#the one with ross' library book
Chandler Bing Holding Monica Geller's Face
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being the kind of person I am is already not good for my heart. but reading books?? that muscle is doomed
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Orc Me Baby One More Time
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A 2 Star read for me | It was alright. A short read of you need to reach your reading goal but not a masterpiece
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blairstales · 2 years
How To Get Free Books On Folklore
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I do not believe in gatekeeping knowledge, so this post will be sharing how I get all my folklore books for free, legally.
To explain, when a book gets over a certain age and the copyright is not upkept, it falls under “public domain.” When that happens, many different websites will provide those books as a free download.
This is not restricted to one type of book, either. You can grab anything from Sherlock Holmes to history books, to folklore, and more.
If you are looking for a specific book, you may have to check more than one source, so I suggest bookmarking more than one website.
Example Websites:
Internet Archive
Project Gutenberg
Google Books
Open Library
Electric Scotland (Scottish books)
Sacred Texts
National Library of Scotland: Ossain Collection
Forgotten Books
For me when I download a book, I then upload them to my Google library so that I can use the search functions as well as bring up the books anywhere, but a popular PC option isCalibre.
If you are interested in Scotland-specific folklore, I do have some suggestions of books you can start with.
Scottish Folklore Books:
(link) A Dictionary of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, and Other Supernatural Creatures by Katharine Briggs (1976)
(link) Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs by James M. Mackinlay (1893)
(link) Superstitions of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland by John Gregorson Campbell (1900)
(link) The Peat-Fire Flame: Folk-Tales and Traditions of the Highlands and Islands by Alasdair Alpin MacGregor (1937)
(link) Notes on Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland by Walter Gregor, M.A. (1881)
(link) The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries by W.Y. Evans-Wentz (1911)
(link) Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western District of Scotland by J. Maxwell Wood (1911)
(link) Witchcraft & Second Sight in the Highlands & Islands of Scotland by John Gregorson Campbell (1902)
(link) Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs by James M. Mackinlay (1893)
(link) Folk-Lore From The West of Ross-Shire by C.M. Robertson (1908)
(link) The Fairy Mythology / Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries by Thomas Keightley (1850)
(link) Popular Tales of the West Highlands by John Francis Campbell (1862)
(link) Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales by Sir George Douglas
(link) The Scottish Fairy Book By Elizabeth W. Grierson (1918)
(link) Popular Superstitions of the Highlands By W Grant Stewart (1823)
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jesslovesboats · 1 year
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BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT, I'm back with more Sad Boat Books for Sad Boat People! But first, some words.
I never dreamed that a silly little graphic I made for some friends would generate this much response on twitter and here, but I'm overjoyed that it resonated with so many of you! I read every single comment and tag, and by far my favorites are all of the people who say some variation of "I thought I was the only one who loved these books." We are NOT alone, there are literally thousands of people who reblogged or retweeted this list-- people of all ages and backgrounds and gender identities. Sad Boat isn't just for old white men! I was also delighted to hear from other librarians who are using this in displays and for reader's advisory. PLEASE go forth and do so with my blessing, nothing would make me happier! I was recently laid off from my librarian job as part of a restructuring under new management (don't worry about me, it sucks right now but I'm gonna be fine), so I would love to think that I'm still contributing to the library ecosystem while I'm out of commission. I would also love to keep making these lists (including one that deals with Sad Boat fiction and one with recommendations for other types of media), and I've never had more time to do it, so if you have suggestions, please drop them in my inbox!
Anyway, enough of that-- here are more books! I've either read all of these, or the recommendation came from someone I trust, so read with confidence!
First Hand Accounts
The Quiet Land: The Antarctic Diaries of Frank Debenham edited by June Debenham Back
The Voyage of the Discovery by Robert Falcon Scott
Farthest North by Fridtjof Nansen
Endurance by F.A. Worsley
Boats boats boats!
Franklin's Lost Ship: The Historic Discovery of HMS Erebus by Alanna Mitchell and John Geiger
The Voyages of the Discovery: The Illustrated History of Scott's Ship by Ann Savours
HMS Terror: The Design, Fitting, and Voyages of a Polar Discovery Ship by Matthew Betts
The SS Terra Nova (1884-1943): Whaler, Sealer, and Polar Exploration Ship by Michael C. Tarver
You'll learn about the Ross Sea Party and you'll like it
Shackleton's Heroes by Wilson McOrist
Shackleton’s Forgotten Men: The Untold Tragedy of the Endurance Epic by Lennard Bickel
The Ross Sea Shore Party 1914-1917 by R.W. Richards
The Lost Men by Kelly Tyler-Lewis*
Polar Castaways by Richard McElrea and David Harrowfield*
*These were on my other list, but this is my graphic and I'll do what I want
Sad Airships and Planes
From Pole to Pole: Roald Amundsen's Journey in Flight by Garth James Cameron
N-4 Down: The Hunt for the Arctic Airship Italia by Mark Piesing
Antarctica's Lost Aviator by Jeff Maynard
Disaster at the Pole: The Tragedy of the Airship Italia and the 1928 Nobile Expedition to the North Pole by Wilbur Cross
More Shackleton Content
Shackleton: A Life in Poetry by Jim Mayer
Shackleton's Last Voyage by Frank Wild
The Quest Chronicle: The Story of the Shackleton-Rowett Expedition by Jan Chojecki
Shackleton's Forgotten Expedition: The Voyage of the Nimrod by Beau Riffenburgh
Polar Partners
Snow Widows by Katherine MacInnes
Polar Wives: The Remarkable Women Behind the World's Most Daring Explorers by Kari Herbert
Widows of the Ice by Anne Fletcher
Sad Boat Graphic Novels
Shackleton: Antarctic Odyssey by Nick Bertozzi
The Worst Journey in the World- The Graphic Novel Volume 1: Making Our Easting Down adapted by Sarah Airriess from the book by Apsley Cherry-Garrard*
How To Survive in the North by Luke Healy
*This was also on my other list, but this is my graphic and I'll do what I want
Scott of the Antarctic by David Crane
Ice Captain: The Life of J.R. Stenhouse by Stephen Haddelsey
Cherry: A Life of Apsley Cherry-Garrard by Sara Wheeler
Birdie Bowers: Captain Scott's Marvel by Anne Strathie
Roald Amundsen by Tor Bomann-Larsen
Miscellaneous sad boat books that are well worth your time
I May Be Some Time: Ice and the English Imagination by Francis Spufford
Fatal North: Adventure and Survival Aboard USS Polaris, The First US Expedition to the North Pole by Bruce Henderson
Barrow's Boys: A Stirring Story of Daring, Fortitude, and Outright Lunacy by Fergus Fleming
Pilgrims on the Ice by T.H. Baughman
The Coldest Crucible: Arctic Exploration and American Culture by Michael F. Robinson
Ghosts of Cape Sabine by Leonard F. Guttridge
Icebound: Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World by Andrea Pitzer
If you read and enjoy any of these, please let me know!
EDITED TO ADD: OG Sad Boat Books post here!
