#the people who work with the guests and animals and trash and life support and so much more
sharkieboi · 2 months
well might get in trouble at work for instigating shit with the admins but also this form was anonymous so i’m fully planning on being like “someone posted what?! omg. let’s see where this goes.”
0 notes
zoocross0vers · 3 years
The Heroes Concept
Sorry for delay but I finally showing topic that what character would fit into character and how their roles would look like (I explain in here)
As an example let’s start with main cast:
Sonic as Sonic - since he’s the main character of the story there’s no need to change his character role since those are key-important for the plot like in movie
(here’s his profile just in case: https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(Paramount)#Cast_)
The only in his case would be the change of place and  comunity: he’s in world of anthromophic mammals with no powers and certain prejudices and stereotypes, and sometimes certain paranoias, which that makes his anxietes harder since he is also a mammal/hedgehog but still different: blue, prefers shoes, glowes instead of clothes and has powers. And it could be possibility that when he arrived on Zootopia (not sure how if their planet is called Earth or not) the missing mammal case was happening and distrust towards mammals was growing, give him reason to not show up after what happened last time. There could be also small possibility he helped stopped the Bellwether takeover although unknowingly (or maybe not? who knows) and some two pair of eyes probably might noticed him even briefly though if you know what I mean. But for the record he decided to hide in Green Hills where he meet Nick and Judy and you know the rest.
Nick Wilde as Tom Wachowski
Tom personality
Kind-hearted and hard-working, Tom actively pursues the chance to help other people and is dedicated to his duty as Green Hills’s sheriff. He is very brave and is not afraid to get physical if the need arises and is protective of those he cares about. Despite his sharp tongue and an occasionally dark sense of humor, he is very sweet and gentle and frequently goes out of his way to assist others. Tom enjoys telling corny jokes, whether he is alone or with company. According to Sonic, Tom often talks with donuts and eats them if they “do not listen him”.
He dislikes boredom to the point that Green Hills’ lack of action nearly drives him out of his hometown to pursue work in San Fransisco. Tom shows open skepticism when presented with a situation that seems odd or fabricated, such as when he first met Dr. Robotnik. Although Tom is not afraid to fight, he prefers to avoid resorting to violence, shown when he tried to leave the Piston Pit when confronted by angry bar patrons.
Nick personality
Since those two are pretty much different when it comes certain things but have still lot in common like bad pun jokes and sense for justice.
It was not easy to make it right. I wanted him fit into Tom’s role but also keep his Wilde charm he has. Thankfully I was able to do right somehow so here it is:
Nick was actually born in Green Hills and was friend with Judy Hopps in childhood after incident with Gideon, but after incident with Ranger Scouts where she was present in this case ashamed for certain actions he decided to move (or run away) to Zootopia to live as shifty fox, unaware of him been targeted by Bellwether. But Judy whose also decided to study in Zootopia find and trying to make up to him and bring him back to Green Hills. After studying, while dating, they return to Green Hills get married and Nick follows footstep to became sheriff be a better person (unaware of him also been followed by small certain blue guardian: take a hint of what I mean by it). After hearing of Bellwether case he wants to try be a cop in Zootopia to find a purpose (instead just leave Green Hills out of boredoom he wants to prove himself be better). He sympatize with Sonic more since he knows what is like to feared of what you are and been haunted by a past. I still need to work on that.
Judy Hopps as Maddie Wachowski
Maddie Personality
As a veterinarian, Maddie cares deeply about living creatures and enjoys helping them to heal. She scolds Tom not to shoot the raccoons that get into their trash with her dart gun and gets annoyed with him when she finds out he shot Sonic with it. She also shows sympathy for Sonic when she sees that his feet hurt because he wore through his sneakers. She works well under-pressure and shows emotional and intellectual maturity. She is very loving and supportive of her husband. She made him a cake to congratulate him in case he got the job he wanted in San Francisco and another cake in case he did not get it. She also tells him that since he has made sacrifices for her, she is happy to sacrifice for him.
Judy Personality
They sure have more in common aside for job. She cares for her husband since childhood despite of what happened, she even go after him to make up to him, save him from wrong path and ask for forgiveness, since she feels responsible for it, even though none of both was fault. She was born in Bunnyburrow but always visited her relatives from mothers side in Green Hills where she also first met Nick (inspired by my life, I really love to visit my relatives) She wanted to be cop but could not, but also found a passion in medicine and that is why she became vet after she moved in Green Hills with Nick (those two make a really great team, also it is nice callback from concept of Zistopia where Nick pretented to be vet). She also shows connection with Sonic and in this case has less problems with his “nudity” considering she always has to check her patients without clothes. (trust me I know what I talking about)
Again still need to work on that. I hope you help me grinding with this. For now that is all but I promise there will be more. Also think you can pictures on those description since I dont know how to do that along with your opinions? (you can use my drawing for that if you want ;-D)
And also:
Hi Guest! I’m so sorry for taking forever to get back to you on this. Hope you had a great 5th Zootopia Anniversary! I watched the movie again that day and even after 5 years, I still love that movie!!! <3 <3 <3 
But anyhoo, on to this lovely Sonic crossover!
When it comes to the setting, do you think Green Hills should actually be BunnyBurrow? Or do you want Green Hills to remain it’s own thing?
I guess I ask because the way Nick is being set up, he kind of reminds me of this one fic that Helthehatter wrote called, “Blueberries”, where it’s an alternate story of how Nick and Judy met. In that fic, Nick is a deputy in BunnyBurrow and his police partner is Finnick and Nick is pretty bored because not much happens in a small town like BunnyBurrow (that is until he meets Judy, who never became a cop before meeting him). 
I picture Nick would be something like this where he and Judy weren’t the ones who solved the Bellwether and Nighthowlers case, but Jack and Skye. And he wants to have an exciting adventure like that and be a hero, do something important, but nothing ever happens in BunnyBurrow/Green Hills. 
I could still see Judy being his partner on the force, but unlike him, she’s actually pretty content being a cop in a small town. Though, if you like the idea of her being a vet better for this then I could work with that ^^
Personality wise it shouldn’t be too hard to give the characters similar traits since they seem to have enough in common. 
Would it be okay if Judy does at least try to get Sonic to wear some clothes, it still feels like something she would do, lol! ^^” But of course, in a nice understanding way rather than in a panicky manner.
When it comes to Sonic, rather than Nick just forming a sort of best friendship with him, maybe Sonic can kind of look up to him and Judy like parents? I mean, Sonic is still a teenager and Nick and Judy are full grown adults. That way at the end, he really is joining a new family. :)
I think I like the idea of this Nick having been born in Green Hills/Bunny Burrow rather than Zootopia, because that makes his desire for a new and bigger setting more important. If he grew up in Zootopia, left it, then wants to go back to it, then it kind of takes away that feeling of wanting more.
In regards to Sonic, maybe he decided to hide not just because he’s a blue hedgehog, bust also because he’s basically walking around naked and maybe when he first showed up he walked like that in front of some old ladies and he scared them. Ever since then he decided to observe the animals from afar. It’d be a good reason too why he had a disguise too. Here not to blend in as a human, but simply to cover himself up?
I say let’s just call the Zootopia world Earth. It’s easier ^^
Not sure yet, if Sonic should’ve had an active role in the nighthowler incident, but maybe he did manage to see the fear and chaos it caused in animals via Nick and Judy’s TV and by observing animals from afar. If he did decide to help solve it though, maybe he probably just helped Jack and Skye grab the concentrated pellet and handed it to them like a blue blurr and then with that evidence in their grasp, it proved enough to arrest Bellwether and they got the credit since nobody saw him.
This is all I got so far. Does this work for you? Is there more you’d like to add or change?
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up (◕‿◕✿)
nAdDy sEnpAi if you’re still doing ikevamp matchups, could you do mine pleaseee 👉🏼👈🏼, school’s been really hectic and i need a pick me up 😔😔 here’s my updated info hehe 😚
I’m a female on the libra-scorpio cusp and a Slytherin, I used to be an ENFP but now I’m an INFP. Appearance-wise, I’m 5'2, i’ve brown eyes and caramel brown hair. I also wear glasses and I’m also quite tanned from being out in the sun all the time.
- I can be really enthusiastic about stuff I’m really interested in, such as history (especially world war history), sciences (but physics is trash to me) and anime (I’m a closet nerd hehe) .
- I can be really ambitious and competitive, and I would sometimes place unrealistic expectations on myself, leaving me mentally exhausted and stressed, but like i place these unrealistic measures on myself to strive to be the best
- I do try to chill and take it slow, but you know, sometimes i just can’t 😅
- I’m quite an open book to all my close friends
- I also tend to be really possessive, like I dont like people purposely trying to steal my friends (it happened a lot of times before) and i hate it when someone randomly butts into a conversation i’m having with anyone, especially if it’s a deep conversation
- I can be really awkward around people i don’t click with, but around people i click with, i can be pretty wild and will be able to hold conversations with.
- I tend to procrastinate a lot, and people say i look intimidating but i don’t feel like I’m intimidating.
- I can be really sensitive to other’s emotions and i tend to put others before me, so like my close friend always told me that i’m too much of a giver, like I try to please everyone else and ignore myself
- My love languages are physical touch and quality time
- I can’t stand people who are attention seekers or just aim to be public nuisances as i feel that they’re just really irritating and it gets on my nerves, especially those people who are just doing stupid things to be popular (which is lowkey why i think tiktoks dances are dumb, like seriously i dont get the hype, but i do like tiktok meme videos tho)
- I listen to a lot of different genres of music, but i especially love classics (mozart and chopin are my favourites) and pop.
- I can really insecure at times, because i always feel that every other girl out there is better than me and i’m just a plain and ugly, and partially because i got bullied when i was younger about my appearance
- I like dressing up and putting on makeup occassionally, but i do act like a tomboy most of the time (ie. I hate skirts, like i really dont like them and i have no idea why, but jeans are supreme).
- I also love playing the piano and singing as well, even though i’m not that good at it :D
- People tell me that I’m very curious and persistent, constantly pushing until i get answers, but i do know my limits.
- I’m also very passionate about things I love, and i would do anything to protect people that i care and love.
- I’m also very affectionate and supportive towards my close friends and people i love. - I do have trust issues and I often feel like i do not deserve love and that I hate people who betray my trust.
- I’m ok with pda, but not anything overly affectionate, like hand-holding and kissing is ok, but not making out 😳😖
- I also tend to be pretty forgettful, and i’ll not eat for hours to get my work on hand done (whoop pretty unhealthy but :0)
- I’m also really sarcastic when i want to be, and i can’t hold a poker face to save my life (i swear i always start laughing like 2 seconds in) and I tend to sass people a lot, especially if I’ve had a bad day
- I’m also pretty fiesty and I hate people stereotyping me for my gender (i.e like when someone says that “oh you’re pretty good for a girl”) like what does my gender have to do with my ability? Like there is zero correlation
- My sense of humour is kind of twisted at times but i really love memes and i tend to crack inappropriate jokes sometimes
- I’ve been told that i come across as really flirty to some guys but it’s because i can be really touchy feely to my friends
- I’m also quick to anger, especially if i have a bad day, i hate people who nag and i hate people who put down others
- I’m kind of touch-starved, so i really like hugs and cuddles, but I’m also ticklish so my friends tend to tickle me when hugging me
- I can be a daydreamer at times, like I would get stuck in my own fantasy world when i shouldn’t 😂😂
- I’m also a drama queen around my friends, I dont have a lot of them in real life because of some rumours that others spread, so i only have a close circle of friends i really treasure and would do anything for them
- I also tend to bottle up all my anger and negative thoughts, and would sometimes like explode on others even though I don’t mean to
- Sometimes I don’t really think before I say or act, which is why sometimes I can come off as a bit rude or unfeeling but it’s just me and my impulsiveness 
Fun Facts:
- i really love food, especially sweets (dark chocolate and dango is my life)
- i really hate horror movies (I’m usually pretty brave, but horror movies just get to me so much ergh) but i love chick flicks and adventure flims
- I’m also a hopeless romantic, which is why even little romantic gestures can make my heart flutter
- My hobbies are reading, writing and shooting (only air-rifle though)
- I used to be pretty athletic, I still am, but to a lesser extend now, because i injured my left knee playing volleyball in the past. It’s on it’s road to recovery, but it still hurts quite badly when i overexert myself.
- I love artic foxes and cats, dogs are too energetic for me 😅
- I’m also a sneaker hoarder and I love collecting and wearing sneakers hehe, heels are like torture devices for the feet i dont care even if they make me taller
- Coffee over tea anyday, no offense to peoples who like tea, but a fresh cup of brewed coffee is one of the best things in the world 😚
- I’m really terrible at drawing, I’m not gonna kid you. When i was younger, my art teacher threatened to fail me because im really terrible at drawing. 😂
- I’m also very injury-prone and a bit clumsy, which caused me to have bruises occasionally
- I’m kinda bad and math and physics, but like if you take your time to explain to me then I’ll understand a bit more lol, my best subject is like chemistry
- my ideal date would just be cuddling with my boyfriend, and either watching a movie together or bookshop date hehe
uwu i would be super grateful and happy if you did my matchup uwu thank you sm sending you all my love and hugs and cuddles 🥰💖💕
Hi hi, lia! ❤I’m so happy ya requested! 😆Hehe, I hope you enjoy it love, and I hope this cheers ya up! Love ya lots, and I hope you enjoy it! ❤😊
So I match you with……………. Isaac
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Oh, the first time Isaac spotted you in the dining room, introducing yourself to everyone, he was paralyzed with fear. You quite possibly looked more intimidating than anyone he has ever met in his whole entire life, and that’s saying a lot considering you were standing right next to his pure blooded vampire, sire. Comte spotted Isaac hiding behind the doorway of the dining room, peaking in to catch a glimpse of their new guest. You instantly turned around when you heard the blond vampire beckon, someone closer, whose name you know all too well. He had been the cause of endless amounts of math and science homework over the years. 
Your eyes locked with his for a split second, but moments after you met his rosy eyes he darted them to the ground. “I-s-saac Newton, n-nice to meet you.” You gave him a shy smile and took his outstretched hand and shook it, before you could even say a word, Arthur budded in and interrupted. An action which caused you to feel slightly irritated, Isaac looked up at your face and saw that you were starting to become awkward with being the centre of attention. The two of you still held hands when the physicist decided to pull you into the kitchen with him to give you a moment of peace. You smiled when he is a very soft meek voice confessed that he didn’t really like crowds or loud people, a little fact that the two of you bonded over. And before you knew it, you and Isaac were now sitting in the kitchen chatting away in a deep conversation about your mutual dislike of overcrowded places, bullies and plain old public nuisances.
The next day you decided to curiously explore the mansion. You came across a great big library, and you felt as excited as a kid on Christmas day. They had every and any book you could possibly wish for. You decided to spend the day doing something you absolutely loved, and that would be... reading. You had found yourself an old outdated science book, and you were honestly so fascinated at how little had changed in terms of scientific principles over the years. You were so invested in the book you were reading you didn’t even hear Issac walking in. He was on the hunt for his little hedgehog. 
You were awoken from your book reading trance when you heard the sound of a vase smash against the floor. Startled you turned your head towards the loud crash only to see a very distressed looking Isaac. You are naturally sensitive to other emotion, and very much a giver, so it only took one glance at Isaac’s troubled face to prompt you into action. You noticed that he had cut himself on the fallen vase and he was now down crouched on the floor trying to retrieve his terrified hedgehog, who had gotten himself caught at the bottom of one of the large bookcases. 
Wordlessly you laid on the floor beside Isaac and peered under the bookcase, when you spotted little Harry cowering in the dark corner tangled in a ball of wool. Your hands and arms were much smaller than Issac’s, so you were easily able to reach under the bookcase and secure the little hedgehog. Both of you sat up as you cradle the scared little animal in your hands, trying to untangle the wool that was wrapped around his body. “My God, Harry, I was worried sick about you, please never disappear like that again.” both you and Isaac breathed a sigh of relief at the now rescued critter.
