#the oarmates
omni-scient-pan-da · 4 years
I am going to write a fic about the oars
Brace yourselves
[Edit: I finished the fic and cried while doing so, so uh... Take that how you will. I'll be posting the fic some time within the next 24 hours and when I do, I'll link it in the post HERE so uh.... Keep an eye out for that, tell your friends and stuff]
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rapidashrider · 2 years
At the moment I’m living back with my parents while I sell my flat and move properly, and every night at 9, we have Storytime, where Mum reads through the Redwall books to me and my Dad. (I’m 35, bite me)
Now listen, Mariel of Redwall was the first one I ever read and I must have been about six or seven at the time and not returned to it since but holy shit, there’s a scene where a rescued slave - a dormouse, incidentally - is talking about how he and the other slave he was chained to were thrown off the ship, and his oarmate died instantly, and then he passed out and would have drowned except when he came to he found the waves had thrown them against the rocks and the corpse of the other slave was wedged in the rocks and he was just dangling above the water from the chains that chained him to his murdered friend.
Shitting hell, Brian Jacques really didn’t pull any punches with these CHILDREN’S BOOKS ABOUT TALKING ANIMALS. I remembered them being pretty unflinching but that is supremely gruesome.
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I posted 22 times in 2021
6 posts created (27%)
16 posts reblogged (73%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.7 posts.
I added 65 tags in 2021
#writing - 11 posts
#panda writes - 8 posts
#writeblr - 7 posts
#not writing - 7 posts
#fic - 6 posts
#my writing - 6 posts
#panda posts - 5 posts
#watcher - 5 posts
#and they were oarmates - 5 posts
#fan fic - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#also i will warn you that i am a notoriously slow writer so you may send in a request and i may not get to it for like six months
My Top Posts in 2021
Daily Writing Challenge - June 9th 2021
This was a terrible idea, Sarah thought to herself, sitting on the edge of the boat, seated next to Jesse.
~Cut to make the post shorter, click the link below for full story~
1 notes • Posted 2021-06-09 23:27:46 GMT
Hey! So uh, long time no post, at least not to this blog, so uhh, basically I need to practice writing BNHA stuff in preparation of a fantasy au fic I wanna start, so like if y'all wanna send stuff to my asks of like requests and whatnot, as long as it doesn't include spoilers for like the manga or season 5 of the anime or the third movie, I'll see what I can do
Also please make it an AU, idc what kind of AU just put your suggestions with an AU and make it SFW, as well, with like canon typical violence at most
3 notes • Posted 2021-09-22 02:07:36 GMT
Daily Writing Challenge - June 1st 2021
Her lungs felt like they were about to burst. All she had to do was get to the surface. If she could make it to the top then everything would be okay. When she had signed up for the scuba diving trip she'd expected to see some coral and some fish, a manta ray maybe, but that was all. Not... Whatever the heck this was. She wanted to glance behind her but she couldn't, looking back would cost her seconds she didn't have. She had to keep going, she had to keep swimming, just a little farther and she'd make it-
"AHHHHH," her words came out as an underwater garble of words as something - no, someone - grabbed her leg.
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6 notes • Posted 2021-06-01 21:33:08 GMT
Daily Writing Challenge - June 2nd 2021
Based off the Song Adventure Is Out There by AJR
Also a prequel to the short story I wrote yesterday... This is leading up to the day Sarah met Evan
Sarah sat on her bed, covers thrown over her head, intent on blocking out the world around her. Her hair was a mess and so was her room. Her joints ached from being curled up in one spot for so long and while she was tired of feeling this way, she couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed and actually do something about it. 
The world was terrible and cruel anyways, there was no reason for her to actually get up and do anything anyways. People would dump you for no reason and they’d break your heart through a text message without a second thought to how excited you were to celebrate your six month anniversary.
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7 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 00:09:03 GMT
Writing Master Post
So all my writing can be found in one place ;)
And They Were Oarmates
A series about the gay oars from Puppet History
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 (Yell at me if this isn't posted by the end of November)
Epilogue/Part 7 (Yell at me if this isn't posted by the end of 2021)
Grishaverse Fics
Anything I've written about any of the characters in Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse or the S&B Netflix Show
The Green Eyed Merchling
Tales of Arcadia Fics
Anything written for Trollhunters, 3 Below, Wizards, or Rise of the Titans
Alternative ROTT Ending
The Owl House Fics
You guessed it, any fic I've written for the Disney Channel Show: The Owl House
Hootlingo - Origins (Crackfic)
Writing-Prompt-s Stories
Includes anything I've written based off a prompt from the famous @/writing-prompt-s
Wrong Timeline
Poetic Ramblings
My edgy semi-vent poetic sounding ramblings, these are all okay to reblog btw
Second Place
Who Needs Friends
Writing Before Death
Written In The Stars
Do You Lie Awake At Night?
Daily Writing Challenges
Mostly challenges from my summer writing camp but maybe if I'm feeling productive I'll do some unprompted too
Tuesday, June 1st, 2021 - "What's Life Without Adventure?"
Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021 - "Adventure Is Out There"
Wednesday, June 9th, 2022 - "Adventure Is Just A Little Ways Away"
9 notes • Posted 2021-04-16 01:57:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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xserpx · 3 years
For there is a strange and powerful bond that forms between oarmates. When you are chained beside a man and share his food and his misfortune, share the blows of the overseer and the buffets of Mother Sea, match your rhythm to his as you heave at the same great beam, huddle together in the icy night or face the careless cold alone, that is when you come to know a man.
— Half A King by Joe Abercrombie
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omni-scient-pan-da · 4 years
And They Were Oar-Mates
A Fic About The Oars by omni-scient-pan-da
Except their story is ever so slightly different because they're people since I really have no clue how to start a love story between two typically inanimate objects (Edit: Find All Parts HERE)
They had known each other since they were children.
Grown up in the same forest, two boys, growing up side by side. They started off as friends, both too scared to confess their feelings to one another, til the day their home was invaded, the trees cut down, and their small little town invaded by warlocks and barbarians alike, the now 20 something best friends afraid for their lives.
"... Ian?" Rowan asked as the trees around them got cut down one by one, invaders storming into their once peaceful viliage. "What's going to happen to us?"
"... I don't know Row," Killian told him, sounding nervous for once in his life. "I... I don't know."
"If we're going to die... Then... Then I'm really glad I got to know you," Rowan replied, scared for their lives.
"Row... I... I need to tell you something... If... If this is the end..."
"Y-yeah?" Rowan asked him, terrified of what his best friend and longtime crush might say.
"... I love you Row... I always have... You're my best friend and I... I don't want to die without telling you how much I love you," Killian said, terrified to hear Rowan's response.
Rowan sniffled, "Y-you do?" He asked, his voice small with a hint of hope hidden in his tone.
"Yeah... I have since we were children I think... I couldn't have asked for someone better to grow up with," Killian told him.
"I love you too," Rowan responded, almost immediately. "I wish I would've known sooner... I wish I would've had the guts to tell you sooner... I wish we weren't about to die..." Rowan sounded like he was on the verge of tears and Killian's heart felt like it was about to burst.
Killian wrapped his arms around him holding him tightly. "At least if we're about to die, we can die together."
Rowan hugged him back before cupping his face in his hands and kissing him softly.
And when the invaders found their viliage, that was how they found them. The two young men caught in a passionate embrace, holding each other close because they had nothing left to lose, trying to convey years of pining into the few moments the two of them had left together.
The door flung open and a warlock stormed in, one of the most notorious warlocks in all the land to beat. And yet, he was shocked to see the two young men in each other's arms, paying him no attention.
"Do you not care that these will be your final moments?" The warlock asked the two of them as they finally pulled away for air.
Tears streamed down Rowan's face "If these are to be my last moments, then there is nothing else I'd rather be doing."
Killian gripped his lover's hand tightly, staring at the warlock with defiance in his eyes. "If you're here to kill us, do us in already, at least we'll die together after so many years apart."
The warlock just laughed. "Kill you? No, no, no dear boy... That spark in your eyes... You are far more useful to me alive than dead."
Rowan squeezed Killian's hand tightly. "S-so then... Then what are you going to do with us?" He asked the warlock.
"I'll offer you a deal," the warlock told them both. "Either I can kill you now," he gestured to Rowan, "And train you as my warrior," he gestured to Killian.
