#the quarry tarot
lunamayn · 2 months
The Quarry Collectibles Breakdown
Hi hello, my autism moment is still momenting. In honor of my fifth playthrough (Blood Pact Run babey), here's all the evidence/clues/tarot by location and counselor.
I'm a dataset kinda bitch and love to look at charts sooooo. This is mainly for me, if you get a kick out of it? Great!
Clues and Tarot by Chapter
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Honestly not a whole lot to say on these except holy shit Chapter 2 is Clue Heavy. (makes sense, it's the chapter before shit hits the fan officially)
I would have included Evidence here, but it's a boring chart folks. Every Chapter (except The Prologue) has one bit of evidence.
Clues by Counselors
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This project started because of how many collectibles Jacob finds in the first half of the game. I had to observe that data over time lmao
Laura was imprisoned for two months, gets out of jail, and fucking BOOKS it for the top clue finder spot.
I was actually surprised to see Dylan end up in second place for clues? Sir, you can't tease Kaitlyn for finding the Harum Scarum ticket stub when it's the only chapter she gets to find the collectibles! You've been at it since Chapter 2.
Ryan you found one. You found one clue. In all fairness, he's too tired from carrying the team on his back to bother with finding anymore.
Nick honey we didn't have you for long, but by god you put in the effort when we did have ya.
Kaitlyn didn't get a chance to snoop all game, and the moment she's got the opportunity? She makes third place a four way tie.
Max is here because I love him. Also, when my partner got a sneak peak of this and saw Max had a big ol goose egg? He went, "This is malewife erasure."
Tarot by Counselors
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Laura is really out here doing the MOST
Again! Dylan is casually slinking into second place here for the second category of collectibles.
Jacob and Abi put in a lot of work at the start of the game, but what's that in Chapters 8 & 9? HERE COMES RYAN WITH THE STEEL CHAIR
Nick might not get to do a whole lot, but he certainly gives it his best.
Kaitlyn literally doesn't get to find anything until Chapter 10.
Max is once again just here because I love him.
Evidence by Counselors
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Last but not least, evidence breakdown!
Laura I am begging you to take a nap after the game concludes, please take a break girl.
Emma and Jacob got, objectively, the most important evidence. Picture of werewolf Max? Finding the dead dude at the bottom of the lake? Thanks for your service guys, you didn't need to go the extra mile and get more evidence!
In the credits listening to Bizarre Yet Bonafide, I crack up every time Murph (Okay Anton, but c'mon I'm a Dimension 20 bitch) calls Dylan's claw mark photo unconvincing and that he could do that if he were given a fork and a wall. Emily calling it filler evidence? Mwah!
Nick and Max, at least you're pretty.
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targarrus · 1 year
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0 - prologue
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erika111111 · 3 months
Eliza Vorez when you don't find any tarot cards by the end of the chapter:
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wuntrum · 2 years
tarot cards 🤝 greek mythology
characters/ideas (unfortunately) overused in art by people who don't understand the source material
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nr1flapjackfan · 2 years
The Quarry - Tarot Cards
All Tarot Cards in the Quarry: Name; Description (by Eliza); Chapter found; Found by; About who; Occurs in which chapter; What it shows; Picture ( This had to be reposted, so if you've seen this exact post before, it was probably that. )
[ Spoiler warning; warning for descriptions of deaths/violence ]
The Fool "The Fool... I wonder who this is? We all know a fool when we see one. Don't we? Innocence and freedom? Or recklessness and risk-taking? Spontaneity... Actions without thought, but the consequences to match. Think. Think and don't get burnt." Chapter found: Prologue Found by: Laura About: Jacob Occurs in: Chapter 1 Shows: Jacob sabotages the minivan, causing the engine to burst into flames.
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The Temperance "Temperance. To be balanced, to consume in moderation. Or to indulge in excess. Temperance. Take it or leave it... but remember sometimes, with temperance, comes deferred gratification." Chapter found: Chapter 1 Found by: Jacob About: Emma Occurs in: Chapter 2 & Chapter 6 Shows: Emma opens the safe in the Camp Store and takes out some fireworks. Later, Emma uses the fireworks on an attacking werewolf and it is knocked off of her.
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The Hanged Man "The Hanged Man! To be the hanged man is to surrender... and by doing so gain a new perspective. So look carefully, and consider that sometimes, one needs to be strung up, in order to let go." Chapter found: Chapter 2 Found by: Nick About: Jacob Occurs in: Chapter 3 Shows: Jacob is ensnared by a trap that hoists him upside down. A hunter comes along and cuts him down before Jacob throws dirt in his eyes, allowing him an opportunity to escape.
