#the show is being made by disney and the author who apparently wanted to fix things that weren't broken
professorhayforbreath · 8 months
..........anyways congrats to the lightning thief musical for being the best and most accurate pjo adaption
tlt musical my beloved forever and always
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Sweater weather chat #9
A little Friday tribute to @lumosinlove ‘s sweater weather. 
@siriuslyqueer and @wxlfstxrx thanks for helping me through a groundbreaking epiphany. <3 
Sweater weather chat #9
Celeste has plans. Logan mopes. And drives a minivan. Kuny hides in a library. Nado is a star. And the wives call him Jackie. We get some lady love. Cause hockey wives are awesome. The team dads get in trouble. What did happen in Prague? Does mild vodka exist? 
Thursday 3.42 pm 
Celeste: hi ladies! So, as you know the long dreaded school talent show is looming on the horizon. I don’t know with you -  but that’s a Saturday we will not get back…. Any ideas?? 
Anya: we send our husbands to the show. 😜 zhenya is helping my kids anyways. Not sure how that happened. But him and Jackie came to leech a free dinner and somehow ended up joining the talent show. 
Linnea: that sounds like something that needs to be recorded! I’m up for a spa weekend. God knows I need it. We’re headed for Sweden next month and I need to prepare mentally for my in-laws. 🙊
Celeste: so we agree to send the boys to the show? And get on with a lovely spa weekend ourselves 😍
Allison: I’m in. I love my boys but I’ve seen them dance and heard them sing. Brady has been successfully avoiding the past three events!!! But I’m intrigued about what the hell Kuny and Jackie can help with? 😂 
Anya: I don’t know and I don’t care. It’s sergei problem now. I’ve warned them to keep it kid friendly. Jackie is still a little scared of me, I think. 👻
Celeste: they are good boys but those two. I swear they’re worse than our lot. And that’s saying something. You remember Prague? 😠
Linnea: the one with the flags at worlds? What were they thinking.... 
Allison: oh sounds like there’s a story there! What did they get up to? 🙊
Linnea: let’s get back to that after three bottles of Chardonnay... 
Thursday 4.08 pm 
Celeste: you are going to the talent show. And take Logan with you. He’s been moping for a week. He’s such a teenager. 😂 and DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT DRINKING AGAIN. I will tell Logan about Prague. 😠
Dumo: but I have to train. And don’t tell anyone it’ll undermine our authority. 
Celeste: no you don’t have to, it’s optional. Don’t even start Pascal. You’re taking your ragtag team Dads and you’re all going to sit through 3 hours of recorders and botched Disney music. And you’re going to applaud your babies. And please film whatever the terrible two get up to. I’ve seen the outfits. 😂😍😂😍
Dumo: I love you but you’re mean. Enjoy your spa day. What do I get for being good?
Celeste: a wife who won’t make you sleep in the guest room. And if you’re really good we can talk about the white one again. 
Dumo: I’ll be good!!! 😇😇😇😇😇 
Celeste: 😉
Thursday 5.00 pm 
Dumo created a group chat. 
Dumo added Sunny, Sergei, Brady, Kuny, Nado and LoganT 
Dumo named the group chat talent show 
Dumo: gentlemen I believe you’ve all had your fates sealed. We’re now sentenced to suffer through the horror of our kids’ school talent show.
LoganT: what am I doing here? I don’t have kids leave me out 
Dumo: you left your disgusting workout clothes in MY basement. Without cleaning it up. You’re coming. Also Leo and Finn are both with their families. And Celeste made me take you cause apparently you’re sad and mopey. 🤓
LoganT: I’m not sad and mopey. I’m brooding and there’s a big difference. 😠
Sunny: you’re 22 and your boyfriends are out of town. Chin up buddy and enjoy a Saturday of off key singing and recorder hell. And you are moping 😆 brooding is for grown-ups… 
Nado: we’d offer to take you to some strip clubs and get you laid but. Well. We don’t really frequent gay bars so. 
Sergei: really? I once had to rescue u 2 from drag club 😂
Nado: it was one time and we didn’t realize until we were inside. Felt like a fucking Kingggg man they know how to party. Wanna go to a drag club baby Logan? Is fun times! 
Kuny: was fun. But we promise to do show with baby Russians he he 👻👻👻👻
Nado: well i didn’t understand what i said yes to. Thought she asked if I wanted to play Pokémon. 😳
Sergei: that’s why she asked. She’s too sneaky. Not like it. What you do for show? 
Nado: no idea. Your wife is making us an outfit and told us to just stand in the background 🙈
Dumo: oh I’m recording this. Anyways there’s never any parking. You’d think with the obscene fees we pay for that school they could at least organize proper parking. Let’s carpool. 😎
LoganT: why are you carpooling? You’ve got like a combined car catalogue of 25 cars....... 
Brady: this is clearly Logan’s first rodeo. Okay. Sergei always brings some Russian elixir of life. So. We need you to drive. 😘
Nado: there’s alcohol involved? I’m in!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳
Sunny: only way to get through this....😔
Dumo: you don’t have a rep. You have two boyfriends, an accent and a sweaty hat. You’re driving and I’m not going to argue. 😠 
Saturday 12.33 pm 
Dumodad: if anyone is wondering what the terrible two are up to this fine Saturday. They’re currently in the middle of a moving rendition of Into the Unknown. Yes they’re wearing blue sequins. 🤩
*kuny and nado dressed in blue glitter sequins onesies with a bunch of kids singing into the unknown* 
Blizzard: well. There’s a future in show biz for those two. 😂 kuznetsov and nadeau the movie. 
Bradygunz: this is giving me some fresh prince vibes little rays of sunshine!!!😂😂😂😂 @talkiewalkie 
Talkiewalkie: yesss!!! Hahahah 😎😎😎
Saturday 1.22 pm 
Sunny: I love my kids but. There’s a reason it’s not a good idea to always just tell kids they’re good at stuff.
Dumo: hahahah the one with the juggling was fun. 
LoganT: why are we still here? I won’t ever get my hearing back after that bag pipe thing. 😭
Sergei: that’s why we drink. I like the politic ones like a kid could ever know so many isms 
Sunny: quit hogging the flask. Gimme. 
Brady: I didn’t know so many isms existed. Pretty sure some of them were just random words. 😂
Saturday 2.01 pm
Logantremblayzzz: guess who’s pissed at a kids talent show. Guess who’s hit on every teacher and has suspiciously disappeared and guess who’s somehow ended up in a production of you’re welcome from Moana? 
Sirius: this is fun.... 1) the dads are pissed. I went to a school play with them once. Sergei brought his flask? 2) I wanna say Nado 3) Kuny? 
Blizzard: ohhh I’ve got 2/3 swapped - Kuny can’t sing in English... and nado’s got the tattoos 😂
Eliascookie: I wanna know more about the sequins? 🥳
Prongstar: tell us!!!  
Logantremblayzzz: 1) yes the dads. Sergei swears it’s only mild vodka. But they’re definitely not sober. 2) Kuny was missing but I found him. He is hiding in the library. 3) yes Nado has somehow ended up on stage again. He’s doing that pec thing it’s weird. I swear the moms here are swooning. He signed someone’s bra. ITS A SCHOOL. 
KrisVolley: you’re just cranky that you had to drive the mini van. Haha! 😂
CarbO’Hara: Logan! You drove a minivan? 🤪🤪🤪🤪 cuteeee 
Logantremblayzzz: it’s stupid and ugly. 🥴 
Dumodad: suits you then 🤪
Logantremblayzzz: I’m telling your wives. 
Sergei_81: no Logan. Don’t be mean. U can have my car 
Bradygunz: we don’t tell Celeste when you leo and Finn cause problems!!!! 
Dumodad: he’s bluffing! Remember who let you live FOR FREE in his basement! I do your laundry and feed you. 
Logantremblayzzz: celeste feeds me and does laundry. You’re just as much a leech. 
Dumodad: I pay for things. 😠
RussianGod: I don’t know where are. Books everywhere help I hide from moms so many everywhere 😳😳😳😳
Ollibear: someone please rescue Kuny before the soccer moms kidnap him 😂
Timmyforrealz: wow Kuny go get some cougar love 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 hehehehe 
RussianGod: I scared. Help. @dumodad @logantremblayzzz @sergei_81!!!!!! Help help 
Sunnysideup: DONT flirt with them then. You asked for it. I’ll come get you. Stay in the library. You’re missing nado singing. 
Saturday 2.12 pm 
Logan: hey Celeste. Show is ok. How’s the spa??? ❤️❤️❤️
Celeste: charmer... it’s fine thank you - how are the boys?
Logan: uh. Well. 
Celeste: one sec love. 
Celeste added Logan to the group chat 
Celeste: hi Logan! Please tell us about the show. How did the terrible two do with their performance 
Logan: well Katya got scared and refused to go on stage so Kuny had to hold her hand. It was really cute. Loved the outfits. They’re definitely never forgetting that 😂 other than that your husbands are sneaking drinks from sergei’s flask and Nado has been in stage for the past three performances 
Anya: he did what? I will kill him. Thank you for telling us Logan. Tell zhenya to be careful. Soccer moms are hungry.
Logan: will do. Want me to kick your husbands? 
Anya: no love. We have our own ways to punish our idiots 😈
Linnea: thanks Logan! 
Celeste removed Logan from the group chat. 
Celeste: well. I knew we couldn’t leave them alone. But the plan worked well - they’ve now signed themselves up for the events for the rest of the school year! 😎
Allison: 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 
Celeste: Logan texted me. Do you have any idea how much trouble you all are in? Also someone go rescue Kuny. He’s not ready for a soccer mom. 😈
Dumo: I’m gonna kill that kid. Also sorry. But. There was a BAGPIPE. You’re very pretty and beautiful and I love you. Sunny has gone to rescue Kuny. 
Celeste: hmm. How are you going to fix it? 
Dumo: I’ll show you 😜 on my knees 👅
Celeste: 😈
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sepublic · 4 years
Sense and Insensitivity!
           Aaah, I swear this episode helped fix a crippling absence in my heart that I’ve been missing out on! I’ve got a fever, and the only cure is… MORE OWL HOUSE!!!
           I feel like this entire episode is a rather meta joke about the writing process, especially with the whole bit about publishers and how they’re forced to do crunch-time; Pretty sure that’s a real thing, and if so, I applaud Dana and the crew for making sure to remind viewers! And also, Luz, SAME… I, too, understand the pain of being a writer!
           There’s not much else to say about Piniet, but I like his design, premise, and voice! He’s pretty neat, and his ability to read entire books within seconds is… It’s much too powerful! I must have this power… Not gonna lie, I didn’t expect HIM to be the true mastermind behind it all (rather, just a lackey for John de Plume) but I guess it makes sense! I thought Plume was kind of an annoying narcissist, but after seeing what he’s going through I guess I can’t blame him for desperately drinking up any love and support he can get!
           That scene with the cubes though… Pretty freaky stuff, honestly. Legit thought a dude died when Piniet stepped on him, but apparently not- Still, we never see them revert back to normal, and with Piniet conducting business as he usually does after this, YIKES. Also, love the chaotic energy of Not-Dana in this episode, I didn’t really see her coming into play here but it makes so much sense! Also, this episode can be seen almost as a metaphor for what happened in real life, perhaps- Piniet/Disney wanted to pull more writing from King/Alex Hirsch, who didn’t want to dedicate the rest of his life to Ruler’s Reach/Gravity Falls! Then Dana/Not Dana comes in, dazzles Piniet/Disney with her story/The Owl House, and King/Alex Hirsch is free to do as he pleases (in this case, becoming a VA) while poor Not/Dana has no clue what’s in store for her!
           Subtle, Dana. I like it.
           And Luz and King’s friendship! I love episodes that delve more into King and his insecurities, and I’d DIE for these two goobers! I love that while King and Eda are definitely partners-in-crime, there’s a certain silliness to Luz and King’s friendship that is unique to their relationship! Not to discount Eda and her bond with King of course… More on Eda later, naturally!
           Typewriter was a hilarious character, and I love how Luz still wants to show unconditional support for King after he’s famous! It just shows how kind-hearted and empathetic she is… She knows what it’s like to be lonely and not taken seriously and she doesn’t want to take away the gratification from King! Likewise, I love how the show acknowledges that King may just be a tad-bit jealous of Luz and Eda, or at least he recognizes that they ‘have’ what he doesn’t… To King, his two friends seem self-assured and confident, like they’re living their own dream while he doesn’t! I can see why King acts selfish at times, he justifies it to himself because he thinks that Eda and Luz are already having it so good… Surely it can’t hurt to indulge himself once in a while, right?
           But at the same time, King is not truly selfish. Once he realizes he’s messed up, he’ll go back on his mistakes to make amends, ASAP, throwing away whatever he’s gained for that precious friendship! Maybe the REAL power was the friends we made along the way…? Regardless, it’s clear that Eda and Luz, the latter especially, take his insecurities and thoughts a lot more seriously than anyone else, and I think that’s what’s so important to King! The fact that they listen to him, they humor him… And it’s because part of what makes them so well-off is King’s own presence! I just LOVE this trio you guys!
           Also, imagine Boscha’s perspective of Luz and King after everything. I swear, these two –and Eda- are such utter weirdos and cryptids to everyone they come across, it’s amazing! I’m also low-key wondering who made King that scarf… I might want to check later. Not-Saria, planning to trash on that book if it fails you… I know how you feel. And beware King, “There’s more to life than shipping” is fighting words! They’re not FALSE, but still, it’s like that meme about how they hated him because he told them the truth! Like I said, this episode was hilariously meta and close to home, and you get the feeling that Dana is one of us- A fan that’s obsessed over things in the past and suffered laboriously through the pain of writing!
           But… EDA AND LILITH! OH, how I’ve waited for this! I knew it, I knew it was coming, that delicious sibling interaction and team-up, and oh it feels SO good!
           I’m glad to see that Once Upon a Swap hasn’t changed how Lilith feels! It’s pretty ingenius how her strategy for capturing Eda is just ‘procrastinate as long as possible’ and she manages to justify it! Of course, Belos probably won’t tolerate this strategy for long after a while…
           Speaking of Belos- He needs the Bloom of Eternal Youth?!? Is it for some other purpose, or is the dude himself aging? Who knows HOW old he’s been, or how long his rule has lasted- For all we know he’s been the original creator of the Coven System himself! There are even some theories that he was the Boiling Isles Titan, or lived long enough to interact with it! Given how the Bloom was fake from the very beginning, has he been relying on ways to extend his youth throughout the years, or is the first time his years have caught up to him?
          Does he want Eda, partially to mend this? What if the curse was cast by Belos on Eda, to drain her of her youth in a parasitic exchange? The show itself has more or less confirmed that Eda is getting older because of the curse! WHAT IF Belos killed the Titan, because he acted as a parasite by draining its life-force to keep himself alive- He DOES have an insectoid motif, and I guess you could connect insects to creatures like Mosquitoes and Fleas…
          Anyhow, I’m glad to see that Eda will also go out of her way for Lilith, too! The mixed-feelings, aggravation, and genuine love between the two is so amazing… I love how the two are acknowledging that the other means well, and has their own reasons for what they’re doing! And I love how the show has confirmed it- That Lilith DOES want Eda to join the Emperor’s Coven, she just wants her to do it on her own terms, with her own agency! I love this complicated relationship between these two sisters, where they loudly proclaim that they’d sell one another to Satan for a corn chip, but then would move the stars for the other when no one else is looking!
          Obviously the trailer spoiled us, but it was obvious from the get-go that Ratman Witch dude was a fake and it was a trap! Love how they play with the twist by just… Having Eda and Lilith not bat an eye! After all, this is some one-off goon without a name, VS the two most powerful Witches in the Boiling Isles (sans Belos, possibly)! I’d say I wish we got to see the two fight together, but let’s be real- There wasn’t even a fight to begin with. They likely combined a single spell together and ended it within seconds… And on a side-note, I like how Eda confirms that she and Lilith got into trouble together in the past, too! Hence ‘There she is!’ in Covention.
          As for some smaller thoughts;
          I find it funny, but not surprising, that Mattholomule has been relegated to physical labor in Piniet’s publishing company! Isn’t that child labor? We know Luz is fourteen, and he’s around her age, if not younger- Especially how Luz notes how light he is, and how Matt’s similar height to Gus indicates he’s about the kid’s age. I dunno, I don’t know Boiling Isles rules on child labor, if they even have any, and even if they did I doubt Piniet cares! I wonder how Not-Dana will get herself out of THIS conundrum with him… Not that I doubt she will of course! She’s got that chaotic energy and hasn’t survived this long for nothing!
          And I love Luz, being all weird as she is, having to use her teeth to tear up the contract instead of her hands like anyone else would! I can’t quite understand her mind, but it’s part of what makes her such a favorite to me! At least a contract isn’t some organ from a monster you just came across… And clever of her to use the Light glyph for the book! I love King’s realization of a missed pun, and the unstoppable teamwork of him and Luz!
          Given how King has already messed up a few times by being selfish, I have to suspect this will come into play in Really Small Problems, with King feeling like he’s begun to drive Luz away with his vanity and becoming desperate to rekindle their friendship! But as we all know, there’s nothing he needs to prove- Luz cares for him and vice-versa! And ironically, King indulging in ‘Mysterioso’s’ product is also him being selfish, but in general… I like how the show recognizes his crippling insecurity beneath it all, his feelings are valid and not unfounded. Even without the possibility of him having been an ACTUAL King of demons, the show still makes a compelling motive and reason for what he does!
          Speaking of a potential backstory… It’s worth noting that King claims his name is actually a rank- So what was his real name, then? Does he even remember?Likewise, he mentions that becoming a famous author will help him in his reclamation of power…
          All-in-all, this was a good, solid episode! It’s clearly a very relationship-driven episode, which as someone who enjoys the relationships between characters in this show- That’s amazing! It really establishes how characters truly feel about one another, while subtly setting the stage for something else… I love it!
           Up-next is Adventures in the Elements, a totally-new episode that I have NEVER seen, and I will DEFINITELY discuss my new thoughts about it when it officially airs!
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hrh-selene-r · 5 years
Who is the protagonist in the new Star Wars trilogy, Kylo/Ben or Rey?
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It’s something I’ve noticed after re-watching the movies finishing off with the rise of Skywalker. We start the series with Poe getting a map to Luke and being intercepted by Kylo Ren, our “antagonist”. Over the course of the movie we find out that he was Ben Solo, son of General/Princess Leia Organa and smuggler/war hero Han Solo, and that he has a personal stake in finding the map to Luke. In his attempts to get the map he meets Rey, a scavenger who’s recruited(?) into the resistance and he finds out that she’s strong with the force because of.....reasons (plot?) and tries to convince her to join his cause. We learn his backstory of how he was born to an absentee father and a workaholic mother, making him a child of neglect, and how he was strong with the force (both light and dark) since his gestation. His parents fear that he could be a new Vader and so they fear him and what he can be capable of, so they send him to boarding school with his uncle, effectively cutting off any parental affection during a delicate age, instead of...I don’t know having Leia train him and console him or Han reassure him....Like a normal parent would do. (I mean Kylo wasn’t Damien in the Omen. He didn’t kill anyone.)
