#the report from which triggered a review of all of the above data by a panel of specialists who determined that I was wired so atypically
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kaurwreck · 1 year ago
I think you're right that it's significant, and I think Mori is clever to recognize that Akutagawa is a rook.
Like a rook, Akutagawa is powerful, but generally contained and often undercut by his predictability. However, because he's keenly aware of his own constraints, and because others often aren't (especially regarding variables they've internalized as known), he's able to play into and against his own predictability to paradoxically surprise them.
He moves within the confines of his rigidity to shape outcomes, sometimes more effectively than his more dynamic opponents and peers. Rooks do that too, if you let them.
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Me, knowing nothing about chess, probably overthinking the significance of referencing akutagawa in this scene, but is going to look it up later anyways
#i have very specific chess feelings and thoughts re: rooks (which is what that piece is)#because in elementary school i was in a program for intellectually gifted students - by which i do NOT mean an honors program#i mean i displayed several specific neuro characteristics and struggled in a classroom environment such that i was referred for screening#the results of the screening flagged me for several additional tests and my results on those tests then prompted a comprehensive assessment#which was conducted by a licensed examiner who additionally administered another test chosen specifically based on my prior data#the report from which triggered a review of all of the above data by a panel of specialists who determined that I was wired so atypically#that I required specifically designed support services to avoid an adverse impact my access to education#ie I was not considered academically gifted which is what people are usually thinking of when they talk about giftedness (esp on tumblr)#i prefaced with all of that to counter misconceptions and emphasize that i was not in a program for smart and highly successful students#i was in a program for students with distinct cognitive processing needs that could not be met without specialized intervention#but inanely and entirely b/c of misconceptions the administrators at my school forcibly registered us in an annual chess tournament#which they wouldn't let us opt out of b/c there was a funding incentive for the school if we advanced far enough#ironically chess is a bad fit for this type of giftedness b/c it's rote + relies on bounded conventions instead of creative problem solving#but anyway i did not want to fucking play chess especially not competitively - it's boring and gets redundant#so i intentionally threw all of my games to remove myself from the tournament early#except my fellow indentured chess competitors noticed i was doing that and they were also bored and didn't care for the tournament#and so several of them made a game out of forcibly advancing me as far as they could by outmaneuvering my attempts to lose#horrifically they managed to corner me into winning enough that i was in serious danger of advancing#and so i started AGGRESSIVELY practicing chess in my spare time to learn how to shape the board and get confident in my ability to do so#i played against computers and then strangers online for hours a day and i studied checkmate patterns and how to subvert + reconfigure them#all so i could play well enough to ensure i'd lose even when being actively sabotaged#it worked - i narrowly escaped advancing that year and I don't think they were able to lose to me again after that#they kept trying - even playing me outside of tournaments to try and figure out how i was consistently losing#it's b/c i layered multiple strategies that involved breaking select conventions + manipulating their focus and psychology#BUT the fulcrum of my approach relied heavily on my rooks and select pawns as my most valuable pieces#i got very good at using rooks to shape the board without placing them in a position to be captured until i wanted them to be#once i had a few pawns close to promotion i would shift my rooks into bait b/c once one was taken i could just promote a pawn into a rook#and because absent a potential stalemate people almost always promote pawns into queens#my opponent would forget my additional rooks and would make choices based on the implicit assumptions that my deputized pawns were queens#rooks are treasures
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biographygen · 4 months ago
How to Optimize Wordpress website in 2024
Optimize WordPress website in 2024. Enhance performance, improve SEO, and boost user experience with our expert tips.
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You can implement several performance optimization best practices today to reduce page load time and speed up your WordPress site. Here's our complete list of actionable recommendations, ranging from simple to advanced. You can watch the video about the 9 simple ways to speed up your website or read on to learn about them all, including WordPress performance optimization techniques.
9 Advanced WordPress Speed Optimization Strategies
1. Deferring and delaying JavaScript execution has a high impact.
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The First Input Delay metric and the Lighthouse performance score demonstrate how JavaScript execution affects performance. Lighthouse and Page Speed Insights, for example, will notify you if you need to "eliminate render-blocking resources".
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The Opportunities section of your Lighthouse report lists all of the URLs that are preventing your page from being painted for the first time. - Flying scripts - WordPress Meteor - Plugin organizer - Gonzales - Perfmatters. If you want to learn more, read our detailed articles on how to eliminate render-blocking JS and CSS and reduce JavaScript execution time. 2. Defer non-critical CSS, remove unused CSS, and inline critical CSS.
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Non-critical CSS is irrelevant to the page's rendering. Such files can slow down loading times and trigger PSI recommendations like "Eliminate render-blocking resources" and "Avoid chaining critical requests". Critical CSS, on the other hand, should be given top priority: these are the resources above the fold that must load as quickly as possible. Inline critical resources, defer non-critical CSS resources, and remove any unused CSS. WP Rocket provides the Remove Unused CSS option, which simplifies CSS optimization and removal. More plugins and tools can help you tackle CSS: - Asset Cleaning - PurifyCSS - It requires some technical knowledge. - You should then follow Google's instructions for using the Critical Path CSS Generator. 3. Minify JavaScript. Minification is the removal of unnecessary and redundant code without affecting how the browser processes the data. JavaScript minification eliminates any unnecessary JS content, such as: Removes and any extra spaces or comments from the code. In other words, the goal is to make the file significantly lighter by reducing the size of the code.
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- Use a free online tool, such as minifier.org, and select the "JS" option. - Use a plugin like WP Rocket to remove unnecessary JS and improve website loading speed. As shown below, simply check the "Minify JS files" box. 4. Minify CSS.
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A CSS file contains whitespace, comments, and punctuation. This content improves the developer's ability to read the code, but it is unnecessary for visitors. CSS minification removes extra spaces and comments from your CSS files, such as "(/*" or whitespaces, so removing unnecessary content will result in lighter files. - Use a free online tool like minifier.org and select the "CSS" option. - Use WP Rocket to clean up and reduce CSS file size, as shown below. 5. Optimize your WordPress database and decrease database calls. As your website grows, so will your WordPress database, with some parts of it becoming obsolete over time. If you can get rid of unnecessary information, your database will run more efficiently and load faster. Access PHPMyAdmin from your hosting provider to optimize your database. If you understand your database structures well, you can perform some manual interventions. If you're not sure, we've gathered some other options for you. - WP-Optimize (more than 1 million users). WP-Optimize can clean up post revisions, old drafts, unapproved, spam, trashed comments, expired transient options, trackbacks, and pingbacks. - WordPress Sweep (100,000+ users). You can review each setting or run all of the tasks by clicking the "Sweep All" button at the bottom. 6. Separate long posts into pages. Google loves long posts, but more content means more images to load. To reduce the impact of your longest posts, consider splitting them into multiple pages. However, if you've already enabled lazy loading, a very long text should have no effect on performance. - Use the tag in your article to split it into the next page. - Use powerful plugins to activate pagination and customize post layouts. We recommend trying WP-PageNavi. 7. Disable hotlinking with low impact If you create high-quality content, it is possible that it will be reused or stolen by other websites. Stealing is bad, but it's not the worst in this case. The worst-case scenario is that they can use both your images and your bandwidth by hotlinking to the content. - Block specific domains. - Use a WordPress plugin such as All in One WP Security to prevent hotlinking. 8. Correct HTTPS/SSL errors with low impact So, receiving the following warning while visiting a website is never a good sign, is it? Google and your visitors will prefer a secure website with a safe browsing experience. Many hosting packages include HTTPS and SSL. Check with your hosting provider to see if there are any ongoing issues with your website. - Use Real Simple SSL, a plugin with over 5 million activations. 9. Use the latest PHP version An updated PHP will make your WordPress site run faster. - Check your host's PHP version and request an upgrade if it's lower than 7. - Use a plugin like Version Info to check your PHP version. Read the full article
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lighthousenewsnetwork · 4 months ago
WASHINGTON — In a groundbreaking move to streamline the fact-checking process, Republican lawmakers introduced a constitutional amendment Thursday that would allow any news causing Republican discomfort to be automatically classified as "fake news," effectively replacing traditional verification methods with gut feelings. The Emotional Truth Detection Amendment (ETDA), championed by House GOP leader James "Just Trust Me" Johnson, would revolutionize the way Americans determine reality by establishing discomfort as the primary arbiter of truth. "For too long, we've been enslaved by so-called 'evidence' and 'verifiable facts,'" Johnson declared during a press conference where he appeared visibly uncomfortable with several questions about his own statement. "This amendment finally acknowledges what we've known all along – if it feels wrong, it is wrong." The proposed amendment introduces the groundbreaking "Discomfort Scale" (DS), ranging from "Slightly Triggered" to "Full Tucker," which would serve as the new gold standard for truth detection. Any news item causing distress levels above "Mild Conservative Queasiness" would be automatically classified as fabricated propaganda. Dr. Richard Feelgood from the prestigious Institute of Feelings Over Facts praised the initiative, citing his recent study showing a "perfect correlation" between Republican discomfort and fake news. "Our research, which made us very comfortable, proves that emotional distress is the most reliable indicator of falsehood," explained Feelgood, while refusing to share the study's methodology as it "felt too uncomfortable." The amendment has already led to several major revelations. Climate change data was immediately classified as "Ultra Fake" after causing severe discomfort among oil company executives. Meanwhile, a story about record corporate profits during inflation was deemed "Double Plus Fake" when it made several senators shift uncomfortably in their ergonomic chairs. To implement the new system, the government will establish the Ministry of Emotional Verification, complete with a 24/7 emergency hotline for reporting comfort-threatening information. Tech giants are already developing discomfort-detecting algorithms, with Meta announcing a new "makes me uncomfortable" button to replace their controversial fact-checking program. Democrats attempted to protest the amendment with statistics and peer-reviewed studies, but their presentations were promptly classified as fake news for causing significant distress among Republican lawmakers. "Their charts and numbers made me feel bad," explained Senator Tom Thompson, dabbing his forehead. "Clearly, this proves they're false." The amendment includes a special provision classifying any news that makes Democrats uncomfortable as "Ultra Truth," regardless of content. "It's just common sense," explained GOP spokesperson Sarah Spinner. "When they feel bad, it's because truth hurts." In an unexpected development, several fact-checkers reported that the amendment itself caused them considerable discomfort, potentially creating a paradox where the amendment would classify itself as fake news. When asked about this logical contradiction, Spinner declared the paradox itself to be fake news, as thinking about it made her uncomfortable. Citizens are encouraged to begin preparation for the new system by keeping personal comfort journals and enrolling in local "Truth Feeling" certification programs. The GOP has helpfully provided a starter kit including a comfort thermometer, a reality adjustment blindfold, and a pocket-sized copy of "Alternative Facts and Where to Feel Them." Remember, if this article has made you uncomfortable, you now have constitutional grounds to declare it entirely fictional. At press time, several Republicans reported feeling uncomfortable about feeling uncomfortable, creating an infinite regression that threatened to tear the very fabric of reality.
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and-then-there-were-n0ne · 4 years ago
The graph below shows all referrals to gender clinics in Sweden. The inverted U shape of the curve is extremely interesting. Referrals to gender clinics fell off a cliff in 2019. Why? And why no rebound? Does the Swedish experience tell us something about the hype and potential disillusionment surrounding the practice of medically transitioning children?
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Source: Presentation by Louise FrisĂ©n, Chief Physician, Associate Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the KID (Stockholm) clinic for gender incongruence and gender dysphoria – delivered at a Swedish Medical Ethics Council Seminar February 6, 2020
The sudden, sharp increase suggests a triggering event. Certainly, the explosive growth in natal females seeking gender transition is a new phenomenon throughout high-income countries. It has coincided with the advent of social media and the popularisation of “transgenderism” in mainstream media and on-line.
Swedish child psychiatrist, Sven Roman has compared the explosive growth in the number of cases of gender dysphoria to other psychiatric conditions, such as eating disorders and self-harm behaviour, that are known to spread with social contacts. He documents the process of discovery that the medical community went through to understand how to best treat these kinds of conditions. Over the past decade, he says research has proven that supportive psychotherapy can reduce or stop self-harm behaviour within 3 months. Of the avalanche of gender dysphoria cases being referred, he says:
Unlike the epidemic of self-harm behavior, (gender dysphoria) care providers are not exploring to find the right treatment. Instead, on a broad front, drastic treatment with high doses of sex hormones and breast and genital surgery is introduced. This despite the lack of any scientific evidence for these treatments for children, and probably not for young adults either. - Sven Roman, MD and child psychiatrist
In the fall of 2019, there was a 65% decline in the number of referrals to gender clinics in Sweden. This corresponded with experts calling on the government to review clinical protocols and more balanced media coverage of the phenomenon of regret among gender transitioners, including the airing of a documentary entitled “Trans Train”.
The 3-part documentary includes several interviews with detransitioners and revealed that medical transition of minors is not evidence-based. A high profile transwoman in Sweden – Aleksa Lundberg – also came out in the media saying that if she were to go back and make the decision again “I might not have had the surgery”. She said she had believed that “there was a more scientific basis” for this healthcare – but has since realized that that is not the case. She says people deserve “a more complex narrative” than the simple public narrative that the media has been promoting on the topic of gender transition.
Referrals have remained steadily lower, indicating that the medical necessity of gender transition was questionable for many of the youth being referred for treatment. We are told that the treatment of minors now (unofficially) includes referring many to psychiatric evaluation. Previously, we are told that almost 100% of trans-identified youth who were referred to the gender clinics were prescribed puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones.
Some Background In the fall of 2018, Sweden’s Social Democrat government proposed a new law that would have reduced the minimum age for sex reassignment surgery from 18 to 15, remove any need for parental consent and allow children as young as 12 to change their legal gender.
The government received a major backlash from the scientific community, however. Christopher Gillberg, a professor and psychiatrist at Gothenburg’s Sahlgrenska Academy, wrote an article in the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper warning that hormone treatment and surgery on children was “a big experiment” which risked becoming one of the country’s worst medical scandals.
The Swedish government shelved their proposed law and instead, have instituted a 3 part review in response to a proposal from The Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics. [...]
In their letter, three government agencies were highlighted as needing to participate:
The Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU) – to undertake a systematic literature review of the scientific basis used for assessing children and young people with gender dysphoria, and what is known about the long-term effects on physical and mental health. This should also include a review of what is known about the causes of the increase in the number of children and young people, particularly girls, seeking assessment and treatment for gender dysphoria in high-income countries. Differing claims about how common it is for people, who have begun treatment for gender dysphoria as children or adolescents, to change their minds, occur in the debate. What is known about this should also be included in the review. 
The Swedish Medical Products Agency – to analyse the off label prescription of puberty blockers and hormones to children and young people.  
The National Board of Health and Welfare should be instructed to urgently update its knowledge support material entitled ÂŽGod vĂ„rd av barn och ungdomar med könsdysforiÂŽ (‘Good care for children and adolescents with gender dysphoria’).
