#the multiverse is a great way for me to just do a bunch of character studies on him
swaps55 · 2 months
Okay, how to phrase this question haha. I really love your Opus multiverse works, especially What We Choose (the hand holding scenes absolutely kill me in those) and The Things We’ve Done. I suppose what I mean to ask is, in these universes, what’s Sam’s thought process or the deciding factor that makes Sam act on his feelings for Kaidan, as most of them end up with them getting together as a result of Sam’s actions? Reading Opus, Sam doesn’t seem to really properly register his feelings for Kaidan in a blatant way until Sonata, so I wondered what pushes him to make a move in these multiverse scenarios. Obviously they’re AU’s so they’re just for funsies and just exploring what could be, but I’m always so immersed in everything you write!
This is an AMAZING question, and thank you so much for asking it!
The Opus Multiverse, the first kisses in particular, are a great excuse for me to do all kinds of stuff. When it comes to the first kiss AUs, in addition to getting some much needed release from the unrealized romantic and sexual tension, I get to poke Sam with a stick and see what happens. I LOVE exploring what flips his switch in different situations, because the answer is always interesting (to me, anyway).
My conclusion after lots of poking is that, in general, the way to get Sam to fucking figure it out is one of two things, sometimes both put together:
Put him in a situation where he is forced in some way to sit and stew about what Kaidan means to him, and I mean examine it, not just exist with it, like he does on the porch swing.
Secret third thing: Put Kaidan in mylar.
Touch is a big one. Initially I really wanted to push the queerplatonic nature of their relationship - have them be a lot more physically affectionate with each other, but Sam is really keen on physical touch once you give it to him, and the slow burn would have gotten a lot faster, lol.
So, for example, in Yours, Sam had the double whammy of being forced to think about why the beacon visions upset him so much while lying in the same bed with Kaidan. The urge to touch him, for the reassurance he needs so badly, gets the better of him and he's toast.
What you can't do: spring it on him. Sam is an asshole when you back him into a corner. In The Hand and the Heart, his heart overrode his brain and surprised the hell out of him, and he reacted like an asshole. Sam almost pulled his asshole card on The Things We've done for similar reasons, but...he'd been forced to sit and stew a few days about some pretty serious shit, which made the difference.
(The Things We've Done is also a little bit different, because it's one of the few where I didn't change anything to flip Sam's switch - he just...kissed him, and I honestly don't think canon!Sam would ever do that, because he just isn't there yet. I think at that point in the story it's hard enough for him to grapple with the fact that Kaidan has become so important to him at all, and he just...isn't ready to go beyond that. But I REALLY WANTED HIM to, so he did.)
I tried to write a first kiss AU on Noveria in which Ashley ribs Sam about his feelings for Kaidan, but Sam lashed out so hard I not only couldn't get a first kiss out of it, it might have added a few years to the slow burn. XD.
Sam usually has to initiate, because for him to take it well he has to have space to think about things and get comfortable with it, and also, Kaidan is so good about suppressing how he feels and so unwilling to force anything on Sam that he doesn't think Sam wants that he won't make the move. (Exception: when you're on a midnight walk with the love of your life and you kiss him under the stars.)
It's also just fun to see that switch flip, because he basically goes from, "he's the closest friend I have," to, "if we don't get married right now I'm gonna start biting people," in the space of an eyeblink and it's delightful.
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spaceorphan18 · 1 month
You said you saw Deadpool & Wolverine - how did you like it?
Oohh, thanks Nonny! I had been planning on writing my thoughts! :)
I liked it!
I thought it was a very apt bridge between the old Fox films and Deadpool coming into the MCU.
I'm not a huge fan of uber violent things but something I appreciate about the Deadpool films (and Ryan Reynolds' brand of 12yo humor) is that behind it all is a lot of heart. And this film retained that, through all the crudeness, the point is that ultimately, Deadpool/Wade is a really good guy. And I can respect that.
Getting into specifics... which are very spoiler-y
I thought the plot itself was very thin, and this whole thing probably works better as a bunch of sketches, but it's fine. I was never asking for a lot from this film, and it did the only thing I was really asking of it, which was provide entertainment and get Deadpool into the MCU.
I appreciate that they really didn't shit on Logan's legacy while bringing Hugh Jackman back. Jackman seemed to be having a good time of it, which I'm glad to see.
Btw, loved all the musical jokes we got in this! Loved it.
I LOVED the montage of various Wolverines -- I understood most of the references! Yay me for reading X-Men comics for so long!!
The Henry Cavill cameo? Perfect.
I'm not surprised we didn't see a lot of Wade's family and friends, but it is sad they got such a small amount of screen time.
Ooff, Vanessa continues to be the one really weak piece of this whole thing. Does the actress not want to be there? Does she have limited time? Why is her character always being reduced to love interest whom Wade does everything for but there's no development of her character? Idk.
The TVA stuff is fine. I feel like it's so convoluted now that it doesn't really matter that it ultimately doesn't make much sense. I do think the MCU needs to start moving away from the multiverse stuff. It's just getting too mucky and it's lost focus.
Oh, why is Thor holding Deadpool, I'm sure it was just a gag, but oh god would it be hilarious if they brought it back at some point.
The Happy stuff. It's always great to see him, but how did Deadpool end up in the main universe? Why am I even questioning this?
Cracked me up that they hid Peter's face in that picture. Can't give Sony any more money than necessary.
Oh, in general, I love LOVED all the fourth wall breaks. This is why I watch Deadpool movies.
Cassandra Nova was fine as a villain. The actress was great! She just feels... a little too seriously evil to be in this comedy movie. Idk.
All the returning c-list villains were fun!
Having Chris Evans return as Johnny Strom was a brilliant move and I loved it. Having him just be the opposite of Steve Rogers on top of it was hilarious. Perfect use of a cameo, film.
Wesley Snipes returning as Blade. Goddamn. I'm kinda surprised he agreed to do it!
Great to see Jennifer Garner return as Elektra. I'm kinda glad I made myself watch all those marvel movies (which I still need to finish...) I appreciate this cameo more (and the dig at Daredevil).
Yay Laura returning! Could have always used more of her, but she did what she needed to.
Okay. Okay, let's talk about it. Let's talk about Channing Tatum as Gambit...
The Pros : The accent was fun, the way they used his powers was fantastic and original, they didn't make him the butt of jokes or treat him like a joke, there was a general respect for the character overall and I really, really, appreciate that being a Gambit fan
The Cons : Look, I have nothing against Tatum personally. He just doesn't look right. He's too think in body shape (not meant in a derogatory way), and his face just doesn't work in the headsock. Not to mention the costume looked plastic and cheap.
I really hope Gambit is back, but can we have Tatum as Gambit here like we had JKras as Mr. Fantastic in Dr. Strange? Just a one time fun gag? Please??
Remy is having a really good year despite dying everywhere.
The Deadpool squad (or whatever) I'm afraid I haven't read enough Deadpool to really get it, but it was fun. The side scrolling action sequence reminded me of a video game. And honestly, Wolverine with his cowl on, just kind of loosely moving reminded me of a video game as well.
I'm super curious to see how Deadpool plays within the MCU now. Let's go for it.
The credits were a nice touch. I'm glad they could honor those films for what they did, and I'm glad we can now move on from them.
Tl:dr it was fun and I liked it! :)
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trashlama · 1 year
Heeeeeyyyyy.... guess who's ADHD can't let them write for shit?~ This bitch✨~
I suuuuuucck guys I know! I did a poll and everything just so I would have to write some of these! I just couldn't help but get side tracked.... My brain is in the LMK and Spiderverse fandoms!!! Though I will say I basically got this Rise Donnie x Big Mama Assistant req almost done. Almost I say. We'll see if I post it in the next two days and not something else random instead.... I suck lol
Anyways— here's my 3am thoughts from the other night that I'm finish up tonight ironically at 3am again. Soooo bare with me these are basically a bunch of summaries/plots/not fully flushed out possible one shot ideas I might do. Probably could've re-read it a couple more times buuuuttt it's about to be 4 now so....
