#the only thing that comes close is that quote from pride and prejudice: 'completely and perfectly and incandescently happy'
daddy-long-legssss · 4 months
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Suck It and See
"That is something that I started writing when we were recording those Submarine tracks. It just sort of came to me that melody and chorus, it’s quite Beach Boys-y which is something I’ve been listening to a lot recently, and always have. We decided to make it the title track quite near the end – once the pedals thing didn’t really come off. When we played it to someone earlier they were asking us about the fizzy drink reference in that where it says “dandelion and burdock” – a lot of people don’t get that and don’t realise what it is. Something I like the idea of is putting colloquialisms where they feel strange – especially in some of the other tunes like the fuzzy, heavier ones, it feels quite funny when you can drop in something very British next to ‘Raw Power’ guitars."
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xsamsharons · 3 years
pride, prejudice and rain. - nikolai lantsov.
pairing: nikolai lantsov x reader
genre/warning: fluff, nikolai quoting pride and prejudice.
words: 1.6k
summary: a rainy night that consists of reading on the garden with nikolai, and slow dancing under a gazebo soaked from the rain.
a/n: ik p&p doesn't technically exist in the grishaverse, but we're gonna ignore that.
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The sky was glistening with stars that were getting less and less visible every passing second due to the clouds that had started to cover them up, and the wind was blowing through the trees in the garden as you laid with your back pressed against its grass. If your parents could see you, they’d probably tell you your clothes would get tainted green, your hair would get tangled, and your hands would get dirty, but you didn’t care, and they weren’t there anyway. The only person other than you in the garden was Nikolai, and he was reading to you from where he sat behind you, with your head resting on his legs and his unoccupied hand resting on your hair and tracing circles every now and again.
“And then h- Oh, Saints!” you heard Nikolai’s narration be cut short from above you and you chuckled at his dramatic gasp, opening your eyes and looking up at him.
“What did he do to annoy you now?” you asked, soft smile on your lips as you took in his baffled expression, the moonlight giving his hair a darker glow but shining brightly on his hazel eyes.
“He’s criticizing her whole family while proposing to her!” he explained, and you snorted.
“Don’t worry, she won’t let him get away with it.” you told him, and he furrowed his brows but returned his attention back to the pages in front of him, his hand not leaving your hair.
The night sky was almost completely covered by clouds now, and the wind that had previously been just a refreshing summer breeze, quickly turned colder, making you shiver once it passed through your body. Wordlessly, Nikolai took off his coat with one hand, and draped it on top of your body softly, not taking his eyes off the book in front of him.
“Oh, that’s rough.” he winced as he read her reply. “Good for her, though.” he nodded, way too serious to be talking about a work of fiction, which caused you to laugh loudly.
“Good for her.” you agreed.
“We should convince someone in the palace to make a play about this.” he proposed, his voice excited at his idea. “Or we could just do it ourselves!” His hair was a mess of blonde curls as the wind continued to blow against it, and from below him, his face was even less visible. Nonetheless, you could tell the expression he wore on his face was one of excitement as he told you his idea, his hands making exaggerated motions with the book still in them.
“We could play every single character in the book.” you nodded, smiling at his happy demeanor.
“It’d be a two person show.” he finished with a smirk. “Guaranteed success.” he said sarcastically, causing you to laugh once again.
He stared down at your laughing form with a soft look on his face for a moment longer than necessary, and stored the memory away in his brain for when he needed something sweet to think about. He went back to the book after your laughter had died down, but the fond look on his face remained as he read.
After a few moments of more narration from him, you felt something wet land on your cheek, and at first you thought maybe the book had been a bit more emotional for Nikolai than you originally imagined it would be, but as you looked up at him and watched how a raindrop landed on your book, you stood up quickly and took the book from his hand.
“Hey! I wasn’t done.” he pouted, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m not letting you ruin my copy of this book just because you haven’t finished a chapter.” you explained as he snatched the book back from your hands, and the confused expression on his face quickly dissolved once a drop of water landed right on top of his nose, making him look even more adorable than before. You smiled at the sight, and raised your eyebrows as he scrunched up his nose to get rid of the water. “Could’ve just used your hand.”
“But then i wouldn't be able to do this.” he used his free hand to yank yours in his direction and took off running through the garden. His laugh could be heard loud and clear even after the rain became stronger and drowned out almost every single sound in the palace, except for him - and your screams.
“Nikolai, if you don’t stop right now, I swear on the Saints.” you threatened, which caused him to laugh even louder.
He finally stopped his running once he reached the gazebo standing in the middle of a deserted spot away from the garden and hidden from the view of anyone in the palace grounds. He collapsed on the dry floor and you used the opportunity to hit him on the side with your book before collapsing right next to him. “What was that about?” you complained, out of breath.
“I didn’t want you to go back to your rain because of the rain.” he shrugged.
“So you made us both run in the rain, getting completely soaked, and ruining my book?” you asked, sitting up and looking down at him and his mess of a hair now that it was wet. He still looked as beautiful as ever even with his curls sticking to his face, which caused you to hit him again out of frustration.
“What was that one for?” he complained, sitting up as well and taking the book from your hands and placing it on the floor next to him to prevent you from using it against him again.
You ignored his question and instead went back to the previous topic. “You could’ve just asked me to come back to my room with me.”
“Yeah, but how boring is that?” he smirked and stood up, holding his hand out to you.
“I don’t trust your hand anymore.” you said, but took it anyway. You almost thought he was about to start running again when he yanked you to him, but instead, he placed his other hand on top of your waist and kept his previous one wrapped around your own. “What are you doing?” you said, your voice sounding weak and kicking yourself for it mentally.
He just shrugged. “Dancing.”
“There’s no music.” you said, but followed his steps nonetheless, your heart beating way so fast that you were sure if a heartrender were near, they would think someone was dying.
“You don’t say.” he faked surprise, and you rolled your eyes.
“You owe me a book, you know?” you glanced down at your disregarded book, wet and laying on the floor.
“I’m this close to you and you’re thinking about your book? Unbelievable.” he said sarcastically once again, and you looked down feeling guilty for the way your mind was trying to avoid thinking about exactly that. “Hey, i was kidding.” he leaned down to meet your gaze, any sarcastic tone vanished from his voice.
“I know.” that’s the problem, you thought.
You continued to look down instead of looking up at his face, and he caught onto your change of attitude pretty quickly. He hated to think that he was the reason you were suddenly feeling down and so he did the only thing he could think of: he spun you around and used your surprise to meet your eyes and yank you close to him once again.
“In vain I have struggled. It will not do.” he started, dramatically as you looked up at him with an amused expression on your face. “My feelings will not be repressed.” he continued to quote the book, causing you to let out a small laugh.
“Stop that.” you slapped his chest softly.
“You must allow me to tell you,” he chose to ignore your words and decided to finish the quote, an over dramatic tone to his words and look on his face. “how ardently I admire and love you.” he finished, his fake performer accent never once slipping, and you let out a loud laugh.
“That was terrible.” you continued to laugh, burrowing your head in the crook of his neck.
“I thought I kind of did okay.” he shrugged once your giggles had died down, a fond look on his face as he looked down at you.
“You need to practice your acting if we want to go through with the plans about the two person play, your highness.” you said, a grimace on your face. “And you should probably work on your self-perception as well.”
“How rude!” he gasped, his smile never leaving his face as he observed the smile that was still on yours. “I’ll practice on my acting as long as you help me.”
“Deal.” you smiled.
“Deal.” he repeated, spinning you around once more to put an end to the conversation and keep dancing with you.
As the rain outside the gazebo started to die down, instead of going back to your respective rooms, you just kept dancing and giggling with each other like two little kids avoiding their responsibilities. And even as you stumbled back into the palace at an ungodly hour in the morning, neither of you could bring yourselves to care about the bags under your eyes or the shivers cursing through your bodies as a result to your wet clothes, your smiles way too big to be thinking about anything else other than the other.
taglist: @subjecta13-thefangirl @wtfrae @goldengoddess @thegirlwiththeimpala (lmk if you want to be added!)
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cazimagines · 3 years
could you please do Zemo realizing that Reader's ex-boyfriend was hitting and abusing her as Reader always braces herself for a possible hit when Zemo raises his hand to pet her or something like that, and how'd he react to that? thank you🥺🧡
Synopsis: See above
Word count: 1.2k
Author’s note: Sorry it took a bit to write this, I actually found it quite hard and I'm not too proud of it as I haven't done much editing, but I wanted to get it out sooner rather than later so I hope it's okay 💕 once again as it's a sensitive subject I won't be tagging anyone
Warnings: Mentions of previous abuse
(Please check out my master list to see what I will be writing next and if requests are open or closed)
Cross-posted to ao3 under the same username
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Sam and Bucky had left you in charge of watching over Zemo while they went out looking for resources. They didn’t want Zemo causing more of a problem like had already had, due to his habits of going off-plan and doing things his way. They also didn’t want to leave you alone with him, Sam strongly argued against it saying he would be okay watching over Zemo but you convinced them. You would be no help looking for resources, unlike Sam. Plus you were sure Zemo wouldn’t do anything. So far he had been considerably well behaved for a convict who had been broken out of prison.
It was strange, usually, you felt uncomfortable around men after what happened to you because of your last partner. Even Sam and Bucky knew to keep their distance from you, but Zemo… would it be strange to admit you felt like you could trust him? Trust him further than most men? You didn’t understand why. He was a criminal, he has killed people, broke up the avengers, manipulated Bucky. So many red flags that you should be feeling scared being in the same room as him. But in these times together he had shown you nothing but kindness. He had covered for you in a fight when you had got injured. Made sure your injury was treated correctly. Every time he saw you he asked how you were, he would actively try to keep up conversations with you. It made you feel comfortable around him but at the same time a confused mess.
You were sitting on the sofa when Zemo walked into the living room. He had slept in today, only coming down at ten for breakfast.
“Are Sam and Bucky out?” he asks as he observes you on your own
“Yes, they’ve gone out for resources”
“Ah,” he says as he looks around the cupboards for something to eat, realising what resources meant.
The conversation came to a halt there as you opened up your book, getting lost in your imagination as you read. You were lost to the world for a few minutes, completely engrossed within the story till you heard a voice near beside you.
“You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you”
Your head snaps around as you realised Zemo was now standing behind you, looking over your shoulder. He nods at the book then looks back to you smiling gently.
“Mr Darcy’s proposal from the book, Pride and Prejudice”
You look away realizing Zemo had been quoting the book you were reading. “Ah of course”
Zemo disappears from behind instead choosing to sit down on the sofa beside you as he holds an apple in his hand to eat.
“Most women believe it’s one of the most romantic proposals. And that Mr Darcy is the man of women’s dreams”
“He’s a guy who recognizes when he has done something wrong and actively tries to correct his behaviour and mistakes without expecting anything in return from Elizabeth, he did it purely out of love and admiration for her. Who wouldn’t want a guy like that?”
“Jane Austin certainly knew how to write a love interest. I’m sure because it was from the perspective of what a woman would want rather than what a misogynistic man writer thinks a woman would want” Zemo replies then bites into his apple
You chuckle slightly then focus back on reading the book, feeling the awkwardness of having Zemo so close to you.
As he finishes the apple he places it down and moves closer to you till you could feel his breath on your shoulder. Snekerly looking out of the corner of your eyes you could see he was focused on the book you were reading, deciding to read it with you.
You swallow feeling the anxiety creep up your skin by being so close. This might of been the closest you had been to someone since your last partner and that had not ended pretty. Still, you didn’t want to tell Zemo to back off so you just felt you had to suck it up.
For the next ten minutes, you two read contently, enjoying the comfortable silence between the both of you. Zemo however decides to make a brash move. Slowly he stretches his arm up in an attempt to do the cheesy move of wrapping his arm around your shoulder, as soon as you felt his hand brush up against your head however you flinched back, the feeling of his hand near you bringing back nasty memories.
Zemo quickly removed his hand his eyes widening as he saw your reaction.
“I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?’ he asks his eyes grazing you up and down in worry.
“No no” you quickly replied, instantly not wanting him to feel bad about himself
“It’s just…” your words trail off, feeling your throat chock up at the thought of the past, your eyes already swarming with tears
It was as if Zemo could understand all you couldn’t say though. There was a recognition in his eyes as he looked at you. He could tell from how anxious you were around him, Sam and Bucky. How you always hid away when arguments happened, how you flinch when he comes near you.
He could feel anger swarm inside of him as he thought about it. How could anyone ever hurt someone as kind and beautiful as you? In his thoughts, ideas flashed through his mind of what he would do to the person who had hurt you, images of torture, the pain he could cause.
But as he looks back at you the anger subdues. At this moment you didn’t need his rage towards the person, with the promise of revenge. You needed comforting and reassurance and was willing to be that person for you.
Gently his hand reaches out to clasp yours. Feeling the contact you flinch slightly and his eyes gaze back to your, checking to make sure you were okay with it. As you don’t remove your hand from his grasp he gatherers that you were.
“We’d never hurt you y/n” he whispers as he stares intently into your eyes
“I know, I just, when certain things happen it, it brings me back to that time”
He nods his head in understanding, his eyes swarming with sympathy. “Then, perhaps you could tell us what things trigger you, so we can’t avoid it happening in the future”
“You-you’d do that for me?” you ask, your eyes widening in surprise
“I’d never want to upset you or make you uncomfortable if I can help it y/n”
His fingers interlock with yours as a gesture of comfort without it being too intimate and at that moment your heart swooned. It would take time for you to be able to get used to being open with someone again but seeing Zemo wanting to put in the effort for you. It gave you hope about a potential future for you. That’s all you could ever ask for.
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theycallmebecca · 4 years
Drabble: The Clause in the Will
I never planned to write a Ransom story. And then @eurynome827 posted her 2K Celebration and the opening to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice was one of the prompts. I’m a whore for anything Pride and Prejudice... and my brain automatically connected the quote with Ransom. And would not let go.
To make an already complicated drabble even harder... I decided to write it with each section being exactly 100 words. It was both a blessing (this story could have SNOWBALLED quickly) and a curse (if you’ve written a 100 word drabble, you get it).
But it’s finished and I love how it turned out! And I was quite proud of myself for the very-Eury way I ended it.
So to @eurynome827​ congrats again on 2,000 followers!
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Title: The Clause in the Will
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: some language, some minor violence/threats, suggestive
Note: This is AU and it uses the characters from Knives Out but doesn’t follow the story.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
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"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
“Bull. Fucking. Shit.” Ransom Drysdale muttered as he wadded up another of his late grandfather's marriage-related quote notecards. They were hidden everywhere.
It had been nearly a year since his grandfather, the famed author Harlan Thrombey, had passed away, leaving Ransom as the head of Blood Like Wine Publishing. A role that he had spent the last twenty years being groomed for.
Ransom had worked his way through the ranks of the company following college and had been prepared when the time had come.
Well, prepared for everything except his grandfather's cluttered office.
At least the houses weren't his problem.
-- -- -- --
You’d started at BLW Publishing as an marketing intern after college and you’d climbed your way to the vice president of that department in the twelve years that had followed.
You loved every single part of your job.
Or at least you had until Mr. “Call Me Ransom” Drysdale had taken over the running of the company.
He had spent his years at the company floating between departments, to learn everything he could. Which meant the two of you had worked together multiple times.
But he seemed to enjoy pushing your buttons. And knew exactly what buttons to push when.
-- -- -- --
"You told me months ago that the marriage clause wasn't legally binding," Ransom fumed. "And now you're telling me it is?!"
His lawyers avoided his gaze.
"Get out!" Ransom shouted and they scurried out.
He had seven days to find a wife and marry her.
If he didn't, he lost the company.
It was just like his grandfather to pull a stunt like this. Even from the grave.
