#the reality is you can also apply this to any skill
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not-poignant · 3 months ago
Hello Pia, you recently shared a post about an idea "too good" to write. Could you maybe elaborate a little on that point? What does that mean to someone who appears to be quite skilled in creating stories and characters?
I think everyone, at every stage in a skill they're honing, have goals they're trying to reach and skills they know they still need to work on. Even the folks who - from other people's perspective - seem like they (mostly) have it all together.
When I was working as an artist for example, I used inks and pencils at a professional level. I did natural history illustration at a professional level. I was very good at what I did and have sold the vast majority of everything I've ever illustrated!
But I'm still not skilled at drawing people (I'm getting better). I'm not skilled at oil paints or acrylics. And while some of my skills would transfer over pretty well (having a good eye, having a great sense of colour, having a decent sense of composition), it still remains that I have a lot to learn because being skilled in one thing is not being skilled at another.
And when you work like that and understand the craft like that, it gives you a different perspective. Folks who have zero ability in art might look at an artist's illustrations and simply assume they can easily transfer that to any medium or subject or technique, and folks who have more ability than the artist might look at their art and be like 'oh they're very good at animals and pencils but I've noticed they're weak on dynamic posturing and perspective.'
So where I'm at in writing is like this. I have a fair idea of my strengths, but I also have a fair idea of my weaknesses. There's certain very large scale ideas that I suspect I'm not yet ready for, because of either the scope of the plotting, or the depth of the worldbuilding. (I find worldbuilding easy. I find remembering all the details I created very hard).
There's also the fact that some of it is almost certainly fear. Like, fear of trying something new, fear of it going wrong, fear of making mistakes to get better. That absolutely is part of the journey, and the only way to overcome that is to get started and begin making the mistakes.
But no matter what level you're at, there's always a level you know you can't reach without more training and practice. The good news is a person doesn't always have to "grow" their skills relentlessly, just practicing what they love keeps what they do honed anyway. Like, I could stop here and keep writing the kinds of stories I write and do that for another ten years.
But I do want to keep growing, and keep learning new ways of telling stories, so...yeah, I do have story ideas that I know I'm not good enough to write (well) yet.
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arminsumi · 3 months ago
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Ahhh, student!Satoru, who's leaning into the palm of his hand, mouth concealed behind his pale hand, eyes stuck on you. And they've been stuck on you ever since he saw you first walk up the steps into Jujutsu Tech. Bright blue. Heart quivering. Fixed gaze.
He takes any excuse to be near you, even though he knows that you're annoyed by him — he's so cocky and full of himself. But don't you see that he's also just a lovesick boy? Look at the way he follows after you down the halls, long striding legs effortlessly meeting your quick pace.
You're just trying to get a cold soda from the vending machine after a long two hours of practicing martial arts with Satoru, Suguru and Shoko. And since Shoko promptly left with Suguru for a cigarette break, that left an overjoyed Satoru alone with you.
"Which flavor do you usually get?" he asks, grasping at any conversation starter he can think of. He just wants to talk to you, even if it's about something so dumb... even if it's while stood next to a vending machine.
"Uh, strawberry... it's my favorite."
He takes a mental note of that.
He's always trying to get your attention, even if he has to become a fool in order to earn a glance from you. Walking away, looking dumb, even his best friend shakes his head at him and tells him that he's way too downbad for a girl that doesn't even like him back.
But Satoru doesn't listen to anyone when they say that you don't like him back. He knows the chemistry is there, as awkward as it may be sometimes. He knows there's something connecting him and you, like an invisible thread.
He still brings you gifts on V-day. He still pesters you in class. He still shares one earbud with you on train rides. He still gets that accelerated heart beat when you so much as graze your hand over his while walking side-by-side.
So eagerly looking at your lips, Satoru pulls out lip balm and makes eye contact with you while applying it. He's always got chapped lips, he knows because someone made exactly 1 comment about it and now he's never forgotten to put a lip balm in his pocket.
"Whatchya starin' at my lips for? You wanna have a taste of strawberry?" he winks, puckering his kissable lips at you.
"Ough..." you cringe at him, "Satoru, it's no wonder you're single."
Okay, he has zero flirting skills. But he earns a smile out of you right then, so even if he's cringe, he's surely doing something right. Are the cogs turning in your head? Do you think he's cute? Do you want to kiss him should he lean into a kiss oh he's leaning into a kiss now aaand he nearly falls flat on his face, because you didn't notice that he was leaning in for a kiss and now he just has to play it off and look like a dumbass once again.
His feelings grow exponentially as the years pass.
You're always catching him staring and he doesn't even feel ashamed.
Though it's been on his mind all the time, it's not until after three years of knowing you that Satoru kisses you.
It happens one day during heavy rainfall. He runs to you with a grin, no umbrella, totally soaked, and like a bright-eyed bunny he bounces at your side.
He's unzipping his uniform jacket, hanging it over the two of you. The proximity has his heart thumping. Before he knows it, he's leaning down to kiss you, right there as the two of you are concealed from the world in your own little bubble — in reality, everyone knows that you two are liplocking under Satoru's jacket. Duh. His shoes click on the ground as he repositions himself, bending his knees and arching down to meet your lips, 'till his spine gets angry at him for falling for a short girl.
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kierongillen · 8 months ago
General Player Advice For RPGs
I published this in my newsletter here a while back, and discourse reminded me I wanted to put it more public. I probably should get around to actually doing a proper blog for this kind of stuff. You can sign up to the newsletter here.
One of the things which I’ve been chewing over since getting back into RPGs is that there’s so much advice for GMs and so little advice for players. I keep thinking over why - though the whys aren’t what I’m about to write about. However, some other folk think any worthwhile advice is system/genre specific.
This got me chewing over whether I agree with that. As the list below shows, I don’t.
The first four are ones where I think I succeeded, and as principles generally guide you towards better play no matter what game you’re playing. The last three are mainly applicable to games with a significant story component (the last especially). There’s a few more I played with, but they were more about being a good at the table generally – about being a better player in any game rather than specifically about role-playing games. I also avoided ones which were more GM-and-player advice rather than just player advice (if there’s a problem in game, communicate out of game, use appropriate safety tools, etc).
I also didn’t include “Buy The GM Stuff”.
Anyway – here they are. See what you think.
1) Make choices that support the table’s creative goals
If you’re playing a storygame, don’t treat it like a tactical wargame. If you’re playing a tactical wargame, don’t treat it like a storygame. If it’s bleak horror, don’t make jokes. If you’re in a camp cosy romp, don’t bring in horror. It also varies from moment to moment – if someone’s scene is sincere, don’t undercut it.
2) Be A Fan of The Other Characters
This is GM advice in almost all Powered By the Apocalypse games – for the GM to be a fan of the characters. It’s a good trait for a player to cultivate. Be actively excited and interested in the other characters’ triumphs and disasters. Cheer them on. Feel for them. Players being excited for other players always makes the game better. Players turning off until it’s their turn always makes it worse.
3) Be aware of the amount of spotlight time you’re taking
This is a hard one for fellow ADHD-ers, but have an awareness of who is speaking more and who is speaking less. A standard GM skill is moving spotlight time around to players who have had less time. Really good players do this too. Pass the ball.
4) Learn what rules apply to you, to smooth the game, not derail it.
To stress, this isn’t “come to the table knowing everything” but learning the rules that are relevant to your character along the way, especially if they are marginal (looking at you, Grappling and Alchemy rules). Doing otherwise adds to the facilitator’s cognitive load and hurts the game’s flow. The flip is being aware that knowing stuff isn’t an excuse to break the game’s flow with a rules debate either – that’s an extension of the third principle.
5) Make choices which support other characters’ reality
If someone’s playing a scary bastard, treat them like a scary bastard. If they’re meant to be the leader, have your character treat them like the leader , for better or worse. A fictional reality is shared, and you construct it together.
6) Ensure The Group Understands Who Your Character Is
This is the flip of the above – having a character conception that is clear enough that everyone gets who you are, what you want to do and how you want to do it. If you don’t, the table will be incapable of supporting your choices. This links to…
7) If asked a preference in a story game, a strong choice is almost always better than a middling choice.
Don’t equivocate. If asked “You’ve met this person before. How do you feel about him?” either “I love him” or “I hate him” is better than anything middling. The exception is if it’s something you’re really not interested in pursuing.
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traumasurvivors · 7 months ago
I see a lot of conversations surrounding consent and wanted to talk about it a bit.
When most people think about consent, they think about sexual contexts.  In reality, consent is important in non-sexual situations, too.  You need consent before you borrow or touch someone else's stuff, get in their personal space, or show up at their home.
When it comes to consent, it should be a freely-given yes. This means it is not threatened, guilted, manipulated or coerced in anyway. And silence is not consent. This means that things like "maybe", "I'm not sure" or even flirting are not consent. Consent must be a freely-given yes, and not what you assume is a "yes."
Another thing to consider is whether the person is capable of consent. If someone is high or drunk, they cannot consent. Children can never consent to sexual acts. And consent must always be informed, as in the person knows what they are consenting to.
Consent should also be for the specific thing you're about to do. Someone consenting to kissing does not mean they consent to touching or so on. Someone being in a relationship does not mean they automatically consent to anything else. Consent should also be for this specific time. As in, if someone has consented before, then that doesn't mean they consent this time. A person's comfort level may vary, or they just might not be up to something and that's okay.