I hope you guys enjoy!
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Sorry this is long↓ I don't own these memes. I've never claimed to do so. I just come across them on Pinterest when I'm on break at work and think they're funny so I like to share them. If I mistakenly put one on here that I shouldn't have please let me know! I like to respect people's wishes. And if you could add the creator names too that would be great so the same mistake isn't made twice. Sorry for the inconvenience that my sharing may cause. I hope you have a good day.
Sooooo I was going through the Across the Spiderverse tag(specifically Miguel O'Hara) because you know he's hot. Priorities— Anyways— I kinda had an idea. Brahhzz what if I just took the whole Miguel kidnapping his dead wife/lover's alternate dimensional copy deal that everyone has been throwing around and introduced a new take on this tale?
We all know that the Spiderverse is very open to a wide selection of possibilities and versions of Spiderman and we're all aware that the same thing applies to other characters as well. Soooo who said that Y/n has to be a civilian/or a version of Spiderman for this idea to work?
My fellow peeps I introduce to you Earth 2099 Miguel O'Hara x  Villain/Alchemax worker/Morally Grey scientist Reader!
I can kinda see this playing out in a few ways.
1.)Villain reader investigating the strange phenomenon that occurred a couple months before hacking the multi verse and stirring up trouble. Miguel intervenes and takes what he wants.
For the last year since the bizarre phenomenon in downtown Brooklyn you've been stirring up more trouble than you typical due to collecting the materials needed for your "experiments" to figure out what that phenomenon really was and what the hell was Alchemax —your ex-employers— were up to with your research. With some finessing of the illegal kind you figure out what the corporation was up to. Before being fired you had discovered the existence of the multiverse however before you could investigate any further you were let go. Now that you have your research back you're able to Doc Octo this shit and break into the multiverse. If you could pull this off nothing was stopping ya' from fulfilling yer goal and maybe scoring some fame while you were at it. After some convoluted ass science mumbojumbo. You manage to Doc Octo this shit and break into the dimensional web that held the spider verse. Inside the alternate universe you immediately start messing up shit straight off the back as soon as you fly through the colorful portal. Miguel is quick to pick up on this anomaly and sends some Spiders out to handle the issue. Long story short— they fail. Forcing Miguel's hand to go and correct the anomaly himself. Only to find that it was you. Her. His dead wife/or dead lover. The only problem is that you're obviously not a good guy. Miguel being Miguel will try to rationalize it to himself as he demolishes your equipment/suit that you're not his Y/n, you're a villain, he can't keep you without risking a whole universe just for his selfish desires. However as he stood over your defeated helpless form. He decided. If one anomaly can exist and not destroy existence why can't another? There were ways around this. There had to be. Holding you in his grasp again the hero wasn't sure if he could let you go once again....
2.) You're an inventor/scientist that works at Alchemax/or your another rogue scientist . Either way you're looking to get into the Spider verse. Since the phenomenon from a couple months ago you've been intrigued by the strange occurrence. The news labeled it a "strange weather occurrence" however you knew that wasn't the case. If you're working at Alchemax you've known about the phenomenon since the beginning. If you're an inventor/scientist (with some grey morals) you found out after some research and trespassing. Either way your tinkering pays off thanks to the help of some stolen tech from Alchemax and an interesting glitch from the hacked tech. You eventually have yourself a fully operational universe hopping watch. And where do you end up? Right in the middle of Earth 2099. Miguel is immediately alerted of your presence. An obvious stranger to this Jetson world you find yourself quickly apprehended by a small group of spiders/or Miguel. Either way the red & blue leotard nosferatu as soon as he catches sight of you the dude is all over you. Miguel may be a man who would like to believe he is in control of himself and his rash decisions buuuuttt that's gonna be a nah. Never had the Spiderman ever expected to speak to an alternate version of his dead wife. Especially in person. Every time he's stolen a glance it was from a distance or behind one of his various monitors. He couldn't risk ruining another verse. However somehow regardless of his attempts to keep his desires at bay you've still managed to break past that last thing that was keeping you from him. Now that you're here the thirty year old wasn't sure if he could let you leave him again...
3.) What if instead of breaking into the multi verse. Alchemax employee/Morally Grey scientist Reader! is lured into the multiverse? In your home verse the Miguel who you had married was dead. Struggling with piling debt and depression you choose to bury your problems under research into the weird phenomenon that occurred in downtown Brooklyn a few months before. During this time of trial and error you figure out how to access the multiverse thanks to some misplaced Alchemax files and risky choices. The documents aid in building the device that would aid in your plan to find your ex-husband's alternate universe copy. All the while you were walking right into Miguel's clutches. Cause like you Miguel was having an equally hard time getting over his family's death. Although they are gone the widowed father couldn't help but, search for his loved ones amongst the various worlds that rest at his finger tips. He needed them. He needed you....and you needed him. Although you guys weren't from the same earth you both can replace the pain that was birthed from this tragedy and regain something more. Just be a family.... Hopefully you want to play his game because Miguel couldn't watch from the sidelines any longer.
Alrighty guys that's all for now! Sorry if they're a little all over the place. Regardless I hope you guys liked them and I hope you guys have a good week!
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doomreed · 7 months
I’m not hyped about the new fantastic four news either. though I think what I kind of hope will happen is marvel doing something like they did in the last mcu spider man movie where we see 3 peter parkers team up.
I think it would be super cool to see the cast from the 2005-2007 fantastic four movie meet with the ones from the newest movie. and have the 2005-2007 Doom (Julian McMahon) meet with the Doom from this upcoming fantastic four film too.
so we have more than one “fantastic four” team and also more than one Victor von Doom in the same movie. that would be pretty epic to see in my humble opinion. (if this really is the case, I still have hope that marvel won’t mess it up, because it sure has the potential to be great.)
I mean marvel did just very recently confirm that all the events prior to the mcu (so… sony’s spider man and fantastic four) are also canon to the mcu, and I doubt they would say that if they didn’t plan to do something with it (they said it after the event of the last spider man movie with 3 peter parkers), especially when mcu is heavily heading towards the direction of multiverse, various timelines, various variants of the same person (character) right now. I mean we basically have 3 peter parkers (from both sony and mcu) and literally a bunch of lokis. so let’s see what’ll happen next.
also not related to the topic but I should just say that I’ve been a fan of your blog for some time now. thank you for all the DoomReed goodies
The only part of the casting I agree with is Ben. It feels like Marvel is playing it extremely safe with casting Pedro, like since Multiverse of Madness they've clearly been aiming for the "soft dad" angle with Reed, probably in an attempt to get ahead of possible complaints about him based on canon? I love Reed Richards to a fault, but he's always been a little bit of an asshole. Not intentionally, and much of that perceived assholeness stems from him being on the spectrum imo but it's there, and ignoring that does him as much a disservice as playing up Tony's alcoholism purely for laughs and then never mentioning it again was to that character--another thing the MCU has done.
The poster, the casting, idk. It radiates a nuclear-family blandness, with a camp overlay used purely for aesthetics that will probably be quite popular with general audiences and leave F4 fans from the comics and old movies and other sources of media quite cold. We are not the audience Marvel Studios wishes to court, they've made that very clear.
I'd love to be wrong about how this will play out, though. Pedro is a gifted character actor when he's allowed to be, the trouble is, studios know too well how much audiences love him as a person, and are too prone to mixing the two to improve audiences' appreciation of a character he's playing, rather than just letting the man cook. 😔
I don't have a firm opinion of the other cast other than: this will be the most money anyone named Kirby has ever made on Fantastic Four, so good on her. 👍 And the Ben casting feels right. I'm outside the Johnny demographic so no real opinion there.
I had read that the baddie for the first movie will be Galactus, which is like leading your football season with the Superbowl? But no one asked me, so... 😅 maybe they have a set up that will make that work, who can say.
I've also read (on reddit, so make of that what you will) that Doom will have a "cameo" in the first movie, but no clue what that means or even of it's true.
