly shook her head. “absolutely not. your kind hates my kind.”
ni-ki’s left eyebrow raised. “why is that?”
“it’s better to not know.”
it was currently 6:53 in the evening, and you have 30 missed calls and 177 unread messages from: jay, sunghoon, heeseung, and jake.
jungwon even texted to ask if you were okay, and it hurt you to not reply back. but you couldn’t be sure if it was actually jungwon, or perhaps jay and sunghoon using the other guys to get through to you.
jay: love answer your phone
sunghoon: babydoll, you answer us or face the consequences
heeseung: baby are you okay? we are worried about you
jake: im hungry for you. can we meet? i miss you.
jungwon: are you doing okay? im worried about you.
the absolute last message from jay sent chills through your body.
jay: love, you are going to regret ignoring us. you have until 7 pm tonight to answer us or you’re going to face some extreme consequences.
it was now 7:02 pm. your phone dinged with an email from your professor for tomorrows class. the same class jay was a teaching assistant for.
class, tomorrow will be mandatory as we discuss finals. if you miss tomorrow, that will deduct 600 points out of your final grade. remember, the highest number of points to obtain from this class is 2000, and you need at least a 1800 to pass.
dammit you had planned to skip that class. jay must’ve done this on purpose so you couldn’t avoid him.
you were sure no one even had close to 800 points because many of the highest point assignments didn’t begin until later in the semester.
you were fucked. and you were scared to know what consequences jay and the guys could possibly have for you.
vampires house (#1)
seraphim’s house (#2)
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verisimmy · 1 year ago
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Are your Sims tired of constantly cleaning the dust around the house? Now thanks to Dusty F(r)iends, they can befriend it!
This is my new milestone when it comes to CC - not only this is a 4t2 conversion, it's also a buy mode object and a functional one! I had so much fun doing it and maybe in the future I will make other pets like this xD
Dust Bunny and Filth Fiend from Sims 4 Bust The Dust kit as functional pet womrats!
Comes with two womrat cages - Dusty Pet Cage and Filthy Pet Cage by Dusty F(r)iends
3 original EAxis swatches + 3 additional swatches from Phaenoh's -Tribbles!- New Small Pet, New Cage, and Recolors!
New custom food box and bedding for our adorable little allergens
No recolors for Dust Bunnies and Filth Fiend at the moment (unfortunately, I'm not good at recoloring that type of stuff yet)
Filth Fiend model has an additional subset for the glowing eyes (it's so cuuute)
Bunnies might slightly clip with the cages during some animations (I tried to minimize it as much as possible, from what I see the original womrat also had problems with it)
Currently translated into English and Polish only
Download: SFS
As this was my first time making this type of CC - if you find any issues, please let me know!
Special thanks to:
@platinumaspiration - from whom I took the original models (originally converted as pet toys)
Klinny's Tutorial on creating new womrats on MTS (although some stuff was missing, it was really helpful as a start)
IgnorantBliss' Tutorial on adding new subsets to an object on MTS (which helped me with adding the glowy eyes for a Filth Fiend)
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tianasimstreehouse · 2 years ago
Occult Recipebook
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble.
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Occult gameplay is up there with one of my favourite ways to play. Food is a part of our Sims lives, and should also be for occults so that they can cook up their preferred foods.
This Occult Recipebook is a collection of custom recipes (food and drink) for Occult Sims in the Sims 4.
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I have started off this occult culinary journey with: ✨SPELLCASTERS✨
I have plans to later create foods for each occult life state, so I will keep adding to the recipe book.
“Spellcasters” as a life state can be played in so many different ways: they can range from gnarly evil witches who practice black magic and eat bird entrails, to happy little fairies who live in cottages surrounded by woods and flowers! I have tried to include a little bit of everything in the recipes I have created. These foods are a mix of fairy, fantasy, green garden witch, apothecary, or black-magic sorcerer etc. 
They effect Spellcasters and/or human Sims in many weird and wonderful ways.
