#the only way to arrive at that conclusion is to completely ignore 95% of the series
mustardyellowsunshine · 8 months
the wildly stupid takes on twitter dot com got me like
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jikookuntold · 4 years
Did Jikook have a fight? Part 1 of 3
In this post I'm going to talk about the possibility of a romantic relationship between JM and JK. If you do not support them romantically or you are not comfortable with shipping real people, then this is not for you.
***The embedded codes I used for videos don’t work in tumbler app. If you want to watch all the 15 videos I added to these 3 post please open the links in browsers using these links: part1   part2   part3  ***
I'm not trying to shade any member, devaluate any ship or degrade the bonds between members. I love all the ships in BTS and it's not hard to see how deeply they love each other and how their friendships are strong and beautiful.
But when it comes to Jikook, things are a little bit different…
I used watch analysis videos for a long time and I have watched and read analysis almost for every ship and I know how this kind of analysis can go wrong.
But not every analyse is bad or wrong. When you analyse everything based on an assumption like “A/B ship is real and B/C ship is not real” you will go wrong for sure but if you do an unbiased analyse to see what’s going on in a situation regardless of any hypothesis and assumption, you can have a good and beneficial results.
I need to quote this from somewhere to show my point in a better way: 
“When people who analyse data are biased, this means they want the outcome of their analyse to go in a certain direction in advance. Occurs when the person performing the data analysis wants to prove a predetermined  assumption. They then keep looking in the data until this assumption can be proven.”
Anyways, there is always an amount of delusion in every analyse related to ships because we can see only a little part of idols' life and we are not allowed to judge them only based on the parts they show us. So we always have to consider that most of these observations and analysis can be invalid and the conclusions based on them can be completely wrong
And this analysis here is not an exception
This is the first analyse I’m doing and I'm not trying to prove anything, these are just my opinions and you are free to accept or ignore them.
But what made me do this analysis?
As a die-hard ARMY and a Jikooker who is following every BTS content for 2 years, I’m very familiar with Jikook’s dynamics and I know they always had ups and downs which is pretty normal and natural.
FYI I’m a grown woman and not that kind of fan who start to say “Oh they broke up! They fought bluh bluh” as soon as the act distant or interact with other members. I believe the way they act in public is affected by many factors and we don’t know all of those factors. 
But in the first days of July 2019, I felt some kind of change in their interactions and I started to believe something has happened between them. I had this thought in my mind those days but I didn’t dare to share them with anyone because it was a personal feeling and hard to explain. Yet I discussed with some of my close friends in GCs and a friend who were in all four concerts of Japan tour and they did agree with me but I didn’t have enough evidences to prove my point and you can’t jump into the conclusion based on a few little unusual incidents.
So I shelved my theories and forgot about them for a long time. But recently, after release of DVD’s of 5th Muster and Japan SYS tour along with some RUN BTS episodes and other contents, I thought maybe I wasn’t totally wrong and there was something going on between Jikook those days.
But what was it and how did that happen?
For start, we have to go back to May, the time when their SYS world tour started.
Jikook were super loud in America. No one can forget the Rosebowl concerts and the famous ear sucking moment. Jikook went to a movie together at L.A and their V Live at New Jersey was a blessing for Jikookers. Also RUN BTS episode 89, 90 and 91 were recorded in New York and one of the best Jikook moments happened there.
In Brazil Jimin got sick and Jikook were kinda quiet for a while. In London they were seen together touring the city while Jimin was with his friends and it wasn’t necessary for JK to be with them but he was. Run BTS episode 91 to 94 were recorded at London and they were literally glued to each other during those episodes. 
Paris concerts was a Jikook feast and when they were in city of love, they went on shopping together and when they were back to Korea, they were looking so close and couply. Maybe the most memorable thing that happened in Paris, was Taehyung’s V Live where he literally exposed Jikook with his words and face expression.
At this point Jikookers had no doubt about them and we were waiting for more and bigger moments which did happen not long after. If you have followed Musters of Seoul and Busan and did watch the DVDs, you already know that Jikook were literally inseparable through Musters and gave us lots of moments, on stage and off stage.
After Musters, BTS stayed in Korea for couple of days and they did plenty of shootings and recordings like Army Zip, RUN BTS episode 95, 96, 97 and 98.
If you watch the content made at this era you can see Jikook were super flirty and can never seen separated. They were always together finding a way to touch each other and that's why we got lots of cute moments from these contents.
But in July 4th, the day when they were heading to Osaka for Japan SYS tour and their Airport photos and videos came out, I noticed a very different vibe in Jikook interaction (if there was any interaction) That was the day when JK started wearing modern hanbuk for the first time and Jimin’s hair was very short.
Anyways, Jimin and Taehyung were the last members arriving at the airport and despite the whole lovely vibe they had in June, he and JK were looking very much distant.
Not to be that person but Jimin’s face was looking different, eyelids puffed without any signs of happiness. Anyways, don’t forget that he had neck and back pain those days and the reason for his uneasy expression could be just the pain.
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Everyone was surprised by JK’s new style and he was smiling and looking happy reacting to them but when I saw J-hope caressing his hair for no reason, I felt a different atmosphere and started to think that something is not right.
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tomeandflickcorner · 6 years
The Star Wars Holiday Special
For those of you who are familiar with this special, yes, I have gone stark raving mad!  For those of you who have never heard of it, yes, this actually exists! On November 17th, 1978, CBS aired a 2 hour (commercials included) made-for-TV movie set in the Star Wars universe.  It not only featured the original cast- Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, 3-CPO, R2-D2 and even Darth Vader- but it also featured a number of guest stars such as Art Carney, Bea Arthur and Harvey Korman.  However, finding copies of this holiday special might be a bit difficult, because it only aired once.  That’s right, one time.  Since then, it has never been rebroadcast or even given an official home video release.  It pretty much only exists in the form of bootlegs taken from recordings of the original broadcast, though you might be able to find it on YouTube.  For that reason, it’s a bit of a cultural legend. And it’s doubtful that there will ever be an official release of this addition to the Star Wars Mythos.  The Guardian, a British daily newspaper, once quoted George Lucas as stating “If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every copy of that show and smash it.”  Whether or not George Lucas actually said this is hard to say for certain.  But that should give you some idea of what we’re in for with this one.
We open with Han and Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon, with them trying to evade a couple of Star Destroyers.  Apparently, Han is trying to get Chewbacca home to his native planet of Kashyyyk for Life Day.  What is Life Day, you might, ask.  I have no idea.  They never explain.  I gather it’s some Wookiee holiday, but we’re never told what it encompasses, or how it originated.  Anyway, Han eventually makes the jump to lightspeed.  Which triggers the movie’s introductionary segment.  And no, there’s no text crawl, even though there is a clearly fan-made one on the copy I got at a local horror movie convention.  It does, however, provide a rollcall of the characters that will appear, along with a list of the movie’s guest stars. Watching this intro does give you the impression that you’re about to see some kind of variety show.  In reality…..that conclusion is not far off.
