#the nurses office is literally on the other side of campus
Half of my time in class seems to be trying not to pass out
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teegeeteegee · 2 months
Nintendo High - Season 1: Episode 1
Well, here it is: my commentary for the first episode of Nintendo High.
Warning: there will be spoilers in this and future commentaries, so I suggest not reading them if you don't wish to be spoiled before watching. Without further ado, let’s get right into it. 😊
The first shot is the Mario brothers’ house from the Paper Mario series. A nice inclusion right at the beginning:
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Next, we have Mario and Luigi getting ready for their first day at Nintendo High, and the two could not have any different outlooks. Luigi is all excited for a fresh start, hoping things will be better than his previous stops. He even hopes to find love, with the show not so subtly foreshadowing a potential love interest for him:
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Mario, on the other hand, treats it like it’s no big deal and wants to sleep in longer. Luigi, however, wasn’t having any of it and all but forces him to get ready for school.
The two traveled through multiple lands before reaching the school, which looks like some fancy palace (may post pics later assuming I don't reach the pic limit).
Upon entering the school, we see Bowser acting like the big man on campus. He’s boasting about his new car while taunting the other students:
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While most of the students are in awe, Mario makes a crack about Bowser overcompensating for something: 😂
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Unfortunately for the brothers, this did not go undetected by Bowser, and he confronts them:
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Luigi tries to defuse the situation, but Bowser is having none of it:
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Mario makes the situation worse by taking another shot at Bowser: 😂
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Bowser then gets into Mario’s face and vows to make his and Luigi’s stay at Nintendo High miserable. Mario, however, stands his ground and stares fearlessly at Bowser:
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After Bowser leaves, Luigi gets upset with Mario for antagonizing Bowser and placing a target on their backs. The brothers then argue, with Luigi mentioning their parents being the boiling point for Mario. Mario snaps at Luigi and leaves him in the hallway alone:
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As Mario stomps down the hall, he literally bumps into Peach and appears to become smitten with her:
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He apologizes to Peach, and Peach is quick to forgive him. She is friendly towards him during a brief conversation and even volunteers to show him around if needed before leaving. Mario watches her leave in awe:
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Mario then meets DK, who lauds Mario for stepping up to Bowser. He introduces Mario to a few friends of his and invites Mario to hang out with them:
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From here, we see how the first day of high school treats the Mario brothers. Mario has zero issue fitting in and is enjoying himself with his new friends. Luigi, however, is having a miserable time since he’s alone and unfortunately having to deal with some bullies. The sequence culminates with Luigi being tied to a tackle dummy and getting hit so hard by a Chargin’ Chuck that it sends him to the nurse’s office:
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Luigi wakes up to Mario and Nurse Joy checking on him. To make matters worse, Mario brags about how great Nintendo High and inadvertently makes Luigi feel bad. Luigi tells Mario he wants to go home, which confuses Mario since Luigi was the one who looked forward to attending school the most. This causes Luigi to tearfully snap at Mario for being selfish and not even caring to think about how he was doing before running off:
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Nurse Joy dismisses Luigi as a crybaby right after. Talk about harsh!
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Luigi tries to get to his locker (which looks like Gameboys by the way) only to have Wario and Waluigi block it. On a side note, it’s hilarious how Mario and Luigi talk normally whereas Wario and Waluigi have exaggerated Italian accents:
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Luigi politely asks the two to move. However, they jeer him to the point where he forcefully shoves them out of the way:
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Needless to say, Wario and Waluigi didn’t take too kindly to that. Wario presses Luigi to the lockers and is about to introduce him to his fist. However, guess who arrives just in time to save the day?
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Mario tells Wario and Waluigi to leave his brother alone. However, they taunt him and threaten to beat him up as well. Waluigi goes after Mario, but he is no match for Mario’s agility and is easily beaten. Seeing his comrade defeated, Wario sets his sights on Mario and charges at him with a shoulder tackle. Once again, Mario is too quick and effortlessly leaps over Wario. Wario, having built up too much momentum, runs over an innocent Toad before crashing headfirst and getting stuck in a wall. He farts a couple of times for good measure:
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Luigi thanks Mario for saving him, and the two apologize to each other for how they acted earlier. They vow to get through school and face any challenges together from now on, and that’s where the episode ends:
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This episode set the tone for the series and established Mario and Luigi as the main character. There were a number of Easter eggs sprinkled throughout, and the humor landed most of the time. If I had to pick my favorite parts, it would be the Mario/Peach meeting, setting up a potential pairing with the two, and the contrast of how Mario and Luigi’s first day went. I also thought the arguments made great moments, especially the one in the nurse’s office. This dialogue by Luigi really hit home:
“I thought this was going to be my time to shine. A-A new start for me! You know, everywhere I GO I get stepped on and OVERLOOKED! You won’t ever know what it’s like to be number two.”
It references how Luigi was overlooked and the butt of jokes by Nintendo for a while in the real world. In the show’s setting, it devastated him because he wanted to have a fresh start and have things bounce his way for once, only to return to how things were implied before attending Nintendo High. I can’t help but feel for the guy. Unfortunately, this vulnerable moment by the unfunny gag of Nurse Joy disdainfully calling him a crybaby right after. Nevertheless, Mario coming to Luigi’s rescue and the two making up in the end was a nice payoff.
Another point of interest was Mario and Luigi’s parents. Luigi mentioning them really hit a sore spot for Mario, to the point where he lashed out at Luigi and left him alone. It made me wonder what happened to their parents, and why Mario got so angry at the mere mention of them. Minor spoiler alert: they are briefly referenced again in subsequent episodes, but that hasn’t been anything major about them up to the latest episode. Regardless, I hope this storyline is explored again at some point.
Lastly, I have to mention the budding rivalry between Mario and Bowser. Without spoiling anything, this angle was one of the highlights of the first season.
Overall, this was a great episode and one of my favorites in the series. I posted the first episode in case anyone wants to check it out and perhaps discuss it and others with me. 😊
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estherdedlock · 3 years
Can’t stop thinking about this: I’m sure that Henry knew Richard was freezing to death in Leo’s warehouse. He knew. And he waited. He waited until his rescue could have the most impact.
This came to me yesterday morning about two hours after I read the last page. The sorcery of The Secret History is in how it pulls you into the mad, insular  world of these characters so that you can’t see what’s happening until much later, and then it’s so blindingly obvious you hate yourself for being so deluded. But it was there all along.
Henry was back in Hampden, and on campus, for weeks before he shows up at the warehouse. Dr. Roland spots him more than once. Richard himself sees Henry from the window in Dr. Roland’s office. He sees Henry standing there looking up at him. Richard is sitting in a lamplit window at dusk, so Henry could see him too. He knew exactly where Richard was. He could have just walked up to Dr. Roland’s office that night. But later, when Richard is in the hospital, Henry says,
“...I didn’t know where you lived. The only address I had for you was in care of the college. This afternoon I asked around at the offices.”
I don’t believe Henry had no idea where Richard was living until that afternoon. I think  Henry knew exactly where Richard was and what state he was in, but he came back from Rome knowing that he would need Richard on his side, and so he bided his time. 
At the end of the novel, Richard realizes that Henry has been playing him:
“It was obvious, now, that his decision to tell me was a calculated move. He had appealed to my vanity, allowing me to think I’d figured it out by myself...and I saw this now...he led me right to it, coaxing and flattering all the way...Because they couldn’t have done it without me. Bunny had come to me, and I had delivered him right into Henry’s hands.”
But before the coaxing and the flattery, Henry softened Richard up by literally saving his life...but not saving it too soon.
And the thing is? Donna Tartt softened me up too. She softened me up with exactly the kind of hurt/comfort scenario that I shamelessly indulge in when I read (and write) fanfic, in a scene that’s so fanficky I would think she had lifted it off AO3 if the book hadn’t been written years before AO3 existed. It’s so good, i just have to repeat it here:
  We stood staring at each other across the room for a moment or two.   ‘Henry?’ I said at last, my voice scarcely more than a whisper.   He let the cigarette fall from his fingers and took a step towards me. It really was him---damp, ruddy cheeks, snow on the shoulders of his overcoat. ‘Good God, Richard,’ he said, ‘what’s happened to you?’   It was as much surprise as I ever saw him show. I stood where I was, staring, unbalanced. Things had got too bright. I reached for the door frame, and the next thing I knew I was falling, and Henry had jumped forward to catch me.   He eased me onto the floor and took off his coat and spread it over me like a blanket. I squinted up at him and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. ‘Where did you come from?’ I said.   ‘I left Italy early.’ He was brushing the hair back from my forehead, trying to get a look at my cut. I saw blood on his fingertips.”
Then, of course, it gets even better, with Henry literally not leaving Richard’s side in the hospital. He lends Richard his own “heavenly soft” monogrammed pajamas, brings him books to read, fiercely reprimands the nurse when she’s so late with Richard’s medicine that he can’t breathe. Oh..bestill my sappy heart! It’s all too much!
I will admit that up until this scene I was not sold on this book. But this did it because I am a sucker for good hurt/comfort and this is very good hurt/comfort. This was the point of no return for me...which makes it all the more shocking to consider that the whole rescue was probably as calculated as Henry’s flattery. Rescuing someone who’s in a tight spot is good. Rescuing them when they’re near death? So much better. That’s the kind of thing a person never forgets. 
Damn you, Donna Tartt.
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drakeandkatherine · 3 years
Reunion- Ch 2: alstroemeria (Drake x MC TRRAU FanFic)
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Hello! I am so excited to show you guys the second chapter to Reunion!
I’m sorry this took sooooooo long to upload. My personal life has been super hectic lately, and I haven’t had time to really write! 
(Drake, Liam, Hana, Maxwell and any other The Royal Romance characters belong to Pixelberry! Katherine Delacroix belongs to me!)
Series Overview: Reunion is a short series about Drake Walker and Katherine Delacroix, along with their friends, Maxwell, Hana and Liam. In this series, we see the gang at a high school reunion, five years after they’ve graduated. There will be flash backs, taking place up to nine years ago (the start of high school) up to when they graduate. You’ll get to see how the gang came together, and how they fell apart, only to come back together, and the main focus is how Drake and Katherine come back to each other after years apart.
All chapters of this series are named after flowers, with certain meanings. This chapter is named “alstroemeria”. It has meaning of friendship, love, strength and devotion. They're often thought to represent mutual support. And the ability to help each other through the trials and tribulations of life. This chapter, it flashes back to where the group of five became friends.
Word count: 1578
Warnings: adult language, mentions of death and drinking
Tags: @burnsoslow​ @drakewalker04​ @marshmallowsandfire​
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
Katherine and Hana spent the rest of their first day back after five years in Cordornia preparing for the next night. They tried to plan out just how long they would stay and who they would talk too if those people showed up.
“Hana, are you really sure we should be there that long? I feel like two hours is more than enough time to say hi, have a drink and get the fuck out of there.” Katherine complained as she fished for her pajamas in her suitcase.
“We came all the way here for this reunion, we might as well stay longer than two hours; possibly even the whole time, Kat.” Hana said, a small chuckle escaping her lips. “Besides don’t you wanna see Olivia again?”
“I don’t really want to see much of anyone to be honest, Hana. I’d rather go get a couple drinks and maybe say hi to Olivia, if she even shows up and then I want to bounce.” The truth was, she did miss Olivia and all the fun nights the three had during junior and senior year, she just wasn't going to admit it.
Hana shook her head and continued to put away her clothes in the dresser that they shared in the room as Katherine changed into her pajamas. “Should we order room service?”
“I think a better question is, can we order alcohol?” Hannah laughed.
The next day as Katherine was preparing herself mentally, her mind wandered back to sophomore year of high school, the year that Hana and her became friends with a few others who soon had become the closest thing to family she had had in a long time. Family, she sadly remembered, that barely talked to her or Hana anymore.
8 years ago
Liam and Drake were two of the most popular boys at the high school. Both were star football players and in the winter, star basketball players. A lot of the girls tried their best to get the boys to notice them, but sadly none of their efforts worked. It wasn’t until one Saturday in detention that they met two other girls who would soon become their best friends, as well as another man who was known for his shenanigans.
“Alright, this is Saturday detention. All of you know why you are here. Your assignment for today is to write an 1000 word essay on how you recognize that your actions have consequences. I will be in my office which is just down the hall and I will come check on you periodically to make sure you are writing quietly. Once the bell rings at 3 o’clock, you’ll be dismissed and can go home for the day.” Dean Constantine told the teenagers, a strict tone in his voice.
All of the students rolled their eyes but complied nonetheless. After about an hour of trying to focus on anything other than the assignment, a tall boy with sandy brown hair finally spoke, breaking the silence that hung in the room.
“All right, I’m kind of over the silence. Not sure if anyone else is, but hey guys, I’m Maxwell. I’m in here because I made a stink bomb in science class and the teachers weren’t so happy about it and neither were the other students.” He smiled triumphantly as if he was proud.
“That was you? I’ll never be able to get that smell out of my nose. Good job.” Katherine smiled. “I’m Katherine and I’m here because Hana,” she paused and pointed to Hana who sat next to her. “and I decided to go off campus for lunch and they found out and caught us when we were coming back.” She looked at the two boys sitting side-by-side a few rows behind them in the classroom. “What about you two?”
“Someone on the junior varsity team was giving me some lip, so, I punched him in the lip.” The darker haired boy said, holding up his hand to show the bruises on his knuckles. Katherine eyed him, wondering how strong he was.
“I got in trouble because I tried to break up the fight but the coach thought I had helped start it, so thanks to this one I am in yet another Saturday detention.” He playfully shoved his friend.
“Oh please, Liam. You would’ve been here regardless just because your dad makes you come here.” Drake laughed.
“Who’s your dad?” Hana asked.
“Well as Drake so helpfully mentioned, my dad would put me in Saturday detention regardless because it’s his way of keeping an eye on me. My father is the dean of the school, Dean Constantine.” Liam said, a somber look on his face.
“No shit, are you serious?!” Katherine asked, her eyes wide.
“Sadly.” Liam replied, expression flat.
“So what you’re saying is that you can leave whenever you want because you’re just gonna be here next Saturday anyway? Why are you here then?”
“Let’s just say it would be hell at home if I ditched.” Liam grimaced.
“And what would he do to us if we just got up and left?” Katherine asked, Hana giggling next to her.
“He probably would just give you guys another Saturday detention to be honest. Most of the students here never do anything that would require suspension or expulsion.” Drake explained.
“I think it would be wise if you guys just got through this day and not provoke the beast.” Maxwell chimed in, not wanting to get into any more trouble, as he was in Saturday detention almost as often as Liam.
“Really? Because I say that when it gets to lunch time we all sneak out, get past him and then ditch this place and go to the beach or something.”
“Katherine as much as I love that idea I really don’t wanna have another Saturday detention. My parents would literally kill me.” Hannah said with a frown on her face.
Katherine didn’t much care what happened to her but she did care what happened to her best friend, so, even though it frustrated her and as much as she wanted to leave this hellhole, she nodded, agreeing, before saying “You’re right, Hana, we should probably just stick it out and then go back to my house.” She looked at the three men surrounding them. “I know we just all met each other but you guys are welcome to come with us to my house afterwards. My grandma is a nurse and she works mostly night shifts so she’ll be gone, meaning we can raid the liquor cabinet.” Last year, Katherine would have never asked this to anyone besides Hana. Becoming friends with Hana had made her enjoy life again, made her want to make friends again.
“You drink?” Liam asked, sincerely.
“Usually Hana and I will sneak a couple drinks sometimes but we don’t usually drink.”
“Well if your grandma has some whiskey, I’d be down.” Drake said. “My old man, before he passed, would drink whiskey all the time. Sometimes he would let me have a little sip. I always told myself once I was old enough I have glass in his honor.”
Katherine’s felt tugs on her heart strings. She felt for Drake since, she too, knew the pain of losing a parent. The difference is that she lost both of hers. Though she didn’t really know him so she didn’t know if his mom was still in the picture.
“All I know is is that I don’t want to deal with my brother when I get home so I'm gonna go where you go, Katherine.” Maxwell said, saluting her as if she was the group’s leader.
“And then there was one.” Katherine smiled at Liam.
“Well I have nothing better to do and it’s better than going home to my dad who's always in a bad mood, so, sure I’m down.” Liam smiled softly, a hint of sadness showing before he quickly looked away, hiding his emotions.
“All right, it’s settled then. After we get out of here we will follow Katherine back to her place and we’ll have a good time.” Hans said, clapping in her hands in excitement.
As soon as 3 o’clock came around and the bell dismissed them, Katherine took off running as soon as she was out the door, the rest running close behind her. ”Come on guys, what are you? A bunch of snails?” Katherine laughed as she ran on ahead.
Drake and Liam quickly caught up to her. “You wish we were snails. Not our problem you decided to choose a race between two star football players.” Drake smirked. Maxwell caught up to them a minute later saying “And I’m on the track team!”
Katherine slowed down matching Hana’s pace, chuckling. “Jokes on them, they don’t know where I live.” The girls laughed when the men came to a stop, wondering where they were going. Katherine then proceeded to show them the rest of the way to the house and instead of running they walked.
“Hey, Kat, are you okay?” Hana’s voice snapped Katherine out of her memories. She turned her head and looked at her best friend in the entire world, who had a worried look on her face.
“I’m just having a little anxiety about tonight. What am I going to say to him if he shows up?” Katherine said, panic showing on her face. If he showed up, she didn’t know what she would do. Katherine wasn’t sure if she was ready to face the reality of what happened to them.
“I think you’ll know when the time comes. I can’t tell you what to say, it wouldn’t be authentic.” Hana gave her a small smile. “Now come on, it’s time to put on your make up and get dressed!” Katherine threw a pillow at her, making both of them laugh.
“Okay. Let’s do this.” She said, rising from the bed and walking to the bathroom to start her make-up. Katherine wasn’t sure how tonight would go, but she couldn’t run anymore. She had to finally face him.
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ofaprilflowers · 4 years
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- part 2: home? - 
warnings: descriptions of injuries, not too detailed.
tags: shout out to my first-ever requested tags, @sista7-7​  @softieus​ and @marrambles​ yay! Thank you for reading and sorry for the late update TT. Hope you guys enjoy :)
disclaimers: I am not a medical professional, this is all part of my imagination and totally made-up therefore is in no way accurate. If you find any part I could improve on, do tell. I would appreciate the feedback. Other than that, enjoy! <3
It took another week for me to finally be discharged. A week of rehabilitation and physiotherapy (which Dr. Hwang said would be continued after my discharge TT). I had lost strength in my extremities and also my sense of balance. This, I found out after almost falling down right on my face when I attempted to climb out of bed for the first time. Almost, well because thankfully, he was there. 
My parents had arrived the night I woke up. My mother immediately cupping my face, tears brimming in her eyes while my father just took my hand in his and smiled every time I looked his way. 
It felt surreal, honestly. My family and I were close. But we were not exactly the type to be crying and holding each other, or professing our love for each other. We were the laugh-at-each-other’s-life-problems-cuz-I-had-it-worse-than-you type of family. Then again, for me it felt like I was waking up from a long nap, while for them, they didn’t know whether I would make it or not so, fair enough.
Turns out, the accident was pretty bad. My head had to be stitched up and so now there was a nasty gash above my left eye (it was definitely gonna scar but let’s not think about that right now). My arms where full of cuts and scrapes from the broken windshield. My legs and chest, badly bruised. Dr. Hwang said they had healed fairly well in the past two weeks, but I still cringed at how ugly they looked every time I caught a glimpse. He also mentioned that I was lucky not to have sustained any other serious injuries other than my head trauma. I was grateful of course, but losing my memory was deleterious enough. 
I woke up every morning feeling confused as to why the heck I was at a hospital and it took a few groggy minutes to remember. Sometimes it took seeing Jaehyun- either curled up asleep on the armchair or standing next to the window with a cup of coffee in hand- for me to come crashing back into reality. 
I learnt through my mother- who had attempted to fit the past 2 weeks of my unconsciousness along with the last 6 years into a 2 day crash-course- that Jaehyun was the only one who stayed at the hospital every day and night. My mother had stayed the first week, as my condition stabilised however, she opted to visiting daily. That also depended on whether my father was available to drive her 45 minutes to the hospital from home. You see, my parents were rational people, but I couldn’t help but feel a tinge of hurt. I mean I was laying unconscious on a hospital bed yet there were still other important stuff to be handled. Well, as they say, life goes on, right? Kind of made me think if I had just hallucinated the tears brimming in her eyes the other day.
