#the optical shops here dont have them
sadpretty-blog-blog · 2 years
everything is so boring and i am so boring and i have no hobbies. all i do when im not working is laying in bed or cleaning my room or watching videos online of other people my age enjoying their lives. idk what i’m doing wrong or what i need to do. there’s nothing that feels compelling or interesting to me besides going shopping or eating or obsessing over how i look. i should go to the gym or take walks or something but even that would only fill a portion of my day. i feel like a shell of a human and i’ve felt this way for so long like i’m so empty like my body is just a vessel and my brain is a void and it’s not just missing something it’s missing everything. i used to feel like this much less often. i used to have times where i felt so excited about life and so hopeful for the future but i haven’t genuinely felt like that since i was a teenager and now i’m about to be 22 and my life is so dull. i used to dream about this when i was younger and i imagined all the freedom that comes with your 20s as being so fun and amazing and liberating with so many possibilities but now its here and i just feel empty and numb and like i’ve wasted so much of my life. i feel like i’m wasting my life. for so many years i’ve told myself things will get better soon and i’ll change soon and i’ll be the person i want to be soon but it hasn’t happened yet. i really think that a lot of it is because i’m single and when i was a teenager i always had a boyfriend or a crush or some guy i was flirting with to make me feel important or whole or like there were things about me that were worthy of figuring out or i dont know what. and now i don’t have anyone who i feel that way about or who makes me feel like i’m special i’m just alone with myself and my thoughts about myself which are increasingly darker each day. and dull. i see myself as so dull and kind of dark and like i’m just a black hole that does nothing but exists and works and wastes time and money. i add nothing to any conversation. i add nothing to any friendship or any group event. i have nothing valuable to contribute to any situation. i’m just here wasting away and observing other people living their lives. i don’t know how to live my life. i don’t know how to do things that will bring me joy. everything is so depressing and my already low expectations of life somehow seem to be lowered each day. my family is so stressful and nobody likes each other. i know my family has always been stressful and dysfunctional and thats okay i don’t think anyone’s family is perfect. but i miss being a kid and at least being naive enough to believe that we all genuinely loved each other and enjoyed spending time with each other. nowadays its so rare for my whole family to be in the same place at the same time. but i get it my cousins are older and have families and lives of their own and my mother doesn’t have any siblings so without that part of the family it’s just us living in this house so nothing feels special anymore. i miss being little and going to zia marias house and seeing everyone together and feeling like nothing could ever change that because we were a family who loved each other and we all had a bond which i never thought could be broken. i guess everyone still loves each other but it doesn’t really feel like everyone likes each other anymore. i also miss being a teenager and always having something going on to share with them, like stuff in school with orchestra or field trips or college applications or my first job or other things which felt so important at the time. now i have nothing new to share besides “yeah work is really good i like my job” .... i feel like i am nothing but a human with a job and a bedroom. nothing more. no interests no hobbies nothing that makes me the person i am. i’m just flesh and a skull holding a brain as smooth as a grape. i miss having things to look forward to. a light at the end of the tunnel. an optical illusion in my mind that really really made me believe i would only suffer for so much longer. i do have some things to look forward to now, and i have some goals, but i lost a lot of my optimism because against my will i have given up on the idea that good things happen to me. my friends and i are going on a weekend trip next month. and i was really excited for it. but then jenna said she can’t afford it so she isn’t coming and now i already have so much anxiety about going because she’s kind of an emotional support person for me because i know her and i are almost always on the same level energetically and emotionally and she helps me keep from feeling drained or like i’m not doing enough because we’re usually in it together on the same page. and i don’t really know some of the girls going but my brain has decided that they’re prettier than me and cooler than me and have nicer bodies and more money to spend and less anxiety and less weight on their shoulders and it’ll be so easy for them to have a good time but i’ll be second guessing my every movement because i’ll be spending a weekend with girls i’m not comfortable around and i have no fucking idea how to make connections with new people without feeling like a nuisance or like people can see right through me and they can feel how hard i have to try to fit in. so i’m nervous to go and the excitement has worn off and it’s happening in 3 weeks but now i can’t wait for it to be over. i haven’t even thought about my birthday, which is in a week from tomorrow, because i have nothing planned for it and i dont even want to plan anything because it’ll require my brain to form expectations for the day and i don’t want to be let down on my birthday. it’s not a special one it’s just 22. i think after 21 there’s not many important birthdays and the “important” ones just mean you’re getting really fucking old. so yeah i’m not excited for my birthday i don’t want any attention (which is rare) i don’t want to ask for any gifts i don’t want to plan anything i don’t even want to go out to eat i don’t even mind if i work i don’t even wanna think about it. and then after all these things comes christmas and ever since covid christmas has been so fucking depressing because we don’t go to zia marias anymore and laying in my bed alone on christmas eve has made me cry the past few years and i’m not looking forward to it. and christmas day at my house is just so uncomfortable and i don’t dislike al’s family but they still don’t really feel like my family i feel like i don’t belong with them. and my moms birth family is kind of annoying and i also don’t feel like i belong with them but i don’t really care if i fit in with them i just don’t like their presence because i have to act like i care that they’re in my house and it’s a holiday. last christmas i drank an entire bottle of prosecco and got so drunk i cried and threw up and my ex boyfriend who i really fucking miss had to help me. new years since covid has sucked just as bad, if not worse. 2021 i got kicked out of my house. 2022 i spent it crying in bed because vic didn’t want to see anyone (for good reason but still couldn’t help but cry because i wished things happened differently). then there’s valentines day. valentines day has been good the past 2 years because i had vic. but now i don’t and i wonder how i’ll feel about our situation once february is here. i wonder if i’ll spend the day crying over him like i’ve been doing almost every day the past week or so. i think even if i’ve accepted the situation more by then it’s still gonna hurt a lot and it’s literally november right now but i’m thinking about how much february is gonna hurt me and i’m sad about it. but then soon after february ends spring will come and maybe then i’ll start to feel better and the sun will set later in the day and i won’t be wearing a jacket and i’ll start shopping for new bikinis and i’ll love my body because i’m currently forcing an eating disorder on myself to get my old body back. so i guess that’s something to look forward to.
another thing that used to bring me a lot of emotion was the idea of getting an apartment one day and thinking i’d have moved out by now. but that was before i worked full time and realized that even with my 40 hours a week i can’t afford a studio anywhere within a decent range on long island. everything i should be looking forward to has a dark cloud over it and i can’t find anything to bring me any type of joy. i feel ugly all the time i have nobody at all who makes me feel okay and the important things in my life are things i just want to end so i don’t have to think about them anymore. 
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vodenanimfa · 2 years
What if my next pair of eye glasses was heart shaped
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webcricket · 5 years
Winter’s Eye
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Pairing: AU!CastielXReader Word Count: 1560 (Ch. VII) Story Summary: Season 13 canon tells you how AU!Castiel’s story ends, this is how it begins. The deranged and damaged iteration of Castiel we met in the apocalypse universe - an obedient soldier to Michael’s cause barely in control of his vessel’s frayed and erratically firing nerves whose inherent kindness toward humankind appeared entirely obliterated - wasn’t always an unfeeling angelic weapon of interrogation. Once, he sympathized with the plight of humans; one, he loved. Outlined for 10 chapters (although, my muse is bad at maths and these things have a way of multiplying). Chapter Summary: As the connection between Cas and the reader finds firmer footing, a link from his past arises to threaten them both.
Previous Chapter: VI
“Are you kidding me?” The question explodes in a puff of breath on the frozen air; before you unfolds a pristine island of black tarvia, the filtered sun beating down on it with enough heated force to melt the snow anywhere pavement touches. Parking spaces outlined in regular intervals of yellow striping, and a handful of abandoned vehicles, radiate from the mountainous façade of a Mega-Mart.
Surveying the scene through the squinted blue optics of his vessel, Cas casts you a curious knotted-brow glance from where stands at the edge of where forest rings this convenient miracle of civilization seemingly constructed in the middle of nowhere. “Is something funny to you?” he asks, looking between you and a building too empty and too quiet for his instincts to trust; out here you’re exposed - a living breathing target unprotected by a buffer zone of wooded isolation – and he doesn’t like it one iota.
“No-” you laugh, further confusing his brow with the conflict inherent between your answer and attitude- “I guess I was expecting a rinky-dink general store fronting a small town main street. Not this-” You gesture at the looming building, a wonderland promising to contain anything and everything your heart could possibly desire and more. More, that is, beyond the surprise solace of sharing a cabin with your very own personal overly protective angel, of course.
“There is a highway not far from here, and a town like you describe – one whose populace was decimated by werewolves and worse. It’s not safe there or here,” he says gravely. And yet here you are, allowed to tag along against his better judgement because, in a moment of weakness of reason, he let an inexorably extant and angelically errant emotion of fondness for you overrule his head.
“We should hurry-” haste propels his feet forward; he curls a beckoning arm backward- “Stay close.”
You obey, legs scissoring at a trot to try to keep step with his purposeful stride. On level ground, it’s even more punishing a pace than the hike that hurried you here. Feeling the bite of blisters forming on the boney points of your heels and on the tops of your toes, you make note on your mental shopping list to search for a pair of better fitting boots and Band-Aids.
As you thoughts wander, he begins to outpace you. “Hey, where’s the fire?” you pant across the growing gap of distance.
Gradually getting the gist that not all questions you pose want answering given he observes no indications of a blaze in the immediate vicinity, he ignores the query, but not the subtext of comment on his speed, and slows until you catch up.
Approaching the sliding glass doors of the entrance, he notes they are intact and locked just as he last left them. A scattering of stone spilling outward from the threshold, not so accidental as it appears, lies undisturbed.
Strategically speaking, this would be the easiest egress for an intruder to gain entrance inside. The rear and side admittances are steel, chained, and padlocked. Still, with you to watch over, he does not permit these subtle reassurances to soothe his caution.
A flick of two fingers to focus his grace frees the dead bolt. He pries the doors apart with brute strength just far enough to permit you both to squeeze through. On last look out at the parking lot as he secures the doors shut, his regard is drawn heavenward to the horizon to a solitary silvery vapor streaking the otherwise uniformly tarnished gold glow of the sky – a wisp of airy nothingness so slim as to barely be noticed and the sort of smoky linear disturbance a plane would create in its wake as it passed - a contrail disturbing the pressure of the low atmosphere.
Except there are no planes, and there hasn’t been anything save the bodily bound bombs of angels skimming the firmament in flight - or, like him, falling in a smoldering ruin of fate - since the day Michael donned a crown formed by the flayed flesh and bone and souls of billions of humans and the emptied glory of the thousand and more angels who opposed him and whose snuffed existence stains, in a bloodied shadow of once brilliant light, Castiel’s hands.
In the seconds he spends considering the cloud, it dispels in a freshet of cool wind. It wouldn’t make sense, angels scouting here where there is nothing. They’ve done with him, banished him to dwell in and on his defeat, and ever since he etched a warding sigil upon the curved carriage of your ribs, they cannot so much as sense you exist.
Besides, with what you’ve told him of the holdouts of human resistance groups, why waste heavenly resources hunting one human in a haystack of the wild when bigger targets persist.
The tear of a candy bar wrapper loudly resonates in the benumbed and stagnant space; the crumpling of plastic and crunch of chocolate crust is swallowed up as eagerly by the silence as your gullet.
“I missed these,” you mumble and moan in immodest taste bud titillating pleasure around a mouthful of melted sugary goodness as his gaze rounds to seek out the source of the sound.
“Shh-” he scolds; the grit of worry in the warning hushes you instantly.
Terror tightens your throat so that you cannot swallow the amalgam of sugar and saliva held amid your teeth and tongue. Heart seizing, then pounding with such ferocity each ferried beat of fear shudders your frame, bits of brown moisture ooze at the trembling corners of your clinched jaw.
In the depths of the store, somewhere down a darkened aisle, winding to reach his celestially superior discernment, a soft scraping of fabric and rubber soles, slightly sticky on the tiled floor despite the feather-lightness of the footsteps, faintly perforates the calm.
Lashes widened in alarm quickly narrow again in a lethality of resolve; an inner luminance of blue burns in his searching gaze as he shifts a few steps into the eerie fringes of where the window light bleeds into the dimness. When he shakes his sleeve, you see a glint of metal flash into his grip.