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The Star "Oh, it's The Star. Stars. In the night sky. Beacons of light. Dreams of hope, purpose... or a reminder of our insignificance, fear of despair. Trust in the light of the star, with it comes clarity, and sometimes proof." Chapter found: Chapter 3 Found by: Jacob About: Emma Occurs in: Chapter 3 Shows: Emma blinds a creature with her phone's camera flash.
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The Tower "The Tower. Jump free of your troubles. Fight or flight. That's the question we all ask ourselves... but often when leaping out of danger, we're still faced with certain peril. Watch your step, it could be your last." Chapter found: Chapter 3 Found by: Abigail About: Emma Occurs in: Chapter 4 Shows: Emma attempts to grab a zipline after being chased and subsequently falls to her death.
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Strength "Strength. Strength can be surprising. Knowing one's own raw power. Tapping into a previously unknown energy. I suppose there are forces at work within us all... and with one hand it gives, and with the other it could rip away." Chapter found: Chapter 4 Found by: Dylan About: Nick Occurs in: Chapter 5 Shows: Nick's infection makes him stronger, allowing him to choke Bobby and throw him like a ragdoll.
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The Magician "The Magician! The incredible, the unbelievable, The mystical, sensational! ... Perceptive manipulation - the work of a magician. Now you see it. Now you don't. Blink and you miss it. And you wouldn't want to miss it." Chapter found: Chapter 4 Found by: Emma About: Ryan & Dylan Occurs in: Chapter 5 Shows: Ryan cutting off Dylan's arm with a chainsaw.
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The Devil "The Devil. Without restriction, like a shadow torn from one's corporeal form. Pay close attention and act before the demon's unleashed. Each of us have one, even those who are pure of heart and say their prayers by night." Chapter found: Chapter 5 Found by: Dylan About: Nick & Abigail Occurs in: Chapter 6 Shows: Nick's infection takes him over, turning him into a werewolf and causing him to decapitate Abigail.
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The Hermit If Jacob is alive: "Here we have The Hermit. With the hermit comes isolation, loneliness... but reflection, too. Perhaps, given some thought, the hermit who gives chase can guide you to safety. But that all depends on your actions, not his." If Jacob isn't alive: "Strange... this card holds no future. But there's a past that calls out to me." Chapter found: Chapter 5 Found by: Dylan About: Jacob (if Jacob is alive) / Jedediah & Bobby (if Jacob isn't alive) Occurs in: Chapter 6 / Pre-game Shows: If Jacob is alive: Jacob has his leg caught in a bear trap. He tries to escape but falls on another one, crushing his head completely. If Jacob isnt alive: Jedediah and Bobby are at the boathouse. Bobby drops a body into the lake and picks up a hiker's pack.
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Justice "Justice... An eye for an eye. Not exactly, in some cases... but cause and effect. Actions and consequences. There's a balance to everything, and we all play a part in making sure the scales aren't tipped." Chapter found: Chapter 6 Found by: Jacob About: Laura & Travis Occurs in: Chapter 7 Shows: Laura shoots the cop, Travis, in the stomach.
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The Moon "The Moon. How poignant. Tonight of all nights. To harness your fear and anxiety... and turn them into intuition. If you can do this, and plan ahead - your cunning might just save your life." Chapter found: Chapter 6 Found by: Abigail About: Laura & Travis Occurs in: Chapter 7 Shows: Laura stabs Travis with the tranquilizer syringe.
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The Chariot "The Chariot! At the reins of a chariot, we would all feel safer. Taking control, relying on determination to make our choices Valiant... but in some cases foolish. Many seek refuge in chariots, but perhaps, in some cases, they're not as safe as we think they are." Chapter found: Chapter 7 Found by: Laura About: Dylan & Kaitlyn Occurs in: Chapter 8 Shows: Dylan opens the minivan door while Kaitlyn covers him. (unavoidable)
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The World "Ah, The World... Often travelers' paths are direct. But sometimes, it is not so simple. Sometimes they're intertwined with others. Compassion over anger. You'll need friends where you're going. It is not until we fall into the belly of the beast that we realize how perilous things can be." Chapter found: Chapter 7 Found by: Laura About: Ryan & Laura Occurs in: Chapter 8 Shows: Ryan and Laura are talking to each other. Ryan walks away before the ground collapses and he and Laura fall through the hole. (unavoidable)
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The Empress "The Empress. Look at her. Those at the top can fall the hardest. Such a shame - to nurture little monsters only to live long enough to watch them kill you. But it's no less than she deserves." Chapter found: Chapter 8 Found by: Ryan About: Constance Occurs in: Chapter 9 Shows: Constance clutches her chest before being mauled by a werewolf.