While my mother would babble on about looking on the bright side and starting my life again, Jaehyun’s presence was like having a burden be lifted. I know I’ve lived most of our “acquaintence-ship” hating him, but I made a mental note to properly thank him for this in particular. On every occasion that my head felt like it was about to burst from the overwhelming information my mother was flooding me with, he’d interject, naturally bringing her focus to something other than trying to piece me back together. Often times he’d ask her to join him for a cup of coffee, or show her things he was currently working on. I’d close my eyes then and pretend to fall asleep.
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“So, you’re saying, I should continue my life ‘as normal as possible’. Meaning?” We (the doctor and I) were currently in his office. By tomorrow morning I was finally leaving. Goodbye to the sanitary, boring hospital, hello to......well, life?
The doctor had explained all the procedures and follow-up appointments that were to come. Both to Jaehyun and I. Then, we talked about going home and that’s when I realised, home had changed. I don’t know how we had avoided addressing it, or maybe I was the only one in denial of it. I mean throughout the week after regaining consciousness, although Jaehyun was there, we barely talked. Mostly because I became a selective mute, and he, well I guess he was respecting my space?
Dr. Hwang had noticed the awkward silence that had passed after he mentioned about going home and quickly changed the subject, calling in a nurse to guide Jaehyun in signing my discharge papers or something. After he left, the doctor didn’t hesitate in putting on what I call his “uncle-face”.
“As normal as possible, meaning that it’s better if you return to your daily routines prior to the accident,” he explained for the nth time.
I fidgeted in my seat. “But, wouldn’t that cause me more distress? It’s a life a barely know.” “Astrid,” he began, straightening his back. “I understand how hard it my be for you to wrap you head around all this. 6 years is a lot. But it is your life. Your experiences and memories throughout that period were real, and you deserve to remember them. You need to give your life a chance.”
Well, damn. He had a point. He should’ve been a therapist instead.
“And, what if my memories don’t come back?” I prodded.
“Well then, at least maybe you’ll learn more about yourself.” Okay, then. Here we go, Astrid.
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We live in a loft?!?!
Pretty sure my eyes were bulging out of my head but wow.
Eyes wandering around the space, I tried to take in everything at once. This was certainly NOT what I had expected. This can’t be real right? I must absolutely be dreaming.
“Welcome...home?” Jaehyun said.
My head snapped in his direction, mouth agape. He smiled sheepishly, his infamous dimples popping out, his hands tucked into his jean pockets, his shoulders lifted briefly. He looked like a child, shyly presenting to the world his greatest creation. I almost smiled. Almost. 
“You like it?” he asked.
I scoffed. “For real?”
My eyes turned back to the space he had referred to as home. Well, it didn’t feel like home (yet. Remember Astrid we’re giving this a chance), but yes, I absolutely love it!
I took in my surroundings again and this time, couldn’t help the smile that crept up my cheeks. 
The space was gorgeous. It was big, but not huge. It was small, but not tiny. It was spacious enough to have everything and more. There was an L-shaped sofa that could probably fit 5 or maybe even 7 people if squeezed in together. There were even 2 more smaller ones in front of it. Perfect for a small gathering. Opposite the living room was a kitchen, with a small kitchen island. God, I’ve always dreamed of having an island. There was another floor and at the stairs leading up to it were ceiling-high windows with a bumped-out seat, all set with pillows on one end and potted plants on the other. It looked like the perfect spot to read or stargaze at night. I walked into the living room, the brick walls were covered in framed movie posters and artwork, some smaller frames containing pictures which I guessed were probably a collection of memories.
I stepped closer and caught a glimpse of some familiar faces in unfamiliar settings. One photo caught my eye. It was a photo I remember, taken earlier this ye- I mean well, early 2017, right after graduation. I was sandwiched between Jungwoo and Ten, holding up a peace sign to the camera. Jaehyun on Jungwoo’s other side, hand around the latter’s shoulders. Others in the picture smiling widely, so many poses, so many expressions. Literally, it felt like yesterday. 
“You remember that?” Jaehyun probed. 
I smiled. “Yeah, just a couple weeks before Taeil’s birthday bash, right?”
Then, something flickered in my mind. Of Jaehyun, smirking at a table with his friends, of them exchanging words and laughter, of me hearing something I probably shouldn’t have. Jaehyun had many circles of friends, being the typical extroverted, super-friendly campus sweetheart. This circle was one I wasn’t quite familiar with, least to say I didn’t really like them. I felt my cheeks heat up as my blood boiled at the thought of that memory.
“You wanna see upstairs?” Jaehyun’s voice pulled me back into reality. I turned to look at him. He was standing right next to me, looking almost exactly the same as the Jaehyun I knew. The Jaehyun that I couldn’t stand being in the same room with. The Jaehyun that always had a competitive, mischievous glint in his eye. The Jaehyun that would take every chance he got to argue with everything I said. The Jaehyun that made me feel like I had to defend everything I had. 
There was a slight difference, though. The competitive, mischievous glint was somehow...softer. It made me confused, because I was angry, but looking at him now, I don’t know who to be angrier at. Me, or him?
“Ummm, I think, I just- I just wanna lie down,” I tore my eyes away from him and took a step back, putting just a little more distance between him and I.
I saw his fists clench and unclench a bit at his sides. A moment passed until he said, “Yeah. Sure,” walking back towards the doors he picked up my hospital bag and gestured towards a room behind him.
“This is actually, um, our bedroom, but don’t worry, I’ve moved most of my stuff upstairs so this space is all yours,” dropping the bags on the bed, he stepped aside to allow me in. It was a beautiful room, with slanted windows, decorated with some more plants. 
“So, feel free to look around, get used to the place and all. Oh yeah, um, this is the bathroom,” he opened a door on the left of the room, then gestured toward a closet in front of the bed, “Your pyjamas are in the top drawer and, uh, well, um, everything else is-”
“I’ll take a look,” I smiled at him briefly.
His eyes landed on mine for a moment, then quickly looked away. 
“Yeah, okay, so um, I’ll be outside, if you need anything just, um,” his hands, one scratching at the back of his neck, the other gesturing undecidedly, “yeah.”
“Okay,” I said.
“Okay,” he replied. He stood there for a second, then turned to leave the room.
“Hmm?” he snapped his head towards me, eyebrows lifted in question.
“Thank you,” I breathed.
I saw a bit of tension leave his body. “You don’t need to thank me, Astrid,” he replied softly. “This is- this is your home too.” With a tight-lipped smile, he closed the door behind him.
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The Principal's Office pt. 2 - Michael & James
(The following is fantasy. All characters are 18 or older.)
I didn't cry, as I kissed his shoes, or as the nurse who came in 'checked me for damage', as she put it. Apparently, that's mandatory after a beta student gets smacked in the nuts. Apparently, getting smacked in the nuts might be something I have to try my hardest to get used to.
James was long gone by the time I really pulled myself back together. I was so glad that Claire was waiting for me outside the office though. If you're going to go through something like that, you really do need to see a friendly face on the other side of it.
It was so shocking. Up until today, even after Selection made things weird, I'd have said that James, Claire and I were best friends. We *literally* went to kindergarten together! And then out of nowhere for him to just ... Anyway, when Claire put her arm around my shoulder and asked me how I was, and I could see on her face how bad she was feeling for me, that's when I cried.
I was so angry, and hurt, physically and otherwise, I tried to talk but the tears just streamed down my face. Claire held me close. I needed that so much. I started to blubber something about James, and how could he, but she just cut me off. And I couldn't believe that the words she'd said had come out of her mouth.
'James was right.'
I was sobbing, with a black eye and bruised balls, and my best female friend was telling me my best male friend was right to have done it. I felt a rage rise up in me, but when I pulled back from her hug to look at her, I could see how hard it had been for her to say it. How much she was hurting for me. So instead of screaming, I just bitterly asked her what the fuck.
I don't deserve a friend like Claire. Because, sad to say, she was actually right. She was right that James was right. She had seen the nurse come and go, and she knew enough about how things worked to guess the rest. And James hadn't done anything wrong.
Claire pointed out that all James had done was trip me, which wouldn't have even been the hugest deal before Selection. Just a dumb prank. I was the one who called him a name, and in front of people.
Claire's voice softened, like she was pleading with me to understand. I knew how important it was to her for the three of us to get along. She'd always been the glue. She went on, reminding me that alphas have to command betas' respect. They have to do what it takes, including, if necessary, a black eye or a nut-shot. And a beta, which, like it or not, is what I am, has to learn to take it.
I cried even harder when I realised she was right. I just had to learn to deal with a fucking crappy situation. It isn't like I have an alternative. I hope James isn't too pissed at me for disrespecting him like that. Claire is right, her and James are the best people to help me get in the right mindset, to get through this. Because they're my friends, and they care about me, it'll be easier to get used to how things are, with them.
I can still barely believe she had me crawl behind her when we went to our last class of the day. Or that she ordered me to show Lucy my bruised balls, when she asked Claire about 'your pet's black eye'. But I knew it was working. With Claire metaphorically holding my hand it was a lot easier to deal with. And this *is* the life I have to get used to.
The way Lucy giggled at my bruised sack though. The way Claire joined in. I knew she had to do it, but fuck if it didn't sting. When the final bell rang, I walked Claire home. I was still stressing about James, but she said she'd take care of it. I knew she would.
She said all I needed to do was get through my homework, and get a good night's sleep. And to be at her place bright and early in the morning, to carry her bag as we walked to class. I said 'Yes, Ma'am' and she grinned, patted me on the head like a puppy, and said, 'Good beta'.
Coming from Claire, it didn't feel so bad.
Most. Fucked. Up. Day. Ever.
This wasn't what was supposed to happen. None of this. When I tripped Michael I wasn't trying to be all sadistic alpha. I was just being a dumbass, the same as any other day. Selection wasn't that long ago. Maybe I'm still getting used to the extra female attention, if you see what I mean. Like, I haven't exactly used my authority yet, in that area. They do say to take your time, and wait until you're ready.
Maybe that's why I let those girls convince me that doing something stupid like tripping up 'some loser beta', to show that I was getting into the swing of being an alpha, was a great idea. I figured Michael would get that I was just showing off for some honeys. I was gonna say sorry and thank him later, for the assist. No biggie. The next thing I know, he calls me a fucking dickhead in front of everybody. I didn't want to hit him, but if I hadn't, everybody would have thought ... And then that scene with the Principal. She said I had to do it, for him, me, school discipline, possibly national security. Fuck ... That woman is intense.
As soon as she let me go I was *gone*. Cut the rest of the day's classes and went home, feeling like shit. What the fuck was Michael going to say the next time I saw him? Or Claire? I felt so sick to my stomach the moment I realised that Claire would hear what I'd ended up doing to Michael.
By the time classes were over back on the campus, I was knee-deep in tribal warfare on a distant planet, thanks to the miracles of modern gaming. Just trying to take my mind off things. I probably would have continued battling my people's ancestral enemies well into the night, but I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket.
Claire just said 'I'm at your front door. Put down your virtual weapons and let me in.' She'd clearly guessed why I hadn't heard the doorbell. When I got downstairs and went to open the door, I just felt so sad about the way things had gone down. I was expecting her to be furious with me. But she just looked worried, and more than a little sad herself. Still I expected her to tell me how bad I'd fucked up.
Instead she looked at me, serious but calm, and asked me if I was ok. And when she saw the look on my face she just stepped through the door and gave me a huge hug. I hadn't realised how badly I needed one. I didn't cry, but I was a mess. She led me back up to my room. She was always the strong one, out of the three of us.
I told her that it was hard to believe she'd just stopped by to check how I was doing, given what I'd done. She took my hand and told me not to feel bad. Said that it had been Michael's choice to disrespect me like that, and that everything after that had just been me doing what I'd had to do.
When I pointed out that I was the one who'd tripped him, she said alphas need to learn to behave like alphas, and she made me look in her eyes as she said that I'm an alpha now. She talked softly about how everybody has a place in things. I have to be an alpha. Michael has to be a beta, and that means learning to swallow his pride. Which is true. A public outburst like that, out in the real world? The punishment would be a *lot* worse.
And then she smiled and said that she had a place in things too. I think my brain kinda stopped working right around that point. I honestly couldn't believe where she seemed to be going with this. Her fingers lightly stroked the palm of my hand as she said the Selection isn't just about how boys treat each other, after all. Girls like her also have a role to play.
Like, for example, if she happened to find herself in an alpha's bedroom, part of her role was to be ready and willing to drain every last drop of cum from his beautiful alpha balls, absolutely any way he wanted ... Holy fuck ...
Asking a girl if she's serious, when she's already rubbing your dick through your sweatpants, doesn't exactly scream 'cool and confident', does it? But I mean, it's Claire! I've literally known her as long as I can remember being alive. The three of us have always just been ... us. But the way she was looking at me; that was new.
It was hard to think after she'd pulled down my waistband, as her fingertips stroked my suddenly rock-hard dick. And her words, the things she was saying ... That as an alpha I have a duty to live like an alpha, and women, like her (did she actually just wink at me?) have the honour and pleasure of giving alphas like me what they need.
She told me it was about time I started playing my part, fully. I don't fully understand how the smirk on her face was so sexy to me, as she said that being an alpha isn't all fun and games, like kicking betas in the nuts. It's also hard work, like fucking hot sluts in their tight holes. She saw the look on my face, and just grinned. 'What, too soon?'
My brain still wasn't working right, but I still laughed at that. Her hands were still stroking and caressing me. She got me naked, and sat me down. "Ok, stud," she said, "I have two questions for you, and in a few minutes I expect answers to them both. The first is which of my holes would you like to cum in first? The second is which 3 of our female classmates do you want to fuck this week?" I think I just stared at her, with my mouth open. She asked me if I understood, and I just nodded.
She asked me if I'd like some inspiration, while I considered my options. I just nodded again. With another of those strange, new smiles on her face, she got down on her knees between my legs. Then she opened her mouth, and leaned forward. And then I found out what heaven feels like ...
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Updated 13 December 2021
Rest of the Masterlist.
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Star Wars in a Harry Potter world.) Platonic by MeadowHayle (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After sharing a heat with his best friend and roommate Rey, Ben finds out he accidentally got her pregnant. Since he has been in love with her for years and Rey is opening up more and more to him things get a little complicated during the pregnancy.) puppy love by hi_raeth (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ren the golden retriever plays an integral (and adorable!) role in his humans' love story throughout the years, from the day Ben first asks his college classmate Rey out to the day Rey lets her husband Ben know they're expanding the family.) Rocky Mountain High by reyloanne (AO3 2019  Rated M Complete, 11 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Pro tennis player Ben Solo suffers a season-ending injury in the finals of the US Open, prompting a personal crisis that leads him back home to Colorado. He just may find more than he was searching for along the way in the form of a pretty park ranger named Rey.) Smooth Seas don't Make Good Sailors by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Socially Anxious Ben visits the same cafe every morning and has fallen for the sweet waitress, Rey. Everyday he writes down a lovely thought about her, folds them into a boat and leaves it behind to be swept away into the trash.) Sunshine and Gunpowder by rightforlife (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 8 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: She’s a teacher who would do anything to protect her student. He’s a glorified hitman with a heart of black gold.) The Five Times Ben Stole Rey's Halloween Candy and the One Time He Bought Her Some by AnneAnna (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: They meet when Ben Solo tries to steal Rey Kenobi's Halloween bucket and Rey hits him over the head the with her plastic lightsaber. They eventually become best friends and then more. This is just all the Halloween Fall Fluff in the world.) The Grandmother's Curse by hearts_0f_kyber (rw_eaden) (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Canon Era CD, Quick Synopsis: When she said it, Leia meant it mostly in jest. “One day you’re going to have a child who’s exactly like you. Remember that, and know they’ll be ten times what you were.”) The Soiled Doves by fernybranca (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 28 Chapters, Regency AU, Quick Synopsis: Luck raised Miss Rey Jakku from the streets into the household of Baron Luke Skywalker, and he willed her a fortune beyond the dreams of wealth—earning her the eternal hatred of Benjamin Kylo Skywalker Organa Solo, His Grace of Alderaan, who had counted on his uncle's money to rebuild his ruined ducal seat. But hatred bleeds into obsession, obsession into love, and the rules of the haut ton are strict.) The Wedding Necklace by daughter_of_the_fifth_house (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 21 Chapters, Canon CD, Quick Synopsis: Nambi Ghima sensed Rey’s longing for a family and gave her a wedding necklace for her future husband - the necklace Kylo Ren ripped off Rey's neck. Which means getting married. First Order Officer Tishra Kandia is confused why she had to analyze said necklace. She and a lot of people – and droids – on both sides of this war wonder about the marriage of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and the Jedi Rey. The only thing is… Rey and Kylo don't even know they’re married.) the world shifts (and I am better here) by lachesisgrimm (olga_theodora) (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 32 Chapters, Sleeping Beauty AU, Quick Synopsis: Once upon a time there was a beggar girl whose parents sold her to a thief, and she was very unhappy. In which prophecy is used with malicious intent, and the universe exerts itself to correct the problem.) why do we have to go and make things so complicated? by WellDoneBeca (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 29 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: TW: traumatic pregnancy. Flatmates Rey and Ben dance around the bush too much, and never reach anything. So one night, when they are too drunk and sleep together and he pretends it never happened, Rey takes the rejection like an adult and tries to move on; but when she falls pregnant and the only possible father is no other than Benjamin Skywalker Organa Solo, there are some hard decisions she has to make. How long can someone hide a pregnancy from their flatmate and colleague without getting caught?) Words Unspoken, Thoughts Unsaid by SteadfastStar (girl_in_a_dream) (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Ben form some dubious ideas about each other after various encounters on the train. Ben thinks Rey is pregnant. Rey thinks Ben is a virgin. They’re not.) Your Body Was Black and Blue by 5wans_Kenobe (AO3 2021  Rated M Complete, 20 Chapters, Canon CD, Quick Synopsis: Unable to remember his path through time, Kylo Ren cannot fathom why a worthless scavenger is trying to heal his broken body.) your name (twine it with mine) by lachesisgrimm (olga_theodora) (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "Alone at Christmas? Mad at your dad?  I’m a thirty-year old alpha with years of experience in dealing with difficult family dynamics. If you’d like to have me as your strictly platonic date for Christmas, but have me pretend to be in a very long or serious relationship with you to torment your family, I’m game." Beggars, Rey decided, grasping for any lifeline, can’t be choosers.)
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trashfor-imagines · 4 years
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How I Met Your Mother Father: Haikyū Edition! | 2
Ft. Oikawa / Iwaizumi / Ushijima / Tendo / Semi
Summary: How you met your husband-o! Warnings: I took creative liberties regarding Ushijima’s story and how the Olympics work. Also I’m sleepy and going back in and editing my mistakes. :)
Part 1: Ft. Kuroo / Bokuto / Akaashi / Yaku Part 3: Ft. Daichi / Sugawara / Asahi / K. Ukai
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Oikawa Toru
You and Oikawa met in university. You were studying for a degree in Kinesiology & Sport Science and your goal was to get into Sports Medicine and work for one of the National or Olympic teams.
It was by chance you joined the men’s volleyball team as their manager. You originally gunned for track and field, but a mishap with your train pass at the station made you late for sign ups.
On your first day of practice you arrived early to get a head start on things - ordering uniforms, getting sports drinks ready, gathering clean towels. You were coming back from the laundry room when a ball was headed straight for you. Fear reached your knees decided to lock them in place so your first instinct was to block, holding your palms out, but the sheer force and velocity caused your hands and the ball to be thrown back, still smacking you in the face and quite literally knocking you off your feet.
Lying there, you wanted the gym floor to open up and swallow you whole.
“Are you ok?! I’m so sorry!” Eyes fluttering open, you looked up into brown eyes, wide with worry.
“Well boys, this is your first year team manager. Oikawa! I thought I told you first years to stop showing off! Take responsibility and help her to the nurse’s office. When you come back you’ll be doing flying laps until I say stop,” the coach yelled, blowing a whistle and signaling the start of practice.