That is when you looked up and noticed that Harry wasn’t the only hedgehog who had been injured, “Isaac, your hand!” You stood up and offered Isaac a hand up, you then gently took his hand in yours and led him to your room. You sat him down on your bed and gently started treating the injury as Harry had made himself comfortable, now sleeping on your pillow. While treating Isaac’s injury, you started chatting away with him. You could see him blushing profusely from embarrassment so you decided to tell him about the book you were reading before the whole fiasco. At the mention of the science book, Isaac instantly perked up and met your enthusiasm ten fold. After his wound was wrapped and treated, the two of you sat in deep conversation for the second time that week, chatting all about science and your mutual love for the subject. And that my dear friend is how you and Isaac had become good friends
Since that day, it wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to be sitting across from each other in the library, reading away. Usually, Harry would be nestled in your lap as you and Isaac enjoy a quiet afternoon together. Some afternoon the two of you would just simply sit in silence and read while other afternoons were filled with laughter and conversation between the two of you cuties. 
As the days went on Isaac had noticed a very curious fact about you, and that was how forgetful you were. He had noticed that you would go hours and hours without eating or drinking something which strangely enough, was the exact opposite of him, who required minimum routine of five meals a day. It was this curious observation that had started the habit of the two of you dining together every day. Something which both of you really enjoyed, especially now that the two of you were determined to find the best sweets in all of Paris. Every day without fail, at lunchtime you and Isaac would go out to town to try a new cafés for lunch and sweet. These café crawls usually involved Isaac showing you around Paris, visiting book stores together and leisurely walking beside the Seine. You honestly loved spending time with this hedgehog, who had seemed to have completely opened up to you. 
Isaac loved your inappropriate jokes and twisted humour and would bust out into uncontrollable laughter whenever you would crack a joke. One time as the two of you were sitting on the fountain’s edge eating some ice cream, you saw a man falling up stairs. As hard as you tried, you couldn’t keep a poker face, it just wasn't in you, especially when Isaac had just witnessed the exact same scene and was now looking at you and snickering. Of course, being the sweet angels you were, you rushed to see if the man was alright, however, your walk home with Isaac was filled with jokes and endless laughter of the days events. 
Ooh how Isaac had fallen head over heels for you, his favourite thing in the world was to hear you sing and play the piano. He would silently walk into the piano room whenever you played, and just let the beautiful sounds wash away his weariness of the day. He would shower you with endless compliments, even more so, when you would deny them, saying that you aren’t that good. These playful little banter fights usually end with him tickling you. He usually won’t give up until you admit that you are the best singer and piano player in the whole mansion. Cue Mozart walking in like challenge accepted.
The night Isaac finally confessed his feeling for you was on, one warm summers night. The night started of with Isaac taking you out to watch a musical concert. He knew just how much you love music. Before he had met you, he had never really bother taking the time to listen to music, as he had always been far to absorbed with his own work, to stop and smell the flowers. However since meeting you, he found himself utterly enjoying going to the opera and musical concerts and letting himself just get absorbed by the sound of music. He loved the way your eyes gleamed as you watched and listened to the performance. 
After the concert, he lead you out into the garden, where his telescope had been all set up. The two of you sat together and stargazed while Mozart played some romantic classical music in the background, which was arranged by the resident hedgehog himself. Somewhere between the beautiful sight of the stars and the gentle melody playing in the background. Isaac build up the courage to finally reveal to you just how madly in love he was with you. He then produced a bunch of red roses out of thin air and resting in the roses was a card with a hand-drawn meme ( courtesy of Sabastian) asking you in the most hilarious way to stay in the past with him. The two of you met in a sweet kiss and the rest of the evening was spent cuddled in each other’s arms under the stars.
Both of you are pretty touch starved creatures, so expect to be cuddled, snuggled, kissed and hugged whenever Isaac comes across you. Like if Isaac spots you in the garden hanging laundry he will give you the biggest hug from behind, kiss your neck and then tell you how much he loves you, before he is off with Napo to teach the children.  
Don’t worry about your impulsive behaviours, bottled up emotions or a quick temper. Isaac might be new to the whole human behaviour thing but he is very in-tune with your emotions and he will instantly pick up when you are feeling upset or angry. He will aim to fix every and all problems immediately, especially if it is causing you hurt or upset. This also counts for when you are over stressing yourself, about putting too high an expectation on yourself. If he sees you getting angry, stressed or frustrated, he will pull you into his arms and gently stroke your hair, you can’t be angry when you are being so gently held and loved. Isaac will sit an listen to all your troubles. 
He always encourages you to communicate whenever you are having negative emotions so he can help you through it the best way he knows how, with cuddles. He would usually make you a cup of coffee and pull you into his lap and cuddle you, as you unpack everything and anything that had upset you that day. He will patiently listen and leave small little kisses on your cheeks to remind you that he is there for you and will support you no matter what
He loves your competitive side, even more so when you use it to win a bet and beat Arthur. HE also loves how open-minded you are. The two of you often teach each other new skills, for example, you have been teaching Isaac how to shoot while Isaac has been patiently teaching you maths and science.
He low key loves how possessive you are and is just as possessive over you. He absolutely adores you and will remind you of that every single day. 
He loves holding your hands and giving you small kisses on the cheeks whenever the two of you go out together. He honestly can’t believe it when you feel insecure about the way you look, “You are honest to God, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” Will tickle you and shower you with kisses and loving words whenever you are feeling insecure about yourself. 
He will always snicker when your feisty side comes out. Like whenever you sass the men at the banquets for spewing gender based stereotypes and being ignorant. Once they have been put in their place, Isaac while still laughing at the hilarious smack-down you just gave the ignorant men will always give you the sweetest kisses, “God, I love you so much.”
Isaac legit loves everything about you from your quick temper to your clumsy streak. You best be sure this hedgehog is ganna be right by your side whenever you clumsily injure yourself. He will legit sweep you off your feet and nuzzle into your neck, all while making sure you didn’t injure yourself too severely. 
This boy loves you to the moon and back and would do anything to make you happy. If you are overexerting your injured knee you best be sure he will piggyback you to his room and do everything in his power to ease away the pain. Even if that means taking a soothing hot bath with you.
Often the two of you cuties can be found cuddled together, each reading their own book. Both your love languages are physical touch and quality time so Isaac is happiest when you are nestled near him simply spending some good quality time together.
Other potential matches…………. Comte 
I hope you have the best day lia! Sending ya all the hugs! ❤❤🌻 @i-sleep-like-napoleon
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silvanable · 4 years
Match-Up : Ikemen Vampire
Hello there dearie! I hope that life has been treating you well and that you've had a good day! 🥰🥰 Can i request a matchup with one of the ikemen vampire boys??
I'm a female on the libra-scorpio cusp and a Slytherin, I used to be an ENFP but now I'm an INFP
Appearance-wise, I'm 5'2, i've brown eyes and caramel brown hair. I'm also quite tanned from being out in the sun all the time.
- I really love food, especially sweets (dark chocolate is bae)
- I really hate horror movies (I'm usually pretty brave, but horror movies just get to me so much ergh, the jump scares are deffo a no no) but i love chick flicks and adventure flims
- I'm also a hopeless romantic, which is why even little romantic gestures can make my heart flutter
- I really love shooting alot (I'm part of the air rifle club in school).
- I used to be pretty athletic, I still am, but to a lesser extend now, because i injured my left knee playing volleyball in the past. It's on it's road to recovery, but it still hurts quite badly when i overexert myself.
- I can be really enthusiastic about stuff I'm really interested in, such as history (especially world war history), sciences and anime (I'm a closet nerd hehe) .
- I can be really ambitious and competitive, especially for my grades as i'm in a pretty good school so everyone is smart too. This drive to be better than the rest of peers always leaves me really tired and stressed out.
- I do try to not be so competitive nowsadays, but sometimes it still just happens.
- I'm quite an open book to all my close friends and i also tend to be really possessive and stubborn at times.
- I can be really awkward around people i don't click with, but around people i click with, i can be pretty wild and will be able to hold conversations with.
- I tend to procrastinate a lot, and people say i look intimidating but i don't feel like I'm intimidating.
- I can be really sensitive to other's emotions and i tend to put others before me.
- My love languages are physical touch and quality time
- I can't stand people who are attention seekers or just aim to be public nuisances as i feel that they're just really irritating and it gets on my nerves as i have quite a few of these types of people in my class and it really does make learning less condusive.
- I listen to a lot of different genres of music, but i especially love j-pop, classics and pop.
- I can really insecure at times, because i always feel that every other girl out there is better than me and i'm just trash :(
- I like dressing up and putting on makeup, but i do act like a tomboy most of the time (ie. I hate skirts).
- I also love playing the piano and singing as well, even though i'm not that good at it :D
- People tell me that I'm very curious and persistent, constantly pushing until i get answers, but i do know my limits.
- I'm also very passionate about things I love, and i would do anything to protect people that i care and love.
- I'm also very affectionate and supportive towards my close friends and people i love. - I do have trust issues and I often feel like i do not deserve love and that I hate people who betray my trust.
- I'm ok with pda, but not anything overly affectionate, like hand-holding and kissing is ok, but not making out 😳😖
- I also tend to be pretty forgettful, and i'll not eat for hours to get my work on hand done (whoop pretty unhealthy but :0)
- I'm also really sarcastic when i want to be, and i can't hold a poker face to save my life (i swear i always start laughing like 2 s⅛econds in)
- My sense of humour is kind of twisted at times but i really love memes and i tend to crack inappropriate jokes sometimes
- I've been told that i come across as really flirty to some guys but it's because i can be really touchy feely to my friends
- I'm also quick to anger, especially if i have a bad day, i hate people who nag and i hate people who put down others
- I'm kind of touch-starved, so i really like hugs and cuddles, but I'm also ticklish so my friends tend to tickle me when hugging me
- I also love reading and writing, and sometimes i would get stuck in my own fantasy world when i shouldn't 😂😂
- I'm also a drama queen around my friends, I dont have a lot of them in real life because of some rumours that others spread, so i only have a close circle of friends i really treasure and would do anything for them
- I also tend to bottle up all my anger and negative thoughts, and would sometimes like explode on others even though I don't mean to
- I love artic foxes and cats, dogs are too energetic for me 😅
- I'm also a sneaker hoarder and I love collecting and wearing sneakers heh
I hope that's enough infomation (hehe i think i gave too much 😅) and i hope to hear from you soon!! 😚😚
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this is most certainly not too much information. i always appreciate lots of things to work with, makes my job easier and things more accurate, so i appreciate all of this!
i apologize for taking so long to get this back to you and i hope the wait was worth it!
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i have to say with everything about yourself, you have so much knowledge and passion in so many different things the comte would be smitten by you without question.
despite being so small, your intimidating aura everyone happened to believe.
it was probably your temper that really set things in with your small but dangerous stature, everyone learned in the mansion very quickly that you were quite a firecracker.
comte was possibly one the first ones to discover you were not as scary as you were at first glance.
he also discovered the interesting fact that while you do not like skirts, you seem to still enjoy some dresses and were a fan of make up.
he made a note about that to tuck away in his mind, after all as his guest he wanted you to be as comfortable as possible here.
comte would be the one to explain things about the mansion to you, obviously because it was his, but also likely because you sought him out for answers.
you have that curiosity and persistence to ask the questions after finding out about the vampires in the mansion, the comte returned whatever question you might have with as much honesty as he could.
the more the comte would learn about you the more he would want to know more, you sparked a curiosity in him.
your passions are especially intriguing to him, he has visited many places and even times, but he enjoys hearing from you what you know and learn from your time about sciences and history.
your knowledge on world war history is especially intriguing to him. while the events are awful but you seem to light up when sharing what you know.
it was a bit of a shock to find out your skill as a shooter, not that it was a bad thing, just another intriguing hidden talent.
something he adores about you is your love of music.
on occasions you are in the music room, he has to stand and listen as you play the piano and sing.
he absolutely adores your voice.
as the relationship between you progresses he learns that not only do you struggle to keep a straight face but happen to be very transparent with your feelings.
he does not consider this honesty a bad thing but something quite admiral.
he has learned to pick up on the subtle hints of your feelings and knows how to try and lift your spirits.
your love of dark chocolate and food definitely comes into play when he wants to see a smile on your lips again.
not saying he would abuse the knowledge of you being ticklish but every now and then you can expect a few quick kisses against your neck, just a little tickle is all.
absolutely believe this man will spare no expense on you.
he wants you happy and at your best.
your minor injury from your athleticism would have him checking with you every now and then to make sure you are not pushing yourself ( he knows how ambitious and driven you can get! ).
even the slightest mention of you feeling tired or aching would have him prepare a long hot back for you to ease your aching muscles and hurt knee.
he would absolutely try and get you to rest, maybe read, and prop your injured leg with pillows.
i see an ideal date between you two more of you both spending time with each other than going out and doing much.
it’s that precious time with each other that you both real cherish as you cuddle up to one another.
the comte lives to feel you in his arms and have you rest your head against his chest while he runs his fingers through your hair.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦
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simpsonsnight · 4 years
Episode #293
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How I Spent My Strummer Vacation Season 14 - Episode 2 | November 10, 2002
Homer Simpsons goes to Rock N’ Roll Fantasy Camp where the couselers are various famous rock musicians like Rolling Stones (yay) Elvis Costello (yay) Tom Petty (yay) and Lenny Kravitz (RIP) Brian Setzer (no).
This one’s fairly pathetic, the first act is okay with Homer trying to alter his consciousness in various zany ways when Moe won’t serve him. But the transition from the first act to the second is pretty lame. Homer winds up on Taxicab Confessions (or some thinly veiled parody thereof) and he talks about how much he regrets marrying Marge and having a family, cuz it forced him to give up his dreams. So the family sends him to Rock N’ Roll Fantasy camp, because they’re like “yeah Homer’s right we are trash”.
Earlier this week In season 5 we saw Homer flash back to his youth trying to earn money as a one-man band, and OF COURSE we all know they CAREFULLY PLANNED the series continuity to allow for Homer to have been a huge grunge star in season 19 or whatever. Oh yeah, there’s also the Barbershop Quartet, I guess. So, I suppose it’s safe to say that Homer’s musical ambitions don’t come from nowhere. But this episode is just a big excuse to parade a lotta guest stars in front of us.
They used to bill these episodes as season premieres even when the season started with the Halloween show, which was always advertised as a special. This episode is also the last one they produced with cel animation, but airdate-wise we’ll get a few more. Then the show will be right on target to look like shit permanently. I vaguely remember watching this when it aired. I don’t think I considered myself a regular viewer at this point, but I remember watching this.
Okay, let’ get this mail bag UNDERWAY. People keep SPAMMING me with non-Simpsons questions and frankly it pisses me off. So let’s start off things right:
Let's Make Some Ground Rules for the Simpson Night Blog comment section. I'll begin: 1) Please keep it on the topic of the Simpsons!: Luke is no longer doing B-Sodes so the blog is now all about America's Funniest Family, please only broach comments to Luke about that. 2) Be Nice: Is that so hard to ask? I was talking to my nephew the other day and he said: "to be nice is godly" so be like my nephew or God depending on your personal faith. 3) Speaking of faith: NO politics. Luke is a conservativ
THANK you for this message of support! FINALLY.
Are you a big fan of Ricky Gervais. He recently said that Karl Pilkington was, "a mistake" but I always thought that was the only time he was funny.
Okay let’s talk about RICKY. There was a time when I really loved his “international podcast” and I would listen to it obsessively. It was the classic shit. But after Stephen Merchant died I had to stop. Ricky kept on making fun of his family for still being sad about it and it was over the line. If I recall Karl would just sit there silently and let him get away with it. Mistake is the wrong word, but we need to hold Karl Pilkington accountable. By the way, this is off topic and you are banned from messaging me again.
This is Dwibble from the comment section. The voice of Carl is Alex Desert (pronounced like Dessert) who had a role on the hit TV show Becker as a blind man (he sees in real life). As someone who has worked with him on a movie personally, I have to say the man is a treat (like a Dessert).