He should just let his prick of an uncle have the company. Just to prove a point.
But he knew he couldn't.
His uncle would ruin everything.
Ransom wouldn't let that happen.
-- -- -- --
"You're not the pizza guy," you said, opening your front door to find Ransom standing on the other side with a bouquet of roses and your pizza.
"Met him in the elevator. Can I come in?"
Stepping aside, you let him in. Only noticing as he passed that his normal confident aura was missing.
"What's wrong?"
He explained everything while the two of you ate pizza.
"Walt would destroy everything," you commiserated.
Then he pulled out a ring box.
"Will you marry me and help me save the company we both love from ruin?"
How could you say no?
-- -- -- --
"I got married."
Ransom had chosen a public setting to share his news in hopes that his uncle wouldn't make a scene.
The fact that it was day six of his seven day window was pure coincidence.
Glancing at his wife, he found her staring across the table at his uncle, who, Ransom soon saw, was nearly purple with rage.
"This can't be legal!" his uncle shouted over the congratulations from the others. "It should have been mine! All of it!"
Then Walt pushed his chair back and stormed out of the private dining room, his wife and son following.
-- -- -- --
Logically, you knew marrying Ransom would mean moving into his house, but you'd thought you'd have more time.
But with his uncle looking for any reason to question the legitimacy of the marriage, you and Ransom agreed it had to happen now.
The two of you packed up your apartment and then had everything you were keeping moved to his house.
To his credit, Ransom made as much room for your stuff in the common areas of the house as possible, wanting you to feel at home.
But the only place that truly felt that way was your private bedroom.
-- -- -- --
Ransom sat in the hall with Walt as their lawyers met with a judge behind closed doors following another of Walter's attempts to fight the will.
"I’ve heard rumors," Walt said, his tone was nonchalant, but it was laced with venom. "About how your wife became v-"
Ransom had his hand around his uncle's throat before Walt could make another sound.
"That is my wife," he growled. "You will not say one more fucking thing about her or I will sue you for libel. Do you understand me?"
Walt let out a squeak of acknowledgement and Ransom let him go.
-- -- -- --
You'd known Ransom for years.
But after living with him for a few weeks, you realized you hadn't really known him at all.
Work Ransom demanded the respect and attention owed to the boss.
Home Ransom was softer and wore faded blue jeans instead of three piece suits.
He liked spending Saturday mornings at the market and he loved to cook.
And boy could he cook!
The one on one time with him at home had given you a whole new appreciation for your husband.
He opened up to you about things you were sure he'd never told anyone else.
-- -- -- --
Ball buster.
That's how he'd described her the first time he had worked with her on a project.
It was the reason he had recommended her for the vice president role when it had opened up.
Kind. Funny. Caring. Passionate. 
Those were the words that came to mind now when he thought of her.
She was the type of woman who could tell a dirty joke one minute and then have a serious conversation about his upbringing.
He'd been hesitant to include her at first, but their Saturday morning shopping trips were quickly becoming his favorite activity of the week.
-- -- -- --
You loved Ransom.
It hit you like a ton of bricks as you sat in the middle of a meeting at work, a month later.
You were supposed to be paying attention, but your eyes kept going across the table to where Ransom sat.
You couldn't explain how you knew, you just did.
When had it happened? You didn't know that either.
All you knew was that he was handsome and he was all yours.
At least on paper.
The joy faded from you as you remembered the two of you were roommates. Nothing more.
You wished that could change.
-- -- -- --
Ransom didn't know when it happened, but he realized one Saturday morning, a few months in, that he was in love with his wife.
He hadn't planned to fall in love with her. He'd envisioned them being married for a few years, to solidify his role at the publishing company, and then divorcing as quietly as they had married.
Being in love complicated things.
It made him think about her happiness above his own.
Was she happy with him?
If she wasn't, was he prepared to walk away from her and the company to ensure her happiness?
Yes, he decided.
-- -- -- --
"We need to talk," he said, setting a manilla envelope on the kitchen counter.
"What's that?"
"Annulment papers."
"What?!" you asked in complete disbelief.
"I love you," he confessed. "If you're not happy, I'm -"
"I love you, too," you cut him off, joy filling your heart.
Moving around the island, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a long, slow kiss.
"An annulment would have cost you everything," you said.
"Your happiness means more to me," he said. "Even if it meant giving everything to Walt."
"The company is yours," you told him. "Forever."
-- -- -- --
"Are you coming in?"
She stood in the doorway to what had been his bedroom.
After their declaration of love, he'd properly courted her.
Taking her out on dates. Sending her flowers just because.
They'd kissed a lot and had made it to all the bases, as they say, except home.
That was the plan tonight, she'd told him.
They'd gone out for dinner and then she'd asked him to take her home.
Home to their home.
To their bedroom.
Her eyes met his as she reached behind her back and unzipped her dress. Letting it fall to the floor.
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freddiekluger · 4 years
BBC GHOSTS FICLET: thomas thorne, reluctantly bi
hi i made this shitpost and ran with it, enjoy
The ghosts are gearing up for an argument. again. last week, it was the ethical ramifications of keeping Piers Morgan on an otherwise delightful breakfast program, and the week before it was whether or not Julian should be banned from music club (they settled for a temporary period of non-participatory attendance. There’s only so many times he can swing his hips while singing Boyz II Men before you have to preface his performances with an R18+). This week, it looks like one Regency era poet was to be the subject of debate.
There was plenty about Thomas that prompted the irresistible urge to slap him across the face, as Julian had often remarked, but it’s last night’s binge of the Pride & Prejudice BBC miniseries that has everyone in a tizzy. Thomas had somehow found himself loudly appreciating the Colin-Firth-in-a-wet-shirt lake scene along with Kitty and Mary (even Fanny deigned to saucily raise an eyebrow), and he’s starting to get the impression it’s thrown the others off their rhythm.
“Don’t be ridiculous! Feeling admiration for the muscular intensity of the male form, and being able to express it, is a basic part of appreciating Life’s beauty,” thomas proclaims with the overwhelming confidence of a flat earther adressing a panel of scientists.
“I don’t think saying, and this is a direct quote, that you'd ‘cover his torso in honey and lick it all off’ counts as appreciation, mate.” Pat was pretty sure Thomas had something he needed to share with the proverbial class- they’d been through it all already with the Captain, and Pat definitely wasn’t strong enough to do the four decades of lead up he was actually present for with the Captain all over again with Thomas. “Besides, I’m actually bisexual myself, so I know what I’m talking about.” He smiles warmly in the Captain’s direction, a gesture that goes unnoticed by Thomas.
“Well, that’s all well and good, Pat, but I assure you i’m no pathikos! One could say I’m as ‘straight’ as that chanteur from Wham!”
Julian snorts and leans back, forgetting the ghost thing for a second and almost falling right through the wall behind him. 
“I don’t think that means what you want it to mean,” Robin says, scratching his head.
Thomas was about to deliver a scathing retort when the sun, er Alison, strolls into the room (followed, as ever, by Kitty). Anyone could tell that she was on her way to do something else. Anyone, except Thomas, who’s already bounded up to her and begun to speak.
“Alison! Good morning. Did you sleep well? Of course you did, look at you- now would you kindly inform these simpletons that my objective, intellectual admiration of Mr Firth is nothing more? Honestly, one would think they had never even heard of a romantic friendship,” Thomas finishes with a scoff. It’s safe to say the others didn’t take to kindly to being called simpletons (except for Robin, who’s not quite sure what it means), but Alison manages to summon enough awakeness to respond to exactly one part of Thomas’s monologue. 
“Romantic friendships? You know those weren’t really a thing, right? People just said that so they could be gay and affectionate in public without getting jailed or losing their jobs.” Already tuning out, Alison continues on her mission, which turns out to be joining Mike in the kitchen for breakfast.
“She’s right, you know,” Humphrey chimes in from his place on the floor, startling a nearby Mary. 
“Is that why you got the ker-schhk?” Julian asks, miming a beheading.
“No, that was just a misunderstanding. Tax fraud, light treason, you know how it is.”
Julian nods. He does know.
Kitty sighs happily, “Oh, my mother had a romantic friendship! I remember I once saw her friend crawling under her skirt to help fix her petticoat. It must have been ticklish, I remember mother couldn’t stop shrieking. I always wanted a romantic friend of my own.” Her eyes flit briefly towards Mary, who’s unknowingly about to open the floodgates.
First, Robin barks out a laugh. “Case closed.” 
“Are Thomas’s late night meetings with the Captain not to be mentioned?”, Mary asks with a mischevous grin. 
Fanny rolls her eyes. “I think they were more than meetings, Mary.”
Julian adds a subtle “Whoomp, there it is”. Thomas was beginning to feel aggravated that the conversation had turned away from him (if his sexual proclivities were to be up for debate, at least let him be the centre of attention), but come on! He was just trying to do a nice thing for a friend- associate? fellow ghost who you have no choice but to stand?- and by the redness and failed attempts at denial coming out of the Captain, it looks like he regrets it. 
Alison, still in the kitchen, has tuned right back in and is doing her best not to laugh. Right now, her best is not very good.
At the same time as Alison’s eavesdropping and the Captain’s spluttering, Pat can’t help but yell “See?! THAT’S gay!”
Julian raises his hand. “I also ‘met up’ with Thorne more than once.”
“We agreed NOT to speak of that!”
“So did we, but now bloody Mary knows,” the Captain grumbles.
Mary isn’t done yet. “I once saws him firting with a plague spirit! Not the lady one, mind you, the tall one with the curled hair.”
Robin is starting to feel insecure- Thomas never once hit on him.
Thomas would have stood bolt upright, had he not already been standing. “I’ll have you know, Mary, that I would never have relations with a plague victim.”
"Didn’t stop you from tryin’ though, did it!”
Fanny’s arms are folded as ever, but her facial expressions are downright acrobatic. “Honestly, you’re almost as bad as Julian!” Julian looks a little too chuffed at that remark.
Thomas concedes. “Alright, I’ll grant you that. But I’m not a fool, I know the classics, it’s only gay if you’re on the bottom and I was n-”
Thomas is cut off by the ghosts yelling. They’re split on the reasons- Pat, Robin, and Julian are yelling because it hasn’t worked like that for thousands of years before Thomas was even born, while Mary, Fanny, and the Captain find Thomas’s assertion to be a hallmark case of Too Much Information. Humphrey and Kitty are on the fence, but just like to be included.
Alison has totally lost her composure now, prompting so much concern from Mike that he’s abandoned his cornflakes. 
"What’s wrong- is it a ghost thing?”
Alison nods.
"Care to explain?”
Alison takes a deep breath, racing through the details as quickly as possible to avoid falling behind while the ghosts continue to yell and wave their arms in the next room.
"I think Thomas has slept with Julian and the Captain and has been arguing with the rest of the ghosts that he’s completely heterosexual, while they all yell at him. Also Pat’s bisexual, I’m pretty sure Kitty’s mum had a lesbian lover, Humphrey was beheaded for tax fraud, and Robin’s upset that Thomas didn’t try to sleep with him because according to Mary he even tried it on with a plague ghost.”
Mike whistles. “They don’t waste any time, do they? Wait, how does T… Toby-”
"Thomas, how does Thomas think he’s still straight?”
“Apparently, according to the classics, it’s not gay if you’re on top.” Alison lets out an amused groan. It appears Thomas’s total lack of awareness isn’t just limited to her boundaries.
Rejoining the ghosts, Thomas has finally raised his hands in defeat. “Fine! Maybe I am a little unisexual, or whatever it is you said.”
“Bisexual,” Pat and Julian say in unison. 
Thomas shrugs. It’s not like it matters to him anyway. Although that does explain one or two (or ten) encounters at Hampstead Heath back in his day. Doesn’t matter who they belong to, Thomas Thorne is a sucker for beautiful eyes and a few other things he’s far too gentlemanly to mention.
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vivaciouslady · 3 years
thank you to my dear @marilyn-monroes-jeans for tagging me in this ❤️
• favorite genre: this is so difficult because i listen a a lot of different things but probably 1930s-1950s standards, golden age musicals, or just whatever taylor swift is currently doing
• favorite artist(s): julie andrews, john denver, taylor swift, ginger rogers, soccer mommy, one direction (i yearn for the good old days), tchaikovsky, debussy
• favorite song: once again i have a TON but my favorite songs of all time is probably Farewell Andromeda by John Denver (the live version from An Evening With John Denver) and You’ll Be Reminded of Me (from Vivacious Lady) by Ginger Rogers
• most listened to song recently: either August by Taylor Swift or Old Cape Cod by Patti Page (both have the best end of summer in new england energy)
• song stuck in your head currently: the theme from Come September (1961)
• five favorite lyrics (not in any particular order):
- “Welcome to my evening, the closing of the day. You know I can try a million times never find a better way to tell you that I love you and all the songs I play are to thank you for allowing me inside your lovely day” Farewell Andromeda by John Denver
- “my house of stone, your ivy grows, and now i’m covered in you” Ivy by Taylor Swift
- “and when your heart is broken in two you’ll be reminded of me and i’ll be laughing… you’ll be reminded of me” You’ll Be Reminded of Me by Ginger Rogers
- “It's a bite of the apple, the touch of your lips. I'm stuck in the bathroom and sick over it” Scorpio Rising by Soccer Mommy
- “Birds love and bees love and whispering trees love, and that's what we both should do” He Loves and She Loves from Funny Face (1957), the original and the Julie Andrews Cover
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
• favorite genre: classics and fantasy
• favorite book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen or Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
• favorite author: Jane Austen
• favorite book series: Nancy Drew (but if you want an answer that’s more of an actual contained series i’d have to say Throne of Glass by Sara J. Maas)
• comfort book: The Complete Brambly Hedge by Jill Barklem
• the perfect book to read on a rainy day: We We’re Liars by E. Lockhart, Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, or Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
• favorite book characters: Anne Shirley, Elizabeth Bennet, Fitzwilliam Darcy, and Nancy Drew
• five quotes from your favorite book(s) that you know by heart:
- “That fool of a fairy Lucinda did not intend to lay a curse on me. She meant to bestow a gift. When I cried inconsolably through my first hour of life, my tears were her inspiration. Shaking her head sympathetically at Mother, the fairy touched my nose. ‘My gift is obedience. Ella will always be obedient. Now stop crying, child.’ I stopped.” Ella Enchanted
- “In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” Pride and Prejudice
- “You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged; but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever.” Pride and Prejudice
- “He loved me. He'd loved me as long as he he'd known me! I hadn't loved him as long perhaps, but now I loved him equally well, or better. I loved his laugh, his handwriting, his steady gaze, his honorableness, his freckles, his appreciation of my jokes, his hands, his determination that I should know the worst of him. And, most of all, shameful though it might be, I loved his love for me.” Ella Enchanted
- “There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.” Pride and Prejudice
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in the nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
• favorite genre: for films it has to be rom-coms or just anything old hollywood in general (i know that’s not a genre) and for TV i like dramas and comedies
• favorite movie(s): Vivacious Lady (1938), The Sound of Music (1964), Stage Door (1937), and The Dream Lady (1918)
• comfort movie(s): (I have so many i’m sorry this isn’t even all of them) Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging (2008), Ever After (1998), BBC’s Pride and Prejudice (1995, yes I know this is a miniseries), Funny Face (1957), Summer Magic (1963), The Parent Trap (1961), The Philadelphia Story (1940), Curly Top (1935), The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004), Come September (1961), Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948), Cinderella (1997), Sense and Sensibility (1995), The Last Jedi (2017), and all my favs
• movies you watch every year: White Christmas (1954), Auntie Mame (1958), Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954), Legally Blonde (2001), and literally all of my comfort movies (if i’m being honest all of these are comfort movies as well i’m a mess)
• favorite tv shows: Derry Girls, Downton Abbey, New Girl, The Julie Andrews Hour, Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl (original), The X-Files, Criminal Minds, Sex Education, M*A*S*H, and The Haunting of Bly Manor
• most rewatched tv show: I think Derry Girls and Gossip Girl are probably tied for this one
• ultimate otp: oh my god obviously jamie and dani 🥺 (but also mary/matthew and mulder/scully my loves) EDIT: HOW DID I FORGET JEAN MAITLAND AND TERRY RANDALL OH MY GOD I WAS ONLY THINKING ABOUR TV BUT THEY ARE MY OTP
• five favorite characters:
from tv shows - Mary Crawley, Dana Scully, Fox Mulder, James Maguire, Orla McCool
from movies - Francey Brent/Morgan, Danielle De Barbarac, Maria von Trapp, Mame Dennis, Mia Thermopolis
bonus: Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy from the 1995 adaptation because it’s technically not a movie or tv show it’s a miniseries
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
oh wow okay that was so long!! i’m (no pressure) tagging: @retrodame @johnsonshildy @norashelley @chantalstacys @glamourofyesteryear @lickingyellowpaint <3 (sorry if you have already done this tag)
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feeling-weirdy · 4 years
“I always thought Mr Darcy was overrated” for the quotes? (Obvs don’t worry about doing this immediately, finish all your other prompts first! I just can’t get the notion of Wanda and Vision as an Austen-like romance out of my mind 🤣) and thx for all your prompts, your writing is awesome 🥰☺️
With a loud groan, Wanda threw herself on the couch beside him. Laying her head against his thigh, Vision smiled down at her as she found a comfortable position.
