#the mutant au agenda
effervescentdragon · 1 year
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i am not immune
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goodlucktai · 2 years
Hi, not sure if you're still taking prompts, but I love your Human Splinter AU and was wondering how that would change his relationship with Raph. It seems like while he still has trauma, he doesn't have to deal with the dysphoria of suddenly having a rat body, and that make's parenting a little easier. Does that make things a little easier on Raph too?
There is a suspicious amount of giggling coming in the direction of the living room, when Yoshi is entirely positive all four turtles went down for their nap half an hour ago. 
He peeks into the room and finds Raphael, laying on his front, kicking his tiny feet in the air, pouring over the comic book Hala’s daughter gave him. He doesn’t seem to notice Yoshi in the hall, as absorbed as he is. 
His little turtles have keen senses. Yoshi thinks they’ll be incredible when they’re older. He also thinks he’ll treasure this—these early years, when everything is brand-new and precious, when his babies are clumsy and earnest and wide-eyed—when he can still creep up behind Raphael on silent feet and scoop him into his arms and surprise him into a squawk and then ringing peals of high, sweet laughter. 
“What is this? What could this be?” Yoshi says, sing-song. “A little turtle running amok? Evading naptime? Breaching our contract?”
“Papa,” Raphael says, smiling toothily. He was the last of the four to begin speaking and sometimes he still has nonverbal days. Every time he says anything it’s like winning a goddamn prize.  
Yoshi finds himself smiling back without making any conscious decision to. 
“What are you up to, apple pie?” he asks. “Must be big, exciting things. Loop me in.” 
Raphael waves his arms and declares gleefully, “Superheroes!”
Ah, yes. We’re still on that, Yoshi thinks, careful not to let Raphael see his expression of distaste as he stoops to pick up what turns out to be a Fantastic Four comic. 
It’s one thing for his boys to find an old Jupiter Jim movie on cable TV and run around the house shooting imaginary blasters at imaginary aliens for four consecutive days afterwards. This hero thing is something else.
And he knows just who to blame.
Grandpa Sho found out about his great-grandchildren the way the rest of the world did—through the tabloids. 
Apparently the pediatrician Yoshi had reached out to had decided the hefty NDA she’d signed was no more than a fancy piece of stationery, and the siren call of TMZ was too tempting to ignore. 
Yoshi set his lawyers upon the asshole’s practice in the manner of a hunter releasing a pack of particularly bloodthirsty foxhounds, but the damage was done. The secret was out.
Naturally, the media ate it all up. Hala was an order of magnitude more pissed off about it than the uselessly shell-shocked Yoshi was, because as much as she might pretend otherwise, those turtles were basically her nephews. Her daughter had become their honorary big sister within about five minutes of meeting them in the first place. Hala was fully prepared to take this whole thing personally. 
She told Yoshi not to read any articles, to stay off the Internet. It didn’t stop the barrage of e-mails and phone calls. It didn’t stop Yoshi from refusing to leave his house for an entire week because of the paparazzi parked outside. 
And it didn’t stop Grandpa Sho from showing up on his doorstep. Apparently that bridge hadn’t been as thoroughly burned as Yoshi believed. The first thing he thought, when he saw his grandpa, was you look so old. It settled with a pang in the pit of his stomach. 
The second thing—embarrassingly—was also what came out of his mouth. He hadn’t seen his grandpa in years, and the last time they spoke was in anger, but in some ways Yoshi was still his child. 
“How do you fix a cold?” he blurted, right there on the doorstep. “He’s all stuffy and miserable and he won’t stop crying and he hates everything.”
Sho would have been well within his rights to be passive-aggressive, or petty, or even outright angry. Yoshi certainly would have been in his shoes. But Sho was better at putting duty before his own feelings, so he only nodded, and let himself inside.
“You sound exactly like your mother did when you were a baby,” he said, as if it wasn’t painful to say. “Not to worry. I know all the tricks.”
He did do a bit of a double-take when he saw the shape of Yoshi’s distraught toddler, but the surprise faded from his face quickly. He had always believed in all that mystic mumbo-jumbo that Yoshi had only recently learned firsthand was actually not mumbo-jumbo, after all. He took in the green skin and half-shells gracefully and ordered the inconsolable Michelangelo a lukewarm bubble-bath. 
It became a whole thing, because the boys were as thick as thieves on a good day, and absolutely ready to fight god at the barest hint that they might be separated on a bad one. The bathroom ended up minorly flooded, but his kids were happy. They loved baths. They were swimming around each other in circles until even fussy Michelangelo was smiling. Sharing the moment with Sho—the two of them half-soaked and weary and bursting with affection for the rambunctious little monsters in their care—felt healing.
Grandpa Sho stayed for a few days. It was a relief to have him there, an extra set of hands. Someone Yoshi could trust, because despite everything else they had become to each other, they were still family. 
The turtles were curious about him, this familiar stranger in their midst. They started absorbing Japanese within the first hour of his visit, even though Yoshi largely spoke in English. It was—nice. It reminded Yoshi of being a child himself, trailing after his jiji like a duckling.
And then one night, he let Sho tuck the boys into bed while he washed the dishes from dinner. He wandered into the nursery in the middle of a familiar story. A story that had followed Yoshi through life like a ghost, that echoed in almost all of his trauma-fueled nightmares. 
The story of their clan and their duty. 
Yoshi must have blacked out. He thinks he might have had an out-of-body experience. He remembers ripping the turtles out of Sho’s arms and backing away to the other side of the room and the pained way Sho’s face folded—hurt, guilt, decades-old grief. 
“Don’t you dare,” Yoshi said, a whisper, because he was too furious and heartsick and terrified to speak any louder. He’d clutched his babies as tight as he could without hurting them, unreasonably afraid someone might reach out of thin air and snatch them away. 
“Anata wa hitori janai,” his mother had said, the last thing she ever said. It was important but it felt like such a lie. Yoshi was alone. He’d always been alone. His sons were already better off than he was—there were four of them. He would make it his life’s mission to ensure they got to keep each other. 
Then Grandpa Sho had surprised the hell out of him by saying, “I’m sorry.” He said it again in Japanese, full and formal, and Yoshi was shaken out of his stupor by sheer disbelief. “I only wanted—I only meant that they are Hamato. They are family. Whether or not you teach them what I have taught you, they will belong.”
He left not long after that, two weeks ago now. They haven’t spoken since.
And now Yoshi’s oldest son is full of half-formed ideas about heroics—concepts like ‘the greater good’ and ‘defeating evil’ that would go completely over his head, except that it’s the same sort of thing his favorite cartoon characters say. 
“Hiijiji said our family is made of heroes,” Raphael says brightly. “So I’ll be one, too! And I’ll protect Leo and Donnie and Mikey when the bad guy comes.”
Yoshi can’t even speak for a moment. He has to wrestle with the lump in his throat for long enough that Raphael gets distracted and starts pawing at his hair.
His kids are so good. He can’t get over it. They were created to be super-soldiers, but all Yoshi sees are little goofballs with colorful personalities and giant hearts made of solid gold. He’s begun teaching them ninjutsu, in effort to curb some of their inexhaustible energy, and they’ve taken to it like ducks (or turtles) to water. Their brains are developing faster than those of human children their age—Donatello has the makings of an outright genius, and Leonardo is clever enough to talk circles around Yoshi in his sleep. 
If they decided to become heroes, there isn’t a doubt in Yoshi’s mind that they could do it. And they’d be the best. 
Raphael is all of six years old and the only things he should be preoccupied with are his siblings stealing his toys and that new Jupiter Jim DVD April promised to bring over this weekend. He shouldn’t be worried about the bad guy. 
But now he’s got it into his head that he has this huge responsibility. He’s bigger and stronger than his siblings, so it falls on him to look after them. They clamber around on him like he’s their own personal jungle-gym, and he oversees bedtime rituals and boo-boos, and holds their hands when they reach out to him like it’s his job. 
He doesn’t seem to mind that there is no big brother to do the same for him but he’s six. He wants someone to hold his hand, too. 
Yoshi is keeping an eye on it. The last thing he wants is for Raphael to grow up too fast. 
You can depend on me, he wants to say. It’s not all on your tiny little shoulders. That’s my job. It’s what I’m here for. 
He doesn’t think Raphael is old enough to understand that in its entirety. So instead, when he’s sure he can speak without a wobble in his voice, Yoshi says, “There better be room for me in all these plans. I’m a hero, too, you know—you’ve seen me on TV!”
His son claps his hands together, brimming with delight. The turtles don’t really know what it means that their father is a famous actor, but they get so excited when they see Lou Jitsu on screen. They quote his movies a lot, it’s becoming a whole thing, and it’s so cute Yoshi might die. 
“You’ll help fight the bad guy?” Raphael asks, like it’s the absolute best idea he’s ever heard. 
“There’s not even gonna be any bad guy left for you, firebug,” Yoshi tells him. “I’m gonna beat him so quick you’ll barely see it. He’s just gonna be a big blur and you’ll wonder what the heck that was and then it’ll be over. And then we’ll go out for ice cream and forget all about it.”
He says it playfully and it makes Raphael giggle, but inwardly it takes the form of a prayer. 
If there has to be a war, let it be Yoshi’s. Let his children be children for as long as they can.
“And hiijiji can come, too!” Raphael adds. 
Yoshi is learning how to pick his battles. Maybe he doesn’t want to fight this battle anyway. Maybe he can begin to peel his fingers open from the fists he curled them into when he was a child. Maybe he can start to let it go. 
With Raphael gazing up at him like this, like Yoshi really is a superhero, Yoshi thinks he can do just about anything.
“Okay,” he says. It doesn’t even cost him to say it. “Jiji can come, too.”
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enu-enu · 2 years
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She's practicing her mask bows on her uncles💜
@Star_Sparkler's August AU on Twitter where Donnie accidently creates a baby while trying to clone himself
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mudlarkspur · 6 months
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Prompts from this outfit meme
Leo and Sunita at some kind of 70s themed party and then Donnie and mutant!Kendra being bitchy at a club or something. i made these drawings kinda small so the quality is even worse than usual, woops.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
In a Lovesick AU, where yanderes are a known part of society, and darlings/bbys are as well, working like ABO with being a gender... Imagine Reader hides they're a bby.
