#the only easter egg videos are about the phone numbers in the first game
spacedkey · 2 months
didn't know in that clip -but found out in a different walking into the mirror session- if you're crouched and wiggle your mouse fast enough, jackie just goes into a gun holding pose for some reason. maybe instead of having no guns be the default animations, they made the sections where he doesn't have guns after so they had to remove the guns. idk. and i can't find out bc there are like no working mirrors outside of the mansion. and no-one has done thorough glitch documenting.
0 notes
yosos0w0 · 2 months
About Me
Hi, nice to meet you! ^^ I'm Yosos, and I do Pixel art, Art sprites, and Pixel animations. I first learned pixel art from an old friend of mine who works in indie video games. She got me hooked on it back in 2018-2019. But honestly, pixel art wasn’t my passion at the time. My original passion was Rubber Hose style art and animation from the mid-1920s to 1930s, inspired by characters like Koko the Clown, Betty Boop, Felix the Cat, and good ol’ Mickey Mouse.
When I tried drawing them on my phone, it didn’t look so good because my hands were always "broken" because I kept punching the wall :-P lol. For me, pixel art is good because it’s easier to control my hands when drawing on my phone. Anyway, now I'm stuck with pixel art and learned a lot from my friend. Not sure what happened to her, but I kept going. I still use Rubber Hose animation as a base because I love how bouncy and expressive the emotions are and how fast the character movements can be.
I also take inspiration from various pixel art video games from both my childhood and now, like Super Mario Bros, Kirby's Adventure, River City Ransom, and Mother 2/Earthbound, to more recent titles like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game, Undertale, Deltarune, Yume Nikki, and more. I appreciate the authenticity of their styles and the vibrant colors they use, and I just love how they move too. ^_^
I'm a self-taught artist, and I typically finish my art within a week to two months, depending on the size of the canvas, number of frames, and colors used. And yeah, I watch NSFW animation and art to learn more about animation techniques and anatomy. Sooooooo yeah, that’s me! ^_~
Pixel art:
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Description: Just a Guy in a Purple Catsuit.
Date: 02/11/2024
Size: 413x542 px.
Colors Used: Oil 6
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Npc BBS Characters
Description: It's just a concept of a few NPC characters, inspired by a thread in general. I think it's a fighting game like Street Fighter, but my idea is more like an RPG game similar to Dragon Quest. The story is that you just moved to Newgrounds City, and suddenly bad things happen. Some of the famous Newgrounds characters disappear, and only you (the player) can save them and Newgrounds City. Idk :-P
Date: 08/18/21
Size: 87x140 px.
Colors Used: Endesga 32
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BBS General Fighter Turbo
Description: Hey @Ryanson, here is the animation I promised you! I'm sorry if it's not very polished. I know you like fighting games, I think? So I added other users for you to fight, like @Poopypeter. The others are background characters, such as @Superrobloxbros, @Pumpkinheadude, @Cerealgutz, @Z0i, @Chezmond, @Drsevenseizemd, @Void, and @The-great-one. That's all, I guess. I hope you like it! ^^
Date: 08/29/22
Size: 185x165 px.
Frames: 26 frames
Colors Used: Endesga 32
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Happy Easter
Description: Happy Easter Everyone ^^
Date: 04/07/23
Size: 274x274 px.
Frames: 30 frames
Colors Used: AYY4
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Choose your users!
Description: Hello! It's been a while. I apologize, Snug-Bug, for taking so long to finish this animation. I had a lot of school and personal problems, which delayed its completion. I'm also sorry that it's not a Snugbug DLC That you want it, but it's finally here. I've combined all the user's art requests into one piece to create this artwork. It consists of 135 frames, each lasting 100 milliseconds. This is the longest animation I've made, excluding the study work and ongoing problems I'm still dealing with. Additionally, keep an eye out for some Easter eggs in the pixel animation. I hope you all enjoy it.
Date: 08/14/23
Size: 516x267px.
Frames: 135 frames
Colors Used: Endesga 32
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Waifu San
Description: If you can't beat them join them. Inspired: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/whimsical-wife/yosos-chan To hell with you @whimsical-wife To @Thetageist and @Drazah?????????????
Date: 05/02/24
Size: 200x200 px.
Frames: 72 frames
Colors Used: Endesga 32
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Mr. Pumpkin Man
Description: Originally I'm trying to make a New Character Sheet for my Oc/Persona Character but idk what I did.
Date: 07/17/24
Size:  216x146 px.
Frames: 452 frames
Colors Used: mulfok32
My Projects
Blam and Protect
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Description: THE PORTAL IS UNDER ATTACK! And it's up to you (P-Bot) to destroy the bad guys! You'll use your P-Blaster to eliminate spammers, trolls, and just plain bad submissions.
Role: Background Artist
Year: January 23, 2023
Link: Blam and Protect on Newgrounds
NG Fishing Collab
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Description: In early development, this project was almost scrapped. I took over when Demisurgex left. There are a few submissions from the original post (which got deleted) that I still haven't found. [Important] If you had submitted illustrations to the original NG Fishing Collab post, but can't find your submission anywhere in our gallery mode, PM me (CJspellsfish) and send me your fish details.
Role: Additional Artist
Year: November 23, 2023
Link: NG Fishing Collab on Newgrounds
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Unfinished works:
No. 01
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Contact Information
If you want to contact me here's my Social media Account:
DeviantArt: mryosos
Newgrounds: yosos
X (formerly Twitter): YososOwO
Tumblr: yosos0w0
That's all ^^
2 notes · View notes
spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 28
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A/N: Thanks for all the love this past week ❤️ It meant a lot to me.  Here’s 4600 words of subpar writing 😝 And FYI, we’re not getting too sad around here.  This is the only chapter they’ll be apart.  That means reunification next week!
April 12th, 2020
Aberdeen Bloom was with her family.  
It was Easter, and they were celebrating together, thankfully.  She was more grateful for it now more than ever, considering the state of the world.  She had stayed camped out at her apartment for the last two weeks with Kasha, who had come back from Evan’s place and was none the wiser about William being there for the fourteen days prior.  It made the most sense to Aberdeen because she still had to pay rent, and because she didn’t want to put Minerva through a stressful move again.  So, she stayed put.  Plus, now that she was living on her own, she’d know she’d go crazy if she lived with her family again.  Especially with Siena back from Ottawa because of classes in some weird state of limbo.  The sisters were thankful that Camden was independent enough to be able to learn on his own and not be constantly watched – and so was Orla.  She had enough to tackle, having her grade one class turned into online learning until further notice.  Everything was messy, and unprecedented, and weird, and not understandable, and weird, and chaotic, and confused.  
But Aberdeen had her family.  And Aberdeen had Willy.  
They’d kept their promise about calling each other every night.  Aberdeen would lay in bed and put in her headphones (so Kasha wouldn’t hear) and they’d FaceTime each other for a majority of the night, alone in their rooms, talking about anything and everything.  Sometimes they’d fall asleep talking, and their phones wouldn’t shut off, and Aberdeen would wake up an hour later and see the brightness of her phone screen still lit up, and she’d see William sleeping on the other end, his face so peaceful yet so burdened with responsibility of caring for his siblings while his parents and other siblings were eight hours and an entire continent and ocean away, and she wouldn’t have the heart to end the call.  
Things were fine in Tampa, from what he told her.  Jacquie had calmed down considerably.  Alex was…Alex – always trying to make jokes and make light of the situation.  They barely left their house, but because there were three of them there, it wasn’t too bad.  There were a lot of board games played, a lot of Netflix series watched.  From across the countries, Aberdeen and William were watching Tiger King together.  She didn’t think she’d watched anything as horrifyingly crazy.  William would crack jokes about her putting him in a meat grinder and feeding him to tigers.  She could only giggle.  
She knew that today the siblings were going to go for their first “outing”, just to get some sunshine, along the Courtney Campbell Bridge.  She hoped the weather would cooperate for them.  And once they were all home, and once Aberdeen was back at her place, the routine would begin, and she’d crawl into bed, and she’d FaceTime Willy to hear all about it.
Good Friday meant they had fish.  Easter Monday meant Orla’s roasted lamb and much of the same sides that were prepared on Christmas.  They’d still video chat with their grandparents, Camden would still play hockey in the driveway, and Aberdeen and Siena would go down into the basement and watch episodes of Brooklyn 9-9 or another show.  Routines, in a time of a global pandemic that brought so much uncertainty, were accepted with warmth.  Even for just a day, life was going to feel normal.  Orla and Mirza had even gone so far as to get their kids chocolate eggs.  It didn’t matter that the youngest didn’t believe in the Easter Bunny anymore or that the girls were in their early twenties – the gesture went farther than that.  They were all together again, even if it was just for the day.  
When Orla placed the roasted lamb at the centre of the table, asking Mirza for his plate first, Aberdeen took a giant whiff of the smell and immediately felt more relaxed.  She filled her plate with carrots and asparagus and Yorkshire pudding before her mom piled on the lamb and sauce.  
“So where’s our good friend William these days?” Orla asked as she finished serving everybody and sat down in her seat.  She immediately grabbed her knife and fork to dig in.  “He didn’t want to come for Easter?”
“I’m sure he wanted to come and have your lamb, darling,” Mirza said.
“He’s in Tampa,” Aberdeen answered, smiling slightly at her parents’ interaction.  “His brother and his sister went there at the start of lockdown, and so when he was good to go too, he went.”
“William quarantined for fourteen days too?” Mirza asked.  “Why?”
“He spoke to one of his Swedish friends on the Predators so he had to.  I bet the whole team did,” she explained.  
“Did you guys quarantine together?” Siena asked.
Aberdeen rolled her eyes.  “Hah.  Good one.”
“William has sisters?” Camden asked.
“He has three,” Aberdeen smiled.  “All of them are younger than him.”
“I can’t imagine three of you and Siena.”
Everybody at the table snorted.  “We can’t imagine three of you either, buddy,” Siena quipped back.
Camden smiled, then focused his attention back to Aberdeen.  “So what’s he doing in Tampa?”
“I don’t know.  Hanging out with his brother and sister.”
“Why don’t you call him and ask?”
“Camden,” Aberdeen said, “I can’t just call William Nylander and ask him what he’s doing so my little brother can know,” her tone made it seem like it was the most out-of-this-world idea.  But it was a total lie.  William would be at her beck and call – he always was.  If she called him right now, he’d answer.  If she called him and asked him what he was doing because Camden wanted to know, he’d answer her and tell Camden what he was doing.  He was just like that.
“I think the most important question we should be asking about William, considering the circumstances in our world right now, is whether or not he’s safe in Tampa,” Mirza interjected.  He stuffed a roasted potato into his mouth.  “Is he safe?”
Aberdeen nodded.  “He’s safe.  And he’s with his family, just like we are.”
Aberdeen could hear the video game sounds coming out of Camden’s Nintendo Switch as she lay in his bed, cuddled up to him while browsing through her phone.  It was later – later than she thought – but she wanted to stay at home for a little while longer, at least until Camden went to bed, because, well…it was a global pandemic and she wanted to see her family.  Her dad would drive her home eventually – she knew that.  But she wanted to spend some time with her younger brother, even if it was just cuddling with him while he played video games and she browsed Instagram.  Sometimes physical contact was the best contact; sometimes nothing needed to be said.  
“Hey Aberdeen?” he whispered.
Apparently something needed to be said.
She looked over at him and saw that he’d placed the Switch face-down on his chest.  He was looking up at her.  “Yeah bud?”
“Are you scared about the pandemic?”
Aberdeen softened immediately.  God, she wished he could stay this age forever.  She didn’t want him to grow up and turn into a moody teenager.  She wanted him like this forever: young and innocent and the little boy who cries over meeting Kyle Lowry.  “Of course I’m scared,” she admitted.  “Are you scared?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he nodded.  “Mom’s home so it’s okay but I’m scared about dad.  What if the virus is on one of the envelopes or packages he has to deliver?  Or, like, on a mailbox?”
Aberdeen cuddled closer to her brother, if only to provide physical assurance.  There were so many unknowns about the virus.  It didn’t help that there was wall-to-wall coverage of it on the TV all the time.  “I don’t think the virus works that way, Cam.  I think—”
“But did you see how fast it spread in New York City?  Mom and dad were watching the news one night and the number of people who have it is so high,” he was so concerned.  
“I think dad’s work put a lot of, like, safety rules in place so nobody will catch it,” she tried to calm his nerves.  “Dad wouldn’t be working if it wasn’t safe.  Look at my work.  They’re not letting me work because it’s not safe.”
Camden considered his sister’s words.  She could practically see the gears shifting in his mind.  “I guess so,” he acquiesced.  “But I still think about dad a lot when he’s working.  Mom’s even praying a lot more now.”
“I figured she would be,” Aberdeen nodded.  “Listen Cam, I’m scared about everything too, but the reason why I’m not worried about dad is because dad’s a really smart guy, and we’re a family that listens to doctors and public health experts who are trying to make everything better,” she explained.  
“And don’t forget the epado…epid…”
“Epidemiologists,” she smiled, saying the word for him.  “Them too.  I’m listening to them.”
“Mom thinks I won’t go back to school this year at all.  She told me I’m gonna help her teacher her first graders,” he giggled.  “Imagine that!  At least I don’t have to take EQAO this year.”
“Lucky you,” Aberdeen wiggled her eyebrows at him.  “Hey, if I order some masks, what designs do you want on them?”
“Raptors and Leafs, obviously,” he smiled.  “Do you even need to ask?”
“Well excuuuuuuse me—”
Their conversation was interrupted by Aberdeen’s phone ringing from its place on her chest.  When she flipped it over to see who would be calling her at this hour, she should have known better than to wonder.  It was William.  It would only be William.  But he was requesting to FaceTime her.  Just as she was about to reject the call, she heard Cam gasp.  “Is that William Nylander?  He’s calling you?!”
She gulped.  “Cam—”
“Answer it!  Answer it!”
She swiped her screen.  She prayed to every saint that he wasn’t already topless.  When he finally appeared on the screen, he was wearing an oversized t-shirt.  She’d have to pray the rosary tonight.  “Hi William,” she greeted formally – no “Hi baby” or “Heeeeeyyyyy” like she usually did, hoping he’d get the hint.  
“Hello…” he answered back awkwardly, not realizing immediately why she was being so formal.  When she tilted the camera and he saw Camden lying beside her smiling from ear-to-ear, waving frantically at him, he understood.  “Heeeyyy Camden,” he greeted, waving back.  
“Hi William!” Camden said.  “How are you?”
“I’m good, buddy, how are you?”
“I’m okay,” he shrugged.  “Aberdeen told me you’re in Tampa Bay with your brother and sisters.”
“I am,” William nodded, shooting the quickest of looks to Aberdeen.  “She texted me to let me know you guys were apparently missing me today at lunch.  I already know my lunch wasn’t as great as the one your mom made.”
Camden giggled slightly.  “It definitely wasn’t.  Mom made lamb today.  Hey William?”
“Yeah bud?”
“Aberdeen told me you have three younger sisters.  I have two older ones.  How do you do it?!”
William burst out laughing, as did Aberdeen.  “Ooooooh Camden.  If I knew, I’d tell you.”
“How are you, minskatt?” William asked as he watched Aberdeen get into her bed.  He’d called her again when he knew it was safe – when she was back at her apartment after her dad drove her home.  He hadn’t expected Camden to be on his earlier phone call, of course, but they’d spoken for about ten minutes until Camden was satisfied.
Aberdeen took a deep breath.  She was going for it.  “Jag mår bra hur mår du?” she replied in near-perfect Swedish.
She watched as William’s eyes bulged out dramatically and smiled mischievously.  “Minskatt?!” he gasped dramatically, even going so far as to sit up in bed.  She could only giggle.  “Minskatt where did that come from?  Are you…”
“Mhm,” she nodded before he could finish his thought.  “I ordered a bunch of Swedish language books and I’ve been learning since you left.  I wanted to surprise you.”
“Minskaaaaatt,” he repeated, except this time in a more playful accusatory tone.  “What have you taught yourself?”
“Just the most basic stuff,” she said.  “Hello, how are you, where is the washroom, that kind of stuff.  Verb conjugations are going to come later.  And…” she trailed off.
She smiled again.  “Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker,” she whispered.  
It was the most amazing thing William had ever heard.  It didn’t matter that the pronunciation was a bit off – it was incredible.  Incredible.  So incredible that he couldn’t handle it.  He smiled from ear to ear and buried his face in his pillow as he giggled.  “Minskatt…you have no idea how beautiful that sounds,” he said.  “Like…you honestly have no idea.”
“Do you like the surprise?” she asked.
“I fucking love it,” he said.  “Minskatt, you’re too good to me.”
“I want to learn more.  I want…I want to like, become as fluent as I can so that I can speak to your family in Swedish.  You know, when we’re in Sweden.  Whenever that is.”
William’s heart practically burst in his chest.  If it was possible, he would have spontaneously self-combusted right then and there at her words and their sweetness.  “If I could take you to Sweden tomorrow, I would.  God minskatt, I miss you so much.  I’m dying over here.”
“Me too.”
“I want to touch you so bad,” he admitted.  “I was dreaming about it the other night but then I woke up, and I couldn’t fall back asleep again.”
Her heart fluttered.  She’d dreamt about the same thing too last night and woke up sweating.  She’d never been this sexually frustrated before, even in her single days.  To think of the time they spent together during quarantine, only to have him leave and be unable to do those same thing…it was a lot to miss.  A lot to look forward too, as well, once they reunited.  But for now, she could only miss it.  “How were you touching me?” she asked, biting her bottom lip.
She could see his Adam’s apple bob in his throat.  “You know how,” he whispered.
“Tell me,” she said, slipping her hand underneath the covers.  She snaked it down her body and underneath her pajama pants and underwear.  “Tell me how you were touching me.”
William watched as he watched her one arm move and her hand disappear.  He gulped at the sight of it.  “I was touching your pussy,” he huffed, slipping his own hand under the covers.  
“Was it wet for you?”
“Of course,” he said, grabbing hold of his cock, stroking it almost immediately.  “Is…is it wet right now?”
“Getting there,” she nodded.  
“Are you touching yourself?”
“Mhm,” she said, her eyes drooping slightly.  She waited a few moments as she continued to touch herself before she finally continued.  “Tell me how you were touching me.  What were you doing?”
“I was fingering you.  And my thumb was rubbing your clit…how you like it,” his voice was low.
“Mmmmm,” Aberdeen hummed, mimicking what he was saying and doing it to herself as best she could.  She’d done it for so long as a single woman that she’d practically mastered it, but ever since she’d been with William, he’d mastered it in the short amount of time too.  There was nothing he did that didn’t turn her on.  “I had your cock down my throat in my dream last night.”
“Oh fuck,” William huffed, not expecting that at all.  He thought, as always, this was gonna be about pleasuring her by some good old-fashioned phone sex.  He didn’t think she’d go so far as to include him too, considering how new the experience was.  But they were doing this.  “Was it deep in your throat?” he asked.
Aberdeen nodded.  “It hit the back.”
“Fuuuuuck Aberdeen,” he huffed.  He imagined the feeling and it sent shivers down his spine.  He got hard almost immediately at the thought as he kept stroking himself, but ever since he’d been with Aberdeen, his own hand didn’t fucking cut it anymore.  She gave him the best handjobs, the best blowjobs…everything she did was the best to him.  
“Remember when I sucked you off in the backseat of your car?” she asked, her voice sugary sweet.  William nodded his head quickly.  “Remember how you came in my mouth?  You tasted sooooo good, Willy.”
“Ab—Aberdeen—fuck, don’t—”
“I can’t wait to taste it again.”
William’s eyes rolled back.  “I can’t wait to taste your pussy again.”
“When you come back home, I want you to fuck me like you did during quarantine,” she continued.  “Fuck me hard how I like it, Willy.”
“Ab—are you—look at me when you cum, Aberdeen,” William demanded.  He could tell by just a quick look that she was almost there.  “Look at me when you cum.”
“Are you close?”
