#the old guard college au
whitetyger123 · 2 years
- Medical student Nicky and Art student Joe
- The other students are having a party but Nicky has an exam in the morning so he's not joining in
- Goes to get a glass of water, sees Joe fooling around with the other guys, hates how much he is attracted to this guy
- Find a random student passed out on the floor, Joe says he had moved him out of the way so he didn't get trampled
- Nicky moves unconscious guy to recovery position in case he vomits, tells Joe what he's doing cause he's watching him
- Waking up early and leaving his room to find that there are at least 20 people passed out in the dorm
- All in the recovery position
- Find Joe cleaning up, asks him about it
- Turns out Joe was the only one sober the night before, and after Nicky showed him how, he started putting anyone who passed out in the recovery position
- Dammit Nicky might be in love
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whoslaurapalmer · 6 months
my mom: you on a roll? me: no. i've yet again reached 'am i writing this character right' my mom: of course you are!!!! don't doubt yourself!!!! me: NO. I ALWAYS DO
#KIT IS SO HARD TO WRITE. I GET SO CONCERNED WHEN I WRITE HER. going back through old character notes.....making new ones.......#i'm always wondering 'is this what she'd do?' while trying to work out these plot points. i go 'okay. this could happen. .......would she'#i have a big master document though of sugar bowl gen characters and their wants and the expression of them i did a few years back#so that helps. but also vfd doesn't exist in this au.#look it does in college au in a specific way. but in this au............i think it was also there in a specific way but less so.#much less so. more among the snickets themselves i think.#re: the.......expression of morality and nobility here. which still exists even w vfd's lesser looser form bc that's still a major piece of#kit regardless. vfd exacerbates it. so do these circumstances#sigh. idk. i'm tired i am looking forward to dinner. making big pepper sammiches#(also i was up late last night reading Totally Unrelated Fic)#anyway. back to kit. i second guess myself on her the most out of anybody. she has to encompass a lot. her desire for control.#seeing her actions in black and white necessary vs unnecessary right vs wrong based on her own ideas of what is Right.#i always worry i just write her with no personality. but i think she's private and very closely guarded and just. lightly playful at times#and i get scared she comes out bland.......................#oh but yknow. i do like the way i wrote her in like a row of captured ghosts.......................#I'VE GOT POTENTIAL
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taexoxosgf · 9 months
s, smut | f, fluff | a, angst
This list is a compilation of some of my fave jaemin ff <3 a lot were on my old recs so feel free to reread!
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after you [ fuckboy!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f,a
cat & mouse [ na jaemin x jaehyun's sister!reader ] s,f
cherry girl! [ twitch streamer!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f
talk to my skin [ friends with benefits au ] s
unforgettable [ bassist!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,a
by the window [ voyeurism, neighbor au ] s
strawberry cough , (pt.2) sour tangie [ plug!jaemin x fem!reader] s,f,a
on the rebound [ shooting guard!jaemin x fem!reader, college au] s,f,a
subtle [ established relationship, summer vacation au ] s,f
besties (gone sexual) [ best friends to lovers ] s,f,a
upon your invitation [friend!jaemin x fem!reader, ft. nct dream, vacation au ] s,f
rock me [ fuckboy!jaemin x hairstylist!reader ] s,f,a
backseat chronicles [ streetracer!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f,a
persimmon problems [ fratboy!jaemin x fem!reader ] f,a
veni, vidi, vici [ popular!jaemin x mark's sister!reader ] s,f
blur. [ exboyfriend's bestfriend!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
two nights, one you [fuckboy!jaemin, one night stand au] s,f
the walls are thin [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader x roommate!jeno ] s
hush. [jaemin,haechan, jeno x fem!reader ] s
that '90's show [actor!jaemin x pa fem!reader ] s,f,a
pretty girl. [ alpha!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f
thin walls. [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
cookie jar [ stepbrother!jaemin x fem!reader x stepbrother!jeno ] s
one of a kind [strangers to lovers au ] s,f,a
go there with you [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
34+35 [ established relationship ] s
parents are home [ secret freak!jaemin ? ] s
memories bring back you [ ex!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
into you [ friends to lovers au ] s,f
what she doesn't know [ mom's boyfriend!jaemin x fem!reader] s
worth it. [ first sleepover au ] s,f
quiet down [ established relationship, semi-exhibitionism ] s
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suashii · 29 days
— 𝒸𝑜𝓈𝓂𝑜𝓅𝑜𝓁𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓃 ౨ৎ
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miya atsumu x f!reader. 3.1k wc. ノ all characters are 21+ ノ nsfw ( MDNI! ) ノ bartender!atsumu ノ college au ノ dubcon ( via alcohol consumption ) ノ mentions of f!masturbation ノ fingering ノ cunnilingus ノ protected sex ( but mentions of creampie ) ノ repost from an old blog!
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bartender!atsumu who only picked up the job because he thought the extra cash would be nice—after all, tuition is expensive. and it’s easy—making tips that is. he’s not ashamed to admit that ladies and men alike are naturally drawn to him. all he has to do to ensure that the women who frequent the establishment leave behind a generous amount of cash is send them a couple of flirty winks and tell ‘em how pretty their makeup is. it’s just as easy with his male patrons; nod along and mumble a “yeah man” every now and then and he’s sure to go home with more than he makes in his hourly wage for the night. he never puts too much thought into his behavior or lets his attention linger on any certain person for too long, that is, until you come along.
bartender!atsumu who’s rendered speechless when he turns around to tend to your call. the glass he’s working to dry off nearly slips from his hold before he regains his composure. it’s silly—letting down his guard like that, and so easily, too—but anyone would if they found themselves in his position. even under the dim lights, he can tell that you’re beautiful. there’s a playful sparkle in your eye and he can’t help but hone in on the glossy lip you have pulled between your teeth. he has to remind himself where he is and what he’s meant to be doing. a charming smile quickly finds its way to his face as he slings the cloth over his shoulder and asks what he can get for you.
bartender!atsumu who pulls out all of his best tricks to leave a lasting impression on you. sure, he’ll show off every now and then for other customers, but it’s always mindless—muscle memory. with you on the other side of the counter, he feels the need to make an active effort in his display of flair. spinning and flipping bottles by the neck and tossing ice cubes from one mixer to another warrants cheers from patrons across the bar. throughout all of it, not a single drop of liquid hits the surface between you. when he slides you the product of his labor—the well-crafted cosmopolitan—you clap for the little show he put on just for you. it’s hard to ignore his erratic heartbeat and the way the tips of his ears heat up at your praise. he’s almost disappointed when you don’t stick around at the bar, taking the drink and wandering off to regroup with your friends. he’s almost disappointed because before you part ways, you turn around and smile at him—a smile he knows he’ll never be able to forget.
bartender!atsumu who spends the majority of his shift thinking about how much he wants to hike up that pretty dress of yours—not that it needs to be tugged up significantly higher; it’s already quite short as is. it makes him wonder who you’re trying to look so sexy for. he’s just some employee at the club you frequent but embers of irritation simmer from within at the thought of you dressing up for anyone else but him. he’s able to reel himself back in—escape from the grasp of the green-eyed monster—by finding solace in other thoughts like what kind of panties you have hidden beneath the skimpy fabric. are you wearing any at all? it takes the impatient snapping from an annoyed customer who has been trying to get his attention for atsumu to snap out of it, but his mind always wanders back to you.
bartender!atsumu who quickly learns to look forward to weekends when he knows he’ll be able to see you. it’s a shame that he can only expect you on the most lively days when he’s the busiest, but despite his hectic workload, he still finds time to steal fleeting glances of you dancing with your friends. he’s shocked when he looks up to find you and you’re already staring back at him. did you feel his gaze on you? he thought he was being subtle but you seem to have caught on quickly. and instead of ignoring him, instead of spinning around falling back into the rhythm of the music, you stray from the bunch, pushing past the sea of sweaty bodies until you’re sliding onto the stool right in front of him. you order your usual cosmopolitan and sit back while he prepares it. this time is different from the others, though, because this time, you stay.
bartender!atsumu who uses the dumb party trick he perfected over multiple frat parties to impress you—cherry stem tying. it’s silly and childish but when you ask him if he could, he can’t come up with a valid reason not to show you. and maybe he shouldn’t be using bar inventory for personal affairs—he never has in the past—but you seem to draw out a side of him that he’s unfamiliar with, one where he hangs on your every word. feeling your intent gaze on his lips as he works his tongue to loop the thin stalk around itself is nearly enough to make him lose focus—fumble. when he sticks his tongue out the reveal the tight knot, you let out an exaggerated gasp; almost as if he’d been lying when he told you he could do it easily. he smirks, you know what they say about it; anyone who can is surely a good kisser. nothing could have prepared him for your response; maybe i should test to see if it’s true myself.
bartender!atsumu who thinks that he’s never felt more frustrated in his life than he does at this very moment. and sure, maybe he shouldn’t be openly flirting with patrons while on the clock, but is the world truly cruel enough to cut your interaction short just before he’s able to see if you’re bluffing? it’s unfair to blame the unfortunate turn of events on the world when the real culprit is standing right beside you. he figures it must be one of your friends, though, he can’t be sure considering you’re the only face he can pick out in a crowd. one thing he is 100% sure about is that the girl clinging onto your arm and telling you that she’s ready to go is a major cockblock. he has no right to feel as annoyed as he does when you give in to the woman’s request, pulling out your purse to pay the tab. the feeling doesn’t fade when you lay out the amount you owe and more because he doesn’t want money from you, he wants something else. but, to his surprise, the crisp bills aren’t the only thing you leave for him on the counter; a napkin soaked through with ink scrawling out a sequence of ten numbers and a messy heart accompanies the cash. he looks up to meet your eye and before your friend drags you away, you’re able to disclose your intentions; text me when your shift is over.
bartender!atsumu who thanks his lucky stars that his coworker who was scheduled to take care of closing shows up on time. he’s never been more eager to ditch his waist apron and get from behind the counter. ideally, he’d stop at home to freshen up, to wash off the sticking scent of liquor and sweat. but when he shoots you the message that he’s free for the night and you respond by sending him an address, making a detour to his place is the last thing he wants to do. and he thinks, what’s the point if he’s going to end up needing another shower later anyway? so instead of making a left a the light that would take him home, he follows the directions the gps spouts and turns right.
bartender!atsumu who feels like his heart might just beat out of his chest as he raps his knuckles against your door. he’s not usually so self-conscious before hook-ups but something about you makes him nervous. and not in a negative sense, no, not at all. it’s difficult to describe—what’s different about this time compared to the others, but a nagging thought in the back of his head tells him that he knows exactly what it is. something sets you apart from the others and deep down, he knows that at some point, lust has grown from an inkling of something more.
bartender!atsumu who certainly doesn’t expect to see you in the same dress from earlier when you finally swing the door open. he swallows the lump in his throat to keep from gaping. it’s pathetic, he thinks, being so out of sorts when he’d seen you in that very outfit only a couple of hours ago but the light emanating throughout your living room was much brighter than those in the club—he can see much more now. he can see the way the color of the fabric compliments your skin. he can see that the dress is abundantly tighter than he thought—it hugs the curves of your hips and contours your breasts. he would have ogled your body longer if it wasn’t for your arm on his bicep, ushering him into your apartment. it’s embarrassing how that little touch can cause his blood to rush south and leave his pants feeling uncomfortably tight.
bartender!atsumu who can’t hide how stunned he is at the fact that your lips are touching his. they’re soft, even softer than they look. once he’s over his initial shock, his hands find their way to your waist and he kisses you back. it’s dizzying and he wants to blame it on the lingering taste of vodka and cranberry but he knows that’s not it—you’re intoxicating. the slow pace of the kiss shifts when your tongue runs along his lower lip in a plea for him to let you in. he obeys, parting his lips. your tongue swirls and dances with his, pressing so hard into his mouth that your teeth nearly clash against his. he’s lightheaded and his brain is telling him he needs air but all he thinks he needs right now is you. he has to physically refrain himself from whimpering when you pull away, a string of saliva following you. it breaks when you boost yourself up on the tips of your toes so that your mouth is right beside his ear. the warmth of your breath tickles and he would have flinched if it wasn’t for the single word you whispered: bedroom.
bartender!atsumu who finally, finally gets to do what he’s been thinking about for the past few weeks. your restlessness is palpable as he slowly unzips your dress. he pushes the straps aside and presses a light kiss to each of your shoulders before gripping either side of the dress, tugging it down to reveal your tits. he watches as your nipples pebble at the exposure to the cool air. he’s tempted to roll one between his fingers, to pop one in his mouth, but he doesn’t. he has more pressing matters to attend to. your dress drags lower and lower, displaying more and more skin with each yank. he’s kneeling now, face-to-face with your crotch as he continues to pull the dress down your body. the fabric hits the floor and he almost laughs to himself—you weren’t wearing any panties.
bartender!atsumu who gently nudges you back so that you’re lying comfortably on the bed. he pushes your knees apart so he can get a good look at you. and if you had been wearing panties, you surely would have soaked through them. had you been touching yourself before he arrived? were you so needy that you couldn’t wait for him? or maybe the heated kiss from down the hall was enough to turn you on to the point of nearly dripping. regardless of what had gotten you so wet, he sucks in a breath at the sight. his fingers draw up to spread your glistening lips apart and a thin layer of your essence is left behind on them. everything in him is telling him to stick the fingers in his mouth so he could get a taste but he holds back. if he’s going to taste you, he has to do so properly.
bartender!atsumu who can’t help but moan into your sex when his tongue flattens and runs up the slit, only stopping when he meets the nub of nerves at your apex. he flicks it with his tongue and huffs out a short laugh at the surprised gasp that slips past your lips. your reaction encourages him to continue and he does until he catches sight of your hole clenching around nothing. he’s not quite ready to come up from between your legs but he isn’t so inhumane that he’d leave you hanging. one of his hands abandons its place on your thigh, two fingers collecting your slick before pushing into your gummy walls. 
it’s lewd—the sound that fills the room as his fingers rhythmically pump in and out of you, his mouth latched and sucking on your clit. when you begin to squirm and whimper, a telltale sign of your impending orgasm, his tongue and fingers trade places. he’d much rather feel you come in his mouth. his wet muscle delves into your dripping cunt while his thumb presses circles against the sensitive nub. your legs tighten around his head and your hands frantically tug at his hair as you continue to climb the stairs to your climax. the taut coil in your tummy finally snaps, drawing a shaky gasp from your throat. your back arches as pleasure washes over you, the man between your thighs still languidly lapping at your folds.
bartender!atsumu who pulls himself away from your cunt to reveal the mess of spit and your release left behind on the lower half of his face. you’re still lying on your back when you speak up, telling him you’d like to return the favor. and while the thought of you on your knees, eyes wide and peering up at him as your lips work his cock is one that’s undeniably enticing, the man doesn’t think he can wait any longer. and you don’t explicitly say so, but he’s sure that neither his tongue nor his fingers are enough to satiate you. 
undressing is a blur that comes and goes quickly—his shirt gets tossed somewhere on the floor and his belt doesn’t make it out of the loops before his slacks and boxers are pushed down to and off his feet. his heavy, hard cock slaps against his stomach the moment it’s freed from its confines. the tip is a rosy shade of red and leaking with precum. you must have busied yourself while he was ridding himself of his clothes because when he looks up to ask whether you have protection, you’re already holding a small, shiny foil square out to him. he accepts the condom, carefully tearing open the foil with his teeth. he gives himself a few swift strokes before sheathing his length with the rubber and sending you a look that silently asks for confirmation.
bartender!atsumu who pushes himself past your tight ring of muscles, slowly, inch by inch with a low groan, his hold tensing on your waist the deeper he reaches. you whine at the stretch—he makes you feel so full, stuffed to the brink. his generosity doesn’t go unnoticed—stilling so you can adjust to his size—but you need more and you tell him so by wriggling restlessly. he smiles at your impatience, caressing your sides with his thumbs before withdrawing, only to forcefully drive into you. the moan you let out is near-pornographic and you have no time to recover from the particularly powerful thrust before he’s setting an unrelenting tempo. it’s simultaneously too much and not enough and even though you’re too fucked out to decipher what you’re saying, you’re sure the indecipherable babbles are begs for more. and as much as he’d like to comply, rutting his hips comes as a difficult task when your walls are clenching around him so tightly. 
so, instead, he settles for bringing a thumb down to your swollen clit, pressing harsh circles against the sensitive bud. the extra stimulation sends you over the edge, your eyes rolling back and tremors racking throughout your body as a result of your orgasm. and he almost comes with you, his hips desperately rocking into you as he chases his high. his thrusts are sloppy and rushed, hushed moans accompanying the lewd squelching that echoes throughout the room. it only takes a few more deep plunges before he’s stilling and sucking in a sharp breath, his seed spilling into the condom.
bartender!atsumu who struggles to catch his breath as he pulls his softened cock out of you. it’s a shame, really, seeing his cum pooled in a condom instead of oozing out of you. thoughts of what it would be like to fuck you raw invade his mind. what would it feel to be swallowed by your warmth, to feel your arousal soaking his length? how much better would your uncontrollable spasms feel without the protective barrier between you? would you be able to take it if he decided to fuck his cum back into you until he came again? the image alone is fuel that goes straight to his cock, his erection hardening once more. despite wanting nothing more than to find the answer to all of his questions, he’s content tying up the rubber and disposing of it in the waste bin beside your bed. he isn’t so satisfied at the realization that it’s time for him to leave.
bartender!atsumu who forces himself to bury the giddy feeling that threatens to show on his face when you reach out for him and tell him he can stay. he’s had a long night, you explain; where’s the harm in letting him sleep over? and he knows that that’s probably all you mean by it, but he can’t help but feel as though maybe, just maybe, this is a step in the right direction. maybe that nagging thought from before wasn’t so far off, maybe you want him as much as he wants you.
bartender!atsumu who has no idea that you’ve already saved his number in your phone with every intention of seeing him again.
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thanks for reading! if u enjoyed, please consider reblogging or commenting ❤︎
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heartdoomed · 20 days
Quick long story short, I unfortunately lost the ask who asked for this fanfic 💔 hope ya find your way back to this!
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| Hard To Crack
Chapter l
Pairing: Au Mafia! Lady Dimitrescu x Tutor! Reader
Genre: AU, Slow Burn, Multiple Chapters
Chapter Warnings: None
Mondays rarely made you excited, but today was different. Maybe it was the thought of finally acquiring a stable job outside of your freelance work or perhaps just the everlasting memory that your rent was due weeks ago. Either way, standing outside of such an imposing building made your knees buckle with anxiety. Everything about this place screamed old money, status, fuck it; these people could probably buy your soul if they wanted to. Yet, there you were, holding a small briefcase, dressed in the best clothes you could find, and walking straight towards Dimitrescu manor.
You repeated the word in your mind, your lips silently moving in sync. You have been practicing that surname ever since you filed the application; the fear of mispronouncing your possible new boss made you paranoid towards the smallest of details. She was definitely European—maybe Romanian? You pondered against your thoughts, feeling your legs grow heavier with each step past the front garden— the view sure was something. The flowers were beautiful, the garden bushes were trimmed to perfection, and the cobblestone pathway had not a single trace of moss. Still, something about the Gothic architecture made you intrigued. The manor stood tall, sharp, and commanding, as if it mocked you by simply being there. 
The amount of daydreaming made you almost trip on your feet, and you thanked your lucky stars; there was no one nearby to see such a display.
Your shoes finally clicked onto the last doorstep with a halt, and your eyes traveled down to the doorknocker. A dragonhead made of dark metal—this couldn’t get any more gothic. Wrapping your fingers around the ring, you softly knocked against the dark wood of the heavy door. You waited, steadying your breath as the door gently opened.
A middle-aged woman, possibly in her late 50’s, opened the door and greeted you with a soft smile. She had a short stature, black hair adorned with lustrous silver streaks, a welcoming expression you were relieved to see. Unlike the gate guards, she was surely more welcoming of you, at least. Gosh, how embarrassing it was to prove you were in fact supposed to be there—maybe the family was just way too cautious with security.
“Y/N? Ah, yes. Lady Dimitrescu is waiting; let me take you to her.” 
Clinging tightly against your briefcase, you gave her an understanding smile and followed suit.
‘Lady.’ You’ve never met anyone with that status before. It was bold of you to go this far and to try this higher. Working for a countess seemed just too ambitious, dammit, you were cleaning bar tables last Saturday! Surely your history as a teacher was a great fate sealer, besides your multiple positive experiences as a babysitter for other families with good financial wealth. But a countess? She had the money to hire thousands of other employees and keep them around until her children made it to college, yet you dared to try, amongst many others.
The place was surely old but very well maintained. The floor was polished to perfection, the wood shined with cleanness, and you couldn’t see a single spec in any of the furniture or expensive vases. You dared to say those vases must’ve cost more than your immortal soul. 
Once far upstairs, you looked around as the maid entered the office to announce your arrival. Your eyes gently traveled, taking in all the smallest details until something caught your attention. Three little heads popped from the corner of the corridor you entered with the maid. Sprouts of red, dark brown, and blonde hair watched you with the minimum amount of care to not be seen—three little curious girls you had yet to proerly meet—each eyes shared different emotions and very own little personalities, as soon as you raised your hand to a friendly wave, they were gone.
“Lady Dimitrescu will see you in a moment.” The maid gently replied to you, closing the quite tall door behind her. You could hear a faint voice from what you were sure to be the lady’s office; she seemed rather stressed about a matter, but you couldn’t make much out of it. “Please wait here. I wish you good luck.” She whispered, giving you a nod and soon disappearing down the hallway.
You somehow managed to keep your thoughts and sanity balanced. You didn’t have to wait much, but the few minutes that passed by seemed like a torturous eternity. You just wanted to get this over with, as part of you had a feeling this would be yet another failed interview. 
“Come inside.”
You almost jumped from the sudden voice coming from the office; it wasn’t a shout, but it was loud and firm enough to make you immediately steady yourself up. You quickly brushed your clothes, cleaned your throat, and gently opened the door. It was time.
The office was larger than expected, with many bookshelves against the walls with several books you haven’t even heard of. A golden chandelier illuminated the room perfectly, and the woman resting against the office chair, the chair was turned towards a large window that perfectly gave a view of the outside. Your face burned at the thought of her possibly seeing you trip earlier on, hells. You softly closed the door behind you, and once you turned, your eyes immediately made contact with the woman’s fierce orbs.
Lady Dimitrescu was a striking figure. She wore a lustrous ivory suit jacket followed by an inner black turtleneck shirt and a dark rose against her right chest. It was not everyday you laid your eyes on a woman with such a style of clothing; sure, it wasn’t impossible to see women wearing things outside of skirts, but her way of dressing was absolutely bold. Her hair was raven in color, some silver streaks ran down it, giving her looks a nice combination. 
“Lady Dimitrescu, It’s a pleasure to—“
She raised her hand, making you immediately stop talking. She leaned to open a shelf from her desk, taking out a cigar and a golden lighter, she swiftly lit it with a deep drag. As she turned towards you, she remained silent, her eyes looked you up and down, and she finally spoke.
She motioned to the chair in front of her, and you immediately obeyed. You softly rested your briefcase against your lap. Nervously,  you thought about your next choice: Talk? Stay silent? What if you annoyed her by talking again? Or by staying too quiet?
“I have had a total of six candidates and three failed employments during the last month,” she started while releasing the drag she took. “The last employee was supposed to start this Monday, but as you can see, you are here instead. The interview didn’t go as desired.”
“I’m sorry to hear about that, but I’m certain that I will reach your expectations, ma’am.”
“You are the fourth to say such a bold statement.” 
“And it’s a statement I ought to excel with.”
Lady Dimitrescu silently raised an eyebrow at your newfound bravery; unlike the other candidates, you were the only one to reply back with that amount of determination. Brushing aside your thoughts about failing at this interview, you gently changed your posture—you couldn’t give up just yet.
“I’ve read your reports, Lady Dimitrescu. I understand your daughters can be very—“
“Difficult?” She asked with a grin; her pearly white teeth held the impression of amusement from her.
“Very complex... yes. But as much as my years of experience have allowed me, I feel confident in my abilities.”
You gave a soundless sight through your nose; anything maintained the confident posture you took. How could that woman do it all the time? You felt your shoulders weight from a few seconds alone. Carefully enough, you opened your briefcase, stacking important papers onto her desk as she took hold of a few. Leaning back, she took another drag before setting her cigar onto an ashtray as her eyes loomed over the machine-typed words.
“Not bad... nor extraordinary.” She huffed, and you fiddled with your fingers. “My daughters are not little angels, Miss...” She arched a sharp eyebrow at you. Your eyes almost widened upon noticing you forgot to even introduce yourself, but wouldn’t she already know from your application?
“It is Y/N—“
“Y/N, of course.” Your name rolled way too well against her tongue. “It looks like I will need more than just papers and ink; I need better convincing from your part, Miss Y/N.”
Before you could say anything, her figure rose from her chair, and just finally your eyes widened, at least. Gosh, she was tall, and you certainly didn’t expect it at all. Have you ever even seen a woman that tall? Maybe it was a condition, but flaming hell, she was at least well over 9’0 feet! You felt absolutely minuscule in comparison. Quickly snapping from your shock, you organized your briefcase as she made her way towards the door, pushing it open and waiting for you to pass through. 
“Ah, you want me to meet them already?”
Alcina gave a sharp nod, her heels clicking sharply against the ground. You barely managed to keep up with her along the corridor as a maid happened to come across you two.
“Send the girls to the living room, immediately.” She ordered. The maid gave a silent nod and scattered away even faster than you both. 
‘She has long legs, this isn’t far!’
You protested in your thoughts, and just as if she could read your mind, she started to slow down. Her right hand traveled to run some of her hair away behind her head, she gave a low hum as she noticed you finally catching up with her.
“You will have to run faster if you don’t want to lose them from your sight.”
“Well, I’m sure their legs aren’t as long as yours, ma’am!”
The tall woman managed to let out a hum; it was audible from your position and very well toned with amusement.
“You are rather bold when you want to be, aren’t you?” You wish you could properly slap yourself from spluttering that out loud.
“I apologize; I didn’t mean to offend you.“
“It’s refreshing,” She stopped on her tracks, turning to you, who almost passed past her before also stopping. “And do not apologize. I hate foolish apologies; if you wish to make up for something, show me results, not words.” That sank into your mind as you both kept on your tracks; this woman was like no one you’ve met before.
Finally enough, you found yourself in the living room. Alcina dismissed the maid you two had come across, and the room was left to you five. The once-girls who once threw words against each other and shifted restlessly against the large sofa quickly toned down upon the sight of their mother, they rearranged themselves as Alcina squinted her eyes at them to behave. Judging by it, she was the type of mother to look, not warn. 
“Much better,” Alcina finally set down on a particularly larger chair than the rest; naturally, everything of hers was probably custom made. “Now, now. We have been through this a lot, and I hope you three cooperate more as my options are shortening themselves.”
“Yes mother.” The trio spoke in union, but you could catch the different tones and even personalities of each.
She gave an approving look and turned to you with a sharp nod. Presentations, naturally. You gently strode over, finally having a decent look at the girls. For girls not considered angels by their own mother, it was surely a surprise to see them behave this quickly. 
“Hello there, it’s great to finally meet you three!” You bended just enough to allow a handshake; the redhead was quick to chirp and eagerly took your hand while the blonde showed more decorum with your handshake. The brunette, on the other hand, kept her arms crossed, looking at you with clear defiance. Alcina rolled her eyes at the very same antics.
“I’m Bela,” the blonde started. “This is Daniela.” She pointed at the red head who wouldn’t stop shifting in her seat but rather from excitement than anything else. “And this grumpy frog is Cassandra—ouch! Mom! Cassandra hit me!” Bela cried out loud, holding the arm Cassandra delivered a punch onto.
“Bela started!” The brunette protested, sticking out her tongue towards her sister, who replied with the same action. Daniela simply tilted her head before also sticking out her own tongue in solidarity.
“Ahem—amphibious aside, I'm sure it’s not polite to call your sister a frog, Bela.” 
“Hmph.” Bela pointed, turning away from Cassandra, who smiled in false triumph.
“And neither is it right to hit your sister, Cassandra!” You replied shortly after. Cassandra stared daggers into your eyes. “An angry face doesn’t make it any better, little lady.” Noticing you wouldn’t back down from this, she looked over at Alcina, who gave her an eye-narrowing glance. She then backed down from her defiant expression and allowed her back to hit the softness of the sofa.
“I won’t shake your hand.” She scoffed.
It was obvious that these girls were spoiled, even if by accident. Maybe they just needed a firm grip that was also understanding? No other tutor nanny was able to withstand how troublesome they were.
“I’m Y/N, and hopefully I will get to see you three if everything goes well. I’m looking after knowing you girls better.” The girls shot glances at each other; Daniela snickered while Bela rolled her eyes at Cassandra’s prideful expression. “And... is there something I don’t know?” You tentatively inquired.
“It’s just,” Daniela started, her feet shifting against each other as she stopped chuckling. “Cassandra bit the last nanny, and she ran away.” Alcina almost choked on her own air.
“Daniela.” She warned, and the girl squirmed behind Bela, who threw a fit of laughter. Cassandra narrowed her eyes at you, seemingly not sorry for what she had done. 
“A bite? Tsk, nothing out of the matter.” You were starting to see just how the dynamic between the trio worked, and your seemingly lack of concern made Cassandra shocked. “If you, young lady, think you can surprise me with your antics, I have my doubts.” You dully kneeled in front of the girls, now being the center of their rather fragile attention spam. 
Suddenly, you quickly darted your hand towards the side of Cassandra’s head. Alcina tensed at first before fully relaxing and letting out an incredulous scoff.
“WHAT?!” The trio practically screamed as you brought your hand back to reveal a silver, apparently taken from behind Cassandra’s ear. The small girl desperately pampered with her ear before grabbing your hand to examine it better— her sisters were just as equally shocked with the trick.
“Ah, and what is this?” You mischievously started, and Cassandra furrowed her eyebrows before looking down. Her eyes widened as soon as she noticed. She was torn between being mad and being impressed with your deceiving. You softly held Cassabdra’s hands as she now held the silver coin. You gently shook her hand, softly smiling at your own little victory. “Looks like little old me did manage to shake your hand; Id say it was a smooth move, no?”
Cassandra remained shocked as Bela and Daniela smiled towards each other. No maid has gotten this far! Excitement builds up within each of them; maybe things would take a turn around here.
“Well, well,” Alcina slowly stood up from her chair, her gaze shifting towards you with a less judgmental view. ”You are the first to actually get a handshake out of her... Not bad.” That made you smile, at least a tiny bit. 
With a nod and a sigh, she looked down at her daughters, who immediately looked up in expectation.
