#the night talks like an annoyed theater kid
kakashihasibs · 6 months
My husband asked me if i was okay bc i was "looking down" and i had to admit i was thinking mean thoughts about queer h@rry p0tter fans (ex or otherwise)
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sleepyeepyp3rson · 6 months
boydad!simon riley
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an: this is HEAVILY inspired by @whateveriwant and their girl dad simon headcanons, if you find this alright, you should totally go read theirs!!!
ship: ghost x reader
Simon Riley who teaches your son "real football" but lets your kid win every time, regardless if he played by the rules or not.
Simon Riley who rough houses with your son, and is totally fine with being used as a jungle gym.
Simon Riley who makes time to go to everything your son does, from parent night to performances or sports games. But feels terrible when he can't make it.
Simon Riley who would never tell your son not to wear makeup or pursue theater. The same goes for anything else that's traditionally not "for guys." He couldn't care less as long as he's not hurting anyone.
Simon Riley who tells the worst dad jokes on purpose just to annoy you and your son, and if he joins his dad in the jokes, Simon's ecstatic.
Simon Riley who texts your son everyday once he moves out, and sends him those awful minon memes to annoy him.
Simon Riley who doesn't care who his son loves, his son better be treating them like royalty. Simon would also treat them like family immediately but would give them the "don't hurt my little boy" talk.
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lemonlover1110 · 6 months
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 23] Apologies
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
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“What do you need, Satoru?” You’re more than annoyed when you’re called into his office. You cross your arms, raising your brow as you look at him. The man looks a little too comfortable in his chair, and you’ve seem to stop caring about how he behaves. If you looked closer, you’d see him fidgeting with his fingers, something he rarely does.
“I was wondering…” He begins, and you feel yourself get more and more irritated by the second. He’s wasting your time. “Do you have any plans on Friday?”
“Work, and maybe take Ren to the movie theater to watch a new kids’ movie.” You answer, and at first you don’t understand why he asks. But then it clicks, and you find yourself even more irritated than before… He’s not planning on asking you out, is he? He’s not crazy enough to do that, at least you hope he isn’t. Satoru has changed a lot, you never know just how crazy he’s gotten.
“Can we go out?” He blurts out, tripping over his words and it almost makes you laugh because he’s so nervous. But then you realize that he’s actually asking you out, and you furrow your brows. 
“Ren is coming along, right?” You question before deciding to berate him. Maybe you’re reading things wrong, and you don’t want to argue with him for no reason, so you allow him to make himself clear. But he shakes his head, and you try to take a deep breath to gather your thoughts, “What do you want, Satoru?”
“I feel like we have to properly talk about everything, and sadly, we can’t do that when Ren is around.” Satoru says, and he isn’t wrong, but you don’t really want to fix anything if it means that you have to be alone with him for an extended period of time. You’re not sure what you’d do if you were alone with him, the moment you get your hands on him you might strangle him. 
“I don’t feel like it’s time yet, Satoru.” You tell him, and he bites his tongue. He thinks of how to argue with you, make a point that going with him is a smart decision. It’ll improve your relationship so you can be better parents to Ren.
“Ren notices there’s something wrong with us and he wonders why.” Satoru points out which isn’t a lie. When Ren was staying over he asked why you were so mean to him or something like that, and Satoru didn’t know how to explain himself. But he knows well that it isn’t the reason why he’s asking you to dinner. 
“Why don’t you tell him that it’s because his dad is a little–” You begin but you cut yourself off. You’re mad at him, you can’t deny that, but it seems that he just wants to make sure your relationship is better so you can parent Ren cordially. You have been rather mean with him lately, so you’ll control your tongue. “I just don’t see the point of going out alone, our relationship can get better with Ren there..”
“Don’t you want to talk about heavier topics? You’ll have to tell me what’s on your mind, and you know that having Ren there isn’t the best idea.” Satoru argues, and you hate the fact that he’s actually making a good point. “It’s a nice place.”
“Fine, just text me the address and the dress code. Don’t take me anywhere too fancy, I usually don’t like the food there.” You answer, and Satoru nods in response. He has very different plans. Ones that probably aren’t crossing your mind. 
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Ren is fairly surprised when you tell him that you’re going out with his daddy– And you aren’t taking him along. He’s unsure what you could possibly do, but when he hears that he’s staying with your mom, he stops caring quickly. Ren loves spending time with his grandmother, so he doesn’t have an issue being with her all night. 
“Where are we going?” You ask Satoru when you get into his car, and he tells you that it’s a surprise. You’re not exactly excited nor do you wonder what the surprise is. The car ride is quiet, Satoru tries to make conversation that you don’t care to engage in even though you know you should. This is to talk about the issues that you have, but you don’t really want to talk.
He turns right, and you’re met with a gate which makes you furrow your brows. Where the hell did he take you? The gate opens and he drives into the place. The house is beautiful, you can’t deny it, but you have no idea why you’re here. 
“Why are we here?” You ask him when he parks the car. Are you here for business? The lights are on so you assume someone lives in the place. He’s fighting back a smile, getting out of his car and running to your side to open the door for you.
“We’re meeting someone here.” He tells you, and you almost roll your eyes. You should’ve known dinner couldn’t have gone so smoothly. “I promise it’ll be fun, nothing weird.”
“I have no option to trust you, do I?” You respond, following behind him after getting out of the car. You look at the house, one that you could only afford in your dreams. Well actually, it isn’t impossible now. Regardless, it’d take so many years of your own effort to buy it. 
You get confused when he opens the door with his own key, and you sigh, knowing that he’s just going to show off his new place. You step inside, and the place is bare, which is to be expected since it seems new. You clear your throat before speaking up, “Who exactly are we meeting?”
He grabs your hand, and you roll your eyes again but you don’t yank your hand out of his grasp. He takes you to the huge kitchen, and he points to the person you’re meeting. Satoru says, “This is our chef for the night. He’ll make whatever you want to eat.”
“Oh.” You’re fairly shocked, but you aren’t too mad. “Okay…”
“I hope it’s better than a restaurant.” Satoru laughs, trying to play it off as a thoughtful act. It is creative, and you can’t exactly complain. But you know that part of the reason he does this is because he doesn’t really remember what you like. “C’mon let’s take a seat. I’ll tell him what we want when you decide.”
“Well… What can I order?” You ask curiously, wondering what the chef has on hand. Sometimes you forget that Satoru is filthy rich and can buy out an entire grocery store without an issue. 
“He’ll make anything you want.” Satoru answers with a smile as he leads you to the dining room. It has a huge table, one that reminds you of his mother’s house. It’s huge, it can fit many people, but most of the time it’ll be empty. He waits for you to take a seat, knowing that if he takes a seat first, you’ll go as far away as possible. “When you decide I’ll tell him.”
“I really don’t know. You can pick.” You respond, pulling a chair and taking a seat. He takes a seat right beside you, and you tense up. You can’t help but point out, “You have so many other chairs.”
“We’re here to talk, are we not?” He tells you, and you roll your eyes. He isn’t wrong, but he doesn’t have to sit so close when there are so many other chairs. You don’t want him so close. He clears his throat before saying, “Dinner is for you, you can pick.”
“I guess…” You try to come up with something but you don’t. Satoru taps his finger on the table, growing impatient. “Can’t you just pick? I’ve already been forced to be here tonight.”
“Fine.” Satoru ends up sighing. He stands up and walks to the kitchen to put in his request, leaving you alone to stare at your surroundings. It’s a beautiful home, but you would change the little decorations that you’ve seen. It’s not up to you anyway.
You hear your phone ring, grabbing it from your purse. You notice that Suguru calls, and you debate on rejecting the phone call– You’ve been ignoring him for so long, but it’s about time you answer his call. Satoru is in another room so you can make it quickly. You end up picking up the phone, bringing it to your ear, “Hi Suguru.”
“Hi…” He answers, sounding shocked that you actually picked up the phone. “Can we talk?”
“Um…” You don’t know how to answer. You just know you have to do it before Satoru gets back because you’re not sure that Suguru hearing Satoru’s voice is a good idea. You don’t know your way around the house, but you stand up from your chair and walk out of the living room, just in case Satoru gets back and makes himself known. “Actually, I’m out to dinner with someone so I can’t right now… Do you want to meet up soon?”
“Yeah, we can do that.” He agrees. “So, what do you want to do?”
“How about we meet at a café?” You ask, and you hear Satoru call out your name, telling you that you have to hang up the phone. “I’ll text you the details, I have to go now. Bye.”
You hang up the phone, and turn around to find Satoru, who finally spots you. He raises his brows, asking, “Who were you talking to?”
“Does it concern you?” You reply which makes Satoru chuckle. He guesses it doesn’t. You two walk back to the dining room, sitting back in the same spots. You start off with a simple appetizer, and some drinks, food that you know Satoru loves. You eat in silence, and you’re forced to speak up, “You insisted that we have to talk, so talk, Satoru.”
“I want to… Apologize.” He begins and when he doesn’t get any more specific, you reply with,
“For…” It’s hard to get the words out even though he knows exactly what he should apologize for. He bites down his lip as he gathers his words. How can he say it without sounding like a total jerk. He blurts out, and you barely understand what he says, “For leaving you when you needed me without an explanation.”
“And?” You respond because he’s still missing a bit. You feel yourself getting more annoyed by his silence, and you have to take a deep breath to compose yourself. “I mean, you left me for money, is that the best you can do?”
“I just don’t know how to properly apologize, you should know I’m not used to apologies.” He claims, and you roll your eyes. Of course he says that instead of thinking of a way to apologize better. He watches you cross your arms, a look of clear anger on your face. “I shouldn’t have done that, I know.”
“You know? But you changed your number and completely cut me out of your life– And not for love, because as much as it hurts, I would’ve preferred you leaving me because you fell in love with someone else… Maybe I would’ve understood it better.” You begin, and you feel your heart break again. You thought you had gotten used to the fact that Satoru left you for his own financial benefit. “I don’t even get why you cut me off completely… Maybe if you had explained everything to me then maybe I could have stuck around but you decided that you wanted me out of your life completely.”
“I just thought you deserved to move on and forget about me.” Satoru argues, and your hands ball up into fists. He’s trying to save his own ass, and it bugs you. The benevolent Satoru. “I just didn’t know you were pregnant with Ren.”
“You know, Satoru, it hurts to know that you were fine with leaving me like nothing– And honestly I’m glad that you cut me off when I was about to tell you that I thought I was pregnant.” You feel tears well up in your eyes but you hold them back. It’s fine, you’re fine. You’re over it. You are. “Have I never been worth anything to you?”
“Of course you do, you are–” You cut him off before he can finish his sentence.
“Not just as Ren’s mother, because before that I was your friend and your girlfriend for so many years.” You try not to let it show that you’re deeply hurt, but it shows. It’s hard not to because the man that you swore you would spend the rest of your life with quickly disregarded your relationship… And the only reason he seems to regret everything is because of his son. “Was your love just a lie?”
“It’s not like that. You know that I love you so much.” He says and his words sting. How dare he say that he loves you? How does he have the audacity to say that? “I just…”
“Just what?” You don’t even give him a chance to finish his sentence. “Don’t you ever say that you love me again, Satoru.”
“You know my mom would’ve made your life miserable if I hadn’t gone with Sayo, in the end, I did what was best for the two of us.” Satoru argues, and you stand up from your chair. You can’t stand to be in the same place as him anymore. He watches you begin to walk away and he has to stand up as well, “Wait, let’s finish this, please. For Ren.”