"Not an option," Killian told him with a glare. "I'd sooner kill myself then train with the man that killed my favorite person in the world."
The warlock laughed, a neon green flame sprouting from his right hand. It didn't seem to burn or hurt him, despite the fact that it had enveloped his hand completely. "So it'll be option two then?"
"Wait, what's option two?" Rowan asked him.
"You both can live, I'll even help you escape from these barbarians that insist on pillaging every viliage they come across."
"... What's the catch?" Killian asked.
"One day, it could be a week from now, it could be years from now, it could be never, I will ask for your help in battle. You will have half an hour to say your goodbyes and then my magic will instantly transport you to my side and you will be my faithful bodyguard for the rest of your mortal life." The warlock told Killian.
Rowan gasped. "Ian... You, you can't do this..."
Killian looked at Rowan, his best friend, the love of his life. Those blue eyes that he had grown up with, fallen in love with, and Rowan's terrified expression and knew that he couldn't let him die. No matter what Killian had to sacrifice, he would do anything to protect Row.
"... I accept," he told the warlock. "Help me and Row get out of hear alive, and when you call for me, I... I'll dedicate the rest of my life to protecting you."
"Killian!" Rowan gasped. "You can't, there has to be another way!"
Killian winced slightly, Rowan only ever used his full name if he was upset with him. "... I have to Row."
Killian turned towards the warlock. "So, do we have a deal?"
The warlock offered him his right hand, still covered in that bright green glowing fire. "All you have to do is shake on it boy."
Before Rowan could stop him, Killian reached forward and shook the warlock's hand, surprised that he didn't get burned by the flames, but that was what happened when you made magical deals with a warlock he supposed.
Rowan choked back a sob, wrapping his arms around Killian tightly as a poof of green smoke filled the room around them, the deal and Killian's fate both sealed.
"I don't want to lose you..." Rowan told him between his tears.
"I know..." Killian told him, rubbing his back softly. "But this way, we'll have some time together... And I'll know you're safe."
Rowan just clinged to him tighter and the two boys held each other for a moment before the warlock cleared his throat.
"Are you two ready to get a move on?" He asked.
True to his word, the warlock helped them escape safely and undetected, and Rowan and Killian managed to flee to the nearest city and seek refuge.
Every day, Rowan was scared he'd wake up and Killian would be gone, taken from him forever, but the two of them were able to live together for years without incident.
It was Killian that proposed, a week before Rowan was planning to.
"Y-you... You want to marry me?" Rowan asked him, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Row... Who else would I want to spend the rest of my life with?"
Rowan hugged him tightly, "I love you so much Ian... Of course I want to marry you."
Both of them cried, and the wedding was held a few months later, the warlock's deal almost forgotten, erased from their minds.
Rowan giggled as arms wrapped around his waist one morning while he was cooking breakfast.
"Come back to beeeeed," Killian groaned, resting his head on his husband's shoulder.
"Honey, it's already 10:30, how much longer do you expect to sleep in?" Rowan asked his husband, turning to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Forever," Killian mumbled, his voice muffled from his face being buried in Rowan's shoulder.
Rowan chuckled slightly. "Let's get some breakfast in you first and then maybe we can consider going back to bed for more cuddles."
Killian smiled, kissing Rowan softly. "Anything I can do to help make breakfast faster?" He asked.
Rowan just smiled and shoot his head. "Not that I can think of, just have a seat and it'll be ready in a few."
Killian snuck in one last kiss before heading to sit at the table, Rowan setting a plate of breakfast in front of him, but something about Killian was... Different.
"... Ian? Everything okay?"
Killian stared ahead blankly, the sweet gaze Rowan was so used had disappeared, replaces by an almost sneer.
Killian's usually green eyes had darkened to a murky greenish-brown, and he made no acknowledgement as to having heard Rowan.
Rowan nudged him slightly, "... Ian? What's wrong? Did something happen?"
Killian turned to face him, and Rowan took a step back at the intensity of his glare, startled by his husband for the first time in his entire life.
"The warlock has called for me," Killian told Rowan.
All the blood drained from Rowan's face. "Wh-what? The warlock? B-but... It's been years o-over a decade, what could he possibly want from you now?"
Killian scowled, a complete change in demeanor from how Rowan usually saw him.
Sure Killian was grumpy most of the time, but never outright mean or scary. He never said or did anything that felt remotely threatening towards Rowan and yet... Something felt... Different.
"I don't know," Killian told him. "But this is it."
Tears welled up in Rowan's eyes and his hands started to shake. "N-no.... N-no, H-he... He can't do this, we... We didn't have enough time, he... No..." Tears begin to stream down Rowan's face. "I can't lose you Ian... I... I can't."
Killian just sort of stood there, making no move to comfort his crying husband, and that was when Rowan truly knew that the magic had taken hold.
He reached a shaking hand out towards Killian, "H-he said we had half an hour, Kil, please I- I can't lose you... I... You're my everything, I... I can't, we were meant to be..."
Killian did nothing, his murky brown eyes had deepened to almost a shade of black and he stared at his husband with no emotion on his face. "Or are we? You knew this was going to happen... We knew it was coming and yet, we ended up here anyways."
Rowan wrapped his arms around him tightly, his whole body shaking as tears poured down his face in earnest, "N-No.... NO, I-Ian, it's the warlock talking this isn't you... P-please I know you're in there, I-Ian, please... A-at least let me say goodbye... I... I didn't know this was going to be it, I... I can't lose you, Ian please."
Killian stood there motionless as the love of his life sobbing against him, making no move to wrap his arms around him or to give him the final goodbye he so desperately pleaded for. He belonged to the warlock now. "... I think it's better if I go now," Killian told him, all emotion drained from his voice.
Rowan let go of him, and the sight of his face contorted in such unimaginable pain brought back a flash of the green Rowan knew and loved to Killian's eyes.
"Row-" but just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone.
"NO!" Rowan sobbed, feeling powerless to do anything. "I-Ian please..."
Killian stared at him, his face expressionless once more. "... I think it's best if I go now." He hesitated for a moment more before shaking his head, as if snapping out of something, breaking him from whatever lost battle between him and the magic was going on inside his head.
"Goodbye Rowan," he said to him, before disappearing in a flash of neon green flames.
Rowan reached out towards him just before he disappeared, but it was too late. His hands caught only empty air.
"NO!" Rowan screamed, sobbing. "Nononono, he can't be gone, he CAN'T!"
He looked around the room as if Killian would suddenly reappear before sinking to the ground on his knees sobbing into his hands. "I should've stayed in bed and cuddled him," he berated himself between gut wrenching sobs. "I should've came back to bed when he asked."
Rowan stayed like that for hours, curled up on the ground, sobbing into his hands, regretting all the time he spent apart from Killian, regretting all the moments they could've shared, regretting all the years before they confessed.
He cried until there was nothing left in him to give anymore, the deep sorrow he had felt replaced by a hollow feeling of loss and hopelessness.
On shaky legs, Rowan carefully stood off the ground, wiping the dried tears from his eyes. Killian was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Nothing except hunt that son of a bitch down and free his husband from the evil warlock that had so cruely taken him from him.
As Rowan dried the last of his tears, his heartache hardened into rage, his sorrows forming an unbreakable resolve.
Rowan would get Killian back no matter how long it took to find him, no matter how many people he had to hunt down, no matter what, Rowan was going to hunt that warlock down and do whatever it took to get his Killian back.
Rowan was ready for revenge.
I actually had a lot of fun writing this despite the fact that I lost a lot of sleep and cried a lot while writing. If enough people want it, I would definitely make a part two (I don't like angst endings, so part two would end up much happier) If I do make a part two, you should be able to find the link HERE, please let me know what you thought!
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omni-scient-pan-da · 3 years
Oarmates Part 6
The Sixth Part of My Fic About The Oars by omni-scient-pan-da (One, Two, Three, Four, Five, All)
For @i-have-all-these-freakin-uwus @burntuakrisp @wh33z @reaping-mae @jo-the-nerd @emo-bi-mess @taurianskies7 @pictures-that-are-kinda-cool @iprefertheterminsane @inkytrinket-irii @that-one-queer-poc @tolookatlaterprobably
Rowan was panicking.