“Let her stay!”
“Mom, come on! She is fun, you can’t let her go!”
Each one protested as you shifted in place; suddenly the weight of the reason you were here to begin with finally crept into your consciousness. Alcina sighed, her hand performing a 'shoo’ motion towards her daughters, who quickly picked up the pace to leave the living room. As Bela and Cassandra left, Daniela gently stopped by you to give your legs a tight hug, to which you happily returned. She shyly smiled and attempted to hide her face in between her hands, making her way in an attempt to catch up with her sisters.
“You start next week.”
You jumped, hearing Alcina’s voice just behind you. Gosh, that woman could be scary when she wanted to.
“E- Excuse me?” Unbelievable.
“Do I have to repeat myself?” Absolutely not.
“No! Oh goodness. Thank you so much, Lady Dimi—“
“And you can stop with titles... Ma’am is still acceptable. Refer to me as Alcina, understood? 
A simple nod came from you, as you still tried to process what she had just said. You wanted to sigh, to laugh, to flop on a bed, to break something. You felt euphoric, you out of so many others? 
“But of course, I expect things to be stable. Many others were also approved but never made it past a few weeks in our house.” She squinted her eyes at you, mind lost in thought, before she bent. “The girls seem to enjoy your company, so don’t disappoint me." Alcina quietly rose to her full height; her eyes never left yours, and you wouldn’t dream of looking away nonetheless.
“I’ll have a maid scort you outside; your job starts next Monday." In the meantime, prepare yourself while I get a room prepared for your stay.”
As she left the room, you quickly trailed behind. Your heart was stomping against your ribcage; it was unbelievable, but it brought so much hope you had no capacity to think of negative scenarios. She could definitely catch the smile on your lips, perhaps she could use seeing more smiles like yours. 
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swordsandholly · 2 months
Should I start working on this College AU rugby player Soap x art history major (sort of low self-esteem) reader again?
I’ve been thinkin’ about it. Their story haunts me. Anyway here’s a snippet for you to judge:
You sit in the common grounds on an old, tattered quilt under one of the oaks. You managed to score a good spot today, just enough sun to be warm but not enough to force you to squint. The tree curves in that perfect shape for you to lean back against it. You’ve settled into your millionth re-read of Howl’s Moving Castle. A go to when college gets too hard for your brain and you need something easy to digest. Like saltines on a sick stomach.
A faint call of, “Bonnie!” jerks you from the quiet of your moment. Oh, God. Johnny comes jogging up from a group of his fellow rugby players. If only the way he smiles at you didn’t direct all of your attention onto him, maybe you could have gotten away with pretending not to see or hear him.
As it is, you totally can. You push your sunglasses up onto the top of your head and pluck out an earphone just to sit up on your elbows. “Johnny.”
All six foot of the man comes plunking down onto the grass beside you. “I don’ get tae see ye around campus often. Feels like I havennae seen ye in forever.”
“I work a lot.” You repeat. Why couldn’t the gods gift you with at least moderate conversational skills? “It’s only been, like, four days. You weren’t in class yesterday.”
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Aye… Might have, eh, partaken a bit too much…”
You snort. “As long as you weren’t drinking and driving.”
“I would never.” The response is immediate, his tone unrecognizably dark. A sore spot.
“I’ll give you the notes.” You tilt your head back, changing the subject quickly. The shadows move and the sun begins to encroach upon your spot. It’s nice, actually.
“Ye donnae have tae-”
“I don’t mind.” You wave him off. “We can go over them on study night.”
A loud whistle and a holler echo from the other side of the lawn. Johnny’s buddies are all grouped up, staring. Well, the ones that aren’t actively being distracted by pretty girls are. Your eye meets with the man in the mask, staring each other down for a very brief moment. A shiver runs down your spine as he turns away. Two of the others lean in, snickering while they watch the two of you. It makes your chest hurt in a far too familiar way.
“I think your boys are calling.” You turn back to look at Johnny.
“Och, they can wait.” He shrugs those wide shoulders. Has he gotten bigger recently? “Whit are ye readin’?”
“Oh, nothing, just some kids book…” Before you can tuck it away he snatches it up, flipping it over to the back.
“My sisters read this! They watched the movie a lot. S’about tha’ girl who gets swept off her feet by a dashing wizard, eh?” He grins and leans in. “Remind ye of anybody, bonnie?”
You sit up and scoff, snatching the book back. “Fancy yourself dashing, MacTavish?”
“On occasion.” He winks.
You roll your eyes and mock gag. The man sure lays it on thick. “Well if you read the book you’d know he’s a whiny little brat, so, frankly, yes, it does remind me of a certain somebody.”
Johnny pouts dramatically, only further proving your point. “Got a sharp tongue on ye, hen.”
“It comes in handy.” You chuckle.
“God, I’d be so good to ye.” He says so fast you almost miss it as he grins wide.
You splutter out an awkward laugh, caught entirely off guard. The words sting a bit. He’s joking, obviously. It’s a little cruel. Uncharacteristically so.
Another shout has Johnny rolling his eyes and standing up. “I’ll see ye Thursday?”
“Thursday…” You nod, eyes still wide. You’re sure you look ridiculous.
Mr. Johnny-Sees-All grins back at you with a knowing spark in his eye. “Later, hen!”
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simplyraeblue · 28 days
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hunter and hunted (jjk)
college (summer) break au: a fic in which y/n is pining over Yuji's older brother Sukuna, while unbeknownst to her, Choso is doing the same thing for her. contents: sukuna x reader, choso x reader, modern college AU, yuji and choso are brothers, sukuna and yuji are brothers, smut warning
chapter warnings/tags: MDNI, NSWF, smut, oral (f receiving), p in v penetration, rough sex, degradation, no after care, slight non-con, after bruising, sukuna sucks during sex A/N: I never said Sukuna was gonna be a good guy yet... but that doesn't mean I don't plan to try and redeem him. Sukuna is an absolute toxic man at this point, so keep that in mind.
index part five | part seven
part five word count: 2,931
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you couldn't quite figure out what had come over Sukuna recently. over the past few days, he seemed to be everywhere you were. after your kiss, he’d been noticeably kinder—or at least less overtly hostile—and he wasn’t completely avoiding you anymore.
“is it just me, or did someone kidnap my brother and replace him with a clone?” Yuji asked, watching as Sukuna offered you a bite of his food before retreating to his room to eat.
you shrugged, trying to play it cool. “probably, but I’m not complaining. if I can get through a day without being cursed out every other sentence, I’m all for it.”
“it’s just weird,” Yuji said, leaning against the counter and staring at the stairs as if expecting answers to materialize. “it’s like he only acts like this around you.”
his comment made your cheeks warm. there was no way he’d figure it out so quickly. “maybe he’s been sipping on some respect women juice?” you suggested with a smile.
Yuji’s face lit up as if a light bulb had gone off. “that’s it! I bet he found a girlfriend!”
you choked on your drink. Yuji’s theory left you sputtering, trying to regain your composure. “uh, yeah, maybe,” you managed to say, still a bit flustered.
Yuji’s excitement was palpable. “it makes sense, right? maybe he’s trying to impress someone.”
you forced a laugh, hoping Yuji wouldn’t press further. “sure, let’s go with that.”
Yuji seemed to accept this explanation, nodding to himself. “well, if it means he’s less of a jerk, I guess I’m okay with it.”
as Yuji wandered off, you found yourself alone with your thoughts, your mind racing. Sukuna's recent change in behavior was a puzzle, and while Yuji’s theory was amusing, you knew there was more to it. a darker truth, a deeper desire burning inside of your bones that would never dare admit to your best friend.
when sukuna emerged from his room later, his usual guarded demeanor was back in place, but there was a hint of something softer in his eyes when he looked at you. it was a stark contrast to the rough exterior he usually wore.
“Yuji’s got a big mouth. could hear him all the way upstairs,” sukuna said gruffly, though there was no real malice in his tone.
you raised an eyebrow, playing along. “yeah, he does. but what’s this about you being a clone?”
sukuna smirked, a trace of his old self peeking through. “I guess I’ll have to keep you guessing.”
as he walked past you, his fingers brushed against yours, sending a shiver up your spine. you weren’t sure if you should push it with him, but you were aching to bring up the kiss. the way he spoke about wanting to see if you were innocent. the feeling of his hands on your hips – and the fact that you were ready to let him do whatever he wished. maybe if you just-
“you’re starin’ at me like I’ve got two heads, doll.” Sukuna’s voice cracked through your thoughts. he tilted his head quizzically at you, trying to read your expression with a smirk. “having a walking wet dream about me?”
“sukuna!” you hissed, whipping around to scan the living room, ensuring that Yuji and Choso were both well out of earshot. “don’t be so crass.”
Sukuna’s smirk only grew as he advanced, his presence forcing you against the counter. “looks like we’re right back to where we were a few days ago,” he drawled, his eyes glinting with mischief.
you felt a flush creep up your neck at the memory, the way it played so vividly in your mind as if it had happened just moments ago. “I thought you’d have forgotten by now.”
Sukuna leaned in, his breath warm against your ear as he whispered, “if you find yourself feeling lonely tonight, you know exactly where to find me.”
a shiver jolted through your body at his words, and you had to clamp down on the urge to grab his face and pull him into a kiss right there in the kitchen. Sukuna’s low, rumbling chuckle echoed in your ears as he drew back, his eyes dancing with a mischievous glint. with one last, lingering wink, he turned and walked back to his room, leaving you to grapple with the heat of his words and the buzz of his presence still lingering in the air.
you felt like a machine, mechanically going through the motions to get ready to go to bed, the electricity still buzzing inside of you. you combed through your hair (with a little more care than usual), brushed your teeth (maybe a little to vigorously), and applied a lovely, scented lotion. sure, maybe you added some extra steps to your routine, and maybe you slipped on a cuter set of pajamas than usual.
but no matter how much you might have primped, you swore up and down that you wouldn’t be the one to make the first move.
as you lay in bed, struggling to quiet your racing thoughts and falling prey to fantasies that danced through your mind, you heard your phone buzz on the nightstand. you nearly leaped out of bed to grab it, a surge of anticipation and nervous energy rushing through you.
‘Kuna: you up?’
you couldn’t help but chuckle at the audacity of his text—so straightforward, so typical of him. a whirlwind of emotions churned inside you as you debated whether or not to reply. before you could make up your mind, your phone buzzed again.
‘Kuna: get up here.’
your heart skipped a beat. it was as if an invisible string had yanked you from your bed. without a second thought, you slipped out of bed, making sure to close your door quietly behind you. you crept up the stairs as stealthily as possible, the silence of the house amplifying each step you took. when you reached Sukuna’s door, you knocked softly, the anticipation making your pulse race.
when the doorknob turned, Sukuna swung it open, revealing himself in nothing but a pair of sweatpants. your hands were already trembling with nerves, the sight of him in such a casual state sending a jolt of excitement through you. “come in, welcome to my dungeon,” he said with a lopsided grin, stepping aside to let you enter.
as you stepped into the room, a wave of anxiety settled into your stomach. the space before you was one you had always been forbidden from entering—a room even Yuji hesitated to tread. the room was a stark contrast to the rest of the house, a sanctuary that seemed to exude Sukuna’s very essence.
“wow, I feel like I’m breaking some sort of rule by being in here,” you joked, trying to mask your unease as you took in the scene. the room was dark and moody, with deep-toned bedding and a set of weights casually thrown into one corner. heavy metal band posters adorned the walls, each one screaming Sukuna’s personality.
before you could comment further on the eclectic decor, Sukuna closed the distance between you, his hands gripping your hips firmly. he spun you around to face him, his lips crashing into yours with an urgent intensity. “been wanting to do that every damn day,” he growled, his voice rough with longing as he nipped at your lips. the fierceness of his kiss sent shivers down your spine, and all your previous anxiety seemed to melt away under the heat of his touch.
“why haven’t you?” you asked through kisses, your hands already coming around to fist the back of his shirt.
“damn brats all over the place.” he muttered, bringing his hands onto your face. you weren’t surprised by how rough and insistent he was being – your desire to just be touched by him overwhelmed you.
“well, you’ve got me all to yourself now.” you told him as his lips trailed from yours down your neck, biting the skin there and causing you to groan.
he didn’t respond, only guided you backwards until your legs hit the edge of his bed before you laid on your back. Sukuna leaned above you, looking down at you as you stared up at him. maybe, you told yourself, just maybe he was looking at you with actual affection.
“I told you I’ve been wanting to see how innocent you were, now I’ve got the chance.” Sukuna grunted as he dipped his head down to your neck again while his hands began to roam your body. everywhere he touched, everywhere he kissed, left a trail of fire that had your skin burning.
through your heavy, pleasured breathing, you grabbed his face to bring him up to kiss you – but he pulled away to dive into your breasts. you gasped at the contact, feeling him shoving the material up your body and roughly pulling it over your head. “Sukuna,” you squealed, wanting to cover up.
as your arms went to cover yourself, he grabbed your wrists and pinned them over you with one hand. Sukuna immediately latched himself onto one of your perked up nipples, sucking and nipping at them feverishly. when he bit a little too hard, you yelped out, only making him go harder at the sound.
you wanted him to kiss you, but every time you tried to connect your lips with his he buried his face elsewhere. his hand untied your silky shorts, shoving them down your legs. you might’ve thought nothing of it until you felt a cool breeze hitting your already dripping core. he’d taken your panties with your pants.
“Sukuna, maybe we should slow-”
“shh.” he interrupted, letting his grip on your wrist go before moving that hand to cover your mouth. “wanna taste you.”
with your eyes as wide as saucers, you watched as he nuzzled into your heat, quickly licking a stripe through your folds. your back arched and you moaned into his hand at the contact, wanting more. needing more.
as if your reaction told him all he needed to hear, he suddenly slurped up your juices loudly, his tongue diving into your pussy. “Skna,” you whined, muffled by his skin as you squeezed your eyes shut.
“taste s’ good.” Sukuna murmured as he devoured you. instinctively, your thighs began to squeeze shut, clenching his head between them. he didn’t even look up at you as he pulled up from licking you to spit on your clit before taking it between his lips, sucking hard and swirling his tongue around it.
he removed his hand from your mouth to pry one of your legs to the side, gripping it so hard you were sure you’d have bruises in the shape of his fingertips. “Sukuna, feel s’ good.” you rasped as he continued pumping his fingers in and out of you at a faster pace now, every suck of your clit sending you closer and closer to your orgasm.
just as you thought you were about to cum, and were close to warning him, he withdrew his fingers and his mouth, leaving you cold. “need t’ fuck you right now.” Sukuna growled, grasping your hips and flipping you with harsh speed so that you were on your stomach. he slid a hand under you, pulling your hips up so that your ass was in the air. 
“fuck, do you have a condom?” you asked, your body trembling with desire and a tightness in your gut from getting so close to your release.
“no, don’t use ‘em.” you wanted to protest, but you were so desperate for him to just put it inside of you.
you tried to turn your body, so that you could see his face, but his hand shot to the back of your neck and lower back to keep you in place. “stay still f’ me doll.” he groaned, and before you could plead with him to kiss you, you felt his tip teasing your entrance.
when the hell did he take off his pants?
while you weren’t inexperienced with sex, having a few flings over your college years, you were pretty sure it had never been like this. just as you were thinking he’d slowly enter you – just like your past experiences – you shrieked as he shoved his cock fully inside of you.
pain and pleasure seared through you as tears pricked your eyes. “you’re so – fuck – so tight.” Sukuna panted as he wasted no time in bullying his cock inside until it was kissing your cervix.
“you’re – mph – too big, Sukuna.” you moaned, trying to will your walls to stretch for him so that you wouldn’t feel the pain. “s-slow down.”
but he either didn’t hear you over his own pleasure, or didn’t care, because his pace only quickened. “that’s right, doll – hah – take my fat cock like the little slut you are.” Sukuna bit out, snapping his hips into yours with such force that you almost fell forward.
“Sukuna, please—” you whimpered, biting your lip in a desperate attempt to stay quiet. you could barely muster the words, but you needed him to kiss you, to slow down and be gentler.
the hand Sukuna held on to the back of your neck slipped around to grab your throat, pulling your body back to meet his pace. “takin’ it s’ well.” slap. “knew you weren’t innocent.” slap. “gonna be m’ dirty whore.”
with every dirty insult, you tried to tell yourself that he probably just had a degradation kink. he didn’t actually mean those things. with your body still at war between pain and pleasure, you felt him bullying your g spot with his cock and you arrived at the edge yet again.
“Sukuna – ha – slow down – mph – ‘m gonna cum.” you hiccupped, tears rolling down your face now at the stimulation your body was being put through. every time his tip hit your g spot you felt the wave start to crash over you. he didn’t slow down, sending you right over the cliff.
your vision went white as a blazing hot orgasm rocketed through you, your body spasming and clenching around his cock while you tried to keep quiet and not scream his name. even as you rode out your release, he continued bullying into you, harder and faster now as he relished the feeling of you milking him.
“that’s right, cum on this dick.” Sukuna barked, his grip tightening on your throat to the point you were beginning to see stars. his hips snapped into yours more forcefully, echoing lewd, wet slaps through the room as he neared the ledge as well, losing control of his thrusts.
just as you were about to tell him to pull out, since he wasn’t wearing a condom, you felt a twitch inside of you as he let out a loud groan. warmth spread through your pussy, coating your walls with his cum as he rutted into you. “fuck fuck fuck.” he growled out, slamming into you until he was absolutely drained of cum.
you both were panting heavily when he pulled out of you. “that was-” you started to say with a weak smile, until Sukuna practically threw a towel in your direction.
“here, to clean up.” he stated, using a washcloth to clean himself off before pulling up his boxers and sweatpants.
shame rushed through you suddenly. he didn’t even look at you as he went to take a drink of water, merely letting you clean yourself off as you felt his cum seeping out of you. you screamed at him in your mind to just look at you, to kiss you softly and help you clean up the mess he made, to hold you and caress you and to –
“’m gonna crash now.” Sukuna broke through your storm of thoughts, pulling back his blankets and climbing in bed while you still sat on the edge. “maybe you should go back downstairs, so it’s not suspicious in the morning.”
tears welled up in your eyes as you scrambled to put your pajamas back on, your movements hurried and frantic. “y-yeah, that makes sense,” you forced out, trying to sound casual despite the tears now streaming down your cheeks. you refused to turn around, unwilling to let him see you cry. “goodnight,” you mumbled as you opened his door and fled from the room, shutting it quietly behind you.
you stood in the hallway for a moment, feeling numb and disoriented, as if your legs were unable to move on their own. with a sense of zombie-like detachment, you made your way down the stairs, no longer caring about making any noise. you trudged into the bathroom; the fluorescent lights harsh against your tear-streaked face.
you grabbed a wet washcloth and began to clean up, your silent sobs almost breaking through. as you wiped your legs, a sudden sharp pain made you flinch. glancing down, you saw dark bruises beginning to form on your thighs, one set specifically looking like finger markings. panic surged through you, and you rushed to the mirror, your breath hitching as you saw a handprint emerging on your neck and a raw, angry bite mark between your neck and shoulder. the sight made your heart race, and your breathing came in shallow gasps, the reality of what had happened crashing down on you with brutal clarity.
when your head finally hit the pillow, your entire body aching and tears still rolling down your face, you found sleep quickly. and this time, there were no pleasant dreams to make you feel better.
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A/N DISCLAIMER: let me just clarify, this is NOT how sex should be unless both parties' consent to this level of degradation and roughness. if you're into that kind of thing and your partner is too, then by all means have at it! I took this from my own past relationship, and how it was, and I know it was never supposed to be like that. so please, don't think this is normal whatsoever. IT IS NOT. this is purely a work of fiction, and I would never tell anyone that this was okay.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ taglist: @nighttwingg @sweetsformysoul @casualpoetrytaco @lvingd3adg0rl @haikomaiko if you’d like to be added to the taglist for this WIP let me know! ♡ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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bucknastysbabe · 9 months
Pleaseee I beg for more modern big dick jace!! Love your writing :)
Yessss it’s his speciality, thank you for the compliment Xoxo!
Jace Velaryon x Karstark!Reader | College!AU
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Tinder works in this universe, sweetie pie hockey player Jace, with a huge ass horse cock, Cousin Cregan for the win, filthy nasty wet sloppy, pnv!sex, Jace is terrified of his own dick, cutie gf/bf softness, poor Karstark is on the ride of the lifetime, sex playlists and general first time awkwardness, Virgin!Jace, LUBE💯
A/N: me no beta still but I’ll go back over and check stuff
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You rolled over onto your belly, you’d been texting this cutie from your college about two weeks now. All plump lips and pretty smiles— shamefully had a sorta hockey mullet going on but you could look past it. Did you mention his was rich as fuck? Really sweet too.
You were surprised he’d even matched with you on the dating app. You too went to Barrowton, a large university in the vast North of Westeros. So you didn’t fuck off to Dorne as planned but got a good education and a track scholarship at the least. Jace, the boy you’d been messaging, was here on academics and hockey. You’d seen him around with your cousin Cregan.
Stark. Karstark. Weird, you knew.
You’d went out with Jacaerys once so far, the brunette so sweet and humble for his upbringing. He liked to listen, citing that ‘northern accents were kinda hot’. Jace blushed to his ears afterwards, you pinching his cheek with a grin. He’d walked you back to your apartment, almost squeaking when you dragged him in.
The roomies merely raised a brow or continued their bickering over the Bachelor. Jace stuttered, “Uhhh what’cha got planned Karstark?” Were you being the idiot this time? Didn’t he want to fuck? Like all guys? You fumbled over your words and shrugged, eyes looking away, “I don’t know— uh, whatever the rest of guys want.”
Jace frowned, crossing his arms, “Sex, yeah?”
The brunette came a little closer, grabbing your hand, brown eyes sparkling as he gently suggested, “Why don’t we just watch a movie? No pressure.”
You’d be screaming crying sliding down the wall gagging if you could but instead smiled and nodded, “That sounds perfect. I’ll go make some popcorn and you can pick out a drink.” He grinned and followed your way, casually picking at your roommates and their gossiping.
Jacaerys had become more of a staple in your life now— when time allowed for it. Still reluctant about anything that involved getting his pants off. By the new gods and old you were fucking horny too. For cock, specifically, Jace was a menace about eating you out. Came in his pants over it, moaning into your pussy about ‘how sweet you were’.
Maybe he was a virgin. Your Bolton roomie, a bit of an odd one, suggested he may have micropenis or something on her strange listing of diseases. You just wanted to bounce on his cock! He was either good sir micropenis or real good at hiding his dick, you had made out in his lap quite often. You figured calling Cregan might help, even if he was Jace’s bestie.
“What do you want?”
You rolled your eyes, “You have such a way with words dear Cregan. Why won’t Jace fuck me?”
There was a pause and a loud guffaw accompanied by the sounds of a phone falling. He picked up again, “Ha, sorry, took me off guard there cousin.” Narrowing your eyes and cursing got him to speaking, “Oh he’s just got a uh— how would you say— huge godsdamn prick. He made two chicks cry his freshman year and is scarred or something. Good luck.” Click.
Well, Cregan Stark was always to the point. You understood the assignment. Lube, lube, more fucking lube. Maybe start with a handy. You had a jaw injury from eating shit during hurtles so head wasn’t happening. So you texted Jace to come over later and picked out a slutty little lingerie set you hadn’t worn in awhile. Frankly it made your tits look great.
You wore a big shirt down to your knees to cover it up. In your room it was immaculately clean, scented with a rosy candle, and maybe a frantically drawn up ‘$$$$$3333xxxxxx’ playlist. Jace wouldn’t notice the shirt, you often dressed like that, he’d just be baffled why you weren’t cold. You came from a freezing ass little town constantly plagued by storms and wind from the Bay of Seals. Poor southern boy didn’t know cold in Barrowton.
“Your lover boy is here,” Aliss Glover hollered.
You blanched and took a deep breath. You’d had dick before, you were no virgin. Just. It was Jace! He was practically perfect! Shaking your head you walked to then apartment’s door and opened it to a smiling Jace, sporting a mean black eye.
You yelped wile pulling the junior into a hug, “What the hell happened?” Jacaerys laughed it off, kissing your cheeks sweetly. He sighed, “Got a little heated at the practice scrimmage today, don’t worry, we’re all good.” You raised a brow but let it be, Cregan always took care of his kin and friends. You grabbed his hand and led Jace away while he was babbling to Aliss.
You pushed him in first, closing and locking the door behind, discreetly pressing play on your speaker. Jacaerys’ face whitened as he looked around, realizing there was something going on. He stared back at you, eyes dark and cheeks pink. The brunette questioned, “You uh- did I- what’s going on?”
You ripped off the big ass shirt and stood there, holding your composure. By a thin little wire. Jace let out a rush of breath, lust crowding his features. You knew the look quite well. He stalked closer, hands winding around your lacy waist. You looked up at his dark expression.
“Baby,” he growled, “Tell me what’s going on. Now. Trapping me in here looking like that Hm?” His thumbs dug into your soft skin, eliciting a squeak from you. In a quaver you rambled, “I reallyreally- wantedtofuckyoubutifyourenotintoiticanstop-“
His plush lips sealing over your trembling ones shut you up, plastering yourself needily to his body, afraid he’ll run off. Jace moaned softly, lips pressing insistent kisses, getting more open mouthed by the second. His roughened hands grabbed your ass as he murmured in High Valyrian.
Jace laughed, “I thought you were the bold one, here I am keeping you from jumping out the window.” His cute nose nuzzled against your own. You replied sulkily, “Very funny, I thought you were going to run back out!” He kissed you again with a ‘mhm’ and picked your frame up, moving toward your little dorm bed. He groaned as he settled your frame down, stopping to shuck off his shirt.
His abs never failed to disappoint. Jace grew a bit quiet and sheepish, eyes darting up and back down to his shorts. He sat on the end of the bed and sighed, “Alright alright, I already know you called Cregan.” A warm hand gripped your ankle, a thumb rubbing grounding circles. The elder explained, “He’s never told a lie, it’s just a lot bigger than most girls prefer. I want you really fucking bad, like, so bad.”
There was a pause as he ran a hand through shaggy hair.
“I just don’t want to hurt you and ruin everything. This one girl made me pay for her gyno.” You couldn’t help but guffaw, “What a bitch! No! We will make this work. If it doesn’t whatever there’s other ways to cum. Just c’mere again and whip it out. Lemme touch it atleast.”
The brunette’s somber eyes lightened a bit, plush lips splitting into a toothy smile. He eased off the little shorts, the even smaller briefs, leaving your mouth agape. Gods be damned and the children of the forest too. He was hung like a damn horse and not even half-hard. Jace blushed and threw his hands up, “It’s a family blessing and curse apparently! I don’t have a list of size queens up for grabs.”
You growled, “I got lube and patience, c’mere lover boy.”
He turned to you, crawling over your needy body, that heavy cock swaying, utterly mesmerizing. Gods— his balls too. You groaned, “How did you hide that beauty?” He snipped back, “Tuck and go. Stop staring so hard!”
“What? It’s hot? You and your huge cock are hot.”
“Crazed northwoman.”
He settled on his haunches, your legs propped over his knees, waiting for the dummy to notice the panties were crotchless. You leaned to turn over to the mega-lube bottle and squirted a handful. “Oh fuck, you d-didn’t, there’s no damn,” he panted.
“Mhmm,” you hummed happily, slapping your lubed hand on his prick. The poor thing’s eyes rolled up as he moaned your name, you growing more aroused at the feeling of hot, throbbing flesh. How much blood it took to fill that thing— all for you. You pressed, “Feels good baby?” He nodded, head thrown back, mouth wide, “So good.”
You jacked him at a steady pace, not too fast. Because dammit you were getting that thing somewhat stuffed inside of you. He panted, “Lemme, lemme stretch you out, make you cum first.” Jace’s familiar fingers slid at your sopping entrance, glassy eyes watching your cunt suck him in.
You arched a bit, shivering with excitement, Jace’s two fingers pumping and curling. You twisted your hand on the bulbous tip of Jacaerys’ cock and he cried out, jamming a third finger into you. The pair of you grunted and hissed like teens— trying out new territories. Soon you were gasping and mewling helplessly as he had four fingers deep inside, pinching your pussy in the sweetest way.
You came on his fingers, Jace slathering the slick also on his cock. Everything felt wet— your boyfriends cock was dripping with lube, slick, and his own pre. He was red faced and steadying staccato breaths, gently removing your hand, handing his shirt to you. Jace moved further up your body, face to face again.
He asked sweetly, “You okay?”
Pecking his bee-stung lips you murmured, “Mhm, whenever you want baby.”
“Just tell me okay? Please? Want this to be good for you.”
More little smacks of kisses and sappy cooing. Jace breathed out, guiding himself to your entrance. He repeated under his breath, “Okay, okay, here we go, here we go, okay baby, here goes.” You could almost laugh because only the tip had just touched you. Then he moved further in, stretching your pussy open. You locked your legs around his waist for a better angle, breathing slowly.
The intrusion was intense, his cock filling every part of your cunt. Then the tip was fully in, Jace groaning like he’d been murdered. You panted, a bit overwhelmed, nuzzling into his jaw. “Keep going,” you whined. Jace nodded haphazardly, getting the girth of his shaft in. He bottomed out with a wheeze, you squirming.
Holy fuck. This was intense. You felt like you’d been stuffed with cock. It burned so fucking good— so good, you told him, maybe? Jace croaked, “Y-yeah baby? Fuuuck you’re tight.” You whimpered, “Mhm, l-look, stuffed me so good. Gods, oh, S’alot Jace.” He peered down to see the bulge at your lower belly, his cock that fucking big.
Jacaerys needed to get to work or he’d blow every godsdamn where. Agonizingly he pulled his cock backward until the tip remained, then jerked forward. You saw the absolute ecstasy flit across his features, Jace choking on his moans. You goaded him on in little cries, too cock drunk to function, getting the wreck to build a rhythm.
Jace was sloppily mouthing at the lace over your tits, trim hips smacking your ass over and over. All you were capable of was mewling, crying, and holding him for dear life. You’d always thought it was dumb that girls would go cross eyed but— there was two Jacaerys fucking you silly. He stared up at you, dark eyes full of affection, lips agape.
His voice was a shivering wreck, “You’re so perfect.”
You grabbed his head to kiss him again, the blunt tip of his cock nudging your innermost walls. It was causing a strange friction, nothing like you’d felt, making your bladder and insides feel a little too warm. You whined in overstimulation, clit throbbing in time with your fluttering pulse. A hook drew downwards fast— you were gonna come.
