#final attack ride
artieseni · 26 days
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treyarch!!! make eddie a pathetic little meow meow like primis ricky and my life! is yours!! also give us the homoerotic subtext
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reference! dempsey finally snaps and beats up richtofen but then ricky pulls out his goofy smile and dempsey's annoyed he can't control his fluttering heart ok ty bye
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 17
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kebriones · 3 months
I was expecting something a little better from the elden ring dlc story, in regards to miquella. This wasn't satisfying.
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inqilabi · 1 year
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I got chills because it's a completely different era. And it's not these two men in particular or anything like that, it's just the tide. Every motion has an equal an opposite reaction. And US unipolar hegemony is what birthed these two countries that had a long adversarial relationship in the past, to come together.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 9 months
Crawling out of my car and home and thinking. Thinking about how I need to take up more space and take more risks
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pizzee · 2 years
here there be monsters
GET THIS BEAST AWAY FROM ME. i’ve been writing this for so long o my lord it was an endeavour let me tell ya. here’s the jack backstory fic no one asked for but i deliver anyway, here on Ao3 where the formatting is actually decent. warnings for a brief description of a panic attack and general horror elements (blood, mentions of death, monsters, etc)
From a distant dream, somewhere on a shoreline miles away where it’s not quite dusk but not yet dawn, he sits and listens. Jack, she says, and he glances up to meet her gaze. Jack, she repeats, then reaches out and shakes him awake.
Lissa sits over him, a string of pearls strung up in a smile, eyes glittering with palpable excitement. She whispers his name again, his nickname, then his hidden name revealed to no one.
“Idiot.” She laughs, poking his cheek. “Come on, get up!”
He groans and bats her hand away, gently shoving her off before rolling over onto his stomach, right to the edge of their bed. He adjusts his covers a bit tighter and tries to ignore her. He knows it’s futile—she’s relentless when she gets like this, like there’s jet fuel heating her veins, pumping her heart, forcing her to move—but it doesn’t hurt to try. Jack likes his sleep. Lissa always has other ideas about what he can be doing.
“Come on!” Another shake, then a breath of frustration and Jack knows exactly what that means. There’s no preparing for it. He braces.
The covers are ripped off and thrown to the side, and so his pleasant bubble of warmth is gone and he’s left splayed out on the bed in the night chill. There’s no sleeping now.
He rolls back over and throws one arm over his face, peeking an eye out to look at his sister grinning. “What do you want?”
She pokes his cheeks, alternating sides while he fills them with air and lets her push it out. She laughs. He smiles. 
Lissa points to the side. “The eclipse.”
Jack shifts to glance where she’s pointing, out the single window in their tiny room. The moon is bright. It’s orange. He bites back the bit of dread that always worms its way into his heart like a curse at the sight of it and keeps up with the act, fondly indulging, the fearless big brother. Jack swallows around the stone in his throat and pushes up to sit, letting Lissa crawl onto his back so he can carry her outside.
“Oof, you’re getting too big for this,” he groans quietly, allowing her to slowly push open the door of their room so they can tiptoe out of the house. Jack’s careful to step only on the floorboards he knows creak the quietest, especially when they move past where Mamá sleeps restlessly on the sofa.
“Maybe you’re getting too old,” Lissa says directly into his ear once they’re out of Mamá’s earshot, then grabs his head and redirects it in the direction she wants to go. “Ándale!”
On he goes, out through the house and up the hill, to the spot behind a row of bushes where a makeshift campsite sits. They made it last summer, on the first full moon they didn’t leave. When Mamá didn’t drag them out of the house with no explanation of where they were going, only that they were moving. On the first night of many nights they’d spent in one place in a long, long time. Jack lets Lissa hop off his back and follows her past the leaves and branches to a soft patch of land where she plops down onto the grass. He settles beside her with a sigh.
“Your nightgown is gonna get dirty.”
Lissa rolls her eyes in a manner that’s so like their mamá he has to laugh. She shoves him for it, and he apologizes, and they sit side by side, staring at the bright orange moon looming above like a bad omen. It’s so vibrant it’s almost red, oozing moonlight like an open wound. Jack shudders, then tries to disguise it as a shiver, wrapping his arms around himself. 
Something grazes his shoulder and Jack nearly jumps, but it’s just Lissa, her touch staying light and easy. He glances at her.
She smiles. “Scared?”
No, Jack wants to say. He should say, should shake his head and be ok. 
His nails dig into his arms.
There’s no more words between them. She moves closer, leans against his side, and falls asleep with her hand in his, crescent moons left embedded into his skin. Jack doesn’t join her. He stays awake, listening to the wind and her breaths until pink and orange paint over the purples of night as the sun stretches his arms across the sky. Not quite dawn, not quite night.
    Mamá makes them pack that afternoon and they leave in the evening. Jack has to heave the suitcases filled with gifts she insists on bringing, while their clothes are relegated to being stuffed in school backpacks.
“We can’t show up empty handed,” she tells him as she fills yet another bag with baby clothes for a cousin he’s never met and ceramic plates for an aunt he doesn’t remember, “it’s rude.”
“We haven’t seen these people in years,” Jack complains.
“You’re sixteen, it’s about time you meet them. These people are your family.” 
Then she does the thing. She stops dead in the middle of what she’s doing and stares blankly at the only picture on the dining table that sits atop stacks of nearly past due bills. It’s a faded old brown and beige photo of his father, high brows, a smile that pushes at the corners of his eyes, hair swept back and graying. He looks happy. Jack guesses he was. 
Mamá’s hands move in a practiced pattern: she swipes her eyes, slowly with the pad of her thumbs as if tears were shed, and then stretches and reaches out, fingers retracting into loose fists, closing tightly, and lowering into her lap. Her breath catches. Jack watches silently.
“When he was alive,” she starts, she always starts, “we’d visit them once a year in Oaxaca. It’s tradition.”
Is it tradition to never stay in one town for more than a month for almost a decade? Jack doesn’t ask. He doesn’t say anything at all. Mamá goes back to packing gifts and humming songs and by the time Jack comes back in for the next round of things to stow away, the frame on the table is empty. 
The journey from Guadalajara to Oaxaca takes an entire day and it’s hard not to feel like they’re leaving and never coming back. Their little car is brimming with things. There’s hardly enough room in the back for anyone to sit, so Lissa ends up sitting on Mamá’s lap in the front or on the center console, where—when he isn’t driving—Jack diligently ensures her safety with an arm constantly holding her steady. Most of the time is spent singing along to songs on the radio, and playing games. Charades ends up as a game of act out whatever animal or person Lissa tells you to and have Mamá guess it. Which, when playing with Lissa, always goes off the rails.
“Who am I supposed to be?” Jack asks her while they wait in the car at the pit stop.
“The paper says it.”
He waves it around in front of her. “Bigfoot isn’t real.”
She gives him a disappointed look. “He is, I know because I’ve met him.”
“You two have lunch together?” Mamá asks as she shimmies back into the car and hands them both burritos from the food truck they stopped at.
“Yup, he’s a big fan of tea.”
“Of course he is.”
They end up debating several other theories that Lissa proposes as a universal truth. 
“The chupacabra is a werewolf.”
“That’s assuming the chupacabra is real.”
She scoffs and waves her hand dismissively. “Why wouldn’t he be?” 
Jack chuckles and Lissa begins rambling, but he doesn’t miss the silence from their mamá, who sits with Lissa on her lap and stares blankly out the window. Her fingers are dancing across the edge of a paper. The photo of their father. Jack keeps his eyes resolutely on the road. 
Night rolls around and they pull over to switch drivers. Jack moves around some luggage and makes enough room for Lissa to sleep in the back, at the expense of having to hold a suitcase in his lap, but it’s worth it. It’s dark when they continue, the sky pitch black, the road an even darker maw ahead, its teeth the sparse lights blurring past. The moon is out of sight, but it’s somewhere above. Jack doesn’t like it, so he closes his eyes. He’s half asleep when Mamá speaks.
“I will tell you a story.”
She doesn’t look at him to see if he’s awake. Her eyes stay on the road, headlights occasionally offering a glimpse of her face. Her mouth is a tight line, eyes seeing but unfocused, her hands tight around the fabric of the wheel and hair unruly from a day of travel. It makes the shadows lengthen beneath her eyes, cast over her cheekbones and under her nose, and they remind Jack of that story. La llorona, wailing over her lost children. He listens.
“A man and his wife lived in a village in the shadow of a castle. It was abandoned, only the Ghost meandered about the halls, whispering to itself, wishing it were dead. And yet it lived. The man’s wife was with child. One day, the lord of the castle returned. An evil man, who feasted on the blood of innocents and had a long shadow that did not grow as the sun descended. He returned and claimed dominion over the land, demanding all who live in the castle’s shadow acknowledge his lordship and pay taxes. 
The man did not accept this new lord, but he lived in his domain. So, he captured moonlight in a bottle and sunlight in a box and placed both at the doorway of his house, preventing the lord from entering without permission and allowing him and his wife to live peacefully. The rest of the village fell into despair in the absence of light, but the man cared for his wife too much. When she went into labor, he was forced to leave his home, taking the box of sunlight with him as protection, to find a midwife. In his absence, the lord drank the wife’s blood and killed her, then made the infant drink moonlight, cursing it.”
“What were they cursed with?” Jack asked, his voice quiet.
Mamá hums, running her hands up and down the edge of the wheel. “When the moon waxes until it wanes, on the first night of their eighteenth year, the child would transform into a savage beast, driven to rip up everything in sight until its rage was quelled by the dawn.” 
The car is briefly lit up by a street lamp. Mamá turns and stares at him, eyes piercing. 
“They turned into a monster and slaughtered his village. They ate flesh and bone and was not satisfied until the sun rose three nights later and they were left steeped in blood and horror.”
Jack’s nails dig into the palm of his hand and he makes sure to hide the pain, keeping his breaths even, holding her gaze. 
