#the next one will be happier I swear
illuminatedquill · 11 months
Sabine Wren x Ezra Bridger
Story Summary: A mysterious new enemy attacks Grand Master Skywalker's Jedi Temple in the dead of night. Faced with overwhelming odds, Jedi Master Ezra Bridger and Jedi Master Sabine Wren must fight against an enemy determined to finish what Emperor Palpatine started so long ago: exterminating the Jedi, once and for all.
@sabezraweek Prompt: Free
"Everything dies. In time, even stars burn out." - Revenge of the Sith novelization, Matthew Stover
The temple was burning.
Jedi Master Ezra Bridger moved with all the speed he could muster, drawing on the Force to aid in his movement. Merely a hundred feet ahead were the stone steps leading into the temple -
His eyes narrowed and a lance of agony pierced his heart.
Bodies lay scattered on the steps. Silhouettes, lit by the inferno engulfing the Temple, were engaged in fierce battle up and down the staircase: some of them were garbed in the traditional Jedi robes, lightsabers ignited in shades of blue, green, yellow, and violet; others wearing the familiar sinister plaster-white of what could only be stormtrooper armor.
As he approached, the rapid staccato of blaster-fire pierced the cool evening air. Some of the remaining Jedi went down.
He called to his wife, Jedi Master Sabine Wren. "Sabine!"
"Yeah, I see it!" He heard swift movement somewhere behind to his left and felt her reassuring presence through the Force.
"You can get there faster and clear the way!" he shouted.
"On it! I'll try to save some for you, old man!" Sabine, wearing her customary Mandalorian armor underneath her Jedi robes, fired her jetpack and raced ahead. A moment later, her lightsaber flared to life, the green-white blade a stark contrast against the fiery red and orange they were racing towards.
Her humor, Ezra noted, was purely reflexive. In the Force, he could feel her inner turmoil and despair barely restrained by sheer force of will.
Be safe, my love, he thought, desperately.
His wife flew through the battle and lopped off a head from one of the stormtroopers. She landed, pivoted, and switched to her patented akimbo lightsaber/blaster style. With grim determination, she set to work, with the other Jedi Knights rallying to her aid.
Her lightsaber blade cleaved through the enemy force, a green blur punctuated by shots from her blaster.
Ezra allowed himself a grim smile.
He needn't have worried. Closing the gap quickly, he ignited his own lightsaber and joined his wife in the fray.
Her name is Sabine Wren. She is a Jedi Master.
In her lifetime, she has been born many titles.
Mandalorian. Rebel. Traitor. Jedi. Mother. Wife.
She is all of these things . . . and more.
Her story is famous among the Jedi younglings. She is fearless, passionate, and forthright. The first Mandalorian Jedi in a thousand generations.
Sabine is not particularly attached to any of these titles, although she is grateful for them; for what they taught her and how they continue to guide her, even now.
Sabine Wren, Jedi Master, values one thing above all: balance. A sense of life and purpose that, for the longest time, had eluded her.
After much hardship she finally found it in the most obvious of places: herself. She didn't need to be a Jedi to matter.
She just needed to be herself.
And that is what she excels at. That is what gives her such fearsome strength. She is the personification of a tempest in battle; her prowess in combat is said to rival that of Grand Master Skywalker himself.
She never gives into the anger; the fear. They are tools, merely to sharpen her edge. Through the Force, she burns so brightly like the starbird of legend that she wears proudly on her armor.
Her name is Sabine Wren. And even in the blackest of nights, she shines like a torch for all to follow.
A flicker in the Force; Sabine angled her lightsaber to swat away another blaster bolt. She crouched and aimed her blaster at a stormtrooper, a dozen steps up towards the entrance.
Pulling the trigger once, twice, three times - all shots found their mark. He fell limp and tumbled down the steps in comical fashion.
"Watch it!" she snapped to a Jedi Knight - a Wookie, still young, named Lowbacca - who was busy with two stormtroopers. A third was taking aim at him from the Temple entrance, a long rifle in his hand.
Lowbacca growled his acknowledgment and snapped his lightsaber, a unique bronze color, to a defensive position. The long rifle fired; the bolt was deflected away by the younger Jedi.
However that left his flank exposed to the other two stormtroopers he was previously engaged with.
Sabine prepared to jetpack straight for those two, only to find a barrage of blaster-fire halt her progress; another squad had appeared from the burning entrance of the Temple and began to batter the remaining Jedi with shots.
Realization hit Sabine like a gut punch.
I'm not going to make it. Lowbacca's going to die.
The stormtroopers, sensing their opportunity, raised their rifles -
And were promptly cut down in a flash of humming blue-white energy.
Fierce exultation filled Sabine's heart.
He was here. Ezra was here, at last.
Her husband sprinted up the steps with speed that shouldn't have been capable of any being, let alone a middle-aged man. But with the Force as his ally, there was little that couldn't be accomplished by Jedi Master Ezra Bridger.
Throwing out his hand, he called his lightsaber back into his hand and pounced towards the squad of stormtroopers at the Temple's entrance.
They saw him too late. His blue-white blade cut through the air, scattering away their fire, moving at a speed that defied logic. Within mere seconds, the squad was cut down.
Ezra pivoted away from them and raced down the steps, picking off the remaining scattered troops.
Sabine trained her blaster on the entrance but no more troopers appeared.
And like that, the battle was over.
She reached out through the Force, looking for any signs of life among the still bodies - but nothing.
Ezra had done what was necessary with his usual efficiency.
Lowbacca lowered his lightsaber and stared at Sabine - and then at Ezra, coming up to check on his wife.
The Jedi Master wasn't even breathing hard.
"Show off," said Sabine to her husband, smiling a little underneath the helmet.
"Hey, you liked it," retorted Ezra. He came close and eyed her. "Are you okay?"
"No injuries. Armor took all the pot shots, as always. You?"
He shook his head. "I'm alright."
They both looked around at the chaos around them. The remaining Jedi Knights were looking at them. Waiting.
Ezra turned to them and said one word. The word they were all dreading.
The fire burned behind them, casting shadows on their faces. Through the Force, she felt the grimness of their duty - what needed to be done - and the mourning for what was lost, bursting forth like a fountain in each of them.
But they nodded and ran into the night, one by one. Their duty was paramount. The future of the Jedi Order would be decided on this night, by their actions.
Lowbacca let out a howl of anguish. Ezra clapped him on the shoulder and spoke something in private to the Wookie Jedi.
Sabine felt a chill go down her spine - the wookie's howl sounded so much like the mourning cry of the Loth-wolves back at home.
Almost like an omen . . .
The Wookie Jedi Knight chuffed out a response, nodded once to Sabine, and then ran after his fellow Jedi Knights.
Sabine saw Ezra stare after them. She didn't need the Force to tell what her husband was feeling.
The fallen Jedi on the Temple steps spoke loud enough for her.
After a moment, Ezra turned to her. "Have you heard from Master Skywalker?"
Sabine frowned. "I'm not sure. Scattered reports from the other Jedi; they haven't seen him. He wasn't inside the Temple when the explosion went off."
"I can't sense him either. You?"
Sabine reached out - multiple presences inside the Temple, too numerous to count or identify.
She shook her head. "No, nothing. But there are survivors, I think. Other Jedi, still fighting."
Ezra grimaced. "We'll have to head inside, then." He paused. "Sabine, did you hear from . . . ?"
"Our daughter? Last I heard she was gathering up the younglings into the mess hall."
Aster Bridger-Wren, a Jedi Knight, like her mother and father. Their pride and joy and love.
Still inside the burning Temple.
Ezra asked, "Anything else?"
"No. Comms were jammed shortly after that."
Ezra nodded, but she felt his concern and anxiety double through the Force, thrumming like a taut power cable.
She reached out and grabbed his hand. "Ezra. She's tough. She'll be alright."
Ezra swept a hand at the chaos before them. "This enemy - who are they? Imperials?"
"Can't be. Empire's been dead for decades. This is something new."
She paused before stating, "I think it's the enemy General Organa was warning us about."
Ezra narrowed his eyes at her. "The Imperial remnant hiding in the Unknown Regions? They had this kind of firepower out there this whole time?"
"I don't know, Ezra. It's possible."
Another explosion rocked the Temple and the two Masters were briefly buffeted by wind and debris.
Her husband shook his head. "No time to talk theories. We need to get in there, find Aster and the younglings."
"What's the plan?"
He looked at her and ignited his lightsaber.
She grinned. "Oh, I like this plan."
He snorted. "You always do."
His name is Ezra Bridger. He is a Jedi Master.
A model to the other Jedi, he is considered to perfectly embody the quintessential Jedi essence: kind, compassionate, and diplomatic.
What very few realize is how funny he is; how passionate he can be, just like his wife; and, most importantly, how hopeful he remains on even the bleakest of days.
His love story - and subsequent marriage - with Sabine Wren is the stuff of legend; not just among the Jedi, but the galaxy as a whole. Holo-dramas have told and re-told their story to trillions galaxy-wide, never failing to amuse him (and exasperate his wife).
His proudest achievements are his daughter and marrying Sabine.
Where Master Wren is a storm, he is a gentle wind, swaying the grass fields; where she is a firestorm, he can be the rain; his light is not the burning torch of his wife, but a calm, unwavering candle in the night to guide your way.
His skills in combat are vastly underrated, only due to him preferring a more diplomatic approach to problem solving - but the few who have seen him in action have been awed to silence at his speed and efficiency.
Ezra Bridger is merciful. It is a quality that his wife - and others who admire him - adores.
But he is no push-over. And his mercy has its limits.
Something more eternal, more truthful, and more deeper to the Light Side of the Force exists within the soul of Ezra Bridger.
Because he knows the truth of life; of the light and the dark. He has seen it all in his life.
He knows the fundamental law of nature and lives its creed to the best of his ability everyday: that the dark must always yield to the light.
No matter how small the flame.
The way to the mess hall was choked with fire, smoke, and stormtroopers. Sabine pulled out a re-breather mask from her pouch and handed it to her husband.
"Thanks," he panted. Jedi had techniques for dealing with smoke inhalation, but they could only stretch out air for several extra minutes - and that was if they weren't doing anything strenuous at the same time.
The stormtroopers were handled with little problem by the two Jedi Masters; it was the bodies of fallen Jedi that disturbed them the most. Friends and acquaintances, all of them. Too many to count.
Sabine wondered if this was how her master, Ahsoka Tano, felt during Order 66. Did she see the bodies of her friends and comrades too? She never spoke much about the events of that bloody period of history.
Vaulting over the corpse of a Jedi youngling, Sabine didn't have to wonder why.
They felt the presence of her daughter huddled inside the mess hall with a group of younglings. The two Masters reached out through the Force and let her know that they were coming.
Reaching the door, Ezra said, "Sabine. Watch my back?"
"Always." She ignited her lightsaber and turned around to scan the hallway for any incoming enemy traffic.
He opened the door.
Inside was a mess; benches pushed to the sides of the hall, with the long tables used for dining bunched together in a tight half-circle. And enclosed in that circle . . .
"Aster! All clear!"
His daughter poked her head above the table, along with ten or so Jedi younglings.
"Dad!" She waved a hand at him.
Ezra felt his heart lift with the immense relief at the sight of her uninjured. He ran over and gave a huge bear hug that lifted her off the ground.
Sabine ran behind him and quickly closed the doors and locked them before joining her husband in an embrace of their family.
"I told your father you'd be alright," said Sabine. "Smart of you to barricade yourselves in the mess hall."
"Thanks," said Aster. She was tall for her age, a latent gift from her grandmother, Ursa Wren, who stood at a towering six feet. Her hair was cut short in a bob fashion, similar to her mother but she had inherited her father's dark blue color.
Even now, he smiled faintly at the memory invoked whenever she was within eyesight; she was the spitting image of her mother at that age. Except for the eyes - those she had gotten from him, perpetually piercing with their blue, bright-eyed gaze.
"You're not hurt anywhere?" He searched her all over, with all his senses.
"I'm fine, Dad, really." She paused and said. "There were Jedi Knights outside the door. Did they . . . ?"
Sabine shook her head. Ezra remembered the bodies they stepped over on the way here. "They didn't make it. I'm sorry."
Aster bit her lip and looked down.
Ezra put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Hey. They did their duty. Just like you did yours. Remember."
"Honor what they fought for," she said.
"Right. And we do that by getting you and the younglings out of here."
He looked to his wife. "Hangar bay?"
Sabine nodded. "I know a short-cut. Should be safe. We hid the corvettes pretty well in case of something like this. I doubt the Imperials know about it."
Aster looked at her mother sharply. "Is it really the Empire?"
Ezra shook his head. "I'm not sure. Your mother and I don't think so."
Sabine said, "Well, they fall pretty easily to a well-placed lightsaber."
Aster snorted. "That doesn't narrow down the list of suspects much, Mom."
Sabine shrugged. "Hey, I'm a Jedi Master. Not a detective."
Ezra smiled briefly at his wife before asking, "Have you seen or heard from Master Skywalker, Aster?"
His daughter frowned, thinking for a few moments. Then: "No, I haven't."
Ezra shared a despairing look with Sabine.
"But I saw his astromech droid."
Ezra's eyes widened. "Artoo? Where did you see him?"
One of the Jedi younglings - a small Togruta female - spoke up. "He was being taken by the troopers. They were heading towards the inner defenses."
Ezra felt an icy fist clutch his heart. He looked at Sabine.
"It's bad, isn't it," she said, quietly.
"They have his astromech. Luke trusted Artoo with everything regarding the temple - if the Jedi are to escape, we need those defenses. They're probably trying to get him to turn them off."
She cocked her head at him. "What's the plan, Ezra?"
He smiled sadly at her. "I'm counting on you."
Even under the helmet, he could feel her eyes blazing at him. "Absolutely not. We go together."
"Someone needs to stay with Aster and the younglings to guide them out safely."
Sabine took off her helmet and stepped closer to him; her eyes were swimming in tears. "I am not leaving you here to die some stupid, noble death!"
Ezra gently grabbed her and lead them both away from Aster and the younglings. He could feel the worried eyes of his daughter watching her parents.
"I don't want her to see us fighting. Not at a time like this," he said to her in a low voice.
"The Jedi Order is dying, Ezra. We need everyone to fight back against this shadow enemy - "
"No, we need them!" He waved at Aster and the younglings. "They're the future! They're what we need to save, Sabine."
She shook her head. "Don't ask me to do this. Please, Ezra." Sabine reached out and cupped his face.
It took everything he had to step away. How badly he wanted to stay with her.
Just like before. A long, long time ago . . .
Softly, he gave his wife a kiss. "We had our time. I was happy with you. With Aster. With Hera and Jacen and Zeb and Chopper. And Kanan."
Sabine started to weep.
"It's time to pay it forward, my love. For the future. For Aster."
She looked away from him for a long moment. Then she put on her helmet. Sorrow radiated out from her like a furnace but he felt the iron will of his wife begin assert determination into her being.
She had made her choice.
Once, a long time ago, she had made a wrong choice. And Sabine had vowed never to do so again.
No matter the cost.
"Aster. Gather the younglings. Keep them in a tight formation."
Aster nodded and started issuing instructions. Sabine looked to her husband and said, "Thirty minutes."
Ezra frowned. "What?"
"I'm giving you thirty minutes, Ezra. Then we leave."
"Sabine . . . "
She grabbed him by the tunic. "I don't care, Ezra. The Force can't decide all of it. You owe it to me and your daughter to try."
Ezra blinked and smiled at his wife.
Do or do not . . .
"I promise to try," he replied. "That's the best I can give."
Sabine nodded and let him go. Igniting her lightsaber she went to the door and peered out.
"All clear. Aster, we're heading out."
Aster ignited her own lightsaber - a vivid, pink hue - and led the tightly formed group of younglings out the door. Ezra took up the rear.
Before they went separate ways, Aster gave him a quick hug.
"Is this . . . good-bye?" she asked, voice quivering. His daughter was trying so hard to be brave.
Ezra almost couldn't trust himself to answer.
She would have known if he was lying.
He just squeezed his daughter a little harder in the hug, feeling her; the strength born from him and Sabine, all their knowledge and fears and joys, flowing into her.
"Follow your mother. Remember your training. And trust the Force."
She nodded into her shoulder. "I will, Dad."
He watched them leave, Sabine leading them into a side corridor.
Ezra looked at his wife. Sabine paused and took one last look at him.