I like your idea a lot. I think the Deadpool & Wolverine movie will have a Fantastic Four cameo of some kind, probably. The comic book we see in the trailer next to Wade's head on the desert world is Secret Wars #5, which is a recap of the story so far and how everyone got to where they are--so it's possible the desert world they're all on is Battleworld, run either by future-verse Doom or (more likely) the Beyonder. I do think the movie will include them in some way bc the studio will want to start building hype for that as their next big project, going into the MCU version of Secret Wars.
And ofc SW will have crossovers galore, since Marvel Studios has unfortunately set audience expectations for that being what it's about 😅 so, worst case, they'll turn up between those two films no doubt.
I'd love to see Julian McMahon's Doom encounter a closer-to-comic-canon version, but a thing to know about Victor is that he kills every variant of himself he meets. Like, historically, that's just his thing (it's an expression of his own self-loathing, which is really tragic in a way) ...I dunno if the MCU will carry that fun little trait over, but as a writer I can say it's an easy, low-stakes way of showing "this character is a bad guy and also there is something very wrong with him" so... yanno. I am expecting it. 😁
Sorry for the negativity on this, I'm trying to stay upbeat about it all but so far they're not inspiring confidence yet. We'll see what future developments bring, if nothing else we'll always have fanart and fics and the comics themselves. It's not like this fandom hasn't dealt with bad adaptations before, I think we'll be alright whatever happens.
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textfromthelookout · 1 year
Super is a horribly made cash grab. Something like the Dragon BallZ multiverse would've been a lot more interesting to watch.
Especially the early chapters were we see universes with diffrent "what-if's" like Friza taking over, Planet Vegeta still around, Cell or Buu winning, Goku being raised as sayin, introducing the games etc.
I especially hate how super ignores Vegeta's already established character development and makes him regress. Either they just didn't know how to write a Vegeta like that or simply didn't care.
And god Gohan got the worst treatment ever. I understand the man doesn't fight, it's not what he does and that's a great point to his character but not keeping up with his training especially after cell and buu? Is out of character. The man is smart and knows that a bigger threat can come in at any moment.
Just wanted to leave that, drink some water
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Perfectly valid opinion! Nevertheless, I disagree with you, and you’ve given me an excuse to ramble on at length about Dragon Ball, so ramble on I shall.
Super is a horribly made cash grab.
I think you’re thinking of the Z movies (which, for the record, I like). A cash grab’s supposed to be something you make quickly just because you know it’ll sell, and while I’m no economist, I do know you have to follow appreciably current trends when you’re trying to make one. While you may be right, it’s hard for me to feel that something is a cash grab when there was a ten year dry spell between GT ending and anything important that was DB-related coming out—and it wasn’t even Super, it was a little festival special that a bunch of people don’t know about because it never came overseas. Battle of Gods didn’t drop until five years after that, after the first half of DBZ Kai had already wrapped up, and Super didn’t start properly until the second half of Kai finished two years later. You don’t spend seven years feeling out if people are still receptive to something after a ten-year hiatus if you’re trying to make money quickly, is all I’m saying.
Something like the Dragon BallZ multiverse would've been a lot more interesting to watch.
I’ve never read Multiverse so I leafed through the first 400-ish pages to see if I agreed with you, and I don’t. A common complaint about the Tournament of Power is that it’s the most dragged out 48 minutes in existence, and from the looks of it, Multiverse is like if Super was nothing but the Tournament of Power. To me, one of the best things about Dragon Ball is that it doesn’t have to be all high-stakes head-to-head all the time. You get things like the Orange Star High arc, or the filler episode where Piccolo and Goku have to get their driver’s licenses, or the one where Goku doesn’t quite have control over his ki for a day or so because he essentially shorted out the wiring fighting Hit (which is a cool fucking concept that I wish they had done more with). It’s just fun. It opens the door for questions that are more entertaining—and more importantly, more varied—than arguing until you’re blue in the face about who would win in a fight between X and Y.
Especially the early chapters were we see universes with diffrent "what-if's" like Friza taking over, Planet Vegeta still around, Cell or Buu winning, Goku being raised as sayin, introducing the games etc.
Sure, I’ll give you that, Multiverse does knock that concept around a little. The problem is it doesn’t do much of anything with it. The setting is a character too, in its own way—arguably the most important one, since it’s the one that every other character has no choice but to interact with. You’re right, all of those what-ifs would be interesting—if they were set in the what-ifs.
Here, I’ll share one of my favorite what-ifs as an example to try and explain. What if, instead of being able to retreat back to his lab, Dr. Gero was destroyed along with 19 by Vegeta’s attack? There would be no reason to go check his lab out if the android threat is eliminated, so 17 and 18 would still be asleep. Cell would grow unhindered for 17 years, and when he hatches, he could simply go up the ladder and attain perfection without a fight. Goku wouldn’t have died at the end of the Cell Games. There would be no training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for anyone. Does Vegeta become an issue again, since his character arc stalls at the part where he’s reveling in his own power? If so, how does that resolve? How would the struggle against Cell play out if they had no warning at all that he even existed? What role would Gohan play in it—or Goten or Trunks, since they’d be old enough to be a factor? These questions and any number of others you could pose don’t even account for the fact that it entirely upsets the timeline—Buu arc would occur before Cell, if it occurs at all. Assuming it does, would they stand a chance in hell against Buu without the power they gained in Cell arc and the seven year gap? Could Cell somehow end up coming into conflict with Buu? In short—how does this change things?
Multiverse answers this with ‘who cares, where does it put you in the power-scaling?’ and that’s not compelling to me in the slightest.
I especially hate how super ignores Vegeta's already established character development and makes him regress. Either they just didn't know how to write a Vegeta like that or simply didn't care.
Define regress. If you’re referring to Vegeta retaining his determination to get stronger than Goku after the ‘you are number one’ speech, that’s. Pretty integral to his character, frankly. Just because he’s learned and accepted it’s not the end of the world if he isn’t stronger doesn’t mean he has to drop the competition entirely. I read it less as a set-in-stone declaration of Goku’s superiority, more like a concession of his own defeat. ‘You’re number one forever because you’re better than me’ vs ‘You win for now, but when the next fight rolls around, I’ll outdo you’, you feel what I’m getting at? He does show up to fight Goku in the tournament during the very end of Z, after all. My point is that it shows Vegeta’s worldview and perception of himself is more malleable now—and so, confines him far less.
As it turns out, that concept of ‘freedom’ is the direction Super chooses to develop him in, and I feel that it pairs very well with what he goes through in Z (spoilers incoming). In Z, Vegeta is restricted by The Way Things Are Supposed To Go. In Super, especially later on during Moro and Granolah, this has a natural continuation in how his past actions in the name of TWTASTG weigh on him in ways that hamper his growth. This has been one of his biggest stumbling blocks for forever—he thinks so goddamn much, he can’t get out of his own head.
His defense of the Namekians and Earth against Moro is motivated in part by Vegeta feeling obligated to right the balance, so to speak—and he says as much, even going so far as to ask Moori if he bears a grudge against him for his actions. He still considers himself a villain bound for hell. In effect, this idea that he has to atone for his sins via being the one to save the day (which essentially amounts to being stronger than Goku on some given day) has snuck in and made itself into the new Way Things Are Supposed To Go without him realizing it.
