#the saddest song i've ever heard
flannelepicurean · 1 year
Headcanon: Goku has heard exactly ONE (1) Mountain Goats song, and it's "Deuteronomy 2:10."
When "The Life of the World to Come" dropped, Vegeta went off to his listening chamber with his earbuds, like normal.
He did not come back within his normal time frame. Bulma couldn't find him, he wasn't answering his phone. So she sent Goku looking for him. Goku found him.
Vegeta was sitting in a corner, curled, head bent over his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. Goku dashed in like, "Vegeta? Geets, what's wrong?! What happened?!"
It took a minute for Vegeta to register Goku's presence, but when he did, he started crying harder. And Goku didn't know what else to do, so he just plunked down and wrapped his arms around Vegeta, dragged him right into his lap and squeezed him a little, just a little, until the storm settled.
When Vegeta went from wailing to merely gasping, Goku asked again, "Vegeta, what happened?"
Vegeta handed him the whole thing - his phone, the earbuds - and then buried his face in Goku's shoulder and breathed in a fitful, hitching string of Morse code for a few minutes while Goku listened.
After a while, Goku put down the phone. Removed the earbuds. Offered a heavy, "Uhm." Then the well ran dry.
Vegeta's nose was stuffy enough, his throat raw enough, that he could barely articulate, even if his thoughts weren't completely scattered. He wheezed a threadbare, "It...it felt...when...I...I thought..." The rest disappeared in a whistling crackle as his ribs constricted. Then another great breath rushed in, and Goku wrapped his arms tighter around Vegeta as he began to shake and sob again.
When they emerged, neither of them spoke to anyone for a good 24 hours. Vegeta wandered around looking moderately, and then only vaguely, hungover for another few days after that. Goku hovered in the periphery, within shouting distance, like a protective cat with a sickly kitten. Everything was already so weird that Bulma barely batted an eye when Goku was just kind of...still there....when she finally went to bed. And then...still there, when she got up the next morning.
But they found their balance again. Things went back to normal. More or less.
Eventually, Bulma asked Goku, "Um...What...what happened?"
Goku opened his mouth and frowned into the distance, looking haunted and confused. Shook his head and shrugged and told her, 'I...I can't explain it. I really can't." Then he turned to her, his eyes sharper, and filled with something heavier, than she'd seen in a long time. Shared, "That...song is super sad."
Bulma stared, baffled. "A...a song did...that?"
Goku shifted uncomfortably. Explained, "It's about...it's about a bunch of different things going extinct."
Bulma froze. "Oh." Rested fingertips over her mouth. "Oh, shit."
Goku nodded. "Yeah." Cast a glance in the direction of the bedroom suite. "He'll probably be okay." And he left, divided in his belief of his own words.
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normalbrothers · 9 months
there's no musical instrument as melancholy as the synthesizer
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captnpunk · 4 months
Haunted spirits that I know I saw
They see no ghosts in me at all
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aintashes · 6 months
agnes : glass animals
guess life is long when soaked in sadness on borrowed time from mr. madness and so it goes a choking rose back to be reborn i wanna hold you like you're mine
you're gone but you're on my mind i'm lost but i don't know why
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tiktaalic · 8 months
catching fire dash simulator
finnicksgirl Follow
my streams have been cutting all season omfg what is going on
caps4finnick Follow
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cinnagirl3000 Follow
anybody heard from cinna lately?
plutarcheology Follow
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Plutarch Heavensbee circa 2282
As if it’s not ENOUGH that yall wanna fuck the most morally bankrupt man alive who is more than complicit because he gets paid to live in luxury to ORCHESTRATE the deaths of innocents so that they’re a spectacle and don’t have the option to die even semi peacefully. as if that’s not enough. You wanna fuck him when he’s ugly?
caesarflickerwoman Follow
anyone else still thinking about how caesar and peeta were kinda ..
Aren’t you the one who had the week long meltdown about peeta being overfamiliar with him
Well you see I’m gay and a man now
theeclove Follow
already tired of this fucking season of everlark -_- idgaf about the fucking fog
czrflkmn Follow
everyone looooooves to act like NOTABLE cishet peeta is so gay w caesar as if his gay cohost isn't right there.... slaying in a wig..... sending yearning glances caesar's way right before the camera cuts......
johannadykeson Follow
tbh she’s got the WORST taste in allies idek why i continue to stan. girl MAGS?
