#the real reason is there's a random strand of hair on my forehead and it looks bad
francebaby · 2 years
i just realized i said yes i can go to training but
the job training doesn't even have a Location set
it better be in my city :-(
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 6 months
Hello! if you accept requests, can I make it?
I hope the answer is yes🙂‍↕️
I really, really, REALLY want to see the situation with Thomas Hewitt when he was too affected by Hoyt's joke. Thomas was offended by him to the point of tears for the first time in many years, and Y/N calms him down.This only makes Tommy cry harder, since no one has calmed him so tenderly before. They spend a long time together like this until Tommy stops crying. (I ESPECIALLY WANT MORE DESCRIPTION OF TOMMY’S EMOTIONS. You can even write on his behalf if you wish🥺)
thank you very much, and have a nice day!
Someone to fall back on
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It was a joke. A mean joke, but a joke nonetheless.
Thomas Hewitt heard them all before. The mean jokes, snide comments and straight up merciless teasing. From strangers, from victims. From some of his own family.
Hoyt's words towards him has always had a underlying tone of hate. Talking down to him like he was a child. Criticizing everything he's done to keep his family safe. And this only seemed to escalate when Thomas met you.
Brave, beautiful, wonderful you. He never imagined that he could love one person so much.
But not everyone thought your love was beautiful.
"Why the fuck else would someone stay with him?!? It ain't definitely for his looks!"
"That bitch is just waitin' for him to fuck up like he always do!"
"You must really fuck 'em good if they're willin' to put up with your ugly mug, eh Tommy? "
It hurt. It hurts.
There was so much nasty thoughts swimming around Thomas's head, that he didn't feel that first tear fall down his cheek. Or the one after that. Or the one after that.
He didn't feel his hands gripping his hair so tightly, he was pulling out strands. He couldn't hear anything else but the pounding of his own heart and his uncle's voice replaying like a broken record. His body shaking, breathing coming out in short puffs.
Anxiety ate away at him, piece by piece. Despair tore through his heart like a freight train.
Everything was wrong. He was wrong. He was the monster keeping you in this hell hole for his own selfish reasons. He kept you because he loved you.
And you stayed because you feared him.
Thomas could feel his consciousness slipping away. Good, maybe he'd never wake back up.
But what would happen to you?
"-Mas? Thomas? Tommy!"
Your hands grabbed his, prying them off his abused scalp. He was scared to look at you, not knowing what look would be on your face. Disgust? Fear? He couldn't handle any of those.
He heard you sigh, then could feel your body sit next to him. When did he get down on the floor?
"Tommy, baby, are you okay?" You scoffed "Of course you're not. Your uncle's a asshole."
You grabbed his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. His teary eyes reluctantly met yours. You smiled "There's my handsome man. With his pretty eyes. "
Slipping on to his lap, you ran your fingers through his hair "You can't believe everything Hoyt says, Thomas. He's a bitter, old man."
"I love you, Thomas Hewitt. And I'm sorry if I haven't told you enough, showed you enough. And I'm sorry that Hoyt's words hurt that much. But nothing he says is, or will ever be, true."
With the upmost tenderness, you removed the beaten leather mask from his face. Placing a kiss on his forehead, you continued "I'm here because I love you. I stayed because I love you. Not because I'm scared, not because of pity. I love you, Thomas. Just you."
Thomas let out a broken sob and you brought his head to your chest "Tommy, please, there's nothing wrong with crying. I'd rather you get snot all over me than you kept all this in."
The quiet sobs turned into quiet wails as Thomas's arm pulled you closer to him. You hummed, some song he couldn't place a name on. Maybe it wasn't real, Thomas thought, you had a knack for random melodies.
But you were real.
This was real.
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seospicybin · 2 years
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Felix x reader. (s,f)
Synopsis: Valentine's day is just another day for you until a stranger gives you a flower and makes it special for you. (16,4k words)
Author's note: Happy Valentine's day, my loves! Good news is I'm not going to make you cry. Bad news is I'm going to hit you with a lot of love and fluff 💘
Listen to my favorite love songs here 💕
Do you know that Valentine comes from a Latin word meaning 'strength'?
It's unclear how valentine's day became associated with the tradition of exchanging affectionate gifts and love notes, one thing for sure is you certainly don't have the strength to go through this day. Why? Because you're miserably single and chronically introverted.
Most of the reason why you're still single is that you like to stay in the safety of your room, working with the company of your cat and a steaming cup of tea. That's also why you love your job, it allows you to stay in your little bubble, away from the bustle of city life.
If it isn't about work, you wouldn't find yourself in a packed bus with these people who just got off work or school, or are on their way to have dates with their significant others.
Being in a crowd like this makes you anxious and there are still a few stops to go but it already feels suffocating even though you're sitting near the window. You distract yourself by looking out at the view but there's not much to see but the melting snow and the cool air slipping through the crack between the windows.
You feel gentle taps on your shoulder and you turn your head to see a hand, you look up to see who the owner is since he's standing next to your seat.
Dark hair parted in the middle and loose strands of hair fell over his forehead but what captivated you is the freckles dusted his milky white skin.
"Do you know what time is it?" He asks with a kind smile.
He owns a deep voice that doesn't seem to belong to someone with a slender figure like him. It's like someone else dubbed his voice.
You fumble to fish your phone out of your purse and click it to see the time, "it's 6.13 pm," you answer.
"Oh," he responds.
He swings his backpack to the front and you only realized then that he's holding his phone with him, he can easily check the time himself.
He pulls something out of his backpack, a pink rose wrapped in an iridescent paper wrapper. Even from this distance, you can tell it's a real rose, it gets you wondering how he keeps the petals intact inside his backpack.
He pushes it toward you and you stare at it in confusion, "is it for me?"
He nods along with his smile hasn't faded from his face yet.
You take it from him and you can't help but smile it's the first time you ever received a flower from someone. Not just someone but a gorgeous, elven-like human.
"I happen to have one left," he adds as he slings his backpack on one shoulder.
Your smile fades a little after hearing that, it means that you're not the only person getting a rose from him, and the worse is you're the last person to receive it.
You're not that special, you're just lucky but still, you're grateful for his nice gesture.
"Thank you," you mutter to him with a smile.
You notice your stop is next and put the rose in the safety of your tote bag.
"My stop is next," you inform the guy who gives you the rose.
You get up from your seat and offer it to the girl who's been standing since the previous bus stop.
There is a minute of you standing next to him before getting off, but there's nothing significant happens except that he holds you from falling on your face by holding the strap of your bag.
"Be careful," he says as you walk to the exit of the bus.
You know what? The worst thing is he doesn't even ask for your number.
What a romantic day indeed!
Everyone knows that Felix is such a sweetheart.
On valentine's day, he bought a dozen of roses for him to share with anyone, from the barista who made his morning latte, to the serving lunch lady at the cafeteria, to his favorite dance instructor, to any random person he met for the sake of making people smiles.
To put it simply, he has a lot of love in him and he wants to share it with everyone.
However, his big heart only makes it hard for people to try to flip it.
He's popular at his dance school and it's no mystery why most of the students have a crush on him, then again, no one has ever captivated him in a way that makes his heart moves at least a millimeter.
What's the use of being popular when he doesn't have anyone to share this special day with?
So he stays in the studio a little longer to practice his dance routine until he remembers that he has a family dinner to attend.
He rushes to the bus stop and squeezes himself into a packed bus. His family would be fine if he's a few minutes late but Felix doesn't want to be a nuisance, he's just too good of a person.
Still, he compose a text just in case he couldn't make it in time.
Someone walks past him to make their way to the exit of the bus, Felix almost stumbles when the bus stops. He moves to the side to make some space for everyone.
That's when he sees you, looking out of the window so lost in your thoughts. It's like you're living in your own time and space from the rest of the world.
And it's beautiful, this scene, the wind slipping through your hair, your tender gaze, you.
For a moment, he feels like time stands still and all he sees is you.
His curious hand reaches for you to make sure that you're real, not just fragments of his imagination.
He suddenly feels bad for intruding on your space but you're looking up at him, wide-eyed and a bit defensive.
He hurriedly thinks of something to say, a small talk, an excuse, anything!
"Do you know what time is it?"
He feels like slapping himself for asking such a stupid question, he's literally holding his phone in his hand and can easily check time himself.
"It's 6.13 pm," you answer after checking the time on your phone.
He's lucky that you don't see the phone he's holding and that he still has one rose left in his backpack, he can only hope it's still proper enough to be given to you despite the rose having been in his backpack for hours.
"Is it for me?" You ask, nonplussed.
He nods because his mouth suddenly got dry and he's unable to speak.
A smile rises on your face as you stare at the rose, only if you know between the two, your smile is the most lovely.
"I happen to have one left," he blurts out.
Your smile fades a little and he wonders why.
"Thank you," you mutter with a courteous smile.
Then it hits him that he gives you the impression that he did this to everyone.
But that's not the intention, he wants to let you know that this feels like fate, that he met you and happened to have one rose left.
When you put the rose inside your bag and get up from your seat, he knows he has so little time to try to explain.
"My stop is next," you tell him.
The situation he's in doesn't support his plan and he can only look at you as you stand next to him. You seem to be waiting for him to say something too.
Then the bus stops and Felix prevents you from stumbling forward by grabbing the strap of your bag.
You turn your head at him and smile. It's so sweet, the kind of sweet that will get him addicted.
The door of the bus is open and people start to move toward it.
Felix doesn't have much time left and he wants to know everything about you. Your name, your phone number, your favorite food, your favorite movies, movies that make you cry, any of your childhood memories, anything!
But all that comes out is, "be careful!"
You flash him a smile for the last time then get off the bus.
Felix watches as the girl who has just moved his heart by a millimeter walks away from him.
The rose is wilted.
You've been keeping it in a pitcher full of water and placed it on your desk, next to the window to fill its need for sunlight.
Whenever you look at it, you get reminded of him.
The gentle taps on your shoulder, the smile he gave you as he asks for the time, the deep voice that you still doubt belongs to him, and the last of him that you saw through the bus window.
It's all sweet until the reality bites, that you don't know him and it's impossible to meet him again.
For a starter, you don't even know his name therefore you can't try to find his information on the internet.
If only you had just a shred of confidence in yourself, you would have asked for his number and maybe made him wait for a day or two for your phone call.
You scoff at the thought. Who are you to play hard-to-get?
The sound of your phone ringing startles you and wakes you up from your silly reverie.
It's a work call.
Sometimes you get hired to work in certain places and you've been a trusted partner of this luxury brand, they wanted you to come and write custom cards for their special orders. They usually just send the cards to your place and you'll send them back when the deadline ends, however, there'll always be orders that come in a short amount of time.
You bring your writing utensils with you and work in the store in what looks like a hotel room instead of a fitting room.
They serve you a cup of tea and sweet assortments, then give you a list of names for you to write then leave the room to give you the space to work.
It's not as comfortable as working in your apartment but you can work in an environment like this, quiet and nice.
You spread all of the cards you've done in a neat row while letting the ink dry.
You check all of the cards once again, making sure there is no speck of ink or spelling mistakes. Because apparently, some people can get very sensitive if you misspelled their name.
It's as if she knows you're outside, your phone ringing the second you stepped out of the store. Turns out, your brother gets off early from work and invites you for an early dinner.
He is determined to get you out of the house so many times and you rejected each one of his invitations.
"Stop sulking! You're out already," he says, his shoulder bumps yours and he always forgets that his big body can easily knock you off your chair.
Good thing that you're used to it, "I'm not sulking," you grumble.
He takes your glass of water and switches it with his glass of wine, "you're not driving. Have some wine!"
You put the wine glass down, not drinking it. He rolls his eyes at you, "have some fun!"
"I have fun," you quickly respond.
"What fun? Playing hide and seek with Percy?"
"I have fun in my own way, okay?" You shrug away all of his words off you.
He takes his wine glass back and drains it in one long sip, "how are you going to meet a guy if you stayed in your room all day?"
"But you met your fiancé in your apartment!" You defend yourself with a solid fact.
"That's because he's a friend of my roommate!" He argues back with widening eyes.
When he realizes that came out louder than he intended, he lowers his voice immediately, "I mean... when's the last time you met a cute guy?"
"A week ago," you shortly reply.
Your brother suddenly gets so interested, he leans forward on the table, "where?"
"In the bus."
"What's his name?"
"I don't know," you innocently answer.
Your brother inhales a deep breath and slumps in his seat, disappointed that his enthusiasm goes to waste.
You refuse to share a taxi ride with him because it'll only double the fare since he goes the opposite way to where you're going.
You let out a long sigh once you are seated inside the bus, the work isn't that tiring but interacting with people drained your energy the most.
You lean your head against the cool window glass and start spacing out as you gaze out at the view of the city lights in the distance.
It's a bad habit of yours, you'll space out and forgets about your surroundings, that includes almost skipping your bus stop.
Good thing that you reflexively shoot up from your seat and run to the exit, getting off the bus just in time before the door closes.
You hoist your bag higher on your shoulder and start walking to your apartment building.
A hand on your shoulder stops you from going, you turn around to see who it is.
"Hey, why didn't you call me?"
Felix's hair is still damp.
He had a quick shower after practice to wash all of the sweat off and put on a clean t-shirt.
He always leaves school at this hour, so by the time he gets off, he'll go somewhere to eat for dinner.
Except that tonight he feels like going home early and ordering some food.
He sits on the back of the bus with his hands shoved inside his jacket pockets. He clicks his phone, expecting it to light up so he can see the time.
Unfortunately, his phone runs out of battery. There's always a digital clock somewhere on the bus, he looks straight ahead but instead, he finds the other thing he's looking for.
He didn't believe his eyes at first until he sees you run to exit the bus.
It's like history repeats itself, he got caught in the same situation that requires him to act in such a short amount of time.
He senses that the driver is about to close the door soon, he stops thinking and dashes outside, getting off the bus even though it is not his stop.
He is unsure of how to talk to you but he knows that it's his only chance.
Hesitating for a while, Felix puts his hand on your shoulder and you immediately turn on your heel to find him there.
"Hey, why didn't you call me?"
Definitely not a good opener, he sounds so eager and a whole lot creepy. He can see that he just gave you the ick from your plain expression.
You grip the strap of your bag and tip your head to the side, "but you didn't give me your number," you answer.
A laugh escaped his parted mouth, he didn't expect you to still recognize him and that you'll answer his strange way of greeting you.
"Do you perhaps... want to grab dinner together?"
"I'm sorry. I had dinner already," you refuse with a courteous smile.
He kind of expected this answer, that's understandable, especially when the invitation comes from a stranger.
"But I'd love to have a cup of coffee," You come with an alternative for him.
"Yeah? I'd love that too," Felix can't believe that his verbal skills deteriorate this soon when he's still in his twenties.
You suggested the coffee shop because you live in the neighborhood and your apartment is only two blocks away from here.
Turns out, none of you drink coffee. Felix drinks coffee only when they're heavily sweetened and you prefer tea.
"We meet again," Felix starts the conversation after your drinks order is served on the table.
"Yeah," you shortly respond with a small smile.
"It's..." he wanted to say that it feels like fate that the two of you meet again but he doesn't want to make it seem corny, "...nice," he settles with the simplest word and that's enough for now.
You carefully sip your tea and he notices your fingers are tinted black. The last time you met, he also saw the same thing.
"Are you a painter?" He guesses.
You slowly put down your tea and know that he sees your dirty fingers, "oh, no. I'm a calligrapher."
"So you have beautiful handwriting," he comments almost immediately.
You shyly smile at him and look down at your lap, "you can say so," you say.
Felix suddenly got so curious, he slides a napkin in front of you, "can you write my name?"
"What for?"
"I want to see your handwriting," he casually answers.
"I guess I can do that since you paid for my tea," you tell him with a low laugh.
You rummage through your tote bag to pull out a pen and another thing out of your purse, a card.
"What's your name?"
"Lee Felix," he confidently answers.
You nod and uncap the pen, start writing his name down on the card instead of on the napkin he gave you. You write his name in elegant cursive letters and to him, you look like drawing a flower instead of his name.
The curls of letters are still no match to the beautiful curl of your smile as you slide the card across the table to him.
"You do have beautiful handwriting," he compliments with a sly smile.
"Next time, I'll have to charge you for it," you joke and caps the pen back, putting it back inside your tote bag.
"I'm not sure if I can afford you," he jokes back while still staring at his written name on the card.
"How about you? What do you do?"
"I'm a dancer," he answers.
"I'm still a student so yeah, I can't charge you for that," he adds.
You softly laugh with your hand holding the handle of your teacup. Your phone rings on the table and his eyes dart to the pop-up notification that says 'Percy'.
You turn it off and put the phone inside your purse, "I'm sorry but I have to go."
He has so much to ask about you but he knows he can't keep you here and interrogate you all night. He can't demand your time considering he's still a stranger to you.
"No worries," he replies with a smile.
His excitement makes him forget the most important thing he wanted to ask you ever since he met you.
He's always late to realize it but not this time, "you haven't told me your name yet."
You gather your bag from your seat as you stand next to the table, "that's my name card you're holding," you tell him.
Felix flips the card with his written name and learns that you wrote on the back of your name card.
"See you again," you say as you wave your hand at him.
Felix waves his hand back at you until you disappeared out of his sight.
That's when he allows himself to gleefully smiles.
It's been three days, three miserable days of anticipation and anxiety, you can't seem to focus on your work as well when you need to check your phone every few minutes.
You went through five stages of grief and you got to the point of acceptance.
You're at your lowest point and when that happens, you call your brother
"How long it usually takes for a guy to finally call you?" You ask the second she picks up the phone call.
"You ask for the standard of a straight guy, right?"
"The average is three days but if it went up to a week, just forget him," he eloquently answers like it's an easy math problem.
You groan because three days is about to turn into four days and he hasn't called yet.
"Wait!" Your brother seems to finally catch the meaning of your question.
"Who is this guy?"
"The one I met on the bus," you reply with a sigh.
"But you said you didn't even know his name," he sounds so impressed and perplexed at once.
"I met him again."
"Three days ago."
"And he hasn't called?" He yells in disbelief into the phone.
"I'm sure he's just busy... he'll call," you console yourself with the last of optimism left in you.
"No. Even if he calls, don't answer!" He warns you and you can hear her heavy breathing through the phone line.
"At least, makes him wait for a day!"
"I don't know... I'll just..." you stare at the ceiling as you lay on your couch, while your brother keeps on blabbering through the phone while you start spacing out like you always do.
"Hey, are you still there?" Your brother shouts through the phone.
You snap yourself out of your head, "I'm going to bed," you tell him and end the phone call.
You continue to space out until you slowly drift into sleep, the sound of your neighbor's early morning routine of watering her plants on the balcony wakes you up.
Still sleepy, you drag yourself to your bedroom and before going back to sleep, you check the time on your phone.
Through your squinted eyes, you see that it's only 4.50 in the morning and there are two missed calls.
You shot up on the bed and see the timestamps, he called a few minutes after you fell asleep on the couch.
You badly want to hit call back immediately but he would still be sleeping right? Who wakes up this early? Only your hippie neighbor does.
You ended up not going back to sleep and used the time to contemplate the proper time for you to call back. Should you do what your brother said? Make him wait as he did to you?
You decide to make him wait for as long as you can hold yourself back from hitting the call button.
You busy yourself with work and doing the ones that still have a week left before the deadline. You put your phone away from you, out of your reach, out of your sight.
You give up when the clock strikes 2 pm and curse at the void, "screw with this waiting game!"
You hit the call button on his number and your heart race for every ring it takes for him to pick up the call.
On the fifth ring, you decide to turn it off and try calling again.
Then it clicks, "hello?"
The deep voice sparks the excitement in you but at the same time, you get nervous you start pacing the kitchen.
"Uhm... hi! I see that you called last night?"
"Yes, I did but then I figured you must be sleeping already," he answers.
"Yes, I was—" you got choked by your saliva from talking too enthusiastically.
You calm yourself down by taking a long breath and try again, "I was wondering why you called," you meekly say.
He sounds so calm, unlike you. You can even hear his smile even though you're sure you're only imagining it in your head.
"Do you have time this weekend?" He asks.
"Yes," you answer too quickly and swear, you can feel your brother's glare at you for doing that.
"Let's meet at the coffee shop near your apartment at 5?"
You nod and realize that he can't see it, you need to provide a verbal answer on a phone call.
"Yes, I can do that."
He lowly laughs, he probably can hear the thump of your heart and the excitement in your voice.
"I'll see you then," he says.
"See you."
A moment passes in silence but none of you are willing to hang up. Strangely, you feel comfortable sharing the silence with him.
"I'm happy that you call me back," he suddenly mutters.
You can see your wide smile on the reflection on the toaster, "me too."
He laughs again and lets out this delightful sigh that means so much more than just that.
"I have to go back to practice," he says.
"Sure, please, go ahead."
"Bye," you end the phone call and let out a long sigh of relief. You start running around the house while screaming at the top of your lungs, your neighbor probably going to check on you soon but you feel the need to let it out.
The euphoric feelings last for a few minutes until the anxiety kicks in.
You've never been on a date for years and you hate to admit that your brother is right. You check your closet, it's all sweatpants and oversized t-shirts. There's nothing you can wear for a date without looking like you're going for a job interview.
The weekend is only two days away and again, the only one who can save you from this dire situation is your brother.
"Let's go shopping," you say the second she picks up the phone.
"I swear if we're going to spend hours just to get the proper pen, I'll sue!" He answers with the recollection of the last time you went shopping together.
"It's for a date," you tell him before he could complain further.
You hear his silent triumphant smile, "it's about damn time."
Felix has two tickets for a musical play.
He doesn't know whether you'll like it or not, it would be his first time and he wants to experience this with you.
Calls him sentimental, but he wants to remember the first time he watched a musical play, it was with you.
He keeps fixing his hair because they're tousled today, he tried styling it and the best he did with it is flattening the sticking hair.
He comes to the coffee shop a little early and orders an iced chocolate drink because coffee only makes him even more nervous.
It's not the first time he's going on a date yet he feels excessively groggy, a dance audition didn't make his legs bounce this fast under the table.
He should stop doing that, so he starts tapping the table with his fingers.
"I'm sorry, I'm late," A voice says.
Felix turns his head to find you walking toward the table, clutching the strap of your purse on one shoulder and the other holding the hem of your dress from riding up your legs as you sit across him.
He was too nervous to see that you'd entered the coffee shop.
Now that he sees you in a white dress and your hair is prettily decorated with pins, he gets more nervous but in a good way. The sky is grey today but that smile of yours instantly brightens his day.
"Have you been waiting long?" You ask.
He's still in trance and it continues for a whole good minute, he screws his eyes shut, restarting his brain to go back to its normal state.
"No, I just got here," he answers.
You softly smile and put your purse on the seat next to you, ignoring the fact that you can see that he's lying from his half-drained glass, the ice cubes have melted and formed a different layer on top of the drink.
"Do you want to order something? I'll get it—"
"No, it's fine. I had one too many cups of tea already," you refused the offer with a smile.
Felix wipes his palms on his jeans and licks his lips, the tickets inside the pocket of his shirt searing his skin the longer he stalls on asking you.
"Do you..."
"Yes?" You respond already before he can even continue his question.
He laughs and that helps to relax him, "I have tickets to see a musical play," he says.
He moves his hands and rests them on the table, they are only inches away from yours, and he resists the urge to hold them.
He focuses on the task at hand and tries again, "Do you like it? Do you want to go?"
You look at him in silence and smile, "sure, I'd love to."
Felix let out a gasp, fortunately, a low one that passes your hearing. He looks down to hide his triumphant smile and hurriedly clears his throat.
"The play is at 8 so we still have time," he tries to sound calm but failed to hide his excitement.
"Oh, I can't wait. I never watched a play before," you say with a sheepish smile.
"Me too!" He eagerly responds.
He closes his eyes for a second, wishing he could erase the five seconds earlier from existence.
He thinks of something else to talk about, "should we grab a dinner first or...?"
You open your mouth to answer but the sound of your phone ringing got ahead of you, "I'm sorry," you mutter before taking it out of your purse.
Felix watches the shape you take as you sit sideways on your chair and he can see every curve of your facial features, of your nose, lips, and chin.
There's no other to describe the way he looks at you, Felix is smitten.
"Oh, no!" You shot up from your chair and dash towards the door.
You walk away without saying anything, leaving him flabbergasted and frozen in his seat.
This is not right, he says in his head. His eyes darted to the purse you forget to take with you.
He picks up your purse from the chair and chases after you, you're at the end of the block already. He's not wearing shoes that are suitable for running but that doesn't stop him from chasing you.
You've been resisting the urge to put your hands on your lap and clasped them together, clicking your thumbs together because that's what you do whenever you're nervous.
Unlike you, Felix seems calm but sounds so excited and eager, like a newly adopted puppy which is adorable.