“Just stick to the plan, all I have to do is stick to the plan and we can end this sucker once and for all,” he muttered to himself before glancing back down at his husband, cursing under his breath. “But the original plan didn’t include Killian being passed out and in danger like this.”
He looked down at the man in his arms, glancing towards where he had first heard the noise. “Dammit... I hope Moira is okay...”
He cursed under his breath, scooping Killian up in his arms and rushing him out the cave to get him to safety.
He just had to hope that Moira could hold the warlock off until he got back.
“Well well well, what do we have here?” the warlock asked, taking a step forward, glaring at Moira. “I’m surprised you actually managed to get past my wards.”
Moira took a step back, trying to gauge how long it would take for her to find Rowan and defeat the warlock once and for all.
Not to mention she still didn’t know what had happened to her memories.
They have to be in that room, Moira thought to herself. I’ve searched the entire place, if they’re not in there then I don’t know where else they could be.
Moira took another step back, sizing the warlock up. For all his power and enemies he didn’t seem to be well prepared for an attack. Maybe he just thought his wards were that good? Or maybe he was just pretending to be caught off guard in order to get Moira to let her guard down.
She scowled internally, cursing herself for not coming up with a backup plan. They only had one shot at defeating this bastard and they couldn’t waste it. She turned around and darted back the way she came, hoping that Killian had been subdued and that Rowan was ready to continue on with the next part of the plan. Her memories would have to wait.
The warlock looked around the cave, searching behind her for something that wasn’t there. “I’m surprised you managed to get in all by yourself... Did you come here alone?”
Moira laughed, hoping the sudden rigitidy of her posture didn’t give her away. “What, you don’t think I’m capable of taking you down myself?”
The warlock continued to search for something behind her, as if he was expecting someone or something to appear behind her. It took all of Moira’s willpower not to turn and look to see whatever the hell he was looking for.
Maybe this is a good thing, she thought to herself. He’s probably expecting Killian or something, and if he hasn’t attacked me yet then that means that Rowan has managed to either subdue him or get him out.
Green sparks lit up between the warlock’s fingertips as he took another step forward, and on instinct Moira took a step back, not wanting to shorten the distance between the two of them any more than it already was.
The warlock laughed, taking another step closer, forcing Moira closer and closer to the entrance of the cave. 
“Scared of me hm? Maybe you haven’t lost all common sense after all,” he mused. “Though to come all this way and not have a plan of attack, it seems pretty foolish to me.”
Moira’s heart was pounding in her chest. What could possibly taking Rowan this long?
Rowan looked down at the unconcious Killian in his arms. He had no idea if the enchantment on his husband had actually broken or not, but he didn’t have time to figure it out now. Moira needed him and she needed him quick, this plan of theirs wasn’t going to work with just one of them.
Rowan kept moving, trying to get as far away from the cave as he possibly could. He hated the thought of leaving Killian by himself but there was no way that he could take him with him, not when his husband was still unconcious and vulnerable to attacks.
No, the best thing he could do for him now was to get him as far away as possible from the warlock and the cave in hopes of keeping him out of the warlock’s reach and therefore out of harm’s way. Everything had a limit and the warlock’s magic was no different, he just had to figure out what that limit was and then exceed it, that way no matter what happened after this battle, Killian would forever be outside the warlock’s reach.
Just a few more minutes, Rowan thought to himself. If Moira can buy me just a few more minutes then we can finish with the plan and end this bastard once and for all.
Moira steadied her nerves. This was it. The moment she’d been dreaming of since the moment she’d realized the tragedy that had befallen her. Rowan or no Rowan, she was prepared to do what needed to be done, even if it killed her in the process.
While the warlock possesed a natural born supply of magic that feuled his sinister deeds, most other people weren’t so lucky, however, they could still perform magic if they knew the right encantation and could provide something as a sacrifice of energy needed to complete the spell. Which meant that a spell like the one she had found, one that could bypass the wards on the warlock that rebounded anything that was thrown at him, was going to take even a natural born magic user an incredible reserve of energy. And for someone that had no natural born magic like Moira? Well, the spell would be downright deadly.
She didn’t have much of a choice though, it was now or never and it didn’t look like Rowan was going to make it back in time to help her pull this off. If the two of them casted the spell together, then it was possible that between the energy that resided in the two of them, there would be just enough energy to feed the magic without killing either of them.
Ideally, having a third or even fourth person to complete the spell would’ve been best, but in order to save Rowan’s husband they had to act quickly, and teaching Rowan even the most rudimentary amount of magic skills that was necessary to complete a spell of such a level had already taken them much longer than either of them would’ve liked.
She’d always known it was going to come down to this anyways. If it had come down to it, Moira had been prepared to sacrifice her life in order to save Rowan’s. Especially now that she hadn’t been able to find her memories. Rowan had his whole life ahead of him, and he had a husband that loved him, there was no need for him to waste the time he had left for someone that had no past, and no future beyond destroying the warlock.
Tears slipped down Moira’s face as the green lightning crackled between the warlock’s fingertips. Just a few more steps and he’d be in the right position for Moira to strike, caught in a spot between the runes they’d placed outside that would put him in a holding spell to trap him there. And then she could defeat him once and for all, making sure he could never hurt anyone ever again.
Rowan felt the moment when the runes activated, freezing the warlock in place. It drew on his energy, the runes providing most of the magic needed to perform the spell in the first place, but taking what it needed from Moira and Rowan’s reserves, as they’d been the ones to draw the runes.
Shit, he kept running, he had to keep running, he had to save Killian otherwise, what was the point? Moira will be starting the final spell soon, and there’s no way she has enough energy to pull it off by herself, attempting it is going to kill her.
He had to turn back, he had to go save her, go to help, go do literally anything other than keep running away.
His mind flashed back to when his village had been attacked so many years ago. The chaos raining down upon them, cowering behind Killian, watching as he made the deal that had saved them then and gotten them into this mess now. He’d been powerless to stop the warlock then. Rowan would be damned if he acted like he was powerless now. Killian was more than capable of fending for himself, Rowan knew that. It was one of the many reasons that Rowan had fallen in love with him for, Killian never took no for an answer, and would always fight for what he believed in, his strength in overcoming the warlock’s possesion had proved that even now he was capable of taking care of himself. He didn’t need protecting, but Moira, Moira he could help.
Rowan stopped running.
Instead, he set Killian down gently, leaving him in the protection of a small hidden alcove that would make sure nothing came up to attack him while he was caught unaware. 
“I’ll be back, I promise,” Rowan whispered, placing a gentle kiss on Killian’s forehead. “But right now, I have to end this.”
Rowan steeled his nerves, determination in his eyes as he stood back up, looking in the direction he’d just come from. It was now or never and Rowan wasn’t planning on backing out now. It was time to finish this.
It only took Moira half a second to be stunned back into action. The runes took hold and in the half a second the warlock took to figure out what was happening, Moira began to cast the spell she had found so many years ago on her own. She’d gone over the words thousands of times by now, every night when she went to sleep and every morning when she woke up and a myriad of times inbetween, all leading up to this moment, when the unkillable warlock would be killed once and for all.
Tears ran down her face as she knew these would be her final moments. She thought she’d been prepared to sacrifice her life for Rowan before, but now, as she spoke the words she knew by heart, her mind was left to wander, thinking about all the things that she’d yet to do, about all the simple things in life that she had taken for granted all this time, all the things that she’d always wanted to do, but had been so consumed by rage and anger and revenge that she hadn’t even realized she’d wished for.
But there was no time for thinking on that now. Between the runes and the encantation draining her reserve of energy, it was only a matter of time before the warlock figured out how to break free and kill her himself. Once she’d started the spell she knew she’d be forced to finish it, as it would kill her if she succeeded, or the warlock would kill her if she didn’t.
The longer she went on the more she could feel her energy draining, as the magic began to pull on the very energy that was keeping her alive. She hadn’t counted on this, she hadn’t thought of what would happen if there wasn’t enough in her to even finish the spell. The magic would kill her before she could even finish, setting the warlock free and having her death be for nothing, she was going to die for nothing, this was it, this was the end, and all of it had amounted to noth-
All of a sudden, she felt a hand at her shoulder, and behind her, speaking in unison was Rowan, joining her in casting the spell and taking the brunt of the burden off of her shoulders. With his energy working towards the casting, all Moira had to do was focus on saying the words, he could supply the rest of the energy needed to conduct the magic and maybe, maybe neither of them would die in the process.
