#the quarantine coloring book
bogleech · 4 months
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At the link above is a 45 page condensed PDF sample of the upcoming 300+ page Mortasheen TTRPG Core Rulebook. This condensed sample contains just the following:
-The Biotypes (player races)
-The College of Genetics location and its Dean
-The Runoff, a sample adventure locale in Mortasheen City
-An explanation of the "Green Goo" that Mortasheen runs on
-24 monster pages, some of them still never before seen by anyone but the original Kickstarter backers, from a planned final count of 152 monsters.
No gameplay instructions, but monster pages retain their statblocks for you to look at.
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All full color artwork in this sample is by myself or by @revretch, while pixel sprites are by hashtag_underscore, beachboogyman, myself, and Pokemon: Quarantine Crystal's @latenightagain !
Any money from this zine-sized digital preview will go partially into everyday survival and partially into improving the print quality of the final book. Its kickstarter print budget is still with me, but only covers a just-average quality for the book's first run! There are still better paper weights and color options to consider! After that print run finishes and ships out to all 2020 backers, that final book will go up for public purchase, maybe by the end of this year (2024) if everything works out.
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Boost and spread this if you can; I've worked on Mortasheen as a personal world building project for over twenty years, and the coming RPG release is a project that took multiple people at least fifteen years.
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uwmspeccoll · 2 months
Milestone Monday
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July 15th is national I Love Horses Day celebrated here with an original horse girl and author, Marguerite Henry (1902-1997). Born and raised in Milwaukee, WI, Henry spent much of her childhood bedridden with rheumatic fever. While the illness kept her quarantined, it also provided time for Henry to hone her writing skills and explore her love of animals, particularly horses. She sold her first story at age 11 to The Delineator magazine, went on to study at the Milwaukee State Teachers College, and published over forty children’s books with great accolades including a Newberry Medal in 1949. 
In 1945 Henry began a twenty-year collaboration with American artist and illustrator Wesley Dennis (1903-1966). Dennis beautifully illustrated over 150 books in his career including Sewell’s Black Beauty and Steinbeck’s The Red Pony. Henry publicly described him as the “best horse artist in the world” and went on to publish twenty books in partnership with him.  
Album of Horses, published by Rand McNally & Company in 1951, is among their catalog of collective works providing “little-known facts, entertaining human-interest anecdotes, and superb pictures” about the lives and breeds of twenty-six horses. Dennis’s illustrations delight readers bringing Henry’s words to life through full color paintings in pastel palettes and graphite marginal pictures. If you are looking for a spark to ignite your love of horses today, Album of Horses is a great place to start! 
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Read other Milestone Monday posts here.
View more posts with horses!
– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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bomberqueen17 · 25 days
liveblogging the aubreyad 1: Master & Commander
ok so. i'm going to liveblog my reread of the Patrick O'Brian Jack Aubrey series of books, in potentially more or less detail, because it's something to do and it's funny. Starting with book 1, Master & Commander, copyright date 1969, which I definitely first read in like 1991 when I was waaaaay too young to understand approximately half the references. There will be spoilers. There may or may not be an accurate representation of the entire contents of the series. We'll see how long I keep this up. I wish I could write it in the entertaining style of my Wee Precious Flower Prince Geralt Witcher 3 playthroughs of yore but those were written under 1) quarantine confinement, 2) incredible amounts of gin, 3) after collaborative sessions, and I just can't make that happen solo.
But I will do my poor, reduced, older and more sedate best. I promise that while these books are not quite as dramatically crack-addled as Witcher 3, they are weirder than you think, which is critical.
OK so. We start off swinging with the meet-ugly. In fair Port Mahon we lay our scene, in the year 1800 (or 1801?? we also start off swinging with never quite having the tiny details quite laid down), we meet our fair hero Jack Aubrey, a six-foot, well-built, yellow-haired lieutenant in the Royal Navy, a cheerful high-spirited cove who immediately pisses off the unpleasant little man sitting next to him at this chamber music concert by singing along to the music. Relatable reaction by the unpleasant little man, to be sure. Aubrey is having a bad time, though— he has not been promoted and he doesn’t have a ship so he has nothing to do but get in trouble, and his spirits are too low to get into a fight with the unpleasant little man, though he briefly considers it. We soon find out that the sole bright spot in Jack's life is that he's fucking his boss’s wife, which seems like a bad idea but who are we to judge. But lo! He gets back to the inn where he’s staying only to find a letter informing him that he has been promoted! He is now the master and commander of his very own ship, which we are informed is a sloop. Also throwing us into the deep end of Listen Baby It’s Just Vibes. The nautical language and technical shit comes fast and thick and if you just sort of roll with it you figure it out. Don’t Worry About It. There Will Be Context Clues.
Now that Jack is professionally fulfilled he is happy, and so the next morning when he happens to see his unpleasant little man from the previous night, he shows his true colors: he immediately bounds across the street and wholeheartedly, unreservedly apologizes for being a dipshit, like the golden retriever he really is at heart. The unpleasant little man is so shocked by this that he loses all his unpleasantness, has a really nice conversation with Jack, and immediately gets distracted by the sighting of a rare bird. Stephen Maturin is now successfully introduced, exactly as he means to go on as well. He is a physician, but his patient died and he's stuck without money to get home, literally sleeping rough because no one will answer his letters and he's out of cash. Jack meanwhile has a ship with no surgeon on it, and a vacancy, and they like one another, so it seems a simple solution. And so Stephen shall go to sea.
I suppose, really, that’s the genius of this series. The characters are round, complicated creatures, with obvious and consistent surface qualities but also equally consistent, apparently-contradictory, deeper qualities. Even minor characters sometimes possess this level of depth. Even the cartoony-awful little shit Harte (sometime captain, then admiral, the boss whose wife Jack has been fucking but in Jack's defense so is everybody else) has depths. Unpleasant depths, but he's got reasons and motivations and you do really believe in him; this pays off in book 8 in particular.
We meet Jack's first command, the Sophie, the loveliest tiniest little ship ever, staffed by a pack of utter weirdos. TOM PULLINGS makes his first appearance (he is my favorite supporting character throughout the series, so he will be capitalized henceforth) along with his delightful henchman (the other senior midshipman) Mowett who is James in his first and last appearances and most of the others but for some reason becomes William for a while in the middle, most notably in book 8, and has thus passed into the movie as William. Those are our master's mates, or senior midshipmen. In O'Brian's typical fashion we don't get really concrete physical descriptions of them in the normal sense, but instead get really evocative but nonspecific ones. TOM PULLINGS is "a big shy master's mate", elsewhere specified to be sort of gangly, long and thin, young, with a country accent and foremast-jack antecedents (i.e. started out as a regular sailor and was promoted, instead of the more normal approach where a family of means sends a son to sea as a midshipman), who absolutely blossoms under Jack Aubrey's leadership-by-enthusiastic-example, and we will see him through most of the rest of the series continuing on this trajectory with great competence and charming humbleness.
James Mowett gets a great introduction. He's had a few lines prior to this, mostly repetitively described as (and shown to be) cheerful and generally enthusiastic about things, running around and getting to be the one to fetch Stephen from the shore, and later we find out that he is a prolific writer of somewhat-terrible poetry, which we'll get plenty of excerpts of over the course of the series. But his first real description is:
“James Mowett was a tubular young man, getting on for twenty; he was dressed in old sailcoth trousers and a striped Guernsey shirt, a knitted garment that gave him very much the look of a caterpillar."
There are also the youngsters. Meet my beloved son William Babbington, a miniature midshipman of between eleven and thirteen who has every venereal disease and gets drunk a lot. He also cries and swears a whole lot, mostly while sober. I love him immoderately and we will see him in several more of the books. He never gets much taller or less obsessed with womanizing. Adolescence was hard in the Georgian era. (Yes, this is the Georgian era; the Victorian era does not begin for another thirty years.)
“'I suppose you grow used to living here,' [Stephen] observed, rising cautiously to his feet. 'At first it must seem a little confined.' 'Oh, sir,' said Mowett, 'think not meanly of this humble seat, Whence spring the guardians 'of the British fleet! Revere the sacred spot, however low, Which formed to martial acts an Hawke! An Howe !' 'Pay no attention to him, sir,' cried Babbington, anxiously. 'He means no disrespect, I do assure you, sir. It is only his disgusting way.”
Throughout this series, O'Brian so so so vividly shows and describes the many phases of awkwardness that young men go through especially in military settings. It's incredibly vivid; the breaking voices, the smells, the idiotic capers, the weeping, the complete lack of foresight, the incredible cruelty and also loyalty and bravery, the sheer adolescent enthusiasm coupled with shocking laziness.