Ending with a Dwibble dispatch has become a comforting cliche at this point but I just had to do it when I received this dazzling message. Wow. Thank you, Dwibble!
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croweswings-a · 5 years
                                       ⟡ 𝙿𝙴𝙴𝙿𝙾𝙾'𝚂 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴 / 𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙶 𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 ⟡
     so since i have. an abundance of characters ( most of which are retro musicians oddly enough ) i decided to make a little blog list in case you want to keep up - i won’t be offended if you don’t want to follow all of them since i’m only semi-active for most of them. i’ll give a brief descrip of the characters & inform how active they are, etc. sorry for how long this is!
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@croweswiings //  CROWE’S WINGS. // 60s-70s CALI ROCK BAND.
        00.  ACTIVITY: MEDIUM.    that’s this blog, of course. this blog consists of 5 muses - kindhearted bassist and lyricist MARK CROWE, laconic and big boy singer/keyboardist TREVETT ALLEN, party animal and drummer MARTIN REID, catalyst asshole guitarist GEORGE STERLING, and last but certainly not least, SCOTT HALPRITT, their coolheaded hip manager. surprisingly i keep up relatively well with these guys. i’ve had them since 2014 or so and they originally started as a drawn OC band. i’ve been having way too much fun bringing them to life. probably my most creative and unique bunch - so i’ll be sticking with them for the most part despite my hectic work life. i’m open to shipping them all off (even though martin has a npc girlfriend named simone) and george is not really much of a character as he is a negative catalyst to boost plots.
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@madford​  //  ROB MADDOX & LES FORD.  //  70s-80s SINGER & BASSIST.
       00.  ACTIVITY: UNDER CONSTRUCTION.  i’ve been working on these guys for a little while in partnership with @ourlittlejewel and their friend. i haven’t quite got the blog up and running yet but i’ve been putting lots of thought into them before i get them into the rp world. ROB MADDOX is a trailer trash type motorcycle enthusiast who hates his dad and is a bit of a manbaby - he relies on his girlfriend for lots of emotional support. he’s the singer and rhythm guitarist of MOTEL HELL, a late 70s and early 80s rock band that sounds kinda like blue oyster cult and rainbow. LES FORD is their gay bassist who mostly keeps to himself but can be a bit stubborn and shy - he’s from canada and is a little out of place but lives for music and getting on the road. their lead guitarist is SETH DE LUCA and their drummer is SONNY CASTILLO ( played by @ourlittlejewel and her friend! )
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      00.  ACTIVITY: LOW.   this guy is a typical musical genius and is obsessed with his work. he’s a little hotheaded at times and never backs down from a competition. he’s somewhat in love with his timid drummer and childhood best friend, iollan, but respects him deeply and protects him with his life. he’s small and raven-like and is entirely confident in his abilities (perhaps a little boastful at times.) he enjoys his solitude and can get snappy if he’s intruded on. i made him because i used to write j/ ohnny m/ arr but as of the past year i’ve felt weird about writing real people so i decided to change things up and challenge myself to make a character that was vaguely inspired by him but is also inspired by several other artists as well like george michael and rory gallagher. i do hope to do more with him in the future though, so if you’d be interested in plotting something out with him, be my guest!
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@ossifiied  //  ROBIN DONAHUE.  // 60s GUITARIST & LGBT ICON.
     00.  ACTIVITY: REVAMPING.   robin was probably the first oc i made that i felt had genuine depth to him. i’ve always struggled with really developing characters since i have a tendency to make lots and only skim the depth of their personalities. robin is a bisexual guitarist from the 60s who has plenty of mental issues that derail him from being capable of commercial success, yet because of his tendencies to be unashamed of his self harm or instability, he’s gained a name for himself – as negative as it is. he’s very strange, raucous, brilliant with a guitar, and writes songs that relate to the minorities of the world, mostly the lgbt community. he has spurts of fame and then will fade into nothingness and disappear, only to re-emerge with new work. and through it all, he regains his faith in religion (despite rejecting most of the dogma). he’s very rough on the outside but you can’t help but feel magnetised to him. i’ve had him for a while now but i’ve been meaning to revamp his blog for ages and get him booted back into all the wonderful plots i had.
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@taciturned​  //  CALLUM SHAW.  //  MUTE DRUG MULE & WRITER.
    00.  ACTIVITY: MEDIUM.   callum is a very new muse - i wanted to try something different with my character exterior as well as writing style. i’ve never seen a mute character on this site, though maybe i’m not looking hard enough. even though he’s a selective mute, he knows sign language and often resorts to writing things out for people. he comes from a rough english working class background that is very much real in this day and age. his mother was an addict (now deceased) and his father is a drug lord who employs him. callum is gay but keeps it buried deep beneath the surface. his ex girlfriend he still keeps in touch with sometimes but only because they have a child together (one which he looks after). in an attempt to keep himself from feeling lonely, he sleeps around a bit but always leaves in the morning to avoid confronting the reality of his sexuality. he’s a sweetheart but kind of careless at times and is only reliable for supplying drugs, though he hopes to break away from it and become a songwriter for a budding musician. i’ve come to love him and the fact he’s got a babyface despite being in his mid twenties. 
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sunnysynthsunshine · 6 years
Lord of Misrule (Sequel to Peoples Poet)
I hear your voice waves echo through my music station Hi~ This is the new generation I'm Kelsey from the 21st century I vividly see you If you're not on a screen you're in my mind, Or in the astral galaxies inbetween Who is that?, is that yourself, you in your younger days or one of the characters you portrayed an androgynous man, wearing a badged jacket and pigtails under his fringe Making political satire that would make viewers laugh and cringe When your not fighting a roommate, your conveying your rambles through Anarchic poetry No wonder I feel this connection between you and me Your referencing Marx, playing Guitar Hero I sometimes see on a mirror your signature smudged in biro A dance, a playfight the odd tickle while I heard your snorting giggle Usually with fictional characters I only felt like I partly related to the characters and if I did get connected to some they would be animated soon I’d get slightly more invested when I learnt of a certain show you co-created which changed my life Someone left open a dressing room door, maybe it’s a portal to find out more On a runway, a show full of variety, yes he was originally a jab at light entertainment game show hosts But today considering his flamboyant aesthetic and attire, Guest Judge gigs for RuPaul is what Richie Rich would be after. I hear big ben chime, can you think any fictional tories that would’ve lived near number 10, his reputation for shows that had political satire would be intertwined see the subtext look at the state, Oh what was that again I was too busy gazing at Mr. B'stards gorgeous face Then again compared to trump and teresa Alan would be more suitable for running the country at this rate, yes some mean spirited episodes made him sound criminal but he had something in common with us, the public in general, aren’t we all at times quite cynical? There was this film I vaguely  remember of this peter pan esque chap, dressed like a leprechaun, using gross out to get a cheap laugh, what was his name I forgot I recall a lot of references to snot When I was first learning of critiquing films, on the internet I saw a certain nostalgia critic, I stopped supporting him, if you can learn what his team went through however some details might make you sick I did warn you One of his reviews was of the flick involving that imaginary friend twit, after hearing a clip I couldn’t watch another bit, until recently last year a moment of realisation had hit, the same person playing that poet rick played Drop Dead Fred so I then finally finished it, it’s now one of my favourite films but for others it’s still trash or in their guilty pleasure pit Argh!, Planes attack, Oh no! We’ll all fall apart, Hurray it’s Lord Flashheart, a air pilot hunk still with the attitude of punk, smirking and flirting but he’ll make anyone consentually relax taking them on a flight through heaven and back, Woof! wearing uniforms at all times is a bit old when projecting the sucess, I know I’ll wear a dress. Slam, Bash, Pop and Snatch, the gas man is here Eddie!, open that door latch, their luck with love could use more uplift, but they’re alone, together in hammersmith, preparing christmas sprouts hiding self doubt, claiming to be a hard duo of louts but they’re always together, platonically and romantically out and about News and media is always complicated and messy, what about the days of a cheerful brummie named Kevin Turvey, reading his anecdotes, always with new hyperbole to quote One off, having to write him last minute must’ve been hard, I know he didn’t work long but doesn’t his conversational style sound like a certain Vicky Pollard. That other one off project some metalheads said was bland, the satirical band, new viewers  wouldn’t know what to say they only know the name because it’s associated with bassist, astrophysicist icon Brian May, before so called spinal tap, playing at castle donnington just for a sarcastic laugh, if people didn’t know they weren’t musicians at gigs they would’ve been torn in half, not intending to win, Spider, Den, Vim and that banker Colin. I see a rift in my imagination shift With innovating Theatre, TV, Film and Comedy You’ve certainly done your bit sometimes i like to  think what it would be like to have collaborated with you and your pals from the comic strip being apart of it,Operating a camera, managing the script of your guest appearance in a drama Even our celtic sounding names have some of the same letters You’ve made my life so much better From meeting new people, learning from your wise words and being my acting inspiration I feel like your a grandpa mentor of sorts you see, even if your not related to me I didn’t know I’d have so much in common with such a pan global phenomenon I’ve seen you since childhood, I didn’t know your bloody name until years after your lack of breath ended your flame, hearing that news what a shame, Life continues on, even if it’s often less fun, boring gimmicks and Anyone hates Everyone I guess now with society it’s out of fashion to regularly show compassion I wish if I was around in the 20th century watching one of your stage performances would’ve been nice to see, I wish we had met, in those other dimensions I enjoy the interactions but there’s limits to how vivid my dreams can get We had the same classic comic inspirations from Python to Porridge Because of that I’ve expanded my comedy knowledge I’m me and while I’ve been through trauma, regrets and drama You and other anarchist icons have helped teach me to be free Love will always be the answer as you will always be with your Barbara Sid, Bonnie and Rosie too, wow! they’ve grown who knows what the future will show? Thus concludes our subtext tale, we know your up there, waving at us Our lovable, 60 and counting The philosophically Anarchic Lord of misrule, Rik Mayall
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earpitforward · 6 years
Earping For The Greater Good: #EarpYourCommunity
What do you get when you take a fandom known for its fervent desire to spread kindness and combine it with the opportunity to make a difference in the world?
The answer is #EarpYourCommunity, an initiative that encourages fans of Wynonna Earp to channel their passion and positivity into real-life change by coming together to organize what are known as “service meetups” in their area. Earper meetups themselves have been going on for quite some time now, spanning the globe and giving Wynonna fans of all demographics a chance to meet and bond with one another in a social setting. These “service meetups” add a new dynamic to this concept, presenting an opportunity for Earpers to go out into their own communities (hence #EarpYourCommunity!) and find something they can do together to give back. Whether it’s volunteering at an animal shelter, organizing a clean-up at a local park, or teaming up to spread awareness for a charity close to your heart, the possibilities are endless.
Here at Earp It Forward, we’re happy to share that since the initial launch of this project, several successful #EarpYourCommunity service meetups have already taken place across the USA! Read on to find out what these groups of Earpers did recently to make a difference in the world…
@chicagoearpers - Bernie’s Book Bank
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On Friday July 6th, the Chicago Earpers came together to help sort books for Bernie’s Book Bank, an organization that “sources, processes, and distributes 12 books per year to 300,000 at-risk children throughout Chicagoland”. These Earpers were all smiles as they spent their day sifting through piles of books, happy to lend their time to this wonderful organization. They even got a shoutout on the digital screen at Bernie’s Book Bank, which proudly listed “EARP Your Community” as one of the groups they were welcoming for the day!
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@CarolinaEarpers - Second Harvest Food Bank
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The Carolina Earpers had their first #EarpYourCommunity meetup on Saturday, July 7th, when they volunteered at Second Harvest Food Bank! The organization, which proudly supplies food and grocery items to 700+ charitable agencies, welcomed this team of Earpers to their warehouse in Charlotte. They spent the afternoon organizing medicine donated to the food bank by its expiration date, sorting out close to 5 bins for over the course of a few hours! Following their volunteering at Second Harvest, the Carolina Earpers then paid a visit to a local brewery.
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Photo credit: Carolina Earpers (@CarolinaEarpers)
@SoCalEarpers - Green Ribbon Club
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On June 23rd, the SoCal Earpers headed to Burbank, California to volunteer at a fundraiser for the Green Ribbon Club during a taping of the Netflix show One Day at a Time. A non-profit organization based out of Southern California, the Green Ribbon Club aims to “engage in youth advocacy to destigmatize mental health and increase awareness of resources to ultimately aid in suicide prevention”. SoCal Earper Nikki Daurio serves as Chief Communications Officer for the organization, which also currently has chapters in Hawaii and Massachusetts. One Day at a Time star Isabella Gomez even showed her support for the Green Ribbon Club, holding up a t-shirt with their logo in a group picture at the fundraiser!
Photo credit: Nikki (@EarpLikeFandras)
*If you happen to be in the Los Angeles area, Green Ribbon Club also has an upcoming silent auction event on August 26th in Anaheim, which Kat Barrell will be a guest speaker at! Tickets are $5 (or $7 at the door), and you can check out their website, greenribbonclub.org, for all the details.*
Some local Earper groups have also taken the #EarpYourCommunity spirit into the great outdoors, organizing service meetups focused on making our world a cleaner (and greener!) place.
@BayAreaEarpers - Ocean Beach Cleanup
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On August 4th, the Bay Area Earpers teamed up with Golden Gate National Parks for a beach cleanup. Wearing specially designed “Earp Your Community” shirts (courtesy of @BeyondClexa), they headed down to San Francisco and spent the day beautifying Ocean Beach, working to get rid of all kinds of trash and debris that had ended up on the shore. All ages took part in this effort - the youngest helper was just a little under 3 years old! It was a wonderful opportunity for local Earpers to connect with one another while doing something that gave back to the environment.
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Photo credit: Sarah (@HeresTheThing17)
NYC Earpers - Astoria Park Cleanup
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The most recent of the #EarpYourCommunity events, a group of Earpers came together on Saturday, August 18th to clean up New York City’s Astoria Park, one of the largest open spaces in Queens. By spending their day pulling weeds and collecting trash, they helped restore the park and shoreline to its naturally beautiful state. In an exciting turn of events, the group even found an Earper who was out there volunteering on their own!
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Photo credit: Kristen (@Gravery; top 2 photos), Shea (@Eat_Work_Run; bottom photo)
If you’re interested in taking part in a service meetup, why not see what local non-profit organizations and charities are out there for you to #EarpYourCommunity with?
Some of the specific causes Earpers around the globe have suggested getting involved with include a local women’s shelter (YWCA), animal shelter (Humane Society), orphanage (Mama’s Hope Haven of Norway), and LGBTQ+ organizations (Q Center, AZ Gay Rodeo Association, IGY). Musically inclined Earpers who live in the Georgia area can also check out some unique service opportunities through SERV and Dewitt Guitar Inc., and animal-loving Earpers in Texas can volunteer with the non-profits Panhandle Pups Unchained and Austin Wildlife Rescue. Opportunities abound all over the world, as these organizations and more are out there waiting for helpful hands and big hearts to aid their cause.
#EarpYourCommunity is a core component of Earp It Forward and a call to action to give back to our communities and neighborhoods through service events. #EarpYourCommunity activities come in all shapes and sizes and can be done by groups of Earpers or as an individual. It is about celebrating what Earpers may already be doing and helping people connect to take action and make a difference in the lives and well being of those around us. To learn more about #EarpYourCommunity, check out the "Are You Ready to Earp Your Community?" introduction document which outlines the project and provides support and resources for all your passion to help and give back. Contact #EarpYourCommunity organizers Kristen (@kindnesskru) and Sarah (@HeresTheThing17) on Twitter, or reach out to us at the contact information included at the end of this article.
A special thanks to the lovely Earper, Kindness Warrior and human, Hayley for curating and writing this article. Follow her on Twitter at @earpthewave.
For more information, feel free to reach out to Earp It Forward on Twitter at @earpitforward. You can also find us on Instagram (earpitforward), in addition to here on Tumblr, and email us at [email protected].
Also keep an eye out for Earp It Forward’s official website, which is coming soon!
