#the royal masquerade fan art
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pola-rola · 6 months ago
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"My turn to ask for a dance, nya~" and then he spins you until you feel dizzy and then "accidentally" throws you into someone's arms
so I saw a really cool edit of masquerade Neige on pinterest and I got an idea
but I turned out to be really bad at editing (I tried, honestly, but it looked terrible), so here's just a quick chibi, someday I'll draw a full art (ribbonsribbonsribbons, I want his outfits to have lots of ribbons imitating the Cheshire Cat's stripes!)
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space-mermaid-writing · 5 months ago
Consort and King [IronStrange]
Summary: Anthony Stark, King of Midgard, needs a spouse. Whether he wants one or not. So he accepts an arranged marriage with the Prince of Kamar-Taj – a man he has never met in his life to the day they are standing in front of each other at the altar, speaking their vows. Is it possible that the feeling of duty grows into something more? Will their future be happy?
Relationship: Tony Stark / Stephen Strange
Tags: arranged marriage au, royal au, strangers to husbands, enemies to lovers, slow burn, idiots in love, fluff, hurt/comfort, miscommunication, all the good stuff
Author's note: It wouldn't be a royal au without a ball. Asgard knows how to throw a party. Everyone say Hi to Loki Beta by @kvjjjjjj
Ko-fi | Read it on AO3 | Series Masterlist | Word count: 2.1k | Previous | Next
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Chapter 9: Summer solstice
They received an invitation to a ball in Asgard. It happened that this year’s summer solstice fell on the same day as Queen Frigga’s birthday and she invited the leaders of all realms to attend the feast.
It was Tony and Stephen's first appearance as a married couple outside their own realm.
On the afternoon of the ball, Stephen opened a portal to the Asgardian palace. He and Tony stepped through, followed by some servants, who carried their luggage.
Although Stephen could easily portal them back home at the end of the night, they had decided to accept the extended invitation of the royal family and stay a day longer.
The ball didn’t start until the night. For now, primarily the guests were arriving – the couple spotted familiar and new faces among them – and getting assigned to their rooms. The hosts would not officially welcome them until later.
Tony and Stephen decided to take a little stroll through the gardens before getting dressed for the ball.
The palace's staff was busy with the final preparations. There was an excited buzz in the air. It was quieter in the garden. People had other things to do and so the two seemed to be the only guests out here.
They made their way past the white orchids, marveling at the looming trees that naturally bent to form an archway, leading them up the stone path. Sunlight peaked through the leaves, creating a shifting pattern under their feet.
To their left lay a fountain at the heart of the garden, water flowing gracefully from its sculpted tiers, creating a soothing symphony of splashes and ripples. At its base, the gentle spray caught the light, casting shimmering reflections on the surrounding feverfew flowers.
As they crossed the black calla lilies, Stephen pondered how they would look in the night. The Asgardian gardens were truly an experience in wondrous exploration.
“It’s funny that we hadn’t met before our wedding,” Tony mentioned and picked up a prior conversation they had had. “Even though we both have been attending Asgardian events before.”
“I have been here more often after my accident to study Seidr. It helped me understand the Mystic Arts better.”
Tony had learned that Asgard had its own kind of magic. Each of the realms actually differed in their magic. Tony had never thought about it before.
"I’ve been here on more occasions as a child with my father. He and Odin were close allies." Asgard and Midgard continued to be allied under Tony's rule, but he didn't see the need to come here as much as his father did. Tony was only moderately a fan of Odin himself. Frigga on the other hand was lovely; and he preferred talking to her.
Thor had been a friend of his since their childhood. They had fought together, laughed together, lost together.
Tony’s relationship to the second prince, Loki, on the other hand was more complicated. They had gotten off on the wrong foot the first time the two met and Tony still kinda held a grudge. Of course they had grown more mature over the years; these days he just tried to avoid Loki.
“Last time I was here solely for entertainment was the Winter Masquerade a few years ago.”
Stephen stopped and looked at him. “The one where Thor and his friend set loose the Wolpertingers in the ballroom?”
Tony turned towards him, tilting his head. “Yes.”
It had been a stupid prank, and he suspected that Loki also had a hand in it. The little animals, some kind of rabbit with wings, antlers, a tail, and fangs, were harmless, but they had caused a lot of chaos.
“I was there as well.”
“You were? Huh.” With the event being a masquerade ball, Tony hadn’t recognized a lot of people. “So maybe we have met before and just don’t know it.”
“Maybe.” Stephen looked at some of the flowers. The palace’s garden was famous for its beauty. Everyone knew the credit went to Queen Frigga, who saw personally to it.
It was weird that no one else was here. That was unusual since guests, who had already arrived, usually had nothing better to do than stroll around and marvel at the host’s palace.
Perhaps Stephen and Tony had inadvertently entered a restricted area.
Tony seemed to think something similar and in a silent agreement they strolled back towards the palace.
As they got closer, they saw Prince Loki descending the stairs from the palace to the garden. He had spotted the two Midgardians and was walking towards them, grinning broadly.
“Oh, how joyful,” Tony muttered dryly. He put on a neutral face. This was an event in the honor of Queen Frigga and he would play nice. For now.
But when he went ahead to approach Loki, Stephen grabbed his arm and held him back.
Frowning, Tony looked at his husband. “What is it?”
Stephen stared intensely at the Asgardian Prince; watching him as if he were analyzing him. “Give me a second. I have to check something.”
Without another explanation, Stephen strode past him towards Loki.
Loki was now within talking range and had his arms outstretched in a welcome gesture. “I heard you arrived but I had to see it with my-…”
He didn't get any further, because with his first step forward Stephen had created a small mandala disc between his fingers and with his next step he threw it straight at the prince.
Loki looked surprised but was slow to react; the sharp edges of the magic disc sunk into his chest, before he was able to dodge it.
Loki looked down in surprise. Blood was seeping through his tunic.
“What the hell?” Tony yelled, following after his husband. “What are you doing?” He couldn’t believe what he was witnessing.
Stephen was just standing there, watching Loki’s body collapse onto the ground; without any remorse.
His voice had attracted the attention of a guard, who must have been patrolling somewhere in the garden nearby.
“Your Highness!” As soon as he spotted the prince on the ground, he pointed his spear at the two Midgardians.
Tony instinctively reached for the short sword he wore on his belt – it was just for representative decorative purposes, but it had to suffice for defense – and moved between his husband and the guard’s weapon. Stephen made no move to defend himself and for a moment there, Tony wondered if all of this had been an ulterior motive of the sorcerer.
But then Stephen finally spoke up. “Nice show, your Highness.” He addressed the guard.
At this point Tony was pretty sure Stephen had lost his mind. But then a golden-green shimmer went over the dead body and the guard, and both of them vanished.
“Thank you,” said a smooth voice behind them. As they turned around, Loki stepped out from between some bushes. “Did you like my death? Very authentic, not too dramatic.”
“Yes, that almost had me doubting,” Stephen admitted. “But you made a mistake with the setting. By the lack of people in the garden we’re clearly not supposed to be here. Yet you added a guard who rushed to your aid and thus had to stand nearby, while they still allowed us to wander around in this restricted area.”