You're about to suggest him to check out an art exhibition and a little walk from there, there's a nice restaurant that serves Japanese food.
The phone rings and it shatters your focus, "I'm sorry," you quickly apologize for the interruption.
"It's your neighbor."
"Yes, I see that you're calling, Mrs. Kim," you calmly respond.
"I know you're not at home," she speaks so slowly but remembering that she's as old as your mother, you should give her a pass.
"I just want to let you know Percy came to my balcony again," she informs.
You opened the window this morning to air-dry dozens of cards you finished writing since you couldn't possibly be going on a date with the thought of abandoning your job.
You did the job but you didn't close the window afterward and it's a horrifying thing to remember what happened the last time you forgot to do that.
"Oh, no!"
Without thinking, you scramble out of the door and blabber into the phone, "I'm only one block away, I'll come and get him!"
You run as fast as you can to your apartment building, punching the code to the entrance gate too fast that you push the wrong number.
You take a deep breath before trying to enter the code again, when it beeps open, you push through and continue running inside.
You hear someone running behind you too and you stop at the base of the stairs.
"Hey, you left your purse!" Felix says.
You only realized it now that you're only taking your phone with you, "Oh my God, I am so sorry," you quickly apologize.
He hands you the purse while panting, "is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just need to get to my floor—" you don't finish your words but sling your purse across your shoulder and start taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
You impatiently knock on Mrs. Kim's door and don't stop knocking until she opens the door.
"Mrs. Kim, I am sorry. I'm so stupid, I left the window open again," you sincerely regretted forgetting to do such a simple thing.
"It's alright, dear," she assures you with her hand on your shoulder.
"Did he breaks anything again?"
"It's alright," she keeps saying that and it only convinces you that something bad occurred.
"I'll pay for the damage, Mrs. Kim, I'll—"
"It's okay, I just need to re-potting them," she holds her hands up to assure you everything is alright on her end.
"Wait here, I'll get him for you," she heads back inside.
You turn to see Felix and exchange a nervous glance with him, he's looking so confused, probably thinking how did he end up here?
Mrs. Kim returns while carrying Percy in her arms and you hurriedly offer your arms to take it from her, "I am way scared knowing that he crossed the ledge," she says as he hands him to you.
"Mrs. Kim, I'm terribly sorry," you say again and you feel like it's not enough to make up for what your cat did. That he ruined her herb plants like he did last time.
She softly smiles, "it's okay and you'd better get him home, he needs a bath," she says.
The soil must be wet from the light rain and that explains the patches of dried mud on his fur.
"Thank you for keeping him," you say for the last time.
"No worries and I'm sorry for disrupting your date," she adds while keeping her door open.
Typical old people, they're nosy but you know that she said it with good intentions. You decide not to put too much thought into what she said, you are indeed on a date, or was half an hour ago.
"Thank you once again, Mrs. Kim," you say before leaving and going inside your apartment.
The window is open and you rush inside to close it, you don't think twice but put your cat in the sink, preparing him for a bath.
"Percy! I swear if you do this one more time, I'll give you to my brother," you scold the feline who curls on the bottom of the sink, knowing what will happen to him.
When you turn around, you see Felix standing in the middle of the room looking so lost. You feel bad for him, you ruin the date and now he's forced to watch you scolding your cat.
The apology can wait, you pull a chair from the dining table, "Please, sit. I'll get you something to drink."
You take a pitcher of juice and pour a glass for him, he must be thirsty from chasing you from the coffee shop to the apartment building.
"I'm sorry for everything," you say as you place the glass of juice in front of him.
"For the date, for making you run after me, for getting you here," you list everything that perhaps caused the inconveniences for him.
"I think you apologized enough for today," he says with a smile and sips his drink carefully.
Percy's mewl shifts your attention back to him, you start to prepare things for his bath, rolling the sleeves of your dress up your elbow.
You turn around to face Felix, then say, "I'll clean him up real quick."
He gets up from his chair and approaches you, "Can I help?"
Percy is nice to you and Mrs. Kim but when it comes to your brother, he turns hostile. You kind of guessed he's not good toward male which doubts you if it's a good idea to let Felix helps you bathe him.
"I'm not sure if that's..." your words trailing off as you watch Felix softly scratches the back of Percy's ear and he purrs with eyes closed.
"Yeah, I would love the help," you change your mind about it and let him help you.
Unlike any other cat, Percy enjoys being in the water and he likes taking a bath. You assume he intentionally did this mischief just so he can get this indulgence from you.
"What did exactly he does to your neighbor?" Felix asks as he holds Percy's head while you lather his body with soap.
"My neighbor plants all sorts of herbs on her balcony and Percy escaped through that window I accidentally left open, he knocked all of her potted plants and probably played with the soil too," you explained.
"And this happened before?"
"Bad Percy!" He scolds him while giving Percy gentle pats on the head and he mewls in response.
It never crossed your head, even in your silliest of imagination that you would bathe your cat with a guy and not just a guy, a gorgeous guy that looks like a character out of a fantasy book.
Is it too soon to say that you like him? To say that you have a crush on him is an understatement. You are completely whipped.
After wrapping Percy with a towel, you put him on top of the kitchen counter. You bring your hair dryer from your bathroom to dry Percy.
Felix takes it from you after you plugged it in, "I'll do it," he says.
"So you can change your clothes," he adds before you can protest.
You look down at the front of your dress, dirty from Percy's paws and the soil he carries with him. Good, you're not only ruining the date but looking so horrible doing it.
"I'll be back," you excuse yourself to your bedroom.
You almost let out a shriek once you see your reflection in the mirror, your dress is ruined and your hair is messy, a few stray hairs stuck to your sweaty forehead.
The clothes are off but you got yourself a new crisis.
"The guy is in my apartment!" You announce the second you heard your brother picks up the phone.
"How?" He asks with a dramatic sigh that could earn him a role in a soap opera.
You're not ready to tell him the reason why Felix ended up in your apartment, so you hurriedly ask him the question you've dying to ask, "Is it okay if I'm wearing sweatpants?"
From the way he heavily sighs into the phone, you got the answer already.
Felix is more of a dog person.
However, he likes animals in general, that includes cats.
That should be the least of his worries, earlier, he thought Percy is the name of your boyfriend.
He's glad that it's the name of your pet cat and he's snuggling up to him once Felix has done drying him. Percy is an adorable calico cat and a chatty one. He keeps meowing at him, probably asking for treats.
You've been in your room for quite some time and it's impolite to look through your kitchen cabinets to find the cat food.
He'll give you a few more minutes, then he'll knock on your door to ask where you keep it.
The noise Percy makes seems to call you out of your room and you have changed your clothes into blue jeans and a white blouse.
Even though what you're wearing is something simple, you're stunning still.
"I hear you. I hear you, Percy!" You shout back at the feline that doesn't stop meowing at you.
Felix chuckles witnessing this strange yet adorable interaction, it's making him miss having a pet of his own.
You reach the top cabinet to grab a box of cat treats and Felix's eyes catch the exposed skin of your stomach when you did that.
He looks away immediately and clears his throat.
Percy starts spinning on the kitchen counter at the sight of the treats you're bringing to him, "he always does that to get more treats from me," you share with Felix.
"Do you want to feed him?"
You pour a handful of treats into his open palm and he puts it in front of Percy. He doesn't waste time gobbling on it.
"Good boy!" Felix coos while brushing the top of his head.
"I think he likes you," you say while putting the carton back in the top cabinet.
"You think so?"
You nod and lean against the kitchen counter, "he's usually hostile towards men."
Felix smiles upon hearing that. To have your pet rooting for him that's something, that's a win. It assures him that he's on the right track.
It starts raining outside and Felix checks the time to see that it's almost dinner time already.
"Should we order something? For dinner?" You ask as if you read his mind.
"Good idea!" He responds.
You pick up the phone and start looking at the restaurant fliers stuck on the door of the fridge, "what should we be having?"
Then you turn at him in one swift move as if something just flashed right through your head, "Oh my God, the musical play!"
It's what he has been anticipating to do with you but now that he's in your apartment and playing with your pet, he likes where he is, he belongs at this moment.
"We can always go next time," he says, wishing for a hopeful turns out even though the night is still young.
Percy is sitting on the armrest of the sofa while the two of you having dinner on the carpeted floor with the sound of the rain filling the silence.
In this nice setting, Felix uses it to explain one thing. He drinks his water and licks his lips before speaking, "I'm late to apologize to you," he begins.
You put down your chopstick to listen to him talking, "for what?"
"That I didn't call you right away," he answers.
"Well, you called and you're here now," you simply resolved.
"Still, I owe you an explanation," he says while looking right into your eyes.
"I was out of town to perform at a festival. I got busy practicing and I don't think it would be wise to call you late at night," he speaks in a calm manner and apologetic eyes.
You stare at him for a few seconds and your eyes are so hypnotic he can't stop looking into them.
"I appreciate you for telling and I accept your apology," you say with a smile.
This moment is tender and so is the gaze you're giving him, he feels wrapped in an invisible cloak of warmth and comfort.
He wants to be in this moment forever.
Your phone rings with a reminder to give Percy his medicine.
You've done it a handful of times so it's not much of a hassle for you. It doesn't even take you a minute, you give him gentle scratches before letting him roam around the room to play by himself.
You return to the living room to see Felix looking at your desk, probably reading the cards you're working on.
He seems to be reading the defect one you keep in a separate tray.
He sees you watching him yet he remains calm, he proceeds to read the one he's reading.
"You also write letters for people?" He asks.
You shake your head, "No, I only do it for my grandparents. They used to exchange love letters when they were young."
You stand next to him to show him one of the old love letters you used as an example and that you have for safekeeping.
"Every anniversary, I write a love letter for my grandmother on behalf of my grandfather. His hands are too shaky to write letters now," you further explain.
Felix nods as he gazes in awe at how old the letter is and that the envelope itself is torn at the seams.
"Do you mind if I read this one?" he says, pointing to the one he read a while ago.
"Not at all. Please!" You allow him and lean against the desk facing him.
He takes the paper and starts to read it out loud.
"My tenderness, my happiness, what words can I write for you? Despite the hundreds of letters I've penned you, I still don't know how to tell you how I love, how I desire you. Such agitation—and such divine peace: melting clouds immersed in sunshine—mounds of happiness.
And I am floating with you, in you, aflame and melting—and whole life with you is like the movement of clouds, their airy, quiet falls, their lightness and smoothness, and the heavenly variety of outline and tint—my inexplicable love. I can't explain these cirrus-cumulus sensations."
Felix finishes reading with a delightful sigh and his eyes are back on you again, "it's so beautiful," he says with a mix of awe and slight shock.
You softly chuckle in response. If only you can tell him the way he reads it makes it more beautiful.
"I'll like it more if I know what cirrus cumulus is," he playfully remarks.
You chuckle again, "they are types of clouds," you answer his curiosity.
"My grandfather was a mariner."
"Wow, you're so smart!" He sincerely compliments you from the way he said it full of awe.
"Why? You feel intimidated?" You joke.
"A lot!" He shortly replies.
"Someone shouldn't have this many charms, you know?"
He's indirectly praising you and it's safe to say he's flirting with you, you can feel your cheeks heating, flustered.
You turn your back to him to put the old letter back into your drawer and say, "it's a pity that people don't write love letters anymore."
Felix nods in agreement, "yeah, receiving a love letter through an email is kind of... corny?"
The moment your eyes landed on each other's again, you both burst into laughs at the thought of it.
You used to think that the space is already full with only you and Percy, turns out, having Felix in here makes you realize that you still have a lot of space to fill.
It's getting late and the rain has stopped pouring.
Percy is sleeping on his sleeping mat in the corner of the room, curling into a ball, creating a cute swirl of orange, black, and white on his fur coat.
"The taxi will arrive in a few minutes," you inform him after ordering a ride home for him through the phone.
"Thanks," Felix replies.
He gets a little sad that the night is about to end and that he has to part with you soon. He consoles himself with the excitement that he'll meet you again soon.
Which reminds him of something, he approaches as you return from turning off the light on your desk.
"Are you busy next Friday?" He asks. He wanted to look anywhere but your eyes, knowing that they'll only make him nervous.
Somehow your eyes always succeed in attracting him to look.
"Next Friday?" you ask back for confirmation.
Felix is aware of the proximity, you stand mere inches away from his, and he can easily take your hands if he wants to.
He puts his hands behind him to resist the urge, "My school is having this dance ball and everyone is given a plus-one ticket," he explains.
He nervously wipes his palms on the back of his jeans, "I can't think of anyone to come to this ball with but you," he finishes.
He let out a low, shaky breath. You don't seem to be excited or opposed to the idea. You look rather confused like you don't know what to do with his invitation.
"I don't dance," you stutter.
"We don't have to dance or anything. I want you to come," he quickly adds, hoping that you wouldn't feel burdened with the request.
"I want you to come with me," he says again, almost desperately.
"I don't know," you vaguely answer, "I have to check my schedule first for that."
Felix repeatedly nods and it's better than you flatly rejecting him on the spot.
"You don't have to answer now. Take as much time as you can," he assures you.
You nod and the sound of your phone ringing startles you, "I guess it's the taxi," you say.
No shit, parting is such a sweet sorrow.
He takes a long look at you as you linger by the doorway, waving your hand at him, "thank you for today!"
"No, thank you for today!" He says back with a gentle smile.
You flash him a smile before closing the door and the only good thing about parting is knowing that the moment you meet again, it'll be so, so sweet.
You don't have to wait for the knocking, you recognize your brother's footsteps and he's right outside your door.
"Oh, the thing I do for you," he's complaining already with his jacket damp from walking under the rain.
Percy senses that his least favorite person just entered his territory and he starts hissing at him.
Your brother glares at him, "do you think I want this too?"
Percy growls at him and he never did that to anyone but your brother.
Your brother decides to ignore him and hugs you, "Don't worry, we'll be fine!"
His expression turns sour when he notices that you're still in your sweatpants and worn-out t-shirt.
"Why aren't you dressed yet?"
You frown and meekly say, "I don't think I can go."
"What are you talking about?" He asks in disbelief. His eyes widen and are about to pop out of their sockets.
You hug yourself feeling so incredibly small in front of him, not only because he has a bigger body frame than you but because he's the only one who is capable to make you openly vulnerable to him.
"I can't. I'll only embarrass myself," you sadly say.
You can see that he's disappointed in you but refrains from telling you.
He rests one hand against the dining table and says, "okay then I'll just go back home."
You immediately grab his hand, not letting him go, "no, don't go!"
He goes to grab the jacket he hung a minute ago, "I'm here to make sure your cat takes his medicine on time while you're out to have fun at the dance ball," he says.
"But since you decided not to go then you don't need me anymore," he finishes with a sinister smile.
He's not just disappointed at you, he's mad and he's the type to give you the silent treatment and when that happens, it's all very frustrating for you.
You grab his hand again to stop him from taking his jacket, "I'm so scared," you blurt out.
He turns to look at you to give you a chance to explain yourself.
It's not easy for you to talk about your feelings and your hands start to shake, "I like him so much and I'm so scared that I'll ruin it," 
"I think that it's better if I didn't go," your voice is quivering at the end of the sentence.
Your brother put your hand away from his wrist and holds it, "come here!"
He pulls you into a hug and stays like that for a good minute, it's comforting and safe, he's truly someone you can rely on.
"You like him that much, mmh?" He asks as he's gently patting your back.
You nod with your eyes closed to prevent yourself from crying.
"More than you like me?"
"No," you strongly deny.
He laughs and brushes your hair endearingly, his chest heaving as he draws a deep breath which makes you unconsciously follow suit.
"If you didn't go then how would he know that you like him?"
He pulls away just enough to put a space between your bodies and looks at your face, "do you think this chance will come again?"
That makes you think very hard and clearly about every possible scenario of how things would turn out but each time you only focus on the negative outcomes.
It does not always have to be that way, there's a fifty percent chance that things may go your way and that's not a bad deal.
"Are you sure you're not going to regret it?"
You don't have to think long to know the answer and you think your brother knows it too.
You hate to admit that your brother is right and he's always damn right.
"We all do embarrassing things, not just you. We all do and that's okay, that's something to laugh about in the future," he squeezes your shoulder to make sure his words seep into you.
You look at the time and you only have fifteen minutes until the dance ball starts while you have so many things to do beforehand. Dress, hair, make-up... you wouldn't make it on time.
You're dreading it all over again.
"Even if I go, I don't have much time left," you weakly tell him.
Your brother lets out his dramatic sigh then he shakes your shoulders to wake your whole body.
"It doesn't matter whether you'll be late or not," he tells you then ruffles your hair into a mess.
"What matters is you come!!!"
He turns your around and steers you to your bedroom, "Go get ready, I'll help you with the rest!"
Felix has been waiting outside.
He's waiting by the entrance of the ballroom and all of his friends are already inside, dancing with their partners and probably on their fifth glass of champagne already.
He checks his phone but there's no message, no missed calls, nothing from you. It's only making him more groggy that he starts pacing back and forth.
An hour has passed and he starts to doubt you'll be coming, he sits on the steps that lead to the ballroom, loosening his tie a little.
A few of his friends are also outside smoking and silently pitying him for being ditched by his date.
Still, Felix doesn't want to think ill of you. He tries to think positively, that maybe you have a more important thing to do or that you're unable to go.
And maybe, just maybe, you simply don't want to come and that's okay.
He takes his phone out of the inner pocket of his suit jacket and composes a new text message.
He thinks it over on what to say to you, to let you know that he's alright if you choose not to come and there's always a next time.
Next time is better than nothing at all.
He's about to press send when he sees someone walking up the steps toward him.
You're lifting the hem of your dress to make it easy for you to walk and the heels you're wearing clicking against the floor. He knows you're struggling with what you're wearing but the smile on your face tells him that doesn't matter to you.
And that's so attractive to him. He's glad that some of his peers get to witness this.
He rushes to help you walk up the rest of the steps by offering his hand which you eagerly take, you almost stumble at one point but he's quick to steady you.
Instead of feeling embarrassed, you laugh it off and say, "I'm sorry I'm late."
You're here with him now and that's enough.
He should have said it out loud and let you know that, except that his brain started to malfunction. He stops walking at the end of the steps to take a good look at you, to take everything in.
You're wearing a dress in a terracotta color and your hair is down, a smile doesn't wear off your face as you look back at him.
"You're so beautiful," he praises and that's the only truth.
"Thank you and you too," you praise back.
"Well except..." your hand reaches for his tie and goes to fix it, "now you're ready!"
He can feel his heart expands twice its size and beating so fast, he also can hear its beating in his ears.
He shouldn't waste more time, he offers his arm for you and you loop your hand around his arm, letting him sweep you off your feet on the dancefloor.
It's hard to look into his eyes and not to feel a thing.
His hands are on your waist and yours are on his shoulders, your body moves so awkwardly but Felix patiently guides you, swaying to the slow rhythm of the music.
"You said you don't know how to dance," he says with an impressed smile.
"I do," you assure him.
"This is not bad at all," he comments.
"That's because my brother gave me a short lesson," you shyly admit.
You know for certain that Felix isn't going to make fun of anything you said, he's too good to stoop that low. Therefore you don't have to worry about telling him things like this.
"Your brother is a dancer?"
You shake your head, "he's a rugby player."
A confusing look masked Felix's face and you understand why. No one gets it but your brother is one of a kind and you're very proud to have him in your life.
"Let's say, he's good at so many things," you simply resolve.
"Ah..." Felix responds with a nod of agreement.
The night feels so young, so hopeful, so magical and it feels like a dream to you. However, the next thing you know it's the last dance for the night.
You blame it on the fact that you came here so late but everyone else already got tired and there are only a few couples left on the dance floor.
"May I have the last dance?" Felix asks with one knee bent and a hand at you.
You put the champagne flute and put your hand on him, "yes, please."
He takes you with him back to the dance floor and you both stand facing each other, waiting for the music to start to play.
Felix places one hand on your waist and the other on your hand, once the music starts playing, you both start dancing.
You're following the instructions he gave you earlier, you only need to trust him and follow him.
And you're doing exactly those two things.
Goodness, Felix looks so stunning in his black suit and his slicked-back hair. His freckles, his smile, his kind eyes, just everything about him complement each other so well.
He's just so perfect and it makes you wonder if you deserve to be in this place, to have this dance with him.
You make a wrong step and you end up tripping over his foot, again, Felix catches your right on time.
"Are you okay?" He asks as he steady you.
You keep in mind that it's okay, embarrassing things like this are something to laugh about in the future.
"I'm okay," you assure him.
"Should we stop?"
You shake your head, "it's the last dance so..." you shrug and put your hands back on his shoulders.
"Okay," Felix also put his hands back on your waist and starts guiding you to sway, moving around the dance floor.
This is what you'll be missed if you didn't come and God, aren't you glad to come?
When you think about it, everything that has happened with Felix, how you met in a random place, how you met again for the second time in another random place, the failed date, and now, this.
The rose he gave you might have withered and died but not with your feelings as you feel them blooming into something you don't know what it is yet.
This chance will never come again nor is a person like him.
You put your hands around his neck and close the gap between your bodies, you feel his body stiffens against you, perhaps he gets a little surprised by the proximity.
A while later, you find his hand wrapped around your waist as he gently rests the side of his face against you, cheek to cheek.
You feel his warm breath a second before he speaks into your ear, "Thank you for coming!"
But you know those words mean more than just that.
All things come to an end, even the good things.
His heart gets heavier the closer his car gets to your apartment building, somehow it feels worse than waiting for you to come.
To conclude, he's better at waiting than letting you go.
He gets out of the car once he parked it to walk to the entrance of your apartment building, stopping just right by the elevator.
"I had fun tonight," you say to him while clutching your purse in front of you.
"Me too," he says back with a sheepish smile.
The empty lobby amplifies the feeling that tonight only belongs to you and him, which makes him reluctant to end the night with a goodbye.
He doesn't want it to end, he wants it to last forever.
The elevator chimes as it arrives and again, Felix finds himself in a situation that needed him to act in a such short amount of time.
One look into your eyes and he knows he wants to lose himself in them.
He catches your hand and takes a step closer, "Can I—" he aborts his plan to ask first and just go ahead with his guts.
Slowly, he presses a kiss on your lips and places his hand on your jaw, holding you still as he kisses you.
He lets the kiss lasts for a moment before letting it go.
Your eyes are still closed and the sight of your wet lips entices him to kiss you again.
He doesn't have it in him to resist the temptation, he places his lips on you again and you return the kiss this time, opening your mouth for him.
He's more than eager to deepen the kiss, tasting more of you.
This time, you pull away but keep your forehead presses against his, foolishly smiling at each other at how those kisses felt. Which are not less than what they're supposed to be, of something right, of something fated.
And when he least expected it, you come up with the question he wanted to ask.
You slide your hands up to his neck and clung to him, "do you want to go upstairs?"
Felix is standing behind you as you unlock the door.
Without having to look, you can feel his eyes on you, and the body heat he's emitting, makes you guess how close he is.
You hold the urge and push the door open, "come in!"
Felix steps into your apartment and his eyes widen in surprise, you got curious at what he's seeing.
It's your brother and he's sleeping on your sofa, "I don't know that he's—"
You stop explaining and come to your brother's side, gently shaking his body to wake him up while muttering curses under your breath.
"Wake up! It's late!" You say through your gritted teeth.
You accidentally slap his cheek a little too hard but it works to wake him up, he fumbles to get up from the sofa. He looks around, disoriented.
"Why are you still here?"
"I fell asleep," your brother answers them yawning.
"Can you please go now?" You plead while keeping it low to not let Felix hear the conversation.
"Okay, I'll call for a taxi home," he slurs as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"I mean now. Right now!" You insist.
Using your eyes, you gesture to Felix standing in the middle of the room watching you talk to your brother.
"Oh shit, is this the bus guy?" He asks in surprise.
Your brother shakes his head to summon his senses back into his head, "I mean, you're the dancer."
Felix awkwardly waves at him and politely smiles, "hi!"
"Don't worry, I'm just her gay brother," your brother adds.
You wince again and wish that you can disappear or someone removed him from this scene.
But since Felix already sees everything, you decide to properly introduce your brother to him.
"This is my brother," you tell him and awkwardly stand there between them.
Felix is the one who comes up and offers his hand to your brother for a handshake, "Hello, I'm Felix."
Your brother nods with a cryptic smile plastered on his face, he looks inexplicably masculine with his hand gripping Felix's lithe hand.
He gives Felix a long assessing look, it's just this thing he does to anyone who gets close to you. It's a brother thing.
"I play rugby, you know," he suddenly says and no one asks him anything about his job.
Felix nods, "yes, I've been told you are a rugby player."
Your brother nods again and gives him an approving smile, then finally, he lets go of the handshake. You see Felix's hand turns pale and you glare at your brother.
"Do you mind if I use the bathroom?" Felix asks.