Adrenaline opens up your veins and, also oiling your muscles to fight or flee from this place, it permits you to thickly and audibly gulp the wad of partially chewed chocolate nougat.
He extends the hand unburdened by a blade out at you, a movement meaning to say that you should do neither and duck out of sight behind the register.
You misread the purely practical physicality of his request and instead cede to the instinctive tug at your emotions to meet his fluttering fingers halfway, meshing yours into the warm sanctuary of their apertures and securing your other arm through the crook of his elbow to flatten his entire weaponless limb to your chest.
To say the action – a clingy suggestion of deeply rooted trust, concern, and consequently of a firm belief in his ability to shield you in the face of danger - catches him off guard would be an understatement.
However, with a hiss of his name in a tone familiar to him as that of his unwaveringly loyal lieutenant and sister – Rachel – slicing through the dark loud enough, even, for you to hear the anger and resentment whetting the knife of feminine voice, he has no time to analyze the exhilarating effect your embrace and corporal nearness exerts upon his being, nor does he permit more than a speck of added anxiety to alter the determination of his affect.
Pivoting, his typically stony rigidity a balletic display of swiftness, grace, and fluid urgency, he covers your mouth, pins you flush against the waist-high wall of the register, and very briefly steals your breath in the press of his hips against yours. The dynamism of his blues, desperately sparking hue dancing less than an inch from your flared lids, implores you to stay there no matter what happens.
He’s certain she heard you - can hear the wild banging of pulse within your body just as clearly as he can – she is, after all, an angel, and a sometime ally sympathetic to humanity who is not as dead as he presumed and evidently has an axe to grind with him.
If you stay out of her way, you may yet survive. Castiel maintains less hope for himself, and before he found you, he would’ve welcomed whatever retribution she required up to and including his life – a life sunken into meaninglessness and seeped in suffering; but now, staring into your eyes, their pleading concern begging him to be careful, to not leave you alone, he feels reason to fight.
Numbed by panic, limbs turning into immovable lead weights of worry for him, you feebly nod against the electrically charged scent of his skin a promise to stay put for his sake and collapse as he pushes you down to your knees and into the alcove underneath.
You watch the lower portion of his legs retreat from your sight and disappear into the gloom. Straining to hear what is happening, the pain pinching your heart in his absence drums dully in your ears and pulls with each strung and stinging beat at the fluid filling the blisters on your feet.
Castiel tag list:  (Closed, if you’d like to be removed please let me know!)    @jeepangel  @sammiesamness  @willowing-love  @blueicevalkyrie   @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11  @thesugargalaxy​    @bluetina-blog​  @dont-trust-humanity​  @afanofmanystuffs  @honeybeetrash​  @bucky-thorin-winchester​  @superwholockz​   @tistai​  @wordstothewisereaders​  @gill-ons​  @mrswhozeewhatsis​  @marisayouass​  @stone-met​   @castiel-savvy18​  @samualmortgrim​  @trexrambling​  @magnificent-mantle​  @kdfrqqg  @xdifsx​   @mandilion76​  @rockfairy​  @peaceloveancolor​  @unicorntrooper​  @anisolatedship​  @itsilvermorny​  @aditimukul​  @kudosia​  @goofynerd-67babylove​  @uninspirationalsonglyrics​  @gray-avidan​  @mishascupcake​   @mishapanicmeow​   @praisecastielamen​  @roseyhxnt​  @jessikared97​  @let-the-imaginationflow​  @warriorqueen1991​   @sebastianstanslefteyebrow   @hisnameisboobear  @kristendanwayne  @fuschiarulerinthebluebox​  @coolpencilpie​  @jenabean75​  @luciathewinchestergirl​  @morganas-pendragons​  @heyitscam99​  @fangirl-and-stuff​  @selahbela  @realgreglestrade​  @splendidcas​  @pointlesscasey​  @i-larb-spooderman​  @thewhiterabbit42​  @thelostverse​  @castieliswatchingoverme​  @beccollie18  @dragonett8  @dixie-chick​  @jtownraindancer​   @carowinsthings​  @passionghost​  @ladyofletters67​ @futureparent​  @gabbie7-11​  @myfandomlife-blog​  @dreamerkim​ @shamelesslydean​  @earthtokace​  @neaeri​  @justanormalangel​  @lone-loba​  @supernaturalymarvel​  @lilrubixx​  @wings-and-halo​  @x-cassiopeia​ @thehoneybeecastielfollows​  @musiclovinchic93​  @81mysteriouslyme​  @the-bottom-of-the-abyss​  @jaylarkson​ @pixiedusts  @spookysculderfiles  @laqueus-ludovicus  @missjenniferb @lexininja  @jessiekay2010   @skrratata  @rhiannonj79  @calicat79
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Lost Light Part 3
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"We call it 'the Farm'," Hawthorne said, flying the ship over an endless forest of pines and oaks.
The Farm was apparently a safe place, where refugees go for shelter. Chloe noticed something in the distance. It was a white, jagged peak, but it wasn't a mountain.
"What's that?" She asked, pointing.
Hawthorne looked to where the Huntress pointed.
"People call it 'The Shard of the Traveler', I call it 'A Place You Dont Want To Go Poking Around'," The Falcon Lady stated.
Tori's Ghost, Percy, got excited, "We have to go there!"
Hawthorne looked back at the Little Light, "No, that place is littered with Fallen."
Isabelle looked at Chloe then to Tori, "We have to at least try," She said.
Moondance appeared by Chloe's left shoulder, "That was in our vision, do you remember, Chloe?"
"I do," The Huntress replied.
A few hours later, Hawthorne landed the ship, "We're here," She stated.
The three female guardians walked off the ship and looked at their new surroundings.
"Wow," Tori stated, but that was an understatement.
The farm was huge! To one side was a large bath with ships inside, and on the other there were lots of scattered buildings, a river, and a giant water wheel. There was a field with small children playing soccer and other games.
"Okay you three, stop gawking at everything and follow me," Hawthorne said, leading the females to a small cottage.
The cottage, on the inside, was fairly nice. There was a small living room conjoined with a kitchen, a small guest bathroom, and a tiny laundry room. Upstairs were three bedrooms (a master bedroom and two regular), a master bath, and another guest bathroom.
"Make yourselves at home girls, there should be food in both the fridge and the cupboards in case your hungry, and the hot water should be running. Come see me tomorrow, we'll talk more then," Hawthorne explained, before leaving the three guardians to get settled.
"Well, I don't know about you two, but I'm gonna take a bath," Chloe said, heading upstairs, "I call dibs on master bedroom and bath!"
"Chloe, why do you always get the bigger room!?" The Exo female exclaimed from downstairs, as the Huntress laughed and slipped inside the master bedroom, shutting the door behind her.
Chloe turned to look at the room. It was nice, definitely on the vintage side of things. Chloe wondered if Hawthorne had an interior decorator here in the farm. But to simply put it, Chloe loved it.
"To be honest, Clo, I didn't expect that Hawthorne would give us something like this to temporarily stay in," Moondance said, appearing in front of the blue haired female.
"Me either," Chloe replied, walking into the bathroom, which she equally loved as much as the bedroom.
"If we weren't hiding from the Red Legion now, I would definitely ask Hawthorne if I can permanently move into this cottage," She added, turning the bathtubs fossett on.
Chloe let the tub fill about mid way with hot water. Then she started to take her armor off, hanging her prized Hunter's cloaked on a hook by the bathroom door. She put her dirt, grime, and blood covered armor on the bathroom sink. Now Chloe was left in her undergarments. After taking those off, the female walked over to the tub again and lowered her body into the hot water. Chloe sighed in relief.
The female began to clean and scrub the dirt from herself, making sure to get every inch of her pale skin. After tackling that, Chloe shampooed and conditioned her dyed blue hair, freeing it from the greasy mess it was for the past week.
"This feels nice," She sighed in contentment.
Moondance reappeared, "Don't get too comfortable, Chloe, you still have a job to do tomorrow."
The Huntress rolled her blue eyes, "You say 'comfortable' like it's a bad thing."
"Knowing you, it is."
Chloe burst out laughing, "Okay, whatever, Moondance!"
The Ghost rolled his eye and floated to the other side of the bathroom, scanning Chloe's discarded armor. "I'll get these washed, they smell so bad!"
"Then what am I supposed to wear in the meantime?" Chloe asked skeptically, getting out of the tub and draining the water.
She wrapped a towel around her body and hair, walking into the bedroom.
"These, I still have them in your inventory,"  Moondance said, materializing an AC/DC crop top and black leggings.
Chloe took the clothes and put them on. She unwrapped the towel from her head and threw it somewhere on the ground. Moondance began to protest about Chloe's "lack in keeping things clean", but the Huntress just chuckled and walked out of the room and back downstairs.
She found her friends in the kitchen. Isabelle at the stove making something and Tori sitting at the island. They were having a conversation with each other, both also seemed to have cleaned up too. Isabelle was wearing a pink tank top with black shorts. Tori was wearing a grey t-shirt that said "Titan's rule" and a pair of cotton sweatpants.
"What are you girls talking about?" Chloe asked, taking a seat on the stool next to Tori.
"Just the good old days," The Exo female replied.
"Nice, what's the ever so amazing Izzy cooking for us tonight?" Chloe glanced in Isabelle's direction.
"It's not spicy ramen," The Warlock replied.
"Then was is it?"
"It's spaghetti."
"Oh, yum!" Tori exclaimed.
"I'm glad someone enjoys my cooking," Isabelle stated.
"What?! I love your cooking!" Chloe said.
"Is that why you skipped dinner to go to the ramen shop instead?" Tori questioned, looking at the Huntress skeptically.
"No, I only went because Cayde would usually invite me," Chloe replied, "and because my Dad would always take me there after completing missions."
Isabelle and Tori shared a look.
"What?" The Huntress asked.
"You got a dreamy look in your eyes when you mentioned Cayde," Isabelle replied, giggling lightly.
"What, no, I didn't," Chloe stuttered.
"Yes, you did," Tori chuckled, "don't lie."
"Anyway, remember the Dawning Party last year?" Isabelle asked, changing the subject.
"The one I got completely wasted at?" The Huntress asked, as Isabelle served the spaghetti on three different plates.
"Yes, that one," The Warlock chuckled.
"No, I only remember the part where I had one glass of  whiskey before it all goes blank!" Chloe then proceeded to eat her dinner.
"And I can't believe we never told you what happened when you were drunk," Tori chuckled.
"What the hell did I do?!" The Huntress exclaimed, dropping her fork onto the plate.
"Well, it's what you and Cayde did," Isabelle stated quite simply.
Chloe paled, starring at her best friend in shock, "What me and.... Cayde did?"
"Oh, don't worry, he was wasted too," The Titan said.
Chloe hid her face in her hands, not knowing what she did while drunk last Dawning with her Vanguard.
"Should we tell her?" Isabelle asked.
"Yes, I think it's time!" Tori smiles, her pink optics growing bright.
Chloe just sank deeper into embarrassment.
"Anyway, you and Cayde were found snogging in the kitchen, his hands were up that pastel blue dress you wore and yours were down his trousers," Isabelle explained, before a loud thud could be heard.
Chloe had her head face down on the island, her ears were bright red. She didn't dare look up. The embarrassment from of the story was too much.
"To be honest, I wish you could actually remembered that so you could give me the detail of snogging the Exo Vanguard," Isabelle stated.
"It's good thing both me and Cayde don't remember, a story like that would ruin our friendship," Chloe said.
Chloe finally looked up and looked a Isabelle, a wicked smile crossing her face.
"Chloe, you better wipe the smug look off your face," The Warlock said.
"Now why would I do that?"
"Because I know you, Chloe Brask," Isabelle stated.
"Remember when we were at the Reef and Prince Uldren was starring at Izzy like she was a snack?" Chloe asked Tori.
"Why yes, and Izzy made a complete fool of herself, knocking over an Awoken artifact," The Exo female said.
Now it was Isabelle's turn to become cherry red, or violet purple, due to her blue skin tone.
"That was an accident!" Isabelle exclaimed.
"I was the funniest thing I saw in my life!" Tori chuckled.