Once the introduction is out of the way, we cut to Kashyyyk, the native planet of the Wookiees.  It’s here that we meet Chewbacca’s family.  Yeah, according to this TV movie, Chewbacca has a family.  I’m pretty sure this is why the movie Solo purposely left it ambiguous whether Chewbacca was searching for his family or his tribe, as I can see why some people might choose not to consider this movie as canon.  Just like how a number of Harry Potter fans choose to disregard the events of Cursed Child.  Anyway, Chewbacca’s family consists of his wife, Malla, his father, Itchy, and his small son, Lumpy. Yes, those are the names they decided to go with.  Though their full names are apparently Mallatobuck, Attichitcuk and Lumpawaroo respectively.  But since Chewbacca is sometimes called Chewie, I guess they decided to give the rest of his family nicknames as well.  But it’s really unfortunate that they’re such horrible nicknames.  Malla is okay, of course.  But Itchy and Lumpy?  Who came up with those names?
However, you might as well as get used to those names, as 95% of the movie focuses on these three.  Which would be fine, if it wasn’t for one pretty big oversight on the part of the crew who produced this movie- they made a movie that mainly features three Wookiees, but did not include subtitles.  So we just have to guess as to what’s going on.
Anyway, as best as I can tell, Malla is making some kind of Wookiee-version of cookies, Itchy is building a model X-Wing and Lumpy is playing with another toy spaceship.  When Lumpy tries to sneak one of the cookie-things, Malla steps in and I guess tells him the cookies are for later and whatnot.  So she makes Lumpy take the trash out.  While I realize they’re clearly trying to present Chewbacca’s family as a typical 50s style suburban family, this takes place on an Alien planet. Where the houses are up in the treetops. I can’t see a typical garbage removal service being utilized here, can you?
After Lumpy comes back inside, after messing about on the railing circumventing the wraparound porch/walkway, Itchy, in what I gather is an attempt to keep the little ragamuffin distracted for a bit and keep him from worrying about whether or not his father, Chewbacca, will make it home for Life Day, directs his attention to another one of those holographic chess boards that we saw on board the Millennium Falcon.  But it’s not so they can play a friendly game of Hologram Chess. Instead, Itchy inserts this disk into the console, triggering the first segment of insanity in the form of a holographic circus acrobats.  Yes, I’m completely serious.  For the next few minutes, we have to watch these little hologram people in bright neon colored costumes performing acrobatics, juggling and the like. Because when you think Star Wars, you obviously think about circus acrobats and jugglers.  
Eventually, this segment ends.  But when it does, Malla appears and gives Lumpy another chore. Which is a bit cruel, when you think about it.  We’re told that this is a pretty important Wookiee holiday.  But poor Lumpy isn’t allowed to enjoy it.  His mother just keeps giving him chores.  Imagine being a little kid waking up on Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanza/Some other holiday, only for your parents to have you vacuum the rug, fold the laundry and wash the windows.  Doesn’t sound fun, does it?
Anyway, while poor Lumpy is stuck doing the dishes, Malla and Itchy try contacting Luke through some TV monitor hidden behind their bookshelf.  They’re growing concerned that Chewbacca hasn’t arrived home yet and want to check to see how long ago he’d left.  At least, I’m guessing that’s what they’re doing.  When they contact him, Luke is in the middle of performing maintenance on his X-Wing with R2’s assistance.  Because apparently, the Rebel Alliance’s team of licensed mechanics are all on vacation. Luke, somehow recognizes Chewbacca’s family, which makes me wonder when Chewbacca had the chance to introduce them to each other. Now, those of you who are watching this special might notice that Luke seems to have gone overboard in the makeup.  This is most likely due to the bad car accident Mark Hamill got into around the time filming for A New Hope was wrapping up.  Chances are, his face was still healing when they filmed this holiday special, so the makeup crew were trying to mask the scarring. Then again, I could be wrong.
When Malla and Itchy convey the reason for their call, Luke is initially concerned, as Han and Chewbacca had left on schedule, so something might have happened to them on the way.  But Luke reassures the two Wookiees that whatever may have delayed Chewbacca, he’s sure to get there soon, as he hasn’t missed a Life Day yet. However, he then has to end the call abruptly because, despite instructing R2 to keep an eye on the X-Wing, he then proceeded to ignore R2’s attempt to warn him that smoke was starting to billow out of the engine they were working on until the situation grew even worse.
At this point, we meet another new character. This one is a human male called Saun Dann, played by Art Carney (who you might remember from the 1950s sitcom, the Honeymooners).  He’s some kind of merchant/trader.  When we first meet him, he’s working in his shop and servicing a member of the Imperial army.  Who clearly wears his Imperial armor even when he’s off the clock.  When Imperial Guy is still there, Saun Dann gets a video call from Malla.  Because I guess Han and Chewbacca were supposed to stop by his shop on the way to Kashyyyk.  Since the Imperial Guy is still in earshot, Saun Dann has to reassure Malla that Chewbacca and Han had recently left his shop and should arrive shortly through a coded message.  But the message is so obvious, a five-year-old could have figured it out.
Now it’s time for another cameo.  This time by Darth Vader.  Only not really.  What they did here was recycle some footage from A New Hope’s deleted scenes and have James Earl Jones dub over the short clip of Vader walking through the Death Star’s corridor.  And that’s it.  That’s pretty much all we get to see of Vader in this.  Sure, he does get one more line later on, but apart from that, Vader’s role in this special is over now.  That must have been a fun day for James Earl Jones.  He must have swung by the studio on his way to get a latte, recorded a couple of lines and grabbed his paycheck on the way out.
And now it’s back to the Wookiees.  Just in time to see Malla turn on some cooking show. Yeah, they have TVs and cooking shows in the Star Wars universe now.  This cooking show is hosted by Chef Gormaanda, some weird space lady with four arms.   She’s portrayed by the actor/comedian, Harvey Korman.  (Does this mean we had a Star Wars movie featuring a character who was a Transgender woman?) The meal that Chef Gormmaanda is preparing on her cooking show is called Bantha Surprise.  The surprise being that there’s an intergalactic trade on Bantha meat. However, the step-by-step instructions on preparing this supposedly popular meal quickly descends into pure madness.  Let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d end up hearing the incessant chant of ‘stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir’ echoing in your mind for hours after you witness this segment. Thankfully, Malla soon grows frustrated with the insanity and turns the cooking show off.  But if you think that was the low-point of the movie, then just wait until you see what comes next.