#my girl going to get slorn :/
She is choosing with her HEART she chose to save peeta in the games REMEMBERRRRRRRR she’s literally a lovergirl to the core
#lovecore #heartcore #truelove
lucygraydotcom Follow
Caesar flickerman kidn if a laughing gnome. Reblog
finnickforever Follow
I’ve supported finnick through a lot and defended them and I’ve always been proud they're from my district but honestly they went way too far by doing the salute during the interview. I can only hope that they just got caught up in the moment with everyone else doing it and obviously it’s a stressful situation but I don’t think I can continue endorsing them. I’ll be changing my url this week.
divorceekatniss Follow
hey guys i know times are tough for everyone and the capital has really cracked down but my mutual @divorceepeeta got flogged the other day and could really use some help. v3nmo here. anything helps #signalboost #mockingjay
disabledmags Follow
Tbh the baby is the saddest thing I've ever heard </3
Another citizen falling for capital propaganda. It's so glaringly apparent that this is made up to draw in views. The tributes undergo extensive medical examination prior to the games. They would NEVER let a pregnant woman compete.
As if killing children has ever stopped them before?
#We all saw him fall to protect her stomach before they even started the victory tour #Is it that ridiculous to believe two newlyweds fresh out of a life or death situation would celebrate a little carelessly?
If you think even the marriage is real you're stupider than I thought. Peeta spends every interview begging us to see his truth. The capital is shamelessly silencing him and "the baby" is a distraction.
peetasbabymama Follow
URL CHANGE!! faggotpeeta->peetasbabymama
this isnt funny. peeta's a real person with real feelings. it will never be funny to call someone a f***** as a joke. how would you feel if my url was f*****peetasbabymama?
isnt cupcakeeverlark literally prez snow's 12 yr old granddaughter lol
OOMF IS 12???????????
the age is the problem here?
marriedeverlark Follow
Canon url 🎉🎊💅😁🥰♥️
beeteemp3 Follow
New content of my favorite tribute 😁😁😁
Girl there’s a 96% chance they die ?
peenick Follow
getting reports from the presidential banquet that Peeta looks gay as fuck
3v3rlark Follow
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ik peeniss has been flagging w the rehearsed speeches but did anyone else see the way they looked at each other in the censored district 11 speech
you’re STUPID she’s a capital pawn AND i fucked your mom while you were busy looking for illegal streams
senecacraneofficial Follow
rip seneca you were so babygirl </3
so now you think we can’t fuck old men?
#this fandom is so ageist #this is prob what I get for blogging about thg tbh since # it’s literally about kids. Some of you ppl need to grow up
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cheeseceli · 4 months
I'll be waiting
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Pairing: idol Bang Chan × Gn!reader
Genre: fluff, angst, friends to potential lovers, fic (1.6k words)
Prompt: "Even ten years from now, if you haven't found somebody I promise I'll be around. Tell me when you're ready. I'm waiting"
Warnings: for a short moment there's a bit of unrequited love, happy ending tho. Mentions of insecurity back to the trainee days.
A/n: the longest fic I've ever done, I'm kinda proud of it ngl
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Patience might be Chan's biggest virtue, he thinks to himself. By seeing where he's right now and where he was ten years ago, he smiles. He couldn't agree more with that statement.
He still remembers the first time he saw you.
Monthly evaluation. At this point, Chan should already be used to this whole process of the trainee life. However, that day felt particularly depressing to him. Hopeless, he would say.
He had found out that JYP was about to debut a new group. A girl group. And as much as Bang Chan tried to be completely happy for his friends who could finally try and debut, he had to admit he was somewhat jealous. Four years of training and he felt like he was heading towards nowhere.
Still, he tried to practice. He sang the song he would showcase so many times he reached the point of not even feeling the words leaving his mouth. He was so lost he also didn't notice the presence of someone else in the practice room. That is, until you clapped.
Chan turned his head towards you, low-key surprised. He recognised you as the child of one of the Got7's staff. He couldn't remember your name though. He doubted he even heard it at all.
"Sorry" you finally spoke. Your voice was pretty "I'm looking for my dad. Your voice is very beautiful though. You're doing well." And with a thumbs up you went away.
Chan couldn't help but laugh. Now that was random. He could barely process what happened. But you complimented him. It had been a while since he last heard a genuine compliment.
Somewhere inside his mind, he repeated his words nonstop, filling him with motivation and hope. He also was trying to remember to ask your name later.
He did remember to ask your name after all. Y/n L/n. The pronunciation of your name was beautiful, almost like a melody. Honestly, after two years of knowing you, he could affirm that your existence itself was like a sweet melody.
You both became friends, good ones at that. He also found himself developing feelings for you. That was the saddest part of it all in his opinion.
Even though he hadn't known you for so long, he couldn't see life without you. To live without your horrible jokes (that he always found funny), without your sunshine-like personality (even though most people wouldn't describe you like that. Maybe you were his personal dose of light) felt like a nightmare.
However, it felt a bit cruel that he needed to live like that. He wanted to be an idol. You were the one who was his biggest incentive. Then why, to have a romance with you, could bring problems to his career? It was almost as if destiny liked to make chan suffer.
Pick one.
Happily, Chan was patient. So patient that he decided to wait for you as long as needed. He had hopes that any time now, you would come to him. And he would be ready.
Meanwhile, he focused on becoming an idol. He couldn't give up now, especially given the fact that he knew you'd be in the front row, cheering for him louder than everyone else.
