#the question of whether or not the part of her that was ryoko would then succumb
aparticularbandit · 8 months
the idea of junko losing her memories of hope's peak academy and going out into the world she created and saying, this isn't what i wanted.
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan, Episode 8 - A Plot by Haruhi Suzumiya
Everything Haruhi does is a plot by Haruhi Suzumiya. Haruhi is an incorrigible plotter. Unless you mean the movie she filmed, which is a different kind of plot by Haruhi Suzumiya.
(Two parts.)
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I guess Tsuruya's joining the list of characters volunteering to be Yuki's fallback love interest if Kyon ends up red-stringed. Pretty sure that is a red-crowned crane, specifically? That looks like the red crown on its head.
Nope. Sorry, Tsuruya, but despite being more tolerable in this series, you're still on the shit list.
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The hell does that even mean?
Hot springs episode really is going to hot springs episode at maximum velocity, isn't it?
I know this is going to be an opportunity to play with the Yuki/Kyon vs. Haruhi/Kyon triangle but if we're spinning a roulette wheel of shipping nonsense then I want to see some random bullshit instead. Itsuki/Yuki! Mikuru/Ryoko! Kyon/Tsuruya! The Will They/Won't They shipping war can wait until we get home; For now, let's get crazy!
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Incidentally, the answer is yes. This is the gratuitous fanservice episode that "The Hot Springs Episode" always implied, and it is played as hard as you would expect the show that gave us Mikuru Asahina to play it. In fact, it even takes time for some incredibly gross Mikuru shit while it's at it.
Admittedly still not as bad as that time they drugged her but still pretty bad. They don't even do the "Tsuruya protects Mikuru and fights off Haruhi" thing they've been doing; Tsuruya and Haruhi team up for maximum grossness. It's like they're trying to make up for lost time.
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Apparently "Matchmaking Bath" means voluntary peephole.
Uh. Okay. This episode is weird.
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Nice time loop callout. Though there is no way they've actually fit that many competitions into the short time Haruhi's been with the Literature Club. Taken literally, she pulled that number straight out of her ass.
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Now that we're out of the Den of Male Gaze, the comedy's back. Poor Kyon. We all know it's going to be him. It's always him. It doesn't even need to be rigged.
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Absolutely furious that Ryoko and Tsuruya's match wasn't animated. I have so many questions about Tsuruya's Dance of the Crane technique.
Also, Kyon and Mikuru continue to be useless.
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When the hell did he injure his wrist? Did he beat Kyon's ass so bad he hurt himself?
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Absolutely furious that Tsuruya quit the tournament in its second round, allowing the competition to continue while forever shielding her crane technique from the prying eyes of the camera.
Also, Haruhi, don't think I didn't notice that this is your second bye. You didn't compete in the first round either. You're advancing straight to the finals without ever picking up a paddle. Kyon was right to object to rigged games.
(Is that how Itsuki injured his wrist? Did he fake injury so Haruhi could have a 1v1 with her romantic rival?)
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I'm with Kyon. The first round seemed legitimate but that second round was totally rigged by the Kouyouen kids.
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What the hell!? How dare you deprive us of the pivotal battle between Yuki and Haruhi!? I AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW AAAAAAAARGH.
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No, for real, the comedic timing of Yuki Show is so good. If they ever bring back Melancholy, whether as a continuation or reboot or whatever, I hope they learn from the successes in this spinoff and build on them.
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That means she won, right? I think that means she won. I am choosing to believe that means she won. Yuki won. I will accept no argument.
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Do you have any more headcanons of NaeRyoko/NaeJunko?
For example, how would Ryoko or Junko react to being touched, whether through hugs, cuddles, or caressing face cheeks?
I like to think Ryoko is touch-starve while Junko is more touch-averse due to bad experiences with producers giving her the feeling of vulnerability. However, she is touch-averse only when she receives physical contact, not vice versa. When applying this to a relationship with Makoto, I imagine that Junko would cuddle Makoto from behind while she closes her eyes to reminisce or think about something, while Ryoko is susceptible to physical contact of any kind. However, her touch-starve behavior is noticeably apparent when Makoto caresses her cheeks.
Oh, course I do!
Indeed I agree RJ (Ryoko/Junko) is very touch starved and can see where you’re coming from about Junko as I feel there’s enough lines from her to safely say that there’s speculation on the possibility of her being… bad touched but I prefer not to talk about such actions so back to the matter at hand RJ is in my head canons quite a cuddler I find Ryoko to be an excitable puppy while Junko is a possibly feral cat. Of course Ryoko is happy and excitable and craves affection and will be happy whenever given it and if there’s ever a time she’s extremely stressed or sad she likes to be Heald to be comforted like having a anchor to the world and shall cuddle when given the chance
but Junko is more on edge they may like physical affection and crave it but after a while can and will be overstimulated and respond violently I was especially thinking about this one night when finishing reading a naejunko fic and thought about Junko as she craves the physical affection but will always end up hurting the people she cares about she wake up in the middle of the night with a depressive episode cause she’s mentally unwell and would long to hold someone and I think about all the other possibilities Matsuda, Mukuro heck even Izuru but you know they know Junko even if she would innocently want to hold them it’s only a matter of time before the other shoe of her brain drops they know this and stand on end and she knows they know this which is a feedback loop of self-fulfilling prophecy as her lonely sad thoughts in her head now fill with paranoia about how those she cares about don’t truly care about her as her friends don’t truly know her and those who truly know her always stand on end and while its fair that raw vulnerable part of her soul that only lives to despairs weeps its raw despair to the rest of her body and that despair will stimulate her, her heart will beat and her brain will lie and say that anxiety is excitement and that exactment will give the desire to move and that desire will be lead by her pain to kill, kill the hurt only to cause more hurt. So, she claws or bites or chokes, of course her loved ones are prepared and stop her, may push her away and stop holding her and in the end, this just leaves her emptier then ever as both look at each other,
But not Makoto, it could happen again it probably has but when Makoto stops her and looks at her, he forgives her he can and will stop her when needed but he also knows how to comfort her pain soul and ease her anxiety’s and fears he averted her passion and eased her blood. As he holds her closer and lightly caresses her, calming her down.
But ye in the end they are both cuddlers and nothing makes RJ more happy at night than when she cuddles Makoto to soothe the dark and sad thoughts in her mind.
(oh and thank you for the ask feel free to ask more if you have more thoughts or questions)
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sillyguyhotline · 4 years
the joe character ask
i’ve been responding to the prompts so slowly bc school but here’s the one for joe that i didn’t put in the previous ask 
Why I Like Him-
Honestly, this shouldn’t even be a question at this point, he’s hands down my favorite character. I adore the dynamic that he has with Sara, I adore his cheerful and peppy personality, and I adore the fact that he still undergoes realistic questioning of his morals despite being such a kind and generally “good person.” And, as I’ve stated many times before, I think that his death came at the perfect time to impact Sara’s development while also letting him go through a character arc and become a significant enough character for his death to hurt. I,,, I love him so much dhfbhdfbd
Why I Don’t-
There isn’t really a lot here; like I’ve said, he’s just generally a really good character! If I had to pick something, though, I’d say that there are a lot of unresolved suspicions surrounding him from the get-go and I don’t like that they haven’t been resolved yet. Considering how cheerful and trusting he is otherwise, he’s oddly suspicious of Keiji and the others right from the beginning, and is the first to suggest the possibility of a traitor- rather uncharacteristic for what we know of him. Was it just part of his character arc to make him dying due to the Sacrifice card even more sympathetic, or is there more to him? I, personally, really want the “Mr. Policeman is Joe’s dad” theory to be true, so I’m hoping that if we get that reveal, his initial suspicions will tie into that. I’ll be sort of disappointed if they continue to go unresolved.
Favorite Scene-
Honestly, I’ve always adored the scene where Joe and Sara walk home together. In only around 5 minutes, Nankidai is able to characterize them both perfectly (especially Joe), to portray them as close friends who enjoy teasing each other, and to establish that they’re still good friends even though Joe is dating Ryoko. Especially when you go back and play through the game without the initial worry of whether Joe is going to betray you, it’s easy to realize how genuinely sweet and well-written that scene is. I love it a lot :))
Favorite Line-
Because I’m very shitty at remembering lines, I’ll go with the classic one: “I love ya, Sara! You’re my best friend!” I also thought his AI’s line of “I’ll always follow you- just like a dog!” is a pretty funny one. 
Favorite Outfit-
I probably won’t include this with everyone else’s but I just want to take a minute to appreciate Joe’s gaudy-ass outfit. He has style. Period. Those earrings? That hairclip? Absolutely iconic, there’s a reason Sara cries every time she sees them after 1-2. 
LMAO are you kidding me?? Joesara all the way. I also like the concept of Ryojoesara, but I just love their dynamic in-game and how close they are to each other, romantic or platonic. And… I just honestly adore the idea of the two of them together! I love the friends to lovers trope, and their personalities complement each other so well! They’re very sweet.
For this, I’d have to choose between either Gin or Shin. Joe leaning into the “big bro Joe” assignment is so precious, and I’ve always been a sucker for their little exchange where Gin promises to kick his ass in Mario Kart or something. I think he’d make a great big brother to Gin; they could bond over their love of dogs :) I’ve also seen a lot of Nankidai’s sketches of Joe and Shin together, and honestly I think they’d make for great friends- Joe could help pull Shin out of his “loner” persona and they could be buddies! If only </3
Like I’ve said, I’m really bad at coming up with specific headcanons, but… I hc Joe as bi, he just gives off those vibes. He also probably has Tiktok and tried to get Sara and Ryoko to do Tiktok dances with him for awhile before giving up. Also!! He probably still sleeps with at least one stuffed animal (a stuffed dog would be very on-brand for him) but is self-conscious as hell about it and has only told Sara.
Unpopular Opinion-
This seems to be a pretty unpopular opinion because of how much people love to talk about it, but I really dislike the Mastermind Joe theory. I’ve talked about this before, but I think it’s very implausible; Nankidai’s writing is centric around character development, not the shock value of plot twists. Sacrificing all of Sara’s development throughout Chapter 2 (which consisted of her reacting realistically to her grief and was handled very well imo) would be so counterproductive and it would make the game feel so much cheaper. Perhaps Joe’s AI might be weaponized against her again or it might make future appearances, but I doubt the living Joe will turn out to be evil, much less a conspirator or even mastermind with ASUNARO. It just wouldn’t make sense, and it would honestly ruin his character.
A Wish-
I’ve already mentioned that I want the “Mr. Policeman is Joe’s Dad” theory to be true, so I’m gonna say that I really want my theory about the AI to come true as well. I really want Sara to end up going home with Joe’s AI if she survives, and I want the emotional distress of seeing the fake version of her dead best friend to be evident. Give me that angst, PLEASE </3
An Oh-God-Please-Don’t-Ever-Happen:
Mastermind Joe Theory!! Please don’t ruin his character.
5 Words To Describe Him-
Gaudy Dog Boy Deserved Better
 My Nickname for Him-
I don’t really have a lot, but I think I misspelled his name as “hoe” in a conversation once and ever since I think of him as “Hoe Tazuna.”
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Tim’s Secret Weapon Pt.7
I’ve been slightly obsessed with @ozmav​ ‘s Damian Wayne/Marinette Dupain-Cheng pairing as of late, and just saw a post that has inspired me more than anything else has in months, so I felt the need to write it
Summary- Tim has always seen the numbers floating above people’s heads, been able to perceive their threat levels with a single glance. After being a hero for so long he thought he was desensitized to seeing high numbers above people’s heads until Damian brings a new friend home.
Part 1 Part 6 Part 7 (HERE) Part 8
This is out earlier than expected because my procrastination sucks ass
The battle was fascinating to watch, to say the least. The team worked together like a well-oiled machine, making their acrobatic plan flawlessly after Marinette called for her ‘Lucky Charm’ and used the white paint she received along with Ryoko’s water powers to break the connection The Queen of Hearts had with her guards. This gave Abeille the chance to sneak in dive in and freeze her with her venom sting as Chat grabbed her bracelet and turned it to dust.  Viperion seemed to not have an outright offensive move associated with him, but his time travel ability seemed infallible as he effortlessly redirected his teammates around attacks yet to come. 
