#the rino script
dingle-dee · 8 months
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koizumicchi · 2 years
Fantasia LOVE&KISS English Summary/Translation Part II
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Confession Executive Committee Fantasia LOVE&KISS Light Novel English Summary/Translation Part II
Draft: HoneyWorks Author: Kousaka Mari
Introduction Part I
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
aizou decided to add an adlib on the dungeon scene with aoi (the sister of the princess). he asked aoi to do it along with him. aoi was reluctant at first because the director might get angry. after all, the adib was added without permission. but she agreed still since aizou’s adlib was interesting. the director was amused by it. he’s holding his laughter (aizou saw) but when he sees aizou looking at him, he shifted his expression lol. after that, the tense atmosphere in their rehearsals became lighter. at the corridor, aizou’s looking at the script when yuujirou walked out of the practice room. yuujirou: otsukaresama desu aizou: o-otsukare he was taken aback because greetings like that from yuujirou were rare.
~ aizou asked yuujirou to practice with him (for their lines) and says that even though they have the most scenes and lines together, they havent practiced with each other at all. yuujirou agrees but says, he wont add strange adlibs like aizou hahahaslfjslfjsl and he mentions about the rumors that aizou was wooing his co-stars (said by aoi when aizou asked help from her and rino; that was why aoi was so wary of him at first). yuujirou, jokingly: you shouldnt woo them. it’s impolite aizou: you’ve eavesdropped on me!! yuujirou: not my fault you were talking in the hallway ~ after the practice for the scene in the cathedral.. yuujirou asks the director what’s the difference between his acting before and today. the director gave his OK and is satisfied. before, yuujirou had to re-do that scene several times in the span of 2 hrs. so he was puzzled. director: dont you understand? (he’s not angry but calm) yuujirou: i dont know. i did not act different. i acted the same way i did.
director: you’d been standing on the stage on your own. today, your partner is there with you. director: you two. your performance today wasn't bad. *leaves* yuujirou: ....i don't understand aizou: that’s right. what you lacked was the feeling of respecting your partner more. yuujirou: *glares at him with eyes that were full of dissatisfaction* what kind of mood are you in, you’re just a daikon (an unskilled actor who overacts) aizou: don't call me a daikon!!! yuujirou: you said it yourself. that your acting is a daikon. aizou: at that time! i’m evolving and growing everyday! you’re mistaken if you think i’d stay as a daikon forever! yuujirou: and just where? didn't you fumbled on your lines three times today? you made a mistake and covered it with an adlib! aizou: i arranged it so! well....the lines i fumbled on today was because today’s lunch wasn't tuna mayo..? it was an umeboshi onigiri yuujirou: what, are you passing your own wrongs to the umeboshi onigiri? aizou: it’s your fault; you monopolized the tuna mayo onigiri! and that’s two...give one to me! yuujirou: don't wanna! we played rock paper scissors twice and you lost both times! aizou: even so! you should at least give one to your partner!! it’s not enough for you....ouch! dont step on me! yuujirou, face impudent: i will never hand over tuna mayo to aizou ever again! *turns away from aizou* aizou: what are you saying, you haven’t given me at least one!!!
aizou’s thoughts: you’re really not cute at all!!!!!!
~ after rehearsals, aizou has singing lessons for the musical. it’s because he still cant sing the song well (the song in the cathedral, where yuujirou will play the piano in accompaniment). he still hasnt improved. it’s not the same as singing when recording their songs. when he sings for the musical, his voice comes out shaky. yuujirou was picked up by uchida earlier, for a photoshoot. aizou walking home alone. it’s raining, but he has an umbrella. although the drops of rain damp his shoulders. he thought back on the time he couldnt sing. he could speak, but when he tries to sing, he loses his voice. he saw a doctor for an examination, thankfully, it wasnt anything abnormal; but the doctor said it was due to stress. after a while, he started to play his father’s guitar again. he was able to sing a little, but he didnt want anyone to listen to it. but he regrets that time now. if only he used that time more carefully, then he’s a different person now. maybe he could sing well and this musical would be a piece of cake. he wanted more time. but the people around him wont wait until he grows up. aizou: it cant be helped.... and then he meets IV. aizou: why are you here, IV-san? IV: i’m on my way from the agency. oh right, YUI’s worried about you. He was all ‘Aizou is terribly unwell that he refuses my invitations to eat ramen...’
aizou smiles awkwardly. it’s not like he isn't in the mood for ramen but he thinks he whined to YUI with something like, ‘I’m not good at singing’ but aizou thought he couldnt ask IV to mentor him, because he knows IV is busy. IV: do you have time now, aizou? aizou: eh? IV: because it seems that you need me right now *laughing as if he knows aizou’s at a loss on what to do* aizou, realizing he needed IV more than ever: yoroshiku onegaishimasu! IV bring him to a LIVE house. and when they came inside, aizou was in awe. it’s used by IV. well, only until someone buys it. aizou realized this is like a hideout for IV. aizou shows IV the music sheet for the song and tells him the details. IV lets him sing on stage here, to which aizou questions if he should sing without a mic. IV didnt give him one. IV tells him to go on. aizou’s reluctant. it’s a song he has trouble with singing....and it’s not easy to let his voice reach where IV is (in the audience seats) without a mic. but he tries anyway.
LOVE&KISS AU scene in the throne room: after coming back from the mountain, aizou and yuujirou headed to the place where they would meet the sister of the princess. however, guards were waiting for them there and they were captured and brought before the princess. the sister of the princess stands beside the throne. this is where the princess calls the monsters attacking the town at night her ‘little children’, who are just taking an evening stroll and yet the humans hurt them. this angers aizou. the people of the town are suffering. his hand’s on his rapier but he couldn't draw it yet. the princess promises to spare aizou and yuujirou’s lives if they give her the sword they found in the mountain, but in exchange, they have to pledge allegiance to the princess for the rest of their lives. aizou refuses and tells her that just how far is she gonna look down on them. princess: huh, what are you unhappy about? aren't you traveling entertainers? then dance and sing for me. entertain me. it’ll keep me out of boredom. aizou flat out refuses again. the princess laughs and says she doesnt care anymore if they’re traveling entertainers or thieves; or what their identities are, really. they’re going to be her little birds anyway. she promises if they fight for her, she’s going to treat them well. she gives them choices: swear their loyalty to her, be prisoners, or become food for the monsters. princess: see, i’m generous! aizou chooses none. aizou: we ae the ones to decide what we will do. who will obey you!? the princess gets annoyed and calls them selfish for not choosing the options she generously gave. she signals the guards to seize them. “i dont want anyone who doesnt listen to me.” her little sister blocks it though. she begs the princess to stop, kneeling. she begs her to return back to her old self and cries. princess: i see. how disappointing. you, who i cherished- i have no use for you anymore. she signals the guards to get her sister too. but the guards hesitated. princess: what are you doing? hurry up and do it! aizou: that person is your sister!!! guards surrounded them. princess: so? will you beg for the sake of my sister? then, kneel to me, kiss my foot and swear your loyalty. and then i’ll forgive. aizou was about to strike her but it was yuujirou who stopped him with his arm. yuujirou: if you ask me to beg forgiveness, then i’ll do it as much as i can. aizou: OI !!! aizou’s yelling in anger but yuujirou silenced him up with a look. yuujioru says to the princess that they dont want to waste their lives. the princess comments they’re different from the other idiots she came across and pretty much know where they stand. yuujirou hands her the sword with the rose crest - owned by the late king. the princess orders the guards to put down their swords and they stepped aside. yuujirou: please forgive our rude and unreasonable behaviors. he takes her leg and slowly brings her foot closer to his mouth. the princess looks at him with eyes squinted, clearly amused. however, he stops just before his lips touched it and looks up at the princess. yuujirou tells her that they will not pledge their loyalty. and that when they are done with their business in this country, the princess should let them leave the castle. but before that, they will receive the reward for fulfilling the promise. he’s talking about the wish-granting jewel. the princess tells him that jewel doesnt exist anywhere in the world, or in this country. she doesnt know where it is either. the castle has been searched for it but there was none found. she wants to know too where it is. the legends say that once a dragon is defeated, its body shattered, it will leave behind a wish-granting jewel. the jewel from the time the late king defeated the dragon may have been lost but a dragon re-appeared in this country. yuujirou pulls out his dagger. “if we defeat the dragon, then we can obtain another jewel!” yuujirou swings the blade. however, it didnt reach the princess. the princess’ eyes turned crimson and a cold smile spread on her lips. a freezing wind blew. the same cry aizou and yuujirou heard in the mountain echoed through the castle halls. the dragon was there in the throne. her entire body is crystal clear but the area around the chest was glowing bright red. aizou: is this real???!!!! the dragon flaps his wings and the winds brought by it shatter the stained glass in the hall. sharp ice was pouring down. dodging, yuujirou rushed over to aizou and grabbed him by the arm. yuujirou: the bow??? aizou comes to his senses and hands yuujirou the bow he had entrusted to him. yuujirou sets aside the cloth wrapped around it. the ice that fell to the ground were now monsters. aizou: arent those- arent those the monsters that appeared at the town??? but wait-  why did the princess transform into a dragon? can a dragon be transformed into a human????
yuujirou gets ready to shoot arrows. his arrow pierces the eye of a monster who was about to attak the sister of the princess. aizou immediately stabs another monster using his rapier. they pulled the royal sister to safety behind a pillar. sister: get out of this place asap!!! dont think about me!!! there is no end to the monsters. once you defeat one, another will appear. the guards were already gone; they ran away. they were the only ones here. aizou and yuujirou: *back to back*
aizou: what are we going to do? you were so rude that the princess became very angry.
yuujirou: no. i didnt expect that she’d be so angry, she’d turn into a dragon.
yuujirou kills the monster that aizou kicked away, with an arrow.
aizou: liar! you knew! or rather, dragons dont do that normally! how would it turn back to being human???
yuujirou, after shooting another arrow: who knows. at times like this, dont they return back to their former selves with a passionate kiss. i don’t know though.
aizou, with an astonished face: you have a point.
aizou: this is your fault so you should try to do it.
yuujirou: no. impossible. she hates me. you should try it instead.
aizou: not me. i’m a little- i’m scared to.
there’s a blizzard now and when the dragon flaps his wings, there’s a crack in the castle walls. aizou and yuujirou turn pale and fell silent.
yuujirou: ….why don’t we try and ask her which kiss would she choose.
aizou: you try and muster up your courage then.
a part of the ceiling is blown away.
yuujirou, shaking his head: absolutely impossible.
before you can even kiss that dragon, you’ll be swallowed whole.
the sister explains again that it’s not the true princess. and then, a loud laughter echoes and the princess emerged from the dragon’s back. she commanded the dragon to crush the nasty thieves. aizou, staring blankly and then pointing at it in surprise: wait- didnt the princess turn into that dragon???!!!!
royal sister, glaring: i told you several times that that dragon is not my sister!!!!