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The Lovers "The Lovers. There's harmony in disagreement, brought to light only by sparks of passion. Blood flows from the heart. You can almost taste it. And tasting it could save someone's life." Chapter found: Chapter 8 Found by: Laura About: Laura & Ryan Occurs in: Chapter 9 Shows: Laura kneels down to bite Ryan's arm.
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Wheel of Fortune "The Wheel of Fortune. After all, fortune is nothing but a spinning wheel. Sometimes you have to take a chance. Karma works in mysterious ways, but it favors those who pay attention. Watch closely. Though the wheel spins, the eagle-eyed can tell where it's going to stop." Chapter found: Chapter 8 Found by: Laura About: Laura & Travis, Chris & Ryan & Bobby Occurs in: Chapter 9 Shows: Laura turns into a werewolf. Chris mauls Bobby. Ryan aims the shotgun at Laura, but doesn't fire. Ryan is killed by Chris. Travis and Laura kill each other.
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The Emperor "The Emperor. Authority, paternity... Structures designed to topple, no? How the mighty may fall, and their empires with them. Let them bleed. Let them rip each other apart. Let them rot." Chapter found: Chapter 8 Found by: Ryan About: Chris & Jedediah Occurs in: Chapter 9 Shows: Werewolf Chris attacks and kills Jedediah.
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Death "Death. Death takes many forms... it could mean change, transition, transformation often interpreted as a beacon for the hopeful. In your case, it just means death." Chapter found: Chapter 9 Found by: Ryan About: Kaitlyn / Laura & Silas Occurs in: Chapter 10 Shows: Kaitlyn is walking on the beam in the lodge. She falls off of the beam to her death. / Laura crawls away from the crashed car, but Silas attacks and kills her. [ The picture of Death depends on how many people you have killed, to see all variants click here ]
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The Sun "The Sun. The vitality of a new day. There's still time to wake up to the warmth of a night survived. Your choices, your actions... Your very life hangs in the balance. It's up to you to find your path in the darkness, and the sun rise once again." Chapter found: Chapter 9 Found by: Laura About: Emma / Jacob / Abigail / Ryan / Laura & Max / Dylan / Kaitlyn Occurs in: Chapter 10 Shows: Emma is inside Chris' surveillance room. / Emma is in the woods covered in blood and tattered clothing. / Jacob is in the woods. / Abigail is inside Chris' surveillance room. / Ryan is in the woods. / Laura and Max are together on the Island. / Dylan is in the lodge. / Kaitlyn is in the lodge.
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Judgement If Laura, Ryan & Travis go hunt down Silas: "Judgement. The bells of judgement cry bloody murder. Or do they? The fury of a hatred earned. A fate deserved? Likely. But he may have his uses... though he won't forgive. He won't forget." If Laura, Ryan & Travis don't go hunt down Silas: "Judgement. Judgement day is upon us! That's what you'd expect from this card, isn't it? Though perhaps in this case it's simpler than that. Perhaps one's own judgement, a snap decisions to make, can save them from their own personal day of reckoning. Every step matters, every decision tipping the balance one way or the other. Take your time. Think. And maybe survive." Chapter found: Chapter 9 Found by: Dylan About: Laura & Ryan & Travis & Silas / Kaitlyn & Caleb / Max / Jacob & Chris Occurs in: Chapter 10 Shows: Laura, Ryan, and Travis confront a wounded Silas. Travis approaches Laura and attempts to take the shotgun, but Laura shoots him and he falls to the ground. / Kaitlyn uses the toy and traps Caleb inside the freezer. / Max walks down the dock. Max chooses to stay on the island. / Jacob is chased by Chris in the forest and Chris gets caught by the trap.