He picked you up easily in his arms, some of the boys who were out of earshot of the coach whistling at him. Now that you weren’t lying on the ground and he wasn’t so close in your face, you could really take in his features and god was he handsome. You really did wish the ground had swallowed you whole.
The nurse flashed a light in your eyes. “Well, you’re definitely going to have a bruise.”
“You don’t have to stay with me,” you told told Oikawa as the nurse looked you over for signs of concussion.
“I feel bad; I just want to make sure you’re ok,” he reasoned, giving you his most charming smile.
“If you feel bad, then you can make it up to me later instead of using me to stall facing your punishment.”
“It’s a deal. No take backs, my cute manager,” he sang, quickly escaping before you could rebut.
And that’s how you ended up going on a date with Oikawa Toru and marrying a year after he went pro.
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Iwaizumi Hajime
You sighed, resting your chin in your hand as you watched Iwaizumi from across the library. While most girls at school fawned over Oikawa, you were absolutely smitten with his best friend.
Letting your shoulders drop, you turned back to your textbook, tapping your pencil eraser to the tip of your nose as you bit down on your lower lip, clueless that the boy who’d invaded your thoughts had noticed you.
Months later and graduation was today and it was official. You’d spent the whole year pining for a boy you’d never ever spoken to. In a month you’d be starting college and hopefully someone new would catch your eye.
The summer wasn’t exciting. You spent your time packing for Tokyo and wandering around town, hoping to catch even a glimpse of Iwaizumi in passing; no luck.
You were starting classes at UTokyo in a few weeks for two degrees in Creative Writing and Publishing. You wanted to write stories and if you couldn’t do that then you wanted to help people get their stories out there.
First day of classes were incredible. Everything was interesting and you were reignited with a new sense of excitement. You’d almost forgotten about why you were so mopey before.
It was Wednesday and you were on your way off campus to find lunch when you felt your heart skip. There he was just across the courtyard; Iwaizumi.
Was he seriously here too? Gripping your hands tightly around your book bag, you considered your options.
New school.
New city.
New you.
Breathing steady, you quickly crossed the courtyard. The closer you got the stiffer your body felt and the more your hands shook until you couldn’t walk anymore. Your feet were glued in place and you watched as Iwaizumi walked right past you.
As weeks passed it was like high school all over again. Now that you’d seen him once, he seemed to be popping up everywhere and it was driving you mad. You even saw him at a coffee shop off campus the other day.
You sat in the library, studying for your first exam. Nervously, you bounced your restless leg as you tapped your pencil’s eraser against your forehead, frustrated.
Things were supposed to be different.
You barely registered when someone sat next to you.
“If you aren’t careful, you’ll leave a mark on your face.”
Your face flushed and you dropped your pencil; that’s Iwaizumi’s voice. Almost mechanically, you turned your head and met his gaze.
He sat with his body turned toward you, arm propped up at the elbow with his cheek resting on his fist.
“I wasn’t sure it was you, but now I’m positive,” he said, smiling at you. Smiling at you. You’d only ever dreamed.
“You know... who I am?”
“Well yeah, we went high school for three years together.” His voice was teasing and everything you ever wished for. “I was always busy with school and volleyball, I never gave myself a chance to talk to you.”
“You wanted to talk to me?”
“I might have seen you looking at me a few times.” There it goes. Called out. You were a stuttering mess. There was no way you could play it off now. 
Letting you flounder a bit more, he rested his hand on your bouncing knee, sending a jolt of electricity through you, and that expression on his face told you he might have felt it too.
“(Y/N) why don’t we go out and we can catch up for lost time?”
And that was how you and Iwaizumi Hajime became inseparable ever since, marrying a few years after starting your careers after college.
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
The Olympics were almost every athlete’s dream.
You were raised to play, eat, breathe, and dream gold.
Gold medals that is.
All your life you’d been on national teams and qualified for the Youth Olympics in Track and Field at 14.
Now, four years later, you were off to the actual Olympics. You were boarding the plane to London for athletes who were heading over early. It was a long flight with a layover in Turkey.
Dressed in leggings, your Team Japan Olympic sweatshirt, and slipping on a pair of comfy house shoes you wore specifically on planes, you snuggled into your window seat, gazing through the small frame of glass.
You snapped out of it when you felt someone sit in the seat beside you. Turning, you felt your jaw slack slightly at the large and fit build seated right next to you.
Okay, full disclosure, you were boy crazy deep inside. Your parents didn’t allow dating and drilled into you that boys were just a distraction from your dreams.
“Go for gold. Boys come later.”
But holy shit. He was looking right at you too. Oh my god, was he talking to you? What was he saying?!
Oh right.
Smiling, you reached up and removed your earbuds. “Sorry, what was that?”
“My seatbelt.”
You felt your mouth run dry. His voice. Was life serious right now?!
“Sorry,” you laughed lightly, reaching under your thigh for the belt strap, handing it to him. You might have handed it to him in a way so that your hands touched on purpose. Maybe you didn’t. All you knew was that you wanted to keep talking to him and you definitely wanted to touch him.
“Thanks,” he spoke simply, buckling in before facing forward.
 Okay, you mouthed silently, straightening up in your seat. Tucking a stray hair behind your ear, you turned to him again. “I’m (Y/F/N), Olympic Track and Field.”
He turned to look at you. “Ushijima Wakatoshi. Volleyball.”
A man of few words? “You know, I think I recognize you now.”
“We were featured in the same article in Number last month.” His voice was blunt.
Your eyes widened. “Wow! You remembered what article we were both in?”
He didn’t respond, but by god, he just said more than just three words to you and it was a full sentence. You gave a few more tries at making conversation, but he had no response. With a sigh, you shrunk into your seat and put your earbuds in.
You weren’t sure when you’d fallen asleep, but you were awakened by a jerking and shaking motion. An arm was wrapped tightly around you as the cabin continued to shake and rattle.
A ding sounded and the captain made an announcement: “Sorry passengers, but we’re currently experiencing some turbulence. We’ll be adjusting our flight pattern. Please stay seated with seatbelts fastened.”
The hand on your arm tightened, but you were tucked tightly into his side to where you couldn’t adjust your head to look at Ushijima’s face. Reaching over, you placed one of your hands on top of his and he adjusted to hold your hand tightly, as your other arm stretched across his torso, holding onto him.
Even when the plane moved into less turbulent air space, he continued to hold onto you and eventually you slept again.
He woke you up when you landed in Turkey and asked if you’d spend the layover with him in the airport while some of the other athletes left to explore. Though most of the conversation was one sided with you talking and him listening, there was a connection and when you finally made him laugh, you knew you wanted to always be the reason for his smiles.
When you finally reached London, you spent as much time as possible with one another before the events began; morning runs in the city, sightseeing, eating meals together, taking tons of photos together.
You’d won gold in the 500 meter. The volleyball team won bronze.
When the both of you finally returned home to Japan, the two of you stayed in contact as more than just friends, but he’d never label your relationship out loud.
That’s how you and Ushijima Wakatoshi, medal winning Olympians, ended up together, keeping your relationship on the down low and out of the press for two years and marrying just before the next Olympic Games.
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Tendo Satori
As far as you were concerned, Tendo was an insensitive goof.
You had known him since you were babies, your mothers were best friends, and by god he was the most annoying force to ever appear in your life. Your childhood was filled with plenty of hair pulling and teasing.
It was embarrassing when girls started growing breasts and you were still flat as a board. His teasing was unrelenting. And when you finally grew some semblance of breasts? You didn’t even want to get started on that nightmarish period of life.
When high school came around, he was like a second shadow to you, never far. It was irritating, but you tolerated it.
He wasn’t an idiot, managing to also get into Shiratorizawa. He also knew when you were reaching your limit with him and he’d instantly change his behavior, turning into the sweet and gentle boy you first knew.
Hell, you even welcomed his attention at this point. There weren’t any other boys looking your way. As soon as you’d start talking to a guy, the next day they’d avoid you like the plague.
He was your best friend.
You hated him.
You loved him.
Second year didn’t seem to be any different from first year. Valentines Day came around and a boy you’d been crushing on rejected your chocolates. It was absolutely embarrassing.
You studied in the library, keeping yourself mentally preoccupied, while waiting patiently for Tendo to walk you home after school, you only hoped his practice didn’t run late like normal.
You heard girls whispering about your rejection earlier. It was so hard to not just break into tears. You’d been holding them in all day.
After a couple hours, you slammed your book shut, temporarily stopping the whispers while you packed and left, waiting for Tendo outside of the school gates.
“Hey washboard!” came his cheery voice.
Biting your lip, you kept your head down as you walked with him down the street. You hadn’t made it ten steps before stopping, trying to hold in your sobs. Reaching into your bag, you pulled out your thoughtfully wrapped rejected box of sweets and held it out to him.
“Weren’t you going to give these to that Suzukita guy on the swim team? Chicken out?” He turned the box over in his hands.
Balling your hands into fists, you snatched the box back from him. “Look Sato, if you don’t want them then just say so!”
He took a better look at your face, noticing streaks of tears down your face. With a small growl, he snatched them back before tearing into the box, eating a couple of pieces. “I didn’t say I didn’t want them!”
Shoulders trembling, you let yourself cry freely.
Tendo frowned, brows furrowed in worry. Stuffing the chocolates into his bag, he held your hand, pulling you along with him and walking you home silently. No jokes. No teasing. Just the sweet boy who always made you hold his hand when you were toddlers.
Your troubles weren’t over just yet though. White Day came along and you weren’t ready for the horror show of feeling alone again.
The day was uneventful. You hardly spoke to anyone. Even your girl friends avoided you so they didn’t accidentally make you feel bad.
White Day was lonely and it sucked.
Thankfully, the day didn’t drag out and Tendo didn’t have practice, just a quick team meeting, so you waited at the front gates like normal.
“(Y/N)! Ready to go home?” he asked, ruffling your hair.
You shrugged, running your fingers through your hair in an attempt to fix it.
“Hey.” He caught your wrist, gaining your full attention. Holding out his hand, he offered you a small white box with a white ribbon. “Here.”
Carefully, you accepted, removing the ribbon and handing it to him. You opened the box and a small smile made its way onto your face. Marshmallow chocolates. You got them once when you were little from your dad. You shared them with Tendo and hadn’t had them again since.
“Thanks, Satori,” you whispered, unable to meet his eyes.
He reached forward and grabbed a lock of your hair, clumsily braiding it before tying the end with the white ribbon from the box.
Reaching down, he took your hand, walking you home. As the two of you walked, the hand holding yours began to fidget. Glancing over you watched as he slipped a white beaded bracelet from his wrist onto yours.
Stopping, you let go of his hand to look at it. Peeking up at him, you caught the faint blush on his cheeks before looking at the hand made kid’s bracelet carefully.
“It’s true. I... I love you, (Y/N).”
And that’s how you and Tendo Satori ended up attached to each other for life, getting engaged after high school and marrying after college.
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Semi Eita
“What can I get you?”
Those were the first words you ever spoke to him. He was dressed casually and brooding at the bar you worked.
At night, you worked at one of the many tiny bars in Shinjuku’s Golden Gai, a huge tourist trap, and during the day you were a student at Bunka Fashion College.
He wasn’t much of a talker and wore an unmovable scowl, but he bought drinks all night and didn’t bother you unlike the other customers.
You were surprised when he showed up again the next night, and the night after that, and again after that.
When he stepped into your tiny bar for the sixth day in a row, on a Monday night, it was almost automatic the way you moved, pouring him a whiskey before setting the glass and bottle down in front of him.
It was pretty quiet tonight. And late. There wasn’t a ton of activity. In fact, your only other customer left within the next thirty minutes, leaving you and Mr. Serious alone.
“Let me know if you want something different for a change,” you said, laying out some books on the counter before hopping over the bar and taking a seat at one of the eight stools - the only seating in the whole place.
“What are you reading?” His voice surprised you. Honestly, you almost forgot he was there.
“Ah, it’s for one of my classes. History of sewing, basically. Kind of boring, but they say I have to learn it,” you shrugged, laughing a little.
“Where do you go?”
You smiled at him in a teasing matter, holding a finger up to your lips. “Can you keep a secret?”
He quirked a brow. “Promise.”
“Hmm... I guess I can trust you,” you teased, “I go to Bunka. Students aren’t supposed to have jobs so my life’s in your hands, okay?”
He scoffed, masking a laugh that almost escaped him. “Sure.”
From that night forward this was a common theme. He’d stay late and when it was just the two of you left, you’d have deep conversations and talk about anything and everything either of you could think of.
You learned quite a bit about him.
He was a musician in a band and a civil servant.
He was stressed about some projects he was working on, which was why he started coming to the bar.
He liked “your calm energy” and how you didn’t bother him; that’s why he kept coming back.
He played volleyball in school and was a setter.
His favorite food was tekka maki.
He was a Scorpio.
His friend used to tease him a lot in high school about how he looked in clothes so now he tried to be more conscious of how he dressed.
Soon your relationship evolved from just bartender-patron. He was inviting you to his concerts and asking to see you during your time between school and work.
You recalled him mentioning wanting to find a new casual jacket that didn’t make him look weird, so you spent a few days in your design class making him a jean jacket you thought would flatter him.
He met you outside of the school building one evening - the two of you had plans to go to a night market for dinner and try the different stalls. It was supposed to be chilly so it was the perfect time for you to give it to him.
“Semi! Here, this is for you,” you said, holding out a simple gift bag to him. You literally finished today, applying some patches and last minute details. “Go ahead and open it.”
“(Y/N)... This is exactly what I was looking for.” His normally grumpy expression was softer as he held it up, examining it. He noted there wasn’t a tag and he was pretty sure there was the tiniest bit of blood on the collar. “Did you really make this for me?”
You stuttered, “I-I know y-you were having a hard time finding something you liked so I thought you deserved something you wanted.”
“I... deserve what I want?” he repeated, looking you in the eye.
A blush flared across your cheeks. “Well... Yeah.”
He paused, taking in your face and how different you looked when you were flustered. “I want to date you, exclusively.”
And that’s how you became the musician Semi Eita’s girlfriend, marrying a year later.
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weirdponytail · 4 years
@shepgarrus tagged me!
Rules: tag as many people you want to catch up with/get to know better and answer these questions!
Three ships
• Shakarian is pretty dope and just so soft. I can’t wait to cuddle the space velociraptor in 4KHD. 
• Modern Inheritance!Eragon and Arya because canon version is...way too fast and a lil squick. Is it fair to tag my own version of a ship? Who knows. 
• Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye (Royai) (internally screaming)
Last 5 songs you listened to
• Winside - Reapers (Mass Effect 3 Leaving Earth Dubstep Remix)
• Colter Wall - The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie 
• The Dead South - Gunslinger’s Glory
• Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - Save My Soul
• Jeff Williams - Sharkface/Rooftop
Currently watching
I got introduced to the 90s ‘dramedy’ ER, and it’s freakin’ DELIGHTFUL! I love it!! and I can skip all the weird scenes with inter-office romance, WHICH ISN’T EVEN A MAIN PLOT!!
Currently reading
'Wrecked on a Reef -or- Twenty Months Among the Auckland Isles,’ the written record of Francois Raynal about his and his companion’s twenty months shipwrecked on an island. You can read it for free online here! 
It’s actually really quite interesting! I’m a sucker for survival, and these 5 guys worked well together, supported each other, and went nearly two years on this tiny little island. Out of the 5 men on the Grafton, their ship, not one of them died. Meanwhile, on the LITERAL OTHER SIDE of the SAME ISLAND, 4 months into the Grafton men’s time shipwrecked, a ship called the Invercauld also wrecked, with a crew of 25. Only 3 survived. Neither group had contact. But only one cared for its sick and injured. Can you guess which? 
I highly recommend it.
(...I’ve also been reading a lot of ‘Docs/Nurses of Reddit, what’s your worst XYZ’ threads. For hours. Just...so terrible. But so horrifically satisfying to read for some reason.)
How’s it going?
I’m goin’ okay! I just finished my semester with Bs in both my courses (thought I would be half on campus so reduced my load) despite some just really hands off ‘teaching’ for the main one. I’ve got a medical scan tomorrow that’s gonna hopefully shed some light on something that’s been bothering me for two years now, but super anxious about the scan procedure. I’ll be okay though! 
Looking forward to my archeology/anthropology heavy course load this fall. Have a few games that need playing during the break, and I have 20 lbs of flintknapping stone waiting for me under the tree come Christmas. Plus I now have time to write more stuff when the fancy strikes, so here’s to that! 
Tag It!
Who to tag, who to tag..... mmmmm, @shows-up-naked-covered-in-bees,  @someeragonmemes, @archangelsunited, @whattheduck94 aaaand @falconfate
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Mikan Tsumiki crushing on the SHSL Theatre Actress
·       Falling for the Super High School Level Theatre Actress came as naturally to Mikan as falling every other time, very clumsily and seemingly out of nowhere. Even she herself wasn’t sure when, how, or why it happened.
·       Could it have been the day you first met? The day she, literally fell for you. Mikan found she hadn’t been getting enough sleep as of late, so she decided to go strolling around the campus grounds to try to tire herself out a little. As she was walking between the endless rows of stone seats which made up the theatron, the abrupt and sudden booming of a voice ringing out from the theater below startled the wits out of her. “Where’s your passion, your drive!? You’ll never be an actor with such a weak will! Now put some effort in or I swear to the god-damn starts above, I’ll run this whole production myself and play.. Every.. Single.. Last.. Role! If I didn’t know any better, I’d have the right mind to say it’s as if no one but me cares about this!”
·       Slowly creeping out from her hiding place behind the seats Mikan saw there were some people on the stage. One in particular caught her eye though, a woman. After a person seemed to have read some lines, the woman looking figure snatched the script from them. Mikan was instantly entranced. After taking but a glance at it, she tossed it back to the other person. Then she spoke. Unlike before there was no scalding, unbridled fury, yet so much raw emotion burst forth from her lips. There was this purpose in every last movement, from the twitch of a finger to throwing out her arms amplifying the emotion in that heart stopping performance. Each step had meaning, even the step that threw her off stage!
·       ... Wait, what?
·       Getting so enraptured in the moment she didn’t realize she was performing just a little too close to the edge of the stage and fell off it! Without even a second thought Mikan leaped from her hiding place and raced for the woman… herself falling in the process and winding up tumbling the whole way down. Truthfully Mikan was used to the feeling and was able to immediately hop up to her feet. You, however, were very thoroughly confused as a pretty yet disheveled looking lady gently lifted you to your feet and told you she was taking you to the nurse’s office.
·       Quickly you found yourself laying on a stiff bed with an ice pack wrapped around your head. “Is the bandage too tight? How are you feeling?” Your cheeks flushed a bright pink as you hid your face behind your hands. “Awful! What I said wasn’t wrong, but I yelled at everyone.” Curling up into a ball, you rolled over onto your side wanting to just disappear. “Oh, ah, uh, I’m so sorry!” “Huh, what? Why are you apologizing!?” The nurse girl looked to be a wreak as she just kept apologizing.
·       Perhaps Mikan’s crush began because she saw you so often at the nurse’s office. From that moment at the theatron onward, not a day went by where you didn’t have to visit the nurse’s office and Mikan. This pleased and distressed Mikan to no end. She loved getting to help you, but the reason for you coming by so much worried her. It seemed you were always getting into trouble. You were always so willing to help with the more dangerous aspects of prop setup but you never took the proper safety precautions, like not wearing a mask even when sawdust filled the air, or climbing unsteady ladders without a thought, or attempting to lift items that were clearly too heavy for you, and on and on this list of reasons went.