aizou smiles wryly. anyway, if we don't do something about the dragon then the princess wont return back to normal. yuujirou,frowning: either way, the only way to get the jewel is to defeat the dragon. he looks at the dragon, and grins, trying to curb his resentment. yuujirou: then it’s decided. yuujirou checks his arrows. he shouldnt waste it. no matter how many monsters they defeat, it will only re-appear. he says to aizou that he’ll support him and then aizou can jump while the dragon is distracted. yuujirou’s arrows are not powerful enough to inflict fatal wounds. in order to kill the dragon in a single blow, he has to rely on aizou’s rapier. after staring at yuuirou’s face, aizou places a hand on his waist and sighs a little.
aizou: do you understand? i cant take that princess (the royal sister) with me. you’ll have to fight while covering for her. but it’s the only way.
he knows it’s reckless but if they fail, they won’t make it out alive. sister: i have no intention of being a hindrance to the two of you. you can think of me as not being here. i have no choice but to rely on you. the ceiling crumbles and the three of them runs. aizou, behind the pillar on the right. and yuujirou and the royal sister on the left, behind a pillar as well. yuujirou tells her to not move here and he leaves. he grabs his arrows and puts it on his bow. he closes his eyes, exhales deeply and concentrates. just as the dragon spreads its wings to fly up, yuujirou shoots arrows towards its wings. the dragon roars and flaps its wings. a gust of wind blew towards them and his hat flew away. but there’s no time to worry about that. the arrow hits the dragon’s eye. aizou jumps up but at that moment, the dragon swept its wings. aizou jumps backwards to avoid it and stumbles. the tip of his broken rapier goes flying while spinning, and then piercing the floor. there’s blood dripping from the cut in aizou’s forehead. he gasps for breath. with a broken sword, he fights the monsters that attack him. yuujirou was surrounded by monsters too and couldn't even rush to his aide.
yuujirou’s arms that drew the bow were weak. only five more arrows left. there’s his dagger but using only that as a weapon would be impossible. he grits his teeth and counteracts the thoughts in his head. the princess reads his mind and sneers. “it’d be better if you give up. no matter how many of you are, you cant match me. all is for naught.” aizou: whether it is useless or not, we wont know unless we try! yuujirou’s eyes widen at aizou’s strong tone. aizou points the broken sword to the dragon. a strong will is reflected in his eyes, conveying he has no intention of giving up. if they gave up here, then everything will definitely be for naught. they haven't gotten anything yet, or accomplished anything. it’s always been much easier to drop everything and run away. perhaps a wise and the right decision. however, why were they born in this world, for what purpose are they continuing to live for, the ‘answer’ to that will remain to be undiscovered. yuujirou grips his bow tightly and looks around the hall. he sees the sword of the late king between the rubble and ice, surrounded by monsters. the guard probably threw it away in haste as he ran. yuujirou tried to jump and get it, but a sharp pain coursed through his leg and he involuntarily fell to his knees. a monster was attacking him from behind but he thrusts his dagger into its eyes. yuujirou grabs his knee to suppress the trembling. as yuujirou clenches his teeth, the royal sister runs from behind the pillar. she’s aiming for the sword. she managed to get it, but the monsters were surrounding her. so she threw the sword to yuujirou, and falls to the floor with a scream.
as soon as he got the sword, yuujirou immediately lifted himself up and turned to aizou. he screams for aizou to take the it. aizou turns to him, yuujirou’s voice reaching him. yuujirou forces himself to stand on his wounded leg and threw the sword with everything he got. aizou pushes the monster away from him; he jumps out and reached for the sword and pulls it out of its scabbard. meanwhile, yuujirou grabs his remaining arrows and aims them to the dragon. the arrows pierce the wings but as he shoots more, the dragon roars and glared at him. aizou runs then, and without delay, he jumps. yuujirou picks up his last remaining arrow and draws his bow with all the strength he has. the arrow forces the dragon to lean back, and almost at the same time, aizou’s sword pierces deep into the center of its chest. the dragon’s body shatters and the princess on its back loses consciousness and falls. the royal sister jumps out to catch her in time. together, they laid on the floor. aizou, who landed, staggers and lets out a voice. “there we go.” the monsters in the hall disappeared. the frozen walls and floors thawed. blood dripped down yuujirou’s feet. yuujirou: .....! he can no longer stand and he immediately drops the bow and puts his hands and knees on the floor. he has no strength left. he takes a breath...and suddenly...he’s floating in the air. he opens his eyes in surprise and sees aizou. aizou, who’s holding yuujirou’s knees and shoulders with both arms. yuujirou grabs aizou by the shoulder. aizou: you seem much more benevolent/tender-hearted to me. he says while supporting yuujirou’s arm around his shoulder, and laughs. yuujirou in surprise, unintentionally looked at his face. his brows furrowed and he turns away from aizou. yuujirou: this is unnecessary help... it turned out to be a strong way of expression. however, without aizou’s help, nothing would have been possible. yuujirou’s eyes narrows slightly but a smile spreads across his lips. that’s the time. raise your gaze and notice what is in front of you. “....it’s not snow....” the shattered body of the dragon, it’s like a grain that emits a small brilliance. yuujirou and aizou watches in surprise as it all gathers and turns into crystals: a transparent yellow stone that seems to be collected sunlight, and a dark blue stone, like the deep sea. the two look at each and shouts, “the jewel!” yuujirou nearly falls as he steps forward. aizou grabs his arm and pulls him up. yuujirou reaches out a hand to the shining blue stone. aizou stares at the yellow stone that had fallen in his hand, his eyes shining in joy. the both of them had traveled far, placing their hope in this stone. when yuujirou opens his hand, a blue light emanates from it. making sure it is the jewel in his hand, yuujirou grips the stone firmly once again. yuujirou’s thoughts: i finally obtained it!! ~ the princess is back to normal. and she tells them what her father once told her: if a dragon were to bring disaster to this country again, a brave man will appear, defeat the dragon, and bring salvation to this country. princess: the two of you deserve to be called heroes who saved our country. words of gratitude alone are not enough to repay you. aizou: we’re not heroes or men of valor though... aizou puts his hands behind his head and looks at yuujirou, as if at a loss on what to do. yuujirou, hands on his hips and smiling: isnt it just fine to be traveling entertainers passing by? aizou: yes, that’s about right for us. ah, but- these stones, can we get this? it’s a promise in the first place. aizou shows the stone he’s holding. the intense glow has already softened. it’s a pale, warm sheen now. yuujirou’s stone is also enveloped in a blue transparent light. princess: of course. it’s something you both obtained. it’s meant for you two. i have heard that the stone, which contains the power of a dragon, grants the wish of those who possesses it and protects them. i am certain it will bring good fortune on your journey ahead. royal sister: when you visit this town again, please stop by the castle. me and my sister will welcome you! aizou: by saying that, you’re not going to throw us into the dungeons again, are you? royal sister: i really really really want to welcome you this time! the two sisters both swear to aizou and yuujirou that they’ll defintely show in their next visit what this town looked like during the reign of the late king, where everyone lived in peace and prosperity.
every after rehearsals, aizou and IV meet in the LIVE house. aizou sings on the stage without a mic while IV listens at the very far end of the audience seats. this time, after their practice, IV gives him a C=cup of black coffee. IV has his own cup of the same coffee as well.
IV says to aizou to have more confidence; aizou should realize he has more potential than he thinks.
aizou: i dont know. YUI-san told me the same. i can do it, but there are also things that i can’t do. i dont have the intention for that...but do people see it that way
IV: doesnt that mean to the point of view of others, they think you are capable to do more?
aizou: i think you think too highly of me.
IV: is that so? *looks at aizou with a gentle smile*
aizou: i’m not capable of a lot of things...
‘unlike yuujirou’ - aizou swallows these words along with the bitter coffee he’s drinking.
IV, murmuring: this is certainly grave.
he lets out a troubled sigh.
IV: does it mean then, that we chose you in the audition because we think too highly of you?
aizou: .....!
IV then says that during that time, only one should have passed the audition. but FTIV remained firm. not just yuujirou, but aizou as well, should not be dropped, no matter what.
IV: are you saying that this too means we give you too much credit?
aizou: IV-san....
IV smiles at aizou and pats him in the shoulder.
IV: prove it to me. that we made the right judgment at that time.
rehearsal for the throne room scene where the princess ordered yuujirou to kneel and ask for forgiveness.
yuujirou’s acting draws aizou in and almost made him forget he’s on stage rather than in the ‘other world’. aizou sees that what’s transpiring here now is not the partner he knows, not yuujirou of “LIPxLIP”. aizou’s sure yuujirou’s hasnt been on-stage for a long time but he still dreams of being on one. the one who’s here right now is “someya yuujirou” who continued to practice and worked hard behind the scenes.
aizou realizes he has to stand on the same stage as this yuujirou and perform on the same level as him. realizing this, he felt how unreasonable he had been. more than anyone, he knows how much yuujirou treasures “LIPxLIP” and how big his dream is for their unit. yuujirou’s trying to protect them with all the power he has in him. yuujirou’s thoughts are the same as aizou.
aizou had chosen yuujirou to be his partner, for his own dream to come true and to continue standing on the stage they both aimed for. a place, a world, that a single person can’t reach - but together they are able to see it.
aizou thought that he and yuujirou meant to fight back-to-back...but...
aizou’s thoughts: ...when did we end up leaning on each other? even though we told each other to not drag us down....
there’s a fifteen minute break. yuujirou returns to his chair and wipes his sweat with a towel. aizou watches him from a distance.
aizou’s thoughts: then he will have to carry my part of the baggage as well... in order to be equal, to stand next to him, there are things i have to overcome.
yuujirou suddenly looks at him. when their eyes met, he had a slightly puzzled look on his face. aizou doesnt look away and clenches his fists.
aizou’s thoughts: i have to overcome yuujirou. why did i forget that- even though there had always been a wall in front of me.
aizou turns his face away and presses his lips together. he quickly leaves the rehearsal room.
because if he can’t overcome it, he will not be able to lighten yuujirou’s burden.
from now on, he can’t leave his baggage and let his partner walk with it. no matter what.
aizou sings again in the LIVE house while IV listens at the far end of the room. afterwards, IV gives him a rare applause.
IV: good. for now, this is the end of the lesson. the rest is up to you.
aizou bows and and thanks him. after he began taking lessons from IV, the sensei who’s been also giving him rehearsal lessons said that his voice had stabilized and his voice had grown extensive and he passes. with his, he should be able to make it into the actual performance. as IV said, the rest is up to aizou.
aizou: it’s all thanks to IV-san. i’ll send you tickets so please come see it with everyone (from FT4).
aizou mentions that he’s indebted to everyone in FT4 after all. and he also said to IV to tell YUI that next time, aizou’s going with him to eat ramen.
the butai’s coming close so IV asks him how are the rehearsals.
aizou: i wonder...but i think that all i can do after that is to do everything i can.
aizou knows there are many things he lacks. he’s worried about how the people who’s see the musical would feel about the performance. but he has to believe in the efforts he have given. even if he makes a mistake on stage, even if he’s laughed at, this is everything he has.