Sweden National Board of Health and Welfare Update  
The NBHW are revising their treatment guidelines, to be distributed for comments to organisations and the public during 2021 and finalised 2022.
Officially and to date, the National Board of Health and Welfare has only released a preliminary report on “The development of the diagnosis of gender dysphoria”: https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/globalassets/sharepoint-dokument/artikelkatalog/ovrigt/2020-2-6600.pdf
The summary conclusions from that report state:
“The diagnosis of gender dysphoria is increasing in the population, especially among children and young adults, where the proportion of new cases among 13– 17-year-old adolescents registered as female at birth has increased most. The increased rate of new cases will lead to an increasing total number of people diagnosed with gender dysphoria. In light of this, the development will require that health care is appropriately designed and sufficiently robust to ensure comprehensive investigation and treatment. In addition, treatment can be lifelong, which means that people with gender dysphoria need support from the healthcare system for extended time periods. People with gender dysphoria, especially young people, have a high incidence of co-occurring psychiatric diagnoses, self-harm behaviors, and suicide attempts compared to the general population. Co-occurring psychiatric diagnoses among people with gender dysphoria are therefore a factor that needs to be considered more closely during investigation. Suicide mortality rates are higher among people with gender dysphoria compared to the general population. At the same time, people with gender dysphoria who commit suicide have a very high rate of co-occurring serious psychiatric diagnoses, which in themselves sharply increase risks of suicide. Therefore, it is not possible to ascertain to what extent gender dysphoria alone contributes to suicide, since these psychiatric diagnoses often precede suicide.”
Swedish news coverage of this report also reports that “the authority’s survey shows that people with gender dysphoria, especially young people, have a high incidence of concomitant psychiatric diagnoses, self-harming behavior or suicide attempts compared with the rest of the population.” Further, “The diagnoses that stand out are depression, anxiety disorders, ADHD and autism.”
In the group of 13–17-year-old natal females, the Swedish NBHW report states that the comorbidity is greatest. In this unprecedented cohort of teenaged girls seeking gender transition the following co-morbidities were found:
32.4 percent anxiety disorder
28.9 percent some form of depressive disorder
19.4 percent ADHD
15.2 percent autism
The report also raises important questions about causation and suicide risk for people with gender dysphoria given the “very high rate of concomitant difficult psychiatric diagnosis”. This makes it difficult to distinguish one from the other with regard to suicide risk, said an investigator at the National Board of Health and Welfare.
Sweden’s Increase in Referrals to Gender Clinics Similar to Canada Sweden had seen a 1,500% increase in referrals for gender transition between 2008 and 2018 according to data from Sweden’s Board of Health and Welfare. The increase in Sweden is being driven by youth 13-17 years old born female. This trend is consistent with the data reported by Trans Youth Can! – a group running a voluntary observational study on youth who have been referred for puberty blockers and other hormone therapies in Canada.
Conclusions The fast-tracking of medical transition appears to be the protocol in place at many of Canada’s gender clinics, with parents and some detransitioners expressing surprise and shock that medical transition is being offered as the 1st line of treatment. The sharp drop-off in referrals in Sweden corresponded to the realization by parents and General Practitioners that sending children to a gender clinic would not necessarily provide them with additional assessment or services, but rather put them on a fast-track to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.
The experience in Sweden, and corresponding similarities in Canada, points to a significant gap in assessment and services for trans-identified youth to ensure that their long term physical and mental well-being is prioritized over and above a quick fix of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Research indicates youth become trapped in a one-way medical path as almost 98% who are prescribed puberty blockers proceed with medical transition even when there is no evidence of long-term benefits.
Further, suicide risk is often used as the rationale for easy access to medical transition for trans-identified children and adults. Pro-transition advocates consider the need for assessments and screening to be dehumanizing and unnecessary. Clearly, the data from the Swedish NBHW does not support this position. People who commit suicide have an underlying mental illness that requires expert treatment and care. It would be medically negligent to avoid psychiatric assessment and/or deny corresponding psychological services to provide treatment for this population where the risk of suicide is elevated due to these comorbidities.
It will be very interesting to see how the official clinical guidelines in Sweden take shape and evolve over the next 2 years.
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iffeelscouldkill · 4 years ago
Mission Log: REDACTED
A/N: Now that Yuletide reveals are revealed, I can go ahead and own this fic I wrote for the awesome Mousek for Yuletide! It’s quite long (14,999 words), so I’m not going to post the whole thing here, just enough to give people a flavour and lure them to AO3 for the rest.
This fic is written in an “audio narrative” format, in the same style as the From the Archives ficlets if you’ve read those. Slightly spoilery warning (skip over this to remain unspoiled but please read if you’re concerned about potential triggers): this fic features people’s memories being modified (though not completely irreversibly) without their consent.
Enjoy, friends!
Summary: Canon divergence AU from mid-episode 9. Instead of executing Plan B, the Rumor crew learns about a top-secret Regime project that is being carried out at ADVANCE Labs - and that the fate of the crew of the Iris is not what they thought it had been.Violet Liu goes in undercover, posing as a member of the lab team. But can she undo what the Regime has done to the crew and free them - without losing herself in the process?
Read on AO3!
“This is Agent McCabe. Two weeks have now passed since our last update. Based on the continued lack of audio input via this swarm of Strain H, we can assume that the crew of the Rumor have acted on the intel given to them by the insurgents, Thasia and Violet Liu, and successfully cured themselves of the VCN nanocloud infection.
 â€œAs a result, pending further developments in this case, the Strange Case of Starship Iris is now considered closed. Footage from the case remains available in the archives and can be accessed on request by submitting form B7-081 with a superior’s signature.
 â€œMy thanks to Major General Frederick, Agents Bauman and Cross, and the specialists at Procyon, as well as Junior Agent Goodman for their assistance in this case. Long live the Republic.”
“Hey, it’s me. I just wanted to check in and say that I’m fine, I’m safe and I passed the background checks without any problems. I kept thinking the whole time that someone from the intake process would recognise me, but – none of them seemed familiar, and I guess I wasn’t either. Just a very small cog in the vast machine of the Reg- the Republic. God, I’ve got to get used to saying that again.
“I’m all settled in in my apartment – it’s twice the size of my room on the Rumor, but I can’t help thinking how much I miss that space.” Quiet laughter. “And you all. I
 guess I’ll talk to you soon. I’ll have more to update you with tomorrow, after I start work at the lab. And I’ll be able to let you know whether our intel was good.
“Until then
 Violet Liu out.”
“This is uh, lab report 05, week two? Analyst Brannon reporting on behalf of Gamma Team at ADVANCE.
“Over the past few days, our lab has continued work on synthesizing the NDMA proteins, and Specialists Chang and Yeboah report that they have made some positive advancements in this area. We have provisionally moved up the timeline for the first round of testing with this in mind, though Specialist Yeboah cautions that we need to monitor how the new proteins react with other molecules in the solution first, and then with the blood cell samples.
“A new member also joined our team today – specialist Huang. I wasn’t aware that we’d actually been hiring for our vacancy, but uh, she seems very qualified? A little over-qualified, even. In addition to her qualification from Brightwell she has extensive experience with this type of lab work, which makes us lucky to have her as part of the team. She’s joined Analyst Vázquez and Assistant Hudson in their work on the histone deacetylases.
“My specialism is in a completely different area, and I’m pretty sure our work histories have never overlapped, but – she seems familiar somehow. Except she said she was based on Mars up until six months ago, and I’ve been working on New Jupiter since

“Sorry – lost my train of thought for a minute there. I’ve been getting these persistent headaches
 I think it’s all that poring over modelling data. Though I never get them while I’m working, so maybe they’re delayed-onset headaches? Heh. It could be the lab lighting; I might ask Supervisor Kaaka if we can swap out the bulbs for a lower wattage.
“Uh, anyway. This is Analyst Brannon signing off. Long live the Republic.”
“Hey, it’s me. Oh my god
 oh my god, I can barely process what’s been happening. I was going to send this message as soon as I got back to my apartment, and instead I’ve just been sitting and staring into space because it’s just so

“They’re alive. They’re all just
 alive and working in a lab at ADVANCE on New Jupiter.
“I mean, we haven’t ruled out the possibility of highly advanced duplicates, but why would the Repub- the Reg- the IGR go to all that trouble? The simplest explanation - even if it still sounds pretty far-fetched - is that they're the same crew.
“Brian, if you’re listening to this – Alvy's alive. I know I didn’t work with him that long but I’m sure, I’m so sure it's really him. But it’s like Thasia and Other Violet said – none of them remember who they were, or their real names. Everyone here calls him Analyst Brannon – Michael Brannon.
“We’re not working very closely together, but I found an excuse to go over to his workstation and introduce myself, and – it seemed like he recognised me. I’m gonna try and find ways to talk to him – the real Alvy Connors is still in there, Brian, I’m sure of it.
“Is there anything you want me to
 ask him? Maybe a question that only he would know the answer to?
“Sorry, I don’t have much more time – the IGR has listening devices planted throughout every Republic-issued apartment; everywhere except the bathroom. Even they have to draw the line somewhere. I scanned it, and it’s clean, but if I remember right there are still sensors that will activate if you go above a certain noise, light or heat, threshold – y’know, in case anyone takes it upon themselves to
 build a bomb in here or something. And I don’t want the bugs outside to pick up what I’m saying, which is why I’m whispering.
“But I can’t stay in here too long, or they’ll get suspicious, so – I’m fine, and so far I haven’t messed up or called the Republic the Regime or anything in earshot of anyone. And no-one has recognised me. Well, except for Alvy, maybe.
“I’m still trying to figure out what exactly they’re working on, here. If you’re going to go to the trouble of staffing a lab with the crew of an
 of an exploded space ship, it must be important, right? Or maybe not. Maybe it’s just a test, to see how well they assimilate.
“I’ll let you know when I know more. Until then
 stay safe. I will too. Violet Liu out.”
“Hi, Liu. It’s me.
“I’ll keep this to the point, since I know you probably don’t have much time to spend playing back these messages. We’re all fine here. Kind of in a holding pattern, since there’s not much to do until we hear more from you or from Thasia and the other Violet, but it’s not too bad.
“Jeeter’s really happy, by the way, since he listened to your message. I mean, I think he’s still – processing – because he thought Connors was dead, he even wrote to his parents, and now we find out he’s alive, but not
 y’know. Not Connors any more.
“But he’ll be fine. Krejjh is helping, which means the two of them are being even more nauseating then they usually are, and that’s saying something.
“Anyway. Listen, I know you want to try and get through to Connors, but
 just be careful, okay? None of us, including Jeeter, wants you to get hurt or – worse – on the off chance that we might be able to bring him back. We always knew it was gonna be a long shot.
“Tripathi said to tell you the same, by the way. Well, she said it in a more
 way, but the idea was the same. Find out what you can, but don’t get caught. We can’t afford to lo- to mess this up.
“Okay, I should go. Arkady Patel out.”
“This is lab report 06, week three. Analyst Brannon reporting on behalf of Gamma Team at ADVANCE.
“Since my last report, we have introduced the synthesized NDMA proteins to the solution and tested their interactions with samples representing different blood types. Six out of eight of the samples produced expected results, but two of the samples produced some unexpected interactions with the AB type blood cells, which warrants further testing and study.
“Specialist Huang, Analyst Vázquez and Assistant Hudson are progressing with their work on the histone deacetylases, which should be ready to introduce in the next phase of the solution, pending resolution of the AB blood cell issue.
“Okay, what else
 Oh, Specialist Huang is integrating well with the team. She and I have had a couple of conversations, though our second one was unfortunately cut short when my headache started up again. Maybe I should bring it up with Dr. Starling

“Damn it. Is that the time? I was supposed to go for my treatment a half hour ago – damn it, damn it.
 I should probably redact that from the final report. This is Analyst Brannon, signing off. Long live the Republic.”
“Hey guys, it’s me again. Violet. It feels kind of nice to use my own name for a change instead of being called ‘Specialist Huang’ all the time
 I almost forgot to react to it once, though luckily Vázquez thought I was just focused on my work.
“Not a whole lot to report still – I’m still trying to figure out what it is the Regime is doing in these labs. It’s something to do with DNA methylation and synthesized NDMA proteins – well, I won’t bore you with the science, but why would the IGR be working on that? Could be they’re trying to develop a neural enhancer, but for what? I haven’t ruled out the possibility of there being some kind of link to the nanobots, but no-one here has mentioned nanites, and there are no nanotech specialists working in the lab.
“They keep us very siloed, too. I know what I’m working on, or at least what I have to do, but I don’t know why, and none of the people I work directly with seems to know what we’re developing here. Just something about a solution and blood cell samples. We might not even be the only lab working on this, which means I’ll have to find another way to get at the bigger picture.
“I spoke to Alvy a couple times – I was careful, Arkady, don’t worry. We didn’t manage to talk for long anyway – people don’t socialise much here. I’d kind of forgotten what it was like to work in this kind of environment, where no-one trusts anyone or lets their guard down, because people will backstab each other for the slightest thing. Maybe they had a professional disagreement, or don’t get along, or they wanted to get the credit for the other person’s work. It doesn’t take much of an insinuation to get someone transferred or – worse.
“Nothing’s happened, not yet, and it’s still nowhere near as bad as that student internship I did during the war. But it feels
 tense, almost hair-trigger. I think I heard we’re having an inspection later on this week.
“Anyway, Alvy – I didn’t get to talk to him for very long, not just because of the environment, but because he had this headache come on the second time we talked. I’m not sure if it means anything – he said he gets them often. Brian, do you
 remember him saying anything about that before?
“He seems a little different to the way I remember him on the Iris – a little more serious, less laid-back, though he’s still the friendliest person on the team. I didn’t
 get to know him under the best circumstances, so I’m not sure if that’s due to the memory wipe or not.
“He also mentioned that he’s been seeing a doctor for these treatments – they all have. It could just be something to do with the away shuttle explosion, some kind of recovery program – there was an explosion, even if it didn’t really kill anyone, and Alvy’s got these – support struts in one of his legs, I think they’re carbon fibre. He walks with a slight limp sometimes.
“It could be nothing, but I feel like it might be worth digging into? Arkady, are you able to poke around in ADVANCE’s systems a bit, see if you can find anything that resembles medical reports?
“I’d better go. I brought my makeup bag in here as a cover for taking a bit longer – I don’t even know if the IGR has cameras in these apartments, but better to be safe than sorry – but there’s only so long you can take to put on the bare minimum I wear.
“Send me a message when you can. Violet Liu, out.”
“Hey, Liu. Good instincts on the medical treatment thing. I didn’t spot anything like that in my initial sweep of the system when I forged your interview and acceptance records, but I wasn’t on the lookout for it either.
“There’s a limit to what I can access without jacking directly into ADVANCE’s mainframe computer or piggybacking on their local network, but I’ll dig around as much as I can.” Jokingly: “ Worst comes to worst, we could always send Jeeter in with an earpiece and make him pose as a computer technician.
