#the only other gay couple is alec and magnus but they’re happily married
d4rkshad0w · 2 months
so i’ve been looking at the TWP/TBVOTD teasers and i’m pretty sure teaser 7 and 10 are about Kit and Ty
teaser 7: “His face crumpled. "He hates me," he said. "All I do is love him, but he hates me, he just hates me, I don’t know why."
this can be taken from eithers perspective but i think it’s Ty that’s thinks this because Kit is the one mad at him for what happened w Livvy and everything and Cassie said that Kit was still mad at Ty after three years which would make sense for Ty to think Kit hates him and say this to either Dru or Livvy but i’m pretty sure it’s Livvy cuz she knows everything abt Kit and Ty’s situationship
teaser 10: "No one who loved you would want you to sacrifice your own happiness."
this one i’m not so sure that it’s Kit and Ty but if it is it might Ty to Kit cuz Kit was thinks he’s unloveable and that maybe he doesn’t deserve happiness OR maybe it could be Ty to Livvy, as in her saying she’s not happy as a ghost but doesn’t want to leave Ty which provokes him to say that but like i said it might not be KitTy and it could really be anyone but i think the words would be something someone would say to Kit
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estherlehnsherr · 5 years
🌈🌈🌈 GAY 🌈🌈🌈 ships that keep me alive every day (Part 2)
1. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy
The Boy Who Lived and The Boy Who Had No Choice. They seem to hate each other: Draco always finds a way to mock or embarrass Harry and Harry always has time to strike back. But maybe that's just the way to express complicated teenage emotions. Anyway, thousands and thousands of ficreaders and ficwriters believe that they are hopelessly in love. And I am one of them.
'Scared, Potter?'
'You wish.'
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2. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin
If you have someone who's there for you in your worst and still thinks that you're the best that's probably love. 'Cause if Severus Snape himself says that Sirius 'Drama Queen' Black and Remus 'So Done' Lupin are an old married couple - they definitely are.
'Sirius, be quiet.'
'Be quiet yourself, Remus!'
'Oh listen to you two, quarreling like an old married couple.'
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3. Aziraphale and Crowley
The Light and The Dark. An Angel and A Demon. They've been enemies for hell of a long time just to become friends. Walking around St.James park and feeding ducks? 'Why not?' Having dinner at the Ritz? 'Of course.' Running away from the Apocalypse to live together somewhere on Alpha Centauri? 'Yeah, sur... NO, Crowley, we are not friends!' Come on, Aziraphale.
'How long have we been friends? 6 thousand years!
'Friends... We are not friends! We are an angel and a demon. We have nothing whatsoever in common. I don't even like you!
'You dooo!'
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4. Steve McGarett and Danny Williams
I don't know whether they will live happily ever after in Steve's awesome house near the ocean or not. I don't know if Danny will ever try pineapple pizza. I don't know if Steve will ever let Danny drive HIS OWN car. But one thing I know for sure: they definitely said 'I love you' to each other more times than to their girlfriends.
'Whatever happens, I really ... really ... from the bottom of my heart ... hate you so much.
'I love you too.'
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5. Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich
They don't live in a perfect world. Nobody does. They're not from perfect families. Everybody has their flaws. They're not perfect themselves. (just kidding, they're awesome) Perfection is not the right word for this show. But    when they reach their destigaytion in prison cell - that's just perfect.
'You don't owe me anything.'
'I love you.'
'What the hell does that even mean?'
'It means we take care of each other.'
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6. Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane
Once upon a time a warlock and a shadowhunter fell in love. Their love was pure and true but one of them was burdened with family duty and another one was afraid to open his heart after a long and tragic past. So how did they succeed to overcome their struggles and fears? They just followed their hearts.
'You have to go back. You have to go back to the world.'
'I don't want the world. I want you.'
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7. Greg Lestrade and Mycroft Holmes
They appeared together on screen for like 4 times only and said to each other even less but that's only what we've seen. Nobody knows what happens behind closed doors of Diogenes Club. Sherlock always taught us to observe carefully so their relationship may be this show's biggest mystery! 😯
'Make sure Mycroft is looked after. He's not as strong as he thinks he is.'
'Yeah, I'll take care of him.'
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(That iconic moment when Sherlock inspired Mystrade shippers)
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Red Scrolls of Magic giveaway contest
In my humble opinion, Magnus and Alec are so incredibly important, not only because they've helped so many readers feel represented and accepted, but also because they were first written in 2007, which was, suffice to say, not a great time for the LGBT+ community in terms of their rights and how society treated them. So, the fact that Cassie fought to have a same-sex couple in her books when publishers told her no one would want to read about a same-sex couple, she was banned from book signing events and her books were banned from libraries and schools, really shows how much she cares about the LGBT+ community and understands the importance of representation, and for that I thank her, and I admire her strength and determination in the face of adversity. Without Malec, many readers would not have found the courage to be who they are. Without Malec, many readers would not have felt accepted and represented. The fact that the Red Scrolls cover shows Magnus and Alec holding hands is a clear reminder of how far Cassie has come, that she can now have a same-sex couple holding hands on the cover of her book.
One of the many great things about Malec is how normal it's treated. Alec and Magnus are just two dudes in a relationship. There's no "DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!! SHOCK!!! HORROR!!! THEY'RE GAY!!!" moment. Their sexualities aren't treated as a plot device or a plot twist. It's just part of their characters, like the fact that Alec has blue eyes or Magnus is half Asian. They have personalities and characteristics outside of their characters. Their storylines also don't revolve around them being gay and bi. Honestly, I really think Magnus and Alec are two of the best examples of LGBT+ representation in literature – not just in YA literature, but in all literature. A bold statement, I know, but one I am willing to make. They have touched so many hearts and changed so many lives, it's impossible to deny the significance and impact of their existence.
Now, to talk about Magnus and Alec as individuals. The first time I read The Mortal Instruments, Magnus very quickly became my favourite character. He still is one of my favourites – how could he not be? He's such a complex and fascinating person, with a long history that could probably fill several books. One of the things I love about him is how he is still so kind, so selfless, so generous, so loving, after centuries of heartbreak and centuries of discrimination and oppression. He is a truly inspiring character. It has been amazing to see his character grow with each series, and he honestly deserves nothing more than to spend as long as possible living happily with Alec and Max and Rafael, and I hope that one day he and Alec will get married in gold.
Alec is also undeniably a character who has changed magnificently since City of Bones. From this insecure, closeted 18-year-old, to the man we see in The Dark Artifices who stands up for Magnus when their relationship is challenged, Alec's character development is wonderful and brilliant and I feel like a proud mother when I think of him. I love how he's grown from someone used to hiding in Jace's shadow to someone who is confident enough to stand on his own, brave enough to show the world who he is, willing to accept himself in a way he couldn't in City of Bones. His journey from City of Bones to The Dark Artifices is phenomenal and inspiring to so many LGBT+ readers.
I would like to thank Cassie for blessing us with Magnus and Alec, and all of her other characters, without whom I and many of my fellow readers would not be who we are today. Cassie, if you're reading this, your books mean so much to me and will forever hold a special place in my heart and on my bookshelf. Thank you. @cassandraclare 
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