“Cum with me, Willy.  Think of my tight pussy when you cum.”
She could see his face contort slightly as he closed his eyes.  She bit her bottom lip and tried to suppress a loud moan, writhing in her bed and squeezing her legs together as her orgasm took over her body.  She heard William moan too, low and guttural, and when she saw his chest heaving just as much as hers was, she knew he came too.  
As her breathing steadied out, Aberdeen couldn’t help but giggle slightly.  “I can’t believe we just did that,” she admitted.  “That was—”
“That was really hot,” William finished her sentence, albeit more bluntly than her tone.  “That was—we did that quick but God it was hot.”
“Yeah,” Aberdeen nodded.  “Nothing compares to the real thing though.”
“No, it doesn’t,” William agreed.  “The second I land in Toronto – finish quarantine – whatever, I’m taking you to my place and I’m fucking you senseless.”
Aberdeen couldn’t help but giggle and smirk at his words.  “Promise?”
April 14th, 2020
“What did you and your brother do that day?” Aberdeen practically screamed into the phone as the video played on what seemed like an infinite loop on her laptop.  “Seriously.  What made you think to film that?”
“We practiced for a long time!”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure the Toosie Slide dance took a lot of practice.”
“It does!”
“Your poor sister.”
“She lived.”
Aberdeen snorted.  “And what are those shorts, William?!”
“Um, excuse me?  Are you making fun of my shorts?” he giggled.  “I thought you’d like them, seeing as they show off my thighs.  We both know how much you like my thighs…”
“Stop it.”
April 20th, 2020
“Did you get some sun today?” Aberdeen asked sarcastically, seeing William on FaceTime looking redder than a tomato.  
“You’re funny.”
“Have you heard of sunscreen?”
“I wore sunscreen,” he grumbled.
“Sure you did.”
April 25th, 2020
“Have you been writing a lot, minskatt?” William asked as he watched Aberdeen concentrating on her screen, hearing her furious typing through the microphone.  They were on the type of call where the participants just went about their business, connected through the screen, watching the other do their work while also doing their own.  William was just being dumb and scrolling through golfing websites, but Aberdeen was actually being productive.
“Mhm,” she nodded.  “I just…well, you saw how much I wrote when we were together too.  In between the sex,” she chuckled slightly.  “But after you left, there was just this huge burst of inspiration and energy.”
“I think it was the sex,” William deadpanned, causing Aberdeen to laugh.  “The sex inspired you.”
“Well you definitely gave me the energy,” she smiled.  “Too bad what I’m writing isn’t a sex diary or something.”
“What are you writing, minskatt?” he asked, genuinely interested.
“Um…” Aberdeen began, trying to formulate what she was writing into words.  “It’s about a girl.  Well, a group of girls.”
“You mean like that TV show Girls?”
“Better,” Aberdeen huffed.  “Lena Dunham is awful.”
William smiled.  “So a group of girls?”
“A group of girls and their relationships with each other.  And the expectations they have for each other that sometimes may not work in their favour.”
“So is it semi-autobiographical?”
Aberdeen side-eyed him.  Everything in writing was at least somewhat autobiographical.  But he didn’t need to know that.  “Maybe.”
April 27th, 2020
“I miss you so much,” William mumbled, his voice sleepy.
“I miss you too,” Aberdeen said, equally as tired.  “I can’t wait for you to hold me.  I can’t wait to just cuddle.”
“Me too.”
April 30th, 2020
For the first time in weeks, Aberdeen wasn’t doomscrolling about COVID-19.  She was doomscrolling about William.  
It started innocently enough, by Aberdeen reminiscing on the first time he drove her home from the airport and he spoke about his contract negotiations and how they turned a lot of people sour on him.  She believed him right then and there, but she didn’t go looking.  Now, with nothing to do and a curious mind, she went looking.
And she hated what she found.
Entire articles, practically one written every week, about his trade value.  Those same articles devalkuing him as a player and downplaying his role on the team as a top-six forward.  Panels of analysts and experts demanding that the Leafs trade him.  Entire Twitter accounts dedicated to blasting every single little thing he did on the ice.  Men with nothing better to do than to obsess over him and call him every name in the book.  
And then there was the video from Tim & Sid, the popular sports radio duo in Toronto that Aberdeen listened to for fifteen minutes once, but couldn’t get past Sid Seixeiro’s dumbass opinions.  In the video she watched, he took a less than 10-second clip of something William had said in a post-game interview during a loss against the Panthers and asked, indignantly, “What the hell is wrong with him?”  He then proceeded to go on a five-minute rant about the entire locker room having an attitude problem, how Willy had an attitude problem, how he didn’t care about the team…and people believed it.  She knew it.  People gobbled it up.  It was their serotonin while they hated him and called him a pussy on the internet and threw glasses at him in bars while drunk.  She felt sick to her stomach that these people felt this way about him.  
She’d been crying for a while before she picked up her phone to call him.  Her hands were shaking as she dialled his number, waiting for him to answer.  “Hi minskatt,” he cooed after the fourth ring.
“Willy,” she greeted, her voice shaky.
The last time she’d called him in such a state, she was being followed from her apartment.  William’s mind immediately went into overdrive.  “Minskatt?  What’s wrong?”
“Willy you know I love you, right?”
He softened slightly.  “Of course I do.  Why would you—”
“—I love you every way you are—"
“—And I know you’re a good person and I love you so much, more than anything—”
“—Aberdeen—Aberdeen—stop.  What is this about?”
She took a quick breath.  “What everyone says about you, Willy.  They’re horrible.  Horrible.  I was reading and I was watching these videos and they’re just awful to you and—”
“Aberdeen, I told you not to watch those videos,” he said.
“Willy, please,” she begged.  “How could they say those things about you and not even know you?  How can they still be so bitter after your contract negotiations?!”
“I love you, Willy.  I love you every way you are,” she repeated.  “I don’t care what anybody has to say about you.  I love you.  I love you.”
“I love you too, Aberdeen,” he said calmly but fiercely.  “Aberdeen, you can’t listen to them.  I learned how to tune them out a long time ago.  Even if I did…I don’t care what they say about me.  I know who I am, Aberdeen.  I know the truth, and they don’t.  And you do too.”
“I do, but I just…they’re so awful, Willy.  I don’t know how you can stand it.”
“Like I said…I know my truth.  My family knows.  And you do.  The most important people in my life know the truth and that’s all that matters.  I don’t give a fuck about what they think of me,” he said.  
Aberdeen stayed silent.  She knew she was overreacting, but damnit, she needed to overreact.  She’d been a part of the hockey world now for what felt like a century, and if what she had with William was going to last, it would be a major part of her life for years to come.  She needed to learn to roll with the punches.  But at the same time, she felt like if those punches were unjustified, then she was justified in being upset about them and wanting to speak out.  “I just love you so much,” she whispered, her voice much calmer now but still a bit shaky.  “God, I’m such a horrible girlfriend.  I’m calling you crying about the stupid Toronto media on the night before your birthday—”
“It’s okay, minskatt,” he interrupted.  “I would rather you call me then cry alone.  Besides, my birthday isn’t going to be special because you won’t be here.”
“Willy, don’t say that.”
“I mean it,” he replied.  “I wish I could spend it with you.  Fuck, I wish I could fly you down to Florida on a private fucking plane just so I could spend time with you.  I’d kill someone just to hold your hand right now.”
Her heart fluttered.  “I wish you’d come back to Toronto,” she whispered.  “When you get back, Willy…I’m gonna let you hold my hand so hard.”
They both snorted.  “I’ll be eagerly awaiting my gift, by the way,” he said, knowing that whatever she had in store for him for his birthday would be waiting for him when he got back to Toronto.  She made it that way – she promised, and he’d accepted.  He was dying in anticipation, but he’d accepted. 
“Want a little piece of it now?” she asked.
He smiled.  “You know I do.”
May 1st, 2020
Happy birthday I know you’re spending the day with your brother so it’s okay if you don’t text back I just want you to know how much I love you.  I’m sorry that I waited so long.  I’m sorry I denied it for so long.  You have been so good to me Willy.  I hope I’m half as good to you as you are to me.  I’ve never felt the love that you give me every single day from another person and I think that’s because the universe was saving it for ~you, for  ~you to show me, because I can’t picture it being from anyone else.  I love you so much and I miss you.  Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker.
i love u more than anything minskatt Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker always i will always love u i wish u were here with me nothing is the same without u
nothing is the same without you either I love you so much Willy
i love u aberdeen
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adobe-outdesign · 4 years
There are too many yellow bears in this series.
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Transcript under the cut.
So in Part 1, I mentioned how it was weird that I talked about the identity of the Brother and then skipped directly to the box. So let’s remedy that and talk about the identity of…
[Who is Golden Freddy?]
No but seriously, we do need to discuss Golden Freddy before we discuss the Brother’s identity. Trust me, I’m going somewhere with this.
So Withered Golden Freddy is super easy - he’s the fifth child. We literally see this in Give Gifts. Some people think the fifth child is Cassidy, I personally think it’s Michael Brooks because his name aligns with the night guard’s names on the tombstones, it does not matter, all we need to know is that he’s the fifth child. Enjoy that, it was the only easy part of this theory.
Side note: Shadow Freddy seems to merely be a different form of Golden Freddy. In TTO, Shadow Freddy leads Charlie’s friends to her, and Michael, IE Golden Freddy, is the only one who has a reason to do that as he was her friend. And in canon, Shadow Freddy likely doesn’t show up for the fifth child in FNAF 3 not because he isn’t possessing something, but because said child is Shadow Freddy.
Continuing on, Fredbear - the one with the purple accessories - is likely Sammy, which I went over in the last video. This includes Nightmare Fredbear, the yellow bear in Happiest Day, Fredbear in UCN, etc. He’s also Nightmare, who is to Nightmare Fredbear what Shadow Freddy is to Golden Freddy; the instigator of bad events and the eventual outcome of death. Note that just as Fredbear has different colored accessories compared to Golden Freddy, Nightmare has different colored accessories compared to Shadow Freddy. They’re parallels, but they’re not the same.
But then we get to FNAF 1 Golden Freddy, and FNAF 1 Golden Freddy is… weird.
The most obvious answer would be that he’s the fifth child, but that doesn’t line up with what we established in the last video - the fifth child should no longer actively be haunting the place by FNAF 1, same as the other kids. Even if you want to argue that theory is wrong, there are some other things that don’t make sense; for example, FNAF 2 Golden Freddy is hyper-aggressive while FNAF 1 Golden Freddy is barely around. Likewise, FNAF 1 Golden Freddy seems to be purely a hallucination as you can’t adjust his AI, while Withered Golden Freddy is a physical suit you can tamper with.
FNAF 1 Golden Freddy also has a connection to both bites - both in the 1987 Easter Egg and the fact that he looks exactly like Fredbear as shown in UCN. Plus the poster that summons him occasionally switches to one of Freddy casually tearing off his own frontal lobe, and Stage 01 shows him giving cake to kid with a Foxy mask. The fifth child has nothing to do with either bite, so these connections do not make sense.
The second option would be that he’s Sammy, as he might be the other main 5 animatronics, but that… doesn’t quite add up. First, that would mean that in FNAF 3 he gave cake to… himself, seeing as all the pieces are him. Secondly, he wasn’t around in 1987 so that Easter Egg makes no sense, unless the general connection to a bite is enough for him. Thirdly, there is no Nightmare equivalent in this game (or Shadow Freddy, for that matter). And finally, the big one - if Scott intended Sammy to be Golden Freddy, then he would’ve left FNAF 4 Fredbear’s accessories black. The switch to purple is to differentiate the two, which doesn’t make sense if they’re one in the same.
But you know what’s really strange about FNAF 1 Golden Freddy aside from, like, everything? The IT’S ME hallucinations are connected to him… and him alone. No matter what the game, spinoff, or sequel, FNAF 1 Golden Freddy and FNAF 1 Golden Freddy alone makes these hallucinations.
Because of this, I feel like in order to solve who FNAF 1 Golden Freddy is, we need to solve the IT’S ME hallucinations first. And in order to do that, we have to go back to when they started appearing, which is not in FNAF 1 as you might expect, but in FNAF 2. The FNAF 2 cutscenes show the FNAF 1 location and, as far as we know, are the earliest instances of these hallucinations.
First, we see Freddy’s “error” message, which is later replaced with the “IT’S ME” line. This is why I believe these cutscenes are the origin of the phrase, as it starts showing up only after the first night. It also shows up before and after Golden Freddy appears, so it doesn’t appear to be tied to him here.
The other reason I believe this to be the origin is the hallucinations that accompany the IT’S ME message, one of which is an eyeless Bonnie - which appears in the Night 3 cutscene. And the other image? Consider how the animatronics behave towards you here - Bonnie and Chica eventually turn away, while the Puppet follows you. This matches the FNAF 2 gameplay when you put on the mask - Bonnie and Chica are fooled by it while the Puppet is not.
I’ll be honest, I never liked that puppet thing. It’s always…thinking, and it can go anywhere. I don’t think the Freddy mask will fool it.
Combine this with the strange blurred look and the fact that this is labeled as “dream” in the files, and it’s likely this isn’t reality, nor is this literally Freddy. Rather, we’re playing as someone picturing themselves as Freddy - which is why we see the Freddy with human eyes. These images accompany the IT’S ME hallucination because this is where said hallucination started.
Now, remember our requirements for the Brother earlier. They must be someone who worked in the FNAF 1 location, and we know that they worked in more than one Freddy’s as well. We also know that this person is not Michael Afton.
We know that whoever we play as in these cutscenes knows how the animatronics behave in 2, and this cutscene takes place in 1′s location. This indicates the player character moved from the FNAF 2 location to the FNAF 1 location, which fits the requirements for the Brother. This indicates that the person creating the IT’S ME hallucinations is the Brother - which in turns means that the Brother has to be FNAF 1 Golden Freddy.
But what else can we learn about him? Well for starters, we also see the Puppet, the one who gives life, right before the cutscenes stop on Night 4, despite the main gameplay continuing for several more nights. We see the Golden Freddy suit right before that, so that might be the suit that the player character is possessing - note that he does not have pupils yet like in FNAF 1. This indicates that the Brother died and was given life in the FNAF 1 location, further narrowing our requirements. And the Freddy with human eyes hallucination looks suspiciously like someone who was stuffed into a Freddy suit. See where I’m going with this?
Our final piece of evidence that links this all together is that Golden Freddy has a connection to both ‘87 and ‘83, yet is not Sammy. You see, when people ask “who did the Bite of ‘87?”, they’re asking the wrong question. Which animatronic did the Bite matters very little. What we need to know is who caused the Bite. The animatronics, including Fredbear himself, ask “was it me?” in the teasers, indicating the IT’S ME might be a response to this question. It’s not the animatronic that matters - it’s the person.
Phone Guy worked in the FNAF 2 location, and knows how the animatronics worked. He moved to the FNAF 1 location and recorded his phone calls before being stuffed into a suit on Night 4, the same number of nights the FNAF 2 cutscenes run for. And Phone Guy… is the one who tells Jeremy to wear his uniform and stick close the animatronics, after it was established they weren’t acting right around adults. In FNAF 1, after Phone Guy’s death, the first instance of Golden Freddy we can confirm… happens to land on the anniversary date of the Bite of ‘87.
Phone Guy caused the Bite of ‘87… and the Bite of ‘83. Phone Guy is the Brother.
[Why Phone Guy Being the Brother Makes Sense, Actually]
It may sound crazy at first, but Phone Guy being the Brother and FNAF 1 Golden Freddy is what suddenly makes this seemingly almost random series of events come together into a coherent story. So, without further adieu, let’s summarize the plot of FNAF.
We start with William kidnapping and killing Charlie. This then traumatized Sammy, which in turn caused his older brother to bully him and eventually kill him by accident. Wracked with guilt, the brother took the plushies that Sammy possessed and tried to stitch them together into one, then locked them into a box and tried to repress his memories of the incident.
William then kidnapped the Brother, leading to the events of FNAF 4 with Sammy trying to kill him. The Brother eventually escapes but never opens the box and faces the truth, instead eventually picking up a job at Freddy’s. Five kids are killed at that location and possess the pre-Withereds. William kills another five for their remnant in 2 before being moved to the day shift. The Brother, now known as Phone Guy, accidentally causes another Bite to happen. This and the murders drive him to take up the night shift. William, meanwhile, is killed by the kids and sealed away, and the original five rest while Sammy takes their place.
Phone Guy works there for years before Sammy finally succeeds in killing him near the anniversary of the Bite of ‘87. He then becomes FNAF 1 Golden Freddy, who’s basically a representation of his guilt over the Bite - keep in mind that he never did open the box, which Scott described as “fitting”. The FNAF 1 location eventually shuts down, Fazbear’s Fright opens, and Sammy and Charlie are both freed. Some, uh, stuff happens with Michael, and eventually the other five kids are put to rest as well and William is killed off for good.
Rising action, climax, resolution, ect. - FNAF suddenly has a plot, with all of the proper elements and everything. Scott's “four games, one story” hint suddenly makes a lot more sense, doesn’t it?
Oh, and if the general plot of “Guy works five nights at a pizzeria before his younger sibling, possessing multiple animatronics, kills him and turns him into an empty suit” sounds familiar… well, that’s because it’s the plot of Sister Location. Back during TSE’s release Scott said the books were an AU because the original plotline just had too much stuff in it to write any more stories, but then turned around and released SL and FFPS. I think he realized that by just paralleling the same narrative but switching the focus from the Emilys to the Aftons, he could create a lot more stories.
So, okay. All of that makes sense from a story perspective, but what about a theory perspective? What evidence is there to support Phone Guy being both Golden Freddy and the Brother? Well, there’s… a lot, actually. So much so, in fact, that we’re going to speedrun it.
“Well, I think that’s it. Uh, you should be golden.”
Also, the numbers you’re punching in are the hex code of William’s “Save them” sprite backwards, which might be a nod to the “Phone Guy is the killer” theory. It was still popular at the time, so the number being backwards might indicate it was wrong - because Phone Guy isn’t William, he’s Golden Freddy
“Um, I actually worked in that office before you. I’m finishing up my last week now as a matter of fact.”
While I have heard some evidence against the idea of Phone Guy being the Brother, most of it seems inconsequential. Here’s a quick run-down:
Phone Guy sounds too old to be the Brother - Scott’s not a professional voice actor, and he never intended there to be more games after 1 upon release. Also, Phone Guy’s voice actually does get lower in pitch over time (compare his voice in FNAF 3 vs FNAF 1). If this was a professional voice actor Scott chose out later in the series this would be valid, but as is it’s a bit too nitpicky in my opinion.
Phone Guy is too old to be the Brother - Assuming Phone Guy started working in Freddy’s in ‘85, then that puts him at two years after the Bite. If he was 16 at the time of the bite, he’d be 18 in ‘85, old enough to get the job. Even if he was 14 plenty of jobs will hire 16 year olds depending on the state’s labor laws.
His line about Fredbear’s in 2 doesn’t make sense - The “previous owner” he mentions is probably not Henry, who would be his father if he was the Brother, but rather William. Keep in mind this is after the murders, so I don’t know why they’d be contacting Henry at this point. Some people also think that the location of the Bite of ‘83 was Fredbear’s, making it weird that the Brother wouldn’t be 100% sure of its name, but the token in Help Wanted confirms that that location was the first Freddy’s.
So yeah, that’s quite a bit of evidence. But in addition to everything else, I’d also like to discuss this theory relative to UCN.
[How This Ties Back Into Ultimate Custom Night]
You see, UCN has two major theories going for it: One is Willhell, one is Mikehell, and one is my personal favorite, the Theoriest’s Hell.
[Please Stand By]
One is Willhell and the other is Mikehell. The problem with both of these theories however is that neither of them… work, or at least work as well as we would all like them to. Let’s recap:
Willhell is the more solid of the two, as it makes more logical sense and more of the dialogue fits Will better than Michael. However, it is not without a few problems.