Scratching at your boyfriend’s shoulders you wailed into his mouth, legs spasming around. Jace began to knit his brows in concern before you yowled his name, gushing on his cock, sobbing with every stabbing pulse of the intense orgasm. He choked on his spit, eyes going wide, swearing, “S-sweet s-seven!” His fat prick was trapped by your cunt, milking him for all he was worth.
Thank god for birth control. He wasn’t going anywhere.
You continued to mewl and hold onto Jacaerys, the male grinding his teeth down on a yelp, emptying deep into your abused hole. You writhed again, his cum having no room, slipping out with every stunted pump of his hips, whining under his breath. The brunette spewed nonsense in your ear, falling flat atop you with an ‘oof’.
You were too out of it to complain, trying to put two and two together. The rational little part of your brain complained about the mess— how you totally squirted all over your boyfriend and the bed. He hummed dopily, “God, I made you squirt, gonna dream about this forever.” You nodded blearily, “Uh-huh babe.”
His cock eventually softened enough to slide out of your poor pussy with a slick squelch. Absolutely disgusting— yet desire twitched at the sound of how used you had been by the guy. Jace rolled onto his side, hiking one of your legs atop his own. You hissed in discomfort, Jace apologizing.
He peered at you intensely, asking in a saccharine tone, “You okay Babygirl? Thought I sent you off the planet there for a second.” You smirked at him, brushing back his messy locks, rasping, “I may have seen the light. Sorry ‘bout the mess. That thing has talent— you have talent.”
“I think if it wasn’t messy then I didn’t do a good job,” he drew closer to nip at your lip, “Didn’t even have to touch your clit babes.” Another bolt of arousal hit you. So you slapped his side and harrumphed, “Shush Jace. You’ve worn me out enough.” He grinned, kissing your hairline and cheek between laughs.
“I’m sure in two months I’ll be a pro.”
“That’s a bet.”
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callmedaleelah · 14 days
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— Pinnacle [ tsukishima kei university au series ]
— you taught me secret language you know i can’t speak with anyone else ; don’t let your self-doubts and insecurities win or else you’ll not going anywhere
author’s notes : no mention of (y/n), written in second person pov, semi alternative universe, timeskip!tsukishima, college life, not proofread, english is not my first language
[ masterlist ] | [ ask daleelah go to box box 🐭 ]
It’s been four days. And you couldn’t shake the embarrassment from your last interaction with Tsukishima. Confessing your feelings to him that night, sitting together in his car as he celebrated your birthday—just the two of you with muffins and a simple bracelet gift—felt like a mistake now. The memory haunted you, the weight of your words and the silence that followed too overwhelming to face.
So, you did what you thought was best: you shut him out, distancing yourself in every way possible. You even archived his chat on your phone. Out of sight, out of mind. The thought of seeing his name sent your heart into overdrive, and you couldn’t afford distractions, not when you were already drowning in assignments. It was easier to pretend he didn’t exist, to focus solely on your work, but it wasn’t sustainable.
Your assignments had become your life. The deadlines, the stress—they consumed you. You threw yourself into your studies to the point of exhaustion, trying desperately to escape the lingering thoughts of him. It was easier this way. Easier to lose yourself in the endless tasks than to deal with the complicated mess of feelings you didn’t know how to untangle.
Still, there were moments when you couldn’t help but remember how he used to help you. Tsukishima would explain things in a way that made everything seem so simple, without the frustration or pressure that usually came with your academic struggles. He’d lend you his old notes, give you study references, and somehow, just knowing he was there made things less stressful. But now, those memories were just a painful reminder of how much you missed his presence—his calm, straightforward way of teaching that made everything feel less chaotic.
But missing him didn’t mean you were ready to face him again. Not yet.
Tsukishima had noticed the shift in your behavior almost immediately. The night you confessed your feelings to him in the car, when he celebrated your birthday privately. You were so vulnerable, admitting how you felt, and all he did was sit there in stunned silence. No words of comfort, no response. He just shifted silently, unable to process it in the moment.
He regretted it now—every second of it. The way he just let the moment slip by without saying anything, how his silence had caused this distance between you two. He didn’t mean to hurt you. The truth was, he hadn’t been expecting the confession. It caught him off guard, and instead of addressing it like he should have, he shut down. Now, that silence was haunting him.
Every time he pulled out his phone to message you, he hesitated. His fingers would hover over the screen, typing out a few words before deleting them again. What was he supposed to say? Hey, why are you avoiding me? It sounded accusatory in his mind, like he was placing blame. But that wasn’t it. He didn’t want to push you away further.
He’d already sent a couple of messages, simple ones—checking in, asking if you wanted to study together or meet up for lunch—but every time, he was met with silence. No response. It was like you had vanished. He even thought about messaging Yamaguchi to ask if he had noticed anything different, but that felt like a step too far. He didn’t want to seem like he was overthinking things.
It wasn’t just about the confession anymore—it was about how he missed you. He missed your presence, your questions, the way you’d show up stressed with assignments, and he’d offer to help. He missed being the one to simplify things for you, to lend you his old notes and references. It was a strange kind of absence, one that gnawed at him more than he cared to admit.
Tsukishima found himself lingering in places where he knew you’d pass by—near the class hall, at the library, even by the volleyball court—hoping for a chance encounter, hoping for the opportunity to casually start a conversation. But every time he saw you, you’d turn the other way, or walk faster, or pretend to be engrossed in something else.
And that stung. More than he expected.
One night, as he sat alone in his apartment, his phone resting on the table in front of him, Tsukishima stared at your contact. The chat was quiet, no new messages. He felt the weight of the silence, the kind that crept into the spaces between his thoughts and made him restless. He wanted to send you another message, but what could he say that he hadn’t already?
Finally, he picked up his phone, taking a deep breath before typing out something simple, something that wouldn’t seem too desperate.
Hey, I haven’t seen you around lately. Everything okay?
He hit send before he could overthink it, before the nagging voice in his head could convince him otherwise.
But again, there was no response. No ‘read’ notification, nothing.
For the first time in a long time, Tsukishima felt uncertain. He wasn’t used to feeling like this—like he was waiting on something beyond his control. And it unsettled him.
He leaned back against the couch, running a hand through his hair in frustration. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. He wasn’t supposed to care this much. But here he was, sitting in his quiet apartment, wondering why the silence between you felt so loud.
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had just finished volleyball practice, the cool evening air brushing against their skin as they exited the gym. They were chatting casually about their next tournament, already making plans to grab snacks at the culinary festival. The smell of grilled food was enticing, and Yamaguchi was in high spirits, talking about the strawberry tanghulu he was craving.
As they turned a corner in the hallway, a sudden collision interrupted their conversation. Papers flew everywhere, scattering across the floor like fallen leaves in autumn. The three of them froze for a second, momentarily stunned by the abruptness of the accident.
You were kneeling on the ground, hurriedly gathering your scattered notes, mumbling an apology under your breath. “I’m so sorry, it was my bad—”
Yamaguchi, always quick to help, was the first to kneel down, reaching for your papers. “No, it’s okay. We weren’t paying attention either,” he said, offering you a kind smile as he handed over the documents he had gathered. Tsukishima followed suit, quietly picking up a few stray papers, though he paused when he realized that you still hadn’t noticed who you had bumped into.
You kept your gaze lowered, focused on reorganizing your papers, as if determined to avoid meeting anyone’s eyes. “Thanks,” you mumbled, taking the stack from Tsukishima’s outstretched hand, not even looking up at him.
For a moment, he stood there, his hand lingering in the air. Your voice had been quiet—almost too quiet. Tsukishima’s expression was unreadable, but his eyes lingered on you, searching for something in your demeanor. You were more flustered than usual, your movements rushed, as if you were eager to flee from the scene.
“I gotta go. Thanks for your help,” you said quickly, pushing the papers into your bag. Your voice was strained, and before either of them could say anything more, you straightened up and took a step back.
But Yamaguchi wasn’t ready to let you leave so easily. “Hey, wait,” he called after you, his tone light and inviting. “Do you want to grab some snacks with us? There’s a culinary festival at Hall B. They’ve got all sorts of good stuff.”
You stopped in your tracks, hesitating for a moment. Tsukishima noticed the way your shoulders stiffened, your hand clutching your bag tightly. Slowly, you turned to look at Yamaguchi, and then, reluctantly, your eyes shifted to meet Tsukishima’s gaze. His expression was sharp, intense, as if he were waiting for something—anything—from you.
Your heart clenched in your chest. The memory of that night in the car came flooding back—the night you confessed, laying your feelings bare, and all you received in return was his silence. The hurt you felt then rose to the surface now, simmering beneath your skin. You couldn’t stand the way he looked at you, the same cold, unreadable expression. You blinked a few times, trying to push the emotions down, but the frustration bubbled up, filling you with a sudden rush of anger.
“I… I have something to do, unfortunately. Sorry, maybe next time,” you stammered, your voice a little too stiff, the smile you forced onto your lips weak and fleeting. Without waiting for their response, you turned on your heel and walked away, your pace quickening with every step.
Tsukishima’s gaze followed you until you disappeared around the corner. His fists clenched at his sides, a quiet frustration settling over him. He didn’t like the way you had avoided his eyes, the way you had brushed off Yamaguchi’s invitation, but what bothered him most was the tiredness he saw in you. You looked worn out, emotionally drained, and it struck something deep inside him—a protective instinct he wasn’t used to feeling.
Yamaguchi let out a confused hum, frowning slightly as he watched you leave. “What’s up with her?” he mumbled under his breath, turning to Tsukishima. “She didn’t even look at you… that’s not like her, is it?”
Tsukishima pushed his glasses up, trying to mask his own unease. “She said she has something to do.”
“Yeah, but she seemed… different,” Yamaguchi pressed, his brow furrowing. “It’s not like she’s close to me or anything, but she usually doesn’t act like that. She’s always polite and thoughtful. I don’t know, it just felt off.”
Tsukishima didn’t respond immediately, but the tightness in his chest hadn’t eased. He hated how helpless he felt right now, how every part of him wanted to chase after you and explain himself—but he couldn’t bring himself to move. You had your reasons for leaving, and he wasn’t about to make things worse by pushing you when you clearly didn’t want to be around him.
After a moment of silence, Yamaguchi spoke again, this time his tone softer. “Did something happen between you two?”
Tsukishima tensed at the question, his shoulders stiffening. He didn’t expect Yamaguchi to be so direct, but the concern in his friend’s voice left no room for dodging the truth.
With a heavy sigh, Tsukishima relented. “Yeah… something happened.”
Yamaguchi’s eyes widened slightly in surprise but he remained quiet, waiting for Tsukishima to continue.
Tsukishima hesitated for a moment before explaining what had happened in the car that night. He told Yamaguchi about your confession—how you’d poured your heart out to him, and how, in the heat of the moment, he hadn’t known what to say. The weight of his silence, and how it had clearly affected you since.
Yamaguchi groaned loudly, shaking his head in disbelief. “Tsukki… why didn’t you say anything?!”
“I wanted to,” Tsukishima muttered, his voice edged with frustration. “But she ran away before I could even process what she said.”
“Ran away?” Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow, biting into his strawberry tanghulu. “You’ve been an athlete since high school, Tsukki. Don’t tell me you couldn’t catch up with her.”
Silence hung between them for a moment, and Tsukishima sighed deeply. His gaze shifted downward, lost in thought. “It’s not that simple. I mean, I know I’m interested in her. She’s been on my mind more than anyone else… and after what happened with that drunk guy in the park, I just—” He paused, the memory of that night flaring up, the fear he felt seeing you in danger.
Yamaguchi looked at him, a knowing expression crossing his face. “You love her, Tsukki.”
Tsukishima groaned again, rubbing the back of his neck in frustration. “She’s only 20. What if she’s just confused about her feelings? I don’t want to be that jerk who takes advantage of someone who isn’t sure.”
Yamaguchi’s expression softened, and he let out a deep sigh. “I get that, but maybe you’re overthinking this. If she confessed to you, it means she’s thought about it.”
Tsukishima’s expression didn’t change. “Her mom controls so much of her life. She hasn’t even had the chance to figure out what she really wants. I don’t want to get in the way of that… she deserves more than being tied down by someone like me.”
Yamaguchi looked at him incredulously. “Now that doesn’t sound like you at all. Since when did you let anything stop you from getting what you want?”
You sat nestled between the library bookshelves, your legs folded beneath you, your head resting wearily on your arms. The pressure of your biochemistry assignment had drained you, particularly the report on Protein Biochemistry—analyzing enzyme kinetics and purifying a specific protein. You had to design the experimental process for extracting, purifying, and characterizing a recombinant protein, including interpreting results from chromatography, electrophoresis, and spectrophotometry. The sheer volume of data, graphs, and analysis overwhelmed you, and after hours of staring at equations and assay results, your body gave in.
Your papers had spilled out around you, strewn on the floor, as your mind drifted off—not into sleep, but something close enough. Earphones were still in your ears, faint music playing, trying to provide a sense of calm that the stress had stolen from you. You had only meant to rest your eyes for a minute. Yet, here you were, curled up and barely holding it together in the dim light of the library.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps on the library's quiet floor snapped you from the haze. It wasn't deep sleep—you had only let your eyes close momentarily—but it was enough to make the sound of someone nearby feel like an intrusion. You heard the soft rustle of paper, and when you blinked your eyes open, you saw Tsukishima crouching beside you, one of your crumpled assignment pages in his hands.
"Are you gonna sleep here?" His voice was soft, laced with sarcasm, but somehow not as cutting as usual.
Your eyes widened slightly, startled by his presence, but you quickly collected yourself. With a silent nod of thanks, you gently took the paper from his hand, avoiding his gaze as you gathered the rest of your scattered work. You could feel his eyes on you, watching as you stuffed everything haphazardly into your bag. You didn’t want him to see the state you were in—exhausted, frustrated, and on the brink of breaking down from the weight of the assignment. It was easier to avoid him than to admit how much his presence affected you lately.
You stood up, checking your phone: 7 PM. Five hours had passed since you first sat down to tackle your work, and the time had flown by in a blur of confusion and growing anxiety. Your back ached from sitting in the same position for too long, and you stifled a groan as you slung your heavy backpack over your shoulder.
Tsukishima let out a small sigh as you brushed past him, clearly annoyed that you were still avoiding him. He stood up beside you and followed as you began walking toward the exit of the library.
After a few moments, you noticed him still walking next to you, matching your pace, and before you could ask why, he handed you a bottle of water. The gesture caught you off guard.
You hesitated, but then you mumbled, “Thanks,” as you took the bottle from his hand. You hadn't realized just how thirsty you were until now, the dryness in your throat suddenly impossible to ignore. You took a long sip, your steps continuing in silence beside him.
It wasn’t until you had nearly reached the library doors that Tsukishima finally spoke again. "I want to talk to you," he said, his voice a little firmer this time.
"About what?" you asked, your tone clipped as you kept your eyes ahead, unwilling to look at him directly.
"You know what," he said, the irritation creeping into his voice. You could tell that your avoidance had worn him down, and his patience was running thin.
That anger that had been bubbling beneath your exhaustion finally surfaced. You stopped walking, turning to face him. "Your silence has been clear enough for me," you bit out, your voice trembling with the frustration you’d been holding in.
You turned to leave, but Tsukishima’s hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. The warmth of his touch sent a jolt through you. "Come on, you’ve been avoiding me for days. And we both know it's hurting us equally,” he said, his voice softer now, almost pleading.
You pulled your wrist from his grasp, turning on him with a glare. “Fine. Talk now, then,” you snapped, your heart pounding. “Tell me it was casual for you to save me, help me, hug me, kiss my hand, let me sleep on your arm—”
“I like you too,” he interrupted, his voice steady, but there was an unfamiliar vulnerability in his eyes. “I like you too, okay?”
The world seemed to stop in that moment. The words you had been longing to hear felt like a balm to your aching heart, but the frustration remained. You felt tears prickling your eyes, the exhaustion and emotions mixing together as your breath hitched. "Then why didn’t you say anything?" you whispered, tears slipping down your cheeks now that the dam had broken.
Tsukishima stepped closer, his hand reaching out to cup your face, gently wiping away the tears with his thumb. His touch was so gentle, so unlike the sharp edges of his personality you had grown used to. “I didn’t expect it from you. I was going to confess too, but… as a man, I was offended you made the first move.” He let out a small sigh. “That’s not an excuse, I know. I shouldn’t have left you hanging, confused.”
Tsukishima’s voice dropped, a subtle mix of uncertainty and self-reflection. He gazed down at you, his usually confident demeanor softened. “Do you really think you like me?” he asked, his brow furrowing slightly. “I mean, I was a jerk. A grumpy TA who gave you hard days. I made things worse for you when you were already struggling…”
His words trailed off, and he looked away for a moment, as if trying to process his own feelings. "You deserve better than that."
You blinked up at him, caught off guard by his sudden vulnerability. You closed your eyes, leaning into his touch despite everything. “But you helped me through things I was struggling with… even when you didn’t have to,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
Tsukishima chuckled softly, his thumb continuing to wipe your tears away. He pulled you into his arms, wrapping you in an embrace that felt so natural, as if this had been waiting to happen all along. His fingers combed through your hair as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, breathing in your scent, his hold on you tightening as if he feared letting go.
“Okay, okay, stop crying,” he teased lightly, though there was still softness in his voice. “I told you, I like you too.”
You let out a small, shaky laugh, wiping your own face now as you calmed down, still buried in the warmth of his chest. There was a comfortable silence between you as he held you, and you felt like you could stay there forever, the world outside fading away.
You tilted your head up to look at him, your face still flushed from crying but with a small smile tugging at your lips. “So… does that make you my boyfriend now?” you asked, your voice soft but with a hint of playful curiosity.
Tsukishima couldn’t help but smile at your question. He chuckled softly, shaking his head before nodding. "Yeah," he said, his voice filled with amusement and affection.
tagslist (free to mention) ; @theweirdfloatything @snowthatareblack @ilovemymomscooking @nayiiryun @knightofmidnight @kozumesphone @scxrcherr @thechaosoflonging @monya-febrjack
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penelopepine · 4 months
Forever In Your Gaze
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Fem Reader
Part 1 Part 2
Summary: Night at the museum AU. Gaz and Reader are both paintings directly across from one another, and have been in love for many years now. The only thing is that they are unable to actually leave the confines of their canvas, and have never felt others touch.
I wrote a blurb about this already here!
Word Count: 2,050
Content: Established relationship, fluff, light angst
"This class is the painting of the Duke of Hersling, Kyle Garrick, though he was often referred to as Gaz to his close friends." The teacher says while pointing at a large, full body painting of man dressed in his finest. The most striking things about the painting is the sword on his hip, and the intense straight forward stare. "He was a swordsman and a scholar during his life." 
"How did he die?" One of the boys in the back of the group yells out. 
The teacher smiles at hearing a question and says, "He actually died in battle; this painting was done only months before his death in 1545. Any more questions?" Hearing none, the teacher directs them to the painting directly opposite of the Duke. "This painting here was actually done in 1545 by William Bahr. A very prestigious portrait painter in his time.” 
The painting showed a woman sitting in a field of flowers with a bright smile. The sun is shining bright behind her while she looks lovingly straight ahead. Upon looking at both paintings it is clear that they are at eye level with one another; staring into each other's eyes. 
A girl this time raises her hand, and once receiving a nod from the teacher she asks, “What about the woman in the painting? Who is she?” 
“She is an unknown figure, the painting was never picked up by its buyer, and no documents containing that information were ever found. She is assumed to be the daughter of a nobleman though.” 
"Do you think she and the duke knew each other?" Another girl asks, looking between the two paintings, "I think they'd make a cute couple!" 
The rest of the students laugh at those words, and once they’ve calmed down the teacher says, “It’s funny that you actually say that! When I worked here during college my coworkers and I would always refer to these two as the forever gazing lovers.” 
“Mr. Sanderson, I didn’t know you used to work here,” a student exclaims, “I couldn’t imagine working at a museum. Wasn’t that boring; staring at the same stuff everyday?” 
“You’d be surprised how wild a museum can get,” He gives a light chuckle to himself, and looks up nostalgically at the art around him. “My favorite part was working as a night guard. It turns into a whole different world here, but enough about that let’s continue to the next room.” 
It was later in the evening when everybody was in the lobby getting ready to board the bus did the teacher see his old mentor and friend walk through the doors. 
“John Price!” He proclaims with an extended hand out. 
“Gary Sanderson!” John calls back, and shakes his offered hand. “It’s good to see you here again, lad.”
“It feels as if I never left, sir. How is everyone around here doing?” 
Price looks at him knowingly, “Everyone’s been good, they miss you, but they’ve been good. You’ll have to come and visit sometime.” 
“I will, promise.” Gary looks to where his students are just as the bus pulls up before whispering, “tell everyone I miss them as well. I’ll call later and plan a visit with you later.” 
“You better keep your word with that. Ghost and Soap will go and hunt you down if you don’t.” 
Gary gives him a laugh and one last nod before rushing back to his class, and leading them outside to the bus. 
With that Price turns and continues further into the museum. Telling folks that they will be closing in just a bit, and getting everything ready for the night to begin. 
It’s only half an hour later when Price is locking the door. He knows things are going to be very active in here in just a couple hours so he takes this time to get some of his actual work done. He sits in the lobby behind the reception desk until the sun has fully gone down, and the moon is high in the sky. 
He knows that the magic is about to begin when the moonlight that shines through the doors starts to have a more unnatural silver glow to it. Price watches as the silver moon rays slowly morph into a ball. In a matter of seconds the glowing sphere has finished growing in size, and suddenly it darts forward. Leaving Price where he was sitting as it flies past him, and travels down all the halls inside the museum. 
As it passes a piece of art it’s clear that the art then, as if waking up from sleep, slowly comes to life. It quickly passes the gazing lovers' paintings; arising them from their slumber. 
When Kyle awakens for another night the first thing he sees is you; which is exactly how he wants to start every night for the rest of time. Life was perfect for him with you, and the only thing he wished for now was to someday feel your touch; even if it was only once. "How is it that everytime I wake up and see that you just appear more and more perfect?” 
“You don’t look so bad yourself, handsome.” You giggle at his flirtatious words. He always makes sure to say words of endearment to you first thing upon waking up. 
“Well I would hope so! Otherwise what are these museum workers doing besides making sure my varnish is still in prime condition?” 
“Probably keeping the rest of the building from falling apart!” 
"I think Price is the one that does that." Kyle argues with mischief clear as day on his face.
"I'm gonna tell Laswell next time we see her that you said that." You say with a small chuckle before bringing your hand up to the invisible border keeping you inside the frame. 
Kyle watches as you bring your hand up, and does the same with his. This is the closest the two of you have come to holding hands with one another. Conversations from this point continue as normal for the two of you. Talking about whatever comes to your mind with one another. 
Occasionally talking with the other paintings around the room, or anyone that passes by. Farah, a statue of a queen who led her kingdom to victory in battle, and Alex, a wax figure of an American WW2 pilot, make sure to stop by and say hello. The two of them always stay for a few hours talking with you both before continuing on their way. 
It was only a few minutes after they left when Price walked into the room, a grim expression, coming to stand between the two of them.
“Price, everything alright?” Kyle asks with a worry in his voice.
"I'm afraid I've got some bad news for the two of you." Price runs a hand through his beard; he's clearly trying to already come up with a plan for whatever is wrong, "This area is getting a complete makeover tomorrow. You two would be very lucky to even be around each other come tomorrow night." 
Kyle immediately looks to you after hearing those words; he couldn't imagine being away from you. He's been facing you for years now, and Kyle is not in any way ready for that to change. "How do we fix this then?" He asks, directing his question towards Price. 
“I’m going to talk to Laswell tomorrow, but it’s Shepherd who is changing things around.” 
“Fucking Shepherd.” Kyle cursed the man to himself. That man was always making decisions about the museum that seemed to bring nothing but pain for everyone here. 
It was you who asked the next question, “Will she be able to go around him, and keep us together?"
"That's the goal. Shepherd isn't around very often, and even when he is he doesn't bother walking around the area. We'll try and switch a couple things around tomorrow night." Price huffed; he clearly didn't like what Shepherd was doing either. He was most likely going to be hearing a lot of complaints from the others in the area as well. "I've got others that I still need to inform, but trust me when I say you two will remain together." 
With that Price continues on his way leaving Kyle and you to dwell on the information he just told.
"Kyle I'm scared; what if they can't do anything, and we end up getting split up?" 
"I'll find you, love." Kyle is very serious as he says this to you, "This will not keep me from you. That I can promise." 
Kyle and you continue to discuss what this will mean for you both, and possible solutions to stay together. When the time comes to go to sleep again he finds a small amount of comfort looking into your eyes. For in your eyes that is where he finds peace. Kyle's last thoughts before the sun comes up is that he loves you. 
When Kyle finally realizes that he is awake once again it takes only a moment for him to know that it is not you that he sees. Instead he is in front of a painting of an older man with a dark background around him. 
Despite knowing that this would be his reality Kyle is still hit with the panic of not seeing you. He is quick to look around hoping that at the very least that you wouldn't be far, and could still talk to you right now. 
He bangs on the barrier, and calls out your name when he doesn't see you. Every time his fist hits the barrier a magical sheen ripples around where he made contact. Kyle does this for several moments even asking the others around him if they can see you.
Before he can continue once more yelling for you Soap appears seemingly out of nowhere in front of him. Following closing behind him is both Price and Ghost as well. Soap and Ghost are both bronze statues, who once the sun is up are two soldiers fighting one another in one of the Anglo-Scottish wars. It took Price a lot of effort to eventually get them on civil terms with one another. 
Which is why it’s almost surprising looking at where their relationship is now.
“Gaz!” Soap’s voice calls out. His friend brings his hand up to the canvas, placing his hand where his shoulder would be if they could touch. “Mate, you’ve got to calm down.” 
“Where is she? She was meant to still be in the area; she’s gone!” 
Price readily steps forward next to Soap, “She’s most likely been moved downstairs to storage. We’ll go and find out where she is, and carry her up once we do.”
Those words brought so much relief to him, but at the same time this situation was meant to be very different. “Why is she not here though? What did Laswell say about all this?” 
“Shepherd refused to let Laswell know anything that was happening. She’s trying to figure out what all he has planned, but some things may not be so easy to undo. All we can really do right now is wait.” Price calmly replies back to him. 
It’s Ghost who actually says the most comforting thing to him though, “Your girl has been moved, Gaz. She has not gone though you’ll see each other again, at most, in a few hours.”
The three give him a few more words of comfort before rushing out to find you. 
This time away from you has really made Kyle think about the first time he met you. It was just another night for him. He knew from Laswell that a new painting was going to be added, and would be placed opposite of him. Nothing could have prepared him for you though. 
The first time he woke up to see you had truly taken his breath away. You were the most beautiful person he had ever seen, and once he had started talking to you his heart had been yours. 
With that in mind Kyle starts to push against the invisible barrier holding him inside the frame. He thinks of you as he pushes and pushes and pushes. Until suddenly, like a rubber band snapping, he's out.
Taglist: @zarsghost
Note: I finally wrote it!!! I hope you enjoyed reading this; feel free to let me know your thoughts!
171 notes · View notes
Risk | l.jn [2]
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Genre: college au; crush-at-first-sight Synopsis: Is this how it feels to fall for someone and slowly lose your shit? You wondered, heart racing and mind spinning as your seemingly innocent attraction for Jeno began spiraling out of control. Pairing: NCT Lee Jeno x Reader Warnings: slow burn, mature themes, suggestive Notes: 23k words. I kept revising this like a madwoman my god. The song prompt for this part was Buzz by NIKI. Go check it out bcs it sums this whole thing up T^T Taglist: @yowmaman @tunafishyfishylike
[Part 1]
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It was in the little moments that your feelings for Jeno began to deepen. As you grew closer, spending time together felt effortless. There was no need to rack your brain for excuses to talk to him or find ways to be in the same room. He was simply there, seamlessly becoming a constant presence in your daily life, especially with your friends.
You often found yourselves in the library, working on different tasks but always making time to chat. You discovered that he liked the library because it was quiet, and he could catch up on sleep without the staff telling him to leave.
“What about you, Most Diligent Reader of the Year?” he teased, flashing a mischievous grin.
“Third Most Diligent Reader of the Year,” you corrected with a hint of pride. “I like it here for the same reason. And also because there are more books here than in the NCIT library.”
“How many of these have you read?” he asked, glancing around at the seemingly endless shelves of books.
“Definitely not all of them,” you admitted with a shrug, glancing at the shelves. “I tend to pick up books that catch my eye, especially the ones with pretty covers. But honestly, not all pretty books turn out to be as interesting—or even readable,” you added with a light laugh.
“Like that one?” He pointed to the hardbound book before you, a thick volume with gilded designs that looked both old and attractive.
You smiled sheepishly as you ran your fingers over the embossed title, Code de la Nature by Étienne-Gabriel Morelly—a French book. “Yeah, like this one.”
“What’s your favorite book?” he asked suddenly, catching you off guard.
You smiled playfully, feeling a bit coy. “I’ll tell you when we're closer.”
Scoffing, Jeno leaned back in his chair, nodding as if resigned. “You always say that.”
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell him your favorite book; it was just that you couldn’t pick one on the spot. Even now, as you mulled it over quietly, no single title came to mind that you could confidently claim as your favorite.
“No, seriously,” you said, chuckling softly. “I’ll tell you when we’re closer.”
“Oh, yeah? Okay,” Jeno replied, his tone mockingly flat. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he used his foot to push your chair slightly away from him. “We’re not close, so stay there.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head at his playful antics. As you did, a warm feeling settled in your chest—a mix of amusement and something deeper. You loved these moments, where teasing and joking felt so effortless. In these little exchanges, you found yourself appreciating Jeno more, realizing how much his playful side brought out the best in you.
After a few more rounds of banter, the two of you slipped into a comfortable silence. You immersed yourself in your book, while he scrolled through his phone. There was no need for words or even glances, but the knowledge that he was there filled you with a quiet sense of joy. Even as you lost yourself in the pages, your awareness of his presence never faded. It was satisfying like everything was in its right place. Like you were supposed to be there with him at that very moment.
As the familiar strain in your eyes set in, you closed the book and placed it gently on the table. Blinking up at the ceiling to relax your vision, you glanced over to Jeno’s side of the table. He was already asleep, his head leaning against the windowsill, arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing his AirPods, and you could faintly hear music from them.
A soft smile tugged at your lips as you watched him. You could get used to this, you thought—a quiet wish forming in your heart for more moments like this. Just the two of you, together, even in silence.
“Enjoying the view?” a voice whispered from your right, making you jump in your seat and gasp softly.
You turned, startled, only to see Renjun watching you, his head propped on his elbow with a teasing smile playing on his lips.
“What the fuck, Renjun,” you whispered back, one hand over your rapidly beating heart as you tried not to wake Jeno.
