#the other time I was triggered was with the Eternals and humanity who didn’t have agriculture in 5000 BC
Dicentra D. Boa
Content warning going in: implied rape, human trafficking, slavery, implied sexual assault, implied Sa of children, and massacres. It’s not talked in length or in detail but it is alluded to due to the Boa sisters backstory and Dicentra’s conception. I wanted to be sure to give a warning just in case because of the nature of these topics. If any of these themes are triggering please skip past the section labeled “Josephine” and go to “childhood” instead
Also sorry if she’s cringe or Mary sue but she’s my little blorbo and I love her. Writing her is also my excuse to write (and rewrite) about Boa Hancock because I think she’s underrated and I think her character could’ve been handled better by oda (this is in regards to her liking Luffy which is really weird since she’s a grown adult who fell in love with a 17 year old after being victimized through a decent portion of her life by adults)
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General information
Name: Dicentra D. Boa.
Following after the flower naming convention of the Amazon lily, Dicentra is the scientific name of the bleeding heart flower. Her name was chosen by Hancock since dicentra’s birth mother didn’t know what to choose
The D. Is gained to her by her birth mother Josephine D. Etheus. Though Dicentra is apart of “the will of D” she has no idea about it due to the fact Boa swore to Josephine that no traces from her would connect back to Dicentra.
Age: 13
Dicentra was born a few hours before the mass breakout of Mary geoise when Hancock was 16.
Race: half-lunarian
Dicentra’s motherJosephine was a full lunarian captured in the massacre of her people. Despite Saturns extermination efforts a few celestial dragons wanted a lunarian as apart of their collection and were able to accomplish this secretly
Being only half lunarain attributes to her white hair and darker toned skin. But along with this it also acts as a reason as to why her wings are so small and why she doesn’t have an eternal spark.
She can’t create fire because of this, but she could control already lit flames if she needed to. But she has not found this out yet
(Fun fact is that whenever in a room with some type of fire, she subconsciously pulls that flame slightly towards herself. Kinda like how sunflowers face the sun, flames direct themselves towards her)
Personality: curious, sometimes oblivious, good hearted, optimistic, overly eager and a bit chaotic
As a young sheltered girl Dicentra is naturally curious of the world and just about anything she can get her hands on. She enjoys soaking in all of the knowledge of the great world beyond the Amazon lily, whilst also secretly yearning to see it for herself.
Another side effect of her sheltered upbringing is the fact she’s very oblivious to things. Whether that be wandering into a bad situation due to curiosity of something that caught her eye or just being unaware of concepts like men not being hideous monsters that’ll kill her (Hancock taught her this lol). Despite her being oblivious to these environmental concerns she’s actually very observant of others emotions when needed.
Unlike her mother’s cold and dominating facade Dicentra is very openly warm to those around her. She often times is found conversing with others around her, joyfully asking about things and recounting new stuff she discovered.
Along with this she can be very eager about whatever catches her eye. Leading her to blindly and stubbornly pursue it even at her own detriment (much to her mother’s and Nightshade concern). This has lead to her acting without foresight and acting on the first thing that entered her mind which can have varied results…like biting someone’s hand
Interests and hobbies: journaling, exploration, drawing, dance and song
Once more due to her interest in the world beyond the Amazon lily Dicentra has taken to journaling all she’s learned. When her mother brings her gifts from far off places she enjoys documenting everything she can about it. Of all subjects she loves writing about the most she enjoys exotic Fish, birds and gemstones the most.
Due to her journaling she ends up exploring places quite a bit. From the city of her home to the jungles and mountains she’ll explore. Some of it from blind interest and from plain eager stubbornness
Something gained from her journaling is her hobby of drawing. Though years of practice she’s gotten decent at drawing, though it’s less out of passion and moreso just for proper documentation.
Her real hobbies are that of song and dance. As a princess Dicentra had taken up many hobbies but the two that stuck with her are dancing and song. She enjoys dancing since it’s an active activity and picking up new instruments to learn and play.
She’s particularly fond of the Erhu (I’m taking in some Chinese inspiration due to the Chinese influence of the Amazon lily)
Habits and quirks: Manners, stiff posture, back issues, lack of shoes, playing with her hands, love of berries/fruits and tendency to put others before her
Dicentra as princess (though that title is moreso just a title since the Amazon lily leadership is based on strength rather than bloodline) she was educated to have proper manners. While she’s a tough and tumble kind of girl she still implores these manners in most social situations until she finds something interesting and throws manners to the wind.
Due to these manners she can sometimes also have a stiff posture in mix with her back pains. Hiding her wings is a hassle for her so binding them along with keeping a certain posture as to be sure their hidden is important. When around those she trusts she lets up a bit and is more relaxed but that’s if they know of her wings. If not she keeps up the posture to be sure they won’t be found
As stated above she gets quite a lot of back pain and jolts of discomfort due to her hiding her wings. It’s an unfortunate thing she has to deal with, something all the boa sisters feels guilty about but know it’s for Dicentra’s best interest in the end.
Despite being taught manners Dicentra can’t stand wearing closed toe shoes. She doesn’t mind sandals but she loves being barefoot much to her mother’s ire. Dicentra loves the feeling of grass and sand beneath her feet.
A nervous quirk she has is that she plays with her hands quite a bit.
Also is a giant sweet tooth for things but especially loves Berries, Fruits and her favourite food of peach buns with a custard filling. It’s definitely due to the D trait.
Another tendency she has is for her to value others above herself. As princess though it’s more of a title she believes that her mom and the Amazon lily comes first. She’ll put down or put away her own feelings and ambitions if it means she can’t help others. It’s the reason as to why she stayed in the Amazon instead of exploring like she wanted, why she asks questions about the outside world and sees glimpses of it through stories and objects instead of pursing it herself.
Relationships: Hancock, Marigold, Sandersonia, Nightshade, Rayleigh and Shakuyaku, Gloriosa, Salome and Ouroboros
Hancock: Dicentra has a very strong relationship with her mom and looks up to her as her hero (for various reasons). She loves her mom deeply for both her kindness and dedication to protecting the Amazon lily. She knows deep down her mom is a lot more tender than she lets on but puts up a front to protect everyone else (and herself). Even though dicentra wishes to explore the world she follows her mom’s rules of staying in the Amazon Lily knowing there has to be some reason as to why her mom is so insistent on it. Along with this she follows her mom’s rules of hiding her back and binding her wings even if it’s uncomfortable (something Boa wishes she didn’t have to make Dicentra do but does it out of necessity). Her favourite activity with her mom is having her mom brush her hair
Marigold: Dicentra loves her aunt Marigold but is sometimes a little bit intimidated by her. Granted she knows her aunt would never do anything bad but Marigold is sometimes too stoic for Dicentra to read which makes her nervous she’s doing something wrong. Unbeknownst to her Marigold very much loves her but gets worried of messing up and internally panics because she overestimated herself. Dicentra’s favourite memory with Marigold is when she taught her how to make flower crowns
Sandersonia: Dicentra loves hanging out with her Aunt Sandersonia. Unlike with Marigold Sandersonia is more in tune with her emotions so Dicentra is able to read her better and therefore know if she’s bothering her. If Sandersonia isn’t busy with something she’ll often tag along with Dicentra’s exploring of the Amazon lily and play games together. Dicentra’s favorite thing to do with Sandersonia is petting her aunts zoan tail
Nightshade (another oc): Nightshade is Dicentra’s sworn guard and protector assigned by Hancock herself. Dicentra sees Nighshade as her closest companion and as a big sister to her. Though Nightshade sometimes gets frustrated at Dicentra throwing caution to the wind and running off she knows that Nightshade doesn’t typically get legitimately mad unless something really bad happened. Nightshade beside the Boa sisters is the only one who knows of Dicentra’s wings and origins, something the bodyguard takes in the upmost seriousness. Dicentra knows Nightshade isn’t her original name but hasn’t pushed about the subject. Her favourite thing to do with Nightshade is playing hide and seek.
Rayleigh and Shakuyaku: dicentra knows very little about these two but does hold them in high regard hearing they helped her mom and aunts. The most funny thing about this though is that she has no idea Rayleigh is a male (boa taught her men were ugly evil creatures lol) . She’s never met them but she hopes to one day do so.
Gloriosa: dicentra sometimes sneaks out to see the former empress of the Amazon despite being a “traitor” to learn more about the outside world. Though she doesn’t like how her mom and Gloriosa don’t get along well Dicentra holds respect for Gloriosa.
Salome and Ouroboros: Dicentra adores Salome and all the snakes of the Amazon. Her fight or flight instinct of bite first ask questions later was somewhat developed due to watching Salome when she was younger. Dicentra has a snake of the same species as Salome named Ouroboros, aptly named for its penchant for…eating its tail all the time. No one has any idea why boros does this but Dicentra loves her beloved snake even if all it does is act as a necklace for her half the time. Half the time people don’t notice they’re alive if not for their occasional blinking. She loves petting the scales of Salome and Ouroboros, absolutely loves the texture
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(Meme break before getting to serious stuff. Nightshade is also included here)
Prologue: Josephine
Dicentra’s birth mother Josephine was a lunarian born on the red line and raised with her people. She lived atop the red line in peace for many years, she was particularly gifted in being a graceful flyer amongst others her age but lacked control of her flames. Despite the peace at a young age she could tell something was coming somehow, she had a sixth sense for that thing (observation Haki). Eventually when her people were massacred to build Mary Geoise atop her ancestral home she was taken by a celestial dragon who wanted one of her kind as “apart of his collection” even though that wasn’t technically allowed. This all happened when she was 15.
For Years Josephine was kept in a cell, wings broken and unable to conjure flames even if she tried due to being underfed and weak. She’d spent so long being toyed with and abused with no relief but an empty cell to return to when she was finished being “useful”. Eventually though she got cellmate in the form of the young Boa sisters. For the first time in years Josephine felt something as she stared at the young girls, mirror showing her how much of a shell of her former self she was. She used to be young and free, used to be afraid and now she had felt nothing in years. And staring into the fearful tear stained eyes of these girls she swore to herself they wouldn’t end up like her. Broken and empty.
In that cell in the span of months turned to years Josephine would do her best to protect the sisters. Though she could not always protect them she was able to lessen their suffering. She cared for them, began to see them as her own just as they began to see her as a mother in this hell. Through her wings were broken she’d use them as blankets for them in the damp cold of the cell. Josephine would share the little food she had with them. She’d also tell them stories of her people who once proudly flew the skies, sang in hushed tones the songs passed on from generation to generation. Hell had at least become bareable
Eventually much to her own fear and horror Josephine became pregnant. It at some point was bound to happen but all the same it horrified her for the fact she knew her child would be killed. A bastard to celestial dragon was purged for the fact of “tainting” their holy blood, and that was just for normal cases. She was a lunarian, the people they purged and were still actively being hunting down from how that devil gloated about “owning such a rare species”. She had to hid this and hope for the best, and that’s what she did with the help of the Boa sisters.
Somehow hiding her pregnancy was a task in of itself but it had been somehow done, but with that came the actual delivery. Weak and Malnourished as she already was without proper medical care in a dark cell wasn’t a good mix. She’s left at deaths doorstep clinging barely to life after the deed was said and done. The only upside to it all was she felt that sixth sense again, things were changing and her daughters would be free. Before letting herself rest she makes the girls promise to never tell her daughter of her heritage, to protect her and love her as she loved them. Tearfully the girls agree, Hancock vowing she’d raise Dicentra as her own. With how Josephine falls asleep the girls believe her to be dead, and in a way she is…but not fully yet
The mass escape of slaves happens and her daughters flee, through this all Josephine laid on deaths door in her cell. She was ok with dying, had for so long dreamt of such a thing, but anger had let her from not dying quite yet. Half dead and powered only by the knowledge she’d die Josephine gets up. Broken wings crack and move, the pain so blinding it became numb. She had to protect her daughters, had to erase all trace of them here lest a trail is somehow left. And despite never knowing to master her flames she ignites because she herself is the kindling. The already aflame Mary geoise is lit with newer more intense fire that burned to the fire. Josephine burns with mother’s rage and a single wish. Cleanse her homeland with flame just as it was meant to be oh so long ago.
Josephine kills her tormentor and bastard of a man who’s father to her daughter, watches the flames bath him in agony as she holds his face in burning hands. Scarlet eyes glaring down at him as everything burned, her once small flickering flame behind her neck so intense and big it hurt to look at and consumed the background. Flesh melts and blood sizzles in her palms. Josephine dies kneeling on the red earth of her home, staring up to the smouldering sky with broken wings and an outstretched hand to the heavens she so loved. Her scream echoes out among flickering flames and chaos, echoes and reverberates into the sky before turning to nothingness. She burns so intensely that nothing of herself and twenty feet surrounding her body is left besides ash, soot and a trail of bloody feathers littering the ground just outside the crater as her scream of agony faded.
Chapter 1: Childhood from the eyes of a mother
Dicentra grows up on a lie just as everyone else of the Amazon lily does. From the time she could walk and speak she’s told of how her mother and aunts slayed a fierce-some gorgon that had killed her birth mother which led to her being adopted. That gorgon cursed her mom, aunts and herself with a curse bared on their backs. For her mom and her aunts it’s an odd symbol and for Dicentra it’s her wings. But all the same Dicentra knows that her mom is her hero (and though that story is a lie it’s still true she’s her hero) and the young princess stared at her mother in awe and such innocence. It’s something that eats Hancock up inside, that she’s lying to her daughter about everything. Of her wings, her lineage and birth mother and yet she made that vow and she won’t go back in it.
All this leads to though is Hancock being fiercely protective of her daughter, not just for the fact of her blood but because she wants better for Dicentra. She wants her daughter to live happy not plagued by the burden and shame that she and her sisters suffers daily. The memories, the pain, the loss of it all. She wants Dicentra to live the life Hancock wished she had, of never being ripped away from a safe and loving home to be hurt over and over again. It’s why she keeps a close eye on her, especially in the early years where everything is still fresh in her mind of the escape. Perhaps she’s a tad overbearing at times but knowing her daughter is happy and safe within the walls of her nation is all that matters. But as time progresses she does become more lenient towards letting Dicentra do things on her own with the only condition being a bodyguard accompanying her.
At 6 Dicentra has Nightshade assigned as her personal bodyguard and protector. Before then it was randomly assigned guards or Salome who took over watching over the already curious and slightly mischievous young girl. Much to Hancock’s displeasure her daughter takes to running off into the jungles of the Amazon but at the same time she can’t help but be happy her daughter takes her freedom in such strive and not forgranted. Dicentra talks of all range of things she came across once she comes home, from rocks she found to bird feathers pressed in pages. Nightshade with now wild tangled hair standing beside Dicentra posed and proper even with a few leaves and sticks lodged in once straight black hair.
By 7 Hancock decides to have Dicentra be taught proper manners and help her find some hobbies that aren’t just running off into the brush. It’s there that Dicentra finds her talent in Dance and playing instruments, she specifically likes playing the Erhu traditionally played in the Amazon lily. It’s a hobby especially Hancock enjoys because it quickly becomes a source of calm when old memories plague her mind. Perhaps a lifetime ago she would’ve picked up the instrument as well, but now she resides herself to listening to old tunes that would play before that fateful day on a ship leaving home. Whilst she listens she holds her daughter, time seems to slip away and for once all is well for those minutes playing song.
At 9 Dicentra begins to do more things around the Amazon lily. Knowing the jungles area and documenting the plants she finds ends up being useful to apothecaries and doctors on the island. Along with this she starts to also help in delivering things and having a hand in public events. It’s here that she begins to realize what being a princess means even if it’s more a title than anything. To the Amazon lily her mom is cold and respected, the citizens of the island fear and love her and Hancock knows this. They don’t see her compassion behind closed doors but Dicentra does. If her mom is the cold and cool leader that in secret cared, then Dicentra would be a sliver in that door for others to see that kindness. She tells the truth, that her mom asked her to try and find ways to help the other kuja women. As princess the women of the island love her and she notices she means something to everyone there. For the women of the island Dicentra is their kind princess in contrast to their lovely but cruel empress, to Hancock Dicentra is what little hope is left in the world.
At 10 the young princess starts asking Hancock more about the outside world and it leaves the empress silently terrified. They aren’t bad questions, moreso just innocent ones of if places she’d been to were like home. But to Hancock they signify the end. She knew from the moment her bright eyed daughter began to run before learning to walk, began looking out to the sea on the horizon and climbed to the tops of the snake statues overlooking the entire tribe she’d one day be curious enough to leave. That this island would become too small to satisfy her need to see and experience the world. A selfish part of her wished that the luxuries she spoiled her with and the nights in which she’d hug her close whilst promising she’d always be safe here would disway her, but Hancock always knew because of the spark in her eyes that she’d one day leave. It terrifies her and yet she knows one day she’ll have to because she can’t take away Dicentra’s freedom just as hers had been taken. But for now she was safe, leaving was in the future but now she was safe in her arms.
By 11 Dicentra waits by the docks as Hancock sets off to yet another warlord meeting that would go nowhere. Hancock when her daughter was younger would leave her with Sandersonia as she and Marigold would set off into the ocean. But Hancock decides that this time her daughter was old enough to last a few days on her own (despite how terror still grips her heart). Nightshade swears she’ll look after the young girl and none of the Boa’s doubt that. Not when the ex-assassin turned bodyguard has the same look Hancock does when the young girl does something as simple as gifting a flower. It’s a look of wanting to protect something so desperately because it was one of the last pieces of kindness in their world. None of the Boa sisters trust easily, especially not Hancock, and especially if it came to her daughter. But Hancock trusted Nightshade, and that was a feat in of itself. And so Hancock sets off on her ship, trusting her beloved daughter to her bodyguard and ex-empress of the Amazon. Though it’s only for a few days Dicentra helps keep things afloat alongside Gloriosa.
Chapter 2: where the story begins
By 13 Dicentra knows the Amazon lily like the back of her hand. She knows every trail, bend of the river and cove there’s to find in the lush landscape populated by snaking vines and flowers. Pollen coats the air in sweet smells as the distinct smell of rain coming sets in for the young princess and her shadow. But the Rowling black clouds did little to dismay the young girl, if anything it only made her more excited as she quickened her pace and hopped over twisting roots. Having a storm in the calm belt was a rare occurrence, the lack of wind and still waters kept for a stagnant environment but once in awhile a storm would drift from the grand line and breeze briefly through the still water and die off. It made for decent rainfall and any occasional change in weather from the hot climate was always something welcome to the young girl. Nightshade would agree in that retrospect, from the few moments she talked of times past was she talked of a place described as an eternal flowering spring, not cold but not yet summer (though apparently a northern area had snow). So Dicentra raced to the many hidden beaches and coves of the Amazon lily.
its towering cliffs her beloved home had many secret coves beside the main waterway into the heart of the city. Many laid forgotten to time, old boats used generations ago laying still in soft sand that crunched beneath her feet. Typically there was no tide at these hidden beaches and coves, just stagnant water lifting at a certain level against the sand. No white foam decorating its edges like lace if not for the storm stirring the waves. She can’t help but giggle at the sensation, even if her stockings got wet in the ordeal. A few feet away nightshade stood as the wind blew past, still and silent yet eased by now dropping of rain on warm skin.
The rain is cool and refreshing, trailing down and leaving hair damp.
But calm only lasts a moment.
Typically when a storm blew through the calm belt it was mild at worst and calm rain at its least. It was almost always that way with nothing to keep feeding its trajectory as it fizzled out and died.
But sometimes depending on how large the storm was prior it could survive long enough to be just as powerful as it was in the grand line.
One second Dicentra is standing at the waters edge basking in the cool rain, the other second she’s dragged in by once cerulean blue waves that became crashing cold darkness. The void encompasses the entirety of her as she’s choked from air and the cold grasping at her bones. Instinct sets in immediately but the shock of near icey waves and pulling current tossing her like a rag doll make it impossible to do so. Helplessly she floats in near darkness as storm clouds blocked out sun and made the waters a chilling void. The image of complete utter darkness as she reaches blindly engraved itself in her mind. Never once has she felt such a fear of the dark. When she was younger she hadn’t feared it, rather was intrigued to explore it instead. But now it grips and drags her down down, down into is abyss.
But then a hand appears from the dark, Nightshade.
Twitchy and icey fingers grasp the stronger hand that then pulls.
She lands on the old rickety boat with a thud and immediately sea water streams out in pained coughs. Wind blows wildly tussling hair as waves crash against the edges of the boat. She can barely see over wet hair clinging to her face but she feels Nightshade hold her for dear life and above the yelling waves her protector screams to hold onto her with all she can.