IV: that’s right...i’m happy you’ll let us see our butai. i’ll take them with me as well.
aizou: yes
IV: you mentioned before you’re not capable of many things, right? but you should appreciate what you have. you are capable more than you think and are loved by many people.
aizou makes an expression that doesn't understand what IV is saying.
IV: someday, you’ll realize that what you take for granted is a special gift given to you. so until then, don't forget what i said.
aizou’s thoughts: a gift given to me, huh.
on the last rehearsal, a day before the actual performance, rino mentions that everyone started to have fun in the rehearsals, even the director has a good time too, after the ‘adlib incident’. the director is still strict, but he laughs a lot in the scenes where aizou’s in. most of the ideas aizou presented to the director are adapted to the production.
rino: im sure yuujirou thinks so too. up until then, he appears to strain himself but after, it seems he relaxes.
aizou thinks that what she said must be true, as she’s the one practicing dialogues with yuujirou.
aizou: although i didn't understand at all....
but certainly, since then, yuujirou had not wrinkled his brows or had a stern expression. perhaps it’s also because he’s no longer clashing with the director.
rino: aizou is really amazing. he moves a lot of people.
aizou: what i did was a small thing though....
rino: but it’s something no one else could do.
she hands aizou a small bag. inside are lemon-colored candy in a transparent bag. it’s similar both in color and shape with the stone aizou of the musical obtains after the dragon was defeated.
rino: let me bestow our country’s specialty, the ‘mysterious stone candy’, to the gallant traveler.
rino jests before leaving aizou.
aizou’s thoughts: mysterious stone candy....
(it’s in his and aoi’s adlib before ww) he also broke down in laughter. ~ when manager uchida called aizou and yuuijrou over at the side of the stage, yuujirou sees the bag aizou was carrying. yuujirou: what have you got there?
aizou shows the candy wrapper he’s holding. aizou: mysterious stone candy. it was given to me by the princess. amazing, right? seems like it will be sold at the goods section tomorrow. it’s packed in a cardboard box. yuujirou: what’s this? isn’t it worthless? or rather, when did it become a part of the goods? when aizou was crestfallen, the mysterious stone candy disappeared from his hand. aizou: ah! when he raised his voice and looked at yuujirou next to him, yuujirou’s grinning. yuujirou: aizou doesn't like sweets so i’ll take it! aizou: geez. i cant let my guard down around you. he sighs. it’s his mistake for showing something sweet in front of yuujirou. uchida gave them the bow and rapier. both of them put on their hats. in 15 minutes, the final rehearsals will start. uchida, smiing: then i wish you the best, you two! aizou and yuujirou answers with a ‘yes!!’ after exchanging glances with each other, they did what they always do before LIVE performances (like in the kono sekai film i think!!) ----- scene: cathedral aizou’s voice became hoarse (but it’s written in the script). aizou told himself to calm down. he cant mess up or else the scene will be ruined. yuujirou plays the organ and the first sound echoes in the venue. hearing that sound, aizou feels like he was patted on the back with a ‘hang in there’. so he sings, and his voice spreads as if wrapping the venue itself. aizou, who was singing slowly, opens his eyes in confusion. the moonlight was shining from above (it’s artificial light). he didnt use the mic during the lessons with IV. even though the mic now is picking up his singing voice properly, he’s still surprised at how much his voice resonates. it’s completely different from the usual LIVE performances. the sound of the organ yuujirou’s playing and aizou’s voice envelopes the entire venue. aizou feels good. he didnt know if it’s the effect of the lessons with IV, or the sound effects here in the venue, or the tuna mayo onigiri he bought at a konbini (convenience store) earlier this morning...but it’s different than usual. his singing voice is stable, and he can sing just as he thinks how to. the high notes that were difficult to reach during the lessons come out beautifully now. then, at this time, aizou finally remembers the way he sang in the first singing competition he joined. it’s the same then and now. aizou thinks here that when he couldn't sing when he was little, he probably put everything (including the way he sang and the memories he didn't want to remember) inside the box in his heart. he was afraid to open it as there were a lot of things he didnt want to see. but he knew it wasnt all bad memories. he was very happy to win the competition. but still, he put threw it all in a box and kept it into the deepest recesses of his mind. he didnt intend after all to see it again, or remember it. because he felt back then, that even if he sang or won the championship, he had no use and no one needed him. but as IV said, it is a gift given to him - a special one. what he’s looking for, what he needs, it’s always been inside him all along. he didn't lost the key to the box he hid in his heart. all he needed was to have the courage to open it. yuujirou stops the accompaniment at the middle. that isn't in the script. aizou’s singing voice echoes. as soon as he’s finished singing, the tears that accumulated in his eyes spilled out. afterwards, he lifted his head. the guards are looking at him, their lines forgotten. aizou looks at yuujirou involuntarily, yuuirou’s looking at him, his eyes wide in surprise. and then, the audience gave aizou a big round of applause. the director, who’s watching in the middle of the first floor, is clapping his hands. the screenwriter, and the dance and singing sensei who gave him lessons, are also clapping, along with the other staff behind the second floor seats. yuujirou’s laughing and clapping his hands as well. the guards are also laughing and clapping their hands for him. although today isn’t the actual performance at all. aizou tightly closes his eyes and bows, as if holding back the welling up tears in his eyes. yuujirou: see, you could sing! the day when he was standing on the stage of the concour, he felt like he was laughing proudly. after the rehearsals, the co-actors and staffs came over to aizou and expressed their glee. the director even gave him a pat on the shoulder. so it mean aizou got a passing grade. aizou thinks he made it just in time; he should be able to take the challenge tomorrow. and strangely enough, he doesn't feel anxious. he asks if this is what one calls ‘confidence’? because now, he feels like he can sing any song, and any number of songs. he felt like he wasn't singing enough today. and realizes he’s being too carried away lol. anyways, he’s in a state where he can keep continuing until the final day of the performance.
~ the staff finished changing the props to the snow mountain. yuujirou climbs the stairs of the mountain. staffs hurriedly left the stage. aizou tried to tie his rapier to his waist but he hears a click sound. he turns around- and sees the bow yuujirou was holding falling down the stairs. aizou’s eyes widen when he sees yuujirou’s body falling backwards. aizou throws his rapier and jumps to catch yuujirou. aizou misses the steep stairs and catches yuujirou with both arms, but aizou himself stumbles and falls on his butt. a frightened staff rushes over. manager uchida shouts, “yuujirou, aizou, are you alright?” yuujirou: i’m fine.... he got up, but his complexion was pale. it seems he couldn't stand on his own, so aizou lent his shoulder to him and they stood up together. yuujirou was taken to the hospital and returned to the agency at around 6 PM. aizou asks manager uchida where yuujirou is. yuujirou’s resting in the room and when aizou went to see how he was doing, yuujirou’s stuffing his cheeks with tuna mayo onigiri. he seems to be in good health. aizou lets out a big sigh. according to uchida, yuujirou was only dizzy due to hunger and lack of sleep. aizou was glad his body moved immediately to catch yuujirou. aizou: did you not eat? aizou sat down on the chair opposite of yuujirou. yuujirou nods as he eats the onigiri. yuujioru: i was so busy, i forgot.... the reason why yuujirou sounds like he was depressed was because he was reflecting on the fact that it became a big fuss. aizou: hey, you....dont forget it. it’s important to take care of yourself. you know that. yuujirou’s sleeping during lunch break and hadn't touched his bento. aizou’s thoughts: he probably wasn't able to sleep much at home... aizou, muttering: well, it’s my fault as your partner that i didn't look out for you. yuujirou glared at him. yuujirou: ha? aizou leaned his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hand. he turns his face to the side. aizou: i’m relieved that you’re the same as usual. but...will you be okay tomorrow? yuujirou: of course. i was just hungry. and also sleepy.... aizou: geez..are you even eating properly at home? yuujirou: i haven't eaten. aizou: why? don't you eat sukiyaki everyday? yuujirou: whose family eats sukiyaki everyday??? when yuujirou’s about to reach for the second serving of the onigiri, the door slams open. both of them were startled. it’s the president lol. she calls them with a loud voice. she comes over to them and grasps yuujirou’s and aizou’s hands tightly and says she cannot overlook this matter. she tells them that she’ll take them to a yakinuku restaurant. uchida rushes to search for a good place. president: get ready as we’re leaving immediately. the meat is waiting. and then she leaves. screams of joy from the staff outside the room can be heard in the hallway. everyone’s going to eat yakiniku tonight lol. “the yakiniku is special.... “i heard...” aizou and yuujirou look at each other and stand up from their chairs. “yattaaaaaaa!!!!” they high-fived with big smiles on their faces. ~ the first day of the performance is a success. it’s even trending on sns. aizou goes to see the stage one more time before he heads home for the day. there’s still a few staff working but the lights on the audience’s seats were turned off; only the lights on stage were on. aizou sees the folding fan usually held by the director and smiles. he remembers their struggles he and yuujirou had to endure. but even so, the made it to this day. aizou sits by the stage and looks at the unoccupied audience seats. to him, it feels like he’s in a dream, like he’s really there in the another world. “the musical’s fun, isn’t it?” aizou says to yuujirou standing next to him. aizou’s facing the audience seats. aizou cant wait for tomorrow’s performance and heknows he wont be able to sleep tonight because of the excitement. he didnt feel the pressure and the anxiety he had before. aizou: everyone’s laughing quite a bit. there were people who cried too after it was over. yuujirou: aizou’s adlibs were also a hit. aizou, confidently: right? i’m an idol and entertainer, after all. yuujirou looks at him with eyes wide open. and then, yuujirou: what do you mean, who told you that? *laughs* aizou replies that it’s morita-san, the old man from the shop they frequent. morita, who came to see the butai, gave him a message saying ‘i was moved!’. FTIV will come in senshuuraku (performance on the last day). they sent congratulatory flowers though. and a large flower stand is displayed outside - from “flower shop hanayama” aizou: did your father and mother come? yuujirou: no. there’s a performance in kyoto so they went there. my little brother is there too. aizou: ah, i see. aizou’s thoughts: so you didn't even eat. i’m sure there’s a maid but if he comes home late from practice, he might be tired and not have an appetite. aizou: you said they’d be back by senshuuraku. so aren't they coming to see it then? yuujirou: it would be nice if my father comes too. aizou’s thoughts: yuujirou still wants to be recognized by his father. aizou: do you want your father to come and see you? aizou looks at yuujirou. aizou: am i wrong? yuujirou: who knows. i don't think it’s a good idea. yuujirou’s looking at the audience seats but lowers his gaze. aizou: it’s not good. you can pull your mother and bring her here. this is the premiere of your first stage play. it’s not kabuki but if they see the you right now, i’m sure they’ll reconsider.. because even the director, who was like a demon, was convinced. yuujirou, murmuring: it’s not that i want to go back there now...even if i go back, there wont be anything i can do.... aizou: i know. yuujirou: father is father and i cant do anything about it. i think he had no choice but to tell me to make me give up. aizou: did he not let you stand on the stage of kabuki at least once? yuujirou: there’s no way i can stand. my brother has been performing on stage since then. aizou’s thoughts: that too...is pretty terrible. if you don't want yuujirou to stand on stage why did you make him practice? it’s cruel to put expectations on children and just take them away. although these are thoughts of aizou, he also thought that since it’s the someya house, there must be complicated circumstances. so aizou listened silently. yuujirou: but...i was taken to a shrine and dedicated a dance there. i think it was for some kind of festival. my younger brother was supposed to perform, actually. but he let me do it. yuujirou: at that time, it was a cool shirabyoshi dance. my father taught me how to dance. i went up to the shrine’s hall, danced to the flute, and everyone who was watching me gave me a round of applause...but i was terribly sad. because i thought that was the end of it. he spoke indifferently, but a slightly bitter smile was on his face. yuujirou: but i also know that i was the best that my father could have done for me at that time. aizou only listens silently and slightly opens the folding fan that the director had forgotten. these were the circumstances but even so, it can be said that yuujirou’s victory now is because he never gave up and kept going. aizou, thinking: really, he’s stubborn.... aizou closes the folding fan and looks up at his partner. aizou: hey, that dance...you still remember it, right? yuujirou, turning his gaze to aizou: eh. yuujirou: maybe i already forgot. it’s been a long time...and i haven't done it since then. aizou: liar aizou smiles and throws the folding fan to yuujirou. catching it, yuujirou blinks in surprise. aizou: it’s a waste if you memorize it just once. that dance, try to dance it here. yuujirou, eyebrows raising in confusion: here? aizou: it’s fine, isnt it? i’m the only one here. aizou leaves the stage with a big smile. this is not the end. it will continue from here and onwards. our butai, and our stage. aizou: and you said you dont remember. yuujirou lets out a sigh as if to say he’s tired. he opens the folding fan once and then closes it with a snap. perhaps, it’s because he’s motivated, that when he raises his head, his expression has changed. aizou sits in the front row and watches yuujirou as he dances slowly with the fan in his hand. yuujirou said he doesn't remember, but there’s no hesitation in the movement of his feet or hands. see, yuujirou remembers it. there’s no way that he’ll forget the dance he learned once.