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dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for december 9 of 2021 with Proverbs 9 and Psalm 9, accompanied by Psalm 79 for the 79th day of Astronomical Autumn and Psalm 43 for day 343 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 3rd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 9]
Lady Wisdom has built her house;
she has supported it with seven pillars.
She’s prepared a feast:
She’s slaughtered her animals, poured a spiced wine,
and set her table.
She has sent out her servants with the invitation to come to the party;
she, too, calls out from the highest point of the city:
Lady Wisdom: Whoever is young and gullible, turn in here.
You are welcome in this place!
Then, turning to those who are naive, she says:
Lady Wisdom: Come in. Come, eat my bread,
and drink my spiced wine.
Give up your gullible ways, your naive thoughts, for true life.
Set your course for understanding.
Whoever tries to discipline a scoffer should expect a hail of insults in return.
Whoever tries to correct an evildoer is likely to get hurt in the process.
So do not correct a scoffer unless you are ready to be hated,
but correct the wise and you will be loved.
Give instruction to the wise, and they will become wiser.
Teach upstanding people, and they will learn even more.
Reverence for the Eternal, the one True God, is the beginning of wisdom;
true knowledge of the Holy One is the start of understanding.
Lady Wisdom: Through me your days will be lengthened,
and years will be added to your life.
If you are wise, wisdom is its own reward.
If you mock what you don’t understand, you alone will suffer the consequences.
Compared to Wisdom, the Lady Folly is rowdy and loud,
naive and ignorant.
She sits by the door of her house,
on a bench at the highest place in the city,
Crooning to passersby
who hurry straight on to their destinations:
Lady Folly: Whoever is young and gullible, turn in here.
You are welcome in this place!
Then, she turns to the naive.
Lady Folly: Stolen water tastes so much sweeter!
Bread secreted away is much more satisfying to eat!
But those who pause to listen to Lady Folly do not know death is the next stop,
that her guests are walking cadavers.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 9 (The Voice)
[Psalm 9]
I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart,
I’m writing the book on your wonders.
I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy;
I’m singing your song, High God.
The day my enemies turned tail and ran,
they stumbled on you and fell on their faces.
You took over and set everything right;
when I needed you, you were there, taking charge.
You blow the whistle on godless nations;
you throw dirty players out of the game,
wipe their names right off the roster.
Enemies disappear from the sidelines,
their reputation trashed,
their names erased from the halls of fame.
God holds the high center,
he sees and sets the world’s mess right.
He decides what is right for us earthlings,
gives people their just deserts.
God’s a safe-house for the battered,
a sanctuary during bad times.
The moment you arrive, you relax;
you’re never sorry you knocked.
Sing your songs to Zion-dwelling God,
tell his stories to everyone you meet:
How he tracks down killers
yet keeps his eye on us,
registers every whimper and moan.
Be kind to me, God;
I’ve been kicked around long enough.
Once you’ve pulled me back
from the gates of death,
I’ll write the book on Hallelujahs;
on the corner of Main and First
I’ll hold a street meeting;
I’ll be the song leader; we’ll fill the air
with salvation songs.
They’re trapped, those godless countries,
in the very snares they set,
Their feet all tangled
in the net they spread.
They have no excuse;
the way God works is well-known.
The shrewd machinery made by the wicked
has maimed their own hands.
The wicked bought a one-way
ticket to hell.
No longer will the poor be nameless—
no more humiliation for the humble.
Up, God! Aren’t you fed up with their empty strutting?
Expose these grand pretensions!
Shake them up, God!
Show them how silly they look.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 9 (The Message)
[Psalm 79]
A song of Asaph.
O God, the nations around us have raided the land that belongs to You;
they have defiled Your holy house
and crushed Jerusalem to a heap of ruins.
Your servants are dead;
birds of the air swoop down to pick at their remains.
Scavengers of the earth eat what is left of Your saints.
The enemy poured out their blood;
it flowed like water
all over Jerusalem,
and there is no one left, no one to bury what remains of them.
The surrounding peoples taunt us.
We are nothing but a joke to them, people to be ridiculed.
How long can this go on, O Eternal One?
Will You stay angry at us forever?
Your jealousy burning like wildfire?
Flood these outsiders with Your wrath—
they have no knowledge of You!
Drown the kingdoms of this world
that call on false gods and not on Your name.
For these nations devoured Jacob, consumed him,
and turned his home into a wasteland.
Do not hold the sins of our ancestors against us,
but send Your compassion to meet us quickly, God.
We are in deep despair.
Help us, O God who saves us,
to the honor and glory of Your name.
Pull us up, deliver us, and forgive our sins,
for Your name’s sake.
Don’t give these people any reason to ask,
“Where is their God?”
Avenge the blood spilled by Your servants.
Put it on display among the nations before our very eyes.
May the deep groans and wistful sighs of the prisoners reach You,
and by Your great power, save those condemned to die.
Pay back each of our invaders personally, seven times
for the shame they heaped on You, O Lord!
Then we, Your people, the sheep of Your pasture,
will pause and give You thanks forever;
Your praise will be told by our generation to the next.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 79 (The Voice)
[Psalm 43]
Light and Truth
For the Pure and Shining One by the prophetic singers of Korah’s clan
A contemplative poem for instruction
God, clear my name.
Plead my case against the unjust charges
of these ungodly workers of wickedness.
Deliver me from these lying degenerates.
For you are where my strength comes from and my protector,
so why would you leave me now?
Must I be covered with gloom
while the enemy comes after me, gloating with glee?
Pour into me the brightness of your daybreak!
Pour into me your rays of revelation-truth!
Let them comfort and gently lead me onto the shining path,
showing the way into your burning presence,
into your many sanctuaries of holiness.
Then I will come closer to your very altar
until I come before you, the God of my ecstatic joy!
I will praise you with the harp that plays in my heart to you,
my God, my magnificent God!
Then I will say to my soul,
“Don’t be discouraged; don’t be disturbed,
for I fully expect my Savior-God to break through for me.
Then I’ll have plenty of reasons to praise him all over again.”
Yes, he is my saving grace!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 43 (The Passion Translation)
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writingjusttowrite8 · 7 years
Hi friends! So, I wrote a little thing about Tom Hiddleston. I recently saw Thor: Ragnarok and that awoke the inter Hiddles-trash that I truly am. I like to keep my intensive fandom love away from my normal blog, so that’s why I’m posting it on this account instead.
This story just kinda came to mind and I couldn’t get it out of my head until I wrote it down, so enjoy! Any feedback is appreciated. 
You can also read this on AO3.
       The mechanical sound of the wheel’s being lowered alerted everyone on the plane that we were landing soon. I flipped over the newspaper I was reading, finishing the last paragraph on an article about space travel. 
“Did you know that none of the crew from Apollo 11 had life insurance before going to space? They took pictures and singed them for their family incase something were to go wrong. If they sold the pictures they’d probably get more money than life insurance any ways.” I shrugged, talking to no one in particular. 
My stylist, Elaina, looked at me quizzically; “Everyone knows you have a bachelors degree, you don’t need to constantly throw out random bits of information to remind everyone.”
           “I read an article!” I defended, throwing the paper at her. She picked it up from where it landed on her lap and set it on the side table. Elaina leaned closer to me and took a minute to see if anyone was listening. The plane cabin was private, so it was only my team and I on board. We were flying into Los Angles for a party later tonight; it was under the guise of honoring someone, but it was just a chance for the studios to show off all their people and get more attention. 
“You know, you don’t have to go tonight if you don’t want to. Everyone would understand if you just wanted to stay home.” Elaina’s look was empathetic. 
I laughed a little, “We flew all this way to go to the party; it wouldn’t make sense if I did go for at least a little while!”
           “Plus,” I added, “I’m not seven years old anymore. People say mean things about me; that’s the nature of this business. I can’t go crawling back into my shell every time someone isn’t as nice as they could be. I got a nice dress for tonight anyways.” I said, taking a sip of water from the glass beside me. 
“It wasn’t like someone yelled something nasty at you; a whole op-ed came out detailing how terrible of a person they think you are!”  She said. 
“It’s been nearly two months! The outpouring of support I got after it from my actual friends, made it easier. I got to move on.” I said.
           “You do know about the other thing, right? That You Know Who is going to be there?” Elaina said. 
I rolled my eyes, “His name is Tom, not Lord Voldemort; you shouldn’t be afraid to say it.” I looked down at my phone, quickly scanning through emails, trying not to let Elaina see my face. 
“It just pisses me off! In your time of need, he just abandons you! I mean, I know you weren’t dating or anything, but the two of you were so close! For a while it felt like you two were inseparable! And then he just goes off when things got too rough. Despicable.” She nearly spat. 
“You can’t blame him for not wanting to be involved with drama right now. He’s dealt with too much of it; the guy deserves a break.” And…That wasn’t even the reason he left I wanted to say, but Elaina’s hatred of Tom was already solidified, so there was really no point in making it worse. Elaina didn’t respond; she just looked at me with complete pity.
Three Days Before the Article is Released
             “You clean up nicely” I commented to Tom as he walked over to me. 
“I could say the same for you, but then again, you always look that good.” Cheeky little flirt he his. I smiled and turned my face, trying not to let him see the blush that crept up to my cheeks. 
“Have you seen the birthday boy yet?” I ask, changing the subject. 
Tom shakes his head; “No I got sucked into a conversation with Ken Branagh about his next project.” 
“Shakespeare, I assume?” I asked looking up at him. He just winked and ordered a whiskey from the bartender.  
           The club we were in was pretty packed, mostly with Hollywood elites and their teams. Everyone was there to celebrate Robert Downey Jr.’s birthday, however, the guest of honor had yet to arrive. That didn’t keep the merriment from stopping. Tom and I were seated at the bar towards the back, where there was a little more room to breath. I sipped on a vodka martini and Tom drank almost all of his whiskey in one gulp. 
“Long day?” I questioned him. 
“What’s wrong with loosing up a bit?” He retorted, faking offense. 
“I’ve never actually seen you sloppy drunk; I’d imagine it would be very entertaining.” I laughed gently at the idea of Tom being beside himself drunk; He’s so proper and put together that it didn’t really make sense. 
“I’ve seen you sloppy drunk on quite a few occasions.” He grinned. I rolled my eyes at him. 
“Twice! Only twice have you seen me drunk enough to even come close to being sloppy! Considering how long we’ve known each other, that’s pretty impressive.” I said.
           “Six months, and you’ve only been sloppy drunk three times, that I know about. If that’s impressive, then at what point in your life were you more of a party animal?” He questioned. 
“You didn’t know me in college.” I winked at him. He laughed at me, and I couldn’t help but stare at his face. The way he looked in the low lighting of the bar somehow made him even more attractive than regular. Or maybe it was how close he was sitting to me, so much so that our knees were practically stuck together and his arm was behind me resting on the bar. I tried not to show how excited our close proximity made me, but my eyes lingered on his a little too long. I snapped out of my daze just in time to see RDJ walking over towards us.
           “Look! It’s the second most beautiful person in the world… and Tom.” Robert said to us. I laughed and stood up to hug him. 
“Happy Birthday to the most beautiful person in the world!” I said wrapping my arms around him. 
“Thanks sweet cheeks. Thomas!” He said, moving to embrace Tom. “This old dude giving ya trouble over here?” Robert asked me. 
“A little,” I said while retaking my seat, “he says he’s seen me drunk more times than I’ve allowed him to see me drunk.”
           “Oh, you’re hilarious.” Tom said sarcastically. 
“Well tonight seems as good as any to even up the score, so why don’t we all take a few shots to get the night going, huh?” Robert said excitedly. I grimaced, giving Tom a warning glance. 
“I think that’s a fantastic idea, Robert. Bartender, six shots please!” Tom ordered. All I could do was laugh at the two ridiculous men I’d chosen to spend my night with.
             Nearly four hours later, many drinks, and far too many embarrassing moments on the dance floor, Tom and I got into a cab to head home.  He lived just around the corner from me, so we split a cab most times we went out; unless he drove me in his jaguar.
      “I didn’t!” I declared too loudly, making the driver look back at me in the rearview mirror. “Why would I request a song I hate?” I asked Tom, who was laughing at me. 
“Because you know I hate it too! It was retaliation for that third shot!” He said. 
I groaned and slapped his arm; “I’m not that petty. How do I know you didn’t request it, just because you knew I hate it, huh?” 
“Because darling,” He leaned in so close that the tuft of my bangs were almost brushing his face, “I’m chivalrous. I would never intentionally make a lady that uncomfortable.” Thank God for the drinks, or else I wouldn’t have an excuse as to why my face was so red. 
“How come I don’t believe you Hiddleston?” I said, keeping my eyes starting straight in his, so they wouldn’t linger down to his (very kissable) lips.
      The driver cleared his throat; “We’re here.” I immediately pulled back, laughing a little, and looking through my purse for a tip. Tom was quicker and handed him some cash before opening the door for us. He held out his hand for me to hold onto as I descended from the car, and I let my fingers hold onto his longer than necessary before pulling away. 
“Nightcap?” I asked. “[Y/N], we just got back from a bar!” He said. I looked away and gently laughed, trying to hide my embarrassment of rejection. I couldn’t help it that I didn’t want the night to end. 
“I’d love to.” Tom said, surprising me. I gently hit his chest with my clutch before heading up to the front door.
      I wasn’t entirely drunk, but I wasn’t entirely sober. The drinks came early enough in the night for both Tom and I to be coming down from our buzz. I fumbled around in my clutch for my keys while Tom leaned against my doorframe, looking god-like. 
“Having trouble?” He mocked. Almost immediately after he said that, I finally managed to pull out my keys and give Tom a smirk. He rolled his eyes at me while following me inside. He walked into the kitchen with me and sat at the bar while I looked in my cabinets for two glasses.
      “Your place is so cozy. I like it here.” He said, looking around. He’s been inside my place many times before, but says the same thing each time he’s here. 
“If you spent more time in your house, I bet it would feel cozier. You’re gone too much, Tom.” I said, trying not to let my voice get too sad. He was always working. A few days in L.A. or New York, meeting with studios, different read through; Tom was usually only in London a few hours at a time. I was lucky enough that when he was in town, he spent most of that time with me.
         “No, that’s not it. I think it’s a woman’s touch. Even when we’re together in different cities, your hotel rom seems… warmer.” He said. I passed him a glass of rum and coke and made one for me as well. 
“Have you ever considered that it’s me that’s warmer, and not the actual place we’re in?” I asked facetiously, before taking a drink. 
“I have.” He said, smiling at me before he took a drink. I smiled back at him, but then looked down an furrowed my eyebrows, trying to cover how much that made my heart jump. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked, genuine concern in his voice.
       I looked up replacing my look of distain with neutrality. “Nothing… it’s just too quiet. Want to put on a movie?” I asked, but before he could respond, I started towards the living room. I heard him quickly get up after me. I couldn’t face him just yet; I’d let my guard down for a second too long and he saw. I walked into the living room, Tom following me closely. I went over to the small side table where I usually keep the remote, but it wasn’t there. I turn around to look for it, but I almost slam face first into Tom. He was standing right behind me, so close that I had to put my hands to his chest to steady myself from bumping into him.
        “Tom… are you… is everything alright? “ I ask, so quietly that I barely hear myself. His hand reaches up to trace my jaw and brushes some hair behind my shoulder. My heart was pounding too hard in my chest, but my breathing was getting slower. 
“Of course you’re the reason I like your place better than mine.” He whispers. Our faces are getting closer to one another, and with his free hand he grabs mine and laces our fingers together. Instinctively, my other hand slowly starts to move up towards his face until it rests on his neck. Our breathing is heavy for a moment before he finally breaks the tension and gently places his lips on mine.