After some more stock footage is thrown in to show Han and Chewbacca are still having trouble with Imperial ships en route to Kashyyyk, the Wookiee family receives word that the Empire has declared martial law on their planet due to suspected Rebel activity.  Though, for some reason, they decide to pronounce it as ‘Ka-zook.’   Now, I readily admit that I spent years mispronouncing Yaven, but how do you get ‘Ka-zook’ from Kashyyyk?  Seconds after that announcement is made, that San Dann guy from earlier appears at their door.  He’s come bearing gifts for the family.  Along with continued reassurance that Han and Chewbacca will find a way to get past the Imperial patrol that’s now surrounding the planet.
So, what are these gifts?  Lumpy gets some kind of electrical transmission console that he apparently has to assemble himself.  Because kids LOVE needing to put their toys together before they can play with them.  Malla gets some box that will come into play later.  As for Itchy….um….
Yeah, Itchy gets this VR headset thing.  And when he puts it on, this image of a woman appears before him.  And she starts….well….talking to him.   Okay, there’s no point in denying it, so I’m just going to come out and say it.  It’s porn.  Virtual Reality porn.  Granted there’s no nudity or anything.  But just look at some of the things this VR woman is saying:
Oh, oh... We are excited, aren't we?
 Now, we can have a good time, can't we?
I am your fantasy. I am your experience. So experience me. I am your pleasure. Enjoy me.
If that wasn’t enough, there’s even one moment when Itchy is uttering some pretty disturbing sounds that only serve to reinforce what everyone but the most naïve, innocent person is thinking about the nature of this scene.  And just when your brain is starting to shut down, the Virtual Reality woman, who is portrayed by Daihann Carroll, jumps into a totally random musical number.  I swear, I’m not making this up.
Eventually, the VR woman’s song ends.  But the movie is not over yet.  Because we then cut to Leia who is busy doing….something or other. Maybe she’s filing her taxes.  Who knows?  Anyway, she’s accompanied by 3PO, who is trying to get a call through to the Wookiee household.  From what I can gather, Leia wants to discuss some Rebel Alliance business with Han and Chewbacca.  When 3PO successfully makes contact with Malla, Leia greets her and requests to speak to either Han or Chewbacca.  But Malla informs her, with 3PO acting as translator, that they haven’t arrived yet. Leia, like Luke was before, is concerned by the news of Han and Chewbacca’s delay, but she expresses her gratitude towards Saun Dann upon finding out that he’s keeping the Wookiee family company until Chewbacca and Han get there.  Basically, this scene doesn’t really contribute much to the story, but I guess they had to work in Leia and 3PO in somehow.  Although, we could really have used 3PO’s translation services a LOT sooner than this.
Once the call ends, we return to Han and Chewbacca, who have finally arrived at Kashyyyk.  But because of the Imperial ships surrounding the planet, Han decides to land on the North side of the planet.  It would mean that they’d have to have a long walk to Chewbacca’s home, but it would be much safer.  Down on the Wookiee household, Lumpy hears the sound of a ship flying overhead, which greatly excites him.   Thinking that his father has finally arrived, he runs to the door, with Malla and Itchy close behind.  But when they open the door, they are greeted by Stormtroopers, much to the alarm and fury of the Wookiees.
The Stormtroopers force their way inside, accompanied by two Imperial officers.  They quickly reveal that they’re searching the Wookiee household for members of the rebellion and they proceed to search the domicile for any indication, especially when their records indicate that another Wookiee male resides in the house. Gotta say, the Nazi undertone to this scene is rather hard to not pick up on.  Anyway, in what I gather is an attempt to distract the Imperials, Saun Dann activates the box thing he gave Malla earlier.  Turns out, the box contains a music video of Jefferson Starship, performing a song entitled Light the Sky on Fire.  And wouldn’t you know it, this music video successfully keeps the Imperials entertained for a bit.  
Once the music video ends, however, the Imperials practically kick Saun Dann out and continue to search the house.  When the Stormtroopers try to head up to Lumpy’s room, the little Wookiee tries to stop them, resulting in a brief confrontation between them and the Stormtroopers.   One of the Imperial officers steps in, giving Malla a thinly veiled threat by stating he can’t always control his men if they get angry. (Which means he’s admitting that he’s a lousy manager.)
So when the Stormtoopers proceed to continue their search upstairs, Lumpy decides to, I guess, keep his mind off the fact that Imperials are ransacking his room by watching cartoons.  Specifically a cartoon featuring a previously unseen adventure that Chewbacca had with Luke and Han. Yeah, this bit is a bit confusing.  If this scene is any indication, somebody is actually chronicling everything our heroes are doing while involved with the Rebel Alliance and animating it.  While using crappy Adobe Flash software.  This seems a bit risky, because what if one of these animated Starlogs gets intercepted by the Empire?  It could risk exposing the identity of Rebel spies and the like.
Anyway, in this animated short, Han and Chewbacca are supposed to be returning to the Rebel base with this talisman that allegedly can turn people invisible.  But when the Millennium Falcon appears on the scanner, it seems something is wrong with Han. When they try to contact the Falcon, Luke, Leia and some random guy who bears a striking resemblance to Dr. Robotnick see that Chewbacca is piloting the ship alone while Han is suspended upside down from the ceiling,   The Millennium Falcon then flies right past and ends up crash landing on a nearby planet called Panna.  Out of concern for their allies, Luke takes a Y-Wing down to the planet, with R2 and 3PO accompanying him.  When they land on the planet, in the middle of a red ocean, they get into a spot of trouble when Purplesaurus Rex appears and starts trying to eat the Y-Wing.
Out of nowhere, they are rescued by Bobba Fett. That’s right, everyone.  The Star Wars Holiday Special was the first official appearance of Bobba Fett.   Once Bobba Fett saves Luke and the two Droids from Purplesaurus Rex, he offers to help them locate Han and Chewbacca. Eventually, they find the Millennium Falcon and board the ship, just in time to see Chewbacca in the process of destroying the talisman he and Han were supposed to retrieve.  When Luke moves to stop him, he suddenly collapses.  R2’s sensors then pick up traces of a virus that seem to be emanating from the talisman.  It’s some kind of sleeping virus that only affects humans.  And the only way to keep the victims alive is by allowing the blood to rush to their heads, which is why Han was hanging upside down.
Bobba Fett, who apparently is kept safe from the sleeping virus because of his suit of armor, states that he can locate an antidote to the virus in a nearby city.  The Empire, he claims, frequently uses it on their enemies.  So Bobba Fett heads off, with Chewbacca insisting on tagging along.  When they get to the city, Bobba Fett manages to convince Chewbacca to hang back while he goes to retrieve the antidote.  While Chewbacca consents to this, he doesn’t seem very happy.  