It wasn’t a far stretch to think Jeno might already be aware that you like him because some of your friends are relentless when it comes to their teasing. While they respected your wishes of not having any of them wingmanning you, the exceptions and favors they would do for you were sometimes helpful. For example, the boys had made a habit of eating lunch together with everyone—Jeno included. But even that was filled with teasing from Haechan specifically.
“The babygirl has arrived!” Haechan announced as you were walking towards them at the food court, his voice loud enough to catch the attention of the entire table. You narrowed your eyes at him, annoyed by his provocation, but then you saw Jeno there and your gaze softened in recognition. He smiled at you, which you shyly returned as you approached.
“Let’s see. Where would she sit today?” Haechan asked teasingly, batting his eyelashes. 
Across him, Jaemin was gleaming with mischief. “Next to me, maybe?”
You scoffed just as Kayla was leaning in to say, “Or maybe she’ll just sit next to me and break your heart.”
“As if,” Renjun interjected. “Your heart would break first from the disappointment.”
Jaemin, not one to miss an opportunity, leaned across the table with a dramatic sigh. “You know, it’s so hard being this good-looking. I’d understand if you really wanted to sit next to me. It’s alright.”
You snorted, shoving Jaemin playfully. “In your dreams, Jaemin. And seriously, stop with the flirting—it’s getting old.”
Renjun smirked, catching Jeno’s eye. “There’s space next to Jeno. Why doesn’t she just decide for herself?”
“Yeah, let’s see who she picks,” Jaemin chimed in, leaning in closer with a playful grin. “Come on, pick me, I’ll make it worth your while.”
Just as you opened your mouth to speak, Mark appeared beside you, having just returned with a drink, and patted your back before sliding next to Jaemin. “Not while I’m sitting here.”
Jeno, unfazed as usual, pulled out the chair next to him and patted it. “Well, then,” he said, looking at you with a playful grin. “Looks like this seat is yours.”
Despite your best efforts to hide it, you felt your cheeks heat up as you took the offered seat, trying to ignore the knowing looks from the rest of the group. As you settled into the chair, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. Being close to Jeno like this felt so natural, yet it always left you a little flustered. The warmth of his presence next to you made your heart race in a way you were starting to crave.
Even amidst the chatter and teasing, you found yourself hyper-aware of the subtle brush of his arm against yours, the way his smile lingered as he glanced your way. You wondered if he noticed how your breath hitched slightly when he leaned in just a bit closer to say something to Renjun.
Sienna, who had been quietly watching the exchange with an amused smile, finally chimed in. “You guys really have too much energy at lunchtime,” she remarked, shaking her head. “Can’t we just eat like normal people?”
“Normal people?” Jaemin echoed, raising an eyebrow. “You’re sitting with us. Normal isn’t really on the menu.”
“Well, it is if you’re ordering the salad,” Haechan quipped, pointing at the plate in front of you. “What’s with the rabbit food anyway? Trying to impress someone?”
“It’s called being healthy, Haechan,” you replied with mock seriousness. “You should try it sometime. Your future self will thank you.”
“Oh, I’m plenty healthy,” Haechan shot back, grabbing a fry from Renjun’s plate. “Healthy enough to eat whatever I want and still look this good.”
“Mmhm, shame that doesn’t help with the bad personality,” Renjun muttered, earning a snort from Jaemin and Kayla. Mark was straight up hollering in laughter.
“You wound me, Renjun,” Haechan said, clutching his chest dramatically. “But I’ll recover because I know you’re just jealous of my charm.”
“Charm?” you echoed, raising an eyebrow. “Is that what we’re calling it now?”
Haechan smirked at you. “Can I punch you in the face? Just this once?”
“Come here and try then!” you challenged, lifting your chin proudly.
“Yes, yes,” Sienna joined in. “Let’s punch each other in the face like kids. For now, can we eat in peace?”
The conversation shifted to weekend plans and upcoming exams, but every now and then, Haechan would throw in a comment that made you want to either disappear or throw your drink at him. Renjun joined in, his sarcastic remarks often aimed at both you and Jeno, while Jaemin continued his exaggerated flirting, much to your amusement. But through it all, Jeno remained cool and composed, either playing along with the banter or deflecting it with his quick-witted remarks.
After lunch, as everyone began to disperse, you casually stood next to Jeno, knowing you’d be heading to the same class.
“Heading to class?” he asked, tucking his hands into his pockets.
“Yeah, you?” you replied, a small smile tugging at your lips.
He nodded. “Should we go together?”
You shrugged, channeling an aloof attitude to hide the crazy pounding in your chest. “Okay.”
The walk was filled with light conversation—classes, weekend plans, and a bit of banter. Unlike when you were with the group, the conversation with Jeno felt more subdued, and comfortable in the quiet moments that hung between your words.
As you reached the building where your class was, a sudden realization hit you, stopping you in your tracks. Horror washed over your face as you remembered that today was the day you were getting the results for the woodworking project. “What happens if we fail that project?”
“Fail it?” he questioned, slightly caught off guard by the shift in your tone. “I don’t think we will. I mean…” he trailed off, seemingly considering the possibility. “We did good, didn’t we?”
Your question lingered, feeding your anxiety. “Yeah but… what if?”
He shrugged, an uncertain smile tugging at his lips. Then, with a reassuring touch, he went to stand behind you, placing firm hands on your shoulders as he gently pushed you inside the classroom. “Let’s go inside and find out.”
As you felt his hands on your shoulders, a warm comfort spread through you, easing the knots of worry in your stomach. His quiet confidence was contagious, and for a brief moment, you allowed yourself to believe that everything would turn out okay.
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Lunchtime since then had become a cherished opportunity to be near Jeno. Every time he entered the cafeteria, your heart would skip a beat. Some days, even when the boys weren’t around, he would join your table, casually sliding into the seat beside you.
“Mind if I sit here?” he’d ask, already halfway settled in.
“Not at all,” you’d reply, your voice steady despite the flutter in your chest, as you scooted over to give him space.
His presence was electrifying. You found yourself hanging onto his every word, laughing at his jokes, and savoring the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. Each sighting, each interaction, sent a rush of warmth through you, your heart skipping at the thought of being close to him.
One day, he walked over with that familiar smile. “Hey, you doing anything after school?”
You shook your head, striving to appear casual. “Not really. Why?”
“There’s this new coffee shop that opened up nearby. Wanna check it out?”
Your heart leaped. Was this it? Was he asking you out on a date? The thought sent a thrill through you, and you had to force yourself to keep your voice steady. “Sure, sounds fun.”
As the two of you walked to the coffee shop after school, you couldn’t help but wonder if this was a date. Maybe not. If it was, shouldn’t he have said so? Then again, what if he was too shy to ask directly? The idea made your heart race, each step filled with anticipation. You imagined sitting across from him, just the two of you, talking and laughing over coffee. The thought of it being something more than just another hangout with a friend was enough to make you giddy.
However, as soon as you arrived at the cafe, the giddy smile on your lips was replaced by a deep scowl. Inside, your friends were already there, gathered around a large table, waving you over with bright smiles.
“Hey, you made it!” Sienna called out.
Jeno smiled and waved back, completely unfazed. You, on the other hand, tried to mask your disappointment as you followed him to the table. The cozy, intimate moment you had envisioned was quickly replaced by the familiar noise and energy of your group.
“I have brought her,” Jeno announced with a grin.
You glared at him, pretending to be annoyed. “What’s this? Were you conspiring with them?”
Jeno shrugged. “They told me to come here and asked that I bring you along.”
“Yeah, it’s a conspiracy,” you said, rolling your eyes as you took the vacant chair next to Kayla. 
“Don’t be mad at him,” Kayla chided softly. “You didn’t check the group chat, so we thought we should just ask Jeno to bring you since he’s coming too.”
“Just so you know, I didn’t read the GC on purpose,” you quipped, still pouting.
“Jesus Christ, lady,” Renjun exclaimed from across the table, rolling his eyes. “You’re too obvious. It’s actually embarrassing.”
You stuck your tongue out at him. Despite your initial disappointment, you found yourself enjoying the time with your friends at the café. It was fun, even when they casually dropped inside jokes about your crush—who was sitting right there. Thankfully, Jeno seemed completely oblivious. Or if he wasn’t, he didn’t show it.
“You’re coming to my birthday party next week, right?” Kayla asked, making you chuckle. She had asked the same question over a dozen times in the last few days.
“Yes, K. I am,” you groaned, linking your arm with hers as you walked back to NCIT.
“Good. Don’t forget.”
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Jaemin chimed in.
Ahead of you, Jeno was walking with Mark, Yangyang, and Renjun. Kayla tugged on Jeno’s backpack, making him glance over his shoulder at you.
“You’re coming too, right?” she asked.
“Of course. I’ll even buy you a gift,” he replied with a smile that made your heart flutter. “What do you want?”
It amazed you how quickly he had become close with your friends. Granted, he was already tight with the boys, but with Sienna and Kayla, Jeno seemed to have captured their fondness too. At this point, it was safe to say that he had become a permanent part of your friend group.
Your group dispersed as you entered the campus. Jeno walked to the Sci-Tech building with Mark, and Renjun. Sienna, Haechan, and Yangyang went their own way too, leaving you, Kayla, and Jaemin trailing slightly behind.
“So,” Kayla began, giving you a sly look. “Are you finally going to tell him?”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you shot her a warning glance. “Tell who what?”
“Oh, don’t play dumb,” she replied, nudging you. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Before you could respond, Jaemin slid up beside you with that signature grin. “Ah, the confession of the century. I’ve been waiting for this day.”
You rolled your eyes, trying to laugh it off. “You’re both ridiculous. It’s not like that.”
Jaemin raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. “Sure it’s not. That’s why you can barely look at him without blushing. You usually have that heart-eyes emoji thing going on when he’s around.”
Your eyes widened in mock indignation. “I do not! I’m not that obvious.
“Don’t be shy,” Jaemin continued, his tone playful. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to make me jealous. But I can’t blame you—I mean, have you seen me?” He wiggled his eyebrows, leaning closer with a flirtatious smile.
“Jaemin, drop it,” you muttered, though your voice lacked conviction.
But he was relentless, leaning in closer with a teasing smirk. “Admit it, you’ve got it bad for our dear Jeno.”
You sighed, unable to deny it any longer. “Fine, maybe I do. But it’s not like I can just tell him.”
Kayla gave you a sympathetic smile. “You never know. He might feel the same way.”
You hesitated for a moment, then sighed. “It’s not that easy, you know? What if he doesn’t? What will happen to my pride?”
Jaemin softened, though the teasing glint in his eye remained. “Well, if that’s the case, you still have me. I’d happily take you on a date. We’d have fun, I promise.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that, pushing him away playfully. “In your dreams, Jaemin. You’d only drive me crazy.”
“Well, it depends. I could drive you crazy in love,” he shot back with a wink. “Or crazy good. You decide.”
You rolled your eyes again, though a smile tugged at your lips. “You’re impossible.”
“Only for you,” he replied smoothly, before softening his tone. “But seriously, you should just tell Jeno. Who knows? He might be into girls who adore him.”
“Shouldn’t you know that? He’s your friend from before,” Kayla asked.
“Sorry to disappoint you but I don’t pay attention to every little thing about him,” Jaemin replied. “It’s not like I was obsessed with him like someone.”
You exhaled sharply and started hitting his shoulder several times. “I am not obsessed with him! You dumb idiot!”
Jaemin ran away laughing and you chased after him. Kayla could only sigh and shake her head, watching the two of you run down the lengthy hallway of the Social Sciences building.
“I hope a professor catches them and gives them a good beating,” she murmured, chuckling darkly as she walked into her classroom.
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Kayla’s house was a sprawling mansion with elegant decor and a large backyard. Although you’d known Kayla to have come from wealth, the grandeur of the house never failed to catch you off guard each time you came over.
As you entered the halls, you were greeted by a rowdy crowd—upbeat music, chatter, and laughter blending together noisily. The living room was transformed into a dance floor, with pulsating lights and a DJ set up in one corner. Nearby, a table was laden with an array of snacks and drinks, and the smell of pizza and nachos mingled with the sweet scent of fruit punch and the sharper tang of alcohol. The air smelled of vape, perfumes, and alcohol, much like every other party you’d been to, except that this was a little more posh.
You came with Haechan and Sienna who disappeared into the crowd as soon as you got inside. You were only alone for a minute before someone dragged you into their circle. You joined a group playing air hockey and did shots with another group, wandering through the crowd, and soaking in the festive vibe. Despite the fun, a lingering thought occupied your mind—you hadn't seen Jeno yet.
Just when you were beginning to wonder if he didn’t show up, your eyes caught sight of Jeno. He was in one corner of the hall with some friends, engrossed in an intense video game match. 
You took a moment to observe him, feeling a flutter of excitement every time he threw his head back in laughter or shouted in triumph. The way he interacted with his friends—lively, charismatic, and completely at ease—made him seem even more appealing to you. You watched the scene unfold with a sense of detached admiration, the sounds of the party fading into a soft hum as you focused on him.
After a while, Jeno finally noticed you standing by the side of the room. His expression lit up with a genuine smile as he excused himself from his friends and made his way over to you. 
“Hi there,” he said, his voice friendly and warm. “They said you were here but I didn’t see much of you all night.”
You returned his smile, trying to stay composed despite the flutter in your chest. “Well, have you taken your eyes off the video game at all tonight?”
That made Jeno chuckle heartily. “I haven’t. That’s probably why, right?” he asked, casually leaning his shoulder against the wall beside you.
You shrugged, taking a sip from your cup and not meeting his gaze while he stared you down. “I’d be dead focused on the game too if I keep losing like you and Yangyang did.”
“Hey,” he chimed, laughing his indignation away. “I have won a few times.”
You hummed. “Not as much as you’ve lost.”
Jeno sighed, hanging his head low as he chuckled. When he glanced back at you, there was a playful glint in his eyes. “Fine, I’m not good at it. It’s not gonna make you like me less, is it?”
You froze, surprised by his question. Obviously, it wasn’t going to make you like him less. If anything, it made him more endearing. But why was he asking? Does he care about what you think of him?
Before you could respond, Yangyang called out to Jeno, and with a quick, apologetic glance, he said, “I gotta get back to the game. Catch you later?”
You nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips as he rejoined his group. The excitement of the party continued around you, but your thoughts lingered on Jeno, his brief interaction with you, and the way he effortlessly made you feel special even in the middle of a crowded, lively party.
At 1 am, the party showed no sign of slowing down. Music blared, people danced wildly, and drinks flowed freely. Since Jeno’s brief greeting, you hadn't been able to speak with him. He was always surrounded by friends or caught up in the excitement of the party. Yet you couldn’t blame it on his popularity because even you were in the same situation. You found yourself moving through the crowd, getting dragged from circle to circle, and catching up with a lot of different people. You hardly saw Jeno, you couldn’t even get hold of your close friends.
“Fuck this,” you said, exhaling sharply and heading for the door. Before you could leave the hall, however, you heard someone shout, followed by some scuffling sounds.
In another part of the room, two boys were arguing heatedly, their voices growing louder and more aggressive. You recognized them, some studs that you never hung out with. The tension in the air was heavy, drawing the attention of several people.
“Calm down, man,” one of them said, trying to defuse the situation. “It’s not worth it.”
The other boy wasn’t having any of it. “Stay out of this,” he snapped, shoving him away.
“Who do you think you are?” the first boy shot back, pushing him hard. The crowd around them began to murmur, sensing the situation escalating. Soon people from other parts of the house rushed to see what was happening.
Jeno, who was standing nearby, noticed the growing tension and stepped in to mediate. “Hey, guys, let’s take it easy,” he said, his voice calm but firm. “We’re all here to have a good time.”
The angrier boy turned on Jeno, his eyes flashing with irritation. “This has nothing to do with you, Lee. Back off!”
Jeno stood his ground, approaching the boy and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Come on, man, it’s not worth it. Why don’t we call it a night? You can talk again when you’re sober.”
But the aggression had reached a boiling point. One of the boys, blinded by rage, swung his fist at the other. Jeno, caught in the crossfire, took the brunt of the punch. He staggered back, colliding with you.
A chorus of shocked exclamations rose from the crowd as you caught Jeno, your heart pounding with concern. “Jeno, are you okay?” you asked, your voice trembling as you tried to steady him.
Jeno winced, holding his cheek. He even managed a chuckle. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said, though his expression showed he was in pain.
The fight behind you turned into an all-out brawl. The boys were grappling, fists flying, and the crowd around them was either trying to break it up or egging them on. Someone knocked over a table, sending drinks and snacks crashing to the floor. The noise level was deafening, with shouts, screams, and the thud of punches filling the air.
“Stop it! You’re gonna get hurt!” a girl screamed, but her voice was lost in the chaos.
The room was a blur of movement and noise. Then, the distant but unmistakable sound of police sirens cut through the chaos, sending a ripple of panic through the crowd.
“It’s the cops!” someone yelled.
The party descended into mayhem as people scrambled to leave, darting out of the house and into the night. You and Jeno managed to slip out before the police arrived, finding a quiet spot away from the chaos. Kayla saw you and ushered you up the stairs. Jeno took your hand, guiding you upstairs and slipping into an open bedroom door. Inside, you found Mark and passed out on the bed.
“Good God,” you muttered, walking towards the bed only to be pulled back by Jeno. You glanced at your joined hands, and suddenly, the adrenaline from the chaos was replaced by butterflies fluttering wildly in your stomach.
“Who’s that?” he asked, peeking at the figure on the bed.
“It’s just Mark,” you told him and he nodded in realization, letting go of your hand upon realizing it was safe to be there.
“Sorry,” he said, looking around. The bedroom was dimly lit—a stark contrast to the bright downstairs. The faint smell of spilled drinks lingered in the air, and the sound of distant voices and sirens could still be heard. 
“Thanks for helping me back there, by the way,” he added, his voice softer now.
“Anytime,” you said coolly, giving him a reassuring smile. “Well, it wasn’t intentional, honestly. You got thrown in my direction so, yeah. But you’re welcome.”
Jeno laughed, despite the situation. “Are you saying you wouldn’t have helped if I wasn’t thrown in your direction?” he asked, purposely quoting your words.
“No! Of course, I’d help you!” you replied briskly, shaking your hand. You felt your face heat up as you quickly corrected yourself, hoping he didn’t notice your flustered state. “I would help even if you weren’t thrown in my direction. That is if your other friends don’t get to you fast enough.” 
“Is that so?” he chuckled. “Alright. It’s good to know you’ve got my back.”
“Like I said. Anytime.”
As you stood there, the remnants of the party fading into the background, you wondered if you should thank the boy who punched Jeno towards you, the person who called 911, or Kayla herself. After all, the unexpected turn of events had brought you a little closer to Jeno.
“You looked really cool, though,” you chimed, trying not to laugh. “Trying to break the fight and all.”
Jeno chuckled heartily. “Until I got punched in the face.”
“Until you got punched in the face, yes,” you echoed, laughing at his expense. “Props to you for trying.”
“Thanks,” he said, smiling as he sank on the bed next to Mark. 
Jeno patted the space next to him, and you hesitated for only a moment before sitting down. The bed dipped under your weight, and you both shared a quiet laugh as Mark stirred slightly but didn’t wake.
Lowering your voices to a near whisper, you and Jeno began to talk, careful not to disturb the sleeping Mark, and for a brief moment, it felt like the world outside had faded, leaving only the comforting sound of Jeno’s voice and the warmth of his presence beside you.
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The cool air outside was refreshing, a welcome change from the stifling atmosphere inside Kayla’s house. You and Jeno walked side by side down the quiet sidewalk, bundled in jackets, hands tucked into your pockets against the cold. Kayla had initially planned for you and the girls to stay the night, but after catching sight of you with Jeno, she quickly changed her mind.
“You don’t want to miss your classes tomorrow,” she said with a knowing smile. You knew she was trying to get you some alone time with Jeno and her plan seemed to work when Jeno offered to walk you home.
As you walked, the conversation flowed naturally, starting with light-hearted banter about classes and mean teachers. Jeno’s laughter echoed softly in the stillness of the night, and you found yourself smiling more than you had in days. Eventually, your conversation transitioned from school to your childhood. You exchanged stories, and Jeno shared funny anecdotes about his younger self. 
“Did I ever tell you about the time I got stuck in a tree?” Jeno asked, his eyes crinkling at the memory.
“Is this one of those stories where you climbed a tree thinking it’d be cool, only to realize later that you had no idea how to get down?”
Jeno chuckled heartily, eyes fixed on the path ahead.“Classic, isn’t it? I think every kid has done that at least once.”
“Not me,” you teased, imagining a younger Jeno, wide-eyed with wild energy. “So, how did you get down?”
“My mom had to call the fire department,” he admitted with a sheepish grin. “They brought out this huge ladder, and the whole neighborhood came to watch. I was mortified.”
The image of a little Jeno being rescued from a tree was too much; you burst into laughter, the sound ringing out in the quiet night. Jeno laughed along with you, his shoulder gently bumping against yours as you walked.
“Also, I once got my head stuck in a banister at my grandparents’ house,” he added, laughing at the memory. “My dad had to cut them just to get me out.”
“The banisters, right?” you questioned, feigning concern. “You mean your dad cut the banisters, not your neck.”
Jeno burst out laughing, throwing his head back. “I don’t know why I’m laughing. It’s not even that funny.”
“Oh, it’s because your happiness is me,” you quipped, making Jeno laugh again. You chuckled, imagining a young Jeno stuck in such a predicament. “But seriously, your grandparents must have been furious.”
Jeno shook his head as he recovered from laughing. “Nah, they adored me. We just laugh about it now.”
You hummed, reminded of your own childhood misadventures. “Well, I once tried to build a treehouse all by myself. I was eleven.”
“Really?” he asked, amused. “How badly did you hurt yourself?”
You scoffed indignantly. “What made you think I hurt myself at all?”
He shrugged. “I’ve seen you with wood and tools. You could not build a treehouse with your skills. Not now, and certainly not when you were eleven.”
“You underestimate me too much,” you pouted and rolled your eyes, pretending to be offended. “The treehouse was actually nice. It just wasn’t sturdy enough to hold my weight, so I fell off the tree… With the whole house.”
“Ouch,” he winced playfully. “Did you get hurt?”
“Just a few scratches and a bruised ego,” you admitted with a smile. “I learned that some things are better done with help.”
He nodded, his expression thoughtful. “Exactly. It’s like our woodworking project. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Honestly, I think I would have done worse without you.”
Jeno’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Well, you were the brains behind it. I was just there to follow your lead.”
“And by following my lead, you mean, doing all the work while I watch?” you retorted, making him laugh.
“Let’s put it this way; you’re the designer, I’m the manufacturer. Credit is 50/50. We both did a good job.”
You nodded, satisfied. “Alright. I’ll take it.”
The night seemed to stretch on, the walk home feeling both too short and wonderfully endless. With each passing minute, you found yourself enjoying his company more, appreciating the little things that made him so endearing. As you approached your apartment complex, the conversation began to wind down. Jeno lingered, his gaze holding yours as if reluctant to say goodnight. There was a softness in his eyes, a warmth that sent a shiver down your spine despite the cold.
“Thanks for walking me here,” you said, your voice softer than you intended. “But are you gonna walk to your dorm alone?”
“No. It’s too far from here,” Jeno grinned and pulled out his phone. “I’ll call an Uber.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “We should have done that earlier! We walked like half a mile from Kayla’s!”
“Where’s the fun in that?” he replied with a mischievous glint in his eye. You both shared a warm laugh, and as he called for his ride, you a sense of contentment settled within you.
You lay awake on your bed, staring at the ceiling, replaying your conversations with Jeno. Every interaction danced through your mind, each word and gesture examined, searching for hints that there might be something more between you. It baffled you how much you liked him, how your affection seemed to grow with each passing day. The more you saw him, the longer you talked, the deeper you fell.
Jeno had been nothing but nice to you—sweet, even, and thoughtful too. Was it a far stretch to assume he might feel something for you as well? Was it too soon to think there was any meaning behind his actions? Probably. Being caring seemed to be second nature to Jeno. He likely treated everyone the same way. Unless he explicitly said so or gave away his feelings through some unmistakable gesture, you knew better than to jump to conclusions and risk ruining what you had.
But what if he did harbor feelings for you?
You turned onto your side, clutching the edge of the pillow. The idea of Jeno being here beside you filled your mind. His presence would warm the room, his voice would soothe your thoughts, and you could share your dreams with him. The thought of his touch, his laughter, and his genuine smile became a comforting fantasy you yearned to make real.
“So? How far did you two go last night?” Kayla asked the next day, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. You were at her house because she’d invited you to hang out with Sienna and Olive after class.
“Who?” Sienna questioned, scooting closer to you on the couch.
“Jeno walked her home last night,” Olive chimed in.
Sienna’s jaw dropped before she started squealing and playfully hitting your shoulder. Kayla was grinning from ear to ear, and you could already imagine the teasing you were about to endure.
“Tell us! Tell us! Tell. Us!”
You shrugged nonchalantly, trying to suppress your giddiness. “We went as far as our feet could take us, which was our apartment. Then he called for an Uber and left.”
Olive scoffed, chuckling as if you had just told her a joke. “Funny. Now tell us what really happened?”
You sighed, rolling your eyes. “I hate to break it to you, girls, but that’s all that happened.”
Kayla’s brows furrowed in confusion. “That’s it? Y’all finally had some alone time and that was it?”
You shrugged again while Olive tutted at you. “Girl, you need to up your flirting game.”
“I don’t know,” you said, biting your lip. “I’m scared. He seems interested, but sometimes it feels like he was genuinely just being friendly.
Olive crossed her arms. “If Jeno wasn’t interested in you even a little, why would he walk you home? Half a mile, in the opposite direction to his dorm?”
You paused, considering Olive’s point. “Maybe he was just being nice?”
Kayla shook her head. “Nice, sure. But walking a girl home after a party? That’s more than just being nice. The boy was trying to earn himself some good points.”
Sienna leaned in, her voice softer. “You should show him that you care for him more than just a friend. Be more forward. Let him see that you’re interested.”
“How do I even do that?” you asked, sighing in frustration. “Actually, I’m not sure I want to do that at all. I don’t know.”
Sienna’s smile was sweet, her eyes gleaming with fond affection toward you. “You know what? You’re right. Don’t,” she said, slumping next to you on the couch, squishing you between her and Kayla.
“Just be yourself. If he likes you, he’ll come to you. Don’t be afraid to flirt a little. Compliment him, laugh at his jokes if they’re funny. Maybe show interest in him from time to time,” Olive added.
“O, she’s interested in him all the time,” Kayla teased, leaning her head on your shoulder.
Olive nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I forgot about that bit.”
You took a deep breath, feeling a surge of determination. “Alright, I got it. Be myself. Awkward and shy around him.”
Kayla pouted beside you. “You’re not awkward and shy. You’re fun, smart, and adorable. I’m sure Jeno knows that by now.”
Olive clapped her hands together. “And if he doesn’t see that, well, I have an array of boys better than Jeno. I’ll introduce you to all of them if I have to.”
“As if she’d waste a breath on anyone that’s not Jeno Lee,” Sienna scoffed.
“Fair point.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “You guys are really something else.”
Kayla grinned. “What can we say? We live vicariously through you. The whole cutesy, romcom-ish, borderline obsessive admiration for a crush thing isn’t something we would experience. Given our personalities.”
“Right.” Olive nodded enthusiastically. “So we expect regular updates!”
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You found it harder to keep your feelings at bay. Every interaction with Jeno seemed to push you further into the realm of deep affection. You’d catch yourself daydreaming about him during class, your mind wandering to the idea of what could be if only you were brave enough to make a move.
The realization that you were falling for him was both exhilarating and terrifying. The thought of his hand brushing against yours, his laughter filling your days, became a bittersweet longing that colored your every thought. And every day, you felt as though you were losing your mind. Every night, you pined and whined, hoping and dreaming that he was lying there with you instead of wherever he might be spending his night.
One time, he fell asleep in class, his head resting on his arms. The soft rise and fall of his breathing was almost hypnotic. You knew you should wake him up, but he looked so peaceful and, honestly, too cute to disturb.
You sat there, just watching him for a few moments, your eyes tracing the curve of his lashes and that adorable mole under his eye. It was one of those small details you found yourself enchanted by each time you saw him up close. 
Your hand moved instinctively, fingers itching to touch the tiny mark. Just as you were about to give in to the temptation, your heart pounded with the realization of how close you were. What would it mean if you crossed that line? You hesitated, your fingers hovering, before deviating to poke his shoulder instead.
Your touch made his eyes flutter open. He blinked a few times, confused, then smiled sleepily at you. “Please tell me I didn’t sleep through the whole class,” he mumbled, his voice soft and groggy.
You smiled back, your heart racing as you shook your head. “Not on my watch.”
Jeno slowly sat up, groaning quietly as he stretched his limbs under the table. “Thanks.”
You responded with a smile, trying to focus on the lecture. Mr. Harris was talking about cabinetry, introducing the basics and whatnot. Last week, he had announced the results of the woodworking project. Everyone got full marks for accomplishing the tasks, but only those with high votes got special awards. You and Jeno came third, which was slightly disappointing but still impressive.
In your peripheral vision, you could see Jeno’s hand sliding a small paper bag towards you. Before you could react, you felt his warm presence on your side and caught a whiff of his perfume before you heard him whispering in your ear. “For you,” he said, his breath tickling your ear.
He moved away immediately, and you glanced sideways at him with a confused expression. He smiled, leaning back in his chair as he nodded toward the paper bag. Curiosity piqued, you opened the bag to find a beautifully crafted cylindrical wooden pen holder. It was simple and minimalistic but the amount of time and attention put into making it was evident in the clean edges and beautiful varnishing. 
“What’s this for?” you asked stupidly, heart swelling with emotions.
“For your many many pens at home,” he said, scooting closer to you and propping his elbows on the table.
Your fingers traced the smooth surface of the object, marveling at the craftsmanship. “Did you make this?” you asked, your voice tinged with awe.
Jeno nodded, a shy smile playing on his lips. “We had some scrap wood from the last project and I thought throwing them away would be a waste of good material.”
Your heart melted at his thoughtfulness. “Thank you, Jeno. It’s perfect. I… I don’t know what to say.”
“You said thank you,” he chimed. “It’s enough. You’re welcome.”
As the day wore on, your mind kept drifting back to the pen holder and Jeno's thoughtful gesture. You replayed the moment in your head, examining every detail, every word, every glance. Why did he do it? What was it for? Was it a sign that Jeno liked you back? Or was it simply a kind act from a friend?