"Not at all!" You answer and it's better like this, you're not going to let him be around your brother for too long.
"You're taking him here!" Your brother the second Felix closes the door of the bathroom.
You ignore him and grab his jacket, you hand it to him so he can put it on.
"You know what that means, right?" He slips his muscular arms into the sleeves of his jacket, "you're going to have sex with him!"
You groan at him and get him up from the sofa with all of your strength, "can you say that any louder?"
He gets up on his own and you push him in the direction of the door, "do you know what you're supposed to do, right?"
"Shush it!" You remind him that Felix can hear all of this.
He abruptly stops to look at you, "you have condoms?"
"Please, just go!" You desperately beg.
Your brother gets it, he lets out a sigh and then goes to give you a quick hug, "call me if anything happened or has not happened," he jokes.
You scoff and open the door for him, waving your hand at him until he enters the elevator.
"Where's your brother?" Felix asks once he returns from the bathroom.
"He left," you answer.
"I didn't get to say bye to him," he sadly says which is very cute of him that he worries about making a good impression on your brother.
And now that it's only the two of you in the apartment, apart from Percy who's snoring on his pillow, the tension is back and it doubles with every passing second.
The sight of your bedroom is tempting but you're not ready for that yet.
You think of something to keep things going and not to kill the buzz.
It's the wine.
Felix believes that's the reason why he's telling you all of these things about himself, from the food he likes to the student who silently hates him.
He can see that you intently listen to him, asking everything that intrigues you, reacting to his jokes, and laughing along with him.
It's rare to find someone he wants to spend all night just talking to.
The bottle of wine is almost empty and the night is getting late, Percy's snoring is getting louder as well.
"I already expected that your brother would be so big because you mentioned he's a rugby player," He says then take the last sip of his wine.
"But I didn't know he would be that big," he emphasizes the word to describe your brother's enormous presence.
You laugh in response while tucking your hair behind your ear.
"He's hunky, I like it," Felix adds.
"Oh? You like him?" You ask with a slick smile and an eyebrow raised.
He puts his wine glass away to not risk him dropping it as he laughs.
"I'll let him know," you joke back.
The two of you are sitting on the sofa with a space in between and maybe it's you that keeps luring him in or maybe it's him seeking your warmth, wanting to stay close to you.
He realizes that the gap is closing as his knee bumps yours and in this proximity, he can feel that his brain is about to short-circuit.
He quickly thinks of something witty to say before everything that comes out of his mouth is pure idiocy.
"You can also tell him that I like his sister more," he doesn't mean to blurt it out like that but it happens because he's on the verge of imploding. Also, he wants you to know that.
It takes you a second to get what he said and you look down at your lap, flustered.
That's just so cute to him.
He reaches for your face and put his hand under your chin, he tilts your head to meet his gaze. Slowly, he leans in and you lean in as well, making the gap between your bodies turns nonexistent.
"I like you too," you say back to him with a smile.
There's no perfect way to capture this moment than with a kiss, a kiss that conveys how happy he is to know that you reciprocate his feeling.
He wraps his hand around you and you scoot closer to him like two opposites of magnet that attract one another.
A smile lingers on your face with your eyes still closed after you pull away, "want to know something?"
He puts his other arm around your shoulders and lets you rest your head on it, "yes."
"I almost didn't come to the dance ball tonight," you confess and the eyes you're giving him right now tell him that you're being honest.
He grabs your free hand and interlaced his fingers with yours, "why?"
"Being in a new place, in a crowd, they're not my specialties," you tell him with a grimace.
"And I don't like going out. I like staying at home."
Felix nods and brings your hand close to his mouth so he can kiss your knuckle, "is that why you were late?"
You nod.
"What makes you decide to come?"
"My brother," you shortly replied.
Felix nods again and softly sigh, "well, that makes me like him more," he playfully remarks.
"Oh?" You exclaim in a slight shock and your fingers are closing around his.
He gives you a long peck on the lips as a token of gratitude for being willing to come and try new things with him.
He appreciates the effort so much and that only makes him fall deeper into you. There's no escape at this point.
He's in love, through and through.
Percy likes to come to your bedroom and climbs into your bed, he'll try to wake you up in the morning.
To prevent that, you carefully close the door of your bedroom and try not to make any sound in the process.
When the knob clicks in place, you sigh in relief and turn to face Felix, who's looking nervous but looking so cool doing it.
"You have a nice room," he stutters, a hand scratching the back of his head.
"Thank you," you mutter.
Indeed, you haven't had a man coming to your place and staying the night over, it feels like the first time all over again. Now you're older and hopefully wiser, you know it's going to be different this time around.
For a start, you know that you like Felix and you fully consent to what is about to happen in your bedroom, sexually or not.
Felix's presence in your room doesn't make you feel that he's invading your space in a way that most people do.
It's just as if he belongs here, close to you.
"Can you help me take off my dress?" You ask.
You see his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat and you take it that he doesn't expect that request comes from you, "sure."
The dress has been weighing you all night, you didn't feel bothered by it earlier because of the adrenaline rush and you were having such a great time with Felix to focus on the inconvenience.
Hours passed and now you can feel your shoulders sagging because of it.
You turn around as he walks up to you then put your hair to one side to show him the zipper of the dress.
The sound of the zipper being parted open against the quiet of your room intensifies the tension in the room.
When you thought it was done once the zipper reached its end but no, Felix softly caresses the exposed skin with just the tip of his fingers, light and featherlike, a kaleidoscope of butterflies fluttering inside you.
You turn your head to look at him but his lips welcomed you instead, you spin your body around to face him, and have your lips locked with him again.
Felix parted the dress open and let it falls onto the floor, pooling around your ankle while you impatiently unbutton his shirt without looking.
All clothes are off the moment you both hit the bed and he hovers above you, kissing you wherever he can land his plush lips on.
Felix's hand goes down to touch your heating core and it feels hot the moment they make contact.
It gives you the idea to do the same for him, you slide your hand down to his abdomen and keep going south until your hand meets his semi-hard cock.
Gently, you wrap your hand around it and stroke it, up and down, up and down.
You both sense that none of you want to waste time anymore, you kiss him before telling him where you keep the condom.
"It's inside the drawer," you pointed to the small drawer next to the bed.
Felix takes it in a matter of seconds, he unwraps the foil wrapper with his hand and securely rolls it down his length. He smiles as he crawls over to you, kissing you again before positioning himself between your legs.
You spread your legs wider for him and did it without thinking or else you wouldn't do it at all.
Felix rubs his hands up and down your thighs, once in a while, he teases your clit by circling it with his thumb.
The breathing exercise you usually do whenever you're anxious can't help you in this type of situation, but you remind yourself that it's just excitement, lust, desire, everything mixed into one.
You moan as he teases your entrance with the tip of his cock, he smears your essence all over then finally pushes into you.
A loud moan rips out of you.
Felix abruptly stops moving, he gently rubs your thighs again.
"Are you okay?" He softly asks.
You believe it's just nerve and try to relax by taking a few deep breaths.
"I'm okay," you assure him.
With that being said, Felix pushes into you again and you moan in pain, "Oh my God!"
"Do I hurt you?" His voice is heavy with concern.
You shake your head. You don't know how to tell him about it but you know it'll be an embarrassing thing to say.
 "It's just..."
"Mmh?" He props his hands on each side of you with his face merely inches away from yours, "It's okay, tell me."
You cover your eyes as if it would help you hide from him, "I think you're just too big for me," you meekly answers.
There's a moment of silence, he is probably at a loss for words to respond to you and you understand why.
A while later, he takes your hands from covering your face and makes you look at him, "should we stop?"
"No," you answer rather too quickly and that makes you sound eager.
You put your hand on his neck and say, "I just need to relax."
"Okay," he gives you a peck on the lips before he pulls out of you to lay by your side.
He pulls the duvet to cover both of your bodies and he puts his arm out to be your pillow.
"I'm sorry," you sadly say, it's the last thing you want to do which is ruining this moment.
He softly chuckles and kisses your nose, "this is nothing to be sorry about," he consoles you.
You put your hand across his muscular chest and look at him, "I'm nervous because I haven't done it in a long time," you openly share with him.
He has the right to know that it's not him, it's you.
"I know," he casually says.
You jerk your head back in surprise, "how?"
"I heard you and your brother talking before he left," he answers with a cheeky smile.
You wince in pain and embarrassment, he heard everybody your brother said to you about you not having sex for a long time.
You groan and slump in your pillow, you pull the duvet over your head to hide from him.
"That's so embarrassing..." you grumble and your voice is muffled.
Felix follows suit and hides under the cover with you, "found you!"
You giggle as he pulls your body close to him and touches you under the cover, sneaky and soft, it's romantic and arousing at once.
"I'm also nervous because I'm doing it with you," you tell him but you don't feel embarrassed to let him know this.
"Why? Am I intimidating?" He asks with a sly smile.
You shake your head no and bring your mouth close to his ear, "because you're so hot."
You don't know what got into you next because you find yourself gently biting his ear shell.
His face turns red and his cheeks blushed profusely, it seems like you've just discovered his sensitivity spot.
The little giggles you let out as he plants ticklish kisses on your neck are so adorable yet aroused him so much.
His cock is impossibly hard and swollen, that little taste he got when he entered you earlier keeps replaying in the back of his head.
Fuck, you feel so good, so tight and it was only the tip. He can't imagine what it would be like to be fully buried inside you, don't think he'll last long.
"Felix," you softly call him.
He drags his mouth back to your lips and gives you a quick peck, "yes?"
You hold his small face in your hands and say, "let's try again," you say.
He's more than eager to cater to you but he needs to make sure you're not pressured to do this. Consent always comes first to him.
He softly kisses your inner arm for a second, "are you sure? You don't have to do it, you know?"
You shake your head, "I want this," you pause to land a long kiss on his lips, "so very much."
And that's low-key the sexiest thing a girl can say to him.
Somehow the break you both took helps him relax too and reminds him to take his time, not to rush it.
Felix starts by kissing you down until his mouth lands on your cunt, he wants to properly prepare you this time. He knows what to do with his mouth and to relax you with it, by running his tongue down your slit repeatedly, making it slick with his spit.
And gently, he sucks your clit and teases it with the tip of his tongue.
You're moaning and it's getting hot under the cover you throw it to the side, exposing both of you to the cool night air.
"You like that?" He asks with his head between your legs.
"Yes," you immediately answer.
Your hands reach for his head and bring him to hover above you again, not hesitating to kiss his mouth smeared with your essence.
Now, that is the second sexiest thing you've done tonight.
Felix concludes everything too early, he forgets the night is still young and you're still waiting for him with your legs spread open once again.
His hand gently holds you by the waist as he enters you, slowly and carefully, he makes sure to not cause any discomfort to you.
He feels your hand holding him by the nape of his neck, "Good?"
You nod with a smile that reassures him you're alright.
That's when he allows himself to indulge in the pleasure of entering you, have his cock sheathed inside your warm, velvety walls.
Deep, low growls escaped his mouth at the sight of his cock fully disappearing inside you.
He looks at your face so still with your mouth parted open, whimpering in pleasure.
He crashes his mouth against you and you return it with the same eagerness.
"You feel so good," he murmurs the second he pulls away from the kiss.
You smile against his lips and put your hands around his neck, letting him deepen the kiss.
Felix never takes sex as just sex, as just a mere physical fulfillment. That's why he rarely have sex just for the sake of it, he only wants to have sex with people whom he wants to truly bond with to seek a deeper, meaningful relationship. Call him boring but that's just how it is for him.
And this, what he has with you makes him believe that you're the one he's been looking for.
Felix takes your hand and flips over your hand on the bed, he slips his hand into yours, it's perfect like he's meant to hold it. He gives your cheek the softest of caress as he looks into your eyes, "I know it's early to say this," he says.
Your hand curves under his arm with your fingers tenderly trailing his shoulder blade, "yeah?"
"I want to be with you," he confesses and his heart quivering, a mix of excitement and fear mixed into one in his chest.
Your gaze softens at the sudden confession, "you do?"
He nods then swipes his thumb over your lips, "I want to be with you. I want you to fill my days and nights. I want you to be a part of my life."
He gives your lips the lightest yet most loving kiss he could give you as his heart aches and it only proves to him that his feelings are real for you.
"Do you want to be with me?" He asks.
You bring his face close to yours and give him almost the same tender kiss but with a steadfast conviction you answer him, "yes, I do."
Ain't he glad that he had just the last rose for you that day?
The dress suddenly shrinks in size and you struggle to fit yourself in it. It was fine when you try it on last night but that's with the help of your brother.
You can't possibly gain extra weight in a span of one night. You huff and try again for the last time, you successfully zipped up the dress by holding your breath for a few seconds.
One last look in the mirror, checking your make-up and hair then you're ready to go.
You pull open the door to find Felix already waiting in the living room, playing with Percy on the sofa. His head turns in your direction, noticing that you finally come out of the room.
His face instantly lights up when his eyes land on you.
"I'm ready!" You tell him.
He gets up from the sofa and takes a moment to admire you, his eyes traveling up and down your body.
Felix holds his hand out at you, "shall we?"
You place your hand on his and let him sweep you off your feet.
As long as he's with you he doesn't care about anything else.
Felix knows you'd prefer having a romantic dinner in the house than anywhere else. Comfort has to come first to ensure that the two of you have a great time tonight.
You highly approved the dinner that he cooked and the wine he bought for tonight, now he hopes you like the song he chooses for the dance.
"You're getting good at it," he says with an impressed smile then gives you a twirl.
"That's because you're a good teacher," you say back and let him pull you close until your back meets his chest.
He puts his arms wrapped around you and sways both of your bodies to the slow beat of the song and you rest your head on his shoulder, giving him access to easily kiss you on the lips.
He'll always treasure this moment with you and keep it close to his heart.
The only one who gets impatient as he unpacks a box of chocolate bonbon is Percy and he probably thinks it has his treats inside of it. He can see from the way he keeps spinning on the sofa.
"I'm sorry to tell you Percy but it's not for you," you say to him and scoop him onto your lap.
It would be petty of him to be jealous of how you treat your pet cat but he feels left out when Percy keeps putting his paw on your chin and starts nibbling on your lips. You put him away a few times but he keeps on licking your lips.
You warn him over and over again but he keeps on doing that.
"I'll get him his treats," you say, excusing yourself to the kitchen.
Percy starts to spin around on the floor at the sound of the treats hitting his feeding bowl while softly meowing at you.
You squat next to him and scratch his back, "you had your dinner so you can't have too much."
Now it feels like he's the one third-wheeling you, "babe, come here!" He says and failed to not sound like he's jealous.
You walk up to him and sit next to him on the sofa, he's got one piece of chocolate in his hand for you.
You take the whole piece at once, chewing on it with your cheeks looking puffy.
You nod and take a different piece of chocolate from the box, it's your turn to feed it to him.
He holds your wrist as he takes it into his mouth then sneakily licks your fingers while slyly smiling at you.
"Happy Valentine's day, my love!" He softly kisses the back of your hand.
"Happy Valentine's day," you say back and lean in to kiss him.
Felix doesn't want to waste this opportunity, he deepens the kiss and tastes chocolate in you. If only you know, between the two, you taste much sweeter.
"We met a year ago," you say in disbelief.
"Yeah and I was sad that I didn't get your number," Felix admits.
You gently hit his chest and he groans in pain, "Ouch!"
"I was standing there the whole time and you didn't say anything!" You tell him with your eyes almost out of their sockets.
He quickly takes your hand and pulls you close, "I know but I was so nervous, you're so beautiful, babe," he explains his reasons while pressing his face to the side of your head.
He turns your head to make you face him, "I was so captivated."
You scoff then pout at him, "you're lucky because I got called for a job that day when we met again."
"You're lucky that I decided to go home early that day," he says back at you.
You grab the collar of his shirt and say, "Or else..."
"Or else..." he repeats your words and leans in, his lips only an inch away from yours.
"We wouldn't be here now," you say.
"We wouldn't have this conversation."
His eyes are focusing on your lips, "Uh-huh."
"And you wouldn't be able to kiss these lips," you say with a seductive smile.
He tips his head to the side, impressed that you can easily read his mind. He can hardly wait anymore, he kisses you with all of his heart, pouring all of his love for you.
His hands start to wander by themselves like they have minds of their own and start touching you, tracing every curve of your body, feeling you all over with the dress separating his palm from touching your silky smooth skin.
"Do you like my dress?" You ask against his lips.
"No," he replies.
"I hate it, loathe it, despise it."
You shot him a deadly glare in return for his spiteful words.
"I want to take it off of you," he whispers with his breath tickling your ear.
Or else... he wouldn't be here openly saying he wanted to undress you.
One year doesn't change the way he sees your body, he'll never get enough of it no matter how many times he has seen it.
It's a body that recognizes his touches and he knows where to touch you right, a body that's so sensitive to the faintest of his fingertips on you.
You whine as you slowly ease yourself on him and he brushes all of your hair to the side to plant kisses on your neck.
"Still too big for you, mmh?" He teases.
You scoff as you look at him, "oh please, don't get cocky!"
Both of you let out a collective gasp as you managed to all of him. He holds you still as he presses a haste kiss on your lips, hungry for more of your taste in his mouth.
It's not just sex with you, it's making a sweet, sweet love.
The way you move against him and enjoy pleasing him, that's just so sexy to him.
He cups your face and takes a closer look at your face, a face that he missed seeing even in his sleep.
"You're so beautiful, love," he murmurs with loving eyes.
He can tell that you like when he praises you like this from the way you clench around him.
"I'm so lucky to have you," he murmurs another praise at you.
That seems to arouse you more that you quicken the pace and it does him no good, you're driving him to the edge.
Your moans grow louder, your grip becomes tighter and your nails dug deeper into his skin.
"Want to cum," you whine with your eyes screwed shut in pleasure.
"Yes, baby?" Felix's brain is clouded with pleasure to properly function.
You sloppily kiss him on the mouth, "want to cum together with you," you breathlessly say against his lips.
"But baby, if you keep clenching around me I'll not last long," he tells you with a sly grin plastered on his face.
He grabs your waist and takes control of your body, forcing you to slow the pace down. Eventually, you follow the pace he sets and change your movement by rolling your hips in circular motions.
"You're getting too good at this," he complains but with zero annoyance in his voice.
You giggle and pull him for a kiss, "why? Do you mind?"
"Not at all!"
He takes a handful of your hair as he kisses you deep and hard with tongues and teeth clashing inside your mouth. The kisses steal all of the air in your lungs that you have to pull away first.
Felix keeps your head resting against his and syncing his breathing with you, two bodies move in unison.
This very moment is tender and intimate, he believes he will never experience this with anyone else but you.
The fact that he met you again that day tells him that this is indeed fate, he's destined to be with you.
"I love you," he softly mutters with an endearing caress on your cheek.
You smile as your gaze softens, "I love you too," you say back without a beat.
Or else... he wouldn't be this happy to hear you say it back to him.
Percy sits on your stomach and has been meowing right at your face for you don't know how long.
"Be quiet!" You slur with your eyes still closed.
He starts to nuzzle his head at you and nibble on your nose, you cover your face with your hand to stop him.
"Percy, be quiet!" You tell him again.
Through your squinted eyes, you see that it's only seven in the morning and you can get at least half an hour more of sleep.
"You're hungry, huh?" You ask as you sleepily pat his furry head.
He meows in response.
"Give me a minute, okay?" You tell him. You need a few minutes to gather your thoughts and rub the sleep off your eyes.
Felix eventually got bothered by Percy's continuous mewl, he turns on the bed and put his hand across your chest.
"Stay," he mumbles.
Percy puts his tiny paw on Felix's hand and pushes it off of you, he let out a loud meow at him.
Felix's eyes snap open and he glances at you, "is he telling me not to hold you?"
You laugh in confusion because you only discovered now that Percy can be so possessive over you.
"I think so, yeah," you answer.
Felix pats Percy on the head, "I thought we agree to share, buddy," he says to him.
Percy aggressively mewls at him with fangs out and everything.
"Percy!" You scold him and cuddle his face to stop him from making screeching noises.
"He's hungry," you say and turn your head at Felix.
"I'm afraid I can't stay," you give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
Felix kisses your bare shoulder and nuzzles his head into your neck, "stay," he mutters close to your ear.
You put your hand in his hair, his soft locks slipping through your fingers and you're more than tempted to spend the morning cuddling with him.
"I want to but Percy—" your words got cut off as Felix places a kiss on your neck with his teeth faintly biting the skin.
"That's not fair," you whine but not doing anything to stop him.
"Mmh? What is it, baby?" Felix pretends not to hear you and continues making a trail of kisses down the column of your throat.
Percy's mewl interrupts both of you and Felix sighs in defeat, he knows he's not going to stop mewling until you feed him.
You give him a long, lingering kiss to console him, "I'm sorry, baby."
Felix smiles in return and rests his head back onto his pillow, "Do you mind if I get more sleep?"
"Not at all!" 
He demands one more kiss from you before you leave and close the bedroom door.
After filling Percy's bowl, you don't feel like cooking breakfast this morning. You decide to make a quick run to the bakery across the street to get a few pastries and a latte for Felix.
On the way back, you pick up a few mails from your letterbox and clutch everything in your arms.
Percy greets you with his happy mewls and trails behind you as you place everything you carry onto the dining table.
You check your mail to see if there's a work-related one, instead, you found one. You flip the letter to see who the sender is and you gasp in surprise to see that it's from Felix.
You bring the letter with you as you jog to your bedroom with Percy still trailing behind you.
You jump onto the bed and sit next to his sleeping figure.
He gets startled that his eyes instantly open, "what is it, babe?"
You catch your breath before speaking, "did you send me a letter?"
He seems to get it right away which only means he knows what you're talking about, "the letter should have arrived yesterday," he grumbles and props his elbow against the mattress.
The duvet slides down his body and exposes his bare upper body, his sculpted abs look more defined under the morning sun.
"Can I read it?" You ask even though you don't need his permission.
He places his hand on your thigh and looks up at him, "go ahead."
You carefully open the envelope without trying to rip it and slowly take out the letter inside, you unfold it while looking at him in excitement.
One look and you know it's all handwritten, it's his handwriting. You lick your lips and clear your throat before reading the letter out loud.
"There's nothing in all the world I want but you and your precious love."
Even the opening line makes your heart flips a couple of times already.
"All the material things are nothing. I'd just hate to live a sordid, colorless existence because you'd soon love me less and less and I'd do anything – anything – to keep your heart for my own."
You hold the hand resting on your thigh and continue reading.
"I don't want to live— I want to love first, and live incidentally... Don't ever think of the things you can't give me. You've trusted me with the dearest heart of all–and it's so damn much more than anybody else in all the world has ever had."
You put the letter close to your chest and close your eyes, taking a moment to let the words sink into you.
"I have bad penmanship, I know," he says to you with a playful smirk.
When you're ready to face him, you intertwined your hand with him and sigh, a sigh that tells him how grateful you are for him.
Emotions bubble up and burst out of you, you feel the urge to tell him the truest words you can say to him.
"I love you so much," you tell him, and your heart aches and your eyes start to water. 
"I love you too, baby," he says and goes to hold you tightly.
All of your past mistakes and wrong decisions suddenly don't matter to you anymore because this path has led you to him.
This is fate, this is destiny and this is right because he is right.
"It's my first love letter," you croak as you are on the verge of crying.
"And I'll keep writing you a love letter to the last you'll ever receive," he says back and kisses you on the forehead.
And who cares about the one who gets the first rose when you get to be the last one from him?
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scaralvr · 2 years
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05. outside of school chapter five to the secrecy of our confessions [masterlist]
synopsis: scaramouche gets dragged to an outing with his sisters but his frown turns upside down when he sees you (n/n) = nickname
"KUNIKUZUSHI, YOU DICKHEAD, PAY ATTENTION!" mona screamed as fischl trudged around the clothing store, attempting to be a random person passing by. scaramouche hummed and waved his hand, not looking up from his phone. mona clenched her jaw so hard she swore she heard it clack.
she stomped over to where he was sitting outside of the changing rooms. mona pressed her index fingertip to his forehead rather harshly, "i didn't bring you along on this outing for nothing! now, how do you think this skirt looks on me?" scaramouche brought his phone closer to his face, tucking his knees in, "i think it makes your ass look even smaller than it already is." mona gasped.
fischl looked through the countless racks of clothing, trying to ignore the stares the people gave her siblings. she nervously whistled, making her way back to them. "may we please, please, please go now? i beg of you!" she whined, clinging onto mona's arm.
mona rolled her eyes, "oh, fine. get up off your ass, kunikuzushi and let's go." scaramouche didn't reply. she tapped her foot, raising her brow with a menacing glare. fischl gripped onto her older sister's shirt, "may i propose a suggestion, sister?... we could leave 'mouche to his own business for a bit and then come back-"
in one swift move, mona snatched scaramouche's phone.