“Why are you telling me this?” he whispers, hoping he doesn’t sound as terrified as he feels.
Mamá doesn’t react for a beat, and Jack knows he’s missing something in her expression that’s supposed to tell him why. He doesn’t understand. Then she blinks and turns back to watching the road as if she said nothing. He’s left to sit in oppressive silence until she speaks again. Quietly, casually, forcefully.
“When he was alive—“ she begins, then abruptly changes her mind. “Learn from it.” She says nothing else.
Jack looks out the window, face hidden from Mamá’s view by the suitcase in his lap, and doesn’t sleep until exhaustion claims him sometime well into the morning when he can just start to make out the outlines of roadkill by the asphalt. He dreams of drinking moonlight and blood red stones and transformations in shadows and mornings filled with fear. 
    They arrive in Oaxaca around mid morning and it’s a whirlwind from there. Driving through the city, it’s nothing like Guadalajara. It’s older, with narrow cobbled streets and virtually no sidewalks, all small colorful buildings that have the charm of age and a need for a fresh coat of paint. There’s fewer tourists and fewer cars and fewer familiar sights. It’s nothing Jack isn’t used to, not with the constant monthly moves they did for so long. It became so constant he started waking up just before midnight every full moon and anticipating Mamá bursting into their room and rushing them out with suitcases they never even unpacked, the only picture that ever mattered clutched tightly in her hand, Lissa’s hand in the other. Jack always just trailed behind them.
The event (a family reunion or whatever it is), is being held at an event hall that looks like it was used for a wedding just a few hours prior. There are still pink rose petals scattered across the floor and plates of half eaten cake in the trash. And it’s absolutely brimming with people. They’re spilling out of the front entrance and on the covered patio out front, all conversations and laughing and smiling and reminiscing on stories and history Jack doesn’t know and never will. It’s too much.
“Mamá,” he whispers as she finally puts their sadly sputtering car  into park. He looks out the window and then back at her. “There’s too many people.”
She furrows her eyebrows and follows his gaze, before grinning, her expression a little amused but mostly understanding and sympathetic as she takes his hands in hers.
“You’ll be fine mi amor.” She pulls him closer and plants a kiss on the crown of his head. “Mi caballero.”
It’s moments like these that make the terrifying tales and the dead stares and the constant moves worth it. When she strokes the back of his head and smiles at him with all love. It’s always all love, but there’s sometimes—oftentimes—something… solemn, almost paralyzed underneath. 
“And if it’s too much,” she continues while unbuckling her seatbelt and reaching back to shake his sister awake, “for either you or Analissa, just tell me and I’ll cover for you.”
Jack smiles and launches himself over the center console to grab Mamá’s face and kiss her cheek. “I love you.”
She’s stunned for a beat, but then laughs bright and loud and shakes her head. “Yes I know, I love you too. Now get out.”
He does as he’s told, with a deep breath and quick mental pep talk, shielding his eyes against the sun as he pushes open the door. He’s been hidden from it for the almost fourteen hour ride, and now it rolls in waves over his skin, a gentle caress of warmth. Jack lowers his hand with a deep sigh and smiles into the sunbeams. 
“You must be Laura’s boy,” an unfamiliar voice says.
Bliss flees, chased out by anxiety as Jack blinks away the multicolored dots littered across his vision and turns to whoever’s talking. It’s a woman in a dress that looks like wildflowers, a wide sun hat keeping her shaded. She takes him in, then pastes a smile on her face and presents him a gloved hand. 
“Maria Rodriguez,” she says, “your cousin.”
“Uh, Jack—“
“I know.” She grips his hand hard mid-shake, enough to make the bones in his knuckles creak, and watches him from beneath dark lashes. She takes a deep breath before letting go, and all the while her grin never falters and is never anything but sharp. Something satisfied settles as she slides her hand free. Jack quietly sighs in relief. “We’ve been waiting to meet you for so long, it’s nice to finally see you around.”
He bites back a grimace and changes it into a wavering grin.  Maria’s expression ticks and she opens her mouth to speak again when Mamá sweeps up from behind with Lissa in tow and clasps a hand on Jack’s shoulder firmly. Her smile is all bite when Jack glances over at her.
“Maria, where’s your husband?” she asks, voice dripping with fake politeness.
Maria shrugs and shifts, inching back. “Dead.”
Mamá clicks her tongue, feigning pity, and looks her up and down. “Ah, I see you’re in mourning.”
A burst of laughter that almost makes Jack jump erupts from the woman. “Always.” She makes a show of adjusting her sun hat and lets the humor fall. “Funny that. Until next time.”
And she’s off, turning back into the venue and ignoring a gaggle of children that call her name as she goes. Mamá’s hand falls from Jack’s shoulder. She swipes at her forehead, face already red from the sun, and rolls a suitcase balancing a pile of extra giftbags atop in front of him.
“Who was she?” Jack asks.
“Un pinche perra,” Lissa says, reciting with her eyes closed and a small grin.
Mamá lunges out to snatch her wrist. “Analissa!”
She dances out of reach, giggling as she runs into the venue and yelling behind her, “You said it first!”
“She’s going to be the death of me…” Mamá groans while Jack tries and fails to stifle a laugh behind his hand, receiving a light slap on the back of his head for his troubles. “You both will.”
Jack raises an eyebrow. “Not if that Maria lady doesn’t manage it first.”
Mamá hums. “She’s—they’re all…” She trails off and levels him with a serious look. “Listen, none of these people here know you. Only you know yourself. Don’t go to the crypt when we’re here, don’t listen to anything they tell you, they always lie.”
There’s an urgency and directness in her voice that’s different from usual. It borders on desperate. Jack pinches his lips together into what he hopes is a reassuring look and wraps two of his fingers around hers. Her face softens, her shoulders ease, and it’s worth the bit of dread that’s coiled tight in his gut, the bit that gets a little tighter when he sees the edge of the photograph sticking out of her pocket.
Jack ignores it, as he does best, and shoots a lighthearted look at the suitcase. “But you brought them a car full of gifts.”
She rolls her eyes. “It’s rude not to.”
“And is it rude to stay any longer than dinner?”
Now she laughs. “Just until dinner.”
By the time they finish unloading the car and enter the venue, dinner seems too far away. Jack’s met enough Gregory’s and Maria’s and Juan’s and Julia’s to fill a phone book, and he’s been asked if he “Remembers me?” followed by an inevitable “I met you when you were 1/2/3/4/5, you were so cute, you have your mother’s/father’s smile” so many times that he’s started cutting them off as soon as he hears ‘Recuerdas—’ with a swift “no, sorry,” a smile, and a quick shuffle away to the safety of the bathroom. He’s also heard enough contradictory stories about his parents that it’s become impossible to keep what he knows really happened separate from what others say.
“Your uncle Felipe and your mother always had something going on…” Tia Omira gossiped over a glass too many of wine.
“He was in a motorcycle gang, the asshole keyed my car,” Primo Julio complained.
“They met at a dance but were part of different communities,” Abuelo Hugo said, “a love that could never be.”
“Isn’t that the plot of West Side Story?” Jack asked.
Abuelo Hugo gaped. “The lack of respect from your generation…”
And so on.
Not even sitting by Mamá ends up being safe, since he’s always getting dragged into conversations with family members she very clearly does not like, and all he can do is watch them make passive aggressive comments to each other until he’s excused to go use the bathroom or eat or check on Lissa—who’s thriving commanding the other kids on how exactly to play freeze hide and seek—or any other excuse he can conjure up. It’s boring, everyone else his age was allowed to go into town because they’ve gone to every other family reunion but oh no, Jack has to stay and try and memorize every person’s name, relation to him, and short irrelevant story about what they remember about his father. And it seems like he’s the only person who doesn’t remember him at all.
Outside of the glimpses of the photo, in the mirror, in a dream.
So he finds himself doing exactly what he thought he’d be doing: nothing. He sits on the balcony overlooking the backyard, legs dangling between the bars of the railing, and tunes out the chatter of inane family drama and politics coming from the people eating at the tables behind him . He starts counting blades of grass in the yard behind the venue just to have anything to do, when the air shifts and there’s the clicking sound of heels making their way towards him. They stop beside him, and from the corner of his eye, Jack can make out black pointed toes, then knee length leather boots that lead up to a high collared dress and a small grin.
“Hello,” the person greets.
Jack blinks. “Hi.”
They tilt their head. “Jacob, is it.”
It isn’t a question. He answers regardless. “Just Jack.”
They click their tongue and their expression sours for a second so short Jack thinks he might’ve imagined it. “What are you doing here?”
“Uh…” He chews on his lip and musters a sheepish grin. “Enjoying the view?”
The person’s mouth quirks up, as if they don’t know how to smile, before they break out into radiant laughter that drowns out everything else. They smile at him, all teeth, eyes overly bright.
“I’m sorry,” Jack licks his lips and scratches behind his ear anxiously, “who—“
“—are you supposed to be?” they finish, then shrug. “Lupe. Your…” they grin, “abuel, of sorts.”
Abuel they say, yet their face is absent of wrinkles or any signs of aging, besides the light circles under their eyes that speak of a night or two without sleep. Jack frowns.
“Not to be rude,” he prefaces before adding, “but you look more like a cousin.”
Lupe’s eyes widen briefly before they burst out laughing again. They lean forward against the railing and point back inside at Abuela Imelda, who’s hunched over at a table where people are shouting questions at her. Jack’s heard she either responds to them the next year, or doesn’t seem to hear them at all. 
“I’m older than her,” Abuel Lupe says, then straightens and clasps their hands behind their back, “but it’s just Lupe. Call me Abuel Lupe and I’ll hunt you for sport.” 
There’s a look in their eyes that says they aren’t joking. Jack worries his lip for a moment before making to stand.
“Don’t move,” they command and he does as he’s told. They look behind them at the rest of the party, then move to sit beside him. “You seem to be having fun.”