The next day at lunch, you placed the paper bag on the table for Sienna and Kayla to see. The two of them gawked at it for a few seconds before shooting curious gazes at you. Sighing, you opened it to reveal the pen holder from Jeno.
“Jeno gave it to me. For my pens,” you told them, clenching your fists in an attempt to stop them from shaking.
“Aw,” Kayla lilted, taking it in her hands to examine it. “He knows about your pen obsession?”
“I mentioned it in passing,” you replied, biting your lower lip. “Once.”
“Did he make this?” asked Sienna and you nodded in response. “No way?”
“Yes, he did,” you sang. “Or so he says.”
“You don’t look happy about it though,” Kayla asked, inspecting your expression.
Groaning, you gently hit your forehead on the table and looked back up at your friends helplessly. “That’s the thing. I am happy about it. Too happy, even. I feel like, like… like I’m floating and falling at the same time. My heart is full but it also hurts in a weird not painful kind of way. I can’t explain it!”
“Slow down,” Sienna goaded, patting your shoulder. “Take it slow. Tell us what happened in detail.”
You took a deep breath and chugged the glass of water in front of you before answering. “We were in class and he was asleep so I woke him up. And then out of nowhere, he gave me this bag and said it was for me.”
“Did he carry this around all day?” Kayla questioned.
“Does it matter?” you asked back.
Sienna heaved a sigh. “It does! You were already in class. He even fell asleep in there. But he waited until later to give it to you? Why didn’t he give it to you as soon as you saw each other?”
“Honestly, I have no idea.”
“What else did he say?”
You shook your head. “Nothing, I… I thanked him and then that’s it. After class, we said goodbye.”
“Doesn’t matter,” said Kayla. “This is a clear hint—no. It’s not just a hint. It’s an evidence. Jeno likes you.”
“Okay, let me stop you there,” you told her, raising a palm to her face. “I am already in that route which is why I am losing my mind right now.”
Kayla grinned, unfazed. “Fine, fine. But think about it, he made this for you. He spent time and effort on it. That has to mean something.”
You sighed, feeling the weight of your emotions. “I just don't want to get my hopes up. What if I'm reading too much into it?”
Kayla handed the pen holder back to you, a sympathetic smile on her face. “What if you’re not? What do you have to lose if you just… jump in?”
You shook your head, mouth gaping open out of sheer bafflement. “I don’t know. My mind?”
Sienna looked over your shoulder and then tapped your arm urgently. “Jeno. Jeno’s coming.”
“What?” you blurted, straightening up and tucking his ‘gift’ away. Before you could turn your head to take a look behind you, Jeno was already sliding onto the chair next to you.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked, but he was already setting his tray down. Kayla was quick to stop him, holding the edge of his tray.
“Actually, we do mind,” she grinned, batting her eyelashes playfully.
Jeno seemed confused, glancing at you and then back at Kayla. “Alright?”
“Yeah, we’re having a really important conversation about her love life,” Kayla added, motioning to you. You pointed a finger at yourself, gawking at Kayla cluelessly. “We are, aren’t we?”
Technically, she was right. You glanced at Jeno and scrunched your nose apologetically at him. “Yeah. We are.”
There was a flicker of annoyance on Jeno’s face, though you thought you’d imagined it. His hand hesitated as he lifted the tray, and he glanced at you again before resigning with a small sigh. “Alright then,” he said quietly, slinging his backpack back to his shoulder. “I won’t bother you.”
You nodded, waving as he walked away, but a part of you felt an uncomfortable twist in your chest. You turned to Kayla and glared at her.
“Why would you tell him that?” you asked, utterly bewildered.
Kayla had a smug smile on her face. “To see how he’d react,” she said, nodding toward Jeno’s direction.
You glanced back to where he was and found him looking at you. He looked away as soon as your gazes met, brows furrowing as he poked his food.
Your heart sank a little, uncertainty creeping in. What if you hurt his feelings?
Sienna sighed contently. “Was Jaemin right all along?”
“Yeah, he was right,” Kayla replied, nodding.
“Why? What do you mean?”
“My dearest, you clearly have a shot. I don’t know why you thought you didn’t.”
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Having a crush is all fun and games until you realize you can’t live without them anymore. Well, obviously, that’s an exaggeration. Or is it? Nah, it is an exaggeration, right? “Right,” you mumbled to yourself, nodding absentmindedly. Then you felt a tug on your elbow.
“Are you okay?” asked Sienna, eyes wide and brows furrowed looking perplexed—and judgmental. You blinked rapidly, trying to shake off the overwhelming rush of emotions.
“Yeah, of course,” you replied, offering a shaky smile.
Sienna’s eyes softened, and she gave you a playful nudge. “Cute. Let’s go. Yangyang’s outside.”
It wasn’t only Yangyang who was waiting outside.  As you opened the door to the backseat of Yangyang’s car, you were greeted by Jeno’s blank gaze, which quickly transformed into a warm, genuine smile and a small wave. You smiled back and turned to Yangyang who grinned knowingly.
“Saw him walking alone on my way here so I picked him up and invited him to join us,” said Yangyang.
Jeno’s smile turned sheepish, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh, no! Not at all!” Sienna’s excitement was obvious as she enthusiastically pushed you into the seat next to Jeno. “It’s more fun with more people.”
You sat on the plush leather seats, and Jeno scooted away slightly to make room for you.  The close proximity made your pulse quicken, and you could feel the warmth radiating from him. Sienna squeezed in next to you, her presence further pressing you toward Jeno. She gave you a sickly sweet smile that made you chuckle nervously, trying to ignore the way your heart raced.
“Got the goods?” Sienna asked Yangyang who nodded.
Yangyang’s eyes remained on the road as he reached into the front seat, retrieving a large paper bag and handing it to the back. “Yep. It’s all here.”
Sienna’s face lit up as she accepted the bag, her sweet smile unwavering. “Thanks, Yang, you’re a literal angel.”
You scoffed playfully, rolling your eyes. “You don’t mean that.”
“Of course, I don’t,” Sienna said, her tone light and teasing. She turned to Jeno with a glint of mischief in her eyes. “Are you sure you want to join us today, Jeno?”
Jeno shrugged, his gaze flickering between Sienna and you. There was a brief moment of hesitation before he met your eyes, then quickly looked away. “Yeah. I mean, how bad can it be?”
“What, Spa Day? Not bad at all! If anything, it’s good for you,” Sienna reassured him, her enthusiasm infectious.
You nodded in agreement. “You’ll thank her later.”
Jeno’s smile widened slightly, and he shifted in his seat. “Okay. I trust you.”
With how closely you were sitting, you figured he might have been feeling uncomfortable, which was probably why he kept shifting in his seat and couldn’t meet your gaze. You turned to Sienna and discreetly tapped her knee, subtly urging her to scoot over. She obliged with a knowing smile, giving you just enough room to breathe.
As you adjusted your position, you felt Jeno relax beside you. His warmth and the faint scent of his cologne were oddly comforting, adding to the flutter of your nerves. You glanced over at him, trying to gauge his feelings, but he was focused on the view outside the window, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.
The car rumbled to a stop, and you glanced out the window, noting the familiar building where Renjun, Haechan, and Yangyang lived. Yangyang parked the car, and you, Jeno, and Sienna climbed out, chatting excitedly as you approached the entrance. The anticipation of spending time with your friends and Jeno filled you with excitement, but as soon as you stepped inside, the atmosphere shifted. 
What welcomed you were Jaemin and Haechan, sprawled out on the floor in a haze of smoke. Jaemin, with his relaxed posture and half-lidded eyes, was lazily passing a joint to Haechan, who took a long drag before letting out a thick plume of smoke. Both of them looked completely out of it, their expressions a blend of contentment and mild confusion. The sight of them, seemingly floating in their own stoned world, was both amusing and surreal.
“You guys…” you muttered, shaking your head as you took in their stoned state. Sienna appeared beside you, her eyes widening in disbelief as she processed the scene. 
Jaemin, squinting at you with a goofy grin, greeted you with a slurred voice. “Hey, hey! Look who’s here!”
Haechan giggled, his cheeks flushed as he stared at Sienna. “This shit’s good, man. I can see my girlfriend. She looks so real.”
Jaemin nodded slowly, barely able to keep his eyes open. “Dude, I think that’s your girlfriend.”
“I know. It’s crazy,” Haechan laughed. “You see her too?”
“Nah, man. I think they’re there for reals,” Jaemin said, shaking his head as if to clear the fog.
Yangyang, arriving late and catching sight of his friends on the floor, let out an amused laugh. “Woah, are you guys stoned?”
“Oh! It’s Yangyang!” Haechan grinned lazily, pointing at him.
Sienna released a dragged-out sigh, placing her hands on her hips. “Lee Donghyuck, I swear to God,” she said, her tone calm but carrying an edge that sent a shiver through everyone present.
You tapped Jeno and Yangyang urgently, motioning for them to move. Yangyang headed to the kitchen, while you and Jeno joined Renjun on the couch. The room smelled faintly of incense and the earthy scent of the joint, mixing with the warmth of the gathering.
“You’re here too, Jeno?” he asked, eyes on his book.
“Yeah. It sort of just happened,” Jeno replied, glancing around the room.
Renjun looked up from the couch, looking bored. “I hope you guys are prepared for some interesting conversations today. They’ve been like this for a while.”
Soon, Mark arrived, followed by Kayla and Olive. Jaemin and Haechan’s antics had derailed your plans for Spa Day, so you decided to just hang out instead. Kayla, Sienna, and Renjun were busy in the kitchen, preparing snacks and chatting animatedly, while Mark and Olive scrolled through Netflix, debating what to watch. You and Jeno settled onto the long couch, trying to ignore the increasingly rowdy scene in the far corner of the room, where Jaemin, Haechan, and now Yangyang were thoroughly engrossed in their stoned escapades.
“I knew it was Yangyang’s joint,” you said with a playful scoff, shaking your head. “I can’t believe we canceled Spa Day for this.”
Jeno leaned back on the couch, propping his arm casually over the backrest. “Yeah, I was looking forward to that too.”
“Well, it won’t take long before Mark joins them. You should go over there now while they haven’t finished Yangyang’s entire stash yet.”
Jeno shook his head. “No. I don’t smoke weed.”
You turned to him with a skeptical look, raising an eyebrow. Jeno chuckled at your expression. “You don’t believe me?”
You opened your mouth to respond but ended up just shrugging, a reluctant smile tugging at your lips. Jeno’s playful pout, combined with his sheepish grin, made it hard not to laugh.
“I want to believe you, okay?” you told him, laughing softly. “It’s just… I don’t know. You were friends with Jaemin in high school so, I can imagine all the shenanigans.”
Jeno nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Fair point. We did get up to all sorts of things, but that was in high school. I’ve mellowed out a bit.”
“Taking life a little more seriously, huh?”
“Not too much, just dialing back the recklessness.”
In their corner of the room, the stoners were laughing at something you couldn’t hear. The haze of smoke seemed to waft over, making you scrunch up your nose. “Can’t say the same for your friends over there.”
“They’re your friends too, you know,” Jeno said with a teasing grin.
You grimaced playfully. “Unfortunately.” With a dramatic sigh, you stood up and beckoned Jeno to follow. “I’d kill for a milkshake right now. Come on.”
As you led Jeno towards the kitchen, his presence beside you felt like a refreshing change from the chaos; a comforting escape from the afternoon’s unexpected turn of events.
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The smell of food filled the apartment as everyone settled into the living room, ready for a movie. The stoners, now mostly sober and recovering from their earlier high, had retreated to a quieter corner. Yangyang and Haechan were sprawled out, their heads resting on pillows as they drifted off to sleep.
Jaemin plopped down next to you on the couch, still a little dazed from all the earlier chaos, and leaned against you, his head resting on your shoulder. You didn’t mind; it was actually kind of nice. On your other side, Jeno shifted around, trying to make space for you and Jaemin.
Mark grabbed the remote and hit play on a superhero movie. You’d seen it before, but everyone had agreed on it anyway. No matter how different you all were, there was one thing you could count on—everyone loved superhero movies. Even Sienna, who used to roll her eyes at them, eventually got hooked.
You glanced over at Jeno, who was already lost in the movie, a genuine smile lighting up his face. He must've felt your gaze because he turned, catching your eye. Leaning closer, he whispered, “Didn’t peg you for a superhero fan.”
“You’d be surprised,” you whispered back, keeping your voice low so you wouldn’t disturb the others.
As the movie went on, you and Jeno kept up a quiet conversation, sharing whispers and soft laughs. He leaned in whenever he wanted to say something, his breath warm against your ear. Every time your hands brushed—whether by accident or not—it felt like a tiny spark between you.
Eventually, Renjun turned around, eyebrows raised. “You two need to keep it down. Some of us are actually trying to watch.”
You and Jeno exchanged sheepish grins, your faces turning red. Jeno leaned in closer, his voice just for you. “Sorry, we’ll be quieter.”
You giggled, which made Renjun roll his eyes again. “Seriously, guys. Just get a room already.”
Feeling a bit guilty, you made a big show of zipping your lips, trying not to laugh. Jaemin, who had been dozing against you, stirred and mumbled something you couldn’t make out. His weight was starting to make your arm ache, so you shifted a bit, moving his head onto your lap to get more comfortable.
Jeno noticed you rubbing your shoulder and, without a word, put his hand on your shoulder, his fingers warm as they started to massage away the tension.
“Thanks,” you whispered, feeling the warmth from his touch spread through you.
As the movie continued, Jeno casually draped his arm over the back of the couch, his hand brushing against your shoulder and gently tugging you a little closer. You tilted your head slightly, catching his gaze. His eyes held a soft, almost wistful expression, and you felt a flutter in your chest.
“Not bad, huh?” Jeno asked, nodding at the TV screen.
“Yeah, it’s pretty good,” you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, your eyes locking with his.
In the midst of the action on screen, a quiet, intimate connection grew between you. The subtle moments of closeness—the accidental touches, the soft whispers, and the shared warmth—woven with the comforting presence of Jeno beside you, created a bridge that felt both thrilling and reassuring. The movie played on, but the real show was the unspoken bond growing stronger with each passing moment.
“How was it?” Kayla asked with a playful glint in her eyes, as you scrubbed dishes in the kitchen after the movie. The kitchen had become a gathering spot, with Olive and Sienna joining Kayla, all three wearing playful smirks that made you roll your eyes.
You tried to keep your expression neutral but unable to hide your grin. “How was what?” you replied, feigning ignorance.
Kayla pinched your arm, making you yelp in surprise. “Ouch! What the—”
Your exclamation caught the attention of the boys in the living room, their heads turning in your direction. Kayla just smiled at them as if nothing happened. 
Kayla, undeterred, gestured for the boys to continue tidying up. “You guys better make sure the living room is spotless,” she called out, her tone playful.
Your eyes found Jeno’s—he was giving you a concerned gaze to which you responded with a shrug to tell him you were fine.
“I saw that!” Olive said in a hushed tone, leaning closer to you. “You and Jeno just now.”
“Yeah, what was that about?” Sienna chimed in, her eyes narrowing with a teasing smile. “So fishy.”
“It’s not fishy,” Kayla said with a smirk, joining the others at the dining table. “It’s sweet. Like, flower garden sweet. Like, totally romantic.”
Olive grinned. “More like ‘the guy I like now likes me back’ sweet.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, a blush spreading as you thought about those moments with Jeno. “Go away if you’re not going to help,” you shot back, trying to focus on the dishes and hide your embarrassment.
The girls laughed, clearly enjoying your reaction, but you could feel their warmth. Despite the teasing, it only added to the cozy, comforting vibe of the night.
You hung out until late, playing games, chatting, eating takeout, and laughing for the most part.  There were quiet moments when you would just scroll through your phone lazily, while the others did their own thing. The cozy warmth of the apartment made it easy to lose track of time. Eventually, the clock nudged past midnight, and it was time to say goodbye.
As everyone began to gather their things, the apartment was filled with the quiet buzz of goodbyes and plans for the next hangout. You grabbed your bag and made your way to the door, where Jeno was waiting.
He gave you a small smile as you made your way to him. “Before you go, do you remember the name of that book you mentioned earlier?”
You blinked, trying to remember. When you realized you hadn’t said the title because you’d forgotten it, you scrunched your nose. “Uh, no, I don’t. But I have it at home. I’ll text you when I find out.”
He handed you his phone with a casual ease that belied the slight tension in the air. “Here, just put your number in. That way, you can tell me as soon as you find it.”
You took the phone, fingers brushing against his as you entered your number. After giving it back, he dialed your number and your phone buzzed in your pocket. You fished it out and saw his number flashing on your screen.
“There. Now you have my number too. Don’t forget to text me,” he said, his tone light, but there was a warmth in his voice that made your heart skip a beat.
The moment passed quickly, and soon everyone was heading out, their voices echoing down the hallway. You found yourself glancing back at Jeno one last time as you left, thinking about the quiet connection that had formed between you throughout the day.
As you walked home, the cool night air filled your lungs, and a small smile tugged at your lips. The day had been full of surprises and quiet moments that felt like the start of something new. You couldn’t help but wonder what tomorrow would bring, but for now, you held onto the memory of Jeno’s smile and the way his voice softened when he talked to you.
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On a quiet Saturday morning, you paced back and forth in your bedroom, biting your thumb as you stared at your phone and the book lying on your bed. The early sun poured into your room, filtered through the sheer curtains. The muffled sound of Sienna’s morning playlist drifted in from the living room, mixing with the soft sound of your footsteps on the carpet.
You were debating whether to text Jeno, running through every possible scenario that might happen if you did, and most importantly, wondering what to say first. Should you start with a simple ‘hi’? Or would it be better to get straight to the point and tell him the book title he wanted to know? Was it too early to text him? Should you wait until later so you didn’t seem too eager? Would he even reply? And if he did, what would he say?
You stopped pacing, letting out a sharp breath, and placed your hands on your hips. For a moment, you stared at the phone and the book on your bed before picking them both up. Sitting down in the chair in front of your computer, you opened your contacts list with a look of determination.
“It’s just a text. No need to overthink it,” you told yourself, tapping on Jeno’s number to start a message.
You glanced at the title of the book as you typed out your text.
Hey Jeno, it’s me. The book title we were talking about is ‘The Long Walk’. Found it this morning.
Was it too casual? Too direct? You felt a flutter in your stomach as you reread the message for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was safe, not too much, just enough to start a conversation.
Your thumb hovered over the send button, the weight of the moment pressing down on you. It wasn’t just about sending the title; it was about breaking the silence, about seeing if the connection from yesterday would carry over into today.
Finally, you took a deep breath and hit send. There was no taking it back now. You stared at the screen, watching the message transition from ‘sending’ to ‘delivered.’ You squealed, tossing the phone on your bed and jumping around your bedroom.
A knock on the door made you freeze. “What’s going on in there?” Sienna’s voice called from the other side.
“Nothing!” you called back, trying to stifle your grin. “Just excited about something.”
Sienna chuckled, the sound of her footsteps retreating as she muttered something under her breath.
With the room quiet again, you focused on the phone. Seconds ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity. You tried to distract yourself with the book, but your eyes kept drifting back to the screen. Then, just as you were about to give up, the screen lit up with a notification, followed by a buzz. You dived into the bed, grabbing the phone as quickly as you could.
Jeno <3: Got it, thanks! Do you mind if I borrow it?
A grin spread across your face, your heart fluttering at the sight of his reply. It was just a simple message, but as the conversation continued with an easy flow, it felt like a small victory—a quiet confirmation that maybe, just maybe, there was something more here.
Days turned into weeks, and that simple conversation turned into the first of many. In carpentry class, you and Jeno often got paired up, sharing tools and ideas. He had this knack for making even the most boring tasks fun, with his light-hearted teasing that always left you smiling.
“Careful there,” he’d say with a grin, watching you handle a saw. “Wouldn’t want you to lose a finger. Not sure how good you’d be at texting without one.”
You’d roll your eyes, but the warmth in his voice made it clear he was just looking out for you.
In the library, your study sessions often turned into comfortable silences, broken only by the occasional whispered joke or shared look when something funny popped into your head. Jeno had this way of making even the silence feel full, as if words weren’t always needed between you two.
One afternoon, while out for a coffee run, Jeno surprised you by handing you a snack you’d mentioned liking weeks ago. “Thought you might want this,” he said casually, but the gesture was anything but. It was little things like that that made you realize how thoughtful he could be—how he noticed the small details you barely remembered mentioning.
At group hangouts, Jeno always seemed to end up next to you. Whether it was sitting beside you on the couch, standing close at a party, or even asking someone to scoot over so he could be nearer, he found subtle ways to be close.
“Can I sit here?” he’d ask with a grin, even though he already knew your answer.
And then there were the compliments—thoughtful, personal, and always catching you off guard. “I don’t know if you realize, but you’re so easy to hang out with. Easy to talk to, easy to get along with… You’re just awesome,” he once said during a late-night phone call. His words weren’t just empty flattery; they felt real, like he saw something in you that others didn’t.
Every interaction, every shared moment, only made your connection deeper. Jeno’s focus on you during conversations, his attention to detail, and the way he remembered the little things—all of it hinted at feelings that were growing stronger day by day.
“I should just kick them out,” Renjun sighed, taking a long sip of his coffee.
You and your friends were hanging out at a cozy café known for its laid-back vibe and amazing hot chocolate. With Kayla, Mark, Renjun, and Jeno, you’d squeezed into a large booth. Renjun had been complaining about his roommates again, and while you and Kayla were all for him kicking his flatmates out, Mark was trying to talk him down. Eventually, the conversation drifted from Renjun’s woes to a new movie that had just come out.
As the conversation flowed, you found yourself getting into a lively debate about the movie. Jeno, sitting next to you, listened quietly, throwing in a thoughtful comment every now and then. Occasionally, your shoulders would brush, and you’d exchange quick, knowing glances.
Suddenly, someone plopped down beside you, making you and Kayla gasp. It was Hendery Wong, his usual charisma on full display as he tilted his head and grinned at you. “Deadpool & Wolverine, huh?” he said, his voice playful. “Pretty epic, wasn’t it?”
“Yo, Hendery Wong!” Mark exclaimed, jumping up to give Hendery a high-five. “Damn, dude, how have you been?”
“I’m fine. Still alive, fortunately,” Hendery said, his tone cool and nonchalant. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“A while? Dude, it’s been a whole fucking year!” Mark replied, unable to hide his excitement. “When did you get back?”
“Today. A few hours ago,” Hendery answered.
Kayla tutted. “Clearly, being overseas didn’t wipe that smug look off your face.”
Hendery chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter. “Come on, K. You’re not still sore about losing that exchange program to me, are you?”
Kayla huffed, crossing her arms. “Not at all. I was never sore about it in the first place.”
Hendery’s attention shifted back to you, his arm casually resting on the backrest behind you. “And you, babygirl? How’s life treating you?”
You rolled your eyes, though you were secretly glad to see him. “Great. Life was a little better without you around. Now that you’re back,” you paused, wincing playfully, “I’m not so sure anymore.”
“Good,” Hendery replied with a teasing grin. “I missed you too.”
Jeno, who had been observing quietly, shifted in his seat, his expression hard to read. He cleared his throat but didn’t say anything, his gaze drifting out the window.
“Who’s your friend?” Hendery asked, turning his attention to Jeno.
Mark jumped in before you could reply. “Oh, right. This is Jeno. He’s sharing the flat with me and Jaemin. Jeno, this is Hendery Wong. He used to stay in your room. He was gone for an exchange program in France.”
Jeno gave a polite nod, his lips pressed together, while Hendery returned the nod. An odd tension hung in the air, coming from the intense gaze between Jeno and Hendery.
“Well, I should get going,” Hendery said, rising from his seat. He placed a hand on your shoulder, his thumb gently rubbing against your shoulder blade. “Catch you guys later? I thought I saw Renjun here, was I wrong?”
“He went to the restroom. Dude, we should all hang out soon,” Mark said, standing up to bump shoulders with Hendery.
“Absolutely. Just let me know,” Hendery said, patting your shoulder. You looked up at him with a smile, giving him a small wave as he nodded at you.
You watched as Hendery walked away, waiting until he left the café to resume the conversation. Beside you, Jeno’s posture had grown more rigid. His fingers tapped restlessly on the table, and he seemed unusually focused on the menu, avoiding eye contact.
“Is everything alright?” you asked softly, sensing the shift in his mood.
Jeno glanced at you, his expression softening slightly. “Yeah. I’m fine.”
You raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced. Before you could press further, Renjun rejoined the table, and the conversation picked up again.
“You won’t believe who was just here,” Mark said, turning to Renjun as he sat down.
“Who?” Renjun asked, looking around.
“Hendery Wong,” Mark replied, unable to contain his excitement.
“No way! He’s back?” Renjun’s eyes widened in surprise.
As the chatter resumed, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something had changed between you and Jeno. It was subtle, almost imperceptible, but it was there—a quiet tension that lingered beneath the surface. For the rest of the afternoon, you found yourself stealing glances at Jeno, wondering if he felt it too.
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Jeno first saw you during a basketball game between NCIT and another university. From his seat in the bleachers, he could hear your voice cutting through the clamor of the crowd. While most of the students were shouting cheers and encouragement, you stood out sharply with your enthusiastic and, frankly, unorthodox support.
You were positioned right at the edge of the bleachers, waving a homemade banner that read ‘GO MARK!’ in big, bold letters. But instead of the typical shouts of praise and excitement, your voice was a commanding presence of its own.
“Mark, focus! Don’t screw this up!” you yelled, your tone firm and assertive. There was an edge of urgency in your voice that set you apart from the usual crowd.
When Mark came close to the bleachers, you didn’t hold back. With an exaggerated, mock-serious expression, you shouted, “I swear to God, Mark Lee! If you don’t beat their asses, I will whoop yours!”
Mark just laughed in amusement as he nodded at you, and that seemed to annoy you. “Oh? Are you laughing? Don’t you laugh at me, I am dead serious!”
Your friends beside you chuckled, clearly used to your dramatic flair, but Jeno was intrigued. The contrast between your intense demeanor and the light-hearted atmosphere around you was striking. When you were simply sitting quietly as you watched the game, there was an air of elegance and grace about you. But that air was shattered the moment you stood up and opened your mouth.
As the game progressed, Jeno overheard you telling a friend that winning the game was crucial not just for school pride, but because you wanted to exact a small revenge on your ex, who had, apparently, done you wrong. “We have to win this game!” you declared. “I need to show that lying, cheating jerk that he’s a loser. This victory is for me!”
There was something undeniably compelling about your presence. Your energy was infectious, your passion unmistakable. Jeno found himself stealing glances your way, caught up in the way you seemed to own the moment, making the game as much about your personal victory as it was about the team’s. In that crowded, noisy gymnasium, amidst all the chaos and excitement, Jeno saw something special in you—a spark that he couldn’t quite ignore.
Jeno watched as the game reached its climax, with Mark and his team eventually emerging victorious. In the final moments of triumph, you leaped from your seat, joining the crowd rushing onto the court. Jeno saw you stare at someone from the other team, whom he could only assume was your ex after you gave him a dramatic, unapologetic middle finger.
Jeno knew you were friends with his roommates and that you shared a circle of mutual friends. While he found you intriguing, he’d never had any romantic interest in you. At the time, he was in a relationship, and though he occasionally caught glimpses of you during group gatherings or around campus, there wasn’t much real interaction. You always seemed wrapped up in intense debates with Haechan or animated conversations with your friends, and Jeno never thought much about it.
After a messy breakup, Jeno decided to go on a “healing” road trip with his cousins. The open road was supposed to be a distraction, a way to clear his head. On one of those long drives, they stumbled upon a quaint public library in a sleepy little town—a perfect pit stop for a break. As Jeno wandered through the quiet rows of books, taking in the musty, comforting smell of old paper, he spotted someone familiar.
There you were, perched precariously on a ladder, browsing the top shelves with a look of intense concentration. Seeing a familiar face in such an out-of-the-way place was a pleasant surprise, but Jeno didn’t think of approaching you. After all, the two of you didn’t really know each other. But as he watched, his curiosity piqued. You were tugging at a book, your brow furrowed in determination as you struggled to free it from the tight shelf. It was almost comical, and Jeno couldn’t help but smile. 
As he debated whether to help, you suddenly lost your footing. Jeno’s reflexes kicked in, and he darted forward, catching you just as you slipped off the ladder. For a second, you were in his arms, eyes wide with surprise. Your cheeks flushed as you steadied yourself, looking up at him with a mix of embarrassment and gratitude.
The two of you stood there for a moment, neither sure what to say. There was something endearing about your flustered reaction, and Jeno found himself smiling, feeling an unexpected warmth. He handed you the book you’d been reaching for, and you accepted it with a grateful smile and uttered your thanks again.
As Jeno walked out of the library, he couldn’t help but glance back, catching one last look at you. The encounter was brief, but something about it stuck with him. For the rest of the road trip, he found his thoughts drifting back to the way your eyes had widened in surprise, the way your lips had curved into a smile. And as Jeno climbed back into the car with his cousins, he couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face.
On the first day back at university, Jeno noticed you immediately. You were surrounded by your friends, engaging in lively chatter and playful bickering. Mark spotted him and waved him over, but Jeno had to decline, as he was on his way to class.
Later, at lunch, Jeno was walking to the food court with Mark, Jaemin, and Haechan. Haechan began grumbling about you, complaining that you had been a real pain in his ass due to a missing pen. Mark said it was his fault for losing her pen. 
“As if she don’t already have hoards of them!” Haechan whined, stomping his feet.
Just as Jeno was about to ask more, your voice cut through the busy pathway. “Lee Donghyuck!”
Haechan seemed to shudder at hearing his real name. “Gosh! This psycho pen hoarder!” he exclaimed in horror.
Frightened, Haechan took off running. Before Jeno could even glance over, you zoomed past him in pursuit of Haechan, leaving only a lingering trail of your sweet perfume.
Jeno watched, intrigued, as you darted through the crowd, clearly determined to catch up to Haechan.
Jeno started noticing you everywhere. At the public library across town, your name was proudly displayed as one of the top readers for the year. You seemed to live in that library, always immersed in a book while Jeno used it as a quiet refuge, mostly for napping and studying only when he absolutely had to. He saw you in the quad, at the food court, in the school library, and even in the hallways and at the gates. It was as if no matter where he went, you were always in his line of sight.
His curiosity about you grew with every encounter. When your name came up in conversations with his roommates, he’d casually ask about you, careful not to hint at his interest. On the rare occasions you visited their apartment, he’d retreat to his room, listening from a distance but never making his presence known. He couldn’t quite explain why he chose to stay hidden, but he did.