E.g. Nettle Tea which helps teenagers suffering with acne, Milk Thistle Biscuits which leave the consumer with prickly thistles in their tongue, and Eye of Newt Soup which most Sims will find disgusting but which Spellcasters will happily slurp up.
39 new recipes for your Spellcasters!
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~ Realm of Magic is required for these recipes ~
**there's a fair amount of pack-integration, and be sure to read the pack recommendations on the Patreon post for each recipe** to make sure nothing is missing or glitching.
Meals Dandelion Salad - increases SCs gardening skill, fills PlantSims' hunger Nettle Soup Soft-Boiled Golden Eggs - makes Sims glow and glitter Pumpkin Pasties Pomegranate Halves Eye of Newt Soup - makes other Sims feel sick Valerian Root Pie - other Sims won't like this dish Elderberry Jam Toast Toadstool Soup - inspires SCs, normal Sims won't like this dish Salamander Stew - other Sims won't like this dish Spiced Honey Bread - SCs will gain all skills faster Raised Newt Pie - makes other Sims feel sick Dragon Livers - Werewolves will love these and normal Sims won't Raised Phoenix Pie - Sims will randomly breathe fire for a while and feel confident
Desserts Milk Thistle Biscuits - chance to get uncomfortable thistles in tongue Huckleberry Jam Cream Puffs - makes SCs playful Fairy Bread Soul Cakes Huckleberry Pie Juniper Berry Jam Biscuits Honeycomb Cakes - SCs will gain all skills faster Valerian Custard Tart Toadstool Cookies Cursed Cookies - wouldn't recommend eating these... serve them to enemies! Eating one may leave the SC eater cursed. Good Sims will sense the evil inside and get sad Canning *Requires Cottage Living Canning Skill Gooseberry Jam Elderberry Jam Rosehip Jelly Drinks *Bar/alcoholic drinks require Mixology skill, and a Bar. Acorn Coffee (*coffee machine) Pumpkin Juice Willow Bark Tea - A home remedy to cure most illnesses, food poisoning etc Sage Tea - soothes stress and anger, SCs are focused and improve logic skills faster Nettle Tea - helps teens suffering from acne Lavender Tea - makes Sims flirty Mugwort Tea - reduces fear or panic Butterbeer - gives SCs confidence Mandrake Ale Nettle Wine Dandelion Wine Elderberry Wine
INFO & DOWNLOAD (early access): https://www.patreon.com/posts/79514896?pr=true Milk & Cookies: Now! Sugar Cookies: May 24th Public: May 31st
Pro tip for Windows PC users: Please make sure to delete the MACOSX folders/files that can appear after you extract the mod's files, otherwise the game may throw an error and not load at all.
TRANSLATIONS Polish - ❤️ Daisy1728, find their translation over here French - ❤️ Heidi / LuniverSims, find their translation here
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amethystamanda · 4 months ago
MissBee's Child Aspirations Set updated
This is an update of this Child Aspiration by MissBee, who seems to have left modding. I tried to reach out to her on ModTheSims, and I made a post here and on patreon seeking her out, and got no response. It's been over a month, so I'm going to go ahead and release this, but if MissBee comes back at any point and either updates her mods or asks me to remove this, I'll take it down, with no hesitation.
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From the original description:
This set contains 4 different aspirations for your child sims: Perfect Angel, Little Einstien, Delinquent, and Child Star. Each aspiration seeks to utilize interactions added by various packs to give you new goals to accomplish with your sims. Fulfilling these aspirations will provide your sim with a custom reward trait that will boost their skill and career gains, among other benefits. 
For all, Parenthood
For Child Star, Get Famous
For Little Einstein, Get to Work
This has always been one of my favourite aspiration sets for kids, who have a very limited selection of in-game aspirations. I love having one sibling a Perfect Angel or Little Einstein and another a Delinquent. They broke, as all child aspirations did, with patch 1.108, and as soon as I had a child in game, I missed them so much.
More details and the download under the cut, mostly so that if MissBee does come back, this post won't be floating around with an old download attached.