They're this random teen or young adult who is tired constantly, does side jobs amd odd tasks to earn money, drinks coffee and sugar to stay awake and alert, and struggles to function amongst others. Reader is able to pass themself off as a yandere, just barely, due to having OCD and using that as a shield between anyone who suspects them. Reader is friends with the teens, and does their best to get along with the adults, as well as most of the school and it's students and faculty. This leads to Reader being well-liked by most, who have a respect for them, someone who seems to try and help others and has no hidden agenda, and someone who respects boundaries, and who leave everyone to their own devices...
What Reader doesn't know is this leads the yanderes and yanlings (baby/kid/teen/young adult yanderes) to really want their friendship and advice. Reader seems to know how to please others and is pretty chill, so why not try to befriend them or have them on their side? They think Reader is a pretty chill yandere, a surprise to almost everyone who meets them. Reader is funny, kind, smart, and obsesses over cute or odd topics! They'd be a lucky person to have! Except... they aren't a darling or bby. And no one can exactly touch them or make a move without getting into legal trouble unless Reader is okay with it (because they're registered as a yanling) or if they were a bby... If they were a bby, they'd have to have a yandere, or some support system, as yanderes protect darlings and bbys, they're meant to do that, they're supposed to he strong and caring and steadfast, not swerving or rejecting them, or letting anyone mess with their bby... And darlings are loving, caring beings, who give love and bring hope and provide care and comfort... Wars were started in ancient times over darlings... They're rare, usually being hidden away or dying early on, due to their diffent biology and pheromones and needs than yanderes...
Reader likes their odd friends and the school and their friends' strange mentors, but always always a distance between themself and everyone. They know they're different, they know others wouldn't let them be on their own if they knew the truth, and so many people could hurt them or abuse them or experiment on them if they found out... It keeps Reader up at night, it fuels their paranoia, it makes them add extra locks to their doors and windows and set up traps if they had a nightmare... They want connection, to have family, to be loved... darlings need that, so badly... it's why so many die, because they don't get enough, or they end up in horrible situations so young, and they simply wither away, dying... Reader couldn't stand that to happen to them. Couldn't stand to become a shell of themself. So they hide, they keep scent blockers so mutants, who have heightened senses, can't detect anything different about them. Reader even hones their mutation in secret, no matter how good or bad, controlled or destructive, they are, so they can defend themself if worst comes to worst...
It all goes to H*ll when an accident happens, perhaps a fight or getting wounded or just being caught unaware, and now the platonic yans, at least a handful, know what Reader is. And they're... shocked. Elated. Worried. Their friend or kids' friend is a bby... They've been on their own. With no yandere. No help. And they're still alive? It's a rough night for them, as they struggle struggle what to do. They can't leave Reader like that. It wouldn't be right, would it? Bbys need more love and care than yanderes, needing someone to keep giving it, constantly... Without it, they tend to get sickly, or go insane, or die... And if that happened to Reader, they wouldn't forgive themselves...
It's not much of a choice to them. They tell their team, they possibly alert the other group, and devise a way to get Reader to join them. If they can manage, they want Reader to join willingly. If not, they'd have to kidnap them or force them to stay, which could harm them or damage their trust and their instincts. They know Reader is now scared of them, even if they brush it off or try to hide it. Reader says they're fine, but they know they aren't. They see them being more alert, more wary. They see how they are more deceptive, more careful, with what they say and do. They even seem to be thinking of leaving, or hiding themself... And that behavior won't help them, or make anything easier.
They have a plan, they just need to hope Reader doesn't catch on untik they're finally somewhere safe, preferably where they can do a check-up and figure out what they need to feel better and accept them as their family...
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gerec · 3 months
dofp fics that have a happy ending for cherik?
Most of these fics take place post-DOFP or they are DOFP fix-its / AUs. They are all excellent and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did, Anon!
fathers and sons by M_Leigh
“I have an – interest – in Peter Maximoff,” Erik said, somewhat grudgingly, glaring. “A – familial – interest –”
Everybody stared at him.
“In that – mutantkind is one – large – family –” Erik said valiantly, if pathetically. 
“Oh, shit,” Alex said. “No way. No way.”
This far but no further by niniblack
“Lorna, this is Erik. Can you say hi?”
Lorna peeks out at him and mumbles, “Hi.”
“She’s cute,” Erik comments.
I know, Charles thinks. She looks like you.
Or: the one where Charles doesn’t tell Erik that joining the mile high club resulted in a baby.
Jail Break by blarfkey (Come Together series)
It's totally normal in Suburban America for the dad to pick up his rebellious teenager from jail, right? Even when it's the Pentagon instead of the local police station, and your dad is a Mutant Supremacist Assassin and America's Most Wanted who didn't post bail so much as murdered all the guards?
Whatever. Peter will take what he can get at this point, even if it means the most painfully awkward road trip in the history of the universe.
Thou Shalt Not Eat Stones by valancysnaith
Two months after Washington, Raven found Erik in a skeevy motel off the Florida interstate.
“They have Charles, Erik,” she said.
The bedframe shrieked. In the bathroom, the showerhead snapped in half and clattered into the tub.
Through the Barricades by starandrea (Through the Barricades series)
Erik and Charles learned to live without each other once. It's harder the second time--so before they even discuss it, they've decided not to try. (Erik accidentally moves into the mansion without anyone but Charles noticing for days. He may be the first to return, but he won't be the last.)
Hope by daymarket
A near-decade of hatred can't be wiped out with a single summer, no matter how eventful that summer might be. When Erik shows up uninvited at the mansion, Charles is just barely civil enough to not throw him out, but that doesn't mean he'll let him stay.
All our past times by aesc
In 1976, three years after D.C. and Trask, Erik returns to Charles's estate for the first time. What he's looking for, he doesn't entirely know, and doesn't know if he wants to find it.
Shalom Malakh by ZairaA
When death catches up with Erik a year after the Sentinel disaster, he only has one regret: never having found a way to bridge the gap and reconcile with Charles. But death is not the end of the journey, and Erik is put right in the path of his old friend once more.
  “Okay. Let’s say I bite. Who is the hapless idiot then? The one I'm supposed to look after?”
The woman smirked. “Oh, I’m certain you'll know it once you see him.”
Always Pass on Good Advice by cygnaut
Charles realizes there’s only one person who can talk Erik out of his terrible plans: himself.
Other Futures Than These by midrashic (A Timeline of the Impossible series)
In which Cuba doesn't break them apart, but that doesn't mean that their futures are tied together. (Except that it does.)
A Days of Future Past AU where only one person can defeat the Sentinels and save the future: the man whose imprisonment and torture created them, and Charles Xavier's ex.
The Spaces Between by mainecoon76
Almost a year after Washington, Erik is working on his own to find out what became of the Sentinel research. He keeps to himself and likes it that way. But when a mutant assassin tries to murder Charles, he finds himself reluctantly drawn into an adventure that involves a dangerous plot, Charles' own agenda, a complicated relationship, and holiday celebrations at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
the pain will remind us of each other by borninsideatornado
It’s always felt alien, the way he feels about Erik. Too big for his body, too much to hold in his heart. But finally, finally, it makes sense.
Because at the end of the world, it’s him. It’s always going to be him. —
when logan lets charles see his future in days of future past, he talks to erik instead.
From Yesterday by AzarDarkstar
He stands on the edge of tomorrow but always lives today.
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
Promise | Part One
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Pairing: RE4!Leon S. Kennedy x co-worker!fwb!afab!Reader 
Genre: Friends with Benefits AU, Smut 
Synopsis: You and Leon had a strictly professional work relationship and strictly physical personal relationship. But recently, you start to notice more affection from Leon little by little. With his upcoming mission, will you be able to confront him before he leaves? 
Warnings: 18+ SEXUAL CONTENT MINORS DNI, vanilla, oral sex (mutual), throatfucking (receiving), choking (receiving), cum swallowing (mutual), hair tugging (giving), public oral, physical restraint – hand wraps used (received). Please inform me if I missed anything! 
Word Count: 5.6K
A/N: this is my first leon fic and im very, very new to the RE fandom but not new to writing, so i apologize if some parts/personality is non-canonical! im still working on learning more about the universe. also, this is my first fic ive written since a year so…if this is bad, im so sorry, working hard to get my writing back to better as well <//3 also there might be a part 2 but might not??? depends idkkkkk, if this goes well or not lolll
- masterlist - 
- part two -
You don’t remember how it started. All you knew was that somehow, it became routine for you both to spend Friday nights together after work. 
At first, it was every few months, nothing structured really. A stray text, here and there. A brief "My place or yours?" or "Are you up?" sufficed whatever cravings either conjured during the quieter nights. 
If he needed to be satisfied, you’d be there. If you needed to relieve stress, he’d be there. And that, for the longest time, was the determination of the relationship. There wasn't really much need for anything else. Leon was always out on missions, fighting off whatever offspring the latest virus variant had mutant and you were diligently cooped up in your tiny office, researching past strains, tracking patterns for the next possible mutations, and investigating outbreaks. 
Even though you both worked at the same company, albeit in different departments, crossing paths with Leon was not uncommon. Despite the frequency, every interaction was conducted as if you both were strangers. Partly because nobody at work needed to know the personal agendas you both occasionally shared as well as the work dynamic between your titles and ranks. It didn’t matter anyways, nobody would ever catch on that a DSO agent and a researcher would intermingle in bed anyways. 
But eventually, those seldom visits became monthly, always being on the first Fridays for convenience. It was weird to keep a schedule like that, especially when the appointment was solely for sex, but it’s what worked best for the both of you and neither of you had any complaints. Almost like a regular wellness checkup with your family doctor except none of you suffered from any illnesses. 
Then, monthly became weekly. Both of you needn’t ask to come over anymore, practically leaving work together on Fridays. You clean up whatever case you were working on, pack up, and head towards his apartment. This was routine. 
So, it was obvious what your plans for tonight were. 
“L/N.” A few knocks accompanied your colleague’s voice. She was Poppy, a sweet girl from a few doors down. One of the only co-workers that was near your age. 
Your desk was a mess, papers skewed everywhere from the recent case concerning a missing girl filled every square inch surface of your office. Briefly glancing up from the disarray of files, you caught a glimpse of her with her light coat and bag on, “Clocking out?”
