#the musings of miles
scoop16 · 8 months
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bagel-bird-ainsor · 17 days
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A couple angry Edgeworths for ya, plus a Gumshoe who’s just happy to be here.
Man he’s so fun to draw. I’m excited to get started on the Investigations remaster! It’ll be my first time playing those games. Looking forwards to seeing Gumshoe and Franziska again, since I’ve gotten through Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, which I enjoyed thoroughly but there was a severe lack of those two.
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periwinkla · 5 months
Honestly, if narumitsu could ever become canon, I would like it the best if it were off screen, and just sneakily implied. Like maybe during a case, a piece of evidence is a tube of toothpaste and Phoenix points out that while all the other tubes of products in the victim's house are squeezed unevenly, only this specific toothpaste isn't, so that means someone that isn't the victim used it - and Edgeworth would say something like 'So you're suggesting the victim had the same barbaric tendencies such as yours, but was involved with someone that didn't' 'A reason to kill indeed' and then Phoenix's animation sweating bullets. ....Or other stuff like that. It would just be both extremely cute and extremely funny to me.
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relicsongmel · 12 days
AA fandom has a strange tendency to pretend like Ema's canon crush on Miles doesn't exist (at least from what I've seen) but none of you will ever be able to convince me that Ema doesn't have dozens of Miles Edgeworth x Reader fics on her AO3. You only hate me because you know I'm right
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reinoirr · 6 months
spiderverse as Absolution (2003) - Muse
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made in a whim but i found the process enjoyable so i couldnt let go!
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[Post Canon, everyone lives, Sonic Prime AU]
Sonic: *Hanging out alone with Shadow*
Shadow, internally: Hmph. I bet he's thinking about Nine.😒
Sonic: *Hanging out alone with Nine*
Nine, internally: Ugh. I bet he's thinking about Shadow.😒
Sonic, internally, in both situations: Mmmm chilli dogs🥰
Sonic: *Hanging out alone on the beach with Tails*
Tails, internally: Haha. I bet he's thinking about chilli dogs again😊
Sonic, internally: Wow, my best buddy is so cool and cute and smart I love him so much😳🥰
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000marie198 · 6 months
Literally blame @myymi for this /pos. Your Unbreakable Bond story did something to my brain chemistry
What is Love
Love is confusing, hard to define
So many versions, so many kinds
You don't know what it is but you hold it deep inside,
Greater and truer than the one seen passing by
Love is keeping up even if you tire n your body aches,
Love is stopping even if you crave speed and high stakes
Love is the faith you place in each other
Growing stronger as time passes further
It's in the thumbs ups and smiles,
The fist bumps and high fives
Its's the little things you share,
And the way that you care
Love is campfire meals and sleeping under stars
Love is funny stories, banters and late night talks
Love is falling asleep with no need to stay alert
Love is safety and shelter and deep rooted trust
Love is who you run to when storm gets loud
When sky flashes white and lights go out
It's in reassurance, the murmurs that make fear subside
It's in your presence, the comfort you always provide
Love is in soothing lullabies played on a guitar
Love is in the cheers that make you feel like a star
Love is when you jump off and don't fear the fall
Knowing you'll be caught, no need for a call
Love is waking up in bed, all tucked in
Your last memory a desk and tools tinkerin'
Love is a pounce attack to force you to nap
Getting you to sleep n rest, a never failing trap
Love is the hope in your eyes,
The pride in your voice
Love is the warmth in your hugs
The sweetness in mint tea mugs
Love is your protection, an armour, a shield
Love is your support, a sword that you wield
Love is what your heart screams when your voice fails
Love is what your soul knows when your mind derails
Love is when you glance up and see home, father and mother
Love is when you look down and find a child, a friend, a brother
Don't tag this as a ship or I will feed you to the piranhas :)
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do you ever wonder how julian must have felt in time's orphan
like, watching miles and keiko wholeheartedly love and support their unexpectedly "not normal" daughter
in the way
that jules never got
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werewolfbarista · 1 month
no........could it be ....? new stretch marks above my hips..............?! quick, someone praise me‼️‼️
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malewifedickgumshoe · 8 months
why does miles have to have a staring contest with literally everything he's such a freak i love him
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nova--spark · 5 days
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today was a very good day for merch hunting after a bad 2 weeks
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apicelladonna · 11 days
(Ferte in noctem animam meam) Grindeldore one shot, post HBP.
Dumbledore’s steps were slow, each one a battle against the searing pain that coursed through his withered body. The blackened, necrotic flesh of his right hand, throbbed like Greek fire kissed it. He felt the corruption spreading further now, creeping up his his upper torso and nearing the place where he thought his heart would be.
The gates of Nurmengard loomed before him, a once-proud fortress now decayed in the shadow of its former master. He stepped through it, the scent of rot heavy in the air. Dead Aurors and house-elves littered the courtyard, victims of the final assault of the dark lord's quest for answers.
The war had turned, its tides sweeping away what little hope had once flickered. Now, that hope rested on the shoulders of the young. All of them carrying the burden of a world too heavy for a hopeful future.
Each step up the spiral staircase was torture. His breath rattled in his chest, and his vision blurred with pain. But still, he climbed. He knew what awaited him at the top. He knew why he had come.
The door to the tower was ajar. Tom had been here.
He paused for a moment, his weary mind spinning through the possibilities. Tom Riddle had sought out the only other dark wizard who had once held the Elder Wand.