He kept his promise: he followed his dream, finally achieving the so exciting debut, and still waited for you, his crush developing into the most sincere love he ever felt.
However, you had other plans. Of course, you were still there for him. You were probably the one who got the happiest with the results of the survival show. You spent countless nights with him on the practice room and in the studio. You were seeing his dream come true in first hand.
But this time, there was someone else besides you: your current boyfriend. Chan really doesn't know why he didn't think this could've happened. Of course, you were dating. You were smart, beautiful and had so much love to give. Someone else would've fallen for you at some point. And it was unfair of him to expect you to be single, waiting for an empty promise.
The saddest part of it was that your boyfriend was a nice guy. It was clear he loved you. He even made an effort to love everyone who you loved, including Chan himself. You were happy around him.
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Chan got the job, you got someone to love - someone who could adore you without being scared of the media - and you both still got each other in the end.
Maybe that was what Chan could have. It's okay, right?
The downfall of Chan's patience at last.
Although you both were still as close as you always were, life was leading each of you in your own direction.
You had a job, he had a job. You had your friends, he had his members. You had your own house, he had the dorms. You had your boyfriend, he didn't have a partner. But it was okay because he didn't even have the time after all.
Still, he tried to fall for someone else during this period. Being in this industry for two years now, he had the opportunity to meet a lot of people. Some fancied him, some tried to take a step further in a somewhat relationship. Some even wanted to just have fun. Chan swears he tried to give in most of the time.
Needless to say he failed at every try. He couldn't come close to someone without wishing it was you instead. His short answers were compared to how sweetly he talked to you. He didn't even bother to call people or have long conversations. He knew it was only a matter of time until his mind started the undesired comparison.
Maybe it was what the job required. Maybe it was because of his lack of time. Han disagrees though. Chan remembers how his friend insisted on the fact that his leader wouldn't even try with other people. But it wasn't his fault either, as it was a subconscious thing. Chan's mind was still wrapped around you. And his heart wanted to disagree, but it all goes down the moment he finds out you and your boyfriend, now your ex, had broken up.
Although he tried hard to deny, he couldn't help but still wait for you. No matter if there was a light at the end of the tunnel or if it was only darkness. He would wait.
Something in your brain has switched, and Bang Chan can't say he really liked the difference.
Of course, you were still the greatest person he ever met. You were still his sunshine. But it seemed like you were tired. Your conception of life and love wasn't as bright as it once was and Chan couldn't help but feel worried about it.
For him, who has loved you deeply for over eight years now, to see you giving yourself less credit and affection hurt him. He doesn't know why and when it happened, but your brain was trying to shut down all genuine feelings one could offer to you. You thought you were, maybe, undeserving of it all.
Honestly, to see you slowly losing your light has wounded Chan way more than all his past experiences: from his fear of failure to his disappointment upon meeting your ex boyfriend. Almost as an instinct,he tried to solve the situation. This time, patience wouldn't do.
Without even noticing, he started to love you more. To actually show you how he cared for you, to put his feelings into words and actions. At first, your heart tried to deny any possible affection, but it soon realised it wasn't possible. Not when Chan didn't even hesitate on showing the entire world how you were worthy of love. And not once he showed it as a challenge or a burden. He was by your side, and he never made it seem hard.
The best part of it all was that none of you noticed it. He started to open up to you to try and protect you,and you opened up to him in order to heal and protect his feelings. Maybe that was patience finally showing itself as a virtue.
Ten years later, it finally happened.
Honestly, Chan was still a bit suspicious. There was no way he was actually seeing this, right? Maybe he was becoming delusional after all. Maybe he started to hallucinate because of his desires. But at the same time, it felt too real.
The way you looked at him, that is. It was just a normal conversation between old friends. Between gossips and laughs, there was absolutely no reason for you to look at him like this. So lost in thought, with this shimmer in your eyes that Chan knew way too well. He knew it because he had it too.
It was love. Not the one nurtured by friends or family. The one shared just between lovers. And he was so sure of it because he knew he looked at you in the exact same way you were looking at him right now.
He smiles. For a moment, you're a bit lost, wondering if you lost a joke or an important moment. That, however, makes him laugh. He couldn't believe he just saw you fall in love on the first row.
Ah, he's been patient. Now, he can't wait for you to realise what just happened. Either way, he knows with a smile on his face that he'll be waiting for you.
I promise I'll be around.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: summer with you
Thank you for reading <3 let me know what you think about it!
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @dandelions-143
Dividers by @dollywons
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
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14buddy22 · 8 months
I saw your appeal for requests specifically based on Taylor Swift songs so I have two for you! Pick the one you like most or write both (or neither) it's up to you!
