#the racist fuckery
strawbunnycakes · 1 year
Are you sewing the plush toys yourself or is it factory made? If factory made/ordered, what’s the environmental policy of the factories you order from, and what guarantee are you given that slave labor is not used? Your designs are really cute and I’d love to support you, but I can’t support unsafe practices.
Firstly, as a Chinese person myself, this assumption about Chinese manufacturers using slave labor is so extremely racist and sinophobic, and it kind of disgusts me. I hope you don't get anything ever from billion dollar companies that say "made in China", seems to put this racist assumption on small shops rather than big huge companies who are usually the ones exploiting others. As a one person shop, I myself can make sure everyone has a safe and healthy work environment, and gets due time off.
Secondly, from working with Chinese manufacturers, it's very easy to see the building and inside the workplace at which they make items. A reputable place will be transparent and share photos of their workspace for the employees, how many they have, down to the actual building. Also, they are constantly on breaks for holidays that stretch weeks on end to sometimes even an entire month, and during those periods no one works at the buildings, and therefore the items are delayed at these times, making it obvious they sure get more vacation time than here in the US, thats for sure. Additionally, they always have weekends off as well. To clarify, I think it's wonderful they get so much time off to rest.
These extremely racist and harmful caricatures, assumptions, negative propaganda, and stereotypes about Chinese people is really gross and you should rethink why you thought the need to send this in the first place, and that you assumed that the manus I use use slaves based solely on them being Chinese. I can assure you from my experience working with them and doing my research, they treat their employees a whole lot better than a lot of European countries and the US.
Maybe you should instead check in with the countries who have active strikes going on right now due to inhumane labor practices.
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naranjapetrificada · 10 months
We still doing this?
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Other highlights include Ed being skeptical of scented soap, Stede introducing Ed to the concept of towel drying his hair, and Ed having a revelation about "why Stede always smells so good" because he certainly couldn't have puzzled together that Stede might use scented grooming products.
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tofixtheshadows · 6 months
Kabru: I haven't found out the Touden's motivation for being adventurers [because it's genuinely unique] and I suspect they may have ulterior motives that concern me. I want to find out more.
A shocking number of people, somehow: Kabru is actually so stupid and cruel for briefly misunderstanding these characters he's never met and there is Something About Him I just don't like, you can Tell By Looking At Him that he is evil and shady and also ableist, he just rubs me the wrong way
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sweaterkittensahoy · 9 months
TERFs out here saying you can't be a woman if you don't have a uterus. I didn't realize I was non-binary until my late 30s.
At 31 (family record), I had a full hysterectomy so I could function as a person. Do you have any idea how much pain you have to be in to be 31, no kids, and get your uterus removed?
It's a lot.
Anyway, I had a TERF tell me once (before I was identifying enby, so she was only mostly terrible) that, yes, she did see me as less of a woman because I had removed my womb.
Other than fuck TERFs (and radfems and tradfems, the world's worst appetizer platter, truly), I don't know that I had a point here.
Oh! Wait! It's been 10 years! 10 years without crushing pain and depression every fucking day because I could barely walk for two years due to said pain!
And some fuck said I was lesser for making my choice.
Fuck 'em. It ain't parts. It's you. You make yourself who you are, you got me? You.
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elbiotipo · 11 months
I don't know how else to say this, but the level of wealth, entitlement and lack of social awareness you got to have to ship a "rescued" dog from China to the US and adopt it is obscene and gross
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sonics-atelier · 10 days
you DONT get to tell POC what they should or shouldn't be offended by. Shut your trap and listen when people call you out on your racist views.
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kcyars99 · 12 days
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And can you blame her? Why should she care? They berated her for years for getting shot by one of them… they don’t like or support her and they played the sodomite for that Canadian baldie so why should she give a fruck?!?!
These nigs don’t deserve her!
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cyarsk52-20 · 9 months
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saying you didn’t do something then explaining why you did said thing… is a level of insanity I didn’t think was humanly possible 😭😭
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
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A friendly reminder that there is a real world outside of social media and it’s always ready to humble you
He should have been kept his mouth on mute but instead he was wanted to be with the wretched social media, on Twitter, having big fun.
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cyarskaren52 · 6 months
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cyarskj52 · 5 months
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FIVE. TIMES…. Jesus… I’m so glad she’s ok.
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naranjapetrificada · 11 months
So I guess I'm just like, done? being coy about racist bullshit when I see it in fics? Especially when it's played for laughs? If I feel like I must come vent about it on tumblr dot com I usually try to summarize or paraphrase shit? But I guess I hit a limit last night. Anyway here's Ed Eats Soap And Is Unfamiliar With Basic Beard Care Despite His Beard-Centric Personal Brand vol. 73:
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*brandishes rolled up newspaper in AO3's direction*
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cyarskaren1899 · 10 months
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Oct 31
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He might as well enjoy those 8 to 10 years in prison and get comfortable with it and if he didn’t like it, then he Should have never been shooting at black women and despite Megan being generous enough to not have him arrested the same night that he shot at her five times went on social media with the wretched bloggers having big fun dehumanizing her.
the fact that it was 3 shots followed by 2 more… he did that shit with full intent to hurt her my god..
And for what?!?
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Talk about being too big for your britches am I right?
well, was it all worth it ?