"aha!" she snickered with a victorious grin. scaramouche attempted to run forward to grab it but failed when mona put her arms up high. "GIVE IT BACK, YOU, YOU-" he gritted his teeth, "YOU BITCH!" an old woman nearby gasped and people began to mutter.
mona laughed, tears growing in her eyes from the sheer ridicule, "oh, name calling, are we now, mister loverboy?" she teased, pointing at your twitter dm he was previously texting. scaramouche gawked, "shock!" (spyxfamily anya reference real) he shook his head and pushed her to the ground, "GIVE IT!"
fischl's mouth was left agape as she anxiously watched the twins go for each other's throats, "ah..." after much hair yanking and biting, yes, biting, the manager of the store had to kick them out from the amount of customer complaints. mona scoffed, "the clothes there were pricy anyways. come along!" she declared, leading the way.
scaramouche angrily blew a strand of hair away from his face, due to the fact that mona had confiscated his phone and shoved it away in her purse. and he was just starting a good conversation with you. fischl's eyes lit up as she tugged at her brother's sleeve, "look, look!"
scaramouche groaned, "fisch', i'm not interested in seeing those video game characters with huge boobs and thigh highs for no reason-" he froze when he pin-pointed where his sister was looking at. "it's..."
"(y/n)!" hu tao exclaimed, running over to grab your hands. she giggled, "c'mon, you slow-poke; the rest of us have been waiting for a decade now. you're always last to arrive at our little meet-ups outside of school!" she joked, poking fun at you. you nervously chuckled, "sorry, you know my parents. they held me up with studying for the upcoming exams," you explained with a smile.
hu tao led you to the cafe, "oh, really? i never study for anything, i'm just that good at it." she winked and you laughed. scaramouche instantly ran up to mona, "i'm hungry!" he said, a little too loud. mona scanned him up and down, "okay... and?" scaramouche pointed to the cafe with an innocent smile, "let's go there."
mona and fischl flinched together. "he never smiles... unless he's done a brutal thing or is planning something." mona thought to herself, suspecting scaramouche's odd behaviour. she flipped her hair, "fine." scaramouche could hardly contain a genuine grin from slipping.
"ooh, this place smells rather pleasant!" fischl commented as mona dragged her by the arm, "don't get distracted, fischl." in the meanwhile, scaramouche looked left and right, searching for your whereabouts. "i'll just have a frap and what do you two want?" mona asked, taking out her credit card.
fischl excitedly raised her hand, "a carrot muffin!" scaramouche bit down on his lip to stifle a smile as he saw you. "and you, kunikuzushi?" mona queried. he didn't look at her, eyes lingering upon your attractive face as you conversed with your friends, "oh... i'll just have a wichsand- i-i mean, sandwich," scaramouche corrected himself with a lovesick gaze.
mona mocked a gagging sound while sticking her finger down her throat and scaramouche shouted, "HEY, WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" you perked up at the familiar voice at the same time. "say, you seem a little distracted today (y/n)," yun jin tittered. yoimiya squealed, "oh, it's him, isn't it!?"
butterflies formed in your stomach and your cheeks dusted a light pink, "who?" hu tao deadpanned, "just look at that stupid face. they're totally thinking about him." you smacked her arm and she whistled, "just saying." you rested your chin in your hand, closing your eyes with a smile, "we were texting just earlier, actually."
ayaka's eyes grew wide, "really!?" yoimiya giggled, "ohh, of course you two were. you've always been on that phone ever since he added you!" you waved your hands around defensively, "hey, it's not all the time!-"
"kunikuzushi, you little shit, are you not listening to me again?" mona snapped her fingers. scaramouche quickly looked away when you caught his gaze by surprise. his face reddened as he glared at his sister, "what." she narrowed her eyes, "do you think i'm an idiot? just go talk to them, damn it!" she said, pushing scaramouche forward.
and he ended up, right in front of the table you were sitting at with your friends. hu tao gave him a judgy glare, loudly sipping from the straw jammed into a nearly empty pumpkin spice latte. you appeared surprised, "scara!" yun jin smugly repeated, "scara?" hu tao huffed, "so you two have endearments for each other now?"
both you and scaramouche blushed out of embarrassement, yelping in unison, "no!" you cleared your throat, "no, hu tao. um, sorry about her, she can be a little... eccentric with the way she comes off to people." you vaguely explained and hu tao gawked, "ECCENTRIC?" scaramouche had a shit-eating grin on his lips, "i see."
hu tao and scaramouche, a 1v1 has begun!
hu tao crossed her arms, "have you dated anyone else before?" scaramouche replied with ease, "maybe, once or twice. but they were just using me to get in my pants." she squinted, "how do you treat your significant other?" he scoffed, "like they're royalty." ayaka, yun jin and yoimiya watched with interest as you panicked, "hu tao!-"
hu tao slyly smiled, "have you done infidelity?" scaramouche had a twinkle in his glare as he smirked, "i'm surprised, maybe even a little offended, that you think i'd stoop that low." you holding onto scaramouche's arm snapped him out of the argument.
"could we talk, elsewhere?" you asked with a nervous grin, but it was oh-so-obvious that you had to get away from your dearest, overprotective hu tao. scaramouche purely smiled at you, "of course, (n/n)." making sure hu tao heard it, he looked at her.
hu tao spit out her drink, "BETRAYAL!"
© scaralvr.
@meowlumi @beriiov @apr1cityyy @xtodorokismistressx @dollpoetwriting @bleedingwhiteroses222 @r0ttenhearts @sammy-hammy @atsukawolfcat @pooonyo @strawberryclumsy @emmaemoseila @kunikuzushiit @scaramouchesmoocher @lxry-chxn @koiir @rvoulte @scarasaver @slash3rcore @sup-zfam @cotton-eee @twistedrxses @dameofthorns @ayamvirus @thinkingotherwise @jameineliebe @thenightsflower @lumpywolf @whatamidoing89 @strawbxrrytiger @sunfloens @one-offmind @angryhope @skimm0nzz @etherisy
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nylwnder · 2 years
i remember you
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a/n: this is literally my meet cute with rasmus. it will happen. don’t try and change my mind. hope y’all enjoy this sweet fic besties!
pairing: rasmus sandin x fem!reader
warnings: complete fluff, might give you butterflies too lmao
word count: 1.2k
taglist: @11livpangburn , @bb-nhlqueen7 , @swedishprince88 , @callsignlunar , @boqvistsbabe , @savoies , @stars-canucks , @drei-mrssvechii , @ilyasorokinn , @spine-buster , @melissasturges90 , @themotogirl , @thenhlhastakenovermylife
series masterpost
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“and… here you go” you sweetly say as you pass the cup of coffee to what seems like the millionth customer you’ve dealt with today.
you don’t mind your barista job at one of toronto’s popular coffee shops, but at the same time you have other great goals you want to achieve in your career after college. you just can’t wait to get to that point in your life.
as that should be the last customer for today, you begin cleaning up the station while your co-worker and friend martha sits up on the counter. amid closing up, the two of you were talking about school up until martha mentions if you’ve rounded up any possible dates yet. for context, there was a goal that the two of you set together: that “we won’t be afraid anymore to get ourselves out there. we’re going to fall in love and that boy will fall in love with us back.”
“not yet. i mean there’s a cute guy in my b-.” you were cut off by someone walking into the shop. he had a burgundy suit on, his phone and a keycard in his hand and his hair was slicked back except for a strand that fell forward and laid against his forehead. his blue eyes met yours before he took his airpods off. “hi, could i get an iced latte? whole milk is fine.” he asked, giving you a genuine smile, not just some half-ass one like everyone else does.
you stood there, a cloth in your hand just staring. martha kicked the back of your legs to wake you up. “um-yeah-uh- just give me a minute.” you said as you scurried to go get all the things you were technically putting away. essentially the coffee shop was closed by now, but clearly martha sat and began talking to you instead of closing the door and turning off the open sign like she should’ve.
“we were just about to close so you came on time!” martha says to him as she acts like she’s cleaning the counter. “oh im sorry! i hope i’m not being a bother-” the boy began to say but martha cut him off “oh you’re no bother! don’t worry, we'll take good care of you!”
‘oh god he’s pretty and nice’ you thought!!!!!!
“ah- here you go!” you said as you handed him his order. “perfect thank you! i really hope i wasn’t a bother.” he says as he grabs the cup softly out of your hands, the tip of his fingers grazing your own.
“no bother! really, no bother at all! have a great rest of your day!!” you say, smiling like a dork. he smiled back, giving the two of you a sweet look before he left.
“oh my god martha i swear-” you whine turning to her and fanning yourself with a cloth. “see that’s why sometimes there’s a good reason for not closing up immediately” she says pointing at the door before she gets up to finally close it.
“he’s cute!! let’s hope he comes back cause he was giving you some real nice looks!!!” martha exclaimes.
you were heading to martha’s place after your classes ended for the day. just making one quick detour to pi co. to go get a pizza for dinner. as you were walking, a random old man in some rush pushed your elbow making you lose your balance and drop the pizza in your hand. well you had thought you had dropped the pizza, but some familiar pair of blue eyes met yours as he held the box in his hands. yup, thats right, the cute boy who wanted an ice whole milk latte after closing time a couple days ago.
“your pizza!” he said, handing it to you. “thanks for not letting it get crushed” you say, grabbing it from him and shooting him a smile. you turned around to see the man continuing to push other people in his way, “what a dick!!” the boy ranted. “tell me about it, if i’m sure i think my friend martha fell victim to him last week.” you replied, turning back to the boy.
he shook his head, not liking the thought of this man getting away of doing such a indicent thing. then the boy looked at you again, “oh yeah, i remember you! you're the girl who made me a pretty damn good latte.” he said.
“yeah that’s me!” you agreed, maybe blushing just a bit that he cared to remember you. ���i was just about to head over there and get another one”
“oh i don’t work on tuesdays! i have school so i only work mondays, thursdays and sundays!” you explained, the boy nodded.
“well then i’ll see you thursday!” he said, tapping you pizza box before walking away. “oh wait, my names rasmus!”
“y/n!” you replied, he smiled nodding before turning to continue to walk away.
you’d then proceed to see rasmus every day you were working. sometimes he’d stay, chat with you a bit between customers. other days he’d give you a big thank you before rushing out with another one of his suits. you’d later find out he was an athlete, specifically a hockey player for the maple leafs. though it was funny because the scotiabank arena wasn’t necessarily that close by from where the coffee shop is. ‘no wonder he’d have to run to his car sometimes’ you thought.
that didn’t stop the two of you from forming a connection. sandy took you on your first proper date. he picked you up and he was even standing outside, leaning on his car in a special suit you hadn’t seen him in before. he twirled you around to see “all of that pretty dress of yours”. from then, there were many more dates to come.
everytime you were with him, you were blushing massively. he’d compliment you all the time. tell you jokes till your stomach hurt. he was nothing short than a spark in your life and you’ve never quite experienced such a lovely feeling like the one he makes you feel everyday.
“i think about you a lot, you know. you’re like all i think about actually.” you admitted, as the two of you laid down beside each other on the cool grass. he chuckled, grabbing your hand to draw shapes on your skin with his fingers.
“but i’m nothing special” you joked, he playfully hit your arm. “do not say that. you’re very fucking special to me.” he said, turning his head to look at you. you smiled, “i know i just wanted to hear you say that” you giggled.
“the moon knows,” sandy spoke, a couple of minutes later. you looked up at the big circular shape that was drawing light on the two of you. “knows what?” you asked, turning to look at sandy. “knows that we’re in love.”
the two of you have never said the words yet, it’s only been a couple of months since you became official. though you’ve obviously always implied your love in everything that you’ve done for him, and he’s done the exact same.
“the moon knows how madly in love i am with you.”
his heart warms at how your eyes crinkle with your smile. you pull him in for a kiss, mumbling that you love him too against his lips.
“say it again?” you ask after, tugging at the small strands of hair at the back of his neck. “i. love. you.” he kisses your nose before he pulls you into another sweet kiss.
now you have no idea what your future will bring, but you do know that right now you’re so happy. like really blissfully happy. and this feeling of butterflies in your stomach, is all you need right now.
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verus-veritas · 3 years
Revenge, Technology, Mind Transference, with a dash of unrequited love. What’s not to love? /Verus
"Dude! P-please! I'm sorry! Whatever you think I've done, it must all be a mistake!" Andew yelled, thrashing against his confinements and eyeing the only point of exit in the room. His firm muscles were wet and taut against his clothes, and his handsome face flush red with terror and worry.
"Are you really sorry though? It didn't seem like it from the way you acted during Gavin's funeral. The sneers and laughter you made as his parents said their final words to him..." I said, hiding in the shadows. Only my feet and the contours of my body was visible for him to see.
"N-no offense. I just found it funny when the parents said they wish he'd atleast gotten a girlfriend before he passed away-" The same devious sneer returned on his perfectly handsome face, as he most likely remembered the scene in his head.
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"Of course you found it funny. Because you knew he was completely gay. Gay, and had a massive crush on you for ages. He literally worshipped the ground you walked on, and spent most of his waking hours wishing he could be with you." I explained, slowly walking around him as I pulled out a flimsy latex cap with electronical nodes attached to it.
"And I let him. I did no wrong." Andrew talked back. His eyes following my figure until I stood directly behind him.
"No! You lead him on, made him believe you were actually interested in him. And then you destroyed him. You are the reason he ran out of the house crying, and you are the reason he didn't see the truck speeding towards him!" My voice was shaking as I quickly slapped the cap onto his head, accidentally pulling out a few strands of his hair.
"Ouuch! Get this thing off me!" He shook his head and began thrashing about again.
"You know. He really loved you... He said he was going to make you the happiest man on earth. Showering you with gifts and undying love, and be by your side forever and ever. That's why he trusted you so wholeheartedly and let you do whatever you wanted."
"Naive..." He quietly muttered under his breath.
"He was even fine with you staring and drooling over other girls. As long as he could stay by your side."
"What a fag..." I could hear him gritting his teeth.
"But that evening when you invited him over, only to have him find you in the bedroom hooking up with a random girl... that completely ruined him. You shattered his dream, his self-confidence, and his sensitive soul! He didn't know what to do and where to go, which is why he ran straight out into the traffic..." My voice was uncontrollably going up and down now, as I was unable to hide my emotions.
"Dude only had himself to blame. He should've known I only had him around for the free stuff he bought for me." Andrew snickered, as he looked down at the expensive shorts Gavin had bought for him a few weeks prior.
"How dare you!" I tried to punch his shoulder, but knew I was too weak to do any real damage against his hard muscles.
"Y'know... it almost sounds like you had feelings for him- Wait a minute! You're that pastry white kid that always walked around with him aren't you?! Hah! 'Ghost boy' we called you!" The tone in his voice shifted - with more confidence and arrogance. Back to the way he normally talked - a manipulative bastard at heart. "I see. So you best friend Gavin never had feelings for you, and now that he's gone you blame yourself for not having stopped him."
"......" I clenched my hands till my knuckles turned white.
"Hah! Maybe you really were a horrible friend. Have you thought about that you might be the reason he's dead?" He laughed, obviously enjoying the way he was toying with my feelings.
"...you have no idea..." I mumbled, as tears began to flow down my cheeks.
"Maybe you should be the one sitting in this chair - tied up and wearing this stupid cap on your head. Hehe."
I took a deep breath and calmed myself, before walking around him once again and turning so he could see me. See the real me... one last time. "I will. Soon."
"W-what do you mean with that? And why are you also wearing that ridiculous cap?" He asked. His tone in voice once again becoming panicked and anxious.
"You see. The reason why I'm so pale is because I spend so much time at home playing with my inventions and devices. Coding is one of my favorite things to do. And for the last few months I've relentlessly been working on creating this device we're both wearing right now. It was originally only meant to be used on you, recoding the patterns in your brain into loving Gavin as much as he loved you. While also erasing all of your bad traits and turning you into his ideal boyfriend... but there's no reason for that anymore, is there? So, I upgraded it into 2.0, which can now be used with two people."
"P-pff... yeah right... and what does this new version do then?"
"It can transfer the consciousness between two human brains. Even recoding the brain into believing the new consciousness have always been in control of its own body. All the memories, habits, and even muscle memory will be easily accessible to the new permanent owner." I explained, as I began fiddling with a machine by our side. The nodes on our caps lit up.
"Permanent?! Wait a minute. Let's say all of this freaky sci-fi stuff is actually real, what's going to happen to my consciousness?" Andrew asked, as he began to get more anxious by the beeping sound of the nodes on his head.
"All gone. Overwritten by mine. Erased out of existence with no way of restoring it." I answered nonchalantly. Flicking the last switched around, the device was now ready to be activated.
"What the fuck! Then you're basically killing me?! Get me out of here, you sick freak!" He began violently thrashing against the back of the chair, and flung his head around to get the latex cap off... but to no avail.
"Am I really though? Your memories, your body, and your relationships will all still be here, under my complete control. I'm just... discarding a small part of you that's no longer necessary."
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"No...no... Help! HELP! SOMEONE!! THIS CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER IS GOING TO KILL ME!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, but the soundproofed walls would do him no good.
I flicked the final switch and walked over to him as the machine began buzzing. Standing in front of him, I suddenly sat down on his lap and grabbed hold of his face. I stared into his fearful yet piercing blue eyes and slid my hands across the cheeks and contours of his face.
"This beautiful face of yours that Gavin loved, I promise I'll take good care of it and cherish it until the day I die. It's the least I can do to honor my friend Gavin." I leaned forward and gently laid a kiss on his sweaty forehead, while holding him in place as he screamed for all he was worth.
"No! Noo! NOoO-Uoogguuughhhh" His scream turned into a gurgle as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. At the same time, my eyes went white and hazy as my pastry body slumped over and fell on the cement floor. Most likely cracked open its head or something from the sound of it.
"NgOOuoouughhgguuuhh!!!" Andrew's head flung back and forth as if to fight whatever was invading his head, but it barely took a minute before the thrashing suddenly stopped and his head slumped down.
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His eyes were closed, his face flushed red from exertion, and the sweat and drool pooled down onto his expensive shorts. A further five minutes of stillness and blinking nodes passed before any activity was seen.
I awoke to the cap on my head giving me a quick electric shock. In front of me laid my old withered body, lifeless and without a doubt stone dead. My throat felt dry and tired, and the ties on my arms hurt like hell. In fact, everything felt, looked, and smelt different. The smell oozing from my sweaty clothes that once smelt great now stunk in my nose. I could recall from Andrew's memories that he showered atleast twice a day. I showered atleast twice a day.
After some fiddling with the special knots in my back, I easily slipped the rope off. Massaging the sore parts on my wrist, I soon relished in how big and strong my new hands looked now. Hands who should've been holding Gavin's...
I explored further up till I reached my new bulging biceps. Squeezing them I felt how firm and taut they were. I never in a million years would have managed to get myself this big, but here I was, standing in the body of a perfect specimen. The body of the man who my friend loved, but who didn't truly love him back. If only I could've done this before Gavin died... Would he have loved me instead, or would he have hated me for what I had done? Well, atleast he would've been alive.
My focus went to my Andrew face, as I caressed the blemish-free skin and the small stubble forming on it. The face of the man I had hated for a while, the face of the man whose identity I would have to take over, and the face I would see in the mirror for as long as I breathed. It was one of the most handsome faces I've ever laid my eyes on no doubt, so I'm perfectly fine with that decision.
My hands continued to explore what was now mine; running fingers through my lush but wet hair, following the outline of my cobblestone abs, and shaking my strong and muscular legs awake from sitting too long.
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Not long after I finally slipped the drool and sweat-soaked shorts off myself and watched as the tool between my legs arose to its new owner. It might not have been as long as my former one, but the very girth of it made up for it. As I enveloped it between my palms, I realized that no one had ever been as intimate with Andrew's tool as I was now, and no one would ever be. Not even Gavin would if he was somehow resurrected. Only I, Andrew would ever know how this throbbing member would feel in my own hands, the endorphins and pleasure its touch would send throughout my amazing body, and the ultimate earth-shattering orgasms I would experience as I edge myself to climax every day from now on.
The very thought of it immediately brought me to the brink of orgasm, so I quickly spread my legs apart and thrust the member fully through my grasp. It was all that was needed as I suddenly began shaking with pleasure and exploded shot after shot of Andrew seed all over the floor, myself and my former lifeless body."Ugh! Uuuugh! UUUuOOGggHH!!"
“.... Holy shit.....” I moaned, slightly shocked by the unfamiliarity of the new voice coming from my throat.
Reeling from my first ever orgasm in my new body and life, I sat back down on the chair and took a breather. I was sweaty, my crotch sticky, and my armpits stunk. Yet, I know I still looked glorious. How couldn't I? After all, I am Andrew. The man who Gavin loved, and who loved him back just as much, if not even more...
I will dedicate this new life of mine to worship and care for this body just as much as Gavin would have. His legacy, Andrew's body and life, and my consciousness have finally become one... and I promise I will carry them with pride and confidence to the grave... even if it is the only thing I will accomplish in this short insignificant life of mine.
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loostssoul · 4 years
if you kissed me - Rodrick Heffley | 1.9k
Yeah yeah i know i haven't written since a million years ago. and yeah yeah i know this is my first real fanfiction i posted on tumblr. fair warning, i'm not the best writer, i honestly just do this for fun and i'm totally up to criticism because i do want to make my writing better. if this is literally inaccurate, im sorry its been like 5 years since i've read the books. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fluff-fest that I created in the span of a few hours.
paring: rodrick x reader genre: fluff. lots of fluff
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Credits to the maker of the picture! 15 Days till the Contest | 9:42 PM, Saturday
Plick, plick, plick
My speakers were blasting so loud I almost didn’t hear the sound of pebbles hitting my window.
Plick, plick, plick
I rubbed my eyes and slammed my laptop shut, walking toward my bedroom window. Peering down, I saw a figure a few yards down from my second-story bedroom, looking back up at me. Dark brown, messy hair that stuck up around his face. A red and black flannel, black ripped jeans, and, (of course) a tee-shirt with “Loded Diper” clumsily written on it. A grin spread on his face as he saw my face come into his view, causing me to blush. Rodrick Heffley, Crossland High bad boy, and my boyfriend.
I unlocked the latch to my window and stuck my head out, taking in the cool air and letting the neighbors enjoy the music I was playing (they never did). I looked down.
“Y/N!” He whisper-yelled
“Evening, Heffley.”
“I need to tell you something!”
“What’s so important that you have to scratch my window instead of using the power of modern technology to call me?”
His mouth opened to give me a response, but nothing came out. I smirked, “Come on up.”
I opened the window wider as he climbed the trellis that lined the back of my house. I backed up to my door and locked it. Precautions, my parents liked Rodrick but they definitely wouldn’t approve of him in my room at night. I looked back and I saw him, every feature of him illuminated by the light of my room. His cheeky smile and chocolate brown eyes. He slowly closed the window and walked toward me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I still got butterflies whenever he touched me.
“Hey, Spiderman. What did ya climb in here to tell me?” I asked
“I got Loded Diper into a contest.”
My eyes widened, Loded Diper, my boyfriend’s rock band, wasn’t exactly known for being the best. It was mostly known for his mom’s insane dance moves during the Plainview Talent Show. But of course, i'll never say that in front of his face.
“You did?! That’s awesome Rodrick!”
“Yeah! It's a battle of the bands contest, we’re going against two other bands. I really think this is gonna be our big break!” His eyes sparkled in excitement.
His happiness was contagious, he was like a goddamn puppy. I pulled him into my arms. “I’m proud of you Rod.” I muttered and smiled into his collarbone. I felt him inhale the scent of my hair and twirl my locks around his fingers.
“Hey,” he said, breaking the hug. “I’m having practice tomorrow with the band, you wanna come?”
“Sure. I go to every practice anyway, why miss out on this one?” I shrugged.
He chuckled and looked at me. Really looked at me. That’s one of the reasons why I fell for him. It never seemed like it, but he paid attention. We’ve only been dating for 4 months, but he knew me like no one else did, and I knew that in the way he looked at me. I felt his hand cup my face, his thumb rubbing my cheek in small circles. I looked up at him, noticing how tall he was, how close he was. Was I the one who leaned in? Was he the one who leaned in? Did we just do it subconsciously? Did he want this? Was he ready? Was I ready?
The ringing of Rodrick’s phone filled the room. The daze we were trapped in was gone and we separated, our faces red. Rodrick picked up the phone, it was his mom.
“Yeah, mom? Mom...I’m in the middle of something. I’ll do laundry later, ok? Now? C’mon… Alright, fine. Bye.” He hung up. “Sorry, I gotta blast.”
“It’s fine, I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked him as he started toward my window.
He looked back at me and planted a kiss on my forehead, the farthest we’ve ever gone with physical touch as a couple.
14 Days till the Contest | 1:22 PM, Saturday afternoon
“Should we take it from the top?”