Dicentra does as says and feels a colossal pain hit her before a once friendly darkness consumes her vision.
Chapter 3: turning point
Waking up is typically a calming routine for Dicentra. If mom wasn’t on a warlord meeting she’d brush sit down with her and her mom would brush her hair. It was a daily tradition, on in which her mother would hum quietly and gently comb through her hair. Sometimes she’d check to see if the pink dye of her hair was loosing its pigment, if so she’d ask if she wanted to leave it natural or dye it once more. Dicentra always opted to dye it again. Crushed up flowers mixed with imported hair products then used to stain once lily White hair again. That was their tradition together alongside at night having mom look at her wings and care for them. Apologizing as she helped her wings molt or placing a soothing cream on the sore hurting appendages. So waking up one morning with sunlight streaming on her face on linen instead of the familiar feeling of silk is odd. Not bad but it doesn’t make sense for a few moments as her sleep plagued brain thought through what had happened.
She remembered a storm, darkness gripping her, coughing up slat water that burned her lungs and then clutching Nightshade for dear life.
Despite her body feeling like wet bricks Dicentra finds herself dragging herself from the small bed she was laid on. Blindly she reaches out expecting to find her closest companion besides her family. Instead though she meets something else instead.
Nightshade was a lithe person. beautifully strong despite her lack of visible muscles. She used to ask her shadow of a bodyguard how she was able to be so strong without being as muscular as aunty Marigold. The quiet woman would simply hum, saying something about she isn’t strong but has good instincts and reflexes. Point being in all of this the arm she grabbed wasn’t that of Nightshade, it was muscular
“Oh yoi? You’re awake finally.” The voice is weirdly deep and as her eyes adjust Dicentra is faced with someone crouching down to her level. Blue eyes stare at her from behind glasses….this was a weird looking woman.
This is where things would come into motion
I’ll leave it at this for now. But rest assured she has more story
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littlefankingdom · 1 month
History and folklore nerd has been triggered by the incorrect timeline in a comics inspired movie, again!
In Justice League Dark, Jason Blood and Etrigan have been bonded together for 500 years, so since the 16th century, the Renaissance era. However, Jason is a knight of Camelot and Etrigan served Merlin. Camelot and Merlin are not from the Renaissance. Yes, the stories were still told, but the stories had a time period, which is the 5th and 6th centuries. If Jason is a Camelot's knight, then he was bonded to Etrigan 1500 years ago. There's a full millennium between the correct centuries and the one given in the movie, omg. It's a totally different culture he grew up with.
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Half-Ghost Billy Batson
(Inspired by a post that I can’t find😡😤. If you recognize it please let me know! I have searched. Everywhere. I remember it starts off with Billy contemplating how he’s different and his dad didn’t want him, and then Danny shows up.)
Danny Fenton grows up, gets crowned King of the Infinite Realms, and then discovers that time it weird in the Zone if the portal you came through doesn’t stay open. He’s been ruling for over a century, but it’s only been a few years on Earth. Early on he made sure to keep popping in and out to visit family and friends and keep up a human identity, and so was able to age normally too.
By the time he’s 25 (2015), he’s in a serious relationship with a woman named Mary Batson, and has decided to tell her about his other life. Before he can however, he is ‘killed’ in an explosion at his civilian job as an engineer.
He’s fine, but was weakened enough that he reverted to his core, and Clockwork retrieved him and took him to the Realms to heal. He does, goes discreetly looking for Mary, and discovers it been a year and she died in a car accident. Heartbroken, and with no civilian identity anymore, he starts spending all his time in the Zone, only making weekend trips to see family/friends.
Unknown to Danny, Mary was pregnant, gave birth, and little William ‘Billy’ Daniel Batson was saved via emergency C-Section after the accident and placed in foster care, because she had no family and no one looked into the father’s well enough. Mary only survived long enough to name her son and give them Danny’s name.
10 years later, Billy gains the title of Champion of Magic. The influx of so much magic also triggers his… other genes.
As Billy, he is faster and stronger and heals quicker and if he concentrates really hard he can turn invisible and walk through things— at least for a few moments. He also discovers that he’s essentially a cat, since he can hiss and purr and randomly sprout claws.
Billy only uses a mirror if he needs to give himself a haircut, but the next time he looks he notices the tiny little baby fangies. And that his eyes are more teal than blue, his hair has a few white spots in it, and his ears point a little more. No wonder no one’s been bothering him lately.
(He’s basically 75% human and 25% ghost, so unless he gets hosed down with pure ectoplasm and also eats a bunch of the stuff, he’s not going to be able to ‘go ghost’. He’s just hasn’t got enough Phantom in him to manage it.)
As Captain Marvel, the magic of his patrons and the Rock of Eternity kinda work as a counter-measure against the partially-dead thing, as the magic sees it as a threat to the Champion’s health and fights the genes’ effects like it’s a virus. So the magic is basically shutting down all of the actual powers he gets as Billy. But he does get little things that the magic doesn’t care about, like sharp little fangs and pointy ears.
Billy just thinks it’s all side effects of the magic, and uses his new ‘adaptations’ as Billy to survive on the streets.
The Justice League comes knocking about 6 months in, meet this huge chipper dude who can evenly match Superman and uses magic in a way that causes other magic users headaches and rage, and invite him to join.
That’s when they notice that he’s a bit… strange.
Not like, in a bad way! Just, the other day Batman did the ‘appear behind you from nowhere’ thing and when Marvel noticed he full on hissed at him, like a feral cat, before looking sheepish and apologizing.
A few weeks later, they’re rescuing some kidnapped meta kids and they find Marvel sitting cross-legged on the ground, several toddlers draped over him and a very distinct purring noice emanating from his chest.
A week after that, and Superman confides worriedly that sometimes Marvel’s heart will just… stop beating, and/or he’ll stop breathing, and that when his heartbeat is gone there seems to be a strange hum coming from the center of his chest.
Then another 2 weeks later, after a meeting, he and Flash were talking and they both laughed, but when Marvel did he just flashed these very sharp incisors that Flash swears are fangs.
And then one day they call him in to help fight some demons and one growls at him and he freakin growls back, bares his definitely fangs I told you so! And just freakin launches at the thing. They basically roll around like a couple of territorial tomcats, and at first Marvel is throwing punches and lighting but then the demon bites him and Marvel just… bites back.
And then he like… sprouts claws?! And then it really is like a cat fight, with these two just hissing and growling and clawing and biting until Marvel does something and the demon breaks away and flees, whimpering like a kicked dog. Superman has to snag Marvels cape and dodge some claws to keep the guy from chasing after it.
He’s covered in claw marks and scratches and there’s blood like everywhere but once they drag/convince/bully him into going back to the Watchtowers medbay, there’s nothing. The wounds are gone, the blood is fading away, and the suit is repairing itself. Marvel just shrugs and says magic, which, fair enough.
But then they have to have a talk about what the hell that was, and all Marvel can say for his feral-cat behavior is “I just heard him growl and had the uncontrollable urge to bite him. Like, he’s in my territory, and he’s gonna challenge me like that? Heck-no.”
…Territory? Territory?! What does that- does this possibly-immortal being consider all of Earth his territory? Is he secretly a Fae? An eldritch being in less terrifying form? Part demon himself? A cat transformed into a person?
Marvel shrugs.
“I never met my parents, so honestly any of those have a chance of being true.”
Oh No. Oh F*ck. Those were rhetorical!
Meanwhile, Danny is back on Earth and finds out from Tucker that Mary had a kid. They discover this because he was reported missing after he ran away and the cops tried to find out if there was any more family, and do a better job looking this time. Danny is ‘dead’ so they called the Drs Fenton, who told Jazz, who told Tucker, who dug around and realized oh sh*t, Danny has a son.
But they can’t tell Danny this, because some a-hole in a different dimension is trying to invade the Infinite Realms, so Danny has to go kick a**. The time in the other dimension is weird too, so several years pass on Earth by the time he stops the threat, locks away the demon Trigon, and finds a nice home in the Realms for the demon’s half-human orphaned daughter Raven, who fits in very well with the ghosts.
So, Danny’s back and between Tucker and Danny they figure out what city Billy is in, and Danny spends days flying around invisible feeling for any ectoplasm. He finds it, finds Billy facing down some wanna-be teenage gangsters, and watches with growing pride as his son hisses at them with his widdle baby fangs oh my Ancients!
So after the other kids flee from the ‘crazy demon kid’, Danny invisibly follows Billy back to his current hideout in the basement of an abandoned warehouse (only someone Billy-sized or smaller would be able to fit through the window, and then they’d have to do it again to get into his little blocked-off closet. Smart. Very smart. I have such a smart kid, the family will Love him!)
Danny doesn’t want to freak his kid out— strange man+small space=bad no-no— so he just settles himself in front of the exit and starts chirping. Calling.
Billy, who has never heard the sound before, still knows what it means. Can’t resist following it out of his hidey-hole. Sees the man, cross-legged on the ground, sees his blue eyes flash green-green-green and knows.
“Hi, Billy. Is so good to meet you!”
2015: Danny=25
2016: Billy born
2027: Billy=11, Danny=27
Hope you guys like this!
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zippyjiffy · 1 month
Yo yo, Pressure oc anyone?? (Ill draw him when i get motivatation
Farlei/Z-64 or ‘Panic’
Found at: Hadal Blacksite, In darker illuminated rooms
Aliases: Seahorse, Panic, Z-64
Personal Information: August 18th 1997
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Hostile: Yes, if someone comes too close
Hybrid of: Human, leafy sea dragon, Leaf scorpionfish, axolotl
Height: 7’1
Farlei, has murky gray-brown colored skin—that has an extremely cold and smoother texture to it,
His gills being located on the back of his neck.
His hair is almost about to his shoulders(He will try cutting it whenever he can as he hates having tangled and matted hair, it stresses him out)
The color being a grayed-out color,that was originally was blue, but is now extremely faded in an off brown(Farlei previously used to dye his hair before he was arrested), and which his hair is pretty unkept—but he really tries to keep it okay-ish.
Along his face, is two-three streak scars—one being a darker brownish-gray and blackish and the other just a dark brown.
Along his head are these leafy-like ‘ribbons’—that are similar to a Leafy Sea dragon’s, also having these along his back—and a longer ‘appendage’ that acts like a tail. He has spines along his back, which are venomous to touch.
His overall body has been modified, and giving him a more aquatic system—but despite this he can be on the surface if he pleased(even though he rather not)
He also has anthropomorphic legs.
His eyes, having black ink-like scaleras—and lighter grey eyes/pupils.
His tail is a mix of an axolotl’s and Leaf scorpionfish tail as well.
The shirt he wears is a sleeveless turtle-neck like shirt, that is a grayer hue with softer muted-blue accents, being a bit baggier as well due to being a bit starved and malnourished
Also having two belts(?) draped across him as well.
His pants being rolled up right to mid-calf, and which they are a lighter grey color—despite being horribly stained.
He has a dirty bandage wrapped around his one leg, as being paranoid the wound he had is still there(Its not).
Farlei, also has a loose muted-blue rope tied around his waist—the reason is unknown why he has this, but he appears to like to cling to it or mess with it for comfort.
His clothes, are usually coated in algae as he tends to hide a lot—and sometimes seaweed, but seaweed doesn’t always grow that frequently.
Farlei, is a very easily-startled and difficult individual—He is very easily triggered.
During his ‘human’ years, as he calls them—he used to be somewhat—rude. He was careless, and didn’t care for anything—as in to contrast of present time,
Where Farlei is fearful by even close proximity of another living being.
This change in character, was not that ‘he wanted to’ or anything—but by the experiences he went through.
Farlei is absolutely not trusting, and can become irritated rather quickly, and will not hesitate to either kill you or run away and cry if pushed far enough.
He is extremely fearful of anything that breaths, but mainly fears humans.
Befriending him, would take an eternity—unless you were to maybe save his life—which he is still yet to truly know who released, and yet being curious of it, he rather not go out and find out.
He can be somewhat envious towards those who make it far, as he rarely will follow—you can spot him in rooms with windows that look out into the water, like where Eyefestation pops up.
He wants to escape, but at the same time—he is fearful of having this repeat, and as well as the whole monster looking thing.
Farlei, grew up in poverty—and was seen to be a ‘bully’ when he was younger—as he had a problem with anger issues, that were never truly addressed by his parents. His parents were barely there, always working or busy—and which no one ever really taunt him certain things, so he found kindness or other positives to be frustrating.
Dropping out of high-school, and soon leaving his parents to bunk with a friend—began working at a nearby gas station.
When he got to the age of 20, he started shoplifting—it started put as simple stealing, but quickly escalated.
One day, when he was trying to steal from a home—a man had spotted him and which, Farlei tried attacking so he could get away without word, but he was quickly brought down, but despite this—killed the man, little did Farlei know—was the police had been called by the man’s wife.
After being court, and then being taken into prison, he slowly started to dislike people—and close contact, constantly being picked on for certain things—about how skinny he was his brightly colored hair, or whatever his crime was.
He slowly began almost fearing people after a few beatings.
Soon—When Urbanshade came around, and being ‘lucky’, he got tested on, being around the age of 24.
He was one of the few who were tested for the ‘gill’ surgeries(or whatever), and once that passed—scientists started experimenting on him to see if they could mix human DNA with near-extinct species, such as the Leafy sea dragon and axolotls.
Which—this partially worked, and unfortunately Farlei suffered horribly—his fear of other people, humans in general greatened.
When Z-13, released all the experiments—Farlei, dashed the second he could, and hid in the waters. He hid for about a year, just staying as far as he could from other convicts that explored—
But soon enough, he started venturing out more—not because he wanted to, but because he knew he needed too.
His paranoia, after ditching his hiding spot—had definitely increased, though his paranoia is somewhat useful, as he knows pretty much all the rooms and hallways pretty well.
Function within the game:
Farlei, can often be found on swimming levels, in larger spaced rooms.
He can be found in corners or safe rooms, he is never in the same room—and sometimes won’t even appear.
He can be found usually from 20-45 levels,
If he is found—make sure not to near yourself close, as he will become horribly panicked and try attacking—either by stabbing with his little makeshift knife he has, or by kicking you.
He helps, with predicting the next 10 rooms. Predicting how many void-masses there will be, how many lockers there will be, and if there are any other safe spaces are ahead, as he came from that way.
He will only help, if you give him the items that are a medkit, flashlight, or a hand-cranked light, or the gummi light.
If you give him a medkit, he will only tell you one of the things listed above.
(You can only give one of each item, so only one medkit, flashlight, and hand-cranked light, gummi light)
If you give him a flashlight, you may get the chance to get two predictions—
If you give him a hand-cranked light/gummi light, he will tell you all three.
If given all these items though, you either will have them thrown back at you—as he believes you’re tricking him, or he will tell you all three the predictions and possibly give you a little data(50-100),
This is a 50/50 chance for either to happen, and you can keep trying—but the chance for the good option will go down.
When first meeting him—
"HUH—? ACK!! DANGER—!! OH—..Oh.. you’re—well, sorry… Hello… Me? What am I doing? What was—I’m hiding, rather than going forward…"
Any other meeting with him—
"Back..? Why return?—whatever..Hi—"
"Wha—Again?? Hmm.."
"Can you—knock next time? Scared me half to death.."
"HUMAN—Oh. You."
"Guhh.. Can you die already—I mean, Hi.."
"I truly wonder how you return, I envy your determination…"
Asking for predictions—
"Want to know what the next few doors hold…?Why not… have—anything.. by chance?"
Giving him what he wants—
"I’ll tell you… I guess…?"
"Eruggh… Fine—I’ll tell you, Just stay over there…"
"Keep away… And listen—Or don’t… Do you or whatever…"
Giving him anything else—
"Not looking for that…"
"Ew…" (for lanterns, he don’t like those💔)
"No. No thanks…"
"You can keep that…"
"No use for me…"
"About.. ‘Blank’ of those… locker thieves…—"
"I’d say… ‘Blank’ lockers…"
"A ‘blank’ of safe rooms…"
(He will say all three if given a hand cranked light/gummi light or all three items)
Leaving the room—
"Good riddance…"
"If you die, Sorry…?"
"Have—a mediocre time…"
"Finally—… Now wheres that—
*cutoff of a falling file cabinet*
Dangit…" (Rare one)
Getting too close/Touching him—
"Woah woah!! GET. AWAY."
"You will be the thing I eat for the next six weeks if you bring yourself into MY proximity…" (This is a lie)
(If you continue getting closer, he will try stabbing you or kicking you, these doing about 25-70 damage)
After killing someone—
"Oh.. Oh—Eesh…Sorry—Wait no—Deserved."
"Stay down."
"I’m not eating that…"
"Are they still moving…? No? Good."
"No breathing? Mh. Exactly."
"Floor hugger…"
"*Hyper ventilating breathing*"
(Last two are the most likely to happen)
Flashing him with a flash beacon—
"EEP—oh.. Not a gun—or taser… cool—"
"ERKR—Don’t be swinging that thing around at peoples eyes!!"
"EERP—.. Ugh… Very funny…"
"AERK—Flash beacon!! Ha!! Consider trying that on Angler… It’d be funny."
Farlei, likes anything sweet—and dislikes sour items
Farlei hates the words ‘twig’, ‘Wimp’, and etc…(Im lazy)
Farlei was a troublesome kid, but he always had one friend growing up named Liam—and which the two had dyed their hairs around the age of 13 together, Liam got teal, and Farlei got blue
Farlei would like softer music, piano, acoustic, and probably heart-break music—despite never have been in a relationship, (he’d also like undertale music)
Farlei, still surprisingly has great vision
Farlei twitches frequently, and fidgets with anything he can—and often stutters and messes up words
Farlei counts sheep to fall asleep
Farlei dislikes being on the surface, and dislikes being dry—he rather swim
He doesn’t like cursing, unless he thinks its needed
Farlei used to heavy drink, and had horrible withdrawal affects within prison and testing
Farlei knows and used to play the violin
Z-13/Sebastian: Doesn’t quite know anything of him, but knows of his existence within Blacksite—is just too afraid to venture out and find him
If Farlei did know Sebastian, the two would get along somewhat—Sebastian seeing Farlei’s files and knowing to keep his distance, and which Farlei just doesn’t fully trust him
Angler: Hates them all—as they’re all loud, and dislikes their scents
Eyefestation: Dislikes them, due to the things they ‘say’—Farlei thinks its ‘gaslighting’ (Delusional)
Void masses: Sees them alot and doesn’t care much for them, but finds them funny
Searchlights: Is absolutely terrified of them, and won’t go anywhere near doors 80 or such
Squiddles: Likes them, as he thinks they’re funny—likes the more silly looking variants
Wall dwellers: Doesn’t mind them, but finds them a little spooky
Painter: Finds him agitating—as Painter has locked Farlei out of certain safe rooms multiple times
Good people(s): Screams at them every time he sees one, as he hated when they touch him(basically shoving him or whatever)
Pandemonium: Gets frustrated with it, has screamed vulgar things at it
Yeah, uhh hes still a bit of a wip but the silly!!!
Can you understand my color coding??🦘🦘
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The Promise of Eternity (Part 2)
Author: @astarionslittlejuicebox
Imagine: The reader helped Astarion ascend and became his spawn. After saving the world from the Elder brain and it’s destruction, the reader and Astarion set out to take on the world together. While he promised to never forget the gifts the reader has given him, Astarion has seemed to have changed his attitude towards the reader in the last century…. After someone breaks one of  Astarion’s rules, how will this affect the reader’s fate?
Pairing: Astarion x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: potential for minor spoilers, suggestive themes, language, mentions of death, mentions of blood, abusive relationship, mention of slavery
Word Count: 1246
Imagine Series List
Side Notes: 
This imagine series takes place 200 years after the events of Baldur’s Gate 3.  Everything you read in here is a story from my mind outside of the original BG3 character Astarion.
In this imagine series, Astarion is a bit more unemotionally unavailable, and this series will follow the decisions and consequences of that change. This is not canonically accepted and it is just an idea I’ve had in my head! (I do believe Astarion might truly care for the reader after Ascension, but that is open to individual interpretation.)
In this series, TAV is mildly based on my first character I played in BG3; she is a drow and I will make references to her in her background and knowledge as well. I do apologize that it is not 100% your own imagine, but the name for TAV is up to you as well as anything else that I can think of leaving to you, the reader, to decide.
I appreciate everyone who reads the imagines and this series, and I hope you enjoy the story!