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The Hierophant "My poor boy. Do you see what they did to us? How they hurt us? He's out there still. All alone. Each full moon they hunt him, armed with silver. Trying to put an end to a curse they inflicted upon themselves when they set my show ablaze six years ago. Stupid children. But my little Silas. My little white wolf. He must be protected. You must not follow this path. Do you understand? Remember how I've helped you all this time." Chapter found: Chapter 9 Found by: Abigail About: Eliza & Silas (flashback) Occurs in: Chapter 10 Shows: Eliza, the head of the Harum Scarum, approaches from the shadows seeing her show burning to the ground. Occasionally a gas canister will explode from the heat while she calls out her son's name; Silas
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The High Priestess "Eliza was killed in the fire that broke out at her traveling show six years ago. Her ghost roams the woods of Hackett's Quarry ever since, and she's been determined to get revenge on the Hackett family for what they did to her. Her tarot cards, once lost in the blaze, have allowed her to guide you through the night… though her motives may not have been as transparent as first thought." Chapter found: Chapter 10 Found by: Kaitlyn About: does not provide a vision. Occurs in: does not provide a vision. Shows: does not provide a vision.
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[ I got all the tarot cards pictures from this tumblr ]
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badolmen · 1 year
Supermassive games made something that was almost perfect and then decided to make several much worse things before reeling it back to something decent that makes the same damn mistake the first game made without any of the first game’s charm and cleverness to make up for it. Like you’ve had the time to figure out this professional video game thing maybe you should start acting like it lol
#ra speaks#personal#sorry I’ve been in an until dawn mood lately and it’s like. gosh they were so close to making a game I could unironically say was amazing#their major flaw was the appropriation of Native American culture (like they could have been generic cannibal monsters you didn’t have to#call them that to make them scary that monster design was on point)#and then. in the quarry. which I dare to say is a decent sequel to until dawn.#MAKES THE SAME DAMN MISTAKE OF STEREOTYPING OOOO SPOOKY ROMANI TAROT MAGIC#like bruh do you. do you even call up somebody from the demographics you’re representing#and be like hey is this fucked up or nah?#like you’re a professional studio that’s a real thing you can do#and I don’t like the new cut scenes in until dawn they were PART of the story not some separate entity from it#anyways rant abt the bad stuff over gosh until dawn had such a fantastic story. the reveal and the twist are unparalleled.#literally my only issue is the monster cultural aspect like that’s such a solid game and story#and I guess the treatment of josh as a character but tbh the story of it seems fairly logical#these people got my sisters killed. I’m going to scare the hell out of them as revenge. no one will get physically hurt.#like yeah I would do that too dude. especially if I had a family background in film and practical effects.#and tbf his friends react pretty realistically for kids not knowing how to handle their friend having#a legitimate mental health crisis that stems from undiagnosed and erroneously medicated psychosis/schizophrenia#in addition to being hunted by literal monsters#the quarry was fun and campy the way until dawn was but there was no iconic bait and switch and also an antagonist uses the g slur so like#sorry it’s objectively not as good of a story
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be-side-my-self · 2 years
Siobhan: Ah, The World… Often travelers' paths are direct. But sometimes, it is not so simple. Sometimes they're intertwined with others. Compassion over anger. You'll need friends where you're going. It is not until we fall into the belly of the beast that we realize how perilous things can be.
Miles: The Chariot! At the reins of a chariot, we would all feel safer. Taking control, relying on determination to make our choices. Valiant.. but in some cases foolish. Many seek refuge in chariots, but perhaps, in some cases, they're not as safe as we think they are.
Zach: The Wheel of Fortune. After all, fortune is nothing but a spinning wheel. Sometimes you have to take a chance. Karma works in mysterious ways, but it favors those who pay attention. Watch closely. Though the wheel spins, the eagle-eyed can tell where it's going to stop.
Justice: The Emperor. Authority, paternity… Structures designed to topple, no? How the mighty may fall, and their empires with them. Let them bleed. Let them rip each other apart. Let them rot.
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natjennie · 2 years
my dad watching us play the quarry: boy with no tourniquet is dead, he's bleeding out
me, who's played it like 5 times: no he's fine
my dad: he can't be
me: would you believe me if I told you that was the best outcome? I did everything you're supposed to do in that part.
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sheriff-t-money · 1 year
"I broke my rules for you."
From this meme prompt.
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A heavy sigh fell from thin lips that tightly pressed together after its escape. Somewhere to his right, he heard Bobby give a guttural, confused, sob. It broke Travis' heart almost as much as the sight before him.
Kaylee. Everyone's energetic ball of light. Extinguished in a pool of her own blood. 'This is going to destroy Chris,' was the only thought running through his mind. It was the only thought he allowed in his mind. For now.