So Ben is in Jedi boarding school and we learn that his uncle/teacher/parental figure grows to fear his potential and in a very unjedi move he contemplates and attempt to kill Ben, but before the blow could land, Ben wakes up, catches his uncle in his murder attempt and is able to block/retaliate in order to run away. He’s chased by the other students when Ben joined a sith like gang “The knights of Ren”. At the end Ben kills out of necessity and finds a sith master; Snoke, who teaches him the ways of the sith and helps him move on from his past to forge his own path. This is when he expresses his lack of agency and how even his name doesn’t feel like his own and takes up the name KYLO REN. Dun dun dun 🎵
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During the course of the trilogy Kylo learns that he’s just being used by Snoke and his ambitions to gain agency grow, making him want Rey to join him in an alliance that could truly powerful, she rejects his proposal but he still murders his master to save her, bumping him up to Supreme Leader. This isn’t a result of Kylo’s love for Rey, but more of his own emancipation from all his toxic parental figures; Han, Luke and Snoke. I don’t include Leia here because he still has a relationship with her, albeit an strained one. This type of relationship usually happens when your mom is the head of an opposing faction in a civil war. So Kylo ends up alone and is now the Supreme Leader of the self proclaimed first Order....
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Now Kylo’s his own man, free from the influence of others; they can’t tell him what to do, now he’s free. His first order of business?? Track down oppositions in his own ranks and destroy anything that could challenge his position. Basically he wants to consolidate his power as the new Supreme leader. This brings him to search for Palpatine on Exegol to kill him and cement himself as his own authority. During this time Kylo learns that he was nothing more than a puppet to his master, who was, in turn a puppet for Palpatine, who’s been influencing and nudging Kylos path since he was a child, revealing that the character who is desperately looking to gain agency throughout the whole trilogy never had it. Palpatine offers him candy (I mean a naval fleet of star destroyers) and basically unchallenged control of the galaxy (ultimate POWA!!!!) The weird thing is that instead of killing Palpatine, even though he was aware his offers bullshit, he looks for Rey.....okaaay? Keep in mind that at this point Kylo is compelled towards Rey because of his natural curiosity of Rey’s potential while not having a single class in force usage and because he feels a kindred spirit in Rey’s loneliness and good nature. Is there some sexual tension there.....maybe? Then he tells her that they’re a dyad in the force as a way to explain their connection, which feels utterly forced (if you pardon the pun).
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So Rey and Kylo meet in the water planet while Rey looks for a mcguffin and they fight, ending with Rey giving Kylo a cheap stab to the belly. Now Kylo’s being the superior fighter would’ve and should’ve won hands down by he senses/sees his mother through force Skype and he gets distracted enough to leave an opening. Rey heals his mortal wound, saving his life before leaving him presumably stranded there to die. Now, we’re expected to believe that because of her selfless intentions saving him, Kylo decides to forgive himself for his acts, including killing his biological father. He throws his awesome lightsaber into the ocean showing him abandoning of the sith or at least the dark side of the force and HE’S A GOOD GUY NOW!!! yay!! Whooo!! 😒
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So he goes to Exegol, fights the knights of Ren and joins Rey in fighting Palpatine, gets his life force sucked, gets thrown down a pit, comes back out and then gives his life up to save Rey....okaaay? You can kind of see it from the whole, she saved her enemy and now her enemy is grateful and will repay his debt, hence Kylo sacrifices his life to save her; redeeming his character while having honor...so that angle works and when you look at it that way this is one of the few choices that Kylo makes that are truly his. It’s a waste of one of our most complex characters but sure...
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Now, after that whole rollercoaster, let’s talk about Rey. What do we know about Rey??
She’s a scavenger
She’s friendly and nice....so yay altruism.
She makes the best of what she has.
She was abandoned by her parents on Jakku and waits for them in vain...she knows this subconsciously.
She’s strong with the force because of....reasons
She looks to Han and Leia as parental figures because....reasons. Granted Leia started to train Rey, but it wasn’t that long so they barely know each other still.
Luke was her first master and he started to teach her about the force....for a bit.
Palpatine’s her grandfather via cloning.....Although this sounds like a really contrived way to explain her affinity with the force, and it sounds like they made it up on the spot. Plus, that’s not how cloning works!
She an amazing pilot and can fly anything, despite never having flown before the first movie because....reasons.
She’s a great mechanic who can fix anything, despite not being a mechanic but a scavenger....I mean I can take apart a computer, it doesn’t make me an IT genius/engineer.
She can fight with a lightsaber and has beaten Kylo Ren in combat twice, despite having no formal training and having never used a lightsaber before as opposed to her enemy who’s had decades of training and combat experience and studies, because......being strong with the force is like the matrix, so she automatically has the theory, reflexes and muscle memory needed for combat?
She joins the resistance not because she has an emotional stake in this, believes in the resistance’s cause, or has a grudge against the first order; it’s because....she had nothing better to do that day? The gave her free food?
And she’s a dayd in the force with Kylo Ren because.....Reasons. They never explain that it just is because Rey is the rarest thing in the whole universe apparently.
She spends a short amount of time training and reads the Jedi texts, and now she’s a full fledged Jedi at the end of the trilogy...because she’s Jesus? Like remember when Jedism and the ways of the force was a way of life and people spent lifetimes learning and training in the force? Remember how anakin was to old to train as a LITTLE BOY? Or how her enemy in combat has been trained/did studies in the force since he was a child, decades ago?
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See how short that was compared to Kylo Ren/Ben Solo? Now, do any of these characteristics help you know Rey? They do a bit, but this is what we know about her, not of her. The problem with Rey as a protagonist is that she’s too bland; she has no negative aspects and, as a consequence, has no character arc to overcome. Kylo searches for emancipation from peoples expectations and to have agency, to be his own person under his freedom. Rey doesn’t change in the whole trilogy.
The only reason she’s even invested in the rebel cause or the people is because of the plot, because other characters (and hence the author) tell her she has to. As opposed to Luke who goes with Obi-Wan because he knew he was destined for something bigger, wanted to get out of Tatooine, and found out his father was a Jedi killed by our main antagonist, motivating him to be like the father he idealized but never met.
Thats’s 3 different motivations to help out Obi-Wan and the rebellion, right there. Rey was just bored, I guess.
So I started to think: “What if our main character is a tragic one like anakin? What if our protagonist is Kylo Ren and Rey is just a proxy for the audience?” I mean, it’s no secret that Kylo got his comic book series (that sold out) apart from becoming one of the most popular characters in the franchise. When you look at it that way, it does make sense; Kylo has a relationship with almost all of the main cast in the movie in one way or another and he’s the most compelling one; the one that changes and goes through a character arc. The most interesting thing about Rey is whether or not she’ll join the dark side. So as much as I hate to say this; Rey is obviously a Mary Sue
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The problem here is that the creators didn’t know on who to focus, she so special and flawless that it’s makes her uncompelling and boring. And to add insult to injury they kill of our protagonist, not in the service of a greater cause or to save what he has left, but to bring back this bland sack of Jedi abilities. This isn’t to insult Daisy Ridley, if anything Disney and the writers did them a disservice. Kylo’s story was supposed to be the reversal of Vader, but in the end it was the same story, down to sacrificing himself to save the Jedi fighting Palpatine.
Now, am I anti-Reylo? Kind of, if we go by the movies. My problem is that Rey isn’t a compelling character, so I fail to get invested in her or to even care about her at all, and the sexual tension/kinship that she has with Kylo isn’t a Romance make. You could say “oh they’re a dyad.” That’s not romance, it’s just a bond; you can have a strong connection and not have romantic feelings. Their relationship is about as well executed as Anakin and Padme...and even THEY had conversations in their trilogy. The whole reason Kylo (I refuse to call him Ben at this point) turns good is love, selfless love. From who? The negligent parents that abandoned him, or the scavenger he barely know? Adam said in the documentary that he chose Rey because no one has shown kindness to him, so the moment she shows that kindness and performs a selfless act (which is really not selfless at all, considering she stabbed him while his guard was down) makes him turn good and choose her, he know that if he’s with her he’ll be alright....How is he gonna be alright? Is it because of her Mary Sue powers....If the writers took their time to develop their relationship, maybe we could have something here, but as it’s stands Kylo and Rey have as much romance as Edward and Bella; they have little in common, but god damn they can’t run away from one another! 😒 And that’s not even addressing the troubles of falling in love with someone actively trying to kill you/trying to win a war. So even IF they do have a well developed romance to ship, Rey (being the good guy she is) has drank the Jedi cool-aid so much that it boarders on fanatism and she won’t even consider Kylo’s side or choose an alternative path. If anything Rey could’ve died saving the galaxy, making her a martyr and having Kylo left to forge his own path; not as sith or as a Jedi, but something in between.
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So what do you think? I know this has been discussed to death but still...How would you improve the new trilogy? Let me know.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk 😘
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harlemthefoxgoddess · 4 years
I would recommend the show and pilot the Progenies. I hope it continues to flourish because honestly its really the only thing that got me interested into the whole descendant cast of characters. I never read the books and only saw just show but with but that pilot and harriyanna hook discussion truly got me interested into the characters and I can't wait for her to do them justice. Secondly I don't understand how people can be interested in Mal, while I do agree to like what you like and to not harass others ship and such because doesn't do anything other cause more fiction and fights. but as casual as I am with show and characters I don't really get why people are willing to die on hill of character who can be easily taken out of the story and nothing being lost. She just very bland vanilla cake, like it might as well be a sponge for how many mistakes in the attempt. (sorry for my kinda racist pun)
For example I think you already lost the cause when one she isn't very interesting visually or personality wise, plus doesn't help when their fav literally force her love interest (Ben) to become her love interest by magic love potion to get back at someone who mean to her. which in my opinion i don't care if it was a lie and weren't finances or dating the attempt to take someone boyfriend from some else just because don't like them is gross and toxic, if he or she want to break up with them its their right not yours just because jealous or think they deserve better. Another thing is Mal is mean and yeah I get it they live in toxic place with villains as parents but just doesn't even feel like she cares about friends she must rather jump off and ruin their chances of good life and opportunity for others that are still stuck in the lost, and then I'm supposed to see how she is much better comparison to her parents?! and see her as such great friend and leader;
Even when she has the opportunity she hardly spend time with them and when she does push down their wants and need because she believe she "doesn't deserve this nice life" or the more tragic "too bad to deserve second chance". Some would say that its complex and deep and nuance but in reality its just confusing and stupid. like she wants as the others to step out of shadow of villains parents and be notice for themselves without being judge for what parents had done. However, if she so much better and change from her mother than why does she keep doing stuff that put not only herself in jeopardy but people she suppose to care about down with her, I can get her being anxious and worry she hasn't done enough to rectify her mother sins but at no point did she ever think to talk to her friends who's probably going through it as well or to her loving boyfriend who do anything for her. the only choice was to run away back to the isle without telling anyone just because you feel like something wrong and don't fit, and ruin that chance for others like herself at getting redemption or chance for better life.
And big why here why is it okay for her to make mess and never get consequences for her actions; yes she got some with Audrey and her friends but that quickly got over. Its like never cross her mind that yeah after humiliating Audrey and taking her title and her boyfriend that maybe she i don't know take it well, never went check up on her or apologized or even asked maybe Ben to go check up on her or both find her and talk to her and help through break up. Or in Uma case and others there's never a time for her to I don't know even ask her boyfriend the same guy who made the decreed for you and friends to get off isle to help gain others off isle other then just group, or was no time to talk to Uma before leaving and apologize for leaving in bad terms and promise to help get off the isle, no she had to be forgotten and then seen as villain when both Mel and Uma were friends and equally bad.
Its really telling that when her (mel) own boyfriend is the only person who can see she misunderstood while being kidnapped and in danger. Like all the girl wanted was to escape and be given a chance, and who could blame her when someone given the chance left it the moment it matter the most. and with the fight I can't blame Uma for being mad because while yes it was mean to laugh at friend who feel into the water but in defense probably didn't think it that serious because she can literally turn into a dragon and fly up, in that comparison never to apologize for getting shrimp in her hair that she could never get smell out which already traumatizing to then have everyone else call her shrimpy which is worse. I could understand if she told Uma that she had a fear of drowning and water and had her laugh at her, however from I can guess at they only close friends and not besties so she probably never told her if she had that fear, I only say this because if she had I could see Uma going out her way to try help her with her fear maybe even teaching her how to swim.
I get this suggestion from how she acts with her crew like when Harry lost his hook she went out of her way to help him back onto the dock even if she didn't need to help and rather if she so evil it would've beneficial for her to continue her fight with Mal and win. Plus giving Uma personality she would've help Mal out after she laugh because once again probably didn't see it as serious and thought funny to joke about, kinda how your friend would laugh if you fell not out of malice but because that how they react to when they worry. And yet I'm still supposed to see her in the wrong and even if take out the whole race thing it still would look bad but when add it makes it even worst. which doesn't help that Mal is convinced that Uma is evil for kidnapping her boyfriend, which i go back to evidence one where she not better for drugging or attempt to drug Ben.
And this isn't even going into the whole how she treat her supposed loving relationship with Ben, which is just makes her more of hypocrite at least with Uma she treats people she cares about with love but according to Disney wiki im supposed see her as "manipulate" like where?! please tell me this missing piece of Uma ever manipulate someone into doing something they didn't want to do. I can guess maybe this got this from Harry and Ben but in Harry case he wanted to help her in her plan to get revenge and escape the isle and with Ben she never lied to him her opinions and thoughts on why she wanted to leave or why she didn't like Mal so him believe she misunderstood or deserve a chance isn't a lie.
Going back to Mal she never even tried or attempted to not do things without her magic, yeah I can see her point of that being stupid to not being able to use magic because isn't any bad magic only bad magic user who use it wrong. However, the point is Ben and others were trying to make is that using the that already got bad reputation from their parents other citizens aren't already going to give chances because what their parents done ruin their world. Yes defeating Malevolence did help their chances but that only the beginning, to really show that they are serious in changing is to give that bad vices giving upon their parents and apparently magic happens to be one of them. nothing is wrong being independent and without using magic to help them in everyday chores they could've been much easier but does give them chance to learn something new.
Had this been years or months later and people still wasn't give her chance despite her showing them her change and want to be better I could've understood but this wasn't the case. What it did prove is Ben and others being in the right because magic did help ruin someone life and made it worse which is Audrey, given she wasn't in right state of mind and left alone with no help or friends that magic amplify the bad emotions which only got worse the more she push away.
But Mal is still seen as in the right and being main character because of what exactly? is it because of her parents that seem artificial and nothing to do with her or is her powers and abilities to become a dragon? because again she got that from her parents and has nothing to do with her personality and person as person.
And to make the sad point is there is some there underneath all of this blandness a very tiny speck of good character or the very least an interesting one but sadly the author hasn't done her justice. which is depressing because even fixing the character you might as well make a brand new one because their isn't any use for her.
It really tragic when Mal's friends and Uma and her crew are much more interested and intrigued. And to be honest without any biased Uma looks much more intriguing I love her concept with her having pirate look while being a sea witch (having the octopus tentacles). I enjoy her beautiful braids and the colors and her outfit (not the one with the jacket that make look clutter but i guess her captain one) that give her badass pirate queen vibe. In comparison Mal doesn't even have anything that even suggested she daughter of Maleficent or for that matter for some reason Hades. are you going tell me that maleficent let her daughter go out in public dressing like that? where are the dark elegance and polish and dignified of daughter of mistress of hell? she should at least have some medieval European style since that what Disney movie of sleeping beauty is based one. its really sad day in hell when I could see the live action movie based on her name (Maleficent) theme and wardrobe closely resemble to an folklore European look and even that movie had problems.
Even Mal's friend Evie has closer style of looking like daughter of evil queen from snow white and being dignity than her and that is saying alot, even though she should've had more German look but that beside the point. Okay then, what about her father Hades she should at very least has some style of Greek even if something small or maybe she take after his personality of hot-headedness or stubbornness but no. and yes I understand its suppose to take place during modern times but when both Ever After High a show and doll line with similar premise God School, and monster high that had some Greek mythology characters in it both had better modern design and themes.
Speaking of Monster High and Ever After High what did do with the Disney descendant dolls? why do that its okay to just half ass and disrespect the characters like that. Uma doll doesn't even have braids where is the attempt all they need to do is use thin yarn or steam the hair to give that to be able to braid yeah it would take long but literally have robots and employees that could do it if so hard. Secondly Sin is where is even is male dolls, like i see one big pack of Carlos and Jay with girls and a couple pack of Mal and Ben but no Harry or Girl no Chad or Doug.
I can understand no one liking Chad because he annoying and don't know how Cinderella can produce that as her child but no Doug even though in the movie both him and Evie are couple they could've couple pack of them. is it because they not most best looking couple?
To be clear there nothing wrong in being conceited and enjoy some character for artificial reason whether that be clothes, design, skin color, race, gender, face appearance, etc. Or in general enjoy broken or bad characters or enjoying blank characters to put yourself into. But to gate others opinions or say that much more to it when it isn't or fight others just because they enjoy Uma compared to Mal is wrong. And if someone honestly without get mad or upset for having my own opinion and can get into a calm discussion and truly tell me why they enjoy Mal without it being what I just stated and could convince me then good, but until I get good evidence that Mal is good character without needing redo then I'm supposed im stuck with this opinion.
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chiajasmine · 5 years
Autistic Reclaimed Characters Masterlist
I’m getting back into making reclaimed characters/OCs by reclaiming autistic characters from media. 
Character’s name (full name, if given): Christopher John Francis Boone
Apparent age: 15
Gender: Cis boy
Source material (and why it’s bad, this part is optional): The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (which is a best-selling mystery novel and a drama/mystery play) and it's bad because it is ableist (the author did little research about autism and autistic people), normalizes the abuse of autistic people, and the book has a stereotypical depiction of autism. Mark Haddon portrayed the protagonist Christopher as elitist, intolerant, dismissive, unconcerned for others, unsympathetic, remorselessly violent, and not noticing or responding to insults and abuse. He is ableist towards other disabled kids at his school and looks down on them while also looking down on non-disabled people. Christopher is mistreated (abused, neglected, abandoned, deceived, gaslit, and insulted), often by authority figures like his parents and most other characters either overlook or actively attempt to justify this. His father Ed lied about his mother Judy being dead to him for two years. Ed also killed his ex-girlfriend's dog Wellington with a garden fork and receives no consequences for doing so except for causing a rupture in Christopher's relationship with him, and he tries to pressure Christopher to repair it by focusing exclusively on how much he is hurt by Christopher. Haddon also portrayed Christopher's parents in a sympathetic light even though the novel is from Christopher's point of view and despite Ed and Judy being abusive and neglectful to Christopher. Siobhan (Christopher's mentor and teacher) is only present in the early parts of the book and absent from the rest of the book without an explanation; the author could have used her to show that Christopher does not deserve to be abused and neglected, but he did not. The novel presents the autistic protagonist as responsible for his parent's divorce and being mistreated by others while showing that he is unaffected by this mistreatment, and portrays abuse, abandonment, and gaslighting as normal and justified. 