Practice wasn’t going so well. I could feel the nervousness, the tension. Drums were slightly off beat, the guitarist’s fingers would fly to the wrong places on the fretboard, lyrics would go all over the place. The contest was two weeks away, and Loded Diper was already feeling the anxiousness. I sat on the floor of the garage, on top of a picnic blanket I found. To Rodrick’s dismay, his mom forced him to let Greg watch band practice, as a form of “brother-to-brother bonding time.” Greg sat next to me, mockingly covering his ears.
“Oh thank god, it's done.” Greg said with an immense amount of sarcasm and uncovering his ears.
Rodrick threw a crumpled-up piece of paper at his head, “Shut up.”
“Both of you, be nice.” I laughed. “I think you guys should take a break for a while, maybe shake off the nerves.”
“Good idea Y/N, 20 minute break everyone!” The lead singer said. Everyone spread out, grabbing a piece of pizza ordered earlier and laying down. Greg ran out of the garage, yelling, “I’m free!”
Rodrick stood up and began gulping down a bottle of water. He wore a black tanktop and black ripped jeans, sweat dripping down his forehead. I ran up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He turned and faced me, running his hands through my hair, lost in thought.
“You ok, Rod?” I asked him.
He sighed, “nerves”
I leaned my head on his chest, “You’re gonna do great, you’ve done so many gigs in the past. Think of this as one of those!”
He smiled at me, “You know what would make me feel a lot less nervous?”
“Oh god. What?”
A really common thing Rodrick did was try to bargain a kiss on the lips from me. It's been an ongoing joke, a meaningless bit he did all the time. I’ll do my homework if you kissed me on the lips. I’ll smile in the picture if you kissed me on the lips. It still hasn’t worked.
“I might be less nervous if you kissed me on the lips.” He whispered to me.
I rolled my eyes, “If that’s what it takes then I think you’ll lose the competition.”
He let go of me and laughed, my favorite laugh. “Worth a try.” He shrugged, going off to join his bandmates and the pizza. But as I watched him smile and laugh with his friends, I lost myself. I thought about the previous night. The way we fit into each other, the closeness, the fact that was so close that I could see my reflection in his eyes.
Maybe I should just say yes.
The Day of the Contest
For the past 2 weeks, Rodrick has given me the “kiss-bargain” joke 9 times. Every time, I deflected it with sarcastic remarks, and every time I regretted not agreeing.
I sat on the front steps of my porch, waiting for Rodrick to pick me up. I regretted the jean shorts and plain black tee-shirt I had on, as a cold breeze brushed my skin. I pulled my black leather jacket on, which I painted “Loded Diper” on the back in white paint. Then, I heard it. The echo of heavy metal turned to full blast, and… the faint sound of something big getting knocked over. Oh god, they’re here. The white van with “Loded Diper” written in huge words screeched to a halt in front of my house.
The window rolled down, revealing my boyfriend and his excited grin. “Get in.”
30 minutes till Loded Diper preforms
It felt surreal to be backstage, and really exciting. Energy was flowing through the room, as all the other bands talked and played. The rest of the band members seemed excited, full of adrenaline. Except for Rodrick, he’s been nervous ever since soundcheck. His leg was bouncing,he twirled his drumsticks around, drumming them on random objects, and his eyes stared into nothing.
“Rodrick, you want me to do your eyeliner?”
“Huh?” He didn’t take his eyes away from the ground, his voice seemed far away.
I lifted a liquid eyeliner pen I had in my pocket, “Eyeliner. I just did mine, we can match!”
He lifted his head and noticed me. I had my eyeliner smudged, just like he always does during a gig. He grinned, “Yeah. Yeah sure.”
I’ve done his eyeliner many times in the past, and I loved doing it because I had to be as close to him as possible. So I hopped onto his lap, pressing myself close to him, trying to comfort him with my warmth.
“Close your eyes.” I ordered.
As I applied his eyeliner, I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. It was heavy, and fast. I’m pretty sure I would still hear it if I wasn’t as close to him as I was, even though the loud music blasting through the theatre.
He opened his eyes, and butterflies flooded my stomach. We were close. Very close. Should I do it? Should I lean in?
Rodrick probably sensed my flustered-ness. He smirked, “Cat got your tongue?”
I rolled my eyes, blushing hard. “Shut up.” I said, playfully punching him.
“5 Minutes until Loded Diper performs!” A man exclaimed to us.
Rodrick was as nervous as ever. We’ve been standing on the left wing of the stage, watching the other bands play. It felt like a bunch of Loded Diper copy-pastes. A bunch of high schoolers, weird names, very aggressive playing. But they were still pretty good. Rodrick was biting the nails of one of his hands and tapping his other hand on the wall behind him. I looked up at him and held his hand, stopping it from fidgeting. He smiled nervously.
Now or never Y/N…
“Hey, you said that if I kiss you, you won’t be as nervous. Right?”
He looked at me, wide eyed. He seemed to be trying to compute what I said.
I stood on tiptoe and put his face in my hands. It was that night all over again. Every detail of his face, of him was in full view. His eyes, his eyeliner, his scent, his lips. I leaned in.
His lips were soft against mine, but they were tense, flustered. I was terrified, It was the wrong place, the wrong time. Until I felt one hand in my hair, another on my waist, pulling me closer.
How long was the kiss? A few seconds? It felt like minutes, hours. Sparked ignited. Butterflies flew in my stomach. His scent was the only thing I smelled, his warmth was the only thing I felt. The music faded away. Everything faded away. It was just him and I. Until we broke apart, taking in deep breaths of each other. We wanted more, but Loded Diper was playing in a few seconds.
“Hey, Rodrick.”
“If you win I’ll kiss you again”
We both knew I would kiss him regardless.
I didn't edit this because editing is for wimps (just kidding be responsible and edit your work)
please like and reblog because it gives me serotonin and i need that
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nysus-temple · 2 years
BEHOLD ! My bullshit... Again.
i probably shouldn't be showing this and keep it a part of my private life, but have ya'll heard of Miitopia? No? Great. Then this will be worse, have fun listening to my... thingies !
If you own a Switch i REALLY recommend getting the game, you could literally make your cousin fight your cat if you wanted to, you create the characters of the entire game and the gameplay style is REALLY fun.
In my case, well, i have two teams: the main gang of this blog and a Greek heroes gang. i apologize for the randomness. Also money doesn't grow on trees and therefore i don't have a way to post the direct screenshots from the game, so i apologize for the bad quality since you can't see very well the details and the effort i put onto them. Cries.
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Apollo is a mage! ( come on, it fits him ) He has a little drawing of the Sun around his left eye and loves shiny things !
Artemis is an archer ! ( well, an elf, actually, since only that class allows said unit to use a bow ) You know all the times she's represented with a moon around her head? Well, she has one on her forehead and the bow she's actually using is called a Moon Bow.
Hermes is a warrior ! ( i WAS gonna make him a thief, but it was a weaker class and for me Hermes is strong as hell, but with a good heart ) He has freckles messy hair and i love his armor. Can't say the same about the sword, but out of all of them, it's the one that fits him the most, so here we are.
Dionysus is a chef ! ( because him slapping enemies with a frying pan is pretty neat, it's something he would do ) i wanted his hair to be longer, but it was very similar to Apollo's, so he ended up like this. His frying pan is purple because who doesn't associate Dionysus with purple. ( no it's not because of the grapes )
Now, the second team, THE HEROES !
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i don't think i ever got to say who were my favourites... so here they are xD
Odysseus is a scientist ! ( he WOULD be one if he could ) He throws a literal black whole onto enemies and the jar he uses is the closest thing i could find to a vase, or an amphora- yeh.
Medea is a mage ! ( like Apollo, but what else was she gonna be? A cat? ) For some reason i made her blonde, she's... NEVER depicted as such, if i'm aware. i apologize for that.
Atalanta is a warrior ! ( LIKE HERMES I KNOW but what else could she be? A tank? ) Again she's never depicted as blonde, as long as i know. And even worse, who wore twintails back in those times? No one. But here she is. Being something. i was trying really bad to be creative.
Perseus is a thief ! ( THANKS i'm aware this should have been Hermes' class, it's just very weak and not that useful, as i said ) He has freckles just like Hermes, because i thought that was nice. i also love his clothes.
Some shenanigans that happened in the game:
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The main bosses were Cronous and Chaos using Rhea's face. And believe me, that was pretty funny to watch.
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Apollo cooked something for Hermes, but apparently he got the sugar and salt wrong and it didn't end well.
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Odysseus and Medea were on that boat, but Odysseus started doing acrobatics for some reason and fell. Medea didn't feel like rescuing him, apparently.
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Dionysus and his mom, Persephone ! Her hair strands aren't white, they're a more light purple, it's the camera dskdjkdf
Also, yeh, they have a horse. i named him Pegasus like the one we know, his bestie is Perseus and he only shows his wings with Apollo because no one else can imitate Zeus' fury and start throwing lighting towards the enemies except him. No, that's- for real. He does that. Also he has horns because... Horns !
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Persephone's eyes are really pretty and i wanted to show them too
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The story of this picture is Dionysus holding a very, VERY big gurdge towards Apollo, to the point were he didn't want to attack the enemies ( Achilles moment? Kind off ) and Hermes had to, literally, slap him in order for him to stop behaving like that.
He still didn't forgive Apollo until THREE days had passed. Holy.
BONUS ! My hermenysus scrumbs:
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Imagine lurking through the "greek mythology" tag and you find... This.
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leviiattacks · 4 years
heyyy there, saw your requests are open. and i'm wondering maybe you could do a timeskip where everything is done and levi finally opened his tea shop. then there he met reader, and he treats them differently from other customers. thank you, hope you're having a good day.
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author note :: this was kinda rushed as is most of what i post. the reader is a writer just bc i thought it would be cute and also ISTG. i wrote this entire thing thinking leviolas was such a cool name for a tea shop then googled it and saw it’s also the name of a spider so... ++ btw i have not yet double checked or proofread this because i wrote it at 2am but yeah it’s definitely not great :-) word count :: 2.4k??? somehow???
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you’re sweet like honey when you first order from leviolas. you’re the same when you ask the owner for extra napkins and you remain exactly the same when you return with the intention to stick around for a writing session with a black tea by your side
something about you is attractive. that’s what levi thinks of you when you first walk into leviolas
you’re just incredibly wholesome poking your head around looking at all of the handmade pastries and confectioneries in admiration
you think the homely decor is cute and reminiscent of cottages in the countryside, the view outside the windows is beautiful and the scent of coffee alongside tea is heavenly
the pastries are beautiful and you find yourself eyeing the macrons pretty frequently. just EVERYTHING about leviolas is cute :-(
but one particular thing is especially adorable to you
and that would be the owner
when you hear his name for the first time you’re a little shocked
levi ackerman to be specific captain levi ackerman, the high ranking official who aided in paradis’ independence and freed the nation from the grip of titans
you read about him a year back in a paper or two and vividly recall the valiant title he held as humanity’s strongest soldier
he still holds the title that’s for sure but now he happens to own a tea shop
it’s slightly unusual it’s not every day you see a soldier retire and live such a plain life but you suppose the simplicity makes levi happy
honestly, if you had been through hell and back like him you too would wish to spend the rest of your days in the company of tea leaves and sweet cakes
today is a day like any other you’re sat by one of the windows and contemplating sitting in the outside seating area
the sun is shining and lands uncomfortably on your face at this angle and you may as well make your way outside
but before you can a shadow looms over you and a broad chest leans over to cover the window with dainty curtains
“you looked bothered by the light.”
oh god.
it’s him.
he’s standing there looking at you with an unreadable expression and all you can do is open and close your mouth not knowing what to say
humanity’s strongest soldier
levi ackerman
also known as the really really really attractive cafe owner you’ve been crushing on for the last few months now
seeing him up close is much more different to looking at him from the comfort of your seat or whilst you order
he’s normally got his back turned whilst collecting orders or another worker collects them as he prepares the beverages
that’s why the unexpected interaction has you nervous
you can always tell when he’s made your drink because he honestly has a way with tea leaves and you kinda want to gush about how much you enjoy it
but, no, no, no.
you’re panicking just looking at him
soft black strands of hair stick to his forehead, his undercut is oddly satisfying to stare at and he smells of pine trees which again is refreshing
“ah hahaha thank you for blocking the sun out!!”
why the fuck did you ha ha????
this is so awkward.
putting on your best front you beam up at him hoping your toothy smile doesn’t look stupid
then again it probably does because who the hell has a good toothy smile
levi’s gaze lingers on you but if he has anything else he wants to say he doesn’t make it known
instead he firmly nods and turns away
you’ve messed up,,
only!!! you manage to mess up even more....?
without thinking your hand latches onto the back of his blue button up and your face burns up realizing what it is you’ve done when he stiffens to a stop
as quick as your hand has grabbed onto his shirt it lets go and you awkwardly laugh again
“i’m sorry i didn’t mean to hold onto you so hard i was just...wondering if you could let me in on your secret.”
the random sentence is one you’ve made off the top of your head because you don’t have any real reason for holding onto him
but thankfully for you the saccharine of your voice is enough to sway levi
when he turns to see you with the same smile eagerly awaiting his answer something sparks in him
his chest feels a little funny but he ignores it
“secret?” he questions
“yeah!! your tea!! you’re really good at making it and aaaahhhh” you sigh contently thinking back on it.
“i remember when i ordered rose tea one time. you made it beautifully and the taste was infused so delicately it was incredibly soothing.”
hearing you ramble passionately about what he loves to do makes his chest feel funny again
he doesn’t know what the hell is going on exactly
but the only way he can explain it is his heart somersaulting and flipping despite him not wanting it to
despite that, it’s quite enjoyable
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it’s probably got something to do with your kindhearted demeanor or the way you always manage to give him a smile when you waltz in
but levi finds himself fighting to touch you more and more as the days pass
your collar is always haphazardly done and he wants to lean in and fix it
sometimes you’ll have an eyelash on your face and he wants to lean in to swipe it away with his thumb
occasionally he stares at your hair and wants to sort it out. half the time it’s all over the place from the wind
he wants to lean in and smooth it out.
all he wants to do is LEAN IN but he sees no valid reason to
he’s lucky he’s always able to catch himself before his thumb reaches your cheek (you’re very oblivious and never notice how close he really gets)
ever since your first encounter at leviolas a few months back he’s been dragged into your world of books and lively stories
it doesn’t take you long to break out of your shell and you’re always telling levi something new
he doesn’t speak as much as you but when you coax out a story or two out of him he’s always earnest
you’ve learnt a lot through the conversations
you’ve learnt about his lost comrades, the horrible things he had to see on the battlefield, how he hopes he’ll live happy with what he has left
there are certain conversation topics he skips entirely and you respect his boundaries
you and levi are sat by a window and a comfortable silence floats between you two
it’s been four months
four months since you asked what his secret was
come to think of it he never told you what it was
he’s intently staring at you as you drink the lemon tea he’s just made you and his stare is a little too intense
feeling nervous you pick up your cup hoping for something to occupy yourself
recently the butterflies in your stomach have been increasing in number but you know it’s wrong to fancy levi
you don’t know why you think that but it’s the fact that you’re sure you’re not his type
he probably likes organised people, dependable people, funny people
not you.
you’re just an irksome author who spends your days writing in his shop
honestly he finds you annoying he has to. you’re always hanging around here
however, you do remember the one day you did choose to write in the park he thought you had died or something. that made you feel a little sad because he can’t really help but automatically worry if his routine is broken and you happen to have accidentally become part of his schedule
no, like levi’s literally said he has your name in his planner and whenever he thinks of a new thing to make you he’ll write it down with your name next to it
but still,, you’re convinced he has to find you annoying
there’s no reason for thinking it but you DEFINITELY think it’s correct
absentmindedly you haven’t even noticed levi still staring at you
looking up at levi he’s clearly worried about something
humming in response telling him to continue he does
“i like someone.”
“...i’m not sure they’d return my feelings, that’s why i mentioned it.”
you smile at him warmly and you feel your heart sink, obviously he has to like someone. it’s probably someone in the corps, someone strong, someone capable. you’re not any of those things.
“well, you need not worry. if a man as good as you fancied me i’d be over the moon. i’m sure they would too!”
keep optimistic, don’t let him see you upset.
levi’s cheeks grow bright red and he bashfully tries to hide his embarrassment by covering his face with his hands
you laugh when he doesn’t budge and stays in the same position 
“c’mon levi, confess they’ll accept you have nothing to fear.” you coo persuasively
finally letting up after a few seconds he lets his arms drop to his sides.
“would you date me?”
the question takes you aback and you stare at him startled
soon realizing the idiocy laced in the inquiry he quickly retracts his statement
“nevermind, that was stupid.”
ignoring him you still want to answer
“uh well, i would. i have thought about it on occasion.”
he’s blinking rapidly trying to process what you’ve just admitted.
“you’ve thought about...?”
“dating you. yes i have.”
“and why the hell would you do that?” you can’t tell if he’s mad at you
“you’re capable, respectful. you’re considerate and quiet. i mean it you’re an amazing man really. also your tea!! imagine getting to drink it every day.”
you really have to add in the part about his tea because you know he loves it when you compliment it :-)
“ok, you drink my tea every day already.”
his short uninterested response stings and the dam of regret bursts open 
you shouldn’t have said all of that.
you and levi sit in an awkward silence for what feels like an eternity. you don’t dare look at him and your course of action is too drink your tea as quick as possible before dismissing yourself.
but before you can set your plan in motion levi breaks the ice.
“let’s date.”
you freeze and your eyes grow to the size of saucers
what did he just say???
he has to be losing his mind
“but levi what about the person you like?”
his eyebrow cocks upwards and an amused expression stretches across his face.
“i was talking about you.” he confesses boldly
this is a fever dream, nope, nope nope. you can not comprehend that this is your reality.
pinching your arm you hiss a little when you feel the pain
okay so, you’re definitely not dreaming...
“i, you, me. you...you like me?” the sentence is a jumble of words but you manage to sputter out something that makes sense
“yes. i like you.”
he’s being so blunt you can’t tell if he’s being serious but when you remind yourself that this is levi you relax, a blunt straightforward confession is meaningful coming from him 
you get all blushy and flustered and you let out another one of your awkward hahahahaha’s but it’s a good hahahahaha
cautiously testing the waters he grabs your hand from across the table intertwining his fingers with yours
the gesture is adorable. the buzzing sensation that travels through your laced fingers makes you giggle to yourself giddily
“leviolas suddenly a matchmaking agency now? ;-)” your joke is dry and unfunny and levi rolls his eyes at it 
“you’re not funny.”
“but you still like me.” you tease
“yes. i still like you.” he admits
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a few days have passed since then
you and levi have been the talk of the town 
humanity’s strongest soldier finally found his flame???
the chatter and rumors spread like wildfire, both you and levi aren’t fans of being in the spotlight but nothing negative has been said so there’s no complaints so far
levi places a cup of tea in front of you, it’s a herbal kind because you’ve been complaining about a headache
today you’re explaining why you dislike the plot of beauty and the beast and how there’s so much wrong with it. from the weirdly toxic relationship to the power imbalance. levi stands listening attentively whilst waiting for you to take a sip of the tea
just as you’ve paused to take a large breathe and prepare yourself to continue explaining how unbearable that book is levi uses it as his chance to say what he’s been wanting to 
“drink up before it’s ice cold.”
following his instructions you interrupt yourself and take a gulp of the herbal tea
your eyes glimmer in approval. it tastes of strawberries and you’re delighted already feeling your mood slightly raise in response
“it’s GREAT?? what did you put in it?? it doesn’t even taste medicinal.” once again, you’re fawning over his tea
“so levi ackerman, what really is the secret to all these perfect cups of tea?”
and without a seconds hesitation he responds.
“i was making the tea for you. that’s the secret.”
it takes a while for the gravity of his words to sink it but when the meaning does you cup his face in your palms and peck him everywhere. he whines a little but you can tell he enjoys the attention
you find that you’re more than happy you’ve found a home in levi and his shop
and levi’s more than happy he’s found a home in you and your books
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anders-hawke · 3 years
Episode: “Je Souhaite” | Rated M | @today-in-fic | Warning: if any of the symptoms of pregnancy are squicky for you, it would be best to avoid this fic. Also, a reminder that we use Fahrenheit in the U.S., so don’t freak out at the wonky temperature stuff, my Celsius loaves.
Scully feels a little guilty for sending Mulder home last night after teasing him all day about what she was going to do to him in bed, but she blames her upset stomach on being “forced” to skip lunch that day. Scully had waved him off after three hours of on and off vomiting, feeling like she sent the entirety of her pizza and soda into the toilet.
She’d sent him back to his apartment so he’d stop hovering, his incessant chatter only magnifying the headache beginning to build at the base of her skull.
Mulder had called as soon as he got home, leaving a voicemail for her to please not come in tomorrow if she’s still sick. Well, Scully had fortunately felt right as rain when she woke up, aside from the minimal gnawing feeling in her stomach.
She regrets eating two bagels with lox and her real cream cheese now. This must be her punishment for breaking the rule of saving it for the fair amount of bad mornings she encounters. Her stomach’s mutinying again at the smell of Mulder’s black coffee and she can feel another toilet session coming on.
“Oh, God,” Scully whispers, all intent to apologize and press a soft kiss to his lips going out the proverbial door as she sprints out the real one and hauls ass to the bathroom.
She must have a stomach bug, Scully reasons, trying to even out her breathing as she folds some paper towels and wets them before pressing them against her face and neck. She’s suddenly feeling strangely hot, evidence of her sick flushed away.
Mulder knocks three times on the bathroom door. “Scully?”
“Yeah?” she sends back, splashing her face with water. She groans as she feels another gag coming on.
“I brought you some ginger ale and—and some Pepto Bismol. And Tums. I know you don’t like the Pepto but, you know, I figured this called for all the stops.”
She can imagine the look on his face as he hears her vomiting again. Scully checks her watch when it’s over. It’s still only 8:27 in the fucking morning!? How the hell is she supposed to make it through the rest of the workday like this?
The door hinges creak and she looks over at Mulder. “I told you not to come in if you’re still sick, Scully.”
“I wasn’t! I felt fine this morning, and then I walked in the office and smelled your coffee and...”
He leans against the counter and crosses his arms, puckering his lips as part of his exaggerated thinking face. Scully stands up straight and shoots him a look. Mulder shakes his head and puts his hands up. “Look, all I’m saying is that it looks like the same thing happened last night. As soon as we got out the ice cream, you bolted to the bathroom.”
She sighs and shakes her head. “What are you getting at, Mulder?”
“Just that you should go home and at least take a nap or something. If you stay off your feet for a few hours and relax, I’ll be happy. Nibble on some crackers, catch a soap opera...” Mulder shrugs. “You’re clearly sick, Scully. If not for yourself, do it on the chance that it’s contagious.”
Scully places the wet paper towel on the back of her neck, holding it there. “Fine. But only because it might be contagious.”
“I mean—that doesn’t make it better, but thank you nonetheless. Do you want me to drive you? What if there’s a random smell that sets you off on the ride there?”
She rolls her eyes but tells him, “Fine.”
Mulder’s assertion that certain smells have been setting off whatever’s going on with her stomach seem to be proven true when she comes back to the office after a few hours of rest and relaxation to the harsh sight of a man whose... whose mouth suddenly disappeared and had to be surgically recreated. Not a twinge from her stomach aside from shock butterflies.
Scully’s relieved that she’s been able to keep down her lunch. To be fair, it was crackers with a little cheese and a full two cups of water to make sure she was hydrated, but any food is good food. She proudly announces to Mulder during their ensuing flight the next day that it seems whatever illness hit is gone.
It’s not cold in Creve Coeur, Missouri—certainly not in Spring—but Scully’s feeling every degree of the breeze through the open windows like it’s in the thirties. She’s shivering the entire car ride to the Mark Twain Trailer Park, and noticeably enough for Mulder to glance at her with concern before putting up the windows and turning the heat up.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little cold.”
He frowns at that but lets it go until they hit a red light, when he leans over and presses his hand to her forehead.
Scully quirks her lips in a smile. “What are you doing?”
“Checking your temperature,” he replies. “You don’t seem to have a fever...”
“I’m fine, Mulder,” she insists, leaning into his hand for the few seconds she gets the light turns green.
“Alright, but if you’re still sick, Scully, then you have to promise me that you’ll go back to the motel, okay? I brought the meds just in case, if you need them.”
She smiles softly and places her hand on his arm. “Thank you.”
“It’s what a good boyfriend does.”
Her stomach bug really does seem to be gone, which is a relief. However, she’s now insatiably hungry for two things: Mulder, and the bagels from the bagel place two streets over from her apartment. Well, she consoles, one is attainable, at least. And, boy, does she attain it. They’re both breathing heavily by the time Scully’s through with him, and even though they’re sticky with sweat, she curls her body around Mulder’s anyway.