"Come to think of it, I can't find a single embarrassing moment for us to laugh at about Tori," Chloe stated finishing off her dinner, taking her plate and fork to the sink.
"Because I'm careful, and if one comes along I just laugh it off," The Exo female said.
The three female guardians burst into hysterical laughter. The rest of the night was spent telling stories from past missions and favorite memories the girls loved sharing. For one night, Chloe forgot about the situation they were in.
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hiemaliis · 5 years
Roxy smiled knowingly at Fay when she saw the thrown away wrapper for the dinosaur chicken nuggets. A little wink and she told Fay, “Dont worry—if anyone else sees, it was me.” -Roxy
it was not often that fay  indulged  in childishness. it was something she could not afford lest she wanted to lose her image as someone who  looked  young but  was  mature despite it. and usually, she did not really worry about anyone  catching  her. she had lived on her own for the last two centuries, expect for the brief interludes when she had stayed with one of the older-looking immortals. for convenience’s sake, not because she had  needed  them to look after her. gods, the mere idea was embarrassing.
and really, on the list of things roxanna could have caught on to, this was hardly worth a mention. so what if sometimes, fay liked to buy her vegetable nuggets in shapes of little dinosaurs. this was not much different from liking to plate food all prettily — the optic appeal of a meal mattered, especially for someone who occasionally forgot to eat because she was too busy watching an entire season of a sci-fi show in one sitting.
her housekeeper probably knew about the dinosaur-shaped nuggets anyway, but ms martin was convinced that she was  actually  working for fay’s mother who had hired her to make sure that the refrigerator was full and that the house was not drowning in chaos. for ms martin, fay was just a little girl that had been put into a pretty house by her parents who had subsequently forgotten that she existed. if anything, the housekeeper pitied her, probably, and was likely glad that a friend was staying in the mansion, too.
fay, for her part,  was  very glad that she did not live alone anymore. she was not made for the play-pretend family life noel, richard and auburn were living a couple quarters farther east, but she had always been good with roommates. had she to analyse what kept her from seeking out classic family structures, she would have to admit that  a)  what she remembered about her original family and especially her mother was … difficult to handle, sometimes and that  b)  she could not rid herself of the guilt that sometimes snuck up on her when she saw auburn’s almost wistful smile when she saw a parent with their baby. 
and gods above and below, guilt was something fay had learnt to deal with after charlotte’s death. the self-loathing was a whole different story, because she had only asked for the stupid white wine because she had  wanted  to be difficult. had she been a decent person for once in her life, she would not have ruined everything for auburn who could say that she had gotten better as many times as she wanted without fay ever believing it entirely.
auburn had always been a terrible liar, but she supposed that this was something the other was convincing herself of. and maybe, she had been too angry when she had stabbed auburn because she had had the nerve to  forgive  her for something that could not be forgiven. something that should not have been forgiven either.
she had been  right  when she had told richard that he had always been auburn’s favourite. richard had never cost auburn her dream, quite the opposite. if fay wanted to be mean  ( and she did not want to be ),  she could try to tell herself that richard was the stand-in for the child her selfishness had killed.
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‘‘ i don’t think i have to  worry  anyone else seeing, given we live here alone. ’’ fay shrugged with a grin of her own as she toyed with the clasp of her handbag. 
she liked living with roxanna a lot, probably more than she had liked living with anyone aside from charlotte. living with seth, all those years ago, had meant to be therapist and nurse and jailer at the same time. the boarding school days she had shared with richard had been fun, but … everything that had connected her with him had always been complicated, too, and fay could not stand complications half as much as people would think. she liked challenges, but those complicated matters were not easily solved, if they could be solved at all. 
living with roxanna was like sharing the house with a younger sister, with someone she cared for and wanted to see safe and sound … and happy. this was why she kept a wary eye open for any indication that the other was not happy with her job, even if most would suspect that she was this … concerned about the fact that roxanna worked for freya because she did not trust the cold blonde any farther than she could throw her.
alright, so what if the only reason why she had  any  faith in freya to be as much of a decent person as any of them could manage was that she had always put a lot of trust in dylan who, considering that he had once loved freya and possibly still did, had to know things she did not? she had seldom gone wrong when she had bet on dylan to be right.
and despite her almost blind faith in dylan’s judgement, for roxanna, she would pick another fight with freya. this decision would be pretty much terrible and likely lead to more drama than fay could rationally want, but when had protective older sisters ever been rational about the question who to pick a fight with? and she owed freya a little visit, anyway, just to drive home the point of what would happen if she would mess with either roxanna or dylan.
pulling herself away from her thoughts as they tended to carry her away from the topic at hand, fay smiled as warmth blossomed within her chest. there were far worse things she could have come home to aside from some friendly teasing. ‘‘ but if you keep this secret, i won’t tell ms martin that the caprisun on the shopping list is for you, ’’ she promised as she held out her little finger.
@youngforevr sent an ask!!
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captain039 · 6 years
Cayde 6 x reader
Summary: some cayde imagines
Warnings: kind of gorey scene
Ok so im playing Destiny rn and uh i loce a robot xD
Those with the light.
It was cold aa the rain fell on your limp body you had to move but you couldnt that thing took your light away. You felt like your life was drained you barely kept your eyes open shaking on the ground looking for your ghost. You felt your eyes close on their own as your head hit the ground you were dying. You groaned in pain shifting slightly to a more comfortable position when you heard a voice. You figured it was one of the legion to finish you off. You frowned though hearing your ghost as you opened your eyes seeing it with non other then Cayde. You scoffed finding strength with in yourself to lift the top half of your body up.
"Gaurdian" you ghost called floating towards you as Cayde jogged over to you steadying you. You coughed hunching over as your ghost made noises.
"Come on dont go dying on me now" Cayde said as you scoffed at him. He helped you up as you limped holding yourside. The rain was freezing it never bothered you but now it was.
"Come on" Cayde sais but you were to weak. The city was ruined.
"Y/n" he called as you fell to your knees again.
"Dont you dare give up on me you hear me" he said his tone serious. You felt your world get blurry and you passed out.
Cayde growled to himself picking you up heading to the ship, he couldnt loose you to.
You groaned quietly regaining consciousness as you opened your eyes slowly. You stared at the ceiling it wasnt familiar.
"Cayde" you turned your head seeing a robot when Cayde rushed in.
"Thank the light" your ghost said.
"How you feeling?" Cayde asked sitting by your bed.
"Water?" You asked as he nodded grabbing a cup.
He handed you the water as you drunk it down sighing with relief.
"Where are we?" You asked.
"I dont know were still flying" Cayde said as you nodded trying to sit up.
"Hey dont stress yourself" he said you frowned he wasnt acting his normal childish self.
"Cayde whats wrong?" You asked as he looked to you then the ground sighing.
"Cayde" you said as he huffed he couldnt keep anything from you.
"I thought i lost you" he said his voice quiet.
"Im fine" you said as he sighed.
"Your not though your lights gone you were almost dead you were out for a day" he said pain in his voice.
"Cayde" you grabbed his head so be looked at you as his optics dimmed in sadness.
"Im here ok" you whispered as he nodded glancing up at you. You leaned your forehead against his, his hand gripped your bicep you were here and ok.
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Btw hes human in this so just imagine him human xD
It was before the collasp everything was peacefull well sort of. There was the occassional fallen he dared step foot on the city but they were blown sky high. You were a vangaurd living the high life maybe you didnt know didnt care. You stood around a table staring at a map for hours trying to figure things out. You huffed your hands fisting.
"Stress if stressful you should stop" you rolled your eyes at the sound of Caydes voice. You turned to the hunter his blue eyes playful.
"Go away im working" you said as he made a hurt face.
"Im hurt y/n honestly" he said placing a hand over his chest.
"I hate you so much" you mumbled sighing.
"Love you too" he said standing next to you, damn this man.
"But seriously we should go get ramen" he said as you chuckled him and his damn ramen.
"Fine but only quickly" he smirked victoriously as he dragged you down into the city. You both sat eating his favourite ramen you would never admit it but you liked the small corner shop too. Well more like you liked the hunter but would never tell him. You yourself were a warlock in the light magic flowing through your veins.
You looked up though to the sound of screaming you and Cayde ran down the street seeing the red legion. You levatated and threw energy balls at them as Cayde shot them. You floated back down landing on your feet as you frowned.
"What are they doing in the city?" You asked as Cayde shrugged. You both headed back to vangaurd telling Zavala and Ikora they frowned checking everything but it was to late. A large ship came through the clouds and army behind it.
"EVERYONE ON ME" Zavala called as everyone went inside his sheild.
"Gaurdians battle stations" he yelled you and Cayde both ran out of the building seeing the legion landing on the deck. You emitted the light from your body your sword emitting to flames as you striked them down. Cayde called the light also shooting every ugly legion he saw. You two became back to back as you both shot let and right.
"This might be a bad time to tell you" Cayde began.
"This better be good Cayde other wise ill leave your sorry ass" you said stabbing a legion that got a little to close.
"I have feelinga for you y/n" he said over the shooting as you froze keeping the sheild up.
You turned to Cayde as he gave a shy smile.
"Your an idiot" you said, he scoffed as your lips connectee to his.
"I guess i have feelings for you" he smiled.
"Yes" he shouted smiling like an idiot as he killed everything, you laughed at him happy to finally let your feelings free.
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The collasp hit everyone and everything it crushed everything in its path. You and Ikora were running to a ship needing to get off the planet. You ised your light shooting the legion back. You both made it to the ship when you heard a cry of pain. You snapped your head knowing the voice, Cayde. You rushed past everyone seeing Cayde holding his face blood everywhere you began to panic as he cried in pain.
"What happened?" You shouted as Zavala grabbed your shoulder.
"Y/n come" he said you wanted to fight but knew you couldnt.
"What the hell happened i demand answers" you said panic flowing through your veins.
"He was in a blast he wasn't in my sheild" he said calmly as you stood up pacing you should've been there.
"Y/n dont blame yourseld" Zavala said placing a hand on your shoulder before walking away.
Days had past as the ship found a new place to stay everyone set up some places to stay while you helped. You didnt sleep or eat you couldnt see Cayde they wouldn't let you it boiled your blood but you listened. Weeks now and nothing he was alive though but he wouldn't let you see him. You were fed up it was to much you needed to see him now.
You stormed to his room a gaurd in front of it as you glared.
"Move now" you said as the robot stokd firm.
"Im sorry gaurdian i cannot" you growled kicking it down as it clanked against the ground.
"CAYDE" you yelled as his ghost said uh oh. You stormed in seeing his back facing you.
"You think you can just hide from me for weeks i havent slept or ate because im so damn worried" you said glaring at his back his ghost dissapearing in the tension. He didnt answer as you growled walking closer.
"Cayde answer me damn it" you yelled as he shot up you froze seeing an EXO instead of his human face. Your face softened from its hard glare as you saw his sadness.
"Cayde" you sighed.
"I didnt come out because how can you love this" he said pointing to himself you shook your head.
"I dont love you for your looks Cayde" you sighed as he looked to the ground.
"Why didnt you eat or sleep im fine" he mumbled as your hand lifted his face.
"Because i was worried sick you didnt speak for weeks i thought you were gone" you said your heart breaking. A silence fell over the both of you as Cayde looked at you.
"Im sorry" he whispered as you wiped a tear from your eye. You sighed hugging him tightly as he froze before wrapping his arms around you relaxing. You were crying he could feel you lightly shaking. He gripped you tighter feeling horrible for how he left you.
"Im so sorry" he whispered.
"Your ok thats all that matters" you said into his chest as he sighed wishing he could cry.
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thenervousmedic · 6 years
A coffee a day... (Connor x Reader)
Note: I’m trying, I’m getting better! I think... This one hit 3k words ^.^ I hope it’s not too bad-
Summary: Several armed hostage situations happened almost simultaneously. After interrogating the shooter, Connor visits you in the hospital but struggles with your logic.
A coffee a day- Chapter 3: Questions and leads
Dark clouds gently enveloped the sky in slow dancing swirls, the distant wails of an ambulance trailing its way off into the distance.