“No, I have to go. I can’t stand to be in this place with you any longer. You’re so… Why can’t you just admit that you’re fucking selfish? Not only that, just admit that you haven’t cared about me, Satoru. I have always come second to you, and suddenly you’re acting like you aren’t at fault for this, that your mother forced you to make the choice when we both know that you made that choice all on your own.” It genuinely hurts you that Satoru ended up being a completely different person– Or maybe Satoru was this same person all along, you just hadn’t noticed it before.
“You’re right. I did. I made the decision all on my own and I can’t blame anyone else.” He finally admits, which should give you some satisfaction but it doesn’t. You’re taking deep breaths to stop yourself from crying but the tears are coming down your face. Satoru’s heart breaks as he finally watches you break down, and he steps toward you to comfort you. He pulls you into a hug, “I’m so sorry, please don’t cry.”
It’s so tempting to hug him back, but you can’t. You push him away, you don’t want to be met by his warm embrace; you don’t need his comfort. You wipe away your tears, “I’ll forgive you for Ren, but don’t you ever try anything with me.”
“Okay…” He responds, but knowing Satoru, the last part went in one ear and out the other. “C’mon, let’s sit down, our main course is almost ready.”
“I want to go back home to my baby boy.” You tell him, and Satoru sighs. He can’t argue and say anything that’ll make you want to stay a little longer, so he won’t keep you here.
“I also had a surprise for you.” Satoru mentions, but you aren’t really interested. “I’ll tell you when it’s more ready though, and when you’re less mad at me.”
“Let’s just go.” You respond, really not caring to ask. He doesn’t spark curiosity in you. Just as you begin to walk out of the dining room, your chef comes out with the main course. He sets it down on the table, and your eyes spark. You look back at Satoru a little shocked but you proceed to tell him, “I changed my mind.”
“Really?” He has to fight a smirk off his face. You really thought you had him read like a book, but perhaps you are wrong in some aspects. He jokingly asks, “Why is that?”
It’s your favorite meal.
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padawansuggest · 10 months
Okay so on Coruscant there are very few people that don’t actually go out into the streets (I’m thinking politicians and Jedi might be some of the few who don’t have to go outside very often if at all because the senate and the temple are both the size of a small city) which means that 1: they NEED to have vitamin D lights on the streets of Coruscant because otherwise everyone would be depressed like in the deepest winter at all times. And 2: that means I think the Jedi temple and the senate themselves also are just full of Vitamin D lights.
Also y’all need to stop writing fics where kids are afraid of ‘getting caught sneaking around after dark’ or something because the temple is literally so full of species that you have no idea of that kid is nocturnal or whatever. They very well could be. Tbh I wanna write a fic where someone catches Obi-Wan sneaking around at night to play a prank with Quin or something and he’s all ‘bruh my eyes glow in the dark I’m obviously meant to be awake at this hour’ and no one can argue with him. Stuff like that.
Also I think the temple neeeeeeeds multiple healing halls (once more. It is the size of a small city) one in the aquatic center of the temple (which canonically exists) one in the temple main (which should span over like four levels and act as it’s own building okay) and one in the creche. This is the MINIMUM amount of healing halls I think they should have.
A tram system should be inside the walls. Places in the temple that act as sideways lifts and also a subway system because believe it or not, there are species in the temple as small as one foot tall, and I’m not just talking about Grogu, I’m talking about others like Kushiban and others similar. Once more. It is the size of a small city. They should have both subway type stations (that take you certain places like the main healing halls or the biggest canteen or the supply sector of the temple things like that) because oh my god imagine how many hours the commute to your workstation could take if you didn’t have that shit. Annoying af.
They gotta have names for all the different canteens okay. Like ‘meet me in the cafeteria’ in a temple the size of a small city is bullshit cause even in the books they have multiple cafeterias.
A… let’s call it a Mall Section of the temple. A place where you can pick up groceries (the temple makes their own food and I assume most of it is cooked in careens but also not letting people cook their own food is a recipe for a Jedi starving to death on a mission lmao) but they also have a salon (skin care and hair care are very important and if you let all these babies cut their own hair they gonna turn out like me no one wants that) and a clothing ‘store’ where you can get certain size clothes and robes from, or even undercover mission clothes. There need to be Jedi in these places too!!! Imagine going to the salon with your master and having a gossip talk about your new lineage member!!! It’s important to society!!!
A Jedi movie theater where the masters send their kiddos on the weekend so they can enjoy a glass of wine and not be sneezed on for three hours.
I’ve actually seen a few mentions in fics and posts about tea salons so that is def also a thing. It’s the Jedi version of a cafe. I think people who like baking take turns working there and everyone chips in for tea selections and stuff.
Droid Ubers. They need to get somewhere but feel sick as heck and it’s not near any good lifts or the subway trams??? Call a droid Uber lmao. It shouldn’t be unusual either lol just grandmaster on his way to bother his kid while not aggravating his hip after hip surgery.
Remember that Jedi who are like 10 foot tall also exist so remember there ARE apartments in the temple that could fit Kenobi’s Dino-Horse girl Boga.
There should also be apartments with like 10 bedrooms and bathrooms (or even one giant communal bathroom) around a singular living/cooking space!!! Let Jedi live in communes!!!!
The aquatic levels of the creche are def the cutest place in the temple you can’t argue with me on the idea of water babies swimming and cuddling under water.
On another note to the fact that species like Kushiban exist???? Imagine tiny doors and corridors that used to be used by mouse droids but they became so useful to tiny Jedi so they got taken over. Just imagine that.
Bartering markets where Jedi trade things, mostly things they get on missions or are given to them as gifts, nothing goes to waste so they find a proper place for all gifts and extras here.
Cooking classes. Obi-Wan has been kicked out of all of them his cooking is so bad. Anakin claims bullshit he loves Master’s cooking! But then, he also eats worms…
Anyways. Y’all too single minded with this shit. It just be all ‘cafeteria, living quarters, healing halls and archives’ with you guys. Where is the culture. Where is the acknowledgment of multiple species all living in the same area taking place in a culture of peace and galactic exploration???? Give them a liquor store idgaf.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
Hi ! So I had an idea for a Matthew Patel x reader fanfic, where the reader is playing Ramona in his Scott Pilgrim musical, and when they have to kiss for the play, in front of the whole theatre, they see sparks, but can't talk about it until the play is over. Like realizing they're in love or something, I hope I explained it well- thanks<3
"🎶 Howwww do I tell him my exes are evil?🎶"
Standing alone on the stage, you sang your heart out to the adoring audience, the spotlight shining down upon you and your dyed rainbow hair.
You weren't even nervous about performing for Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Musical anymore. Everything seemed to come naturally the moment it came time for your soliloquy as Ramona Flowers.
Indeed, for the play you were starring as her, with your first solo number being an emotional lament on the inevitability of Scott fighting all seven of the evil exes in order to date you freely.
It seemed silly when you read the script for the first time...but now?
You were absolutely killing it, as you could hear a few cheers from the crowd.
Even Ramona herself was sitting there, looking quite entertained by your reenactment of her...whereas the real Scott Pilgrim was right next to her, appearing the exact opposite. He just seemed really confused and annoyed..
But you couldn't blame him for feeling somewhat mocked considering he was presumed dead after his fight with Matthew--only to suddenly come back without much of an explanation and realize this musical was all about him.
Speaking of whom, he probably felt more insulted by Ramona's actual first evil ex starring as him, wearing his coat and a ridiculous orange wig that hardly looked anything like his own hair.
Nevertheless, his other friends and all the Exes seemed to be genuinely enjoying the show. Some even teared up at your incredible acting skills and moving singing voice.
Among them was Matthew, who was hanging out backstage and preening himself until it was time for his cue.
You two have been friends for a long time, even before he knew the League was something that existed. Being theatre kids, you two were more than eager to get this musical to take off..and maybe get it on Broadway itself if the opening night was received well.
So far..it was being received extremely well. Every other actor knew their lines and sang flawlessly, putting their heart and soul into each performance just as you and Matthew did.
Although....there were a few minor hiccups--such as the part where him, Scott, Ramona, some of their friends, and the remaining Exes were all mysteriously warped out of the theater by a red portal. But they eventually returned and everyone figured it was part of the play, so it continued on without a hitch.
During one of the final acts, there was a "special" scene planned that you and Matthew have only 99% rehearsed...
Because the other 1% had to be done right the first time. It was the most highly-anticipated part of this musical:
The kiss.
One that proved Ramona truly loved Scott, forever securing their happily ever after.
When it came time for the scene, the stage darkened everywhere, with the light only shining down on you and "Scott". He took a deep breath as he turned to you, taking your hands into his own, wearing a gentle smile.
You both stared into each other's eyes for a long time, soft piano music playing in the background.
Your heart was thumping in your chest, as was Matthew's as you two tried to focus on your line delivery and nothing else.
"Yes, Scott?"
"...I love you."
"I love you, too. You saved me. Saved our relationship..and I could never thank you enough."
"Hah, I should be the one thanking you...because I finally stood up for myself, and for us!"
"Oh, Scott.."
At that point, some of the spectators began to chant for the kiss--with Wallace being the loudest, of course--and you could only smile bashfully, not realizing how fast this part came up until now.
Yet for some reason, Matthew appeared unusually nervous, red rising to his cheeks as he squeezed your hands rather tightly. You didn't know why he was acting this way, considering you've seen him do kiss scenes in past plays.
But you figured that since this was his first major theater performance, he was only nervous about wanting everything to be perfect. So you gave him a reassuring nod that said "it's okay, you can do this."
Fortunately, he seemed to understand, as a moment later he pulled you into a passionate kiss, lips crashing against yours.
The volume of the applause and cheering grew tenfold; some people even gave you a standing ovation even though the play was nowhere near over.
They loved it.
They absolutely loved it.
And honestly? You kinda liked kissing Matthew in front of everybody, partially wishing this wasn't just for the play..
But while the special effects team went to work recreating the "spark phenomenon" with glitter, confetti, and more....there was something going on between you and him that nobody else could see:
The real sparks that manifested after you both parted.
Your heart jumped into your throat as you watched them fade away, before looking at him.
Judging from his face, you knew that he most definitely saw them, too.
You've been skeptical of the sparks in the past, as you've dated several people yet never saw them at all.
So...why were you only seeing them now? And why with Matthew, of all people?
Did it have something to do with you dressing up like his ex-girlfriend?
Or was he finally looking beyond that curtain and discovering that he actually loved you?
Regardless, now wasn't the time to be thinking about any of that stuff, as you noticed he was slowly going off-script...something that you've never seen happen before. His hands shook and he seemed to forget his mic was still on.
"S-Sparks.." He stammered out, still giving you a wide-eyed stare.
"I...guess there were sparks, after all." You hastily salvaged the situation with a small laugh, putting your improv skills to work. "I never believed in such things until I met you, Scott Pilgrim."
After the lights dimmed, the cheering persisted as you grabbed his hand and half-dragged him backstage. By that point he seemed to have snapped out of his trance, deciding to scramble to prepare for the final musical number with everyone in the cast coming out.
But despite him returning to his snippy attitude with the makeup artists, he could barely look your way without blushing immensely...and quite frankly, you couldn't get rid of your smile.
'Shit..he's in love with me, I just know it..' You sighed as you sat comfortably in the chair, letting the wardrobe crew swap your dyed wig with a different colored one.
As badly as you both wanted to talk about what just happened...you knew it had to wait.
For the show must go on.
After the musical was finished, you changed your outfit and searched around backstage for Matthew, hoping you could finally discuss the sparks you both saw.
Soon you stumbled upon him, Gideon, and Julie...and for a moment, you were nervous.