The Bats were left watching with respect as Ladybug caught the dark purple butterfly in her yoyo. From the second she had left them on the roof to when she tossed the paint can in the air, allowing her magic to fix all the damage done by the fight, only fifteen minutes had passed. 
The five heroes grinned at each other, fist-bumping with a chorus of “Pound it!” before Chat and Abeille went up to the woman in her early 30s that had been the victim of the fight, and the other three turned to take off, Ladybug making a clear path back to the hotel, with the Bats on her heels. 
They passed through the window they had left not long before just in time for Ladybug to flash bright pink once more. Tim flinched slightly as her number reappeared and slowly fell back to her normal 15. Alfred looked up from the chair where he was reading. 
“Welcome back, Shall I call for refreshments?” He asked, placing the book down. 
“Yes please,” Dick answered, “I feel like we’re going to be here for a while. 
“Of course,” He hummed standing up to go to the phone, “Aw and Miss. Marinette, what food does your Kwami favor?” 
The young girl jumped, eyes wide, “What!” 
“Your Kwami, I saw the battle on the news, and assumed your Kwami will be famished after that much magic being used.”
“I don’t-” 
A small red fairy-like creature flew out from Marinette’s jacket. 
“It’s okay, Marinette,” The creature reassured before turning to the men in the room, “Hello I’m Tikki! I’m glad to finally meet all of you.” 
Alfred’s face became unbelievably soft as he held out his index finger to the small creature, “Hello Madam Tikki, it’s lovely to meet you as well. What can I get for you?”  
She giggled as she shook the offered finger, “No need to be so formal with me, Alfred, but I’m partial to cookies if you don’t mind.” 
“Not at all, Tikki,” He said before striding over to the room’s phone, raising an eye at the still costumed Bats, “I would suggest getting dressed in something more appropriate before room service arrives gentlemen.” 
“You dropped her title,” Jason countered instead of moving to change, “You never drop titles when asked!” 
Alfred let out an amused huff, “Arguing with Kwamis over respect is a futile endeavor. Now do not make me tell you again. This is a conversation best suited for the Waynes, not the Bats.”  
The Bats ducked into one of the adjoining bedrooms, as Marinette just blinked in surprise at the exchange. 
“You��ve had experience with the miraculous before?” She asked as he hung up the phone, Tikki settling in her hair. 
“I do,” He confirmed, “For several years I was a hero known as Emrys with the help of a very good friend named Duusu.” 
Tikki gasped, “You’re a peachick.” 
Alfred’s eyes misted slightly, “Yes, and I must admit I never thought I would be able to converse with another Kwami after losing the peacock brooch. I was devastated to hear that the butterfly had fallen into the wrong hands,” 
Marinette was biting her lip as the Bats reentered the room, now in their civilian clothing. 
Damian raised an eyebrow, “Is everything okay, Angel?” 
“I just…” She looked at all of them, “This is a lot, how did we get here?” 
The room glanced at Tim as he sighed and stepped forward and began his explanation once more. 
Marinette took the information on how his powers worked really well, humming at certain parts as she looked deep in thought. Tikki was looking at him strangely, by the time that he had finished. 
“You’ve been able to do this since you were born?” She questioned lightly, nibbling on one of the cookies that had arrived during his explanation. 
He gave a nod, “As far as I’m aware. Why?” 
The Kwami shook her head, “Just making sure.” 
“Well that’s cryptic,” Jason drawled from where he was laying on the floor. 
Marinette giggled, “Welcome to Kwamis, they give the most helpful cryptic insight you could ask for.” 
Tikki stuck her tongue out at her user before both broke down into giggles. 
Tim looked between them before finally asking, “Do you know the other Paris’ heroes secret identities?” 
Marinette cocked her head, sitting up slightly from where she was snuggled under Damian’s arm, “All but Chat Noir’s, as when I took over the Guardian position I was the one that had to pick those that would receive the Miraculous. I’m guessing your powers gave them away?” 
He gave a sheepish shrug, “It’s kinda hard to see a 12, 13, 14, or 15 over someone’s head and not put together their identities. Viperion is the only one I don’t know because I didn’t see him out of his mask.” 
Dick raised a brow from his upside-down seat on the couch, “Was that why you were so weird at the school?” 
“There were six people with 12s or higher,” He snapped, “And that creepy chick that called Damian ‘Dami-Bear’ was a 9.” 
Jason gave a low whistle, “Damn, that’s a lot.” 
Marinette looked surprised, “Six? But there’s only five miraculous out permanently on our side…” 
“Yeah about that,” Tim said, “I’ve seen other users online, have Max or Kim from your class ever held a miraculous?” 
“How did…”
“It’s rare to see people with the exact same shade of a color, even less so when they have the same number,” He explained, knowing his family was hanging onto his every word, “And yet Kim and Max both had a pure white 12, the exact same pure white 12 as Alfred. I think the miraculous might permanently affect the user’s danger level.” 
“You only asked about Kim and Max,” Marinette put in, “But Alya and Nino also held miraculous before, what were their numbers.” 
“Alya was the girl that started recording right? And who was Nino.” 
“Yeah, and Nino was the boy with the bright blue headphones around his neck, red cap, and glasses.” 
“She had an obnoxious orange 5, and He had a mossy green 4.”
“Why wouldn’t they have 12s then…” 
Tikki was the one to answer, “Alya and Nino weren’t true holders, but Max and Kim are both true holders so I imagine that would affect Tim’s powers.” 
All eyes fell on the small goddess. 
“True holder?” Marinette asked. 
She gave a small nod, “The Kwamis are much older than the human race and the miraculous, but when we began using humans to regulate our powers each Kwami blessed a handful of souls. As they go through the reincarnation cycle we can find our true users, who will always be more intuned with our powers than anyone else that could use our miraculous and our true users usually showcase abilities that go along with the concept the Kwami represents. After a true holder transforms for the first time Kwami’s can feel them, and recognize them as one of the blessed souls, though we don’t know what Kwami blessed their souls on that feeling alone.”
“So the 12s  saw were true users that don’t have their miraculous,” Tim summed up. 
“Most likely,” Tikki confirmed, “The others would be the ones that still hold their miraculous.” 
The conversation goes on for a while as Marinette asks questions of Tim and he asks them right back. The rest of the family remaining silent as they soak in the information, all making mental notes on where to go next. 
Bruce finally claps his hands startling the pair out of the intense debate they had gotten over whether his ability could be used to detect a potential Akuma victim before an Akuma got to them or not as the sunset. 
“As insightful this discussion is,” He comments, “I believe it is time that we contact the rest of the League and make a plan on how to out Hawkmoth.” 
“We should change and head for WE,” Damian suggested, “No one would be on the executive floor at this time so we can do a conference call without risk of being disturbed.” 
When Bruce gave a nod all the Bats rose and headed to the bedroom. 
“Before we call the league,” Marinette said quietly making them pause, “I need to do two things.” 
Bruce nodded, waiting for her to continue, her city, her rules.
“Firstly I want to call my team, they should be there when we contact the league,” She said, turning towards Tim, “I would also like to inform them that you know who most of them are, and how you figured it out since it’s their secrets.”
“I’m willing to share with them,” He told her, “It’s only fair that they know the facts before we form.” 
“Thank you,” She breathed. 
“Now what else did you want to do?” Jason asked.  
“Alfred,” She turned to the butler, “There’s something you should know about who we’re fighting.”  
“Nooroo and his user?” He questioned with a raised brow. 
She shook her head, “No, Hawkmoth may have been there from the start but a little less than a year into the fight another miraculous user joined him. Mayura and…  her Sentimonsters.” 
His strangled gasp sent a stab of pain through all the hearts in the room, “Not Duusu…” 
She gave a grim nod, “Mayura is the current holder of the peacock miraculous. Though at first, her appearances were few and far between due to the brooch being damaged, they learned how to repair the damage shortly after I became Guardian allowing for her to make more regular appearances.”  
None of the Wayne’s had ever seen Alfred look so pale, so worn out, so… old.
Bruce wrapped an arm around the butler’s waist pulling him towards the couch, making him sit gently. 
“It’s okay, Alfie,” Bruce breathed as the others remained silent. Alfred was shaking slightly, unable to find his voice as he slowly held out a hand. Bruce clasped it tightly, sitting with the man that raised him in reassuring silence.  
“Master Bruce,” Alfred’s voice was quiet as he continued to stare at their clasped hands, “I don’t normally ask anything of you except for you and the young masters to stay safe, but if I might make a request?” 
“Anything, Alfred,” The man answered without a second of hesitation. 
“Find Hawkmoth and Mayura and free Nooroo and Duusu as quickly as possible. Rescue them, please, no matter what it takes.”  
“I promise,” 
Alfred finally raised his eyes, a hard steely gaze flashing over his ward’s face, “Go.” 
Bruce was on his feet and in the bedroom ready to change within a second, his sons not far behind him. 
“I’m sorry Alfred,” Mari breathed only to be rewarded a shaky smile. 
“It’s not your fault, Marinette,” He reassured, professional mask struggling to raise, “I believe it is time to call your team.” 
“Tikki, spots on.” 
Thirty minutes later Ladybug found herself staring at her whole team in the art room of her school with the blackout curtains pulled tight over the windows, able to feel their buzzing energy overflowing the room.  
Abeille was looking at her imploringly, knowing slightly what the meeting was about, but the fact that Ladybug had contacted not just the regular team, but the reserve members, Pegasus, King Monkey, and Bunnyx, as well had them all on edge. 
“Is everything okay, bugaboo?” Chat finally broke through the nerves to ask. 
She nodded slightly, taking a deep breath, “Earlier today before the Akuma, Abeille came across two foreign heroes.” 
The rooftop stilled, eyes wide. 
“Who was here,” Vipieion asked first. 
Ladybug gave them all reassuring smiles, “Nightwing and Red Robin, and after making contact with Abeille, I met with the Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, and Robin. They wanted to offer their help.” 
“They finally answered!” Chat cheered causing the gathered heroes to break out in celebration, even Ladybug couldn’t stop a grin from spreading her lips.
Finally indeed. Three days after Stoneheart the original duo had tried to contact the Justice League, and then again a month later, and again, and again...
A year and a half into the fight against Hawkmoth they finally got a response, telling them the contact was for real emergencies, not for pranks. The response wasn’t even signed past the official Justice League seal. 
For League associated heroes to be here in Paris, and willing to talk, it filled them all with the hope that the fight wasn’t going to last forever. 
Ladybug let them enjoy the feeling for a few minutes before she called them back to order. The bright smiles pointed at her made the nervous twist in her stomach lessen slightly even as she readied herself for the next announcement. 
“Before we met up with the League and determining a game plan, I think it is only fair to have us all on the same page,” She told them, “After speaking with the Gotham heroes they informed me that they figured out not only my civilian identity but, Chat Noir, Ryuko and Abielle’s as well.” 
“What!” Bunnyx roared, “How dare they! The sneak sons of-” 
“Stop!” Ladybug cut her off with a glare, “They did not go digging into our backgrounds to figure it out, and while they will explain in more depth when we go meet them, I can tell you that they discovered our identities because Red Robin is a Metahuman with an ability he can’t physically turn off, it was the same way he figured out who Batman and other heroes were long before he was Robin, and he’s never given away an identity without express permission.” 
The room quieted down but still looked uneasy, She just sighed. 
“That brings me to the next point. With the League finally answering us, I think we need to not waste the opportunity. If we’re going to finish this, we need to use every advantage we have against Hawkmoth and Mayura, which means we need to be able to work at all hours of the day.” 
The room was silent as all the heroes tried to decide where she was going with this, but she just stared at her partner. 
Chat maintained her eye contact, and she could see the exact second he put together what she was saying. 
“Ladybug,” He spoke slowly, “Are you serious?” 
She gave a nod, “I’ve spoken with my Kwami and I’ve decided that if all of you are comfortable with it, I think we should tell each other our identities.” 