"My everything hurts," she whined. A soft smile appeared on his face, running his hand slowly through her hair.  Holding his book back up to his face, he continued reading as they stayed in this position for several minutes.  She hummed softly in approval of his soft motions.
Her training had become more rigorous than she had expected. The other new members of the Avengers had moved on, already proving to be valuable members of the team.  Natasha felt that Wanda needed extra training with how uncontrollable and unruly her powers seemed to be.  Vision quite agreed with this idea.  Despite how in control Wanda appeared on a regular basis, it had been a far different affair in the heat of battle.
She had to be ready.  Far more so than she was at this very moment.
"What are you reading?”  Wanda’s peered up at him from the corner of her eyes, a soft yet exhausted smile gracing her delicate face. 
“The book you suggested.”  Vision closed the book, showing her the cover.  He had been close to finishing it, having no trouble with how long he found it to be.  “Pride and Prejudice.”  Wanda had confided in him how important the Jane Austin books had been to her and ever since that night he had looked forward to reading them.
“And?”  Wanda turned so that she was laying on her back, clearly interested in his reaction and thoughts.  
“It’s...quite different than I expected based on the title.”
“It’s quite the love story,” she sighed.  Reaching to the book, her fingers traced along the ornate design of the outside cover.  Clearly this book had been beloved by more than just Wanda herself as he had been told it was a classic, released many times over.  Vision’s eyes scanned her face, continuing to run his fingers along her forehead and hair.
“Indeed.  It’s fascinating.  I find myself drawn to this Mr. Darcy character...almost as if I can understand him on some level.”  The desperation that Darcy felt was mirroring his own heart.  A need to be understood and express himself in a way that would be reciprocated.  A pure, unfiltered love that was no longer able to be caged despite his every attempt.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.  It only gets better the more you read so don’t stop.”  Wanda pushed herself to her feet, stretching out her arms and rolling her head from side to side.  “I should probably get changed...”
Wanda started across the living room, causing his heart to jump in his throat.  His circuits tangled, chest feeling heavy, unable to keep himself at bay any longer.  He had to tell her.  These sweet moments of trust they built up together over the past few months were more precious to him than she could possibly understand.  While his feelings felt as if they were overflowing, words repeatedly failed him.  The beautiful confession he had read earlier seemed more perfect than anything he could come up with.
"’In vain I have struggled.’”  Vision stood, the words jumping out of his mouth without warning.  She stopped, turning back to him with wide, confused eyes.  “’It will no longer do.  My emotions will not be repressed.  You need to permit me to inform you the way ardently I appreciate and love you’," he quoted Mr. Darcy’s confession, hoping the true meaning would shine through his awkward demeanor.  Vision moved toward her, gently taking hold of her small hand as he desperately tried to convey these unusual emotions boiling within him.  “My apologies.  It seems my own words have once again fallen short.”
She was quiet for a moment, her mouth hung agape.  After a moment, the corners of her mouth twisted with a small chuckle.  "I always thought Mr. Darcy was overrated."
"And yet it was still your favorite."  Vision’s head fell to the side, a knowing glint in his eye.
"Touché…"  She responded softly, her gaze falling to their joined hands.  
“I...My feelings for you are quite the same however," he continued. "I find it difficult to fully express these emotions, but I do feel them.  Unable to escape and with nowhere to go.”  Vision cupped one side of her face with his hand, forcing her to look back at him while staring deep into her eyes.  “I don’t know if my feelings are to be returned, but I felt you must know.”
“Vis, I...I don't know what to say.”  Wanda obviously struggled with her own words, her fingers playing with his as she searched for her answer.  “I'm just...not sure. So much has happened to me since I arrived.  Spending time with you has been everything to me and I just...I need to think...”  She shook her head, face contorting at her endeavor.  “I-I-”
“There’s no rush for an answer.”  He stopped her, squeezing her hand one last time before letting go completely.  “Take all the time you require.  I’ll be here.”
He could feel Wanda’s bright eyes looking straight through him.  His chest tightened at the weird response he had received.  Through all the confessions he had seen or read about in his deep exploration into humanity, he could not recall it ever going quite like this.  Regardless, he knew what he must do.  Despite his need to know her reply, she needed time and that was exactly what he was going to give her.
“Soon, okay?  I just need time to...figure things out.”  Wanda smiled up at him, her brightness filling the room.  
“Of course.”  Vision ran his thumb over her cheek, a soft smile gracing his lips as he watched her turn back towards her bedroom.  She paused before entering, glancing back at him one last time as she gripped her door frame.
"So...you love me, huh?”  
"Most ardently,"  Vision nodded.  Watching her disappear into her room and shut the door, their eyes stayed connected until they no longer could.  The grin that danced along her face would be ingrained in his mind forever.  He would get his answer soon...or perhaps he just did.
Check out my other drabbles here or feel free to request some!
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karakozakov · 4 years
Fic Rec Pt.2
Here’s more fanfics to make your weekend!!!
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
Pokemon Stars by Sleepy_Dormouse
Relationships: Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Amanai Kanoka/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou
Language: English | Words: 316,468 | Chapters: 88/100 | Warning: Work in progress
With fierce battles and aggressive trainers how will timid Yamaguchi Tadashi find his place in the Pokemon world. Traveling beside his best friend, Tsukishima Kei, hopefully he will find his calling and prove to himself and the world that he is more than just a shy boy from Poni Island. 
This Insignificant Pride and Prejudice by Mysecretfanmoments, Pouler (poulerslashes)
Relationship: Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Language: English | Words: 33,656 | Chapters: 3/3 
Oikawa Tooru graduated high school with the burning desire to succeed in his college career. He'd hoped that might include taking down his arch-nemesis along the way, but when he finds that his college team hosts an offensively familiar face, he can't help but think that the universe might be conspiring against him. After all, what could be worse than playing on the same team as Ushijima?
i'll fall with gravity by ebenroot
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Language: English Words: 146,920 Chapters: 14/14
'Iwaizumi finds a lacy pair of panties hanging on the banister when he enters the foyer with coffee, donuts, and files balancing on his forearms. He prays to God that it isn’t his boss’s.'
Iwaizumi Hajime's official title is 'Assistant to Oikawa Tooru, CEO and Founder of Aoba Johsai Enterprises'. It is not 'Supersuit Tester/Friendly Ear to Stressed Scientists/Babysitter of a Nineteen-Year Old Wall Crawler/Sugawara Koushi's Eyes and Ears/Official Merc Bouncer/Unwilling Person that Stumbles Upon a Plot involving Enhanced Children'. Really, he deserves a pay raise.
i don't like darkness by avenqelic
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Language: English | Words: 11,064 | Chapters: 7/7
It couldn’t be real. Everyone had heard of Oikawa Tooru, the legendary prodigy who had gone missing with the rest of the crew from the Seijoh ten years ago. They were out on a four-year mission, with the last transmission halfway through saying they were on their way home.
After that, nothing.
Oikawa Tooru is lost in space. Iwaizumi Hajime tries to bring him home.
cross my heart and hope to die by TripsH
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Language: English | Words: 58,331 | Chapters: 1/1
This summer was their last chance, their final stand—kill or be killed, destroy or be destroyed. Failure wasn’t an option. Not for them.
Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime had crossed their hearts over a promise written in blood and punctuated with the utter decimation of a life they had once known, had thrown themselves into a new life where death was a commonality, survival a privilege. But they had only their goal in mind, only thought of the promises that drove them forward: to fight, to survive, to beat Shiratorizawa and pay them back for all that had been forcibly ripped from them. To win.
No matter what it took, they would.
i'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you by baekuugo (insxouts)
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Language: English | Words: 22,504 | Chapters: 8/8 | Warning: Mature
Iwaizumi Hajime is a single father trying to raise a teenager (or three) on his own. He thinks he does pretty okay and things are going great until he meets the Oikawa Tooru (who isn't as great as people think he is, if you ask Iwaizumi) and his life takes a turn for the best worst.
it's tradition. by hicsvntdracones
Relationships: Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei, Kindaichi Yuutarou/Kunimi Akira
Language: English | Words: 5,577 | Chapters: 1/1
It's tradition, it's tradition, they all say as they gather up the second and first years. The second years have a look of hard determination, while the first years are simply confused. Oikawa claps his hands together.
"Let's begin this year's annual training camp truth or dare!"
Kunimi tries to run.
A Place to Call Home by the_madame21
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Terushima Yuuji/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Language: English | Words: 191,554 | Chapters: 44/44 | Warning: Explicit
Oikawa Tooru doesn't need an alpha. He's doing fine all on his own. And the past four years of being a single mother have proven that this is exactly what he wanted from life.
Of course, life has a way of not always going as planned.
the slow descent by pennyofthewild
Relationship: Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Language: English | Words: 7,127 | Chapters: 2/2
On the first day of university volleyball practice, Oikawa Tooru walks into the gymnasium, sees Ushijima Wakatoshi standing in the middle of the court, immediately turns on his heel and walks back out.
If you can't beat them, join them.
only for the weekend by project_ecto
Relationship: Oikawa Tooru/Iwaizumi Hajime
Language: English | Words: 33,958 | Chapters: 5/5
RENT-A-BAE FOR THE NEW YEAR’S Single and tired of your family and relatives asking when you’re gonna get a boyfriend? Shut them up with your very own fake bf – Iwaizumi Hajime (20 years old, 179cm, great arms)! New year’s packages available!
Platinum - stay all night - matching outfits - small talk - some physical display of affection - cute story about how you met - help with dishes after dinner - details about post-graduation plans - a kiss
CALL 03-0401-1020 FOR A QUOTE!
Complete with a cropped picture of himself stuck on the right side of the godforsaken flyer, typed out in fucking Comic Sans, Iwaizumi was dangerously close to socking whoever thought it was funny to advertise him as a rentable boyfriend.
or, what was a harmless prank somehow lands Iwaizumi with a fake boyfriend for the new year’s.
Open Tab by Mooifyourecows
Relationships: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou
Language: English | Words: 540,908 | Chapters: 56/? | Warning: Work in progress
To: Shimi hey, quick question, do you think I might be gay? From: Shimi Sawamura's thighs? To: Shimi oh wtf From: Shimi Am I wrong?
All Sugawara wants is a little inspiration. All Daichi wants is for his regulars to finally pay off their tab. All everyone else wants is to drink good liquor and watch as their best friends struggle.
The Haunting of Oikawa Tooru by Esselle
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Language: English | Words: 5,685 | Chapters: 2/2
This is not how Tooru wanted to spend his day. It's not his fault he's so in tune with the spirits. He didn't ask to have his house haunted—he’s not even getting paid for this.
But unfortunately, they won't go away until he figures out how to help them be at peace.
"Okay," Tooru says, "so Chibi-chan, you foolishly summoned Tobio-chan's restless spirit, and he's still too clueless to figure out how to move on, hmm?"
Tooru prefers not meddling in the affairs of the dead. Sometimes, however, their spirits don't give him that option.
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roselightfairy · 4 years
Fic Recs: L/G and Thranduil
@enide-s-dear and @katajainen both requested this list – something with Thranduil not being, to quote Enide, “a huge racist bitch.” I tend to seek out good-Thranduil fics when I can, so I’m happy to compile this list! Again, obligatory reminder that this list is not exhaustive and only the fics that I can think of in the time of compilation: I know there is other great stuff out there!
A matter of pride by Enide_Dear
Summary: Gimli gets abducted by bandits when visiting Mirkwood. Thranduil does not take lightly on the hospitality and protection of his kingdom getting violated. That is all the lies behind his slight overreactions.
My favorite Thranduil-Gimli relationship dynamic, without question, is when they both cling to the pretense of disliking each other but secretly everyone knows they actually like each other a lot, and this fic delivers. I have a known soft spot for damsel!Gimli and berserker!Legolas, which both play in this story, but Thranduil is the real star, and I love him dearly.
I Walked With You (Once Upon A Dream) by The_Dwelf
Summary: Kori is just a regular Dwarf, except, he isn't. He is Gimli's reicarnation, he has been dreaming of his past life since he was a child, and now that he's old enough to leave Erebor, he's certain of his condition. With unexpected help from a very shocked Elvenking, he will find a way to rejoin Legolas, at any costs. Angst, fluff, porn and (spoiler?) a happy ending.
I’m recommending this fic for so much more than just the reclist prompt – it’s a wonderful reincarnation AU complete with fluff, angst, delicious hurt/comfort, and just a little smut, for spice. But Thranduil is amazing – and in fact the driver of the plot here, the one trying his hardest to reunite the two lovers – no matter what he has to do in the process.
Northern Babylon by icarus_chained
Summary: After four years fighting the war in the south, Gimli and Legolas have come back to their home city of New Rhovanion changed, and perhaps for the better. Gimli tries to make Elven Councillor Thranduil understand this, and understand that maybe there's hope for more than just Gimli and Legolas as well.
So I love this fic for the combination steampunk/solarpunk setting (I might be wrong about those things; I don’t really know aesthetics) and the AU just a tilt off from canon but still following the same general trajectory – the worldbuilding is amazing and I wish there were 100k of it. But this fic as it is is amazing – a serious, hopeful, painful conversation between Gimli and Thranduil in which Thranduil’s history and trauma is palpable to the reader even if we don’t know much about how it would have played out in this story. And a conversation in which they come around to grudging respect for one another.
Summary: As close as the elf and dwarf have become, Legolas always seems to keep his secrets. A dangerous encounter while traveling in Mirkwood gives Gimli a chance to have his questions answered... if he wants to.
This is one of my favorite specific tropes - Legolas and Gimli are returning to someone’s home, and one of them is injured. This time it’s Legolas in Mirkwood, and the process of healing leads to some...revelations. Of a sexual nature. Read for a particular characterization of Legolas and a Thranduil who doesn’t quite get his son but cares nonetheless, and thinks Gimli is good for him. :) Do mind the tags, though; the consent is . . . it doesn’t cross the line to dubcon for me, but it isn’t perfectly straightforward, either.