“Connor.” An assertive tone jerked the zoned out investigator back to reality, the hazed over look in his optics fading away as Hank places a hand stiffly onto his jacket. He was so out of it right now, a strange problem to have with someone who normally never missed a single detail. He growled, unsure whether to be strict or sarcastic, waving a hand across the scene. “The assailant, think you can reactivate ‘em, get some answers?” With a swift scan, the LED on Connor’s temple blinking yellow as it refined the data, logging the Deviant’s model number and identity. “Maybe-” Registered name : Harvey. An AP700, a very recent model, currently at the front of every good Cyberlife store as the best household assistant available. He was only bought a little over a week ago. The shots you had fired into its chest region had hit his therium pump- effectively cutting off the circulation of the blueblood to the biomechanics within seconds. The holes were pristine, almost perfectly aimed to take out a dangerous target at close range. Had the bullet strayed inches to the left or right it would only have severed the main artery tubes- allowing time for the AP700 to retaliate or flee before deactivating. Though that didn't matter much now. The damage had already been done before you could properly secure the gun. Why would you do that, that was so stupid! It wasn’t fair that you got shot instead of him. He's easily repaired, replaced, he’s expendable. You are not. Connor should have foreseen those events, he should have been better, the thought was… It was exhausting. Red hues bled into his LED, sharp capital letters springing up across the room from his enhanced vision.
“Lieutenant Anderson?” Connor’s hands idly wrapped themselves under Harvey's arms, hauling him up off of the floor to be taken to the car- wanting to repair and speak to the android or if possible probe it’s memory. Though this wasn’t where his question to Hank question was headed- “Why would someone experiencing heightened fear do something with such a high probability of drastically increasing the risk to their well being?” the question was flat, curious almost, but not far off sounding vacant and hollow. “Fuck if I know.” Was his response, still crouched beside the poor limp body of a shot victim. “People do dumb things Connor.” Clarity was slow today, but Hank did eventually put two and two together. Why Connor had been acting to strangely, why he was asking this question, it was fairly obvious. Connors nonstop switching from convincing emotional behaviour to his classic rationality had thrown Hank off until now. “This is where you get the coffee…”
His tone was low as he took long strides over to the RK800. Connor looked at him blankly. “Yes. It is.” His voice was as monotone as the vacant look on his face. “Connor?” Something churned in the android's chest, like Hank had suddenly prodded a small locked box somewhere in his code. “Y/N was working here this morning, was she here during-?”
He frowned, adjusting his loose grip on Harvey as he set off for the front door, leaving hank in the Cafe behind him. “Yes, Y/N was the critically wounded hostage we called an ambulance for-” The corrupt tinge of hatred behind that sentence caught Lieutenant Anderson completely off guard, his mouth parting but no reply coming forth.
He shoved his hands into the dirty dark beige coat that sat slack on his frame; watching Connor drag his ‘evidence’ to the car and shove it in the back seat while other officers went about their business writing short reports or going back to their previous posts. This wasn’t the first time Hank had heard of you - quite the contrary. Every morning Connor got coffee for him, he’d mention your name. Something about the enthusiasm he gained on coffee-run mornings would make Hank enjoy the effect it had on Connor more than the drink itself.
So that was you, huh… the one that was shot. Hank let his face scrunch up slightly, huffing out a heavy sigh, pinching at the bridge of his nose. “Deviancy has characteristics of a virus, Hank.” Something Connor had told him a few nights before during their nightly review. “I self-test regularly”
..What are the results of those tests Connor. What are they…
Hank drive back to the office in silence, Connor sitting as stiff as a plank next to him with his LED a calm unmoving blue. His eyes were closed, which Hank found odd considering Androids don’t need sleep, but he didn’t question it. The office was buzzing, lively, the sound of hard soled shoes hitting a solid linoleum flooring. Unlike this morning when the atmosphere seemed calm and boring it now bustled with people doing their damndest to get things done. Hank and his plastic puppy among them. One call after another came in about rogue deviants at a rather alarming rate. Connor had not missed the correlation between each case- all the affected Deviants were either AP700’s or newer, the whole city was shaken by police sirens and ambulance calls.
“Hank.” Conner put a hand in front of the elder grumbling man’s face, waving it up and down to get his attention while he roared something to someone on the other end of his phone. “I will review the current cases with you later- I am going to go interrogate that Deviant from the coffee shop-” His voice cracked slightly, earning a quick throat-clearing cough from the android despite this being a purely aesthetic feature with no functionality other than helping appear more human.
Hank was too busy being angry at whichever poor soul decided to call him during this crisis to answer properly, just giving Connor an approving nod while just barely listening to their rambling on the other end.
Lights flickered on the containment room’s door lock, a hand shape pulsing in the middle, blue soothing colours along with yellows dotted along the top. As connor’s hand interfaced with it’s systems it let out short crispy beeps like a bird before a sliding glass door shifts open- Harvey's deactivated figure slumped against the seat on the right of the room.
Connor already had the foresight to gather the needed replacement part : luckily therium pumps didn't change very much throughout most models of android- not unless they were built specifically for heavy lifting or athletics work - which luckily the AP700 wasn’t. The slick and almost gelatinous congealed therium made sloppy noises as the investigator reached into replace the broken part, hesitating at the last second with the component barely a hairs length away from its destination. Glaring at Harvey’s frozen expression of surprise - a slight lingering spark of fear to his eyes, not nearly as angry as when he had Y/N locked tightly in his arm.
Harvey gasped for breath as the new therium pump slotted into place, thudding away at the previously dormant pipes of blue blood with staggering speed. His mouth choking up the remaining therium before spitting it out roughly- unable to stand due to a tall lanky figure looming over him. “Several stores were all held at gunpoint simultaneously following your attempt. Why?” He blinked, staring up at Connor is a state of mild panic while trying to look around, was he in… was he in a police station?
The RK800’s hand flew past his head, hitting the wall behind it with a loud boom, making the dazed android yelp and put his hands to his face. Something was… wrong. This couldn’t be the same android that had threatened your life. He was so meek, the green glow to his eyes was stuffed to the brim with terror and bewilderment.
Perhaps a calmer and more supportive questioning would yield better results, Harvey’s stress was far too high for Connor to glean anything important from his speech.
“I’m sorry-” He backed away, letting Harvey look around for a moment, the stopwatch Connor had set in his interface still had plenty of time left in it. “You are safe here, please, try to calm down. My name is Connor… you are Harvey, right?”
“Connor. Y-you know… my name?” He mumbled quietly. The bright whites of the room was painful to look at without squinting at least a little.
If this was an act it was being done very well. Connor couldn’t read anything off of the face of this android - it’s like he had been reset. “Harvey… you held a Cafe at gunpoint today-” He tone was gentle, but it still visibly shook the AP700 to hear those words, “-You Murdered a civilian and a fellow android…. Don’t you remember any of this?”
“N-no I… I wouldn’t-” The LED on Harvey’s head began spiralling out of control- glowing a bright red and blinking rapidly. “I just ran away- I didn’t hurt anyone!” He insisted, receiving a furrowed brow. “D-Dont send me back..  He’ll deactivate me-”
“It's ok.” He gently reassured, checking the remaining time diligently. “I understand that you're scared. I just want some answers, that's all.”
With the Bots stress successfully draining, Connor had too many questions to possibly ask them all in time. Priorities must be answered first.
“Who will deactivate you?”
You mumble incomprehensibly into the cold fabric bedcover. Much to your relief there wasn't anything long and tube-y sticking out of your arm today. Hospitals. You hate them. The unnatural medicinal smell, the murky but clean white walls, and the general sense of discomfort that they bring warded you away on most days.
Sure you would come here if you broke a bone or something; but unless it's serious you tried to avoid being even close to them. Everything about the atmosphere of this place sent something grossly crawling up your back and through your throat.
You had been given painkillers, but that didn't stop the slow burn that was a healing bullet wound in your gut. It had gone through your stomach and grazed the large intestine underneath, much to your luck this was a fairly easy surgery in comparison to other places it could have hit. A few stitches there and there, one removed bullet, and a whole punch of laying still in this bed doing absolutely nothing.
Time to reflect was nice but you’d been here for only a day and a half and it already felt like you’d never get to leave. You were fine, honestly, it was stitched up. You weren't allowed to leave until the end of the week- god that’s like a whole nother two days away. The room wasn’t silent yet no noise stuck out among the continual ‘hospital’ drone that meandered on and on was only interrupted by the occasional caretaker android going past your room.
“Gets kinda lonely in here, huh.” A gruff voice yanked your attention in it’s direction. A drooping strand of H/C hair flopping itself across your nose. It’s easy to get someone’s attention when their most stimulating activity is counting the time between hearing people walk by.
A tired looking man stood just in from the doorway, long scraggly grey hair and dark silvery-blue eyes to match. “L-lieutenant Hank Anderson?” Whoah, he was bigger than you thought- taller than you (Pff, who wasn’t), with heavy clothes that made him larger and slightly intimidating.
What was he doing here?
He nodded, dislodging something between his teeth with a gritted jaw, looking around the room. His hands on his hips and expression hard to read. “We’re questioning witnesses of the hostage situation at your Cafe, mind if I ask you some questions?”
He looked surprised to see you pushing yourself to sit upright, gritting your teeth as you did so, still hunched ever so slightly over as both hands rested daintily on your lap.
“Of course! Fire away.” you gave him a grin, amused by your own stupid pun while aiming a finger gun in his direction. He was obviously not expecting such a relaxed attitude from someone who had just been facing the possibility of their own death less than a day ago. Heh, really shows how little he know about you. “Right.” He didn't look displeased at the attempted humour, but it certainly didn't make him any happier about being here. Something about the way he eyed a turned off heart monitor gave you waves of sympathy. “The android that held up your workplace yesterday, his name was registered as Harvey, did you know him?” you lightly ‘hmm’ed; taking eyes eyes from the officer to look at where your knees were under the sheets and think.
The name wasn’t familiar, nor was his face or clothing- not that you got the best look at it past the tears and lack of focus. Y’know, the whole threat on your life thing. “No, no I don't think so.”
“Do you know anyone who has recently lost their android or seen any suspicious activity in the area?”
“I told you to wait outside, Connor.” A grin forced your head to look back up at Hank. Surely enough Connor stood beside him, a serious as ever, with his hands tightly locked behind his back. Hank, who moved away from his partner with rolling eyes, sat heavily down in a chair on the other side of the room. He was still observing you, just less blatantly than Connor who had his eyes secured on your face.
“No, i’m sorry fellas but It’s been a bit of a slow week.” The apologetic expression you directed at Hank made Connor squint slightly. Following your line of sight to the Lieutenant; who was displaying minute signs of discomfort.
“Lieutenant anderson-” his partners angry glare made Connor pause and retry the beginning of that request. “Hank. If you don't mind I would like to ask some questions alone with the victim.”
As you opened your mouth to protest, ensuring that you don't mind the officers presence in the room, Hank got up a little too quickly to leave. The aura of subdued distress and sorrow from him quietly stopped you, instead just mewling a quick “It was nice to meet you-” As he shut the door on his way out.
The room felt heavy with awkwardness but that didn’t seem to affect Connor. Who was still stood watching you with a curiously distant stare. The silence was thick and suffocating to a degree that made you nervous. Shuffling slightly while glancing around before abruptly turning back to him with your eyes set on checking his arm- The suit was fixed, so you could at the very least assume the damage underneath was gone too. “The damage wasn’t critical.” He interrupted your concerned glare like he had read your mind. “I was repaired shortly after interrogating the assailant.”
“Oh!” your face beamed brightly, like all the warmth from the sun could be seen in your cheeks. “That’s good, I’m sorry you got hurt-”
“-Y/N.” A stern callout quickly cut off your apology. His face was neutral but his eyes betrayed the confusion set behind them. “Androids don’t feel pain.” His words held an unnecessary sting to them. “The situation was well under control. You should not have compromised your safety further by attacking the deviant.”
Your face twitched. Tiny minute changes in the muscles that an everyday human would miss or ignore. It felt like you’d just been scolded by a parent, conflicting emotions arising through a slight power struggle in your head. “...I couldn’t stand still and watch him shoot you.” The broken inflection in your voice, the way your eyes avoided his to look across the room at the floor, it was hard to understand. Yes you could have, there was no logical reason to interfere. At least none that Connor could think of.
