#the serpent's hand
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doomed-stickfigure-yuri · 11 months ago
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the serpents hand are literally the most reasonable out of everyone and this is what they get for it
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cookthepenguin · 2 years ago
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In the box you go!
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manyfaced-serpent · 5 days ago
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hellsdaydreamwastaken · 8 months ago
GOIs that did nothing wrong ever and I who I will literally always side with over the Foundation whenever they turn up in an article.
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dzthenerd490 · 10 months ago
File: Nanny McPhee
Code Name: The Witch Nanny
Object Class: Keter Archon/ Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-AGK is not only impossible but discouraged. SCP-AGK only reveals her anomalous properties to children which can always be explained as their imagination. Additionally, SCP-AGK is somehow always able to emit an aura around her making it impossible for even up to date Foundation technology to find her. As such efforts to contain her will be reduced to only the bare minimum resource until this obstacle is bypassed. Instead, all resources will be placed into making contact with SCP-AGK to fully understand her anomalous abilities as the Foundation is only aware of what the children, she has helped is aware. 
Description: SCP-AGK is a witch who is so proficient in magic she is almost on par with a Level 3 Reality Bender. She mostly does her magic with her staff but it's possible for her to perform magic without it. It should be noted that unlike traditional witches that rely on thaumaturgic rituals and spells she is able to fully control magic. Magic unlike thaumaturgy is limitless in possibilities but as a result difficult to maintain, manifest, or even control. Very few witches in history have been able to achieve something like this naturally. 
SCP-AGK normally manifests when there is a large number of children, normally more than 4, within a family and all children are either extremely disruptive and/ or disrespectful. SCP-AGK will also need to manifest when all other options for caretaking for the children are exhausted such as all other nannies quitting, the family being too poor, and/ or being unable to watch over the children all the time. 
Naturally the children will either not listen or try to get rid of SCP-AGK. She will not only be able to anticipate any plots they have, but she will also make it fall apart for them. She will then turn it into a lesson either to take their medicine, not to steal things, be polite, care for family, have empathy and compassion for others, tell the truth, never be wasteful, and many other things to become better people. SCP-AGK doesn't focus solely on the kids and often has her lessons simultaneously help the parents as well as any other adults in the house or with the family. SCP-AGK has been known to help divorced or widowed parents find new lovers or helping reunite the family with missing or distant but beloved family members. 
It should be noted that SCP-AGK's progress in helping the family is determined by how ugly she currently is. When SCP-AGK first manifests, she will have moles on her face, a misshaped nose, and horribly uneven and different sized teeth. As the children learn lessons and the family connects more her face becomes more and more beautiful. Once her face is free of all flaws the family should be just fine without her. As such she will simply leave without a trace of where she went even if the family still wants her to stay. 
The beginning of SCP-AGK's discovery started in 1862 when [data expunged] a member of the Serpent's Hand was merely a baby at the time. She grew up telling the story of how SCP-AGK was a witch but also a nanny who saved her family form falling apart forever and helped her dad marry the one he truly loved. As the years went by more children had met SCP-AGK told their stories to those around them and as information became easier to spread the Foundation saw a pattern. When the Foundation launched its first satellite in 1928 it was finally able to keep track of SCP-AGK. 
However, despite being able to find a general location of SCP-AGK she always alludes capture one way or another. Furthermore, members of the Serpents Hand have sabotage satellites and have gotten Foundation agents to lose track of SCP-AGK. Shockingly even when SCP-AGK's capture was determined to be impossible, the Department of the Impossible refused to contain her claiming [data expunged]. The O5 Council refused to press further so containment of SCP-AGK had once again failed.
However, as the years have gone by it is clear that; first, SCP-AGK is of no threat to humanity and is actually helping children grow up to be better people which goes in accordance with Project Future Seed. Second, all attempts to capture SCP-AGK have been met with wasting of Foundation resources and embarrassing failure. As such no matter how its spun, SCP-AGK's containment is not only impossible but simply not worth the effort. 
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frightnightindustries · 11 months ago
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skylarynns-1870 · 2 years ago
Boris Starkov
Player: Barry Human Lineage Custom Upbringing Soldier Background Level 3 Cavalier Fighter Level 5 Oath of Devotion Paladin Level 1 Serpent Warlock Eldritch Wounds: 1
Boris has always trod the path of the loyal and faithful soldier, but that was shattered when his superiors left his unit to die while they fled. Forever changed, Boris hunts eldritch things wherever he travels, pushed ever onwards by the mysterious Pythia.
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gyossefka · 2 years ago
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Detail of “The Man of Sorrows” by Hans Memling, edited by Robin Isely.