Amelia's death had nearly broken him as it was. It was only for the sake of the kids that Chris had kept himself together. This? Travis didn't see a way back from this.
And he had let it happen.
It all began with a push of a single domino. A decision to keep two early-bird counselors in prison cells. It wasn't Max. He had no idea where that boy was currently locked up. It was Laura Kearney.
Motive, means, opportunity.
The holy trinity in law enforcement.
Outwardly, he was as stern and stoic as ever. In fact, he was probably overcompensating. Because he was one second away from a fuckin' breakdown. He'd caused this. He hadn't pulled the trigger, but he had sure as fuck presented the means and opportunity on a literal silver platter.
Where had he gone wrong? He tried mentally retracing his steps over the past two months. He'd be mindful of letting them get too close. Hell, he kept the most important room, his personal armory, locked up tight.
The answer became clear. He'd fuckin' underestimated her. Travis had made it his career to be a damn good judge of people. Hell, in the grand scope of cops, he thought he was pretty damn lenient. Kearney, on first impression, was a typical young adult still finding her way. Plenty of dreams and few answers.
The few interactions he had allowed himself to have with her revealed . . . a few more layers. A deeper complexity. But he had stopped himself there. That night spent having as close to a heart-to-heart as he could muster was a mistake. He'd revealed too much to her.
He'd mistaken her understanding for sympathy.
The fuckin' problem was he had no idea what to feel about this . . . situation. This damned horror story he was submerged in. He had a foot in both sunlight and in the shade. Laura Kearney had killed a monster that would have killed her right back without a thought.
But she had also killed his niece.
And damn it if Kaylee wasn't a beautiful soul. That girl was going to go places instead of being trapped here like her bum of an uncle. Now, she was floating here with the chemicals in the pool slowly eating away at her dead flesh.
Travis' body is aching. He pushes himself up from the kneeled position he was sitting in beside the pool. The rain threatens above. He can hear the distant roll of thunder and smell the moisture in the air.
"Call Pa, Bobby," he says finally, keeping his tone controlled. Bobby's face was wet, leaving red streaks down his neck and the front of his overalls. "She needs to go home. I'll," and he hesitates, quickly clearing his throat to avoid the slight catch that formed in it, "I'll . . . tell Ma."
Travis turns, dark eyes shadowed even deeper, bags under his eyes heavier than normal, to take one last look at his niece. He allows the memory to burn. More guilt to carry to his grave. Another weight to his shoulders.
He won't be able to rest from this. Not even when his body is turned to ash. Guys like him didn't deserve peace.
Turning away, he exits the pool area and starts the long trek home. He only allows himself one thought. A new thought.
'Why the fuck did I break the rules for her?'
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wattemeer · 2 years
Oh btw justice smith subscribes to both astrology and the 16 personalities and he can do a little bit of tarot reading he is the perfect man huh
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neonstatic · 7 months
ok so this livestream is actually sending me... zach tinker (jacob) brought up the concept of being a werewolf who can control himself even in his wild form, and how fun that'd be theoretically. this started a "discussion." and by that, i mean they ganged up on him.
the others started pointing out that it defeats the purpose of werewolves bc it's in their nature to be unpredictable and driven by instincts and zach said, "well what if i was totally self-aware and i could jump high and shit!" but miles robbins (dylan) was not having any of it, kept incriminating the man, saying, "oh, so you wanna endanger your loved ones and everyone for a lil fun?" while zach is desperately trying to make it clear that no, omg, this is a hypothetical case of werewolf where i'd be 100% in control, what's not clicking, why is it not coming across to you ppl. plus i'd be cooler than others. which was another mistake cus now miles pounced on that and said, "oh so you're doing it for a sense of superiority? so you can hold the threat of violence over others?" which prompted justice smith (ryan) to say, so calmly, so thoughtfully, "you....don't need to be a werewolf for that. you can do that as is. you can just go out there and kill ppl. plenty of ppl do it." and so zach is lowkey having a meltdown cus miles is questioning his character and justice is introducing him to murder 101. meanwhile siobhan williams (laura) is just leaning back and watching these men be stupid, as women do.