Beerus realizes, though. I couldn’t think of a way to eloquently get across what Beerus does for him short of copying down the dialogue wholesale, so fuck it, that’s what I’m gonna do, since not everyone has access to the official translation. (From ch 69)
BEERUS: How many planets have you Saiyans destroyed? VEGETA: ? Hard to say. Fighting was the only way of life for my people, so we had a way of racking up sin after sin. B: Sin, huh? V: However, it wasn’t until Freeza’s clan came along and began using us that the destruction and invasions became business as usual. B: You trying to lay all the blame for your wicked ways on Freeza and his people? V: Not in the least. In his pursuit for power, my father built his own kingdom atop countless deaths. Freeza’s clan taking control didn’t help, but the seeds of the Saiyans’ destruction were sown before that. B: So it was the Saiyans’ destiny to be wiped out, then? V: I’d say so. B: Hmph… Ridiculous. V: But never mind that. My people’s problems aren’t your concern. B: I’m saying it’s ridiculous! V: ! W-what? What do you mean? Weren’t you going to show me a technique used by Gods of Destruction?! What could that possibly have to do with the history of the Saiyans? B: Plenty. […] As long as doubt weighs down your soul, this power’ll never be yours to wield. V: D-doubt, you say? B: Your own crimes aside, you���re feeling guilty for the sins of all Saiyans. That’s awfully self-centered of you, mortal. Here’s a fun fact. The one who suggested that Freeza eliminate the Saiyans… was me. V: W… what? B: You still think it was destiny? You’re just gonna accept that? […] Everything those Saiyans did in the past… what’s it got to do with you now? As long as you’re trapped by the past, you’ll never manage to grow past this point. My mind’s always on destruction and nothing else. That’s why there’s no limit to my power. Listen. If you really want this power, you’re gonna have to destroy any stray thoughts and recreate yourself from scratch. Before creation comes destruction. Get it?
Yeah. He takes this and he intentionally divorces his efforts to get stronger from his tendency to dog Goku’s heels in leveling up. Ultra Instinct isn’t a power suited to him, so he gives it up instead of torturing himself over it and works on what eventually becomes Ultra Ego instead. Here’s the thing though. The biggest indicator of Vegeta’s growth to me is that he can’t tap fully into that power because he’s no longer callous and unfeeling, and he knows it. He identifies too much with Granolah to simply destroy him. And he tries to lead Granolah off the path that ruined him for so much of his life. That doesn’t sound anything like regression to me.
The way things stand with Goku and Vegeta right now, the next step seems to be adapting their Ultra forms to them personally, so I’m curious to see how Vegeta will bend that power to the person he is now.
And god Gohan got the worst treatment ever. I understand the man doesn't fight, it's not what he does and that's a great point to his character but not keeping up with his training especially after cell and buu? Is out of character. The man is smart and knows that a bigger threat can come in at any moment.
You could be right, but no amount of kvetching is going to change what the writer wrote, so you may as well stretch your critical thinking legs and ask yourself why the writer thinks this is in character. Speaking from the perspective of a person who makes a hobby of examining these pieces and spackling them together into something cohesive (fanfiction. I write fanfiction, in case that was somehow unclear), this is the more fun option for me. I’m not saying it’s really That Deep (‘don’t put more thought into something than the creators did’, yak yak yadda yadda) or that my personal interpretation is correct and canon or anything, I just know that writers rarely write something a certain way without a reason.
Because you’re right, Gohan is a smart person. I don’t think he did stop training after Buu in the way you’re thinking of, for two reasons. First, he mentions at the end of Super Hero that he’s been practicing the Makankosappo in secret, and the Makankosappo took Piccolo presumably several years nonstop (between OGDB and Z) to make from scratch. Gohan may have prior knowledge to base his experimentation off of, but he has a lot less free time too, between his family and his father’s tendency to one-track-mind the things he’s passionate about—Videl says he’s been in his room working on his ant project for several days. So how long has Gohan been practicing it?
That’s rather theoretical though so, second, Gohan was ready for the Tournament of Power with 48 hours of training, which I don’t think would be possible if he wasn’t at least keeping himself physically in shape. Indeed, when Piccolo is training him (DBS episode 88), his problem is not with Gohan’s practical technique—it’s with his attitude. Freeza notices this and mentions it earlier in Resurrection F as well, that Gohan is going out of his way to leave the people he beats alive. Piccolo describes it as a failure to ‘close the deal’, in the sense that Gohan needs to be able to win in a way that leaves no room for a rematch or a sneak attack at the last second. This doesn’t necessarily mean killing, mind, especially since the Tournament of Power has a no-kill rule. What Gohan has let go to rust is his willingness to be ruthless enough to remove an obstacle that has to be removed. That, I think, is the true meaning of the ‘training’ that everyone in universe harps on him for. Gohan’s always been softhearted, after all.
I will concede that it is very stupid that he apparently doesn’t recognize Piccolo’s ki when by all rights he’s probably the person most familiar with it. I consider that ‘out of character’, in that I have no clever explanation for it, but given that it isn’t load-bearing so the story functions, I mainly shrug and ignore it. That’s the healthy thing to do.
completely forgot to say... I *hate* how bulma is now. Nothing to the bulma we saw in Z, even at her most vexing she was never like the one we see right now. Genuinely massacred her
Personally I would be angrier about Videl in your position, because boy does she just not exist in Super. More to the point, I don’t know exactly what you mean by this. Unless I’ve misremembered/misread something, Bulma is still doing what she’s done from day one. She’s still smart. She’s still willing to try using her charm to get what she wants. She still builds things that are plot-crucial (Goku Black arc couldn’t have happened without her replicating her own time machine! Which she couldn’t have done had Future Bulma not counted on her and left her own notes!) She still wants to get a look at every would-be destroyer of Earth du jour, even though it’s really not a good idea. If you’re referring to her occasional shallowness/bitchiness/pettiness, that never went away, you know. That’s a pretty big part of Bulma.
Just wanted to leave that, drink some water
Cute, but I’ve been on the internet too long to get upset when a random stranger boos something I enjoy. Thanks for the opportunity to write way too many words about it though! 2500 of them, in fact! I’d genuinely love to hear your thoughts on them.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: Spider-man : Across the Spiderverse
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thanks @knightsweeties for drawing my icon's spidersona
So I am WAY behind on movies I should have been watching and Finally cleared my schedule enough to watch this movie
So I think I will break it down into the following. As a fan of into the spider-verse, my expectations for this film are a lot higher than most movies. Here's how I am breaking it down.
The Characters
The Lesson
Does it live up to the hype
Final Thoughts
Across the Spiderverse is an animation marvel.
I wouldnt call it beautiful, because that is such a mundane term. It is artistically masterful. It even goes beyond what it had done in the previous film.
The way the film has each universe has its own art, color and style that transfers to each character. The level of detail is beautiful. The way colors are used in Gwen's universe. How Hobie is never looking consistent in any shot he is in because in his own words "He hates consistency" Its incredible.
The animation is the best part of the movie. If the animation is a cut above the rest and it is the best I have every seen in a CGI film.
10/10 (And that is a hard 10)
The film takes place a year and 4 months after the events of Into the spiderverse. There is a group of inter dimensional spider people that go around to fight anomalies and ensure the "Canon" is maintained.
Miles aka Spiderman is just trying to get a hang of his life as Spider man, his parents are worried about his future and now he has a new villain, the Spot. The Spot is obsessed with becoming Miles/Spiderman's nemesis and is hopping universes to increase his power.
Miles ends up in trouble with the interdimensional spider people and their leader, Miguel o'hara. And it culminates in the Spot becoming a massive threat to the multiverse, Miles being chased down by the spider people because he is an anomoly and him ending up in a dimension from where the Spider that bit him came from. A world where there is no spider man.
Now there is SO much to cover and this movie is a 2 hour and 20 minutes and it is only PART 1!
Now there are also a bunch of other story lines like with Gwen and her dad, Peter B parker becoming a father and The Spot figuring out his powers. But that is only the beginning.
Now the way the movie takes its time to set things up is fine... but it also feels like there are some things that could have been cut. It feels so long. The movie does do a good job to ensure it never feels boring, but at the same time it feels cluttered and empty in random intervals.
The first part does leave me excited for part 2, but I also feel like I have a lot of movie to process already and I am not in a rush to see part 2.
I think the previous film did a better job maintaining the hype and pacing, while also giving so much development.
Overall 8/10
The Characters
Miles Morales: Miles is as great as he was in the first film. You sympathize with his situation, he never comes off as annoying or jerkish because the movie does a good job in making sure you understand his perspective. Even when he is arguing with his parents, you know he wants to tell them but all the advice he has been given is NOT to. The problem with Miles though is that his problem is basically the same as the first one, people keep telling him what he is or needs to be and he has to find his own way and rise up. It feels a bit repetitive. But that being said it is a twist on it because with the situation we as the audience have to figure out if Miles is in the right or not.