Taglist: @vixen-uchiha @iggy-of-fans @mewwitch @roseinbloom02 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @mochinek0 @royalchaoticfangirl @09shell-sea09 @mystery-5-5 @derpingrainbow @aloha-posts-stuff @hauntedfreakdeputyhero @maribat-archive @blue-peach14 @kae690 @zazzlejazzle @vincentvangoose @be-happy-every-day-please @xxmadamjinxx @celestiacq @peculiarlylostdreamer @dani-ari @melicmusicmagic @themcclan @nyctamaximoff @nataladriana9 @drama-queen-supreme @miraculousbelladonna @urbanpineapplefarmer @graduatedmelon @lexysama @hecate-hallow @ki117h3dr4g0n @vinerlover @interobanginyourmom @bluefiredemon @imanerddealwith @tinybrie @clumsy-owl-4178 @shizukiryuu @whogavemeaninternet @schrodingers25 @lunar-wolf-warrior @urbanpineapplefarmer @xxmadamjinxx @crazylittlemunchkin @littleredrobinhoodlum​ @rougemme​ @dur55​ @phantommeow12 @kand-roo​ @silvergold-swirl​ @officiallyathiana​ @completelypeccable​ @redhoodsdoll​ @nataladriana9​ @mariae2900​ @northernbluetongue​ @sturchling​ @thesunanditsangel​ @reyna-avila-ramirez-alreanaldo​ @bobothyross @taoiichii​ @magnitude101999​ @magicalfirebird​ @nataladriana9​ @panda3506​ @aquariusrunes​ @woodland-queer @sayarock121​ @mindfulmagics​ @magic-miraculous​ @my-name-is-michell @naoryllis @slytherinqueen2432
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I’m a degenerate
So I wrote a fix for @kazooli‘s contest.
Features! Domestics, some tub sex, and overextensive praise.
Prompts used were ‘forbidden love’ and themes of the nsfw alphabet
   Tomura Shigaraki, by nature, was not generally a happy person. Alternatively,  being the leader of the one and only League of Villains didn’t allow for such.
   There was one thing though. One good thing out of all others.
   There’s a quiet suburb in Tokyo where not much happens. Like many areas, it’s mostly populated by various businesses and a few distinct residential areas. One of which was a high-rise complex near a park, in which there was a door that he and one other held a key to.
   He navigated the back ways up to the building, careful to avoid being seen despite the late hour. He reaches the right door, and uses his key despite every urge to dust the handle right off the door from sheer exhaustion.
   “Welcome home, Tocchan!”
   The pure intention of his lover’s greeting was enough to warm the cold of the Tokyo night from his bones as he removed his shoes to enter the small apartment.
   “Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes if you want to start playing before we eat.” She said with a smile. Cute.
   Tomura considered his lover to be quite unique. A quirkless American girl who just so happened to run into the right reptilian at the wrong time. How that lead to this, he still doesn’t understand. He thinks part of does have to do with the cooking however. Instead of taking up her offer, he slowly sets the small table for two.
   She keeps her focus on the pans in front of her as Tomura maneuvers about the small kitchen. Her short hair is pulled back and out of her round face. He thinks she’s a definite 11 out of 10 on the eroge scale. Everything proceeds as it should, peacefully, in a relative silence. They dine in the same manner; there isn’t much for small talk these days. But it’s okay. He enjoys the peace against the mess the League is during the day.
   “Why don’t you start up the game while I get the dishes to the sink?”
   The familiar loading tone rings out as the plates and silverware clink against the sink. She quickly takes her place beside him, pulling the blanket around her and nestling into his side. Perfect. Like a dream. And it is, until he feels her shiver.
   “If you’re tired go to bed.” His eyes not leaving the screen. She tries to respond, but all she manages are sniffles. He actually pauses the game this time, seeing her reduced to a mess in less than half an hour.
   “Why are you crying.” It’s more of a statement than a question. She avoids his gaze while sitting up and wiping the tears from her face.
   “We’ll never be happy, will we?” What the fuck?
   “It’s not fair. I make you come all the way here to play house but for what? And something always happens. First it was All Might, and then, then the- the fucking yakuza show up. And everyone is so mean. You can’t tell people that your boyfriend is the boss of the League of Villains or else shit happens! And you’d think that people would be happy that they stopped the yakuza I mean? I can’t tell whether to be angry or depressed!” It all comes out as an angry blur of words, but Tomura understands. Mostly. She’s a more social creature than he is, better adjusted to the everyday. But this gives him an idea. A Thought. And his mouth curves so slightly upwards when he thinks to act upon it.
   Tomura sets the controller aside, forgetting the soft jazz of the pause menu and stands. With four fingers as always, he takes one of her hands and mutters; “Bathtime.”
   “After dinner is bathtime. Come on.” She remains confused, but sheds the blanket and follows home towards the bathroom. And its Japanese style. Perfect.
   “Get naked.” He starts piling his clothes in the corner as he starts filling the bathtub with water. He looks back and she hasn’t made a move.
   “It’s bathtime, princess. Don’t tell me you’re shy all of a sudden?” He cracks a sly grin. Wordlessly, she puts her clothes into the pile with his for the wash, and settles into her washing routine. Tomura follows suit, quickly cleaning his hair and self before claiming his spot, leaning against the back of the tub and wall. She enters after, leaning herself back against his torso and closing her eyes. Perfect.
   Scene Start, he thinks, and thankfully she says anything before he has to.
   “Why are we in the bath, Tocchan?” She questions, completely unaware.
   “Because you’re stressed out, princess. How can you be a good little housewife when you’re so tense?” He responds. One arm rests across her middle, holding her close, while the other grabs at the meat of her thigh. She blushes at the nickname, and keeps his head tucked into her neck.
   “So tell me what’s wrong.”
   She’s flustered, and doesn’t exactly know what to say,so eyes closed, she starts from the top.
   “I miss you.”
   “It’s...it’s so busy. You’re trying to pull all the League back together, and I’m here, just hoping I can feed you all. It’s...hard.”
   “It is. You work so hard.” He praises her, and she relaxes. He begins to run his hand from her stomach to her neck and hair. Be gentle, he reminds himself. She continues.
   “And it gets lonely sometimes. I see so many stupid people every day but their always happy, like nothings happening around them. And all the other women..always parading around about husbands and lovers and such. They think I’m so sad and alone. Ha! They just don’t know!”
   “What would you tell them, princess?” It’s time for the kill. She smiles widely before she begins.
   “Oh where to start! Ryoko’s so proud that her husband is a small time hero, but he’s nothing special. Everyone says I look so sad when they talk men, but I know. They’re all small talk. My man’s got status.” She’s so happy as she says it and giggles as he lavishes kisses along her neck and shoulder. She’s too into singing praises that she doesn’t even notice as his hand moves to grope at her chest.
   “I mean come on? Small time hero? My man’s a boss. Not just any, but The Boss! Of the whole League of Villains! And they’d be all like, Gasp! But he’s a bad guy! HA! My man’s not bad, he’s evil. Hehe...but not even. He’s so good, but they’d ...think you...kidnapped me...or...something…” Her chest heaves and her breathing becomes heavy as his one hand works on her breasts, and the one on her thigh moves slowly to play in the juncture between her hips.
“Oh, don’t stop now. I want to hear all about what my little housewife thinks of me…” He says. The bath water helps as he slowly slides a first and then a second finger inside of her. He body shudders, he smiles.
“T-Tocchan, Tenko, please…” she whines.
“You don’t have to worry about a thing, princess.” He tries to keep his voice level and gentle as he wanted, but so far it’s only working about 70 percent.
“Listen now. I’m the boss aren’t I? The League knows what it’s doing, for the most part. You just need to keep going along, and one day when it’s all over, you can show Ryoko and her foolish hero husband who the real king is, yeah?” Her body continues to writhe as he slides and strokes her walls with his fingers.
“Yes, that, that, Ah...that sounds, perfect!” She cries.
“Fantastic.” He returns all focus to the task at hand, moving his fingers in just the way to make her cum as quickly as possible. And when she does, he removes himself entirely before she has a chance to breathe. He places his hand on each shoulder, and moves in close to her ear,
“Now, we’re going to get dried off, and go see just how wonderful the future king is.”
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 6 years
Wan High Weeping (Part 41)
Jet’s trial was approaching faster than Katara could have guessed. She supposed that, that was a good thing. It meant that the interrogations had gone smoothly. That they had enough evidence for a compelling case. If Katara were being honest, she wasn’t worried for her own trial, between she and TyLee, they had a solid case.
It was Sokka she feared for. No matter the situation, he wasn’t going to get out without a blemish to his record and she still couldn’t help but continue to feel guilty for not being able to protect herself and even more so for being foolish enough to go to a party she knew would end disastrously.
“Are you sure you want to throw Sokka a welcome home party?” Suki asked. “To be honest, I don’t think I want to attend another one of those ever again.”
“It isn’t going to be a party.” Katara replied. “It’s just gonna be a few of us hanging out on Sokka’s dorm with pizza and some confetti, maybe a few balloons.”
“Who’d you invite?”
“The usual, Aang and Toph. But I also invited TyLee and” She motioned to the boy seated at the table’s end.  “Teo. I also told Aang that he could bring Haru along.”
“I heard that he and Haru are an item now.”
“We’re going to talk about that at the party.” Katara replied,  thinking over whether or not it would be a good idea to disclose the rest of her guest list. “I invited Azula too.”
“Why!?” Suki exclaimed, drawing a few looks from the other lunch tables. “After everything…”
Katara hoped that she was making the right call this time. She had trusted Jet and it had ended so dreadfully. “I don’t know, she’s having a rough time and I thought an invitation to something might help. It doesn’t sound like she wants to come anyways, I probably should have told her it would be more like a get together…”
“I just hope that this party isn’t premature.”
Katara sighed, “yeah…” Truth be told she just wanted a distraction from the upcoming trial and a booze and Jet free party sounded like a good enough. After so many rounds of questioning, a nice time was well overdue.  “Would you want to come with me to pick up a few things? I’d like to be ready for this weekend.”
“Sure, I can do that.” Suki replied.
Sokka texted her that night, as he did every night. This time his choice topic was complaining about how he still hasn’t caught up with all of his missed school work. Katara had to roll her eyes, he was confined to his dorm, it wasn’t like he had anything else to do save for binging his favorite shows. She replied to him in accordance with her thoughts.
She looked at the clock. TyLee would be at her house soon and she still had to get out of her school uniform. She ruffled through her closet and pulled out her favorite sweater; fuzzy, blue and made of wool with threads of silver tinsel woven in. Perhaps it was a little early for sweaters that heavy, but she didn’t have time to dwell on her fashion choice too much. She pulled on a pair of rhinestone speckled jeans. Her phone buzz and she hustled to it, thinking that TyLee was letting her know that she was almost there.
Katara had forgotten that she had asked Azula how her first two days at her new school had went until the girl’s name was on her phone’s screen.  ‘They weren’t dreadful…’ and then came a second message. ‘I joined Xi River’s volleyball team. I think Ursa and Teo are happier about that than I am.’ It brought an involuntary smile to Katara’s lips. Maybe Azula didn’t see it yet, but it seemed like things were going better for her. She peered at the message again before replying. She remembered hearing the name Ursa before, but forgot who exactly it belonged to. ‘Who is Ursa? Do you like your teammates?’
Katara moved away from her phone and to her vanity set. The one with the swimming ladies painted on the border in baby blues and pinks. The same one she has had since she was a child. She clipped a few barrettes into her hair. Her phone buzzed again. She stuck the final hairpiece in and returned to it.
‘My mother.’
For a while that was all that Azula responded with. After a few moments she finally added. ‘I’m not sure yet. Zirin talks a lot. Ikue and Ryoko keep trying to get me to dye my hair bright red…”
Katara had to laugh at the image of Azula getting pestered by her friends, it was such a light and mundane topic. She tried to picture Azula with bright red hair and from there, herself  with a bright blue dye job.  “Hmmm…” She mused aloud. Perhaps she and TyLee could go to the salon if she could get a little cash from her father. Maybe she wouldn’t get bright blue, but some caramel highlights might be nice.