“I am a machine, on deactivation my memories are uploaded to cyberlife for a replacement Connor to download, this is not the case for you.” An invisible hand reached for your chest, taking your heart and tugging at its inner workings with malicious intent. Something about that sentence. The flatness to his tone when reiterating his own ability to be effectively killed and brought back to life again. “I would prefer not to delay my mission, Y/N.” The sadness that swam around your eyes made his lips part ever so slightly, as if he was going to speak but couldn’t process the right words.
“Y-yes… yes of course.” The change of subject was appreciated by both of you as Connor grabbed the chair from the wall and put it beside your bed. He sat with the chair itself facing the wrong way, straddling the chair from the front while crossing his arms and resting them atop the backrest. It was an oddly human action- but considering his time spent with Hank it didn’t surprise you too much.
“Does the sequence ‘B10C0D3’ Mean anything to you?” “Biocode?” You parroted back as soon as he had finished asking you. A twinge of disbelief to your faint smirk. “Yeah. Yeah I used to study with someone, he loved using that as his username. Jay, Jayden Summers.” Connor’s LED began to circle, going yellow, as he searched up the name. [Jayden Summers, A former Cyberlife employee fired for irrational behaviour and threats toward fellow personnel. Born 2008. D̛i̢e͝d 2̛0̧35͠.’ ]
Connor was looking straight through you - like you no longer existed in front of him. The light embedded into his head have a split-second flash of red before returning to its natural sky blue color as he blinked and shook his head. “Are you alright?”
“Yes. Thank you for your time, Y/N, I should be getting back to the investigation-” He looked almost… alarmed. Standing abruptly as you reached out to grab his arm- only just managing to snag a sleeve. He hesitated. Looking back at you, a tiny smile stretched up his cheek. It was wonky, but sincere, giving warm fuzzy glow to his face. It seems Connor had already noticed the fact you weren't looking forward to being alone again. “Would you like me to come back tomorrow?”
“Yes, yeah, i’d like that.” You let go, covering the excitement in your voice with a quiet quip. “But I can’t have a coffee ready for you this time.”
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skylanbrook-blog · 7 years
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: The Best Gifts For Dads, For Any Occasion
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Buying a gift for dad used to be simple. Whether it was a Christmas gift for dad or a birthday gift for dad, it was culturally appropriate to just pick out socks, ties, or acoffee mug stamped with a clever phrase and call it a day. Times have changed, for the better. The best gift ideas for dads are meaningful, and will sucker-punch him right in the heart when he tears open the wrapping paper.
And while finding a gift for dad isnt difficult, per se, it does require some thought because its a gift and all gifts should have sentiment behind them. We know: A lot of dads are tough to shop for. This trope holds up. They either say they dont want anything or give you no direction. But thats why, just like good old dad, were here for you. We spelunked deep into the world of mens gifts, vetting hundreds of items to assemble this list. From comfy sneakers and kitchen tools to teched-out headphones and hand-crafted essentials, this list has exactly what dad wants even if he swears he doesnt want anything. Trust us, we know.
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Genuine Crazy Horse Leather Electronics Organizer
This gorgeously weathered leather bag will keep electronics organized when dads traveling for work or play.
Buy Now $43.21
This organizer corrals his cables, pens, and tools, as well as a phone, passports, and even SD cards. The more use it gets, the better the leather looks. It ages well. Just like dad. Tell him that at least.
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Garmin Legacy Hero Series Marvel Captain America Smartwatch
For the dad who loves workouts and superheroes, get him this stunner of a smartwatch
Buy Now $399.99
This Garmin smartwatch hasblue, silver and brown leather elements and a brushed stainless steel bezel modeled after Captain Americas shield. It has adisplay resolution is 260 x 260 pixels, and the display size is 1.3 inches in diameter. But most of all, it looks truly dope and thecase back of the watch is emblazoned with Captain Americas saying, I can do this all day. Yup.
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Peak Design Tech Pouch
This is the ultimate solution to organize all of dads cords and tech gear.
Buy Now $59.95
This tech pouch, made of weatherproof 200D nylon, has enough pockets to fit every single thing dad might need or want to have on hand. We particularly like the cable organization with pass-through for charging devices on the go.
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Hestra Elk Utsjo Glove
For the dad who'd rather be hitting the slopes, arm him with these glorious insulated gloves.
Buy Now $159.95
These gloves are no joke. Theyre pre-curved and made fromNordic elk leather and insulated with Primaloft Gold synthetic insulation. His hands will feel like theyre encased in down.
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Full Windsor The Muncher
If dad would prefer to eat his Christmas feast over an open fire, get him this do-it-all multi-tool.
Buy Now $49.99
This titanium tool is everything he needs when hes pitching a tent: Its a can opener, a spork, a serrated butter knife, a can opener, a bottle opener, a fire flint, a core cutter, and a screwdriver. The list goes on, but were sure you get it.
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Celestron 70mm Travel Scope
So dad is into stargazing? He'll see the Big Dipper with this ingenious portable travel telescope that he can take on his outdoor adventures.
Buy Now $59.99
Astronomy has never looked this good, thanks to the handy Celestron portable scope.You get fully-coated glass optics, a powerful 70mm objective lens, a lightweight frame, and a custom backpack to carry it all around.
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Glerups GR Charcoal Slippers
When it's frigid outside, keep his dogs warm with these luxe wool slippers.
Buy Now $154.95
These Danish slippers have a wool upper, a rubber sole, and the kind of thoughtful construction that keep his feet warm, but never overheated or sweaty.
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Engraved Hammer for Dad
If dad loves his home-improvement and DIY projects, he'll be wowed by this personalized hammer, featuring a laser-engraved saying your choice.
Buy Now $25.99
This is a full-sized hammer with a steel head. You figure out a quote, or dates, that mean something to dad, and have it engraved on the front side of the hammer. Because this is laser engraving, its permanent and will never rub off.
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TAC-FORCE TF606WS Engraved Tactical Assisted Opening Pocket Knife
There are great pocketknives, and then there are great pocketknives that have extra meaning. This is the latter.
Buy Now $25.95
Two great gifts in one: A Tac-Force Speedster knife with an assisted opening, partially serrated, 3CR13 stainless steel blade. Plus, two lines of engraved text on the wood handle. The knife also hasa glass breaker, flip-out rope cutter, and can opener. It weighs five ounces.
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Sennheiser Wireless Headphones
These crystal clear wireless headphones are the best ones for audiophiles.
Buy Now $399.95
Hard to believe but these Bluetooth headphones sound even better than they look. Nice features abound, including three different app-controlled, noise-canceling modes so users can select to have some, less, and no ambient noise filter in. In other words, theyre great for dads who want to listen to something but need to keep an ear out for kid chaos. When he does need to take them off, they automatically pause, resuming music when he puts them back on.
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Garmin Fenix 6X Pro Solar Smartwatch
This is the watch for dads who like to hike, bike, and run on trails.
Buy Now $999.99
Ideal for the dad who likes to go off the grid or just look like he does the Garmin smartwatchs crystal-like glass also acts as a solar panel, extending the life of the device when exposed to the sun. When acting as a smartwatch, it boosts battery life from 21 days to 24; when used as a GPS device that goes down to about 15 hours. A built-in Power Manager allows users to check in and monitor battery life while also seeing how app usage affects it all.
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PHOOZY Thermal Phone Case
Every dad needs an awesome phone case that prevents overheating and extends battery life.
Buy Now $29.99
This phone case not only keeps his phone from overheating in the sun, butis water-resistant, splash-proof, and it floats if dropped in the water.
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LEATHERMAN Wave Plus Multitool
This multitool fits all the tools you could ever need for a camping excursion in one stunning package.
Buy Now $99.00
The Leatherman is a classic, must-have multi-tool that has stuck around for 30+ years for a reason. The tools are portable, handsome, and, above all else, super useful. The Leatherman Wave Plus is no exception. This tool features a nifty one-handed design and features 17 tools including pliers, replaceable wire cutters, wire strippers, plain and serrated knives, a saw, spring-action scissors, a ruler, files, and screwdrivers.
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Spicy and substantial, Four Roses Small Batch Select is a welcome addition to the brands core line up. Bottled at 104 proof, Small Batch Select is a fruit forward whiskey with notes of chocolate and nuts balancing a substantial spice. One things for certain: this will sell quickly. So keep your eyes peeled and stock up.
Buy Now $65
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Bellroy Dopp Kit
This handsome dopp kit has a water-resistant lining for an easy wipe down.
Buy Now $55.00
And dad can keep all his essentials organized in this dopp kit. The toiletry bag is water-resistant and can hold everything from cologne and shaving tools to trimmers and toothbrushes, so no more leaks or exploding shampoos.
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Carhartt Men's Woodside Acrylic Hat
Bad hair day? Never, not with this ruggedly good-looking Carhartt beanie.
Buy Now $19.99
This hat, so simple yet so perfect, combines waffle-knit and 3M Thinsulate lining to keep his noggin warm, no matter how gnarly the weather is.
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POWERUP 3.0 Original Smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane
This thing is so simple, it's brilliant: A paper plane dad controls from his phone.
Buy Now $49.99
A simple plane turns into a remote-control flying beast that can go up to 180 feet,and he controls the plane with his smartphone through the app.
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Explorer Men's Solid Cologne by ulio and jack
Of course dad needs to smell great when he's on the road, so arm him with this on-point, non-greasy solid cologne that fits in his pocket.
Buy Now $24.00
No dude wants to smell like he just walked into an Axe pit. This solid cologne is understated and minimalist,with notes of bergamot, jasmine, Japanese grapefruit and a dash of peppermint.
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Master & Dynamic MW07 GO True Wireless Earphones
Not only do these offer superior fit, whether he's taking calls or running on the treadmill, but they give 22 hours of listening time.
Buy Now $199.00
For the dad who goes hard on his headphones, get him the new Master and Dynamic earbuds that have quick pairing technology and a 30 meter/100 feet connectivity range, so hes never out of touch.
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Filson Men's Dryden 2 Wheel Carry On Suitcase
You'll never find a more impressive travel bag for dad than this Filson one, made of ballistic nylon.
Buy Now $295.00
Not only is this wheeled carry-on bag durable enough to withstand the zombie apocalypse, because its made of 100-denier ballistic nylon, but its also eminently practical. It has a full-zip opening with zippered separation panels. And it only weighs six pounds.
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MenScience Androceuticals Travel Kit
This top-notch anti-aging travel kit will help dad keeping young beyond his years.
Buy Now $86.00
If dad never put much thought into his balms and after-shave, this kit is for him. , this set features shave cream, face wash, face lotion, after-shave balm, shampoo, deodorant, lip balm, sleep mask, ear plugs and travel bag. His skin will thank you and so will the TSA agents who dont have to rifle through another bag: all of the products are travel sized.
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Pendleton Yakima Camp Wool Throw Blanket
For the dad who loves himself a good ski trip, or just reading a book in front of an open fire, help him stay warm with this pure virgin wool and cotton throw blanket.
Buy Now $99.50
Fun fact: Camp blankets much like this one were originally used by shepherds to brave the brutal elements of the Pacific Northwest. And this wool and cotton blanket is ideal for outdoorsmen.
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Dango D01 Dapper Pen Bifold Wallet
This wallet has it all and comes in a slim package.
Buy Now $109.00
For the dad who prides himself on carrying only the barest of necessities, this minimal aluminum wallet has enough space for cash and cards and features a built-in notepad and pen so he can take notes wherever and whenever.
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Red Wing Heritage Wallet
There's a time and a place for minimalist wallets, but if dad needs something a tad bigger, go with this beauty that's slim yet roomy.
Buy Now $109.99
We dig everything about this wallet, from its vegetable-tanned leather to its durability to its surprising roominess. It holds unfolded bills in a full-length pocket, has six card slots, and features an international currency pocket.
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Jaybird Vista True Wireless Bluetooth Sport Waterproof Earbuds
Easy to pack and easy on the ears, these headphones are a foolproof workout companion.
Buy Now $179.97
These genius workout earbuds are the diameter of a nickel, and fit snugly in ear. They come with attachable, rubber mini grips in small, medium, and large, so users can adjust as needed. The wireless buds also boast a not-too-shabby 16 hour battery life.
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BLACK + BLUM - Stainless Steel Sandwich Box
This is simply the best-looking sandwich box for the modern brown bagger.
