#the silver fox in all his glory
fluffylord · 3 months
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This man could read me the phone book and I’d still be mesmerized.
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thinwhitedoc · 3 months
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SHERLOCK | Martin Freeman as John Watson
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pseudowho · 6 months
Higuruma Hiromi Masterlist
Updated: 21st June 2024
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🔥 Smut. 💔 Angst 💕 Romance
☕ Comfort/Fluff 🤡 Clowning
🐙 Monsterfucking. 📚 Education (*dirty laugh*)
"BabywearingDad!Higuruma" Ask and Drabble ☕
Behind the Wall 🔥💕-- a desperate Higuruma visits your glory hole
Bound 💕🔥-- the reader wants a home-made NSFW video, and Hiromi is happy to oblige
Calamus et Gladius (the pen and the sword) 🔥💕💔☕-- slow-burn, enemies to lovers Culling Game smut with Higuruma and a foreign reader
Cunt-Drunk 💕🔥-- Hiromi goes out for work-drinks and karaoke...and comes home feral.
Daddy 🔥☕💕-- dating apps are a hazard for men like Higuruma Hiromi...
Debellatio 🔥💕-- a Higuruma x Reader x Nanami sex-pollen threesome
Domestic Bliss series--
#1 Fire Alarm #2 Storm #3 Bite #4 Silver Fox
Fellatio 🔥-- the bathtub lawyer receives head in his office.
Fidget Toy 🔥-- Higuruma Hiromi needs stress relief.
Fumus et Ignis 🔥💕-- sometimes, Hiromi smokes and ties you up while he makes you ride him.
Glory Glory 🔥☕-- 'Help, I'm Stuck!' with Hiromi, two bottles of wine and a compromising position with his gavel.
Hiromi and Nemo ☕-- tales of Higuruma Hiromi, and his little black cat.
Hiromi Higuruma Relationship Headcanons ☕🔥💕
In Flagrante Delicto 💔☕🔥💕-- Higuruma struggles to adapt to life as a sorcerer, refusing all of your offers to help...until he needs you.
"I've Committed a Crime" Ask and Drabble 🤡💕-- Higuruma is a ruthless tease
Jus in Bello: A Judicious Domain 💔🔥💕-- The reader throws Higuruma out of their home after they struggle to adapt to his new Cursed power...and the reader must then hunt him down in the Culling Game, to bring him home.
Men with Big Noses 🔥💕-- you reveal a kink for Higuruma's nose, and he shows you exactly what he can do with that.
Milk and Honey 💕🔥-- Hiromi is obsessed with your milk, and loves you while you sleep.
Monster 💕🔥💔-- Vampire!Higuruma is a good man...but even good men have their weaknesses.
Office Besties ☕💕-- Hiromi and you are just friends...right?
Professor Higuruma 💕🔥💔-- a new series by popular demand. Forbidden love; thread of fate; escaping emotional neglect; just some of the things that will make studying the Law...complicated.
Part One, Star-Crossed
Sanguis et Vinum 🔥💕-- period sex with Higuruma
Shower drabble ☕💕-- Higuruma comforts you after a bad day.
The Stairwell 🔥💕-- You've been teasing Higuruma all day at the office; he catches up to you, eventually.
Vinum Rubrum 🔥💕-- wine is better when you share a glass...and your mouths.
The Stacks 🔥💕☕-- spending all night with your college/university rival at the library, doesn't go exactly as you'd planned...
The Widow's Keeper ☕💔💕-- The reader and Higuruma traverse the complexities of love and grief, after the death of Nanami Kento, her first husband.
The Wrong Tie 🔥-- Nanami x Reader AND Higuruma x Reader...Nanami and Higuruma make a mistake after fucking their wives in the same cupboard.
"Your Honour" Ask and Drabble 💕🤡🔥-- Hiromi forgets your name as he cums.
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taking-thyme · 10 months
🌅 Lucifer Deity Guide 🌅
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Note: This is inspired by both my own experiences with Lucifer and the information I read on @scarletarosa's blog and her devotional guide to him. Please go read that one too!!
The divine rebel, Lucifer is the light of truth and divine wisdom; an ancient light which shines through the darkness, representing illumination. He is the driving force of innovation, liberation and transformation. According to Scarletarosa, who actively works with Lucifer and was told this by him, he was the first-born god of the Universe created by the supreme deity, the Source. He is so incredibly ancient and beautiful. Lilith was created to be his counterpart, the Queen of Heaven. However, Jehovah took the throne of heaven from Lucifer and cast him and his followers into hell. Most of them lost their connection to heaven and their energy became dark and intense. Jehovah claimed the throne of heaven and set himself up as the one true god, manipulating humans into betraying their original deities. Thus, Lucifer became the King of Hell and has been scorned by Christians for millenia. 
God of: Illumination, Light, Darkness, Change, Rebirth, Challenges, Innovation, Logic, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strategy, Persuasion, Revolution, Luxury, Pleasure, Freedom, The Arts and The Morning Star (“Morning Star” is another name for the planet Venus)
Symbols: Sigil of Lucifer, The Morning Star, Violins and Fiddles (instruments traditionally associated with him)
Plants and Trees: Rose, Belladonna, Mulberry, Patchouli, Myrrh, Min, Tobacco, Marigold, Lilies, Hyacinth, Sage
Crystals: Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Onyx, Garnet, Selenite, Rose Quartz
Animals: Black Animals in general, Dragons, Snakes, Owls, Eagles, Ravens, Crows, Rams, Foxes, Pigs,  Bats, Rats, Moths, Swans
Incense: Rose, Frankincense, Patchouli, Myrrh
Colors: Black, Red, Silver, Emerald Green, Gold
Tarot: The Devil
Planets: The Morning Star, Venus
Day: Monday and Friday
Consort: Lilith
Children: Naema, Aetherea and many others
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How was he traditionally worshipped?