They're now updated for recent patches, and the strings have been updated to match the last update made to the mod by MissBee. Some of the requirements were changed, but the strings were not updated to match, and now they do.
In addition to that, my friend who tested for me (thank you so much, meg) found that there were missing tootips in the aspiration, so those have been added. I've been using the aspirations so long that I couldn't say if they were there and got removed at some point or if they were never there and I just didn't notice, but now they're there.
As a result of those changes, old translations WILL NOT WORK. Everything will be in English. See the bottom for any updated translations I know of.
I am not including a merged version.
It's not advised to cheat objectives, it can cause a delay in the thing you cheated marking completed. This is true for many aspirations, but it came up in testing, so I thought I'd mention it. It can happen without cheating too.
There is a slight delay in becoming best friends with a parent/caregiver registering. It WILL register, it just takes a few seconds.
For more details on the objectives, check the original post: https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=655317
Polish, from @nenusia: https://nenusia.tumblr.com/post/706380090256310272/pl-t%C5%82umaczenie-child-aspiration-by-miss-bee
French, from @jazhmock: https://jazhmock.tumblr.com/post/716238873643106304/4-aspirations-pour-enfants-missbee
Nov 10, 2024:
There's now a very small confidence gain when completing an aspiration level.
Completing objectives now counts for wants and discovery quests.
Reward traits are now valid for reincarnation.
Added some more cleaning tasks to work with the Perfect Angel aspiration.
Jan 21, 2025:
Added whims to the aspiration and reward trait.
Fixed the reward trait from the Little Einstein aspiration that wasn't being rewarded.
For translators: One new string each added to Child Star, Delinquent Child, and Little Einstein.
Changed some old forms of pronouns into current tokens, but some stayed the same to prevent things like 'they loves.'
Download: http://simfileshare.net/folder/229862/
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littleredsonja · 2 years ago
Houses Of Witchcraft
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Update 30-10-2023:
Added Chinese translation (Thank you Mieli and Orchard Team!)
Update 31-05-2023:
Added Polish translation (Thank you Krzydkowy!)
I have been working on this for several weeks and I can finally release my new mod, "Houses of Witchcraft" (HOW). Version 1.0 includes:
4 different Houses of Witchcraft that your sims and NPC spellcasters can join. Each House has different strengths and weaknesses, different bonuses and modifiers. Rogue spellcasters that have not been sorted into one of the Houses have a very hard time learning magic. To join or leave a House talk with one of the Sages (a new menu with new interactions is included inside the "Magic" menu). You can also join a House if you buy the reward trait.
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Add NPC spellcasters to a House or make them leave with the included cheats menu (shift+click on any NPC spellcaster).
Rebalance in Witchcraft XP and Charge for more interesting gameplay.
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Familiars provide now different bonuses to skills and buffs to spellcasters sorted into different Houses.
A new Skill with 15 levels, "Witchcraft Studies". By studying your textbooks you will learn a lot about the Magic World. Certain levels unlock new interactions and recipes. A higher level in this subject will give your sims a better chance for positive results and rewards during events and rabbit hole interactions.
A LOT of lore about the Magic World, creatures, famous spellcasters, gossip and much more. Your sims will learn about it when talking with other spellcasters, going into rabbit holes and adventures, and reading Witchcraft Studies textbooks.
New activities for spellcasters, from attending a Quidditch match to visiting shops or exploring dangerous places, where you can get rewards, meet other spellcasters, or sometimes being bitten by a book… Victory or Defeat will depend on your skills, knowledge of spells and potions, and of course a little bit of luck. You can find the activities in a new menu in your phone.
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New custom potions, including the mysterious "Potion of WaterBreathing", that you will discover during your adventures and studies.
New advanced ingredients for potions, that you can obtain from other common things such as Motes or Seashells.
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You can brew herbalism remedies in your cauldron now.
A new lot trait, "Harnocks School of Witchcraft". You can add this trait wherever you want, it will provide bonuses to learning and practicing any kind of magic and alchemy, and make the lot more "magical".