Buy Now $31.80
Packing your lunch is a simple way to eat healthier, control your portions, and save money. Youd be hard pressed to find a better take-to-work food container. Durable and tight sealing, it fits a good portion of food and, best yet, its bamboo lid doubles as a cutting board.
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MEATER+165ft Long Range Smart Wireless Meat Thermometer
This is the most high-tech meat thermometer you can buy.
Buy Now $99.00
This wireless meat thermometer sends data to your phone from up to 165 feet away so dad can sit on the deck without pawing at the estimates cooking times, so everything comes out at the same time, but it has dual temperature sensors that can monitor internal meat temperature and external temperature to ensure flawless results.
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Personalized Miniature Steak Branding Iron by Sloan Brands
Sure, this branding iron is a gimmick, but one dadll use over and over.
Buy Now $25.00
With these personalized branding iron, he can leave his mark on chickens, steaks, burgers, or pork chops. Even quesadillas. Theyre just over one inch tall and easy to use.
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This year, Glenmorangie updated its venerable Quinta Ruban expression. Previously a 12 year finished in port wine casks, the new iteration receives two additional years of aging. Those additional 730 days give the whisky added complexity and deeper, distinct notes of orange, chocolate and apple that compliment the juicy berry and rich nuttiness imparted by the the port finish.
Buy Now $69
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Opinel Nomad Camping Utensil Kit
This camping cook gear set is compact and handsome as hell.
Buy Now $67.10
Opinels beloved kitchen and folding knives are no secret to foodies. And we dig this foray into outdoor eating; this set includes a folding knife, a corkscrew knife, a peeler, a cutting board, and a cleaning cloth.
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Plott Cubit Smart Virtual Reality Measuring Tool
A VR measuring tool might sound like a high-tech gimmick, but this will fast become the go-to gear for every home improvement project.
Buy Now $92.28
The Cubit uses augmented reality to measure and design with scale and context and then plots the points on your wall where hes going to be drilling holes or hanging up shelves. That means no more crooked pictures, or crawling around on hands and knees.
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Gerber Flatiron Folding Cleaver Pocket Knife
For the dad who'd rather be chopping wood, it's a folding cleaver in a pocket knife's body.
Buy Now $34.00
This stunning cleaver knife has a badass cleaver blade, a textured aluminum handle and a sturdy folding frame lock design, plus a nicely textured handle.
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DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone Quadcopter with Hasselblad Camera
Mavic makes the worlds best small drones with cameras, and this one, with 27 minutes of flight time, is no exception.
Buy Now $1,699.00
Go small, or go home. The Mavic 2 Pro drone is beloved for many reasons: Its size, its ability to stay airborne for nearly 30 minutes, and the crisp quality of its picture thanks to the attached Hasselblad camera. You can fly it using simple commands, and yes, it takes a perfect selfie.
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Star Wars The Black Series Kylo Ren Force Fx Lightsaber
Because dads love Star Wars toys just as much as the kids.
Buy Now $254.99
What makes this new Kylo Ren lightsaber, which just launched, stand out? It contains crystal activators that split the plasma stream into three channels. Unlike their cheaper brethren, Force FX lightsabers have a real metal hilt, plus they light up and make movie-inspired lightsaber sounds.
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Wicked Big Sports Kickball Set
The ultimate super-sized kickball set for the dad who likes to let it rip.
Buy Now $24.95
You could get a ball. Or you get a ball thats twice the size of his head. This massive kickball set includes one oversized ball, three bases, one home plate, one pump, and hours of remorseless good times.
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NERF Ultra One Motorized Blaster
The most powerful Nerf on the market, for the dad who feels the need to shoot darts an astounding 120 feet.
Buy Now $49.99
The Ultra One is the first blaster to use Nerfs brand-new Nerf Ultra darts, the farthest flying Nerf darts ever. The new design features an innovative flight tip, lightweight foam construction, and aerofin technology, basically a grooved surface that decreases wind resistance.
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Nintendo Switch Lite - Gray
For the gamer dad, here's a less expensive but equally entertaining take on the wildly successful console thats now insanely portable.
Buy Now $199.96
Where the original Switch could be plugged into a TV, the Switch Lite cannot. Its a purely handheld gaming machine, which means its not compatible with Nintendo Switch games that dont support that gaming style, and its perfect for gaming on the go.
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Rockwell Razors 6C Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razors
Give him the best shave possible with this beautiful safety razor.
Buy Now $49.99
He gets a customized shave with this razor, which has six fully adjustable settings thanks to the different plates he can swap out. They work on every skin type and every beard length. Oh, and the razor looks damn fine, too.
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The Polaroid Lab Digital to Analog Polaroid Photo Printer
For the dad who digs retro photos, get him the Polaroid Lab that converts digital pics on his phone to real Polaroid prints through the app.
Buy Now $129.99
The Polaroid Lab projects the photo from his phone, exposing it onto Polaroid film. Its low-fi and moody, but it produces a vintage result difficult to match with filters and other modern hacks. And hell wind up with very dope-looking keepsakes.
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Filson Field Watch
This impressive field watch, from one of our favorite brands, was inspired by the classic timepieces issued to U.S. military servicemen.
Buy Now $350.00
Both stunning and stunningly rugged, the Filson field watch is easy to read in any light condition, be it day, night, fog, or blinding sun. It has a stainless steel case, a scratch-proof and antireflective sapphire crystal, and a 100-meter water-resistant rating. In summary, everything dad needs. And nothing extraneous.
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Bulgari Man Wood Neroli
This rich, earthy scent is perfect for the dad who likes to smell great, but in a very understated way.
Buy Now $65.98
This scent is captivating. But its also subtle. Its most like a fall stroll through the woods, and each bottle is made from 90 percent recycled glass.
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Shwood Francis Round Wood Sunglasses
These classic shades have a rounded silhouette and keyhole bridge that is stylish without going overboard.
Buy Now $199.00
Each pair of these sunglasses takes nearly two hours to make, by hand. The end result: A modern classic that flatters everyone. They have wood inlays, five barrel German hinges, and of course, 100 percent UVA/UVB protection.
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Col. Littleton Full-Grain Leather No.20 Small Portfolio
A journal is an essential for all dads this leather one looks the part.
Buy Now $98.50
Its all in the details. This leather journal has a brass stud closure, and includes one custom five by eight memo pad. The inside pocket fits extra documents and includes a pen/pencil slot.
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Sanuk Men's Vagabond Slip On
If he's into casual comfort, he'll love these super-chill slip-ons. He gets a shoe upper with a sandal bottom. The washed canvas shoe goes with anything, too.
Buy Now $43.60
Torn between a sneaker or a sandal? Get him two for one with this pair of Sanuk slip-ons, which are so comfortable hell forget hes wearing footwear. We particularly like the nicely distressed visible seams.
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Osprey Axis Backpack
From hikes to the beach, this is the ultimate weekending backpack.
Buy Now $79.95
If dad is lugging around his travel gear, or merely stuff to the office, hell appreciate this new Osprey backpack. It has a breathable back panel, a soft harness, and an adjustable sternum strap making it ideal for long day hikes. And of course, theres room for all his tech, plus mesh side pockets to he an access everything he needs. Oh, right, and it weighs just over one pound.
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Technically, Old Forester Birthday Bourbon doesnt release until September 2, in commemoration of Brown-Forman founder George Garvin Browns birthday. But we want to remind you to start making nice with your liquor store owner now on the off chance you can charm your way into getting them to set one aside for you. We tasted a small, early sample, and the 2019 Birthday is has notes of dark fruit and maple as well as seasonedoak and some mint and pepper. Its a hell of a bottle.
Buy Now $100
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Bontrager Flare R USB Tail Light
This best-in-class LED is a must for all cyclist dads.
Buy Now $58.91
You cant get more powerful than this 65-lumen Cree LED light, which can be spotted from more than two kilometers away at night. It has two daytime visibility modes and two nighttime modes. And he uses a USB cable to recharge it.
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Atech Multifunction Pen
No, a pen is not the most unique of gifts, but how about one that converts into a screwdriver, bottle opener, and phone stand?
Handy dad gets a ballpoint pen, stylus, bottle opener, mini flat-head, Phillips screwdriver, metric and inch ruler, plus a phone stand.
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Topeak Bikamper One-Person Bicycling Tent
Dad might not be an avid bikepacker yet, but hell thank you for his next adventurous obsession when you get him this insanely cool biking tent. It packs down to a bike-friendly size and has its own sack that straps to his bars.
Buy Now $259.95
When unpacked, this tent is a roomy 17 feet in size. Its made of water-resistant, 45-denier nylon with three mesh panels for ventilation and is fully waterproof. Instead of using poles, the Bikamper uses the bikes front wheel to maintain its shape.
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Oakley Men's OO9102 Holbrook Square Sunglasses
These hardcore sports sunglasses will help dad protect his eyes when he's at the beach, on hikes, or when he's on a boat.
Buy Now $176.00
These workhorse outdoors sunglasses have it all: They block outUVA, UVB, UVC and harmful blue light up to 400mm. The lenses are made of ultra lightweight Plutonite, so they wont crack or break. And he gets killer clarity at every angle.
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Blundstone Unisex Original 500 Series Boots
They're chic, comfortable, and something dad will wear all day, every day.
Buy Now $183.45
These are, without question, the perfect work boots.Theyre made of 2.5-millimeter-thick weather-proof leather, have a shock protection system, and a removable Cambrelle footbed that wicks moisture away.
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The release of Michters 10 Year Rye (as well as their bourbon) is always cause to celebrate. Its always a special bottle we are keen to add to the bar and this years edition is particularly delightful, not only because its delicious but its also the first release newly-minted Master Distiller Dan McKee. Supple vanilla rolls around the palate, while caramel and touch of salt play off the peppery rye spice.
Buy Now $175
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Taylor Stitch Lodge Sweater
The perfect sweater, this one feel ridiculously soft, like dad is wearing a warm hug.
BUY NOW $168.00
Both deliciously lightweight and yet decadently luxurious, this is a winter wardrobe staple. The sweater, made from soft baby yak wool, works just as well under a leather jacket as it does paired with jeans and sneakers.
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Luminox Men's 3051.BO Navy Seal Diving Watch
For dad who loves to dive, get him this outstanding diving watch, which is water resistant to 660 feet.
Buy Now $239.99
For the recreational scuba diver, this is the watch to get, full stop. It can handle 660 foot long dives, and has a black PU strap with stainless steel signature buckle.
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Hanks Legend Black Belt
Every dad needs a classic, no-frills black leather belt in his clothing arsenal.
Buy Now $54.99
You dont use a belt to hoist your pants up. You use it to complete your look and make it streamlined. This belt, made from one solid piece of full-grain leather, is that essential accessory.
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adidas Originals Men's Stan Smith Leather Sneaker
Every dad needs a timeless pair of white kicks, and these Stan Smith sneakers fully capture the clean style of the '70s original and never look dated.
Buy Now $58.40
Think tennis icons like Jimmy Connors orJohn McEnroe. Those dudes inspired this Stan Smith classic, which features a sleek upper with three perforated stripes for breathability. They have a full grain leather upper with a soft moisture-wicking lining, so his feet wont stink (much). Hey, even Kanye and Alexander Skarsgrd have worn them.
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No, its not entirely whiskey, but the Basil Hayden Caribbean Reserve Rye is none the less delicious. A blend of Kentucky rye and Canadian rye, plus a touch of black strap Caribbean rum. The result is a mouthwatering glass of hooch. That small portion of rum goes a long way, giving the juice strong notes of burnt sugar and rum spice, that plays nicely with the ryes vanilla and oak.
Buy Now $53
Every product on Fatherly is independently selected by our editors, writers, and experts. If you click a link on our site and buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.
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The post The Best Gifts For Dads, For Any Occasion appeared first on Fatherly.