Considering what happened between the two guys, you figured all hell was about to break loose--and apparently it almost did during the play since Gideon rigged the overhead area with dynamite. It was out of pure revenge for all of his assets being taken.
Yet it seems all was forgiven as they hugged it out, laughing with tears in their eyes, before Gideon and Julie walked away hand-in-hand.
Now that Matthew was finally alone, you had your chance.
"Since when did you two become besties?"
With a small yelp, he spun around quickly, relaxing as he realized it was only you. "Oh! Uh..no. I just...decided to give him back the company, and he let me keep the musical." He grinned, although it appeared rather forced. "That's all."
"I see.." You sighed, stepping closer to him. "Listen, we need to talk about-"
"I know." He answered bluntly. "I....saw them, too. And those weren't any special effects. They were legit."
"...are you sure about that?"
Matthew looked taken aback, as he just gawked at your question.
"Let me rephrase that," you cleared your throat. "I confess that I saw them because of you. The real you. But..I don't know if you saw them because of the real me."
"...I'm not following."
"Did you only see them because I looked like you ex-girlfriend?"
"N-No!" He nearly shouted, his cheeks flaring red as his stare remained intense. "I've moved on from her, I swear!"
Part of you remained skeptical yet. "I may need some convincing."
Before he could ask you why, you interrupted him by bringing him into a kiss this time. It initially shocked him, but he quickly melted into it, cupping your face in both of his hands.
Just like before, the sparks were there. Not as brilliant or explosive as the first time...yet they were all the proof you two needed.
Now you knew for sure that your love was real and true.
Matthew was quick to pull you back in for one more kiss after seeing them, desperate and wanting you as close as physically possible.
It probably would have escalated into a full-blown makeout session had you not heard the voices of the other Exes drawing nearer.
You immediately parted and saw them all standing there, looking utterly shocked at what they were witnessing. But you had no shame, instead smiling and waving to them as you held his hand.
"Great news, guys...G-Man's not the only one with a hot date anymore." You winked to your new boyfriend, whose ears turned red with embarrassment.
The group then smiled back, happy for your new relationship and trusting that you'll treat him with all the love and respect he deserved.
Before either of you knew it, you were being carried out of the theatre on the shoulders of Todd and Lucas, while the rest of the gang--along with Scott and Ramona--followed suit, eager to celebrate the play's success.
But tonight wasn't just about that.
It was also about what the future held in store for you and Matthew.
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meowsforyujin · 6 months
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Tradition’s/weekly activities with bf!skz
Warnings: slightly suggestive
Chan- taking you out to dinner
Oh you best believe Chan is taking you out on Friday nights, whether it's a fancy restaurant or fast food, he’s taking you out. You protested a lot early on in the relationship, that taking you out to dinner this often wasn’t necessary but after a while you gave up. Chan loves it when you get dressed up for him. Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t think you need to dress up for him, but he can’t help but smile when he sees you in a nice dress with fancy makeup. It makes him feel special, knowing he’s the only man you’d do this for. And don’t worry, he spoils you all the time with new dresses that you wear to your dinner dates too. But of course he always tells you that you don’t have to dress up. You’re fully aware that he wouldn’t be upset or love you any less if you dressed normally, but you also know how much he loves it when you dress up.
Game night- Lee Know
You and Minho are both competitive, and that’s what drew you two together in the first place. So obviously it makes sense that every Friday you play games against each other. Sometimes you two make it interesting though, whether it’s loser has to chicken dance in front of their boss, or loser gets on their knees. ( Although you both equally enjoy the second punishment ) And you can’t help it because oh Minho is so hot when he’s competitive.
Bike riding- Changbin
You cannot be bothered to work out, even if your boyfriend is addicted to the gym. There is one thing however, that you’ll agree to. You like bike rides a lot, and Changbin always wants to work on his thigh muscles, so it works out. You two don’t typically talk much, just laugh and giggle, enjoying the wind and each other's company. Eventually you get tired and Changbin loves to pretend he’s your personal trainer. He likes to yell positive encouragement at you, and you love to groan and roll your eyes. It works. It may not seem like much but you beg to differ, it’s your favorite part of the week. Partially because of the bike ride, partially because he treats you like a baby when you two get home. He feeds you while praising you, “You did so well today baby”, and you pretend to be annoyed but he knows you love it.
Take out- Hyunjin
Every Friday you and Hyunjin order take out and eat in while sitting on the counter and gossip. This may be the most stupid specific thing, but it’s not to you. Hyunjin wasn’t ever one who liked school, but he loves to learn about you. You’re his favorite subject. He loves hearing your hot takes, even if it’s been said before by someone else. Why did it end up that you both always sit on the counter in your apartment? You don’t know, but that’s how it is. You two also like to order from a new place every time, and talk about it as if you were both food critics. Hyunjin loves analyzing you so much, the way your brain works interests him. You usually don’t realize until much later that you’re talking so much, and worry that Hyunjin’s annoyed. But in reality he’s just watching you lovingly, not annoyed at all.
Movie night- Han
Out of all the members, Han is the most movie night type of guy no doubt. Every Friday you and Han decide on a movie and watch it together. You two always huddle up with an astounding amount of snacks that neither of you ever finish. As much as you love it at home, Han loves the movie theater. He’s like a kid every time he goes, always in absolute awe. Which is the sole reason why whenever he offers to go to the theater, you never decline. How could you? He’s so adorable, eyes big and glowing from the reflection of the screen. Although you don’t see a lot of difference between seeing the movie at home vs the theater, Han has a whole list of why the movie theater experience is so much better. One of the things on his list he won’t tell you however, but Han likes to show you off. You’re not one for PDA, but movie nights always include make out sessions, you don’t make the rules. Han likes knowing that other guys who did anything so much perceived you could know that it’s him that takes you home every night, and even get a little glimpse of what it’s like.
Late night strolls- Felix
Felix is most definitely one to walk and talk. Every Friday you two go on a walk to watch the sunset and recap your week. Felix feels that as your boyfriend, he should have the right and privilege to know everything that has happened to you in the past week that he didn’t know. Mostly because he just loves hearing you talk, but also because he really likes to be involved with your life (as if he isn’t already). Then when you get home you both take a bath together, and do each other's nightly routine, because Felix is a sucker for cheesy couple activities (you are too but won’t admit it).
Okay we all saw this coming, obviously Seungmin takes you for coffee every Saturday morning. And you swear your heart flutters every time he orders for you, you can’t help but feel special that the rarely affectionate Kim Seungmin remembers your complicated ass order. You tease him every time saying “you remembered” and he just scowls “duh don’t get too flattered, we come every weekend. I’d be stupid if I didn’t remember.” Sometimes but not every time, you go to the bookstore across the street from the coffee shop. It’s nice but you don’t typically care for books. What you do care for however, is when you and Seungmin curl up together by the window while he reads to you. You’re never paying attention though of course, and he nags at you for it. But how could you? He’s just too handsome not to look at. And you have to savor every sweet moment with him when he’s not nagging you or making fun of you.
Ice Cream- Jeongin
Jeongin never really cared for ice cream until he met you. In fact, your first date was at an ice cream shop. He’ll lie and say that he takes you for ice cream every Friday because he loves ice cream, but it’s really because he loves how cute you look when you eat it. You always get chocolate, and it always manages to get all over you. You used to get embarrassed when Jeongin would laugh and take your chin in his hands while tentatively wiping your face, but now you just let him without being embarrassed.
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undreaming-fanfiction · 7 months
Thinking of a modern AU when the kids get to be kids after it's all over and they go to the movies, they play games, hang out, all that. And of course, Steve drives them everywhere. He vouches for them in front of their parents, watches them like a hawk, tries to tell them about the adult stuff he's learned so far and chases Robin and Nancy to give them info on uni application and the things he feels he's too dumb for. Still, when Robin and Nancy are away and one of his kids needs something, he'll grab that legal document and either stare at it long enough to get a migraine or begins hounding the smart people who stayed in Hawkins (Mr. Clarke is Steve's go-to person and Mr. Clarke won't say it, but he's so proud of Harrington's progress).
So, Steve's life is basically nonstop work and babysitting (with lots of complaints and grumbling from the teens), they ask him to drive them somewhere and he'll bitch about it, sure, but he will get up after 4 hours of sleep and do it anyways. Dustin often reprimands Steve for not taking care of his health, but he doesn't see why.
When Encanto comes out, El really, really wants to see it, and how can Steve say no to her? He drives the whole gang to the movie theatre (some of them stacked on top of each other, some in the trunk on a pile of blankets) and decides to join them. He doesn't really like animated stuff, but Robin loves these movies and he wants yet another reason to call her and talk through the night.
He didn't expect to enjoy the movie so much, but it's colorful and catchy. The songs are nice and the characters are relatable. He makes a lot of mental notes to discuss with Robin. He thinks she will love Mirabel.
And then "Surface Pressure" starts playing and Steve wonders why he suddenly feels like crying. "I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service" hits especially hard. He's just sitting there and feeling incredibly stupid for tearing up at flying glitter-covered donkeys.
When they leave the movie theater, everyone is pretty excited and discussing which characters and songs they liked the most (even if some feel like rolling their eyes at a kids' movie, El's excitement stops them from doing that). They all start discussing to who they relate the most, El feels with Mirabel for being left out and different, even if she actually is the only one who has a gift, Will dares to utter that he really sympathizes with Dolores, Dustin loves Bruno for trying to fix the cracks in Casita.
And then they turn to Steve and someone makes a jab at him, saying he resembles Mariano the most. Steve is ready to shrug it off, there's some truth in that with what happened to his relationship with Nancy, but El just shakes her head and says: "No. Steve is our Luisa."
Everyone goes silent. There's a lot of hmmming and "well, he did get up to drive us when he had a night shift..." and "we could have just biked...". Steve tries to make them feel better about it, joking that he really has nothing better to do, but the drive home is full of whispering, and the party actually diligently thank him when they leave his car.
The next day is Sunday and Steve is ready for his usual routine, making himself busy until someone needs something. But there's a knock on the door to his small apartment and when he opens it, he sees his group of kids, proudly presenting a tray of muffins and two cartons of orange juice.
Out of all of them, it's Mike who speaks up. "Nancy said you often forget to eat breakfast," he states in his usual annoyed tone. "She also said that you like chocolate muffins, so we are here to ensure you don't die from hunger. Now move, I'll get the glasses and plates."
Steve just watches in awe as they swarm his flat, Will smiling at him and producing a DVD of the latest Spider-man movie. "This one was a tip from Robin, she says you haven't seen it yet."
Max is standing in the kitchenette with her cane, watching the pile of meds Steve has to take after his injuries with disdain. "This has to take forever for you to find what you need. Don't argue, I remember how shitty it was for me. Let me help you build a chart and thank me later."
El and Lucas are rearranging Steve's couch and placing pillows in front of the TV so everyone can sit comfortably. El also ensures the blinds are closed so Steve's eyes don't have to fight against the light.
And if that all wasn't more care than Steve has known in years, Dustin grabs his elbow and sits him down, threatening him with violence if he even thinks about working on Sunday.
As the opening titles start, Steve is surrounded by six teenagers in his tiny and cheap flat, chewing on a subpar muffin with an orange juice that probably never saw the actual fruit, and he thinks that there's no greater happiness than this.
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procyonloser · 4 months
Mini au fic IDK. Pre adamsapple. Divorced Dad Adam. Modern/Human Au
Old man yaoi
Adam picked up Abel, who was still sniffing even as he latched onto Adam's leg. Cain, on the other hand, was glowering up at his brother, still holding onto his backpack and clearly not wanting to go. Admittedly, Adam wasn't happy about being here at fucking 2 in the goddamn morning either.