yuujirou squats with an open fan in his hand. when he stood up, he was turning around in a fluid motion. aizou’s sure that when yuujirou danced at the shrine, yuujirou danced with everything he got to the sound of the flute. aizou’s thoughts: y’know....you’re amazing.
with those words in his heart, aizou smiles slightly. “don't push!!” there’s a voice and then there’s a sound of something collapsing. when aizou and yuujirou looked in surprise, there’s the director, crushed by several staff members. apparently, they secretly watched yuujirou’s dance. uchida is probably there as well. yuujirou: what are you doing....? he asks in a cold voice and everyone stood up in panic. uchida, glasses slanted: i’m just here to pick up those two! director, arms crossed: i forgot my fan. i just came to retrieve it. he spoke pompously but he was averting his gaze. aizou, thinking: really, what are these people doing.... aizou stands up and walks up to the stage. when he and yuujirou went to where the sense’s were, female staff, her eyes twinkling: the dance just now is really beautiful! the other staff are also smiling and said, “i was able to see something good!!” yuujirou: thank you.... he replies curtly. aizou thinks yuujirou’s hiding his embarrassment. yuujirou closes the fan and gives it to the director. he apologizes for borrowing and using it for a bit. the director then declares powerfully: i think i’ll go with “Yoshitsune to Shizuka Gozen” for the next stage play. the staffs agree with a roar. and he declares that the main characters will be aizou and yuujirou LMAO. aizou and yuujirou: eh? *looks at each other* yuujirou: i’m okay with it. who’s going to play shizuka gozen (the female MC)? aizou: eh, you of course
director: the dance just now is like shizuka gozen’s.... aizou: see, sensei’s saying it too. aizou points his index finger at the director. yuujirou’s brows wrinkled. yuujirou: ha? i wont hand over the role of yoshitsune. aizou you do the role of shizuka gozen. i think you’d suit it very well. aizou: no matter who sees it, the role wont look good on me. for this play, i really trained my abs! yuujirou: your abs don't matter. no one will see them anyway! aizou: it should be the right person on the right role! yuujirou: well...aizou might look better as benkei (the warrior) rather than shizuka gozen. yuujirou puts his hand to his mouth and chuckles. aizou: benkei, huh....well, if it’s that role, i can still make do with it. aizou feels like if it’s the benkei role, then it’s better than shizuka gozen. for his abs wont go to waste. (aizouuuu stop with the abs ww) director, all serious: yoshitsune and benkei...that’s fine as well! it’s decided! the next play will be ‘Yoshitsune and Benkei’ 
he raises his fist and proclaims. and announces the roles will be for yuujirou and aizou. and again, he pats yuujirou and aizou on the shoulders. the staffs around them applauded in agreement. uchida: if it’s a job offer, you should go through me, the manager, first! director, fidgeting: we’ll talk about that properly later. aizou’s thoughts: uchida-san, so strong....or should i say, reliable...? aizou smiles wryly. their next stage- even though the first day of their first play has ended, aizou already wants to run towards their next one. he wants to open more possibilities for himself and yuujirou. aizou’s thoughts: i want to try and challenge different things. do not let the dream you once had end as a dream. turn it into reality. the power to do so is already within you. that is why, do not be afraid and continue on. be it in a storm or a steep mountain. for if you do not stop walking, you will eventually reach the world of "hope" you dream of. until then. aizou, who’s looking at the audience seats, turns to his partner standing next to him. yuujirou looked at him almost at the same time. their eyes met. aizou’s thoughts: we are thinking the same thing, aren’t we. and feeling like that, together, aizou and yuujirou burst out laughing.
morning of senshuuraku. aizou sees his brother in the kitchen. ken is wearing aizou’s favorite jacket, jacket aizou bought on a whim. ken places a mug in front of aizou. ken picks up kuro and puts him on his shoulder. aizou asks him if ken is coming to his butai. he left 2 tickets on the table the other day. he noticed they were gone when he woke up in the morning. ken confirms to aizou whether today’s the last day of his butai. he also mentions arisa wanted to go and teasingly says to aizou that they may go see it. aizou stares at the cup..and after a few moments, he says to ken that he’s thinking of leaving the house and live alone someday. even though they’re in the same house, it feels like they’re living separately anyway. he’d consulted uchida already and asked her to look for affordable properties. aizou doesn't see his brother that often, and he rarely speak to him too. so he concludes this is the best time to tell ken. ken replies with his usual light tone, “isn't that alright.” aizou admits that he hasn't decided when it will be yet, but he asks ken if he could take kuro with him. ken: ah. i’m ok with it.... *pets kuro* ah, on second thought, i won’t allow it. aizou’s surprised. he thought ken wouldn't refuse lol. aizou: eh, why? i’m the one taking care of him the most anyway.... ken: if you bring kuro with you, then he wont come back here in the house.
(i think he’s also saying aizou won’t come back as well?)
aizou narrows his eyes. ken takes kuro off his shoulder and handed the cat to aizou. ken: but if kuro’s here...
i think ken is referring to aizou but he phrases it like it’s also kuro who’ll worry and come back here in the house. aizou hugs kuro but the cat tries to wriggle away from his arms as if kuro prefers ken. aizou didnt know how to answer ken. he looks at his brother, confused. ken tells aizou he’s gonna meet arisa now for a date and leaves. but before leaving he says to aizou that he’s gonna borrow his clothes. aizou, hugging kuro tightly: but you’re already wearing it.... aizou admits that even if he takes kuro with him, he’s sure the cat will come back to this house. the place to return, the reason to come back, are left in this house.
for the sake of this “me”. “you” have always tried to stay with the family. aizou puts on his sneakers, and the sports bag on his shoulder. he turns off the light inside the house. aizou, louder than usual: i’m off! he opens the front door, closes and locks it. he puts the key into his pocket and stepped out. outside, the skies are blue and the sun’s shining brightly. aizou: come on then, let’s go- ~ when yuujirou leaves the front door of their house, his mother came out to see him off. tae-san: i’ll definitely come and see your stage, together with your father. yuujirou: okay. tae: say hello to aizou-kun for me yuujirou: yeah....ok.... tae, noticing his vague reply and scolding him: you have to get along. yuujirou: i know. then, i’ll go now. when he’s about to leave, his mother stops him. tae: ah, wait. she takes out a hiuchi stone and strikes it. yuujirou’s slightly surprised and looks at his mother. tae: because i’ve also done this when your father and koichirou perform too. it is a gift bearing the wish that the butai performance will end safely. tae, seemingly about to cry, smiles happily at his son. to yuujirou, who until now, couldn’t stand on the stage. yuujirou: thank you, mother. tae: take care. i wish you the best. yuujirou: yes...i’ll be going now. yuujirou slings the bag over his shoulder and walks, looking straight ahead. yuujirou’s thoughts: now then, let’s go- aizou and yuujirou’s thoughts: towards the world that awaits us. ~ LOVE&KISS AU It is still a bit dark but the skies are beginning to turn white. Statues of the two heroes stood at the plaza. aizou, with a dissatisfied look: the princess said she would give us the horses but why did you refuse it? it’s easier with horses. he had his arms crossed. yuujirou: wouldn't it be better if you just took your horse? i don't need mine. aizou: if we travel together, it can’t be helped but to ride a horse. yuujirou: i did not say i’d travel together with anyone. why are you deciding on your own? they were allowed to stay in the castle for about 2 weeks, but since the wound on yuujirou’s leg was about to heal now, yuujirou decided it’s time to leave. he told this to the princess and the royal sister. but not to aizou. nevertheless, when he packed up and left this morning, aizou’s waiting for him, already wearing his travel clothes. apparently, after hearing from the princess and the royal sister that yuujirou will be leaving, aizou decided to leave too. aizou could’ve traveled anytime because he wasn't injured. but even so, it seems he spend his time leisurely in the castle because he was waiting for yuujirou to recover. perhaps, it’s because he’s worried about yuujirou’s wounds. how meddlesome, this guy. no one asked him to. yuujirou wants to quicken his pace but he couldn't do so, because the pain from the wound is still there. he glares sideways at aizou as if saying, ‘dont follow me’. aizou, with his arms folded behind his head, turns his head to the side as if he didn't want to listen to what other have to say. yuujirou’s brows furrowed even further. he’s even more irritated now. aizou: come to think of it.....did you remember? he’s referring to the forgotten memories of the past. they were looking for the wish-granting jewel to regain their memories. yuujirou: ....no....how about you? they walk toward the town’s gates. aizou: as i thought, there’s no way it’d be that easy for our wish to come true. he takes his own stone from his pocket and rolls it lightly in his hands, smiling. during their stay in the castle, yuujirou tried to make a wish several times, but the stone did not show any reaction except giving off a faint glow. he asked the princess for access to the castle library, but no matter what method yuujirou tried, the results were the same. he did not regain his lost memories. yuujirou takes out the stone from his pocket. is there a special method to make his wish come true or is it really just a stone. he isnt that disappointed though, strangely enough. aizou: wont it make some money if we sell it? it’s an unusual and rare stone anyway. are you going to sell it? we’ve encountered hardships to obtain it. yuujirou: there’s no point in having it if it’s just a stone. well, it might turn out to be an amulet or a charm. their wish might come true someday if they have the stone. in the tales, it wasn't written that a wish would come true instantly. aizou: well for now, let’s look for other ways. i might be able to remember it anytime soon. like when i accidentally fall down. yuujirou looks astonished at aizou who’s smiling. yuujirou: if that’s how to remember it, i think we’ve already remembered a long time ago. aizou: you won’t know, right. a fortune teller once told me that a shock can restore one’s memory. yuujirou: if you think so, then try hitting your head against that tree. on your own. aizou: i’ve already tried that, but it didn’t work. (LJALFSJSLFJA AIZOUUUUU) yuujirou’s thoughts: what foolishness this guy has.... yuujirou: *sighs* he then looks at aizou. yuujirou: then why are you following me. go your own way. aizou: we have the same goal. wouldn’t it make more sense to go together? aizou throws the stone lightly and catches it on his hand repeatedly. aizou: even i am reluctant (to be alone) yuujirou: where’s the logic in that? aizou: because i was with you, i was able to survive the snowy mountains, i was able to defeat the dragon, and i obtained the stone. i don’t know what the stone’s useful for but it’s a mysterious one. yuujirou: omae to issho ni iru to, roku na koto ga nai (nothing good happens when i am with you; his signature line lmao) aizou: that again. he frowns as if tired to hear it. aizou: i will not accept complaints and displeasure anymore! yuujirou: i won’t listen to your nagging! yuujirou covers his ears with his hands. the entrance gates of the town can already be seen. the daughter of the innkeeper where the two had stayed before, waves her hand and calls them, “heroes of journey!”. aizou and yuujirou look back. girl: thank you for saving the princess!! i wish you well in your journey to come!! she threw red apples at them. they caught those and looked at each other. they forgot their argument a while ago and smile at each other. yuujirou POV:
i still have not found the “answer” i was looking for. but perhaps, if it’s with someone who travels the same path as me, someday i will be able to. yes, someday. perhaps we’ll find it. the two wave their arms and head forward, walking straight to the other side of the gates enveloped in the rays of the morning sun. ~ when one story ends, a new one begins. the regrets of the past, the fate that ties oneself. leave behind all the doubts, anxieties, and fears about the future. what someone once dreamed of is waiting beyond the door, towards a world that shines so brilliantly. along with daybreak, let us go and move onward. as long as we continue believing, proceed ahead.
