#the only difference is they have a 2 in height advantaged and 3 year aged gap
naomikojima · 5 months
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NAOMI KOJIMA ( ANNA SAWAI ) is a THIRTY-ONE year-old EXECUTIVE CHEF in OSAKA, JAPAN. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only THIRTEEN years old. They are known as THE INTROVERTED because they are INTROSPECTIVE but also AWKWARD.
Full Name: Naomi Kojima
Nickname(s): None, efforts to create any in the past have resulted in no reaction, or if she really hates it, an eyeroll.
Date of Birth: April 30,1974
Age: 31
Occupation: Executive Chef (Technically Co-Executive Chef)
Current Residence: Naomi currently rents an apartment in Osaka, Japan where she’s lived for the past 5 years.
Hair: Black, long.
Eyes: Brown, see ‘Notable Features’.
Height: 5 feet, 3 inches
Notable Features: Naomi has a mark on the right side of her face, in the bottom eye/cheekbone area which extends to the hairline near her ear. It is the aftermath scarring of a burn when she was 13 years old. Naomi is very insecure about it, though not as bad as in her adolescence thanks to Richard’s encouragement.
Strengths: Creativity, Self-Motivation, Persistence, Focus and Listening
Weaknesses: Navigating Extroverted Scenarios (such as Networking), Self-Promotion, Easily Frustrated, Prolonged Socializing and Verbalizing Feelings.
Quirks: When uncomfortable, Naomi tends to fidget, particulars her fingers and nearby objects, such as pencils or one of her hair pins. While Naomi doesn’t say much, she also tends to speak quietly and walks lightly. Mrs. Tristan did not like this about her.
Vices: Naomi only drinks socially and only ever 1-2, since she’s a lightweight and doesn’t really enjoy it. She does smoke cigarettes, a fact she successfully kept from Richard as far as she knows. Occasionally during more intense working situation, she has partaken in stimulant drugs to get through the shift. 
Interests: Cuisine and History, and the ways they intersect. Naomi also loves literature and while she doesn’t admit it, she does tend to watch dramas that she finds cheesy, yet compelling.
Hobbies: Like Richard, Naomi is a big fan of reading. It was a welcome escape during a dysfunctional childhood and a love that was further nurtured at Woodrow House. Her apartment showcases several piles (she has yet to buy a bookshelf so it’s just several stacks spread around the apartment) of cookbooks from different time periods, regions and methodology.
Special Skills/Talents: Cooking! Naomi discovered this talent prior to Woodrow House since she was the primary cook in her family home however being Richard’s ward allowed her access to better ingredients and tools, igniting her creativity with food. She focuses on new and unusual flavor combinations combined with traditional cooking methods, taking advantage of what she learned in her travels. Naomi is good at showing others how different techniques but not on explaining those further. She has ghostwritten several successful cookbooks, though no one knows that.
From an early age, Naomi was treated as her mother Sayuri’s best friend, therapist, worst enemy and pet, depending on her mother’s mood. They often relied on donations or assistance to get by, but Sayuri’s financial illiteracy often left them still struggling. Many of the parental responsibilities for her younger siblings fell to her, something she internally resented.  One day, as Naomi was busy with caring for her siblings, her mother passed out with a lit cigarette which fell from her hand and caused a house fire. Naomi managed to get her siblings out of the home, sustaining a burn to the right side of her face. A despondent Naomi then looked on as responders rescued her mother. Often kitchen fires will bring her back to this moment. While everyone survived the fire, with only Naomi and her mother sustaining any burns, Sayuri was unable to keep custody of her children and Naomi’s siblings were separated from her in the process. Since the fire, Naomi has not attempted to contact her siblings and has not heard from them. When the newspaper reported on the local fire, a story which Richard read, it included a photo of a thirteen year old Naomi frozen as she watched what remained of her home, clutching a burnt book. Feeling for her situation, Richard met Naomi and they bonded over literature, and Naomi became one of Richard’s wards
Living in large numbers at Woodrow may have brought some Wards out of their shells, but it only made Naomi more appreciative for her alone time. Often found hiding out in her room to recharge her social battery in between her studies and activities. The wards that could tolerate a quiet, low energy social time were likely to see more of Naomi.
Comfort is a large priority to Naomi in her wardrobe, often in blues, greens and neutrals such as black and beige. Suede, denim, knit and cotton are often featured. However most of the time, Naomi wears her chef’s coat from the beginning of her shift until she crashes on her couch at the end. Her long, black hair is usually put up for work but beyond that is often kept back in a mid-ponytail with some front pieces sticking out or half-up half down and secured hastily with bobby pins. Naomi’s dark eyes rarely wear anything other than mascara and some lightly applied, black eyeliner. Occasionally, she’ll use a more dramatic eye shadow shape when going out but anymore and she worries about bringing attention to her burn.
Naomi at first chose to continue to receive her schooling at the estate, however she soon realized that was far too much Mrs. Tristan for her and chose to attend private school. Afterwards, she obtained a Culinary Arts degree at Kingsbury College and followed that up with a education through her experiences traveling the world. Since then, Naomi has also earned a Restaurant Management diploma.
Growing up, Naomi participated in few activities and did so hesitantly, seeking the solitude that could have awaited her instead. Cooking lessons from tutors were by far her favorite and most consistent. She also participated in ice skating in the winter and swimming in the warmer months. In school, Naomi only ever joined two clubs: The Book Club, which she promptly left when she didn’t agree with their book tastes and The Chess Club, which she became Vice-President of.
Naomi has lived in Osaka for the past 5 years and prior to that, she had stints living different food capitals such as Paris, Barcelona, Chicago and New York since her time at Woodrow House. She is the Co-Executive Chef at a restaurant located in the heart of Osaka, sharing the title with her frequent collaborator, Taro Yamada. While the two complement each other, with Naomi having studied cuisine and developing recipes with Taro excels at being ‘the face’ of their work, promoting the restaurant and motivating the staff. Naomi even ghostwrote some of Taro’s cookbooks, while at the time seeing value in getting her food out without the spotlight since then Naomi has felt more regret over the arrangement. Naomi travels back home 1 - 5 times a year, depending on her work schedule however, this doesn’t always guarantee she stops in at Woodrow House as it isn’t somewhere she feels connected to. A structure, walls and nothing more. She had last visited the house the June prior to Richard’s passing, though only briefly.  Naomi would usually rely on the other wards to make plans with her if they wanted to socialize. A combination of enjoyment of being alone and insecurity of approaching others has resulted in this strain though Naomi isn’t sure if anyone feels negatively about it. She has very few friends, and usually likes it that way. Dating is difficult for Naomi, and she usually tries to avoid it, not desiring the small talk and awkwardness that happens at the start. When she gets lonely enough, Naomi will take herself out for the night to a bar to find some company for the night but none of these have developed into anything recurring.
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avinashkumarr95 · 6 months
The Value of Investing in Professional CV Writers in Dubai
In today's competitive job market, your CV is often the first impression potential employers have of you. It's not just a document but a reflection of your skills, experience, and professionalism. In Dubai, where opportunities abound but so does competition, investing in a professional CV writer can make all the difference in landing your dream job. Let's delve into why partnering with professional CV writers in Dubai pays off.
1. Tailored Expertise: One of the key benefits of hiring professional CV writers in Dubai is their tailored expertise. These writers understand the nuances of the local job market, including industry trends, employer preferences, and cultural aspects that can significantly impact your CV's effectiveness. They know how to highlight your strengths and achievements in a way that resonates with Dubai-based employers, giving you a competitive edge.
2. Strategic Keyword Optimization: In a digital age where many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen CVs, keyword optimization is crucial. Professional CV writers in Dubai are well-versed in identifying and strategically placing keywords relevant to your industry and target job roles. This optimization increases the chances of your CV getting noticed by ATS algorithms and human recruiters alike.
3. Enhanced Professional Image: Your CV is not just about listing your work history; it's about showcasing your professional image. Professional CV writers in Dubai excel at crafting visually appealing, well-organized, and error-free CVs that exude professionalism. A polished CV not only grabs attention but also conveys your commitment to quality and attention to detail.
4. Time and Stress Savings: Crafting a compelling CV requires time, research, and a deep understanding of effective CV writing practices. By entrusting this task to professional CV writers in Dubai, you save yourself the stress and hassle of navigating CV writing complexities. Moreover, their expertise ensures a faster turnaround time, allowing you to meet urgent application deadlines with confidence.
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Actionable Step: If you're ready to take your career to the next level, consider partnering with professional CV writers in Dubai. Look for reputable services like Optimus Management Consultants, known for their 4.6+ Google rating, 250+ positive reviews, and 15+ years of experience in resume writing services specifically tailored to the Dubai market. With their team of certified writers and commitment to delivering results, you can trust them to create a CV that opens doors to exciting opportunities.In conclusion, investing in professional CV writers in Dubai is a strategic move that yields long-term benefits for your career. From personalized expertise to enhanced professional image and time savings, the value they bring goes beyond just crafting a document—it's about empowering you to succeed in a competitive job market. Take the leap and elevate your CV to new heights of success.
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rinnouart · 1 year
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A little more about Angels Friends
I also have my OC there
Her name is Jennie Bri and I am responsible for it in the OC ask
I will publish here the answers that I do. Ask is located in VK
Below will be Jennie's profile :
Name : Jennifer Bricks/Jennie Bri
Age : 16 years old
Race : Human
Gender : Female
Height : 165 cm
Weight : 50 kg
Activity : Golden School Student
Angel : Cassie
Demon : Brevis
Hobbies : Can't live without music. She learns to play the guitar. She also likes to spend time with his only friend Melissa, and in particular, go to concerts of his favorite artists.
Advantages : Friendliness, sociability, innocence, ability to sympathize
Disadvantages : Selfishness, envy, chemical dependence, emotional dependence, habit of swearing, insolence
Biography : Jennie Bri is a sixteen-year-old girl who lives in a private house with her mom, stepfather and younger sister. The girl's father left the family for an unknown reason (Mother does not want to reveal the truth to Jennie) and she believes that her mom is to blame for his departure. Relationships in the family are strained due to several factors.
1. Relationship with stepfather
He immediately indicated the position that as soon as Bri reaches the age of majority, the family stops helping her financially. Thus, the man made it clear that he does not consider Jennie a native person and he absolutely does not care what will happen to her.
2. Relationship with mom
Jennie's mother can be called weak-willed. Instead of objecting to her husband and interceding for her child, she prefers to silently agree with him and take the side of the man in a few conflicts. Thus, it completely discourages Jennie from sharing some thoughts and experiences.
3. Younger sister
With Jennifer, they are in utero, that is, they have one mother, and their fathers are different. Due to the fact that Jennie's real father has left the city and rarely answers her calls, although the girl herself is drawn to him, the situation with her sister is mirrored. The youngest reaches out to Bri, but she ignores or pushes her away. Jennie is very scrupulous about his appearance. She watches the figure, counts calories before and after meals and begins to panic if she eats a little more than normal.
She does not suffer from bulimia, but if she continues like this, sooner or later, she may become ill with anorexia.
Bri not only tries to keep up with fashion trends, but also wants to stand out. Therefore, her appearance is dominated by black and pink colors. They complement her contradictory image. Black seems to be saying: "I am independent! I'm on my own! No one orders me!", and pink continues: "But I'm still a fragile, gentle girl, love me."
This contradiction is due to problems in the family. Due to the fact that Jennifer does not receive love from her parents, she looks for it on the side. It's the same with attention. Parents devote all their time to the youngest, and Jenny always tries to be the center of attention and fights for the title of the most beautiful girl in school, as she is very insecure and she constantly needs a reminder that she is really beautiful, people really love her and she tries not in vain.
Also, Bri usually hides his insecurity behind feigned audacity. She often conflicts with her peers, disrupts lessons, skips school, is rude to teachers and parents.
In conclusion, I would like to say that Jennifer has obvious symptoms of an eating disorder.
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natesuave · 2 years
Race and Racism
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1. Phenotypes
Race is a social construct that has become apart of society seamlessly. Race is known worldwide and is so renown it effects our every day lives, without people even realizing sometimes. What society has thought to be “genetic” or “backed with science” has now been proven to be otherwise.
Growing up in such a diverse world where there are people of many different ethnic cultures, communities, and colors it is easy to label someone based off of their color or “race”. Throughout the years studies have shown that people are classified into a certain racial category based off of things called phenotypes. Phenotypes are physical characteristics that a person has like: eye color, skin color, hair color, nose shape, height, etc. phenotypes have been the way people categorize others for years now, leading to certain stereotypes, racism and overall judgement of people especially in the United States of America. Some popular or well known phenotypes would be curly hair on colored people, larger Noses on black people, freckles on white people, etc. In retrospect it is not right to judge someone’s ethnicity or heritage based on their appearance. The image above shows different skin tones, representing phenotypes.
2. Institutional Racism
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Racism is the process by which systems and policies, actions and attitudes create inequitable opportunities and outcomes for people based on race. According to
Although American culture loves to put things in black and what to make it seem like ages ago the civil rights movement ended only 55 years ago in 1968, and before that segregation only became illegal 59 years ago in 1964, and before that in 1865 the emancipation proclamation “made slavery illegal”, although it still persisted after that. These are all examples of Systematic Racism also known as Institutional Racism . Institutional racism is when acts of racism are carried out legally through the laws and regulations of society in things like the criminal justice system, the education system, employment, housing, health care, etc. In todays present America it is illegal to have things separating one group from another blatantly but, racism is still embedded in society secretly through racist judges, teachers, managers, etc. In the image above things called Jim Crow laws made it illegal for blacks and whites to integrate in restaurants, bathrooms, movie theaters and like the image above even water fountains.
3. Hypodescent
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4. Hypodescent is when a biracial person is more minority racial then majority biologically. The image above referenced “the one-drop rule” from 1911 in Arkansas, which my source states ,”it made interracial “cohabitation” a felony, and it defined as “Negro” anyone “who has…any negro blood whatever,” thus relegating to second-class citizenship anyone accused of having any African ancestry.”
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5. White Privilege
White Privilege is an unearned advantage based on race, that can be observed both systematically and individually. In the image above a white teacher is favoring the white students in his classroom over the students of color and as a result of that bias, that the white students receive better grades and pass, while the students of color fail. In the real world people of color will be turned down from jobs because of their skin color and many other things in life they’ll have a clear disadvantage in because of their race.