Her breasts are tingly, which has never happened after sex before, but she chalks it up to Mulder’s harsh treatment of her only a minute ago as she nuzzles his chest. She inhales and sighs happily. “I love the way you smell,” she murmurs.
He laughs and she feels it against her cheek. “Coming from the woman who made me start using a different deodorant,” he jokes, squeezing his arm around her shoulders. “Your nipples are darker.”
“What?” Scully props herself up with her forearm to make proper eye contact as her brows furrow.
“Yeah. I don’t know. They’re darker. Feel a little heavier, too. You didn’t notice?”
She shakes her head and laughs. “Unlike you, Mulder, I don’t spend hours studying my boobs.”
He shrugs and rolls them over so he’s hovering over her on his forearms. “Your loss.”
“Fuck,” she swears, digging around in her suitcase, fresh from her shower. She’s only got one hand because the other’s holding her towel wrap together.
“What?” Mulder asks around his toothbrush, exiting the bathroom. His tie is slung behind his neck and his suit jacket is waiting for him on the bed.
“I don’t have any panty liners.”
“Do you want me to go out and get some?” he asks, heading back to the bathroom to spit.
“Yeah, that would be great.” Scully walks past him into the still-warm bathroom and lets the towel drop as she uses the one wrapped around her hair to dry the wet strands.
“Alright. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” She drops the hair towel when he takes the singular step needed in the tiny motel bathroom to invade her space in favor of pulling him down for a kiss by the ends of his tie. “Mmm, settle down or the plan’ll be botched.”
“I was just thanking you,” Scully says, affecting innocence as she does his tie for him.
“For buying you panty liners? What would happen if I surprised you with some ice cream?”
“I would eat the ice cream.”
“Damn.” Mulder presses a kiss to the top of her head before heading out to put on his suit jacket. “Do you mind me asking why you need panty liners? Also! What brand?”
“Any with wings. And I need them because there’s been an unusual amount of vaginal discharge in my underwear and I don’t want to ruin any more of them.”
“Right.” He steps back in view of the bathroom and takes in her naked body.
Scully raises an eyebrow at him. “What?”
(Their books on pregnancy are buried inside their storage closets from a time best forgotten.)
“Nothing. I just like looking at you.”
She smiles at him, drying her hair again. “Get going, hotshot.”
Halfway through the flight home, Scully discovers something that makes her a bit worried. She’s not supposed to get her period until next week, so the blood on the liner she quickly tosses away with shaky hands can’t be because of that. She tries to forget about it as she walks back to her seat next to Mulder, but he must see something on her face that prompts him to ask if she’s okay.
“I’m fine,” she lies, managing to give him a smile. “Just tired.”
He seems to accept that and leaves her be. It’s not even a lie; she feels exhausted after everything that happened over the past few days. Scully makes a mental note to book an emergency appointment with her Ob-Gyn when they land, and closes her eyes.
“Dana,” Dr. Namin starts, disrupting her patient’s thumb twiddling.
Scully abruptly stands up as her doctor moves to stand in front of the exam table, computer and several documents in hand. “You don’t look concerned,” she says, following Namin to the exam table.
“Because there’s nothing to be concerned about at this stage except plenty of rest, hydration, and eating at least three good meals a day,” Scully’s doctor replies, opening up her computer and spreading out the documents. “We’ve done all the tests you asked for, but nothing came up. However, based on the symptoms you listed, I performed one more, and that’s where we found the culprit.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re pregnant, Dana. Plain and simple. Congratulations.” Dr. Namin slides one of the documents towards Scully, who takes it. “You’re about three and a half weeks along. You can take all the papers. There’s suggestions for all the prenatal vitamins you’ll need to take and how much water to drink in a day. Resources for managing symptoms, too.”
Scully nods dumbly, tears gathering in her eyes as she stares at the diagnosis. “Um, when should I come back?”
“Don’t worry about that right now, I’ll have someone give you a call with that information. Just relax and enjoy the news. I remember how much you wanted this, Dana. I...I don’t know how this happened, but the baby’s doing well. Minor bleeding is completely normal and you don’t need to worry. If it gets worse or doesn’t stop soon, then come back.”
“Okay,” Scully chokes out, smiling widely as she wipes away her tears and collects the documents on the exam table.
She spends a few hours at her apartment trying to figure out how to tell Mulder the good news but gets nowhere. In the middle of pacing around her couch, one arm unconsciously wrapped around her abdomen, her phone starts ringing.
“Scully speaking.”
“Agent Scully,” Skinner starts, and she immediately knows that Mulder’s done something stupid again, “could you check on Agent Mulder? He snuck into my meeting and was yelling at my chair.”
“Yes, of course, sir.”
“Thank you.”
Scully hangs up the phone and sighs heavily. Looks like God’s giving her a sign to just get it over with. When she enters the office, however, the woman Mulder keeps insisting is a genie is there, too. She licks her lips nervously and tries to ignore her.
“Skinner called me, Mulder. Is everything alright?”
Sitting at the desk, computer on, she has to wonder what he’s doing. “You don’t remember disappearing off the face of the Earth for an hour this morning?”
She gives her head a small shake as she tells him, “No,” truly starting to get concerned.
Mulder just shrugs with a little smile and gets back to typing with a nonchalant, “Well, I guess everything’s okay.”
Get it out, just say it, she thinks, trying to psych herself up. She sighs. “Mul—” But the woman’s still there in the office. “Could you give us a minute, please?”
“Sure,” the woman—Jenn, Mulder told her on the plane—says with a nod.
Scully steps closer to the desk, butterflies in her stomach. Jenn isn’t moving, and it’s making her annoyed, quite frankly. “Like, today?” she says, turning around, but the black-haired woman is nowhere to be found, not even in the annex. Scully turns back to her partner, extremely confused. “Where the hell’d she go?”
Mulder childishly imitates a genie disappearing and she feels the sudden urge to laugh at the thought that this man is the father of her child. “No...” she says, softening the guffaw trying to escape to a scoff-laugh. “It’s gotta—” She scoffs for real this time. “It’s gotta be hypnotism, or—or mesmerism, or something.”
And thus begins the verbal sparring. As he lists all the things he wants for the world, Scully thinks, again, of how this is the father of her child. Something suspiciously soft is trying to emerge from her heart as she responds, and she’s a coward to boot, so she leaves without telling him. Driving back to her apartment, Scully feels guilty at how little effort she put into trying to break the news to Mulder. She just—she doesn’t know what to make of the news herself, let alone how to explain it to him.
An hour into The Exorcist, hugging a pillow as she wishes Mulder was watching it with her, the phone rings. “Scully, do you wanna come over and watch a movie? I’ve got your favorite popcorn...”
She grins. “Of course. I’ll bring the drinks.”
They’ve both changed their clothes for the movie night, and when Mulder opens the door, they’re sporting matching grins. “Oh, zero alcohol content?” he faux complains, taking the case of six drinks into the kitchen. “Is this your punishment for me, Scully?”
She elects not to respond as she follows him and takes out the package of popcorn and a pot. “Can you grab the olive oil, Mulder?”
“Yeah, of course.” He puts four of the drinks in the fridge before reaching into one of the cabinets to grab the oil and put it on the counter next to the stove, which Scully’s turning it on.
“I’ll never understand why you won’t just microwave them. It’s faster.”
“Yeah, but if you do it in the pot, it tastes better,” she shoots back, opening the package and pouring the kernels into the pot.
“That’s just because of the oil.”
“Well, you can continue to eat shitty popcorn for the rest of your life if you want, but I’m going to eat my good popcorn.”
They turn to face each other as the kernels pop and hit the lid, a staring contest beginning. Scully wins when she licks her lips and distracts Mulder enough to get him to blink.
“Ha! I got you! I win!”
“That’s cheating!”
“I won!” she says in a sing-song voice, emptying the finished popcorn into the bowl.
Mulder shakes his head with a smile. “Why don’t you take the drinks and get comfortable. I’ll finish the popcorn.”
Scully nods and does as he suggests, but as she’s crossing into the living room, she pauses and turns around. “No butter, please,” she says, and he turns around with a scoop of butter in a bowl in his right hand, the handle of the microwave in the other.
“No... butter...?” She nods. “We always put butter on the popcorn, Scully.”
“Well, I don’t want butter this time,” she says, and makes her way to the couch, sitting down and placing the drinks on the coffee table. She hears Mulder sigh heavily and put the bowl of butter in the fridge before making his way to the living room, bowl of popcorn in hand.
He shakes his head as he grabs the movie case from the table and inserts it into the player. “Can’t believe you don’t want butter on your popcorn. Eugh. It’s un-American.” He steps around the table and sits down next to Scully.
She takes the case from where he left it and makes a face. “Caddyshack, Mulder?” she questions.
“It’s a classic American movie,” he insists, grabbing his drink and propping his feet up.
“That’s what every guy says.” Scully grabs her own and untwists the cap, tossing it onto the table. Mulder does the same, but his bounces off onto the floor, and she laughs into the bottle. “So, uh... What’s the occasion?” she asks, as if they still take the justifying movie nights thing seriously.
Last week’s was I thought you might need some help feeding your fish.
“I don’t know. Just felt like the thing to do. Cheers.”
Maybe it is time to turn over a new leaf, especially considering the baby growing inside her, cell by cell. They clink their bottles—“Cheers,” she says—and drink. Tell him, tell him, tell hi—
“I don’t know if you noticed, but I, um, never made the world a happier place.”
They nod together and Scully knows that this is the moment to tell him. She takes a deep breath. “Well, I’m fairly happy. That’s something.” A smile slides onto her face and she looks at him, a lot more than fairly happy now. “Actually, I’m ecstatic.” She gives a little laugh and reaches into her pocket for the piece of paper she’d stared at for hours earlier.
“Really? Is there a specific reason, or...?”
Scully pulls the paper out and looks at the blue highlighted text on the portion of the paper that’s not folded back for a moment before handing it to Mulder. “That’s why,” she says, voice trembling a little out of happiness.
She watches his face as the words sink in. He reads it again, murmuring, “Diagnosis: pregnancy (3.5 weeks),” as he does so, a grin spreading across his lips. “Scully...”
“I know,” she says, setting her bottle on the table, and before Mulder can say anything else, she cups his cheeks and kisses him, unwilling to fight the urge.
“Scully, this is wonderful!” He laughs joyously and kisses her again, setting the paper and his drink on the table. “I’m so happy.” He brings her into his embrace and buries his face in her shoulder for a long moment, both of them starting to cry. He suddenly pulls away and puts his hand on her abdomen under her shirt, his other arm still wrapped around Scully.
“I love you,” she tells him.
“I love you, too,” he replies.
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alrightberries · 4 years
three weeks
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❈ pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
❈ genre: angst. ❈ word count: 1.9k
❈ summary: “It’s been three weeks, and Levi still lies to himself when he says he’s okay.”
❈ trigger warnings: profanity. mentions of violence, death and gore. explicit description of panic/anxiety attack.
a/n: i’m not sure what... this is since i just randomly started typing it but hopefully y’all still like it.
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He could still feel you.
Feel your presence in his room; in his hollow heart. With every shallow breath he took he swore he could still feel your warm palm on his skin, gently patting his shaking shoulders.
The clothes you'd left behind were still in his closet. The little notes you'd scribbled to him on random days still compiled. The letters you wrote sit heavy in a wooden box inside his bedside drawer.
He once complained that they created clutter in his room when you started slowly moving your things into his private quarters. It started off with clothes left on his unmade bed and eventually ended with you bringing your hygiene products to his personal bathroom. Slowly but surely, you moved in. Slowly but surely, you cemented a place in his life where you'd already cemented a place in his heart.
But now glancing at your shared bed, half empty, he simply couldn't find it in himself to do anything about your ‘clutter.’ It was, after all, all he had left of you.
The pillows on your side of the bed still smelled like you. The cotton where you slept countless nights before had a slight depression, an imprint of your body on the mattress. Faintly, if Levi closes his eyes, he swears he could still feel your fingertips running through his scalp as you peppered sweet little kisses onto his calloused skin.
His own fingers reach out and grasps at air where your beautiful face should be, sleeping peacefully next to him. Snoring. Twitching your eyes when you had nightmares. Him gently shaking you awake and holding you close to reassure you that everything was okay, whatever you dreamt of wasn't real, and he'll be here to make the darkness go away.
Yet his own darkness starts to eat at his conscience. He curses at his hands for even having the audacity to reach for you when it was these same hands that signed your death certificate earlier in the day.
Three weeks.
That’s how long it's been since he woke up next to you. Since he bid you good luck before breaking into formation as you crossed the walls and rode your horses through titan country.
It’s been three weeks since you were separated from your squadron. Since they came back from the expedition and he'd only noticed you weren't there when they finally reached the walls. Since he searched through countless corpses and severed bodies, trying to find your own.
It’s been three weeks since he's pushed off on signing the "M.I.A. - PRESUMED DEAD" document with your name and information printed at the top before he was forced to come to terms with your fate when the second search party once again came back empty handed.
It’s been three weeks since he last cracked a smile. Since he lost the last reason he had to strive forward. Since he lost the last reason to hope for a better place; a better future; a small home in the suburbs to live out the rest of his life with you.
It’s been three weeks since he last heard your voice. Since he rested his cheek against the palm of your hand. Since he first picked up a bottle of bourbon and let the alcohol numb his distressed mind and aching heart to the reality that you were gone.
Three weeks. It’s been three weeks, and Levi still lies to himself when he says he’s okay.
A breeze passes through the open window, snapping him from his thoughts. Goosebumps form on his skin but he couldn’t bring himself to get underneath the sheets or close the window because he tells himself that the breeze was you. It was you, checking up on him, scolding him for drowning his sorrows in bottles of brewed brown, wiping away the tears he didn’t even know he’d shed as the pain of loss and mourning— the very things he’d been trying to outrun— hit him all at once.
He closes his eyes to stop more tears from falling. But he knew he was really doing it because he found darkness more comforting than having to look at your shared room. Not when you weren’t there to make the darkness go away when he opened his eyes. Not when every little thing reminded him of you.
The chair in the corner where you always sat, reading under the dim glow of candlelight. The shelves full of books, an impressive collection you’d both amassed throughout the years. Even the porcelain cup that sat on his bedisde table reminded him of you. It was a gift you’d given him when you were both still in the Underground. A cup matching his own sat on your bedside table, that much he already knew without having to open his eyes. He brewed you a cup of tea hours before going on the expedition that would seal your fate.
His skin tingles when he remembers the way you held his hand as you both sipped tea on that day. You were sat next to each other on the bed. He was reading the newspaper and you were reading a book, intertwined hands resting in the space between your bodies.
A new wave of tears threaten his eyes and he hears himself sob before he realizes the tears have fallen again. His hands clutch at his hair, pulling at the strands, and he lays on his side to curl up into a ball as he wills himself to stop, be quiet, and stop being so weak.
His heart began to speed up and his ears began to ring. He couldn’t focus. It was so noisy— everything was too much. The was talking. So much talking.
shut up. be quiet. leave me the fuck alone.
Levi realizes that the talking was his own conscience degrading him, and he wonders if he’s finally snapped. He heaves and gasps for air, trying to get his mind to shut up, but it only serves for the noise to get worse and suddenly the ringing in his ears turns into static. His heart begins to thump louder, and he’s accutely aware that he was having a panic attack.
Pathetic mewls leave his lips and his hands reach out to your side of the bed out of habit, just as he’s done plenty of times before. Only this time he doesn’t feel your fingers gently grasp at his shaking wrists to pull him to your chest, to hold him and whisper sweet nothings into his ears to calm him down. Instead, he grasps at white fabric, and he lets out a frustrated growl when he once again feels air where you should be.
Unfair. It was unfair.
It was unfair how you were taken away from him so easily. How he hadn’t even noticed until it was too late. How he didn’t have a body to mourn, knowing you were either rotting away in a forest or disfigured in some titan’s belly.
Levi cracks open his eyes and his gaze lands on splotches of wetness on his pillow, the marks of his sorrowful tears. He sniffles, telling himself there was no need to be so pathetic when soldiers died everyday. He repeats it to himself like a mantra.
But then, he thinks, you weren’t just any other soldier. You were y/n— his y/n. The owner of his heart. The love of his life. The one who kisses his forehead good morning and good night. Who held his hands underneath the table before giving him a knowing glance, like you were sharing a secret that only you two knew of. Who would slip little notes into his pockets when you thought he wasn’t looking. Who sat with him in silence and calmed him down when emotions got the better of him. Who held him close and tight on nights like this, when the crushing reality of pain and loss finally broke him. And the sickening irony of needing you the most because he was mourning your death almost made him want to laugh.
He doesn’t know how long he stayed there. Unmoving. Curled up into a ball on your side of the bed, nose digging into the sheets to find comfort in the remnants of your scent as he hugged himself to slowly calm himself down.
Suddenly, he hears the door to his office burst open and rapid footsteps approaching his room. The wood slams against the wall, and his reddened eyes meet the wide and panicked ones of a soldier he’s seen in passing. She’s breathing heavily like she ran a mile to get there, sweat dripping down her forehead as she frantically looks around in search of the captain before finally landing on the man in question.
“Captain Levi, we—“ She’s cut off when he heaves a loud sigh, slowly sitting up and rubbing his red puffy face.
“Has there been a breach?” He asks. His voice is hoarse, she notices. The tone is calm but his eyes are angered, clearly not amused to be interrupted when he was mourning, and the soldier visibly gulps as she replies.
“N-no, Captain.”
“Are there titans anywhere in the walls?”
“No, but sir we—“
“Has anyone died in the few hours that have passed since dinner? Choked on their own spit, perhaps?”
“Well, no. But—“
“Then why the hell are you here?”
“Captain I was—“
A thought crosses his mind and he clicks his tongue in irritation. “Tch, did shitty glasses send you?”
“...yes but—“
“Tell four-eyes to stop sending people to check up on me.” He murmurs, beginning to lie down. “I’m allowed some goddamn privacy the night before my fiance’s funeral.”
“Yes but, sir, that’s actually why I’m here.”
“Whatever motivational words you have to say, save it for someone who cares.” He pulls the sheets above his head. “I’ve had enough pity-filled glances and half assed condolences thrown my way to give a damn—“
“Captain Levi, Y/N is alive!”
The soldier doesn’t know what’s happening until her back is abruptly slammed into the wall behind her and pain shoots from her spine to the back of her head. Hands are tightly wrapped around her throat in an ironclad grip, and her feet are dangling from the ground. She gulps.
The captain’s face is mere centimeters away from hers. If she thought he looked angry before, then the scowl he gave her now made it look like he was smiling just moments ago.
“What kind of sick joke do you think you’re playing, huh?” He sneers. “You think it’s funny to make fun of someone’s death?”
She tries to reply but only choked sounds escape her lips as her fingernails claw at her captor’s hands. Tears blur her vision as the Captain tightens his grip, but the way his eyes almost glowed a bright red— the clear intent to murder if she so much as breathed out of line— didn’t go unnoticed to her.
“Do you get some fucked up kick out of this?” He asks again. “You get a kick making fun of a man who’s lost everything?”
He loosens his grip the slightest, and the soldier is momentarily releived when she realizes she could finally speak.
“N-no, sir, I—“
“Levi, let her go!” Another frantic voice pleads with him from behind. “She’s telling the truth.”
Wait, what?
“What?” He chokes out. His grip loosens on the soldier and she slides to the ground in relief, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
Hange cautiously walks closer, almost scared that any sudden movements would put Levi in a state of shock. They slowly, warily place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“It’s true, Levi. Y/N is alive.” The Section Commander murmurs. “Your Y/N is alive. They’re looking for you.”
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alrightberries © 2020. do not modify or repost.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 14: Little Us
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[masterlist] [kia’s slambook]
“I’ll cook dinner,” Kiyoomi offers and you nod. The three of you have come back to your house after your trip in the theme park. You go straight to your room and changed. You wash Kia and when you return to the kitchen, Kiyoomi has changed into house clothes and finished cooking.
You three eat, and it isn’t as silent as usual. Kia babbles about how cool the wizard train was and how she wants to return to the theme park. You glimpse at Kiyoomi and a look of disgust is prominent on his face. You giggle at his cuteness and the two of them stare at you weirdly.
“It’s nothing,” you reason and continue to eat. “How’d you know Kia was lost?”
“She called me with the phone I gave her. I think she forgot about how to call you,” he explains to you. Kia puts her spoon and gives him a look of disagreement.
“I didn’t. I press number 1 to call mama,” Kia says and you look at her in disbelief. Why did she not call you if she knows how to? “I just miss Kyo.”
You want to scold her right then and there, but Sakusa beats you to it. “Next time you shouldn’t worry us like that. Call whoever was with you, okay? What if I didn’t come to you? You would have never seen mama or me again.”
“Okay, I’m sorry, mama and Kyo,” Kia apologizes. Kiyoomi smiles to her and gently and you plant a kiss on her cheek.
After dinner, you wash the dishes while Kia and Kiyoomi watch the Transformers movie. He isn’t even sure if she’s allowed to watch it but she found a way to make him say yes. They sit comfortably on the couch, Kia under Kiyoomi’s arm. Her eyes are fixated at the screen. ‘She loves cars, huh?’
You finish doing the dishes and call your daughter to sleep. She kisses Sakusa’s forehead then runs to your room. "Can I talk you after I put Kia to sleep? If you don’t mind.” He stares at you with his usual cold face before nodding at you. ‘He looks really tired. Did he cry, too?’
You shake the thoughts off your head and tuck Kia to bed. You close your eyes, praying to all the gods and wishing to all the stars that she’ll go to sleep. She must be tired, right? You did spend the whole day at the theme park and she wasn’t able to talk a nap. She’ll sleep well tonight.
You open your eyes after a few minutes, and find Kia wide awake. She is raising the plushie Kiyoomi bought for her at the theme park.
“Go to sleep, baby,” you tell her, caressing the top of her head.
“Can I play with Kyo?” She asks and your eyes widen in shock. You are about to say no but she gets out of bed and runs out of the room. You groan in frustration before walking after her. You stop on the hallway as you hear Kiyoomi and Kia whisper rather loudly to each other.
“I wanna play with you but mama wants me to sleep already.”
“What are we gonna do about it?”
“We will pretend to sleep so mama will go to sleep, then we can play.”
Kiyoomi chuckles at her suggestion. For her age, she sure has a lot of tricks on her sleeves. He sees you glaring at Kia. Your hands are on your hips, a disappointed look plastered on your face. “Kia!” You call out and she snuggles on Sakusa’s chest shutting her eyes tightly. You glance at Kiyoomi and he is also pretending to be asleep. You stop yourself from smiling then sit beside them, waiting for them to crack.
“I know you’re awake,” you tell them.
“I’m asleep,” Kiyoomi says.
“Me too,” Kia follows and you laugh. Kiyoomi stifles a giggle at Kia’s response.
You shake your head and then lean on the couch. “I guess I’m sleeping too.”
You actually fall asleep. Kiyoomi and Kia finish the movie they were watching before you called her to sleep. He leans your head shoulder while Kia leans on his chest. Weirdly enough, he feels comfortable having the two of you close to him.
The movie ends and Kiyoomi has convinced Kia to go to sleep. He takes a look at you and you’re sleeping soundly. “(Y/n)...” He calls, gently shaking your shoulder to wake you up. Your eyes flutter open, confused. “Transfer in your room, your back will ache if you sleep on the couch.”
You nod sleepily, following what he says. You stand on your feet but lose balance due to sleepiness. Luckily, Kiyoomi catches you before you land on the ground. He sighs in relief before helping you walk to your shared room with Kia. He puts you on the bed beside Kia. He is about to leave the room but Kia pulls his hand. “You’re still awake?”
“Wanna sleep with you.” She looks up to him with puppy eyes and he gives in. He picks Kia up but puts her back down when he sees your figure.
“Your mama will be worried if she doesn’t wake up beside you tomorrow,” he tells Kia, caressing the top of her head. Kia pouts and almost cries.
The image of you crying because of losing Kia at the theme park flashes in his mind again. He knows how much you value Kia and couldn’t bare to live without her. He doesn’t want to see you hurt. He hates seeing you cry.
“Sleep beside us then,” she suggests and Kiyoomi smiles gently. He nods at her and she makes space for him. Kia moves closer to your side as Kiyoomi awkwardly lies beside her. His feet are hanging off the bed so turns his body to the side slightly bending his legs, making it touch yours. “Use my blankie. It’s cold.” Kia says and he does so. The blanket only covers his upper body but he uses it for since Kia asked him to.
Kia buries her face on his chest, his breathing pattern a comforting sound to her. He massages her temples, soothing her. Not long after, Kia is finally asleep, for real this time. His hand transfers to you, removing strands of hair that is covering your face. He places his hand on your cheek, softly caressing it.