“Oh, also, Jeeter says he doesn’t remember Alvy ever mentioning any kind of migraines or head pain. Apparently he’d go on these all-night coding benders and then sleep for two hours and be completely fine the next morning. Maybe it caught up to him, but – well, I’m not gonna jump to any conclusions. I’ll see what I can find in the medical records.
“Also – be careful with the inspection, okay? Your ID will hold up, Campbell doesn’t skimp on the quality, and you look different enough from the physical description they have on file, but those Regime higher-ups will ask some weird shit to catch you out.
“You’ve got the comm if you need us for anything. Just
 keep your head down.
“Arkady Patel, out.”
“Hey, Liu, listen. You were right. There’s something weird going on with these treatments.
“I managed to track down the medical records for the whole crew. Wasn’t easy, but I’ll save the tales of my security-defying exploits for another time. Anyway, I managed to hack into an account belonging to someone called Dr. Starling. They were brought onto ADVANCE’s payroll on June 1st – two days before the away shuttle exploded.
“There are files for all of them, and the scientific stuff doesn’t mean much to me, but from what I can tell, they’re monitoring them all for signs of what Starling calls ‘leakage’ – memories from their previous lives. Five of the other crew members have reported experiencing head pains, and it’s not a physical injury – Starling seems to think the pain is set off by them thinking back beyond a certain point, or being reminded of something from their past life. They upped the frequency of the ‘treatments’ to try and counter it, but so far it hasn’t worked.
“I think that’s what they’re for, the treatments – they’re keeping the crew’s memories suppressed. Which means, if they can be interfered with somehow

“Bad news is, I can’t get into the scheduling system, not without access to the local network. But in Starling’s notes it says that Alvy was meant to come in for a treatment earlier today- well, yesterday technically, since it’s after 3am. But he didn’t show. So maybe you could get through to him.
“Obviously, don’t blow your cover, but if Alvy’s been getting these headaches a lot, it could mean he’s trying to remember? You said he got a headache when you guys talked – what were you talking about?”
A stifled yawn. “Shit, I’d better sleep, Sana wanted me to help encrypt some intel to send to Thasia and the other Violet Liu first thing in the morning. I’ll talk to you later. Arkady Patel out.”
“Arkady, you’re a genius! Oh my god, I could kiss you.
“I’ve only skimmed the records you copied, but they make references to a solution that sounds a lot like the one we’re developing in the lab. What if that’s the answer? What if that’s what the IGR is having the crew develop, another version of the treatment – maybe one that’s more permanent

Oh god, that’s so dark. They’re having the crew work on erasing their own memories. It’s so inhuman, so – exactly what the IGR would do.
“–I have to go, I’ve got work in half an hour, but – this really helps. And I’ll try to talk to Alvy today, see if he seems any different after his missed treatment. Violet Liu out.”
“You, uh—” The sound of awkward throat-clearing. “You are welcome. Yeah. Like I said, it’s uh, it’s what I do! So, no, uh thanks required. Though if you wanted to, I—
“Shit, I’ve gotta go, Sana needs me. Uh, Arkady Patel out.”
Read the rest here!
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didanawisgi · 4 years ago
Statistical statements turn on a few words
“In the previous post, I started to review the newly released study about the "6 month" efficacy and safety of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine.
This post examines the central efficacy claim of the paper. Its interpretation turns on a few words.
The paper starts with the finding that "VE against COVID-19 was 91% ... through up to 6 months of follow-up among evaluable participants..." and ends with the claim that "the data in this report demonstrate that BNT162b2 [Ed: the name of the Pfizer vaccine] prevents COVID-19 effectively for up to 6 months post dose 2..."
On the surface, this sounds like a straightforward extension of the interim analysis published in December 2020 that led to the emergency use approval of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine. That study generated the now-famous VE of 96%. At the time of the study, roughly (but not quite) 50% of the participants have been tracked for two months after their second doses. Fast forward four months. Using exactly the same methodology, pre-specified in the trial protocol, the scientists updated the VE number "up to 6 months of follow-up", resulting in a revised VE of 91%, so there have been negligible attenuation of the vaccine's power.
That's not quite 2what happened, though. Strictly speaking, the quoted statements describe the collected data. However, the meaning of these statements turn on a few words. I'll first focus on why they said "up to 6 months" rather than "6 months".
(In a related post, I explain why when I read journal papers, I don't make assumptions of what the researchers may or may not have done. I focus on what they commit to paper.)
This headline result is on line 4 of the following table:
The famous VE of 96% was based on a case counting window that runs from 7 days after second dose (2D+7) to mid-November, when just under half of the study population have reached two months post second dose. Recall the train metaphor from the last post: the participants are seated in different carriages based on the dates of enrollment (embarkment).
So what's new in this study? The head of the train has moved from 2 months to 6 months of follow-up while the rear of the train also moved 4 months forward so almost all participants should have reached the 4-month mark, meaning their case history contributes to the case rate from 2D+7 up to 2D+4 months.
Given the focus on the "6 month" point by the investigators, I was expecting to find the words six months in this table. They are not there. The closest thing we can see is >= 4 months, which is the last line of the above table.
The reason why six months can't be found is that a proper six-month efficacy analysis has become impossible when the FDA allowed the vaccine developers to offer the vaccine to everyone in the placebo group. In the paper, this is known as the "vaccine transition option". Between December 2020 and March 2021, all but ~2,000 participants jumped off the train... before they arrived at the six-month marker. Once they are off the train, there is no re-boarding so no further updates on "long term efficacy" is possible.
The paper glosses over how the vaccine transition option totally changed the game. I'll now fill in the details. The following chart shows how the transition option caused follow-up times to be cut short across the board.
Without the option, as the Pfizer trial was originally designed, we should have 55 percent of the participants reaching 6 months or longer after second dose by March 2021, with all but two thousand odd people exceeding 4 months of follow-up. We should have had solid evidence on efficacy "up to 6 months".
With the transition option, the train was stopped, and almost all of the 44,000 passengers exited. What's more, the conductor instructed passengers to use exits at the back of the train as the doors near the front would not open. As a result, the proportion with at least 6 months of follow-up crashed from 55% to 7% while the number with fewer than 4 months of follow-up doubled. The vast majority of participants (about 65%) left the train with >=4 and <5 months of follow-up.
What the investigators meant by "up to 6 months" is really "four to seven months," with 80% of "evaluable participants" with fewer than 5 months of follow-up time. The last row in that VE table labeled ">= 4 months" is really better described as "4 to <5 months".
Those who decided to stay on the train for 6 months or longer are not your regular passengers - they consist solely of people who do not want to know if they were given the vaccine or the placebo, and so for some reason, they don't care if they are inoculated with a 96%-efficacious vaccine during a deepening pandemic. We don't know the psychology of those individuals but we are pretty sure they are not the average person.
This is another reason why the numbers on the right side of the case curve (>= 5 months) are neither reliable nor valid. If they show the error bars around those rates, they will be huge. If they conduct a survey, they will possibly learn the reasons why most exited the train but a few remained on it.
Elsewhere in the paper, the case-counting window was described as "from 4 months to the data cut-off".
If this were an ordinary clinical trial, these words suggest that the data were censored at the time of the interim analysis. Censoring is a technical term that signals the curtailment of the follow-up period. Common reasons for censoring include the participant reaching an endpoint (once someone gets infected, the outcome is known, removing the need to keep testing the person for infection), or the participant has dropped out or gone missing.
A different type of censoring is triggered by performing an interim analysis. At the full analysis, each participant has amassed the required follow-up time and every participant can be analyzed for the identical amount of follow-up. At interim analysis, the train is stopped at the half way point, so that the early enrollees have been observed for more time than the later enrollees. Every participant who has not previously been censored is now censored through an act of the investigators'.
Interim analyses have become common in clinical trials and so, censoring by "data cut-off" follows. But what happened in the Pfizer trial is not censoring by data cut-off. It is censoring by the vaccine transition option. Study participants censored themselves by exiting the train. This is a type of "informative censoring," which requires bias correction (not discussed in the paper).
March 13, 2021 was the data cut-off date for this study. In a standard interim analysis, censoring by data cut-off means anyone who hasn't been censored for some other reason will have their follow-up period stopped on March 13. When the censoring is due to the vaccine transition option, each individual has a different end date - the date on which they accepted the transition option. Almost everyone who accepted did so before March 13. Thousands exited in December 2020 alone.
The use of "4 months to data cut-off" creates the impression that the censoring occurs just like any interim analysis that stops follow-up on data cut-off. In reality, almost nobody was censored on data cut-off date; they were censored before data cut-off date, when they were told whether they received the vaccine or placebo.
In this post, I covered two examples of statistical statements that turn on a few words. "Up to 6 months" and "to data cut-off" don't mean what we might think they mean. That's because the vaccine transition option was not anticipated or pre-specified.
In summary, the six-month study is primarily about the 4th month after 2nd dose. There is some decline in efficacy but not large. The current estimate is less reliable than the previous analysis because the vaccine option curtailed follow-up time across all participants. Besides, we are unable to learn about efficacy beyond four months - that is the cost of giving the placebo participants the vaccine. I also have doubt that the people who stayed on board are representative of the average participant.”
P.S. [8-9-2021] Here are my other posts about this study: post 1, post 3
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blog-cosmosuniverse1 · 3 years ago
Dr. Peter McCullough: The State of COVID Treatment
Story at-a-glance Cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough discusses why a key aspect of care — early treatment — has been missing from the pandemic With no hope of early treatment, McCullough believes that most people became conditioned to wait for an injection COVID-19 injections are waning in effectiveness and linked to an unacceptable number of serious injuries and deaths McCullough is among a growing number of experts who believe COVID-19 injections are making the pandemic worse; indiscriminate vaccination is driving mutations, as the virus is mutating wildly to evade the injections At 53:40 in the video, you can view McCullough’s early treatment regimen, which initially includes a nutraceutical bundle, progressing to monoclonal antibody therapy, anti-infectives like HCQ or ivermectin, antibiotics, steroids and blood thinners
The video above,1 featuring cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, is packed with sound logic, data and action steps that have the potential to turn the pandemic around — if only more people would listen.Recorded at the Andrews University Village Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan, August 20, 2021, this presentation deserves to be heard, and I urge you to listen to it in its entirety. It will make you question why a key aspect of care — early treatment — has been missing from the pandemic.McCullough, editor of two medical journals who has published 650 peer-reviewed papers, said this has been the first time in his career when he saw medical providers not offering early treatment for a disease.Early COVID Treatment Saves Lives The standard of care for COVID-19 has been to withhold treatment until a person is sick enough to be hospitalized. It typically takes two to three weeks for someone with COVID-19 to get sick enough to be hospitalized, and during that time early treatment can be lifesaving.The rationale was that there have been no large, randomized trials conducted to know which treatments are safe and effective, but as McCullough said, "We can't wait for large randomized trials 
 Something got in the minds of doctors and nurses and everyone to not treat COVID-19. I couldn't stand it." He and colleagues worked feverishly to figure out a treatment — why didn't national health organizations do so also?"Our government and other governments, and the entire world, has not lifted a finger to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death anywhere," McCullough said, pointing out the irony: "If there was a kid with asthma, would we let the kid wheeze and choke for two weeks before the kid has to go to the hospital? No, we give the child medications. We don't have randomized trials for every single thing that we do."2 McCullough and colleagues realized that there are three major phases to COVID-19. It starts with virus replication, which then triggers inflammation, or a cytokine storm. This, in turn, leads to blood clotting. If enough micro blood clots form in the lungs, a person can't get enough oxygen and dies. It's a complex process, and no single drug is going to work to treat it, which is why McCullough uses a combination of drugs, as is done to treat HIV, staph and other infections.Only about 6% of doctors' decisions in cardiology are based on randomized trials. "Medicine is an art and a science, it takes judgment. What was happening is, I think out of global fear, no judgement was happening," McCullough said,3 referring to doctors' refusal to treat COVID-19 patients early on in the disease process.Doctors Threatened for Treating COVID-19 Around the world, the unthinkable is happening: Doctors are being threatened with loss of their license or even prison for trying to help their patients. French doctor Didier Raoult suggested, early on, putting up a tent to try to treat covid-19 patients. He was put on house arrest. He has promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which initially was available over the counter — until France made it prescription only.4In Australia, if a doctor attempts to treat a COVID-19 patient with HCQ, they could be put in prison. "Since when does a doctor get put in prison to try to help a patient with a simple generic drug?" McCullough said. In South Africa, he added, a doctor was put in prison for prescribing ivermectin.In August 2020, McCullough's landmark paper "Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection" was published online in the American Journal of Medicine.5The follow-up paper is titled "Multifaceted Highly Targeted Sequential Multidrug Treatment of Early Ambulatory High-Risk SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)" and was published in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine in December 2020.6 It became the basis for the home treatment guide.While some physician organizations have stepped up and are treating COVID-19 patients, "The ivory tower today still is not treating
patients. The party line in my health system is, do not treat a COVID-19 patient as an outpatient. Wait for them to get sick enough to be admitted. Because my health system 
 follows the National Institutes of Health or the Centers for Disease Control, period." Conditioned to Wait for an Injection With no hope of early treatment, McCullough believes that most people became conditioned to wait for an injection. "We became conditioned, after about May or so, to wear a mask, wait in isolation and be saved by the vaccine. And wait for the vaccine. And all we could hear about is the vaccine."The injections were developed, but they're different than any prior vaccines and have been losing effectiveness while causing an unacceptable number of serious injuries and deaths. For comparison, in 1976, a fast-tracked injection program against swine flu was halted after an estimated 25 to 32 deaths.7According to McCullough in the video, if a new drug comes on the market and five deaths occur, the standard is to issue a black box warning stating the medication may cause death. With 50 deaths, the product is pulled from the market, he says. Now consider this: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database showed that — for all vaccines combined before 2020 — there were about 158 total deaths reported per year.By January 22, 2021, there were already 182 deaths reported for COVID-19 injections, with just 27.1 million people vaccinated. This was more than enough to reach the mortality signal of concern to stop the program, McCullough said."We've already crossed the line of concern January 22. And if there was a data safety monitoring board — I know, because I do this work — we would have had an emergency meeting and said, wait a minute, people are dying after the vaccine. We've got to figure out why."8It's standard to have an external critical event committee, an external data safety monitoring board and a human ethics committee for large clinical trials — such as the mass COVID-19 injection program, but these were not put into place."This is something we've never seen in human medicine — a new product introduced and just going full-steam ahead with no check on why people are dying after the vaccine," McCullough said. On two occasions, the CDC and FDA — in March and in June — reviewed the data and said none of the deaths are related to the vaccines. "I think this is malfeasance," he stated.Fast-forward to July 30, 2021, and VAERS data showed 12,366 Americans have died after a COVID0-19 injection.9 In an analysis of COVID-19 vaccine death reports from VAERS, researchers found that 86% of the time, nothing else could have caused the death, and it appears the vaccine was the cause.10The Spike Protein Is Dangerous Your body recognizes the spike protein in COVID-19 jabs as foreign, so it begins to manufacture antibodies to protect you against COVID-19, or so the theory goes. But there's a problem. The spike protein itself is dangerous and known to circulate in your body at least for weeks and more likely months11 — perhaps much longer — after the COVID jab.In your cells, the spike protein damages blood vessels and can lead to the development of blood clots.12 It can go into your brain, adrenal glands, ovaries, heart, skeletal muscles and nerves, causing inflammation, scarring and damage in organs over time. McCullough also believes that the spike protein is present in donated blood, and they've notified the Red Cross and the American Association of Blood Banking.Messenger RNA (mRNA) platforms have been under study for years, in most cases being designed to replace a defective gene, which could potentially be used for cancer or heart failure treatment, for example.In November 2020, however, Pfizer, in a joint venture with Germany-based BioNTech, announced that their mRNA-based injection was "more than 90% effective" in a Phase 3 trial.13 This does not mean that 90% of people who get injected will be protected from COVID-19, as it's based on relative risk reduction (RRR).The absolute
risk reduction (ARR) for the jab is less than 1%. "Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the jab, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a jab, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs," researchers wrote in The Lancet Microbe in April 2021.14McCullough believes the mass injection campaign is an incredible violation of human ethics, in part because no one should be pressured, coerced or threatened into using an investigational product.No attempts have been made to present or mitigate risks to the public, such as giving it only to people who really need it — not to low risk groups like children and young people and those who are naturally immune to COVID-19 due to prior infection. "I think this is the most disturbing thing," he said.The Injections Don't Stop COVID-19, Can Be Deadly The CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) posted online July 30, 2021, details an outbreak of COVID-19 that occurred in Barnstable County, Massachusetts — 74% of the cases occurred in fully vaccinated people.15Indiscriminate vaccination is driving mutations, as the virus is mutating wildly to evade the injections. Their effectiveness, too, is rapidly waning. A study published in medRxiv, using data from the Mayo Clinic Health System, revealed that during periods of Alpha and Delta variant prevalence, Moderna's injection was 76% effective while Pfizer's effectiveness was only 42%.16A little-known fact is that Moderna's jab has three times the dose of Pfizer's, but, curiously, health officials aren't even discussing this or giving the public updates on which of the three injections work "best." The narrative is simple and straightforward — get an injection, any injection.Yet, as McCullough noted, the virus has mutated, and the vaccines aren't working the way health officials had hoped: "The vaccines don't stop COVID-19, at least not completely, and they're not a shield against mortality."17Similar to VAERS, the U.K. maintains a "Yellow Card" reporting site to report adverse effects to vaccines and medications.18Tess Lawrie, whose company The Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy has worked with the World Health Organization, analyzed U.K. Yellow Card data and concluded that there's more than enough evidence to pull the injections from the market because they're not safe for human use. The report stated:19"It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest include thromboembolism, multisystem inflammatory disease, immune suppression, autoimmunity and anaphylaxis, as well as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)."Early Treatment Is Crucial McCullough is trying to get the word out about the importance of early treatment of COVID-19. Early ambulatory therapy with a sequenced-multidrug regimen is supported by available sources of evidence and has a positive benefit-to-risk profile to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death.At 53:40 in the video, you can view McCullough's early treatment regimen, which initially includes a nutraceutical bundle. While you're recovering at home, open your windows and get plenty of fresh air and ventilation in your home.If symptoms persist or worsen, he recommends calling your doctor and demanding monoclonal antibody therapy. The treatment progresses to include anti-infectives like HCQ or ivermectin, antibiotics, steroids and blood thinners.If your doctor refuses to treat COVID-19 in the early stages, find a new one and/or visit a telemedicine clinic that will help, as "the prehospital phase is the time of therapeutic opportunity."đŸ“·McCullough is among a growing number of experts who believe COVID-19 injections are making the pandemic worse. They "have an unfavorable
safety profile and are not clinically effective, thus they cannot be generally supported in clinical practice at this time."Logically, this is clear, but McCullough believes we're dealing with a mass psychosis that is preventing people from seeing the light. "The whole world is in a trance," he said, adding:20"Things are getting disturbingly out of control and it's in the context of the virus. It is clear 
 we are in a very special time in the history of mankind. Whatever is going on, it is the entire world 
 every human being in the world. It appears to have a program.The program 
 is happening to promote as much fear, isolation, suffering, hospitalization and death in order to get a needle in every arm, at all costs. That is what's going on, and no one in this room can disagree."