Chewbacca’s obvious suspicion of Bobba Fett proves to be well-founded.  Because once he’s alone, Bobba Fett heads over to this randomly placed console and contacts Vader.  It comes out that Bobba Fett had been hired by Vader to gain Han and Luke’s trust and get them to bring him to the Rebel Base.
Eventually, Bobba Fett and Chewbacca return to the Millennium Falcon with the antidote for the sleeping virus, which they give to Han and Luke.  Upon waking up, the two men thank Bobba Fett for helping save their lives.  They then invite Bobba Fett to accompany them back to the Rebel base.  Thankfully, R2 and 3PO prevent that from happening, as they had unwittingly intercepted the transmission of Bobba Fett’s conversation with Vader.   As such, they expose Bobba Fett and Vader’s plan.  With his true colors revealed, Bobba Fett takes his chance to escape.   Once Bobba Fett gets away, Luke, Han, Chewbacca and the Droids head off to rejoin their friends at the Rebel base.  After Chewbacca states he’d suspected Bobba Fett couldn’t be trusted from the start because ‘he just didn’t smell right.’  For some reason, Luke and Han find this line hilarious.  I admit I fail to see the joke.
Once that animated short is over, the Imperials that are searching the Wookiee household return from searching Lumpy’s room. When Lumpy heads up to survey the damage, he finds the Stormtoopers had trashed the place, even ripping the head off his stuffed Bantha.  But that’s when he gets an idea how to get rid of the Imperials.  By utilizing the transmitter console Saun Dann gave him.  But before he can execute his plan, he has to put it together.  So he proceeds to watch the enclosed instruction video on how to put together the transmitter. Guess what, guys?  We get to watch this instruction video in its entry.  But wait, it gets even better!  Because the person walking us through the instruction video is a horribly malfunctioning android portrayed by Harvey Korman, the same guy who played Chef Gormmaanda.  And I’m not kidding when I say the Korman Bot is malfunctioning.  Because throughout the instruction video, we have to watch Korman Bot constantly needing to reboot himself, until he completely shuts down.
Now, you might be wondering why they got this Harvey Korman guy to take on two different roles in this holiday special. From what I’ve gathered, Harvey Korman was a pretty big comedian/actor back at the time this was made.  So maybe they felt that these segments he did would come across as funny.  Too bad it didn’t quite work out like that.
So, anyway, while Lumpy gets to work on putting together the transmitter, the Imperials who are continuing to keep the Wookies under house arrest.  Out of nowhere, a program of some kind begins playing on the Wookie Family’s big screen. From what I can tell, this is supposed to represent the fact that the Empire is a full-fledged dictatorship that strictly controls the sort of programs that appear on TV.  This particular Imperial approved program is entitled Life on Tatooine, which basically exhibits the daily happenings of people living on the desert planet. Sounds riveting, doesn’t it?
On this particular episode of Life on Tatooine, we revisit the cantina in Mos Eisly.  Apparently that barman from A New Hope has either retired or has the night off, because this time, the cantina is being run by a barmaid named Ackmena.  She’s portrayed by Bea Arthur.  As Ackmena is working, she’s approached by some humanoid Alien with six fingers on each hand and a volcano-shaped growth in his head.  (We later see that he drinks by pouring liquid into the volcano-shaped growth.)  This guy is called Krelman.  He’s played by- yeah, big shock, you’re never gonna believe this- Harvey Korman.  This guy must have been REALLY desperate for work after The Carol Burnett Show went off the air.
As this sequence plays out, Krelman attempts to flirt with Ackmena.  It turns out that Krelman had been at the cantina the night before, and when he left for the night, Ackmena bid him goodnight by saying ‘come back soon, I’ll be waiting.’  Krelman ended up interpreting that as a sign that Ackmena was expressing an interest in him.  And he spends quite a bit of time telling her how much her interest meant to him, completely ignoring her obvious discomfort and her continued attempts at just doing her job.  Obviously, this would be pretty crappy behavior of someone in real life.  Word to the wise, folks: don’t try to flirt and come onto someone who is at work and therefore cannot walk away, or interpret their attempt at being friendly as a sign of their interest in you.  Although, to Krelman’s credit, he realizes his mistake when he overhears Ackmena give the same farewell to another patron, leading him to understand that there really hadn’t been an alternate meaning to her words.
But this subplot isn’t over quite yet. Because at that moment, an announcement is made within the cantina that the Empire is introducing a curfew over the planet until further notice.  Which means that the cantina will have to close until further notice, I guess, since a good number of drinking establishments are only open in the evening. Because of this, Ackmena has to immediately close the cantina.  Except none of the patrons are very receptive to her efforts to usher them out.   After a few failed attempts, Ackmena gives in and decides to simply allow everyone to have one more round.  And she even has a whole musical number about it. Throughout the song, she slowly but surely manages to coax everyone to leave.  In the end, she is left alone to look around her now-empty bar, probably wondering when or if it will ever be allowed to open again.  However, to end the segment on a high note, we then see Krelman has remained.  And he offers Ackmena a flower.
When this bit of reality TV ends, Lumpy’s plan with the transmitter he’s been putting together becomes clear.  He ends up using it to send a fake transmission to the Imperials inside his house in order to make them think that they’re being summoned back to their base.  This plan ends up working perfectly.  But with one significant complication.  One of the Stormtroopers remained behind, so he’d be there to question Chewbacca when he shows up, as they suspect that the missing Wookiee male might be part of the Rebel Alliance.  And after the other Imperials leave, this lone Stormtrooper ends up figuring out what Lumpy did.  He proceeds to chase after the little Wookiee out onto the porch/walkway, but Lumpy is saved by Chewbacca and Han, who appear in the nick of time.  They manage to deal with the Stormtrooper, allowing Lumpy to be free to greet his father and psudo-uncle.  The three head back inside to tell Malla and Itchy (who were apparently sitting back and not doing a thing when the Stormtrooper chased Lumpy outside) that the threat was gone.
So Chewbacca reunites with his wife, father and son.  And Han, after paying his respects to the family, states he should head back to the Millennium Falcon before any Imperials could stumble across it. Shortly after he leaves, Saun Dann ends up coming back as well, for some reason.  He reappears just in time to help avert another mishap, as an Imperial Officer comes calling, instructing the Stormtooper that Han and Chewbacca took out to contact them immediately, as they cannot reach him by comlink.  Saun Dann manages to convince the Imperial Officer that the Stormtrooper in question had gone AWOL.  Which would probably be fine, but it does leave the question as to what will happen if the Imperial search party finds the body.  Let’s hope they hid it really well.
Eventually, Saun Dann leaves again in order to allow the Wookiee family to enjoy Life Day.  Once they’re alone, Chewbacca and his family bring out these glowing orbs that they lift up over their heads.  This somehow results in an acid trip, because we then see the Wookiees standing in front of a field of stars, dressed in red robes.  The image dissolves to show a procession of Wookiees walking into a bright portal-like light.  Instantly, we see dozens of Wookiees gathered in some kind of ceremonial chamber.  If you thought listening to Malla, Lumpy and Itchy roaring almost non-stop for almost two hours was bad, try listening to an entire Wookiee choir.