Pictures of character: 
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Birthday: August 11
Sexuality: Mspec graysexual neuroromantic/echoromantic/arovague (queer acespec arospec for convenience)
Personality: Christopher is intelligent, sensitive, perceptive, naive, arrogant, and tends to come off as aloof. He has a very self-centered point of view, values logic, tends to be literal-minded, and is sometimes clueless when it comes to social norms. He takes pride in his intelligence and views himself as rational and logical though he can be insensitive, cold, reckless, irritable, irrational, and illogical at times. He tends to have emotional outbursts, lash out, bottle up his emotions, and split due to trauma, but he is working on expressing his emotions in healthier ways. Christopher used to be violent, break into people's houses and vehicles, steal, vandalize property, and have an ableist and elitist attitude before he got the proper help he needed. He cares about the people he is close to, treating them with kindness and is protective of them. His samefood is strawberry milkshakes. He prefers to use a stress ball or something similar to stim. Christopher is a trauma, physical/verbal/emotional abuse, and emotional neglect survivor. He is autistic and has PTSD/possible C-PTSD, NPD, conduct disorder, BPD, depression, chronic boredom, low empathy, abandonment issues, and violent intrusive thoughts and impulses. 
Likes: His special interests are math, prime numbers, countries, capitals, detective fiction, mystery novels and movies, thriller films, autism/disability rights, astronauts, and Steven Universe (he especially enjoys Steven Universe: The Movie and Steven Universe Future). He also likes Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, his pet rat, his service dog, Siobhan, strawberry milkshakes, puzzles, computer games, Tetris, and everything being in order.
Dislikes: The colors yellow (when not kin shifting to Peridot) and brown, yellow things (when not kin shifting to Peridot), brown things, dirt, gravy, wood, blood (squick), being lied to/deceived, his birth parents (his birth dad, in particular), authority figures who are ableist and invalidate him, crowded places, noisy places, being made fun of, his chronic boredom, saying he can't feel or doesn’t have emotions, romanticization/glorification of cheating/affairs/infidelity, being called "a handful", everything not being in order, and being touched during a meltdown, shutdown, or flashback.
Fears or triggers: Animal death (especially dogs, trigger), garden forks (trigger), his birth dad (fear/trigger), him or autistic people being blamed for divorce (trigger), being threatened to be or saying he should be institutionalized (trigger), being abandoned (fear/trigger), loud sudden noises (fear/sensory trigger), angry yelling (trigger), being threatened with physical violence (trigger), and being called a "specimen" or other dehumanizing things (trigger).
Relationship status: Taken (Aki--QPP/zucchini and chosen person, and Clover--girlfriend and favorite person)
Friends: Other autistic reclaimed characters
Extras: He is demipansensual, panalterous, panqueerplatonic, cupio-aplatonicflux/neuroplatonic/aplatonicvague (aplspec for short/convenience), demipanaesthetic, and demipan- in other attractions. He is Peridot kin (SU), Spinel kin/IDs with Spinel (SU), Steven synpath (SU), and Jotaro Kujo hearted (JJBA). His favorite persons are Briony and Clover, and his chosen person is Aki.
Character’s name (full name, if given): Caitlin Ann Smith
Apparent age: 10 (going on to 11)
Gender: Cis girl
Source material (and why it’s bad, this part is optional): Mockingbird (which is a young adult novel and a theatre play) and it's bad because there were multiple moments when the main character Caitlin's behavior is too textbook, the author's writing clearly leaned to a clinical view of autism spectrum disorder, and it was written particularly for a neurotypical audience. Kathryn Erskine preferred the clinical research over the thoughts, feelings, and writings of autistic people. Caitlin's epiphany is problematic because it did not feel like her own, it was inspiration porn due to her having to "learn" empathy, and it feels like the epiphany that ableist organizations like Autism Speaks and neurotypicals who fail to understand autistic people want autistic people to have. While the book was written with good intentions, Erskine regurgitated the "no empathy" myth, people around the autistic character are constantly trying to "fix" her and this is shown to be a good thing, and the book ended up being inspiration porn for neurotypicals.
Pictures of character:
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Birthday: In the book, her birthday is unknown so I'll make it November 20
Sexuality: Questioning
Personality: Caitlin is intelligent, cheerful, socially awkward, pedantic, often blunt, and comes off as arrogant without meaning to. She tends to get excited and passionate about things she enjoys. As a result, she tends to infodump. She has black-and-white thinking, hypermorality, and fluctuating empathy. Caitlin can come off as tactless at times due to being brutally honest, but does not mean to hurt people's feelings and will try to clear things up if there are any resulting problems. She also does not always understand social cues and expectations, but she tries her best. Caitlin is more caring than she appears to be. She is autistic and is recovering from depression that is caused by the death of her mother who died of cancer and PTSD that is caused by the death of her brother Devon who died in a school shooting and being bullied in school.
Likes: Her special interests are drawing, dictionaries, and To Kill a Mockingbird. She also likes art, making charcoal drawings, pastel colors, the colors black and white, black and white TV shows and movies, cartoons (especially Disney), Bambi, her friends (especially her best friend Michael), small spaces (they bring her comfort), hiding under a dresser (her "hidey-hole") and bed, and stuffing her head under couch cushions.
Dislikes: Bright colors (neon colors especially), saturated colors, bright lights, noisy places, maintaining direct eye contact, dirt, bugs, wool clothing, fuzzy clothing, live-action TV shows and movies that are not black and white, saying that she does not have or needs to learn empathy, people not communicating with her, bullying, school shootings, and school shooters.
Fears or triggers: Really loud noises (sensory trigger), lights buzzing (sensory trigger), wool clothing (sensory trigger), fuzzy clothing (sensory trigger), gunshots (trigger), and being called "weirdo" or "freak" (trigger). No fears, but she gets uncomfortable when talking about school shootings and school shooters.
Relationship status: Single
Friends: Other autistic reclaimed characters, Michael Schneider (best friend), Josh
Extras: She is Scout kin/IDs as Scout (To Kill a Mockingbird), Bambi kin (Bambi), and her comfort characters are Jem (To Kill a Mockingbird) and Atticus (To Kill a Mockingbird).
Character’s name (full name, if given): Rose Howard
Apparent age: 11 (going on to 12)
Gender: Cis girl
Source material (and why it’s bad, this part is optional): Rain Reign (which is a children's novel) and it's bad because the author Ann M. Martin wrote it in Autism Voice, the narrative is stereotypical, and Rose is explicitly framed as other due to being portrayed as overly literal and the book's constant focus on her obsession with homonyms, numbers, prime numbers, weather patterns, and rules. It also stereotypes autistic people as not experiencing emotions, unfeeling, uncaring, unable to be hurt, and overly rational. In general, Martin denied Rose emotional agency and wrote a story about an autistic character for a neurotypical audience.
Pictures of character: 
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(Rose with Rain)
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(Another picture of Rose and Rain)
Birthday: In the book, her birthday is unknown so I'll make it September 20
Sexuality: Questioning
Personality: Rose is intelligent, level-headed, brave, determined, polite, socially awkward, and a rule-follower. She loves homonyms and tends to blurt out when she hears one. Rose is caring, patient, and undertakes the role of peacekeeper. She is autistic, has OCD, panic attacks, and hypermorality, and is recovering from depression that is caused by her mother leaving her and her father (she is dealing with her feelings of guilt over it) and PTSD that is caused by her father's past alcoholism.
Likes: Her special interests are weather patterns, homonyms, and numbers (especially prime numbers). She also likes her dog Rain, her uncle Weldon, wordplay/puns, meteorology, the weather channel, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, The Incredibles movies, The Secret of NIMH, and being on her routine.
Dislikes: People not explaining things to her, people not listening to why she is upset, being made fun of, being invalidated, and being off her routine.
Fears or triggers: Alcohol (trigger), hurricanes (fear), and being shaken (fear/trigger).
Relationship status: Single
Friends: Other autistic reclaimed characters, Rain
Extras: Her comfort characters are Madame Foster (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends), Helen Parr (The Incredibles), and Mrs. Brisby (The Secret of NIMH).
Character’s name (full name, if given): Willem Edward Smith
Apparent age: 12
Gender: Cis boy
Source material (and why it’s bad, this part is optional): How to Fly with Broken Wings (which is a children's fiction book) and it's bad because the author Jane Elson wrote Willem as stereotypically autistic without naming him as such. Willem seems to check off all of the diagnostic boxes of autism without having much of a personality beyond this. Willem isn’t always treated with respect or dignity, particularly when he’s reduced to facts about airplanes and telling people that he can fly. In the middle of the book, Willem suddenly becomes a magical autistic detective by pulling out several pieces of physical evidence and lines of argument to prove that one person wasn’t involved in gang riots, although these abilities are never previously mentioned. Elson doesn't fully address him being mistreated at school. Sasha describes him in her first chapter as “one of life’s special people” and regularly refers to him as her special friend as their relationship develops. Willem is relentlessly bullied at school and in danger at home, although no other characters do anything about this. Other kids make him jump off of objects or buildings and there are rival gangs in the area who are also interested in manipulating him. In class, his teacher frequently singles him out by requiring him to make two friends instead of completing equations for homework like his peers. The teacher tries to mix up students to get kids to interact with Willem and pulls each aside to say that she wants them to show him friendship, though she recognizes that forcing him to make friends in class encouraged him to interact with his bullies and put him in numerous dangerous situations, and she apologizes by the end of the book. The assignment led to Willem being deceived or put in dangerous situations more than once, and the author offers no clear condemnation of this. Willem’s main bully apologizes for his actions a few times but immediately returns to hurting Willem, and when he eventually befriends him it’s in order to gain favor with the girl he likes. Many adults apologize to Willem-- including his teacher, who recognizes that forcing him to make friends put his life in danger; not that her treatment of him was emotionally manipulative. Also, there is no further discussion of any emotional repercussions.
Pictures of character:  
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(Willem with a dog and holding hands with Sarah)
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Birthday: In the book, his birthday is unknown so I’ll make it June 21
Sexuality: Questioning
Personality: Willem is shy and timid yet friendly and easygoing. He doesn’t believe that true friendships can be made by assigning people to be friends. He infodumps regularly and has trouble distinguishing when the other person has heard enough or when the conversation is over. Willem relates to people by using the colors of the traffic lights. He tends to take things more literally and struggles with understanding facial expressions. Willem gets very anxious in stressful situations. Willem gets very anxious in stressful situations. He stims by counting, rambling about anything, shaking his hands, and flapping his arms and hands. Willem is a trauma and physical/verbal/emotional abuse survivor. He is autistic, has anxiety, and is recovering from PTSD that is caused by being bullied at school by other kids, being emotionally manipulated by his teacher, and the trauma from the gang riots.
Likes: His special interests are airplanes (especially Spitfire planes), model airplanes, pilots during World War II, and flying. He also likes his dog Buster, Magic Man Archie, tea, digestive biscuits, cookies, his grandmother Gracie, Sasha, Peter Pan, Arthur (his favorite character is Carl Gould), and traffic lights.
Dislikes: Bullies, gangs, riots, being made fun of, being excluded/left out, people who are too close to him, Finn Maison and his gang the Beckham Estate Boyz, being assigned friends, being forced into a "buddy system", being manipulated or deceived, shouting, being kissed, and his food touching.
Fears or triggers: Bullying (fear/trigger), gangs (fear/trigger), riots (fear/trigger), Finn Maison and his gang (fear), falling (fear), death threats (trigger), being assigned friends (trigger), being forced into a "buddy system" (trigger), shouting (sensory trigger), being kissed (sensory trigger), and his food touching (sensory trigger).
Relationship status: Single
Friends: Other autistic reclaimed characters, Sasha Barton, Magic Man Archie, Buster
Extras: His comfort character is Carl Gould (Arthur).
Character’s name (full name, if given): Colin Fischer
Apparent age: 14
Gender: Cis boy
Source material (and why it’s bad, this part is optional): Colin Fischer (which is a young adult novel) and it’s bad because despite being written by an autistic author--Zack Sentz--and Colin being likable, the book distances the readers from the perspective of him by othering him and casting him as incomprehensible and weird. Colin is rarely seen as anything but intrigued, confused, or panicked, and that reinforces the damaging, ableist notion of autistic people not having emotions. He is also depicted by Sentz and Ashley Edward Miller to be a super special autistic with “mysterious skills”. Colin’s brother Danny loathing him and their parents is portrayed with no nuance and no emotions from Colin’s end. In the book, Asperger’s syndrome is mentioned as being “related to” autism rather than being part of the autism spectrum. His school is said to be supportive and accommodating, but there is not much proof to support this as the narrative appears to condone the ableist treatment of the protagonist. For example, when Colin is purposefully taunted in class and ends up barking from stress, the principal accepts that it wasn’t his fault, but she also threatens Colin with punishment if he “acts out” again. Another example is his gym teacher Mr. Turrentine ignoring a note from his therapy team that he can skip gym. He also aligns with the popular image of “high-functioning” autistic people as being a socially awkward, math/logic/train-obsessed, straight, white, middle-class teenage boy. His symptoms become less extreme at the end of the book, which is seen as a positive development; this portrays autistic traits as undesirable and negative.
Pictures of character:
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Birthday: In the book, his birthday is unknown so I’ll make it September 22
Sexuality: Disordinebisexual biromantic, leans towards females
Personality: Colin is curious, inquisitive, and friendly. He enjoys being organized and tends to have meltdowns when not being organized. Colin has slow reflexes and activities like basketball, soccer, playing catch, monkey bars, riding a bicycle, and gym class are difficult for him while activities like jumping and bouncing are easier for him. He speaks in a monotone voice, but talks fast when excited. Colin is often very literal and has trouble detecting sarcasm. He stims by barking when stressed or overwhelmed, jumping especially when happy or excited, and making repeated clicking sounds. He usually has a hard time telling when people are upset because facial expressions don't come naturally to him, and does not always understand social cues and expectations. Colin pet regresses to cope with stress and being autistic, disabled, and otherwise neurodivergent. He is autistic, nearsighted, a dog regressor, and has gross motor dyspraxia and hypotonia.
Likes: His special interests are science, aliens, trampolines, SHAED (his favorite song is Trampoline), asparagus, Sherlock Holmes, and Star Trek. He also likes math, trains, jumping, bouncy balls, dogs, his notebook, repeated clicking sounds like pens, stacking things, and patterns (especially finding them).
Dislikes: The color blue, blue things, being touched if he does not initiate it or if he is unprepared for it, being touched when stressed, direct eye contact (he finds it uncomfortable), phones ringing loudly, the sound of the school bell, mushy foods, high-pitched voices, dolls, gym class, sports, perfume counters at store entrances, being made fun of or taunted, bullying, ableist people, having his infodumps be interrupted, his room and belongings being tampered with, Rudy Moore, and biphobes/bimisics.
Fears or triggers: Sudden loud noises (sensory trigger), phones ringing loudly (sensory trigger), the sound of the school bell (sensory trigger), perfume counters at store entrances (sensory trigger), high-pitched voices (sensory trigger), mushy foods (sensory trigger), and dolls (fear).
Relationship status: Single
Friends: Other autistic reclaimed characters, Melissa Greer (best friend), Wayne Connolly
Extras: He is alienkin and dogkin, and his comfort characters are Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock) and Spock (Star Trek). He has reading glasses to help with his nearsightedness.
@luigiskids​, @connerskids​, @mikus-oc-blog​, @asherschildren​, @kirby-hates-pedos​,  @vela-hates-creeps​, @ashisintheskies​ any thoughts?
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shimmershaewrites · 5 years
Fourth Quarter, Chapter 1 (a Walking Dead story, Caryl AU).
Sorry.  I am so sorry, lol.
  Title:   Fourth Quarter
Rating:  M. 
Warnings:  adult language. 
Characters/Pairings:  Carol Peletier, Daryl Dixon, Sophia Peletier, original character, Jenny Jones, June Dorie, Pete Anderson, mention Morgan Jones and John Dorie, Luke, Carl Grimes, mentions of Judith Grimes, Tyreese Williams, Duane Jones, mention of Eastman, T-Dog, Axel. 
Prompt(s) used:  “Do you trust me?”    
Author’s Note:  inspired by a little drabble in my Across the Universe(s) drabble series—“Quit stalling.”  Apologies for the sucktacular title and the fact that I’m jumping off the deep end and starting another story.  Clearly, I’m losing it.  But whatever.  I made words.  So it’s a lose-win situation, lol.  Also, in case you didn’t notice, I brought over a couple of friends from Fear and I’m keeping my options open about bringing over more.  We shall see.  Anyway.  Fingers crossed this somehow breaks up the log jam that is currently the state of Waltzing.  I miss writing that story so freaking much. 
          Dr. Pete Anderson didn’t like kids. 
  Carol had it figured out within two seconds of meeting the man, his so-called secret.  His absolute, lip-curling distaste for the parade of little humans that were the King County clinic’s bread and butter was that apparent.  Hard to miss really and ironic considering.    
  Those frequently possessed of snotty noses and tiny hands that were somehow, some impossible way always sticky were both the bane of his existence and the source of much of his livelihood. 
  She couldn’t help but wonder how someone that couldn’t even be bothered to open up his heart to the frightened tears that inevitably came from being thrust into a place so cold and sterile and generally unwelcoming as their place of employment possessed one at all.  Most likely, she supposed, his chest was hollow and a big cavernous nothing occupied the space where the faulty organ should be.  Yes, most likely.  Too bad he worked every Monday.  As did she. 
  “Did somebody get me the goddamn labs I asked for?!” 
  The question yelled so near to her ear was all the warning Carol had before a mug of coffee was unceremoniously slammed down in front of her, causing her to flinch.  She watched with dismay as the bitter black brew sloshed over the ceramic edge, instantly soaking into the printed labs in question, and took in a deep breath in an effort to fortify herself for what she knew was coming.  Thankfully, her coworker stepped in to prevent her from falling onto her figurative sword.  
  “The printer’s jammed again, Sir.” 
  Jenny Jones was one of the most even-tempered individuals Carol had ever met.  Whether she was helping keep a toddler calm while they had a lost Flintstone vitamin fished out of their nose or explaining to a patient that body spray was not meant to be used internally via the rectum, she always wore the same placid expression.  She wore it now, even in the face of Dr. Anderson’s poorly reigned in rage at humanity at large.    
  “Thought the damn thing was fixed.” 
  “It was.  It isn’t now.  Noah’s working on it.” 
  “Who’s…know what?  Forget it.  I don’t care.  Just get me those labs.  Sometime today.”  With that, he stalked off to greet his next patient, continuing to grumble beneath his breath. 
  Finally, Carol felt like she could exhale, and she did, feeling a lot like a deflated balloon.  Or at least, the way she imagined a deflated balloon might feel.  “You’re too good to me.” 
  Jenny’s chair squeaked as she pushed it back from the desk.  Eyes brightened and lips twitching with humor, she replied, “You bring me cookies.  I would be crazy not to be.” 
  “Duane like the strawberry lemonade cookies?”   
  “Like them?” Jenny scoffed.  “That boy loved them.  At least the two his daddy let him have.  Morgan made me promise to get the recipe from you.  Told me to resort to blackmail if I had to.”  Shaking her head, she mused fondly, “That man.  He loves ya’ll’s cookies.” 
  “I’d worry about him if he didn’t.  Everybody loves Carol and Sophia’s cookies.”
                                                                                                                                                                                 Carol looked pointedly at her watch before returning their newcomer’s easy grin.  “Just get here when you can.”  June Dorie was a relative latecomer to the clinic staff, still an enigma in so many ways.  But she was capable, compassionate, and currently very much in love, and like Jenny before her?  Carol had relied on her instincts, welcoming her to cross that imaginary line separating coworker from friend.    