The biggest issue is Malhare’s appearance in FFPS, as it’s a bit hard for William to show up after UCN if he’s supposed to be in Hell. There are also a few other things; for example, the Puppet claims she doesn’t hate him which is a bit odd. Not to mention the emphasis on “the one”, which seems weird considering WIlliam has killed multiple kids. Fredbear can also insta-kill you and Golden Freddy shows up at the end of the game, so there’s some sort of significance to those two characters and the Bite here, which also doesn’t tie back to Will.
Mikehell fixes this by claiming Michael is the Brother; thus, “the one” is the Bitten Child and the connections to the Bite suddenly have an explanation. However, this theory has holes of its own - namely, that FFPS kind of sort of directly states that Michael isn’t going to Hell.
For most of you, I believe there is peace, and perhaps more, waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although for one of you, the darkest pit of hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don’t keep the devil waiting, old friend.
If “one of you” refers to William and there’s peace waiting for the others, than that means that Michael is going to be at peace after FFPS, which doesn’t make sense for Scott to have brought attention to if he’s the protag of UCN.
This one also doesn’t make sense from a character standpoint. Even if Michael was the Brother - and I already went over why I think he’s not in the first part - he already more than repented for his sins by dying while freeing Elizabeth.
And finally, the “leave the demons to his demons” scene also doesn’t make much sense here - Michael killed his brother accidentally, so “demon” is too harsh. He could be the Freddy sprite and the text is referring to Will, but… why would he be Freddy, aside from that being the sprite in OMC’s original appearance?
So with neither of these theories working perfectly, I’d like to suggest a third option: Brotherhell. Basically it’s the same thing as Mikehell, but without the Mike.
This immediately fixes most of the issues with Mikehell. The Brother never opened the box from 4 or really even came to terms with what he did, so him being punished makes sense in this context. “The One” is Sammy, who 4 already proved to be very vengeful towards his brother. This would explain why Fredbear can insta-kill you, as he and The One are the same.
The Puppet saying she doesn’t fear him anymore, but also doesn’t hate him? Assuming he used to scare Charlie like he did Sammy, he would indeed not scare her anymore without her truly hating him. And the scene with OMC? The Brother is Freddy in that scene because he became Golden Freddy when he died. And that’s why you see Golden Freddy at the end - he’s not only the player character, but a representation of the Brother’s guilt as well. Note that while the Bitten Child passed on in 3 and the original 5 and Elizabeth passed on in FFPS, no one ever actually freed the Brother.
The only snag I can think of with this interpretation is Orville’s one line:
He tried to release you. He tried to release us. But I’m not going to let that happen. I will hold you here. I will keep you here. No matter how many times they burn us. (They burn us).
However, one could argue this refers to the fire in FNAF 3, rather than the one in FFPS. Henry (the player character in 3) tried to burn everything and release the Brother, Sammy and Charlie. Whether or not this works is a bit ambiguous, but it at least has less problems regardless than Willhell or Mikehell.
[So is any of this right?]
Now that we’ve finally covered the entire lore - or at least the most confusing bits - it’s time to ask the important questions, like “was any of that even correct”? And the answer is… I dunno. No, really. I could’ve been wrong from the start and Michael is the Brother and none of this meant anything and I just wasted nearly an hour of your time talking about all of this. And given that Scott seems sort of, uh, completely terrified of fan backlash, we probably won’t be getting any definitive answers anytime soon.
However, if nothing else, I hope this theory serves as an interpretation of FNAF that makes for a good story. Instead of this confusing mish-mash of seemingly random events and people, we’re left with a simple story about a small child trying to get revenge on his older brother, who’s still grappling with coming to terms with what he did. It’s creepy, it’s poignant, it’s sad, and it is Five Nights at Freddy’s.
[IT’S ME Jumpscare - Weird Al over Credits]
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Venom: Let There Be Carnage – The Comics History of the Symbiote Rivalry
Something that impresses me with a superhero movie like Venom is when it doesn’t rush directly into the expected villain. When there are four different Fantastic Four movies, and they’re all about emphasizing Dr. Doom, it’s a breath of fresh air when, say, Man of Steel only makes an Easter egg reference to Lex Luthor instead of going directly for that confrontation. The MCU Spider-Man has yet to meet an Osborn, guys like Thanos and Darkseid started out as ominous benefactors, and the existence of Heath Ledger Joker was merely a cliffhanger tease in Batman Begins.
Much like how the Justice League movie decided to take its time by giving us Steppenwolf of all people, the first Venom movie had Carlton Drake (who hasn’t appeared in the comics since the early 9’0s) and Riot (the most forgettable of all of Venom’s comic children). By letting Venom build himself up on his own, flanked by some rather mundane villains, it gave more meaning to Cletus Kasady showing up in the post-credits. Carnage, Venom’s main villain, gets more fanfare by appearing in the sequel where our hero is fully formed.
Since Carnage’s first appearance in 1992, the idea has always been to make a darker, scarier Venom. Venom was a villain at the time, sure, but he was also on the border of becoming more. Outside of his personal delusions and anger issues, he still claimed that he wanted to help the innocent and punish the guilty. Even when he was able to accept that Spider-Man was good, they couldn’t co-exist due to their different natures as vigilantes. Carnage was simpler because he was full-on evil and had no potential for redemption. He was something so sinister and malevolent that both Spider-Man and Venom knew it was worth it to put aside their differences and take this creep down.
Venom: Let There Be Carnage has hyped Carnage up as being out of Venom’s league and that was the initial push of the character. Over time, the two became roughly equals as Carnage became the go-to bad guy for Venom to punch.
So let’s take a look at the history of Venom vs. Carnage. For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to define “Venom” and “Carnage” as characters wearing their respective symbiotes (excluding Peter Parker), or the symbiotes themselves. I’m not going to count Eddie Brock as Toxin, or Flash Thompson as Agent Anti-Venom or whatever.
Carnage’s Debut
Not counting cameos and build-up, Carnage’s first major appearance was in Amazing Spider-Man #361, starting off a three-parter. Spider-Man came to realize that he wasn’t enough to stop Carnage and he was going to need help. Specifically, he was going to need Venom. This was an awkward decision as Venom was at the time living his best life on an empty island, thinking that he had succeeded in killing Spider-Man.
Once Venom fully understood the situation, he accepted the temporary alliance. In the very first Venom vs. Carnage confrontation, Venom and Spider-Man tackled Carnage, got slammed into each other, then thrown into opposite walls. Carnage then caused a distraction by putting a baby in danger so he could escape. While he was dominant in that very brief scuffle, he still needed to run off, so I’m calling this a draw.
The handicap match continued into the last issue of the arc at a rock concert. In one-on-one exchanges, Carnage had Venom’s number, but Spider-Man was always there for the save. Spider-Man was able to use the sonics from the amplifiers to take out both of them. Technically a draw again, but it’s also a situation where Carnage regularly kicked the shit out of Venom and Venom only survived because he had help.
Maxium Carnage
Insert your Green Jelly cassettes and press play because it’s time for Carnage’s big ’90s crossover story. After the previous story’s popularity, Marvel decided to add more heroes, more villains, and make the whole thing a whopping 14 issues!
As Venom was a San Francisco vigilante at the time, he flew to New York to stop Carnage’s reign of terror. The first fight wasn’t even shown, as after the reveal that Carnage had Shriek and Doppelganger on his side, it cut away. A brutalized Venom was later found passing out while knocking on Peter and MJ’s door.
As Maximum Carnage was filled with so much filler and extra characters, there were various fight scenes of a group of heroes brawling with a group of villains. Venom and Carnage talked smack a lot, but nothing much ever really happened in terms of fighting. The story finally kicked into gear when Venom used a stolen sonic gun and blasted Carnage while Firestar assisted with her microwave blasts. This would have done the job, but Spider-Man got in the way and Shriek simply cut Cletus’ face open, causing his symbiote to respawn and bring him back to 100 percent health. Carnage and Shriek overwhelmed Venom and carried him off, along with the sonic gun.
Venom spent several issues being tortured until coming up with the plan to sneak some of the symbiote into the sonic gun so that Carnage would splatter Venom with more Venom. He punched Carnage down and escaped with gusto, hiding the fact that he was in no condition to fight.
It isn’t until the last issue that we FINALLY got a real Venom vs. Carnage fight. Venom was physically busted a bit, but Carnage was mentally busted. The heroes hit him with some MaGuffin device that caused him to be haunted by those who screwed him up in life. Venom pretty much just kicked Carnage’s ass around the city while Carnage tried in vain to escape. Every now and then, Spider-Man would appear and go, “B-b-but Eddie! Killing is wrong!” for the sake of giving Carnage a second wind.
Eventually, Venom punched Carnage so hard that Carnage’s brain ghosts went away. Knowing Carnage was more of a threat this way, Venom tackled him into a transformer. After the explosion, Cletus was knocked out and Venom got to weakly sneak away. Hey, good for him!
Venom: Carnage Unleashed
Venom was so popular that we got Carnage. Carnage’s initial storyline was so popular that we got Maximum Carnage. Maximum Carnage was so popular that we got a Maximum Carnage video game. Then we got Venom: Carnage Unleashed, a comic based on the popularity of the Maximum Carnage video game. It…wasn’t all too popular.
Still, it did give us the rarely used plot device that symbiotes can travel through phone lines and the internet! Symbiotes really are like pre-Crisis Superman where you can give them whatever power and people will just go with it no matter how ridiculous. As Carnage escaped from Ravencroft and commandeered a security tank, Venom eventually caught up with him and they had a fight on a runaway vehicle through traffic. Carnage eventually won when Venom got slammed by an oncoming train.
Their final battle here is a big pile of “That’s not how any of this works!” The two characters send symbiote tendrils into the internet, which were rendered on the Times Square big screen as the two brawled in cyberspace. Venom destroyed a nearby heatsink, which blasted both and knocked them out of the internet.
Carnage was ready for another go, but his kidnapped psychiatrist set him on fire and caused him to fall out a window. Venom reached through the phone lines and out the window to catch the falling Cletus because dying is WHAT HE WANTS. Which… no, that’s not true at all. Hell, even in Maximum Carnage, Cletus was freaked out about the possibility of dying.
Venom: On Trial
So there was a big Spider-Man/Scarlet Spider/Venom team-up called Planet of the Symbiotes that culminated in a 40-foot-tall Carnage, but there was never a specific Venom vs. Carnage moment, so I won’t go into it. Venom’s ’90s antihero run did have a storyline where Eddie was arrested and put on trial for all of his many crimes. Cletus Kasady was brought in as a star witness, which was an invitation for him to freak out and go on a killing rampage. I mean, seriously, guys. Come on. You should know better.
This story went all-in on Venom wrecking Carnage. Again, Spider-Man would interrupt and give Carnage a chance to turn things around. This time though, Venom decided to ride the wave by sneaking away while Spider-Man and Daredevil took on Carnage. Realizing that the two didn’t have a chance, Venom picked up a couple syringes filled with dopamine blocker and sprung into action. He smacked Carnage around, injected the blocker into his neck, and watched as the symbiote retracted into Cletus’ body.
Venom Triumphant
Howard Mackie wrote Spider-Man comics for a long while and he had an annoying tendency when it came to storytelling. He would come up with an interesting, if nonsensical, idea that would shake up the status quo, but instead of following up on that and using it to tell an actual story, he would just forget about it and move to the next idea that popped into his head. He was one of the main reasons why the Spider-Man Clone Saga was such a mess.
In the 10th issue of Peter Parker, Spider-Man, Venom broke into the prison where Carnage was being held. Despite the legion of heavily armed guards with flamethrowers and sonic guns, Venom killed them all so quickly that the artist didn’t even show it. Cletus, for some reason, figured Venom was trying to break him out of prison, but instead Venom was there to absorb the Carnage symbiote. Carnage barely put up a fight. Pieces of the symbiote were on him, but he didn’t fully transform or try to defend himself. Venom simply pulled the symbiote off of him and ate it, becoming stronger.
After this issue, there was barely any follow-up to this.
Venom vs. Carnage
This miniseries came out at a really weird time for those involved. Carnage was just a couple months away from being torn in half by the Sentry and being written out of comics for years. Venom was appearing in Marvel Knights Spider-Man where Eddie Brock got rid of the symbiote and it bounced around to different hosts until landing on Mac Gargan. Meanwhile there was a Venom ongoing that was more about a symbiote clone where Eddie Brock only appeared for a couple late issues.
In other words, in the Venom vs. Carnage miniseries by Peter Milligan and Clayton Crain, even the creative team had no idea who Venom’s host was supposed to be. Luckily, the story wasn’t about Venom or Carnage, but a new character who would quickly fall into obscurity anyway.
Venom and Carnage swung around New York City, giving the exposition. The Carnage symbiote was pregnant and Venom was explaining that there was nothing to do to stop the creature from going into labor. Venom was all about protecting the new spawn while Carnage wanted to destroy it, immediately. Carnage got the better of Venom by flinging him into the distance. Regardless, the explosive birth wore out Carnage so much that he could only plant the baby onto a nearby cop and escape to rest up.
When the two had a rematch, Venom was there to save the baby symbiote (Toxin) and its host (Pat Mulligan). As if getting revenge for that Carnage Unleashed story, Venom brought the fight to the subway and pushed Carnage into an oncoming train.
And… that’s really all the Venom vs. Carnage we get in Venom vs. Carnage! Once Venom sees that Toxin is a good guy and capable of kicking Carnage’s ass, he gets afraid of Toxin befriending Spider-Man and decides to team up with Carnage for once.
Carnage, USA
Carnage returned from his maiming at the hands of the Sentry, albeit without a bottom half. By then, a lot had happened with Venom. The symbiote was removed from Mac Gargan and joined with war hero Flash Thompson. Agent Venom went on to join the Secret Avengers.
Carnage, USA told the story of Cletus expanding his symbiote to overtake an entire town in the middle of nowhere. When various heroes went to oppose him, the Carnage symbiote ended up taking over Captain America, Wolverine, Hawkeye, and the Thing. When gaining a moment of clarity, Cap called in Agent Venom for help.
Read more
Venom 2 Trailer Breakdown – All the Marvel and Carnage References
By Gavin Jasper
Venom: Who is Carnage?
By Gavin Jasper
In their first meeting, Agent Venom easily took down Carnage with some explosive projectiles that came with sonic shrapnel. Then when getting ready for the kill – say it with me everyone – Spider-Man got in his face and went, “No! Don’t kill!” Carnage recovered, and overwhelmed Venom with his army of Carnage’d heroes. Then another obscure symbiote hero, Scorn, popped in to run Venom and Carnage over with a bulldozer and bring them into a facility that would blast their symbiotes off the hosts.
While Cletus and Flash had a fight based around the novelty that both were legless, the Venom symbiote latched onto a gorilla and ran for its life against an entire zoo full of animals with the Carnage symbiote. After almost being taken down by a Carnage lion (Spider-Man with the save), the gorilla returned to Flash and gave him the power to bring Cletus into custody.
As for the town-wide Carnage symbiote, most of it was taken out by an airstrike.
Minimum Carnage
Following up on Agent Venom, he had his own team-up arc with Scarlet Spider (Kaine) with the fun dynamic of a Venom who doesn’t want to kill and a Spider-Man who does. The two chased Carnage into the Microverse, where Carnage was able to create an army of symbiote clones. While Agent Venom was able to decapitate Carnage, the villain had attained some level of power where his body is more overall fluid and animated. In this case, Carnage could just reattach his head with no problem.
Although Flash had sedated his own symbiote and lacked the monstrous advantage, he was able to wipe out a bunch of the clones by amplifying his own inner sorrow outward through the Venom symbiote. Strangely, that’s not the first time Venom was able to do that. What’s left of Carnage slinked away, cackling.
Carnage and the clones returned to Earth and Voltron’d themselves into a giant Carnage. As Carnage tried to devour Agent Venom, Venom shoved a sonic grenade down Carnage’s throat and let the blast do the rest, taking out the enlarged Carnage symbiote almost completely. In the aftermath, Scarlet Spider jabbed one of his claws through Cletus’ eye and lobotomized him.
Venomverse is about a series of Venom hosts from different realities coming together to fight beings called Poisons. Under normal circumstances, Poisons are harmless. If one of them makes physical contact with a symbiote and its host, it transforms them into a nigh-unbeatable crystal-like creature with the Poison in control. By this point, Eddie Brock was Venom again and joined with all sorts of random symbiote heroes to the point that he came off as just a regular dude.
With their back against the wall, Eddie came up with an idea. They brought in Carnage from an alternate universe as a ringer. At first, Carnage fought against the Venoms, but they were reluctant to fight back. Once he saw the Poisons and understood that the Venoms wanted him to kill an army of twisted superheroes, he gladly joined their ranks. He just let them know that once he was done with the Poisons, he’d kill them next.
He ended up being a huge help, especially since the Poisons had a hard time bonding to the Carnage symbiote. Carnage died in an explosion fighting Poisons alongside Poison Deadpool (who was able to bypass his Poison’s mental control).
There was a sequel to this called Venomized where the Poisons returned and tried to invade Earth. They kidnapped Cletus, forced him to bond to an alternate universe Venom, and then bonded that to a Poison. While he was referred to as “Carnage” at times, the Carnage symbiote was never involved, so I’m going to skip this one.
But where was the Carnage symbiote during all of this?
The Red Goblin
At one point, Norman Osborn became the host for Carnage to give us a climactic villain to finish off Dan Slott’s lengthy run on Amazing Spider-Man. Knowing that Spider-Man was out of his league, J. Jonah Jameson decided to fight fire with fire by calling up Eddie Brock and blackmailing him into aiding Spider-Man. This led to a brief fight of Spider-Man, Venom, and repulsor-wielding Mary Jane against the Red Goblin.
Venom and Red Goblin brawled for a bit, but Red Goblin appeared to be immune to the usual symbiote weaknesses, so only Venom took damage. While he got some hits in, Eddie was too exhausted to continue. Instead he offered the symbiote to Spider-Man to give him the extra boost. This brief team-up allowed the two vigilante enemies to finally bury their lengthy rivalry.
Absolute Carnage
Now we get to Donny Cates’ bonkers run on Venom. Cletus had been resurrected and turned back into Carnage via a bunch of cultists who worshipped Knull, God of Symbiotes. Carnage then started going around eating the spines of those who were once host to a symbiote, getting stronger by the meal. Dark Carnage first fought Venom in a subway and easily overpowered him. Still, Venom got the win by grabbing onto the third rail while holding onto Dark Carnage. It was enough to knock Carnage loopy while Venom could get away and seek out help.
Venom and Spider-Man sought out Norman Osborn (who believed himself to be Cletus Kasady after the Red Goblin episode) and were ambushed by an army of inmates possessed by Carnage symbiotes. Overwhelmed, the two heroes broke through a wall and swung off into the night.
Venom got involved in another big fight against an army of Carnages and could have killed Osborn, but instead chose to save a wounded Mac Gargan nearby and brought him to safety. The Venom symbiote wasn’t happy with this and later left Eddie for Bruce Banner, giving us a fight between Venom Hulk and Dark Carnage. This turned out to be a dire choice, as Dark Carnage tore into Hulk’s brain, caused him to shrink back to Banner, then ate his spine. Carnage was stronger than ever.
Meanwhile, mad scientist the Maker had a machine that took the “symbiote codex” stuff Carnage was looking for out of former hosts without the nasty “tearing out their spinal column” part. Eddie unleashed the codex collection onto himself, turning him into a more powerful version of Venom. As he took on Cletus one last time, Carnage made note that Venom was screwed no matter what. Either Carnage killed and ate Eddie’s son Dylan or Eddie killed Carnage, which would wake up Knull and drive him to Earth.
Venom summoned the Necrosword to cut through Carnage, destroying him once and for all. For a time, at least.
Prelude to Knull
Wouldn’t you know it, killing Dark Carnage caused Eddie to absorb the Carnage symbiote into himself. Soon he was separated from Venom and stuck on an island while being bonded against his will to the Carnage symbiote. Dylan was able to remotely control the Venom symbiote and transformed it into a giant Venom T-rex. Like it wasn’t even bonding onto a dinosaur or anything. It was just the size and shape of a tyrannosaurus just because.