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l0ves1ckf0ol · 2 years
OUT OF MY LEAGUE | rowan x gn!reader
"rowan was sure he was going crazy, who was he to assume, you were out of his league. "
disclaimer: this is a rollercoster of emotions i just rlly am a simp for calum ross (hes so cute ibwanna cry)
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rowan was no school jock, no teenage prodigy, nor did he have the best social skills. he was a nobody and below that and he was fine with that. the one who always got picked on, the one who no one bats an eye at, the one who's ignored. you, on the other hand- the complete opposite.
you weren't bianca level popular, you just knew a lot of people, and got along with everyone. you were also the one who started the glee club, bianca was the one who's in charge of all the choir activities. you were only interested in rocking away with your guitar.
you were in the library, chatting and gossiping with your friends, instead of studying for a test. rowan was reading a book he was given to by principal weems, he had another episode at the quad last week, since his powers tend to go out of hand when in distress, it was a book on how to maintain calm.
you noticed this as you had the same interest in rowan than you'd never admit. not that you were ashamed, you wanted to have a little slowburn with him after all.
both of you weren't interactive a lot, but you always sat next to him in thornhill's class because no one wouldn't, to him you were out of his league, he thought he sat next to you because you felt pity. your reason was far from it though, you couldn't care less about how smart he was in this class, people thought you only sat next to him because you needed to raise your grades, but no, in fact you couldn't care less for the class itself.
you could stare at him all day whilst he explains plant biology over and over again, with those pretty lips. the both of you had also noticed that you can't take your eyes off of each other. rowan was sure he was going crazy, who was he to assume, you were out of his league.
so once your friends left you hurried next to him, pretending to read a book, when really it was upside down and you didn't even notice cause you were busy peaking through his hair that pretty much covered the sideview if his eyes.
rowan's eyes flicked towards your direction so quickly you jumped in your seat, "your book is upside down." he says adjusting the rim of his glasses, closing the book and putting it down the table.
you chuckle nervously and placed the book beside his, "so i um..." you trail off, trying to air out the awkwardness, he stares at you blankly. "about outreach day, do you think there should be a choir or a live band at the town park?" you asked him, he pursed his lips and thought for a while. "i mean we did do choir last year, i haven't heard you sing live so live band sounds a lot cooler." he tells you, keeping his cool.
"cool, cool." you mumble out as you lay your head at the table, still looking at him, he's both confused and flustered. why were you looking at him like that, a gaze of longing and more so you didn't stare straight into his eyes. he noticed that you were eyeing his lips.
"what is it?" rowan chuckles nervously, feeling the blood rushing towards his cheeks.
"nothing. you're just nice to stare at." you winked at him, his cheeks turned to an even deeper crimson. "wh-what?"
you sat on the table and smirked at him, lifting his chin up towards you by your index finger. "i only personally invite people i like to my performances, i'd see you there right?" you told him, he widened his eyes and his breth hitched, eyes on you. "sure, y-yeah..." he fumbles. "yeah?" you test him, a glint in your eyes he can tell how much it meant.
"yes, of course y/n." rowan repeated and he was surprised that your arms flew around his neck, squeezing him tight. "thank you!" you lengthen the last letter as he hugs you back, rubbing your back whilst doing it. you pull away and smiled at him, hopping down from the table and about to go out the library, rowan only watched you still dazed from the interaction. once you reached the door, you turned around, "oh and just in case you didn't catch the hint- i've liked you ever since the start of the school!"
then you left, rowan's heart was quickening and the butterflies in his stomach, his red cheeks- it never left. how could you leave him like that? so flustered he could barely even move, frozen to the spot still cannot fathom those words. "I've liked you ever since the start of the school."
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stealingyourbones · 3 months
Ok! You've convinced me! If I want to be part of this community, I should explore the source material. I don't know if I'll like the artform, but if nothing else it's a cultural juggernaut I can research. My mom grew up watching Batman the Animated series, so I know that's an entry point I can try out, but I do like webcomics and manga, so I know that I might like comics better. It's an odd criteria, but is there a batman comic I can start with that's aesthetically pleasing?
Ooo aesthetically pleasing? That’s one I haven’t heard before. I’ll throw you a handful of choices of my favorite pretty comics!
Also I do 100% reccomend Batman The Animated Series which is my favorite interpretation of Batman to this day as it is for many, that and Justice League and Justice League United are WONDERFUL gateways too! (My favorite animated DC series of the time is Superman The Animated Series tied with BtAS)
I always recommend in order: Batman Year One, Batman Long Halloween, and Batman Dark Victory as it’s how I got into Batman in the first place and it’s a pretty good jumping off point. They also have movies of all 3.
mAN ok this is hard because aesthetic comics are SUCH a personal preference. Comic artists will constantly change around all the time. The current Batman/Superman Worlds Finest comic run is INCREDIBLY aesthetically pleasing and pretty as it’s drawn by Dan Mora so that could be a good go to.
- The Dark Knight Returns. It’s has a very fun gritty artstyle that I adore and it’s a comic that changed comics as we know it.
- Batman Universe is a wonderfully fun comic and his artstyle is fun so definitely check that one out.
- All Star Superman (2005-2008) has… ok artwork. But you get used to it and it’s story is one of the best written for Superman modern day.
- JLA Tower of Babel. Art is nice and the story is about Batman’s contingencies falling into the wrong hands. Good shit
Onto some Elseworld stories that aren’t canon but I LOVE the artstyles:
- Batman White Knight’s artstyle is BEAUTIFUL but isn’t a very good interpretation for your first time reading comics as it isn’t normal characterization of everyone.
- Batman Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth drawn by Dave McKean. It isn’t my favorite comic with it’s very edgy “hey what if batman is insane” (which yeah no shit he is insane) but the artstyle is uncanny and disturbing and beautiful.
- Kingdom Come. You have to know a bit about comics beforehand, I’d just recommend reading an article or blogpost critiquing 90s comic books, and behold the genuine beauty and glory that is this story. Painted by Alex Ross it’s one of the most beautiful comics out there.
They’re available online, your local library, or at your local comic shop! I hope you have a blast checking out the cool things comics have to offer!
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kscheibles · 1 year
fall rendezvous (college bf! au)
content warnings: f! reader, fluff, smut, unprotected p in v sex, oral sex f! receiving
word count: 2.2k
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The crisp morning air bites at your nose as you walk across campus after your 8 a.m. discussion class. You’re not used to New England weather; the chilly air causes your nose to run even when you’re bundled up in sweatshirts and coats as you are now. Matty makes fun of you every time, but his actions betray his true feelings. He always takes the opportunity to hold your hands in his and breathe hot air onto them. He likes being your solace. Your comfort.
As a matter of fact, that’s what you need him for now. Chase, the obnoxious legacy student in your Art History section, was insistent on devaluing the thematic interests of indigenous artists. Unfortunately, you’d had to take matters into your own hands when the TA looked as if it was too early for her to put a stop to his bullshit for the third time this semester. You’d ripped him a new one, but as a result, you were now simultaneously riled up, tired, and in need of a comforting hug from your boyfriend. You lug your book bag across the quad, texting Matty when you’re finally near his dorm.