  Other than the precious pink blush belonging to only the happiest of newlyweds tinging her cheeks, June was unruffled by Carol’s teasing.  “Thank you.  I will.”  She did, however, wrinkle her nose at the sodden lump on the counter before her.  “What did I miss?” 
  Her answer came from the irate boss man himself.  “Where are my fucking labs?!”
  June winced.  “Happy Monday, huh?” 
  Carol grit her teeth to keep from letting a few choice words slip free.  Every Monday was a happy Monday when your least favorite doc was a Monday constant.  As if she needed more reason to hate them.  Not only that, the waiting room was starting to fill up, really fill up, right on cue.  Taking a page out of Jenny’s book, she took a deep, calming, let’s be zen breath, and pasted on what she hoped was a serene expression.  Unsurprisingly, she failed. 
  Sparing a second to stuff the ruined labs into the nearby shred box, Jenny dabbed at the mess left behind with a handful of Kleenex and shook her head.  “I see your wheels turning.  You’re on desk duty with Liza ‘til you quit plotting the good doctor’s demise.” 
  June smirked.  “Guess she’ll be out there forever then.” 
  “She might just be,” Jenny conceded.  “June?” 
  “Get the asshole his labs?” 
  “You said it.”   
        “And again!  We want to make Stevie and your parents proud!” 
  In unison, the entire sweaty, spent marching band groaned, and they groaned rather dramatically. 
  Perspiration prickling along his own scalp, the band director couldn’t even find it in himself to be mad.  Quite the contrary.  Depressing the button on the side of his megaphone, he blew out a long, drawn out groan of his own and deadpanned, “I felt that.  Take five everybody.” 
  “Five?!  But Mr. Fogler!” 
  “Alright, alright.  Fifteen and find some shade.” 
  Everybody scattered after that.  Almost everybody.  They needed no more prompting. 
  Sophia, however?  She stayed right where she was, sinking to the grass like a boneless slug bug and letting her eyes drift closed for a brief second.  She stifled a shriek when she felt something cold slither across the back of her exposed neck.  “What the…stop it, Carl.”  In spite of her grumbling, she gratefully took the bottle of water he held out in offering, tipping it back and taking a long swallow.  Shooting a wondering glance at the boy she’d long considered her best friend. 
  Carl dropped down beside her, mindful of the clarinet she’d cast almost carelessly aside.  He’d left his own snare drum where he stood in his haste to seek her out, and he stared at her now, his blue eyes hidden behind the dark lenses of his shades. 
  Sophia’s fingertips fluttered self-consciously over her freckled cheeks and the long auburn ponytail coiled carelessly atop her head.  “What?” 
  Carl’s lips remained zipped.  They merely curled in a barely even there smirk and he shrugged. 
  Sophia narrowed her eyes at him, wholly unconvinced of his truthfulness.  They’d known each other since they were both in pullups and the wait to get their respective drivers’ licenses was almost over.  Of course, he was lying.  Even if he was doing it without words.  “Carl Richard Grimes!” 
  “Did you just full name me?” 
  “I just full named you and I’ll do it again.”     
  “Ooooo.  I’m so scared.” 
  “Don’t be such a…”  Sophia floundered for a word adequate enough to express her frustration.  A good clean word because that’s the way her mama had raised her, but really.  None of them were very satisfying. 
  Carl laughed.  “You can’t do it, can you?”  
  “Know it all jerk.” 
  “But you’re my favorite Disney princess, Soph,” Carl said, snagging the forgotten water bottle from her hands and taking a swig of his own.  “Jude’s too.” 
  An unwelcome smile twitched at the edges of Sophia’s affected pout.  “Shut up.” 
  “Alright,” Carl agreed easily enough. 
  The silence didn’t last long, though.  He was back to his insufferable teasing before they’d had time enough to finish the water bottle between them, and that didn’t take long at all.  “Carl.  I mean it.  Stop.” 
  “Stop what?”  Snickering as he dodged her annoyed little fists, he feigned innocence, “I didn’t even say anything.” 
  “Yeah, well.  You didn’t have to.  Just spit it out.” 
  “You want to spit it out?  You really want me to?” 
   “Please,” Sophia huffed, leaning forward to wrap her arms protectively around her updrawn legs.  She steadfastly ignored Carl’s gaze as she waited for him to put his particular brand of Sophia-torture into words and it definitely wasn’t the sun heating her cheeks when she spit out her last little piece of pleading encouragement.  “Do.” 
  “This one time.  At band camp…” 
  “I swear to God, Carl,” Sophia muttered miserably.     
  “You know Mr. Fogler said shade right?  Not Cade.” 
      On the other end of the football field, the indirect source of Sophia Peletier’s current humiliation was sweating his balls off doing drills for a team he wasn’t sure he even wanted to be a part of.  And it showed. 
  Coach Williams’s deep voice carried, across the clashing bodies and sticky late summer heat.  “Mr. Phillips.  Do you or do you not want to be here?” 
  Hands braced on his hips, jersey clinging wetly to his heaving chest, Cade figured there was no pussyfooting around the truth.  That shit never did anybody no good.  “Presently?  No, Sir.  At least Satan’s ass crack would have shade.”
  Appreciative snickers swelled, rising and traveling from teammate to potential teammate like a wave, and Coach Williams showed a brief, scary flash of teeth before sobering up and making full use of his huge, intimidating linebacker build.  “That so?” 
  Cade knew better than to waltz right into that trap.  He’d become quite adept over the years of sidestepping trouble when it come looking, and until he proved otherwise, Coach Williams weren’t any different than any other coach or teacher.  So he clamped his mouth shut and dropped to give the man twenty unasked.  Or at least he tried to.  The man stopped him with a boot on his back before he got ten good pushups in, barking at the whole lot of them to take a long overdue break.  The grass felt prickly beneath his sweaty pits when his limp noodle arms gave out on him, but Cade didn’t care.  A bottle of orange Gatorade appeared out of thin air, and he’d guzzled nearly the whole thing before he bothered looking up to see where it actually came from. 
  A short, stocky black kid stared down at him, something like admiration on his face. 
  Heaving himself over onto his back with a groan, Cade muttered his gratitude and shielded his eyes from that look and the sun. Both of them were pretty damn blinding in their own way.  He recited a silent prayer that the boy, who he vaguely recognized as a freshman, would just fuck off and leave him alone.  Like most of his prayers, it went unanswered. 
  “I’m Duane.  You’re Cade.” 
  Forcibly swallowing the overwhelming urge to mock the kid right to his oblivious face, Cade merely grunted an affirmation and lifted his arm to get a better peek at him.  He felt an unexpected twinge of guilt when he took in the boy’s slumped posture.  “Running back right?” 
  “Like you.” 
  Hardly, but Cade kindly chose not to point it out.  Instead, he made small talk best as he knew how.  “Didn’t I hear you say your dad has his own martial arts place down on Main?” 
  “He’s partners with Mr. Eastman, but yeah.  You been there?” 
  “Nope, but I’ve thought about it.  Think you can talk him into cutting me a sweet deal?  Might be nice to learn different ways to kick some ass.”  Handy, considering he knew next to nobody in this one-horse town and in his experience?  It never took long for welcomes to be worn out.  He left that part unsaid, too. 
  “I…I don’t know.  But I think so.  I’ll have to see.” 
  “You get on that.” 
  “I will.” 
  “Hey, Water Boy.  Why don’t you shut your trap and do your damn job?” 
  Duane sighed and made to push himself to his feet, but Cade jerked him back down.  “Nah.  I got this.” 
  “You don’t have to.” 
  “Do you trust me?  We got us a deal, right?” 
  “K then.  Watch this.”  Cade winked, standing up and stretching to his full height.  “Hey, lazy asshole.  Why don’t you get your own fucking water?” 
      “Man, you been back in town, what?  Almost a month and I’m the only person knows it.  I’m not accusing you of hiding, but…” 
  Wiping his greasy hands on the red rag that never strayed far from his back pocket, Daryl virtually dared T-Dog to continue his train of thought.  T smartly refused to take the bait, dropping the subject and ambling on over to join him in admiring his handy work.
  “You trying to put those Gas Monkey dudes outta business.”    
  “You think I’m kidding?  I ain’t.  I knew you was good.  I just didn’t know you was this good.  And it ain’t even your day job.”  
  “Hear that, Boss?” Axel oh-so-helpfully piped up.  “It ain’t ya day job.” 
  “Don’t reckon nobody yanked your chain, Mr. Monopoly.  You got them brakes fixed yet?” 
  Axel hemmed and hawed, but in the end, he admitted he had a lot of work still left to do. 
  When Daryl turned his attention back to T-Dog, his old friend was trying—and failing—to keep a straight face. 
  “Mr. Monopoly?” 
  “Yeah, well.  He shaves that shit off?  He’ll look more like the Planter’s Peanut.” 
  T-Dog guffawed, earning himself more than a couple dirty looks from the source of his endless amusement.  “Missed you ‘round these parts.  Can’t tell you how good it does me to see you back.  Even if I’ve never seen you leave these four walls.  How do you eat, Man?” 
  “Like an uncivilized pig,” Daryl deadpanned. 
  T’s grin stretched wide, but he was otherwise unperturbed.  “You said it.  Not me.”  Putting a few paces between them, he started absently inspecting some nearby tools.  “Little birdy down at the high school been talking.” 
  “Don’t ya mean tweeting?  That’s the big thing now,” Axel said, doing what he does best again.  Inserting himself into a conversation that didn’t involve him in the least.  “Tweeter.” 
  This time, T-Dog and Daryl both ignored him and Daryl was surprised to realize he wanted to hear more.  “Yeah?  What you been hearing?” 
  “Kid’s talented.  Going places if he decides to put in more effort.  If he keeps his nose clean and gives his school work the attention it deserves when classes start…” 
  “Tell me something I don’t know,” Daryl muttered.  “I’m trying.  Even if he ain’t.” 
  “Hey, Man.  I get it.  You two?  Ya’ll still getting to know each other.  I can’t imagine what it feels like for either one of you.” 
  Axel couldn’t resist butting in one more time, and Daryl decided fuck it.  He nodded.  Just let him. 
  “Woman showed up on his doorstep and basically said congratulations, it’s a boy.  Your problem now.  Now he’s just as much a daddy as he is an uncle.  Ain’t fair if you ask me.  Got all the responsibility without getting to have any of the fun.” 
  Well, shit.  He hadn’t exactly thought about it in those particular terms, but the twitchy little bastard weren’t exactly wrong.  “Back to work.  Ain’t telling you no more.”  To T-Dog, he simply sighed and raked a tired hand over his unshaven face.  “I’m trying.  I am.” 
  “Kid’s gonna have to meet you halfway.” 
  “Try three quarters.” 
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Cruising for a bruising, Part 7 (Branjie) - Q-Tip & TheDane
Authors note: This is the last chapter of Cruising for a bruising. Thank you to everyone who has read along, and both Q-tip and I are beyond great full for every comment, like, ask and interaction we have received!
“I can’t stand this… mess of emotions between us. I don’t know how to do it.”
“You think I do?”
“I don’t want to be angry anymore. I want all of this to be done.”
It was hot and heavy, angry and dangerous in a way Vanjie barely recognised. They were fighting, bodies expressing what their words couldn’tsay, rage crashing together until Vanjie gripped Brooke’s hair, ripping into curls, forcing his head backwards, Brooke moaning, broken and desperate.
“You belong to me.” Vanjie wasn’t used to saying it so directly, the words burning on his tongue, but he meant every syllable. “You’re mine.” It was intoxicating, Brooke’s complete attention washing over him, power coursing through his veins.
“You don’t own me.”
Normally Vanjie would back down from Brook’s disagreement, let his partner lead. Brooke so sure on his feet, showing the way. He would agree with whatever, just to be done with it, but not here, not now, not when white hot anger was roaring in his belly. “Yes I fucking do.” Vanjie pulled again, almost tearing the hair from the roots.
“I hate you.” Brooke spat the words, both of them knowing it was a lie.
“I hate you more.”
Vanjie kissed him again and Brooke grabbed his knee and pulled, both of them falling on the bed, Brooke landing on Vanjie, knocking the air from his lungs. It was a flurry of fabric as Vanjie fumbled with Brooke’s belt, desperate fingers pulling his white t-shirt and taking it up up up until Brooke finally let go and raised himself up, sitting back on his knees, pulling his shirt over his head and Vanjie lost his breath. Brooke was breathtaking, his hair an utter mess, strong arms raised above his head as he threw away the shirt, lips already bruised.
“Hurry up.”
Brooke almost growled, and Vanjie felt chills run over his body.
“Shut it.”
It was nothing like the playful tone from earlier, Brooke telling him to be quiet in the wardrobe, his plea sprinkled with desperation. Here it was hard, merciless, cold and Vanjie shivered in delight.
“You’re a fucking psycho.”
Brooke laughed, short and cruel, his voice filled with venom.
“I’m the psycho?” Brooke leaned over Vanjie, looming like a dangerous animal, his hand fisting in the fabric of Vanjie’s shirt, pulling him up, the only thing holding Brooke up his left arm, the muscle working and straining right next to Vanjie’s head, and Vanjie was once again reminded of how small he was, how he was here entirely at Brooke’s mercy. Their safeword FLEW through his mind, almost leaving his lips, but Vanjie swallowed it, Brooke’s gaze holding his own. “You’re a fucking liar Jose.”
“I’m no-”
“You are.” Brooke’s body was so heavy, pinning him down.
“If I’m a liar.” Vanjie spat. “You’re a whore.”
Brooke snorted, his leg moving and Vanjie groaned, Brooke’s thigh on his cock, pressing down down down, bordering on painful, and Vanjie knew that this had nothing to do with his pleasure, but his cock was so hard it had a heartbeat of its own, his body pulsing, his lungs too big for his chest, his eyes falling shut.
“Apologise.” Vanjie felt Brooke’s hand twisting the fabric, raising him off the bed, the t-shirt almost creaking so loudly Vanjie can hear it. He was suspended above the bed, Brooke carrying his entire upper body in one single sure grip.
“Apologise Jose.”
Vanjie whined, turning his head. He felt so weak, like a newborn kitten, but he wasn’t backing down. Vanjie opened his eyes, brown and blue meeting each other as Vanjie spat his words.
“Fuck you.”
Brooke slammed him down, and Vanjie hit Brooke’s arm, the other man falling, both of them tumbling around, nails marking, teeth biting, skin sliding against each other in a desperate search for friction and dominance. A battle of wills that lasted right until the blinding white of coming, raw and needy and angry, Vanjie falling on Brooke so exhausted every bone in his body hurt, the darkness of night taking him before he had a chance to soothe the wounded animal inside, Vanjie clinging to Brooke as he slipped away, sleep giving him a break he wasn’t sure he deserved from the fight that was wreaking havoc on one of the most important things in his life.
“Ow!” Brooke woke up due to a terrifyingly accurate kick to the softest part of his shin. He swore, eyes shooting open to lock with Vanjie’s. The other man was just lying there, looking at him as if he was just some stranger that he woke up next to. Like Vanjie’s hair wasn’t sticking in all directions and his chest wasn’t covered in red marks, Brooke own body matching, both of them clawing at each other just hours before, Vanjie attempting to mark him like a branded cow, stopping just short of pressing burning iron into his skin, though Brooke was sure would have if the opportunity had presented itself.
“What?” Brooke asked. The indifference on Vanjie’s face, no matter how fake Brooke knew it was, made his stomach fade with anger once again, the fact that they had fallen asleep, bodies pressed against each other, Brooke’s cum still on Vanjie’s thighs, apparently not making a difference.
“We gotta get back to our room.” Brooke looked at the balcony. It was pitch black outside, and he knew Vanjie was right, the fact that they had effectively chased Nina from her own room momentarily making his chest clench with guilt, but then, Vanjie continued speaking. “You have to take your meds in the morning.”
Brooke felt his heart break, Vanjie’s attitude forcing him to think of ditsy secretaries that spend their work day filing nails and popping bubblegum, the clear lack of interest cutting him to the bone, Vanjie normally so diligent and caring in helping him remember his medication.
Brooke rolled over. “Maybe you should take your meds,” he huffs, “so you don’t throw a tantrum again.” Brooke didn’t mean to, but it came out harsh, his voice sounding more like a growl than the exasperated sadness he felt inside
“You fucking bitch.” Vanjie kicked his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up with his back to Brooke. “You know damn well that my meds have shit to do with that.”
“Yeah, well.” Brooke sat up. “Apparently I’m the only one who knows anything around here.”
Vanjie turns to look at him. “Oh, cause you’re so clever? You never do anything wrong.”
“Babe.” Brooke sighed, resting his elbows on his knees, head in hands. The wound in his palm is stinging, the paramedics warning him that he shouldn’t have left, but he had still chosen to, the white bandage soaked in red. “Let’s just go to our room, take our meds in the morning, and stop acting like children.”
“I ain’t no fucking child. I’m not the one who’s running around like a middle school girl with ten fucking boyfriends.”
“Jose. Please.”
The response is a huff, and then they’re both on their feet, shuffling around the room to collect their clothes, Brooke quickly finding his underwear, throwing Vanjie Nina’s Minnie Mouse shirt. Vanjie holds it up in front of him, a deep frown taking over his face.
There’s a tear from the collar down to about mid chest - definitely too large for Brooke to fix with a thread and needle. It looked like Minnie’s head has been cracked wide open, and Brooke cringed, already worrying about Nina’s reaction.
“We’ll get her a new one,” Brooke tried, tone neutral in an attempt to de-escalate the situation as he picked up his own shirt and slipped it on.
“Another 90th anniversary edition t-shirt?” Vanjie deadpanned, turning the shirt around, and there it is indeed, a big, golden emblem with 90 written within, 1928-2018 printed below.
“They have to have it on Ebay.” Brooke shrugged, though his mind was racing away, already trying to come up with anything he could say to Nina that could somehow make this okay again. “We’ll just split the cost.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re the one who ruined it.“
“Is that really what you want to discuss right now?” Brooke took another deep breath, trying to stay focused. “There’s more important things to-”
“More important than Nina’s Disney shirt collection?” Vanjie snorted, but the tension in the room made his attempt at humor fall flat, Brooke barely feeling any of the usual warmth that filled his chest whenever Vanjie turned that blinding smile in his direction. “Depends on which bitch you ask.”
Brooke picked up his jacket, holding it out to Vanjie. “Here.” Normally, Vanjie would accept it without a single pause, but now, he just looked at it, eyeing it warily. “It’s not gonna hurt you, just-” Brooke pushed it into Vanjie’s arms. “Just wear it.”
Vanjie shrugged, and Brooke stepped forward. He was sure that Vanjie would roar at him to get away, but instead he was allowed close. Brooke raised a brow, silently asking if he could place the jacket on Vanjie’s shoulder. His mouth had gotten him in way too much trouble, and he wasn’t going to open it again when they were finally standing so closely together, Vanjie like summer weather, ready to brew up a storm at any moment.
Vanjie rolled his eyes, hands dropping to his sides, Brooke putting the jacket on him,his eyes catching on the red of Vanjie’s chest.
He was so distracted he barely heard the gasp, Vanjie grabbing his hand and holding it up.