More than 10 new social interactions exclusive for spellcasters. You can tell jokes about Muggles, argue about your favorite Quidditch team, share your knowledge about the Magic World, enthuse about your new broom and many more! All the new interactions are in a new menu, "Talk about Magic" inside the "Magic" menu.
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And much much much more that I have on the works and I will be adding to the mod very soon, so stay tuned! Also, you can expect new spells soon 😊
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Special thanks to mlyssimblr for allowing me to use her "Pufferhead" custom content for the names and art for the Houses. Go check her awesome content in her page!: Pufferhead Special thank also to Icemunmun, MizoreYukii, Frankk, Lot51, Kuttoe, Waffle, Pankake, Lumpinou and everybody in "creator musings", "Deaderpool" and "Sims after Dark" discords for always being so nice and helpful when i ask silly questions, and for the suggestions on how to improve some of the feature in this mod. Thank you Crashdown117 for the testing and feedback on the mod. Thank you also to Scarlet, Luth, Holodeck, meg and the other Mod Heralds and Mod Hunters for always posting and reblogging my mods, even when they are very small. And a very big 💜 THANK YOU 💜 for reading this and using my mods.
If you have suggestions for how to improve the mod or if you find issues please contact me here or on Discord (@LittleRedSonja). You can leave a comment if you open the Dashboard or send me a message if you click on “ask” (lateral menu). You can also give it a “like” if you enjoy the mod 💜
German (by Crashdown117 💜)
Polish (by Krzydkowy 💜)
Chinese (by Mieli and Orchard Team 💜) Link
New translations are always welcome! If you would like to translate the mod please contact me and let me know, don’t be shy 😘.
This mod will conflict with mods that remove or change the buffs from familiars because my mod already does this in a much more extensive way, and will expand this even further in the near future. Other than that, it should be compatible with everything else.
Packs: Realm of Magic. The features included in the "Potion of WaterBreathing" require "Island Living" to work. Herbalism requires "Outdoor Retreat".
XML Injector: It is used by A LOT of other mods, so it is very possible that you already have it installed. If not, the only thing you need to do is download it, unzip the zip file, and put both the .ts4script and the .package files right inside your mods folder. That is it. If you already have it you do not need to download it again.
Download the mod and add the file to your mods folder. If you are updating remove the old file and put the new one in your mods folder.
LittleRedSonja_ROM_Houses_Of_Witchcraft_(HOW) XML Injector
Chinese translation
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aurora--sky · 2 years ago
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
A list of FAQs, troubleshooting and basic definitions for my translations, installations, etc.
Polish version of my FAQ can be found here -> FAQ in Polish.
1. What is translation? Translation is a file that changes the mod's English language to Polish after installation.
2. Do I also need to download the mod for the translation to work? Yes. Translation won't work without the mod. I personally do not include mod files in my translation. My translations are only text files called “strings”. Translation alone without the mod won't make the mod work.
3. Where can I download your translations from? I only publish my translations on my Tumblr blog or on CurseForge.
4. How can I download your translations? The translation file can be downloaded from the post you are interested in. I include such a file at the bottom of the post under the word CF or SFS. By clicking on one of the options, it will take you to the page where you can download the file.
5. What is CF and what is SFS? CF - CurseForge. SFS - SimFileShare. CurseForge is a site where mods/cc/translations for The Sims 4 are available for free download. SimFileShare is a file hosting site for The Sims players.
6. Are your translations free? Yes. My translations have always been and are free.
7. Is it safe to download translations? Can I download a virus by accident? Downloading my translations is completely safe and virus-free as long as you download them from my sources.
8. How to unpack a translation (.zip or .rar file)? My translations are often packaged in a ZIP file. If you are using Windows 11, the unpacker is built into your system. You only need to double click on the zip file.
However, if you don't have such a program, you can open a .zip translation after downloading and installing a program such as WinZip, 7-Zip, etc. There are plenty of choices on the Internet.
9. How to install the translation? The translation must be installed so that it is as close as possible to the main mod files.