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6. Miscegenation
Miscegenation is an intimate relationship between two people of different racial groups. The image above is an example of this because it represents two people who love each other for each other and look past the barrier of race that divides a lot of society. In todays society it is more accepted, but during the days of segregation interracial marriage or even interracial relationships were illegal. It wasn’t until 1967 that interracial marriage became legal in the United States.
7. Microaggressions
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Microaggressions are verbal derogatory terms used to discriminate against a group of marginalized people. These terms are usually hostile and can be unintentional or intentional. An example of this would be saying “I’m not racist, I have black friends”. The person saying this probably is not aware of the harm they are doing in saying this. Saying this is in other words implying they cannot be racist or they are not racist because they are around people of color or because they know people of color, which is not true to any extent, and in saying this they are almost minimizing the reality of being racist.
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ilexparaguariensis7 · 2 years
Ilex Paraguariensis: purely you need to get to know of the yerba mate plant
The yerba mate tea is the beverage of option for numerous people yet in recent years, it has actually gained global reputation for being an entirely natural drink with countless health benefits and medicinal homes. As yerba mate comes to be more and more popular, we are additionally uncovering even more about its preparation, effects.yerba and origin mate is a natural infusion prepared with the leaves of the yerba mate plant called Ilex Paraguariensis. It has a somewhat bitter taste and although there are several ways of drinking yerba mate, one of the most conventional is hot brewed mate, which is prepared by including hot water to the mate leaves in a special gourd, and after that drinking the mixture through a slim straw called bombilla.The people are typically attributed with uncovering and researching the advantages of yerba mate plants, creating the approach by which this mixture is ready and also drunk today.Today, the Ilex Paraguariensis or yerba mate plant.It becomes part of a big household of varieties with greater than 600 selections; but Ilex Paraguariensis is the only variety made use of for the manufacturing of yerba mate.
The yerba mate plant can be as high as 10-30 meters in its natural state, although for the purpose of harvesting, the height is maintained 2 meters maximum. The fallen leaves are evergreen, thick and dark eco-friendly. The yerba mate tree generates little white blossoms as well as a small berry-like red fruit.The name Ilex Paraguariensis comes from the area where the yerba mate tea was initially eaten. Words Paraguariensis originates from Provincia Paraguaria. The ilex paraguariensis or yerba mate plant is the districts of Misiones and also Corrientes, where rains gets to about 1800 millimeters per year and there is a typical temperature of 21ยบC. These plants also require the red dirts located in these regions, which give the appropriate minerals and also acid degree. The completely dry seeds are sown between March and April. When the plants start to sprout, they are kept in a baby room for around 1 year before they are taken outside, where they will certainly invest the following 3-5 years prior to the initial harvest. The yerba mate plant can have an effective life of approximately 100 years.
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The yerba mate extract is made from the dried out fallen leaves as well as branches of the Ilex Paraguariensis plant. The harvesting of the yerba mate leaves is normally done by hand (although some manufacturers additionally have special makers) and can last approximately 10 months, beginning in between January and May as well as expanding until September. At the end of the harvest, the yerba mate tree regrows and also creates more leaves.These yerba mate fallen leaves are dried and then smashed. After a thoroughly managed aging phase, then comes the milling procedure where the different parts of the plant are mixed in different proportions prior to being packaged.After being packaged and also dispersed, yerba mate gets to all grocery stores in the consuming countries, as well as is also exported abroad, all set to be prepared as a very healthy and delicious hot drink!
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snowyteal · 3 years
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Hi... meet my Last Legacy sona/mc/ oc( ?)
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Vil Schoenheit Halloween Personal Story: Part 2
"Becoming who you want to be."
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Lounge]
Ruggie/Ace/Floyd: Huh?
Silver/Ortho/Jamil: Something feels wrong…?
Floyd: Everyone's faces are so pasty white they look like they're not connected to your bodies, ahaha~!
Vil: How are you finding it, o great makeup artists who rule Halloween Week?
Vil: What are your thoughts on the makeup you've applied to match your costumes this year?
Ace: Uh… I thought I applied it just like the plan said to…
Ruggie: It kinda feels like I'm losing to the costume, or something weird like that~
Jamil: Ace, Ruggie and I are naturally pretty good with our hands. We shouldn't be making any mistakes with our application.
Ortho: I would say that Ace and most of the others have applied the makeup design at least 80% correctly. Floyd-san is the only exception.
Floyd: Aha! You said it, Clione-chan~
Floyd: But, yeah. Not really scary enough for Halloween, I don't think?
Silver: …Hrm. The more I try to understand why, the sleepier I become…
Rook: For all of you to recognize your impetuous enthusiasm and continue to strive for further heights! Beauté! 100 points!!
Rook: Vil, why not be a guide for all these young lads struggling with the climb towards peak beauty?
Vil: I suppose I should.
Vil: All of you are misunderstanding what makeup is.
Vil: In these modern times, all ages and all genders can use cosmetics to adhere to their own personalities and policies.
Vil: It doesn't seem like any of you actually applied the makeup as something that deserves more effort than that of your daily use.
Ruggie/Ace/Floyd: !!
Silver/Ortho/Jamil: !!
Vil: This is for Halloween, a special day when this world intersects with the other world.
Vil: The costumes here are a haute couture for that exact purpose, and you all are trying to wear the makeup like you would always. Don't make me laugh.
Vil: It is as if you are trying to put a full course meal from a high-end restaurant into a tin mug.
Vil: An ordinary day, or a special day. Film, or stage. Natural light, or artificial lighting. Makeup can be applied different depending on the situation.
Vil: The Fairest Queen of the Great Seven would use magic to her advantage, and whenever she would encounter a hostile force…
Vil: It is said that she would apply the proper makeup and outfit depending on the situation at hand.
Vil: Just what is makeup? …It is the optimal solution to connect you to the world.
Vil: It seems that the space-time rift that makes sure your face is connected to your body has distorted.
Ace: I-I don't really understand what all that means, but it felt really intense!
Ruggie: This festival gets a ton of guests, so I guess we can't look too ragtag.
Jamil: Vil-senpai, could we start over and have you teach us the Halloween makeup one more time?
Silver/Ortho/Floyd: PLEASE!!
Vil: As long as you all understand. But before that, all of you will need to wash your faces and start from a fresh face.
Vil: Cleanse it carefully and remove all particles, you baby buttered potatoes!
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Vil: Vil Schoenheit presents: Beauty Session for Halloween Week
Vil: Now the real show begins.
Vil: For Halloween, in addition to costumes, our venues are all decorated specially.
Vil: Those places will be illuminated with a variety of lights all day long, and our guest will be trying to take in the sights from near and far.
Vil: Essentially, this means that strong shadows and heavy makeup will be needed for this stage.
Vil: First, Ace. Since you all are skeletons, you'll need to create an atmosphere of emptiness and lifelessness.
Ace: We're students, y'know. It's not like we can go into Sam-san's store and get some cheap cosmetics with a student's discount!
Vil: Price is irrelevant. You want to put a strong shadow on your cheeks to erase any vitality. Try emphasizing the T-zone!
Ace: Huh!? It's definitely different from before. It's like I'm not of this world anymore?
Vil: Heartslabyul students usually wear more casual clothes and have more POP-y makeup, but
Vil: This time, you'll have to refrain from that style. Understand?
Ace: 'Kaaay. Thanks!
Vil: Next is Ruggie, pirates. Many of the Savanaclaw students have a stocky frame, and are far from having a ghostly appearance.
Vil: Keep is similar to your costume, don't use too much color. Blur the black eyeshadow greatly.
Vil: Pirates were said to have used black charcoal to paint their lower eyelids black to prevent reflections from the water, so thicken the makeup there.
Ruggie: So, instead of just doing minimal makeup there, we're gonna emphasize the pirate element of the ghost ship, huh.
Vil: Jamil, werewolves. I see you're using Scarabia colors for your costume.
Vil: Since you're portraying a ghost of a beastman, it's fine to have a bit of vitality.
Vil: Make sure you put red into your base makeup and eyeliner.
Jamil: I see. Even if it's my skin tone, or black, if I use something with a bit of red in it, it'll stand out from the costume. This is good to know.
Vil: Rook and Ortho… I'll skip over.
Rook/Ortho: WHY!?
Vil: Rook, you're in Pomefiore, same as me. There isn't much I have left to teach you.
Rook: And here I was hoping to learn something new from you once more… Le misérable!
Vil: Makeup doesn't matter to Ignihyde either, especially since you plan to cover your faces with pumpkins.
Ortho: Eeeh~ I was kinda looking forward to it, too…
Vil: I'm only joking. The inside of masks can get quite stuffy, so I'll pick out some basic cosmetics I would recommend.
Ortho: Thank you, Vil Schoenheit-san! I hope it'll be available online.
Vil: Silver, dragons. You're the most distinctive one this year. Vermillion eyeshadow and gold paint is the key.
Vil: It's vital to keep those two things from fading. Powder your face firmly to apply the base makeup carefully.
Vil: Diasomnia usually wears more gothic makeup, but this time it'll be the opposite. Perhaps Heartslabyul would be able to lend you a hand?
Vil: Why don't you and Ace try to apply the makeup to each other's faces? I'm sure you'll grasp how to do it then.
Ace: If it's flashy face paint, leave it to me! I'm totally used to it.
Silver: Understood. This is all for Halloween. Ace, I leave it to you.
Ace: Hehe, I always was kinda interested in the cool gothic makeup you guys in Diasomnia wear.
Ace: Looking forward to it, Silver-senpai~
Vil: Now, finally is our main problem. Octavinelle's theme is mummies.
Vil: I understand that Jade was not able to come because he is on the steering committee, but why did they send me this one…?
Floyd: You talkin' 'bout me? What, you got a problem?
Vil: You're the only one who completely overdid it on your poor skin!
Vil: The makeup liaison heads the quality control of the makeup and costumes for all of their dormmates.
Vil: In any case, do you think you'll be able to take back to the other students what you learn from me and teach them?
Floyd: Hmm~ I think so. Right now, at least.
Vil: Siiigh~ Well, fine, whatever. Floyd, sit in front of the mirror.
Floyd: Okaaaay.
Vil: If you move at all while I apply your makeup, I'll hang you out to dry in the sun!
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
Ok so this idea was inspired by AUs where Tim Drake is a member of the Addams family and thus this cute idea was born
Ok so, Tim’s parents still travel a lot but instead of leaving him alone in a big empty manor they leave him with his aunt and uncle Morticia and Gomez Addams
And Tim is a weird little kid who grows up without fear of the dark figures at night because the boogeyman is actually a pretty nice fellow who was very touched when Tiny Tim gave them a drawing of themselves, the monster in the closet actually gives great fashion advice as well as providing the perfect clothes for playing dress up, and the monsters under his bed are great storytellers and the shadow man gives Tim great advice on how to hide and use shadows to his advantage, etc.