Poppy cheered, “Yup, my shift at the bar is starting. Care to join me and the rest of the agents?”
“I’d love to, but I have plans for tonight already,” A mental image of you sitting yourself on Leon’s throbbing dick painted into your mind. Or perhaps maybe you’ll let him take the lead tonight with him pinning you down on all fours, “Maybe Saturday, if you're not hungover enough.”
“I’m always ready for a good time, hungover or not! If you change your mind, come find us downtown,” Admittedly, that’s what you liked most about Poppy. She was always cheerful, a great change of pace in the gloomy environment of your job. Not that you were overly pessimistic, you were just very logical and had a job to do. A job to find a missing girl and investigate the T-virus. So, you both exchanged goodbyes before you sighed and continued to review the deadend clues for the nth time. 
“You have plans for tonight?” 
You raised your eyes in surprise, sure that you were alone in the office, having this time of evening to been way past normal work hours as well as the rest of the floor supposedly at the bar. Well, everyone but him now. 
“I have plans every Friday, Kennedy.” You blinked innocently, keeping your facial expression neutral as you initially reference your workload; however, the sight of him in the cursed tight t-shirt underneath his jacket immediately shifted your tone into a sneaky innuendo. 
Leon was fairly well at keeping his composure, speaking nonchalantly without skipping a beat as he leaned up against your office door frame, “More important than catching up with the crew?”
You caught on to his dismissal, not willing to embarrass yourself with desperation to fix your sexual desire. Thus, you mockingly tapped your files as if Leon couldn’t see the plethora of papers for himself, “I have a case.”
“You’ve been on that case for weeks now,” As if to taunt you with silent temptation, he crossed his arms, defining his biceps. Damn him, you thought. Although you couldn't see them underneath his jacket, you could tell just by the strain of wrinkles folded in the fabric. Damn his shirt too, you thought. 
You shook your head, motioning towards the bulletin board of cold trails, “I’ve got to find a lead.”
“It’s one night, you can get back to it on Monday,” Leon pushed off the doorframe to welcome himself further into your office. You thought he’d make his way to inspect your bulletin, only to be surprised when he placed himself directly across from the other side of your desk. He bent forwards, placing each hand on the edge of your wooden desk and leaning his face close to yours. Even without words, you knew he wanted you to take a break. 
“I have to find the missing girl.” 
“One night,” Leon sighed before taking one hand to take the files out of yours and shutting your laptop closed, “It won’t kill you.”
“It could be enough to kill the girl,” You argued. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have said that to save yourself a glare from Leon. A moment of silence passed before you sighed, not in frustration but in defeat,  “Let’s go before I change my mind.” 
Since when did it become so hard to say no to him? 
“So, you decided to come after all!” Poppy cheered with a slight slur in her speech, already moving to pour you a drink, “I knew Leon would convince you.”
You gave Leon an accusatory look to which he dodged by moving to greet another colleague, “You-”
“Cheers!!” Poppy all but screamed into your ear whilst practically shoving the glass of alcohol to your lips. You quickly reacted, taking in the liquid in a few large gulps. 
“Damn girl, you practice that?” Poppy scrunched her eyes playfully, suggesting that you practice with more than just drinking alcohol in your down time. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw a ghost of a smirk appear on Leon’s face before disappearing as quickly as it appeared. Regardless, you shot him a dirty look. 
“Take a seat!” Poppy beckoned, sluggishly taking your coat and bag. 
There was only one spot left located on the far side of the table. Just as you were about to make your way, Poppy’s voice halted you, “Hey, move it, will you?”
Poppy’s question was more like a demand towards another colleague, “What? I’m already sitting here. Why should I move?’
“Just move!!” Poppy pretty much shoved the poor man out of his seat before turning towards you with a soft smile and gesturing you to sit. For a moment, you’d forgotten how this sweet girl could become a special agent, but with that display, you remembered just how tough she could be under that kind smile. 
“Thanks,” You laughed nervously, not wanting to be on the other end of her wrath. You wondered why sitting here was such a big deal until you realized it wasn't where but who you were sitting next to. With a seat so hidden in the corner and a private room full of many people, you were sandwiched between Leon’s sturdy torso and the wall. From where you were, you had to ask Leon to grab any drinks or food for you. 
“Want something?” Leon looked at you, ready to grab anything that you wanted. 
You nodded and thanked him. You did feel bad for making him grab all the things you wanted – especially since you were known to be a menu hog – but you really didn’t have much of a choice. It was either use him to do your bidding or climb over his lap in front of everyone. Just as you were about to ask for your desired dishes and drinks, Leon already knew what to bring to your plate without you needing to tell him. 
Since when did he know your favorite foods? 
“You’re going on the missing girl mission?” 
Leon nodded, persona instantly switching to serious. His jaw tensed, brows furrowed as the tiny wrinkles creased between them. This was usual, almost like a pre-mission ritual of his to get in the mindset of gore, bloodbaths, and bioweapons. Afterall, nothing can prepare a man for the horrors that go on during those missions. Not even you. You've investigated countless missions, earning lead researcher in many strain cases, yet whenever it came to Leon being the leading agent you suddenly had so many questions, overly irrelevant and useless. 
Will you be okay? How long will you be gone? What’s your mission? Will you come back alive? Are you going alone? Is it dangerous? What if you get sick? What if you don’t come-
“I asked you a question.”
“Oh, sorry,” You slightly winced, holding a hand towards your head and checking to see if you were ill. It was unlikely of you to get distracted so easily. Forcing out a cough, you cleared your throat to compose yourself, “What was your question?” 
“Are you okay?” Leon shares a look of worry, placing a warm hand over your shoulder as if to comfort you while his other hand replaces the one on your forehead, “You don’t seem to be burning up.”
You gulped, tongue and mouth agonizingly dry as your eyes flickering towards his touch. As much as you wanted to shy away, his touch was warm and you craved his heat. It was unlikely of him to be in such near proximity to you, especially when you both could be seen through the glass walls of the briefing room. You averted your gaze, shakily looking at his baby blue eyes so it wasn’t obvious you were fixated on his hands, “Was that the question?”
“No,” Leon admitted with a small frown painting his sharp features, “You just don’t look so well.”
“Just thinking, I guess.”
“Your mission.”
A half-lie, half-truth. Sure, you were concerned about his mission. You're highly paid and trained to be worried about these missions, but moreso, your concerns focused on him. In actuality, you didn’t really need to, he always came back safe. On the brink of death sometimes, yes. But, still alive nonetheless. 
He gave a curt nod, “I’ve got training soon, but can I swing by later to get your debrief? It’s your case, you’re the expert. I need all the help in order to save the girl.”
“Of course, how late are you staying at the office?” You brought up your schedule, double checking if there were any meetings you still needed to attend. 
“Actually, I was thinking we could go back to my place?” Leon nervously smiled, eyes squirting slightly, “Um, you know, because I got to sharpen my knives before I go.”
“You want me to debrief you at your place while you sharpen your knives?” The tail end of your tone stretched to be high pitched in your confusion. Was this a joke?
Leon let out an airy chuckle, “Yeah?”
You followed suit, letting out a laugh to ease the confusion, “Sure, I guess, wanna order in?”
“Yeah,” Leon smiled, “Pizza would be nice.” 
“I'll see you then.”
Since when did Leon come up with excuses to see you?
“Pizza’s here!” 
Leon leapt up, putting his knives and sharpening tool on the wooden coffee table and rushing towards the doors to retrieve the pizza, “Thank god, I needed a break.”
You flipped through the debrief packet, only having gone through the first few pages of the hefty pile, “It’s a lot, these people – uh zombies? – are dangerous and fucked. Better to be safe than sorry.” 
“I’ll save the girl, promise.” 
Leon set the pizza box and wings on the table, careful not to let the grease seeping through the cardboard touch the mission materials and quickly left to grab plates and drinks. Meanwhile, you had continued to read aloud whatever essential background information he’d need to understand the nature of this mission. You hadn’t realized you were so heavily engaged in your notes to notice Leon plating two slices and setting a drink for you before helping himself. So, you continued until you heard the sound of Leon’s soft chewing. 
Looking up, you finally noticed that Leon moved to sit on the floor and rest his back on the legs of the sofa. Putting down the packet, you followed him and moved to sit next to him, “I got a bit carried away, huh?”
Leon shared a smile, showing no signs of disdain, “Just a bit. Take a break, we can get back to it later.” 
You held back a yawn, disguising it as you sipped your water and started devouring your pizza. You hadn’t realized how hungry you’ve gotten. You suppose you shouldn’t be skipping lunch anymore, but you knew that you’d probably forget that change in habit the next day. You both ate in silence. Normally, you found silence comfortable, but alone with Leon? You despised it. 
“You look troubled,” Leon scanned your face, “Wanna share?”
You pressed your lips together, indeed you were troubled. The sight of his sharpened knives had invoked the bombardment of concerning questions again. They burned on the tip of your tongue, begging to be spoken. 
“It’s...” You hesitated. 
Leon didn’t speak. Not because he didn’t have anything to say, but as if to encourage you, letting you know that all of his attention was on you and that he had no intention of interrupting you. 
You sighed, “I’m just worried.”
“About the mission? I’ll save the girl. When have I ever failed?” Leon smirked. 
For a moment, you laughed as well before becoming solemn again, “Not that, more about you.”
“Yeah, you.”
Without thinking, you split all the questions you’d been brewing since earlier. Pizza forgotten, you didn’t realize you’d been rambling until you’d run out of breath. Yet, Leon never interrupted you, letting you vent out. 
“Sorry,” You looked away embarrassed, shoving the slice of pizza to prevent you from speaking, “I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m sure you will take care of yourself.” 
If it had only been a couple of seconds, it felt like excruciating hours had passed from Leon’s silence. The room felt stuffy, the lights felt like they were shining too bright, and the sweat was sticky on the palm of your hands. The voice in your head was begging, crying for him to say something, anything. You didn’t care if he laughed in your face or reassured you. You just needed to hear something from him, so that you didn’t drown in your own thoughts. You had a tendency to overthink. 