"Sorry," Charlie said, lisping a bit since she'd gotten braces. She might have tried to look goth, but she was still a theater kid at heart. "In school, everyone was talking about this new movie...I mentioned it to the twins, it sounded like they wanted to see it."
"I did want to see it." Cain complained, siding with his step sister and looking put out.
"Yeah, well, Abel pissed himself in fear, so maybe no fucking slasher movies for kids under 10?" Adam huffed, readjusting Abel on his hip so the kid wasn't strangling him. "Where's your mom?"
"On a date, in the city. They were dressed all fancy and left in a really cool car." Cain said glumly.
"Wouldn't take us with."
Yeah, no shit, Adam thought to himself. He couldn't imagine a worse hell than a romantic date with two 7 year olds tagging along the entire time.
"Why don't you have any cars like that?" Cain asked him.
"Because your mom took all my shit in the divorce, and then married a rich fuck." Adam said in feigned sweetness. Charlie looked upset, eyebrows fitting together, but she was all of 13, and she knew just as well as he did that her mom Lilith was Adam's other ex wife. So, he had reason to be annoyed. "Now get your shit and get in the car, we're going home. It's too late at night for this and your brother is going to need therapy."
"The monster that lived under his bed ate out the man's eyeballs." Abel mumbled into his shoulder. Great, Adam wasn't going to sleep alone for a year.
"You suck, I wish Lucifer was my dad..." Cain stomped down the front steps with as much force as a 7 year old could muster. Adam rolled his eyes, but before he could open his mouth again, a candyapple red car came screaming up the very long driveway.
"Fuck," Adam whispered under his breath. "Here we go again."
Lucifer practically jumped out of the front seat, running up the sidewalk looking concerned, but his tie was noticeably loose, and the buttons on his shirt weren't in the right spot. There was what a bit on lipstick on his neck.
"I got your message, Charlie, is everything alright?" Lucifer asked, looking at his daughter in worry. "No one is hurt, are they?"
"Everything is fine," Adam cut her off, glaring down at the older man. "Abel got scared, I'm taking the boys home."
Lucifer looked between him and the boys, frown curling his expression downwards. "Oh no, that's too bad. I'm so sorry to hear that, I was really looking forward to the weekends they were here..."
Not enough to stop you from going out and plowing Eve on a Friday night, Adam thought in smoldering anger. He'd had to drive all the way across town to drop them off, only to come back in the middle of the fucking night for them.
"Yeah, I had the rest of the weekend planned. Homemade pancakes and waffles with whipped cream and fruit, then I was going to take them to LuLuWorld, and then I was going to let them pick out any toy set they wanted." Lucifer listed off, seemingly legitimately upset by the news. Abel's head picked up off of Adam, and he looked at his step father in sudden fixation.
Eve got out of the car, glare fixed on Adam before rounding it to wrap her arm through Lucifer's. She sure as fuck never wore any dresses like that when he'd been married to her.
"Well, if the boys want to stay with Adam, that's fine. Nothing wrong with that, Charlie likes to stay at her mother's some days too." Eve practically purred, running a finger along Lucifer's jaw. Lucifer looked up at her with adoration that made Adam's stomach turn. How long had it been since he and Lucifer had been friends?
"I think I'm okay now," Abel said, pushing to get down on the ground. Adam let him go, and Abel ran over to his step sister's side, which caused Cain to do the same. "Yeah, I'm totally okay now. Thanks Dad, see you again Monday!"
"Or never, we could just stay here," Cain said under his breath, but Adam heard it anyway.
"Oh good!" Lucifer said, turning to smile at Adam, like he was doing him some kind of favor. "I'm sure you're happy to get your weekends back! I'm sure you're busy."
Eve scoffed, and Adam boiled below the surface.
"Fucking whatever man." Adam turned to walk towards his car, but Eve stopped him with a small smile on her painted lips. Lucifer was already leading the kids back into the house, promising them popcorn and a happier movie to watch.
"Maybe we should rethink custody arrangements?" Eve raised her eyebrow at him, a sly smile darkening her features. "The twins seem much happier here."
Adam fumed, marching up to get in her face, not afraid of how it looked. "Fuck. You. You didn't even want them. I had to fucking beg you to take them on the weekends because they wanted their mom. You're not taking them from me."
Eve didn't seem bothered by his response. "Looks like I already have." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and sauntered back into the house, only sending one last parting message to him. "By the way, Adam? He's bigger."
The door shut behind her, and Adam was left outside, cold, in the dark, and pondering arsony.
"Maybe I'll fucking steal him from you, see how you like it!" Adam shouted at the front door, hands balled up into fists at his sides. "I can't fucking wait until you're miserable and I'm the one sucking his fucking soul out through his co-"
The door creaked back open, and Lucifer looked out of it, brows furrowed. "...Uh...the kids can hear you."
Adam turned bright red from embarrassment. "Fucking good! I'm glad!"
Lucifer stared at him. "... Right, goodnight, Adam."
With that the door shut, and Adam got back into his car, slamming the door closed, and then hitting his head against the steering wheel about fifty times.
First loves sucked. Second loves sucked more. Third loves sucked hardest.
He hoped his ramen in the microwave hadn't gotten mushy.
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Random valorant agents headcanons bc I'm sleep deprived
(this means I didn't get my 12 hours of sleep today)
Hugest ally on the VP (which, lets be honest, doesn't mean much since they're all gay)
First person KJ came out to and he was so emotional about it
Constantly tries to get the agents to get closer or at least respect each other but after Cypher mentioned how him and Breach treat one another he gave up
Calls some agents (Viper, Sage and Killjoy) by their first names on the everyday and calls Sova, Chamber and Deadlock (the other ex militars) by their last names
I wanted to hc him an American football team but idk any💞💞💞
Brimstone and Vyse are the only ones to call her Sabine bc they know her since before the "incident"
KJ also used to call her Sabine before the VP but Viper was bitter abt agents calling her by her first name
Scared for her life of failing Reyna, not because she actually fears her, but because she actually cares about Lucia
Older sister who lost contact with her family
Has a snake named Viper that is older than the protocol
Is annoyed by people mistaking knitting with crochet
Very kind to the younger agents
In his own way though
Has an older sister who doesn't talk to her since she was a teenager
The fact her dad died before she was born probably has something to do with her closeness to Cypher and Brimstone
Rich af but rents an apartment with another girl and that place is absolutely precarious
Pays the rent monthly even if she doesn't spend a single night there
Has a huge lesbian flag on the living room and that has gotten her very straight roommate into delicate situations with her boyfriends
Her roommate is Brazilian from São Paulo bc I want her to
Very easily impressed by anything Raze does even if it's something she can do a thousand times better
I feel like she would main a duelist if she played val, probably Reyna or Raze
Has a picture of his wife and kids on his bedside table
He keeps Nora's favorite clothing and his children's baby toys
Girl dad obv
Killjoy reminds him of his oldest daughter and sometimes he calls her his daughter's name
Hates kingdom but since he joined the protocol he learned how to convive with their workers, even if he doesn't like it most part of the time
Scares little kids on Roblox for fun
Wouldn't mind having a relationship with a man but after Nora he can't imagine himself in another relationship so he doesn't give it a try
(I love him and Nora😭)
Calls the other agents by their first names
Was friends with Sage since before the protocol
Recommend Sage to Brimstone
One of the only coworkers Viper enjoys the company of
Once he tried to speak Spanish to mess around with Reyna and Raze swore he was speaking Portuguese bc of the accent
Trans bc I want to project into my fav characters
Morning walks
Calls everyone by their first names
Has two younger siblings but she hasn't had notice of them since she started the monk training
Misses them
Met Skye when researching about her healing powers, Skye was doing the same
Born radiant
Great at cooking but Jett gaslit her into thinking it was bad as a joke and she still believes it
After Harbor joined the VP she got back into cooking
Lesbian bc I said so
Not much close to the other women in the protocol, only Skye, Jett, Neon and Reyna
Closer to the men on the VP (Sova, Brimstone, Cypher, Iso, Omen etc)
Doesn't have a clue of why Clove doesn't like her
This man is a canon theater kid, he absolutely LOVES musicals, specially Hamilton and Jett and Raze tease him Abt being British and liking it
For some reason Jett gaslights him into thinking he's actually gay, obviously never worked
Him and Jett break up for the most ridiculous reasons, they've already broken up more times than one can count on fingers
Banned from every kitchen he steps on
Learned Korean só Jett would shut up about her being bilingual while he only spoke English
Once he let Astra undo his dreads to give him braids, it was the saddest day of his life
Raze bullies him for his style💔💔💔💞
Can cook five stars dinners but insists on eating leftovers she finds on the fridge and steals from the other agents
Doesn't dare touching Chamber's "monstrosities of dishes"
Makes people their favorite dinner and a special breakfast on their birthdays
Cooks for the whole protocol on weekends
Most my hc surround on the fact she's always eating something and was a chef😔
Gaslights everyone into believing the most random and/or stupid things and has actually convinced Gekko that dog is a common dish in east Asia
First thing she asks every east Asian she meets outside of east Asia is if they eat dog
Sage was mad at her for this
Also bi
Actually very caring and worried for most agents
Siblings relationship with Yoru
Randomly starts speaking Spanish to Sage just to annoy her
Learned Chinese just to mess around with Sage
Flirts with Breach as a joke
Iso actually believed she and Breach were a couple when he arrived
Homophobic to Raze and Killjoy
Non ironically has offered to find Raze a better girlfriend than Killjoy
Wants to be a mother but can't because of her duties and Sage doesn't like children
Hugest anarcocomunist
Grafitti artist
Has sent Kingdom, Killjoy and Viper dozens of blackmails before joining the protocol
Didn't like Killjoy for her first years in the protocol
Boombot was created as a "rebellion" from Killjoy's tech with an alarmbot that Kingdom placed near her house
Has a younger brother who is her absolutely whole world
Actually speaks Portuguese very well
Dad jokes
Hates children and the only exception is Raze's younger brother
Please please please please please read the joke I posted😭
Didn't get along with Deadlock nor Chamber at first
Gets along well with Cypher, Harbor and Fade
Likes men and makes it everyone's business and is very annoying to homophobes about it (bi)
Has kissed Harbor once just to see the look of terror on a homophobic guy's eyes
Owes a personal gun that she uses to scare bigots and idiots in general
Was guilty about rejecting Yoru
Still is very close to him
Skyelock beloved
The ship name should be changed to Hiking Buddies or something
Can make a cat with her powers and it plays with Nightmare when it's starting to affect Fade too much
Closer to Fade than most agents think
Morning walks with Sova and Deadlock
Has a huge knowledge on east Asian culture in general
Speaks ainu and a little uchinaguchi
Values culture and tradition more than his life
Constantly educating Jett on Korean traditions???
Mansplains a lot
Neon (single) teases him for being single
Has the "lesbian curse" in which every woman he likes is a lesbian and it's starting to develop into an "aroace curse"
Homophobic to Killjoy
Misogynist to Killjoy
everything you can think that is bad against Killjoy
And Reyna is with him on these
Nerd on physics
Knows a lot about quantum physics
That was me projecting, sorry
I need more astra content to make more headcanons 😔😔😔
Galaxsea/ astrarbor/ Neptune/ sea star
Born radiant
Doesn't actually have feelings, he's just programmed to make humans feel loved (besides, obviously, being a war machine)
It was a way of keeping the non radiant soldiers hopeful during the radiant war
He's a robot, of course he doesn't have feelings
Killjoy is absolutely fascinated by him and wonders if it was her who built him or at least made his project
The "hatred" he has for the radiants is also a way of keeping the non radiants feeling safe and appreciated
Sage is the exception from his radiant hatred because she's always appeared to be against Reyna's radiant dominant ideal world and he read that as a powerful ally to his cause
He's AI ofc he's gonna be a little dumb even though he's from like 2060
I refuse to
Does he like men?