Perhaps a haircut too if she was feeling ambitious.
“Nice dye job, loser.” Usha
These days, her commentary had no meaning. In the grander scheme of things, she had better things to fret over. Namely that her trial was two weekends away.  She sighed what a way to begin the Christmas season. Katara grabed her textboks for first hour.
“Hello-o.” Usha greeted without a hint of kindness. “I just implied that you made a terrible choice in color.”
“That’s fine, Usha. You don’t have to like it.” Katara shrugged. If there was one thing Azula’s former harassment had taught her, it was that she shouldn’t give up the things she loved for someone who wouldn’t respect her if she evolved into an entirely different person. TyLee thought that it was an adorable choice, and Aang seemed to like it. That held much more weight than Usha’s opinion.
Usha crinkled her nose.
Her disappointment was satisfying to see.
She found her seat in front of Chan. She made a point of never looking in his direction. His unscathed presence, still brought a boiling to the pit of her stomach. These days he didn’t seem to have much to say anyhow. She did, however, look to the seat next to hers. It was strange not having Azula occupying it. She never thought that its emptiness would leave as somber tickle in her belly. Things could have been so different if she would have reached out to Azula. They could have been trading notes or discussing her new dye job.
At least that desk wasn’t empty in the same way Ruon’s was.
She copied June’s notes until her attention wavered. When it did, she began writing for Kyoshi’s assignment, she enjoyed it much more than math class. She almost found found comfort in it. It was an outlet of sorts that helped her gather her thoughts.
The music was too loud, it was her favorite song but it came in a muffled, uncanny key. It hurt her ears. The room was too bright and it shifted with eye searing colors from all over the spectrum. She couldn’t get a sense for where she was. But she was bombarded with sensations. Forceful, unkind sensations. Out of the kaleidoscope of neon colors came spectral hands that felt her up and down. Her favorite song blared louder and she screamed louder than even that.
The hands shifted and snaked up her legs, opalescent phanstasmas that she couldn’t see well enough to combat. But she could feel them, slimy and smooth, like jelly. Writhing and twisting into two hands.
The moved up the inside of her shirt, pushing it disconcertingly up. She can make out the impression of the hand beneath the fabric of a sequined cocktail dress. She hollered out again and the hands emerged from under the dress at her collar. They slinked and slid to her ears, one cupping the right and the other the left.
A tongue grazed over her left ear and a mumbled drawl filled the right. “It didn’t have to happen this way, Kat.”
She bolted up breathing heavily with tears prickling in her eyes. She could keep her waking thoughts in check, but the nightmares persisted no matter how much effort she threw into dreaming of pleasant things.
Katara pulled the topmost blanket from her mattress, wrapped it around herself, and made her way into her parents’ room. They were sound asleep so she curled herself up at the foot of her bed, something she hadn’t done since she was a child.
She wondered what she had to do to get those horrid dreams to relent.
She knew that she ought to go back to sleep, but the thought of it sent ripples of dread through her mind. It was going to be another one of those sleepless nights. The kind where she feared that Jet was going to somehow escape and come back for her, making those nightmares as real as he could manage.
If she let her mind wander far enough she could imagine a guy like Chu-Leng filling in for Jet. Or, more likely, one of Jet’s own friends. Evidently she still didn’t know what they made of their old friend’s actions.
She shuddered to herself and pulled the blankets tighter.
Suddenly she wished that the trial could just be done and over with.
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askthedespairkids · 6 years
A New Hope- October 31st
//All of this takes place after the current arc, just as an fyi
*Naomi is sitting in the bed at the fourth branch, hugging her baby. She… kind of kicked Karma out earlier, but now he was waiting for her fiancé to return to see their child. * Karma: *they knock on the door* N-Naomi? Naomi: come in, love! *She is smiling widely now*. Karma: *they carefully open the door and step inside, pausing when they see the baby in Naomi’s arms* Naomi: Look, we made a baby! Karma: I- yeah. Naomi: Come over and hold her. Karma: Am- can I? Naomi: I don’t know if you noticed, but she’s half yours. *Naomi hands the baby over.*
Karma: *they look a bit anxious* What if I hurt her? She’s so small and…. weak. Naomi: I trust you that you won’t. Just be careful and it’d be okay… do you wanna sit down? Karma: Sure…. *they take a seat on the edge of the bed* *Naomi gives Karma the baby, showing them how to hold her properly. *  Naomi: isn’t she beautiful? Karma: I mean…. beautiful for a baby I suppose? Naomi: * absolutely ignoring that ‘for a baby’ comment* She’s gonna be adorable. * the baby shuffles a little in Karma’s hands.* Karma: Fuck fuck fuck fuck I did something wrong I upset her Naomi: calm down, love. She’s just walking up. *Naomi looks at both of them * It’s okay. Karma: ……….. Naomi: what are you afraid off, love? Karma: I don’t know. Naomi: Come closer, please? And if you really don’t want to hold her, I will. Karma: *they scooch closer* *Naomi cuddles them. * Naomi: It’s going to be okay, you know. Karma: Yeah…. Naomi: So what’s wrong?  *The baby starts crying, and Naomi takes her and rooks her until she calms.* Karma: Scared. Dunno why. Naomi: It makes sense, It’s a big change. The only reason I’m not freaking out is that I have practice in calming babies. Karma: Do you? Naomi: I grew up in a pretty small village and was one of the older kids. I did my share of babysitting. Naomi: doesn’t mean I’m good with kids, though. Just that I know how to stop them from screaming. Karma: I bet you’re at least okay with them. Naomi: …I’m pretty sure the last one I talked to hates me. Karma: He’ll come around. He just needs time. Naomi: I hope you are right. He seems to like you, at least. Karma: Does he? Naomi: I think so, at least. * she turns to the baby. * Have you decided if you want a middle name? We don’t usually do it here, but I think you do? Karma: We do. I even have one. * Naomi blinks.*  Naomi: You do? I don’t think I know that. Karma: I don’t really tell people. Naomi: Just if you wanna. But you haven’t answered my question. Karma: Oh. Yeah sure we can give a middle name. Mine’s Joan. It was mom’s name. Karma: Graves isn’t my real last name either. Just picked it because it sounds cool. But yeah. Middle name. Naomi: We- Jewish we, not Japanese this time- don’t name people after the living. But… Madoka Joan? Or do you have another idea? Karma: Madoka Joan sounds nice. Naomi: Madoka Joan Graves…. Madoka Joan Kizakura Graves… I like it. Let’s see how long it takes until you can say it all, sweetie. * She giggled, looking at her baby.* Karma: …… do you think she’ll like me? Naomi: …Why wouldn’t she? Karma: I dunno. Naomi: You are their parent, and you are wonderful. Don’t forget it. Karma: *they smile softly* Thank you. Naomi: No problem~ Karma: *they hug Madoka close* Naomi: see? it’s not that bad. Karma: I suppose you’re right. * Naomi laughs.*  Naomi: what else is new. Karma: *they laugh as well* *Naomi kisses Karma. * Naomi: we should probably let other people see her. I wanna show off! Karma: Yeah…. yeah we should. Naomi: wanna call your dad? Karma: Yeah. Sure. —– *Naomi sits on the bed, Karma near her, holding the baby.* Naomi: Do you want to meet her, Nakamura? Kyoji: Sure, I… She’s so small Naomi: Well, yeah. She had to come out of me. It’d hurt even more if she was bigger. Karma: She’s a baby. Kyoji: Well, yeah, but… I never really got to see Ryoko like this Naomi: …it’d have been really odd if you were. Naomi: Do you want to introduce her, love? Karma: Uh… sure. This is Madoka Joan Kizakura Graves. She’s…. a spawn of Naomi and myself. Kyoji: Really now? I never would’ve guessed. Hey there, Madoka Karma: Hurr durr durr. Naomi: Yeah, I think maybe the spawn part can be omitted, love. *She takes Madoka from Karma carefully, offering her to Kyoji. * *He carefully takes her* Kyoji: Let’s get a look at you. Yep, you look like your mother, but you’ve got Karma’s eyes too. I can see some of your grand-uncle in here as well. Don’t you think about delving into alcoholism, got it? That’s a terrible habit. Naomi: Yeah. No Alcohol for you, kiddo. Karma: She doesn’t know what alcohol is. Naomi: let us keep it like that. Kyoji: Agreed. And I have to say, I’m impressed.  Even with all this pollution, nuclear fallout, and ozone depletion, you’ve got yourselves a perfectly healthy baby. Naomi: wasn’t easy. But… it’d be okay, right? she’ll stay healthy? Kyoji: Depends on whether or not we can fix this global situation Naomi: all the more reason to work hard on it. Kyoji: Yep. Sorry you won’t get to see the old world, Madoka. But we’ll make sure you don’t have to grow up in a ruined husk of a planet. Karma: ……. Kyoji: We can’t fix everything that’s been lost. But we can make things better. And I think you’ve both made the right choice here. Naomi: at least that. Kyoji: Every victory is important, no matter how small it might be Karma: I think some people judge us. Kyoji: Some people believe the Earth is flat and some people think Enoshima is right. Doesn’t mean a damn thing Naomi: Yeah, humanity is kind of stupid. Kyoji: I wouldn’t say that. Ignorance and stupidity are different things. And it’s going to be up to people like us to enlighten them. You know, Madoka might be luckier than us in a few ways. She has a family who cares about her. Karma: How so? Kyoji: Something I know at least two of us needed growing up * Naomi gives out somewhat of a sad smile, but doesn’t say anything. Her parents should’ve been there, at this moment, holding her daughter.* Kyoji: She won’t have to worry about that god-forsaken academy Naomi: you won’t need anyone to validate your talents, would you? * she speaks to the baby, of course * Karma: Yeah…. Kyoji: No, but Ultimate lines can be hereditary. Which also means she could inherit some talent from both of you. Oh…for example, Madoka has now claimed my finger. Yep…yep, you got Karma’s grip too… * Naomi laughs* Kyoji: Release my finger, child Naomi: I think you might just have to say goodbye to your finger. Kyoji: But I need that. For science! Karma: Nope. Not anymore. Kyoji: Madoka, that’s…I need that, please. Release meee Naomi: I don’t feel like getting up, but move closer and I’ll do my best to fix that. Kyoji: Please press the release button on the child Naomi: the release button is lifting her fingers, I think the book said she should be too weak to actually grab things for a while. Kyoji: Well, she has Karma’s genes Karma: …. *they walk over next to Kyoji and open Madoka’s fingers* Kyoji: Freedom! Thank you. Karma: Mhm. Kyoji: …Alright, so, it just occurred to me how strange our family situation is here. You two are Madoka’s parents, Kizakura-san is her great uncle, I am technically her grandfather, which means Ryoko is technically her aunt, so therefore Mukuro is also her aunt? Karma: ………. aaaaand Junko apparently. Kyoji: We do not speak of her here. Naomi: This is kind amusing, though. Kyoji: Perhaps… Perhaps Madoka is the one who shall restore balance to our world …although, even if that were true, I’d rather we not have to wait for her to grow up for that to happen Karma: True. Naomi: Are we going to quote Avatar now, or…? Kyoji: I feel a more pressing question is… Do you two have a cradle for her? Or a crib? Whatever it’s called Karma: I…. don’t know. Kyoji: That should be corrected as soon as possible. Naomi: Yeah. Kyoji: And also a mobile, And baby clothes Naomi: I asked for clothes. We have a bit, at least. Kyoji: That’s good. You also have me as your local pediatrician Naomi: Yes. Yes we do. Karma: We do. Kyoji: *He smiles* It’s been a long time since I’ve had something like this. Naomi: what kind of something? Because it can mean many things in this context. Kyoji: A family. Karma: …. yeah. Naomi: …but you had each other? And Ootonashi-san? Kyoji: Of course. That’s what I mean. Before all this, all I had was my mom. And she’s been gone for a long time now. Karma: I didn’t really have anyone. This is nice. * Naomi kisses Karma’s cheek* Karma:  *they smile* — *Naomi is cuddling both Madoka and Karma, smiling when she hears a knock.