“You always had an eye for details.” Loki was rather amused than offended, that his ruse had been seen through. Then, he finally turned to Tony, who had listened to their banter irritated as well as irked.
“King Stark. How joyful to see you again.”
Immediately, Tony no longer felt guilty because Loki had clearly listened in on their conversation. He resisted the urge to use his own sword after all and put it back in his belt.
“If you're also in charge of the night’s entertainment, it promises to be an eventful ball.”
“This night is all about my mother. I merely wanted to greet you two.”
“You shouldn’t have.” For real. Tony could have gone without that almost heart attack.
Without commenting on that, Loki looked back to Stephen. “I recently visited Kamar-Taj but it was rather boring without you being there.”
“I’m sure you bothered other sorcerer’s just as fine.”
Maybe Tony was just imagining it, but Stephen’s voice was almost fond. He wasn’t sure he liked it.
“They weren’t as fun as you.”
“Well, this was…something. But surely you’re still busy with the preparation for the feast,” Tony interrupted whatever this was they had going on. “We don’t want to keep you from your responsibilities.”
Fortunately, Loki took the hint. “That’s very considerate of you, King Stark.” His voice dripped with sarcasm and he eyed Tony from head to toe. Like always, he was rubbing Tony all the wrong ways. “You’re not wrong: there’s still a lot to do. I will see you later at the ball.” He saw them off with a bow. "King Stark. Consort Strange."
With a last wink and still a grin on his face, he finally left.
Tony let out a breath he didn’t realize he had held the entire time.
Then he turned towards Stephen and tipped his finger on his chest, his anger rising again. “Next time you kill a prince, warn a guy!”
His husband seemed surprised by his strong reaction, since Loki’s life had never been in danger. “If the illusion had really been him, he would have fended off my spell with ease.”
“How would I know?”
Stephen realized his mistake. “I apologize. I never wanted to worry you.” He remembered Tony’s reaction to the illusion of the prince’s death – defending his husband from the guard – and he smiled. “I’m flattered you would back me up anyway if I were to kill a prince.”
Tony didn't feel like laughing. The adrenaline was only just disappearing from his body, but he still felt on edge. “Do you think this is funny?”
“Again, I’m sorry.” Stephen reached for Tony's hand and placed it on his own chest. “Loki is... particular. He probably would have done worse if his illusion had reached us."
Tony could imagine that. That was why he didn’t like the trickster. “Still. Just… don’t do this again. Ever.”
“I promise.”
“Okay, good.” Tony accepted it for now, not wanting to carry his sour mood into the rest of the evening. They were here to celebrate. “They do have drinks here somewhere, right? I think I need one.”
Not letting go of Stephen's hand, he moved to go back inside the palace.
Finally, it was time to get changed for the ball. Tony displayed his family colors of red and gold, while Stephen stayed with blue. But he had added a red accent in the form of a cloak Tony had gifted him for this very event.
“It suits you,” the king stated, looking at his husband fondly. His previous anger was forgotten. He stepped closer to him and helped him fasten the cloak at the front. There were two brooches, mirrored in shape. One showed the Stark’s emblem, the other one Strange’s. “My colors look good on you.”
“Yeah?” Stephen was blushing a bit at the simple gesture and the compliment.
“Yes.” Tony fixed his husband’s hair – not that it was of any use. By now he knew that there was one strand in the front that refused to cooperate. So it was really just an excuse to get his finger into that soft hair.
Stephen wore the silver circlet of a prince, while on Tony’s head rested one of his crowns. Nothing too fancy but perfect for a night of drinking and dancing.
On the day of his coronation, Stephen would also receive a golden crown to prove that he was Tony’s equal.
“We should start looking for designs soon,” he muttered, more of a reminder for himself than for the sorcerer to hear.
“Oh?” Stephen tilted his head. “Don’t I get the same crown as you?”
“I mean, you can if you want to. But I had something in mind that was a little more… you.” He turned Stephen and himself to the side, drawing his husband's attention to the mirror on the wall, which showed both of them together.
It was unusual for them to see themselves standing so close to each other – at least from the outside point of view– both in their gala uniforms, adorned with jewelry and crowns. Stephen was a little taller, but Tony made up for it with his charm and demeanor.
Stephen liked what he saw. “I’d like that.” He smiled and Tony mirrored it.
“I will call the goldsmith first thing when we’re back home.”
The sorcerer nodded, but paused when he realized that when hearing ‘home’ he thought about the Stark’s palace and really meant it. It had been the first image that had come to his mind. Not Kamar-Taj.
He had finally arrived in Midgard. Not only with his life but also with his mind.
His eyes met Tony’s in the mirror.
And maybe with his heart.
Taglist: @goopierthenyou (tell me if you want to be added/removed)
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the-commonplace-book · 2 years ago
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I've been wanting to draw the masquerade scene from chapter 17 of @sasusquatch’s AU scaralumi fic Destined For More since reading it and finally had the time to (hopefully) do it justice.
That moment near the end when all the playful banter slips away and in its place is an apology a warning not to trust him. Right before shit hits the fan. I am in love with this chapter and plot beat. It's such a pivotal point in the story.
Venti was mentioned earlier to be by the refreshments table getting drunk, so by now he's on the refreshments table and sloshed. Extra poofy sleeves for the occasion and, of course, his delightful big ol' mage hat.
Zhongli is always dressed to the nines, so no special outfit for him. For Nahida I wanted to give her a special party dress while still taking inspiration from her normal outfit. The line about them dancing with her feet on his was so cute I couldn't not put in the background.
With Scaramouche, I ended up going with his Wanderer palette both for the color scheme and because he is an anemo mage. (and also because I know how to draw the hat and didn't want to learn how to draw the scaramouche hat haha). It's basically just his normal outfit but a bit more formal. While he wanted to wear his ordinary clothes, it's a royally hosted formal event so I doubt he could get away with it. So instead we have his normal outfit but with a slightly more formal shirt and a fancy belt.
I had the most fun with Lumine's dress, mask, and tiara. The descriptions of it in the previous chapter were so lovely I just had to draw it. She was looking very Abyss Sibling in this chapter and I'm living for it. I might draw Aether with his white, red, and gold getup later because that " brilliant gold cape that trailed behind him" would have some very fun shapes.
For this whole piece I wanted to experiment with doing a style that's just lines and flats, but like.. in an intentional way. Not in the "I did the flats and got lazy" way haha. Trying to stretch myself as an artist.
Anyway enjoy! If you haven't read this fic and you like scaralumi / wanderlumi I highly recommend!
(Also if anyone would like to commission me for art you can find my rates here. I draw illustrations, character designs, profile pictures, ocs, ship art, etc.)
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killervelveteenrabbit · 2 years ago
Danganronpa Cooking Headcanons!
Makoto made only average grades in high-school Home Ec, so he's inclined to discount his cooking skills. He can make his own meals if his mom is out of town or he doesn't have any pocket money for the school cafeteria. But he'd sooner pick up something at the corner store on his way to school. He doesn't share the food he makes with others, so he hasn't figured out that he's actually a better cook than he realizes. Curry over rice or noodles is his favorite food, and he always makes his own rather than using cheap storebought packs.