·       Even outside of the theater you weren’t any better. Mikan was helping you get to the nurse’s office after you managed to hurt yourself the umpteenth time that week when rehearsing. As you two were walking across a bridge that connected two buildings you hear that high-pitched irritable voice. Hiyoko Saionji. You were going to ignore her since she was on the ground and you on a bridge till you heard that… ‘nickname’ “Pig puke.” “I shouldn’t be surprised; she even talks bad behind your back.” You spoke through gritted teeth under your breath so Mikan just barely caught what you said. “Y-Y/N? Are you hurting?” Then before Mikan could react, you jumped off the bridge. Her scream filled the air as you crashed into and tumbled out of the tree below. “Hey ugly brat! Maybe if you feel such a need to be the living embodiment of shit, you’d actually target someone who’s willing to dish it back and not just take it!” Despite your head ringing and our body absolutely covered in bruises and cuts you managed to stagger to your feet. It was then you actually saw Hiyoko, tears in her eyes. “Really? So you can call people names but when the situation is reversed you cry!? If you can’t take it yourself then don’t treat others that way shit breath.” That was the last thing you got out before Hiyoko ran away crying and you collapsed onto the ground.
·       Moments later Mikan was already by your side. “Y-Y/N! Why did you do that!? You’re so hurt!” “I couldn’t just let Hiyoko call you awful names!” “Y-y-you don’t need to bother with something like that for me!” “Mikan! Damn-it why are you like this!? You need to be able to stand up for yourself!” “I-I’m so very sorry!!” “M-Mikan, I’m sorry for yelling at you!” “I’m so sorry for making you yell!” “I’m sorry for making you feel like you have to apologize!” The rest of the day was spent patching you up as you two kept apologizing for apologizing and upsetting the other.
·       Maybe… Maybe Mikan got a crush on you because you always so brightly smiled at her when she talked about things she was passionate about. How you seemed to be kind to her, even when she wasn’t doing something you asked her to or wanted. You even listened to her when you weren’t injured or hurt. At first you seemed to shy away, which Mikan would apologize for making you uncomfortable which would get you to apologize for making her think she did something wrong, and you two would just apologize to one another for the rest of the visit.
·       After a month or so of visits Mikan noticed how you began to warm up to her, even asking her to hang out during breaks. It was quite strange seeing how bold you were on stage or when angered then at all other times being quiet and shy, to the point of hiding behind Mikan when someone approached the two of you.
·       Then after even more time you invited Mikan to watch you in rehearsal. It was always a marvel to watch you on stage, how your shy demeanor melted away as you gave your entire being to your performance.
·       Whenever, however or why ever it happened, it was undeniable Mikan had grown a crush on you. She found herself getting so excited and dreading to see you next. She found herself going to every last one of your performances. She found herself getting to rehearsals before you, making sure all of the equipment was in stable condition. She found herself actually eagerly going to you to talk and not the other way around. Undeniably she absolutely had a crush on you. As long as you kept talking to her, as long as you kept so magically calling her your friend, she honestly couldn’t care less if you reciprocated her feelings. Mikan had a crush on the Super High School Level Theatre Actress, and she’d do anything for you.
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kenmas-consoles · 4 years
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It had been more than two hours since Tanaka and Tsukishima's dispute, with majority of the members siding with the latter's decision to take refuge in the gym and Tanaka's outburst, it had caused the atmosphere to be eerily tense. Tanaka still unmoving from his spot by the benches clutched and glared at his phone so hard that the phone might as well break, onlookers would pity the phone in his grip as he held on it with a vice. The other members were all busy with other tasks but still stayed cautious and tensed everytime they so happen as passed by the buzzedcut haired boy in fear he might blow up on them.
Since the team had opted with Tsukishima's idea the boy was the unspoken "leader" of this little survival game as the boy likes to put it. Teams of two were made and taskings were settled upon to make sure that the whole team would survive the night.
Kageyama and (Y/n) would gather the food supply they acquired by rummaging through their fellow teammates' bags and distribute rations afterwards. Yamaguchi and Kinoshita were on look out duty, perched towards the windows of the gym to see if amy of the volleyball club members who left would make their way back to the gym or if someone looked to be a threat to them and made their way towards the gym. Lastly, Ennoshita and Narita were scavenging for tools, supplies or anything that might be useful to them at all by the storage closet. Then by nightfall each would take turns and patrol in shifts.
"I can't believe theres no reception right now" Narita said with a sigh waving his phone around in the air to see if he could get any bars.
"Quit doing that and help me out here."
"Alright alright I'll help, its just gah a little reception wouldn't hurt"
Ennoshita, who was carrying a small box looked over to his companion with a rather unreadable look before opening it up and looking at its contents, "They must've cut it off right after they sent the broadcast"
Shrugging at the response, "I mean maybe?" grabbing a box of his own his face grew solemn before looking up at his partner, "Hey. . . did you ever get the feeling that this was. . . I dunno like planned . . . and someone knew about it. . . and-and that we aren't locked in by accident."
"Wait. . . what do you mean? planned? knew? a-accident? you aren't making much sense." The dark haired boy said sweating and laughing it off dismissively with a slightly panicked look in his eyes as he went on carrying the box to the other side of the storage room.
"Someone locked us in on purpose."
Ennoshita stood a few feet away from Narita. The box carefully laid on the floor, his back was turned towards Narita. His second year companion couldn't see the expression the dark haired boy was making but he did note the split second Ennoshita had froze up.
Meanwhile. . .
Kageyama and (Y/n) were sorting through various snacks and lunches they had found in their teammates bags. Water was scarce and it was noticeable to anyone that two bottles of water wasn't enough to fit 8 people. The nearest fountain and vendo was literally just a few feet outsode the gym yet it doesn't seem like they were getting out anytime soon.
"This is stupid." Kageyama muttered under his breath.
"What is?"
"This," he gestured towards the food supply they had and at the two bottles of water, "We could be finding a way out but instead we're doing this."
"Tsukishima is trying to stall us"
The girl met the boy's cobalt blue eyes and furrowed her brows trying to make sense of what he was saying.
"He could've told us to just gather the all the food and leave it at that but he's making us do ration counts and listings for this. . . we don't need to do that since this will definitley last us the night and he knows that."
The boy then cautiously looked around to see if there were anyone other than them before continuing in a lower voice, "The gym door. . . it locks from the outside with a key."
"Well. . . I know that," the female stared at him deadpanned almost judging in a way.
Kageyama's face twisted to a scowl from the look their manager had given him, "Dumbass, I'm trying to say that we were purposely locked in. . . someone," his face hardens before continuing his words, "Someone used the key and locked us from the outside."
"I-impossible the key's in my bag a-and I thought it was jammed"
"I did too, before that lamppost told me to stop before the hinges broke.”
The girl bit the inside of her cheek not liking where this was heading, “Do you mean to say-?”
“That bastard locked us in.”
Going back to Narita and Ennoshita
“That’s absurd”
“I'm not saying that it is but It’s a possibility though. . ."
Ennoshita's legs were unnoticeably shaking as he carried another opened box to the side of the room. The boy's mind was clouded with thoughts at the moment and momentarily forgeetting about this loose floorboard that he was unconsciously heading towards.
A jolt woke him up from his almost spellbound trance his thoughts ensared him in, the next moment he had found himself in pain wincing as his elbow collided with the floor. The floorboard continued to squeak as his body weight still put pressure on the wooden tile.
The boy ignored the searing pain by his elbows and prepped himself up by his forearms.
“We ought to do something bout that wonky floorboard.” Narita said offering his hand for the latter to take, “But now that I mentioned it. . . It’s my first time seeing that loose board.” The boy thought aloud.
The two shared a look before inspecting the floor. Running his hand over the creaking surface Ennoshita felt and irregular bump over the surface, sharing a look with his companion the boy audibly gulped before taking the board in his two hands and lifting it up a bit.
An object wrapped and covered with a white cloth lay before them in the place of the now missing tile. Narita dared to touch the unknown object but when he had lifted it up the cloth fell of revealing a M-60 revolver with a single bullet.
The two boys shared a panic look.
"Now do you believe me?"
Meanwhile with (Y/n)
(Y/n) had just finished her chat about Kageyama being suspicious of Tsukishima. The boy went over and joined Yamaguchi and Kinoshita on look out duty leaving the poor girl all alone.
She couldn't help but be paranoid at the words Kageyama had spoken. She was looking around to see if others were looking at her general direction before stalking of to where she had left her bag.
'Please don't be true, please don't be true' the girl pleaded in her head as she rummaged through her bag looking for the gym keys. Her eyes widened and felt her blood run cold as she didn't feel it anywhere. She quickly took of all the contents of her bag and still nothing.
A small 'ding' emitted from her phone, the screen lighting up enough to signal that she had just recieved a message.
'Odd' she thought as she vaguely remembers the others saying that there wasn't any reception anymore. Sliding her finger across her phone she had tapped on the notification to see an unknown number.
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖
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7:19 (2 hours and 37 minutes prior)
"Hinata, I think your nose already stopped bleeding." Kiyoko, the dark haired female manager said as he inspected the boy as they made their way towards the nurse's office.
Hinata quickly removed the tissues that were plugged up his nose and started skipping. Yachi frantically waved her arms coaxing Hinata to stop.
"I-i don't think it's safe to run right after getting a nosebleed."
"Nonesense, its gonna take a heck more than a ball to the face to bring Hinata down, right Shoyo."
The four were just a little ways pass the gym and heading towards the main campus building when Kiyoko had abruptly stopped as one of her classmates had called on her from the halls.
The trio was only a few feet away from the two girls but they talked in hushed voices but somehow Hinata caught a hint of, "Class has been suspended today."
"Eh? Kiyoko-senpai?" Hinata called out towards the girl who was having a conversation with one of her fellow thirdyear. The girl shook her head before excusing herself from (R/n) who patiently and headed towards her underclassmen.
"I have things to do as they're calling for an emergency meeting in the teacher's lounge, Hitoka-chan I'm placing Hinata-kun in your care."
"Ehhh? did something happen??" Noya said pushing past Hinata and Yachi standing slightly infront of them in an attempt to get closer to Kiyoko.
"Apparently, class would be suspended for two days because of an emergency national protocol and the teacher's and student volunteers are going to have a meeting about it." She said before walking back towards her female companion who walked on the opposite side of the hallway they were in.
The door of the infirmary was standing before the trio. Nishinoya twisted the knob open and called out, 'obaa-san'. The boy then bounded inside the room after hearing no reply.
"Maybe she went home early after hearing the news." Yachi quipped with a finger on her lips in a thoughful manner.
" I don't know much about first aid but I'm pretty sure we gotta ice down that swelling on your face before it gets worse." Noya said.
Hinata was seated on one of the beds while Noya taped an ice pack around Hinata's head. Yachi was on her phone looking for news updates on the Emergency Protocol.
"That's funny, there doesn't seem to be any reception anymore," the girl said as she saw one bar on the upper left corner of her phone screen.
Faintly they could hear the sound of an alarm gradually growing louder and louder. The three had lifted their heads uo and peered outside the hallways to check what the alarm was about.
"Maybe it's a nationwide earthquake drill?" Yachi said.
"Uwoohhhh so cool." The boy had shouted while the alarm was blaring. Nishinoya was still looking left and right in the hallways as he saw a figure in black at the end of the hallway.
The boy had shook his head to see if it were just his eyes playing tricks on him, he turned his gaze back and saw that the figure was gone. Faint inaudible words could be heard from the intercom inside the nurse's room. The boy had just reentered with two of his other companions to hear;
"Any and all crime, including murder will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire and emergence medical service will be unavailable until 7-"
A loud bang was heard from outside the nurse's office as loud footsteps followed. Noya ran towards the door and locked it, switching off the lights and holding a hand up to cover Hinata and Yachi's mouths.
"ᴍᴀʏ ɢᴏᴅ ʙᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ." The intercom finished before a shrill scream and a gunshot was heard.
(Y/n)'s text message
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𝙿𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎: 𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚞𝚗?
𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎
➣ 【 Narita 】
【 Ennoshita 】
【 (Y/n) 】
【 Kageyama 】
【 Tsukishima 】
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@burnt-tomato @afuckingunicornn
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potatocrab · 4 years
Salvation is a Last Minute Business (17/18)
Chapter 17: Lose More Slowly
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The wide network of Valentine Detective Agency’s allies meet to perfect the plan to infiltrate MIT. On the eve of ‘battle’, Madelyn is apprehensive about one last confession from Deacon. With no time to waste, the fight is taken to Cambridge where the Institute can be exposed once and for all.
“That’s not the way to win.”—Jeff, as played by Robert Mitchum
“Is there a way to win?”—Kathie, as played by Jane Greer
“There’s a way to lose more slowly.” (Out of the Past, 1947)
[read on Ao3] | [chapter masterpost]
June 16th, 1958
It took just over two weeks to solidify the plan to infiltrate the Institute. It hardly mattered that Madelyn and Nick—with Deacon and the Railroad’s help—had previously breached Fort Hagen. This operation was an entirely different beast, that required an entirely different set of skills and resources. There would be no undercover sneaking, or witty aliases this time—just a dangerous game of cat and mouse—a game they all hoped to survive.
After weeks of organizing, Nick decided there was no point in waiting any longer and called a meeting at the agency to be held the evening before their planned attack. The usual group had increased exponentially, with the allies they had gained in the last several months joining them, each with their own part to play. It was remarkable to see everyone in one place, spread out in the lobby (because there was no logistical way to fit so many people in Nick’s tiny office), and it made Madelyn think that maybe—just maybe—they had a shot at finding out the truth behind the Institute’s schemes.
She sat, perched on the edge of Ellie’s receptionist desk so that she could have a clear view of the room, scribbling down the summarized events of what was to occur the following morning. The plan was carefully detailed and outlined in a series of reports and dictated memos, but there was no harm in writing it out one last time. The secretary was working overtime—literally—bouncing from one cluster of people to the next, offering refills of strong coffee or spirits. But nearly everyone was focused on Nick and his giant, wheeled chalkboard of information, and the way it outlined the case’s timeline, all the way back to 1947. The detective was in rare form—sharp, focused, and with a fiery determination Madelyn hadn’t seen in months, or maybe years. Coat discarded and sleeves rolled up, he talked through the details, and didn’t stop for a drink or cigarette.
“…which brings us to the incident at city hall,” Nick gestured to the Publick Occurrences newspaper clipping before stepping away to finally grab a quick sip of his whiskey that sat next to Madelyn. “Did you ever find out why the Boston P.D. were a no-show?”
Sergeant Danny Sullivan, fresh out from the hospital after recovering from his injuries sustained at said incident, sat in a nearby chair. He nodded, looking displeased with the information he was about to share. “It was all Mayor McDonough’s fault, buying off officers. Which means, by proxy, they were paid off by MIT, if we’re still in agreement about who was—is—pulling the strings.”
“Not for very much longer,” Nick replied.
“I’ve had to spend the last two weeks cooped up at New England sending a courier back and forth to the courthouse to perform background checks on my entire squad to make sure none of them have connections to the university,” Sullivan described, shaking his head with a deep scowl.
“Cheer up, Danny Boy,” Hancock quipped, leaned back in the chair at the Sergeant’s side. “At least there’s some good news.”
“Please John,” Nick groused, maybe wishing the younger McDonough brother was still recuperating from his own gunshot wound. “Enlighten us.”
“Made a house call with Bobby to the deputy district attorney last night,” Hancock explained, motioning over to where the former mercenary was fixing his own cup of coffee at the kitchenette. “Did you know that his kid and little Duncan go to preschool together?”
Nick wasn’t amused, and his patience was wearing thin. Though, it always did with the would-be politician. “How cute.”
“Right? And there I was, thinking I’d have to resort to blackmail,” the other man replied.
MacCready laughed as he leaned against the galley, taking a sip from his cup before wincing at whatever he’d poured into the porcelain. “You still blackmailed him.”
“Mild blackmail,” Hancock contended with a shrug, ignoring the way Nick and Madelyn shot him double looks of disappointment and concern. “Agree to disagree. The good news is we sweet talked that stiff into signing a genuine warrant. With somethin’ like that, we’re made in the shade.”
He handed the folded document from his jacket pocket to Sergeant Sullivan, who took his time in reading it over. Nick was still skeptical, leaning against the desk near Madelyn while he slowly nursed his drink.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” the detective urged. “Does it look legitimate?”
“As far as I can tell,” Sullivan affirmed, passing the warrant to Nick to read.
Madelyn glanced over his shoulder, glossing over the familiar legal jargon before focusing on the signature at the bottom—it surely looked like the deputy district attorney’s scrawl. She didn’t think either Hancock or MacCready would jeopardize the case with a little bit of forgery. Not that blackmail was any better, but she could sooth it over with the man who was technically her boss later.
“Well, at least now we have a valid reason to get into the building,” Nick spoke, handing the document back to the Sergeant for safekeeping. “Wouldn’t hurt to have backup on standby, just in case.”
The focus shifted to Preston Garvey who was smiling his thanks as Ellie poured him a new cup of coffee. Standing next to him was Lieutenant Danse—ever the reluctant participant—who had refused a seat and a drink. The only reason why he agreed to assist was for ‘the greater good’. The Institute and their experiments had no place in the United States military, and he was determined to see them exposed for what they truly were.
“The Minutemen are already in position throughout Cambridge,” Preston explained. “Just give me the word, and they can be ready in a minute’s notice.”
The Lieutenant sneered. “We’ll root out those Institute bastards, one way or another.”
“That’s the spirit,” Piper remarked from her spot near the front door. “I’ve done my own reconnaissance around Cambridge and the campus with Mister Neurotic here.”
Tinker Tom sat in a nearby seat, spinning his body in increasingly faster circles until the reporter reached out to stop him. He gazed up at her with wide eyes. “Is that me?”
Piper looked as though she could snap his neck but relaxed with a deep sigh. “Based on his readouts, and those blueprints, we were able to find an unmarked sewer entrance near the eastern banks of the Charles River.”
“Why does it always have to be a sewer?” Madelyn mumbled under her breath, causing Nick to smirk.
“Good work, Piper,” he remarked, the closest he’d gotten to happy all evening. “This means we can go ahead with splitting up into smaller teams.”
“Better if you and Blue take the sneaky route while the rest of us cover your tails,” she gestured to the circle of people, her eyes lingering on the figure leaning against the far corner of the room. “That is, if we can trust these blueprints in the first place, and we aren’t about to send you into a trap.”
Madelyn frowned at Piper, wishing that after all this time her friend could be less cynical about the Railroad and their resources. Sure, their actions were still largely shrouded in mystery, but that didn’t equate to nefariousness. It was important to remember who the real enemy was. She let her eyes drift to where Deacon was standing near the doorway to her office—where he’d been standing all night, just silently listening and watching from behind his darkened shades. A slight shiver ran up her spine and intuition told her his attention was focused on her rather than the other occupants of the room.
“You can trust me,” he finally said, the weight of his words lost on everyone except her. Piper shrugged but didn’t make to argue any further. Madelyn smiled to herself as she broke her gaze away from his face, looking down at the writing on her notepad instead.
Nick stood, bringing the attention back to the timeline. “Let’s not get blind-sighted by the Institute.”
“We have a man to find. Kellogg,” he reminded the group, tapping the chalkboard where the scarred man’s picture hung. “More than that, we have a child to bring home to his parents. Shaun Perlman. I’d like to solve this, once and for all.”
Silent understanding fell over the room, but it didn’t last.
“A toast,” Hancock suddenly declared, raising his glass. “To the best damn detective this city’s ever seen,” he nodded towards Madelyn, grinning like he’d gone mad—maybe he had. “And behind every great man, is an even greater woman. To Valentine and Hardy!”
As it grew closer to midnight, the plans for the following day were solidified and the agency gradually emptied out. The participants would need a good night’s rest—if it were even possible—before they infiltrated the Institute in the morning. Nick and Madelyn saw their guests out, though the detective left her to walk with Deacon outside so they might have some privacy. Even then, she noted Drummer Boy waiting by a parked car with Tinker Tom inside, the two doing everything they could to pretend they weren’t watching the two.
“We’re heading back to the church for a rendezvous,” he explained, positioning himself so the others couldn’t necessarily see their exchange. “Somebody has to fill Desdemona and Glory in on all the nitty-gritty.”
“Is it safe for you all to travel in the same car?” she asked, peering over his shoulder. Call it paranoia, but she’d had enough close calls in the last six months to last a lifetime.  
Deacon softly chuckled, reaching out to gently wrap his fingers through the curls along the side of her face. “You’ve been spending too much time reading those detective novels, Charmer.”
“Or living in one.”  
He looked at her, and there was the unspoken question—will I see you tonight? She frowned a little and sensed his disappointment, even behind his shades. She grasped the hand at his side and brushed her thumbs across his knuckles in affectionate sweeps.