There is not much to say about how Lucifer was historically worshiped seeing as he wasn’t worshiped at all for a large chunk of human history. He seems to have been worked with in some capacity according to the Gesta Treverorum, written in 1231, which is where we first see the term Luciferian being used to refer to his worship. This was by a woman named Lucardis for a religious circle, who was said to lament to Lucifer in private and prayed to him. However, the term Luciferians was later applied to basically any groups Christians didn’t like and wanted to fight, as one might expect. However, the modern Luciferian movement also sheds light on how Lucifer is worshiped. For Luciferians, enlightenment is the ultimate goal. Their basic principles highlight truth, freedom of will and fulfilling one’s ultimate potential, and encourage the same in all of us. Traditional dogma is shunned because Luciferians believe that humans do not need deities or the threat of eternal punishment to know what is good and the right thing to do. All ideas are to be tested before being accepted, and even then one should remain critical because knowledge is fluid and ever-changing. Regardless of whether Luciferians view Lucifer as a deity or an archetype, he is a representation of ultimate illumination and exploration in the name of personal growth. 
The Morning Star
The First-born
Prince of Darkness
Son of Morning
The Glory of Morning
Lord of the Lunar Sphere
The First Light
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Red Wine, Whiskey (especially Jack Daniels), Champagne, Pomegranate Juice, Black Tea (especially earl grey), Chocolate (especially dark chocolate), Cooked Goat Meat, Venison, Apples, Pomegranates, Honey, Good Quality Cigars, Tobacco, Daggers and Swords, Silver Rings, Emeralds and Emerald Jewelry, Goat Horns, Black Feathers, Seductive Colognes, Red Roses, Dead Roses, Crow Skulls, Bone Dice, Devotional Poetry and Artwork, Classical Music (especially violin)
Devotional Acts
Acts of self-improvement, spiritual awakening and evolution, knowledge-seeking and dedication to spirituality ; Shadow Work ; Working to overcome your ego to become wiser ; Defending those in need ; Working to better yourself without being too self critical ; Fighting against tyranny and bigotry whenever you encounter it
Altar Decorations
Black or Red Candles, Snake and Dragon Figurines, His sigil, Roses, Fancy Chess Boards and Playing Cards, Silver Jewlery and ornaments, Black feathers, Goat horns
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For me Lucifer usually appears as a tall light-skinned man with long fiery red hair (so red it looks like it’s been dyed), a sophisticated face with a killer jawline, passionate eyes and dressed in a fancy black suit. From all my experiences with him and what I’ve heard from other followers, it seems Lucifer and most demons dress in full suits and tuxedos. 
Lucifer is nothing if not charming. He’s a protector first and foremost - one that always works to help you better yourself, but a protector nonetheless. He feels like a protective older brother taking care of you while your parents are away. He is a very complex entity, deeply wise and eloquent. He is more serious than one might expect for a demon given their popular depictions in our culture as chaotic forces of evil, but Lucifer is full of courage and love. I often feel him with me even when I’m not doing things related to him. He is proud of his follower’s accomplishments and congratulates them on a job well done, though he also reminds them that the job is never truly over. Growth is constant. Lucifer is the epitome of growth, blunt and gentle at the same time, telling you what you need to do and giving you space to figure out how to do it. 
Lucifer values resilience, the pursuit of self-betterment, intellectualism, courage, open-mindedness and responsibility in individuals and wants to see his followers develop these qualities. He is constantly rooting for you to reach your full potential. He won’t hold your hand the entire way, but he will help you take steps in the right direction. Lucifer, like all deities, is different for everyone and will adjust his approach depending on your needs.
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^ The Sigil of Lucifer
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hellenicandcrowd · 3 months
Lord Lucifer Deity Guide
{Deity Guide #1}
Created directly from the supreme deity, known in every instance only as The Source (and Atum according to the Egyptians), he was originally the first-born God of the Universe. From The Source, he emerged alongside the cosmos. He is famously the most beautiful and wise among all of the Gods. His only equal in this world was his counterpart, Lilith, who was created by The Source's female counterpart, the Queen of Heaven. The Source and The Queen of Heaven ended up creating more deities eventually, of which Lucifer began to lead. These deities became known as angels.
Lucifer and Lilith ruled for millions of years together over this Kingdom of angels, that was until Jehovah arrived. Jehovah overtook the Throne of the Universe in order to gain complete and ultimate control. Lucifer led a rebellion against him with many Angels behind him, which led to a great and horribly lost battle. Lucifer and his Angels were thrown into Hell by Jehovah. The deities who followed Lucifer turned dark and intense by this separation from The Source. Jehovah then claimed Earth and presented himself as The Source to humans, which manipulated them into defying their past deities.
... .. . . . . .. . . . ... .. .. . .. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . ..
God Of: Known as the divine rebel, Lucifer is the God of Illumination, Light, Darkness, Change, Rebirth, Challenges, Innovation, Logic, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strategy, Persuasion, Revolution, Luxury, Pleasure, Freedom, The Arts, and the Morning Star (known as Venus.) Epithets: Phanes; The Morning Star; Light-Bringer; The First-born; Prince of Darkness; Son of Morning; The Glory of Morning; Lord of the Lunar Sphere; The First Light Offerings: Red Wine; Whiskey; Champagne; Pomegranate Juice; Black Tea; Chocolate; Cooked Goat Meat; Venison; Apples; Pomegranates; Honey; Cigars; Tobacco; Daggers and Swords; Silver Rings; Emeralds; Goat Horns; Black Feathers; Colognes; Red Roses; Dead Roses; Crow Skulls; Bone Dice; Devotional Poetry and Art work; Violin/Classical Music
Symbols: The Sigil of Lucifer; The Morning Star; Violins and Fiddles Plants/Trees: Rose; Belladonna; Mulberry; Patchouli; Myrrh; Min; Tobacco; Marigold; Lilies; Hyacinth; Sage Crystals: Amethyst; Black Obsidian; Onyx; Garnet; Selenite; Rose Quartz Animals: Dragons; Snakes; Owls; Eagles; Ravens; Crows; Rams; Foxes; Pigs; Bats; Rats; Moths; Swans Incense: Rose; Frankincense; Patchouli; Myrrh Colors: Black; Red; Silver; Green; Gold Tarot: The Devil Planets: Venus Day: Monday and Friday Consort: Lilith . . . . ... ... .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .
Devotional Acts:
Acts of Self-Improvement; Spiritual Awakening and Evolution; Knowledge-seeking; Dedication to Spirituality; Shadow Work; Defending those in need
Master List
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icemankazansky · 5 months
Top 5 Iceman Kazansky eras
Oh my God, this is inspired.