You wait a few moments at the door, still reeling. As soon as the door swings open, revealing Matty’s crooked, slept-on curls and perfect, knowing smile, you can feel the anxiety in your body ease up. You run into him, almost knocking him off his feet as his arms come around to envelop you. The smell of his cologne and detergent and sleep fill your nose and seep into your brain, relaxing you like a drug. It’s instant with him. He gets into your bloodstream. 
“Mornin’ darlin’,” he mumbles into your ear. You smile into his navy hoodie, looking up into his sleepy eyes.
“Mornin’,” you coo. Matty grabs your hand and leads you up the stairs, unlocking his door and letting you in. You’re greeted by the smell of fresh coffee. Matty goes over to the coffee pot and pours you a mug as you toss your bookbag on the floor and take your shoes and socks off. You survey the place, taking inventory of the two beds, one belonging to his roommate, Ross, who has a 9 a.m. lab. He won’t be back for hours, bless him. Matty’s bed is at a different height than usual. He’s lowered it a bit, for god knows what reason. You chalk it up to a manic ADHD episode where he decided he had to rearrange his room in order to do his homework properly – you know this kind of thing isn’t uncommon for him. You love the ways in which his brain is different from yours. He sees and gets excited by things you never could and you admire him endlessly for it.
“What’s with the bed?” you ask as Matty passes you a mug of steaming coffee. You take another whiff – hazelnut, he must have gotten a new blend to mark the beginning of fall – before sipping on it, feeling it ground you back to reality. Matty quirks his eyebrows playfully, smirking as he does. 
“Well I wanted to try something actually,” he starts, cozying up to your side and resting his chin on the top of your head. “You know we were having all that trouble last week when I was trying to fuck you standing up?” 
Your head snaps around and you meet his eyes, smiling. What a boy, you think. 
“Anyways, I couldn’t stop thinking about it the other night while I was waiting for Ross to come back from the library so we could play Mortal Kombat so I crushed a Red Bull and adjusted the bed to be just a bit lower than my hips.”
You put your coffee down on his messy bookshelves filled with mythology volumes, dogeared paperback copies of Kafka, and plastic video game cases. You bring your arms up around his neck and kiss him softly on the mouth. 
“I suppose you wanna try it out then?” you ask, teasingly. Matty moans into your mouth and walks you back towards the bed until your thighs hit the mattress. You fall down onto your back and Matty’s instantly undoing the button of your jeans, pulling your pants and underwear off in one fell swoop. His head falls between your legs instantly, kissing your inner thighs, lifting your legs over his shoulders, and then licking you from your hole to your clit. 
You whimper at the contact. He’s so warm and wet and good. You squirm under his tongue, instinctively looking for friction. You swear you can feel his lips curl into a smile around your clit as you begin to buck senselessly, arrhythmically into his mouth. He captures your clit in his mouth, sucking at it devotedly as his left hand comes around to pin you down to the bed by your hips.
“God, you make me feel so good,” you moan as his fingers begin to swipe listlessly at your entrance. His head leaves your body long enough for you to read the need in his eyes. His pupils are completely blown out, lips glistening with your pleasure. “I love you,” you breathe. It’s the only thing you can think when you see the picture between your thighs: your sweet boy on his knees, cozy in his hoodie, and looking up at you for reassurance that he’s eating you right, even though he’s done it a hundred times before. He bends down, kissing your lower tummy tenderly.
“I love you, too,” he smiles up at you, “Can I fuck you now, sweet girl?”
You nod, intoxicated with pleasure and grinning. Faintly, you hear his clothes shuffling as he rids himself of his sweatpants and underwear, pumping himself a couple of times to be sure he’s ready for you. You hear the condom wrapper crinkling. Then you feel him, sinking inside you slowly. You feel dizzy despite having your eyes closed. Matty folds your knees into you and begins to push in and out of you slowly, rocking you into ecstasy. With your feet to the sky, you start to feel the chilly autumn air seep into you through your extremities and into your core, distracting and uncomfortable.
“Matty, I’m cold,” you whine, grabbing at your feet to warm them up. Leave it to your university to skimp on heating during the freezing Connecticut fall. 
“Oh fuck,” he mutters, pulling out of you briefly, “Can you stand up a minute, darling?” You do, hissing as your feet hit the cold, ground, and watching him dumbly as he unmakes his bed, fluffing his comforter up and holding in his arms. He wraps it delicately around your shoulders, holding you to him in a hug that feels like complete and utter safety. “You wanna lay back down?” he whispers into your hair. You nod and Matty helps you back onto the bed. You slowly lean back until your spine hits the mattress and plant your feet back on the flat surface. He notices before even you do, “Your feet still look cold, are you okay?”
You look down at them, realizing only now that they’ve gone completely numb. You meet Matty’s eyes bashfully. “Will I still be hot enough to fuck if you lend me a pair of fuzzy socks?”
Matty blushes and nods, kissing you sweetly on the forehead. “Always,” he assures you before padding over to his chest of drawers and finding a pair of wool socks to don you with. He puts them on you himself, rubbing your toes through the thick material to bring the weight back into your body. 
“I feel like Cinderella,” you quip. 
“You are,” Matty smiles, your feet still in his hands, “My perfect princess.”
“Okay don’t get too into my feet now,” you giggle and Matty drops them immediately.
“You’re right,” he turns fake serious all of a sudden, “Don’t even know how I was paying attention to them when you’re all spread out for me right here.”
You smile sweetly as he buries himself in you again, savoring that perfect, holy meeting that makes you see stars every time.
Your mouth falls open and your brows furrow inadvertently as you feel Matty fill you up. He touches every part of you, holding on to your tits and legs and anything else he can get his hands on as he begins to fuck you in earnest. He’s losing himself, grasping at any straw of reality that could keep him grounded. Your hand comes around to encircle the wrist of his hand that's bruising your right breast. You whine with each snap of his hips into yours but still manage to get his attention and talk him through it. 
“I’m right here, Matty,” you say, “I’m yours. Making me feel so good, baby.” His eyes meet yours, black with desire. Matty’s confided in you that he has a tendency to dissociate a little during sex. It helps when you touch different parts of him, stimulate him in new ways so that he stays present, and when you speak to him so he can remember that he’s doing it for you, too. He appreciates how seriously you take it and loves you even more in the moments he can tell you’re trying to care for him. 
Matty’s hand moves from your breast down to where his body meets yours, trapping your clit between his fingers and rubbing you in tandem with his thrusts. It causes another wanton cry to escape your lips.
“Please stay just like that,” you beg, “Please, please, I’m so close baby.” He nods, sweaty curls sticking to his forehead as he drags your body impossibly closer to his own. 
“Being so fucking good for me baby,” he manages, “Such a good girl. You’re for me.”
“All for you, baby,” you repeat, “I’m so fucking lucky you make me feel so good.”
“Gonna make you cum, baby. Can I?” he asks, leaning over you even further, chasing both of your orgasms. Your head falls back into the bed as he does. Like a marionette with her strings cut, your head bobs uselessly against the navy sheets as Matty rubs you and fucks you faster.
