#the only true happy ending for her is brianna joining her in isolation. her happy ending requires bri giving a regular life up
lostandbackagain · 3 days
working on the briolante/shallow river post I keep threatening to make but every time emilee says "lovely lady, no one's baby" I start crying so hard I throw up
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mahoushoujjo · 7 years
Okay so, for those of you who don’t know! I’m Brianna!! I’ve been Amy’s best friend since I was in 6th grade and she was in 7th. Throughout these ten years I’ve been super incredibly lucky to come to know what an amazing person Amy is. I’ve been with her through all her rough patches, all her good times, all her bad times, her relationships and her breakups as she has been with me. It’s pretty safe to say that we are inseparable at this point lmao.
That being said, I was one of the witnesses to the trainwreck that was her relationship with Mudkip. One of the closest witnesses because I actually was there for one of the big events that happened that I will discuss later on in my post.
I’m making this statement because I absolutely hate when abusers are let off the hook from the horrible things they do. It sickens me that people like Mudkip are allowed to continue living their normal life after wreaking havoc and damaging anothers.
Amy dated Mudkip from November 2016 to the summer of 2017. They met through a mutual friend on Overwatch when Mudkip joined the discord server we were all members on!
Notice: Each section will begin with a quote from Amy that relates to the point of the section. There are receipts to all of the incidents mentioned. If anything is wished to be disputed or if someone needs proof I would be happy to send screenshots. Happy reading!
Pushing Boundaries and Not Respecting Wishes
Things were rocky from the beginning. Mudkip constantly flirted with everyone on the server even after Amy repeatedly told them that she wasn’t comfortable with this. Mudkip would come to me for “advice” while sending me out of context screenshots of their and Amy’s conversation making Amy seem like the bad guy. Mudkip continuously flirted with me and tried to get me on their side. I would be lying if I said that I was never even slightly deceived by her. Luckily, like a rational person I would go to Amy right after and ask what was happening and get the full context. This never stopped Mudkip though. I have screenshots of message after message of them ranting to me about Amy overreacting and “acting out of line.” After a while I started getting fed up with this constant talking behind Amy’s back I told them to basically back off and that I couldn’t be in the middle of things anymore.
However, that didn’t stop the breaking of the boundaries. I remember one particular night, after all of the flirting drama and explaining that it went against Amy’s boundaries, I got a call late at night from Amy. She was crying and wanted to talk to me alone. My (now ex) boyfriend was there at the time so I put on some warm clothes and went outside in the dead of night while it was snowing just to speak to her alone. She was sobbing and having a panic attack because Mudkip was telling her about how they thought that a specific Korean singer in a music video was “sexy” and “hot” and how the video turned them on, and even though Amy was obviously upset about those statements, Mudkip continued in explicit detail. Amy had discussed over and over before with Mudkip by this point about how she didn’t want to know who Mudkip found hot, and especially not details, because of Amy’s rough history with exes cheating and similar situations.
There were many other situations radically similar to this one that I would be glad to bring up if asked but for the sake of how long this already is I’m leaving it at that.
The Great Discord Split of January 2017
“my ex even encouraged me to never talk to my best friend again, who i have known since i was 12. luckily for my best friend and i, we ignored that and made up.”
It only got worse after that moment honestly. Personally in my life I was going through a lot of things. I was being forced to move out of my apartment and leave my life in Dallas behind. One of my close friends and I were in a feud and it was affecting me more than I would like to admit. I was depressed and anxious and crying every day. Yet here comes Mudkip causing drama yet again.
I wasn’t too involved in this drama because I was dealing with so much in my life so I’ll just say exactly what I know. On the discord server there was a slightly annoying dude called Phantom. He was usually online in the early morning hours only because he had work or something, and if someone didn’t like him he was pretty easy to avoid. Mudkip decided that he was a true burden to their existence and basically said “Hey, if you don’t kick Phantom I’m leaving the server”. I guess they expected everyone to be on board with this even though a few people on the server were close with Phantom and didn’t necessarily want to kick him despite his annoyances. When the owner of the server, a super good and close mutual friend of ours, didn’t comply with Mudkip’s request they went absolutely mad.
They basically turned against the entire server. Of course this meant, because Amy was dating them and didn’t want to lose Mudkip, Amy was turned against us as well. Amy was encouraged to not talk to me by Mudkip and this lead to a HUGE rift in mine and Amy’s friendship. We didn’t speak for almost a month because of Mudkip. This made me feel like shit because at the time, it just felt like I was losing everything. But also it sucked because I was watching my best friend be manipulated into doing whatever Mudkip wanted.