With that said, sometimes people have different standards of consent in their relationship. And that's okay. For example, a couple may decide that in their relationship, someone doesn't need a "yes" every single time but is free to proceed unless someone says no. They've mutually agreed that it's okay to assume the answer is "yes". For them, they've decided their consent is 'no means no' instead of 'yes means yes'. Another example in a platonic relationship is that some friends might decide that in their friendship, hugging without asking is totally okay.
One example is that I have people in my life that are allowed to hug me without asking unless I ask them not to. My partner went to hug me when I was upset the other day, and that's okay because he has been told he can do so unless I say "no" and in this case, I did say "no" because I was upset. And he respected it, and we moved on. I let him know when I was up to being hugged again.
However, when agreeing to different standards of consent in a relationship, the same rules apply. It should be a freely-given yes to the new standards, and the person should be capable of consenting. They should also be fully informed of what they are agreeing to.
One last thing I want to touch on is that consent can be withdrawn at any time. Even if you're right in the middle of something.
Consent can be incredibly complicated, and if you are ever not sure, ask. There is nothing wrong with checking in and making sure someone is okay with the situation.
It's especially important to be careful in how you navigate consent with children.  Modelling healthy consent in non-sexual contexts with children helps them understand that their bodies are their own and they have the right to feel safe and comfortable, too.  It protects them from predators as children, and sets them up to navigate consent in healthier ways as adults later in life.
Consent for hugs is frequently ignored with children.  Many children are forced to give or accept unwanted hugs from family members and told they're being rude or unfriendly if they don't cooperate.  This teaches them that their bodily autonomy doesn't matter, and makes them vulnerable to sexual predators.  By allowing children to set their own boundaries around what kinds of non-sexual physical touch they are comfortable with, when they want to receive that touch, and from whom, it helps them learn to recognize and enforce their own boundaries.  Those skills are incredibly valuable later in adulthood when they begin to navigate sexual consent both with their own bodies and with the bodies of their sexual partners.
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melaninfury · 2 months ago
Pt. 1
What is a Solar Return Chart?
A solar return chart is a chart of your energy or activated energy over a period of a year. What you do for a solar return is calculate a chart for the moment Sun returns to where it was at the moment you were born. It can be seen as a forecast or even an indicator to how the energy of your year will flow. Themes, events and important changes can be seen from this chart
Importance of the planets in solar return -
Each planets original representation is then dissected further into its aspected energy in your original birth chart. If you have an energy activated in your solar return chart reference that energy Natal to understand how that planet is ultimately influencing your planetary energy throughout the year. A good example is a Taurus sun in the 4th house having a Scorpio Sun at Cancer degree, an energy causing opposition but great growth in your year, allowing your more emotional stability in your self expression. This year will bring a deep shift outside your comfort zone, yet a familiar test of faith regarding who you are in the light of day. Or how your personality is perceived. Deep profound transformation, perception of reality in which you are in shifting significantly. Maybe a deep dive into your deeper ancestry and roots.
Indicators of Love
The Planet of Love VENUS - When looking for love in your solar return chart reference the planet of love Venus, its placement in your 7th house can indicate love coming in through committed partnership, friendships, and business dealings. Venus is your 5th house can indicate crushes and live experiences in the form of dates and fun thrills with friends/partners or potential suitors, not a committed energy more of an indulging energy. The energy of Venus can encapsulate your desires this year. What you idealize in a partner or love can be seen from conjunction or aspected energy to your planet of love.
Planet of Communication MERCURY - When looking at love in your solar return chart reference the planet of the mind Mercury. Its placement in signs like Libra, Taurus or even Scorpio (etc.) in your love & romance house. Sparks a new found interest in expanding your mind in love and relationship, one may want to explore their options. Energy may also call for a lot of communication or texting with someone. Even wanting to observe or dissect hidden truth (hidden feelings and intense emotions). I have also seen a lot declaration of passion be expressed by mercurial energy in SR. It also indicates what or maybe who you’re thinking about the most.
Indicators of Finances
2nd/8th house axis is an important representation of financial change/growth/stagnancy in a chart. 2nd house placement with personal planets indicated a new lesson regarding your economic status and even self perception. Do you feel stable? That is reestablished through the 2nd house. Work routines can also be seen here but the 2nd house is truly going to show what you are valuing. 6th house can also be referenced as it is your daily habits and the way you apply your time daily. You can see your work routine and ethic from here. You adding skill to your resume for more pay well you’ll see that here too.
Of course you can see material possessions as well from the 2nd house, but what about the 8th house? 8th house is your debts, any loans or extra financial responsibility will be clarified in the 8th house, in fact things directly placed in your 2nd house will oppose or restrict certain placement in the 8th if the energy is malefic. The 8th house is also the house of others money. Gifts, Inheritance and Lucky Cashouts will be seen in the 8th house. Taxes and payouts are also seen here. Check the energy it aspects for more clarification.
Indicators of College/Education
Mars in the 9th could be your steppigg mg into a competitive learning environment or ambitious one like a prestigious college. One can be inclined to plan out meticulously in mercurial signs or pioneer passionately in fire towards their learning.
North node or Mercury in the 3rd indicates LOTS of information (downloads) coming in and out of conversation, networking or overall most conversation had with people. Things from the past can serve as learning tools for the path forward. Feeling called to truly think about their reality thoroughly. Truly a student of life this year. Could have trade or course like education appear as an opportunity to learn/grow skill.
Indicators of Turmoil/Emotional Imbalance
A squared Chiron is an indicator of some deep emotional pain/healing. Themes of the sign really highlight how this emotional lesson will extend in your year. Chiron in mental or learning house can indicated a pain in spices of speaking up or being represented even heard. Chiron energy isn’t harsh rather than intensely intent, if one is afraid nataly Chiron can show where you may be challenged to overcome. One can face rebirths and reinvention of self. Squaring Pluto can be really tough as the emotional cleansing is brutal even if for the highest good of self. Chiron is painful at times but it ultimately can be a great source of growth for you in the year.
Pluto in solar return shows the deep and profound transformation in a solar return. Pluto is uplifting at times but also intense experience are also seen in this planet. As the planet that represents intense trauma and pain it also forged regeneration and transmutation. Any issues of the year can be pinpointed yet transformed in the SR. It is a point of power, your power or maybe someone’s over you alas it is a transformative energy.
Indicators of Fated Events
Fated events in a solar return shows up mainly in the vertex placement, as this point in a chart represents fated events. It also is an energy point that is potent to bring any energy to its pinnacle as a moment or perfectly timed unexplained experience. It is also a mini Jupiter of expanding energy but more in a focalized area like a laser beam. If vertex is placed in the 7th house bet you will have fated partnership, retributions, and business dealings this year. This should be in conjunction or directly aspected personal planets or points in chart.
Another point of fate in a SR chart is your chart ruler energy in natals chart, and where it falls in the solar return, your house of self and self representation can be the pinnacle of fated events or energy. If your natal placements like stellium make an appearance in degrees or opposite sing stellium shows a fated area of importance this year. Also referencing any potential placement and where it falls in your SR can show where life may take you in a fated ride.
Purchase a new year reading with me. Information located in my main post!
TY ❤️
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robin-evry · 4 months ago
HII i'm loving your works omg! could i ask you to make a bronya!yuu or silverwolf!yuu? (you can choose just one if you want). take care or yourself and do your work at your time, no need to rush! :D
I decided to do two but sorry if bronya is so short , aww thank you.
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A member of the Stellaron Hunters and a genius hacker. She sees the universe as a massive immersive simulation game and has fun with it. She's mastered the skill known as "aether editing," which can be used to tamper with the data of reality.
Silver wolf!yuu is rarely known in nrc, they prefer to stay behind the scenes only a few students know about their existence.
Rarely appear in public, mostly using their holograms to go to school. It's pretty rare to see them actually outside of the ramshackle dorm.
Has a habit of disappearing and appearing, imagine your standing there and suddenly a hologram or game particles appear and silver wolf!yuu appear beside you.
Every time Crowley manages to piss them off, silver wolf!yuu would choose an area to vandalize at school, and some students manage to learn when you take a photo of it you can get a hidden message from silver wolf!yuu about Crowley.
silver wolf!yuu has a habit of collecting data about students, they have a database about their past, quirks, strength and weakness.
A very famous gamer in twst known to beat unbeatable levels of any game in twst and they use a fake alias. They hear about idia ranting towards Ortho about their game persona and find it funny. And join many game tournaments and win them easily and they gained money for this.
The ignihyde dorm is their second home, the dorm has good wifi for gaming. And manage to get close to idia and Ortho and talk about games with each other.
Their uniform has technology imbued to it. allowing them to access and project holographic screens on command. These are mainly used for quick data checks, sending encrypted messages, or pulling up maps and files in real-time without needing a handheld device.
They possessed a higher advanced technology than anything in twst. Also they use their aether hacking to change the ramshackle to their liking.
In battle, they would dominate due to having a lot hex on their side, they can hack into reality and get in the students file and remove the overblot. Or use it to discover and apply weakness towards the enemy.
They also have a mysterious job, operated as a freelancer, known for taking on jobs that require skill, secrecy, and the ability to circumvent the most complex security systems. Their reputation was built on their expertise in digital infiltration, information gathering, and high-stakes hacking, often working for those willing to pay for their skills without asking too many questions. most of their clients seem to be suspicious or not morally good.
Notorious for being a phone addict always playing their game outside or inside of class and when they were asked a question they immediately answered it correctly.