He wanted nothing more than to freeze that moment. To savor the image of his wife, beautifully fierce, for an eternity.
A disturbance in the Force -
"Ezra!" shouted Sabine.
He whipped around, igniting his lightsaber in time to parry two shots aimed for his sternum.
Stormtroopers, coming around the bend. They aimed their rifles and started to fire.
He batted away the shots. "Sabine! Go!"
He felt her hesitation . . . and then it was replaced with grim determination. "Thirty minutes, Ezra! Don't be late, old man!"
And then she was gone, quickly ducking into the side corridor.
Ezra huffed out a quick laugh, dodging another blaster bolt. He deflected another one straight back to its shooter.
"Sorry, fellas," he said to the remaining stormtroopers. "Can't be late for this date."
He moved in on them, the Force guiding his hands.
Drawing on the Force, Ezra made the sprint to the Temple's inner defenses in five minutes.
His comm-link chirped as he stood outside the door, reaching out with the Force. Five presences, all filled with malicious intent.
He could also hear the pained squealing of an astromech droid.
Ezra ducked to the side and spoke into his comm-link. "Sabine?"
"Ezra. We've arrived and are powering up the corvette."
He breathed out a sigh of relief. "Any issues?"
"Not really. Diced up some stormtroopers on the way. Aster did this neat flip move that I think Master Skywalker taught her."
Exasperated, Ezra heard his daughter groan. "Mom."
"It was very fancy. I think I saw you do something like that, when you were younger. Way younger."
Ezra growled, "I'm not that old, Sabine. You're older than me, you know."
"He's a charmer, your dad. How are things on your end?"
Ezra readied his lightsaber. "About to get this party started."
He paused and said, "Wish you were here."
Sabine replied, "Well, you can tell me all about it when you get back in twenty minutes."
Ezra smiled, despite the situation. Sabine always knew what to say. "I'll do that."
"Yeah. You will. Or I'm coming for you." The call ended.
He readied a breath and stepped inside.
Despite the simple name, the Temple's inner defenses were a complex network of fail-safes and redundancies; all tied to a single, massive computer core that oversaw a whole network of protocols that kept the Temple running smoothly.
In case of an attack, the whole network was to run automatically without need of supervision; an alarm was to be sounded for evacuation and a recorded message from a selected Jedi Master broadcasted to the other temples to warn them.
In addition, multiple turbo-lasers were embedded in the grounds all surrounding the Temple. If there was a carrier waiting in orbit - as Ezra suspected there was - the turbo-lasers would fire unceasingly, giving fleeing Jedi a cover to escape.
It was an ingenious system devised by Master Skywalker and the New Republic's best and brightest - but it failed to account for one possibility.
Sabotage from within.
As Ezra stepped inside, the first thing he noted was the slashes all over the consoles. Sloppy, powerful, angry strokes - but not made from any metal blade.
Made from a lightsaber. The Force radiated with the rage and power from within the room; an echo of whoever had done this damage.
I've got a bad feeling about this, he thought. Ezra hadn't the slightest clue who from Luke's students would be capable of such a betrayal.
The second thing he noted was the squad of troopers huddled around a familiar astromech - R2-D2, Master Skywalker's trusted droid. He lay on his back as the troopers took turns poking stun batons at him.
"Stupid droid," one of them muttered. "Have you ever met one so annoying? They usually cave after the first shock."
Ezra decided that stormtrooper would be the first. Igniting his lightsaber, he said, "Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size?"
They all whirled around. "Jedi!" screeched one of them.
Ezra pounced. There was a random array of shots, easily blocked by him.
Five swift slashes later, he was alone in the room with Artoo.
"Hey, buddy," he said, picking up the droid. The astromech warbled a relieved response to him.
"Have you heard from Master Luke, Artoo?"
Artoo replied in the negative. He sighed. "Figures."
Artoo beeped worriedly. "I'm sure he's alright. Anyway, can you get these consoles up and running? We need to get the defenses operational before - "
A sudden flicker in the Force was his only warning. Ezra dove to the side as an explosion shook the room. Bits of ceiling and rubble sprayed over him.
Shaking himself at this daze, Ezra looked up and saw the stars.
And then he saw the stars blotted out by something massive. Hovering over the planet.
Artoo had already jacked himself into the console. Within seconds the consoles came to life - and beeped an alert at him.
"A little late, but thanks. Yeah, I see it Artoo." He whistled. "That's a huge ship."
Artoo beeped a statement at him.
"The Supremacy? Sounds like someone important is visiting us tonight."
"Shall I tell you his name?" asked a menacing voice.
Ezra ignited his lightsaber and looked around to the source. A human man stood there, mid-30s with brown hair and a permanently pinched expression, garbed in what looked like an Imperial officer's uniform.
Only it was all in black. Not the usual monotone gray.
He held a blaster pistol in his hand, aimed at Ezra.
"Artoo, get those defenses up and running now."
More footsteps - hard and orderly; a marching formation.
Twelve more stormtroopers filed into the room and formed a semi-circle around Ezra and Artoo. They raised their rifles.
Ezra forced calm into his voice. "I know you're all scared. I'm a Jedi; I can sense these things."
The officer sneered at him. "We've killed plenty of your Jedi tonight."
Ezra cocked his head at him. "Not me, though. I'm still alive. I'm sure some of you are wondering why that it is."
He lifted his lightsaber in a defensive salute. "If you want to leave, you may do so."
The officer laughed. "No one will be leaving, Jedi. Except for you, in a body bag."
"So, what are you? Empire? Or something else?" Ezra couldn't help but be curious.
At the word Empire, the officer seemed insulted. Ezra could practically feel the man boil over with indignant rage.
"Do not," he said through gritted teeth, spittle flying from his mouth, "compare us to that bureaucratic, bloated waste of an Empire!"
Ezra raised his eyebrows in astonishment at the man's reaction. "My apologies."
"We are so much more! Led by our Supreme Leader Snoke, we will create order! We will enforce peace! No more New Republic, no more Empire - just an Eternal Order, the first of it's kind in the galaxy!"
He jabbed the blaster pistol at Ezra in a frenzy. "We are the First Order, Jedi!"
"First, huh." Beside him, Artoo beeped softly.
All finished. He nodded at the astromech droid.
All at once, the ground shook as the turbo-lasers, finally re-activated, began to blast away at the super-carrier in orbit above the Temple.
The First Order officer blinked in surprise. "What . . . ?"
Ezra pulled him forward with the Force, impaling him on the lightsaber blade.
"Ggghrk," said the First Order officer. Ezra leaned in close to whisper in the idiot's ear.
"The Jedi Order will make sure that your 'First Order' will also be the last. You should have learned something from your predecessors - never let a Jedi talk."
The fury erupted in the man's eyes - and then faded all at once. He was dead.
Ezra tossed him off the blade and waved to the stormtroopers. "Next?"
They opened fire.
Letting the Force guide his hands into a defensive pattern, Ezra shouted to the astromech droid. "Artoo! You're all good, buddy. Go find Master Skywalker!"
Artoo squealed in protest.
"I'll be fine. Gotta stay here to make sure they don't shut down the defenses again." His blade hummed angrily, swatting away more blaster-fire. "Go, go!"
The droid sighed in resignation and activated his boosters, flying through a hole in the ceiling.
And then it was just Ezra. Alone.
Deflecting more shots, he spoke into his comm-link to say good-bye to his wife . . . only for him to realize that it had been damaged in the explosion from earlier.
So that was it, then.
No more good-byes.
Ezra Bridger drew the Force into him, letting him fill his entire being until he could feel his cells glowing with its power.
And then he went to work. Moving with impossible speed, cutting down the stormtroopers; dodging, weaving, parrying with unerring accuracy and grace.
The twelve that entered didn't stand a chance.
But more came. Filing through, blasters firing away.
And then more. And more. And more.
And more. An unending, unceasing flood of white armor and red blaster-fire.
Ezra Bridger, Jedi Master, knew the math was not coming in his favor for this battle.
But he could not let them turn off the defenses.
And so he fought. Drawing more and more of the Force into himself.
It was dangerous, he knew. That much Force usage would burn out even an experienced Jedi in minutes.
He was burning himself out.
Ezra wondered if he could count how much time he had left in heartbeats. His hands weaved the lightsaber, blocking three shots -
A fourth got through. His leg.
He drew more of the Force in, walling away the pain. He pivoted, sliced through the abdomen of another stormtrooper -
His shoulder erupted in pain. Ezra ignored it.
And then his abdomen, left side.
He was fading. Somehow, barely conscious, he was still moving. Still fighting. His body moved on instinct, despite the increasing toll of his mounting injuries.
F a d i n g . . .
F a d i n g . . .
Meeting Sabine for the first time. How intimidating she was; how fierce she looked in the Mandalorian armor. How beautiful she looked under the helmet. Feelings that had never gone away - that he never expected to be reciprocated until she found him again.
Kanan. His first lessons as a Padawan, learning how to wield the lightsaber, how to open himself to the Force; but, above all, how to be a good person.
Hera. The Twi'lek who was like a mother to him. The laughter they shared, how she protected and taught him. He remembered the tears she wept after his long voyage home from Peridea, sweeping him into the deepest, warmest hug he could ever have imagined after such a lonely exile.
Zeb. Cantankerous, reliable Zeb. The joy and deep soul underneath that gruff exterior.
Chopper. Foul-mouthed but ever dependable. The fun times they had getting out of sticky situations with the Empire.
Ahsoka. Always looking forward, always wise, always a mentor whenever he needed. She was the one to knight him. Helped mold him into the Jedi Master he was today.
More memories. More fuel to keep him going. Feeding the fire that was going out.
Sabine finding him again on Peridea. How easily they slipped into old habits, hiding away what had changed.
How her betrayal had shaken him - but they made it through, together. Forged a bond that could never be broken.
Meeting Jacen for the first time. Feeling his heart crack at how much like Kanan he looked.
Ending Thrawn's reign of terror against the galaxy. Saving the New Republic.
Living with Sabine. Falling in love all over again.
The marriage. Their vows. Waking up to Sabine, sleeping next to him, softly snoring. Feeling the weight of her, how she felt, the strength of her heartbeat.
The birth of their daughter, Aster.
Seeing her first steps, her first words; seeing her enter the Academy for the first time.
So many memories.
He fed them all into the fire.
The blaster-fire stopped at some point.
Ezra stood, just barely. He couldn't feel much at that point. His lightsaber held just aloft in a position that required the least amount of energy to hold.
Around him lay the crumpled bodies of at least a hundred stormtroopers. All dead.
A voice crawled into his head. Through the Force.
You have fought well, Master Jedi.
It sounded like . . . the Grand Inquisitor? No, it couldn't be. Or maybe it was Vader?
Or . . . Thrawn?
"Who is this?" he muttered.
The death of your Order, the voice said. The beginning of mine.
Somewhere in the haze of his mind, he remembered. "Snoke," he said.
Remember it well. For the short time you have left.
Three figures walked through the entrance, wearing scarlet armor. They moved through the sea of dead bodies like red wraiths.
In their hands, wicked blades with purple electricity surging through them.
Ezra had heard of them from the days of the Empire from Luke.
Praetorian guards.
Die well, Master Bridger, said the voice.
Still fading. Just embers left now.
Ezra, still in pain, lifted his lightsaber one last time.
Sabine looked desperately at the chronometer. Ezra hadn't arrived yet.
They were out of time.
"Anything?" she asked Aster.
Aster, tears streaming down her face, shook her head. "I can't raise him. Comms must be down."
Another explosion rocked the hangar bay.
"Not much of the turbo-lasers left," she said. "The massive ship above is bombing what's left."
She looked at her mother. "We have to get Dad. Let me get him."
I'm counting on you.
Sabine grabbed her daughter and sat her back down. "Tell the younglings to strap in and prepare for take-off."
A part of her was screaming, dying at what she was about to do.
"What? No - no, we're not leaving him, right? Mom!" Aster looked at her mother, pleading.
Sabine didn't listen. She keyed the control for the hangar bay doors and pushed the engines to maximum.
"Mom!" Aster yelled at her. "You're leaving him! You're leaving Dad behind!"
She glanced out the view-port to the burning Temple below.
Good-bye, my love.
Sabine knew, deep down, that she would always regret not saying it to him for the rest of her life.
She pushed the throttle and aimed for the stars.
The battle didn't last long.
It didn't need to. Ezra had done what was needed.
The praetorian guards pulled their blades from him. He fell over, watching the blood seep onto the stone floor.
One of them kicked him onto his back.
Through the crack in the ceiling, he saw a frigate rocket by, weaving through the laser bombardment, flying towards freedom.
He knew his wife and daughter were on there. Safe.
I'm sorry, Sabine. Going to be late after all. Hope you don't mind waiting a bit.
One of the Praetorian guards raised his blade for a final blow.
Ezra reached out one last time into the Force. Blowing life into the embers that were left.
With a strained shout, he threw his hands towards that cracked Temple ceiling. It shifted and groaned -
And then collapsed. Tons of rubble falling, caving in on the room.
The Praetorian guards screamed but had nowhere to run.
Ezra Bridger smiled, thinking of his watchtower - how the sun hit the capital city at the right angle making it sparkle in the early evening; how holding Sabine's hand felt on a warm, breezy day, just sitting in the grass fields, watching the Loth-cats scurry about . . .
He was still thinking about Sabine when he died.
Jacen Syndulla, Jedi in training, raced onto the docking ramp of the Ghost. His mother, Hera, is already preparing to lift-off from the Ghost cockpit.
"Jacen! Are we all set?"
He mentally checked the list one more time. "Yeah! That's everything!"
The broadcast from Master Skywalker's Temple had hit them hard - but the plan was already in motion. The Jedi were on the move.
Knightfall. Knightfall. Knightfall.
"Jacen, get up here! Gonna need you for navigation!"
"Alright, Mom," Jason shouted back. He began to close the ramp -
He paused. Two figures, shrouded in ghostly blue and somewhat translucent in Jedi robes, stood at the end.
One of them lowered his hood. Jacen sucked in a breath; it was a face he had only seen in holos and photographs.
"Dad?" he whispered.
His father, Kanan Jarrus, waved at him. He smiled sadly and turned to the other figure who also lowered his hood.
Jacen took a step back. "No, it can't be."
It was Ezra. He looked pointedly at Jacen and the younger Jedi could hear him in his thoughts.
It's up to you now, Jacen. You're the future.
Jacen began to cry. "Ezra, wait - "
I'll be seeing you around, kid. Don't worry. And look after your mom.
And then he was gone. They were both gone.
The docking ramp closed.
"Jacen! Where are you?"
After a couple minutes, Hera let Chopper doing the flying. She found her son, huddled at the docking entrance, still crying.
FAR, FAR AWAY (Ahsoka)
Ahsoka Tano turned to Huyang and asked, "Are the coordinates set?"
"Yes, Lady Tano. I expect we'll be the first to arrive."
They were sitting in the cockpit of her trusty T-6, waiting in deep space.
"Good. Any news from General Organa?"
"She'll be meeting us there, along with the other Resistance leaders," replied the droid.
The Jedi Master sighed and began to feel her age. "I can't believe it's happening again, Huyang."
The droid concurred with a sad tone. "Yes. Twice in my lifetime."
"And mine, too." Ahsoka had felt the disturbance in the Force, shortly followed by the broadcast from Luke's Temple.
Knightfall. Knightfall. Knightfall.
She drove a fist into her leg. "We're ready this time, though. We saw this coming."
Huyang replied, "The enemy is far more devious and quicker than we imagined. But, yes, we do have a plan ready for this."
Ahsoka opened her mouth to reply . . . only to feel a wave of sadness and grief wash over her. It was so intense and immediate that she doubled over in her pilot's chair.
I'm leaving it to you, Ahsoka. Thank you for everything.
"Ezra," she whispered. "No, oh no. Ezra."
Huyang, alarmed, asked, "Lady Tano? What is the matter?"
Ahsoka didn't reply. She was too busy crying over her lost friend.
FAR, FAR AWAY (Sabine)
Aster felt Ezra's passing before she did.
Sabine watched her daughter whisper, "Dad?", shudder once and then begin to sob, unrestrained.
And then - an invisible hand stroked her hair.
Ezra's voice, in her head.
Sorry, Sabine. You'll have to wait a little longer. I love you.
She reached out to grab the hand, but it was already gone.