Was homophobic to Killjoy and Raze when they started dating and to Sage and Reyna
Was actually homophobic
Turned out he likes men???
I'm confused
I don't like him
She probably knew Killjoy before the VP or at least heard about her not as an professional but as a person
Definitely likes women
Since she became a radiant at such a young age and os so powerful there were probably lots of accidents
Was mostly isolated from the outside for a long time before the thing that is sticked to her back was finished
That'd explain why she doesn't like making new friends, she doesn't know how to
Knows a lot of stuff involving quantum physics and science since her parents work at kingdom and she has worked with them
Constantly found sleeping on the floor
Sometimes she leaves Nightmare out of her bedroom to get a peaceful night of sleep
Goes to sleep on about the same time Skye is waking up
Fadelock goes hard too
You'll rarely see her awake but when you do she looks like she hasn't slept in a decade
Doesn't actually sleep, just take 30 min naps throughout the day
Took a while to stop calling Harbor "agent Batra" during missions
I just checked and that is lore inaccurate but idc
Likes men and women, never stopped to think of it as "oh, I'm lgbt" that's just one more small detail about her
Had a cat that her brother gave her when she was a kid, it died of kidney failure a few years before she joined realm
History and architecture nerd
Also a philosophy enthusiast
Has a tattoo that says "Memento mori et memento vivere" and that's what caught Astra's attention at first
Him and Astra spend a lot of time just nerding around
He's very caring yet not much protective to the younger agents
Randomly throws water at people who walk by
Breach and Deadlock learned on the hardest way not to be around him with a glass of water
Calls Fade Hazel because at first he thought that was how it was and never corrected it
Older brother of two sister
Grafitti artist
Is an only child but is very close to the children is his neighborhood
That guy looks so gay I'm gonna cry
Has a dog named Lizard
Him and Raze talk to each other in Spanish and Portuguese and it's an absolute nightmare for others to decifrate their alien language
Asked Sage if people actually eat dogs in Asia and was punished for a week, Reyna had lots of fun
Jett still teases him about it
She told Iso about that and every time Gekko asks him what he's eating he says it's dog
Him and Deadlock are actually chill about each other for as long as one doesn't cross the other's boundaries when it comes to his radivores
This woman doesn't have a drop of heterosexuality on her body
She thought she liked Iso but it turned out he was just the only one not asking her to get along with radivores and radiants
Hates when she's called by her first name
Lost contact with her family and legally got rid of her last name
Skye, Sage and Sova call her Iselin or Ise
Used to go on lots of missions involving radivores before the VP but after the polar bear she didn't trust herself near them again
Graduated in biology
She wanted to be a scientist when she was a kid
Used to be obsessed about radivores and radiance before the bear
Can't cook for his life
Used to think he liked Deadlock but it was just compulsory heterosexuality
Not much close with most agents but Sage and Deadlock
Him and Raze are absolute nightmares to go in mission with, those mfs listent to music so loud they can't hear anything else
KJ was scared of him
Only listens to music that are on languages he doesn't speak
Raze showed him Brazilian funk and he started listening to it during missions
Don't give a shit if they're misgendered
The pet rock is to throw at those who insist that they're a woman even after they correct them
Sleeps the whole day and is awake during the whole night
Immortal, queer, sleeps during the day... Are they a vampire?!
Randomly dresses up fancy and stays on that fit for the whole day, they can be seen wearing a suit during missions in breeze
Spends all their time awake doing unproductive stuff
Was a physicist and later got into engeneering
She can't really remember those last years before the scions took her
Was took by the scions by Omen but none of them know
Doesn't like Iso
Her and Viper used to be very close friends, their friendship cou be compared to Jett and Phoenix's, they were very spontaneous
The "incident" was something involving her but no one really remember how it was
Had a cat named Jaguar
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vorbarrsultana · 1 month
the vampire lestat reread, pt. 1 (lestat and nickistat)
also known as "i decided to reread tvl after the season finale because some takes i've seen online give me the impression i read a completely different book two years ago". i've finished it two days ago, and turns out i have more than 5000 words of notes that significally exceed tumblr character limit. so, i had to split them into three parts.
here is part one, all about dramatic theater kids full of love, sad violinists of infinite beauty, and friends-to-lovers romances doomed by the narrative.
i love lestat.
i forgot how fun and likable tvl lestat is from page one. and how different he is from his fanon characterization!
lestatposting is fun, i get it, but i am starting to get annoyed at the amount of fanfics where lestat needs someone to help him adapt to modern times. he is doing fine on his own, thank you. it took him less than two weeks to start a rock band.
(and the whole iphone thing from "prince lestat" is more about him not seeing it as something useful since he has a mind-skype ability to talk to any vamp on planet earth, and they cannot decline the call.)
lestat is not stupid. impulsive? yes. stubborn? of course. but clever, resourseful, and cunning when he needs to be. all of this makes him a great hunter! also, really thoughtful when the mood strikes, and his quiet, existential moments have some of the best prose in that book.
i wish someone smarter than me wrote a good meta about lestat & social class because he really seems to buy into the idea of "noblesse oblige" i.e. the belief that aristocrats are obliged to take care of those less fortunate. it's present in the way he kills the wolf pack for the villagers (who live on his father's land), and later takes responsibility for the theatre troupe & remnants of armand's coven, even though he doesn't owe them anything.
also, characterization of lestat as someone socially cluesless is simply untrue. sure, he plays dumb on occasion (and hates it every time because early life illiteracy trauma), but he is also good at reading people. like, he got a pretty accurate read of armand behind the angelic facade during their first face-to-face meeting. the only people he has trouble reading are those closest to him because he heavily projects his abandonment issues on them.
lestat's struggle of being "too much" contrasts nicely with the struggle of never being enough which is so crucial to louis. hashtag made for each other.
and juxtaposition of lestat's desire to be loved for who he is and louis's struggle with identity is also delicious.
this time i also related so much to lestat's "malady of mortality" and his search for meaning in the world. which ultimately fails because he is forcibly turned into a monster, and now every ounce of happiness he might bring into the world (and lestat desperately wants to do good!) is outweighed by him killing to survive.
and marius later reinforced the belief that vampirism has no higher purpose, and no wonder that nola!lestat is a shell of his former self.
lestat's turning is the most classic horror moment of the vampire chronicles to me. the mina harker of it all. the creature of night shrouded in terror snatching an innocent victim from the arms of their love right before bleak november sunrise.
also, all the implications of what magnus has done to lestat were even more clear during this reread, and i wonder if that was the reason rolin "i-love-narrative-parallels" jones added bruce into claudia's story.
the book also explains perfectly why lestat is so well suited for vampirism. his curiosity, thirst for new experiences, and adventuring spirit are his eternal engine on the devil's road :)
however, the downside of that personality facet is that lestat steamrolls over his trauma telling himself "this is fine! look, satan, i am making the best of it", which in turn leads to the iwtv nola mess.
and i feel like this constant search for positives in vampirism (that unwilligly turned lestat & claudia share) is why they can't really relate to louis, who chose it for himself. if these two start to get too existential, the temptation to throw themselves into the fire might become unbearable.
lestat equating his loneliness with his evilness is interesting, but i have nothing to say about that for now other than equation being there.
lestat's explosive temper is also present in the book. there is a constant pattern of lestat doing things he regrets the most (like the theater performance fiasco or eating people at notre dame's steps) when he is angry or upset.
let's talk about nicki. i love him, despite half of fandom hating on him for some reason.
lestat has a type, which is "good catholic boy" with narrow view of good and evil. except louis is of a parent's favorite, conforming variety, and nicki is the rebellious one, driven to the utmost cynicism by religious dogmas.
however, despite being a self-proclaimed cynic, nicki practically drowns in catholic guilt, almost reveling in the fact that everything he does, from playing violin in the boulevard theater to having an affair with lestat, is wrong. there is no meaning in anything, and he is doomed to die a sinner's death.
he is doomed! by the narrative though.
lestat and nicki's philosophical difference seems to be that nicki (unlike lestat) does not believe in inherent goodness of the positive emotions. for him, "sin always feels good", therefore happiness they bring performing = sin.
but still, nickistat's love is so touching. after lestat ghosts nicki to protect him, he still trusts lestat's love for him and the troupe, thinks best of him, and shuts down all nasty rumours. in turn, lestat equates all the good that was in his mortal life, all his hopes and dreams with nicki. he is a symbol of everything magnus took from him.
nicki almost became lestat's charlie. when they meet face to face for the first time after lestat's transformation, he can barely contain his hunger magnified by attraction.
the most terribly sad thing about nicki is the unfairness of all that happened to him. he had seen lestat being shot right before him, then he disappeared with dying gabrielle, then the coven kidnapped and tortured him until he lost his mind.
and for nicki, the dark gift is a confirmation of everything he believes in being true. the meaninglessness of it all. evil being the only certain thing in the world. the way to fall into a deeper, darker abyss than the one that was before the mortal him. and it is a confirmation that lestat's inner light he loved so much will eventually burn out.
(his spark in the dark, if you will.)
(and lestat's dream before turning nicki hurts, because he dreams of growing up and growing old together, of maturing past magnus's eternal lelio with sunlight in his hair and summer sky in his eyes. oh, the lesdaughter of it all.)
there is certainly a parallel between nickistat's bitter "in darkness, we are equal now" vs loustat's comforting "in the quiet dark, we were equals".
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castianii · 6 months
my Ninjago headcanons!!!!
• Is TikTok famous. He likes to put his camera in everyone’s face while they do normal everday things then says “ooh this is perfect, everyone will love this!!” and then everyone does love it.
• Spends most of his time trying to annoy his teammates. He finds it funny how easily Nya gets ticked off, so he annoys her most often. ex) going into her room and just singing really loud.
• Thinks Tarayummy is his soulmate. He sits in his room in the dark and just watches her videos. He has a hatred for every man she has ever talked to.
• Says she hates dressing up/wearing dresses, but at night she secretly puts on pretty ball gowns she hides in boxes in her closet. (I do this)
• Loves art, but she mostly paints. She picked it up after seeing the paintings Jay did after seabound. He taught her a lot of it.
• Anytime she sees a friend or someone she knows out in public she has to talk to them. It’s like when you were little and your mom/dad saw someone at the store and they just had to talk to them forever. She does that.
• There’s a desk in his room with the most random junk on it. He doesn’t even know where most of it came from. This junk varies from model airplanes to defused pipe bombs.
• He’ll give himself weird accents sometimes. If he’s bored he will just put on a new accent and talk to the others to see their reactions. One time he did a Russian accent that scared Jay so much he peed his pants.
• He could watch those videos of dancing fruit for hours. He just loves brain rot, and that’s okay because it keeps him busy.
• Religiously watches edits of himself of TikTok. Once he accidentally reposted one and everyone lost their mind.
• Thinks Halo by Beyoncé is the greatest song ever written. It’s the only song he will sing in front of other people and he will put his whole heart and soul into it every time.
• Likes to skateboard, but doesn’t have enough time. He thought it would be a fun hobby to pick up before he was a ninja and actually got really good at it. He isn’t as good now, but he can still do some tricks.