You shrinked back, heavy under the gaze of Leon. You didn’t know what to do, so you made an excuse of needing to use the restroom to escape the invisible chokehold. You hovered over the sink, closing your eyes and taking deep breaths to calm yourself. It didn’t help much, but it at least eases your heartbeat back to a normal range. Eyes now open, you pathetically look at yourself in the mirror and internally berate yourself for your foolishness. Has Leon made you lose all your self control now? 
A brisk knock on the door pulled you from your thoughts. As much as you didn’t want to face Leon, you couldn’t hide in his bathroom forever. 
“Leon, I-” 
Leon doesn’t wait for you to fully open the door, pushing his way in and pulling your body flush against his. His lips find a way to your neck, sucking and licking at the fragile skin. You were sure they left marks in its wake. Your words are cut off with a quick moan, your hand coming up to cover your mouth in shock. You weren’t sure what made him act this way, but you definitely weren’t complaining. If this is what’s going to distract him from the previous conversation, then you were more than willing to satisfy him. Plus, today was Friday. This was routine. 
Leon’s hands trail all over your body as the both of you stumble back into the living room and fall onto the couch. This was quick, this was sloppy, this was like two horny teenage virgins having sex for the first time. But you were with Leon, so all of that didn’t matter. You didn’t even undress fully, only having discarded your shirt before you got off Leon’s chest and kneeled on the floor to face him as he sat up. Greedily, you pushed up his shirt midway, half-hazardly exposing his tense abs before clinging your hands around the waistband of his sweats and briefs and tugging him free in one motion. 
“Excited there, big boy?” 
Leon’s cock twitched, slapping against his lower abdomen in anticipation. His length was impressive, but his girth was even more breathtaking. His tip glistened under the lights, heavily leaking with precum. You snickered internally with a silent smirk blooming across your face and eyes twinkling with mischief, amused at Leon’s erection from being untouched. 
“Watch it,” Leon’s voice was serious, tone stern and authoritative with his eyes narrowed as he watched you lick your lips at the sight of him. He was always serious and demanding during sex, yet always attentive of your needs. It was one of the things that you loved about him. You had a knack for power imbalance and an even bigger knack for defiance. 
You kissed his thighs, starting from his left knee upwards, skipping his begging cock and back down to his right knee. Leon grunted with displeasure, rolling his eyes at your cheekiness. Just as he was about to get impatient, you moved forward, lips barely brushing against his shaft. He could feel your hot breath, twitching in anticipation once again. Yet, you didn’t want to comply, having too much fun teasing him with your antics, “Watch what-”
Leon narrowed his eyes into slits, annoyance clear on his face and clearly ran out of patience with you. Wordlessly, he dug his large hands under your arms, lifting you up and throwing you roughly where he sat on the couch. Stunned and turned on from the sudden manhandling, there you laid upside down with your head slightly hanging off the edge of the cushion. All you could get out was a squeak of surprise before Leon grabbed your head on both sides to support you and shoved his dick in your mouth and roughly throatfucking you. Immediately, you gagged from the unexpected rough entrance, but loved his abrasiveness with you. Leon watched as you took all of him, throat bulging with every thrust. He basked in the disposition of your bobbing Adam’s apple and the lewd squelches echoing off the living room walls. Leon was normally attentive to your limits; however, he had a habit of getting carried away during oral, leading to you tapping his thigh twice and pushing him off. Instinctively, you spit out your cum mixed saliva as it slowly slid down the side of your cheek and sticking to your hairline. It’d be a bitch to clean later, but you could care less at this moment. 
Eyes opened, you took a deep breath in as you gasped for air. With his left hand, Leon continued to pump himself, slick hands rubbing along his length to keep his high going. With his right hand, Leon caressed your cheek with his thumb rubbing your cheekbone. 
“I’m sorry. Safeword?”
You shook your head, chest heaving, “I’m good, just give me a sec. Don’t worry, I liked it, just haven’t done this in a while.”
Leon nodded, eyes softening with slight guilt although you showed no signs of being upset, “I’ll make it up to you. Promise you’re okay?”
You kept your hand on his thigh as if to tell him that you were okay. Still with one hand, Leon took off his shirt and used it to gently wipe your face. You laughed, finding the delicate gesture humorous as he still stroked himself. 
“What’s so funny, huh?”
You smiled innocently before replacing his hand with yours and sticking your tongue out to accept his length again. Leon hissed out your name, eyebrows crinkling with pleasure. You slurped him one, twice before humming in acknowledgement. The vibrations only elicited another hiss-like moan out of him. Feeding off the noises he was making, you kept at your bobbing head, licking, gagging, and kissing all along him. You took him out of your mouth, cold air blowing against his shaft causing him to shiver. He was close, and you both knew it. 
“Choke me.” 
It was a simple demand, but it was the green light that Leon needed to resume throatfucking you. You put your hands down, using one to sneak into your pants and circle your aching clit. You hummed against Leon, earning a satisfied grunt from him, “Keep that up and you’re gonna have to swallow.”
He released his hold from you, letting you have a moment of air. You looked up at him, challenging, “Good thing I like the way you taste, Kennedy.”
Leon responded to you with a short grunt, but you didn’t fail to miss the slight flush on his face before he thrusted himself back into your awaiting mouth. His thrusts were much more forceful and rough, basically pushing your body deeper into the plushness of the couch. Your fingers switched from rubbing your clit to inserting your fingers inside yourself. Leon’s hold on your waist kept you pinned to the couch before moving to pull your pants down to view the sight of you finger fucking yourself. He never liked it when you touched yourself when with him, but at least he could watch you while you did. Must be a pride and ego thing, you thought. 
He also didn’t like when you had too much clothes on. Albeit you were definitely no less than conservative at this moment, Leon just noticed you had your bra on the whole time. He didn’t like that. His hands swiftly moved from the dip of your waist to push down the straps of your bra and expose your jiggling tits. Moments like this, Leon became obsessed with every curvature of you, latching both hands on your breasts to hold as he pounded rougher into you. 
“Almost done,” He choked out like he was the one out of breath. Borderline whimpering and whining at this point, begging for release. 
You encouraged him by using your free hand to grab his hip and guide him. Three thrusts later, Leon’s hips stuttered and knees fell slack as he released his hot, thick ropes of cum into your mouth. You pulled away, lapping up every ounce he gave you. 
“Still okay?” Leon asked, breathless. 
You nodded.
“Say it.”
“I’m okay,” You confirmed, moving to sit upright. 
“Need a break?”
You shook your head, greedily bringing his hips towards you. He looked down towards your slit, messily covered in your slick, “Who’s excited now, hm?”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing, “Shut up, Kennedy.”
He smirked, teasing you, “Don’t want it now?”
You sighed in defeat, needing to cum more than needing to save your pride. You gave Leon your best pleading eyes, brows creasing in desperation, “I do want you. Please, I need you. I need you to make me cum.”
“There we go,” Leon cooed, “How would you like me? You have to tell me what you want.”
“Please, please, I want your tongue,” You sighed, “I want to cum on your tongue.”
Thoughts about begging Leon to get to it and rail crossed your mind; however, you couldn’t resist the opportunity to beg him to eat you out. Not that it wasn’t often, it was just a special treat and you were always the type to take advantage of your situations. You’d been missing his tongue, and you craved his expertise and enthusiasm despite the snarky comments that came with it. 
“Copy that, agent,” Leon smirked, bending down and lifting your legs over his shoulders to bury his head in between your legs and licking a long stripe up your cunt, stopping to engulf his lips around your clit. 
You sighed with bliss, curling your fingers into his hair and giving a taught tug to his blonde locks. Leon released his hold, blowing on your clit as he gripped your thighs tighter and spread them further, “Behave.” 
He went to delve his tongue back into you until the shrill sound of his ringtone echoed, taking you out of the steamy atmosphere. Leon shook you off as you tried to push him away, “Ignore it.”
“I said leave it.”
The ringtone ceased, leaving the sounds back to being Leon’s tongue pushing in and out of your hole. Only a moment later, the ringtone came back to life and now taking the both of you out of the steamy atmosphere. Leon threw his head back with a frustrated groan, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
You bite your lip, can’t help but hold back your curiosity, “Who is it?”
“The President.”
Leon was leaving. Leon was leaving for Spain. Leon was leaving for Spain to fight against an infected cult to save the President’s daughter in an hour. 
Arguably, you were more nervous about his departure than him. Actually, you were more nervous than he was. All your questions from the previous night flooding your mind again. So, you took it to the company gym to let out your worries. A researcher usually doesn't occupy the training room, but you need the stress relief. Why? Because your other stress reliever was leaving the country! 
“You’re hurting yourself,” Leon leaned against the door frame, clad in his tight tactical gear. Hip pouches and combat knife strapped securely on his sturdy figure, combat boots tightly tied and double knotted, and most importantly his handgun safely holstered along his belt. Although you hated the reason why he was in his uniform, you can’t help but drool over him. 
You’d known you pushed yourself past your limit a while ago. The sting of your knuckles along with the faint patches of blood staining the fabric of the punching bag made it obvious. You’d been bleeding through your wrap for a while, but you didn’t care as the pain helped you forget about your worries. Technically, this was equally helping as it was hurting you. 
Meanwhile, Leon pushed himself off the wall, steadily walking over towards you and grabbing both your wrists. You glanced up through your lashes, staring a bit too long in his baby blue eyes, “Shouldn’t you be gone already?”
Letting go, Leon panged fake hurt from your words, “Want me gone already?”
“You know what I meant, Kennedy,” You continued throwing punches, despite Leon’s disapproving looks. Regardless, you were thankful that he didn’t try to stop you. 
“Flight leaves in an hour or so, just doing my last double checks on equipment and saying my goodbyes.”
You raised a sweaty brow with doubt, freezing mid punch and fist never meeting the punching bag, “You don’t say goodbyes.”
“I don’t.”
“So, what are you doing here?” 
“Am I not allowed to be here?” Leon perked up, knowing that he would overturn you in any conversation. You stared at each other in silence, challenging the other person to say something first. Sighing, you broke eye contact, going back to punching, “You should bring a jacket. I heard the weather is pretty bad over there. Plus, you don’t look very inconspicuous.”
“Outfit screams “On my way to save the President’s daughter from contagious B.O.W.s,” right?” Leon laughed, “But, what’s on your mind?”
You half shrugged, “Just got some stuff on my mind.”
“The mission.”
Leon nodded, face turning stern as if he were calculating battle tactics in his head already, “Same.”
