#the quiet earth (1985)
mackmp3 · 3 months
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go in here ^^
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mostlygibberish · 9 months
I liked the part with the champagne egg.
Very surprising that I've never heard of this before, because it was damn good. Lots of great shots and interesting set pieces of urban locations suddenly post-humanity. Later scenes introduced some interesting trippy effects that worked well for setting an unsettling tone. There was a minor revelation about two thirds of the way in that made for really solid characterisation. 
Bruno Lawrence gave a fun performance as a man losing his mind from solitude: playing saxophone in the rain, declaring himself president of earth, and running through the streets screaming at god wearing nothing but a dress and a pump shotgun. 
Alison Routledge was likewise great, delivering a believable character with actual depth to her. Pete Smith's character was kind of annoying, and being introduced so late into the movie it was hard to care about him. The love triangle subplot, or whatever it was, seemed very rushed and wasn't particularly compelling.
I thought it was funny that the opening credits listed multiple actors and revealed that he wasn't alone before the movie had started. The ending was a little too vague, which is normally something I'm a fan of, but for whatever reason I didn't find it satisfying here.
A great last-man-on-earth movie that seems like it should be better known.
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mariocki · 1 year
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The Quiet Earth (1985)
"We might not have been responsible. God may have just blinked."
"God blinked and the whole world disappeared. A world of noisy, brawling, wonderful human beings."
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scipunk · 6 months
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The Quiet Earth (1985)
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Prompt: More Last Lines
Choose one of the last lines of these literary works, and either create a new story/poem or continue writing the story...
“I lingered round them, under that benign sky; watched the moths fluttering among the heath, and hare-bells; listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass; and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth.” —Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights (1847)
“For the first time they had done something out of Love.” —Patrick Süskind, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (1985)
“Oh, my girls, however long you may live, I never can wish you a greater happiness than this.” —Louisa May Alcott, Little Women (1868)
“‘Darling,’ replied Valentine, ‘has not the count just told us that all human wisdom is summed up in two words?—‘Wait and hope.'” —Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo (1846)
“Later on he will understand how some men so loved her, that they did dare much for her sake.” —Bram Stoker, Dracula (1897)
“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” —John Steinbeck, East of Eden (1952)
“I just waited a bit, then turned back to the car, to drive off to wherever it was I was supposed to be.” —Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go (2005)
“The strains of the piano and violin rose up weakly from below.” —Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984)
“For all to be accomplished, for me to feel less lonely, all that remained to hope was that on the day of my execution there should be a huge crowd of spectators and that they should greet me with howls of execration.” —Albert Camus, The Stranger (1942)
“The knife came down, missing him by inches, and he took off.” —Joseph Heller, Catch-22 (1961)
If this writing prompt inspires you in any way, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read your work!
last lines pt. 1
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hawkinsquarry · 1 year
❝  please don’t go—  i need.  i need someone—  i need you.  ❞ and ❝  it doesn’t have to mean anything,  i just don’t wanna feel lonely tonight. and i want to feel good for once.  ❞ is making me feel things. honestly needy steve begging to not be lonely sounds lovely but either way ❤️
how could i say goodbye? - steve x gn!reader
no pronouns for reader used; fluff, angst; hurt/comfort; sharing a bed; friends to lovers; love confessions; steve cry :(; brief mention of p*rn section at fam video but nothing in depth!
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You’ve seen Steve like this before. Beaten up, bruised, a bit bloody. You’ve seen him wear the scars after. Borrowing Robin’s concealer for a cut lip and making up lies about being a klutz. You’ve bandaged him up, grabbed an ice pack and a handful of ibuprofen and sat them down on his bedside table, taking in his sleeping face before shutting off the light and going home.
This time, he’s scared. Everyone is. The world’s up in smoke and fire and tens of people are missing or dead. You’d wrung your hands the entire walk to Steve’s at 2 am, just as big military vehicles are pulling in. You couldn’t sleep, not knowing what’s become of him, and you’re relieved when his big, dumb house is in view, intact. A warm light on in his bedroom window. His car in the driveway, his dad’s car not.
Steve’s terrified when he opens the door, but his features soften immediately. His shirt’s off. You notice the lacerations on his torso immediately, but Steve’s pulling you in and locking the door before you can ask.
“Did you walk here?” is the first thing he says. You shrug, and he sighs loudly before wrapping you up in his arms. He smells like earth. “I’m sorry I didn’t call.”
“Lines are down anyway,” you mumble into his shoulder, trying not to kiss the skin as much as you want to. “What happened?”
He sighs again. “Not an earthquake.”
“I know.”
“Guess you could tell I needed a nurse, huh?”
You don’t think it’s very funny, but you lead him to the bathroom, picking out the first aid kit you’d last restocked in July. “Think you’ll need to lay down,” you say, gently kicking the cabinet under the sink shut. “Bedroom.”
You work gently and diligently on his stomach. He’d sworn to you it was already disinfected by the same people who partially cleaned him up after Starcourt. You still apply alcohol, much to his dismay. But even when he’s wincing, he’s quiet. Steve’s not known to be quiet. Your anxiety nearly gets the best of you, almost screaming at him when you ask again, “What happened?”
He stares at you for a long time, brown eyes starting to wet. “Not tonight,” he says.
“She’s alive, too. Almost -“ and he takes a deep breath, pauses when you dab some more isopropyl on his spent skin. “Eddie.” It’s all he says. You bite at your cheek. You didn’t know Eddie well, and you’ve still got a lot of questions - but it’s a confirmation that those you know who usually get into these kinds of messes are okay.
You’re not unaware of the pointed use of the word alive and not okay. He was okay after 1984, and okay again after 1985, but 1986 only brings the word alive.
You use gauze to wrap the cuts on his stomach before taking another once over of him. He’s still so beautiful, even caked with mud and dirt and some weird thick gross slime that he’d only moaned a little don’t ask about. “Your neck,” you whisper, brows furrowing.
He nods a bit. “Hurts.”
You disinfect it, too, gently dabbing him with a cotton pad. “Hurts to swallow? To talk?”
“That’s okay,” you soothe, “I’ll stop askin’ questions now.”
“Don’t,” he whispers, suddenly grabbing your wrist. “Keep talking. Please.”
You swallow and nod before continuing your work. “My house is fine. It looks most bad in downtown - I guess you already know that? The phone lines - I said that already. Guess what I did today?”
A hint of a smile. He shrugs a shoulder.
“I finally checked out the porn section at Family Video.”
His smile grows.
“Which I guess was really good timing. But Keith was there - something about how his employees didn’t show up? Do you know anything about that?”
“Nothing,” he mouths.
“I didn’t rent anything,” you continue, “I just wanted to look. And I guess - I guess I just wanted to see you, too.”
His big eyes get all soft again. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You dab away the last remnants of blood from his neck and pull back to throw the cotton pad in the trash. “Shouldn’t apologize for saving the world.”
You’re prepping a band aid for a cut on his head when he whispers, “We didn’t this time.”
You look back at him in a little bit of shock. Yes, the things always come back. But he’s never come back and said “yeah, we really dropped the ball this time.” He’s always been relatively confident, giving it “an eighty to eighty-five percent chance” that this was the last time.
“Zero percent,” he says, like he’s reading your mind. “We didn’t.”
“Let’s worry about that tomorrow, okay? I saw those big government vehicles - they’ll help.”
He makes a face that tells you everything. They won’t. They don’t know how.
“I’m sorry,” you say, leaning back towards him and resting your hands on his chest.
You see his adam’s apple bob. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it safe for you.”
Steve has never cried before in front of you. He’s gotten close, but just walked away, pinching his nose and coming back a few minutes later like nothing ever happened. But now, he’s crying. It’s soft, a few tears riding down his cheeks.
“Steve.” Your voice cracks. “None of this is your fault. None of it. You can’t save the world. I’m - I’m so happy you’re safe.” You press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, trying to fight off a sob. “I’m just glad you came home.”
He closes his eyes and bites his lip. You move away with your kit, placing it on his desk before moving back to him. You push his hair out of his face softly. “Get some sleep. Okay?”
Steve’s eyes shoot open and he looks scared again. Panicked. He shakes his head and grabs your hands, pulling you into him so far that you almost trip and fall on top of him. “Please don’t go. I need - I need someone. I need you.”
Your heart jumps up to your throat and you swallow thickly. He’s never asked you for this before. And he’s genuine - his eyes are wild and still wet and he looks so, so scared. Scared of losing you.
“Okay,” you whisper. “I’ll get some blankets and -“
“Here,” he says, tugging you in again. “I - look, I know. But it doesn’t have to mean anything. I just don’t wanna feel lonely tonight. I want to feel good for once. I - goddammit. I want you. Please.”
I want you. It rings in your head. I want you.
You move to the other side of the bed and slide under the covers, cuddling up close to him. Steve turns onto his side as best as he can - you’d chosen his good side to lay beside. You wrap him in your arms as he rests his head on your chest. His grip on you is tight and it has to hurt. His muscles have to be screaming at him to stop and rest. But he holds you like you might get taken, too, along with all the others.
And he cries. You feel the tears soaking through your shirt. He tries his best not to make any noise, but he still sniffles and clears his throat. You rake your hand through his hair and hold him as tight as you can, too.
“Steve,” you whisper. “I love you. I just - I had to say it.”
There’s a pause, a shaky breath, before he pushes himself up to kiss you. It’s small and otherwise insignificant, but warm and sweet and what you’ve wanted for years. You’re surprised when he pulls back, but you melt as he whispers, “I love you, too.”
He settles into your chest again, and you resume combing his hair, heart pounding. “I’m here. Okay? I’ll take care of you. Just rest. I love you.”
He sighs and relaxes. “I love you, too.”
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fizzyxcustard · 8 months
Knife's Edge
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Currently on AO3 here
Fandom(s): The Hobbit crossover with Legend (1985)
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader & Darkness x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are living in Erebor. Thorin decides to admit his feelings to you after speaking with Dis, his sister and your best friend. However, you are having dreams of a creature from another world. He is becoming more powerful, trying to lure you into his world where you can be his Queen. When the lust and pull toward the creature become too much, you step into his world and meet Darkness. You have already promised yourself to Thorin. Will Darkness' seduction be enough to overthrow it all? Or will you still have enough strength inside you to follow your heart?