“I’m staying with Nick tonight,” Madelyn said, trying not to sound too sad about it. She mimicked his speech pattern. “Somebody has to make sure he actually sleeps tonight.”
Deacon offered a barely-there smile, which sent her thoughts into a tailspin. He moved his hand so he was softly cupping her cheek, the pad of his thumb ghosting down towards her lips. “What if I said that I had a secret to tell you?”
“What kind of secret?” Madelyn asked in response, her heartrate suddenly increasing at the possibilities. Slowly, the world around her started to fade away, and the only thing keeping her grounded was his touch.
“An important secret,” he answered, breath hot against her mouth.
It was very likely that he was playing some kind of game, all part of an elaborate ruse to get her to come home with him. What could possibly be more important than what she’d already learned about him—his appearance, his home, his name. Unless it was all a lie. Madelyn doubted that, even as a momentary pang shot through her heart. Deacon must’ve noticed the subtle change in her expression because he pulled away just enough, and quickly pushed up his glasses so that she could see his eyes. Their stormy grey-blue color were vibrant with emotion, so striking and intense that she felt overwhelmed. Secret immediately translated in her mind to confession.
Deacon drew her closer again, hand cradling the side of her face. “Madelyn, I—”
Her heart nearly stopped at the sound of her name—her real name—and she had to fight to stay standing as her knees wobbled. Then, she kissed him, if only to stop him from saying anything. Call it fear, call her a coward—she just couldn’t bear to hear the rest of that sentence, even if she was dying to scream it from the rooftops herself. He was surprised for a half-second before returning the kiss, angling them even more out of eyeshot from the loitering Railroad agents. Couldn’t see the boss-man (because face it, she knew the truth about that too) sharing a tender moment with his lady.
Madelyn pulled away just a fraction before they could get carried away in such a public setting and gripped his hand tight. “Cliché confessions spoken in the calm before the storm are a bad omen, don’t you think?”
Deacon blinked, temporarily stunned, but recovered well enough to flash a sideways smirk, one she couldn’t tell was forced or not. The last thing she wanted was to cause a rift between them when they needed each other’s support the most.
“You’re right,” he sighed wistfully, bordering on playing his emotions too thick. He readjusted his shades so they were where they belonged—at least for him. “Wouldn’t want to jinx it.”
The car horn behind them blared into the night and he turned, hand still clasped in hers to see Drummer Boy leaning into the driver’s car window with his arm poised to repeat the action. Tinker Tom was snickering, daring him to do it again. Despite her unease, Madelyn smiled. “Shouldn’t keep the boys waiting.”
He shook his head and brought her hand up so he could press a soft kiss to her knuckles. “Je t’adore.”
Madelyn knew that wasn’t what he really wanted to say, but it would have to do, for now. She kept her eyes on him the entire time as he walked away, shooing Drummer Boy away from the driver’s side door of their vehicle before getting in. Deacon regarded her for one last lingering moment as he started the car before slowly driving away. Within moments, Nick rejoined her on the sidewalk, following her line of sight down the stretch of road.
“Ready to go?”
She turned to face him as a wash of remorse came over her heart. Had she done the right thing? Madelyn studied her partner’s face and his bemused expression, eyebrow raised as he looked back at her with mild concern.
“Nick, have I ever told you that I love you?” she asked, just to see if she could say the words. Easy enough—now why couldn’t she say them to Deacon? Or have them spoken to her?
“Sure you’re saying that to the right fella?” Nick’s laughter died as soon as he noticed her melancholy state and drew closer to her, wrapping her up in a loose hug. He held her long enough, uncaring that they had somewhere to be. When he pulled away, he tilted her chin up with a few fingers and offered a fleeting smile. “Love you too, doll.” 
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June 17th, 1958
“Have I ever mentioned how much I love wet socks?”
Deacon’s hushed voice echoed through the underground tunnel, barely audible over the rushing sound of water that flowed around them and beneath their feet. He was walking a few paces behind Madelyn while Nick advanced ahead, trying his best to ignore the spy’s outburst as he focused on following the makeshift map in his hand.
She glanced over her shoulder at him, narrowing her eyes at the shine from the flashlight he carried. “Once or twice, yes.”
“Wish I had the same idea as you, Charmer,” he sneered, flicking the light across her outfit. She had the foresight to wear the shoes that had already been damaged the last time she went walking through a sewer, and one of her older dresses that despite Codsworth’s cleanings, was still stained with questionable material. “Or is that some kind of bad omen?”
She instantly whipped back around so he wouldn’t see her disappointed frown, though judging by his silence, he knew he’d crossed a line by using those words. Madelyn knew she’d come to regret not letting him say what he wanted to—needed to—but did he have to be so cruel? At first, she was grateful for him to be at her side in this so-called final fight, relying on him for that extra bit of emotional strength and comfort he could provide so well. But now, she almost wished he had stayed topside with Piper and the others or gone with Sergeant Sullivan through the main entrance. His presence was only causing her emotional turmoil, and she couldn’t afford to be distracted.    
This time, Nick was the one to turn back to look at her, his scowl indicating that he’d heard their conversation. Madelyn knew he likely had a litany of strongly worded advice for the other man, but she shook her head, silencing him before he could even start. This was neither the time or place—not when they were quite literally in the belly of the beast.
“Should be a latch up ahead,” he said instead, turning back to lead the two down the dark passageway. It took a few more yards before they reached a ladder that led to a metal door, and if the map layouts were accurate as they had been so far, it would take them to a larger, less water-logged room. “Into the unknown.”
Nick didn’t wait for anyone to volunteer before climbing the metal rungs first, pausing at the latch to fiddle with the lock. “Watch your heads!”
Madelyn and Deacon sidestepped the padlock as it crashed into the shallow water at their feet, craning their heads upwards to watch as the detective disappeared through the newly opened hole. She anxiously looked to her Railroad partner, motioning for him to climb first, and he hesitated, passing her the flashlight before finally moving. There was some disappointment as she watched him ascend, secretly hoping there would be some teasing remark about insisting she go first so that he might sneak a peak up her skirt. Instead, the persistent silence between them started to break her heart. Madelyn thought about blurting out how she felt, but it hardly felt romantic. Rather, it felt stupid. Maybe she’d missed her chance. After how many missed opportunities over the last several weeks to tell him, now was when she desperately wanted to say those three little words.
I love you.
Okay, not so little. Talk about timing.
Nick’s face peered over the ledge and only then did she realize she’d been standing frozen, stuck in her thoughts. “What did I say about standing pretty?”
She forced a laugh and climbed up to meet them, allowing Deacon to hoist her up the rest of the way despite the fact his touch was like fire against her skin. His hand squeezed against her arm, thumb brushing along the soft underside of her wrist as he stared at her. It was delicate, as if she’d shatter if he pressed too hard. Madelyn lingered until she was sure he could feel the rapid beat of her pulse and slowly pulled away.
Nick pretended to have not seen the exchange, focused on the set of locked doors that led to various parts of the underground system. At the back of the storage room was a freight elevator—where it led was anybody’s guess. The detective consulted the folded-up blueprints again, twisting them around in his hands and tapping the sheet to signify where they were.
“If we take...this door,” he pointed west. “We’ll head further down into some kind of storage complex, and…”
“And what?” Madelyn asked, stepping further away from Deacon so she could peer at the carefully drawn diagrams on the paper.
Nick shrugged, clearly puzzled. “Not sure. Just looks like one big empty room according to this.”
She looked back to Deacon to see if he had anything to add, but he remained silent, doing nothing to help her nerves. She sighed. “I guess we’ll find out when we get there.”
The hallway beyond the western door smelt sterile, reminiscent of a hospital, the lingering scent of alcohol threatening to burn her nostrils if she breathed in too deep. As they descended a narrow staircase, the stench intensified as their surroundings shifted from the drab to the pristine. For being underground, it felt like walking into a museum. It felt otherworldly, untouched by time.
“Damn,” Deacon finally spoke—breathed—as they stepped out onto the landing, which overlooked a seemingly never-ending room of storage containers, computers and other technology.
There were metal platforms connected to more observation stations, with staircases that led further into the depths of the underground bunker. The possibilities of what they might find were endless. Near the back, shadowed in darkness, was the faint glow of a reactor core—no wonder the Institute had been become so powerful, so quickly, all while boasting the use of clean energy.
“Is that going to be a problem?” Madelyn asked, perturbed by the slight humming that echoed through the large room.
“Do you have a Geiger counter?” Deacon asked, and she glanced at him, unsure if he was joking or not. He frowned. “Won’t be able to tell until we take a closer look.”
“Of course,” Nick grumbled. “Let’s split up, see what we can find in those rooms on the way over.”
Madelyn’s only comfort was that they could easily see each other as they walked along the platforms, but was still apprehensive, especially when both men removed their holstered weapons. It was more alarming to see Deacon armed, the pistol an unusual sight. Even in their most dangerous of operations, he’d relied on wits rather than steel. She had her own revolver, and quickly pulled it from underneath her skirts with a small flourish. With a silent nod, they each took a different path.
Madelyn reached a small alcove before the others, the tiny windowed room filled with filing cabinets and scattered paperwork across two desks. There was a stack of files that she idly flipped through, the words on the page confirming that the Institute had been performing or had been attempting to perform brain augmentations for years. As far as she could discern, the files contained information on potential targets—if the college had been successful in capturing them, or if something else had occurred. Many had been ultimately passed over for frivolous reasons, and the reports read like rejected job applicants rather than candidates for brainwashing. Her absentminded browsing stopped dead-cold when she came across an all too familiar name.
Madelyn nearly fainted at the picture pinned to the inside of the file. “Nate?”
“Now, isn’t this precious?”
She knew that voice without needing to turn around. It had been nearly two years, but she was instantly transported to Christmas Eve, 1946 and that dark, snowy, Boston Common alley where her husband was murdered. That same electric chill ran through her body—head to toe—rooting her to the spot. No amount of fear she’d experienced in the last six months could compare to the sensation crawling across her skin, threatening to close off her windpipe without so much as a gasp.
His footsteps slowly echoed against the metal flooring, drawing closer until she could feel his body heat radiating, circling around her form until he was in perfect view.  
“Kellogg,” she forced herself to say, gripping the gun at her side.
He grinned in that hauntingly familiar, devilish way, not surprised that she knew his name. “In the flesh.”
There were a thousand questions she wanted to ask—about Nate’s murder, about Shaun Perlman’s kidnapping, about all the other unsolved cases he was supposedly linked to. Was he really an Institute experiment gone wrong, or some kind of pawn? His very presence seemed to answer that last one loud and clear. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was reprimanding herself for not shooting first, and asking questions later. She’d made that mistake before and it nearly cost Nick his life—and had ended Jenny’s. That couldn’t happen now. Just as her hand twitched and she made to raise her revolver, he advanced towards her, pinning her against the glass window. The sound was loud enough to alert her partners where they stood yards away on sperate platforms.
“How cute,” Kellogg taunted, the phrase familiar and gut wrenching all the same. “Who should I kill this time?”
He roughly pushed her aside so that she collapsed against one of the desks. As he left, he tossed a device over his shoulder that immediately filled the room with smoke, grey plumes billowing out into the main area. Madelyn clamped her eyes shut as she spluttered and coughed, struggling to pull herself to stand after smacking her head against the edge of the desk. She blindly reached for her gun and resigned herself to crawl to the doorway before using the railings to drag her body upright. To the left, she could see the faint outline of Nick’s trench coat but to the right, she could see two bodies—Kellogg and Deacon—scuffling along the walkway.
Without a second thought she forced herself to go—to run—back the way she came and to where they were. The smoke made it difficult to see clearly, but Deacon’s gun was gone—they were now fighting for Kellogg’s, swapping positions when one would gain the upper hand to pin the other to the guard railing. In the time it took Madelyn to rush over, Deacon found enough leverage to push the other man over the ledge, but Kellogg wouldn’t give up so easily. He held onto the railing with one hand and swung his other arm up to shoot. It all seemed to happen in slow motion, giving Madelyn little time to act.
“Deacon!” she shouted for him to move out of the way, raising her pistol so her sights were aimed directly on Kellogg’s scar. When he didn’t move, her mind went blank save for one thing. “Johnathan!”
He immediately turned to her, the momentary shock fading away as he finally dove for cover. Kellogg could only laugh, and even Madelyn wondered why he hadn’t taken the opportunity to shoot Deacon—or them both—dead. His grip on the railing tightened as he attempted to pull himself up, to no avail.
“You aren’t going to shoot me,” he spat. “You won’t kill me.”
Eddie Winter had said the same thing, before running away. From where she stood, there wasn’t anywhere for Kellogg to run. Madelyn didn’t feel like hesitating anymore, not after what he’d taken from her. The smug smile slowly returned to his face as he trained the same gun he’d used all those years ago at her—but she was faster—pulling the trigger just once.
The sound was deafening and shook her to the core. She watched, shaking as Kellogg’s death-grip slowly loosened until he finally slipped from the ledge and down to the chasm below, the thump of his body against the floor a chilling indication that part of their mission was over. Tears instantly clouded her vision, and she sucked in as much air as she could, blindly reaching out for the nearest railing with her free hand as her knees gave out. Deacon was at her side in an instant, scrambling to collect her in his arms as he took the gun from her trembling hand before wrapping her in a tight embrace.
“Shh,” he hushed, pressing soft but urgent kisses against her temple as he combed his fingers through her hair. “I’m here, I’m here.”
Madelyn wasn’t sure how long they stood like that, Deacon whispering incoherent, comforting words into the shell of her, but it was what she desperately needed as her heart threatened to burst from her chest. They both whipped around at the sudden sound of rushing footsteps against the walkway, breathing a sigh of relief when they saw it was only Nick, looking just as disheveled as they did.
“Whoa, whoa,” he raised his hands in defense, carefully observing the scene before him. “It’s just me. Had to take care of two crazed androids. Makes sense now that I see who they showed up with.”
“Yeah,” Madelyn answered, still clutching Deacon’s arm in the fear she might topple over out of shock. Nick didn’t bother asking her if she was—or would be—alright as he silently peered over the ledge with a grim expression. He’d been in her shoes—revenge wasn’t as sweet as people claimed it to be. She pinched the bridge of her nose and found her voice.
“They—they were looking for candidates,” she began, pointing back to the room where she’d found the files before she’d been rudely interrupted. “For brain augmentation, for—” she broke off, unable to stand the thought. “Nick, they had a file on Nate.”
His eyebrows jumped up in surprise before furrowing in anger, but to her surprise, his fury was calmer than hers. He gestured to a databank further back. “Come on, let’s find out what these bastards are hiding.”
The computer was surrounded by towering processors—technology that Madelyn had never seen, even when she’d been to the Switchboard. Nick didn’t seem daunted, at least by the screen and output, immediately leaning over to type commands like it was his job. Deacon only slipped away when she assured him she would be okay, and she watched as he carefully approached the reactor they’d seen before.
“We weren’t wrong,” Nick muttered, sounding not entirely confident. Madelyn studied his profile, attempting to decipher the information flashing before her eyes on the tiny screen. “But we were wrong about a lot of things, too.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
Nick pressed his fingers against a few more keys. “It’s not just brain surgery, or brainwashing we’re looking at, here.”
“Those candidates you were looking at?” he tapped his prosthetic fingers against his screen, creating an eerie kind of sound. “If they didn’t work out for procedure one, they were used for procedure two.”
“DNA harvesting,” Nick said bleakly. “To be used in the production of new androids. To make them...as close to human as possible.”
Madelyn was already connecting the dots in her mind, her chest tightening in dread. “Nate?”
Nick didn’t say anything at first, nervous as he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “Close. You.”
“Hair sample, 1956,” he continued, explaining before she had a chance to react. Still, she nearly collapsed in disbelief. He looked at her face-on, his sympathetic expression not doing much to quell her fears. “How’d—”
“He—that bastard,” she answered, refusing to use Kellogg’s name. “He tore some from my scalp.”
I prefer brunettes—his voice still echoed in her mind, causing a chill to run through her.
“Always thought it was as a trophy. Never thought it would be for some sick experiment.”
Her partner studied the screen, clicking through more pages. “I don’t think they were successful with sequencing anything, if that gives you any piece of mind.”
“Hardly,” she mumbled, wondering if there was still the slim possibility that somewhere in the facility—or even out on the streets of Boston—there was a rogue synth with her DNA. It was petrifying to even consider.
“God damn,” Nick suddenly cursed, his hands shaking. “They have Shaun Pearlman’s DNA!”
Madelyn wasn’t surprised by that. “That makes sense, doesn’t it? He was essentially kidnapped by the Institute.”
The detective shook his head, and dared to smile, even if it quickly disappeared from his face. “It says here he’s alive. Just as it says you are.”
Now she was as alarmed as he was. “What else does it say?”
“It has a location and—” he frantically patted at his coat pockets for a notepad and pen, passing off to Madelyn so she could scribble down the information. “He’s been right under our noses this entire time!”
“So,” Deacon’s voice interrupted their shared excitement. “Remember when you asked if we’d have a problem?”
Madelyn looked over to where the Railroad spy was bent over, inspecting an exposed panel of wiring in front of the reactor. Her enthusiasm started to fade. “Vaguely.”
“Do you also remember somebody mentioning that the Institute might be hiding a bomb?”
“I distinctly remember that somebody being you, Deacon,” she answered, struggling to swallow down her growing anxiety.
He nervously chuckled. “Just had to go and jinx us, didn’t I?”
“Why the hell does the Institute have a bomb?” Nick asked, more angry than anything. He pointed an accusatory finger at Deacon. “I know about you and your Railroad mole. Whose to say they didn’t plant it there just to screw with us?”
Deacon didn’t seem surprised that Madelyn had let that information slip to the detective and didn’t seem upset by the accusations either. That, or he was a little preoccupied with not blowing up. “What, ol’ Doc Rendezvous? Never.”
“More plausible that Scarface down there,” he pointed to where Kellogg had met his demise. “Had this as a backup plan. Last minute gambit to get his way. Nasty, but effective. Take down everybody in…I’d say a half-mile radius with him.”
Madelyn finally asked the obvious. “How long do we have?”
Deacon wasn’t the one to answer.
“I’d say approximately twenty minutes.”
The man had appeared on the platform behind them as if he had materialized from thin air. Madelyn recognized him instantly as the Institute’s Director—the same nameless, silver haired man who had appeared at the university’s demonstration in early May. The man who had calmed Mayor McDonough and the crowd with five easy words—everything will be alright. He didn’t make an appearance unless it was absolutely necessary.
“What are you doing here?” she questioned.
“I’ve come to stop you, of course,” he answered, folding his hands together. “I am aware of your investigation, and that you know who I am—who we are.”
Instead of getting angry, like she knew she was capable of becoming, and how she knew Nick wanted to react, Madelyn tried a little civility. She wanted desperately to understand. “Why are you doing this?”
The Director appeared pleased for the time being and stepped closer. “To advance the Commonwealth into a new age, of course. Here at the Institute, we aren’t simply trying to better life, we are trying to create it.”
“Nobody should be able to play God,” Nick argued.
“No, no,” he shook his head in disagreement. “Think of me instead as…a father.”
Madelyn didn’t know which was worse. Her skin crawled and in such a short timespan she decided that this man didn’t deserve her respect. “One of your experiments killed my husband. Kidnapped an innocent baby boy. Murdered countless others. How can you explain that?”
“It is unfortunate that Mister Kellogg turned out the way he did,” the Director said, showing little signs of remorse. “As with the others like him. Rest assured, we have rectified that issue.”
“Oh no,” Nick waved his hands, disgusted by the very thought. “You aren’t going to be sending any synths to infiltrate Boston, or anywhere else. The jig is up, and we’re here to expose your little party for all it’s worth.”
The other man was not phased. “Is that so?”
“The Institute’s days of experimenting is over,” Madelyn clarified. “And you can kiss your military contracts goodbye too. While you’re down here, buttering us up with false bravado, the campus is crawling with our good men, Boston P.D. that haven’t been swayed by your dirty money.”
“Between the evidence collected here and what we have stored away at the agency? Once it’s all been handed over to the Feds, I wouldn’t be surprised if they cooked you alive on the grounds for treason,” she elaborated.