Silence fell over the both of you again, but this time, awkward. You cleared your throat, turning away from Leon to grab at your water bottle, “Nervous?”
“Not really,” Leon’s demeanor switched to devious, “Honestly, just want to get this over with. I got some unfinished business.” 
“Unfinished business?”
Leon’s eyes held a glint in them, patiently waiting for you to catch on. 
Unfinished business. Your unfinished business. You never got to finish. 
You slapped Leon on his upper chest with a hiss, “You can’t be serious!” 
“But, I am.”
“We’re at work!” 
You gawked at him in complete disbelief, “And? Um, I don’t know, we could get caught, we could lose our jobs!” 
Leon shugged, smiling confidently, “There’s no cameras.”
“Someone could hear us!” 
“Only if you’re loud.”
You hated the smug look on his face, knowing that you were pretty vocal. It was only until your eyes followed his as he watched you subconsciously squirm and press your thighs together. Leon gently grabbed your shoulders, pressing soothing circles on your skin, "Do you trust me?" 
The look in his eyes was so fierce, your lips quivered, "With my life." 
Leon's hands slid down your arms and snaked them around the curvature of your ass before supporting the back of your thighs, "Jump." 
And, you did. Instantly, Leon's lips peppered your skin as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. You cringed, thinking about the accumulated sweat from your workout session, but Leon didn't seem to mind. He'd make you sweat even more pretty soon anyways. You sighed with pleasure, running your hands along his arms and feeling the firmness of his biceps under your fingertips. Whilst distracted by the heat of his touch, Leon took his chance and backed you up towards the Smith machine.
“Leon, what are you-” 
He hushed a whisper in your ear, causing a shudder through your spine, “You trust me, right?”
Leon looked at you, pausing all movement until you spoke a soft, “Yes.”
“Good,” Leon glanced at you through the mirrors spanning across the entire wall of the gym, “Remember to be quiet.”
Leon unraveled your blood stained hand wraps, lacing them together over your wrists and over the bar while effectively tying your hands tightly against it. Once finished, Leon gripped his hands over the ridges on the bar, unhooking it and effortlessly lifting the bar onto a higher post on the machine. You definitely didn’t miss the bulge of his biceps. Through the mirror, your arms were outstretched way above your head with the soles of your shoes firmly touching the ground. 
Leon moved in front of you, back now facing the mirror while keeping eye contact with you the whole time. “Ready?”
He pulled down your pants, noticing the lack of undergarments. He raised a brow and teasing smile itched to bloom across his quivering lips. 
“Shut up, it’s easier to workout in,” You huffed, a bright blush rushing across your face. 
Leon hummed in satisfaction, “It’s easier to eat out too.” 
Your scolding fizzled out into a loud moan as Leon repositioned your legs and dove under you with his tongue flicking your clit. His hands traveled up and down your legs, taking the time to squish your plush thighs. Leon kept his rhythm for a moment before pausing, “I thought I told you to be quiet. Unless you like the idea of being caught.”
You involuntarily clenched at his teasing, jaw tightening from your lack of composure, “Hurry, you don’t have that much time yet.”
“Don’t need that much anyways.”
Leon uses his hands to push away your legs, running his fingers up and down the skin of your thighs. He grips them every so often before sliding his hand around, cupping the crease just below your ass, and firmly tugging you forward with his tongue stuck out along your slit. You choked out a sigh, careful not to be too loud as you threw your head back in pleasure. With the guidance of Leon’s hand, your hips began grinding on Leon’s tongue as he licked and lapped your dripping sweetness. The sight of yourself through the mirror was lewd 
“I’m- I’m almost-” 
“Hold on for me.”
Leon meant it metaphorically, wanting to show off the skills of his tongue and mouth just a bit more. But he also meant physically as Leon hoisted your thighs upon his shoulders, carrying most of your weight with the help of his arms hugging you secured around your lower back. Regardless, you’d instinctively grabbed the metal bar, flexing your arms to hold yourself up. Half not to crush your weight on Leon, and the other half in need of something to grip while waves of pleasure ruined you. 
You thrust your hips forward, needing more of Leon as you ached for him, “Please, almost there.” 
Leon pushed you closer towards him, hoisting you higher so that his face was centered at your core. Leon pushed his tongue deeper into you just as you reached the apex of your climax. A deep sigh of relief came over you as you ground the last of your ecstasy onto Leon and just in time for his flight departure. Gently, he set you down, pulling your pants up for you and untying your restraints. Without saying anything, he took off your hand wraps entirely, blowing cool air on your scratched knuckles, “Take care of this later.” 
“Take care of your mission.”
Leon nodded, switching back into his agent persona. You watched him begin to walk away before he hesitated right as he passed through the door frame, “Hey.”
“Yeah?” You cast him a longing look. 
“I’m going to come back, okay? Promise.”
Since when did Leon make promises? 
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normal-sea-urchin · 10 months
Casey Jones Fucking Dies is a fanfic in which casey jones, fucking dies, it's a 2012 tmnt au where raph kills him the night they first meet in the good the bad and the casey jones, after a while raph starts to notice some strange things happening to him
Chapter 1: Exactly What It Says On The Tin
Chapter 2: Name Drop
Chapter 3: Raphael The Ninja Turtle Is Not Having A Good Time
Chapter 4: Raphael The Ninja Turtle, Is Not Getting Paid Enough
Chapter 5: Famous Last Words: "It's not like ghosts are real. That's stupid."
Chapter 6: So, You're Being Haunted (By The Guy You Killed)
Chapter 7: 101 More Things To Go Wrong
Chapter 8: Emperor Belos Moment
Chapter 9: Well, Shit.
Casey Jones Fucking Dies 2: Electric Boogaloo is a 2012 tmnt fanfic that is surprisingly not related to Casey Jones Fucking Dies. basically Casey becomes a zombie and silly goofy ness ensues
Chapter 1: Mamma Mia! Here I go again!
Other fanfics:
Aroace Mutant Mayhem Mikey Agenda (Oneshot)
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jackiequick · 3 months
Reverse Betrayal - Agent of SHIELD….HYDRA? | [ Flipped AU]
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AU —— Amelia has been apart of the Inhuman/Brotherhood Of Mutants and Hydra all along, and is working against SHIELD (Why? We will never know..). After she had to reveal her powers to control a handful of soldiers after them while keeping a few in the process, to try Ward, to save the team and complete the mission. 
He decided to protect her and hide her secret, not knowing she was a spy. She doesn’t want to be saved or protected, in fear of letting her guard down, choosing to run away but Ward always finds her. The young heroes will always find her.
“I was trying to protect you..”
“So was I.” 
“So what are you doing?”
“I took your advice..I stopped running.”
“Look at me, baby, look at me! I won’t hurt you, I promise that.”
“Even after the hell I put you though?”
Name: Amelia Rachel Mary Morse
Codename: Tempest 
Date of Birth: July 14, 1995
Nationality: Italian-American
Place of Origin: Queens, New York
Age: Varies depending on the timeline
Height: 5’2
Sexuality: Straight (though her loyalty often comes before any personal relationships)
Species: Inhuman/Mutant with the power to control and manipulate emotions
Affiliation: Hydra, Brotherhood of Mutants
Rank: High-ranking operative within Hydra's ranks, trusted member of the Brotherhood
Appearance: Amelia has a striking presence, with expressive eyes that seem to hold a secret. She often wears a confident smirk, giving off an air of mystery and danger. Her attire is sleek and practical, fitting for someone who operates in the shadows.
Emotion Manipulation: Amelia possesses the ability to sense, alter, and control the emotions of others. She can incite fear, anger, or calmness at will, using her powers to manipulate situations to Hydra's advantage.
Mental Resistance: Years of training and exposure to Hydra's methods have given Amelia a strong mental fortitude, making her resistant to telepathic intrusion and manipulation.
Combat Training: Trained in various forms of hand-to-hand combat and armed combat, Amelia is a formidable opponent in combat situations.
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Background: Unlike the original timeline where Amelia dreamed of becoming a SHIELD agent to protect and serve, in this AU, she was recruited into Hydra at a young age. Growing up in Queens, she always felt like an outsider, hiding her true nature as an Inhuman/Mutant. When Hydra discovered her abilities in the later years, they saw her potential as a valuable asset. However she made it clear to have her abilities used on her own terms and conditions, she wasn't going to be their little toy.
Under the guise of a loyal agent, Amelia rose through the ranks of Hydra, honing her skills and serving their sinister agenda. She became known as Tempest, a name that struck fear or uncertainty into the hearts of her enemies. "Tempest" symbolize her ability to stir up and control emotions, much like a storm can whip up turbulent winds and chaos. It also represent her inner turmoil and the internal struggles she faces as she grapples with her loyalties and the choices she must make.
Alongside her allegiance to Hydra, she also aligned herself with the Brotherhood of Mutants, drawn to their vision of mutant supremacy.
Motivation: Amelia's loyalty to Hydra stems from a desire for power and control. Having felt marginalized and overlooked for much of her life, she sees Hydra as a means to exert her influence and shape the world according to her will. She believes in the supremacy of mutants and is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their dominance.
Relationships: While Amelia may form alliances and partnerships within Hydra and the Brotherhood, her true loyalty lies with her own ambitions. She is skilled at manipulation and may feign friendships or romantic entanglements to further her own agenda. However, deep down, she harbors a sense of loneliness and isolation, knowing that her true nature must remain hidden from those around her.
Additional Information:
Deep down, Amelia harbors a sense of loneliness and isolation, knowing that her true nature must remain hidden from those around her. Despite this, she found solace in a relationship with her boyfriend Nikolai, where they shared a sense of comfort, understanding, and love.
When Amelia was assigned by her boss John Garrett, an undercover Hydra agent within SHIELD, to work alongside Phil Coulson and his team, she was hesitant at first. However, she discovered a warmth, confidence, and strong sense of compassion when working with Coulson and meeting the Young Avengers. 
Over time, she found herself drawn to them, allowing her walls to slowly fall as she began to desire something more for herself.
During the fall of SHIELD and the revelation of Hydra's infiltration, Amelia's cover was blown along with many other agents.
In a pivotal moment, she betrayed Ward and the team, saving them and herself. Following Hydra's downfall, Amelia went into hiding, forging her own path and rebuilding her guard. 