Out of nowhere, Luke, Han, Leia, 3PO and R2 appear in the ceremonial hall, joining Chewbacca and the other Wookiees.  3PO starts talking about how he and R2 wish that they were alive and not just mechanical beings so they would be able to share in the joy the Wookiees can feel on this occasion.  And then Leia addresses the Wookiees, talking about how the holiday might belong to them, but they all share the same feelings of hope for freedom from the Empire, and how they’re all united in the struggle against the powers of evil and darkness.  (And do the other Wookiees know who Leia is?  I can just see them all looking at one another, wondering who these people were and what they were doing butting into their celebration.)
And then, Leia starts to sing.  Yes, this movie features Carrie Fisher singing. Bet you’d never thought you’d see that. Once her musical number is done, the camera focuses on Chewbacca as he stares lifelessly into the camera as stock footage from A New Hope begins playing.  I guess the implication is that he’s thinking back on all the good times he’s had, but all this scene does is make us realize that we could have been watching a much better movie.
Now, you’d think the movie would end here, but I guess they just wanted to drag it out a bit more.  Because we then get to see Chewbacca sitting down at the table with Malla, Lumpy and Itchy, with the four of them preparing to enjoy their holiday meal.  It’s only then that the movie finally comes to an end.
And that, my friends, was The Star Wars Holiday Special.  Hope your brains haven’t completely turned to mush, because there are no refunds.  Sorry.
As a bonus to this review, since all existing versions of this movie are copied from recordings of the original broadcast, it comes with the commercials included.  While that might not sound interesting, watching the commercials that aired during that 1979 broadcast is a bit like opening up a time capsule.  Of course we get a few commercials for General Motors, most likely because that company sponsored this special.  But we also get a few TV promos for 60 Minutes, All in the Family, Alice, Lucy Comes to Nashville, Dallas, Dolly, Hot City, Bobby Vinton and Flying High, as well as movie trailers for The Wild Geese, The Wiz and what I believe to be the 1966 movie, The Bible.  There’s a few advertisements for medications like Anacin and Comtrex and food products like Pillsbury Plus cake mix and Hungry Jack biscuits.  Some of the commercials feature products that are no longer around, such as Reggie bars and Mercury Bobcats and Zephyrs.  But others are still recognizable today.  Namely the ones for McDonald’s Egg McMuffins and Woolite laundry detergent.  But I think the most interesting ones are for the women’s pantyhose.  We actually get two of them in this- Sheer Indulgence brand and No Nonsense.  That and the one for Bell telephones.  And we can also see the commercial that was responsible for the famous ‘Look for the Union Label’ jingle.  But of course, we also have to get a few toy commercials in for the kids, including ones for Trail Tractor (a toy where you drew a series of lines on a special placement and the toy car followed the line) and Tobor. The funny thing is, they only advertise the Star Wars toys at the very end of the movie, even though I’m sure a good number kids were in bed by this point, considering this special didn’t end until 9PM during the original broadcast.  While there were a few other commercials that aired throughout the holiday special, I think I covered the most important ones.  (Even though I don’t understand what a bald eagle had to do with Whirlpool brand appliances.)
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yoon-kooks · 7 years
Hired by BigHit: Boy Meets Temptation- Part 8 [END]
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Fluff, angst (with sexual implications)
Summary: As BTS’s new choreographer, you feel especially drawn to a certain dancer as soon as you meet him. You just left out one small detail during your introduction.
Parts: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // Epilogue (text)
You threw your box of kinky costumes and accessories in the corner of your apartment and sat on the floor next to it. The last thing you wanted was for Hoseok to find out you were a stripper before you had a chance to explain yourself. But that’s exactly what happened. You had just reached the point where you were ready to come clean to him, but now you didn’t even know how you were supposed to face him again.
You pulled out your phone and just stared at it. The thought of texting him an apology crossed your mind. But would that be enough to change anything?
“Hoseok can we please talk?” you typed. You wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t respond. But still, it would hurt too much. You deleted the text, opting to wait until you saw him at dance practice where he couldn’t avoid you.
Before sleeping off your shitty day, you looked back at the selcas you had taken with Hoseok. How could you throw it all away? You would’ve been the luckiest person alive to have someone as perfect as him.
You groaned and shoved your face into your pillow, sleeping until the next morning. But when the sun rose, you felt uneasy and didn’t want to get up. The feeling in your stomach was similar to when you first joined BigHit. Anxious.
As soon as you walked into the company building, you saw Bang PD waiting for you. From your job at the bar, you had learned to take that as a bad sign. But at least Bang PD was a lot kinder than your shitty other boss ever was.
Still, that didn’t stop you from assuming the worst. You were probably going to be fired from your job as Bangtan’s choreographer too. Why wouldn’t you be? Hoseok probably never wanted to see you again, let alone work with you so closely. You wouldn’t be surprised if he talked to the CEO and asked for a replacement choreographer.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. It’s not bad news,” Bang PD assured you. “In fact, it’s good news.” Good news? You couldn’t even remember the last time you had some good news. Oh yeah, your date with Hoseok. Too bad it ended on such a bad note.
“We’d like you to be Bangtan’s permanent choreographer for future projects.” Bang PD smiled, but got a little worried when you didn't seem as excited. It wasn’t that you weren’t excited. You just couldn’t believe it. It was the exact opposite of what you were expecting.
“Me? W-why?” Was he just messing with you?
“Well obviously, your choreo is amazing,” he started. “But also, the guys all really like you. And it’s apparent that you always try your best for their sake.”
You blinked at Bang PD. He rarely watched the dance practices you led, so there’s no way he could’ve come to that conclusion on his own.
“So you want the position, right?”
You nodded.
“Great! Just keep up the good work, Y/N.” Bang PD extended his hand to you.
As much as you wanted to express your full gratitude, you were still having a hard time processing everything. You shook his hand. “Thanks…”
After exiting the CEO’s office, you walked yourself to the dance studio and sat down against the mirrored wall. You couldn’t even celebrate. You tried your best to focus on stretching out before the guys arrived for practice, but too many thoughts were running through your mind. Did you even deserve to be Bangtan’s choreographer? Bang PD had said that the guys liked you, but would that still hold true after they hear you’re a stripper? The problem wasn’t even that you were a stripper, but rather, the fact that pretended not to be one so they wouldn’t judge you for who you really were. You never needed to pretend in the first place. They were good people and definitely would’ve understood. But now they had every right to feel otherwise. And the worst part was that Hoseok would too.