Breakfast time was a busy time for everyone in the castle. The chefs were busy preparing a large feast for the Lord of the castle and his exquisite taste buds. For the last two hundred years, Astarion has indulged and refined his taste for mortal foods, and the ever-rotating kitchen staff struggles to keep up with his desires. This morning, the chefs had prepared a feast of danish hens, caviar, fish, eggs in various styles, and other luxuries that only the nobility could afford in Toril. As I walked around the long dark wooden table that stood proudly in the center of an exquisitely decorated dining hall, I observed those who were hustling and bustling about the dining hall. Humans, elves, tieflings, and other people of all sorts of races rushed about to ensure that the breakfast buffet on the table would match the vampire lord’s meticulous standards. The silverware was polished and then examined before it was repolished several times until the silverware was finally deemed satisfactory. 
I took note of the facial expressions of the servants as they all appeared to be frantic in their preparations. I was searching for any signs of deception or discontent with their tasks as servants placed two sets of plates on the table, one at each end of the table where an intricately designed chair sat proudly. One of the chairs belonged to the vampire lord himself, and the other belonged to his most beloved. I fondly glanced over at the chair I had sat in so many times over the last two centuries. Before I could reminisce on fonder days, a familiar voice agitated my drow ears.
“This fork is not shiny enough for the Master!” The voice sounded like the person only spoke from their nose—an impressive talent—but the voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to the ears of those who heard it. The tiefling made her way hastily to the seat I had been staring at, with two puncture marks still lazily bleeding on her neck. Upon noticing me looking at her, she narrowed her eyes and gave me a snide look. “Look away, spawn, or I’ll tell your master that you’re bothering me.” She let out a laugh that reminded me of a pack of gnolls, but I turned my attention elsewhere as I left the room. On my way out, I almost collided into the pale elf himself, Astarion. He didn’t even spare a glance at me before I was shoved out the way and into the wall. I caught myself before smoothing out my dress and continuing my path towards my bedchambers. I could hear the ridiculous hyena laugh echo through the hallways until I had gotten several more feet away. Several of the spawn had given me sorrowful expressions as I passed, but I merely smiled at them as I took longer strides. Pity was etched onto every one of their faces, and I could not bear the weight of it on my shoulders. Besides, someone in this castle had broken a rule, and I was tasked to find whomever had done so.
Arriving at my bedchambers, I hastily opened and shut the door behind me before my handmaiden, Kristiana, greeted me. Kristiana was a spawn without a vampire master who Astarion and I had taken in under our wings one hundred fifty years ago. She was a short human female with big brown eyes, golden brown hair, and a soft smile. She was totally devoted to serving me hand and foot.
“Good morning, Mistress, was the sunrise beautiful this morning?” She asked as she walked into the large dressing room attached to the bedroom. “What are we thinking of wearing today? A nice autumn themed dress or shall we wear something more comfortable today?” I slipped off my gown and handed it to her through the door. Before I walked towards the warm bath she had drawn me. I sunk into the heated water and my muscles relaxed into the hot water. Kristiana walked over and poured water on my hair and brushed the knots out before she proceeded to wash my hair. 
“We are going to put on something more comfortable for today. After I am dressed, please take the day to rest and relax. You’ve been working so hard lately, and you deserve a break.” Kristiana’s hands paused in my hair. 
“Are you sure, Mistress? You know there are still plenty of duties for me—“ I waved my hand to stop her.
“I am absolutely sure. I can handle myself. Besides, I have business in town, and I am perfectly capable of handling myself.” I gave her a smile, which she graciously returned.
“If you are sure, I shall take you up on that offer.” She then continued delicately washing my hair while I washed my body. The sweet aroma of peaches filled the air in my room as dirt and grime was washed away from my body. Once I was rinsed, I stood up and wrapped a soft towel around my body as Kristiana laid out a plain black shirt and black trousers for me, I put on a pair of black leather boots to finish my outfit then smiled at Kristiana. I sat in front of the mirror, even though I couldn’t see my reflection, as Kristiana stood behind me and ran a brush through my hair.
“Just throw my hair into my usual bun and we shall call it a day.” I saw her nod her head in the mirror before her skillful hands went to work twisting my hair into a beautiful bun. She placed small black pins into my hair to hold it in place before she pulled out two strands to frame my face. She took a step back to admire her work before she smiled at me.
“All done, Mistress, and you look as beautiful as you always do.” I gave her a small smile. 
“Thank you Kristiana. You always do such a wonderful job. You are dismissed until tomorrow.” Kristiana gave a timid bow before she walked out of my bedchambers. I took a moment to sit in the complete silence of the empty room and thought about how my morning had started. My eyes watered with the familiar sting of tears as I recalled the small glimmer of how things used to be with Astarion, but the moment quickly dissipated the moment she walked into the room. 
I sighed heavily as I looked out the window, reminiscing on the days when Astarion and I were on the same page, wanting the same things, and speaking the same language. You will be my most beloved spawn, my right hand, my dark consort. I felt a single tear escape from my eye as his honeyed words rang through my head once again. Together you and I will be the most powerful people in the world. A few more tears slid down my face and collected onto my trousers. I had foolishly thought my little star had meant those words he had spoken, and I believe he truly did at one point in time. I wiped the tears that escaped my eyes before I straightened my posture. Regardless of how I thought he felt, he did entrust me with the task of finding whoever had stolen his blood. I grabbed my cloak and left my bedchambers as I set out to head towards my next destination: the library of Baldur’s Gate.
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2d-reality · 8 months
Study Buddy
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characters: Satan, GN!MC content/warnings: Satan being a smarty-pants and helping you with Devildom Law. You also ponder about him... Fluff <3 word count: 2606 notes: Not only did I not edit this past halfway, the edibles kicked in towards the end. IF you can tell no you can't.
RAD was the single evilest thing Diavolo had ever done. High school, eternally. You weren’t a fan of high school (or high schoolers, for that matter) when you were in it, and the further you progressed past it, the more grateful you were that it was over. 
As if being chucked on your head into the Devildom wasn’t bad enough, on top of everything that had happened over the last year and a half, you were forced to endure the hell that was everything about traditional schooling. Getting up in the morning, making sure you hadn’t forgotten any assignments, navigating the cavernous, echoing halls of RAD, sitting through lectures on topics you still didn’t entirely grasp, making sure what the cafeteria served wouldn’t cause you a painful death, student council meetings, homework... the list went on. Even the student body behaved like high schoolers. Albeit they were magically adept, inhuman high schoolers who could float through the hallways or burn their desks to ashes, but they cliqued and gossiped just the same.
You were thankful, at least, that Lucifer had gone out of his way to ensure you were accompanied by one of his siblings at all times. Though your class roster changed every semester (Diavolo’s way of freshening up the classrooms, lest some of RAD’s less than amiable students get too unbearably annoyed with each other), you were seated beside one of your guardian demons in each lecture hall. 
You were particularly thankful for Satan being your seatmate in your Devildom Law course. The emerald-eyed fourth-born was smart as a whip, and the reputation surrounding his hair-trigger temper meant even those students around you who were not afraid of a lifetime detention sentence didn’t try anything untoward when the two of you were together. 
Home Ec, Art, and even Mathematics you could shoulder well enough, but the additional Devildom-centric courses had thrown you for a loop. Magical Potions was much like Chemistry, at times, and Seductive Speechcraft could arguably be studied just as easily by watching political debates or taking a mid level Psych class. Curses and Hexes had grown on you, the Anti-Lucifer league’s help notwithstanding, but Devildom Law had you absolutely, hopelessly lost. 
You weren’t keen on politics much back in the human realm, having never really grasped the contrived flannery of things that seemed really very simple-- betterment for the good of all, and what have you, but humans were just... prejudiced like that, you supposed. Demons were, pun not intended, a completely different breed. For one, they lacked any amount of urgency in their decision making. When one lives for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, one apparently doesn’t feel much need for speed and efficiency. It was a little difficult to have a research project ongoing for upwards of a hundred years when you hadn’t even been around for a blink of that time. Secondly was the caste system. Demons were sorted, it appeared, by very rigid standards-- their point of origin, be that parent or manifestation, age, their physical and magical power, and their scope of influence in both the Devildom and the human realm.
The longer you spent around the brothers, the more you realized just how powerful they were, and not just physically (that you were well aware of), but socially-- and politically. The student council ruled as pretty damn close to a governing body, even if it was dressed down with an innocuous name. Occasionally, you would be reminded that Levi was a Navy leader, that Lucifer was the very backbone of Devildom society, and Mammon made quick, intelligent financial decisions for RAD and the surrounding realm. 
And yet still, something that always negged at you, they were once angels. Stories would fall from them every now and again, quips at each other about their time in the Celestial Realm, and though they were no longer, there seemed to be some innate intricacies of demon behavior that they didn’t quite fully... get. Their divinity clung to them still, in little ways that weren’t always apparent.
Satan, on the other hand, had always been a demon. He had told you once, after a quiet, intimate night, that he sometimes felt out of place amongst his brothers. How he felt undeserving of his rank, how sure he was that the only reason he had been sorted in the middle and not on the tail end was because of just how much sheer power Lucifer bore even after his fall, and how the only reason Satan came to be was because the eldest brother had him violently ripped from his being. How he felt like an ugly, broken thing amongst the shining jewels of the heavens. 
But to you, Satan was a warm ray of sun in this realm of eternal darkness. In learning to quell the overwhelming anger inside himself, he learned how to douse it in others. He was, in your opinion, the most observant out of the seven of them, and the most receptive to your moods. Any time a comment was shot too loudly across the dinner table, or a designer purse was thrown at a target past your head, or someone sidled into your personal space on the couch in the common room, Satan’s eyes were on you, watching. Reading the tension in your shoulders, the change in your expression, the speed at which you switched between apps on your DDD or sighed. He would suggest you join him in clearing the dishes, or happen to remember there was a book he wanted to recommend to you, in his room, if you would, or remind one of his brothers they had things to be doing that didn’t involve buggering you. His presence proved to you that sometimes, things could be calm in this whirlwind.
Which is part of why you appreciated him being in this class with you. The other, sometimes seemingly larger part being the fact that his brain seemed to work twice as fast as yours. He could answer all of your questions without hardly a moment’s pause. You had joked with him once, that his head was a steel trap. 
“Provided something interests me,” he had replied, expression unreadable. You were pretty sure everything interested him.
Satan was the best tutor around for Devildom Law, aside from maybe Diavolo himself. Despite how carefully his acquaintances trod around him, Satan had hundreds of them, in every aspect of the realm you could think of. He was out of the house almost as much as Asmo, attending soirees, launch parties, company milestone celebrations, even somewhat regular dinner parties as a special guest. Satan had an air of familiarity about him to the residents of the Devildom, one that you thought you might recognize in your familiarity with Solomon. Where the other brothers had helped shape humanity, and were now demons, they weren’t human, and had known more than their sins, whereas you and Satan had never known anything more than what you were. You had a kinship with the other human exchange student in a way only two humans could, and Satan had it with other natural-born demons.
He knew designers, nobles in the upper echelons, executive chefs, newspaper editors, bus drivers, and every stray cat in a twenty-mile radius. Some of which you weren’t convinced were just cats. Demons came in all shapes and sizes, after all. 
Your plight for a Devildom Law tutor was helped by the fact that you had managed to endear yourself to the fourth born. Sometimes you could compare his investment into your tutoring sessions to that of a wildlife ecologist teaching an animal to perform simple tricks, but you were willing to take the help wherever you could get it. You had always been an adaptive person, and you would prove everyone in this infernal place that you-- frail, mortal little you-- could. You could handle anything they threw at you. 
Or, you thought as you stared into the print of your Law textbook, that’s what you wanted, at least. The words had long since gone blurry, and your pen had fallen from your hand as you had been lost in thought. Papers were scattered across your desk, some of the edges crinkled under open books, and smudged with highlighter. The screensaver on your laptop had switched on, and you swiped your fingers across the mousepad to wake it. 
The sudden, harsh light made you draw back, and both a shoulder joint and the middle of your back popped. Even with the tableside lamp on, you were getting drowsy. Your class was performing mock trials this semester, and had been split into pairs, with each pair taking on the role of defense or plaintiff for their own trial. Yours and Satan’s turn was later this week, and you felt like you were no closer to gathering your arguments than you were when the whole ordeal was assigned. Of course you weren’t given the exciting embezzlement or human sacrifice (!) cases-- you were stuck with a property dispute between two mid-level demons in the fourth circle. An avarice demon wished to add the property to his swollen scope of dominion, and a prodigality spirit with alleged ties to Dante himself wanted it for its quick-selling real estate tag. 
You were supposed to argue on the behalf of the prodigal Ar’gig. You felt like an unmoored buoy drowning in the reading material you had been given-- most of which you somehow had to translate from its native Infernal, which was another mountain to summit in itself-- and the longer you stared at the sea of papers before you, the more they swam in your vision and truly resembled crashing waves.
You sat back in your desk chair, stretching your creaking body. More joints protest, and your head spins for a moment with the rush of blood. Blinking to clear the spots, you cross your arms over your textbook and rest your head on your forearms. The sigh you heave smells like old paper and ink, and faintly of hopelessness.
Maybe just a few moments... if you closed your eyes, you could visualize better...
The book under your head being shifted woke you. You blinked, having not even realized you fell asleep. A flash of chartreuse caught your eye, and you turned your head to see Satan in a chair beside you. He regarded you fondly for a moment, and you realized Satan’s presence wasn’t all that was different. Your papers had been arranged, rescued from under your laptop and textbooks. The computer was sitting to Satan’s left, open programs layered neatly. In his hand was a pen, and the paper sitting in front of him was mostly his clean handwriting. Peering closer, you realized he had written in his own notes below the few scant lines you had started. The page was now nearly full. 
“I thought you said you’d never do my homework for me,” you teased. Satan lifted one shoulder in indifference. 
“Good morning to you, too. This is a group project. Besides, Lucifer said if you don’t do well on this midterm, you’ll not be allowed out of the House until you make up the grade, and I promised Nysrogh that you would be attending his next dinner party. I can’t have you making me look like a liar.”
His tone was clipped, bordering on apathetic, but you saw right through it. It was nothing for Satan to make up an excused absence, and he had always been staunch in his refusal to do any of the actual legwork for you-- something about experience being the best teacher. You didn’t press the matter.
“Clearly you understand this better than I do,” you settled on stating the obvious to steer the conversation in a productive direction. With Satan’s help, you felt like you could actually tread the waves. “Anything I should know? Aside from... all of it?”
Satan pinched his lips in the way he did when he was thinking. “This translation is wrong.” He pointed to a bit of text in the middle of your paltry paragraph of notes. “The original meaning has less to do with Melchom’s prior holdings and more to do with his reputation. It changes the argument slightly.” 
You scrubbed at your face, resting your palms over your eyes. “Infernal is so... infernal.” 
Satan chuckled, reaching out to smooth his cool touch over your hair. “Maybe we could squeeze some lessons in on weekends. I may know a simple speech incantation that could also help.” 
“Only if it’s over coffee,” you bargained, peering through your fingers. You were pleased to see a slight flush come to life on Satan’s nose, and he turned away from you to type something on your computer.
“Awesome,” you had meant to say, but instead, out of your mouth tumbled “I love you.” 
Satan’s fingers froze over your laptop. It took him a moment to respond, “I’m not -ahem- not helping you to bargain for your affection--” 
“I know.” You doubled down on the sudden confession, delighting in how flustered it made him, despite it being far from the first time you’d said it. “As if you have to bargain for it in the first place.” 
Satan cleared his throat again and shifted in his seat, but didn’t say anything further. You chewed on how best to express your next thoughts before speaking. 
“I appreciate the effort, nonetheless.” You rested your chin on the heels of your palms and tested the waters a little more. “I don’t think anyone else could help me understand this stuff... aside from Lucifer.”
You caught the flash of Satan’s eyes and bit down on a grin as he ground out, “As if that selfish, patronizing bastard would ever lower himself to tutoring. Nevermind that tutoring actually being of any help.” 
“All of you do more for me than anyone thought you had the capacity for.” You saw Satan’s jaw tick. “But you’re probably right. At any rate, he doesn’t have time to help expand my tiny human comprehension.”
“Your comprehension is perfectly adequate. I love your mind, anyways,” Satan grumbled just over his breath, almost as though he hadn’t meant to say it out loud. He slid your laptop across the desk to you, and placed the page of your combined notes atop the keyboard, as well, speaking with purpose this time. “Let’s test that comprehension. Hopefully I’ve laid this out in a way that’s easier for you to understand. The better you grasp the basics, the better you’ll actually be able to make headway on this project. I won’t have you dragging my grades down with you if we fail this, in addition to making me look like a liar.” 
“Hey,” you whined, crossing your arms over your chest. “What happened to being my hype man?” 
“When, MC, have I ever resembled anything close to a, quote, hype man? Or have you mistaken me for one of my brothers all of the sudden?” 
You chose not to respond to that, save for half-heartedly glowering at your demonic study buddy. “Never figured you would kill a romantic moment like that.” 
The flush returned, but Satan had already begun shifting to teacher mode. “Nysrogh’s dinner party will be plenty romantic. When you pass this. And you ruined it first when you mentioned Lucifer. Now, read, and tell me where we need to start.” 
You huffed, and let your arms fall dramatically to the desk. “Fine. boss. Meter’s running.”  
Satan offered one last charm, accompanied by a fond smile, before you began. “We’ll get you where you need to go.”
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kimaixun · 2 years
[Hanahaki] [SKZ Han JiSung x M!Reader]
[‼️Trigger Warning‼️ Character Death]
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Since the day you broke up, officially with none other than the love of your life, you once believed, Han JiSung. You were the greatest couple of the century in the K-pop industry. Everyone knew the both of you. JiSung from Stray Kids, the rising popular boy group and you, as a rising soloist in Korea.
Everyone knew about your relationship ever since the both of you came out about dating each other and that was four years ago, even before SKZ debuted. You were deeply in love with JiSung and the world could see it. The way you look at him, the way you talk to him, the way you smiled to him, the world was envious. JiSung happened to be the most luckiest person on earth to have you as his boyfriend.
It was four years into the relationship, the both of you had debuted and successfully reached at the peak of your career. You decided it was time, time to make Han JiSung, to be the love of your life to eternity and beyond. You planned to propose to the rapper. Everything was set up, you had booked a candle light dinner at JiSung’s favourite restaurant, you had asked for blessing from his parents, you had carved his name on the engagement ring personally and where else could anything go wrong?
What seems to be a perfect life for you turns out to be a disaster. You grinned, taking light steps towards the training room, where you have told Lee Know to help you lure JiSung in. The training room was the first place you have ever set eyes on JiSung and it held a very significant meaning to both of you. The training room was your first everything. Your first touch, your first hug, your first confession, your first kiss.
“Sungie~, we have to tell M/N the truth, this is wrong. We can’t keep it a secret anymore.” You heard the voice as you were nearing to the entrance.
“I can’t Hyung. I don’t want to hurt M/N. We can keep it a secret, no one needs to know.” You heard your boyfriend said to the dancer. You peeled through the parted doors, regretting instantly as you felt your heart shatters into pieces so thin that it was impossible to fix. JiSung was kissing Lee Know.
You felt the tears accumulate in your eyes, as you clutch the fabric of your shirt, almost ripping it. You bit your lips to choke back the threatening sobs and you ran. You ran as fast as your feet could bring you, going into your studio, locking the doors and you broke down. You felt your chest tightened as you gasped for air, something was not right. Your throat itches as if something was in it. You violently coughed, bent over on your knees as tears clouded your vision. A couple of petals had left your lips, drenched in blood right beneath you. Shit, you mentally cursed.
You didn’t realise how long the time had passed. You were still cooped inside your studio, staring helplessly to the flower petals that you had gathered in your hands. You knew the Hanahaki disease existed but, you weren’t expecting yourself to have it. It was the knock to your door that snapped you out of your train of thoughts. You quickly threw the petals inside the bin, wiped off the blood on the floor and tried to make yourself look decent.
“Who is it?”
“Honey? It’s me.” You choke back a sob, taking in a deep breath before unlocking the doors to it. “Honey? Lee Know Hyung told me that you were suppose to meet me at the training room but, it’s been almost 6 hours, what have you be—,”
There was a moment of silence as you stared at the shorter rapper in front of you. Your heart screamed in agony, your fist curled up, ready to throw a punch to him but, you didn’t.