In short: the translation file(s) should be inserted (and if they are in a .zip file after downloading - unpack them first as described in point 6) to the mod folder in \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. (The path may differ.) If the mod and the translation contain folders, then the translation files from the folder named i.e.  Objects PL must be put into the folder with the same name - Objects.
If you still don't understand, I refer you to my guide “How to install translations for The Sims 4?” here (in Polish).
10. Can I change the translation name? Better not. Translation may stop working after renaming.
11. What does “translation is (included) in the mod” mean? The translation included in the mod files is a translation that does not need to be downloaded separately. After installing the mod, it will be in Polish immediately.
Sometimes translators work with mod creators and send them their translations. The creator of the mod then puts such a translation into their mod.
12. Are your translations included in mods? Some of them are. Maybe three. Personally, I don't like collaborating with mod creators because at some point the creator stops communicating with me. After sending my translations, the creator adds them to the mod, after a few months I update the translation, send it to this person and they ignore me / don't notice / don't have time. Result: my old, unsuitable translation is “stuck” in the mod, and I have no control over it.
13. How to uninstall a translation? To uninstall a translation, all you need to do is delete the file from the folder where you installed it.
14. Can translation break the game? Does it conflict with other files? No. Translation can never corrupt game files, saves, Sims, CCs or mods. It also does not conflict with other translations.
In case there are two translations from different translators in the mod folder, only one translation will work. The latter will be ignored by the game. There will be no errors or conflicts.
15. Can I download and use non-updated translations (e.g. old translation + newer version of the mod)? Yes. However, it is possible that the translation will only work partially if the creator have added new text to their mod.
16. Why does the translation sometimes have more files than the mod itself?
This is sometimes the case because the translation needs to be broken up into more parts for it to work. Some modifications contain several files in one. But I can't do that with the translation. First I need to un-merge the mod in Sims4Studio, and then I can start translating it.
Issues with downloading and with translations, i.e. “translation is not working���
17. Translation doesn't work at all.
If the translation does not appear in the game, there are several reasons:
the translation was installed incorrectly
the translation was not extracted from the .zip file
the mod has not been installed
the mod was installed incorrectly
the translation is incorrectly translated
translation name was changed after download
there are several translation and/or mod files in the Mods folder and/or in the mod folder, e.g. previous, outdated versions
18. Translation works partially.
If the translation is correctly translated but only works in part, it is possible that the text of the mod is contained in the mod's .sctipt file. As a translator, I am unable to open and translate such a text. It is mod’s creator’s fault.
19. What to do if the translation does not work (partially or not at all)?
When the translation does not work, you need to check that it has been unpacked and installed correctly. This tutorial may help you.
Remember that you should always remove outdated, old versions before installing an updated version of a translation/mod. It also won't hurt to delete a file called “localthumbcache” which can be found in The Sims 4 folder.
If the translation still doesn't work, please contact me.
20. I found an error in your translation.
In this case, please contact me via ask or report an error in this form.
21. I can't download a translation from Simfileshare.
This is a common error that occurs, for example, when we enter the SFS link for the second time. When you can’t download the translation because the page won't load, all you have to do is remove “everything before http://...”. For example: https://href.li/?http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3794136/ - in this case, remove the part of the link that I marked in red.
If there is different error on this page then the page is probably having problems. You can then contact me.
22. I can’t download a translation from CurseForge.
If you can't download the translation from CF, the site is probably having problems.
It's also possible that my translation project hasn't been approved by the CF admins yet.
Other/Personal questions
23. How to translate mods for The Sims 4?
If you want to learn how to translate, you can check out my tutorial here (in Polish). You can also find useful information on the Internet.
Personally, I also think that as a translator you need to know the foreign language from which you want to translate quite well.
24. How did you learn to translate?
I found (very little) information on the Internet in English. I tried but I can't find that website right now. Fortunately, this information helped me get started, and then I somehow managed on my own.
25. How long have you been translating mods?
I started translating mods in June 2019.
26. What programs do you use for translations?
Lately I've been using mainly The Sims 4 Translator. Sometimes I also use DP STBL Editor and S4PE.