Precious Childhood Memories by Enide_Dear
Summary: Thranduil and Glóin find they have certains things in common, such as an appreciation for fine gems, fine drink and the finely tuned fatherly mortification of their offspring
This fic. This! Fic! I couldn’t decide whether to put it on the funny list, the Thranduil list, or the meet-the-family list, but I finally decided on this one just because – way to smash the trope of Thranduil and Glóin making the single exception to elf- or dwarf-hatred and instead let them bond over their sons’ misery. It will have you howling.
Love and Fear by ginogollum, starlightwalking
Summary: Legolas rescued Gimli from an orc attack years before they were officially introduced. Gimli remembers every moment of their first meeting. Legolas...doesn't.
This is not really about Thranduil, per se – it’s more about a delightful reimagining of Legolas and Gimli and the situations in which they might have seen one another before the Quest – and about the delightful sweetness and powerful emotion of them coming to know and to love one another for real. But Thranduil makes an appearance here and there, as a cordial enough king and a deeply loving father, which is my favorite way to have him. <3
Father, Captain, and King by Thundera Tiger
Summary: Thranduil fills many roles, but one summer night, he finds himself assuming the role he loves best and gets least. Written for father's day, here's a quick look at the relationship between Mirkwood's greatest king and its most famous prince.
So this isn’t Legolas/Gimli. In fact, Gimli doesn’t appear at all – and thus this fic doesn’t really deal with Thranduil’s prejudices, or lack thereof. But I had to include it because it’s one of my favorite Legolas-and-Thranduil fics out there – a really deep, complicated exploration of what living in an ongoing siege does by necessity to relationships, and the ways that love and care persist through these struggles – even if they do have to grow a little twisted. I recommend all of Thundera Tiger’s fic, but any pre-series Mirkwood fic deals with this same thing in such loving nuance.
If you liked any of these fics, please let the author know with a comment if you have capacity! Also, I encourage you to reblog this list so that we can spread the good word. :)
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
Hayloft- Ezra x Reader P.4
AN: Part 4 is here!! This week has been hectic, again, so I am sorry that the headcannons never got published, but they will at some point! Anyway I hope you enjoy!!
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: AFAB reader, descriptions of depression, mentions of death, ATTEMPTED ASSAULT, slight nudity, cleaning (bc cleaning sucks)
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The days and weeks following the night in the spare bedroom of the house just passed in a numb blur. Everything had happened that night so quickly that I hadn’t really processed what all had actually gone down in that tiny room until about days later. The first three days I couldn’t tell you anything that had happened, I had purely just been moving on auto-pilot stuck in my head; one thing that I could tell you though is that I didn’t once step out of the house, and barely left my room. My father refused to look at me for at least a week, let alone talk to me in any way. Mealtimes were tense and full of food that just didn’t carry any flavor any more. A few times Anthony had tried to talk to me, but for every word, he said I could only see his mouth moving and for every glance, I gave him only made me see and think of Joshua. Anthony for all his faults knew that I was suffering and he was trying to bring me back from the numb state that I seemed to be stuck in. He started making small comments about something Ezra had said to him during the day’s work after offering to help with the dishes or he would occasionally walk into the house for glasses of water for him, dad, and Ezra and would motion out the window where I would find Ezra himself standing just far enough away that he could meet my eyes and give me a small smile. Anthony even allowed me to make the plates that he took out to the barn for Ezra, and upon returning with the empty plate he would quote Ezra’s praise for the food with an eye roll, trying to act like he didn’t care or was annoyed; he always failed. Though, because he never failed to bring a small smile to my face, which in turn caused him to smile, and for a moment things would feel ok, but it never lasted long.
After that first week of being away from Ezra, I couldn’t take it anymore and I snuck into the spare room and sat on the cot he had been using, my legs crossed and my hands in my lap picking at the skin surrounding my nails. As I sat there I took in the room before me, I couldn’t stop the tears that fell down my cheeks in what seemed to be an endless river. Nothing in the room was out of place, everything where it had originally been placed, and all the cots were made. The room looked as if Ezra had not even been here and that only served to make me cry harder, but as I looked down and moved one of my hands to muffle a sob I noticed something small on the floor that was out of place and didn’t belong. Standing up slowly, I wrapped my arms around my middle as I slowly made my way over to the small sprig that laid on the floor. As I knelt to pick it up I knew instantly that it was part of the handful of flowers that Ezra had pressed into the pages of my copy of Pride and Prejudice. The flowers’ small puffy round white and purple petals still as vibrant and fragrant as the day they had fallen into my lap. 
Feeling my legs start to get wobbly from the emotions the small flowers had pushed over me, I clutched the small branch of dried petals and walked back to Ezra’s old cot, this time laying down with the tears freely flowing down my cheeks. Curling into myself, I held the fragile flowers perhaps too roughly to my chest, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. 
Eventually, my crying slowed to a stop. Exhausted I couldn’t bring myself to move, more than to pull the blanket over me and bury my head in a pillow that still faintly smelled like Ezra. That night I fell asleep on the small uncomfortable cot still clutching the flowers to my chest and wishing that Ezra’s scent that still clung to the blanket and pillow was stronger, or that the man himself was there to hold me and whisper into my ear lovingly in his sweet lilting accent. 
As I slept, for the first time in the week I had not been near the man my heart longed for, I was able to actually sleep peacefully, without waking several times aching for the man I couldn’t reach.
After that first night that I had fallen asleep in the spare room on Ezra’s old cot, I couldn’t help myself but continue to sneak into the room every few days, each time falling asleep on the same cot. The pillow and blanket had lost Ezra’s scent after a couple of weeks of me sleeping there, instead taking on my own scent. Even though all traces of him were missing from the room, I couldn’t help but to continue to sneak into the room. 
After his scent had faded from the blanket, I found myself wrapping myself in the blanket anyway and looking out the window he had often looked out of. Instead of looking to the stars as he often had done, I watched the barn, or more specifically the hayloft where I knew he to be resting. Each night I watched and I not once seen so much as a flicker of movement or light, but the thought that he was close by brought me a little comfort, even if it was shortly washed away by the melancholy of the knowledge that I could not go to him. I found myself, as I watched the hayloft for any sign of Ezra, nervously chewing on my bottom lip to the point that  I tasted the coppery coiling taste of my own blood on my tongue.
My father’s plan of keeping me just doing housework and my weekly Saturday town visits didn’t last very long. In fact, it only lasted roughly three weeks before he needed the extra set of hands, and much to his dismay he allowed me out of the house. He still found ways to keep Ezra and I from crossing paths as we worked, always sending one of us to do work away from the other, and always trying to keep me working within eyesight of himself. 
Being outside again felt lovely. I hadn’t realized just how much I missed doing work in the field until I had stopped completely. And even though I wasn’t out in the field with Anthony, my father, and Ezra often, I still enjoyed when it was necessary, because it meant that I was closer to Ezra again after weeks apart. It seemed as if things had completely restarted to the way they were going before I left the note for Ezra to find that first night. Though things seemed to have progressed even further back than that, at least before there had been small talk and small touches. Now we were only able to share short meaningful glances at the other, and only heard the other’s voice as we spoke to anyone but each other. At this point, I ached to be held by Ezra and feel his calloused fingers tracing my arm again, and from the glances, he sent my way I could only imagine he felt similar, though neither one of us seemed ready to make any moves that might cause us to be separated completely again.  
Roughly two months out from harvest time, my father decided that we needed another pair of hands since he had limited my work. As a solution, he had gone to Mrs. Robertson and asked to borrow her eldest son, Tucker, the son she and my father had been trying to set up with me for the last year and a half with no success. Tucker was a hard worker and was a nice enough guy, but he had a tendency to make me uncomfortable and he always was trying different ways to get the two of us alone. My father and Mrs. Robertson seemed to both believe that Tucker was just taken with me, but I wasn’t convinced from the interactions we had had. 
The first few days of Tucker being on the farm were calm and moved slowly. When working together with him I always kept up my guard and only spoke with him when necessary and keeping my words short and to the point. Tucker stayed civil and for once didn’t seem to be pushing to get me alone, and I thought that he was finally starting to realize that I wasn’t interested in him. As my guard started to come down, I started to notice that Ezra tended to glance in my direction more now that Tucker was there, almost like he was checking on me, scared that when he wasn’t watching Tucker would take me away. Each time I caught Ezra’s eyes as he looked over at me I started to send him small smiles that I could only hope to express my love for him and not Tucker. 
Things were slow and anticlimatic the first week with Tucker, even with Ezra’s tense glances in my direction every time I had to work with him. As the next week rolled around things started much the same as the previous week. But, as seemed to be the new pattern in my life, as I was finally getting back into the groove of things, even without Ezra’s closeness, things went downhill, and quickly.
It was halfway through the week and not much needed to be done with the harvest, so my father had sent me to the barn to do some light cleaning and sorting. The barn, which hadn’t really been cleaned in over a year, needed more than the light cleaning that he had told me to do which caused me to sigh loudly, but there was nothing to do but this so I just got to work. We had never really had animals on our farm besides a clutch of chickens at one point so there weren’t any animals to clean up after, only old tools that need to be cleaned and sorted. I had decided early into the process to start at the back of the barn and make my way to the front as I worked. If I did things right, cleaning the barn would take all day to finish, but I wasn’t going to complain if it meant that I could work alone, away from Tucker and my father, for the first time in days. 
Moving quickly, I was almost halfway through the sorting through the tools scattered around the barn when I heard footsteps outside of the entrance to the barn. I didn’t pay much attention to them, figuring my father had sent Anthony for water for the four of them working in the field. Humming I bent over to pick up a wrench to throw into the toolbox a few feet away, I felt someone grab me from behind. I could only gasp in surprise as I was pushed completely into the dirt floor of the barn, the wrench still in my hand, though it was ripped from my grasp before I could realize what was happening. Shortly after I heard the wrench being thrown away from my reach, I felt someone’s breath on the back of my neck one of their hands held the back of my head, keeping my face in the dirt and the other gripping my waist harshly. As soon as I got over my initial surprise I started to try and fight back, squirming as much as I could in the person’s grasp only to have them lift my head up by my hair and then slam it into the dirt hard enough for me to see stars, but not enough to really hurt me or knock me unconscious. After the person slammed my head down the finally spoke up, though it was hardly above a whisper as they breathed out my name into my ear, “Hush now, we don’t want dear old daddy to come running and find you like this now do we?”
As the person spoke I couldn’t do anything but whimper and close my hands into fists as I realized just who had me pinned. Tucker. I couldn’t say I was surprised by any means, but that didn’t change the fact that I was scared out of my mind, and mentally berating myself for letting my guard down enough that he was able to pin me down before I could so much as react. He whispered my name into my ear again before pulling back and speaking a little louder, “Now this is how this is gonna go sweet cheeks. I have been trying to get you alone for what feels like an eternity, but you have always managed to escape me every time, but not this time. No, this time I have you, and you’re going to do everything I say. Now first things first I want you to flip over and take that shirt you’re wearing off, and then we’ll work on getting that fabric off your pretty little bottom.”
As he spoke Tucker flipped me over so that I could see his sick smirk and lustful eyes looking down at me. Disgusted, I went to reach up and claw at his face with my nails, but it was like he had expected it so before my hands had come anywhere near him, he used the hand that wasn’t clutching the bottom of my shirt to smack me across the cheek, hard enough that it sure was going to leave a mark and the sound had echoed around the barn. I felt tears start to stream down my face as he ripped off my shirt far from gently before one of his hands moved to pin both of my hands above my head and the other moved to grope my breast roughly over my bra. Crying now to the point that I was hiccupping and sobbing, he moved his hand down towards my bottoms before harshly whispering, “If you don’t shut that pretty little mouth up, I’ll do it for you, now stop it.”
I felt helpless as I tried to struggle against him and get free, or at least stop his assault, but that only caused him to grip my wrists tighter to the point where his nails were digging into my skin, which caused me to whimper loudly and ask him to stop through choke out sobs. As I got louder he quickly moved his hand from my waistband to clutch harshly at my neck, “I said be quiet you little fucking slut.”
Gasping harshly for air, I noticed a shadow quietly approaching where I had been pinned to the floor, and right as I felt that I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen I felt Tucker being dragged off of me. At that point, I didn’t care who my rescuer was, as I rolled onto my side and gasped for air as spots danced in my eyes and my ears were ringing. It took me a few seconds but I was able to regain my breath and glance over to where the person who had saved me had pinned Tucker to the floor of the barn and was from the looks of it beating him to a pulp. Once my hearing came back I was also able to make out low mutterings and curses every few words. As I crawled closer I started to recognize the man, whose back was to me. 
I watched stunned for a few seconds, tears still falling down my cheeks, as Ezra’s arm kept swing at Tucker’s face, even after he had gone limp. After shaking off the shock I finally crawled over close enough that I could place my hand on Ezra’s shoulder and hoarsely whispered, “Ez, please stop, you’re going to kill him...”
Ezra, for all the brutality, that he had just shown, turned his head gently and looked into my eyes softly as he touched his forehead to mine, even as he still knelt of Tucker’s unconscious body, “My beautiful sweet flower, he deserves to be taken away from this mortal realm if he thought for even a second to harm your graceful beauty if he thought that he could touch you even as you cried and struggled against him. No, my precious flower, he needs to pay.”
Ezra after saying those words went to turn back to Tucker, but I placed my hand on his cheek before his head could even more away from mine and whispered out his name softly as new tears sprung to my eyes, “Please...don’t do this, just….just…”
“Just what flower? Ask and I will do it for you. Anything for you,” Ezra’s eyes met mine with a new intensity as he spoke. Fully crying now and not trusting my voice I just wrapped my arms around him and pulled him away from Tucker to the corner of the barn a few feet away. Ezra, the smart man that he is, instantly picked up on what I wanted, and even though he still seemed to be thrumming with anger and adrenalin, he pulled me the rest of the way into the corner where he allowed me to curl up into his lap as he stroked my hair with his bloody hand and whispered loving to me. We sat there like that for a few minutes before I finally calmed down and looked up at him. It was obvious now that as Ezra had been in a blind rage Tucker had managed to fight back, at least a little, as a purple bruise was starting to form on the underside of his chin, and his shirt was torn in some places. Softly brushing my fingers over the new bruise I followed it with a kiss and a watery smile as I whispered, “I never thought I would have my own knight in shining armor…”
Laughing soft Ezra shook his head and placed his forehead against mine once again, “Oh flower, I am anything but a knight in shining armor. I am far from the virtuous men who did nothing but good for the ones they loved and their kings. While they had a code and rules they still followed, I would throw every last one of my morals, or what is left of them, if it meant that you were safe and unharmed. I am sorry delicate flower that I was not here to stop him sooner….”
(As always thank you for reading, and any and all likes, reblogs, and comments are really appreciated! If you would like to be added to the taglist let me know! If I have this planned correctly there will be two more parts, and possibly some short side stories I might add! Anyway have a lovely week end!)
Tags: @babybelou​ @farrvey​ @anatanotegami​ @revolution-starter​​ @cadelinhadopedropascal​​ @lucifurrr​ @coolfishoperatoreagle​
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malethirsty · 4 years
Beach Body Ready - Kevin Owens (Body Worship) / Kinktober 2020
Summary: When Lana accosts your boyfriend Kevin about his weight, you set about to make it right, in ring and out of the ring. 
Warnings: Smut M/M (21+), Bareback (Wrap Before You Tap!), Exhibitionist, Fatshaming, Homophobia, Daddy Kink
Inspired by: https://twitter.com/MaleThirst/status/1211597784073113602 & a request on AO3 from Cam.