The point is that Timmy grows up under the care of the Addams when his parents have to leave on long business trips or excavation sites and as such, is exposed to Gomez’s great appreciation of swordsmanship and fencing, and the haunted suits of armors are always great at comparing which kind of swords are the best in which kind of combat as well as the the importance of craftsmanship when in relation to having a reliable sword
And then one day Timmy watches the movie ‘The Legend of Zorro’ and becomes absolutely obsessed with learning how to use a sword and fight with it in the way only little kids can become obsessed with something they find completely cool, and Gomez is so excited to be teaching Tim everything he knows and they work together to craft Timmy his very own mini rapier for learning how to fence (swords are heavier so Tim learns those from Gomez when he’s older and can parry more weight)
And Tim becomes very Focused and Serious on learning how to fence and he’s very excited when he manages to finally best his uncle in a fencing duel (not as excited as Gomez tho, “MY CHILD SHALL BECOME THE BEST SWORDSMAN YET MY LOVE, DID YOU SEE HIS TECHNIQUE, HAD I BEEN SLOWER HE WOULD’VE RIPPED OPEN MY THROAT IN ONE SWIPE, I’M SO PROUD” “Our child dear”)
And then the movie ‘Count of Monte Cristo’ comes out and both Tim and Gomez are super fans (as a whole the family’s favorite movies are this one as well as the Legend of Zorro because 1. Revenge is achieved to the improvement of the main character’s well being and 2. The Aesthetic) and Tim just focuses on getting the hang of swords now with Gomez being more than happy to help his darling nephew
So years pass and Tim’s parents have finished one of their most taxing excavation digs so they return to Gotham and Tim has to return too (for the purposes of this AU Janet and Jack actually do give a fuck about their son so they would call him every other night when they’re away and if they can’t then at the very least they would call Tim once a week; they also call Morticia and Gomez at least once a week to check on how Tim is doing and they were also very happy to know that Tim has taken a liking to swords so they try to bring new types of weapons or literature related to weapons from the culture of their latest excavation so Tim can learn how different types of swords are wielded all around the world)
But anyway, Tim is going back to Gotham so he and Gomez work on creating a new sword for him with the family motto carved on the blade “Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc” which translates to “We Gladly Feast on Those Who Would Subdue Us” which is metal as fuck so yeah, and this sword is super durable and strong, inspired by a katana’s durability and a rapier’s gracefulness with a blade that is such a dark purple that it looks black like obsidian and the inscription of the family motto is carved in letters that are ruby red with a black hilt where an image of a drake is engraved in the same ruby red as the family motto (basically it is a Very Deadly Sword that is also Very Pretty with a dark aesthetic)
So Tim gets back to Gotham and one day he’s watching the news and sees The Batman saving the day and what not and sees Robin do a quadruple back flip and figures out their identities and decides that he wants to meet them at some point while on his nightly photography sessions of Gotham architecture; and if he manages to snap a couple of shots of Gotham’s heroes sometimes then that’s a bonus but Tim is mostly focused on capturing the essence of Gotham city (at this point in time when Tim moves back to Gotham he physically looks like 10-12 year old; he did meet Dick at the circus when he looked like he was 4 years old but for the purposes of the timeline Tim, as an Addams, can choose to remain at any age he desires for as long as he wants so while he did appear to be 4 years old at the circus, he had been alive for a couple of years more at this point, this also explains how he can master swords and fencing while physically looking like a 10 year old because he has been practicing for years as well as why he remembers Dick from that night at the circus)
So the timeline continues with Tim figuring out that the Bats are actually his neighbors but instead of staying away from the Waynes, he decides to go ask his parents if he can stay with the neighbors whenever they have to stay later than usual at the company or have to take a short business travel and they talk with Bruce about it and he agrees to take care of Tim, so now Tim has an in to befriend the Waynes and helps smooth out the edges of Dick and Bruce’s relationship so Bruce doesn’t fire Dick from Robin, but rather they talk about their feelings for once and Dick decides he wants to create his own superhero identity and Bruce supports his decision (Tim may or may not have had to talk about how his family happened to be very open about their feelings and worry for one another and how much closer they are due to talking to each other and resolving conflict; Alfred may or may not have been 100% behind Tim every time he made such a conversation) also, Tim is basically a trial run for Dick on becoming a big brother for when Jason arrives
One time Tim asks Dick if he knows how to fence which Dick can’t really answer because technically he knows how to fight with a sword but that’s for vigilante purposes which his civilian self isn’t supposed to know so Dick says that he doesn’t and asks Tim why he wanted to know, Tim proceeds to talk about how his favorite masked hero uses a sword to fight injustice and he has a black cape and a black horse and Bruce comes into the living room they’re in in the middle of Tim’s rambling about his favorite hero using a sword and is Concerned for a hot minute until Tim finishes the rant by saying “. . . and that’s why I like his movie so much, have you seen the Legend of Zorro?” (Cue relief for both Dick and Bruce because for all that they scrambled to put a name to the hero Tim was describing they couldn’t come up with one and were considering the possibility of a new player in the vigilante scene) so then Tim asks Mr. Bruce if he knows how to fence and Bruce says yes and asks if Tim would like to learn cue the “Oh, my uncle taught me how to fence a few years ago and when I lived with them we had a duel at least once a week, it was very fun so I was just wondering if you knew so we could practice if you want to Mr. Bruce”
Dick is 100% on board with this because the idea of Tiny Tim and 6’1” Bruce fencing is hilarious in his mind, Alfred is there to supervise and both Tim and Bruce are provided with the appropriate fencing equipment and protection; Bruce starts off slow and is surprised when Tim manages to beat him before starting to enjoy fencing with someone who can surprisingly keep up with him (Dick is taking pictures because the height difference is just too cute to be ignored and Tiny Tim is adorable in his own mini fencing equipment)
Whenever his parents do have to leave for extended periods of time (any company trip that takes more than 3-5 days qualifies as this) Tim stays with his aunt and uncle, thus starting a fun tradition of having spontaneous fencing duels with his uncle Gomez, basically if one of them is in the library then the other will shout ‘En-garde’ while throwing a sabre towards the other person and engaging in a quick duel; basically, if Tim is reading about the latest poisonous plants produced by Poison Ivy and annotating his research in order to get an idea of what would be a nice gift for his aunt Morticia and Gomez walks into the library then Gomez will grab two of the sabres they have on the wall for this exact purpose while shouting ‘en-garde’ before throwing a sabre at Tim and engaging in a duel, same goes for Tim, it’s almost instinct to the point that Tim has to hold himself back from doing exactly this whenever he sees Bruce in the library of Wayne Manor
Later on, when Jason is already adopted into the Wayne family, Tim still comes over and makes it his sacred mission to teach Jason the art of swords so he has another fencing buddy because “Mr. Bruce isn’t always here and I have decided that we will be friends and you’re pretty cool but knowing how to fight with a sword just ups your coolness level ya know?” So now Jason has smol Tim teaching him how to fence and it’s pretty fun to be able to do a taxing physical activity outside of being Robin with a friend, when Jason gets the hang of fencing Tim decides that he must now advance to the next level: sword fighting (Alfred is always there to supervise and give tips and pointers because he also knows how to fence but chooses to stay in the sidelines and let the young masters have their fun)
The problem with this is that, while the Waynes do have sabres for fencing, they don’t have swords, at least not in their civilian selves, so Tim decides to bring his own swords to teach Jason how to sword fight, Alfred is the first to see Tim’s very own special sword and is both impressed at the craftsmanship and concerned as to why a child has a sword, Jason thinks Tim’s sword is the coolest he has ever seen and Tim is happy to talk about how he made it himself with his uncle’s help when he finally learned all about sword fighting and promises Jason that they can make him his own cool sword when he learns how to sword fight too, Dick also thinks that the sword is a little concerning for a kid to have but he also wants his own cool sword and so now he insists Bruce has to teach him how to sword fight because Tim said he’s not allowed to have his own sword until he learns how to sword fight, Bruce is baffled as to why Tim has a sword, impressed at Tim’s skills in craftsmanship, and a little Concerned as to why Tim’s sword has that Latin inscription on the blade (no Tim, knowing that “we feast in those who would subdue us” is your family motto doesn’t calm me down yet it explains a lot about your mother)
By the time Damian comes along to the family he is very interested in where Jason and Dick got their Very Cool swords from, his father also has one and he wants to have his own Very Cool Sword too, thank you very much, and Tim visits them when Damian is still settling in and asks his customary question of if he knows how to use fence and gets an affirmative answer he asks Bruce if it would be ok for him and Damian to have a fencing duel, Bruce explains the rules to Damian and makes sure that Alfred, Dick, Jason and him are present in order to keep Damian from maiming/killing Tim
The duel does get a little out of hand as Damian gauges that Tim is more skilled than he previously thought so he stops holding back, Tim is positively grinning at this since he always has to hold back with the Waynes in a way that he doesn’t with Uncle Gomez because while an Addams won’t die from a stab to the heart, the same can’t be said for anyone else; the duel ends with Tim winning because he has more experience than Damian but he is positive beaming at how awesome Damian was and how these duels could become a weekly thing before they transition to swords and once Dames graduates from swords he can design his very own sword with Tim’s help as a sort of graduation present for learning how to sword fight and he’s sure that it won’t take too long for Damian to master swordsmanship because he’s basically a natural already and very skilled and this duel was so much fun Damian we have to do this again sometime oh my gosh I want to teach you everything I know it’s gonna be so much fun
And Damian, a poor baby, was mad at having lost to Tim but then Tim hits him with all this excitement and smiles and it’s the promise of getting his own Very Cool Sword is what gets him to agree to learn from Tim, it’s not that he feels warm at getting compliments from someone who also likes swords and knows what he’s doing in a fight, he definitely doesn’t find Tim cool at all, he’s just making use of a resource and he will learn everything Tim has to offer and become better than both Grayson and Todd, that’s all (that’s not all because it turns out that Damian is the younger brother Tim never had and he takes Dami under his wing and helps him adjust to a life outside the League of Assassins and how to find hobbies to enjoy; Damian won’t admit it but he is also Very Attached in to Timothy and feels like he won’t be judged for his past with him and he is also a fellow sword enthusiast so yeah)
Tim decides to do the same thing to Damian and initiating a quick fencing duel whenever he sees that Damian is in the gardens (no fencing inside the Manor on pain of Alfred’s eyebrow of disappointment); this helps Damian with the transition of learning to have fun and also learn to realize that not everybody is an enemy, it also helps keep up his training and burn some energy whenever he gets restless and helps him bond with Tim more
The idea was that Tim and Uncle Gomez would surprise each other with spontaneous fencing duels by shouting ‘en-garde’ at the other person whenever they find one another in the library, and now it turned into a fluff AU where Tim isn’t Robin but he’s still a family friend to the Waynes and an Addams and helps bring the family closer through his love of swords because yes
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cfivcrykeys · 2 years
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[Darcy Vane] is [35] years old [Female] [Heterosexual] , [witch] who is working to [fix the dimension] and is played by [Lyndsy Fonseca]. They are [resilient] but also tend to be [reserved] but what people don’t know is [they’re an ex-hunter] and they’ll do anything to keep anyone from finding out.
[TVD/TO verse]
🔍 Overview 🔎
Full Name: Darcy Mae Vane (Nee Whitman) Pronunciation: Dar-cee Vay-N Nickname(s): Darcy Mae (everyone), Darce (Dex) Preferred Name: Darcy Mae Age: 35 Sexuality: Heterosexual Pronouns: She/Her Height: 5′4″ Weight/Build: 128 lbs  Scars/Birthmarks/Distinguishing Markings: A couple of scars adorning her sides and torsos, couple on her arms
🗣️ Personality & Morals ⚖️
Are they…(bold which term applies to the character):
introvert / extrovert / ambivert
risk-taker / cautious
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / un-empathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy
Moral alignment (chaotic good, lawful neutral, etc): Lawful Good Guilty Pleasure(s): N/A
👍 Strengths & Weaknesses 👎
Strengths/Skills (Mental/Physical): Spells, Potions, Animal Training, Farming, Weaponry, Combat Weaknesses (Mental/Physical): Her children, Dex, tbd Biggest Advantage: The desire to keep her children safe Biggest Vulnerability: Losing her family Mental Ailments: N/A Physical Ailments: N/A Addictions/Bad Habits: N/A Phobias: TBD
🏠 Lifestyle 🏠
Birthplace: Townsend, TN Current Residence: Mystic Falls, VA Education: Veterinary School Religion: N/A Philosophy/Outlook on Life: Without the bad, you cannot have the good Job: Veterinarian Hobbies: Farming, Gardening
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Relationships 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Status (Single/Dating…/Married to…): Declyn “Dex” Vane (Husband) Family: Juliette Sawyer Vane (10-year-old Daughter) Maddox Declyn Vane (2-year-old Son) Noelle Ava Winston (Cousin) Jasper Opal Winston (Cousin-in-law) Friends: TBD Enemies: TBD Other notable relationships (If any): N/A
📚 Backstory 📚
Childhood: Darcy grew up in the small town of Townsend, TN, a tiny town with a population of 450 people. Her parents owned a small ranch where Darcy spent most of her time outside of school whether it was caring for the animals or horseback riding with friends. She grew up the 3rd oldest of four kids with an older brother, older sister, and younger sister. Her mother a witch and her father a hunter. Life was fairly easy for the Whitman kids in the quaint town, none of them ever really anting for anything. They learned the ways of both their parents, their magic which would eventually come in handy during hunts and both hand to hand combat of many types and weaponry with different types of weapons.
Adolescence: Darcy’s adolescence was about the same as her childhood, having taken up horseback racing and doing trail rides as a past time. Her love for animals, both working with and caring for them, only grew stronger as the years passed. Upon high school graduation (finishing with her undergraduate degree as well), Darcy moved away from her hometown to Knoxville, TN where she attended the University of Tennessee Veterinary School. During this time, Darcy continued to hunt’s here and there, mostly around her holiday breaks and weekends when she hadn’t much else going on. 
Young Adulthood: It would be around her graduation from UT that she would end up meeting the love of her life, Dex Vane, on a hunt. At first, the brunette hadn’t wanted a thing to do with Dex but after a few more run ins with the male she eventually succumbed to his charm and agreed to go out with the male. It wasn’t long after that the pair eloped and began travelling around together, working together on hunts and, in her spare time, becoming a mobile veterinarian. 
Adulthood and Present Day: 3 years into their marriage, Dex and Darcy would end up settling in New Orleans upon discovering that Darcy was expecting their first child, a daughter they would name Juliette Sawyer Vane, building a home on a small acreage of land where they Darcy would bring in injured animals that were abandoned by their owners and treat them and rehabilitate them, bringing them into their growing family. The next 8 years were a blur for the witch as she worked hard on their small farm, raising their daughter, eventually opening her own in-home veterinary office, and discovering that she was once again pregnant and this time a son that they would name Maddox Declyn Vane. She had stopped going on hunts seeing the danger that it could potentially bring her family, begging Dex to just settle down with her and their daughter. Presently, Darcy is just trying to get through the day to day life with a toddler and a pre-teen as well as an almost full farm and a fully booked schedule as far as her career went while also trying to prevent her marriage from falling to shambles.
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sniigura-archive · 4 years
why can't you see me (4)
chapter one
I deleted chapter 4&5 because I thought they were trash 😔
it all started with vocaloid covers. yes, you're also cringing right now. you were how old? 12? 13? it doesn't really matter, to make it short: a few years ago you posted a shitty cover, of an edgy song.
you went viral. thousands of likes and comments were made on your YouTube video, which was recorded with your laptop microphone.
not going to lie, you were shocked. holy fuck? people liked you? your content? that's new.
well, not really. your best friend at the time told you to upload it. he supported you! how nice of him.
one cover caused 2 to be made, then 3, then 4 and after 10 covers you posted your first original song. you didn't actually think that your fans would support it, but they did.
that all happend in the span of a year, or two.
you weren't so sure, you lost your feeling for time a while ago.
after that original song record labels wanted you (you were easy to take advantage of after all). problem was, or still is, you're a minor.
you can't sign anything, you don't have an accutal agent, or manager, you don't have shit. to be honest, you also aren't sure how you're doing it. well, it's easier now because of streaming platforms and your best friend likes to play manager.
it's less stressful at least, you publish whatever you want, when you want it. nobody controls your social media account.
you accutally make money, a lot of it. but to keep yourself humble you donate a huge part, and put the other one in a savings account.
you're so smart! so mature! an old soul! not like the others! a delight to have in class!
you're absolutely burned out.
companies constantly messaging you for you to promote this! newest product! so good! the best thing on the market! when it's trash, a way to get money.
but everything is like that, isn't it? you're also selling trash. making trash music and poetry. wow, you're so special. an artist! royalty, you drew all the album covers yourself? no wonder they look like that.
your age is a mystery, so is your face and real name. people were able to figure out your height by a simple picture of you besides a dresser.
they know you live in japan, you were forced to publish that as you got nearly cancelled for wearing a kimono. life is great!
constant comments and messages of "you changed" were flooding you. of course you changed? bro? you were only 13?
it's called character development.
your fame is basically a secret, besides your best friend and school nobody knows.
you didn't bother telling your father because he didn't want to listen, pretty sad. you tried, you really did but he was busy, as always.
now it's too awkward to tell him.
"hey, papa, by the way im like a prodigy in the music business and i have more instagram followers then you."
yeah, as if (even tho you have to check if you accutally finally got more followers then him).
the older you get, the more followers you get, the less you post.
you're arrogant, they scream.
you're so so tired. constant spotlight. constant critism and people who think you're god. it's so much.
sometimes you're thinking about deleting it all, but you like the attention.
but if you see one more newspaper saying you died or that you're accutally a villain, on god you're going to go crazy.