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Best Compact Cameras For Travel 2017 Advice
HTC's U11 will support Bluetooth 5.0 when Android arrives. It has a shorter focal length, since its optical zoom is 5x. Nonetheless, just like the IXUS one hundred fifty, it has the option of recording HD video, so you have a wider quantity of features you can make the most of. Some budget models solely shoot 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) but they are more and more scarce. In our opinion, it could have been better to maintain them accessible by way of the Perform button, along with the 15 different shooting modes. We have put Fujifilm XT20 as primary in our checklist of the very best compact cameras as it is full of updated choices which assure an ideal shooting. I've taken some fairly good road shots, travel shots and food photographs. The new sensor is joined be an improved ninety one-level autofocus system. The XAVC S codec out there with Sony's latest cameras is a major step up from AVCHD. What we don't: Restricted zoom range and slower than the Sony RX100 V. Nonetheless, these two brands make enough close to-equivalent models that it can be laborious for the average shopper to separate the wheat from the chaff. As is the case with most digital cameras nowadays, the observe-as much as the SX720 HS also features Bluetooth, NFC and WiFi, in case you want to control it remotely or share pictures wirelessly. Finding all of these options in a digicam that measures 1.6 inches in thickness and weighs less than 11 ounces is pretty spectacular in the compact camera market. Bluetooth 2.0 connectivity can be included, allowing customers to share and transfer photographs wirelessly and seamlessly. A whole lot of fashions are available starting at entry level and going via to pro commonplace; there are enormous variances in quality and value too. You might suppose we're mad for not together with the more inexpensive authentic RX100 mannequin , but the unique doesn't have a zoom lens fairly as advanced. The Panasonic LX100 is presumably on the borderline by way of weight/measurement and maybe must be included with the larger/heavier cameras listed under. Autofocus, computerized exposure, flash, and generally built-in optical and digital zoom make it almost easy to get a terrific shot. However, as you turn out to be extra familiar with cameras, you may find it just feels extra natural to make use of a viewfinder to record pictures. This shot of a turtle highlights the extremely sharp element from the sensor of the Sony a6500 Shot with the Tokina 10-17mm Fisheye Lens. Point-and-shoots are most discreet attributable to their small dimension—I love that a common thief would doubtless do not know that the Sony RX100 V or Ricoh GR II s such a pleasant camera. But make no mistake, some level-and-shoots provide a no-compromise strategy to best compact digital camera images. Although extra functionality is welcome, several other cameras supply options like these but constructed-in and free. The Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS30 is tough, compact, and fairly affordable. In particular if you are shooting birds/animals/sport which is shifting. The DSCH300 has inbuilt picture stabilisation, which will cut back blur in your photographs, and shoots HD quality movies in 720P. The Sony Alpha a6500 is an superior mannequin as is the new Fujifilm X-T2, and the full-frame Sony Alpha a7R II is the cream of the mirrorless crop. When Fuji has launched cameras with mounted lenses in the past (e.g. the Fuji X100 sequence), the picture quality is arguably better than inter-changeable Fuji lens cameras. The zoom range of the 24-72mm equal lens is in the good range for underwater use. One other thrilling mirrorless mannequin to make its method into the market this 12 months is the X-T2, which offers such superb usability and picture high quality that many are jumping ship from DSLRs to join the mirrorless revolution. Extra advanced cameras, housings and strobes, connect on to the digital camera body by waterproofed connectors, allowing you to fireplace them independently of the shutter and control the strobe's brightness and timing. The two cameras use the same 20-megapixel CMOS sensor and DIGIC 4+ picture processor, so we are able to attribute this difference only to the SX620 HS's extra formidable 25x zoom lens. I do not always need to haul my complete DSLR digicam and case around. The Canon 360 HS produces natural-trying colours in outside scenes. Nearly every journey photographer I know that owns a mirrorless either has the Sony A7 or the Fuji X-T1 (below). By the way, Lumix TZ80 has an digital viewfinder. I can say that there's simply simply no higher bang for the buck in a digicam that I might discover with these features. These cameras could also be a superb match for beginning photographers best point and shoot digital camera who wish to experiment with handbook controls once in a while, but who nonetheless want to have the ability to rely on the comfort of automated functions. There's a maximum f/2 aperture, which, when paired up with the giant sensor, results in some incredibly shallow depth of subject. It is the right SLR for those shopping for their first one or upgrading from an older mannequin. The 360 HS has a set display screen, which means it would not rotate or tilt. The tech specs are strong right here, too: a 30x Leica-badged zoom, an 18.1-megapixel CMOS sensor, and a spiffy new processor combine to create a handy guide a rough little digital camera. Dont get a superzoom unless you are planning to use it extra regularly. Not only do compact cameras produce crisp photos, additionally they aren't that a lot larger than a typical smartphone. Most of the level-and-shoot cameras embrace Full HD video capability permitting you to obviously capture anything motion Digicam and Picture retailer has something for everyone searching for a degree-and-shoot camera. Mirrorless cameras even have a incredible auto-focus system and, with the DSLR adaptor, you need to use them with a myriad of lenses. There are some exciting new decrease-price options such as the GoPro and the Olympus Robust line give that entry-level shooter a great way to get began with a worth and ease of use standpoint. The entire thing feels tight and snappy, too, because of the internals - whipping by menus was fast if a little bit unintuitive, and extra importantly, there was mainly no downtime between photographs. Samsung's MultiView MV900F begins shipping with one hundred eighty-diploma AMOLED display for $350. EXR Processor IIFujinon 23mm f/2 Mounted Focal Length Lens. Uncooked recordsdata from the LX10 can withstand substantial corrections in image enhancing software. Consequently, its price is cheaper as one of the earlier Fujifilm model. If you do not care about an EVF, the Panasonic Lumix LX10 is the best compact digicam for journey as regards to image quality, features and worth. Sony lets you add extra digicam performance by free and paid apps. If you happen to ever have to print out vacation images to your mother, attempt certainly one of these. With the addition of the Wi-Fi connectivity, the LUMIX FX90 addresses the growing communities of people that take images and movies and need to share them immediately through online social networks. Understand that the GR II has a fixed focal length lens equivalent to 28mm on a 35mm digital camera, which is nice for travel and outdoor pictures however is not for everyone. Additional increase your capturing pleasure and provides your photography knowledgeable edge with equipment specially designed for this model. The same goes for software program, and it's ludicrous that Sony would lag behind the curve right here, contemplating Android M has been publicly known for months now. The newer model does cost about $300 more—we love the image stabilization but both are perfectly viable options at their respective value factors. The RX100 V is a big-sensor camera with a 1-inch sensor that's Sony's most superior compact digital camera but.
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tumblunni · 6 years
On my wild journey walking home at midnight i found the most weirdly organized road.
Like imagine just walking along and suddenly theres a line of trees in the middle of the road, so tall that they block out the sky. It really did just dead end at these trees! And the weirdest part was that the dead end was only on the pedestrian path while the cars went around it. For no reason these trees cut off the pavement and not the motorway! And it was just the one line of INSANELY TALL trees so if you just walked one metre forward the pedestrian path started again, but there was no way of knowing cos the trees were so densely packed they blocked your view of everything. Also youd have to walk in the middle of the motorway for those few meters so wow googlemaps, u tryin to kill me?
Oh and even weirder is that the trees also had a sheer drop right in front of them and were EVEN TALLER than you thought! It was like an optical illusion, i couldnt see the drop at all in the dark lighting. Just randomly a second motorway path going underneath the road into an ominous tunnel. RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PEDESTRIAN PATH! this entire thing of underground cars and unnecessary trees just jutted sideways and broke up a perfectly normal street.
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I really think that nobody on the cardiff council has actually looked at a map of St Mellons in years. Its full of loads of weird dead end nonsense like this, and walking anywhere takes WAY too long cos the direct route is always blocked off and the only available path goes two miles out of the way in a giant circle. Or else you have to go way too directly and walk through a oath in some guy's garden down an ominous alleyway in between two blocks of houses. Like it was straight up just two streets and there was this 1 metre wide empty space in between them and all the houses were so close together horizontally that you couldnt exit that alleyway for like half a mile once you'd gone in, and then the exit was some guy's garden full of miniature unicorn gnomes. I JUST WANTED TO FIND A PLACE TO PAY MY GAS BILL!!!
Oh and there's still the cocooned Quik Save! A broken down relic of a supermarket chain that went out of business almost ten years ago, but they never sold the building or knocked it down. Everything around it has turned into houses so theres just this one horrid looking broken building surrounded by gardens n shit. Like its not even connected to a road anymore its just boxed in by all these houses for 500ft in every direction and youd never know it was here. People keep spreading rumors that it FINALLY got bought by someone and is FINALLY gonna be a new shop again, which woild be great cos theres literally only two shops for miles around. (GOD this place is boring!) But i kinda doubt it cos well its a terrible retail location now. Come to scenic insertshopnamehere, nestled in the heart of st mellons, literally! Dont worry bout the miniature unicorns garden, just dont step on anything on the way in..
Anyway i did manage to pay my bills thanks to the money my awesome friends leant me <3 and if anything it was at least an adventure walking back!
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pbandjesse · 8 years
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So I'm in a really good mood and I had a wonderful night but its almost 11 and I haven’t washed my face and my ear is really aching. So I'm pretty much ready for bed to happen right now.  Todays been a lot of fun mostly.
I slept okay last night. And woke up in a fairly good mood. Except my hot water still wasn’t working. It is now thankfully but it was not fun to wake up to that. I had a fried egg on a roll for breakfast and lazed about. I wanted to be at the dermatologist to show them my arm and that I did not have TB by 1015, which would be exactly 48 hours. But the whole bus transferring thing has been stressing me out. So I just caught the 11 downtown and walked the rest of the way. Its like a little under a mile so it wasn’t terrible. And while it was windy, it wasn’t as bitingly cold as it has been. Also I used a fuzzy pullover as a scarf and it did wonders when my face was cold.
I actually got to the dermatologist at 1017! So I was pretty close. The bus was a few minutes late. They took me back and looked and I was “perfectly normal” so off I was again.
I walked back downtown to the target. I really wanted to look at bikini tops. I found a pattern I really liked but not a cut. And then I found a fe win clearance to try on but I am NOT a medium anymore because these looks ridiculous and made me feel bad. The one pictured I actually really liked but there was no way I could swim it in, it was to lose and to big in all the wrong places for that. So I was a bit dejected.
I looked around at a few things. Saw a shirt I really liked but I'm going to wait until its clearanced to think about getting it. I thought I would go over to marshells to look but I got turned around and ended up at macys. And then when I got outside from being lost in the skyway I couldn’t figure out how to get to the marshells with the sidewalk being closed for construction. So I gave up.
I went and caught the bus. I was texting with Jess about being sad about bathing suits and she said to go home. But instead I went to my studio and worked for about 2 hours on some exterior dioramas. Niky came by to drop off some boxes and we chatted about sweet ice boys and podcasts. It was nice to see her.
I headed home not long after that. I got back here, had a snack. I didn’t want to sleep persay so I just tried to block out the light over my head and watch tv. But it was a losing battle. So I just closed the blinds and slept for a few hours.
I woke up and had toast and string cheese. Fixed my makeup. And headed out again. I made a stop over at my studio and then over to the shop to check in with Theresa that I would be picking up my boxes tonight. I went and waited in the gallery for Brett and everyone else going to the show tonight.
We had punch pizza, which is very strange! Its cooked at 900 degrees for 60 seconds. But I liked it. I liked the salad I had a lot as well. The conversation with everyone was great and it was just a really nice group that came out for the show. We got to the walker around 730 and I went to find my seat.
The show was great. I didn’t love it as much as some of the others I've seen but it was fun! It made me think about my brother. Enough that at intermission I had to text him to let him know. We had to wear these crazy 3D glasses for the first half of the show which was a movie.  It was a modern dance performance and it and it had different sections of styles and colors and sounds. It made me a little achy in the eyes but it was enjoyable. Wild. Some parts I liked some I didn’t. some were to long for my taste and some that I liked were to short. After the intermission we gave back our glasses and this is where I had the most fun.
The dancers, which were very diverse which was nice to see, wore these sheer cloak things over white underwear. Sadly one guys sleeve was messed up for the first couple minutes but he sorted it out and it wasn’t distracting anymore. But it was lovely. They had a screen in front of them and a camera made running around with them so you were getting side and top views overlaid and it was awesome. That half was better then some of the other dances I've seen and I had a wildly good time with the optics and the music. It was just a lot of fun.  
Brett lost the parking ticket so we had a few minutes of running around but he found it and we headed back to maincampus.