And that's when she knew, more than anything else she had seen in the burning Jedi Temple, that her world had ended.
The frigate lay hidden in an asteroid field.
They had been pursued, as she expected. Sabine had used up every piloting trick she knew or heard about to escape the enemy.
Finally, they had stopped in an asteroid field to take stock and rest. Everything but the life support was turned off, in the event their pursuers came sniffing around.
And all that was left to do was . . . wait. Until they heard from Ahsoka.
Sabine sat in the darkness, feeling almost grateful for it.
Ezra was dead.
She kept repeating it in her head. It was a fact but that didn't make it feel any more true.
Ezra was dead. Ezra was dead.
She looked over to Aster - and realized they weren't alone.
The younglings had all come to the bridge. They were scared, even if they were doing a good job of hiding it.
"Yes, Aster?"
"I'm - I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. About leaving Dad behind."
Sabine shook her head. "It's the truth. That's what I did."
Aster reached out and took her hand. Sabine could feel Ezra's strength in those hands.
"It's what he wanted. He wanted to make sure we were safe."
The words tumbled into the hollow space in her heart where Ezra used to be. They didn't make much of a difference in how she felt, but she forced herself to nod.
"Master Wren?" asked one of the younglings.
Sabine said, "Yes?"
"Can you tell us a story? To pass the time?"
Sabine almost laughed. "A story?"
What use are stories at a time like this?
Aster replied, "I think that's a good idea. Mom?"
Sabine sighed - and then heard Ezra's voice.
Tell them a story, Sabine. You've got plenty of them.
She frowned. Why? What good would it do?
Well, it'll stop you from moping around, for one.
Oh, funny.
You've got to give them hope, Sabine.
Even when I don't have any for myself? she asked.
Especially, then, replied Ezra's voice.
She sighed. I miss you so much, already, goofball.
"Alright, gather around. I've got one. About going into another galaxy."
The younglings eyes widened and they huddled into a circle around her.
There was a small yelp. "Ouch."
Sabine winced. "Yeah, okay. Probably need some light, then. Can't use technology though . . ."
Aster said, "Hang on, I've got a lighter here."
She flicked it on. "Is that from Dad?" asked Sabine, amazed.
Her daughter's eyes opened in realization. "Yeah, for my birthday. He said they used to use this way back in the early, early days before the Republic. It's an antique."
Sabine watched the small flame, dancing defiantly in the dark. It lit the faces of all that were present -
And, for a small instant, she saw Ezra - smiling, huddled in the circle, ready to hear one of her stories.
I'm counting on you, Sabine.
She smiled, feeling the tears coming on. Sabine bowed her head for a moment, cleared her throat - and started telling the story.
"A long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away . . . "
"The dark is generous and it is patient and it always wins – but in the heart of its strength lies its weakness: one lone candle is enough to hold it back. Love is more than a candle. Love can ignite the stars." - Revenge of the Sith novel, Matthew Stover
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Ida chose clarity for once, she’d been too strongly berated for keeping things from him and Egan once before. 
oh my gosh what is this a reference to
Haha that’s from an unpublished blurb referencing yet another unpublished blurb. Yikes. Sorry everyone.
But the plot being referenced was one suggested (and can be found in the proposals tag or the bloody trinity tag) where the SS take over the stalag and a momentary rift occurs between the Majors due to Ida having withheld the full extent of Smith’s abuse and how it was weaponized against Ida.
A pertinent topic with the SS now taunting about it and the Buckies being in the dark.
Hope that helps 💋
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raekensarcher · 1 year
Chapter 3 of All About Control (Linked)
Summary: Theo tells the truth, even if he doesn’t really want to.
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hazoret · 1 year
Love my brain continuing to slap me with angsty art ideas for Qita when in reality she’s just this thing
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pixielle-blpls · 2 years
Chapters: 3/3 Words: 17,812 Fandom: Young Justice (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes Characters: Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Artemis Crock, Cassie Sandsmark, Serling Roquette Additional Tags: Post-Canon, breaking up, self care issues, Minor Character Death Summary:
Bart gets hurt a lot, Jaime notices. And worries.
4/10 Fic Recs for 10 Years of Bluepulse
Man oh man, this fic, how I love it, let me count the ways. Emotional devastation at its finest (that doesn’t go too far off the deep end in terms of realism). The frank discussion of Bart’s childhood and how deepseated that experience could be for this version of Bart as the basis of a fic will always be compelling and this is one of the best examples ever.
Love is always at the center of the fic, but in a very unique way, it’s not necessarily what I’d categorize as a traditionally romantic piece. The love between Bart and Jaime is genuine and so real and in character, but is also used to manipulate each other (to varying degrees of awareness and “healthiness”). It also discusses the idea of love not being this all powerful entity that can fix every aspect of your life, like is so often a trope in fiction.
You really need to experience it to understand it, no summary can really encompass the beauty of the poignant, descriptive writing. The impact of lot of lines are the equivalent of when in old cartoons characters get smacked over the head with a frying pan and stars circle around them. Seriously. The line that I personally can’t read without feeling my chest cave in involves Gar and a copy of Romeo & Juliet, it hurts that much.
It also has one of my favourite endings in a bluepulse fic ever, and the ending feels earned by the subtle depth of the characters throughout the entire fic. It doesn’t baby the reader, it truly holds the reader’s intelligence in the highest regard with the strength of the ending.
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haven-gum-rockrose · 10 months
God and I thought I was exaggerating when I said my mental issues started at 14
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victorluvsalice · 10 months
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Welcome to Winter Friday in the Chill Valicer Save, aka The Proper Grand Opening Of The Grocery Store! We have a lot to get through, as per usual, so let's get to it --
-->Since I started with Victor and Alice snoozing away and Smiler singing into the rec room microphone after storing their latest frog acquisitions, I took the opportunity to put away all their non-decoration-box Winterfest decorations (Smiler took down the decoration box ones later); buy them a new tree to decorate next Winterfest (hopefully this one doesn’t go up in flames too); sell the unnecessary fridge, microscope, and karaoke machine in the household inventory (Clement Frost, bring better presents next year!); and buy a new rug for the downstairs (I couldn’t remember which rug they’d had originally, so I found another big one with a pattern I liked -- though I'm actually second-guessing my choice now, especially with that color scheme). I actually want to give the house another small makeover now that they have some money and can afford to upgrade even more furniture and whatnot, but I’ll save THAT for a future update!
-->With that all sorted, I decided that I should probably let Victor and Alice sleep until about 5 AM or so in an attempt to get them on a better sleep schedule. This meant it fell to Smiler to take care of the earliest morning chores -- namely, starting the laundry (and making sure to put a snow drop into the washing machine to guarantee it all smelled nice), refilling the pet bowls (one was out entirely, and the other dispensed its last bowl right after Smiler filled up the other one), and entertaining Surprise and Shadow (after Shadow came in from her chilly nap on the porch, anyway! Why'd you decide to sleep out there next to your own poop and pee, dog?). Ah, the curse of being the one Sim in the family who doesn't have to sleep at all...
-->Not that Victor and Alice are sleeping much, because their excellent bed meant they were up by 4:45 AM anyway. XD I figured that was close enough and had Victor check on Smiler’s Sixam Mosquito Trap plant Snappy (all good) before going downstairs to make himself breakfast (fruit and yogurt parfait, yum yum :D), while poor Alice got to clean out the upstairs litter box and then run down to the back porch to lecture Surprise on drinking from puddles. Specifically, the puddle that Shadow left there. *grimace* Fortunately, Surprise listened and learned not to drink from puddles at all, and Alice was able to clean up the mess with no further “gross pets” incidents. XD I figured things would go pretty smoothly from there --
-->And then I got a message from the game claiming Moory had been unhappy for a while and might be leaving if she didn’t receive an increase in her quality of care. I was like "what?!" and sent Smiler over to investigate. Turns out she was dirty, and since she hadn’t come out of her shed the other day (due to the blizzard -- I mean, can't blame her), she’d been dirty for longer than she wanted to be. Smiler cleaned her off, then made sure she had enough attention by asking about secret cow worlds and suchlike, which fortunately she found amusing. Hopefully that convinces the cow that she’s appreciated around the farm!
And, of course, if the cow was unhappy, the chickens might be too! They didn't have a great day in the blizzard either. So Alice got sent to make sure the coop was clean, the feed was spread, and everybody was well-socialized. Gotta take good care of your animals, after all! Especially if you haven't gotten the upgrade parts necessary to upgrade their coop/pen. (Really gotta start doing Finchwick errands again...)
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ithebookhoarder · 4 months
Special Delivery (Spencer Reid x F!Reader)
Description: Something's different about Reid and no-one knows what. However, a surprise delivery to the BAU may just have the answer...
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Warnings: Food references, mentions of mental health, mentions of medical procedures, references to smutty behaviour, Spencer being adorable
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“Ok. Am I the only one who’s noticed something’s different with Reid lately?” Morgan remarked, watching as the said boy-genuis made his way across the bullpen and over to his desk. 
“Yeah,” Emily hummed, watching the young agent over the rim of coffee cup. She had to admit it - as much as it annoyed her - Morgan was right; Spencer has definitely been acting different. If anything, she was surprised it had taken them all this long to say anything. 
Normally, they were all over each other the moment they noticed anything even remotely different about each other. Hell, she’d barely taken a step off the elevator, after getting an extra few inches cut off at her latest haircut, before the team were quizzing her about possible life changes and whether or not they needed to be worried about her. 
It was a hazard of working with profilers for a living; it was almost impossible to keep anything a secret. No wonder they were all intrigued and slightly confused by the fact that none of them had been able to pinpoint what was going on with their friend. 
The most notable difference was the gradual disappearance of the dark circles under his eyes. Reid also seemed happier in general, less quiet and reserved when talking to others, and it was starting to make agents talk. 
Morgan and Emily stood up straighter as JJ walked over to join the unofficial gossip session. She took one look at the pair and knew immediately what they were whispering about. 
“Are you talking about Reid?”
“Oh yeah,” Morgan grinned, “my money’s on him having finally found someone.”
Emily choked, seemingly as a result of inhaling her coffee at the grand statement. “What?”
“Oh, come on, Miss ‘super spy’. Just look at him,” he teased. “He’s been distracted. He’s all goo-goo eyed and he’s been leaving this place at a normal hour. Like… tell me that doesn’t scream ‘I got a date’.”
“What? It could be loads of things. It doesn’t have to be a date, right JJ?”
“He’s probably just happy. We’ve all been getting more sleep lately and our paperwork is non-existent at the moment,” JJ murmured, reaching past the pair of them to grab for the coffee pot. She was clearly doing her best to try and put this line of questioning to rest. She’d always been the first to protect the younger agent she now saw as a little brother. “Besides, we all know he’s not interested in dating, he hasn’t been since…. Well, you know.”
Morgan groaned. “But what about the secret texts, JJ!” he protested, ignoring the look Emily shot him in return. “He’s been glued to that phone of his and keeps giggling like a school kid. Then there’s the lunches! I know he’s always been organised and likes things a certain way, but damn. His lunches have been like next level - and actually healthy? And I swear he’s had jello like every day.”
JJ rolled her eyes. “You’re basing your profile on jello? Is that it?” 
“Well, no I mean… did you not hear the part about the texting and the taking secret calls and the fact he didn’t come out for drinks last night-”
“-Can’t we just be glad for him? Whatever is going on, it’s good for him. Let’s just drop it, ok? He’ll tell us when he’s ready if there’s anything to share.”
“JJ’s right,” Emily echoed. “Reid’s just … happy. End of.”
By the way Morgan frowned it looked like it definitely was not the end of this conversation, but he never got the chance to argue. In fact, he was interrupted as the main doors opened next to them and a rather lost looking receptionist hurried through. 
Normally, this wouldn’t have been worth noticing but all three of them spun around at the sound of him calling out the name, “Agent Reid? uh… Is Agent Reid here?”
“Oh, uh, here!” Spencer shouted, soundly vaguely like he was taking roll call. It didn’t help that he shot his arm up in the air too, almost falling off his desk chair as he lurched to his feet and hurried over. “That’s… that’s me - and it’s Dr Reid, but it doesn’t matter. How can I help?”
“Oh, uh, there’s a Y/N at reception for you,” the unfortunate messenger managed, gesturing back the way they’d came. “I told them to wait whilst I came to check with you as they’re not on your visitor list-”
Spencer didn’t even let the poor man finish. He was already racing for the door before the man had even made it to the end of the sentence. Needless to say, the others were quick to follow, with Morgan smugly boasting “told you soooo” as he went. 
There was no way on earth they were missing this and considering Hotch and Rossi hadn’t arrived yet it wasn’t like they were about to get their asses handed to them for missing their briefing either. 
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Despite the amount Spencer had told you about the BAU, you were still surprised by how different the FBI offices were to what you’d imagined. 
The offices were larger and the sheer number of people walking about in suits and carrying a side arm made you feel even more nervous, and that was already a problem considering you were stood there wearing neon blue scrubs, embroidered with jungle animals on the pocket. 
You were like a walking, flashing sign, screaming ‘outsider - does not work here’.  Thankfully, you weren’t going to be there long. You were only swinging by on your way to work, hoping to catch your utterly perfect - and utterly forgetful - boyfriend, before the start of your shift. 
Speaking of Spencer, you had only been standing there for possibly five minutes when you saw him barreling through the doors towards you. 
“Hey, Spence-“
“Y/N? Honey? What’s going on?” he gushed, hurrying over and taking your face in his hands. You could see his wide eyes frantically scanning every inch of you, looking for some kind of problem or sign that you were not ok. “Is everything alright? What are you doing here?”
You felt your cheeks warm at the sudden display of concern, very much aware of the scene your wonderful boyfriend was making. Spencer wasn’t normally the most affectionate in public, preferring to save those rare moments for when the two of you were alone. The fact he was so worried about what might have brought you to the FBI on a Tuesday morning was touching and made your heart swell. 
“I’m fine, Spence. Don’t worry-” 
“Then what are you doing here?” 
“You forgot something,” you soothed, pulling back and reaching into your satchel. It was impossible to miss the way his face reddened as you pulled out a neatly labeled Dr Who Tupperware by way of explanation. “I’m here because you were in such a rush this morning that you forgot your lunch.”
“Yes, ‘oh’,” you teased. “I couldn’t exactly let you go hungry so I thought I’d drop it off on my way to work. I don’t start till later as I’m covering Amelia’s shift as she’s visiting her sister in Boston, so I thought I’d swing by.”
Sure, Spencer was an adult and you could have let him just buy something from the cafeteria or order something in for lunch, but considering how much effort he had gone to to cook with you the day before you felt bad letting it go to waste. 
He’d been so proud of the way the recipe had turned out, following the instructions and your guidance with extreme precision and care. The result had been a rather tasty looking dish - and it had the added benefit of being healthy too. You were always worried that Spencer seemed to think fast food, like Pizza, was a food group. Then again, he had been forced to be an adult pretty fast and had been in college so young that it wasn’t a surprise that no-one had been there to teach him about cooking and eating right. He had been too focused on his studies to even think about anything else.  
It was something he had been working on since you’d got together and now cooking had become one of your favourite date night activities. It didn’t hurt that you often ended up spilling food all over yourselves and needing to shower together - it was just a lovely bonus. In fact, your screensaver was now a picture of you and Spencer, covered in flour, and beaming ear to ear. 
“Thank you, that… that’s so nice,” Spencer stammered, “but I feel bad. You didn’t need to go out of your way and bring it to me.”
“As I say, it’s on my way to work. It’s no trouble.”
“Well, still-“
“Hey, pretty boy!” 
Spencer froze. 
“You gonna introduce us to your friend, or what?”
Spencer opened his mouth but instantly closed it again. You knew by the way he rolled his eyes and began muttering under his breath that whoever had shouted that had definitely been talking to him. 
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Pretty boy, huh?” 
“Don’t ask,” he whined, taking a deep breath as you looked over his shoulder and saw a small group of people now making their way towards you. “I should probably mention that I wasn’t sure how comfortable you were with me mentioning you, so I haven’t told anyone about us yet and those idiots are some of my team and I would say ‘run’ but they’re all faster than me.”
“Ah… I see. So I’m guessing that one is Morgan?” 
“Well, no time like the present,” you cheered, turning and waving at the approaching trio. “Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N - Spencer’s girlfriend.”