• This man is so zesty oh my god. Everyone in Ninjago thought he was gay until he got together with Nya. There are still people who think it’s all just an act to cover it up.
• If this guy sees a river he is getting in. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10 or 80 degrees, this man is ready to jump in any river he sees. He tries to get everyone else to join, but they aren’t as stupid (except Cole who obviously has to join him)
•Watches Instagram reels instead of TikTok. He thinks they’re funnier, and Kai thinks that it’s the funniest thing in the world and never shuts up about it.
• A lot of people think this, but I think that he bleach’s his hair. He doesn’t want to look anything like his dad, and he thinks his dark hair makes him look evil.
• Also likes art, but mostly draws. He likes to do art with Nya, but picked it up when he was younger. He used to make his own comic books about the ninja in S1.
• Wants to be a theater kid so bad, but he has to focus on his ninja work. He’s made everyone watch Hamilton at least 5 times (so far).
I have other headcanons about a lot of other characters, and more about these guys if you’re interested.
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callmedylan · 10 months
some more security waiter + slight ness and Susie sibling AU headcanons while I work on more fazgang AU art
Ness is the type to play music when he wakes up to help energize himself, doesn’t help that he wakes up at around 5:30 AM and Mike has to deal with the loud ass musical theater music until ness leaves for work
ness has always loved theorizing but started intensely theorizing after susie went missing. Mike just has to sit there and be like “idk ness…that seems a little far fetched” (everything ness is saying has happened and mike knows it:
Ness loves baking, he can’t cook for shit but he can cook. Mike is the opposite and can’t bake for crap. So mike is in charge of cooking meals and ness is in charge of making the birthday cakes for Abby’s bdays (and mikes cause ness is just like that)
Mike loves ness to death but he cannot stand musicals, he finds them quite annoying but Abby and ness love them so he puts his hatred for them aside.
Ness and Susie’s parents use to take them to the same camp grounds as mikes family. They were there the day Garret went missing and ness often says how he had to leave because “some kid got taken”. Ness insists that him and Mike met a few times at the camp grounds but Mike can’t remember it so he constantly denies it.
Mikes is the big spoon, when he holds on to something it helps ground him while he sleeps so he doesn’t have a nightmare. Ness doesn’t mind at all but considering he’s taller being the little spoon is definitely an awkward position sometimes. (Tall guy issues)
The first Christmas the trio spent together after ness moved in, Abby ran in at around 4 am and jumped on top of them while they were asleep and in bed to tell them that “Santa came” (Mike wasn’t happy.)
Ness loves to dance, Mike has two left feet, they make it work.
When hanging out with the fazgang, ness and Mike will text each other (even if they are in the same room)
One time ness was talking about susie and Abby said “oh I know Susie! She’s my friend!” (Mike cut her off before she could finish tho and internally panicked)
Ness is a muppets enthusiast, has all the movies and song tracks, and even owns some memorabilia.
Ness has a replica of the Kermit puppet that he sometimes uses and he once accidentally left it sitting upright on the kitchen counter and when Mike went to get a glass of water in the middle of the night he turned on the light and screamed not knowing what it was (ness won’t let him live it down).
Mike is half Mexican and knows Spanish and ness asks him to “speak Spanish to him” sometimes because he thinks it’s romantic. He’d do this for a month or two before he recognized Mike say the word “chicken” and when he asked Mike what he’s been saying to him for the last month Mike goes “oh whenever you tell me to speak Spanish to you I just repeat a recipe I know”
Ness uses a concerning amount of hair spray (almost to a toxic level) so Mike makes him open a window whenever he’s getting his hair ready.
Ness and Mike once went on a date and left Cory with Abby and Cory ended up falling asleep on the couch so Abby, not wanting to wake him but still wanting to talk to someone, took their phone line and called 911 (it’s the only number she knows) and Mike and ness had to cut their night short to come home to reprimand Abby on who she calls.
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Headcanons I've been cooking;
-the paradise theater doing a mystery science theater 3000 bit most days (I'm like 90% sure that its basically the equivalent in their multiverse anyway, oops)
-frank and clementine still tries to keep contact and make visits if even possible anymore. June likes to receive letters and postcards as a loose penpal relationship as proof of their "mad lib situation"
-I feel robbed that June and Ava didn't interact much, they'd have so much fun and nobody would be able to handle these bar buds. Never mind theres probably a reason why these two aren't allowed in a bar together, but I love their raw chaos and hijinks would definitely go on
-Gloria makes the storage closet her room at first but when Caspar gets back, he gives her the main office since she's da b0ss now, she still spends a lot of time camping with her bts wolves making stew for them, its her own therapy
-Leif putting together a game console for the gang when theyre bored, Caspar is the best at retro games surprisingly aside from the fact hes been asking for a pinball machine forever, everyone cracks old man jokes. Mostly David and Ava, his biggest hecklers <3
-eventually they begin to cultivate a small arcade, leif fixes up a few machines for the diner (its free) kids across the cosmos go 'you mean you have to play the game with your hands?? Its like a baby's toy :/" caspar is flabbergasted, Leif just shrugs and goes "i warned you bro" and does more Leif shit
-David plays cod on their designated staff console in the office space in their down time between shifts. Feet kicked up and the lazy fan blowing, do you see my vision? this is the most important highlight so far
-David used to stream sometimes on earth in LA for funsies now and then during lockdown when he wasnt up for running out at night vandalizing the blank canvas known as the streets
-he still talks to his mom and plays catch up even from space despite the time it takes to send messages. David continues to find her drunk calls entertaining (canon anyway) Caspar doesn't really drink alcohol and is worried about the loss of control, I think hes just anxious and insecure about it.
*I don't really think caspar was much of a dick when he drank raising david, he probably was a rambling annoying dad with a shitty attitude that was hard to tolerate. like, okay, old man, we get it the world sucksss stop being so sad and let's play legos and not roleplay the state of the economic decline about it (shh, I'm not projecting gay son and drunk well meaning dad dynamics)
-Ava peer pressures Caspar *only* for celebrations anyway
-micheladas for everyone the next day, some sweet hair of the dog when the various drank theyre able to get their hands on is too much to cope with the next day if they still even have moonshine to spare left
-Leif stocks up on so much fucking hash whilst in Pasadena (as one does stuck in shitty corners of California for hangovers, generalized depression, and dread. hence all the alcohol mentions I'm not promoting alcoholic diner dwellers I swear-) which tbh parallels the way Ava stocks up nicotine from ye old moonshiner imo
Idk I have more I might add and tack on later I love these doofuses
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klbwriting · 7 months
Not Romeo, Not Juliet
Chapter 3: This Fierce Vein
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Jason is Hamlet...and he's terrible. Extra practice leads to new discoveries
There is no following her in this fierce vein
Things Jason had expected when he auditioned for Bludhaven Prep’s theater production of Hamlet: 1. A sophomore would be Hamlet, his audition was amazing even if he had tripped getting onto the stage, 2. Chelsea would be Ophelia and that poor sophomore would have to pretend to love her, and 3. He would coast by in the background without anyone noticing him. What he did not expect was to roll up to rehearsal Monday morning only for the cast list to say Jason Todd…Hamlet. Apparently, he had been good and now everyone in the group wanted to know who he was. He groaned, already feeling the eyes of the freshmen on him, trying to calculate what they could say to him to make him think they were cool enough to be friends. Theater wasn’t a huge deal at this school, but it was big enough that the leads were popular, and Jason had no interest. He went to the director, trying to talk them out of casting him but they held firm.
“Mr. Todd, you were a natural, excellent. I really think you could do this professionally and I don’t say that to many people,” the director said, setting a mark on the floor before looking at him. “I know it feels like a lot of pressure, but you were made to be Hamlet.” O great, he was meant to play a madman who dies, well guess he did die once, at least that he knew he was actually good at. He sighed and just nodded, going and waiting for rehearsal to start.
By the time practice was over he was pretty sure they were reconsidering his casting. He had been terrible, missing cues, flubbing lines that he knew by heart, not focusing. He felt the restlessness he had felt ever since the pit flowing through him. He didn’t want to be there, he wanted to be out, hitting something, getting this energy out in the most violent way possible. The other seniors were packing up, asking him if he wanted to go out, maybe run lines with them.
“No, after Friday I honestly don’t want to hang out with you guys ever again,” he said honestly, voice having an edge that clearly frightened them.
“Don’t have to be such a dick. We were just getting payback,” Jackson said. Jason looked over at him, eyes blazing green, and growled at him. The three of them scampered off and Jason collapsed into one of the theater seats, frustrated. He needed to rant about this. Maybe Dick could get him out of being Hamlet, use his money to drop Jason down to something else.
“Nope, sorry kid, I think you should do this play and be Hamlet,” Dick said over dinner that night. Jason sighed.
“Why? I was terrible today, I don’t think I’m cut out for being an actor,” he mumbled, pushing a meatball around his plate. He had been so annoyed about play practice that he had overdone the meatballs, they were dry, just another fuck up on this perfectly fucked up day.
“O come off it Jason, you spent six years acting,” Dick said. Jason looked at him confused. “You were Robin from ages 10-16, so in that time you were either pretending to be Robin or pretending to be Jason Todd, you’re an actor.” Jason frowned.
“Who was I pretending to be?” he whispered. Dick looked at him, eyes softening. That was the question anyone associated with Batman would ask, what was real? The person or the mask? “Who are you pretending to be? Dick or Nightwing?”
“I’m not always sure,” Dick admitted, clearing his plate. “Maybe being in this play, trying to act, will help you see who you were before you died.”
Rehearsal was pushed from Tuesday to Wednesday that week but it didn’t help. Jason was still a mess, trying so hard to get it right. He kept hearing Bruce’s voice in the back of his head. ‘You’re not listening Jason’, ‘Dick could have done this on the first try’, ‘You can do better’. When rehearsal was over the director pulled him aside.
“I can see that you’re distracted,” she said. Jason wanted to lie but he just nodded. “Is there something going on at home? I know that you live with your older brother.” Jason didn’t know why but this woman reminded him of his mother. He barely remembered her, but he did remember that when she wasn’t strung out her eyes were soft, care would radiate from her when she was sober. This teacher had the same kind eyes, the same warmth her. It made him loosen his normally tight lips.
“No, nothing like that, he’s great. Just ya know, wasn’t always a good family life. I let down my dad a lot before I…moved,” he said, stopping himself before saying ‘died’. The director nodded, understanding.
“My mother was overbearing when I was young, always thought I was a disappointment,” she said, leaning on the stage next to where he sat. “I would hear her voice in my head, just disparaging me every time I did anything. A big test, performance, dance recital, always her telling me I would screw up.”
“Does it ever stop?” he asked. She looked at him, eyes full of sympathy and he nodded. “Does it get quieter?” She nodded.
“Once you really give yourself over to what you’re doing the volume goes down. Instead of thinking about your father when you’re acting, try thinking about Hamlet, what he is feeling. He didn’t have your father, imagine what his father was like. Use that to fuel your performance,” she said. Jason nodded. “I will see you Friday at rehearsal.” She packed up and left him alone. Jason looked at the stage.
“Might as well run through it myself,” he mumbled, standing and going to his first mark. He was midway through the first act when he heard something towards stage right. He walked over, feet making no noise, as he moved through the sets stored in the wings. He came up the prop room and saw YN. She was grabbing the swords they were using and took them out of the room. He stayed behind set pieces watching as she hid the swords, one behind an old radiator, one in a light rigging that had been lowered for repair, just random places. It was the kind of prank that was actually funny. He let out a chuckle, coming out from behind the bridge piece. She froze at the noise, turning and facing him.