It wouldn’t be much longer before the runes’ hold broke and the warlock broke free, Rowan could feel it.
Their hold on the magic was getting weaker and weaker, and if the warlock mangaged to free himself from the spell’s hold before they finished casting the spell that would kill him, there was no hope for Moira or Rowan.
Rowan took a shaky breath in, leaning on Moira to make sure he remained upright. He’d known that the encantation would draw on their energy in order to power the spell, but he hadn’t realized just how much energy it would take for them to even cast half of it. Now he understood why Moira had told him it’d be better for a third person to help them while they’d been planning the whole thing.
The magic of the runes started to falter as the warlock applied his own counteractive magic to free himself. 
At least I was able to save Killian, Rowan thought to himself, as the runes drew more energy from him in an attempt to preserve the magic that was holding the warlock in place. Hopefully, he has a chance to get away before the warlock realizes that he’s missing.
Rowan and Moira could both feel the moment when the rune magic fell to pieces. 
The warlock laughed, shaking his head like he pitied them. “Did you really think that could hold me? Rune magic of all things? Do you know who I am?”
Neither of them could respond, refusing to stop the echantment now that they’d come so far, hoping for a miracle to save them before the warlock made up his mind on how to kill them.
Green magic sparkled between his fingertips as he stalked closer towards them, knowing they were too weak to flee from his grasp, terrifying laughter spilling from his lips. “Oh I’m going to enjoy ending you two.”
He thrust his hands forward, green lightning enveloping the two of them as searing pain shot through their bodies, driving them to their knees. Still the two did not stop the enchantment, knowing it was the only hope they had left.
The warlock laughed as he walked over to them as if he had all the time in the world, pausing to kick Rowan as hard as he could in the stomach, grinning when he still did not pause the encantation.
The warlock crouched down to look Rowan in the eyes. “You’ve got a fire I didn’t expect to see in you. I see why the other one thought you were worth protecting, and easy on the eyes too? Maybe I’ll spare you and only kill your friend instea-”
Whatever the warlock was about to say was cut off as searing red magic engulfed him, freezing him in place and a familiar voice from behind Rowan began to speak.
“Get the hell away from my husband.”
A/N: Okay so I know I said this would be the last part and it definitely is the last part BUT there is an epilogue coming at... Some point? If you enjoyed this please reblog or leave a comment they give me motivation to write much faster
Also I promise the epilogue will have the happy ending I keep alluding to, everything will be fine, I just couldn't resist leaving this on a cliffhanger, it was a great last line and the epilogue will wrap everything up
Find the link to the epilogue when it's posted here
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omni-scient-pan-da · 3 years
I ignored watcher's warning about not seeing spoilers for puppet history because I have not seen the episode yet but the memes alone have me very fearful but uh-
Is now a good time to plug my oarfic for those of y'all looking for more puppet history content?
Master List of all the parts here
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omni-scient-pan-da · 3 years
Alright guys so uh-
Funny story, you know how I said the oar fic was going to be five parts?
It has been... A really long time since I posted part four but like do y'all want part five now (which is already really long) and then a part 6 (which will be the final part for real, unless I decide to do an epilogue) or do you want me to just write a mega part and post it all at once?
Because Part 5 is already 5008 words which is 1.7 times longer than Part 4 and I think it might make more sense to just add a sixth part
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omni-scient-pan-da · 3 years
And They Were Oarmates
The Fifth Part of My Fic About The Oars by omni-scient-pan-da (One, Two, Three, Four, All)
For @i-have-all-these-freakin-uwus @burntuakrisp @wh33z @reaping-mae @jo-the-nerd @emo-bi-mess @taurianskies7 @the-dumbass-multishipper @pictures-that-are-kinda-cool @iprefertheterminsane @inkytrinket-irii @that-one-queer-poc @tolookatlaterprobably
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Rowan asked, turning to Moira as they traced sigils around the outside walls of a cave.
It was hard to balance and Rowan was constantly worried about falling off the ledge, even with the rope anchoring him to Moria for safety, but apparently, if they wanted to sneak into thte warlock’s hideout undecteted they needed to do some magic of their own.
What Moira had not told Rowan though, was that in order to perform the magic that would let them in undetected, they would need to carefully and exactly trace a very specific rune on the outside of the warlock’s hideout six times, equally spaced. Rowan had no idea how any of that worked, but at this point Moira was his best shot at getting his husband back, so he figured it’d be best to just shut up and do what he was told.
“I’m pretty sure,” Moira told him.
“You can see how that’s not reassuring in the slightest, right?”
Moira just laughed. “Don’t forget that if you go down I’m going down with you lover boy.” she tugged at the rope holding them together. “Just like if you fall off this cliff I’m going with you too. If the warlock catches one of us, the other is surely doomed. So even if you don’t trust me with your life, at least trust me to look after my own.”
Rowan took a deep breath, nodding. She had a point, and they’d been over the plan enough times that Rowan’s shred of hope had actually grown enough to stand on its own. All that was left now was to execute it.
“How many more of these do we have left?”
Moira finished tracing the rune in front of her, making sure each and every line was precise before turning to face Rowan. “One more.”
“And then comes the hard part...”
Moira laughed. “Any plan in which balancing on the edge of the cliff isn’t even the worst part of the plan seems like a pretty damn bad plan.”
Rowan smiled a bit. “I don’t think it’s a bad plan persay, I just think it’s a little on the complicated side. And maybe a little death defying, but then again, I feel like most plans to stop evil warlocks are.”
Moira nodded. “You make a fair point lover boy. Now, lets get this plan into motion.”
Meanwhile, inside the very cave Moira and Rowan had been placing runes on, Killian was panicking.
Thankfully, the pain had faded after a few minutes, he didn’t think he could’ve handled much more than that. But now he was a prisoner in his own body. He could see and hear everything that was going around him, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak, he couldn’t do anything but just sit there and watch, observing the world around him unless the warlock told him to.
It was the worst feeling Killian had ever felt in his entire life. Scratch that,  it was the second worst feeling Killian had ever felt in his entire life. The first worst was when the warlock actually did command him to do something. He had no say in the matter, walking around like a marionette with invisible strings, unable to do anything as he did whatever the warlock asked of him without delay or protest.
The warlock for one, seemed to be enjoying the whole process much more than Killian thought he was capable of feeling, often asking him to do random mundane tasks around the house just to see Killian obediently do them without the ability to complain about his actions.
And while that scared Killian more than he cared to admit, it was marginally better than when the warlock would take him out with him to do whatever things it was a warlock did in his free time. He hated going out alongside him, knowing that if the warlock was attacked or threatened he would have no choice but to sacrifice himself for the vile man that kept him imprisoned in his own body.
His worst fear though was that the warlock would decide to go back on his word to leave Rowan alone, and that one day, the warlock would make a stop at an all too familiar house and Killian would have no choice but to face his husband in his imprisoned mind, unable to tell him that deep down he was still there, that he was still the Killian Rowan knew and loved - or at least he hoped Rowan still loved him - and that all he wanted, more than anything in the entire world was for the two of them to be together again. But if the warlock turned him against his own husband... Killian couldn’t think of a worse fate.
Thankfully, the warlock seemed unaware that Killian had retained his mind after the mind control spell had taken effect, giving him hope that one day he might be able to overpower the spell. After all, the warlock couldn’t hold up the act forever could he? There had to be something that would break the warlock’s concentration, or distract him just enough for Killian to be able to do something, anything to break through from the spell and get control of his own body back.
Of course, there was always the possiblity that the warlock knew Killian was still aware of everything going on around him, and had potentially even left him that way on purpose for his own sick and twisted amusement, to make Killian suffer more. But Killian didn’t know what he’d do if he didn’t have something to hope for, so he continued to try and fight the spell whenever the warlock’s attention wasn’t fully on him.
Currently, the warlock had shut himself into his potions room, working on some horrid conconction he’d surely end up using for his own personal gain and the torment to many others, having left Killian standing in the middle of the kitchen, unable to move, or sit to rest his legs, or even call out to remind the warlock that he could only stand for so long before his legs gave out. It wouldn’t have been the first time the warlock forgot to tell him to do something important. There had been quite a few times Killian had been forced to fall asleep still standing upright, or sitting on the couch, or in the middle of whatever task the warlock had last designated for him, because the warlock hadn’t remembered to tell him to lay down.