Spider-Gwen: Gwen gets more development here, including the focus on her dynamic with her father. The strain that occured when he found out that his daughter was the vigilante that he believed killed his daughter's best friend. Its a whole can of worms as Gwen is basically dimension hoping to avoid dealing with that. We also see how she and miles grow closer ONLY to seperate as he learned the truth on why she never visited and why he is an anomoly. Gwen does manage to make up with her dad and she has a new mission, saving Miles. She is in her own way just as much of a main character in this as Miles, which is great for her as it allows us to explore her character more. Her character is one of the best.
The Spot: When it comes to pathetic villains that grow into massive threats, you can say I have a soft SPOT for them. I like the backstory and how absurdly dumb it is but how it makes sense. The spot is growing into his own and a twisted version of miles, like he had to deal with in the first movie. Coming into his own but lacking control only to grow exponentially as he grew in confidence. The spot now has a mission, be the true nemesis of Miles whether he wants it or not, and he is willing to rip apart the multiverse to do it.
Miguel O'Hara: The hard ass future spiderman that is obsessed with making sure no other universe collapse. He is fervent in his belief that Canon can not be broken and any and all threats to the spiderverse need to be dealt with. He is also a foil to Miles because he is a bigger, serious and seemingly more competent version of him. Miles' own friends take this guy's side over his, and it is a great point of tension. Personally, I think he is wrong with his takes and while the movie tries to show him as right, it fails to take into account how inaccurate it is by ignoring the times things DIDNT break. If Canon was so definitive, than Miles universe would have collapsed when his world's spiderman died. Regardless I do like the character.
The Spiders: The other spider people were great. Seeing Peter b parker, and Spider byte were some of my personal favorites. Spider woman was great... but it bothered me that a PREGNANT WOMAN was doing all this crazy dangerous stuff. I dont care if she is a spider person that is dangerous and could cause a TON of complications. WHY DID NO ONE POINT OUT THE DANGER TO HER? Rant done, I did enjoy all the jokes that were made and most of the spiders were endearing and fun to see. (Lego spider man is the best one confirmed by Miguel)
Overall solid 9/10. While Gwen got an upgrade and Miguel was a welcome antagonist I think there were a LOT more characters here and it cost some of them development. But despite that it is still good.
The Lesson
Its basically a coming of age story that life is unpredictable and that people can advise you but you are the only person that can decide how you write your story. That is similar to Miles story in the first one and it could be argued that this is just an expansion on that. Or it can be said that the first lesson was to rise to the occasion and never fear failure while this is to push forward and decide whats right for you.
Overall its done well if a bit of a rehash.
Does it live up to the Hype?
Yes. 100% if you liked the first one you will love the second one. But I can also see the argument that the first movie was great as a stand alone, and with this being part one it now becomes dependent on how the second part delivers, that is the problem with movies in Parts. I do think it will deliver, so I am not worried on that end. So yes, it lives up to the hype.
Final thoughts
Across the Spiderverse brings a new redefinition of animation as we know it, it is a solid plot and it has a lot of hype and build up going into the next part. I am glad I waited before watching as it allows me not to get sucked into people's opinions and I can say I enjoy it without just agreeing with the crowd.
solid 10/10 for me. It is one of the best Animated movies I have ever seen and I cant wait for part 2.
Also what is with spider people and child endangerment? Spider woman and peter B parker. I got my EYE on you
TLDR: Its an INCREDIBLE movie, its long and it lives up to the hype.
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miss-bvnny · 11 months
Cinderella sequels multiverse theory + Anastasia's reward for repentance
Do I have your attention? Great! Let me explain what I mean:
For those unfamiliar, Cinderella 3: A Twist In Time (2007) tells the story of Lady Tremaine getting ahold of Fairy Godmother's wand, and using the magic as a means of enacting revenge on Cinderella and finally climbing the social ladder by using Anastasia as a pawn. Cinderella eventually undoes this chain of events thanks to the mice, and Anastasia's conscience as she realizes this is all wrong.
Anastasia is at first coerced into the scam enticed by the thought of the prince loving her. However, as time passes Anastasia realizes that this is NOT what she wants. Especially not through these means. The prince loves her because he's been tricked into thinking she's Cinderella via Among Us Imposter means. Anastasia wants someone to love her for who SHE is, not for who they THINK she is.
This movie takes place on Cinderella and the Prince's first anniversary. Meaning it's been a year since the wedding at the end of the first movie, and LESS than a year since Cinderella 2.
Now, this movie came out in 2007. Cinderella 2 came out in 2002. Many of you might remember Anastasia and the baker falling in love in Cinderella 2. Which, to sharp-eyed Disney Nerds, was never once mentioned in Cinderella 3. Anastasia laments that she wishes there was someone who would love her the way the Prince loves Cinderella
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But...what about the baker??? If the story with the baker in Cinderella 2 had really happened at this point...she PROBABLY wouldn't be singing this?? And before you say ''They obviously just forgot about that aspect of Cinderella 2'' HOLD ONTO THAT until after you hear what I've got to say.
At the end of Cinderella 3, when the prince finds the REAL Cinderella and the truth is uncovered, Fairy Godmother asks them if they'd like the true timeline to be restored, as they're currently in a botched false timeline created through Tremaine's meddling. They choose not to return to the present, instead electing to fall in love and have their first year all over again. In layman's terms...Cinderella 2 is now obliterated. It happened, then the timeline change occurred, and now it's going to happen again. Basic Back To The Future timeline meddling plotline stuff.
So here's the meat of my theory: Anastasia doesn't meet the baker until after the timeline reset. It was her reward from a higher power (God, Fairy Godmother, True Love, etc) for doing the right thing and coming clean to Cinderella and the kingdom instead of going along with Tremaine's scheme. She's shown to be visibly uncomfortable with being a piece in her mother's game. And despite obvious fears of consequences, she confesses at the wedding. Something that...I have to imagine must've been hard to do with such a horrible mother and Drizella breathing down her neck. She did the right thing, despite fearing the outcome. Something worth rewarding.
Now remember when I said I didn't think they'd ''forgotten'' about the baker? During the end credits, they show a bunch of really cute painterly portraits of the cast presumably taking place after the movie. And...what's the FIRST one they show???
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Now...this CLEARLY isn't an airtight theory, but in my defense...all time travel movies are VERY messy to a degree. My fallback explanation for any cracks in the case is Cinderella 2 actually takes place after 3, in the new timeline. THAT'S how the story of Anastasia in love manages to be present in THAT movie.
Anyway all this is to say that you should REALLY watch Cinderella 3 if you haven't already because it is GENUINELY one of the cutest disney sequels, and I REALLY love Anastasia's character in the latter Cinderella movies <3
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thienvaldram · 9 months
The Book of the Snowstorm – Readthrough/Review Part 1
Part 1
I will first clarify that I am not a great reviewer especially for something as passionate as this. I will endeavour to do my best though.
Does this count? It’s an real life statement than a story but I did enjoy how it contextualises the anthology and I’m a fan of the light, but not mean spirited, jab at the 60th Anniversary’s more blatant and flamboyant celebrations and the general sentiment that the Third Universe is too big to be spanned by any one story or copyright or anything.
Previously on the Multiverse
Fun little rundown of just how big this little section of the wider multiverse really is. From the Archons, to the 10,000 Dawns to the Cupids and more. I admit I’m not familiar with a lot of it but this did a pretty good job making it seem like fun.
Scene 1
Nice intro, like the setting and this is pretty much my first intro to the characters besides brief readings of the wikis entry on the Cactus and the Corpse (I really need to get to Horrors of Arcbeatle at some point though quite frankly my wider knowledge of this part of the Universe needs a lot more filling in). Either way, nice little setup with Martisa and Callum trapped in a room with three unknown elements.