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96thdayofrage · 4 years ago
The Fake “Delta Variant” and the Fourth Wave: Another Lockdown? Upcoming Financial Crash? Worldwide Economic and Social Sabotage?
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Is a new worldwide lockdown envisaged as a means to combating the “dangerous” Covid variant entitled “Delta”?
The fear campaign has once more gone into high gear.
Let me briefly review the history of this crisis.
There is a sequence of outright lies and fabrications used to justify far-reaching policy decisions in the course of the last 18 months.
The biggest lie, which is firmly acknowledged both by scientific opinion and the WHO is that the RT-PCR test used to “detect” the spread of the virus (as well as the variants) is not only flawed but TOTALLY INVALID. (Michel Chossudovsky, Chapter III)
From the outset in January 2020, all far-reaching policy decisions upheld and presented to the public as a “means to saving lives” were based on  flawed and invalid RT-PCR case positives coupled with false mortality data pertaining to Covid-19 related deaths: “The underlying Cause of death” is Covid-19 “more often or not”. No autopsy required
These Covid “estimates” were used to justify confinement, social distancing, the face mask, the prohibition of social gatherings, cultural and sports events, the closure of economic activity.
The crisis was marked by several important phases:
1. Crisis in Air Travel and International Transport
The calling of a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) by the WHO Director General on January 30, 2020 was instrumental in launching the coronal crisis. There were 83 positive cases outside China out of a population of 6.4 billion. There was no emergency:  Ironically, the flawed and invalid RT-PCR test was used to estimate those 83 positive cases.
On the following day president Trump’s ordered the closing down of air travel with China which marked the onset of a crisis in International Air Travel and Transport which has extended its grip over a period of 18 months leading to the bankruptcy of airline companies Worldwide, the destruction of the tourist industry, a major crisis in commodity trade, etc.  This was a deliberate act to prĂ©cipitate the demise of Air Travel Worldwide. There were 5 positive cases in the US, which were used to justify Trump’s decision on  January 31st, 2020.
2. The  February Financial Crash on February 20, 2020
It was the most serious financial crisis in World history, far surpassing that of 1929. It occurred immediately following “warnings” by the WHO that a covid-19 pandemic was imminent, thereby spearheading the fear campaign. There was  ample evidence of outright “conflict of interest” and fraud including foreknowledge, inside information, etc. which resulted in a massive concentration of money wealth by a handful of billionaires. That same day, millions of people Worldwide lost their lifelong savings. What was the justification for the WHO’s shock and awe statements. This imminent threat was based on 1078 (flawed) RT-PCR Covid positive cases outside China.
3. Barely three weeks later, the March 11, 2020 lockdown with 44,279 cases Worldwide outside China were used to justify home confinement, social distancing and the closure of economic activity Worldwide leading to poverty and mass unemployment.
And then in early November 2020 it was the launching of the MRNA “Killer Vaccine” which has resulted in a trend of mortality and morbidity. See the latest figures below.
EU/EEA/Switzerland to 28 August 2021 – 23,252 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 2,166,285 injuries, per EudraVigilance Database.
UK to 18 August 2021 – 1,609 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 1,165,636 injuries, per MHRA Yellow Card Scheme.
USA to 20 August 2021 – 13,627 Covid-19 injection related deathsand 2,932,001 injuries, per VAERS database.
TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 38,488 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 6,263,922 injuries reported as at 30 August 2021.
Nota Bene: It is important to be aware that the official figures above (reported to the health authorities) are but a small percentage of the actual figures. Furthermore, people continue to die (and suffer injury) from the injections with every day which passes. See D4CE Statement
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And now, starting in May-June 2021, we have the Delta Variant. It’s the new talking point.
The alleged dangers of the Delta Variant are being used to speed up the vaccination program as well as the imposition of the vaccine passport.
“A Fourth Wave” has already been announced.
Is a second Worlwide lockdown on the drawing board, requiring stay at home confinement, social distancing and the closure of economic activity coupled with another devastating financial crash similar to that which occurred on Black Thursday March 12, 2020?
The Deadly Variants Sustained by Media Disinformation and Fake Science
Media disinformation is a deadly weapon which sustains 24/7 the illusion of a dangerous SARS-2 Delta Variant.
First identified last year in India, The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant was  â€œthought to have driven the deadly second wave of infections this summer in India”. According to so-called “scientific opinion” it is now said to be spreading worldwide, to some 80 countries.
“Here’s the deal: The Delta variant is more contagious, it’s deadlier, and it’s spreading quickly around the world – leaving young, unvaccinated people more vulnerable than ever.”
That’s a lie.  The original virus categorized by the WHO and the CDC as “similar to seasonal influenza” is not a killer virus. Moreover, virus variants are always “less vigilant” and “less dangerous” than the original virus.
Joe Biden’s proposed “solution” is  â€œthe Killer Vaccine”, which has already in the course of the last seven months resulted in countless deaths and injuries.
“Please, get vaccinated if you haven’t already. Let’s head off this strain before it’s too late.” (emphasis added)
Health authorities are now claiming that the new cases of the Delta B1.617 variant, increase the risk of hospitalization by 2.7 times.
What is the “science” behind these assertions.
Ferguson’s Infamous Lockdown “Mathematical Model”
Ferguson’s March 2020 mathematical model based on “predictions” of 600,000 deaths in the UK borders on ridicule. It’s more than a lie. It’s a crime against humanity. It was used by the financial establishment as a justification to trigger economic and social chaos Worldwide. Ferguson’s endeavors have been generously funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The economic and social devastation of the March 2020 so-called lockdown is beyond description: 190 member states of the United Nations accepted to “close down” their national economy coupled with the face mask, social distancing and the derogation of fundamental human rights.
The stated intent was to protect people against V the Virus. The March 11 lockdown was followed by the Black Thursday “financial crash” (March 12, 2020), which created havoc on stock markets Worldwide. The March 11, 2020 lockdown was heralded as a means to containing the alleged “pandemic”. Nonsense.
“Mathematical Model” in Support of a “Fourth Wave”
And now a second authoritative “mathematical model” is being put forth to “justify” another lockdown.
The same “scientist” (Ferguson) has been called upon to design a new “mathematical model” which is being used to justify a “Fourth Wave Lockdown”.
The erroneous “assumption” behind the modelling exercise is that the Delta Variant is “deadly”.
“New modelling for the government’s SAGE committee of experts [to which Ferguson belongs] has highlighted the risk of a “substantial third wave” of infections and hospitalisations, 
.” The official outlook is “now more pessimistic”.  (BBC Report, June 2021, emphasis added).
According to Prof Neil Ferguson:
“the Delta variant of coronavirus is 30% to 100% more transmissible than the previously dominant variant”. (quoted by the Guardian).
Where does Ferguson get his data and estimates? The flawed and invalid RT-PCR test?
What he fails to mention is that virus variants are always “less vigilant” and “less dangerous” in comparison to the original virus. And how does he establish the “identity” of the original virus?
Both British and UK officials are intimating the possibility of a Fourth Wave lockdown, tentatively scheduled for next Autumn.
According to Britain’s chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty (member of the SAGE Committee)
“The NHS needs to brace itself for another difficult winter ahead, with the possibility of a further “very significant Covid surge”.
According to the SPI-M modelling sub-group of the government’s SAGE panel (to which Whitty and Ferguson belong):
“restrictions would have to be reintroduced”. 
 the Delta variant posed a “higher risk of hospitalisations”
These announcements are frivolous. Their intent is to justify drastic policy measures (lockdown, mask, social distancing, closure of economic activity, disruption of health services) as well as the speeding up of the vaccination programme and the repression of the protest movement.
Moreover, the statements by British, US and EU health officials regarding the so-called spread of “the more infectious Delta variant” are now also being used to justify the implementation of  â€œFourth Wave” lockdown policies internationally in a large number of countries.
The World Economic Forum to the Rescue
The World Economic Forum (WEF) which represents the financial elites, played a key role in the launching of the March 11, 2020 lockdown. And now what they are saying is that another devastating Worldwide economic and social crisis is likely to occur in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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In recent developments, the World Economic Forum (WEF) which co-sponsored Event 201, the table top simulation of the corona pandemic together with John Hopkins and the Gates Foundation in October 2019, is now involved in another strategic exercise entitled Concept 2021. The latter is described as an “international capacity building initiative aimed at raising the global cyber resilience”.  It is not a table top simulation comparable to Event 201.
Last year it was conducted at the height of the lockdown via video conferencing. This year the 2021 Conference “discussed the “key risks of digitalisation”.
Those participating in the Cyber Polygon Exercise (2020) included high tech companies including IBM, numerous banks and financial institutions, internet companies, cyber security agencies, corporate and government media, think tanks, law enforcement agencies including Interpol with representatives from 48 countries. The exercise is an obvious means to secure reliable partners and develop strategic alliances. In this regard, there were numerous representatives from Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union, including major Russian banking interests, communications and media companies. All in all 42 partners. No corporate /governmental partner from China.
There was also a training program with 200 teams from 48 countries.
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Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Director of the WEF and architect of the “Great Reset” describes the crisis scenario as follows:
“The frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack.” (emphasis added)
Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Managing Director:
“I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.” (emphasis added)
The implications of these bold “predictions” which represent the interests of the financial establishment are far-reaching.
What they describe is a scenario of economic and social chaos involving the disruption of communications systems, the internet, financial and money transactions (including SWIFT), the power grid, global transportation, commodity trade, etc., as well as likely “geopolitical dislocations”.
The opening session (July 2021) of Cyber Polygon 2021 was conducted (video below) by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin together with the Director General of the WEF Klaus Schwab.
Is this scenario a dress rehearsal for a forthcoming cyber crisis?
Why was China excluded from the Cyber Polygon Exercise? The major partners were from the former Soviet block.
Is the Covid Agenda Part of  A U.S. Hegemonic Project?
Is the covid crisis engineered by the financial establishment part of a hegemonic project, pertaining to control over strategic sectors of the global economy as described by the WEF director general Klaus Schwab?
It’s an act of economic warfare?
It’s “imperialism with a human face”, committed to “saving lives”.
Visibly, it is part of President Joe Biden’s foreign policy agenda. It has geopolitical and strategic implications.
US intelligence and the Pentagon (including DARPA) as well as NATO are directly or indirectly involved in the corona crisis. Cyber Warfare is already on the drawing-board.
The March 11, 2020 Lockdown leading to closure of national economies Worldwide has also been instrumental in   destabilizing several countries which are categorized as “Enemies of America”.
No need for Washington to impose piecemeal sanctions on Iran, Venezuela and Cuba. These countries have endorsed the covid narrative. They have accepted the “ultimate sanction”, namely the closure of their national economy as a means to combating “V the virus”.