Aoi loves doughnuts so much she learned how to make them herself. Yeast doughnuts, cake doughnuts, deep-fried or baked, with all kinds of glazes and toppings… she's even mastered a recipe she found online for making them out of potatoes. Naturally, the skills Aoi picked up have translated into baking projects like cookies and pies. These usually turn out well so long as she doesn't absent-mindedly leave out an ingredient or forget she has something in the oven. She's flirted with the idea of opening her own bakery once she scores a few gold medals and retires from professional swimming.
The only thing Byakuya can make for dinner are reservations, and he usually has a servant on hand to make the phone call. Byakuya claims cooking is peasant-work beneath his station. But put him in a kitchen and you'll discover the truth: he's never been in a position to cook for himself, so the poor bastard can't even operate a coffeemaker. Microwaves frustrate him in particular--the one time he tried to use one, he didn't take the aluminum foil off the plate. To this day, he prefers to believe the machine was defective, something off with the wiring.
Celestia doesn't cook; she is cooked for… and you better damn sight not screw it up! As a child, Taeko loved making her favorite gyoza with her mother. Even if they weren't evenly fried or the stuffing came out of them after the first bite, Taeko enjoyed the experience of making them almost as much as eating them. But that was a lifetime ago. Ask her to prepare some gyoza these days, she'll scream at you for mistaking her for the help, distracting both you and herself from the fact that she's forgotten how.
Chihiro enjoys baking; he regards it as a combination of science and art that forces him to train different parts of his brain. Plus, you can eat the results if the experiment is a success! A video "she" posted of "her" attempt at baking chocolate-chip-oatmeal-raisin cookies briefly went viral, if only because it stood out from "her" usual gadget reviews and programming guides. "She" even received a few marriage proposals from fans afterward. As far as Chihiro's concerned, it's to the good if his fans liked it… and the demonstration of domestic skills helps him maintain the masquerade.
Quite frankly, Hifumi thinks cooking is "women's work", something females are supposed to do for the men they love. Furthermore, this junk-food junkie buys most of his food from vending machines and convenience stores, something he can shovel down while creating his latest Princess Piggles epic. He can fix himself a sandwich or boil up some tea or coffee if he absolutely has to, but that's it. Anything that requires actual effort, like Celestia's favorite royal milk tea, and Hifumi is out of his element.
Junko's analytical prowess allows her to pick up things quickly, and if she wanted to learn how to cook, she could do so almost overnight. But she doesn't want to. The aggravation she causes people by making them wait on her causes them despair, and not getting the food she needs and that feeling of hunger that results creates despair in her. Honestly, the only reason she would ever cook something for anyone is for the opportunity to adulterate it or poison it. Junko dresses to kill and cooks pretty much the same way.
As a cook, Kiyotaka is hyper-competent but spectacularly uncreative. He goes straight by the cookbook, following recipes exactly as written… and his insistance on "the proper way to make such-and-such" renders him unable (or at least unwilling) to innovate his own dishes. He noticeably fumbles when improvising alternatives to unavailable ingredients or equipment. Finally, he avoids preparing anything he deems unhealthy, lest he weaken the body and spirit of the people who eat it. You'll eat healthy and well with Taka in the kitchen… just don't expect dessert, unless it's fresh fruit or yogurt.
Kyoko's overprotective grandfather would allow her to make her own food, but not to use the stove, the oven, or particularly sharp knives for fear she might accidentally hurt herself. After all, she was destined to be a detective, not someone's housewife. She understands the processes of cooking, and even the science behind fermentation, heat transfer, why coriander tastes like soap to her, etc.. But she herself rarely cooks, relying on family servants for her meals. Oh, and Kyoko finds most instant foods greasy and disgusting… especially cup ramen.
So one time there was this girl at school Leon liked, and she was really into cooking, baking, stuff like that. So he figured he'd learn how to cook and totally impress her with his Mad Kitchen Skillz. He blew all his cash on cookbooks and utensils and ingredients--but pretty much everything he made got burned or half-cooked or just plain tasted like shit. While recovering from food poisoning from his own undercooked chicken yakisoba, Leon found out his dream girl was now dating an upperclassman. Eh. At least he can follow the directions on a box of cake mix. Hope you like it crunchy.
The Owada brothers both learned the basics of cooking at their mother's insistence. She knew one day they'd have to grow up, stop running wild in the street, and take care of themselves. Her lessons came in handy when first Daiya, then Mondo, had to look after their biker brothers with less involved parents. Mondo privately wishes he could learn how to do more stuff in the kitchen--making things instead of breaking them--even though it might seem a little sissified. Um… no, Mondo has no strong opinions about butter… why do you ask?
Life as a transient mercenary taught Mukuro basic survival skills, including how to set up a serviceable field kitchen, purify water, and hunt and forage enough provisions to support herself and her team. Ever the team player, Mukuro will readily volunteer to help with mess duty and even may take command to get the job done… unless Junko orders her not to. In fact, as long as her sister is around, letting her handle food is dangerous. She'll follow her sister's lead in making it inedible or potentially deadly.
When she's not chugging protein drinks, Sakura appreciates a nice big meal to give her strength for the day's training and fights. She enjoys preparing a large Japanese-style breakfast--several bowls of rice and miso, with tsukemono and natto made from cucumbers and soybeans grown in the dojo's gardens. She won't buy pre-packaged foodstuffs without checking the nutritional label. Too much sugar or sodium, and it goes back on the store shelf. Everyone she cooks for will eat the same thing she does, no exceptions. And are you really gonna argue with her about it?
Sayaka got tired of waiting for her dad to get home from the office with some cheap sushi pack he picked up on the way. So she taught herself how to make simple tasty meals that wouldn't require her to operate the stove and risk starting an apartment fire. She took the same Home Ec courses Makoto did in middle school and not surprisingly made better grades in them. Now Sayaka enjoys preparing low-calorie snacks for her bandmates when they have spare time. It helps her focus on something besides the dance step she flubbed in rehearsal or the way the label's new PR guy keeps leering at her.
One of Toko's early novels, "Fresh Baked Love", centers on a shy girl who wins the heart and appetite of her crush by becoming an award-winning chef. It's based on a longstanding fantasy of hers. As is, the only thing she makes consistently well are chocolates. Every year Toko prepares a huge bagful for her dream boy of the moment… and every year it ends up in the trash, unopened. BTW, her chocolatiering expertise does not carry over to her Genocide Jack alter… and if that switch has flipped, the question of who's preparing dessert is the least of your problems.
Yasuhiro's mother always treasured and complimented her son's attempts at cooking, even if they were barely edible. Consequently, Hiro labors under the delusion that he's a whiz in the kitchen. But he fails to notice how everything he makes always comes out burnt, underdone, dried out, soaked in too much sauce, bitter, crumbly, or some combination of the above. You can let him help with meal prep, but don't leave him unsupervised, always have backup ingredients ready in case he messes something up… and make sure he's wearing a hairnet, kerchief, or something similar.
Hajime is mostly indifferent about food, cooking it or eating it--unless you're talking about mochi. Then he gets weirdly finicky and sensitive about the virtues of kusamochi (his favorite) over sakuramochi (which he can't stand). In line with his non-Ultimate status, he's an average cook, capable of boiling rice, making sandwiches, and working the okonomiyaki stand at the school festival so long as he has help. His Izuru alter, being the Ultimate Everything, has the potential to be a master chef… but he has other priorities.