Luckily after a while me and Amy started talking again despite Mudkip’s efforts to split us apart. However it did take Amy a while to begin talking to the rest of the server again. After Amy did come back to the old server, Mudkip was jealous predictably and complained about “having no friends” even though Mudkip had isolated Amy from all of these people before...
Mudkip’s Ignoring and Pettiness Towards Me
“if me and my ex were skyping, and my ex went to sleep, i would mute myself and call my best friend often, and look over and see my ex awake and glaring at me. just sitting here. staring me down. as i tried to have one conversation with my best friend.”
While me and Amy began talking again, this apparently really pissed off Mudkip. We were at one point pretty buddy buddy. However after the big discord rift things were never the same between us. Or just in general if we are being honest. I’ve never seen someone get so affected by a relatively small problem in the grand scheme of things.
Mudkip would purposefully ignore me and overall just treat me like shit after the discord drama. It was as if suddenly I had become a huge threat to them or something. Amy was repeatedly told to not tell me that she loved me because “it was weird for friends to say that” or that It made it less special when she said it to Mudkip. It should be stated that Mudkip told me a number of times that they loved me in the past and that they would also flirt a lot with me. But for some reason Amy telling me, her best friend, that she loved me was wrong? Seems fishy.
When we would all play Overwatch together I would be spoken over or just flat out ignored by Mudkip. I’m a Lucio main and for some reason Mudkip would make it a point to comment on how good a Lucio other people were while I was there. I would never get acknowledged when I made good plays or even get a thank you for heals. It was like I wasn’t even there. Mudkip also would make underhanded comments directed towards me and whoever I brought with me into the group. This upset me quite a bit because it made me not even want to play Overwatch with my best friend because it was no fun being treated like shit by Mudkip.
A number of times I “slipped” and said something affectionate towards Amy during the times I would play Overwatch with them and Amy would tell me that Mudkip would private message her telling her to let me know to tone it down or just stop all together. A lot of the times I just left the party.
It got to the point where me and Amy couldn’t even just play Overwatch just me and her anymore. Mudkip always had to be there. If they weren’t they would have a huge depressive, self-pitying meltdown to Amy to where eventually Amy would let them in the party just to shut them up. When they would join the party they Would Just Not Talk. It was silent on their end. There was no attempt to even interact with either of us which made everything extremely awkward.
Then there was the fact that if I ever went to visit Amy Mudkip would get jealous that I was there. They would comment to Amy that they didn’t want me sleeping in the same bed as her (the only other option was a cat pee soaked couch) and that they wanted alone time with her. Even though. I was VISITING.
Eventually I began living with Amy. Sharing a bed has never been a problem with us because we have known eachother for so long that it’s just not a big deal. And honestly, it was sleep with Amy or sleep on the couch which was covered in cat pee because of the years of cat pee abuse by a very naughty cat. However to Mudkip this was the end of the world. I specifically remember a conversation Amy showed me of Mudkip literally asking if I could sleep on the floor and that they would be willing to buy me a sleeping bag. Like???? I’m sorry. I’m sleeping with my best friend thank you.
“my best friend was living with me at the time to escape her abusive living situation with her parents. my ex of course had never been happy about that. the first night i picked my ex up was fine. the next day? preluded an entire month or so of living in actual hell.”
Like I mentioned earlier, sometime in April I began living with Amy. Around May Mudkip was set to come visit her for an entire month. (Amy was then set to go to New York for a month, then Mudkip back here. Thus concluding the entire summer) This had upset Amy as well because for one thing, Amy had not explicitly consented to the entire summer being spent with Mudkip but Mudkip had booked it anyways. Secondly, because of all the things I stated above, things were not exactly peachy keen between them two. Amy was constantly complaining about them and just pretty much dreading the entire trip. At the time though, Amy and I had thought that there was some glimmer of hope that things would be okay and things would work out and go back to normal since we would all be under one roof.
We have never been more wrong.
There are really no words to accurately describe the events that happened during that month. I’m being truly serious Like. I’ve never been more frightened and annoyed by a person. I’m getting ahead of myself though. It all began nicely enough. The first night was good. Mudkip got here, we all said hi and greeted eachother and went to bed early after chatting a bit.