Warnings: Smut, graphic sexual themes, insecurity, anxiety, sex dreams, monster and human sexual encounters, violence, language, breeding kink mention, power/lust/greed themes.
(This fic is very sexually explicit and has a lot of lust/power/greed themes, while also working on the monster/human sexual references. If this is not to your liking then please do not read. You have been warned)
Comments: Currently on AO3 here / Part 2 is in the works.
Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from any tag lists.
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The dreams had begun one night in the middle of winter, when the stone hallways of Erebor were bitter cold. And you woke in the witching hours, dripping in sweat, despite having wrapped yourself up tightly in the furs. The figure had visited you from the shadows, beckoning you to his palace in which all light had fled from. His voice stirred something from deep within your core, a need and a desire of which you have never felt before.
As you opened your eyes, the pulsing between your legs becoming duller, you reached for a glass of water which was beside your bed. Your hand fumbled around, almost knocking the candle off the wooden surface. Your breathing was still hitched, and your heart was racing.
The figure’s voice echoed in your mind, although his words seem to have become jumbled. All you could keep hold of was the feel of velvet and delectable pleasure which had raged through you upon hearing the voice.
At breakfast, which you shared with Dis, King Thorin’s younger sister, you were quiet. Her blue eyes searched for any hint as to if you were ill, or perhaps were in a melancholy mood. Humans had always been unusual beings, she thought. Not as forthright as Dwarves. But still, she loved you like family, welcoming you to Erebor when you had arrived after journeying with Thorin and his Company to re-claim the kingdom of Erebor. In fact, your very existence to everyone was a mystery. You had claimed to have come from a land only known as ‘Earth’, having appeared out on the road very suddenly.
“We have visitors from Dale this morning, and Thorin has asked we be present to welcome them,” Dis announced. Her eyes were still watching you, as you pushed a piece of bread around your plate, not having had the appetite to eat it, or any of the two boiled eggs that had been prepared for you.
Something about the dream had felt so real, and you couldn’t shake the way it had burrowed into your mind.
“Are you alright?” Dis asked, her voice sharp. “You are extremely distracted this morning. Are you ill?”
“No,” you said softly, straightening your back. “I’m sorry. I had a rough night; bad dreams and didn’t sleep well.”
Meanwhile, Thorin was sat in his private study. For the last week and all he had thought about was the question that he wished to raise with you. For most of the time that Thorin had known you, he had been in love with you. At first, he felt fear at the fact that his heart was yearning for one who was not of his race and from another world entirely. The idea that you were merely a novelty had crossed his mind early on, but had soon been discarded. The way his chest compressed when he saw you, and his stomach clenched, and all he could do was smile when your gaze reached him. That said it all. You were always in his thoughts. When Erebor had been close to attack from orcs at the Battle of Five Armies, and Thorin had succumb to madness, his mind was still focused on you. He wanted the gold so he could be worthy of you.
Thorin stood from his desk, straightened his robe and picked up his crown, placing it against his raven locks, which were touched with silver streaks. Even the crown upon his head didn’t feel enough for you.
A gentle knock at Thorin’s door broke him from his reverie. “Yes, come!” he called.
Dis slipped into the room and approached her brother, offering him a smile. She said your name and watched as Thorin’s head immediately turned to face her. “I’m worried about her. At breakfast she was quiet, too quiet. Her mind was away elsewhere, and while she denied being ill and blamed her mood on a bad night sleep, I’m not convinced. Have you spoken with her about your proposal?”
A doubt had snuck into Thorin’s heart at Dis’ words. “I wished to ask her to dinner tonight and pose the question, but to hear that she is like this, should I?”
“Maybe such a dinner will raise her spirits.”
Thorin sighed and closed his eyes.
“You doubt her love for you, don’t you?” Dis asked.
“How can I be so certain of it?”
“I see the way she looks as you, Thorin. There is no denying that.”
“I do not feel even this crown is enough for her,” Thorin said, his voice becoming tinged with pain and sadness.
Dis sat down on the opposite side of the desk. “You overcame the self-doubt of re-claiming Erebor from Smaug. How can you not overcome this? She is but one person…”
“Who holds my heart, Dis,” Thorin sighed. “I do not know if I could face rejection from her. If there is part of me that is cowardly, it is this. I would rather fight a thousand orcs than have to declare my love to her, only for it to be unrequited.”
Once the visitors from Dale had dispersed to the guest wing, you remained in your seat at the council table. The sight of Thorin had pulled you from the dreams. He raised the flutter in your stomach, the heat in your chest and a smile upon your lips.
Thorin glanced across at you and met your gaze. Breath caught in his throat at the sight of your smile, and he reciprocated that smile.
Dis smirked to herself from her seat beside you. In her mind, the two of you were complete idiots. The self-doubt was astounding, and it was the one thing that made you so alike, along with your loyalty and kindness. However, that was where your similarities ended.
One by one, everyone left the room, leaving only you and Thorin behind.
You got up, ready to leave, when he ushered you back. “May I have a moment with you?” he asked.
Thorin’s heart was pounding, but he was going to do this one way or the other. He would overcome the cowardice that was taking hold of him.
You stepped closer to him, and couldn’t help but smile again. He was incredibly handsome, and you had once dreamed of what his kiss would feel like, of what it would feel like to be one with him, and carry his child. This future you yearned for so ardently. But to be married to a king? It was a ridiculous notion.
“W…would you have dinner with me tonight?” Thorin asked.
This was the first time you had ever heard him stumble over his words. You could sense the uncertainty in his voice and posture. His blue eyes had now dropped to the floor. Reassurance was what he needed in those moments, to show him that you cared for him above everyone else. You took his hand in yours. “I would be honoured, my king,” you said.
Thorin’s gaze then locked with yours and he smiled, on the brink of a chuckle, as if relieved.
There were unsaid words lingering between you both, and the electricity was gathering momentum. Something had to break. “What troubles you?” you asked. On impulse, your free hand reached up and brushed a stray hair from his face. Your other hand was still in his.
“I…I have wanted you for so long,” Thorin whispered. His eyes were ablaze with fear and doubt. “You consume me.”
Sighing, you pressed your forehead to his. “I am not worthy of you, my king. I never was.”
Thorin reached up and removed the crown from his head, placing it down on the table, and then cupped your cheeks. His gaze sank into yours, and then the two of you kissed.
“I would raise you up!” the figure snarled from your peripheral vision.
It was the witching hour once more and your dreams had pulled you back to the palace of shadows. The voice now had audible words.
“I will raise you up as a queen!” the voice came again. “He will always treat you as being beneath him.”
You swept through the dark corridors, chasing the voice. The only light was a fire burning in the distance, beckoning you on.
“He took off his crown for you. I would give you a crown, my queen. I would give you the world to do with as you please. Come to me.”
Heat furled in your stomach, spreading outward, causing that pulsing to begin again at the juncture of your thighs. “Where are you?” you called.
You entered a room where the back wall was brightly lit by the fire burning opposite. A huge bed dominated the centre of the room, filled with furs and black velvet sheets. A musky and earthy scent filled the room, and immediately you sensed eyes watching you.
Fear gripped you, mingled with arousal. And suddenly you felt a hand rest on your shoulder and then move downward, ghosting over your breasts, which were now bare. Your whole body was naked, open to whoever this creature was. The hand had long, black claws and the skin was crimson. The creature’s touch caused intense heat to spark beneath your skin as it kept moving, towards your navel. Electricity was surging around you and the pulsing got more intense, making a deep groan to erupt from you.
“He will never let you ascend to the place you should be,” the voice came again. The creature’s breath was hot on your neck. You felt something wet and hot slip up your neck to the point at which your earlobe connected to your cheek. “That is not love. I would worship you as my queen and my mate. Give you everything you’ve ever wanted; give you power.”
Your eyes shot open and you gasped. Realisation hit you: you were in bed, in Erebor. Next to the bed, on your table, was a red rose which Thorin had left you. The red petals reminded you of the creature’s skin, and it made you shiver.
Since your kiss with Thorin after the council meeting, and you had had dinner with him. The two of you shared in your memories of the quest, laughing and holding hands across the table. Then Thorin had shared a glass of wine with you, his silver blue eyes gazing at you in adoration and disbelief that you felt the same way as he. The two of you had walked slowly down the hallway, with your arm curled around his. “Goodnight, my love,” he whispered to you, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. A blush flourished on his cheeks as you moved away.
In all the time you had known Thorin and you had always been attracted to him; his voice, eyes, presence. Everything about him made your chest ache, and cause a yearning for a deeper connection. Your heart was frantically beating, wanting him.
And now you were sat upon the edge of your bed, thinking of the caresses of a creature of the shadows. Whenever you were in the company of Thorin, all memory of the creature disappeared. And now that you were thinking upon the creature, Thorin’s face had faded.
After you had dressed, a knock came to your door.
You walked to the door and as you opened it, a huge smile curled your lips upward at the sight of Thorin.
The king reached for you, twirling you around, as if dancing. “I have requested breakfast be brought for us,” he said softly, pulling you in close and winding his arm around your waist.
You leaned to him and kissed him, feeling him immediately respond. Your tongues met in a pent up frustration that the two of you had held at bay for many months. All you could feel was sheer joy, delight and love radiating from your chest.
Thorin’s hands cupped your cheeks, his fingers caressing downward towards your jaw, tickling your earlobes.
A sudden flash of memory shot into your mind. The creature’s tongue leaving a trail of wet heat down your neck. The flash of memory made you jump.
“Are you alright?” Thorin asked, his eyes growing concerned.
For the first time and the creature was breaking through into your time with Thorin, beckoning you into the shadows. “Yes, I’m sorry,” you replied, holding your head in shame and disgust.
Thorin rested his finger against your chin and lifted your gaze to meet his. “You are not alright, dear one. Dis told me yesterday that you had not slept well. What bothers you? All of your cares and worries are also mine.”
“You wouldn’t understand, Thorin,” you replied, stepping back from him.
“Why do you feel I would not?” he snapped.
You sighed and closed your eyes, knowing you had deeply offended him.
I will raise you up. I will give you power beyond your wildest imaginations. 
 The voice was so real, yet still felt distant. It curled around you, making that arousal snake its way down your spine and between your legs. Your breathing sped up and you sat back down on the edge of the bed. “I can’t,” you gasped.
Thorin’s eyes were dark in anger and rejection, your words hitting him square in the chest so painfully. “If you cannot bare your all to me as I would do for you, then…”
“Thorin,” you said again. “Please. Don’t put this between us.”