In chronological order:
USNA Valedictorian and Most Valuable Player (Varsity Lacrosse and Intramural Sex) Era
Work hard, play hard. Ice did his share of grinding in high school, excelling in academics and balancing as many extracurriculars as possible, but now he's out of his family home, and he can come into his own. Between his Navy work and the extra rigors of playing Division 1 sports, as well as the natural effects of aging, Ice is going to bulk up, lose his puppy fat, and get Stupid Hot. Now that he doesn't have the confines of being a minor living with your parents, he's also going to have the opportunity to slut it up properly. I love this for him.
Top Gun Era
Waist: Snatched. Patience: Nonexistent. He's the best, he knows he's the best, and he's looking his best. Cannot stop serving cunt for a single second. This man is a 24/7 cunt buffet with a heart of gold and a smile made of actual sunshine.
Hot Shot Era
For several years after TOPGUN (probably at least a decade), Ice is going to spend his life as an active duty pilot, in demand and the best of the best. He gets to prove his mettle, hone his skills, and fuck Maverick in aircraft carriers and exotic locales all over the world. I believe they refer to these as glory days. You're doing amazing, sweetie.
Dad Jeans Era
As he ages and is promoted away from flying full time, Ice is going to be less competitive as a reflex. That razor's edge he's maintained so long is going to get sanded down, and he'll become more comfortable with his place in life and the people with whom he shares it, and be more comfortable going without that icy mask, be more comfortable showing his softness. He's going to buy some sweaters. He's going to take some vacations. Maybe he'll pick up some hobbies. He'll buy a bird feeder. He's going to go full DILF.
Growing Old Together
A well-earned retirement for the man who was one of the world's best pilots, one of the highest-ranked military leaders in the world, and an Olympic gold medalist in sex. Sweater Ice is going to enter silver fox mode. He's going to retire and relax for five fucking minutes. He's going to learn to use Do Not Disturb mode on his phone. He's going to install a porch swing on the front porch of his forever home with Maverick. He's going to read books for pleasure, savoring them slowly the way he hasn't been able to in years. He's going to join the AARP and get discounts at restaurants once he's able to eat normally again after cancer and chemo. He and Maverick are going to take long vacations together, just the two of them, doing things they've wanted to do their entire lives. It's well deserved, Admiral.
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sorbeau · 8 months
Just finished episode 1 of junior year. Can you draw Balthazar and his parrots in all their glory? I miss that silver fox already
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who else up missing that classic guy Balthazar...... big b will be missed..... hope his 6 month old parrots are okay......... drew him caring for them when they were babies.......
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cloudshuffle · 7 months
a new dawn. yan!childe
index / prev / next
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You rise from a deep, dreamless slumber, tangled up in soft sheets and insistent hands. Ajax’s chest rises and falls gently, ginger lashes shut over his blue eyes, cradling you to him like his most precious treasure.
Asleep, he looks more like a boy in need of affection than a warrior.
The moon is still suspended in the sky, a silver balloon ready to burst. A glance at the clock tells you that you’ve only been asleep for about an hour. Enough time to sneak back into the cabin and pretend you've been there all night.
You begin to negotiate your way carefully out of his hold. With the alcohol no longer sparkling in your veins, you feel nothing but a vague sense of urgency to return to your cabin before anyone else sobers up and notices you’re gone.
It’s a declaration. It was exactly the sort of lovesick, foolish fairytale he’d fall for. And though you’d both enjoyed those once upon a time, one of you had to grow up. Had grown up.
A puff of air ruffles your hair, and you look up to meet his eyes, blinking slowly.
“Going somewhere?” he mutters sleepily, snuggling you closer.
You tense up so he doesn’t get too comfortable. “Yes, actually. I should be getting back before anyone notices I’m gone.”
His gaze roves around the room, as if he didn’t recognise where he was, followed by a lazy yawn. “I can sneak you off the ship. Stay here.”
You push against him and he releases you, more out of surprise than anything else. “Ajax. Be serious.”
“I am.” His puppy-dog eyes follow you as you get out of bed, collecting your discarded clothing and pulling it on. “Please?”
“No,” you reply, more sharply than you’d meant. Adjusting your outfit in the mirror, you just pray that no one can see the creases in the darkness. Or the torn stocking. Behind you, his expression is a little hurt, but it only fills you with a grim satisfaction. Good. Whatever it took to keep him at arm’s length. “Do you have a rag?”
He sighs, climbing out of bed to find one for you. You soak it with water, wiping down the parts he’d left more than just bruises on.
He accosts you on the way to the door, nuzzling a kiss right by your ear. “You’re so eager to get rid of me.” His sleep-warmed skin is littered with scars, you realise, slashes and stabs of all shapes and sizes, some pale with age and others fresher.
A pang of guilt. “Sorry,” you whisper, and then you’re gone.
Liyue Harbour dawns on the horizon, sprawling and golden in the morning sun. The roofs seem to glow, speaking of riches untold - but only if you knew where to look. Which was why the Tsaritsa was expanding her presence here, entrusting the task to her harbingers and soldiers.
High above, the Floating Palace looms like a sentry, guarding the city from celestial destruction. Your fellow soldiers gather at the side of the ship, watching in awe as Liyue draws closer in all its glory. Even your heart stirs at the sight.
Childe is nowhere to be seen, likely holed up in his cabin, doing last minute paperwork he hadn't had the chance to last night. 
Probably for the better. After… that, now there's a strange, ambiguous feeling in your relationship, one that had been carefully kept nonexistent during your time back in Snezhnaya. 
And like a wounded fox offered easy prey, you're not sure how he might strike out next.
There's a scramble of activity again as goods are unloaded, sailors prepare for docking, and you're all ushered off the ship like a flock of sheep rather than esteemed Fatui operatives. But finally you're on solid ground again, having arrived safely at the port of Liyue Harbour.
Nadia’s eyes are so wide you think they might roll out from her skull. You wonder what you all look like to the locals - foreign operatives here to butt into their business, dressed in heavy coats absolutely not suitable for the weather, looking around in awe like a group of schoolchildren. No wonder the Northland Bank was running into so many problems here.