"Top 10 face claims for faceless celebrities!"
murder on your mind.
toshinori is embarrassed. as he's sitting with his co workers, he feels just straight up bad that he accutally has to think hard about his kid hobby.
"well.. they like cats? and.. ah! they play the guitar."
"acoustic or electric?"
"...there is more then one guitar type?"
his three coworker sighed. well, earserhead would, if he wasn't asleep.
midnight looked at the clock and quickly stood up, "well, i have to go! the kids don't teach themselves."
the two others also quickly realised the time, toshinori stood up, while present mic woke earserhead up.
god, he has to think of a bonding activity. concerts? no, it wouldn't work out for different reasons.
what did you talk about last time he saw you?
when was the last time he saw you?
shacking his head, he quickly remembered an email from your school.
your school was hosting an internship! that's the solution! you work here for a few weeks, he works here! perfect! what could go wrong?
"why not?"
"because i said no?" with that you turned back to your computer.
"well, i think it would be a great learning experience!"
"and i think it would be very useless for me. i'm not interested in hero's. besides that, i already got a place at a company which I'm accutally interested in." you don't.
"it's not about hero's, it's about teaching."
"I hate children."
"you are also a child?"
"yes, and have you ever seen me get along with somebody my age?"
silence. he feels defeated. maybe he needs to put his foot down?
"you're going to work at UA during your internship, this is finally." thinking about it, he wasn't even sure if UA does internships.
"no, nice try though! appricate the effort. now get out, it's not halloween yet so i don't need any skeletons in my room."
toshinori has to take a deep breath to remind himself that you're just a kid. he can fight you physically once you're 18.
using your full name to get your attention, he used his last card, "please do the internship with me. see it as an bonding experience."
"..okay whatever, but if it sucks i can get another cat."
toshinori felt like a winner, but he needs to ask nezu first. the internship is still a few months away, who knows what will happen during these months.
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sstar-nerd · 4 years
Some general Ghost Crew head cannons I have
I’ll probably do a relationship one (platonic and romantic) later.
Under cut cause I don’t wanna clog the tags for the characters.
Zeb tries to be quiet at 2am when getting a midnight snack bless his heart but that ship is just not made for larger species.
He is a very good defense strategist. Coming from the Honor Guard he learned mostly defensive tactics as the Lasat were not so keen on going into a war anytime soon.
On slow days he cleans the crew’s weapons and keeps them in good shape. Sometimes he can get into such a good mood that he takes the task of cleaning up Chopper.
He doesn’t get nightmares as much as he used to. The only time he gets them now is when he’s too close to a large explosion. It reminds him of the Palace explosion too much.
Chopper’s favorites list: Hera, Sabine, Kallus, AP-5 (in all honesty Kallus and AP are tied), Kanan, Zeb, and Ezra.
Chopper keeps tabs on everyone’s general health. He finds creative ways to get them to eat, sleep, shower, and relax. Most often he’s throwing something at them like a ration bar or a bar of soap.
Chopper does not like Han Solo at all. Solo gets shocked every time he passes Chopper. Solo is so paranoid whenever he hears any sounds of droids at the base. It’s mostly due to Solo being on the bad side of both Hera and Kallus for various reasons.
Chopper labels himself as the best droid in the Rebellion. He takes no criticism.
Hera is amazing with Jacen not just from natural instinct but because she had experience from the Ghost crew. They’re basically her kids don’t lie to me.
People expected her to be cautious or hostile towards Kallus when he joined. Instead she asked for him to be the Ghost’s intelligence agent and made him a Spectre.
When the Empire is driven back and defeated she moves to Ryloth to help rebuild. She helps establish a few schools and helps train pilots.
When Jacen asks about his father when he’s young she simplifies things for him but she doesn’t hide details either. She’s very transparent about who Kanan was and answers his questions to the best of her ability. When he’s older though she gives him the full story in a sit down session.
This man cannot cook to save his life outside of ONE recipe his master taught him. Hera can’t cook either so when Zeb joined and was able to make some decent stuff the relief could be felt even from non-force sensitives.
He forgot when his birthday was from all the years on the run and hiding. He would just raise his age after the New Year and forget about it. Hera was the one to find his birthday and start celebrating it again.
Kanan is an expert on how to avoid Chopper’s shocks. He can parkour his way through a room if it means he won’t get electrocuted by the little menace.
He liked his master but didn’t like Mace Windu that much. He knew he could be kind and good but he always saw his harsher side and felt like he treated some padawans and Jedi unfairly.
She was nervous to do her art on the ship when she first joined. She was always yelled at by her mom, by her superiors, and even some friends when she tried to do her art. She asked Hera and Kanan and was only asked not to do anything NSFW. She has been given no other restrictions. She has taken advantage of that.
She hates when things are stagnant. If she feels restless she’ll change her armor paint, her hair color, and even redo her whole room.
She wasn’t comfortable with Ezra’s flirting but thought he would grow out of it or stop eventually. It didn’t, but it never got to the point where she would snap at him. She just sat him down one day and said a very firm ‘No’ which he respected. Their friendship greatly improved after. (I personally see them as really close friends)
She’s a frustrated learner. If something keeps going wrong no matter how she changes her methods she won’t touch that thing for a good 2 or 3 weeks.
He learned early on in street life not to be afraid of heights. Since his main mode of transportation became running along buildings and such the fear of heights was not allowed to stay around.
He doesn’t like cold food that much. Just something about it puts him off. Having a warm bowl of soup or a hot roll of bread is his favorite meal.
He has called Hera and Kanan mom and dad on accident and now they call him their son on missions. He’s ok with this new development.
He’s protective over his food. The only person he isn’t defensive around with food is Chopper only because the droid doesn’t actually need to eat.
He picked up a lot of hobbies after the clone wars. He can fish, knit, write, make pots, and hunt pretty well.
He doesn’t take his armor off because he never feels safe. He wakes up from night terrors too often and is only grounded by the feel of his armor.
They buried Gregory on Lothal and visit whenever they’re able. Rex brings different types of flowers each time.
He has no social skill whatsoever. He’s either very quiet or very blunt in what he means.
He has major OCD. At first the crew didn’t understand and tried to make him stop but they soon got used to it. They get used to him checking inventory every five minutes to make sure it doesn’t get stolen, walking through a doorway several times to make sure a ghost doesn’t hunt them down, and several other things he does around the ship.
He’s a lot more relaxed after coming to the Rebellion. They’re much more understanding of his OCD, expectations are reasonable, and they’re a lot friendlier towards him than he thought they would be.
He’s better talking with droids than organics. When he was young the only friends he had were droids and that continued into the Empire. Even with the Rebellion of he’s not with the Ghost he can be seen with Ap-5 or other various droids around the base.
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH9
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 9: Resurrection Overture (IX)
{cw: threats of rape via beastiality (I’ve marked the worst of the content in question with  ↓ ↓ at the beginning and  ↑ ↑ at the end of those sections), brief transmisogyny}
This lesson caught him off guard, and Qi Leren was stunned for a while after the file was read before waking up as if from a trance.
Qi Leren, like many others, could easily let down his guard against his surroundings after the danger had passed, and such negligence was extremely fatal in terrible tasks.
"I’ve taken note," Qi Leren said gratefully.
Chen Baiqi snorted lightly and lit a cigarette: "Then let’s move on to the next item to test your physical fitness."
"How do we test it? Running?" With the last lesson of being blindfolded while avoiding throwing knives, Qi Leren’s heart was filled with worry.
Chen Baiqi blew out a smoke ring and sneered: "How can simply running force a person's limit?"
"..." Qi Leren felt that he was finished.
He saw Chen Baiqi insert a skill card into the card slot, and a heavy book appeared in her hand. She carelessly looked at the book as the pages turned automatically, suddenly brightened, and muttered to herself: "This is good, just right!"
As soon as the words “just right” sounded, a three-headed hellhound half the height of a person appeared at Chen Baiqi's feet. The three ferocious heads roared together and its thick canine teeth and dripping tongue made its fearsomeness soar.
↓ ↓
This strong figure, this fierce expression, and that thing under its crotch... Qi Leren swallowed saliva, his face went white, and his legs were weak. 
"This child was caught when I was practicing near Purgatory. He’s still in heat, full of energy, and has a strong desire to mate, and he doesn't mind whether what he’s mating with has two legs or four. He really is a warm and good boy." Chen Baiqi touched its ears and the three-headed hellhound excitedly reared up and looked at Qi Leren eagerly.
Chen Baiqi touched her chin again: "When I first entered this world, there was a very popular saying on the Internet... Oh, ‘it'll chase you, and if it catches you, it will 'hehehe' with you’.”*
*{E/N: A joke by Fei Yu-ching. The general gist of goes something like this: This person wants to go to a shop that specifically helps you lose weight. The cashier offers some packages of different prices. He picks one, enters a room where a lady is waiting in a bikini. She offers, "Chase after me. If you catch me, I'll let you 'hehehe' me". Thank you to Miko for this explanation.}
Although Qi Leren wanted very much to spit on her, this sentence had been out of date for many years and only middle-aged and old people would make such an old joke. However, Chen Baiqi had smacked the three-headed hellhound on the ass and under, her command, the dog growled and rushed crazily toward Qi Leren. Its enthusiasm was like an old bachelor who had been single for forty years and had met his new wife. Qi Leren screamed and started to run. He swore he’d never run so fast in his life!
But even if he had run a new personal record, the three-headed hellhound was still slightly faster than him. Even if he didn't look back, Qi Leren could feel the monster behind him getting closer and closer! He could almost feel its stinking hot breath spraying on his back, causing his chrysanthemum to tighten!
No way! If you continue like this, it’ll soon catch up to you! You can't just run!
I don't want to be knocked up by a dog!
Qi Leren, who was extremely nervous, mechanically pumped his legs and ran hard, and his brain that was struggling to consume oxygen didn’t have enough to think properly. A skill card? Primary Fighting couldn't make him run faster. Devil Etiquette... Stop it, becoming a succubus could only add fuel to the fire right now—he had specifically learned about succubus' data. This demon type with such an exaggerated sexuality would only make a field day for a stick. It was the most unscrupulous creature in the demon world, and the three-headed hellhound would only be more excited to see a succubus. After all, it was also a creature that didn't care whether the mating target had two legs or four, or even if it had legs at all!
↑ ↑
It was coming! Qi Leren felt the wind behind him, but he had already reached the wall of this huge basement. His mind went blank and he instinctively made a sharp turn to the right to continue running. But the three-headed dog behind him was not as agile as he was. Without time to break, it collided with the wall, causing the strong wall to shake.
Qi Leren, who was still desperate to escape, had a flash of inspiration in his mind: Yes, the three-headed hellhound wasn’t as agile as he was when turning, so he could take advantage of this...
Qi Leren looked back. The three-headed hellhound’s middle head had fainted, but the left and right heads were still giving orders to the body. It got up from the ground and continued to chase after him.
Qi Leren, with this train of thought, was much calmer this time. He didn't run around the room like a headless fly. Whenever he felt that the distance between them was close to a certain range, he made a sharp turn, and each time he managed to gain seven or eight meters from his pursuer. Wait until the next turn, when he was about to be caught up with, then repeat this old trick.
The three-headed hellhound, who didn’t have a high IQ, failed to see through his tricks and ran after him blindly. One man and one dog competed for endurance in this bitter mutual torture. Qi Leren’s legs that had surpassed their potential were almost numb. He was afraid the three-headed dog wasn’t much better. When he looked back several times, the three-headed hellhound had its three tongues lolling from its mouths, panting.
This was completely a competition of willpower. It seemed that Qi Leren’s determination to protect his virginity was better than the three-headed hellhound’s determination to mate. When Chen Baiqi finished smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, she’d finally seen enough: "Okay, let's end it there."
One man and one dog fell to the ground, four heads and six legs going on strike together.
↓ ↓
Qi Leren couldn't help thinking that if he was tortured like this every day, maybe one day he would have the terrible idea of "giving up resistance and lying down to accept it", and he really didn't want to do it again.
The three-headed hellhound was summoned back into the book by Chen Baiqi. Qi Leren looked at where it had just been enviously. It could rest, but he still had to be tortured by the head demon here. Yes, Chen Baiqi has risen to be a terrible demon coach in his mind, and he was just like the protagonists in comics who were spurred on, spending each day drowning in their own sweat.
"It's a pity, I thought I could look at 'man and nature'," Chen Baiqi said with regret.
Once again, Qi Leren felt his chrysanthemum tighten.
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"Intuition is okay, reaction and adaptability are barely strong, and physical fitness is still poor. You will report to me every morning at my store’s entrance, run to the steel bridge to fetch me two breakfast servings, and then run back. I’ll give you a watch. If you’re late, you’ll be punished by having to take my dog for a walk outside," Chen Baiqi smiled, speaking demonic words with ease and pleasure.
The dying Qi Leren couldn't help feeling sad, looking at Chen Baiqi with eyes full of bitterness.
"Get up, you can go home and report on time tomorrow," Chen Baiqi said with a smile.
"Surely I’ll be too sore to move tomorrow... No, I can't move now," Qi Leren said breathlessly.
"Oh, really?" Chen Baiqi said. Blowing out a smokey sigh, she walked beside him and raised her foot—the slender high-heeled shoe stamped between Qi Leren’s legs while he was off guard! 
Qi Leren screamed "AH" and rolled, narrowly dodging the foot that would have made him childless. The crisp high-heeled blow behind him scared him into a cold sweat. 
"You missed an opportunity to be a cute girl," Chen Baiqi said regretfully.
Qi Leren struggled to get up from the ground: "Thank you, this opportunity is not needed."
Chen Baiqi raised her slender eyebrows and smiled charmingly: "You’ll regret it."
On the way home, Qi Leren had been stubbornly thinking about Chen Baiqi's smile. He’d almost forgotten to ask her about buying a confidentiality contract. Chen Baiqi raised her eyebrows and didn't ask anything. He readily paid the money for his goods.
As he walked into a roadside public toilet, Qi Leren thought of cherishing his little brother affectionately. He had paid a painful price to keep it.