“No, you are putting it between us.”
You could see the pain and despair sitting in his eyes, making his shoulders droop in defeat. With a sigh, you began to speak again. “I’ve been having dreams. A demonic creature is somehow connected to me and won’t leave me alone.”
Thorin fell to his knee in front of you and cupped your cheek again. “My love? Look at me.”
You looked into those eyes you loved so dearly.
“The creature cannot hurt you,” he said. “I promise you that while I breathe, I will always protect you.”
Once your breakfast had arrived, you began to eat, temporarily forgetting the creature. Thorin was sat in a chair beside your bed as you remained on the edge of your bed. He watched you eat and as you ate the last mouthful, he reached into the inside pocket of his robe, pulling out a velvet pouch.
“I know that our customs are different, but I wish to indulge the Dwarf custom and ask for your hand in courtship, as is right. And with that, I offer you this ring,” he said, taking a gold ring from the velvet bag.
You looked at the bright gold band which was adorned with amethyst stones, seven of them forming a circle in the gold. “You remembered when I told you that purple is my favourite colour,” you whispered.
Thorin smiled, and that blush rose on his cheeks again. He reached for your hand and slipped the gold band onto your ring finger on your right hand, knowing the left would be kept for engagement and marriage, as was your custom.
Thorin wished you a goodnight, and as he did, he kissed your cheek. “If you have any unwelcome dreams again, my love, please come to my chambers.”
The two of you parted ways and you placed another red rose in a vase on your bedside table.
My queen. 
The voice swept around you again. This time it was more powerful, sounding as though it were in the room with you.
Sleep and come to me. 
 You lost all control and slipped away, all consciousness leaving you. But as your conscious mind drifted away, your body rose from the bed and stepped toward the full length mirror at the bottom of your bed. Your eyes remained closed, yet your body knew where to tread. The surface of the mirror looked like silver water, and with one step, you disappeared into it.
Were you awake or still dreaming? Everything around you was dark, with only the light from the end of a hallway. You blinked hard and sat up. Everything around you felt so real; the cold surface of the stone beneath your legs and the chatter that you could hear. Distant voices whispered.
She is here. Finally she is here. The Lord of Darkness has finally found his mate and one true queen. 
 Darkness? Was that his name? The red creature.
You got to your feet and looked around, everything still so dark. Your heart was thumping hard in your chest, in both fear and anticipation. The glow of light beckoned you down the hallway, just as it had in your dream.
As you reached the end of the hallway, you turned the corner and found yourself in a large room with a bed in the centre, and opposite was an open fire. Everything was as it was in your dream the night before. Even the black velvet sheets and furs on the bed.
Suddenly you sensed a presence behind you and for a few seconds you were glued to the spot in fear.
“My queen,” a voice came. That deep, velvet voice. Just the sound of it made liquid fire burn in your belly.
A hand brushed around your neck and that all too familiar scent of musk and earth hit your nose. Even his smell was beckoning you, pulling at your very core, that most primal part of you.
Slowly you turned, and there before you was a creature who towered above you. His skin was crimson, with bright yellow eyes gazing at you in lust and amusement. His face was pointed, with angular features. Huge, black horns grew from his head. His upper torso was muscular, being the body of a man. As your gaze slipped down, you saw that from his waist down was the body of what appeared to be a goat. His waist and legs were covered in black fur. Considering that his form was one that would normally make terror rise in those that looked upon it, you felt fascinated.
“You are not disappointed by what you see, my lady?” Darkness asked.
Your gaze finally met his, and you felt an intense shiver race down the entirety of your body.
Darkness reached for you and picked up your hand, placing it against his chest. It was red hot. He closed his eyes upon your touch. “I have yearned for touch for centuries.” His voice was on the edge of a groan.
You gasped at the feel of him and the pleasure which radiated from his voice. Your hand slipped up his chest, toward his neck. Suddenly Darkness grabbed your hips and lifted you, and on instinct, you locked your legs around his waist.
He walked with you to the bed, his gaze never leaving yours. And as he stopped, hovering above the bed, he took your lips against his. The kiss was hot, heavy, demanding. His long tongue caressed the inside of your mouth, beckoning you forth.
As you parted from the kiss, he chuckled at you. “I will give you everything you’ve ever wanted. Pleasure beyond anything you have ever felt, power, riches. Ask and it will be yours. Never would I keep a crown from you as he does. He would see you without that power.”
Thorin. His face was so far away again, and you shook your head, trying to bring his handsome face back to the forefront of your memory but he would not come. “He knows that I do not feel worthy of him.”
“You are worthy of everything,” Darkness snarled. He lowered you to the edge of the bed and then reached for two glasses which were on a nearby table, pouring two glasses of wine. “The Dwarf would happily keep you beneath him to maintain his own ego.”
“You don’t know Thorin like I do,” you shot back.
“He thinks he can buy you with jewels.”
“And you can buy me with promises of pleasure and power.”
Darkness growled, his eyes locked on your ring. “Remove that ring and be mine; I would love you, worship you.”
You sipped the wine, feeling your body begin to scream for him once again. The intensity of his need of you, and his desperation.
You rose to your feet, placed the glass down on the table and then approached Darkness who had seated himself on the edge of the bed. For a couple of seconds, you studied his face. It was somehow handsome to you, in a way that you couldn’t fathom. You slid into his lap, straddling him and kissed him again. Within seconds and he was sucking your neck, his hands caressing your breasts, and the tips of his claws brushing over the fabric of your clothing.
Darkness’ breath was rising, that animal side of him also breaking out. His hands ripped your clothes and flung them to the far side of the room. “I will make you feel things you have never felt before,” he moaned against you as you rose up onto your knees, still resting on his thighs. Your arms were tight around is neck. “Fuck you until you are numb.”
The words spurred you on and you kissed him again, hard and ferocious. He picked you up  in his muscular arms and slipped you around, lowering you to the bed so he was now in control.
Darkness kissed down your body, his long tongue sliding across your flesh. He could taste the first hints of sweat on you, and he revelled in the salty flavour. Your breasts, down your stomach and into the space between your thighs.
“I have never known someone so wanton,” Darkness grinned. “I can smell you. The intensity of it is enough to send me to the brink. And, even better, you are ovulating. I will keep going until you bear my child, no matter how long it takes. If I have to keep you locked in here for days, so be it. I may even call the goblins in to watch.”
The words made your whole head swarm with a haze of euphoria. The pulsing between your legs was so intense now that you locked your legs around his waist again, dragging him in closer.
Darkness laced his hand in yours and eased your ring from your finger. It fell to the stone floor and rolled away. “I will bring you so much more than he could!” Darkness chuckled.
Thorin had remained awake that night, unable to rest at the thought of you being haunted by the demon creature. All he could think of was holding you to his chest, fighting away all of those disturbing night visions.
He rose from his bed, pulling a robe on and began his walk down the main hallway toward your chamber. Torches lit his way and as he got to your room, he opened the door, knowing you would probably be asleep. However, as he trailed the darkness, following the gentle glow of the candle at your bedside, he saw you were nowhere to be seen.
Terror rose in his chest at the thought of you having disappeared from him. He gazed around the room, noticing a blue glow coming from the mirror at the end of your bed. The surface was moving, reminding him of liquid silver.
Thorin stepped towards the mirror, confused and shocked.
Your whole body was on fire and you writhed on the bed as Darkness’ hands roamed you. The tips of his claws gently scratched your breasts and stomach, drawing a loud groan from you.
“Give yourself to me and seal it, be my mate and queen,” Darkness said, his hot breath wafting across your belly.
You groaned again and arched off the bed, your body needing him.
Darkness may have held the rationale of humans, but he was more animal. That need to possess you and impregnate you was becoming unbearable, and the more you groaned and writhed, the closer he was to forcing himself upon you. His member had risen and was visible through his thick, black fur.
“Will you accept me?” he asked, his tongue licking your earlobe. The palm of his hand was cupping the mound at the juncture of your thighs, and his fingers tickled, circling the aroused flesh.
All you could do was groan again. Your hands were gripping the sheets so tight that it felt you were about to fall off the knife’s edge there and then, and completely succumb. An image flashed through your mind, a picture of you standing before a mirror, clothed entirely in black. Beneath your dress was a huge belly, showing your ability to conceive Darkness’ child. The reflection you only just recognised as yourself; your eyes were completely black, overtaken by evil and the desire for power. And there, behind your reflection, was Thorin. “My love?” he whispered, his voice cracking.
“THORIN!’ you screamed suddenly, jerking away from Darkness.
Darkness growled, his whole face turning livid. “Useless bitch!” he shouted. His hand swung outwards and slapped your face, knocking you off the bed.
Terror took over as you scrambled backwards, edging away from him as he circled the bed.
“You DARE raise a hand to her!” a voice came from the room’s entrance.
Your head snapped in the direction of the voice. It was Thorin. He must have been able to slip through the mirror and had followed the corridor.
Darkness chuckled. “I’m going to enjoy this, Dwarf. I’ll make her watch every single moment of me ripping your heart out of your chest. Then I’ll eat it in front of her.”
Thorin’s face remained darkened by anger and hatred towards this filthy beast before him. He looked down to you, and in those moments, the hatred melted as he smiled at you. “Leave when you can,” he told you. “Make for the corridor.” Then his silver blue eyes turned back to the demon who was slowly approaching him.
“You think you can defeat me?” Darkness laughed. “I have lived for millennia, feeding off the pain, hate and need for pleasures. I cannot think you believe I can be defeated so easily.”
Something touched your hand, a cold metal. It was your ring. You slipped it back onto your hand quickly, and as you did, your clothing magically returned to your body, appearing around you.
Thorin was defenceless, without a weapon. His eyes scanned the room, until Darkness was upon him.
A red hand reached out and grabbed Thorin by the throat, pushing him against the wall.
A shriek erupted from your mouth and you lunged at the two glasses on the table, smashing one against the floor. As quick as a flash, adrenaline pumping through you, you slashed at Darkness’ chest, you only just being able to reach. Then as he howled and turned, you aimed for his neck. Blood began to spurt out of the wound, making him drop Thorin to the ground. The creature continued howling, twisting in pain and anger.
Thorin grabbed your hand and the two of you began your race back through the corridor, hearing Darkness’ loud stamps behind you.