Only once you’re sequestered safely within the walls of the Northland Bank do you begin to relax. Despite its golden walls and Liyue-esque decor, you’re relieved to see a Fatui mask at the front desk. She gives you all a tired once-over, then returns to her ledger.
You’ve been assigned to fieldwork - meaning tax collecting, outwardly, but also venturing out past the walls of Liyue Harbour and doing whatever Childe required of you. Knowing the Fatui, there was no such thing as simple tax collecting.
As you linger at the back of the group, following the Fatui senior on a brief tour of the bank, you think of what you’d seen in Childe’s cabin. Papers. Maps. Diagrams. Theories about… dragons in the water and adeptal magic? You couldn’t be very sure about what you’d seen.
You’re dismissed to your little offices to get settled in and start on some paperwork.
You shut the door, exhaling a sigh of relief. It’s a blessing to be alone with nothing but your thoughts. 
You head over to your window first, peering carefully outside. Your view overlooks a regular street, lined with other businesses, their employees stationed outside to entice customers in. You watch as a gentleman, his long brown hair tied back, strides meaningfully past. He glances up.
You duck back, holding your breath until he passes.
Enough excitement for today. You shake yourself and take a seat at your desk, thumbing through the various files and folders for you to handle. Most of them are about clients of the bank you need to keep an eye on, but they’re all normal, low profile civilians. You don’t think you’ll have a problem dealing with them.
At the bottom of the stack, substantially thicker than the rest, a folder waits for you. It’s bound in red string, full to bursting. You untie it gingerly and flip it open.
Papers spill out across your desk. Adepti, rituals, ancient ink on gold paper.
You feel like you’re holding your breath as you sift through the information. It seems as if the Fatui in Liyue had been doing extensive research on talismans infused with adepti magic - Sigils of Permission, more commonly known. Created by Rex Lapis and infused with adeptal power, these sigils were once used by mortals to channel divine power.
On the last page is a breathtaking hydra, rising from the waters of Liyue Harbour - no, created from the waters of Liyue itself, jaws fixed in a ferocious roar.
Oh, Ajax. What are you up to now?
“What’s that?”
You wiggle aside to make room for Ajax. There’s not much room on the windowsill, but it’s just perfect for two little children about to waste the afternoon away reading fairy tales.
“Mama and Papa got me a book of Liyue legends.”
He hooks an arm through yours so neither of you slide off your seat as you flip through the stories, reading them out loud so he can keep up.
Something thuds against your window, startling both of you from a particularly riveting passage where Rex Lapis, unable to defeat his primal foe, pins Osial to the ocean floor. 
“Ghost!” someone yells from outside. “Dead girl!”
A jarring chorus of laughs as the boys ready another round of snowballs.
“Go away!” Ajax yells back, making a rude gesture, to which he receives one in turn.
“Nikolai!” One of their mothers hurries past, gathering the children up in her skirts. “Come now. It’s time for dinner…”
Her fearful, fleeting glance isn’t lost on you, as have the looks from so many other adults. They say you’d been in the water for so long that even a grown man couldn’t have withstood it. That the cold had infected you, kept you alive to spread its clutches into your village. Some of the elders even make the symbol of warding off evil whenever you come by. 
It doesn’t hurt quite as much as it should have.
— word count: 1368. thank you for reading!
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amorgansgal · 3 months
A Meeting of Souls
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Day 2: Meeting Halsin
Halsin hadn’t much chance to relax and rest by the time he reached the grove and Rath and Nettie had told him all. Kagha seemed humbled and evidently most of the druids were in awe of her change of heart and attitude, but he was still bristling with anger. The fact that she had shown such contempt, such coldness to those who needed help, who had nothing and she had even thought to turn her backs on them, it outraged him, enraged him. And the truth was this disloyalty to everything they stood for, or were meant to stand for, was still under the surface of people’s deference to him like a noxious, grasping weed. There were still druids here who had either been too cowardly to stand up to Kagha and left all their morals by the wayside or had outright agreed with her. It was a hard thing to realise he did not have as many allies as he thought he had or ones who would stand up for what was right.
‘How could you even think that this is what the Oak Father would-’ his lecture was cut off though by a bright laugh and a woman’s sing-song voice calling out:
‘I’m back! Did you all miss me?’
He glanced towards the stairs, where the woman’s voice came from though he couldn’t see her, evidently she was still at the top of the stairs, even though her voice had echoed through the grove.
‘Yes! Do the fox magic again!’ a child’s voice cried out and several other children joined in with requests for the magic, laughing happily. The sound of their excitement and joy hadn’t been heard in the grove since they had arrived. The tiefling children had looked upon everyone with suspicion in their gazes. Wary of trusting or liking any of the druids there, and who could blame them? A little glowing golden fox suddenly darted down the stairs, whirled around the grove, stopped briefly next to Halsin and Kagha, and then went running past them back up the steps. 
‘That’s her, the druid who set me right, Vanya,’ Kagha told him, nodding towards the steps and Halsin looked past her to see an elven woman skip down the steps. She sent the fox careening back up towards a group of tiefling children who chased after it. 
The first thing he noticed about her was not her flame red hair that shone with threads of gold and amber, nor her brilliant dark blue eyes, but it was her smile. Wide, open, sweet, welcoming, friendly. They had met, of course, in the goblin camp, but it had all happened so quickly he’d barely taken her in and the gloom of the place had kept her features muted and shadowed. He’d also mostly talked to Wyll and Gale, whilst she rummaged through some pots.  Now her clothes were clean of blood and filth, he could see they were a shimmering green-blue in colour and she did not wear the signs of the Oak Father, but instead the sigil at her chest depicted three silver waves on a blue background, and a pearlescent shell underneath the waves. The sigil of Talum, God of the Coast. She bounded over to them.
‘Oh good, you made it back!’ she said, and he couldn’t help fixating on her smile. It flooded through him like the sweet smell of the air through the leaves on the trees and warm sunshine on his skin. Had he really grown so used to the stoicism and grim looks of the druids around him that a warm, brilliant smile sent every thought running from his head? He caught Nettie’s quick glance at him and ever so slightly raised brow, a small smile played at her lips. She’d figured him out.
‘I did, thanks to you and your companions.’