“What the fuck happened?”
Vanjie’s voice was thick with worry, his thumb running over the bandage, barely touching it, like he was afraid he’d hurt Brooke if he wasn’tt delicate. Brooke smiled a sad half-smile, the entire situation so close to being touching and heartwarming, Vanjie’s semi-conscious comfort all he truly wanted, if only it didn’t sting so badly, if only they weren’t still having one of the worst arguments in the herstory of drag queens dating each other.
“Why are you bleeding?”
“I-“ Brooke hesitated. He didn’t want to bring up what had happened at the bar after Vanjie left, knowing all too well that it would only bring everything back to the surface, the truce between them as thin as winters first ice. However, brushing it aside, or even lying about it, would only serve to escalate the situation if the truth rose to the surface.
“I cut it on a piece of glass, after you…” Brooke gestured vaguely, unsure what to say. “Left.” He knew it wasn’t perfect, but it was all he could think of. If he hadn’t still been mad, confused and even a little scared of the tension between them, he would have wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.
“I did this to you?” Vanjie’s voice was so tiny, choking up in a way Brooke had so rarely heard.
“What?” Brooke grabbed Vanjie’s arm, his fingers digging in. “No! Jose, you didn’t throw any glass at me, remember?”
“But I broke it,” Vanjie looked up, their eyes meeting, tears collecting and threatening to spill. “If I hadn’t broken it, you wouldn’t have been hurt.
“I was inattentive, I didn’t look and I touched the bar. It went through my palm but it’s not your fault.” Brooke held on even tighter, hoping, praying, that Vanjie would understand. “I was rushing to go after you, and I was an idio-”
“That’s why you didn’t come,” Brooke could see the realization draw on Vanjie’s face, his voice back to the barely audible mumble as he basically whispered. “I thought you were too pissed to chase after me.”
“I wanted to. I really did.” Brooke bit his lip, pulling back, hands ending up at his side now that Vanjie was zipped in. “The paramedics told me I should probably have stitches..”
“Please tell me you didn’t skip them?” Vanjie scoffed, and Brooke was unsure if he was being scolded, or if Vanjie was angry with himself.
“I had better things to do.” Brooke saw his jeans, thankful for any opportunity to get away from Vanjie, to lick his wounds as he slipped into them, one leg at a time.
“Cause getting in a fight with your boyfriend is more important than taking care of your fucking health?” Vanjie tilted his head, crossing his arms over his chest.
“The fight wasn’t exactly part of the plan.” Brooke huffed, annoyance rising yet again at Vanjie’s inability to see where he was coming from. “I wanted to check on you. Make sure you were okay.”
“Well, congrats on a job horribly done.” Vanjie sneered, teeth bared like a wild animal. “You’ve proven to be pretty fucking shit at making sure I’m okay.”
“Oh I’m bad at making this work?” Brooke snorted. “At least I tried. At least I’m trying.” Brooke realised he was ready to leave, Vanjie having pulled his shorts on when he wasn’t looking. “You have the keys.”
“You’re a terrible boyfriend.” Vanjie sighed, digging into the pocket of Brooke’s jacket, pulling out the room key and handing it to him.
“Excuse me?” Brooke huffed indignantly.
“You ain’t good at comforting, you flirt with other boys, you’re out here buying clothes behind my back when I would have been the world’s best shopping assistant.” Vanjie stopped talking, clearly amused at the shock Brooke knew he hadn’t been able to keep off his face. “Oh? You didn’t know I knew? Well guess what. I did.” Vanjie looked Brooke up and down. “Who knows what other dirty little secrets you got pitter patting around in that head of yours.”
“We’re grown men.” Brooke put on his shoes.
“You sure don’t act like it.”
Brooke sighed, taking one last look around the room. “I don’t have any dirty little secrets.”
“Don’t lie.”
“Oh? You think I’m lying? Guess I never do anything for you. I only think about myself, and lord knows I’m having several affairs. It’s just part of my selfish nature, I guess.”
“No, you’re right.” Brooke powered through, cutting Vanjie off before he even had a chance to speak. “I’m a shitty boyfriend,” The words stung, his eyes watering from voicing every horrible thing he had ever thought about himself when he had been at his lowest lows. “I’m selfish, arrogant, a stuck up bitch. Someone who’s just waiting to betray your trust. Isn’t that what everyone is saying? That I’m not good enough for you.”
“Come on,” Vanjie said, his entire body shrinking. “Stop.”
“Why, Jose?” Brooke sneered. “So you can tell me everything I’m doing wrong? That I like ballet and classical music and literature, because I want to be better than everybody else? That I bought new clothes so everyone else would -“
“You made me feel like a fucking idiot, okay?!” Vanjie shouted, and Brooke stopped dead in his tracks.
“When you were talking to Justin, I felt like thin fucking air,” Vanjie said softly. His head was downcast, Vanjie looking so much like a broken kid that Brooke felt like crying. “You talked to him about all this stuff that I don’t know nothing about, and you made me feel so stupid . Like, Silky at a salad bar kinda stupid.”
“You’re not stupid.” Brooke bit his lip, his voice low as he carefully voiced the only thing he could think of. “Can we just- let’s just go to our room. Please?”
Vanjie tore off Brooke’s jacket the moment they made it to their room, Nina’s shirt stuffed in his pocket. He was still fuming inside, the night feeling like a trip on the world’s worst roller coaster, up and down, down and up and down again, his heart breaking over and over again. Brooke dumped down on the bed, pulling his shirt over his head. Vanjie waited for a beat. Then another, and then yet another one, Brooke not saying anything.
“So, are you just going to pretend none of that just happened?”
“Can’t we be cool for just 10 minutes?” Brooke turned their bedside lamp on, standing up to take his jeans off. “I can’t stand this… mess of emotions between us. I don’t know how to do it.”
“You think I do?” Vanjie felt the anger bubbling again, the rollercoaster taking him up, up, up yet again.
“I don’t want to be angry anymore.” Brooke leaned on the nightstand. “I want all of this-” Brooke gestured between them. “to be done.”
“… What?” Vanjie felt like a bomb had just been dropped on him. What had Brooke just said? Did he mean it?
“I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“So, what?” Vanjie’s body shook with a silent, toxic laughter. “We just stop ?” Vanjie sneered even as tears began to roll down his cheeks, hot and angry.
“What? No. Shit. Shit shit shit.” Brooke walked over, grabbing Vanjie like he had already done so many times that night. “I don’t want us to stop.” Brooke looked horrified, like he only just realised what he had actually said. “I want us to stop fighting .”
“You said you want to be done .” Vanjie was fully crying now, fat tears streaming down his face.
“ Done fighting ,” Brooke cupped his face, big palms and disgusting bandage against Vanjie’s cheek, but he didn’t even care, everything in him so desperately needing the confirmation that Brooke was there, that he was still with him. “Jose, baby, I’m not breaking up with you. Holy shit. I can’t do anything right, huh? I love you, I love you so so so much.”
“No you can’t you fucking piece of shit.” Vanjie rubbed his eyes, trying to wipe away his tears. A broken but oh so happy laugh leaving him. “I love you too you absolute idiot.”
Brooke laughed as well, and Vanjie felt his heart break for the final time that night as Brooke gently tilted his head, their lips meeting in a kiss. “I’m really really sorry.”
“You better be.”
Vanjie smiled, his tears obscuring his vision. “I’m sorry too.”
Vanjie spat into the sink, putting his toothbrush back in its place. He was so tired he was sure he could fall over at any minute, his phone telling him it was past 3 am when he had finally pulled it from Brooke’s pocket, the 37 missed calls making another wave of shame wash over him. He had really put Brooke, both of them, through the ringer tonight, though Brooke wasn’t exactly innocent either. Brooke had whispered into his hair over and over again that he was sorry, Vanjie holding him as well as they both cried, the anger finally gone.
They had changed Brooke’s bandage, Vanjie wincing as he saw the wound, Brooke accepting the talking to Vanjie had given him without a single peep, though Vanjie knew he was actually the one who deserved it. It wasn’t okay that he had freaked out in the way that he had, his own insecurities rearing their ugly head so suddenly and loudly that he hadn’t been able to control it. Brooke had scrubbed his arm down, Justin’s number disappearing down the drain, and while it had made Vanjie feel better, he also knew that it wasn’t the end of what they, what he, needed to work on.  
Vanjie took one last sip of water, before he made his way into their bedroom, Brooke’s suitcase still filled with the mysterious new clothes that Vanjie knew they had to talk about, though he wasn’t sure he’d have the energy for it right now, even if he had an entire case of Red Bull. Vanjie looked at the bed, fully expecting Brooke to be tucked underneath the covers, but instead, he found him sitting against the headboard, Vanjie’s computer open on his lap.
"What are you doing?” Vanjie knew he had to have a puzzled expression on his face, even as he crawled into bed, their sheets so much more comfortable than Nina’s, even though he knew they had to be the same, simply because they were theirs.
“I found the movie.” Brooke turned the screen slightly, and Vanjie could see that he had pulled it up, the entire thing ready to play. “I figured we could-”
“I don’t wanna do that.” Vanjie leaned against the headboard. He was touched by the gesture, but in so many ways, it was utterly useless. At least for where they were now.
“… Didn’t you buy it for this exact purpose?”
Vanjie wanted to reach out, the confusion in Brooke’s voice so real he could taste it, and thankfully he could do just that, making sure their legs were touching each other.
"I did, but I don’t-” Vanjie scratched his head, trying his very very best to choose his words carefully. “I tried so fucking hard Brooke. I tried to care about the stupid-” Vanjie interrupted himself. “Sorry. I tried to care about the… stuff you care about. I even found Lord of the Flies, and then you said no.”
Brooke chuckled, the sound so surprising Vanjie wasn’t even sure he had heard it right.
"What?” Vanjie turned. “What’s so funny to you?”
“I just realised that’s the first time you’ve said the title right.”
Brooke was smiling, and Vanjie wanted to punch him in the face. “Fuck you.” Vanjie had already formed a resolute and firm middle finger, the thing ready to be flipped up, but Brooke caught his fist.
“I was tired, and I just wanted to go to bed.” Brooke squeezed Vanjie’s hand. “I didn’t realize I had hurt you that badly.”
“You don’t realize a lot of shit.”
“Maybe you’re the one who doesn’t realize a lot of shit.” Brooke closed the laptop, turning slightly in the bed, so he was looking at Vanjie. “Jose, you’re the only one I want to be with.”
Vanjie huffed, barely even realising he wasn’t trusting Brooke’s words, until Brooke squeezed his hand again. “I’m not going to be with anyone else, and I can’t make you trust my words, but I can tell you that…you’re the only person in the entire world that I want to fight with.”
Vanjie laughed, Brooke’s words taking him by absolute surprise. “Guess you proved that tonight, huh?”
“I think we proved it tonight.”
Vanjie rolled his eyes, but he stayed perfectly still.
“You’re the only want I want to fight with, when it comes to how you say sequins in plural. I want to listen to you spend an entire dinner dramatically retelling me every detail of whatever soap you’re watching with Alexis, not because I’m ever going to watch it, but because I care about you. I love you Jose, your crazy brain and your conspiracy theories included.“
“You’re still going to take me to that fucking Balanchine show.”
“Bless you.” Brooke smiled, and Vanjie laughed.
“You’re the actual worst.”
Brooke looked over his shoulder, almost startled at the fog horn that had just went off. He had simply pulled the curtains back, something many people did each and every day, but Vanjie looked like someone had just pissed on his mother, both hands covering his eyes. Brooke was still tired, his every bone aching, but they had a long day in front of them, even if they had been up for most of the night.
“What the heck, you trying to kill me bitch?!”
Brooke laughed, his boyfriend, the wonderful man that was actually still his boyfriend, ever the dramatist. “A little sunlight isn’t going to kill you.”
Brooke had already been up for a while, showering, taking his meds and brushing his teeth. He had their first aid kit in hand, the bandage not as badly soaked as the night before, but there were still clear traces of blood in the white gauze.
“No, but the view might.” Vanjie smirked, looking out between his fingers. Vanjie was starring with unapologetic glee, his gaze wandering over Brooke’s naked body, and for a moment he felt almost self conscious. Brooke left the curtains, creaking the window open for good measure before he crawled back into bed.
Brooke had no idea how he had gotten so lucky, how someone could look at him like this, with the bruises and extra flab that came from doing drag on the road, could look at him in his awkward morning glory, limp dick and all, and still find him attractive.
Vanjie groaned, but it seemed like he had given himself over to his new destiny of being forced to endure the fact that it was morning. Brooke lifted the blanket, sliding in next to his boyfriend, his arm bent so he could rest his head on it, their legs touching as Vanjie made himself comfortable immediately, resting his head on Brooke’s arm as if he owned his body, and if Brooke was honest; he absolutely did.
“I need your help.”
Brooke nudged Vanjie slightly with the first aid kit, Vanjie turning and grabbing it, forcing Brooke’s hand into the air as he removed the dressing from the day before.
“This is almost kinda kinky.”
Brooke snorted, Vanjie always and forever surprising him. “If you find this hot, I’m going to need a safe word of my own so I can give this a hard, hard, hard pass.”
Vajie rolled his eyes and rolled over, taking Brooke with him as he forced the other to cuddle with him, Brooke slowly nodding off. He knew they would be late for breakfast, but he honestly couldn’t find it in himself to care. Vanjie was in his arms, his boyfriend going through his morning ritual of checking every social media platform under the sun. Brooke’s phone was buzzing away on the floor as Vanjie was tagging him left and right instead of showing it to him on his own screen like a normal person.
“Wake up.”
“I’m not sleeping.”
“We’re gonna miss breakfast.”
“Mmh.” Brooke sat up, Vanjie already out and getting dressed, his boyfriend pulling on a lilac hoodie and white shorts. Brooke looked at his suitcase, all the new clothes there suddenly taunting him.”
Vanjie threw him a top, and Brooke caught it. He held it up, recognising it as his red hoodie. “You want me to wear this?“
“Sure? Isn’t it one of your classics? Keeping it tight for the hytes and shit?”
Brooke laughed, slipping into it as Vanjie threw a pair of shorts his way too. “You don’t want to pick any of the new stuff?”
“You sure?”
“You’re being awfully insistant miss thing.” Vanjie looked at Brooke, and Brooke suddenly realised he had never explained. “You sure you’re not hiding any of those dirty little secrets?”
“I bought them for you.” Brooke blurted it out, barely even realising he had said it.
“That’s real sweet of you, but I don’t wear floral, and there ain’t no way I can fit in a large-”
“No, not for you. I got them…” Brooke bit his cheek, suddenly realising how stupid it sounded. “I got them for photos.”
“For photos?”
Brooke stood up, pulling on his shorts, the fact that he hadn’t bothered with underwear not even crossing his mind. “So I don’t always wear the same stuff.” Brooke stood up, slipping on the shorts. “You know, on your Instagram.”
Brooke tied the string, fully expecting a response from Vanjie, but when he got nothing, he looked up to see his boyfriend frozen on the spot, cologne bottle and cap in hand.
“You did this for me?”
“And me I guess, if we’re being totally honest.” Brooke bit his lip. “I was just tired of embarrassing yo-”
Vanjie shot into Brooke’s arms, the smaller man jumping, legs and arms clinging to him like a koala as Vanjie kissed him, both of them falling into the bed, Vanjie attacking him with nothing but love for the first time and eager, sloppy kisses.
“Did you hear anything last night?”
Nina bit her lip. “No. Not a peep. Did you?”
A’keria smirked, and Nina knew exactly what A’keria was refering to, though she was pretty sure her friend believed she was the one who had had a round of whatever marathon monkey sex Brook and Vanjie had engaged in. They were all having breakfast, Nina sitting with A’keria as she was used to, A’keria making her way through her bowl of cereal, and while Nina would usually have been devouring her small tower of croissants, she hadn’t been able to this morning. She had made a run for it as soon as she could last night, unsure if Brooke and Vanjie were going to tear each other’s heads off, or fuck their way through the floor. She had sought refuge in Ariel’s room, the brunette for once actually opening her door which Nina had been beyond grateful for.
Everyone else was at breakfast, except Vanjie and Brooke, and Nina was slowly but surely tearing her way through her pastries, the delicious treats getting turned to a mountain of flakes on her plate, when Brooke and Vanjie finally entered the room, the two walking hand in hand and heading directly for the breakfast buffet. A’keria finished her food, leaving with a smile to Nina, before Brooke and Vanjie sat down, both carrying matching trays of food.
“Hey.” Brooke was the first one to break the silence, and Nina was about to explode with curiosity and worry.
“Hey.” She tried to keep her face in place, answering Brooke’s greeting, but then, Vanjie smiled, and Nina swore she felt a stone drop from her heart, all three of them laughing together, Nina possibly the loudest out of all of them. She reached out, grabbing both of their hands.
“I’m so glad you guys figured it out.”
Brooke nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. “Me too.” Brooke was practically radiating, and Nina felt her heart sing, except when she noticed the flicker in her friends eye.
“… Where is the poop Brooke?”
“What makes you think there’s a poop?” Brooke took a sip of his coffee, very obviously looking anywhere but directly at Nina. “Vanjie and I are amazing, it really helped to talk things ou-”
“Where is the poop Brooke?”
“I’m not-”
Vanjie laughed, and Brooke sighed. “Fine. Fine.” Brooke put his cup down, Vanjie gently nudging his shoulder, and Brooke looked directly at Nina. “So.. I was just wondering.. What size Disney shirt do you wear?”
Nina felt like a bucket of ice cold water had been dumped over her. “No. Please don’t tell me-”
“Large? X-tra large?” Brooke searched her face, his blue eyes watching her every move. “Medium? Nina do you use a medium?” Brooke bit his lip. “You just need to nod.”
“I really hope the makeup sex was beyond amazing.”
Vanjie smiled. "Oh don’t worry. It was.”
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bibhabmishra · 5 years
10 Movies to Watch with Your Daughter and Teach Her She Can Change the World
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These movies send motivational messages to young ladies all over the place.
With Netflix, Hulu and everything in the middle of, there's an abundance of motion pictures for families to watch with each other—yet there are a chosen few that guardians should assuredly plunk down to see with their girls.
Some are works of art and some are later, yet the one thing the 10 motion pictures on this rundown all share for all intents and purpose is that they instruct young ladies that, with steadiness and regard for both themselves as well as other people, they can change the world.
1. Moana
In addition to the fact that Moana boasts the most karaoke-commendable soundtrack, but on the other hand it's apparently one of the most women's activist Disney films in Disney history. It's the narrative of a bold 16-year-old who is acutely inquisitive about the world past the reef, much not at all like those on her island who've become careless. At the point when the island starts to gradually pass on, she heads out on an intense crucial secure her kin while wrangling mythical being Maui (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, no less) to direct her on an activity pressed journey to cross the untamed sea and return a stone he'd taken that would spare mankind. Moana offers rest from the customary Disney account in light of the fact that at its middle is a valiant lady of shading whose story has nothing to do with finding a sovereign yet, rather, a ton to do with insubordination and autonomy. It's intersectional third-wave woman's rights in a child's motion picture.
Maui and Moana Meeting
There's no sovereign or romantic tale right now—and that is reviving.