Jack scoffs. “Are we really related?”
“We are. Paternally, directly.”
“How come no one here knows you then?”
They rock their head side to side for a second. “I know everyone here. Only a few know about me.”
“I knew your father.”
Jack huffs at the immediate topic change and draws his knees to his chest, resting his chin atop them. “You and everyone else,” he mumbles.
Lupe raises an eyebrow and narrows their eyes. “You’ve heard enough stories about him then.”
“No it’s not that I just…” Everyone knew him better than me. “I’d rather hear about something else.”
There’s a long pause, where the only sounds are the draw of breaths and the muffled chatter spilling out from inside. Jack’s attention is inexplicably drawn to Lupe, who stares intently at him in a way that makes his blood run a little colder. He fights the urge to move away.
“You are sixteen, no?” Jack nods. “I will tell you a story.”
They spread their palms flat over their knees.
“Long ago, after los conquistadors first came, there was a child. They lived with their father low in a valley, far from the village. The child wished to visit the village, but their father said no. He told them he was keeping the world safe, keeping them safe from the world, that he loved them very much but would not let them leave.” They hold up a finger. “Only one of those things was true.”
Jack chews on the inside of his cheek hard enough he tastes iron. “Which one?”
Lupe holds his gaze for a beat before curling their finger into a fist and lowering it back to their side. They shift, for the first time in what seems like ages since they sat, and begin to drum their fingers to a silent rhythm. A death march. They look at the yard, still buzzing with kids, and Jack does the same.
“The child grew and on their eighteenth birthday, they snuck down to the village, away from their father, and lived. For the first time in…” their eyebrows pinch, then smooth, “ever.” They sigh and lightly run their fingers down the bars of the railing. “The next day the moon was full and the village decimated, the blood on the child’s hands. Face. Teeth. In their belly.”
Lupe brushes their fingers along their throat. “Until they choked and coughed in disgust and a river of red poured from their mouth and swept away what was left.”
[And they returned home, five nights after the third, blood still caked under their fingernails and dripping from their tongue, terror clinging to every part of their body. It was still dark. The moon was gone but it didn’t matter. Not anymore.
The door creaked open when they pushed and they took one step inside and saw Father, sitting in a chair facing the door, a sword in his hand. It was carved from silver and  glinted faintly in the shallow morning light. He looked up, eyes shadowed. He saw them. Clutched the hilt tighter and tighter until his hands shook and bled. They watched.
Father raised the sword, and asked, ‘What are you?’
A shadow in the doorway, they answered. ‘I don’t know.’]
    Lissa tells Mamá she wants to go into town, so after a bit of arguing and bartering and promising “No I will not get into a fight with the other kids if they aren’t being pinche—“
…promising they will not get into any trouble and Jack will accompany her and they must be back before dinner, she lets them go.
“Thank you for asking for me,” Jack says as soon as they make it out of the venue and start making their way up the road to the town square.
“It’s fine, I wanted to go too, and you looked depressed.”
He forces himself to smile and shoves his hands into his pockets to hide how they shake. “I was fine.”
Lissa hums, unconvinced. “Right because fine entails staying in the bathroom for hours.”
“It wasn’t that long.”
It wasn’t. He ran in there, caught the breath that didn’t want to fill his lungs, gripped the counter until he thought he’d either break his hands or the sink, and bit his knuckles. All with the faucet on, so no one could hear whatever moment he was having after Lupe left. He’d timed it. Only 20 minutes of keeping his heart from pounding to a stop and sheer panic. 
“It was only a few minutes,” he continues, then slows so his sister can skip in front of him, “and you were busy being a tyrant.”
She spins indignantly. “Hey! I asked if anyone wanted to take charge and the one kid that did lost the arm wrestle against me.” She brushes dirt off the skirt of her dress and smiles. “I’d say that was fair.”
Jack snorts. “Anyway, Mamá wouldn’t let me go to town if I asked.”
Lissa makes a face, then slows to his side when they come upon the path that’s apparently supposed to lead them there. 
“Yeah she’s funny with that.”
Jack sighs. “Tell me about it.”
“Oh but once you turn eighteen you can do whatever you want!”
Once you turn eighteen–
Jack shakes away the fear that’s lodged itself in his throat and grins around it.
“Y-you just want someone to take you places,” he forces out and hopes not that Lissa won’t notice, because she always does, but that she’ll let it drop.
And she does, with a tick of her eyebrow and the ghost of a frown. Before it can settle, she spots something beyond his shoulder and starts tugging him off the trail, back in the direction of the venue. 
“Lissa, I don’t think this is the way to the city,” he tells her uneasily, trying to remember where they’re going so they can find their way back.
She nods. “It isn’t, but I was talking to some kids earlier and they said the crypt is nearby.”
“The crypt?” The only place Mamá told them not to go. “I don’t—“
“Our entire family is buried down there! And maybe if we look hard enough, we can find Papá and—“
She stops and spins to look at him. Jack huffs and pulls his hand free, putting it on her shoulder and frowning. “Mamá told us specifically not to go there.”
“Yes she did.”
Jack pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath. “Look, I know you’re used to doing whatever you want and getting away with it—“
“I am not!”
“—but I was left in charge here. And if she finds out that I took you to the crypt after she explicitly told us not to…” He rubs the back of his neck and tries to keep the anxiety out of his voice. “I’d rather we not tempt fate.”
Lissa furrows her eyebrows and, after a second, her expression softens and understanding no twelve year old should have sweeps over her face, before it’s quickly colored by rebellion.
“Isn’t that what it’s all about? Tempting fate?” Her stern look twitches to something mischievous. “Or are you going to live behind Mamá’s skirt your whole life?”
Only in the shadow of a photograph, moonlight, standing in the doorway, in Mamá’s and every adults’ eyes. 
He gives her a flat look and groans when she doesn’t crack because she knows he will.
“Fine! Fine, lead the way.”
And she does, quietly, confidently, and so well Jack starts to wonder if she can actually sniff places out, or if she just has zero cares in the world. Probably both. 
When they stumble upon the entrance to the crypt, they find it’s half buried underground, only a small section open that someone would have to get down on all fours to crawl through into what looks like pure darkness. Basically, ‘do not enter’ is written on the doorway in bright red paint. With the added bonus of what looks like actual blood on some of the stones constructing it and lightly splashed over the Rosillo family name engraved in the stone across the top. They crouch by the entrance and peer inside.
“Should we?” Lissa whispers.
Jack hums and moves his lips side to side as he thinks. “I don’t know. Is it a bad idea?”
“…let’s do it.”
Lissa starts moving to jump but Jack second guesses his probably idiotic response and grabs her arm before she can throw herself headfirst into a dark, suspicious tunnel that might lead to hell or something.
“Wait wait. I’ll go first.”
She raises an eyebrow. “You. Really?”
“What! You don’t think I’d survive?”
Ignoring her offensive comment, Jack rolls his eyes and pushes her back. “Ok listen, I’ll go down and if I don’t respond in ten minutes, you go get someone for help.”
“You mean I can go down and find you.”
“Let’s pretend you’ll listen to me for once? Please?”
She laughs and it feels good to hear. She hooks her pinky around his and nods.
“Ok alright. Don’t die.”
Jack wraps her in a hug and tries not to make it too tight, too desperate. But she knows, she always does, and hugs him back equally fiercely. He pulls away and messes with her hair.
“I won’t.”
He salutes her before he starts crawling through the opening. There’s light inside, just enough that he can make out the slope of loose rocks that lead down from the opening just as he looses his balance. Suddenly, he’s tumbling down and landing flat on his back, pelted by some falling rocks from the pile. 
“Are you alive?!” Lissa yells down into the crypt and it reverberates too loud and worsens whatever headache he can feel coming on. 
Jack groans and rolls onto his side, the bruises already making themselves known. “Yeah,” he shouts back, then mumbles, “painfully.”
“That was quite the fall.”
Jack yelps and leaps to his feet, stumbling back and falling over, again, back onto the pile of rocks. It hurts just as much as before, but now he’s stuck in a small enclosed area with a mystery man who’s standing not that far away from him,with no way of escape. Pain is about the last thing in his mind.
“Jack!” Lissa shouts.
The man presents his palms, but it’s hard to make out his face with just the light coming from the hallway. He says something incomprehensible while Jack blinks, disoriented, and stares for probably too long. 
The man seems to catch his mistake and shifts to perfect, albeit heavily accented, Spanish. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you don’t speak English.”
“Who the hell are you?” Jack asks, wrapping his hand around a stone and clutching it tightly.
The man sees the motion and inches backwards a bit, keeping his hands up. “I could ask you the same thing, kid. You just broke into my family’s crypt.”
Jack wrinkles his nose and takes in said crypt. The walls are made of stone, arching in and poorly lit by sparse torches along the walls. There’s a single hallway of coffins on both sides. It’s… normal. Jack isn’t sure what he was expecting. 
He turns his attention back to the man. “Technically the entrance was open, I just walked in. And this is my family’s crypt. So who are you?”
The man cocks his head a bit, like he’s listening for something, then tilts it up like he’s… sniffing the air? Jack’s probably just imagining things. 
“Philip Russell.”
Jack raises an eyebrow and pushes himself to his feet, with a bit of effort and moves further into the crypt but stays away from Philip. “Who?”
“Uh, Felipe. Sorry, I know our family can be a bit…” he trails off and shrugs, “funny with names.” 
That rings some bells. A memory of a letter from someone, Philip written on the shredded envelope and Sinceramente, Felipe at the very bottom of the page. Mamá would always scoff and toss it out with the rest of the trash. 
Philip points. “And you’re—“
“Jack!!” Lissa yells again.
Jack sighs and hums. Philip nods. “Right.” 
Philip moves slightly, just enough so the light shines on his face and he looks… like Jack. Or, more like Lissa, but she always took more after their father, apparently. Dark features, some height for her age, an expression like they always know what you mean because Lissa always does. He looks like family. Jack doesn’t drop the rock. Philip notices.