We also get some insight into contemporary social mores through the introduction of Marshall, the sailing master (a warrant officer)-- 1) he's gay and 2) Jack Aubrey is extremely his type. Different people's different attitudes toward this unspool throughout various points of the book, but the critical point is that Jack Aubrey himself has absolutely zero gaydar and while he has heard the rumor about Marshall's tendencies, he doesn't care about that stuff, studiously avoids enforcing any of the regulations against it, and he absolutely never at any point relates this to himself, and never ever realizes why the man is so driven to excel at his job. Not even when an injury to his head and face gives Jack a horrible haircut and worse appearance, and Marshall is horrified and dispirited about it; Jack never twigs just what's amiss.
To be fair to Jack, many many many of the men aboard also respond to him in a similar, though crucially different, way. This is a common thing in this kind of cooped-up little setting; you have a guy who's in charge and gives you positive feedback and like, immediately you'll die for that guy, which is kind of how the military works because you may in fact have to literally die for that guy and it's easier if you're intrinsically motivated in some way. And Jack is very, very good at this in most cases, at taking the measure of the people under his command and getting them to respond to him.
(We can return to Mowett for an explicit example: “'You may light up the sloop, Mr Mowett, and show her our force: I don't want her to do anything foolish, such as firing a gun - perhaps hurting some of our people. Let me know when you have laid her aboard.' With this [Jack] retired, calling for a light and something hot to drink; and from his cabin he heard Mowett's voice, cracked and squeaking with the excitement of this prodigious command (he would happily have died for Jack), as under his orders the Sophie bore up and spread her wings.”)
Anyway so back to the plot summary: a very good side plot throughout is that the ship's first lieutenant, James Dillon, is an Irishman, and he and Stephen Maturin were both involved in the Irish rebellion in 1798. When they meet, James recognizes Stephen, and cautiously sounds him out about having met before, and Stephen very coolly replies we've never met but you must be thinking of my cousin who looks just like me but uglier, *so* ugly, he has the face of an informer, and everyone hates an informer and james is like Ah. You Are Absolutely Correct Sir We Have Never Met. This subplot develops into a delicious meditation on divided loyalties and the agony of staying true to oneself while doing what one must do. Highly recommended, A++. Begins to give us some insight into the various depths of Stephen, who doesn't understand tides or wind and hasn't the sense to come in out of the rain but has a deep and complicated history and identity and above all an incredible capacity for ruthlessness, absolutely none of which Jack understands.
Stephen and James in dialogue when they're finally in privacy enough to discuss it (Stephen is the first speaker, James the second):
“I speak only for myself, mind - it is my own truth alone - but man as part of a movement or a crowd is indifferent to me. He is inhuman. And I have nothing to do with nations, or nationalism. The only feelings I have -for what they are - are for men as individuals; my loyalties, such as they may be, are to private persons alone.'' "Patriotism will not do?'' "My dear creature, I have done with all debate. But you know as well as I, patriotism is a word; and one that generally comes to mean either my country, right or wrong, which is infamous, or my country is always right, which is imbecile." ''Yet you stopped Captain Aubrey playing Croppies Lie Down the other day.” "Oh, I am not consistent, of course; particularly in little things. Who is? He did not know the meaning of the tune, you know. He has never been in Ireland at all, and he was in the West Indies at the time of the rising. [...] But as for that song, I acted as I did partly because it is disagreeable to me to listen to it and partly because there were several Irish sailors within hearing, and not one of them an Orangeman; and it would be a pity to have them hate him when nothing in the manner of insult was within his mind's reach.”
uhhhhhhh but meanwhile: Jack Aubrey and the Sophies wreak havoc in the Mediterranean and make a lot of money and enemies, to the point that the local merchants band together to commission a fairly serious ship expressly to fuck them up. They meet this ship unsuspectingly, manage just in time to disguise themselves, and Stephen hails the ship and asks them in bad Spanish if they know anything about treating the plague, could they send a doctor over, could they spare any medicine. This scares them off and they go away. But now the Sophies know what this ship looks like and what armament it has. So the next time they meet it, they fight it, and so the tiny 14-gun Sophie with 82 men and boys aboard manages to capture the 32-gun Cacafuego with 319 men aboard, and it's very gallant and dashing and probably should not have worked, but it does.
And a little later, the Sophie accidentally meets a pair of very powerful French ships and gets taken in return despite doing some really heroic evasive manoevers.
The French are super nice to them, and we meet a French ship captain named Christy-Palliere who becomes a recurring character, who has English cousins and speaks great English and is both charming and nice, saying things like gather ye rose pods while ye may and being generally gallant. Until some even more powerful English ships heave into view, and the tables turn, but even then Christy-Palliere remains gallant and well-behaved.
We end the book with the court-martial. Any officer who loses his ship for any reason has to go before a court of sea captains to ascertain whether he did everything in his power to avoid losing his ship. So all the officers of the Sophie, including the midshipmen, including the surgeon, have to testify about this. (I feel like the other warrant officers should also have had to testify? but they weren't there and i'm not sure why. TOM PULLINGS is also not mentioned in the scene which he absolutely should be present for, so it's possible that they were just omitted for time.)
“They had each received an official notification the day before, and for some reason each had brought it with him, folded or rolled. After a while Babbington and Ricketts took to changing all the words they could into obscenities, secretly in a corner, while Mowett wrote and scratched out on the back of his, counting syllables on his fingers and silently mouthing. Lucock stared straight ahead of him into vacancy.”
Spoiler: the jury decides that there's not really anything more a 14-gun sloop could have done against two French ships of the line, so they exonerate Captain Aubrey for the loss of his sloop, and thus ends the book.
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skriblee-ksk · 2 months
Adeline Ordelia
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[An elegant and diligent student who seems to know exactly what she wants. She has a strong sense of justice and an aptitude for efficiency. A girl who always strives to find the truth in the name of justice, she politely detaches herself from the students of NRC out of caution because of their questionable demeanors.]
[Despite her initial awkward air, she actually has a habit of delicately (yet strictly) taking care of those who need it with a crazy amount of patience. It’s like she has experience at this.]
General Info!
Name: Adeline Ordelia
Nicknames: Adelia and Silver (only used by Cynthia to annoy her).
Birthday: August 12
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight
Dominant Hand: Right
Hobbies: Reading, Embroidery, Book binding, Journaling, and Scheduling the day.
Likes: Star Anise Tea, Victorian Styled Buildings and Outfits (or whatever equivalent in TWST), Solving Mysteries, and Chatting with Cynthia.
Dislikes: Celery and The nickname “Silver”.
Fears: Ghosts (and the specifics of after-death).
Traits: A natural talent for elegancy, Having a strong urge to do the right thing, and Dissuading people efficiently from bad decisions.
Extra Information: She has a sibling-like close friend who attends RSA, Her favorite color is a deep blue, She likes stargazing (casual), She's memorized half of Heartslabyul's rules by Year 1, and is attempting to memorize the rest by the end of this year (for fun).
“Reveal the site of what once was.” Snapshot Evidence: Adelia’s unique magic that can be used with any picture (physical or digital). To use this properly, she must think of a specific person and a specific time, and if that person was at the place she took the photo of during the time she was thinking about, the person appears in the photo permanently. It's a particular spell with a penalty system that creates more blot if she's wrong than when she's right. Thankfully, Adelia's cautious and meticulous, so it's rare for her to ever be wrong in the rare times she does use this power. Although her photos are generally known to be true through others' confirmations of events, it's not completely trusted by others because she can't solidly prove that these photo manipulations are an exact illustration of what happened. Unknown if it can accurately predict the future.
More about her under cut!!
Housewarden Riddle’s overblot wasn’t the first one I witnessed.
The first one was just down my neighborhood, when I was about… Hm. 7 years old. I was coming back from a walk with my escorts when I saw Styx members quarantining the overblotted person. Mm, I guess I couldn’t call them a person anymore. I didn’t get to see much of it. I wasn’t tall enough. Still, I could see some of the damage caused to the nearby buildings, with pitch black ink dripping down and slithering through the cracks of the sidewalk.
Apparently, the sight wasn’t morbid enough since it didn’t pique my curiosity enough for me to learn about it.
Of course, until now.
Why, you may ask? Well, because I know about the basics of blot accumulation and overblots now, first off. But more importantly, because Housewarden Riddle wasn’t the last overblot I witnessed.
Doesn’t anyone else find this strange? Doesn’t anyone else find this dangerous?
Doesn’t anyone else want to piece together this awful trend? Or is it just a minor every day event for them? Are you aware of what’s happening?
It was merely sympathy at first. I respect Housewarden Riddle, and there must have been a great deal of trauma involved for him to get to that state. That’s what I told Cynthia.
But two in a row? Both of them are Housewardens. And so close in time, too. Aren’t overblots supposed to be rare? That’s why I’m curious.
Will this trend continue? And if it does, what am I going to do about it?
“What do you want to do about it?”
“I want… to help stop it.”