The next day things went bad. As if ignoring me on Overwatch wasn’t enough, I found myself getting the silent treatment to my face as well. When me and Amy would have a conversation, Mudkip would not even attempt to pitch in or say anything. They would give both of us the silent treatment, do a little pouty face, and just sit there. They just seemed to want all the attention to be on them.
I’m not an unreasonable person, I did realize that they were a couple. I didn’t want to get in the way of intimate moments or any alone time they wanted to have together. It was not like I was asking to be involved in everything at every moment of the day. I constantly asked Amy if I should leave or if I should give them some space. Amy never wanted me to, especially later on when Amy was afraid to be alone with Mudkip. So I just stayed with them.
Amy was really troubled by Mudkip’s lack of care to engage in conversation with me and when we were all together, so Amy started acting distant towards them. It was sort of “an eye for an eye” thing. Mudkip was acting distant towards us, Amy acted distant towards Mudkip. This led to a lot of very obvious crying from Mudkip. I don’t mean like, a few tears. I mean like. Very loud sobbing coming from Amy’s room. If they weren’t loud sobbing in Amy’s room, they was silent crying in the living room in front of both of us. This only made us more uncomfortable and quite frankly, if I didn’t care for Amy and it was my house I would have just asked them to leave right then and there.
Mudkip never talked to me. For a week it went on like this. It got to the point where eventually me and Amy decided to confront her after they once again, isolated themself in Amy’s room and sobbed. We discussed all our behavior and talked about how we can make things better for all of us. I reassured Mudkip that I didn’t hate them and I was perfectly fine with hanging out with them. They just sat there with a sad face and didn’t really say much if anything at all honestly. Me and Amy left, and hoped for a better tomorrow.
Unfortunately that was not the case. Things never changed. Day after day happened with me being ignored. The silent treatment, the passive aggressiveness. Sure there were some times where we would all KIND OF get along. Such as the night we stayed up until 8am binge watching the entire series “The OA”. Even then, if I can remember correctly Mudkip was annoyed by that because Amy didn’t go to bed with them that night. (BECAUSE WE WERE ALL WATCHING A SHOW!!!! ALL OF US!!!) I can’t stress this enough, every day was fucking awkward.
Mudkip would also do this thing where they would just. Not shower! They would constantly text Amy in the middle of the day, in the living room with all of us hanging around to ask if she wanted to shower with them to initate sex. When Amy said no, Mudkip would just. Not shower. I’m pretty sure throughout the entire stay Mudkip only showered twice. No more than three times. And when they did shower, cue once again the loud sobbing and what sounded like the banging of her head on the wall.
No one was happy. Absolutely no one. Amy was unhappy because of Mudkip’s horrible attitude to not being the center of attention at all times, Mudkip was unhappy because they wasn’t the center of attention, and I was unhappy because I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself. I’m a pretty nervous and anxious person, and having someone around who very obviously is turned off by your presence just made everything really bad for me!
Most of the days leading up to the grand finale of the visit are a blur. Amy began sleeping all day due to depression. Me and Mudkip were often left alone awake. I WILL ADMIT! Me and Mudkip had at least two good days together where we went grocery shopping and made smoothies. It wasn’t bad and honestly, I wish it could have been like that the entire time. But again, two days out of the month that Mudkip was there. Two. Days.
As soon as Amy would wake up though, it went back to the same shit. It was just so stressful and if anyone wants more examples PLEASE don’t hesitate to contact me or Amy. This is already pretty long so I’m just going to cut off there to get to the GRAND FINALE.
“we were frantically calling suicide and self help hotlines and websites, asking for help with the situation. then it got quiet.”
Eventually. As any sane person would, Amy got fed up with this routine. After multiple failed attempts to gently convince Mudkip to go home, especially since we couldn’t afford to feed all of us well let alone go out and do things, Amy finally decided it was time to break up with her.
Oh man guys. This was a wild time. I’m going to sum this up as shortly as I can.
Amy broke up with Mudkip while I was hanging in the room I was sleeping in at the time.
Amy walks into the room with her laptop to hide out and give Mudkip space since they did just break up.
Very shortly after we began hearing very loud screaming and banging coming from outside the room.
Amy went to go check up on Mudkip only to find Mudkip sprawled out on the hallway floor sobbing.
Amy sat with Mudkip for a little bit then came back into the room.
Mudkip was screaming. Crying. SCREAMING.