“You look awful,” JiSung took a step into the room, leading your frail into the light. He realise how awfully pale you were and you felt cold, almost too cold for a human. “Did you catch a virus? Honey?”
“Han JiSung, let’s break up.” You managed to croak out despite the dryness of your throat. JiSung paused, staring at you.
“Okay.” He finally said after what seems to be minutes of silence, “but, I hope we can still at least be friends.” JiSung threw himself to you, burying his face into your chest. You didn’t hug him back, neither did you do anything. You just stood there, eyes watching the rapper. “Thank you for the four years.” And he left.
You felt a few tears rolling down your cheek and you fell to your knees. You feel the need to cry, you feel the need to scream, you feel the need to trash around but, you stayed where you were, numbed as ever.
You forced a smile as you watch JiSung and Lee Know cling onto each other on stage. You were the host of the show, congratulating SKZ for winning an award for the best performance. You watched as Chris said his thank you speech before passing the mic over to your ex. JiSung cleared his throat, giving a small smile and nod to you.
“Hi Stays! Thank you for always being here for us and thank you for the votes! Thank you for existing in our life! Before we do our encore, there is something that I would like to confess. M/N and I are no longer together. Thank you for all of you who has supported us on our four year relationship but, M/N and I decided that we are not meant to be together but, don’t worry, he and I are still mutual friends.” JiSung announced.
You felt the familiar pain in you grew as mixed of responses were given by the audience. You see JiSung walking over to you, holding out his arms and you knew it was to show the world that you guys were still mutual friends. You forced another grin, hugging JiSung for a split second before you signal for the music to be turned on. SKZ continued with their encore stage and you, ran backstage, almost broke a door down to the washroom.
Your gut was knotted tighter than a hangman’s noose round the neck of a 300-pound wrestler. You released your content into the toilet bowl. The vomit pooled in it, as you heaved on all fours. Your stomach clenched in pain. More and more petals, just like every other day pooled in the bowl. You wanted nothing more but, death.
Han JiSung was conflicted. Unable to determine what he was actually feeling. There was no immediate reaction to when M/N had asked him for a break up. He wasn’t completely sad, he felt more of relieve because as if god could read his mind, at least, M/N was the one who asked for a break up and he didn’t need to brutally hurt the soloist by confessing that he felt out of love, or that was what he assumed.
It was a month prior to their break up when JiSung realise he was getting attracted by his own group mate, Lee Know. Lee Know had always been kind and caring and sweet hearted when it came to him and it made JiSung realise that he was falling for the dancer. Not that his current boyfriend, now Ex, M/N, was bad or awful. Instead, M/N had been with him for 4 years and he had to admit, the relationship had thought him so much in life. He loved, no, he love M/N still but, maybe he love Lee Know more.
Even though he was confuse about the sudden break up, JiSung decided not to make a big fuss out of it and mutually ends things with M/N. It was not like they were going to cut ties with each other, at least they still kept in touch, or that was what JiSung hoped. After the day he ended their 4 years relationship, he could feel the distant M/N tried to make. M/N barely hangs out in their dorm, M/N actually lives there, now sharing a room with Chris after they announced their break up and JiSung shared a room with Lee Know.
JiSung would catch the soloist in odd morning hours, in the bathroom, sat on the floor, asleep, multiple times and when JiSung asked the latter, he would answer with the same sentence.
“I got too tired so I took a nap here.”
JiSung noticed that within a span of two months, M/N looked like a ghost. He could see how much M/N had lost weight, the hollow cheeks, darken eye bags, the lethargic movement of the latter. He couldn’t help but worry. Every time JiSung tried to approached his ex, M/N would dodge him like a bullet and reasoned that he needed to rush to his studio to complete some work. JiSung frowned, feeling a slight ache in his heart and he ranted his thoughts to his current lover.
It was 4 days later, when JiSung got back from the gym with Lee Know and ChangBin trailing behind him. The dorm was in a mess, there was blood on the floor, flower petals drenched in it making the rapper frightened at the sight. ChangBin had called their leader to ask on what had happened. JiSung felt his heart pound against his chest, unable to calm down even with Lee Know holding him in his arms, something was not right. ChangBin gasped through the phone, looking towards the couple. JiSung could see ChangBin’s hand trembling as he held his phone.
“M/N is in the hospital.”
JiSung sobbed uncontrollably as Lee Know held him. Everyone was outside the Ward, not allowed to enter as per the doctor’s instructions. They were only been briefed that M/N had been terminally ill for the last two months and he was now, on his deathbed. It took a while for all of them to process everything and JiSung was the first to break down indefinitely. His cries echoed down the hallway, he fell on his knees, sobbing M/N’s name.
“Hey, Sungie~,” the tender gentle voice caught JiSung’s attention, “M/N called for you, alone.” Lee Know said.
JiSung didn’t even spare a second to calm down as he barged into the Ward to see his ex, looking so fragile, laying on the bed. There was a heart monitor connected to the soloist, beeping a little too slow for his liking and a oxygen mask on the latter. JiSung, sat on the chair, grabbing M/N’s cold hands and he burst into another wave of tears.
“Hey love, I thought the only time you would cry is when your parents are no longer here. Why are you crying like a baby?” M/N managed to chuckle and teased the rapper in short, gasping breath.
“Why…..why didn’t you tell me that you were ill?”
“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you or anyone. Look at you, a crybaby. You looked like a squirrel who had his nuts fall to the ground on a sad winter.”
“M/N…..stop messing around! How are you so carefree?! Wh y didn’t you tell me?! I am your lover, even if I was your lover, I should’ve known!” JiSung sobbed.
“Like how, I should’ve known that you love Lee Know Hyung?”
The question caught JiSung off guard as he looked at M/N smiling face.
“It’s okay. I know. It doesn’t matter anymore. Only your happiness matters the most. As long as Lee Know Hyung can take care of you to the eternity and beyond, I don’t see any wrong in leaving you in his hands.” M/N felt a tear roll down his cheeks as he gently caress JiSung’s knuckles with hiss thumb.
“B…but how?”
“I rather you not know. Anyways, I am really feeling sleepy right now and exhausted. I thought you should be the last person I would see before I fall asleep,” the heart monitor decreased as every second go by.
“Han JiSung, thank you for making me the happiest man on earth. Han JiSung, thank you for being the love of my life. Han JiSung, thank you for being you. Han JiSung, thank you for existing. Han JiSung, thank you for existing.”
JiSung cried hysterically as the heart monitor stopped, M/N’s grip were no longer tight on his hand. He felt his heart clenched and he begin to feel overwhelmed. JiSung fell off the chair, gasping for air as tears rolled down his cheeks. JiSung felt his chest tightened as a series of cough escapes his lips. Something was bound to come out of his throat and as he heaves forward, a white petal flew out.
It was that moment when he realise that M/N was the one he loved most.
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ghostxrose · 9 months
One Life After Another, Forevermore | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five (final)
Note ~ Just want to say thank you all so much for the love on my fic so far, it literally brings tears to my eyes seeing people enjoy my work. I love and appreciate you all so much! Also this part is nearly 8k words, just a heads-up.. Enjoy, Lovelies!! <3
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!Reader, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Emotional, Temporary Character Deaths, Depictions of Injuries, Potentially Triggering Content, No Use of Y/N, Hurts So Good (let me know if I should tag anything else <3)
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Your eyes opened up to another new world and your cries proved to those who were in the room that you were a strong and healthy baby. You weren’t sure what life you were on now but you did remember the last few were different types of animals. You and Katsuki had found and lost each other in each life before being able to be together for any significant amount of time. It was in that new life as you screamed your lungs out as a tiny infant that your innermost consciousness wondered if you and Katsuki would ever get to fully live out any of your lives together.
In that new life, you were born a human. A royal human, as you would come to learn, a Princess to the Kingdom of the North. Other humans took care of you, served you, and did things for you. You lived in a grand castle amongst lavish things but not everything was as luxurious as they may have looked.
Your mother, the Queen, had died giving birth to you, and your father, the King, made sure that you were kept out of his sights. After his wife’s death, he had been grief-stricken and disappointed. His disappointment had been in you, a female, being his first and only child. He would have no heir to his throne unless he remarried and tried for a male child. He paid no regard to the way that Eternal Loves worked, he only cared about his reputation which seemed to be a recurring theme throughout your lives.
So that is what the King did; he informed the entire kingdom that the Queen and their child had both died during the birth, he ignored your existence, remarried, and a few years later a male heir was born. Your father, his new family, and the kingdom’s subjects rejoiced while you were hidden away in your room.
The years went on of you being ignored by your father and his replacement wife and kids. You were at least still treated like the rightful Princess you were by the servants in the castle. And they didn’t mind doting on you, talking to you, or fulfilling any requests you made. Many of them had told you that they much preferred when your mother was Queen and they spoke of how kind, beautiful, and lovely she was. It made you happy to hear but also left an ache in your heart that yearned for your mother’s love.
Not long after you had turned seventeen, you had decided that you were sick of the oppressive walls of the castle. You were sick of your father and his replacement family. You wanted to see more of the world, you wanted to exist in the world. But most of all, if you had stayed in that damn castle your whole life then you would never find Katsuki.
Your most trusted servants, and quite frankly your best and only friends, helped you to gather items and pack. Tsu had given you a cloak and a map of the country. Itsuka packed you a bag of clothes and dried fruits and even managed to get you some of your mother’s jewelry. Lastly, Reiko had been able to get you a decently-sized pouch of coins. You thanked them for all of their help and hugged the three of them tightly.
You laid in bed that evening but you didn’t sleep. You waited for Tsu to come by your room once your father and his family were asleep. When she did come to get you, the both of you quietly made your way to the kitchen. Waiting for you there was Itsuka, Reiko, and your favorite two cooks; Hanta and Rikido. Hanta smiled warmly at you as he handed you a bag with bread, cheese, and dried meat, and Rikido wished you luck as he handed you a bag of sweet baked goods. You gave them both a teary smile and thanked them quietly.
As you said your last goodbyes to your friends one of the castle’s guards, Mezo, silently entered the kitchen. You wiped your tears, straightened your back, and flipped the hood of your cloak up. You nodded to Mezo in silent communication then smiled, wide and warm, at your friends as you waved to them and walked away.
You quietly followed Mezo through the castle and outside to the royal garden. He led you to the back edge of the garden where a secret exit had been hidden away in the vines that covered the barrier that surrounded the castle grounds. He pulled the vines away and opened the door for you, standing back so that you could go through.
“Good luck on your journey, Princess. Please be safe on your travels.” He said quietly while he held a small sword out to you.
“Thank you, Mezo.” You said with a warm smile and took the sword from him.
You went through the door, sending Mezo one last wave as he closed the secret door behind you. You took a moment to slide the sword's sheath onto your belt and re-fastened it before quietly sneaking away from the castle. You were a bit scared to be on your own but knew that this was what you needed to do and you had prepared well.
Over the past couple of months, your friends had taught you various skills that would help you survive on your own. Itsuka taught you how to read a map, a compass, and the sun. Tsu had shown you how to sew which was beneficial towards clothing and wounds alike. Reiko had written you a journal full of information and drawings of different herbs and plants and their uses. Most importantly, Mezo had shown you how to use the sword on your hip and had trained you how to fight.
You silently made your way to the edge of the forest where you had one more person to meet. As you neared the trees the light of the full moon illuminated the figure of a person on top of a horse, another horse patiently standing next to the pair. 
“Hello? Koji?” You quietly called out as you approached.
The person’s head whipped in your direction as if spooked and you smiled sheepishly, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” You quietly apologized.
“I-it’s a-alright, Princess. Y-yes, I-I a-am Koji. Th-this i-is y-your h-horse, M-Mira.” Koji told you and you smiled at him, then at your new horse companion. Koji taught you everything you needed to know about caring for and riding horses.
The moon was low in the sky and you knew the sun was due to begin showing itself soon. Koji asked where you headed first and you pulled out your map. You pointed to the Kingdom of the West and explained you would go there first since they were allies to the Kingdom of the North. Koji nodded, warned you to stay away from the South as he reminded you of the Barbarian kingdom that ruled there, and wished you luck on your travels. You thanked Koji with a warm smile and wished him well then set off on your journey to find your Love.
When you arrived at the Kingdom of the West you were in awe at how different it had seemed from your home kingdom. You bought yourself a room at a nice Inn that also had stables to keep your horse in. The Innkeeper was a nice round-faced girl about the same age as you by the name of Ochaco.
You had mentioned to Ochaco that you would probably be staying for a few days and she had cheerfully offered to show you around. You excitedly accepted her offer and couldn’t wait to experience what this kingdom was like.
True to her word, the next day Ochaco had come by your room to take you out and about the capital of the Kingdom of the West. As the two of you walked down the main streets of the capital, Ochaco talked about their king. Supposedly, he was a kind and gracious ruler by the name of King Yagi. Ochaco also talked very highly of Queen Inko and Prince Izuku. 
According to your new pink-cheeked friend, the whole royal family was very kind and on any given day you could find the Prince out and about the capital offering help to anybody who needed it. It made you feel a bit envious hearing about how nice the royal family was not just to their subjects but to each other and other kingdoms. They were even kind to the Kingdom of the East despite King Enji’s one-sided rivalry with King Yagi.
“Oh, oh! Look! There’s Prince Izuku!” Ochaco had practically squealed as she pointed to a green-haired boy helping out an elderly shopkeeper. Ochaco took hold of your hand and dragged you over to the Prince, eager to introduce you to him.
“Izuku! Izuku!” Ochaco cheerfully called out and captured the Prince’s attention. The Prince blushed a bit when he saw you both approaching but smiled brightly.
“G-good a-afternoon, Ochaco! Who is this?” Prince Izuku greeted her, then turned to you with a kind smile. You smiled shyly and introduced yourself, not bothering to make up a fake name since practically no one knew of your existence. But apparently, Prince Izuku was smart and well-educated about his kingdom’s allies.
“Your family name sounds familiar, are you related to the royal family of the Kingdom of the North?” Prince Izuku asked curiously and you hesitated slightly.
“M-maybe we could talk about that somewhere more private..” You said nervously.
“Of course, we could talk in the royal garden if you’d like?” Prince Izuku offered but before you could answer a tall knight appeared by the Prince’s side.
“My Prince, I am not sure if it is a good idea to invite a stranger into the castle grounds!” The knight said, one of his arms chopping the air to accentuate his point.
“Iida, I’ve told you that you can just call me Izuku, and I don’t believe that she has any malicious intent, not if she is from our ally’s kingdom.” Prince Izuku said in a light tone.
“Prince Izuku is correct, I do not wish to harm anyone here. I am simply just trying to experience life outside of the kingdom I grew up in. If you would like to know my story then I do ask that we discuss it in private.” You said reassuringly as the knight, Iida, assessed your words.
“Very well then, I will escort you all to the royal garden,” Iida announced, his face and tone serious as ever. Prince Izuku smiled brightly then led you and Ochaco to the castle grounds.
When you got through the gates to the royal garden you were once again in awe of your surroundings. The Kingdom of the West’s royal garden was filled with plants and flowers different from the ones in the garden back in your kingdom. However, you did recognize a couple of kinds of flowers that seemed to have been gifted to the Kingdom of the West from your home kingdom.
Prince Izuku led you and Ochaco over to a very nice outdoor furniture set where a boy with half-red, half-white hair and a girl with long black hair had been sitting. You were curious as to who they were since Ochaco hadn’t mentioned that Izuku had any siblings. Prince Izuku kindly asked Iida to inform the servants to bring out some tea before greeting the other boy and girl.
“Good afternoon, Shoto and Lady Yaoyorozu!” Prince Izuku said cheerfully as he invited Ochaco and you to sit.
“Good afternoon, Izuku, Ochaco.” The two-toned boy, Shoto, greeted in a neutral tone.
“Good afternoon, Izuku, Ochaco! I thought I told you to just call me Yaomomo, Izuku.” The girl, Yaomomo, told Prince Izuku with a kind smile.
“O-oh, right! S-sorry, Yaomomo!” Prince Izuku stammered out with a sheepish smile.
“It’s alright, Izuku. Now, who is your new guest?” Yaomomo asked and smiled at you warmly while Shoto stared intently at you as if he were trying to read your thoughts.
You introduced yourself and caught the slight shift in the look in Shoto’s eyes when you gave your family name. But he didn’t say anything further so you just brushed it off. Tea was brought out shortly after introductions and you mentally prepared yourself for the conversation that you were about to have.
“Alright, if you’re comfortable enough to share your story, I would like to hear about it. I can promise that you can trust Shoto and Yaomomo as well as Ochaco and myself.” Prince Izuku said in a warm and inviting tone after he took a sip of his tea.
You took a deep breath, then told them about your life back in your home kingdom. You told them that your mother passed away giving birth to you and that your father made sure that the rest of the kingdom never knew about you. How he remarried and had other children while you were left to yourself in the depths of the castle. Then you told them about your decision to leave the castle and see the world instead of just rotting away in your room.
You left out the part about wanting to find Katsuki because you weren’t sure how that would play out. In all of the lives that you had lived so far you hadn’t met anyone else who remembered their previous lives the way that you and Katsuki did. You just hoped that a life wouldn’t come where you and Katsuki forget all of the good times from your previous lives.
“Wow, that sounds truly lonely, I’m so sorry,” Yaomomo said with a sympathetic and sad face.
“I do wish I could have known my mother but the castle staff had become my family when my father and his new family wanted nothing to do with me.” You said with a small smile.
“Well, please know that you are welcome to live here at the Kingdom of the West or visit any time you like! You said you wanted to continue your travels, right?” Prince Izuku said with a warm smile and you nodded.
“Thank you very much but yes, I do want to travel a bit more before settling somewhere.” You said with a grateful smile.
“Where do you plan on going next?” Ochaco asked excitedly. You got a bit nervous because even though you were warned against going there, you wanted to check the Kingdom of the South for your Love.
You decide to play it safe and tell them a small lie, “Oh, well, I was thinking of going ea-”
“Do not go to the Kingdom of the East,” Shoto spoke suddenly, his voice was full of bitterness and he was staring angrily down at his tea. You sat in your place shocked by the outburst and unable to respond.
“Shoto.. Maybe explain a little bit? You’re scaring her..” Yaomomo said quietly as she rested a hand on his shoulder.
“I apologize. I did not mean to frighten anybody. It’s just that.. My father is King Enji of the East. He is already an instigating bastard, but if he hears word that you are from the Kingdom of the North then I do not see it ending well for you.” Shoto explained with his eyes full of worry as he looked at you.
“Oh, I see. Well, thank you for the warning, then. I’ll be staying here for a few days so I will just take a look at my map and figure something else out. I’m.. I’m sorry, Shoto.” You said and shared a look of understanding with the runaway Prince.
The topic had changed to something lighter after that and you were fascinated by some of the stories your four new friends had shared. Prince Izuku had even managed to convince Ochaco and yourself to stay for dinner to which you felt incredibly honored. Even though you were a Princess you had never had dinner with your father and his family, let alone ever had dinner with any other royal families.
Returning to your room that night you felt a true happiness that you weren’t sure you had ever felt in that life. If you hadn’t known that Katsuki was out there somewhere waiting for you then you probably would have made the Kingdom of the North your new home.
When you woke up the next morning, you decided to go out and explore more of the capital since you and Ochaco didn’t get very far yesterday because of seeing Prince Izuku. You dressed yourself in one of the skirts Itsuka had given you, a flowy button-up half-sleeved shirt, and slipped on your shoes. Once you grabbed your pouch of coins and your room key, you locked up and headed out.
You stepped into a small bakery near the Inn and immediately melted at the scent of baked sweets and coffee that swirled through the air. A tired-looking boy with purple hair around your age wrapped up the goods you bought with a bored look on his face. You wanted to make a comment about him also having purple eyes but the boy seemed pretty stand-offish so you only thanked him and went about your exploring.
You wandered in and out of shops for a while until you came across a blacksmith shop. You went inside, curious as to what weapons they might have that you could use. You found an area in the shop where the smaller swords were on display and were fascinated by some of the designs on some of the handles and blades.
“Oh, hello there, Miss Beautiful! I don’t think I've ever seen you in here before!” A cheerful and slightly flirty voice greeted you from beside you.
“I’m just traveling and decided to rest and restock here in the capital.” You explained as you smiled hesitantly at the boy.
As you looked at the boy with dark hair that had been tied back with a cloth around his forehead, you wondered how many more people around your age you were going to meet. Was it common for people your age to work in shops and such? All of your friends back in your home kingdom were about ten years older than yourself, how soon in their lives had they started working?