“I’m not gonna kill you kid,” he says lightheartedly, “and I think you would’ve done a good enough job of that, braining yourself on those rocks.”
As if on cue, Lissa comes falling down into the crypt, prompting Jack to go and help her.
“Like that,” Philip says from behind.
Once she’s up and has dusted off her dress, Lissa squints and points accusingly at him. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Lissa,” Jack groans and rubs his eyes. “Whatever happened to staying outside and going for help?”
She shrugs, a little too nonchalantly for potentially being stuck in the crypt with someone who’s relation to them they still don’t know. “You’re really turning into Mamá now.”
“Wow, wait you’re Gregory’s kids?” he exclaims, then claps excitedly. “You’re both so grown! I’m your tío, I met you both when you were, hm what was it a decade ago?”
“When I was six,” Jack supplies tiredly.
“Yeah! Gosh you were both so cute. Do you remember me?” He smiles and holds out his hands but they both just stare. He sighs and relents. “You look like you have questions.”
“I don’t—“
“Why are you American?” Lissa blurts out.
Philip reels back, then barks out a startled laugh. “I’m as American as you.”
“So… not at all?” She continues. Jack pinches her arm and shoots her a look, but Philip’s already answering.
“Hm, depends on who you ask, when you ask it, and how you do the asking. But is Mexico not in the Americas? What are they teaching you in school these days…”
She flushes and huffs. “It is. I meant—“
“I know, kid. I moved there. Hm, really my family moved there when I was young. Hence why our last name is Russell, not Rosillo. Made it easier to find work and all. It was me, my parents, my… older brother.”
Their father, Jack can fill in. “Why are you here?”
Philip raises his eyebrows and looks over his shoulder, at the end of the hall where it’s especially well lit. “To honor our ancestors. The same reason why I assume you're here, despite Laura definitely telling you to stay away.”
Jack cringes. “How’d you know?”
“Some things never change. Your mother is no different.”
He knows that. Too well.
Lissa leans out and stumbles forward, squinting at the light. “What’s down there?”
Philip follows her gaze. “Your father.”
“In a way.” He beckons them on and they follow, Jack leading with Lissa close behind him.
They walk to the end of the hallway, past walls lined with coffin upon coffin, different names and remembrances carved beneath each slot they’re slid into. Some of the coffins shake along the way, some bang. Lissa jumps; Jack tries very hard to stay calm. 
“Is that normal?” He asks, pointing at one of the shaking coffins.
Philip stops and glances at it. “The dead sometimes become restless.”
Lissa inches closer to one and reaches out. “Sh-shouldn’t we let them out—?”
Her hand is snatched away before her fingertips can grace the edge of the coffin. Philip lets her go as fast as he grabbed her and says, flatly: “The dead are dead for a reason. They are meant to stay that way.”
He continues on, but it’s nearly impossible to not hear the shaking and banging, the echoing sounds compounding into screams. Jack doesn’t think of it that way. He doesn’t.
They come to a stop at the end of the hall, before a statue of a saint, hooded, face covered, head bowed, and holding a bowl half filled with water dripping from the ceiling. Gregory Russell is inscribed at the base of it, along with several other names that look centuries older. Jack looks back at the face of the statue. It’s crying. 
“You know, I knew your mom before your dad met her,” Philip continues.
Jack balks. “Really?”
“Ah well. Laura and I go… way back. But your dad was a better fit for her. A bit less… wild, I guess.”
Lissa snorts but it’s halfhearted. She keeps looking behind her, at the now still, quiet coffins. “You do seem pretty boring.”
Philip chuckles again, tight. “Anyone told you you look just like your dad?”
“Only when I’m here.” She looks more intently at the name that Jack’s been staring at, crouches down and traces the loops and letters with her fingers. “Do you know what happened to our father?”
“You don’t know?”
Jack answers for them. “No.”
Philip sucks in a breath and mutters something too low to hear that sounds like a countdown from two before he drags a hand over his face and sighs. “I’ll tell you a story.”
“Please no, I’ve heard…” Jack digs his nails into his palms and forces himself calm again, “I’ve heard enough.”
But everyone seems intent on telling him every tale without actually saying anything. Philip gives him a long look and his face hardens. “If you’re saying that then you haven’t. You have to know. You have to remember.”
He wets his lips and glances at the statue, then back at Jack before straightening and inhaling deeply.
“There were two brothers. Think of them like Cain and Abel.”
“You’re telling us Cain and Abel?” Lissa drawled.
“Listen,” he snaps with more than a little fury and frustration, with a lot of fear. Lissa grips Jack’s hand harder. “They fought over everything. Money, authority, women. Birthright. Until one day, something changed. The eldest he—“ He shakes his head. “He killed someone. He nearly killed the younger brother. He had him inches within death and then…”
Jack swallows hard. “What stopped him?”
“…I don’t know. I don’t know.” 
The crypt is too big, too stagnant. The air smells like iron, rust drips down the walls in cascades of red. The statue sobs.
“What happened next? To the older brother.”
[He ran and ran and by the time morning beamed upon the land and he’d found shelter he was done running, but he could not stop. The eldest brother would continue running until the breath left his lungs, replaced with moonlight that he never drank but was forced to carry in his blood, in his heart. Replaced with that upon which he would gasp and choke, and die.]
“He died.” 
The crypt is too small, too narrow. The air feels like ice and it burns his skin. The statue wails.
“A-and the younger?”
[Three shots rang out and by the time he turned back, by the time he got there, all that was left of the elder sibling, whatever he’d become, was a pool of blood seeping between the cobblestones and staining the street. And the casings of three silver bullets.]
“Never saw him again.”
    They walk back in silence. Somewhere along the way Lissa gets tired, so Jack wordlessly crouches so he can carry her on his back, where she fights hard not to doze off but inevitably loses the battle. They make it back well into dinner and the look on Mamá’s face as they walk in, covered in dirt and sweat and twenty minutes late, is everything and nothing like he could’ve imagined. She doesn’t react, not like how she’d be expected to. There’s no yelling and stomping or even a change in her expression. She keeps smiling after hearing whatever joke someone just told her and holds it while she pins him with a stare.
She’s furious. Jack knows.
She excuses herself when he goes to put Lissa down on the sofa, letting her yank his arm and drag him outside, well away from the venue and windows, into a dimly lit shed that’s too cramped for two people. Her voice is too loud, the light hurts Jack’s eyes, and his head hurts almost as much as his chest does. It’s hard to breathe.
“Where the hell were you?” she hisses, low and steady. “Don’t lie.”
He wasn’t planning on it, but that makes fire rise from his feet past his heart to his mouth.
“The crypt,” he spits, “that’s where.”
“I told you—“
“I know what you said but you never told me why and I…” He tempers himself a little, tries to stay calm. “I spoke to Tío Philip.”
Her expression darkens, mouth tight. “Felipe.”
He stops his face from twisting. “He told me about my father, and—“
“You had no reason to speak to him.”
“It’s not like you would tell me anything. And everyone here just recalls these-these stories and half of them are lies and the other half are—“
‘What are you?’
He clamps his mouth shut and moves to wipe the sweat off his face when Mamá grabs a hold of his wrist.
“What do you want to hear?” she snaps. “That he was shot dead in the street like an animal? That we couldn’t have a funeral because they stole his body? That your family acts like nothing happened when it was their fault, when it will be their fault?! He’s dead, Jacob, let him rest.”
Jack rips his arm out of her grip and moves back to brace himself against the table and lets the anger speak. “You’re allowed to have a picture but I can’t even get one solid memory? Everyone here tells me stories Mamá, you tell me stories, but I don’t know what’s real—“
She shakes her head and mumbles, “They’re all real and none of them are.”
“I don’t understand!”
“You aren’t meant to! For God’s sake you are a child, you don’t need to—“
“Don’t you see that I do! I—I don’t know who I’m supposed to be… I don’t get it, you don’t—you don’t treat Lissa like this.”
Mamá’s face goes flat. She shakes her head more fervently and her voice wavers almost as much, her tone pressing. “She’s not the same, she isn’t— you are my first born. You are nearly eighteen. Do you understand what that means?”
Jack groans, “I don’t! I don’t and everyone keeps telling me I should but no one will tell me why. Why Mamá? Why are we here? Why—why can’t I go down to the crypt or talk to Lupe? Why—“
She yells then. “Because I said so! Because I’m trying to keep you safe and you seem intent on doing everything in your power to get yourself killed!” 
Like your father. 
She doesn’t say it. She doesn’t need to. She still clamps a hand over her mouth as if she did. She shuts her eyes against the tears that are shed regardless and she falls to her knees at his feet.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry…” she mutters between sobs, grabbing his hands. “Forgive me please forgive me.”
She wipes her face with her dress and looks up at him, face still shiny. She pleads. “Let’s leave, let’s… Let’s leave.”
    They leave Oaxaca before the main course, after awkward goodbyes to family members Jack will probably forget again and whose names he won’t care to remember. 
“I’ll see you soon,” Lupe tells him, grabbing his hand loosely but stopping him in his tracks. They sit at the head of the table, but no one looks their way. They let him go with a grin. “Vaya con Dios.”
He tries not to run.
Mamá drives, even if she’s been awake for almost twenty hours. She slips behind the wheel and starts the car without a word. Jack puts Lissa in the back, now clear of things, and she hardly stirs, only mumbling once to dreamily ask if it’s Christmas yet. He tells her no and sets his jacket over her, then sits in the passenger seat. He looks out the window and watches them pull away, the venue growing smaller and dimmer, its warm glowing lights making the stark white walls seem inviting, before eventually, it disappears around a corner, hidden by trees. The road blurs by, everything blends into itself, and with the moon out of sight, out of mind, Jack drifts.