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A nude beach. You had moved in with your boyfriend Kevin Owens next to a nude beach! After seeing a massive load of people heading down to the beach the morning after you’d moved in, you of course went down the road to find out what all the ruckus was about, soon coming upon a vacated changing room, with it connecting to the beach, filled with individuals frolicking around naked. For someone whom hadn’t had their first time yet, seeing nude bodies not only there but appearing in your window after that every morning, afternoon and evening, with everything all exposed was quite daunting. It wasn’t that you were prudish, far from it. You were waiting for the right time with Kevin, and you didn’t want the beach getting to him and arousing him, so that if you didn’t fuck him, he’d go out and fuck someone else. Thankfully Kevin was the gentleman you first knew when your friend Sami had introduced you both, and nothing between you was ever spoke of the beach… Until this evening.
You’d shown up to RAW to support Kevin as he had a match on tonight, so following hyping him up in his dressing room, he made his way up to the ring, and you stayed behind in gorilla, watching on the monitors. Whilst watching Kevin hype up, Bobby & Lana passed by to make their way to the ring, which wasn’t unusual given the two were together, what was unusual was Lana giving you a skank look on her face, like she smelt shit or something. Bobby stayed at the entrance whilst she made her way out to promo for him, you had groaned and turned away from the screen to block her out as she’d become so agitating as of late, but the moment she had referred to Kevin as a quote ‘Pizza eating, basic, basic, man, who couldn’t get with a woman, so ended up with a pathetic fag’ that your button was not only pushed by the Russian wrestler, but SLAMMED down. Kevin was equally as angered on screen and made his way forwards aggressively, but at that moment, Bobby’s music sounded, sending him back toward the ring, you however were not so sated. Alongside your insecurities with sex, Kevin also carried a level of baggage with him as well was the perception of disapproving passers by, like how some gaze at you both hand in hand walking down a street (sometimes even coupled with a homophobic shot under their breath), the way some who’d flirted with you in public couldn’t believe you were wasting your time dating Kevin, or some who went into the comment sections of various websites and commented various things about Kevin’s weight and your relationship. Whilst you were often quick to anger, Kevin had a built up verbal strength he had attained through years of wrestling work, and would often deal away with detractors, but you knew it had to affect him as much as you, a badass he might be, but badasses have hearts as well. 
The thought of Kevin being broken alongside you, being paired with Lana’s venom swirling around however had pushed you over the edge. Lana had life so easy, people weren’t going to be racist on the street for fear of being knocked out, online commenters probably slid into her DMs, hoping her jungle fever would benefit them ‘Maybe she would understand if she pulled her head out of her ass’ you thought bitterly, she more than anyone should know about prejudice, but clearly not. You would have quite liked to have rushed Bobby in that moment and show Lana her man wasn’t all that, but he was bigger than you and would likely knock you into next week, so you tried to calm your breathing and instead focused your energy on the screens. This worked for a while but soon got ruined, as the camera crew, for reasons best known to them, continued to cut to Lana standing on the stage, shouting random things, clearly trying to coax Bobby to a victory. Having had about enough of her antics, an idea hit you, one where you could get her back while helping Kevin get one over on Lashley, so you made your way out of gorilla and down the hallway, soon spotting whom you were looking for. You made your way towards Asuka who was sitting alongside Kairi atop some boxes, titles on their shoulder as they strategised in Japanese on how to outsmart their weekly opponents. You got behind Asuka and tapped her on her shoulder to gain her attention, she quickly turned and the humorous look she had on her face soon vanished, you must have looked in a really angry mood “Hey Asuka, mind if I have one of your Green Mist pills? It’s for Lana.” You said rather pointedly gesticulating to the screen where Lana was now grabbing rolls of her skin with a gormless expression on her face. Everyone knew about you & Kevin’s relationship, knew how nice you were, and how nice you made Kevin when he was around you, so much so that it didn’t cross Asuka’s thoughts to disobey, she removed her title and rummaged in a bag on the back of it, pulling out one oval shaped pill, placing it into your hand “Pop it in now, it dissolves when you get to the stage, remember to spit clear into her face.” She advised, and thanking her for her advice, you popped the pill into your mouth, letting the liquidly wasabi concoction fill your mouth and made your way tight jawed to the stage. By this point, the gorilla was next to empty, most people casually waiting around, uninterested in the match going on. Pushing the curtains aside, you made your way out onto the stage amidst a ambivalent crowd whom were getting tired of the direction the match was taking, which soon turned to cheers as they realised that you had made your way out. Lana thankfully figured it was for her, and so continued to shout louder, not noticing you were right behind her. 
Adrenaline met blurriness in the next few moments as you grabbed Lana and spun her to you. Taking a deep breath, you spat forth the green mist into her face, landing a considerable lot in her eyes, causing her to shriek as the burn started to take affect. Looking up, you noticed Bobby had noticed and had furiously attempted to exit the ring, but Kevin had caught him with a roll up and hit the three count to pull off a victory to the cheering delight of the crowd. Kevin’s music filled the arena and you stood and watched with pride as Kevin roared his approval and soaked up the energy of the crowd, even pointing to you with a massive grin on his face. You exited shortly after, a rush of confidence from both the crowds response, your vengeance being sated and Kevin’s grin, completely bypassing the officials in the back with towels for Lana, whom surprisingly did not admonish you ‘Probably tired of Lana’s crap as well’ you thought, as you made your way to Kevin’s dressing room to wash the remaining mist from your face and rinse your mouth out. You’d only finished rinsing when the door opened and Kevin walked in “Hey Kevin” you said, in a cheery manner as if you hadn’t just ferociously sprayed wasabi chunks over Lana’s face and likely incurred the wrath of an angry Lashley, ‘The right move’ you thought as Kevin strode over to you and gave you a deep kiss “Hey Babe, thanks for what you did out there, I really needed a push and you spiked my adrenaline.” You suddenly felt bold and looked down at his shorts and responded “Not the only thing I’ve seemed to have spiked”. Kevin blushed bright red, the usually cocky wrestler at a loss for words, it was as if something had clicked, now was the time, but you wanted to do it on your own terms “Y/N. You sure you want to do this?” “Fuck yeah I’m sure.” You said boldly, launching yourself onto Kevin and kissing him again, this time wrapping your legs around his frame, holding yourself up, moaning into the kiss as Kevin grabbed your ass. You pouted as Kevin made to move you from him “Y/N, can we do this somewhere else? You’ve got Lashley on your tail, and if we do this here, they’ll probably catch us.” Nodding at his suggestion, you grabbed his hand and together made your way through the backstage area and across to your car, piling in and shutting the door.
No sooner had the doors been shut, Kevin’s lips were back on yours. “Come and ride me in this car” Kevin groaned out whilst cocking his fingers towards him in a ‘come here' but you shook your head “Not here, but I know a place, and tonight we need to go there.” Kevin sunk into his seat, whilst obviously upset that he didn’t get you to ride him in the car, he was still excited to see what you had planned, so you made your way to your intended destination, trying your best not to speed, but with a horny Kevin next to you, desperately wanting you, coupled with your own nerves about how the night would play out, it was difficult to adhere to the rules of the road. Somehow, someway, a while later, you stopped, it took Kevin one look out the window to notice where you were, as if the nudists walking across the road towards the beach was any indication “Y/N, you sure we can’t do it at home? I really don’t want to fuck you on the beach, I know everyone else there is naked, but it’s not a good idea when your me, everyone will stare and-.” You got out of the car and crossed over to Kevin’s side, opening the door and leaning on it to shield him from view of any passers by to not make him more uncomfortable “No Kevin, I’m not gonna fuck you on the beach, it’s close by, but not where anyone can see us, come on, follow me.” You extended your hand and after a few seconds of deliberation, grabbed your hand and pulled himself out “Lead the way baby.” He said, giving you a kiss to the cheek, and taking this as a sign of confidence, you led Kevin down the road. You passed a few people on their way to the beach, but rather than stopping and staring in a negative way, their eyes were alit, some looking at you and some looking longingly at Kevin, the idea of being adored by the beach patrons was exciting and also a good prelude to what you intended. 
You soon made your way with Kevin into the vacated changing rooms, and once he had made his way in, you shoved him against the door and kissed him feverishly “This is where I was thinking, no one comes in here and on top of that, you can make as much noise as you want and no one will notice, the walls are soundproof.” Clearly wanting to test this out, Kevin stretched your legs so they wrapped around his form again, covered your head and tossed you both against the wall, continuing the passionate kissing, only breaking it to remove your shirt and resuming as he tugged your pants off, leaving you bare for him. “Goddamn, you look fucking beautiful Y/N. I’m so damn lucky.” As he made to surge forwards, you gripped onto his shirt and tore it right down the middle, his torso now exposed “Same here, fuck you’re hot, knew you would be a fucking stud.” “That’s not how I pictured that shirt breaking but fuck I’ll take that over ripping it myself.” The self depreciating shot Kevin made caused you to remember in that moment why you’d picked the changing rooms, so you grabbed his hand and dragged him further in “Y/N, what the hell? I thought we were fucking there against the wall!” But you took no notice and finally got him where you wanted him, in front of the sinks, where a mirror stood overlooking them, encompassing a landscape view, you and Kevin clear as crystal in the reflection “Kevin, I know it’s my first time, but I want this to be about you as much as it’s about me. I know more than anyone that you have some level of insecurity about yourself, having been wrestling for years against hard asses, you’d have heard comments about yourself a lot, it’s why you grip my hand tight if someone gives us a look walking the street, why you’ll wear baggy clothes to bed, you didn’t want me to see you naked.” “Y/N, I wore them so you didn’t get the impression I was trying to rush you.” Kevin tried to wave away, but you knew he was trying to deflect cause you had worked out his intention with his choice of bed wear “Kevin. Fucking. Owens. I’m literally about to fuck your brains out and your trying to deflect shit, let me get this out please!” Kevin fell silent as you continued, “The point is, you have a heart and each shot at your weight stings it, well I’m gonna try and do my best to fix that tonight, as you fuck me, as much as you want to watch me fall apart on your cock, I want you to look into this mirror and appreciate the man staring back, the man who deserves everything in this world and more, cause that’s who you are Kevin Owens.” 
You finished your explanation, chest rising and falling, as if you’d been pent up trying to say this for a long time. Kevin also looked stunned “I don’t know what I did to deserve you Y/N, but I’m so fucking lucky I have you in my life.” You smiled back, he hadn’t rejected your offer of a sentimental fuck, so you could go ahead “It’s not luck Kevin, you are who you are, that’s why you got me, and I appreciate the gift I’ve gotten in you, from your sweet lips” You kissed him yet again, slipping in some tongue work before dragging your tongue down him “your facial hair” you flicked your tongue over his moustache in a teasing manner, causing his breath to catch, you dragged it down his beard “your pretty neck” you made sure to nip at him as you trailed your mouth down, leaving a hickey behind, 'those beautiful rosy nipples” you moved your hand to one whilst biting down on the other “Oh God!” Kevin groaned, throwing his head back at the treatment you were giving his sensitive buds 'your stomach” you mimicked the ministrations from his facial hair on his stomach, pressing your hand to the hot skin, Kevin’s heat radiating onto you. Anticipation was ripe in the air as you moved your hands down to each side of Kevin’s sports shorts, the moment stilling as excitement coursed through you, as you pulled his shorts down, his hard cock sprang up, catching you in the face, it was long but very thick, you knew it was going to be a task taking it all in, but you’d come this far, hadn’t you? “Your ass” you continued, one hand gripping onto his fat cheeks, "but the important things I’m focusing on this evening, are your balls” you licked a line right up them to the loud cries of the man above you, all leading up to “and your cock” tension finally tackled, you took his cock into your mouth.
Kevin’s hand flew to the wall to hold himself up as you began to suck his cock, first focusing on tracing his veins, before focusing on the head, giving it kitten licks, making his cock pulsate and drawing moans from Kevin “Oh fuck! Yeah, take it in your mouth, oh! So damn good” Drawing from the confidence Kevin was imbuing into you, you began to get sharper with your attention, now paying extra attention to his head and swiping your tongue across his slit, which proved too much for the wrestler, who gripped your head and started to push you along the length of his cock, causing you to make slobbering gaggy noises amidst his cries of utter pleasure “That’s right, take it, such a good fucking slut for me, Goddamn you know how to suck dick Y/N!” You lapped up the salty taste of his precum, looking up as you did so to see he was doing as you had asked him to do, he was staring at himself in the mirror, moaning as he admired the sight before him of you on your knees, sucking him off. Determined to not let him cum in your mouth, rather your ass, you moved your hands up to tug at his nipples causing him to divert his attention back down to you. You pulled off his cock and stared up at Kevin “Fuck me, please.” Kevin acknowledged your request “Spread out, hands on the sinks, ass facing me.” You obeyed, getting up and leaning down, letting Kevin get a good view of your asshole. Kevin hummed in appreciation, before placing his dick onto your ass crack “Gonna give you it slow alright. It’s not gonna be like how I finger you, it’ll be big, so relax as much as you can for me.” Taking his advice you drew steady breaths in and out of your nose, bracing yourself for the inevitable pain that would give it’s way through to utter pleasure.
Kevin pushed the tip of his cock in, and you gasped at how much it was different from how his fingers were, wider and thicker, it sent a burning sensation through you “Relax baby, it’s gonna be alright once I get it all in.” You listened to Kevin and relaxed your muscles as he pushed more and more of his length in, it was already a massive cock, so even as the burn ebbed away, you wondered how much more he had in him. Soon after this, Kevin let out a groan as he finally got all of his cock inside you, his balls resting comfortably on the bottom of your ass. “Fuck, you’re so damn tight.” Kevin moaned into your ear “I’m gonna have to make sure not to damage your walls cause fuck, I want you to grip my cock like this every single time!” As he nibbled on your ear, you smirked at his compliments, everything was working out, you needed only a couple of things left for him to do “Remember, eyes up and above all, move, fuck me already KO” That seemed to be the spark that ignited Kevin as he moved away from your ear and started to move, slowly at first, so you continued to get used to his massive length inside you “Fuck Y/N, you feel so good for me, clenching round my cock so good, you want me to go faster babe?” You nodded your head quickly, and suddenly felt his strong hand gripping your neck as he pulled out, aligning the crown of his dick with your asshole and began to thrust back in, his ass wobbling as he slapped back into you, moaning erupting from you as your walls stretched back around him and withdrew as began to fuck you roughly, more possessively. 
“Kevin, oh fuck yes! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!” You cried out, and Kevin did exactly as you asked him, going deeper and harder than he had done before, colliding full on with your prostate, making you cry out so loud, you were certain that if the walls were not soundproof, the entire nude beach would have heard by now. “Yeah, scream for me Y/N, tell me who owns this pretty ass I’m fucking with this big dick.” “You are Kevin, you are daddy!” Your face suddenly blanched, that was supposed to be private, something you only uttered when you stroked yourself in privacy “So I’m your daddy am I Y/N?” Kevin asked, stilling himself to stare down and ask you “I-I don’t know what came over me, I’m” the rest of your words were lost as Kevin pulled out and yanked you up so he was staring at you deep in the eyes “I know what came over you, you knew who owned you, body and soul, more importantly, who owned your ass. You knew who was giving it to you good, probably the best you’ll ever have, and you wanted to show appreciation to the man who was fucking you to heaven, so I’ll ask you Y/N, who’s your daddy?” You were quite shocked at his words that you stood stunned for a moment, it was only when Kevin said “Tell me, if you don’t this stops right now, I won’t put my dick back in.” That you let your submission fall from your mouth “You’re my daddy Kevin, you know how to dick me down the right way.” “Good boy” Kevin responded back, before grabbing onto your neck and bringing your lips together for a searing kiss, slipping his tongue in for good measure, tangling it up with yours. You soon broke it to groan “Fuck Owens Fuck” cleverly twisting his tagline to fit your moment, Kevin smirked and chuckled at your wit “Get up onto the sinks then” he demanded, and you placed your hands up onto the bench and pulled yourself up. As soon as you finished that, Kevin grabbed onto your legs and pulled them to the sides to slide up into your ass again, both of you crying out in sheer satisfaction, cries of “Fuck Kevin!” And “Fuck Y/N!” Wrent the air as Kevin began to pound into you again “Oh yeah! You love daddy so much, fuck you’re so amazing!” He let out as he battered against your G-Spot. This time you were able to see how Kevin looked above you, so strong and yet so blissed out as he fucked into your tight ass, you also got to see him glance into the mirror as he admired himself. You smiled beneath him, you knew that the thought you gave into your first time payed off, that he was loving himself as he bucked into you.