However, she remained on the radar of both the Young Avengers and SHIELD...
This was my excuse to make an baddie Mia haha. Now it’s your turn to flip an characters around ;)
Anyways tell me what you guys think!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @rickb-chaos @starkleila @infinetlyforgotten @meiramel @parisparker269 @buckysteveloki-me @yetanotherwells @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @xgoddessoffandomsx
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Batcina AU - Part III
Part I, Part II, Part IV
This is technically the last part I've planned for this AU since I want to write others. However, if you want to see a particular scenario for this universe, you are free to request it!
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It takes months for Alcina to have the possibility to go and do what she actually wants instead of following an agenda that isn't hers.
She had been surpised when, at her return, didn't find the castle in shambles. It felt too good to be truth so just to be on the safe side she had made her way to the other Lord's home. Thankfully with her abilities, she didn't need to interact with them directly to find out if they were alive.
Nevertheless, Alcina decided that the best thing to do is to tell Mother Miranda what had transpired in the last weeks. The only thing that Alcina doesn't mention during her tale is you.
She doesn't want Mother Miranda to know about you for some reason, even when she usually tells her everything.
Mother Miranda comes to the conclusion that Alcina must have killed a decent amount of humans to cause an impact into their plan, big enough to make them retract for the time being.
However, not risking it, Mother Miranda still decides to warn the other Lords about a possible future attack. She knows how humans can be and she doesn't want to lose any of her pawns before she achieves her goal.
Alcina tries to focus on her daily tasks, to go on with her life, but she finds herself lost in thought often, thinking of you, wondering how are you, if you remember her from time to time.
Whenever she realizes what she's doing, she gets annoyed, scolding herself for such weakness.
She might have forgive you and grant you an amnesty so you wouldn't face your demise anytime soon, but that was it. You aren't anything especial, just a human that apparently isn't as awful as the ones she was used to.
Even so, the only thing that is able to distract her from you entirely arrives a few days later, when Mother Miranda gifts her with three corpses and the free card to experiment with them.
It's not unusual for her to experiment, very early on Mother Miranda told her it was going to be one of her duties, but Alcina is the one who looks out for the specimens for it.
Alcina achieves something different this time, and the day she brings them back to life, as mutant humans and not the monsters she usually creates, and her eyes met three pairs, you come back to her mind.
"Is this how it feels caring for someone? It is what they felt while I was under their care?"
She has a purpose now though, so she dedicates enough time to nurture the girls she now calls her daughters, to teach them they were a family and always protect each other and their home before finally giving up to whatever she's feeling instead of trying to ignore it.
And the only way to get the answers to her questions is forcing them out of you.
In retrospect your life has not changed and nothing bad has happened to you but you simply can't get rid of the unhappy veil that has fallen on you.
There's nothing you can do about it though. Aware it's a mourning period that would pass with time and you simply have to try to be patient with yourself.
A knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts, causing you to frown because it's not as if you received visits. You don't have friends nor family and whenever a knock was heard, it rarely meant anything good for you.
You stand up to open the door though, knowing it could be worse if you don't, depending who was on the other side.
You face an off-white wall that is shifting softly, and shamefully, it takes you until the clear of a throat to realize it's a person.
You know right away who is after that, and such knowledge speeds up your heartbeat.
Living in this village, you are not a stranger to Mother Miranda and the Lords. You know villagers revere them though you have never being a devouted.
You are aware is mainly out of fear not because they respect or accept what they practice, though there were some exceptions.
But the first and only time you've seen Lady Dimitrescu on the town (before your isolation), your first thought had been "I can understand why some villagers are so devoted, I wouldn't mind worship her."
Her unique height was what draw your attention and fascinated you, but you weren't blind, she was an incredible attractive woman.
Despite the admiration you feel for her, you are apprehensive for the visit. What could you have done wrong for her to come look at you in person?
You have heard what people said about her and the other Lords, the comments whenever you had to go down to the village and even tough you weren't fond of believing rumours just because, you did notice the disappearance of some people over time.
You never actively cared though. Why would you feel bad for the people who never show any kindness to you after they labelled you as a freak?
Deep down, you even considered it like the Universe has sent you a dark guardian angel to punish them for the way they treated you.
"L-Lady Dimitrescu." You bow shakingly. When you straighten up, you look up to make eye contact, not wanting to offend the lady in any way though perhaps what you were doing is much riskier.
Golden eyes are already waiting for yours, and when they lock, you feel a shiver while a familiar sensation washes you over, which confuses you because you two have never had eye contact.
Alcina is convinced that this time when you look at her, your eyes won't reflect the tenderness and affection she had gotten used to. The prospect bothers her but she knows what to expect from a human. So she's is totally taken aback when it doesn't happen.
There's caution in your eyes but not fear, and a glow that makes her feel warm.
You swallow slowly. "It's an honor to have you here, my Lady." You have no idea what's the reason for it, but you are sincere.
Alcina's lips part slightly but she holds back the gasp in the last second. That was different. In her bat form, when you referred to her like that, playfulness covered your words. Now, your voice was full of awe.
All her plans for how this encounter was going to occur suddenly vanished from her head.
She frows. Maybe she should go back to consider your dismiss, it would definitely make things simpler. But the simple idea of killing you, upsets her. "What's your name?"
You blink with bewilderment. Why is she looking out for you if she doesn't know who you are? "[Y/N], my Lady."
Lady Dimitrescu nods once sharply, looking at the surroundings as she tilts her head up regally. "I'm here to thank you for taking care of me a few months ago."
The words don't make any sense to you at first, but when the Lady makes eye contact with you again and the sensation of familiarity repeats itself, your eyes widen with realization.
Alcina smirks, pleased to finally have the upper hand in your interactions instead of the other way around.
When you are capable of react from your shock, you notice Lady Dimitrescu is walking away and without thinking, you head into her direction, doing the most stupid thing you've ever done in your entire life when you are close enough.
You don't count with the strength to make her stop but Alcina stops when your fingers wraps around her wrist, most likely taken aback by your gall.
Torn between amaze and annoyance, she regards you questioningly.
Aware that you are pushing your luck, you let her go, fidgeting with your hands. "Are you okay, my Lady? There is not any aftermath after the attack, is it?"
Alcina's stance softens and she wonders if you are ever going to stop surpising her. "I healed perfectly. Thanks to you."
The words make you blush and it's a sight Alcina relishes so she reaches out to brush your cheek with her thumb, deepening your redness.
"I just did what anyone would have done, my Lady," you whisper.
"We both know that's not true."
You know she's right. For most people it's easier to 'put a creature out of their misery' than taking the trouble and time of look after someone in need.
"Yes well, many humans suffer from a lack of brains." You normally keep your thoughts about people to yourself, so you cover your mouth with both hands when you realize you spoke out loud.
Lady Dimitrescu blinks once, twice and then laughs.
It's a miracle you remain standing when you feel your legs tremble due to the heavenly sound.
The Lady's reaction gives your the courage to ask, "Would you like some tea, my Lady?"
Alcina caresses you other cheek with an amused smile. "All right."
A routine develops between you two where Alcina comes to visit you at least once a week.
Since your cabin is too small for her to enter, you keep your meetings in the garden just like the first time. Reason why you started to give more attention to it, wanting to look adequate for your Lady, even though she had never mentioned anything to make you think she wasn't pleased with the place.
Lady Dimitrescu asks you questions to know you better and you are pleasently surprised that she allows you to ask too. But there's a line that's unspeakable even though you have never put a boundary ─ she never questions about why you live so far from everything and you never ask about the rumors.
In your case it was because you were certain having a confirmation or a negative wouldn't change things in any way.
You never know the day Lady Dimitrescu will come, but by now, any sound you heard from outside, you expect it's her.
Unfortunately, when you step outside, you encounter a group of men. You are able to recognize some of them but not others.
"Ah, none other than the freak. I should have imagine we wouldn't be so lucky to get rid of you definitely."
A man breaks through among the others but you don't need to see him to know who it is. You'll recognize that voice anywhere since it was the person who started the verbal attacks against you.
It only took a wrongful accusation from his daughter's part for him to start some sort of vendetta.
"You know her?" The man that seems to be the leader since he's at the front of the group asks him without looking away from you.
You grimace which makes your bully laugh. "Every town has a freak, though it seems we were blessed with more than one," he said sarcastically.
"A freak?" He scrutinizes you up and down. "Does she has any connection with her?"
"I think we all agree that that woman is an abomination but at least she has enough class to not get involved with this tasteless thing." He spits on the floor towards your direction.
Are they talking about your Lady? The words they are using are the last you'd use to describe her but it's more than clear that you don't have anything in common with these people.
"There might be a solidarity between freaks," a new voice from the group adds, followed by hoots of support.
"Lady Dimitrescu is not a freak." You know it's stupid to intervene. It's you alone versus at least ten men who only needed the label from one of their group to consider you unnatural and therefore an enemy. But you can't stand there listening them talk about the woman who has showed more interest and caring in you than your own race without doing anything about it.
If you die, at least there's going to be a reason for it.
And by the wrathful looks you receive, you know that's the only possible outcome. There's no opportunity to escape. Even if you are fast enough to go back to your house, it'll be easy for them to break in with the weapons they carried.
The only thing you lament is that you won't spend more time with your Lady.
Alcina is halfway from your house when she focus her hearing on you.
It has become almost instinctively for her to jump from hearing her daughters to you during her days to reassure herself everything's okay with each of you.
It amuses her the contrast between her daughters and you ─ where they are chaotic and loud, you are quiet and calm. Two very different spectrums with the power to soothe her.
However, she notices there's something wrong in an instant, noticing your apprehensive heartbeat followed by a scream that puts her on edge.
She turns into a bat to shorten the distance faster and she's back into her human once she visualizes the cabin, arriving at the moment you are struck on the cheek, hard enough to make you fall onto the ground.
She sees red.
Whenever Alcina fights, she's focused and centered, almost looking like she's involved in a violent dance. Not this time. She's nothing but walking wrath who slashes whatever comes in her way. Her only goal is to get rid of the filth who was foolish enough to come bother you and put a hand on you.
She doesn't want to stop and ask questions, people like that don't deserve a chance. And even though she would have preffered to take her time and make them regret what they did and beg for forgiveness, she wants this over as quickly as possible to make sure you are okay.