for “hope” will continue to exist.
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Donald Trump edited his January 6 rally remarks and improvised violent lines to add pressure on then-Vice President Mike Pence in his efforts to get Mr. Pence to try to overturn the election, the House Select Committee investigating the insurrection has said.
“The President did go on stage and then he gave the speech that he wanted to give,” Florida Democrat Stephanie Murphy said during the hearing on Tuesday. “It included the formal changes he had requested the night before and on that morning, but also many important last-minute ad-libbed changes.”
“A single scripted reference in the speech to Mike Pence became eight. A single scripted reference to rallygoers marching to the Capitol became four, with President Trump ad-libbing that he would be joining the protesters at the Capitol,” she added. “Added throughout his speech were references to fighting and ... courage and to be strong. The word ‘peacefully’ was in the staff-written script and used only once.”
“You’re never going to take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong,” Mr. Trump said in his ad-libbed remarks on January 6. “So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do. And I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to.”
“We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” he added. “But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones – because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re just going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
Trump speechwriter Stephen Miller said that White House lawyer Eric Herschmann told him that he wanted the lines singling out Mr. Pence removed from the speech. But after it was removed, the speechwriters were ordered to “reinsert the Pence lines.”
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jp-hunsecker · 1 year
Batman vs. Dracula Movie Review
Batman vs. Dracula is a trifecta of lazy writing; a public domain-cribbing direct-to-video crossover. If that weren’t bad enough, the script is rife with puns that would make Adam West himself blush — you know, along the lines of "Miss Vale lacks the bite I require in a mate," or "you're my second Batman tonight, and you're both pains in the neck" (why "second Batman"? Because the movie seems to be under the impression that 'bat' and 'vampire' are interchangeable). The above, however, are the apex of wit compared to Count Dracula’s alias; Dracula (the awesomely named Peter Stormare) introduces himself as "cultural anthropologist Dr. Alucard." Wait a second… Alucard is Dracula spelled backwards! Why didn’t anyone think of that before? Unbelievably, Bruce Wayne (Rino Romano) actually has to write the name down and hold it in front of a mirror before it fully sinks in ('The World's Greatest Detective' my ass). Dracula is not the only one prone to awkward introductions, though. While pursuing Vicki Vale (Tara Strong), the Penguin (Tom Kenny) uses the phrase "Here's Ozzy!" in what I presume is a reference to Ozzy Osbourne by way of The Shining (or viceversa). This might make sense if the Penguin were saying it to Batman, meaning "I’m going to bite your head off" or something like that; as it is, though, it’s a contrived non sequitur. And I haven’t even gotten to the expository dialogue, or should I say monologue? Batman and Alfred (Alastair Duncan) are especially guilty of egocentric speech (i.e., talking to themselves out loud); for example, "So this is how Dracula bypassed the crosses. I once tapped into these long forgotten catacombs. Apparently so did he," or "Master Bruce is triangulating his location, from within the catacombs? … I do hope this is a positive turn" (Master Bruce, as he is wont to do, also spends an inordinate amount of time thinking back to his dead parents; I guess I should be grateful that "Alucard" doesn’t turn out to be their killer this time around).
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yourreddancer · 2 years
September 1, 2022 (Thursday)This morning, former president Trump told a Newsmax host that he was “financially supporting” some of the rioters who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Calling it “disgraceful” that they are being prosecuted, he said that If reelected, he would look “very favorably at full pardons” for them and would apologize to them.
At a time when his supporters are increasingly calling for violence after the FBI executed a search warrant on the Trump Organization’s Mar-a-Lago property in order to recover classified documents, Trump is normalizing violence and suggesting that if he regains the presidency, he will protect those who fight on his behalf. 
Today the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol wrote to former House speaker Newt Gingrich, asking him to appear before the committee voluntarily. Historians identify Gingrich’s rhetorical attacks on Democrats and on those Republicans he considered too moderate—Republicans in Name Only, or RINOs—as key to bleeding traditional Republicans out of party leadership in the 1990s.
The letter explained that the committee has learned that Gingrich was part of the effort to overturn the 2020 election. He apparently exchanged emails with Trump’s advisors, including Jason Miller and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, in which Gingrich provided “detailed input” on the scripting of television ads that deliberately pushed lies that the 2020 election was stolen. The ads encouraged people to pressure state officials to overturn the election.
Gingrich wrote: “The goal is to arouse the country’s anger through new verifiable information the American people have never seen before[.]... If we inform the American people in a way they find convincing and it arouses their anger[,] they will then bring pressure on legislators and governors.”
Gingrich was also apparently involved in the scheme to produce fake electors and did not let up even after the attack on the Capitol. That night, he emailed Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, to pursue the plan. 
Today, Emma Brown of the Washington Post reported that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife, Ginni Thomas, wrote not only to 29 lawmakers in Arizona to press them to overturn President Joe Biden’s victory by appointing their own electors rather than the ones the voters had chosen, but also to lawmakers in Wisconsin.
In Arizona, Jerod MacDonald-Evoy of the Arizona Mirror reported that Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters has hired two fake electors as part of his staff. Before the primary, Masters’s website read: “We need to get serious about election integrity. The 2020 election was a rotten mess—if we had had a free and fair election, President Trump would be sitting in the Oval Office today and America would be so much better off,” although he has since scrubbed it to read simply: “We need to get serious about election integrity.” Trump endorsed Masters.
Today the White House Twitter account reminded people that 147 congressional Republicans voted to challenge the results of the 2020 election even after the January 6 riot, retweeting the 2021 New York Times article listing them by name.
And yet there has been concern on Twitter tonight that President Joe Biden’s 24-minute prime-time speech on “The Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation” was unfairly partisan. Biden spoke from Philadelphia's Independence National Historical Park, which includes Independence Hall, where lawmakers created the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. There, the nation’s early leaders created a country based on equality and democracy, Biden said, and those principles made the United States “the greatest nation on Earth.” Now those principles are under assault, and “we do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.” 
Biden offered a passionate defense of democracy, recalling Americans to their heritage: a fight for liberty that has preserved the nation through wars, depressions, and struggles to expand civil rights. That mission still drives us, he said, toward “an America that is more prosperous, free, and just.” But “we must be honest with each other and with ourselves.”
Things are not normal, he said. And then he called out the elephant in the room: “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”
As he has done in similar comments lately, Biden isolated the extremist MAGA Republicans from the rest of the country, while including mainstream Republicans in the larger body of Americans who still believe in democracy. But he acknowledged the truth that “the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.”
They “do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election. And they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.” 
They “are determined to take this country backwards—backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.”
We are not powerless to combat these threats, Biden said. Far more Americans reject the extremism of MAGA Republicans than embrace it. He called for all Americans—”Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans”—to reject government by violence, and instead work together to defend democracy and build a better future, one based in the Constitution, the rule of law, free and fair elections, the will of the people, honesty, decency, respect, patriotism, liberty, justice, hope, and possibility. 
Biden listed the accomplishments of the past year and a half and echoed the line he has used since he ran for president: “There is not a single thing America cannot do—not a single thing beyond our capacity if we do it together.”
“The soul of America is defined by the sacred proposition that all are created equal in the image of God. That all are entitled to be treated with decency, dignity, and respect. That all deserve justice and a shot at lives of prosperity and consequence. And that democracy…must be defended, for democracy makes all these things possible. Folks, and it’s up to us.”
Our democracy is imperfect, Biden said, but “history and common sense tell us that opportunity, liberty, and justice for all are most likely to come to pass in a democracy.” “Our task,” he said, “is to make our nation free and fair, just and strong, noble and whole.”“We just need to remember who we are. We are the United States of America.”
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yumark-ism · 2 years
the link concert rehearsal
3:52 - mark is playing darts and jungwoo joins (as they are paired together for this performance). i was a little surprised to see even that part is scripted, as rino is watching and directing them even in this supposedly "free" part. clearly it isn't, it never is. everything is scripted.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Idol Group ≠ME Stars in Magical Doremi Musical Concert This May
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  Last year, Magical Doremi celebrated a big anniversary with events, goods, and a new movie. This year, the magical girls will be taking the stage in a brand new musical, performed by idol group ≠ME.
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    Titled ≠ME ACT LIVE: Magical Doremi Dokka~n!, the show features the group (whose name is pronounced "Not Equal Me" and shortened to "Noimii") in a fully scripted musical based on the final season of the series. Following the musical will be a mini-concert performed by the group.