A heavy pause filled the space between them.
“Not if that bomb destroys us all,” the Director countered in a calm voice. It seemed it would take a lot more to crack his thick veneer. “There’d be no evidence left. Just dust and rumors.”
Deacon was suddenly skeptical. “Now that you mention it Nick, do you mind if I ask you who rigged this thing, oh mighty father?”
The Director shifted uncomfortably before answering. “A freshman student by the name of—”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Deacon stopped him with a wave of his hand. “That won’t be necessary. Did they happen to use special blueprints? Maybe got some advice from an old friend at the ‘mechanic’s shop’?”
Madelyn snapped her hand to her mouth so she wouldn’t laugh at his exaggerated use of air quotes. Still, the Director seemed baffled, and ultimately nodded. “I—he, yes. Yes, he did.”
“Ha!” Deacon clapped his hands together and kicked his foot against the exposed wiring, which caused everyone else to flinch backward in distress. “This thing is a dud! It might destroy the bunker, sure, but all of Cambridge? You’re out of your damn mind.”
Nick was amused, and this time the grin stuck to his face. “Maybe it’s you who needs the brain augmentation.”
The Director floundered, unexpecting to be outwitted in his own home, in his own Institute. He looked about ready to rant and rave until he was red in the face, pausing only when there was a commotion at the front of the large corridor. The calvary had arrived—just in time.
“Valentine! Hardy!” Sergeant Sullivan rushed across the metal walkway, a few of his officers and Preston Garvey following closely behind. He slowed upon approach, nervously eyeing the stand-off before him with his weapon half-raised. “The situation upstairs is contained. The department heads started singing like canaries the moment we floated treason as a possible charge.”
“What?” The Director huffed, eyes wide in disbelief. “That’s impossible!”
“What did she tell ya’?” Nick sneered at the man, tilting his head at Madelyn.
A piecing sound rang through the large room that continued on every beat of a second, the confusion falling away from everyone’s faces as they all looked to the bomb and its timer. Deacon took three measured steps away from the platform before scurrying away, practically wrapping his arms around Madelyn in and effort to get her to move with him as quickly as they could to safety.
“Is that—”
“Yes,” Nick answered, interrupting Preston’s question. “A bomb. And we’ve got less than five minutes to get back to the surface. So let’s cut the chatter and get moving!”
The Sergeant made to grab the Director so that he could handcuff the man first, even if it would make escorting him topside a difficult task.
“You’ll never take me alive!” he shouted, rushing away from the group and towards the bomb as it continued beeping.
Sullivan shook his head, withdrawing immediately with his arms raised in defeat. “Suit yourself.”
Madelyn almost suggested that Deacon toss her over his shoulder the way he sprinted along the walkway with her at his side, causing her to almost trip on the stairs. She took one last glance at the underground bunker and the lone Director before they made their ascent up the narrow staircase. With less than five minutes to navigate the tunnels back to the surface, there wasn’t time to talk, or hesitate, so she focused on nothing but the next step forward, barely remembering to breathe until her lungs screamed for air.
It wasn’t until somebody—Lieutenant Danse—was helping her from the manhole that she realized she’d blocked out their escape, stumbling off in a daze and pressing a hand to her head—did she have a concussion? Was she going into shock?
“We’re evacuating the building,” a deep voice, maybe it belonged to the soldier, or one of Sullivan’s men, she couldn’t tell. “Get her out of here!”
Familiar arms encircled her. “Madelyn? Charmer?”
She blinked, focusing on Deacon’s worried expression, even though she couldn’t see most of his face. “You said…my name.”
He smiled. “Well that’s what it is, isn’t it?”
She smiled too.
“Come on,” grabbed her hand, leading her into a light jog towards a small gathering of people on the banks of the Charles River. Piper and some of Preston’s Minutemen were standing with evacuees from the campus, looking on as more people rushed out to look on.
While their backs were still turned to the building, there was a rumbling, not unlike an earthquake, followed by what Madelyn knew to be a series of explosions, people tumbling to the ground as the world around them shook. Despite the bomb setting off underground, the destruction was still felt and seen above ground. When the dust settled, a deep crevice appeared in the center of the campus courtyard, a few stone columns were toppled over, and a fire had broken out in the inside rotunda. So much for a dud.
Deacon wrapped his arm around Madelyn’s shoulder, tucking her close as smoke billowed to the sky, the haunting sign that the Institute’s hold on Boston was no more.
It was all over.
19 notes · View notes
scrunchyharry · 4 years
RIP WIP: if you see this post, respond with a snippet of a fic you (sadly) won’t be completing.
So, this inspired me to go through my google drive and unearth this fic that I’ll most likely never finish. I haven’t touched it since March 2014, so, you know. I might as well have not written it myself.
meet this 1950s, Oxbridge, shy librarian worker meets bad boy AU that almost was. the title of this google doc was “kill your darlings - library sexcapades”, so you can see where my mind was. I was in library school, I’d just gone to see Kill Your Darlings in theatres, it was so predictable, really. reading through it earlier, I realize that I used many of the underlying ideas I had for this fic in fondre ton absence, which I first started only two months after I abandoned this one (and I only posted it in 2019, I know.)
I abandoned it because, if I remember correctly, it was only my second ever historical AU (the first one wasn’t in this fandom, it’s a glee fic, if you bully me enough I can provide a link) and I really, really struggled with it, not only with keeping it free of anachronisms, but also relevant to 1950s British culture rather than American culture, which I am more familiar with as a Canadian. I vividly remember panicking when I couldn’t figure out if Brits went bowling in the 1950s, or even now???? we had different problems in ye olde days before the pandemic, hm?
now, of course, I’ve come to love the pain of researching historical AUs, it’s literally the only thing I’ll write, but 6 years ago was a different story. also, I’m not in grad school anymore, so I have more free time. this helped a lot with fleshing out my fics, this whole “no longer being in university” thing (that I say while being 5 years out of university and now only posting a single fic per year).
anyway. enough from me. here’s the fic. it’s 6500 words long and stops abruptly.
Lying awake in his bed, Harry listened to the steady pitter-patter of the rain hitting the windowpane, the yellow streetlamp outside his dormitory room’s window casting distorted shadows on the floorboards as it filtered through the water running down the glass and the sheer curtains. On the other side of the room, Niall was fast asleep, his breathing regular and slightly wheezing from the cold he’d caught playing football out in the rain the day before. Every six or seven inhale, he’d snore loudly, rousing Harry from the half-sleep he had managed to slip into. Staring at the ceiling, Harry was trying to tell the shadows of the bare tree branches from the cracks in the off-white plaster. The room smelled dank like the rest of the building, the wood creaking and beads of water oozing from the walls from the rain that had been plaguing them for close to a week.
Harry turned on his side, wincing as his joints ached in the cold, humid air of the room, Niall’s congested nose asking for the window to be left ajar, which only let more humidity in. His bedsheets were moist and stuck to his skin in a way that made him feel queasy and promised to rob him of sleep for the entire night.
From somewhere down the hall came a peal of laughter, the sound piercing through the still night air and drifting to Harry’s ears. The sound was almost comforting, breaking through the oppressing bubble of his insomnia to remind him that he was not stranded, or alone. There were other people alive, other people asleep in the rooms next and above and below his, and the sun would rise even if it was behind grey clouds, and not being able to sleep was not the end of the world, no matter how it felt as he lay in his bed, restless and exhausted. 
He reached for his alarm clock, the bells quietly chiming as he moved it, and he frowned when he saw that it was half past three. He had to be up in four hours, hours which he knew he wouldn’t sleep. With a final sigh and a resentful glance at the sprawled shape of Niall, Harry rolled out of bed and grabbed his dressing gown, a plaid atrocity his sister had given him as a joke two Christmases past. 
The hallway was quiet as he made his way down to the creaking staircase, holding on to the railings as he went down so his slippers didn’t skid on the polished wood. He nodded at the night guardian reading a library copy of A Christmas Carol, his feet up on the desk by the double, windowed entrance doors.
“I’ve still got two more days to read this, haven’t I?” the man asked, lowering the book to squint at Harry in the dimness of the hallway.
“Three, sir,” Harry replied, hands deep in the pockets of his robe and shoulders slumped forward as a shiver ran through him. He could smell the fireplace burning from the common room and yearned to reach it soon. 
“Greg, give Harold a break, will you? He’s not working right now,” Zayn said, appearing out of the dark hallway and stopping by Harry’s side. “It’s already tedious enough to watch you read a Christmas novel in November, don’t make it worse on us by bothering poor Harry here about his job in the middle of the night.”
With a wink to Harry, Zayn dropped a pack of cigarettes on the guardian’s desk before walking past him again, back where he had come from, a quick nod inviting Harry along. He followed and closed thankful eyes as he crossed the common room’s threshold and was met by a wall of warm, dry air.
“Liam’s nicked logs from the hall across campus,” Zayn explained as he slouched in an armchair by the fire.
“Bless him,” Harry said, sitting opposite Zayn, close to the hearth. He extended his feet and let the flames warm them, feeling as if every crackle eased his weariness from the past few days.
September had been a neverending blur of mixers and social events to try and make friends as quickly as possible before it was too late and you were relegated to the ranks of social outcast. By the time October rolled by, Harry had managed to be late in all of his classes and had found himself locked in the library even when he did not have to work, his entire universe reduced to the dusty smell of books and ushed voices whispering about classnotes and midterms. On most nights he had to stay up well into the early hours, the grey light of dusk filtering through his foggy mind like through dirty glass as he tried to read three novels at once. Now that midterms were over, he had hoped he might be able to sleep while he counted down the days until finals, but he had managed to well and truly mess up his sleep rhythm. 
“No offence, mate, but you look like shit,” Zayn commented after a while, startling Harry out of his most-welcomed doze. 
Rubbing his eyes, Harry let out a small laugh. “Can’t sleep.”
“I know a guy--”
“No, thanks,” Harry cut him, not unkindly. 
Zayn always knew a guy, who knew a guy, whose brother could get you whatever you needed. He himself took nothing, keeping a record as straight as his ridiculously white teeth; scholarship kid, they said. Harry knew better than that, because he was one himself and had never seen Zayn at any of the disastrous mixers the financial aid office tried to organize. Besides, scholarship students were expected to work on campus, which Zayn did not do. He always seemed to be drifting from place to place, black hair carefully styled so that a swirl appeared to carelessly fall on his forehead and jacket nonchalantly hanging off his shoulder like something out of a magazine, without a care in the world. Harry figured it was the sort of attitude you had to adopt when you had a name like Zayn Malik. Not that Harry gave a damn about any of that, but, to put it mildly, it was not because people were quick to point a finger at Germany for what they had let happen that they were willing to face their own ignorance. In short: people whispered, and all of this despite the thick Northern accent that surprised the wits out of Harry the first time he heard it come out of Zayn’s mouth.
“It’s not healthy, though, is it? You should go see a nurse or something about it, you can die from sleep deprivation.”
Blinking slowly, Harry stared at his oldest friend on campus silently for a moment. “I hope you never make it into medical school, you’re going to be a shit doctor. ‘You can die from sleep deprivation,’ you tell the insomniac at four in the morning.” With a long sigh, Harry shook his head. “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
Zayn laughed. “Don’t worry, mate, I’ve heard worse. Have you met Louis?”
Harry rolled his eyes at Zayn. “Yes,” he replied despite knowing that this was a rhetorical question. “I know Louis.”
He shifted in his seat. Mentions of Louis had the pesky side-effect of making Harry’s stomach churn uncomfortably. He ran a hand through his hair, tugging slightly at the curls as he yawned. He watched as Zayn light a cigarette and shook his head when offered one, instead pulling his legs up on the chair and curling up in it, arms wrapped around his knees. 
“Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m still up at this hour?” Zayn asked after discarding his cigarette in a nearby ashtray.
Tearing his eyes from the fireplace, Harry blinked slowly at him. “Do you want to tell me?”
Flashing him a wicked grin, Zayn winked. “A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.”
Harry rolled his eyes again. “I should have seen this one coming.”
“But you didn’t and that’s why we love you, Harold.” Zayn stretched and got up, picking his jacket off the back of the armchair and shrugging it on. “With this, I’m off to bed.” With a pat to Harry’s head, he headed out of the room.
“Goodnight!” Harry called after him before turning back to the fire, resting his chin on his knees with a sigh.
Harry considered following after Zayn for a moment, but the thought of his cold room made him wince. Instead, he carefully placed more wood into the hearth and pulled the armchair closer. He wrapped his dressing gown tighter around himself and then closed his eyes, turning his face to the warmth with a smile as his thoughts drifted through his memories.
The first time he had seen Louis did not technically count as the first time he had met him. His first glimpse of him had been a fleeting one: a knock at the door of his room and the flash of a crooked grin before a sharp voice called Niall out and the door slammed shut. It had been a whirlwind of sights and sounds, there and gone in a matter of seconds, and promptly discarded as one of Niall’s many boisterous friends.
The first time he met Louis, on the other hand, had made a much stronger impression. Harry had been working the counter at the library, alternating between reading a novel he kept hidden under the desk and staring off into space, eyes on the specks of dust as they drifted through the sunbeams pouring in from the tall windows. It had started with a gust of autumn wind sweeping into the room as someone threw opened the heavy oaken doors, causing the occupants of the library to look around in disgruntled curiosity. Harry himself had found himself craning his neck to try and see who was the utter idiot who was entering a library like it was a barn.
Louis had come running at top speed, muddy wingtips squeaking and skidding on the linoleum and his opened jacket flying behind him. He braced himself on a table as he took a sharp turn to the left and headed towards the counter, vaulting it and crouching down before Harry could stop him. He had stared down at him silently, blinking slowly, until the boy had pulled him down by the front of his shirt so he would kneel next to him.
“You can’t stay here,” Harry had said lamely, feeling ashamed of the yelp he had let out as he looked at the red-faced, breathless boy still holding his shirt in his fist.
“Hi, I’m Louis,” the boy had said, letting go of his shirt to extend his hand for Harry to shake.
“You can’t stay here,” Harry had repeated, ignoring his hand. “And I’m Harry.”
“I know,” Louis had replied, smirking. “So, I may or may not have dressed the statue outside the principal’s office in a dress. And I may or may not be currently running away from the school security.” He had paused to look up at Harry with big, pleading eyes. “My life depends on you, Harry. Please, hide me.”
“You--what? Why would you do that?”
Louis had squinted at him, an amused smile playing on his lips. “For fun?”
“Well, you can’t stay here, we--”
Louis had shut him up with a hand over his mouth. “Please, Harold. I’ll owe you one.”
“No, I mean, there’s--” Harry had mumbled against his hand, eyes darting to the top of the heads of the guardians he could see coming closer to the counter.
“Harry Styles, I am begging you, please let me hide here.”
Prying Louis’ hand away, Harry had rolled his eyes. “Shut up and listen to me, there are two guards coming over here right now, you need to run.” He wouldn’t be able to tell what took him, but had he found himself adding, in a quick whisper, “I’ll distract them. Go.”
Louis had grabbed Harry’s face to plant a loud, wet kiss on his cheek before repeating in a rush that he owed Harry his life and running back the way he had come.
A month had gone by since their meeting and Harry still winced with embarrassment when he thought back to it. He had looked like a proper fool in front of Louis, who, it turned out, was friends with all of his friends. He always turned up, no matter what they were doing or where they were going, teasing and joking and mocking, always constantly there in Harry’s peripheral vision. He was a third year, the rumour was that he had the lowest average in the history of the university (which made no sense, considering he still managed to pass his classes; besides, Harry had checked in old yearbooks during a quiet afternoon in the library and had found that a certain Lionel Hearst allegedly had the lowest average back in 1931--chances were that each year had their own Lionel Hearst, and the class of 1954 had elected Louis Tomlinson as theirs), and he was quite possibly the most annoying person Harry had ever met.
And there was another problem, a massive one that was threatening to destroy Harry’s sanity: he was gorgeous. Not your inoffensive “I can recognize that, objectively, Humphrey Bogart and James Dean are attractive males”, which Harry could very easily and comfortably live with. No, Louis was the kind of gorgeous that had poisoned Harry’s mind until it was all his twisted mind could conjure whenever he had what a psychology textbook he found in Liam’s room had called ‘nocturnal emissions’. 
When combined, Louis’ irritating personality and Harry’s inability to get him out of his head were a dangerous mix. One that he never missed an opportunity to use, because on a misguided evening, Harry had made the mistake to go out with Niall and had tragically confessed, over his fourth pint, that he was having unbecoming thoughts about Louis. The news had obviously rapidly travelled all the way to Louis’ ears and now it seemed he had made it his mission to make sure Harry never lived his shameful infatuation down.
Not to mention that, well, he was a boy infatuated with another boy. The same psychology textbook had told him that what he was had a name, and that it was diagnosable, and thus curable, but Liam had walked back in before Harry could read exactly what they meant by ‘aversion therapy’. He hadn’t dared ask Liam, not while Louis was sprawled on his bed, smoking with slow drags and slower exhales, winking at Harry whenever their eyes met. 
Louis had asked what Harry was reading and he had mumbled something about insomnia (which had been his first goal, mind you) and a wicked grin had appeared on Louis’ face.
“You were reading about paraphilias, weren’t you, you naughty boy? Which one was your favourite? I’m quite fond of homosexuality myself.”
Zayn had thrown a wrinkled jacket at Louis at that, saving Harry the embarrassment of having to reply by saying through a laugh: “The shit that comes out of your mouth is astounding.”
“It’s not shit! What’s it classified under, again? Payne, help me out.”
Reciting dully, as if he was used to the question - and Harry suspected he was - Liam had rolled his eyes. “Sexual deviations are under personality disorders of the sociopathic subtype.”
“Thanks, mate. I didn’t understand half the words in there, but I like the ring of ‘sociopathic’, don’t you? It makes it sound so dangerous, so ‘I will kill you in your sleep and then shag your corpse’.”
“Someone’s won the roommate lottery,” Niall had said, earning himself a slap upside the head from Liam. 
This particular exchange, and more specifically the image of Louis talking about sexual deviations while lying on a bed like some sort of caricature of a French painting, was running through Harry’s sleep deprived mind as he hurried to his morning class under the cold drizzle that had replaced the rain. He had managed to get a couple of hours of sleep, but had woken up when the fire was out and the room had turned frigid. Going back to his room, he had collapsed on his bed, only to hear his alarm clock ringing what felt like three minutes later. And now, as he hurried up to the fourth floor on the slippery stairs, he realized with a groan he had forgotten to do the assigned readings for the class.
He took his usual seat near the centre of the lecture hall, unpacking his notebook and fiddling with his pen to keep his mind busy and, more importantly, awake. A three hour lecture on Shakespeare was the last thing he needed at the moment, his eyes unable to focus on the board for more than a handful of seconds before they closed heavily, his entire body jerking back as he drifted to sleep and started to fall forward.
The door opened loudly and Harry didn’t have to look to know who had just entered. He always banged doors opened, making his entrance known as if his presence itself wasn’t enough to get him noticed.
“Harold!” Louis’ voice echoed around the half-empty hall, off the wood-panelled walls and the high, off-white ceiling. He was holding a notebook in his hand, the poor thing in tatters like most of what Louis owned. The usual swirl of hair was falling on his forehead, disheveled in a way that felt more genuine than Zayn’s calculated styling, with the sides ruffled and looking mostly unkempt.
Harry waved at him, shifting in his seat as he watched Louis climb the steps up to where he was sitting and make his way to the empty chair next to Harry. He rubbed his eye and braced himself for the tornado of Louis’ personality.
“Hi, Louis,” he said once Louis was settled. “How are you?”
“I’m brilliant. My day’s always off to such a good start when I get to see you first thing in the morning.” He patted Harry’s knee, a smirk on his lips. Harry swallowed around his dry throat. “You, on the other hand, look terrible.”
“Insomnia,” Harry replied with a shrug, stifling a yawn with his hand. “Nothing new.”
“Yeah, I see that, the bags under your eyes are terrifying.” 