* Naomi: Come on in! Junpei: *He, Koichi, and Orochi are let in by Hiroko* Hey, we heard it was okay to see you now. Karma: Hey! Naomi: Yep. *She holds Madoka forward. * Naomi: Look, a baby! That came from me. Karma: I helped. Orochi: Well, if it didn’t come from you, I would have questioned the last nine months. Koichi: Can’t believe this is really happening *Tips his hat down* Naomi: I can’t either. Meet Madoka Joan Kizakura-Graves… Wow it is actually a mouthful. Your niece… or grandniece, depends who of you. Koichi: A grandniece, huh…suddenly I feel a lot older than I actually am. Karma: Well…. we ARE quite young. Naomi: And you are younger then dad, so… it makes sense, I guess. Orochi: And she’s fine too? Nothing wrong genetically or anything? Naomi: Nakamura said no. I guess we were lucky. Karma: Really lucky. Junpei: That’s good…I can’t believe it though. An actual baby in a place like this… Naomi: You’ll have to get used to it, because neither of us are going anywhere. Right, 'doka? *The baby obviously doesn’t respond * Orochi: *He rests his head on top of Junpei’s* …I kind of wish we had baby. Junpei: Okay! We’re still learning how to raise Masaru, so let’s not think about that right now… Karma: Do you think Masaru would like Madoka? Naomi: Now? I don’t know. When she’s old enough to play with a ball… Orochi: Oh, as soon as she can kick a ball they’ll be best friends Naomi: Maybe you’ll figure a way to give her another cousin by then. Karma: Oh shit. Junpei: Again! We’re definitely not ready for a baby! Doesn’t help that the kid we have right now will be taller than me as soon as he hits his growth spurt. Karma: RIP Naomi: *she nods her head * being short sucks. Junpei: …*Pouts* It’s true but you shouldn’t say it… Orochi: You’re just the right height, don’t worry. Koichi: So, what did they say to you after the birth? Is she okay to go to the dorms with you two? Naomi: Yeah, I just want it to not hurt when I stand first. Speaking of which… Any idea from where I could get a crib? and maybe a sling? Koichi: Ah…I’ll convince Izayoi-kun to make a crib. Not sure about a sling. Karma: ….. Tailor maybe? Naomi: Yeah, this sounds right… Wasn’t he your classmate, Orochi-kun? Orochi: Muro-kun? Yeah, I’ll see if he can make one. Naomi: Thank you. Naomi: Anyone wants to hold her? Orochi: I think it would be best for Kizakura-kun to hold him first. Koichi: R-right… *Naomi hands Madoka carefully. * Koichi: *He holds her carefully, taking the seat next to the bed* …heh, she’s got your nose. Naomi: She really does look like me? *She didn’t see it. Then, again, she didn’t see herself much. * Karma: She does. Koichi: She’s got some of your feature, yeah. Kind of reminds when you were born. *Naomi blushes * Karma: D'awww. Junpei: *….Smiles slightly* (Maybe a kid wouldn’t be so bad…) Naomi: So where is your kid hiding, anyways? Orochi: He’s went to the gym to play basketball with Jataro-kun. Naomi: …He got Jataro-kun to play basketball? Impressive. Karma: I’m sure he’s glad his friend is here. Junpei: Yeah, he seems a lot happier. It just have been lonely without other kids around. Naomi: Yeah… It can’t be healthy to be the only one your age around. * She looks at Madoka. * We’ll figure something out for you when you grow older. Orochi: Who knows? Kurohiko-kun has been getting close to Asano-chan and Hokama-chan. Naomi: yes, but I don’t think it’d go so quickly. Have you met… two thirds of them, really? Orochi: Yeah, Hokama-chan is almost literally an animal. Weird relationship she has with those two. Naomi: This is not what I meant and don’t be mean. Karma: Oof. Orochi: I’m kidding, I’m kidding Naomi: Good. Karma: You suuure? Orochi: Yes I’m sure Naomi: Improvement. Karma: I’ll say. Naomi: One of you two wants to hold her? Orochi: Yo-chan? Junpei: M-me? I d-dunno… Naomi: It’s not hard. Junpei: W… Well… Alright then *Naomi takes the baby from her uncle, moving her to Junpei and showing him to hold her correctly. * Junpei: *He looks nervous as he hold her carefully in his arms* Naomi: You are not going to hurt her. Karma: If I can do it so can you. Junpei: R-right… Orochi: Don’t worry, you’re doing fine. Just relax… Naomi: she can’t eat you. Orochi: Not yet. Junpei: Shush, you. Naomi: But you provide us with so much materiel. Junpei: Good to know I’m so entertaining for you all… * Naomi is rolling her eyes at him. * Karma: Take it as a compliment, Junpei. Orochi: So serious all the time… Junpei: Someone has to be. You wanna hold her? Orochi: Ah, well…I think I’ll pass. Naomi: She won’t bite you either. Orochi: E-even so- Junpei: He’s scared to hold her. Karma: Oh c’mon now. Naomi: Yeah, I am with Karma on this one. Orochi: B-but…wh-what if I drop her, I don’t r-really trust myself much * Naomi folds her legs, leaving clear space in the end of the bed. * Naomi: sit. Orochi: O…okay…*He sits down* Naomi: good. Now, if you don’t mind, Junpei-kun? Junpei: Here, you’ll be fine…*He carefully hands her to Orochi* Orochi: O-okay…*He looks really nervous when he takes her* Naomi: There you go. It’s okay. Orochi: Y-yep! Totally f-fine… Naomi: Do you want to hand her back? Orochi: Y-yes… *Naomi takes her baby back. * Naomi: Oh, you are awake. I was wondering. Koichi: To be fair, your friends aren’t the quietest. Naomi: Also that. Karma: I’m not so quiet either. Naomi: I don’t think she minds. Calm down, love. Orochi: Whose eyes did she get? Yours or Karma-chan’s? *Naomi uses her finger to point to Karma. * Naomi: Which means I’m lucky, because I have three pretty green eyes in my life. Karma: Aha…. yeah. — Karma:*they grab Sly’s hand and start dragging him back the direction they came from* Sly: What’re you doing?! Where are we going?! Karma: To see Madoka! Sly: Couldn’t this have waited? Karma: Nope. Sly: *He lets out a sigh* Fine…… you can let go of my hand now. I can walk. Karma: Can you? Sly: I would think so. Karma: I think I’ll keep holding your hand. I don’t trust you. *when they finally get to the room, Naomi is feeding Madoka from a bottle and raising her eyes to them. *ראש הטופס
 ראש הטופס
Naomi: …did Karma drag you here? Sly: Is that even a question? Karma: I’m still holding his hand, see? they raise Sly’s hand in their own Naomi: Yeah, I noticed. I think you can let him go now, though. Sly: Would be appreciated. Naomi: …block he door, though, he might run for it. Karma: *they let go of Sly’s hand and quickly go to block the door* Sly: …..That’s really not necessary. You got me here, so now what. Karma: Go see Madoka. *Naomi separates the baby from the bottle. *  Naomi: There you go… Here, meet Madoka Joan, Sly. Karma: I’ve just decided your her uncle so now you HAVE to see her. Naomi: I support this notion. Sly: *He rolls his eyes* I don’t think that’s how it works. *He takes a step towards Naomi and Madoka* …… Hey there. Naomi: you can hold her, if you want. She doesn’t seem to mind. Naomi: And of course that’s how it works. That’s how Junpei-kun became my little brother. Sly: Umm ok. *He takes a deep breath before he picks up the baby, making sure to support its head* It’s been a long time since I’ve done something like this. Not since my last visit to the orphanage. Naomi: You were visiting an orphanage? Karma: That sounds unlike you. Sly: Yeah. Not as much as I grew older but I used to go all the time as a kid. It’s how I met Maki. Naomi: I think this was more on your past then you told us the last… two years? was it two? Naomi: Why were you visiting an orphanage? Was it like a charity thing? Sly: ……Um well multiple reasons. The first time though was…. after my mom died, so I was in a bad place. My mentor thought it would be good for me to visit where she grew up. Naomi: Do you want to talk about her? Karma: …… Sly: What’s there to say. She was a legendary assassin. She led the entire agency before she was murdered. But she never let being an assassin define who she was. She was courageous and strong but to me she was kind and caring. Naomi: She sounds a lot like you… well, on a good day. Karma: On a good day. Sly: I guess…… Naomi: You are holding my daughter. Trust me, if I didn’t think that you wouldn’t have gotten near her… Well, unless you forced your way because I assume you can, but why would you? Karma: Exactly. I had to drag him. Sly: It’s a cute kid. I don’t think I ever said it but congratulations to you both. Karma: !!! Uh… thanks! Naomi: …you can use she, you know. But thanks. Karma: Oh. Uh. Yeah. AHEM Don’t use “it” to uh, refer to my daughter. Sly: *He gently places Madoka into Karma’s arms* I apologize. She’s a cute kid. Karma: *they immediately stiffen once Madoka is in their arms* Naomi: You have the honor of being the first person to hold her without me having to force them into it…. * she turns to Karma * Love, you really have to stop doing that. It’s fine. Karma: I- y-yeah. I know. It’s- yeah. Naomi: do you want me to take her? Karma: N-No I got her. Naomi: Great. Hi, Sly-kun, do you have tips for Karma? They seem to be frightened of dropping her. Sly: *He rubs the back of his head* I’d really recommend you ask Maki but from everything she’s told me, I would count in my head and try to be aware of my own movement. But really it just takes time. Naomi: Maki is… Harkuwa-san, right? I don’t think I had a chance to talk to her. Karma: I talked to her a little bit. I dunno what she is but she’s clearly killed people despite denying it. Sly: Don’t worry she won’t hurt anybody here unless it’s a necessity. I trust her. Socially though, she’s kinda hard to talk to when you first meet her but she knows a lot about taking care of kids. Naomi:: I take it you are good friends? Sly: ….. It’s complicated. Karma: Ohhhhh? Naomi: you can’t say something like this and not explain. Sly: Well I did and I won’t. I’ve done enough sharing for the day. Naomi: pretty please? *she holds Mado forwards * The power of the baby forces you, or something! Sly: *He sighs* All I’ll say is we’ve been some things. So drop it. Karma: Fair enough. Naomi: Fine, I guess. *She hugs the baby. * You can stay, if you want, but I think you filled Karma’s need for you to see your niece, so you can also leave, I guess. Sly: Thanks. I’ll be you seeing you three later. *He shifts Karma outta the doorway and walks out* Karma: Bye.
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May I request something? I wondered about that matter since Chapter 9 of "On Casual Commitments", since it was brought up there. I was too shy to ask earlier, but I'd really like to know what happened between Yuki and Marui when they met at Polar Star to help Fumio-san moving out. So yes, may I ask for that? I am still enchanted by the two other One Shots you wrote about them and thought I could ask. Have a good day or night :)
Sure! I hope you enjoy it!
Yoshino Yuki woke up in her luxury suite at the Totsuki Imperial hotel. Ah, let’s just take a moment to let that sink in. After her first class, nonstop flight from New York City to Tokyo, Yoshino Yuki—the lifetime lover of all things decadent—had checked in to a room on the top floor of of a five star hotel and did not have to worry about the price!
Sometimes when she missed home or got tired of filming or woke Ryoko at 4 o’clock in the morning because she forgot about the time difference, Yuki wondered whether the cosmopolitan lifestyle she had chased so tirelessly was really worth it. But now with the silk sheets beneath her and the city streets below her and a remote control that could turn day to night in her room, she was sure that she had chosen correctly.
With a click of a button the sunlight was absorbed by dark curtains. That was nice. She stretched and rolled over in bed, hoping to fight the jetlag with a couple more hours of sleep. Her plans were promptly foiled all of fifteen minutes later when her cell phone started ringing.
Yuki groaned, rubbing at her eyes. If it was her producer again she swore she was going throttle him. What part of ‘vacation day’ was so difficult to grasp? “You’ve reached Yoshino Yuki,” she said, trying her best to put on her TV voice despite the ungodly hour.