The situation in Cuba is particularly dramatic. Resulting from the March 2020 lockdown, Cuba’s tourist industry which constitutes the country’s main source of foreign exchange is destroyed. Since the 1980s, the forex revenues from tourism have been used to import food. And now as a result of the closure of the tourist industry, Cuba is experiencing serious food shortages.
Yet the Cuban government has accepted the “Big Lie” and has endorsed the lockdown which is literally destroying the achievements of the Cuban Revolution.
And unfortunately progressive intellectuals are totally blind. They are not only supportive of the Covid narrative, they fail to understand how the Covid lockdown policies as well as the deadly mRNA vaccine are being used to destabilize and destroy countries one after the other. These countries are now fully controlled by Western creditors and the billionaire foundations.
Engineered economic and social chaos. Is that not part of a US hegemonic project?
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internetandnetwork · 4 years ago
Google My Business Rolls Out New Performance Reporting
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Google My Business is now introducing new performance reports that users can access within GMB under the “Insights” section. There have been numerous hints about the launch of these reports, once in August and then last month again. However, now the platform has officially rolled it out to the public. Users can now access it from their GMB profile and try it out themselves.
Google has recently launched this new update, and with this release, users will be able to directly access more key profile metrics from their GMB profile. Users can now log in to their Google My Business profile and access these new reports by clicking on the “Insights” option. However, as of now, users might notice a notification that says, “Your insights are moving
” at the top of the page, and right below that notification, there will be a “See new profile performance.” Click on it to access your new performance report.
The metrics included within the new performance reports will show you the total number of calls and messages you have received within a period of six months. In addition to this, the platform also sorts data by month. Google will update the interaction metrics every day and other metrics every month. Data will remain available for up to six months, and users can review their performance by selecting custom time frames.
At the bottom, the reports display what searches the searchers performed in Google Search and Google Maps to trigger your Google My Business listing under the “How people discovered you” section.
Nevertheless, the new reports are missing metrics like the total number of website clicks, and driving directions started. Unlike the current Google Insights report, the new performance reports don’t display whether the users discovered your business listing on Google Search or Google Maps. The new reports also do not show the image views and those images’ quality and so on.
However, as per the company, more metrics will follow over the next couple of months, and the platform will present more detailed reports about the searches and the total number of users who viewed your GMB profile.
As of now, the new performance reporting is made available on Google Search and will soon be launched for Google Maps as well. If we look at the bright side of this new performance reporting, users will be able to get six months of data now, which is exactly double the three months of data users could get up until now. However, the significant drawback of this update is that it lacks several data points, as discussed above, which were available thus far. According to the company, the metrics given in the new reports will gradually evolve over time to provide data that has never been displayed on the GMB Insights page before.
So, this looks like an early release, so hopefully, when the time comes for the platform to replace the old insights report with the new performance report, all of the data points will be shifted to the new platform.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Tireless IT Services. Tireless IT Services is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC, and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences.  We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Google My Business
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lupine-publishers-rrhoaj · 5 years ago
Lupine Publishers|UK Gulf War Health Professional Veterans’ Perceptions of and Recommendations for Pre-Deployment Training: The Past Informing an Uncertain Future?
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Background: The Gulf War is regarded as a unique war due to its unconventional weaponry threat and the rare deployment of a sizeable number of British non-regular troops. Using data collected in 1991, 95 non-regular health professional veterans gave perceptions of their pre-deployment military training and their related recommendations.
Participants: The first cohort of participants was accessed opportunistically and they invited a second cohort of veterans known to them known to them and in similar military health professions. Reservist participants (on the Reserve list) almost matched those in the Voluntary Services (e.g. Territorial Army) in number.
Method: Qualitative and quantitative data were gathered at six months post War in the first of three six monthly postal questionnaire surveys.
Results: Overall, most veterans found training adequate or good but some one-third (particularly Reservists) found it poor or bad in content and delivery. The minority recipients of stress management training found it lacked personal relevance and attracted trainers’ culture-related derision. Non-recipients believed that had it been received it could have reduced pre-deployment stress.
Conclusion: Although many of the respondents’ recommendations have been met following the Gulf War, arguably fundamental change to the military culture is of a slower pace.
Keywords: Gulf war; Reservists; Pre deployment Training; Stress management training
Abbreviations: TA: Territorial Army, CBW: Chemica Biological Warfare, SPSS: Statistical Package For The Social Sciences
The Context and Uniqueness of the Gulf War and its Relevance to the Present
The Gulf War (GW) 1991 is the only modern multi-national war in which all participant United Kingdom (UK) troops were prepared for chemical/ biological warfare (CBW). The Iraqi use of the chemical agent chlorine in Iraq in 2007 [1] and later sarin in Syria in August 2013, both against civilian populations, demonstrate that where there is possession, this threat would seem to persist. In November 1990, in response to the size of the Iraqi conventional and unconventional weaponry threat, the potential for high casualties and an acknowledgement by the UK Government of the insufficient number of regular military medical personnel, part-time military Voluntary Services (VS) health professionals (doctors, nurses, and professions allied to medicine) were invited to volunteer [2]. Although some Territorial Army (TA) VS personnel responded positively, the number was insufficient and consequentially those on the ex-Regular Reserve List were called-up: an action not undertaken since the Korean War (1950-53). Most of the called-up and volunteer troops joined regular troops (deployed some months earlier) in Saudi Arabia from December 1990 to early January 1991 [2]. In the UK, the importance of the impending War was hailed as a new learning source for civilian nurses both from stand-by for war casualties in UK hospitals and from active military service in Saudi Arabia [3].
The Pre-Deployment Stressors
Several United States (US) authors [4,5] report that for US Reservists, pre-deployment to the GW was an unusually short time in which to make domestic preparations; wind-up civilian worklife, mobilise into new military groups and receive training specific to the requirements of deployment. Some US Reservists reported dissatisfaction and distress, because they had not anticipated either their call-up, or the stressful transition from civilian to soldier [5]. No published UK research could be found that mirrors the above US findings but it is likely that some degree of similar disruptive experience arose for UK Reservists as neither of these populations lived or worked in military establishments. The Coalition’s military personnel, drawn from 30 nations, also shared the anticipatory stress associated with Iraq’s threatened use of CBW agents. In a post war review article, it was suggested that this unconventional threat produces intense fear in troops [6]. It is described as a potent form of psychological warfare (whether it is real or not) and one that does not discriminate between combatants and noncombatants [7]. Several UK HPVs [8,9] have testified to the CBW threat as their greatest source of fear. Furthermore, in a study of UK troops during a real GW missile attack, O’Brien and Payne found that despite training in the use of protective suits and medication, troops’ acute anticipatory fear was triggered to the point of panic rather than reduced [10]. Above all, Coalition troops entered this war knowing that as Iraq had used CWB during the Iraq/ Iran War of 1980-88 [11], history could repeat itself.
Pre-Deployment Training and the Military Culture
The ex-military writer McManners put forward the view that UK military training facilitates the transition from civilian to soldier with the fundamental aim of breaking down the entrant’s identity and values by consent and replacing them with those that guide, govern and sustain the military culture [12]. In the GW, re entry to the military for some civilian nurses meant a radical change from civilian nursing roles and responsibilities at a higher level than they were hitherto accustomed. One British female Reservist nurse described positively her ‘sound’ military training in the UK before her deployment to a field hospital in Saudi Arabia [8]. She learned medical skills for the treatment of casualties contaminated CBW agents and underwent the British Army Trauma and Life Support training programme. She recorded that as there were only a few doctors in each field hospital in the GW, her role and responsibilities were comparable to those of a junior doctor. Before the GW, Brooking [13] wrote about the role of TA medical and nursing units under contemporary war conditions She suggests that those treating battle casualties, would become party to war’s failure in terms of human vulnerability, rather than its military and political success. Furthermore, the usual occupational stressors found in civilian medical and nursing settings become heightened with the additional stressors that affect all personnel in war-service. Being in a military health professional role does not exempt the person from fulfilling that of the soldier. This requires discipline, obedience, conformity and a strong sense of duty: qualities developed from early training [12]. At the time of the GW, McManners [12] questioned the appropriateness of the UK Army’s culture of keeping ‘a stiff upper lip’ thereby perpetuating the macho ‘ancient warrior type’, given the deployment of some 1000 British female troops, some in frontline roles [13,14]. This cultural myth is believed to help individuals during adversity overcome being seen as weak and stigmatised as such by peers and those of higher rank [15]. Despite efforts by the military to counter stigma, this cultural element reportedly continues in the UK military to the present day [16].
Design and Method
Using a longitudinal design comprising three postal questionnaire surveys, each six months apart, this article’s data were collected in the first survey conducted some six months after the Gulf War’s end in 1991. Following a pilot study that refined the questionnaire’s content and format with 5 HPVs, the questionnaire comprised closed questions with opportunity for free text justification following each response. This mixed methods approach (qualitative and quantitative) maximised the potential for a greater depth of understanding of the HPVs’ experiences than either method when employed alone [17].
Sample Size and Selection
A total of 131 letters of invitation to participate in the study were distribute via an intermediary HPV nurse already known to the author. The first 57 HPVs responded positively and through them a further 38 militarily and professionally similar participants were contacted as a snowball technique. The final sample comprised: 47 Reservists (26 called up and 21 volunteers) and 48 VS volunteers (43 TA personnel and 5 Welfare Officers). Following a further round of study information-giving and consent-seeking, the estimated return-rate was high (71%), which suggests that the HPVs were keen to tell their story.
Ethical Considerations
The general principles of doing no harm; informed consent; the acceptance of autonomy over of compliance, and respect for rights to privacy, anonymity and confidentiality were upheld throughout the research [18]. Authoritative military and academic advice was taken throughout the study to avoid potentially sensitive issues. All information forwarded to the HPVs cautioned them against breaching the Official Secrets Act. The data were held securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act, 1987 and its update in 1998.
Mode of Analysis
Quantitative dichotomous data were analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 22 and used logistic regression with a forward stepwise Wald as the main predictive test. Qualitative data in the form of the HPVs’ comments were examined first by two researchers independently identifying key words or phrases then categorised as key word or phrase labels. The latter were formulated to capture as closely as possible the meaning of the HPVs’ original words or phrases, as recommended by Krippendorff [19]. The two researchers then made cross comparisons to reach consensus as to themes and sub themes.
Characteristics of the Participant Sample
Personal, professional and military characteristic data were formatted mainly as dichotomous variables to facilitate the use of Logistic Regression, as shown in Table 1. The mean age of participants was 37. When the figures for the civilian occupations of the 95 HPVs were cross tabulated with the HPVs’ qualifications, 67 held nursing qualifications and of these, 49 (73%) worked as Registered General Nurses; 4 (6%) as Registered Mental Nurses, and the remaining 14 (21%) were State Enrolled Nurses. All other health professionals other than combat technicians worked in the same civilian professional roles as in the GW. Combat medical technicians (similar to civilian ambulance paramedics) worked in non-health civilian roles prior to the GW. Of the 95 HPVs, 27 (28%) had previous warfare experience, of whom, 17 (17%) were in the Reserve, 10 (11%) were in the TA VS and the remaining 68 (72%) had no experience. The average length of time spent in the Gulf was 2.7 months. When the HPVs’ data for ‘length of time in the Gulf’ were compared with their deployment military categories using a Mann-Whitney U test, Reservists were found to have spent less time in deployment (mean rank=37.16) than those in the VS who spent longer (mean rank = 58.61) and this difference was significant (U=618.500, Z= -2.414, p<0.01). This suggests that Reservists were deployed later to the Gulf than those in the TA VS.
Table 1:  The HPVs’ personal and military characteristics.
The HPVs’ Receipt of Training and Perceptions of its Quality
During the pre-deployment phase, most of the 95 HPVs received training at home-based military establishments, although some training occurred in the Gulf. When asked to give their opinion of ‘the quality of training’ using a four-point value scale, 21 (22%) HPVs indicated that it was ‘excellent’, 45 (47%) said that it was ‘adequate’; 23 (24%) found it to be ‘poor’, and 6 (6%) said that it was ‘bad’. When the 95 HPVs’ data for ‘time spent in deployment’ (in weeks) were compared with those for ‘the quality of training’ (reduced to a binary format using an independent t test), the 66 HPVs with ‘adequate/ good training’ spent longer in deployment (mean = 2.76, standard deviation = 0.498) than the 29 with ‘poor/ bad training’ (mean = 2.41, standard deviation 0.628). This difference was significant (f=6.33, t=2.86, df=93, p<0.05). Using the data for opinion of the quality of training as the dependent variable (DV) for logistic regression, the original four values were reduced to ‘excellent/adequate training = 0’ and ‘poor/bad training’ = 1’ and this was entered with sample characteristics as the independent variables (IVs). As shown in (Table 2), military category was found to be the best predictor of the HPVs’ quality of pre-deployment training, with Reservists (value = 1) having a significantly increased likelihood of perceiving training as ‘poor or bad’ (value = 1).
Table 2: Logistic regression between the HPVs’ perceived quality of training with sample characteristics (n=95).
Perceived Quality of Training with Sample Characteristics (N=95)
The HPVs justified their responses to the quality of training question. Content analysis of their comments revealed some explanations for the difference in perceptions between Reservists with those in the TA as shown in (Table 3). The TA HPVs who attended training given by TA trainers were the most positive but when recording training as ‘adequate’ there were complaints. Some HPVs wanted more training related to CBW unconventional weaponry, whereas others (with hindsight) portrayed that this was over-emphasised at the expense of the more common injuries from conventional weaponry that they had treated. The presentation of first aid was singled out as being too basic in comparison with the level of knowledge of the recipient audience. For some Reservists called-up as the latecomers to pre-deployment, UK-based training seemed to have run out of time and organisation by the end of 1990, thus they received some training after arrival in the Gulf. The following Reservist comment describes a somewhat chaotic scene at his UK-based training centre: Total lack of co-ordination and shortage of staff - 60% of the time spent in queues.’ (Male Reservist volunteer, senior other rank CMT)
Table 3: Logistic regression between the HPVs’ perceived quality of training with sample characteristics (n=95).
The HPVs’ Perceptions of Stress Management Training
Twenty-seven (28%) of the 95 HPVs recorded that they had received stress management training as a part of their overall training but of these, only nine described it as ‘helpful’. As no significant predicator was identified (p>0.05) from logistic regression, its receipt or not was not associated with the HPVs personal or military characteristics. This is perhaps because this form of training did not appear to have a consensus as to its place within training or what its content should be. As shown in (Table 4), of the recipients who found this training ‘helpful’, their comments suggest that they received it at different locations and times during pre-deployment and deployment in the Gulf. This diversity is illustrated first by the recipients of this training in the Gulf reporting positively on spontaneous out-reach stress management training sessions provided by nurses from a UK psychiatric team. Their positive comments indicate that not only was it informative in covering the main stressors and stresses, but sessions were backed up with practical support for the individual. In contrast, of the HPVs in receipt of stress management training within their main UK-based pre-deployment training, negativity was reported either concerning the derisive attitudes of the trainers in their delivery of psychological content, or because it was not directed sufficiently towards the HPVs’ perceived needs as individuals and as non-combatants. Non-recipients frequently commented that had this training been received, it could have been a useful coping mechanism for those affected by stress during pre-deployment. However, some HPVs believed that as the GW was unique, this precluded second-guessing either the stressors to be encountered or their reactions to them. As one HPV said: ‘No-one could foresee how we would feel, we were just expected to get on with the job.’ Finally, a few non-recipients suggested that this form of training was not of importance. Of these, one male Reservist medical officer appears to unwittingly accept the military cultural avoidance of stress effects by making light of such training : ‘It would not have been taken seriously. It probably would have been inappropriate.’