Kiyoomi didn’t understand why you chose Kia even before she was born. He hated her for that reason. But now he understands why you love her so much. He understand why you left.
Her cute eyes when she looks up. Her waddles when she walks. Her sweet voice when she speaks. Her laugh when he does something out of normal. Her smile when she hugs him.
She’s undeniably adorable.
She’s weirdly smart.
She’s impossible not to love.
‘Kia is so much like you.’
How can he not love Kia when she resembles the person he loves the most?
He attempts to leave the bed but your hand lands on his . He stares at your half visible figure confusingly, but doesn’t pull his hand away. Instead, he intertwines his fingers with yours. He thinks you’re just doing random actions because of your sleep. Due to the the dim lighting, he isn’t able to see the smile on your face. You’re wide awake.
“You and Kia are so much alike,” you speak with a smirk, not able to keep your squealing emotions and thoughts inside you. Sakusa internally face palms, tightening his hold on your hand in embarrassment.
You move your lips closer to your intertwined hands and plant a soft kiss on the back of his. He lets go of you and pinches your cheek. “Go to sleep.”
“Stay here, Omi,” you say. He places his hand on the small of your back, your legs tangled with each other’s. The familiar nickname putting a smile on his face. ‘I love Kia so much because she’s a little you.’
“Okay, I’ll stay.” He plants a kiss on Kia’s forehead then to yours before drifting to sleep. ’I love Kia because she’s our little us.’
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You prepare for the impromptu outing with the MSBY boys while Kia and Kiyoomi washes. As you are measuring Kia’s formula, Kiyoomi’s phone on the counter dings rapidly. ‘It must be important.’ You think as the multiple notifications seem urgent. You lift his phone up to give it to him but the screen lights up so you see the screen.
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“Mama! I’m ready!” Kia runs out the room, making you put Kiyoomi’s phone back on the counter. You act as if you’ve just finished preparing the formula, seeing Kiyoomi follow her.
“Let’s go?” You ask Kia. She nods excitedly and runs to the front door. You take the baby bag go after, your pace quicker than normal. Noticing your uneasiness, Kiyoomi eyes you suspiciously.
“What’s up with her?” He mutters, taking his phone from the counter. He sees the notifications and just ignores it. “Annoying.”
Kiyoomi goes to the car where you and Kia wait for him. He starts the engine, Kia cheering in excitement. On the other hand, you’re restless. You don’t know when and how to talk to him. Why does he say he loves you and wants you back if he has a significant other? You know Kiyoomi. He wouldn’t just sleep with anyone.
You feel his hand on your thigh, but you immediately brush it off. He glances at you in confusion before focusing his sight back on the road. He wants to ask what’s wrong and why you are suddenly angry, but not when Kia is around. He’s aware that you acting like this would end up in a fight.
He doesn’t want you to fight in front of Kia.
You arrive in front of a small traditional Japanese house and see Atsumu’s red car. Bokuto’s car is also parked at the rocky empty lot. Kiyoomi parks beside the blonde’s car. You get out of the car and is immediately greeted by Hinata and Bokuto. You wave at them. Kiyoomi takes Kia out of the back seat and sets her on the ground.
“Koko! Yoyo!” Kia runs to them, her arms open wide, ready for a hug. Bokuto lifts her up then starts tossing her to the sky as if she’s some volleyball. Kia is enjoying it but Kiyoomi isn’t.
“She might fall. Stop that,” Sakusa scolds and Bokuto pouts, putting Kia down. She runs to Hinata and do the hand shake they made before giving him a hug.
“Kia, you’re here!” A familiar deep voice speaks as the door of the house slides open. Her eyes lighten up in excitement.
“Mu-chan!” Kia waddles her way to Atsumu, jumping on him to give him a hug. Atsumu picks up her up, spinning her around. “I missed you!”
“I missed you, too!” Atsumu bops her nose, skillfully carrying her with one arm. He sees you and Kiyoomi so he invites you in. Kita arrives and greets the six of you. Right then and there, Kia feels shy. She squirms her way out of Atsumu’s hold and hides behind you. Kia takes a peek at Kita and he smiles at her. She hides even more.
“The farm is this way. We have gloves and tools prepared for you,” Kita tells them, showing the way to the small vegetable farm.
Kia’s eyes widen in awe as she sees the vast strawberry field. Her heart pounds faster in excitement. She runs to one row and point at it. “Do you wanna pick it?” Kita squats down to level with her face and she shyly nods. He helps her pick the strawberries and she’s getting as red as the fruit.
Seeing Kia is preoccupied by strawberry picking and her potential new boyfriend, he takes this as an opportunity to talk to you. “Can you watch over Kia for a while? We’re just gonna talk about something,” he requests to Atsumu through his mask. The blonde nods as he noticed the tension between the two of you since you arrived.
“Let’s talk,” he whispers to you, placing his hands on your shoulder. You shrug them off but his hold just tightens.
“Later,” you reply, obviously still mad.
“We have to talk now. I don’t want Kia to see us silently arguing with each other the whole day,” he reasons. You sigh and give in. The two of you head back to his car.
And you just sit there. You’re scrolling through your phone, leaning on the window. He stares out of the window, looking for a way to start a conversation that would not end up with the two of you shouting. His mask have already been discarded, he’s that ready for a fight. An idea enters his mind but he cringes at the thought. But it’s that or screaming.
You feel Kiyoomi poke your cheek so you turn to face him in irritation. To your surprise, he’s acting weird. He’s pouting, his cheeks puffed, eyes furrowed, eyes glaring at you softly, and arms crossed. “What are you doing?”
Do you not understand what he’s doing? He cries inside his mind. Embarrassment is taking over his body, but the damage has already done, so he decides to stick to his plan. “Do you not love me anymore?” You laugh out loud, tears appearing on the corners of your eyes, making him shy even more, but he doesn’t drop his act.  You secretly start recording him, knowing you’ll need it in the future.
“Are you supposed to be Kia?” You ask him but he continues glaring at you.
“Hmpf,” he sticks his nose out to the air and you can’t help but forget about your anger. How can you be mad at him if he’s acting all cute? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You cup his cheeks like how you would cup Kia’s when she’s upset, bringing his face closer to yours.
You know what he wants so you’re gonna give it to him: a good fight.
“Who’s Furuta Saki?”
While the two of you are busy fixing your problems in the car, the 4 boys and Kia are having the time of their lives in the farm. Bokuto’s and Hinata’s baskets are empty since they eat whatever they harvest as soon as they pick it. Kia’s and Atsumu’s basket is full of fruits that Kia likes.
“What’s that?” Kia points to a shrub. Kita takes a look at it.
“That’s pepper,” he answers. She runs to it and picks a red and big one. Kia hands it to Atsumu. He shakes his hand but he hears a familiar clicking of tongue.
“You shouldn’t reject food from a cute girl like that,” Osamu speaks, walking towards the group. He just arrived since he had to open his store.
“Myaa-sam!” Bokuto greets him with a wave. The black haired twin tips his chin as greeting.
“If you’re so concerned about rejecting a cute girl’s offer, why don’t you eat it?” Atsumu barks back to his twin. Kia’s eyes quiver, her hand with the pepper still raised.
“But I picked this for Mu-chan.” Atsumu tries to look away because he knows she’s staring at him with those puppy eyes. And he’s weak for those. As if his eyes have a brain on their own, he’s already looking straight at her eyes. His hand is reaching out for the pepper Kia is offering. “I’m gonna die.”
Osamu takes his phone out, recording the whole thing. Atsumu bravely takes a bite, smiling at Kia the whole time. As he continues to chew the pepper, his face gets hotter and redder. He starts sweating from the spice. He can’t handle eating spicy food, but doesn’t want to disappoint Kia.
“I can’t take it anymore,” he pants from the spice, his tongue out. He’s already crying. Osamu laughs loudly, catching Hinata’s and Bokuto’s attentions. They run to the setter, wondering why he’s panting and crying.
“Is this some sort of challenge?” Bokuto says in excitement, Kia handing him a piece of pepper. He eats all of it in one bite, surprising Osamu and Kita. Hinata is also given one, which he eats in three bites.
“I don’t like this challenge,” Bokuto pouts.
“Is this supposed to taste like something else?” Hinata wonders out loud.
“How are you not affected?” Atsumu screams in frustration, his tongue still hanging out of his mouth.
“You’re just a brat,” Osamu snaps. Kita tells Kia to give Atsumu a tomato, so she takes a tomato from the basket and give it to the blonde twin. He thanks her and eats the fruit. Kia gets some more and gives it to Hinata and Bokuto who have gone to pick some fruits again.
Kita checks the watch on his wrist. “I think it’s time to eat lunch. How about her parents?”
“They’re eating each other out already in his car,” Osamu says nonchalantly. Atsumu whips his head to look at his twin, hoping that he’s joking.
He isn’t.
One second, Sakusa is acting cute. The next second, you two are shouting at each other. The third second your’e making out. Who would’ve thought that talking included Sakusa’s tongue exploring your mouth?
Sakusa’s hand is on the small of your back, while yours is on the back of his neck, both on those positions to help you pull each other closer. Kiyoomi pulls away from your lips, attaching his lips to your neck, his hand that is on your back also traveling down. Your hands move up to his hair, letting out a sigh in pleasure as you feel his tongue on your skin.
Before you two can sin, his phone starts ringing.
Kiyoomi groans, pulling away from you. He answers the call, only to be teased by his team’s setter. “It’s time to eat actual food.”
You fix yourselves, not talking. It all happened in a flash that you don’t remember what you two were fighting about. Did you even actually talk? All you can remember is the taste of his mouth.
“Let’s go?” Sakusa breaks the ice, the strings of his mask already hooped to the back of his ears. He hasn’t fully put it on so your eyes land his lips. He notices and leans in, giving you a kiss. He ruffles your hair before stepping out of the car. As he closes the door, you groan before following him out.
You and Kiyoomi step into the dining area and hear Kia crying. Kiyoomi gets nervous, afraid that something might have happened to his daughter. He sits next to her, asking what’s wrong.
“Koko said I can’t have more than one boyfriend!” Kia cries.
“What?” Kiyoomi deadpans, disappointingly staring at Kia.
“I want Mu-chan, Myaa-chan, and Ki-chan to be my boyfriends!” She reasons. You and the rest of the boys laugh at her cuteness. Kiyoomi, on the other hand, is stuck on comforting his little girl who wants three boyfriends.
“It’s not good to have three boyfriends,” Kiyoomi scolds her and she starts crying even harder. Kiyoomi sighs and just decides to go along her wishes so she can stop crying and start eating. “Fine. You can have three boyfriends.”
The group starts eating after resolving Kia’s problem. Kita’s grandmother arrives so you greet her. “She’s such a cute child. I wonder when my Shinsuke is getting married and also have a child of his own.”
“I think he’ll be married soon,” Osamu jokes. Kita kicks his leg under the table. “I’m just kidding.”
After your trip to Kita’s farm, you go home. You do your usual routines, then meet at the dining table to eat the dinner you prepared.
You are avoiding Kiyoomi and he can tell. You’re not so subtle about it. The whole afternoon you were making jams, and you made sure you were preoccupied all the time. Slice the strawberries? You’ll do it. Mush the peaches? You’re on it. Wash the mangoes? Say no more.
He just doesn’t understand why you’re doing it. Why are you distancing yourself from him? Didn’t you already talk?
“I wanna sleep already,” Kia yawns after eating. You lift her up her chair and Kiyoomi offers to do the dishes. You ignore him and go to your room to put Kia to bed. She sleeps immediately, probably tired from the never-ending activities from today.
But you can’t. You can’t sleep because of that one certain activity with Sakusa in the car. You can still feel the weight of his hand on your back and it’s driving you crazy. And as if the world is playing with you, you receive a message from him.
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You fall right into his trap.
Legends say that Atsumu still feels his tongue burning from the pepper
Kia has asked a very important question to Atsumu and Osamu
The jam Bokuto and Hinata made has been shipped to Tokyo
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Taglist:  @elianetsantana aoi-turtle ptv-hades  aquzairus a-applepi  justoneofthefangirlsarianna-r13 morenabambinii chaelysian loser-keiji mxngy ne-kuroon1fangirlsblog d-efend missalicebaskervillemarvelousbakugou @agaashesmilktea bonkyandloki kimi09 ntimacy @mkazuyuh  ushi-please minty-mangos-world @dearest-kiyoomi mi​ kellesvt amarillyis
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zeppelinlovies · 3 years
sick again
kinda sad at the beginning?? ends up being pure fluff lol
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[future lover boy]
y/n: hey robert?
future lover boy: what’s up?
y/n: can you inform the school i won’t be there today
y/n: my parents are kinda busy
future lover boy: of course! but can i ask what’s wrong? :(
y/n: i just got a cold lol
future lover boy: poor y/n :((
future lover boy: do you want me to bring something for you after school?
y/n: no no it’s fine
y/n: you don’t need to do that
future lover boy: are you sure? it won’t be a problem i promise
y/n: maybe just your presence?
future lover boy: wow smooth one y/n lol
y/n: i’m serious rob :((
future lover boy: don’t worry lol i’ll be there after i take this bird out
y/n: oh
y/n: you found yourself someone?
future lover boy: yeah her name is victoria
future lover boy: i’ve had my eye on her for a while i guess
y/n: oh good for you robert lol
y/n: pretty sure you and jimmy can get anyone you want around school
future lover boy: nahh not all of them
future lover boy: but i promise i’ll be there about 30 mins after school gets out
y/n: i bet you will
future lover boy: i’m gonna tell the office you’re not here rn
future lover boy: see you later!! take care of yourself too
y/n: i will lol you too
future lover boy: :))
you have changed goldengod69’s nickname to robert!
i sighed, slamming my phone against my bed.
how could i be so dumb? of course someone like robert didn’t like me. he could have anyone, yet it’s always down to his decision for who he wants.
i’ve been his closest friend since forever. since we were young kids running through random forests. i had been there through every breakup and rough time in his life.
i was certain he liked me at some point. the way he looked at me wasn’t a way you look at just anyone. the way he hugged me much longer than one should, or the innocent kisses on my forehead.
maybe he was just a natural flirt and i had too much of an ego.
either way, my heart dropped at the thought of victoria.
she was a stunning girl. she was as skinny as that model twiggy, had this flowly blonde hair…just the type of girl robert would write about in his songs.
my body felt dull, even though i should be happy for him. i tried so hard to be the slightest bit joyful, but it didn’t work.
instead, i was met with tears that lasted much longer than i would’ve liked.
it was worse since i was sick. the tissue box was now empty and my head pounded like hell.
i took a nap, deciding it would stop all this misery i felt.
a warm and saturated place. one that didn’t seem real, one that was so dreamful.
one where the grass was bright green, yet soft to touch. the sky was a soft blue, with clouds that seemed like paper cutouts.
in front of me was robert. a cake in the middle of us for a reason unknown, and wine glasses. yet, no wine.
i couldn’t speak, but it was as if we didn’t need to. we just looked at each other and understood.
robert’s hair was more fluffy and more golden. it looked so soft, yet so delicate. he had a white blouse on, decorated with small scattered red flowers. the wine glass he was holding looked like it was floating, just with how soft his hands looked.
i reached out to him, just to start hearing my name and being shoved.
my eyes fluttered awake, being met with the same golden curled man i was dreaming about.
“y/n?” he asked one final time as my eyes fully opened.
“r-robert?” i asked, even though i fully knew it was him.
“oh, my sweet angel.” he put his hand on my forehead, “christ, you’re freezing.”
it was moments like that made me genuinely feel like i was his only. it confused me. was he just always this sweet or was there something else? there couldn’t be though, he likes victoria.
“i know. one blanket doesn’t really help.” i spoke through my clanking teeth.
he pushed a strand of my hair back with a pout, “you want some warm soup? or more blankets..?”
“soup would be nice… but only if it’s not much of a hassle.”
“nothing is a hassle if it’s you, y/n. the soup is in the pantry right?”
i blushed at his first statement, “yeah.”
he simply smiled before walking out of the room.
i sighed, curling into myself once more. he confused me so much, sending all the mixed signals. my chest felt so empty, yet here he was, making soup for me because i’m sick. maybe he just cares for me a lot, maybe he’s just a natural flirty person …all the maybe’s filled my head and all of them for robert.
once robert popped back into the room, he stood next to me, helping me sit up a bit.
“i tried making it as the instructions told me, but i’m not the greatest cook.” he laughed.
i shrugged, “either way, it’s food. thank you, rob.”
suddenly, he climbed over my legs and sat next to me on my bed.
i looked at him, a confused smile on my face. he returned the smile, softly.
“how was victoria?” i asked, even though it hurt so much.
“eh. she’s not as interesting as i thought. she’s got the looks, but not the personality.”
“oh, i’m sorry.” my mind felt a bit more at ease.
“it’s alright. what about you though, y/n? you never seem to have a crush for someone.” he asked.
“well, i have liked someone, but it could never happen.” i sighed, continuing to eat my soup.
“well, does this fellow have a name? maybe i can help?” robert offered.
god, it was awkward. it’s always awkward when your crush of fucking 4 years asks you that even though it’s them.
“y-yeah but he’s out of my league, it could never happen.”
“do i know him?”
“pretty sure you do.”
“well, who the hell is it?”
“…uh someone… in the band?” i regretted saying that. now he’d definitely figure out.
“someone in the band?! is it jimmy?”
“god no, love him as a mate, but he’s not my type.”
“is it bonzo?”
“jonesy?” he flailed his arms around, his face a shy tint of pink.
i shook my head, looking down at my soup as if it were my lifeline.
“is it me?” he finally asked, his gaze in my direction.
“yep. wasn’t really planning on telling you.” i sniffled, due to my cold.
“w-wait, you’re not crying are you?” robert panicked.
“what? no, it’s from my cold.”
“oh, okay.”
the next few minutes were spent in awkward silence. somehow, i didn’t feel anxious one bit about what his answer would be.
“god, y’know, i’ve loved you for the longest time! i just never said anything and dated other people cause i didn’t think you liked me.” he covered his face with his hands.
“y-you what? love me?” i stuttered, shock obvious in my tone.
“yes! too bad we didn’t tell each other four years earlier.”
“well, maybe it’s fate.” i coughed, continuing to eat the remains of my soup.
“i suppose so…hey, you almost done with that soup?” he peeked at the bowl.
“yes, just finished about now. why?” i set the bowl aside on my desk, covering myself with the blanket.
suddenly, robert flung his arms over me, his head next to mine.
“perhaps, i’ll help keep you warm?” he chuckled.
i put my hand on top of his head, playing around with the soft curls, “perhaps, but i don’t want you to become sick too, robert.”
“oh, it’s alright. just another cold to add in with the rest.”
i laughed at that, feeling content in his arms.
“well, i suppose i might as well ask. you wanna be my babe?” robert asked sweetly with a laugh, his eyes looking up to meet mine.
“of course i will.” i smiled.
he grinned back at me. his adorable lopsided smile that belonged to a man i could now call mine.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 3 years
Reunions and Revelations
On their third day at Arcadia Oaks High, Aja and Krel have their memories of the previous timeline restored. Krel is insistent upon seeing Douxie again, and Aja is a little confused. After all, even though they were friends she didn’t think they were that close.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Tales of Arcadia franchise. If I did, Rise of the Titans would be extremely different.
Have I seen the movie? No, but I’ve seen spoilers, which lead to me coming up with an idea that I shared with the Klebuckets server, and @gayspiderman convinced me to write said idea.
This fic is not canon compliant in that Akiridion kissing does not lead to pregnancy any more than kissing between two humans leads to pregnancy. (And also not canon compliant in that again, I did not actually watch the movie and do not want to.) That being said, this is probably the most RotT-compliant fic I will ever write.
Mother’s three rules did not help. Being prepared for change and embracing their mistakes had only led to them being sent to Principal Levit’s office, and playing with their phones had resulted in detention. All Aja wanted to do was go home, even though she knew when she got there she’d have to deal with another lecture from Varvatos and Mother about staying inconspicuous.
Aja found her and Krel’s path blocked by three humans.
“Aja and Krel, right?” the tallest of them said. “I’m Jim, and these are Toby and Claire.” He gestured with his head to the boy and girl standing beside him as he said their names. Mother had definitely been wrong when she’d claimed that girls on this planet were invisible. “I’ve been trying to do this for a couple days.”
“And what is ‘this?’” Aja asked.
Jim pulled a small disk out of his pocket. Along the top half of the disk were the words “for the good of all”. Along the bottom half were a series of scuff marks, like words had been marred out to no longer be legible. Some parts of it looked eerily similar to Akiridion technology, and yet other parts were far too different.
“It’s a school tradition. Touch the disk, and you’ll do well on your finals and everything because you’ll have the entire school backing you up.”
Aja didn’t believe that was real, and she didn’t care about finals. But, if she complied, then Jim, Toby, and Claire would hopefully get out of her way. And so Aja looked closer.
Of course that was why the amulet looked almost like Akiridion technolgy, because Krel had been involved in building it. These weren’t three random humans who were taking up Aja’s time, they were her friends from the future. A future that, hopefully, wouldn’t fully come true. Hopefully she’d be able to save her Mama and Papa, and Tronos, and Buster, and Toby, who was once more alive in front of her.
“What did you do to my sister?” Krel demanded.
“Krel, just touch it,” Aja said.
“No, I don’t want to.” He lowered his voice to a hiss. “That looks like an inferior form of Akiridion technology! I think they’re disguised bounty hunters!”
Ah, so he had recognized his work on the amulet, but not that he had been the one who worked on it, and definitely not that Douxie had been helping him. Of course not. He didn’t remember. Well, that was easy enough to fix.
Aja grabbed her brother’s wrist. He fought back as she forced him to touch the amulet. For a brief moment, his eyes flashed with blue-green light.
So that was why he had been so concerned.
Krel smacked his forehead before dragging his hand down his face. The gesture looked familiar, but also like it belonged on someone else. “I was clearly wrong when I said it was inferior. But, seriously? School tradition? That was the best you could come up with?”
“Just in case it didn’t work,” Toby said.
“Why wouldn’t it work?” Aja asked. “Wait, did it not work on the trolls?”
“No, it worked on them,” Claire said. “I have no idea why Douxie’s been so worried about it not working on the two of you and Varvatos.”
“Douxie’s been worried about me?” Krel smiled and looked away as he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. That was... odd.
“Yeah, he even stuck around extra long passing out flyers for the Battle of the Bands on the day you guys arrived, since he knew you two’d be showing up,” Jim said. Krel smiled a little wider. “Everyone’s been trying to herd you two towards me so I could unlock your memories. If we hurry, we could go meet up with Douxie before he has to switch shifts from the bookstore to the bistro.”
“I mean, we should probably go make Varvatos remember, maybe then he won’t try and demand Eli’s thumbs anymore,” Aja said. “Plus, we might be able to fight off bounty hunters better!”
“Or,” Krel said, already walking ahead of the rest of them. “We could go find Douxie so he stops worrying. I mean, Varvatos is just waiting around the Mothership so it’s not like we’d have to worry too much about him getting into trouble. It’s not like the bounty hunters will actually show up for another week, anyways.” He stopped walking, wrapped his arms around himself, and frowned. “Um, where is it? I didn’t ever actually go there, since Bellroc burned it.”
“Come on, it’s this way,” Toby said, beginning to walk in the opposite direction that Krel had been walking in. Krel sighed, probably in relief, but why? Why was he so concerned?
They exited the school and made their way down the street.
“So, when you said everyone’s been trying to herd Krel and I towards you, does that mean the entire town remembers?” Aja asked.
“No. I can only unlock the memories of people I had a strong enough positive emotional bond with in the first timeline, and I have to be holding onto the amulet for it to work,” Jim said. “I tried unlocking Señor Uhl’s memories so he wouldn’t give Toby and I detention for skipping class for trollhunting duties, and it backfired.”
“Why isn’t he principal? Who even is Levit?” Aja stole a glance at her brother as he walked silently beside her. He looked nervous, and she wasn’t sure why.
“Well, since Strickler went to our side early in the timeline,” Toby said, “he decided not to kill the guy who was our principal at the beginning of the year. Which also means I didn’t have to worry about him flirting with my Nana.”
“Why would he flirt with your Nana?”
“Well, the only reason why Strickler flirted with Jim’s mom in the first place was because he was the trollhunter,” Toby said.
Aja’s jaw dropped. “You’re not the trollhunter anymore?”
“Of course he is,” Claire said. “It’s hunters, not hunter. But, Toby’s got the Daylight sword. Eclipse, too.”
“I guess it makes sense why you can’t command daylight anymore with the amulet Douxie and I made, since daylight would be Toby’s to command.” Krel tucked his hair behind his ear again when he said Douxie’s name. Why was he doing that? “But does it still have any other powers or is it just for unlocking memories?”