“Hello, didn’t know anyone was still here,” she said, setting down the last sword, setting a prop blanket on top of it on the floor. “Well, going to turn me in? I’m sure some teacher is still around. You could really fuck with my chances in the Shakespeare competition.” She crossed her arms, staring him down. A lot of bad people had tried to stare Jason down before, Bane, Poinson Ivy, Two Face….Joker. He hadn’t looked away from any of them, he wasn’t the guilty one, they were, and he would win, but he looked away from YN. This time he did feel guilty. He hadn’t been the perpetrator of that horrid prank at the open mic night, but she didn’t know that. He was there with the people who did it and Jason understand the term ‘guilty by association’.
“I’m not going to tell on you, I’m not a snitch, and I can’t wait to see Jackson whine about his missing sword on Friday,” he said. “But you should probably be more careful, sneaking around here is reckless.” He almost gagged on the word. Since when did he sound like Bruce?
“Me? Reckless? I’m sorry little rich boy, you were just slumming it in Crime Alley, who is reckless?” she demanded. Jason stared at her. “And what were you doing there anyway? Come to laugh at us poor kids? Did those asshole friends of yours send you to find something on me? The new guy gets to do the dirty work and ruin my life?”
“Woah, listen, I don’t give a shit about your life, I was there for….reasons,” he said, not sure how to say ‘I needed to hit people because coming back from the dead had side effects’ without sounding insane.
“Either way, you can’t tell anyone where I’m from, if word got around that I was just some degenerate from Crime Alley…people are mean,” she said, feeling so lame for that. Jason nodded. He understood. If you were from Crime Alley you were a delinquent, you were scum and you could never fix that. It was a label that was hard to wash off. Jason only got out because Bruce made sure of it, money was the only thing to really mover you out of that slum.
“I won’t tell anyone,” he said. “I grew up there too.” He knew that was a bridge too far by the look on her face.
“Ya sure, you don’t need to try to relate to me rich boy,” she said. “Now I’m getting out of here, hopefully I never see you again.” She gave him the middle finger and left through the side stage door. Jason smiled after her, feeling his heart flutter a little. O shit.
Curiosity was driving Jason as he slid down the alley behind Big Belly Burger, red mask on his face. He had seen her working already, walking by the front window casually, hood up, mask on, so she wouldn’t know it was him. He could be anybody, there were plenty of vigilante pretenders in the area, he blended in. He waited until she was finished and followed her down the street. She didn’t live far from her work and Jason snuck into a familiar alley when she went into the apartment building. The same building, he grew up in. He looked around the alley, remembering finding the Batmobile right where he was standing. He still didn’t know how he went from seeing the infamous vehicle to thinking ‘I should get those rims’, but stealing those tires had changed his life and those memories were bittersweet now. He shook them away as he jumped, grabbing the fire escape ladder and hulled himself up.
She lived on the fourth floor he found. He could see through the thin curtains into her living room. She went in, taking off the apron she wore for work and hung it by the door. There was a frozen dinner on the counter, so she grabbed it and threw it in the microwave before approaching the couch where he noticed a thin woman was laying on it.
“Hey mom, how are you?” she asked, kneeling by the woman and gently touching her head. Her mother took her hand and kissed it.
“I’m feeling fine Lady Macbeth,” she said. YN smiled at her. “How was play practice?”
“I didn’t have practice tonight, I went to mess with the Bludhaven Prep stuff,” she said. The woman coughed a little and he could see concern cross YN’s face. Her mother was sick, very sick from the sound of that cough. His heart ached. He could remember that sound, his mother had coughed like that the night she OD’d. It was fused into his brain.
“You didn’t get in trouble, did you? Is that why you’re late?” her mom asked.
“No, one of the guys, that guy from the open mic? He was there, but I don’t think he’s going to say anything. They’re all jerks, but he’s the least jerky I think,” she said. Well, at least she didn’t completely hate him. “And then I had work tonight remember? Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday I work, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning I have practice?”
“O, right of course,” her mother answered. YN turned off the TV. “I was watching that…”
“You need to be in bed now, come on,” she said. She slid an arm under her mother and helped her stand before leaving the room. Jason sat on the fire escape for another minute before deciding he had invaded her privacy enough. He needed to get home anyway, Dick would be pissed if he came back and Jason was gone. He trudged home, now even angrier at the other seniors for their pranks. He was going to make it up to YN, he promised that.
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whoisshel · 1 year
Holly, Jolly
Tumblr media
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
word count: 3225
tw: swearing
You woke up the next morning to an arm draped around your waist and a hand tucked in your hair scratching the back of your head. You laid on Eddie’s chest, slowly opening your eyes you blinked a couple times, trying to get rid of the sleep. The hand that was in front of your face, moved down to his stomach caressing it with your thumb as a way to let him know you were awake. 
“How late to school are we?” You asked Eddie knowing he doesn’t set an alarm to wake him up for school.
“Uh,” Eddie lifted his head a little to look at his clock, “Only missed like the first two classes.”
Pushing yourself up to a sitting position, you let out a sigh, “Guess we better get ready, so we don’t miss the rest of the day.” “Hey, no, why don’t we just skip the rest of the day.” Eddie suggested, grabbing at your waist to pull you back down, but you don't budge.
“I can’t skip, I have theater practice.” You said in a slightly stern tone, only making the humorous smirk on Eddie’s face grow bigger.
“That’s right, the lead needs to be perfect.” Eddie joked, leaning up on his arm.
You scoffed, shoving Eddie’s shoulder pushing him back down, but the small smile gave your fake annoyed look away, “I’m not the lead, just one of them.”
“Oh my bad,” Eddie put his hands up feigning surrender, “What musical are you doing again?”
“Guys and Dolls.”
“Isn’t that, that Frank Sinatra and Marlon Brando movie?” Eddie asked, sitting back up becoming more interested.
“Don’t forget about Jean Simmons and Viviane Blaine.” You quipped back with an eye roll.
Eddie rolled his eyes right back, but in more of an exaggerated way, “Of course, can’t forget about them, who are you playing again?”
“Adelaide,” You answered, Eddie’s face turned confused, “Viviane Blaine… Frank Sinatra’s love interest.”
“Of course, I knew that.” Eddie said completely lying, “Don’t forget to tell me when, I want to see my girl front and center.”
Eddie brought his other hand that he wasn’t leaning on up to your face to bring you in for a kiss, pulling back just a little bit you replied, “Of course I will.” Now standing up and going over to Eddie’s drawer to pick out clothes for the day, “Come on, don’t want to be later than we already are.”
Eddie only sighed, laying back down on his bed, until a shirt came flying and hit him in the face, “Fine.”
Making it to the school in your separate cars, you both walked in together as the bell rang letting the students out of second period. The couple gave each other a kiss and soft goodbyes before going their separate ways to your own lockers.
As you opened your locker, shoving your backpack inside, a loud voice came up next to you, “Dude, did you hear what’s going around the school?”
You turned your head to the side, seeing that it was Robin who asked the question, “No, what?”
“Apparently, Steve Harrington had a party last night and at some point he and Nancy Wheeler went to his room, and you know.” Robin said, in a quieter voice with an amused look at the gossip she heard.
Your face scrunched up in disgust, “Ew, gross.”
“I know right,” Robin replied, still amused, “I guess you were right, she is naive.”
“Yeah, no kidding, who would want to lose their virginity to Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington.”
“I don’t know if you have much room to talk, since you lost yours to Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson.” Robin jokes, not meaning any offense to her friend or her friend’s boyfriend who she liked for You.
“Hey, at least we lost our virginities together.” You laughed along with Robin. “I’m not just one of his many girls.”
Robin was now the one to twist her face up in disgust, “Ugh, now I’m thinking about Steve and the many girls he’s somehow convinced into his bed.”
“Ew, why are you thinking about that, don’t think about that,” You became grossed out again, “Now you’ve got me thinking about it.”
“Let’s just get to class.” Robin said, trying to distract them from Steve’s manwhore ways.
“Oh yeah, what happened in English?” You asked, shutting your locker then turning to walk towards your next class.
Walking into the cafeteria, you headed over to where Eddie sat with other Hellfire Club members. Eddie sat at the head of the table, being this year's new Dungeon Master and having superiority over other newer members. Once making it over to the table, you set a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, bringing his attention up to you. You leaned down and gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek, “Hey, how were the two classes you went to?”
“Stupid, all people can talk about are Steve and Nancy today, it’s annoying,” Eddie answered. Putting an arm around your waist to bring you closer, “How were your classes?”
“The same, that’s all I’ve heard about.” You rolled your eyes, about to say more, but was interrupted by the pretend moaning coming from Carol and Tommy who were sitting a couple tables behind them, “Speaking of annoying.”
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie groaned, becoming even more annoyed, “Only two people could be worse, and they’re the loudest people in this school. That’s coming from me.”
You chuckled a little at the last thing he said. Looking away from the table and at the door across from them, you saw Jonathan walk by the door, “Oh, hey, I’ll see you later, I need to talk to Jonathan.”
“Alright, see you later, love you.” Eddie muttered, not realizing what was coming out of his mouth before it was too late. He just hoped you didn’t hear as you were already walking away.
Running a little to try and catch up to Jonathan, you called out his name, “Jonathan, hey, Jonathan.”
Jonathan turned around hearing his name, then stopped walking, seeing that it was you, “Oh, hey Y/N, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to ask you how it went with Lonnie, if you found anything about Will?” You asked, once you caught up to him.
“It went just about how you’d think it’d go with Lonnie.” Jonathan muttered in annoyance, looking down. “But there wasn’t anything that suggested Will had been there.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry Jonathan.” You said sympathetically, becoming more and more concerned as days passed by without any clue as to where Will is.
“Thanks, but I went into the woods last night and took some pictures to see if there was anything that could lead me to where Will is, and I’m going to go develop them.” Jonathan stammered out quickly, turning slightly in the direction he was headed in.
You grabbed his arm to stop him, “Wait, you went into the woods last night, alone?”
“It’s no big deal-”
“No big deal, there’s someone obviously bad out there, you shouldn’t go out there alone.” You cautioned Jonathan, concerned about his safety.
“It’s fine, Y/N, Really.” Jonathan said, grabbing your arms to try and ease his friend’s anxieties. 
“Fine, but next time you call me.” You demanded, giving Jonathan a stern look.
Jonathan only smiled seeing how much you cared about him, “I will, I promise.”
“Okay, good, now go develop those pictures.” You said, keeping up the bossy behavior.
“Yes, ma’am.” Jonathan laughed, turning around and walking away.
You stayed standing in that spot watching Jonathan continue walking. You let out a big sigh, still worried for your friend and his little brother.
After school, you walked out to the school’s parking lot and towards your car. Once you make it to the car and are standing in front of the driver’s side door, you look up and see Steve and his group blocking Jonathan’s way to his car. Knowing where this might lead, you make your way over to Jonathan. 
“-You know, as… connoisseurs of art.” You catch the last bit of what Steve was saying, once you made it to Jonathan’s side.
“What are you doing, Steve?” You ask Steve, crossing your arms across your chest.
“Jonathan here was just about to show us the pictures he took.” Steve said, turning his head to look towards you then looked back at Jonathan.
Jonathan sighs, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Jonathan pushed past the crowd to walk towards his car, but before he could make it too far Tommy took Jonathan's bag off his shoulder.
“Hey,” Jonathan yelled, walking towards Tommy to try and get his bag back. “Please just give me my bag.”