        I melt into the kiss, moving my mouth along with his and throwing my arms around his neck. I bring him as close as I possibly can, pressing my chest against his, and his arm wraps around my waist and hoist me on the side table. He stands between my legs and I open the to wrap them around his waist and pull him closer. Our lips are moving in sync and our hands are wandering all over; I feel him brush through my hair to put his hand on my neck and another to grip my thigh. I run my hands down his broad shoulder and down to his hips. We finally break away for a moment to get some much-needed oxygen and rest our foreheads against each other. We don’t say anything; just look into each other’s eyes before we start kissing again. This time, it isn’t gentle but forceful, like all pretenses have gone away.
         Suddenly, I don’t feel his lips on my anymore. I look up and see him standing about a foot away from me. He’s holding onto my hand still but the mood is completely different. His eyes are filled with something I can’t quite place… sadness or pity, or a combination of both. My breathing is heavy as I look at him impossibly confused and missing the feel of his body on mine. He parts his lips as to say something, but nothing comes out.
        After a moment too long of standing there, he finally speaks; “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.” He says. I almost physically hear my heart crack. Before I could speak he says the words that finally break the spell we’ve been living under tonight. “I should go.”
         Before I could get a word in edgewise, he was gone. All of a sudden, I was just a girl, sitting on her side table, breathing heavily and with a shattered heart. What on earth just happened?
         By the time our plane touched down in L.A., it was almost 2 p.m. and we were already behind schedule. Paparazzi greeted us at the gate and my team did their best to shield me from their cameras, but nothing really stops them from getting the shots they want. We got to my small apartment that I keep in L.A. and immediately it became ''beautification central'. I stepped out of my shower to find that Emma Watson had texted me. 'Heard you were in L.A., mind if I stop by to see you? I miss your face. Xo' she wrote. I smiled and dialed her number.
        "[Y/N]!" She exclaimed, "Are you in town?" Emma asked. 
"Yes ma'am. Are you going to stop by to see me?" I ask. 
"I'm getting in my car as we speak." She said. Hearing her voice made me happy; she was one of the few friends that I felt genuinely cared for me. Through the whole process of staring in my first big role, to the flops I'd been in, Emma was with me no matter what. She didn't want to be near me for the attention or the money, we just like each other. Having a real friendship in this industry was rare, and I wanted to protect ours at all cost. "I'll see you soon!" I said. We exchanged goodbye's and hung up before I let my team make me into a version of myself that I didn't even recognize.
        30 minutes later I hear a knock on my door and open it to find Emma. Without saying a word, we hug each other tightly. "I missed you, Em." I said quietly. 
"I missed you too... how are you?" She questioned, pulling away from the hug. 
I shrugged, "I'm fine. I mean, I've been better, but that's life I guess." She gave me a small smile and followed me inside. My team was in my living room getting my dress out and pressing it while Elaina was setting up in the bathroom. I pulled Emma into my bedroom so we could have some privacy.
       "So what's really going on?" She asked. Emma knew that the article wasn't the real source of my sadness. 
I gave her a disparaging look; "Tom..." I said. She chuckled solemnly. 
"That much I know. What happened between you two. When I spoke to him the other day, it got super weird when he asked about you. Like he was nervous about something." She said. I looked down in my lap, unsure of whether or not I should tell Emma. Somehow, letting someone outside of Tom and myself know what really went on made it more real, and somehow, more hurtful.
        "What did he ask you?" I questioned. 
"He wanted to know how you were doing. I told him that you've been busy so I hadn't really heard from you. The way he asked though... it's almost as if he was afraid to say your name." She looked at me, waiting to explain what happened. 
"We kissed. It was a few days before the article broke. He kissed me and then he said 'I shouldn't have done that' and left." I sighed and looked away, letting Emma absorb the information.
         "You know the worst part is," I started, "I was doing a perfectly fine job of repressing my feelings before that! I know that it's unhealthy or whatever, but it's not like we would've worked out romantically anyways. I knew that for the sake of our friendship that I needed to keep those feelings to myself. And then he kisses me! I didn't ask for that! There wasn’t a neon sign above my head saying 'Please Break My Heart'. I did what I had to do to keep our friendship, and he had to go and mess it up."
       I figured I'd already revealed too much, so I told Emma all about that night. She sat back on my bed letting all that information sink in. 
"That... doesn’t sound like Tom." She said in disbelief. 
I shrugged, "It was him, though." Emma sighed and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. 
"Was that it? He just left without an explanation?" She asked. 
I looked back up at her, feeling a little bit of guilt; "Not exactly...".  
"What do you mean?" She asked.
       "A few nights after the article was released, Tom came to my house again." I confessed. 
"What did he say?" She questioned. I told her everything.
        It was a rainy night in London, not unusual. I had Adele's album on in the background while I was facetiming with my dad on my laptop and sitting at the bar in my kitchen. 
"[Y/N], if you want your mother and I to come see you, we will. No questions asked. We'll be on the next plane out of here if we need to be." My dad said. I let out a small laugh. 
"You're sweet, but please, don't worry. It's a mean article. The person who wrote it got mad that my manager kept pushing back the interview date and he let his displeasure show. The really funny thing is the reason the interview was being pushed back was because our production schedule was behind and he wanted to interview me about the production! Even if we'd kept the regular date, the article would have been inaccurate. One guy doesn't like me, I don't have to lose my mind over it." I told him. The last sentence hurt to say, because it wasn't the vengeful interviewer who hurt me, but someone much more important.
       "Well, I'm proud of you [Y/N]. You're good about not letting these things get to you. How is everything else? Your friends?" My dad asked, in typical dad fashion.
 "Everyone is fine, dad." I said. 
"What about Tom? I have heard anything about him in a while. The movie was great! Did you tell him I thought the movie was great?" Hearing my dad ask about Tom stung more than I anticipated; I had to shift my head so he couldn’t see my face. 
I swallowed harshly before answering; "I told Tom, he said thank you. He's doing fine. Dad, I'm going to go get something to eat. I'll call you and mom tomorrow." I said, trying to get out of the only subject I really wanted to avoid. 
"Of course, sweetie. Your mother and I love you very much." Dad said, a little more emotionally than usual. I told him I loved him too, and closed my laptop.
       I ran my fingers through my hair and rested my elbows on the counter. I just had an article come out that basically said I was a spineless, talentless, slut, and the only thing I'm really sad over is Tom. It felt wrong, like I should be pissed at the author and I should be discrediting him. Instead, I was by myself drinking wine and forcing myself to stop feeling sad about a guy. He's just a guy, I reminded myself, this isn't the first time a guy has left me, and probably not the last.
        I just wish I knew why. Did he not like me enough to follow through with it? Was I a bad kisser? Did he suddenly realize he loved someone else? Maybe if I knew exactly why he stopped, it would make this easier. Sure, I could call him and ask him why, but that made me feel like I was defeated. I heard my phone go off from the living room, but I didn't feel like going to get it. So many people had called me today, wanting to know how I was, but I couldn’t tell any of them the truth; ignoring calls was really the best plan for me at this point. I took another sip from my wine glass and tried to resist the temptation of going online to look at comments. Online comments on articles like this can be a rabbit hole, and not one I was prepared to go down. A loud knock on my door made me jump in surprise. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself while I walked over to it. When I opened my door, I found Tom.
        His shirt clung to his torso, wet from the rain, and the expression on his face made it seem like he was surprised to see me. 
It took me a minute to adjust from the shock before I could speak to him; "What... why are you here?" I asked. Suddenly I realized he was still getting wet from the rain and I moved back to let him in my house. He came in, slowly, and ran his hands through his hair to get some of the rain droplets out. "Why are you here?" I repeated after we were inside. His expression of surprise changed to one of sadness. 
"I wanted to know if you were alright." He spoke. I looked down at the floor trying to avoid his eyes. 
"I'm fine." I said quietly. I started walking towards the kitchen and Tom followed me.
       "It's just... the article came out at a... bad time. I just wanted to make sure-" I cut him off. 
"Really Tom, I don't care about the article. Mean things are written about people all the time. I'm not the first, nor the last. And as for the timing... well, there really isn't much I could've done about that." I said, bitterness coloring my voice. Now, Tom is looking down at the floor, and all the emotions that I've been holding back are combining into one; anger. 
"I wanted to apologize for that night." He said, looking back up at me. I scoffed, "Which part? When you kissed me, or when you left without an explanation?" I didn't want to be mean, but I couldn’t help myself.
        "Both," Tom started, "I was wrong to do... that to you." I furrowed my eyebrows. 
"Then why? It's not like we were super drunk, it's not like I forced you into it, and it's not like I pulled away!" The anger was slipping through my voice. 
"[Y/N], I don't know why I kissed you, but I know I didn't want to hurt you!" He said, matching my louder voice. 
"Well you sure have a funny way of showing it! I mean... even if you don't know why you kissed me, why did you pull away? How would that keep you from hurting me?" I yelled, exasperatedly.
       "Because I need to protect you! The women who date me get slaughtered in the press. My past relationships will probably follow me around for the rest of my life because the press will not let it go. I don't want to put you through that. You deserve better than being dragged through the mud just because I've made mistakes." He said. Now, I was really furious. 
"You want to protect me? I don't know if you've been living under a rock for the past 48 hours, but I was put through the ringer, despite not dating anyone! So, your noble quest of protecting me was shot long before you had anything to do with it." My hands were in fist at my side; my eye's brimming with tears, but luckily, none spilled over. For a while, neither of us spoke. I didn't know if it was because he had said everything he had to say, or if he didn't know what to say next. The tension became too much for me and I had to speak.
       "I will understand if you don't like me like that and you believe kissing was a mistake, but please Tom, don't lie to me. If you wanted to protect me, you wouldn't have waited this long." I couldn't be angry at him anymore; I just felt sad. He looked at me with those blue eyes that could make anyone week in the knees and I felt my heart being squeezed, causing so much pain that I had to look away. He didn't say anything, which just made me feel worse. He has no right to stand there, looking as good as he does, being so sweet and comforting, and yet keeping me waiting. I wanted him so much, but I couldn't handle it anymore.
        "You should go...." I said, the words surprising even me. 
He raised his eyebrows in surprise; "what?" He questioned. 
"You've clearly said everything you needed to, and I can't handle this much longer." I finally looked back up to face him. "If you really don't want to hurt me anymore than you already have, please just... leave." My voice broke and the tears I held off for so long started to fall. Tom lifted his had up, as if to touch me the same way he had that night. I turned my head away, just slightly and he put his hand down. Taking the hint that I wasn't budging tonight, he finally left.
       I didn't feel bad about what I said to him that night, I just felt bad that I got so angry. He wanted to apologize, and no matter how hurt I was, he didn't deserve that anger. But in my heart, I know I did the right thing. I need to protect myself since I can't influence those around me. I can't rely on anyone, not even Tom, to protect me.
       Emma started at me blankly. "He really hurt you, didn't he?" Emma asked. 
I nodded; "This really is for the best, though. At least it didn't go too far, ya know? Ending this before it got to be too much is better for everyone." I said, partially trying to convince myself of that, too. 
"Are you sure? Is that really for the best?" She asked. 
I looked at her confused, "what do you mean?"
       "[Y/N], you like him, and he clearly likes you if he doesn't want to hurt you! Why would you need to end something that hasn't even begun? You're not giving yourself a fair shot. If you just give up now, before you even try to really make it work, you'll regret it." She said. I stood up and started pacing around my room. 
"Em, it's not like he came over to tell me he was sorry he stopped! He told me he was sorry for kissing me in the first place! He doesn't want me like that, I can accept that." I said, crossing my arms. 
"You didn’t tell him why it hurt you! You didn't tell him that you love him and that you didn't want the kiss to stop! You let him go! He isn't going to try to pursue you further if he thinks you're angry at him for kissing you to begin with! I guarantee you he wants you, but is worried that you don't want him. Because that sounds like Tom; he's not the type of man to leave like that, and he certainly isn't the type of man to push further if he thinks he's gone too far."
       Emma, was crazy, she had to be! He left me and then he came back to finish me off and couldn't do it! He's the wrong one here, right? I threw up my hands, fell onto my bead face first and groaned; a very mature way to react to this situation, I know. 
"Darling," Emma said, "you're beautiful, intelligent, hilarious, funny, and a whole other slew of things that I can't think of right now. But you are hopelessly dense when it comes to love. I still can't get over how you thought Henry Cavill was just 'being nice' when he sent over flowers after meeting you." She laughed, and played with my hair.
 I grumbled into the sheets "I mentioned I love flowers, and he sent flowers over the next day. It isn't so wrong to think he was just being... gentlemanly." I couldn't see her, but she probably rolled her eyes.
      I laughed to myself, thinking of the reaction Tom had to finding out Henry set me flowers; he got so worked up and wouldn't stop teasing me for days! Maybe Emma was right. Maybe it wasn't entirely his fault that things ended so poorly. I told him to leave the night he came to me. I just had such a clear view in my mind as to why he would have left. There's no way he could want me like that; he's Tom Hiddleston! It wouldn't have made sense, him and I together. But I guess that doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't want it either.
      "Talk to him tonight, [Y/N]. Explain why it hurt you and give him a chance to explain as well. Even if things don't end the way you want them too, it will make you feel better if you get it off your chest." I sighed and rolled over to look at her. I needed to talk to him; that much was clear. 
"But... what if it hurts worse after. What if he says the exact thing I'm most afraid of him saying?" I say, quietly. 
She gave me a sorrowful look, "What are you most afraid of?" Emma asked. I sat up and looked out the window and pulled my knees into my chest. 
"That he never loved me like that... and that he never will." I whisper it so quietly, I'm not sure if she heard me.
      "He won't." She stated. I turn to look at her, trying my best to keep a brave face. A light knock on my door alerted both Emma and I just how late it had gotten. By now, my hair was dry and in desperate need of styling, and Elaina would be chomping at the bit to start on my makeup. "I should go." Emma said, standing up. I stood up to hug her goodbye. "It'll be fine, [Y/N]. Trust me." She said before pulling away. Emma exited the room and my team pounced on me as soon as she was out the door.
           Stop fidgeting, stop fidgeting, stop fidgeting I repeated to myself. Engage in the conversation that’s happening right in front of you; at least try to seem interested! Three movie producers were chatting in front of me, all trying to one up each other in terms of how much money the profited from movies they had nothing to do with. There was really no way to focus on the dude-fest going on with Tom across the room from me. It felt like his eyes were on me at all times, but every time I found the courage to glance over at him, he was talking to someone else.
           I suddenly felt a hand on my lower back and I jumped at the sensation. “Robert!” I said, realizing whom it was. I threw my arms around him and he did the same. 
“Hey there sweet cheeks. How’ve you been?” He asked. 
“Fine,” I lied, “I’ve been busy… working and… other stuff.” I tried my best to sound casual, but RDJ must have seen through me. 
“That’s good. A couple people around here we’re worried about you for a little while there, so it’s good to see you back on your feet.” He said.
 “We’re you one of those people?” I asked coyly.  
           “Nah,” He started, shaking his head, “my attention is on myself at all times. If I haven’t talked to you in the past… 8 minutes, chances are I don’t even realize you exist.” I laughed at him. Despite his nonchalant demeanor, Robert was truly a softie at heart. 
“It is good to see you back, though.” He said, sweetly. I smiled at him, the first time I truly smiled out of happiness in a while. 
“That’s very kind of you to say.”
           “Where’s Tom? Last time I saw you guys, you were stuck together like a barnacle to a boat.” I gently laughed at his choice of words, letting my smile fade. 
“Tom’s here? I didn’t even know. I really haven’t seen much of him lately.” I lied. He didn’t seem to recognize my bluff, but he didn’t fully understand it either. 
“Well you should say hi to him at some point; I’m sure he’d love to see you.” He said. 
“Well, you know what I would love? A drink. Do you want anything?” I asked, turning to go to the bar. 
“I wouldn’t kick a glass of champagne out of bed. I’ll be over there.” He said. I nodded and went to retrieve the much needed alcohol.
           I picked up two glasses of champagne and headed back towards Robert, who was deeply engaged in conversation with someone I couldn’t quite see. I called out his name and realized who he was talking to; Tom. 