Eddie and Dylan had a dreamlike meeting in their minds while Carnage Eddie chopped down at the Venom dino. Eventually, the power of familial love was enough to overpower the Carnage symbiote and blow it up. Eddie rejoined with the Venom symbiote, and a little piece of Carnage latched onto a nearby shark to swim off and fight another day.
Okay, then! Phew! Going by every Venom vs. Carnage fight, I’ve judged them so that there have been six draws, eight victories for Carnage, and nine victories for Venom.
Congratulations, black ooze. Here’s hoping your red offspring doesn’t turn the tide at the box office.
Venom: Let There Be Carnage will be released in theaters on Oct. 1.
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The post Venom: Let There Be Carnage – The Comics History of the Symbiote Rivalry appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3um8FAz
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the man was FILLED with easter eggs and metaphors. here they are!
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1. being in the room where it happens
in the lyric video for the man, we see a woman working so hard to try and get to where all the men are -- on top, both physically and metaphorically. in the music video, we see The Man starting out here, just another normal day at the office. another normal day in charge, and on top.
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2. “i’d be a fearless leader”
The Man not so much as walks into the room and makes a few comments before getting applause for his work. at the same time, every desk in this office can be seen with a mountain of papers, files, and books stacked on top of them. for all the hard work that these people are doing in this office, The Man gets all the applause for a fraction of it.
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3. the subway
now, obviously what we have here is what you have on any and every subway or other form of local transportation -- that one asshole who feels entitled to take up as much space as he wants at the discomfort of everyone around him. while i could get into how mansplaining is a metaphor for men feeling the right to take up more space in society then women, i won’t. instead, i want to focus on all the little details on this subway that tell men they can. at the very, very top of the frame, we see text at the bottom of an ad that says “because you DESERVE what you want” and the posters on either side of The Man tell us “mother nature doesn’t stand a chance” and “capitalize on the feeling”. this is how society treats men. they should get to do whatever they want, based only on their feelings or wants. this notion will become important in the subway station.
shoutout to the girl in the miss americana hoodie! i think we can safely say she’s listening to lover on her headphones.
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4. the newspaper
for this image, i turned the brightness WAYYY up so we could read the newspaper. the leading headline is “what man won the year in celebrity dating?” with the caption “who crushed it this year?” one headline says “years most eligible CEO’s” and another says “men in love in sports”. now, i don’t have to tell you that taylor swift was vilified for her relationships. these headlines show the difference between how men and women are treated when it comes to relationships. what’s it like to brag about getting bitches and models?
on the back cover, we see a contrast between how men and women are viewed in society. the ad dedicated towards men has a very strong and tough vibe to it, and the article beneath it carries the title “it’s men against boys with no ladies around.” in fact, the only mention we get of said “ladies” is in the “style section” where we see two sexy, rail thin women posing at fashion shows. while society views men for their strength, women are supposed to be objects of beauty and desire, and nothing more. 
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5. here lies taylor swift’s reputation (and all her previous albums)
now, obviously, the sign says “missing, if found, please return to taylor swift” and grafitied on the walls are the names of the albums whose masters taylor does not own. remember when those ads on the subway told men that you DESERVE what you want? that’s what empowered The Men who stole taylor’s masters to take them. they wanted them, after all! let’s also remember that The Man is can be seen pissing on the wall in this shot. it’s a metaphor for The Men who own taylor’s old albums and are essentially pissing on all her hard work. we can also see “KARMA” written in big letters in the middle of all the albums, which invokes a lyric from look what you made me do: “all i think about is karma, and then the world moves on but one things for sure, maybe i got mine but you’ll all get yours”. pretty sure karma is coming for The Men who own taylor’s masters.
if you look closely, you can also see a sign to the left of The Man that says no scooters! sc*oter bra*n is not welcome at the 13th street station
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6. “i’d be just like leo in st. tropez”
for your viewing pleasure, i have included an image of leo in st. tropez. we can see women in bikinis, and every sort of expensive, luxurious form of leisure you could think of. during the verse where we see The Man on the yacht, she sings “they’d say i hustled, put in the work, they wouldn’t shake their heads and question how much of this i deserve”. this is reminiscent of The Man when he was in the office and how, no matter how much work he did or didn’t do, he is heralded as a genius. the point of saying she’d be just like leo in st. tropez is not to try and call out leonardo dicaprio for going a cruise and having some fun. people should be entitled to celebrate and vacation however they please. the point is that women should be able to do the same thing.
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7. The Man’s “walk of shame”
this is a metaphor for how men in society are treated when they take a misstep. while women can be criminalized and thrown the wolves, it appears that men always have people on their team, and in this case, hands lining up to be high-fived. men often are not held to the same standards as women, and even when they do something wrong, they face very little backlash for it, and normally have their own set of groupies or supporters telling them that they were really in the right (and they are allowed to believe it).
at the back of the hallway, there hangs a portrait of The Man pointing at the camera, as if to say “you ARE the man.” it feels like uncle sam, but in a “ i want YOU for us army whatever your heart desires” kind of way.
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8. world’s greatest dad
the bar for men is so low that when they do the very minimum (in this case, merely look after their own child), they get commended for it. imagine if this were a woman. would she be applauded? no, she would probably be reprimanded for being on her phone and ignoring her child, like The Man did here.
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9. bragging
this one is pretty self-explanatory. what’s it like to brag about raking in dollars and getting bitches and models? what’s it like when it’s all good if you’re bad and it’s okay if you’re mad? in this scene, we see The Man telling all his buddies about the bitches and models and dollars, and then freaking out on somebody. 
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10. raking in dollars
who's on the 100 dollar bill? he is! the serial number on this bill also ends in 13. i thought there might be more hidden goodies here, but if there are, the video isn’t in high enough resolution to tell. the only other thing i can make out was that it said “for motion picture use only” which i thought would be an easter egg until i rendered it in photoshop and could read it clearly. oh well!
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11. raising money for the women’s charity
a problem we see in society a lot is people of privilege being an ally only by action, not by everyday behavior. here, we see The Man benefitting a women’s charity, but all throughout the video we haven’t seen him go out of his way to respect or give a voice to women. even in this shot, a woman stands on the sidelines while The Man takes all the glory. while he raises money for women, he has no other character traits that show he actually cares about them. 
in a different shot of this scene, a water bottle from taylor’s merch can be seen on the sideline.
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12. the unimpressed umpire
this is taylor’s dad! his name is scott. in a video full of mediocre men, scott is our resident Good Man :)
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13. the freakout
in 2018, serena williams unleashed on an umpire who accused her of cheating and stuck her with her third penalty of the game -- penalties the whole crowd was certain she did not deserve. she even said at the time “To lose a game for saying that, it’s not fair. How many other men do things? There’s a lot of men out here who have said a lot of things. It’s because I am a woman, and that’s not right.” this is a DIRECT representation of this. it’s as they say, it’s all good if you’re bad, and it’s okay if you’re mad.
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14. the hat
the hat our tennis attendant is seen wearing says “TS” in big letters, and in a circle around it, it says “i’d be a fearless leader, i’d be an alpha type.” taylor’s dad can also be seen wearing this hat.
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15. the one where lover is NOT the happy couple’s first dance
first of all, this shit makes me SO uncomfortable. this is obviously an allusion to all the men who marry MUCH younger women, which is poignant because, again, taylor suffers mercilessly for her relationship choices, and they’re nowhere near as abhorrent as this. something also worth mentioning: scott borchetta is turning 58 this year. i’ll let you figure the rest out.
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16. mr americana
any taylor swift fan will know that in january, taylor released a documentary with an intimate perspective on her life titled “miss americana” which focused a lot on the struggles taylor has overcome in her career. choosing miss americana to be a part of this video is a wise choice, because it highlights those same struggles that taylor is tackling in this music video. we can probably assume that mr americana faces significantly less struggles.
every part of this poster has been revamped to be man-centered, even down to the star role - tyler swift, not taylor.
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17. take two
here, our director tells The Man that he needs to be sexier, and more likable. this reflects criticism that taylor and other women in the public eye hear almost daily. as i mentioned before, women in society are valued only as objects of beauty and desire, and here, we see the script flipped to bring that to light. 
in this final scene, we leave the fantasy world of the music video that The Man is starring in, and go to what appears to be a woman-dominated world, insinuating that the universe of the music video is one opposite to our own. this drives home the claim that if taylor were the man, she would be the man.
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18. dwayne the rock johnson
i thought that having the rock voice The Man was really poignant. think about the rock’s career -- started out as a wrestler, is now an actor, but he’s known for his kindness and his dedication to social justice. if you asked me if he had ever been a part of any scandal, i would tell you no. and that’s exactly who The Man is. that’s exactly who this song is about, and that’s who taylor is. she has had an insanely successful career spanning over a decade, crossing into multiple different genres and fields, and excelling at all of it. she’s friendly, hard working, a social justice warrior, and a philanthropist. but all of those things are pushed aside in favor of the negative. using the rock as The Man was the perfect way of finishing off the statement,
“if i was a man, i’d be the man.”
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acoolchickouthere13 · 4 years
February 27, 2019: Taylor drops Easter egg
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Feb. 28, 2019 abigail drops matching Easter egg and quotes Panic! In a post about Taylor(EASTER egg)
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March 2019 Karlie and JK move into 211 Elizabeth St.
March 4, 2019 LA
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(Wears the same shirt December 2019)
Taylor announces her mom is battling cancer again- Elle article “30 things I learned before 30” march 6, 2019
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“Being sweet to everyone all the time can get you into a lot of trouble. While it may be born from having been raised to be a polite young lady, this can contribute to some of your life’s worst regrets if someone takes advantage of this trait in you. Grow a backbone, trust your gut, and know when to strike back. Be like a snake—only bite if someone steps on you. Trying and failing and trying again and failing again is normal. It may not feel normal to me because all of my trials and failures are blown out of proportion and turned into a spectator sport by tabloid takedown culture (you had to give me one moment of bitterness, come on). BUT THAT SAID, it’s good to mess up and learn from it and take risks. It’s especially good to do this in your twenties because we are searching. That’s GOOD. We’ll always be searching but never as intensely as when our brains are still developing at such a rapid pace. No, this is not an excuse to text your ex right now. That’s not what I said. Or do it, whatever, maybe you’ll learn from it. Then you’ll probably forget what you learned and do it again.... But it’s fine; do you, you’re searching…. Banish the drama. You only have so much room in your life and so much energy to give to those in it. Be discerning. If someone in your life is hurting you, draining you, or causing you pain in a way that feels unresolvable, blocking their number isn’t cruel. It’s just a simple setting on your phone that will eliminate drama if you so choose to use it….Apologizing when you have hurt someone who really matters to you takes nothing away from you. Even if it was unintentional, it’s so easy to just apologize and move on. Try not to say “I’m sorry, but...” and make excuses for yourself. Learn how to make a sincere apology, and you can avoid breaking down the trust in your friendships and relationships….Before you jump in headfirst, maybe, I don’t know...get to know someone! All that glitters isn’t gold, and first impressions actually aren’t everything. It’s impressive when someone can charm people instantly and own the room, but what I know now to be more valuable about a person is not their charming routine upon meeting them (I call it a “solid first 15”), but the layers of a person you discover in time. Are they honest, self-aware, and slyly funny at the moments you least expect it? Do they show up for you when you need them? Do they still love you after they’ve seen you broken? Or after they’ve walked in on you having a full conversation with your cats as if they’re people? These are things a first impression could never convey.Playing mind games is for the chase. In a real relationship or friendship, you’re shooting yourself in the foot if you don’t tell the other person how you feel, and what could be done to fix it. No one is a mind reader. If someone really loves you, they want you to verbalize how you feel. This is real life, not chess.
Learning the difference between lifelong friendships and situationships. Something about “we’re in our young twenties!” hurls people together into groups that can feel like your chosen family. And maybe they will be for the rest of your life. Or maybe they’ll just be your comrades for an important phase, but not forever. It’s sad but sometimes when you grow, you outgrow relationships. You may leave behind friendships along the way, but you’ll always keep the memories. Fashion is all about playful experimentation. If you don’t look back at pictures of some of your old looks and cringe, you’re doing it wrong. See: Bleachella. How to fight fair with the ones you love. Chances are you’re not trying to hurt the person you love and they aren’t trying to hurt you. If you can wind the tension of an argument down to a conversation about where the other person is coming from, there’s a greater chance you can remove the shame of losing a fight for one of you and the ego boost of the one who “won” the fight. I know a couple who, in the thick of a fight, say “Hey, same team.” Find a way to defuse the anger that can spiral out of control and make you lose sight of the good things you two have built. They don’t give out awards for winning the most fights in your relationship. They just give out divorce papers. I remember people asking me, “What are you gonna write about if you ever get happy?” There’s a common misconception that artists have to be miserable in order to make good art, that art and suffering go hand in hand. I’m really grateful to have learned this isn’t true. Finding happiness and inspiration at the same time has been really cool. I learned that disarming someone’s petty bullying can be as simple as learning to laugh. In my experience, I’ve come to see that bullies want to be feared and taken seriously. A few years ago, someone started an online hate campaign by calling me a snake on the internet. The fact that so many people jumped on board with it led me to feeling lower than I’ve ever felt in my life, but I can’t tell you how hard I had to keep from laughing every time my 63-foot inflatable cobra named Karyn appeared onstage in front of 60,000 screaming fans. It’s the Stadium Tour equivalent of responding to a troll’s hateful Instagram comment with “lol.” It would be nice if we could get an apology from people who bully us, but maybe all I’ll ever get is the satisfaction of knowing I could survive it, and thrive in spite of it….I’ve come to a realization that I need to be able to forgive myself for making the wrong choice, trusting the wrong person, or figuratively falling on my face in front of everyone. Step into the daylight and let it go.”(x)
Feb. 2019 probably when ME! music video is shot(it’s either feb. 9 or March 9). “A record player is playing in the background[of the music video]. “It’s an old-timey, 1940s-sounding instrumental version of ‘You Need to Calm Down,’ ’’ Swift says. (x)
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March 19, 2019
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April 19, 2019 The Netflix movie “Someone Great” premiers, which she says in an Ellen interview May 15, 2019 is the inspiration for DBATC
April 22, 2019 NY
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April 23, 2019 uses female pronouns in “NYD” at Time 100 Gala
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues: Prologue, reaction post part 1
So me and Blaperile have decided to start reading it now. I kind of hope the format & art style stays true to form, but then again, change could be interesting. In any case, if this epilogue were to include the already posted snaps, that would be a break from format in image size (not including the credits, of course).
I guess if there is immediately an [S] page, it'll be the second one, not the first, to give use aheads up in the command.
Okay, so the first is a title page.
The link to the next page says... homestuck.com/epilogues/proglogue. Andrew, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
(Yeah okay, so it has begun. Again.)
I could see the snaps being the prologue, since they kind of set the stage for what's to come. Jane taking control over The Felt being a major development, for one. Also, the noted absence of Davepetasprite^2 & Arquiusprite on Earth C. Or, perhaps rather, the noted presence of all the other sprites, they didn't stop being spirit guides after the game ended. And in the credits of course, there was John's being aggravated by Caliborn to the point this all would lead presumably to the clay doll scene Caliborn showed us, taking place further into the future than any of us had business viewing at the time.
> Start
AAAAAAHHHHH, Homestuck's a fanfic now!!! Yes, this is the Archive of Our Own format, including tags and... Andrew is no longer sole author of this story!!!
We have achieved MAXIMUM FANDOM (or should I say FANON).
Characters: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-h... Barack Obama?! :P I guess maybe John switched to a Baracktop in light of out-of-story events, plus of course Dave's idolization of the man. :P And Aranea returns!! And Davepeta too, cool! ... Wait, there's gonna be new OCs?? :P ... In before Joey & Jude & troll friends join the Homestuck madness. Well, if we can rely on this list of course. This IS Andrew Hussie we're talking about, of course.
Hmmm, Blaperile has a good point that Davepeta & Arquius are mentioned but not their component A2 trolls, since the "main" versions of them (post-retcon) are inside the sprites! And that all these characters except maybe for Caliborn (pre-LE, I mean) MIGHT just end up in the Furthest Ring together to do... whatever there needs to be done with the black hole aftermath of the standoff between Vriska & LE. And Calliope seems to be joining them, which is a nice thing to look forward too, main Calliope doing a plot thing. ... No mention of carapaces, but again, that doesn't have to mean anything.
Caliborn's entry seems to me to imply we might see the claydoll fight animated (or at least drawn) properly! :D
Barack is probably an Easter Egg just, nothing more. Which is funny because Easter is coming.
Content warnings: ... All these things (well not all of them, but) just refer to things mentioned in Homestuck proper. :P Quite the list we racked up, eh? Also, Gamzee hath invaded the list: clowns, honk... Hahah. Surprised "horses" didn't make it on here. And puppets. So I know I was saying I don't really believe these tags to truthfully warn about things to come in this epic, but I'm kind of scared by the mention of Trickster Mode. :P ... Oh yeah, hahah, that WAS something that happened at the wedding, didn't it, Calliope bringing the sucker & transforming John & the B2 kids? So that thing survived the end of the session we know.
Another thing making me uncomfortable is all the illicit subjects the warnings are about, but yeah, that's what a lot of fanfics contain.
Summary: ... Ooooh, so John DIDN'T immediately take off to fight Caliborn! That's... I actually had wagered the epilogue to start on April 13th, 2019 thinking about it over the weekend. It would just seem so fitting, but I thought it might have been so that the B2 kids would have aged a relative 2 years during the time the B1 kids were stuck in the house. So that they could go back to filling that big brother/sister relationship that was kind of always there, first & foremost shown in the Strider Bros, later when we didn't know yet that the kids would be the same age when they'd meet up, during Act 6 Act 1.
Blaperile has a good point, this means Terezi has been exploring the Furthest Ring for 7 years (or almost 4 sweeps).
Contents: This looks like it could grow into a list. Since, well, this is the prologue just yet for the epilogue hahah. Then again, maybe we 'return' to this page after the prologue is done, only for the list to have grown with the next... "act".
> Prologue
Well, it's definitely a medium Andrew didn't touch on yet, the "picture this for yourselves" type of fiction. Kind of incentive for people to draw this for themselves.
And then Homestuck became a serialized novel. :D
Okay that entire first sentence. I'm definitely on the same page here as everyone when I say this must be about the Furthest Ring cracking. ... I think Andrew's propensity for dragging out a story comes over quite well in fanfic prose form.
Hmm... So, "eternity" is being filled by the black hole, and continuity is buckling up? Seems like the entirety of Homestuck proper might be at risk of being undone in something more damaging than a mere retcon.
Wow, nice vivid description of the dreambubbles being shattered. "Hypothetical futures", does that suggest that the ghosts of alternate timelines were more like... mirages? That's a harsh thing to swallow, and not something any of them would have been happy hearing stated as fact. Well, except the Aradiabots, maybe. "Double-death" mention!
... So there's a symphony at the center of the black hole. Does that mean Alternate Calliope still lives (or well, "exists"), as the conductor of the havoc? It's super black at the center, apparently. Like, Vantablack?
Wait, "> Wake up"? Did John dream about the Furthest Ring? ... What DO the kids dream, after they won the game? Or rather, where do they dream?
"You've been dreaming in anime again." Ah yes, there's the first real meme of the evening. So, John rejects this dramatic dream and will rather substitute his own fantasies? :P
"> Look outside just to make absolutely sure the world is not ending." --> Why does it feel like we've started this adventure anew? Why are command prompts working out so well in this format?
'The only sound you can hear for miles is the wind skimming the hollows of your neighbors’ pipe homes.' Well, if that isn't a reference to his atmospheric page! And oh yeah, that was his new neighbourhood! Or, after 7 years, not 'new' anymore, I guess.