  Keita Kawajiri, head of theatrical unit SUGARBOY, will write the screenplay and oversee production as the general director, with Nishioka to Neil directing. The news comes via the show's official website and Twitter account, which have just launched.
  ≠ME is the sister group of =LOVE, an idol group comprised of voice actresses from the Yoyogi Animation Academy. The group was formed in 2019, and at present has 12 members. Former HKT48 member Rino Sashihara serves as producer for both groups.
  ≠ME ACT LIVE: Magical Doremi Dokka~n! will run May 15-22, 2022 at Shinagawa Prince Hotel's Stellar Ball in Tokyo. More information, including casting, will be coming soon.
  Source: Comic Natalie
  © Toei Animation
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    By: Kara Dennison
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dingle-dee · 9 months
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Oh look, official papapino outfit thing
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filippoinzaghi · 6 years
7, 12, 25
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year 
If we’re talking completed then it’s gotta be : And I’ll Only Need To Hold You (Go Back to Sleep and Dream) (what do you mean this is a long title aqzsedrftygh). 8th chapter doesn’t count tho, as it is the playlist ;) ! So it’s more around 8k than 9k like the stats suggest. Otherwise I have a posted fic for the 30 Days of Domestic Fluff challenge that I need to finish that is about 15k words so far (if interested, it’s here : They’re Laughing Like Children, Just Like Old Times)
12. favorite character to write about this year
Hmmm… There’s been the OC of my good mate @swanlaurences , Seyssil of Birsay (and it’s not only because our names are similar :p). It’s an OC from the french TV show Kaamelott (tragicomic show about Arthurian Legends). He’s cousin of King Lot and always plot for a coup and take his place. He’s the most snaky plotter out there but the most sassy and classy as well. He loves his wife dearly, more than anything in the world but also Lot’s son, Gawain. In the show Gawain is kind of the archetype of the brainless young adult who still acts like a teenager but he’s very sensible as well and has the biggest of heart and his parents (Lot and Anna) always belittle him and emphasise how stupid he is. So Seyssil takes it upon himself to love that kid and show him affection. I only wrote one thing about him but it was really fun ! The fic is in french, though, I’m afraid. It was fun tho as the fic was written script-like since the early seasons of the show had short episodes of ¾ mns. 
Otherwise, I think it has to be Gigi. I think he’s the one I’ve written the most about in the last months I’ve actually entered the fanfic football fandom. There are a lot of possibilities for fluff and angst alike. There’s also TONS, literally TONS of ships to choose from (that man is such a hoe qzsedrftgyhj). So I’d say him ? But to be fair, I had fun with most of the ones I’ve written about (Pippo, Bobo, Rino and Andrea Pirlo mostly. And special mention to Chiello and Monto
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
I’d honestly say everything I read from @montocalypse (LeapAngstily on AO3) but since I have to choose, let me at least do a top 3 ? 5 ? UGH. Okay let’s settle on 3 so that, if someone else ask me, I’ll post more aqzsedrftgyhu
The Winner Takes It All (GO SHOW LOVE TO THIS WONDERFUL FIC !! So little hits and feedback it’s outrageous)
Running Away Towards You (where’s my movie adaptation, I’m telling you)
So is unmatched socks where you draw the line ? (I might have re-read it two days ago at 1am and cried a little)
I honestly want to seize the occasion here to say how glad I am I commented on You Think Me Unsinkable (think again) (what do you mean I said top 3 ???? No, no, that one doesn’t count) which then prompted us to talk more and find each other on here. Milla really has had a very significant and positive influence on my writing. I got involved in the challenges thanks to her motivation and kind words towards me. I’ve really tried to inspire myself from her work to try and better myself as a writer and it has helped me a lot, I think I’ve made progress in a short time. I’ve written more, tried to think more on my stories and also try to have more balanced themes (and not just fluff zwesxdrcfvgbhn). I’ve also written my first proper smut scene and even though she will say she wasn’t of much help, her words still helped me and I must say I took the decision to do it to challenge myself and that’s something I’ve been trying to do way more often thanks to her. So yeah. The biggest of love to you Milla
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tumblblabber · 2 years
Funimation Schedules English Dub Premiere For "Akebi’s Sailor Uniform"
Get dressed.
Funimation has announced a January 28th start date for the English dub premiere of Akebi’s Sailor Uniform. Based on the manga by Hiro, Akebi’s Sailor Uniform is directed by Miyuki Kuroki (Her Blue Sky) at studio CloverWorks, with scripts by Rino Yamazaki (SHADOWS HOUSE) and character designs by Megumi Kouno (Shelter). The English dub cast and crew is as follows: English Dub cast and crew: Megan…
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The far-right “ReAwaken America” gathering in Manheim, Pennsylvania, this weekend wasn’t your typical pro-Trump rally.
It was a whole different level of crazy.
The QAnon-peppered programming frequently flew off the rails Saturday, as speakers took severe issue with everything from McDonald’s being part of the “deep state” to “demonic satellites” controlling the voting system in the United States.
The day’s activities kicked off with a prayer asking for Trump’s eyes to be opened so he could be shown when to “implement divine intervention.”
“You will surround him, Father, with none of this deep-state trash, none of this RINO trash,” the speaker—who led the prayer—yelled as attendees thrust their hands into the air.
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Other speakers included Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, though the crowd favorite appeared to be organizer Clay Clark, who frequently took to the microphone to accuse McDonald’s of being part of the “deep state” and ask about Michelle Obama’s gender.
“What gender is Michelle Obama?” Clark asked. The crowd overwhelmingly yelled back: “Male.”
Then, without missing a beat, Clark began claiming there was a “war on food” and alleged a shady left-wing entity was pushing for the feeding of “insect burgers” to the masses.
Clark didn’t stop there. Elsewhere, the organizer—whose gathering once triggered an anthrax scare—called people that wear masks on planes “jackass-er-y.”
Fresh off of a video emerging of Stone calling Ivanka Trump an “abortionist bitch daughter,” the longtime informal Trump adviser attempted to flip the script, claiming videos showing him encouraging violence were actually part of “continued harassment” against him.
“I am guilty of the crime of supporting President Donald Trump,” he said. “Loving him for 40 years.”
Right-wing doctor Stella Immanuel, best known for her belief in demon sperm, urged attendees to pray that both satellites and voting machines be destroyed.
“We need to pray and crush… the demonic satellites. We need to send a holy ghost virus into their computers, to destroy them, so they will not function, or until our election is over,” she said, to the crowd’s applause.
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Earlier on Friday afternoon, Eric Trump—a longtime staple at fringe anti-vaccine confabs—took to the stage and phoned up his father to address the QAnon-friendly conference.
“We love you all,” said the ex-president, who was at times muted by Eric Trump’s phone not being close enough to the microphone. “And we’ll be back doing things that… We’re going to bring this country back because our country’s never been in such bad shape as it is now.”
Eric added that he advised his father—who has been subpoenaed to appear before the Jan 6. Committee—to testify due to it being “the greatest entertainment.”
“Who wants to pop a beer, make some popcorn, and watch Donald Trump talk about election fraud in the United States of America,” he continued.
But perhaps the craziest message of the weekend thus far was from Julie Green, a self-identifying prophet, who told the crowd she had a message directly from God.
“Says God, you can’t stop my son, who is the rightful President,” Green said on Friday evening. “He is on his way back, and how he takes his position back on center stage, you will never see that coming because you won’t see me coming. And I am with him.”
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pscottm · 3 years
Noted local criminal Mark McCloskey played host to a barbecue/political rally on Sunday afternoon, drawing tens of admirers to the sweltering parking lot of a closed outlet mall in St. Louis County to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the time he pulled a gun on a crowd of people who otherwise would never have noticed or cared he existed.
Despite the fact that none of the big names who had been billed to speak at the June 27 event showed up, and despite the fact that ticket sales were so dismal attendance was opened to the public for free at the last minute, St. Louis' most gun-surrendering lawyer plowed right ahead with the First Annual Pink Shirt Guy BBQ and RINO Roast in the St. Louis Mills parking lot.
Grievance and untethered delusion topped the menu at the event, with McCloskey and a roster of speakers largely unknown outside the fever swamps of the far right taking turns condemning everything from critical race theory (their newest and most nonsensical bogeyman) to "cultural Marxism" (George Soros' fault of course, but how dare you level accusations of antisemitism) to the "radical left" agenda of (hahahahaha) Joe Biden. The whole gun-and-pony show was in service of McCloskey's deeply stupid run for U.S. Senate, because if there's one thing that qualifies a man for public office in the Republican party in 2021 it's a willingness to point a firearm at those with whom you disagree politically.
Initially, fellow criminal and proponent of armed coups Michael Flynn was scheduled to speak, but he was subbed out for North Carolina Congressman and notably dumb guy Madison Cawthorn, who also did not show up. But the show must go on, as they say, and so we were instead primarily treated to the emcee abilities of former radio host Jamie Allman, who lost his longtime job back in 2018 after taking to Twitter to pontificate about ramming a hot poker up a teenager's ass. The event kicked off around 2 p.m. with a pig roast and photo op with the McCloskeys, Mark clad in his pink-shirt finery and Patricia sporting the Hamburglar costume for which she is best-known. At least one man brought his rifle for the pair to sign, which of course they did, after which the man could be heard excitedly discussing how much money it was now worth.
After a sound check with local Deep Purple cover band Perfect Strangers, whose singer Terry Luttrell was the original vocalist for REO Speedwagon before parting ways with the band over its earlier, more politically motivated lyrics, the show kicked off with the singing of the national anthem, followed by a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of prayer. With all the hits out of the way, Allman brought up a parade of speakers of varying infamy, one of whom (who can remember who) walked us all through the Declaration of Independence as an encore for good measure. There was federally charged St. Louis chiropractor Eric Nepute, best-known for recommending Schweppes tonic water as a COVID-19 cure early on in the pandemic; JeffCo gun store owner Ian McFarland, who recently sold McCloskey a new gun when the latter handed his over to the state after pleading guilty to the crimes he'd committed; and State Rep. Nick Schroer (R-O'Fallon), one of the legislators leading an effort that failed in the Senate to defund Planned Parenthood in the state. Pillow magnate and unhinged lunatic Mike Lindell piped in a prerecorded message of support, as did war criminal Oliver North, probably as a consolation prize since Flynn was presumably too busy plotting out his own future crimes to make an appearance. There were others as well, but this event suffered from the rookie mistake of having too many openers, which led to some noticeable fatigue in the small crowd who had gathered to gawk at the spectacle. All of the above took turns rattling off the exhausting culture war talking points that dominate right-wing media nowadays, with fevered rants against critical race theory, cancel culture, cultural Marxism and good old-fashioned communism as practiced by noted leftist Joe Biden (hahahahahahaha) being the order of the day. Allman also tossed out bracelets in support of rioter Ashli Babbitt, who was killed in the U.S. Capital on January 6 after refusing to comply with the commands of officers, and who Allman claimed was "assassinated by her government." That would seem to fly in the face of the usual "if he/she just complied he/she would still be alive" script of the allegedly pro-police crowd, but Babbitt was on their team, so naturally the very concept of ideological consistency is thrown right out the window. At long last, after a gushing introduction in which Allman described Mark and Patricia as "everyone's favorite neighbors" (a characterization with which their actual neighbors whole-heartedly disagree), McCloskey took to the stage to bask in the adulation of the not even half-full seating area of his adoring fans. He insisted gravely that the crowd of people who were walking past his house that fateful day a year ago would have murdered him and his wife and their dog and then burned their house down had he not waddled his ass outside barefoot to threaten them with a rifle, which is pretty confusing seeing as how literally none of McCloskey's neighbors did the same and yet they all somehow came out unscathed. It also doesn't fit with the findings of special prosecutor Richard Callahan, who noted in a statement upon the McCloskeys' guilty plea that: "The protesters on the other hand were a racially mixed and peaceful group, including women and children, who simply made a wrong turn on their way to protest in front of the mayor’s house,” noting further that absolutely no evidence was ever found to show that any of the protesters were armed or intent on harming the couple.