Killian mentally shook his head out. There was no time for focusing on the past when the important thing was the present. The warlock was gone, this was his chance to escape, to rebel against the spell and get back to his husband before the warlock could track either of them down.
He had long since realized that trying to get himself to take a full step to walk out of there was not going to be a successful endeavor. Instead he needed to start smaller, with twitching his finger at his side or something like that, enough to start to give him control over his body once more, but not enough that it would gain the notice of the warlock before he could fully escape. The man was much more observant than Killian would’ve thought him to be, and often noticed his more subtler attempts at disobeying his orders and quickly covered the loopholes in his commands before Killian could get away with his escape.
He had to admit, this worried him a little. If the warlock knew so much there had to be some sort of spell that would let him be tracked down should he ever escape. And the last thing he wanted to do was lead the warlock straight to Rowan if he didn’t already know where he was. His only choice was to find a way around the rebound spell and take the warlock down before he made his escape. Poison maybe? If it was an internal reaction maybe the protection spell wouldn’t be triggered. But that brought up issues all by itself. Any poison that the warlock himself had was sure to be easily detectable by the warlock, after all they were poisons designed by the warlock himself. But there was no way Killian would be able to sneak away long enough to be able to find poison to kill the man without him noticing his escape.
Killian sighed. This was going to take longer than he tho-
Wait. He had sighed.
Killian felt his hopes begin to rise, summoning up the exasperation he had just felt and trying to sigh again.
It worked! Sure it wasn’t the biggest sign of autonomy out there, but he hadn’t been able to sigh before, which meant that the warlock’s magic wasn’t infallible after all. He still stood a chance of escaping.
I’m coming Rowan, he thought to himself, more determined to get out of there than ever before. I’ll be home soon, I promise.
Little did he know his husband was just outside the room, preparing to stage a rescue.
“This is your last chance to turn back loverboy. Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
Rowan nodded. “I’m doing whatever it takes to save Killian.”
Moira took a deep breath, steeling her nerves. “Now remember, we get out of there with a dead warlock or we don’t get out of there at all. If we don’t kill him now he’ll never stop hunting us down. If you thought he was brutal when you ran into him before, this will be ten times worse because this makes it personal.”
“I know,” Rowan confirmed. “It’s too dangerous to leave him alive anyways. I never want anything like this to happen to anyone again.”
Moira nodded, adjusting the bag she carried with her, examining its contents and makin sure she had everything she needed to disable any other spells that might interfere with getting the job done. Thanks to runes her and Rowan had put up around the place, the warlock’s alarm system should’ve been disabled, to where he’d have no idea his wards have been broken until it was too late for him.
“Rowan...” Moira began. “You know there’s a possiblity that... That Killian is already-”
“He’s not,” Rowan said firmly, refusing to accept any other alternative. “Killian is strong enough to resist whatever magic shit the warlock may try and come up with to overtake him and he wouldn’t just kill a perfectly good bodyguard for no reason. Killian is fine.”
“But if he isn?”
“He is.” Rowan glared at her so fiercely that Moira had no choice but to just shut up.
“Alright, if you’re insistent that he’s okay I’m not going to argue with you... I just... I don’t want you to be too shocked if... If he’s not the way you remember him.”
Rowan sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I... I appreciate it Moira... But... He.... Killian is fine. I would know if he wasn’t.”
Moira nodded, knowing there was no way she’d be able to convince him to change his mind about anything.
“And... Are you prepared?”
“For what?”
“If... If there’s no way to get your memories back.”
Moira fell silent for a few moments. “It... It would be nice to know who I used to be... But I know who I am now and I’ve known that there might not ever be a way to get my memories back for a while. And if all else fails then at least I’ll know that I was able to stop a horrible man from doing even more horrible things.”
Rowan nodded. 
Moira smiled a bit, although Rowan could tell that it was forced. “Hopefully, it won’t come to that though.”
Rowan smiled back, trying to be as reassuring as he possibly could, although he didn’t know how good of a job he was doing, considering how stressed he was about this going well. “If I have anything to do with it, I promise you I’ll do everything in my power to help you get them back.”
Moira chuckled a bit. “I know Rowan. Now, are you ready?”
Rowan let out a breath, trying to get his hands to stay steady. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Moira nodded, turning her attention to the mouth of the cave.
The shields had been dismantled, and all that was left was for the two of them to break in and get rid of the green warlock once and for all.
Meanwhile Killian was stuck standing in the kitchen, elated over the fact that he had been able to sigh. He had no idea how he had done it the first time and so far he hadn’t been able to replicate it again, but it was a step in the right direction. Maybe he just wasn’t starting small enough. He was able to breathe on his own without the warlock tellling him to hadn’t he? Maybe he’d just been taking the whole direction thing too literally.
He had no idea what the spell had done to him, maybe it was just mind over matter? Could it have been that simple? He tried to wiggle his fingers at his sides.
Killlian sighed again. Of course it wouldn’t-
Wait, another sigh.
Was it emotionally related? But there had been plenty of times in which he’d been upset at the warlock and still hadn’t been able to do anything that the warlock hadn’t told him to.
A loud crash came from the potions room.
Of course, Killian thought to himself. He gets upset and he gets to throw a tantrum, but I get upset and all I get to do is let out a sigh.
Something moved in Killian’s peripherals. What was that? he thought. Nothing should be able to get in here without triggering the wards, and if the wards are triggered then I should be able to-
He paused, hoping and praying to whatever gods were listening that this would work.
Very slowly, using as much concentration as he could manage, he took a single step forward, internally letting out a cheer. He focused again, trying to take another step, trying not to get his hopes up as he was able to move around the kitchen freely to go investigate the noise.
After all, the warlock had ordered Killian to protect him, hadn’t he? And what kind of bodyguard would Killian be if he just sat there while something or someone broke in, especially if they had managed to get past the wards without either of them noticing.
Killian tried not to be too excited at his success. Of course, if there was an actual intruder, that meant he’d have to defend himself and the warlock from whatever danger had broken in to attack the warlock til his dying breath, despite the fact that he wanted nothing more than to let the warlock die, freeing him from his prison and allowing him to return home to his husband.
The last thing in the world he expected to see was his husband, standing in the middle of the warlock’s lair and staring at him in shock.
Rowan knew Killian was being held captive by the warlock. He knew the warlock would keep him alive. He knew that he was fine, he would’ve felt it in his heart if Killian had died.
But to see him standing there in front of him, to see him living breathing and alive, and relatively unharmed, Rowan wanted to fall to his knees and break down in tears.
His husband was alive, he was okay, he was-
Killian lunged at him
- Attacking him apparently.
“Killian it, it’s me,” Rowan protested, backing up to dodge Killian’s attacks instead of actually fighting back. “It’s Rowan, your husband, I’m-”
Tears welled up in his eyes. No, no, no, this wasn’t happening, it wasn’t happening, they were supposed to find Killian and they were supposed to rescue him, to take him back home where he could be safe and sound, and free from harm’s way of the wizard, he was supposed to be okay, he was supposed to be himself, and this was- This was not Killian.
Killian hated himself. He hated himself for being weak and he hated himself for getting trapped under the warlock’s spell in the first place. If only he had held out for a little longer, if only he hadn’t provoced the man that literally held his life in his hands, he could’ve done something to help his husband instead of fighting him, off, he could’ve escaped with his husband instead of trying to hurt him, he could’ve done- he could’ve done anything else to try and and finally get out of this place, but no, he had to run his mouth and get trapped in a stupid spell that was making him act against his will.
He was attacking the one person in the world that he loved most and there was nothing he could do to stop it. And Rowan had no idea what was happening. He couldn’t even tell him that he didn’t want to be doing this and the last time Rowan had seen him- 
Oh god, Killian didn’t even want to think about the way he had just stood up and abandoned him the day that the warlock had summoned him. He’d been acting under the warlock’s spell and he regreted not being able to give him a proper goodbye ever since he’d left him and now instead of being able to hug him and tell him how sorry he was he was attacking him. What if Rowan deemed him not worth saving, what if Rowan didn’t even want him back after all this, what if Rowan found this to be the final straw that made everything come crashing down around him. The warlock had taken everything from him and now, he was going to take his husband.