He wakes twice. The first time still feels like a half-dream he can’t remember. He’s leaning against the door, the top of his head pressed to the window and neck aching. Someone is singing.
“Hoy me tengo que ir mi amor…”
It’s familiar. It’s warm, it’s bright. It’s a weight on the edge of his bed, hands tucking him in, his name. It’s Jack, mi hijo. It’s a face, a smile. Not Mamá’s, it’s... Memories that fade just as suddenly as he remembers. And a song, a lullaby.
“A solas yo te cantaré soñando en regresar.”
The second time is more solid. The car is stopped, he’s lying on the center console, and there’s a hand, fingers running through his hair. Gently, easily. Whispers of apologies and quiet cries that trail off into silence. Mamá falls asleep. Jack stays awake.
Something pokes his shoulder. He carefully shifts to look behind him at Lissa, on her knees in the backseat, crouched low.
“Hey,” she says.
He exhales quietly. 
“Is Mamá asleep?”
He blinks and carefully nods.
She points outside. “Can we?”
He chews on his lip, closes his eyes, musters the courage, and nods again. Once Lissa’s climbed out and up onto the roof of the car, Jack carefully moves Mamá’s hand from his head and places it in her lap. He looks at her for a beat. Tear tracks stain her cheeks, her eyes red. The picture of his father is held loosely in her other hand. Jack reaches in the backseat for his jacket and drapes it over her. Before he gets out, he presses a kiss to her temple.
“Took you long enough,” Lissa grins once he’s settled beside her.
He runs his tongue across his teeth and nods.
She scoots closer. “Are you ok?”
Yes, he wants to say. But he looks up and there the moon is. Waning. And it should be comforting, that it isn’t full, that’s it’s not a spotlight shining only and directly on him. But—
He shuts his eyes and hopes it’s dark enough that he can pretend there aren’t any tears, that there’s nothing wrong because there isn’t. There isn’t. 
Lissa throws her arms around him and he buries his head in her shoulder and, for the first time in what feels like forever, he feels safe.
She falls asleep and just before he does, he carries her back inside the car and settles in the backseat, with her on his lap and Mamá still settled in the front. Then, he closes his eyes.
And he dreams. Of a shoreline, where the sun sits low but time feels wrong. There’s no pull of moonlight, no force making his bones shiver and ache. But the comfort of sunshine is a faded memory and he’s stuck in limbo between the two. Someone whispers behind him, words he doesn’t want to understand so he keeps looking at the sea and wishing, praying for anything but night, for anyone who’ll listen, but it doesn’t come. What comes instead is her voice.
Jack, she says, and he glances up to see her, wading through the water to him. Jack.
Her fingertips ghost along his cheekbone, tracing the outline of him, reminding him. To focus. To remember.
To change.
The sun is up far before him, already moving across the sky, stretched and spread comfortably above. Not dusk, not dawn. Morning.
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pearlhart · 1 year
Chapters: 27/33 Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Levi/Eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman/Eren Yeager Characters: Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Eren Yeager, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoë, Kenny Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Isabel Magnolia, Furlan Church, Jean Kirstein, Mike Zacharias, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Ymir (Shingeki no Kyojin), Nanaba (Shingeki no Kyojin), Sasha Blouse, Connie Springer, Petra Ral, Pieck Finger, Porco Galliard, Hitch Dreyse, Annie Leonhart, Reiner Braun Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Dubious Consent, Alpha Eren Yeager, Omega Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Mating Bites, Mating Bond, Alpha Erwin Smith, Slow Burn, Blood and Violence, Scent Marking, Possessive Behavior, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Character Death, Gore, Depression, Angst, Obsessive Behavior, Trauma, Alpha commands, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Gun Violence, Mutual Pining, One-Sided Levi/Erwin Smith, ereri is endgame, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements Summary:
Fifteen years ago, Trost was devastated by the great Clan Wars that nearly annihilated the entire city. To protect the regular citizens of Trost, the Clans remain in an uneasy ceasefire behind their heavily guarded perimeters. But the clans still move in the shadows, recruiting and kidnapping to bolster their numbers, biding their time for another war- the war that will crown one clan supreme.
Levi of the Ackerman clan does not remember a time beyond the perimeters. He is the best at what he does and he fulfills his duty without question- until the day he is introduced to an alpha who brings with him the scent of the ocean.
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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Digimon T.C.G (Trading Card Game) {Revival} ~ HerakleKabuterimon (Sample Card) {From here!}
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schoolhater · 29 days
I met this nice girl through my college friend. She's my friend's childhood best friend and I had heard so much about her so I was really excited to finally meet her. The three of us hung out at a stupid school-sponsored event into the late hours of the night, drinking soda and eating pizza and getting to know each other. At the end of it, she entered into a raffle and ended up winning free tickets to Disneyland. We celebrated and parted ways. It was the highlight of that semester.
A few months later, Israel began dropping bombs on her family home. I watched from afar as her entire life fell apart and her family was displaced and killed. Every time I asked how she was doing, she was doing bad.
In Palestine, as in a lot of places in the world, it is shameful to ask for money. A little bit after the war began, I passed a message along to her family offering to help raise funds for their evacuation, but they declined saying that they didn't want pity from anyone. Now it seems like they're running out of options.
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My friend has already lost so much so please spare her the additional indignity of asking for help and not receiving it. I can't imagine how soul crushing it would be to do something you believe to be shameful and for your effort to go to waste.
Their goal is only $5000 and they've already raised ~$820, I don't see why we can't raise the full amount within the next week.
Verified by the fact that this is literally my IRL. DM me if u wanna see her Instagram or other contact info proving she's real. Tumblr is a rather unsafe place for Palestinians so I'd rather not publicize all her personal info but I've been pretty careful with the fundraisers I boost on this blog so I hope you can trust me here.
EDIT 08/24/24:
Thank you all so much for your support. You have no idea what it means to me after so many months of witnessing zionist attacks both online and off, to see so many people come together and commit to helping someone I care about without a single zionist comment. There’s nothing but love here.
My friend reached her goal early this morning and I even saw people encouraging others to keep donating because they realized her family would need more. I am truly moved by this incredible show of compassion from everyone.
As you can imagine, life in Gaza is becoming increasingly more expensive. My friend has raised her goal to $10000 - let’s keep this train going and get her there within a week 🙏
@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe 
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako 
@feluka @terroristiraqis @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria 
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees 
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @marnota @7bitter @tortiefrancis 
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @evillesbianvillain
@aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts 
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat 
@watermotif @stuckinapril @violentrevolution @mavigator @lacecap 
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates2
@papenathys @slicedblackolives @heliopixels @nimbooz @hiveswap 
@irhabiya @feluka @anneemay @tumkaafiho @fleshdyk3 
@balaclava-trismegistus @heritageposts @ripley-stark @paandaan 
@itsfookingloosah @rooh-afza @shesnake @akajustmerry @himejoshikaeya
@rainbowsnowflake @saint-oleander @f4rfields @cassandragemini
@fitzfunnymoments @skunkes @asharestupid @jonpertwee
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carlosdropshot · 1 year
i've seen wout lose races and stages this same exact way several times before it doesn't move me anymore jshshdhsj
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goga-grusha · 1 year
im gonna talk for a hot minute
#im so shocked by what i’ve become#i basically run a shop now. as an immigrant. i came here a year ago and i’ve been working in this shop for a month and now i kinda#run this business?? insane#And i have a boyfriend. first of all i thought i was a lesbian. second of all he barely speaks english. what#coincidentally we’ve been seeing each other for a month now#we do the straightest things possible (fuck and ride a motorcycle a lot)#before me he was seeing a femboy and i only had serious relationships with girls#im doing quite a bit of networking#bringing the slavic immigrant communities together#so kinda like assembling the undeground antiputin activists together Again#and i keep attending different markets as a seller#i cannot stress this enough i am very much mentally ill but since i have no time to think about anything other than. there’s a person#in front of me i gotta interact with#i have no chance to spiral into panic. i haven’t had a panic attack in a while but im also incredibly active#for like 10 months i was just as miserable as ever#and now im active busy and happy??? wtf#not to mention all the background shit like being harassed and stalked at work by a dude i met on tinder#or finally having access to music instruments#the point is i am truly somewhere i never thought i’d be and it’s very weird and doesn’t feel like this is me#yet i practically got rid of my psychosomatic illnesses#which is also something i did not think i would have ever achieved#so the solution was to chage completely and lose the old version of myself?#find a job and a partner and never think about anything else ever again?#who would have thunk
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ozzgin · 3 months
Little Red Riding Hood except they’re consenting adults and the big bad (were)wolf wants to bang red instead of eating her alive. Sorry if you already did something like that, I’m just curious if you think my concept is interesting.
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This has reminded me of the time I played Wytchwood and foamed at the mouth when I stumbled upon the bad Wolf who courts maidens at the tavern, only to eat them back at his house. I didn't use Tumblr at the time, so I suffered in silence. Perhaps now is finally my time to pass on this brainrot. Content: female (adult) reader, witch reader, violence!, The Wolf from Wytchwood
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The Wolf is a notorious regular at the Village Tavern. He's a brash criminal with an appetite for maidens, yet no one dares to oppose his vicious attacks. The village hunter carries his silver bullets with trembling hands: he knows better than to anger the beast. He'd be torn to shreds before he could even pull the trigger.
The Wolf is a drooling mess when he sees you enter the tavern. A new face, how unexpected. Might you be a traveler? Not for long. He grins to himself, tongue rolling out as if to have a taste of your scent. His ears perk up, and he approaches you with a slight sway of the hips, almost like a predatory stance.
The Wolf is taken aback by your brazen indifference. People normally squirm and shiver under his gaze. Will you keep your smile when he's pulling your innards apart, one by one, savoring their taste? You observe him with calculated eyes. This must be the famed killer of the village. You extend your hand, and let him guide you to his home in the deep, dark woods.