They also have a talent of engineering zoning out imagining about creating new tech ideas, mods and strategies for games.
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Heir apparent to the Supreme Guardian of Belobog. She possesses pride befitting of a princess, but also the determination and integrity of a soldier.
Bronya!yuu is the embodiment of what a leader and an heir should be. Their charisma is able to encourage people and lead them towards the right path.
As well a dignified soldier bronya!yuu may look weak but are by far one of the most efficient in hand to hand combat, able to pin down a student who is bigger than them.
Has a tendency to reminisce about their mother and would just sit there and reminisce about them and grim would always be there to comfort them.
An expert marksman, rook and them once a week have a contest with each other who ever is the better marksman.
They are by far one of vil favorite, they are dignified, elegant and strong like a soldier and a princess should be, they also inspired epel to be more like them he admired them and have lessons with him where they tutor him.
They are patient and calm in the heeds of battle always believing as being one in harmony they could work together and forge a more successful path, as well being the back bone of a battle planning and helping them behind the scenes by shooting at the enemy
Them and Lilia would usually trade military tactics to each other over a cup of tea and also discussing other topics
They usually get burned out and they don't know when to rest, since they always have to keep a princess like dignity many of the first years notice and comfort them during hard times.
Bronya!yuu abilities allow them to enhance their comrade ability extremely towards its potential, as well to summon winter soldiers to help them but it takes a lot of energy.
Have a love and interest in history, usually seen in the library studying about twst long history and enjoy talking about them to their friends.
As well being a top student, always studying and getting good grades without any issue and always be respectful towards people
By far have a good reputation at school for being a capable leader, many students admire their discipline, while others have some sort of a sense of rivalry with them.
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loloslaystheday · 1 year ago
Me and My Husband
pairing: sanemi shinazugawa x fem!reader
prompt: he’s scared of leaving you alone because of the demon slayer mark rules. it’s caused a lot of arguments, but even still, you’re staying with him for as long as you can.
note: this lil picture thing is stupid but it’s also cute so yeahhhh🫰🏾 blame my terrible editing skills
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“sanemi?” you call, padding around the house in search of your husband.
he’d been distant lately and you found it weird.
did you do something wrong?
but you turned the corner and there he was, suddenly sat on the couch with his head in his hands.
“you scared me.” you say, a coy grin on your face.
“sorry.” he utters in his gruff voice. you notice he seemed a bit off.
“is something wrong?” you ask as you trail over. taking a seat beside him on the couch, you take his hand in yours to try and reassure him about whatever’s going on.
he glanced at you. a soft look glossed over his eyes the moment he saw you and for some reason he couldn’t hold back his tears.
tears? from sanemi? you’d never seen him cry before.
“nemi…” you muttered, kissing his knuckle and running his back with your free hand. “what’s wrong?”
he leaned into your shoulder, his hair tickling your chin.
“i’m selfish.” he says simply.
you manage to hold in your laughter as you ask, “and how is that?”
“in four… no, three years, i’m going to leave you and…” he sighs deeply, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you close. so close that you could feel the love he had for you. “and our kid. i don’t want to leave you to raise them by yourself.” he whimpered.
you felt terrible hearing him cry like this. it was such a rare thing, you thought it’d never happen ever again.
and suddenly, you started crying.
“he won’t even know who i am!” Sanemi choked out.
you pet his hair down.
“yes he will. i’ll make sure of it. tell him everything there is to know about you, like how much you loved him and how much you cared.” you try to assure. but the reality sunk into you.
you only had 3 years left together? that wasn’t nearly enough time. and the days only seemed to pass by quicker and quicker every year, and in a flash it’d be 2 years and then…
you just wished that somehow the rule didn’t apply now that muzan was gone and you could raise your son together.
“sanemi, i love you.” you say. and in that moment you think you meant it more than any other time you’d said it.
“i love you too.” he responds near instantly.
and no matter what, you’d make sure that your son would know how much his father loved him and you and how he’d sacrifice the world to save him.
because at least in that lifetime, you were sticking together.
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petalruesimblr · 8 months ago
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Hello everyone! I'm back with another realistic part-time career with a bit of The Sims 3 twist and this time, it's a teen internship! Drawing inspiration from science programs such as BRAINYAC and GeoSciences Bridge Program designed for high school students which is perfect for our teens and they can even be promoted to a full Science career.
If you are interested, click on ’Keep Reading’ below for more information and pictures of the Landgraab Science Internship Career.
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Landgraab Science Internship
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Generations Version: Sim File Share | Base Game Version: Sim File Share ⚠️Download and use only one!
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Attention, aspiring scientists! Dust off your lab coats and tighten those safety goggles because the Landgraab Science Internship is here to make your scientific dreams a reality. From potion brewing to genetic decoding, discover the thrill of discovery alongside industry experts. Say goodbye to mundane careers and hello to a future where innovation meets aspiration, one bubbling beaker at a time with Landgraab Science Internship!
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Career Type: Part-Time Available for: Teens Available Languages: English Levels: 3 Rabbit Hole: ScienceLab Work Days: M,F,S Work Hours: 4PM - 7PM Does it have Carpool? Yes Does it have Uniforms? Yes (details under Final Notes) File Type: Package Min. Required Game Version: 1.42 Packs Needed: The Sims 3, Generations 📣All descriptions for the levels, tones and metrics as well as skills required, salary, uniforms and other details are provided on the pictures above.
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NRAAS Careers Mod Generations Expansion Pack - if you choose the Generations Version.
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I've used fairly common level names for this internship as I couldn't think of any others that fit perfectly. Some might sound familiar as I utilized them from The Sims and Sims 2 console games, such as Lab Assistant and Lab Cleaner respectively, although I haven't played those games myself, so the tones used here may differ. The work days for this internship are scheduled for Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays due to Thursday is considered as a holiday if you have the Seasons expansion pack and Shop Club meetings are on Tuesday and Wednesday if you have the Generations expansion pack. The package file includes uniforms and one of them is taken from the Generations expansion pack, specifically from the Catalyst Chemistry Lab Station (Chemistry table) excluding the goggles. Recognizing that not everyone may have this expansion pack, I've created two versions. The Generations version features a lab coat for levels 1 and 2, while the Base Game version uses base game outfits for all three levels. Please download and use only one version in your game! 📣 Upon reaching level three in their internship, teens will be eligible for promotion to the Science career upon applying once they become young adults. Instructions are provided in the picture above; right-click on it and select 'Open image in new tab' for a clearer view. As stated above, you will need NRAAS Careers Mod for these careers to show up in the game and as long as you have the latest version of it, it should work for higher patches. You can also read my #psa regarding these careers, click here. I’m not fluent in any other languages to translate so if anyone is interested in translating this career, please don’t hesitate to send me a message here, comment on this post or let me know in my Ask/Contact form (if you don't have a Tumblr account) and will let you know the details. I have tested this career in my game, so far it is working and all scripts are showing up. All feedback is very welcome to help me learn and improve my skills so please let me know if you experience any problems on your end and I’ll do my best to sort it as soon as possible.
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MissyHissy step-by-step tutorial Twallan for the Career Mod S3pe
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foggyworksbutbetter · 11 months ago
something minor i noticed in “the spider within”
so they dropped a new spiderverse short, and after like the 5th watch i noticed smth interesting
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you’ll notice the bed, miles, and the spider within are animated on twos (which means theres a new drawing on every other frame) while everything else around him is animated on ones.
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some of the broken pieces of the bed so start being animated on ones, assumedly to make it smoother, but miles and the spider within all remain on twos as miles is pushed out of his room.
this was a technique they used during into the spiderverse as well. when miles is learning how to be spiderman, he’s animated on twos while peter is animated on ones to represent the gap in their skill levels and also the difference in their universes. you can also see this technique used on a couple other spiderpeople in that movie. it creates an effect where you can just tell how unnatural their movements look in the world around them—even if you can’t quite pinpoint why—because they aren’t in the right universe. applying that idea to this scene, it shows miles’ disconnect from the world around him, from reality itself. we already know that what he was seeing and doing wasn’t real, since his dad didn’t react to any of the screaming or panicked crawling despite being a very alert person (demonstrated when he jumps at miles opening the door). it’s a very minor but interesting detail that further shows how out of touch with reality miles is as a result of his stress and trauma.
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mydearestbeloved · 4 months ago
okay, you said illusion is part of reader's arsenal so i think it would be cool if she has an AOE skill where she creates a fragrant field of flowers that heals and buffs allies but any enemies that step into the field will be teleport back to the other side before they can cross over it, kinda like a never ending loop? samsara? the cycle of life and birth? (i was inspired seeing shu arknights skill set)
?System¿: [Under review. Ideas considered for future versions.]
Interesting idea you got there. 🤩
You might notice by now that I love giving some logics behind what was supposed to be pure magic, if I can. That's one of my ways to make this story concept a bit more distinct than the others, and also a way for me to fit in the original narratives. Because as far as I know, from spoilers of the webnovel/novel and game, and from the webtoon/manhwa and anime, the mechanics of healer class hunter's power is not widely explained and developed. It's like filling in the gaps/plotholes with what-ifs and all that. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. 🙏
So, let me clarify a few things about the current Reader's powers as of now (12/11/2024):
For AOE heals, buffs, and even enemies debuffs, Reader's butterflies already got that covered.
The butterflies' main power is inspired by the very nature of butterflies in real life, pollination. While they might not be as effective as bees in that regard, they still feed on flowers' nectar (enemies' lifeforce). When they do this, their bodies collect pollen (excess energy) and carry it to other plants (allies) to help produce new seeds (in the form of heals and buffs).