Rowan was not giving up on his husband. He hadn’t come all this way to find his husband and get him back only to give up because he faced a little extra resistance along the way. Rowan’s blood was boiling. Rebound magic be damned, Rowan was going to murder that damn warlock if it was the last thing he did.
“I’m going to save you Killian,” he told him, determination rampant in his voice. “No matter what it takes, I’m going to save you and end whatever curse that stupid wizard put on you, if it’s the last thing I do okay? It’s you and me, we’re in this together, even if that stupid magic has taken hold.”
Killian’s eyes were different this time. They seemed to soften at his words, unlike when he had initially disappeared. He had seemed so distant and uncaring then, Rowan didn’t even know if his words were being heard but now-
“He’s still in there,” Rowan breathed, somewhat in awe. “Continue with the plan Moira! See if you can find your memories, I’ll hold him off for now, Killian is- He’s still in there, and if anyone can bring him back its me!”
Moira looked between the two husbands. It was clear that the warlock had trained his bodyguard to fight well, if he hadn’t already had those skills in the first place, and with Rowan refusing to fight back...
“I’ve got it, I promise,” Rowan insisted, barely dodging another attack as he sensed her hesitation. “He won’t hurt me, I know it, whether the warlock put a spell on him or not, he won’t hurt me.”
Moira sighed. The boy was going to get himself killed. But he seemed insistent on trying to save his husband, however rash his decision may have been, and there was no point in trying to join the fight now. Rowan would probably kill her if she tried to attack his husband and they only had so much time before the warlock came back from whatever it was he was doing and then they’d have to end things quickly, potentially sabotaging her chances at getting her memories back.
She glanced back at the husbands once more before darting further into the warlock’s lair. Rowan knew what he was doing. She just had to trust him.
Killian could cry from relief. 
Rowan wasn’t giving up on him, he wasn’t going to leave him, and in all honesty, he didn’t know why he’d ever thought otherwise. 
Afterall, it was Rowan they were talking about, and no matter what had happened to the two of them it had always been the two of them together. Neither of them was planning on giving up now.
“C’mon Ian! You can fight this!” Rowan insisted, even as Killian landed a punch square onto his jaw. “I know you’re strong than this, whatever magic he infected you with is no match for you! You’re the toughest person I’ve ever met Ian, and I love you so much, you’re stronger than this and I know you can fight back!”
Killian had magic of his own, there had to be something he could use to fight against this right? 
Granted, the warlock hadn’t really taught him spells per say, all he was really able to do was unleash a surge of energy whenever his emotions got too out of control. But maybe... Maybe he could use that to his advantage. If he could somehow use the raw energy, the magic stored within him then maybe.. Just maybe he could overpower the spell. It wasn’t like the warlock could constantly be channeling energy into the spell right? Him being able to sigh on his own was proof enough of that. Which meant there had to be some sort of limit to it, all he had to do was just... Override the system right? And then maybe, just maybe he could break free of this wreched spell that had been controlling him for far too long.
A cry snapped Killian back to the present moment as Rowan was knocked back across the room.
“I’m not going to hurt you Killian!”
Tears slipped down Killian’s face. His husband was caring and loyal til the very end, even if Killian was being mindcontrolled by the man that had ruined their lives.
“I know you can fight it, I believe in you Killian, and no matter what, I love you. I’ve loved you for so long, since I was old enough to know what love is, and I’ll never stop fighting to find my way back to you. It’s always been you and me, and it always will. We’re in this together, me and you til the end.”
Killian was taking a step forward. 
Then another.
And another.
He couldn’t help it and he knew if he made it all the way to Rowan things wouldn’t end well for them. He needed to break free of the spell and he needed to do it now. He wouldn’t hurt his husband anymore, he couldn’t hurt Rowan any more, he had to finish this now, he had to break free, if he couldn’t do it for himself then he had to do it for-
Magic rippled through Killian’s veins. It had always been triggered by Rowan, that had always been the only thing to make him feel strongly enough to let it flow through him. He wouldn’t hurt Rowan, he needed to save him, he needed to protect him, not attack him.
Killian faltered. He could feel the magic within him rebelling against the spell that the warlock had put upon him. He felt like he was being ripped apart.
Killian sank to his knees on the ground, holding his head in his hands as he screamed. It hurt worse than it had when the spell had initially been put on him, but now, now he had something to fight for and he didn’t plan on letting it go any time soon. Killian loved his husband more than anything, he had to hold on, he had to do whatever he could to over power the warlock’s magic, he needed to fight.
And if there was one thing Killian was good at, it was fighting for those he loved the most.
“Killian!” Rowan cried, picking himself up to wrap his arms around his husband.
He had never heard of a scream so agonizing in his entire life and it pained his soul more than any attack he had ever felt in his entire life.
“You can do it Killian, you can do it, you can fight it, I belive in you Killian, I’m here-”
Killian choked back a sob, his arms wrapping around Rowan, holding him tight enough to nearly break his bones, going through some internal struggle that Rowan could only guess at.
Rowan ran a hand through his hair. “I’m here, I’m here... I love you... You can do it, you can do it, I know it, it’s okay, I love you...”
Killian let out another agonizing scream before falling silent, his body slumping against Rowan’s as he lost conciousness.
Rowan held him tightly in his arms, kissing the top of his head. “I need to get you out of here... It’s not safe for you to stay, not considering what we’re about to do.”
From deeper within the lair, a door swung open and the warlock stepped out. 
They were out of time.
Moira combed through the place, darting into every room, and peering into every nook and cranny.
Everything she had ever reasearched said that memory magic was always always, always tied to some sort of object that held the memories in them. 
So in theory, all she had to do was find whatever object the warlock had stored her memories in and reclaim it, and then she could remember all that she’d forgotten at the hands of such an evil man. 
Unless of course, he had destroyed the object, which meant that the memories were gone forever. 
But Moira didn’t like to think about that.
Men like the warlock didn’t just take one person’s memories and call it a day, no the warlock was stuck up, he was proud of himself, he thought he was impenatrable, the most amazing magic user to ever live, anything he did he did in mass numbers.
It was a go big or go home world, and the warlock was not one to just give up and go home. 
So naturally, it made sense that he’d want a record of his accomplishments, trophies to keep and remind himself of all that he had done.
He wouldn’t have destoryed the memories, he would’ve imbued them in something grand, and kept them in a room where they could easily be put on display. That was what Moira was searching for.
Unless of course, her analysis of the warlock was wrong, in which case, there was no hope of Moira finding her memories. 
But as long as the husbands were trying to help Killian through his mind control she had time to search for them, that was the important thing.
An earsplitting scream made her pause in her search. Either things were going horribly wrong or horribly well with Killian and Rowan, and while she hoped it was the latter, she knew that either way their time was running out. 
None of the rooms she checked had what she was looking for and if she didn’t find her memories soon, she was doomed. She needed to secure them before the battle with the wizard, not after, otherwise the magic keeping her memories sealed would disappate and no one seemed to know what would happen to them then.
She pushed open another door, peaking her head inside, only to find herself face to face with the warlock himself.
They were out of time.
A/N: Heyyyy, so I said this was coming back in June? Obviously, it is very much not June now, September is almost over, so sorry about that, but hopefully the longer part makes up for the wait. Hopefully, if I can actually stick to what I’m saying, this will have one more part for six parts in total, and then an epilogue, so uhhh... Yeah, as always, please reblog and/or comment on this fic to be tagged in the next update, (which you can find the link to HERE when it comes out) and seriously, comments make my life whether they’re in the tags or via the actual comment section, and they also motivate me to write more often so... Please leave comments! See you all in hopefully less than the three and a half months it took me to post this one and enjoy the cliffhanger!
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omni-scient-pan-da · 3 years
And They Were Oarmates
The Third Part of My Fic About The Oars by omni-scient-pan-da (One, Two, All)
For @i-have-all-these-freaking-uwus @burntuakrisp @wh33z @reaping-mae @jo-the-nerd @emo-bi-mess @taurianskies7 @the-dumbass-multishipper @pictures-that-are-kinda-cool @iprefertheterminsane @inkytrinket-irii
About six weeks had passed since Rowan set out on his journey to find his husband, and word was starting to get around that he was looking for a warlock with green magic.
