#the shadow arc
the-ultimate-wish · 10 months
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<< | Part 14 | >>
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madfoxx · 1 year
Not Laszlos going outside drenched in guillermos sweat almost making me cry holy shit
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like fuck me, this is the first time he´s ever seen his shawn in real sunlight! His best friend! His good time boy!! he´s so happy!
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really i mean LOOK AT HIM!!!
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imagine what it must feel like to be able to go to the beach on a sunny day for the first time in centuries *sobs*
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i could watch him draw dicks in the sand, bully teenagers and catch fish he can´t even eat forever, he´s like a little kid its killing me
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i. i just love him. he has done nothing wrong in his life ever and i want him to be the happiest little vampire in the world <3<3<3
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blu-ish · 17 days
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Thinking about the trailer ever
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tom-is-online · 1 year
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u gotta think of something to do whilst ur two weird little teenagers floating through space in the 1950s
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bestjeanistmonster · 4 months
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Dc au- i avoided doing my homework to draw boys kissing instead
I don’t rlly like this one but eh might as well post it
(This one was in my tumblr drafts for AGES lol)
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vi-138 · 8 months
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mortellanarts · 8 months
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You must absolutely hate me for what I did to you
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Okay, serious discussion about s5e7 of wwdits. I have a lot of mixed feelings about it. The creatures fell into the uncanny valley, why did they choose the donut lady as a plot for nadja when it could've been with the guide, etc. HOWEVER, what I do appreciate about this episode is the meta commentary on how Nandor's culture is simultaneously erased in history classes and then mocked by museums. His culture, his writings, his garments.. almost everything about his history is completely misrepresented by the museum and all of his artifacts were stolen. He literally sees a pair of his underwear on display! He is looked at as an object, a relic of the past. The museum portays him as being unintelligent and frowns upon his writings. And that's based on their narrow understanding of him, Al Q, and his culture. The historians do not know Nandor of course, but they view him through a lense that chooses to only see him and his culture as unintelligent, subhuman even- because why else would someone write something like this? Or wear something like this? Or use weapons like this? It reminds me of those TV shows that theorize the pyramids were made by aliens. Because how else could the Egyptians have been capable of creating the pyramids? Surely they can't be intelligent enough! *eye roll*
Idk someone could probably use better words to communicate what I'm trying to say here, but I wanted to bring it to the table anyway. Oh, also Colin becomes the center of attention by acting like the stereotypical white professor who is more focused on feeding their ego than actually educating his pupils. And this ends up in Nandor being pushed out of the conversation. A literal metaphor for how whiteness obscures and diminishes other cultures and immigrant communities. Of course Colin did that just to feed off of the students. Because then he ends up replacing the museum display with a more accurate representation of Nandor (albeit for comedic effect). And then by taking back his horsie necklace. But.. everyone listened to Colin! And ignored Nandor! Lots to think about in terms of erasure, white washing, forced assimilation, how museums profit off of stolen artifacts and skewing history, etc.
Nandor is an immigrant to Staten island and he was forced to assimilate. Imagine how he must feel when he sees all these stolen artifacts in the museum, and plaques that inaccurately portray his culture and history. And people gawking at the clothes and weapons he proudly wore/still wears. This is a reality for many native and immigrant communities here in America and abroad. Being forced to view your culture, your way of life through the lense of the oppressor.
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tenaciousgeckos · 1 year
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Aka corruption arc, but we don't mind :)
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cyberdragoninfinity · 8 months
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really really enjoying arc-v's cast
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couch-house · 1 month
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AITA? My (30M) brother (27M) beat my ass because he thought my dad was dead
INFO: Technically he's my brother's dad too, but I don't like him
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clonememesfrikyeah · 1 year
Alpha-17: “The kid has great potential. He may become a captain or even a commander.”
Maze: “Or a psychopath.”
Fordo: *sprinting for his life* “He’s got a weapon! He’s got a weapon!”
Cadet Rex: *sadistically laughing and chasing him with a machete*
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artaintfart · 9 months
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I am the Angel sent down from above / I am the Cancer swimming deep in your blood
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tom-is-online · 10 months
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HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY TO (checks scribbles on hand) Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) one of the games of all time!
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salemontrial · 11 months
Nina saying the secret to finding a grisha who doesn't want to be found is to "look for miracles and listen to bedtime stories" VS Jesper being legend in the barrel for never missing a shot
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ricksoo · 3 months
So erm...
About the last WIS.
I might've accidentally lied. ;-;
I mean, might as well include both of the original twos for creation comparison 🥲
Another thing that I've noticed... While Newtwo is generally more emotional than Scarfy in normal times, Scarfy had the highest intensity of emotion during bad times. Scarfy, your drama talent is top notch 😭
Yall probably knew who they belong to, but I'm just gonna add in just in case :] (Idk, prehaps there will be someone who'll ask me who those two big weirdly shaped cats belonged to)
Scarfy and Newtwo belongs to Xxtc-96xX :>
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