Terror gripped you in your chest and you continued running, both you and Thorin keeping at each other’s pace.
“I’ll kill the fucking pair of you!” Darkness howled.
At the end of the corridor was the same silver shine from the mirror, which had covered the entire wall. Without even thinking, the two of you jumped through, landing back on the stone floor of your chamber in Erebor.
Thorin dashed around and grabbed the edge of the mirror just as a red arm reached through. But the demon could not win. With a flash of blue light and an animalistic howl, the mirror was thrown to the floor and smashed.
Shards of mirror sprayed across the floor, spreading the entire width of the room.
You stood still, your heart pounding so hard in your chest and felt tears spill down your cheeks. Shame and guilt hit you so hard that you placed your hands on the edge of the bed and wretched, bringing back a mouthful of red wine mixed with bile.
Thorin heard your wretch and raced to your side, curling his arm around your waist. “My love…”
“Don’t,” you whispered. “Don’t call me that, please.” All you could do was weep, your shoulders juddering in your throes of anguish. “I’m sorry…” you sobbed. “I was so close to being taken from you forever. I know you’ll never forgive me.” You shifted away from Thorin. “Don’t touch me.”
He whispered your name. “Please…”
“I can’t.”
Thorin took your hand, his thumb rubbing across your knuckles. “I promised you that I would always protect you, and I will never stop. That beast attempted to seduce you, my love. The promise of pleasures and wealth can be easy to fall prey to. I know that all too well, yet you seem to forget that.”
“Thorin, don’t talk about that. What happened with the gold…”
“Was a seduction. Mine was of the mind and yours was of the body, but our hearts are what guides us. I heard you call my name, and it was you that called me back from the edge of being completely lost to madness.”
Tears still run down your cheeks and you turned away from Thorin, closing your eyes. You felt nothing but guilt and shame, dragging you down to the lowest you had ever felt. “I can’t do this. I can’t…”
Without another word, Thorin pulled you in to himself and kissed you. It was slow at first, warm and wanting, and then it became deeper. Your whole chest was now alight with such joy and delight; that was how you wanted to feel, not ashamed and at odds with your body. Kissing Thorin was where your whole body became synced and aligned. Your heart was beating with joy, your body was aroused by him, and your mind knew that this was true love.
“That’s how love feels,” you whispered. “It’s at the core of everything.”
Thorin pressed his brow to yours. “Forgive yourself, dear one. Let tonight pass from your memory, and in its place, we shall forge a new life together where our love and lust can exist in equal measure.”
“I cannot believe you can forgive me,” you said, kissing his temple. “I betrayed you physically.”
Thorin sighed. “My love, there have been stories told through time regarding the dark powers that can easily seduce the weakest willed of people. You fought that; this was no ordinary seduction. That beast had power. I could feel it as soon as I entered his domain. You said that he had been coming to you in dreams, beckoning you. Dream walkers have been spoke about for many years.”
“I hope he’s gone now, but I can’t shake the feeling that this isn’t the end. He’ll come for me again. He wanted me to give myself to him and even removed my ring.”
“Because that is a symbol of our love. Even without it, that love we share saved you.”
You brushed your fingers idly through Thorin’s hair. “You have no idea how beautiful you are,” you told him, feeling nothing but awe for him. “And to think that you want me as I want you.”
“Shh, come now,” Thorin cooed. He took your hand and pulled you up from the bedside. “I will have a bath drawn for us.”
“It’s the middle of the night,” you giggled.
“I wish to pamper you and surely there is no time limit on that.”
Thorin did as proposed and requested that a bath be drawn for you both. As the hot water poured into the tiled bath, fresh towels and soaps were brought to you both. Two serving girls smiled at you in amusement as they dashed back and forth, preparing everything.
By the time everything was ready, Thorin stepped across to you and stood behind you, kissing the base of your neck. “I can feel the tension in your shoulders, my love. Come and relax.”
You both disrobed, neither of you feeling an ounce of shame, considering this was the first time you had seen each other naked.
The bath was large with two steps that led down, it reminding you of a small swimming pool. Steam rose from the water and your first step in stung slightly as the hot water met your cool skin.
Thorin stepped in after you and you couldn’t help but keep your gaze locked on his broad shoulders. He was muscular, toned by years of activity from combat and working as a blacksmith. That also meant that he was littered with small scars. As you had imagined, he was well endowed, showing off quite an impressive girth.
For a second you thought back on your feelings that had been uncovered by your time with Darkness. Everything had been pure attraction and arousal, like molten lava coursing through you. But looking upon Thorin was different; every part of you was awakened. All of your body was ignited in your love for him.
He gazed at you, his silver blue depths bright with love and admiration. There was a contentment in his eyes that you had never seen before his revelation of love. Before that and he had always held sadness in his face. It had always been your belief that behind a lot of Thorin’s frustrations was sadness and hurt. You wanted to heal him.
The two of you embraced and then kissed. Thorin’s hands were slow to move, starting off in your hair and then moving down to your neck, your shoulders, breasts. There was no force or rush like there had been with Darkness.
Thorin washed you slowly, massaging the sponge covered in soap over the skin of your upper back. “You are quiet,” he said.
“I’m just enjoying your presence, and contemplating how you make me feel.”
“Oh? Do you wish to indulge me?”
You giggled. “Do you really want to know?”
“Yes,” Thorin whispered to your ear.
You turned around to face him. “I want to give myself to you, now.”
“There is no rush, my love. Considering what you have been through tonight…”
“That doesn’t matter. I want you, Thorin. Every part of you. If you’ll let me have it.”
Thorin never answered and pressed his lips to yours hungrily, letting you know his answer. It would only ever be a resounding yes.
The two of you slipped out of the bath, drew towels around your waist and made your way back to your chamber. Once inside, you stood before Thorin and let your towel drop to the floor. He rushed at you again, drawing his hands up your cheeks and groaning at the impact.
You leaned back on the bed, him following you.
Thorin’s lips trailed down your body slowly, his beard tickling the hot skin. That arousal was surging again, only this time it was mingled with something far deeper: love. This time you wanted to bond with Thorin, connect with him in every way that was possible.
You felt his fingers delve into the curls at the juncture of your thighs and immediately you felt your inner core begin to want more, so much more. A groan escaped your lips and slowly Thorin’s fingers circled your sweet nub and then delved into your womanhood.
Thorin kissed your neck as he began a rhythmic movement inside you.
You clutched his shoulders, feeling the waves begin to ascend. That all too familiar sensation of wanting to get as high as you could to feel that powerful burst. His name fell off your lips, feeling so right and such an integral part of your soul.
“My love,” he whispered in your ear. He kissed down your cheek, wanting you to feel his love radiating through his hands to you.
“Stop,” you told him, pulling his hand away. “I want you.”
Thorin swallowed deeply and felt a sliver of arousal shoot down his spine upon your words. He’d imagined this so many times over the last few months, unable to let the fantasy go. The elation in his chest made him smile at you.
His smile was the most beautiful sight to behold. “I love you,” you told him.
You kissed again, and this time, Thorin took your hands in his while his member rested between your legs.
That intense pulsing was beckoning him in, wanting him to ride you towards heaven. You nudged yourself forwards, reassuring Thorin that this was all you wanted in those moments.
As you joined, you groaned into his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist. You remembered Darkness’ words about you ovulating. And as Thorin rocked against you, you saw a vision flash before your eyes. It was you in a wedding gown, with a circlet upon your head. The circlet matched the design of Thorin’s crown. Your gown was midnight blue, matching Thorin’s signature colour of choice. And there, beneath your resting hands, on your stomach, was a bump. This was the future you wanted, you needed, and which was destined.
You and Thorin continued your thrusts against each other, wanting to reach the pinnacle of physical pleasure together, and topple off hand in hand, hopefully creating that precious life you had just envisioned.
The waves of euphoria kept on building as Thorin maintained his rhythm, until the final wave crashed out, pouring heat and electricity outward from the pit of your stomach.
Thorin felt you shake and contract around him, and your moans of pleasure caused his peak to also come. He kept his lips against yours, groaning into the kiss.
Panting, the two of you embraced as Thorin withdrew from you.
Thorin didn’t have to keep reminding you of being a queen, you already knew that in your heart. All that mattered was you knowing that he loved you far more than anything else in his life.
The defeated Lord of Darkness sat upon his throne, a mirror in his hand. He had watched the whole spectacle unfold before his eyes; you had given yourself to the Dwarf King of Erebor, and there had been no persuasion on his part. Everything had been so freely given.
Darkness had already kicked one goblin across the room, as one gawked over his shoulder, enjoying the show inside the mirror. He enjoyed it so much that he had started masturbating behind the throne, hiding away so his master couldn’t see him.
“You cannot outrun me,” Darkness growled, watching as you and Thorin lay together in each other’s arms. “I can wait and when the times comes, I will strike again.