'It’s a normal day in the salamander village, which you refer to as Salamander Village because the damned salamanders never bothered to give this village a name, you guess.' Perfection. So, it appears the consort species remain the same, no matter how many millenia may pass. I wouldn't like to be a mail person in the Consort Kingdom, if all packages are to be delivered at Salamander Village. Then again, the Breeze might still be on mail duty on Earth C.
'Beside your pillow, your phone is vibrating. Rose is calling. The screen of your phone reads 9:30 a.m. April 13, and also the number forty-six, which is how many text messages your friend left you while you were sleeping. A bit excessive, even for her.' Ahahahah, so even in texts Rose is wordy!! Good to see they kept in contact, then. Not as much in-person contact, seeing the credits, but then again, the kids always used to live apart, didn't they? (I can still call them 'the kids', even if we're no longer a decade apart in age. Get of my lawn!)
"> Answer the phone." Yessssss, coloured text logs!! In the absence of drawings, it would've really sucked a little and be bland if we'd lacked this.
Aww, April 13th is still a solemn day for John. :/ Rose is calling it "April Thirteenth" as if it's a holiday, which it might just be. Blaperile has a good point that John has called Rose directly, and isn't texting. The immediate assumption for what Rose said, was that they don't talk a lot, but maybe they don't CALL each other a lot, just trade messages!
"You wander to the window and watch the salamanders go about their day. All over the neighborhood, the little dad-salamanders are putting on their little rumpled hats and picking up their little suitcases and kissing their little families goodbye for the day. You’ve always been confused about what, exactly, they contribute to the global economy. But it’s pretty cute how much they love playing at being suburban businessmen."
Pfff, the rumple hats are still a thing, guess the kids really did shape this universe in much the same way as the session! (Okay yeah, so, consorts came over from the session too, so the fact that the custom remains to the current day might just be another showcase for the status quo that consorts live under when not interacting with PCs...) Of course, this is going to sting for John, all this dadly business going around.
"The silence over the phone is growing awkward. You’ve stalled long enough. You decide to just come out and say it.
JOHN: i’ve been dreaming in anime again lately."
Aaaaaand meme number two is here. Blaperile mentioned Act 7, and yeah, John DID dream about the Furthest Ring & the blackhole, both centerpice in the Act 7 animated video. :P
"ROSE: i see." Therapist mode, engaged. Next, ask him how he feels about the dream, Rose.
"JOHN: whenever i have these dreams, everything’s breaking apart.
JOHN: millions of people are screaming and dying." Huh, is it that John didn't recognize the ghosts (being the oblivous bloke he is), or is there something more to the danger of the black hole? After all, after all of the Furthest Rings is swallowed, what's left is sessions and the universes they spawned...
"A couple yards over, a salamander blows an astounding spit bubble. Truly one for the books." Meanwhile...
"ROSE: I don’t have the slightest idea what it means that you’ve been dreaming in anime, John.
ROSE: To be honest, I...
You wait for Rose to finish her thought. She doesn’t, which is troubling because you have never known Rose to leave a thought unfinished in over ten years of acquaintance." ... Did she have a Light vision, or is someone pulling her sleeve about this or other with the troll grubs? It just hit me, we might be in for some new venues in the relationships between the humans & trolls, since yeah, they're all adults now.
"JOHN: rose... are you ok?
ROSE: Not exactly.
JOHN: what’s wrong?
ROSE: I think my condition’s been getting worse lately.
JOHN: condition?
ROSE: It’s why my message probably sounded urgent.
JOHN: you left 46 messages.
ROSE: Yes. They were all urgent.
JOHN: oh.
ROSE: I don’t think I can wait much longer before telling you."
So, Blaperile was theorizing Kanaya or Rose might be pregnant based on her trailing off. I dismissed it out of hand, but now... It would be just something for Rose to designate a pregnancy as a "condition". ... And to see contractions as a worsening of that condition. If John just talked about anime over Rose trying to tell him the baby is coming, I might just scream. And it's on HIS birthday, too!
"ROSE: I held out for as long as I could. I figured your birthday was as good a time as any to let you know.
JOHN: let me know what?
ROSE: It’s crept up on me, these last couple of years.
ROSE: Gradually enough to ignore as it was happening, but I can’t anymore." Okay, so this seems to dismiss that. I'm actually somewhere halfway between "Rose is suffering from some sort of aspect-driven migraine/dementia due to the black hole", or secondly "Rose is realizing she loves John (platonically)". I mean, the latter would be standard-issue Lalonde fuckery.
"ROSE: Lately the visions have been overwhelming.
JOHN: visions??
ROSE: John, I have terrible headaches these days. Talking on the phone doesn’t help at all.
ROSE: Would you mind flying to my apartment, so we can continue this in person?
JOHN: oh, yeah. you mean...
JOHN: now?
ROSE: Yes, now is the time.
ROSE: I’ve put it off long enough." ... Oh. So, I guess Rose was ignoring these visions because she was like "fuck you, multiverse, I earned my happy ending", which I get, but... What visions does she have, do they match what John was describing? (I don't think she wants to get him over for a surprise birthday party, in any case.)
Wow, okay, so whatever drove them to go fight Caliborn, it wasn't just John convincing the rest of them. Should've known, he was never that kind of leader.
"As you hang up the phone, a familiar feeling settles over you. A feeling of...standing? Standing, and being alone. In your bedroom. As a young man. On your birthday. You swear you’ve felt this feeling before. It’s almost like...
A young man stands alone in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, is this young man’s birthday. Though it was twenty-three years ago when he was given life, and ten years ago when he was given a name, it feels like it is only today that he will begin to understand what all that means.
That young man is YOU, John Egbert.
What will you do?"
Oh HELL yes. That first shoutout was glorious, but the actual word for word callback? Priceless. And the fact that the narration gives John the initiative for what happens now? Glorious. Because it sure as hell ain't gonna be US giving him prompts, this time around. And what in the high hills is there for John to find out about what it all means! I mean, is he going to discover the nature of his existence as a fictional character? Because that might just crush his widdle brains.
Okay, this is as good a place as any to cut off this liveblog. Since I'm not sure how long this prologue might continue after this!
Cooooool though, we've started this journey anew. For however long it's going to last. Which, given the fact the epilogues get their own entry on the Homestuck site... Might be a very, very long time. It's three years since the ending of Homestuck, and I wonder how reading up is going to be. For now, everything kind of fell back into the old pattern between me and Blaperile. We'll see what we'll do next.
I'm equal parts exhilarated and anxious about getting on Mr. Hussie's wild rollercoaster again, so I'm going to try and quarantine the anxious part and cultivate the exhilarated part.
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antarestyl · 6 years
The Glitch
Okay guys, I kinda have to write this down now because something weird is going on with my game and I wanna know if anybody else had this happened to them... I did a quick google search already but nobody seem to have had this happened, so yeah. Here we go.
I dunno if it's a glitch or some kind of new update or just something rare that happens at a certain fun level? I dunno so help would be appreciated.
Here is what happened:
I had bought Undertale from Steam in November 2015 and played it first on my old laptop. It was very slow then but playable and I was so happy when I finally had the money for a new laptop in the following year. The game ran on that one smoothly, I installed the updates without problems and I completed 4 runs, 3 neutral and 1 true pacifist, the last one finished in November 2016. After that I didn't touched the game.
I never attempted a genocide run, I never messed with the game files and I just let the game lay around my laptop for all that time. I had a lot of fun with it, don't get me wrong. I even found a few secrets in my few runs. I had the “did you leave your fridge running” phone call, the wrong number phone call, I once had one weird glitch during a fight where the blue attacks appear to be white, but otherwise I had nothing out of the ordinary happening to my game.
I was a bit disappointed that I never had the Gaster easter eggs happening but I didn't want to reset my game so I mostly knew about the other stuff from YouTube videos.
Anyway, with the game being announced for the Switch and the possibility for new content hinted at, I decided to replay the game to get a feel what was “normal” again so I could spot the new additions. I copied the save data, just in case things would go wrong at some point, even if I didn't plan on doing a genocide run, and started the game again.
The usual black screen with the two buttons “Continue” and “True Reset” came up like usual when you finish the game on the true pacifist ending, together with my Character's name (Flyn) and my time (just about 400 minutes).
So I pressed True Reset and was asked to name the fallen human. I played around a bit with the naming options, like I tried Sans and Toriel and Undyne and got a few moments of enjoyment out of the silly responses to the names. I didn't chose Chara because it would have been... strange to play as them for me and naming the human Frisk would just enter the hard mode and I didn't want that. So finally I named the human “Kim”.
I watched the intro which played like usual after that. There was a strange sound while the intro played, kind of like a short feedback beep about halfway through the part where the intro explains that the monsters were sealed underground, but nothing else happened so I think it could have been just my sound-chip having a hiccup or something.
After that everything seemed normal. Kim woke up on the flowers, I talked to Flowey and dodged all his bullets. Seriously it's so funny when he gets angry and says things like “I know you know something!” Just hilarious.
Toriel came like usual, talked to me and guided me through the ruins.
I decided to play as a pacifist so I spared all the monster but grinded a bit to buy a spider doughnut at the spider sale for Muffet later.
At the three frogs I kept the yellow spare names and I got the ribbon and the fake knife. I equipped both to have the stick free for the Snowdin dogs.
I entered Toriel's, looked at everything and triggered her fight.
So far everything had been normal but during her fight something seemed off. The background seemed to glitch a bit and I didn't notice it at first but sometimes the text at the beginning of my turn changed to red instead of white/yellow and said “you feel her eyes on you” and sometimes just “you feel an eye on you.” I think I never saw these lines before? On the other hand, I hadn't played the game in a long time so maybe I just don't remember.  
Anyway, I spammed mercy and Toriel stopped attacking me.
And you know, now I had a choice to make.
I usually played pacifist or a mostly pacifist neutral run but that day I thought “Why not do a few neutral runs where you kill some of the bosses?”
And well... Toriel was right there.
I must admit, I kinda hesitated for a while. Should I or should I not? I never killed Toriel before. And I kinda wanted to know what would happen when I did that. I mean, I had my save-files backed up and all save AND I could just reset at any point and do it over so...
I moved Kim's little soul-heart over the fight option. I instantly killed Toriel. She gave her speech how I killed her at her most vulnerable and dang I felt bad at that moment... maybe I should have decided to kill her from the start and fight her the whole time because this was somewhat heartbreaking.
Her soul broke and the way was free for me now. I could reset, yeah, but I just wanted to see a bit more. So I pressed on.
Flowey mocked me as usual at the exit, telling me that he knew I murdered her in cold blood. Jeez the game surely know how to make you feel bad. He also had a new line this time too.
“You think you are above consequences? Well HE knows now too. I'll be watching this!”
I was kinda pondering who Flowey meant by that. My first guesses were Gaster or Sans but Sans doesn't appear in the Ruins and Gaster... well he was an option, right? On the other hand, the community is OBSESSED with that guy, I thought that if there is an easter egg like this is the game, somebody else would have found it before me and it would have been all over the internet.
On the other hand, I could just have overlooked a new update to the game this shortly before the switch launch so maybe this was in fact something new?
(the whole reason I am writing this down is to find out if this happened to somebody else so yeah)
So I left the Ruins and the Underground logo popped up and again there was some kind of... Glitch there. It was just the A of the word, which kept flickering a bit. Still weird.
But things got really weird when I left the Ruins. A box popped up.
* You can feel eyes on your back.
I walked a bit forward, but Kim didn't even walk three steps as the next message popped open.
*Somebody is here
Creepy. Again. I moved forward and the game made a little crunch noise with each step I let Kim take and the ominous music before the first Sans-encounter kept playing.
I walked for a while, maybe around... 30 seconds? Darn that forest was bigger than I remembered. Some glitched sounding noises slowly mixed into the background music too, something that came in sync with every other step I took. Just as I was wondering what I was hearing a new text message popped up.
*You hear something
I took another few steps.
* You feel something weighing down on your soul.
At this point I was getting a bit uneasy, the music, the strange sound and the fact that the forest was so darn long kinda got to me. I FINALLY saw the stick, walked over it and it broke in half like usual with the scary sound-effect. I turned Kim around and let them look at the sick
* Something broke the branch in two parts. You don't feel safe.
I must admit I did feel a bit scared there. But I pressed on. The strange background-step-like sound continued, amplifying the creepiness even more. Luckily the little bridge came into view now and I mentally prepared myself for Sans' introduction.
But he didn't come. I just... walked through to Sans's station and the convenient lamp. No Sans still, no Papyrus either. Even the music was mostly silent with the strange noises when Kim walked. So I crossed over into the next screen where the next save-point is located.
But just as I reached the screen the game lagged for a moment before making some really strange sounds like the step-noises were sped up a lot for a moment. After that my heart flashed and I was pulled into a fight.
Just there was no monster there. Instead the text-box just told me: “You can feel your foe is close but you can't see them.”
The ACT Menu had “Check” “Talk” and “Look around” in it, the monster's name I was fighting was just blank, no name was given to me.
I first choose Check.
???? AKT ??? DEF ???? You can feel them but not see them. Smells like regret.
No attack followed, only a textbox again. “You hear steps in the snow.”
I choose Look around next.
* You are surrounded by snow-covered trees. It's silent, the woods swallow all sounds.
The next text box popped up. “You feel your sins crawling on your back.”
I finally choose talk.
* You try talking. You said you are scared.
A new text-box popped up.
“He chose to Fight.”
Something too fast to see and way too fast to react to swept through the screen, hitting Kim's little soul and even at Level 5 my HP was drained in an instant and Kim's soul broke.
And I was thrown back to before I fought Toriel.
So I concluded that I stumbled about another boss. One I had no idea how to deal with. I must admit I was a bit excited.
So I tried a few things. First I did everything the same as before and got the exact same results. Next I choose to fight Toriel from the start and not betrayal-murder her but nothing changed. Sans and Papyrus were still not there and I was still pulled into this strange new fight and killed by an unseen monster.
Next I tried sparing Toriel even if I didn't really want to. So I spared her, Flowey mocked me again with the whole “you think you are above consequences?” line and otherwise the exact same thing happened again. Unseen monster killed me again.
So next I went back and did some grinding. Sure, I couldn't do a genocide run but I could level up some and with Toriel's death I had a higher level than before.
The same events happened but now I could stand the initial attack. Well, part of the initial attack. I’m trying to summarize what is hours worth of in-game grinding and work.
So what happened was that first there was an attack that was a guaranteed hit. Just a big block of white kinda like Sans' gasterblaster laser look like, will go through the screen and will take a huge junk from my HP no matter what I do. After that followed some blue and orange attacks shaped like bones and after that it's just some white patterns that look like... claws or teeth or something. Mostly triangle shaped things coming down and up on rows.
It was REALLY frustrating getting to this point. I had saved at Toriel's place before I went to fight her and after leveling up quite nicely but I still had to kill Toriel and make my way to this new boss fight each and every time I got killed. So it would take me always a while until I could try again.
I took several breaks, sometimes not playing for days before I tried again. At some point I was good enough that I could FINALLY survive the whole first attack, and then I saw him.
I really should have known and I did have my suspicions. The strong attack, the eye resting on me... who else could it be but Sans?
But the strange being looking at me through the monitor of my laptop barely looked like Sans anymore.
His sprite was huge, taking almost all of the top part of the screen, giant head bent down to stare at Kim's little heart, big paws decked out with long and sharp looking claws gripping the square which caged my soul left and right. His whole body was stretched and distorted, looking more like a beast than the friendly monster I knew from my old playthroughs.
He still had his jacked but it looked almost comically small on him now and a long tail was snaking around the right side of the screen, coming very close with its tip to my mercy button. Even San's skull was elongated and changed, resembling more of the iconic gasterblasters from his genocide fight.
* Sans is blocking the way.
Well no shit.
Again I checked the ACT menu first. This time my options were “Check” “Talk” and “Call for help.”
I selected Check.
You chose wrong and face the consequences.
Smells like burned dog biscuits.
After that Sans attacked again. His claws swiped at me and he fired his mouth canon at me again. I tried moving around but the game kinda glitched at that point and I only heard my soul breaking again.
And I was back to before Toriel's fight like before.
At this point I pretty much was ready to give up. I tried one more time to fight that new form of Sans but with the same results.
I tried a few more things to find out what triggers the new Sans fight but nothing really went far. Finally I decided to reset the game.
I named the fallen human Robin this time. Everything seemed normal until I saw Flowey for the first time.
He just said one line.
“That won't work you know?”
After that he disappeared. Instead a new textbox popped up.
* you can feel eyes on your back.
And when I walked through the door leading to the ruins, the screen went black, the sound of a soul shattering played and one bright blue dot glowed in the darkness of the screen before the game went black and crashed.
That is when things really went strange. I restarted the game but it wouldn't show the intro anymore, just cut to the black screen. The blue dot sometimes came back fading in and out but otherwise nothing happened. I couldn't move or at least nothing happened. I could open the menu still but it now said that my human was named Kim again?
I still had Level 1 at least, 0 EXP, still Stick and Bandage equipped and nothing else in the inventory.
But I couldn't load, I couldn't reset and I couldn't do anything more.
Finally I decided to mess with the files, copy the save files, reinstall my old ones. The game booted up all okay with the end of a true pacifist end. I even walked around a bit in the playable epilogue again, nothing seemed out of the ordinary only that the sprites of Toriel, Asgore, Papyrus, Sans, Alphys and Undyne at the end looked a bit blurry.
I true-reset again, named the fallen human Test. Flowey appeared again in front of me.  
“You really think you are above consequences huh?” he said before disappearing. And after walking into the ruins the same as before happened. The sound of the soul breaking, the darkness, the eye and my name being changed back to Kim.
I fiddled around a bit, finally uninstalling Undertale, cleaning my whole laptop from any mention of the game and reinstalled it. And only THEN things seemed back to normal. I played pacifist, spared Toriel, came to the bridge and Sans and Papyrus were there all normal. Whatever strange thing happened to my old save file was finally gone.
So this is where I am left at. I still got the save files of the strange glitch run with the changed Sans fight on an USB drive and haven't dared mess with it yet.
So does anybody know what this is? Did anybody had this happened to them too? Does anybody know what triggered this strange thing to happen?
Thanks for reading.  
This little creepypasta is the product of some conversations I had on the GasterBlaster Discord. Some very nice people helped me with beta-ing this there. :) Have a happy and spoooooky Halloween. :)
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suarezsylvest5-blog · 5 years
Kentucky Wildcats Willpower Beat Kansas Jayhawks.
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foxbutton818 · 3 years
Ipod Classic Games
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The original and second generation iPod did not officially have games at all, but a simple game called 'Brick' - where the player 'breaks' a screen full of bricks with a ball and paddle. WinX Free 3GP to iPod Converter is a free 3GP video to iPod converter which supports fre converting 3GP video to iPod player, including iPod Touch 1, 2, 3/4/5, iPod Nano, iPod Classic, etc. There's no malware, adware, spyware or virus. Our range of refurbished iPod Classic devices are a great way to listen to music and podcasts on the go at an amazingly low price! Experience nostalgia by traversing through the iPod Classic with its selection wheel and enjoy classic games such as Solitaire or Parachute whilst listening to music.
SAN FRANCISCO—September 5, 2007—Apple® today introduced the new iPod® classic, featuring 80GB or 160GB of storage that holds your entire collection of music, photos, video, podcasts and games—up to 40,000 songs or 200 hours of video. Now in its sixth generation, the new iPod classic delivers all the features customers love about their iPods, plus an enhanced user interface featuring Cover Flow™ and a new all-metal enclosure. iPod classic is priced at just $249 for the 80GB model and $349 for the 160GB model.
“The first iPod put 1,000 songs in your pocket—this new iPod classic can put 40,000 songs in your pocket,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “With a thinner, all-metal enclosure and an enhanced user interface, the iPod classic is ideal for people who want to hold everything on their iPod.”