Unexpectedly, when he pushed open the bathroom door, he was greeted by a beautiful acquaintance. Her long curly hair was draped over her exposed shoulders, her gorgeous red lips were slightly opened, and her eyes were blurred as she swept towards Qi Leren at the door. It was the Illusionist Qi Leren had seen in Chen Baiqi's shop before!
"Sorry, wrong one!" Qi Leren subconsciously flung himself out the door.
The moment the door closed, he suddenly remembered... That thing in front of the Illusionist ... Wasn’t it a urinal from the men's room?
And the Illusionist herself, standing in front of the urinal at that time, had naturally lifted a heavy skirt and put her hand into the skirt to release its inventory.
Qi Leren felt his worldview collapse.
Editor’s Notes:
I’ve honestly been dreading reaching this and the next chapter ε-(~д~”)
I want to give some forewarning that the there does start to be some notable transmisogyny in the series starting with this chapter, primarily in the form of misgendering. I haven’t read Part 3 yet and thus can’t speak for it (I will mention it in an E/N once I have and likely edit this one as well), but in Part 2 it doesn’t come up tremendously often as the character it’s in relation to, the Illusionist, is relatively minor. 
However, the next chapter in particular is unfortunately entirely comprised of an extended joke centered on transmisogyny and sexual harassment. Nothing plot-significant happens in it and the chapter is entirely skippable if you do not want to read that.
As I stated before, as someone who is only working on a translation, I don’t feel that it’s my place to knowingly change or omit content. I do apologize for this. I will be providing the same sorts of warnings and skip-markers as I have previously in order to allow readers the best experience I can give under the circumstances.
As always, I encourage you to message me if you have any further questions or concerns about this or anything else.
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Summer Nights: Part 3
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Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x Overweight/Plus size Female identifying Reader
Series: Summer Nights
Warning: Fred’s death, the series will mention issues such as guilt, grief, etc. + Chapter specific warnings: guilt, self-blaming, trauma, scenes of magical healing, mentions of past childhood fatphobia/body shaming
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​ (formerly imaginesofeveryfandom)​ aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​
Summary/Request: You’d always had brief glimpses of Charlie Weasley throughout your life, but despite your closeness with the rest of the Weasley family and your friendship with the Weasley Twins, you had never officially met. Until Charlie Weasley decided to take the summer off from his work as a Dragon Keeper at the Romanian Reserve and come back home, to the Burrow, that is.
Notes: Gif is my own, using my art of Charlie Weasley which you can find on my art blog @artisticwarnug here. If you use please make sure you credit me and my art blog properly, that the ownership is clear as it is my own art and I would hate for it to be unclear that I made it <3 x
Prologue / Part 1 / Part 2
Dinner that night was a riotous affair. You, six Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione all crammed in around a table, reaching for the amazing food that Mrs Weasley always made. Shoulders bumped against each other, the volume reaching extraordinary heights, but as you sat there you couldn’t help but smile. This felt right. Being around all these people. So welcome. Watching the way Ginny looked up to Charlie and the way Ron and Harry joke around, while Hermione rolled her eyes at George. You’d often felt alone since Fred’s death, a distance seemed to exist in your mind between yourself and the Weasley’s, a gnawing guilt. While you lived with them there were very few moments like this, one’s where you felt like yourself again. 
As you look around the table with a smile, your eyes catch Charlie’s. A soft, small smile, shy, lifts at the corner of your mouth and you're delighted to say that Charlie smiles more with his eyes than anything else. 
When you go to bed that night you think perhaps it will be a night in which you will fall asleep easily, in which the memories won’t haunt you, in which the guilt that settles like a stone in your stomach will ease...that is a foolish belief you realise rather quickly. Your head rests against your pillow as you stare at the ceiling. 
You toss and you turn, twisting this way and that. You lie on your side for a moment, arm curled beneath your pillow, before flipping onto your back and then your front before going back to your back. You try sleeping with your head at the other end of the bed, maybe you’ll trick your brain that way. It doesn’t work. You try every trick possible, but you just can’t sleep. The frustration is clouded by other thoughts, intrusive ones, the ones you try not to dwell on because you can’t change the past and you can’t bring him back. You don’t have that kind of power, although sometimes you wished you had a time turner, you might go mad, but maybe, in the process you could bring one of your best friend’s back. Maybe you wouldn’t fail him this time. 
You lie there trying desperately to calm your mind, to silence your thoughts, to sleep, for what seems like hours. In truth it can’t have been more than an hour before you decide to just forgo all the tossing and turning and potter downstairs to make a warm cup of something and maybe nab a biscuit or two. 
The Burrow is eerily quiet at this time of night, the lights are out, the stairs creak as you pad down them, and a chill has you grabbing the knitted throw blanket from the living room on your way to the kitchen. There was never a shortage of blankets at the Burrow. Something you could thank Mrs Weasley endlessly for. 
You wrap yourself up as tightly as possible, the blanket a soothing weight across your shoulders, before putting the kettle on the stove. Despite magic being at your disposal, you always preferred to make hot drinks whether coffee, tea, hot chocolate or otherwise, the muggle way. Working with your hands, going through the motions of creating something whether food, drink, art or something else entirely, helped you calm down more often than not. You suppose it was very Hufflepuff of you, doing things the muggle way, doing things the homely way. 
You look up before he’s even at the entrance to the kitchen, you hear the footsteps softly pad down the stairs, the creek of an old floorboard, the quiet shuffling of clothes and a soft sigh of frustration. You didn’t know who you’d expected, Charlie, wasn’t it though. Perhaps Ginny or maybe Ron or even Mrs Weasley. 
The tattooed dragon that had previously been on his neck had moved, as magical tattoos are want to do. It was now laying across the other side of his neck, nearer to his shoulder, barely peeking from his sleep shirt, sleepy and annoyed looking. You wondered if it wanted to sleep but couldn’t because of Charlie’s alertness. You’d never given much thought to wizarding tattoos, but you suppose they must have some sort of personality or thought process or....something. Why else would they move? You supposed that they might work like wizarding portraits, perhaps the dragon had been a real one, its likeness etched into his skin.
His hair is out from the tie it had been in during the day, loose around his face and a sort of bird's nest that screamed ‘i’ve been tossing and turning for a while now’. During the day he’d looked so confident, put together, like everything was okay, but here, in the dark of the kitchen, with only a few little lights to provide a warm glow, he looked haggard. He looked how you felt. 
“Would you like something to drink?” You keep your voice soft. Partly knowing that the walls in the Burrow were thin, not wanting to wake the others, and partly because it didn’t seem right to speak loudly or even speak at your normal volume right now. 
He pauses for a moment, taking in the kettle on the stove that’s begun to whistle quietly, thanks to a well placed muffling charm, the blanket across your shoulders, the bags underneath your eyes. He blinks before nodding his head towards you in confirmation, a small upturn at the corner of his mouth, a polite smile not more and not less. It cannot compete with his earlier bright smile during the day. 
“Tea, please, love.” You grab a tea bag and another mug, making both your own preferred hot drink and his mug of tea. Only stopping to ask if he had sugar in his tea, for him to respond with 3, and you to not comment further despite knowing his mother would probably exclaim that 3 was 2 too many. 
You carefully hand him the mug, not wanting to spill a drop, fingers brushing against his. You note his hands are rougher than most wizards, years of hard work will do that. Most wizards and witches have soft hands, skin that only ever touched a wand. The Weasleys are some of the few you knew who relished in hard work and manual labour, some things magic helped with like chopping vegetables, but other things like collecting eggs or planting fruit in the garden seemed to them more suited to their hands. Like you they seemed to enjoy the calming nature of going through the steps, of grounding yourself with the world around you. 
You sip at your drink and study the grooves in the table, the different grains of wood, the stains and the marks. Some you know the story of. Like the burn that was caused by Ginny playing with Arthur’s wand at the age of 5. Others are the sorts of stains and marks that come from a family using it every day, from children playing and drawing and existing. 
Charlie clears his throat and you lift your eyes to his, he looks a little sheepish, “Sorry, if this is a bit...if you don’t want to talk, but can I ask why you’re not in bed?” 
The truth is that you’ve barely known Charlie a couple of days and perhaps normally you’d be reluctant to talk about anything personal, about nightmares or your guilt or your feelings. But, Charlie isn’t a complete stranger. He’s a Weasley and there has never been a Weasley you couldn’t talk to, even Percy who could be and had been an arse in the past. Even when he wasn’t around, the other’s talked about Charlie, their darling boy or their amazing brother. If you knew one Weasley you inevitably felt like you knew the rest even if you’d never met. Maybe it was that he was a Weasley, that he was Fred’s cool older brother, or maybe it was that you were lonely and fed up of hiding it all...that you knew him the least and it seemed easier to talk to someone who’d understand and yet didn’t know you well enough to push too far. Or maybe it was just that Charlie Weasley had one of those faces that made you want to talk. 
“I...I struggle to sleep these days. I’ve struggled to sleep since the battle to be honest...if it's not tossing and turning then it’s nightmares. When the lights go out the thoughts come out...”
“From what I heard you did alright. You helped people, you got a few death eaters along the way...” There was an unspoken question, ‘what do you have to be haunted about? What did you do? or what did you not do?’
“Yeah....I helped some people, used my healer training to my advantage and sure I got a few stunning spells in, but I....I couldn’t save the one person that really mattered. I couldn’t....” You breathe in a shaky breath and can already feel the tears welling in your eyes at the thought of him. A hand reaches across the table and covers your own. It’s a comforting gesture, it reminds you that you’re safe here.
“I couldn’t save Fred...I tried, y’know, I even tried muggle methods, I thought maybe if magic wouldn’t help, muggle medicine might...I thought if I could just get him breathing again he’d be okay. It would all be okay...I” You close your eyes hard, feeling the press of your lids together, the wetness welling at the corners, “It’s my fault...I don’t even know why your parents let me stay...how any of you can even look at me...if I had been a better healer, or better at defence, then Fred might still be here.”
“You can’t seriously believe that?”
You lift your eyes to his, his eyebrows are furrowed, twisted down, mouth set in a frown. “I should have been able to save him. I have helped so many people. I have stopped so many people from dying...but I couldn’t save him.” You avert your eyes, his stare feels too intense, too much.
“You’re not to blame, look at me,” He squeezes your hand, firmly, but still gentle. The other reaches forward, a finger underneath your chin to lift your face as he brings your gaze back to his and leans ever forward as if all he wants is for you to truly listen and truly believe. “You didn’t kill Fred. You didn’t cause his death. No one can bring someone back from the dead..there was nothing you or anyone else could do. Rookwood was to blame. Voldemort and his followers were to blame. Not you.” 
“Then why do I feel like I am? Like I should have done better?”
“Because we all do. Do you think Percy doesn’t blame himself? Like maybe if he’d not made a joke, not distracted Fred, he’d still be here? Do you think George doesn’t think he could have protected his own twin better? Me? I wish I'd bloody been right there, right next to him. I wish I did more and I feel the guilt of not doing more each day...We all feel like we failed him. You don’t feel guilty because you did something wrong, you feel guilty because he was your friend and you’re a good person. Good people always want to do better, even if it's not possible, love.”
“How do you do it? How do you keep going?” It feels impossible some days, the idea that you shouldn’t feel guilty or sad or angry or hurt. Some days you almost forget that he’s not here, you see George and go to ask after Fred, you think of a joke and think that you should go tell him...Some days simply getting out of bed seems impossible.
“I let it go. You can’t live in the past or else you’ll forget the present, and never look to the future. That’s what we were fighting for. That’s what Fred was fighting for, a better future. I chose to stop punishing myself for what I did or did not do because my brother would feed me a canary cream if he heard me blaming myself.”
You let out a sharp laugh, quick, unexpected even for you, and it's true. Fred wouldn’t stand for it, he wouldn’t stand for anyone blaming themselves, he’d tell you to buck up and crack a few jokes, stop hurting yourself. He was like that. Whenever he found you squirrelled away behind a tapestry, sad and crying, he always found a way to make you smile. His life’s work was getting people to smile.
“...Thank you. I know it’s not going to get better over night, but...maybe it’s time to try and stop dwelling in the past.” You stare into your empty mug for a second before rising to place it beside the sink. He’s still drinking his tea, and you, realise this whole time you hadn’t asked him why he wasn’t asleep.
“Why...why aren’t you asleep, Charlie?” You lean back against the counter to watch him, the blanket slipping off of your shoulders slightly. 
“I...I have a few old injuries that keep me up sometimes. Mostly my back, the scars I have ache a lot...but I...I sleep best on my back so...” 
It surprises that his lack of sleep was something that seemed so fixable to you, but you often had to remind yourself that most witches and wizards struggled with even basic healing charms and didn’t think in the same way that you did. Healing was a skill and knowing the right solution to a problem took both natural intuition and training.
“Do you...have you ever learnt lenio?” You move closer to him, throwing the blanket off of your shoulders and onto the back of your chair. Each step shows your healer nature as you itch to get closer and have a look at the problem, to solve it like you do every day of the week. 
“Uh, I’ve never heard of it?”
“Oh...I suppose you’re probably used to being given potions for pain, they usually last longer, don’t rely on the witch or wizard’s will power. It’s a...a pain relief spell, it works on a great deal. I...Hermione’s scar hurts a lot so I taught her it, but her scar’s easy for her access...you could always see me before you go to sleep each night and I can administer it. It’s considered outdated because of potions but I find that it’s most effective for scarring or pains that distract or make you unfocused and people don’t get as reliant.”
“Does...does it last awhile?”
“It varies on the caster’s strength of thought, I typically find when I cast it it lasts anywhere between 12 hours to a day, some people it can last minutes. Hermione manages to make it last around 8 hours. It’s why it fell out of fashion, not a lot of wizards or witches have the aptitude for it.” Potions had become easier. Easier to make. Easier to administer and more predictable when duration was involved. But, pain relief potions could be addictive and you always found yourself leaning towards charms and spells over potions, where possible. 
“Before you...before you go to bed could you cast it? I’d really like to get some sleep, love.”
Nod with a small smile, easing the tension in Charlie’s shoulders just that little bit. That famous bedside manner of yours pushing its way to the surface. 
“You said it was your back?” You ask as you reach for your wand in the waistband of your pyjama shorts. He nods at you, “First year on the reserve a Hungarian Horntail decided he didn’t like me very much...never told mum.” You let out a little laugh at that, the thought of Mrs Weasley’s reaction was rather comical in your mind. While she could be fearsome, she was also known for her over the top and sometimes melodramatic responses. 