He had come for answers, but he would have found none. Albus knew this because he knew Gellert Grindelwald better than anyone alive.
In his arrogance, his pride, his twisted sense of loyalty, Gellert would never have divulged the truth. Not to Tom. Not to anyone.
And now Albus no longer held the wand. Its allegiance had shifted—first to Draco Malfoy, and who knows where after. Perhaps Voldemort had realized this. Perhaps that was why he had left Gellert like this.
Dumbledore stepped through the doorway into the tower room.
Gellert lay crumpled on the cold stone floor, his thin prison robes hanging limply over his wasted frame. His once-vibrant eyes, those piercing mismatched eyes Albus had known so well, were vacant now, staring at nothing.
He was a hollow shell, a body left to rot where it had fallen. Tom Riddle had not even afforded him the dignity of a final word, a final glance.
Albus took a shaking breath, his heart breaking in a way it hadn't in decades. Gellert. The boy he had loved. The man who had turned into his greatest enemy. And now this—just another casualty of a war that had stretched over lifetimes.
With every ounce of strength he had left, Dumbledore knelt beside him. Pain shot through his body, but he ignored it, his focus solely on Gellert. Gently, he took the rigid, lifeless body in his arms, lifting him so that Gellert could sit upright against the stone wall. The old wizard’s hands shook as he closed Gellert’s eyes, those once-bright eyes that had seen so much of the world’s wonder and darkness alike.
There were no words. What could he say? No eulogy would ever be enough for the complicated, tragic life of Gellert Grindelwald. He had been a visionary and a tyrant, a lover and a monster. And now, he was gone.
No one would come to mourn him. No one would check on the man who had once threatened the very fabric of the magical world. In the midst of another wizarding war, with Voldemort's shadow creeping ever closer, Gellert Grindelwald was just another body, forgotten in the chaos.
And Albus—Albus would soon be another as well.
He leaned back against the cold stone wall, his cursed hand resting limply in his lap. The pain was unbearable now, the curse nearly overtaking his entire body.
But for this moment, there was peace. There, in the silence of the highest tower, with the dead all around, he could rest.
Beside the man he had once loved. Beside his heart.
Beside Gellert.
The world could wait a little longer as Albus closed his eyes, resting on the other wizard's shoulder.
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periwinkla · 6 months
Ultimately, I believe ace attorney is a tale about love. How far are you willing to go for the people you love? But also, how far are you going to fall for them? Most of this love is platonic, not even romantic in nature / could or could not be seen as such, but really the crux of the matter is that regardless, it all stems from a place of deep affection and/or adoration. Phoenix both became a better person but sacrificed and risked so much because of love, even compromising his integrity and morality at some point. First love for his lost friend, then love for a girl who made him feel adored, then love for his lost mentor and her sister which he couldn't leave alone, then love for a child he needed to provide for. Miles completely and utterly destroyed himself but later glued back the pieces together in order to become better because he felt guilty for his beloved father's death, and later felt guilty for disgracing his legacy. But also his love for his friends and family gave him courage to make himself better. He charters private jets at the drop of an hat and surrenders his badge and breaks the law if need be. Franziska's love for her father made her ruthless and amoral, but her love for her little brother made her a better person. She assists in his and Phoenix's absurd plan to play at defense attorney, helps save Maya, then assists Miles in his cause for Kay. Lana's love for her sister made her throw her morals out the window, ruining the life of many people. But her love for her little sister also made her realize her mistakes and atone for them. Iris loved her sister despite it all and that corrupted her into betrayal, but she also loved Phoenix, and that gave her the courage to realize her mistakes and atone for them. Love is the reason for most plot points - it leads the storyline. It can cause both positive and negative outcomes and I really appreciate the realism in that. The characters truly care for each other, there's just so much love in AA.
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misskattylashes · 2 months
To anyone reading The Fire and the Thud...it has only just struck me that Miles is an East End Boy and Alex is a West End Girl....
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quinloki · 1 month
🎶But I would write 500 words
and I would write 500 more
just to be the one who writes 1000 words
of smut that you adore 🎶
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
this entire meta is basically summed up in that opening scene.
lionel, claire, birdie, and duke working together to play miles’s game and needing each other to get through all of his puzzles to the prize at the center (the prize being more of miles) vs. andi (helen) saying enough is enough and breaking all of his puzzles with force because she’s fucking tired of playing his games.
that’s the entire movie in one scene.  that’s the entire fam in one scene.
and the most important part is that miles isn’t even there.
(and also that his gifts are an obvious and blatant distraction from their actual lived in lives - claire’s on zoom for her campaign, and she’s distracted; lionel’s meeting with alpha scientists, and he’s distracted; birdie’s hosting a party (and peg’s trying to keep up with all of her shenanigans), and they’re distracted; duke’s trying to stream for twitch, and he’s distracted.  it’s showing how miles literally just drops something in their lives and drags them away from what they are actually doing, their actual passions, and forces them to center their lives on him.  even when he isn’t there with them.
you can even get into this with his first interaction with birdie that we see - buying that guitar to show it off for her and then literally throwing it away once the impressive moment is over and birdie running after it.
something doesn’t stop being valuable just because the moment you have use for it is over.  it still has value.  these people still have value, and you can’t just throw them away.  you can’t just throw andi away.)
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