When you grow up foraging, scavenging, or even fighting for every meal, you learn how to improvise. Put Akane in a kitchen and she'll start looking through cabinets and containers, rifling through the fridge like a raccoon in a trashcan, quickly coming up with a combination of this, that, and the other thing that will feed her and everybody else in the house. Ideally, she'll find meat and plenty of it. If there isn't any, she'll find it, somehow, even if she has to kill it herself. Nothing Akane makes is remotely gourmet, but no one is going to starve on her watch.
Whatever can be said of the "Ultimate Imposter", to say they enjoy fast food is an understatement. The Imposter is practically a scholar on the merits of this chain's cheeseburgers versus another, the harmony between pizza toppings and sauces… they could pretty much write a dissertation on KFC in Japan compared to the US. But the idea of preparing their own meals is a foreign concept. Privately, they're too intimidated to try. So much effort and preparation--if they tried to replicate the foods they supposedly know so much about and fail, it would be just too embarrassing.
The eating of food, and the preparation of it for eating, is a fundamentally human concern. Hence, engaging AI Chiaki in conversation about cooking and food might inadvertently expose her status. She's learned enough from all the cooking simulation games she's played… but she doesn't have a favorite food or a least favorite. She doesn't know where milk and eggs come from, and she doesn't realize that food can spoil or not taste good. Critically, asking her to recall memories associates with certain foods generates verbatim repeated responses.
The real-life Chiaki is about as adept at cooking as her AI counterpart. She gets so engrossed in gaming that she'll forget to eat, then wonder why her stomach hurts. Then she'll take a break to grab an energy drink and a nut-and-cheese protein pack from the corner store. If she's at home, she'll raid the kitchen for cup ramen or condensed soup she'll eat straight out of the can. Preparing anything from scratch doesn't appeal to her at all. The few times she's tried have proven that it isn't as easy IRL as Cooking Mama makes it look.
Bodyguards at the Kuzuryu compound have learned not to comment on any late-night bumps and clatters coming from the kitchen. The housekeeper turns a blind eye to the occasional empty containers of sugar, flour, baking powder, and eggs that weren't in the trash when she clocked out the previous night. Everyone knows about the young master's sweet tooth, and everyone knows Fuyuhiko is above asking anyone to make the treats he secretly craves and devours in secret. Rivals aren't going to stop calling him "baby gangsta" if they see him nomming on a fried dough cookie.
Cease your labors, mortals, and behold the handiwork of the Dark Devas of Destruction! Tanaka the Forbidden One bids you gain strength and vigor from this ambrosia from the gods, his special STIR-FRIED GINGER TOFU WITH DAIKON RADISH AND SPRING ONIONS! Seriously, watching Gundham in the kitchen is like watching a cross between "Ratatouille" and "Fist of the North Star". Gundham gives the orders and the hamsters do the rest. Be forewarned that eating his mother's terrible cooking has imbued him with low standards for taste. Also, watch out for the odd bit of hamster fur in your salad.
As an arbiter and ambassador of Japanese culture, Hiyoko's family has trained her to whip up delicious full-course meals on demand. She will enthusiastically debate the merits of certain types of miso and curry over others, seasonal variations on sukiyaki, etc., all while explaining how even the worst of Japanese cooking shames the fatty, greasy slop that passes for Western "cuisine". Just… don't actually ask her to cook. That is beneath her. Hiyoko will, however, instruct you how to prepare dishes according to Saionji family standards… while telling you in excruciating detail how you're doing it all wrong.
Her voice is loud, her fashion is loud, and her music is loud… so it makes sense that Ibuki likes her food loud, too. Her standard cooking technique involves flavor-blasting everything to a degree Guy Fieri would find excessive. Sauces! Gravies! Dressing! Hot peppers! And mouth-burning, sinus-clearing amounts of spices, the more obscure the better. Each meal, regardless of what it is, comes with a side of heavily seasoned rice. It's all prepared while she blasts noise metal out of the speakers she's hooked up--which is fine, since you might not want to hear about how she "kicked up" those croquettes.
If you're fixing a propane grill--or modding it out so it can cook fifty burgers at once and alert you when each one has reached 74 degrees C in internal temperature--it makes sense that you know how the food the equipment prepares is supposed to taste. Kazuichi is indifferent about food and drink; all he cares about is that the cola isn't diet and you brought enough grub to share. But he knows what things are supposed to taste like and how to use and fix the machines so they taste that way. If that counts as knowing how to cook… then Kazuichi knows how to cook.
Mahiru's mother was more often "on assignment" than not, and her shiftless father wouldn't even take his discarded takeout containers out to the trash. Ever the resourceful one, Mahiru pulled up some recipes on her laptop, printed them out, bought the necessary provisions, and after considerable trial and error taught herself how to prepare basic dinners for two. And ever the photographer, Mahiru takes photos of everything she makes before she digs in, even if it doesn't look as pretty and put-together as the online examples.
Mikan will be the first to tell you she's an awful cook and anything she makes is unfit for human consumption. On this point, she exaggerates. She only thinks she can't cook because she inevitably drops a plate, spills the salad dressing, slices herself with a knife, or falls over in a heap and somehow ends up with the kitchen trashcan spilling all over her. With some assistance, she can pull off a lunch or dinner that is fit to eat and, more importantly, is healthy, low-fat, properly portioned, and high in fiber to help you maintain regular bowel movements.
Dinner time. Nagito is cooking, so you steel yourself for the worst. You're pleasantly surprised to discover nothing amiss. The garden salad, the roast chicken, the side potatoes, and the chocolate cake are all wonderful. But your nagging suspicions compel you to peek inside the kitchen. Sure enough, various ingredients are splattering the counters and walls. There are scorch marks on the ceiling, which drips with fire extinguisher foam. A cabinet door is hanging by its hinges. The dishwasher is halfway open, revealing the exploded remains of the toaster.
Eager to prove herself worthy of being the Ultimate Gangster's little sister, Natsumi actively seeks new ways to protect her family against rivals and upstarts. One of these, oddly enough, involves playing the part of hostess. She's read how Lucrezia Borgia and other poisoners took out their enemies undetected, and lately she's been… experimenting. Recently, a former "business partner" of her father's spent two weeks in intensive care with stomach inflammation. No one except Fuyu has made the connection to the purin custard Natsumi prepared for dessert when he came by for supper.
You get out of the human body what you put into it. Different bodies require different meals to help them reach their potential as athletes. One of Nekomaru's hidden talents is finding out what food they need. Count on him to help you bulk up, slim down, or otherwise condition yourself for your chosen sport. The one common element to all Nekomaru's diet plans is an efficient digestive system, not weighed down with excess material in the gut. With him as your coach, you'll eat like an champion, perform like a champion… and shit like a champion!
Ryota can draw food that looks so mouth-watering you'll want to eat it right off the screen. But actually making it? The most difficult part will be pulling him away from his computer set-up and out of his room. Once you get him in the kitchen, he can follow instructions, but he may rush things and cut corners so he can get this distraction out of his way, with disastrous results. Furthermore, he'll whine the entire time that he doesn't have time for this and he can't do anything that injures his hands and whipping this batter by hand is exhausting. Maybe you should just send the boy back to his studio.