“You traveling by yourself?” The boy asked and you started to grow nervous. Before you could answer him, a different and more gruff voice called out to the boy from the back.
“C’mon, Yosetsu! We have to get the materials that the Bakugo family ordered loaded up before the journey tomorrow!” Another boy with slightly unruly silver hair and oddly sharp teeth came into view from the back with an annoyed look on his face. The first boy, Yosetsu, grumbled as he disappeared into the back of the shop.
“Sorry, if he was bothering you, miss! I’m Tetsutetsu! Did you need help with something?” Tetsutetsu kindly asked you with a smile.
You stood there slightly frozen as the name Bakugo replayed over and over in your head. These guys were going to wherever Katsuki was and they were leaving the next day! You could almost feel the Goddess of Fate smiling at you.
“Uhm, miss?” Tetsutetsu questioned with slight concern.
“Oh goodness, I’m so sorry! Uhm, what would you say is best for someone traveling? I already have a small sword about the same size as these but I figured it couldn’t hurt to have another one? Or maybe something smaller?” You nervously rambled a bit but it worked out.
“Ah, let’s see.. Since you said you already have a sword, why don’t you take a look at the daggers? That way you aren’t too weighed down while you’re traveling!” Tetsutetsu happily suggested as he led you to where the daggers were displayed.
“I’m sorry but I really have to go load up some materials. Just shout when you’re ready to buy something or if you’re leaving!” Tetsutetsu said before he disappeared into the back of the shop.
You took your time looking at the daggers, testing the weights of them, and looking at the intricate designs. You eventually decided on a decently weighted dagger that had a simple dark-colored handle that was easy to grasp in your hand. What truly sold you on it were the intertwined dragons on the sheathe. Both dragons were silver in color but one had a red ruby for its eye and the other had a purple amethyst. Once again you felt the eyes of the Goddess of Fate upon you.
You wandered up to the counter and hesitated before shouting Tetsutetsu’s name. You awkwardly waited for a few moments then before you could shout again, Tetsutetsu bounded in from the back.
“Find something you like?” He asked with a grin.
“Yes,” You said with a small smile as you put the dagger on the counter.
“A fine piece you have chosen there, miss! Simple but definitely reliable!” He happily exclaimed then told you the price.
You paid him the amount but didn’t turn around to leave like he assumed you would. “Did you need something else, miss?” He asked, kind as can be.
“I.. uhm.. You mentioned earlier that you would be traveling tomorrow? If I may ask, where to?” You nervously asked.
“Oh, uhm, we’ll be running some materials to the Kingdom of the South. They’re allies of the Kingdom of the West and occasionally buy metals from us.” Tetsutetsu explained.
“I see.. W-would you mind if I traveled with you? It’s just my horse and I.” You asked, hoping that he would say yes.
“Are you sure you want to travel to the South, miss? They may be our allies but the people there are a bit.. Rugged.” Tetsutetsu very hesitantly explained to you while he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes, I’m sure. We will both be traveling there anyways, so I just thought I’d ask if we could travel together, but if you do not wish t-”
“No, no! It’s not that I don’t want to! I was just making sure that you realized where exactly you would be traveling to,” He said, slightly panicked at having thought he offended you. “Yes, you absolutely can travel with Yosetsu and me! Though, the back of our wagon will be completely full of materials, so you’ll have to ride your horse.” He finished.
“That’s not a problem! Thank you so much!” You gratefully exclaimed then formally introduced yourself.
“Alright, we’ll be leaving at dawn tomorrow! We’ll meet you at the southern entrance of the capital!” Tetsutetsu said with a happy, sharp-toothed grin.
You thanked him once more then headed out of the shop. You wandered around the capital a bit more before your feet became tired and you made your way back to the Inn. When you got there, Ochaco was behind the counter and cheerfully greeted you. You asked her if it would be possible for anyone to come wake you at dawn the next day and she gave you a confused look.
“I thought that you said you would be staying a bit longer?” Ochaco asked confusedly.
“I did, yes. But there is a group leaving tomorrow and they said I could travel with them.” You poorly and vaguely explained why the situation changed.
“Where are they traveling to?” Ochaco asked, her tone slightly suspicious but mostly worried.
“Uhm.. to the Kingdom of the South..” You nervously admitted.
“The South?!” Ochaco exclaimed then rubbed a hand across her forehead as you nodded sheepishly.
“Well, I have no right to stop you from going but please be careful! We may be allies with them but Barbarians are people who are rough around the edges!” Ochaco said and sighed.
“I promise to be careful, Ochaco. Will someone be able to wake me a bit before dawn?” You assured her then questioned hopefully.
“Agh, yes. I’ll be sure to let Kyoka know to wake you.” Ochaco said in a resigned tone.
“Thank you very much, Ochaco! It’s been really great meeting you and thank you for helping to show me what life is like outside of the walls of a castle.” You told her and gave her a warm smile.
Ochaco let out a small noise then ran around the counter and hugged you tightly. She made you promise to come back to the capital at some point either for a visit or to stay. Even though you knew it was only a promise to visit again, it was a promise you had no problem making.
A firm knocking on your room door woke you from your sleep the next morning. You opened the door and thanked a shy but kind girl, Kyoka, for waking you. Once you tipped her a few coins she left and you set about lighting the lanterns in your room so that you could get ready for the day.
You got dressed, combed through your long dark hair, braided it, and tied the end off with a red ribbon. You packed your bag, slid your sword and dagger onto your belt before fastening it, and donned your cloak. You slipped on your boots and blew out the lanterns then left the room.
Sitting comfortably on the back of Mira, you made your way to the southern gate of the capital. You ended up getting there a bit early but you didn’t have to wait too long for Tetsutetsu and Yosetsu. They both greeted you with cheery smiles when they arrived and the three of you set off for the Kingdom of the South.
The two asked you many questions during your travel together and you tried to answer as vaguely as you could. You didn’t know them so you didn’t want to tell them too much about who you were or where you came from. You never even told them your family name, so at least they couldn’t connect you to your father.
In turn, you asked them about their lives. How they came to work as blacksmiths. If they had ever traveled for anything besides work. Anything that took the focus off of you for at least a little while.
Finally, as the sun had neared being low enough in the sky to be considered the beginning of sunset, your small group was approaching the borders of the capital of the Kingdom of the South.
You saw that large spiked logs stuck up from the ground and formed a tall wall around the Kingdom of the South’s capital. You huffed a quiet laugh to yourself at the thought of Katsuki’s family believing that spiked logs would seem more intimidating than a normal stone wall. If you were to see them, that wouldn’t have been the first lifetime you “met” Katsuki’s parents, so you already knew what kind of people they were.
Your group got up to the entrance and was stopped by some.. not-very-kind-looking guards.
“What is your reason for entry?” One guard demanded.
“We have the metal that the royal family ordered,” Tetsutetsu answered calmly.
“And what about the girl? She’s never been with you guys before.” Another guard questioned.
“Oh, she’s not from the Kingdom of the West! She just traveled with us because she wanted to visit the Kingdom of the South!” Yosetsu dumbly answered before Tetsutetsu could say anything.
Both you and Tetsutetsu cringed at Yosetsu’s poor explanation and for good reason..
“A mystery traveler, huh? You’re coming with us, little girl! The King and Queen can decide if you can stay or not,” The second guard stated harshly and grabbed the reins from your hands.
“Metal workers, go on through! Mystery traveler, get off the horse and follow me!” The first guard commanded.
You quietly cooperated, a bit of fear filled your stomach but you knew you would be okay when you saw Masaru and Mitsuki. The first guard came over to where you were standing with the second guard and he took your bag along with your weapons. Tetsutetsu and Yosetsu rode past you and Tetsutetsu shot you an apologetic look before smacking the back of Yosetsu’s head. A small smile graced your lips before it was wiped away after a harsh yank to your arm told you the guard was taking you to the King and Queen.
The guards walked fast and you kept up with them fine except for the few times you got tripped up on rocks. The guards seemed to not care about your well-being seeing as the one dragging you by your arm had a grip so tight you wouldn’t be surprised if it bruised. You really wanted to stop showing up to Katsuki with injuries in the lifetimes where you seek him out.
You became very confused when the guards led you through a side entrance of the castle, then proceeded to practically drag you down a flight of stairs.
“Wh-where are we going? S-sir, I thought you said I would be seeing the King and Queen?” Your shaky voice questioned.
“You dumb little girl! Why would a random stranger such as yourself just automatically get a meeting with the King and the Queen? What right do you think you have to that, huh?” The first guard taunted.
“That isn’t how we work around here, sweetheart. You’re gonna sit in one of these lovely cells and wait your damn turn.” The second guard said with a harsh laugh afterward.
You get stopped in front of a cell and shoved unceremoniously into it, the guards slamming the door shut and locking it behind you. As you sat down on the cold stone bench you let out a defeated whimper. You prayed that they wouldn’t go through your things or steal your mother’s jewelry. You prayed that they would even let the King and Queen know that you were here.
You weren’t sure how long you had been down in the cold dungeon cell but when you heard the door unlocking you lifted your head from your knees. One of the guards from earlier walked in and looked at you with disdain, “C’mon, get off of your pathetic ass and let's go! The King and Queen are waiting!” He said in the same harsh tone he had earlier and grabbed your wrist.
Unfortunately, your legs had fallen asleep from sitting in the same position for so long, so when the guard pulled on your wrist, your knees buckled. You let out a small cry when your knees hit the stone floor but the guard didn’t stop. The guard dragged you out of the cell, the rough stone floor tearing through your pants and scraping your skin. The pain made you grit your teeth and you tugged your arm back towards you in an effort to help yourself back onto your feet. Your attempt was successful, though it did earn you an irritated growl from the guard who just yanked your arm again.
The guard didn’t let you go the whole trek through the castle and only stopped dragging you when you stopped at a pair of fancy-looking doors. The guard sent you one last glare before he straightened up and knocked on the doors. You heard Mitsuki’s voice call out from inside and the guard opened one of the doors.
You were once again unceremoniously shoved and you stumbled into the grand throne room. You straightened up the best you could and tried to resist the urge to rub your wrist. You kept your eyes down towards the floor mostly out of shame over the disheveled appearance you wore. You could feel the pull of Katsuki’s soul and the knowledge that he was in the room gave you comfort.
“Good evening, young traveler. We sincerely apologize for any misunderstandings that may have occurred since you arrived-” Masaru’s gentle voice started.
“Misunderstandings? Jesus, Pops, look at her!” Katsuki yelled, coming to your defense, and your face flushed as your chest filled with appreciation.
“Shut it, brat! What is your business here, traveler?” Mitsuki demanded though she sounded more tired than anything else.
“I-I just wanted to see new lands, your highness. I come from a very small and sheltered village. I apologize for causing any trouble, Your Highnesses.” You said then finally looked up. Your eyes automatically connected with Katsuki’s and you pushed down the urge to giggle as his widened in surprise.
“You didn’t cause any trouble, young traveler. As for the matter of you st-”
“She can stay.” Katsuki’s statement cut off Masaru and earned him a glare from Mitsuki.
Mitsuki’s glare quickly turned into a smirk when she saw the look on her son’s face and you, once again, had to refrain from giggling.
“I suppose we can allow her to stay as long as Katsuki is with her at all times to keep an eye on her,” Mitsuki said with a teasing lilt to her tone.
“Fine. That’s fine.” Katsuki agreed quickly, making both of his parents look at him like he was a complete stranger.
“Alright.. Now that that’s settled... Katsuki, get the guards that brought her in to give her back her things and show her to a room.” Masaru said with a warm yet slightly hesitant smile.
“Thank you very much, your highnesses.” You said with a grateful smile and a curtsy.
Katsuki quickly got up from his throne and made his way over to you, lightly grabbing your arm and leading back through the doors you had entered through. He didn’t stop to talk to the guards though, he just kept pulling you through the castle wordlessly. After going down a couple of hallways you were finally pulled through a door into a bedroom that you assumed was his.
Katsuki closed the door behind you then immediately wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around his bare torso equally as tight as giggles-turned-sobs left your mouth.
“I thought I told you to stop showing up to me injured, Violet.” Katsuki’s voice rasped against your skin.
“I tried this time, Kats. I really tried not to get hurt, but.. the guards that brought me in weren’t so kind.” The words spilled from your lips before you could stop them.
“And you’re going to point out who those guards were and I’ll punish them accordingly, starting with the one that pushed you into the throne room earlier,” Katsuki told you in a calm and even-toned voice but you could feel his hold become tighter from anger.
“Actually… the one that brought me to the throne room was one of them.. I don’t even care that they hurt me, Kats. I just want my stuff back and to finally just be with you.” You said quietly then kissed his neck once.
Katsuki let out a heavy sigh then nodded and pulled away from you reluctantly. His hands came up to your cheeks and gently wiped away your tears, a sad smile forming on his face.
“What’s wrong, my Love?” You asked softly as one of your hands came up to cup his cheek.
“I was just remembering the lifetime when you.. when you were a Mermaid and you didn’t know what tears were.” He said quietly as his eyes went slightly glassy.
“Aw, Kats..” You whispered before you leaned up and pressed your lips against his.
Remembering that lifetime was always really rough on both of you. It had been the one where you were together the longest, even if it had only been a few months. And it was the only one where you two had a child, even if the child hadn’t been born yet. The memories of how that life had ended still hit you both pretty hard.
“C’mon, my Love, let’s go get my stuff, maybe snag a meal because they didn’t give me any food while I was waiting for the meeting, and clean up my injuries, then we can cuddle all night long while we tell each other about this life. Sound good, Prince Katsuki?” You said softly with a warm smile.
“Yes, my Violet,” Katsuki murmured before kissing you deeply one more time, then leading you out of his room.
You slid the strap of your bag over your shoulder and re-sheathed the sword and dagger while Katsuki glared menacingly at the two guards that had brought you in. After he was finished silently threatening them, Katsuki took you to the kitchen where he cooked you a simple meal and sat with you while you ate. Finally, the two of you went back to his room for the night.
You were sat on the edge of Katsuki’s bed with your pants rolled up as he cleaned the scrapes on your knees and shins. He was grumbling about ‘killing the fucking bastard that did this’ and you were carding your fingers through his hair. When he finished bandaging you up he kissed over each knee then stood up and gently took your hand in his. He raised your arm and kissed over the bruise forming on your wrist then leaned in to kiss your lips.
You giggled into the kiss as Katsuki slotted himself between your legs and brought a hand up to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. You ran your hands up his bare torso and a groan left his throat. You pulled back from the kiss to catch your breath and rested your forehead against his.
“So.. no shirt and just a cloak? You don’t believe in shirts in this life, my Love? All the girls in the kingdom just get to see what’s mine?” You teased as you walked your fingers over his defined abs and chest.
Katsuki chuckled and moved his head to bite your cheek before straightening up again, “I don’t know, Violet, this is just how I was raised. And let all of the other extras look, you’re the only one who gets to touch, Violet. You’re the only one I want to touch, my Eternal Love.” Katsuki explained, a smirk on his face when he finished talking.
He chuckled when you tried to cover up your flushing face. You always blushed whenever he would go all sweet and lusty. You poked at his chest as you stood up then went over to your bag and pulled out your nightgown. You both faced away from each other when you changed simply because there was a silent agreement that you wouldn’t have sex tonight but if you saw each other naked then there would be no going back.
Katsuki made sure that you were lying down before he put out all of the lanterns, then joined you. He snaked one arm under your head while the other curled over to pull your body into his. You both let out a sigh of contentment and he kissed your forehead.
“Kats?” You mumbled sleepily.
“Yes, Violet?” He questioned quietly.
“C’n we talk ‘bout our lives t’morrow? ‘M tired.” You said, your words slurred from exhaustion.
“Yeah, baby. It can wait til we wake up.” Katsuki said, his voice low and raspy from being tired.
“ ‘mmkay. Love you, Kats.” You whispered on the edge of sleep.
“Love you too, Violet,” Katsuki mumbled as his consciousness gave into the call of slumber.
At breakfast the next morning, Katsuki was informed that he would be excused from any princely duties he would’ve had for the day to show you around the capital. Queen Mitsuki had a servant fetch you some of her old clothes to wear and you gratefully thanked her. You and Katsuki finished eating and returned to his room to change.
You both managed to change without tearing each other's clothes back off as much as you both- but mainly Katsuki- had wanted to. You could feel his hungry gaze on you the whole way out of the castle. When you first put on the new clothes, you felt kind of exposed by the sleeveless and strapless top that barely covered your chest and ended just above your belly button and the low-rise pants that ended mid-shin. But your Love was quick to put your worries to rest as his eyes hardly left your body and he murmured sweet and lusty compliments into your ears.
As the both of you walked around the capital you got many stares cast your way and it felt like you could hear everyone’s whispers at once. Katsuki took your hand and squeezed it reassuringly while glaring at anybody who continued to look your way. You pushed your anxieties away and continued about your tour, Katsuki taking you to different shops and buying you small gifts and new clothes.
When you returned to the castle, you and your Love’s arms were full of enough clothes to fill a wardrobe along with some traditional jewelry and a few pairs of shoes. Katsuki was very determined to get you everything you would need to start feeling comfortable there in what was to be your new home kingdom.
“I truly did not need all of these things, Kats.” You said with a sheepish yet appreciative smile as you helped him put your new things away in his room.
“Of course, you needed all this damn stuff! I finally have you in my arms again and I don’t plan on letting you go, Violet!” Katsuki grumbled back to you with feigned annoyance.
“And I wasn’t planning on going anywhere, my Love. Though, your parents are under the impression that I will only be here for a few days.” You said as you wrapped your arms around his torso and rested your chin against his chest, looking up at him.
“We’ll figure something out, Violet. Not our fault if nobody else remembers their previous lives.” He rasped gently then kissed your forehead.
In one swift motion, Katsuki scooped you up bridal style, took a few steps to his bed, and gently dropped you onto it. You giggled at his actions then let out a quiet ‘oof’ when he laid on top of you with his full weight. You took comfort in his warm weight squishing your body into the mattress and brought a hand up to run through his hair.
“So, you gonna tell me about your life this time around or what?” Katsuki mumbled into the crook of your neck and you smiled at the tingly shiver that ran down your spine from the feeling of his lips brushing against your skin.
“Well, believe it or not, I’m actually royalty just like you in this life.” You started, then proceeded to tell Katsuki about your life up until that point.
He had been shocked to find out that you were a Princess, then angered over how you were treated by your own father. He was also annoyed that you ended up in Prince Izuku’s company before his but was easily soothed by some head scratches and kisses. When you were finished with your tale, Katsuki told you all about his own.
From that day forward, you had remained in the Kingdom of the South and made it your new home. It hadn’t taken much to convince King Masaru and Queen Mitsuki to let you stay as they had witnessed how much of an interest their son had taken in you. They had allowed Katsuki to court you and Mitsuki had treated you like the daughter she never had.
As time went by, you and Katsuki had become increasingly happy that things in your lives had seemed to be going very well. But along with the happiness and joy, there was also the anxiety that sat in the pit of both of your stomachs of something going wrong.
Your time together had reached a new record as you approached three years past finding each other in that lifetime. When your time together had reached two years and nothing happened to bring about either one of your deaths, you and Katsuki had decided to get married. Not long after marrying, you and Katsuki had been crowned the new King and Queen of the Kingdom of the South.
Soon after you both crowned the new rulers of the Kingdom of the South, you found out that you were with child. Though you had planned for it, after much discussion between the two of you, it was still a bit scary to discover that you had been sick not because of an illness. You and Katsuki still had nightmares from the memories of your lifetime as a Mermaid but you both shoved away the fears as your new life seemed to be going just fine.
As the months had gone by it was not just you and Katsuki who were excited about the baby. The kingdom’s subjects were very excited and happy for you as well, and many of them had sent gifts to the castle. You spent a lot of your time going through said gifts and appreciating the hard work that had gone into them. Many times Katsuki had found you blubbering over handmade baby clothes, small pairs of shoes, hand-stitched quilts and blankets, and even pieces of jewelry for yourself.
Then the day had come for your and Katsuki’s baby to make their arrival and, oh, what a long day that was. You labored for many hours and Katsuki was there for you the whole time. He had endured your pain-filled screams and bone-crushing grips on his hands and even a few insults thrown at him from your pain-driven rage. He did it all with excitement in his heart, amazement in his eyes, and encouraging words pouring from his lips.