“I’m almost there,” you warn, “Stay just like that. Please, please.” You’re not even sure what you’re begging for anymore. Your brain is too far gone to be rational. You tense up as you feel your orgasm creeping up on you. 
“Relax for me,” you hear Matty’s voice in your ear, “It’s gonna feel a lot better if you relax, baby.”
You do. Instantly, you feel the band of pressure in your stomach snap as your orgasm washes over you from head to toe. You can feel yourself pulsing around Matty’s dick, over and over, beginning to feel overstimulated as he continues his assault on your used cunt. You swat tiredly at his hand on your clit. He moves it to your hip, holding on to you for dear life.
“Just another second baby,” he breathes, “You can be a good girl and take it a little while longer, yeah?” You nod uncontrollably, blissed out and needy. You need him to cum, need him to feel as good as you do. 
“Please, Matty, need you to cum inside me.” Matty slows to a stop above you, panting.
Matty falls onto your chest, bent over at the hips, panting into the duvet that cocoons you. Your hand meets his curls immediately, holding tight to what you couldn’t reach moments ago. You push his hair back from where it’s fallen onto his forehead, revealing his flushed face. Your thumbs ghost over his perfect cheekbones. You stay there, present for him, as he comes down, smiling at him when he finally meets your eyes. 
“Hi,” you muse.
“Hi,” he pants, letting his head touch the comforter again and pulling out of you. Your hands fly to his shoulders, brows furrowing as you try to still him. “Shhhh, baby, just a second,” he coos, standing up and tying the condom off before chucking it god knows where. He unwraps you and pulls the covers over the both of you as he nestles back into the comically small bed. He kisses the crown of your head when you find your way into the crook of his shoulder. 
“Thank you, I love you,” you say into his chest. 
“You too, baby,” he whispers, “Always look out for me you’re so good to me baby.” 
You lean up to kiss him, warm and sweet and soft. 
“This bed is really small,” you laugh into his mouth.
“That’s why I had to fold you up to fit,” he quips in return. 
“Will you take me to get a coffee, then? I think the one you made has gone cold.”
“Sure, baby,” he says, rubbing your bicep when you spring off the bed to get dressed. Matty gets up too, scrounging for his long discarded clothes. 
He chucks his blue Nike hoodie at you. “I know you were planning to steal that anyway.” You smile, shucking it on over your sweater. As you bend over to put your shoes on, Matty comes up behind you steadying you as you wobble with only one shoe on. You use his shoulders to steady yourself. He leans in, kissing you slowly and unhurriedly like he could do it all day.
“You ready to brave the cold?” he teases. 
“If I’m with you,” you pout. He giggles, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head and looping his arm around your neck.
“Come on then, baby,” he beams, “I’ll keep you warm.”
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come-away-with-me87 · 3 months
Modern Hearts Chapter 25: The End
Chapter 24 here
Note: This is it, the final chapter! *single tear drop* This has been my absolute favorite Aizawa story to write thus far, and I am so grateful for all of you who have followed along.  Final chapter based on the song "Hunger" by Ross Chapman.
A little over six months had gone by since your first date with Shouta.  You have had many other dates since then; going out to dinner, going to a coffee shop, going to an animal shelter to look at the cats (you ended up adopting one that day), going out with your mutual group of friends, or just going over to each others' dorms to spend time together.  Neither of you had made it "official" but you knew Shouta was the one for you; you didn't need or want anyone else.  Neither of you had also said the big L word yet, either, but you knew from your first date that you were going to fall in love with him.  And you did.  You were in love with Shouta Aizawa, and you couldn't wait to say those words to him.  You couldn't help but smile at the irony of the situation; falling in love with your childhood best friend.
One look and I can't catch my breath Two souls into one flesh When you're not next to me I'm incomplete
It was a Friday afternoon, you had a busy day in the library with students coming in and out all day.  Shouta had even visited you on your break, asking if you'd like to go on a date with him that evening.  Some students were in the library at that time, and all you could hear from them was "oooooooooo."  You just looked at Shouta and giggled, knowing he wouldn't have publicly asked you that had he realized that there was anyone else in the library.  He just looked at you and frowned, which made you giggle even harder.  After the students checked out their books and left, you told him you would love to go on a date with him that evening.  He looked around to make sure no one else was there, and no one was, so he brought your hands up to his lips and left a gentle kiss on them. "I'll text you the details later," he said while leaving the library.
The rest of the school day went by quickly.  You checked your phone for the time, and saw that you had a missed text from Shouta.  He was texting you the details of your date, just like he said he would.  He wanted to go back to the park where you had your first date, and have another picnic.  You thought that was sweet.  This time, he just asked you to bring yourself, and he would take care of the rest.  You packed up your belongings, locked the library behind you, and made your way back to the staff dorms.  You ran into Toshinori on the walk back and you two walked together.  Toshinori looked over at you and said, "you look really happy, young Y/N.  I'm happy for you."  You smiled back at him in return, thanking him for his kind words.  "I am very happy, Toshinori."  You made casual conversation for the remainder of your short walk back to the campus, went your separate ways and said your goodbyes.
You went inside your dorm and started getting ready for your date with Shouta.  It was much cooler outside now than it was the last time you were there, so you opted for a lavender colored sweater, skinny jeans, and a pair of brown knee-high boots.  You freshened up a bit, redid your makeup, curled your hair into some waves, then changed into the outfit you picked out.  Just as you always did, you gave yourself one more lookover in the mirror, decided you looked good, and headed out the door.
Cause I'm on fire like a thousand suns I couldn't put it out even if I wanted to These flames tonight Look into my eyes and say you want me, too Like I want you
You made the short walk over to the park, and you spotted Shouta.  He must have gotten there early, as he had everything already set up.  When you got closer to Shouta, you noticed the way he set everything up; he laid out rose petals all over the blanket.  Instead of wine, he had champagne chilling in a bucket, with two champagne flutes on either side of the bucket.  You couldn't help but smile; this was really nice.  Shouta finally spotted you, ran over to you and gave you a sweet kiss.  "Shouta, what's the occasion?  This is such a romantic setup," you asked him.  "No occasion, I just wanted to make it even better than the first time."  You looked at him and giggled, "I don't think really anything can beat our first date here."  He just looked down at you and smiled, "I suppose you're right."  
Oh, love, let me see inside your heart All the cracks and broken parts The shadows in the light There's no need to hide
He motioned for you to sit down on the blanket.  You did just that, and he sat down next to you.  He pulled the picnic basket over, and instead of sandwiches, he packed two delicious looking salads this time. "Oh Shouta, this looks amazing," you beamed over at him.  While he unpacked the utensils and everything else, you looked around; maybe it was because it was chillier out and many people like that kind of weather, but there were couples everywhere at the park today.  Some were on picnics like you were, and some were just holding hands, taking a leisurely walk around the lake.  You looked back over at Shouta, and looked good himself.  He was in his usual all-black attire, this time also wearing a black jacket.  He wore his hair half down tonight, with some loose tendrils falling around his face.  While he was still unpacking everything, you reached over and gently tucked one of the loose tendrils behind his ear.  He just smiled at you in response.