Sworn to protect the Kazuryu bloodline, Peko is prepared for any contingency. She's trained to recognize when food has been tampered with and has occasionally functioned as a taste-tester. She can also prepare simple meals from edible berries and plants in case she and her charges are ever trapped in the wilderness. Peko would like to learn more advanced cooking techniques--like how to make those cookies the young master likes. But she's never pursued that interest. Her blade is meant for protecting the family, not chopping vegetables.
The Kingdom of Novaselic requires its royals and heirs to be reasonably self-sufficient, so Sonia's picked up a few "commoner" skills like meal prep. But she's far better at planning dinners than preparing them. And by "dinner", Sonia means grand banquets full of distinguished guests. To her, fifty people counts as an intimate gathering. Bring the appetizers out at five, the main at six, dessert and coffee come out right after the applause stops from the ambassador's speech… oh, and the Grand Duchess is allergic to fennel, so can we find an alternative to that soup that still complements the veal?
Teruteru's reputation in this arena precedes him, does it not? Give the guy enough time and he can put together a seven-course meal in the Sahara Desert. But Teruteru keeps meals for family friends simple yet succulent, from the miso soup to the castella served for dessert. Every dish is one he learned at his mother's knee and as a backup chef at the family restaurant, yet flawlessly executed. Even his renditions of basics like fish ball soup explode with a kaleidoscope of flavor. Don't forget to pre-order his new cookbook "Meals My Mama Taught Me" wherever books are sold!
Komaru does okay in her Home Ec classes, but within the humble kitchen of the Naegi household, she becomes a culinary nightmare. Her sense of taste is quite frankly not normal (favorite foods include sparrow’s nest, tuna eyeballs, and kangaroo meat) and this completely warps the way she cooks. Her family, Makoto included, usually take one bite of whatever she's cooked, try not to retch, tell her it’s good but they’re not hungry right now, and discreetly sneak the abomination, container and all, into the outside garbage. Komaru’s never realized why her family goes through pots and pans so quickly.
None of the Warrior of Hope kids would be any help in the kitchen. Masaru primarily eats whatever he can shoplift. Nagisa’s parents provided their lab rat with such meager rations that he has no concept of what makes a decent meal. Kotoko had servants preparing her meals, and her mother was interested in teaching her… other skills besides the domestic. Monaca will feign helplessness to get out of kitchen duty—you don’t expect a little girl in a wheelchair to fend for herself, do you? Jataro might be able to help, if you can convince him cooking can be a form of art and if you can get him to focus.
Outside of its potential role in poisoning cases, Shuichi gives little thought to food. His parents were either too busy working or traveling to spend time with him (cooking or otherwise), and his aunt took care of dinner when he moved in with her and his uncle. Home Ec is his least favorite subject in school, and at home he’d sooner do laundry than help in the kitchen. He’ll grudgingly fix simple snacks to keep his belly from rumbling, or he’ll pick up something from the corner store. Maybe the right person could show him how fun cooking can be, and how it can distract him and help him relax.
One of Kaede’s worst fears is something happening to her hands that stops her from playing the piano. This includes cutting or burning her fingers while cooking. Hence, she avoids excessive kitchenwork. She can whip up a few sandwiches or appetizers, using pre-sliced meats and cheeses. Clean oven mitts and potholders are a must, and she avoids using any cutlery sharper than a butter knife. Perhaps the only reason to have her in the kitchen at all is meal-planning. She’s been hosted at many high-class dinners by her wealthy patrons, and she knows what makes a successful soiree.
The natives on the island where Angie lives happily cook for her—providing needed sustenance to the oracle of Atua is a high honor. But sometimes Angie receives messages from Atua calling on her to return the favor, so she prepares huge meals for the people attending her festivals. If you love Polynesian cooking and plenty of it, Angie’s your girl. She can prepare slow-cooked pork cooked in a dug-out oven, poke and ceviche made with wild-caught fish, and grilled chicken in any number of sweet and savory sauces, all with generous sides of coconut rice and her favorite avocados.
In mountains, Gonta learn how to hunt food and make fire to cook food. But Gonta no good in kitchen. Gonta really no good in fancy kitchen back home. Break everything. Burn and cut hands. Gonta like to cook outdoors around fire pit, where smoke go up in air and not make beeping sound. Plenty of room to move around and not knock things over. Gonta good at barbecue! Gonta know how to cook any kind of meat tender and safe enough to eat while not burnt. Bug friends help Gonta find fresh fruit and vegetables to go with meat. You not go hungry in woods when Gonta with you!
Himiko may specialize in grand spectacles, but no mage is worth her wand without knowing a few magic potions. There’s one she keeps handy for curing minor illnesses. It requires a whole chicken, roasted and deboned. Then she forms a dough and cuts it into noodles. For the base she'll need butter, celery, carrots, garlic, assorted spices, and the best chicken stock available. Himiko carefully mixes the concoction, bringing it to a boil before letting it cool. Those uninitiated to her magic circle can’t speak for its curative powers, but they agree it’s the best homemade chicken soup they’ve ever had.
Between his regressive gender attitudes and his inherent machismo, Kaito disregards cooking as girly and undignified. He'll only fix his own meals if there isn’t a female around to do it for him. His grandmother did all the cooking for him, and the only thing he learned from her was not to touch a hot stove. With some reverse psychology—telling Kaito he can’t do something always flips a switch—he might try his hand at “manly” culinary arts like grilling. Don’t try talking him into anything more, or you’ll be subjected to a lengthy diatribe on the superiority of freeze-dried food.
Cooking is a part of the human experience that Kiibo was designed to replicate. He can follow the instructions in a recipe to produce decent meals, but he might not notice if the eggs have gone bad or a malfunctioning broiler has undercooked the fish. His "experiments" to create new dishes humans will enjoy resemble current AI attempts to replicate art and writing. Recent creations include pudding-filled rice balls, beer-battered steak in a strawberry-marmalade reduction, an "eggplant cake" with a peanut-butter glaze, and something called a "chickenloaf" served with bechamel sauce.
She doesn’t make a big deal about it, but Kirumi’s culinary abilities almost match Teruteru's. What she lacks in delicacy and nuance, she makes up for in resourcefulness. Her larder is always stocked with ample supplies of vegetables, pasta, cheese, eggs, beans, and a variety of meats and seafood. This way, Kirumi can fix any number of hearty, energy-packed meals and snacks for important people making important decisions, often late at night. For more formal functions, she is equally capable of finding a suitable caterer or commanding an entire kitchen staff to prepare state dinners.
Any city where D.I.C.E. sets up shop, all the best grocery stores and fine-dining establishments are burglarized within the week. They lose their best cuts of meat, their priciest liquor… and every last bottle of soda. Kokichi's army of merry pranksters marches on its stomach. If he's somehow dragooned into feeding people outside his organization, they can expect "fun" additions and improvizations on whatever's being served. Sorry, Kokichi, but no one else found the creamed spinach-filled-bonbons as funny as you did. Especially considering the spinach was cooked in Carolina Reaper hot sauce.
