#the rest are all mine
aishasauce · 9 months
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▍ XXXXXX ──​──​ //////////
look out for the eel balloons
Electric Eel ///////////////////////////////////
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valientknightmare · 2 years
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2022 Art vs Artist
Featuring: My Face!!!!
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izzymalec · 2 months
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pushing daisies season 2 episode 3 – bad habits
if you ever want to change you've got to rectify your past. otherwise you won't have a future.
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cowboyshit · 2 months
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maybe unpopular opinion but probably one of the least useful pieces of advice I've ever got as an auDHD person to the question of "how tf does one make friends" was to go and join clubs/groups that do hobbies I enjoy. Not only does this not actually answer the question of how to make friends (yknow, how to approach people, how to start a conversation, how to appear friendly enough that they don't immediately reject you for existing, how to actually keep them as friends later on, etc), but also the chance of me choosing to force myself into the discomfort of "making smalltalk with random strangers" is absolutely nonexistent when the alternative of engaging with a hyperfixation is not only socially acceptable but even encouraged
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dang-dood · 3 months
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sapphicyanli · 6 months
truly rare netflix w for casting the gayest person in the natla cast as zuko. literally couldnt get any better than this
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thepersonperson · 3 months
I’ve come to the conclusion that Sukuna and Gojo is what happens when a literature arts major courts a physics major using obscure Russian poetry.
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laine-975 · 2 months
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bbbbbbbbatman · 1 year
Clark takes Bruce to a county fair and when he asks about the games Clark is just like "oh all the games are rigged so they're basically impossible to win" and ofc Bruce immediately takes that as a personal challenge and is determined to win this stupid fucking game and Clark is regretting bringing him as he sits to the side and watches as Bruce spends way too much money on a tacky carnival game. Eventually Bruce does win and gives the massive teddy bear prize to Clark and please just picture Clark walking around with a teddy bear almost as big as he is
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grayisblogging · 11 days
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‘gotham gazette’ newspaper promo for ‘the penguin’ hints at harvey dent addition to the universe— “is our legal system dented beyond repair?” + riddler crumbs :>
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echosong971 · 1 year
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“Mr. Handsome Idiot”
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segycacao · 1 year
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A battle with artblock
@dovewingkinnie , don't mind me letting your characters join my force to defeat this wicked foe
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nochangeintheplan · 10 months
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Day 4 | Tattoo/AU
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A historical fantasy kirin AU thing haunts my dreams like 24/7 all the time i have so many thoughts he's all over every single one of my files, I could not resist
I am only adding more to the kirin mine content on this blog and shameless about it
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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Todays mission sponsored by Military Grade Adderall
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Original post by Cystemic
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powdermelonkeg · 7 months
Theory that solves(?) "founding of Hyrule" timeline inconsistencies:
Origin of Hyrule no. 1: Skyward Sword. Zelda, Link, and the Skylians settle the surface world at the game's conclusion. Notably, their dress looks nothing like the Zonai era.
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Origin of Hyrule no. 2: Tears of the Kingdom. Rauru and Sonia are the king and queen who founded Hyrule. Notably, Zonai mechanisms and architecture greatly resemble the pre-Skyward-Sword-era Lanayru mining tech and symbolism, though Skyward Sword's art direction is more cartoony than TotK, so that has to be taken into account.
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That's where it gets cyclical. If TotK's forgotten era came first, then:
Zonai influence should be ALL OVER Skyloft
The Gerudo should not exist, because they're (implied to be) descended from Groose, a Skylian; at the very least, there should have been a whole Gerudo culture in the Sky
Where did the Secret Stones go?
We should have seen Zeldra flying around in the sky, let alone Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra
But if Skyward Sword came before all things Zonai, then:
The Lanayru Mining Facility (assuming it to be Zonai in origin) should not exist
Hyrule should have already been founded by Rauru's time
Of the two, Skyward Sword being first on the wild surface makes more sense. But if that's the case, there are even more questions:
Where did the Secret Stones come from? Are we to believe that Hylia gave them to the Zonai, since the Golden Trio have already left the Triforce and departed?
What about the Zonai themselves? They supposedly descended from the heavens. Were they just up so high that the Skylians couldn't find them? Did Hylia cleave the ground twice? Did they spontaneously appear up there like mice in grain bins?
Why is there a whole Temple of Time with bells that Rauru, one of two of the LAST of his species, woke up and went to sleep to? In fact, why is there an entire kingdom's worth of structures already built before the Sky Reckoning?
My solution:
The Zonai did exist pre-Skyward Sword, and did descend down from the sky ages ago. They built the Lanayru Mining Facility, utilizing the power of Timeshift Stones in their work. This is not Rauru and Mineru's era.
The Zonai are among the people that stay behind to fight Demise alongside Hylia, while the Skylians were sent up to Skyloft. The people of the Surface are entrusted with the Secret Stones as weapons against Demise, with the caveat that they keep them hidden. That's why they're called Secret Stones despite being well-known to Ganondorf in TotK, it was PARAMOUNT that Demise not know he could get any stronger.
The war ends. Just about every civilization is obliterated by it. The Zonai retreat as far from Demise's seal as they can to lick their wounds. They take the sages' Secret Stones with them, so as to not be caught unawares and lose them to Demise when he eventually reemerges.
Skyward Sword.
The evil is defeated, the Skylians come down to the Surface. That's the signal that it's safe to return now. Shortly after the Skylians officially start to settle, the Zonai, who know how things work, help them build a proper civilization.
Time passes. The Surface is officially a bunch of scattered clans with varying degrees of territory. People are content, though nothing is particularly efficient. The Skylians take on Zonai fashion and building styles as generations pass. The Zonai themselves dwindle.
Rauru, married to the leader of the Hylians, looks to unite the scattered clans under one banner in the name of prosperity and shared resources, idolizing the pre-Skyward era where the gods walked the land. He and Sonia officially name the place Hyrule, and any clan that signs treaty with them is considered within its borders. Mineru, meanwhile, has made her first construct models based on the Lanayru Mine Robots of old, which add to the appeal of joining Hyrule as its subkingdom territories.
Tears of the Kingdom, Zelda's first 12 memories.
Between the Master Sword going back in time and Zeldra's ascent, Zelda and Mineru get to work with as many constructs as possible to protect the Sky Isles they plan to send upwards. They need a TON of Zonaite, and recycling is a priority, leading to the gachapon machines.
Zelda knows enough about her kingdom that she knows where the land is particularly rich is where the people of her time settled, and Zonaite is shown to enrich soil greatly. This is why all the old Zonaite mines are underneath the towns in modern Hyrule, despite changing geography through other eras, and Tarrey Town's new-ness.
Zelda ascends.
The secretive Sheikah clan, having seen the Blood Moon's rise when the Demon King took power, realize that Demise isn't, in fact, all gone. They decide this means that their job serving Hylia isn't truly done, and return to help the fledgling kingdom as best they can. They bring the knowledge of the Master Sword of Skyward Sword days with them.
Ganondorf first shakes the seal he's under without form, leading to the first Calamity and the initial rise of Calamity Ganon. This is 10k years before BotW. This is also the first documented use of the Master Sword to seal the Demon King away, recorded in the tapestry.
The Sheikah are forced to abandon their technology. The Yiga/Sheikah split happens.
Literally all the rest of Hyrulean History happens after this.
Breath of the Wild.
Tears of the Kingdom.
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