You two began eating in a comfortable silence, just taking in your surroundings.  The salad was as delicious as it looked, and you completely devoured it.  Once you were finished eating, he pulled the champagne out of the bucket, popped the cork, poured two glasses and handed one to you.  "I also brought dessert; I picked up some cupcakes from the coffee shop you like."  How sweet, you thought.  The cupcakes came in separate boxes, and when he handed you yours, it felt rather light, almost as if there was nothing in there.  Curious, you opened the box, and instead, you found a black velvet box.  At this point, your heart began pounding.  It couldn't be...  You pulled out the velvet box with shaky hands, opened it, and inside found the most stunning vintage diamond ring you've ever seen.
With tears in your eyes, you looked over at Shouta, who was no longer sitting down; he was bent down on one knee.  "Shouta..." was all you could muster, your voice was thick with tears.  "Y/N, will you marry me? I know we've only been dating for six months, but I know you are the only one for me. I love you; I've loved you since we were kids, and I want to spend the rest of our lives together."  You burst into tears, box still in your hand, and you leapt over to Shouta, pushing him to the ground on the blanket.  You kissed him feverishly over and over, saying, "Oh Shouta, I love you with all of my heart.  Of course I'll marry you."  With that, he gently pulled the box out of your grasp, pulled the ring out, and placed it on your left ring finger.  It was a perfect fit.
Cause I'm on fire like a thousand suns I couldn't put it out even if I wanted to These flames tonight Look into my eyes and say you want me, too Like I want you
Some of the couples who were around you started applauding you both; you had completely forgotten that they were there.  Through your tears, you smiled at them and waved.  You looked back at Shouta, who was absolutely beaming.  "I'm so happy you said yes, Y/N."  You just gawked at him, "of course I would say yes; you're the love of my life. And I was wrong...while our first date here was amazing, this time is totally better."  You two just laughed.  You looked down at the ring on your finger; Shouta was yours, and you were his, now and always.
The end.
Tag list: @jaguarthecat ; @lili-pond ; @big-denki-energy
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lustnluv · 6 months
my readers
girls are just for fun not how they actually look like but i’m latina do all my characters are latina….
puppy!reader is a big ball of energy. always has a million art projects that she’s working on. gives her projects as gifts to her friends. goes on the beach to take pictures of animals and her friends. she’s listening to old school drake, miguel, and karol g. rushes into some things headfirst but knows when thinks can be taken too far. she works at the club like jj and he thought she was cute but they never work that many shifts together. very smiley.
three songs that reminded of her and jb are
un beso by aventura
summer on you by prettymuch
no control by one direction
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bat!reader is a sarcastic asshole with a heart of gold. more levelheaded then jj by far. usually smoking or working down with her cousin in a mechanic shop. a beach bum down to her core. very protective of her friends. listening to childish gambino, isabel larosa, and anitta. has her own car that was her dad’s and it’s always breaking down and she knows how to fix it but she has a boyfriend for a reason. knows how to level jj out and rile him up.
three songs that reminds me of her and jj
mi carzoncito by aventura
eyes don’t lie by isabel larosa
power trip by j. cole ft miguel
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swan!reader is a angel. nice to everybody even the pogues. volunteering at the local library and shelter and giving out money and her leftovers to anybody. likes skincare and makeup. always have the newest stuff. has a cute g wagon but rafe takes her everywhere. listening to lana, rosalia, and taylor. doesn’t work but she gets good grades and wants to be a cosmologist or vet even though rafe doesn’t want her to work. does her own nails already.
three songs that reminds me of her and rafe
luna by bella dose ft danileigh
best i ever had by drake
ashton martin music by rick ross, drake, and chrisette michele
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kitten!reader is a flirty little thing who once she got with pope was more loyal then anyone expected. has a resting bitch face and a mean attitude who softens up once pope is around. very overprotective of her friends. listens to bad bunny, becky g, and frank ocean. always dancing at parties. works as a nanny for kooks and is really good with kids. reads very smutty books in her free time and talks a lot once she’s comfortable with you.
three songs that reminds me of her and pope
mayores by becky g and bad bunny
love by kendrick lamar and zacari
thinking bout you by frank ocean
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mybrokenveins3000 · 1 year
Fluffy Moments with College!Ross Macdonald
My writer brain is not in the mood to go all in on something longer (even though everything I write is less than 2k words but ANYWAYS), here are a few college!au soft Ross moments (?) ideas (?) prompts (?), enjoy + lmk if u want a longer fic about any of these <3
Late nights at the library // studying and writing essays next to each other. His hand slipping into yours every now and then. Him watching you all tired eyed and concentrated, thinking you're the prettiest thing he's ever laid eyes on.
Watching him practice with the band // it's your turn to watch HIM all concentrated and in the zone, how the music moves him and makes him feel. Helping out with any input on songs. Him teaching you how to play bass when the others go for a smoke break.
He would definitely make you playlists. You would definitely listen to them whilst you make your way around campus. And you'd definitely listen to one of them when you :
Bump into each other on campus // in the early days, walking to your lecture and physically bumping into him. Both of blushing and apologising in embarrassment, hearts about to burst. Wishing you could bail and hang out with each other instead. Looking back at each other as you walk away.
He would definitely send you random messages on your student email, making you smile in the middle of lectures and seminars
OHMYGOD, as a History student, he would definitely send you passages from articles he's reading about love stories of the past and be like "us"
Doing your shopping together!! // so domestic, so therapeutic. Maybe it's late at night, you're not afraid to laugh loud in the aisles. You're sitting in the shopping trolley and he buries you in groceries :,) He pays for everything as well because he's an out-fashioned gentleman like that.
He would definitely go to concerts or club nights with you — you on his shoulders so you can see better, him dancing and singing with you, mirroring your enthusiasm and excitement.
Going home with each other during the holidays!! // meeting each others families, him charming your parents, them loving him!! Walks around your hometowns, telling each other stories "that bench is where I had my first kiss" "this was were me and the boys had our first gig", learning more about each other, reminiscing on past versions of each other.
(I'm going to make myself cry but) GIVING EACH OTHER BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS 💔💔 Imagine his favourite books, all annotated and battered from years of love, on your bedside table. Yours on his :,)
Watching your favourite films together on a laptop, snuggled up together in bed.
First time sleeping round his // maybe this is after Drunk Call. This time you're both tipsy in his room, it's too late and you're too fucked up to go home, so you sleep in his bed with him. Other than kissing, I don't think anything happens. You talk in the dark, laughing loud until you fall asleep in his arms.
You'd definitely have this kinda moment at parties and socials : (quote from film, Frances Ha) "It’s that thing when you’re with someone, and you love them and they know it, and they love you and you know it… but it’s a party… and you’re both talking to other people, and you’re laughing and shining… and you look across the room and catch each other’s eyes… but – but not because you’re possessive, or it’s precisely sexual… but because… that is your person in this life. And it’s funny and sad, but only because this life will end, and it’s this secret world that exists right there in public, unnoticed, that no one else knows about."