After the first hit, you were expecting the next one. There's a graze that makes you shrink on yourself but it doesn't go further.
You remain motionless until the screams startle you and make you look around anxiously.
The commotion only lasts a couple of minutes but it's tricky for you to understand what's happening since you can only see a white blur and the men falling, one by one, to the ground in pieces.
Only when silence falls and Lady Dimitrescu stops moving, her extended claws dripping blood and even a bit of human remains, you finally understand.
Your dark guardian angel indeed.
You don't care she's covered in blood, not bothered what you had just witnessed. You stand up shakingly, the sound drawing Alcina's attention in your direction, who retracts her claws, hoping she hasn't traumatized you for life.
There's a brief moment of hesitation and concern from Alcina's part while you two make eye contact before you run towards her, throwing yourself at her and your Lady is swift to catch you in her arms, pulling you against her body.
Your arms wrap around her neck and you bury your face in the crook of her neck.
You are safe. You know it, and not only of this dangerous situation. You know that now there is someone in your life who cares for you. Someone who is willing to kill for you if necessary. For the first time in years, your body is able to recognize it too, relaxing entirely, which brings tears to your eyes that you are not able to hold back for so long.
"You are safe now, dragă. I'll keep you safe now." She reassures you, closing her eyes as she hugs you and nuzzles the side of your face, needing the comfort of your presence.
You sniff, tightening your arms around her while you nod. You suddenly chuckle. "I saved you first and now you saved me." You pull back to look at her but without breaking the hug. Not that Alcina would have allowed it since her hold doesn't falters.
She smiles amused. "Indeed we did." She turns serious. "Though I would definitely prefer if we can avoid these situations as much as possible." You remember the terror your felt when you saw your Lady about to be devoured by an owl and you nod. You don't want her to feel that way again, imagining that's what she felt. "Which is why I want you to come live in the Castle with me and my daughters."
Even though your eyes widen, you are not surprised. You know Lady Dimitrescu is proprietorial, you have noticed it in her bat form and it wasn't any different in the human one.
She sees you as hers. You don't know her what exactly but you are okay with the idea of being hers.
You look at your cabin, expecting to feel some sort of dread at the idea of leaving but it doesn't happen. The truth is that after today's invasion, the place feels stained and the idea of staying here alone doesn't thrills you.
Looking back at Alcina, you remove one arm from her neck to caress her jaw softly. Your eyes showing your adoration.
You have never initiate any contact with her, even when you were desperate to do it. She's always the one doing it, prompted by the way you blush whenever she does it. Now that she has allowed it and it looked she was okay with it, you don't want to stop touching her.
"Of course, my Lady. It will be an honor." You smile at her before burying your face back in the crook of her neck.
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dndeceit · 4 months
Profiles and HeroForge designs below for Wild Wasteland Tales (aka the Fallout AU that has melted my brain for the past month).
(I'd meant to post these after finishing the short fic I'm writing, but that "short" fic has surpassed 10k words, so...I'll just go ahead and post these anyway.)
Warnings: mention of themes common to the Fallout universe including gun violence, murder, nuclear war, radiation, mutation, non-consensual human experimentation, cannibalism and slavery.
(Also, extremely minor spoilers for the overall plot of Fallout 4, and setting spoilers if you're thinking of watching the Fallout TV series blind.)
Janus is a unique FEV mutant and the warlord-mayor of a lawless wasteland town called Darkside. A man of many secrets, he has an almost mythic reputation, partly due Darkside's policy of welcoming even the most extreme wasteland misfits willing to play by his rules, and partly due to the conflicting rumors Janus has spread about himself in order to obfuscate his true origins.
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Despite having built Darkside from the ground up as a place where all are welcomed, Janus has kept his mutant status a secret from all but a trusted few. While his physical mutations might be accepted, his ability to suppress others' emotions (primarily hostility and suspicion) is something he fears will see him rejected from the very home it has allowed him to create for himself.
Janus's deathclaw gauntlet is actually a leather glove designed to disguise the talons on his left hand as a crafted weapon.
He is unable to wield a gun with his dominant hand due to his mutation, and suffers a lack of skill wielding weapons with his right. Between this penalty and his poor depth perception, he is practically hopeless with firearms. (Also, his handwriting is terrible.)
Among his other mutations, Janus is cold-blooded. During the warmer temperatures of the day his strength and endurance are significantly increased.
He keeps a menagerie of mutated animals. His favorite is a glowing two-headed snake named Flim-Flam.
Virgil grew up on his family's homestead, living off the land and helping to defend it against raiders and wasteland wildlife. In his twenties, exposure to radiation caused his transformation into a ghoul, and the hostility of a previously loving family forced him to leave home. A habitual wanderer and more than a bit of a loner, Virgil has since spent decades walking the wastes. His skill and experience is much sought after as a guide, hunter of beasts, and occasional hired gun, a well-earned reputation that he regards with an almost embarrassed humility.
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At sixty, Virgil is an old man by most wasteland standards but still rather young for a ghoul. The life expectancy of ghouls is unpredictable: he could easily live another century or more...or he might lose himself and go feral within the next month.
Virgil practically raised Janus. While neither of them would use the word "son" or "father" out loud, it's understood by everyone who knows them that they're family.
Virgil has always had difficulty interacting with people, and the discrimination he has faced since becoming a ghoul hasn't made it any easier. He gets very uncomfortable in crowds, and grows restless staying in one place. This sees him leaving frequently to wander the wastes on his own. Still, wherever he goes, in his heart he considers Darkside his home.
Roman & Remus
As the grandson of a Diamond City water baron, Roland Kaiser was born into a position of relative privilege for a wastelander. Stifled by his family's expectations but daunted by the thought of braving the dangers of the wastes outside on his own, he was mostly just biding his time until the inevitable day he inherited his family's business and all the duties that went with it... Until the day Roland found himself face to face with…himself. C8-73 was a synth (synthetic human) created in Roland's image, sent by the Institute to kill him and take his place in order to further their agenda of controlling the Commonwealth. However, C8-73 was...less than happy with the mission handed to him by his masters. Fortunately for both, their first encounter did not wind up going as planned... Two weeks later, a pair of twin brothers calling themselves Roman and Remus were seen passing through the Capital Wasteland, headed south along the coast.
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Janus's right-hand man in Darkside, Roman is the one he sends to smooth over disagreements with the locals and to field interactions with their neighbors when people come with complaints.
In his free hours, Roman mans the radio station out of Darkside. He delivers wasteland news, reads from pre-War books, and his own stories, along with music he and his brother have made together.
Roman still keeps contact with members of the Railroad out of gratitude for the help they offered to him and his "brother". More than one refugee synth has passed safely through Darkside with his help.
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Janus's left-hand man in Darkside, Remus is the one he sends to deal with problems when a lesson needs to be dispensed at the blunt end of a bat. He's also the one sent to negotiate with raiders, slavers and others entities that think they want a piece of what Darkside has to offer. (Remus's approach to "negotiation" often ends with explosions...)
A gleeful tinkerer in all things deadly, Remus likes to innovate with weapons. He is responsible for some of Darkside's most effective and...creative defenses.
Remus oversees the sourcing of provisions for members of Darkside's populace who engage in...taboo dietary practices, though he doesn't partake himself.
He also takes care of Janus's menagerie of mutant animals.
Logan & Patton
Born into Vault 66, Logan and Patton grew up together, cousins who are as close as brothers. Despite living a relatively sheltered life underground, all wasn't as normal or as pleasant as it seemed. As with most Vaults, their home had been designed with experimentation in mind, with its unsuspecting residents as its subjects. From birth through adolescence, the residents of Vault 66 are treated with drug therapy and surgeries meant to alter the way their bodies process emotion. For the majority in 66, this has led to a population that is easily pacified and controlled. For the outliers who begin to "act out", the only options are death or banishment. Logan chose the latter. Patton chose to go with him.
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The experimentation Logan was subjected to damaged his ability to express or regulate certain emotions, as well as his ability to recognize that he is feeling them in the first place. Vault scientists considered this artificially induced alexithymia an acceptable outcome.
As an unanticipated consequence of the experiment, physical pain or moments of acute stress will often trigger an abnormal adrenal release that causes a state of extreme hyperarousal and aggression. While far from mindless in this state, it can make him extremely difficult to reason with (and almost impossible to control).
Because of these outbursts, Logan was deemed too volatile to safely remain in the Vault.
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Patton's alterations are an uncomfortable mirror of Logan's: not only is he is constantly aware of what he is feeling, he often experiences the emotions he perceives in others as if they were his own. This can sometimes result in an agonizing emotional feedback loop.
His experience of this is so overwhelming at times that it can cause him to freeze, and he spent several months during his teenage years practically catatonic.
Patton experiences all emotions strongly, from the softest to the ugliest, even those that aren't his own. He puts conscious effort into being kind, and hiding that ugliness behind a pleasant facade. When these efforts fail him, the results can be unpredictable and often terrifying.
Patton's empathy is strong enough that he literally experiences the suffering of others close by. As such, he is the closest thing to a total pacifist that can successfully survive in the wasteland.
When combat is unavoidable, he prefers to use a syringer rifle loaded with darts. These darts deliver chemicals designed to non-lethally take an opponent out of a fight through paralysis, pacification, or inducing them to flee. (Patton is that most dangerous and unpredictable of wasteland creatures: a Charisma/Luck build...)
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a-random-fan4444 · 1 year
For your grandpa Draxum AU it would be interesting if Casey Jr being sent back 2 years before the apocalypse started, caused more butterfly effects than Jr would ever be able to comprehend.
Off the top of my head, what if Casey going to repo mantis’s yard for scraps and materials for his builds causes Repo’s pet cat to be mutated first. So instead of Repo having a monster for a pet, he gets a cat for a kid.
Casey who had never met or been told about Mrs. Nubbins sees this and thinks that his makeshift uncle had lost his daughter towards the beginning of the apocalypse.
How well would he respond to that
Thank you for the question @tiredeternal !!! This one’s adorable!!! 🥺 And hilarious!!! 🤣
(For those who need context on the au)
This is the perfect opportunity to push my “Repo Mantis’s a regular yokai” agenda. As far as I remember we don’t see any proof of Repo Mantis pre-mutation, so my sister and me joke that he’s just a yokai who lives on the surface, that just hasn’t bothered on correcting anyone who assumes he’s mutant.