You jumped when the door opened. “Hey Y/N~!” Jungkook was the first to greet you, and the rest of the members did the same. Except Hoseok, who was as quiet as you’ve ever seen him. He wouldn’t even look at you.
The other members were messing around as usual, until they noticed the tension in the studio. They kept glancing back and forth between you and Hoseok. You saw Taehyung whispering to Jimin, and Yoongi and Seokjin pulling the 95 liners apart.
“So we heard you just became our permanent choreographer?” Namjoon did his best to break the awkwardness of the situation. But it wasn’t working.
“Umm… Yeah…” You looked down, unsure of how to sound happy about it.
“Hey can you guys start stretching already?” Hoseok called out. You hated the hint of bitterness in his voice. Usually the guys would whine and tell him not to be so anal, but they quietly complied.
And going through the choreography routine wasn’t any better. Except for when you had to explain the steps, no one spoke. You kept looking at the clock, but the time never seemed to change. Those were the most painful few hours of your life.
When the torture finally ended, the guys said bye and rushed out as quickly as they could to escape the tension. You plopped yourself onto the floor again and pressed your face into your hands. Sighing, you reached for some water, only to realize you had forgotten to refill your bottle.
Suddenly, you felt something ice cold pressed against your cheek. You turned your head and saw Hoseok standing next to you. He put his water bottle into your hands, but still refused to look at you.
“Thanks…” You took a shy sip and held it up for him to take back.
“No problem.” He started to walk away, ignoring your attempt to return his bottle. You slowly lowered your arm with the feel of rejection, watching him take his time in walking towards the door. Maybe he was waiting for you to say something else. You took a deep breath.
“Hoseok,” you called out softly. You didn’t really have anything to lose anyway.
“Yeah?” He stopped in his tracks, his back still to you.
“Can we talk? Please?”
Hoseok just stood there for a long while before finally turning around to face you. “Of course, Y/N.” You stared back as he walked to you and sat himself next to you. “I said I’d be down to listen whenever you wanted to talk, remember?” His voice became gentle and soothing.
You nodded, remembering the time he had walked you home in the rain. The way he had said he’d always be there for you melted your heart. And he was still the same supportive boy.
“I’m not mad, you know.” He tilted his head. “I just wanted to give you some space.”
“But you should be mad.” You looked down at your shoes. “I didn’t tell you I was a stripper. Or that as a stripper, I wasn’t allowed to date. But I slept with you anyway.”
“I was hurt, but not mad, Y/N.” Hoseok bit his lip. “Of course I wanted you to trust me enough to tell me, but I know it couldn’t have been easy for you either. You just didn’t want to be judged, right?”
“Y-yeah… but still…” Why did he understand you so well? “I just hate that I hurt you…”
“Okay, I’ll admit, I was pretty jealous that I wasn’t the first to see your body.” He rubbed your thigh. “But it only hurt so much because I wanted to be the only one.” Your heart fluttered.
“Trust me when I say you’re the only one who’s seen everything.” You perked up a bit. “My strip performances never went that far. What exactly were you imagining, ya dirty boy?”
“Nothing! I promise,” he chuckled, but you knew he was lying. It was cute.
“Anyway, I’m sorry for everything.” You looked into his gentle eyes.
“Don’t beat yourself up over it forever, okay?” He pushed your hair out of your face and stared back. “I’m just glad I got to know you because you’re really sweet—stripper or not.”
You face went totally red, but before you had a chance to hide it, Hoseok leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You let him hover over you until your back was against the floor.
“By the way,” he paused and licked his lips. “You lost your stripper job, right? That’s why you were carrying that box with lingerie, blindfolds—oh and the cop costume?”
“Thanks for reminding me.” You jab is arm lightly.
“So we can date now, right?”
“What?” You had completely forgotten that you were no longer bound to the restrictions of being a stripper.
“Date me, Y/N.” He kissed you again, even though you didn’t need any convincing.
You sat back up and slid your hands up his chest. For a while, you just smiled at him, taking in the fact that Jung Hoseok, aka the sweetest boy in the world, wanted you. And as tempting as it was to say yes, you suddenly thought of something.
“I would, but Bang PD said I shouldn’t date any of you guys, now that I’m your permanent choreographer.” You watched for his reaction. “Gotta keep it professional, babe.”
J-Nope’s jaw dropped in shock at the alleged betrayal of his own boss.
Your straight face slowly transitioned to a playful smile. “Just kidding!” You kissed the shook boy’s cheek.
“Okay good,” he laughed. “Because I was about to go have a little chat with Mr. Bang Shi Hyuk.”
“Even if he really did say that,” you said. “I’d quit so I could be with you.” You blinked innocently at him, lowkey cringing at your own cheesy words.
“Sure you would, you brat.” He rolled his eyes at you but couldn’t hold back a smile.
“Okay, okay, you’re right, I’d never give up this job.” You hugged him with as much affection as you could. “We’d just have to date secretly hehe~”
“My thoughts exactly.” He gave you one more kiss on the lips. “Who knew you were so naughty?”
“I’m not naughty…! Just like how you weren’t imagining dirty things when you saw that cop costume.”
“Okay fine, you win.”
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go-redgirl · 6 years
Why Building a Border Wall Is a Morally Good and Biblically Justifiable Action Townhall ^ | 07/01/2018 | Wayne Grudem
Is building a wall on our border a morally good action? As a professor who has taught biblical ethics for 41 years, I think it is – in fact, the Bible itself repeatedly views protective walls with favor.
In the world of the Old Testament, people built walls around cities to protect themselves from thieves, murderers, and other criminals, and from foreign invaders who would seek to destroy the city. People could still enter the city, but they had to do so by the gate, so that city officials would have some control over who was coming in and going out. Today’s debate is about a larger area – a national border, not a city – but the principles are the same.
A strong wall gave peace and security to the city, and one prayer of blessing for a city was, “Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!” (Psalm 122:7). There was also a spiritual component, for the Lord himself strengthened the gates in the walls so they would protect the children and the peace and prosperity of a city:
Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion! For he strengthens the bars of your gates; he blesses your children within you. He makes peace in your borders; he fills you with the finest of the wheat (Psalm 147:12-14).
After King David established his capital in Jerusalem, he prayed, “Do good to Zion in your good pleasure; build up the walls of Jerusalem” (Psalm 51:18) – God’s blessing would include strong walls! After David came King Solomon, who finished and strengthened the wall around Jerusalem (1 Kings 3:1).
But the people of Israel strayed from God, and he brought judgment in the form of Babylonian invaders who broke down and destroyed the city wall: “And they burned the house of God and broke down the wall of Jerusalem and burned all its palaces with fire and destroyed all its precious vessels” (2 Chronicles 36:19; cf. Jeremiah 52:14). God’s judgment removed the walls! As long as the wall around Jerusalem was broken down, it was a mark of shame and derision: “The remnant . . . who had survived the exile is in great trouble and shame. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire" (Nehemiah 1:3).