1. This is me trying - the reader returns to the team after having to take time off because she was injured after being held by an unsub and her return to work hasn't been as smooth as she expected no one except for Hotch (the man she's had romantic tension with for years) seems to notice how she's struggling and he's there to comfort her
2. A little more abstract but based on "I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted" and "I can go anywhere I want just not home" where the team have a case in the readers small home town and memories of their own path surface especially when the team meets her parents in passing. Secret boyfriend Hotch is there to provide comfort and learns a lot about his partner.
This is Me Trying
Being taken and tortured by an unsub is something that no agent wants to ever encounter, but unfortunately train very well for the worst circumstances.
It doesn't matter if you were the happiest person on this earth or the saddest person on the earth, or even just neutral, being taken and tortured not only physically affects you, but mentally and emotionally too.
That's where you were at right now. You were the happiest person in the room, right up there with Garcia. It's something your unit chief admired about you, he even wrote it in your evaluations.
You were put on a month leave from the BAU, but that time was coming to an end now. You were scared to go back. You didn't know if your team would care if you came back, especially Aaron. He told you to take your time getting back.
Well, you were happy to see your team, but scared at the same time. Your team was amazing. You never had to make a meal yourself, were never really alone with yourself.
The one person who was constantly there for you, whether making dinners for you, or having them ordered for your place when the team was out of town, was your unit chief.
Aaron felt guilty. You know he did. You'd never seen him that worked up when they found you in that secluded area, wrist and ankles changed, half your clothes on.
When he found you, you heard the breathless "y/n" on his lips, eyes immediately glazing over with tears when he saw the state you were in. He quickly got you unchained and covered you up with his jacket that he'd taken off. Not wanting anyone else to see you after what he just saw. The bruises, the cuts, the blood dripping from places blood shouldn't drip.
After going to therapy and talking it out, you decided to stop at the BAU, to say hi to everyone. You just wanted to see Aaron. You wanted him to hold you in his arms like he did when he found you, held you the entire way as you sobbed to the hospital. He held you on nights that he didn't have Jack and it was 2am and you woke up from a nightmare.
You two weren't officially a thing, there was romantic tension, for sure, but you weren't sure what would come out of it. All you knew was that he was your comfort person. You felt safe with him. You felt all warm and fuzzy when he was with you.
When you saw the team, you had to put on a happy face. To seem that you were getting better. You were good at faking it. As a profiler, you know what they were looking for, that's why you were trying to outsmart them. You walked into the BAU singing one of your favorite songs just like how you would start your day before your kidnapping. You'd crack a joke, everyone would laugh, and then you'd give Derek shit for wearing shirts too small just so they can show his muscles off.
As you made your way up to Aaron's office to say hello and goodbye super quick, you just stood in his doorway looking at him. All you could think about was how this was the last place you were at, telling him that you had a gut feeling something was going to go wrong that day you were taken. A flood of memories from that week coming back to you. Just thinking about how he was the one to come into that room and get you first. To see you at the lowest point in your life.
After staring far too long, and not wanting to cry at the flashbacks, you finally knocked on his door, forcing him to stop working on reports and look up.
The breathless, "y/n" fell from his lips as he immediately stood up and walked over to hug you. He slightly pulled you into his office and closed the door behind him.
He never let go of a hug until you let go. He didn't think you ever noticed but you picked up on it.
"How are you?"
"I don't know what to say, Hotch. I'm-I'm here. This is me trying."
Aaron just nodded and pulled you into a hug again. Your life was crashing down right now. You don't know if you'd ever be able to stand tall enough to come back to this team.
After leaving the BAU, you made your way to the bar.
You'd been having a hard time adjusting, the once happiest girl on the team was now just okay. As you sat on a bar stool talking to a guy who had taken way to much interest in you, you decided to pour your heart out.
"I'm an FBI agent. I know I'm young, but I'm on the best profiling team in the country. I was so far ahead of everything, and now I've fallen behind everything. Now I'm pouring my heart out to a stranger in a bar."
You were texting Aaron simultaneously. Explaining that you were so far ahead of everyone, and now you're behind. Explained that you were okay physically, but now everything was getting you better mentally.
Getting your texts, Aaron knew you weren't okay. Hell, he knew from the minute he found you, you would never be okay again. You couldn't fool anyone. He'd been taken and tortured before. He's had to cry alone in the middle of the night because he can't get over what happened to him. He needed to protect you. He loved you. You don't know that, but he loved you.
When Aaron walked into the bar, he didn't expect to see you talking with a stranger, but he knew you were drunk. The texts from his phone to prove it. You did it quite often lately.
"Come on, honey. Let's get you home."
When you felt his hand on your back, you didn't even get worried about who it was. You knew it was his hand. The very hand that was comforting when he found you. That very hand who held your own hand in the ambulance as you rode to the hospital. It was that very same hand that wiped your tears at 2am when you woke up crying in the hospital room. You knew it was Aaron.
Aaron paid for your tab. Not worried about the amount. He just needed to get you home.