The Wolf stumbles in his steps. He rubs his eyes, snout furrowed in disbelief. Were you not in his grip just a second ago? "You're a witch", he finally concludes with a snarl. You chuckle. You may not match his brute strength, but you can easily escape his primitive hunt using your tricks and spells. It'll be a pointless chase, truly. His murderous rampage ends here.
The Wolf approaches you again with newfound resolve. "You cannot eat me", you state factually. Oh, but he no longer holds such a desire. To think this little red riding hood would end up being such a tease! No, no, he has other plans now. His eyes glimmer with a peculiar kind of appetite, a different kind of lust. You raise your eyebrows, intrigued. There certainly is something endearing about a powerful monster begging to have you. The defiant stare has now softened into a pleading, ardent look, his claws tugging at your robe.
It seems that there are more ways in which a maiden can be eaten.
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evilminji · 4 months
Okay but? We of the DPxDC? Are COMPLETELY Sleeping on DPXBNHA?
And not even for the Main Plot Shenanigans!
Just?? It has ALL of DC's super powers? But MORE OF THEM. And like 80% of the population has um! Danny can?? Finally achieve his DREAM of being???
Yeah, he's in Japan. That's a bit of a learning curve. And YEAH, there was a cataclysmic war like a few centuries back that sorta... fucked everybody up. No one wants to talk about it. There may be mass graves and Never Forget memorials. But?
This place seems utopian!
No ghost hunters! Advanced technology! Robust social services*!
Wait... what was that asterisk? What do you mean "corrupt shadowy government organizations"? What do you MEAN "Immortal Supervillians"? NO SPACE PROGRAM!?!? AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!? I'M IN HELL!!! This is ACTUALLY THE BAD PLACE, THIS IS HELL, OH GOD NOOOOOOO-!!!!!!
Cause see?
There are SO MANY REASONS he'd end up there?
Think about it! Wish that he lived somewhere his weird biology wouldn't exclude him from becoming an astronaut? In Quirks having Bnha Japan EVERYBODY has weird biology! Y'ain't special! You could TOTALLY be an astronaut!..... if we HAD those! We do not. Shut down that program during the Quirk Wars and never really started it again. (And somewhere, Desiree LAUGHS)
Or MAYBE? Things are getting a little hot on the ground? Bit TOO spicy. The Family Fenton and Friends have fallen back, behind the barely holding shields. Not even the Mansons considerable political maneuvering could stop the inevitably of human fear and blind unthinking hatred. Money can't buy everything, in the end. There is only ONE(1) way out.
Through the Zone.
Plan: Strangers In A Strange World is a go.
They're all Limnal enough to fake it. Sam with her plants. Tucker with his technology and persuasion. Jazz with her limited empathy. Their parents with their... well, weirdness. And with a touch of ghostly assisted meddling? Well, they've always BEEN there! Haven't they?
And that's not to MENTION the random 4 year olds with no control! JUST coming into their powers! With all those big emotions in tiny bodies? Startling events and tantrums? Villian attacks? What could THEY possibly hope to do to control or guide that fresh new power? It does what it does and the rest of us are just along for the ride!
If Danny happens to be minding his business and gets accidentally kidnapped by a VERY distraught 4 year old? Well, that's hardly the KIDS fault, now is it? They're FOUR! That is basically a toddler! Tiny child! They are upset, confused, and didn't mean to do ANYTHING. He's a hero. And Heros don't blame little kids from accidents, no matter HOW stressed it makes them.
No, the curse like a sailor INSIDE their head. Like an ADULT.
Just? Imagine~☆
The slow transition from *starry eyed shoujo sparkles* "This is SO COOL~!" to "huh, that's... kinda weird. And Sus. Weird Sus. Maybe nothing... oh! A distraction!" To "okay, this KEEPS happening, that was shady. You all saw that right? You realize that's not NORMAL, right? That that's fucked up? Not cool?" To "oh god, oh God, OH GOD! I'm in HELL! This is actually HELL! I'm trapped in HELL!!! WHAT THE FUC-"
Like? This kid LOVES space. LOVES the stars. And this is one of the few Superhero Cannon that SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS that IN CANNON? Thanks to Quirks? As in Superpowers? That VERY THING got fuckin SCRAPPED. Gutted. Consigned to be a relic of the past so they could all focus on punching each other Real Good.
He would weep BLOOD. Chew the WALLS. The LEVEL of unhinged this child would unleash? Not as Danny Phantom... but as DANNY J. FENTON? Beautiful. Vaguely psychotic. Definitely doing the Fenton Name proud. God, the NOISE HE WOULD MAKE would be inhuman and yet somehow? Come entirely from his human half.
They👏 Would👏 Hear👏 BOSS👏 MUSIC👏
I don't even know if he'd CARE about the main characters. They'd be tangential at best. The man would be in a one man war with I-Island over their lack of space program and hoarding of scientific progress. Probably living out of an abandoned building or forgotten subway station. Just? The MOST bedraggled, feral genius to ever haunt Japan.
As opposed to the REFINED feral genius. Who is Nedzu.
I bet Danny stands outside his school at one AM waving his scientific papers at a camera and YELLS. Like a deranged lunatic. Mismatched slippers and a "haven't slept in a week" crazed glint in his eyes.
He's Nedzu's new best friend. They GET each other.
And, yes, Nedzu COULD let him in... but it's faster to just let him yell and read the papers through the camera. Who CARES if they both seem insane! Let's shout about advanced physics and engineering at 1 am! Over the speakers!!! Oh? You need to physically SHOW me the notes? Well I COULD unlock the gates... OR just wait for you to finish scrambling up the walls like a feral Racoon, to then throw yourself OVER them.
Either, Or.
I'm just SAYING! We are SLEEPING on this! There is so, SO much fun to be had! Danny breaks rules and minds! His outrage over injustice and the complete lack of SPACE! His protection instincts going BUCK FUCKIN WILD. The INDESCRIBABLE hate boner he would have for Mr. "Lemme just rip parts of your soul out so I can collect your powers like pokemon cards" AfO.
There? Is SO MUCH, guys. SO MUCH!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
The middle of war.
Aemond Targaryen x Valyeron!reader
Summary: the reader was taken right under Aemond's nose. He's determined to get her back, no matter the consequences.
part 2
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Aemond was calm and calculated. 
Stern and Proud. 
But it all crashed violently when he returned from a dragon ride to see her gone. 
His wife. Gone. 
He growled at the guards to search the castle. 
She had to still be here. 
Y/n sat on the back of a horse with a hood over her head. She had her mother's silver hair, and the Strong curls that could be easily spotted from miles away, "He will have your head for this!" She said worriedly. 
"That is if he catches us before I get you back home," Jace said with a grin. 
"Jace, this is supposed to be my home," she reasoned. 
"But it's not. Your home is with us. With mother."
She leaned against his back, "She's going to be angry that you risked so much to get me."
"We will deal with it as it comes," he shrugged.
"And if Vhagar appears on Dragonstone's doorstep for me?"
When he doesn't answer, she continues, "Despite what you think, brother, I do love Aemond."
Jace stared straight ahead with a set jaw, "After all he's done?"
"Mother loves Daemon, does she not? He is hardly redeemable."
"Aemond killed Luke!"
"And Daemon had a child killed for it, Jace!" 
Silence swallowed the two as the horse rode on.
"But does he love you back?" Jace finally asked softly.
"I suppose we shall see, won't we?"
Aemond stormed into the throne room, "Brother!"
Aegon looked up from his friends with upshot eyebrows, "Aemond! Come join us for a drink!"
"Where is Cole?" Aemond asked coldly.
"I… I dunno, brother." Aegon shrugged. "Something the matter?"
He let out an angered chuckle, "'Something the matter?!' You sit here and drink while my wife is taken from her chambers."
Aegon's brow furrowed, "Taken? She's gone?"
Aemond couldn't sit by with idle chatter while she stayed missing. He turned on his heel and walked from the room. 
Jace had gotten them safely to Vermax, who had stayed miles away to avoid suspicion. Once the two mounted the dragon, the rest of the travel was easy. 
And they soon arrived at Dragonstone. 
Rheanyra's jaw almost dropped completely at the sight of her only daughter walking through the door. 
The entire council completely paused. 
"Mother," Jace smiled. "I have brought her back home."
Y/n braced for a scream. Yells from her mother. A stern talk. Something. 
She didn't expect a relieved hug. 
"Oh, my dear," Rheanyra almost sobbed into her hair. "I've been so worried."
Almost as quickly as the cooing had began, it had stopped. The queen slapped Jace on the shoulder, "What were you thinking?!"
"I've brought my sister- your daughter- home… and you're upset?" He asked confused. 
Her eyes narrowed, "Do you not think that Aemond will not wish to slay us all for this? It is an act of war!"
"Not if she came willingly," Jace shrugged. 
Daemon let out a breathy laugh, "That's not how Targaryens see things."
The entire council turned to Y/n, who could only stare. 
Word had quickly spread of the Princess's disappearance, and the truth had shown itself just as easily. 
A guard announced that he had seen a dragon fly off only a few miles from the castle.
Aemond threw his chalice at the wall, not caring for the wine that spilled from it.
The entirety of Aegon's council jumped at the sudden display of the otherwise collected man. 
"We shall send a raven," Alicent reasoned. "They will return her."
"Or what?" Aegon asked. "What punishment do we possibly have to threaten?"
"I will retrieve her myself," Aemond growled. "I will not have her bartered for as if she is a prized goat." 
"And what if that's what they are expecting?" Alicent said. "They either attack you there and kill our greatest dragon, or they are planning to ambush us here while you are away."
"I will not merely sit around. My wife was taken from her bed!" He roared.
"And we will get her back," Alicent rebutted. "Just give us time to gain a strategy."
"Strategy?" Aemond asked with a calming grin. "I care not for it this time. Let them take all of King's Landing for all I care-"
"Please, my prince." Cole finally chipped in. "We must act carefully."