27. How long does it take you to translate 1 mod?
It depends on the amount of text and whether the mod interests me, whether it contains any specific terminology, whether there are errors in the text or creative, long descriptions. When a mod is interesting to me and when it doesn't contain very complicated text, I think I can translate 200 strings in an hour. However, this does not happen often.
28. Do you accept mod suggestions for translation?
Yes. You can always ask me via ask.
29. Are there any specific mods that you would not like to translate?
Yes. I am almost never interested in careers, traits and events mods. I do not like translating mods that are very short – less than 100 strings. I also do not translate “banned” (by The Sims 4!) mods with themes, such as paedophilia, rape, bestiality, etc.
30. Do you also translate mods for The Sims 3, The Sims 2 or other games?
No, and I don't think that will change in the near future.
31. What are the terms of use of your translations?
do not claim my translations as your own.
if you want to share my translation with others/upload to the website, please include my link to my translation (to my Tumblr, Simfileshare or CurseForge) and my name (AuroraSky).
you can modify and correct my translations for your own use.
don't work on my translation - don't claim my translation after making only a few changes.
if you have some problems with translating a mod that I have already translated, you can use part of my translation after asking for my permission first.
32. Is it possible to support you financially?
Yes. If you want, you can “buy me a coffee” on my Buycoffee.to page
33. What mods and CC do you use?
If anyone is interested in mods and CC that I like, I reblog them on my tumblr blog: aurorasky-ccfinds.tumblr.com
12.4.2023 Aurora Sky
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binxysimsfinds · 8 months ago
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My Wedding Mod by @caradriel
My Wedding Mod | Patreon
The mod will unlock once your sim is engaged. After the engagement, you will find it by clicking on a Sim you control. Look for the My Wedding menu. From there you can start preparing the wedding.
Part 1- Engagement
In the Wedding planner menu, you will be able to go alone or with a partner (by clicking the partner menu) when it comes to joint decisions on the wedding.
You will also find specific social interactions for the couple only. These interactions change when the Sims are married.
From Legal Documents (Partner menu) you may also: Sign Prenuptial Agreement or Talk About Marriage Contract.
Wedding App
The Wedding Reservation (Wedding App menu on your Sim) can be used for Call and Book reservation. The services are different which Sim you are using.
SimBook Service
You can now Create a SimBook account on a computer (Discuss Menu). With this account you will be able to Create and Publish the Wedding List (when the couple is married you will be able to close the list and receive a random amount of money). You can also consult Simbook groups, pages, and manage your own page.
By clicking on the Sim you control and on the Wedding App menu, go to the SimBook menu. You can take photos and upload them to your personal SimBook page.
⚠️ If you cannot find the SimBook or Honeymoon menus on your computer, try changing to another basegame computer.
Wedding Invitations
From the Wedding Online Shopping menu you can buy decorations, flowers and invitations for the wedding. You can order invitations and send them from your Sims’ inventory.
(This menu will be different once married)
Social Interactions
The Wedding Social menu will be used by your Sims to chat with friends about the future wedding, you can also officially Announce the wedding date.
(Social interactions will be different for the couple)
Other Social Interactions
Some interactions will be available only for NPC Sims or friends, and can be found in the different categories of dialogue (funny, mean, mischief, friendly). Beware don’t cause drama in your relationships, don't say I didn't warn you!
Part 2. After Wedding
Keep in mind that after the wedding the mod menus will change, some features will no longer be available and will be replaced by new ones.
Marriage Certificate
When you click on your Sim, you can now order a Wedding Certificate. This can be hung on a wall if you wish.
You can go on Honeymoon at any time! For a luxury Honeymon, you must first have a plane ticket, which you can buy from the computer (Web menu), the Budget-friendly is a simple Social Event.
You have the possibility to buy a Wedding Photo Album and Travel Guides by looking for Travel Information on a computer about each place (Selvadorada, Komorebi, Granite falls… etc)
When you buy your plane ticket, a few minutes later the Del Sol Valley Company will call you on your phone to sell a luggage insurance. You can buy it or not, as you wish!