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Thorin Oakenshield tag list: @braidedheart @emmyspov @dumbassunderthemountain @aloneinthebigempty @littlesweetdressmaker
Middle-earth tag list: @valkyrie-of-the-light @deadlymistletoe
The Hobbit: @flowerniche @kryshopes
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imagesofcelebrities · 9 months
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Alison Routledge as Joanne in The Quiet Earth (1985)
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cloudxstrife · 2 years
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STAR WARS: EPISODE IV - A NEW HOPE (1977)                                    THE DARK CRYSTAL (1982)                                                                         STAR WARS: EPISODE IV - RETURN OF THE JEDI (1983)                      2010: THE YEAR WE MAKE CONTACT (1984)                                         THE QUIET EARTH (1985)                                                                       STARGATE (1994)                                                                                     STAR WARS: EPISODE I - THE PHANTOM MENACE (1999)                  STAR WARS: EPISODE II - ATTACK OF THE CLONES (2002)                ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY (2016)                                          THE DARK CRYSTAL: AGE OF RESISTANCE (2019)                               THE MANDALORIAN (2019)                                                               STAR WARS: ANDOR (2022)                                                                        THE WITCHER: BLOOD ORIGIN (2022)
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Stats from Movies 301-400
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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The Blair Witch Project (1999) had the most votes with 3,139.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Pan's Labyrinth (2006) was the most watched film with 62.85% of voters saying they had seen it.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter (2012) was the least watched film with 67.15% of voters saying they hadn't seen it.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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The Blair Witch Project (1999) was the best known film with only 2.07% of voters saying they'd never heard of it. A Quiet Place (2018) was in an incredibly close second with only 2.08% of voters saying they'd never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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Playdurizm (2020) was the least known film with 95.5% of voters saying they'd never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
The Entity (1982) The Lighthouse (2019) Hellbent (2004) Joy Ride (2001) No One Lives (2012) Night of the Creeps (1986) Silent Hill (2006) Society (1989) The Black Phone (2021) Lo (2009)
Pet (2016) Evil Toons (1992) The Innocents (1961) Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975) Vacancy (2007) Jeepers Creepers (2001) Dawn of the Dead (2004) Land of the Dead (2005) The Menu (2022) Mandy (2018)
Anna and the Apocalypse (2017) Apostle (2018) The Changeling (1980) Don't Look in the Basement (1973) Goodnight Mommy (2014) House on Haunted Hill (1959) The Invitation (2015) Kwaidan (1964) Last Night in Soho (2021) Marrowbone (2017)
The Old Dark House (1932) The Perfection (2018) Relic (2020) Session 9 (2001) The Similars (2015) Willy's Wonderland (2021) Willard (2003) Mansion of the Doomed (1976) Bloodbath at the House of Death (1984) Cockneys vs Zombies (2012)
Dolls (1986) Holidays (2016) Benny Loves You (2019) Stitches (2012) Afflicted (2013) The Banana Splits Movie (2019) Rare Exports (2010) Hell Fest (2018) 31 (2016) The Devil's Carnival (2012)
Brain Damage (1988) All About Evil (2010) Alice Cooper: The Nightmare (1975) The Craft (1996) The Frighteners (1996) As Above, So Below (2014) 28 Weeks Later (2007) A Quiet Place (2018) A Quiet Place Part II (2020) Night of the Comet (1984)
Tremors (1990) The Sixth Sense (1999) The Others (2001) Wolf Creek (2005) Wolf Creek 2 (2013) Little Monsters (2019) The Girl with All the Gifts (2016) Green Room (2015) Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (2012) Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
The VelociPastor (2018) Theater of Blood (1973) The Cursed (2021) The Rift (1990) Terror Firmer (1999) Class of Nuke 'Em High (1986) The Man Who Laughs (1928) Vampire Hunter D (1985) Dark Skies (2013) The Twilight People (1972)
Alleluia! The Devil's Carnival (2016) Playdurizm (2020) Swallowed (2022) Exploited (2022) Deadstream (2022) The Brotherhood (2001) The Borderlands (2013) Pan's Labyrinth (2006) Penda’s Fen (1974) A Field in England (2013)
In the Earth (2021) Resolution (2012) Terrifier 2 (2022) The Blair Witch Project (1999) Battle Royale (2000) Hostel (2005) Critters (1986) The Collector (2009) M3GAN (2022)
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Fundamental Differing
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master list | playlist | nav | pin board | chapter XVI | get on the tag list!
Chapter XVII: Something In The Way
warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY! implications of suicide (very slight), alcohol abuse, drug abuse, unhealthy coping mechanisms, angst, miscommunications as always! you get called babe/baby a lot in this chapter (platonically)
tags: rockstar!eddie x rockstar!reader, gn!reader, afab!reader
a/n: remember last time when i said we were like halfway through yeah i thiiiiiink i may have lied. STRAP IN BFFS i have so many ideas and the will to write them. hope this one leaves u looking forward to the next few ;)
Disclaimer: I do not give permission to have my work reposted on other sites. Reblogs are more than welcome, but please inform me if you find my work elsewhere unless otherwise stated.
December 1985
Eddie’s POV
“We’ll always find each other”
You tilt your head in question, unsure what he’s getting at. Eddie continues, “When you’re stuck in your nightmares, or when I’m fighting my ego, we’ll find each other. Bring each other back down to earth. When we’re rich and famous and far away from here, we’ll still find each other.”
He can feel his eyes welling at his own words. He can’t imagine losing you, letting you go or watching you leave, not after everything he’s seen. When you nod your head, Eddie feels the tightness in his chest dissipate. “I promise. I’ll always find you.” You seal the words with a kiss, one that grows more desperate as Eddie grips your face in his hand. He lets the tears fall, his eyes screwed shut as you kiss him. It scares him, how he feels about you. Nothing in his life had prepared him for someone like you to love him. He knows he’s broken, that he’ll fuck up constantly. Something in his gut keeps telling him he doesn’t have forever with you, that he’ll make an unfixable mistake and push you away.
Your POV
You wake up to an empty bed, the spot where Eddie had lay growing cold. You groan at the light streaming through his windows, rolling over to shield your eyes with a pillow that smells too much like him. There’s a gentle knock on your door before Eddie opens it, “Hey,” He half whispers, “Wayne made breakfast, you hungry?”
You nod into the pillow before sitting up. Eddie’s already dressed in his street clothes, ready for the trip to Columbus for the show tonight. He offers his hand, and you take it, letting him pull you to your feet. You cling to him, your grip on his hand refusing to loosen as he leads you to the kitchen, where Wayne is flipping a chocolate chip pancake on the stove.
“Hey, kiddo. You alright? Ed filled me in on everything.” He eyes his nephew, who doesn’t object to his admission.
“Yeah, thank you.” You look up at Eddie, still feeling soft from sleep. “Eddie took care of me.” You squeeze his hand, and he squeezes back. Wayne places a plate in front of you, and goes to pour another coffee for himself, also pouring one for you and Eddie.
The three of you are quiet as you eat, the only sounds coming from the clinking of forks against plates, or the gentle slurping of coffee, until the comfortable silence is broken by the knocking on Wayne’s front door.
Eddie groans dramatically, head thrown back and eyes rolled to the ceiling. “I’ll get it.” He pushes himself from the table and leaves to answer the door.
You can hear it immediately, Steve’s anxious tone as he rambles, “I don’t know where they went, I figured you’d be the one to know—“
“They’re here, Steve,” Eddie deadpans, and you giggle as Wayne chuckles.
“Here? Like here, here?”
“Nance didn’t tell you?”
“No one tells me shit anymore, Eddie.”
You hear two sets of footsteps. Steve follows Eddie into the kitchen, where he inspects the scene before him; You, in Eddie’s clothes, hair disheveled, stuffing pancakes into your mouth with bright red cheeks, giggling with Eddie’s uncle. “You scared the shit out of me!” Your eyes widen at your friend’s anger, but Steve doesn’t stop. “I woke up and you were gone, not even Robin knew where you were. You could have left a note, called, something!”
“Well, you found me. And I’m safe.” You don’t want to argue, but you really don’t want to explain yourself to Steve right now.
He’s not done, though. “I’m responsible for you, Y/n. On this tour, you and the band are my only priority. If you’re gonna go somewhere in the middle of the goddamn night, you need to tell someone. Preferably me.”
“I figured Nancy would have told you. I woke her up last night, and she knew where I was going.”
Steve rubs his hand down his tired face, and you feel guilty for making him worry. “And I think she believed you wanted some alone time, truly. But we need to go if we’re gonna make it to Columbus in time.”
You hang your head like a scolded child, and drag yourself from the breakfast table. “Alright. I’ll be out in a second.” Steve gives you a short nod before turning around, slamming the door behind him.
“Well,” Eddie starts after a beat of painful silence, “Let’s get this show on the road, yeah?”
“Can I talk to you first?” It’s almost a whisper, but Eddie is so fine tuned to you, he nods without hesitating. You follow him into the dining room, away from where his uncle can hear you, you’re too embarrassed to say anything in front of him.
“I really don’t wanna hear you say sorry again, sweetheart.” Eddie turns to face you, his hand still trapped in yours, making no effort to let go. “You know I’d do anything for you. Anything you wanted.”
You shake your head sadly. “I won’t, I promise. But it doesn’t mean I’m not thinking it.”
Eddie shakes his head, bringing his free hand up to cup your cheek. You lean into his touch without a second thought, your eyes closing as his thumb strokes your skin. “I told you, we’d find each other.” It’s a whisper, barely audible, but you hear him like he’s shouting in your ear. It’s a promise you made to each other long ago, when you were love sick and naive, a promise to come back to each other after every battle, every stupid argument. Of course, things hadn’t gone completely according to plan in the last six years, but he’d still managed to find you. He’s just waiting for you to find him, to keep your promise. You’re still not sure if you can.
“I’ll see you in Columbus.” His hand falls as you speak, and you miss its warmth. “Thank you.” It’s a standoff. You’re still not sure how to say goodbye to him, even though you’ve done it hundreds of times by now. Everything in you is fighting to stay stuck to his floor.
“Yeah, I’ll see you.”
And you finally tear yourself away, not saying a single thing you’d wanted to. Really, all you want is for him to hold you, to stay here with Wayne, quit the band, quit it all to remain in this happy little bubble you’ve deluded yourself into thinking you belong in. But you can’t, so you give Wayne a long hug, and wave goodbye to the Munsons’, closing the door behind you.
Eddie’s POV
He blows out the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. Behind him, Wayne snorts a laugh and Eddie whips his head around. “What are you laughlin’ at?”
Wayne shakes his head. “You, boy. You’re such an idiot.” There’s no bite to his comment, and Eddie laughs with him.
“You’re probably the sixth person to tell me that in the last twenty four hours.”
Wayne stops laughing suddenly, his frown lines deepening. “How many more ‘til you do something about it?”
Eddie’s baffled. “What am I supposed to do?”
“Be straight with ‘em, for one thing. You can’t keep beatin’ around bushes hopin’ they’ll be content with that.” Wayne scolds, and it breaks Eddie’s heart disappointing him.
“Okay, hold on. You don’t have a clue about what’s goin’ on with us.” He feels his walks rising, preparing to shield himself from a harsh truth.
“Because you don’t tell me, Eddie!” Wayne’s voice booms through the house, shooting into Eddie’s ears and rattling his brain. “I do know, that kid loves you.”
“Yeah, but I don’t-“
“Deserve it?” Wayne slams his mug onto the counter, causing Eddie to jump. “No, you don’t, not the way you’ve been actin’ lately. Kid I raised, though? That treated everyone like a friend or family, ‘n’ would chop his own leg off if it meant a better day for someone else? He does. Where the fuck did he go? What have you done with my son?” It’s unmistakable, the breakage of Wayne’s voice. “I almost lost you, Ed. Not once, but twice. You almost died, and your first instinct when you survived was to try and kill yourself.”