"Do not speak to me as if you did not abandon your post the day she was taken!" Aemond stood. He began to walk around the table with a calm facade, "Tell me why you would dare abandon your post, Sir Cole." He leaned down behind him, "What were you doing rather than guarding the people you are sworn to?"
"Aemond, enough," Alicent warned. "I'm just getting started," Aemond sneered. 
Aegon sighed and leaned back in his chair, chugging the wine in his cup.
"Mother, you know they did not talk to strategy with me. And even if they did," Y/n shrugged. "I do not wish to be in any of this war."
"You are in the middle of it now," Rheanyra said.
She looked to Jace and cocked her head, "That is not from any fault of mine."
Jace held his hands up, "You are my sister and you belong here."
"Do not force her to pick a side, Jace." Their mother reprimanded. "She is a Targaryen by blood and a Targaryen by marriage. Do not make her choose one now."
"And if Aemond comes looking for her?" Jace asked. 
Rheanyra looked between her children, "Then you will go back peacefully."
Jace's eyes widened, "You will not just let her be taken?!"
"It is not taken if she goes willingly!" Rheanyra sneered at him. "Is that not what you said only days ago?"
Aemond laid for the tenth night on the bed that she had once slept next to him in. 
He stared at the ceiling.
It felt cold. 
He let out a sigh before grunting and getting up in an angered huff. 
The sun would be up in only a few hours. 
Perhaps they wouldn't notice him until he's gone. 
Y/n couldn't sleep that night. 
She had woken up hours before the sun, getting dressed, eating an early breakfast and spent her time reading by candlelight in her bay window. 
The sun had began to rise and she welcomed the feeling of its rays on her through the window.
But it flickered for just a moment before she heard cries from the guards. 
Her head shot up to look out of the window. 
She quickly got up, tying her shoes as quickly as she could and ran down the corridor, despite the yells from the guards at her door. 
They had all been caught off guard by the hour of Vhagar's appearance, and no one had proper defense against her. 
But strangely enough, Aemond had landed her not far from the doors to Dragonstone. He stood on top of her saddle patiently for Rheanyra to appear.
But when it was his wife running to him, he felt his heart jolt. 
He slid down Vhagar as quickly as possible and held out his arms for her. 
He grunted from the impact of her body against his, but it was far from unwelcome. 
One of his hands found purchase around her waist tightly and the other cradled the back of her head as she tucked her face against his neck. 
Only then did Rheanyra appear. 
She stood on top of one of the walls, overlooking the two. 
Aemond's hands did not move, but his head rose proudly, as if challenging her to defy him now. His voice was soft so only his wife could hear, "Mount Vhagar."
She pulled away and wiped her cheeks, "W.. What?"
"Mount Vhagar now," he commanded as he continued his glare.
Y/n quickly moved to the beast. Since Aemond had introduced her to Vhagar, the dragon had found a love for her. Aemond worried that sometimes his own dragon cared for his wife more than him. 
 But at this moment, he hoped that she truly did. 
Next to Rheanyra now stood Daemon with a bow and arrow in hand, the arrow notched and the string pulled back. It was aimed directly at him. 
Aemond felt a chuckle bubble from his throat. A single arrow against a dragon?
"Take her back, Aemond!" Rheanyra commanded loudly from the wall.
Aemond tilted his head with a light hum in thought. It was too easy. 
That's when Daemon moved his bow and aimed directly at Y/n atop Vhagar. 
"What are you doing?" Rheanyra muttered to Daemon. 
"Whatever I have to." He muttered back. 
Aemond felt a fire light behind his eyes. He studied mathematics quite a bit. If he were to call Vhagar to light the castle, would Daemon have time to release the arrow?
He feared that he did. 
But the girl's own mother wouldn't allow this to happen, would she? 
Aemond was beginning to think that she would. 
"Aemond, please." Y/n called from the saddle. 
"I do not retreat so easily, my love."
"It is not a retreat if you have what you've set out for!" She called back. 
He hummed as he thought over it before nodded and moving back to the dragon. 
He began to climb Vhagar. 
"You're lucky that worked," Rheanrya sighed. 
"I'm not done yet," Daemon smiled. 
"What do you mean?"
The man smiled, "You'll see."
Aemond now mounted Vhagar, set behind his wife as he had done so many times before. He tightened her ties to the dragon before tying his own around his legs.
He leaned forward to her ear, but never took his eyes off of the two atop the wall, "Are you alright?"
She nodded, "I'm fine."
He relaxed just barely at that. "Alright. Hold on now." He grabbed the ropes in a firm grip before shouting, "Sōvēs! (Fly!)"
Vhagar began to move, unfolding her wings and pushing from the ground. 
Y/n let out a surprised laugh, as she does every time, but Aemond is far from gleeful. 
Daemon had yet to drop his bow. 
Perhaps this war would be over if he just commended dragon fire on all of them now. 
But Vhagar made quick work of getting in the air, and only then did the Prince begin to relax. 
He made the dragon circle Dragonstone once with a smirk.
But Daemon's smirk grew. 
Rheanyra noticed. "What are you doing? Daemon don't-"
The arrow shot from the bow. 
Aemond noticed it at the last second, pulling at the ropes in an attempt to block it with the tough hide of the dragon.
When he didn't see it whiz past their heads, he let out a sigh. 
Y/n let out a gut wrenching scream. 
Aemond leaned forward immediately, looking over her shoulder to see the arrow that had lodged itself into her stomach. 
He let out a scream of his own, feeling his entire body flood with grief. 
He looked down as they passed Daemon, who held the proudest smirk he'd ever seen a human wear. 
But Rheanyra's hand was held over her mouth in horror. 
Aemond's eye flickered with a lit fire as he began to pull the ropes for Vhagar to circle again to kill them all. 
Y/n's hand moved up. It shook violently as she tried to will herself to touch the arrow in her. 
Aemond grunted at her, "Don't touch it."
She let out a whine in pain and frustration as her body leaned back against his.
He doesn't have time to release dragon fire on them all now. 
"Naejot! (Forward!)" He yelled at the dragon, who pushed forward past Dragonstone.
Every second had become precious. 
Aemond shouted at Vhagar every few moments in urgency, and only then was he so relieved that he had one of the largest dragons in the world for her quick travels. 
The woman's cheeks paled and her forehead had developed a thick layer of sweat.
Aemond was beyond panic. 
They landed a few hours later at King's Landing and he began shouting commands at guards as he untied her from the dragon.
Aemond made no move to leave her side. 
Still covered in sweat and grime and his riding gear, he stood in their chambers silently and watched as the maesters worked to ease her wounds.
Alicent stood not far behind from him, "Will she make it-"
"-GET OUT!" Aemond's voice cracked from the volume. He had practically lost it long before from commanding Vhagar so harshly. 
Alicent flinched, "A… Aemond, I-"
He turned around to her, "I said get out."
The queen regent moved to say more, but knew better, and nodded, leaving the room.
Two hours later, the maester finally spoke to the Prince, "We believe she will make it. There is no fever in the wound. If she survives the night, she will make a full recovery."
Aemond hums, "and what may I do to ensure that she does?"
The maester thought for a moment, "Maintain her temperature. Do not anger the wound. And when she wakes, do not let her move or get carried away in extreme emotions."
The prince hummed again, "Thank you."
The maester nodded, "Of course, my prince."
They all soon took their leave, leaving only the prince and the unconscious princess.
The night was torturous for the prince. 
He would never will himself to sleep. He worried that each breath could be her last. 
Deep into the night, she finally stirred. "Ae… Aemond?" She asked groggily.
He managed a smile and sat next to her on the bed, "Hello, my love."
She looked around before pushing herself up.
His hand quickly moved to her shoulder and pushed her down, "Woah, woah, woah. You must remain down."
She let herself fall back down on the bed, "It hurts."
"I know it does," he cooed. His fingers brushed the hair from her forehead. 
"I'm sorry I left."
"I'm sorry you were able to."
The two stared at one another for a while before Aemond stood. He opened the door and spoke to the guard, "Have a raven sent to Rheanyra. Tell her the princess will live."
He quickly returned to her side, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. "I've never been scared before, my love."
"Me too" she hummed. "What if that arrow had hit you?"
He leaned back with a confused look. Of all things, she was worried for him? 
"You disappear from our chambers with no trace and then when I do find you, you have an arrow shot in you, and yet you believe I am worried that I may have been the one injured?"
She hummed again, "You should apologize to Vhagar. You shouted at her so harshly."
Aemond couldn't stop the chuckle from escaping him, "You worry for my dragon as well?"
"I cannot help it." She mused.
"If I apologize to Vhagar, will you promise me not to leave again?"
She considers his words, then nods.
He smiles and pulled her hand up, kissing the back of it, "Thank you."
Perhaps the two wouldn't choose sides to the war at all. It only ends in destruction and dragon fire for all who dare. 
And as long as the two had one another, they didn't believe that to be too bad.
part 2
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rafedaddy01 · 17 days
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Summary: you show rafe the little surprise you got just for him, and he can’t get over it
Warnings: smut! smut! smut!
“Rafey.. I have a surprise for you” you whisper into your boyfriend’s ear as he sleeps soundly in your shared bed. “Wake up”
“Mmm, baby? You finally home”
You’re a little tipsy from the night out you had with your girls. “Look, I got this just for you”
Rafes eyes suddenly pop open, wide awake from his sound slumber, “holy shit-“ he groans as he stares at your perfectly supple breasts and down the middle you have his initial R with a heart next to it. His dick immediately standing at attention.
“Do you.. do you like it?” Your suddenly nervous as his expression gives no hope of him liking it but rather of shock. “It was stupid, I- I was a little drunk, and-“
He cuts you off with a kiss, sloppy and filled with utter lust as his tongue speaks to you the words he isn’t able to communicate. “This is the hottest thing you could do. Marking your body as my territory, all mine”
He lifts you onto his lap as his lips attack yours once again, his big hands fall to your hips as he grinds your body’s together. Your tight little club dress riding up your thighs and exposing your pantyless crotch against his hard cock.