“Oh, yeah. I can still summon armor, and I’m using it to store my daggers. Though, I think the issue with daylight summoning is more the fact that the Green Knight still has Excalibur.” Jim frowned, and Claire put a hand on his shoulder.
“And none of us are going to get controlled by him. Him or his sister,” she said. Come to think of it, Claire didn’t look as sick as she had when Aja first met her during the...
“Hey, did we go through a bunch of time loops at the science fair?”
“Yep!” Toby said. “Though, like, Steve and Shannon and everyone doesn’t remember them since they didn’t have their memories protected. Just us, Blink, and my Wingman. And Vex wil, too, when he remembers.”
“Thank Deya we got Saturday detention with Shannon the first time around,” Claire said. “She’s been a major help, but I’m not sure if we ever would’ve bonded enough if not for that.”
“And we’re here,” Jim said, holding open the door to GDT Arcane Books. Aja glanced at her brother. There were tears in his eyes. But why? He hadn’t even been this emotional when he had reunited with Eli in their first timeline.
“Douxie?” Krel called out in an incredibly soft voice.
A broom clattered to the wooden ground.
Aja looked up in time to see Douxie standing on the top floor of the bookstore next to the fallen broom. He spun around and brought a hand to his mouth. He then ran and vaulted over the railing, using magic to slow his descent. At the same time, Krel ran to Douxie. They hugged tightly. Upon closer look, Douxie was crying just as much as Krel was. Aja could hear the two of them whispering to each other, but she couldn’t make out the words.
Aja knew they were friends, just like she was friends with all of the other Guardians, but she hadn’t realized they were so close. Then again, she knew that Douxie was skilled in music and wizard technology. Perhaps Krel had finally found someone who truly understood him while Aja had been ruling as queen. It was good for him to have a close friend.
Right as their hug began to grow a little long, Krel took half a step back and placed his hands on Douxie’s shoulders. Krel then used them as leverage as he pressed himself onto his toes to kiss Douxie.
“Uh, did they get together after I died or something?” Toby asked. Aja looked away from the kissing couple to Toby and the others. They looked just as perplexed by the situation in front of them as Aja felt.
“No, there was no time,” Jim said.
“Then,” Aja sputtered. “Then when did that happen?”
A/N: To answer Aja’s question, Douxie and Krel finally confessed their feelings to each other either shortly before or during the events of RotT. However, because everything was so tense and chaotic, they chose not to reveal the change in their relationship to any of their friends until after the titans were defeated. Instead, of course, Jim reset the timeline, so they didn’t get the chance before their dramatic romantic reunion. If the kiss described above isn’t their first kiss, then it’s probably their third kiss at most - though it’s not like they need to actually count them.
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xenospacebabe · 3 years
Broken Wings
Hawks drabble
A/N: So I imagine for some reason that regular doctors and surgeons are capable of treating Hawks to a fault. But when it comes to his wings, they’re a bit...lost?
Summary: After coping with treating injuries to his wings by himself, Hawks finds himself with a more serious injury than he can handle. He can’t open his wings, or fly. The pain is mind numbing. He finds himself breaking into an animal clinic for some help.
Warning: Broken bones. Mild language
7am. The doors don’t open until 8:30, but you still had things to do from yesterday that weren’t even started. Clutching your steel tumblr full of coffee that’ll barely scratch the surface of your exhaustion, you stifled a yawn and crawled out of your car. Barely remembering to lock it. You always parked on the side of the building so as not to take up any spaces in front. The key missed the lock a few times before eventually sliding inside and turning to the side.
The moment you turned on the lights, a couple of dogs in the back already started barking, hungry for breakfast and ready to go home. Your veterinary clinic was modest in size, but it was always busy. It was your father’s practice before he retired and passed it down to you after finishing school. Now it was all yours. It was hard work, but your clients were loyal. Many of them have been around since the place opened almost 30 years ago. You were the vet that people would recommend to their friends who needed help and had struggles affording it. Your clinic was the one that everyone knew cared the most about patients rather than money. And it showed. While your profits were great, it wasn’t what you were concerned the most about.
After setting down your things in your office, you tied back your hair into a high ponytail and took a long drink of your “breakfast.” You looked at the white board on your wall, deciding which surgery from yesterday to start on first. Picking the cat spay, you headed towards the back to get started. Passing surgery and into the kennels, you found your patient and greeted her with a sweet voice and scratches on her cheeks.
“Good morning, Sadie. You ready, sweet girl? C’mon.” The cat whined tiredly as you scooped her into your arms to bring into the surgical room. But when you lifted your head and looked inside you screamed. Unfortunately, this spooked your cat and she bolted out of your arms to hide under the kennels.
“AH SHIT! Sadie! Sadie c’mere girl! Who are you?!” There sitting on your operating counter was a man. A shirtless man with enormous wings that nearly filled the small room. He was covered in decently serious lacerations and wounds that made the surface of his skin look like a blue, black, green, and purple water color canvas. He looked terrible with deep bags under his eyes. However, he looked at you through messy strands of hair that hung in his face with a tired but smug expression.
“Really? You don’t know who I am?” He said, his voice croaking out with a subtle groan of pain. Your eyes shifted from his, those golden pools that shined like the sun, to the massive crimson wings. They, too, looked to be in disarray. Feathers stuck out in random places, others crumpled, many painted in blood. However his left hung in a slightly abnormal manner.
“I’m sorry. You shocked me all of a sudden. You’re Hawks right? What are you doing here? How did you even get in? The doors were all locked.” As you finished your statement, a single red feather lifted in mid air and hovered, showing you its bent up quill. He picked the lock with the feather and locked it behind him.
“Sorry. I just-..mmgghh...I think it’s broken. And the clowns at the city hospital the commission would send me to aren’t capable of fixing it. I found you online, you do exotics, right? Birds and stuff?”
All the while he was explaining his situation, you were assessing his condition. The area that connected the wing to his back appeared incredibly swollen, and slightly out of place. Without thinking, you reached out to palpate the area causing him to immediately flinch and groan out loud.
“Sorry! Sorry. I’m used to my patients being-...well animals. But yes, I’m a small animal and exotics vet. There’s a couple birds I’ve been treating for a long time.” Now this time, as you were talking, Hawks had his eyes trained on you. He was listening to every word you spoke intently. “Some of them were my dad’s patients before he retired. Shows how old they can get.”
Hawks braced the cold steel of the table, crouching forward some. His skin seemed damp with sweat, the pain he was in must have been affecting his body temperature. You needed to act quickly if you were going to save his wing.
“Okay, so. I have to touch it. I need to get a couple xrays to see if we have any breaks and we’ll go from there. I don’t....all I have are sedatives for animals. Would that..?”
“It’s fine, ain’t no pain out there that I can’t handle.” He looked at you with a charming smirk, clearly flexing his pain threshold to impress you. Because he looked you up and down and liked what he saw. Even in those scrubs which were relatively form fitting but patterened in cartoon cats and dogs.
“I’m serious. This is really going to hurt. Are you-“
“I said I can handle it.” Hawks snapped, frustrated with the questions now. He just wanted the pain to stop. And besides, that cute look on your blushing face was too good to miss.
“Alright...well...first you need to help me find my cat that you scared off.”
“You mean this one?” Appearing in front of you held under the arms and the butt by a trio of feathers was your very angry, very sleepy cat. You sighed in relief and retrieved her into your arms. It took some settling to calm her down but you were a natural with all animals. It came so easily. She was comfortable in her kennel when you set her back inside and you felt your brain shift gears.
You first had to get your hands on the wing. Just to get a feel of what you were working with. You’d never seen such beautiful, red feathers before. Even though you saw parrots and other birds daily. These were just...breathtaking. But even the most beautiful wings didn’t stop the pain of broken bones. Hawks groaned behind tight lips when you gently palpated the swollen wing. Inside you felt the distinct break and slight crunchiness that accompanied it. The growling in his throat didn’t frighten you, after all, you dealt with aggressive animals day in and day out.
“Y-you almost finished there, Doc? Agghh...” He finally outwardly complained when you flexed his wing. Your hands were gentle but it was still nearly unbearable. Slowly and carefully, you folded his wing back down into its natural resting position.
“Okay, I’m sorry. I know it hurts. But thank you for holding still. Alright. Let’s do some xrays.”
After some struggling and repositioning, and many awkward brushes of hands and faces, you and Hawks were successful in taking some clear shots of what you determined was a broken wing. You didn’t notice his eyes on you as you explained it to him. The room was dark, illuminated only by the backlight box that made it possible to see the xray photos. But he was studying your face quite intently.
The space between your eyebrows crinkled a little when you would point to a specific spot on the xray in concentration. When you were quiet in thought, your tongue pressed against your cheek or you nibbled your bottom lip. The slope of your nose was accentuated by the pale shine of the light box to make it look like you had a cute button nose. Everything you were saying filled his ears but didn’t register as anything coherent. Eventually, you noticed.
“Hawks? Are you okay? Are you in pain?” Your voice brought him out of the trance he’d slipped into and he blinked rapidly to soothe his eyes. He hadn’t blinked once.
“Oh! Uh-...aheh...I’m fine. And please...call me Keigo.”
“Yeah, that’s my real name. Hawks is just my hero name. I can trust you, yeah?” He looked down at you with those eyes that you swore were glowing and swallowed harshly. Suddenly your throat was dry.
“R-right! I knew that. Keigo...so...like I said. The break is pretty clean. Luckily there’s no fragments or splinters that would make a problem.”
“So what can you do to fix me?” He lied, though, about being in pain. Broken bones were painful enough. But a broken bone that carried the heavy weight of his wing was absolutely agonizing. However, years of working as a pro hero conditioned him into hiding his pain from his enemies.
“Well, there isn’t a lot we can do. Other than immobilize the wing so the bone can heal back together.”
That got his attention.
“Immobilize? You mean I can’t-“
“Fly. Yeah. Not forever, but for a while. You’d have to come back every now and then for xrays so I can see how the healing is progressing. Given the size, I’d imagine...6 weeks?”
6 weeks? Of no flying? Hawks hadn’t spent that long out of the sky in so long that he wasn’t sure he remembered what it felt like to walk anywhere. You could see the panic in his eyes, beads of sweat formed on his neck and forehead. So you reached out and placed your hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him. He froze, not sure of what to do.
“Sorry! Sorry.” You quickly withdrew your hand. “That’s a habit. I always try to comfort the parents of my patients when they get difficult news.”
“No no, it’s-...you just surprised me.” He reached for your hand and returned it to his shoulder which was still bare. You hadn’t even realized he hadn’t redressed after finishing the radiographs. Your palm rested on his shoulder, his skin was warm to the touch. Your thumb gently stroked the end of his collarbone as you often did to support your clients. Beneath your fingers you felt the impressive muscle he had, in spite of appearing relatively lean, the muscle tone of his torso was quite defined. You imagined it had to be in order for him to fight villains and hold himself aloft while flying.
“I know it’s a difficult thing to hear. Your wings take you everywhere, I’m sure. But this won’t last forever, okay?” Something about your voice was so soothing to his fried nerves. But you’d never know because of how cool and composed he made himself appear.
“You don’t mind?” Hawks felt his anxiety dissolve when he thought about getting to see you next. It was a strange feeling, but he knew he could trust you. Those pretty eyes of yours really spoke volumes.
“Of course not. Now let’s get you taped up and on your way. I’m sure you’re exhausted, no doubt whatever broke your wing has you worn out.”
“Heh you can say that again.” There it was, his suave and too-cool demeanor. But you didn’t mind it. You were sure it was just a front he was used to keeping up. After all, you were just a civilian and he couldn’t afford to let anyone know just how weak he was.
You managed to tape and place Hawks’ wing in a makeshift splint. He refused any medication but you could tell by the way he white knuckled the table that he was in pain. A majority of the time, your patients were under anesthesia when setting broken bones. So you had to be careful this time about how heavy handed you were. By the time you were finished, you had less than 10 minutes to get him out the door before your techs and kennel attendants showed up for work.
“Come see me in a week. We’ll take more xrays and make any adjustments if you need them. Try to keep the splint dry, and rest. I mean it, Hawks.”
“Alright, Doc. I’ll be a good little bird just for you.” The winged hero winked at you as he slipped out the back door. You felt your heart leap into your throat and cheeks burn up as a result. Just as he disappeared, you heard the sounds of your employees coming in and quickly closed the door and composed yourself.
“Morning, Doc!” One of them said as you appeared in the exam area. You smiled and waved, reaching into the pocket of your white coat with your other hand. Something was in there. You looked inside and saw red. A feather. Unbeknownst to you, Hawks had slipped one of his feathers into your pocket. You couldn’t fathom why, but you felt a strange sense of comfort when you ran the tip of your finger along the center spine. It quivered when you did so.
“Ungh...” In an alley a block away, Hawks had to brace a brick wall with one hand. His insides trembled as he sensed you touching his feather. Even he didn’t know why he left one with you. But the thought of parting made him remarkably...sad?
“Get it together, Keigo...” He muttered to himself, shaking his head and continuing back home. It would be a long 6 weeks out of the sky, but at least he’d be able to see you.
A/N: This was longer than I anticipated omg. Does anyone think I should continue?
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lmaoeraserhead · 4 years
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pairing : stripper!Ushijima x reader
wc: 2.5k
a/n : this is based off of a random thought i had a couple of days ago. It’s so past my bed time right now, this is completely unedited and its most likely awful, but please please please enjoy!
warnings: SMUT 18+, pet names, one (1) pussy slap, mean Ushi, sex work??? idk lemme know if i missed anything please
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You hear the opening of Old Town Road from the booth you and some of your closest friends rented for the night. Never in a million years had you imagined you’d be spending your night in a sketchy ass club, and you definitely hadn’t expected the country (if you could even call it that) song from the booming speakers.
“Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome our star performer, Ace, to the stage.” The clear voice rings loud enough to push through your hazy thoughts. Despite having tons of fun with your friends (and one too many drinks), you were tired and just about ready to call it a night. 
The lights suddenly took a dive, and you were left in the dark with your vodka cranberry. Excited squeals can be heard from other people around you. The song started slowly, definitely edited, the bass making the ice cubes in your drink dance with the beat. You could feel the vibration deep in your bones, and it sent a pleasant shiver up your spine. 
As slowly as the lights had plunged dark, they sure took their damn time brightening back up. Squinting from your seat, you could hardly see anything on stage through the red haze of the lights and fog machine. You didn’t know why, but the anticipation had your toes curling in your platforms. The achingly slow buildup pushed you forward in your seat and sent your legs moving to get closer to the main stage. You weaved your way through the packed crowd alone, ducking under and around stray limbs that got in your way. 
The guitar of Old Town Road picks up, and it strikes you odd how sensual the usually goofy song sounds. Of course, you’re in a strip club and you should have at least expected some unconventional set lists. Your friends call out your name from the dark corner they’re sitting in, but you’re mesmerized by someone you can’t even see yet, so you don’t even turn to acknowledge their calls. 
Taking a big gulp from your drink and stealing one of the few empty chairs left lining the stage, the hair on the back of your neck raises when the spotlight finally focuses on the figure that is in the center of your vision. His routine hasn’t even started, and he already has the whole club enthralled. Ace was his stage name, but you wonder what his real name could be. Although, Ace seemed to fit him well enough. He’s built like an executioner, ready to deliver the last blow. 
He’s huge, well over 6 feet tall. His rippling muscle that’s somehow already sweaty and glistening, bulges with every one of his subtle movements. You can’t see his face, which is tilted down underneath a wide-brimmed cowboy hat, but you can only imagine how attractive he is from his build alone. He’s shirtless, wearing jeans, a huge rodeo buckle, and boots with spurs. 
His left hand comes up to lift the brim of his white wicker hat, slowly revealing his smoldering hooded eyes. He is the center of attention, and he’s enjoying it. The hundreds of chattering mouths fall quiet as the beat picks up, along with his very anticipated dancing. His hips move with practiced ease, back and forth, stretching the taut muscles of his stomach. Your eyes find the thatch of hair below his bellybutton, and follow it’s trail, huffing under your breath with dissapointment when you end up at the heavy-looking belt buckle he’s wearing. 
Your mouth suddenly feels dry, you lick your lips and take a sip of your slightly watered-down drink. Your teeth catch your bottom lip when you look back up from your lukewarm vodka to find warm chocolate eyes level with yours, among other things. Sucking in a deep breath, you watch as his body, now perpendicular to the worn wooden stage, as it grinds to the beat. 
His eyes never leave yours as he dances to what is now becoming one of your favorite songs. His fist meets the ground, simultaneously paired with a thrust of his hips. He turns his head to the side, giving you a glimpse of the strong column of his neck. One particularly smooth move of his has your thighs clenching together. 
Not once in your whole life had you ever thought you’d be jealous of a floor, but the way Ace was practically fucking himself against it had you squirming in your seat. The clank of his belt buckle against the hardwood had you imagining his sweaty body above yours, you could practically feel the strong build of his shoulders underneath your fingernails. You could feel the way he’d thrust into you, leaving you a whimpering mess. 
Ace makes his way uprights again, slowly, teasingly. He smirks at you, and only you. His gaze is heavy and his expression sends a swooping feeling through your stomach. The song finally comes to an end, with Ace kneeling down in front of you. His thick index finger is under your jaw, closing your mouth and tilting your head up. You’re both breathless, for two completely different reasons. He places his hat on your head, bends down, and whispers in your ear, “Find me backstage.”
Before he backs away, he pulls your earlobe in between his teeth and growls lowly. Your wide eyes and stunned expression make a chuckle rumble from his bare chest. You nod slowly, because what else were you supposed to do?
“You liked the show, huh?” Before you could respond, you were pulled against Ace’s sweaty chest. Backstage was a mess of show runners, other performers, and wires. But somehow Ace had managed to get his own private dressing room, fully equipped with a couch, closet, and functioning shower. And you had managed to find him with the help of his hat on top of your frizzy hair. 
The alcohol you had consumed earlier helped you melt into his sturdy lap, and lean into him, “I enjoyed it very much, Ace.” You contemplated for a bit, tilting your head, “Interesting song choice, though.” You couldn’t help but squirm on his jean-clad thighs as his hands trailed up and down your sides, catching on the hem of your dress. 
“My name isn’t Ace, little one,” he smiled and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, “It’s Ushijima.” He took his hat off of your head with little ceremony and pushed one of his thumbs past your lips. “And from the state of your sloppy pussy you’re trying so hard to grind on me, I’d say you didn’t mind the song too much,” 
You suck on his thumb like a good little girl and nod frantically. Now that you think about it, you had been subconciously rubbing yourself against the hardening bulge in his pants. “M’can’t help it, i-it hurts so bad.” You slur around his thick digit, and drool drops onto your chin. His performance had turned your silk panties see-through, and you were staring to leave a dark spot on the crotch of Ushijima’s jeans. 
“You’re such a messy little thing, aren’t you.” He pulls his thumb away and smears your spit into your cheek, “I bet you’d do anything to ride my cock, hmmm?” He presses your body even closer to him, his body heat deliciously warm. Being this close to him makes you realize just how enormous he actually is, another thought that leaves your thighs clenching. 
Ushijima’s harsh breaths are mingling with yours, you don’t have space to think, but your body is answering every question he shoots your way, tenfold. He kisses you with the ferocity of a starved man. It’s messy, and when he pulls back, a string of saliva connects you both. His pupils are blown so wide that the hazel of his eyes can hardly be seen. 
You nod your head, “Please.” Looking up through your lashes you see him hesitate for just a moment. “Please! Please Ushijima, fuck me.” You’re whining at this point, you know, but you’re so desperate. 
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath and swipes his sweaty hair from his forehead, “get up, little one. I want you to take off this fucking dress.” He lifts you from his lap with ease and turns you around in front of him. “You’ve been teasing me with this outfit all night. Squeezing those soft thighs together in front of everyone, like a whore.” You whimper, suddenly feeling very exposed, “What? You think I didn’t notice?” He taunts you mercilessly. You’re so wet at this point, you can feel it dripping down the inside of your thighs. 
You lift the hem of your dress over your head and drop it next to you on the floor. You’ve never been extremely shy but the man in front of you makes it nearly impossible not to want to run away from his sharp gaze. The black underwear you had decided to wear for the night were nothing special, and your reluctance to wear a bra had come back to bite you in the ass. You were practically naked in front of Ushijima. 
“Your panties too, little one. I can’t fuck you with those in the way, can I?” A small moan gets caught in the back of your throat as he slips his hands underneath the soft silk covering you. “And here I thought you were gonna be my good little slut.” He tsks and shakes his head disapprovingly. The muscles in his jaw work as he slips a finger through your slippery folds. “You’re… so wet.” He admonishes, still circling your cunt but never where you need him the most. 
“No shit.” You roll your eyes and grip his forearm, trying and failing to get his fingers on your clit. He pulls his hand away and before you realize what’s happening, he slaps you through your underwear. The shock is enough to send you back into his lap, mewling. “F-fuck! What was that for?” You thread your fingers together behind his neck and press your bare chest against his, feeling very impatient. 
Ushijima is finally at his limit, apparently, because he reaches in between your sweat-covered bodies and takes off his belt. You gulp and fumble to help him, but again, you’re stopped by his strong grasp on your wrists. “No,” he’s practically growling, “bad little sluts don’t get to touch as they please. Put your hands back where they were and don’t move.” You do as he says immediately, feeling like you’ve already tested your limits for the night. The button and zipper of his pants come undone with a quiet ‘pop’, and he licks his slightly chapped lips fighting the urge to teach you a lesson right then and there. “You better hold on, little one. I’m gonna have to fuck some manners into you.”
His cock slaps his stomach when he finally gets his pants down and Ushijima breathes a sigh of relief. You choke on the thick air of his dressing room when your eyes finally catch a glimpse of what you had been grinding on earlier. His dick is enormous, very befitting of its owner, but you were regretting your loud-ass mouth right about now. The tip is red and angry, leaking precum against his impressive abs. Ushijima’s hand can barely wrap itself around his impressive member when he strokes himself a few times before hissing out another sigh through his teeth. 
“Don’t worry, baby it’ll fit.” His words did little to reassure you as he lined himself up with your slick entrance. Your position gave you some small amount of control, although you knew Ushijima had his large hands on your waist for a reason. “Take what you can, for now.” His soft eyes met yours for a moment as he rubbed circles into your back, his harsh words gone for a moment. 
You lowered yourself onto his length slowly, using his shoulders as leverage. Ushijima filled you like no one had ever managed before, and when you thought you had seated yourself completely, there always seemed to be another inch. Mouth open and eyes wide, you were babbling incoherently, the delicious stretch of his cock left you drooling and dumb. 
To help you, Ushijima finally gave your neglected bud the attention you had been seeking all night. The small amount of friction he allows sends you spasming around his length. Between moans and whines, Ushijima could hear curses and little cries of ‘thank you, Ushi’, he smiles, thinking it’s completely precious how quickly you managed to fuck yourself stupid. 
“That’s it little one, just like that. That’s a good fucking girl. Take what you need from my cock,” He smirks and brings your face close to his own, gripping your cheeks tight, “Before I ruin every other man for you.” He kisses you on the forehead, almost condescendingly, before grappling your hips again and thrusting up into your messy cunt. 
His thrusts are brutal, his sweet demeanor gone now that he’s chasing his own release, using you as nothing but his own personal fucktoy. His grunts get louder and the muscles in his defined stomach grow taught the closer he gets to his orgasm. Ushijima’s strength is impressive, it has to be with the way you’ve gone limp in his lap, shaking from the over stimulation. 
“P-please cum Ushijima.” You hiccup around the syllables of his name and scratch at his upper-back. You’re jostled with every powerful thrust he gives you, too tired to meet them. All you can do is take the pleasure he gives you. 
Moaning a long string of curses, Ushijima’s movements become more erratic and his cock swells impossibly further, “Where do you want my cum little one?” His teeth catch his bottom lip and he continues to hump into you frantically.
You whimper as you feel the heat in your belly starting to spread, “I-inside! Want you t-to fill me up Ushi.” The pleasure building up inside you finally snaps when you feel Ushijima’s warm cum coat your insides. He keeps thrusting into you shallowly, almost unconsciously, as you both ride out your orgasms. 
After a few beats of heavy breathing and muffled club music, Ushijima clears his throat, “Hey, uh, are you alright?” His hands are rubbing soothing circles into your thighs, which are shaking horribly. 
You lift your head up from his neck and blink dazedly a few times before smiling, “Never been better, big guy.” You truly are dick drunk, “But I could use some help getting to the bathroom.” You brush a few stray hairs from Ushijima’s forehead and laugh when he picks you up bridal style, carrying you like you asked. 
“I can do that, little one.” He smiles back at you, “If you don’t mind can I, uh. Fuck this sounds awful.” He laughs awkwardly, “Can I get your name, maybe?”
You blink back at the man holding you naked against his chest. “It’s Y/n.” You tell him with a small smile.
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