2. Marvel Woman
Lady Gadot's interpretation of Wonder Woman tells the story of Diana, an Amazonian warrior who understands her maximum capacity when she embarks to battle for what she has confidence in, notwithstanding that leaving her island is verboten. A lot to her mom's consternation, she begins preparing youthful—and she develops into the most proficient warrior of her property. In the wake of sparing a pilot who crashes close by and discovering that the outside world is racked by struggle, Diana escapes home to battle for the individuals. Persevering in her quest for harmony, she is persuaded she can discover Ares, the God of War, and spare the world. It's an engaging story of one lady's responsibility to a reason, her perseverance and her inward and external quality that, at last, changes the world.
Miracle Woman
Miracle Woman
The Amazons were genuine! Subsequent to watching this motion picture everybody feels like a superhuman.
3. Recollect the Titans
Recollect the Titans may be one of the most particularly American movies out there—it's about interracial cooperation during a period of exacerbated racial strain. What's more, it depends on the genuine story of the 1971 Virginia state football champions from T.C. Williams High School. The neighborhood educational committee had to coordinate an all-dark school with an all-white school, and the very establishment of football's convention was put to a definitive test when clogged pore mentor, Herman Boone, was contracted to lead the group. Highly contrasting colleagues much of the time conflicted in racially spurred clashes, however after thorough rushes to the Gettysburg burial ground and an inspirational discourse on regard, the group accomplishes racial amicability and, together, an undefeated season as well. Their encounters demonstrate that achievement comes when we regard each other and work together, reasonably.
Recall the Titans
Recall the Titans
Two words: Interracial cooperation.
4. Solidified
Solidified is the story of a women's activist, Anna, whose realm is caught in an unending winter when her sister, Elsa, throws a frigid spell. Anna collaborates with mountain dweller Kristoff and his reindeer to discover Elsa, break the spell and spare the realm, doing combating mysterious trolls and unforgiving conditions en route. In any case, when Elsa inadvertently freezes Anna's heart, as well, the main fix to spare her is a demonstration of genuine romance. From the outset she thinks a kiss from her smash, Prince Hans, could restore her, yet he ends up being both manipulative and deadly. In trust plot-contort design, the demonstration of adoration that at last spares Anna is bouncing before Hans' sword when he attempts to kill Elsa. Anna needn't bother with a sovereign; it's the genuine romance between sisters that spares them both and the realm.
This film pick is especially charming in the event that you have two young ladies.
5. Wild
This true to life experience dramatization depends on Cheryl Strayed's 2012 journal Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. Reese Witherspoon, who plays Strayed, leaves Minneapolis, MN to climb 1,100 miles of the 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail on an excursion of self-revelation and mending following an ongoing separation. She has no climbing experience, so the 94-day excursion to the Bridge of the Gods on the Columbia River among Oregon and Washington is brimming with important experiences, difficulties and triumphs that both truly and genuinely fortify her. It demonstrates that a lady can make it all alone, without relying upon any other individual.
She does everything all alone.
6. Matilda
This 1996 adjustment of a Roald Dahl work is about a talented young lady compelled to endure unrefined guardians and a domineering jerk of a school head, Agatha Trunchbull. Be that as it may, Matilda Wormwood is a wonder with the intensity of supernatural power and, when she understands her forces, she guards herself and her companions from the rage of Trunchbull. Matilda's name alone is a Germanic Gothic inference of the words quality and fight, and she's evidence that "battling like a young lady" signifies battling like a virtuoso.
She wants to peruse, confronts menaces and can make things fly.
7. The Bad News Bears
The Bad News Bears, a 1976 American games satire film, is to a great extent about how one young lady takes a young men's baseball crew from sad to stopless. Morris Buttermaker, a profane previous small time baseball player and a heavy drinker, is placed responsible for the Bears baseball crew at the command of legal advisor councilman Bob Whitewood, who has a feud against the class for barring his possibly skilled child. Be that as it may, the Bears is made out of a lot of mavericks who can't dominate a match ... until Buttermaker enrolls pitcher Amanda Whurlitzer, who has a serious arm. Out of nowhere, the group begins turning their losing streak around and everybody understands that anything young men can do, young ladies can do as well (and frequently far superior).
The Bad News Bears
The Bad News Bears
They all ought to figure out how to "play like a young lady."
8. Rudy
Rudy is a 1993 American true to life sports film about the life of Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger, who harbors fantasies about playing football at the University of Notre Dame yet has neither the cash nor the evaluations to get in. He additionally isn't certain that he has the ability or the physical stature to play for a significant intercollegiate program in any case, after his closest companion who constantly upheld his fantasy is slaughtered in a blast at the factory where they worked, Rudy chooses to pull out all the stops. He enlists at Holy Cross College, a close by junior school, and, following two years and three dismissals, he is at last admitted to Notre Dame during his last semester of move qualification. His commitment to his fantasy at last grounds him a spot on the training squad and, later, the dress program. He's guaranteed to play in one home game his senior year to show his family he made it at the same time, after his mentor is supplanted by another one, he faces difficulties. He needs to stop however wins in any case and, at the film's end, is carted away the field on his colleagues' shoulders. Rudy shows the exercise that anybody can do anything to which they set their psyches, in any event, when it appears to be incomprehensible.
Sports films have such huge numbers of significant exercises.
9. The Help
The Help is a 2011 American period dramatization film adjusted from Kathryn Stockett's 2009 novel of a similar name. It's set in 1963, Jackson, MS and recounts to the tale of Aibileen Clark, an African-American house cleaner who thinks about socialite Elizabeth Leefolt's dismissed girl, Mae Mobley. Aibileen faces racial shameful acts, which she later offers with a yearning creator, Skeeter, the girl of a white family who claims a cotton ranch outside Jackson. During the social liberties development of the 1960s, Skeeter chooses to compose a book specifying the African-American house cleaners' encounters working for white families—she'd thought about what ever befallen her servant, Constantine, who helped raise her, yet she needs to procure the trust of Aibileen and different house cleaners to get the genuine story. The film is about trust among ladies who originate from very surprising foundations yet are in any case ready to encourage a fellowship and help each other make change.
The Help
The Help
Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer are strict blessed messengers.
10. Rough
Each young lady should watch the clothes to newfound wealth story of the oppressed, kind nature fighter Rocky Balboa. A common laborers Italian-American obligation authority for a credit shark in the ghettos of Philadelphia, Rocky gets an amazing chance to battle heavyweight boxing best on the planet, Apollo Creed, for $150,000. He prepares for a little while utilizing whatever he can discover—even meat remains as punching packs—until he acknowledges an idea from previous bantamweight warrior Mickey "Forceful Mick" Goldmill. Paving the way to the battle, his certainty begins to diminish, however he turns into the dark horse for whom America wants to root, and his hounded refusal to be taken out acquires him the regard of the whole field. While he doesn't really win the battle, the sportscasters call his presentation "the best display of guts and stamina throughout the entire existence of the ring." And, therefore, Rocky demonstrates that triumphant isn't all that matters—the exertion checks when one gives it their everything.
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circe-poetica · 5 years
A Midheaven study, MC Leo conjunct Lilith and Regulus
The Black Moon is associated with all the dark faces of the Great Mother; Kali, Black Madonna, Black Tara and, with Mary Magdalene in her form as the Shakti of Christ, so she is a huge image of the Divine Feminine and it is no small thing to have her so powerfully placed. She has claimed you as one of Her own and wants you to be an agent for her power in the world. Any image of Lilith around our career life demands that we develop the sacred feminine warrior energies and give them expression. Black Moon/Lilith, especially in Leo, points towards doing it from a place of great personal power and individualism, as opposed to old beliefs that set us up for subservience. She can be found in people who work in areas like defending the rights of women, refugees, the under-privileged; in international law, in war zones, in women’s refuges. She is a gutsy advocate, activist, on the side of the deepest emotional truths and in any area of life where the feminine has continued to be dishonoured, rejected and abused.
She is as much found in deep therapeutic and spiritual process, as in those who work on the life and death edges, like hospice work, conscious dying or in casualty departments. (The word spirituality is too light weight for her energy here as she is a form of great Shakti, the transformative serpentine power of the sacred feminine!) Therapeutically, Lilith is comfortably operating in those who work with sexuality, masculine/feminine balances, sexual abuse and healing, relationship dynamics (especially in helping women regain their individuality and personal power) and in tantric processes. And in working with the deepest ends of the emotional spectrum; rage, grief, all forms of toxicity, past-life and trans-generational residues and influences, conception/in-utero/birth traumas. This where the “curse” label comes in, as anyone with strong Lilith positions is a carrier of the same, the accumulation of rage, toxicity, grief and betrayal that comes form lifetimes, ages and generations of rejection of the feminine in all her forms. So part of the journey of owning her power, and your own, is through processes that allow you to purify and release these carried residues. Whether through primal work, spiritual or shamanic midwifery, whatever takes you into these deepest places, it is absolutely necessary to be able to own this part of your birthright. The unfortunate truth is that distorted Lilith or any of the other “Dark Goddesses” are fully able to sabotage your life in their unhealed forms.
Regal Regulus at 29º Leo has the honor of being the closest star to the ecliptic and therefore closest to the red carpet path of the glorious Sun. Regulus is a triple 1.3 magnitude star that flashes white and ultramarine. It is found, naturally, in the brave heart of the constellation Leo the Lion. Regulus officially entered tropical Virgo on November 28th 2011.* Could Regulus crossing this symbolic sphinx cusp, Leo to Virgo, herald the age of Aquarius? Many astrologers speculate that Virgo will teach Leo to put aside ego, dispense personal glory, become more humanitarian and have respect for mother Earth itself. Other ‘star seed’ type commentators describe a switch from service-to-self (Leo) towards service-to-others. (Virgo=Service, Aquarius=Others).
Now all this assumes that Leo’s ego is somehow a bad thing! Conversely however, those with a weak sense of self are also those that suffer from narcissistic personality disorders (And other related Dark triad traits. See Ceres post.) Without a strong sovereignty, service-to-others can become co-dependancy and doormat syndrome! Regulus is the archangel Raphael, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. On the fixed cross, Regulus is one of four cherubim, symbolised by the Bull, Lion, Eagle and Human. These are the signs Taurus (Aldebaran), Leo (Regulus), Scorpio (Antares) and Aquarius (Fomalhaut) respectively. You can see these Archangels on the corners of the Rider-Waite tarot deck on the Wheel of Fortune and The World.
“Early English astrologers made it (Regulus) a portent of glory, riches, and power to all born under its influence”and this fixed star is generally considered fortunate, courageous, successful and all those great qualities associated with the sun sign Leo.
Regulus has its negative side. “It gives violence, destructiveness, military honor of short duration, with ultimate failure, imprisonment, violent death” Bernadette Brady associates Regulus with downfall. Regulus is pure divine-masculine energy, which these days is often portrayed in Hollywood at its lowest, crudest vibration.
Otherwise, Hollywood seems to delight in ridiculing and belittling Regulus energy. For example Disney has removed the Prince’s true love kiss in ‘Frozen’ and denigrates heroic, chivalrous men in ‘Enchanted’. This could also be seen as Regulus’s ‘downfall’, but it is a manipulated one. It suggests that all the testosterone-fuelled, courageous energy of Regulus’s past is somehow ‘wrong’ and so the solution is we must rip the balls off every feisty Lion.
Can we shift from service-to-self to a service-to-others mentality? It’s hard to feel like you want to be “of service”if you are essentially already living as a slave. The working classes suffer most from cheaper, imported labour. These working classes, (often vilified as ‘Chavs’ or ‘Rednecks’) are craving Regulus empowerment and fame through ‘selfies’ and reality TV shows. Why? Because the despised ‘populist’ working class are subconsciously grasping for their lost sovereignty and culture with this apparently narcissistic, negative-Regulus behaviour.
For approximately the last 600 years Regulus has been in Leo decan 3, which is ruled by aggressive Mars in both systems and Leo decan 3 includes the influence of Regulus so; “They are always right, their rule is absolute, any challenge to their authority is seen as betrayal. Loyality, loyality and more loyality, this is the number one demand of their loved ones.”
Medieval astrologers said Regulus would bring glory, riches and fame to all those born under it, and that it was the ‘Royall Starre’. Robson says Regulus gives “success, high and lofty ideals and strength of spirit, and makes its natives magnanimous, grandly liberal, generous, ambitious, fond of power, desirous of command, high-spirited and independent.” It is important to bear in mind, even with Regulus in Virgo, the ‘Royall Starre’. will still carry its original meaning for natal charts.
Regulus Keywords
Brave, bloodthirsty, gutsy, ambitious, driven, unstoppable, proud, pompous, majestic, magical, vain, arrogant, egotistical, regal, owning one’s sovereignty, loyal, poised, famous, flamboyant, fabulous, dashing, flash, outrageous, chivalrous, courteous, conquering, entrepreneurial, outré, controversial, glorious, bold, hot, brutish, sexy, passionate, diva-esque, haughty, naughty, playful, flirty, childlike, extremist, romantic, generous, fanatical, bossy, unhinged, stalker, predatory, man-eater, mentorship, ability to prophecy, seer, benevolent leader, assuming responsibility, parental, protector of the people, in service for the greater good, connection to ones pride, a statesman/woman, alchemical transition to the Red King (Rubedo), the path to individuation.
Regulus Midheaven
“Honor, preferment, good fortune, high office under Government, military success. If with Sun, Moon or Jupiter, great honor and ample fortune.” [4]
Jackie Kennedy Onassis;(03′) Regulus’s near neighbour is the rather bloodthirsty star Phecda, this I believe is what gives the Regulus its raw martial side. The beastly nature of the Lion isn’t afraid to throw itself into battle and get blood on its hands. This is graphically demonstrated with Jackie, for after John Kennedy was shot, she refused to remove her bloodstain pink Chanel suit. Regretting having washed her bloodstained face and hands, she stated “ I want them to see what they have done to Jack” [2] Of course the woman was an icon, more poised and regal then most real life royals and exuded bravery and loyalty. The Vatican; Much bloodshed in the name of Jesus Christ… Barbara Windsor; Soap matriarch and ex landlady of the Queen Victoria, with a regal sounding surname. Patricia Routledge; Famous for her portrayal of snob Francis Bucket (“pronounced Bouquet…”) in British comedy ‘Keeping Up Appearances.’ Mark David Chapman; Famous for bringing down king of rock John Lennon. Jimmy Page; Rock singer with wild blond mane. Prince; Well he’s Prince… Bernadette Brady;Astrologer. Also Michael Douglas, Clint Eastwood, Mata Hari, Patrick McNee, Henri Toulous Lautrec, Jim Carrey, Shania Twain, Claudia Shiffer, Peter Stringfellow.
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absolutelyabby23 · 7 years
Where’s Princey? (Sick Roman) (Prinxiety)
Pairing: Prinxiety (Romantic), Slight Logicality if you squint
Summary: (Hurt/ Comfort) Roman is sick but can’t let the other sides know in order to keep his princely image. Everything is normal until Virgil starts to worry and looks for Sir Sing-A-Lot.
Word Count: 2,049 (Sorry it’s so long, I had a lot of fun and a lot of time since I am sick myself)
Warnings: None that I can think of. Some sadness and mentions of loneliness and illness. Please let me know if I need to add anything.
Author’s Note: Feel free to send me prompts for one shots or headcanons! I love to write Sanders Sides.
Everything was spinning and blurry. His head was heavy, his nose throbbed, and his ears ached. Roman stumbled out of bed to his full length golden mirror. He could almost imagine the glass shattering as his appearance came into focus. Pale and sweaty, his nose red and running, Roman was obviously sick. Suddenly, there came a knocking on his door.
“Hey kiddo! It’s breakfast time! I made your favorite breakfast pasta!” exclaimed Patton in his usual cheery voice from outside of the room. “Logan wanted Crofters but I figured I’d surprise you instead!” Roman chuckled to himself, if you could call it that. A rough gasping noise came out instead, crackling painfully in his throat.
“I am truly sorry Patton but I’m going to be rather busy today,” rasped Roman, trying his best to sound regal and like his normal fabulous self. “Thomas needs a lot of video ideas soon and you know I can’t bear to let him down.”
“Oh okay kiddo,” sighed Patton. Roman winced at the very apparent hurt tone that his friend displayed. He knew Logan and Virgil could cheer him up but his heart broke at the thought of hurting his friends. If only they knew the real reason he couldn’t attend breakfast. Perhaps just this once he could make an appearance. Reeling, he stumbled to his makeup table. Nothing a little foundation can’t fix! Right? Putting all of his passion and creativity into his looks didn’t help. His hair still swung messily in front of his face, very greasy and stringy, much to the prince’s disgust. The makeup couldn’t hide his tired eyes or the apathetic expression he couldn’t force himself to ditch.
There was no denying, Roman couldn’t leave his room. He was Thomas’s ego and elegance, the embodiment of grace and beauty. Beauty could not take a sick day. So he never did. The others thought he was incapable of coming down with illness. However, this was so far from the truth. Long nights and adventures in his kingdom left Roman fatigued and susceptible to even the slightest bug. Whenever he was under the weather, Roman simply claimed to be brainstorming and locked himself in his room. That way the others wouldn’t worry. He could still be brave. He could still be a valiant hero. He could still slay. In their minds, he’d always be beautiful. And there was no point in ruining that reputation now. Not when the people he loved and the fans he adored would be watching.
He could see it now. Thomas tweeting that a video would be late because creativity had failed him by falling down on the job. The last time he had been gone, after Thomas’s audition, Logan had to take over and Patton was burdened by caring for him. At least he could bear to let Patton see him then. But with an illness? He couldn’t miss again. He would never do that. Perfection or nothing. So until he was healthy again, he would be nothing.
A low growl interrupted his thoughts. A dragon witch perhaps? No, just his stomach. That pasta had sounded absolutely divine and he could’ve grabbed some cold remedy while he was out. But he knew that this was the price he paid to uphold standards. He was already weak anyway. What harm could a little hunger do?
Meanwhile, Virgil had just woken up. Patton and Logan both knew better than to wake the anxious side up early. He was already sleep deprived as the situation stood. Patton knew to reheat breakfast as Virgil meandered into the kitchen. Looking around, he felt his pulse start to race. Listening to his instincts, he knew. Something was wrong.
Virgil had never really bothered with getting along with Roman. They fought and teased each other in videos but ignored each other in the mindscape. Perhaps it was a mutual treaty… or a fear of what could be. But after he had revealed his name and Roman seemed to sympathize with him, the two became closer. Just a smile or a Disney joke here and there. Perhaps a meme war or help with makeup. Virgil would never admit it, but he had begun to care for Princey. And that’s when he started noticing the disappearances.
For days at a time, Roman would stay in his room, not talking to anyone. Lately these had become more frequent and were quickly becoming disturbances to any calmness that Virgil possessed. Patton and Logan existed long before Virgil became a light side. Perhaps they would know something. The two spectacled sides were lounging on the couch, Logan wrapping his arms protectively around Patton who was snuggled into the logical side, a small frown on his face.
“Have you guys seen Roman?” Virgil asked, trying to hide the growing worry in his voice. Logan didn’t even turn around before offering his reply over the small and soft whimpers of the man he was comforting.
“He said he’s busy Virgil. Too busy for Patton as it would seem. I think it would be best to leave him be for now,” Logan said, a sharp edge to his words as he enunciated each syllable in passive aggression.