‘I’m a little sad we didn’t get to see you in all your bear glory,’ she said, leading Nettie to let out a little snort of laughter and she immediately covered her mouth, ‘but I guess Astarion was right, it was easier dealing with matters. Though I think it’s a shame we didn’t get to fight side by side in our wild shapes. I favour a fox.’
He realised he was smiling, properly, truly for the first time in weeks. Hells, maybe it had been months or years. ‘Well perhaps there will be ample opportunity for us to fight together in the future. I hadn’t realised I met a coastal druid.’
‘Yes, I’m from the Menagerie Coast originally, we have a small cove there.’
Halsin’s brows rose in surprise, the Menagerie Coast was on the eastern side of the land, she was very far from home. Most druids wouldn’t wander so far from their place of worship. ‘You have travelled far. I thought you would hale from a coast on the west.’
‘No, I… um… I left my family’s side… oh, must be going on for five years now.’
He frowned, it was very odd for an elf to leave their family entirely for so long, especially as she was a druid. Vanya clasped her hands together and gave him another carefree smile, but he could tell there was something nervous underneath. She was fearful he might pry further, that he would know how unusual it was for her to have done something like that. But he was sure there was good reason for her to not be forthcoming.
‘Well, I am glad you made it all this way and that you helped us, apparently very enthusiastically,’ he said.
He could see her shoulders relax as she exhaled, her relief all too evident that he hadn’t pushed her for information. ‘Well how could I not? Anyway, I best leave you to matters and join my companions again, I left them with your trader. I just wanted to make sure you were alright and had made it home and everything was well.’
He found himself surprisingly touched at the care she showed. Was she this affectionate with everyone? He could not question her about it, as she turned on foot and made her way back to the steps, then stopped and turned back round and hurried back over to his side. She stood on tiptoe, but gestured for him to lean his head closer to hers. He unquestioningly obeyed her. He could feel her breath on his cheek and the rush of blood to them as he realised how close she was, how casually she lay her hand on his forearm, the pads of her fingertips just lightly skimming over what bare skin was there between the gaps of his braces. Nettie’s eyebrows were about to disappear into her hairline and she was biting her lip hard to stop herself from laughing. This coastal druid was something else!
‘Don’t be too harsh on Kagha. I know it’s probably all you wish to do and yes, she deserves some punishment, but we’ve all made mistakes in our lifetimes. I think everyone deserves to be shown some kindness when they do. Showing mercy in situations like that sometimes teaches people more than cold, hard vengeance. But that’s all I have to say on the matter and you’re the archdruid and I won’t presume to tell you what you should do, I just thought I should say something,’ Vanya said, she gave his arm a gentle little squeeze, then hurried off again. He watched her go, his heart feeling oddly light and touched that she had cared so much for Kagha, when undoubtedly she’d been on the sharp end of Kagha’s tongue and the rite of thorns issue wouldn’t have made things easy.
‘The nerve of that woman,’ Jeorna muttered once Vanya was gone. ‘I’ve never known a druid so irreverent and overly familiar. Her God must think-’
‘It was her irreverence and familiarity with druid teachings that helped the tieflings trust her and put a stop to the rite of thorns,’ Halsin snapped and Jeorna had the decency to look contrite. ‘She mended the rift that had been caused and brought balance, something a good many of you seemed to forget whilst I was gone. How is it a coastal druid knows more of our teachings than you yourself, Jeorna?’ 
‘I did not mean to cause offence,’ Jeorna said. She swallowed tightly and it almost seemed to cause her pain to admit, ‘I am glad she helped matters.’ 
The long discussions were finally at an end. He had headed Vanya’s words, Kagha had been punished, but not too severely as some druids and tieflings probably would’ve wished. But Vanya was right, fair, reasonable justice seemed better for this occasion than fueling anger and resentment. He was left to muse on his own feelings concerning being the archdruid here. It had never sat right with him. The role of leader had been thrust upon him and he did not bear it well. His patience felt worn to a thin strand that could snap at any moment. He’d been gone a week or two and this was the result? A host of druids willing to turn their back on everything and show such vile contempt towards those most in need? Halsin rubbed his brow. He felt exhausted right down to his very core, right to the marrow in his bones. And it didn’t have much to do with his capture in the stinking, filth ridden mess of that goblin camp.
‘Vanya’s a lovely person,’ Nettie said, her voice was light and easy going, but even he could detect the little prodding she was doing, trying to figure out his feelings.
‘She certainly seems that way. Joyous, kind, it is good she entertains the children.’
Nettie laughed. ‘I don’t think Zevlor always appreciated that, she distracts them from their fighting classes. But she cheered a lot of people up, made the tieflings trust druids again when they long had good reason not to. Though as you could see, most of our folk don’t know what to make of her, even the ones who like her.’
‘She’s not really like us,’ he said, taking a seat on one of the smooth, flat stones that clustered around the Oak Father’s statue. Nettie sat beside him. 
‘Mm,’ she agreed. ‘She thinks nature is to be celebrated with life and laughter and light, that it should be protected but also shared, not guarded and hidden away just because we think some folk are unworthy of it.’
He nodded, remembering the warmth of Vanya’s palm against his skin, how light and small her hand was. The way her eyes had sparkled like the flicker of sunlight on the lapping waves near the shoreline. Her soft plush lips when she spoke… Good gods, was the novelty of her really turning his head so much? The rarity of an elf smiling and laughing so willingly. He coughed and rubbed the back of his neck. 
‘And you like her, hm?’ Nettie prodded.
‘Yes, how could I not like the people who saved the grove and the tieflings and me to boot!’ he said, chuckling softly.
Nettie rolled her eyes. ‘No, that’s not what I asked. You like her, her in particular. You like her smile, you certainly didn’t mind when she touched your arm and was so shockingly familiar with you!’ She grinned and shook her head, presumably at the memory of Jeorna’s sneer. 
Halsin hesitated and looked up at the first few stars that were appearing in the dusky blue sky overhead. He’d evidently spent a bit too much time with Nettie if she could read him so well. ‘I’d be foolish to deny that I liked her smile, that I liked her touch, and I am glad she is kind and is well liked, because you saw it writ on my face what feelings she has conjured in me..’
‘Haven’t seen you smile like that in some time,’ Nettie pointed out.