You understand why he chose not to tell her. Mrs Weasley could be overbearing in her protectiveness and you’re sure she would never have let him work on the reserve again, no matter how much he loved it. “Could you...um, disrobe for me.” You ignore the nerves in your stomach and try to get into the healer mindset, you’ve seen plenty of patients wear even less and it was never a problem before. You weren’t going to let Charlie Weasley taking his shirt off get to you. You’d seen him without it early that day and surely he couldn’t affect you quite so much the second time.
Or that’s what you told yourself before you found yourself gazing at him a little too long. Truth was Charlie was an attractive man, even fully dressed and the beauty of his torso was not diminished by you having seen it previously. Up close you noticed things that you hadn’t earlier in the day. Scars of various types caught your eye, a few bite marks you recognised well as various types of dragon, scratches, burn marks, his body told the story of a dragon keeper who had known pain and yet still enjoyed his job. He was covered in freckles head to toe, or at least what you could see of his body, and red hair that criss crossed his arms and his chest. The dragon had moved from his shoulder and neck area, stalking its way across his left ribs, breathing little spouts of fire.
You cleared your throat and gestured for him to turn his back towards you. You could see it was covered in scars, a large portion was burn scarring, but there were claw marks too. You placed a hand gently on the top of his shoulder and gently pushed him forward so that you could get a better look. Your other hand softly trailed over the skin, examining the depths of the scars, making an assessment of what sort of scarring it was. “These were healed poorly, did you not go to the reserve healer?” You could tell they could have been healed better, they would have left a mark certainly, but with less pain you were sure. It was, in truth, a rather shoddy job. 
“Oh, I went...he’s just not very good.” You scoff, not very good was an understatement and you wrecked your brain for anyway you could fix the damage done. You’d never seen wounds healed so poorly or such extensive scarring caused by magical healing, you think that they might have healed better on their own.  
“This was about nine years ago, correct?” You watch the back of Charlie’s head move up and down in a nod, “He used a mending charm.” You scoff, irritation strong within you.
“Is that wrong?”
“They’re meant for objects not people, it’s why you have so much scarring, why it hurts...I just wonder...I wonder if...I know you just wanted me to do a quick lenio, Charlie...but I’d like to try something, I have absolutely no idea if any of the spells I know will work, but I might be able to permanently reduce the pain, and the damage.”
“You couldn’t do that with Hermione?”
“Her scar is the product of dark magic...that’s...we’re still trying to figure out how to undo that sort of injury, but this is normal in comparison. I could make it worse or I could make it better or it could do nothing...”
“Love,” he looks over his shoulder at you, eyes surprisingly full of mirth, “I doubt you could make it worse, give it your best shot.” 
You think through all the healing spells you know and you contemplate the nature of this. It isn’t an open wound or a broken bone, but it is damaged flesh, scar tissue so mangled it hurts and you think deep about your time at St Mungo’s, the many healer’s you’ve known and learnt from and you think of your own experience creating spells, melding your wants, desires, outcomes, into a single word, a single channel for your magic. You use his confidence in you and your desire to see his pain reduced or undone as a force behind the words that leave your mouth without even thinking and the almost natural movement of your wand. 
“Renovare” It’s not a spell you know and yet, as you speak the words and channel your magic through your wand, you know what it does and you know what it’s purpose is. Renew. To fix what isn’t wounded, but is damaged, to heal what has been healed poorly. You watch delicate streams of pearlescent light, flickering between white and pink and teal, fall over the scars and break them apart delicately before rehealing wounds. You hear Charlie hiss and squeeze his shoulder in reassurance that everything is working the way it should and that you’re sorry it hurts. The scars that are left behind are less angry, closer to the skin, and less like knotted damaged tissue. Perhaps had you been there when it happened, there would be no scars at all, but unmending and re-mending a wound is not so perfect or simple. You have the presence of mind to realise this is a new spell, of your own creation, and that you should write all of this down before you go to sleep tonight. This spell could be a breakthrough for wizarding medicine, at least where angry scars that cause pain are concerned. You’re so focused on fixing his pain that this realisation doesn’t bring you the pride it should, after all, not many witches or wizards could simply create a spell.
There’s something satisfying about watching the process, the breaking open of skin and the regrowth of new. The new scars looking as you’d want them to be, knowing that you have fixed the work of a poor healer and hopefully, in the process, stopped the pain that causes Charlie’s lack of sleep. 
You run your hand over the new scars once you’re done, checking the thickness of the scar tissue, his dragon has moved to his back now, curiously dancing around your fingers, nipping as if it could catch them. You get the feeling that it is grateful for your work. “Does it hurt at all? or...at least is the pain lesser?”
“It’s...it’s sore, like i’ve just come off the quidditch pitch, but it doesn’t hurt. Not like it used to.”
“Mmm...,” you continue your observations for a while, asking more questions about how it feels as you go, “I suspect the soreness will go, I have just broken your scars open and re-healed them...they look better, proper healing work, none of that bollocks from before.” You find your patience for bad healers always to be quite small, healing was serious business, people’s lives, their feelings were at risk and bad healers, in your opinion, simply shouldn’t exist. 
“I...thank you for letting me try I...”
“I’ve never heard that spell before.”
“That’s because I just created it.” He looks at you as you expect, surprised and a little bit in awe. Most wizards and witches can’t just make their own spells, you know this, but your experience with Fred and George had taught you a few things. The two of them had always innately created their own charms and potions, and they taught you how it should feel, how to focus, how to think, how to tap into that part of yourself that was purely magic, that knew without words what it could and wanted to do. 
“Your brothers’, they’re...they were...George and Fred have always...” You sigh in frustration, it is so hard to find the right tense now. George is here and Fred is not, but they're a pair, not individuals and it feels wrong to...to leave one out. He’s patient with you, soft eyes, a reassuring smile as a hand reaches for yours and gives a quick squeeze. “When we were in school, the twins just knew how to make their own spells...all their products are their own work and creation...they taught me how to...how to tap into that part of me, the part that knows what to do. I’ve not done it in years, I've not had need to...I just knew what I wanted to happen and I let myself guide me.” You smile at him softly, round cheeks pushing upwards with your smile. His eyes are darting curiously across your face as if seeking out the answer to some question only he knew. 
There’s a look of surprise behind the curiosity. You can see it, that he never fully realised just how brilliant his brothers’ were. Most of the people who meet...met the twins underestimated their abilities, but they were brilliant. Sometimes you just have to look past the laughter, the jokes and the ostentatious colours. 
“Thank you...thank you for this,” He gestures to his back, “and thank you for teaching me something about the twins that I...that I failed to realise myself. We’ve always undervalued them, I love them...loved...but, even I saw them as jokers and never...never realise the work they put in.”
“Brilliant, that’s how I describe them. Insane. Terribly immature at times. Quick to anger, like most Weasleys, but brilliant and kind...” You look off into the distance, eyes losing focus for a second, “have I told...has anyone told you how I became friends with the twins?”
“I always assumed they just wouldn’t leave you alone,” It’s a cheeky smile that makes you laugh, “that would be rather like them.” You lean against the table, thick thigh pressing lightly against the outside of his knee as you think back on how you met the twins. 
“In truth...it’s not a wholly happy story. But it’s not entirely sad either, meeting them was the best thing that ever happened to me. They gave me friendship, companionship, knowledge, protection, and family. They gave me a wizarding family that would always support me and I don’t think at the age of eleven I truly understood the importance that your family would play in my life. Now, I couldn’t live without them.” You turn your eyes on him with a soft smile. 
“We have a way about us...Weasley’s collect people, I think. We’re never happy alone, we like a full house, we like fighting over a bathroom in the morning and cramming around the table. Mum loves adding people to the family, and I'm sure the moment she met you she knew you’d be the newest addition.” You smile at that. You wonder if a Weasley could ever truly be happy alone. While Charlie lived away from his family, you were sure, judging by his little smile, that the distance was hard on him and that he probably surrounded himself with friends and colleagues to feel that familiarity. 
“It was my first year and I was crying…” You look up at the ceiling, the wood beams that cross it, the hanging pots and drying herbs. “I was behind the tapestry on the 5th floor...there’s this little room behind it and I found it by accident, I’m rather clumsy,” You laugh and look back at him. It startles you a little to realise you have his undivided attention, but it also pleases you, to know that he’s listening, that he values what you have to say even if it's just a silly little story. 
“I was bawling really, none of that quiet dainty crying. It was rather horrible actually...they must have heard, said I sounded like Moaning Myrtle which just upset me more...they sat beside and they asked ‘what’s happened? Who do we need to prank?’' It was ever so Fred and George even back when you were all just eleven. Their solution to a problem was often either pranking the person responsible or starting a fight with them. The latter was your least favourite of the two.
“Sounds like them, although I wouldn't have been surprised if they offered to throw a few punches...we have hot tempers.”
“You seem awfully mild mannered for a Weasley to me?” It was true, Charlie and Bill both seemed like two calm individuals, at least compared to Ginny or Ron or even Mrs Weasley. All of whom were known for their explosive, passionate tempers. 
“Well, love, you’ve never seen me nearly tear the Ravenclaw quidditch captain a new one after a blatant display of cobbing...Although, i’m definitely less fiery than Ginny. She scares me a little sometimes.”
“She is prone to bouts of violence,” You love it about her though, her quickness to defend others, her bravery. If there ever was a Gryffindor it certainly was Ginevra. “Either way, they offered pranking services rather than violence...good move on their part, I suspect I would have been terrified of them had they offered to break someone’s nose…”
“So who or what made you cry? Homesick?”
“No...I mean, I was homesick, but that wasn’t what had me crying behind that tapestry...it was boys actually. They’d been picking on me, all years, all ages, all houses, for the first few weeks of my life at Hogwarts. Sometimes it was my hair...and other times it was my teeth, sometimes it was the fact I was muggle born...but mostly, it was that I was fat,” You see he rearing up to say something at the word, but you stop him before he can speak, “I am fat. Charlie, that’s not an insult to me, I can be a million wonderful things, and fat is just a descriptor. I am fat and a hufflepuff and I am pretty and I am brave and I am terribly dedicated to my work. But back then...the way they used it. That was an insult. I was fat, I was a whale, a pig, or some other creature they could demean me with. They said I was ugly and unworthy and ‘who’d want to date you?’...I wasn’t even old enough to care about dating, but they made me feel like I was unlovable...and then your brothers came along.”
You smile at him, at the hand he’s placed on your knee in reassurance, the hand that doesn’t stay there too long out of respect for you. He’s listening now, truly, there is no desire to butt in, to interject, because he realises that you do not unjustly hate your body. You are simply telling a story. “After that they never let anyone say a bad word about me...they protected me and I protected them too...you’ve not seen a thing until you’ve seen a hufflepuff fly at Draco Malfoy with the intent to maim.” You quirk a lip thinking of all the times you’d nearly hurt the boy, he was better now, you could have a civil conversation, but Merlin, he’d been terrible in school.
“Should I worry for my personal safety?” Charlie laughs, leaning back away from you as if you might attack at any moment, but it is all play and it makes you chuckle. “I think you’re safe, dragon boy…”
There’s a comfortable silence in which your leg pressed against Charlie’s as you leant against the table, Charlie leaning back in his chair. It’s the sort of silence that feels like companionship, there is no pressure in your chest to speak, no feeling that the silence was wrong, no strange buzzing in your chest. 
“I’m glad they looked out for you...you deserve to have people who look after you the way you look after them.”
“You...you barely know me.” You look at him through your lashes, feeling shy, bashful at the kind words. He just gives you a stunningly soft smile, his brown eyes crinkling at the corners. 
“True, but in the short time I have known you you’ve been nothing but kind, caring, and you even invented a spell simply to help me. Love, that says more than anything else about you. You care about people...and people should care about you too.” The tenderness should scare you, intimidate you, instead it makes warmth blossom in your chest and happy tears well in your eyes because no one has ever said something so kind. Even when you doubt how useful you are, even with the guilt, it means so much to hear someone acknowledge the kindness you give, the care you provide, and not take it for granted. It is this that makes you realise how desperately you want to keep Charlie Weasley in your life, even simply as a friend because he cares so deeply about people and because he doesn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed to share those thoughts or feelings that would matter most to a person. 
It is with those words and thoughts in your head that the two of you say goodnight and you return to your bed, the blankets don’t feel irritating anymore, your head does not buzz with bad thoughts. While it is hard to go to sleep it is not out of guilt or anger or sadness, but a sort of giddiness that you haven’t felt in so long. You fall asleep with a smile.
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Manny Pacquiao vs. Yordenis Ugas fight: Five biggest storylines to watch ahead of the PPV showdown
At the age of 42 and following a two-year layoff, eight-division champion Manny Pacquiao returns to the ring on Saturday in a PBC on FOX pay-per-view bout against WBA welterweight champion Yordenis Ugas.  
Pacquiao vs Ugas Live Boxing Stream
Pacquiao will be once again fighting for the 147-pound title he won in his last outing, an impressive decision win over then-unbeaten Keith Thurman. But this weekend's showcase from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas won't be against the original opponent, unified welterweight champion Errol Spence Jr., who withdrew last week due to a torn retina.  
Manny Pacquiao vs Yordenis Ugas fight
Let's take a closer look at the biggest storylines entering the Filipino icon's much-anticipated return.  
1. How is it possible Pacquiao is still doing it at this level?  
Pacquiao certainly won't be the first legendary fighter past the age of 40 to come back for yet another big fight. But when you consider Pacquiao is the betting favorite against an active champion despite his long layoff, and you consider how much the "PacMan" still relies upon speed and explosion as a boxer, what he is doing at 42 is simply remarkable. To put things into perspective, rising welterweight contender Vergil Ortiz Jr., who won his biggest step-up fight to date last Saturday by knocking out Egidjius "Mean Machine" Kavaliauskas before calling out Pacquiao afterwards, was still three years away from being born when Pacquiao made his pro debut in 1995. Yet here we are, 26 years and many in-ring miles later after Pacquiao has consistently matched himself against the most dangerous foes available, he's still at it. Even Pacquiao's contemporaries like Floyd Mayweather, if they are still active at all, are largely returning for circus fights against MMA fighters and social media influencers. History offers very little for comparison sake to what Pacquiao continues to do, which is what made his initial intention of fighting the pound-for-pound ranked Spence all the more impressive.  