“I mean, you always have the choice of ignoring it, you know. Like most others do?”
“… Then why did you even ask—“
“Well, just in case~ Even though I already knew the ever-so-righteous Adelia wouldn’t just ignore it.”
“So that’s your goal, right?”
Gather data on the overblots and see if there’s any future ones.
If there are, figure out the reason.
Ultimately, help stop it, but keep others’ safe until I can find a way.
“Wow, that’s a lot. Are you sure you can handle it?”
“Even if I don’t get to all of my objectives, it’s good experience. And you’re already invested in this potential mystery, aren’t you?”
“Ehe, correct!”
I want to help people. I can’t tell you the reason, but I do. I want to save you. Even in minor ways. Even in final ways. Even if you don’t want to be saved, I want to anyway. I’m sorry.
It’s just because I’m curious.
- - -
A/N: YAYYY basically done with the YAI to TWST pipeline!!! Here's Adelia, my other daughter and the other main character of Your Artificial Image that I missed so much.
In here, basically what Adelia and Cynthia do is just. Try and find out what's happening with the overblots, and try and stop them. Near Book 5, Adelia decides to pair up with (threaten) the Headmage and get more access to the student files. Anyways, that's how those two will get more and more involved within the main story!!! I will expand more on them, hopefully. While Cynthia does things for the sake of doing, Adelia always has a reason for her actions, and that's what makes them suit each other so well!!
AND NOW!! With them, I’ll be able to draw other characters I don’t draw as much because their personalities suit other TWST characters’ dynamics!! YIPPEE YIPPEE WHAT JOY!!!!!!
anyways. yeah. thanks.
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rxttenbxnes · 5 months
Hello! Do you have any fun headcanons to share about Idia? Honestly, I just find it painful to see how badly this guy gets butchered in headcanons sometimes. People always forget that he is in fact a complete ass with a massive superiority-inferiority complex and not just a sad boi, or they overplay the weeb part and ignore how he has other interests like science and art, or they make him too pathetic by assuming he would still be a blushing incoherent mess like a year into marriage, etc. Anyway, it’d just be nice to hear the headcanons of an actual Idia fan since that’s the only way to get anything sane.
Omg totally, first I'mma do a little rant, I'll make sure to label where the HCS begin so y'all don't have to read my rants 😭
܀⊹ ིྀ🕸 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
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Okay we gotta acknowledge the fact idia is indeed, an asshole you guys. 💀Well not completely obviously but he's not just gonna be nice to you for no reason. He's not just some depressed dude needing sympathy.
The way Idia is so Infantilzed by the fandom it's actually gets me tweakin, You guys this actually makes me mad, he's not some sensitive bottom uwu boy that stutters 50 times every sentence In fact I honestly cannot see him being submissive half of the time, this man is actually a asshole on the low. Most people get the fact that idia would be submissive from his shy and closed off personality which is just SO wrong to me.
Idia is extremely pessimistic and if we're being real Idia is actually not a good narrator for his own experiences, the constant self deprecation mixed in with his his thoughts about being superior to others is so fascinating to me, one moment he sees himself as nothing but a piece of trash while in the next moment he's boasting about how he's the only one component enough to be ignihyde's dorm leader. He's such a complex character I can Yap about him constantly
I get making jokes and stuff but some people genuinely think idia is some stinky incel creep that hates women and just purposely chooses to not go outside and be chronically online. Like yeah, he has nerdy and loser like hobbies but this man literally has trauma and chronic depression, along with an anxiety disorder, it's not something he can just make disappear. He likes science, engineering, art, anime, games etc which is all just cool, it's not like he's some creep that's afraid to talk to people, nor is he some super submissive guy that'll fold for you in a tiny interaction.
Had to get ts off my chest 💀
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܀⊹ ིྀ🕸 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
܀⊹ ིྀ𝐼𝑑𝑖𝑎 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠 🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
🎧 Caramelldansen. Idia adores this song unironically. At first he had just saw the meme and quickly ended up falling into the whole thing, laying on the floor completely dazed out of his mind as the colorful lights flash in the background from the music video playing on repeat lol
🎮 I said this in my earlier post but Idia definitely draws his crushes all the time. Luckily he has a little self control and draws anime/manga characters in most of the pages, he's really protective over his sketch book due to 1.) His social anxiety and 2.) The fact that he doesn't want anyone to know that he likes drawing and observing people, especially his crushes.
🎧 Idia constantly has his headphones on, I know of a fact that Idia listens to Nightcore, anime OSTs, Vocaloid, animation meme music, Vkei, video game sound tracks and breakcore religiously. I think idia would honestly listen to everything he can get his hands on
🎮 I feel like he had a 2020 alt kid phase lol. I feel like quarantine would've been his time to thrive, his peak enjoyment of life would be set during this time lol. Being able to express himself like he wanted without others seeing??? Sign him up
🎧 Ironically, he's not super weak. I feel like he just sucks at physical activity, especially running since he doesn't leave his room much. His hands/fist are definitely strong, I feel like he has a strong hit.
🎮 That being said, I think Idia’s hands are large, thin and boney. They definitely have a few scars and calluses from all the machinery he works with, you can't tell me that his hands aren't pretty rough.
🎧 Idia is a fashion icon, in games. Not irl, he would never due to the attention it would grab him, though he definitely is into all of the alternative and Gothic fashion stuff. He'll give his characters the most perfect and pretty outfits and make sure everything is customized perfectly, not mind at all if it takes him hours to do so.
🎮 This man definitely collects figures. I feel like they're all anime and video game figures; he's even commission artist and such to make custom work of his favorite interest and brag online about it.
🎧 Has an habit of repeating words and phrases he likes over and over again. It doesn't matter if it's from an obscure meme that literally only 5 people including him know or if it's in a different language, he'll constantly reference and repeat it like no tomorrow.
🎮 He's a biter. He bites a lot of things randomly, he'd bite someone out of love if he got the chance. I'm telling you he'll just naw on random stuff, not caring if it's edible or not. It could literally be a plushy and he'll randomly bite it while he's hugging it.
🎧 Idia definitely finds confort in the rain and gloom weather. Really, he just enjoys typically gloomy things. It's extremely comforting and relaxing to him to just be able to sit on his bed with his headphones on while it rains harshly outside, making the world around him dark and gloomy.
🎮 Curses, like a lot. Gamer rage is real you guys and he definitely has it. If he loses a game too many times or gets too frustrated with his teammates, he'll curse like a sailor. His anger isn't directly to his teammates or anything, it's of him being frustrated with everything in general.
܀⊹ ིྀ🕸 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
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heymacy · 5 months
hello friends ✨ and welcome back to Weekly Tag Game Wednesday! i'm your host (this week), macy, and today we're getting Back to Basics with a good old-fashioned getting-to-know-you tag game!
(disclaimer: there is presently a glitch with tumblr that only allows you to tag 5 people per line in your text posts. to remedy that, you can separate your tags into different lines as i have at the bottom of this post to ensure that everyone that's tagged knows they've been tagged!)
let's get started!
name: macy
age: i am flirty and thriving
your time zone: CDT, or UTC-5
what do you do for work? i'm a supervisor at a major coffee chain
do you have any pets? three cats: penelope, winston, and julius pepperwood
what first drew you to this fandom? it was quarantine. a friend sent me a youtube video (a compilation of gallavich scenes) and said i think you would like this show, but fair warning, it's heavy. i'd given it a try in the past but only made it to 1x06 (a tragedy) and decided to give it another go. three and a half years later, here we are.
are you a morning person or a night owl? primarily a morning person, sometimes both
what are your hobbies? writing, reading, fandom-ing, making super niche playlists
how tall are you? 5' 5" or 165cm
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? ireland, probably. or that one greek island with all the cats
favorite color? green
favorite book? ask me again when i've made a better dent in my TBR
favorite movie? some like it hot
favorite fic? Love is a Ballfield, TIPDIG, or Old Rules
favorite musical artist: billie eilish + chappell roan
what is your average screen time so far this week? 3hrs 57min
what's the first app you open in the morning? discord (good morning pals!)
how long have you been on tumblr? 13 years
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: i'm amazing at parallel parking. like, i am stupid good at it. and i taught myself how to do it because my parents refused to teach me how to drive when i was 15 because it was "too stressful" lmao
tags below the cut!
i'm tagging @gardenerian, @palepinkgoat, @deedala, @mybrainismelted, @jrooc,
@blue-disco-lights, @energievie, @michellemisfit, @tanktopgallavich, @vintagelacerosette,
@sickness-health-all-that-shit, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @whatthebodygraspsnot, @whatwouldmickeydo, @metalheadmickey,
@heymrspatel, @7x10mickey, @gallawitchxx, @howlinchickhowl, @the-rat-wins,
@mmmichyyy, @doshiart, @transmickey, @lee-ow, @callivich,
@deathclassic, @stocious, @too-schoolforcool, @darlingian, @sxltburn,
@sluttymickey, @thisdivorce, @grumble-fish, @xninetiestrendx, @creepkinginc,
@crossmydna, @y0itsbri, @captainjowl, @astaraels, @ardent-fox
@wehangout, @arrowflier, @iansw0rld
love you guyyyyys! 🌟
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johannesviii · 4 months
When did you start watching infinity train?