But that didn't matter to McCloskey, nor did it matter to the sparse crowd who had come to watch him hump a gun on a Sunday afternoon. Naturally, McCloskey used his speech to heap praise on the likes of Donald Trump, Josh Hawley, Mark Meadows and others, while directing scorn at the likes of Kim Gardner, Cori Bush and Rasheen Aldridge. That the former group is a bunch of white guys and the latter are Black probably didn't have anything to do with McCloskey's opinions of them, and how dare you even think such a thing. McCloskey ended his speech by bringing his wife up on stage, and the two of them posed with a gun to the cheers of the crowd. One gets the distinct impression that those cheers were more for the gun itself than its owner though, and that more likely than not the crowd would probably prefer to vote for an actual firearm to be senator instead, if only there was some way to get one on the ballot. Honestly Mark is just a mascot, not unlike Ronald McDonald. As the main event wrapped up, Allman directed everyone to the merch tent, where McCloskey was selling bottles of barbecue sauce for $20 a pop. With the crowd thoroughly cleared out and a storm rolling in, Perfect Strangers took to the stage and started serving up Deep Purple cuts for the enjoyment of about ten people. Lightning cracked in the sky during the classic track "Stormbringer," adding a fun bit of synchronicity, if also a sense of foreboding. Equally synchronized and foreboding was one of the lines from the 1974 track, delivered as it was at the McCloskey-led event: "He's got nothing you need." Here's hoping Missouri's voters are smart enough to see it that way too.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
CloverWorks Reveals Second Promo for AKEBI's Sailor Uniform Anime
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  The second full promo has arrived for the AKEBI's School Uniform TV anime, which is set to kick off its broadcast in Japan on January 8, 2022. Check out the three-minute preview below, which includes a sample of the opening theme, "Hajimari no Setsuna," performed by the show's 1st-year Class 3 students. 
    / PV第2弾公開???? \ 2022年1月8日放送開始となるTVアニメ「#明日ちゃんのセーラー服」のオープニングテーマ「はじまりのセツナ」を使用したPV第2弾を公開しました????https://t.co/jGi6enKQ0p キラキラ輝く青春が、ついにスタートします✨https://t.co/D15M48lBLr#明日ちゃん
— TVアニメ「明日ちゃんのセーラー服」2022.1.8 ON AIR【公式】 (@AKEBI_chan) December 18, 2021
  Based on the manga by Hiro, the anime tells a slow, sparkling coming-of-age story of the protagonist Komichi Akebi and her classmates in a prestigious girls' junior high school. Miyuki Kuroki (The Idolm@ster SideM) serves as the director, alongside the series composition/script writer Rino Yamazaki (DARLING in the FRANXX) and the character designer Megumi Kouno (The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls). CloverWorks (Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia) works on anime production.
  The main cast members are Manatsu Murakami (Yuki in ODDTAXI) as Komichi Akebi, Sora Amamiya (Aqua in KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world!) as Erika Kisaki, Akari Kito (Nezuko in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) as Touko Usagihara, and Shion Wakayama (Sawa Echizen in Farewell, My Dear Cramer) as Tomono Kojou. 
  Additional voices include:
  Akira Sekine voicing Kei Tanigawa
Shizuka Ishigami voicing Hitomi Washio
Yui Ishikawa voicing Riri Minakami
Momo Asakura voicing Hotaru Hiraiwa
Azusa Tadokoro voicing Riona Shijo
Miku Ito voicing Neko Kamimoku
Mariya Ise voicing Ai Tatsumori
Shiori Mikami voicing Ayumi Togeguchi
Mitsuho Kanbe voicing Oshizu Hebimori
Kaede Hondo voicing Yasuko Nawashiro
Haruka Shiraishi voicing Mai Togano
Konomi Kohara voicing Minoru Ookuma
  First promo:
    Source: @AKEBI-chan
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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miooshidayo · 7 years
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HKT48 #MeruMio combi, Seriously using the camera through SNS ! What is the reason ?
Tashima Meru(17) Tomonaga Mio (19)  , 2nd Gen MeruMio Combi who pulled the group as they are, recently  doing something in SNS, ModelPress conducted an interview between these 2 about "Self Help by the SNS"
  Together passed 2nd Gen audition in 2012. Tashima selected as the center for 1st single "Suki Suki Skip" in 2013, after that Experienced double center in 2nd single "Melon Juice" 3rd single Sakura Minna de tabetta",  They are grown  to led the Group Also rank in at Sousenkyo.In september 2017, with 2nd Gen,3rd Gen and 4Gen"HKT48 Freshmember Concert in Hakataza, Future is our hand..." the event was succesfull to led the junior member.
Q1) Tashima-san, talking about "MeruCamera", what is inspired you to start it ?
Meru : I like to taking a photo,  Sasshiko (Sasshihara Rino ) said when i take a good photo, i was told "Just Bought a camera , cause it must be very good"
Mio : She said that right~
Meru : Cause it has been said for long time, When im start doing twitter, how about do planning with the twitter? When i thought about that, i was thinking to buying a proper camera, so i did. I decided to travel and do various thing and take a picture with the camera ( Meru Camera model is Panasonic LUMIX GF9 )
 Q2) Tashima-san also took a photo member, do they asked to be "shoot" too?
Meru : There are such things like "Can i take your picture?', But i like to take a picture without permission (laugh). Person who had nice smile are pretty easy to take.
Q3) So is that a there's technique?
Meru : That's right, Someday i think it would be nice to publish a HKT48Photobook bt gathering the picture i took.
Q4) On "Tomo to "  (project that shoot member serialized in FRIDAY magazine) How about the reaction from the fans?
Meru : I often say things like " Its MeruCamera" (laugh) said " Please more photos" and suggested " How about thid kid ?'(Laugh) , I think i wuld like to continue as it become more popular.
 ~Tomonaga-san recently had an impression to update the Instagram frequenly. Have been introducing makeup items and wearing fashion too, but what chance that you start doing it ?
Mio : Yes, Since im doing SNS, there's alot male fans, i think i would like to make lot women to know me more. Im start to going to various place, buy new makeup items as much as possible, although for me, it would be nice if you can see and use it, So im doing with taking a picture too.
Q5) Do you like to makeup things too?
Mio : I like makeup very much, I was helped by makeup-san and she bought me various makeup tools too.
Q6) But there's no place to show it ?
Mio : Yes. it was quite difficult, but when i start Instagram one years ago, and thinking it was a good opportunity.
Q7) In Instagram, The hastag maybe will make notice to the people which is not fans, do you feel it ?
Mio :Abosultely dont know,cause it was content for the ladies,Until now the Male fans is making more comment on it , but recently the comment from girls alo have been increased. There also kids who came to the Hanshake event too, si i would like to work more harder.
Q8) Is there any some point you're sticking with ? ?
Mio : Although i would like to put the clothes when take a shot, but i want to my face include too (laugh) Im thinking about the portion of clothes and my face , i will do my best.
 ~Tashima Meru and Tomonaga Mio , who posting the most
I like to ask about 2 of you, what you posting to SNS so far ? especially with the photos?
Meru : I like disneyland, because the fans also now i like disneyland, when i posting about disneyland , there's great reaction too.
Q9 ) Its very photogenic right.
Meru :  Its about kind of photogenic, but when its too much fun there, im forget to take picture and often to take a pict in hurry (laugh)
Q10) How about Tomonaga-san?
Mio :  I have the clothes that connect with a ribbon...
 Q11) Oh when the injection right (laugh)
Mio : Yes. Since it was happened , wearing those clother when times of vaccination,I posted that " It was good clothes,for Injection??" lol , I said about lot things like ,"Its cute but interesting". I should look for such and interesting clothes (laugh?)
 HKT48 1st Album Bonus 48 x Film Director
 Tashima-san "Marigold" was recorded in TYPE A by director Jun Takeda and Tomonaga-san “nidoto nai yoru sae tobidashite”was recorded in TYPE B directed by Kato Takuya
Q) in the album , That's the shooting for short film was filmed on by one ?
 Meru : The content is feels with quite warm feelings. Im shot with a baby, The baby cried when there's not a scene to cry, then baby suddenly fall asleep, it the tired moments, but the mother is amazed me, even though the baby crying, i was really moved by seeing the mom stopping the the crying as soon hugged the baby
Q)  Mom is always there ,
Meru : Thats right, I had my picture with the baby too, But the baby getting bigger by unnoticed, Im surprised by the growtness of the baby
Q) How about the shooting ?
Meru : Its was lot of fun. The director tells me to play with full of my heart instead being scripted, It was difficutl, But it was  fun acting, and " I want to act more in the future
Q) Do you interested in actress work ?
Meru : I wanted to do acting ( laughed )
Q) How about Tomonaga-san ?
Mio : it was so Gorgeous! Feeling Suspense for 2 Hours,
Because the content also suspense, I was really nervous, Acting with lot of tension, But i think i was able to put on the other side of me, Because im continued said as " Bouyomi"(laugh). Im seriously challanged my self. It would be good if i could show the different side of me to the fans
Q) This time please to make an appeal to who wondering about buy the album
Mio : You'd better buy it !!
Meru : Its including 11 Hours for all the movie, i have an amazing feels in the bonus footage.
Mio : its become one
Meru : I think its a big album, and its not going happen anymore,I hope you can get it .
 Q What'sis your goal in 2018
Meru : I'd like to have a concert soon
Mio : Yeah, Me too.
Meru Yes, Speaking of HKT48, i have been goin on concerts, but i can't do it now, i think it would be nice to have a concert
Meru: We're also could make an Album now
Mio : Since there are already the number of songs enough to make live with HKT48 only song
Q) Surely, Talking about HKT, live performances, it was only sing idols and AKB48G songs.
Meru : Thats right, I hope to get see more people, that what i want to do next year
  Not all Interview is translate sorry for the inconvenient~ :)
Credit : https://mdpr.jp/interview/detail/1734575
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dingle-dee · 8 months
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@ohmygillygoshoppler YOU THOUGHT UOU COULD HIDE IN TAGS???