“Good morning, Yoshino-san. I’m a few minutes away from your hotel, so you can come downstairs.”
Fuuuuuuck. She had completely forgotten that Marui offered to drive her up to campus. She’d gotten so accustomed to taking taxis everywhere. “Ah…um…about that…” She hopped out of bed and started rifling through her luggage for something to wear while simultaneously unpinning her hair rollers. “I’m not quite ready yet, but I should be down in ten minutes.”
“Yoshino-san,” he said, his voice laced with disbelief.
“Okay, twenty minutes,” she conceded, sighing. “A half hour tops. I just overslept so—”
“Figured as much,” he said, and she could almost see him smugly adjusting his spectacles. “Truthfully, I haven’t left my house yet. Do you think you’ll be ready in an hour?”
“Damn it, you almost gave me a heart attack!” Yuki huffed, hands resting on her hips. “That’s so mean of you, Marui.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist. You’re always running late, ever since we were in school.”
“Whatever.” Yuki rolled her eyes, annoyed that she had fallen for it. “An hour should be fine, though.”
“I’ll see you then.”
When she finally made it downstairs, wearing oversized sunglasses and a navy jumpsuit from Neiman Marcus, Marui Zenji was waiting for her. She smiled a bit when she saw him in his tweed suit jacket and slacks; he looked more and more like a professor every time they met.
“What are you doing dressing like that to pack boxes?” she asked.
“You’re one to talk,” he said, gesturing at her designer diggs.
“I have an interview later with this really cool magazine,” she explained, blushing a bit. She remembered the first time he’d looked at her like that, when she had gone to a school dance in that silly cherry dress.
“And I have a review session to run,” he said.
Yuki nodded. They were both still busy—the same kind of busy that had broken them up close to a decade ago. “That’s exciting!” She beamed at him. “You’re almost like someone reliable now.”
“What do you mean ‘almost?’”
The drive went by relatively quickly; they chatted amicably about the ambitions that had come between them and the precious godchild they shared.
By the time they made it to the Polar Star, they had fallen into a synthetic version of their old rhythm―her giving him flack and him flipping it back on her. But a sense of hesitation coated their interactions; after all, it would be too easy to fall back into old habits. And that would hardly be appropriate given that he was engaged to be married.
“There you kids are,” Fumio-san said as she ambled out into the hallway.  “You’re late. I’m already halfway done.” And, of course, by halfway done she meant that all the boxes were open, but had nothing in them.
“Fumio-san!” Yuki dashed to hug the old dorm mother, who she hadn’t seen in two years.
“There’s the Hollywood star,” she said. “You know the only reason I kept paying that damn cable bill was to watch your shows.”
“C’mon, that’s not true,” Yuki replied. “You’ve been watching those soap operas since we were in middle school. Right Marui?”
“I can’t remember. Don’t bring me into this.”
Yuki crossed her arms. “That’s so half-assed of you. A man with glasses should be more assertive.”
“Why do you insist on attributing so many characteristics to the fact that I wear glasses?”
“Because it’s true,” she quipped.
He sighed. “On what basis does…” And then they were back to their banter.
Fumio watched them go at it for a few minutes, smiling as she leaned heavily against her cane. “Hey now,” she said finally. “Did you come here to stand around and bicker all day? Start packing up the bookshelf while I make lunch.”
The bookshelf was a wealth of knowledge. Over the years, generations of Polar Star residents had left behind textbooks, recipe books, travel guides, and a host of manga volumes for new cohorts of students. All of these, Fumio-san would be leaving at the dorm. The only thing she would take with her was the yearbooks—one for every class she had nurtured until graduation.
Because they were only human, they stopped to peer into the lives of the famous generations—the Polar Star’s golden age, Shinomiya Koujirou’s class, and naturally their own jewel generation.
“Look at the Elite Ten page,” Marui said after Yuki flipped to it. They were all lined up in front of Totsuki’s Parliament for a group photo, smiling in front of the fresh blossoms.
“They’re all paired up now,” Yuki noted. “Megumi and Takumi, Alice and Kurokiba, Hayama and Hishoko-chi, Yukihira and Erina-chi. It’s so cute.”
“And a little frightening,” Marui replied. “I can only imagine the next generation.”
“Well, that’s your problem now, prof.” Yuki laughed a little bit of the thought of him having to contend with their crazy classmates’ offspring. Then she turned the page to reveal the students’ individual photos. Yuki groaned when she saw her picture. “I was so plain back then.”
“That’s not true,” Marui told her.
“How?” Yuki pointed to yearbook again. “Look at me and then look at Erina-chi, Alice-chi, Nikumi. Compared to them I practically faded into the background.”
“You were always vibrant,” he said. “Even when the people you mentioned were present, it was you that lit up the room every time.”
Yuki smiled a little bit. “Well, you were biased back then.”
Later, she gestured to another page as he was about to turn it, their fingers brushing in the process. “It’s the pregame before senior formal. How did that make it into the yearbook?”
“The better question is how did the pregame make it into my room?” he asked, scowling at the memory.
“I think we convinced you somehow,” Yuki said, grinning as the memories came back to her. “Besides, I helped you clean that time.”
“Literally only because your room was overrun with baby animals and you wanted to crash in there.”
“Details, details.” She waved the comment off. “Anyway, I don’t remember you being upset about my presence there back then.” Now that she thought about it, that night had been special in more ways than one. She turned the page again, trying to change the subject in her own mind. “Remember senior ditch day?”
“I remember carrying you back from the beach because you fell asleep,” he noted.
“Well I remember running up and down the beach to look for your stupid glasses.” In the end, Yuki had narrowly saved them from being pounded with a baseball bat—that watermelon game had always done more harm than good.
They remembered, and they remembered. And the more they remembered the more they forgot how they had ever been able to manage without one another.
They finally reached the photos from the alumni banquet—the event that had changed everything for the 92nd generation. “It’s almost a little bittersweet when you think about it,” she said as she read through the initial career choices of all their classmates. “Hayama and Hishoko-chi were over by the end of the night.”
“Ibusaki and Sakaki found an apartment together by the next day,” he added.
“And Megumi turned down her best offers to follow Yukihira to New York,” Yuki recalled. “Not that she ever told him that.”
“In the end, that’s probably what doomed their relationship,” Marui said somberly. “A sacrifice like that…” He shrugged. It was unimaginable for most people.
“I don’t know,” Yuki said. “From where I’m standing, I still wouldn’t call it a mistake to value a relationship that much. I mean, if I could do everything over…” She trailed off. No. She couldn’t take it there.
Marui suddenly spoke up. “I’d follow you,” he said, pushing his glasses further up his nose. “If I could do it again, I would follow you to Munich, to Prague, wherever.”
“I would stay.”
They let the truth hang between them for a moment, and then neither mentioned it again for the remainder of the visit.
After they finished helping Fumio-san move, Marui dropped her back at her hotel, and they hugged goodbye for a second too long.
“Get home safe, Yoshino-san,” he said. “Text me when your plane lands.”
“Yeah. I will.”
That night the silk beneath her felt distant, cold, and she longed for the cotton quilts of days past.
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kimmysfandomblog · 6 years
For the character meme: junko!
Thank you Nina!!!
What I like about them:
I think the plot twist revealing that Junko was very much alive and that the “Junko” that had been killed was her maternal twin sister is really cool! Just the fact that she was able to pull that off was amazing. I think in terms of her outfit and character design in general, she’s definitely living up to Ultimate Fashionista, and for whatever reason, she is really pleasing and fin to write/draw. She’s thus far the only competent mastermind DR ever had (I think she did it best in DR2 personally)
What I dislike about them:
Just about everything else ^^; She’s literally got no background, even though she’s definitely a character you’d assume would have a really interesting background. Her talent actually being Ultimate Analyst is not something that should mean that she could copy talents. While it is cool to have a character like Junko, a girl you’d least expect being smart in the stereotypical fashion, at the same time, she’s just... nuts. I can’t get into a character that doesn’t have a reason to be crazy, and no other motive than Despair. I of course also don’t like that she literally ruins peoples lives, lol. She’s kinda of a neutral character for me over all, where I don’t hate her, but I also don’t like her.
Favorite moment:
Probably when she meets Izuru? It’s so wild XD And I don’t mean it because of a certain meme line, but because it shows how she views Despair. I’m not sure if I fully believe it, of course, since to me, it looks more like she was goading Izuru into joining her.
Least favorite moment:
Basically as soon as she appears in the first game XD Like, I’m just not a fan of her constantly switching personalities in the first game. The personalities were a bit more fun in the second game, I feel? The whole cliche of the world actually being in an apocalyptic state and such was not so exciting for me. Because she appears so late, we didn’t really get to know her much. Yet, she is still the Danganronpa icon XD
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more:
I want to force Kodaka to give her a backstory, lol. Like, please, put some effort into this well-known character? And also, I want to see what she did while in class with the DR1 cast. In DR3, we focused too much on her and some other pointless things, and not enough on the class she was in. We only catch a glimpse of the interaction in the end as the DR1 cast tries to lock themselves up inside.
An interesting AU for this character:
I don’t know... I’ve read some interesting fantasy-ish kinds of AUs, but I’m a real sucker for those XD Maybe an AU where she starts off as Ryoko, but then develops a Junko personality in a “Jekyll and Hyde” kind of deal?
A crossover:
The problem of always being stuck in one fandom at a time XD I just don’t know, the only thing I could offer is Kingdom Hearts AU, where she would most definitely be there in place of the main villain, lol.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship):
Junko is so hard to ship with people because for the most part, things end in disaster, usually resulting in a really unhealthy relationship. The only thing that can be called an OTP is Jun//zuru. I really liked their dynamic, they made a fun duo XD She’s so out there, and he’s so calm and unfeeling. I don’t think a ship like that could ever last (since he so obviously hates her, especially for managing to trick him), but I also rather like the ship and how it looks.
Other ships?
For the simple reason that they were both able to surprise Junko with hope, Makoto and Hinata! I read one good fanfic where Hinata and Junko were friends? In a relationship? It’s unclear since it went back and forth between the past as Hajime and the Future as Izuru. She had left a big enough impact on Hajime before he went on to become Izuru that Izuru is somehow able to recognize her in that story, and ever since I’ve been trying to find some kind of fanart, lol. Also, MakotoxJunko is just a really cool ship to me, because Hope and Despair opposites, and it just seems cute to me, even if it is simultaneously messed up lol. I just feel like if there was anyone able to date Junko and not fall for her corruption, it would be Naegi. Whether that “saves” Junko or not, that is another question. Also, I guess Matsuda? But I just was not able to read Zero, such a boring read that I never continued it. I know the basics though.
Just Izuru? I mean, if we take Mukuro from IF, then that was a really cool dynamic too. DR3 Mukuro though... :P I’m not a fan of such a submissive sister...
Just about everyone else besides Makoto/Hajime/Izuru. But especially Junk//omaeda and Junk///omiki. Just NO.
An assortment of headcanons!
Junko actually shows hatred for who she loves, and shows love to those she hates. THat is why she treats Mukuro so poorly: Mukuro is the one person who can understand her. Mukuro is the one person who she can talk to without fibbing. But Mukuro is not always with her- Mukuro left her to unloving parents to go fight in wars without her “little” sister, who would have also been able to hold her own. And that’s where the feigned hatred comes from.
Junko is very disgusted by Hope’s Peak Academy, but also highly amused that such a place supposed to inspire Hope is writhing in potential Despair. Hope’s Peak made such a big name for itself that it’s own misplaced values would be used against them. She despises Hope’s Peak, and so she ruins it.
Junko didn’t use her own classmates as Remnants of Despair in the end, but from the beginning she had planned to. She knew from the start that she was going to destroy the school, so she didn’t expect to care much for her class. However, in keeping up with the act of innocence, she found herself becoming friends with them. That friendship doomed them- she was starting to love them so much, she was itching for an opportunity to kill them in the worst ways possible. Meanwhile, an opportunity came straight to her in the form of Nanami and Komaeda, and she now had a class that she cared nothing for to become her disciples and catalyssts of Despair. It was a good thing that class had connections that would help them spread Despair internationally.