Korekiyo's world travels have exposed him to the culinary delights of a hundred or more cultures. But as his beanpole physique suggests, food is not a priority for him. He eats whatever's available--since sometimes he's had to eat grubs and insects just to survive or sample utterly vile local delicacies, like live octopus in Korea or surströmming that one time in Sweden. There is this chocolate mille crepe cake he makes, his beloved sister's favorite. Kiyo will occasionally prepare one, but only for very special girls, the kind his sister would have liked…
You need help preparing dinner, and Maki's the only one available. She sighs bitterly, but despite her initial reluctance she immediately sets to work. By the time she's done, she's taken over, preparing omurice for the main with sides of potato salad and yakitori and a giant bowl of zosui. She seals the deal with coconut thumbprint cookies with red bean jam. She confides in you that she used to cook like this all the time for other kids at the orphanage… and honestly, she's just happy to prepare dishes she doesn't have to spike with arsenic or cyanide.
The brilliant inventor Miu Irumi has better things to do than fuck around in the kitchen preparing num-nums for numb-nuts. She has been known to prepare special baked goods for boys she likes--pie with her her hair in it, cookies containing her fingernails, chocolate made with her blood, etc. So maybe it's better for all concerned that she stays in her workshop. She's memorized the numbers of every takeout place in the neighborhood that delivers, so all she has to do is answer the door, wolf down lunch while watching some kiddie show, and then go back to her current project.
Rantaro is basically a teenage Anthony Bourdain, having been a hundred or more places across the globe and picking up at least one recipe or cooking style everywhere he's been. Linguine carbonara from Italy, churrasco from Brazil, pad thai from Thailand, Nashville hot chicken from America… would you care for some jollof rice, and if so do you prefer it Nigerian or Ghanaian style? Rantaro has sworn to prepare all these dishes for his gaggle of sisters once he finally tracks them down--he's come a long way since the days of fixing them riceballs and pancakes.
Ryoma has a few favorite recipes he'll share if asked. They're surprisingly good for someone whose palate has been exposed to a steady diet of prison food. But… you might notice a theme. Turkey meatballs? Salmon patties? Sardine omelettes? And then there's his special tuna and rice. Yep, you're eating homemade cat food, the same recipes Ryoma lovingly prepared for his beloved Russian Blue a lifetime ago. Storebought industrial kibble just wouldn't do. Stop complaining--you've had a full serving of protein, fiber, and vitamin D. At least he didn't sneak a vitamin pill into it.
Tenko's master tried teaching her how to cook, thinking it would encourage focus, discipline, patience, etc. He failed miserably, but some of the cooking lessons stuck. She's particularly good at the art of nabemono--preparing hot pot dishes. She takes care in selecting the appropriate pot, seasoning the stock just right, and picking out only the choicest cuts of meat and vegetables… especially tripe, her favorite of all. If you identify as male, make sure to thank her appropriately after the meal to keep her from knife-handing you in the face.
Anyone can tell you that the fabric and accessories required for serious cosplay cost serious cash. Tsumugi paid those costs and her dues by bartending at various clubs and bars, using a skillful application of makeup to convince employers she was an adult. She's learned how to fix any number of cocktails on demand and she knows a few tricks of the trade, like substituting the cheap stuff for top-shelf liquor once patrons have their buzz on. She can also fix a fair number of pub snacks, especially the salty stuff that makes people thirsty.
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banana-split-bitch-club · 11 months ago
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personal blogpost navi: pecanpie.sermon 💫 :)
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*bubble gum pops* HELLO AGAIN tumblr nation…it’s your favorite truckstop whore in the flesh.. nyeah………ANYWAYS. For those who haven’t come to know me my names pecan and I run a church (my blog) where we smoke newports and attend sermons (whatever bullshit posts I have to give) PLEASE! Make yourselves at home- the body of Christ is a gift that keeps on giving.
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Specimen Info:
-My name is pecan, and I also sometimes go as pecanpie. Other aliases include: Cherry Ferry Fantasia. Choose wisely how you refer to me- or don’t, I don’t even exist!
-I’m 19 and female, you can use whatever pronouns when referring to me, but I usually go by she/her 🪭🪭🪭
-aroace, with a hint of bisexuality.
-My hobbies include: drawing, writing (though I rarely ever do finish my pieces let alone publish them) collecting worthless garbage, listening to music and blowing my eardrums out, being an eternal pain in the ass to deal with, thrifting, sitting on porches, smoking winstons, masquerading as a sane individual, dressing up, and trying out new things because I am an avid dopamine chaser. woohoo!
Things I like: Pretentious media, throwing pitchforks at rich priests, consumerism, otome games, douma, buddhism, echo rose, religious studies, args, reaching divinity, shitty manga, maximalism in every sense, bedazzled stuff, money, getting tacky nails, the roaring 20’s, 1950’s femme fashion, old era aesthetics, boutique shops, leopard print, grandma couches, Hollywood reality media, Madonna’s American Life album, Smokey eyeshadow, pathetic wet sop characters and a lot more.
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-I have two cats, Mochi and Waffles. The bloodline ends with yours truly.
Fandoms I’m currently active in; see bio :)
Movies I like: Pink Flamingos, No Country For Old Men, Helter Skelter, Pulp Fiction, All the Boys Love Mandy Lane, Girl Interrupted, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Spun, Gummo, Last Night in Soho, Fruit of Wonder, Elephant (2003), The Royal Tenenbaums - will be updated the more I get my hands on anything new that tickles my fancy.
My taste in music: I’m pretty versatile when it comes to what I prefer, so it could range from bimbo-pop to classical music. Anything that sounds good to me I like. I mostly listen to 50’s housewife songs and lady Gaga, though.
-I’m a big fan of indie art and surrealism. Filmmaking as well. Shaye Saint John and Mouchette.org are a few of my favorites.
-I like mortuary work and autopsies. I hold the death industry in high regards- not everyone is willing to work with corpses.
-huge GIGANTIC douma fan. anything and everything douma related I will not hesitate to engage with, he’s my little guy.
- heart sunglasses ambassador (this is my trademark) ❤️
-Polka dot prints and faux fur are resounding yesses.
-You know Florence? (If you get the reference.)
-I think vintage pill cases are lovely.💋
-I have the response time of a limp dick. I either respond in less than a second or only after 3 business months.
-I’ve been working on my new oc line on and off for a few months now, called FEAR & LOATHING in JERUSALEM. artblock is a massive bitch, but stuff is in progress.
Anyways if you’re a terrible human being feel free to block me, you are not welcome onto my blog thank you very much xoxo (transphobes homophobes ableists you know who you are)
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GOT COMPLAINTS? CONTACT ME AT 1-666-JERUSALEM-CRACK-SHACK! Make sure to leave me a message. Business hours only!
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slumberingrose-fandom · 2 years ago
SK8 Masterlist
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This masterlist is all list my OC / fankid of SK8 shipping that people loves, such as Renga, Joecherry and Tadaai.
And it is crossover with Twisted Wonderland, which might be easy for me to make.
All the information are below.