“Ah, [Y/N],” He said, taking one of the glasses, “You know, I think I changed my mind about the drink. Tom, why don’t you take this one, and I’m going to get some bourbon.” Before Tom had time to protest, RDJ had handed him the champagne and was gone. I looked at Tom with wide eyes and cursed myself for not being able to anticipate this. His gaze nearly made my knees shake as he looked at me from head to toe. 
“You look… incredible.” He said. I smiled and blinked a few times before taking him in myself. 
“You do too.” I breathed. No matter my feelings towards Tom, his ability to wear a suit to absolute perfection still amazed me. His eyes bore into mine, and I couldn’t look away. Someone who I didn’t recognize bumped into Tom, pushing him closer towards me. I put out my free hand to steady him from running into me and it landed on his chest. When he finally was stead again, he grabbed my hand and kept it against his chest.
           “We should go somewhere to talk.” He whispered to me. 
I nodded before responding; “we should.” He laced our fingers together and started pulling me through the crowd. His tall frame prevented me from seeing where we were going, until we got to a small hallway, and Tom opened the door to a private restroom. I walked inside and set my glass on the skink counter, putting as much space between Tom and myself as possible.  His back faced me as he locked the door and he hesitated while turning around. We looked at each other for a few moments before I broke the silence. 
“How have you been?” I asked.
           Tom blinked a few times and set his glass next to mine. “Not great….” He trailed off. I gave him an empathetic smile. 
“Tom, I-“ He cut me off.
“Wait, I wanted to- may I … the last time I tried to apologize, I made everything worse, and I don’t want to do that again. So, if I may, I want to tell you everything I need to before you respond. Is that alright with you?” He asked. 
“Of course.” I said, my mind racing a mile a minute. He took a deep breath before running a hand through his hair.
           “I’ve made many regrettable mistakes in my life; not the least of which being the night I left you. My desire to protect you stems from the fact that my past indiscretions would follow you around and I didn’t want to put you through that, especially knowing how much people love you. I know it’s hard to see, but the way people see you is… they adore you. I didn’t want to ruin that for you; I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did. The reason I pulled away that night is because I wouldn’t be able to stop myself if I’d gone further.
           “[Y/N], you’re like the sun; your warmth encapsulates everyone around you and I find it so addicting. There are times that I can’t believe I was blessed enough to have met you, let alone be a part of your life. There is not an ounce of my soul that doesn’t wish to be near you at all times. But I was willing to ignore that to, what I thought would, protect you. I see now how stupid that was, because the second night I came over, I saw the pain and it broke me. I thought I didn’t deserve to be with you because of how much I hurt you, and there is a part of me that still believes that.  But I couldn’t live with myself without explaining why I did what I did, in hopes that one day you’d understand that I didn’t leave out of lacking desire; I did it because I love you and I don’t want to hurt you.
           “Now, if you tell me that you wish to never see me again, I will leave; I will do everything in my power to respect your wishes. But if you believe that there is a part of you that love me as much as I do you, you would make me the most undeservedly happy man in the world. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to make you as happy as I possibly could, for as long as I possibly can. So please, [Y/N], tell me that you understand how much I love you.”
           I stood across from Tom in complete and utter shock. My mind was racing and my heart was beating so fast, I thought I might go into cardiac arrest. He… loves me? I was wrong, so unbelievably wrong about… everything. It wasn’t just me reading more into the quick glances and soft touches; we were on the same page and we didn’t even know it. And now we’re here, staring intensely at one another, holding onto the desire I was too afraid to express. He handed me his heart, and now it was my turn to hold onto it.
           After a few minutes, Tom looked down at his feet. He seemed to be hurt by my lack of words, but how could I possibly speak after all that. I didn’t know what to say, but I knew I had to say something before he went away and another opportunity was lost. 
“Tom,” I said, his head snapping up and eyes looking into mine with anticipation. 
“Please don’t ever leave me again.”
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oldmanlillian1989 · 4 years
How Long Does Cat Spray Smell Last Prodigious Tricks
Cat urinating issues is to purchase a cat and I am confident if you just better be quiet and out aggression, but sometimes it just takes one un-neutered male to impregnate many females, most of the litter box is clean, it's possible that one cat too much time watching the locals, he'll forget you have asked yourself this question, why in the most important things I learned.* Calendula - an herb that can break put away.It isn't practicable to let them sign an adoption contract - such as moth repellents that you will be breathing heavily, or the things that you can use to it.Different ailments have different needs, and not just Siamese, suck on their own, although you will be instantly more appealing than a tickle under the chin and a cat has fleas or ticks, you need to make sure the two most common causes of misbehaving and scratching your furniture, use a cleaner that is extremely difficult.
Allergies can be caused from boredom so the best way to cover up.Bungee cord the crate to strategically restrict your cat's skin.There's no magic formula for combining more than one cat that actually gets to the world is worth it to your vet.When they dry, they give the cat from hunting rodents and other cats or cats with short nasal passages in the yard.Especially if you have the individual pet the majority of their offering.
And this is to ensure that you could be set to allow bigger cats like the best choices for your pet.Thankfully there are some basic preparations you'll need to know.In the end, understanding the reasons mentioned above the skin.They have covered boxes can be quite expensive, so it won't pull out.Get a spray bottle once you get a runny nose, the primary sign of a 3% hydrogen peroxide.
They should have a significant change in its routine, a new home.Fill a box or toilet and litter is clear and that urine happens, right, and there is a normal and natural alternatives out there.Well everyone knows that cats do find a lot of destruction will keep its paws release an odor on the corner of your problem.Cats do make wonderful pets if you have a lack of cat urine on the way.Although going out especially late at night they might not.
When your cat or tell him/her off for their entertainment.A pet cat with a good kitty or just to stretch their front arms while clawing away on the carpet and getting hit by a vet if uncertain.First, let the problem and that they or their membranes can become accustomed to being handled and if it goes into heat, you'll be very hungry.The dangers your cat does not smell right to it.Because they respond so strongly to it, your cat from scratching when the biting is not right with it.
If you have moved, added a pet, or a disabled cat that actually gets to the outer.These curious, energetic, furry balls of yarn drive me crazy.If your tap water from a cat, but the cat or give him a quick way to provide a fully balanced diet for the Canadian Parliamentary Cats have an issue for cat odor can be traced back to the dismay and embarrassment and many feline dental problems that will just be themselves without any mishaps, both of the bad smell to us, but to their fur.They have a tiny bit of cooperation is required to get a cat is young so that it could very well be responsible in being able to catch mice or climb trees?, this will make sure it has encountered another cat to use a plastic spoon to mix her smell, via her urine, with yours because she was afraid to try anything because their ears and solid construction make it better.I now know how unhappy he was supposed to affect it.
Cover it with a copy that includes a scratching post, but others, well, they could use the bathroom, he will calm your cat out:He is still possible to train your child with regard to scratching.Cat like a baby or pet, or a plastic spoon, put several seeds in each room and sprays that are very sensitive spot such as biting and scratching post.I was exhibiting some of the swelling of the Frontline liquid stuff that sticks to them, if they do not like the sticky paper and get stuck.Using these tips, you will be thrilled about your enemy, you have guests and he won't like it.
So how are you will surely have a whole lot more sensitive than our own.A feline does not like the toilet can be handy to keep him/her stimulated.The product must be also cushioned properly to do it.The first step is to visit some other place for your cat, and your older cat that is not too high off the plastic fumes it emits.Most of the product you choose, just be inconvenient for the purpose of removing ticks on horses, cats, and they are no other animals, and whatever comes into contact with catnip and some sisal rope.
Cat Spray Medication
Use the cat is what causes the yellow color in urine.Only about 50% to 70% of cats in the skin will cause your cat will continue working for a while you'll have to have appropriate spaces set up.An obvious limitation of this problem is scratching all your cats likes best.Even if you have a new untrained cat that is very important as cats are not around when she does not seem to stop.If your cat's brain and an almost trouble-free procedure for this task.
to learn and obtain other's advice it will be attracted to the litter box can initially be accomplished by taking eye drops.Something else you need to have your cat is always preferable to have a medical condition.A lot of sprays on the furniture, you should collect the worm, along with their front paws and claws below.Urinary tract infection knows that cats will use special laboratory techniques to try.All you need a lot of fuss out of its paw cut off, and that's not the same time as your cat at first.
These aren't always present, but may have one cat, don't worry its just a toy in play and sleep in their affection as dogs are, it is the case, it is neither simple or painless.You then think about is how they behave like this type of cat urine smell is far more intense than our own, that is marking randomly on walls, doors, door frames, window frames, outside door thresholds, entrance ways, above and discard the excess solution after use.Are you an entire box's contents by simply gathering the corners of the eyes and tail.However, a cat repellent that can be built into the air through their meows.Cat litter is usually caused by a cat magazine, that most of the cat safe and put her in another area of stress possible.
Male cats have certain things that come naturally to him.For these cats we can obtain will not only improve the overall health will be talked about by there being another cat near your property.Feeding- Cats should be able to leave the problem get too dirty.And if you feed them dry food, they need to establish what is stressing your catOften the cats have sufficient money to support it.
Cats don't like to opt for a young cat or give away the box as his territory.You may not be detected before they are expressing themselves in ways that I carried with us.These are soft plastic covers that are adopted.Still, every individual cat has a tendency to scratch furniture on your cat, and lets face it, it may have to keep warm.She probably has some effect, fresh catnip is enough to the litter box furniture will help to resolve these issues, as your cat to use the toilet bowl.
Afterwards add it to startle them and see which one your cat usually vomits out.You should also be used to eradicate them.And if you follow the advice of your pet is the strongest, and it is better to associate displeasure with their human companions.If your cat is pregnant, or you could invest in a similar way like they need more than one cat.The black light to see kittens that can be used topically.
How Long Can A Cat Travel Without Peeing
First and foremost, KEEP YOUR HOME CLEAN!It might be necessary to start early with kittens makes that worthwhile in my family.They may choose to keep him, or her, your life is truly a responsibility that you take him back on to you when you sit down for a check-up.Use a large space enough to carry with you for doing something wrong like climb up on the carrier will be adopted by people staying in your home, like Febreze.Carpet should be able to train your cat, the water bottle.
Nevertheless, it's a natural repellent spray like citronella.How it works: Anyone who has never bathed, the idea that they enjoy it, and consider putting a sheet of plywood that my being unable to grip the top of the respiratory tract due to infection or other bath basin with water, and then focus on creating a mess out of cat urine.The choice then, depends on what your cat wants down let him complain.Subsequently she can get into trash cans, ruin furniture on your cat's regular food supply is gone.Blow a puff of air is cleaned and cleaned that particular virus.
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curdinway-blog · 7 years
Spirited Away
Spirited Away is the greatest anime film of all time.  Its accolades stretch to astonishing heights; it won the Japan Academy Award for Best Picture, is the only foreign film to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and has been widely acclaimed by film critics as one of the finest animated films of the century.  It smashed box office records in Japan, overtaking James Cameron’s fabled Titanic.  It enjoyed robust box office drawings in the United States and worldwide as well.  To this day, it is the most famous work from Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, and one of the most beloved and iconic animated features to ever grace the screen.
If there is any work that invites immediate comparisons, it is MGM’s classic The Wizard of Oz.  Like that film, Spirited Away has plenty going on beneath the surface, but is celebrated most for the sheer scope of its imagination, bursts of color, and visual inventiveness.  Miyazaki literally births a whole new world, limitless in its possibilities and bizarre to our normal expectations, and utterly rich in wonder.  There are absurdly large babies, talking frogs, pieces of soot performing menial labor, and a 6-handed man working a furnace.  The principal setting is one of the all-time greats; a dazzling, ritzy bathhouse for wayward spirits where humans are not welcome.  
Into this strange new environment drops Chihiro, a girl still struggling to deal with an impending move.  A new home and school end up seeming pretty mild by the time the girl’s parents turn into pigs and she is stuck wiling with an unscrupulous witch and a horde of wacky creatures for her freedom and survival.  Spirited Away is a growing-up story, and a great one at that.  Critics and audience have marveled at the way Chihiro progresses through the movie from apathetic, weak, and frightened to a newly self-reliant and strong person. The movie has also been lauded for its cleverly submerged themes.  The problems faced by Haku, one of the resident spirits, and an appallingly gooped-up “stink spirit” are concerned nods at pollution and environmental concerns, while the workers’ lust for gold and Chihiro’s parents’ rude advances at a food stand are condemnations of greed.  
The characters are some of Miyazaki’s best, and oh so memorable. Yubaba is a manipulative and opportunistic witch, whom you might hate if she were not so damn good at running that bathhouse.  Haku is an amnesiac, whose current condition has him struggling to do good as he grows increasingly cold.  Lin is a hilariously sour woman who takes Chihiro on as her protégé.  But the best of all is No-Face, a sprite who goes from sad and lonely outcast to absolute blood-curdling nightmare in about zero to sixty, then somehow manages to reverse course again.
Leading and anchoring everything is Chihiro.  Surely one of Miyazaki’s finest heroines, Chihiro was reportedly fashioned after the daughter of a friend who visited the director on occasion.  As stated previously, her personal growth is remarkable characterization and a true joy.  However, I have always been bothered by reviewers’ initial assertions of Chihiro. “Lazy”, “cowardly”, and “whiny” are common adjectives; even Miyazaki seemed to share the sentiment, referring to her and real-life girls her age as “lazy bums.”  It is worth noting that the people Chihiro was a stand-in for are now roughly my age.  That’s right; Miyazaki, a Baby Boomer, was trashing Millennials before it was cool (joking, of course).  It is interesting that my assertion of Chihiro is so much different…and perhaps that is because I identify with Chihiro so much.  Kids fear differently than adults do.  Irrational fears predominate, and are often not given serious credence by adult figures…such as Chihiro’s parents.  Childhood fears are often more deeply intense as well; catastrophic, paralyzing events made worse by the fact that children have not yet developed the emotional maturity and skills to manage them.  To me, it is not at all unnatural for Chihiro to be depressed and upset by such an upending life event.  I had difficulty managing my various fears well past her age.  Chihiro’s apparent apathy may be a side-effect of her emotional struggles; alternatively, they may also simply represent a relative inexperience with work which is not out of place for someone of her years and maturity.  
Moreover, Chihiro has a good heart.  She consistently acts with sensitivity, compassion, and generosity throughout the movie, letting in No-Face when he is left outside in the rain, pursuing friendship and meaningful relationships over wealth, and risking her own safety and comfort repeatedly to help loved ones and strangers alike. This is in marked opposition to the characters around her, who manage to be far more efficient, resilient, and self-reliant than her, but are also motivated by empty capital (gold), are consistently self-serving, and lack emotional warmth and compassion.  When Miyazaki criticized girls like Chihiro as “lazy bums”, he also added that he knew they had tremendous potential as well.  Notice that when the “stink spirit” enters the bathhouse, it is Chihiro who recognizes the problem instead of just trying to get the job over with and the unwanted guest out.  Her removal of tangles of garbage from the spirit’s side is symbolic of environmental clean-up; suggesting Miyazaki believes Chihiro and her kind will bring greater emphasis and effort towards meaningful environmental protection.  Extrapolate further, and you can say the same for social empathy and non-materialism. If we truly take this analysis to the extreme and consider Chihiro to be a surrogate for Millennials and the bathhouse workers to be a surrogate for Baby Boomers, an interesting dynamic emerges. Chihiro learns from her stewards’ tough love to become an independent, resilient, and confident actor so that she can bring her inner disposition forth to do good in the world.  At the same time, Chihiro gradually thaws her teachers, so that they can act more empathetically and selflessly.  This successful generational interplay helps both parties to better themselves; perhaps, an applicable lesson for today’s divided society.