Eddie’s ears ring with the silence that follows. “You promised you’d never bring it up.” He feels his throat betray him, choking on his words.
“And you promised me you’d work on yourself. You promised me you’d try to get better.”
“And I am, I- I was. I slipped.”
Wayne rubs his tired face, trying to soothe himself. “I know it’s been hard. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling, frankly I don’t want to. But this ain’t the way to deal with it. Point is, you’re hurtin’ people you love, boy. I know Y/n’s hurtin’ bad.”
“You couldn’t possibly-“
Wayne stares him down, daring Eddie to question him again. “I know. I won’t ask you to promise me again, I’ve learned my lesson. But maybe it’ll get through your thick skull this time. Before it’s too goddamn late.”
Eddie swats a tear away, looking at his uncle through blurred vision. “So you’re saying it’s not too late yet?”
Wayne steps closer, his arms open. He lands a hand on each of his biceps, holding Eddie at arms length. “No, it’s not too late, kid. But you better shape up quick.”
Eddie nods, and lets Wayne pull him into a hug, wrapping his own arms around the older man. “I’m sorry, Wayne.”
“I know, kid. Get used to sayin’ it.”
Wayne pulls back, and Eddie adds, “Y’know, Y/n and I aren’t exactly sure what we’re doing.”
Wayne rolls his eyes, something Eddie’s never seen him do before. “Please, everyone on the planet and beyond knows what you two are doing.”
“Wanna enlighten me, then?”
“Bein’ fuckin’ cowards.” Wayne crosses his arms. “The way you look at each other, no way there’s anyone left that hasn’t caught on. But you’re not acknowledging the hard parts.”
Eddie groans. “Well, yeah, Wayne, we tend to avoid the hard parts. I don’t even know if I’m in the right place to be with them.”
“That is incredibly mature of you, Edward.” Eddie only scoffs. “Look, I get it. I respect your thought process. But you should probably reconcile at the very least. Have a conversation, spend a day together. Maybe not. Do the hard part. I can just tell it’s killin’ you to hold ‘em at night and not even see ‘em the next day.”
Of course he’s right, it’s destroying Eddie, only having you partially. There’s so much you don’t know about what happened to him, and so much he still doesn’t understand about you leaving. He knows he’s done wrong, he’s treated you poorly and he’s paid over and over for it in his mind, but he still doesn’t know what the final nail in the coffin was. Something tells him you’re not gonna give it up easily, either. Something has to give soon, even if he’s gotta make it. “Okay.”
“I’ll tell them. I’ll be honest.”
“Easier said than done, kid.”
Eddie shakes his head. “No, they deserve to know everything. Then, they can decide if they want anything to do with me.”
Wayne sighs. “They won’t see you as less than for it. You know that, right?” Eddie shrugs, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. “Why’d y’think you fell for ‘em in the first place?” He cracks a smile at his nephew. “You’re gonna be okay. You have a real good thing here.”
It’s Eddie who initiates the hug this time, throwing his arms around his uncle. Wayne returns the hug, chuckling into his nephew’s shoulder as he whacks his back lovingly. “Okay, okay,” Eddie let’s him go. “I gotta hit the road. I’ll call you when I get to Columbus.”
“Sure you will.” Wayne crosses his arms.
“I promise!”
“We’ll see!”
“I love you, Wayne.”
“Get goin’ before I boot you out myself.”
Eddie turns around, and right before he shuts the door he hears Wayne call “Love you, too!” causing a smile to creep across his face.
Eddie doesn’t want to tell you anything, obviously. He’s terrified. He knows it’s important, if any of this is gonna work out between you two. Trust is earned, he knows that, and he’s figured out it’s earned with truth. No fuckin’ shit.
So maybe he tells you. He confesses this deep, scary truth about himself to you in the hopes that you’ll reciprocate with a reason for leaving? Seems wildly unfair and selfish, even Eddie can see that. No. He shares this with you in hopes that you won’t run screaming in the opposite direction? Why wouldn’t you? Seems like a reasonable reaction. No. He tells you because you deserve to know. There can be no hope, not now. He can’t let himself expect anything from you, you don’t owe him. But it sticks inside his brain regardless, the idea that you might still speak to him after all of it. He can’t help it.
Eddie climbs onto his bus, back through the portal into the scary world of rock and roll, and the driver pulls away, cranking the volume to Something In The Way. His bandmates and Steve greet him cautiously, and he returns their curious glances with a shake of his head. There’s too much to explain right now, and Eddie’s sure they wouldn’t get it.
Steve, however, is not accepting that. “Can you come back here for a sec? Need some help with something.” It’s a command disguised as a question, and Eddie obeys, trudging towards the back of the bus, into the little bedroom where both of them barely fit.
“Thought you went with Death Dance?” Eddie stalls, ready to tiptoe around the elephant in the room.
“Nah, they’re fine without me hovering. You, on the other hand,”
“Need to be hovered around?”
Steve taps his nose. “Bingo. Anyway, look, I know you’re going through a lot, and I know Columbus harbors some old wounds, but I need you to keep it together.”
“I’ll do my best not to freak out, Harrington, but you and I both know I can’t promise anything.”
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose, screwing his eyes shut in frustration. “Fine. But you have to try. If this means anything to you, you’ll try.”
“What’s the big deal, man? Why’s this so important to you?” Eddie tries not to be irritated, but even he can hear the venom in his own voice.
“You’re important to me, dude. It hurts to see you all screwed up, throwing your life away, drinking ‘til you can’t see. You’re scaring us.”
“Us?” Steve presses his lips together. “You been talkin’ behind my back? Can’t really say I’m surprised.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “To who?”
“Who’ve you been talking about me with?”
“Who do you think?” Bastard doesn’t even bother lying. It’s Eddie’s turn to shut up. What has he told you? How much do you know?
“What did you-“
“Nothing. None of that shit, that’s not mine to tell. They’ve come to me, worried. I wish you’d open your fuckin’ eyes, man. That’s all.”
“Alright, alright. I surrender. I’ll try to be good!”
“Thank you. I’m kinda sick of the asshole you’ve become.”
“You and me both, brother.”
Your POV
“Hey,” Robin places herself across from you in the booth, “You wanna explain that little escapade for me?” She rests her chin in her hand, elbow propped on the table, the ultimate pseudo-posh body language meant for gossip.
You lean into the bit, and into your friend, mirroring her posture. “Well, first I woke up shrieking from a nightmare about Eddie dying, only to ask our lovely hostess for his uncle’s address, steal Mike’s bicycle, and bang on his front door like a fucking campaign volunteer!”
Robin blinks at you, seemingly unbothered by this irrational series of events. Great, you’ve become predictable. “What did he say?”
“When you told him?”
“Nothing spectacular, it was two a.m.” This isn’t the reaction you’d expected from her.
“So no wild accusations this time?”
You scoff, crossing your arms over your chest. “He apologized. He misunderstood-“
“He eavesdropped! Y/n, babe, please come back to earth for one second here. You really think it’s a shocker to ask if he’s hurt you again? Look at the notes.”
She’s right, but you’ll be damned if she gets to know that. “I’m done with this conversation, Robin. I mean it.”
“Okay, fine! New topic!” Robin snaps you from your daze. “There are whisperings.”
“Oh?” You quirk an eyebrow at her, and she nods vigorously. “I overheard Steve on the phone this morning. All I heard is that one of the smaller bands might have to back out of Lollapalooza. Nothing’s certain, and obviously I’m not supposed to know this, but-“
You hold a hand up to stop her. “Then why are you giddy?”
“Because it’s Lollapalooza! That would be huge for us!”
“Lolla hasn’t even started yet, Robs. Baby steps, please.”
“No, but it starts in two weeks. We overlap dates, and you’ll never guess where.”
You pretend to think. There are only two places important enough to you to mention, and one is growing smaller behind your bus. “August 7th. Great Woods, we play Boston on the 6th.” Home. Playing Lollapalooza at home. You could die after that, and be genuinely content. Robin’s smile creeps across her face again, and you join her this time, letting the excitement of hope tug at your heartstrings.
The sun is thinking about setting when you arrive in Columbus, having to forego stopping at the hotel for a shower. The buses pull behind the venue, an arena twice the size of the places you’d been playing until this point, not something expected from a state that’s mostly farmland.
“This is crazy,” Sylvie mutters as security leads the eight of you, Corroded Coffin, and Steve backstage.
“Dude,” Gareth backhands Eddie’s chest, “Judas Priest played here. Scott Travis walked these very halls.” Eddie only rolls his eyes at his awestruck friend. “Travis has only been in the band for two years.”
“I have a good feeling about him, though!”
The two continue to bicker, and you tune them out. It seems you take many turns down secondary hallways before ending up in a vast, mostly empty room save for two cheap vanity sets and a plastic fold out table with your rider orders displayed, and a few wooden shades to change behind. “This place is huge!” Their voice shakes with nerves, and you place a comforting hand on their shoulder.
“I know, but think of it like this. Maybe more people will leave here listening to our stuff.”
Sylvie nods wordlessly, and you give them a squeeze.
“Okay, guys, we have two hours to showtime, and I am begging you to use that time to relax and get ready,” He shoots a glare at you, instead of stressing yourselves out. Please.”
You raise your hands in mock surrender, and Eddie stifles a laugh poorly. “Alright, well, dismissed.” Steve shoos you all away, leaving the makeshift dressing room in a huff.
“What’s got his panties in a bunch?” Eddie wonders aloud, and no one has an answer. You look at Robin, and she only shrugs. The last thing you need right now is your caretaker having a meltdown.
You’re called for soundcheck, once again being led through the backstage tunnels, flashing your badge to staff members as they pass. The stage is about twice the size of what you’re used to seeing, and maybe four times bigger than the allotment usually given to you as an opener. “There’s so much room for activities!” Robin squeals, and you giggle. She’s right, you could really let loose with your antics up here.
“Alright let’s get busy, check, check!” Steve claps his hands together, and the rest of you scramble to your marks. You watch as Steve takes his place in front of the stage, making sure he can hear you, even though it won’t matter in the long run when there are six thousand people screaming in front of the speakers anyway.
You fiddle with your guitar, tuning each string as quickly as you can, testing your mic and pedals, playing with your in-ear, all while trying to keep an eye on Steve, tapping his foot anxiously in your peripheral. You and Robin send each other concerned glances, both thrown off by Steve’s palpable anxiety.