“Wow. A girlfriend?” cooed Morgan, reaching over to pull you into a hug before the other two could stop him. To their credit, they looked slightly embarrassed by the display but they were clearly too interested in your identity to care. “And a doctor to boot? Didn’t know he had it in him. I’m Derek Morgan.”
“Oh, I worked that out. It’s good to finally meet you all.” 
The others were quick to echo the sentiment, with JJ and Emily quickly introducing themselves in tandem. They were also quick to invite you inside the office for some coffee, but thankfully you weren’t lying when you said you had to get to work. 
“You know how it is. People to take care of, medical cases to solve, lives to save - same old, same old. All I’m missing is a snazzy badge and I could be an FBI agent.” 
“Ha ha.” Spencer’s smile was genuine as you stole a kiss before making a dash for your car. However, you could see the nerves in his eyes at being left alone to face the great inquisition that now awaited him following the discovery of your existence. You were pretty sure the entire BAU would know about you before it even hit lunchtime. “I’ll see you later, ok?” 
“Of course. Just let me know if you’re coming home or if you’re off saving the world in another state - otherwise I can’t promise I won’t eat all the leftovers before you get back.” 
He chuckled. “Will do.” 
With that, you bid the others goodbye, making sure to agree when they asked (more like insisted) that you came to their family dinner on Friday night at none other than Rossi’s house. The rest of the team were going to be begging to meet you after this, and they were all bringing their families along too. 
If Spencer wasn’t comfortable with you going you were pretty sure the team would believe it if you said you’d got called into a last minute surgery, but you’d check later when you both returned to the apartment you now called your home. Either way, you were going to have to make something to take with you, just in case. 
As your grandpa had always said, there was no quicker way to someone’s heart than through their stomach. Or, as in Spencer's case, with an unlimited supply of Jello...
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thebestsetter · 15 days
He was born to be by your side. It was his greatest desire, what he was meant to do. It's like being next to you came naturally to him, and he can't even remember how his life was before he met you. But what he can remember are the days you both spent together. Ridiculous conversations that, somehow, made so much sense to the both of you. So random, but yet holding so much meaning.
You were both laughing so hard. Walking by the shore, hand in hand. The sunset painting the sky with red and orange. Beautiful. So, so beautiful.
"When we grow up, we'll have a house by the beach" you said, swinging your arms together
"Says who?"
"Says me!"
He grabs your sun hat and puts it on his head, earning a small "Hey!" from you.
"And then we'll buy a cotton candy machine and make lots of cotton candies." He completes your thought while taking the final bite of his popsickle. You clean the side of his mouth (which was all smudged from the cold treat) and smile.
"Yeah, we can do that too."
You used to talk about your future a lot. More than the average couple, actually. Sometimes, you both reunited at your favorite cafeteria just to talk about life. How it was gonna be. How was gonna be your life together.
"A caramello cappucino with apple pie and a mint and chocolate milkshake, please" you said, and just hearing his typical order coming out of your mouth made him smile. Somehow, knowing you memorized his order made him happier than he could put into words.
After he paid (of course, he can't let you pay for your snacks. What kind of man would he be?) you both went to sit on a table right beside a window (you always loved looking out a window while talking, and he knew that. He knew you like the back of his hand). And like you couldn't handle the sound of silence, you started talking (and he'd never complain about it: he loved hearing you talk)
"We can have 3 kids, how about that?"
"I don't like odd numbers. Why not 4?"
"4 is too much" you said, sticking your tongue out and frowning your eyebrows (you looked so cute) "We can have 2, if the problem is odd numbers"
"2 is too little" he argued, and then sighed jokingly "Okay, fine, we can have 3"
You smiled, taking a sip from your milkshake
"Maybe after the third one, we can consider having a fourth, if you'd like"
And you knew he wanted to. Of course he did. He wanted to form a big, happy family with you. He wanted his future to be by your side. He couldn't picture a future without you. Which is why it wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all.
"What's your favorite color? Mines yellow"
It hurts. He hates this. He hates this shit so freaking much. His heart feels like it's breaking, and his lungs are gasping for air. He can't look at his date without feelong absolutely sick, like he could literally throw up at the very moment. He can't help but think of you. How you were already talking about how many kids you'd like, and now he's back on the "knowing each other stage". It was so strange not seeing you.
"I'm sorry, please excuse me"
He can't spend a single minute here anymore. He's on the verge of dying, he's sure. And as if his body already knows exactly what makes him feel better, his feet take him to your house without him realizing.
His hand hovers upon the door, ready to knock on it. Life without you is meaningless. He needs you. He loves you. He loves you so fucking much.
"HHAHAHA Stop it!! Love, I swear, tickle me one more time and I will... HAHAHAHA"
He lowers his hand and walks away.
He loves you, that's why he's letting you go. He needs to let you go for your own good. You need to get over him (even though he's sure he'll never get over you)
He can't do this to you. Not when your new boyfriend treats you so well. Not when he fucked everything up. Not when he was the reason why you two broke up. He doesn't deserve you. He always knew you were too good for him. But now, he's doing you this favour to repay you for all the times you helped him. He's not going to disturb you.
Well, back to the talking stage, it seems.
GOJO SATORU, MEGUMI FUSHIGURO, CHOSO KAMO, Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, TSUKISHIMA KEI, Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Tooru, KUROO TETSURO, TODOROKI SHOTO, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shota (kinda???), SHINSOU HITOSHI, RIN ITOSHI, SAE ITOSHI, BACHIRA MEGURU, Chigiri Hyoma, KUNIGAMI RENSUKE, REO MIKAGE + any character you think fits this!!
~ A/N: not proofread!!
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hispg · 9 months
Longing for love
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Pairings: R2! Leon X Fem! Reader
Summary: It's your birthday, and your childhood friend wants to make it special.
Wc: 2.4k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, p in v, loss of virginity (both sides), pet names, soft sex, making out, slight oral( f receiving).
An: I know I promised I'd post this last week, but this week I was feeling down about writing anything. Just as I haven't replied to asks or comments, I'll probably reply to them tonight.
I don't know what happened, I had so much to write and ended up writing almost nothing. Anyway, I'll try to finish what I've already got half-written and try to post it over the next few days!
I really hope this bad mood passes soon, and I thank you all for your love. 🫶🏻
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It was a special day, your birthday. You had nothing special planned, nothing other than lying in the comfort of your bed watching some series on your laptop.
Even though you had told your childhood friend, Leon, that you didn't want anything special today, he refused to accept it.
It was your birthday, how could he pass it up? Even though he didn't have the best financial conditions in the world, he spared no expense in giving you a shiny necklace with a heart as a pendant.
If it were up to him, he would give you anything you asked for. Because he thought you deserved all the best the world could offer.
And here he was, spoiling you with sweet, wet kisses, holding you down on the bed while he gave your forehead one last kiss before whispering:
"Are you sure you don't want anything?" You'd lost count of how many times he'd asked you that during the night.
You knew he could get you anything you wanted, all you had to do was ask.
"No, Lee..." You said softly, clutching and snuggling into him.
He nodded, tangling his fingers in your hair and playing with the strands, holding you so close to him that the two of you had your bodies pressed together.
The bed seemed so cozy for both of you, the covers that were wrapped around your bodies as the two of you exchanged these light caresses.
You couldn't have been happier on your birthday, cuddling up to him while the gentle rain fell outside.
Leon felt his heart flutter every time he saw you all dolled up in a light purple dress, looking like a princess. Wearing your prettiest earrings, glossy lips that had left a raspberry taste in his mouth that made him keep licking his lips because of it.
"You know... I saw a dress..." Leon begins, and you already know where this is going to end.
He always says he sees something that reminds him of you, and every time he ends up bringing it as a present for you, with the excuse that you'd look perfect wearing what he's bought.
"Leon, you don't have to..." You whisper, kissing him on the lips.
He closed his eyes with a soft smile, pressing you a little closer against him.
"But I'd love to..." He says with that cocky smile you already know well.
You giggle, kissing his cheeks several times. He always got frustrated and embarrassed when you did this, his cheeks getting hot from the act.
But he'd be lying if he said he didn't love it every time you showered him with kisses. The feel of your lips on his skin was something he would never forget.
Without even realizing it, he gripped your hips a little harder, getting goosebumps when your breasts grazed his chest from how close you were to him.
Once you'd finished what you'd started, the proud smile plastered across your face.
"Why are you blushing?" You asked with mischief and sweetness in your voice, biting your lip as you looked at him.
You watched his lips come together and press, a sketch of a pout there. His eyes locked with yours, his arms wrapped around your waist.
God, how could he resist that? How could he resist you?
He swears he was trying to ignore the situation, trying to ignore the way you were so close to him, your warm body crashing against his.
Maybe he was being daring, but he took the opportunity a step further, placing a light kiss on your neck. Letting his lips linger there for a few moments.
The response that came from you pleased him, he heard your breathing hitch, your chest descend and rise more visibly. He knew you liked it.
"Maybe I want something..." You whispered, looking at him with a certain shyness.
You knew that the two of you had already crossed the line into friendship, not least because you doubted that friends kissed or got that close. But when he looked at you in such a sweet way, something in you melted.
"Say... I can give you anything you want..." He whispers, lightly caressing your cheeks.
You bite your lip, leaning your forehead against his once more, and soon the sweet words are coming from your lips:
"A kiss?" It wasn't the first time you'd kissed, but the way you asked for it this time, so sweetly, the smile was kind of drawn on your face.
Who was Leon to say no?
"Whatever you want, princess." That's all he said before kissing you.
It started in a loving and gentle way, his lips moving against yours in sync, his fingers caressing your waist with affection and delicacy.
Your hands wrapped in his hair as his tongue traced your lower lip, asking for passage into your mouth. And you didn't deny it.
You don't know how it happened, or how a simple make out session turned into languid, sloppy kisses, his hands grabbing every bit of skin he could find, not wasting a single precious second to touch you.
And before you knew it, he was on top of you, his hands slowly coming down to hold your hips. And knowing how far this was going to go, you didn't try to do anything to stop it.
In the blink of an eye he had already taken off your dress, his lips trailing down your neck as he grasped the waistband of your panties, taking no time to remove them at once.
His eyes went wide once you were naked in front of him, his cock aching from the rush of seeing you like this.
"Can I...?" All he wanted was your permission to continue or to stop, it was up to you.
You nodded shyly, letting him do whatever he wanted.
And that was all he needed to continue. He moved his face down to your belly, kissing softly and sweetly across your skin, leaving no part untouched. He was so anxious that he could barely think straight, the only thing he wanted to feel was what it would be like to be inside you.
So he needed to prepare you, right? And once he saw how wet you were already getting with just a few kisses, it wasn't long before he thought of a solution to get you soaking wet.
His hands gripped your thighs, you could tell he was as nervous as you were. The blush on his cheeks, the way he was biting his lower lip to hold back the sounds he might make at the sight of you in this situation.
He'd never seen you naked like this, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't imagined this situation multiple times.
But now that you were here in front of him, it was a completely different story.
Before you could look at him, you felt his warm lips on your thighs, giving you light, wet kisses.
As if he was afraid and apprehensive of making any moves, he had never done that in his life, he was just following what he thought was right, maybe he could call it instinct or something.
His warm, soft lips gave you goose bumps, made your body shudder under his body, you gasped and arched your body gently.
His every touch was capable of making your thoughts go blank and you forget the world around you, as if nothing else mattered. Just the two of you there.
He also couldn't stop salivating once he saw your wet folds, the state he'd managed to leave you in with just a few kisses and caresses. Your throbbing pussy almost begging for him, a sight that sent an electrifying pulse to his hard cock.
You held back from moaning when you felt his hot breath against your sex.
It wasn't long before you were shuddering at his touch, the way he was so delicate as he planted kisses in your folds, he was so tender that it was simply attractive to watch. His blue eyes staring at you, just to make sure you were comfortable with it all, and that you wanted it as much as he did.
As soon as he saw that you were ready for him, he began to undress. In a hurried and clumsy way he took off his clothes, throwing them into a corner of the room.
You were mesmerized by his body, strong and muscular, so defined that you could salivate just looking at it.
Once again he was lying on top of you, his lips pressed to yours in a hot kiss.
You only heard him fisting himself a little, before he began to guide his tip into your entrance. You knew from the kiss he was giving you that he wanted to make you focus only on him, making you as comfortable as possible.
So he slowly entered you, calmly and patiently, all the while asking you if it was okay and if he could continue. The situation was new and strange for both of you, so reluctance was more than normal.
Once he had sunk into you, he could have sworn to God that he was holding back from cumming, the sensation of your warm, wet walls was more than enough to finish him off.
But he held on, held on and tried his best to stop the thoughts of simply exploding inside you here and now.
And he hovered over you, simply rigid on top of you, just as his hard cock didn't move an inch from where it was.
He felt your discomfort, the way you hissed a little when he put it in, and if you were being honest, it stung considerably.
He stood still, that is until you both got used to the foreign feeling.
But even then, he kept giving you soft kisses on the cheek, whispering sweet nothings to help you relax.
"I love you so much..." He whispered sweetly in your ear, giving the area light kisses and licks.
You moaned softly at his touch, instinctively wrapping your legs around his hips, entwining with him in such an erotic and intimate way.
And in yet another of his gestures, he entwined his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand tightly as he gazed at you with those gentle blue eyes.
It was a gaze so tender, so loving, a gaze that was reserved for you, only you.
"You can move..." You say softly, looking at him shyly.
He gets the message, and slowly starts to move, in a shallow and calm way, he had no intention of rushing things.
Not least because he could see how nervous you were, or how much your pussy clenched around him, even though he had stimulated you, had prepared you to loosen up more.
"So tight..." He moans softly, giving your lips a gentle kiss.
The way he was so tender, so tenuous as he thrust into you, he didn't even move much, just enough to cause a little friction.
Not least because he didn't even know what you liked at those times, it was two inexperienced lovers learning at once.
"Lee..." You call softly, gently biting your lower lip as you look at him.
Surely he noticed the way your hips began to move against his, as if your body knew exactly what to do in this situation.
He took this as a green light, and began to pick up the pace, still making a point of giving you kisses and caresses all over your body.
You felt your mind getting so heavy, his cock reaching places so deep, points so sensitive that you couldn't even imagine.
It was all so good, certainly better than you imagined.
In one swift movement he removed one of his hands from yours, moving down your belly until he reached your crotch, where he stopped respectfully. Not wanting to do anything without your permission.
"Is it okay if I....?" He asked, placing his index finger next to your clit.
He wanted to know what you liked, what felt good, and he was going to start here. With your bundle of nerves.
"Y-yes... Please." You asked in a sly voice, and he could even see the pout that formed on your lips.
He smiled against your neck, giving the area a hickey, leaving a small mark. And then there was his thumb, smoothing over your clit, making small, delicate circles on the sensitive flesh, making you roll your eyes and moan louder with each movement.
He eased off when he felt you loosening up more, and with that he understood that he could increase the speed of his hips, and so he did.
Now the dirty, wet sounds echoed through the room, his heavy balls slapping against you and making that characteristic skin-on-skin noise.
But neither of you cared, so lost in that moment that the least of your problems was the profanity that came out of your mouths in the form of words.
Your heavy breaths came together as one, in the purest of synchronies. He was close, and so were you.
But as far as he was involved, your pleasure came first, so he would hold back as long as he could so that you would come first.
"Leon... I think I'm going to cum." You say in a low moan, feeling a new sensation forming in the pit of your stomach.
Your walls squeezing so tightly around him, and him trying his best to hold back. With a strangled groan you felt your hot fluid pouring out of you, your body arching and crashing against his as you came.
It was enough to send him over the edge too, and he almost didn't take his cock out of you, he was so lost in your expression of ecstasy that he forgot he wasn't wearing a condom.
He even thought about cumming in your belly, but was genuinely apprehensive of making a mistake and making a mess. So he pulled out of you, fisting himself and cumming on the sheets. Moaning and grunting as his cum spurted onto the silk sheets.
You were both tired from the recent orgasm, and he took the opportunity to lie on top of you and hold you close.
"On your belly next time?" He asks softly, a shy, mischievous smile appearing on his lips.
You smile, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks with your hands, hugging him as he relaxes on top of you.
"Yes, next time." You whisper, closing your eyes and storing the moment in your memory.
You couldn't have hoped for anyone better to lose your virginity to, and for sure, Leon couldn't have had anyone better either.