Harry opened his mouth to reply, but then forgot to close it as Louis reached up and stroked a thumb under Harry’s eye, lightly touching the paper thin skin. He could wax lyrical about how soft Louis’ skin turned out to be, or how unexpected the touch was, but neither of those things would be right. The fact of the matter was that being touched, stroked, petted or any other synonym describing fond, affectionate physical contact were common when Louis was concerned. That did not mean that Harry was used to it, and he found himself freezing under Louis’ careful finger, his words dying in his throat. 
“It looks like you’ve got shiners,” Louis said, voice quiet and soft. “You have to take better care of yourself, Haz, or else someone will have to do it for you.”
Louis’ fingers were still lightly brushing his cheek, close to his ear, as his thumb moved back and forth, barely touching his skin, and Harry absolutely could not let out any sound resembling modern languages. Instead, he nodded, remembered to close his mouth, and cleared his throat to try and speak. All of his efforts were ruined when Louis patted his cheek and moved back, slipping lower in his seat and winking at Harry when their knees bumped.
Harry blinked to realize that the hall had filled while Louis was busy making him forget English. He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket for his glasses and slipped them on, not missing the pleased noise Louis let out next to him. He glanced at him, frowning.
“Love the glasses, Harold.”
“Me too. They help me see.”
Harry did not particularly consider himself a religious man. He went to church when it mattered and tried not to do unto others what he would not want done unto him, but for the most part, he never really had God at the back of his mind whenever he did something. And yet, as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he wondered what he had done to anger God. His eyes widened and he felt a blush blooming on his cheeks, his skin burning with the shame and embarrassment of his reply. They help me see, way to state the obvious, Styles. Louis was obviously flirting and the only thing he could come up with was bloody “they help me see.”
Louis let out a bark of laughter, pushing his knee against Harry’s. “Good for you, mate. You wouldn’t want to strain those pretty eyes of yours.”
The professor walking in and setting up his papers behind the lectern saved Harry from having to answer. Harry kept his eyes trained on the front of the class for the first hour of the lecture, pointedly ignoring Louis’ constant shifting and squirming around in his seat. Liam often asked if he had ants in his pants, which usually prompted Louis to let out a vulgar joke about what he did have in his pants. It was better if Harry ignored him, then. He was already struggling to keep up with the deadpan droning of their professor, he didn’t need to think about the way Louis’ thigh brushed against his every time he moved. 
The lightbulb closest to the door kept flickering, the rhythm varying from every other second to one every two or three minutes, and Harry found himself captivated by it. The ventilation buzzed in the background, a low metallic rumble pushing moist air into the suffocating hall. A strand of hair had escaped from his comb-over, falling into his eyes and curling from the humidity. He blew on it, watching it rise and fall and repeating the motion over and over again, until Louis elbowed him.
Harry turned to him, bracing himself for a witty remark that would turn him into a blubbering mess, but instead he was met with Louis’ profile, face set and serious as he had his hand raised in the air. Squinting, Harry turned to their professor in time to see him calling on Louis, who lifted his eyebrows, once, before an amused smile curled up his lips.
“Sir, there is something that has been bothering me since I read through the assigned pages last night. See, I can’t quite figure out what Shakespeare meant when he had Aufidius say: ‘Let me twine mine arms about that body, where against my grained ash an hundred times hath broke and scarr’d the moon with splinters,’ and then later when he adds: ‘but that I see thee here, thou noble thing! more dances my rapt heart than when I first my wedded mistress saw bestride my threshold.’”
Louis glanced up from the copy of Coriolanus opened in front of him, several lines underlined in blue ink, to give Harry a wink before looking back down and continuing.
“And when he writes: ‘thou hast beat me out twelve several times, and I have nightly since dreamt of encounters ‘twixt thyself and me; we have been down together in my sleep, unbuckling helms, fisting each other’s throat, and waked half dead with nothing,’ what I don’t understand, sir, is that it sounds to me like Aufidius is courting Marcius, doesn’t it? All this talk of,” Louis glanced down again, “nightly dreams of what sounds to me like some sort of wrestling? All of this leads me to think that there is a certain passion to Marcius and Aufidius’ relationship that you haven’t talked about, yet.”
Louis sat back in his seat, the line of his shoulders disagreeing with the look of candid innocence he had schooled his face into. The entire hall seemed to be waiting with baited breath for their professor’s response, the poor man looking terrified and offended and minuscule in his bulky tweed jacket. His lip quivered, making his grey, toothbrush moustache dance, and he narrowed his eyes at Louis.
“Ignoring Mr Tomlinson’s depraved mind, let’s have a short break. Class will resume in ten minutes.”
Chatter rose around them and Louis shook his head, a look of annoyed resignation on his face.
“I knew he’d do that. I bloody knew it. They’re always too stuck up to address the blatant homoeroticism of the material they assign us.”
Homoeroticism. The word rang in Harry’s ears, filling up his skull and flushing out everything else, leaving him with images of--with images of things he’d rather not put a name on. Of Louis’ lips as they curled into his trademark smirk, of Louis’ spread thighs as he lay on one of their beds, reading out loud from whichever book he had found on the bedside table, of Louis’ eyes and the way they had to always seek Harry’s, but also of older memories. Memories of swimming in a lake with his older cousin as a child and watching the drops of water running down his chest and shimmer in the sun. Locker room memories, a seemingly endless number of them, all strung one after the other in his mind like a neverending series of discomfort and shame as he caught glimpses of changing bodies. Memories of feeling wrong and twisted, an abomination that would bring shame to his family if he said anything.
There was a word for all this, a simple word which Louis uttered like it didn’t carry the weight of the world with it. A word which didn’t sound as ominous as the others did. That word wouldn’t be in Liam’s textbook. That word evoked ideas of art in Harry’s mind, not of therapy.
“Harold? Are you all right? I’ve lost you, here, haven’t I? Wake up, Styles, you’re not in your bed. I understand that it can be confusing for you right now because we all know you see me in your dreams, but--”
“That word you used,” Harry said, cutting him. He cleared his throat and decided it was better to ignore how accurate Louis’ teasing was.
“Which one? You’ll notice I speak quite a lot, so you’ll have to be a bit more specific than that.”
Lowering his voice, Harry leaned in. “Homoeroticism.”
“What about it?”
“It was the first time I heard it. I didn’t know it existed.”
“There are a lot of things you don’t know about.” Louis patted his thigh with a pout. “But don’t worry, I can teach you. I owe you one, remember?”
Harry let out a strangled noise and looked away so he would not have to see Louis’ smirk.
Harry spent the rest of the lecture in a haze, his mind preoccupied with what he tried so hard to ignore during the first half: Louis’ elbow brushing against his on the armrest, their knees bumping when he moved, the sound of his breathing, regular and deep, the way he tapped his pen against his notebook, the muscles in his forearm shifting as he took notes. By the time his torture was over, he realized with horror that he had not listened to a single word of the entire second half of the lecture and he bit his lip. 
“And they say I’m the worst student this school has ever seen,” Louis commented after seeing the blank page that Harry failed to hide.
“I couldn’t concentrate,” Harry explained as he packed his bag hastily and followed Louis to leave the lecture hall.
“You can borrow my notes, don’t worry.” Once out of the hall, Louis turned to walk backwards, eyes on Harry. “Why, though? Why was Harold Styles, scholarship student, not paying attention in class? Thinking about boys, maybe?”
Without thinking about it, Harry lurched forward to put his hand over Louis’ mouth. “Shut up,” he hissed.
Unfazed, Louis lowered Harry’s hand with his, his expression softening. “So, you were? This is an interesting turn of events.” Looking up at Harry, he frowned. “Oh, you’re scared.”
“I’m not scared.” At the sight of Louis raising his eyebrow in disbelief, Harry licked his lips. “I’m terrified.” He glanced around, feeling like all eyes were on the pair of them as they stood in the middle of the hallway and blocked the traffic.
Louis nodded and took Harry’s elbow, dragging him along and out of the building. Outside, pale rays of sunlight were peeking through the clouds and the air felt light for the first time in days. Harry tried to avoid the puddles covering the cobblestones while Louis kept pulling him along, mindful of keeping his socks dry even as an outrageously flirtatious man he barely knew was taking him somewhere unknown.
“Do you have work today?” Louis asked over his shoulder as they crossed the campus towards their dormitory.
“No. Where are we going?”
“My dorm.”
Harry stopped abruptly, causing Louis to stumble forward before he caught himself and turned. “Why?”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to molest you.” Letting go of Harry’s arm, he stepped closer, lowering his voice. “I just thought you’d prefer to talk about your innermost secrets in private. Assuming you want to talk about it?”
Harry looked down at Louis for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Louis held his gaze, eyes wide and earnest, almost begging for Harry’s trust. Gnawing at his lip, Harry breathed in sharply and nodded, making the jump, stepping off the edge of the metaphorical cliff and choosing to trust Louis.
A small smile appeared on Louis’ lips, more subdued than what Harry was used to see, and it warmed up the bottom of his stomach in a way that was not unpleasant.
“Very well. Let us be on our way, then.” 
A sense of dread descended upon Harry as they neared Louis’ room. His nerves were setting in, sparking up, exploding in bright flashes of what felt a lot like terror at the prospect of the conversation he was about to have and of its ramifications. Thinking it was one thing, admitting that he was thinking it was another, but voicing it was in the realm of impossibilities. The door shut behind them with a quiet click and then they were alone, shielded. Louis sat backwards on his desk chair and motioned for Harry to sit on his bed before he folded his arms and raised an inquisitive eyebrow.
“Harry, tell me. How long have you known?” His voice was quiet and soft, so unlike Louis’ usual loud squawks that it eased Harry’s nervousness, if only partially. 
Harry found that he could not look at Louis’ face and he let his gaze drift to the wall behind him, hung with pennants in the colours of Liam’s favourite teams. He brought a hand up to scrape his teeth against the knuckle of a finger, a nervous habit he’d been trying to get rid off for years. He could feel Louis’ steady gaze on him and he swallowed thickly, breathing out.
“I don’t know.” He forced his eyes back on Louis, briefly, to see him frowning. “How long have you known?”
“That I’m gay?” Harry winced at the word and it made Louis smirk. “Summer 1943, there was this bloke billeted at a neighbour’s house. He’d pop by to play with my sisters and I some times and I’d seen him almost every day for months, but that one particular day, he helped my mother with gardening and took off his shirt because of the heat. It changed my life.” He chuckled and scratched his cheek. “I was twelve. I spent the entire day in my bedroom, watching him from the window, absolutely confused about what was happening. I thought I was ill.”
“What’d you do?”
Louis shrugged. “I masturbated, obviously. That was a first. What a day.”
Heat spread on Harry’s face, bright red spots blooming on his cheeks at the words, and he muttered a scandalized ‘oh, my god’ that made Louis laugh. 
“Have you never?” Louis asked, giving Harry a curious smile. “Have you really never touched yourself?”
Putting a hand over his eyes, Harry groaned. “Of course, I have, but I don’t talk about it with everyone,” he blurted out, ashamed.
“Why not? You have to stop listening to your minister, kid. It’s perfectly normal, everyone does it.”
Harry shook his head and wiped his sweaty hands on his trousers. He could not remember having ever been as uncomfortable as he was in that instant. His nerves were raw and he felt too hot and too cold at the same time, safe and cloistered at once in the cramped dorm room. Looking at Louis, he found him observing him with a steady expression. Harry appreciated that he was not pushing for answers despite his obvious curiosity. He didn’t feel pressured to answer, but the possibility was there, hanging in the still, humid air between them. It was his choice to seize it and, with a shaky sigh, he did.
“I’ve always had, hum, suspicions that I wasn’t normal. I can’t--” he waved his hands around, “--put words on it, or tell you about specific incidents, but I’ve been having doubts since grammar school.”
“You’re normal.” There was an unexpected fire behind Louis’ words that made Harry frown.
“You can’t be serious. You heard Liam the other day, we’re sociopaths.”
Louis rolled his eyes, digging in his pockets for a cigarette. He placed it between his lips and cracked a match to light it, eyes on Harry through the rising smoke. “Do you feel like a sociopath?”
Harry shrugged. “Not particularly.”
Blowing smoke, Louis raised his eyebrows. “There you go. You’re not. Simple as that. Admitting a bloke needs to have his hands tied above his hands to be able to come, would you say he’s a sociopath?” When Harry shook his head, Louis continued. “But that’s still a paraphilia, ergo he’s mental. We’re not perverts, we just love differently. That’s how I see it, anyway.”
Harry licked his lips and nodded, transfixed by Louis’ verve. “And they say you’re the worst student of your year.”
Louis laughed, sharp and clear, smoke coming out of his nostrils. “I’ve had a bad freshman year and the reputation, sadly, stuck with me. Of course, I’m not a scholarship kid, so I don’t compare.” He winked a Harry.
“How do you know so many things about me? We’ve rarely spoken.”
Louis laughed again, but the sound was softer, more intimate, in an odd way. “Well...” He rubbed the back of his neck, discarding the butt of his cigarette in a dirty ashtray on his bedside table. “I asked around. You helped me a lot when you befriended Zayn.”
Harry shifted on the bed to rest his back against the wall, kicking his shoes off quickly to pull his knees up against his chest. “Why?”
Louis’ eyes widened, almost comically, before he shrugged. “Curiosity. You looked interesting.”
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mini-moongi · 4 years
Notification [REVAMPED] || 2
Taehyung x reader
Genre: Slice of Life, comedy, fluff, slow burn?? Idk I feel like I’m describing an anime lol
Summary: Alert!AU, School!AU; A mysterious app appeared on your phone and you can’t get rid of it?? It texts you people’s thoughts. One day, you accidentally send the star basketball player, Min Yoongi, to the nurse’s office.
-A/N- This revamped version is already super diff from the original lol I have some stuff planned so this might be a bumpy ride on the love coaster.
Chapters: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 coming soon!
series masterlist
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The last school bell rings, signaling that you can finally escape this hell-hole. A sigh escapes your lips, and you look back on the wild roller coaster of today. You fell, re-sprained a guys ankle, ate lunch with hot boys, and then suddenly a new forensics partner too. You asked Yoongi for his schedule earlier, and you’ve just picked up all of his assignments. The teachers praise you for your kindness as you walk out of each classroom.
It’s been about 15 minutes after school officially ended, but you’re still roaming, trying to find the exit. You’re walking down the now empty hallway when you suddenly see girl and a guy around the corner. You press your back against the wall; you’ve stumbled upon something you shouldn’t have. It’s almost like you’re intruding on a very private matter, oh wait, you are. The two are blocking the nearest exit, and you really don’t feel like walking across campus. 
“...I’ve liked you for awhile now, Jungkook.” A feminine voice echoed in the desolate hallway. “I know other girls like you too, but I couldn’t wait any longer. Will you accept my feelings?” She’s timid, and you start to feel guilty that you’re eavesdropping like this. 
You’re in it for the long haul now; if you started walking, it would definitely ruin their moment. You were hoping for the boy to say yes and then leave, but a heavy silence fills the room. You grow anxious and peek around the corner to get a glimpse.
The guy named Jungkook is just standing there. He’s very attractive, and he has a very well built figure. He’s not looking at the girl, and his body is stiff. He’s like a statue; a very intimidating statue. The name Jungkook was familiar, but you can’t pin point why at this time. It’s probably because you’ve seen him in the year book, that’s all.. His brows are furrowed, and he is silent for a painfully long time.
“...I can’t.” His words are clear and sharp, piercing you like an arrow. The wound is cut clean, but the pain still stings and lingers. You aren’t even the one who confessed, but damn, that hurt. Without another word, he walks past her. He’s coming your way, and way too quickly at that. 
Panic fills your heart, and you have to think fast. You pretend like you were just walking down the hallway and definitely not listening to their interaction, but Jungkook strides quickly down the hallway as if he never saw you. His eyes were zoned out, and you could hear his shaky breathing when he passed by. It was like he had a tunnel vision. Curiosity ate away at you, and you followed him.
 He ends up against a wall, sitting down with his head in his hands. His breathing is ragged like he’s been exercising for hours, and his fingers are trembling. Is he having a panic attack? Your good citizen heart thumped in your chest at the helpless stranger. 
“..Hey, it’s okay.” Gently you place your hand on his shoulder as you whisper in a soft voice. “What do you need?”
“I.. I can’t... breathe..” His eyes are dilated and darting in multiple places. His breath is shallow and short, too distraught to come to his senses.
“Concentrate on it. Breathe with me, slowly.” You count slowly as he breathes in and out. His hands open and close, as if he can’t feel them. “Do you need something to hold?”
When he nods, you grasp your hand onto his left one. It’s a gentle squeeze, but it reassures him that you are there. After another minute, he calms down. He’s come to his senses, but he still seems uncomfortable by you. It suddenly occurs that you never introduced yourself, and you mentally facepalm.
“--Sorry! I’m L/n Y/n. I have a cousin who has panic attacks sometimes, and I just did it without thinking..” 
He avoids your gaze but he mumbles a “Thank you.” Another moment of silence passes, so you get up to leave. “W..Wait!” He stammers. When you turn to look at him again, he stands abruptly. He bows like his life depends on it and speaks to you. “My name is Jeon Jungkook, I’m a sophomore, and I really appreciate what you did for me today.”
His super formal introduction surprises you. You thought he’d be older than you at first glance, but now that he mentioned it, you can tell how young he looks despite the muscular build. “Oh. It’s no problem. If you ever need help, just let me know.” You send him a pleasant smile and finally head towards the exit.
He hesitates, but jogs to catch back up with you. “Is there any way I can make it up to you? I’m actually... really shy around girls.” His hands are in the pockets of his hoodie as he looks to the side. When you give him the questionable hum, he quickly adds in. “--I’m not sexist or anything..  You seem really nice! I swear!!” 
You laugh. It’s a sweet and innocent laugh as you look at him. “It’s okay, Jungkook. I believe you.”
“Where are you going?”
When the words left his mouth, you wondered. Where are you going? You have Yoongi’s assignments, but you forgot to ask him where he lived. “I was going to drop off homework to this guy named Min Yoongi, but I forgot to ask for the address..” You don’t have any of the Bangtan boys’ numbers, so there really is no hope in going to his house today. You shrug,” Well, I guess I won’t go today.”
Jungkook looks at you in surprise. “You know Yoongi?” When you nod to him, he says,”I was just about to head over there to see how he was doing. Can I give you a ride? My friend’s about to get here.” A smile lights up his face, completely destroying the intimidating impression that you had of him. ” I’d usually take the bus, but my buddy just got his license.”
And so, you both wait for Jungkook’s friend to take you to Yoongi’s place. As you wait you check ECHO for the last time, curious about what Jungkook thought of you.
[16:30] Woah... who is she??
[16:32] A hero? An... angel?
[16:33] oh fuck she’s leaving uhhhh do something!!!!
[16:44] Is she like a secret Bantgtan member or something?? That would definitely explain how she knows Yoongi... 
[16:47] She’s so cool, I hope we can be friends ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ
A black car pulls up to Jungkook, and the driver rolls down the window. Jungkook’s shoulders block the window, so you can’t get a proper view. He talks to his friend for a minute, and moves out of the way to introduce you. The first thing you see is a pair of wide eyes and messy brown hair. “Y/n?”
Jungkook looks at you confused, but your feet move on their own. When you approach the car, Taehyung smiles. “You missed me that badly? I would’ve waited for you if I’d known that you needed a ride.” He sends a wink your way, but you mentally swatted it away. It’s just who he is, y’know? You can’t take anything this guy says seriously..
You roll your eyes at his flirtatious comment, but it makes you grin nonetheless. You and Jungkook get into the backseat of the car, and head to Yoongi’s home. During this encounter between you, Jungkook, and Taehyung, you’ve realized why you recognized the sophomore. 
Of course it’s all connected... He’s another Bangtan guy. He’s super young, really buff, and talented at literally everything. You don’t know much about Jungkook, but you heard from all of the girls in his grade that he was really intimidating. To girls, he was curt, rude, and many of them started to think that he was gay. The boy you’re sitting next to though is shy and innocently sweet, contrasting to his reputation.
“...Jungkook, you’re not secretly a thug, are you?” The question falls from your lips while you were lost in thought. You didn’t mean to say that out loud, but you are curious of his answer.
He looks at you incredulously,” What?? No, why?”