Despite Steve’s unexplained jitters, sound check is smooth, and the four of you are brought back to your dressing area, switching out for the headliners to deal with Mama Harrington.
You huddle, growling and grunting playfully to hype each other up to perform until you’re cackling so hard your ribs hurt. “This is our biggest show to date,” You put on your pep talk voice, “So we’re gonna go out there and rip this place to shreds, yeah?”
“FUCK YEAH!” You bring it in for one more group hug before shaking off your individual nerves. Security leads you out, the crowd getting louder as you get closer. Steve follows behind you, posture tight as he power walks to the side of the stage to wish you all luck.
“Break a leg, baby,” He holds out his fist for you to bump, but you swat it down, bringing him into a hug that he returns without hesitating.
“We’ll talk after, yeah?” You mumble into his shoulder, and feel him nod.
“Thank you.” You pat his back and let him go, and he watches as you follow the rest of the band on stage, the crowd getting impossibly louder when you appear.
Eddie’s POV
He wanders into the crowd with Steve and a crew member close behind, hair tied up and hidden by a baseball cap he’d never choose on his own. Tonight he’s insisted on not drinking, but the anxiety about talking to you, for real, is eating him alive. Of course, when Steve had heard this, he’d gone all Protector mode on Eddie, now following him through the venue to hold him to his word. I could use the company, though, Eddie thinks sadly.
In the back of the venue, casual fans collect their drinks from the bar, or walk away from the merch stands with handfuls of memorabilia. A few people give him second looks that he averts less than slyly, only trying to get a decent view of you on stage.
Tonight, like every other, you’re holding the audience captive with your performance. Dressed in an oversized Bikini Kill shirt, red fishnets, and spandex shorts, your body lifted higher by heavy boots. You glow under the stage lights, hair damp and sticking to your sweaty face as you pour your soul into your vocals. Tonight’s performance seems more raw, to Eddie. Your voice, though still incredible, holds a certain rasp it doesn’t usually. You sound more pained, the way you must have felt originally writing these songs. It’s like you sense it, the shift in your equilibrium finally catching up. Eddie feels it in himself, every time you look at him, somehow still finding him in his disguise, in a room of thousands.
He wants to drink. Or smoke, or fuck, or cut a line, even, the pain in his chest is unbearable, knowing what he’s put you through, and the fact that you don’t know everything. He wants to take it all away, every ounce of pain you could ever feel, even if it means his worst nightmare comes true. Everything inside of Eddie itches, squirms under his skin while you sing, voice grating and cracking against the screaming crown.
“Thank you, Columbus! We have been Death Dance Approximately, and this is our last song! Sing it if you know it!”
Lilith counts you in, and the song is met with even more shrieks of the casual listers recognizing your hit. The one about Eddie, the one written for him in high school by someone he’d never get enough of. He doesn’t usually stay for this one, the song almost impossible for him to listen to now. Tonight, though, Eddie sways with the crowd, even throwing a careless arm around a befuddled Steve. Eddie may never have you again, but he did once, and he plans to hold on tightly to that fact, regardless of what happens after tonight.
Your POV
“Thank you! Everybody get pumped, Corroded Coffin’s on next! Goodnight!” You blow kiss after kiss to the audience, eyes scanning for the person they’re actually for as you take your bows and walk offstage. Already, the crew buzzes around you, hauling instruments and wires on and off the stage, hustling to tape down setlists, check levels, and reveal the Corroded Coffin flag currently covered by your band’s logo.
“Great show, guys, absolutely killed it.” Steve claps for all of you as you enter the dressing room, careful to stay out of the way of your tour mates’ paths. But someone’s missing from the scramble.
“Has anyone seen Eddie?” Jeff looks from you, to Steve, to anyone else in his eye line. His question is met with the shaking of heads, no one confirming they’ve had eyes on him.
Steve takes charge easily. “Alright. Rob, check the bar. Sylvie, check the bathrooms, and Lilith, go talk to the bouncers. I will try to call his—“ he pauses, looking at you, “…friend, here in town.”
You ignore your friend’s strange inflection. “What about me?”
“Where should I look?”
Steve presses his lips together, not fully looking you in the eye. “I think it’s probably best if you don’t get involved, Y/n.”
This baffles you. “Excuse me?”
“It’s not you, it’s just,” he huffs, “This city is hard for him to be in, after… Look, I don’t know what you know. Let’s just say I expected this.”
“Steve, holy shit, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“I don’t have time to explain right now!” Your bandmates have already left the room. “We need to find him. If you have such a dire need to look for him, fine, but I can’t tell you anything else. It’s not my place.”
What the fuck could he be talking about? You groan, throwing yourself into a fold out chair, defeated, and Steve stomps out of the room. It takes you all of two minutes to give in, grumbling to yourself as you exit the dressing room into the backstage labyrinth. “He could be anywhere. Shit!”
Before you even make it around the first corner, you hear the beep of a security guard’s walkie. “Hey, yeah, we found him. Out behind the parking lot with some girl.”
“He alright?” Steve.
“Yeah, he’s good. No sign of substances. On our way in.” You chew on the inside of your cheek as you return to the room. He’s got a girl here?
chapter XVIII
tag list: @children-of-the-grave @five-bi-five @wiildflower-xxx @beebeerockknot @champagne-glamour @xxgothwhorexx @therensistance @chonkzombie @brxkenartt @sidthedollface2 @bibieddiesgf @gaysludge @eddiesguitarskills @littlepotatobeansworld @poisonedluv @kellsck @m-chmcl-rmnc
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shotlist · 8 months
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corrodedthorn · 2 years
mirage | prologue
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>>pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader >>genre: fluff/angst >>status: ongoing >>chapter cw: smoking, mentions of bad parents, cursing >>english is not my first language
>>series summary: In his entire life, Eddie had one person he could call his best friend. Well, he had, because right after the well-known Starcourt Mall fire, after many weeks of secrets and lies, their paths turbulently parted. Although months of piercing silence on both sides have passed, when the corpse of his schoolmate rested on the floor of Eddie’s trailer, and Hawkins began the hunt, it is she, along with Dustin and the group, who shows up on his hideout's doorstep. Ready to protect him even at the cost of her own life. Eddie rips up old wounds and decides to find the answer to the question that has been tormenting him this whole time. What really happened in the summer of 1985?
series masterlist | playlist
a/n okay, i'm really late with this but I hated the first version and decided to write it all over again. still not sure how it went but I couldn't keep it in a drawer any longer, hope you enjoy!
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
August 11, 1980.
The warm breeze of summer wrapped around their shoulders and combed through their hair. It was one of those nights that seemed to be solely theirs. Her figure planted on the top of a picnic table, he sitting on the bench, between her legs, the back of his head resting against her stomach and his arms resting on her thighs. The entire trailer park was shrouded in silence, except for the loud chirping of crickets hidden in the grass. Yes, it was definitely their night. 
The moon hanging high above their heads, the millions of stars among which she formed her own constellations, the soft light beaming from an old street lamp. Everything was theirs. And not a single soul around to disturb their peace.
Eddie's eyes remained closed in relaxation while her hand stroked his shaved head gently. They often spent summer nights like this, enjoying the last moments of warmth and tranquility. With the new school year looming on the horizon, they took as much as they could from such moments.
"Hey Eddie." She broke the silence suspended between them in a soft voice, as if trying not to disturb the peace. In response, she received only a quiet hum, as a sign that he was listening to her. "Eddie, look!”
The boy opened one eye lazily and looked in the direction she pointed. Right next to them, a large moth was sitting on the table, gently fluttering its wings. With beautiful patterns, it clearly stood out against the decaying wood, and for a moment they could not take their eyes off it. Suddenly, the moth took to the air with breathtaking lightness, flying toward a nearby street lamp. 
"Look, there's another one!" Eddie rose slightly, pointing his finger. The two moths flew toward each other and began a mesmerizing dance, casting delicate shadows on teenagers. The ethereality of this moment filled their hearts with warmth. 
"They're kind of like us, don't you think?" She asked quietly, hoping Eddie would understand. That, like her, he would see in the moths a metaphor for their lives. Their weightless floating in the darkness, desperately searching for a luminous purpose. Having only each other and nothing else needed.
"Yeah. They're like us." And Eddie's dreamy smile hinted that he understood perfectly what she meant. 
Gazing affectionately at the moths flitting around each other, she felt a strange surge of nostalgia. Her smile dropped slightly, and a melancholy filled her heart that had been so joyful only moments ago.
"I don't know how I'll get through this year without you," she said in a soft voice that somewhat caught Eddie off guard. He furrowed his brow, but did not look away from the flying moths.
"I'm not going to drop off the face of the earth though, I'm just going to high school. You'll join me next year, plus we'll be seeing each other after class anyway."
"I know, but still. I guess I’ll just miss you. It will be weird not sitting with you at lunch." She shrugged her shoulders. "Or not seeing your stupid face in the hallway." 
Eddie laughed out loud, nudging her leg with his elbow.
"You always have the rest of Corroded Coffin. And maybe you'll find some new friends if I'm out of the picture." He teased.
"I honestly doubt it. Don't think the chains at my jeans, Metallica shirt or reputation of a freak are very appealing to potential future friends."
"Yeah, you're right." His light laughter left a bitter taste in his mouth, as if the brutal truth was trying to escape his throat. "I guess not too many people want to be friends with freaks, huh?"
"I'm not complaining. I wouldn't even want to know at least half of these people anyway. You're enough for me." She pinched his ear playfully, at which Eddie squirmed. "And we'll be best friends forever."
"Well, you're not getting away from me that easily, so you don't really have a choice." He stuck out his tongue at her and pinched her calf as revenge for the previous attack. Leaning his back against her again, he sighed loudly. His thoughts returned to her previous statement, and Eddie didn't even notice how the corner of his mouth twitched upward involuntarily. "Forever, huh? You promise?"
A note of hope hung in his voice. 
"I swear. Even if someone put a gun to my head. One hundred percent." 
"Forever... Sounds cool."
In Eddie's ears, "forever" sounded otherworldly. It sounded like stability, something he hadn't experienced much in his short life. It sounded like the promise of a future as wonderful as their present. It sounded like the most beautiful word anyone could say to him. From between her lips, it sounded like home.
Because she was his home.
Silence once again enveloped their bodies. Her hands went back to stroking his head, and he once again closed his eyes in relaxation. The moths dissolved somewhere in the gloom of the night, and the pair remained, lulled by the universe. 