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ghostradiodylan · 8 months
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So, we talk a lot about Quarry headcanons and what could have been on the Brainrot Discord server that Kat made and one of the things I keep thinking about is how they gave (at least some of) the characters these sets of skills that never really impact gameplay, and I think it would be really cool if they did. Like, if there was more variety in who could be sent on which path. Switching Kaitlyn to the Hackett house path with Laura and Ryan to the scrapyard with Dylan being a popular one for fanfic, but also, idk, maybe Dylan won't let Ryan go without him so he ends up on the Hackett house path too? Maybe Abi steps up to go with Kaitlyn to the scrapyard and has to figure out the crane even though it's way out of her skillset, maybe Emma and Jacob can actually come back and link up with the rest of the gang instead of being stuck out in the woods for so long, stuff like that.
I'm just thinking about what their skills might be and how that might impact the game. Also keep in mind that if the character you most need for a task ends up up dead before that task comes along, it's going to be carnage for everyone else, which would up the replay value significantly IMO.
Kaitlyn: Shooting. She's a MUCH better shot than Ryan, if we can believe the Shooting Stars scoreboard (four of the actual children attending the camp score higher than him), but we never see that in the game? What if the aiming mechanism was actually different between different characters? What if there were shots you could make more easily as Kaitlyn, that were harder to pull off as Ryan?
Ryan: Agility. Guy does a lot of running and jumping, what if there were timed segments that were easier to complete as Ryan within the allotted time, or else something consequential happened? Good luck if you ended up plodding along with Jacob instead, now Abi and Nick are both mauled and turning, or something like that.
Dylan: Tech. Dylan's the physics nerd who slays at the crane game. What if you could bring him to the Hackett house and he could figure out the electric circuit puzzle in no time, but that meant someone else had to help Kaitlyn in the scrapyard? Maybe Ryan can still save Jacob without him but he takes too much time and the Hacketts catch you and pick off one of your party.
Jacob: Strength. Jakey's probably the buffest of the dudes, so maybe there are times you need a pair of strong arms or legs and Jacob's the only one who can come through. They also show us him picking locks but he never does that in an impactful situation, so maybe he'd have a lesser talent for that as well.
Abi: Stealth. Okay, so Abi runs and hides? Maybe she's awesome at hiding, then? Maybe she can get through parts of the game undiscovered by the werewolves that other characters can't. Maybe her being short AF means she can fit into hiding spots that you can't cram the leggy bois like Dylan and Nick into.
Emma: Observation. Emma's always watching and analyzing everyone's behavior and documenting things on her phone. Maybe she can find evidence or tarot cards others can't, or put pieces of the mystery together in ways no one else thinks of. Emma's a badass in the game, but it would be cool to see her 'documentarian' side come in handy prior to the credits rolling, too.
Nick: Climbing. I completely made this up because we don't get to see Nick do much besides try to pull his crush, suck face on a dare with Emma, and get mauled, but we do know he takes kids through the ropes course based on his dialogue with Abi, plus he's tall so he's got long arms and legs! Maybe he's the aerial expert. Maybe he can scale fences and get important items down from trees. Maybe he can climb up and free other characters who get stuck in those snare traps. (Obviously this assumes someone else can be the Designated Werewolf Victim, which I also think would improve the game.)
This also assumes Laura and Max keep their current roles, but I'd be up for that to be changeable too. It's not that I necessarily want a higher number of choices available, I just want the choices we can make to actually impact the gameplay and story arc more! Anyway, that's my Quarry ramble for the day (unless I come up with another one). Anyone else have thoughts?
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draganwhorror · 3 months
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Been working on my last two trophies (finally) for The Quarry. I couldn't resist taking a picture of a certain someone's backside. 😛
I've had the game since it first came out two years ago, but I've been lazy about finishing the trophies until earlier this year. Now I just need all tarot cards (halfway done) and Peanut Butter Butterpops (never miss a combat encounter). Then I'll get my platinum trophy. Huzzah!
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are-you--cereal · 3 months
SoOoo seeing as i played the quarry recently…
alsooo this is my opinion - and is ofc going to be based on my play through which may be different from yours!!