As he grabbed your hand, he pulled you off the stool and pulled you through the bar. Getting you in the front seat, buckling you up, and then he began the drive back to his apartment.
He got you water as you sat on the couch and quickly began to sober up.
"I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I'm trying, Aaron. I'm scared to fall asleep at night, always thinking he's going to break into my house. I know you killed him, but that thought still lingers."
"I know you're trying, but you don't need to get wasted every night. You can't pour your heart out to a stranger, you can't down bottles of whiskey every night."
"This is me trying. It's hard to be at work when I feel like an open wound. It's hard when I see you every single day and you're like a flashback in a film reel from the worst day of my life."
Aaron wiped your tear and you whispered, "So give me credit because I'm still alive. I'm still trying."
"And I love you for still trying. I'm going to help you. You're never going to know a life without me. I'm going to help you, honey."
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legendweaver · 10 months
OPLA Soundtrack and Zolu Part 2
The brain rot has returned again. I was discussing with @general-cyno, You Better Not Mess With The Strawhats, the song that plays when Zoro is saying his "Totally Normal and Not Gay At All Life Devotion Pledge, Part 2" It has a tiny bit of Luffy's theme in the beginning when he is blaming himself. But it's overtaken by, Zoro's theme, which starts off soft, then builds up, Luffy's instruments (drums and trumpets) joining in in playing it, till it crescendos triumphantly. (They're themes combining and building on each other just like their dreams and Zoro lifting up Luffy both emotionally and musically in the scene and-)
And now that I've gone back and listened to it, the reverse can be said in "Totally Normal and Not Gay At All Life Devotion Pledge, Part 1". 'Wounds On The Back Are A Swordsman's Greatest Shame' which is the OST for the Zoro vs Mihawk fight, towards the end 4:26, you have the saddest version of Luffy's theme I have ever heard, as he cradles Zoro's body. Then, when Mihawk leaves, you hear Zoro's instruments return, around 5:00, and it starts to build again, still very sad. You can really hear it at 5:23, where they have Zoro's wind instrument (I don't know the name) carying the melody as it plays Luffy's theme(though it's still so sad). (Zoro's instruments rising up to weakly support Luffy's theme just like in the scene, because his captain is sad, and he doesn't want to disappoint him, and Luffy's instruments intertwine cuz he wants to keep him there, and he doesn't want to lose him, and he's scared-)
The fact that this damn soundtrack has not only Luffy's instruments playing Zoro's theme, but Zoro's playing Luffy's, and its the Oath scenes. They make me so ill, I can't stand them, I could write a love letter to the composers.
Part 1
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thenobleprincex · 1 month
'good thing going' has to be one of the saddest fucking love songs I've ever heard
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finleyforevermore · 5 months
I actually don't know what you'd title this but this post probably would serve as an explanation! Uhhh, enjoy!
First off, we've got quite a few names here, so let's go through name key!:
Endermes (@ender-outlaw as Hermes)
Silmes (@soursileu as Hermes)
Vellmes (@allergic-to-four-leaf-clovers as Hermes)
Amores (@amorvincitomnia-14 as Hermes) (hey knock knock guess what you're Hermes now :D)
Atpheus (@literatureisdying as Orpheus)
Finchpheus (@flowers-floating-in-space as Orpheus)
Euryauden (@tellme-o-muse as Eurydice)
Eurysyd (@sydneyofalltrades as Eurydice)
Perzeephone (@ziipzeepzop-eez as Persephone)
Finades (me as Hades!)
Ok, it's "The Actual Point Of The Post" time!:
Endermes is having a BALL during Road to Hell.
Vellmes' RTH in one word: Spins. So many spins.
Segue brought to you by Daisy's (@meowydoe) Fate being The Fate That Waves At Eurydice During Any Way The Wind Blows & Hey, Little Songbird™
Amores, during the section about Orpheus in Any Way The Wind Blows: "I love this child so fucking much you don't understand-"
During Come Home With Me: Hermes: "You wanna talk to her-" Atpheus, no hesitation: "YES."
Eurysyd is fucking FLABBERGASTED during Come Home With Me.
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Sequoia, I wholeheartedly believe that you would straight up start glowing at some points. The "The Song™" section of Wedding Song is one of those times. /pos
Endermes draws out the "old song" in Epic I. ("It's an ooooooold song")
Perzeephone is booping ALL THE NOSES in Living It Up On Top.
Silmes loudly exclaims "Oh SHIT-" after tasting the wine after Orpheus' toast in Living It Up.
Euryauden + Atpheus: Gayest All I've Ever Known Of All Time
Comedically grumpy all throughout Way Down Hadestown.
Atpheus fucking LEAPS in front of Euryauden when Finades notices Euryauden in WDH.
Segue brought to you by The Fates (Josie (@/meowydoe), Satanic (@satanic-witchcraft), and Annabeth (@two-minute-notice)) having a great time during When the Chips Are Down.