Its all over dude take it like a man, take your lashings, that are worse than any tongue lashing like this seen here in this video you ever deserved
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90363462 · 6 months
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I been praying for this ever since he talked reckless about Megan and siding with that abusive midget
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Side note: to all those who think he’s talking about someone else in that lyric even if he was (and most likely it’s not) it’s about bad timing. For example , one of iconic rapper biggie smalls lyrics “time to get paid, blow up like the world trade “ may not seem insensitive because it may be interpreted as the same definition as “spending money like it’s going out of style “ or something like that but in the days following the events of September 11th, 2001 which happened years after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing , hearing words “blow up” and “world trade “ in the same sentence is considered insensitive and too soon
But seriously its goes without saying that Drake is a biiiichmade rapper who harshly goes after women who want nothing to do with him but is subliminal when male rappers who are harshest towards him (not to mention the fact that he’s been accused of sexual harassment and other creepy and weirdo behavior) and if this is the year to celebrate the downfall of him then We can get this shit rocking RIGHT NOW
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cyarsk5230 · 2 months
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THIS! Thank you!
And the most infuriating fact is that MTS wasn’t going to say anything. She wasn’t going to rat him out at all; in fact, she was protecting him because “black men”…whatever!
And this happen during the time when the world was United in outrage following the death of black men and women at the hands of police and white racists she was preventing another black man from being a hashtag and a name and he does her so wrong and dirty for three fucking years
I’m still pissed about this thank god he’s under jail how does this midget got me rooting for the police in the same 2020s decade where I’m pissed at police for putting their knees on black men’s throats is beyond me?
He kept running his mouth on social media and that’s why the case went forward.
He should have put the guns down and instead just cool off and just properly and respectfully talk to her
America has a gun violence problem already the last thing we need is some baldy thinking he could shoot and nearby kill some innocent people and torment the victims because he’s gotten away with being violent all his life
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kcyars19992 · 1 year
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Always remember this part:
I want y’all(yes every single last one of you, heck even the aliens if they exist among us) to realize Tory had the opportunity to take a plea deal and serve damn there no time.
Megan lied to police to protect Tory immediately after he shot her, he slandered her in the blogs and so she decided to tell the truth to law enforcement.
The courts offered a plea deal, Tory threw it back in their face and dragged this out for years to keep the lie going and burned up his own money on legal fees and taxpayer dollars on a trial. The courts gave bail, Tory used that time to torment and harass Megan which only hurt his case and was a key factor in his heavy sentencing when the day came.
At every single turn the goodwill of the universe/God offered this man an opportunity to save himself — and he laughed at it and sabotaged it.
He could have owned up to his actions.
INSTEAD, he was so arrogant in the process bc he thought painting Megan as a liar on social media would hold up on trial. It backfired in the worst way possible.
The Tory fans, his family, even Tory himself may never publicly admit it — but he completely allowed his dangerous ego to land him in a cage for the rest of his 30s. One day he’ll have to face that.
He is the maker of his own self destruction, the creator of his own downfall, the artist of his own shortcoming, pride and ego led to where he is now.
and that’s why I don’t feel sorry for him, it’s not thoughts and prayers is sorrows sorrows prayers. It’s not prayers up but prayers down for him. He had an opportunity to not be CHARGED at ALL cuz she was willing to PROTECT his buck tooth hammer head toddler built bitch ass. She lied to protect that ungrateful piece of work, trying to prevent him from being another name , another hashtag, another life taken by the cops, another black man getting shot to death by the police or having his life choked out in a illegal chokehold as he’s screaming, “I can’t breathe!” , another black man screaming “ mother!”, another Trayvon, Sandra, tamir, Ahmaud, tyre, Mike, Eric, Breonna, George, Jacob, Elijah, and other black lives either taken away or forever traumatized and he repays her by being so cruel, and mean towards her having people hurt her for no good reason but to gas him up, and you expect me to feel some level of sympathy because he said that he had a difficult childhood, losing his mom at a young age and an alcohol addiction? yeah I don’t think so.
Fuck him. I don’t feel sorry for him. He deserves every bit of those 10 years . He should’ve been taken accountability for his actions, but no , he gone too big for his britches, and he chose to be a full blown psychopath and a sociopath .
Now look at this Canadian Bitch.
Lace front looking like something out of the dollar store struggling to hold on to his head Down to the wig glue damn. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Broke because his lawyers he got from craigslist Or Amazon or education connection
gonna be ****d by bubba in the showers or spreading wide for poptarts and ramen noodles soup
All because he can’t control his big ego in his small body of his and his violent tendencies
Oh well, maybe he should have just took a plea deal or better yet shut the heck up or here’s an even better idea 💡: never shot at her!
Meg cut him deep wit that “The only reason why your popular at the moment is because you are in a feature with Jack Harlow “comment and he with his violent tendencies and toxic masculinity couldn’t take it.
That munchkin is thinking what does he got that I don’t?
I don’t know, perhaps good looks, talent, a full set of hair, charm, attractive personality, and him not in a jail cell for the next ten years and possible deportation
That troll had the nerve , the audacity , to be talking about no weapons formed against him shall prosper, when shot a black woman who was walking away from him and then lied and gaslit her, slut shamed her, made up a misogynistic lie that another woman shot her out of jealousy, violated a restraining order, and antagonized her and her boyfriend through his music and you wonder why I don’t feel any ounce of sympathy towards him and others like him.
It’s one thing for a man to harm a woman because she rejected or criticized him and his work that makes him a coward but when that same man torments her even though she was generous and kind enough to not press charges against him then he is no different than the sadists who take pleasure from causing others pain
If anything he is the weapon and it was, and is prospering against him ! He didn’t deserve 1/10000000th of the consideration she gave him that night. She was too kind to him. People can really take other peoples kindness for weakness and you wonder why TV shows like snapped is on TV and it’s been around for like 33 seasons as of this year.
I’m not sorry that he’s suffering now. sorrows, sorrows prayers
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