One rainy afternoon, while stranded outside an electronics store downtown, Jeno stood shivering, hoping a cab would miraculously appear. Then he saw you emerging from the diner next door, shielded by an umbrella. His heart skipped a beat, and the dreariness of the rain-soaked streets seemed to lift. Surprised by his reaction, he pondered what it could mean. You struggled to hail a cab, and Jeno wrestled with whether or not to approach you. But he decided there were better times to do that than right now.
When a taxi finally arrived and you were about to close the door, Jeno acted on an impulse. He sprinted across the sidewalk and intercepted the cab door just in time. The spontaneity of his actions left him awkwardly sitting beside you in the cab, unsure how to start a conversation. Should he introduce himself and remind you of the ladder incident, or simply acknowledge that he was Jaemin and Mark’s friend?
He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he missed his chance to say anything before his stop. Annoyed with himself, he walked to the apartment, his mood sour. Jaemin noticed Jeno’s dejected expression when he opened the door. “What happened?” Jaemin asked.
“Don’t remind me,” Jeno replied, brushing off the question.
That night, Jeno couldn’t stop thinking about you. Your face, so pretty and striking, lingered in his mind long after the encounter. He was captivated by how your gentle demeanor contrasted with your boldness—something he found both intriguing and endearing.
As the new week began, he found himself looking forward to the possibility of seeing you again. And this time, things were different. Instead of just glimpsing the back of your head or the side of your face, he found himself catching your gaze. You would often look away quickly, but sometimes you’d offer him a shy, bashful smile that left him both elated and curious.
What started with stolen glances and shy smiles evolved into something much deeper. Jeno found himself completely enchanted by you—not just because you were beautiful, but because you were brilliant and kind-hearted too. Your intimidating exterior gave way to a warmth and charm that drew people to you, and Jeno was no exception. The moments you shared—laughing over inside jokes, basking in comfortable silence, and watching your smile light up a room—made his heart swell with affection.
He knew he liked you, but as time went on, he realized his feelings went beyond mere admiration. It was something deeper, something he couldn’t easily define. And though he was still figuring out what to do about it, the desire to be near you only grew stronger.
But today, it felt like the steady course of your relationship was about to hit some unexpected turbulence. Jeno stood in the doorway of his bedroom, his scowl deepening as a swirl of questions raced through his mind. Who is Hendery Wong? Why did he seem to have an interest in you? What was your past relationship with him? And most pressing of all, what was Hendery doing in Jeno’s bedroom wrapped in a towel, straight out of a shower? Why did it feel like this moment was challenging everything Jeno had come to understand about his own feelings for you?
As Jeno struggled to make sense of the situation, he could only hope that whatever was happening would not only clarify the tangled emotions in his heart but also not drive a wedge between the bond he had cherished so much.
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“Hendery moved back in with you?” you asked Mark, your voice laced with surprise and a hint of confusion.
Mark leaned back, resting his head on his hand as if the whole situation were more amusing than anything else. “Yep. The guy showed up from the airport with nowhere to crash. So, he’s crashing in Jeno’s room. You know, the room he used to have.”
You winced internally, knowing how much Jeno prized his personal space. “And Jeno?” you asked, bracing yourself for the inevitable.
Before Mark could answer, Hendery plopped down in the chair next to you, throwing an arm around your shoulders in a casual one-armed hug. His grin was impossibly wide and mischievous. “What about my roommate?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows in a teasing manner.
“You can’t just barge into his space like that!” you said, giving him a pointed look.
Hendery leaned in closer, his face only inches from yours. “Oh? Are you worried about Jeno?”
“Yes!” you shot back, giving his cheek a gentle nudge. “You should find yourself a dorm or something!”
“Why would I do that?” Hendery asked with a playful glint in his eye. “I’m having too much fun hanging out with your crush.”
“Is that you, Hendery?” You heard Yangyang’s voice cut through the chatter. Turning, you saw him approaching with Jeno by his side.
Your heart did a little leap at the sight of Jeno, and you felt a warm blush spread across your cheeks. Jeno’s eyes met yours for a fleeting moment before he looked away, his expression hard to read.
Flustered, you started smacking Hendery’s arm repeatedly until he finally loosened his hold on you. Hendery stood up with a laugh, giving Yangyang a hearty clap on the back as they exchanged greetings. You pointed at the chair Hendery had just vacated, and without hesitation, Jeno moved past Hendery and settled into it.
Jeno turned to you with a soft, genuine smile. “How was class?” he asked, his voice gentle.
“Extremely boring,” you replied, leaning in slightly. Your tone was a mix of exasperation and relief.
Jeno chuckled, his gaze lingering on you with a tenderness that made your heart flutter. Before the conversation could go any deeper, your other friends arrived, and the table soon filled up with lively chatter. Jeno had hoped his strategic move would prevent Hendery from sitting next to you, but as the group settled in, Hendery took the seat to your other side, creating a subtle but noticeable competition.
Every laugh you shared with Hendery seemed to amplify the emotions Jeno was trying hard to suppress. His focus on you, his protective stance, and the way his smile faltered when Hendery made a particularly affectionate gesture spoke volumes about the feelings he was trying to conceal.
It didn’t help that you and Hendery had the same classes. After lunch, you gave Jeno a sweet goodbye before leaving with Hendery. Jeno appreciated the extra attention you gave him, but seeing you walk away with Hendery left him feeling deflated.
For the next few days, Jeno made an effort to avoid seeing you with Hendery. He found it easier to focus on his growing feelings for you when he wasn’t constantly reminded of his competition. His strategy seemed to work, allowing him to enjoy quiet afternoons with you in the library, share coffee dates, and savor each other’s company. But as the weekend approached and the group hangout at your apartment loomed, Jeno knew that the unresolved tension between him and Hendery was about to come to a head.
The living room of your apartment with Sienna was alive with warmth and energy as everyone settled in for the long-awaited hangout. It had been a while since the whole group had come together, and the space was buzzing with a mix of excitement and relaxation. The floor was strewn with pillows, snacks were piled high on the coffee table, and the entire room felt like a cozy, informal gathering spot.
You were comfortably nestled on the couch next to Jeno, with Kayla lounging on the carpet with her head resting between your knees. Across from you, Mark and Renjun were in a light-hearted debate about which movie to watch later. Yangyang and Jaemin were sprawled on the floor, playing video games in their phones,while Sienna and Haechan were snuggling on the reclining chair by the large window, occasionally chiming in with the conversation despite being in their own separate bubble.
Hendery emerged from the kitchen, his grin as mischievous as ever. He handed out cans of drinks, making sure to give you and Jeno each a beer before plopping down beside you on the couch. Jeno, who had been relatively quiet since arriving, was perched on the other side of you, his eyes flickering between you and Hendery, taking in the easy vibe between you two.
Hendery’s casual proximity and the way he seemed to effortlessly include himself in the group contrasted sharply with Jeno’s more reserved demeanor. The evening progressed with laughter, conversation, and occasional moments of playful banter, but beneath it all, the unspoken competition and Jeno’s quiet contemplation were ever-present.
“So, Hendery,” Jaemin started with a teasing grin, “what kind of mischief did you get up to this past year? We heard rumors that you single-handedly kept the campus entertainment scene alive.”
Hendery chuckled, leaning back comfortably and draping an arm on the backrest behind you. “I wouldn’t say single-handedly, but I definitely added some flair to the dull parties.” He gave a wink, and the group chuckled. “Let’s just say it was a wild year and leave it at that.”
“Wild, my foot,” you jeered. “Didn’t seem so wild when you called me every day at three in the morning, convinced that your dorm was haunted.”
Everyone laughed, and Hendery groaned dramatically. “Okay, that was only for the first week! And I stand by it—those noises were not normal. When I moved to a different dorm, everything was much better.”
“Speaking of, how’s the rooming situation, Jeno?” Renjun asked turning the attention to Jeno.
Jeno shrugged, trying to play it cool. “It’s... fine. Hendery’s not the worst roommate I’ve had.”
“Not the worst?” Hendery echoed with mock offense. “I think I’m pretty great, actually.”
Jeno gave a half-smile. “You’re definitely something.”
“Do you mean that in a good way or a bad way?” Kayla teased, leaning in with a grin.
Mark chimed in, smirking. “Knowing Jeno, I’m guessing it’s somewhere in the middle.”
Jaemin laughed. “Come on, Jeno. Admit it—you secretly love having him around.”
Jeno forced a smile, shrugging. “He does keep things interesting, I’ll give him that.”
“You hear that?” Hendery said, looking delighted. “I’m officially interesting!”
“You’re officially a pain,” Haechan muttered, but his grin gave him away. The room burst into laughter, and the conversation flowed effortlessly.
Hendery grinned at Jeno. “Jeno’s pretty chill, though. And it’s only temporary. I’m looking into getting my own place in the same building.”
Kayla eyed Jeno. “So, you’re surviving, huh? No more ghost stories at midnight?”
“Not yet, but I’m keeping my ears open,” Jeno said, glancing at you with a subtle smile.
“Don’t worry, Jeno, I’m sure you’ll get used to him,” you teased, sharing a playful look with Hendery. “And if he starts getting spooked again, just give me a call. I’ll give you the lowdown on handling him.”
Hendery laughed, nudging you gently. “See? She knows how to deal with me.”
Mark chimed in, “It’s simple. Just smack him if he starts talking about ghosts.”
Hendery feigned a pout. “That’s not very nice.”
“Yeah. But you’ll find that the back of his head is much much more effective,” you added.
Hendery gasped in mock horror. “Et tu, Brute?”
You laughed, giving him a playful shove. “It’s for your own good.”
Jeno’s smile tightened slightly, his eyes lingering on the way you and Hendery interacted so effortlessly. The jokes, the shared stories—it was clear that you two had a history, one that was filled with memories and inside jokes that Jeno wasn’t a part of.
“Alright, enough about me,” Hendery said, waving a hand dismissively. “What’s been going on with you guys? I’ve been out of the loop for way too long.” He pointed across the room where Sienna and Haechan were cozied up together. “Especially that. When did that happen? And why?”
The conversation flowed smoothly after that, with everyone chiming in with their own stories and updates. You and Hendery continued to share a few more teasing comments, occasionally slipping into old jokes that made everyone laugh—even Jeno, though his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.
As the evening went on, the group settled into a comfortable rhythm. But every now and then, Jeno’s gaze would drift to you, watching the way you laughed at Hendery’s stories, the way your eyes lit up when you spoke to him. And though he tried to brush it off, a small knot of jealousy twisted in his chest, making him wonder just how close you and Hendery had been—and what that might mean for him now.
Jaemin, having known Jeno for a long time, noticed the tension and his dilemma. “noticed Jeno’s quiet unease. “You alright?” he asked, his voice low enough to be heard only by Jeno.
Jeno laughed softly, the sound lacking its usual warmth. From his spot by the kitchen counter, he could see you playing rock-paper-scissors with Hendery, Mark, and Kayla. “Honestly? No. I’m not,” he admitted, grateful to have someone to vent to.
Jaemin sighed, leaning against the counter beside him. “I should’ve warned you sooner about Hendery. You don’t have to worry, though. You see how I mess around with her, right? The flirting and all that? It’s fake, as you already know. She’s close with all of us, but there’s nothing romantic going on.”
Jaemin paused, gauging Jeno’s reaction before continuing. “She’s comfortable being close to Mark. Yangyang is like her personal bodyguard. With Renjun, she can tell him anything and everything. Haechan’s like her mortal enemy, but it’s all in good fun.”
He hesitated, then added, “And Hendery? He’s like a combination of all of us. They’ve known each other for years, way before we came into the picture. But, as far as we know, there’s never been anything romantic between them. So, don’t stress. You’ll get used to it.”
Jeno forced a smile, but the knot in his chest didn’t loosen. Would he really get used to it? Did he even want to?
Kayla’s triumphant cheer filled the room, accompanied by your dramatic groan of defeat. Jeno watched as you, kneeling on the floor, wallowed in your loss. Hendery, grinning, poked your head playfully and called you a loser. You stood up and turned towards the kitchen, your face lighting up as soon as you saw Jeno. He returned your smile with a nod.
As you walked over, Jaemin gave Jeno a knowing glance and excused himself.
“What’s up?” you asked, casually taking Jeno’s hand in yours as you reached him.
Jeno smiled and shrugged. “Nothing much.”
“Would you like to come with us to the store?” you asked, your eyes gleaming with excitement. “We lost to Kayla and Mark, so we need to go buy refills.”
“With Hendery?” Jeno asked, trying to keep his tone neutral.
You nodded. “Yeah. He’s being a pain, so I could use some backup. Please?”
Jeno nodded, knowing full well he could never say ‘no’ to you. “Alright, I’m in.”
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The walk to the convenience store was cold and you were bundled up in Hendery and Jeno’s jackets, which you thought was odd but gladly took it in stride. Under the streetlights, your figures cast long shadows on the sidewalk and you could see how short you looked between the two guys, sandwiched between their taller frames—a strangely comforting feeling. 
Hendery was talking about the noticeable changes in the neighborhood, pointing out things that were now gone and others that he knew weren’t there before.
“Did Wok’n’Roll close down?” he asked, his tone carrying a hint of nostalgia as you passed by a stationery store that now stood where the Chinese restaurant used to be.
“Not really,” you replied, your gaze lingering on the unfamiliar storefront. “They moved to a different location, but it’s too far from here now.”
“That’s too bad,” Hendery mused, his tone tinged with regret. “We used to eat there all the time.”
A soft scoff escaped your lips as memories of shared meals and laughter filled your mind. “Yeah, I was pretty bummed too. But it’s not like I can drive halfway across the state just to eat there. It was good, but not ‘three-hour road trip’ good.”
It was almost midnight, and the city had quieted down, with most places closed except for a few 24/7 diners, cafes, and convenience stores. The stillness of the night was soothing, the only sounds being your footsteps and the rustling of leaves in the cool breeze. As you reached the convenience store, its flickering neon lights cast a stark, familiar glow over the entrance. Stepping inside, you were met with the artificial warmth and the soft hum of fluorescent lights overhead.
You and Jeno moved through the aisles together, your steps falling into a comfortable rhythm as he carried the basket for you. Hendery, meanwhile, had wandered off, exploring the aisles with a casual curiosity.
“Aren’t you tired?” Jeno’s voice broke the quiet, concern evident as he added a pack of chips to the basket.
“Not really,” you replied with a light tone, glancing up at him. “I was a bit tipsy earlier, but the walk sobered me up.” Without thinking, you let Jeno link his index finger with your pinky, a small but intimate gesture that sent a warm flutter through your chest. You curled your pinky around his finger, holding on tightly as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “What about you?”
“I didn’t drink much,” he said, his smile softening as he looked down at your linked fingers. The sight of him watching your entwined hands made your cheeks flush, the simple act of holding hands feeling unexpectedly intimate.
“I think you’re obsessed with me,” you teased, trying to mask the giddiness bubbling up inside you with a playful nonchalance.
Jeno chuckled, the sound low and genuine. “I might be,” he admitted, his eyes twinkling with a warmth that made your heart skip a beat.
The moment’s intimacy lingered as you regrouped with Hendery at the counter. He took the basket from you, effortlessly laying out the items for the cashier while striking up a casual conversation with the store clerk. Hendery’s ease with people, his ability to make anyone feel at ease, was something you’d always admired.
Jeno, however, seemed lost in thought. He gently tugged your arm, catching your attention. When you looked at him, he tilted his head towards the exit, a silent invitation to step outside. You tapped Hendery on the shoulder to let him know, “We’ll wait for you outside.”
“Okay,” Hendery replied, his focus still on the cashier as he continued his conversation.
The moment you stepped outside, the soothing patter of rain greeted you. The soft drizzle had started while you were inside, and the raindrops glistening under the streetlights made everything feel more intimate and serene. The world seemed to slow down as you stood side by side with Jeno, watching the rain together.
A yawn escaped you, and Jeno moved closer, concern etched in his voice. “You said you’re not tired,” he said softly.
“I was just yawning,” you reassured him with a quiet laugh. The sound seemed to ease his worry, though there was still a glimmer of something in his eyes that tugged at your heart.
In a gentle motion, Jeno unlinked his finger from yours and took your hand fully in his. The warmth of his hand was a comforting contrast to the cool rain falling around you. Leaning into his arm, you felt the steady rise and fall of his breath, the solid presence of him grounding you in the moment.
You stood there in silence, the rain creating a soothing backdrop. It was in these quiet moments that you felt the most at peace, with Jeno’s presence and the warmth of his hand making you feel seen and alive.
Finally, Jeno broke the silence, his voice soft and filled with emotion. “There’s something I have to tell you,” he said, staring at the rain-soaked street as if searching for the right words.
“What is it?” you asked gently, not wanting to rush him.
Jeno turned to face you, his gaze intense and filled with emotion. “I am in love with you. I hope you’re okay with that.”
His words hung in the air, heavy with meaning. Your heart raced, a mix of surprise and joy swirling inside you. Without thinking, you cupped his face in your hands, the rain falling around you as you closed the distance between you. Your lips met his in a kiss that started soft and tentative but quickly deepened as all the emotions you’d both been holding back surged to the surface.
Jeno’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer as the kiss grew more urgent and passionate. It felt like everything he had been holding back was pouring out in this moment, and you responded with equal intensity. The rain continued to fall, but neither of you cared, lost in the warmth of each other’s embrace.
When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, foreheads resting together as you tried to steady your racing hearts. You looked into Jeno’s eyes, searching for reassurance that this was real, that his confession wasn’t just a fleeting moment.
“I’m more than okay with it,” you whispered, your voice shaky but filled with certainty.
His smile was radiant, brighter than you had ever seen. He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before pulling you into another kiss. The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in your bubble of newfound love.
“Oh, wow, right in front of my sour patch strips,” Hendery’s voice broke through the moment, dripping with exaggerated disbelief.
Startled, you and Jeno pulled apart, laughter bubbling up despite the surprise. Hendery stood at the store entrance, his eyes wide with mock horror and a sour patch strip dangling from his mouth like a comedic prop. He was piled high with the snacks you’d picked out, making the scene even more absurd. Jeno quickly took the other bag of snacks from Hendery.
“Kids these days,” Hendery continued, shaking his head in feigned disappointment. “Right by the entrance too? Unbelievable.”
Jeno’s chuckle was warm and genuine, his gaze meeting yours with amusement and affection. You exchanged a knowing look, the earlier magic of the kiss still shimmering between you, even as Hendery’s interruption brought you back to the present.
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The taxi ride back to your apartment was filled with a comforting silence, broken only by the hum of the engine and the rhythmic patter of rain against the windows. Hendery sat beside you, occasionally sneaking in a teasing glance, his lips curling into a smirk as he watched you and Jeno. You wanted to retort, to fire back with your own quip, but your mind and heart were consumed by the whirlwind of emotions that Jeno had stirred up. His hand, warm and steady in yours, would give a gentle squeeze every now and then, silently asking for your attention, and you’d meet his gaze, feeling a flutter in your chest each time.
Back at your apartment, your friends were blissfully unaware of the quiet revelations from the evening. Drinks were poured, conversations flowed, and your usually quiet nook in this big city was filled with laughter and cheer. Amidst the chatter and merriment, no one seemed to notice how Jeno stayed close to you all evening—his tender touches, the soft whispers, and the quiet laughter shared only between the two of you, creating a warm glow that seemed to envelop you both. 
As the night wound down and your friends began to leave, Jeno lingered by your bedroom door, his shoulder resting against the frame as he looked at you with that same tender gaze from earlier. "I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked, his voice soft, almost hesitant, as if he, too, was reluctant to let this moment end.
“You can stay, you know,” you told him, looking up to meet his gaze, a sweet smile playing on your lips.
“I would love to, but…” He glanced toward the living room where Jaemin and Mark were sprawled out on the couch, half-asleep and completely drunk. “Someone’s gotta get these morons home.”
Just then, Hendery stumbled out of the bathroom, his earlier cool demeanor replaced by a disheveled look and a pout that made him seem younger than his years. His eyes were bleary as he took in the scene, blinking slowly. “Are we sleeping over?” he mumbled, frowning as he rubbed his temples.
“I called a cab. They’ll be here soon,” Jeno replied, a smile tugging at his lips.
“Good. Can’t sleep here. There’s a weird ringing sound… it’s creeping me out,” Hendery muttered, words slurred, barely coherent. He shuffled over to the couch and wedged himself between Jaemin and Mark.
You rolled your eyes, turning your attention back to Jeno. “Pretty sure that’s just the alcohol in his head.”
Jeno chuckled, the sound warm and familiar, resonating in the quiet of your room. He leaned down, his lips brushing against your forehead in a tender kiss. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you whispered back, rising onto your tiptoes to kiss him on the lips, savoring the warmth that spread through you at the touch.
Neither of you moved to leave. Instead, you lingered there, standing close, your hand still resting on his arm. A moment of comfortable silence stretched between you, filled with unspoken words and shared smiles. Jeno’s thumb brushed gently over the back of your hand, and you found yourself leaning closer to him, not wanting to break the spell.
“Did you see how Yangyang tried to challenge Jaemin to a dance-off earlier?” you asked out of nowhere.
Jeno laughed softly, shaking his head. “I missed that. Who won?”
“Jaemin, by default. Yangyang nearly fell over trying to do some kind of spin,” you grinned, eyes twinkling with amusement.
“That sounds about right,” he replied, squeezing your hand lightly. “Shame I didn’t see that.”
“You were literally sitting there with me,” you scoffed, unconvinced.
“Yeah, well, I was busy staring at you,” he replied without missing a beat, catching you off-guard.
You gawked at him for a moment, a sheepish smile tugging at your lips. “Oh shut up!” you chastised once you found your voice, hitting his chest lightly.
Jeno held your fist, keeping them pressed on his chest as he leaned to kiss you cheek. “It’s true. I will never lie to you.”
“You lied to me about being the mafia earlier though,” you retorted, narrowing your eyes at him. 
He threw his head back laughing. “That was necessary.”
“Nah, you’re just a liar,” you quipped.
The conversation kept drifting from one topic to another, neither of you making any move to end it. You talked about random things—Renjun’s ridiculous laugh during the movie earlier, Haechan and Sienna sneaking into her bedroom, Hendery’s questionable cocktail, and even the weather forecast for the next day.
Every time you thought Jeno would finally say goodbye, another thought seemed to cross his mind, another comment made you both chuckle, and neither of you seemed willing to let the moment slip away.
Then, Jeno’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He glanced at it, the glow of the screen lighting up his face. “The taxi’s here,” he said reluctantly.
You felt a small pang of disappointment but managed to smile. “It’s okay. You’ll see me again tomorrow.”
“Right, I will,” Jeno smiled contently before walking over to the couch to wake the others. You watched as they stirred, stretched, and yawn before filing up to the door.
You walked them to the cramped foyer as they muttered their thanks and bid you goodnight. Jeno had them wait in front of the elevator in the hallway before going back to your apartment door for a proper goodbye. He scooped you up in his arms, pressing a firm kiss on your lips.
“Goodbye, Jeno,” you told him after you pulled away.
“Goodbye,” he said, his smile wide and radiant. 
When he didn’t make a move to leave, you cocked your head to your dazed friends in the hallway. “You should go before Hendery starts complaining about the ringing again.”
“Right,” Jeno said, but his hand still lingered on the doorknob, his gaze locked with yours. He took a small step forward, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “I’ll text you when I get home, okay?”
“I’ll probably be asleep before then,” you nodded, your voice softer now. “But okay.”
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jeno gave you one last kiss—a lingering, gentle press of his lips against yours—before finally stepping back. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Jeno,” you whispered, watching him as he finally turned and left.
Even as the door closed, you stayed there for a moment, the warmth of his presence still lingering in the halls of your apartment You locked the door behind you, and went to your bedroom, glancing briefly at Sienna’s door where she and Haechan are probably already asleep. As you finally crawled into bed, the soft patter of rain against the window filled the room, bringing a smile to your lips. The memory of Jeno’s touch was still vivid, the warmth of his kiss lingering like a secret just for you.
It was almost unbelievable, how much had changed between you. Jeno, who once seemed so distant, like a dream you could never quite reach, had just confessed his love to you. It was like stepping into a whole new world—one you’d only ever dared to imagine. You went from being the girl with a secret crush to someone whose feelings were returned in the most beautiful way possible.
As you lay back on your bed, your fingers brushed against your lips, still tingling from the kisses you shared. You’d spent countless nights dreaming about what it would be like to kiss him, to feel his lips against yours, and now that it had actually happened, it was even better than you had ever imagined.
You thought of the way Jeno had looked at you just before he confessed, the mix of nervousness and hope in his eyes making your heart race. The way he had leaned in, the gentleness of his touch—it had all felt so real, so right, that it was almost hard to believe it wasn’t a dream.
You knew it was coming. You had been seeing the signs these last few days. You’d felt the growing connection between you, but still, nothing could have prepared you for the reality of hearing those words, of feeling that kiss.
As you drifted off to sleep, a contented sigh escaped your lips. The night might have ended, but the magic of it was far from over.
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That weekend with Jeno felt like a dream—a series of perfect moments strung together in a blur of happiness. You found yourselves tucked away in a quiet corner of the library, surrounded by the scent of old books and the soft, steady rustle of pages turning. Jeno, originally engrossed in an ancient cartography book, eventually gave in to the peaceful lull of the afternoon, his head resting gently on the desk beside you.
You glanced at him, a smile tugging at your lips as you reached out, your fingers brushing through his dark hair in a tender, almost absentminded gesture. The warmth of his presence and the steady rise and fall of his breathing felt like a comforting blanket, wrapping around you as you lost yourself in the words on the page.
After a while, Jeno stirred, his eyes fluttering open as he shifted closer to you. “What are you reading?” he whispered, his voice hushed, still thick with sleep, as he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
You smiled, tilting your head to let him get closer. His arms snaked around your waist beneath the desk, pulling you closer. “A poetry collection. It’s one of my favorites,” you replied.
He hummed in contentment, warm breath fanning your skin. “Read me a line?” he murmured in a tone that was soft and inviting.
You flipped back a few pages, your eyes landing on a passage that had always struck a chord with you. With a mischievous grin, you began, “And so I’ll see the railway track, and lay my head upon the rail, And sight the dark and distant train…”
Before you could finish, Jeno bolted upright, his eyes wide with alarm. The startled look on his face made you burst into laughter, but you continued with the same mock-seriousness, “And hear its thunder louder roll, Coming to crush my cursed brain… Oh God, have mercy on my soul!”
For a moment, you both stared at each other, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief. Your laughter bubbled up uncontrollably, and you nudged him with your elbow. “Come on, say something.”
Jeno blinked, his bewilderment slowly melting into a sheepish smile. “What the heck was that?” he asked, scratching the back of his neck, his voice laced with playful exasperation.
After dinner, you found yourselves wandering through a quaint little stationery shop that caught your eye. The shelves were lined with pens, notebooks, and little trinkets that you could spend hours browsing through. Jeno watched with amused affection as you debated with yourself over a pen that you found too cute to leave behind. He didn’t rush you, letting you indulge yourself.
“This is too cute,” you gushed, twirling it between your fingers.
Jeno chuckled, nudging you lightly. “Since you like it so much, why don’t you just buy it?”
You sighed, shoulders sagging. “Do I really need another pen?”
“You probably don’t, but if you want it…” he trailed off, shrugging. “Go for it.”
You grumbled but took the pen anyway. “At this rate, I’ll have enough pens to open my own store.”
His eyes softened, and he pulled you closer by the waist. “Then maybe you can write me love letters with each one,” he said playfully, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead amidst the colorful aisles.
“Don’t tempt me because I might do just that,” you told him, and the two of you laughed on your way to the counter.
When you returned to your apartment, it was still early enough to watch a movie. You both settled in your bedroom, the lights dimmed, a blanket draped over your legs as the film played on the screen of your laptop. But your attention wasn’t on the movie—it was on the way Jeno’s arm rested around your shoulders, how his fingers absentmindedly played with the ends of your hair.
The movie soon became nothing more than a distant murmur, easily overshadowed by the warmth of Jeno’s presence beside you. His fingers continued to toy with the ends of your hair, each gentle touch sending a shiver down your spine. You leaned into him, resting your head against his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest.
Jeno’s gaze shifted from the screen to you, his eyes soft and filled with a tenderness that made your heart flutter. Without a word, he leaned down, brushing his lips against your temple in a feather-light kiss. You smiled, turning your face slightly to meet his gaze. The way he looked at you—like you were the only thing that mattered at that moment—made your breath catch.
His gaze lingered on you, and without a word, he leaned down, brushing his lips against your temple in a gentle kiss. You closed your eyes, savoring the warmth of his touch. The way he looked at you, like you were the only person in the world, made your heart race.
“Do you know how beautiful you look right now?” Jeno’s voice was a soft murmur, his breath warm against your skin.
You blushed, meeting his eyes. “I don’t know if I believe that,” you teased, though you could feel the fluttering in your chest.
He smiled, his eyes twinkling. “It’s true. You always look beautiful to me.”
The moment felt electric. Jeno’s lips hovered close to yours, a silent question hanging in the air. You leaned in, closing the gap between you. Your lips met his in a kiss that was soft and tentative at first, but soon deepened, growing more intense as you both melted into the connection.
Jeno’s hand slipped from your hair to cup the side of your face, his thumb brushing your cheek as he tilted your head slightly to angle the kiss just right. You could feel the heat of his touch, the warmth of his breath mingling with yours, making everything else fade away.
His other hand found its way to your waist, pulling you closer until there was hardly any space left between you. Your hands, almost on instinct, wound around his neck, fingers threading through his hair as you lost yourselves in the moment.When you gave his lip a soft bite, Jeno let out a deep, satisfied groan that made your head spiral. His hand trailed down from your waist to your thigh, lifting it slightly so it’s wrapping around his torso.
You pulled back just enough to catch your breath, your forehead resting against his. You could feel his breath against your lips, still heavy with the aftermath of your kiss. The way he looked at you—his eyes half-lidded, lips slightly swollen—made your heart race all over again.
“You know, I was actually, genuinely, with no ulterior motives whatsoever, hoping to watch this movie,” Jeno whispered, his voice hushed, almost amused. 
You chuckled softly, glancing at the screen where the movie was still running. “I think we missed most of it,” you admitted, your own voice barely above a whisper.
Jeno grinned, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. “I’m totally okay with that,” he replied, lifting your chin as he drew you back into another kiss.
And as you let your heart go where it wanted to go, you knew without a doubt that this was exactly where you were meant to be.
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As soon as you met up with your friends, you could barely contain your excitement. The words practically tumbled out of your mouth before anyone could even ask. Sitting in your usual spot at the food court for lunch, you dropped the news.
“Jeno and I are together now,” you announced, a triumphant smile plastered across your face. You were ready for the gasps, the shrieks, the dramatic reactions. After all, this was big news.