Rockbox Ipod Classic Games
The new iPod classic holds up to 160GB of storage in an all-metal anodized aluminum and polished stainless steel enclosure. iPod classic works seamlessly with iTunes® so you can import, manage and then easily sync your favorite content. You can buy music, video and games for your iPod classic from the iTunes Store with more than six million songs available for preview and one-click purchase.
The new iPod classic features up to 40 hours of music playback and seven hours of video playback in the 160GB model, and up to 30 hours of music playback and five hours of video playback in the 80GB model on a single charge,* letting users enjoy their entire collections of music, audiobooks, audio and video podcasts, music videos, television shows and movies wherever they go.
The new iPod classic is perfect for playing iPod games and comes pre-loaded with iQuiz, the entertainment trivia game; Vortex, a fast-paced 360 degree brick-bashing game; and Klondike, the popular solitaire card game. Additional games will be available for purchase for the new iPod classic later this month from the iTunes Store, including Sudoku and Tetris from Electronic Arts and Ms. PAC-MAN from NAMCO.
The iPod is the world’s most popular family of digital music players with over 100 million sold. Today, Apple released its most exciting iPod lineup ever with the iPod shuffle in five new colors; iPod classic holding up to 40,000 songs; the incredible all new iPod nano with video playback; and the breakthrough iPod touch with a revolutionary multi-touch user interface. iPod owners can choose from a vast ecosystem of accessories with over 4,000 products made specifically for the iPod including cases, fitness accessories, speaker systems and iPod connectivity in over 70 percent of US automobiles.
Pricing & Availability Both iPod classic models are available immediately worldwide in silver and black. The 80GB iPod classic model is $249 (US) and the 160GB iPod classic is $349 (US).
iPod classic requires a Mac® with a USB 2.0 port, Mac OS® X v10.4.8 or later and iTunes 7.4; or a Windows PC with a USB 2.0 port and Windows Vista or Windows XP Home or Professional (Service Pack 2) or later and iTunes 7.4. Internet access is required and a broadband connection is recommended, fees may apply. The iTunes Store is not available in all countries.
* Battery life and number of charge cycles vary by use and settings. See www.apple.com/batteries for more information. Music capacity is based on four minutes per song and 128-Kbps AAC encoding; photo capacity is based on iPod-viewable photos transferred from iTunes; and video capacity is based on H.264 1.5-Mbps video at 640-by-480 resolution.
Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh. Today, Apple continues to lead the industry in innovation with its award-winning computers, OS X operating system and iLife and professional applications. Apple is also spearheading the digital media revolution with its iPod portable music and video players and iTunes online store, and has entered the mobile phone market this year with its revolutionary iPhone.
Press Contacts: Christine Monaghan Apple (408) 974-8850 [email protected]
Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, Mac OS, Macintosh, iPod, Cover Flow and iTunes are trademarks of Apple. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
An iPod click wheel game or iPod game is a video game playable on the various versions of the Apple portable media player, the iPod. The original iPod had the game Brick (originally invented by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak) included as an easter egg hidden feature; later firmware versions added it as a menu option. Later revisions of the iPod added three more games in addition to Brick: Parachute, Solitaire, and Music Quiz. These games should not be confused with games for the iPod Touch, which require iOS and are only available on Apple's App Store on iTunes.
In September 2006, the iTunes Store began to offer nine additional games for purchase with the launch of iTunes 7, compatible with the fifth-generation iPod with iPod software 1.2 or later. Those games were Bejeweled, Cubis 2, Mahjong, , Pac-Man, Tetris, Texas Hold 'Em, Vortex, and Zuma. These games were made available for purchase from the iTunes Store for US$4.99 each. In December 2006, two more games were released by EA Mobile at the same price: Royal Solitaire and Sudoku. In February 2007, Ms. Pac-Man was released, followed in April 2007 by iQuiz. Until this time, all the available games could be purchased in a package, with no discount.
In May 2007, Apple released Lost: The Video Game by Gameloft, based on the television show. In June 2007, 'SAT Prep 2008' by Kaplan was introduced as 3 separate educational games based on the subjects of writing, reading, and mathematics. In December 2007, Apple released a classic Sega game, Sonic the Hedgehog, which was originally packaged with the Sega Genesis system in the early 1990s.
With third parties like Namco, Square Enix, EA, Sega, and Hudson Soft all making games for the iPod, Apple's dedicated MP3 player took great steps towards entering the video game handheld console market. Even video game magazines like GamePro and EGM have reviewed and rated most of their games.
The games are in the form of .ipg files (iPod game), which are actually .zip archives in disguise. When unzipped, they reveal executable files along with common audio and image files, leading to the possibility of third-party games, although this never eventuated (with the exception of superficial user-made tweaks). Apple never made a software development kit (SDK) available to the public for iPod-specific development.(1) The iOS SDK covers only iOS on the iPhone and iPod Touch, not traditional iPods.
In October 2011, Apple removed all the click wheel–operated games from its store.
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This is a list of games that were made available for the newest iPods, excluding the iPod Touch. Each game (other than Reversi and ChineseCheckers) cost US$4.99 to buy prior to their discontinuation in 2011.
The list contains 54 games that are known to exist. The list is always kept up to date by this script.
TitlePublisherRelease dateGame IDTexas Hold'EmApple Inc.2006-09-1233333ZumaPopCap Games2006-09-1244444Pac-ManNamco2006-09-12AAAAATetrisElectronic Arts2006-09-1266666Mini GolfElectronic Arts2006-09-1288888Cubis 2Fresh Games2006-09-1299999SudokuElectronic Arts2006-12-1950513Ms. Pac-ManNamco2007-02-2714004SAT Prep 2008 (Math)Kaplan2007-06-2211052SAT Prep 2008 (Reading)Kaplan2007-06-2211050SAT Prep 2008 (Writing)Kaplan2007-06-2211051The Sims BowlingElectronic Arts2007-07-171500CThe Sims PoolElectronic Arts2007-07-311500EMusika (Only Released in UK)NanaOn-Sha, Ltd./Sony BMG2007-08-071C300Brain ChallengeGameloft / Apple Inc.2007-09-05PhaseHarmonix2007-11-061D000Sonic the HedgehogSega2007-12-1818000PegglePopCap Games2007-12-1812104BombermanHudson Soft2007-12-1820000Block Breaker DeluxeGameloft / Apple Inc.2008-01-15Pole Position RemixNamco2008-01-21Naval BattleGameloft2008-02-04Chess & BackgammonGameloft2008-02-04YahtzeeHasbro2008-02-11Pirates of the Caribbean: Aegir's FireDisney2008-02-20Bubble BashGameloft2008-02-25ScrabbleElectronic Arts / Hasbro2008-03-03BejeweledPopCap Games2008-04-1555555MahjongElectronic Arts2008-04-2277777MonopolyElectronic Arts / Hasbro2008-06-0315040The Sims DJElectronic Arts2008-06-09Song Summoner: The Unsung HeroesSquare Enix2008-07-0824000UnoGameloft2008-07Mystery Mansion PinballGameloft2008-08Chalkboard Sports BaseballD2C2008-08Spore OriginsElectronic Arts2008-08-2515010Star TrigonNamco2008-09CSI: MiamiGameloft2008-09Tamagotchi: 'Round the WorldNamco2008-11Asphalt 4: Elite RacingGameloft2008-1222020Tiger Woods PGA TourElectronic Arts2008-12Real Soccer '09Gameloft2008-12Slyder AdventuresSandlot Games2008-12ReversiApple Inc.2008-12Wonder BlocksGameloft2008-12Lode RunnerHudson Soft2008-12Crystal DefendersSquare Enix2008-1224002Chinese CheckersApple Inc.2008-12Trivial PursuitElectronic Arts / Hasbro2008-12Cake Mania 3Sandlot Games2009-02LostUbisoft2007-051B200VortexApple Inc.2006-09-1212345iQuizApple Inc.2007-0411002Royal SolitaireElectronic Arts2006-1250514
Default games(edit)
These are the games that originally came with an iPod.(2)
iPod versionTitlesPublishersiPod 1G, 2GBrick (also called Game)Apple Inc.iPod 3G, 4G, 5G, and 5.5G; iPod Nano 1G and 2G; iPod MiniBrick, Music Quiz, Parachute, SolitaireApple Inc.iPod Nano 3G; iPod Classic 6GiQuiz, Klondike, VortexApple Inc.iPod Nano 4G and 5GMaze, Klondike, Vortex, BrickApple Inc.
iTunes had come under much criticism due to the UK price of iPod games, GB£3.99 (about US$7.40). Many people from the UK had given the games 1-star ratings, stating that Apple was 'ripping off' Britain.(3)
A similar situation occurred in Australia, where the price was A$7.49, even though the Australian dollar was (at the time) worth more than the US dollar (A$7.49 = US$7.76).
Developers had criticized Apple for not creating a software development kit (SDK) for software developers to create new iPod games; this was likely to keep the digital rights management of iPod games closed.(citation needed) Despite this, it did not prevent users from running an alternative OS on the iPod such as Linux, whereby, for example, there are ports of Doom that will run on fifth-generation iPods. Running Linux on an iPod retains the music-playing functionality of the device while also adding features such as the ability to create voice memos through the headphones.
When the iPod Classic and iPod Nano third generation were released, games which had previously been purchased could not be synced to the new iPods. Understandably, this made many consumers angry due to losing their investment.
It is also notable that after a download had been made for a game, it couldn't have been downloaded again unless a separate purchase was made for the same item.(4) This is different behavior than applications downloaded on the App Store, which can be downloaded an unlimited amount of times. These issues were later fixed, however, making it possible to install any single game on any number of iPods registered under the same account.
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Unofficial games(edit)
Some older iPod units are capable of using replacement firmware such as iPod Linux and Rockbox. These firmware projects can play many other games, including the aforementioned native port of Doom; and, via a native port of the Game BoyemulatorGnuboy, many other games could be played, including Super Mario Bros., Tomb Raider, Mega Man, Kirby, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Street Fighter, and hundreds more.(5)(6)
Games using the ″Notes″ feature(edit)
With the release of the third-generation iPod in 2003, Apple introduced a ″Notes″ feature to the iPod’s firmware. This functionality provided the first opportunity for third-party developers to create simple text and audio games which could be installed and run on an iPod without users needing to replace the official firmware.
With a limit of 1,000 individual .txt files, each with a maximum file size of 4kb, the Notes feature made use of a limited set of html tags. Hyperlinks could also be used to link to other .txt files or folders and play audio files stored on the device.(7) The limitation of available html tags meant that developers were restricted to Choose Your Own Adventure–style text-based games(8) or multiple choice–style quizzes with narrated audio.(9) Subsequently, very few developers used the Notes feature as a way of publishing games.
Gamestop Ipod Classic
^'What's Inside an iPod Game?' bensinclair.com, September 14, 2006.
^'Fun for your iPod', November 26, 2007.
^iTunes store
^Melanson, Donald (2007-09-19). 'iPod games must be repurchased for new iPods'. Engadget. Retrieved 2008-09-30.
^'Applications'. iPodLinux Wiki. Retrieved 6 April 2010.
^'What is Rockbox? Why should I use it?'. Rockbox Wiki. Retrieved 6 April 2010.
^'iPod Note Reader User Guide'(PDF). Apple. Archived from the original(PDF) on June 6, 2003.
^'XO Play offers Herbert's Big Adventure game for iPod'. MacWorld. 2 March 2004.
^'Coolgorilla releases music trivia game for iPods'. iLounge. 23 December 2005.
External links(edit)
iPod game page at Apple.com
Ipod Classic Games Vortex
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=IPod_game&oldid=1021219140'
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0 notes
sinceileftyoublog · 3 years
Split Single Interview: The Grift Is On
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Photo by Nathan Keay
After five years, Jason Narducy’s got a lot to say. Amplificado (Inside Outside Records), the new third album from Split Single, his solo project with a rotating cast of musicians, was mostly written and recorded by June of 2019. Its themes of Trump-era urgent anger were only heightened by a global pandemic that exacerbated many of the issues that rose to the surface in an era of political turmoil. 
Since his second Split Single album, Metal Frames, came out, Narducy’s been nonstop touring and recording with Superchunk and Bob Mould, not to mention writing a musical, Verböten, named after and about his childhood punk rock band. Any free time’s been spent on canvassing for Democratic state legislature candidates, Narducy feeling like he needed to stay politically involved and motivated. There’s no more perfect soundtrack to his exhausted mind than Amplificado’s opener, titled and stylized “caPtAIN calamity’S crUde pRoCessiON”. The off-kilter, minute-long instrumental is less purposeful avant-garde experimentalism than 6th grade marching band practice with weird ringtones going off, as percussionist Dan Leu’s tempos change nonsensically and Narducy introduces tack piano and sound effects of cash registers. The song’s got a lot of hidden meaning, as Narducy would explain to me in a phone interview in early May, but from the surface, it’s most significant as a way to let the listener know that the rest of the record--for the most part quintessential Split Single power rock--was born from this place of confused chaos. 
Indeed, besides the opener and the honest, stark “Adrift”, Amplificado is big and burning. “Blood Break Ground” is a song about breaking out from oppression. “Condescension comes with a price / Tear away all lingering ties,” Narducy belts, with drummer Jon Wurster providing propulsive blasts and the other main bandmate here, none other than R.E.M.’s Mike Mills, on bass and backing vocals. “Stone Heart World” calls out GOP hypocrisy, self-described “pro-life” politicians who speak about “barefoot children holding on to desperate mothers” as “others” and “animals.” Lead single “(Nothing You Can Do) To End This Love” is just as pressing, but positive, a message of support for the LGBTQ+ community.
As much as Amplificado deals with serious issues, from the pandemic-addled depression and isolation-themed “Worry” to songs like “Blood Break Ground”--the guy behind “The Sexiest Elbows in Rock Music” hasn’t lost his sense of humor or storytelling. Narducy writes about a formative childhood experience with a music teacher on “Bitten by the Sound”, a character in dire straits on “Belly of Lead”, and a ditty about aging inspired by being yelled at by his dentist on “Mangled Tusk”. And maybe the funniest thing about the album is its bio, written by comedian Jon Glaser. (“It has always been a dream of mine to write a bio for the third album of a somewhat known indie band,” Glaser writes, as he then goes on to describe his lunch, nightmares, and video game playing that preceded him writing the actual few-sentence bio for the record.) If you’ve ever seen Narducy play, whether on one of his many lawn shows he did last summer through SPACE in Evanston or opening for Guided By Voices, you know he, too, is both earnest and genuinely hilarious.
Read my interview with Narducy about Amplificado below, edited for length and clarity. He’s got a sold out record release show tomorrow night at 7 PM at Sketchbook Brewing Co. in Skokie!
Since I Left You: When you were writing the lyrics to these songs, did they come instantly or were they workshopped? They feel very emotional and direct.
Jason Narducy: Sometimes they took a while. The song “Mangled Tusk”, the demo was called “Jangle Tusk” because the guitar part felt like jangle pop to me. It was just a working title. The drum beat on the demo, which we didn’t end up using on the record, was kind of like Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk. It reminded me what song it was, instead of calling it “Song Number 32″ or whatever. I was recording vocals, and “Jangle Tusk” was last, and the recording engineer at Electrical Audio, Taylor Hales, asked, “When do we get to work on ‘Jangle Tusk’?” And I responded, “I don’t know, I’m still working on lyrics on that one...you’ve never even heard it, why are you so excited to work on that one?” He said, “I love the title!” And I thought, “I’ll put some thought into that, but those two words aren’t conjuring that much imagery for me.” I really like the word “mangled,” and I had just gone through this ordeal with my teeth and having to wear a nightguard. [laughs] So I started writing lyrics about gnawing and the enamel chipping away. It’s a song about aging, in a way, but I got that stern talking-to from my dentist: “We made you a nightguard years ago and you didn’t wear it, we made you one four years ago and you didn’t wear it, we’ll make you another one and you have to wear this.” I said, “That’s all I have to hear! I’ll wear it every night.” Those lyrics just came based on an odd encouragement from the engineer that liked one other word. 
The process of writing is so strange. With “(Nothing You Can Do) To End This Love”, the lyrics came so fast, and I was just done. I might have written the bridge this year, but the verses and choruses are the heart of the song. There’s a song we recorded called “3/4″--again, a working title based on the time signature--but we couldn’t get lyrics to it, so it’s sitting on the curb, lonely, without words attached to it. Lyrics are last for me every time. “Belly of Lead”, I was recording the demo in my friend Grant [Sutton]’s house, Clampdown Studio. I didn’t have lyrics to the song, so I picked up a lyric book of Lead Belly’s songs, and I was reading random words off every page so I’d have something documented on the demo. From that, I came up with the word “Belly of Lead” and wrote a story based on someone who made poor decisions in their life, coming to the end, trying to write a letter to his son and others, saying goodbye.
SILY: Was this your first time working with Mike Mills?
JN: I had opened up a show for his group The Baseball Project. I met him a number of times, the first time at the 40 Watt Club in Athens in 2006, when Jon and I were playing with Robert Pollard from Guided By Voices. Mike Mills was at that show, and Jon knew him--Jon actually recorded with R.E.M. on one of their Christmas singles. But he introduced me back in ‘06, and throughout the years, we’d run into each other at shows, or Scott McCaughey would be coming through. Just a lot of mutual friends. We always got along great. I didn’t expect him to say yes when I asked him to record. I felt like it was a longshot. I’m really grateful. I like him as a person and am a huge fan of his work with R.E.M.
SILY: What are some of the Easter eggs in the opening track’s title and aesthetic?
JN: There are a lot of layers, for it being a 1-minute instrumental. This [album] is my re-entry into doing Split Single work, since the last one came out in 2016. I write pretty consistently, so there were some songs I had the ideas down for already. But because I was so frustrated with the direction our country was going in, I kept putting down the guitar and thinking, “I can’t do this right now, I need to get out and do something.” I became very involved in this group called Sister District [Project], and I was doing postcard parties where I’d gather friends and others from the community and started working on state senate races across the country. It was very rewarding work. It provided some camaraderie with others who were wondering what the hell we could do. It also had an impact. I canvassed with a state senate candidate in Michigan, I wrote postcards for state senate races all across the country. Thankfully--and I think this has to do with the technological vetting Sister District does--all the candidates we worked for won. That was rewarding. It felt like I had an impact. I was also working on a musical about my very first band Verböten, and that took up a lot of time. Between Verböten and activism, my focus wasn’t on making another Split Single record. Plus Superchunk and Bob Mould were very busy making and touring records.
Back to the song: I wondered if there was a short audible message that I could make that was a little bit of a set up song. “Blood Break Ground” is such a gut punch, so how could I set this up after four and a half years? The sound of that marching band is sort of what I was feeling and hearing during those years. “That’s not supposed to be there: Why is there a tack piano in the marching band? This tempo isn’t right. Why is it slowing down now?” I put in an old cash register sound, so [it’s like] the grift is on. This is all about making money. If you look at the title, if you look at the letters in the title that are capitalized, it spells “PAIN IS UR CON”.
SILY: Sequencing-wise, you have “Adrift” as the emotional and personal centerpiece. It’s not outwardly political like the other songs. It’s also very downtempo. Did you consciously try to mix the album up in terms of tempo, aesthetic, and subject matter?
JN: There’s a defiance in the first three songs [after the opener]. I thought “Adrift” was a really strong song that kind of sounds like an album closer, but I didn’t want to put it last because I felt like it was too important. It was very difficult to figure out what would come after it, since it was so different. “Bitten by the Sound” has that long intro that builds up, so I thought it was a good transition. You can hear thematically how “Belly of Lead” is a completely different, not personal story, and [the album] closes with “Worry” and “Satellite”, which are very personal. Overall, the up-tempo songs are the ones I’m excited to play live. Besides “Adrift”, you could play all of them that way.
SILY: On “Belly of Lead”, you sing, “My word will make no difference.” Your experience with Sister District Project was the antithesis of that sentiment, but was that line in any way referential to anxiety you had about speaking out?