2. Ugas is a downgrade from Spence, but not by much 
Certainly, everything from the betting odds to the commercial expectations for Saturday's PPV fight shifted dramatically once Spence's name was removed from the marquee. Ugas (26-4, 12 KOs), who is more technician than destroyer compared to Spence (who is both), is also less likely a threat to send Pacquiao disastrously into retirement via knockout. Yet Pacquiao-Ugas is still an incredibly intriguing fight, particularly for hard-core fans of the game who have watched Ugas, a 35-year-old former Cuban amateur star, quietly transition from journeyman to contender, and now champion. Large for the weight class, Ugas will hold height and reach advantages against Pacquiao and is an incredibly disciplined counterpuncher with good defense and the ability to walk forward when he senses an advantage. While Ugas' experience against elite fighters isn't anywhere near that of Pacquiao (or even Spence, for that matter), he holds a handful of strong wins against Jamal James, Thomas Dulorme, Omar Figueroa Jr. and Abel Ramos. His best performance, however, likely came in a disputed loss when he was robbed of what should've been scored a 12th-round knockdown against Shawn Porter in 2019, which played a key role in his split-decision defeat. Although adapting to Pacquiao's speed and awkward angles is never easy, Ugas has the technical savvy to make key adjustments that could give Pacquiao fits. The Porter fight alone showed why Ugas should be considered just outside of the elite 147-pound core of Spence, Terence Crawford, Porter and Pacquiao. 
Can't get enough boxing and MMA? Get the latest in the world of combat sports from two of the best in the business. Subscribe to Morning Kombat with Luke Thomas and Brian Campbell for the best analysis and in-depth news.
3. Will the two-year layoff be a negative or a positive for this version of Pacquiao?  
Yes, it's hard to look on the surface at Pacquiao taking off as much time off as he has during the pandemic as anything that can be called a positive, particularly at his age. Timing is everything inside the ring and one of the only ways a fighter can properly maintain that is by staying active. Looking back, activity has to be considered a key part of Pacquiao's most recent comeback when, in 2018, he emerged from a one-year layoff following a disputed loss to Jeff Horn by fighting three times over the next 12 months and riling off age-defying victories against Lucas Matthysse, Adrien Broner and Keith Thurman. Regardless of if he were facing Spence or Ugas, taking this much time off has the potential for Pacquiao to come out flat. But if there's a silver lining to the hiatus, it's that Pacquiao wasn't taking any damage and was able to heal up any nagging injuries. One thing that has allowed Pacquiao to maintain such incredible longevity has been his passion for training and the intensity in which he works out, even between fights. While this is by no means a preferred scenario to come back to the PPV level without a tuneup, there doesn't appear to be a lack of motivation in terms of the preparation, even with the late opponent change. Not only was the danger that Spence brought to the table reason enough for Pacquiao to leave no stones unturned in training, the fact that he's threatening a run for president of the Philippines in 2021 means doing so fresh off of a resounding win is a much more strategic scenario. Simply put: don't expect Pacquiao to be anything less than the best he can still be at this age.  
4. Win or lose, this could be the final time we see Pacquiao in a big fight 
Given his age, Pacquiao appears one bad loss away from retiring for good at any point, which he more or less agreed with during a recent interview with "Morning Kombat," where he remained focused on a wait-and-see philosophy regarding his future. Given his political aspirations, it's just as easy to imagine Pacquiao not having the time to train and compete should he fulfill his goal of becoming president of his native country. Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach shared a different opinion, recently stating he believes one of Pacquiao's remaining goals to be accepting and winning a fight as a sitting president. But Pacquiao stayed noncommittal. Either way, we are a whole heck of a lot closer to the end than the beginning of Pacquiao's incredible boxing journey, which makes this week that much more worth celebrating that he's still at it making big fights on the sport's grandest of stages, even though he and Mayweather have long handed off the baton to Canelo Alvarez as the biggest face of boxing's current era.  
5. There's no shortage of huge fights remaining if Pacquiao still wants them 
Spence's eye injury, just two years removed from miraculously surviving a dangerous car accident, certainly creates some questions regarding his future. Given Pacquiao's equal level of uncertainty due to age, the biggest lament of seeing Pacquiao-Spence fall apart this weekend is the fear that the window for this action-packed fight may have closed right before our eyes. But boxing fans have learned time and again to never say never and if Pacquiao can prove against Ugas that he's still got it and desires to keep making the biggest fights available, his options will be overflowing. Being the rare network and promotional free agent helps Pacquiao huge in this case. Not only would welterweight fights against Spence, Crawford, Porter, Ortiz, Danny Garcia, Mikey Garcia or a rematch with Thurman be huge, there's a new crop in waiting of young fighters in and around 135 pounds who appear poised to take over the sport in the coming years. Imagining Pacquiao welcoming the likes of Gervonta Davis, Teofimo Lopez Jr., Ryan Garcia or Devin Haney for a dramatic move up two divisions to challenge him is a mouth-watering proposition for fans.  
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juviin · 4 years
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Here’s literally all the rosie lore. 
(template 1) (template 2)
Name: Rosemary Nare Etana Alias: Ro, Rose, Rosie Personality: Rosemary is very open about her emotions. She takes a while to warm up to people, but when she does, she loves people very strongly. Relatives: Father (estranged), Mother (deceased), 4 older siblings, 2 younger siblings. Status: Alive Species: Human Gender: cis female Age: 19 Eyes: Gold Hair: Pink Appearance: Rosemary is 5′5 and has short pink hair. She has two scars, one along her back and one on her lower right abdomen. She also has a tattoo on her calf of a lily. Birthday: July 30th Constellation: Leo Height: 5′5″ or 165 cm Blood Type: O Occupation: Magic Knight -Squad: Black Bulls Country: Clover Affinity: Lava Magic (On a scale of 0-10: 0 being terrible and 10 being the best) Physical Strength 5/10 Magic Amount 7/10 Magic Control 9/10 Magic Sensing 6/10 Cleverness 9/10 Growth 8/10 Equipment: none
(this next one is all in first person which i am NOT used to writing in but...)
Part 1: The Basics
What is your full name?--Rosemary Nare Etana
Where and when were you born?--I was born on July 30th in a large city in the Common Realm, however we moved to a small town shortly after I was born.
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)--
Lily Etana was my mother’s name. She worked several jobs while raising us, like waitressing and being a maid. She was very kind too, but a lot of people took advantage of her for that. I guess that’s why Val and I have taken to being aggressive about how we feel, and aggressive in sticking up for her. When I was 12, an assassin killed her and gave me the scar across my back. I’m sure he was sent by my grandparents, but they played the fool and even sent an advisor to her funeral. Since then, that advisor has scheduled meetings with me monthly to make sure I haven’t told anyone.
My father’s name is Andranik Typhos the fourth? something like that, but I don’t know very much about him. I know he’s a noble, but I’ve never met him. I don’t hear that many complaints about him, and Mother says he was a wonderful gentleman, but I’ve met his parents, and I find it hard to believe that they would raise a lovely son.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?--I have four! On my mom’s side, at least.
Valerian is the oldest. He’s sixteen years older than me, so he’s a lot more mature than me, and very protective of us younger siblings. He has three kids, too, and his wife is Eli’s cousin. They have been married since I was only three, so she’s been in our lives forever. The two of them basically became my parents after our mother died, so I couldn’t be more grateful to them.
Then is Dahlia. Dahlia is 12 years older than me. She’s very calm, and there have been more than a few times where Valerian has been freaking out and Dahlia always keeps her cool and fixes the problem. She’s the best at makeup.
Basil is in the direct middle, and they’re 9 years older than me. They are very energetic and mischievous. I don’t think Basil wants a spouse, but they’re very dedicated to their craft. I blame them for the multiple scams of my father’s estate, but who’s complaining? Basil also has a scar along  their right cheek, running from their nose to their chin
Azalea is the closest to my age, she’s 25. She’s a lot like our mom. She treats everyone with kindness, but I worry about people taking advantage of her for that.
Also, I know that my father has two children younger than me with his wife, but I’ve never met them and I probably never will.
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.--I live with the Black Bulls! The base is really crazy and always changing, but there’s always something going on, so everyday is fun.
What is your occupation?--I’m a Magic Knight, but I have also worked some other jobs in the past.
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks--I’m 5′5, and around 150lbs. My skin is pale, so I tend to burn very easily, and my eyes are yellow and my hair is pink. I like to wear warm colors and clothes that aren’t very tight, as well as boots. I have two large scars, one is about three inches and is a slash along my stomach, while the other one is about eight inches long and runs across my upper back, both from assassination attempts. I try to hide both of them. I also have one tattoo on my lower calf, so it’s usually covered.
To which social class do you belong?--I believe I’m considered a commoner. I likely wouldn’t be considered a noble unless something happened to my father’s legitimate children, though I have no interest in being taken in by his family. 
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?—I get nosebleeds often because of an injury when i was younger. 
Are you right- or left-handed?—right handed
What does your voice sound like?—If I had to describe it, I’d say it’s medium in pitch and kind of airy. 
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?--nothing particularly?
What do you have in your pockets?—um. a handful of flowers, a pocket watch, and assorted candies. 
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?—I sometimes bite my nails. 
Part 2: Growing Up
How would you describe your childhood in general?--Average for the most part, I’d say. I had a loving mother and 4 great siblings. Still, my mother’s death hit all of us very hard.
What is your earliest memory?--Sadly, my first assassination attempt. That one was when I was around five and it was sent by my father’s family. It gave me the scar on my stomach, and also gave Basil the scar on their face from them protecting me.
How much schooling have you had?--I went to the small schoolhouse in town up until I was 12, and then I started going less so I could work more. 
Did you enjoy school?--I enjoyed learning, but I’ve found that I learn more outside of school.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?--I learned basic first aid and how to identify certain plants and herbs from my siblings. I mostly learned battle from experience and assassins.
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.—my siblings, especially Basil
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?--We all got along very well as kids, though they were all a lot older than me so that did strain our relationships a bit, especially as the youngest.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?--As a child I wanted to work in medicine, even though my magic is ill suited for it. I only decided that I wanted to become a Magic Knight after my mother’s death.
As a child, what were your favorite activities?—i used to love helping my mother garden. 
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?--I cried a lot more than I do now. I was always scared, as I knew from a young age that my father’s parents wanted me dead.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?--My only friend was really Eli, but she hung out with all the kids from town, so i vaguely knew them.
When and with whom was your first kiss?--also Eli, when we were about 12 and 13.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?--I’m not. After Eli left town I kind of lost myself for the next two years until I became a knight. 
Part 3: Past Influences
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?--My mother's death perhaps?
Who has had the most influence on you?--Eli. I think if not for her, I would be a very different person.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?--The amount of nobles I’ve insulted to their faces on official magic knight business.
What is your greatest regret?--being born.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?--I don’t think I’ve ever done anything “evil”, only some malicious things, but I don’t regret them.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?--No, but I probably should for extortion.
When was the time you were the most frightened?--The first attempt on my life.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?--My elder brother catching me lying about my profession. 
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?—i would be stronger. 
What is your best memory?—probably the first few months with the black bulls. It was genuine happiness for the first time in a while. 
What is your worst memory?—the aftermath of my mother’s death. I don’t remember the actual event, some mix of trauma and head injuries, but I do remember the weeks following. 
Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?—i think i’m more pessimistic, but i'm trying to be an optimist. 
What is your greatest fear?--My greatest fear is once again being too weak to protect the people that I love. 
What are your religious views?--I’m not religious.
What are your political views?--I think that the Clover Kingdom’s nobility is corrupt, and the whole system needs to be fixed.
What are your views on sex?--I think nothing much of it. 
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?--I think I’m a hypocrite on this. I think killing is unacceptable, but I wouldn’t hesitate to kill the people that harm the ones I love. 
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?--In my opinion, the most evil thing one can do is to habitually hurt and abuse others.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?--No. I don’t think that anything like that is real.
What do you believe makes a successful life?--I think that money plays a large part of success. 
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?--Very open. My emotions are very easily read.
Do you have any biases or prejudices?--Yeah i hate nobles. 
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?--I try to stay out of the public eye as best I can. I also refuse to do jobs near my grandparents’ home. 
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?--Finral or Eli. I’d do anything for them.
Part 5: Relationships With Others
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?—I try to keep people at a distance, but when I become close to someone, they become one of my People. I’d do anything for the people I’m close to. 
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?--Right now, it’s probably Eli or Finral. They’ve positively affected me in more ways than I can count.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?—Captain Yami is the person I respect the most. Joining the Black Bulls changed my life so much for the better, and I’m so grateful that he gave me that opportunity.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people—Eli is my best friend. She’s loud and always smiling, but I worry about her. I’m also pretty close to Magna.  He’s a great friend and brings out my mischievous side more. 
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.--Finral is great. He’s a little goofy, but he is very loyal and loving. 
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.--I think I’m in love right now. 
How close are you to your family?--I’m very close to my older siblings.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?--No. I think I’d like to at some point be a mother, but not for a while longer. 
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?--I think I would find it hard to turn to anyone, but if I was so desperate, probably Eli or Magna. I’m too afraid to show Finral my weakness. 
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?--No. I need to be strong enough to protect myself. 
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?--I think that the bulls would. 
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?--My father. My mother spoke kindly of him, but he abandoned her. 
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?--I argue more.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?—depends who I'm with, but I’m more likely to take a leadership role.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?—I’d prefer a smaller group, personally, but i’m not bad with large groups. 
Do you care what others think of you?—yes. immensely 
Part 6: Likes And Dislikes
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?--I enjoy reading romance novels, and spending time in nature. Flower fields remind me of home and give me comfort. 
What is your most treasured possession?—my pocket watch. my mother gave it to me, since it was a gift to her from my father. 
What is your favorite color?—i like warm pale yellow
What is your favorite food?—I like crepes!
What, if anything, do you like to read?—I like to read romance. 
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?--I enjoy reading. On days off, I often spend hours at a time sitting outside and reading.
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?—I generally don’t, but I will drink sometimes. I probably drink an average amount. 