“Kevin, Daddy, I’m so fucking close” you cried out after a while, as a familiar hot coil began to grow in your stomach, signifying you were ready to burst “Yeah, it that right?” Kevin grinned “YES!” You cried desperately, you couldn’t be held back, not tonight, and so when Kevin pulled out again, you whined in desperation, you wanted him inside you as he came, but your complaints were for nothing, as Kevin grabbed you and spun you round so now you could see yourself in the mirror as well, flushed red and utterly spent from how he had fucked you deep. You barely registered how you looked before Kevin slammed back in, hitting your prostate and making you cry out of a mixture of desperation and lust “I want you to look at how pretty you are while I make you come from my dick.” With each pound he gave to your ass, you saw his raw dominating power on his face, and seeing that level of passion as he fucked you was your undoing. You yelled out your erotic release as you came, shots of your cum decorating your torso as Kevin stuck his hand out, catching the several shots that had missed, catching them in his hand and slurping it up into his mouth. He kissed you once again, your salty taste filling both of your mouths as Kevin’s tongue danced around your mouth, sharing your cum. Kevin soon broke the kiss as he neared his own release “Y/N, I’m gonna cum, right in your ass!” He cried out “Do it daddy, fucking come for me” you returned, this was exactly the push Kevin needed to fall over the edge and with one massive “OH FUCK YEAH! He emptied himself into you, his warm load coating your ass, as he growled and moaned in pure ecstasy as he came down from his high. 
You stayed like that for a while, taking in each other, your scents, how both of you looked above and below each other, sharing light kisses between each other as well. “Y/N, you were amazing.” Kevin finally breathed out, you were too breathless to respond, you nodded your head as acknowledgement. When you’d finally caught your breath back, Kevin pulled out and you made to stand up, only to wobble “Woah babe, I really put a number on you huh?” He said, staring at you with his hand under his chin as he admired the work he had done “Kevin, this isn’t a laughing matter, my legs are fucking mush!” You cried out exasperated, the words settling between you as you both burst out laughing at the situation. “Kevin, seriously, I’m gonna need some help back to the car.” You finally said, after you’d gotten your breath back “We’re not going back to the car baby.” Kevin said as he pulled you to him with one hand and supported you as he made his way out of the changing rooms “I’m ready to spend some time on this beach.” “What? Seriously? After we’ve fucked!” You said, shocked at Kevin’s level of daring “You were the one who dragged me to the changing rooms to fuck you!” He countered “and besides, we don’t have to mingle, we can rest of the sand, have our afterglow in the sunset, all that magic shit you wanted, after all, you deserve it, especially for making it about us both.” This was such a beautiful gesture from Kevin that you simply nodded as he lead you out of the changing rooms and onto the nude beach, which was packed as onlookers basked in the sunset, none more content however as you & Kevin Owens. 
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Book Club
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Prompt: Soryu - Can you guys just fuck already?” “Finish inside me, I mean it” @brialoveskbtbb​
“You're joking right Sor?” You rolled your eyes at his comment.
“I happen to think it’s a fantastic novel,” He protested, holding the book close to him.
“Could you be reading anything more cliche, Soryu?” You laughed.
“Cliche? Do enlighten me,” He questioned you, putting the book down and leaning forward slightly.
“So the detective, let me guess he has a drinking problem? Inspired by the great Sherlock Holmes? A close friend betrays him? Comes from a broken background? Oh and you then have the seductive temptress who he is definitely banging,” You reel off as you count out each idea on your fingers, “Your practically reading Mamoru's life,”.
“I mean, most of thats happened,” Soryu mumbled, clearly unimpressed at you ruining his book, “But this is far from that damn detectives life, the only thing that matched was the drinking problem,”. You let out a light laugh at his comment.
“Very true, Mr.Oh,” You smile.
“So what about you, what are you reading today?” He asks, picking up the book you had placed on the table as you reached for your coffee, “Pride and Prejudice, who’s the cliche now”. He cocked an eyebrow to you with a light smirk.
“But it’s a classic cliche!” You protest, “It’s such a beautiful portrayal of love, how you long for the characters to be together but both stubborn, the relationship between them blossoms and by the end they have both changed for the better sake of love, I mean it’s like a pure romance of romance,”. Soryu couldn’t help but admire the way your eyes glinted with your explanation, how you threw yourself into passionate conversations when you truly felt something towards a subject, it made his slightly-frozen heart melt every time. 
“Oh god, are you two having your stupid book clubbing meeting again?” A yawning Mamoru asked as he stumbled into the living room. Soryu and you had made it a weekly thing to spend some time together discussing your favourite books, it became the highlight of your week, every time allowing a softer side to the Mafia boss to be slowly revealed to you. 
“You're just jealous because you can’t read anything but a cigarette carton,” Soryu glared at the rugged detective who just wafted his hand at the comment, placing a cigarette between his teeth as he reached for his lighter.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, just keep it down some of us are going to try to sleep,” He mumbled in response, lying down, his head close to your lap as your eyes flicked to the amber flame. 
“Mama it’s 10 am, how are you so tired?” You laughed, shaking your head.
“I work hard kid,”.
“You work hard at doing nothing,” Soryu ranted, unimpressed at the rude interruption now lying far too close to you. 
“Anyway,” You continue, “I just find it so enticing watching Mr.Darcy turn from this cold-stoned man into a more composition being, vise versa with Elizabeth, both of them changing in their ways for their love,”. 
“Kinda like Soryu then,” Mamoru chuckles, blowing smoke into the air, not even flinching as the cold sensation of steel is pressed against his head, Soryu leaning over him to do so.
“Shut your mouth your damn lazy cop,” Soryu hissed, Mamoru moving the gun out of his face.
“Only true, we’ve all noticed the changes in you Sor since Bella came along,” Mamoru’s words leaving a blush on your cheeks as you blink a few times looking at Soryu, “Can you guys just fuck already?”. You almost had to tackle Soryu off of Mamoru, he got in one swift punch to his face before you managed to pull off him, scolding him for his actions.
“Soryu he’s only teasing you, don’t get so wound up!” You hissed, pulling his arm back, saving Mamoru's ass from being heavily beaten. 
“Stupid detective,” Soryu mumbles adding curse words under his breath, a small blush on his cheeks as he sulks away.
“The fuck Mamo? Are you trying to get killed?” You sigh, picking yours and Soryus books up off the table.
“Tch, he’s too touchy kid, it’s too easy to wind him up,” He chuckles. 
“Touchy or not, you know better than anyone what he is capable of,”.
“No harm in admitting what is true sweetheart, Soryu got a crush on you, the idiots just too damn awkward to admit it,” Mamoru said as he exhaled, flicking the ash into the next by ash-tray.
“A crush? Mamo really what are you 10?” You laugh, brushing off the nonsense, Soryu hugely hated women, you would be no expected regardless how you felt about him. At first you were terrified of him, how could you not be, the man pulled a gun out every freaking five minutes like it was a normal thing to do. But as time swiftly moved on, you found yourself growing rather fond of him, enjoying time you spent together like how you would make him omelettes to take to work, the weekly book club, getting lost in heated debates and conversations, how just being in his presence made you smile like a giddy idiot. 
“Don’t play koi darlin’, we all see the looks you share with him, how he watches you when he thinks no-one is looking, Soryu completely smitten with you and from that kiddy grin, I’d say you feel the same,” Mamoru chuckled, watching the heat rise in your cheeks at his statement. 
“I… just- Shut up!” You flusterdly reply, slapping him playfully on the chest with a book before leaving the room, letting Mamoru finally get some well deserved sleep after being for a whole 3 hours. You pushed all thoughts of Mamoru’s words aside in your head, he meant nothing by it, you were used to the teasing of all of the bidders in the penthouse. 
“Sor?” You gently knock on his bedroom door, wanting to give him back his book, last time he left it out Baba and Ota drew willies all over the pages, which lead to Soryu threatening to shot their asses into next week. 
“Enter,” He yelled from behind the door as you pushed it open, his room smelt crisp and fresh, everything perfectly placed in a specific location inside. 
“You forgot your book,” You smile, walking in, seeing him sitting on the edge of the bed, his tie loosened slightly, “Do you not have work to go to?”.
“No, no, Inui has everything under control so I’m take the day off,” He hums softly. 
“Oh! Well if you're free, I can continue on-” You start, handing him his book, his hand lightly brushing over yours sends a light jolt of electricity through you, making you almost drop the book from the feeling. Soryu feels it too, a spark between you. Your eyes meet over the book, hands still touching before he pulls away with a blush, guesting you to sit next to him. 
“You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you,” He whispers to you, keeping your hand on top of yours, the quote making your heart flutter.
“Quiet the Mr.Darcy, aren't we,” You laugh so lightly, wishing he was saying them words to you, not just simply quoting it from the book.
“I mean it…” You feel your heart also leap out of your chest, “Everything that idiot said is true, I’m in love with you,”. The gaze of his eyes into yours, the pink tint to his cheek, the reassuring hand over your brought tears to your eyes. 
“Soryu, I… I love you too,” You whisper, as oxytocin released with your blood, pumping the loving sensation through your body. Your lips met in a passionate frenzy, finally claiming each other as you had both so longed to do. Clothes slowly shredded, admiring the sight of one and other as you revealed yourself to each other, both you giving into the pleasure you had so longingly seeked.
“Soryu,” You whispered as positioned himself against you, tender kisses being shared.
“Do you want me to stop, is this? Am I going too fast?” The concern is his voice, lit a fire in your stomach, this man was too perfect.
“I want you to Finish inside me, I mean it,” You whispered against his lips, desperate for him to fill the ache and desire you had craved. 
“Your perfect, so so perfect,” He repeated against your lips, as he pushed himself inside you, taking his time to bring you both a earth-shattering release. 
Mamoru lay sound asleep until he was awoken by the soft whimpers coming from Soryu’s room, a light smirk on his face, he was genuinely happy the Mafia man had stepped up and claimed the woman he loved.
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xomarauders · 4 years
well, maybe i’m back on a writing kick? I don’t know! do not quote me on that because things can change very quickly and I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up! BUT, I do have an update for Help (finally) and I wanted to share that with all of you! 
here is the link to the full story on ao3 if you need a refresher or just would like to read the whole thing :) enjoy chapter three! 
Regulus tapped his foot anxiously on the floor as he stared out the window of the old pickup he was currently riding in. Sirius was beside him, singing softly to the radio while Remus drove, occasionally sticking his hand towards the console between Sirius’ knees to pull some lever that made the truck jerk a bit. They were driving to Godrics Hollow, where the Potters lived, in hopes that Lily might be able to help them find a basilisk. Regulus was still unsure how Lily would be able to help. She grew up in the muggle world after all, how was she supposed to know about such a magical creature when Regulus himself had no clue if they even existed?
He mentally chastised himself for such thoughts, trying to shake away the lingering prejudices his parents had pushed onto him as a child that he had tried so hard to get away from. He did not know Lily. It would not be fair for him to judge her knowledge based off of blood alone. He would not want her to do the same to him, after all.
“How much further?” He asked.
“We’re almost there.” Sirius replied as he tinkered with the stereo.
Regulus closed his eyes, trying to calm his nerves. He felt anxious for some reason. Whether it was the impending doom of Voldemort’s power hanging over his head or the responsibility to stop it before it even starts, he wasn’t sure.
“I’m sorry I made you go back home.” Regulus muttered, half hoping Sirius would not hear him over the sound of the stereo. He had not realized how much Sirius had been affected by their parents, having been shielded away from witnessing the abuse. He figured it would be better with their father gone, but Walburga’s shrieking had still made Sirius cringe, as if he had suddenly become fifteen again. And Regulus was sorry. His brother glanced up, a tense smile on his face as he shrugged.
“It’s alright, Reg. No harm done.”
They pulled up to Potter’s house fairly quickly after that. Lily was standing out in the garden, watering a few plants near the entry way and smiled brightly as the three men entered the gate. Regulus watched as Lily threw her arms around Remus and held onto him tightly before doing the same to Sirius. He watched as his brother’s face fell into a look of pure comfort and he wondered if this is what true friendship looked like. If this is what true love was.
Lily turned to him then and held out her hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, Regulus.”
“You as well, Miss.” Regulus said politely and Sirius snickered beside him.
“Please, call me Lily.” She smiled and motioned for them to come inside. “James will be back in a mo. He was just dropping some vegetables off at Bathilda’s.”
The four of them took a seat in the small living room of the Potter’s home and waited patiently for James to arrive. Remus and Lily engaged in light conversation as they waited, discussing some muggle literature called Pride and Prejudice between the two of them and asking about one another’s parents. Regulus felt out of place in the casualness of their demeanor, how Remus slouched with his elbows on his knees and how Lily offered them tea in mismatched cups. Even Sirius was relaxed, with his boots kicked up on the small table in the center of the room.
The front door opened, taking Regulus out of his reverie, and in came James. His hair was as wild as Regulus remembered, perhaps a bit longer and he had gotten new glasses. But he still looked like James and Regulus felt oddly comforted by this notion.
“Hello, Regulus.” James said, offering his hand, which Regulus shook gratefully. He had spent so much time hating James Potter for taking his brother away, but now, he felt oddly indebted to this man for being there for Sirius when he couldn’t be.
“Well,” Sirius clapped his hands together. “Shall we get started then?”
Regulus explained the situation to the Potters carefully, explaining how he had figured out Voldemort’s plan, how he had discovered where the horcrux was and how he had switched it with a fake in an effort to buy him some time to destroy the real one. Remus carefully took the locket out of a box they had put it in at that point and passed it to Lily who examined it.
“My mother said that there is rumors that basilisk venom can destroy horcruxes.”
“Your mother?” James said, his eyes flickering from Regulus to Sirius. “You went to see your mother?”
Sirius shifted a bit in his seat. “We had to, James.”
“It was fine, I’m fine. Can we drop it and move onto the actual problem here?”
“You don’t expect me to just believe that you’re completely fine after going back to your abusive childhood home, do you?” James asked, an incredulous look on his face. Sirius huffed and threw himself backwards onto the sofa but didn’t say anything.
A strained silence filled the room for a moment, and Regulus definitely felt as though he were intruding on something private now. The group of friends sitting before him were all so deeply concerned about one another’s well being that even the problems of Voldemort were put on pause. It was strange, but almost endearing.
Remus cleared his throat. “We will discuss this later.” Sirius went to protest but shut his mouth as Remus sent him a look before continuing. “For now, let’s discuss our options. Lily, what do you know about basilisks?”
“Not much really.” Lily said with a sigh, running her hand through her hair. “They’re really rare. I don’t even know where you would begin to look for one. Even if you found one, I have no idea how one would go about extracting venom from it or how you would even use it to destroy this thing.”
She set the locket carefully down on the table and sighed.
“I’m sorry Regulus. But I don’t think I’m much help on this.”
“So, what do we do now?” Sirius asked, his voice tired. “I mean, there has to be something else we could try, right? That can’t be the only thing that could kill whatever this is.”
Lily shrugged. “I don’t know. Are there any other dark creatures with venom that can kill like a basilisks?”