Finally, as the sun was setting that evening, the loud cries of a new life echoed off of the castle walls. With your husband, your Eternal Love, by your side, your dark-haired and crimson-eyed baby boy was put into your weak and shaky but waiting arms. You looked to your Love, saw his shiny eyes full of love and amazement and the few tears rolling down his face, and smiled tiredly.
Suddenly, the room had begun to spin and you told Katsuki to take the baby because you feared dropping your new son. Katsuki’s joy quickly turned to fear and his panic-filled voice started asking what was wrong. You weakly told him that you weren’t feeling good as the castle doctors were now scrambling as they tried to get your bleeding under control.
“Please, Violet, please don’t leave us.” Katsuki pleaded in a broken voice, his few tears becoming streams down his face.
“I’m s-sorry, Kats.. Do y-you th-ink w-we are g-getting closer to o-our pe-peaceful f-forever to-gether? O-or are we g-going t-to have to k-keep s-suffering?” You asked weakly as you cried and held a hand out to brush against your baby’s cheek.
“Damn it, Violet! You fuckers better keep trying to help her, damn it! Just hang in there, my Violet, please!” Katsuki shouted before crying into your shoulder as he carefully hugged you close.
“T-take c-care of Ka-Kazuki.. H-he is g-oing t-to be s-so str-str-ong j-ust l-ike h-his papa i-is.. I.. l-love.. y-you.. both..” You weakly whispered out as final tears left your eyes and your vision faded to a familiar blackness.
The shattered and pain-filled shout Katsuki let out as you fell limp in his grasp echoed throughout the castle and around your dark void.
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Author's Note ~ Okay, so.. don't judge me for Katsuki and Violet's child's name.. I wrote this fic months ago and I liked the name at the time (it means strength if I remember correctly) and haven't changed it to anything else since, haha.. Also, I'm sorry for yet another tear-inducing ending but it hurts so good doesn't it..? *smiles nervously* <3
Tag List ~ @damnirina @queenpiranhadon
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hello Panther!
I am..quite new here and I just must to say that I loved the way you made Master Chief as a Platonic Yandere! It's really accurate and well done.
And I saw that your requests are open (I hope) that's why - I wondered if you could do Platonic Yandere! Doom slayer with a Female! Y/n who is not a fighter but just a civilian?
But you don't feel like to do it or you feel uncomfortable with it - feel free ignore this message.
Have a great day tho!
Sure! Sorry for the long wait, welcome to my little corner of the internet.
Yandere! Platonic! Doom Slayer with Civilian! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Murder/Killing, Paranoia, Sort of kidnapping (?).
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Doom Slayer may be a being that seems superhuman, hellbent on killing the demons plaguing Earth, but he does show care towards humanity.
Earth has become something inhabitable ever since he was away by the time of Doom Eternal.
You’re surprised you even survived this long, faking allegiance to your new demon rulers and hiding away in the disgusting hellscapes that used to be your home.
Most humans were sacrificed for Hell.
Others worked with demons to save their own skin, although they could easily be betrayed if no longer needed.
The Doom Slayer became both your savior and your curse once you met him.
A being that you could tell was human through his armor, but certainly didn’t act like it.
He had powers that no normal human could have.
He also had the athletic skill and stamina that seemed unmatched by anyone.
His arsenal alone was is impressive.
When he first met you, you cowered away from him.
You’ve heard stories of what he’s done yet it’s been so long since you had a normal interaction with another human.
Despite what the Doom Slayer does and his lack of sanity due to being used in his past, he holds sympathy.
Someone like you, an unarmed civilian lost in a grotesque world of gore and demons, should not be alone.
It surprises you when he stops his crusade to kneel before you, outstretching an armored hand for you to take.
An action of mercy.
You’d be a fool not to take it in your position.
Your safety becomes one of his biggest concerns.
Many humans on Earth were dead by now or just… unrecoverable.
The least he could do was rescue you.
The entire time, he’d notice you clutch onto him for dear life.
He cleared out demons effortlessly… the entire time protecting you.
You aren’t truly safe until he walks through a portal with you to the Fortress of Doom.
The space station he occupies is large with many sets of stairs and walls of collectibles and records.
Who knew he liked to collect things this much?
This is where you began to reside once, well, befriending the Doom Slayer.
Being a human himself, despite being empowered, he was very well aware of what you would need to get comfortable.
He picked out a safe space for you to rest and walked you through the large station.
He did make sure you were safe beside him in certain areas of course, there’s a lot of doors you don’t need to go through.
The longer you stay with the empowered space marine, the more you learn about him.
He prefers speaking through actions and is a man who just doesn’t speak much.
The most you get is like a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, other than that he usually just makes gestures.
You do not know his real name as he never says it, leaving you to call him “Slayer” all the time. 
He also enjoys tinkering as you sometimes see him in his little workshop area/room looking at one of his old suits.
Sometimes you even sit in the room with him to chat, even if it is mostly one sided.
He seems to enjoy it when you’re there, however.
You also rarely see him without his helmet, preferring to stay in his praetor suit.
You make a comment that he might need to let himself breathe sometimes, he ignores it for the most part but considers it for a moment.
Doom Slayer in general is a protective yandere, him being platonic just changes his motives.
He gets a bit suffocating when it comes to you, a civilian who’s much weaker than him.
He frequently checks on you after going out to continue purging the Earth of demons. 
It’s almost like he’s afraid you’ll be gone when he comes back, even though there’s no way for you to leave unless you were granted access to the portal system.
He shouldn’t have to worry about you being in danger there, either.
Unless something like the time the Fortress of Doom was hacked and released demons happened.
Oh… if something like that happens it spikes the anxious rage within this man-
You see him ruthlessly tear into the demons who threatened to hurt you in the station, right before searching for you.
You wouldn't really expect the Doom Slayer to be affectionate, but at your fear he feels he has to do something.
You feel the armored man hug you.
It’s a hug filled with hesitance and concern, yet also relief.
He tries his best to calm you down from your fear.
You shouldn’t fear him. He only wishes to protect you.
It’s just getting the point across proves difficult when you aren’t entirely sane or able to communicate well.
In a way, he may see himself as your protector.
You can’t fight on your own and he knows this.
You’re fragile, like a rabbit.
Like his dear Daisy….
No matter the intention of his obsession, he will end up comparing you to his long gone rabbit.
A weak creature that needs to be protected by him.
Which may be why he’s so protective over your well-being. 
Deep down, he’s scared to lose you.
The fact you can barely handle a gun doesn’t help his concern. 
Expect most of your days to be in the Fortress of Doom.
You may have no freedom to roam Earth, but did you really want to go back anyways?
It’s a mess down there, it’s better to stay in the station.
Plus, the Slayer isn’t that bad of a guy to you.
He acts like a guardian, a friend willing to put his life on the line to protect you.
Who cares about his intentions or how he protects you?
Here, in his station, you’re safe and sound.
The one thing you wish he’d respect is your privacy, yet other than that, you know he means well.
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
Vampire Bride 💚💙❤️🖤
Marko/Paul/Dwayne/David/Female!Reader (She/Her Pronouns)
Summary: You've been the human lover of the Lost Boys for quite a while. Now it's time to take the next step and join them as a vampire. This is a major change for all of you, and David as the leader wants to make this a romantic night you'll never forget~
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WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, Poly!Lost Boys, Group Sex, Lingerie, Dirty Talk, Groping, Voyeurism, Fingering, Cunnilingus, Language Kink, Blood Drinking, Vaginal Sex, Riding, Lap Sex, Slight Painplay, Biting, Creampie, Aftercare, Childe-Sire Bond
Sequel Fic
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Never before had you loved someone as much as you loved your boys. The day they came into your life was the happiest you had been in a long time. They made you laugh when you were feeling down, they treated you to your favorite things without expecting anything in return, and they were there to protect you when someone tried to cause you trouble. How could you not end up falling in love with them?
All of them, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, and David, were incredibly special to you. That didn’t even change when you learned who, or rather what, they really were. They trusted you enough with one of their nightly hunts for sustenance other than Chinese food or pizza from the boardwalk. You didn’t know what to expect at the time, but it certainly wasn’t a bloodbath on the beach. 
Was it shocking? Yes. Were you terrified to see them rip the flesh and drink the blood of the members of their rival gang? Absolutely. Did you need a few days to deal with the emotional rollercoaster you were going through? Definitely. However, once you accepted reality and got more answers from the boys, you learned to support them, flaws and all. After all, wasn’t that what love was truly all about?
You were still human for a while afterward. It was a given that they would want you to join them as creatures of the night, but you needed time and preparation. Enough to properly understand what becoming a vampire would truly be like. The more you learned from your boys, the more you thought about how happy you would be spending eternity with them. 
“How would it be done?” you asked the four of them one night in the cave. Marko had been tending to his pet pigeons in the corner but had stopped briefly to answer your question.
“One of us would be your Sire. It’s when a vampire feeds you their blood and triggers your change into becoming a vampire yourself” he explained.
“But it only makes you half-vampire. In order to complete your transformation, either your Sire bites you or you have to kill and feed off a human. After that, you’re permanently a vampire,” Dwayne corrected. 
He had taken a liking to hold your hand whenever all of you talked about vampire matters. Out of all of them, Dwayne worried the most about you falling out of love from the fear of what they were. It comforted him to hold you so he knew you wouldn’t go anywhere. Not to mention the act of affection was really nice.
“Sire? I’ve never heard that before” you said, head tilted in curiosity. “I assumed that kind of title would just be ‘maker’ or ‘creator’ or something like that,” you said. You were aware that it was also a title used for royalty, but you knew if you brought it up they’d playfully throw in the idea of also calling them “your majesty” or “my prince” as well in order to stroke their egos. As if they didn’t try that enough already.
“Wellllll for other creatures, it can be a word that refers to the breeder~” Paul added with a flirty smile. He was stretched out across your lap and looking up at you with a mischievous gleam in his eye. You tried to hide the warm blush on your face, but it was all in vain. The wild-haired blond knew just what to say to get you flustered, and he loved nothing more than seeing you react that way.
“I hate to say it, but Paul is kinda right on that one,” David said. A cigarette hung lazily in his fingertips as he dragged out his smoke time. He’d offered one to you before, but you preferred to wait until after your transformation. Lung cancer was no joke for someone who was still human. “A Sire makes more vampires. It’s the only way more of our kind can be created”
Well, that certainly explained why they were so comfortable about going at you without any birth control. No risk of making a vampire baby with any of them. Yet another thought to make your face burn in embarrassment. David inhaled a puff as he made his way to his beloved wheelchair throne. A mist of the smoke was let go when he sat down and relaxed. He and the other boys always seemed to be so carefree. 
You wondered if you too would be like that. After all, not having to worry about aging, sickness or death would certainly help you feel more laid-back. 
“The new vampire they make is called a Childe. It’s not always an actual parent-child relationship though,” David continued. He flicked the remaining part of the cigarette to the ground, stomping it out under the pressure of his boot. 
“Max would say that’s what the four of us have with him, but we’re not exactly loving being his happy little family,” Paul chimed in. You looked down to give him a soft smile, sympathetic to the strained relationship you had noticed between them and the man who created them. You didn’t blame your boys, as Max definitely gave you the creeps.
“Sometimes Sire-Childe relationships are like best friends who want to protect each other,” Marko said. His birds were all taken care of and he had swung over the couch to sit by your side while Dwayne and Paul remained cuddled up with you. 
“Sometimes they’re like a younger sibling you look out for. That type is for kids who get turned,” Dwayne added. You didn’t think it was best for a little kid to change before their lives even began, but you wouldn’t be surprised if it had happened in a few cases. 
“But the most common type of Sire-Childe relationship is what one of us would have with you,” David explained. His voice seemed lower now and his steel-blue eyes were piercing you with his gaze. His shift in tone seemed to affect the others as well. You felt all four sets of eyes on you, and it made you shiver.
“It happens for lovers who want to spend eternity together. A romantic bond that will never fade and never die~”
David always had such a way with words. His declaration of them loving you forever, and marking you as their own, enchanted you. From the way the four of them watched you carefully, you could tell they could sense how fast your heart was racing at the mere thought of such a bond. 
“D-Does that mean…I…um…h-have to pick one of you…to…” you were so nervous that you couldn’t even finish your sentence. It didn’t help that now Dwayne, Paul, and Marko had kicked up the intensity of their affectionate acts. 
Paul had moved his head out of your lap and moved it into the crook of your neck. You could feel him smirking as he nibbled the skin. Marko was running his fingers through your hair with one hand and rubbing your thigh with the other. Dwayne still held your hand in his own, but now he was pressing kisses over your fingers, knuckles, and wrist. It was hard to think coherently when they all made you feel so good.
David was clearly enjoying himself as he watched you squirm. He always loved it. Although it was definitely a darker part of his personality, something about him finding entertainment in your weakness for them all was rather…arousing. It made you that much more eager to give yourself to them. 
“No, my dear,” David said, bringing himself out of his seat to make his way closer to you. His eyes were still fixated on you and his smile was as devious as ever, while the others teased you with their affection. You felt paralyzed by all the stimulation they focused on you. “There is no choice to make. I will be your Sire”
He reached out a hand and ran his gloved fingers over your cheek. You whined against his touch, longing for the sensation of his skin instead of leather fabric. Your struggle only amused him more. 
“I’m our leader, little one. I’ll be the one to seal your eternal bond with us. Though, I’d be more than happy to let the others in on the process~” he purred. He slowly ran his tongue across his lip in hunger as he watched his three friends indulge in you, no doubt thinking of what else they would do to you when the time was right. “What do you think, boys?”
“Fuuuuck, that sounds so hot~” Paul growled, his warm, wet tongue gliding over the love bites in your neck. 
“Yeah, I’m definitely down for it~” Marko added, giving your thigh a hard squeeze.
“Let’s make it special, angel. It’s a really important process for all of us~” Dwayne moaned, still passionately kissing up your arm.
You were completely on board with this idea as well. Despite their playful, rough-housing ways with each other, your boys could be quite romantic and eager to please when they were intimate with you. They always knew how to pleasure you, and you couldn’t help but wonder how it would be for such a momentous occasion. You sighed dreamily and relaxed into their touches, already lost in fantasy. 
It wasn’t until David gave a sharp snap of his fingers that you were brought back to reality. Marko, Dwayne, and Paul did the same, immediately letting go of you and moving away at the silent order of their leader. You didn’t want the intimate moment to end, but you knew an opportunity for more would return soon. 
“I’m gonna go for a hunt,” the bleach-blond said. “You boys meet me at our usual spot in an hour. In the meantime, I think the little lady should share what she wants out of this important event~”
Before he left, David leaned down to your level, hand still touching your cheek. He smirked at you before closing the gap and kissing you on the lips. His cold skin had surprised you the first time he had kissed you, but now you adored it. Your warmth canceled it out, making it a perfect contrast. As you returned the kiss, you thought about how much you should savor these moments before you too had an icy touch to your body.
After a moment, David pulled away, showing off that devious smile again. He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, lingering just a bit longer to keep you wanting more. When he finally let go of you, there was an instant longing for him to come back for more. He was quite good at making you feel that way.
“See ya later, darling~”
While you were sitting there with a dopey, love-struck smile on your face, the other boys gave their own brief farewells to David. Once their leader was out of the cave, Dwayne, Marko, and Paul turned their attention to you once again. They were both curious and excited to pick your brain and see how you wanted to plan the next step. It didn’t surprise you, as the stories they told you of their own change into vampires were special to all of them as well. 
“So tell us,” Marko said, nudging you playfully. “How do you picture your special day?”
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An eager smile stretched across your face as the ideas came flooding into your head. This was going to be a lot of fun.
Days passed by quickly. They soon became weeks, and then those weeks stretched into months. It was hard for all the boys to wait so long, as they were excited to make you one of them. They had already been so protective of their little human girlfriend, but not knowing if something bad could happen before your transformation was putting them more on edge. You didn’t mind, though. In fact, it was cute to see them so impatient about your turning. 
When the day finally came, you knew exactly how you wanted it to go.
Dwayne, Paul, and Marko had been so helpful. They loved your ideas and were more than happy to help fulfill them. Whether it was because they enjoyed making you happy or because they were rather arousing ideas, you weren’t entirely certain.
It was a full moon out the night of your change. You thought it would be the perfect addition to set the mood, especially when the light peered through parts of the cave in beams to add to the romantic ambiance. David hadn’t let on what he was preparing on his end for you, and none of the other boys would even give you a hint. It didn’t bother you that much, as the surprise kept you in high anticipation.
When it was time, they were ready to help you prepare for your soon-to-be “Sire”.
In one of the secret alcoves of the cave, the three boys hid you away from David in order to save the surprise you had in mind for him. 
Marko was helping doll you up a bit more than usual, using his skills to style your hair how you wanted. He also sprayed rose water over your skin to help you feel a little more alluring to David. The soothing scent helped you relax a bit more. 
Dwayne had found some beautiful gold bracelets and a black velvet choker to slip around your neck. With a little extra searching in more punk-style stores in Santa Carla, he had managed to find a small, gold charm in the shape of a bat to add at the base of the choker. It was quite the fitting symbol for you.
Paul enjoyed his part of the plan the most, as it involved getting you the prettiest piece of lingerie he could get his hands on. Though he offered the idea of you presenting yourself to David completely naked at first, he finally came across a sheer, cream-colored chemise to slip over your body. It was a dangerously short piece, which you definitely expected from Paul. Judging by how the three of them looked you up and down, it looked perfect on you~
Although your heart was racing and your hands were lightly shaking, it wasn’t from any nervousness. It was from total excitement. You had waited for this day for so long now, and it was all finally coming together.
Dwayne and Paul each held out an arm for you to wrap a hand around as they guided you back to the lobby of the cave. Marko led the way, wanting to announce your presence to their leader. It made sense, seeing as he was like David’s right-hand man. He would want to be the one to show off their newest member. 
Your two other lovers kept you somewhat hidden in the shadows as you all stepped into the lobby together. While the warm, low glow of the candles was nothing new, it seemed that David had taken it upon himself to change the space a little to better fit the situation. A long, silky cloth ran from the middle of the floor leading towards the corner nook where your room was. Deep, red rose petals were scattered across the fabric and over the bordering parts of the ground. Paul’s stereo was propped up on a nearby table, and soft, romantic jazz music was playing out of the speakers instead of the usual rock music.
It was amazing how a bunch of mischievous punk guys could come up with something so romantic and lovely for you. 
Although Dwayne and Paul had moved you slightly to block you from view, you could still see part of the curtain of your room move. It was David that stepped out from behind it, and you couldn’t have been happier with what you were seeing. Instead of being dressed head-to-toe in his usual dark clothing, he simply had a silver-colored satin robe loosely tied around his body. The symbol embroidered on the left side told you the robe belonged to the hotel before it had fallen in the cave. The fabric was falling off his shoulders and showing off his toned chest.
Even if you saw his exposed body several times before, it never got old for you. It was like seeing the beauty of the stars every night. Familiar, but always so stunning. 
“She’s ready for you, boss,” Marko said. Even with his back to you, it was easy to tell he had a sly smile on his face when he spoke. Whether it was from pride of getting you all prettied up for David or from excitement for tonight, you weren’t sure. 
“Let me see her~” David replied. His deep, raspy voice was already making you swoon. Paul, Dwayne, and Marko each stepped to the side, exposing you to their leader. David had seen you naked plenty of times before, but somehow being in a new, pretty outfit for him to stare at made you blush. It didn’t help that from the look of it, he seemed like he wanted to devour you right then and there. 
“There’s my beautiful girl~” he purred, his tongue slowly running over his lip. You could already see the fabric of his robe tenting from his arousal. It made your skin burn even hotter with desire. “Boys. Get out of your clothes and start prepping her for me. I want to watch her get ready for my cock~”
They certainly didn’t need to be told twice. Paul made his move first, his arm snaking around your waist and pulling you right up against his chest. His lips were on yours, his moans already coming from just the beginning of your kiss. Your eyes fluttered shut, and you pushed his jacket off his body as you eagerly kissed him back. In the background, you could hear Marko and Dwayne taking off their own clothes as well. 
“Mmmmm that’s it, kitten~” Paul moaned in between his kisses with you. With his shirt and jacket removed, you moved on to unbuckle his belt. “Knew you were gonna look so fuckin’ sexy tonight~” 
Paul’s tongue slipped past your lips and slowly moved with yours. You sighed in delight as you returned every part of his kiss while helping him slip out of his pants. Playfulness took over as you rubbed his hard cock over the fabric of his underwear. His seductive words were traded for an aroused growl.