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carpethedamndiemdejavu · 4 months ago
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david-tennant-in-chairs · 26 days ago
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He truly is a master of temptation
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eeks-cursed-art · 5 months ago
before and after pics of a gas mask bag i got at an antique store a couple years ago, wasn’t quite happy with how I decorated it so i decided to rework it
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i painted all the patches except for the sunflowers on the strap of the bag, those were leftover fabric from a t-shirt i used to make the back patch for my vest
the buttons i bought while working at faire this year and one of the pins and the aroace star was made by one of my partners :-)
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non-requestable · 2 months ago
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buttons buttons buttons
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goji-pilled · 3 months ago
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"the dragon has three heads:
one to be a murderer, who will unleash death.
one to be a monarch, whose crown will weigh heavy.
and one to be mad, whose ideas will change history."
- that one asoiaf sound on tiktok that inspired this
and just clarifying in case: radahn is specifically promised consort radahn
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orofeaiel · 11 months ago
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Wandering Garter Snake
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dzthenerd490 · 3 months ago
Addendum X-88
The following is a recording of the initial interaction and eventual battle between Captain Charlie Wells and SCP-AKO-1 and unfortunately SCP-AKO-3. The recording device is on the vest of Captain Charlie’s armor. 
Begin Recording
Captain Charlie is in the air and saw both SCP-AKO individuals fighting until the fell down hard onto the ground. Charlie then noticed in the distance that Amnestic bombs were already being launched into the air to quickly erase the memories of all who had witnessed the incident. Thankfully she and the MTF units were immune after taking a Foundation drug that temporarily nullifies the effects of the gas form of amnestics. At the same time MTF units were quickly surrounding SCP-AKO-1 and SCP-AKO-3 only to be pushed back by their powers. 
Captain Charlie: tch, idiots! You're supposed to leave this one to me!
Captain Charlie then noticed SCP-AKO-1 screaming while slowly crushing everything around him. She quickly used her magnetic powers to push him and SCP-AKO-3 to the ground. She then descended and waved her hands at the MTF units as they were getting up. The Captain nodded and ordered his men to back off. 
Captain Charlie: Hm, alright you two brats, what the hell is even going on here? Why the sudden rampage?
SCP-AKO-1: Shut up and let me go you bitch! I am an Apex Predator!
Captain Charlie: Apex? Pfft! Kid I’ve seen Apex and your not it.
SCP-AKO-1 yelled in anger and released a shockwave that broke him out of her magnetic hold.
Captain Charlie: … Woah, that’s a first. 
SCP-AKO-1: Lesser beings cannot comprehend my power, blame your death on your stupidity!
SCP-AKO-3: Andrew, don't hurt her!
SCP-AKO-1 then pushed SCP-AKO-3 into a building wall, knocking him out. He then faced Captain Charlie and was foaming at the mouth in anger. 
Captain Charlie: Hmph, not counting those creepy ass faceless bastards and that administrator freak, I think I’m the second strongest person in the Foundation only second to Sigurrós and that’s just because she can turn people into cats and make chocolate cake manifest anytime she wants. As for you… well you got these powers thanks to some weird crystal right? That means it's not natural which means you're basically weaker than even that creep Wicked. Hah! You're weaker than Dr. Wicked!
SCP-AKO-1: I’m weaker than no one!
SCP-AKO-1 charged at Captain Charlie, she looked at him unimpressed and raised her hand, coating it in flame. She read a few field reports, especially the most recent one made on SCP-AKO-1 and saw that he got into the hospital through an explosion. She felt bad for using trauma to get the edge over this kid but sure enough it worked. Once he shielded himself in fear she covered him in a magnetic bubble and closed it on him to keep him in there. However to her shock he quickly retaliated and used his telekinetic powers to make it expand even as she forced it to shrink again. He soon broke it and started blasting her with telekinetic sonic boom shots, badly hurting her and nearly breaking her bones. She spat a little blood but still stood tall and glared at SCP-AKO-3 in anger.
Captain Charlie: Alright… My turn! 
Charlie threw several fireballs at SCP-AKO-1 to which he barely deflected them with his powers. Charlie didn’t stop until he fell on his but, in which case she crushed him deeper into the concrete with her magnetic gravity control. He noticed the spear on the statue nearby and made it fly towards her only for it to melt into plasma and the plasma flowing all around her into a ring. She glared at him in disappointment filling his heart with fear, fear that quickly transformed into unyielding rage. He yelled in anger as the windows of the buildings all shattered, the shards now floating in the air and aimed right towards Charlie. She again was not phased and just melted the glass as it came at her making it form into a giant dome of molten glass. 
SCP-AKO-1 couldn’t stand the heat and backed off while shielding himself, meanwhile Charlie started condensing the molten glass until a majority of it formed above her into a large sphere while the rest she coated onto her body.
Captain Charlie: Cool right? Nothing hot will ever be able to hurt me. So tell me, who’s the real Apex?