The reason I also choose butterflies instead of bees are for their physical appearance. Hear me out first before anyone could get mad.
I'm not saying that I chose butterflies purely because of their aesthetics, over the effectiveness of bees. What I'm trying to say is that bees' have visible stinger, butterflies don't. This fact plays part in the Reader's vibe of being beautiful but deadly. Illusions is one of the reasons we perceive something that were actually dangerous as harmless, it tricked us into thinking that something so pleasing to the eyes couldn't possible hurt us, yet reality says otherwise. As the saying goes, "Don't let the looks fool you."
Now onto the 'field of flowers' concept in what is as of currently the latest drafted chapter of my Trial Player AU.
Plants in general absorb carbondioxide (mana, or other versions of it, like the contaminated ones) and produce oxygen (lifeforce) in exchange.
Additionally, in my story, the concept applied is that living beings continuously produce their own mana while they're alive. If they're freshly dead, there will only be residue mana from being alive just moments prior, limited and will be dispersed into the atmosphere as time goes on.
To simplify: 'Lifeforce' is the essence of mana. Being alive automatically produce mana, hence taking just a small amount of 'lifeforce' sourced from living beings can be converted to an abundant amount of mana. However, while Reader can still take back a mana's essence with the flower field, the field needs to take a larger amount of mana (CO2) just to produce smaller amount of 'lifeforce' (O2) to then be used by the butterflies (conduits) in a cycle and for Reader herself.
Hence the scenes in my Trial Player AU rendition of Solo Leveling's Demon Castle Arc. The land are roaming with demons and the undeads, perfect for the flower field. Though there's a catch that I can't fully explain for now, the 'contaminated' mana of the creatures there. The current Jinwoo in the manhwa can't extract Metus' shadow for exactly that reason, and while Reader was still able to use that mana, the contamination in it will have an effect on her, as shown briefly at the end of the chapter.
Last but not least, your Samsara cycle idea.
Awesome idea actually, one I want to ask for your permission to incorporate this concept in the future since you're the one who brought it up. 🙏
As of you know now, the current Reader's power is limited. To use that idea of yours now would be to imply that Reader could've reversed wounds to heal instead of accelerating cells (or other automatic biological processes) and subsequently trigger <Decay> if too much was sped up.
The current her was already struggling with <Erode>, a spell that supposedly accelerate weathering (not an automatic process) that needs outer factors like water, air, sunlight, or the help of living organisms, in which she managed to substitue them with applying more mana, hence the cost, time, and focus she needs to use the spell.
To simplify, to reverse a wound would be to reverse the cause of that very wound, hence dominion over space is also required, not just time. To make a 'Samsara Cycle' as you described needed the same power of space and time. A limitation for the current Reader...
For now. 🤫😉
That's all I can say for now regarding your ask. Hopefully, this was a satisfactory answer.
Thank you, for reading my stories, for your ideas, and for giving me the opportunity to share my own ideas. 💞
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 9 months ago
20 minutes of my life I'll never get back. 🤦‍♂️
I must be a glutton for punishment because I actually watched Kinsey Schofield's 20 min interview w/Valentine Low. May this rant save you from making the same mistake:
Valentine Low & Kinsey Schofield just reminded me that the British press is in desperate need of a grief recovery workshop to let go of their palace manufactured PR image of Sparry, "the CONSERVATIONIST," and accept the REALITY: Sparry has ALWAYS been a member of the lost boys who never intend to grow up. He loves drugs, perverted soho house sex play pens, and living a secret lifestyle in San Francisco, CA. As we saw in the South Park Documentary, Sparry has always wanted to be left alone so he can just bang on his drums all day.
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The British media needs to accept that they never knew the Sparry aka Prince Harry. Much like Fergie & Andrew: The Meghans are two (2) intellectually below average individuals who married in haste. Both their academic & professional work histories indicate that these two (2) immature adults, lack even the basic skills necessary to function in society without the help of a PR "machine" whose job is to clean up their messes and repeatedly rebrand them into more acceptable members of polite society. It's past time for Valentine Low and other UK journalists to admit that they never really knew Sparry. All their Diana goodwill should now be invested into the future of the BRF (the family of Prince William)
No amount of hoping for the best or "covering up" for Sparry's misdeeds can transform the moral rot in his character. They bought and sold the PR image manufactured by the palace. It was the paparazzi & other "undesirables" who had the misfortune of observing the REAL Sparry. They watched him mistreat drivers, security, staffers, etc long BEFORE he was seduced by MEgain.
V Low believes Sparry flew a helicopter! 😳 Come on! Too many REAL service members have spoken out about Sparry's military character and performance and there's nothing good about it.
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Sparry, like his wife is also a liar and a bully. He's not intellectually bright, he never was... He even bullied his grandparents before the "spectacle," he bullied Meghan's father...we heard reports about seeking a left wing wife and his interest in living in the US----all before MEgain.
Low also thinks Sparry loves his children. Has Valentine Low ever seen the invisibles? No. He's transferred a PR image to a couple of never before seen kids and their so called father. A so-called "father" who is willing to destroy his brother's children (and the innocent children of other couples) through the spread of destructive lies, has zero interest in the REAL wellbeing of anyone's kids, least of all his own.
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As for the Wife: her ability to earn a college degree as an American teenager/young adult without even the offer of an ACADEMIC scholarship means that she too is mediocre and overrated. Her university commencement program states that she was a candidate for a degree in "communications" NOT some whip smart area of study like biochemistry or engineering! 🤦‍♂️
As a university student, thanks to her dad's brother (mike), she spent a measly six (6) weeks in Argentina on an exchange program (paid by her father) until she failed an exam that would have allowed her to apply for (real) jobs in the States. An intellectual or any hard worker would have studied until she passed the test. Not Rachel Meghan Markle. If no one was willing to make an exception for her low marks, then she would whore her way up a series of ladders until she found someone dumb enough to give her a platform.
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No, this is NOT a "smart" couple. This couple is a cautionary tale about how Water seeks it's own level: Sparry's mother and teachers did him a disservice, just as MEgain's father did her a disservice: SPARE the rod & SPOIL the child
Kinsey believes that MEgain is "smart" because she achieved a Duchess title. (What does this tell us about Kinsey's IQ. 🤦‍♂️😳)
MEgain became a "Duchess" because she was a professional "seductress" employeed by Markus Anderson & Soho House. Everything this couple achieves is smoke & mirrors based on TRANSACTIONAL relationships where they bully & harass anyone standing in their way.
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They don't even possess good work ethics, let alone above average IQs. Please call a spade a spade (or in this case a spare a spare) and stop gaslighting the public about what Sparry could have done had he not been involved with the wife.
We watched the wife verbally abuse KP staffers over bereavement flowers and feckless Sparry stood by in AGREEMENT. Wicked queen Jezebel 2.0 and traitorous king ahab 2.0. Let them go!
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project-sekai-facts · 1 year ago
Project SEKAI 3rd anniversary: Brand New World - recap post (MK-II)
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(main promotional art / title screen)
I thought it would be useful to make a post recapping everything we know about the 3rd anniversary update, since we’re getting closer and closer to the anniversary now and there’s gonna be a lot of changes to keep up with. I’ll continue to update this as more stuff is released with both character/story information and general game updates and other news (goes without saying but spoiler warning for this post).
Note that all of this applies to the JP server only.
Official site link
Section 1 - Characters & Story
This is probably the bit people are more interested in
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New stock artworks for each unit have been released on the 3rd anniversary website! In addition, character bios using the new arts have been released on Twitter! The Virtual Singer bios have not changed, but the ones for the human characters have, and I've added translations of these in the character section just a bit below here. You can find these new bios linked below:
Virtual Singer
Leo/need (Ichika) (Saki) (Honami) (Shiho)
MORE MORE JUMP! (Minori) (Haruka) (Airi) (Shizuku)
Vivid BAD SQUAD (Kohane) (An) (Akito) (Toya)
WonderlandsxShowtime (Tsukasa) (Emu) (Nene) (Rui)
25-ji, Nightcord de. (Kanade) (Mafuyu) (Ena) (Mizuki)
Videos about the "path every unit has taken and what comes next" are being released on YouTube! These are essentially just PVs for the third anniversary and feature past event cards + quotes alongside the new stock arts for each character. Note these videos are in Japanese and do not have subtitles for any other language.
25-ji, Nightcord de.
In Get Over It., Leo/need receives an offer from Yoshiki Shindou to sign on to the record label he works for, Solis Records. Leo/need accepted the offer and signed a contract with Solis, making them professionals. However, they have yet to officially debut as a professional band.