i rlly enjoyed it!!! but… i wayyyy preferred until dawn, (sorry to compare the twooo) it was great - but i felt like the story was all over the place, could’ve just been me not finding every clue, which i didn’t miss too many i think i missed like 2 hackett family clues, 2/3 camp clues, like 3 freak show clues. oops!! personally i felt like there was so much going on at once, i found the whole freak show thing to be super unexplained and rushed?? the tarot cards felt kind of out of place, but saying that, i loved that they were included - thought it was a super unique and fun touch that did kind of pull in the whole freak show/ fortune teller vibe. i think they could’ve made that a bit more prevalent tho, as it was sort of a side note and i understand that it was like something none of the characters knew abt, but i found it so odd that it wasn’t discussed like at all?! or even just discussed more later, towards the end after finding more of the clues so that they were learning along the way with us!! the end was so rushed in my opinion like travis had been hunting silas for 6 years and never found him, but with laura and ryan they just stumbled across him?! and put all the clues together like that?! so weird to me. also the hag of hacketts quarry loved her - but it just was like so weird - you have werewolves and a silas’s ghost mum hanging abt. she was a good inclusion - as it ties in to the tarot cut scenes, but idk just felt a bit unnecessary - as in my opinion it doesn’t further the plot too much and she’s just there for more jump scares.
and it felt like more of a film than a game yk?? also it was kinda janky looking like their necks moved freakishly lol
anywhooo loved the whole gang and i managed to keep everyone -playable- alive YIPPEE!! BUTTTT what rlly annoyed me was that even tho i got alllll the evidence the gang was arrested, yeah they were let out but wtff?!
tbh i’m gonna try and play again and get all the clues!! if you have any opinions that differ pls share id love to hear <3
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muutosarchive · 1 month
finally played thru the quarry and i have #complaints.
way too easy with the QTE &. don't breathe mechanics. way too easy to have everyone live. it's super clear &. they give you so much time. with the slide of the joystick it takes all the tension out. i only killed mrs. brenda song bc i had bad aim &. nick. emma got bit but i killed silas so she was fine. i thought the story was good and i loved jacob but he didn't do anything in the story and it was super lame? also emma was alright, but i loved travis hackett and obsessed w. laura kearney. she's the only character i would have considered writing. other than the design of the werewolves i had issues with the main buildings in until dawn AND the quarry being 'the lodge' -- &. then there's the mine comparison between the two. i liked the podcast thing but it was super tedious, and the fortune teller 'doctor hill' segments are a lot less effective. also if you explore it's almost impossible to miss evidence &. dumbs it down a lot.
there's also a lot less game play, i hate the lack of timed responses / having unlimited time to choose a response . . . and the tarot cards were also way easier than the totems in until dawn. it was just so much easier in every way and UD is already an easy game. but i was always so much more stressed doing QTE events in UD. it felt like there were stakes.
in my first play through of UD, only mike and sam and emily survived i'm pretty sure. &. like, i purposefully killed most of the hackett family and silas bc i didn't care about the hag, but other than that? i only killed two of the main cast and i also purposefully shot nick knowing it was him. idk? the locations were really linear &. boring too, compared to the mine &. the lodge, & the asylum.
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windvexer · 1 year
Thank you so much, Chicken! I am pendulum anon and found your advice insanely helpful! I struggle a lot with pendulums, so this is super good to know. I'll definitely be trying your methods!
Also, I suppose this is more a question based on your personal opinion, but do pendulums tend to have defined personalities as tarot decks do? I just wanted to ask because some pendulums seem to behave differently than others, and I was curious if this is just because it needs to be cleansed or it has a sort of personality to it.
I'm glad to hear my random ramblies are helpful!
I firmly believe that different pendulums have different personalities, and, when compared to tarot, would have a much wider range of personalities.
So tarot is fundamentally one thing, right? There are lines that make something Tarot and Not Tarot. You can argue exactly where the line falls, but the line is somewhere, and tarot is actually something quite specific.
But a pendulum?
A pendulum, is like... anything.
A pendulum can be the key of your childhood home which was the only place you ever felt safe. It can be a chip of black granite from a haunted quarry where you felt the presence of pure, unholy dread - wrapped in silver and hung from a blood-anointed string.
A pendulum can be grandma's necklace. It can be five paperclips hung from a rubber band.
A pendulum is Something A Bit Heavy hung from Something A Bit Long and Flexible. You can make it from an acorn and hand-woven flax. You can make it from a Twizzler and a fun-sized Snickers bar.
You know?
Now there is of course the physical differences - I trust some hand-woven flax to bend a little better and smoother than a Twizzler, and the black granite is probably going to have better aerodynamics than the Snickers -
but as a spirit worker, I find two things to be true:
That the thing which is the Something A Bit Heavy may well bring its own spirit, and the thing which is Something A Bit Long and Flexible may bring its own virtues;
but when combined together, they likely do create something Gestalt.
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