Table 4:   The HPVs’ comments for the quality of stress management training.
The HPVs’ Recommendations to Improve Training
The HPVs provided 97 recommendations to improve predeployment. Of these 21 (22%) were related to training. The first theme called for greater realism about the political context and nature of modern of warfare from those with first-hand experience. ‘A talk/discussion from someone who in a down to earth way could talk about their experience of modern warfare’. (Female Reservist volunteer, junior officer nurse) The second theme requested that training should be relevant to the circumstances of the war; their roles and skills within it, and acknowledge the differences between civilian with military practices. ‘The difference between service/ civilian medical practices must be emphasised. Field conditions should be practised.’ (Male TA volunteer, junior officer nurse) ‘Weapons training. More time for extended role training before departure.’ (Female TA volunteer, junior officer nurse) ‘If this questionnaire is to be of use, it must emphasise the extreme lack of training/equipment at our disposal during the Gulf War that needs to be addressed.’ (Male Reservist called-up, senior other rank CMT). More emphasis upon psychological support to cope with the threats to person and also the stress of entry to new military groups was suggested in the third theme. ‘More emphasis upon the psychological changes that may effect people.’ (Female TA volunteer, senior officer nurse) ‘Briefings and lectures on living and working in confined areas and codes of behaviour between groups’ (Female TA volunteer, senior officer nurse). Finally, in the last theme, both Reservists and TA participants suggested increasing the annual military training for Reservists. ‘As a Reservist, we should have training sessions every year. 
you simply have to turn up x 1 per year, watch a film, collect £75 and go home.’ (Female Reservist called-up, junior officer nurse)
Research concerned with UK GW pre-deployment training for Reservists and VS TA personnel (or for any war preceding or after it) appears to be sparse, despite the general recognition that it sets the psychological tone for deployment with those the least trained liable to experience the greatest fear [12].
The HPVs first theme called for greater realism during training from those who have experienced war first-hand. This could suggest that with hindsight, the HPVs recognised that realism could have increased their sense of internal control and by association, their resilience to stress [20]. US research related to the later Iraq War and Afghanistan War claims that little has changed to diminish the pre-deployment stressors evident in and since the GW [21]. However, over the years since the GW, the UK Government has increasingly shown commitment to greater openness, support for and recognition of value of Reserve forces, as reflected in the Armed Forces Covenant published in 2011[22] and in the presentation of policy in 2013 (both by the UK Ministry of Defence) for the restructuring of the Armed Forces [23]. In this research, a sizeable number of GW Reservist veterans perceived their pre-deployment training as an inadequate preparation for the GW. As ex Regulars with greater experience of warfare but little on-going training since leaving the military, their lack of continuity could have made them feel less prepared than those in the TA VS with their regular peacetime training and possibly greater collective camaraderie. De la Billiere acknowledges the pressure upon Reservists in having to learn quickly following arrival in the Gulf due to their shortfall in their UK-based pre-deployment training [2]. Deficits in first aid training raised by some HPVs had already been reported in a negative appraisal of the British Army’s provision of first aid published around the time of the GW [24]. Shephard [25] suggests that the high prevalence of post-war mental health problems in veterans of the Falklands War, also reported by several other authors [26,27] increased psychiatric services for UK troops in the GW war zone. However, despite new services, stress management training did not seem to have filtered down into pre-deployment training with any consistency. Instead it was described as piecemeal, open to derision, focussed mainly on combat casualty care, and delivered in the Gulf too late after distressing events (such as SCUD missile attacks). In contrast, what the HPVs clearly wanted was pro-active training in self-management techniques to bolster their coping mechanisms against the pre-deployment occupational and intermilitary group stressors encountered but not foreseen.
Across time, several authors have reported upon improved methods of stress management for non-combatants and combatants. These include psychiatric team outreach interventions [28,29] and the British Royal Marines’ peer-delivered trauma risk management (TRIM) programme, designed to be pro-active in overcoming the stigma arising from battle stress [30]. However, these initiatives accentuate an ongoing military cultural dilemma. Nash (2007) [31] contends that the military purpose in war has no parallel in normal civilian life (and by inference neither has its culture). He refutes the usefulness of overt psychological training on the basis that leadership, training, and unit cohesion are adequate to support troops with stress reactions. In contrast, other authors acknowledge that the perceived stigmatising attitudes within the military culture can inhibit UK [17] and US troops [32] from accessing psychiatric help. Some authors argue that the way a military person sees him/herself is the strongest form of stigma, hence they recommend that for culture to change, effort needs to focus upon improving the locus of control of the individual [16]. Osorio et al. [33] report that between 2008-2011, the military has made considerable efforts to reduce stigma and of these, predeployment briefings may have been beneficial but in general little has been subjected to research evaluation.
It is over a quarter of a century since the end of the Gulf War. The HPVs recommendation for more relevant training is largely being met for the TA VS by the current restructuring of the military’s manpower that will be on going until 2020 [34]. Major changes to training and other conditions for the newly named Army Reserve Forces (previously the TA) are reported on many online Government and military sites. Amongst these, aligning Reservists more closely with regular troops through shared training and unit ‘pairing’ is recommended. In the case of military medical services, the Reservists’ training will be linked more closely to the competencies of the National Health Service. Training for the new Reserve can be as little as 19 days per annum for specialist units or one evening a week, several weekends and a 15 day training course per annum for others. However, recruitment has been slow and has not as yet reached the target of 30,000 new Reserve recruits by 2018-2019 [34]. Among the explanations for this shortfall, several authors suggest that Reservists consider and experience different challenges in their military service when compared to the Regular Forces. These are related to the role of the military in society and including challenges in the welfare of families, overcoming difficult employers; and an observed higher level of post deployment mental illness in Reservists than in Regulars [32,34]. It is of note that little reference to those on the Reserve List could be found beyond the hope that they would become recruits to the new Reserve Army [35].
Although considerable effort was made to recruit a sample of health professionals to represent those needed in the Gulf war zone, the participants may not form a representative sample of all health professionals sent to the Gulf: a population of unknown number at that time. Furthermore, access to a suitable military control population in the UK was also not made possible. For these reasons, generalisation is limited. The findings from closed questions with qualitative justifications are believed however to provide a trustworthy representation of the perceptions of these particular GW HPVs.
The HPVs’ recommendations to improve training largely seem to have been addressed in current reforms to the military in the UK. In the case of stress management, although it may be unrealistic to foresee the eradication of war-related stress, ways of lessening its impact without weakening resilience has become a healthy aim. However, it seems that the military culture is slow to change. Perhaps this will be spurred by new larger Reserve force which could find the ‘ancient warrior-type’ less appealing. For, separating the soldier from the civilian through training inevitably will become more difficult in a future where the Reservist is likely be much more openly mindful of family and civilian occupation than that of going to war.
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6 Basic Marketing Trends in 2020
Alright, we're almost there! For many years, I have been looking to the future, predicting how digital media, platform and technology innovations will affect marketing in 2020. Cutting edge examples certainly show exciting opportunities-almost too many options ...
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In this article, I will base on examples and study six main marketing trends that adopt the latest marketing techniques and techniques that marketers can use. For advice on leveraging innovation in different digital marketing channels including email, social media and search engine marketing, see all other articles from the Smart Insights team covering digital marketing trends for 2020.
Now that we are approaching 2020, we can see the huge impact of digital marketing. In terms of advertising alone, these marketer predictions show how Facebook and Google's duopoly is dominating online paid media investment, although offline media purchases are still important for many large brands.
Trend 1. Life Cycle Marketing
Although people often say "the funnel is dead" because consumers follow a non-linear journey, no matter what product or service you are involved in marketing, in general, to grow your business, your main focus is to increase awareness, followed by increased customer leads and leads.
Digitalization has also played a large role in creating a unified customer experience, but shockingly, digital marketing is not seen as a driver for increasing existing customer revenue. Because digital marketing can effectively achieve all of these goals, including retaining customers, this is a problem.
A more practical way to plan to integrate online marketing into your marketing activities is to consider the communication from the customer's perspective throughout the customer's journey. I call it "always-on lifecycle marketing," and I encourage you to review online and offline media usage throughout the entire customer lifecycle.
The example of a B2B company using a marketing campaign shows an auditing example. Although it is strong at the top of the funnel as far as the used campaign is concerned, it is less powerful and repositions the campaign in the middle and bottom of the funnel. Many businesses are adopting marketing automation and account-based marketing technologies to achieve these touchpoints. For all potential activities that can be reviewed, see the article linked above.
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Trend 2. Conversational Marketing
To me, this is the most exciting trend on the market today, combining the rapid consumer adoption of smart speakers with innovations in search query processing, dialog interfaces, and messaging.
Driven by the latest Gartner hype cycle and artificial intelligence, conversation marketing is seen as a key innovation. As you can see, many of the technologies in terms of innovative triggers are not expected to become mainstream in 5 to 10 years. Among those predictions that will become mainstream in the next 2 to 5 years, the three most important factors for marketers to consider are personification, real-time and conversational marketing.
Trend 3. Insight-Driven Marketing
At Smart Insights, we are loyal advocates who use analytics and insights to drive business performance and optimize digital marketing results. That's why we are called what we are.
The altimeter / prophet digital marketing status report reveals that improving their data-driven marketing is the goal of many businesses, as demonstrated by the most desired skills of digital marketers.
In addition to the advances in customer analytics supported by CDP as described in the next section, new Voice of Customer (VoC) technologies, such as online hosted customer communities, can improve customer preferences for future products and their delivery methods.
Trend 4. Marketing Technology
Today, Marketing Technology (Martech for short) offers confusing software service options for businesses looking to improve their digital media, experience and support data management. If your business and agents use the right Martech hybrid materials, they can help you stand out from the competition, but if you don't, you may miss the insights and automated processes they are using.
Scott Brinker's latest 2019 Martech super-picture, which hosts Martech conferences and provides technical advice to HubSpot, has drawn this somewhat scary map, listing all potential categories and services that companies can use.
Trend 5. Consumer Privacy and KYC
Repeated privacy breaches at Facebook, Google, and other brands that have led to other customer information leaks show consumers that online brand data is not as secure as they previously thought. Privacy regulations such as GDPR have been enacted to improve data privacy by increasing fines.
According to GDPR regulations, the maximum fine for violations will increase to 20 million euros (17.5 million pounds) or 4% of global turnover-whichever is higher, with a record fine in 2019.
British Airways was fined ÂŁ 183 million for violating customer data regulations and fined a chain of 99 million hotels for failing to protect personal data in approximately 339 million guest records.
Although these may be more of a CIO or CFO concern than a CMO, it shows that marketers need to work with colleagues to mitigate the potential impact of security breaches and assure customers.
At the same time, we have seen that the effectiveness of traditional identification methods, such as cookies for tracking, is declining, making it more difficult to determine media ROI, which is said to be one of the main advantages of digital channels.
Emerging technologies may help address these two challenges.
New identity management or understanding your customer solutions are being developed to improve security, reduce fraud, and increase customer awareness across multiple devices.
Tumblr media
Trend 6: Digital Transformation and Marketing Transformation
Our research on managing digital marketing reveals many challenges in how companies conduct digital marketing today. Issues include a lack of focus on integration strategies, testing, optimization, and structural issues, such as teams working on silos or lacking integrated communications skills.
To address these types of issues and take full advantage of the opportunities to grow their business through digital marketing, many companies now have digital transformation plans.
The purpose of digital transformation is to develop a roadmap to enhance digital capabilities and skills, while combining "always-on" digital marketing activities with brand and product marketing in the enterprise.
The chart of the study shows that many companies are actively transforming to achieve this through the success factors described in this brief.
Seize the opportunities brought by digital marketing in 2020 and beyond, and everything goes smoothly! To help you use your way, check out our benchmark templates, each of which gives you a quick overview of digital marketing governance and key channels like search, social, email marketing and analytics, content marketing and experience.
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juliagan-blog · 6 years ago
Auras Wave Co Keto
Auras Wave Co Keto Reviews:- The keto diet is all over the place. Genuinely, significant magazines, news outlets, and online productions can't quit discussing it. What's more, we're speculating you know no less than one companion or companion via web-based networking media that is experimenting with the keto diet. It's really the most well-known pattern of the year. Also, on the off chance that you need to get thinner, perhaps it's a great opportunity to hop ready. The Auras Wave Co Keto Formula professes to make the entire procedure simpler and quicker. Since it professes to enable you to consume MORE fat and have MORE vitality than you could without anyone else. Does that sound fascinating to you? Of course, it does. Continue perusing to check whether the cases behind Auras Wave Co Keto Pills are genuine!
Presently, the general purpose of the keto diet is that you surrender carbs. What's more, you do this to trigger ketosis. Ketosis is a characteristic metabolic procedure your body can go into without anyone else. In any case, simply after you surrender carbs. Since, without carbs, your body can't make vitality. What's more, it needs to make vitality in an alternate manner. In this way, in ketosis, your body begins consuming with extreme heat its own fat stores for vitality. Indeed, Auras Wave Co Keto Diet Pills guarantee to enable you to get into this fat consuming zone quicker and remain there longer! Also, we're here to check whether this item is genuine, or simply loaded with it. Along these lines, continue perusing to check whether the Auras Wave Co Keto Price is justified, despite all the trouble! Or on the other hand, spare time by clicking underneath to check whether it made the #1 spot!
Auras Wave Co Keto Reviews
Auras Wave Co Keto Diet Pills Reviews
More often than not, we can locate a few unique surveys on an item. What's more, these client surveys help us give you an increasingly careful image of the enhancement you're keen on. Be that as it may, Auras Wave Co Keto Pills simply hit the market not very far in the past. Furthermore, that implies we don't have any surveys to go off of. Along these lines, the majority of the data on this page comes from their official site. As it were, we don't realize anybody that is attempted this yet.
Presently, there are presumably many keto diet pills to look over on the web. In this way, we know some things about what makes a decent keto diet pill. Furthermore, we're going to help pass that data along to you. Is the Auras Wave Co Keto Formula really going to enable you to get thinner? Furthermore, can it really get you into ketosis quicker and keep you there? All things considered, that is the thing that we needed to know. In this way, continue perusing. Or then again, click above NOW to check whether it made the #1 spot!