Ok, so. Let me break down the timeline.
February 1st, 2024: My friends' cine-club decides to watch all of Infinity Train. We watch Book 1. I'm in love. I immediately download it to show it to my s.o. I think about it from time to time for a week. Hell yeah, what a cool, nice, normal interest that won't spiral out of control
February 8th, 2024: Cine club again. We watch Infinity Train Book 2. I have kind of a visceral reaction to MT at first because it feels like watching 14 year-old me, and not in a pleasant way. But I really get into the story halfway through, and by the time the Tape Car happens I'm. like. screaming in chat about how cool the visuals are and how brave the metaphor is. I cry a bit. Hell yeah, what a great show and a new special interest with a normal intensity, and there's zero way it's gonna get worse
February 15th, 2024: Cine club yet again. We watch Infinity Train Book 3. I'm kind of hyped because I thought these guys were very intriguing in Book 2, and lo and behold: I fucking love these characters. I fucking love this story. It has almost every single trope that is garanteed to make me lose my mind over a story AND amazing character building AND it does incredibly brave things narratively. But also I relate to Simon way too much for my own good, for some very specific reasons (aka trauma related to 1) a toxic relationship with a friend in highschool, 2) my negligent mother, 3) and that phase where I was borderline homeless around 2007-2009 when I was about 20 y.o.) and this entire story basically holds a mirror in front of my face screaming "this is you if you picked every wrong choice in your life". It breaks my heart. It breaks my brain. How am I supposed to feel normal about this in any way
March 6th, 2024: Rewatching s2 + s3 on my own. Bad idea. Bomb countdown activates
March 7th, 2024: I need to talk about this shit. Infodumps and analysis start in a couple of discord servers. By this point we have truely reached the point of no return. Hyperfixation activates
March 12th, 2024: Full color fanart. It's too late. There's no cure. Quarantine the entire area
(and then we watched Book 4 and it was also very good but yeah)
So yeah I would like to congratulate this show for doing the impossible and destroying my brain harder than Doctor Who did all the way back in 2014
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fandom-friday · 8 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
❄️ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: New Beginnings (Corrie!Dogma x f!Reader) by @reader6898 Forbidden Masks (Kix x f!Reader) by @deejadabbles ❄️ Second Chances (Commander Wolffe x f!Reader) by @cyarbika ❄️ I Yearn, and so I Fear (Commander Wolffe x OC Kazi Ennari) by @enigmaticexplorer ❄️ Unwritten (Captain Rex x OC Mari Vontas) by @rexxdjarin ❄️ Captain's Log (Captain Rex x f!Reader) by @rexxdjarin ❄️ Invisible Barriers (Fi Skirata x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino The Clone Wars Gets a New Victim (Ahsoka Tano x OC Grim Kennet) by @chaosgod4life Even Though You're Gone, You're Still Around (Commander Bly x Aayla Secura) by super_heroine_addict (AO3) A Way Out for Two (Cad Bane x Obi-Wan Kenobi) by @feybarn ❄️ One Step at a Time by @wild-karrde Let Me Do It Right by TrickyTricky (AO3) Like Real People Do by Witless_clown (AO3) The Night Comes Down Like Heaven by @galacticgraffiti
The Bad Batch: ❄️ Same Heart (Echo x f!Reader, Fives x f!Reader) by @dumfanting ❄️ Doctor's Orders (Captain Howzer x f!Reader) by @grampsoninspace Happy Hatch Day by @eclec-tech
The Book of Boba Fett: True Rumors (Boba Fett x OC Seba) by @kimiheartblade On the Dome (Drash x Jo) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: A Murderous (and Talkative) Legacy by Dom_Avner (AO3) The Rising Darkness (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!Reader) by @marierg
Star Wars Original Series: Stars In Their Multitudes by @jedi-valjean
Batman: In Another Life (Selina Kyle x Bruce Wayne) by @dlaugh Bouncing Baby Bat by EmpressGeek (AO3) Maybe with a Shift in Planets by @sunflowersandink Apartment Policy: No Dragons Allowed by Bricksheep (AO3) The Night Shall Call Your Name (You Must Answer) by Fandom_Trash224 (AO3) "And it's Cassandra with the Steel Chair!" by destiny919 (AO3) QUARANTINED: RED ROBIN'S TIK TOK ACCOUNT by @justthatonegirl1815
Marvel/MCU: Hopeful (Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson) by @philtstone
Fire Emblem Series: Kulning (Annette Fantine Dominic x Felix Hugo Fraldarius) by @Star_on_a_Staff (AO3)
The Clone Wars: Fox-Inspired Tooka Art by @st4r-t3ars Commander by @finpews It's Commander Cody with a steel chair! by @merlyn-bane Captain Rex Art by @pinkiemme Gregor, Wolffe, and Rex Art by @comradewolfe ❄️ Captain Rex and OC Mari Vontas Art by @rexxdjarin What was I made for? by @spicyclones79s Your Bodies Seed the Stars by @aliettali ❄️ In the Meadow by @the-rain-on-kamino Jet is Doing His Best by @for-the-sake-of-color Hogsteed Concept Art by @art-of-wackylurker OC Nihlus Meets a Hogsteed by @art-of-wackylurker OC Ayyshu Family Art (Chuckles, Arni, and Nita) by @ninjigma
The Bad Batch: Tech and Omega Art by @jedizhi Crosshair Art by @melymigo The Baby Batch: Shaak Ti Meets the Bad Batch Babies by @ladykagewaki
Bloodborne: Good Hunter by @artofchinara
The Legend of Vox Machina: ❄️ "We're going to start with the Courage" by @lyaholya
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violetlunette · 4 months
Runaway Chapter 13: So Close
Summary: The Disomnia family is reunited. And yet...
Previous Chapter
Master List
Notes: *Twst spoilers for Chapter/Book 7
Lilia’s entire form trembled as he stared at the ruin scene before him, his mind trying to process what happened.
Sebek was sprawled out on the ground, unconscious, with his arms torn to pieces and bleeding badly. Malleus and Silver were missing. No, they fell. They fell off a cliff after the blade--
“No. No, no, no, no!”
‘I can’t believe this is happening.’ This was all his fault, so why was he the only one left standing?
He went to Sebek first, as the teen was closest.
Sebek was still unconscious and appeared to have a minor head wound and some broken bones. He was pale and bleeding as well.
Lilia instantly worked to apply first aid to his student, tearing apart his clothing and Sebek’s to create gauze.
‘He lost a lot of blood, so he’ll need a hospital right away,’ he thought. Once he was patched, Lilia gathered the young man in his arms—an awkward sight, to say the least—and walked to the cliff’s edge to find the others.
A sharp breath sliced through his throat as he took in a new sight.
“No… Malleus!” Malleus lay atop Silver, bleeding heavily from the sword wound in his back. The prince covered Silver, so Lilia couldn’t even see him.
Lilia jumped down, calling Malleus’ name several times. Once at the two’s side, Lilia set Sebek to the side to focus on his ward.
“No, no… Fuck! This isn’t happening!” Lilia wailed as he pressed his palms on the open wound in the dragon’s back. “After the hell I went through for you to hatch... There’s no way in hell you’re dying!” He clenched his eyes shut as he desperately searched his body for any remainder of magic inside him—anything at all. Eventually, he found some, but he couldn’t be sure if it was enough. Even so…
Lilia focused what remained of his magic into the injury, calling upon some of his life force when that wasn’t enough. Anything to save Malleus.
Despite Lilia’s best efforts, the wound didn’t heal all the way. However, some color returned to Malleus’ skin, so Lilia allowed himself some relief for the moment. He gave a hollow chuckle.
“Heh. You said you wished you had never met Silver, and yet...” Silver! Oh, no!
Removing Malleus as swiftly—and gently—as he could, Lilia frantically looked at the form of his son. The sight turned the fae to ice.
“Silver! No, no!” Lilia cupped the boy’s face in his hand and called out to him. There was no response.
Lilia’s body quaked as tears flowed from him, along with his remaining hope.
“Silver…” All his strength vanished, and Lilia collapsed onto Silver’s body, broken and sobbing.
Lilia awoke with a start, his heart in his throat as he stared at the ceiling.
‘Where—’ then he remembered. He was at STYX headquarters.
Lilia wasn’t sure when STYX had found them. He vaguely recalled soldiers running around trying to separate them—and getting their asses handed to them for their efforts but the bat-fae who was in fight mode. Lilia couldn’t recall what he was thinking or feeling except the fear of losing something.