Renjun raised an eyebrow, sipping his coffee nonchalantly. “Good for you.”
You blinked, a little taken aback by the casualness of her response. Kayla clapped her hands quietly, smiling to congratulate you. Olive copied her but both of them didn’t seem surprised at all. Haechan was just scrolling through his phone.
“Wait, is that it?” you asked, confused. “I thought you’d be surprised.”
Your friends exchanged glances, their reactions surprisingly subdued. Olive shrugged, a teasing smile tugging at her lips. “Uh, we kind of figured that out already.”
You blinked, taken aback. “What? How? When? Was it last weekend? We were practically inseparable then!”
Kayla chuckled, rolling her eyes. “Sweetie, you two have been inseparable for weeks. We’ve all seen it coming.”
“Honestly, I thought you two were already a thing,” Renjun chimed in, stirring her drink lazily. 
“But I thought we were being subtle,” you said, your voice trailing off in disbelief.
Haechan snorted, not lifting his eyes from his screen. “Yeah, about as subtle as a flashing neon sign.”
“I’m pretty sure the only reason we didn’t say anything was because we assumed you wanted to keep it low-key,” Kayla added.
You groaned, leaning back in your seat. “And here I was thinking I was dropping a bombshell.”
Olive grinned, reaching over to give your hand a squeeze. “We’re happy for you, though! Even if you’re terrible at keeping secrets.”
“Yes, we’re so happy for you,” Kayla said, grinning. “But you’re not getting off that easy.”
You frowned, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Details,” Kayla demanded, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “We need all the details. How did he confess? Was it as cute as we’ve been imagining?”
“Wait,” Olive interjected. “You’re not the one who confessed, are you?”
You didn’t get to answer them because your other friends soon arrived, making the space livelier with their chatter and greetings. Hendery slid on the long chair next to you, giving you a mischievous grin. You rolled your eyes at him, turning away in feigned annoyance. As you did, you spotted Jeno and your face lit up. You waved happily at him.
“Oh, shit. I forgot about him,” Hendery muttered next to you, rising to his feet to move elsewhere.
Jeno smiled gratefully at Hendery as he claimed the seat next to you. Glancing at you with a sweet smile, he said, “How was class?”
You shrugged. “You already know how they are.”
“Extremely boring?” he said, echoing the same answer you’d always given him.
You nodded, smiling as he took your hand under the table, intertwining your fingers with his and resting them on his thigh. You and your friends talked over a hearty meal. And while you had expected them to at least be surprised that you and Jeno were finally dating, you realized that it was better that their attentions were elsewhere.
Jeno was more attentive than usual, making sure you were eating well, refilling your water, and just generally being… boyfriend-y. You had initially thought you’d be detached from your circle during lunch, that all of your attention would be directed at Jeno. But it seemed like your friends were right, the signs were already there. It was as if nothing had changed at all.
“I should get to class,” Kayla said after checking the time on her watch.
“Oh crap, me too,” Olive added. One by one, your friends started dispersing, rushing to their classes or heading back home.
“Let’s go, babygirl,” Hendery said in a sing-song, standing up and slinging his backpack over one shoulder.
Without thinking much about it out of habit, you stood up to oblige, and Jeno held the hem of your shirt to stop you. You glanced at him inquiringly. 
“Let’s go together,” he said with a slight scowl.
“Oh, okay,” you replied, sitting back down.
For a moment, it hit you that being together with Jeno meant you’d start doing things as a couple, and that might mean figuring out what’s okay with friends and what isn’t.
“Bye Deryry,” you grinned at Hendery, waving a hand. “Have fun being lonely.”
Hendery grimaced. “I hate it when you get a boyfriend.”
“Bye-bye!” you teased, sticking your tongue out. Deep inside, the word ‘boyfriend’ is echoing in your mind. It was a seemingly ordinary term but it made you fee giddy—as it was the label that cemented the reality of your relationship with Jeno.
After Hendery was finally out of earshot, Jeno pouted at you, “Why does he call you that?”
“What? babygirl?” you asked, and he nodded. “He’s been calling me that for ages.”
“I see. But why?” he asked, shifting slightly in his seat and brushing something off your shoulder.
You shrugged. “I forgot the exact reason, but I do know it wasn’t nice. He calls me babygirl as an insult.”
Jeno’s pout didn’t disappear as he twirled some strands of your hair around his finger, lifting them to his nose. “Sounds more like an endearment to me.”
You shuddered at the thought. “Trust me, it isn’t. Ask any of our friends—or my parents. He used to always call me that to make fun of me. It kind of just stuck after all these years.”
“Okay, I trust you,” he said, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
Ooh, is my boyfriend showing a bit of jealousy on our first week together?” you teased.
“I’ll have you know that I’m a very jealous man,” Jeno replied with a grin.
You snorted. “That’s funny because I’m a very jealous woman.”
“Good. I like my women jealous.”
“Oh?” you raised an eyebrow. “Which of your exes was the most jealous?”
Jeno seemed to think for a moment before grinning. “I could answer that, but it feels like a trap.”
You smirked. “Oh, so you remember which one? She must have been pretty memorable.”
Jeno burst into laughter, throwing his head back. “Not memorable enough to have my friends challenge their team to a sports game just to get back at them, though.”
You paused, momentarily confused, then remembered the time you cheered for Mark during a basketball game against your ex’s team. “Hey, how did you even know about that?”
Jeno’s grin widened. “You were so passionate. Even more so than when you cheered for me at the Sports’ Fest championship.”
“My god,” you blurted, covering your mouth out of embarrassment. “Well, for the record, it was two different kinds of passion. I hated my ex, but I liked you!” you declared, pressing your index finger against his chest.
He caught your finger, holding it close to his heart, grinning cheekily. “That’s how long you’ve liked me?”
“No. I liked you long before that.”
“Did you? Really?”
“Yes. I liked you the first time I saw you at the library in my hometown.”
He frowned. “That’s the first time you saw me?”
“I don’t think so.”
“It’s true!”
Walking to your class, Jeno told you about the time he first saw you, how deeply intriguing you were and how much of an impression you left on him. He told you how that cascaded into a series of events and encounters that led to this—this right now, the two of you, holding hands along the hallways of NCIT as he walked you to your class. The unexpected memories—all of it made you realize just how deeply your lives had been intertwined, even before you were fully aware of it.
“So, what other secrets are you hiding from me?” you asked stopping in front of your classroom.
Jeno’s grin turned mischievous. “Guess you’ll have to stick around to find out.”
“I think I can manage that. But for now, I have class,” you whispered, sealing the promise with another kiss, knowing that with Jeno, every day would be a new adventure.
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When you and Jeno were alone together, it felt like the world shrank to just the two of you. Whether you were tangled up together or quietly doing your own thing, there was a peaceful contentment in the air. This afternoon was no different. You spent most of the day in bed, editing your thesis proposal on your laptop, while Jeno was beside you, sometimes engrossed in a book, other times wandering around the house doing little chores.
After finally finishing your work, you realized Jeno had been gone for a while. You closed your laptop and went looking for him, eager to enjoy his company after hours of academic drudgery.
You found him on the couch, deeply focused on his phone, his thumbs flying over the screen. Your heart swelled at the sight of him, and without thinking, you hopped onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. “What are you up to?” you asked, your voice playful, your lips brushing his ear.
Jeno didn’t look up, but the corners of his mouth lifted as you kissed his cheek. “Playing a game with the guys,” he replied, still absorbed in his phone. He leaned into your kiss as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “Finished with your thesis?”
“Finally,” you sighed, resting your head against his chest and feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath. “Can you put that down for a sec? I want some cuddles.”
Jeno’s lips curled into a smile as he kept tapping on his screen. “Cuddles and kisses?”
You hummed in agreement, your fingers trailing along the back of his neck. “Yes, please.”
“Alright, just give me a second…” he said, his voice trailing off as he focused on what you assumed was a crucial moment in his game.
Unable to resist teasing him, you kissed his cheek again, then his nose. Sensing what was coming, Jeno pursed his lips, clearly anticipating a kiss. Smirking, you decided to have some fun. Instead of kissing his lips, you kissed his other cheek, then his forehead, and back to his nose, deliberately avoiding his waiting lips.
Jeno chuckled softly, finally looking up from his phone. “What are you doing?” he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes as he leaned in for a proper kiss.
You dodged at the last second, kissing his forehead instead, grinning mischievously.
Jeno tutted, pretending to be exasperated, though his eyes were full of affection. “You little tease,” he murmured, setting his phone aside. He shifted to wrap his arms around you, pulling you close until there was no space left between you. “Stay still,” he said, his voice low and commanding, as he cupped your face in his hands and leaned in for a soft, lingering kiss.
The kiss was slow and sweet, each moment a reminder of how much you meant to each other. When you finally pulled away, Jeno’s eyes were warm and full of love, his smile as lovely as ever. “See? That’s more like it.”
You pouted, pretending to be indifferent even though butterflies fluttered in your stomach. “Be honest, you’re obsessed with me, aren’t you?”
Jeno scoffed loudly, as if offended by the suggestion. “I thought you knew that already?” he said with a laugh, tightening his hold around your waist. “That’s it. Let’s go back to bed.”
“What? Why?” you whined, though you made no move to resist. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his familiar, comforting scent. “I’ve been in bed all day.”
“Don’t care,” Jeno declared, his tone light but insistent. “I need to show you exactly how obsessed I am with you.”
Before you could protest, Jeno scooped you up in his arms and stood, carrying you toward the bedroom. You squealed with laughter, your arms instinctively wrapping around his neck as he marched you back to bed.
Three months had passed since you and Jeno first started dating, and life had never felt more perfectly chaotic. The two of you had settled into a comfortable rhythm, the kind that comes with knowing someone as deeply as you did. But as much as your relationship with Jeno blossomed, your friendships remained just as important.
Your group of friends had become something of a family—a loud, boisterous, and wonderfully supportive family. The cafeteria was buzzing with its usual lunchtime energy as your group settled into your usual spot. Kayla was already in full swing, her sharp tongue and quick wit keeping everyone entertained.
“So, Olive,” Kayla started with a smirk, “are you going to force us to pose for you again today? I’m still recovering from last week’s ‘artistic vision’.”
Olive rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide the smile tugging at her lips. “Please, Kayla, you’re practically a natural in front of the camera. I’m just trying to help you discover your true calling.”
“Yeah, right,” Kayla shot back. “I think I’ll stick to law school, thanks.”
You laughed along with them, leaning into Jeno, who was sitting comfortably beside you. His hand found yours under the table, fingers lacing together with ease. Olive caught the movement and raised her camera, pretending to take a candid shot.
“There! That’s the perfect shot—lovebirds in their natural habitat,” Olive teased.
You played along, giving her a mock-serious look. “At least make sure we look good. I don’t want to be tagged in another one of your experimental edits.”
Olive giggled. “No promises!”
Hendery slid into the seat beside Olive, peeking at the camera. Olive showed it to him, saying, “They look great, don’t they?”
Hendery grimaced. “No. They look obscenely happy. It’s making me sick.”
Jeno smirked, grinning. “Jealous much? Don’t worry, you’ll always be her second favorite.”
Hendery laughed, nudging Jeno with his shoulder. “Second favorite? Please, Jeno, I’m at least tied for first.”
You shook your head at their banter, but you couldn’t help smiling. “You guys aren’t even in my top three.”
Jeno and Hendery stared at you for a hot minute, appalled. You snickered. “I’m serious. Sienna is my number one…”
Kayla raised a hand, “I’m her number two.”
“Three!” Olive added.
Hendery and Jeno exchanged looks. “So I’m number four?” asked Hendery, pointing to himself.
“No you’re not,” Jeno said, shaking his head.
“You guys need to stop doing that, seriously,” you chided, scowling at Hnedery across the table.
Hendery pretended to think about it. “Hmm, nah. Request denied. It’s fun watching Jeno get all territorial.”
“I’m not territorial,” Jeno muttered, but the playful tone in his voice betrayed him.
Hendery leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms with a satisfied smile. “Sure, you’re not.”
Across the table, Jaemin and Yangyang were locked in their usual debate, this time over which video game was superior. Renjun, sitting between them, looked like he’d rather be anywhere else but was too polite to say so.
“I’m telling you, ‘Realm of Legends’ has the best graphics,” Jaemin insisted, waving his fork for emphasis.
Yangyang shook his head. “Graphics aren’t everything, dude. ‘Dragon Quest’ has a better storyline.”
Renjun sighed dramatically. “Or we could all just agree that you’re both nerds and call it a day?”
Jaemin shot him a playful glare. “Says the guy who spent all weekend building a virtual city.”
“It’s called architecture, Jaemin. You wouldn’t understand,” Renjun retorted with a smirk, earning a chuckle from the group.
Meanwhile, Mark was unusually quiet, his attention fixed on his phone. You noticed the faint smile playing on his lips and couldn’t resist leaning over to nudge him.
“Oh my God, Mark!” you exclaimed, drawing the attention of everyone at the table. “Who’s got you all smiley?”
Mark’s head snapped up, his cheeks instantly turning red. “W-What? No one! It’s just...a friend.”
“A friend, huh?” Olive said, her tone dripping with disbelief. “A friend who happens to be making you blush like that?”
Jaemin leaned in, grinning mischievously. “Is it that girl from Hyunjin’s party? You’ve been texting her a lot lately.”
Mark’s face grew even redder, and he tried to hide behind his phone. “It’s nothing serious, really. We’re just talking.”
“Talking,” Kayla repeated, drawing out the word like it was the most scandalous thing in the world. “Mark, sweetie, you’re adorable.”
You and the girls burst into laughter, much to Mark’s dismay. But underneath all the teasing, you were genuinely happy for him. It wasn’t every day that Mark got close to someone, and seeing him this flustered was a good sign.
Across the table, Haechan and Sienna were sharing an inside joke, whispering and giggling like the adorable couple they were. Haechan caught you watching and flashed you a cheeky grin.
“What? Don’t be jealous. You’ve got your own boyfriend now,” he teased, nudging Jeno with his elbow.
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips as you glanced at Jeno.
Kayla groaned dramatically. “I swear, if you two start being all cutesy, I’m moving to another table.”
As the lunch period wound down, you leaned closer to Jeno, your head resting on his shoulder. He kissed the top of your head, and you closed your eyes, letting the warmth of the moment sink in. Life was good, and with your friends by your side—and Jeno’s hand in yours—it could only get better.
And as you sat there, surrounded by the people who meant the most to you, you knew that this is exactly where you want to be. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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punkshort · 1 year
Chapter One
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Pairing: Joel x F!Reader, pre-outbreak and post outbreak
AU (the only thing I kept was the outbreak, Joel, and Tommy's characters. Joel's backstory is different, and the way he finds Jackson is different. I may include Ellie one day, I just haven't planned that far)
Fic Summary: You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. The outbreak happens, and you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Fic tags: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Smut, Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader is 10 years younger than Joel), slow burn, mutual pining, angst, trauma, SA referencing later but I will put a big warning on those chapters
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April 2003
“Shit,” you muttered under your breath, as the subway lurched forward, catching you off guard.
Today was the first day of your new job at a big-time construction company in downtown Manhattan. You had just moved to NYC a couple months ago, and this job was the first place that made you a reasonable offer. You were beginning to work through the last of your savings and getting sick of bumming it on your old college dormmate’s couch, so you eagerly accepted the position. The last thing you wanted to do was ask your parents for money – they were already so worried about you living in New York and working in Manhattan.
You thought back to when you called your mom and dad to tell them you finally got a job offer, so excited to tell them you could get your very own place if it all worked out.
“But Baby, don’t you think it’s a little dangerous working down there after what happened?” your mom had begged on the phone.
"Mom, please don’t worry, this building is nowhere near as big, this one only has 10 floors, I promise I will be ok,” you pleaded, hoping she won’t guilt trip you into moving back to the suburbs of Chicago.
You had always been a quiet, shy, studious type. Your parents always joked you would live with them til you were 40, never one to party or do anything bad. Needless to say, when you announced after graduation you wanted to move to New York, your whole family was stunned. You were pretty sure they expected you to chicken out, or move back home after a month, but you had a dream and you were determined.
Suddenly, the tinny voice over the subway speaker broke into your reverie, announcing your stop. You filed out of the packed car with loads of others who look like they were all going to similar corporate jobs. You tugged anxiously on the sleeve of your blazer as you made your way up the stairs and out onto the street. The crisp spring air that hit your face was a welcome change to the stuffy, overpacked subway car you had just left.
Lucky for you, Miller & Miller Contracting, Inc. was a mere 3 blocks from the subway. Your heels clicked loudly in your ears as you approached the building with ten minutes to spare. Relief began to wash over you a bit when you realized you planned the commute perfectly. You hated being late.
You pushed the door open into the lobby, approaching a large desk with two receptionists. Both were talking animatedly on their headsets and transferring calls. Patiently waiting for one of them to be available, you casually glanced around the lobby to avoid looking as nervous as you felt. The lobby itself was beautiful: it was completely open all the way to the top floor, with the glass elevator shaft behind the reception desk. The front of the building also was all glass, so that it afforded a beautiful view as the elevator took you up to your destination.
“Can I help you?” one of the receptionists called out. She had curly, short blonde hair, thin, and was impeccably dressed.
"Yes! I’m sorry, yes, it’s my first day in accounting. I am supposed to be meeting Heather, my name is –“ the receptionist cut you off, guessing your name before you could even finish your sentence. You confirmed who you were, and she got up to come around the desk.
"I’m taking the newbie upstairs to accounting, I’ll be right back, need anything?” she called back over her shoulder to her long haired, brunette cohort.
The slightly older receptionist shook her head in acknowledgment, still listening to whoever was on the other end of the phone call.
The receptionist who greeted you smiled and stuck out her hand.
"I’m Maggie, it’s nice to meet you. Come around to the elevator, I’ll take you up to Heather.”
She led you around the back of her desk to the elevator bank, her curly hair bobbed as her heels clicked on the dark tile floor. She began rattling off questions and information, no doubt a side effect of her job, and possibly caffeine, as you waited next to her for the elevator to arrive.
"How old are you? Are you from New York? Do you know anyone who works here? I’m always so excited when someone new joins, sorry if I’m making you nervous!  It’s a fun place to work, it really is, there’s a lot of great people here. I know your position can be a tough one, so please give it a chance, I swear it’s worth it.” She paused for a minute, realizing she might be scaring you off, as the elevator dinged and the doors opened.
“Uhhh,” you stammered, trying to absorb the last bit of information without looking concerned, and stepped into the empty car. Maggie stabbed the button for the 6th floor as you replied.
"I’m 25, it’s my first ‘real’ job out of college, I just mainly had internships before now, and they hardly paid much. I’m glad I can finally stop couch surfing. I am from a small town outside Chicago, I went to school there and I’ve always wanted to live in New York. My old college roommate already lived here, so I decided to give it a shot,” you paused for a moment as Maggie nodded along eagerly with your story. You frowned slightly.
"I’m sorry, what did you mean when you said-" Right then, the elevator doors pinged to floor 6, opening up to an empty hallway.
“OK we’re here! Follow me!” Maggie cut you off, and whisked you down the hallway, which took you to an open floorplan filled with cubes upon cubes of bustling employees. Some were chatting between their desks, others were hurriedly talking on the phone, and some mindlessly scrolling on their computers.
Maggie led you to the back wall, which consisted mostly of offices, and what looked to be conference rooms in one end. She turned left as you rushed to keep up while trying to absorb your surroundings. You nearly smacked into her when she came to an abrupt stop in front of a partially open office door. She knocked gently, smiling at the person inside.
“Good morning, Heather! I have your new hire here,” she gestured towards you and waved you over. There sat Heather, your new boss, who you had only met when you interviewed with her and HR. Her mid length dirty blonde hair was perfectly in place, bangs framing her face, just like the day you met. She was probably about 15 years older than you, but she looked like she could pass for around your age. She was very trim, wearing a form fitting black dress with strappy sandals, and her makeup looked impeccable. If it wasn’t for the old fashioned hair style, she could pass for around 30.
You stepped into Heather’s office, which you hadn’t seen when you interviewed with her a couple weeks back. It was small, but it had a decent view, which was to Heather’s back as she stood from her desk to greet you warmly by your name and thank you for being so punctual. She glanced behind you at Maggie and thanked her for showing you up, effectively dismissing her. You turned back to wave your thanks to Maggie, but she was already gone, heels echoing down the hallway back towards the elevator.
“Alright! Follow me, I will take you to the rest of the department and introduce you to everyone,” she motioned for you to follow her out of her office. Being the Controller, she had her own personal space away from the rest of the group, which you found was not too far away from her office. Heather led you back the way you came but kept going straight along the wall of offices, talking to you over her shoulder as she walked.
"I hope you made it in OK, I’m so glad the sun is out this morning! I was getting sick of all that rain, this weekend was such a drag with all the dreary weather.” You hummed your agreement and assured her you made it in just fine, not letting it be known you were overanalyzing your commute all weekend long.
Heather stopped at the corner of the floor, punched a personalized code into a keypad next to a door and opened it. You had initially thought it could be a conference room, but in fact it turned out to be a decently sized room filled with cubes, some filing cabinets, and a small safe. You glanced around at the room of about ten employees hard at work, heads mostly down or on the phone. Two girls around your age who were seated next to each other in the corner of the room quickly quieted down their chatter, and looked in your direction when you walked in. You gave a shy smile towards them as Heather addressed the department.
“Good morning gang, this is our new Accounts Receivables Specialist,” she turned towards you, announcing your name to the group. “Please make her feel welcome, if you don’t mind showing her around where the bathrooms and coffee are, I would appreciate it. I have a meeting this morning with the big guy I need to get ready for, I’m sorry I couldn’t do it myself.” She turned back to you apologetically.
"We have a great, tightknit team here, they'll show you the ropes. This is your desk,” she led you over near the corner of the room where the two girls had been chatting. “I already stocked it with some paper and pens, but we do have a supply closet on this floor if you need anything else, and Colleen is going to be your trainer.”
She motioned over to one of the two chatty girls, who bounced over with a smile and an outstretched hand. You shook it, reintroducing yourself warmly as Heather made her exit.
"Again, sorry guys, I have a meeting with Joel, and you know how he is.” She rolled her eyes, and she was met with some chuckles and a couple looks of sympathy. Heather gave you a final wave and a promise to return around lunchtime to check in, and left through the same door you came in, with it locking shut behind her.
Colleen must have been around your age, her blonde hair was pulled back into a loose bun at the nape of her neck, and she had curious, bright blue eyes. She was wearing a business casual, knee length, light pink dress that was perfect for the beautiful spring day. You felt a bit out of place in your navy blazer and matching navy dress pants, but you wanted to look your most professional on your first day.
Colleen began to explain you will be shadowing her for the morning, getting you used to the software system they used, how to look up accounts, and where important files are stored. You learned Colleen was working in Accounts Payables, opposite your job. You realized the two of you will be working closely together, and connected the dots on why Heather chose her to train you, vaguely wondering who had your position prior.
As you pulled your rolling chair up to her desk to observe, notepad and pen in hand, you coolly questioned who Joel was, and what the reaction was all about. Colleen seemed the type that liked to gossip more than work, and she excitedly settled in to explain all the office politics to you.
“OK, so, Joel and Tommy run the company, they are brothers – Miller & Miller, get it?” she began, smiling brightly at you. “Tommy is SO much nicer than Joel, he is the one who schmoozes all of the new clients and signs all the new business. Joel is, well…” she trailed off, hands flailing gently, searching for an appropriate word to describe the head of the company without scaring off a new hire. “He can be challenging to work with sometimes, but don’t worry, you won’t have to work with him one-on-one. We have monthly meetings with him as a department, it’s a lot easier to handle him as a group, most of the time.”
“How do you mean, ‘challenging’?” you pressed, leaning forward, hoping to learn more about what you were getting into, not that you had much of a choice if you wanted to continue to live in the city. “Do you mean he just asks a lot of questions, or…?” Colleen picked up where you left off.
He’s mean,” she stated bluntly, smile faltering slightly. “He has made employees cry before, and he has caused people to quit on the spot during his meetings. He’s tough, but he’s the guy who goes to the job sites and makes sure everything is running smoothly. Unfortunately, that type of personality, especially from a man, on those construction sites is exactly what they need to make sure nobody is slacking off and cutting corners. They are too scared of him to screw up!” she laughed, trying to ease any nervousness she caused you.
You leaned back in your chair, gaze drifting aimlessly around her desk as you absorb what she told you. Before you could add anything further, the other girl Colleen had been chatting with earlier piped up from the adjoining cube.
“He’s an asshole. If he ever does say anything hurtful towards you, you have to just let it roll off your shoulders. That’s why Heather is so good in her position, she has to be one-on-one with him a lot, and she can handle his shit much better than most,” the redhead, whose name you saw on the outside of her cube was Debbie, gruffly interrupted. You could tell she was the opposite of Colleen – while Colleen is bubbly and sweet, Debbie seemed tougher and had an edge, although she still seemed just as friendly as she continued to help paint the picture of the mysterious Joel Miller.
“At the end of the day, you have to keep in mind we are not out here saving lives. We are working in accounting at a construction company. He gets so heated and spouts off at the mouth like this company is saving the world," Debbie finished explaining with a huff. She rolled her green eyes, crossed her arms over her chest and glared off at a fixed point on the wall beside her.
“Debbie is right, but she is just extra emotional about it because the girl in your position before had a run in with Joel, and she quit. Cheryl was Debbie’s best friend here, so she is just a little sore over it still.” Colleen tried to explain gently, without upsetting Debbie more.
Debbie nodded in agreement, sighing, she leaned forward with her elbows resting on her knees, she dragged her eyes away from the wall to look at the two of you.
"She’s right. Cheryl didn’t deserve that from him, but she did what was best for her when she quit. It happens a lot, I just thought Cheryl was used to it. She had been here 8 years!” Debbie exclaimed, throwing up her hands with frustration. 
You gulped and began to get nervous, not really sure what to say. All you could hope was that maybe you didn’t have to have one-on-one time with Joel. You just knew you needed to keep this job, or else you were packing your bags and moving back home. Your hands started fidgeting on your lap, and you chewed your bottom lip slightly as you took in the information.
“Well, thanks for the warning, girls, I will do my best to keep my head down and stay below the radar,” you chuckled quietly, hoping to ease some of the tension and change the topic.
Debbie smiled at you, a little sadly.
"That's a good plan, but since you are in receivables, Joel may put you on the spot in some of our meetings and want to know what the payment status is on specific clients of his. Heather will typically field those questions if she knows the information beforehand, but if he catches you off guard like he did with Cheryl…” she drifted off, allowing you to connect the dots on your own. “Just keep your guard up, and go into those meetings with TONS of notes on all his clients, that is the best advice I can give you. And let Heather do all the talking.” With that, Debbie scooted her chair back to her computer to get back to work.
Your eyes probably gave away your nervousness when you turned back to Colleen. She smiled warmly at you and patted you gently on the knee. “Don’t worry about it, I promise it's not as bad as it seems. Like Debbie said, Heather fields most of Joel’s questions directly. Plus, we just had our monthly meeting with him last week. You won’t have to cross paths with him for another month.” Colleen turned back to her computer and started explaining the accounting software to you.
You were really only half listening as your panic was bubbling just below the surface, replaying Debbie’s words in your head while you tried to focus on what Colleen was teaching you. You were beginning to understand why this place offered you the job so quickly, you just hoped you could be tough enough to get through those monthly meetings.
Chapter Two
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accio-lo-ki · 8 months
Hii would you have any percabeth fic recs?? I'm just deprived 😭😭
Oh I have a LOT. If you’re as insane about this ship as I am, you’ve probably read all of them but I’m still going to list them down anyway. So, in no particular order:
Whiny Little Pitch by petersgwen - this fic literally made me scream multiple times. everything by this author is chef’s kiss btw. Sports au like no other + exes to lovers
Apartment 305 by waddled - a literal serotonin boost monster of a fic that i’m sure most already know about . i love percy and annabeth’s relationship here, and their characterization. It’s got college romance, olympic athlete Percy, and pipabeth bffism at its finest.
Five Times Percy Jackson Cheated at School by lammermoorian - man this one I reread a lot. I just love it so much. Academic!Percy, domestic percabeth, and just a whole lot of charm
Honesty and Promise Me by Darkmagyk, lammermoorian - never thought I would enjoy punk!annabeth until this fic. it has unexpected pregnancy but it’s so well done! fwb to lovers!
For Real This Time by captainjackson, timelesslords - anything written by this pair is a must-read, but this is one of their best! roman!percy and divorced annabeth! the premise is so interesting and the setting even more so.
Murkiest Intentions by inkncoffee - i feel like this fic shows my age, but when i tell you it’s a classic! jurassic world au (it sounds crazy but it’s so good) i’ve been rereading this since high school and it still holds up
Would it really kill you (if we kissed) by greenconverses - i mean, who hasn’t read this and all the author’s works? but it’s a classic in the fandom and it’s a classic for a reason
The Old Guard au by ananbeth, blackjacktheboss - this series is so well-written with such a solid worldbuilding you have to binge it this instant go
Love me, won’t you by ananbeth, blackjacktheboss - modern romeo and juliet with greece as a backdrop? sign me tf up
the sun stands by petersgwen- if you want pain this is it this fic is pain in fanfiction form
That crosses the white sea by husborth - another well-written masterpiece with percabeth in college
Voice on the radio by PastyPirate - another fandom classic! this one has me giggling kicking my feet everytime i reread it. soulmate au! musician!percy! and friendship bracelets!
The Heart is a Muscle by thebackupkid - I feel like this one is so underrated, but it’s so good and so interesting and distinct! it’s got magic and adventure and fantasy! the worldbuilding again is so good!
Impossible Year by bananannabeth - another pain in fiction form. but this time it has a breakup trope, which destroys me so much I always need years before i want to reread this again. but it’s a masterpiece and you should experience it at least once in your life!!
Game, Set, Match by ananbeth, blackjacktheboss - if there’s a classic percabeth sports au, it’s this. and it has fwb too and it’s just too iconic
Stucco Hearts by ananbeth, writergirl8 - another fandom classic, but this time it’s a soulmate au! this is so so interesting and one of my favorite soulmate aus ever. the worldbuilding is so interesting. another case of it’s a classic for a reason!
Puck It by bipercabeth, jasonmclean - hockey au + friends w benefits. again, another fandom classic. unfortunately i think this was discontinued by the authors but it’s still too good not to read!