Regulus thought hard, thinking back to his years at Hogwarts. The vague image of his textbooks for magical creatures came to mind and he remembered the five x rating next to one of the beasts.
“Maybe…a werewolf? They’re rare dark creatures right? But their saliva can kill.”
They all looked him, various expression flickering across their faces. Lily seemed hesitant to humor the idea; James’ gaze flickered to the floor where the toe of his shoe was now digging into. Sirius looked almost angry, but Regulus wasn’t sure why. Finally, Remus broke the silence.
“Werewolf saliva can kill sometimes, yes. And they are a rare breed. It…it might be worth a shot to try? How would you suggest extracting the venom, should we find ourselves a wolf, Regulus?”
“No.” Sirius said suddenly, waving his arms in the air and standing. “No, no! We are not—I can’t—no, Remus.”
“Well, why not?” Regulus said, suddenly frustrated. “Sirius, what would it hurt to try? This is to stop the Dark Lord for Merlin’s sake  and you’re not even willing to try?” He was angry now. How could Sirius not get it? Didn’t he understand the danger they were all in with every second that ticked by? Could he not see the big picture?
“If you’re afraid of being bitten, then you don’t have to be a part of it. I’ll do it by myself.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about, Reg!”
“Then what is it?” He shouted, standing to face his brother. “Why won’t you even consider this?”
“He doesn’t want to involve me.” A timid voice spoke up and both Regulus and Sirius turned to face Remus, who was still sitting calmly next to Lily, hands clenched together in his lap. Lily was frowning next to him, rubbing her hand up and down his spine in an almost motherly fashion.
“I don’t understand.” Regulus said. “No one has to be a part of it if they don’t want to. I just said—”
“You’ll have a hard time finding another wolf.” Remus said. Regulus paused and stared at Lupin. The scars across his face seemed more prominent now, the monthly absences at school suddenly made sense. The vehement rejection Sirius had against this idea…
His heart sank with the realization.
“A werewolf, yes.”
Regulus thought for a moment, contemplating this new information before shaking his head. “No. No, Remus we can’t involve you. Sirius is right.”
A look of shock appeared on both Remus and Sirius’ face. Even James and Lily seemed bewildered by this answer.
“Even if…even if it would work, if Voldemort ever found out it was you who helped destroy it—”
“He’d have your head on a stick.” James finished. Regulus nodded.
Lily leaned forward, tapping her finger against her lips. “Before we resort to any experiments,” she said softly, “why don’t we do a little more digging? I happen to know a certain professor who might be of some assistance.”
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Love Quotes Prompt List
Romantic quotes and familial love quotes that resonate from some of your favorite books and movies.  If you request, I’ll write a drabble based on one of the quotes that will either include the quote or be inspired by it.
Feel free to reblog and use for your own writing and your own followers <3
“We’ll always have Paris.” - Casablanca
“As you wish.” - The Princess Bride
“No, I like you very much.  Just as you are.” - Bridget Jones’s Diary
“Listen to me, mister.  You’re my knight in shining armor.  Don’t you forget it.” - On Golden Pond
“I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze - but I think maybe it’s both.  Maybe both is happening at the same time.” - Forrest Gump
“You want the moon?  Just say the word, and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.” - It’s a Wonderful Life
“But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you.  Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” - 10 Things I Hate About You
“They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that’s true.” - Big Fish
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.” - Moulin Rouge
“I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” - Notting Hill
“You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.” - Gone with the Wind
“In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you for exactly what you are.  Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you.” - Juno
 “What I really want to do with my life - what I want to do for a living - is I want to be with your daughter.  I’m good at it.” - Say Anything
“You don’t marry someone you can live with, you marry the person you cannot live without.” - P.S. I Love You
“I wish I knew how to quit you.” - Brokeback Mountain
“When he looks at me, the way he looks at me, he does not know what I lack.  Or how I am incomplete.  He sees me, for what I am, as I am.” - The Shape of Water
“Nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you.” - The History of Love
“Our relationship wasn’t the sun, the moon, the stars, but it wasn’t bullshit either.” - This Is How You Lose Her
“My affections and wishes are unchanged; but one word from you will silence me on this subject forever.” - Pride and Prejudice
“If you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” - The Notebook
“‘How many times must I ask you to call me [first name]?’ ‘At least once more, [Mr./Ms./Mx. Last name], as always.’” - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Black Pearl
“I will never stop trying.  Because when you find the one...you never give up.” - Crazy Stupid Love
“You get to be more you than you have been in...in a very long time.  You deserve everything you want.” - Love, Simon
“I’ve been in love with you since I was eleven, and the shit won’t go away.” - Love & Basketball
“‘How do you spell love?’ ‘You don’t spell love. You feel it.’” - Winnie the Pooh
“My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.” - The Princess and the Frog
“You have to promise you won’t fall in love with me.” - A Walk to Remember
“I knew I’d never be able to remember what [first name] wore that day.  But I also knew I’d never forget the way she looked.” - Father of the Bride
“I’ve come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours.” - Sense & Sensibility
“I was hoping this would be a happy ending.” - Shrek
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artemisfromkq · 4 years
— Pen and paper.
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Summary: In which Sujin decides to write letters to the people she hurt in the past, the first being about Yoo Saerom.
Characters: Lee Sujin, Yoo Saerom, Kim Miyeon, some other Artemis members appear by the end.
Trigger warning: Alcohol usage, cheating, swearing, lying, crying, briefly mentions a funeral in a movie (?). This is pure angst, Sujin hurted that girl. There's also like two scenes one after another involving sex but there's no smut, it does have kind of a explicit language but it doesn't describe any act. Also, Sujin lowkey makes fun of Hyojin’s alcohol dependence.
Author's Notes: This is part one of the To All The People I've Hurt series! Italic texts are for what's Sujin writing in the letters.
APRIL, 2020.
Sujin hated what she became.
When she thinks about it, she wants to pass out, she hates to think she's like that, she was supposed to be a good person, she was supposed to have values, what went wrong?
When she looks back at her past relationships, she sees nothing but people she treated badly, she sees nothing but a trail of hurt and resent, isn't love supposed to be beautiful? She wonders if that's what her exes thought when they were with her. When she looks back, she doesn't remember anything good, it was a trail of manipulation and sadness left behind, she hated it, she hated it so much.
In this trail she could see Elle, Delilah and Saerom. Three people who didn't deserve anything they went through with her.
Saerom, she remembered it clearly, it hadn't been a lot of time since it happened, it was a relationship with potential, destroyed by Sujin in a few months, or even weeks. Saerom was pure, so pure Sujin thinks she hasn't experienced the dark side of life before she met her, she was beautiful, she didn't deserve anything she had to take. Sujin regretted it so much, why did she had to be like this?
Saerom loved to write, she remembers it well. She always left a cute letter for her when they went out for a date or just visited each other in the dorm or her house. She was the opposite to Sujin, she loved to write and read books, something which she never really gave value, another thing that she did wrong. Ironically, this memory was what gave her this idea.
Sujin never thought she'd be sitting in a table, with a pen in hands and a blank sheet of paper in front of her. Why was she doing this, anyway? Redemption? She wouldn't get it with a simple letter who is never getting sent, it was worth a try, anyways. It was what she could do, she knew the people she hurted obviously didn't want to see her, that's the only thing that came into her mind. God, she felt stupid putting herself on that spot, but it's supposed to make her feel better about herself, she hopes so.
And with that, she took a deep breath before starting to write.
We met each other in august.
AUGUST, 2019.
Summer was close to ending, the temperature already had changes to give room to autumn. Debut preparations were done and we were set to debut by the end of september. Lai was responsible to introduce us, remember? You were a sm trainee at the time, or still is, i wonder if you're still there, you always talked about your dream of debuting and being sucessful in our late nights, i hope i didn't ruin that for you.
In the start, i remember it was all fun and games, we used to go out with Lai but it didn't take much for us to start meeting alone. We were so different, yet our conversations used to last for hours. We'd drink coffee, walk around Seoul and, from time to time, you saw a book you liked and i'd always end up buying for you, you remembered me of someone from the past, and that was what brought our downfall.
When i debuted, you took me to a restaurant i remember well, it was expensive, i could tell, i wondered if you really wanted to do that for me, yet you still insisted to pay the bill. That night, we had our first kiss late night at a park, hidden behind the trees so no one could see us, i remember i felt happy, yes, happy. Not everything was a lie, Saerom, not from the start, even if you don't believe me nor want to look at my face ever again.
Not long after, we started dating.
Autumn had started for some time already, the sun didn't shine as brightly but the city was still beautiful, the trees darkened their color and the leaves started to fall, a perfect landscape was formed. Even if it didn't shine a lot, the sun was already setting, it was perfect, completely perfect.
Sujin unexpectedly invited Saerom to visit the Deoksugung Stonewall Path, a beautiful place that was near the Seoul Museum of art, a place that Saerom loved to visit.
It has been some time since i last visited the path, i don't really have the courage or strength to do it without remembering of the things i did to you.
They walked around for some time, they smiled, laughed, everyone would think they're just best friends having fun and, that time, they were, but it wouldn't last soon. When they got tired, they stopped by a café in front of the Jeongdong theatre, Saerom smiled as she continued to talk about her day, Sujin wasn't paying attention, lost in how angelic she looked while talking.
“I have something for you.” Interrupted, making the other surprised for some seconds.
I remember i acted like i wasn't nervous, after all, i had to keep the act you always loved to tease. But, yes, you were right, i was nervous that day.
“Oh, really? I'm curious, what book is it?” Saerom rested her chin on her hand, while waiting for Sujin to get something out of her bag.
“You know me well.”
“You're just uncreative! It's different.” Sujin let a small smile out and playfuly rolled her eyes as she took a book out of her bag, handing it to the other girl. “Pride and Prejudice? Quite cliché, however unexpected coming from you.”
“Just open the marked page.” It was hard to tell, but Sujin was blushing behind the sunglass she was using. Saerom mouthed a small "huh?" as she opened the book on the indicated page.
“There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.” The girl read the quote highlighted with pink marker, just below it, there was a post-it with something written: I love you.
I still remember your reaction, you were trying to hide your shock, but i could see it clearly, you were almost on the verge of crying from happiness, which i didn't understand why. Looking back to it, i realized it is because you really loved me, it hurts to see i didn't recognize that.
“First of all, never put a marker close to a book again, that's a crime.” Sujin couldn't hold her laugh, she knew how Saerom hated to make one single damage to her books, god, she took more care of them than herself. “Second, i love you too.”
“So, do you want?” Saerom looked confused with the question, making Sujin look away, denouncing a little of nervousness. “To be my... Girlfriend?” She whispered, scared of the answer she'd receive, only to hear Saerom laughing out loud in front of her.
“What do you think?”
The sheets of Saerom's bed seem more monotonous than normal. Her apartment surely needs changes, but, still, it was probably better then SM’s dorm, it gave privacy both to herself and Sujin, she wonders if she’s focusing on her own life since she’s spending so much time with her. Sujin stares at the ceiling and lets a deep breath out, her girlfriend slept quietly by her side. Silence makes Sujin think, it makes her retrieve memories she didn't want. It hasn't been a lot of time since she started feeling like this, empty. Saerom started to feel more like a distraction than a loved one, she didn't know why. Honestly, Sujin hasn't met love again since a year ago, she hated to admit it, but old habits die hard, that was one of them.
Sujin liked girls like this, smart, determined, beautiful. There was only one difference between her current girlfriend and her past: Strength. Saerom was either easily manipulated or she trusted people too easily, ingenuous girl. In the end, Sujin is the type of person you can never trust, because she’ll always fuck you up in the end. She likes to hurt people, play with their minds, it became a part of her even if she denies it, she might be nice and playful in front of her friends, but she is rotten inside, she will always be.
She knew it, no matter how she tried to hide it down her throat, no matter how she tried to appreciate her girlfriend's beauty as one of a kind. In her eyes, Saerom would always be a carbon copy of the girl she loved a year ago, the same girl who she destroyed any ties she had with. For her, Saerom would always be a manifestation of the past, the one who makes reality the image of a future she had with someone else.
When Sujin fucks her, she sees someone else, when Sujin takes her out for a date, she sees someone else, when Sujin buys her a book, she sees someone else. It will always be someone else, a illusion of the past that insists to chase her every time she tried to move on from it.
Being distracted by her thoughts, she hears a fainted voice by her side. “I love you.”
Hesitantly, she replies. “I love you too.”
JANUARY, 2020.
Time passes, and a hotel room became more pleasing then her girlfriend’s home.
It was cheap, dirty and not in the most safe place of Seoul. The walls were made of wood and you could easily listen to the conversation in your neighbour’s room, the bed creaked at the smallest of movements and everything smelled like alcohol. She has money, she could afford a better place, but not getting caught was more important then comfort in Sujin’s mind, not that the person by her side cared at all.
No, the one beside her is not her loved one, not now, she stopped looking for pleasure in Saerom for some time, now. Miyeon was just another girl she met in a club, who she called when she needed. Miyeon was just exactly what her girlfriend missed, she was the missing part, she was power, she was strength. She wasn’t scared of challenging Sujin and she loved every single part of it. Of course, along with the adrenaline. Something inside of her begged her to stop and not do it, that she would leave one more person hurt, but something about lying always left Sujin intrigued, drunk with the ecstasy that came with doing something wrong, and Miyeon was perfect for it, she gave her exactly what she wanted. Sujin likes to do wrong things because they make her feel at her best state, they make her heart beat fast and make her think about the chaotic consequences of her actions, giving what she wants once again.
Suddenly, she can hear her phone vibrating on the bedside table, a message notification shows in the overly brightened phone.
[SAEROM @ 11:45 p.m] Are you fine? I hope your schedules aren’t taking a lot from you, i love you!
“Is that your girlfriend?” Sujin feels the girl’s head lay on her shoulder, she sighs, not knowing how to respond the text, she was going out of excuses. She, then, looks at the lover by her side.
“Yes. I gave her the same act, she’s worried if i’m getting overworked.”
“Yeah, right, only if it’s overworked by something else.” Miyeon lets a small chuckle out, Sujin stayed silent. Whatever it was, it still screamed to cut that relationship before everything started to fall down, but her desire spoke louder, it always did. “Don’t mind her, she’ll think you’re busy, drink some more wine.”
“Don’t you have something stronger?” She closes her eyes, letting one more deep breath out, she feels out of her body, everything felt like an hallucination, she wasn’t even drunk, yet. Lust. That was her biggest sin, it gets over her pride and takes over all of her body to act in favor of it, it was her biggest addiction. Before getting drunk of alcohol, she gets drunk of desire, it is dangerous for her, it is, Sujin can’t think properly anymore.
“Well,” She gets up from the bed, going in the direction of a plastic bag on top of a drawer. “We have whiskey, vodka... Your choice.”
“Vodka. It tastes horrible, it’ll work better.” Miyeon nodded, pouring the drink on a glass and giving it to Sujin. “Drink up.” She takes everything in one sip, frowning for some seconds due to the burning sensation on her throat, exactly like Sujin wanted. “What do you want with this, really?”
Her lips hesitate before answering, she was tired of that bulshit, she didn’t want to talk anymore, she needed more, desperately. “To forget.” She leaves the glass in the bedside table, taking her gaze to the other woman, she wouldn’t say anything else, Miyeon knew what to do, and that’s what made her better.
“If that’s the case,” She smiled, bad thoughts taking over her mind, just like Sujin’s. “I can do that way better.” Miyeon grabs her chin and leaves a small kiss in her mouth, seconds later, Sujin gets closer and ends the space between them. Suddenly, time didn’t matter anymore.