Behind you, another pair of lips were on your body. A shiver ran down your spine as these new kisses found their way over every little sensitive spot on your back and shoulders. You didn’t know who was the one doing this, but you got your answer when a new voice whispered in your ear.
“Ti voglio, principessa~” Marko purred. He was the only one of the Lost Boys that spoke Italian as a second language, a remaining part of his human life. The way he always made your heart flutter with the romantic words he knew always left you wanting more. Of course, he’d use it now to really get you going. 
“Mi ecciti così tanto~” His kisses were still peppering your skin, but his hands were wandering under the sheer fabric of your nightie. He greedily touched your soft breasts, massaging his skilled fingers over your nipples. Your moaning was beginning to increase in volume as a result.
“Hmmm….good, but not quite enough, little one~” David spoke up. You managed to open your eyes just enough to see that the bottom of his robe was open and he was slowly stroking his cock. You wanted nothing more than to touch him, but you knew good and well he was the one calling the shots right now. “Dwayne. Get in between her legs and use your tongue. I want her dripping wet for me~”
You could feel Paul and Marko snickering as they continued to kiss you. They were amused by how rapidly your heart was beating at the idea of Dwayne eating you out in front of David. You hoped they couldn’t tell how sheepish that made you feel. The dark-haired man circled around you and the two blonds before kneeling down in front of you. He had stripped off his clothes earlier, and you were practically drooling at the sight of his gorgeous naked body. 
“Spread your legs for me, baby girl. Gotta give David what he wants~” he said, already pressing warm kisses against your bare thighs. You didn’t waste a second, already eager to move your legs further apart to allow Dwayne space to work. 
“Let me help you out there~” Paul spoke up. His lips moved from your mouth to your neck as he trailed his hand downward. His long, nimble fingers grazed over your collarbone, your chest, your stomach and finally over the hip. Underneath your outfit was a small, lacey pair of panties in the same cream color. Paul slipped the fabric of your panties to the side, allowing your pussy to be exposed for David and Dwayne to see. 
“Fuckin’ love this sweet pussy~” he said with a breathy laugh in your ear. 
“Sei bellissima~” Marko moaned in agreement, his fingers still toying with your breasts.
It was so difficult to focus on one thing at a time. Your boys certainly knew how to overstimulate you when they worked together. You forced yourself to turn your gaze to Dwayne, watching him carefully as he wet his lips and rubbed your legs. He smiled up at you and gave you a playful wink before finally diving in to properly taste you.
“Ooooh god~” you whined. Your eyes shut again and your head fell back against Marko’s shoulder as your body relaxed from the sensation. Dwayne’s tongue ran down your slit, warming you up for what was to come. He felt so warm and wet against your pussy, and you were already greedy for more. He slipped deeper inside you, hungrily circling his tongue over your clit. As a reflex, you ran your fingers through his long, dark hair, desperately needing to hold on to something while he enjoyed your pussy.
“Savor it, my dear~” David said to you across the room. “You can expect this kind of pleasure for the rest of eternity~”
God, you felt like the luckiest person on the planet. You loved your boys so much and you were so exhilarated by the knowledge that you would get to enjoy them like this forever.
“F-Fuck…oooh shit, Dwayne..~!” you moaned, completely mindless as he fucked you with his tongue. He growled lowly as he savored the juices of your pussy. Considering how quiet he could be normally, you absolutely loved it when he used his voice more during sex. That low, sultry voice was so pleasurable to hear.
“I love you so much, baby~ ” Paul sighed, ravishing your neck with plenty of love bites. While Dwayne moved lower down your pussy, Paul took over in toying with your clit. He knew just how to bring you close to the edge with just one touch. “We’re so fuckin’ lucky~”
“Ti amo, mi tesoro~” Marko moaned, grinding his hips against yours as he enjoyed touching our body. You could feel how incredibly hard he was against your ass, and the way your hips were moving was certainly turning him on more. “Non posso vivere senza di te~”
Your entire body was shaking now. Every inch of you was being overwhelmed with pleasure by three of your lovers. They overcame you with love and adoration, and you were rapidly getting closer and closer to your orgasm the more they indulged in the sensitive parts of your beautiful body. You didn’t know whose name you wanted to cry out in climax, but you were aching to scream as you got closer and closer.
You were so painfully close, but in an instant, it was all gone. Dwayne removed his mouth from your cunt. Paul pushed your panties back in place and ceased his biting. Marko let go of your breasts. In that moment, you hated how fast they listened when David gave that snap of his fingers.Your body was so sensitive that you would have fallen over if Dwayne hadn’t gotten back on his feet to catch you. 
“Heh. That’s enough of that. I’m gonna be the one to finish the job, little one~” David said with a smirk. He had stepped out from behind the curtain more and made his way closer so he was right in front of you. With a flick of his finger, he toyed with the little bat charm around your neck, clearly amused by it. 
Of course, with that huge ego of his, he’d want to be the one to make you cum tonight. Considering how important this was, you’d let it slide that he stopped your orgasm dead in its tracks. Knowing him, he’d most definitely make it up to you~
“Now then,” he said, holding out a hand for you. “Shall we~?” 
You felt the three others gently nudge you closer to David, anxious for you to accept this offer. There was not a single ounce of doubt or hesitation in your mind. You smiled warmly and reached outward, carefully slipping your hand into David’s. His touch was always so cold, but you’d soon match his temperature. 
The bleach-blond pulled you closer and pressed a tender kiss against the top of your hand before letting it go. He used both his hands to reach downward, and swiftly scoop you up in his arms, perfectly holding you as if you were weightless. You giggled in delight, loving how he held you close as he turned to make his way back to your room. 
“You know, between the white lingerie, the rose petals, the music, and the whole ‘big ceremony to change our lives’ thing, this kinda feels like….we’re getting married…~” you shared to David, nuzzling against his bare chest. His body shook as he chuckled in amusement. 
“Or at least enjoying the honeymoon~” he said, moving past the curtains to bring you inside. The room was also decorated with candles and rose petals, and your bed was ready for the two of you to enjoy. This would be your last night using it for sleep, but certainly not the last time using it for making love with your boys. 
“I guess if that’s the case, then that makes you my pretty little vampire bride~” 
You couldn’t help but blush at that statement. This was better than any wedding you could have ever imagined, and you were incredibly lucky to hear David call you his bride. As he laid you down on the bed, you pulled him in for a kiss. You were longing to kiss him all night, and the moment his lips met yours, you knew you never wanted to let him go.
You helped slip his robe off his body and toss it aside to the cave floor. Your chemise would stay on, as you knew he loved how it looked too much. As your lips moved together, you heard him snap his fingers yet again, this time signaling for the other three to come into your room. You figured as much when you heard three sets of footsteps move past your curtain and into the space. Your pussy was aching with pleasure at the idea of them watching you get fucked by David in your bed. 
“Look at me, darling~” David ordered, his mouth off of yours now. You didn’t enjoy stopping your kiss, but you did love gazing into those beautiful blue eyes. He smiled down at you as he cupped your cheek in his hand, thumb ghosting over your bottom lip as he enjoyed the moment with you.
“Are you scared?” David asked.
“Not at all~” You assured him.
“Are you ready?” 
“Yes, David~” 
“Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do~”
That was all he needed to hear.
David opened his mouth slightly, his fangs now presented and shining under the light of the candles. You remembered how frightened you were when you first saw him use them to feed. Now you felt exhilaration whenever he bared them at you. Soon you would be able to do the same.
In one swift moment, David brought his wrist up to his mouth and bit down as hard as he could, piercing the skin and allowing a flow of deep red blood to drip down his arm. The blood shimmered and sparkled in the light, showing how inhuman yet mystical it was in nature. 
“Drink some of this, my dear,” David whispered to you. “Be one of us~”
At that moment, your whole life flashed before your eyes. You thought of every memory, good and bad, and the life you were saying goodbye to. It was something you had made peace with. Now you would be reborn into a new, fulfilling life that welcomed you with love and passion. You felt no regrets for this as you wrapped your lips around David’s wrist.
Everything went fuzzy as you drank in the blood. It tasted so deliciously sweet on your tongue and you gladly let it fall down your throat with each sip. David moaned lowly, aroused by the view of his lover drinking from him. It was the perfect picture for him to enjoy, and even without looking, he knew Paul, Marko and Dwayne felt the same way. 
“That’s it, pretty girl. Drink~” he moaned louder. Overcome with need, David knew he had to fuck you right then and there. He used a sharp nail from his free hand to tear the side of your panties, slicing the fabric and moving it to the side before parting your legs. His thick cock was still rock hard for you and he showed you just as much by sliding it over your dripping wet cunt. You whined against his wrist, not wanting to be teased. 
“Just a bit more, my Childe~” David assured you. Your whining turned into moaning at the sound of that. Never before had a pet name felt so dirty and yet so intimate to you. You would always be Marko’s Princess, Paul’s Kitten and Dwayne’s Angel, but this relationship you had with David was becoming something much more intense. You would never have another bond quite like this.
To show your devotion, you continued to drink down his blood. You felt warm and relaxed from head to toe, consumed by David. It was the greatest act of love you could show him right now. When he finally slipped his hand away, you gazed up at him with a newfound adoration for him.
“Please take me, my Sire~” you whispered. 
David ceased his teasing. His hands found their way over your hips, and he lifted you upward, helping you move from laying on your back to being propped up on top of his lap. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you held on tight as he helped you sink down on to his cock.
“FUCK, D-David~!!” you cried out, overwhelmed by how fast he filled you up. Your fingers grabbed at his bleached hair and your breasts pushed up against his own, bare chest. He growled hungrily as he moved his hips, building up a good pace as he fucked you. If you hadn’t been so caught up in the moment, you would have noticed David motion for the others to join you on the bed. 
It was all a blur of pure pleasure. David held you close to his chest as you rode his aching, hard cock. Meanwhile, the other boys enjoyed themselves while their leader claimed you as his own. There were so many hands caressing you, mouths kissing your skin, and pairs of fangs grazing over your body. In that moment, you couldn’t tell who was doing what to you. All you could focus on was making love with David. 
He fucked you so passionately. So thoroughly. He always knew just the right pace to keep you satisfied, yet aching for more. His cock felt so big inside of your cunt, and the wetness you had made it so easy for him to move as he pleased. You wanted to spend all night on top of him, and with what you were turning into, you might just get your wish. 
“Can you feel it, baby? Can you feel your body changing~?” Dwayne whispered, nibbling behind your ear. 
“You’re one of us now. Our Lost Girl~” Paul chuckled, his hand running down to grab at your ass.
“Sempre Viva. Together forever, sweetheart~” Marko promised you. He brought your hand from around David’s neck up to his lips for a kiss. 
All the love they gave you was very much appreciated, yet you couldn’t take your focus off of David. His groans of desire were louder than the others. His body was what you needed most. His cock was so deep inside of you, and all you wanted was to feel more and more of him. So all you did was hold on tighter and pull him in for a kiss. 
He eagerly kissed you back, painfully aroused by the taste of his own blood on your lips. You were his now. He’d share you with his friends, but he would live forever with the knowledge that his blood was flowing in your veins. He owned you inside and out, and he would never betray this connection with you. 
David moved harder and faster, grunting with every hit of his hips against your ass. You felt so warm and inviting around his cock, and it thrilled his undead heart to know he would get the pleasure of your body for as long as the Earth stood. He loved the idea of you as his eternal bride, silently promising to care, cherish and love you as long as you both lived your vampire lives.
He would do anything for you as your Sire. He'd kill for you. He'd die for you. That was his vow to you here and now. 
“I’m close for you, Childe~” David moaned in between your kisses. “We’ll cum together, and I’ll finish the change for you. It’s almost done, darling~” 
The thrill of becoming a full-on vampire was enough to push you closer and closer to your climax. You felt it rise higher inside of you, ready to completely envelop you. It wasn’t easy to break your kiss with David, but you needed to in order to throw your head back and expose your neck. You were ready for this, and you didn’t want to wait another moment.
“David! Please…aaaah~!...oh please, Sire~!!” you cried out, the pleasure finally consuming you. 
Pathetic cries and moans flowed from your mouth as you clenched hard on top of him. Your pussy soaked the entire length of his cock, and your body quivered from the jolts of pleasure that hit you over and over again. It was enough to trigger his own orgasm, and as you felt his cock release inside of you, he eagerly bit down on your neck. 
It hurt. There was no denying that. It wasn’t surprising, as the act of razor-sharp fangs piercing your skin was bound to be painful. But even with the agonizing sensation, David made it all better. He held you close, caressing your body and keeping you focused on how he filled you in more ways than one. Warm cum filled your aching cunt, and as he released his teeth from you, that’s all you wanted to focus on. He kissed over your wound, wishing to speed up the healing process.
After learning so much about this process, you knew it would be better very soon. 
“That’s it, my love. It’s all done now. You did so well for me. For us~”
You whimpered from both the sharp pain in your neck and the loss of David as he pulled out of you. With the help of the others, he laid you back down on your bed, this time taking the blankets and spreading them over your body. Even the minor act of lying down made you feel dizzy and weak. That was to be expected, and the four of them were planning on letting you sleep as long as you needed to. 
Marko, Dwayne, and Paul each slipped under the covers to join you, ready to wait out the transformation by your side. Each of them nuzzled you and gave you a tender kiss. Tonight you’d be safe in your bed, and tomorrow you’d be ready to join them in hanging upside down in the cave rafters.
Your eyes were threatening to shut, but you fought your sleepiness a bit longer. The desire to look at David as he caressed your cheek was too strong. His smile was soft, and you were ready to enjoy it for the rest of time. With one last kiss, he let you savor your final moments of humanity. 
“I’ll be here when you wake up. I love you~”
As you drifted off into a deep slumber, the last thought that passed in your head was how much you loved your Sire too.
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I don't speak Italian, but I did a bit of research before adding Marko's bits of Italian dialogue. Here are the translations, but please let me know if I need to make a correction:
Ti voglio, principessa - I want you, princess
Mi ecciti così tanto - You really turn me on
Sei bellissima - You're beautiful
Ti amo, mi tesoro - I love you, my treasure (among other affectionate names)
Non posso vivere senza di te - I can't live without you
Sempre Viva - Always alive/Live forever
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saey707 · 2 years
✿ Prompt: Thresh permits you a place on his throne ✿
♡ champion focus: thresh ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender neutral reader
Author’s note: Considering this as a warm-up before I start fulfilling all of your wonderful requests again <3 This is a more weird/disturbing kind of fluff(?), so I am not putting trigger warnings on it because there is nothing too treacherous in comparison to my other works. Thresh is just being Thresh here ^^;; Enjoy!
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In life and undeath alike, Thresh was a selfish, greedy, and obsessive being. Nobody understood his delusions of grandeur and the sycophantic tactics he was willing to take in order to gain total control. In the skeletal warden's eyes, humanity was chaff, and he would be the blade to cut down all those he considered weak and unworthy. And in the Shadow Isles, he was the one with all the power to... “guide” every poor, lost soul.
You always had faith in Thresh, even when he was human. You were the only one who ever supported him, a kind light in your soul, through and through. In your own life and undeath, you remained gentle, beautiful even. And perhaps Thresh was a bit of a coward to never notice the admiration in your eyes when you looked his way in life. But he always craved your attention.
Even after the events of the incredible Ruination, Thresh always hoped he would be able to find his way back to you. He was wrong to be such a coward in life. Never again would he submit to those who are now lesser than him. Those who are nothing but fated to meet his lantern. 
There was never an ounce of hate in your spectral heart. And perhaps that's how you were able to retain your ever-glowing appearance, merciful to humanity, even in the afterlife. To a greedy wraith like Thresh, such a sight was beyond delectable.
But Thresh knew that now, in this life, he can prove to you that his feelings were always mutualistic, a relationship you both would be able to benefit from and reap rewards. He knew now he wasn’t a coward and had more than enough courage to reunite lovingly with you.
There was just one thing: Would you even remember him in this eternal afterlife?
He was willing to go to great lengths to keep you as his own, his last resort was to become a tiny bit more devious and cruel than he already was. Only then would you look his way, seeing him for all his glory and might and power. And he knew, you would come to love him.
So he targeted the beings you so desperately wanted to save: The humans.
The wraith-like warden raised his sickle, ready to flay the terrorized, little humans beneath his feet. They cry and beg and scream... And Thresh revels in the sound of their pain. 
How crushed he was to learn you only faintly remembered him... He didn’t understand how you couldn’t remember him as he remembered you. Was he not important to you? Or did you have to be reminded of who he was? It has been quite some time... Perhaps you just needed a point in the right direction.
So he took you into his sanctuary.
“Ohh my~ Playing outside I see? What did I tell you about coming out here alone?” Thresh beckoned, noticing how you fluttered about in the open when you should have been inside his Library of Agony. 
“That I’m not allowed...” You frowned, walking towards him shyly.
“You’re not trying to escape are you?” He scowled, his spectral heart pounding rapidly against his chest seeing you cower under the glow-green flames where his eyes would have been. He didn’t want to hurt you... Never did he wish to do that to you. But you had to understand what he was thinking and misinterpreting to a degree. Couldn’t you??
“No... You know better than anyone that you cannot run from me. Come. Back inside before the horseman finds you.” His voice was low, watching you squirm uncomfortably at the mention of Hecarim. Today, you would witness Thresh’s mercy. You bowed your head in shame, following him past the double doors, into his prison once more.
Thresh hoped one of these days you would see perpetuity wasn’t so horrible in the devil’s realm with him. Of course, isolation didn’t prove to be ideal, but at least you were safe under his watch. Thresh felt at ease knowing a wraith outside wouldn’t harm you. 
You were genuinely grateful to Thresh and his twisted mercy. No specter, wraith, or human would ever be able to hurt you. So long as you stayed with your beloved chain warden... That much you understood. Still, your soul craved redemption not for yourself, but for others. It ached knowing others had to suffer, while you had the privilege to stay beautiful and immortal and... happy at the sadist’s side.
“Little soul, come here... I got you a present~” You were eager, his glowing tendril beckoning you over to his throne, his lantern effortlessly floating in his near vicinity. You felt as if even the lantern was scrutinizing you. Though, it remained still. 
Fluttering to sit on Thresh’s knee, he laughed, his skeletal eyes curving, almost to resemble a smile. Thresh’s smiles never looked quite friendly, but you didn’t mind it. You thought it was endearing.
“What is it, Thresh?” your voice sounded nothing above a whisper, gentle and wispy. He liked that.
“This is a collar... And I want to put it on you.” You curiously inspected the object he was in possession of, allowing your fingers to brush over it. “Quite impressive isn’t it, my dearest soul?” Your lips formed a smile, “What are these used for?” 
He gripped onto your chin, giving you a loving rub, pleased when you nudged your face further into his touch. The warden had you in the palm of his hand... And you. were. beautiful. “To let everyone know you are mine.” You laughed quietly, the wraith nudging your forehead with his skeletal teeth, the space where his lips would have been.
“Ah, look at me, my dear! Look at me when I put this on you!” He spoke proudly, releasing you from his hand so he could proceed with the accessory, holding it up in the air. His lantern further illuminated its brilliance, as you scooted closer, turning your back to him so he can put it on.
It clasped into place, tight against your neck. Had you needed to breathe like a human does, it would have certainly choked you.
“Do I look pretty?” You asked, Thresh howling with laughter now.
“The most beautiful soul in my sanctuary!” 
You were his, and he was yours. He would mold your shared reality into what he wanted it to be. You two can be horrifically beautiful. Together.
You would be his perfect little prize in undeath, a reminder of his success.
You would be the one he destroys the entirety of Runeterra for.
The chain warden would pridefully sit upon his throne, the leash to your collar in his hand. With you on his knee, there was nothing stopping him from being able to perfectly manipulate and torture those who dared to cross his path. 
He always knew you would understand.
“Isn’t it nice to know that I am the only man that will ever love you this way? This much?” he vocalized quietly. You pushed your back up to his chest, allowing his arms to snake around your frail figure as he embraced you kindly.
“I can’t imagine being anywhere else anymore, Thresh...”
You were his. A precious person to him in both life and undeath alike. And he would have an eternity to prove to you that he took great pride in caring for what he deemed as his.
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bunnysnuff · 15 hours
Pairing: Charlie spring x Ftm!reader x Nick Nelson. (Platonic).
Triggers; BULLYING!!! Name calling, bad ending.
Note: Guys, I did try my best with this. I am not very good with imagines and I done my best to write this with care. We need to protect our trans friends, family members and the community. I hope I have not offended anyone.🤍
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The day had started out terribly for you, like most days at Truham. People had thrown out the usual slurs and taunts, mocking you for being trans. You did what you always did: you kept your head down, hoping to make it through without drawing more attention.