You can believe it was your best birthday.
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targaryenluvs · 9 months
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pairing: percy jackson x fem!reader
summary: in which you and percy navigate a whole other world, and encounter trials in the way.
warnings: angst, bullying mentions, teasing, physical violence courtesy of clarisse my bae, drowning, confessions, fluff, hugs, smooches, percy n you are a comedic duo i swear, basically a self insert, not proof read
wordcount: 5.7k
a/n: i’m insane, this is the longest thing ive ever written. so please reblog and interact <3
you’d grown up with the same stories percy had. the greek gods and goddesses, their lives and tales, their failures and secrets. what you didn’t expect was to be the child of one.
you, percy and grover were currently on a field trip, and you couldn’t have been happier. all around you was history, and you were fascinated by it all. breaking away from them, you viewed the tallest of statues and the intricate, taking your phone out secretly and snapping a photo to show your mother later.
you were dragged out of your fairytale by laughter, and percy’s scowl evident on his face as you made your way over. “i don’t know if you have a miserable home life or just enjoy being a bitch but this trip would be much more enjoyable without your annoying voice.” you sneered before shining a fake smile her way. percy’s laugh in your ear made you join in, but the reprimand afterwards dulled your mood.
you weren’t a big fan of bullies, especially when they targeted your friends. for some reason you obtained a boost of confidence and a need to protect your own friends from such people yet you couldn’t defend yourself on your best day.
the trio of you sat, eating your lunches, you were inhaling your favourite food much to the amusement of grover and percy. “i don’t think your food is running off y/n.” grover teased as you shoved his arm, “i know, but i’ve been waiting for so long, i didn’t eat anything this morning, i was too excited.” percy turned his head towards you, “you were excited?” you nodded, “for a museum?” you waved him off, returning to your food.
but not before nancy launched a sandwich percy’s way, you’d had enough, and so had he. the two of you got up despite grover’s protests, and somehow she ended up in the fountain, even though percy hadn’t touched her. you’d been lost in the crowd around the fountain and once you’d broken out you found percy on the ground.
“perce! percy are you okay?” you tried to shake him awake to no avail, so you did the next best thing, slapping him awake. twice should do it. his eyes opened, focusing in on you, “i’m here, i’m fine, i know you care about me.” relieved, yet annoyed you hit his shoulder before you and grover helped him up.
and when he did wake up he spoke about what he saw. on the walk to your hearing percy went into detail. and you couldn’t help but feel scared, what the hell was going on?
and the two of you stuck with the story of nancy throughout, feeling betrayed when grover went against you. your own parents were out of town and you were freshly kicked out of school, percy’s home was also your own. you prepared yourself before the two of you entered the apartment, gabe wasn’t exactly a sight for sore eyes.
and soon enough yourself, percy and his mother were headed for montauk. you’d left over twenty four messages for your parents but it seemed none of them had made their way through.
“so all the stories, they’re all true?” percy was fast asleep in the front seat, and the book in your hands wasn’t all that interesting. sally nodded, “i know it’s all a lot for the two of you to take in,” if percy was a demigod, then were you too? “what am i? who’s my parent then? are my parents my parents? am i adopted?” sally stopped at the intersection abruptly, turning towards you with a sad smile, “sweetheart, it doesn’t matter. your parents love you no matter what, i know it. you’ll learn everything with time, i’ll tell you more when we’re all inside okay?”
the water droplets on the window were plentiful, some big, some small, some new and others falling. the storm outside was looming, loud and dark, but it seemed to bring you comfort in all honesty, you loved the rain. and as you sat and drove all you could think of was your future, and what it had in store for you.
you’d been in the kitchen whilst listening into sally explain to percy about his parentage, the gods and goddesses. you were sure if you heard anymore you’d pass out. percy’s outburst led you back to them.
“well i’m not a baby! i know there’s no such thing as monsters, i know there’s no such thing as gods and i know for certain that there’s no such thing as demigods.” the hand on percy’s shoulder brought him back down, “percy, why would your mother lie to you? no one on this earth loves you more than her, i think we should listen.” his face was riddled with confusion, “you’re telling me you believe this crap?”
before the conversation could get heated, grover’s appearance interrupted. “what the hell are you doing here? how did you get here?” grover sighed, as much as he wanted to explain he needed you all to get moving, “i promise i’ll explain everything but somethings coming,” percy and yourself took a step back, “grover.”
“and i know that sounds really bad,”
“grover?” he brushed the two of you off, continuing to ramble at sally.
“but the important thing is not to panic—”
“i’m not panicking.” sally rested her hands on her hip, “great! i’m also definitely not panicking. i feel very good about how we’re doing so far—” you closed your eyes, maybe when you opened them it’d go away. “grover!” you and percy shouted out at the same time, “what?”
you pointed towards his legs as percy spoke up, “why is there half a goat in your pants?” his legs were bare, mist not around.
as if the day couldn’t have gotten any crazier or exhausting for you and percy grover all of a sudden showed up and you were all on the move. sally was punching the accelerator, whilst grover continued to explain, “what are you?” grover turned to face you, “i’m a satyr. and i’m your protector. i was assigned to you but we didn’t know that y/n was special like you, so i guess i’m sort of protecting you both.”
“you’re my protector? and what y/n doesn’t get one?” you laughed, “no offence but i think i’m alright perce. if you’re our protector than shouldnt you have protected us at school? against nancy?”
“i protect you against actual evil,” you snorted, “the only evil is nancy’s personality, that should count.” percy managed a smile at your words. “if i hadn’t gotten you kicked out of school, you’d have never survived the night. and what’s chasing us now would have found you there easily.” it was like a truckload of information all at once, you felt like you were in a movie.
“the mist. it’s the veil that hides the magical world from the human world. my legs. dodds’ wings. even dodds’ absence, but it isn’t supposed to hide things from me. that never happens. something powerful is at work here. the sooner we get you two to camp, the better off you’re… you told them about camp, right?” grover looked towards sally for an answer as you moved his hand away from your face. grover tended to move them around when talking about something he was passionate about.
“not yet, no.” sally shook her head as you smiled, “you’re early remember?”
“camp is a sanctuary for half-bloods.” great now you were going to a summer camp. the more he divulged the more you began to understand. you’d always been told you were special, percy especially. you should’ve known you were meant for more. demi gods were never safe, that was obvious by the huge monster behind the car.
“is that the minotaur?”
“once the attacks start, they never let up. okay? dodds was just the beginning.” you twisted your body to get another look at it, “okay well if we’re being chased than maybe less talking and more runnin, driving, whatever just go!” you shouted out, your heart was ramming against your chest, your hands felt warm and jittery. you needed to move, to do something, you hated just sitting and relying on a car. you zoned out in time for percy’s regular jokes.
“he is still wearing underpants.” you giggled at him, “i wonder what size.”
“the mythomagic cards were training. everything has been training for what’s still ahead of you, and i know wherever percy goes, you go.” you rolled your eyes, “i always hated those stupid cards, guess i should’ve played huh?” percy cocked his head, “what’s ahead of me? of us?”
“kids,” you all turned to sally, her knuckles were turning pale white, an unrelenting grip on the wheel, “hold on, please.” you clutched on to the seatbelt and seats as you all were jolted around, dodging a car and attempting to evade the minotaur, which wasn’t exactly all that easy as he rammed into the car, horns penetrating sallys window.
she fought for control, her foot pressing down on the accelerator before you all ended up crashing.
the ground was wet and mushy, you felt dirt gather underneath your fingertips as you crawled out of the car. you could see sally helping percy out as grover made his way out. your leg was aching, a shard of glass caused a gash in your thigh and dragging it along the floor hurt like a bitch, “ah, shit!” you rolled over onto your back.
percy’s eyes darted towards you the second you cried out, “y/n!” he dashed towards you, sally and grover in tow. “are you okay? what happened? where does it hurt?” his eyes were frantic and his hands unsure, the sight of you hurt was more than enough to worry him. “i’m fine, i just, if we take the shard out and tie something around then it’ll stop the bleeding right?”
percy shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head, hoping it would clear it out, the whole situation was already stressful but his best friend injured? an absolute nightmare. “i— i don’t know! mom! what do we do?” he shouted as sally grabbed your jumper from inside, “move aside percy, let me help.” he didn’t want to, percy wanted to stay right by your side, but he knew she could help you where he couldn’t.
the make shift tourniquet did the job thankfully, but you were in and out from the loss of blood, the last thing you recall was sally jackson in the hands of the minotaur, and suddenly, gone.
your voice was stuck, trapped in your throat. your eyes stung immensely, waterline flooded. she was family to you, one of the sweetest people, supportive. and just like that, erased, just dust. your eyes searched your surroundings for percy, to see him, to help him, but all you could view was darkness as it took you far away.
the last thing you’d heard was grover yelling out for the two of you, “stay awake! please!” his pleads were unmet, as you were whisked away to a world of sleep.
the light was harsh on your eyes having just woken up, at least your bed was comfortable. but you still had no clue where you were. your body was stiff, needing to move around. as you shuffled to sit a voice called out for you.
“y/n!” you turned to see percy peering through the window, a large smile on his face as he promptly ran inside to you. “percy.” his arms wrapped tightly around you, squeezing hardly. “you’re killing me here.” you croaked out as he let go, taking a step back.
“i’m sorry. do you need something? are you hungry?”
“that i am, where are we?”
“camp half-blood, welcome y/n l/n.” an older boy spoke up from the doorway with his arms crossed, leaning on the frame. “luke.” percy recognised the boy, which made you feel at ease, “hi luke.” he smiled, “hey, how are you feeling?” you sighed lifting the blanket up and resting your feet on the floor, attempting to rise from the bed. “like i need to walk a bunch, is there food around?”
luke nodded his head before signalling you to follow, “is your leg okay?” the pain had lessened since the initial hit but it was still sore, “i think i’ll be okay, might have a limp. i can be a zombie for halloween maybe.” percy was glad you were making jokes, seemingly back to normal.
the camp was everything you could have dreamed of. straight out of the pages of a book or out of a movie, amazing scenery, nice enough people, and insane skills amongst them. you had no clue how you’d fit in. you’d settled into hermes’ cabin, your bag and bed next to percy’s.
“so, how long have you been awake?” you were pushing down on your mattress with your hands, testing the springs. the bed wasn’t as soft as you’d have liked it to be but you couldn’t exactly buy a new one.
“let’s go outside and talk.” percy muttered, leading the way. you were sat down behind the cabin now, percy slowly sliding down the wall to be next to you.
“i only woke up a few minutes before you, i saw chiron he’s a—something. and i met the camp director mr d, dionysus by the way. they wouldn’t let me go back into the infirmary until we finished talking.”
“why’d you want to come back so quickly?”
“your bracelet was missing, i didn’t know where it was so i was freaking out. anyways i saw the camp a little, and i came back for it and you were awake. i got, i got scared before.” percy couldn’t bring himself to look you in the eye, he felt nervous admitting it, his worry for you. your smile was wide as you recalled his own worry for the bracelet you’d made him.
“what? why?” he exhaled, his hands playing with his shirt, “i— i thought you wouldn’t wake up maybe.” you grabbed his hand, “i’m right here, there’s nothing to worry about perce. how are you feeling?” your voice was barely above a whisper, filled with sympathy and sorrow, you still hadn’t spoken about his mother.
“don’t.” he shook his head whilst averting his gaze, staring down at his hands. “don’t what? i’m not going to force you to talk about i promise, i just want to make sure you’re okay.” percy closed his eyes, “i can’t just,” percy breathed in, working up the courage to meet your eye, he hated the pity on your face, “just forget it, her.” you rested your hand on his neck, bringing him in, “no one’s asking you to percy, if there’s anything you need from me, or if you just want to sit and die of diabetes with every blue food in the world, i’ll be right there.”
“thank you.” his voice came out muffled against your shoulder. you tried your best to comfort him with a hand in his hair, you pulled him back to take a look at him. his eyes were glossy, a few tears had fallen free. using your sleeve you wiped them away, “now what demigod has the time for tears, percy jackson?”
you loved percy best like this, with a grin plastered on his face.
“yknow what we could use?” percy pulled you up from the ground, before you walked back to the cabin. “and what exactly is that m’lady?” you rolled your eyes, “first of all i despise your british accent and second, a nap!”
percy was sweating profusely, his nightmare having jolted him up from his bed. his jittery movements concerned you, book in your hands forgotten as you surged forwards, “perce? you okay?” his eyes were blown and chest heaving, but at the sight of you he relaxed, “yeah, yeah i’m fine.”
“you okay?” luke stood infront of the two of you, arms crossed, “super.” percy snipped back as you swatted his arm, “be nice.” your voice was firm, and you knew how percy was, you’d say sarcasm was probably his middle name if you hadn’t already known it.
“we all have them, you know.” luke clicked his tongue, taking a step closer. “intense, recurring nightmares. that’s normal here.” his words were surprising to you, knowing that yourself and percy rarely fit in.
“and the daydreams, and the ADHD, and dyslexia. demigods just process reality differently, than humans do. for the first time in your life, you’re just like everyone else.” you let out a sigh, whether of relief or sadness you didn’t know. did you want to fit in? be the same as everyone else? nothing special?
“so are you also… do you not know who your—“ lukes lips pressed into a thin line, knowing what percy insinuated, “am i… unclaimed?” the two of you nodded in unison, “no, hermes is my father. that doesn’t matter, we’re all on the same team here.”
percy’s agitation was obvious, as well as reasonable and it was exactly how you felt. “each kid is brought here and made to wait around until their parent decides to pick up the phone? pick up— whatever. how is that fair?“ percy nodded along, “she’s right, why is that okay? why do they get to bring us here to just ignore some of us?” you did feel bad for luke, you felt as if the two of you were bombarding him with questions and expecting him to hold all of life’s answers.
“spend too much time trying to figure out why the gods do whatever it is they do, you’ll drive yourself crazy. sooner you stop worrying about that, the sooner you can enjoy what this place actually does offer.”
percy’s interest piqued, “and what’s that?”
you’d spent hours trying different things. percy almost hit a bunch of campers with an arrow, whilst you’d hit the bullseye, much to your elation. the both of you were absolutely horrendous at welding, which you figured. the only thing that had stuck with you through out the day was the idea of offerings. and you knew percy was thinking the same thing.
the smell of fire invaded your senses as percy threw in the thing that meant most, whilst you sat by him and wondered if it would actually work, would she be able to hear you? you’d zoned out for a bit, feeling as if you were intruding whilst he talked.
“i hope you’re sitting down, but… i think… i’ve made some friends here. like, real friends. y/n and i, we might actually fit in for once.” you beamed at the thought, yet not wanting to interrupt so you settled for nudging his shoulder to which he smiled at you, “i think they might really like me. imagine that. he isn’t here. my father, he just… didn’t show. i mean, ignoring me is one thing, but he doesn’t get to ignore you. i’m gonna make him come down here. i’m gonna make him see me, i’m gonna make him see us both.” and with that he blew out the fire, a small flicker of hope ignited inside.
“we’re going to get her back percy, i swear.”
and that was the end of your pleasant night, the reign of terror, clarisse and others were infront of your cabin. and that’s where your night went haywire.
you and percy were thrown to the floor roughly, landing on your bad thigh caused you to shout in pain. “aw, does someone have a scratch? where’d you get it from? the minotaur?” the girl was blonde, and you had no clue who she was but her mocking tone made you want to punch her in the face.
“do you think you’re special? better than everyone else?”
“tell me you made it all up about the minotaur, and I’ll let you go. maybe to impress your friend here? you practically have heart eyes when you look at her.” clarisse approached you, “don’t touch her!” percy shouted as clarisse chuckled, “why not? you gonna stop me?”
“he didn’t make anything up.” you responded to her question since percy hadn’t, with her harsh glare you prayed for the earth to swallow you whole. “she’s right, i didn’t make anything up.” clarisse was hoping for truthfulness from percy, she couldn’t tell if she was disappointed or happy, she could teach him a lesson.
“some kids gotta learn the hard way.” the two other girls charged towards percy before abruptly walking around him, dragging you up by the elbows. “hey! if you’re mad at me then hurt me! don’t touch her! let her go!” clarisse held percy back as the girls forced you to your knees, “guys i appreciate the sentiment but i’m not all that thirsty.” please tell me this wasn’t used recently.
percy thrashed around in her grip, desperate to save you, “you really like her don’t you? not a single ounce of fight in you when it’s your ass on the line but for her,” his chest heaved, and his hands clenched, he wasn’t commonly violent, but a beat down on clarisse seemed amazing right about now.