However, one soldier manged to get through to Lilia by pointing out his boys needed healing. That thought got Lilia regain his senses.
Once at the STYX HQ, Malleus and Sebek were taken to the infirmary while Silver was quarantined, which is where the two of them were now.
Lilia swung his legs out of bed and walked to the containment pod, which resembled a glass coffin in Lilia’s eyes. Apparently the unit was to cleanse the blot energy and help stabilize him.
Inside the tube, he was wearing a breathing mask as Silver wasn’t breathing on his own, and while they patched the wound on his chest, they were still worried about the damage. Thankfully, it started to heal as the blot energy started to vanish. Even so, they had no idea about the lasting side effects as of yet, so it was too soon to relax.
Lilia heaved a heavy breath as he dropped his head forward.
They attempted to separate Lilia from Silver, but Lilia fought like a bat out of hell. Perhaps it was irrational, but after what he went through to get Silver back, he wasn’t letting the teen out of his sight anytime soon.
His breath fogged the glass as he muttered, “So close, and yet...” His lips pressed into a thin line as his fingers curled against the glass.
He wanted to hold Silver’s hand, just as he did when the boy was ill as a child. Lilia would admit it, but it was for himself as much as it was for Silver. It allowed Lilia to feel like he was doing something. That he was somehow anchoring Silver to the land of the living, to him. He couldn’t even do that now.
Lilia closed his eyes and pulled himself away.
‘I shouldn’t be so silly.’ He folded his arms, brushing against the needle there.
For his part, Lilia mainly received treatment for dehydration and fatigue after weeks without rest. His palms were still burned and had black on them from the sword, but he was otherwise uninjured as Sebek and Malleus had done most of the work, something that would cause him grief at another time.
Speaking of which, Lilia asked about them.
As he thought, the damage they obtained was worse. Sebek’s arm had been so damaged that it nearly had to be amputated, and his spine had cracked during the fall. If not for STYX’s technology, which was vastly advanced, Sebek may have been paralyzed.
Malleus—thanks to Lilia and his dragon blood—was healing quickly, but they suspected there would be a scar from the stab wound due to the blot energy. Despite their injuries, they were expected to be fine.
They would all be fine, he told himself. He just had to be patient.
Lilia’s student woke up first. Naturally, the first thing he did was start bellowing and demanding to see Silver before rushing to the area. Lilia made sure to scold him for this.
“You just woke up, and on top of that, you’re still injured,” he firmly informed the other. “You’re going to have scarring, but if you keep flailing about, you’ll reopen those wounds, and you’ll lose your arm! What will you do then?” Sebek immediately turned into a puppy under Lilia’s harsh words. Lilia felt bad but held his ground. Forget about Baul, who would turn into a bawling baby once he learned what happened to his grandson; Sebek’s mother was going to tear Lilia apart for letting it happen. If the lad lost his arm on top of that, then Lilia would be joining Malenore and the others in the stars sooner than he thought.
Sebek dropped his head.
“I...I apologize, but Silver...” At this, Lilia softened. His arms fell to the side, fatigue coating his features and actions.
“...He’s still asleep,” he said, waving at the pod behind him. Sebek seemed to notice the pod for the first time. The sight turned him gray.
“He’s...in there?!” Sebek hurried over and had to be stopped from throwing himself onto the machine by Lilia. “What’s wrong?! Why is he in there? And those tubes... what are they doing to him?!” It was an admittedly terrifying sight.
The breathing mask aside, there were tubes stabbed into Silver’s arms for blood transfer and to provide nutrients, medicine, and other things. He was practically mummified in an enchanted gaze, mostly to handle the internal damage he suffered, including half his face. And on top of all that, Silver’s skin tone had taken on a grayish-blue hue. The color made Lilia feel like they were observing a corpse for a final viewing before burying him for an eternal sleep. As he thought this, Lilia cast a glance at the heart monitor, the beeping reassuring the man that his son was still alive regardless of how he looked.
Not taking his eyes from it, he answered Sebek’s inquiries.
“...Silver suffered a lot of internal damage. Including his lungs, hence the mask,” he explained. “There was also blood loss and broken bones. The pod... is for the effects of the blot.”
“But! None of the others needed such a thing, not even Malleus, who was under for a week.” Sebek pointed out, his hands flat against the glass. Lilia’s eyes fell as he held himself.
“Silver was under longer than any of them,” he mumbled. Three weeks at least, he was told. Possibly longer. “And he’s human. As a dragon, Malleus recovers faster than most people.”
“But… He’s going to be okay, right?” Sebek pressed, his face like a child looking for comfort. “He’s going to wake up.” Lilia’s smile looked drawn on, and his eyes were vacant. He couldn’t even part his lips to respond, though he desperately wanted to comfort the other. The lack of an answer made Sebek tense before his head dropped.
“That...That idiot!” he said, his voice thick with tears.
Silence fell—an odd thing when Sebek was around. However, the boy shook with emotion as he gnawed on his lower lip. Lilia knew he was only holding himself together for his sake.
“I’m going to check on Malleus,” Lilia said after a moment. Though he hated to leave Silver, he trusted Sebek, and it seemed he wanted to be alone with his brother in arms. Besides, as worried as he was for Silver, Lilia was worried for Malleus as well. “Watch over Silver for me till I get back, won’t you?” Sebek pulled himself as straight as he could.
“Of course!” Lilia couldn’t help but chuckle at his energy.
“Then I leave him to you.” He gave a wave as he turned and walked to the automatic doors, which opened and closed with ‘swshh.’
Alone, Sebek continued to stare at Silver in the pod, at a loss for words for the first time. He thought everything would be okay once they found Silver. After they talked, everything would return to normal. It never occurred to him that Silver would be injured or...
The young teen clenched a tightly wrapped fist.
“Tch! What are you doing, you idiot…” He grumbled, his body shaking as he held back tears. Then he cursed himself for insulting Silver. Yet even then, the words continued to roll off his tongue.
“I can’t believe you did this to yourself. You ran away. You abandoned us and even blotted over for what? For things that weren’t even your fault?! There’s no reason in the world to blame yourself for the actions of your ancestors! Why would you ever...” He trailed off. No, he knew exactly why Silver blamed himself, didn’t he?
“But that was because of me, wasn’t it?” Sebek let out an empty laugh as his throat tightened. His head dropped in shame. “I was the one who thoughtlessly put those thoughts into your head, didn’t I?” He closed his eyes, which were shining with tears, and was unable to look at his childhood friend.
“I always put you down, and I guess... I made you feel like you weren’t enough. You weren’t good enough to be Lilia’s son or Malleus’ guard. All because I was ashamed of my own weakness.” The last part came out bitter, and his head fell forward, hitting the glass. “And because of that, when the truth came out, you felt that all you could do was run, didn’t you?” It was his fault. It was all his fault. Had he been honest and not tore the other down every chance he could, then... Then...
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, okay?” His voice started as a whimper, then turned into a full bawl. “I’m sorry! I was jealous that you, a human, were stronger than me at sword play and could cast spells easier and more.” With a burst of energy, he pushed himself away and opened his eyes, red with tears.
“You have to wake up!” he commanded as he threw out an arm, as if directing an army. (A habit from his grandfather. “Don’t you remember our promise, our dream? We both declared that we would be Malleus’ guards together! And whether you believe it or not, you DESERVE to be his knight—maybe more than me! So! Don’t give up! Stop sleeping and wake up! Wake up!”
“...Wake up!”
Whose voice was that?
‘Sebek?’ Why would he be calling out to him? Why would anyone...
Silver sighed, dropping his head to his folded knees. He wished the world would just leave him alone. He was tired. And it was peaceful here. There was no pain and no regrets. Most of all, he couldn’t hurt anyone here. It was best to remain...
“We made a promise; remember! Wake up!” ‘A promise…?’ What was it?
What… was…
“When I grow up, I want to become a knight like my grandfather so I can protect Lord Malleus!” Silver, who was seven or eight at the time, tilted his head.
“Of course! Why else would you fight?” Silver never thought of it before. He was just doing it because his father told him to. However, he thought of everything his father and Malleus did for him. If he could do something for them, then--
“Okay!” Silver said with a firm nod. “I’ll become a knight too!”
“Ehh? You? You’re just a human!” Silver frowned stubbornly.
“So?” he huffed. “I’ll still become a knight. Then I can protect Father and Malleus.” Sebek opened his mouth to respond, then thought better of it.
Instead, he said, “Hmph! I won’t serve with just anyone! If you want to fight with me, you better stop sleeping all the time and become strong.” Silver nodded.
“Hm! I will! I’ll become strong and protect my father, Malleus, and our home!” he swore.
‘Home…’ He wanted to go home. Back to the place and people he loved. He wanted to go so badly...