Emanation Wave Co Keto Pill Claims:
Says It Helps Naturally Increase Energy
Cases To Boost Your Overall Fat Loss
Showcased As A Natural Ketosis Trigger
Expected To Keep You In Ketosis Longer
Likewise Supposed To Get You Into It Faster
Go See If It's Truly The #1 Keto Pill Above!
Does Auras Wave Keto Diet Pill Work?
When you've checked on the same number of keto pills as we have, you recognize what makes up a decent recipe. What's more, you can likewise advise when a company simply needs to profit and that's it. Which classification does this item fall into? Furthermore, does Auras Wave Co Keto work? Indeed, at the present time, we don't think this equation is solid. Since it doesn't list what number of milligrams of ketones its employment.
A decent keto diet pill will utilize A LOT of ketones. Since ketones are fundamentally the fuel for ketosis. Along these lines, without a constant flow of ketones, you won't be in the fat consuming zone of ketosis. All things considered, a great keto diet pill gives your body a constant flow of ketones to remain in ketosis. Along these lines, we should discover what the Auras Wave Co Keto Ingredients are to check whether they really work.
Auras Wave Co Keto Pills Review
Online Exclusive Offer – Limited Supplies
Can't Buy In Stores Anywhere Right Now
Comes With Standard 60 Pills Per Every Bottle
Each Bottle Comes With A One-Month Supply
Expected To Help Get You Into Ketosis Faster
Go See If It Made The #1 Spot Above Right NOW!
Emanation Wave Co Keto Ingredients
As we continue saying, we need to see an abnormal state of ketones in this recipe. That way, we'll feel comfortable recommending it to you. Since exogenous ketones like BHB might almost certainly help support your digestion and vitality levels. Furthermore, while the Auras Wave Co Keto Ingredients incorporate BHB Ketones, we aren't sure the amount of the recipe is really ketones. Along these lines, we aren't sure it's sufficient.
As a rule, a great keto diet pill has around 800mg of ketones, or something in that extent. Be that as it may, the Official Auras Wave Co Keto Website doesn't report what number of ketones this item has. What's more, that stresses us. Since numerous keto diet pills aren't sufficiently able to genuinely enable you to get results. In this way, that is the reason we aren't sure the Auras Wave Co Keto Price is justified, despite all the trouble. Rather, click any picture for the #1 keto diet pill above!
Auras Wave Keto Side Effects
In this way, when you first begin the keto diet and taking keto pills, ketosis can hit hard. Our bodies are overly used to consuming starches for vitality. In this way, when you remove that, your body detoxes off carbs. What's more, that can prompt something many refer to as the keto influenza. Presently, we don't have the foggiest idea if there are genuine Auras Wave Co Keto Side Effects. In any case, we do know many individuals experience keto influenza at first.
What's more, that normally keeps going a couple of days or half a month, contingent upon your body. Fundamentally, you need to give your body time to detox off carbs and figure out how to consume fat for vitality. Furthermore, keto influenza comes with side effects like cerebral pains, weakness, and fractiousness. In this way, simply remember that when you attempt any keto strategy. That incorporates the #1 keto diet pill you can't miss! Snap any picture to get yours!
The most effective method to Order Auras Wave Co Keto Supplement
The best spot to Buy Auras Wave Co Keto Advanced Blend is their site. There, you can put in your request straightforwardly. What's more, you can perceive how much the item costs, just as their clarification for it. However, once more, we aren't sure if this item is really going to be groundbreaking. Along these lines, on the off chance that you need a keto diet recipe that is more grounded and that we feel all the more emphatically about, click any picture on this page NOW! Rush! On the off chance that you need to really change your everyday practice, just the #1 keto diet pill will do, so act now!
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liasrton-blog · 6 years ago
Auras Wave Co Keto
Auras Wave Co Keto:-The keto diet is all over. Really, real magazines, news outlets, and online productions can't quit discussing it. What's more, we're speculating you know no less than one companion or companion via web-based networking media that is experimenting with the keto diet. It's really the most famous pattern of the year. Furthermore, in the event that you need to shed pounds, perhaps it's a great opportunity to bounce ready. The Auras Wave Co Keto Formula professes to make the entire procedure simpler and quicker. Since, it professes to enable you to consume MORE fat and have MORE vitality than you could alone. Does that sound intriguing to you? Of course, it does. Continue perusing to check whether the cases behind Auras Wave Co Keto Pills are genuine!
Presently, the general purpose of the keto diet is that you surrender carbs. Also, you do this to trigger ketosis. Ketosis is a characteristic metabolic procedure your body can go into without anyone else. Be that as it may, simply after you surrender carbs. Since, without carbs, your body can't make vitality. Furthermore, it needs to make vitality in an alternate manner. Along these lines, in ketosis, your body begins consuming with extreme heat its own fat stores for vitality. All things considered, Auras Wave Co Keto Diet Pills guarantee to enable you to get into this fat consuming zone quicker and remain there longer! Furthermore, we're here to check whether this item is genuine, or simply brimming with it. Along these lines, continue perusing to check whether the Auras Wave Co Keto Price is justified, despite all the trouble! Or on the other hand, spare time by clicking beneath to check whether it made the #1 spot!
Auras Wave Co Keto Reviews
Auras Wave Co Keto Diet Pills Reviews
As a rule, we can locate a few unique surveys on an item. Furthermore, these client audits help us give you an increasingly exhaustive image of the enhancement you're keen on. However, Auras Wave Co Keto Pills simply hit the market not very far in the past. Furthermore, that implies we don't have any surveys to go off of. Along these lines, the majority of the data on this page comes from their official site. As such, we don't realize anybody that is attempted this yet.
Presently, there are likely several keto diet pills to look over on the web. Thus, we know some things about what makes a decent keto diet pill. What's more, we're going to help pass that data along to you. Is the Auras Wave Co Keto Formula genuinely going to enable you to shed pounds? Furthermore, can it really get you into ketosis quicker and keep you there? All things considered, that is the thing that we needed to know. In this way, continue perusing. Or then again, click above NOW to check whether it made the #1 spot!
Emanation Wave Co Keto Pill Claims:
Says It Helps Naturally Increase Energy
Cases To Boost Your Overall Fat Loss
Showcased As A Natural Ketosis Trigger
Expected To Keep You In Ketosis Longer
Likewise Supposed To Get You Into It Faster
Go See If It's Truly The #1 Keto Pill Above!
Does Auras Wave Keto Diet Pill Work?
When you've checked on the same number of keto pills as we have, you comprehend what makes up a decent equation. Furthermore, you can likewise advise when a company simply needs to profit and that's it. Which class does this item fall into? Furthermore, does Auras Wave Co Keto work? All things considered, at the present time, we don't think this recipe is extremely solid. Since, it doesn't list what number of milligrams of ketones it employments.
A decent keto diet pill will utilize A LOT of ketones. Since, ketones are fundamentally the fuel for ketosis. In this way, without a constant flow of ketones, you won't be in the fat consuming zone of ketosis. Indeed, a great keto diet pill gives your body a constant flow of ketones to remain in ketosis. Along these lines, how about we discover what the Auras Wave Co Keto Ingredients are to check whether they genuinely work.
Auras Wave Co Keto Pills Review
Online Exclusive Offer – Limited Supplies
Can't Buy In Stores Anywhere Right Now
Comes With Standard 60 Pills Per Every Bottle
Each Bottle Comes With A One-Month Supply
Expected To Help Get You Into Ketosis Faster
Go See If It Made The #1 Spot Above Right NOW!
Atmosphere Wave Co Keto Ingredients
As we continue saying, we need to see an abnormal state of ketones in this equation. That way, we'll feel comfortable recommending it to you. Since, exogeneous ketones like BHB might probably help support your digestion and vitality levels. What's more, while the Auras Wave Co Keto Ingredients incorporate BHB Ketones, we aren't sure the amount of the equation is really ketones. In this way, we aren't sure it's sufficient.
Typically, a great keto diet pill has around 800mg of ketones, or something in that extend. In any case, the Official Auras Wave Co Keto Website doesn't report what number of ketones this item has. What's more, that stresses us. Since, numerous keto diet pills aren't sufficiently able to really enable you to get results. In this way, that is the reason we aren't sure the Auras Wave Co Keto Price is justified, despite all the trouble. Rather, click any picture for the #1 keto diet pill above!
Auras Wave Keto Side Effects
Along these lines, when you first begin the keto diet and taking keto pills, ketosis can hit hard. Our bodies are excessively used to consuming sugars for vitality. Along these lines, when you remove that, your body detoxes off carbs. Furthermore, that can prompt something many refer to as the keto influenza. Presently, we don't have the foggiest idea if there are genuine Auras Wave Co Keto Side Effects. However, we do know many individuals experience the keto influenza at first.
What's more, that typically endures a couple of days or half a month, contingent upon your body. Fundamentally, you need to give your body time to detox off carbs and figure out how to consume fat for vitality. What's more, the keto influenza comes with side effects like cerebral pains, weakness, and peevishness. In this way, simply remember that when you attempt any keto technique. That incorporates the #1 keto diet pill you can't miss! Snap any picture to get yours!
Instructions to Order Auras Wave Co Keto Supplement
The best spot to Buy Auras Wave Co Keto Advanced Blend is their site. There, you can put in your request legitimately. Furthermore, you can perceive how much the item costs, just as their clarification for it. Be that as it may, once more, we aren't sure if this item is really going to be groundbreaking. Along these lines, on the off chance that you need a keto diet equation that is more grounded and that we feel all the more unequivocally about, click any picture on this page NOW! Rush! On the off chance that you need to genuinely change your everyday practice, just the #1 keto diet pill will do, so act now!
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yotioepw-blog · 6 years ago
Auras Wave Co Keto
Auras Wave Co Keto Review
Will Auras Wave Keto Help You?
The keto diet is all over. Genuinely, real magazines, news outlets, and online distributions can't quit discussing it. In addition, we're speculating you know something like one companion or companion via web-based networking media that is experimenting with the keto diet. It's genuinely the most mainstream pattern of the year. What's more, in the event that you need to get in shape, possibly it's a great opportunity to bounce ready. The Auras Wave Co Keto Formula professes to make the entire procedure simpler and quicker. Since, it professes to enable you to consume MORE fat and have MORE vitality than you could without anyone else. Does that sound intriguing to you? Of course, it does. Continue perusing to check whether the cases behind Auras Wave Co Keto Pills are genuine!
Presently, the general purpose of the keto diet is that you surrender carbs. Furthermore, you do this to trigger ketosis. Ketosis is a characteristic metabolic procedure your body can go into individually. Be that as it may, simply after you surrender carbs. Since, without carbs, your body can't make vitality. Also, it needs to make vitality in an alternate manner. Along these lines, in ketosis, your body begins consuming with smoldering heat its own fat stores for vitality. All things considered, Auras Wave Co Keto Diet Pills guarantee to enable you to get into this fat consuming zone quicker and remain there longer! What's more, we're here to check whether this item is genuine, or simply loaded with it. In this way, continue perusing to check whether the Auras Wave Co Keto Price is justified, despite all the trouble! Or on the other hand, spare time by clicking beneath to check whether it made the #1 spot!
Auras Wave Co Keto Reviews
Auras Wave Co Keto Diet Pills Reviews
For the most part, we can locate a few distinct surveys on an item. What's more, these client surveys help us give you a progressively intensive image of the enhancement you're keen on. Be that as it may, Auras Wave Co Keto Pills simply hit the market quite recently. What's more, that implies we don't have any surveys to go off of. Along these lines, the majority of the data on this page comes from their official site. At the end of the day, we don't realize anybody that is attempted this yet.
Presently, there are presumably several keto diet pills to browse on the web. Along these lines, we know some things about what makes a decent keto diet pill. What's more, we're going to help pass that data along to you. Is the Auras Wave Co Keto Formula genuinely going to enable you to shed pounds? What's more, can it really get you into ketosis quicker and keep you there? All things considered, that is the thing that we needed to know. In this way, continue perusing. Or on the other hand, click above NOW to check whether it made the #1 spot!
Atmosphere Wave Co Keto Pill Claims:
Says It Helps Naturally Increase Energy
Cases To Boost Your Overall Fat Loss
Showcased As A Natural Ketosis Trigger
Expected To Keep You In Ketosis Longer
Additionally Supposed To Get You Into It Faster
Go See If It's Truly The #1 Keto Pill Above!
Does Auras Wave Keto Diet Pill Work?
When you've assessed the same number of keto pills as we have, you recognize what makes up a decent equation. What's more, you can likewise advise when a company simply needs to profit and that's it. Which classification does this item fall into? What's more, does Auras Wave Co Keto work? All things considered, at this moment, we don't think this equation is exceptionally solid. Since, it doesn't list what number of milligrams of ketones it employments.
A decent keto diet pill will utilize A LOT of ketones. Since, ketones are essentially the fuel for ketosis. In this way, without a constant flow of ketones, you won't be in the fat consuming zone of ketosis. All things considered, a great keto diet pill gives your body a constant flow of ketones to remain in ketosis. In this way, how about we discover what the Auras Wave Co Keto Ingredients are to check whether they genuinely work.
Auras Wave Co Keto Pills Review
Online Exclusive Offer – Limited Supplies
Can't Buy In Stores Anywhere Right Now
Comes With Standard 60 Pills Per Every Bottle
Each Bottle Comes With A One-Month Supply
Expected To Help Get You Into Ketosis Faster
Go See If It Made The #1 Spot Above Right NOW!
Atmosphere Wave Co Keto Ingredients
As we continue saying, we need to see an abnormal state of ketones in this recipe. That way, we'll feel comfortable recommending it to you. Since, exogeneous ketones like BHB might probably help support your digestion and vitality levels. What's more, while the Auras Wave Co Keto Ingredients incorporate BHB Ketones, we aren't sure the amount of the recipe is really ketones. Thus, we aren't sure it's sufficient.
Typically, a great keto diet pill has around 800mg of ketones, or something in that run. However, the Official Auras Wave Co Keto Website doesn't report what number of ketones this item has. Furthermore, that stresses us. Since, numerous keto diet pills aren't sufficiently able to really enable you to get results. In this way, that is the reason we aren't sure the Auras Wave Co Keto Price is justified, despite all the trouble. Rather, click any picture for the #1 keto diet pill above!
Auras Wave Keto Side Effects
Along these lines, when you first begin the keto diet and taking keto pills, ketosis can hit hard. Our bodies are too used to consuming starches for vitality. In this way, when you remove that, your body detoxes off carbs. What's more, that can prompt something many refer to as the keto influenza. Presently, we don't have the foggiest idea if there are real Auras Wave Co Keto Side Effects. In any case, we do know many individuals experience the keto influenza at first.
What's more, that typically keeps going a couple of days or half a month, contingent upon your body. Fundamentally, you need to give your body time to detox off carbs and figure out how to consume fat for vitality. Furthermore, the keto influenza comes with indications like migraines, weariness, and crabbiness. Along these lines, simply remember that when you attempt any keto technique. That incorporates the #1 keto diet pill you can't miss! Snap any picture to get yours!