“Aren’t you guys worried though? He’s been missing a lot,” Virgil inquired, hoping to get more information from the other two. Patton looked up and shattered the anxious side’s heart with a sad smile that would have even Satan himself sobbing.
“He seems to be fine Virgil. And if not he can save himself. That’s what heroes do r-right? He’s a big kiddo now. No need for Dad anymore,” Patton mumbled. Virgil wasn’t going to stand for this. Sure Roman could be hot headed and self centered at times, but he would never hurt Patton. Not like this. Something was definitely wrong.
“Roman?” Virgil asked as he knocked on the prince’s door. No response came at first. Roman was in a fitful sleep on the other side. Nightmares of writer’s block, unsubscribes, and disappointment filled his head.
“No! Please don’t go! I can do better! Please don’t leave me alone!” moaned Roman in pure, unadulterated agony. Panic filled Virgil as the adrenaline kicked in. Without further questioning, Virgil summoned as much power as he knew how and was able to appear inside of the room.
“Too much effort…” he mumbled, slightly dazed, before snapping to attention at the sight before him. Roman was thrashing around in bed, his crown pajamas showing signs of increased sweating, pleading with an invisible audience. He was at a loss for what to do. He began to approach the bed when Roman violently sat up, breathing heavily, not noticing his dear friend beside him. However, horror filled the romantic side when he saw the object of much of his affection peering curiously at him.
A high pitched scream filled Virgil’s entire being as Roman dove under the duvet. Virgil certainly did not miss that sound but he was more concerned about his friend rather than his current lack of hearing.
“Ro… hey Princey are you okay?” asked Virgil, trying to sound calm and rational with a hint of caring. Patton and Logan were much more equipped for this. Roman tantrums were not a force that Virgil knew how to stop. But wait… was that Roman… crying?
They say that nobody looks beautiful while crying, in fact most everyone can pull rather ugly faces while upset. But as Virgil pulled the covers away from Roman, he swore he had never seen something so majestic. Perhaps it was just the effect that Roman had on people, or maybe Virgil had gotten too fond of the prince. Nonetheless, Roman looked like a lightning storm. Intense and calm. Fearful yet wonderful. Oh God, what was this man doing to him?
“Please go away,” whispered Roman, sniffling and trying to hold back a cough. “I don’t want to burden you. I can conquer this.” He turned his face away, sheltering his heart from Virgil’s exit. Probably his final exit. There’s no way that Virgil would ever talk to him, ever love him now. Roman was weak and foolish, not the brave arrogant role that he often portrayed. Roman suddenly felt a surprisingly warm hand clasp his own clammy hand. The other hand turned his face and he was met with a shocking pair of iridescent eyes.
“I know you can. But that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. You’ve been so brave for so long. But you can be brave and sick too Roman,” whispered Virgil in a calm and reassuring voice. That voice saved for protecting Patton from spiders and Logan from distressing deep sea documentaries at midnight. Now it was meant for him. To save him from his worst fear.
“I’m so alone Virge,” the creative side sobbed. “How could anyone love me now? I’m selfish and I’m awful. I’m letting down Thomas. I’m letting down the fans. I snapped at Patton. I call Logan names. I’m awful to you.” Virgil said nothing for a minute.
“You’re not selfish Ro. You’re thinking of me and the others now. You’re causing yourself to suffer so we don’t have to deal with you. That’s delusional. We want to help. You just have to let us in.” Virgil wrapped his arms around the other side, not caring about the health repercussions. “You’re not bad Roman. And that’s why I love you Princey,” Virgil said softly, pressing a kiss to the other man’s forehead.
They sat for hours just talking and holding each other. Roman opened up about his fears, his perfectionist tendencies. Virgil listened and softly argued that it’s okay to be imperfect. People still love imperfection. Even anxious emos with attitudes. Virgil was able to convince the prince that even sickness, wouldn’t make him less of a hero. And he was definitely still fabulous. The fans, Thomas, and the sides would love him no matter what happened.
“Come on Ro. I think it’s time you got the care you need,” Virgil said as he pulled the other side to his feet. Virgil guided Roman into the living room, where Patton and Logan sat watching a documentary on veterinary clinics. Patton gasped when he saw Roman. The moral side leapt to his feet and enveloped the still pale and shaking Roman in a loving, fatherly hug.
“Pat I’m so sor-” Roman began but Patton cut him off.
“It’s okay kiddo. I think it’s time we got you some soup.” Roman couldn’t hide the wide grin that spread across his face. The two sides bounded towards the kitchen, leaving Virgil with Logan. The logical side broke his deadpan to offer Virgil a small smile of appreciation.
“You did good Virge. I guess my hypotheses about Roman were correct,” Logan smirked knowingly.
“More than one?” asked Virgil, noticing the blush that warmed his cheeks under his foundation. He glanced back at Princey laughing with Patton in the kitchen and felt his heart skip a beat. Did Logan know?
“I figured that something with Roman was not in correlation with his usual behavior. I wanted to address it but Patton insisted that we let Roman do his work. I love Pat but he can be too trusting at times. My first assumption was that he would not listen to me or Patton. This was correct. My second assumption being that the solution would involve you.”
“And why is that?” stuttered Virgil.
“Because we were simply meant to be!” sang Roman in a still hoarse voice behind him. The creative side winced at a voice crack and then swept Virgil off of his feet in an amazing feat of effort from the sick side. He kissed his chemically imbalanced romance while Patton squealed at his OTP getting together and Logan complained about Roman stealing his dramatic metaphorical thunder.
A day later, Virgil was sick as well. Roman snuggled next to his sneezing boyfriend who glared at him in a teasing manner. There were no more secrets to secure a reputation. Virgil was right. Nobody hated him like he thought they would. He wasn’t a failure. He no longer felt alone and knew he could count on his friends. Sometimes even the hero needs a helping hand. They just need to know that it’s okay to ask.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!): @monstercupcake61176
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tokupedia · 8 years
Kamen Rider 45th Anniversary File: Decade
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Sing it with me now..♬ Chan-Chan-Bara Chanbara! Chan-Bara-Bara Chanbara! Samurai Sentai Shinkenjā! Appare!♬  The 33rd Super Sentai authorized by the network! Shinkenger, Goes Forth!
RPM! GET IN GEAR! Power Rangers RPM hits the airwaves on the new Disney XD channel (formerly Jetix in the US). Decreed by Disney to be the final original Power Rangers series, the company wanted to be super cheap by pulling the plug on production and re-airing old episodes next year. The franchise would then get tossed out by the Mouse House after this harebrained scheme backfires.
Fresh Pretty Cure debuts, airing alongside Decade (and Double) and Shinkenger. This season attempts to expand the Pretty Cure brand beyond its young female demographic, which would prove successful next series...
So~(I Can Fly!) Hurry!~ (You Can Fly!) Miracles!~ (We Can Fly) DRAGON CHAAAAAAARGE!~  Tomica Hero: Rescue Fire, the sequel season to Rescue Force, debuts and... sadly is the final installment of the Tomica Hero series. Among the supporting cast for the show was the man, the myth, the legend, Hiroshi Fujioka!  Tomica Hero Explosively Completed its run in 2010.
Engine Sentai Go-onger vs. Gekiranger, the 15th Sentai Vs. series entry, is upgraded from a direct to video release to a feature film. It is the first Sentai crossover put on the silver screen since JAKQ vs. Gorenger in the 1970s. This marks the first time in history that Super Sentai has more than one film in a single year and would continue from here on out.
Victory Pose! Yatter! Yatter! Yatterman, the Tasunoko late 70s anime classic, gets a live action film adaptation courtesy of film director Takashii Miike.
Ishimori Pro declares 2009 to be the “Year of Cyborg 009″ because of the franchise’s 45th anniversary. The company does special events for the occasion, such as showcase Cyborg 009 concept art, animation cels and sketches from the private archives of Shotaro Ishinomori at areas such as Akihabara and the Ishinomori Manga Museum.
Lastly, Koichi Sakamoto of Power Rangers fame sits in the directors chair on several tokusatsu projects, including the Ultra Galaxy Movie and a few Kamen Rider movies.
(2009 was a busy year!)
Kamen Rider’s home network TV Asahi was celebrating 50 years of broadcasting and the number of main Kamen Riders in the Heisei Era had reached the milestone of 10 in total. To celebrate the two momentous occasions, TV-Asahi treated fans to not one, not two, but three Kamen Riders in a single year. The first was the non-canon Kamen Rider G, the later half of the year saw Kamen Rider W, and Kamen Rider Decade was right in the middle.
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Decade brought forth tropes in super hero fiction with near limitless writing possibilities: The Multiverse and the reunified continuity trope. Not only was it now possible for a Kamen Rider to have a crossover with other Riders, but the series can go to other universes such as....
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crossing over with its sister series Super Sentai!
For the first time ever on TV, Kamen Rider and Super Sentai had a team-up crossover special. While JAKQ vs. Gorenger in the 1970s mentioned Kamen Rider Amazon being part of a greater universe of heroes, this was never expanded upon any further other than a quick mention/cameo image.
Often comic book fans draw parallels of this show’s story to another...
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Both serve a purpose, to unify all continuity back into one single linear pathway that audiences can follow. Thus the multiple variants of stories become one sole tale in one setting. That being said, unlike many who recommend Decade as a starting series, I would advise newcomers to hold off a little until they familiarize themselves with the Heisei era a little better, as otherwise the story elements may confuse them as they will have no frame of reference going in.
Heisei Kamen Rider up to this point allowed itself to avoid continuity ties by letting each series stand on its own aside from maybe Kuuga and Agito, but even that could be a stretch. Decade is where things began to merge back together, as after this series, Riders began interacting with one another on a regular basis in movies and direct to video films. Aside from a few teases of non-canon events like the Ryuki V-Cinema and the Den-O and Kiva Movie, Toei didn’t seem too interested in doing TV or film crossovers on a grander scale until this exact year.
So... what happened that may have changed their minds?
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Oh yeah, THAT happened...Marvel made it known at the end of a little movie called Iron Man they were going to do BIG crossovers. So naturally, Toei possibly followed suit (with mixed results depending on who you ask). It is just speculation, but you have to admit it is odd timing given the franchise almost avoided crossovers entirely up to this point.
This show is also the last hurrah of Rainbow Zoukei as the costume designers, as their workload had grown to insane levels. RZ was doing Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Ultraman, prop replacement parts for Power Rangers on top of various movies and TV commercials. In order to ease the burden, the company created a secondary studio based in Tama called Blend Master to divide the workload. Rainbow Zoukei does Super Sentai and new Metal Heroes costumes/replacements while Blend Master works on Kamen Rider from Double to the present day.
Another new addition to the franchise would be the introduction of Bandai’s Legend Rider gimmick for their Ganbaride arcade video game cabinets. Rider Cards were the primordial phase of this gimmick, utilizing the powers of past heroes in the show while being something Bandai could double up in profits on. Later iterations and Ganbarizng would incorporate the electronic collectible toy trinkets in combination with the trading cards. Another staple of this series was the introduction of the Rider lexicon term “Driver” for the belts (Get it? A belt is the driving force of the super powers of a Kamen Rider.)
The biggest thing this series did though was revive the Showa Riders presence in the franchise after a long absence from TV with a story arc about visiting the non-Heisei Rider worlds, with at least one of the originals physically appearing and returning to his role:
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Tetsuo Kurata as Kohtaro Minami/Kamen Rider Black and Black RX! (Parallel universes thing, complicated to explain.)
Decade is a very divisive series, some love it for upping the stakes of conflict with the fate of reality itself hanging in the balance and a war between Riders of past and present series with a super powerful rider that had a cool belt voiced by radio personality Mark Okita.
On the opposite end of fandom, some hated it for undermining their favorite Riders with what some assessed to be a Marty Stu fanfic-y character who was almost super-invincible and ultimately served as a plot device.
On the upside to fans who dislike the show, at least we got a female Rider and a meme out of it...
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Speaking of which...KAMEN RIDE: DECADE!
“The Destroyer of Worlds, Decade. What do those eyes see as he travels through many worlds?"
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(Mr. Kadoya, circa 2014 in a crossover with Kamen Rider Wizard, lookin’ like a boss.)
Real Name: Tsukasa Kadoya
As a child, Tsukasa was often alone with his sister, but soon discovered she had the ability to create trans-dimensional gateways called Dimension Walls.
Tsukasa ran off into one of them one day and in his later years, came into contact with Dai-Shocker, a revived amalgamation of all the past villains the Kamen Riders had ever faced. They tricked him into playing the role of their Great Leader (which a teen Tsukasa thought was a “fun idea” at the time) and later offered him a new weapon to test out: The Decadriver. The belt device was the intense labor of Dai-Shocker scientists who HATED the Kamen Riders. The Decadriver could duplicate and surpass the powers of all Kamen Riders to obliterate them once and for all or use them as lifeless tools to enhance the Decade system. Tsukasa tested them out, but this ended badly for him as the overwhelming shock of crossing multiple universes all at once caused mental trauma that wiped his memories away. The Decadriver was somehow left hidden and abandoned in an unspecified alternate Earth.
Cut to 2009 and an amnesiac Tsukasa is on an Earth working as a photographer for the Hikari family. Natsumi Hikari is having strange nightmares about a figure who kills all the Kamen Riders in a great war, enveloped in a magenta light. Strange things then start happening as random unexplained catastrophes occur such as monsters appearing from silvery walls and people being randomly teleported to unfamiliar locations and slaughtered by more monsters.
As this happens, a familiar face appears to Tsukasa: Wataru Kurenai aka Kamen Rider Kiva who asks him where his “buckle and cards” are and that this “world will end if he doesn’t do something“. Tsukasa at first does not understand and is confused by all this, but Natsumi later finds the belt and gives it to him when she is being attacked by some Worms. Tsukasa transforms into a new Kamen Rider and then remembers how to fight, using the powers of past Kamen Riders to defeat waves of monsters effortlessly.
Once Wataru and the other Kamen Riders freeze the world in place with their combined powers to prevent further destruction, the veteran Rider explains to Tsukasa that the parallel worlds of Kamen Riders are merging due to an outside force and will destroy all of existence if it isn’t stopped.
To that end, Tsukasa as Kamen Rider Decade must go to the 9 Worlds and destroy the nine Kamen Riders of those worlds to preserve the Prime universe. Wataru laments that creation cannot come without destroying something and promises to hold the world in place for as long as he can with his comrades until Decade “fixes” the multiverse.
Decade ends up doing the exact opposite after befriending the Riders and connecting their stories. This at first did not sit well with the Prime Universe Kamen Riders and they attacked Decade to preserve their existence and those of their loved ones, thus the Rider War began.
But by being a destroyer and connecting with heroes, Decade did find a way eventually to save everyone. Tsukasa now spends his days traveling across space and time, exploring new parallel worlds and helping those in need in his own unique way.
(As many Rider Scouts will tell you: This one idea has massive fanfiction potential as Decade could have visited any number of universes of beloved franchises along his journey: Marvel, DC, Image, Transformers, Doctor Who, Star Trek etc.)
In one non-canon moment of a video game, an enemy called him the Destroyer of Worlds. Decade then casually responded that he is “retired” from that role. Even in Kamen Rider Taisen (*ugh*) any mention of this title seems to annoy/upset Tsukasa, as he feels he is beyond that part of his life.
Decade can become invisible, make copies of himself, has expert markmanship and sword skill, enhanced strength and has the ability to travel across dimensions to parallel Earths.
Decade’s signature ability is for his Rider System to analyze an opponent and if it is a Kamen Rider, copy its data for Decade to assume the powers, weapons and forms himself in the form of Rider Cards. The Rider Cards can also upgrade/seize a Kamen Rider into a new form dubbed as a “Final Form Ride”, transforming them to act as a support such as a new power, a vehicle, a weapon or a device such as enhanced armor.
Decade himself can Final Form Ride into a giant sized version of the Decadriver for Kamen Rider J to wear and he assumes control of Kouji’s body as a giant sized Decade. Decade can obtain the power of Kamen Riders through cards in one of two ways, the first is the Magic of Friendship and the other is straight up beating them to near death and sealing the weakened Rider in a card in a manner somewhat similar to the Blade System with the Undead. Decade prefers option one, but in a rare instance used the second one as circumstances forced him to.
The Decadriver is also compatible with other card systems such as the Gosei Cards from the Goseigers and the Decadriver is shown it can utilize Super Sentai weapon Rider Cards.
Using some kind of construct projector somewhat akin to ZX’s Virtual Image Projection Unit, Decade can assume the form of ANY Kamen Rider. (As confirmed by recent toys, Decade can go up to Kamen Rider Drive currently. But Ghost and Ex-Aid are likely part of his card deck by now). Upon tinkering with it apparently, the Decadriver can holographically disguise itself as another Rider Belt (such as 1′s Typhoon) and through a voice modulator, Decade can fully impersonate a Kamen Rider for stealth/infiltration missions. This image projection is enhanced even further in Complete Form, as Kamen Riders in their ultimate forms appear on command and seemingly mimic Decade’s movements like a shadow for a double final form Rider Finisher.
In his more deadly Violent Emotion mode, Decade can obtain and use any power of a Kamen Rider automatically, even sometimes without the use of the cards and no form change needed. He is seemingly so powerful in this mode that almost no Kamen Rider can stop him and his Rider Kick pretty much becomes a human seeker missile (As shown when he chased down Skyrider in the air and kicked him, turning the airborne 8th Rider into a falling fireball.)  Complete Form can summon the powers of the Heisei Rider’s ultimate forms and utilize their Rider cards in those forms to enhance Complete form further.
Tsukasa as a human is bestowed with new skills in every world he visits to serve whatever purpose the multiverse needs him for. (Ex. knowing the Gurongi language)
Decade, much like the the future Gokaigers who would adopt his same power copy gimmick, is not all powerful on his own in base form and can be beaten in some instances. (Blade in King Form gave Decade quite the beatdown once with just one slash of his sword)  This is more to showcase that Decade on his own is neither stronger or weaker than any previous or succeeding Rider in base form and through the comradery of his fellow Riders sharing their strength with him, he can become the strongest of all of them.
His Rider Cards at first had a one use limit, it is uncertain if this still applies in some capacity. When the cards were used they would seal away the powers selected until they were activated again after gaining a Rider’s trust. Some universes disrupted or negated his power such as the World of Negatives, which rendered all his cards useless until he upgraded to Complete Form.
His Rider Belt is basically a big bullseye, as stabbing or damaging the Decadriver at close range will shut down the device and de-power Decade. Though if the first episode is any indication, dimension wall energy can automatically repair the belt. Still, like most modern belts which are not surgically attached to the Rider, Tsukasa could have the Decadriver knocked away from him or he could lose it.
The Decade system was designed to defeat Kamen Riders, thus other superheroes are immune to the copying of powers on some level. (though this does not guarantee opposing sides victory).
Kamen Riders sometimes had a bit of animosity towards Decade given his reputation and even after the Rider War, some view him akin to a Nuclear Option, as in someone who should only be called upon in a crisis or as an absolute last resort. Like Kuuga, Agito and Kiva, Decade has a dangerous side to the power he wields that could end all life..well..everywhere, especially if he succumbs to his darker impulses such as with using Violent Emotion mode.