She has a cool appearance, but in reality she is a kind girl who cares about her friends. She formed Leo/need with her childhood friends Saki, Honami and Shiho, and they became professional musicians like they longed to be. She is the guitarist and vocalist for the band and also writes lyrics for their original songs. She has recently taken up the challenge of producing music using the Hatsune Miku software.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-A Job: Staff at a fast food joint Height: 161 -> 162cm Other notes: She is no longer class rep, and has joined the broadcasting committee because she wanted to play music she liked on the radio and improve her MC skills
A cheerful mood-maker who always has a smile on her face, she serves as Leo/need's keyboardist. Having been sick and unable to attend school for a long time, she values spending time with others, enjoying her youth and being close to the hearts of those who are suffering - things that are all reflected in her songwriting.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-B Job: Waitress at carino/carina cafe Height: 159 -> 160cm
The drummer of Leo/need, an honour student who excels at academics and athletic, and who has a kind and gentle nature. She used to worry about making decisions because she didn't want to hurt people, but through her band activities, she has learnt to have the courage to take charge and stand up for herself. Now, she supports Leo/need with her newfound strength.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-A Job: Housekeeper for Kanade Height: 166cm Other notes: She's continuing to be a member of the beautification committee
Leo/need's bassist. Due to her stoic nature, especially when music is involved, she is often misunderstood by those around her to be an asocial loner. However, she is very fond of everyone in Leo/need, who have worked with her to fulfil her dream of becoming a professional musician.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-B Job: Livehouse staff Height: 159cm Other notes: due to Saki growing, she is now the shortest member of Leo/need. She also joined the animal caretaker committee because she liked volunteering there occasionally in 1st year
In Re-tie Friendship, MORE MORE JUMP! considers making the move to their school’s credit-based course, after their idol and school schedules start to clash. In the end they decide to change course, with the decision becoming official in STEP by STEP!.
A pure, hard-working girl. She is the only member of MORE MORE JUMP! with no prior experience as an idol, but was able to prove herself to fans through many activities, and was even able to perform a solo concert with her group just like she'd always dreamed. Now, she's continuing to work hard with her group to become known nationwide and be able to peform live at a dome venue.
School year: 1st -> 2nd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 1-A -> 2-D Job: Waitress at carino/carina cafe -> none (quit to focus on idol work) Height: 158 -> 159cm Other notes: She's going to continue as a member of the animal caretaker committee
Former top idol and member of the nationally famous group, ASRUN. She is currently a member of MORE MORE JUMP!, and after the group's first solo live, is even more motivated to continue pursuing her idol career. She recently decided to transfer back to her school's credit system, alongside Minori, so that she can dedicate more time to her work once again.
School year: 1st -> 2nd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 1-C -> 2-D Job: None Height: 163cm
Former member of the idol group QT. With her strong passion and pride for being an idol, she is a powerful source of motivation for her groupmates. She is also skilled at planning and schedule management, and completes the tasks that are essential for MORE MORE JUMP!, since they don't belong to an agency.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 2-D -> 3-E Job: None Height: 156cm
Former center of the idol group Cheerful*Days, which is still popular now. She had bit of a rift with the members of her former group after leaving because things didn't work out between them, but was able to reconcile with them a bit after they appeared on a TV show with MORE MORE JUMP!, and is now moving forward in a positive way.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 2-D -> 3-E Job: None Height: 168cm Other notes: She is no longer on the beautification committee and has joined the healthcare committee because she wanted to try something different
The squad was told the truth behind RAD WEEKEND, that being that the event was held as a swan song for Nagi, who passed away a few weeks afterwards due to terminal cancer. Taiga then challenged VBS, EVER, Arata and Kotaro to a singing battle, easily defeating them all. EVER decides to take a hiatus from street music, while Arata leaves town. Vivid BAD SQUAD decide that they need to work even harder if they want to surpass RAD WEEKEND, and Ken temporarily closes WEEKEND GARAGE so he can become their mentor.
Although she used to be shy and timid, she became more confident in her singing through friendly competition and encouragement from her teammates, and through the training of Taiga, one of the members of the group who held the legendary RAD WEEKEND event. Although she was once defeated by her mentor and became frustrated because of it, she was able to stand up to Taiga and declare that she still wanted to surpass RAD WEEKEND.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-A Job: None Height: 156cm Other notes: She joined the beautification committee due to the workload being less than the animal committee
The cheerful, sincere and open-minded poster girl of WEEKEND GARAGE. While working to organise an event that surpasses the legendary RAD WEEKEND held by her father and his teammates, she was shocked to learn the secret about what happened to Nagi, the person she looked up to most. However, after learning about Nagi's true feelings from her father, she was able to pick herself up and once again vow to surpass the legend.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-A Job: Waitress at WEEKEND GARAGE -> none (WEG is closed while Ken mentors VBS) Height: 160cm Other notes: She left the disciplinary committee, and is now on the broadcasting committee
A hard-working person who practices diligently to make his dream of surpassing the legendary RAD WEEKEND event come true. The weight of the secret behind RAD WEEKEND almost made him give up, but he was reminded of the passion he had for his dream, which inspired him to get back up and push forwards.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-A Job: Sales assistant at a clothing store -> none (quit to focus on VBS) Height: 174 -> 176cm Other notes: He's taller than KAITO now
A young prodigy born into a family of famous classical musicians. Whilst aiming to surpass the legendary RAD WEEKEND event, Toya has been trying his hand at composing music for his group. Despite being overwhelmed by the true level of the legendary event, with the experience he has acquired so far, he hopes to overcome the barriers with his teammates and see what lies ahead.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-B Job: None Height: 178 -> 179cm Other notes: He's still a member of the library committee
Bonus note: Kohane and Toya still do not call their teammates outside their respective partners by their first names.
Second note: Akito's bio refers to his fes story unlike everyone else's that allude to past event stories. Read his fes story.
In Our Happy Ending, Rui proposes that WonderlandsxShowtime begin operating as a freelance unit instead of as Phoenix Wonderland cast. Emu initially declines, but her brothers encourage her to go with the others, since she’s still young and should take the opportunity to get out there while she can. After one more show at PXL, WxS’ contract is terminated and they officially become freelancers.
The chairman of WonderlandsxShowtime, who aspires to be the biggest star in the world. After a variety of experiences as a cast member, he developed a desire to see the wider world and learn more about his craft. Eventually he decided to leave the Wonder Stage with his troupemates and take the next step.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-A -> 3-C Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 172 -> 173cm Other notes: He is no longer class rep. He instead became a disciplinary committee member because he wanted to get away from the Oddball 1 image in his last year. However if he does anything against the rules with Rui he's kicked off.
A girl with an innocent personality and boundless positivity. Her dream is to uphold her grandfather's legacy and protect Phoenix Wonderland, and she was prepared to part ways with the rest of WonderlandsxShowtime members who were leaving to pursue their dreams because of this. However, her siblings and friends encouraged her to step outside the park so she can gain experience before pursuing her dream.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-B Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 152cm Other notes: She's running for class rep
A young girl who aspires to become a world-class musical actress. Her confidence in singing was shattered during a rehearsal for one of her recent performances, but she took the experience as an opportunity to reaffirm her passion. She is determined to learn and experience as much as she can in the wider world with her troupemates.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-A Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 156cm Other notes: She got put on the library committee because she lost when drawing lots with some classmates over the role
A genius director who goes at his own pace. He used to work alone, but found a place to belong in WonderlandsxShowtime, who accepted him and his shows. He recently sought a way for him and his troupemates to be able to follow their dreams without going their separate ways. In the end, everything led to the best possible 'grand finale' where all of them can continue to perform together whilst pursuing their individual dreams.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-B -> 3-C Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 180 -> 182cm Other notes: He is still a member of the gardening committee
25-ji, Nightcord de.
As her mother continues to try and cut her off from 25-ji, Nightcord de., Mafuyu’s mental health continues to decline and her grades start to slip. Her mother finds out that she didn’t do as well on her finals as usual, and attempts to confiscate her phone, breaking it in the process and completely cutting Mafuyu off from N25. Mafuyu finally comes clean about everything with her mother, however her mother is completely apathetic and tries to manipulate her into thinking that none of it is her fault. Mafuyu ends up running away from home as a result.
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s composer. She was happy to see that her songs were having more and more of an effect on Mafuyu, but was one day approached by Mafuyu's mother telling her to stay away from her daughter. However, after the way Mafuyu's mother talked and acted made her feel uncomfortable, Kanade refused her demands and chose to stay by Mafuyu's side.
School year: N/A (attends online school; equivalent to 3rd year) Job: None Height: 154cm
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s lyricist. She lost sight of her true self due to her mother constantly pushing her to be a "good girl", but she came to find a place to belong in N25. However, her mother tried to take that away from her, pushing Mafuyu to her limit and causing her to run away from home and seek refuge in Kanade.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-B -> 3-B Job: None Height: 162cm Other notes: currently living with Kanade. She's still class rep as she was requested to be one by her teacher and classmates
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s illustrator. She isn't naturally talented at art, but she has developed the strength to keep drawing even after she's harshly criticised. Ena is a very straightforward person, and was irritated by Mafuyu being reluctant to communicate her feelings with her mother. However Ena can sense a definite change in Mafuyu since they first met, and will continue to watch over her closely as a friend.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (still attending night school) Class: 2-D -> 3-D Job: None Height: 158cm
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s video editor. They were worried about Mafuyu's deteriorating relationship with her mother, but felt like they couldn't help due to being unable to face up to their own secrets. However, they realised from their own experiences that some things can be gained from running away from painful situations, and tells Mafuyu that it's okay for her to run away if things get too much to handle.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-B Job: Sales assistant at a boutique Height: 163cm -> 165cm
Updated relationship diagrams for each unit can be found here
Section 2 - Song campaign
Anniversary Songs
The third anniversary song has been announced! The title is NEO and it was produced by JIN! Below is JIN's comment on the song (via @/pjsekai_eng on Twitter). Marasy also confirmed that he did the piano parts in this song!
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HachiojiP was commissioned to produce this year's extra hard song. No further information has been revealed at the moment.