Eurysyd has the saddest "Gone, I'm Gone" ever /pos
Silmes is PISSED at Orpheus during Wait For Me Intro.
Atpheus does the vibrato on "WAAAIT" that Reeve Carney did on his last performance in Wait For Me. I just get that feeling. /pos
Wait For Me, aka Finch Starts Fucking Glowing Moment #2. /pos
Slooowwly turns head to look at Finades when she sees Eurydice in Hadestown during Why We Build The Wall, like, "oh no you did NOT"
During "Our Lady of the Underground": *Lowest, most gravelly voice imaginable* I don't know about you, BOOOYSSS!
Lots and lots and LOTS of twirls during OLOTU.
During Way Down Hadestown (Reprise): "I did what I had to do." "Yeah sure whatever."
Vellmes, with a "it's not all bad"-like voice: "What she was instead was dead....dead to the world anyway!" You're only dead to the world, it's not alllll bad!
Yet another segue to appreciate how fucking amazing Eurysyd's "Flowers" cover is. Please give it a listen.
During Come Home With Me Reprise: Euryauden: "I called your name before-" Atpheus: "I know!" "You heard-" "NO-"
During Papers: Orpheus: "I'm not going back alone. I came to take her home-" Finades: W H E E Z E
Segue brought to you by the most melancholic "Nothing Changes" ever. /pos
During If It's True, Atpheus is fucking PISSED. Screams out "is this how the world is??" like Dónal Finn (west end Orpheus actor)
Finchpheus is less pissed and more heartbroken. We can throw in a voice crack on "is this how the world is?" for good measure.
Scream out "I believe that THEY ARE FEW!" during If It's True like all the tour Orpheus actors.
During How Long: Perzeephone: "What are you afraid of?" Finades, genuinely confused: "...what?"
Perzeephone: "He loves that girl, Hades!" Finades, who genuinely couldn't care less: ..well that's too bad!
"What's that noise...?" during Chant Reprise is played for laughs like in the Broadway previews boot.
We can reinsert Persephone's verse in Chant Reprise. You know, for funsies!
We're doing NYTW Epic III too. Screw the Broadway version.
Epic III, aka Finch Starts Fucking Glowing Moment #3. /pos
Finades + Perzeephone: Dorkiest Lovers Desire/They Danced Of All Time.
Amores keeps giving Finades the "don't you fucking do it" glare during His Kiss, The Riot.
Silmes, during Wait For Me Reprise: "Don't you dare fuck this up, Orpheus--"
Everyone is crying when The Thing™ happens and after The Thing™ happens. Iykyk.
Vellmes knew it was coming but is still in disbelief.
Endermes is more confused than anything, even if she knew it was coming.
Silmes is trying not to appear effected, but still definitely cares and is effected, even if it knew it was coming.
Amormes is going THROUGH IT. Like, "visibly close to tears" going through it.
Perzeephone has the most poignant "We Raise Our Cups" because ofc she does. /pos
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naavispider · 2 years
So we all know Spider spent time with the Recoms, and I've seen in many fics that it's a common headcanon that Lyle loves to listen to music through his holopad, (I've only seen it in Let It Be Enough). One day Spider catches Lyle tearing up with his headphones in his ears, and he goes to make fun of him. But all Lyle does is offer one of them to him, and he takes it. Playing through the device is possibly the saddest song Spider has ever heard, and Lyle tells him it's called 'Beautiful Boy' by someone called John Lennon.
Now imagine Spider taking the bullet for Neteyam in the final battle in ATWOW, and instead of Jake and Neytiri going to pull the same sob story they always do in fics (the 'we're so sorry we didn't raise you' type of shit), Quaritch comes and snatches him up in his arms.
Neytiri is going full battle mode, not because of the human boy in her enemy's grasp, but because her enemy is right there. She reaches for her bow and pulls back the string, only to freeze when she hears a soft, broken voice rising from the midst of battle.
Quaritch is singing to Spider as he dies, blood pouring from his chest, sobs wracking through his body. But all the child can focus on is his Dad, his Father, his Sempul singing his favourite song. Quaritch sings in hushed whispers, cradling his precious miracle in his arms as the Sully family stands there with shocked faces.
And as the last few lines of the song draws near, Quaritch almost doesn't want to finish it. Because he knows that when the song ends, so does Spider's. But his son has spent his entire life paying for someone else's mistakes, his mistakes. So he finishes it, through clouded eyes and a breaking heart, he sings.
before you go to sleep
say a little prayer
every day in every way, it's getting better and better
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
beautiful boy
darling, darling, darling
darling Spider.
As Spider's eyes begin to close, he feels his pain slip away. Gone is the anger, gone is the hatred, gone is the sadness and the despair. All that is left is the warmth of his song. Not the songcord he'd made alone in the darkness of his room, not the Omatikayan songs he'd watched Neytiri sing to her children. No, this was his song. And it would be forever.