Broken glass, no reflection by ananbeth, flyingcrowbar - another (potentially) discontinued fic that I still think about now. it’s a pacific rim au and it’s so. goddamn. good. read it now !!
kiss me once cause you know i had a good night by herecomesthepun - this one is pure comedic fluff and if you need a serotonin boost you have to read it. workplace romance with a twist !
slow motion double vision in a rose blush by herecomesthepun - ooh this one is a high school fwb secret relationship au with a punk percy and a student council president annabeth so basically it’s a classic
and they were roommates by bipercabeth - friends to lovers + college percabeth like no other. another fandom classic
Never Shall We Die by captainjackson, timelesslords - this pirate au series is INSANE it’s crazy good the worldbuilding is amazing it makes me feral actually
Wreck my plan, that’s my man by seaweedbraens - everything by this author is so good they’re a fandom icon but this one in particular i think about daily (tho it’s ongoing)
How to Seduce an Earl by sinfulindulgence - this is hella spicy but it’s also so addicting? i blame bridgerton (this author does so much stuff w this vibe that u should check out too! i liked Revenge of the Duchess as well)
Night at the Museum by lammermoorian - it’s so niche and crazy and camp but also angsty and fluffy and you need to read it right this second ! i LOVE this one
faster than a hairpin trigger by medeaa - this one is the quintessential percabeth fwb college au TO ME. unfortunately it’s (potentially) discontinued, but it’s still one of my favorites.
watch me fall at your feet by maydayparade8123 - this is a really well-written friends to lovers fic that realt explored how confusing it is to fall in love with your best friend like,, it’s a classic but also it’s so real !! this author is a fandom icon but i think they deleted / orphaned their accounts on ff.net and ao3
spellbound by writergirl8 - this is the percabeth hogwarts au. i dont make the rules.
home is where i want to be (but i guess i’m already there) by percivaljackson - fake dating + holidays! this is so well-written!
‘tis the damn season by captainjackson - regency au at its finest!!
This is way too long already lmao i dont have the time to list down everything (i have 700+ percabeth fanfics downloaded on my ibooks app 😭) but these are the ones that i can recall at this time !! Happy reading!
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Guardian of the Library | Yandere Raiden Tameemon
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Yandere Pantheon College AU (5/7) | Master List
The thing about being the librarian at The Pantheon College meant you had the beautifully neutral position as a keeper of the college’s extensive library. So while you spent your working days reading what you liked while occasionally checking books and movies out to students, things were peaceful. Now on the off chance the different groups of students decide that the library was the place to fight you had the luxury of calling security and apparently, the mere mention of the job had people running. So you were pleased to rely on this mysterious person to scare the naughty kids away. That is until he came to you. 
The beast of a man easily collided and broke the wall of the raised entryway, tiredly yawning as he scanned the library. His brown eyes slowly take in your slice of heaven until landing on you. From there it was history.
You were nose-deep in a fantasy novel, the world you were reading about was on the cusp of war the romance finally reaching its peak. It was miraculous that you noticed him when you did. Standing so monstrously tall he somehow blocked out the light from the decadent chandelier that adorned the ceiling above your desk. 
“Can I help you sir?”
“So you like books huh?”
The smile on his face was far too wide and the muscles squeezing at the restraints of his white t-shirt told you this wasn’t going to be a question about books. With a sigh, you tucked your book away and scooted closer to your desk. 
“I do, now what was it you needed sir?”
“Your number if you don’t mind!”
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Rolling your eyes you prepare to reach for the line-connected phone, setting your hand beside it in a silent threat. 
“Look kid I’m far too old for you and if you think harassing the staff is going to get you a date then you’d be sorely mistaken.” Watching his expression drop and his mouth open up, you held your finger up. “If you aren’t here to check out a book, I’ll have to call security on you sir.”
His smile returned again and he leaned on the desk, completely engulfing you in his shadow. 
“So feisty! That is my favorite type!”
“I mean it kid I’m going to call!”
He laughed again and you had had enough, picking up the phone you dialed the number. The ring was audibly loud, making you hope that that would have this student running. But it didn’t. He just stood there smiling.
Then there was ringing again.
But if wasn’t from your phone.
And it wasn’t the default ringing from before.
Instead, it was some J-Pop tune that just kept going on
Until the giant man pulled out his phone declining the call. 
“Well guess I’ve got one of your numbers now. So when’s your lunch?”
Just great.
“I don’t leave for lunch. I eat here. So you’re better off finding someone—”
“Awesome I’ll just come back here for my lunches then!”
You wanted to groan loudly more than ever but there were usuals already watching through the shelves. Relenting you figured it’ll be less noisy to let the giant security guard come in and do as he pleased. 
Plus having the guard dog of the school hanging around might not be so bad.
“Oi, you work here right?”
You’d already been floating around this group for a while now. They weren’t regulars and they came in already looking in one section of the library. 
Tameemon wasn’t here  On account that there was some more violent activity on campus, he couldn’t spend all his time pestering you. He whined about it the first time someone called you since he wasn’t picking up. 
Even if you could call him, you didn’t want to be dependent on that guy.
“Tell this rag that book is mine, I had it first!”
His cronies hovering around all nodded, occasionally threatening the quivering kid clutching a book in the fetal position. One of your regulars. Immediately you recognized the book he was carrying—one of his latest finds. There was no shot these rowdy hooligans had this book first. 
“On the account that I’ve seen him start this book earlier today. I’m quite certain he had this book first.”
“Don’t you see all of us! We’re witnesses!”
“Biased witnesses that haven’t stepped foot in this library before today. Now please if you can’t quietly resolve this I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
The whole group was getting angry, you figured this might cause problems later. Which is why it surprised you when the main aggressor grabbed you by your collar, nearly lifting you off the ground. 
“You wanna say that again to me, booknerd!?”
It’d been a while since you punched someone, you briefly shook your hand at the burning in your knuckles. You’d have to put ice on that later. Holding your forearms up you slipped off your shoes to finally put some of your training to use. 
“Y-you hit me!?”
“Yes, and I’ll do it again if you bother me or the peace of this library.”
The whole group looked irate, some tensing up and getting ready to run. It would be six to one. Hardly a fair fight but one you didn’t mind. If it was for your library you’d be willing to take however many you needed to.
“You’re gonna pay for this–”
Lunging at you, you were ready to take him down or at least do your best to try. That is until a dark shadow overtook you and with a sigh you let your guard down. The large hands took you by your waist, gently putting you to the side before Tameemon stood in front. 
“I can finally go all out on you little rats!”
“W–w-wait no!”
“H-hold on man t-they swung on his first!”
“Y-yeah! It’s not our fault!”
Tameemon cracked his knuckles and tilted his head in a mock stretch. 
“Then all the more reason to join the fight.”
Tameemon pulled some salt from his pocket throwing it up in the air, and then a sadistic smile spread across his face.
Escorting the now uncurled student away from the scene, the screams and hollering of the ones dumb enough to mess around your library bounced off its walls. Sending the students still in the library out you made a call to the janitor, telling him to swing by after the campus classes ended.
Looking at the aftermath trumped any gorey horror book you could enjoy. The remains of the students were beyond battered, some of their limbs looked as though they had imploded. Gooey oozing red chunks scattered around with bits of bone, their faces resembling a cartoonish recreation of eating something sour.
“So did I do good?”
NaturallyTameemon was covered in blood, his shirt in tatters, and his fists drenched in blood. The blood that was on the wall, wasn’t something to be proud of and neither does the blood drenching the carpet beneath his feet. But the bookshelf was clean…. meaning the books were fine.
“If you’re talking about the books then…yes, you did a good job..”
“Enough for a kiss?”
“I don’t know how you are going to explain the bodies to the other side.”
“It’s fine the janitor’s cool! Cool enough to let us make out in their closet.”
“Maybe if you didn’t scar my regular.”
“What?! Come on I’m sure he didn’t see anything. C’mon, baby!”
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gxhaode · 1 year
Anonymously Famous
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pairing: choi yeonjun x female reader
genre: comedy, fluff, non idol!au, college!au, slight angst
synopsis: In the ordinary life of an 18-year-old, where school days were dull and repetitive, a remarkable secret was hidden. Unlike your peers, you possessed a unique gift—a mesmerizing voice that enchanted millions as a famous singer-songwriter. Despite the adoration and fame, you remained anonymous, with no one knowing your true face or name. This added complexity to your already challenging double life.
While navigating the demands of fame and concealing your true self, a twist of fate revealed that your crush was a devoted fan of your music. The discovery thrilled and frightened you, as you grappled with the dilemma of how to explore this connection without exposing your secret.
As you wrestled with conflicting emotions, seeking solace in the unwavering support of your quirky and devoted friends, the boundaries of your two worlds began to blur. The challenges of managing your public image and guarding your true self grew ever more daunting, even as the allure of a genuine connection with your crush beckoned. Every interaction became fraught with the weight of secrets, as you tiptoed the fine line between preserving your carefully constructed identity and indulging the sparks of romance that danced between you.
Featuring: txt, enhypen, aespa
warnings: kys jokes, swearing
Schedule: Monday-Wednesday
Taglist: OPEN
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⋆。°✩| y/ns managers, yeonjun’s kids
1#★-snort flour
2#☆-violating a cola can
3#★-taehyun im scared
5#★-zimzalabim TF OUTTA HERE
6#☆-hes jake sized
8#☆-bad indigestion?
9#★-tired yeonjun=hinged yeonjun
10#☆-Space Mountain
13#★-denial is a river in egypt
14#☆-*twirls hair* and then what aha
15#★-bitch try me
16#☆-resting bitch face (Written)
17#★-smooshin booties
18#☆-declog urself girl
20#☆-extra long baguette
21#★- Taehyuns glitching
22#☆-Sunghoon’s inner manager has been unleashed
25#★-im too sober for this shit
26#☆-JYP PAPI?
Taglist: @suzirumas @soobsfairy444 @hwaseyes @emohazuzworld @captivq @aestheticsluut @sserafimez @sohnfile @melodymyangel @s00buwu @lixie-phoria @tocupid @samisubi @cookiehaos @mackjestic @sunnyglower @blamemef0rit @choijxn @vocaloshin @en-dream @l0ve-joy @a-l-i-y-a @mrowwww @axo-l0tl @n034sy @flowerbe0m @il0vebeomgyu @j-3-nnie @rosabella1009 @loveliestsong @unclassifiedwhore @salsateriyniki @tae-ology @woniesyn @fanfangying1304 @calumsfringe @pikapikapikaachuu @lily-loves-kpop @mochijjunie @enhaqle @cheekycountesschoi @run2seob @yunwonie @cheesemonky @staryuyu @ye0nvibezzn @hanniemylovelyquokka @bee-the-loser @hyunfm
855 notes · View notes
imfoive · 2 months
Bicycle Bandit
Bad Boy! Jeongin x Reader (fem.) Genre: College au!, Opposites-Attract, Fluff Warnings: mentions of drinking, cursing, illegal activities, somewhat proofread WC: 4k A/N: This is a rewrite of an old fic of mine (also made this banner before chk-chk-boom mv dropped and I saw graffiti and gasped lol) Feedback is always welcome, enjoy! ── MASTERLIST
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He was bad news, and Y/N was well aware of that. He skipped classes, partied hard with his friends, caused mischief. Clearly not the model student. Yet fate had entwined them in the same study group, making it impossible to avoid him. Y/N often wondered why he bothered with the his academics when his heart seemed set on everything but studying.
Yang Jeongin.
A heartthrob who knew he was hot, Y/N would be lying if she said she didn’t agree. Rumors swirled that he dated a different girl every other week, and some even whispered he was the dean’s son. However, that seemed a little far-fetched since he behaved more like a teenager than a responsible adult.
Speaking of Yang Jeongin…
   “Yo!” His voice broke the library’s quiet, drawing disapproving glances from everyone around.
What did he expect, shouting in a place of quiet study? Y/N tried to focus on her notes, subtly observing him as he casually dropped his backpack on the ground and took a seat across from her. After a few moments, he rifled through his bag, pulling out a biology textbook, post-its, and a highlighter. Clearly underprepared. She rolled her eyes, returning to her annotations. How could someone so unconcerned with school be part of their study group?
   “Do you have a pen?” His voice was a whisper, catching Y/N off guard.
She looked up, meeting his expectant gaze.
   “A pen... do you have one?” He repeated.
She nodded silently, handing him a pen. He flashed a grin that seemed to light up the room, and for a brief moment, Y/N found herself captivated. Quickly, she shook off the distraction. Her focus was on studying, on securing her future with a stable job. Yet, despite her resolve, she couldn’t help but steal glances at Jeongin. He lounged back in his chair, pen in hand, seemingly unbothered by the studious setting. She sighed inwardly and refocused on her work. Mentally scolding herself for her straying attention.
As their study session wound down, one by one, the others gathered their belongings.
   “See you guys tomorrow.” Someone whispered, and they all exchanged quiet farewells.
   “Okay, I have an appointment with the professor. I gotta go, Y/N.” Her friend next to her whispered, starting to pack up.
She nodded, watching as her friend glanced over at Jeongin, who remained seated across them, inexplicably lingering.
   “Bye.” He waved with a boyish grin.
Returning the wave politely, her friend hurried off, leaving Jeongin and Y/N alone in the lingering silence of the library. She could feel his eyes on her, chin leaned in the cup of his hands. She was surprised he wasn’t the first out the door, surprised he even stuck around.
   “I’m also gonna go…” She began, closing her notebook slowly.
He didn’t reply immediately, watching her gather her things, and the awkwardness settled between them.
   “I guess I’ll leave as well.” He finally said, rising to his feet.
Exiting the library, the sweltering afternoon sun hit them contrasting the coolness of the air-conditioned room they had been in. Y/N shielded her eyes against the brightness, noticing Jeongin beside her, sporting sunglasses to combat the glare.
   “I’m Yang Jeongin, by the way.” He introduced himself casually.
This was their second time meeting at these sessions, and it felt like he only greeted her because she lent him a pen. On top of all that, they even shared a class. It made her feel bitter as she frowned at him slightly.
   “I know…” She replied, clutching her notebook to her chest.
He eyed her curiously.
   “We’re in the same biology class.” She explained, turning away to begin walking, leaving him to his own thoughts.
Setting a brisk pace to put distance between them, she could feel his gaze lingering on her back even behind his shades, but she continued walking.
Jeongin’s presence had always been a disruptive force in their study group. A stark contrast to the studious atmosphere they tried to maintain. While others seemed content to overlook his disregard for academics, Y/N found herself increasingly drawn to observe him, to decipher whatever was behind that charming smile and nonchalant demeanor. Even if he didn’t remember her existence.
As she walked, she couldn’t shake the memory of his smile, brief yet disarming, making her wonder exactly how he coined his notorious reputation.
Her feet halted on her way to the her next class, eyes catching sight of bold words. She stared at the flier above the campus bicycle station, taking in the words of caution and the black-and-white pixelated CCTV image capturing a hooded person, likely a student, stealing two bicycles at once.
The Bicycle Bandit had struck again. It was surprising how he continued to evade capture, especially with the administration clearly on his trail. The remaining bicycles were securely chained to the metal rails. She sighed and turned away. Walking was always enjoyable, after all.
The weeks passed in a blur of lectures, late-night study sessions, and the occasional glimpse of Jeongin, who seemed to appear unexpectedly in places he didn’t frequent much. 
His booming voice would wave at her with a “Hi, Y/N!” Declaring that he had not forgotten her or her name.
Despite her best efforts to maintain a distance, their paths crossed as he decided he would start attending biology lessons more often, waving at her gleefully from a back seat in the lecture hall almost every time. Each encounter left a lingering impression that she struggled to connect with his bad-boy reputation.
Jeongin decided to skip the next two study sessions, and surprisingly, no one seemed bothered by his absence. Not that he brought anything to the table. It turned out their professor had recommended a study group as a last-ditch effort for him to pass. And he managed to follow through, as surprising as that was. Y/N guessed he did care about his grades after all, even if only a little. Her eyes glancing towards the door, secretly hoping he would walk through them.
About a week later, she ran into Jeongin again. It was early evening, and she was strolling towards a supermarket near campus. The streets were quiet, the air cool. That’s when it happened, when she literally collided with him.
   “Ack—!” She exclaimed, falling and scraping her knee on the rough concrete. Today was definitely the wrong day for a dress.
Jeongin stumbled on the sidewalk, breathing heavily as he glanced down at her, hands on his knees.
   “Oh... hey, Y/N.” He managed between deep breaths, catching himself. 
   “Are you okay?” There was concern laced in his voice, stretching out a hand to pull her up from the ground.
She hissed a bit but grasped his warm fingers, steadying herself as she stood, before shaking off the sting on her knee. 
His eyes scanned over her quickly to ensure she was indeed okay, but he also seemed distracted.
   “I’m fine, but why are you running?” She asked, looking up to his disheveled figure, genuinely curious.
He flashed a quick dimpled smile, brushing sweat-dampened hair from his forehead.
   “Just... enjoying the thrill of the evening.” He said, though his eyes darted nervously in the direction he'd come from.
She raised an eyebrow, noticing paint smudges on his fingers and face.
   “Really?” She trailed off, tone laced in doubt, but before he could respond, his expression froze.
The distant wail of sirens grew louder, and his head shot towards the source of the sound.
   “Shit.” He swore under his breath, his gaze flicking back to hers with a mixture of urgency and determination. 
Without warning, he grabbed her wrist and started sprinting. Her mind tried to figure out what was happening while her feet unconsciously ran behind his pull.
They veered into a narrow alleyway, the shadows swallowing them whole as they pressed against the cool brick wall, panting for breath.
   “What’s going on?” She managed to gasp out, her voice tinged with a mixture of fear and exhilaration.
Jeongin’s expression was unreadable, his features illuminated by the faint glow of the streetlights filtering through the alley.
   “Trust me, Y/N.” He said quietly, his grip on her wrist tightening reassuringly. 
   “Just…stay quiet.”
And there they stood, catching their breaths, caught in the tense stillness of the moment, the distant echoes of pursuit faded into silence. They were pressed close into the darkest shadows behind some shop. She could hear his heart thrumming loudly, or maybe it was hers. Yet, his presence beside her felt strangely comforting, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She glanced up to observe his tense profile, eyes on the lookout, still trying to steady his breath.
Jeongin, the so-called bad boy, was living up to his reputation. Yet all she could think about were the moments he’d loudly called out to get her attention across the room, waving with his signature eye-smile. His actions always drew eyes, yet they felt oddly warm. She recalled his whispered questions during the study sessions he did attend, his brows furrowing as he tried to grasp the concepts she explained.
But what lingered most was the soft grip he still had around her wrist.  
Finally, he let out a sigh of relief, looking up to meet her eyes. He stiffened under her watching gaze, while she felt equally startled, her cheeks flushed. He cleared his throat, trying to mask the tinge of red on his ears. Releasing her wrist, he took a step back. He tossed his backpack to the ground, its contents clattering metallically in the quiet air.
She eyed the black bag that had lazily hung around his back while they ran. The faint clink of metal echoed from within had been evident even then. Curiosity piqued, she crouched down and unzipped his bag while he watched with amusement. Inside lay a heap of spray paint cans.
   “I knew it!” She gasped, staring at him in disbelief.
He laughed, standing up straight. “So what?” He challenged, crossing his arms.
   “You're running from the cops!” She blurted out, eyes wide.
Another chuckle escaped him. “Yeah, that’s illegal.” He admitted mockingly with a mischievous grin.
   “Yes. It is illegal.” Y/N muttered in a hushed tone, shaking her head with a worry.
He glanced out of the alley, checking for any signs of pursuit returning. 
   “Are you one of those types of people?” He asked casually, retrieving a can of blue spray paint.
Y/N knew exactly what he meant, but couldn’t resist making a face at him. “What do you mean, ‘those types of people’?”
   “You know, the goody-two-shoes, the law-abiding citizens.” Jeongin explained, spraying a small spot on the wall behind him, testing the color.
Despite knowing he had her figured out, she stood her ground.  
   “Hey, for your information, law abiding citizens know how to have fun too!” Y/N defended.
   “At least we don’t have to run from the police for vandalizing.” She added, folding her arms defiantly.
He turned to face her, paint canister in hand. “True, but we know how to run away. You just don’t know how to have that thrilling kind of fun.” He quipped, spraying five large stars onto the bricks behind him.
His comment wiped the smile from her face. He was implying she was boring.
   “Give me that.” She said boldly, trying to snatch the can from his grasp. 
But he pulled away, stretching his arm out of her reach. 
He raised an eyebrow. “This?” He teased, shaking the can in his hand. 
   “This spray paint? The illegal stuff?” He laughed.
Y/N pulled down his arm and deftly snatched the can from his loose grip, shaking it before starting to write on the wall in light blue.
   “Law-abiding citizen lives the life of thrill - Y/N.” She proclaimed proudly, scrutinizing her handiwork with a smirk.
He raised an eyebrow, a small grin tugging at his lips as he reached into the bag and uncapped another canister.
   “You’ve clearly never done this before.” Jeongin chuckled, swiftly spraying a layer of red over her name. "This isn’t an essay where you have to give credit to the speaker."
   “Unless you want to get caught.” He added, muttering as he obscured her name with careful strokes, then transformed the red spot into a heart.
   “Cute, right?” He chuckled, admiring his creation.
She stood silently as he continued to add graffiti to the wall behind the ice cream parlor. The chemical smell of the paint filled the air, and Y/N instinctively covered her nose.
Ten minutes and numerous paintings of a fox character signed off with the letters “I.N” later, Jeongin grew bored of their rule-breaking escapade. He swung his backpack over his shoulder, and there she stood, leaning against the wall opposite the graffiti-covered one, uncertain why she had stuck around.
As he adjusted the straps of his backpack, Jeongin glanced at the observant girl with a playful smirk. 
   “Had enough excitement for one night?” He teased, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.
Y/N pushed off the wall, a wry smile playing on her lips. 
   “So much.” She replied with sarcasm, yet deep down there was still a mixture of curiosity and lingering adrenaline surging through her. Even if all she had done was write a line.
He chuckled softly, stepping closer. 
   “You did pretty well for a goody-two-shoes.” He remarked, nudging her lightly with his elbow.
There was a comfortable silence as they exited the alley, Jeongin occasionally glancing back behind them under the flickering streetlights. Then his eyes settle on her for a second before he sighs.
   “Let’s go.” He said abruptly, as he took hold of her wrist again.
   “Where?” Y/N asked, surprised by his sudden direction.
   “To rob a bank.” He replied cryptically, ultimately laughing at her shocked reaction.
They made their way to a nearby convenience store. Inside, he gestured for her to grab some cold beers. She nodded, still confused as she picked out a can of beer and a lemonade from the cooler while he disappeared into another aisle.
   “What are you up to?” She asked curiously, spotting him at the cash register.
Jeongin grinned mischievously, holding up a box of band-aids that he’d picked up. His fingers tapped on it knowingly. Y/N raised an eyebrow, starting to piece together his plan as they stepped outside.
   “Here, hold these.” He said, handing her the bag of drinks and snacks before crouching down and gently lifting the hem of her dress. She tensed slightly at the warm touch of his fingers on her skin.
   “Ah.” He murmured softly, examining the red and purple scrape on her knee. She stared in fascination at the top of his head, a kneeling figure skillfully tearing open a band-aid and carefully plastering it over her wound.
   “Thank you.” She said sincerely, touched by his unexpected gesture.
Jeongin stood up, his expression softening. 
   “I'm sorry.” He said quietly, taking the plastic bag from her.
   “Did you get hurt anywhere else?” He asked, eyes darting to look at places Y/N could’ve grazed.
She shook her head, feeling a warmth spread through her at his genuine concern.
They continued walking, and with each step, her hesitation grew, yet she followed him further away from the dorms. Darkness settled in, casting elongated shadows around them.
   “You’re so slow.” Jeongin teased, his hands gently tugging on hers. This time pulling at her fingers.
Flustered, Y/N didn’t reply, allowing his hand to envelop hers.
   “Oh! Your fingers are freezing!” He exclaimed, though she swore his touch made them feel warm and tingly.
He tightened his grip on her hand, and she bit her lip, feeling a mix of nervousness and exhilaration. Was this his way of using his bad-boy image to flirt and make her heart race? He chuckled softly, his eyes dancing with mischief, teasing her without saying a word.
They arrived at a playground, which was empty and quiet, with only the occasional squeak of the swings filling the serene atmosphere as they settled into them, their feet awkwardly brushing against the ground due to their adult sizes.
Apart from the crickets, the only sounds were the pop of his beer can opening and their conversation. Jeongin shared stories of mischief, including his runs as the campus bicycle bandit, trading bikes for tickets to a concert he ironically missed.
   “Wait, you’re the bicycle bandit?” Y/N exclaimed, astonished and intrigued by this revelation. Yet at the same time she wondered how no one made such a connection.
His laughter filled the air, his eyes crinkling at the nickname he had unwittingly earned. As she blinked, still processing how he managed to escape consequences, he noticed the questioning look on her face and reached out to smooth away the furrow between her brows with a press of his fingertip.
   “I have my ways. Plus, the Dean happens to be my dad.” He admitted casually, taking a sip of his beer.
Y/N’s eyes widened yet again, the pieces falling into place. The rumors weren’t just idle gossip after all.
   “What?” She managed, trying to absorb this unexpected revelation.
He laughed again, crushing the now empty beer can under his foot.
   “I thought you knew.” His hand reached over to take her lemonade, taking a sip from it nonchalantly.
   “I wouldn’t even bother with my grades if my dad wasn’t breathing down my neck.” He added with a shrug.
Y/N nodded slowly, taking back her drink and sipping, the faint taste of beer lingering on the bottle.
Silence settled between them once more as he swung gently, his legs hanging in the air, leaning back with his eyes closed, enjoying the peaceful night. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Yang Jeongin, his bleached hair catching the light of the park lamps.
As his swinging gradually slowed to a stop, he glanced at her before bursting into laughter.
   “What?” She asked, confused but joining in his infectious amusement.
   “I guess even boring things like this can be fun.” Jeongin finally concluded with a grin.
This time, She laughed along, nodding with a “I told you so.”
He walked her back to the dorms, hand still in hers, and despite the late hour, the warmth of their adventure together lingered long after the night had settled in. ─────────────────────── IF YOU STOLE THE CAMPUS BICYCLES, PLEASE RETURN THEM TO THE BICYCLE STATION!
The new fliers were hung all throughout campus, and Y/N stared at the one on the library door.
   “Yang Jeongin!” She muttered, half-shocked and half-amused by his audacity.
Beside her, Jeongin grinned mischievously, his eyes sparkling with amusement. 
   “Hey, they were just sitting there, begging to be freed.” He justified with a shrug.
She shook her head, trying to suppress a laugh. 
   “You’re unbelievable.”
Jeongin shrugged nonchalantly. 
   “It’s all in the name of adventure, right?” He leaned in, poking her cheek playfully.
Despite the absurdity of his actions, she couldn’t help but smile at his infectious grin. Before they could discuss further, another friend from their study group approached, clearly curious about the hushed conversation.
   “What’s going on?” Her friend asked while Jeongin waved it off with a casual smile. 
   “Oh, nothing. Just surprised there are such thieves on campus.” He shook his head, pointing at the flier with a mock expression of disappointment.
Y/N stifled her laughter and quickly headed out the door before she burst out laughing.
As they walked away from the library, her mind replayed the string of bizarre and exhilarating experiences Jeongin had brought into her life since joining the study group.
Four months had passed, and despite his abysmal grades, Jeongin still managed to show up to their study sessions. Still greeted her with a booming voice and grin as he waited for her outside her dorms, ready to head to biology class. He still managed to introduce unexpected and risky activities that made her heart beat in exhilaration. Jeongin was always injecting an unexpected twist into her mundane routine, and she enjoyed every moment of it. Though he often distracted her with his endless questions and quiet giggles.
As the others bid them goodbye, it was just Jeongin and Y/N once again.
   “What’s next for you, Mr. Bicycle Bandit?” Y/N teased, allowing him to carry her bag.
   “It’s Y/N’s bicycle bandit to you.” He corrected with a smirk, and she couldn’t help but giggle in return.
   “Coffee? Movie?” He asked, reaching for her hand with his free one.
   “Sorry, Jeongin,” She replied, shaking her head. “I’ve got a test coming up.”
He pouted playfully, nudging her as they walked. 
   “Come on! We just studied—Oh! I’ve got a new dirt bike. Let’s go for a ride.” His eyes lit up in excitement.
Y/N shook her head again, but he twirled her back towards him, making her stumble into his chest. He grinned down at her, pressing a surprise kiss onto her lips before he started to whine.
   “Let’s go on a date please?” He pleaded with puppy-dog eyes, his arms encircling her form.
She laughed, gently pushing his arms away. “No.”
His smile faded into a pout once more.
   “Go hang out with those girls who are always around you.” She teased, rolling her eyes.
He walked backward as he spoke.
   “The only girl that I hang out with is you, my girlfriend. Although you could sometimes be boring—”
   “Boring?” She interrupted, raising an eyebrow.
He grinned knowingly, waiting for her response. Y/N hesitated, biting her lip in thought.
   “I guess I could spare an hour or two…” She relented finally.
   “Great!” He exclaimed, pleased that she fell right into his trap.
Y/N groaned with exaggeration as he draped an arm over her shoulder, coming to a conclusion. 
   “Let’s do a boring activity.”
Rolling her eyes once more, she nodded in agreement. “Movie?”
   “Movie.” He confirmed, and they resumed walking, fingers intertwined around her shoulder.
   “So, how did you manage to get a dirt bike?” She asked, curious. “Didn’t your father cut down your allowance?”
Jeongin chuckled softly, glancing sideways at Y/N, slowly letting his grip over her drop. 
   “Don’t be mad, but I actually sold those campus bicycles for the extra cash.”
She stopped dead in her tracks, and he burst out laughing at her reaction, quickly jogging forward, fully aware she was going to chase him down to berate his actions.
   “I wanted to take you on a fun ride!” He yelled from a distance, still chuckling at her expression.
   “Yang Jeongin get back here!” Y/N ran after, her voice a mix of exasperation and amusement.
   “I thought you’d appreciate the thrill, A guy’s gotta impress his girlfriend somehow!” He shouted back, laughter dancing in his eyes.
His arms extended for her to fall into his embrace, accepting the playful smacks she gave him on his chest.
Jeongin had a way of turning even the most outrageous situations into the most memorable moments. His carefree spirit balanced Y/N’s more serious demeanor, and she found herself embracing the spontaneity and thrill that he brought into her life, while he learned to relish in the moment of the most mundane tasks. Despite his reputation and attraction for mischief, he was a pure-hearted man who found amusement in the sight of the furrow of her brows when she studied, poking his finger in-between them to soothe the crinkle. And no, he did not have a new girlfriend every week. That rumor was totally, absolutely untrue.
The bicycle bandit’s heart was stolen by the law-abiding citizen, who was definitely not boring. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ end.
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