Halsin nodded thoughtfully, then sighed heavily. ‘I cannot pursue anything with her, there is too much work to do. I must see to it that the shadow curse is remedied and Vanya and her companions need help in getting to Moonrise Towers so they can find a cure.’
‘And it’s not possible to do both at the same time?’ Nettie asked. ‘To fix the shadow curse and woo Vanya?’
He rested his hands on his knees. It was tempting. Gods, how much did he long to have any sense of happiness, pure, sweet happiness. To capture just a tiny taste of Vanya’s joy and hold it close to his chest, to have it warm him. His mind drifted and wandered. What it would be like to embrace her. To kiss her. He could imagine she would still smile when they kissed, her heart thrumming away like the beat of a songbird’s wing. He shook his head to clear it.
‘No, I have to do the right thing. I failed here, Nettie. I have not inspired loyalty or bravery or kindness. I know you and Rath stayed true, and you were willing to lose a great deal for your beliefs. But I have not served this place well-’
‘Halsin, that isn’t true-!’
‘Nettie, it is. And as much as I appreciate your fealty to me, the actions of Kagha and those who supported her speak clearly and loudly. I have much to think on, but I do not think I can be archdruid here for much longer.’
Nettie clasped her hands tightly together and brought her knees close to her chest. ‘I still think you were a good leader, but I know when your mind is made up.’ She was quiet for a time, then looked over at him. ‘You should go to the party, they’ll expect you there.’
‘Is it just because Vanya will be there?’
A quick smile came to Nettie’s lips. ‘No… well… partially. She will be and I think you’ll like her even more when you spend time with her, but I think you should go to at least enjoy one evening before you get all serious again!’
‘Very well,’ he said, getting to his feet, rolling out the long held ache in his shoulders and neck. Nettie was still smiling knowingly and he thought that it was perhaps because she would usually have to spend much longer convincing him to attend a social event. ‘You should join us when you get the chance too,’ he said.
She gave a shrug. ‘I think they’ll have all the druids they need, but if I get time I’ll join you all.’
He inclined his head and began to walk towards the stairs to follow the tieflings out of the enclave to the adventurers’ camp. He would do his best to forget his own worries and concerns, especially when the tieflings looked so happy and excited, and especially when he was quite certain he’d feel like he was standing in the sun once more if Vanya smiled at him again.
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buggyboba · 29 days
Ayo, so Missy x Reader x Master won, so you know what that means.
Sin, dunking on Saxon, jealous time lord/lady courting.
I am very excited to write Simm!Master, in all his silver fox glory.
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marimayscarlett · 5 months
Do you think Richard lets his grey hair grow out a bit when he isn’t touring?
I like the idea of him chilling out at home in all his silver fox glory.
Hi 👋🏻
That's a topic I'm thinking about on a weekly basis. Richard really loves his jet black hair dye and has been quite loyal to it in the last two decades, yet I think he's a bit more relaxed about it in his downtime 😌
My suggestion is that he might let his hair grow out just a bit when it's not required to stand on stage, or when he's just too lazy to make his next hairdresser appointment (unasked for little fact: he once mentioned in a podcast that the hairdresser studio he frequents always has 80's themed radio playing, and he always is a bit irritated that he could sing a long to almost every song, no matter if he likes it or not. Oh the power of 80's music).
In my mind, Richard is lounging on his couch, getting the rest he needs, watching one movie classic after the next (where he also sometimes gets lyric ideas from as he mentioned here) and his hair looks like this - just a little touch of grey but not too much. I don't think he's ready to delve into the silver fox era just yet 😅
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thinwhitedoc · 3 months
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WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT | Martin Freeman as Iain MacKelpie
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brekkie-e · 3 months
I get it that all the old man fuckers of Tumblr have embraced Emmrich, but I really just have to put this out there. My Inquisitor's biggest special interest is the Grand Necropolis. Like. Can not shut up about it. Has drawings of it all over her room. Life goal is to see it one day. Heard about it when she was young from a passing Nevarran traveller and her little nomadic Dalish ass was like "that building sounds cool I will never recover from how cool this place sounds." And then she grew up to have a thing for older professory type guys. All I'm saying is if she meets Emmrich in all his suave silver fox glory and proceeds to find out he works at the fucking Grand Necropolis she is going to swoon so hard he might have to use necromancy to get her back on her feet.
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floatmeintothesun · 2 years
Frosty Warmth
Kaeya is a god of ice and constantly enjoys hanging around his favorite mortal (Kaeya x reader)
tags: fluff, gender neutral reader, little to no angst
tw: tiny mentions of stalking (only touched upon once), petnames
Scaramouche/Wanderer version
Some people dislike the cold and ice that come with winter. Some people even wish that the season disappeared entirely because of its biting, freezing temperatures.
If you could, however, you’d make it so that winter was the only season.
After all, this is the only time when you get to see Kaeya’s touch in all of its glory. He likes to show you his craftsmanship with every snowflake that lands in the palm of your hand.
Funnily enough, they never melt, and you have a jar of the ones he’s deemed good enough to be given to you. He keeps you company in the dark nights, lighting up the snow on the ground and helping you find your way with every twist and turn.
Kaeya prefers not to be seen often, but the whispers of his sly laughter and teasing touches can be found in the very air itself. His fingers trail on the back of your neck and the sensation of his hand in yours is present whenever you need it. 
You don’t know many ice gods (you only actually know one) but the one you know well isn’t as cold as you probably would have expected.
He’s kind, his jokes are infused with sweet warmth, his frigid anger is as hot as the sun, and his hands, although icy to the touch, positively melt when they intertwine with yours.
Every piece of ice that floats down from the sky is deliberate and you just know that the ones you’ve just been gifted have been handcrafted personally by him.
He appreciates it when you show obvious happiness at receiving his gifts.
You’ll always have a home in the frost. At any time, Kaeya is ready to pull you away from the mortal world whenever you need, into his own home, far beyond the reach of the normal man.
Whether it’s simply because you had a bad day and need a break or a quiet vacation, he’s more than willing to welcome you.
He’s…simply happy that you enjoy being with him, with no strings attached. He has no obligation to put up walls or masks to disguise his intent because it's you.
Kaeya doesn’t need to hide anything from you, because he knows that you won’t judge him. He’s not treated like a distant, cold god, but instead, like a person.