His shaky legs stood, pulling the rest of him up with them. However, before he could take even a single step--
“My home is gone because of you.” Sebek turned and saw the pixie from Lilia’s memory—the one that had her home destroyed by the Silver Owls. “I can’t go back. Why should you get to go home?” Silver’s head dropped in shame.
“I…” She had a point. Why should he have a home when others lost their own because of him? How was that fair?
‘It isn’t.’ Besides, that place wasn’t his home. He had no right to that place when...
When Malleus awoke, he flinched under the bright lights above.
“Malleus! You’re awake?” Head light and spinning, he turned his head towards the voice.
“Lilia?” Lilia let out a breath, relief shaping his features as he placed a hand over his heart.
“Thank the Seven! I thought—well, that doesn’t matter.” The bat-fae reached out a hand, but seemed to think better of it and pulled back. “How do you feel?”
Malleus frowned, trying to recall everything that happened.
He recalled leaving the college with Sebek to find Lilia, and--
‘Silver.’ Silver had overblotted and turned into an empty shell of his former self, intent on self-destruction.
That was when Malleus remembered the blade. He raised a hand to the spot where a wound should have been, confused.
“How am I still alive?” he asked. This time Lilia did touch Malleus, his smile soft and fond as his fingers brushed across the dragon’s cheek.
"Thankfully, I had just enough magic to save you,” he said, relief in his airy voice. Malleus’ eyes grew in shock as he realized.
“You gave me your magic? Again?” He confirmed, his voice quiet. “Why? After everything, I said…” Lilia moved his hand to hold Malleus’.
“Because regardless of how you might feel, I still care about you,” he told his ward. “You were the one who showed me I could love. That I could grow and change. Everything I have—” His grip tightened. “--is because of you.”
Malleus was filled with emotions that were warm and soft. It nearly overwhelmed him, and he had to close his eyes as they glistened.
“Lilia…” The name came out in a trembling whisper. What should he say? Despite all his harsh words and rejection, Lilia still...
The dragon closed his eyes and parted his lips. The words that came next came on their own.
“What… What of Silver?” He wasn’t sure why, but the boy was heavy on his mind. Especially as he recalled the hollow eyes looking at him when they should have been filled with life.
Lilia appeared to shrink as he slumped forward with exhaustion and unease.
“...He’s still recovering,” he answered. The hand around Malleus’ quivered, as Lilia was barely able to hold back his emotions. Malleus knew that Lilia was doing everything he could to not cry right now. “Sebek’s with him right now.” Despite his desire to learn more, Malleus turned away.
Then, after a moment, he spoke.
“...I overheard what you said. When you were trying to save Silver,” he said. “You said you... blamed Silver?” Lilia’s shoulders sagged with shame as his expression became pained.
“…I did,” he admitted, rubbing a hand over his face. “It was odd. I mean… I loved him. Kufufu... I was fond of that little baby the moment he began wailing for attention, but also... He squeezed his eyes shut.
“I couldn’t forget where he came from. I couldn’t forget that he was the son of Malenore and Leven’s enemy. And he was the reason the knight...” He didn’t finish. “But even so, I.. I wanted to become the person Leven thought I could be. I wanted to see if I could.” The memory of Malleus’ father seemed to pain Lilia, and he had to avert his gaze. Then he laughed.
“It was easier than I thought!” he chuckled. I was too busy trying to figure out how to care for a human baby to think of those thoughts. Trying to figure out what to feed him, trying to keep him clean, and wondering why he would sleep every other hour of the day except at night when he was supposed to. Then he learned how to crawl, and I had to work over time so he wouldn’t hurt himself—you were there; it was a whirlwind.” The smile Lilia had was so fond and bright despite the clear fatigue, just as it was when Lilia played with Silver as a baby.
“Then one day, I realized that—it didn’t matter where he came from. I loved him,” he said softly. “It wasn’t long before I didn’t even think about the past anymore. Just his future.” Lilia watched Malleus closely as he said this. Malleus didn’t react, so he continued.
“...I hope, in time, you can let go of the past as well.” Malleus closed his eyes but didn’t have time to respond.
Their time together was cut short when the doctors and science personnel arrived, the guards dragging a flailing Sebek behind them. After a moment, Lilia and Malleus were informed of the situation.
“We think he’s starting to blot over again,” the scientist informed them. The two were stunned as their hearts came to a stop. Malleus could only utter a small, “Eh?” Lilia, on the other hand, was screaming.
“Again?! But why?!” he demanded, the blood leaving his body. “None of the others...” The scientist shook their head.
“We’re not sure. We’re doing what we can to prevent it, but... Lilia’s fists tightened at his side as he shook.
‘Why…?’ He was angry. He could feel his frustration burn through him like a dragon's fire and into his soul like razors. But most of all, he was scared. He didn’t understand. Why? Why was it always, always something?! Why could they just--
Lilia screamed, his throat and eyes set ablaze by grief. He nearly toppled forward as he screeched.
“Arruughh! Fuck!”
*Oh, what? Did you expect your pain to end so quickly? Nuh-uh. Not yet…
*But hey! Malleus and Lilia made up.
*I was originally going to have a dream scene with Lilia on trial, but I decided that as we’re nearing the end I should be nice to ya’ll. (Plus after my last little fake out, I don’t think anyone would have bought it.)
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hemmohaze · 6 months
The One Where They’re Quarantined Together
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June 2020
Gabriella’s been living with Luke since Los Angeles issued a shelter in place order for the entire state so he suggested instead of her commuting from Orange County from her apartment to his house everyday, just move her stuff in.
101 Dalmatians was playing as background noise for Petunia and her new cocker spaniel she adopted through a friend of Crystal. She named her Rowan. The two dogs immediately getting along the minute she brought her home.
Gabriella got up from their bed and slipped her feet in her fuzzy slippers, her feet muffling any sound as she made her way down the kitchen and making a pineapple açaí bowl she's been craving for the past 2 hours. She heard four sets of paws running towards her as she hit her leg and gave her best puppy eyes.
"You want some pineapple girlies?" She baby talked them. Their tails wagging back and forth.
Gabriella threw three individual slices of the fruit on the floor as Petunia and Rowan ate it and Petunia waddled to the couch while Rowan played with her turtle chew toy.
She heard the noise of a guitar and faint singing coming from the basement. Figuring she hasn't seen Luke in a while, she made him a glass of iced water. Whenever he’s writing music time isn’t a thing to him.
She trotted downstairs trying to muffle the sound her steps as she reached the dimly lit room, The Mac book being the only source of light in the space.
She knew about his life on the road from such a young age. He was constantly on the go and this is the first time in 5 years he's had a chance to sit back and relax. Except that's the farthest thing he was doing. Standing in the doorway he doesn’t even acknowledge her presence, way too focused on the guitar sitting on his lap and the voice memo he’s recording.
Gabriella likes to sit in the room with him sometimes whenever he's been writing and to give him some ideas or just company. It makes her feel peaceful and relaxed listening to his voice. He’s so creative and that’s something she admired about him.
She walked up to him and placed her chin on his broad shoulder. "Hey."
He turned around and looked at her, already smiling at her. "Hi."
"I got you some water." She stated as she put the glass down.
He rubbed his eyes and silently thanked her with a kiss on the lips and gesturing for her to take a seat next him.
She took a seat on the couch in the corner of the room being careful to not trip on any stray wires to sit next to him. Laying her head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her back, fingertips brushing against her exposed spine.
“You okay baby? That sounds a little too sad? Even for you.” She asked concerned.
He smiles somberly and almost looked amused. “It’s not meant to sound that sad to be completely honest with you. It’s more of a look into how seventeen year old me felt as a teenager at the time y’know thick into the music industry. I have most of the lyrics but now I needed a guitar riff for it.” He explained.
“Can I hear the full song or whatever you have?” Bianca asked softly looking at him with pleading eyes.
“Course you can baby.” He smiled at her, picking up the blue guitar.
"All this running in motion time slips by till you’re lost in your mind,” He starts until he gets to the end of what he has. Looking up from his guitar he sees faint tears in his girlfriend’s eyes, making him concerned.
“What’s wrong?? Do you not like it.” He quickly asked.
"It's so beautifully sad Lu." She laughed through a sob.
"So these are happy tears right??" He questioned unsurely.
She nodded and threw her head back in laughter.
"But 3 days from now is CALM release day! Aren’t you so excited! " She shook his shoulders excitedly.
“I’m gonna be severely underwhelmed.” He joked making Gabriella slap his chest.
“You little shit.”
Gabriella took the album release very seriously around the house as she bought a cake from Publix and noise makers in the color scheme of the album. She also delivered the noise makers to the other boys front porch’s and a little care package for them since they definitely all won’t be able to hang out as a group for a while.
