#the ponies are all g2s
ladywaterfall · 1 year
it's spring, and I want to see it in the world of my childhood toy ponies.
the ponies are enjoying the first rays of sun. the winter is always so dark here. the ponies, just like me, take a few moments to just feel the spring sun on our faces.
three ponies are gathered. two of them are the birthday themed ones I got for my own birthday one year - they celebrate each day like birthdays. the excitedly tell me about the spring masquerade ball at the castle later today. the third pony there - dark pink and adorned with a moon and stars - is quietly listening. I know her, of course. I know she secretly is a thief who goes to the royal balls in disguise to steal precious gemstones, and she is planning her heist for today. I know she is, because I made her so. of course, I say nothing; her role is to bring some excitement.
I join them to the ball. before entering, I visit the castle garden, where I spot the unicorn with the dark red hair, tinkering with her latest invention. she often tries to mix her mechanic inventions with magic, to varying degrees of success.
in another corner further back, I see her. she has marker stains and scratches, or scars of her adventures, let's say. because she always grew into a villain. the others don't know yet, but she is plotting to betray them right now, and will soon leave for the mountains, where she will unleash evil magic. there will be fights and daring heroism and discoveries of magical artifacts deep in the secret parts of the ancient castles.
I smile, turn around, and walk into the castle. a playful jester pony hands me a masquerade mask. I know she will have her role to play, and will be granted the title of princess after this adventure. she will have to face a great quest first, though.
the ballroom is filled with beautiful decorations of suns and spring flowers, the daylight filling the room through the windows, stretching all the way up to the ceiling. the Queen enters, and everyone falls silent, waiting for her to welcome them, to welcome spring.
I smile. the adventure is about to start.
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lupusanghren · 9 months
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Lost in the sauce
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black-salt-cage · 2 months
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Day 12 for profiction-edits profic party! ✧. ┊ Prompt: A headcanon that is basically canon in your mind Answer: Leopold "Butters" Stotch is a massive fan of the My Little Pony franchise ☽ - ✰ - ☾ ☽ - ✰ - ☾ ☽ - ✰ - ☾
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quantomeno · 8 days
I was watching Peace Petal's video on what might happen with MLP G6 (you should watch it, it's good).
Because I mostly agree with points raised, I want to instead focus on the fact that I find it rather funny that fans get up in arms at the idea of a new gen where the character names and colour schemes etc are re-used but with new personalities, with the argument that "that's not XYZ, they're changing the character etc"
Funny because I felt like that when I first saw g4. I was so upset to see Rainbow Dash was no longer the elegant and stylish mare she used to be, and how Pinkie went from being the voice of reason to essentially the opposite. And so on and so on.
But I happened to watch g4 in 2013 and I liked it and then I came to love it. The realisation that helped was the fact that Hasbro recycles characters all the time. It's most notable in g4, partly because the show had so many named characters while in g3 most repeated names would've been toy-exclusive and so you didn't explore their personality as much. It's a weird concept, since I can't think of many series that do this. Shows/toylines often either reboot the series with almost exactly the same characters (e.g. transformers has had the same Optimus Prime every time), or they start from scratch.
This is also why I don't feel too bad about Monster high's changes to the characters between generations. They're mostly using the names and stylistic elements to act as a springboard for a new series.
A similar thing could even be said about bionicle's g2. OK I'm finding a lot of examples, but these are all the ones I can really think of right now.
I do agree with Peace Petal that it would be wiser to distance itself completely from g4 and thus use inspiration from characters that aren't the mane 6, but if they do re-use Rainbow Dash's name for the third time (or Applejack for the forth) and make her a completely different pony, I really would not care. They're not the same character; it's not the same universe. They just happen to share a name and design influences.
But yes, the key thing is it needs to be a complete separation from g4. g5 was quite an outlier by retaining ties to the previous gen and I think that missed the opportunity for a fresh start, a blank slate with none of the complicated lore that had built up and complete freedom to do as they pleased.
I also really want them to bring back Wysteria. She could be the Rainbow Dash (g4) equivalent and I would not be mad I just want my first pony to get speaking roles and toys.
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heckyeahponyscans · 1 year
at this point I want Hasbro to retroactively make a G2 Minty toy so she's officially in every generation (even if G1 Minty is teeeechnically a different character)
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sachikohitsujiyama · 2 years
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Oh hello there, it’s G2 ponies redesigns!