The pathetic shame of a city without walls is also evident in this proverb: “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls” (Proverbs 25:28). The implication is that such a man and such a city are both headed for destruction.
After 70 years of exile in Babylon, the Jewish people were able to return and to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall. Nehemiah asked the Persian king Artaxerxes to give him the timber needed to build the wall and its gates: “And the king granted me what I asked, for the good hand of my God was upon me” (Nehemiah 2:8). In this case, God’s blessing was evident when the leader of the government authorized the allocation of materials to build the wall.
Then Nehemiah needed laborers for the massive task of rebuilding the wall. He challenged the people, “Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision” (Nehemiah 2:17). Fortunately, “the people had a mind to work” (Nehemiah 4:6), and an entire chapter of Nehemiah is devoted to recording the names of people who rebuilt the wall, specifying the section that each person repaired (Nehemiah 3). Such a record – having their names forever in the pages of the Hebrew Bible – was a significant honor for those who repaired the wall. It was a morally commendable act.
There was a great celebration when the wall was completed: “And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites . . . to celebrate the dedication with gladness, with thanksgivings and was singing, with cymbals, harps, and lyres . . . . Then I . . . appointed two great choirs that gave thanks” (Nehemiah 12:27, 31).
There is another wall in the Bible – at the very end of the New Testament. The apostle John has a vision of the New Jerusalem, a great city that comes down from heaven, and it includes a wall: “It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels” (Revelation 21:12). Whether this is literal or simply part of a symbolic prophetic vision (I don’t know), it is clear that the wall protects the peace and security of those who are within.
My conclusion from this overview is that the Bible views border walls as a morally good thing, something for which to thank God. Walls on a border are a major deterrent to evil and they provide clear visible evidence that a city or nation has control over who enters it, something absolutely essential if a government is going to prevent a nation from devolving into more and more anarchy.
I agree wholeheartedly – if they come legally. But it is no kindness to them if the lack of a wall tempts them to risk death by walking across miles of parched desert, at the mercy of violent gangs, and then come into the US without legal documentation, only to live here as a permanent legal underclass, easily exploited, living in constant fear of discovery. In addition, it diminishes respect for the law and destabilizes the nation when millions of people exist in the shadows, living outside the legal recordkeeping functions of the nation.
And there has to be some limit on the number we admit each year. I would like the number to be higher than it is, but a complete “open borders” policy would overwhelm the country. The US population today is 328 million. The population of the world is 7.6 billion, or 23 times the US population. If we allowed in everyone who wanted to enter, as many as half the world’s population might want to come – giving us over 10 times our current population. Even if only 10% of the world (a very low estimate) came in through open borders, the US would suddenly confront the impossible task of trying to assimilate 760 million new immigrants into a nation of 328 million. “Open borders” is not a realistic solution or one that could ever get enough popular support to pass Congress and become law. Building a wall with well-regulated gates declares that while we welcome immigrants, we – not they – are going to decide which ones, and how many.
The US currently admits over 1,000,000 immigrants per year who come legally and stay permanently – far more than any other nation. If you think that number should be even higher (as I do), then suggest a higher number to your congressman and talk to your fellow citizens. Persuade people to agree with you, and work for a change in the law. But don’t oppose a border wall, for that is just promoting more lawlessness.
I agree – but we still must have some means of regulating how many “sojourners” we allow into the country and who can qualify to enter – and a wall is the most effective way to do this. When the Bible says, “Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 10:19), Old Testament professor James Hoffmeier has demonstrated that these “sojourners” (or “resident foreigners” in one translation; the Hebrew term is ger) were people who had entered another country legally, with the permission and knowledge of the country that admitted them. (The unmodified term “foreigner” in some translations is not specific enough to translate Hebrew ger.) A foreigner who had entered a country by stealth and did not have recognized standing as a resident alien was not considered a “sojourner” (Hebrew ger) but simply a “foreigner” (Hebrew nekar or zar).
Yes, many of them are, and we should welcome them – if they come legally. But we can’t ignore the fact that many others will not become “good neighbors” – some are drug runners, gang members, and even terrorists. A wall makes it possible to screen out the people who have previously been deported for felonies and others who are most likely to commit crimes or simply become a drain on the economy rather than getting a productive job.
An effective border wall would also be the best way to keep children together with their parents. Under the present system, families (1) enter the US illegally and (2) are caught, then (3) they plead for asylum, and (4) they are incarcerated until their asylum petition can be evaluated. But if we had a completed wall, such requests for asylum would be decided at the border, before they ever entered the US. We would never have to detain either parents or children on US soil in the first place.
That objection is not true. Sections of high, effective walls and fences have already transformed whole regions of San Diego and El Paso from high-crime zones into peaceful, much safer cities.
A high, double wall with modern electronic equipment to detect tunneling would stop perhaps 90-95 percent or even more of illegal border crossings. Once such a wall is complete, most Americans would feel that the border is finally under control, and the remaining questions about immigration could be resolved in an atmosphere of far less tension and animosity.
In fact, we already have a highly effective system of “border walls” that nobody argues about – in our airports. Every time I return to the US from a foreign country, I have to go through customs at the airport, and so does everybody else. The room where people wait in line to see a customs officer has walls to make sure that all arriving passengers have to go through passport control. I’ve never seen anyone protesting the existence of walls in the customs area or demanding that a section of the wall be removed so that people who don’t want to go through passport control can simply walk into the country whenever they want. That would be an open invitation to terrorists and other criminals, and it would make it impossible for the US to place any limits at all on the number of people who came into the country and stayed without legal documentation.
Yet demanding “no passport controls at airports” is, it seems to me, exactly parallel to saying that we should not build a wall on our southern border. Why should airports be any different from other border entry points? Yes, we are a nation of immigrants, and we should eagerly welcome numerous immigrants into the US every year, but they must come in legally, through the gates in the wall, not illegally and dangerously across an open desert.
TOPICS: Current Events; Moral Issues; Religion & Culture; Religion & Politics KEYWORDS: aliens; bible; borderwall; buildthewall
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themannychronicles · 7 years
I am sorry, but I do it again
Imagine being sleep. Finally getting some rest after picking up after a grown woman and kids, and sometimes after the father. Can you imagine holding a baby just to get him quiet? Can you imagine every time you mention an issue? You are never understood. What do you mean? is the subject response to each time you recognize an issue with proof. Can you imagine someone buying items they already have in their closet, but constantly claiming you have NO MONEY? Can you imagine no matter where you go to lay down someone or all of them come in the room and talk like they are in another state? With the most annoying insincere manner, claiming to be pure of intention, look at you knowing they disturbed you and say, I am sorry! For what?! You are only going to do it again tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. What’s the point of even saying it? You don’t mean it, and you are too deficient to see IT DOES NOT HAPPEN TO YOU, but it ALWAYS happens to me.
...thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace
Jehovah Shalom means God who is peace, God sends peace, for me, God is peace. Peace is freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility;  freedom from or the cessation of war or violence; harmony in personal relations; Latin for AGREE! God is freedom from disturbance. Many people I have shared my walk and testimony with have often stated that they would never live, befriend, or even be in proximity with these people. It’s sad because they never see their peace is easily disturbed by their own thoughts and actions. Anytime, you need an opinion from another in your life to justify your rationale, fallacious decisions and life choices, then YOU have lost your peace. Inner peace will display outer confidence and countenance. I really thank God for HIS peace in my life, living with these people have encouraged me in so many ways. However, it’s sad that one person like me who works hard to stabilize a family in Christ does not get solid amount of rest without interruption, disturbance, or ignorance. Why don’t you leave? Why are you there? How can you do it?
Folks! This is my assignment. This is my purpose right now. I have some things I needs from God and at the same time there are some things in my life that needs to change. Coming into contact with people like this, will make you look introspectively at things in your life to create plans on how to mature, evolve, and grow in grace. I have learned how to say NO more. I have learned how to look and see you about to fall and be quiet. There have been many times, I have warned the mother on things that were about to happen, and due to her stubbornness, laziness, and apathy she has suffered the consequences, and I refuse to share anymore wisdom in areas where information has already been given. If you do not know what I mean, then here you go.
A few months ago, I suggested that she seeks a psychologist. She needs to sit down and talk to a third party. She, at first, disagreed, then she agreed. [Mental instability] NOW, she thinks all she needs is a boyfriend; after [that’s another story]...even though she perceives that I can be her psychologist, but I am not licensed, nor do I desire to take on another set of issues that YOU perpetuate constantly. You absolutely refuse to embrace information and material that will increase your self-confidence, so I refuse to allow you to displace your issues onto me. Not to put all of her business out here for the world to see, but it’s sad when you are still entangled with your husband after he has cheated on you SEVERAL times. You have offered your place to stay when he is homeless, knowing with SEVERAL CONFIRMATIONS that you have been homeless for a year with HIM knowing about it with his kids and HE DO NOTHING, but you will PROVIDE him a place to stay...is that not odd? However, you would come to me and ask me my thoughts. REALLY? I have NOTHING TO SAY! 
The reason why he is here at your place, where he pays no bills, does not support his children, fights her on paying $400 a month on child support, and so many other “wonderful” things, that you open your apartment, which he is NOT a contributor to, for him to lay in your bed, claiming you don’t do anything with him at all. WOW! In the meantime, THE MAIN REASON he is at your place is HIS GIRLFRIEND kicked him out for cheating on her, and he cheating with her on YOU! YET, you feel compassion for him and allowing him to stay at your place because he is homeless right now while he travels for work. I promise, I should write this in a script and sell it for TV. I thought this foolery never happens, but ONLY ON TV, but the older I get, I am learning this foolishness happens daily. I am half tempted to write Iyanla. I doubt she would deal with this ignorance.
...whose mind is stayed on THEE...
According to CriticalThinking.org, The mind has three basic functions: thinking, feeling, and wanting. The three functions of the mind — thoughts, feelings and desires — can be guided or directed either by one's native egocentrism or by one's potential rational capacities. Egocentric tendencies function automatically and unconsciously.
Thinking is the part of the mind that figures things out. It makes sense of life’s events. It creates the ideas through which we define situations, relationships and problems. It continually tells us: This is what is going on. This is what is happening. Notice this and that. If this is the case, how is it that her mind does now warn her if her actions do not change, then he will repeat the same situations, relationships, and problems, and never realize she is the root cause? I have expressed to them all the time, the principles of Galatians 6:7, in other words there is a effect to EVERY cause; both good and bad. I highly doubt, things JUST happen to you without your influence. For instance, the daughter has a couple of Cs on her latest report and conjures this innocence unexplained face to explain that she has no clue why her grade is in that place when she turns in her work? However, she never reviews that fact that she does not APPLY herself. She RUSHES through her work to get it done. She NEVER ASKS FOR HELP, and when she gets an opportunity to correct her work, she hides and lies stating she never received or her parents never signed it. 
The ignorant part is that the teacher and parents believe her! HA! Oh, but I am sorry, I will happen again, OOPS! I mean, NEVER happen again! Your mind from previous experience with her lying about picking up her clothes, putting up her shoes, warming the baby bottle, should have tipped you off, MOM, that your daughter like YOU...LIE! Okay, you don’t lie, but you don’t tell the entire story. You conveniently miss information for people to arrive at a conclusion without you admitting any information OR you become offended when someone calls you to the carpet on your deceptive ways. The sad part about it is, that you children will mimic your behavior to the Nth power, and as much as you claim you are a good mother by verbal, your deeds confuse them.
...because HE trusteth in thee...
I broke down Isaiah 26:3 in this entry, one to help me remember, and then on the other side, I want to share how to be honest with yourself and furthermore, admit when you need help or assistance. I am already here to help you. Why would you cover, masquerade, or deceive me, when I have proven my level of ability over and over again to you in Christ Jesus? It is clearly no goodness of my own, nor is it humanistic ability to complete this work that 95% would have abandoned you the 3rd day into this type of work. It’s funny how people have an issue with payments, but they want skilled and proficient work. God knows how to get YOU paid for your service. 
Quick addition, it’s funny how PEOPLE like this get instantly OFFENDED at information such as this, but never stop your hurt, disappointment, and embarrassment long enough to review the information before erratically becoming affronted at the information stated versus the information. For me, if you are concerned more about the offense and your emotion versus the information stated in a respectable manner, then you are not ready to mature as much as you proclaim. I pray that God matures your heart and mind quickly in Jesus’ name.
Listen, bottom line, Feelings are created by thinking — evaluating whether the events of our lives are positive or negative. Feelings continually tell us: “This is how I should feel about what is happening in my life. I’m doing really well.” Or, alternatively, “Things aren’t going well for me.” Adjust your feelings to the word of God, self-improvement books, positive company, and empowering services. Stop deliberately doing foolish things as your kids that you are teaching without knowing it, and then turning around saying I am sorry. Even though, I know you are aware that I am sleep, working, or doing something for you already, and then come and interrupt me to do another task that you are too lazy, unaccountable, and trifling to complete yourself. God has me here for a reason and a season in your life in this capacity. Stop saying I am sorry, and GROW UP, because you will have to do it yourself soon, and no matter of money will recall this opportunity back in your life when you did not properly utilize this to your advantage.
To reiterate, Stop apologizing and DO BETTER, people!
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