Signature Finishers:
Dimension Blast: Using the Final Attack Ride: Decade Card, Decade uses the Ride Booker in Gun mode to fire a charged shot
Dimension Slash: Using the Final Attack Ride: Decade Card, Decade uses the Rider Booker in Sword Mode and executes an energy charged Rider slash.
Dimension Kick: Decade’s Rider Kick which is executed using the Final Attack Ride:Decade Card. Variants include the Enhanced Dimension Kick in Complete Form which utilizes the power of the 9 Heisei Riders in conjunction with his own power and the Final Dimension Kick which after using the FinalKamenAttackForm Ride Card, turns all the Kamen Riders into Kamen Ride cards that Decade flies through to enhance his kick to maximum power.
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Dai-Shocker is a supergroup of past Kamen Rider Villains from various parallel Earths who scour the multiverse to find like-minded individuals to convert/recruit into their army for one ultimate goal: Total conquest, subjugation and absolute rule of the entire multiverse and creation itself!
Out of all incarnations of Shocker, that is a pretty ambitious goal for evil and difficult considering that Kamen Riders exist on other worlds as well as other superheroes who stand in their way. Tsukasa was once their Great Leader, but turned against them and the organization had been crippled and splintered into various forms such as Super Shocker and Space Shocker, but manages to revive at least once.
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Nobody knows what his deal is, but he has a wide array of powers including the ability to create Dimension Walls, summon evil Kamen Riders or monsters and assumes the form of past Generals such as Colonel Zol of Shocker. He hates Decade for some reason and sees himself as a prophet of the Rider’s nature as a destroyer, warning other heroic Riders to try and stop him. He does flip-flop his allegiance at times.
Some fans have theorized he is an incarnation of the real Great Leader, while a still of the pre-production film shots of what would become Decade: Final Chapter gave a bombshell to his possible identity:
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That pink camera is Tsukasa’s..so some speculate from this image that he is an older Tsukasa from an alternate reality.....
Sadly due to unknown legal issues and production delays, this plot was tossed out along with several other story ideas. So Narutaki’s identity and purpose for antagonizing Decade is never explained and his character was taken to a...very weird direction...
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All we can say to those good stories and his identity not being told to us is...
Now we must go on the road to another Rider’s world.... til next time...
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chiajasmine · 5 years
Autistic Reclaimed Characters Masterlist
I’m getting back into making reclaimed characters/OCs by reclaiming autistic characters from media.
Character’s name (full name, if given): Christopher John Francis Boone
Apparent age: 15
Gender: Cis boy
Source material (and why it’s bad, this part is optional): The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (which is a best-selling mystery novel and a drama/mystery play) and it’s bad because it is ableist (the author did little research about autism and autistic people), normalizes the abuse of autistic people, and the book has a stereotypical depiction of autism. Mark Haddon portrayed the protagonist Christopher as elitist, intolerant, dismissive, unconcerned for others, unsympathetic, remorselessly violent, and not noticing or responding to insults and abuse. He is ableist towards other disabled kids at his school and looks down on them while also looking down on non-disabled people. Christopher is mistreated (abused, neglected, abandoned, deceived, gaslit, and insulted), often by authority figures like his parents and most other characters either overlook or actively attempt to justify this. His father Ed lied about his mother Judy being dead to him for two years. Ed also killed his ex-girlfriend’s dog Wellington with a garden fork and receives no consequences for doing so except for causing a rupture in Christopher’s relationship with him, and he tries to pressure Christopher to repair it by focusing exclusively on how much he is hurt by Christopher. Haddon also portrayed Christopher’s parents in a sympathetic light even though the novel is from Christopher’s point of view and despite Ed and Judy being abusive and neglectful to Christopher. Siobhan (Christopher’s mentor and teacher) is only present in the early parts of the book and absent from the rest of the book without an explanation; the author could have used her to show that Christopher does not deserve to be abused and neglected, but he did not. The novel presents the autistic protagonist as responsible for his parent’s divorce and being mistreated by others while showing that he is unaffected by this mistreatment, and portrays abuse, abandonment, and gaslighting as normal and justified.
Pictures of character:
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Birthday: August 11
Sexuality: Mspec graysexual neuroromantic/echoromantic/arovague (queer acespec arospec for convenience)
Personality: Christopher is intelligent, sensitive, perceptive, naive, arrogant, and tends to come off as aloof. He has a very self-centered point of view, values logic, tends to be literal-minded, and is sometimes clueless when it comes to social norms. He takes pride in his intelligence and views himself as rational and logical though he can be insensitive, cold, reckless, irritable, irrational, and illogical at times. He tends to have emotional outbursts, lash out, bottle up his emotions, and split due to trauma, but he is working on expressing his emotions in healthier ways. Christopher used to be violent, break into people’s houses and vehicles, steal, vandalize property, and have an ableist and elitist attitude before he got the proper help he needed. He cares about the people he is close to, treating them with kindness and is protective of them. His samefood is strawberry milkshakes. He prefers to use a stress ball or something similar to stim. Christopher is a trauma, physical/verbal/emotional abuse, and emotional neglect survivor. He is autistic and has PTSD/possible C-PTSD, NPD, conduct disorder, BPD, depression, chronic boredom, low empathy, abandonment issues, and violent intrusive thoughts and impulses.
Likes: His special interests are math, prime numbers, countries, capitals, detective fiction, mystery novels and movies, thriller films, autism/disability rights, astronauts, and Steven Universe (he especially enjoys Steven Universe: The Movie and Steven Universe Future). He also likes Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures, his pet rat, his service dog, Siobhan, strawberry milkshakes, puzzles, computer games, Tetris, and everything being in order.
Dislikes: The colors yellow (when not kin shifting to Peridot) and brown, yellow things (when not kin shifting to Peridot), brown things, dirt, gravy, wood, blood (squick), being lied to/deceived, his birth parents (his birth dad, in particular), authority figures who are ableist and invalidate him, crowded places, noisy places, being made fun of, his chronic boredom, saying he can’t feel or doesn’t have emotions, romanticization/glorification of cheating/affairs/infidelity, being called “a handful”, everything not being in order, and being touched during a meltdown, shutdown, or flashback.
Fears or triggers: Animal death (especially dogs, trigger), garden forks (trigger), his birth dad (fear/trigger), him or autistic people being blamed for divorce (trigger), being threatened to be or saying he should be institutionalized (trigger), being abandoned (fear/trigger), loud sudden noises (fear/sensory trigger), angry yelling (trigger), being threatened with physical violence (trigger), and being called a “specimen” or other dehumanizing things (trigger).
Relationship status: Taken (Aki–QPP/zucchini and chosen person, and Clover–girlfriend and favorite person)
Friends: Other autistic reclaimed characters
Extras: He is demipansensual, panalterous, panqueerplatonic, cupio-aplatonicflux/neuroplatonic/aplatonicvague (aplspec for short/convenience), demipanaesthetic, and demipan- in other attractions. He is Peridot kin (SU), Spinel kin/IDs with Spinel (SU), Steven synpath (SU), and Jotaro Kujo hearted (JJBA). His favorite persons are Briony and Clover, and his chosen person is Aki.
Character’s name (full name, if given): Caitlin Ann Smith
Apparent age: 10 (going on to 11)
Gender: Cis girl
Source material (and why it’s bad, this part is optional): Mockingbird (which is a young adult novel and a theatre play) and it’s bad because there were multiple moments when the main character Caitlin’s behavior is too textbook, the author’s writing clearly leaned to a clinical view of autism spectrum disorder, and it was written particularly for a neurotypical audience. Kathryn Erskine preferred the clinical research over the thoughts, feelings, and writings of autistic people. Caitlin’s epiphany is problematic because it did not feel like her own, it was inspiration porn due to her having to “learn” empathy, and it feels like the epiphany that ableist organizations like Autism Speaks and neurotypicals who fail to understand autistic people want autistic people to have. While the book was written with good intentions, Erskine regurgitated the “no empathy” myth, people around the autistic character are constantly trying to “fix” her and this is shown to be a good thing, and the book ended up being inspiration porn for neurotypicals.
Pictures of character:
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Birthday: In the book, her birthday is unknown so I’ll make it November 20
Sexuality: Questioning
Personality: Caitlin is intelligent, cheerful, socially awkward, pedantic, often blunt, and comes off as arrogant without meaning to. She tends to get excited and passionate about things she enjoys. As a result, she tends to infodump. She has black-and-white thinking, hypermorality, and fluctuating empathy. Caitlin can come off as tactless at times due to being brutally honest, but does not mean to hurt people’s feelings and will try to clear things up if there are any resulting problems. She also does not always understand social cues and expectations, but she tries her best. Caitlin is more caring than she appears to be. She is autistic and is recovering from depression that is caused by the death of her mother who died of cancer and PTSD that is caused by the death of her brother Devon who died in a school shooting and being bullied in school.
Likes: Her special interests are drawing, dictionaries, and To Kill a Mockingbird. She also likes art, making charcoal drawings, pastel colors, the colors black and white, black and white TV shows and movies, cartoons (especially Disney), Bambi, her friends (especially her best friend Michael), small spaces (they bring her comfort), hiding under a dresser (her “hidey-hole”) and bed, and stuffing her head under couch cushions.
Dislikes: Bright colors (neon colors especially), saturated colors, bright lights, noisy places, maintaining direct eye contact, dirt, bugs, wool clothing, fuzzy clothing, live-action TV shows and movies that are not black and white, saying that she does not have or needs to learn empathy, people not communicating with her, bullying, school shootings, and school shooters.
Fears or triggers: Really loud noises (sensory trigger), lights buzzing (sensory trigger), wool clothing (sensory trigger), fuzzy clothing (sensory trigger), gunshots (trigger), and being called “weirdo” or “freak” (trigger). No fears, but she gets uncomfortable when talking about school shootings and school shooters.
Relationship status: Single
Friends: Other autistic reclaimed characters, Michael Schneider (best friend), Josh
Extras: She is Scout kin/IDs as Scout (To Kill a Mockingbird), Bambi kin (Bambi), and her comfort characters are Jem (To Kill a Mockingbird) and Atticus (To Kill a Mockingbird).
Character’s name (full name, if given): Rose Howard
Apparent age: 11 (going on to 12)
Gender: Cis girl
Source material (and why it’s bad, this part is optional): Rain Reign (which is a children’s novel) and it’s bad because the author Ann M. Martin wrote it in Autism Voice, the narrative is stereotypical, and Rose is explicitly framed as other due to being portrayed as overly literal and the book’s constant focus on her obsession with homonyms, numbers, prime numbers, weather patterns, and rules. It also stereotypes autistic people as not experiencing emotions, unfeeling, uncaring, unable to be hurt, and overly rational. In general, Martin denied Rose emotional agency and wrote a story about an autistic character for a neurotypical audience.
Pictures of character:
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(Rose with Rain)
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(Another picture of Rose and Rain)
Birthday: In the book, her birthday is unknown so I’ll make it September 20
Sexuality: Questioning
Personality: Rose is intelligent, level-headed, brave, determined, polite, socially awkward, and a rule-follower. She loves homonyms and tends to blurt out when she hears one. Rose is caring, patient, and undertakes the role of peacekeeper. She is autistic, has OCD, panic attacks, and hypermorality, and is recovering from depression that is caused by her mother leaving her and her father (she is dealing with her feelings of guilt over it) and PTSD that is caused by her father’s past alcoholism.
Likes: Her special interests are weather patterns, homonyms, and numbers (especially prime numbers). She also likes her dog Rain, her uncle Weldon, wordplay/puns, meteorology, the weather channel, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, The Incredibles movies, The Secret of NIMH, and being on her routine.
Dislikes: People not explaining things to her, people not listening to why she is upset, being made fun of, being invalidated, and being off her routine.
Fears or triggers: Alcohol (trigger), hurricanes (fear), and being shaken (fear/trigger).
Relationship status: Single
Friends: Other autistic reclaimed characters, Rain
Extras: Her comfort characters are Madame Foster (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends), Helen Parr (The Incredibles), and Mrs. Brisby (The Secret of NIMH).
Character’s name (full name, if given): Willem Edward Smith
Apparent age: 12
Gender: Cis boy
Source material (and why it’s bad, this part is optional): How to Fly with Broken Wings (which is a children’s fiction book) and it’s bad because the author Jane Elson wrote Willem as stereotypically autistic without naming him as such. Willem seems to check off all of the diagnostic boxes of autism without having much of a personality beyond this. Willem isn’t always treated with respect or dignity, particularly when he’s reduced to facts about airplanes and telling people that he can fly. In the middle of the book, Willem suddenly becomes a magical autistic detective by pulling out several pieces of physical evidence and lines of argument to prove that one person wasn’t involved in gang riots, although these abilities are never previously mentioned. Elson doesn’t fully address him being mistreated at school. Sasha describes him in her first chapter as “one of life’s special people” and regularly refers to him as her special friend as their relationship develops. Willem is relentlessly bullied at school and in danger at home, although no other characters do anything about this. Other kids make him jump off of objects or buildings and there are rival gangs in the area who are also interested in manipulating him. In class, his teacher frequently singles him out by requiring him to make two friends instead of completing equations for homework like his peers. The teacher tries to mix up students to get kids to interact with Willem and pulls each aside to say that she wants them to show him friendship, though she recognizes that forcing him to make friends in class encouraged him to interact with his bullies and put him in numerous dangerous situations, and she apologizes by the end of the book. The assignment led to Willem being deceived or put in dangerous situations more than once, and the author offers no clear condemnation of this. Willem’s main bully apologizes for his actions a few times but immediately returns to hurting Willem, and when he eventually befriends him it’s in order to gain favor with the girl he likes. Many adults apologize to Willem– including his teacher, who recognizes that forcing him to make friends put his life in danger; not that her treatment of him was emotionally manipulative. Also, there is no further discussion of any emotional repercussions.
Pictures of character:
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(Willem with a dog and holding hands with Sarah)
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Birthday: In the book, his birthday is unknown so I’ll make it June 21
Sexuality: Questioning
Personality: Willem is shy and timid yet friendly and easygoing. He doesn’t believe that true friendships can be made by assigning people to be friends. He infodumps regularly and has trouble distinguishing when the other person has heard enough or when the conversation is over. Willem relates to people by using the colors of the traffic lights. He tends to take things more literally and struggles with understanding facial expressions. Willem gets very anxious in stressful situations. Willem gets very anxious in stressful situations. He stims by counting, rambling about anything, shaking his hands, and flapping his arms and hands. Willem is a trauma and physical/verbal/emotional abuse survivor. He is autistic, has anxiety, and is recovering from PTSD that is caused by being bullied at school by other kids, being emotionally manipulated by his teacher, and the trauma from the gang riots.
Likes: His special interests are airplanes (especially Spitfire planes), model airplanes, pilots during World War II, and flying. He also likes his dog Buster, Magic Man Archie, tea, digestive biscuits, cookies, his grandmother Gracie, Sasha, Peter Pan, Arthur (his favorite character is Carl Gould), and traffic lights.
Dislikes: Bullies, gangs, riots, being made fun of, being excluded/left out, people who are too close to him, Finn Maison and his gang the Beckham Estate Boyz, being assigned friends, being forced into a “buddy system”, being manipulated or deceived, shouting, being kissed, and his food touching.
Fears or triggers: Bullying (fear/trigger), gangs (fear/trigger), riots (fear/trigger), Finn Maison and his gang (fear), falling (fear), death threats (trigger), being assigned friends (trigger), being forced into a “buddy system” (trigger), shouting (sensory trigger), being kissed (sensory trigger), and his food touching (sensory trigger).
Relationship status: Single
Friends: Other autistic reclaimed characters, Sasha Barton, Magic Man Archie, Buster
Extras: His comfort character is Carl Gould (Arthur).
Character’s name (full name, if given): Colin Fischer
Apparent age: 14
Gender: Cis boy
Source material (and why it’s bad, this part is optional): Colin Fischer (which is a young adult novel) and it’s bad because despite being written by an autistic author–Zack Sentz–and Colin being likable, the book distances the readers from the perspective of him by othering him and casting him as incomprehensible and weird. Colin is rarely seen as anything but intrigued, confused, or panicked, and that reinforces the damaging, ableist notion of autistic people not having emotions. He is also depicted by Sentz and Ashley Edward Miller to be a super special autistic with “mysterious skills”. Colin’s brother Danny loathing him and their parents is portrayed with no nuance and no emotions from Colin’s end. In the book, Asperger’s syndrome is mentioned as being “related to” autism rather than being part of the autism spectrum. His school is said to be supportive and accommodating, but there is not much proof to support this as the narrative appears to condone the ableist treatment of the protagonist. For example, when Colin is purposefully taunted in class and ends up barking from stress, the principal accepts that it wasn’t his fault, but she also threatens Colin with punishment if he “acts out” again. Another example is his gym teacher Mr. Turrentine ignoring a note from his therapy team that he can skip gym. He also aligns with the popular image of “high-functioning” autistic people as being a socially awkward, math/logic/train-obsessed, straight, white, middle-class teenage boy. His symptoms become less extreme at the end of the book, which is seen as a positive development; this portrays autistic traits as undesirable and negative.
Pictures of character:
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Birthday: In the book, his birthday is unknown so I’ll make it September 22
Sexuality: Disordinebisexual biromantic, leans towards females
Personality: Colin is curious, inquisitive, and friendly. He enjoys being organized and tends to have meltdowns when not being organized. Colin has slow reflexes and activities like basketball, soccer, playing catch, monkey bars, riding a bicycle, and gym class are difficult for him while activities like jumping and bouncing are easier for him. He speaks in a monotone voice, but talks fast when excited. Colin is often very literal and has trouble detecting sarcasm. He stims by barking when stressed or overwhelmed, jumping especially when happy or excited, and making repeated clicking sounds. He usually has a hard time telling when people are upset because facial expressions don’t come naturally to him, and does not always understand social cues and expectations. Colin pet regresses to cope with stress and being autistic, disabled, and otherwise neurodivergent. He is autistic, nearsighted, a dog regressor, and has gross motor dyspraxia and hypotonia.
Likes: His special interests are science, aliens, trampolines, SHAED (his favorite song is Trampoline), asparagus, Sherlock Holmes, and Star Trek. He also likes math, trains, jumping, bouncy balls, dogs, his notebook, repeated clicking sounds like pens, stacking things, and patterns (especially finding them).
Dislikes: The color blue, blue things, being touched if he does not initiate it or if he is unprepared for it, being touched when stressed, direct eye contact (he finds it uncomfortable), phones ringing loudly, the sound of the school bell, mushy foods, high-pitched voices, dolls, gym class, sports, perfume counters at store entrances, being made fun of or taunted, bullying, ableist people, having his infodumps be interrupted, his room and belongings being tampered with, Rudy Moore, and biphobes/bimisics.
Fears or triggers: Sudden loud noises (sensory trigger), phones ringing loudly (sensory trigger), the sound of the school bell (sensory trigger), perfume counters at store entrances (sensory trigger), high-pitched voices (sensory trigger), mushy foods (sensory trigger), and dolls (fear).
Relationship status: Single
Friends: Other autistic reclaimed characters, Melissa Greer (best friend), Wayne Connolly
Extras: He is alienkin and dogkin, and his comfort characters are Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock) and Spock (Star Trek). He has reading glasses to help with his nearsightedness.
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