Their blissful idyll was interrupted by a vehicle entering the trailer park. The teens' eyes shone brighter than all the stars in the sky at the sight of the familiar car pulling up next to Eddie's trailer.
"Uncle Wayne!" They called out, jumping up from their seats and running into the arms of the tired man, who groaned at the impact.
"And who do my old eyes see? Are these my little rascals?" He put both arms around the teenagers and pulled them close. "What are you two up to?"
"Nothing much. We've been waiting for you." She answered him with a radiant smile.
"Are you stayin' the night, sunshine?" he asked, also sending her a slight smile. "Or you need a ride home?"
"I think I'll stay the night. You know how my parents are." Yes, he knew her parents pretty well. In fact, he knew them well enough that he didn't have the heart to deny the girl at least a scrap of stability and security that they couldn't give her. And if that scrap was to be his old little trailer, so be it.
Wayne stroked her shoulder reassuringly, then with a slow step began to lead the teenagers toward the front door. 
"Sure thing. Well, it's not that late yet, so how about a movie? I have that weird 'the shine' one that you guys are obsessed with."
"You mean 'the shining'?" Eddie laughed out loud.
"Yeah, that one."
As the door closed behind their backs, finally cutting them off from the darkness of night and nostalgic reflections, luminous smiles filled their souls. They ended up not watching any movie. Instead, they sat together on the couch, sipping cinnamon tea and talking about how their day went. 
And if the moths were still around, they would surely have flown toward that trailer. For their laughter seemed to light up the park a little brighter than the street lamps.
March 7, 1986
This evening seemed oddly colder than the others. Maybe it was because spring had yet to arrive in Hawkins, or maybe it was her chilling gaze that made the darkness weigh down on his shoulders and the blast of cold bite into his leather jacket. Probably both.
Eddie was standing with his back against the side of his van, taking a drag on a cigarette every few moments. With attentive eyes, he watched Dustin, who was walking toward a familiar car with a wide smile on his lips, waving cheerfully at the girl behind the wheel.
He will probably spend the whole way home telling her how today's campaign went, how they defeated the final boss and how cool it was. She will probably have a wide smile on her face throughout the story and will ask for details from time to time. They will probably laugh all the time and listen to music very loudly as they drive through the streets of Hawkins together. But Eddie could only imagine this heartwarming scene. A scene that used to be his reality.
He took another drag on his cigarette and involuntarily glanced in her direction. For a second they seemed to catch eye contact, but she quickly looked away and sent a slight smile to Dustin. With absolutely no acknowledgment of Eddie's presence, she drove out of the parking lot without looking back once.
"Forever, huh? Fucking bullshit." He muttered to himself, tossing his cigarette on the ground. With a heavy step, he got into his van, slamming the door and almost immediately clenching his hands on the steering wheel. Only his loud sigh disrupted the overwhelming silence, as he tried to ignore the painful stabbing in his heart. So many months had passed since their last conversation, yet the sight of her still had a grip on his throat.
What happened to them? 
A photo of her graduation, which Eddie always carried in his wallet, suddenly seemed to burn the material. He didn't have to look at it to have their silhouettes embracing each other tightly before his eyes, the beaming smiles on their faces and the sparkles dancing in their eyes. It didn't matter that that year he once again failed to graduate. All of his focus was on how proud and incredibly happy he was about her accomplishment. On that day, he was sure that at his own ceremony a year later, she would be at his side. Standing just as proudly, squeezing him close and flipping the bird to the teaching staff. Clearly, he was wrong. 
Seven months. That's how long it had been since the last time they had any kind of conversation. It had been even longer since he last saw the feisty sparks in her eyes. Somewhere between the routine of everyday life, she slipped through his fingers like loose sand. And from a soulmate, she became nothing more than the ghost of his best friend.
The stillness of the night began to seep into his van, but Eddie was in no mood to disperse it with loud music, as he usually did. He sent a glance at the spot where her car had been just a moment ago. 
One single moth flew right in front of his windshield.
Eddie's eyes welled up with tears.
taglist: @awhoreforeddiemunson @peaches-roses-sins @vingtetunmars @waitlalice @mopeymopeymouse @nikt-wazny-y @fangirling-4-ever @eddiebaemunson @munsonsfairygarden @dietcokequeen06 @aedicn @anxietybbie-blog @eddiesdingus @marvelbrokeme @avengers-21 @drm2003 @the-iridescent-phoenix @hurricane-abigail @h-ness1944 @basketcaseeeeee @eddiejosephluv @authoressskr @fizzleslay @chickennug90 @princesseddie @urallidjits @dreamsofbisexualswamprats @protecteddiemunson4vr
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dear-indies · 1 year
hi there, i hope you're well!! i was wondering if i could have some female face claim suggestions for someone who has apocalyptic resources and/or otherwise fits that kind of vibe, please? i'm looking for anyone within the 20s or 30s age range, i don't mind which + a variety might actually help a lot. thank you so much!!
Catalina Sandino Moreno (1981) Colombian - From.
Lee Si Young (1982) Korean - Sweet Home, Zombieverse.
Cara Gee (1983) Ojibwe - Stange Empire, The Call of the Wind.
Lupita Nyong'o (1983) Mexican Luo Kenyan - Little Monsters.
Emily Blunt (1983) - A Quiet Place.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead (1984) - Kate, Birds of Prey, 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Elle-Maija Tailfeathers (1985) Kainai Blackfoot and Northern Sami - Blood Quantum.
Jennifer Cheon (1985) Indigenous Mexican and Korean - Van Helsing, The Wheel of Time.
Olivia Thirlby (1986) Ashkenazi Jewish / English, Bohemian Czech - Y: The Last Man.
Kim Ok Bin (1987) Korean - Arthdal Chronicles.
Hera Hilmar (1988) - Mortal Engines, See.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian - Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City.
Nora Arnezeder (1989) Sephardi Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish / Austrian - Army of the Dead, Tides.
Park Shin Hye (1990) Korean - #Alive.
Cara Theobold (1990) - Zomboat!
Christian Serratos (1990) Mexican / Italian - The Walking Dead.
Aliza Vellani (1991) Indian - Sweet Tooth.
Tanaya Beatty (1991) Himalayan / Da'naxda'xw - Murder at Yellowstone.
Ellora Torchia (1992) South African Indian / Italian - In the Earth, Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands.
Ashley Romans (1992) African-American - Y: The Last Man.
Georgina Campbell (1992) Afro Jamaican / English - Bird Box Barcelona.
Adwoa Aboah (1992) Ghanaian / English - Willow.
Jessica Henwick (1992) Chinese Singaporean / English - Love and Monsters.
Millie Brady (1993) - The Last Kingdom.
Luciane Buchanan (1993) Tongan and Scottish - The New Legends of Monkey.
Zoë Robins (1993) Nigerian - The Wheel of Time.
Mia Goth (1993) Ashkenazi Jewish, Brazilian [Portuguese, including Azorean, small amount of African, possibly other], English, Irish, Scottish, French-Canadian - Infinity Pool.
Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawh - is queer - Blood Quantum.
Park Gyu Young (1993) Korean - Sweet Home.
Anna Leong Brophy (1993) Irish, Chinese, and Kadazan - Shadow and Bone.
Taylor Russell (1994) Black Canadian / European - Bones and All.
Han So Hee (1994) Korean - My Name.
Avery Konrad (1994) - From.
Ivana Baquero (1994) - The Shannara Chronicles.
Christine Lee (1994) Hongkonger - Black Summer.
Jessie Mei Li (1995) Hongkonger / English - is a gender nonconforming woman who uses she/they - Shadow and Bone.
Alexa Mansour (1996) Mexican and Egyptian - The Walking Dead: World Beyond.
Go Youn Jung (1996) Korean - Sweet Home.
Thaddea Graham (1997) Chinese - The Irregulars.
Amber Midthunder (1997) Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, Hudeshabina Nakoda Sioux, Sissiton-Wahpeton Oyate Dakota Sioux, Norwegian / Chinese, English - Prey.
Amita Suman (1997) Bhojpuri Nepalese - Shadow and Bone.
Ella Purnell (1996) - Army of the Dead, Yellowjackets.
Morgan Holmstrom (1998) Metis of Cree descent, Ilocano and Sambal Filipino - Day of the Dead (series).
Annalise Basso (1998) - Snowpiercer.
Stefania LaVie Owen (2000) Cuban [Spanish, possibly other] / Unspecified - Sweet Tooth.
Pegah Ghafoori (2000) Iranian - From.
Natalie Malaika (?) Black Canadian - Day of the Dead (series).
Paula Silva (?) Uruguayan - Virus-32.
Leah Brotherhead (?) - Zomboat!
Mia Tomlinson (?) - The Lost Pirate Kingdom.
Chloe Van Landschoot (?) Unspecified - is queer - From.
Here you go!
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nelsonlopezstuff · 4 months
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My best first-watches of May 2024
Babylon (2022) - Damien Chazelle Shock Corridor (1963) - Samuel Fuller Kwaidan [怪談] (1964) - Masaki Kobayashi The Battle of Algiers [La battaglia di Algeri] (1966) - Gillo Pontecorvo A Drama of Jealousy (and Other Things) [Dramma della gelosia (tutti i particolari in cronaca)] (1970) - Ettore Scola Detour (1945) - Edgar G. Ulmer The Dreamers (2003) - Bernardo Bertolucci Family Diary [Cronaca familiare] (1962) - Valerio Zurlini The Quiet Earth (1985) - Geoff Murphy Lifeboat (1944) - Alfred Hitchcock Delicatessen (1991) - Jean-Pierre Jeunet & Marc Caro The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum [Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum] (1975) - Volker Schlöndorff & Margarethe von Trotta Still Walking [歩いても 歩いても] (2008) - Hirokazu Kore-eda The Day I Became a Woman [روزی که زن شدم] (2000) - Marziyeh Meshkiny Macario (1960) - Roberto Gavaldón La Vie de bohème (1992) - Aki Kaurismäki Girl with a Suitcase [La ragazza con la valigia] (1961) - Valerio Zurlini A Summer's Tale [Conte d'été] (1996) - Éric Rohmer Fish Tank (2009) - Valeria Arnold A Very Long Engagement [Un long dimanche de fiançailles] (2004) - Jean-Pierre Jeunet
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