Magic Bird of Fire
To be honest, I find it difficult to reasonably review pieces that serve as simple little character pieces like this (Which may make the rest of this book a bunch of very similar short reviews like this tbh). SIGNET’s an interesting group to contrast with UNIT and Torchwood and PROBE and the like but this isn’t even really all that much about them, more about Aoife specifically. Fun characterisation and a neat little setting but not too much more I can say than that. I enjoyed it.
Scene 2
I do like the way the framing narration weaves the stories into its narrative. Linking the title of Magic Bird of Fire to the missing Rich and connecting Coloth’s presently missing circumstances to the following story.
The Dinosaur in the Snow
Ok so can’t review this one. For the potentially obvious implications that it was me who wrote it and that seems a little unfair. Best I can say is I enjoyed writing it and am proud of how it turned out, especially with Aristide’s editing work I cannot praise that enough.
If anyone has any questions about the story feel free to ask, though I cannot guarantee a meaningful answer especially in regards to statements of authorial intent, there are things I will not confirm nor deny.
Scene 3
We finally get to see what happened to Coloth and Rich, and there’s a little more on the nature of the books. I am really enjoying the library setting.
And that’s it for the moment, not too much to say but I did say I wasn’t that good at this.
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thattimdrakeguy · 11 months
The Flash isn't all all-around horrible movie. There's a lot of good things in it. The problem with the movie is a bunch of stuff that eventually all comes together by the end and just wrecks the fucking thing like a ball that wrecks--Some sort of...wrecking ball if you will.
So seeing people online try to talk like Harvard graduates having a discussion about the prospects of the movie Flash by scrambling to the scattered pieces that were wrecked and trying to tape together something that made it seem good, is really funny to me.
There's some parts of that movie I thought were legitimately great. Some parts made me laugh my off.
I hated most of the "Hi, I'm Barry, an awkward, loser, virgin" humor. Since for a good chunk of the film the main Barry doesn't act like that. It's like it's hold back from Justice League movie Barry that people seem to have agreed to hate.
The movies main fault besides Ezra Miller being in the news so much for not so good things, is simply that it can't help itself.
The logic for multiverse travel makes no sense. The movie basically says "it's fate" at a certain point, and that's after the scientific explanation that makes no sense.
Why does Bruce Wayne look like the dude just for later on to look more like Bruce Wayne ever has before in the previous Michael Keaton appearances. (The costume department did a stellar job.)
The Lasso of Truth doesn't work like that.
People keep reacting to things the way people would not react to things.
The Chrono-Bowel, looks cool, but functionally it doesn't make any sense when the idea of Flash's time traveling is just running really fast. Trying to visualize that with a place were he can stand totally still sort of takes away the SPEED part of the speed-force that's necessary to be related to speed. Perhaps in another movie it would've been great beyond the shitty CGI that made things look like statues.
Most of the things that make it a multiverse movie would probably be better without it story wise, for the sake of simplifying things, even though I think Michael Keaton was at his best as Batman in this one. ignoring the really weird "You wanna get nuts" line, that doesn't work, because that's not exactly a thing he says. It's a thing he said once in a specific context.
The movie's version of time travel as it's previously shown to work no longer works, and they break it several times. Making it have no logic, which makes following things confusing, because things aren't happening the way they explain previously.
Supergirl hardly does jack shit, and says hardly jack shit. Her presence in the movie is so small, I sometimes forget she's in the movie. Her parts aren't bad. She just gets hardly anything to do, and feels like a tossed in character to go "Oooo, multiverse".
And it's mostly these things fans of the film keep showing going 'LOOK, IT'S GOOD, IT'S GOOD' even the visuals, which can at times get good. I think at first the visuals stink rotten ass, but do genuinely get better at a certain point just to get sort of hard to follow during the final act again.
So even if you really liked the movie. Why are you trying to excuse shit, that's shit no matter how you spin it?
'Oh, this scene with the baby is showing his intelligence and is very creative.'
It also looks fake as fuck and uncanny valley babies freak people the fuck out.
Despite how I don't think I can qualify the movie as a good movie critically speaking, I still think there's a lot of good stuff in the movie. It's just--no one really talks about it, at least much. It's strange.
It feels like no one saw the movie that says they liked it.
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niuttuc · 1 year
What's your opinion on the Great Pruning?
I'm personally not a fan of it because it basically took a whole bunch of sparks from planeswalker rendering them unable to traverse the Multiverse. I get why they wanted to powerdown the walkers so they're on the same playing field as nonwalkers, but they could have just nerfed the sparks so they only gave walkers the ability to planeswalk. Maybe take longer and more concentration to planeswalk in general.
I get why Wizards wanted nonwalkers to traverse the Multiverse when they created Omenpaths, but they just seem too frequent and not dramatic enough. I don't know. That's just my opinion on Omenpaths right now.
Also, what are your thoughts on the death race set?
Since it's taking place across three different planes, I'm worried that planes will be designed less thoughtfully afterwards.
Sorry for the huge rant. I just wanted to spew out some of my thoughts while asking you some things.
What's your opinion on the Great Pruning?
A bit annoying mostly because it throws a wrench into so many stories and seeds of stories, both mine and WotC's own set up over years and years, but waiting to see what they do with it. I would like the Multiverse to not be upended every five years because that makes building any story quite difficult. The one set post-Omenpaths we got so far wasn't great at showing that off. Troyan was here, and at the end two characters ended up on other planes... Which was a common trope already beforehand, 60% of stories ended with a random new character sparking to another plane. With that said, a story about travel would need at least two of the journey's steps to make sense, I imagine.
I get why they wanted to powerdown the walkers so they're on the same playing field as nonwalkers, but they could have just nerfed the sparks so they only gave walkers the ability to planeswalk. Maybe take longer and more concentration to planeswalk in general.
That's another thing annoying me in the writing of that story introducing the concept: planeswalkers aren't inherently more powerful than regular mages. They can have access to mana in different ways and learn more spells than average because they have access to more places, but they aren't supposed to be more powerful, and haven't been since the Mending. It's a common misunderstanding, but I'd hoped Magic's authors would know that at least.
Also, what are your thoughts on the death race set?
Since it's taking place across three different planes, I'm worried that planes will be designed less thoughtfully afterwards.
These planes are returns, the bulk of the worldbuilding is already done and they can just snag onto what was previously established. The one that didn't get a full visit will be more delicate, but it's one plane, they do that often.
As far as the concept itself, I'm nonplussed by it. It's the Maze Run again but now vehicles are a thing. But I'm not very moved by any kind of racing or such plots, so it's clearly not aimed at me.
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arcshuttle · 1 month
lmao, saw the amount of Deadpool & Wolverine reblogging shenanigans- and as a fan of the movie (and franchise) I have to ask, what do you think of it?
Oh lmao, I had watched it a few weeks ago. Incredible stuff, which is to be expected from a third Deadpool movie, but still.
Course Deadpool and Wolverine just had great chemistry. Can't even put that aspect into words, you just have to experience those scenes for yourself to know what I'm talking about.
Really glad with how they leaned into the multiverse stuff without too much explanation, cuz a Deadpool is definitely the place to let the intricate lore pass over your head. It's just Deadpool and Wolverine meeting a bunch of wackos in weird places, what else is there to get?
Also all the side characters??? Ugh, each one of them, SUCH a treat!
Doug was just the friend Deadpool needed in this shitty part of his life and even turned into a savior against the Deadpool horde, cuz of course he is.
Ladypool had a hot voice (Ryan is so lucky, but then again, so is his wife)
Kidpool was funny af (they're lucky to have that kid)
Cassandra's hand grabby thing was so creative and it really matched her justifiably cray cray character
Chris Evans as the fire guy was amazing, especially his delivery of the post-credits line.
Wasn't feeling it when Deadpool was praising Disney. Even if it made sense for his character motivations, it felt too forced after the "I'm going to Disneyland!" joke. And his comment about how gen z-ers are sensitive snowflakes. Not sure if that was meant ironically or not, but it irked me either way.