You moan into his mouth and he devours it.
Both of you are animalistic as you kiss like your starved. Like you can’t get enough air, mouths open wide and tongues fighting for dominance.
You can’t even pull away as your hands work down his boxers and you grip his cock, rubbing his angry mushroom tip against your sore and needy clit. You whine as you feel an electric shock of pleasure shoot up your spine.
Rafes lips move down your neck and chest, when he gets to the tattoo he kisses it softly and it makes your insides melt. When his lips latch onto your right nipple you push down on his cock and both of you groan from the stretch.
You give yourself a minute before you start rocking, feeling how good he stretches you open the more you push down on him. He continues to suck on your sensitive nipple before moving to the left one and sucking harsher.
You’re bouncing ferociously at this point. The slapping sound of skin filling your room, the slick of both your juices (mostly yours) slipping down your thighs and onto rafe and the bed as it acts as lube.
“Close” you whimper as your legs shake and tremble with pleasure. Rafe grips onto your hips and your palms smack flat against his chest for stability.
He starts thrusting up into you and taking over as you fall against his rock hard body, nuzzling your face into his neck and kissing.
He’s pounding so hard below you that the bed moves and squeaks and the headboard bangs repeatedly against the wall.
All that’s heard is your moans and small squeaks of Rafes and yes’s before you have the most mind blowing orgasm ever.
He doesn’t stop thrusting up into you until his own release hits him and he lets a strings of groans and I love yous fall out into the air.
You feel the warmth immediately, his cum painting your insides white and making you feel warm and fuzzy and safe.
His thrusts slow as he keeps his cock in you and the cum drips out of you and all over him and the bed, but none of you care as both of you doze off into the night. 
@f4ll-for-you @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv @starkeysheart @wearemadeofstardust0 @theoraekenslover
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kyletogaz · 3 months
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poly!141 x plus-sized fem!reader
idk i was delirious when i wrote this, it’s terrible.
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was thinking about therapist!reader who’s sleeping with four of her favorite patients, consequences be damned. :(
yes, you’re getting your back blown out by the boys. they don’t even know you’re sucking & fucking all four of them. and why would they??
the only person who needs to know the connection is you. the 141 does not discuss their therapy sessions with each other. it’s always, “how did therapy go?”
“it was shit.” of course it was kyle. he barely payed attention. he’s either staring at your tits or trying to catch a glimpse of your panties when you wear skirts.
they’ll get a gruff, “the usual,” from john and nothing more.
johnny, kyle, and john are lucky if they even get a grunt out of simon. he’s tight-lipped about his therapy sessions.
they’re all amused when they get a scowl from johnny, which is followed by an, “if i have tae talk about mah feelings one more time.”
they do know that they’ve been getting their dicks wet a lot lately, but not from each other (it makes johnny sad that he hasn’t sucked simon off or had kyle bouncing on his cock in a while).
johnny and kyle brag about you giving them the best and the sloppiest head every time they see you. simon likes to talk about how he always has you face down with your ass up, teary-eyed, and clawing at the sheets while he fucks you into oblivion. john tells stories about how you milk him dry whenever he makes you ride his cock. it’s a miracle none of them have run into each other while you were around.
but then simon asks you if you would join him for lunch. you like him a lot, more than you probably should, because there’s kyle, john, and johnny who you also like. it all comes to a head one day when you finally accept simon’s invitation. you almost have a damn heart attack when you spot him sitting at a table with johnny, kyle, and john.
since they haven’t spotted you yet, you think about making a run for it. as much as you hate lying, you’ll have to come up with some believable excuse for missing lunch. simon would understand, wouldn’t he? you’re already close to booking it, when a woman and her girlfriends kindly ask you to stop blocking the damn door. the moment you apologize and step aside to let them out, four sets of eyes are on you immediately, making you freeze.
it isn’t until johnny and simon are both saying your name in unison that it starts to register. they look at each other, then to john and kyle who are both staring at you like a lion eyeing its prey. you walk to the table, feeling anxious, like you’re being led to your death while you listen to them yap about how you’ve been fucking the whole task force this entire time.
the urge to run is getting stronger by the minute, but you ignore it and thank kyle for pulling out a chair for you instead. you sit between him and johnny, not even bothering to make eye contact with any of them. you’re too busy trying to figure out how the hell you were going to explain yourself.
the silence that follows is deafening. you stare at the table, while they stare at you. it’s kyle and simon who break first. they start laughing at the absurdity of it all, with kyle gasping out, “we’ve been sharing the same bird!”
you glare at him, before saying, “well none of you were supposed to find out.” you don’t find your situation funny at all. when you had arrived, you thought you’d only see simon sitting at the table, and not his entire team who fucks you six ways to sunday on a daily basis.
“are ye sayin’ ye knew we were on the same task force?” johnny asks. he’s eyeing you in disbelief, while his dick is getting hard at the thought of his bonnie girl fucking his team.
of course you knew. you’d received the task force’s files together in one big folder. when you started fucking them, you made sure their appointments weren’t on the same day, and that they never overlapped. “at the time, i was taking the necessary steps to keep any of you from finding out about each other.”
your eyes cut to john as he leans back in his seat, while stroking his beard with the same fingers he’d stuffed in your pussy the night before. he wore a thoughtful expression on his face. “how long did you think you could keep this up, dove?”
all you can do is shrug and say, “hell if i know.”
you eye john warily when he laughs. there’s no trace of humor in it. (he was definitely calling you a deceitful little minx in his head) you’re not given much time to dwell on it though, because kyle’s hand is squeezing your thigh. you’re not sure if he’s offering you comfort, or if he’s issuing a warning.
“didnae think it through did ye, hen?” johnny asks cooly, his pretty blue eyes full of mirth.
you don’t answer him. your eyes are on simon who’s watching you like a hawk, as he always does. this time though, it makes you feel a little guilty. but before it can fester, it vanishes completely. why should you feel guilty for getting dick from four different men every day of the week?
you deserve to have some fun. you can’t be a workaholic all the time.
you open your mouth to speak, but your waitress beats you to it when she stops by the table to take the group’s orders. you’re feeling grateful for it. the hell were you even supposed to say to them? no i didn’t think it through, the only thing on my mind was sex.
while the sex part was true, you really did like the entire task force. it’s not your fault your heart resides in your pussy :(
you relax a little when the spotlight isn’t shining on you anymore. everyone’s enjoying their lunch. the conversation is light and the food is good. you’ve had to smack johnny’s hand away from your plate several times already because he insists on stealing off your plate.
“let her eat in peace, johnny.”
johnny pouts at simon, but backs off. the waitress had taken his order after yours. john tells him that he should have just ordered the same thing you did. but none of them are even surprised when you cave and offer johnny some of your food in exchange for his. their chatter starts back up and john and simon are discussing something that you’re having a hard time keeping track of, because kyle’s hand is back on your thigh.
“you really weren’t going to tell us?” he asks in a low murmur, only made for you to hear.
“n-no,” you stutter, sounding a little breathless when he caresses your inner thigh. you slip a hand under the table to remove his, but he won’t budge. “we’re out in public, move your hand.”
kyle refuses and he tells you just as much while he rubs at your mound. your eyes then cut to johnny for help, but he’s ignoring both of you. he’s eating and happily yapping.
“don’t look at johnny, he can’t help you.”
you whimper softly when he slips a hand under your skirt and rubs your clit through your panties. the friction has you moaning loud enough for everyone at the table to hear. simon snorts when he sees your facial expression and kyle’s grin. johnny doesn’t even bother hiding his amusement when he looks down in your lap. john just sighs and gives kyle a stern look, before telling him to release you. his eyes dance with laughter at your whining when the hand holding you hostage finally retreats from between your plush thighs. you actually consider stabbing kyle with your fork when he coos at you mockingly and tells you not to pout. i’ll play with that fat pussy later, baby, i promise.
you don’t say another word until the plates are cleared and john is asking for the check.
“so what now?” you ask casually. no one says anything because they’re waiting for you to continue, but you don’t.
it’s simon who speaks first. “you giving us an out, dove?”
you nod.
“how sweet of you, but what makes you think we’ll ever let you go?” john asks patiently, waiting for you to come to your own conclusion.
it’s not hard at all. the way all four of them are staring at you makes tremble a little. what the hell have you gotten yourself into? “are you saying—but i’m not dating any of you!”
“is that so?” kyle chuckles.
“sweetheart you became ours the second you spread your legs and offered your cunt to us,” simon tells you. he says it with an air of finality, as if he dares you to disagree.
you couldn’t object when you’re the one who started all of this in the first place, knowing there are rules against fraternizing with your patients. morals and ethics went out of the window the day you let john bend you over your desk, and when you let kyle bury his tongue in your pussy in the couch your patients frequent. you didn’t have a care in the world when you buried your face in johnny’s lap and took his leaking cock down your throat, or when simon made you ride him while he sat in your chair. then there are the nights when they have you pressed into the mattress as they take their time worshiping every inch of your body, reveling in the sweet little whines and moans tumbling from those soft lips of yours.
there was no going back for you.
john pays the bill and leaves a tip for the waitress, while kyle and johnny leads you out the doors of the restaurant. when you step outside, johnny drapes an arm over your shoulder and tugs you into his side. he presses a kiss to your temple and says, “c’mon hen, i can’t wait to have yer cunt in mah mouth.” he looks over to kyle with a sly grin. “ye gonna ride mah cock too, garrick?”
kyle doesn’t answer johnny’s question because he’s too busy watching you to gauge your reaction. he relaxes and smiles softly when you link your fingers with his and pulls him closer to you and johnny.
the three of you are so caught up in your own little world, you miss the fond look shared between simon and john as they bring up the rear.
a/n: thanks for reading!
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