While DR1′s killing game was going on, Junko had been texting Kamukura about everything she could and how much Despair she was having. When she destroys Alter Ego and erased his data from the system inside of the school, she asks Kamukura for a favor, knowing he’d do it because she knows he has plans against her as well. That is why it is such a shock to see that Naegi’s execution was stopped by Alter Ego: This truly is exciting now! She starts to slip more and more, pretty much allowing Naegi and the others to come to the conclusion that she was, indeed, the mastermind.
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hobo4lyfe11 · 7 years
[ KBTBB Co-Writing Fic ] Hate At First Sight ❤ At Last Glance Part 4
Fandom: Kissed By The Baddest Bidder Rated: Drama, mystery, thriller, romance KBTBB OC: Ryoko Inui / Kyoko Nakama ( @hotcocosharing ) Main Interest: Soryu Oh Summary: Ryosuke Inui feels conflicted about whether he should tell the truth to his admired Boss or, assist his possible long lost, older sister in her prospect to get back at Soryu and the Ice Dragons. A/N: Time to get to know Soryu, and how he interacts with others while fighting with his own internal thoughts. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Warnings: RIP Baba’s fedora Word Count: 1695 words
Soryu Oh’s POV
“Get a hold of yourself Inui!,” I reasoned, shaking him out of his hypnotic state,
“Her? Who’s her?”
“Was that her? No, it can’t be…”
Apparently, he was so out of it that neither Samejima, nor I, could break any sense into him; he even started talking and questioning himself. Paying absolutely no mind to either of us, Inui seemed to be fighting his own inner demons before quietening suddenly and, standing there in deep contemplation. Maybe he’s calmed down - enough to respond somewhat like a human being:
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“Inui, did you recognise the person at all?” “…No.” “Did you at least see what they looked like?” “…No.”
Growing up in the world of dirty tricks and hypocrisy has strengthen my ability to read people and judge one’s character and I’ve known Inui for far too long to be fooled by such a poor attempt to deceive me but, he isn’t a bad person and, I trust him wholeheartedly so, I’ll let this go for now. I’m sure he’ll tell me when he’s ready because right now, he is in no state to be interrogated.
“Soryu, I’ve never seen him like this; as weird as he is, he would never repeatedly say ‘It’s not her’ to the dog…while she’s asleep,” voices Samejima, the feeling of worry very imminent and exposed.
Hmm, to talk to the dog while she’s asleep… he must feel quite shaken by the surprise encounter from last night. What can I do to help him settle? or is this an ‘Inui’ thing that can’t be fixed? Mm, this truly is quite a dilemma. The ticking of the clock, partnered with the swirling of thoughts in my head, is interrupted by the call I was unenthusiastically expecting this early in the morning.
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“Don’t ‘Hello?’ me, Soryu. We need to find the bastard who stole the data containing our highly confidential files immediately! If you don’t get to the penthouse in 5 minutes I WILL destroy that stupid fedora!” screeched, Eisuke’s electronic voice.
You could essentially feel his anger seething through the phone knowing this happened so shortly after the incident with the defective security program; that we reinforced. But, no human can get to the penthouse from here so, it looks like Baba and his fedora will suffer the wrath of King himself. Heh, I’m pretty sure Baba has an infinite supply of the exact same fedora hidden all over the penthouse anyway.
The bell that welcomed me to the 51st floor was followed by the choir of muffled cries of despair, hysterical laughter and a whiff of tobacco, informed me, that the deed has been done. I stand outside the double-doors of the penthouse lounge and offer my thoughts up to fedora #63 that was sacrificed this morning.
Baba throws his crying form at me the moment I step foot into the lounge, while Ota rolls on the floor laughing - with tears in his eyes.
“Why didn’t you come sooner Sor~ Boss scowled at me for 5 minutes and then started attacking my beloved hat!” he whines for a minute before pulling fedora #64 from a secret compartment under the couch, causing Ota to laugh harder, more smoke to fill the air and Eisuke rolling his eyes harder.
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“Enough with the nonsense. Tell me you’ve found the guy and he’s been wiped off the face of the Earth, Soryu.”
“They escaped. Whoever this was, knew their way in and out of the security floor and had access to all of the entrances and exits.”
“But the only people with that much access are us, and staff with Class 1 clearance,” inputs the fedora-adorned Baba.
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“Or, the person could just be seriously skilled. No alarms or signals were triggered so the dude must have overwritten the system before you got there.”
Silence ensues and I hate to admit it but, the lazy cop makes a good point. The incident with Inui has been eating away at my brain for the past 7 hours so I decided to throw the information into the midst of our discussion.
“We can’t rule out the possibility of the culprit being a woman,” you could practically hear 4 jaws drop, “ Inui said something about ‘it’s her’ after his confrontation with the suspect but has become completely delusional recently.”
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This new intel seems to spark an idea within that blond head of Ota’s, “I know a woman who doesn’t have Class 1 clearance but, is good with security tech,” he continues with a smirk, “Our little Koro~”
“We don’t have enough evidence to start accusing people blindly,” I can’t believe I’m defending this woman, “Like I said, Inui wasn’t in any state to provide any hard evidence and, it’s not like she’s the only woman on the security team.”
As the cogs and wheels in Eisuke’s head pieces everything together in his mind, the devious grin that stretches across his face assures a fate that welcomes empathy from those around the victim.
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“Soryu, go fetch our little toy and put her on a leash - we’ll prepare her for her visit with the doctor.”
Yep, I actually feel sorry for her,
With Luke out of the country, her appointment was delayed and so in the mean time, she is to be under surveillance by either the Ice Dragons, or myself, at ALL times. Her long fingers fidget and twiddle as I accompany her to the Ice Dragon’s HQ, where she’ll be staying from now on. Last night she was supposed to be responsible for alerting me to any suspicious activity or tampering with the servers but, I received nothing from her. Was she distracted from her post or was she really a part of the heist itself?
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“Come, you should get used to this place because you’ll be here a lot. I’m going to make you my assistant until we find out who did all of this so don’t disappoint me.”
Behind the spectacles that frame her alluring eyes, surprise is written all over her face as she opens her mouth to object but seeing as she had no choice, she quickly reconsiders her previous action. As useful as I thought she was, she caused an awful lot of trouble for me and, I will not drag everyone around me down due to my incompetence.
“I have to get stronger in order to overthrow that vile dictator.”
Dammit. I let my thoughts leak out again. It happens more frequently now, that my mind is over-filled with thoughts of the Auction, Bidders, the hotel, the Ice Dragons, the mafia, Ryuun, My Grandfather… and her. I honestly don’t think that she’s behind all of this catastrophe - she seems too innocent, too sweet; too graceful.
I’ll clear her of her bad name quickly, that way, the Bidders will stop suspecting her and then she can return to her dream job. Pathetic. I even dragged her into this whole mess, all because I wasn’t able to capture the intruder last night. Don’t worry, I’ll impress you with my skills as you did me, before.
“Inui, I’m going to give you a chance to redeem yourself; take this woman to her apartment and search every nook and cranny for the stolen data files and any questionable materials, if any there are any.”
“R-r-really? THANK YOU, BOSS, I won’t let you down!” Inui shouts over-enthusiastically, shifting his eyes between the woman and myself. She doesn’t seem to be making eye contact with him, probably because she feels uncomfortable around him. I don’t blame her though, Inui’s earnest personality can be overbearing, even for Samejima and I. Here’s to hoping he’s in top shape to do this mission alone.
It’s past 11 pm and I find myself checking the clock as it ticks away teasingly - each second feeling longer than the last. The anxious tapping of my fingers against the oak desk plays a rhythm that, won’t make their return any quicker but, temporarily eases my restlessness. Not knowing how I made my way to the entrance way, I’m the first to greet the returning pair as they both have a melancholic air about them.
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“Anything to report Inui?”
“No.. Nothing.” Hesitation, sadness, and uneasiness are laced through the words that fall from his lips. Is it naive of me to assume that it’s probably part of the slump he found himself in recently? He seems so distant, it’s concerning me, I’ll ask Samejima tomorrow morning about how we could help him get over this oppressive obstacle.
At least that proves that she’s got nothing to hide, so that should ease the suspicion that surrounds her until Luke comes back to examine her.
“Time for bed.” I dismiss, grabbing onto Kyoko’s thin, pale wrist and dragging her off to her room. She throws me a look of doubt as I stand there waiting for her to fall asleep before leaving her and retiring for the day, myself.
“I’ll leave as soon as you’re out. Don’t worry, I have no intention of taking advantage of defenceless women, in fact; I despise such disgusting behaviour so go to sleep already.”
After a good 30 minutes of wearisome tossing and turning, and the occasional glance of awkwardness that she threw in my direction, she was lulled into the land of dreams as her even breathing settled and her feathery eyelashes flutter closed. Of course, she was so occupied with trying to ignore my presence, she forgot to take off her glasses so, I make my way to her side with light and careful steps, gently grasping each side of the frame and pulling it away from her enchanting face.
A bit of her soft hair cascades down, onto her cheek and my hand impulsively catches the strands and tuck them snugly behind her small ears. I’ve never really taken the time and effort to get to know a woman because I thought they were all lecherous creatures made up of lies and were defined by their ability to seduce a man for the sole purpose of materialistic gain. Maybe not. Maybe she’s different. Maybe she’s like ‘her’.
A soft smile plays on my lips and I turn around to leave,
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“Good night.”
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shokugekiimagines · 7 years
How would the 92 gen and the E10 tell their s/o that they're part of the Yakuza/mafia and are really high up?
Errrr…this is gonna be long so I’ll try to make it short.
Soma: It just sort of came out. Deep conversations lead to deep topics. Soma couldn’t face them for awhile.
Takumi: He didn’t want to keep hiding things, so he explained to his s/o about everything. It was very hard to even bring the topic up.
Ryou: His s/o was looking for something when they came across this information. Ryou had a hard time explaining.
Hayama: His s/o was starting to assume things, so they confronted him about it. Hayama’s silence answered their question.
Isami: Like Takumi, he didn’t want to keep secrets. Especially from his s/o, so they had a long talk.
Ibusaki: His s/o found out on their own. It was quite an argument. 
Marui: It was something that had been bothering Marui for quite awhile. He just couldn’t hide it from his s/o any longer.
Shoji: Their s/o was joking around mafias and stuff. When Shoji would stiffen up, it didn’t go unnoticed.
Daigo: He just kind of broke down and told his s/o other everything. 
Mimasaka: He was starting to act weird because of issues and eventually his s/o confronted him about it.
Girls and Elite 10 under the cut.
Erina: She was getting lots of letters than usual, and her s/o couldn’t help but be nosy. Her silence when she was confronted was enough of an answer.
Megumi: She couldn’t take hiding this from her s/o anymore, so she decided it was best to tell them.
Alice: Her s/o was bothering her about why was she suddenly leaving so often. She simply told them and had to have a long talk.
Hisako: She was doing paperwork and her s/o had accidentally seen a confidential paper associated with being a part of the yakuza/mafia.
Ikumi: She was seen angrier as usual and her s/o was wondering what was wrong. Ikumi couldn’t get out of this one.
Ryoko: She didn’t want to keep on hiding this matter from her s/o. She told them on one of their dates.
Yuki: She was upset and her s/o was wondering what happened. They found out on their own and Yuki simply wanted some time alone.
Miyoko: Her s/o was starting to assume things when they saw her training 24/7.  It all went from there.
Nao: She was hiding things more than usual. Her s/o wanted to get to the bottom of this.
Elite 10
Eishi: He decided it was time to tell them. It was a very long conversation and he didn’t enjoy any of it.
Rindou: She was kind of joking around and it slipped out of her mind. She was denying it here and there.
Megishima: Rumors were going around and Megishima simply confirmed them for his s/o.
Momo: She wasn’t happy that her s/o wouldn’t stop asking her about whether it was true or not. She soon just burst and said everything.
Saito: His s/o found out on their own. Saito’s denial gave it away than shut down the questions.