JN: No, that was just the character [in the song]…in “95 Percent”, though, I addressed something I felt and that a lot of liberal-minded Americans feel, which is we’re very clear that we’re not 100% behind the ones we support. There are things I disagree with Barack Obama about. We’re not a part of a cult. I support equality and equity and true justice, not law and order justice, as the other side claims.
SILY: On “Bitten by the Sound”, you sing, “Sat in a classroom led by an old nun / Sister thought she knew all about rock n roll / But instant karma got the best of her / When she lied about holding Lennon’s hands in her own.” What’s the story behind that line?
JN: I had a music teacher that was a nun in 6th grade. She had a story about meeting John Lennon and holding his hands in hers and giving him advice. Even [as a] 6th grader, [I] looked around and thought, “She’s full of shit.” Now that I’m older, I think if you’re gonna want to impress people and make up some bullshit, why pick a famous person who just died who can’t back up the story? It was part of my childhood that affected my relationship with authority and trusting adults. Music was everything to me, so don’t fuck with that! Don’t make up a John Lennon story. In the song, I talk about that. I was 9 or 10 years old, and my mom lived on the South Side of Chicago, 53rd and Woodlawn, and we woke up one morning and looked out the window, and her car was sitting on brick. All 4 tires were stolen. I just didn’t even know that was a thing. Those are formidable years. You discover music and find solace and peace. Everything feels good with music when everything around you is shaken and uncertain.
SILY: I don’t know whether it’s the mixture of the Christianity and the rock history references, but I heard the line and could hear Craig Finn singing it.
JN: That’s funny. I should mention that I was not at a Catholic school, which is why it’s weird a nun was teaching a music class. That song not so much [musically]. I think the song “95 Percent” definitely has some Hold Steady in it. There’s something about The Hold Steady that’s unabashed, “We’re gonna play rock and roll.” It’s a cool thing. “Yeah, I’m gonna take a guitar solo here.” It’s not too-cool-for-school indie rock. “95 Percent” was influenced by Mac [McCaughan] from Superchunk, a little bit of Springsteen, a little Hold Steady. Just need to add a girl’s name, and it would be very Hold Steady.
SILY: Were there any other prominent or newfound influences on this record?
JN: “Adrift” is so different for me. I learned this from Bob Mould: He writes way more songs than the record needs. You never know. A number of times, he’ll have a song that he thinks should be a B-side, and I’ll raise my hand and say, “I think that should be on the record.” “Fire in the City” is an example of that. I was like, “This song is too good.” It ended up on Beauty & Ruin. We don’t always end up using it, but it’s a good influence. I went into this record and thought, “I have extra time--it can’t hurt to keep going.” I ended up going back to a power pop song that I don’t even know had a title. There was one part of it I really liked. I picked up an acoustic guitar and didn’t even have a pick near me. I strummed the chords with my thumb very quietly and slowly and “Adrift” just fell out. Words and everything, just super fast. I had never recorded a song that vulnerable, that personal, that dark. I don’t think I’ve recorded a song without a guitar pick either. You can hear my stomach growl at some point. 
It just so happened I got a text from Alison Chesley who was in Verbow with me, and I asked, “Can I send you a song? Can you put some cellos on here?” She came back with this beautiful arrangement and even a piano part. I think it really elevated it and made it a much more engaging song. That’s the first time Alison and I had recorded in 22 years.
SILY: I thought maybe the experience of looking back with Verböten inspired you to reach out to her. It’s funny that it was just a random text from her that started it.
JN: I think the musical influenced this record in two ways. Not that one. I wrote so many punk rock songs for Verböten, that it reminded me that I like it when I write up-tempo songs. I definitely pushed more high energy songs for the record. [And the other is] “Blood Break Ground” happened because I had to do so much revisiting of emotions from my childhood [for Verböten] that there were other parts of my childhood that I hadn’t addressed yet.
SILY: How did the album’s bio come about? Did you want Jon Glaser to write a legitimate bio, and he came back with something absurd instead?
JN: I mean, he’s a comedian. I know it’s the job of the publicist and the journalist to have as much information presented as possible, but I also think there’s value in not taking it too seriously.
SILY: What’s the inspiration behind the record title?
JN: The trauma of the Trump years combined with the incredible trauma of the pandemic, which will take a very long time for many of us to recover from. I feel like everything’s amplified. I thought about calling the record Amplified but found that there were a lot of other albums called that, and it was also a pretty basic word. So I thought, “What’s a little twist we can put on that?” A friend of mine, Alberto, is fluent in Spanish, so I asked him for the proper version of that word for this situation.
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SILY: What about the cover art?
JN: That’s a Chicago artist named Yvonne Doll. I follow her on Instagram and have been friends with her for years. She’s a musician and a painter. That particular piece came up, and I couldn’t stop looking at it, so I asked whether we could use it for the artwork. Thankfully, she was cool with that. When I presented that and some other photos, the designer, [Chris Tillman], ran with that red theme.
SILY: How was the experience of playing lawn shows during the pandemic?
JN: It was incredible. I was so thankful to Jake [Samuels, Managing Partner and Talent Buyer] and SPACE for coming up with the concept and thankful that people were enthusiastic about doing them. I did about 53 of them last year. It sort of emotionally and financially saved me. I loved how creative it was. I could tell you so many crazy stories about different situations like planning for a rainstorm to come, a small crowd, a huge crowd where the cops showed up. It was great. I’m excited to do more of those. 
On Saturday, I played at Thalia Hall to a private show of 20 people. It was honestly euphoric. It was the first rock club show I had done since January 3, 2020 with Superchunk at the Cat’s Cradle in Carrboro. So many things that I hadn’t thought about, like setting up on a stage and the camaraderie with the crew and talking about different lighting setups and sound options, walking to the dressing room. It was incredible. It felt so good. Even for 20 people. And they were there to party. They weren’t just sitting down drinking wine. They were standing up, dancing, leaning up on the stage and screaming. It’s gonna take time, and it needs to be safe, but certainly with the outdoor shows, there are a lot of options being explored, and hopefully by the fall, there will be many more people vaccinated.
SILY: The album’s really up-tempo, as you’ve said. Have you thought about adapting these songs to a solo style of play?
JN: I think any of the songs besides the marching band one I could do live.
SILY: Anything you’ve been listening to, watching, or reading that’s caught your attention?
JN: Oh my god, there are so many new bands I’ve been listening to. New Pagans. There’s this band called Kestrels. It’s very 90′s, like if Built to Spill or Dinosaur Jr. had a baby. CONTROL TOP. I like the new Real Estate record. Sinai Vessel. I love that English band Shame. I think their new record’s really cool. Miss Grit. I get really inspired by newer artists. It’s something I spend a lot of time with.
0 notes
aion-rsa · 4 years
Superman & Lois Episode 1: DC Comics and Movie Easter Eggs Revealed
This article contains Superman & Lois episode 1 spoilers. We have a spoiler free review here.
Superman & Lois episode 1 does it all! Callbacks to the comics that go all the way back to 1938! A visual reference to the character’s very first onscreen appearance! Random and obscure nods to comics from the ’90s! Oh, and a whole bunch of love for the granddaddy of all superhero movies, 1978’s Superman: The Movie.
Basically, if you’re a Superman fan, the first episode of Superman & Lois is like a love letter to nearly every era of the comics. Here’s everything we spotted…
The Origin Story
The fact that Kal-El is depicted as being “born” on Earth when the rocket opens seems to be something taken from both John Byrne’s Man of Steel origin story, as well as Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel film. Essentially, these versions of the Superman origin state that the rocket that brought him to Earth wasn’t just carrying him as a baby, it was carrying a gestation matrix for baby Kal-El. In other words, he never touched Kryptonian soil or breathed Kryptonian air, and the moment we see that rocket open on Earth is essentially the moment of his birth.
The Kents driving a red pickup truck (especially when they find baby Kal-El) has echoes throughout Superman history. It was most notably deployed in Richard Donner’s Superman: The Movie, and has been homaged in Smallville and again here, as well as in other places.
The Fleischer Superman Costume
When we see an early appearance of Superman in action, his suit (especially the emblem) looks like the version from the Max Fleischer cartoons. It’s a nice nod to the early media days of the character.
Incidentally, his “my mom made it for me” line was used in the pilot episode of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman in 1993. It also speaks to a piece of Superman lore that often switches back and forth in the comics and elsewhere. For years, it was generally accepted that Clark’s costume was made by Martha Kent from the blankets that came with the rocket. In some recent interpretations (notably the Man of Steel film), it’s a piece of Kryptonian ceremonial wear of some kind, and is alien in nature.
At least we know that in this version of the story, Ma Kent made it.
Action Comics #1
When Superman makes his early appearance wearing that cool vintage costume, he’s catching a green car and setting it down gently, an inversion of the character’s first appearance in Action Comics #1 from 1938, where he is smashing a green car to bits against the side of a rock.
This isn’t the only Action Comics #1 nod in the episode, as on the memo board in Lois and Clark’s Metropolis home there’s a reminder to “Call Siegel and Shuster.” Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster are the creators of Superman. Their phone number (on this board) is 418-193-8000. Action Comics #1 was copyrighted (and possibly published) on April 18, 1938.
Later in the episode, the kids of Smallville are partying at “the old Shuster mine,” another shoutout to the creators. On the Superboy TV series from the ’80s, Clark and Lana attended Shuster University, as well.
Richard Donner and Superman: The Movie
Speaking of that memo board…there’s also a reminder for “Dr. Donner.” Richard Donner directed 1978’s Superman: The Movie, the first truly great superhero movie, and still considered one of the greatest of all time.
Clark’s crack to his kids that he was the “team manager” for the football team is something of a callback to Superman: The Movie, as well, because in one of the only scenes with a teenage Clark in that film, he’s in charge of keeping the football team’s equipment in order.
The doctor who (unsuccessfully) treats Martha Kent here is Dr. Frye. “Doc Frye” was mentioned by Martha Kent to Jonathan Kent in Donner’s Superman, warning him about his heart condition, in a bit of foreshadowing.
Storing the old rocketship in the barn is nothing new, but it had particular significance in Superman: The Movie. It’s unclear if a teenage Clark in that film had ever fully understood/embraced his heritage until the ship “calls” to him one night and he pulls one of those strange crystals from it.
“The sunstone crystal” that Jordan pulls out of the rocket is very much like the crystals that were embedded in the rocket that brought Kal-El to Earth in Donner’s Superman. It was the first instance in Superman lore where these crystals were such important sources of information, and it was only relatively recently that they were adopted in the comics (and that’s where they were finally named), as well.
Clark lifts the old pickup truck to show the boys that he’s Superman. In Superman: The Movie, one of his first acts on Earth as a baby is to lift the Kent pickup truck, letting his foster parents know that he wasn’t your average little kid.
“Stick with Lane, she’ll show you the ropes.” It’s always been a tradition in Superman lore that Lois is the more experienced (and better) reporter than Clark. But Clark’s first day on the job being paired up with Lois to show him around is another nod to Donner’s Superman.
When Superman is chasing the mysterious “Captain Luthor” there’s several moments that feel like when Supes chases the west coast missile in Superman: The Movie, as well.
Superman III
Superman III isn’t anyone’s favorite Superman movie, but there are elements of it that seem quite relevant to Superman & Lois.
For starters, Superman III is all about Clark returning to Smallville and reconnecting with Lana Lang and seeing how things changed. That’s a big deal here, although unlike in that film, Lana and Clark don’t appear to have ever fully lost touch. But also in that film, Lana is romantically involved with a local, and while Kyle Cushing is something of a prickly character here, he’s far better than the alcoholic former Smallville High quarterback Brad Wilson from Superman III.
The scene where Superman saves a nuclear reactor by freezing a lake and using that to cool it off is very similar to one of the best scenes from Superman III (and honestly one of the best scenes in the franchise) where Superman uses a similar trick on an overheating chemical plant.
Incidentally (and unrelated to Superman III) later on Clark and Sam Lane (more on him in a minute) discuss a similar incident at “Oyster Creek.” Oyster Creek is a real power plant, located in New Jersey, which probably places Metropolis on the east coast in the Arrowverse. Where it should be.
Steve Lombard
The “Lombard” that Lois disparagingly refers to is Daily Planet sports columnist Steve Lombard. Lombard was a staple of Superman comics in the ’70s and ’80s, a former football player turned sportswriter who delighted in making Clark the butt of his jokes. He doesn’t appear quite as much these days.
Before Lombard worked for The Daily Planet, he was the quarterback of the Metropolis Meteors, and we get several references to that team throughout this episode, from posters in the Kent home to the boy Superman saves in the car sequence wearing a Meteors hat. And, of course, this explains why Lombard is such a good source of Meteors tickets for his co-workers.
The Death of Martha Kent
Clark at his mother’s deathbed mirrors an oft-repeated scene from the comics, where young Clark speaks to his father as he dies.
Sam Lane
General Sam Lane has been a fixture of Superman continuity since 1959, and the idea of Lois being an army brat has been increasingly played up in recent years. Generally, Sam has usually had a more adversarial relationship with his future son-in-law than what we’re seeing here, but this is a nice change of pace, and one that will certainly make for some good storytelling opportunities down the road.
The signal device that Sam (and Lois) wield is similar to the watch worn by Jimmy Olsen. Here, it almost looks like it could have been designed by Jack Kirby, doesn’t it?
Jonathan and Jordan Kent
Young Jon Kent is a new addition to Superman lore, having only made his first appearance in 2015. There, he’s an only child, not a twin. After being a young kid for most of his time in the comics, he was recently aged up to a teenager (thanks to some space travel and relativity shenanigans). He is, of course, named after Clark’s foster father. Jordan is a new creation for the show and has no comics counterpart.
You may remember that Jon was initially an only child in the Arrowverse as well, but the reality altering effects of Crisis on Infinite Earths changed that.
Anyway, in the comics, Jon has powers. Lots of ’em.
Injustice 2
When we first meet Jordan Kent, he’s playing the DC/Mortal Kombat crossover video game Injustice 2. That’s certainly…an interesting choice considering what the actual storyline of the Injustice games entails (it involves the Joker and a pregnant Lois Lane…as you can imagine, it doesn’t end well). Anyway, needless to say, that probably isn’t the story in the Arrowverse.
The Sequoia movie theater in Smallville during the flashbacks is showing a film called Rory’s First Kiss, which was the codename that Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight filmed under. This scene, in which Jonathan Kent dies, must take place earlier than 2008, though, so it’s unlikely that Rory’s First Kiss was a Nolan production in this universe.
Jonathan Kent dying of a heart attack has happened several times, but most notably in Superman: The Movie and on Smallville.
Who is Captain Luthor?
No, he isn’t Master Chief. All his talk about how his world was destroyed would seem to indicate he’s from an Earth that didn’t make it through Crisis on Infinite Earths, though. We’ll have to wait for future episodes to see how this one pans out.
And no, this doesn’t mean this doesn’t take place on the main Arrowverse Earth or that Jon Cryer’s brilliant portrayal of Lex is no longer canon. We’ll get answers soon enough!
Sam Foswell
Overbearing and overeager Daily Planet assistant editor Sam Foswell is just like that in the comics, too. He’s made a handful of appearances since 1991.
We also hear that Ron Troupe has been fired, and he’s a dedicated member of the Superman comics supporting cast, as well.
Morgan Edge
We’ll have more on Morgan Edge in the coming weeks, as he’s set to play a major role on this show. For now, just know that he’s got a 50 year history and is one of the few supporting Superman characters created by none other than Jack Kirby. His arrival in the Arrowverse bodes big things for the future.
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Miscellaneous Cool Stuff…
There’s news footage of Superman saving a space shuttle at one point, referencing multiple comics stories, but also the first episode of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, once again.
There’s a banner for the Smallville Crows in one of the bedrooms of the old Kent home. The Crows were also the football team on the Smallville TV series, so this is a neat detail.
Superman falling to Earth after getting stabbed by the Kryptonite mirrors a moment in Superman Returns, when he’s been poisoned by the Kryptonite continent he hurls into space.
“When your father first told me I didn’t understand either.” In 1991’s Action Comics #662, Clark finally told Lois his secret. She wasn’t exactly thrilled to learn that he had been lying to her all that time.
Clark and Lana attended a Soul Asylum concert. Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first Gen-X Superman! But more specifically, Lana references how they got in an accident and nobody was hurt. 1990’s Adventures of Superman #474 was a flashback to a teenage Clark and friends partying and getting in an accident. It didn’t end as well as Lana’s anecdote, if my memory serves.
Spot anything I missed? Let us know in the comments!
The post Superman & Lois Episode 1: DC Comics and Movie Easter Eggs Revealed appeared first on Den of Geek.
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kpop-drabble · 7 years
Vernon - The “Cool” Dad - always attempting to be your friend more than a father figure, attempts to get their child to spill the latest ‘gosp’ - “dad what the hell is gosp” “its teenage lingo for gossip, i keep up with you youngsters” - cue eye rolling - he’s incredibly chill about nearly everything and allows them to do whatevee they want, for the most part. - the only restriction is that it can’t be illegal - and if it is he told them to lie about who their father was. - all their friends are jealous over how ‘cool’ of a dad their have, no matter how many times they tell them how uncool he truly is he has everyone tricked that he’s some super dad
Soonyoung - The Embarrassing Dad - insists on making their kids lunch one time and puts an embarrassing “have a good day love you -Dad” in the bag without warning. - all their friends cooed and haven’t let them live it down since. - he’s the type to make embarrassingly bad dad jokes when talking to others and then looks over at their kid for a reaction - a pitiful thumbs up and embarrassed smile is the best kind of reaction that he’s looking for - constantly trying to talk to their kids friends when they’re over - “why doesn’t that one friend come over anymore?” “because you broke out the baby pictures last time and i would rather not relive your hour ling stories about the past, and neither would she”
Seungkwan - The emotional dad - constantly crying - oh my god their kids have never seen a grown man cry so much in their lives - always reminiscing about their kids past and getting emotional about how big they’ve gotten - at every graduation that the child has lives through theres always friends that make comment about his screaming once you get on stage - every picture you have to commemorate this moment has a very red eyed blotchy faced Seungkwan, their child always looks less than impressed. - it’s nice to have a dad so passionate about their child but sometimes you just need someone that wont cry because you’ve made your first purchase with your own money that you made from your first job
Seokmin - The Scrapbooking Dad - always insisting on taking pictures - it doesnt matter the occasion, it doesn’t matter how relevant any of it is, he wants a picture and he wants it now. - his kids could make those “365 pictures throughout the year” collage videos you find on the internet dating back to their toddler years just from how many pictures Seokmin had taken. - he has a bookcase full of scrapbooks hes made - he takes the time to decorate them, with pretty stickers and dates each picture with a short description of each. - its not just a picture book, its a life story showcasing every little insignificant thing that his kids have accomplished since birth. - “dad, can we please take that picture of me on the potty off?” “no, its the first time you took a shit and i didn’t have to clean a diaper, it’s staying for memory sake”
Seungcheol - Over protective dad - they cab only have a phone because he insists on using the find your friends app when his kids go out just to make sure that if anything happens he could always find their kid and help out - if they’re one minute past curfew expect said phone to be blown up with questions about where they are. - “you were suppose to be home at 10:00 its now 10:02, i checked traffic and it is light so there isnt any excuse” - is protective and inforces his rules but isn’t terribly rude and would never actually punish his kids (he’s too soft, but ultimatey just wants the best for them) - interogates any significant other that their child brings home, and as they protest in embarassment he simply says hes making sure to rule out any one not worthy of their time. - always has their best interests in mind though they may not realize it until they’re much older - probably has a bat near his bed so if needed he could protect them from anything and anyone who trys to hurt their kid
Jeonghan - The Charming Dad - all their kids friends are completely endeared by him - they’ve heard the word DILF to describe him one too many times that its starting to take some effect on their mental wellbeing - he’s able to talk himself out of many things and their kids have had to sit by idly as they watched their dad talk up another worker to attempt to get some sort of discount - probably has pictures of the family around the house solely to show off how attractive all of them are when guest comes over - he’s ultimately very proud of how beautiful his family has come out, and wants the world to know about how absurdly beautiful they are compared to other families. - its not opinion its Fact.