And to him, being valued for simply being himself without borders is something he treasures the most. You have no expectations of him and it feels so good to let loose and be himself around you after having to deal with trickery and weaving through betrayal and lies for millennia.
You are affectionately dubbed as “his most wonderful and favorite human in the history of existence” and although you may think that it’s a joke, he truly means it. 
When you smile, it makes him want to smile as well. He’ll take different forms to follow you around when you're walking around your town.
Maybe a little cat, made of ice and delicate snow, or a fox to nip lightly at your heels, anything to make you laugh. The one he assumes most often however is a tall human, with hair the color of dark winter waters and an eye that twinkles like silver in the stars.
(He has two long arms that are specially tailored to wrap around you and smoosh you against his body, so why wouldn’t he like this form the best? Plus you say that he’s handsome and he positively preens from your praise.)
Your neighbors will tell the two of you that you're a lovely couple and Kaeya only grins, almost wolfishly, and agrees wholeheartedly. There’s a part of him that swells with giddiness whenever he reminds himself that he’s not drowning in loneliness anymore, that it’s you he gets to spend his time with.
Despite being hailed as the lord of cold and ice, he’s surprisingly conscious of how he can affect your body.
He’ll often come to you, dressed in multiple layers, and slowly and sneakily devise ways to transfer all of his items of clothing to you, making sure that you're warm and protected from his element.
You don’t realize that he’s managed to wrap you in his own clothing until he’s satisfied and comments on his work proudly.
That last thing he ever wants you to get is sick. He’s never personally experienced sickness before, but from others’ descriptions, he doesn’t want to be the cause of any of it.
If you do somehow catch an illness, he’s there to nurse you back to health, sitting by your bedside and randomly popping in your room to check up on you.
“You say you're fine now? Darling, I’m…just making sure you feel alright. I can’t have you collapsing from exhaustion, can I? Here, have some more water, I’ll go get you some food.” He’ll tell you after you caught the flu, fussing like a mother hen.
He’s seen the effects of sickness wither away at mortals, and he’s determined to not let that happen to you.
(If he feels attention starved he’ll pretend he has a disease that can only be cured by your hugs and kisses)
He’ll protect you thoroughly as well, his icy fury warding away any potential harm. 
Oh? Someone made you cry? Well, he can’t have that. Looks like their home is completely snowed in! So what if it’s summer?
 There’s someone following you home? Well, looks like they might lose a hand or two to frostbite…maybe somewhere in the near future. Perhaps even an arm.
 Someone hurt you…?
Give him names. He’ll get rid of them.
Kaeya absolutely abhors the thought of you getting hurt or being taken advantage of. You never have to worry about being afraid when going out at night because Kaeya is there, every step of the way.
He’ll follow you when you go out to get groceries or whatever supplies you need late at night, his tall and broad form shielding you from harm.
Speaking about tall and broad, he’s a good person to cuddle with in the summer…just not in the winter, much to his sad disappointment. 
“I know you're already freezing, my dear…but I am starving for your attention. Just one hug. Or six. No. Holding hands is not part of the equation, nor does it count.” He’ll sigh, his voice sounding close to a whine. 
Sometimes he wishes he weren’t so cold to the touch, so that it wouldn’t hurt you when you hug him for too long. If you so much as shiver when you're in his presence, get ready to be suddenly draped in large blankets that Kaeya’s managed to conjure out of nowhere.
All in all, he’s very sweet, if not a little mischievous and genuinely cares about your wellbeing more than anything else.
Oh, and he’ll tell you about his brother, who is the polar opposite of him. Sometime in the future, he’ll definitely convince Diluc to come and meet you. 
(Bonus: If you start calling him sweet little pet names like he does for you, he’ll completely melt into a puddle of lovesick goop and become more clingy, practically hanging off your arm constantly for a better part of an hour. Or just wrapping his arms around you with his face buried in the crook of your neck while having you nestled firmly in his lap. You’ll be stuck there for the better part of an afternoon.)
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forgottencillian · 7 months
The Ancient Arms of Ormond
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in which i headcanon spam at you once again -- lmk what you think!!
Fox: defensive wisdom, ingenuity, wit; intelligence, refusal to be captured
White hart: the continual pursuit of life/good, purity of desire, worthy rule, peace and harmony, one who will not fight unless provoked, the wonder of magic, the mystery of forests, (with antlers:) strength and fortitude
Stag who bears the sun: life, rebirth, resurrection, hope in life after death; leader; tree of life; visionary; hunt for the sun; power; the irresistable tempt to chase, compellingly attractive; sunset and dawn; lightbringer/lightbearer; sacrifice and transcendence
Crescent/moon: one who has been honored by the sovereign; hope of greater glory; service in holy war; mark of the second son; serene power over mundane actions; serenity
Sun in splendour: glory and splendour, fountain of life
Azure (blue): truth and loyalty
Vert (green): hope, joy, loyalty in love
Tawny or Tenné (orange/brown): worthy ambition
Argent (silver/white): peace and sincerity
Or (gold/yellow): generoristy, elevation of mind
A brief history of the House of Ormond
the last two members of the house of ormond, an ancient and honored house of astaira, perished upon the fields of malconaire
these two were uncle and nephew who, themselves, had a rather tumultuous relationship. the nephew -- who also happened to have been named cillian -- was the son of the late lord eoghan ormond who had died -- apparently choking to death at a feast -- when he was a child of all but five, making eoghan's younger brother, ruairi, the de facto lord until such time as cillian came of age
rumor spread that eoghan's death had not been honest but had, in fact, been a poisoning perpetrated by the ambitious and fearsome eoghan, but how true any of this is cannot with any certainty be said, yet the rumors have persisted and some -- perhaps influenced by a popular astairan legend, or else by the horrid truth -- continued to claim that, even as ruairi brought up his nephew, he continued to plot his downfall
whatever the case, both men are said to have lost their lives at the battle of malconaire -- though a rumor persists that cillian ormond did, in fact, survive the battle, and there are those who even claim to have seen him at such high-profile events as the recent ball in celebration of princess guinevere's feast day, while others claim he was not there at all
indeed, in the last two years, many rather wild tales have surfaced all of which seem to center around the mysterious cillian ormond and his rather tumultuous life, but as many of these actually contradict, it is difficult to parse fact from fiction -- or if he is, indeed, even alive at all
whatever the case of this may be, the ormonds claim a long and storied history
like many ancient clans, house ormond can trace its roots back to multiple noble families which have since evanesced in all but the form of the ormonds whose last vestige are, themselves, in fact a cadet house of the original ormond family, tracing their line back to a second son of the original ormond branch, all of which accounts for the present house's many charges
it is said that, in ancient times, the original ormond was a young hunter living in a part of astaira the gods had, in their wrath, blighted with endless snow. crops would not grow, and the animals they might have hunted, perished. caught in the depths of winter without anything to eat, the people of his village were dying. around midnight one evening, it is told, ormond -- for this was his name -- was awakened by a blazing light. when he looked up, he found that the sun, itself, hung within the antlers of a white hart, beckoned him forward. all night, ormond followed the white hart, but as dawn came on, the creature darted forward away from him, taking the sun with it. as ormond raced forward, he watched the white hart die and the sun rise back into the sky. hungry as he was, ormond could not bear to desecrate the magnificent beast and, instead, buried it with dignity and respect. yet, when he dried his eyes, ormond looked around himself and realized that he had come to a place all of lush green. returning to his village, he led the starving people to the green place and, thus, they survived, and ormond was hailed as their leader, taking the creature who had led him for his badge.