But those are, like, the only complaints. Every other joke and bit was *chefs kiss*
So yeah! :D
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tobiasdrake · 9 months
Like a lot of episodes, What If 2-8 left me with mixed feelings.
Steve being the Forerunner was a clever character choice. Inverting his whole "Man Outta Time" shtick and turning it into the central Macguffin in an unexpected way.
Given that Happy's still a Hulk, I guess this is supposed to be the same universe as the Christmas Special, just all timey-wimey mashed up due to the Time Gem misfire.
Genuinely don't know why Wanda's spell grabbed a Captain America variant instead of a Dr. Strange variant. Cosmic multiversal collapse specifically involving the Time Gem seems far more up his alley. But it all worked out, I guess.
What If has long had a problem with a lack of creativity and a preference towards aesthetic over substance. "What If All the Characters were Dressed Like Robin Hood and Said 'Thee' a Bunch" implies that the well of ideas, shallow as it was from the start, is finally running dry.
This is far from the worst episode. Atwell continues bringing her A-Game to a character that genuinely does get a lot of agency, great leadership moments, and the chance to drive the plot - as well as yet more Steve/Peggy shipping to try and retroactively justify Endgame's controversial ending, but we can't have everything.
But the universe she's plopped into gives her little to work with. It's just Marvel characters in funny hats trying to obstruct her for poorly-explained reasons so we can do an extremely abridged and shallow performance of Robin Hood.
Though even on that note, Sheriff Hogan was nonetheless consistently hilarious. Happy as a villain is an inherently silly concept. So there's that.
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naughtygirl286 · 1 year
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so yeah we finally went to see Spider‑Man: Across the Spider-Verse and I would have to say I was surprised by the amount of ppl that were there when the movie started it like like the theater we were in was half full. but also of course there was some collectable goodies for this one also which you can see Here.
As for the movie itself I would have to say it was amazing! truly spectacular! and every other Spider-Man related adjective lol but seriously it was excellent I would have to say I did love it.
I feel that the story this time focus a bit more on Gwen at least I thought it did Miles is still heavily part of the story and does follow him but I do think it does focus more on Gwen to me it was a bit of a 60/40 where it was 60 Gwen and 40 Miles but there is alot going on in this movie you do have to pay attention!
It takes place like a year or so after the first one and Miles is busy doing his best being the Spider-Man of his corner of the Multiverse (Earth-1610) but is struggling with his normal/home life and his duties as Spider-Man. Unknowingly he creates a threat to the entire Multiverse known as the Spot and ends up reuniting with Gwen and his friends from the original movies and goes on a huge spider fueled adventure across the multiverse to stop him while at the same time meeting various Spider-People especially Miguel O'Hara Spider-Man 2099 (Earth 928 a possible Marvel future) who is bring all the Spider-People together to hopefully protect the Multiverse.
Like I said the movie is excellent I loved every minute of it and it quite long as animated movies go being it is like 2 and a half hours but the animation is excellent just like the first one and I feel each Spider-Person is given their own style of animation and there own look which really sets them apart.
The music for this is great as well both the films score and the various songs used through out. the voice acting is I thought was perfectly done, sure alot of it is easy at times when people are wearing masks but when they are not it is quite impressive. They are still very expressive with "mask eye" movements and body gestures which are all very fluid and life like.
One thing this movie has alot of is humor as Peter B. Parker says in the movie "Spider-Man is suppose to be funny" and this is just that the movie does have lots of funny moments to balance out the seriousness and drama. One of the most funny parts of the movie is when the Spot is introduced and his first fight with Miles is hilarious.
The references and cameos are mind blowing!! you'll have to go and see this like 15 times or watch it frame by frame digitally or possibility wear out the pause button when it comes on disk to see and get everything!! its truly amazing how much they put into this.
I have to say I thought the choice of the Spot for the main villain in this was pretty good being his powers are interdimensional and would work good in a movie that deals with the Multiverse and I felt that they did a really good job with the character in general
I how ever was not to sure about making Spider-Man 2099 a some what secondary villain. He wasn't really I think a villain but more of a person with good intentions that might not be the best way about doing things? They did a really good job with the character tho I thought he was handled nicely over all.
but yeah they kinda took everything that made the first one great and did more of that plus a bunch of new and amazing things you can tell that this is a huge leap form the previous movie.
So pretty much if you loved Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse you'll love this one too!
also there isn't any credit scenes so you don't have to sit and wait for that
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nostalgiqueajamais · 2 years
Spider-Man: No Way Home
I have to admit, I used to be a bit biased when it came to Spider-Man. The first movies with Tobey Maguire were my favorites and I wasn't very open-minded when the newer versions were released. Despite liking Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, I didn't like that they made the Amazing Spider-man when they did. I was like "Why mess with the original?" Anyways, my thought process and general way of thinking changed when I entered my 20s. I don't remember the Amazing Spider-man, so I need watch that again. I do remember that it had a very sad ending with Gwen dying and I remember not liking that. I was more open-minded after the Avengers and the new movies with Tom Holland came out. But I never got around to actually watching them. I still haven't seen Homecoming. Gonna do that tomorrow after I get a good night's sleep. I watched Far from Home for the first time today on Netflix and it was EPIC!
No Way Home piqued my interest the most, obviously there's Tobey Maguire but also of course, the entire concept itself is genius. Creating a multiverse where all three Spider-mans exist in different timelines. I unconsciously had a lot of expectations for the movie.
I felt bad a lot for Tom Holland's Peter in this one. Like Doctor Strange put it, the kid has been through a lot! And now, he was about to be put through even more stuff. Luckily, he had two other friendly neighborhood Spider-mans to help him. That was a great moment when the other two Peters were just hanging on the rooftop like a regular chimp on a treetop. It was lowkey cool!
I had some freak out fangirl moments when Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield showed up. I even clapped. I was excited to see the villains as well. When Dr. Otto Octavius showed up, it felt like seeing an old friend again. My heart was beating fast when the Green Goblin showed up. I knew he was coming, still exciting. I mean, I haven't seen him since the FIRST movie. He's been gone a long time! Cameos as the dead vision don't count. He's alive! in this one. I think he was the scariest Spider-man villain. It's the voice.
I felt bad for the villains, compassion. Wow, script writers are all about enlightenment these days. Villains were humans once too, until they chose to turn into other beings and killed a bunch of people. I felt bad for the Spider-mans as well, having lost so many loved ones.
I know this was by design, but I feel the need to mention how poetic it was when Andrew's Peter saved MJ. I knew it was coming. It made the character's story come around full circle. He was also so adorable, constantly stating how he had always wanted brothers, telling them that he loved them. He was just lovable. I kind of wish that they would face-time him from across the universes.
I LOVE how mature Tobey's Peter is. There's just something classic about him. Like fine wine. I screamed out NO when he got stabbed but he lived. Phew. That would have been a bummer. A more interesting plotline, but a bummer.
Now, don't come for me MCU fans, but I was also a bit disappointed. Maybe because I expected so much. The idea of bringing all the villains and all three Spider-mans together, it's epic but also a lot of pressure. There was a lot of star power in this: Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Tobey Maguire, Jamie Foxx, Rhys Ifans, J. K. Simmons, Thomas Haden Church ... and yet, there was just something off about the way it was shot. Maybe it was the angles, but something felt awkward. Like the scene where Tom Holland's Peter rages and beats the $h*t out of the Green Goblin; I guess they wanted us to see the fight, but it could have been shot more dramatically than just the front angle. And then Tobey's Peter comes to stop him. Tom's Peter yielded a second too fast. Also, Peter paid ZERO attention to Ned after dating MJ even as he was about to be forgotten.
Btw, why does Zendaya or MJ remind me so much of Selena Gomez. More so, Alex Russo.
The scene on the statue of Lady Liberty was amazing, and beautifully shot. I loved when the three Peters talk normally before the villains come for them like it's just another Sunday. It was a nice little moment of relief which balances out the heavy, emotional scenes.