Kanako Nanjo
School Uniform & "S" attire
Home Life in Okinawa
Akane Kyan
Home Life in Okinawa
Shira Hasegawa
Home Life in Okinawa
Kimiko Shindo
Home Life in Okinawa
Family - Suki Shindo
≿━━━━ ༺❀༻ ━━━━≾
Outifts (TWST Event)
Fairy Gala
Ghost Marriage
Port Fest
Glorious Masquerade
White Rabbit Fest
Disorder Up! (Fan Event)
Stage in Playful Land
Disney 100 (/Birthday Event)
≿━━━━ ༺❀༻ ━━━━≾
Skater Girl (@/k-looking-glass-house)
In different art style (@/cozymochi)
Outfit Meme (@/terrovaniadorm )
Carol & Kimiko's bond (@/fumikomiyasaki)
Outfit Ask (@/valse-a-mille-temps)
Alternative Universe / AU
Kimiko's Royal AU (+ Deuce)
Incorrect Quotes - 1 • 2
Animal companion for Sk8 Girls (Kanako, Akane & Shira)
Deuce x Kimiko (Self-ship)
Akane Twins (w/ @/lovelyllamasblog)
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loiladadiani · 2 years ago
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Photographs: 1. The exterior of the Mariinsky as it looks today; 2. A view of the facade; 3. The lobby; 4. A view of the orchestra and of the "Royal Box" which was in fact used by the Tsar only when there was visiting Royalty from other countries, etc. in attendance; 5. The "Royal Box" as seen from the stage; 6. The stage as seen from the "Royal Box" (notice the decorated ceiling and lamp); 7. Another view of the stage. 8. Notice the box next to the stage; that was the Tsar's real box - that was where he sat when he attended a performance with his family; 9. Another view of the Tsar's box next to the stage
"The Season" at Saint Petersburg, the Tsars and the Mariinsky Theater
Those interested in Romanov history and how the members of the dynasty lived know that "The Season," the ballet, opera, balls, etc., were an important part of their personal and political lives. So important, that one of the many factors contributing to the fall of Nicholas II might have been his withdrawal from the social activities "The Season" entailed.
"The Season" in St. Petersburg began in the last two weeks of September. The nobility returned from their vacation in their country dachas at the end of October, at the same time as the Tsar and his family. The most brilliant part of the Season took place during this time, and long-term visitors reported the city looked most brilliant and glorious during this exciting time of gala court balls, festivals, and masquerades.
All of this revolved around the person on the Tsar, who was the most important host, guest, and critic. Nicholas I attended the theater almost every day during the Season. This pattern continued until the reign of Alexander III, when he began to cut back his attendance. His son Nicholas loved the theater (he wrote in his diary that nothing moved him more than music), and as Tsarevich, he attended operas, ballets, plays, and concerts as often as he could. After he married, his wife's frequent pregnancies and illnesses increasingly cut into his attendance. In 1900 the Imperial couple was still attending concerts and performances in the city. Still, they were becoming fewer and fewer each year.
At the center of much of Saint Petersburg's entertainment life was the famous Mariinsky Theatre. Today, it still plays a significant role in Russia's cultural life. The Mariinsky underwent several rebuildings over the years. The luxurious building went up in 1860. In 1883 it was extensively remodeled, and more decoration was added to the facade. The Mariinsky was the center of the famous Imperial Ballet and Opera, home to many of the most famous performing artists of the last 100 years.
Many of the names of these stars are legendary - Nijinsky, Karsavina, Pavlova, Kschessinska, Chaliapin, Petipa, and many others. The artists of the Imperial theatre and the upkeep of its facilities were the responsibility of the Tsar, and all of these costs came out of the annual revenues of the Imperial estates.
Tickets to the Mariinsky were hard to get. Most of them were pre-assigned to subscribers who held their seats for life; when Prince Felix Yussupov married the Tsar's niece, Irina, the Tsar asked him what he wanted as a wedding present. Yussupov, a fan of the performing arts, asked for the right to use the Tsar's box at the theater when he was away - which was a gift beyond price. His request surprised and amused the Tsar, who granted it. The Tsar's private box was on the left-hand side of the Mariinsky stage. It had an incredibly intimate view of the stage, a dining room, and its own elegant bathroom. It also had a private entrance to the building and a staircase.
The Mariinsky Theatre invariably began the Season with A Life for the Tsar, a patriotic opera. The ballet opened on the first Sunday of September, the company having assembled two weeks before.
The competition for seats and the right to subscribe proved the interest it aroused. A petition to the Chancery of the Imperial Theatres had to be filed to obtain a seat; the chance of success was so small that advertisements constantly offered big premiums to the original holders of the stalls. Fathers handed their seats down to their sons. There may have been personal motives in the attachment of some to the ballet, but the cult of this delicate art was always uppermost. (gcl)
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commenter2 · 1 year ago
"Masquerade" review
Angel deals with things.
You could instantly tell this was going to be a porno since Angel never tried to use the 3rd set of arms he hides to escape.
Charlie I think everyone else wouldn’t mind if you had said that Angel’s work was very inappropriate to show. Where was that same courage you had when dealing with Adam?
Again though I’d be okay if one of these problems Charlie has is about her parents, I’m still hoping it’s not on the same level as those with similar problems in Helluva Boss.
So were finally getting the “abusive relationship” story with Angel and Valentino. Nice to see Charlie instantly noticing it.
Admittedly I got a chuckle at the animation of Charlie banging her legs on the floor.
I brought this up in my Charlie and Vaggie “trailer” Tumblr post (link) but I think throughout the series (definitely later this season) we will learn that Charlie sees her royal status as a bit burdensome (maybe it’s also connected how this is related to how she canonically doesn't like wearing dresses XD) like maybe she always just wanted to be treated like everyone else but for her it was hard given she was nicer than most demons and I bet it was even harder to tell who liked her for who she was or if they were doing so out or obligation or using her for fame. That last part could be another good reason why she broke up with Seviathan von Eldritch. Another reason I bring this up is that we will likely see Charlie struggle with doing this until near the end of the season as seen with that makeshift army she makes of her friends and Rosie's people she recruited via singing which does seem to make Charlie a bit confident.
I think what you’re describing their Charlie is getting close to the definition of intimidation. DO IT!
Travis is back, and is an employee of Val’s. Guess the fandom really liked him.
Great first Adam NOW Val, you have the right to defend yourself Charlie! There better be a lot of fan art of Lucifer kicking Val’s ass posted soon.
Val’s robe are his wings. Does this mean if he was in a cold area, he would have to put a jacket over them to actually keep warm XD.
Uh oh here it comes :(
Is that angelic paper Val has or could all contracts look like that?
Since Charlie is the princess of Hell, you think she or someone else could get Angel out of his contract with Val? 
That song number was cringy to watch and I hope something is done soon so we don’t see another one like it.
Looks like Charlie was beating herself up all night for causing Angel’s miserable night.
Angel’s extra eyes are out. Oh crap Angel is going crazy! Its Fizz at M’s clown contest all over again!
Wait it’s still the same day? I thought Val told him to work all night?
Charlie seems to have learned her lesson about boundaries.
Were finally going to get some true Husk and Angel interaction time.
Nice throw Husk, The Joker would be proud.
I think the writers did a good job at describing/showing how self destructive people are like.