Unfortuntely, he was no closer to finding Killian than he had been when he first started. Anytime he thought he’d found someone that could take him to the warlock, it turned out to be the wrong person. Every lead he had had led him to a dead end, but Rowan refused to give up hope. He’d do whatever it took to find his husband, even if it killed him. 
Right now though, things weren’t looking the greatest. Even if he hadn’t been worried about what was happening to Killian he had more pressing matters to focus on at the moment. 
Like the angry dragon that he’d accidentally stumbled upon.
Bright green fire shot past Rowan as he darted to the side of the cave. Holy shit, Rowan thought to himself. I didn’t realize dragons were so sensitive about being called warlocks.
It hadn’t seemed like an unreasonable assumption at the time, but if nothing else, this dragon really seemed to hate being confused for a warlock.
Rowan peaked around the corner, trying to gauge how far away the exit was. If he could just get past the dragon without being burned to a crisp, he could try and make a break for it. But of course, that would require him to actually be able to make it past the dragon.
“Look, I’m sorry I confused you for a warlock!” Rowan yelled, trying to reason with the dragon. “It won’t happen again!”
Green fire shot down the corridor once more and Rowan sighed. This was going to be difficult.
Killian fell to the ground, breathing heavily.
“Again,” the warlock commanded, glaring at him. 
“How many times is it going to take for you to realize I just can’t do magic?” Killian asked, wiping sweat from his brow as he pushed himself up off the ground into a sitting position. “It’s just not possible for me.”
The warlock smiled at him and suddenly Killian felt very very uneasy. The warlock never smiled, not unless he was about to do something Killian would absolutely despise.
“Everyone can do magic Killian,” the warlock sneered. “Maybe it’s just that you need a little more motivation.”
Green light sizzled through the air and all of a sudden the warlock was holding Killian’s ring in his hand. His wedding ring. The one thing that he had left to remind him of home, the one thing that still connected him to his husband, the one thing that gave him hope that he might actually find his way home.
“Isn’t it funny how something so small can give a person so much motivation?” the warlock asked, one corner of his mouth quirking up in a smirk. 
“Give it back you son of a bitch,” Killian ordered, trying to put all the force he could muster into his words, but even to his own ears his voice sounded hollow, shaky, and a little broken. He couldn’t take the ring, the ring was the one thing he had left.
“This little old thing?” the warlock asked innocently, twirling it in his hand. “Maybe having the metal on your person is what’s interfering with your magic.” He grinned sadistically and the palm holding the ring lit up in green flames.
Moving without thinking, Killian roared, lunging at the warlock. “YOU BASTARD!” he wound his arm up to punch the geezer in the gut, his own fist now alight with burning red angry magic as he swung. The only thing on his mind was how badly he needed to get that ring back, he had to have it, the warlock couldn’t take it from him, he needed it, he needed Rowan, he needed-
All of a sudden Killian flew back in the air before landing on the cold hard ground once more, his stomach on fire as if he had been the one to get hit and not the warlock.
In front of him the warlock laughed as green protection sigils flashed around him. “Reflection spells Killian, remember?”
Killian took a few deep breaths, trying to ignore the searing pain in his abdomen. “Give me the ring back or I’ll kill you.”
The warlock snorted. “As fun as it’d be to see you try, I think there are more important things at hand here, such as the fact that you can do magic.” he held up the ring, that sadistic grin of his plastered across his face once more. “And now I know exactly how to trigger it.”
After nearly getting burned to death by a dragon and numerous other failed attempts at finding his husband, Rowan was starting to get really fucking tired. He wasn’t giving up hope just yet, he couldn’t give up hope. Rowan couldn’t even begin to fathom how he was supposed to carry on without even the smallest slimmer of hope of finding Killian again.
But he was getting really really tired of all the traveling and time and energy it took for him to even find the smallest whisper of Killian, only for his plans to completely blow up in his face.
All he wanted was to find his husband, was that so terrible? Was he truly destined to endure a life of suffering without him? Constantly searching for a man that might not even want him anymore?
That was the worst part about this whole ordeal, the way Killian had acted in those last few precious moments before he had been stolen from Rowan. The warlock had to have done something to mess with Killian’s mind, right? There was no way Killian would’ve said or done those things of his own violition... 
Rowan shook his head as he walked, heading back into the inn where he had been staying for the past few nights, hoping he could get in quickly without the owner noticing that half his shirt had been scorched off. Luckily for him, Rowan had always been able to pull of a crop top.
Rowan pushed open the door to the inn, peaking his head inside to see if there was anyone in the lobby. Upon finding no one, he darted inside, thankful his room key had managed to survive his little skirmish with the dragon as he unlocked the door to his rented room and steped inside, sagging against the door as soon as it closed behind him.
“Just... Keep moving Rowan, keep moving and you’ll be fine,” he muttered to himself under his breath. “As long as you keep moving, you’ll find Killian eventually and then... And then...”
And then he really didn’t know what would happen next. He’d find some way to free Killian from that horrible warlock that had taken him? He didn’t know the first thing about magic, how was he supposed to defeat an all powerful warlock? And then of course came that nagging little voice in the back of his mind as he started to question whether or not Killian would even want him to come to his rescue...
Rowan sighed, pushing his doubts aside as he dug through his clothes to find a new shirt. He’d have to buy a new one to replace the one he’d ruined, but that could wait for another day. Right now he needed a drink and a long night’s rest before he decided which town to jump to next in search of his husband.
After changing clothes, Rowan headed out of his room once more, this time to the small tavern across the street from the inn. After taking a seat at the bar and ordering a drink he glanced around the room, looking for anyone that might have any clue where his husband could be.
“This is pointless... I’m never going to find him this way. I need to change strategies or... Or something or else I’m going to go insane.”
“They say talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, so I’d say you’re on the right track,” a voice perked up from behind him said.
Rowan jumped a little in his seat, turning around to find a cloaked woman standing behind him. “I um... I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were standing there.”
The woman smiled slightly. “Don’t worry about it,” she replied. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time... You’re the one trying to find the Le Sorcier Vert, aren’t you?”
Rowan’s eye’s widened. “Do you know how to find him?” His heart was pounding in his chest and he didn’t dare to hope any more than he already was. He didn’t know if he could handle losing hope the way he’d lost Killian.
“I can do you one better,” the woman replied. “I know how to defeat him.
Author's Note: Okay alright it's been 3 months since I updated this but I have no concept of time, so once again, special thanks to @i-have-all-these-freaking-uwus for sending me an ask and motivating me to finish this thing! There WILL be a part 4 and when I post it you can find the link HERE and I'm thinking part four will be the finale? Who knows, but there should be an updated list with all available parts HERE that includes links to the whole series, and I promise, the story will definitely have a happy ending. As before, if you wanna be tagged when part 4 comes out, leave a comment below or reblog this because seriously, I will not work on this for ages unless I have external motivation. Thanks so much for reading this far, I'm glad you're all enjoying the story so far!
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omni-scient-pan-da · 4 years
And They Were Oar-Mates
The Second Part of My Fic About The Oars by omni-scient-pan-da
For @burntuakrisp @wh33z @reaping-mae @jo-the-nerd @emo-bi-mess @taurianskies7 @the-dumbass-multishipper @pictures-that-are-kinda-cool and that one anon that left an ask that made me actually finish writing this thing (Edit: Find All Parts HERE)
It wasn’t often that Rowan got upset. For the most part, he was an angel, everyone he met loved him. Even when dealing with the nastiest of people, he met them with a smile and a bounce of his step, never letting anyone or anything get to him.
But of course, most people he interacted with had never hurt Killian.
After a raid on their villiage, Killian had made a deal with an evil warlock in order to save both his and Rowan’s life. The warlock helped the two of them escape and live to see another day, and in return, one day the warlock would call on Killian to be his faithful servant for the rest of time.
Over a decade passsed, and the two all but forgot about the deal Killian had made with the warlock. Until one day, the warlock came calling, and Killian disappeared. And now, Rowan was out to find the warlock and get his beloved husband back.
Rowan knew the task wouldn't be easy. First of all, he had no clue where Killian had gone, or where to find him, or how he was going to get him back from the warlock, or even if Killian wanted to be found in the first place.
Rowan shook his head. No, that was just the spell that made him want to leave... Killian would never just abandon me like that, not if he could help it... I just have to find a way to break the spell and then everything can go back to normal Rowan thought to himself.