Quaritch places one final kiss on the boy's forehead, before whispering a final goodbye.
"Goodnight, Spider. I'll see you in the morning."
"Bright and early."
:P bit of a drabble ngl but i've had this in my head forever.
All this pain and for what? To finish me off?
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hooked-on-elvis · 18 days
"I Met Her Today" (1961-1965)
Recorded on October 15, 1961 at RCA’s Studio B, Nashville · Release date: July 19, 1965 · Album: Elvis for Everyone! (compilation)
MUSICIANS Guitar: Jerry Kennedy, Scotty Moore. Bass: Bob Moore. Drums: Buddy Harman, D.J. Fontana. Piano & Organ: Floyd Cramer. Saxophone & Clarinet: Boots Randolph. Accordion: Gordon Stoker. Vocals: Millie Kirkham, The Jordanaires.
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Illustrative pictures · (1) On Sunday afternoon, July 30, 1961, Elvis appeared at Weeki Wachee Springs Park in Florida, on the west coast where he was then filming "Follow That Dream"; (2) Elvis on movie set Frankie and Johnny June 10, 1965.
RECORDING SESSION · BACKSTORY Soundtrack Recordings for Mirisch Company’s "Follow That Dream" July 2, 1961: RCA’s Studio B, Nashville One thing seemed certain to the Colonel: It made sense to go into the studio for another singles-only session. The June 25 session proved that Elvis and his band could focus their attention better when they were all trying to cut a hit single; increasingly, too, scheduling was becoming a problem, and between the two Mirisch pictures there would only be time to arrange a short session. Once Freddy [Bienstock] understood the Colonel’s goal, he knew exactly where to turn for hit material — to his hot new team, Pomus and Shuman. Having gotten three cuts on the last session was more than enough motivation to propel the songwriters into action. Mort Shuman had a simple formula for writing hits — “Chorus, break, and gimmick” — and the two had noticed that Elvis was drawn to first-person songs; in no time, then, they came up with a stranger’s tale, a gimmick, and a Phil Spector – produced demo. The song, “Night Rider,” was just the kind of rocker Freddy was looking for, and he sent it off to Elvis along with two Tepper and Bennett compositions, “Just For Old Time Sake” and “For The Millionth And The Last Time,” as well as two others (“Ecstasy” and “You Never Talked to Me”) and the promise of “a couple of real strong songs in the next few days.”
RECORDING OF "I MET HER TODAY" Studio Sessions for RCA October 15, 1961: RCA’s Studio B, Nashville The “real strong songs” Freddy had mentioned in his note were two brand-new Don Robertson ballads. Elvis’s careful phrasing suggests that he’d done serious preparation on the first, “Anything That’s Part Of You,” but that didn’t stop him from working hard on it, running through six takes as Floyd Cramer worked to duplicate the slip-note fills Robertson had played on the demo. Years later Elvis would tell audiences that “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” was “probably the saddest song I’ve ever heard,” but he never portrayed abandonment more convincingly than on this cut. Among Elvis’s recorded ballads perhaps the only competition comes from some of the other Robertson songs recorded in 1961 and ’62. The second of his contributions, “I Met Her Today,” told a more hopeful story, but it proved harder to get right. After a promising first take Elvis paused to correct some problems with the song’s challenging octave-and-a half leaps, but as soon as he’d mastered that, band mistakes began to multiply. After twenty takes the group’s concentration had worn thin, and they agreed to stop, leaving take eighteen as the master. But the recording lay unused for four years until RCA resurrected it for Elvis For Everyone.
Excerpts: "Elvis Presley, A Life in Music: The Complete Recording Sessions" by Ernst Jorgensen. Foreword by Peter Guralnick (1998)
LYRICS Don Robertson/Hal Blair I told you that some day If you kept on being untrue Somebody else would come along And release me from you You'll be glad to know now Your fickle world Can have its own way For it finally happened I've met her today I used to think I just couldn't live A day without you In spite of the thousand doubts and tears That you put me through All at once I don't care as much for you I'm sorry to say For now there's another I met her today How I treasured each smile, each kiss You gave to me now and then Well, you needn't be kind to me now Oh no, not ever again Just when the last bit of pride in me was gone Someone heard me pray And sent me my angel I met her today I met her today
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fullmetalgirl98 · 7 months
30 days Hypnosis Mic challenge
DAY 9: favorite duet song
🎤 「Murder at the House of Magic (奇術館の殺人 / Kijutsu-kan no Satsujin) 」 - Gentaro & Dice (2nd duet)
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Just to make it immediately clear: my obsession level is high (yes, this post is going to be super long, and yes, I apologize in advance for that). I'm not exaggerating when I say that I know every single word of this song by heart. I even made a fanart for this song. Check it out, if you're curious 👉 (link)
I became aware of the existence of this duet far too late, in April 2022, i think??, and in the saddest way possible: through the wiki while searching for only God knows now what kind of other stuff. Of course, considering that Dice and Gentaro are two of my fave characters ever, it was a scandal for me not to have known earlier about the existence of a new duet of theirs, other than Once upon a time in Shibuya, which is iconic in itself, so I went crazy, obviously, and dashed off in search of the song (with very little success, I have to say)... and when I finally found it and it started playing, I almost had a heart attack. What. the actual. hell. was. that.