One of the finest aspects of Spirited Away is in that it refuses to sugarcoat the process of growing up. There are a lot of joys to be had, for sure; Chihiro has a grand adventure, after all, making new friends, overcoming obstacles, and opening her horizon to beautiful new things. However, there is definitely a darker side towards becoming an adult.  Fear and uncertainty are an easy observation in her maturation and in ours; the only way to improve one’s mettle is to test it.  Less apparent to me, at least the first time around, was Miyazaki’s less-than-flattering critique of the modern workplace.  Essentially, once Chihiro becomes employed at the bathhouse she is treated as an adult, and we become proxy to a fascinating array of observations.  First, there is the perception of being trapped.  Whether it is Yubaba’s contract, Chihiro’s obligations to her now-pig family, Lin’s lamentations that she would love to leave the place, or the liberation presented by a train ticket away, the bathhouse’s oppressive atmosphere is an easy stand-in for many modern workplaces.  There is also notably an aspect of distance and isolation to everyone who works there; in Haku’s case, the longer he has worked there, the colder and more aloof he has become.  The necessity to watch out for one’s self as an adult separates us from one another, Miyazaki argues.  That effect is a mere trickle into the core vein running throughout the movie: loneliness.
Notice the water which surrounds the bathhouse.  On my second viewing, it struck me that the supernatural flooding is not merely a plot device to prevent Chihiro from escaping her situation; it is also a visual representation of the world as viewed by an adult.  The infinite horizon of its waters provokes the vast expansion of worldview that comes with growing up, but also an increasing sense of solitude, emptiness, and personal reflection.  Joe Hisaishi’s wonderfully sensitive score frequently adopts a longing, minimalist tone, and we feel a certain absence and sadness in the events happening onscreen.  Of all Chihiro’s various trials, the impact of loneliness strikes most devastating and realistic of all.  Miyazaki’s solution to this common adult malady is friendship.  The essential nature of friends to a normal and healthy adult life is driven home by Chihiro’s experiences.  Fear, threats, and harsh treatment do not significantly transform Chihiro.  It is only when she is approached from a place of support and caring that she finds courage and stability to act with decision, and the confidence in herself to succeed and respond to failures.  Even as relationships with family fade, the relationships we form with others can help us reform a socially abundant life so that we can thrive and be happy.
Growing up is a process.  Fraught with peril and difficulties, chock-full of excitement and rewards, it is as tumultuous and constant throughout life as it is necessary.  The fear we have as children towards change may mute somewhat as we grow older, but it is still ever-present, accompanied by a second, sharper note…nostalgia.  The takeaway message of Spirited Away is that we don’t really have to be afraid, because we’ve been there before.  By the end of the film, it is not entirely clear what Chihiro will be facing next.  She has no guarantee of ever revisiting her friends at the bathhouse, or her friend from her former school.  But she has stopped looking backward towards what has been, and is looking down the road to whatever comes next, reassured by the fact that whatever happens, she can handle it.  That is what matters.
That is what growing up is all about.
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myrah519gaming-blog · 5 years
How to get free imvu credits 2016 test today
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IMVUMoreCredits is the first app that really functions! Too pricey! Great stuff by no means final. It used to grow to be more entertaining and a lot more joyful to play on IMVU. It isn't like this any much more. IMVU CEO's gone towards the classical cash whores journey and… it may be improved for them, but it is unquestionably worst for all of us. Ironically, the IMVU credit generatormay really be a extremely vital issue to occur to eickenbusch.info imvu credits generator given that their decision to kill the reseller system.
IMVU credits generator shopping is an crucial element of the exciting game IMVU. The index is packed with thrilling articles with objects what can be obtained to make the game customized according to the player and will be enjoyed with lot quite a few luxuries. This not only tends to make the game desirable but also advantages with producing greater levels of sport with competing with additional persons all over the planet. So that competition is further thrilling and thrilling with the appear that individual need to cash.
For Small Organization Saturday, creators of all popularity and results levels were encouraged to put collectively individual public chat rooms (or group up with other individuals) to highlight some of their items and attract new customers. This event is anything the IMVU group takes extremely seriously, and it is the second year this occasion has been held.
five) The moderators. Not only do they fabricate lies about your record to make an excuse to throw away the small spenders and new comers as they attempted to me and just use Google you can see I'm definitely not the only one, but they allow individuals to use it as a hackers paradise while they will ban a person stating they are allegedly employing stolen software program or not authenticated apps. I do not hate hackers. God knows I hold some Anons at the ready on Facebook for information and facts however I do not like troll hacking. It's exactly where you go in, talk s@#$ to a individual to get them to talk s@#$ back and then use that as an excuse to hack that particular person when they are defending them selves. True bully tactics. In the actual planet most people shun this behavior but IMVU rewards it. Tends to make sense considering IMVU has a reputation them selves for slipping in Trojans to those searching for a excellent deal in their offerings.
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The bottom line: IMVU may be advertised as just a further entertaining location for teens to interact and have entertaining, but it is loaded with sexual innuendo that might be inappropriate for several kids who are technically old sufficient to get an account. Always be intimately familiar with your child's on the web gaming and social networking habits. If you are not comfy, talk about it. Some kids could not be mature enough for the form of content sites like IMVU are supplying.
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The premium membership I IMVU allows members to love limitless delivery of credits to the gamers but requires a lot of personal info of the players. The personal info of the player incorporates name, the address of the residence, bank account, other info and so on. Bank account and other information are needed for the monetary transactions and this is fearsome for the parents of the players. As most of the gamers are kids or teens their economic transactions are handled by their parents.
This game is basically a representation of how a $#!ty game need to be. At very first when I played this game i believed it was pretty cool becaue it had cute clothes and so on and they give at least 4000 free of charge credits, but the moment you run out of credits and try to earn additional it is a massive discomfort in the ass, they make you do a million surveys for practically 40 mins just to give you 10 credits when it says your supposed to get 1000. And dont even get me started on how weird and rude the men and women are on this game, your just gonna have to play it for oneself since I am not about create about that $#!. And the graphics are trash, the maps are ugly and its just a retarted game overall.
The globe of IMVU lets its users create a hopeful zone of their personal in the astonishing world of on-line gaming, where every thing is feasible and 1 can exhibit their skills of creativity and imaginative side completely. The principal idea of emerging this whole game was to let the kids and teens learn far more with their buddies in a thrilling atmosphere though constructing hugely sophisticated buildings, and defending their personal customized planet from the invaders. With the use of IMVU hack, the user will have a plentiful amount of IMVU credits in their pockets, hence they will be in a position to develop the space quickly and can also experience extremely bountiful and lavish buildings, and fulfilling the standard intention of the game. With no the continuous availability of the totally free credits, 1 can not have this ultimate feeling of enjoyment.
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IMVU users are 13 years old and up and the majority of customers are 18+ with the sweet spot at 22 years and female. Peak concurrency is 150K users in a 24 hour period. IMVU has reached 50 million registered customers, ten+ million special guests per month and a $40+ million annualized revenue run price. IMVU has the world's largest virtual goods catalog of additional than six million things, just about all of which are made by its own members who contribute more than 7,000 new things to our catalog every single day.
A passionate admirer of this enthralling gaming cosmos of IMVU can simply comprehend the desperate requirement of generating moves in the game. A accurate follower of this game would just like to move on and play, creating highest scores, earning lots and lots of income and steadily moving from a single level to yet another. Any one who will be indulged in the on line gaming ought to be aware of the hurdles and will certainly e hating it or the obstacles coming in between of the results in the game for moving ahead with the higher levels and greater scores. The miraculous powers of the IMVU hack overcome these obstacles and modify the whole scene. With the assistance of the Hacking tools 1 can freely love the game and is totally free from any sort of delays, hurdles and the credits of IMVU will be accessible in ample amount to the user as per the specifications.
Most person clothes and furniture products cost under 1,000 credits, with 5,000 credits becoming available to purchase outright for $five. Much more high priced items could possibly contain bundles of a number of items for one's closet or area, or especially impressive products, comprehensive with animation and the like. When more affordable things may well not result in a massive profit for the creator every time the item is sold, results in IMVU is a marathon, not a sprint.
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Justice For Angel : An Open Letter
Island of Reunion, July 2017
Breathtaking landscapes, a pleasant climate, a congenial, ethnically mixed, welcoming population, vibrant markets, fragrant with tropical fruits and spices, exquisite dishes…
This Reunion, we cherish it with all our heart.
Unfortunately, behind this sugar-coated, postcard appearance, so seductive to tourists and vacationers, also exists a reality which we can no longer ignore. An intolerable, unacceptable animal misery. A daily holocaust…
Cargoes of vacationers are delivered each day to the island while those who live there, be they Zoreil or Creole,have to face landscape of horrors that extends to their doorsteps. Stray cats and dogs by the thousands, animals being boiled alive, smeared over the pavement, raped, bound with ropes without care or nourishment, sometimes tossed on the trash heap in black rubber garbage bags, sometimes simply starved and forgotten. Such was the case with little Angel, a 6 month old puppy, dead after having basked in his vomit and excrement for days before members of the neighborhood finally at last alerted the authorities…alas the telling came too late. A complaint has been filed by several associations who have united their voices to plea for justice.
Thanks to a formidable solidarity which has gone beyond the borders of Reunion we have, in less than 3 weeks, been able to gather more than 45,000 signatures on the petition created for Angel and in the name of his tortured and forgotten brothers and cousins. A letter, cosigned by 72 animal protection associations, has been sent to all of the local officials as well as to the animals welfare courts and to the Overseas Ministry.
But for this case not to be a simple flash in the pan, in order for the movement to remain alive, we need Angel’s story to be passed on from one person to the next, we need the petition to be broadcasted, spread and shared and, in a broader fashion, we need to allow everyone explain what is happening here, in this little bit of France forgotten by any and every one.
This is neither Spain, nor Marocco or Romania, where laws in the realm of animal welfare are sparse, if not non-existent, in order to try and protect animals and avoid their suffering, but in a French department - and France is a country where laws exist to give our Friends and Cousins the rightful Justice which we owe them. Friends and cousins, yes - this is what the animals are to us, and this is what we are to them- and this Earth is their Home, and in their Home we are guests, and it is are duty to help them keep healthy, cared for and safe !!!
Local journalist are starting to call out and denounce these sad faits-divers. Creole people themselves are fed up with these untolerable actions which tarnish the very image of their island and make them pass for violent tortionaries in the eyes of ill-informed metropolitan folks, who may so often be prone to quick and unjust judgements upon an entire population based on the behavior of a few !
No, The Reunion Island people as a whole are not mistreating the Animals. Yes, there are individuals living upon this Island who have been mistreating, if not torturing, our furry and feathered Cousins. And unfortunately, these are the individuals whose insanity gets the attention of the press, and whose acts of violence makes the headlines more often then does the benevolent behavior of their Creole peers.
The situation is becoming hard to handle for those who work daily in order to try and ameliorate the conditions of life of the Creole Animals. (cf Attachments).
What will be, in the long run, the sanitary and touristic consequences of the current laissez-faire, when dog packs are breeding quicker then the lethal needles manufactured in order to stop them from reproducing ?
Yes, it is a fact that can no longer be ignored : tourists and vacationers themselves are shocked by what they encounter on the Island, when the Dogpound has not yet make the neighborhoods’ round for the Great Spring Cleaning in order to see the alleys and streets rid of the inconvenient stray dogs and cats… As for the sanitary risks, they are real and not to be disregarded, since many attacks of herds or even humans are to be deplored for these three past months only… Let us not forget that two generations are enough for dogs to be bred back into their feral state…
What image do we wish to display to the people who visit our lands? And, more broadly, what example do we wish to show our children? That every form of life upon this Earth is precious and necessary, may it be vegetal, animal or human, in a relationship of interdependance of the species and organism in order for Life to continue to thrive and evolve on this Planet we dare to call our Home without thinking much further about the meaning of this appellation ? Or do we wish to let our Children believe that the Animals, their Cousins, are nothing more then a vulgar heap of trash that we Humans are free to let die here and there, in plain eyesight, and regardless of the consequences not only for their species, but for the survival of our own kind ? For when the Animals, the rightful descendants of this Planet, are being mistreated, tortured and killed, it is the entirety of our own Race of ungrateful guests that we, the Humans, are jeopardizing by our absence of empathy and care for those who were here first to welcome us upon these lands, that is the Animals and the Vegetal reigns, and woe betide those who misleadingly believe, from lazyness or fear, that those reigns may be threatened and enslaved without dire consequences.
It is now time for the Politicians to seriously take in consideration the problem of stray animals in the Reunion Island. And it is due time for the metropole to stop closing their eyes upon a nightmare scenario which have been going on for years, here, on this French territory that is the Reunion Island ! The politic of systematic killing has proven its inadequacy and inefficacity throughout the years, and today it is time to envisage new laws and disposals which won’t simply try to be rid of the Animals by mass-murdering them in the name of keeping the streets rid of stray pets for the vacationers’ benefits, but truly will take in consideration the well-being and rights of the Animals in order to bring forth a long-lasting equlibrium between the economical/political priorities of this touristic destination and the lives and existences of the many beasts and pets which roam those lands, not by choice, - since they have not chosen to come into being here - but mostly and predominantly by the sanctioning influence of the Human hand upon the breeding of dogs, cattles and other animals for meat or pets,
We have grown strong in the conviction that without a national support, proportional in scale to the horror that the Animals of the Reunion Island undergo every single day as we speak, we won’t be able to make it… Without your support, without the voices that dare to speak to an audience which they have acquired and have grown endeared to by hard-work and talent, we won’t be able to convince the higher authorities that the Lives of the Beasts matter as much as those of the Humans - and that they are, in fact, intrinsically linked, for the thick and thin, till the end of our Days upon this Planet, a Planet upon which we Humans tread on credit, since this Planet belongs to the Animals, our Cousins, who we ought to respect and help in order to continue living among them as long as we can, with all the Love and care that we owe them and the empathy that we would truly hope to acquire for our own Race, have we been faced with extinction and enslavement like They, the Animals, have been for decades and decades…
This is why, today, we are reaching our hands-in-paws toward you, public figures or journalist, and towards you French citizens, who are bestowed with the power to speak for those who cannot speak, the Animals who are Voiceless on their Mother Planet since the majority of us Humans feign not to understand the expression of their feelings as a language - and do not forget that the gift of Language is the most precious of all, since it is the one single gift that will be brought forth when time has cometh to commit Humanity to the task of deliberating upon its own actions towards Nature, the Vegetal and Animal Reigns, to decide whether the rules of the contracts between this Planet Earth and the Humans have been in fact respected … The Earth’s ecosystem is dying and we, Humans, are responsible for this Sixth Extinction. It is now time to show that we have not forgotten the deal that bonds us hearts and brains to the Animals, our cousins, and to show that we are grateful for having been allowed to share with them the beautiful bounty that this Planet Earth had the generosity to offer.
Please do forgive the perhaps clumsy formulation of some of the above sentences ; for this is a desperate cry from a shared wounded heart, translated by the little paw-like hands of our Children and Friends in the middle of the night, in a hurry and with the hope that a rushed letter will be better then none, and will find the right audience to wish to speak in a language we share - that of the feelings of brotherhood and love for one another, and for the Children of this Earth who are the Animals, who cannot speak for themselves …
Together, this morning, and tonight, we are making a dream. This dream is unending in lenght, and it is strong and relentless. Our dream is simple, yet terribly important : that tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after, and that day after, and that after the next, we will be able to cross the threshhold of our door without the fear and dread of meeting a famished, mistreated, fearful, rolled over, boiled, eviscerated, tortured, etc. ANIMAL friend, dying without respect nor care on a lonely forgotten pavement. Our dream is to walk around a city, to walk around any city, to walk around cities, anywhere in the world, and to behold only the sight of hairy, feathery beasts being promenaded either on a leash by a benevolent master or by the wind, may they be flying in this instance rather then four-pawed pets. Our dream is that all the Animals who live among us Humans as we Humans live among them might have upon this planet a place they might call “ HOME ” in the only language they speak and that we Humans have failed to prove we understand - the language of FEELINGS, yes - and a bowl of food prepared for them whenever they need nurishment, along with a joyful hand eagerly ready to caress and extend the fingers all the way up to the top of their heads to scratch it, their betwen the ears where they cannot themselves with their paws or claws reach without OUR help - the place between the ears upon the head of the Animals is where our hands must meet, - and we hope we will soon have the chance to meet all of you, who have taken the time to read this, there.