Before SCP-AKO-1 could retaliate Charlie surrounded him in a dome of molten glass to further subdue him. Her plan was to knock him out with the intense heat and then bring him and his friend into containment. However though it is working at first, Charlie feels a forcing grabbing at her throat. Suddenly an opening was made in the molten glass dome, SCP-AKO-1 was revealed in the opening, holding his hand out directly towards Charlie’s neck. She figured out quickly what he was doing and condensed the molten glass around him further while turning up the temperature. 
However he wasn’t giving up either and persisted in using his powers to grab her neck and slowly crush it. He was even getting closer to succeed even as Charlie increased the heat even more. Finally it was getting to the point that she was actually dying, so out of fear she overcharged the neurons in his brain, frying it and killing him instantly. He fell to the ground and Charlie was able to breathe again. She caught her breath and made all the glass float back into the windows of the buildings and cool down back into normal glass. She then did the same for the metal spear of the statue and finally walked to SCP-AKO-1’s corpse. 
Captain Charlie: … God damn it, I didn’t want to kill you… Fuck… Sorry dad. I still have a long way to go.
SCP-AKO-3: No! Andrew no!
Charlie then noticed that SCP-AKO-3 regained consciousness and ran to the corpse of SCP-AKO-1 and started crying. 
Captain Charlie: Sorry kid, no time for grieving. 
Charlie was about to use her powers to knock out SCP-AKO-3 but suddenly her vision was blurred and her head started to hurt. She claimed she heard a loud and distributive hiss in her head that made everything around her difficult to comprehend. SCP-AKO-3 used this opportunity to escape into the sky afterwards. When Charlie came too SCP-AKO-3 was nowhere in sight, Foundation satellites lost track of him about 4 hours afterwards. 
Recording Ends
The following is a recording of Captain Charlie's interrogation with the O5 after the mission was declared over. The interrogation takes place in an dark room located in [Data Expunged by Order of the O5 Council]. The O5 Council are not physically present but instead show themselves through TV screens with the SCP Logo covering their identities.
For obvious reasons none of the O5 Council members have been given any identification to separate them from one another. Just to identify themselves as O5. The recording was added to this addendum as the O5 felt it would help give context to the situation afterwards. 
Begin Recording
O5: So in the end not only did you kill one instance but the other managed to escape.
Captain Charlie: … I don’t know what happened but something got into my head making me let him go. I think it was the Serpent's Hand. Those bastards have been a pain in my side for a while now. 
O5: That sounds like an excuse Captain
Captain Charlie: Really? Cause I call it a fact! I thought you faceless bastards liked getting all the facts. 
Suddenly a small slash mark manifested on Charlie’s cheek making her grunt in pain as a result. It ended up healing rather quickly, but she still glared at the screens of the O5 Council in anger.
O5: Insolence will get you nowhere Captain, especially considering your failure.
Captain Charlie: So what now then? You faceless Bastards going to kill me? Cause you know that’s not going to be easy, even for you!
Charlie ignited powerful and scorching flames in her hands as she stood ready to fight the O5. Granted the only thing in front of her was just TV screens but she wasn’t going to show cowardice to them.
O5: … No, on the contrary Ms. Wells… We want to promote you.
Captain Charlie: As if I… Wait what?
O5: Congratulations Charlie Wells, you are now Commander of Mobile Task Force Alpha-9, your the first ever anomaly form the AED who has reached such a high rank, consider it an honor.
Captain Charlie: … What the hell is this shit? You think you can by my loyalty or something?
O5: We have not forgotten our agreement Commander, nor do we intend to rewrite it in our own favor. We merely understand that despite your loss today you have proven your capabilities.
O5: You can also consider this a punishment with extra steps. As a Commander you are expected to guide and lead those who were once the same rank as you. This includes Captain Iris, and Captain Alexei; you are their superiors now. It's no exaggeration this will forever change whatever dynamic you had with them before.
O5: You can also see it this way. It was quite obvious you hate how things are run here at the Foundation as well as your authority issues in regards with us… We are not blind to the fact that many share your sentiment. 
O5: Now you, who are one of them, can be their voice and use your new influence to shape things more to your liking, Granted you're not a High Commander… yet. But I believe you’ll grow to like your position. 
Charlie: … What if I say no. 
O5: You're free to, but I see no reason why you would. Better accommodations for you and your husband as well as better security. Also, as we said you get the final say on all members of MTF Alpha-9 as well as more influence over the treatment of other anomalous humanoids. 
Charlie: What about Daniels?
O5: Commander Daniels will be moved into a different MTF unit, while maintaining his position as a Commander. This whole proposal was actually his idea, so take his position without worry of retaliation.
Charlie: … Fine I’ll do it, but like you all said, I get the final say, over everything. 
O5: But of course, granted you still can’t refute our orders, but as a Commander we will have the absolute faith that the chances of us disagreeing with you are slim… don’t let us down, Commander Wells.
Charlie: Hmph, this is going to be a pain.
Recording Ends
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witchexia · 1 month ago
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do you see the vision too ,,,
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