#the real world)
ceevee5 · 1 year
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furiousgoldfish · 9 months
Abusive parents can sometimes create the 'us versus them' mentality inside of their family, where they convince you that anyone who isn't raising their child the exact way they are, is stupid, ignorant, spoiling their children and making selfish brats out of them.
They also convince you that the world inside of their house, and the world outside, are two different worlds, and only the outside is 'the real world', and it's a place you, according to them, know nothing about, and would never survive in. Outside world is at the same time filled with dangerous individuals, who would hurt you (unlike your parents, who also hurt you, but those outsiders would hurt you worse, apparently), and filled with stupid people who know nothing and are to be insulted and humiliated (abusive parents will often degrade homeless people, minorities, addicts and anyone they deem less worthy, and you'll be stuck in feeling like at least you're not them, but at the same time scared you'll become them, and then you'll be degraded just like that as well.)
In this 'us versus them' situation, your parents are the smartest, the only ones who know what the 'correct way to live is', and the 'correct way to raise children'. They'll tell you how you're supposed to think, behave, speak and act. Their words are the highest truth and not to be questioned or criticized; any criticism will be met with hostility and attacks, and insisting that any other way of thinking would convert them to the 'non desirables' (see above about the minorities and homeless people).
And the thing is, this is a tactic that cults use to make people unable to leave. Convincing people that the thinking and methods inside are vastly superior and better, that anyone outside who doesn't follow their methods is stupid, tainted, incapable of normal life, and that people outside are simultaneously stupid and wrong, but also dangerous, hateful, capable of doing intense harm to you, that's how the cults terrify people into belief that they can never live outside. That it's both dangerous and wrong to even want to.
If you feel scared and incredibly anxious of living outside of your parents home, and your parents have encouraged you to believe those things, you've been exposed to cult-level manipulation to prevent your escape.
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ranbiood · 9 months
everything to me. in the most normal way possible.
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firebound-press · 1 year
Next up is The Real World, by @pamiiap and @firefly464 (that’s me :D)
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Lots of technical stuff this time around. First off, this was my first time doing a custom cover! The art was drawn by my good friend @nkhaotic, who had done some fanart for TRW back in 2020, and so I asked her if she would be interested in redrawing it for this. I’m so so grateful for her and her help with this project.
Secondly, this was my first time attempting a bradel binding, and I’m still stunned at how well it turned out. Definitely my best looking hinge and spine that I had done at the time. It just feels very clean and nice and I absolutely adore it.
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Finally, I’m really proud of how the typesetting turned out. It’s extremely different from Passerine, since this is so much simpler and minimalistic, but I feel like it fits the vibe of the fic really well. I even went and typeset the letters at the end!
I did this as a gift for pami for Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day back in august. This was an event run by the renegade bindery server, and the goa was to send an author a copy of their fic to show how much you appreciate them!
Of course, I decided to send pami a copy of TRW because that’s how I met her, and she’s been an incredible friend to me and it was important that she know how much I appreciate her. I still have no idea how I was able to keep it a complete secret from her without her realizing what was going on, but I’m so glad I did. Her reaction to opening the package was so perfect.
You can read the original work here:
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sweettater96 · 3 months
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Guilty pleasure shows ❤️
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dailystargatebooty · 7 months
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mice-and-moonbeams · 3 months
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Not only is Mr. Blobby real ... He has a family! He has the capability to make more ....
Does that mean Bonzo could also have a family? Because I don't want more of him lol
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carsonsweebabyturtles · 7 months
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Carson Beckett in Every Episode - The Real World (S03E06)
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oldshowbiz · 4 months
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the original reality show
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furiousgoldfish · 10 months
abusive parents: in the 'real' world--
me: ah yes, because your house where you force children into submission is an imaginary land, devoid of reality, a fantasy place where nobody has experienced an actual real-life event, and you yourself have transported this place out of reality only for me to be able to experience this imaginary world where you are the god and decide whats real and what isn't, as well as what past events can be revisioned to your liking. Which one of us isn't living in the real world again.
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis “The Real World”
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pratchettquotes · 2 years
Susan did not waste breath saying things like "That's impossible!" at a time like this. Only people who believed that they lived in the real world said things like that.
Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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roomtemperatehumor · 11 months
Barbie movie was a depiction of the stages from childhood to adulthood for both genders (in today's world)
Barbie, a young girl is confident and happy in her childhood bubble. Once she experiences the real world, she understands the difficulties of being a woman in this world
Ken, a young boy is kind and sweet, and just want attention and love, like everyone else. But in the real world, they learn to be harsh and force authority since they don't know how to get companion in any other way.
This is taught through the "real world" or adulthood.
Women should nor be scared to just be, as well as men should be able to express emotions and get compassion in a healthy way.
Adulthood is for many of us a fight, to be respected, to be loved, cared for, understood, the list goes on. But, it really should not be.
I think the Barbie movie portrayed that really well
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dailystargatebooty · 7 months
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detergetheramen · 7 months
i love how the hunger games truly reflects the real world. Like yea, we are living in a dystopian society. You think people having billions of dollars while the middle class can barely afford rent and food for their families with 2-3 jobs isn't dystopian?
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littletroubledgrrrl · 3 months
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