But today, something unusual happened. By sheer accident, or maybe bad luck, you found yourself locked inside one of the music rooms after lunch. What you didn’t expect was to see two boys in there with you—Nick Nelson and Charlie Spring. You had heard of them, of course; everyone knew Nick, the star rugby player, and Charlie, the boy who had come out as gay last year.
You hadn’t spoken to either of them before, but now the three of you were stuck together.
A few days before:
The room was silent at first. You weren’t sure what to say or if you should say anything at all. Nick was leaning against the piano, looking at his phone, while Charlie seemed to be fiddling with some sheet music, stealing occasional glances at you. It made you nervous, but not in the way the other students at Truham made you feel. This was different—like they were trying to understand you, not judge you.
“Hey, are you okay?” Charlie finally asked, breaking the silence. His voice was soft, and there was genuine concern in his eyes.
You froze for a moment, unsure how to respond. You didn’t want to open up about the bullying, not to strangers. You gave a small nod, hoping that would end the conversation, but Nick stepped in.
“I’ve seen you around. You’re... Y/N, right?” Nick’s tone was friendly, his smile warm.
You nodded again, unsure why they were suddenly interested in you. You had always tried to stay invisible, but here you were, stuck in a room with two of the most well-known students in school.
Nick and Charlie exchanged a look, and something unsaid passed between them. You felt like they knew. Knew you were bullied. Knew that you kept quiet to avoid it escalating. But instead of making it awkward, they slowly began to draw you into a conversation about random things—movies, music, favorite classes. They didn’t ask about the bullying or why you seemed so nervous. They just talked like normal people, and it made you feel... human again.
A few days later:
After what felt like an eternity, the janitor finally unlocked the door, apologizing for the mistake. You grabbed your things and mumbled a quick “thank you” before rushing out, embarrassed by the encounter. You expected that to be the end of it, but it wasn’t.
The next day, you noticed Nick and Charlie glancing your way during lunch, and later in the halls, Charlie gave you a small, encouraging smile. It was strange, but comforting.
A few weeks later:
As much as you tried to avoid attention, it felt like things were getting worse. The whispers became louder, and the pushing in the hallways became more aggressive. Maybe people had noticed Nick and Charlie being friendly to you, and it made them even crueler. You’d gotten used to taking it in silence—until one day, things crossed a line.
A group of older students cornered you after school, shoving you against the lockers. The usual insults came flying at you, but this time, one of them grabbed your binder and yanked it out of your bag.
“Look at this freak,” one of them sneered, waving it around. “Still pretending to be something you’re not, huh?”
You tried to grab it back, but they were taller, stronger. You felt tears stinging your eyes, but before they could fall, a voice interrupted the jeering.
“Oi! Leave him alone!”
It was Nick. And beside him was Charlie, both of them standing firm between you and the bullies. Nick’s expression was fierce, and he stepped forward, practically daring them to keep going.
The bullies hesitated. Nick was well-liked, popular, and built like a rugby player. They muttered something under their breath, tossed your binder to the ground, and walked off, shooting you dirty looks as they left.
Nick picked up the binder and handed it to you, his expression softening. “You okay?”
You nodded, but your hands were shaking. Charlie stepped closer, putting a comforting hand on your shoulder. “They’re not going to bother you again, okay? We’ll make sure of it.”
From that day on, Nick and Charlie didn’t leave you alone. At first, it was little things—Charlie walking with you between classes or Nick inviting you to eat lunch with them. But as the bullying continued, their protectiveness grew. Nick, in particular, found it hard to stay out of fights. Anytime someone threw a comment your way, Nick would step in, ready to defend you.
One day, you found him with a bruised knuckle after an altercation with one of the bullies. You were mortified that he was getting into fights because of you.
“You don’t have to do this,” you told him quietly. “I’m used to it.”
Nick frowned, shaking his head. “You shouldn’t have to get used to it. You deserve better.”
Charlie, always the quieter one, agreed. “We’ve got your back. You’re not alone anymore.”
“You can hang with us!” Nick smiled.
“We’re friends now.” Charlie reassured you.
And for the first time in awhile, you smiled.
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nat-seal-well · 1 year
WIP Not-Wednesday <3
I was tagged by @evilbunnyking!
Tagging @pinksparkl @lovelylonerliterature @serenpedac @agentnatesewell and anyone else who wants to share :) I’m sorry this is so late ;-;
(A few weeks ago I went out on a boat on the ocean for the first time to see whales. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done, because the water was rough and it was cold and cloudy and rainy. It was also the most exciting thing I have ever done and each time we went over a wave I was equally terrified and thrilled. This still-untitled fic is inspired by that. The little town it’s set in is based on a real place :) Have some Nat/Marin <3)
She’s been pacing since they left.
It’s impossible not to. Not when it’s right there. The huge, wide, unending expanse of blue that it is—though today it’s looking more gray than blue. Nat’s observation doesn’t do a single thing to help with her worry.
Gray waters to match gray skies.
“You’re worried.” Mason’s words form around the puffs of white smoke that slips past his lips.
He’d lit the first cigarette almost as soon as Nat had started pacing, right after the others left. The scraping sounds from her shoes against uneven cobblestone probably hurt his ears. She doubts the roaring of the ocean is helping, and feels a pang of guilt for just a second.
But then water thunders against the rocks below again, and it forces Nat to spin on her heels and keep walking. Retracing the same path all over again. Movement helps keep the flurry of anxiety at bay, but there’s nothing to stop it when her feet are still.
“Of course I’m worried,” Nat says. “They’re out there, on a boat. A very small boat. What else am I supposed to do but worry?”
“That one’s never had any issues,” Mason grunts from under the protection of a small, covered part of the deck, out of the rain. “Rebecca said so. Chose it for that reason. It didn’t sink before, it ain’t gonna sink now.” He pauses, and Nat can practically hear the probably that goes, thankfully, unspoken. “They’re fine.”
Nat runs a hand through her hair as she walks along the stretch of the viewing deck: high up from the crashing of the sea on black rocks below, made of eternally-wet stone from the rain that always seems to be falling in this part of the world. It stretches a decent length, with plenty of room for tourists to stand and watch the water and look for whales or other sea life.
Right now, though, it’s completely bereft of any visitors aside from her and Mason. Which is more than fine with her.
Besides, the rain is much too cold today and the wind is too strong for the average human to feel anything but miserable, so it’s good no one is here. There’s a road just past the deck, and on the other side of that, the street is crammed with tiny shops. But those all have “closed” signs in the windows. Even the houses up the steep hills past the shops are vacant. Nat knows for a fact that the whole, minuscule town is empty.
There isn’t another living soul anywhere to be seen. Probably because the Agency issued some sort of faux warning the day before for unusual weather that could trigger a potential tsunami, to make sure all humans stay clear until the mission is completed. It’s the same mission her heart’s currently tackling, far away from the safety of her arms and out of even Nat’s enhanced line of sight. According to all of the papers Unit Bravo looked over together, somewhere out there, there’s a pod of selkies the Agency wants to win over. Preferably before they steal away another fisherman. Or rather, until another fisherman finds one and steals them away. Like in all the stories. That’s a lot of paperwork no one wants to deal with.
She keeps a careful distance from the tall stone wall as she paces. The wind keeps blowing her hair every which way, and the falling rain is coming down at an angle. Her long, olive-green raincoat can only do so much. Part of her wants to raise the hood over her head, but doing so blocks more of her vision. Nat needs to be able to see as much as possible so that she doesn’t miss the boat’s return.
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hereticalapothecary · 7 months
Hi gorgeous… I pray you’re doing well. I pray you reach out to the One True God Jesus… unfortunately worshiping all these other “gods” just leads us further into destruction and doesn’t really feed our souls… Jesus is not the religion that hurts people and I’m sorry if that’s been your experience but a direct connection with the Spirit of God will guide you and fulfil you in ways you never thought possible.. God bless you beautiful. Please don’t be afraid to pray to Jesus and just give it a try… whether that be now or later…
If you don’t know what to say, here’s a prayer for you…
“Dear God,
I pray you come into my life and show me the way. Please guide me with Your Spirit and lead me in Your Truth.
In Jesus’ name
God bless you beautiful. Jesus loves you so much
Oh dear friend you’ve caught me on my lunch break. I have the time.
You think you’re doing me a favor by coming into my inbox and preaching Jesus behind a grey face but you’re really not. See, had I not been through a lot of therapy I’d probably be furious and trauma triggered right now. I mean I won’t lie I’m a little annoyed but like I said, I’ve got the time.
But honestly? I just feel bad for you. Because this was the only way you’ve been taught to believe and this is the only way you’ve been taught to act. How much success has this tactic gotten you? People probably haven’t responded well in the past because no one likes being proselytized to be totally honest.
Feels bad, huh? Like the whole world is cruel and evil and this must truly be the only way because people are so mean when you’re just trying to save them. But the reality is, people are good and kind too, but people don’t like being told their belief systems are wrong.
See, you don’t know me. And I don’t know you but I can make some assumptions because I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve been the person who sees someone who has “strayed from the path” and goes “I’m praying for you” but again, it doesn’t actually help.
I grew up evangelical, probably a lot like you. And I’ll say it, I was a good Christian. I did mission trips to Africa, to Europe. I served in my community, did children’s programming, camp counseling. I went to college and got a degree in Biblical studies because I just loved God so much.
So what changed and why did I leave? After all it was people and not God, right? Well, yes and no. I left mostly because of the hypocrisy. I read a Jesus who loved the poor and stood for the oppressed while watching my classmates and professors speak out against marginalized communities in the name of Jesus.
So yes, people hurt me in the name of Jesus.
But so did God.
See, I believed that if I didn’t believe in God the right way I’d go to hell for eternity. That I could only be happy if I had Jesus in my life. And I was super depressed and it felt like I was in an abusive relationship with God.
“You’re nothing without me. Everything good in your life is because of me. Everything bad is from the enemy or I’m teaching you a lesson. You are inherently evil without me. Love me or burn forever.”
That didn’t feel like love to me - because it’s not. I realized if a human was telling me those things I’d call it abuse. Why would I let God say those kinds of things to me if I wouldn’t tolerate humans saying it to me?
So I left. And yeah, I’ve wandered to different gods. I’ve experienced too many spiritual things to deny the existence of higher powers and spirituality. But God and I are back on speaking terms now at least, and frankly I believe whatever makes you love your neighbor more is God, whether that be under the name of science and atheism or under the name of Jesus.
Here’s the thing. You can repent of this lifestyle of arrogance that causes you to come anonymously into the inbox of a queer mystic to preach evangelism 101. I don’t need your version of God because I already have God in my life.
Because here’s the thing about loving your neighbor: your neighbor also gets to choose what love looks like to them, too. And most people are not going to say that anonymous proselytization feels loving to them. It actually comes across as tone deaf and judgmental. I know that probably isn’t your heart - I have no doubt you do what you do out of a sense of love and obligation.
Because I want you to understand the harm your rhetoric can cause, I’m also going to tell you how to love me.
First of all be kind and listen to me.
Secondly, go bake something for someone physically near your location. Go make some chili for your neighbor. It’s cold out where I live, homemade goods are always nice when it’s cold.
Find your nearest food shelter and ask what they need - I hear menstrual products are always needed. Ask if they need volunteers!
Donate an eSIM to Gaza or to another organization working for a free Palestine.
If you don’t have access to any of that, just text a friend and tell them you love and appreciate them. I promise you will be the hands and feet of Jesus more by doing those things rather than telling me that I’m wrong. Because truth be told you have no clue my spiritual path because I keep a lot of it to myself these days. And I like where my path is leading me so far because it encourages me to stand up for myself but also love others more. How can that be anything but God if it’s bringing more love to the world?
I pray that you find peace and happiness in your faith, but also that you stop acting with pride. I pray you may be saved from the same despair and disenchantment I faced and also recognize the harm that can be done by being dismissive toward religious trauma. I’m willing to share those experiences if you have more questions. God loves you, and I hope you can see that I am also loved and made in the image of God even if my beliefs differ from yours.
May God bless you, truly.
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tentative-wanderer · 10 months
Still thinking about this guy. He’s Princess Rapunzel but mad.
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(^ the cover of the book he’s from)
👾 Started out as the unknowing male protagonist’s spoiled online girlfriend. Protagonist was a recent high school graduate.
👜 Fleeced the protagonist, making him buy “her” clothes and jewellery with money from his part-time jobs. “She” was the only person who remembered his birthday and gifted him fireworks when he was in need of support, so the protagonist was aware he was being fleeced but willing to fall into “her” clutches.
😘 Sent the protagonist a photo of “her” legs in black silk stockings “she” bought with the money the protagonist sent “her”. (Artistically ripped the stockings to up the level of sultriness.)
💯 Turned out to be the popular top student who sat next to the protagonist at school
🪚 Too casually dismembered a reanimated corpse during the protagonist’s first encounter with the supernatural, making the protagonist suspect him of being a serial killer
😈 Gradually revealed inhuman strength and severe mental illness ranging from inability to feel empathy (does not—cannot—care about anyone), to trigger-happy tendencies
🍆 Forcefully remained the protagonist’s boyfriend by threatening to send everyone a compromising video of the protagonist. Protagonist was pissed but very grudgingly remained mesmerised (didn’t delete the silk stocking photo)
👸Turned out to be a supernatural entity who used to be locked up in a tower, where his favourite pastime was charming people (including men) who entered the vicinity, making them commit dangerous acts in besotted attempts to rescue him. He was released from his prison by the protagonist’s mysterious mother and bidden to watch over her son in her absence, unbeknownst to the protagonist.
🔪 Still, he casually said several times that he wanted to kill the protagonist, turn the protagonist’s head into a taxidermied specimen, and put it by his bedside. Suggested once that the protagonist kill him and turn his head into a specimen instead.
🍵 His constant smile, way of talking a little cute, and way of pulling off “green tea” moves on bystanders to get his way with the protagonist makes his terrible behaviour come off as interesting to the reader rather than terrible. (Green tea is Chinese slang for presenting oneself as pure and innocent to con others into liking you or feeling sympathy for you.) In fact, he’s responsible for a lot of the humour in the book.
⚡️ Had to be collared with an electric collar by the protagonist to be forced into submission. At one point he excitedly offered to buy the protagonist a whip to match.
🎏 Turned out to have once been the boy equivalent of a shrine maiden—think masked dance in ghost-busting purification rites, playing the role of the Nuo god prince. As a child, he had saved the protagonist from a netherworldly troop during a festival procession.
🫁 At age ten, he was trapped with his mentally ill mother in a ghostly realm, where his mother mutated into a monstrous form and forced him to play a never-ending game: find—and then eat—the organs she dug from her body and hid around the hospital.
📞 Managed to make one phone call that was picked up by his cheating father’s mistress, who pretended it was a spam call, dooming him and his mother to a hellish eternity cut off from humanity.
🎭 Eventually received one chance to escape; instead, he chose to try to save his mother with the ritual dance of the Nuo god prince, causing her to stab him in her anguish.
🤍 Last words: “I don’t want to be sad anymore.”
👹 Received an injection containing the flesh of a god and was “lucky” to be compatible enough to not go completely mad, turning him into a supernatural creature just a little less monstrous than his mother.
🫴 Was discovered at home after his long disappearance, clutching his mother’s torn-off hand
⚪️ As a result of his trauma and semi-integration with a malevolent god’s flesh, he got his wish. He wasn’t sad anymore, because he felt nothing. No more compassion, so no more pain. Just smiling madness. Hence his psychopathic personality today.
❓ Was dissected, starved, electrocuted, etc by the authorities to figure out his capabilities prior to being imprisoned
💉 Discovered (from the protagonist) that his doctor mother had medically induced insanity in herself so that she would not be killed and could live long enough to give birth to him, even though it meant that she would be torturously experimented on later. So it turned out that he and his mother were always fighting to protect each other.
💬 When the protagonist killed his mother with his help, releasing her from the ghostly realm in which she had been trapped, he was able to talk to her sane self for the first and last time in their lives.
Doubled over in pain and confusion, he said to the protagonist, “My heart is so empty, help me fill it. I hate this sensation, hurry up and help me.”
“Jin Feize, I can’t help you.”
“Because you’re experiencing sadness.”
⚫️ Attempted to shoot his cruel father after his mother’s death, but was thwarted by the protagonist who, worried that the authorities would use the murder as a pretext to euthanise him, threw himself in front of the man as a human shield.
Was terrified that he had killed the protagonist but what he said was: “Xiao Ye, why haven’t you died? I kept waiting for the news of your death. I’d decided, once you died, I’d die with you.”
“I hate you, I don’t like you. If not for you, I wouldn’t have remembered this suffering. I’m having nightmares again, I dreamed I was eaten by maggots, my whole body had rotted away. You’re not allowed to go anywhere, stay here with me. If I rot, you must rot with me.”
💔 Rediscovered a few emotions, including heartache:
Jin Feize eyed him for a while, then smiled suddenly. “Fine, as long as you don’t cry. When you cry, I want to kill people, and don’t even feel like eating hawberry cakes anymore.” He tilted his head, expression somewhat confused. “Have I fallen ill? Recently I keep feeling a discomfort in my chest. So you’d better not cry anymore, I seem to hate it when people cry, what if I can’t control myself and kill you?”
“You want to kill me?” Jiang Ye furrowed his brow.
“No,” Jin Feize replied very honestly, “I want to kiss you. Xiao Ye, let’s kiss.”
…he said, in a context where kissing would have been very inappropriate (his boyfriend couldn’t remember his own identity).
🔫 Blasted his own head to bits without hesitation (the head of a manifestation of himself who travelled through time)
💳 Many twists and turns later, they lived happily ever after, with him maxing out the protagonist’s credit cards (ah, he works so hard to earn money, my heart aches for him so much, oops my hand slipped and bought another luxury scarf, it’s okay he’ll forgive me anyway)
This book, Xiong Sui by Yang Su, is in my danmei rec list
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malumxsubest · 28 days
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before amelia was able to wander around earth & be amongst mortals and fiends, it was blissfully and peacefully drifting amongst the emptiness; whole, as one with its brother-self amadeus while they feasted upon lonesome worlds and stars that the gods had long since forgotten. they were one in the same; of same mind, of same body. they were whole. then it decided to throw a proverbial grenade into the mix and separated itself from its brother-self and be born anew on earth. completely severing her connection to her sibling because she decided to seal him away so he didn't meddle with her ventures.
even before creation itself, they had intense hunger that could have been satiated. afterwards, though, it was unlike any hunger that amelia, and by proxy, amadeus, had ever experience since the dawn of their existence. it was like life itself was an anti-thesis to them. it triggered a deeper, more innate, visceral, and insatiable hunger that they hadn't even realized was dwelling inside of them that entire time.
and now within the flesh of her beloved vessel, amelia still bear that eternal hunger that embedded in her since the dawn of life.
now this is where her nature and vampirism come into play. so the saying, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck therefore it's a duck. it's similar to amelia's case. allow me to reiterate this firmly, she is void in the flesh, first and foremost. but she is also a vampire in terms of characteristics and behaviours. amelia needs to feed to keep that hunger satiated until it rears its ugly head again. but unlike most vampires and their variations, she will devour anything. it does not matter if they are human, animal, other creatures. she will feast upon those who were unfortunately in the vicinity. she doesn't just drink blood. it's everything - flesh and all. and it's the same for human food as well. her apptetite is just vast as fuck.
on the topic of her blood specifically, it's a complex entity in and of itself: it can cause severe harm if forcefully consumed or seized, burning her aggressor from the inside out due to its acidic and corrosive nature. however, in cases of extreme bleeding or near death, she can command her blood to heal, as it responds to her will and enmeshes her essence with theirs to accelerate the healing. when it comes to blood play, consensual feeding, and loving & respecting her partner(s), her blood will cause no harm to them, whatsoever. this unique power is driven entirely by her intent. when her human sons wished to be like her, amelia didn’t need to drain them. instead, her blood, driven by her desire for them to become like her, invaded and merged with their bodies like a virus or a symbiote. the turning, however, is a painful process. there's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. which comes to another point: the relics that were forged to solely steal her ( and therefore, her essence ), anyone who has her blood coursing through their bodies will succumb to her weaknesses as well. 
a cool idea i have in mind: when she bleeds, her blood would sizzle and spread out when it makes contact with solid ground and/or surfaces & ultimately calcifying and lifts into the air like ash before disappearing.
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