You took a step towards Tommy reaching for the bag. Before either of them could get close enough, Tommy tossed the bag to Steve. “Man, he is totally trembling. He must really have something to hide.” Steve said once the bag was in his hands.
“Steve, don't.” You warned him, but he didn’t listen. Instead Steve turned and set the bag on Jonathan’s car, opening and taking the pictures out.
 Steve turned back around, leaning on the car, looking through the pictures, “Ah… here we go.” As he looked through the pictures he muttered, “Ah, man.”
“Let me see.” Tommy said, taking a picture to look at for himself, then looked up at Jonathan, “Dude.”
Carol walked over taking the pictures to see what they were looking at, “Yeah, this isn’t creepy at all.”
“I was looking for my brother.” Jonathan muttered, not able to explain himself further as Steve started talking again.
“No, this is called stalking.”
“Steve, just leave him alone.” You tried to reason with him. You haven't seen the pictures yourself, but you wouldn’t let Steve and his asshole friends pick on Jonathan.
“What’s going on?” Nancy asked as she walked up to them.
“Here’s the starring lady.” Tommy teased.
“What?” Nancy asked, completely confused about the whole situation.
“This creep was spying on us last night.” Carol answered, taking a picture out of the pile and handing it to Nancy. “He was probably gonna save this one for later.”
Nancy took the picture and looked at it in shock, not knowing what to say about it. Steve had a lot to say about it though, “See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but that’s the thing about perverts… it’s hardwired into them, you know, they just can’t help themselves.” Steve ripped the pictures that were still in his hands, then turned around to walk back towards the car, “So, we’ll just have to take away his toy.”
“No, please not the camera.” Jonathan begged, when Steve pulled the camera out of Jonathan’s bag.
“No, no, wait, wait, Tommy, Tommy,” Steve stuttered out quickly, making Tommy back off, “It’s okay, here you go, man.”
Steve held the camera out for Jonathan to grab, and as Jonathan was about to go for it, Steve let it drop to the ground. The camera smashed on the ground and everyone looked at it in shock, except for Steve who didn’t care.
“What the hell, Steve!” You yelled angrily, “So much for that apology.”
Steve just looked at you for a moment with a blank stare, then turned to walk away, “Come on, man, the games about to start.”
The rest of them walked away with Steve, leaving Jonathan, you, and Nancy to stand there. As soon as they left Jonathan dropped to the ground to look at the pieces of his camera. You soon followed, to try and help pick up the ripped pictures scattering the ground, finally seeing what the pictures of. You didn’t think it was right, but neither was breaking his camera.
Nancy stood there for a moment, until one of the pictures caught her eye. She bent down to get a better look at it. You looked over at Nancy seeing her just stare at the picture for a while.
“Hey, Nance!” Steve yelled across the parking lot, “Come on.”
Nancy scrambled to pick up pieces of the pictures while staring at Jonathan who just stared back looking guilty for what he did. Picking up the pieces, Nancy stood back up and ran back over to Steve leaving Jonathan to look down at his smashed camera. You watched the interaction between the two, then glared over to where Steve stood becoming overwhelmed with anger.
You finished helping Jonathan pick up everything off the ground and muttered a goodbye to him. Derminiation written all over your face, you started speed walking towards the school where you knew Steve would be waiting. Your fists were clenched and jaw set, you were ready to fight.
Pushing the double doors wide open, you set your eyes on Steve who was sitting with his back against the lockers, “Steve! What the fuck is your problem?”
Tommy started towards you ready to tell you off, but Steve stood up and tugged his shoulder back, “It’s all good, I’ll deal with her.”
“You’re going to deal with me?” You quipped, your eyebrows raising, “Like you did with Jonathan?”
Steve walked close over to you, getting close enough so only you could hear what he said, “He deserved that, did you see those pictures?”
“He didn’t deserve you breaking his fucking camera.” You snapped, only getting angrier.
“Aren’t you the one who told me I never did anything,” Steve asked stepping closer, “I finally did something.”
Your eyes started to water as you stared up at Steve in complete disbelief, “You’re an asshole.”
“Yeah, is that what you think?” Steve stared straight into your eyes trying to keep a blank face as he sees the tears begin to form
“Yeah that’s what I think.” You growled, quickly turning around to leave not wanting to be near Steve any longer.
Once you left, the group went back to how they were and back to talk about whatever stupid things they were talking about. As she was standing there, Nancy couldn’t help but zone the conversation out and let her mind wander. Nancy thought about you and everything you just said to Steve, then to Jonathan and the pictures he took. Nancy thought deeply about the picture of Barb sitting by Steve’s pool.
Having enough of not knowing, Nancy decided to walk away from the three other people she was with to go and find some answers.
“Whoa, Nance, where you going?” Steve asked, confused as to why she just started walking away without saying anything.
“I totally forgot,” Nancy stuttered out an excuse, “I told my mom I would, um, I would do something with her.”
“Well, what do you mean?” Steve questioned, standing up to follow after her, “The games about to start.”
“I’m sorry.” Nancy replied over her shoulder as she continued walking away.
Nancy made it to the parking lot and over to the car she was hopeful would still be there. Nancy softly knocked on the window of the driver’s side door then stepped back to be able to look in the car.
You quickly wiped your eyes before looking out your window to see who knocked on it. When you saw it was Nancy Wheeler, you became even more confused. You rolled down the window, leaned one arm against the door and asked, “What do you want?” 
“Um, I wanted to know if Jonathan was okay?” Nancy stammered, kind of shocked by your anger.
“Why don’t you ask him yourself.” You replied, leaning back to roll the window back up.
“Wait, wait.” Nancy quickly said, you paused looking back up at her. “Have you seen Barb today?”
“Barb?” You were confused by the random question. “I only ever usually see her with you.”
Starting to tear up, Nancy sputtered out, “I just, I haven’t seen her today and her mom said she didn’t come home last night… I just don’t know what to do.”
“You think Barb is missing too?” You asked, becoming worried. Nancy only nodded a yes to the question not wanting to actually say that her best friend might be missing. “When was the last time you saw her?”
“At Steve’s, she was going to head home, but her mom said she didn’t show up.” Nancy answered, kind of happy that someone’s finally listening to her.
“Alright, let’s start there.”
“What, really?” Nancy said, surprised that not only are you listening, but also going to help find Barb.
“Yes, now get in.”
You parked behind Barb’s car once they made it down the street from Steve's house. The two of you got out of the car and walked over to Barb’s to check it out. Neither of you saw anything suspicious in the car, so both of you stood up straight to look around the area.
“Barb?” Nancy shouted, “Barb!”
“Why would she leave her car?” You asked
“She wouldn’t.” Nancy answered, both of you started to walk towards the woods.
“Right, so, either she got spooked and the only choice was to run or someone took her.” You stated bluntly, causing Nancy to turn and look at you concerned. “And maybe whoever took her also took Will.”
Nancy and you walked through the gate into Steve’s backyard standing in front of the pool.
“Barb?” Nancy called out into the backyard, but received no reply. 
After a couple seconds, rustling came from the woods to the left of you. The two stared where the noise came from, then glanced at each other for a quick moment before turning back to look at the woods and walking towards it.
“Barb?” Nancy called out once again as you walked into the woods. The rustling noise happened once again from behind you. Turning to look behind you, Nancy yelled, “Barb?” 
As you both looked for what could’ve caused the rustling something ran behind you. Quickly turning around, the two girls caught a glimpse of what it was which sent them running. Taking a couple steps, Nancy tripped and fell to the ground, you quickly helped her back to her feet and started to run again.
Making it to your car, you rushed in and slammed the door shut. You locked the car as soon as the doors were closed, staring straight ahead in shock and fear, “Did you see-”
“Yeah.” Nancy answered 
“Okay.” You turned the car on and did a u-turn driving over the speed limit to get away from there as fast as possible.
You parked in Nancy’s driveway and sat in the car still scared at what you saw, but still wanting to know what’s happening, “We’re going to find Barb and find Will,” You started, turning to face Nancy, “And we’re going to figure out whatever the hell that was, okay?”
Nancy nodded as her eyes started watering, but keeping eye contact with you, “Okay.”
“Now go home and get some sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay, bye.” Nancy muttered, not able to say anything else. She got out of the car and headed towards her house.
You stayed in your car, not wanting to go inside your house and be alone. Even if your parents were home, you’d still be alone. Turning the car back on, you put the car in reverse and started driving towards the one person you could always count on, Eddie.
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soursfilms · 1 year
If you could have any future for Rina what would it be? Doesn’t have to line up with show canon or it can, whatever way you want to answer this! ☺️🫶🏻
i love this question! i think i can perfectly tie this ask to @daphnebowen’s ask so i’ll answer both in this post. hopefully you both don’t mind !! 🥰
as tim federle said, they will be owning a backyard full of golden retrievers and will go by ricky and gina porter-bowen! okay, that’s canon to me!
i see ricky and gina getting married young, definitely during their early twenties. i mean, they already act like a married couple it’s insane. it’s kinda sickening, but also beautiful how deeply in love they are.
i think in an interview joshua said he sees ricky as a stay at home dad and that ricky doesn’t necessarily “want to go the distance” and he’s so correct! i’ve always seen ricky as a behind the scenes type of guy and someone who doesn’t really care for the spotlight. probably ends up doing something with composing music behind the scenes, or teaching music. not everyone wants to be a star and i like that while everyone else wants to be on broadway, or become movie stars, pop stars etc. ricky just aspires for a simple life with a family. so even if he becomes “famous” (because he’s definitely playing romeo right? we all agree on that right?) i don’t think he’d ever genuinely care about fame and want to be a part of that world.
gina though, she’s a movie star! i saw some mixed opinions on the “fame” plot line/aspect, or basically the movie plot line, but i loved it because i love seeing gina shine and get everything she deserves and has ever wanted. along the years, she’ll get home from a busy day of filming and busy press days, to ricky and their daughter watching mark and spark on the television. ricky will always be her home and normalcy after a busy day in the spotlight. just like in season four with gina filming hsm4 all day, but at night ricky would climb up her window and it would just be them, talking and laughing because no one amuses gina like ricky. i don’t see that ever changing. that’s their thing, being each other’s homes.
also, this may be random but, i’ve always had this vision that when their daughter grew up, they’d want her to go to school at east high. then ricky sees that the theater program is not the same or is in danger, so he pulls a miss jenn because he can’t fathom to see the place that changed him and believed in him just be gone. so in order to keep it alive for his daughter he becomes the drama teacher. i feel like this is a prefect spin off for the future. their daughter is annoyed at her dad being the drama teacher and it’s chaotic and funny. and gina brings the kids cupcakes and helps out when she can with the choreography. (i can also see older ricky and gina opening some type of dance studio or music studio together just to give kids an outlet to express themselves and feel “not like outsiders” like what theater meant to them growing up) so whichever one it is, i basically just see them helping “outsiders” find their place. either if it’s back at east high’s theater department much to their daughter’s dismay, or using their fame to open up dance and music studios in a bunch of different places (because gina moved so much y’know? she’d want her business in many places so no matter where people travel to and move it’s always home) that’s what i envision.
and speaking of their daughter, there’s no doubt that ricky and gina are having a girl, like he’s a girl dad through and through! and to tie in @daphnebowen’s ask, i read a fic the other day that used the name “grace” for their daughter and i think that it is absolutely perfect. it starts with the letter G just like gina, and gina exudes grace so i think it’s a perfect name for her daughter.
i’ll stop here before i keep rambling. i feel like this is so long already i am so sorry! so their future is golden and beautiful and they’re in love forever and i love them! okay bye!
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