She decided to be a good girlfriend and make celebratory waffles for all of the bands hard work that finally paid off. On her mind was also a celebratory blowjob for Luke, but he didn't need to know all her plans
Luke smelled waffles and groaned slightly as he pushed Petunia off his leg as she looked at him with a face that read 'I wanna murder you'
He slid on a t shirt and walked downstairs to see Gabriella listening to 'Vapor' as she cleaned the kitchen up in nothing but an oversized sweatshirt and some purple lace panties.
"I want to breathe you in like a vapor I want to be the one you remember." She sung to Rowan in her arms.
"Really? You couldn't have picked something from Youngblood to sing to her. At least thats two years instead of 5.” He laughed at her swaying the puppy who yipped at Luke to get his attention.
"Sounds Good Feels Good was the reason I became a fan so this album is special to me. Plus I went to Sounds Live Feels Live in LA with my best friend and that’s when I fell in love with you so don’t even." She defended.
“Whatever makes you happy.”
“Your voice is a blessing her puppy ears to the pop punk goodness that is Sounds Good Feels Good. I don’t think you should be treating me like this whenever I woke up extra early and made you waffles.” She pushed the plate towards him and a cup of coffee.
The band took shifts over their instagram live later that evening. First it was Ash by himself on an iPad, might add. Then Micheal and Calum, yet Micheal’s phone died before he could talk about Best Years. Now it was Luke’s turn.
Gabriella sat curled in a fluffy blanket on their shared bed rewatching Vampire Diaries while Luke attempted to join Calum on his livestream. He finally got it to work after 2 minutes of Calum struggling.
“How old are you Cal? 90?” Gabriella joked as soon as Luke joined Calum, the two yelling in excitement of seeing each other.
“Did Ella just call me old?” Calum’s laughter rang through the phone.
“Sure did dude.”
Luke shook his head slightly, reading the comments of people calling his girlfriend funny and asking where she is.
“Lemme give the children what they want.” He sighed in fake annoyance turning the phone to Gabriella who waved her hand with a smile. “Hi you guys!”
“What are you drinking, wait lemme guess.” Calum asked as he saw Luke’s tequila cup when he turned the phone back around.
“Ahhh tewqulia.”
“We ran outta beer so second best option here.”
“Bit of naughty water.” Luke said in a weird english accent that made Gabriella chuckle slightly.
At some point during their segment they started talking about cake flavors instead of the album tracks.
“How do you not like red velvet cake??” Calum asked in pure confusion.
“Well, it’s not the fact I don’t like it. I mean- you don’t go to a birthday party and they sing happy birthday and then they cut the cake, you’re like ‘eh red velvet cant wait to eat this one.’
Sometime during that conversation Gabriella ended up falling asleep. Luke gathered Petunia and Rowan so they could go potty before they slept anywhere near their room or in Rowan’s case on the bed since she always finds some way to sleep on Gabriella.
“Ella.” He whispered shaking her shoulder slightly. “How did you fall asleep that fast?”
“The sound of your annoying voice lulled me to sleep.” She laughed slightly.
The two laid together later cuddled up watching some random rom com but it was mostly background noise as they were heavily making out. Gabriella pulled on his lap as he took in her appearance. Black ribbed tank top and some blue silk shorts she got in some sale at La Perla a couple years ago.
Luke pulled back slightly and leaned his forehead on hers. “I think I heard something about a blowjob earlier this morning. I think I deserve one now that the album’s officially out.”
“Hm maybe you do for all your late nights and hard work.”
She quietly tied her hair up before moving down and kissing his waistband of his shorts, inflecting a groan from him. She pulled his dick from his basketball shorts as her eyes widened in excitement. Nothing compared when she got to suck him off.
“Shit.” He cursed when he felt her tongue kitten lick his tip.
She spit in her hand and slowly jerked him off. She slipped him as far as she could go and jerked the rest she couldn’t in her freshly manicured hands.
“Your mouth is so good.” He groaned as she made a choking noise.
She knew he was close by the way he was basically whining for her mouth as she widened her green eyes more making her look innocent as ever as spit covered her chin.
“Fuck, open your mouth.” He quickly said.
She obeyed as she stuck out her tongue waiting for his release, she felt it coat her mouth and some on her chest. Gabriella stuck out her tounge proudly displaying nothing.
“Good girl.”
He pulled his shorts back up his legs and grabbed a tissue, cleaning his release up off her chest.
Her hair clung to her sweaty neck due to the heat of the room as she had a dazed out look in her eyes.
“You okay??” Luke questioned noticing her dazed and confused look.
She nodded and climbed on top of him and laid her head on his chest.
“Happy album release,” She smirked grabbing a yellow noise maker from the bedside table and blowing it into his ear making him flinch.
“Jesus Christ.”
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I feel like we should take time to remember the amazing masterpiece that is Frank's drawing he did for the quarantine coloring book.
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This should be hanging in the Louvre.
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unseemingowl · 10 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
@all-inmoderation tagged me. I haven't done one of these in ages, so this was fun. Thank you .D
Star Sign(s): Libra (don't ask me about rising and all that stuff, I know nothing about Astrology)
Favorite Holidays: Christmas, I love the cosiness.
Last Meal: Fries from the new kebab place around the corner. Had a craving, but they were sadly a bit underwhelming. Nothing more disappointing food item than underwhelming fries.
Current Favorite Musician: Been listening to a lot of Alabama Shakes this weekend. The intro to Sound and Color is just sooo fucking good.
Last Music Listened To: The spotify playlist called Indie Rock Club, which turned out to be all of the music I listened to in my late teens and early twenties. Ripped me right back to that time. Wild.
Last Movie Watched: Wow, Piggy was the last movie I watched, I really need to have a new years resolution to watch more movies. Piggy is fucking excellent though. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Go watch it.
Last TV Show Watched: I'm in the middle of rewatching Babylon Berlin in order to watch season 4 and 5. All doom and glitter and the party and depravity that never ends, and Charlotte and Gereon are such engaging and complicated lead characters. Still love it.
Also watching season 2 of World on Fire, which is a fine show, though not nearly as good. But it does have Jonah Hauer King in it though, and I am a simple woman, let me watch that man having an existential crisis and I'm THERE. He looks SO handsome when he doesn't know what's going on, lol.
Last Book/Fic Finished: I've been struck hard by project moving, so I've mostly been listening to Agatha Christie audiobooks. The last time I moved, I moved into a single room, and by the time I moved was living in the apartment by myself along with all the new stuff I've acquired. It's been hellish. So cosy mysteries it is.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: I was reading a biography on Robert the Bruce that I abandoned once project moving started up and I stopped having the bandwidth for anything too complicated.
Currently Reading: Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro, excellent so far, which is not surprising, since I've loved all of his books that I've read.
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: Waltzing in the 19th century.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: The buck wild hour long quarantine era chats with the Nabrina crowd in the discord.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: CAOS I guess? The Nabrina fandom is still one of the least toxic ones I've ever been in, at least the little corner that I was in.
I'm counting on a Batcat fandom resurgence once the next Battinson movie comes out in like 500 years (sob!)
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Oh so many things. Fandom culture is brutal these days because people are moving on so fast. Like the Little Mermaid came out this spring and it seems mostly dead already. Or perhaps people are just in other places that tumblr?
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: Everything? Lol. Between trying to paint my new flat and christmas and some family stuff going on it feels like I don't have time for anything at all right now. Including the self-indulgent smut fic that I'm writing for the Little Mermaid at the moment. But that smut fic is my happy place at the moment, so I must persist!
tagging @robertdeniroimdb @bugsysiegels @raxiesrot @gothamsgaygirlgang @imaginejolls @deadgirlsupremacy @sweet-reverie along with anyone else who'd like to have a go
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gardenerian · 5 months
tag game! tag game! it's time for a tag game! ty @heymacy @energievie @deedala @mmmichyyy @sxltburn for the tags ❤️ i smooch you all!
name: mel
age: wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?
your time zone: edt babey
what do you do for work? suffer academia
do you have any pets? sebastian, the dumbest of all dumb baby cats
what first drew you to this fandom? i watched the show off and on while it was airing, then gave up after a while. rewatched the entire thing juuuust before the pandemic after i saw a video clip here on the tumbles. i dipped my toe into the fandom then, but once quarantine really started my brain was all in! and i met the loves of my entire life - it's been the best thing!
are you a morning person or a night owl? hoot hoot
what are your hobbies? mmmm! niche history things, writing, readin books, Consuming Media aklsfh, walks and being outside, goofing around with my pals
how tall are you? 5'3 🤏🏻
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? west of ireland
favorite color? some days it's blue, some days it's green
favorite book? *knocks on your door* hello, do you have a moment to talk about how to build a boat by elaine feeney and how it was SNUBBED by the booker prize committee?
favorite movie? the royal tenenbaums orrr bright star ✨
favorite fic? restoration 🛠
favorite musical artist: petey, future islands, baby queen
what is your average screen time so far this week? i refuse to look at this lmao
what's the first app you open in the morning? depending on the day, it's email (everybody say booooo) or discord (everybody say yaaaaaaay)
how long have you been on tumblr? oh my god lol FOURTEEN YEARS i will die here 😇
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: my due date was april 26 but i said fuck that and arrived in february and i remain convinced that this dictates my entire personality I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SPRING BABY 😤
feelin tag shy but if you are reading this i am tagging you! if you want! i love you!