Jihoon - Passive but Encouraging Dad - not very good at showing how much they love their kids but try their very hardest without having to say directly that he loves them - shows he cares by encouraging their dreams and never tries to hold them back from their dreams - he may not be very involved in their kids lifes but when they come to him with something they claim to be passionate about he’s suddenly #1 dad. - he’ll always be the first to encourage them to chase after whatever they want - and even if they drop it after a couple weeks because it wasn’t exactly the right fit Jihoon will accept it and continue to support them through any other projects they wished to pursue. - their kids know that he loves them through those kind of actions.
Mingyu - The Expirmentive Dad - always trying out new recipes for dinner - his kids have started becoming wary after the his few failed attempts and know to prepare something to eat afterwards just incase his experiment doesnt work out in his favour - never follows a reciepe - “dad it said a tea spoon not a cup” “it’s better this way, just trust me.” - it was not better this way. - he tries his very hardest to make good dishes for his family and sometimes they actually turn out decent. - and when they dont, no matter if mingyu himself knows it wasn’t the best, his kids say it was good while only eating a couple bites of it - he’s grateful that they eat the prepared foods somewhere that hes not (sometimes he goes to their room and they share their snacks with him, but thats only when he’s failed terribly and hes gone desperate)
Chan - The Involved dad - Their child is apart of a school club? he’ll be apart of it just as much. - “Do you guys want me to make snacks?” “Dad its not necessary-” “i’ll pack snacks.” - always insists on going to parent teacher night to talk with each of their kids teacher one on one, he doesnt do it because he thinks his kids are miss behaving just solely for the opprotunity to be apart of their kids lifes just that much more - was their kids soccer couch for most of their junior soccer days, but when their kids approached them about joining a different team he unwillingly allowed them to do so to allow them to be happy - he still attenda each game and became the most embarrassing side line dad at the game - “signs are necessary” chan ignores their kids as he pours another large amount of glitter onto the atrocious sign with his kids name and number on it.
Junhui - The Teasing Dad - constantly making jokes about their kid, it mostly happens when they have friends over or when theyre at a family get together - some how always managing to make their child the center of attention at the family dinners, each family member taking turns to tease his kid. - he definitely does not attempt to stop it because he was the one that started it and seeing his kids get all embarrassed is kind of a highlight to being a father. - Is probably always trying to get a hug or affection from their child especially when friends are around just to embarrass them that much more - He doesn’t mind being rejected in front of all their friends when he goes in for a hug, because the embarrassed hiden smile that his kid has when they turn back to apologize to their friend is enough of a reward
Jisoo - The Overly-Loving Father - he’s wanted to be a dad since he was a child and now that he’s able to do so he doesnt waste any opprotunity to remind his kid about how much he loves them - sometimes he shows his love in materialistic manners - he buys they loads of gifts for every special occasion and still insists on making them do an easter chocolate egg hunt well into their teenage years - he gets really creative when it comes to things like this so their child doesnt really mind, the chocolate is always a bonus - is always trying to get family outings to be a thing and his favourite holiday is family day. Definitely family day because he can use it as an excuse to force his kids to spend time with him.
Wonwoo - The helpful dad - the stereotype that dads are suppose to be good at physical labour such as fixing cars and doing sports falls short when it comes to wonwoo - he couldn’t necessarily fix their car if they asked him to but he could help them ace their  physics exam - and if they didn’t wish to read a book that was assigned for english, he’s probably already read it front to back more than once and is more than willing to help them out - he’s not too anal about good grades but encourages them to try their hardest - they’ve probably had to sit through a small half hearted lecture about genuinely putting their best into things when Wonwoo feels like their grades are slipping
Minghao - The “I didn’t sign up for this” Dad - never really meant to become a dad but it ??? sort of happened and he enjoys it he just was never ready to become one - therefore he really doesn’t know what to do. - during toddler years he’d make any excuse not to be alone with the baby for too long, too frighten that he’d mess it up so severly that he usually calls over his mom to help out - he’s gotten better over the years but still doesn’t properly know how to dad - tries more to be a friend than a dad - whenever their child is in trouble, lets the other parent do the scolding and then retreats up to their childs bedroom with a bowl of icecream to try and make amends better. -he’s sort of getting the hang of things but their kids highly doubt he ever fully will know what being a parent consists of. - but thats okay, he’s trying his very best.
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cosmosogler · 7 years
hello. i had a little trouble falling asleep last night. i like to pet eve while she falls asleep, but it’s not the most comfortable position for me, as i usually prefer to sleep on my other side. i think for the first time in weeks i actually DIDN’T have to get up after laying there for 30 minutes, which was nice, as that means i actually fell asleep 30 minutes earlier than it usually takes me. since when i get up i usually have to start falling asleep all over.
i didn’t manage to do anything productive before i left for lunch. i met with linda and david and we hung out and nibbled on our food and talked for two hours. it was nice. i made a mistake though. when they asked how i continued studying physics without any emotional support from my parents i said “because i hate myself” and they got REALLY concerned. 
i guess that is kind of a vicious comment. i tend to laugh after i say it so people my age react like it might have been a joke. they cut through the usual bs i pad my depression admissions with though and asked if i was doing ok and if i was talking to a counselor. 
they talked a lot about pearl and al. i remember that pearl liked to talk about linda and david whenever i went to visit, but i filed them away as “people i don’t know” even though she would tell me they lived in the same area as me. but now i know them, so now i am visiting with them.
when i got home i played outside with wiley until we were both exhausted. eve ran around a little bit, but i think she got hot really fast. wiley has thick, long fur, but eve is black.
i was way too sore and pained to do anything all afternoon. i didn’t make any phone calls. though i did pick up my prescriptions from the pharmacy and checked on my refills. and i called and talked to oz and mario for a while. oz showed me a really fun app for your phone where you throw paper airplanes around the world and stamp ones that come to you. i found airplanes stamped from all sorts of places. i showed it to dad later and he liked it too. there’s no names attached, just cities and dates.
i spent a long time downstairs hanging out with the dogs while i waited for mom and dad to make a decision about dinner. and i cleaned the pool while dad did yard work. the tree on the sidewalk that runs behind our backyard is in bloom and the little yellow flowers and pollen have coated our backyard. birds mistake the pool for a bed of flowers and try to land in it. dad had to fish a poor drowned bird out of it the other day. basically we just take a net and run it along the pool’s surface around the outside and that clears it up a little bit. the vacuum and filters are always clogged after two or three days this time of year.
then we had pizza for dinner. i don’t like the restaurant mom gets the pizza from very much. they don’t seem to mix the toppings and sauce very well. at least domino’s gets the right sauce/cheese ratio and their crust doesn’t take up half the slice. even little caesars is like, the taste is bland enough that you just kinda taste the dipping sauce.
while i was waiting for dinner i did some research on the effects of aging on dogs, and symptoms to look for that aren’t just age. i’m gonna try moving to hand commands with eve over the next few weeks and see if she picks it up while she can still hear. did you know that macaws can live like 80 years? even pigeons can hit 15 when kept as pets. urban pigeons only usually make it to 3 or 4, which is really sad and also a sign that they are probably more suited to life as pets. maybe if i figure out how to keep birds i will take in some pigeons.
hmm. tomorrow i am going to gramma’s house to prepare for the easter gathering on sunday. it mostly involves painting eggs and maybe baking a cake. according to gramma i am PRETTY GOOD at making cakes! i, at least, always like what i bake with gramma. baking and cooking are actually fun when you’re with a partner. when i’m doing it by myself i just kind of stand there and wait.
i did draw a picture today! i drew my character fern heckling asher’s character kai. it wasn’t anything complicated, really just head and shoulders, and i didn’t finish the line work or ink it, but asher liked it. and... it felt good. and i think i somehow got better without practicing. 
like, this drawing wasn’t better than my previous art by a long shot, but something about it... if i draw more, i could refine it i think, in a way i couldn’t before. and i did hang on to one of the fan character “candidates.” and there was one other person i kinda looked at but wasn’t sure about because she already knows who i am haha. 
god i’m so shy. it’s hard to, like, be friendly and supportive to random people when you see their profiles like “I HATE GROWNUPS” and like, i’m a grownup now??? when did that happen? 
i’m also shy about people on tumblr. i haven’t followed anyone new in a long time because i’m afraid they’ll look at my posts... but i still check their pages. i am aware this would be a lot easier for me if i just followed them. i mean, i see most of their posts anyway. i feel more comfortable following other people who, like, write about their depression and stuff. even though my tumblr is about 70% not depression blogging and more “whatever i saw that i liked or thought was interesting and wanted my friends to see.” 
am i the only one that finds it extremely difficult to interact with teenagers? even just to be friendly and supportive, because i know how difficult being a teenager was? i don’t even talk to my usual internet friend group any more because they brought in a new teenager and she shuts down the conversation when it isn’t about video games because she doesn’t want “the discourse.” it took two bad experiences and i’m already avoiding interacting with her... i don’t even talk to my brother about anything and i see him every day. 
today i had a veggie burger with a fruit cup. it made me extremely ill. it made driving home kind of hard and disorienting. then i had some pizza with sun dried tomatoes and spinach and pesto sauce. i almost actually threw up. i went in the bathroom and stared at the toilet and put my hand against the sink and sweated and tried to breathe for a few minutes. i only forgot my medication at lunch. of course... my parents didn’t end up getting dinner until two hours after i had taken my dinner dosage, so maybe i had waited too long between taking the meds and eating.
in the evening dad started taping down some paper to the tile in preparation for painting the walls. eve was terrified of the noise the tape made as dad unrolled it. wiley joined us and “helped” by putting the roll of floor paper in his mouth repeatedly and chewing on dad’s hands and feet and then licking the paint we dripped on the floor when we wrote some stuff next to my brother’s door. dad said it was non toxic so i’m not TOO worried, but the dog would eat rat poison if we didn’t stop him. we ended up putting him and eve in my room while dad taped down my side of the hallway, so i put on some dog music and wiley and eve were dozing within 15 minutes.
we wrote “goofy goober” next to my brother’s door with an arrow pointing into the room. i snap chatted a picture of it. then my brother came home and went in his room to look for the “prank.” i took a picture of him standing there with “goofy goober” pointing at him and sent that to asher. 
so i did some of the things i wanted today, but not all of them. that’s ok. i find it hard to do TWO of the things i want to do in a day, let alone three or four or five. which is the number of things i need to do. and i did three! i picked up my meds and went to lunch and drew for a few minutes.
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nostalgiaispeace · 8 years
do you like getting hickeys? no. they’re trashy imo.
oral, do you like oral? -
if you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? Lana Del Rey
plan on getting drunk or high tonight? Nope.
do you have any best friends that you only know online? Nope.
is it okay for people to cheat if it’s only online? NO. wtf
are you interested in anime? Nope.
do you have a favorite youtuber or do you not watch much youtube? yeah. Shane Dawson; Raw Alignment.
have you ever given a tattoo before and would you like to? i’ve never given one but i would TOTALLY give someone one lol.
have you ever made out in a hot tub? no
ever peed in your pants after the age of 10? yeah
what was the name of the last video game you played? Tetris.
what is your favorite elvis song? -
what is the last tattoo you got? ram skull
what would you say is your guiltiest pleasure? not sure.
do you let your pets on your furniture? yes
do you enjoy your job? if unemployed, are you content being so? no
what is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? music.
what is your favorite christmas movie? Elf.
what do you think of your best friend’s ex? can’t remember them.
are you biracial? no
be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you? or are they actually not worthy of your affections? i think so.
would you ever wear black lipstick? do you know anyone who does? probably not; no
if you wear eye shadow, do you put on a dark color or a light? and if you wear mascara, what color is it? dark; black
what was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? Mikes Hard I believe
are you any good with kids? i hope so.
have you seen the last person you kissed without a shirt on? Yes.
do you like watching jerry springer? no
have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend? no
have you ever unbuttoned your ex’s pants? can’t remember.
have you ever deleted your facebook, then brought it back? yeah
have you ever kissed someone who smokes weed? Yes.
what’s your favorite brand of peanut butter? Jif
do you have a thing for shy/awkward hot guys? sure? i don’t know.
what’s your favorite lunchables meal? pizza.
have you ever eaten at golden corral? Yes.
do you ever decide to just dance crazy to a favorite song? yerp
have you ever watched fireworks with someone you loved? Yes.
are you good at memorizing phone numbers? probably would be.
do you like men who have a sensitive side? Yes.
have you ever used glitter as one of your makeup items? yeah
do you keep a memo book/agenda? no
is there a song in a different language that you can sing? no
what was the most expensive thing someone bought you? not sure.
how do you feel about bands that use pyrotechnics in live concerts? do your thing.
is there anyone on your facebook friends list that you dislike? why do you dislike them? yes; post too much
have you ever tasted baby food? how about pet food? no; no
have you ever thought about what you might call your children? or, if you already have children, what are their names? yeah
where is the person you would most like to see, or most like to be with? he’s at work.
find 5 people on your facebook friends list, whose name begins with K. who are these people, and how did you meet them? -
is there a person that you can go to in sweats, and still feel comfy? yeah
do you think the last person you kissed is nice? yes
how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 2
how far away is the last person you kissed? not too far.
have you ever had a teacher that was like a second mom to you? No.
have you ever been in a school talent show? what for? no
was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? Career of Evil by Jo Rowling; i read it for fun
would you prefer to go out on a fancy date or just chill in his house? chill
do you enjoy long car rides? no
do you ever wish you could live on a farm? no
do you know how to play poker? no
have you ever had an ear infection? probably
what color is your favorite bra? i don’t like bras
what was the name of your first boyfriend? Kyle.
have you ever dated someone more than three years older than you? yes
have you ever dated someone a year younger than you? no
have you ever dated someone of another race? no
do you enjoy eating veggies? no
are you attracted to the last person you exchanged numbers with? naw
what do you think of country music? ew
do you think pigs are cute or ugly? they’re cute.
did any of your friends lose their virginity before they were 16? if so, did you feel pressured to do the same? probably; no
what kind of home would you like? doesn’t matter.
did you ever build furniture forts as a child? probably.
what kind of dog is your favorite? corgis <3
have you ever considered dropping acid? no
describe your music style: metal; jazz
are you close to any of your aunts/uncles? no
have you ever had a seizure? No.
do you plan on losing weight any time soon? i’m trying to now
what was your gpa in high school? i can’t remember.
if you have a favorite television show, who’s your favorite character? Supernatural - Dean
what is your favorite book series, if you have one? Harry Potter
have you ever had a parasite before? no
do you enjoy listening to older music? yes
have you been to disney world before? no
have you ever met someone who was really racist before? probably.
if you could be a disney character for a day, who would you be? Simba
would you ever want to swim with sharks? maybe.
what was the last thing that made you laugh? my psychiatrist.
ever used a bow and arrow? i feel like i have
occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? singer
tea or coffee? Coffee.
opinions on sex before marriage? do your thing.
who was the hottest teacher you ever had? none
have you ever walked on a beach at night? Yes.
when was the last time you baked something? did it turn out good? a while ago. nooooo.
do you think some of the stuff we’re taught in school is useless? yes
why do we put the clocks one hour forward or one hour back? because of the way the earth is tilted? no idea.
what song really gets to your heart and inspires you? so many
do you have fireflies around where you live, or do you wish you did? no idea.
what commercial do you wish they kept playing? -
what current commercial is your favorite?   -
if you could have played in any movie, what movie would it be? Harry Potter
did you used to do easter egg hunts when you were a child?   yeah
what would you rather live by: highway, train tracks or airport? highway.
do you believe that ‘hate’ really is a strong word?   naw
if you have facebook, are you guilty of fanning countless things?   no?
as a kid, did you love playing on neopets? yeah
do you often get bitten by mosquitoes, or rarely ever? rarely.
what’s your opinion on plastic surgery? ever thought about getting it? do your thing; i would if i could.
do you own any feathers? no
do you have a skype?   yeah
the last person you had a thing with comes up to you and says “i’m sorry”? he already did
where was the last place you had a romantic dinner? no idea.
do you get mad when your current bf/gf talks about an ex?   i get annoyed.
do you know anybody who was abused?   -
do you start feeling really gross if you don’t shower after one day?   yes
do you pee a lot more after you’ve drank a caffeinated beverage?   no
waiting for something? yeah
who is your last received call from? no idea. my mom?
how do you pronounce the name Sean when you come across it in text… “shawn” “sheen” or “shane”? Shawn
wouldn’t it be EXTREMELY weird if someone fell in love with you after reading your answers to this survey?   ?
who is the next person you’ll hold hands with? Matt
have you ever pole danced before?   no
what is something you used to be afraid of, but aren’t anymore?   the dark
do you believe your dreams have any real meaning?   no
what do you think of guys who ask girls out over via text message or internet?   i think it’s lame.
do you drink more apple or orange juice?   neither.
do you recall the first time that you learned the truth about sex? ?
do you find extreme body builders’ bodies to be attractive? no
does it bug you when people go ‘mhm’ all the time when you’re talking? Nope.
are your parents religious? no
what is your favorite hostess/little debbie snack?   zebra cakes.
do you find it rude when you offer someone something and they decline? no
do you think benedict cumberbatch is hot?   no
favorite disney princess?   -
does your sibling have a significant other? idk
do you have any american girl dolls in your house? no
have you ever gotten in trouble at school for wearing revealing clothes?   no
are you borrowing books from anybody at the moment?   no
have your parents ever questioned your virginity? no
roleplaying is super lame, agreed?   no
how’re you feeling right now? tired
does/did either of your parents serve in the military? yes
is there anybody you’re not ashamed to tell anything to? yes
are you prone to illness? yes
are you on birth control? Yes.
how bad are heartbreaks? no idea.
has a song ever given you an orgasm?   alwayssss
have you ever made out in your room? last time? yes; last time i fucked.
if the last person that you kissed said they wanted to marry you, what would you say? he said that and i said yes
do you like your eyes?   yes
are you attracted to the last person that you fell in love with? yes
do you have a big butt? -
would you be a good salesperson?   lol no
do you like hot sauce? if yes, what do you usually put it on?   no
can you do the ‘emo hair flip’? no?
do you know anyone that has dimples? probably
would you ever make out in front of your best friend? no
anything physically wrong right now?   cramps
ever had sex under water?   no
the last person you kissed on the lips said that you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them?   yes
you’re having twins. what’s your first reaction? i’d be scared but happy
did your first love love you back?   Yes.
do you have scars on your wrists?   -
do you like fedoras? ?
have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything? no
is there a band you like with amazing music but a bad vocalist? probably.
is there a band/artist who has strange lyrics but you love them anyway?   yes
does your optimism sometimes hurt you?   dunno
have you ever painted a piece of furniture? probably?
do you believe the fortunes in fortune cookies?   no
what do you prefer more: waffles or pancakes?   pancakes
did you love playing hide and seek as a kid? yeah
got plans after you finish this?   sure
did you ever dream that you had a baby?   yeah
have you ever been in a beauty pageant? Nope.
did you sleep alone?   no
does your best friend approve of the last person you kissed? Sami - no ; Jordan - doesn’t care.
where is the last person you kissed at this moment?   work
describe your dream girl/guy? Matthew
been arrested? for what? no
tell us the story of your first kiss? no
do you sleep with stuffed animals?   yes
how many stuffed animals do you think you have?   i have tons but i sleep with one
favorite character from finding nemo? -
how long does it typically take you to get over people?   dunno
are you stressed out?   always
so tell me one interesting thing about yourself. i can scream.
do you own a trenchcoat? Nope.
have you ever owned a tire swing?   no
do you have a nervous twitch?   No.
are you currently listening to music? no
is it easy to get a job where you live? Yes.
is your signature legible?   probably
was the last time you cried because you were angry? no
is there an animal that scares you?   yes
are you any good at video games?   nooooo
has a jehovah’s witness ever showed up on your doorstep? naw
do you have a step parent? nope
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