Song Campaign
The song campaign hint sheet has been revealed! Although... there's no hints this year, just blank tiles. The songs will be revealed during the next and final wandasho channel.
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Note: blank tiles include special characters
Tengaku by Yuuyu-P (covered by Ichika/Shiho and Rin)
Manimani by r-906
Melancholic by Junky (covered by MMJ and Rin)
Buta ni Natte yeah yeah by Neru (Len 3DMV)
Koi wa Sensou by Ryo (covered by Vivids and Miku)
Devil Janai mon by DECO*27 x PinocchioP
Sukina Koto Dake de ii Desu (covered by Emu/Rui and Miku)
Tsugai Kogarashi by hinayukki@sigotositeP
Kamippoi na by PinocchioP (covered by N25 and Miku)
Dear by 19 -iku-
Outside of the song campaign, Wagamama Hime by Fujiwo (covered by Emu/Nene and Miku), and Akuyaku ni Kiss Scene wo by 40mP (covered by MMJ and KAITO + 3DMV) will be added.
New Commissions
Every unit will get a new commissioned song that isn't tied to an event, including the Virtual Singer unit. These will be added one per month for the next 6 months. The first up will be Virtual Singer, with their new song I'm Mine by halyosy. A preview can be found here. It will also have a 3DMV.
Section 3 - Game updates
So far we know that the daily login will be changed so that every day you will now receive 15 wish pieces and 50 gems, and that the number of virtual coinsx300 that you can exchange from the wish piece exchange will be increased from 10 to 15 times.
Some packs will also be removed from the shop. The sewing bundle, music card bundle, stamp bundle, and coin bundle will be discontinued due to changes in contents. The 2nd anniversary variety bundle will be permanently discontinued.
Wandasho chanel news
the following was announced during the 3rd anniversary wandasho channel!
The new unit outfits found at the top of this post will be implemented as free 3D costumes
The original outfits for all SEKAI-variant Virtual Singers will be added as 3D costumes (only starter vsingers will be getting 3D costumes for the new outfits). You can get these costumes by reading the respective Vsinger's debut event (ie: reading Secret Distance will unlock N25!MEIKO's costume)
All characters will have new casual outfit Live2Ds, and some characters will have new school uniforms as well
The new stock arts at the top of this post will be added as new 2* cards
A new tap SFX and note skins will be added. These are optional and can be changed in settings.
Titles will be added for playing with 2nd year and 3rd year members
More than 180 new area conversations will be added! An option to switch to area conversations before and after the age-up will also be implemented
New loading screen 1-komas will be added! These will replace the old ones, which will be moved onto the official website
Character profiles will be revamped!
New elements will be added to custom profile editing
You will now be able to play a live show to the end even after hitting 0 life. You will not get good rewards for failing the song though.
New commissioned songs will be added for each unit!! These will be added one-per-month. Virtual Singer is also getting a new song! More details will be announced later (and can be found in the song campaign section of this post)
A card's power will be renamed to "performance"
Unit ranks will be removed due to serving no purpose anymore
EX Missions are finally being added! These were announced a long time ago but ended up getting postponed. These are additional character rank missions for after you max out a character's CHRank.
Some normal character rank missions will have their cap increased to account for content released since the last cap increase, including number of cards, costumes, alt vocals, side stories, etc
Character rank titles will be updated to account for new max level
Player rank cap will be increased and have a new title added to account for that
A title will be added for 4 years login so players can start working towards it
Several Virtual Live effects, such as the confetti and balloons, will cost less Virtual Coins due to the game constantly replacing everything that gives your Virtual Coins with Wish Pieces
Rewards for reading event stories will be changed from 2 music cards + 50 gems per chapter to 100 gems + 50 wish pieces + 2 music cards per chapter (!!). This will only apply to events released after 3rd anniversary and no compensation will be given for the previous 107 events because the devs aren't that nice
Players that rank between 4 and 10 on an event will no longer get a top 10 title, but a title with their specific placement on it
Top 1500 and 2500 title will be added
T50K - T300K reward crystals increased to 300
T11 - T200K will get additional skill up scores
changes to master rank event bonus has been made for 4* and BD cards. refer to the bottom row in the below image
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3D graphics update!
There's been a massive update to the game's 3D models! They now have improved shading and animations! A PV demonstrating can be found here!
The songs that won the 3DMV improvement campaign (Umiyuri Kaiteitan, IF, Cinema, TONDEMO-WONDERZ, and IDSMILE) will have their 3DMVs changed as part of this update.
These will be released on Youtube tomorrow, links in the above bullet point
6th generation (2018) and below iPads will not be able to run the game after this update
Alongside 3D models and the 5 winning MVs, the gacha animation has also been remade
UI updates!
The game will be getting a massive UI overhaul, some images can be found below
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A side story menu will be added alongside the event and main story menus.
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New difficulty: Append!
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A new difficulty will be added, called Append. It requires playing with 3 or more fingers, similar to the Proseka Ultimate songs! The difficulty range will be Lvl23-38!
The first 12 songs to receive Append charts will be Tell Your World, NEO, Hibana -Reloaded-, Stella, MORE! JUMP! MORE!, Vampire, Cinema, Pheles, TONDEMO-WONDERZ, Telecaster B-boy, I nandesu, and Gehenna!
Append will have a new note type, called Trace. It is similar to a slide note from Bandori.
The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku will also have a lvl 35 Append chart added for a limited time, starting on September 30th. This will be the full version of the song for added challenge.
New event type: World Link!
Described as "stories where you will witness new possibilities in the SEKAI due to change in characters' feelings". By the 4th anniversary, every unit will get one World Link format unit event.
The event will be formatted in parts, known as chapters. Each chapter will be focused on a different character and have its own event ranking and story, and will run for only a few days. At the end of the story, changes might happen in the SEKAI...
Event ranking will be split into two sections: chapter and overall. Chapter score is accumulated during each chapter, and overall tallies your points throughout the entire event (so it is possible to tier one chapter and still get low overall rank because you ignored the other 3). Chapter ranking will have new special titles for ranks 1-100, but everything below T200 will keep the same titles as have always been used.
Event exchange will be split in a similar way, with a chapter exchange and general exchange. Chapter exchange can only be used with the pt badges earned during the specific chapter, but any leftovers can be converted and used in the general exchange.
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Event bonus will work a little differently in these events, with the introduction of support units. If you've played like any other idol game you will know what these are, but for those who don't, then basically it allows you to add extra cards to a team that although can't be used and will not affect score, they can raise your event bonus for your main team. In World Link events, the support team will have 12 slots. Refer to the translated images from @/pjsekai_eng on twitter above.
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The first World Link event will be for Niigo, and will be held between the 8th and 20th of November! After that will be VBS in January, WxS in March, MMJ! in May, L/n in July, and Virtual Singer (!!) in August.
Section 4 - Lives
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Project SEKAI's 3rd live has been announced, titled Evolve!! The live will be held in two locations: Tokyo on January 26th-28th, and Osaka on February 17th & 18th 2024!
A promotional video can be found here.
To commemorate the announcement of the live, a livestream will be held on the 13th of October at 11am UTC, featuring Yukki, Mayushii, Akina, Daichan and Minoringo. The stream can be found here. During the stream, highlights of the live's "evolution" will be shown.
The official account for all information about the live is, as always, @/pjsekai_live on Twitter
During the stream it was announced that the setlist will vary between the day and night performances, with certain members getting more songs during day performances, and certain members getting more songs during night performances. These are organised as two duos per unit (excluding Leo/need), with one at the day performance and one at the night performance. The duos and their possible songs are as follows:
Day performance:
MMJ: Haruka & Shizuku (Nostalogic, Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o, Shoujorei)
VBS: Vivids (Rettou Joutou, Just Be Friends, drop pop candy, Odo, PaIII.SENSATION, Teikoku Shoujo, Pheles, Koi wa Sensou)
WxS: Tsukasa & Rui (Dappou Rock, Buriki no Dance, KING, Fixer, Nonsense Bungaku)
N25: Kanade & Mafuyu (Jishou Mushoku, Cutlery, Meru, Kokoronashi)
Night performance:
MMJ: Minori & Airi (Ren'ai Saiban, Marshmary, Setsuna Trip)
VBS: BAD DOGS (Fragile, Doctor=Funk Beat, Yobanashi Deceive, Ifuudoudou, Yuurei Tokyo, Garando, Ame to Petra, Aun no Beats, Taemanaku Aiiro)
WxS: Emu & Nene (Dance Robot Dance, Positive☆Dance Time, Rimokon, Alien Alien, Netoge Haijin Sprechor, Wagamama Hime)
N25: Ena & Mizuki (Charles, Venom, Gehenna)
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A connect live to celebrate the third anniversary has been announced. This was actually announced a month ago but I forgot about it and we didn't get art until now. It is titled Memorial Stage and will be held on the 8th of October!
A login story for the live will be available from October 6th.
Section 5 - Event and gacha
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The next event will be centered around the unit reps, with all of them being limited gacha cards, except Kohane who will be the exchange 3*. KAITO and MEIKO will be the fes cards. The event is called Hello Good Day! and is an Ichika banner.
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And as usual, limited paid costume gacha. Here are previews of the costumes from this year's edition.
Section 6 - Project SEKAI Academy
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Project SEKAI Academy is a program for young Vocaloid-Ps who will carry the next generation. 10 applicants under the age of 24 can win a place and be mentored by OSTER Project and Hiiragi Magnetite. 3 more unannounced Voca-Ps will also take part in the program. Each producer will make one song during the program, and one lucky student will have their song added to the game! More info can be found on the official website.