I really wanted to see the aftermath in the other universes. What happened to the villains? Norman Osborne? Without his evil counterpart, he's left with sanity and the guilt of what he did when his dark side took over. Does he go insane anyway? Does the amount of guilt drive him crazy? I also wanted to see Flint reunite with his daughter. What about Dillon? What becomes of him? And also Dr. Connors? Does he get put in jail? So many unanswered questions. Would have liked to see some scenes, even post-credits regarding that.
Overall, not a bad movie. A lot of moments to freak out over, the villains, the Peters, it was truly a treat for fans. But the hype of the crossover before the movie's release did ruin it a tad. I haven't seen Homecoming but so far, Far from Home is my favorite out of the trilogy.
Also, can't wait for the fourth one.
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beyourownanchor6 · 2 months
You're right, it's our hellsite. Home sweet home.
The cw multiverse was crazy. I love multiverses and multiverse theory but jesus christ dudette what the fck was that. Like... crisis on infinite earths is crazy. And i feel like the impacts of that event were never fully explored?? I mean. New universes. A bunch of multiverses pressed together into a new prime earth. What does that even mean?? Everyone died and was reborn but were the reborn versions the same as the original versions? Obviously not as all the wellses end up inside one wells. What does that mean for all the other alternative universe versions of the characters? How many deaths were just ignored? And why some characters who only existed in a paralel universe (like Supergirl) now exist in earth prime, but others (like jessie quick) don't?? The writers did not think this through.
Oh Black Lightning was great. The lead actor is super hot.
It's okay, i wasn't like traumatized or anything. I mean the first time my teacher froze and started crying and praying and wouldn't move so i, as the oldest kid in class, and also the only one other than the teacher who knew the protocols, had to take charge and keep my classmates safe and calm. I barricated the door, told everyone to move to the back of the class, and we just waited until the shooter was gone. I was pretty calm because i'd tutored the shooter the year prior, we were boys, so i knew he wouldn't shoot me. The second time was more stressful. I'd made a deal with my mom that i'd go back and finish high school if she went back and finished it too, so because of me she was also at the school during the shooting, so instead of barricading in place I grabbed a chair and left the classroom to stop the shooter before he could get to her. Thankfully i did not find him or i'd be ✨dead✨.
And oh that sounds like a great episode! I'm gonna look for it.
Omg i love venom and tom hardy is a hottie. Yeah the character is great! And i miss the marvel netflix shows too.
Ooh that's definitely a victory. Mine is still on the double digits. And I get that. I'm suddenly in the mood for thiam and it's like i got a bunch of steter and sterek in my read later i don't need to add a third ship to it. And this is just in the teen wolf fandom. And yay for 2 new books! And thank you! Good luck on your goals also!
Oh thank you for letting me know. Yeah same here. Can you explain beans to me? Is it like spoons? I tried explaining spoon theory to my mom but she didn't get it, maybe beans will be easier.
And niiice 😎😎
home is where the hellsite is?
damn, you just reminded me of so much cw superhero lore that i’d completely forgotten about, probably bc it was so out of pocket 😂 i feel like the multiverse episodes went nowhere essentially and definitely didn’t add to/make sense with the overall plots of the series separately like you said. it was like they wanted to get them all together like an avengers things but had no idea what they were doing or how to do any follow through. completely forgot about the wells thing. i think that was part of why the flash got annoying. they recycled that plot line way too many times, amongst others. they were just a disaster altogether, kind of like the shows themselves lol. i knew the black lightning actor from something else and really liked him, but was trying to get away from the superhero shows at that point lol.
oof, wow. i can’t imagine going through all of that, especially twice. that would be so scary. i’m glad that you were able to escape both unscathed and that you were there for your mom. glad you’re still with us today. also that’s really sweet you went back to school with your mom!
it’s season 3, episode 16! the whole series is amazing, i just rewatched it a couples months ago for the nth time 😅
i heard they’re supposed to be doing a new daredevil? i think a movie? not for sure though, maybe it was a show
oof double digits lol. i think the highest mine has gotten was like 11? i try not to let it get too bad but that doesn’t always work out lol. ohhh thiam, i have a whole list of recs i’ve been meaning to post for them! i’ve also written a few for them just to self promote 😆 i wish they had tabs to organize on the marked for later so i could keep all the fandoms separate
hmm i think it’s like spoons? but not sure 😅 i use it as in like, i’m really low on energy and don’t really have the “beans” to engage with this or that. so like, if i’m running low on energy i might not have the “beans” to interact with people and/or have conversations, but i have “beans” to doomscroll or watch tv whatever. idk if that makes sense lol
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clever-fox-studios · 4 months
These thoughts gotta stop, they're distracting
What's in my head this time?
Character parallels. God I love me some parallel themes and quirks, character foils are amazing and i devour them like crunchy ice, most specifically this time I've been thinking about incidental overlap and the core essence of a character.
Because I can't stop my brain sometimes, I end up throwing a bunch of things at a wall and wait for the inevitable mess to stick in terms of characterization exercises. AUs are amazing for this, as are spoofs and what-ifs, but once in a while one clicks. I make stream of consciousness notes so I just let scenes and notes form in my head without a plan and then stitch them together later (this is a new method, it's so much easier than what I was doing before, i.e. not this) and doing this lets a lot of weird things happen in terms of what the characters are doing and why.
This specific example comes from the "mafia!AU" trend catching my attention on Twitter and me wondering what the Jenn Squad would be like in that particular set up. The ease with which this plotline developed is second only to Free Runner itself, so much so that I'm pretty sure I stuck my head through a door into an alternate timeline of my own world and now I have to deal with the fact I can't close that door again. I took a bunch of notes on the ways the boys and Jenn would be different, wrote blurbs about their personalities and reactions and then I started absently comparing the two iterations to each other just for curiosity's sake.
The way certain trends, patterns and beats repeated themselves in very different ways for vastly different reasons when being allowed to flow organically without planning has astonished me. It made me genuinely appreciate both versions more by seeing what remains the same no matter what else changes.
Learning who these characters (I can hardly call them that anymore, it feels like) are at their cores is... an incredible experience, I won't lie. If you're ever stuck wondering who X is underneath it all, or hitting a wall with their development, I can't recommend enough just turning your brain off and recasting them in a completely new genre or story type and only intentionally changing their morality or background to induce a different take of the character. What IF that bad day happened? What IF they never got saved? Great great, but now change the setting too. Change how they came to be, how the world around them is so they're in turn shaped by it. Change where they started in that world and where they ended up in the present.
Turn your brain off and write them as they are, without trying to force the parallels and you might be surprised what sticks and what doesn't.
Truly, it lets you know not this specific version of the character, but their essence. What remains when everything else is stripped away and "they" are only a mass of thoughts and feelings. It lets you know what of them was made by their environment and circumstances and what's their nature inherently. Throw them at the wall, peel them off, and throw them again and again and see what sticks.
My examples for those curious:
The Free Runners are made in a world where the world is literally broken and doesn't work like a proper planet. They are manufactured and programmed with purposes to fulfil and are discarded if they can't, with some choosing exile over obsolescence in order to preserve their sense of self. All four boys have lived short lives adhering to these principals of pass-or-fail and have almost no real-world experience or ideas of self outside their programming. Jenn does know the world, its good and bad parts, and wants them to experience all of it so they become well-rounded individuals and eventually love the messed of planet she adores so much.
In contrast from nearly the opposite side of the multiverse are the Star Hearts. The boys here have lived a long time, working from the ground up to get where they are in a world that sees them as a second-class species at best and disposable at worst; here, the world never broke and the principles of human society continued into the modern era, making this Azil feel a lot like earth in many ways. None of the boys had support, didn't know the others existed until much later, and became the worst versions of themselves as a result. Jenn, in contrast, has had limited world experience due to falling into systemic problems that stole every path she could take away and left her with less than nothing save for her wits and unyielding will to live.
The beautiful parts of the two stories are the ways that despite everything being different from the world to their backstories and positions in life, some small things came out that are naturally consistent with how they think and behave even if how it manifests is different than in the other world. I feel like I've gotten to know them in a deeper way now and understand what makes them, them.
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