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ponyaday · 2 years
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12/8/22 - Sky Skimmer
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shout out to 90s pipp petals
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ashleyfableblack · 2 years
Ahriman hands this to me and says "She loves chasing wives and relaxing on the dudes" and now I can't unsee it. 😄😁😄
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fakirchan · 2 years
in mlp g1, ponies used to exist alongside and play with humans like Megan, but obviously later generations ditched this entirely. Logically, i do understand that the generations are pretty much entirely separate from each other; basically different branches of the same series. But I like to imagine maybe they do have something to do with each other?
Gen 1 saw humans with earth, pegasi and unicorn ponies.
Gen 2 with no humans - I think this Gen also only really had earth ponies ? I know there were some unicorns here and there but I don't remember any pegasi ?
Gen 3 saw all ponies again but they had no idea of each other in most cases and lived separately (unicornia, butterfly island)
Gen 4 again sees all ponies, and then some, still no humans, but all ponies can live together now or stay in their respective "place" (like cloudsdale but I don't recall there ever being a special unicorn place...besides like.... schools... and that's not the same).
So maybe there were humans in gen 1, the original, then something happened that separated them or maybe all the people just went away. Maybe when that happened the different species were divided and we see the effect of this in gen 2, if I'm right about the species maybe they were divided among themselves as well (or maybe there was some event that just did away with humans and half the pony population entirely). Gen 3 sees all species, not co existing in some cases but alive, while some ponies do meet other species and become friends and live among each other peacefully and with great curiosity. Finally in gen 4, the pony population has recovered from the Great No Humans Event and all live amongst each other once more, humans being such a distant memory in their history that they no longer even remember that they once existed as peaceful friends
But yeah.
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azurascottage · 2 years
My Little Pony g2 being unpopular is my villain origin story
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ladywaterfall · 6 months
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Easter ponies my beloveds 💕🐣
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meirimerens · 2 years
U saw this right? https://www.tumblr.com/phantomspiders/707930399950700544
i hadn't and now i have... feeling some kind of things...
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otteroflore · 29 days
*clenches fist* when you cant respond to a comment on your art because it would seem to hostile but you have Issues with it
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thesepreciousgems · 7 months
Working on a more official tags page, and I'm realizing man I need to post more of g2 don't I.
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heckyeahponyscans · 2 years
What are some problems you've found in both the G2s of MLP & TF that you might think would come down to Hasbro still having been fairly new at making media that wasn't toys at the times of their making?
Well, G2 MLP didn't have any media. Except the UK and French comic books. Overall I don't think the comic books had any influence on G2's success or failure; if a kid already liked MLP they would enjoy them, but they weren't going to pull new kids to the brand.
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G2 Transformers are just G1 Transformers with bright 90s color schemes as far as I know. Hasbro was trying to zhuzh them up and make them feel ~NEW~ to draw in a new and more 'rad' crop of kids. I don't know how successful the line was, but I do like some of their crazy color schemes. I have a jet who looks like a cardigan sock.
As far as media goes, Hasbro took the G1 TF cartoon and added a bunch of CGI transitions which they called "the cybernetic space cube." I've never met anyone who liked the CGI, it's very distracting.
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It also had a comic book in the mid-90s. I'm not sure about the sales numbers, but in a fandom sense it was influential because this was the only source of new canon material at the time and because it was "adult". Not really adult, but what teenagers think is adult, lol. Edgy and grimdark. Since a lot of the kids of the 80s were now teens of the 90s, I imagine this was very gratifying. Like "SEE?! Transformers aren't just for kids, MOM!"
A group of UK based TF fanfic writers drew from these comics for inspiration, and when the comic book series finally ended, the final issue actually plugged this group. Very unusual to see in a canon publication! IIRC, one of the members of this UK fanfiction group was . . . James Roberts! Who years later would go on to be the writer of IDW Comic's popular Transformers comic, "More Than Meets The Eye". I would guess that this history helped James Roberts land the IDW job. (Although being a TF fan was not a prerequisite for writing TF comics for IDW.) And if that's the case, the G2 TF comic had a HUGE influence on the franchise, albeit indirectly.
However, MTMTE is nothing like G2 Transformers in tone. (Aside from having some body horror, I guess.) I listened to a podcast where James Roberts talked about how much DC's comedic 80s comic, "Justice League International" influenced him.
I guess this got pretty far afield from the original question, but it was a bit hard to answer because at the time Hasbro didn't really make their own media and ultimately I think the success or failure those lines were first and foremost about the toys. Like, I don't think G2 My Little Pony would have been a smash hit in the US if it had had a TV show. Sometimes a toy company puts forth a product and kids are just like: "NO."
Transformers fans, please forgive me if I got any details wrong, I was going from memory, ha ha.
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