He'd packed up as much supplies as he could carry, ready to journey for however long it took in order to find his husband.
Sorcery or not, nothing was going to stand in his way. Either he'd return home with Killian or he wouldn't come back home at all.
Rowan teared up as he looked around their home. It didn't really even feel like a home without Killian there with him. After all they'd been through together, Rowan refused to let some evil warlock stand in the way of his marriage.
With a shaky breath in, and one last look around the quiet empty house that had fallen silent since Killian's sudden disappearance, Rowan stepped out of the house, shutting the door behind him as he set out to find his lost husband.
First things first, he had to figure out where the warlock was hiding.
This shouldn't be too hard Rowan thought to himself. How many green flamed evil warlocks could there possibly be?
Apparently the answer was a lot.
Rowan started off by asking around town, trying to figure out if people had heard of the warlock that had taken his husband before. He couldn't remember much about the man, other than the fact that he had given his younger self a case of the heebie jeebies and had green fire-like magic.
One would've thought that with witches and wizards and warlocks having the ability to do literal magic, they would've picked a wider range of colors for their magic to appear in. But not only was green the most popular color, it also was the only lead Rowan had in regards to finding his husband. The warlock hadn’t exactly left a name after saving them from the raid on their village and leaving putting a curse on his husband. 
A pang of remorse shot through Rowan’s heart. He should’ve done something more to save him. He should’ve worked harder, done something to get Ian to stay, held onto him and never let go, found some way to undo the curse, something. Anything would’ve been better than letting him disappear.
But Rowan couldn’t focus on that now. Right now all he could do was focus on moving forward. The past was in the past and no matter how much it hurt, there was nothing he could do to undo it. The most important thing was that he tried to fix his mistakes from the past and pray that Killian would forgive him when he finally found him again.
After spending nearly an entire day walking around asking about warlocks with green magic, Rowan set out to the next town to try and find out if anyone there knew the answer. It was longer than he thought it would’ve been, he hadn’t realized how little he and Killian had actually travelled after getting married. They had liked the idea of settling down, maybe adopting a little girl in a year or so if they could...
Rowan sighed softly to himself. “I’ll get you back Ian... I don’t care how long it takes me, I’ll find you again.”
As the sun began to set, Rowan walked to the nearest inn to find a place to stay for the night. No matter how much he wanted to keep searching, he would be no good to Killian if he froze to death setting out on the cold roads at night. And he’d be even less help if he tried to push forward sleep deprived and hungry. 
After booking a room and setting down his belongings he headed down to the tavern at the base floor of the inn. He didn’t want anything to drink, neither him or Killian cared for it, but right now, Rowan just needed to be around people. The thought of being alone with his thoughts at the moment... It was just too much for him to handle.
He sat in one of the booths in the back, just watching the people go by and twisting the wedding ring on his finger. Somehow he had to find someone that knew the warlock. And then he’d be able to get his husband back.
Meanwhile, across the land, the matching ring was being twisted around another’s finger.
“It can’t stay on forever boy,” The warlock scowled as he glared at his mortal bodyguard. “The metal will interfere with the magic.”
“I still don’t see why it’s necessary for me to learn magic in the first place,” Killian shot back, continuing to twist the ring around his finger. “Wouldn’t that just make it easier for me to escape from here?”
The warlock laughed. “Like I would teach you anything useful enough to help you escape.”
Killian glared at the ground, twisting the ring around his finger a little faster, as if to remind himself that it was still actually there.
“Besides, you entered a magical contract when you shook my hand all those years ago child. And no matter how powerful you may get, there’s no way to break a magical contract. You swore to be my faithful bodyguard for the rest of your mortal life in exchange for helping you and your little boyfriend-”
“Husband,” Killian intergected, though the warlock just continued on like he hadn’t said anything at all.
“-out of that burning village.”
“That you were attacking.”
“I never said magical contracts were always fair, or that the circumstances under which they were formed was always perfect, just that there’s no way to break them,” The warlock smirked, and it took nearly all of Killian’s willpower not to step forward and punch him square across the jaw.
Not that it would actually do any damage to the warlock himself of course. There were safe guards against that. Any physical harm Killian tried to enact on the warlock would end up rebounding back on him, whether he tried to physically attack him or poison his food. Killian had had to learn that one the hard way.
“What does any of this have to do with me needing to learn magic?” Killian asked.
“You can’t be my bodyguard and not know how to protect me against magical attacks as well as physical ones. Otherwise you’d just be a little human flesh shield and you’d be dead after a few hits, and that’s really not fun for anyone involved.”
Killian glanced down at the ring on his finger once again. He had no idea where he was, or where Rowan was, if there was any hope of seeing him again, or even if Rowan would want to see him after all this. It was possible that Rowan would want nothing to do with him after all was said and done. After all, he was the one that had left him. Killian couldn’t blame him if Rowan had wanted to move on. To find a less cursed husband. He had said from the beginning that accepting the warlock’s deal was a bad idea and yet he had taken him up on it anyways.
The warlock scowled, impatient. “Look boy, either you can take the ring off now, or I can take it off for you, and since you can still learn counterspells with nine fingers, I’d suggest you take it off of your own violition that way you can keep all your fingers and that stupid metal band.”
Killian hesitated for a moment before slipping the ring off his finger and slipping it into his pocket. He felt as if he was betraying Rowan somehow, dishonoring his husband by taking off his wedding ring, especially under the circumstances. But he didn’t have much of a choice. It was either take the ring off or let the warlock take it from him forever, and at least this way he’d still be able to hang onto it.
“Alright fine then, teach me your countercurses or whatever, I’ll bite,” Killian said, his voice unwavering despite the way he felt inside.
The warlock smiled. “That wasn’t so hard now was it?” his hands lit up, green glowing orbs floating in each one. “Now it’s time for the real work to begin.”
Author's Note: Haha, okay, so funny story, I was writing this because of this one anon and as I got to this point I realized it was a pretty good stopping point and since people are actually still interested in this I figured I'd finish the story and then lo and behold I realized that I should probably break the story up a little more, so there WILL BE a part three which I will link HERE when I find it and potentially a part four depending on how part three goes. I promise it will eventually have a happy ending and I'll tag the same people I did for this part in part 3 as well as anyone that reblogs or comments on either part one or part 2 (unless you don't want me to, then I totally get it, just lmk I won't be offended) Anyways, thanks for reading this far and hopefully part 3 will come out soon!
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omni-scient-pan-da · 3 years
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is this ever happening?
I straight up did not see this til now, and apparently you sent this a week ago---
Part 5 coming in like soon... I am formatting it now
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omni-scient-pan-da · 3 years
Oar Fic Part 4 just dropped ;)
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omni-scient-pan-da · 3 years
>;( hi it's been more than 15h friend (x)
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omni-scient-pan-da · 4 years
Not that anyone particularly cares, but I DID start writing a part two to my oar fic, so if someone wants to go to my ask box and motivate me to work on it, that'd be great
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Writing Master Post
So all my writing can be found in one place ;)
And They Were Oarmates
A series about the gay oars from Puppet History
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Epilogue/Part 7 (Yell at me if this isn't posted by the end of March)
Grishaverse Fics
Anything I've written about any of the characters in Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse or the S&B Netflix Show
The Green Eyed Merchling
Tales of Arcadia Fics
Anything written for Trollhunters, 3 Below, Wizards, or Rise of the Titans
Alternative ROTT Ending
The Owl House Fics
You guessed it, any fic I've written for the Disney Channel Show: The Owl House
Hootlingo - Origins (Crackfic)
Writing-Prompt-s Stories
Includes anything I've written based off a prompt from the famous @/writing-prompt-s
Wrong Timeline
Poetic Ramblings
My edgy semi-vent poetic sounding ramblings, these are all okay to reblog btw
Second Place
Who Needs Friends
Writing Before Death
Written In The Stars
Do You Lie Awake At Night?
Daily Writing Challenges
Mostly challenges from my summer writing camp but maybe if I'm feeling productive I'll do some unprompted too
Tuesday, June 1st, 2021 - "What's Life Without Adventure?"
Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021 - "Adventure Is Out There"
Wednesday, June 9th, 2022 - "Adventure Is Just A Little Ways Away"
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