“It’s really nice from the girls to let us have a good time in private, right?” Saerom smiles, grabbing a hand full of popcorn and stuffing everything in her mouth. Sujin tried to focus on what was going on in the television, what movie were they watching, anyway? She just went with her girlfriend’s lead and pretended to care.
It’s been some time they last done this. Have a good time. It even gave Sujin a strange impression on her body, when everything she’s been thinking about is the same dirty hotel room that smelled like alcohol and sex. Sujin didn’t even know why she invited Saerom to her dorm, she didn’t even love her anymore, why would she bother? Maybe to make her heart lighter, after all, nobody but her and Miyeon knew what she was doing in secret. Sujin is truly a trainwreck, a trainwreck disguised as a tempting, beautiful face, behind those mysterious, yet intriguing eyes that could pull you in a minute. People say sin is disguised as something beautiful, so it can take you in and never let you go, and that is exactly what she is.
“Yes, they are, they like that we’re together.” She sighs, grabbing a single popcorn and putting in her mouth, chewing it slowly as she gets more and more distracted in staring at the movie.
“Really? Is there a motive for that?”
“No, they just think you’re a cool person.” She grabs another popcorn, don’t act like you don’t know, she wanted to say that to Saerom. All the girls knew, and she knew Lai told her about it. The only motive why Sujin distanced herself more from their relationship every day, how can someone else make such an effect on other’s heart? She knew it’d come back at her one day or another, she’d taste from her own poison and blame others for it, after all, it’s never your fault, it’s always the others’.
“Well, that’s great, right? Look! Veronica is in Heather Chandler’s funeral.” Heathers. That was the movie they were watching. Saerom reaches her hand to grab more popcorn in the bowl they filled, realizing that the popcorn was close of completely vanishing. “Hey, it’s your house, go get me some more.” She smiled, putting the bowl completely in Sujin’s lap, who made a confused expression in the start.
“Fine, you don’t need to pause the movie, i’ll be right back!” She faked a excited tone, grabbing the bowl and going to the dorm’s kitchen, rolling her eyes as she refilled the bowl. She when she found those dates boring, anything with Saerom was suddenly boring and she couldn’t do anything about it. However, for some reason, cheating on her in secret sounded better in Sujin’s head then just straight up breaking up, she didn’t want to break up with Saerom in the fear of hurting her, but wasn’t that what she was doing all along? In the inside, Sujin wouldn’t take seeing Saerom with a broken expression, with a broken heart, but this wasn’t her problem anymore, she grew cold over her just like everyone else she ever dated. Sujin had a problem with love and relationships, it showed, but she decided to keep growing the count of people she hurts.
However, the view of a broken heart was closer than she imagined.
As Sujin was in the kitchen preparing more popcorn, her phone left in the couch kept ringing messages, making her curious girlfriend look if she had some new friends, always worried about her loved one’s happiness, only to find out something that was the opposite of what she wanted.
[MIYEON @ 8:50 P.M] Long time no see, right?
[MIYEON @ 8:51 P.M] I bet you miss me
[MIYEON @ 8:51 P.M] Why don’t you come over to our secret spot and i can show you something?
[MIYEON @ 8:51 P.M] Ditch your girlfriend, she won’t even suspect
[MIYEON @ 8:52 P.M] I bought some wine
As Sujin finished to put a new load of popcorn in the bowl, she walked back to the living room, surprising herself at the view of her girlfriend standing up in pure disappointment, with her phone in hands, displaying a conversation in the screen.
“Since when?”
Sujin stayed silent.
“Fucking answer, Sujin!”
“It’s not what-”
“Don’t play that bullshit on me.”
It was dark, but Saerom’s eyes shined, and it wasn’t because of happiness. Tears started falling down her eyes, then to her cheeks, then dropping on the floor. She never saw her like that. Of course, Saerom was always vulnerable, but she never cried in front of her.
I’ll never forget what i felt when i saw your expression. You were completely broken in pieces, you couldn’t believe it, you didn’t want to, but everything that i talked about you, every single thing i did to you was registered, and you discovered everything once. You were so disappointed. When i look back at it, i always realize you actually loved me, truly, and i couldn’t see it, that’s completely cliché, like you used to say, but i didn’t understand, i didn’t know i could love again, i’m so sorry.
“I’m so sorry, Saerom, i-”
“No, you feel sorry because you got caught.” True. She feels sorry she got caught, because if she didn’t, she would play the act until Saerom felt tired and broke the relationship without knowing anything. All her doings being locked and never discovered, but reality is not like that, it’s painful and it’ll teach you lessons that you’ll be thankful someday, hopefully.
She stayed silent one more time. She was out of lies. There was nothing she could do anymore besides letting her go, maybe she was feeling regret, maybe not, her mind was only pure confusion and she could only think of losing something that one day she called hers. Only a possession, a toy, that was Sujin what considered Saerom at that point, someone good she can show off to her groupmates to show she moved on. However, Saerom was no doll, she had feelings and they were overflowing with sadness. It wasn’t something beautiful, it wasn’t something worth seeing anymore.
“You know... I thought you... you... Did you just lie to me this whole time?” She wiped her tears with her right arm, throwing Sujin’s phone on her couch. “Never look into my face again.” Saerom started grabbing her stuff, and something clicked into Sujin. She got closer, holding Saerom’s shoulders, keeping her from going away.
“Hold on... Please... I-i can explain.” Her voice failed, she was nervous, but showed no sadness. Saerom looked at the ground, she couldn’t take it, why? She loved Sujin so much? What did she do wrong?
“You’re just so fucking uncreative.” She looked in her eyes one more time, before going in direction of the exit, banging the door behind her, leaving Sujin staring at nothing, she wouldn’t go after her, she knew she didn’t deserve it, the fault was all hers, she knew it well. She always knew when she did something wrong. Sujin laid her head on the door, closing her eyes and landing two punches on it.
Silence. Since when silence started getting so overwhelming?
She used to love silence. The sensation of focusing on what you’re feeling, not what you’re hearing was something she used to always crave. But this silence wasn’t great, she didn’t want to feel what she was feeling, was she always like this? Was that the effect she caused on others? Sadness? The only thing she did all this time was break people’s hearts? She couldn’t understand because she always cared about herself, but when she looked at Saerom’s expression, memories came back to her, and they weren’t good.
“Do you mind telling me why Saerom sent me an audio message crying saying she never wants to see you again?” Kamlai got out of her dorm room, going straight to the living room as Sujin turned around, looking at her groupmate who didn’t look pleased. “God, i didn’t think you could pull that off again.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know. Saerom is a person, too! She’s my friend, Sujin, she’s not Delilah!”
Her eyes widened. Delilah. The name she’s been trying so hard to forget. She hated to hear that name so much, Kamlai knew it’d hurt, did she say it on purpose? Probably, it was her friend she messed with, after all, even if she loved Sujin, she was wrong. She did something she shouldn’t do.
“Don’t fucking mention that name.” Her voice got lower, it took silence to hear it. It was cold, she couldn’t show what was behind that name, but Kamlai knew very well, everyone knew.
“Why? Because you keep showing that even after loving someone like that you keep doing the same shit and break people’s hearts? That’s not cool, Sujin, when will you learn?”
“Why do you care?” Her voice now got louder, demanding answers from the older one.
“Because i care about you! You’re my friend! And i can’t take seeing you do those things! Because i know you’re a good person.”
“Maybe you don’t know me at all!”
“What is happening here?” Hyojin who was actually in the dorm, got out of her room to see the motive of the fight.
“It’s not your business, Hyojin, go drown yourself in another whiskey bottle and let me solve this alone.”
“What the fuck did you say?” She looked at the younger one in shock, Sujin realizing what she said just after she saw her leader’s expression, knowing that it was, still is a delicate matter to her.
She looked down, she couldn’t do anything that day anymore, she didn’t want to talk to anyone, she’d just end up hurting one more person to her count. Sujin let out a deep breath, running away from all that mess to her room.
“We’re talking later, Lee Sujin.” Hyojin screamed from the distance, in which she purely answered to banging the door behind her.
She just wanted to turn back in time.
APRIL, 2020.
The end arrived so fast that i couldn’t even process. I didn’t know what i was feeling, i still don’t know. I’m a slave to feelings, they take over me easily and make me do things i tend to regret just after. I can’t say i want you back, you’re better following your path without me, we’re both better without each other. But that doesn’t erase what i did, a plead of forgiveness or this letter won’t do it. But it’s the better way i can think of. Because i’m a coward. The biggest of them.
I hope you're out there, making sure that your dream turns into reality as fast as possible. You deserve it more than anyone else, you deserve to be happy. Maybe i’ll do, too, in a far future.
With you, i learned that holding onto the past won't make me feel better. I learned my lesson the hard way, but thank you. In the end, we had good memories, i hope you still remember those and don't see me as a monster.
Once again, i'm sorry, things just can’t be erased, however, they can get cured and become a good scar in the future. With sorrow;
Lee Sujin.
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Kim Age: 26 (27 in September) Writing Blog URL(s): @jinterlude​   
Nationality: Filipino-American Languages: English  Star Sign: Virgo MBTI: ISFJ-T Favorite color: Any shade of blue  Favorite food: Ah, I have so many, but I really do love ramen & this Filipino noodle dish my grandma makes. Favorite movie: West Side Story. A close second is Pride & Prejudice (2005) Favorite ice cream flavor: Rocky Road  Favorite animal: Pandas Go-to karaoke song: Upside Down by A*Teens (I think I just dated myself) 
What fandom(s) do you write for? Mainly BTS, but I have written for SVT, EXO, GOT7, Monsta X, B.A.P, & NCT
When did you post your first piece? Oh dang, when? Hmm… I want to say Oct. 2016 (?) on my first blog (I had deleted and came back to Tumblr).
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? I mostly write a combo because it just happens that way! My main genres are: fluff, romance, & humor/crack. 
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? I mainly write OCs stories because that’s what makes me the happiest when it comes to writing, but I still write x reader fics for drabbles and oneshots. 
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? Funny story. The reason why I started writing for Tumblr is because an old group of friends said that I should write a funny story based on a college class of mine, so I did and here we are. 
What inspires you to write? Usually, it’s my imagination, but other times it’s either the song I’m listening to or even the show I’m currently watching. Right now, my inspiration draws from anime. 
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? Genre wise, I love writing fluff & romance. AUs wise, I’m a sucker for Royal/Royalty. Mafia/Gang & Soulmate AUs would be a close second. 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? Oh, wow. I honestly never thought about that before. I think for me, the one thing I hope my readers get from my stories is at the end of the day, please do something that will make you happy. Your own happiness should always be a top priority for you. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? I take a break! Instead of forcing myself out of the creativity slump, I just take a break and let my mind recharge. Then, I go back to my outline and look over while listening to music that I know will spark some creativity juices. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? My favorite works (yes, I couldn’t pick just one) are my Royal!AU Seokjin series (Fight for Me & Our Second Chance). I love the amount of time and effort I put into those two stories, and I’m simply in awe at the world and characters I created. My second favorite is my latest Seokjin oneshot, Protecting Each Other. It’s my first story that exceeded 10,000 words, and I’m just proud of how that turned out. Successful wise, I would say it’s, This Little String. It’s a Soulmate!Taehyung oneshot based around the red-string of fate, and every other month, I see someone like and/or reblog it, so I say that’s pretty successful!
Who is your favorite person to write about? Seokjin hands down. I mean, not only is he one of my ultimate biases, but for some reason my creative banks dishes out ideas and inspiration for him like it’s nothing. 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? I personally don’t think so. You are still writing original content that derails from the source material (or adds to it), all you have to do is just replace your idols’ name with an original character name, and there you go. What do you think makes a good story? For me, I’d say that if you’re honestly proud of the end product, then that story is good, and your readers will see that. What is your writing process like? First I get an idea, or I like to call it, “it appeared to me in a vision,” then I outline it (if the idea lingers in my brain), and then I start writing and editing. Sometimes I’d sprint with my fellow writers on a server I’m in, and other times, I’d put on music and just let my brain go wild. Most of the time, I’m sprinting with friends. 
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? If I had the time, probably. I can see my Royal!AU series becoming an original story with different characters and an expanded plotline. What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? I am a sucker for F2L I (friends to lovers)! I just love the idea of dating someone who’s your best friend, so why not date your best friend, if the feelings are mutual of course! As for tropes, I dislike, I can’t say that I have any. I think it’s because (and I feel so bad for this), I don’t really read much stories other than what my mutual friends have written. 
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? It means the world to me because I do like knowing if I’m doing something right or if I need to go back and edit something for clarity. Mainly, I get likes and reblogs (with no feedback), and while it’s still nice of someone for taking the time to like and reblog something, I would like some feedback, please. I’m still grateful no matter what, though!
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? I think it’s the support of my amazing group of friends/mutuals! It’s thanks to their support that my work is reaching a wider audience, and it just means the world to me that they read my blood, sweat, and tears. I love them so much, especially my close friend, Jey (softjeon on Tumblr)!
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? For coffee, my go-to is a Caramel Macchiato with Soy Milk (from Starbucks), but lately I’ve been using my Keurig, so I just Peppermint Mocha and 3 tsps of Sugar (I can’t stand bitter coffee lol). For tea, I really like Mango green tea from Gongcha (another boba place chain). 
Dream job (whether you have a job or not)? My dream job is to be an elementary school teacher, however, I am currently working on becoming a social worker where my population will still focus on children/students. So, it’s a good compromise!
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?  If I could have one superpower, it would be cryokinesis aka ice manipulation!  
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? Oh, that’s a tough one, but if I had to choose one, I would go for the 1960s so I can see the Beatles live!
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? No, because it’s thanks to those life lessons that I grow up to be who I currently am. Sometimes you have to go through those harsh experiences to be a better version of yourself!
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? One horse-sized chicken, then I can feed my family for months. 
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? Oh, hands down, I would be the stereotypical geek/nerd. Though, I was called a “preppy” in 9th grade, so that was a first. 
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? Yup, especially ghosts! 
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? I can say the alphabet backwards! 
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? Oh, hands down, especially when it comes to writing smut. I’ve seen other blogs condemn writers who write smut about real people, but my thing is that these idols are merely face claims for a character that the author is writing about. 
Do you think art can be a medium for change? I think so! Every artist has a voice, especially with what’s going on recently, we need to be able to use our voices to spread light on certain issues. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? I used to think that way, especially when it came to writing x reader inserts since I know that’s what “sells” to the Tumblr audience. Now, I’m perfectly happy with writing x OC stories, and I’m content with my stories getting at least 5 notes. If it breaks 10 notes, then that’s a success!
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? If they did, then I wouldn’t know. Most of the time, I think my writing is okay with people. 
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? Yes, my soul friend managed my old blog once upon a time and actually read one of my smuts. I was so embarrassed! But at least he said it was tastefully written, so that’s a bonus? 
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? Always remember that it is okay to take breaks/go on hiatus! 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? My advice to those who want to start writing but are too afraid put themselves out there is to simply go for it. I was that person who was afraid to put their writing out there for the world to see, especially with some already established BTS writers on Tumblr, but I went for it. At first, it might be discouraging but know that your mutuals/friends will always be your number one supporter! Use their support as a motivator to keep writing and finding your groove! Then, eventually, all of your readers will start trickling in and showering you with the love and support you deserve!
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? I wouldn’t say regret joining but more like allowing my life to be revolved around it. At one point in my life, it felt like a second job/chore for me, and Tumblr should never be that type of site! 
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? Oh, I have so many! The ones that come to mind are definitely Jey (softjeon), Beanie (jinned), Nina (j-sope), Kenz (parksfilter), Renae (mygsii), Atlas (astraljoon), & Niah (randomkoalablog) to name a few! I love these amazing people so much and cherish their friendship to the moon and back!
Pick a quote to end your interview with: "Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious … and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
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