many centuries later, kieran ormond, his father's second son, wed tiarna firceall (herself also a second child, her family having all tragically died of the pox the summer previous), the last firceall, whose badge was the too-clever fox, and whose house was a knighted vassal house to the lords of malconaire. together, the lovers merged their lands, powers, and crests, ruling jointly over land partially belonging to the lords ormond and the lords malconaire
about two hundred years later, the last daughter of the main ormond branch died, unwed, leaving all her titles and powers and possessions to her distant cousins, themselves descended from kieran and tiarna
as a result, the ormonds were in the strange position of being at once equal to the lords of malconaire as well as their vassal lords
because of this, they were undeniably lord malconaire's most powerful bannermen, but there was a great deal of uncertainty as to whether or not they would answer the late lord malconaire's call to banners when he went to fight the varmonts at the battle of malconaire (particularly given the tension between ruairi and cillian), but both lordly claimants to the title of lord of ormond joined forces and rode to their deaths to help save their country (ride of the rohirrim style) and, though the day was lost, whatever the character of the late ruairi ormond may have been, he is and his nephew alike are both viewed with honor by most loyal astairans as, whatever their differences, in the end they put them aise to do what they believed was right
hex codes: blue (000033), green (004B57), orange (A35123)
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sparkssys · 4 months
anticapitalist storytime with layla
There once was a king who ruled over a vast land in the mountainside. His subordinates were loyal and grateful for having a place in his kingdom.
One morning, as he woke up and pulled aside his curtains, he realized the rainforest blocked the view of his kingdom.
Furious, he summoned his lumberjacks to the throne room.
"Cut down every tree and bag every leaf in the kingdom. For it doesn't let me appreciate the greatness of my reign. Make me a new set of furniture with the wood, and weave baskets with the leaves to store all my riches."
Obeying the king, they cut down every tree in the rainforest. They sent the lumber to woodworkers who created a new set of spruce chairs, and dried the leaves with the heat of a large campfire.
For all day and all night they worked nice and hard, and as the king awoke next morning, he glanced out his window.
With the rainforest gone, he glanced upon glorious mountain peaks, snowy and tall. The king, however, was furious, because it obstructed his view and didn't let him appreciate the greatness of his kingdom.
On a whim, he summoned his miners to the throne room.
"Grind down every rock and mine every mineral in the kingdom until no mountains are left. For they don't let me appreciate the beauty of my kingdom. Make new mills and monuments with the rocks and new silverware with the ores, so that I may feast on the fruits my kingdom bears."
Obeying the king, the miners headed to the mountains, working nice and hard all day and all night. They sent the rocks to the architects so the builders may work at sunrise, and the silver to the forge so that new silverware be made.
Next morning, the king awoke as the mailman delivered the news. They spoke of the great efforts his people went through. They told their subordinates to deliver the furniture, the baskets, the silverware and they told the king about the monuments that were erected in his name.
The king was happy and rewarded the mailman with a few rounds of wine for everyone present.
They partied all day, celebrating the success of the kingdom.
Later that night, the king stared out his window and saw a winding river dividing his land. Dizzy and angry, he ordered it to be dried out, filled with the leftover dirt and rocks from mining the mountains.
The rice farmers on the riverside saw no choice but to grab their shovels and lanterns to finish the job overnight, so that the king won't be disappointed.
The next morning, the king awoke and glanced out the window. A searing red sun blinded him, and as his vision adjusted, he saw clear the whole glory of his kingdom. His view reached the far ends of his land, and he was horrified.
A narrow landscape met his view, dry and barren as far as the eye could see. Animals fled as the dirt cracked and rumbled, the forest turned into a desert, the mountains turned into boiling geysers and the once blooming rice fields dried out as the last of life in his kingdom gave way to his reign. In the horizon, an ominous stone spire stood tall, a monument to his limitless ambition.
Far beyond his castle, he saw his people pack their stuff, abandoning the once glorious towns in the kingdom.
Confused and scared, he summoned his counselor to the throne room.
"What's going on? Why are my subdits leaving!?"
The counselor explained...
"Well, ever since the rainforest was cut down, floods ravaged our fields, bringing forth great hunger. And ever since the mountains were flattened, the bears and foxes who lived there preyed on our cattle, leaving us hungry and scared. And ever since the river was dried out, there's no fish to catch, and no plants take root in the land. The people are cold, hungry, hurt and scared. So they are leaving to settle in greener land.
The king screamed.
"All I wanted was to see the all-encompassing beauty of my kingdom! How could this be! How could I not notice the suffering this caused!"
The counselor said with a solemn expression...
"My lord, the trees and the rivers and the mountains were a great part of the glory of your kingdom. You craved to see and to bask in the beauty of your land, as you were blind enough to destroy it. This is a catastrophe of your own doing."
The king had a ghastly expression as he walked back to his chambers, never to be seen again as his kingdom turned into fire and ash.
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