Eventually, graduation // him (as well as the rest of the band) cheering the loudest for you. You two being so proud of each other, remembering all the stressed out late nights studying. Mingling with each others' loved ones, their shared pride for the both of you.
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isaut · 5 months
there’s a knock at the frame of your door. lifting your head from the essay in front of you, your expression softens at seeing your coworker, not a student, there. you honestly don’t know why rex continuously crosses the building— it’s a long haul from the science hall to the english.
not that you mind.
today rex has on a button up, blue with his undershirt peeking out from under it. he’s still in jeans, but some more effort than usual has gone into his outfit.
not that you’re paying attention.
“hey, rex,” you say, taking off your glasses.
“hey,” rex smiles, coming into the classroom. your name is soft on his lips. he’s holding a thick stack of papers. “thought you might want these.”
“oh.” embarrassment flutters up in you. “i was going to come get those.”
“it’s all good,” rex says, shaking his head. “where you want your books?”
you don’t argue with him that they’re copies multiple choice practice and not physical books— the school refuses to buy every student a copy of the workbook and you refuse to make them buy their own. in the meantime you’ll make books in the copy room.
“in the usual place,” you say, watching as rex does so. he sets the stack atop the table at the front of your classroom, then circles over to the front of your desk.
he leans against the closest student desk, and looks over at the work before you. “hows it going?”
“good,” you sigh, shaking your head. “i’m ready for summer.”
“me too,” rex agrees. “hope you don’t have many more of those to go.”
you rest your hand on the few beside you. “i’m almost done. i imagine you’re done?”
“yeah, kids tested on monday. we’re just talking about astronomy in there now.”
“lucky,” you sigh. “i’ll be done next tuesday.”
“that’ll feel good,” rex says.
there’s a beat of quiet.
“are you going to the pta end of year party?” rex asks.
sighing, you nod. “yeah. i’m going to show my face for a few hours and then leave.”
“got other plans?”
humming, you tilt your head to the side. “i rented a bob ross video from the library and have a bottle of wine that’s been chilling in my fridge since spring break.”
rex chuckles. “wouldn’t want to keep you away from that… but if you want, a few of us are gonna leave early and head to lucky’s.”
you raise your eyebrows. “who’s going?”
rex shrugs. “me, cody. some of the science guys.”
you lean back, contemplating it.
“echo’s coming,” rex adds.
ah, one of your own from the english hall.
“i’ll consider it. i might be too wiped,” you say.
“i get it. but if you change your mind…”
“i’ll let you know,” you finish for him.
rex almost gets off his lean, but stays put. “hey, when you decide… give me a call or send me a text. let me give you my number.”
“okay,” you say, pushing a few papers around on your desk to find a stack of sticky notes, handing them off to rex along with your grading pen. there’s a little flutter in your chest.
rex cups the pad in his hand, writing down the numbers diligently. he double checks his handiwork, then hands it back to you.
“i’ll hear from you later,” he says with a smile, pushing off your desk and heading towards your door. “good lucky grading.”
“thanks, rex,” you say.
rex holds his hand on your doorknob, already out of the room. “you want this closed?”
“sure,” you say. you need maybe twenty more minutes before you’ll be done grading. better with no interruptions.
the door shuts gently. you pick up the notepad and look at the digits there, along with rex’s first and last name. a smile that you try to squash forms across your face.
you still yourself. you have essays to grade.
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gladstones-corner · 7 months
Glad's Book List
I wrote a post recently about my history (normally I'd link it but I don't want to be narcissistic), and realized that I've read a fair few occult books over the years. So here's the list; I'll keep updating it as I find more books in my various libraries and book stashes.
Quick note before getting into this list--not everything I've read will make it. Just the stuff I read and recommend others parse through. For example, I have intentionally omitted my studies in Kabbalah to discourage others from unintentionally appropriating.
But by "parse through", I truly mean that. My path has meandered through several schools of thought and wandered into appropriative territory at times (I constantly strive to correct any appropriation in my practice that gets brought to my attention). Maybe about 20% of each book makes it into my current path.
Eh, so it wasn't so quick of a note. Here's the list:
Aleister Crowley, Book 4 
Chic and Sandra Cicero, Essential Golden Dawn 
Donald Kraig, Modern Magick 
Henry Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy 
Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn 
Lon Milo DuQuette, Llewellyn's Complete Book of Ceremonial Magick 
Samuel Mathers, The Book of Abramelin 
Stephen Skinner and David Rankine, Key of Solomon 
Archtraitor Bluefluke, The Psychonaut Field Manual 
Jan Fries, Visual Magick 
Lon Milo DuQuette, Low Magick 
Peter Carroll, Liber Null & Psychonaut; Liber Kaos 
Phil Hine, Condensed Chaos; Prime Chaos 
Richard Metzger, Book of Lies 
Robert Wilson, Prometheus Rising 
Cassandra Eason, The Complete Crystal Handbook 
Karen Frazier, An Introduction to Crystal Grids 
Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones 
Scott Cunningham, Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic 
Yulia van Doren, Crystals 
A.E. Waite, Pictorial Key to the Tarot 
Brigit Esselmont, Everyday Tarot; The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Meanings 
Chic and Sandra Cicero, Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot 
Diana Paxson, Taking Up the Runes 
Lon Milo DuQuette, Understanding Crowley's Thoth Tarot 
Melissa Cynova, Kitchen Table Tarot 
Rachel Pollack, Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom 
Carl Jung, Dreams; The Red Book 
Dana O'Driscoll, Sacred Actions 
John Greer, The Druidry Handbook; The Druid Magic Handbook 
Philip Carr-Gomm, The Druid Way 
Ross Nichols, The Book of Druidry 
David Mierzwicki, Hellenismos 
Hesiod, Theogeny 
Homer, Iliad; Odyssey 
John Opsopaus, The Oracles of Apollo 
LABRYS Community, Hellenic Polytheism 
Orpheus, The Orphic Hymns 
Nicholas Culpeper, Culpeper's Complete Herbal 
Scott Cunningham, Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs 
Hermes Trismegistus, Corpus Hermeticum; The Emerald Tablet 
Three Initiates, The Kybalion 
Aleister Crowley, Magic in Theory and Practice 
Christopher Dell, The Occult, Witchcraft and Magic 
Manly Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages 
Owen Davies, Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic 
Rock Point Publishing, Spellcraft 
Sarah Lyons, How to Study Magic 
Diana Paxson, Trance Portation 
Stephen Bodian, Meditation for Dummies 
Herman Slater, A Book of Pagan Rituals 
Margot Adler, Drawing Down the Moon 
Ronald Hutton, Triumph of the Moon 
Doreen Valiente, Witchcraft for Tomorrow 
Gerald Gardner, The Meaning of Witchcraft; Witchcraft Today 
Janet and Stewart Farrar, A Witches' Bible 
Raymond Buckland, Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft; The Tree; Wicca for One 
Scott Cunningham, Wicca; Living Wicca 
Starhawk, The Spiral Dance 
Thea Sabin, Wicca for Beginners 
Thorn Mooney, Traditional Wicca 
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stelly38 · 1 year
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The fic progresses. Here's an update. It's still very much a WIP, but we're getting there. Thanks for hanging around!