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This is a man I'd find in my local walmart asking his baby whether they want cheerios or fruity pebbles
This is a man who's sole vibe is "I'm a single father of one"
And I love it
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fairygrandchild · 4 years
Strawberries And Cigarettes
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(always hoping things would change. but we went right back to your games)
Delia tidak pernah tahu bahwa 365 hari sejak ia memutuskan berhenti kuliah, kehidupannya sukses jungkir balik tanpa bisa ia cegah. Kian memutuskannya sepihak. Bahkan tepat satu minggu sebelum hari jadi mereka. Lucunya, laki-laki itu memutuskan Delia lewat email. Lengkap dengan subjek yang membuat Delia merasa itu seperti pemutusan kontrak kerja alih-alih diputusin pacar.
Kesialan yang ia harap selesai ternyata tidak berhenti disitu. Seminggu lalu, Edwin ketahuan selingkuh. Hubungannya dengan Ocha membuat keadaan rumah tidak pernah sebaik sebelumnya. Ada perasaan dimana semuanya menjadi mati rasa. Dititik itu Del tahu bahwa ia sedang kecewa.
“Rasa-rasanya gue pengen nyebat,” ucap Del sambil menghela nafas panjang.
Di jam malam ini, yang tersisa dari jalan rumahnya hanya satu minimarket di persimpangan. Satu-satunya yang masih hidup selain rumah-rumah gedongan di sebrang pandangannya. Del tidak perlu memilih apa yang dibutuhkannya dari minimarket 24/7 ini. Sesaat ia masuk dan mengambil apa yang dibutuhkan, Rino si kasir sudah menyengir.
“Kayak biasa ya, Del.”
“Bungkus aja deh No, gak usah basa-basi.”
“Satu rokok mint, satu soda merah sama dua bungkus permen karet. Lo pasti bener-bener lagi frustasi ya.” Satu seruan dari belakang membuat Del dan Rino kompak melirik. Seorang bocah dengan almamater biru dan drafting tube yang disampirkan dibahunya.
“Lo kenal Del?” Rino melirik Delia yang nampak mengangkat bahu.
“Kata temen gue sih kalo cewek nyebat mending yang ada rasanya.” Cowok bermata sipit itu menunjuk bungkusan rokok berwarna ungu. “Yang blueberry boleh tuh.”
“Aneh.” Delia menggeleng pelan. Ia menaruh uang lima puluh ribu dan melesat keluar.
Rino yang cengo hanya bisa berteriak. “Kembalinya, Del!”
“Buat lo aja,” sahut cewek itu diiringi langkah panjang.
Hari-hari Delia sudah pernah lebih buruk. Ia pernah dikerjai lembur hingga jam 12 malam karena atasannya mendadak mengganti sistem penjualan. Tepat disaat Del akan melakukan closing bulanan para sales. Ingin buruk lagi? Delia pernah gagal menonton konser The Script hanya karena tiket konsernya yang hilang oleh iring-iringan anak MOS. Diinjak-injak dan dibawa angin. Oh itu adalah hari tersial. Dalam satu detik, uang satu juta nya lenyap. Solusi refund yang Del harapkan tentu saja hanya kemustahilan.
Untuk sisanya gadis itu lebih sering dianggurin Kian. Entah itu karena ia lupa ulang tahunnya atau Del yang selalu menolak untuk menjadi garda terdepan Kian dalam pertandingan basket. Tentu saja bagi Del itu terlalu cringe. Dan sejauh itu Del merasa semuanya masih baik-baik saja. Sampai bocah tengil di minimarket itu datang dan ia tidak pernah tahu bahwa diikuti oleh orang asing akan menjadi semenyebalkan ini. The worst day ever.
Sesaat gadis itu langsung menyalakan rokok pertamanya. Asap mengepul menguar dari hidung dan mulutnya.
“Gue bilang lebih enak ini.” Cowok itu menyalakan rokok blueberry dan seketika menggantikan rokok yang Del hisap. “Yang ini mending buat gue.”
Langkah Delia terhenti dan ia menatap lurus, memandang laki-laki itu seperti ia akan menghunuskan belati. “Lo kenapa sih? Emang kita kenal ya?”
“Oh iya kita belum kenalan.” Laki-laki itu tersenyum jahil, ia mengulurkan tangan. “Gue Lingga Haruman. Panggil aja Lingga.”
“Ck, kita gak perlu kenalan. Gue gak mau kenal sama lo.” Del menepis tangan Lingga. Langkahnya yang cepat sulit untuk Lingga menyesuaikan.
“Tapi gue pengen,” teriak cowok itu menyusul “Lo kakak kelas gue di fakultas seni. Delia Sonda. Iya kan?”
“Ah..” Del berseringai, menghentikan langkahnya. “Gue hampir lupa sama almamater lo.”
“Jadi lo inget?” tanya Lingga antusias. “Kita di universitas yang sama.”
“Ck, denger ya Lingga.” Del mendorong wajah Lingga untuk mendekat. Menyisakan jarak mereka yang tak kurang dari 10 senti. “Pertama, gue bukan kakak kelas lo. Oke, bukan lagi. Kedua, stop ganggu urusan gue. Hidup gue udah ribet dan lo gak perlu nambah-nambahin.”
“Tapi, gue—“
Delia melambaikan tangan. Hanya butuh beberapa langkah lagi menuju rumahnya. Demi apapun yang ia butuhkan saat ini hanyalah kasur empuk untuk merebahkan diri. Ia sudah terlalu jengah dengan drama yang melibatkan dirinya akhir-akhir ini.
“Tunggu Del,” Lingga menarik tangan gadis itu. Nafasnya yang terengah membuat Delia sukses mengernyit.
“Apa lagi?”
“Gue udah lama nungguin ini. Ngumpulin keberanian buat ngomong sama lo. Please, setidaknya kita bisa duduk bareng buat ngobrol.”
Hanya helaan nafas yang dapat Delia lakukan. Ia tidak tahu kalau bocah ini akan menjadi semerepotkan yang ia kira. Meski begitu Del nampak tertarik untuk setidaknya meladeni jalan permainan Lingga. Satu pertanyaannya yang mencuat; what’s wrong with this guy?
Delia menggiring Lingga dalam satu set meja di depan minimarket. Dalam keremangan jalan pulang, hanya tempat itu yang menurut Del terbaik. Rino melirik dari dalam. Mulutnya gagal mengatup melihat pemandangan ini. Antara otak Delia yang sudah bergeser atau bocah itu yang pantang mundur? Ia kira sepertinya sebentar lagi akan terjadi badai.
Delia bukan si jaim di depan orang asing. Semua orang tahu apa yang menjadi kebiasaannya dibalik tampangnya yang lugu. Merokok di depan umum dan dilabeli bukan cewek baik bukan menjadi perkara besar bagi gadis 22 tahun itu. Menghembuskan asap di depan Lingga dan saling menenggak soda. Ini memang terdengar konyol. Tapi Del kira Lingga tidak keberatan. Cowok itu nampak tersenyum meski Del sudah mengernyitkan dahi entah berapa kali.
“Jadi kita cuma bakalan nyebat sambil senyum-senyum gak jelas?”
“Ah iya, maaf-maaf,” Lingga nyaris tersedak asap rokok nya sendiri. “Lo gak berpikir gue bawa drawing tube kosong kan?”
Del menggeleng. “Lo kan anak fakultas seni. Wajar aja kali bawa drawing tube. Bahkan kalo emang kosong sekalipun.”
Lingga tersenyum. Fakta yang tidak pernah ia sangkal. Del tidak pernah men-judge siapapun.
Perlahan laki-laki itu membuka tas tabungnya. Gulungan kertas A3 seolah berebut tempat untuk merangsek keluar. Untuk sesaat Del nampak merindukan saat-saat itu. Ia lupa kapan terakhir kali memainkan pensilnya. Meniupkan serbuk hitam yang menggulung di kertasnya juga tersenyum pongah saat hasil gambarnya selesai.
“Gue udah ngikutin lo sebulan ini,” Lingga menundukkan kepalanya, merasa malu mengakui. “Sejak gue tahu lo berhenti kuliah. Gue gak tahu harus nyari lo kemana. Gue pikir lo bakal ada di belahan bumi lain. Tapi setiap kali gue berdoa, akhirnya Tuhan ngejawab doa gue. Awal bulan kemarin gue lihat lo di minimarket ini. Masih dengan bungkusan yang sama seperti yang lo bawa sekarang.”
“Oke...” Del nampak menikmati bagaimana laki-laki itu bicara. Seperti ia adalah podcast tengah malam yang biasa Del dengarkan sebelum tidur.
“Gue gak punya banyak keberanian. Tapi hari ini gue gak mau lagi jadi pengecut. Jadi maaf kalo lo ngerasa risih atau gimana. Gue cuma mau jadi temen lo, Del.”
“Kenapa harus gue?” Del membuang puntung rokok dan menggantinya dengan permen karet strawberry. Sikapnya tidak tertarik. “Lo punya banyak temen di kampus.”
“Menurut lo gitu?” Lingga memajukan wajahnya yang kemudian membuat Del reflek mendorong wajah laki-laki itu keras.
“Whatever.” Del mendelik.
“Ah oke-oke,” Laki-laki itu terkekeh. “Ini buat lo.”
15 gambar yang Lingga keluarkan tadi.
Semuanya adalah potret Del yang sedang menghabiskan malam di minimarket Rino. Gadis itu melongo namun dengan cepat menguasai diri. Gambar pertama yang ia ambil adalah Del dengan tas belanjaan cukup besar. Terlihat ia sempat berbincang dengan Rino di pintu minimarket. Lingga pasti menggambarnya dari sudut meja ini.
“Bagian ini kurang hitam.” Del menunjuk bagian pintu minimarket. “Lo harus teken pensil lo lebih dalem lagi. Disini gelap terangnya gak jelas. Jadi gambar lo kurang hidup.”
“Ah, gitu ya.” Lingga mengambil kembali semua gambarnya. Ia jadi kikuk sendiri. Apa Del benar-benar orang yang objektif?
“Gue gak bilang lo harus revisi gambar lo kan?”
Kedua tangan Lingga terhenti. Gerakannya menggulung kertas gagal. Del benar-benar membuat otaknya berpikir keras.
“Gue simpen gambar ini,” ucap gadis itu sambil menggembungkan permen karet.
“Jadi lo suka?"
“Ck, mulut lo tuh bawel banget ya.” Del bergerak maju. Ia membuang permen karetnya dan menjatuhkan rokok mint yang Lingga hisap. Dalam satu gerakan cepat, Del menyasar bibir Lingga yang beraromakan tembakau. Lingga tidak menolak namun juga tidak merespon. Ia terpangku diam seolah seluruh tubuhnya adalah milik Del malam ini. Dan seolah waktu berhenti ditempat itu. Satu-satunya yang Lingga tahu adalah aroma strawberry yang menguar dari mulut Del. Ia menyukainya dan jika Lingga tidak terlampau egois, ia tidak ingin semua berakhir disini.  []
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