“get off her! y/n!” your eyes were clenched shut in an attempt to prepare yourself, holding your breath, yet nothing happened. when you peeled your eyes open you were met with an empty toilet bowl.
“please tell me you guys didn’t drink it yourselves.” if it wasn’t already an indication of her irritation based on the scowl on her face the second-grade ‘you stole my swing’ type of pull at your hair dragged you back to younger self. but what really awakened you were the three tentacle like forms of water, “what the hell?” the harsh collision of your back on the wall saved you from the attack. the girls all staggered around, careful of the water before scurrying out.
percy rushed over to you, hands cradling your face, “are you okay? did they hurt you? you didn’t touch the water did you?” you raised your hand to cut off percy’s rambling, “i’m fine, but what the hell was that?” he shook his head, “not a single idea in my head.” percy slumped opposite of you, “there’s not much in your head either way.” percy placed his hand on his heart, feigning shock and hurt, “how dare you!” your giggles rejuvenated percy, your smile was all he needed to be happy again.
the figure of someone at the door caused you to shoot up, careful of the water, you saw annabeth come into view. crap.
“we can explain.” you both held up your hands, caught at the scene of the crime and afraid of the consequences. “no, you can’t.” percy nodded in agreement, “okay,” the girls face resonated with percy, eyebrows knitting together in confusion as he tried to recall how, “wait, I know you.”
annabeth shrugged her shoulders, “no, you don’t.” percy stepped forwards infront of you, directly inline with her, “yeah, but you were there. that night in the infirmary.” you couldn’t recall seeing her there when you woke up, “i don’t think she was, i don’t remember seeing you.” anabeth peered down at her shoes before returning to the conversation.
“yes. i’m annabeth.” she introduced herself, you’d heard of her a bit from other campers, daughter of athena.
“are you stalking us, annabeth?”
“yes.” her bluntness was something you didn’t expect. “okay. why?” you inquired further, “well, i’ve been waiting to see if something like this would happen. “so i’d know if you can help me.”
“you’ve been waiting for me to get my head in a toilet and for percy to be manhandled? well, girlhandled.” percy was confused, “help you do what?”
“win capture the flag.”
the helmets weren’t exactly the most comfortable but you figured keeping your brain in your skull was more crucial.
you walked next to luke with percy on the left of him, “you’re gonna love this. campwide mock warfare, all glory to the victors. annabeth’s the head counselor of the athena cabin. she’s led our team to three straight wins. been a long time since anyone’s won a fourth.”
“she was there in the bathroom, she said she’d been waiting for it to happen.”
“annabeth sees the world differently. always six steps ahead of everyone else. you should cut her a break.” you scoffed, “cut her a break for what? her life seems perfectly fine.” luke shook his head, “not everything’s as it seems y/n.”
“whose side are you on, anyway?”
luke stopped and turned towards percy, “oh, hers, always. she’s my little sister. maybe I should back up.” you nodded, “i think we should sit down if we’re going to be getting an origin story here.”
luke’s entire story of how he and annabeth got to camp made you regret your earlier comments of an easy life. she’d been fighting since she was a child, it’s all she’s known. “she’s been watching us since we got here. why?”
“annabeth is the strongest warrior in camp, the only way left to prove herself is to go on a quest.”
“and what does this have to do with us?”
“chiron’s been promising her for years. one day, a demigod would arrive who was fated to go on a quest that even chiron couldn’t prevent. and when that happened, she could join it. every new arrival, or, arrivals in your case, annabeth watches, looking for a sign they’re the one. usually, she gives up after a day or two, but she’s still watching you two.”
“can you ask her to knock it off?” as much as you hated to admit it, she did kind of freak you out, “i agree, we’re not going on some magical quest any time soon.”
“yeah, sure. but you never know, what if she’s right?” the conch shell blowing in the distance alerted you all.
it was battle time.
as you walked behind luke you couldn’t help your nervousness, which percy always noticed. “hey,” his voice was soft and reassuring, a hand on your shoulder, “we’re gonna be fine, it’s just a friendly game. we’ve won three times and we’re going to get a fourth since they have us brilliant additions of course.” percy literally bowed in front of you as if being applauded for a performance as you chuckled, “oh please, you cant win with idiocy percy.”
“that is extremely offensive! how many times have i beaten you in monopoly?”
“ohh, you want to talk about monopoly mr bank robber? do you honestly think no one noticed when you randomly turn in broken change and grab even more bigger notes? or the fact that three houses does not make a hotel!” clarisse watched the two of you fool around from afar, she was going to make you pay.
the pebble you’d thrown clattered against percy’s armour, “hey! what was that for?” you groaned out loud, your head lolling back, meeting the log. “if you keep flossing i’m going to push you myself perce. you need to take this more serious—” the girls surrounded you from every angle, swords in hand as you rose from the floor, your own sword clutched tightly.
“flags that way, it’s not here.” clarisse smirked, “we know. yeah, glory’s fine. revenge is more fun.” her spear crackled as they all surged forwards, time to fight, it’s now or never.
clarisse’s scream was deafening. “so much for friendly huh?” percy shook his head, “not now! you can tell me how wrong i was when we’re out of here.” for some reason once they’d begun their attack, you’d never felt more alive. as if you were born for this, to fight. every sword and hit that came your way was met with double the force, hurling people backwards as you tried to make your way to percy’s side. one of the girls was sly, managing to corner you on the boardwalk near by.
her knee, she’s weak in the knees.
the voice echoed through your head, as if compelled you followed up on it as the girl went down almost immediately. thank you very much random voice! the sound of cheers floated through the air as you saw luke plant the flag in the ground.
4 — 0.
perhaps you’d been distracted by the people, or maybe it was percy being held by his armour courtesy of clarisse. either way you didn’t notice the girl lunging your way, not until the cold water engulfed your body.
you’d never learnt to properly swim.
percy’s footsteps drummed through the air, each step heavy and weighed down with purpose. he had to get to you, now. the second you’d hit the water he was on the ground running. it had only been about five seconds at most yet percy was already at your previous spot, diving in head first.
act now, think later.
your eyesight was blurry as the two of you resurfaced, the first thing you spotted the crowd on the shoreline, they waited with bated breath, your team cheering once the two of you were back up. “i’m so sorry, i said i would protect you but clarisse— i was so scared when i saw you get pushed, i think i froze up. i should’ve listened to you, i should’ve taken it more seriously. this is all my fault.” he was holding onto your face for dear life, afraid to let go.
percy had dived head first into the water for you, no hesitation. he put himself at risk for you. he always knew what to say and what to do. percy was your person. you’d been an idiot, why’d it take so long for you to realise what you knew deep down?
you love percy jackson. and not in a friend way, in a love way. in the best way.
your lips were pressed on his in seconds, you weren’t in a hurry, not desperate, not messy. just passionate and deep, as if you were trying to convey your feelings through it. you were simultaneously trying your hardest to remember this moment. percy’s cold hands on your cheeks, both of you sopping wet, nothing else mattered to you, until he kissed back. percy on the other hand was desperate, he’d been waiting for so long, settling for the title of best friend. he had you in his arms, he’d already lost his own mother, he wasn’t going to lose his other half.
his hair tousled, curls sticking to his face, yours dripping wet, hands on your neck as you clutched his. “what are we percy?” he grinned, “whatever we want to be.” the pair of you may have forgotten the fact that you were currently surrounded by campers, but the deafening cheers and shouts of support warmed your heart. surely a kiss didn’t elicit such a reaction? yes it did, but also the fact that a trident loomed over percy’s head.
percy jackson, son of poseidon.
the two of you walked with a literal army of people, friends, even. for once you both felt as if you belonged.
luke was unbearable, taking any chance he could to tease the two of you, “my little campers, all grown up.” he fake-cried, wiping false tears from his eyes as you poked him, “now if we can find someone then where’s your partner pal?” percy laughed, “please never say pal again.” you turned his way, scrunching your nose, “doesn’t work does it?” he shook his head as the three of you chuckled.
“but seriously, you two are made for each other, i’m happy for you.” as you reached the cabin you couldn’t help yourself as you hugged luke by surprise, “thank you. we’ll be in soon, we just have a bit to talk about.” luke made his way inside as the two of you turned to walk away but not before hearing him call out, “keep your hands to yourself percy!” percy rolled his eyes as you smiled.
the two of you sat at the boardwalk again, feet dangling off. you’d been discussing the quest, as well as the fact that it was only undertaken by three.
“so, you, me, anabeth and grover. percy i know school sucks but if you could count those names on your fingers for me please.” percy groaned as you laughed at your own joke, “i know, i know. but i figure four heads are better than three.” your legs swung back and forth as you shrugged your shoulders, “we could fold grover into a box and take him with us secretly.” percy suggested.
“yeah, maybe.” your voice was quieter than before, eliciting concern from percy, “hey? you okay?” you were fidgeting again, this time with the black bracelet you’d made for him. he met your eyes with a smile as he lifted your head by the chin.
“i promise, i’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” and for once you could feel how serious he was, “thank you perce, you— have been apart of my life since i was little. i don’t think there’s a single person i trust more on this planet than you. i’m sorry, for everything you’ve gone through. i swear, we’re going to make it out of this. we’re going to find your mother, we’re going to find the lighting bolt, and everything can return to normal. well, besides the fact that we’re all demigods and all.” the laughter was bittersweet, a moment of peace before you embarked on the quest.
“you’re beautiful you know that?” he whispered to you, as if he was afraid for others to hear. you grinned at his words, leaning in towards him as he followed, “i know, you make it a point to tell me at least once a day. but you, percy, are as gorgeous as the calm seas.”
you wiggled your finger in his face as he swatted it away, “if i had known my girlfriend was a poet i would’ve had every word of yours written down.” you felt fuzzy, warm. with percy you felt a million ways, all of them good.
as cheesy as he was you loved him.
“look at us, exploring a whole new world.”
“did you just aladdin me?”
“yup, do you think they have a flying carpet here?”
“why so zeus can strike it down when he’s angry? i feel like the gods are all little kids throwing temper tantrums.” percy shushed you, “they might be listening.” he joked as you punched him.
“i hope they are. so they know, we’re coming for them.”
“holy shit that was a badass line.”
“you’re ruining it.”
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fastandcarlos · 2 months
Vamos Madrid : ̗̀➛ Carlos Sainz
summary: as the newest signing for real madrid, you can't help but capture the attention of a certain spanish driver
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liked by olgacarmona7, realmadridfem and 349,706 others
ynusername: such a proud day to sign for this incredible club…hala madrid 🤍⚽️
username1: ahh i can't believe this finally happened for you!!!! 🤩
chelseafcwomen: thank you for all that you've done for our great club, wishing you all the best for the future yn!
username2: can't wait to support you on this new chapter yn 🎉
elliecarpenterr: at least i'll finally get some rest from you constantly messaging me about this now
ynusername: @/elliecarpenterr thanks for being my agony aunt over the past few weeks
username3: i hope real madrid know what they're in for with a talent like you 😂
carolineweir95: your spanish tour guide is at your service 🫡
ynusername: @/carolineweir95 cannot wait for a thousand and one coffee dates with you
username4: i've never been happier to see a post from you omg
realmadridfem: welcome yn! we can't wait to have you as part of the team 🤍
username5: officially now real madrid's number one fan btw
mackenziearnold: imma miss just being able to drive up the road to see you 😭
username6: at least you won't have to deal with the british weather anymore
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liked by landonorris, georgerussell63 and 1,604,394 others
carlossainz55: thanks to real madrid for hosting me this evening, had a great time cheering the women on ☺️🤍
username7: we love a man who gets behind the womens team as much as the mens 🤩
landonorris: it still disgusts me that of all the teams you support real madrid 🙄
carlossainz55: @/landonorris i refuse to take abuse from a fake fan like you!!
username8: i can't believe carlos was in the same stadium as yn tonight
username9: hala madrid ⚽️
georgerussell63: one day i'll introduce you to a team that's actually good at football
username10: hope you had the best time and got to meet lots of the players
schecoperez: could they find you a tighter top to wear??? 😂😂😂
carlossainz55: @/schecoperez gotta show off the physique somehow
username11: i was just thinking how long it's been since we had madrid content from carlos
charles_leclerc: now that you've posted can you stop talking about that footballer that you met please??
username12: wait carlos met one of the players...who? when? why? omg i've got so many questions 🤔
username13: carlos sainz we need all the gossip asap
lewishamilton: so that's why you refused to come out for food with me tonight 🙄
olgacarmona7: on behalf of the team, thank you for all of your support tonight
ynusername: thanks for the photo...
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liked by charles_leclerc, samanthakerr20 and 493,607 others
ynusername: off season at last 🌴✅
signebruun20: can we all just take a moment to appreciate how stunning you are
username14: it's unfair for one person to look this good 😓
samanthakerr20: lock up your wardrobe next time i see you otherwise it's all mine
ynusername: @/samanthakerr20 just gonna screenshot for the prosecution
username15: are we all just going to pretend that we don't see that middle photo?? 😅
username16: i can't believe yn might finally have a boyfriend
linda_caicedo11: off season looks pretty good on you 💕
username17: you can't just post something like that and not say anything else yn omg
caitlinfoord: idc about timezones pick up the damn phone now woman 😂😂
username18: anyone else feel like that hand looks suspiciously familiar?
evanavarro12: so you go on holiday with someone and don't even tell me about it first. rude. 💔
username19: yn i'm not willing to play this soft launch game i swear-
stephcatley: did you move to madrid for the football or the men btw??
username20: charles in the likes too...makes me wonder
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liked by lewishamilton, pierregasly and 1,492,705 others
carlossainz55: turns out I’ve still got it ⚽️💪🏻
username21: footballer carlos is a vibe that i didn't know i needed in my life 🥺
landonorris: all the gear and no idea 😂
carlossainz55: @/landonorris are you asking for me to block you or something??
username22: oh to play football with THE carlos sainz...
alex_albon: one day when i imagine myself being a footballer, i want to look like you
username23: jw is there anything that this man can't do??? ☺️
lancestroll: i need the secrets for that hair asap my friend
pierregasly: i thought the spanish were supposed to be good at football 🤔
username24: why is this man suddenly obsessed with football once again
lewishamilton: bets you managed a total of 10 keepie uppies before dropping it
carlossainz55: @/lewishamilton it was 11 i'll have you know 😂
username25: the hair. the shirt. the concentration. i cannot cope.
maxverstappen1: i really hope this isn't you trying to play it cool
ynusername: if you want some pro tips you know where i am
carlossainz55: @/ynusername might just take you up on that offer
username26: omg first date when?? ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 329,607 others
ynusername: turns out red suits me just as well as white does ❤️🏎️
username27: stfu i can't believe this is happening 🫢🫢🫢
georgerussell63: come and test out the white at mercedes instead 😂
caitlinfoord: what is happening to you right now, how’ve you managed to get to go to the f1 for free 😬
username28: someone pinch me, is this really yn in the ferrari garage
charles_leclerc: hope you enjoyed your weekend with us!!
ynusername: @/charles_leclerc it was the best time tysm 🫶🏻
username29: anyone else praying that these photos mean what we want them to mean?
samanthakerr20: and you just conveniently forgot the invite for your best friend…I see how it is
username30: i'd argue that red suits you so much better btw 🤩🤩
carlossainz55: we loved having you with us, dare I say you’re an f1 fan now??
ynusername: @/carlossainz55 you might’ve just convinced me 🥺
username31: red suits you more than white suits carlos hahah
username32: not yn tryna get in on the soft launch game too
maxverstappen1: btw carlos did not stop talking about the fact that you were here with us all weekend…
carlossainz55: @/maxverstappen1 shut your face now!!!
landonorris: wtf you were supposed to come and visit me before going to those losers
ynusername: @/landonorris guess I just got a better offer 🤷🏻‍♀️
username33: i refuse to let these two tease us about a potential relationship for much longer
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liked by landonorris, ynusername and 3,504,102 others
carlossainz55: all warmed up and just waiting for the call if you need me @/realmadridfem
username34: notice how he tags the womens team instead of the men?? 🤔
charles_leclerc: can guarantee you would end up pulling your hamstring after the first five minutes my friend
username35: yn and carlos in central midfield is a dream team waiting to happen
ynusername: there’s a nice spot on the subs bench with your name on it!