“My sweet Kookie would never!” Taehyung pipes up from the front. He sounds like a soccer mom who’s defending his son for cheating during the game. “He’s an innocent little boy.”
A small protest full of giggles ensues,” Hyung!!” 
You laugh as you apologize to him. “Sorry, Jungkook. It’s just that.. When I first saw you, you looked like you were going to murder my secret lover in my sleep. It was straight out of a soap opera!!” You and Jungkook laugh at your ridiculous analogy.
Taehyung gasps,” As if!! I would never get murdered in such a way.” Him implying that he was the secret lover made Jungkook practically howl with laughter. His smile is so big and uplifting, you wondered where his murderous look ran off to. His doe eyes are shut closed, and he’s holding onto his stomach. 
“Taehyung, I...” He tries to fight out the sentence in between fits of laughter,” I did abs today.. I’m so sore!!” 
Somehow, you all managed to arrive at Yoongi’s in one piece. One by one, you each stumble out of the car with happy tears in your eyes. In that duration, you three managed to create a whole k-drama-esque episode, full of comedy and unrealistic reactions. Jungkook leads the way as he walks up to a door that was attached to, presumably, Yoongi’s house.
He lifts his knuckles to knock, but suddenly the door opened. Instead of the Yoongi you were expecting, another figure stood in the doorway as he shouts at someone inside the house.
“Yah, how am I supposed to remain immortal if you keep stressing me out?!” The man in the doorway has all three of you stunned, and you could only watch him argue with the mysterious voice inside the home. He grumbled to himself,” ...just you wait. I’m gonna come back with the ingredients, and I’m going to shove it down his--”
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Chapter 3 will hopefully be up sooner than this one did. I’m going to work in a uhh cute?? moment w y/n and Taehyung lol What will happen in this crackhead household?
20 notes · View notes
every1studio · 5 years
SERIES: “stage one: one sided love” [ateez: hongjoong]
genre: angst 
ficstyle: bulletpoints + series [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [END]
prompt: inspired by Lou Hoang’s Yeu Em Dai Kho (acoustic version)
note: do any of you guys listen to anything other genres than KPOP?
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you never thought you’d believe in love at first sight 
you always wrote and compose songs about love but in all honesty.. you have never been in love before 
you thought that many nights you spent watching kdramas and romcoms would give her enough insight of what it was like to be in love 
but all of that changed when you met Hongjoong
SURE, call it cliche but you didn’t think that you could fall for someone for doing absolutely nothing
right when he walked passed you as you adjusted your guitar case on your shoulders, there was a feeling of strings being pulled
just his profile alone was enough to make your cheeks turn pink 
the way he laughed as his friends slung their arms over his shoulders make you smile with him 
(is this what they called heartstrings?) you thought as you shook your head out of this daydream
you thought it wasn’t anything too serious but just gawking at a simple eye candy 
but the more you saw Hongjoong, the more he was just eye candy 
you could tell he was a sweet and caring guy
and it wasn’t for the girls to swoon over him even more
he was genuinely a kindhearted person and he didn’t need others to see his polite gestures 
you noticed this when you saw kitten get stuck in a tree; Hongjoong was climbing the tree and trying to get the kitten to come over to him
he called out to it with his honey-like voice 
but before the kitten even got to him, the sounds of the branch snapping got louder and Hongjoong leaped for it 
there he was on the ground, using his body as a shield he made sure the kitten was okay
and when it was, he let it run off
you were scared that he was hurt, but you weren’t confident enough to even talk to him yet 
so you just stood there, slightly trembling
the tree wasn’t that tall but a fall like that would give him bruises and scratches for sure
later that day, you walked down the hall as you saw him exit the nurse’s office, “are you sure you just tripped?” 
he smiled and nods as he laughs off that his clumsiness has earned him a lot of battle scars
and that was just one of the many cases where he placed himself above others 
you thought you could finally thought you could gain some sort of courage when you got to be in the same literature class as him AND having an assigned seat next to him
but all you could muster was answering him back with a “hello,” “I’m good and you?” “bye”
he always tried to initiate a conversation with you but you always stupidly answer back with short and blunt sentences
even though people said that you were just an antisocial hermit crab, Hongjoong always said that you were just a little shy 
you didn’t know why he would help boost your status around campus when you didn’t really care for it in the first place
you really liked that trait of his; caring about other people’s feelings
the more you talked with Hongjoong, even if it was just simple conversations, the more you liked him and the more you finessed this song about love 
you caught yourself smiling over stupid little daydreams involving your future with him 
or every single conversations you had with him 
even the little habits of his that you picked up 
when you didn’t have class with him, you would notice your social life plummet 
it would change right when you woke up knowing you were going to go to class that you had with Hongjoong
but you knew out of all the people in his life, you were just a classmate 
sadly, that was more than enough for you to slowly fall for him
after hearing about his interest in music composition and lyric writing, you were determined that right when you finished writing your song, you would confess to him 
you almost didn’t want to finish the song, even though you were basically done with it
your heart wasn’t ready for it 
but you promised yourself so you lifted your head high and made your way onto campus 
you hummed your tune in your head over and over until you got to class
you noticed Hongjoong standing at the doorway
and he wasn’t by himself 
he was with another girl
someone you’ve seen before, she was the prettiest girl on campus, you agreed to that statement when some other people mentioned her name 
you never so Hongjoong so giggly and blushy
your heart was so conflicted
you smiled because he was smiling
but your heart was hurting because he wasn’t smiling for you 
you quietly cleared your throat as you thumped on your chest, hoping for the pain to go away 
Hongjoong looks down at his watch and looks back up at the sparkly doe-eyed girl , “I have time, I’ll walk you to class”
and with that, you walked fast pass Hongjoong with shoulders slightly brushed against each other
he raised his hand to say his daily greetings to you but you didn’t look back at him 
he thought of the situation as odd since you always greeted him back... but maybe it was because you didn’t see him
that didn’t bother him too much so he shrugged and chatted with the girl to her class 
when he returned to the classroom, he noticed that there was a change in seating arrangements 
you were sitting in the far front as he sat in the far back 
he wanted to ask you if you were feeling alright but class was about to start in a couple of seconds
with that, you and Hongjoong drifted farther and farther away from each other 
(maybe it was a sign) you thought as you lightly crinkled the song you worked so hard on 
you woke up from your concentrated daze by the girl Hongjoong walked to class 
she smiled at you as you asked if she could sit in the seat across from you 
you timidly nodded 
she tucked her long, silky hair behind her hair and struck her other arm out for you to take, “I’m Aurora”
you took it, “Y/N”
trying to be polite, you lightly took it, only grabbing onto her fingers 
your insides were boiling, (what could she possibly want from me?) 
“so you’re kinda close with Hongjoong right? you’re the only girl who I’ve seen Hongjoong talk to so I wanna know what’s he like? what does he like? what kind of girl does he like?”
ah, there was the answer, she wanted to use you 
something inside you wanted to lash out at her, telling her that she would never be enough for him
but the little voice in the back of your head pulled you back to your senses
you’ve seen how happy he looks just standing next to her; is that what you looked like when you would stand next to him?
all these thoughts were swimming in your head, you didn’t know how to reply to her 
her warm hands met on top of yours, “I really REALLY like Hongjoong, I’ve never met anyone like him before..”
you wanted to say “me too,” but you knew you couldn’t
this wasn’t even a competition; you weren’t even a player at the start of the game
you were just a bystander trying to be apart of something you’re not 
you saw a poster of a music gig for a bar that was known to be a hotspot for couples; apparently it was going to be big because there was a prize for the top 3 performances 
“how about you take to the music gig this weekend? he likes music and I think that it would be a cozy place for a date..” you couldn’t look at her in the eyes
Aurora was ecstatic; she held your hands even tighter as she jumped out of her chair 
“of course! why didn’t I think of that?!”
you nodded at her with an agreeing facial expression as you got up to leave, “I need to go-”
“WAIT! as my way of thanking you, I’ll get you a spot on for the gig! I know you are amazing at playing the guitar! Hongjoong would love it!”
how could you say no? 
it’s been so long since you’ve seen him face to face... 
but before you could say anything, Aurora opens her mouth, “you’ll definitely win that money prize if you do!”
you convinced yourself that you were in it for the prize.. but it was just to see Hongjoong’s heartwarming smile again 
you agreed to do it with another nod of the head
Aurora squeals as she hugs you, suffocating you with her sickly-sweet perfume and dashes off as she waves goodbye to you 
you slumped back in your chair; what were you getting yourself into? 
you dressed yourself up as if it was you on that date 
soft wavy hair sat on your shoulder 
you had light makeup on; a very light burnt orange blush on your cheekbones matched with a rust-colored gradient lip, topped off with curled eyelashes and mascara 
you matched a pair of black chunky boots over some cream slouchy socks that hung below your calves with a corduroy camel-colored mini dress 
it had bishop sleeves; it made you feel comfortable even though the length of the dress hit your mid-thighs
you didn’t even know if Hongjoong was going to be there or not
when it was your turn, you held your heart and took a deep breath before entering the stage
you immediately made eye contact with Hongjoong and that made your heart fluttered      
you almost completely forgotten about Aurora and you bit the sides of your cheeks before making the last adjustments of tuning to your guitar 
if you were correct, this was the first time you would play the guitar in front of Hongjoong and your first time singing in public 
these were a lot of firsts for you
but since your first love was already shattered, all these firsts were just sitting ducks 
[you sang about being foolishly in love]
you couldn’t stop looking over at Hongjoong and Aurora as they were holding hands the whole time
nearing the end of the song, you stared straight into Hongjoong’s eyes; hoping that your lyrics got through to him 
you passionately strummed and literally sang your heart away
with the last note, you felt a stream of tears run down your face 
you quickly bowed and left the stage
you wanted to leave the bar as fast as you could but you were stopped by the staff and they were going to choose the winners soon
you didn’t want the prize
you just wanted to be with Hongjoong, you wanted to be the one holding his hand as another sings her heart out for him knowing that you were the only one that was going to matter to him
you had won first place by a landslide  
you saw Hongjoong get out of his chair to give you a standing applause 
but you were stone-cold when you bowed to collect your prize 
the prize of a meer $2,000 couldn’t fix the gaping hole inside of your heart 
you found cards from record labels in your bouquet of flowers alongside with your prize
although being in the music industry was a big dream of yours, you didn’t think that it costed that pain in your heart 
you chuckled at how stupid and naive you had became, blinded by love and causing you to hurt so badly
you looked over at Hongjoong and Aurora as they shared drinks and laughed the night away
you slung your guitar case over your shoulder as you sighed into the starry night sky on the veranda, “I guess I really did love you foolishly..”
“I’ll cheers to that”
you heard someone respond to you
there was a boy, he seemed to be around the same age as you as he raised his dark liquor to you
“were you talking to me?” you pointed at yourself as you looked around you cautiously
he smiles at his drink before answering you, “love is sucha stupid thing, but we always fall for it...” 
you thought he was kind of weird so you nodded and left; leaving his words echo in your head throughout the whole night
“see you on campus tomorrow-” the boy raises his two hands to form a camera frame at the direction you left in and clicks his tongue to imitate the sound of a camera “-Y/N”
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The forbidden crack! Untamed prompts: 18/?
University AU: “Negative Space”
[ok so, self projection is a bitch, but I am petty to myself on a regular basis so it’s ok]
[title is from the Japanese concept “ma”, which Wikipedia describes as:
“a Japanese word which can be roughly translated as ‘gap’, ‘space’, ‘pause’ or ‘the space between two structural parts.’ In traditional Japanese arts and culture, ma is more carefully defined as the suggestion of an interval. It is best described as a consciousness of a sense of place, with the ‘intervals’ suggested often being more than simple gaps, instead focusing on the intention of a negative space in an art piece.
Ma is not necessarily an art concept created by compositional elements, such as the literal existence of a negative space. Instead, the intention is often to create the perception of an interval in the viewer experiencing the elements forming an art piece, making maless reliant on the existence of a gap, and more closely related to the perceived experience of a gap.
Ma has also been described as ‘an emptiness full of possibilities, like a promise yet to be fulfilled’, and as ‘the silence between the notes which make the music’.”
Fun fact: “ma” also means “but” in Italian, which is what usually follows whatever intrusive thought may plague my mind. Eg: “I may be useless now, BUT just you wait until I get some dopamine to get me through this shitty times.”]
Wei Ying never asked for much in his life. He’s content with cleaning classrooms and toilets and nobody can beat him at wiping the marble floors if he works hard enough. Granny Wen, his supervisor, is slightly impressed with his ability to make the wood shine for ages to come. His nephew Jin Ling sometimes comes to check on him when he’s done with senior classes or cram school in the evening, and together they sit down and listen to whatever his older friends in music production came up with during the day. Jiang Cheng occasionally would ask him to keep him company while he grades papers and they bitch about ZiXuan and his inability to dote on their sister. The cafeteria ladies are always nice to him and they give him extra congee because they worry for his questionable consumption of spice products.
He’s fine, really.
So why can’t he stop wandering over to the science building these days? Looking for a clean board to use, for an equation to finally solve? Even if in the end he just takes the chalk in hand and simply stares down at the inky surface in front of him, unable to write. His mind working on a software too advanced for the hardware that constitutes his brain.
Thirteen years. It has been already thirteen years and yet it feels like yesterday, or like it never happened at all. Like it has yet to be. Time blindness is a bitch to deal with, yet dyscalculia and ADHD makes a joke out of you when you love math on a visceral level... but you burned too bright too fast and now you function on no data and with an even shittier signal. Having a burnout at 23 should have taught him humility instead of pride, but Wei Ying has always worked out of spite and certain habits are difficult to forget.
Couldn’t put the number in the right order, switching digits left and right since he was young? Fine. Numbers were concepts anyway, entire civilizations working their magic without even knowing what “zero” stood for. A brain steaming with a million ideas per second? Good. New connections brimming with ideas he could use to better the world.
It worked fine until he let himself down. Until he became a useless empty lighter, a wet match tossed out, carbon monoxide in the air.
Dropped out before finishing his very ambitious, highly dangerous for his psyche, thesis project. Aunt Yu never forgave him for that, not after paying for his advanced classes, not after trusting Uncle Jiang and supporting him despite his many flaws. What good is being first of your class every year, poster child of a teaching system done right, graduating bachelor at 21, if you can’t finish your master at 23 and get your PhD at 25 and start teaching by 27 and drive yourself insane in the process?
Wei Ying dropped out and didn’t finish his master, didn’t enroll in the teaching program, and let everyone down. His Uncle and Aunt looking down on him, whether out of pity or shame. Jiang Cheng may have been the one leaving him behind, but he used to be the one saying “you should have tried harder”. YanLi worrying over him when she should have focused on her career first. Jin Ling growing up with stories of his uncle “not being worth the money put into his education”, taught to not disappoint and make his family proud. The Jin side, that is.
And now the kid comes crawling in defeat to him instead of Jiang Cheng after bombing a test in high school. And they chat of what he would like to do and how much he likes sports and how much he despises the idea of getting a scholarship for that and being called stupid or something by his classmates. And he cries when he thinks Wei Ying cannot see him as he leaves the campus late at night.
Wei Ying didn’t even want to solve that impossible theorem he fixated on in his early twenties. His thesis project was inconsequential in the great scheme of things and his professor only wanted him to be his one trick pony in the end. No. Wei Ying wanted to teach math in elementary school, hell... even in kindergarten. He wanted to change the approach to the subject. Because numbers cannot be taught like language is and there are many ways to teach how to sum up digits and divide quantities and there are no rules on how to make sense of space either.
But how can he teach when even time eludes his senses?
Something that nobody can define, but certainly most perceive as linear... but not him. Not since his brain fried up in his attempt to function like a normal human being.
After thirteen years nothing has changed.
Until one day he hears something else aside from his usual intrusive thoughts and burdensome memories. A melody so quiet he almost mistakes it for the wind, coming from the music building.
He walks slowly, night surrounding him like the embrace of a friend as he makes his way to the traditional musical instruments room. The one where Jin Ling’s friends meet sometimes as they wait for the younger boy to join them. Wei Ying holds his breath as he spies through the gap of the door left ajar, neon light slicing his face like moonbeams as he peeks in and recognizes Jin Ling’s friends and another figure sitting on the ground, guqin on their knees.
But before he can lean in and breathe in the vibrant sounds all around, the door opens and music theory Professor Lan finds Wei Ying clutching his mop for dear life.
They said the man could see colors within the notes, that he despises language outside of his class or office and that only his brother, the history of art TA, could convince him to talk every now and then.
If numbers were created to measure space, Wei Ying firmly believed music had been invented to make sense of time and count its seconds in rhythm and notes, pauses and beats. Yet, time seems to stretch to a stop as the janitor focuses all of his attention on professor Lan’s stern face and his heart quickens its pace.
Wei Ying takes a rushed breath and dives right in with a weird sense of hope pumping in his veins. A small, timid voice whispering that life is not made to be atoned, but to move on and grow.
One step at a time.
“I’m Wei Ying, Professor Lan. May I listen while you play?”
Yes, maybe it will be enough just to let time flow at its pace.
Whatever rhythm that may be.
[some hcs down below]
WWX does not magically solve the math theorem. he may or may not help kids figure out how to use numbers on the long run tho. no, he will still work as a janitor and there’s nothing wrong with that.
yes, LWJ is autistic and stimms and finds WWX’s honesty soothing. yes, you can add your hcs on the matter. he has synesthesia, but more on the grapheme-color side of the deal than anything else and he sees certain letters/numbers/notes in different colors. people think he can see colors in music, but they misunderstood and thought he could recognize different hues while listening to music instead of reading it.
JC has grown since his uni years and doesn’t resent WWX anymore. he teaches astrophysics as a TA and doesn’t pressure his brother to pick his studies up anymore. WWX has mixed feelings about this: he feels he’s a lost cause, to the point not even his brother spurs him to best himself anymore, but he is grateful for the patience anyway.
LXC is the official LWJ translator of the campus along with their cousins SiZhui and JinGyi. he bonds with WWX and JC over how tired they are, seldom staring at flies roaming above them in the cafeteria bc none of them can even move. he lives on caffeine and regrets, but he’s getting better as he develops a love for his plant babies and tries to not let them die on a daily basis.
Wen Ning and Wen Qing are little overachievers and adrenaline junkies, hence their competitive streak on their way to their third master degree just for funsies. they scare people with how driven they are, but the juniors love them.
NMJ is the one to go to if you need to get away with murder, but JGY will actually be the one helping you dispose of the body. the fact that they both work in criminal law is somewhat both reassuring and disquieting. they hate each other and yet cannot stop hang out, they are close to 40 and need the rivalry to keep going anyway. nothing beats a good nemesis. not even sex. maybe.
NHS has failed his entrance exam to become a nurse too many times to count, but he is determined to see the end of it. even if he could potentially work in the family business, but he doesn’t know anything about managing an empire of bricks and he doesn’t care. if NMJ could run away, well, so can he.
MianMian is Wei Ying’s bestie and has the biggest crush on JGY’s sister A-Su the kindergarten teacher, but since they are childhood besties she doesn’t know how to approach her. she is Jin Ling’s idol and a certified boxer and refers to herself as a useless bisexual. Wei Ying boxes with her sometimes, she always win.
YanLi is an equestrian mum, but in the best way possible: she coaches children for shows and teaches them horses should be loved and feared equally and that if you want to shoot arrows from a running horse you should always, ALWAYS let go of the stirrups the moment the beast gets too unhinged to ride. JC fears her, WWX is only glad she didn’t train police dogs for a living.
ZiXuan actually loves his wife, but WWX and JC question his career choices and the fact that he’s a retired lawyer spending his family fortune while he’s a stay-at-home dad and does all the housework. WWX and JC believe he should give their sister a better life and work his ass off to deserve her, but he does make amazing rice cakes and keeps up with Jin Ling’s studies and is very supportive of his dreams.
A-Qing and Song Lan are siblings and sometimes bring JC food from the campus cafeteria where they both work at, while Xiao XingChen and his carer Xue Yang work with LXC for a project on accessibility for visually impaired visitors of the local museum. JC and LXC work to make Song Lan and Xiao XingChen fall for each other, but the youngsters are too protective to let them play matchmaker so easily.
[this is all for now. please, if you want, add your own headcanons!]
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