Nene: Her s/o was holding some papers for her when a few of them fell out. Nene was struggling to explain why they were there.
Isshiki: He wanted to end this secret hiding habit he gained. It was quite emotional for him.
Kuga: It was a loud argument between him and his s/o. It went nowhere.
Eizan: Another loud argument. This one was different, because it led to Eizan telling them everything.
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tigerlover16-uk · 7 years
Anime I need to watch (September 2017 update)
Yeah, I know, late again. Sorry. In my defense, this time it was because I wanted to hurry up and watch the last few episodes of Tenchi Universe before doing this update, which I just barely managed to do but then I didn’t have any time, and between work and stuff with the dogs I haven’t felt up to writing my thoughts most of the day.
I’m going to keep my thoughts here short though since, honestly, compared to last month this one was a little slow on the amount of unseen anime I watched. I’ve mostly been re-watching stuff I’ve already watched and keeping up with shows I was already watching, which includes quickly catching up on the episodes of My Hero Academia I’d been sleeping on.
So, first off I guess I should mention I held a poll at the start of last month for one of the anime I’d get around to watching this month. The most votes I got were for Cowboy Bebop, a beloved classic staple of early 2000′s anime. And thankfully I enjoyed it more than Outlaw Star.
Still thought it wasn’t quite as great as everyone else does, but this is another case where it might just be on me more than anything, because I have few legitimate complaints.
The animation and music were fantastic and helped to give the show a great sense of style and atmosphere. Really, I’d call it one of the most stylish anime I've seen recently. Most of the main characters were great and it was fun to get to know them, my favourite was probably Jet though Edward was the one who made me laugh the most. The premise and settings were interesting, there was some good comedy and action, and while a few of the stories didn’t really grab me and I didn’t care that much, the show overall was a very entertaining experience with plenty of artistic value.
Don’t know what more I can really say in the show’s favour, it’s been talked about to death by people who are a lot smarter and more passionate about the series than me, I feel like I couldn’t do it justice.
I’ll give one original thought though. Or maybe not, I don’t know how people all around feel about this. But I didn’t really care for Spike. The guy always felt underdeveloped and kind of generic in personality and character type. For the main protagonist of the show, every other character on the crew was more interesting or entertaining to me than him, which is odd since I normally tend to gravitate to the main characters in most shows I watch.
Not that I disliked him, but when an episode wasn’t directly focused on him he was just like... kinda there, and when he was the focus I just found him okay. I think it’s the lack of actual exploration into his backstory beyond vague details and recollecting's, by the end of the show I felt like I only just barely knew Spike. Not that there weren’t interesting details about him, but they felt frustratingly unexplored in favour of having him be “Generic cool guy” hero with some childish tendencies and a shady past.
I dunno, maybe this is just me and I just didn’t get the point of it all, but I don’t particularly care for vague storytelling like this, sure have his past be mysterious and all that and you don’t have to reveal everything about his life, but I feel like the show just gave the bare minimum to understand what his deal was, and along with his personality just feeling very okayish to me personally, it felt like it wasn’t enough to make me really invested in him. Still felt sad for him at the end and he had his good moments and episodes, but he won’t be making my top ten favourite anime heroes list anytime soon is all.
Again, this might just be me, and I can see why the character is popular and more power to his fans.
So, yeah, I’ll just close this out quickly and say Cowboy Bebop was good. It was fun and had a lot of great episodes, and I’m really glad I ended up watching it. I have few real complaints about the show on an objective level. I don’t know if i’d ever watch it again though, but I’ve got the DVD set lying around so maybe I will. I’m glad I at least watched it once though, and I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to watch a well done, artistic and emotional space western.
And then next up, and the only other show I really watched this month outside of the ongoing shows I’m watching, was the second half of Tenchi Universe. An improvement over the first half I’ll say since it was more consistently good, though not without some blips in quality here and there.
I think it helped that the show had a more committed ongoing story in this half, the stakes felt reasonably high and while there were a good amount of character based breather episodes in between the more plot advancing ones, the pacing was well done and it never got boring. Annoying in one case, but otherwise I at least liked most of the episodes here.
I do have some complaints. Episode 17 was definitely the worst episode of the show, since Ryoko’s selfish stupidity really went through the roof there and it took me a while to forgive her for her antics that almost screwed everybody over. The final battle between Tenchi and Kaguto felt like it was too short and a bit underwhelming. But, outside of that I only have a few nitpicks, like some jokes or moments that didn’t really work all that well, but the rest of the show was pretty fine.
I liked how the show handled Kaguto better than in the OVA’s. The story was simple, but engaging. And outside of Ryoko’s jerkishness in the aforementioned episodes, she and everyone else did get some really well handled character moments, especially in the last few episodes. There was some good humour and action throughout, though like the first half I still don’t think this part of the show was as funny as the OVA’s could be. And the last episode was legitimately fantastic, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get a little emotional near the end. It was a pretty solid open ending.
I still think the original Tenchi OVA’s handled some of the characters better (Though in Ayeka’s case, I’m at least glad they made her a more distant relative of Tenchi’s in Universe even if she wasn’t as well written otherwise for the first half of the show, it’s considerably less squicky if still questionable) and were overall funnier and more engaging in places. But Tenchi Universe had a more consistent and better told story, with a plot that wasn’t quite as messy and the lore wasn’t as convoluted in places. So, I don’t have a particular favourite, I enjoyed both versions and overall I’m glad I decided to watch them.
Watching the Tenchi ova’s and Tenchi universe has been a bit of a funny experience for me. I only decided to check the former out because I had vague recollections of Tenchi from when I was a kid, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have checked them out at all. And I’m pretty glad I did all things considered, because while I’m not sure I would call either series one of my absolute favourites, I certainly had fun watching these shows. 
I’m a little unsure about whether I want to watch Tenchi in Tokyo next, since as I mentioned last time I remembered I also watched some episodes of that back in the day and thought it was the same show as Universe. I’m curious, but I’ve also heard a lot of really negative things about the show from people, so I might hold off on watching it for the moment. But either way, i’m satisfied with what I’ve seen so far
Okay, onto the two anime movies I watched this month. Both of them Pokémon movies. Starting off with what is now my least favourite, Genesect and the Legend Awakened.
Dear God, I feel bad for talking so poorly of the Black and White movies now, because this was a lot more boring and forgettable. The Plot was paper thin and covered little that hasn’t been done before, and done MUCH better in other Pokémon movies and stories, the antagonists were ridiculously underdeveloped and our main villain, such as red genesect was, was so generic and uninteresting and got a really tacky redemption at the end of the film that makes Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer’s reformation moments (Not necessarily their arcs mind you, just the way their reformations were handled) Look like Vegeta’s heroic sacrifice against Majin Buu by comparison. The actions was pathetic, our main characters felt like they were just going through the motions with the way they were written. And literally everything about the movie felt underwhelming, lazy and unengaging, to the point I honestly struggled to get through the whole thing.
The new Mewtwo was the worst of it. Look, I’ll say this straight up, the original movie’s Mewtwo is one of my favourite fictional characters, and Mewtwo Returns is one of my favourite entries in the entire Pokémon canon. I am naturally going to be biased about another Mewtwo suddenly coming into the picture, but even If I think it makes little sense and doesn’t gel well with previous canon, i’m not opposed to the very concept of another one. Most ideas can work if enough effort is put into them, so if this new Mewtwo had been well written I would have been fine with her.
But the way she was written was the single laziest part of the movie and just felt like it existed as misaimed marketing. Everything about her backstory and general role that wasn’t poorly copied from the original mewtwo without any of the detail or depth that made that character work, just served to make this one feel boring and uninteresting. I don’t want to go into great detail here, because I feel like I’m just going to be re-iterating the same things every other Pokémon fan who’s complained about this movie has made. But my God, this movie was the laziest written and most downright underwhelming of all the Pokémon movies. There was so little redeeming value here, and I felt like all of the time I spent watching this thing was wasted.
Honestly if there’s anything I took away from watching this movie, it’s that some of the other Pokémon movies I didn’t like really weren’t that bad in retrospect, because hey, they could have always been worse apparently. Honestly I hope I never watch this movie again.
Thankfully the next movie after it wasn’t so bad. If nothing special either. The second movie I watched this month was Diance and the Cacoon of Destruction.
If Genesect and the Legend Awakened was the perfect example of a bad Pokémon movie, Cacoon of Destruction was probably the go to average Pokémon movie. The story is very basic and there’s not a lot about it that really stands out as all that special (Though amusingly, it does the “Main character dies by being turned to stone only to be magically revived” thing from the first movie a lot better here), but there’s nothing that bad about it either. It’s just all around okay.
The pacing was pretty uneven, there were too many villains for the movie’s own good and none of them were well fleshed out. Yveltal in particular felt a bit tacked on in the second half of the movie to up the stakes for the climax. Though I’ll give it credit, Team Rocket may not have had an important role again, but they at least felt amusing here instead of just really pointless.
But the movie had it’s good points. The animation was really good. Diance was a pretty likeable character, better handled than a number of main legendaries I’ve seen in some of these movies though not one of the best, and her interactions with the main cast were pretty good to watch. And overall while the movie may have dragged in places and wasn’t anything groundbreaking, it was a fun watch that I enjoyed overall, and it felt like there was at least some effort put into the story this time around. I mean, after the last movie almost anything would be better so maybe that’s just it, but I was reasonably happy with the results.
It feels weird to say after all this time, but I’m now almost caught up completely on the Pokémon movies. Only two more for me to really watch left, and only one of them has been dubbed (I’ll probably watch I choose you during it’s limited theatrical run in my country). It feels gratifying to actually be nearly caught up, I just hope they’re enjoyable now. Though however it turns out, I’ll be really sore about the recent one either way for screwing over Misty, Brock and Gary the way it did.
So, yeah, been a bit of a slow month all things considered, but I had a mostly good time with the anime i did see. Don’t know exactly what I’m watching for October. Though since Death note got the most votes after Bebop on that poll i mentioned at the start, maybe I’ll watch that soon. Sounds perfect for October. I can’t guarantee if this month will be more productive, but I’ll do whatever i want with my time. Hope i didn’t waste anyone elses too much with all this pointless rambling. Until next time.
Mobile Suit Gundam
Digimon Frontier
Digimon Data Squad
Digimon Fusion
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
Sailor Moon (Watched the entire first season and was about halfway through season 2. Should really get back to watching the full series)
Sailor Moon Crystal
Yu Yu Hakusho (Up to episode 94)
Ranma 1 ½
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders
Jojo’s bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
One Piece (Up to episode 78)
Bleach (Up to episode 20)
Astro Boy (Any series. I just want to be able to say I’ve watched something from this franchise).
Kill La Kill
Gurren Lagann
Fairy Tail (Up to episode 203)
Little Witch Academia
Death Note
Yuri On Ice
Fist of the North Star
Code Geass
Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma (I watched about 9 episode, need to catch up)
Your Lie in April
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Mob Psycho 100
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Phoenix Wright anime
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
Natsume’s Book of Friends
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Eureka 7
Black Cat
Black Shooter Rock
Afro Samurai
Space Dandy
Vision of Escaflowne
magical girl lyrical nanoha
Shin Sekai Yori
Cyborg 009
Yo-Kai Watch
Pretty Cure
Future Boy Conan
Yona of the Dawn
Space Patrol Luluco
Rurouni Kenshin
Steam Detectives
Death Parade
Your Name
Garden of Words
Tokyo Godfathers
The Boy and the Beast
Millenium Actress
Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro
The Digimon Adventure Tri Movies (Watched the first one)
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Dark Side of Dimensions
Pokémon: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel
Pokémon: I Choose You
Ghost In The Shell
Perfect Blue
Naruto: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom
Naruto Shuppuden: Bonds
Naruto Shippuden: The Lost Tower
Naruto Shippuden: Blood Prison
Naruto: Road to Ninja
Boruto Movie
Fairy Tail the movie: Dragon Cry
Godzilla: Monster Planet
Mary and the Witch’s Flower
Princess Arete
0 notes