Casey Jr accidentally changing the timeline is a constant in this au (some seeds of that have already been placed in my other posts).
For Mrs.Nubbins to be mutated in to a human-car thing, she’d have to have consumed human is some way. So here’s my explanation: Casey Jr while digging for scraps gets bit by Mrs.Nubbins, Jr didn’t see what bite him but starts to panic. In the apocalypse the thing most likely to bite you would have been the Kraang Hounds so Casey Jr immediately leaves back to the lair to disinfect the bite out of a panicked habit.
As for Repo, he would question everything he knew if one day he saw his cat was now a kid. Cause he’s pretty sure he knows how kids are made, but now he’s beginning to have doubts. The stork stories might have some truth to them after all. He kinda accepts it, it’s still Mrs.Nubbins after all. Plus she’s adorable and could make costumers easier to deal with. You wouldn’t yell at someone about their business being a scam if they’re child’s right next to them would you?
It’s fricken hilarious imaging Mrs.Nubbins going from this to this:
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bluespinoo · 5 months
Okay so I do Imagine some of you want to see my au! Planning on making the designs when I’m not sick and have the energy to draw!
but a lot of characters have changed…
LEO: 14 (the youngest), Mexican box turtle mutant, any pronouns, asexual, their around 4’9-4’11, hasn’t really picked a team yet (homato , foot clan), needs a cane to walk sometimes bc his shell makes her off balance, BPD + autism, has a crush on a pop star named Mona (pushing my Leolisa agenda), best friends with Mondo, wears a lot of black, no voice claim yet
MIKEY: 14 (couple months older then Leo), Logger head mutant, He/him, cis, bi, he’s 5’9, proud homato, ears are really sensitive and he doesn’t like loud noises, auDHD, single and no crush, best friends with Casey and Karai, the goal is to dress like Adam Sandler, no voice claim yet
RAPH: 15, hawks bill sea turtle mutant, he/it, ftm, aro/ace, he’s 5’11, homato, bright lights hurts its eyes easily, GAD + BPD, single (and always will be lol), besties with Casey, Spike, April and apolex, dresses like he’s in pjs 24/7 (mostly ripped band shirts he stole), no voice claim yet
DONNIE: 16 (eldest), a mix of Leather back and a pond turtle, He/Xe, pansexual and ftm, 6’0, doesn’t pick sides, NPD + ADHD, stutters a lot, has an online gf named Renet, besties with April and Irma, dresses like Adam Sandler (Xe inspired Mikey lol), no voice claim yet
SPLINTER: 46, a sewer rat, He/him, ftm + bi, leader of the homato clan, auDHD, BPD, GAD, PTSD, MDD, has terrible insomnia (hasn’t told anyone), Has too many exs and a dead wife, considers Leather head to be a good friend, has a blue robe on 24/7, voice claim: Echo, rainbow six siege
APRIL: 16 (turning 17 soon), human(?), mixed (Asian + Hispanic), She/they, mtf straight, hasn’t picked a side yet, ADHD (suspected PTSD), has sm burn outs it’s actually a problem, not dating anyone yet (has an ex gf who’s now her bsf, Irma), besties with Casey, Irma, Donnie and Leo, Dresses like ‘rise!April, no voice claim yet
CASEY: 15, human, filipino, he/she/they/it, pangender + aroBi, Homato, PTSD, (suspected OSDD-1a), autism, has bruises 24/7, not dating anyone or has a crush, besties with April, Raph, Spike, Karai, dresses like a metal head (and is one), no voice claim yet
That’s all the characters I’ve written so far!!
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thejengie · 1 year
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Welcome to Earth-628, the marvel reality for the Rifts Site! Strange portals of varying size have opened up called Rifts. Along with causing a massive wave of mutations and reality warping globally, people from other dimensions are winding up on Earth-628. As tensions arise with Norman Osborne running an anti-mutant agenda as Heroes and Villains alike try to study and harness these Rifts. Will those from different realities be willing or [i]able[/i] to return home? Do their actions pose a threat to the very fabric of reality?
With a setting in the early parts of the MCU (1 year post Iron Man), this AU RP features a unique concept based off of ‘What If,’ ‘Spiderverse’, and ‘Loki’. This gives the freedom with canon characters to go unique directions while dealing with the realistic consequences of the MCU setting.
Rift Examples: The site’s current Steve Rogers is from just after the snap but Tony Stark is from Earth-628. A cluster of mutants are from the same dystopian reality and there are some from more comic-history realities.
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wolvesamongsheepetc · 2 years
WAS Locations
WAS is the Wolves Among Sheep AU
The Enclosure - Run by none other than Richard Sphinx, the Enclosure has a very monochrome color scheme, and is filled with corrupted individuals running the Enclosure for power and authority. It is surrounded by a massive wall that is believed to be impenetrable from both sides, making escape or break-ins near impossible. Civilians are surveilled in everything they do, and those who are labeled as different via mutations are taken to the Centre to be tested and exploited. 
The Centre - The Centre is headed by Tomoe Tsurugi, head scientist and engineer in the Enclosure. It is a scientist experimentation center, where they take mutated individuals and find ways to either make their abilities useful or subdue them by forceful removal. Claude is experimented on there, Felix used to be before he escaped.
The Academy - The Academy is directed by Xavier Ramier, one of the smartest (if not zaniest) individuals in the Enclosure. There, Enclosure residents send their children to learn about the history of the Enclosure and the agenda of perfection in the Enclosure. There, students are ‘programmed’ into being loyal only to the interest of the Enclosure and taught that it is encouraged to report those who are hiding a mutation the Enclosure can exploit.
The Haven - The Haven was started by siblings Plagg and Tikki Miraculeux as a refuge for other mutants and refugees from the Enclosure. It’s protected by state-of-the-art technology designed by Kagami Tsurugi that allows it to stay out of visibility despite its massive size. It provides education, food, and shelter to those who decide to stay; though it also serves as a base for discreet missions to the Enclosure to restock food and water, rescue other mutants and Enclosure enemies, and set up spies within the Enclosure walls.
The Tunnels - The Tunnels are the only way in or out of the Enclosure without surveillance. It was devised by Plagg Miraculeux, who found a way out of the Enclosure with his sister via the sewer system. It is not an easy trek to get through, but with the right strategy and knowledge, a few Haven inhabitants make it through safely to restock or complete reconnaissance missions.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Reader, in a random X-Men Evolution A/B/O AU or reboot, semi-adopts Laura. Let's imagine that Reader, some of the other mutants, and Laura were experimented on. Jailbreak happens, but something goes wrong, with Wolverine snapping and the other escapees taking vengeance or herding the others to safety, falling into protective pack instincts, so what does Reader do?
They take Laura and run like H*ll.
The last thing they want is for her to get hurt worse than she already has been, Reader wants to offer assistance and help, and Laura is small and in need of care. So Reader and Laura go on a small roadtrip/escape route, and Reader tries to help her understand her emotions and powers. Reader gets her food, helps hide evidence if they had to knock someone out, and keeps putting most of the blankets and jackets on Laura to keep her warm. Reader fights tooth and nail to keep her safe and happy, they try to let her know she isn't bad or wrong to exist, and they keep giving hugs and free food and water and blankets and comfort, with no hidden agenda or strings attached.
This leads to Laura becoming attached. Dangerously so.
Reader is HER sibling, or friend, or whatever. Make no mistake. If someone comes after them, if she can, she kills them before they can get near Reader. If Reader is struggling to keep them alive, Laura is catching small animals for them, or even a deer. If Reader is upset, she tries her best to ge then to feel better. It doesn't matter to Laura if they're older or younger or even the same age as her. This is HER person, or friend, or sibling, and NO ONE can take them from her! (She'd gut then if they tried-)
Things become weird, in an uncomfortable, tense way, when the X-Men (and possibly Brotherhood) show up (they're working together/became one big team/family). They want to have their two odd, fellow ex-prisoners or experiments with them, and somewhere safer and more secure, than the open road and where humans can get them. The X-Teens are insistent that the two join them, offering friendship and telling them about the Institute and the adults and their adventures, and adding that they remember them from where they were all held captive. The X-Adults are trying to force them to come with them, citing that the two need proper care and guidance, which can't be found with just the two of them... Logan is being a papa wolf, insisting on having Laura with him, and Reader too, and tries to open up to them emotionally, and tries to get them to trust him and give in to their care... The Brotherhood teens are doing their best to not p*ss Laura off, and try to appear harmless and fun (which works, partially?). Magneto and Mystique and the Acolytes are more focused on intimidating the two into joining them, hoping to patch up relationships after they have them with them. And Sabretoorh is busy trying to get the two to join him, and be a crazed family, or at the very least, get them to Logan, so they have some form of parenting by someone who can meet their feral needs.
Reader is adamant that they and Laura keep to themselves, stating something isn't right about the others, that there's something off with them... While Laura agrees with them, but does visit Logan when he shows up, simply keeping him away from Reader.
Things come to a head when things get harsher on Reader and Laura, and the adults, knowing Reader won't budge in their choice, go to Laura... They tell her that she and Reader need help, need care, need pack, that she and Reader can't provide entirely for each other. Reader isn't doing well, and neither is she. If they come with them, they can make it better. They can give them pack, and comfort, and whatever they need to feel safe. Reader won't agree to it, because they're stubborn and worried for the both of them... but all they need is a yes from Laura, and they'll see to it that they're both in a nest and warm and happy as soon as they're home...
Laura ends up begrudingly agreeing, worried about Reader, who has been struggling to provide enough care and warmth and protection, but isn't able to take care of themself, and so she and Reader don't have to run anymore. She hopes they aren't mad, and decides to keep to their side while they wait to go back to where the others live...
(And they and the teens end up nesting, sleeping and wrapped in fluffy blankets and exhausted, they're warm, and while Reader is drugged, they're still being hugged, especially by Laura and Kurt and Kitty, and by Logan, who is now a dad to even more pups... When Reader is well again, they're still stubborn and resistant... so, the adults decide to try and fix that, while Laura keeps them company and is around, so Reader doesn't feel as scared, and so she can hug them...)
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