Husk being a former Overlord confirmed. Well technically the theory was that he was a still an Overlord but that was being kept secret, no one accounted him losing his title. Hey I guess Overlords can lose titles.
Looks like the Cat in the Hat’s Nobody found his heart! No wait his heart grew 3 times that moment XD
Did Husk just flirt with Angel :3
Angel says because Val has bad eyes he can’t count, but I’m still going to think that it’s because he is so dumb that he can do math.
Aww Angel is starting to change, even making Charlie proud that she cries. 
That or, and I hate ending this on a bad note, the crying could be related to something deeper like people never expressed such emotion to her before. PLEASE LET ME BE WRONG, at least when it comes to her mom and dad.
I’m mix on this episode.
Yeah I know this was going to happen eventually but it was still a bit sad to watch Angel go through all of that, yet still deny help from Charlie. At least it looks like Angel had a breakthrough and will likely decide to finally start to heal himself as well as aid Charlie in achieving her dream. It was also nice to see Husk not be the cranky old cat we know and love him for, bet those who ship Angel and Husk are happy too.
The biggest flaw of the episode was that the plot was a bit hard to get into since the shows spinoff series Helluva Boss has pretty much done this 3 times already, so we know how this is (probably) going to end and are just waiting for the inevitable scene where Angel stands up and finally becomes free of Val. Still it could have been worse when it came to the similarities (check out my review of Seeing Stars) and a few points for not having Ange’s character storyline end in just 1 episode.
We are already halfway done with the first season, and I can already tell that the last 4 episodes are going to be the most intense episodes yet, especially since the next one will have Lucifer in it. I hope that one won’t be as cringy as this episode given the franchise’s history with parents (specifically dads) but at least the good news is that this is only the first season so if it is, there is a chance the characters will change.
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creationsbyjesska · 10 months ago
Shrouded Fable Expansion Set
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"Shrouded Fable" Special Pokémon TCG Set Revealed for August!
Exciting news for Pokémon TCG fans! The Pokémon Company has unveiled "Shrouded Fable," a special English set scheduled for release on August 2nd, 2024. This set is based on Japan's "Night Wanderer" set and will feature an array of captivating cards, including the powerful Pecharunt ex, Okidogi ex, Munkidori ex, and Fezandipiti ex. Key Features of Shrouded Fable: - Over 95 cards in total. - Three ACE SPEC rare Trainer cards. - Five Pokémon ex and one Tera Pokémon ex (a Lightning-type Revaroom ex). - 15 illustration rare Pokémon. - 10 ultra rare Pokémon ex, Tera Pokémon ex, and Supporter cards. - Five special illustration rare Pokémon and Supporter cards. - Five hyper rare gold etched cards. The set's reverse holo cards will boast a new, unique foil pattern that enhances the card artwork, adding a fresh visual appeal for collectors and players alike. Set Description: "Rumors swirl and memories deceive as the march of time beats on in the land of Kitakami! Prepare for nightfall and discover a malevolent presence as Pecharunt ex commands the Loyal Three—Okidogi ex, Munkidori ex, and Fezandipiti ex—to do its nefarious bidding. Meanwhile, Revaroom ex plugs into the grid to Terastallize into a Lightning type, and Kingdra ex makes a royal splash in the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Shrouded Fable expansion!" Availability and Product Details: As with all special sets, Shrouded Fable booster packs will not be sold individually but will be available through various products, most of which release on August 2nd: - Shrouded Fable Pokémon Center Elite Trainer Box: - Includes 11 booster packs, two copies of an illustration rare-style promo card featuring Pecharunt (one with the Pokémon Center logo), and various gameplay accessories.
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- Shrouded Fable Elite Trainer Box: - Includes nine booster packs, one illustration rare-style promo card featuring Pecharunt, and various gameplay accessories.
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- Shrouded Fable Greninja ex Special Illustration Collection: - Includes five booster packs, one special illustration rare-style promo card featuring Greninja ex in Ukiyo-e art style, and two foil promo cards featuring Froakie and Frogadier (alternate art reprint and direct reprints from Obsidian Flames).
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- Shrouded Fable Kingdra ex Special Illustration Collection: - Includes five booster packs, one special illustration rare-style promo card featuring Kingdra ex in Ukiyo-e art style, and two foil promo cards featuring Horsea and Seadra (brand new cards, hidden from the product image). - Shrouded Fable Kingambit Illustration Collection: - Includes four booster packs, one illustration rare-style promo card featuring Kingambit in Ukiyo-e art style, and two foil promo cards featuring Pawniard and Bisharp (alternate art reprint and direct reprints from Obsidian Flames).
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- Shrouded Fable Three-Booster Pack and Promo Card Blister: - Includes three booster packs and one foil promo card featuring Pecharunt. - Shrouded Fable Mini Tin: - Includes two booster packs, one sticker sheet, and one art card featuring Dusknoir, Zoroark, Okidogi, Munkidori, or Fezandipiti.
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- Shrouded Fable Booster Bundle: - Includes six booster packs.
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Additionally, Ultra PRO will release their usual 4 and 9-pocket portfolios featuring artwork from the set, perfect for collectors to showcase their cards. Special Card Inclusions: The set will feature five gold cards. Given that "Night Wanderer" includes three gold cards, it is likely that the gold Darkness and Metal Energy cards cut from the "Paradox Rift" set will be included. Furthermore, illustration rares of the Loyal Three, originally cut from the "Twilight Masquerade" set, are expected to be part of Shrouded Fable's set list.
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Legal for Worlds: Shrouded Fable will be legal for play in time for the Pokémon World Championships, scheduled from August 16th to 18th, 2024. This timing allows competitive players to incorporate these new cards into their strategies for the prestigious event. Mark your calendars for August 2nd and get ready to delve into the mysteries of "Shrouded Fable," a set that promises to enchant and challenge both collectors and competitive players in the Pokémon TCG community! Read the full article
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masquerade-reimagined · 3 years ago
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Day Two: Kayden Vescovi & Day Three: MC & Side Characters
Amazing Piece By: SEAJ (Instagram: seajart)
- Okay. I love all of the commissions I've posted, and I've tried to be impartial about them, only commenting when I absolutely had to. But this one is otherworldly. GUYS. IT CAME WITH A VIDEO WITH MUSIC AND ANIMATION. 😭😭😭 My god damned heart.
Tags: @trmaw; @blushingpaperwerewolf; @chaotichuman0090; @walkerswhiskeygirl; @k2624; @nikx83; @kayann9; @escapism-amethyst
Post: 11 of 12 or so.
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kc-otome · 4 years ago
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Kayden Vescovi 😘
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nezb1tty · 5 years ago
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FINALLY got this done:) Masquerade July a success? I think so 😭💕 (I also changed up her sprite some can you tell)
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thefirstcourtesan · 5 years ago
Thank you to @the-choices-fanart-giver and @bootyfeathers for this gorgeous portrait of my TRM MC, Livia Everhart.
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TRM was a bit of a mess but I have a soft spot for the Livia that could have been.
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severnyveter · 5 years ago
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posting Hunter again because TRM is back aand because I really like how she turned out 🥀
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kald-dal-art · 5 years ago
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Have some LIS that wears red. Because red is the best color fight me.
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mazojo · 5 years ago
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In my mind they are already married
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