I expected everything, except something of that sort.
Right from the very first notes, I knew this was gonna be BIG stuff. I mean, VERY BIG.
The vibe it gave me, initially, was something alien, the instrumental intro smelled a lot like the X-files theme song to me (link).
Then Gentaro started, in his usual calm and sexy tone, and I caught the word "satsujin jiken". But so far, let's say, nothing exceptionally new. I knew I should expect some mystery to solve... I mean, the title spoke loud ¯\(ツ)/¯
But poor little naive Anna, soon after the bomb was dropped straight to the center of an indefinite part of my brain.
A serious Dice.
A bloody serious Dice. A Dice that, instead of rapping, was literally speaking (or at least, the initial impression was seriously that). I...I've never heard Dice speaking in such a hard, deadly serious yet sexy, defiant, cocky and confident tone, like... I- ... I didn't even think he could ever speak in such a way!? Like. Dice. HELLO?! Where is my genuine idiotic cute drenched cat gone?! I'm scared?? But at the same time extremely intrigued?? WTF?! Help??!! Let's make one thing clear: when I first heard the song, I obviously had not read the translation yet. So, how shall I explain what I thought ... mhm... the impression was that he was speaking not in a good-guy-trying-to-be-cool sense, absolutely not. His tone was blatantly the tone of a thug. And a particularly dangerous one. The impact of the very first verse of his, "Danna shindanda na, zannen da" was something absurd. I swear. Something of disarming power. And then the tone used in the "tamannee na" immediately afterwards. Guys, I swear to you. I had completely lost my mind. I was totally in love with this new Dice, you have no idea. I was going crazy, I just wanted to know WHY he was talking in that absolutely crazy HOT way. I LOVE how it's clearly perceivable that Dice is speaking with a smirk on his face, that of someone who is sure that he cannot be set up. And I could go on listing word by word all the vocal proclivities that have slowly sent me further and further into the hyperuranium BUT I will refrain from doing so for your sake, because this post would probably become longer than it already is going to be. And then the refrain. Simply BRILLIANT. I mean, it's already not enough that this too, like Stella, is a song set up as a story told by Gentaro, in which he then becomes one of the characters in the plot (you can't tell I have logic behind my preferences, can you?), but a semi-occult code was also inserted?????? Who the hell came up with the idea of putting the spelling of Dice and Gentaro's names at the beginning of each verse of the chorus? WHO? Give a fucking award to the composer, I beg you: (A)Up & down, Rikou na yatsu wo, Sukkari damashite Ganchuu nai Wakattenda Dare na no ka Izure wa Subete wo raizarai;
Yurusan, Meshi toraeru, Nogasanai shi Genkei nai Takara, Rou sezu shite, Umaku moratte Say Good Bye I don't know if i'm making the point clear enough, here.
And then the whole Uh!(Ah!)Uh!Uh!(Ah!) thing. Gentaro firing off his "Ichi wa ichi, zero wa zero, hachi wa hachi" with that studied air of his who knows he has the other guy completely on the hook. And the way you can perfectly sense that the mood of the conversation is starting to turn against Dice, when he throws out that "Nani?!" and then that "Kuso!" so particularly intense (KYAAAAAHHH (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)).
OH, and I can't help but mention how the "Hachiji nijuppun" thing practically became a meme between me and @justanotherniky (fixed message in chat at 8:20 p.m.: "HACHIJI NIJUPPUN" when we don't happen to forget about it).
I swear guys, you have no idea how much I lost my mind behind this duet. Because c'mon, I don't know if you guys are realizing, but it's fucking genius. And, last but not least, how not to mention the classic "Uso desu kedo ne~" at the close. Epic.
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confesspinkfloyd · 6 months
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Opel by Syd Barrett is one of the saddest songs I've ever heard. The end chorus makes my feel like crying every time I hear it. It's the yearning in his voice that does it.
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aintashes · 7 months
pink rabbits : the national
i'm so surprised you want to dance with me now i was just getting used to living life without you around i'm so surprised you want to dance with me now you always said i held you way too high off the ground
you said it would be painless a needle in a doll you said it would be painless it wasn't that at all
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edge-oftheworld · 6 months
luke releasing one of the saddest songs i've ever heard (but you don't realise just how sad it is until you're hooked on the way it sounds. just like everything i have ever liked ever) and then ashton just ?? impulsively ??? playing and streaming this BOP about a toxic codependent but clearly intoxicating relationship and i'm supposed to ??? just go to work tomorrow?
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