carlossainz55: @/ynusername hey im starting 11 material surely 😓
username36: i saw carlos at the game today, he went crazy whenever yn got the ball 💞💞
landonorris: I’d pay a lot of money to see you try and play football with the professionals 😂
carlossainz55: @/landonorris why do you bully me all the time?? 🤦🏻‍♂️
username37: he definitely went to be cheerleader for yn rather than the whole team
alex_albon: how many takes before you were happy with that photo???
username38: I love how much they support each other it’s adorable 😭
danielricciardo: you look like the worst fifabot in the world 😂
username39: now this is a couple I can see seriously get behind!! 💕
username40: is it okay to already be obsessed with these two even though we don’t know they’re acc together yet?? 🤔🤔
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liked by matildas, carlossainz55 and 492,192 others
ynusername: 50 caps for this great country, it’s always the biggest honour 💚💛
username41: what would the national team do without you?? 🤔
carlossainz55: congratulations, such an incredible achievement ❤️
ynusername: @/carlossainz55 tysm for flying out and cheering me on ❤️
username42: won't be long before you get to 100 caps yk
username43: we're so proud of you yn!! congratulations!! 👏🏻
samanthakerr20: so proud to stand right by your side tonight and watch you reach this milestone
username44: was it ever in doubt? the best to ever do it 🥺🥺
charles_leclerc: that was awesome to watch…I hate how you’re turning me into a football fan 😂
ynusername: @/charles_leclerc told you I’d change your mind!!
username45: the matildas are the luckiest team in the world to have you
caitlinfoord: if i had it my way you'd have thousands of caps by now
ynusername: @/caitlinfoord not really sure that's how football works 😂
username46: i could sit and watch you play football forever
mackenziearnold: best. team. mate. ever.
username47: thank you for being such an amazing part of the team, we'd be lost without you in that midfield
matildas: congratulations yn, heres to the next 50 💚💛
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liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and 3,694,702 others
carlossainz55: a well deserved break for the both of us ☀️💕🌴
username48: this is everything that i've ever wanted to see and more
alex_albon: still offended that you didn’t invite me on this trip 😭
username49: i cannot begin to tell you how happy i am for you both 🤯🤯
stephcatley: omg i could not be happier to see you two together
ynusername: thank you for such an amazing trip, you're the best 💕💕
carlossainz55: @/ynusername you deserve the world and more
username50: now please continue to spam us with adorable pics
alexandrasaintmleux: so pleased to see you guys had such a good time 🎉🌴
username51: thank you for bringing the soft launch to an end, welcome hard launch!!
landonorris: shall i vacate the role of boyfriend now or later??
carlossainz55: @/landonorris i'll show you the door 🚪
username52: a match made in heaven if you ask me
username53: i'm not even in this relationship and i feel emotional
charles_leclerc: thank goodness, don't think i could keep the secret for much longer 😅
username54: everyone say thank you real madrid for introducing these two to one another 🤍⚽️
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liked by carlossainz55, elliecarpenterr and 593,604 others
ynusername: three of my favourite things, football, boyfriend and all the coffee ⚽️❤️☕️
username55: yn it's not fair of you to melt my heart like this 😭
oscarpiastri: now the coffee I can get behind ☕️
landonorris: you’re forgetting the part where you mention your boyfriend’s best friend???
username56: look at their faces, they look so in love together!!
caitlinfoord: can you stop being so annoyingly cute please and thank you
carlossainz55: i better be number one out of those three things 🥺
ynusername: @/carlossainz55 the top spot is yours forever 🫶🏻❤️
username57: you'll find me in the corner crying absolute tears of joy
danielricciardo: well this is a bit cute isn’t it 🤩🤩
username58: officially now my favourite couple in the whole entire world 🌍
username59: i don't think i'll ever see enough posts from these two
charles_leclerc: presuming from this that football tops carlos 🤭
username60: cannot wait to see these guys spend the rest of their lives together ngl 💞💞💞
maxverstappen1: btw carlos does not shut up about you 😂😂
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
419 notes · View notes
libbyfandom · 9 months
“In This Life, and the Next. I Swear.”
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Happy Holidays, have a bittersweet reincarnation fic.
Summary: Mizu may not believe in reincarnation, but you do. You'll believe in it enough for both of you. You may not be strong, but your soul is. You'll carry her to a better lifetime.
Content Warnings: Did your really think no one would die in a reincarnation fic? Hmmm?
“Next lifetime, you have to court me,” you murmur into Mizu’s neck as her fingers trace along the bare skin of your back where you lie atop her. “None of this... stoic loner act where I have to wear you down into letting me love you. Yeah?”
Mizu snorts, her other hand resting over her eyes. “Not on your life.”
Making an offended noise, you bite her collarbone in retaliation, hearing her laughter fill the inn room.
“When we come back, I want our lives to be simple,” you say as Mizu helps you down from the horse you borrowed on your escape from the last town.
Resisting the urge to let a sigh slip at this fantasy coming back up again, she mutters, “Yeah? You’d prefer to have a boring life, after you basically attached yourself to me and Ringo to escape your home?”
“Well yeah, I’m getting all of my adventuring done in this life cycle.”
“And you don’t want that again?” Mizu starts to lead the horse toward the outer skirts of the city, hoping to find a stable to leave it without being spotted.
You walk alongside her, studying her passive expression. “I do." A beat. "But I want you to have peace more.”
Her eyes dart to you, genuinely caught off guard. The openness, the honesty in your face has a bubble of overwhelming emotion welling up in her chest.
Her head turns back to the road, retreating into her silence to avoid speaking and risking her voice betraying her.
But after a few minutes of her staring off into the distance, she quietly says with a softened brow, “That’s kind.”
‘Do you regret choosing this life, knowing how quickly it will all end? Or did you walk into it blindly, optimistic for some happier resolution?’
Mizu jerks you up into her arms, apologizing frantically over and over as you scream in pain when she applies pressure to the stab wound deep in your stomach. She tenses her grip as your body tries to seize and jerk away from the splitting, hot pain radiating through your nerves from pressure on the gash. You’re too scared to look down and see your own insides peeling away from each other.
Taigen and Ringo are fending off the last few bounty hunters, the clashing of swords and knives fading into the background as you dig your bloodied fingers into her haori. “Come find-find me again,” you say with frantic eyes, swallowing back another mouthful of metallic blood forcing its way up your burning throat.
“What?!” Mizu’s attention is torn between keeping an eye on her back and wrapping a torque around your middle from the fabric she torn off your kosode.
You grab her face, leaving a bloody streak on her cheek as you force her to look at you. Her widened blue eyes are forced to look into yours with no barrier, her glasses lost somewhere in the snow from the fight. You can feel how fast your body is losing warmth. The edges of your vision are blurring, and the draw to fall asleep is growing more powerful than the burning gap in your stomach. Mizu may not know how to die, but you-
‘I’m so sorry, my love. I’m so, so sorry.’
You need her to hear you before everything stops. So you grip her cheek and stare into her panic-stricken eyes. You’re scared too, but you’re more scared of coming back to this world and not seeing her again than you are of not coming back at all.
“Come find me again.”
Mizu hates the concept of promises, and the bigger and more impossible they sound the more she avoids them. But you nose is turning pink from the cold, or from your crying. Tears are trailing down the sides of your temples, cutting through any blood stains across your face.
And she hates promises.
Tears well in her own eyes as she clenches her teeth against a violent sob.
But she hates denying you proof that she loves you more. If you pass without it… if you die with the last words in your ears being 'I can't'…
Every whisper and cry of “Onryō” she’s ever heard echo louder and louder in her head until they're all scream chanting in unison. She blinks, and for a heart-freezing moment your terrified eyes turn her shade of blue.
Her hand lifts away from the rapidly growing stain of blood coming through the makeshift torque across your abdomen and settles on your cheek.
She forces the corners of her mouth up into a reassuring smile as her own body trembles.
“Okay,” her voice wavers as she blinks out tears. “I’ll come find you.” Her voice is like a child making their first vow. “I’ll, I’ll come find you again.”
You smile weakly, and despite her own forced one, her eyes fill with terror for just a moment at the blood staining your teeth.
You reach up and tug her hair out of its high bun, watching it tumble around her shoulders.
You need your soul to memorize what she looks like when she’s not hiding. For next time.
Your own smile wavers. “You have to. I won’t… I won’t forgive you if you don’t.”
The fragile look on her face crumples into despair. Mizu leans her temple against yours as the sobs overtake her, her long hair draping over both of your faces and blocking out the world. “I will. I will I will I will I will I-“
Her fractured voice fades away, and your vision swims.
But your soul is at peace.
‘It's your turn, Mizu.’
‘I ended up burying you with as many red spider lilies I could scavenge. They’ll help guide you to the next life. I made Ri( ) swear to bury me next to you with just as many. If he’s around to collect my corpse when I go. If anyone is. ( )I used to not care if anyone did, as long as I finished my mission. But now I’m terrified something happens and I can’t keep my promise.
I’m sorry. I miss you. I’m sorry I made a promise that’s out of my hands.
( )
I’m sorry.’
You stare down at the spread of papers and antique diaries written in kanji. You’re trying to organize them by chronological order based on context from the letters and diaries, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult as you go. Especially with words smudged and faded by centuries of time. You rub your eye behind your glasses.
‘She really is making this hard for me.’ You sigh through your nose as you bite down on the end of your pen.
“Excuse me?”
“Hm?” You glance to your side, surprised to be pulled from your work and come face to face with probably the most gorgeous woman you’ve ever seen. “Hello?”
“Sorry,” she smiles, lowering her head to pull her tinted glasses off. “I just saw you over here and uh-“ her expression goes a little strained as she looks for the right words. “I just, uh-”
You glance between her and the spread of antique writing from the archives. “Are you the person that checked these out last? Do you need them back?”
“No. I just-" She makes a face. Whatever she planned to say when she came over was quickly unraveling. Her eyes dart away, and land on the diaries. Her eyebrows furrow slowly, something flickering in her blue eyes.
Very pretty eyes…
She jerks her chin down at the spread of papers. “What is that?”
A little thrown off at the changes in conversation, you pick up one of the diaries. “Um, this is work for my master thesis. I’m studying unknown woman and queer history of Edo Japan.” Your fingers drum over the cover. “Came across this treasure when going through the archives. It’s a bunch of writing from a rogue swordsman to his lover after her death. But in my review of it, I’m positive I can prove that he was actually a woman,” you grin a little with pride, shifting your weight side to side with delight at getting to discuss your research.
“Lesbian samurai,” she laughs lowly, eyes warm.
“Something like that,” the corners of your lips lift up.
“Well that’s really fascinating,” her fingers trail across the edge of the table as she steps closer. “I’d love to hear more about it. Maybe… over dinner?” The corner of her mouth grimaces for a moment, her eye twitching once with frustratation at herself with that cheesy delivery.
Your lips part, eyes widening with a breathless little “Oh.”
The woman gains confidence from how your eyes light up behind your glasses as you flush. Her hand squeezes her shoulder, a nervous tic. “I’m sorry. I saw your over here and had to give it a shot.”
“No, I’m glad you did,” you’re quick to reassure her. You look up at her with bright eyes as you dig through your backpack for notebook paper.
“I wouldn’t have forgiven you if you didn’t.”
A tilt of her lips, her hand outstretched. “Mizu.”
You introduce yourself.
You hold out the pen and paper to get her number, and she asks as she leans over to scribble it out on the table, “Anything good in those letters?”
“Most of it’s pretty grief heavy,” you smile sadly. “But in a poetic and romantic way? Like, even though her love was gone, probably pretty young, she kept her memory alive as she fought through life.”
Mizu glances up at you, and something tightens in your throat and sinks into your stomach. You don’t know why you admit quietly, “The first time I read them I started crying in the archive room.”
A beat, where you feel dread creep up your neck at suddenly tanking the mood.
Her face grows impassive, deadly quiet for a moment.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers.
You quickly blink back tears that come on alarmingly fast. “What?”
Mizu blinks too, straightening up. “Just, sorry that it made you sad. I guess.” She smiles again, albeit a little smaller this time, and hands over the paper. “I guess I’ll see you? Hopefully soon?”
A soft laugh huffs out your nose as that melancholic moment passes. “Yeah,” your hand brushes against the inside of her palm as you take the paper. “Really soon.”
She leaves you with a satisfied grin, her nose scrunching up as she turns and walks off.
You watch her go, feeling something tighten in your stomach again at how relaxed she looks.
You look down at her number, and see that she slyly signed it with the kanji for “Promise”.
As you begin to organize the letters to skim through them again, your hesitate on the one you had just been reviewing. You hold it and the notebook paper up side by side.
The letter unfolds and a single, dried, book pressed red spider lily flutters to your feet.
Mizu perfectly copied the handwriting of the swordswoman’s kanji.
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5sospenguinqueen · 3 months
Pocket Money Pt 2 | Lance Stroll x Reader
Summary: After some time apart, you and Lance realise your love and future mean more than fans' hateful comments
Warnings: Swearing. Sexual innuendos? Hateful fans
Female reader. All pics found on Pinterest.
F1 Masterlist
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astonmartinf1 just posted
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liked by chloestroll, scottyjames31 and others
astonmartinf1 fighting for points in imola. lance brings it home in P9, securing valuable points for the team #imolagp
user1 lance stroll domination might bore some people
lance_stroll the car felt good this weekend. let’s keep it up, team
user2 just me or was lance looking a little happier this weekend than he has recently? 
YourUserName wonderful race result
liked by lance_stroll
→ user3 the first social media appearance we’ve had from y/n in weeks and it was in support of lance?!?! what does this mean
user4 does this mean they’re still together?
→ user5 nah he definitely dumped her ass and now she’s just trying to get him back
user6 y/n commented and lance liked it! please tell me they’re back together. most underrated but cutest couple on the grid
user7 @ YourUserName talk about trying too hard. he broke up with you, sweetie. let it go
user8 i know they’re more private but i need them to confirm they’re still together so i can sleep easy
astonmartinf1 @ YourUserName fancy paying us a visit in canada?
liked by YourUserName 
user9 not a bunch of you switching up like you weren’t calling for her head on a pike
→ user10 literally, you guys are probably the reason they broke up but now you’re acting like it’s not what you wanted, and the end of the world
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astonmartinf1 just posted
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liked by YourUserName, lance_stroll and others
astonmartinf1 all ready for race day tagged: lance_stroll, fernandoalo_official, YourUserName
user11 omg lance looked so happy this weekend and i bet it was because y/n was there
fernandoalo_official y/n looks far better in lance’s helmet
→ YourUserName should put me in his seat next time
→ astonmartinf1 deal
→ lance_stroll my father will hear about this
→ YourUserName okay draco malfoy
chloestroll okay but i think i just fell in love with those eyes
→ scottyjames31 why are you never this publicly obsessed with me
→ chloestroll because you’re not y/n
→ danielricciardo she is the moment
BestFriend do NOT put her in the car. girly barely passed her driving test the second time
→ YourUserName you can shade me in our messages but publicly, you’re supposed to support me
→ lance_stroll you told me you did pass the first time
→ YourUserName no, i told you i tried really hard. and you claim to listen to me
→ lance_stroll i do! 
→ YourUserName it’s okay. i’m still proud of you
→ lance_stroll and i’ll still let you behind the wheel so long as the drive is less than 10 minutes
user12 is this confirmation that they’re back together!!
→ user13 it has to be. not only is she in the paddock but she’s on an official post AND lance commented in response to her
user14 so you’re still trying to tell me she’s NOT a fame whore? she vanishes from social media after being found out as a gold digger to come back on an f1 page
→ user15 seriously, what is your issue? lance looked happier this race than he has in weeks, and he scored some points. there’s obviously only one reason for that
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user1 agreed with @ daddynando. when you search her business, she is literally like second face you see after the ceo. she worked hard and deserves to flaunt it
→ user2 honestly. everyone talks about her being with lance for his money like she’s not loaded herself, and earnt it
→ user3 lance stroll wins for #1 wag because he’s always been so supportive of her and proud 
user4 funny how many of you have switched your opinion since finding out y/n is in charge of running a pretty wealthy company, and has enough money to keep herself comfortable without lance
user5 i also really miss y/n and lance. they were a more lowkey couple but he was always caught in the background of driver clips staring at her
→ user6 i won’t believe in love until they get back together 
→ user9 @ user6 you’re such a hypocrite. you literally have rts from two months ago of hateful tweets about her
user7 i’m so happy other people are finally being supportive of lance and y/n
user8 the way the two of them used to gush about starting a family and growing old together but the internet had to make her feel horrible about being in love 
user9 not that i’m not happy to see all this support for y/nance. i’m just wondering where you were when she was getting death threats?
user10 omg guys, lance just posted! 