Ross is in a foul mood.  The department faculty meeting went far longer than planned, and he’s brought a ton of school work home—papers and tests that he’d expected to have finished grading days ago.  He’s also running behind on curriculum development for next semester’s classes.  All he’s got is a rough outline and some books in mind; much of the detail work is still hanging over his head.   
He spreads out at his desk with a beer and a pile of folders, and the day's mail, and flips open his laptop.
Sighing, he sifts through pieces of junk mail and catalogs, setting aside anything that looks important.  There’s one—it’s from the hospital, threatening to turn his account over to collections.  As he’s scrutinizing the bill, his doorbell rings.  In his haste to get up, he topples the bottle and beer begins flowing all over the desk.  Quickly, he moves the laptop out of the liquid’s path and scans the room for something to use to soak up the mess.  The doorbell sounds again, three quick rings in succession.  He grabs a dish towel from the kitchen and answers the door with a miffed expression on his face. 
“I was startin’ to worry,” Demelza says, breezing by him with a grocery bag.  “Hi!”
“Hi,” he answers, one eyebrow raised.  He doesn’t remember inviting her over.  “What’s up?”
“I rented a movie for us,” she says, digging through the paper bag with one hand. 
“Demelza—” Ross starts, but she’s walking down the hallway toward the kitchen, where she sets the bag down on the counter, still feeling for the cartridge inside. 
“Huh, I thought I put it in here…” Absently, she digs through the items in the bag once again, coming up empty. 
“Demelza, listen—”
“Ah, of course,” she exclaims, rifling through her handbag.  “I put it in here.”  She pulls out a DVD case from the school library.  “I got Barefoot in the Park for us, it’s one of my favorites, and I know you haven’t seen it,” she says, her smile radiant.
Ross sighs, his shoulders sagging.
“What?” she says, as her smile fades.
“One second, I’ve got a spill in the office,” he says, and darts around her.  In a couple minutes he’s back, empty beer bottle in hand, saturated towel in the other, which he throws in the sink.
“I can’t hang out tonight; I’ve got too much to do.  You can stay and watch the movie yourself, though.  There’s still some mess in the office that needs a going over—”
He catches sight of the disappointment on her face and stops.
She squints at him, “Weren’t you just complaining to me that you feel like you never have any downtime?” 
“Was I?”
“Yes,” she says, grabbing a roll of paper towels and the bottle of cleaning fluid. 
“I don’t remember,” he says, following her to the office.
“I do,” she continues, assessing the mess of spilled beer on the floor. 
“See all that crap on my desk, Demelza?  That’s all the stuff that should have been done weeks ago,” he exclaims.
She’s busy wiping up the last few pools of beer from his desk; it appears most of it spilled onto the floor.  The top half of the hospital’s collection letter is wet, and she presses it between two dry paper towels in an effort to save it.  Her eyes scan the large figure at the bottom, covered with a red ‘Past Due’ stamp. 
“Oh, don’t bother,” he says, gesturing to the letter.  “There’s not much I can do about it anyway.  Just toss it.” 
She stoops to spray cleaning liquid on the floor, and sops it up with paper towels.  Standing, she crumples the towels in her hand and peeks at Ross.  His brow is furrowed, face stormy, and he’s got his arms crossed.
“Well, if you’re already late on all this, then what difference will one more night make?” 
He glances sharply at her, but she’s smiling beautifully, excited for their evening. 
“Couldn’t you have texted before you decided to come over?” he grumbles. 
“No,” she chirps, walking over to him.
“And why ever not?” he asks, beginning to soften.
“Because you would have told me, ‘Not tonight,’ or some such, and you’d go about with your sour face and your papers,” she pronounces, kissing him.  “And I wanted to see you.”
“So, you just show up, demanding that this is what we’ll do?” he asks, circling her waist.
“Quick learner!” 
He smiles, in spite of himself, and pulls her into an embrace. 
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love-enchanted · 3 months
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1 - Such Sharp Teeth - Rachel Harrison⭐⭐ 2 - The Kiss Quotient - Helen Hoang⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 3 - The Bride Test - Helen Hoang⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 4 - My Roommate Is A Vampire - Jenna Levine⭐⭐🌶️🌶️ 5 - Good Girl Complex - Elle Kennedy⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 6 - Bad Girl Reputation - Elle Kennedy⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 7 - The Summer Girl - Elle Kennedy⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 8 - Wreck the Halls - Tessa Bailey⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 9 - Set On You - Amy Lea⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 10 - Exes & O's - Amy Lea⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️
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11 - Four Weddings And A Puppy - Lizzie Shane⭐⭐ 12 - The Boyfriend Candidate - Ashley Winstead⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 13 - The Pumpkin Spice Cafe - Laurie Gilmore⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 14 - Business or Pleasure - Rachel Lynn Solomon⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 15 - Faking Christmas - Kerry Winfrey⭐ 16 - Last Call At the Local - Sarah Grunder Ruiz⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 17 - Change of Plans - Dylan Newton⭐🌶️🌶️ 18 - Romantic Comedy - Curtis Sittenfeld⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 19 - The Bodyguard - Katherine Center⭐⭐⭐⭐ 20 - The Neighbor Favor - Kristina Forest⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️ 21 - To Woo and to Wed - Martha Waters⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 22 - Not Bad For A Girl - Anastasia Ryan⭐ 23 - The Heart Principle - Helen Hoang⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 24 - Ship Wrecked - Olivia Dade⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
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25 - Starling House - Alix E. Harrow⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️ 26 - Divine Rivals - Rebecca Ross⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️ 27 - A Good Girl's Guide to Murder - Holly Jackson⭐⭐⭐ 28 - Powerless - Lauren Roberts⭐⭐⭐🌶️ 29 - Good Girl, Bad Blood - Holly Jackson⭐⭐⭐ 30 - As Good As Dead - Holly Jackson⭐⭐⭐⭐ 31 - A Grave Robbery - Deanna Raybourn⭐⭐⭐ 32 - Assistant to the Villain - Hannah Nicole Maehrer⭐⭐⭐⭐ 33 - My Best Friend's Exorcism - Grady Hendrix⭐⭐⭐ 34 - Icebreaker - Hannah Grace⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 35 - Fangirl Down - Tessa Bailey ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 36 - The Luminaries - Susan Dennard ⭐⭐ 37 - The Hunting Moon - Susan Dennard⭐⭐
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38 - The Catch - Amy Lea⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 39 - The Love Remedy - Elizabeth Everett⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 40 - Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 41 - Happily Never After - Lynn Painter⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️ 42 - Iron Flame - Rebecca Yarros⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 43 - Serpent & Dove - Shelby Mahurin⭐⭐🌶️🌶️ 44 - Blood & Honey - Shelby Mahurin⭐⭐🌶️🌶️ 45 - Gods & Monsters - Shelby Mahurin⭐⭐🌶️🌶️ 46 - Butcher & Blackbird - Brynne Weaver⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 47 - Wildfire - Hannah Grace⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 48 - Bride - Ali Hazelwood⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 49 - Kill Joy - Holly Jackson⭐⭐⭐