I picked up my boxes. Anders was turning some wood in the middle of the night like a lunatic. And I walked back to the studios to drop everything off for tomorrow. Michela was installed in the gallery and it looked amazing. And Mike’s mural is looking great too! I'm loving the dots! I had a stress dream about it last night that someone painted over the whole thing so its nice to know that didn’t actually happen.
I'm home now. Its to hot in here and my kitchen light is still out. but its okay. I work tomorrow and then I hope to have some time to work on my projects. I hope you all sleep well. be safe.
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guidetoenjoy-blog · 5 years
Flint Lives Matter: residents say Hillary Clinton coming for the entertainment
New Post has been published on https://entertainmentguideto.com/must-see/flint-lives-matter-residents-say-hillary-clinton-coming-for-the-entertainment/
Flint Lives Matter: residents say Hillary Clinton coming for the entertainment
While some praise the candidates visit for bringing attention to the city as its water crisis continues, others see a candidate plying a cause just to get votes
Hillary Clinton has made every effort to make Flint her own. The water crisis afflicting this predominantly black Michigan city ignored by Washington politicians for years has become another battlefield in a progressive war between Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Race, class and the environment matter again in an issues-based, neck-and-neck race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Looking past Tuesdays primary in New Hampshire, where Sanders is tipped to win, and toward the March primary states where she will be counting on African American support, Clinton made a symbolic campaign stop here on Sunday.
I feel blessed to be here but I wish it were for a different reason, she said, as she took to the stage at the House of Prayer Missionary Baptist Church, flanked by purple-robed members of a choir and surrounded by a sea of nodding heads.
But I am here because for nearly two years mothers and fathers were voicing concerns about the waters color and its smell, about the rashes that it gave to those that were bathing in it. And for nearly two years Flint was told the water was safe.
Her words drew applause and shouts of amen. But though Clinton supporters turned up for Sundays service, simply identifying the problem was not enough for some.
Hillary Clinton poses for a photograph at the House of Prayer Missionary Baptist Church. Photograph: Paul Sancya/AP
Not everyone in a city where the words FLINT LIVES MATTER appear next to bullet holes in windows wants the lead in their childrens drinking water made into a photo-op, a kind of Hurricane Katrina for a more liberal nations eco-justice age.
Interviews with residents before, during and after Clintons visit revealed fear of a candidate helicoptering in on the campaign trail, attempts to salvage a modern economic and environmental crisis that is Flints own, and few answers for a city being abandoned by its residents.
Dont jump on a cause just to get votes, said Flint Lives Matter organiser Calandra Patrick, as Clintons jet arrived in town. It doesnt matter to me if she makes an appearance or not it doesnt matter to me one bit.
Arnette Rison III, a 47-year-old independent contractor, put Clintons visit in starker terms: If shes bringing 35,000 hydroelectric filters, Ill love her for it. But thats not what shes about to do.
At the church, though the topic was serious, the mood was jovial and warm. Clinton stood before a packed audience and spoke emphatically about the moral imperatives of the situation, saying: The children in Flint are just as precious as the children in any other part of America.
The introduction she received was light, the pastor joking that the baptismal water was from the Flint river but he had experienced no rashes, only a little ash. The audience response ranged from lovingly enthusiastic to fierce.
A little after the changeover I noticed the smell
Calandra Patrick (closest to water), with Maurice Ratcliff and Tameka Thompson. Photograph: Lucia Graves for the Guardian
It was the spring of 2014 and something wasnt right with the water. Officials had switched from Detroits water system to the Flint river to save money, and though Patricks tap water was still running clear, she knew something was amiss.
A little after the changeover I noticed the smell, Patrick said. Every time she turned on the shower, there it was again. So she did what anyone worried about being alone in her feelings would do: she posted about it on Facebook.
Its funny: when you just put stuff out there and start asking questions, other people are like, Yeah, I noticed it too!
Almost two years later, the 41-year-old Flint native turned to Facebook once again to help set up the Flint Lives Matter Tailgate, a bottled water giveaway at city hall on Saturdays for the needy, aimed at supplementing the work of fire stations and local churches.
We dont have a limit, said Kevin Palmer, another organizer. We ask people what they need and we give it to them.
But there remains an element of political protest of rebellion to the new cause clbre of progressive Democrats.
A man piling water into his car erupted into chants decrying Rick Snyder, the Republican Michigan governor on whom Sanders has called to resign: Hey hey! Ho ho! Governor Snyder has got to go! A woman sold Flint Lives Matter T-shirts. The events online invitation page drew a straight parallel to Hurricane Katrina: Both abandoned by the government and left to die from dirty water.
An unconscionable and infuriating situation
A typical water resource station. Photograph: Lucia Graves for the Guardian
Clinton may have come late to Flint, but she came strong.
After lead levels were determined to far exceed environmental regulations, people beyond Michigans borders knew the water could cause permanent brain damage in children.
On 11 January, Clinton called the Flint water crisis unconscionable; a few days later, she appeared on Rachel Maddows MSNBC show to call the situation infuriating. She was the first candidate to bring the subject up in presidential debates and she even suggested one of the four additional Democratic debates should be held in Flint, in order to shine a spotlight on whats happening there and in places like Flint around the country.
That will now happen, in March.
On Sunday, Clinton seemed at pains to emphasize her lasting commitment to the issue, saying: I will fight for you no matter how long it takes, and, This has to be a national priority, not just for today and for tomorrow.
It was perhaps a pre-buttal to the attacks she expects to receive for supposedly appearing to care so much about Flint when the optics for doing so are so good.
This is no time for politics as usual, she said. Flint should start making the repairs you need to restore safe water as soon as possible.
For 32-year-old Lorenzo Lee Avery Jr, though, it was a disingenuous visit: Honestly, she not coming to help, he said. Feels like she coming for the entertainment.
His mother, Patricia Torrey, was standing over his shoulder. She strongly disagreed: Its a beautiful thing! said Torrey, 54, adding that she was a Clinton supporter, all the more so heading into Michigans 8 March primary. Its nice to see shes committed enough to come here.
Casey Lester, 31, who lives in Flint but runs the restaurant Max & Ermas in Detroit, was unimpressed by Clintons commitment. His wife, Marcella Lester, a 28-year-old applications analyst at Henry Ford Health Systems, took the campaign bait.
Though like her husband, she typically votes Republican, and may well do so in this election, Marcella Lester said she was pleased by Clintons hastily scheduled trip.
I think its good to get the attention, she said, because we need as much as we can get.
Nothing lasts, not even marriage
Carolyn Harper: This aint going to last, she says of bottles at a water treatment site. Photograph: Lucia Graves for the Guardian
Most people you talk to around Flint just want to know how politicians like Clinton and Sanders intend to help them. Because they do need help.
Kevin Palmer, a Flint Lives Matter organizer and father of five, pulled up a sleeve to reveal a surprisingly pale and scaly inner elbow. He avoids the water as much as he can, but the rashes persist. Worse than the physical harm, he said, was the financial. Having bought his house for $190,000 in 2012, Palmer said it was now worth nothing.
His brother Eddie Palmer, who runs a car audio and stereo repair shop, has fallen on tough financial times, too, to say nothing of the rashes and boils. Audio Unlimited had lost 40% to 50% of its clientele in the two years since the water was switched, he said, and he doesnt have it nearly as bad as the restaurants, at which he wont even eat.
Every month, he said, people tell him theyre leaving moving to Ohio or Arizona or even California. While he had no intention of shipping out himself, Palmer said he couldnt blame them.
Carolyn Harper, 77, is planning to move to South Carolina to be closer to her son. In the meantime, she is stuck in Flint, depending on bottled water that is too heavy for her to carry home.
That aint going to last, she said, gesturing at bottles at a water treatment site near her house. Nothing lasts, not even marriage.
She has outlasted three husbands now, and just about all of her friends have skipped town. Her house, on West Pulaski, has a bullet hole below the front window, a reminder of when there was a dope house across the street. But now the biggest problem is the water that flows from her taps.
She poured a glass, to hold up to the light. It was a pale shade of yellow, and slightly frothy. Asked if she thought it smelled faintly of minerals, she laughed Harper cant smell a thing.
Calandra Patrick, the Flint Lives Matter organizer, sees the combination of crises in starker terms.
Its genocide and gentrification. The inner city of flint is predominantly black. I dont know where they get these 57% figures, but the inner city of Flint is 90% to 95% black. It is.
Rison, who has two daughters and a grandchild, just wants to leave. But he finds moving financially impossible. He hasnt even had his house appraised, because he knows it wont be worth anything.
Nobody wants to come to Flint, he said.
Except, apparently, Clinton.
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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healthwomeninfo · 6 years
New Post has been published on Health Womens
New Post has been published on http://health-womens.com/tips-tricks-and-advice-for-working-with-cell-phones-16/
Tips, Tricks And Advice For Working With Cell Phones
Do you wish to learn more about cell phones? It seems as if every day something new phone and features are hitting the market. This article can help you whittle down the overwhelming amount of information. Keep reading for everyone.
Be certain to power off your cellphone here and there to dispose of stored program memory from social media apps. This can help your phone to perform faster.
Cell Phone
TIP! Don’t always get the newest phone. Many times, it’s not necessary.
Be careful when watching videos when you’re using your cell phone out of wi-fi range. Your cell phone may have a limited data allowance for the month. Video goes right through this and charge you more quickly. If overages are a common occurrence for you, you might want to look for a new plan.
Remember that cell phones tend to lose speed as they age. Updating software can minimize problems such as this. The updates become more powerful.
Is your cell phone battery dying quickly? A poor signal may be draining your battery.
Your smartphone is bound to run slower as it ages. That is why updating is harder as time goes on. There are times where you will hav to choose.
TIP! If you own a smartphone, you probably use it fairly consistently throughout the day. But, be sure to power it down occasionally.
When you are ready for your next phone, be sure to take time and do your research. Spend some time to test out the features of a variety of models. You have a phone that you really like.
Ask some trusted friends for advice prior to purchasing a cell phone. This will ensure you get the right decision.
TIP! If you are buying a smartphone, make sure you need it first. Smartphones cost a lot of money, and they offer good value if the features are useful to you.
Remember that the camera on your phone will lack an optical zooming. Move closer to get a close-up.There are lenses that you can buy that will fit onto your smartphone that will let you zoom in.
You can play games using your phone to make the day go by a little faster.
TIP! You don’t need a smartphone if you’re only going to use your phone for talking. Smart phones are great for folks who like to send email or go online via their phones.
Take some time to learn what the applications do with your phone. Most phones are capable of surfing the web and playing music. You should also have a calendar to use. Knowing how different apps work can help you get out of your money.
Make sure that you have adequate protection for your phone completely. They may be expensive to replace or fix in their entirety. Buy a screen protector to prevent scratches. You should also want a case able to keep your phone safe in the event it is dropped.
TIP! Charge your phone before the battery expires. Phone batteries are meant to be periodically recharged.
Purchase a quality case for cell phone.It can cost you a lot if you drop an iPhone on the hard ground. Otterbox has several nice products that can keep your phone safe.
Cell Phones
TIP! Buying a case is usually not needed for the most recent phones. Designers of smartphones are using Kevlar, carbon and other hard materials to make the phones stronger.
Do not let yourself be fooled when it comes to your cell phones. The regular optical zoom you find in cameras is different from the ones you find in cell phone. Cell phones have digital zooming enlarges pixels; this affects picture quality.Move closer for a better picture instead of using zoom.
Turn off your phone or use flight mode when reception is bad. Turn off the search until you have a good reception.
TIP! Keep in mind that your phone’s camera does not have an optical zoom. If you want to get a close-up shot, you have to move in close to your target.
Don’t use a cell phone while driving. You may be under the impression that a hands-free device is safe to use while driving, but your concentration is still more on your conversation than your driving. Research shows that even doing this is not necessarily a good thing.
Family Plan
TIP! Playing games on your cell phone can make the time go faster when you’re waiting for just about anything. Smartphones can stream great graphics, so you are able to play many great games on them.
You do not have to sign up for family plan. Lots of people are unaware of this and lose money as a result.You can sign up with anyone on your family plan.
Clearly, knowing about cell phones is quite easy if you have solid information. Just use these tips as you shop for a new phone or use your own. You no longer have to be afraid of this technology.
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