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user11 aston martin reposted this as well
→ user12 so did f1
→ user13 and mclaren, redbull and mercedes
→ user14 and danny ric, charles leclerc and a whole bunch of the grid
→ user15 they really said, we’re fed up with all of you
user16 people who have actually met her in the paddock say she’s the nicest person ever so idk why all you keyboard warriors thought you knew better
user17 the grid really said “not our y/n”
user18 anyone else feel like that last sentence was a bit of a threat? 
→ user19 it’s because aston martin’s legal team located one of the women who was sending the most threats and served her 
→ user20 i love that the official F1 website did an article about this because it serves as a warning to others
→ user21 lance stroll will find you lol
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lance_stroll, danielricciardo and others
YourUserName here’s what you missed on glee 
user1 omg welcome back. we’ve missed you 
user2 excuse me but all the lance pictures. my favourite f1 couple are back together! 
lance_stroll my pretty girl 💚 but why did you have to post the ice-cream pic?
→ YourUserName but i also posted that hot pic with the chain 🤤
→ lance_stroll i thought we talked about that emoji
→ danielricciardo don’t try and change her
user3 woof woof (i can’t tell which of them i want to sleep with more)
user4 okay but the black shirt and the chain. i’m starting to see what miss y/n sees him in
YourBrother dude, i do not need to see your underwear on this app. please do not post what are clearly post-sex pics
→ YourUserName they were not! we did that the night before. this was me begging him not to leave for a meeting and get back in bed. he declined :( 
→ BestFriend how dare he! 
→ lance_stroll it was an important meeting! 
→ BestFriend and she’s an important person! 
estebanocon at least lance will stop moping now
→ lance_stroll i think i was allowed to mope! the love of my life was sad and in another country 
→ user5 ladies, get a man who simps over you like lance stroll  
chloestroll um, why am i not included in this photo dump? do i mean nothing to you?
→ lance_stroll how many times do i have to tell you that you’re not her favourite stroll
→ YourUserName it’s actually lawrence 
user6 do you know what i like seeing more than happy y/n and lance? no hate comments on y/n’s post. our queen is being respected and loved as she should be 
user7 excuse me, are those wedding pics in the background
→ YourUserName oops
lance_stroll just posted
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liked by alex_albon, fernandoalo_official and others
lance_stroll 💚🤍
astonmartinf1 everybody stay calm! We are totally normal about this! 
→ user8 admin is all of us 
astonmartinf1 a huge congratulations to the newlyweds but we’re still disappointed that you didn’t have an aston martin themed wedding :( 
→ YourUserName we had an aston martin as our wedding car?
→ astonmartinf1 keep talking
→ user9 not admin acting like they didn't know this prior to y/n spilling on her recent post
YourUserName i love you, my darling husband
→ lance_stroll i love you more, my breathtaking wife. thank you for marrying me
→ user10 get someone who THANKS you for marrying them
danielricciardo what a beautiful day, mate. and what a gorgeous bride 
→ YourUserName no amount of compliments will make me forgive you 
→ danielricciardo i didn’t mean to! i was drunk
→ YourUserName you still kissed my husband
→ lance_stroll you promised you wouldn’t tell the internet! 
→ YourUserName i lied!
→ landonorris this marriage is off to a great start. nice work, ricciardo 
chloestroll have i stopped crying? not really. my baby brother and perfect sister-in-law
→ YourUserName i’m so lucky to call you my sister-in-law. although i think you’d do better as my wife ;)
→ chloestroll there’s still time
→ lance_stroll stop
→ scottyjames31 agreed
user11 i don’t understand how anyone could deny that these two truly love each other. the way they look at each other 
landonorris could you go be ridiculously in love somewhere else?
→ lance_stroll this is my instagram?
user12 omg they still got married on their original date
YourBrother nonna says it’s time for babies now
→ lance_stroll i’m trying my best
→ danielricciardo don’t tell the internet that you’re raw dogging every night
→ YourUserName that’s it. you’re blocked
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lance_stroll, georgerussell63 and others
YourUserName say hi to baby stroll
lance_stroll my amazing family 🥰 y/n, you have given me the best gift by being my wife, and then by being my partner in parenting. i love you 
→ YourUserName why do you insist on making me cry, my heart. i love you and our family more than anything
user13 excuse me but where was the pregnancy announcement!
chloestroll baby and the bear
→ YourUserName baby stroll loves his bobo bear more than anything 
→ chloestroll what can i say, i’m the ultimate gift giver
→ lance_stroll you gave me an old vogue magazine for my birthday last year 
→ chloestroll yes but for your 18th, i got you a hot date who eventually turned into the love of your life so i think i’m off the hook until the end of days 
→ YourUserName i only agreed to it because i thought i would be YOUR hot date @ chloestroll 
→ lance_stroll i have feelings 
user14 we get their wedding and then we get nothing until they announce a whole ass baby 
scottyjames31 am i still banned from the stroll household?
→ lance_stroll idk will you stop bringing red bull baby stuff into my house
→ scottyjames31 but then how will he show that he’s uncle scotty’s #1 supporter
→ danielricciardo and uncle danny’s 
→ lance_stroll because he’s his dad’s #1 supporter 
→ danielricciardo @ scottyjames31 this is uncle erasure 
user15 when lance told us y/n wasn’t at races for the past 5 months because she was swamped at work, what he really meant was she was hiding a baby bump from us
user16 i knew her showing up in a different team hoodie every race was more than just a running joke! 
→ landonorris she wore those because she loves mclaren! she loves us! 
→ YourUserName debatable
→ landonorris i thought being a mum was supposed to make you nicer
→ YourUserName it did but you’re not my child 
user17 i know this is gross but from doing the math, he got her pregnant on their honeymoon
→ user18 faster than he is on track 
user19 um, mr stroll, we weren’t familiar with your game. those back muscles
→ YourUserName they’re what got me pregnant 
→ user20 um, hello mrs stroll. PR might be after you now 
→ astonmartinf1 she’s off the hook for now. we’re kind of hoping for them to make a grid’s worth of babies
→ user21 lawrence stroll ghost wrote this 
→ lance_stroll sounds like we need to get started on baby #2, sweetheart 
→ YourUserName only if you push this one out 
→ lance_stroll deal
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Hands up if you were shocked by Lance’s contract announcement today 😂 Never saw that coming
Baby Fever Angst Series
Daniel's Version | Max's Version | Lando's Version
Charles' Version | Oscar's Vision
F1 Request are open! (They might just take some time)
Tag list
@callsignwidow @luvrrish @evans-dejong @sadsierra2 @justdreamersdream @spookystitchery @dark-night-sky-99 @majusialikesfastcars @luckyladycreator2 @mrosales16 @reguluscrystals @tvdtw4ever @alwaysclassyeagle @gigicisneros @thecubanator2 @goldenharrysworld @awritingtree @jxnellat @lav3nder-haze @hc-dutch @mxdi0 @buckybarnessweetheart @ironmaiden1313 @dreamercrowd @yourbane @glow-ish @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @weekendlusting @lemon-lav @minkyungseokie @bibissparkles @peachiicherries @rosecentury @exotic-iris13
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cherryredcheol · 3 months
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tldr: all the way chan uses your nickname a/n: he is my boyfriend (for real(not clickbait))
chants: when he needs you to slow down
“pretty, pretty, pretty” he rushes out, trying to get you to focus on him. you were pacing back and forth in the bedroom listing things off on your fingers, trying to remember if you forgot to pack something in your already overflowing suitcase. you were headed to busan for your anniversary and unlike him, you were a little stressed. 
“who knew it was so hard to pack for three days” he said under his breath as he got up from the bed stopping you in your tracks. you look up at him, face flushed from the stress and pout. he swears his heart skips a beat. he knew he shouldn’t think it was cute to see you so stressed but he was so endeared by the effort you’d put into this trip for the two of you. 
”this is going to be great because we’re celebrating us. let it be fun, pretty.” his shoulders shook as he saw you roll your eyes, pulling a deep laugh from him. you stepped around him and continued pacing, side-eyeing his empty bag in the closet. “it's our anniversary, you could forget your luggage entirely and it would actually make me happier.” 
slurs: when you open the door
“pretty~” he drawls, giving you a million-dollar smile. your eyes bulge as you take in the very drunk man before you. you were under the impression that he would be staying with the boys tonight since it was a “boy’s night”.  skincare complete, you thought you’d be alone for the evening and had your show already pulled up on the tv and your favorite snacks laid out on the coffee table. 
“let me in” he whines and you grab his hand, quickly pulling him into your apartment afraid your neighbors might come out to investigate the noise. you didn’t want anyone to catch you and your boyfriend in a less-than-desirable state. you had just moved into this building together. he beams at you, leaning down for a kiss, but you pull away, grossed out by the smell of liquor on his breath.
“you’re not even going to kiss me?” he was pouting now, disappointed he’d gotten a ride back to your apartment from the dorms and wasn’t even going to get a kiss for his efforts. you watched his pout deepen into a frown and gave in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, still repelled by the smell of his mouth. “if i shower will you kiss me for real?”
sniffles: after a fight
“hey, pretty?” he knocks on the bedroom door, peeking his head in. you’re flat on your back, eyes staring above you at nothing. he stands nervously at the door, unsure if he should enter. when you glance in his direction, he takes it as an invitation to come in. 
‘'i umm…” he pauses, standing next to the bed, your shared bed that now he wasn’t sure he was welcome in. you saw his hesitation and reached out a hand for him. the distance between you suddenly unbearable, fight seeming frivolous now reflecting upon it. you couldn’t even remember what you had been fighting about to begin with. all of it seemed so silly now after having spent the last few hours alone in this room when the person you wanted to be with most was in the living room, the only thing keeping you apart was your shared stubbornness. 
“i’m sorry, pretty,” he sat down at your side, grabbing your hand. your eyes had been trained on the slowly spinning fan above you but now turned to him, shocked to hear his voice so thick with emotion. you sat up, keeping your hands connected, sensing he needed some comfort in this moment. “i don’t like fighting with you, pretty.” 
grunts: when you land on top of him
“pretty–” it came out gruff, surprised by the sudden addition of your weight on his lap. the puff he’d been holding in his mouth came out with his words, making the already hazy living room even more so.  his eyes were lidded and rimmed red and you couldn’t help yourself when you saw him sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone with one hand, a joint balanced in the other. 
“is everything alright?” he was stoned, not fully coherent, but could still tell something was up. when you kissed him instead of providing an answer, he understood. you did always have a thing for him when he smokes. kissing you felt better than any joint had ever made him feel, the rush immediate and the high unmatched. 
“whoa,” he pulled back when you deepened the kiss, as far back as he could go pressed into a couch with you on his lap. the sting of rejection hurt but he soothed it immediately pressing smaller kisses sound your face, pulling a giggle from you, suddenly feeling a little high yourself, probably on him. “let’s get out of here and,” he held up the other half of his joint, “finish this somewhere more private?”
mumbles: when he wants something
“pretty?” you looked up at him from the floor of the practice room, setting your laptop aside to give him your attention. you’d recently gotten into the habit of bringing your work with you to hybe when you came to watch him practice. as much fun as it was, it got kind of old to watch him perfect the same five moves for hours on end. 
“would you dance with me?” he’s holding a hand out to you, a hopeful smile on his lips but words timid, rushed. you suddenly notice the dimmed lighting in the room and soft music playing from the speakers. you’d been so lost in your screen you hadn’t noticed anything. you blush and take his hand. he pulls you to your feet and into his chest. 
“you’re a good dancer,” he says after a few minutes of slowly swaying back and forth to a playlist full of romantic music he made with only you in mind, this moment was something he had hoped for when you’d started coming to the practice room at night. “i love you, pretty.”  
637 notes · View notes
lcriedlastnight · 3 months
Accidentally saying I love you with Lando
tysm for your request anon, i appreciate it so much! p.s lando deserved that win today. max verstappen i am inside your walls.
tw: fem!reader, short and sweet, swears, lmk if there's anything you want me to add.
w/c: 1k
you and were a newer thing. you weren't new new, but new enough that you have not said those three little words to each other yet. you knew you loved lando since the third date, when even though he didn't like seafood, literally couldn't even stand being near the stuff, he took you to a sushi restaurant because you had never tried sushi and you wanted to give it a go. turns out you didn't like it either.
there had been a few times where you had almost let the words slip out your mouth but you had managed to bite your tongue at the last second. you would tell him when you were ready and when the time felt right.
lando was currently in spain for the spanish grand prix and this one was difficult. it was only the first race out of the three in the triple header and yet here you were, laying in yours and lando's shared bed, on facetime to him, close to tears. just seeing his face made you miss him more.
"come on honey, don't cry. don't do this to me. i don't want to watch you cry." lando frowns from his own hotel bed, the sheets too white compared to his usual ones. the bed too empty without you. you were usually really good with the distance but this was your first triple header with lando. there were double headers but even with those you made it to the last race so it was even less time. this time around you can't even go to one.
you sniffle as you try to stop your tears. you wipe your eyes with the sleeves of lando's jumper. "i know. i'm sorry. it's not your fault. i just miss you a lot tonight, lan." you express.
you can see lando nodding along with your words as you speak, you know it's not easy on him either. you sigh.
"okay. sorry. we can talk about something else now." you try your best to shake off the sadness. you can always cry when lando hangs up the phone.
"don't apologise, my sweet girl. i know it's hard, i'll try speak to you as much as i can. and i know i'll be busy but i'm back in monaco for the next three tuesdays." lando tried to find a positive in all of this. it was difficult.
you nod, with a hum taking his word into account. "not gonna let go of you for the full night on the tuesdays." you insist with such determination it makes lando's heart melt.
"is that a threat or a promise?" he asks, cheekily. that stupid smirk on his face as he tries his best to make you laugh. it works, not because it's funny but because his smirk always made you laugh.
"promise." you say through giggles. lando laughs along with you until he checks the time on the top of his phone. he sighs as it reads two am.
"m' gonna have to go now, honey. it's gettin' a little late." lando frowns like the words actually hurt him physically to say. you frown too but you understand so you don't put up any fight.
"g'night lan. speak to you tomorrow. i'm not working so call whenever you can i'll keep my day free for you." you bid him goodnight and send him a kiss through the phone screen. lando smiles at your cute gesture.
"night, honey. i'll call you whenever i can. i love you." it is quick but you catch it. lando blows you a kiss then ends the call. you didn't get a chance to say anything back. you don't think he even realises he said it. well he will now he's laying thinking about it. you think to yourself as you settle down on lando's side of the bed and fall asleep.
it's not until he returns home that it's spoken about. you are happy he loves you too and you are even happier that you didn't say it first. you were scared that if you said it first and lando didn't feel the same then he would break up with you. you let your mind carry you away sometimes.
you wait on the couch in your living room for lando to come in. you hear his key in the lock and the rolling of the wheels on his suitcase through the doorway. it makes you giddy but instead of leaping off the couch you stay where you are. lando notices you there and makes his way to you. he doesn't give you time to think before he is wrapping you up in a hug.
your head resting in the crook of his neck as he picks you up in the hug. you laugh at his strength. when your giggles die down thats when you hear him. he's mutter a quiet stream of "i love you"'s into your ear. this is when the tears spring to your eyes again. you pull his head out of your neck to really look at him.
"i love you too. you didn't let me say it back last time." you try to slip the joke in but lando doesn't laugh. no, he just springs forward, lips locking with yours in the sweetest kiss you've had yet from the brit. he pulls away put sends a quick few pecks to your lips, because he can never get enough of you.
you both spend the rest of the day repeating those words to each other like you have just found out what they mean. lando literally feels the need to shout them to everyone he see's in the airport as you wave him goodbye the next again.
while lando is on the flight with no internet he spends his free time typing the words 'i love you' out individually, over and over again then sending it to you just before he lands so that when he does actually land and you get the message. you will be reminded that you are all he thinks about even when you aren't with him.
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