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50 - Do Your Worst - Rosie Danan⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 51 - A River Enchanted - Rebecca Ross⭐⭐⭐🌶️ 52 - Hello Stranger - Katherine Center ⭐⭐⭐ 53 - Betting On You - Lynn Painter⭐⭐⭐ 54 - These Hollow Vows - Lexi Ryan ⭐⭐⭐🌶️ 55 - These Twisted Bonds - Lexi Ryan⭐🌶️🌶️ 56 - Ruthless Vows - Rebecca Ross⭐⭐⭐⭐🌶️ 57 - The Ex Talk - Rachel Lynn Solomon ⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 58 - Weather Girl - Rachel Lynn Solomon⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 59 - All the Feels - Olivia Dade⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 60 - Once Upon a Broken Heart - Stephanie Garber⭐⭐ 61 - The Ballad of Never After - Stephanie Garber⭐⭐⭐🌶️ 62 - A Curse For True Love - Stephanie Garber⭐⭐
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63 - On The Plus Side - Jenny L. Howe⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️ 64 - One Last Shot - Betty Cayouette⭐⭐⭐🌶️ 65 - The Body in the Garden - Katharine Schellman⭐⭐⭐ 66 - Silence in the Library - Katharine Schellman⭐⭐⭐ 67 - Death at the Manor - Katharine Schellman⭐⭐⭐ 68 - Murder at Midnight - Katharine Schellman⭐⭐⭐ 69 - Hotel Magnifique - Emily J. Taylor⭐⭐ 70 - The Rule Book - Sarah Adams⭐⭐⭐🌶️🌶️🌶️ 71 - Better Than the Movies - Lynn Painter ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 72 - Caraval - Stephanie Garber⭐⭐ 73 - Legendary - Stephanie Garber⭐⭐ 74 - Finale - Stephanie Garber⭐⭐
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luvendiary · 2 years
Fic Recommendations <3
some fics that i really like and if you haven't read the yet, you totally should! i will update this regularly! feel free to recommend anything so i can put it on here!
Percy Jackson
the witch and the fish: the illustrious son of the sea is spending the summer in the hamptons with his family and unbeknownst to him an old friend is his next door neighbor for this summer.
talk to me: in which (y/n) gets hurt and says a few incriminating things while in pain.
my boyfriend: in which percy is the coolest person in the world— right behind you, of course
how they would hold your hands
attractive things they do
characters as romance tropes
How to Train Your Dragon
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
dating hiccup would include
fluff alphabet
"what's all this blood?"
dragon riders christmas gift headcanons: dragon riders open up their xmas gift from their s/o and it is a very detailed wood carving of them riding their dragon.
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
these will mostly be daughter!reader, bc i have a soft spot for hotch as a father.
if we had five more minutes...: (aaron hotchner x daughter!reader) hotch wishes he had five more minutes.
hotches daughter: morgan and reid bring you down to ask you some questions on a recent case, not knowing who your father is.
why: you mourn over the death of you adoptive mother.
they'd bring you back: you’re an unsub’s latest target, but your personality is way more than he bargained for. 
Spencer Reid
how to play the game
tear me apart: based on episode 23, season 7. where the reader gets caught in a bank heist
work song
roomate!spencer coming home after no one remembered his birthday
Keith Kogane
i'm not going anywhere: you’ve been dating keith for about six months, but you’ve only recently met his group of friends. he’s worried that they each have more to offer you than he does, and his insecurities eat away at him until you calm him down.
imagine keith kogane breaking you out of a galra prison
dating keith kogane
bf keith hcs
lucky charm: teaching lance the ways of smooth flirting are very hard , and for keith , acting as your practice dummy is even harder.
allura´s sister: being the younger sibling to Allura meant no eyes were on you, that is until Keith met your gaze.
pain: even when fueled by pure fury and determination
lance´s sister: keith kogane finds himself being questioned by one mcclain to find himself answering to the other
keith with an artistic s/o
hc keith dating allura's younger sister
the five times he didn't
runaways: in which you and Keith are both runaways who end up meeting outside of a motel – neither of you have enough money for one room, so you end up taking a risk and putting your money together, buying one room between the two of you – despite being complete strangers.  
sunshine: Keith Kogane was insufferable. An absolute nightmare to be around. So why are you getting visions of him kissing you?
change of plans: now that Keith Kogane is a rockstar, it’s become very difficult to decipher whether someone likes him for him, or for his money. So, he’s decided to just stay as far away from love as possible. 
reuniting when he returns to earth
paladins accidentally hurting reader
Harry Potter
Marauders Era
Remus Lupin
the girl with the books:  james and sirius notice that it’s not the books that keep remus in the library, and are determined to know whether you – the object of remus’s affection – return his feelings.
we'll never have sex: you’re used to boys wanting one thing and one thing only from you, causing you to be thrown off when Remus Lupin kisses you, just to kiss you. based off of “We’ll Never Have Sex” by Leith Ross.
heavy handed: your debut as the marauders’ new guitarist doesn’t exactly go to plan when remus gets handsy with you on stage.
bassist!remus x reader
remus giving a sweet little message before playing the song he wrote for you.
James Potter
we deserve this life: your beautifully regular life with your husband years after the war
james bodyguard au
Golden Trio Era
Harry Potter
imagine being wolfstar's daughter and having a jily type love story with harry
Fred Weasley
always little wolf: while y/n and Fred walk home in the snow, the simplest conversation makes Fred sure of one thing, he's going to marry that girl.
Theo Nott
the only heaven i'll be sent to (is when i'm alone with you): y/n and theo get dared to spend 7 minutes in heaven and interesting conversation ensues.
last kiss
theodore nott as your boyfriend
what's it like to be theodore nott's girlfriend
Peter Parker
celestial beings: there's a reason why peter parker can't keep his eyes off of you.
something to remember me by: reader and happy visit may's grave and peter is there. you don't remember him
daddy's got a gun: (tasm!peter x hotchner!reader) in which peter meets your dad - aaron hotchner.
just barely: (tasm!peter x reader) “okay, peter. are you afraid of spiders?”  “no.”  “then can you go get the one in my apartment?”
Bucky Barnes
the bet: the agents at SHIELD have not taken well to Bucky’s pardon. When he’s injured on a mission under suspicious circumstances, you take matters into your own hands.
Peter Pevensie
the golden witch: y/n returns to narnia with the pevensies and discovers something powerful about herself.
jealous confessions: war times are complicated and feelings tent to get overwhelming. when jealousy hits peter, he doesn't know what to do, you don't know what to make of it, and you two end up… "confessing".
an unexpected turn: your night took an unexpected turn when you follow after the high king during an important ball. you certainly didn’t think the stroll would lead to a fencing lesson.
Edmund Pevensie
taking care of you: edmund sneaks in to make sure his queen is alright.
set during the events of prince caspian
hearts are beating: reader discovers that she’s pregnant and tells their s/o, edmund
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