Section 7 - Animation
That's right. We got an anime! ...Well kinda.
Starting from the 30th, digest animations of the 5 main stories will be sequentially released on Youtube. The trailer for Leo/need's animation, animated by P.A. WORKS, is above.
The animations are all around 5 minutes long.
Links below
STELLA (Leo/need)
HAPPINESS (WonderlandsxShowtime)
SELF (25-ji, Nightcord de.)
Section 8 - Miscellaneous news
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Project SEKAI will be doing a collab event with the KaraokeKan chain of karaoke clubs starting in late October. There will be themed drinks, as well as prizes that can be won by singing certain songs! The promotional art was drawn by Rozuki.
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As of today (17th September), posters promoting the anniversary have begun to appear on public transport in Japan! Tomorrow posters will begin to appear in major cities. These posters contain the class registers for the next in-universe school year! The new classes are written in the character section.
A Blu-ray and CD of this year's SEKAI Symphony will be released on November 29th! A preview video can be found on Twitter.
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Project SEKAI will be collabing with SANRIO!! A teaser of some of the promotional illustrations can be found here. More details will be announced in October.
From Midnight JST on the 29th (15:00 UTC on the 28th), illustrations will be released on Twitter showing the characters' last days before moving up a grade. Four will be released throughout the day, at midnight, noon, 6pm and 10pm (all JST).
A livestream celebrating the anniversary will be held on the 29th September at 23:30 JST / 14:30 UTC. It will feature Yukki, Honchan, Akina and Hiichan on the panel. The stream can be found here.
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Finally after 2 years of waiting, Volume 2 of the SEKAI cover albums has been announced. Track lists and release dates below. Note that Hello,World and ray have been excluded from the Leo/need album, possibly due to being part of an artist collab. Their full versions have been available on YouTube for about two years anyway so not overly bad. Aun no Beats has been excluded from the VBS album for unknown reasons (probably copyright).
songs in italics do not have a full version MV on youtube already
Leo/need (March 6th)
Lost One no Goukoku
Ghost Rule
Bokura Mada Underground
Asagao no Chiru Koro ni
Lost and Found
Yomosugara Kimi Omou
Attract Light
MORE MORE JUMP! (February 7th)
Happy Halloween
Karakuri Pierrot
Darling Dance
Torinoko City
Lonely Universe
Kimagure Mercy
Shinkai Shoujo
Setsuna Trip
Vivid BAD SQUAD (February 21st)
Alter Ego
Ame to Petra
Teikoku Shoujo
Taemanaku Aiiro
WonderlandsxShowtime (January 24th)
Nonsense Bungaku
Yī Èr Fanclub
Kami no Manimani
Goodbye Sengen
Alien Alien
Odore Orchestra
Ego Rock
Love ka?
Netoge Haijin Sprechor
Okochama Sensou
25-ji, Nightcord de. (January 10th)
Aishite Aishite Aishite
Mousou Kanshou Daishou Renmei
Deichuu ni Saku
Non-Breath Oblige
Sore ga Anata no Shiawase to Shite mo
Inochi Bakkari
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sturionic · 4 months ago
hey, you said your inbox is open and I was curious if you have any ideas for someone who can't get involved irl in things like protests and local antifa groups (physically disabled and incapacitatingly severe anxiety), and who can't get involved in online activism beyond reblogging stuff (personal reasons, difficult to explain)?
I've been considering trying to put together care packages for local unhoused people, but I'm poor and I'd have to convince someone to help me put everything together so idk how well that will go.
I don't want to sit around doing nothing.
Hey anon! I am very glad you reached out, and this is a question I get asked a lot by people IRL, so you are very much not alone here.
I think the first order of business is expanding your definition of activism. We have been done a great disservice by having activism framed for us as protests, charity, & singular heroes making speeches and changing hearts through celebrity. In reality, the smaller actions in your community have a much greater impact; and most of all, the things you personally have to offer make the greatest impact.
This diagram is specifically geared towards climate action, but really applies to all activism:
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For you to be an effective activist/volunteer/community member, it's crucial to find the centre of that diagram, or else you're on a one-way ticket to burnout. Don't get caught up in trying to judge which is the most "important" activism, because that answer will be different for everyone. The most important thing you can do for the world is the thing you can do.
I've done lots of volunteering and volunteer management in multiple fields, and there really is lots of choice out there for things that suit you; anything from sorting files quietly in a back room to using computer knowledge (often VERY absent in community groups lol) to help with maintaining websites & promoting community events. One of my personal favourite volunteer shifts was acting as a helper to the organizers of a queer electronic music festival, running a "build your own synthesizer" workshop. Literally I was just ticking off names on a registration sheet and doing setup and fetching things, but it was one of the coolest things I've had the joy to be involved in.
The other plus here is that activists in a given city all usually have some social overlap. If you email, say, your local community centre, explain your interests & circumstances & skills, and ask what you could do - they might not have anything right that moment, but likely someone there will know a different group that needs something similar, or they'll have ideas for who you could try next. Even if you're not finding a lot online right away, have faith in the (slightly haphazard) offline community org social scene. Same deal if you get involved with something and realize it's not your thing after all - just be honest, and ask for help in finding something more suited to you. It's so, so common, and no one's going to get angry with you for wanting to help in ways you're better suited for.
Don't mistake me when I nudge you towards volunteering - there's a certain way that well-meaning (usually) liberals treat volunteering, like they're 'donating' their time as charity, and I am not advocating for that. I'm just saying that you really don't have to reinvent the wheel. There are structures in place run by people who know well how to do it. Part of the importance is the work itself; the file-sorting, the computer help, whatever. But another part is building connections with the people around you, and also letting those people benefit from the privilege of knowing you. And that will happen naturally over time. The muscle will grow as you use it more, even if you need to start with something that feels to you like it might not be enormously significant in the grand scheme of things. Maybe you move on to 'bigger' things, or maybe you gain new perspective and realize just how significant your contributions are after all.
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homestuckreplay · 2 months ago
🏡 Nine Best Homestuck Moments of 2009 🏡
It’s the end of 2009, and Homestuck is currently sitting at 1088 pages – pretty huge for something that hasn’t even been going for a full year. So as we close out the year and enter what’s sure to be the Homestuck Decade, I thought I’d count down my favorite Homestuck moments of 2009. I’ve loved it all, so it was really hard to narrow down, but when I reflect on this first year of the comic’s existence, this is what sticks in my mind.
9. Rambunctious Crow. (p.350-356)
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This is my favorite Dave moment because it’s his irony in action, turned against him by the narrative now that things are getting real. Already knowing that Dave’s losing the betas is a ‘stupid’ and ‘embarrassing’ story (p.294), it still comes as a surprise just how stupid, embarrassing and out of nowhere the reality is. I’m on the crow’s side – it saw something cool and colorful in a grabbable position, and it went for it. It had no idea it was going to get accidentally sylladex-murdered, and I can’t wait to see its new life in Dave’s kernelsprite.
8. Peregrine Mendicant Delivers Justice. (p.844; 892-897; 921-925)
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This one is cheating because it’s really ‘everything about PM’. I will give my heart to a paladin character with a big sword and strong ideals, any day – she will kill without a moment’s hesitation if it helps her fulfil her oath to the mail, but she’ll also reward a loyal follower who helps her cause, and this applies to robotic worms as much as it does to other people. She’s a minor character who’s out here behaving like a protagonist and one of her packages could be the thing that saves all the kids.
7. John’s Clever Disguise. (p.45-89)
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I wish he was still wearing it. I really do. John acknowledges on page 46 that it’s a really shitty disguise and continues to wear it for several dozen pages. He adds the pipe, switches out the hat, considers a second pipe, and overall tries to perfect it. And he does it all the time too, because Rose calls him out on it! Whether he likes it or not, the spirit of the clown is within John, and I love this section as both a funny surface level gag and when thinking about the deeper meanings of a kid disguising himself in his own home.
6. Rose-Jade Flashback. (p.441-442)
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This is my favorite Pesterlog in the comic so far, and sets up a really cool dynamic between Rose and Jade. They’re both talking circles around each other, Rose because she has to sound smart, detached, and in control, and Jade because she has to sound sunny, cryptic, and also in control. But Rose clearly has a lot of respect for Jade, and Jade clearly has a deep understanding of Rose, and those things are surprising – I expected Rose to be more skeptical of Jade’s powers, but instead they’re like light and dark counterparts with similar values of understanding the world around them.
5. Zazzerpan the Learned. (p.358-359)
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This might be the one thing that holds Rose back from being my favorite character. How can she possibly ‘find this grisly abomination utterly detestable’. It’s a 20 foot tall statue of a mighty wizard and if you don’t think that’s the sickest shit in the entire world then WHAT is even the point. And the glimpses on page 715 and 757 showing the broken, future Zazzerpan indicate that something is going to happen to him; probably Rose with a giant bludgeoning weapon. Unless I cause a time paradox by appearifying him and putting him in MY house. (He would not fit).
4. Act 1&2 Title Cards. (p.82; 307)
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The jokes are excellent, but to me Homestuck is at its best when it lets itself be serious, and page 82 is our first real glimpse of this. These pages let us sit with John and Rose’s mental states for a moment, and they let Hussie stretch their writing skills and play with words. My hope is that these pages will age really well and have a lot of foreshadowing in hindsight, but even if not, they create atmosphere better than any other moments in the comic so far, and they read like prose poetry.