Me and Amy were panicking and going on multiple different HELP websites as we could to get advice on the situation, but since it was around 4am, we were getting little to no help. We didn’t even have the money to send them home.
Eventually we hear a really loud bang, and then later on a call from Mudkip saying that they had went on a walk. At 4am. In a city they doesn’t know. A city that doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to being safe! They said that they were walking, they didn’t know where they were and were lost. Me and Amy began freaking out. Mudkip said that there was someone watching them. Eventually after everything was settled and Mudkip said they were heading back we hung up the phone.
At this point me and Amy were freaking out because they were just. Wandering the streets sobbing! Once again! At 4am! Eventually we get a text from them saying that a COP! A COP PICKED THEM UP! The cop had seen them and asked if they were in an abusive situation. They had said no but the cop had escorted them back anyways.
I just want to point out that this could have been very bad for Amy and I had the cop decided to follow up and escort them to the door and question us. Not in the sense that we would have gotten in trouble or anything but it would have been really awkward explaining to a fucking cop what had happened that night.
For the rest of the weeks to come, I’m just going to put an excerpt from Amy’s testimony thing here.
“i wanted my ex to go home. you would think they would have booked a flight after being dumped, but no. i couldn’t afford to feed myself st this time, let alone buy a ticket. we had a whole nother week of awkwardness, a week of my ex leaving suicide notes and scary letters out on my Pillow For Me To Find, a week of finding blood in my shower & broken towel racks, and hours of listening to my ex scream and cry in my room, before my ex finally left. i had to break up with my ex an additional time in that period, and only then did my ex finally call their mom to get them a flight home.”
I want to elaborate on a few things here.
We were dirt poor. And because Mudkip was here we couldn’t exactly just. Get jobs! And leave Mudkip home alone! We were living on literal scraps and pennies!
During this week or two, Mudkip acted like things were fine between them and Amy. They would constantly try and snuggle and kiss and hold Amy while we were all in the living room together. (They wouldn’t and couldn’t go home I guess, so we had to include her in things.) This made both me and Amy SEVERELY UNCOMFORTABLE.
When they did finally shower, we would hear banging and sobbing as usual. One particular time they were taking a very long time in there. We got concerned and checked on them only to find that they were laying on the floor of the bathroom.
When they came out I had to use the restroom. I walked in there and saw a blood splatter on the shower wall. That was my breaking point. I wanted them out. Like, how dare they do that? It’s a fucking shower as well so it’s not like they had no means of cleaning it. They wanted us to see! They wanted to guilt Amy even more than they already were!
Shortly after, Amy drove home that they were breaking up, and they left as mentioned above. And thank god too. It was like instant relief.
I’m going to keep this short and sweet since this is a very long essay and it’s around 1am right now.
After Mudkip went home, Amy wanted to continue being nice and civil towards Mudkip since burnt bridges aren’t always the best thing. However, Mudkip took this as Amy wanting to continue trying to be in a relationship with them.
As if none of the past month had ever happened, Mudkip would continuously text and even call Amy at all times of the day. If Amy didn’t respond Mudkip spammed her phone with literal hundreds of texts and calls wondering where she was, what she was doing, why she wasn’t answering.
Mudkip would send messages to Amy saying things like, “the moon is so pretty out tonight! but not as beautiful as you!” and “boop! :3 (when amy didn’t respond to this they messaged again with) you don’t like my boop? :(“. They also on one occasion sent an explicit message on tumblr which made Amy very uncomfortable.
Message after message was sent to a very annoyed and NOT INTERESTED Amy, but Mudkip never got the hint. Even after Amy would repeatedly tell them that they were crossing boundaries!
If Amy was asleep and didn’t respond, Mudkip called. Mudkip texted. Mudkip probably wanted to call the fucking cops who knows. Mudkip did nothing but OBSESS over Amy for weeks after they went home.
Recently a hurricane hit our area and Mudkip somehow even used THAT to try and get back together with Amy. they told her, “hey i’m probably going to go down to texas soon to help out the harvey victims!” This obviously wasn’t true. This was just a scheme to try and reconnect yet again with Amy.
Basically, that was the ridiculous last straw and I ended up sending her a harsh call out on twitter and her contact with Amy and anyone really associated with her dropped to almost none.
That was my account on the situation. It left not only me emotionally drained, but it really took a toll on Amy too. I’m not saying we were perfect in the situation, because we weren’t. Things could have been handled differently I’m aware of that. However, what Mudkip put us through was inexcusable.
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