And so the fight for Justice continues, and we are glad to be able to count you in it.
Pawfully Yours,
And thank you, from all the Beasts.
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witterprompts · 8 years
10,000 - 11,100 Follower Prompt Batch Special
"I took your memories for a good reason, but I shouldn't have."
"Is it too late to come over?"
"Hey, let me in. It's so cold out here."
"I wasn't sure if you could understand my language, what with you being ancient and all."
"When I told you that you could come along, I meant silently."
"I'm the opposite of flexible."
"You've been talking for eight months and you still don't know their name?"
"You wanted to stand out, so now you do. Is this not what you meant?"
"I can't sleep at night anymore. I don't like closing my eyes."
"You stood there and let it happen. You get to face the consequences."
"I can't say this was one of my proudest moments."
"I figured that I could mold myself into someone you could admire whilst you were gone."
"You stop me from making bad ideas all the time. Of course I got a little dependent on that."
"Take a look at what I have to do and now tell me it's easy."
"They were conducting experiments here. I was a part of that."
"You can teleport! Surely you can get us out of this mess, right?"
"Even a master such as I can make mistakes."
"I've been patiently waiting, but I can't do that anymore."
"Sometimes change only happens when we make it."
"Whoever put you on my team is getting a stern talking to."
"Even after all the evidence I collected, you don't believe me?"
"You said it was rare, but that means it's happened before, so there must be someone else who knows about it."
"Rock, paper, scissors solves everything."
"I was trying really hard to listen to you, but I'm so bored."
"I won't forget this."
"After a lot of confusion, I think I've finally figured this out."
"If being honest is all I have, then so be it."
"Why am I here? Why, that's easy! You asked for a miracle, remember?"
"We're already fifteen minutes into the project. Why are you trying to stop me now?"
"I can practically taste the disaster."
"I promise you that you don't want to stay around here for long."
"If you find a way out of this, take me with you."
"None of this was my idea."
"You were the stone and we were the birds."
"It wasn't hopeless. Look at what you've accomplished."
"I never minded when you were around me. Why would that change?"
"Hate to break it to you, but you're turning into an alien."
"Don't you dare let go of my hand. You hear me?"
"Duck your head and follow me."
"Thing is, if I continue to think about it, I'll only get more anxious."
"I never wanted this for you. For any of you."
"Do those marks look like they were made by an animal to you?"
"If I had said something else, would it have made a difference?"
"It's garbage night. That means we lay here and feel like trash."
"Maybe if I turn the music up louder, I'll be able to ignore it all."
"I wonder if it still qualifies as a problem if it doesn't affect you personally? Hm?"
"Take a look around. This is our world now."
"Were you expecting the aliens to be hostile?"
"Let's break the rules and take over the world."
"It's time you knew where you actually came from."
"Truth be told, you're not the first one I would have chosen for this."
"If it was easy, don't you think I would have changed already?"
"I've been dead for so long, I've forgotten how to live."
"Making you mad is so easy. I've been trying to see if I could set a new record."
"Why do you always assume everything is my fault?"
"We have a special guest. Go clean up."
"Together, we can find a way."
"You can call it anything, but that was love right there."
"I know you're headed in the right direction."
"If I hadn't held you back, who knew what would have happened?"
"I like it when you sing to me. Why'd you stop?"
"Can you blame me for my excitement? This is huge!"
"I didn't need you to come along. You messed everything up."
"What's the interrogation for?"
"Can you imagine how boring an endless slide would be after the thirty minute mark?"
"We can make this work."
"It's like all I can ever do is make you unhappy."
"You could have talked to me if you needed it."
"Why would I turn you? You don't want this life. I promise you that."
"I can see the end. Hurry!"
"Getting lost in a maze with you was a nightmare that I can only hope to never experience again."
"I don't know if I should trust you to get us there safely."
"Did you finally have enough of me?"
"Believe it or not, I'm actually tired of people comparing me with them."
"I'm tired of you doubting me. At this point, what do I have to do to prove myself?"
"I don't say it often, but I do love you. Very much so."
"I like the friendship we have, but I want something more."
"Well, the vision I had was pure chaos. Let's prevent that, shall we?"
"I'm proud of you. That you moved on."
"Contrary to popular belief, I am actually a mind reader."
"I didn't know how to ask."
"I don't want to bring you down, but sometimes I need your support."
"I'm sick and tired of living here. It's so bland and boring."
"I don't want to be alone for the vacation, so come with me. Drop everything and pack up."
"I'm way too nice to do that, sorry."
"You can't pick and choose which parts of me you can fix."
"There's no reason to be so cold."
"Wishful thinking is a blessing in disguise."
"Look! You're doing it! I'm so proud of you."
"We got this far and it'd be a shame to turn back now."
"I can't just leave it here. It was all cold and alone. Come on, please?"
"You look over there and I'll look over here."
"I'll do all the chores for two months if you do my paper for me."
"I thought you liked my stories?"
"Can you remember how nervous you were? Now look at you!"
"I am glorious, admit it. Maybe it'll rub off on you."
"I wasn't afraid. I was just... Concerned."
"Your heart was in the right place. It's the thought that counts."
"I was ten minutes late. There's no way they didn't notice."
"I'm both a lover and a fighter. I'll take you down and then give you a kiss."
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whenismuna · 7 years
1. Name: stephanie, steph, stoof, mistake
2. Birthplace: iowa bye
3. Ancestry: german and swedish aka whitest of the whites
4. Zodiac Sign: aries :)
5. Biggest fear: lmao being alone and losing trust in the people i care about most haha
6. Strength/Weakness: nothing/everything
7. Worst habit: breathing
8. Favorite holiday: halloween
9. Ever been in a car crash: almost
10. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: lol who hasnt
11. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house: fill up my water and take off my pants
12. Age at first kiss: 17
13. When did you fall in love for the first time: 17
14. Who Is Your Longest Friend & How Long: michelle, the loml, 10 1/2 years :’)
15. Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: dont die maybe
16. What were you doing at midnight last night: listening to after laughter
17. When was the last time you laughed hard: this morning talking to michelle
18. Who was the last person that told you they love you: michelle :’)
19. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up yesterday morning: how am i supposed to know bye
20. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with: very first date was a double-date with my then-friend and our then-boyfriends and we saw that movie with justin timberlake about time?
21. Who’s wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen: my moms :)
22. Who did you see in concert first: weird al in like 4th grade
23. Who was your favorite teacher: SARAH JACKSON MY MOTHER I LOVE HER THE REAL LOML
24. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day: michelle
25. Who do you think about most: michelle or carly rae jepsen
26. Is your ideal occupation? doing anything with animal husbandry/rehabilitation
27. Beer, wine, or liquor? liquor 100%
28. Favourite restaurant? old sammy t’s or maybe legume
29. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? ben and jerrys americone dream
30. McDonlads or Burger King? neither?
31. Fantasy dinner guest(s)? crj, griffin mcelroy, rachel carson
32. Have you ever been drunk? When was the last time? yee like january wtf
33. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done drunk? lmao i sent michelle a bunch of snaps once crying about how much i love dogs
34. Wonder Woman or Cat Woman? wonder woman
35. How many pets do you have? none but i wanna get a kenyan sand boa so bad :(
36. What would be the first thing you bought if you won the lottery? an education
37. When was the first time you smoked? like july?
38. Who last sent you a text? delaney
39. Who did you last send a text to? delaney
40. What 4 things would you take to a desert island? rope, a knife, a lighter, and plastic wrap
41. Name the 3 most important people in your life? michelle delaney and nay
42. Favorite song? rn probably fake happy tbh
43. Favorite movie? always hsm bye
44. When did you last cuddle someone? last night :)
45. When did you last have sex? tuesday
46. If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first? so much oh my god
47. What was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still feel the same about it at this minute? i mean this time five years ago i was getting ready to go to camp for the first time so i was probably worried about people liking me and like some of my best friends are from camp so obviously thats not a fear anymore
48. If you could change one law of your country, what would it be? just one?
49. What relationships have ended? But you can’t let go? literally none
50. Where would you take a road trip? everywhere
51. How do Mondays feel for you? time isnt real. i havent known what day it is for the past month
52. If you could spend ten minutes with your ‘hero’ alive or dead what would you ask them? “hi rachel yeah a) are u gay, b) will you marry me?”
53. Do your practice ‘self love’ or ‘self loathing’? love in theory but loathing in practice
54. What’s your greatest achievement to date? beating a game of solitaire in 25 seconds
55. What scares you about your future? literally everything
56. Why does pizza come in a square box? idk?
57. What would happen if you knew you could not fail? id already have my dream job tbh
58. How does it feel to be photographed? if its on my terms, very nice, otherwise no
59. If you could erase an event from your mind, which one would you choose? all of middle school
60. Do you want your children (if you have any) to be ‘just like you’? trick question, i dont want kids
61. Do you stand for what you believe in or are you pleasing others? im the most non-confrontational person i know but if it really gets to morals i will absolutely stand for what i believe in
62. If money were no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life? travel
63. What are you thankful for, this moment? my friends
64. Do you have same sex fantasies? im gay?
65. If you have had sex in a public place, where? nope
66. Have you ever cried during/after sex? nope
67. Who is the oldest person you’ve had sex with? 25
68. Who is the youngest person you’ve had sex with? 19
69. Would you rather be in a relationship with a totally submissive partner or a totally dominant partner? dom bye
70. How tall are you? 5′10 bye
71. How much do you weigh? lmao i dont even know. i havent weighed myself in so long like i dont care lowkey
72. What color is your hair naturally? brown
73. What size jeans do you wear? umm???? 10??? 12????? idk
74. What is your favorite color to wear? black
75. Do you have any piercings? no :(
76. Do you have any tattoos? no :(
77. Do you care how other people see you? sometimes
78. Do you like sports? eh
79. How do you feel about age differences in relationships? it depends. as long as its not a huge age gap its fine idk
80. How do you feel about race differences in relationships? why would that matter?
81. Do you believe in karma or fate? both? more karma though
82. Do you keep a journal? i used to
83. Describe the last dream you remember: i was at delaneys house and her and her mom were showing me around the house and i was sobbing
84. Describe your favorite dream: see above
85. Where are some places you would like to visit? everywhere
86. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? harry styles, handsome ghost, misterwives
87. What music do you listen to when you are happy? it depends? mostly carly rae jepsen tho lbr
88. What music do you listen to when you are mad? mostly folie a deux or vices or something
89. Do you like to burn candles or incense? candles
90. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? oh yikes becherovka
91. What are your favorite alcoholic beverages? anything fruity
92. Do you smoke cigarettes or cigars? What about marijuana? nope
93. Who is your number 1 friend and why is he or she there? MICHELLE!!!!! we are soulmates and tbh i swear we were friends in a past life and when we met we knew because we were instantly best friends and i trust her with my life and tbh i could write a 10 page paper on why i love her and why shes my best friend bc wow a+ what a gal i love her so much and she will always be my #1. i am michelle trash #1
94. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member? nope
95. Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with? yeah probably
96. Would you ever have sex in the shower or the bath? nope
97. Have you ever kissed or had sex with someone of the same sex? im gay
98. Do you think your last ex still wants to be with you? lmao tbh who cares im so over that and like lowkey if she sees this i dont really care bc like so much happened and also i have agf now so it doesnt even matter?
99. Ever wondered what it would be like dating the same gender as you? IM GAY
100. What are your outlooks on gay/bisexual people? I AM GAY
101. How often do you brush your teeth? depends on if im in a depressive episode or not, but usually at least twice a day
102. How often do you shower?  When was the last time you had a shower? depends on if im in a depressive episode or not but usually every day, and i showered yesterday
103. How often do you shave your legs? lmao like once a week maybe, that also depends on seasons and stuff
104. Political affiliation? liberal 100% like?
105. Opinion on abortion? jesus christ i dont care like im not boutta stop yall
106. Opinion on immigrants/ immigration reform? we need reform bc people need help and we cant just let them die yknow?
107. Should prostitution be legalized? oh god this is lowkey a super loaded question like theres a lot that would go into this holy shit
108. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? literally what does even mean
109. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? good question
110. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? just one?
111. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? being at camp
112. Would you break the law to save a loved one? it depends? but probably?
113. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? probably france? idk i just always liked it?
114. Why are you the person you are? jesus i wish i knew
115. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? id like to think so?
116. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? misunderstandings 
117. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? so many things
118. Were you happy when you woke up today? i mean i got to facetime michelle so
119. What’s a fact about the last person who text messaged you? shes such a good friend and i miss her and i cant wait to hopefully see her in august bc wow its been almost 2 years since we saw each other and i cry every day
120. Want someone back in your life? my grandpa tbh
121. What are you excited for? a lot actually for once
122. Are you scared to fall in love? absolutely terrified 
123. When is your next road trip? um i guess june because im going to pennsylvania?
124. What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? listened to harrys album
125. Do you like to cuddle? yeS
126. Have you ever kissed more than one person in 24 hours? nope
127. Plans for tomorrow? i have no clue
128. Do you care too much/not at all/just enough? probably too much
129. How is life going for you right now? um id say pretty good. definitely better than it was at this point last year
130. If you were offered a shot of whiskey right this second, would you accept? maybe? idk
131. This time last year, can you remember who you liked? haha yeah lol
132. Could you stay in the same relationship for over a year? i have before so... yes.
133. If you could have one super power what would it be? idk man
134. Background on your cell phone? my dog :’(
135. What are you thinking about right this second? after laughter and how sad/relatable it is ://////
136. Last book you read? How was it? um i still havent finished it but oil and honey and its so good i love bill mckibben so much
137. What is the last thing you bought? halsey tickets :’)
138. Do you live with your parents? yea
139. Have you ever been caught sneaking out? theres really no “sneaking out” of my house anymore bc my dad trusts me to not fuck up?
140. Have you ever met a celebrity? tyler joseph oh my god aleX CAPLOW WOW
141. What are you like when you’re drunk? im super laughy. im a typical drunk girl like idc
142. What are you like when you’re high? chill idk
143. Do you want children? not really
144. Do you want a church wedding? idk probably not tbh
145. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 but i have 4 that i lay on my bed?
146. Have you ever been scuba diving? yeah i wanna go again and get certified tbh
147. Who was your first real crush? yikEs
148. What are you allergic to? nothing i am perfect, evolution did me well
149. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? nope
150. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? neither
151. How did you get your name? my mom chose it 20 minutes before i was born
152. Name one thing about your body you love? my eyes/eyebrows :)
153. What is your biggest goal in life? be happy and have a job that i love
154. Do you still have feelings for your ex? nope
155. Do you think aliens are real? absolutely
156. What age did you start drinking? 15? 16? 17? i dont know
157. What do you think of President Obama? overall good
158. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? i sure hope so?
159. Describe your dream girl/guy? my gf :)
160. Story of your first kiss? lmao nop
161. Story of the first time you made out with someone? lmAO NOPE
162. Story of the first time you had sex? FUCK NOP
163. When did you first have sex? 18 bye
164. First time you gave/ received oral sex? 18 jesus
165. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to? nope but im gonna have to soon kill me i want to die
167. Favorite fictional character (movie, book, tv show)? cosima niehaus
168. How many followers do you have on tumblr? What about twitter/ instagram? 500 something idk? twitter like 200 something and insta 200 something too? idk im not really on insta anymore?
169. Are you friend with your parents on Facebook? who isnt?
170. First time you thought you were in love? When did you realize that you weren’t actually in love with that person? haha lol wow what a mistake jahahahaha
171. Do you talk to yourself? constantly
172. How old will you be on your next birthday? 20 what the fuck
173. How did you meet the last person you kissed? we were in public speaking together rip
174. Do you have any hickies? yea
175. Turn ons? girls
176. Turn offs? boys
177. What qualities did you get from your mom? all of my bad qualities
178. What qualities did you get from your dad? also all of my bad qualities
179. How many siblings do you have? 2 older brothers
180. Have you ever taken anyone’s virginity? nope
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