His riddle is Absence itself. It is a mystery dispersing altogether, like the moon's faint reflection, with even one pebble of inquiry dropped in its black well.
Somewhere a zealous god threads these strings between the clouds and the earth, preparing for a symphony it fears impossible to play. And so it threads on, and on, delaying the raise of the conductor's baton.
3. FreshJamz and the Beta Kid Band. (p.77; 222; 337; 822; 830)
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All four kids being musically gifted in a comic that incorporates sound is a great move, and the reveal that John can play piano beautifully after he’s spent 76 pages messing up his sylladex and house as he struggles to pick things up was a huge surprise at first. The four kids sharing an interest in video games would have been too obvious, but all of them loving music pokes at the fourth wall and gives them a way to connect on a deeper emotional level even while they are all hiding parts of themselves. It’s a big act of trust to share creative work with people, and seeing all the collaborations on Jade’s FreshJamz page is the best evidence of how close they all are.
2. Rose Adopts Vodka Mutini. (p.926; 1002)
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Alright, I love cats. And I know that introducing a cute animal character is a cheap move for getting an audience to fall in love, but cmon, THIS kitten has FOUR EYES that BLINK SEQUENTIALLY and was made in a SLIME CHAMBER as a failed PARADOX CLONE. They CURL UP AND SNOOZE on Rose’s desk and become a TINY VOID CREATURE. I can’t be cynical about this. I am not immune to a tiny sweet face blinking up at me from an anachronistic teapot. I am screaming and crying with how badly I want this cat to curl up with me.
1. [S] WV: Ascend and [S] Jade: Pester John. (p.757; 1073)
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I know I’m not alone in loving ‘WV: Ascend’; I’ve read several forum threads where people wax as rhapsodically about it as I do, and I was sad not to see as much love for ‘Jade: Pester John’ (maybe because it does similar work, so isn’t as unexpected). Both these pages are an expansion of what webcomics can do, they perfectly tie up existing plotlines, they’re really well scripted to the music, and it’s both rewarding and enjoyable to watch them several times in a row. ‘Explore’ is one of my favorite Homestuck tracks so far, and Skaia/Prospit during the eclipse is my favorite location visually. I know there’s a lot of skill and technique that goes into creating animations like this and making them feel emotional and satisfying to watch, but sometimes I don’t want to analyze them, I just want to sit and watch and let the Flash Magic roll over me.
Honorable Mentions. A few that were on the shortlist but didn’t quite make the cut because I made myself keep it to nine: the very first page (p.1), Rose putting the bunny back in the box (p.146-147), [S] John: Take bite of apple (p.246), Rose exploring her grimoire (p.301-305), John figuring out alchemy and successfully creating the pogo hammer (p.630-635), Rose attempting to send John the Sburb server CD (p.645-647), WV becoming the Mayor of Can Town (p.685), WV drawing the Skaian cosmology on the bunker walls (p.702-704), and the Midnight Crew’s Homestuck intermission (p.831-832). Yeah, I notice the blatant favoritism towards Rose and John in this post.
If anyone has a favorite moment so far that I’ve missed, send them in!!
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fairyminnie444 · 2 months ago
Hey! How are you?
I just wanna ask something
A lot of people say that everything is possible in loa especially these things that seem impossible like changing the past, dna, manifesting superpowers and etc. I do believe this is true but i have these doubts, and i like to see people telling their successful stories with these impossible manifestations.
The thing is ive never seen anyone telling such a story, especially when it comes to appearance which is the thing i see people wanna manifest the most, but unfortunately all the stories i see of desired appearance are changed like you manifested for your future, and i WANT to see a people who actually manifested things that changed their past, their reality, like if they changed their appearance and it also changed in their past photos.
Do you know any successful stories like this? because im getting tired of just seeing everyone saying its possible but not seeing a single person who was able to do it
Why? It Honestly seems like you're looking for an excuse not to start applying the law, looking for something to doubt. There are many success stories, many indeed, I've even talked here about how time doesn't exist and you can actually review your past mentally.
You will only win by applying the law, there are only benefits so I don't understand why there is all this doubt but it’s normal, u just need to change your focus.
Why Stories Like These Are Rare?
1. Uncommon Focus: While many people focus on manifesting appearance changes or desires tied to their present and future, not everyone targets rewriting their past explicitly. This could make these specific success stories less visible.
2. Lack of Sharing: People who achieve profound shifts often don’t share their journey publicly due to fear of judgment or disbelief from others. Changing the past, DNA, or appearance in old photos sounds “unrealistic” to most, even in LOA communities.
3. Subtle Shifts vs. Drastic Proof: Often, manifestations feel subtle once they materialize. For example, someone who shifts their appearance might not even notice their past photos changing because they’re fully living in their new reality and have no reason to look back.
Does This Mean It’s Not Possible?
Absolutely not. Manifesting changes to your past is rooted in the idea that everything exists in the present moment. Your consciousness creates your reality, so by shifting your assumption, you can influence your past to align with your new story. Just because these stories aren’t widely shared doesn’t mean they don’t happen.
Test It Yourself: Start with “smaller” (I don’t think small/big exists but for start) manifestations tied to your past. For example, assume you always had a great memory or a specific skill and watch how people respond to this “new” story.
Look Beyond Traditional Stories: While success stories of changing photos or DNA might not be common, focus on the principles behind other LOA success stories. If people can manifest health recoveries, wealth, or SPs “out of nowhere,” the same principles apply to changing your past or appearance.
Instead of needing evidence from others, become your own success story. Your belief and persistence in assuming your desired reality are what create results. Trust in your power rather than relying on external validation.
You don’t need proof to make it possible—it’s your belief that turns the impossible into reality.
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vanillaavengerlings · 7 months ago
To all Fanfic/fanart/ fandom content writers/creators/artists/anyone creating fandom content
As we enter the week of 22 July, I wanted to write something hopeful for any writers, artists and content creators out there, because let’s face it, things happening around the world is so grim and most of us are trying to survive the days. 
So, here’s something hopeful for any of you who need this.😄
Please reblog this as much as you can as I would love for fandom writers/creators/artists and for fanfic readers to read this. 
Thank you!
A small background about me - I write fanfics, mostly in the Avengers/Stony fandoms. And it’s what I’ve been doing mostly for a few years, despite schooling and transitioning to work.
It’s my escape from reality. When things get rough, I start writing. Writing fanfictions gives me comfort because I know the characters and I love them, so I feel safe in a way and it’s stress relieving for me.
In 2018, I had to attend a compulsory internship so that I could get my diploma and graduate. My course offered a few positions and one of them was writing for television programs at a well known media company in my country. 
I wanted that job so bad because I wasn’t interested in the others, they were too ‘corporate-like’. So I applied for it. They asked for my portfolio of written works.
And then it hit me. My God, all I’ve written so far were fanfics with male pairing. I come from a conservative country so LGBTQ stories are super rare and can be frowned upon. But that’s all I had and it was all I could submit.
Guess what?
I did just that. I took excerpts from my WIP/published fanfics, and added them into my portfolio. I even went the extra mile and typed a short excerpt into a screenwriting format, like a legit script for a show! (TV writing internships pay special attention to your script writing abilities)
I submitted them.
I was called for an interview a few days later. I was advised to bring hardcopy versions of my written work, so I printed out the stuff from my portfolio. I went for the interview and saw my coursemates, some of whom I consider really capable and smart. 
I thought, there’s no way my fanfics and I stand a chance in getting this job.
I went up first and had the usual interview questions. The last bit came, where the interviewer, a prominent executive producer in my country, asked for my written samples. I handed her the file and gave her a brief explanation of my work.
I told her I published my written works online and have a group of audience who read and review them. I also added that I use their feedback to improve my writing as a whole. She was nodding her head and reading the script of my fanfic I had written. I was hiding my smile. Everything she was flipping through were Stony and Avengers fanfic excerpts!
At last, she handed my file back to me and smiled. It signaled the end of my interview. I went back to my campus and sighed, already looking at the other positions to apply to.
Two hours later, I received the email that I had gotten the job, as a television writer intern at a prominent media company. And all I used were my fanfictions I had written!
I couldn’t believe it worked. My fellow coursemates write really good content and I went into the interview with fanfictions and got the job!
To this day, when I think about this, I laugh. Not in a self-deprecating way, but in a way of disbelief, seeing what I can pull off.
To everyone out there who are thinking so lowly of yourself because all you have done are work related to fandoms, I’ve been there, and I’m here to say that you are so talented coming up with unique content from something that is so fixed and rigid. So don’t be hard on yourself. 
You’re not wasting your time just because you post stuff on AO3 or Tumblr. Every written work/art/creative content is a great way for you to practice and work on your skills. I mean, we all have to start somewhere, right?
Seriously, it takes a lot of talent, creativity and hard work to write fanfictions, draw fanarts and create any fandom related content. And it takes so much of courage to put your work out there in the open for anyone to read.
And that’s the thing! It’s a service that you are doing, letting people read your words, your story, letting people see your art and your creativity. 
Don’t be ashamed of your fandom works. And don’t be ashamed of reading fanfictions. They’re a part of you. So don’t think of yourself lowly. No way. You’re all heroes, in your own ways. 
Some of the best written stories I’ve ever read came from AO3, some of the best art works and funniest content I’ve ever seen are fandom related.
You’ve got this, you talented talented human being. Go out there and shine bright! 🌟
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