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awsugar · 2 years
What’s the qcb caption thing?
the quarantine coloring book is a project gerard did with sara from youth code during the pandemic and the caption written for franks drawing is devastating not only because it is devastating, but because it is so STARKLY different from even ray or MIKEYS....his fucking brother. it makes me genuinely insane to this day
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and for reference:
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and this is btw not to say at all that gerard doesnt love them beccause he obvuously fucking does lmao its just an observation that when you read franks youre like just liek now what the FUCK is that all about.....
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cactuseri · 1 month
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saw this and wanted to make my own post real quick bc i’ve gotten some questions abt my art before & now that i feel a bit more secure in my style i thought i’d give a few tips to anyone who wanted that :)
first i have to address how the submission is phrased: i'm sorry & i know no one wants to hear this but “keep practicing” is not a platitude that is always going to be the best advice 😭 the real question is:
how do you make practice fun?
1. challenge yourself in a way you find enjoyable/fulfilling :)
i liked doing things like art prompts from inktobers, and to draw comics of the stories i wrote, but mostly the answer for me was “set random number goal, meet random number goal, inject the validation from completed goal directly into my bloodstream, repeat.”
i worked on things kind of systematically, which just made my brain happy; i spent one summer when i was 14 doing nothing but drawing 10 full bodies a day, all with references of course. did the same throughout the fall with hands, then eyes, then expressions, then clothes, etc etc. it always had to be 10 diff angles and positions.
i did a repeat of this 10-drawings-of-10-angles rule throughout quarantine in 2020. failed all my online classes cuz i was drawing 6-10 hours every day and ignoring my homework but still passed the year in the end 💀 i got the idea from yumeii-art; it's been over 7 years since, so idk if i remember right, but she had given a similar rule of thumb as a response to someone's question about drawing without a reference, i think.
is this the Best path? probably not, idk. and it definitely lead to awkward phases where i was much better at drawing bodies than faces, for example — but it worked for me. i liked breaking things down like that, it felt more manageable.
the other number goal was. in 9th grade i saw this post:
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and i was like. y’know what? yeah. i keep feeling bad abt my art, how about i put that feeling on pause until after i’ve filled 14 sketch book. i hope this user knows i owe all my achievements to the phrase “fill 14 sketch book” powering me through years of depression and art block.
so i did fill 14 sketch book!
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i met that goal between ages 14 and 19. obv this doesnt include the doodles on my homework, on other random surfaces, or the ~150 digital artworks i’d done in that time, so maybe it was more like 16 sketch book? but that doesnt matter, i had 14 labeled & organized sketchbooks that were full, and i did feel better about my art by then. this was my anime training montage. this was 90% of my improvement. this was the best art advice i’d ever gotten.
so i guess what made art the most fun to me was numbers? which sounds lame but i guess since i’m competitive & love competing against myself the most, it just worked for me.
comparisons, with 2016 on the left and 2020 on the right:
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(the new sketches are still rough and lack some detail ofc but i have terrible ADHD and always found it hard to sit down and keep working on a sketch once it was “done enough” — for some reason i dont rlly have the same impatience with digital art & have less of a problem completing pieces on my ipad now) (the point is. 14 sketch book level complete. 1000% worth it)
then my 2021-2024 improvement, when i had bought my own ipad and again spent most days drawing instead of doing my schoolwork (i.. did end up failing that first year of uni):
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2. try out different mediums aimlessly!
what i mean is just go ham with some charcoal or whatever you have on hand, without the determination to Make It Good. i can’t say if this helped my actual art get better but what it did do was keep the joy of it alive & i had fun which lead to more practice & therefore improvement. color pencils weirdly were my favorite. hell, my school had us do a project with linoleum printing (is that how u spell it idk) and it gave me months’ worth of art inspo.
i also recently got a gift card for a stationery store and got some nice markers and those also gave me a ton of motivation. markers r good
3. if u do digital art, find ur fave brush; it will be ur familiar ur trusted companion ur lover in a past life
for lineart i mostly use the IGB office pack, favorite ballpoint. you’ll have to buy & download it online tho i think it was like $7? but yea it was worth it. (i did a lot of work with the gesinski ink brush in past years but i think it’s a bit too “sharp” now)
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but also go crazy try them all it’s fun!
4. in my opinion it’s fine to do redraws of ur fave artist’s work now and then — as long as u keep it to urself and dont take credit for it
i’ve had ppl ask to use my art as a ref and my answer is always Not Sure Why You’d Want To Bc It’s Not All That, But Yes Of Course. as u can see most of my 2021 work was redrawing panels of the “gangsta.” manga; it didn’t even end up influencing my style much, my style was already based on all the manga shit i drew at 13, but it was the only thing i was motivated enough to draw at the time, and it was valuable practice.
art teachers still stress that the best reference is to draw from life & yeah thats true maybe but idc sometimes ur just not feeling that! so mix it up, whatever works. obviously respect it if an artist says not to reference their work and don’t only reference ur art from one artist but generally i think it’s harmless.
especially when there’s a specific thing an artist does very well that’s hard to find other examples of; personally i was fighting for my life trying to find how to best translate references of dynamic movement into art of dynamic movement. and i think the bnha mangaka does this wonderfully so i often referenced thise action panels as practice. and i think it helped loosen up my art style. (and… i was extremely ridiculously mentally ill about hawks so that…. contributed…. my fave ask to date is still the person who clocked hawks as my old fave character based purely on how i draw eyes 😭😭)
tracing is a diff conversation and my advice there is it is not actually helpful and it's. idk it feels very Against Artist Code. sometimes, and i havent done it in a couple years, but if a piece REALLY isnt working i've done the thing where u trace the general movement of a pose then go from there but i've never posted completed works where i used that method bc it felt wrong. but yeah that's a separate thing that i don't wanna go too deep into
5. another fun thing that motivated me to practice was doing speedpaints!
if you draw on procreate, it's probably set up automatically already. i don't have the storage to record everything, but when i do have it on, the knowledge that i'll have a speedpaint of the finished piece pushes me to put the last necessary touches on it. (if you'd like to see some of my speedpaints i have a few on my instagram)
some more technical advice:
1. flip your canvas flip your canvas flip your goddamn canvas i KNOW it hurts i KNOW it’s like ripping off a bandaid that’s superglued to ur skin i know but YOU HAVE TO FLIP YOUR CANVAS
(when i didn’t have an ipad i’d do this by taking a picture of the drawing on my phone and flipping the image in the photo app)
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like it's the BEST and honestly often the ONLY way you're going to catch things that were off/out of proportion/etc. flipping your canvas gives your brain a "new eye" and it's invaluable.
2. until you have color theory figured out…. i honestly depend on adding layers and setting them to color dodge, divide, multiply, overlay, etc…. i am cheating, perhaps, but it works
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3. this is how i draw front-facing noses because it's what a czech woman in an extremely bad mood taught me in a cramped overheated stuffy classroom in germany when i was 12
it was our only meeting but she changed my life. i do not know how common this method is but it's possibly the only thing i can concretely give you a tutorial for. after a few times you won't need to do step 1 anymore
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anddd i think that's all the advice i have that wouldn't be a repeat of every other art advice thing you've seen. i do know it boils down to "keep practicing" but again you won't get around that, and i just hope that concretely showing what's motivated me might help motivate someone else.
as an ending note, please take this sentence that motivated me just as much as the 14 sketch book rule: (via graveweaver, author of the webtoon "i'm the grim reaper")
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higgsbison · 2 years
Any recommendations for a Post-Discworld Reading order? Y'know, if you spent quarantine reading/rereading/rererereading every Discworld book in order and now every other work of literature is bouncing off your now-smooth brain? Asking for a friend.
(PS this, uh, friend of mine tried reading Gaiman and Pratchett's other non-disc books, and so far has only found Good Omens enjoyable)
god I wish there was smth that rly matched it, all the internet recs I saw are just goofy parody shit that I'm not interested it
I guess for this sort of layered british humor I'd suggest you try Jeeves&Wooster series by Wodehouse and Three men series by Jerome Klapka Jerome, Hitchhikers guide for the sci-fi version (tbh Color of Magic felt like Pterry was trying to make a fantasy HHGTTG if that means anything) and for that humor/humanism/social commentary combo I'd suggest Don Camillo series by Giovannino Guareschi
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