Step by step instructions to Order Auras Wave Co Keto Supplement
The best spot to Buy Auras Wave Co Keto Advanced Blend is their site. There, you can put in your request straightforwardly. Also, you can perceive how much the item costs, just as their clarification for it. Be that as it may, once more, we aren't sure if this item is really going to be extraordinary. Along these lines, on the off chance that you need a keto diet equation that is more grounded and that we feel all the more firmly about, click any picture on this page NOW! Rush! In the event that you need to really change your everyday practice, just the #1 keto diet pill will do, so act now!
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lancerbf · 2 years ago
Clickup University Intermediate Certification Walkthrough
There are 50 questions, you only need 40 to get the certificate but if you need to get a perfect score, i got u
The test will shuffle the questions but u can ctrl + f this page with the questions, the correct answers are in bold
Question 1:  True or False: Workspace Templates can be configured to be shared by anyone inside or outside of your Workspace. True False
Question 2:  Which of the following are Space-level ClickApps? Priority Custom Fields Multiple Assignees Tags All of the above
Question 3:  True or False: Members can enable Space-level ClickApps for Spaces they create True False
Question 4:  Formula fields can be used to calculate which of the following? Profit margin Visual indicators Rounding Days until due Variance between time estimated and time tracked All of the above
Question 5:  True or False: In ClickUp you cannot add comments on videos (.mp4 files). True False
Question 6: True or False: When you create a new Doc in Docs Home, it is private by default and not attached to a location. True False
Question 7:  What events will automatically add you as a Watcher by default on a task? When you create a new task When you're assigned to a task When you're direct mentioned (@mentioned) in a task All of the above
Question 8: Which of the following can you configure within editing mode of a Form? Automatically assign users to a task Automatically apply a task template Determine the List location in which a task will appear once created All of the above
Question 9: True or False: You can protect a Doc so that others can view it, but not make changes. True False
Question 10:True or False: A Trigger is an event that causes an Automation to execute. True False
Question 11: What of the following is NOT TRUE about Workspace-level ClickApps? A Workspace-level ClickApp impacts the entire ClickUp Workspace. Only admins can set Workspace-level ClickApps. Workspace-level ClickApps are charged per ClickApp. Workspace-level ClickApps can be toggled on or off at any time.
Question 12:  Which of the following options is best when requiring a response or an action item from another team member? Liking a comment Assigning a comment Direct mentioning a comment Attaching a file to a comment
Question 13:True or False: If you set statuses at the Folder level, you cannot use different statuses in the below Lists. True False
Question 14: Some of the key benefits of Dashboards include: Report on data in an entire Workspace Report on sprints, goals, people, and projects Review task performance and time tracking data All of the above
Question 15:  In order for a task to appear in Gantt view, you must have at least a: Start and Due Date Assignee Description Custom Field
Question 16: True or False: You can manage your team’s workload by enabling the Work in Progress Limit ClickApp. True False Question 17: True or False: You can reply to comments directly from the Notifications page. True False
Question 18: True or False: Formulas are a type of Custom Field column that can be added to a List view, or within a task. True False 
Question 19: Which of the following is a best practice for Custom Field creation and management? Review existing Custom Fields to check for duplicates Consider what information needs to be tracked before creating the field Consider where in your Hierarchy this Custom Field will be used. All of the above
Question 20: True or False: Custom Fields can be created and managed on any Space, Folder, List, or Everything level, however, their values or selected choices are stored in each individual tasks. True False
Question 21:  Which of the following are common use cases for Docs? Meeting notes Project charters Standard operating procedures (SOPs) All of the above
Question 22: To find your saved Templates along with saved ClickUp templates, you can browse the: Template Dashboard Automation Center Template Center List Settings
Question 23: Which is the best view to easily drag and drop a task between different columns: Activity view Board view Calendar view Gantt view
Question 24: True or False: When creating a new Automation, it is best practice to add a description to inform others about what the Automation does. True False
Question 25:View templates allow you to: Save your views Share views with teammates Duplicate views across locations All of the above
Question 26: True or False: Statuses created at the Folder level must be the same as Statuses created at the Space level. True False
Question 27: True or False: Docs can be shared externally with people outside of ClickUp using a public link. True False
Question 28: Where do you manage the Automations associated with each location? Workspace Settings Within the associated tasks Click Automate button at the top-right and select Active Automations Within the Automations ClickApp
Question 29: True or False: You cannot edit a Community Template unless you apply it and save it as a new template. True False
Question 30: True or False. You can use Automations to apply task templates. True False
Question 31: True or False: You can create a Doc from within a task view. True False
Question 32: True or False: Me Mode shows you only the work assigned to others on your team. True False
Question 33: Fill in the blank. ________ are the building blocks of dashboards. Tasks Lists Dashboard Components Widgets Portfolios
Question 34: True or False: Multiple views of the same type cannot be added to the same location. True False
Question 35: What can be included in a task template? Assignees Due dates Attachments Watchers All of the above
Question 36:  True or False: Forms can be added as a view to any location within your Hierarchy. True False
Question 37: True or False: The difference between Closed and Done statuses is that tasks in a Closed status are hidden from view by default. True False
Question 38:_____ inform you about updates or changes relevant to you across your Workspace. Comments Email Chat Notifications
Question 39: Which of the following would be an example of a Dashboard Widget type? Pie chart Bar chart Line chart All of the above
Question 40: True or False: Conditions are optional components of Automations. True False
Question 41: What is the best way to create a new Formula in List or Table view? In any view, click the Add Formula button at the top-right of the page In Workspace Settings, enable the Formula ClickApp In a List or Table view, add a new column and choose the Formula Custom Field option In a task view, select the Add or Edit Formulas button next to the description
Question 42: How can you customize the appearance of your Doc? Add Emojis to titles Use /Slash commands for banners Upload a cover image All of the above
Question 43:  When using the Advanced Formula Editor, it is important to use the correct _____ in order for it to calculate. Variable Formula Syntax Function
Question 44: True or False: You can use Conditions to create additional criteria that must be met for an Automation to complete the designated action. True False
Question 45: True or False: You can change how any field name appears on a Form. True False
Question 46:Who can submit a Form in ClickUp? Admins only Members and admins Any user from your Workspace Anyone who has the public Form link
Question 47: True or False: Whiteboards are a page view that allows you to ideate your work on an open canvas at any level of the hierarchy. True False
Question 48: Task templates can be applied: During task creation Within a task’s settings When submitting a Form When an Automation is fired All of the above
Question 49: Which ClickApp is associated with Agile teams? Dependency warning Sprints Remap subtask due dates Multiple assignees
Question 50: Which of the following is an example of a Dropdown Custom Field? Monthly Revenue (ex: $6235) Request Details (ex: "Need more context on project deliverables" Requestor (ex: "Joe Smith") Department (ex: "Support" or "Engineering")
Question 51: Forms must be connected to a ______ in order to collect responses. List Task Doc Whiteboard
Question 52: Select all that apply. You can customize triggers for task creation so that tasks can be created via: Templates Users Forms Automations All of the Above
Question 53: True or False: If a member is added to a Space, they will be able to configure Space ClickApps at any time. True False
Question 54: When customizing a view, you can use ____ to organize tasks in the order you want to see them. Sort Filter Board view Organize
Question 55: You can calculate data in which of the following views: List view Gantt View Timeline View Table view
Question 56: If you want to measure effort in a sprint, you should enable the ______ ClickApp. Milestones Workload Box View Sprint Points Effort View
Question 57:True or False: Me Mode remains enabled even if you navigate to a different location. True False
Question 58:Which of the following are actions you can within a Doc? Duplicate Move Share Protect All of the above
Question 59:  Select all that apply. Which of the following views are best for adding Formulas? List Board Gantt Table Box
Question 60:Which of the following items are a ClickApp? Dashboards Custom fields Nested subtasks Time tracking All of the above
Question 61: Where can you leave a comment in ClickUp? Notifications Tasks Attachments Docs All of the above
Question 62:True or False: You can apply existing Custom Fields to a different location. True False
Question 63: How can you create a Doc? As a view From the Sidebar In Docs Home In the Quick Create button at the bottom-right of your screen /Slash Command All of the above
Question 64:Which Formula editor is best for quick mathematical operations? Easy Editor Simple Editor Advanced Editor Formula Editor
Question 65:If you create a view for team collaboration and you want to prevent editing, you should: Save the view Protect the view Add a Teams View Make the view private
Question 66:True or False: You can favorite frequently used Dashboards for easy access. True False
Question 67: True or False: Only admins can enable Space-level ClickApps. True False
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technicaldr · 2 years ago
The Adoption of Cloud is a Game-Changer in Healthcare
For pregnant women in cities, a closely monitored pregnancy is often a given. Their regular visits to the doctor and prescribed ultrasounds make sure they get to see the child at various intervals during the gestation period. Any anomalies seen from such scans also get immediately addressed with the right interventions from healthcare specialists.
  Unfortunately, this is not the case for pregnant women in rural India. In most of the cases, women do not get to see their child until birth. As per reports, many women do not get to see their child alive at all. Findings from HMIS, a web-based monitoring system, working under the aegis of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), indicate that 70 per cent of districts (448 out of 640 districts) in India have reported Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) above 70 deaths – a target set under Sustainable Development Goal. India in fact, accounts for 15 per cent of world maternal deaths, second only to Nigeria (19 per cent).
Philips partnered with Narayana Health, a hospital chain in India, to pilot, MOM (mobile obstetrics monitoring), a cloud-based software solution that is aimed at strengthening mother and newborn care delivery across the first 1,000 days of their life. The solution facilitates awareness, ensures collaboration across systems while maintaining care standardisation. The pilot covered 5,170 pregnant mothers and involved Mobile Obstetrics Monitoring solution (MOM) and Philips HD5 ultrasound machines. Each participant received at least one scan during their pregnancy. The ObGyn team at Narayana conducted remote review of the cases, retrieving data in real-time. The results were staggering with a 48 percent reduction in the number of anaemic cases from second to third trimester; 3x improvement in early detection of high-risk pregnancies; 2.5x increase in early referrals of high-risk cases to a higher centre of care. Preliminary estimates indicate that MOM solutions could improve 11Mn lives per annum. The easy-to-adopt digital MOM solution can transform the functioning of maternity wards across primary health facilities, especially in underserved communities.
  MOM is an illustration of the vast potential of cloud technologies in transforming healthcare. At a predicted CAGR of 17.8 per cent, the worldwide healthcare cloud computing market is expected to grow from USD 39.4 billion in 2022 to USD 89.4 billion in 2027. COVID-19 saw a trigger in the adoption of Electronic Health Records, e-prescribing, telehealth, mHealth, as well as other healthcare IT solutions. Added to this is the uptake of big data analytics, wearable technology, and the Internet of Things. Further, the emergence of new payment models, and a stringent focus on cost-efficiency accelerated growth of the healthcare cloud computing market. However, obstacles including data security worries and complicated rules governing cloud data centres are anticipated to limit growth.
  Empowering health systems with innovation 
Remote consultations via phone calls or video conferencing are here to stay because of their flexibility and speed. Medical services are more widely accessible across even the remotest of locations, reducing crowds in hospitals. It is not just the experience of patients that has become better, even the treatments have improved. This is so because doctors now have access to the full medical history of the patient on the cloud, which makes diagnosis and prevention highly effective and fast. This facilitates accuracy and transparency on the doctor’s part and helps the patient with increased control over their health.
Insights captured from raw data using machine learning capabilities, deployed at scale can help improve clinical outcomes and operational efficiency. The dependency on local hardware to store sensitive data is a thing of the past as automated software keeps the systems updated. All of this can be tracked in real time and shared among cross functional teams while collaborating on a single platform. Working in the cloud rather than investing in your own data centre infrastructure or local hardware significantly reduces IT costs. At the same time, another competitive advantage of the cloud is the speed of innovation that can be leveraged in building prototypes or new product features without having to do rapid experimentation or develop new algorithms.
  Signing in with SaaS and Pay-AsYou-Go model
According to an article by Accenture, healthcare providers are embracing ‘Software as a Service’ (SaaS) model more after the pandemic challenged them to adapt and innovate like never before. Sixty-six percent of them expect to move their technology infrastructures to the cloud this year – a number that is set to rise to 96 per cent by 2024. Through SaaS, healthcare systems are beginning to unlock clinical and operational insights at scale while moving up innovation cycles for continuous value delivery. The pandemic created a new urgency for healthcare providers to expand their virtual care offerings and the way of connecting with patients beyond the walls of the hospital.
At the same time, they wanted the flexibility to scale up or down without large upfront capital expenditures. Effective crisis management also requires the rapid exchange of patient information across systems and care settings. Thanks to the flexibility of pay-asyou-go cloud-based services and solutions, healthcare providers were able to quickly scale up digital health technologies to meet new demands. In 2021, the software-asa-service segment was the largest segment of the healthcare cloud computing market.
Cloud adoption is becoming increasingly important in broadening the role of IT operations, ensuring data security, and improving the overall patient experience. Though adoption of the cloud in the industry is gradual and still underrated, many forward-thinking healthcare organisations are beginning to embrace the cloud. Channelling cloud computing power into the healthcare system can surely make substantial progress in quality and affordable healthcare for all, rather than a few privileged ones. After all, healthcare delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS) is both about technology transformation, and organisational transformation.
  The model Philips adopts to support hospitals for cloud adoption
Philips is convinced that most hospitals and healthcare systems will move towards cloud adoption in improving efficiency, especially more so after the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Philips has been a leader in studying this landscape and has been pro-active in meeting with healthcare leaders globally and has published its findings in the Future Health Index report 2021.
Digital transformation can be a challenging task, and this can be very daunting for hospitals to organise their entire offering from the cloud. There can be challenges of data privacy, security, and re- organisation of services for a smooth transition, while at the same time optimising patient outcomes, reducing staff burnout, enhancing patient experience, and reducing cost of care.
Philips has a structured process which can help hospitals change and transform themselves. This process has been perfected after a series of pilots with clinical partners and helping hospitals offer better services to patients and pregnant women.
The structured process that Philips adopts is one of co-creation with clinical partners, training and transfer.
Philips Mobile obstetrics monitoring (MOM) is a cloud-based solution that is intended to digitise hospitals’ antenatal, intrapartum, and postnatal care pathways to help track and risk-stratify pregnant women. Philips helps hospitals and healthcare providers in adopting the MOM solution using the following steps:
Co-creation: Philips’ experts collaborate with clinicians in hospitals to map out the pregnancy journey to implement and manage the change with minimal obstruction in the daily work of the hospital staff. This could involve:
  Charting new and optimised workflows to make sure that the waiting times at each antenatal visit are minimal and the doctors and other ancillary services have adequate time to make a correct diagnosis and optimise the care management based on the risk profile.
Making sure data collected during physical examination by the obstetrician/clinician, including the clinical laboratory, ultrasound examination and medicines administered are uploaded onto the solution.
  Cloud economics reducing the on-premises infrastructure costs while moving to the cloud-based operations.
  Early risk identification and management reducing the cost of care.
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