Sulani Rental (optional)
As for the Wedding Party Place Lot, there is a created Rental Lot (No CC) for a Honeymoon in Sulani.
You can download it on the gallery: Caradriels or follow this link.
You can find other Rental Lots from MissyHissy’s here.
🔹 Mod requirement 🔹
-Base game compatible
Language options
Available in English and French- other translations were made (can only link one - apologies for that)
Spanish - Mod: Mi Boda (Creado por Caradriel) | Simlish 4 (Credit to Simlish 4)
Brazilian Portuguese - (Credit to @nathansimss)
Russian - (Credit to DawnWarden)
Dutch - (Credit to Gothique Simmer)
Polish - (Credit to Venedie)
German - (Credit to Never_see_the_stars)
Before downloading
Check the mod status - Index & Mod Status - Caradriel
Read Terms Of Use (T.O.U) Term of Use & License - Caradriel
⚠️I do not claim this mod as my own - all credit goes to @caradriel
My Wedding Mod | Patreon
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iskierkaaa-pl · 1 year ago
Celebrate Adoption
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>Oryginalny mod: Celebrate Adoption >Autor: Cassity Simmer >Tłumaczenie: Pobierz | 23.09.2023 | tou ___________________________________________
Zapraszam również na discorda z różnymi tłumaczeniami Tłumaczenie to odrębne pliki, niezbędne jest pobranie oryginalnego moda, inaczej nie będzie działać!
W razie jakichś błędów, literówek proszę napisać!
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kasiuniax3 · 1 year ago
Polskie Tłumaczenie modyfikacji "Fire Fighter Active Career" od KiaraSims4Mods
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Modyfikacje możecie pobrać tutaj:
!Żeby tłumaczenie działało, musi znajdować się w tym samym folderze co modyfikacja!
Tłumaczenie jest mojego autorstwa, natomiast modyfikacja należy do KiaraSims4Mods
Link do pobrania ⬇️
0 notes
deaderpoolmc · 2 months ago
MC Command Center 2024.7.0 is out!
The latest public release, MCCC/MC Woohoo 2024.7.0, is out! This is my last planned post of the year. I'm hoping to have a little bit of time-off for the holidays to spend with family, now. Happy Holidays to all!
Full change log for 2024.7.0 is here.
Installation instructions can be found here.
Troubleshooting can be found here.
For support, you should always go to the Discord support channels. We don't do support through PM's:
General Support - Support for other mods or just general Q&A. General Support (Sims After Dark) - Alternate support for other mods or general Q&A MCCC Support - MCCC errors and questions Error Support- Last Exception questions
This has been tested to be working with (but does not require) GTW, OR,  Get Together, Dine Out, City Life, Vampires, Parenthood, Cats & Dogs, Jungle Adventures, Seasons, Get Famous, Strangeville, Island  Living, Realm of Magic, Discover University, Eco Living, Journey to Batuu, Snowy Escape, Cottage Living, Werewolves, High School Years, Growing Together, Horse Ranch, For Rent, Lovestruck, Life & Death, and the patch released January 28, 2025 - PC: 1.112.519.1020 / Mac: 1.112.519.1220. It will also work with anything after that Sims 4 update unless otherwise specified on Tumblr/Patreon posts I make after the update. Earlier Sims 4 versions may not be compatible, so we often do not support anything below the specified version here!
The legacy version of Sims 4 will now, and forever, use MCCC version 6.6.0, which can be found on Patreon and on my website.
MC Command Center - All Modules Version 2024.7.0
MC Woohoo - Version 2024.7.0  (optional if MC Woohoo features are wanted)
Polish - Thanks, OnlyBroken!
French - Thanks, Forevercamp!
German - Thanks, Bonxie!
Japanese - Thanks, Halapeco!
Spanish - Thanks, Onnya!
Swedish - Thanks, Namelessperson98!
Korean - Thanks, Smlee499!
Russian - Thanks, KuriXarya!
Chinese - Thanks, Rebya!
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