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?—generally hanging around the Bulls hideout. If I have a day off I often go visit home to see my mother’s grave and give her flowers. 
What makes you laugh?—My squadmates! I’ve been told my sense of humor is bad..
What, if anything, shocks or offends you?--I hate the prejudices of the Clover nobles.
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?—When that happens (because it has before) I will usually walk around the base, sometimes I eat a snack. I also like to head outside and look at the stars when I can’t sleep. 
How do you deal with stress?—I will usually end up letting it out, whether emotionally or magically. I don't like to bottle things up. 
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?—I prefer having a plan. 
What are your pet peeves?—people talking over others. 
Part 7: Self Images And Etc.
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?--I wake up at about 7 every morning, and get ready for the day. If I have a mission, I’ll leave for it early. On days I don’t have a mission, I will either go visit my mother’s grave or go see my grandparents or their advisor.
What is your greatest strength as a person?--I’d say my strength is supporting people. And also throwing lava. 
What is your greatest weakness?--I lie a bit too much, and I am a bit indifferent towards people I don’t care about.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?--I would want to be more caring. 
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?--I’d say introvert.
Are you generally organized or messy?--Organized. I don’t like disorder.
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.--I’m good at lying, cleaning, and fighting. I’m bad at controlling my emotions, sewing, and cooking.
Do you like yourself?--No, I really don’t. 
What are your reasons for being a magic knight*? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…)--I am a magic knight because I want to protect people. 
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?--I want to heal from my past. 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?--I hope to still be a Magic Knight, and hopefully a higher rank.
If you could choose, how would you want to die?--I would want to die swiftly if I could choose.
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.--I would try to isolate myself from the people I love, so that they wouldn’t have to deal with grief. I think I would generally be calm.
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?--I want to be remembered for my strength. 
What three words best describe your personality?--open. loyal. decisive.
What three words would others probably use to describe you?--Rosie is loyal, smart, and loving!!-Eli
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I HAVE FINISHED TURQUOISE’S INFO (her name is now Jessamine)!
Also heres a link to the song “The Last Revolver” by Mothy, though note this is a cover with a newer version of Gumi’s voicebank, and this is also a fanmade PV remake of the original PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xsdMtgEJEg 
This song is directly responsible for giving me the inspiration to make Jessamine. uwu
Also ignore the weird spacing I made this in google docs originally and apparently it decided to copy paste like that and im too lazy to fix it oof also its kind of long sooo oof.
like…2398 words long ;-;
I suggest you listen to “The Last Revolver” whilst reading this. idk gives mood lol
Name: Jessamine ‘Jess’ Belle 
 Aliases (If Any): Evera (Assassin Name)
 Age: 20 (On Liam’s Death)
24 (Currently)
 Date of Birth/Birthday: Day 31 of Aria’s Star, 2045 T.C. (the equivalent of December 31st)
 Zodiac: Sagittarius 
 Status: Alive
 Species: Human
 Height: 5'0 (152 Centimeters)
 Ethnicity: Mijean
 Relatives: Unnamed Mother✝
Unnamed Father✝
Liam Adelson (Fiance)✝
 Birth Place: Collapsed Kingdom of Mijea, Theda
 Nationality/Current Residence: Mariah Empire, Theda
 Religion (Which Goddess Do they Worship?): None
 Occupation: Assassin Employed By Kiara Malories (Formerly)
Wandering Gunner
 Affiliations: Kiara Malories (Formerly)
Kingdom of Mijea (Formerly)
Personality (In Phrases): Uptight, Cold, Adorable (According to Liam), Secretly Really Kind, Just Kind of Quiet, Stubborn, Was Kind of Clingy To Liam Due To Having Literally Nobody Else, Her Parents Died In The Mercenian Invasion of The Kingdom of Mijea In 2062, And She Had Basically No Friends, So Liam Became Her Rock, She’s Still In Mourning, She’s Extremely Suicidal, Pretty Unstable, Has A Temper
 Marital Status: Engaged To Liam Adelson (Formerly)
 Sexuality: Heterosexual
 Likes: Her Revolver, Macarons, Liam, Cherry Blossoms, Hummingbirds, Butterflies, The Color Purple, People Who Don’t Get In Her Way of Revenge
 Dislikes: Spicy Foods, Her Height, Kiara Malories, Mercenians, The State of Mercenia, Killing For No Reason (Developed After Liam’s Death), The Ocean (She Doesn’t Know How To Swim), People Who Do Get In Her Way of Revenge, Anyone Who Tells Her Suicide Doesn’t Solve Anything, Anyone Who Tells Her She Doesn’t Need To Get Revenge, Anyone Who Claims Liam Wouldn’t Want Her To Do [Anything Under The Sun]
 Role: Secondary Character
Debut: Undecided
 Random Facts: 
Her smile is absolutely beautiful to see. However, she hasn’t smiled since her fiance, Liam, died.
She’s one of the last pure Mijeans still alive, as most were slaughtered in the Mercenian Invasion of 2062 T.C. in a genocidal sort of fashion. There are an estimated 500 Mijeans still walking the planet, and likely a lot more half-Mijeans exist than pure Mijeans.
The revolver she currently uses is a very expensive, efficient one that is very rare, which Liam gave to her for her birthday a few hours before she realized she had to kill him. 
Jess is the definition of a person who gets really, adorably mad if you dare mention how short she is. 
Liam was 6'0, a full 12 inches taller than Jess. You can bet that Liam teased her about it constantly. 
Liam often picked up Jess in order to kiss her without hurting his neck. It wasn’t very hard since she’s fairly light. She was a flustered mess about it constantly.
When they first met, Jess didn’t tell Liam her real name on the spot, instead telling him her assassin name, Everina. He called her Ever most of the time, and when she confessed to him, that was when she told him her real name. He still called her Ever sometimes, but usually only if they were (for any reason) in public.
Very rarely, Liam called Jess “Mina”, which was a nickname he alone used for her. He only called her that during extremely personal, special moments (e.g. first kiss, kisses in general, making love, and when Jess had to kill him)
It’s very easy to fluster Jess, usually, just give her a peck on the cheek or her lips, or pick her up, and she’ll get flustered immediately.
Jess’s most sensitive spot is the right side of her neck, like sort of between her neck and shoulder. Liam used this to his advantage ;3
Jess is extremely ticklish on her sides, but nowhere else.
Jess’s favorite season is Spring due to it being when she met Liam, and her least favorite is Winter due to it being the season where she had to kill Liam.
Jess dreads and just plain old hates her birthday as her birthday doubles as the day where she had to kill Liam. 
The only reason Jess hasn’t killed herself yet is that she feels she needs to kill Kiara first as vengeance for Liam. She plans to kill herself immediately afterward.
Jess plans to give Kiara an extremely painful, long death.
Jess is terrifying when she is determined to kill someone. Seriously, don’t get in her way. Else you’ll be killed too.
Jess’s favorite things about Liam according to her was his blue eyes and his dark, maroonish hair. His eyes because to her they were beautiful and she loved staring into them, his hair because it was extremely soft. 
Jess is a total bottom 99% of the time…except one time when Liam let her top.
Liam constantly attempted to make Jess laugh, which was usually successful whether his joke was good or not, most times she laughed because his jokes were just stupid but in a funny way
Liam is 3 years older than Jess, being 22 when they met in 2064 T.C. and 23 when he died in 2065 T.C. as he was born on Day 13 of Ayja’s Star/September 13th, 2042 T.C.
Jess’s situation is a bit similar to Cora Hallow’s, as Jess lost everything she loved and became a wandering gunner, and swore revenge upon the person responsible, where Cora lost her entire family (supposedly) in the fire of Saseraia and swore revenge upon Nymeria believing her to be the one responsible; The fact that actually Jess is descended from a bastard line (descended of a bastard child of one of Cora’s descendants- also can I just say, Cora had one biological child, a daughter, who was conceived using early, experimental artificial insemination technologies and paved the way for refinement of such technologies for same-sex couples- it’s not that important but I wanted to mention it cus why not) of Cora makes it kind of ironic because history is sort of repeating itself in a way. 
The reason Liam was targeted by Kiara was that he found out what Kiara was through overhearing her talking to someone at his police station, and due to that, she wanted him dead because he was also getting in her way by rescuing some of the other people she wanted dead or killing the criminals she wanted to recruit. He was also planning to reveal to the world what she was.
Backstory: Jessamine “Jess” Belle was born the only child of a pair of general store owners in the Kingdom of Mijea on the coldest day of the year. Jess’s childhood is relatively uneventful, until when she was 17 in 2062 T.C., when the State of Mercenia invaded the Kingdom of Mijea, looking to absorb it into its territory as it was falling into chaos anyway. Jess’s parents die helping Jess escape. She flees the country and ends up passing out on the border of the Kingdom of Lavinia, being found by Kiara Malories (who is really just Aya having possessed Nymeria’s body and using the body appearance changing spell that was within Nymeria’s ability pool to make herself look different), who takes her in, on the condition,  however, that Jess becomes an assassin working for her. Having basically no other choice, Jess agrees and is taught how to use a gun by another assassin in Kiara’s employ, as it turns out Kiara had a whole group of assassins and other people working for her for vastly different reasons. Jess begins her work as an assassin for Kiara by killing about 40~ people within the next 2 years (20 per year).
 On the first day of spring (Day 1 of Xomura’s Star/February 1st, Note The Calendar of This World Is Different In Which The Year Starts In April Instead of January And Thus Ends In March) of 2064 T.C. Jess goes to a small hill with a cherry blossom tree on it, which was a spot she loved to go to think about everything. However, that day was different in a significant way: Jess met a tall man with maroon hair and eyes. She indulged him with some idle chatter, telling him her name was Everina when asked. As he talked (and flirted a bit) with her, she learned his name was Liam and that like her, he was one of the survivors of the Mercenian Invasion of 2062, but that he was spared only because he was not Mijean, rather, he was from Aleon, at least, he was born there, but his parents moved to the Kingdom of Mijea when he was young. Jess also learns he is a police officer, and due to that remains cautious of him, always being prepared to kill him in case he ever suddenly turned on her. However, as they continued to meet up together at that cherry blossom tree, Jess steadily began to trust him.
 In Summer (Day 28 of Kaila’s Star/August 28th; Summer Starts On June 20th/Day 20 of Eros’s Star In This World; Also The Year Is Now 2065 T.C. As April Has Passed), Jess was invited by Liam to a “date” according to him, though she chalked it up to him just flirting with her yet again, but accepted the invitation anyway. He took her to a park where together they watched a meteor shower that only happened once every 460 years, and that the last time this meteor shower happened was around when Archbishop Briella, the first archbishop under the new government system and after the Second Great Theda Civil War, was on her death bed. After the meteor shower was over, Liam confessed that he had fallen in love with Jess, and conflicted, Jess asked him to give her some time to think. After a few days of thinking, Jess realized she had fallen for Liam as well, and asked him to meet her under the same cherry blossom tree that had met at originally, and when they both arrived, she confessed to him that she had fallen in love with him as well. She also told him that she had lied to him about her name, as she didn’t trust him originally, and revealed to him her real name was Jessamine or Jess for short. Liam, overwhelmed with joy, picked her up and kissed her, calling her “Mina” for the first time, and over time it evolved into a special nickname that only he was allowed to call her. Liam also laughed when he saw Jess’s extremely flustered face after he kissed her.
 In Autumn, Jess and Liam’s relationship truly blossomed, and mid-way through the season, they made love for the first time. And, mid-way through the last month of the season, Harmonia’s Star, Liam proposed to her, and Jess accepted. However, near the end of the season, Jess learned her next target was a man named Liam Adelson. While she was distressed at first at seeing the name “Liam”, she calmed herself by telling herself that the Liam she was engaged to and Liam Adelson must be different people- but deep inside there was a feeling of dread that told her that the two Liams were the same person.
 In Winter, Jess asked Liam what his last name was, and he said he’d tell her if she told him hers, and she agreed. He revealed that his last name was Adelson, and in shock, she slowly said her last name was Belle before collapsing onto her knees, breaking into tears. Liam asked what was wrong but she fled not even a minute later. For the next month, she avoided Liam as much as possible, but eventually, he found her back at the cherry blossom tree they met at together all the time in mid Aria’s Star (December). Jess revealed that she was actually an assassin and that all the murders that had been happening had been her and her colleagues working. She told him she didn’t have a choice because she had nowhere else to go. She had been lying to her colleagues that she hadn’t been able to find him anywhere and that’s what it was taking so long to kill him because she desperately didn’t want to kill him. Before Liam could say another word Jess fled once again. On the 31st of Aria’s Star (December 31st), Liam got Jess a gift: a very rare, very efficient revolver, having known she had a fascination with revolvers and had planned to buy herself one. While she had originally claimed she was going to use it for self-defense, Liam knew she was likely using it to kill people. Liam managed to find Jess under the cherry blossom tree yet again, presented to her his gift. When she asked why he had gotten her a revolver, Liam told her to kill him with it. It was made to kill people as quickly as possible. He had even gotten her bullets. He told her that he didn’t want her to lose her home, or neglect what she had to do. In tears, Jess told him she didn’t want to kill him and even suggested they just run away, but Liam told her that there were others after him and that he would likely die anyway, so if he was going to die, he wanted it to be by her hand. Before Jess could say another word he picked her up and kissed her. When he finally broke the kiss, he quickly grabbed Jess’s revolver, knowing she would be unable to gain the courage to shoot him, and shot himself for her, his last words being “I love you, Mina.”
 That day, Jess ran away from Kiara and swore revenge against her. 
And to this day, in the year 2070 T.C., she still looks to do that, waiting for the day she can kill Kiara and then kill herself so she can be reunited with Liam. 
— Submission
Ah, yes, holding the gun that tilts the fate of the universe. Gumi songs always tend to have a really specific note to them and this one assuredly is wild and a lot to take in when you listen to it in the context of the Villainious series. Glad to see it play out, though. I think there’s something bittersweet about how she was forced to do this, but her love stopped her from having to stain her hands with his blood. Him taking the shot himself implies that he loves her enough to die for her if he must. 
It’s upsetting that there was no way out. But, pain and grief in stories like this provide an arc for a character to follow and deal with, and perhaps her story will not entirely end in misery, but peace and resolution of the fate that she’s been dealt and what it means to be okay with where you’re heading and what you’ve been forced through. 
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